#-indicates a person you should be cautious about being friends or friendly with:
Explore The Ideal Ways To Locate A Renowned IV Therapy Clinic in Dubai
Intravenous (IV) therapy has gained popularity for its potential to deliver essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream, offering a quick and effective way to address various health concerns. Finding the right IV therapy clinic is crucial to ensure safe and effective treatment, whether seeking hydration, immune system support, athletic recovery, or a wellness boost. 
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This article will guide you through finding an IV therapy clinic in Dubai that suits your needs and prioritizes your health and well-being.
What is The Purpose of IV Therapy?
Research and Credentials
The first step in finding a reputable IV therapy clinic is to conduct thorough research. Look for clinics staffed by licensed medical professionals, such as doctors, registered nurses, or nurse practitioners. Check their credentials and certifications to ensure they have the training to administer IV therapy safely.
Services Offered
Different IV therapy clinics may offer various services, including hydration therapy, vitamin infusion, detoxification, and more. Consider your specific needs and goals when evaluating the services offered by different clinics. Choose a clinic that provides a range of treatment options tailored to address your health concerns.
Reviews and Testimonials
Reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients can provide valuable insights into the quality of care a particular IV therapy clinic provides. Look for feedback on the clinic's professionalism, cleanliness, staff competence, and overall customer experience. Positive reviews from satisfied clients can indicate a trustworthy clinic.
Safety and Cleanliness
Safety should be a top priority when selecting an IV therapy clinic. Inquire about the clinic's safety protocols, including sterilizing equipment and handling medical supplies. A reputable clinic will follow stringent hygiene practices to minimize the risk of infection and ensure a safe environment for clients.
Consultation and Customization
A reputable IV therapy clinic should offer a consultation process to assess your needs and create a personalized treatment plan. Avoid clinics that adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, as your health requirements may differ from others. Choose a clinic that takes the time to understand your goals and tailor treatments accordingly.
Transparent Pricing
Pricing transparency is essential to avoid unexpected costs. Look for a clinic that provides clear information about the cost of each treatment upfront. While IV therapy is an investment in your health, ensure you're comfortable with the pricing structure before committing to any treatments.
Location and Accessibility
Consider the location of the IV therapy clinic and its accessibility from your home or workplace. Opting for a conveniently located clinic can make scheduling appointments and attending sessions more manageable, ensuring you stay consistent with your treatment plan.
Customer Service
A clinic's customer service can significantly impact your overall experience. Choose a clinic that is responsive to your inquiries, accommodating with scheduling, and attentive to your needs during treatment. Friendly and supportive staff can make your IV therapy sessions more enjoyable.
Health and Medical History Review
A trustworthy IV therapy clinic will thoroughly review your health and medical history before administering treatments. Be cautious of clinics that do not request this information, as a comprehensive understanding of your health background is essential for safe and effective IV therapy.
Word of Mouth Recommendations
Don't hesitate to seek recommendations from friends, family members, or healthcare professionals. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights and help you narrow your options when searching for an IV therapy clinic.
Choosing the right IV therapy clinic in Dubai requires careful consideration of factors such as credentials, services, safety, customization, and customer experience. Remember that your health is paramount, and investing time in finding the right clinic is a step toward enhancing your overall quality of life.
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asking-jude · 2 years
I have a great friend group, whom I love very much. Mostly.
One friend, I'll call Mr. Banks, is mostly just someone who runs in the same circles as I do. He's very strong in his opinions and will start arguments but if you get upset, suddenly you're too emotional and he wasn't aggressive or an instigator. His opinions includes things that literally don't affect him. He tries to present as this carefree friendly type, but also the guy who knows all the facts of life.
In person, I feel like I can talk him through his weird aggression about topics and get him to be a little more empathetic. He sees me as someone who is intelligent and rational. On the other hand, I also feel like he doesn't respect me. He'll second guess my decisions and try to "correct" them and later when he finds out he's wrong he states that I need to speak up more.
He's gotten in major arguments with three different people over text recently. One of our friends "Mickie" was feeling under the weather and "Scoobie" suggested he wear a mask, even if he tested negative for Covid. Cause ya know, sick is gross. Mr. Banks just had to type out paragraphs condescending on how masks didn't do anything. Scoobie is a highly anxious person and she worries about her friends (and everything else) a lot, so of course she was trying to be cautious in light of a pandemic. She backed down and talked to him in the DMs, mature of her, but the vibe I got from it irl was that they thought the conflict was on her.
Just like last week, "Shaggy" texted that she wanted to be deleted from the gc out of the blue. I said sorry if we were bothering her and followed her wishes. She explained that she wasn't upset with us at large, she just blocked someone and didn't want anything to do with them. No names or pronouns even mentioned, so we moved on.
Except for Mr. Banks. He texts that he doesn't know what Shaggy said about him (he blocked her) but he wants to clear his name. We're all like no, we don't know or want to know anything and it takes a few minutes for him to finally drop it.
Shaggy is relatively new to our friend group as a whole and now she's not in our hyper social group chat. Mr. Banks is also more established in the physical venue we know eachother through, so I worry she'll stop showing up there too. He talked about how their fight shouldn't impact our relationship with him, but in action their argument is affecting our relationship with her.
Most recently he sent some passive aggressive paragraphs about how there should be a straight pride month and when "Raine" got annoyed and told him to stop, he said sorry (sarcastically) for shoving heterosexuality down our throats. This was literally completely unprompted. Before this he (and other straight guys in the gc) were joking about being straight men attracted to straight men. Raine is literally one of the chillest person in the group and they just kinda stopped messaging. They're the type to use tone indicators to make sure everyone's understanding and having a good time. They're probably (read as definitely) upset, especially considering none of the other queers in the gc said anything. But I don't know how to help them.
Most of us are pretty non confrontational and his other friend group is made up of yes men. I feel like this is making him into a more abrasive person, and he keeps feeling like he's "winning" these arguments, when he's just creating conflict. He's gaining an inflated ego. But to be honest, I don't care. His character development is not my responsibility. What I do care about is that he keeps upsetting me and my friends. No one else in the group us like that.
I don't want to have my social outlet be a possible 24 hour broadcast of whatever drama he feels like that day. But I do know that he is a friend. He's been in a lot of our lives for a while and he can be funny. I don't really want to be friends with him, but I know he means a lot to some people.
I want to make a separate gc and mute the one with Mr.Banks, or block him entirely. I don't want a hostile relationship with him, I just want no relationship with him. But I also know how I interact with him affects the rest of the group. Usually the gc is just memes and little glimpses into eachother's daily lives. It's mass share of information and scheduling for hangouts. We do genuinely love eachother, this is just one bad apple.
How do I approach this? I will be seeing a few friends (not involved in the arguments) irl soon, so I might ask them about it.
Ask A Question Here
Hello there,
I’m sorry to hear that things within your friend group are so challenging right now. Mr. Banks seems to have a very domineering personality, which isn’t always a negative thing, but in this case, can be pretty upsetting to some people. You said that a lot of people in your friend group are non-confrontational, which is also not a negative thing depending on the situation. When it comes to standing up for something or someone, being non-confrontational can be a bit negative. In life, there are times to be confrontational, even if it isn’t in your personality. Confronting someone like this can be challenging, especially if Mr. Banks responds by calling you emotional. This is his way of damaging your credibility. To upset someone, then call them emotional is a form of manipulation. Here are some signs that you are being manipulated by a friend (notice numbers one and three): https://www.joinonelove.org/learn/5-signs-youre-manipulated-friendship/.
You’re right: His character development is not your responsibility. It might be a good idea to ask your friends how they feel about the state of the group-chat. I would start by stating your intentions and how you’ve been feeling. For example, “I’ve been feeling upset by what Mr. Banks has been saying, and this is what I’d like to do about it.” They can make the decision to join the new group-chat or not. A lot of people may not want to participate in a group-chat without Mr. Banks, and that is okay. Let the decision be theirs. Mr. Banks may find out out about this and be upset, but you are not responsible for how he feels.
It sounds like you no longer want to be friends with Mr. Banks but are worried about the fallout. Based on what you’ve told me about Mr. Banks, it will be difficult to not have some reaction from him. Here are some tips on dealing with friend drama that may help: https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/the-dos-and-donts-of-friend-drama. He is going to try to get a reaction out of you if you approach him with this, so keep that in mind. It is important that you remain calm and keep a level head.
I know all of this sounds easier said than done. Don’t expect to be a pro at it after a couple of tries. This is something that a lot of people struggle with, including myself. Unfortunately, if you want out of this friendship with him, there is going to be some confrontation. He is either going to confront you online or in person. Sometimes, it is easier to communicate in person. That way, text can’t be misconstrued.
It is important that you focus on the situation at hand rather than talk about all of his past actions. If he does something passive-aggressive in person, call it out. Here are some tips on confronting a manipulative person that may help you: http://qara.org/dealing-with-manipulation-how-to-handle-confrontation-with-a-manipulator-part-2-of-2/. He may try to talk to others about you and be passive-aggressive the way he has been to other friends. If he does these things in your presence, it is up to you how to respond. If you don’t feel comfortable confronting him at a particular time, that is okay. You have the power to block, to walk away, and to stand up for yourself and your friends. 
Good luck!
Do you want free, remote mental health support? Reach out to us at askingjude.org today.
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ariesjupiter · 3 years
Mitski Birth Chart Reading
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This is just my interpretation based on Mitski’s birth chart and what I know of her music. Let me know if you have any suggestions of someone I should make a post on next! If you’re interested, I offer natal chart readings, just check my pinned post!
Libra sun: In terms of basic personality and ego, Mitski is focused on creating balanced, harmonic relationships. Intimate, one-on-one relationships are a major part of her identity. Libra is ruled by venus which represents love and beauty. After all, she is known for her lyrics relating to her romantic relationships. The lyric “I love everybody because I love you” is so profoundly Libra to me. She is friendly and charming. She sees herself reflected and other people and people see themselves reflected in her (for better or worse). Venus also rules the arts and Mitski is a natural artist in every sense of the word. Her music sonically is very unique, inventive, and creative as she experiments with mixing different genres. This is influenced by her sun in the 11th house. Sun in the 11th house also indicates an emphasis on friendships and memberships of certain groups and communities. It also indicates an importance of her hopes and dreams. Her sun in 3° explains why she is such a talented writer, communicator, and lyricist. Peak libra sun culture: “Young adult romance is the shit” (a real quote from the queen herself). And let’s not forget her iconic quote from 2016: “I’m a libra so my sexuality is essentially “you can really be any gender as long as you treat me like a princes.” Truer words have never been spoken.
Capricorn moon: Despite how personal her music is, Mitski is a rather private and reserved person, particularly when it comes to expressing her emotions. Also, Capricorn is associated with the father and she has been known to be especially private regarding her dad’s career. She is serious and intense with emotions but can sometimes get detached. The emphasis is on having control over her feelings. She is ambitious and a practical person. Her emotions are connected to her career. Those who do not know her well may see her as cold. In temperament she tends to be melancholic. Emotionally mature and wise beyond her years. Straightforward and honest with her expression. She is dependable, loyal, hard working, & realistic. Emotional fulfillment is often tied to achievement and success. Her moon in the 2nd house and 2° suggests material comforts make her feel safe. With the 2nd house being associated with venus, she is able to express her emotions in an artistic way. Could be protective over material objects. Sentimental. Music has a big impact on her emotions and mood. Peak capricorn moon culture: “I didn’t really feel anything. I’ve stopped feeling things for a long time” - Mitski, The Fader Interview, 2017. In all seriousness, I hope my capricorn moons are doing good.
Virgo mercury: Mitski is practical and detail oriented when it comes to communication and matters of learning. She takes the time to choose the right words to convey her thoughts. She is clear and concise. Mercury is in its sign of rulership here. Her mercury in the 10th house suggests that she will be known for her communication style. Has a lot of thoughts but is also organized. Analytical. Mitski likes making lists. Loves to give advice. Mercury is in 16° (cancer degree) and she has a soft spoken voice. Talks about the past and her roots (cancerian themes).
Virgo venus: In love, Mitski will assume a caretaking role and will gladly help her partner finish mundane tasks and chores. A devoted and faithful lover. Love is about the mundane and routine details of life. Love is about service. Acts of service tend to be virgo venus’ main love language. She wants to help improve her partner’s life. She is patient and observant. Values love that is simple and authentic. Appreciates a partner with whom she can have intellectual conversations. May have a tendency to be too critical on herself when it comes to love. Venus rules aesthetics & style and she tends to have a modest fashion sense. Mitski has voiced her interest in astrology and how she has asked people she’s interested for their birth times lmao. Her venus is in the 11th house, she treats a lover like she would treat a friend. In fact, romantic love probably equates to platonic love in her book. She has her venus in 24° which is a pisces degree, which explains this natural interest in astrology.
Gemini mars: Could be impatient because she moves quickly. Efficient. Has a lot of goals and likes to keep busy. She thrives when she talks to others and exchanged ideas. Likes to multitask. Very versatile. Probably has a flirty, bubbly energy when she’s attracted to someone. Attracted to intellect. Desire to see things from multiple perspectives. Gemini rules the hands so she’s skilled with playing instruments and writing. Likes to try new things. Witty and humorous. Could have nervous energy or fidget often.
Leo jupiter: The planet of luck and expansion in Leo is a big indicator of fame. Her jupiter is also in the 9th house and in 7°. Jupiter in the 9th indicates being born in a different country from where you reside now. Mitski is biracial and has lived in multiple countries growing up. She loves to learn, particularly about other cultures and ways of life. She is open minded, philosophical and values freedom and being independent. She attracts good fortune when she travels (touring!) and also when she focuses on partnerships/intimate relationships (7°). Combining this energy, Mitski attracts luck when she acts dramatically, demonstrates/teaches her knowledge, expresses herself artistically, shows her warm hearted and sometimes stubborn side, & takes chances, shows her bravery, and takes the lead. Be the Cowboy is big leo energy 🤠
Capricorn saturn: Mitski is responsible, practical, goal-oriented, and cautious. With saturn in the 3rd house, she probably had to grow up quickly and become mature at a young age. Capricorn saturn people tend to be very successful people. Strong willed. Tendency to be quiet and is a good listener. Could also be outspoken. With saturn in 18° (virgo degree), she’s very hard working but she may need to learn how to take a break and let herself rest and recharge.
Capricorn uranus: This placement also indicates that she goes after her goals and is efficient and practical in achieving them. Uranus being in the 2nd house shows that she could make money from being unique and groundbreaking. 2nd house also rules the voice! Her values are unique and she could be resistant to change them. Her self esteem could be in a constant state of flux and be tied to money. Her income could rapidly change, like maybe she did not get paid much but then suddenly she starts making a lot of money. Uranus is in 5° which is a fame degree. She’s famous for being authentically herself and very much an individual in the industry that can’t be compared.
Capricorn neptune: Capricorn neptunes are most likely realists. She is skilled at going after her dreams. Her dreams are practical and connected to themes of wealth, power, and control. Neptune in 3rd house shows a dreamy, poetic way of communicating. A very creative placement. Dreamy vibes. Could be elusive in communication, open for interpretation. Neptune is in 11° so this gives aquarian energy. Idealistic with friends and always searching for ways to achieve her dreams.
Scorpio pluto: Her power lies in her ability to analayze human interactions and be introspective with herself since it’s in the 1st house. She is very self aware. Mitski understands that life is about going through changes and she welcomes the ability to grow and rebuild. She has intense, deep emotions but has control over them and how she expresses them. Pluto in 16° adds a cancerian energy. Her strength lies in her ability to nurture and be empathetic.
Scorpio rising: First impressions of Mitski can be that she’s mysterious and secretive. A powerful and intimidating presence. This explains to me why she loves dressing in black. She probably has a strong dislike for anything superficial. She likes to get to know people on a deeper level and connect with them. She likes honesty and is probably very perceptive and intuitive. Privacy is so important to her! She has a lot of layers and wants people to unpack them, but it may take her a while to open up. She is powerful and has endurance. Her presence leaves an impact on people. Loyalty and intimacy is important. She’s not afraid to talk about taboo topics or scary, heavier emotions. Passionate and even a tendency to get fixed on or obsessed with something or someone. Her rising is in 15° (gemini degree) so she’s clever, curious, and thinks quickly. a little more flexible than a regular Scorpio rising would be.
Leo midheaven: People might see her as dramatic or arrogant. In the public eye, she was meant to be a performer. At her concerts she’s known for putting on a good show & includes interpretive dance and choreography. She becomes herself more when she’s on stage. The stage is where she shines. Has a lot of pride connected to her career. Reputation for creatively expressing herself and being brave and taking risks. Wants to be admired, especially regarding her career. Her purpose is to become a leader. Mc in 22° (capricorn degree) shows that she is a very hard worker when it comes to her career. She won’t let anyone stop her when it comes to achievement and success in her field. Another indicator of being at the top of her career and being publicly recognized for it!
TLDR: Mitski is a natural born singer, performer and artist. She is unique, talented, and an introspective writer. Being earth and water dominant, she balances practicality & stability with sentimentality & raw emotion. With all of her Capricorn placements, she is grounded and doesn’t let fame get to her head. Her chart ruler is Scorpio pluto in the 1st which means that major transformations will be a big theme in her life, especially regarding herself & her identity. She is always reflecting and looking at herself on a deep level.
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seraphdreams · 3 years
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Sakusa’s Little Cheerleader..
warning : smut, fem! reader, breeding kink, soft dom sakusa, MSBY team
wc - 2.5k
a/n - this is one of my older works, so the pacing might be a little weird but overall, enjoy !
summary : you’re a little cheerleader that’s so infatuated with Kiyoomi Sakusa
You’ve been a cheerleader for the MSBY Black Jackals for a few months now, but you couldn’t help but notice the quiet, stand-offish curly head. When the cheer squad and the volleyball team would have joint practices, you always caught yourself staring at him. The way his black hair swished at every move he made and how he’d avoid the other players. It wasn’t until a big win that you finally decided to talk to him.
“You guys did great!” you say in an overexcited tone. “Oh, thanks y/n-chan” Atsumu says as he wraps his arm around your neck. Atsumu was always a touchy person towards you. Some days it was more flirtatious and others, friendly. He smelled like sweat and you couldn’t wait to be released from his grip. “You too, Sakusa” you say in a quiet voice, the man slowly turning around as he was walking out of the locker room. His hair was wet and he was wearing sweatpants with a black t-shirt, he most likely showered after the game. “Thanks” he hums, sounding a bit muffled under his mask. “Hey! Hey! Hey! We should definitely celebrate this” Bokuto exclaims in an overconfident tone. “Let’s go out to eat! c’mon y/n” Atsumu says. this is exactly what you wanted, an opening to talk to Sakusa, to know more about his personality. “No” Sakusa says quickly as to shut them up when he walks out of the venue and into his car. “Don’t worry, he’s definitely coming”Hinata says as he appears from nowhere.
“What do i wear? Is it a formal event? Casual?” You thought to yourself. You wanted Kiyoomi to notice you, but what if you looked to sexy or too bummy. You settle on a white silk tight, mid thigh dress. The back was strappy and the front lifted your breasts nicely while still being modest. Your phone suddenly dinged.
“hey best friend! we’re coming to pick you up in about 10 minutes” The text read. You honestly didn’t know why Atsumu referred to you as a best friend but it really didn’t bother you. Your heart was racing, finally a night with Sakusa. A loud honk of a car startled you, making you come out of your thoughts. You quickly grabbed your purse and phone and headed out.
“Sit in the front seat!” Bokuto yelled out of the backseats car window. The wind chilly on your skin as you walked to the car. It was dark outside and the only thing you could see were the streetlights and the black car in your driveway. You opened the car door and to your surprise, Sakusa was in the drivers seat. You shyly sat down, as your heart almost thumped out of your chest. He looked so sexy in his black suit. His hair was slightly gelled back but still curly and the white mask he was wearing added the right amount of contrast to his outfit. He drove off as Hinata, Atsumu, and Bokuto were bickering in the backseat. Every so often sakusa would take glances into the rear view mirror.
“How come i look like a squirrel and Omi-Kun over here looks like a god” Atsumu complains as he fixes up his suit jacket. You chuckle to yourself at Atsumu’s comment. Sakusa takes a quick glance at you. You feel his eyes go from your pretty face down to your exposed thighs. He reaches for the volume nob to turn the music up and drown out the sound of the backseat.
You finally arrive at your destination. It’s a fancy looking restaurant with many people waiting outside. He puts his arm behind your seat as he tries to back into an open parking spot. You try not to let your eyes trail on him for too long, fearful of if he caught you. He finishes parking and you grab your purse about to open the door until you hear a “wait” from Sakusa. You do as the tall man says, watching as all four men get out of the car.
Sakusa walked around to the front of the car then to your door. He opens it for you and grabs your hand as you step out. “Thank you” you say to him, finally taking in his scent. He smelled so clean, with hints of strong expensive Versace cologne. “Thank god i got a reservation” Bokuto states as all five of you walk towards the front of the restaurant. “Right, this place is packed” Hinata replies. You look down at your outfit as you walked next to Atsumu. He nudged your shoulder, noticing you being a bit more timid than usual. He moves from your side to behind you gripping you into a bear hug. “ahhh y/n! why are you so quiet!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the feeling, he eased your stress.
“Stop being so loud and walk” Sakusa says, annoyed. You arrived at the doors of the restaurant. The inside was classy and was dimly lit. You followed behind the host as she took you to your seats. You sat near the wall in the booth with Atsumu on your left side and Sakusa across from you. He looked so handsome, just sitting there looking at the menu.
After you placed your orders and talked for a while, you feel arms wrap around your waist tickling you. It was obviously Atsumu who couldn’t stop himself from being childish in a public setting. “Stop. Obviously she’s uncomfortable” Sakusa says in a gruff voice, face still fixated on the menu in his hands. “No it’s fine, you don-“ You try to say before Sakusa cuts you off. “I’m sorry, he doesn’t know how to behave” He says now looking out the window of the booth. “Oh chill out, Omi-San” Hinata says in a playful voice that lifts the mood.
After you’ve all ate and paid for your meal, you load back into the car. Sakusa opening your door once again. The drive home was much more quieter now because the energetic crew was sleeping. “You seem responsible” You say to Sakusa as he drives. “I guess. I have to deal with these idiots most of the time”. You chuckle as the words roll of his tongue. A smile creeps from the corners of his lips as he hears you laugh. “How long have you been cheering” He asks, taking a glance at your thick thighs. “Ever since i was in middle school. I took a small break in highschool but decided to try again. How long have you been playing volleyball?” you ask him.
He starts talking about how Komori got him into it. His voice was as light as whipped butter and soothed your soul. He grabs his phone to look at his GPS, helping him find his way to drop off the sleeping idiots in the backseat. One by one, he dropped them off home, starting with Hinata, then Atsumu, to Bokuto. “Thanks bro!” Bokuto says as he steps out the car rubbing his sleepy eyes.
“It’s still kind of early, do you want to talk a bit more at my house?” Kiyoomi offers. “Sure, why not” You reply. You were honestly confused about what the outcome of this night would be.
He unlocked his front door and invited you into his home. The interior was what you’d expect from him, big and dark. The living room was spacious with a black couch and atleast a 135 inch TV built into the wall. The kitchen had dark marble and there were so many rooms, obviously all being clean. He directs you to his couch and picks up a bottle of wine with two wine glasses. He lights a candle on his coffee table. You looked up at the high ceiling, as he poured your drinks. He handed you your glass as he questioned.
“I hope you’re okay with rosè”. You nodded cutely and chucked. He sat down next to you, cautious of personal space. The night went on as you two chatted about almost anything possible. He was unusually bubbly, adding to his sexy allure. “Wait, you haven’t dated anyone in how many years?” He asked slightly buzzed from the wine. “Four” You answer with a giggle. His eyes widening. “I refuse to believe that.” He says, realizing he might’ve said too much. He slowly moves closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he looks you deep in your eyes, taking a sip from his glass. Your heart starts pounding a bit too hard and you feel pounding somewhere else as well. He sets his glass down. “Please tell me you’ve been touched atleast” He says in a low tone. “Maybe....” You tease.
He stands up, his dark figure looming over you. He grabs your hand and leads you upstairs. It was so dark but somehow he knew exactly where he was going. He opens a tall door and there it is, his bed. A california king, so obnoxiously large for no reason. He drags you to the middle of the end of the bed.
You sit down as he stands in between your legs. He lightly taps your shoulder, indicating for you to lay down. He slowly creeps atop of you, kissing your lips once meeting your face. His kisses were sloppy and tasted of alcohol. He couldn’t possibly be this drunk. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the curls at the nape. You let out a light moan as he starts to kiss your neck. You could feel his cock harden as it brushed against your pathetically clothed clit. He lifts himself up ever so slightly. “Do you want me to stop?” He questions, big dark brown eyes lidded with lust. You shake your head and pull him down to kiss you more. His hands roamed around your body, his fingers meeting the lace of your panties.
He slowly slides them down your thighs and onto the floor. He motions for you to put your arms up as he removes the small silk dress off you. You were in nothing but a bra, feeling so pathetic and small under him. You sit up and take the bra off before laying back down.
His eyes trail down to your now glossy cunt. He dips his head down and wraps his tongue around your clit. “Kiyoomi” you moan. He sticks in a long finger, swirling your slick around your walls. The pleasure is unmatched, everything about this man was so perfect to you. He starts to pump in and out, curling his finger to find your sweet spot. He adds another, keeping the rhythm. You started to clench down on him as his pace fastened. His fingers were so long and they were drilling that sweet spot of yours.
You felt the knot build in your stomach as he kept swirling his tongue around your clit and pumping his digits in. You attached your fingers into his hair as you felt your orgasm wash over you. He looked at the mess you made on his fingers and slipped them into his mouth. “You taste good” He says landing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You pant softly as you watch him undress, his body even sexier than you imagined.
He gives his cock a few quick pumps before aligning himself with your entrance. He was just the right size, and so thick. All you wanted to do earlier was get to know him but now you’re sprawled out in his bed about to take his inches. He slowly pushes himself into your sopping wet cunt, hissing at the feeling of you tightening around him. The stretch felt too good, you were for sure you were going to cum right then.
He starts to thrust, grunting as he kept bruising your cervix. “k-kiyoomi” You say through pants and breaths. He was pounding you so good, you felt your body lax. “You’re taking me so well, baby” He says leaning into your ear. Moans and skin slapping filled the large room. You couldn’t even manage to say anything but words along the lines of “omi, please”. He kept going, even harder this time. You cup your hand over your breast and play with your nipple, pinching and rolling your thumb over the bud. You felt a sudden force on the back of your thighs. Sakusa now had you folded like pretzel and he kept thrusting. It hurt but you loved the pain.
His grunts and groans making you feel hot and flustered. He rested your legs over his shoulders as he gripped your waist. His thrusts getting sloppier. You wanted to cum, you were almost there, then he reached down to your clit. He rubbed it in small circles. You felt were so close to releasing. Just a few more thrusts and you creamed all over his cock. He groaned at the feeling. “Please let me fill you up” Sakusa moaned as he was chasing his own high.
You didn’t know what to say, you were already fucked out and too hazed to even think. You nodded. He slowly pounded deep into you as he let his seed coat your insides white. “Cumming” he groaned, balls deep.
You both waited to catch your breaths. He grabbed the baby wipes on the dresser behind him and clean you both up. He was really thorough, as you expected from him. “We should probably shower” He suggests as tucks his cock back into his underwear. He runs the water in the shower. He picks you up bridal style to the front of the shower, where you both undressed and cleansed yourselves.
After the shower, he gives you his MSBY practice shirt and boxers to sleep in. You walk into the bathroom as you watch him do his skincare routine. There were so many steps but it was all so fascinating. He looks at you with a light chuckle. You sit down on the stool in front of the mirror, resting your head in your hands. “You look nice with that on” He compliments. You let your tired eyes get the best of you as you drift off to sleep.
He finishes his nightly tasks then picks you up and brings you to his bed, where you both snuggled until he fell asleep.
side story:
“Ding Dong!” You both jumped up at the startling sound of someone outside. Sakusa puts on his sweatpants and jogs down the stairs, you follow behind. He opens the door, slightly peering through. “Hey, i left my wallet in your car oh-“ Atsumu says as he looks at the both of you. You were standing behind kiyoomi like a frightened dog. “What’s this” atsumu asks. Sakusa hands him the keys to his car, without saying a word. “No wonder you were so protective of her last night, Omi-Kun” Atsumu says as he walks away from the door and walks to Sakusa’s car.
Kiyoomi turns to you with a chuckle.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
A Forgotten Memory
Likes and Reviews are appreciated. (Reblogs too!)
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I - Alex
The bright California sunshine striked across Alex's face as soon as he shifted his sleeping position. The newly assigned agent clicked his tongue and covered his face with his heavily tattooed arms, letting out a slight groan of frustration. His head was slightly pounding from a night of irresponsible drinking, courtesy of his new found friends. It was almost always customary for him to get to know some locals for information, especially in foreign territories, but last night's set of people was wilder than he'd imagined. Americans do have their own definition of fun.
He wasn't much of a heavy drinker, so he actually felt the nasty after effects of the alcohol or whatever they took last night, but none of such pain did he regret. After all, he did get a decent amount of information without raising suspicion.
Sprawled across his apartment wall are photos, articles and a handful of red yarn interlacing across pins of different colors. His own evidence board finally made sense because of last night's encounter. Reports of missing people that later came back disoriented and have no recollection of what happened started increasing day by day and it all started in this exact city.
Taking a fresh white shirt from his gym bag, Alex slipped it on and made his way to the evidence board staring at the piece of paper he had from last night and comparing it against what he had so far. A smirk strewn across his face as he pins it on the board.
"Gotcha." he muttered proudly, blindly dialing his immediate supervisor over the phone.
"This is Alex. Intel was off, they're after a different person. I'm sending it to you as we speak." he informed over the encrypted lines. He did this expertly, as if his whole life was like this, secret spy work and a whole lot of information gathering.
"This one? She seems ordinary, even her name brings out zero results." the voice replied over his phone.
"That's why it makes much more sense. She may be using an alias." Alex commented, standing up from his laptop, casually pacing back and forth as his free hand rests on his hips.
"Well, I trust you know what to do. If she's being targeted then it's either she's being protected-"
"-or a threat to the enemy." he cut off, completing the caller's thoughts.
"Keep us posted while we monitor the other missing person cases."
"Got it." he assured as the call ended, taking one quick glance at the image displayed on his screen.
Samantha Cooper, age 26, a graphic designer at a nearby local company. Alex took his time staring at her, clearly familiarizing her face as she will be the object of his eyes for this mission. He can't help but appreciate how cute she is, how her brunette curls perfectly fit her facial features. It would be such a shame if she's actually a threat and it would make him a believer of the phrase "looks can be deceiving". He quickly tapped on his burner phone arranging a meetup with a certain person from last night, a person whom he believed to lead him right into Samantha.
* * *
Strong gusts of salty seaside air blew across Alex, who sat on a park bench by the baywalk waiting patiently for his guide. He somehow wished he brought a cap, as the harsh rays of the sun kept his eyes squinted while looking at his phone.
"There you are!" a short blonde haired woman greeted the agent as he busily taps on his phone. Alex quickly recognized the person as Maxine, also known as Samantha's best friend and roommate, whom he met at the bar just last night.
She wore tattered jeans and a white shirt covered by a gray cardigan, a typical choice of clothing around these parts.
"Yep." Alex stood as he shakes her hand, quite an awkward gesture to say the least, but she immediately dismissed it with a friendly hug.
"Handshakes are for acquaintances, Alex. If you're friends with Samantha, we're friends." Maxine hugged him as Alex slowly pats her back, still baffled by the action she's done. But it was no time to dwell on those, so he silently cleared his throat and went on to business.
She's obviously alone, but that could also mean Samantha's just letting her go first for confirmation, so Alex took quick glances at visible corners for any sign of her.
"So, where's Samantha?" he finally asked, the question was quite demanding almost indicating urgency. Maxine seemed to catch this reaction from him and made Alex slightly worry about his cover.
"She's still at work, but I'll lead you to our apartment. It's just a few blocks from here..." she goes on about how she should also know Alex at some point if he's really here staying. It felt like she's starting to get cautious whether to let them meet.
"You say you're a friend from her hometown? Come to think of it, she never told me where she came from." She asked the agent as they walk across the block.
"Yeah, from Georgia." Alex replied confidently. Her information was very limited, and judging from it, Samantha may have been also living with a lie. A lie that kept Alex from wondering if she's s threat or she needs to be protected.
"Really? Doesn't strike you both as from there. Or maybe that's just me. What do I know about that place anyway? I haven't been there..." she chuckled and Alex slightly laughed. He was almost being suspicious, something that never usually happens when he's gathering intel.
"Yeah. Moved a lot growing up. Gotta follow where my Dad's job is." Alex commented, trying to support the lie he's built up. Funny how you have to lie to look for the truth, he thought as they pass by the busy streets across the beach.
"Oh, so you're that kind of kid growing up. That's probably why you easily got along with our group last night." she laughed and suddenly fished her phone from her pocket.
Raising a finger, she gestured to Alex that she had to take the call. Alex automatically nodded and she excused herself just by the alley. He couldn't help but be cautious around her, as she told earlier she was the target's roommate and if ever she's a threat, she's also on his watch list. But for now she's all he's got to bring him close to Samantha.
An embarrassed grimace formed on her lips as she approached Alex. The agent raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Sorry, Alex. My boss needs me to go earlier than usual. I'll just lead you to our apartment and I'll let you wait for her on the stairs. You wouldn't miss her if you still know what she looks like, right?" she stepped forward, leading him the way. Alex nodded in agreement and gave a soft "Yeah." as they made their way across two more blocks.
A tall three storey building, walled with dark orange bricks, with three flights of stone steps as entrance greeted Alex as Maxine stops walking.
"This is where we stop. And this is where you wait." She pointed at the stairs leading to the apartment doors.
"She'll be here in a few minutes. She told me she wants to go home immediately after work before she left. Good luck on your meet up, Alex!" She waved goodbye almost in a hurry and left before Alex could even open his mouth.
"Guess I'm on my own now." he muttered and sighed as he sat down on thr topmost slab, just beside the door. He found himself tapping his foot nervously, as if he's really out to meet her. A lie he made that felt so real, even he almost believed they're really hometown friends.
At that exact moment, he saw a foot step on the bottom slab and he immediately trailed his blue eyes across the person. Her floral dress sways to the breeze as a man on a skateboard passes by her. Then their eyes locked for just a second, her hazel eyes now embedded in his memory as she quickly turns back and ran away.
"Hey! Wait!" Alex immediately bolted and followed her.
II - Samantha
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heyybrittannia · 4 years
Seasons (in floral)
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A/N: This one will likely never go to the dungeon. First time writing for Fatgum, and my first official BNHArem server collab! Little notes on the flowers: gardenia = secret/sweet love; jonquils = return my affections; pink hydrangeas, white lilac, red chrysanthemums = various versions of romantic love; sunflowers = unwavering faith/adoration, unconditional love. This was a fun one! Check out the other collabs! Huge thanks to @lesbian-peanut-writer​ for the gorgeous banner!! =============================================================
It was all tight smiles and calculated words that were exchanged over dinner. An ignorant man would confuse your cautious nature for simply being another shy blossom waiting for the brisk breeze of his love to pull you from your branch, but you held fast to your tree. As the banal chatter of your date melted into the din of the white tablecloth restaurant, you allowed yourself a brief moment to sink into your thoughts. ** **
Is this what I’m really looking for? Is this all that I’m worthy of?
He was plain-- not that it was a bad thing. With plainness came stability, reason, economy, and yet you yearned for more than settling for mediocrity. Lips stretched taut over your teeth, you nodded and made non-committal noises indicating your attention was still in the same zip code as his inane droning. For a moment, your smile slipped and the warm sensation of your date’s hand wrapping around your own on top of the pressed linen tablecloth ripped you away from your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, am I boring you?”
You finally focused to meet his stern, yet concerned gaze. His strong fingers continued to tighten around your hand, the question shooting through you. Slowly, you shook your head and worried your lip between your teeth, a habit he loathed. Your cheeks flushed with the fire of your embarrassment. Caught between his plain, constant stare and the hum of flatware scraping against fine china and small talk it was all you could do to shrink lower into your seat and move the steamed vegetables around your plate. He withdrew his hand from yours and settled back into his one-sided conversation. Appetite long gone, you finally dropped your fork and placed your napkin on the table. The cheque was split evenly, gratitude exchanged, and farewells left at the table in abject silence.
Another failed date for the books, you withdrew deeper into yourself during the walk home, insisting you would be fine without his presence to escort you safely. Half-ignoring his cries of, “Call me when you get home!” you waved in acknowledgement and began your trek through the bustling city. Numbly your feet dragged you through the crowded streets on a path you knew by heart. Once inside the safety of your studio apartment, you pulled your smartphone from your purse. Soft mewling and purring greeted you at the door as a lithe tabby rubbed his head against the soft leather of your boots.
“Hey, trouble,” you crooned down to the animal, abandoning your phone on a desk in the passthrough. He chirped in reply and led you to his appallingly empty food dish. “Sorry, Chubs. I didn't mean to forget.” Kibble tinkled through the open space like bells on Sunday morning. Kneeling, you stroked the cat as his purring ramped up, rivalling any sports car on the street. You lingered with your roommate for the better part of ten minutes as he devoured his fill and basked in your rapt attention. The chime of your ring-tone pulled you from the animal, and reluctantly you rose to retrieve the forgotten tech. When you pulled up the notification, your features softened into the sweetest of smiles. Warmth poured from your eyes to the image frozen on your screen. 
Toyomitsu is video calling you…
At the push of a button the world melted away and all you saw was the steady, gentle smile of your childhood friend staring back at you. 
"Hey," you breathed, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. He snickered and waved. 
"Sorry it's been a while since my last check-in, Y/n. How ya been?" You kicked your heels off and slid down the wall to the floor, expression a mix of exasperation and guilt. "That bad, huh?" You shook your head and scoffed. Wordlessly he read you down as if the past five years didn't wedge between you two. 
"It is what it is, Toyomitsu-kun."  He winced at his surname rolling from your lips like he didn't inherently know your idiosyncrasies. "I think I'm just destined to be alone. Tokyo isn't anything like home," you sighed. He nodded and gave you another megawatt smile, running a large hand through his messy golden hair. 
"Well, home just ain't the same without ya.  Should come visit! Make a weekend outta it!" 
Chubs rubbed his whiskered cheeks against your knee and trilled at the familiar face in your hand curiously. "Ya don't have to answer right away," he continued. "Just think about it, 'kay?" 
The train ride back to Esuha City ate up the majority of your Thursday morning. Earbuds buried deeply in your ears, you watched the world blur outside your window. City turned into field and turned into sprawling city again, and by the time you reached your stop you had your fill of true crime podcasts repeating the same tired tropes in your ears. Clutching your weekender bag to your chest, you disembarked the train and tried to find a familiar face in the shifting sea of businessmen and students. You caught the unmistakable flash of goldenrod hoodie cross your line of sight. Raised on tiptoes you waved to the towering hero. When he caught sight of your slight frame lingering at the platform he flashed his all too famous Cheshire cat grin and began pushing his way through the crowd to meet you. 
"Y/n! Ya made it!" Your feet left the ground the moment he wrapped his arms around you in an ecstatic embrace. The giggle that escaped you as he twirled you around could sustain him for decades if you permitted it. Dopily you grinned back at him and poked at his pillowy girth. 
 "It's been too long, Toyomitsu-kun." 
His hold lingered a bit longer than it should have to be a friendly hug, but this was Toyomitsu Taishiro-- arguably the one person in all of Japan who knew you better than you knew yourself. Amber eyes alight with excitement, he pulled back and held out his arm for you to hold as he pushed through the crowd. 
"A lot's changed since you've last been to Esuha City, y/n." 
Your smile was soft; it was easy to get lost in the experience that was Toyomitsu and forget about the tedium of the world. He was sunshine personified and you were simply content to bask in his warmth.  
"Show me."
He walked you through the vibrant restaurant district while you recounted the latest struggles and triumphs at work. Cautiously you avoided any mention of your string of failed dates and he generously obliged. Between grateful vendors stopping you along the way to get his seal of approval on their latest menu items, you both fell back into the comfortable rhythm of effortless give and take with your conversation. Esura welcomed you home with open arms with Taishiro by your side.  
The two of you turned toward the voice as the vendor waved you over. The cart was exploding with all the colors spring had to offer. 
"Lemme see what they want, Y/n. It'll only be a second." He offered a grin and withdrew his arm, leaving you to admire the Technicolor display. The soft jingle of the florist's door signaled his departure. Daisies, hydrangeas, lilies, and carnations weighed down the cart as other passersby paused to admire their beauty. Roses in every color littered half of the cart outside the storefront. The longer you lingered in front of them, the more your memories bubbled to the surface.
A boisterous laugh and peerless smile…
A promise made on the steps of Shiketsu…
A single yellow rose…
"Y/n, you okay?" Pulled from your reverie, you jumped at the sudden intrusion and held your chest to futility slow your racing heart. Toyomitsu held out his hand, holding out a single moon-pale gardenia. Your eyes darted from the flower to the matroshka-shaped man before you. "Here. It was on the house," he said with a chuckle. A gentle flush creeped across your cheeks as you took the flower. It's fragrance overwhelmed your senses and brought you back to another time uncomplicated by distance or duty. 
"It's beautiful," you sighed, inhaling the heady perfume. For a moment, your companion looked relieved at your reception and took your hand in his. 
"C'mon. There's a lot more of Esuha to show you!" 
Exhausted, you checked into your hotel room. Toyomitsu arranged for you to stay in one close to his agency, boasting that it had the second best views of the canals and vibrant skyline at night second only to his own from his office. Your head buzzed with the day's events and your stomach felt comfortably full. You smiled at the thought-- warm and constant, he was always quick with a few honest, kind words. He always had a knack for giving you what you needed to refuel your soul. 
The pale gardenia sat lonely in its makeshift green glass bottle vase. There was a time when your whole room was full of flowers. It was a hobby that started young, your grandmother handing down her love for traditional flower arranging to you during your school breaks. It was a hobby that wasn't lost on your childhood friend, but you didn't think he took as keen an interest in the art as you. In those days you and Toyomitsu were almost inseparable. Dinners with your parents weren't quite complete without his grin across the table from yours. By high school you had both been accepted to Shiketsu Academy, he in the hero course and you in support.
"I'll always be there. I'm gonna be your hero, Y/n! And that's a promise!" 
Your eyes grew heavy with sleep. Nestled into the pillows, you turned over and succumbed. 
Morning came too soon, bathing the room in pale, gray light. As you stretched your limbs and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, your phone chimed softly. 
"Mornin', Y/n! Somethin' came up at work so I won't be able to hang out with ya until later." 
Disappointment bled into your sleep-softened features. As if sensing your darkening mood, the BMI hero chuckled softly on the other end of the phone. 
"Don't worry, Y/n. I'll make it up to ya. Promise." 
"I'll hold you to it, Toyomitsu-kun. Be safe," you murmured. When the line went dead, you finally pulled yourself from the covers and padded over to the tiny hotel coffee pot. A soft knock came at the door, pulling your attention from your brew. The next knocks came heavier, almost impatient as you pulled a hoodie over your pajamas. The knocking didn't cease until you finally opened the door. Two younger men greeted you, one dressed in what looked like a school uniform with spiked red hair and the other in a silvery hooded cape obscuring dark blue hair and a perpetual nervous frown. 
"G-good morning, Miss."
"Good morning. I take it Toyomitsu-kun sent you two to look after me today?" 
The boys nodded in unison. You opened the door slightly more to invite them into your hotel room, finally taking note of the bouquet of bright yellow jonquils held protectively by the red-head. They stood awkwardly in the foyer as you pulled a simple white fitted tee and jeans out from your weekender bag to change. Once dressed, you poured yourself a small cup of coffee. The redhead smiled brightly, his sharp teeth gleaming in the morning light, and held out the bouquet. 
"Boss wanted you to have these!" His smile was infectious-- it made sense why he was picked up by the agency to be an intern. 
"Thank you--"
"Kirishima! And this here is Amajiki!" 
You took a sip of your coffee and grinned. "I'm Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." Your face fell slightly when they heard your name. 
"Y/n? As in the Y/n from the Tokyo branch of Shield Tech?" You nodded dumbly and blinked owlishly as the two exchanged looks. "Amajiki, we should take her back to the agency!" Amajiki looked like he might puke. 
"Kirishima, I don't think Miss Y/n wants to spend her time off in another agency's support department."
"I wouldn't mind, actually." Your eyes lingered on the jonquils resting on your bed. Perhaps spending the day at Fatgum Agency would give you a chance to see him again. Amajiki scooped up the bouquet and placed it in a coffee cup with water, all the while mumbling something about not wanting the bright yellow blooms to be wilted by the time you got back. Kirishima picked up your purse and laptop bag while you pulled your hair back. You lingered on the bouquet and the lone gardenia beside it before the younger boys ushered you from your room. 
Return my sweet affections, hm? Still as attentive as ever, Taishiro.
You walked between the two heroes like a rose between thorns. Both towered over your slight frame by half a head as they escorted you the two blocks from the hotel to the hero agency. Amajiki lowered his hood upon entering the building and waved timidly at the receptionist. Kirishima beamed at her and dashed for the locker rooms. 
"I'll catch up, guys! Gotta change. Don't wait up!" Carrying your bags, you jogged to Amajiki's side. With a soft smile, you fidgeted with your bag strap. 
"Shall we, Suneater?" At the mention of his hero name, the elf-eared boy brightened slightly. He led you down corridors until you reached a plain metal door. 
"It's not much, but it's ours," he muttered. You patted his shoulder and took a quick look around the cramped room. "It's nothing compared to what you're used to in Tokyo, I'm sure." You gave a non-committal shrug and hummed as you unpacked your laptop. 
"It's homey. Much cozier than work," you sighed, plugging into an unoccupied outlet. "Is there anything needing any immediate repairs?" Amajiki shook his dark head and took a seat across the workbench from you, his dark eyes boring into you as if he made it his mission to solve the mystery of you. "Reminds me of my old workshop, all tools and tiny spaces," you hummed. As your laptop booted up, you gave your limbs a quick stretch and glanced around the room. 
Of course you'd still have it, you old softie…
Off in its own corner sat a dusty old steel workbench with bright orange and sunny yellow sunflowers painted on the side. You gravitated to the neglected space under Amajiki's watchful eye. The moment you touched the steel, it hummed to life under your hands, brightening like new. 
"H-how is it you know Fatgum..?" 
"Hm? Oh, we've known each other for ages. We just seem to keep skating around each other." Your hands fussed over a long-neglected project-- power gloves for a former sidekick you assumed. You smiled wryly at the craftsmanship, carefully appraising where the design succeeded. Satisfied, you turned to the tool chest and began pulling out your tiny screwdriver and soldering kit. "I feel like you have another question, Amajiki. Go ahead and ask." 
"N-no, miss." 
"Hm...suit yourself," you hummed, tracing uncovered wires from the glove's generator. Slipping it on over your own hand, you turned it and flexed your fingers to get the feel for the device. The minor adjustments you made as you flexed. Tongue jutting out just between your lips, you could feel a second set of eyes on you. You grinned and adjusted a few connections, the support device blinking back to life. 
"What are you two doing here? Y/n, I thought you'd be seeing the sights!" You turned and your mouth hung open at the sight-- it had been years since you've last seen Taishiro when he wasn't his usual doughy self. He was always tall with sharp eyes and strong arms, but when he was "low fat" he was hard muscle and broad shoulders. His soft blonde hair stuck out in little spikes, his hoodie hung half-open, and left you feeling like the room was ten degrees too hot. Amajiki muttered something about needing to find his kohai and excused himself from the room, leaving you alone with your friend. 
"You kept it after all these years?"
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. 
"Yeah, it made sense at the time. Y'know, when we opened I hoped you'd be here to really help me make a difference."
You couldn't meet his gaze but you could feel him bore holes through you with his golden stare. His massive, muscular frame siddled into the workshop and sat across your workbench, arm outstretched with a groping hand searching for yours to hold.  
"Ya can always come home, Y/n." 
It was your turn to smile. You left your crafts project at your old workbench and looked up at him through your lashes. He was close enough to touch, but oceans of emotional baggage served as the only distance between you. 
"If only it were that easy, Toyomitsu-kun." Your voice was soft, somber as he reached across the divide and squeezed your hand. "I've got a life in Tokyo, y'know?" His face fell and those warm honey eyes implored you to reconsider. It was deja vu, him reaching over your tool bench in your parents' garage begging you to open an agency with him, you lamenting over your latest design being poached by a bigger, flashier support firm. 
"...maybe this was a mistake…" you whispered, pulling your hand from his. You couldn't face him and the hurt that threatened to leech into his warm, familiar face. He rose and stood in front of you, broad hands on your shoulders, and knelt down to catch your eyes. 
"Ya don't mean that. I know ya don't. I'm not sayin' drop everythin', Y/n. I'm sayin' you can always come home...to me." His voice grew so soft at the end you almost didn't hear him finish. Your eyes grew wide and darted away from him as he held your chin between his thumb and forefinger. The fluttering in your stomach, that same feeling you didn't think you could feel after you left for Tokyo the first time plagued you full force under his hold. For the first time in your life it finally dawned on you-- Taishiro made you feel small and precious, something worth keeping safe from the world. Rose dusted your cheeks as he drew closer, his breath fanning over your face. With eyes closed and an open heart he gently pressed his lips against yours, the sweetness from his kiss rivaling any dessert. It stole your breath with it's brevity and left you searching for more. His hold on your chin kept you from chasing his lips when he pulled away. 
Dazed, you fluttered your eyelashes and exhaled slowly. "T-taishiro," you sighed. It was his turn to blush as he released your chin and rested his forehead against yours. 
"I've waited a long time to hear ya call my name like that, Y/n." 
Once again the rest of the world melted away, leaving just the two of you in your tiny corner of the universe. You could taste him on your tongue, his scent brought you back to graduation when you left him with a confession of your own. You must have hung there together, rapt in each other's presence because a certain energetic redhead stumbled upon you two and broke the spell that held you. 
"Hey, boss, don't we have patrol to finish today?"
You closed your eyes and shook your head with a small, terse smile. You pulled away first and turned to your laptop, waving the bemused hero away. 
"Go, Taishiro. Make it up to me later, okay?" Reluctantly pulled from your presence, you threw a bag of shrimp chips at him and sent him from the workshop, Kirishima in tow. The moment his name left your lips he beamed, almost blinding you with it's radiance. 
"Ya won't regret it!" 
Six months later, you were sitting comfortably on the train back to Esuha, landscape blurring behind like it was haphazardly painted by an impressionist.  Your laptop bag was joined by a soft golden gift bag, its contents hidden by bolts of ombre teal and sky blue tissue paper. By the time you reached the station, excitement had you tingling from your fingertips down to your toes. Work kept you busy as Shield Tech continued to push your designs through R&D. Between showcasing your work at the Tokyo Hero Expo and Taishiro's role in the Shie Hassakai investigation, the most you two could do was the occasional video chat and text messages. As the train pulled into the station you could barely contain your excitement. You pulled out your phone and felt bolstered by the headlines your co-workers forwarded to you. 
You navigated your way along the brightly colored storefronts and restaurants, stopping by one particularly old food cart that Taishiro boasted had the best takoyaki in the region. You picked up a box and made your way to the agency, hoping to surprise your hero. The closer to the building your drew, the harder the butterflies in your stomach fluttered.
"Ah, is Fatgum around?" 
The receptionist at the desk blinked owlishly at you and her brow creased with confusion. "No, he's not here. You didn't hear?" 
You shook your head and worried your lower lip between your teeth. "I'm not from around here. I was hoping to see him." The fluttering in your stomach twisted from excitement to dread with every stroke of the receptionist's pen. She handed you a slip of paper with an address and a room number. 
Without another word you ran from the agency and called him. "Please pick up. Please pick up!" The line rang and rang until his goofy, warm voice resonated over the speaker. 
"Sorry I can't answer. Leave a message and I'll get back to ya!" 
Cold dread gripped your stomach and tied it in uncomfortable knots. You found yourself tracing through every text message, every email, struggling to grasp at any clue as to why he would be able to answer. He always answered your calls by the second ring, even on patrol. You searched the address his receptionist handed to you and your dread turned into something darker, more primal than simple fear-- it was a hospital. 
Without another thought you hailed a cab and piled on with your bags. He had to be okay. You both were working so hard to make it work despite the distance. He ensured you always had fresh flowers delivered to your workshop every week, each one indicative of his affections or describing an attribute you had that he admired deeply. With blushing hydrangeas, scarlet chrysanthemums, and ivory pale lilac, each week he showed how he cared, how he valued your perpetual presence in his life. Somehow you felt like you always came up short-- he knew your love language and spoke it naturally like he had been doing it since birth, but you couldn't quite figure out how to return his affections to match that ardence. 
You paid the cab driver well and steeled your nerves as you slowly trudged through the hospital entrance. "Excuse me. Could you help me, please? I'm trying to find..."
Numbness leeched into your limbs when you reached his room. You hesitated to open the door, but when you did you found him sound asleep. Bloodstained bandages wrapped around his torso and left you clutching your own sides as if the wound were inflicted on you instead. He looked so tired, spent from the fight as his chest rose and fell rhythmically under the crisp hospital sheets. You glanced around the room and set your belongings down next to the recliner, quietly sitting beside him. 
You must have sat with him for hours just watching him sleep. Did he always look this rugged? The curve of his jaw set against the pillows left you pondering if he kept his squishier form up just so he had an ace in the hole against villains and criminals or if it was something he saved just for you. The nurses paid little attention to you, only offering to bring back a spare pillow for you to stay by his side as he recovered. 
You snuck down for a moment to buy a cup of coffee and noted a flower cart in the foyer. Immediately you thought of your hero in his bed and the stark white and gray walls that closed in on him. In that moment you knew. 
When he finally woke, he sat amazed-- you curled up asleep in the recliner, laptop screensaver playing a loop of candid photos from your shared childhood on the bedside table next to a box of his favored, cold takoyaki and a pale yellow gift bag. Along his counters sat vase after vase of impossible to ignore sunflowers. He stared at the canary yellow flowers and chuckled. Reaching for a cold deep-fried morsel, he heard you moan in your sleep and watched as you shifted in the chair. 
Once you settled, he turned his attention to the gift bag, carefully rustling through the layers of tissue paper as quietly as he could manage. A soft smile crept over his face as he unwrapped his gift. He beamed at the three-tier lunch box you brought him-- a treasure box full of his favorite bento snacks all carefully and lovingly made by you with him in mind. Salmon roe onigiri, various temaki sushi, furikake rice on one end and umeboshi rice on the other, tempura shrimp and yams with his favorite inagi sauce sat before him, and all he could do was devour it with his eyes. A small card fell out of the bento box wrapping and into his lap. His large hands unfolded the cardstock, his attention drawn from your slowly waking body. 
"Home is where you are, hero. -- Y/n"
Stunned, he sat holding the card, rereading it over and over until you made another soft moan, this time your eyes met his. 
"Hey," you yawned. "I see you opened your gift without me." He pushed the table aside and scooped you into his arms, wincing into your hair as he did. "Careful, big guy. You're already hurt." You grinned at him and nuzzled into the familiar warmth of his skin. Taishiro planted his lips against the crown of your head and held you so tightly you thought you'd lose the ability to breathe. Your breathing eventually did sync with his and you both relaxed into the comfortable banter that carried you two through the years. 
"Sunflowers, huh?" He grinned. 
"I mean it, Taishiro. I'm ready for that next step whenever you are." 
"Y/n, I've been ready for ya for a long time."
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Missing - Part 3.3
There will be one more part to finish this chapter.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. We just have a few questions to ask you.”
“Of course! Anything to help!”
“I guess to start: What is the nature of your relationship with Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“She’s a cool kid. She works hard, goes above and beyond, and is really creative. She’s got talent, let me tell you!”
“I see. So you’ve had interactions with Marinette? Perhaps even meetings?”
“Well, sure. I’ve commissioned a few things from her. She’s one of the only ones who gets my style, you know?”
“Were these meetings generally private?”
“Yeah. We kind of have to keep them on the down low. She’s just a kid, after all and the last thing anyone wants is for her to be hounded or bothered by the media. So it’s just me and my team and her and her parents.”
“Wait—and her parents?”
“Of course! Have to get the parentals’ okay before asking their little girl to make anything, regardless of what I’m paying for it. It only seemed right since my requests are taking up her time. She’s just started working on a new jacket that includes an accent that is supposed to glow in the dark!”
“Yeah. Plus Tom and Sabine are awesome. Even if they put their foot down about allowing her to try and make a jacket for pet—”
“Sir, are you aware of Miss Dupain-Cheng being in a relationship?”
“You mean that blond kid she’s crazy about? Did she finally ask him out?”
“Well, no. There have been some reports of her having an...um...older boyfriend?”
“And that he looked like...you?”
Paris was a lovely city. Full of equally loving people.
“Here!” Andre held out the ice cream with a joyful note in his voice. “A magical treat for our magical savior!”
Ladybug started in surprise. She tried to decline politely even as she couldn’t help but eye the ice cream with longing. “Oh, I couldn’t—“
“Nonsense!” He reassured her, pushing the cup to her. “It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for Paris!”
Well, if he insisted...
She accepted the offering, feeling the chill in her fingers even through her suit. “Thank you.”
“But of course! And who knows? Maybe it will help bring love to your life.”
She highly doubted ice cream could accomplish that.
“You never know.” He told her as he gave her a conspiratorial wink. “There is all sorts of magic in this world. You are proof enough of that!”
She simply smiled and bade him a good day before leaving with ice cream in hand.
Such a strange man, she mused. But the offer was nice of him. And the ice cream was rather good.
The people here were quite kind. Upon seeing her, many of them had wanted to give her such treats or other foods for free. Part of her felt bad for accepting the offers, even as they insisted it was out of thanks for helping them so much.
But as much as she wanted to decline—and probably should have at points, she kept accepting. It seemed likely for the best though. And now she wasn’t sure she should refuse.
She hadn’t realized how tired she had been getting until after that first incident of a civilian insisting on giving her cookies. While she had reluctantly accepted at the time, she had noticed a marked difference after ingesting the first one and almost inhaled the rest afterwards.
It was…unusual. She didn’t remember being like this before.
But it became more clear over time that she was losing energy. And food—particularly sweets and confections of that like—would be enough to recharge her strength.
When she first realized she was able to stay out longer after a battle, she had taken to patrolling and trying to track down any potential akumas before they could reach their target in hopes of determining their origin and where Hawk Moth may be hiding. But she hadn’t made any progress after the first couple of days, and didn’t realize just how much energy she was using up.
Now, she was trying to be more cautious and conserve her strength. After all, Hawk Moth was bound to send out an akuma sooner or later. And while she hoped to find the butterfly before it could akumatize anyone, Paris was a big city and it was not logical to expect she would just happen to be in the right place at the right time to find it before an attack could occur. In that event, she needed to ensure she still had energy for the battle. So while she would still patrol regularly, she had been making a point to take breaks and rest more often throughout the day.
But why was she still out? What normally happened once the fights were over to restore her strength? And why wasn’t it happening this time?
Something felt wrong, but try as she might, she couldn’t figure out what it was.
She paused for a moment, considering.
Perhaps Hawk Moth was planning something?
It had been a good few days since the last akuma. And he had yet to try anything since.
She frowned. It was rational, but something felt wrong.
She drew out of her musings to look around the park. It was rather empty, but it was also getting late so there were less civilians around. There were only a couple of people in the area. One was a young woman walking a dog. Two kids who were cutting through the park to get somewhere. And a single elderly man in a Hawaiian shirt who was seated on a bench nearby and appeared to be having tea.
Noticing her gaze, the man smiled and nodded to her in greeting.
“Hello, Ladybug. It is a rather lovely evening, is it not?”
“I suppose.” She replied, more out of politeness than any real agreement. It was just another day in Paris, as far as she could tell. Though the lack of an akuma was nice.
The man smiled, not at all put off by her response. “It is getting later, though. I imagine many people are are returning to their homes.”
She nodded. That made sense. And explained the growing lack of people in the area.
He looked up at her, seemingly curious. “Should you not return to your home as well?”
Ladybug blinked at that. “Home?”
“Certainly. I am sure that even a hero of Paris has a place she can rest at the end of the day.”
She frowned, trying to consider his words.
She had been active for days. Probably a week or so by this point. Whatever was supposed to happen after an akuma fight hadn’t this time, so she didn’t have a place to go.
“I have nowhere else I need to be.” She replied simply. It was true enough at any rate. Clearly dealing with Hawk Moth was the priority, and this was as good a chance as any to try and gain some advantage or intel.
The man, however, appeared concerned.
“Do you not have a life to return to? A family waiting for you?”
A life? A family.
How bizarre.
Such little things. So pointless. They would only hold her back and distract her from the mission at hand.
“Of course not.”
Homes and families were for the civilians she protected.
She didn’t need those things.
Why would she? She was Ladybug.
Just Ladybug.
Kim liked to think he had grown some since the school year started. A bit at least.
He would admit he wasn’t the smartest person—that title belonged to Max and he was quite proud of his friend for it. After all, not just anyone could make a working robot that could live and feel.
But nonetheless, Kim wasn’t stupid. He just liked to believe the best in people.
Granted, that didn’t always work out—like with his attempt to ask out Chloe on Valentines Day.
But then there were the times it did—like when he sacrificed himself to save Chloe and his other classmates during the whole ‘kissing zombies’ incident.
Well…sort of. Chloe was still Chloe either way. But at least the zombies were dealt with. And Chloe…did seem to be trying to do better.
Emphasis on ‘trying’.
But in that regard, Kim had been trying as well. He had undergone some changes since the start of the year. He didn’t like to think it, but he hadn’t been the most observant or empathetic guy. He was self-centered in a lot of ways, not out of any malice, but simple ignorance. He had often done things without thinking. And while he may not have intended to be mean, he would still act in ways that would upset others without realizing he was doing it.
But having a friend turn into a stone monster and try to kill him made Kim reevaluate his idea of friendly teasing or just how he interacts with people in general.
And his idea of gentle ribbing may not be so gentle or friendly to others. It was…something he’d had to learn the hard way. And even relearn, given the panther incident. And again with Odine…
It was something he was still working on. And had to catch himself at times. Whether or not he intended harm didn’t matter. That he had been trying to be helpful in his own way also didn’t matter. Because Kim’s idea of tolerance and what was okay or too much or not enough was different than other people’s. It was something he still struggled to be mindful of.
That was why he didn’t comment on the strangeness of Lila’s injuries.
A sprained wrist should have been in a brace of some sort. Some of her reported injuries should have had indicators like scratches, bruises, or red marks. Her claimed arthritis should have involved swelling or tremors. But there was often nothing.
There were points when Lila’s claims of being in pain made him raise an eyebrow.
Kim was an athlete, and had his fair share of experiences with people who had injuries and how they worked. So it was strange to him that Lila could be lacking any of the common indicators. But some injuries couldn’t be seen easily, and he also had experience with what could happen if they weren’t treated appropriately because of assumptions based on that.
Lila’s symptoms were strange and all over the place. But Kim wasn’t a doctor. It wasn’t his place to judge or determine.
Not to mention that people were different. She could just have a lower pain threshold. And it was possible her body could just outwardly heal fast as far as appearances go.
Kim had no way of knowing for sure without either questioning her or becoming invasive. But he wanted to take her word for it, so he continued to help her out. He didn’t mind, really. What was a lunch tray or an extra bag to carry for a few minutes anyway?
He understood Marinette’s anger at the idea of being used. He didn’t like the thought either. But if it did turn out that she was lying, what did he really lose? He still would have helped out. There didn’t need to be any injuries involved. Honestly, he would have done the same if any of the other girls had asked. Heck, even if one of the guys had.
There was nothing he lost by a few minutes of kindness here and there. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t worth questioning or trying to argue over.
While he could understand why Marinette might be upset if she thought Lila was lying, he didn’t see any reason to actively try to disprove it.
It was like people with allergies or unseen medical issues. Just because you couldn’t see where they had a health problem didn’t mean it wasn’t there.  Even if there isn’t necessarily active proof, it was safer to treat the person like the condition was real because you don’t know for sure. And you could just be making yourself out to be a jerk either way if you did act on it.
Even if the napkin incident was kind of lame.
He saw the way the class almost got up in arms over Lila’s claimed injury by a napkin. He saw the way Max clearly wanted to say something to correct them. He also saw the way Marinette only got upset because of it. Maybe he should have spoken up then, but he didn’t want to be dismissive of Lila’s health issues regardless of how real he thought they were.
Maybe catching the napkin WAS enough to bother her? It could have been the movement of her arm rather than the weight of the napkin. He didn’t know. And he’d had enough instances of being a jerk because he questioned and pushed things instead of simply accepting them.
He did feel bad for Marinette though. If she was so distrustful of Lila, he was sure she had reasons. But trying to disprove someone’s medical condition in such a blatant show wasn’t really the best way to go about things if she didn’t believe they were real. He agreed with her that it was fishy, though, and considered that if it kept happening, maybe they could try some other way of finding out for sure. Talk with the teachers about their concerns. Check with the nurse to confirm if any of this is in her medical history. Maybe see if as the Class Rep, Marinette couldn’t get in touch with Lila’s mom to determine her needs. That way, they could at least be sure and have all the information straight.
He figured he could talk to her about it at some point when there was time.
He thought they’d have time.
But life happens.
People act without thinking.
Akumas go on a rampage.
Friends go missing.
And suddenly little things like whether a classmate is faking injuries for perceived special treatment he would happily have given regardless seemed a lot less important.
He had to have priorities.
His main priority at this time, other than schoolwork and sports, was to try and find Marinette or any clues on what happened to her. Which was why he was still going out on the streets after school to search.
It had been something he started since the class initially discussed plans to try searching themselves. And it’s something he hadn’t stopped since then either.
Admittedly, it wasn’t the brightest move to go searching alone, but that was why he had Max on speed dial in case anything happened to him. His parents were informed and knew where he would be each outing. And he also had his phone set up to keep track of his location, which his parents could easily find and Max was no doubt keeping track of even at this moment.
They made a good team this way. Not just brains and brawn, since Max wasn’t weak anymore than Kim was stupid. But they both had their strengths and they worked best as a team when they each played to their strengths.
In this case, Max was searching as well in his own way, even if that way was from his computer rather than in person. Kim could get farther faster on foot whereas Max could span miles in minutes by computer. That way, they could coordinate and cover more ground.
They kept in touch constantly though. Which is how Kim knew something was wrong.
“Max? You there?”
There was only silence.
He looked at his phone in worry. Of the two of them, Kim was the one who was supposed to be more likely to encounter some sort of trouble. What could possibly happen to Max in his room?
“Max? Anyone?”
That wasn’t Max.
“Oh thank goodness!” The AI spoke from the phone screen, clearly frazzled. “An akuma appeared and took us!”
“Wait—what?! Why?!” Max had been in his room! Why would anyone try to go after him and Markov specifically? Kim frowned, eyes narrowing as he took charge. “Do you know who it is?”
“From my data, the akuma was a match for Lady Wifi.”
Kim gasped. “Alya?”
It made sense, now that he thought about it. He hadn’t been there for the incident, but he had heard from others in the class how Alya had apparently been suspended after supposedly attacking Lila while they were alone in class. He wasn’t sure he believed it, as that sounded particularly out of character for the blogger. It was now with a sickening realization that he remembered the last time Alya had been suspended in what was later revealed to be an unfair manner.
If Alya had been wrongfully accused and punished—especially if she was suspended a second time for a similar reason—they should have figured that Lady Wifi would be likely to make a reappearance.
But why go after Max? He hadn’t even been involved!
“What should we do?” Markov asked. “I’ve routed myself to Max’s phone to contact you, but I don’t know how long it may be until she realizes it.”
“Do you know where she’s taken you guys?” Kim asked, glancing around his own location and already starting to work out what would be the best course to take.
“We appear to have been taken to a cellphone tower. One near the TVi station.”
“But why there?”
It didn’t make sense. If Alya was Lady Wifi, wouldn’t she go after Lila? Or the school? Or really anywhere that has more cellphones around for her to make use of?
“I am uncertain.” Markov replied, all the more worried. There was a pause, seemingly as something was happening on Markov’s end that Kim couldn’t hear. “She wants us to hack the tower. What should we do?”
Okay, this was time for action. Alya was the akuma, meaning the Ladyblog wouldn’t alert anyone of the attack. Quickly, Kim sent out a mass text to the class to give warning in case Lady Wifi would try going after them as well.
“Do what she says for now and keep an eye on her and Max. I’ll try to see if I can’t find help.”
Ladybug had been patrolling more actively lately, hadn’t she?
He just needed to find her.
Kim: Need to alert LB nd CN. If anyone gets ahold of them, let us know!
A few minutes later, he had a response.
Adrien: Just spoke to Chat. He’s on his way.
By the time the two came down from the roof, school was already over.
Nino noticed the time and groaned once he realized how late it was. “I’d better check in with Alya and let her know we’re okay.” He pulled out his phone and started up a text as the two continue walking out of the building, passing other students. Nino gave a mutter about how he was already going to have one lady angry with him once his mom found out he’d skipped the rest of his classes for the day.
Adrien smiled sympathetically, but knew he wouldn’t be much help. He was pretty sure his father would be furious with him as well once word got back to him. So focused on their encroaching doom, neither noticed that they had passed Ivan and Mylene, getting their attention.
“Wait, Nino? Haven’t you heard?” Mylene called out to him. Nino and Adrien drew to a stop as the couple approached. There was something about Mylene’s terseness and Ivan’s frown that made them worry.
“Did something happen?” Nino asked. He and Adrien had been on that roof for a while, so there was no telling what they may have missed.
“Alya’s been suspended for fighting.” Ivan told the, looking distressed.
Both boys gaped.
Mylene nodded, upset. “Rose and Juleka came in and told us that Alya attacked Lila.”
“Where is she?” Nino demanded.
“Lila’s at the nurse’s station.” She continued with a gesture back towards the school. “She had a mark on her cheek but wasn’t hurt otherwise.”
But Nino only shook his head, appearing more frantic. “No, not her! Where’s Alya?”
“She left, man.” Ivan answered, drawing the attention to himself. “She was taken to the Principal’s office and her mom came to pick her up.”
Mylene shuddered. “I’d never seen her so angry before.”
Nino and Adrien shared a look, both worried and feeling a sense of foreboding.
“This is bad.” Nino moaned.
Adrien wilted in on himself at the news.
“It had to have happened just after I left.” He murmured in dismay.
Was this his fault?
Would it have been prevented if he had stayed?
“Wait a minute. Adrien, were you there?” Mylene asked.
He froze at that. They...they wanted to know, right? They wouldn’t be asking if they didn’t. Part of him wanted desperately to tell the other two what had happened.
But would they believe him?
“Go ahead, man.” He heard Nino say from right next to him. “They’ll listen.”
Both Ivan and Mylene nodded encouragingly.
He didn’t want to say it.
He didn’t want to revisit that moment of heartbreak, even as he tried to convince himself that none of it was true.
“Lila said that Marinette ran away.“ Seeing their horrified expressions, he steeled his resolve and continued. “Because of us.“
Mylene gasped.
Ivan clenched his fists, his smile dropping in an instant. “She what?!”
“They were already arguing by the time I got there.” Adrien explained. “Alya was angry. Lila was taunting her. Saying...all kinds of hurtful things.” He took a breath. “She admitted to lying about everything. Insulted Alya and everyone else for believing her. And she said…” He felt Nino’s hand come to rest on his shoulder, encouraging him and emboldening him to continue.
“She said we were bad friends and it was no wonder Marinette ran away.”
“Are…” Mylene hesitated, looking pale and stricken. It was clear she didn’t want to believe it. “Are you sure you didn’t mishear? Or maybe misunderstand?”
Adrien started to shrink in on himself, uncertain and beginning to second guess everything he’d witnessed. Maybe he had misunderstood? Or Lila meant something else? Or—
Nino’s grip on his shoulder tightened—not painfully, but enough to remind Adrien he was there and that he had support.
“That could explain one or two statements, but not everything.”
But it wasn’t Nino’s voice that spoke up in his defense.
Mylene wasn’t the only one to look to Ivan in surprise. The bigger boy looked angrier than they’d seen him since the start of the school year. Adrien was half worried he would become akumatized again.
It wasn’t long before Mylene appeared angry enough to match him. It was to Adrien’s relief though that both seemed to be angry on his behalf rather than with him.
“If that’s true, then it’s no wonder that Alya slapped her.“ She said darkly, sounding as though she wished for the chance to do so herself.
“I don’t think she did.“ Nino said flat out, drawing everyone’s attention back. “Alya texted me about that time to let me know what happened and asked me to look for Adrien. If she was rational enough to put a friend first after a comment like that, I don’t think there’s much else Lila could have said to make her react violently.”
Ivan started in surprise. “So you don’t think Alya attacked Lila?”
Mylene even looked to Nino, almost hopefully.
Nino shook his head. “Adrien said that Lila’s been lying about a lot of things. She was probably lying about that too.“
“No wonder Marinette didn’t like her.” Ivan murmured. “She’d been trying to counter any of Lila’s claims all this time. She probably knew they were lies.”
“I thought it was jealousy.“ Mylene admitted, guiltily. “Or maybe that she had just gotten the wrong impression like she did with Adrien at the beginning of the year.“
“I think we all brushed it off more than we should have.” Ivan took her hand in his own, giving a gentle squeeze in comfort. He straightened though as he remembered something.
“But what about the mark?
Nino scowled at that. “I’d be willing to bet Lila did something to make it look like Alya slapped her in order to gain sympathy and discredit Alya if she tried to tell anyone the truth.”
Adrien’s mind flashed to his initial meeting with Lila. How she expressed an interest in superheroes only after seeing him reading about them and the disappearance of his father’s Book shortly afterward. How Lila went so far as to get a necklace to try and pass off as a Miraculous in order to convince him she was a superhero.
“I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s certainly done it before.” He admitted. “But what can we do about it?“
Alya was already suspended. Lila had no doubt spun her web and shared her “version” of events with everyone. The teachers, the administration, the rest of the class...she probably had them all hanging off her “sob story”.
To everyone’s surprise, it was Mylene who stepped up to take charge.
“Adrien, you need to go to the Principal and tell him what really happened.”
He balked at that. “But I wasn’t there for the actual incident.“
“But you were there for what set it off.” She gently reminded him. “If nothing else, that gives context and at least shed some doubt on Lila‘s story.“
Ivan grinned. “That’s right! If you tell him that Lila instigated the incident, he may reverse the decision—or at least the suspension.”
“Do you really think so?” Adrien asked. He wasn’t used to authority figures listening to him and changing their minds about things like this. He was still half convinced his father’s agreement to letting him attend school was a fluke. His father’s response to the loss of the Book during the Volpina incident certainly hadn’t helped with that.
“It’s worth a try.” Nino said, encouragingly. “I know it’d be at least one more voice in Alya’s corner than she had.”
“And Alya’s parents would know if nothing else.“ Ivan added. “Even if the school decides to keep the suspension, it would certainly make a difference to her parents to know the full extent of what really happened. They may lessen her punishment at home, or at least not ground her.“
Adrien fought with himself.
There was that part of him—an admittedly big part that wanted to stay out of things. It would prolong the conflict. Lila was dangerous. She had some sort of influence on his father. She could get akumatized again. She could hurt him. Nathalie could find out. His father could find out.
He’d told Marinette once that he was in her corner and hadn’t followed through.
And regardless of the reason she was gone, if he did ever see her again, he at least wanted to be able to look her in the eyes.
He didn’t think he could do that if he just abandoned her best friend—HIS friend when she needed him.
“Okay.” He agreed at last. “Principal Damocles is gone for the day, so I’ll come see him first thing in the morning and tell him what I know.”
The other three beamed at him. And for a moment, Adrien actually felt like things might just work out.
Then a text came that brought everything crashing down.
Kim: AKUMA ALERT!!! Lady Wifi is back and kidnapped Max and Markov!
It had been a peaceful evening. Ladybug appreciated it and resented it at the same time.
Appreciated it for how the peace meant that the civilians of Paris were safe.
But resented it because it meant she had no akumas to track for leads to Hawk Moth. And if things were peaceful, it was likely that he was plotting something. Like the calm before a storm, knowing something was bound to happen but not necessarily what or when.
It also meant she was stuck with nothing but her own thoughts. About her presence here outside of akuma battles. About her general lack of purpose outside of fighting. About the inexplicable sense of longing though she knew not what it was for. And now about that elderly man she had met.
Asking questions that made no sense. Bringing up concepts that didn’t apply to her. Making her wonder things that didn’t matter.
And worst of all was that expression he had. There was a look in his eye as he gazed at her. Concerned and sad and disappointed all in one.
And she didn’t know WHY!
It was irritating. An intrusive, niggling feeling that just wouldn’t go away. And for all that she tried to brush it off, the strange thoughts and the man’s expression kept flickering back into focus as soon as she let her mind wander.
So she was grateful for any distraction by that point, even if it was a message from Chat Noir.
At least it was something useful for once.
“Ladybug! I just received word that Alya has been akumatized.”
Well, that was a relief. There was an akuma at last. However, the way he said that made it seem like the akuma was the lesser issue than who the akuma was. Which led to a problem on her end.
“Who?” The name sounded vaguely familiar, but didn’t stand out to her.
He paused at that, frowning in confusion. “Uh...Alya? From the Ladyblog?”
“Oh, that little fan site?” It was cute for what it was.
Chat’s frown only grew at that. “It’s not just a fan site. You’ve done interviews with her before, remember?”
Did she? She didn’t know why. It seemed silly to indulge something so inane. Not to mention dangerous to encourage the blogger’s antics and insistence on getting footage of akuma battles. The last thing she needed was for a civilian to jump into the fight, distract her, and get in the way. Not to mention how much more difficult it would be to deal with the akuma while trying to protect the civilian who lacked the sense to leave the area.
She shrugged.
“It doesn’t stand out.”
He gave her an incredulous look and mouthed the words to himself like he wasn’t sure what he was hearing. She didn’t know why this came as a surprise to him. Or why he would have such a reaction over something so frivolous.
“Okay…” He said, uncertain. “I got the report from a classmate that she’s taken hostages to the TVi station. I’m already on my way there now.”
“I’ll head that way as well. Stay in contact just in case.”
Chat seemed perturbed, but didn’t argue.
That may have been because he didn’t get the chance, as a sudden yelp from nearby caught Ladybug’s attention. A passerby dropped his cellphone just as the screen sparked and a figure appeared.
The akuma.
“Lady Wifi is here.” She muttered into the communicator.
That was rather fast. But at least it didn’t mean wasting more time than necessary.
It seemed she didn’t need to go to the TVi Station after all.
“Hang on! I’m on my way!” Chat’s voice exclaimed before the call ended.
However startled Ladybug was by her sudden appearance, the akuma even seemed just as surprised at seeing her there.
“Ladybug?!” She gasped out. But her eyes narrowed. “No. I don’t know how you found me, but you are not getting in my way!”
Wait. Found her? But she hadn’t even started looking for her yet!
There was no time to question it, however, as Lady Wifi proceeded to go on the offensive. Ladybug ducked out of the way just in time to avoid the multiple symbols being flung at her from the akuma’s phone.
She flipped backwards and landed on the lower roof behind her, breaking line of sight with her enemy. Taking advantage of the moment, she then jumped from to a ridge on an adjoining building where she would have cover and not be easily viewed from above. Glancing up, she frowned when she noticed that she could not see her foe. It was like she had disappeared.
Or...had she simply left altogether once Ladybug was out of sight?
Strange, shouldn’t Lady Wifi be looking for her? They had only just crossed paths. Normally, akumas would attempt to continue pursuit.
She jumped down to street level and kept looking around, warily. Perhaps the akuma had gone into one of the buildings?
There was a sudden outburst of screams from a nearby store as several civilians ran out of the building. She rushed over and noticed that...yes, it was a phone store. And sure enough, the akuma was inside and the cause of the scare that drove all potential customers away. Without hesitating, she ran inside to continue the fight.
Lady Wifi growled in frustration at her appearance and sent more attacks at her. Ladybug dodged them easily enough, but to her surprise, Lady Wifi simply took off shortly afterwards, rushing out the back and out of the building altogether. Her attempt to follow only drew her further into the busier part of the city. And soon enough, she had again lost her target.
Until there was another flash followed by a shriek from a nearby civilian who had been hiding from the chaos. Sure enough, Lady Wifi was once again present, only looking all the more agitated once she appeared and saw Ladybug already there.
“How do you keep finding me?“ She demanded as she swiped at her phone again.
Ladybug didn’t bother to respond as she simply ducked, dodged, and jumped out of the way.
But the angry accusation kept ringing in her head. Because the truth was that she didn’t know. Really, she had thought it was the other way around. Why would Lady Wifi leave just to keep coming back? It wasn’t even a fighting tactic as she wasn’t utilizing any element of surprise it could grant her.
A purple glow appeared over the akuma’s face. No doubt Hawk Moth was trying to give her orders.
But...Lady Wifi just blew him off?
“No! I’ll get you your stupid jewelry, but right now, I need to keep looking while I still can!”
Looking? For what?
The glow only increased in response. The akuma seemed to shudder under an unknown force.
“All right. Just to get her out of the way.” She agreed before switching symbols on her cell and sending them flying at Ladybug.
Unimpressed, she prepared to move. If she jumped, she could go over the symbol and even Lady Wifi herself. She was close enough that she could land behind her and then try to take her out. Just keep her yoyo at the ready to tie her up and—
“Look out!”
Something slammed into her from the side, sending her and whatever the force was rolling towards a nearby truck. There was at least partial cover between them and the akuma now, but it ruined her plan and now she was on the defensive.
She looked over to see...sure enough, Chat Noir had interfered.
“Are you blind?!” She hissed, pulling him fully behind the cover.
“She was attacking you! I was just trying to help!” He said, defensively.
“You can help by not getting in the way.”
His ears lowered. He looked genuinely hurt. “Sorry…”
“Look, let’s just get this over with. I’ve been stuck playing ‘Hide and Seek’ with this akuma and I’m tired of it.” She pulled out her yoyo. “We’ll split up and come at her from both sides. Then I’ll tie her down and you can break her phone. Ready?”
There was a pause.
But he didn’t move.
She raised an eyebrow in annoyance.
“Well? What are you waiting for?”
He simpered, gesturing pathetically at her yoyo. “Uh, aren’t you going to use your Lucky Charm?”
She gave him an incredulous look.
“Why would I do that?” Really, the Lucky Charm was useless and a waste of her energy. It only served to force her out of the fight sooner.
“Well—” He stammered. “I mean—you usually—it’s always…” He seemed to realize it was a stupid question and looked away. Whether in understanding or embarrassment, she didn’t particularly know.
“Just go already.”
Honestly, the flinch was unnecessary. It wasn’t like she’d struck him.
She wasted no more time worrying about her partner and whatever his latest antics were. Instead, she put her focus back on the akuma where it should be.
It wasn’t a very complicated plan. And it didn’t need to be. They had fought this akuma before. It wasn’t like it was that hard. With Chat charging from the front and taking her attention, Ladybug leapt out from the other side and had Lady Wifi trapped in her yoyo wire, forcing her arms to her side and sending her cellphone clattering to the ground.
For all the trouble and annoyance, the fight was over disappointingly quick.
Within seconds, the phone was broken and the akuma released. A simple flick of her wrist and the butterfly was purified and sent on its way. And soon enough, Lady Wifi was a normal human teenager once more. Ladybug sighed in relief that the latest upset was dealt with at least.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The Cure did its work per the usual. But something seemed off. And there was a small amount of the ladybugs that seemed to hover around her before she waved them away. Honestly, she shouldn’t have to keep doing this every time.
Taking no notice of her state, Chat bounded up to her, fist out.
Except Ladybug had already turned away, leaving Chat feeling put off and especially alone.
He frowned, uncertain.
“Uh...Ladybug? Is everything okay?”
No. She was lost and confused and that strange man’s words wouldn’t leave her mind.
She had no home. Nowhere to go.
So why did she feel she was supposed to be somewhere? And ‘where’ was she supposed to be?
“I’m fine.” She told him as she turned and walked away.
She was fine.
He ran down the street, cursing himself the entire time. He should’ve known something would happen! Alya had clearly already been upset. While he had talked to her about not confronting Lila, he knew very well how Olea was and that there was only so much she could hold back if directly confronted.
Alya had been the one to text him to warn him to look out for Adrien. His focus has been on finding his friend at that time, that he had completely neglected to consider how she would even know about the situation or what her knowing had to mean.
If he had been there, he could have backed up Alya. Been a witness to counter Lila’s lies about being attacked—if a single slap she more than deserved could even count as that.
No! No. Not the time! Alya now. Deal with Lila later.
Because of that, Alya had been suspended. Her parents had no doubt been given the wrong version of events by the school thanks to Lila, and probably grounded her on top of that. Right now, Nino must have been the only one Alya knew was on her side. She wouldn’t know that Adrien knew the truth or that he would even speak up in her defense. She only knew she was alone and everyone was against her.
And now Lady Wifi was back. And while he knew that Lila was responsible, he could not help but blame himself for failing to be there for her.
That was why as soon as he got Kim’s message, he had taken off for where the alert said Lady Wifi was attacking. Maybe he could calm her down? Or at least be there for her once it was over.
Because surely the heroes would be fixing all of this soon enough.
It was the Ladybugs that led him to her. A small group that seemed...a bit detached from the rest. Following them, he found the aftermath of the battle. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir were moving away, leaving Alya just...sitting there on the sidewalk.
Wait. What?
Didn’t they normally talk to or try to comfort the akuma victims?
Glancing over, however, he noted that both appeared to be rather tense. And Chat in particular seemed worried. He didn’t know why. They were a distance away and quiet enough that he couldn’t hear. But neither seemed happy. Maybe the fight was harder on them than it seemed?
His focus, however, went to Alya. She seemed almost out of it by the time he reached her.
But when he called out her name, her eyes met his immediately. And her face crumpled into a sob.
He was there by her in an instant, holding her as tightly as he could and whispering reassurances.
He’d lost one friend.
He didn’t want to lose her, too.
Alya didn’t know what happened when she was an akuma. Nobody ever really remembers, after all.
But she knew...she’d been looking for something.
Desperately trying to find something.
And she half believed that something was her best friend.
She hoped, at any rate.
It was dark out by the time the fight was over, and Nino was walking her home. He promised that he would also talk with her parents to let them know what’s going on with Lila and that she was lying about everything. Neither of them knew just how much good it would do since it was their word against Lila’s, and anything he tried to say might just be construed as solely a defense due to being Alya’s boyfriend. But it was something and it was certainly more than she’d had when she was on trial at the school.
The worst of it all as that her thoughts kept going back to Lila and those damn words.
“Don’t blame me just because you’re a bad friend. Honestly, it’s no wonder Marinette chose to run away.”
Maybe...maybe Lila was right?
Maybe she did run away?
She took a breath and forced herself to focus.
Facts, Alya. Think about the facts. She had made enough poor decisions without bothering to get information. Now was the time to not repeat those mistakes. The first thing to do was look at the facts of what she knew.
Fact: Marinette was her friend. Even at times when Alya wasn’t the best friend to her in return, Marinette still cared. This was clear in the way that Marinette still tried for her—continuing to try to warn her or look out for her and yet going along with her even after the way Alya acted.
Fact: Marinette was stubborn to a fault. If she knew there was something she could do about a problem, she would keep trying. And it would take something pretty severe for her to give up.
Fact: Despite how strained their relationship had become, things had not become so broken that they would stop being friends. That tension was nowhere close to being severe enough for Marinette to give up.
Fact: Marinette was not one to seek attention. She never needed to. She never did anything to intentionally draw attention to herself and if anything, had willingly given up chances to get attention if it meant helping or supporting someone else.
Fact: Even if Marinette was having trouble in the class, she still had support. And more importantly, she had her family. She would never allow her parents to be hurt because of her.
With these facts in mind, Alya knew with some certainty that Marinette would not run away.
She just had to hold onto that.
“Marinette wouldn’t have done it.”
Nino started at that. “What?”
She turned to him, looking tired and weary, but so very certain.
She looked up at Nino, resolutely. “We made the mistake of not believing in Marinette before. We didn’t trust her when we should have. But just because we didn’t believe in her doesn’t mean she ever gave up on us.”
Alya smiled. “That’s just the kind of person Marinette is.
She rested her head on his shoulder.
“That was why she was our Everyday Ladybug. Because big or small, no matter the problem, she was there. Trying for us.”
She wouldn’t just leave.
Alya couldn’t expect Marinette to always be there. That wasn’t fair to her. To be required to keep trying despite the futility of it all was a burden that no one should ever be expected to continue to carry, especially if it was only hurting her. She knew that eventually even Marinette, as kind as she was, could have enough of the strain and move on. But she also knew that in her kindness, Marinette would never just disappear without a word.
She would never leave without saying goodbye.
“That’s why I know she didn’t run away.”
Because Marinette hadn’t said goodbye.
Nino took a breath, hesitating.
“You know that means that...something...probably happened to her.”
Alya nodded, barely holding back the tears as that horrible truth fully presented itself.
“I know.”
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akiameokami · 3 years
Popular Potter
Look at him, looking so smug as that curly-haired reject has her legs strewn across his lap. Potter. It just isn’t right for someone of his status to be with someone like her. He is a pureblood, she is muggle-born, and to make matters worse she has an eyebrow ring! Her poise certainly isn’t a redeeming quality either. I cannot see a single element that makes her good enough for him, expect perhaps that she is smart enough to put Raven Claw’s brightest to shame. If it wasn’t for her lack of professionalism and personal upkeep I am sure she would be in Raven Claw and not Gryffindor. She has changed him so much since they started dating. Potter used to be such a prince, but even since they got together he has been hanging out with anyone, even the problematic Weasleys. I can’t believe his parents let him do that, do they not care about how it will effect their status? Father always reminds me to be cautious of my social relations because they will effect him greatly. He would simply die if he saw me with someone adorned in chains such as Hermione chooses.  The brazed crème a top the shit soufflé is that Harry Potter got a tongue ring! His parent’s certainly know nothing of this, but for the first time ever, I think I may not make Father privy to this. Potter and I have been associates every since primary school, and the tongue ring is a secret to all but his inner most circle. Except somehow Ronald and Hermione have become the bulk of that circle since we entered Hogwarts. To think that first semester we picked out matching Slytherin class rings together, and he somehow became a Gryffindor like them. Maybe classes do divide people too definitively? Or maybe he is changing as a person.. He always did have an affinity for the muggle world and other oddities, I just never thought he’d choose them over me. 
“Hi Har- Er, Potter, and company”, I say awkwardly as I approach their group. They all go quiet as they look at me, the only green clad robe amongst a sea of red. I feel as if this griffons pride may swallow me whole. They seem to be waiting for Harry to respond before they pounce, he really has gone from a Prince to a King. 
“Draco!” Harry exclaims as he moves Hermione's legs off and stands to greet me. I go for a slight wave but he pulls me into a hug. I can feel the daggers from his entourage. “I haven’t seen you around school in a while, what has Snape been forcing you into this time?” He asked, staring only at me. I’d appreciate the opportunity to get lost in his viper green eyes, but I can’t hold his stair. He knows my distaste for Snape, but he doesn’t know why. It’s a story for another time, but he’d already know it if he’d never stopped talking to me. 
“Oh, no, Snape is no longer tutoring me. Instead of academic pursuits, I’ve decided to try out for the quidditch team. Seems they have taken a fancy to my flying skills!” it hurts to not tell him to truth, to see him go from someone who I could tell anything to, to having to smile through the biggest heart break I’ve ever had. When I mention quidditch he gets very excited, and his posse eases up a bit. It is not uncommon for groups of different classes to enthuse over quidditch together, it is one of the few social glues we have. “What a coincidence! I will be joining the quidditch team as a legacy next season!” he says very boisterously, “I know they are expecting a lot because of my father, but I think they will be pleasantly surprised. I did always win when we would race, right?” He says with a slap to my shoulder. To others this would look like a casual challenge, but for me that slight touch meant so much more. It brought back summers spent struggling to learn how to fly out behind the greenhouse. The time he carried me back to Mother after I was able to be the first to get off the ground and flew too high. 
“You’re right, you used to be much better than me. Who knows if it’s changed, maybe you could have a practice race with me and give me some pointers if I lose?”. This audacious bastard would never turn down a challenge, and despite knowing I will likely lose, it means we’d finally have a chance to spend some time together so I’m willing to “take the L” as his muggle friends would say. 
“Harry, that’d be awesome to watch!”, “Yea Harry darling, you should host a little Gryffindor versus Slytherin flying practice before the season starts!’ Ron and Hermione cheer him on from the background. The other Gryffindor's start to chime in on how they would love to see a friendly match and see how skilled the new flyers are. “Well Draco, what do you say? I’m game to leave all you snakes in the dust, but only if you think Slytherin has enough flyers to make it worth the effort”, he chuckles as he says it, but he squeezes my shoulder with a bit of aggression behind it. He didn’t want it to be a spectacle, but I’m not going to clean up his messes if he wont be my friend anymore. 
“Sure Harry, I think I can pull together some wizards and witches that will make it worth your precious time.” I flatly announce as I start to walk away. I make myself keep stepping forward, and I can hear their snickers behind me. I walk straight away from him, no not quite, I walk straight to Snape's office. I wonder if he knows the pain he puts me through? Being compared to the Potter-Prince growing up, Father pushing me to be better than him, Harry having the audacity to be such an amazing man, friend, and first. Yet he also has the power to be the person to put me through more pain by not being in my life, driving me to focus on my studies, to get Severus to be my tutor, to use Severus as a coping method to get over him. Do you know what you’ve done to me Harry? 
~~~Imagine a world where Harry didn’t grow up with the Dursley’s, where Voldermort wasn’t a thing, where Lily and James didn’t die. Would Draco and Harry have been friends? Would they have been more? Harry and Draco are 17, nearing graduation and independence, but that also means they are climaxing from their teenage angst and heartbreak. Will they get closure?
I approach Severus’s office, emotions flooding me. After Harry and I got accepted to Hogwarts and he started drifting away, I found myself lost. At first, I believed his excuses for why he bailed on our plans, and then I blamed myself thinking I made him mad, and then I realized he just didn’t like me anymore. The self blaming was the hardest to get over, but Severus helped with that. I chose to focus on my studies, I had to find something productive to do so that Father would be proud of me again. He got very angry when I messed up the connection with the Potters. I decided instead to try and be very academically accomplished, so I needed a good tutor. Father and Mother were both very familiar with Severus Snape and knew him as an intelligent man and an excellent wizard despite being only 6 years older than me. They arranged for him to be my tutor, and he lived much closer to the school than we did, which meant I would study at his house and in the summers I stay with him. Since he is also a teacher at Hogwarts we don’t ever interact politely as school, because frankly our relationship is unconventional. to the public. I don’t love him, he doesn’t love me, but we both have been burned by the Potters more than once and despite all our pain, we still love them. Don’t get me wrong, Rus is very good to me, and we have had some very sentimental memories, but I can never mean as much to him as Lily I don’t think. That and I am not willingly to fall in love. 
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*  - “Come in.” I walk in and instantly Rus’s face goes from stone cold to slightly softer. “Draco, I assume you came to speak about your last test scores?” He arches an eyebrow and nods at the door indicating I should close it. 
“Oh come on Rus, I know we have an arrangement to not interact extra here but I..” I close the door and try not to meet his eyes. I know what I am feeling, and its stupid! I can’t explain it though. He closes the door while reaching over me. With his other arm he pulls into a hug. 
“Use your words Draco.” He kisses the top of my head while whispering softly. I bury my face in his shirt. How do I tell him that I am hurting because the person who means the most to me, acknowledged me, and it left me feeling hollow? “Is it about Mr. Potter? I saw you speaking in the courtyard. That was dangerous.” I let out a shaky sigh. This is why we are together, because we share the same pain. 
“Yea..” I mutter, “We are going to have a little race between Slytherin House and Gryffindor to see who the faster upcoming flyers will be.” Even saying it sounds absolutely  ridiculous! It’s a bloody pissing contest! Yet nothing has been able to break me out of this numbness until now. Rus braces the small of my back as we lean against his office door. I look up to see him with a small smile, “I understand. I think this will be for the best. Whether it is closer you get, or simply a win. I be here if it goes wrong”. He is so consistent. Just as expected, after saying something so sweet that I could almost develop feelings, he leans down and begins a gentle kiss. He pulls my waist into him, spreading my legs with his knee. I kiss him back while running my fingers through his hair. I reach down for his belt, trying to undo it. He stops my hand and pulls back, “Now Mr. Malfoy, we are on school grounds.” He says with his stern, teacher voice. He the leans in and whispers, “You can show my what that Malfoy mouth is good for later”. I feel my dick jump a little bit, giving me a semi. This is how I cope. Feelings cannot negate the power of something physical, and Severus Snape needs to forget about the Potters just as much as I do. We were a match made in Hell. 
“Draco....” I hear Harry’s voice calling my name, but it sounds distorted, almost as if I’m underwater. “Draco!” it comes through clearly this time, but it isn’t Harry, It’s Blaise yelling at me to rouse me from my sleep. I had returned to the dorms embarrassingly late, but I had the forethought to lay out my quidditch gear ahead of time so I wouldn’t be scrambling in the morning. “Draco, wake the fuck up! We’re gonna be late to the race!” Blaise is still yelling but I can hear him heading for the door. Late? What did he mean late? I roll over and check the time, he was right, I had about five minutes to go from bed to the quidditch field. Fuck. 
“I almost thought you chickened out Draco!” Harry taunts as I approach the quidditch field, running as fast as I can with all my gear on. I was able to gather three other Slytherins that wanted to race, and who were marginally decent. Sadly Harry seemed to have a whole team that wanted to test us. I glance at Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle and they do not seem to be exuding confidence. I got them into this so the least I can do is be the one who people blame. “What? Run away from you Potter? I could never”, I say a little too seriously while making eye contact. I catch the slightest frown from Harry, but it fades as quickly as it appeared. “Well then, lets get this over with. It sounded fun, but looking at your little group, it just feels like bullying.” He rejoins his group at the start line. The course was to make one large loop around campus while going through specified markers, such as looping through the womping willow and its thrashing limbs, and past Hagrids hut. It is just the school campus, but that doesn’t make it not dangerous. That is why I wore my protective gear, but as I glance around I see that most everyone else was casually dressed with the exception of Longbottom. He looked as if he was wrapped in bubble wrap. I don’t want to be associated with the likes of him so I discard my protective layer.  I return my attention to the other end of the field where Hermione stands with the flare, and off it goes. I must’ve been disassociating during the count down. I feel the wind of the others taking off before I see the bristles of their brooms when they speed past me. Shit. I take off as fast as I can, but I am not too concerned about the starting line. Anyone can get up, its staying there that’s the problem. 
The first obstacle is the peaks of the school, where we stand the danger of Mr. Fletcher seeing us and everyone getting in trouble. This obstacle is more about stealth than speed, you could speed right through the peaks, but you would certain alarm everyone inside the castle. The trick to making it without being seen is to pay attention and roof hop, taking a break to wait out anyone who may see you. I can see ahead of me where two Gryffindor flyers drop altitude instantly, nearly getting caught. I swerve away from that tower and loop around the other way, hopping off the roof after checking the next peak. When I emerge from the other side of the peaks I see Harry far ahead, Ronald right behind him, and Blaise  on their tail. either no one else made it through, or they are behind me, because no one would be ahead of Harry. We approach Hagrids hut and drop down low for the loop, I see Blaise take the turn too tightly and have to drop to the ground to prevent himself from going tip over tail. Ronald falls behind me as he flew too close to the hippogriff and got the tail of his broom snipped out. The race is between Harry and I as we approach the womping willow. It is especially crabby today it seems, or perhaps that was just because I was actually flying closer too it and not away from it the way I would have preferred. As we near the willow I am close enough that I could grab the bristles on Harry’s broom if I wanted to. I follow his maneuvers dodging the willows grasps. There is no denying that when it comes to agility Harry has an edge on me. There is no doubt that James took the time to train him personally. Despite all his preparation I see Harry narrowly avoid getting swept by a branch, which meant I had no time to avoid the branch at all. The willow makes contact with my broom and sends me plummeting to the ground. I’d rather jump and break something, that be strangled by a tree. The impact knocks the breath out of me, and the pain floods my body. My vision goes black and once again I feel like I am in bed, floating into nothingness. 
“Draco?!?!” I hear Harry’s voice calling out to me, but I don’t respond. Blaise wont fool me again. He just wants me to wake up from my peaceful nothingness. Then the pain hits me and I remember what happened. I open my eyes to see a sweaty and shirtless Harry tying my arm in a makeshift sling. “Draco.. please say something..” He mutters as he struggles with the knot. 
“Ouch you bloody bastard, that fucking hurts!” I squeak as he tightens it too much. Despite my pain I see a look of relief cloud his face. “Other than your arm, what hurts? I can’t tell if anything else is broken. I already have Ron and Blaise going to get a teacher. I am so sorry Draco, it wasn’t suppose to happen like this!” Harry is running his sentences together as he is frantically searching me over for any other damages. Everything hurts, but what I feel the most is the throbbing in my chest. Did I really have to almost die for him to say my name in such a caring way? I don’t want to be here, it hurts to see him like this knowing it is just me that is feeling this way. “Professor Snape!” Harry yells as Severus approaches with Ron and Blaise right behind him. I see Rus reach for his wand and the next thing I know Harry is swept away from me by an unseen force, flown at least three yards away. “Harry Potter! What have you done now?!” Severus yells, abnormally angry. He turns his attention toward me, worry lines streaking his face. He looks me over and his face softens. A wave of his wand and I feel a million times better. He leans down next to me and whispers, “You’ll be okay Draco, I’ll take care of this”. He turns his attention to Harry, “While I transport this young man who could very well be crippled, I’d recommend you contact your parents before I get the chance. Let them know I expect to be seeing them soon.” Severus knows better than to touch me, so he makes me float using Hermione's favorite spell. He must have cast a different spell as well, because the last thing I see is Harry’s terrified face as Severus brings me back toward the castle. 
I wake up to a sudden jolt of pain coming from, well, everywhere. The most prominent pain is coming from my right arm. I sit up to exam the damage, but to my surprise I see none other than Hermione Granger sitting next to my bed in the infirmary, reading of course. Without a word she raises her hand and indicated the number 1, probably to suggest “one minute”. I wait for her to finish her page. 
“I know about you and Harry.” She announces bluntly as she closes her book carefully. She is smart, but she can’t possibly be that smart. “Well, yes, I assume you would know about how he got me clobbered by a tree. You were there.” I try and dismiss her suspicious words. She does not buy a word of it. “No, you twit, I know about you two’s past, and I am willing to bet that your annoying behavior is because you still have feelings for him.” She states it so matter o’ factly that I am left speechless. She rolls her eyes and gets up to leave, “Well, I sure hope that is the case. Him and I broke up you see. After I found out the only reason he wanted to be with me is because I am smart enough to brew a Polyjuice potion of you so he can fuck it, I decided maybe I should be with someone who was actually attracted to me.” She walks away without giving me a chance to argue, or well, say anything at all really. He does what?  She runs into someone at the door and I hear them exchange words, and to my surprise the next person to walk in is Harry Fucking Potter. He stands awkwardly at the end of my bed for what feels like an eternity before asking, “how are you feeling?”. Despite his concern, he wont make eye contact with me. He doesn’t even seem like he wants to be here. I sink back into the bed and roll away from him. “You can go, I am fine. I bet your friends are lost without you.” I bite my tongue at the end, knowing that isn’t how I feel. I feel the bed shift as he sits down on the edge. 
“Draco.. I don’t want to go. I feel terrible about what happened, and I Hermione just told me that you know about.. me, or us, or however you want to say it, and what I am trying to say is, “ He takes a deep breath, “Draco I am so sorry. I know your father doesn’t want me around you, but it hurts to see you like this, and it hurts to not be with you.”. His voice got weak as he finished his sentence. His hand grabbed my leg and squeezed it. It’d been forever since I had felt his warmth. 
I can’t. 
I can’t. I can’t.  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’tIcantIcantICANTICANTICANTICANT! 
Why? Why does he have to do this? Why does he have to hurt me like this? What does this all mean? Does he think that because he said sorry I can just roll over and pretend the last two years never happened?! HE LEFT ME! He hurt me! He got me hurt! When I lost him, I lost the love for myself as well. How can he say those things to someone who is just a shell? 
I start breathing desperately, my heart racing and my head flooding with these thoughts. I can’t control it, I can’t stop it, and I can’t move. I want to reach out to him, to grab his hand, to push him away, I don’t know!  
“Mr. Potter, now would be a good time for you to leave.” Severus’s calming voice announces over the hallway in the infirmary. I hear his footsteps swiften towards us. “Proffessor Snape I was only-” Harry starts, but gets interrupted by a stern and almost hissing whisper, “No, Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy’s parents are heading this way, I strongly recommend you make it as if you were never here. Do you understand?”. That very much so sounded like a threat. “Of course, I’m sorry... Please take care of him!”. Harry runs down the hallway and I hear the door slam before Severus addresses me. He kneels beside the bed to be face to face with me. “Draco, I’m so sorry. Deep breaths”. He says gently as he wipes away tears that I didn’t know I had. “Don’t worry about your parents. I will tell them now is a bad time. We will all reconvene at my house this evening once you recover from the healing spell. You can ask them about what Mr. Potter said if you must, I will protect you. Always.” He gently kisses my forehead and leaves silently, leaving me to suffer, as always. 
It's painfully awkward sitting at dinner with my parents and Severus. He was able to fix my arm, but it left me what could only be described as the largest hangover one has ever suffered. To top it off, since I was okay physically, my father was going to make sure I wasn't okay emotionally or mentally. He'd done nothing but berate me for causing a scene. I zone out of his rants and stare down at where Severus is squeezing my knee. He is trying to be supportive, but all I can notice is a strange tattoo on his arm that wasn't there before.
"Severus, what is this?" I ask as I drag my fingers over the snake that's wrapped around a skull. It graces his forearm so delicately, it really adds to his aesthetic. My father looks appalled at my blatant change of topic, and Severus looks panicked. He tries to cover it with his sleeve, but father stops him. "Severus Snape, is that the reaction to my spell?" Father stairs him down.
"Yes, my lord. I've no excuses for my behaviour. I will only say that never once have I sought to harm Draco. I've had his best interests in mind, always." Severus hangs his head as he finishes his sentence, knowing what he has just admitted.
"Draco, that mark - or something definitive, will appear on anyone you've had relations with." Father waves his hand towards Severus's arm as he struggles to remain calm. Mother chokes down a sob. "I had my suspicions about the Potter child, but I suppose this confirms that you are exactly the deviant whore I assumed you to be." I- wait, Harry? He knew about us? If he did something like this, something permanent to someone who worshipped him, then what did he do to Harry?
"Father! Tell me, is Harry's scar because of this?!". I grab Severus's hand and squeeze it, needing all the support from him that I can get in this challenging moment. Bever had I spoken againt father, but this was going too far!
"Of course. Are you really that daft to think he spontaneously manifested such an atrocious mark? Honestly Draco, to think you've tainted a wizard of such nobilty, and to include Severus on your path of destruction. I am ashamed to call you my son." Lucious stands to leave, grabbing Narcissa by the arm and dragging her with him. I never thought it would come to this, I knew father could be nasty, but I never believed he would be this way towards me. Everything I did was to make him look to, to do the Malfoy name proud. Yet he can't even let me love who I want to love? I want to chase after him but Severus weighs me down in my chair. "Don't Draco, let him cool off before you try anything. It wont end well if you pursue him now.".
The next day at school I can't help but stair at Harry's scar in every shared class. Severus explained how the curse worked, he explained that the mark would burn and feel as if it were festering when the host was around me. He explained that the reason Harry grew distant was because of my father and James Potter deciding to seperate us by any means necessary. Severus only learned about this after he began tutoring me and learned of my heart break. I still couldn't bring myself to speak to him. I don't know whether I feel betrayed, or heart broken. I don't know where I will go when the weekend comes, because I can't go home, or to Severus's, and I can't stay here. The library seems like the only logical option to kill a little bit of time at before finding a place to spend the night.
"Draco?" Before I even look, I know it is Harry who has joined me in the endless rows of books. "Draco.. I am so sorry. I hope you're okay. I hope Luscious didn't.. do anything, to you. Like he used to-" "STOP" I can't take this anymore! "Did you know? About the curse, about our fathers, and what he would do? This whole time were you just hiding from my reality?!" He is standing right here in front of me but as I yell at him I only stare at the scar on his forehead, knowing it must be throbbing.
"I knew.. after it appeared, they explained it to me. They said it was what you wanted, and that this would help us distance ourselves." He steps closer to me, reaching out for me. "But I knew it couldn't have been true. I figured it out after you started getting so familiar with Professor Snape. I tried asking my father about it and he told me the truth, but I thought you'd moved on so I didn't want you to have to choose.", he grabs my hand and holds it close to his chest. "But I'm done waiting. I don't think you've moved on, I just think you're too afraid to be yourself. So stop me if this isn't what you want." The last words are practically a whisper as his lips close in on mine. It'd been so long since I'd felt his touch, let alone his kiss. He starts out soft and sweet, lingering to feel the softness of my lips. When I don't fight his kiss, he gets more aggressive, his tongue parting my lips and finding mine. He grabs the back of my head and laces his fingers through my hair, cushioning the impact of him pushing my into the bookshelf. "Draco~" he mutters my name as he leans into me. I can feel his hard on pressing against me. "Fuck Draco", he lips press against my neck as he kisses me intensely, trying to leave a mark. "I've never stopped wanting you", he bites me gently, "I never let you get taken from me again".
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writemoment · 4 years
A Pick Me Up Pt.2
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 2/3
Previous Parts: 1
Summary:  {Request @incorrect-artist} “I was wondering if you could do (maybe a series) about the reader moving to a new town and almost getting mugged but newt saves her and becomes her bodyguard but falls for her or something like that.”
Pairing: TMR Newt x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Rated: light PTSD (over the attempted mugging), figuring out life and light fluff.
Word Count: 4,079
A/N: I’m so sorry that it has taken so long! I’ve had a lot of chaos in my life and it made writing really difficult for me. Thank you for stopping by to read this! xx
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( Reader ) P.O.V.
An array of blues, blacks and purples blossomed in soft petals over my knuckles. The ice I had put on it last night didn’t do much in subduing the swell of my inflamed skin. It was cracked and caked in dried blood that had scabbed over during the night. My wince is obvious as I try to move my predominant hand.
There’s a knock on the door and I know it’s Newt come to get me. He had texted me that he was on his way. I call to him that it’s unlocked as I stand in the kitchen, bottle of peroxide in hand. There’s the sound of the door closing behind him and he walks over to me just as I pour the clear liquid over my skin.
My teeth grit, air being sucked through the spaces in between as I endure the sting of the antiseptic. White, frothy bubbles hiss as it kisses away the dirt and softens the buildup of red that had layered over the cuts.
“Do you need help?” I hear him ask as I fumble with the roll of gauze, struggling to untangle it from it’s sphere.
Huffing with a smile, I give in, “Please.” My eyes catch a glimpse of his fleeting smile before landing on his own matching blue, black scab decorating his high cheekbone. “Though, I should be asking the same with you.”
His digits grasp me softly and he gently wraps the gauze securely over my offended flesh. I try to quell the hisses of pain that threaten to spill from my lips, though I’m not doing very well since Newt’s eyes are clouded with quiet apologies. “I’m okay. Just a little sore, that is.”
“Can I at least put a band-aid on you? It’d make me feel better.” He regards me carefully, watching me in his debate. “No princess or colorful ones, I swear!” This makes the corner of his mouth tilt up and I know I’ve won.
I’m cautious of his handiwork as I rummage through the first aid kit and pull out antibiotic cream alongside a plain bandage. He raises a brow at me but ultimately doesn’t say anything. I suppose he’s choosing his battles wisely.
The dollop of thick ointment feels heavy as I swipe it over his cut, smearing it gently as I go. He, unlike me, doesn’t even flinch at the contact. Even so, I try to glide my fingers just on the surface of his skin. He’s so close to me, I can feel the puff of his breath of my cupids bow. His eyes watch me, the caramel flecks shining in the rays peaking through the window.
The whole ordeal becomes too overwhelming too soon. I quickly place the wanna-be-skin-toned bandage over his cheek and back away to admire my work. “Perfect.” I mumble to myself.
Newt chuckles, shaking his head to hide it. “Are you ready to go?” My hands fist at my pants in an attempt to dry the clamminess that has started to overtake my palms. I nod once. I grab my things before following him out to his vehicle. 
The world seems less menacing in the daylight and Newt appears more boyish than he did last night. Earth mixed with the cool breeze fills my nostrils. It almost makes me forget the throbbing that’s radiating up to my wrist.
Last night feels like such a long time ago. My dreams were infected with the weight of what happened and my awakenings ached with fresh reminders. The entire event was on a diced-up replay behind my lids. It was hard to get much sleep despite the utter exhaustion that hung like a heavy fur coat over my being.
Seeing Newt and having him here beside me brings a settling peacefulness. Perhaps it’s the innocent freckles that are sprinkled over his nose or the warmth that pools in his brown eyes but I feel safe with him. There’s a trust that’s draped over my image of him and I suppose that’s why I find myself being most friendly despite not being well acquainted.
Music plays low in his speakers as we drive. The melodic sound gets swept away and carried out into the waiting world through the rolled down windows. The wind lashes my unruly locks around my face and I smile at the comfort of familiarity. With so much change happening in my life, it’s good to sometimes relish in the everyday things.
I catch Newt glancing at me. His golden brown hair is tousled and his face is rid of the harsh lines of worry he had been wearing on our last encounter. In this setting, he almost looks beautiful. In all the boyish charm and sharp handsome, he somehow struck me as a kind of anomaly. It intrigued me.
“What are you thinking about?” He finally asks. There’s a tone in his voice that makes me believe that he’s genuinely curious. He’s not trying to break the silence or cut through any awkward tension, he simply wants to know.
I’m not nearly brave enough to try and explain my thoughts about him. I wrestle with a way to reword my thinking into simple terms that won’t seem peculiar. “I’m thinking about how nice this is. Just driving. Feeling the sun on my face. It’s relaxing.” It’s also true.
“I’m glad.” That’s all he says. I might feel a bit disappointed if I didn’t notice his posture change and the way his thumbs drum against the steering wheel in time with the song.
Having company on the way back into the city took away that sharp edge of nerves that sliced at the insides of my stomach. Even when my car came into view, I felt reassured that someone was there to help me. I was grateful that that someone was Newt.
It took him no time to jump my car and get it started. It squealed in delight and roared to life, breathing in the energy radiating through it with a gravelly purr. We didn’t linger for too long and I found myself slumping at the relief of it. I can’t be positive but I’m sure Newt was being considerate of my feelings, now stained, of this area of the city.
Newt invited me over to his place to hang out, which I accepted with the knowledge that Brenda was going to be there. I followed his vehicle as it weaved through traffic on the cracked, worn down road. My hand ached as it firmly held the steering wheel, my fingers felt stiff and tight.
The farther we got from the city, the more my body sagged from the tension leaving it. I hummed along to whatever popular bop was playing on a random station and let the passing wind carry my worries away. At least for a bit.
His apartment was also located in Glade, maybe a ten minute drive from my place. Brenda had mentioned last night that he was roommates with another one of her friends. I figured it was probably as good of a time as ever to make more connections in this area.
I wasn’t particularly nervous. But there was a constant thread being pulled at in my mind; be yourself but make a good impression- make a good impression. I tried to heed it’s advice while trying to remain calm. Even if everything went to rubbish, I would have Brenda to fall back on. And Newt.
The flat was similar to mine, though in a bit of a better condition. Newt fell into step beside me as we walked over. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
His shoulders bunch up in a non-committal gesture but he doesn’t elaborate. There’s murmurs and laughter emitting from behind the door. It, despite my best efforts, makes my heart rate spike just a bit faster. 
Okay, maybe I am just a bit nervous.
Newt gives me a sideways glance before pushing his way through into the living room. There’s a jumble of greetings from the small group scattered through the place. Brenda hops up from the couch to pull me further inside with an arm linked through mine.
“I’m so glad you’re here! I want you to meet everyone!” Her smile is contagious and I let her drag me into the kitchen. “Thomas! This is my friend Y/n!” Brenda introduces us.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n. Brenda has told me about you! Welcome to Glade.” Another person walks into the small kitchen and I’m introduced to him as well. Minho is his name.
“Did you guys see the shiner that Newt’s sporting?” Minho inquires with amusement in his voice. Though he’s being playful, - and probably doesn’t know about what happened- it feels like a bucket of ice water was dumped over me.
Brenda looks at me worriedly but my eyes are already scanning for Newt. I find him talking to a girl in the living room. Even with the band-aid, the mark demands attention and it’s getting just so. There’s a pang of, what I can only assume is, guilt as I watch him converse.
His eyes catch mine and his brows furrow. Looking away, I try to shake my emotions off. Minho and Thomas are engaging in a lighthearted argument as Brenda steers me away. Before we get too far, Thomas sends me an apologetic look.
“Thomas is Newt’s roommate,” Brenda explains as we step outside the back door. “He knows about last night. Minho and Teresa don’t know what happened- Minho didn’t mean anything by what he said.”
“I know. I’m not... offended. I just still feel a bit off, that’s all.” It finally dawns on me as to why Newt asked if I were okay earlier. Truthfully, I’m not entirely sure what I am right now. “I just want to go back in there and try to enjoy myself.”
Brenda looks weary but doesn’t try to change my mind. “You have me by your side. And don’t worry about Minho- He’s always getting himself into trouble without knowing it.” I force a half smile at her.
Just before we step back into the company of others, the girl - Teresa - marches out the door to meet us. We’re quickly introduced before we start a light conversation between the three of us.
My mind is barely registering anything that’s being said and I pray that my responses don’t indicate how scatter-brained I currently am. I can see the kitchen from this angle and spot the three guys talking inside. The hair on the back of my neck rises as it feels Newt trying to catch my gaze. I avoid him as best as I can but not before seeing his lips pull into a thin, tight line.
I don’t know exactly why I choose this behavior. Somewhere, deep inside, I suppose I don’t want his reassurance or questioning expression. I don’t want Newt, or Brenda for that matter, to become a crutch. Yet, I feel so small in this moment and my mind spins me dizzy.
All the relief that I had previously felt while sitting next to Newt in the car has disappeared. My comfort has been swept away with the wind and I no longer feel the ease that had been smoothing over my face earlier.
There’s a fog settled over me and I know it’s doing me no good to persevere at this rate. “I’m not feeling too good. I think I should head on home. It was a pleasure meeting you, Teresa.” I intervene into whatever context I wasn’t apart of.
Teresa nods in understanding, bidding me a safe drive home. ���Do you want me to go with you?” Brenda asks, following me just out of range for anyone else to hear. But I shake my head before reassuring her with a promise to text her later.
I throw my goodbye into the general direction of the boys in hopes to make a swift exit. It doesn’t work. “You’re leaving so soon?” Minho asks with a blue solo cup angled at me.
Again, my lips spew my excuses and apologies. Newt eyes me, almost as if conducting a silent conversation; What’s wrong?
Nothing, my eyes seem to exasperatedly sigh at him. Though the lie must be as obvious as it tastes. I don’t understand why- I don’t owe any explanation to Newt or anyone else.
He quirks a brow at me, the harsh lines returning to his once boyish features. You can’t expect me to believe that. His arms cross over his chest.
My eyes harden- No. That’s what I expect you to accept from me. Believe what you want. My mood instantly sours and I hate the feelings that have overtaken.
Newt’s arms fall to his sides and his eyes soften. I can’t bear the way he’s looking at me any longer. Thomas and Minho express their ‘get better’s’ weaved in with their eyes. I tuck a tight-lipped smile into the envelope sealing my first impressions and steer my way out of there.
I half expect Newt to follow me out, but I plop into the comfort of my car with no shadow attached. The silence is deafening and I welcome it, even focus on it. I know this is just a reprieve to the chaos my thoughts will bring later on.
Huffing loudly, I start my car and drive my way back home. 
Sweat coats in a thin layer on my flesh. The bed sheets are rumpled and tugged from their corners. I thrash at the dreams that convulse my body, panicked groans escaping my parted lips.
My body jerks up in a demented angle, startling at the shattering plunge into consciousness. Cold sweat beads atop my skin, weeping down my curves and dividing between the ravine of crevices. It leaves a sickly film behind and my clothes cling to it. There’s the pounding of blood in my ears and I can not register anything other than my shallow breaths.
In the soft glow of the room, the bright green of the digital clock draws my attention to the time; 5AM. I gulp down air but it feels rough against my sandpaper tongue- smothering me. Rolling from the mattress, I steer myself into the kitchen. Even when I eventually manage to get cold water to slip down my throat, it feels thick and has the consistency of sludge in my mouth. It coats my esophagus in a slimy slick.
My dream has vanished. A mixture of memory with magnified horrors of make-believe. I can’t even really recall the details of the phenomenon, just the terror that gripped me with it’s icy claws.
I slip my phone from where it’s plugged in and slide open a message tab to Brenda: Are you awake?
Fifteen minutes pass with no response. She must still be asleep. And how could I blame her? It’s an ungodly hour to be awake for any reason. Yet, I know that I won’t be able to lay back down to get anymore shut eye.
There’s this need that’s scratching me from the inside. It feels like glass brushing up against my inner walls. It’s a need to talk, to be listened to more than just heard. To be understood,-  but mostly - to understand. 
It’s been almost a week since the party at Newt’s and Thomas’s. Almost a week since I turned away Newt’s attempt to help. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since. And it’s nagged at me.
Sure, I’ve gone to work and gone out to hang with Brenda- but it was always tugging at me in the bouts of silence that leaked between all of that. It wasn’t anything I could explain further than the fact that he was there that night. Newt holds that experience with me and it feels as if he would be able to partially understand the toll it has taken on me.
I slide over to his name in my phone. Before I can talk myself out of it, I type out my message and hit send. Hey, Newt. Are you awake?
There’s an electricity thrumming through my veins as I lean against the cool surface of my kitchen sink. The dark diminishes as the sun rises, claiming it’s vibrancy from the monochrome night. 
The buzz is muffled by my palm. I check my lit-up screen to see Newt’s name beside a new message. Are you alright?
Am I alright? I wasn’t sure but I wasn’t in any danger. Texts can so often be misconstrued and I that’s the last thing I need right now. Yeah... I can’t sleep. I was wondering if you wanted to talk?
I almost expected him to brush me off, to tuck his phone back into it’s resting nook and not give me another thought. I wouldn’t have blamed him after my childish behavior at the party the other day. 
Everyday brings a new lesson for me to learn. True. But that doesn’t mean that I still don’t get crushed underneath the pressures of my life. I know I could have handled all of this better but I’m still learning. I swear I’m trying.
My disappointment has slipped into my throat, lodged in a great heap that has me swallowing thickly. The hand cradling my phone falls limp at my side just as the device begins to bellow it’s tone.
I jump and drop the ringing cell that’s crying loudly through the once quiet room. My hands skitter across the linoleum floor and I thumb the green answer button as I scoop it to my ear. “Hello?”
It’s Newt.
And just like before, he’s a beacon of peace and comfort in the rapids of my chaos. As a loose a greeting in the early morning light, I find my heart flutters for an entirely different reason than before.
Two hours.
Newt listened and spoke and related and laughed with me. He was patient and he was caring. The more I learned about him the less I felt alone. We weren’t the same and our destinies weren’t connected through some phenomenon. We were just two people who were able to find a friend in one another. A confidant.
We didn’t have crazy similar backgrounds or stories, but we had both learned life lessons. We have both become empathetic as our own paths were etched. I think that’s what I appreciated the most about Newt. He didn’t know how to pick me up, he just wanted to.
It wasn’t until Brenda knocked on my door that we were whisked back into the present. Newt had to get ready for work. “Okay- Thanks for being here for me, Newt. I appreciate it.” Brenda waltzes past me as I’m holding the front door open and I can smell that she’s packed breakfast.
“It was my pleasure. I enjoy getting to know you better.” I try to repress my smile with the knowledge that Brenda has a hawk-like gaze trained on me. “Listen, Y/n- Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow? My treat.” He tacked the last line sloppily on the end, as if I needed to be convinced.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that a lot.” 
A shiver kisses my skin as I hear the smile in his voice. “Good that. I’ll talk to you soon.” I suck my lip between my teeth while hanging up. Brenda has an eyebrow arched at me so high that it almost gets lost in her hairline.
She shakes her head. “Oh nothing....” She claims but starts humming the kissing song underneath her breath. I throw an oven mitt at her as I feel my face flush crimson. “C’mon! You’re totally smitten with him. It’s obvious.”
“Am not,” I counter but the words feel forced. After a pause, I ask, “Is it seriously that obvious?” Brenda nods sympathetically and I groan. The embarrassment makes me feel like a kid again.
It’s been so long since I had last had a crush. I don’t know what to do or how to act. There is no rule book for me to review or any way that I can go about this ‘the right way’. That alone keeps me on my toes.
“Don’t stress, Y/n. He likes you, too.”
I think she’s trying to help but it has the opposite effect. If he likes me now with barely any knowledge of me, it will make it worse if those feelings dissipate with time. What will I do then if the real me is rejected? I’m not sure. I hate being unsure.
But I don’t voice these concerns. Instead, I smile at her. “Thank you. You’re the best.” Because she is and she deserves to know. Brenda grins brightly as she hands me breakfast. “So... Would you be up to helping me pick an outfit out for my dinner with Newt?”
She looks over the moon as she replies, “Yes. Yes, I would.”
The next evening came in a blur of nervous jitters and excited chatter. I didn’t know what to expect when it came to something like this. Especially with Newt. Brenda and I talked a bit about how I had acted at the party. Though I had reasons to feel out of control, we both agreed I should have handled the situation better. She emphasized on open communication.
“What if my thoughts don’t make sense,” I had asked, “And it leaves me feeling foolish?”
She seemed thoughtful as she replied, “You felt foolish after keeping them in, too. At least when you voice your worries, there is someone to redirect your feelings.”
So that’s what I’m going to be working on a lot more. Being on my own has taught me that being an ‘adult’ isn’t about knowing everything and being this super confident being. It’s about learning and picking yourself up with your head held high. We’re all struggling in some way and that’s just life.
I sat on the couch thinking about this while waiting for Newt. My mascara dipped eyelashes fluttered against rosy cheeks, eyes directed in a downcast as I continue to get lost in thought. 
It isn’t until the bright flash of headlights cut across my window that I swim my way out of the reverie I was in. There’s the distinct sound of a car door shutting and I quickly do a once-over to straighten myself before answering the knocking.
Newt looks sheepish but sharply handsome as he leans against the frame in a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbow and dark jeans hugging his hips. He’s breathtaking. “Wow.” That one word has me viewing my own casual-sleek attire with nervousness. But he doesn’t even let me be critical, “You look amazing.”
My lips curl into a blooming smile, “I suppose you don’t look too bad yourself.” Teasing him is my best form of flattery and my chest grows tight at the amused smirk he bestows upon me.
Locking the door behind me, we swiftly enter the car with excited quiet settled between us. There’s a chemistry that sparks in the atmosphere and it makes me acutely aware of how close he is. It makes me wonder if he notices or feels it, too.
Our eyes keep locking with each other and we both laugh nervously. I’ve never felt this way around someone. These conflicting emotions of calm and jittery are making me feel light headed in the best way. Pondering what Brenda and I spoke about, I decide to tell Newt how I’m feeling.
“I’ve never done this before. I’m not sure how to act.” Newt glances over to me before returning his eyes to the road. “What I mean is- I’m excited and nervous. I hope that my emotions are conveying correctly.”
His lips pull up, “You’re doing a fine job.  And if it helps, I’m excited and nervous, too.” There’s a sparkle in his eye as he smiles at me. It’s everything I didn’t realize I needed to hear. Newt refocuses on the road and my emotions start to focus in on one. Excitement.
As we pull up to the restaurant, one word pops into my head; Safe. With Newt I feel excited and safe. He makes quick work of parking the car before jumping out to open my door. And as I slide my hand into his, I know that there isn’t anywhere else I would rather be.
Part Three {Ending}
Masterlist Here
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long! I was having a tough time sorting out my thoughts and emotions so I kind of let them leak through into the story...sorry? Haha. Thank you for hanging in there with me! I know this isn’t the most exciting story but I hope you like it. - Ellie-Mae xx
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Can you make a scene where Snake currently wrestling against a muscular wrestler where Snake in a somehow got caught up in a Full Nelson hold and is struggling to get out. Try to make detail the moment he is about to caught up in the hold.
I did my best, and I really hope it’s ok! I had a lot of fun with this actually
it got longer than I planned!
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Why it was decided that SNAKE would be a good person to assist in the newbie’s act is beyond him. (They usually pick volunteers from the audience, so this makes no sense.)
(Name) joined the circus to show off their strength for any audience that would have them, and when Snake steps into the ring for a fight of sorts, he can see why Joker wanted them here. Though it’s not to the point that it’s exaggerated, their muscles are certainly the most remarkable thing about them, well-defined and certainly the first thing someone would notice. They’re nothing like any of the others he’s ever seen, first-stringers or second-stringers ― except for maybe Jumbo, and even his muscles aren’t quite like (Name)’s.
Snake can only hope his face doesn’t flush in any perceptible way as he lets his eyes roam over their body. They’re… lovely, he has to admit. Even among the other circus members, he doesn’t feel like anyone would look at him thatway, so he knows it would be best not to advertise that he thinks someone else is attractive; it would only open him up to being made fun of.
He hears Joker calling out to tonight’s audience, introducing the act, being charming as he details what’s going to happen, audibly wondering who’s going to win, and Snake can’t help himself from wondering about (Name)’s past. How did they develop themselves like this? What have they been through? Do they really just want to display their strength?
Oscar hisses in his ear. “Oh, please. If you looked like that, wouldn’t you want everyone to pay attention to you?”
Of course, that’s something he can’t deny. It’s just that after the life he’s lived and the way he looks, he can’t imagine wanting anyone to look at him. It makes him think maybe it’s all about how it makes (Name) feel about themselves. To conquer people through force like that and have an audience cheering for them, to know without a doubt that they have triumphed over another person,must be a huge rush of confidence.
Snake doesn’t think he would ever seek that out himself, but he can see why someone else would.
Joker steps out of the ring’s center, tells the two of them that he wants a good, clean fight, with no holding back and no cheating, and as soon as he shouts, “Go!”, the match has begun.
For the first several minutes, it seems like they may be evenly matched. Joker allowed Snake to use three of his snakes during the match, with the reasonable stipulation that they be nonvenomous and Snake told them not to bite or cause serious harm, so Oscar, Wilde, and Keats are slithering about both fighters’ feet in an effort to help their owner. The style (Name) uses reminds Snake of some of the performers at the circus he spent his childhood in; the strongmen who were often kind to him, who fought with their bare hands, who put focus oncapturing their opponents and holding them tightly so they would submit.
That’s the way (Name) is fighting. Their hands grapple at his wrists, effectively trying to get him pinned so he has no choice but to concede defeat. Though they try a few unexpected moves, the fact that Snake is somewhat familiar with their style and that the serpents are doing their best to distract (Name) means that they haven’t been able to get a grip on him yet.
He notices as he looks around that (Name) doesn’t appear to be the slightest bit afraid of the snakes. That Oscar is wrapping around their leg doesn’t even seem to faze them. It gives him pause, because people have always been terrified of his friends. Not even the other first-stringers are entirely comfortable with them. If (Name) is at all uncomfortable, they’re not showing it.
His moment of surprise about that costs him.
In the span of a few seconds, he’s knocked down onto the ground, rolled to his stomach, and pulled in by his opponent. (Name) hooks both of their arms under Snake, and before he can even try to move, they’ve locked their hands behind his head. He can hear the crowd gasping and yelling encouragements at both of them as (Name)’s knuckles pushing against the base of his skull.
He’s doing his best to wriggle out of the hold, but he’s stunned by the whole situation. They’re so close to him. This is closer than he’s ever been to anyone before, yet it doesn’t seem to bother them. He feels more anxious about being so close to someone than about almost anything else, and they’re acting like it’s no big deal.
Then it occurs to him that they’ve done this before. How many times? Dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands? They’ve been making a living out of wrestling people to the ground, holding them tightly, pressing up against them. That’s exactly what they’re doing to him. It’s nothing they haven’t done before numerous times. Of course they don’t think it’s anything to get worked up over.
As far as Snake goes, though, he’s flushed not only in his cheeks, but all the way down to his neck.
Is it strange that he finds this position the slightest bit comforting? He’s wrapped up in someone else, being held against their chest, and it’s… it’s kind of cozy. If they weren’t putting on a show, he might actually lean in further. Without all the eyes on the two of them, this would feel incredibly secure, intimate, even sort of affectionate.
“Finally gotcha, handsome,” (Name) whispers, their breath warm against theshell of his ear. The word handsome is even more flustering than this closeness. He can feel each of their knees nudging lightly against the side of his, gently holding his legs together to prevent him being able to move them.
A stream of soft hisses leaves him, mixed with a low whining growl. Even though this isn’t so bad, he should still do his best for everyone watching. That said… it would be more impressive for (Name) to win their first match against one of the first-stringers, and all things considered, Snake is not a wealth of power like they are. It feels like his own muscles are trembling and starting to get sore just from the struggle of trying to break free.
(Name) coos in response and moves their locked hands down slightly, fingertips brushing against the back of his neck. “You’re doing great. This is a really good match. Would you mind, though, telling your friend around my leg to ease up a bit? He’s very strong, and I think constricting me to numbness would count as cheating.”
Snake can’t see which of the snakes is around their leg, but he knows they’re right. Even if it’s not technically cheating, it’s in bad taste. He hisses again, sending a message to whoever’s down there to loosen their grip.
The sigh (Name) gives sounds very relieving, so he can assume whicheverserpent was there has listened to him. “Thank you, love. Are you doing okay? I’m not hurting you, am I? You’re shaking a little.”
“Hff… have to… do my best…” he murmurs. Hopefully they know what he means. It’s shocking, too, that they seem to be concerned about him. Isn’thurting him the point of this? How are they so perceptive to realize that he’s starting to run out of steam?
“Well, maybe this was your best.” They shift around a bit on top of him, and it feels like they arch their back to aim a winning smile at the audience before flattening their chest against his back again. “Don’t feel like you have to keep going if you’re too tired. This isn’t a fight for your life. It’s okay if this is your limit, you know? You’re trained for something different than I am. I don’t want tohurt you, so just submit if you feel like going any longer is going to hurt you ―okay?”
He doesn’t understand how they’ve reached into his mind and offered him things he needed to hear. Things were different before he came to this troupe; he got so used to needing to do a good job, sometimes he forgets that a failure isn’t a death sentence. Failing at something that isn’t even his specialty won’tresult in being beaten or denied food or being called terrible names.
And anyway, this is all an act. It’s not a battle for survival. (Name) doesn’t want to hurt him. They just want to put on a show for the audience. If the clapping and cheering are any indication, they’re satisfied that they’ve done that and they don’t want to put Snake in danger because he thinks he needs to escape their hold or that he’s required to use every single bit of his energy to do so.
In reality, it’s probably only a moment that passes as the two of them are still lying on the ground. It feels like so much longer. At last, he gives a slow nod of his head, then lets himself go limp.
He’s done, and that’s okay.
What follows is a blur. (Name) is very cautious in releasing their hold so that they don’t harm Snake at all, and they’re in the process of trying to help him up when Joker pulls the both of them by one arm each into the spotlight. He raises (Name)’s arm first, shouting that the newcomer is victorious, then he raises Snake’s arm so that audience can congratulate him on a job well done.
When the crowd calms down enough that they’re ready for the next act, both (Name) and Snake head back to help with preparations for their coworkers’ shows. By the time he notices that (Name)’s shoulder is nudging against his, it startles him to see that they’re holding Keats rather placidly, offering the serpent back. “He’s so funny,” they laugh as they transfer the snake to his owner. “I think he’s trying to tell me he’s impressed!”
“‘I’ve never seen such muscles! Snake over here is like a beanpole!’ Keats, you should just compliment them and move on.” Still, Snake sets Keats around his neck, where he dangles quite happily. “I… apologize.”
“Oh, don’t worry. Like I said, he’s very funny.” (Name) beams at him and gives him a friendly slap on the back. “And I mean what I said ― you were great out there!”
Snake gives a shrug in reply. He can tell he’s going to ache tomorrow, and he certainly wasn’t bad, but he was nowhere near their level of talent. “You still won.”
“Oh, sure, but I would be fine even if I hadn’t. That was so much fun! I think I’m going to like it here.” Without a care in the world, they drape their arm around his shoulder, being careful to avoid Keats. “We should do that again sometime.”
The corners of Snake’s mouth turn up ever so slightly.
Yes, maybe they should.
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galaxy-bread345 · 4 years
Part One: Where’s The Foundation
This is an analysis of Jak/Keira’s relationship in the Jak and Daxter series specifically why I think it doesn’t work. This analysis only covers the first three games and potentially Jak X if I feel up to it. I will not be going over The Lost Frontier cuz I don’t see it as canon and I have no desire to analyze it. I will try to keep this analysis as unbiased as possible but understand that I have biases and they may slip through.That being said if this is a important ship to you and you don’t want to read someone being critical of it, don’t. 
Ok, lets begin with the first game The Precursor Legacy. Its established early on what everyone character archetype: Jaks the main protagonist/ hero, Daxter is the comic relief/ sidekick sorry buddy you are, and Keira is the smart friend/ love interest. As we see in the first cutscene upon meeting Keira both boys are obviously infatuated with her. Daxter tries his hardest to flirt with her throughout the entire game to no avail. Keira states it very clearly: she doesn’t date animals and shows blatant disinterest to his flirting. Jak doesn’t flirt with her, hes very quiet and shy around her. We know hes interested in her because of his body language. When she flirts with him hes blushes and becomes very nervous, looking everywhere but at her. He stares at her when she gets the Blue Sage’s machine to work with a dopey look on his face. At the end of the game, Jak and Keira try to kiss which is rudely interrupted by Daxter cuz hey they just saved the world why not celebrate by kissing your crush? 
This sounds good, right? There’s just one problem: there’s no indication of a working friendship. After reviewing all of Keira’s dialogue it can be broken down into three parts: 90% of it is talking to both Jak and Daxter about the zoomer or helpful advice on how to complete tasks, 5% is responding to Daxter with a sassy remark to his flirting and the other 5% of it talking to Samos. There is only one time she directly talks to Jak and thats when she tells him to be safe after pleading with Jak and Daxter to go save her father. Keira talking about a “brave adventurer” and batting her eyelashes at Jak is a direct remark to him while answering Samos’s question but not what I would call having a conversation with him. Neither of them talk to each other or act like friends would. There’s no jokes, no activity that they both are interested in that they do together. They have interests that are associated with each other with her being a mechanic and him racing presumably. She’s not involved in his shenanigans with Daxter and he never tries to get her to come along on the adventure. She is essentially a helpful and friendly person and I hesitate to even call her a friend. This goes for both of them. Jak doesn’t go out of his way to understand her projects and he helps save her father because he’s not an asshole not yet at least  he cares about Samos and wouldn’t want anything to happen to him regardless if he was Keira’s father or not. 
Their interactions with each other revolve on the other providing a service. For Keira, its someone to test out her zoomer and to be able to work on tech. The journey isn’t personal to her until Gol and Mia capture her father and are threatening to destroy the whole world. It wasn’t personal to her when Daxter got turned into an ottsel and him remaining an ottsel doesn’t heavily effect her either. She uses the opportunity of the boys needing to travel for them to test out her zoomer. She isn’t upset at least in the beginning or even distraught over what happened to Daxter. Tbh, the only one who seemed mildly upset over what happened to Daxter is Jak. Samos isn’t so much upset as rather disappointed that they didn’t listen to him. He jokes that if Daxter were to remain an ottsel then he could take care of the village rat problem so not much sympathy there. For Jak, he has someone to give him the technology to travel and the advice on how to complete tasks. His interactions with her revolve around acquiring tools and information. Its a service that anyone can do if they are a mechanic or understand the area. So there isn’t anything keeping him emotionally invested in knowing her as a person. In a hypothetical scenario, if Jak were to leave and go on an adventure he doesn’t need Keira so long as he has someone with the tools and information to help him. We know there are other ways of traveling, mainly by boat and there are older people who have more experience and knowledge of the terrain than Keira. She is a teenager much like him so there are going to be other people in the world with a more comprehensive knowledge of it because she has not lived long enough to acquire that information and experience. 
Simply put, there is nothing keeping them together as friends. Good relationships require a good friendship and the ability to communicate with each other. They don’t do that. What they have is shallow interest in each other because they find the other attractive and useful to their own benefits. It would be incredibly easy to write Keira out of the gameplay and have her dialogue be given to another character which does not support the idea that Keira and Jak are close to one another. On the other hand, if you were to write Daxter out of the game it would change everything. Partially because the goal is to change him back but also because Jak’s friendship with him is a central aspect of the game. Jak, even though it was accidental, is the reason Daxter is an ottsel. It was Jak’s idea to go to Misty Island at night to explore it. It was Jak’s idea to continue to wonder around even though there were lurkers in the area. It was Jak who pushed Daxter into the pool of eco. Jak made a mistake but he then tried to fix it because he cares about Daxter as a person. He cares about him as a friend.  Even though it got him in trouble he still went to Samos because Samos knows more about eco than he does. Even though changing Dax back meant fighting monsters and putting himself in danger he still did that. Even though changing Dax back meant crossing a bunch of terrain and doing tasks he might not have liked i.e. mucking through boggy swamp, dealing with giant spiders, suffering the cold of the mountains because dammit he needs powercells. RACING OVER OPEN LAVA TWICE AND DEFEATING A ROCK MONSTER WHO COULD HAVE EASILY KILLED HIM IF IT WERE NOT FOR ECO!! Jak went out of his way to help Daxter and even before all that the game already establishes them as friends because not only do they converse and have direct conversations with each other but they also have similar interests (adventuring/ exploring) and are established as hanging out to the point of Jak’s Uncle seeing Jak without Daxter causes him to question where his friend is. And its a two way street. Daxter looks out for Jak. He didn’t have to sit on Jak’s shoulder and also put himself in danger. We know he’s cautious because he is constantly pointing out danger and advising against doing something stupid/ reckless. He helps collect the materials they need to power the zoomer. It would be very easy for Daxter to argue that due to the fact he is now a tiny animal that he should stay in the village, out of danger ,lets something tries to eat him. The biggest thing of all is that Daxter never holds Jak’s mistake over him. After realizing that they need the white eco to defeat Gol and Mia, Daxter agrees even though this could mean he stays an ottsel for the rest of his life. Yes, it was a life and death situation but after the fact Daxter never brings it up. (If this fact is wrong please inform me, to my knowledge Daxter never brings it up.) He never gets angry or upset or even blames Jak for what happens. They both know it was accident but that wouldn’t stop Jak from feeling guilty over completely changing Daxter’s life. It wouldn’t stop Daxter from feeling angry and hurt over suddenly no longer being human. Jak and Daxter are friends and continue to be friends regardless of what happens because they are emotionally invested in each other. They don’t need a service from each other but rather they actively choose to be there for each other. This is what makes Jak and Daxter’s friendship believable and Jak and Keira’s not. This is why in the The Precursor Legacy Jak and Keira’s relationship doesn’t work because there is no solid indication of a working friendship to begin with. 
In the next post I will go over their interactions in Jak 2
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taexual · 5 years
HOLIC - 23 | jb x reader
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pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: fluff (has holic ever had fluff as a warning) ft. a soundtrack
words: 4.9k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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You’ve never been to a recording studio before, so you didn’t know what to expect but the building looked ordinary from the outside. Not that you were hoping for flashing signs or anything, but the lack of pretentious looking artists – which, okay, was exactly what you were expecting to run into – at the lobby was somewhat surprising.
“You look disappointed,” Jaebum remarked, walking next to you and pointing at the elevator before you could wander off on your own. “Jackson’s on the seventh. Let’s not take the stairs, I’m sick of the elevator in our building not working.”
You nodded, following him. “I’m not disappointed. I just wasn’t sure what I’d see here but it’s… kind of empty.”
“Everyone’s working. They don’t come here to hang out in the hallway,” he explained, pressing the elevator button. “It’s not empty, though. As soon as we’ll get off on the seventh floor, you’ll see many people hitting their heads against the wall, trying to write song lyrics. Been there, done that.”
“Did you write your song lyrics here, too?” you asked, unable to stop yourself. No matter how hard it was for him to speak about his music, you couldn’t help but want to know more. This was the most beautiful part of him – not the mysteriousness surrounding his songs, of course, but his love for music.
“Some of them,” Jaebum revealed, tapping his hand against the wall next to the elevator door, impatiently waiting for it to open. Once it finally did, he allowed you to enter first and then followed right after, pressing the button with the appropriate number on it. “I don’t usually write my songs in the hallway, though. I write the best while I’m talking to Jackson. He has ways of stimulating my mind until I find myself turning my emotions into words I could never voice otherwise.”
You were already starting to like Jackson even though you haven’t even met him yet – then again, you’d have liked anyone who supported Jaebum’s dream, to be honest – but you were still a little cautious. After finding Mark to be extremely endearing and even befriending him, you got into a fight with Jaebum that you did not want to remember or relive in any other way. Hence why you didn’t want to come off as too eager when it came to meeting Jackson – although, really, you were dying to see the guy who helped Jaebum create his music.
“Right here,” Jaebum guided you out of the elevator and down the hallway, which was – just like he’d warned – lined with various different people, all seated on the floor or laying against the wall, nodding to themselves, notepads or laptops on their laps, thick headphones on their ears. “Don’t look them in the eye.”
You sped up, following after him. “What? Why not?”
“The ones going through writer’s block will start asking you to give them random words,” Jaebum explained, “and once you start to help them, they’ll never let you leave.”
“Huh,” you carefully looked around the hallway. “I don’t think it’s so bad here. Maybe it’s in my blood to become a lyricist.”
Jaebum turned to look at you over his shoulder, his eyes drifting to your shoulder bag which you’d unzipped to get your camera out. “No. It’s in your blood to become a photographer. Now, come on.”
He stopped suddenly, opening the door on his right, and you were immediately met with loud music – which proved that each room in this building was soundproof and, therefore, no one would have had any idea about anything that was happening in there if they didn’t peak inside; it intrigued you, really – and, only after you followed Jaebum inside, did you notice a brown-haired guy, spinning around in an office chair, seemingly oblivious to your presence.
“Jackson,” Jaebum said, closing the door after you’d entered. He wasn’t too loud so you figured his friend wouldn’t hear him over the music, but Jackson whipped his head around immediately and smiled, standing up.
“Jae!” he shouted, his enthusiastic voice easing some of your anxiety. He gave Jaebum a half-hug and then pointed at you. “Is this the girl? It better be or else we’re going to start having problems about you bringing girls over to the studio.”
Jaebum groaned. “Yes, this is the girl. Don’t you see the camera in her hands? I don’t know any other photographers.”
“Well, that offends me deeply,” Jackson frowned, “I know I might focus on music, but I can find my way around a decent camera, too,” he turned to look at you, the teasing smile he’d used for Jaebum turning into a genuine one, “hi. I’m Jackson.”
“Hi,” you shook his extended hand and introduced yourself. “Sorry if I’m bothering you by being here.”
“Not at all! I get sick of being alone with Jaebum so it’s nice to have someone else here,” Jackson replied and you saw Jaebum roll your eyes.
“Sometimes I forget why he’s my friend,” Jaebum commented as Jackson patted his shoulder in mock-affection.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you replied to your roommate, grinning as you watched him interact with Jackson. “He seems great.”
“I like her!” Jackson declared, sitting down on his chair. Aside from being talkative and easy-going, he was starting to seem hyperactive as well. Each time you blinked, he was doing something else. “Are we having a photoshoot here? Fair warning, I haven’t really brushed my hair today, I was going for a natural look.”
“Uh, well—” you hesitated, glancing at Jaebum for help – he was too busy with the equipment of the control room as he tried to turn the music down – because you weren’t sure what you should have said. “I was just about to ask if it’s really okay for me to take pictures here. I’m not sure what I’m really doing, I just want to experiment, I guess. I don’t normally photograph people, so your face might not even be visible—”
“Oh, so it’s a whole different kind of photoshoot we’re talking about here, huh?” Jackson winked, giving Jaebum a look too – and earning a glare in return. “Well, the rest of my body is much more prepared for a shoot. I even skipped lunch for this.”
“Stop messing around,” Jaebum warned him.
Jackson only laughed. “Come on, of course, it’s fine if you take pictures here. I’d love to see them once you’re done, too, if you won’t mind. I’m not a professional, but I have some photography background.”
“That’s a humble way to say his family basically owns Nikon,” Jaebum informed you.
“Uh-huh, and that’s why I am so upset to see a Canon in your hands,” Jackson nodded in the direction of the camera you were holding. “Is it any good? Did it come with this lens?”
“N-no, uh, I bought it,” you said, a little overwhelmed with everything but pleasantly surprised to find Jackson so friendly. Talking to him was like a breath of fresh air – not a single awkward moment passed between you and you’ve only met him a minute ago – and you understood that Jaebum probably purposefully chose to surround himself with people like this, because Mark was similar, too. “Would you like to see some of my old shots?”
“Yes,” Jackson nodded, not even checking what Jaebum was doing and instead, driving his office chair towards a settee by the wall of the room before indicating for you to take a seat on it. “I was just looking for a new lens for my own camera because last time, I ended up buying a fish-eye one by accident, and it’s only good for panoramic pictures. Now, while I don’t think I’m extremely bad-looking, you do not want to see what my selfies look like through a fish-eye lens.”
“Yes, because that’s the only reason why you’re looking for a lens,” came Jaebum’s input into the conversation, “to take selfies with your professional camera.”
“Absolutely,” Jackson replied, no shame in his voice whatsoever. “You have to immortalize this work of art.”
You chuckled, opening up the gallery on your camera and passing it to Jackson so he could go through it. You felt almost like you were showing your portfolio to an employer -- but if you wanted to take pictures in his studio, he had every right to know what kind of pictures you took usually -- which was nothing short of stressful.
Jackson was surprisingly quiet as he looked through your photographs, only nodding his head every once in a while, and humming something under his breath. You weren’t sure what he thought until he reached the final picture and then finally raised his eyes, passing his camera to you.
“They’re really good,” he said in an unexpectedly serious voice. Jaebum – who had already entered the studio booth and was now going through some papers – didn’t hear him, so Jackson turned around to find his friend behind the glass of the control room. “Hey, Jae! She is fantastic. You’ve never told me you knew a photography prodigy.”
Jaebum, popping his head out of the isolated booth, smiled proudly. “Jealous?”
“You’re the first talented person that has entered this studio,” Jackson told you, purposefully mocking Jaebum who just rolled his eyes—this was clearly Jaebum’s way of showing love to his friends—and returned to what he’d been doing before. “Do you perhaps sing, too?”
You laughed. “No. Not that I don’t love to yell at the top of my lungs.”
“We can work with that,” he said, giving you a smile before standing up from his chair. “You can fix your settings and go ahead and take pictures of anything you want, yeah? I’ll go check on Jaebum to make sure he doesn’t break anything.”
“I heard that!” came your roommate’s response from the booth.
“I was hoping you would!” Jackson countered, leaving you alone with your camera.
After adjusting the white balance and configuring the other basic settings to ensure the higher quality of the pictures in this specific setting, you began to photograph the room around you. Somehow, the dim lighting in the studio made the pictures come out looking almost amorous, but you went with it because, as you watched Jaebum explain his ideas to Jackson, it seemed to fit the mood.
Originally, you’d planned to only photograph inanimate objects but there were only so many pictures of the office chairs and the general equipment you could take before it started to seem repetitive, so you couldn’t help but allow your camera to wander to the two boys who had returned to the control room and were now busy arranging something that seemed like verses of a song.
Jackson was difficult to take pictures of because his movements were sporadic and unexpected. Also, he could feel the camera on him and kept on smiling, thus, ruining the natural look you were trying to go for. Jaebum, on the other hand…
As soon as your camera landed on him, you seemed to feel a wave of unexpected excitement wash over you as if you’ve been looking for something special about this room and now you’ve finally found it. Jaebum never ceased to pose – without realizing it – and even though only certain parts of his body were visible in the pictures – like his eye and the two moles you’ve admired since the first time you saw him, or his hand as he waved it around for more effect – you could almost hear the story he was telling in the pictures that you took.
Each photograph of Jaebum seemed to speak to you and even though you’ve never heard the songs he’s written before, you could sense the words and the melody just from the movement of his body alone. It was magical – he wasn’t even aware you were taking pictures of him and yet he created the most beautiful compositions by just existing. You barely had to do anything, just make sure that your hands weren’t shaking as you pressed the camera button over and over.
Somehow, you got so lost in the world Jaebum had created, you didn’t even hear Jackson calling out for you.
“Huh?” you mumbled distractedly after you captured his confused eyes as he stared right at the lens of your camera.
“You really enter a different realm when you take pictures, don’t you?” Jackson said, a good-natured smile on his face.
“Yeah, sorry,” you turned the camera off. “What were you saying?”
“I can’t listen to Jaebum complain about not liking the arrangement anymore,” Jackson said. “Do you want to hear the song and give us your opinion?”
Waves of hotness ran throughout your body at the offer. You’d waited so long for this and yet you couldn’t help but notice the way Jaebum covered his face as soon as Jackson finished talking.
“I-I mean, I would love that,” you said. “But if Jaebum doesn’t want—”
“Oh, who cares what he wants,” Jackson cut you off. “He’ll never get anywhere if he gets so bashful about his music. It’s good, man. I swear. She needs to hear it.”
You could tell that this wasn’t it – Jaebum wasn’t awkward about this because he thought his music was bad. He may have considered his songs good but not good enough. You went through the same thing each time you started to edit your pictures. They looked nice eventually, but there was always something you could add; little things that made a big difference. You were constantly afraid you’d miss those little things and end up being left with an average picture instead of an extraordinary one.
“I have the rough copy of it on my laptop,” Jackson added when his friend didn’t protest.
“Alright, I don’t want to be in the room when you hear it,” Jaebum said, standing up and looking at you. “No offense or anything, I just—you know.”
Before you could open your mouth and say anything – maybe even ask him to stay or offer to hold his hand or something so the obviously stressful experience of letting others listen to his music wouldn’t be so bad for him – Jackson started to speak.
“Yeah, well, go, then,” he encouraged, pointing at the door of the studio without turning away from his laptop. “We’re doing this whether you like it or not. It’s time.”
Jaebum looked at you as if waiting for your approval and once you gave him a small nod, he nodded back and then left. You weren’t sure what the silence between you two meant and you sure as hell had no idea if you hearing his song would change anything between you, but you found yourself feeling so nervous, your hands started to shake.
“Alright, here it is,” Jackson said after he heard Jaebum close the door. “It’s about his ex. It’s just the right amount of aggressive and sad. You’ll love it.”
You forgot how to breathe before Jackson even pressed play. You weren’t expecting Jaebum’s first song that you’d get to hear to be about Suji of all people, but if you really thought about it, it made a lot of sense. Jaebum constantly emphasized how bad he was at expressing his feelings. Perhaps the only way he knew how to pour his heart out was through music.
“It’s called Don’t Touch Me,” Jackson added and immediately after he stopped talking, you heard Jaebum sing the first words of the song, the combination of the sensuous melody and his voice sending shivers down your spine.
      ♪ Why on earth are you like this to me?
      ♪ What do you want? It's already over for me.
The lyrics were obvious and yet you blinked quickly, trying to hide your emotions because Jackson was watching you, eating up your reaction. You had a feeling that he could probably hear the sound of your heartbeat even over the music, though, so it was almost useless for you to try to hide anything.
It wasn’t so much the lyrics that have affected you – although they were definitely part of the reason why you were almost hyperventilating as you sat on the settee, listening to Jaebum sing – as it was the realization that Jaebum could sing.
Of course, you knew that he had a nice voice. You had a feeling he didn’t say he wanted to become a singer in the future because he couldn’t do anything else and being a singer just seemed cool. He said this because he had serious ambitions – and serious talent. You knew he possessed the ability to make people feel all that he was feeling when he talked – you’ve experienced that first-hand – but up until today, you haven’t really grasped just how powerful this ability was.
      ♪ How many times do I need to say it, no more.
      ♪ Don't stick to me ever, the end result is obvious anyway.
“Good, right?” Jackson called out to you over the music, nodding his head along to the beat.
You didn’t dare to nod – or to move – in case you’d miss a line and end up not hearing something. This was the first time you were listening to Jaebum’s music – and, consequently, the first time you were hearing your roommate use his voice for something other than yelling at you – and you were, to put it simply, unprepared.
You’d been waiting for this but each word, each line of the song took you off guard. Perhaps it was good that Jaebum wasn’t in the room with you or else he would have seen so many different emotions cross your face, you’d never find an explanation for all of them. Jackson – although he watched you cautiously – probably couldn’t understand you, either, but it didn’t matter as much because the song wasn’t his, and he didn’t strike you as a person who’d get very weird and almost dismissive about his works of art, anyway.
Jaebum was a whole different story. He’d think you hated it. He’d think he’d done something wrong when, in reality, everything he’d done with this song was right. It was too right and you suddenly found your fingernails digging into the leather of the settee as you listened to the song progress.
      ♪ The same conversation every day, I don't wanna no more.
      ♪ You know it yourself, don't you? Already done, no more.
      ♪ I'm getting sick of this now, you know how I think of you.
      ♪ Regardless of what you think, it already happened.
“So much raw emotion!” Jackson continued as the song approached the chorus. “The song has so much potential.”
“Hmm,” you mumbled lamely.
You had expected his music to be good. Perhaps you were even expecting his music to reflect all the feelings he was never able to say but you still couldn’t help but feel like you’ve just stumbled deep into his mind and entered a room you weren’t supposed to enter. When he’d ask you what you thought of the song, you wouldn’t know what to say because, essentially, you’d have to comment on so many different things that made you feel too many emotions that were all slowly driving you insane.
His voice made you feel warm but as the song went on, you realized you were itching to get out of this suddenly hot, suffocating room and find Jaebum. You didn’t want to think what you’d say—or do—to him once you found him.
His lyrics made you realize just how deep his feelings about all that had happened in his life ran. If this was a song he wrote about someone he couldn’t wait to run away from, what kind of songs would he sing about someone he actually wanted to be with? Someone he loved?
And the music… you weren’t sure if he made it himself or if he had someone else arrange it for him, but you couldn’t tell a difference between his voice and the music itself. They blended together, not sounding just harmonious, but sounding like they were inseparable — like they were one and they could not exist without each other. Jaebum could not sing these words without this music accompanying his voice and the music could not play without his words emerging from it.
      ♪ Don't look for me anymore.
      ♪ I don't want you.
      ♪ Even if you say you long for me,
      ♪ Even if you need me to death,
      ♪ I won't waver a single bit, ever.
You knew how Jaebum felt about Suji – hell, he said you were one of the few people who knew it well – but listening to him sing about it, each word coming straight from his heart, felt too intrusive to handle and, while you wanted to never stop listening to his calming voice as he sang, you also weren’t sure if you’d be able to endure the entire song.
You didn’t start fidgeting because you were uncomfortable listening to Jaebum sing about his ex-girlfriend. You started to fidget because you were uncomfortable with yourself and with the conclusion that your heart had finally landed on.
It was clear as day to every part of your body and there was no denying it anymore. There was no longer any room for doubt and even your stubborn mind was able to recognize it – you were falling in love with Jaebum.
       ♪ Don't touch me now, don't stay close to me.
       ♪ Just as you were before, nothing's changed about you.
       ♪ Don't touch me now, don't stay close to me.
       ♪ Just as you were before, nothing's changed about you, baby.
You’ve known you no longer saw Jaebum as just a roommate for a while now, but you refused to dig deeper into your feelings. You refused to over-analyze them, instead focusing on analyzing the behavior of Jaebum and the things he was feeling towards you. Maybe, in a way, you’ve avoided confrontations with your heart the same way that Jaebum avoided coming face-to-face with his music.
You didn’t want to admit to yourself that what had started out as curious admiration had bloomed into attraction – somehow skipping the hate you’d assumed you were supposed to feel for Jaebum after everything you’ve gone through with him – and now you were overwhelmed by all that you’d tried to run away from. You were no longer just admiring him and his mind. You were no longer just attracted to him and everything that he did.
Even despite all the fights you’ve had, you were always afraid to lose him. Despite the fear you felt about never having a chance with him, you constantly thought about him. Despite not wanting to put him through the same thing he’d gone through with Suji, you still wanted to be with him.
You were falling in love with him and, as his song played on, you suddenly weren’t sure what to do with the extra beats of your heart because they all belonged to him. They were all screaming for him.
Jackson cleared his throat suddenly, distracting you from the wild feelings that were freewheeling all over your chest. He gave you a gentle smile once you turned to look at him, your eyes still wide.
“You… know the person he’s singing about, don’t you?” he asked slowly. “Sorry if that’s a very personal question, you just—you looked really uncomfortable for a while there, and I know there’s no way it’s because you don’t like the song.”
“No, uh, the song’s great,” you said, trying to get yourself together enough to appear normal but each word that came out of your mouth sounded foreign. “It’s really really good. I don’t know why I’m surprised, I knew it was going to be good—but, uh, it’s amazing. And… yeah. I think I do know the person he’s singing about.”
“Oh,” Jackson nodded, taking this information in. You wondered if he started to feel awkward because he didn’t know about Suji or if the look on his face symbolized sympathy because he knew what Jaebum was singing about, too. “Does it feel weird to listen to your boyfriend sing about his ex?”
You blinked in surprise, Jackson’s words working like an electric shock, startling you awake from a trance Jaebum’s song had put you in. “My—oh, no. Jaebum—no. We’re not—he isn’t my—no.”
Your mind flashed back to your shopping session at IKEA where a salesman had assumed you and Jaebum were together – many things have changed since then but you were still awkward when explaining to people that the things between you were strictly platonic. Even more so now that you realized just how hard you wanted to be with Jaebum without a label in the way.
“We’re not dating,” you clarified in case Jackson did not figure out what you were trying to say as you rambled clumsily. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Okay, I got that,” Jackson said, a subtle smirk on his lips, “It’s just that Jae’s never brought a girl over to my studio -- actually, he'd never introduced me to any girl that he knew before, so I figured this was his subtle way of letting me know that you and him--well, nevermind, then,” he stopped, shaking his head and going back to the previous topic, “anyway, what did you think of the song?”
The door of the studio opened at the same time you started to speak and an awkward Jaebum poked his head inside. He looked afraid to hear his own music still playing and he seemed to visibly relax as soon as he realized you and Jackson were talking in silence.
Your heart – that could not seem to rest ever since you heard the first chords of his song – suddenly started to beat even faster as if attempting to break out of your chest and exit your body in any way it could. You were afraid to open your mouth.
“Don’t look like you just stumbled into the wrong room,” Jackson told his friend. “Come in. She liked the song.”
“She did?” Jaebum asked, shooting you an awkward, sheepish look.
You have never seen him this flustered and, for a moment, you even considered the possibility of him feeling about as affected by this as you were. Jaebum clearly didn’t let many people listen to his music so you could only imagine the anxiety he must have been feeling after you heard his song, and yet, you still weren’t sure if it was possible for anyone to feel as many emotions as you were feeling in that moment.
“Yes, it’s incredible,” you managed to speak, clearing your throat once you heard how weak your voice sounded. You hadn’t even realized you stood up as soon as you started to talk, “there’s so much feeling in the song. You have a wonderful ability to tell the most emotional story with your music, I—,” you stopped, noticing the look Jaebum gave Jackson – as if he was asking his friend if this was really happening. “It’s really g-great. Your voice is very, uh, fitting for this kind of song. It’s just sensual enough to make the listener feel all that you’re feeling and more.”
“I, uh…” Jaebum was evidently new at receiving compliments for his music because, probably for the first time in your life, you caught him at a loss for words. “Thank you. Did you really think it was good?”
“Yes. Somehow, this is exactly the kind of music I was expecting from you,” you said despite just having been caught off guard by how much his music had made you feel. “Your voice made every word sound attractive and somehow soothing, despite the song… not being about the most positive kind of things. It--it’s probably weird but I got the feeling like you could sing about the end of the world, describing every disturbing thing that was going to happen to the humankind, and your voice would make the listener feel like, despite it being the apocalypse, everything was still going to be okay.”
Because Jaebum had a hard time finding what to say and Jackson did not want to interfere – alright, maybe he did want to cut in with the most teasing phrase he could muster, but he chose to stay out of it and let you two play around your feelings for a little while longer – you were starting to feel awkward – shit, you shouldn’t have talked about his voice so much; what a way to make your feelings for him obvious – so, after glancing at the clock on your phone, you sighed in an overly dramatic way.
“I think I’m going to head out,” you said. “It’s getting quite late, I got the pictures I was hoping for, so I won’t disturb you anymore. Thank you for bringing me here, I had a lot of fun. A-and thank you for finally letting me hear your music. Oh! And it was very nice to meet you, Jackson.”
“Nice to meet you, too!” Jackson replied, shooting you a wink. He might have been the only person in this room – other than you – who understood exactly why you needed to leave because Jaebum still looked too overwhelmed with everything to figure anything out. Thank God for that.
“Wait—” your roommate called out as you headed for the door, your abrupt decision to leave not sitting right with him. “I--I’ll take you home.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” you said, unsure if you’d endure a ride back home with him. You felt like you needed some time alone to get yourself together. Looking at him right now made you feel too much and you still haven’t recovered from the intense emotional rollercoaster his song had taken you on – you were seriously far too sensitive to all things that involved Jaebum. “You stay and work on your music. I’ll find my way back.”
Conflicted what to say and still overwhelmed from all that had just happened, Jaebum didn’t stop you, giving Jackson a questioning look – and earning a shrug in return – before mumbling a soft, “she thinks I have a sensual voice,” right as you walked out of the door of the studio.
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greengargouille · 4 years
On the subject of Zorian having a crush on Zach, I would like to talk a bit about his background.
A thing that often comes up with bi people talking about their experiences (at least the one I read/watched) is that despite processing their different-gender crushes at a speed similar to straight people, they misunderstood/undermined their same-gender attraction for years, not really denial so much at not being aware of it. And yeah, some of it could be just a result of not being attracted to those various genders in quite the same way, but it’s also absolutely due to living in an heteronormative society.
Now, take Zorian’s reaction to realizing he’s an empath in chapter 17. He replies to Imaya that he disliked the idea because it’s portrayed as a feminine ability, and he already “received lot of comments about his lack of masculinity”, with his family and especially his father being “the worst offender”. Added to that, he was constantly compared to his two older brothers, notably on how social he was- two brothers that dated a lot. It wouldn’t be unthinkable that a few of the comments Zorian recieved was on how other perceived his lack of a fooling around as a sign he might be playing for the other team. This is absolutely not an environment that helps one realize they might not be straight.
(On top of that, there’s the fact that Zorian was probably already seen as different from others due to the religious incident with him fainting at the church. The priest had a strong negative reaction to it, and it likely influenced the others. Zorian’s mother had been described at one point to not be that religious behind closed doors, which imply that it is important to present oneself as such in public in this ‘glorified village’; a priest’s opinion would be very impacting. There’s no indication that the gods or church discriminate on sexual orientation, but being already an outcast in one way would make Zorian very cautious about presenting as different in yet another way.)
This brings me to his relationship to Zach. The narration from chapter 2 describe Zorian as having mixed feelings for him, as he is similar to his brothers but never was mean to him. This stands on its own, but it would also be very easy to add a layer of unrealized attraction to it. He’s uncomfortable with Zach being charming and handsome, and not just because it reminds him of Damien and Fortov (though this is still a big factor), and he’s unsure how to act around him despite them chatting often (at least to Zorian’s standards). This works very well as sign of an unconscious attraction- one Zorian would be very far away from noticing, as he’s at that point not that interested in forming more relationships (even of the friendly kind) and unlikely to introspect his feelings on the subject.
By the point where they start to actually interact a lot, and Zorian isn’t hiding from being a looper or trying not to bring up attention by being around Zach , they already have so much to think about, and they’re in such a special situation, it’s easy to handwave signs of a crush as the result of something else. Which is why I think there wasn’t a big, sudden realization? It’s all very gradual.
“It’s lonely being the only one remembering the loops, of course I would want to interact so much with the only other person in the same situation.”
“Yeah, I care a lot about Zach, maybe almost as much as Kirielle, though in a different way- he really is an important friend”
“I dislike physical contact, but I don’t really mind when it’s Zach- I think I might be enjoying it a bit? To be honest, after being confined in a Black Room, everyone would crave some closeness, he just happened to be the only one available”
“After all we went through? Of course I would trust him and be more willing to open up to him, we shared so much about our pasts anyways.”
“I dislike when others call Zach an idiot. I mean, he is an idiot. But sometimes it’s more out of impulsiveness, and frankly you can’t really look at his academic record- he had so many expectations put on him while his mentor never helped him, of course he would completely give up and not make any effort- Wait a minute, why do I want to defend him so much?”
“I wouldn’t die for Zach, or anyone, for that matter. But if I have to risk my life for the chance of both of us surviving? Yes, yes I would take it”
When Zorian finally realize that he’s actually in love with Zach, it’s not that big of a shock, so much as looking back at all those things and sighing, yeah, he should have expected that.
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swanky-batman · 5 years
Narnia Part 6
Peter Pevensie x Reader, Edmund Pevensie x Reader
Warnings: drinking, swearing, violence, probably just mature situations all around.
Part 6! Sorry it’s taken a while to start posting again but I’m trying to get caught up on some of this stuff! Back from my honeymoon now <3 It continues immediately after part 5, I hope you enjoy! (also the gifs aren’t mine!)
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Beginning- Previous- Next
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His heart sped up as he went towards the window, seeing a makeshift escape route. Immediately, he gathered Edmund, Lucy, Susan, Caspian and Reep in his room to speak to them.
They devised a route for each of them to take to cover the most ground, taking a small group with each to search.
One by one, each returned to the castle- empty handed. Peter, who was the last to return after the longest and farthest search, retreated towards his room. Angrily, he tossed his equipment to the side, making a large noise around him as he did. 
He spotted his letter on his desk, tearing it open before pouring over the contents.
Dearest High King,
I am so sorry to leave this way, but your opinion of me breaks me to my core. I cannot, will not, go back with the uncle who sought to leave me- who cannot even look at me.
I cherished the time we all spent together, and will miss you all dearly. Please take care, and keep a watchful eye of those surrounding you. I beg you to be safe, regardless if you will listen to me or not.
Your Ex-Princess
He did not feel better after reading it. He reread it over and over and scoffed at the idea of him listening to her warnings. His mind began to reprocess the events leading up to her seclusion. 
He had trusted her, given her open access to almost all areas of the castle. To his family and most trusted friends…
A knock at the door sent him from his thoughts, calling for the person to come in. 
“Peter, can we speak?” Ed asked, his own letter clutched in his hand.
He sighed, setting his jaw.
“I had a question about the guard that came to speak to you.” Edmund continued after closing the door.
“He did what he thought was right…”
“That’s just it, Peter- how did he know it was something traitorous?” Edmund paused, waiting for his words to hit him. Peter stood, annoyed that there was a questioning of his leadership going on. “How could he have known it was unless he knew what it said himself?”
Peter stopped his groaning, not moving at all for a few moments. When his head whipped around to look at Edmund, his face shown a bit of fear and confusion. “Guards!” He yelled, striding over towards the door.
“Oh, mother, look at your daughter. How far I thought I had progressed, just to be part of the wildlings once again.” You murmured to yourself, content with some of the products you had grabbed.
The first few hours had been a scramble after you left the castle. Still early enough before the servants and the sun arose, you had to be quick to get a lead on and not leave a path behind you. You had hidden often with your mother when you were younger but it was like using something covered in dust, trying to remember everything about it.
Once you had gotten further out you still remained cautious, knowing they would probably send out a hunting party for their prisoner- so you perched your stuff high above and dug yourself a cove inside a tree and covered yourself with moss and other coverings. 
Staying there for a while, you had gotten quite cozy and since you hadn’t slept through the night your eyes threatened to close now.
You woke with a snap of your eyes as you heard hoofbeats not far away.
You could hear the horses breath, and the riders as he had to have come far out of the way to get towards you.
You could hear mumbling and were worried you would have to stay hidden from several pairs of eyes so you lowered your breathing to a minimum.
Coming into view, the shaggy hair and tired eyes of the High King himself came into your vision for a split second. There were emotions crossed on his face- concern, worry, slight anger and exhaustion were the ones you caught in the moment. You whispered an apology as he rode on and waited even longer to come out of your hiding.
With the compass you managed to tie around your neck you used the general directions to navigate you to where- you hoped- there was a small village a few miles up. From there you decided to move West as best you could and try to find some sort of work since you were starting from scratch.
“Mother, how did you manage?” You mumbled with a small smile to yourself, suddenly very aware of how alone you were. It had been a while since you had no one else to please, to answer to… to talk to. 
Noises another half hour on your journey made you cautiously step back and pause. Voices- maybe three or four. On horseback, unfamiliar. You held yourself in one spot, sinking into the trunk you were by and counted. Five minutes went by and their voices seemed to be circling your south. Another five minutes and you heard them a little further off.
Taking a deep breath you rushed a little faster by foot. If you were going to succeed you needed to get out of the easy radius of the castle. The good news was you knew how to hide your tracks so they didn’t know which way you had moved from the castle. 
How Peter had happened to be the one on your journey seemed a bit too close for comfort- a bad sign for the start. Although it did give you one last chance to see him, not glaring or filled with anger towards you. 
You had arrived, another close call with one more group and some time later. With it being near evening, the general shop was closed along with most of the food stalls so you set yourself up on the outskirt of town up in a strong tree. You were lucky for the wildlife around Narnia or you would have little to no chance. 
You nodded off and woke fairly early, the sun hitting your eyes up the tree. You thought through what you might need at the shops and recounted the amount of coin you had- you would need a bigger bag able to carry most of your supplies, a new hunting knife and tinder box would make your nights easier, as well as a head scarf for the sun as well as to help you through any towns you would hit. 
Things seemed to go smooth- you bartered with the shop and the food stall vendors, everyone seeming to be a little wary of a stranger but friendly enough all the same. 
That’s when you spotted it- a riding party coming from the direction of the castle. You quickly finished up your purchase and threw your head scarf on, dodging as quickly as you could while avoiding attention. Last house towards the end of town, you heard them coming closer and your heart raced, a hand reaching out and pulling you off to the side and inside the building.
“Lucy please stop your tapping.” Susan asked, sitting across from her.
Lucy pouted and then looked over at Peter, “I’m worried.”
“I think everyone is a bit worried, my dear.” Reep chimed in, looking out the window next to Peter. He followed Peter’s gaze across the gardens and towards the forest.
“I for one think we were a little hard on the whole topic.” Lucy mumbled, earning a shush from Susan.
A knock at the door got everyone’s attention, Caspian walking in, “We have visitors- they aren’t pleased at the moment.”
Peter rubbed his face, “ The King of Calormen.” He groaned.
“I almost forgot about them.” Lucy jumped up, looking worried, “What’s going to happen?”
“We shall see.” Peter straightened and walked towards the room Caspian indicated.
“Where is she?” The King asked in a quiet tone. “What so-called crimes has she committed against you- against Narnia?”
Peter felt the whole rooms gaze upon him, “It is not what she has done, but the crimes your majesty has committed.”
At this, he seemed taken aback, “Me?”
“Yes, we have found one of your traitors.” Peter gestured for a pair of his guards who were holding the guard that accused Y/N of the statement made.
“Blasphemy!” The king shifted, “I have no idea who this man is.”
“We know his story, your majesty. The only thing I am concerned about is why you had him bring Princess Y/N into question.” Peter crossed his arms, as did Caspian.
“Father!” His son turned towards him, “Tell me you didn’t put her in danger!”
“My son you should care less about the peasant who is no line to the throne.”
“She is family!”
“She is nothing but a pawn!” The king raised his voice.
“Not to me.” His son and Peter answered at the same time, surprising each other.
“Your peace treaty is void.” Caspian proclaimed, trying to keep the conversation in the room.
“Guards!” Peter shouted, guards flooding the room with their weapons drawn.
The king frowned, “You have made a big mistake, boy.”
“It’s High King Peter- and I was not the one who wanted war.” Peter glared, ordering them away.
Moments later there was a silence that filled the room.
“I’ll go with the guards to the King’s room- maybe send Ed or someone to interrogate that son of his.” Caspian nodded, walking out.
Peter sighed, looking around, “Where is Ed?”
You struggled for a moment, the stranger placing a hand over your mouth after the door was shut and yanking the scarf from your head.
“It is you.” He sighed, stepping back into the room with the fire hitting his face.
“Edmund?” You breathed, your heart racing, “How did you find me? What will you do with me?”
“I was thinking dinner and a drink.” He smirked, mocking you a little after his eyes ran over you. “If you have the time.”
Tags: @i-regret-this-already, @breezy1415, @seninjakitey, @imboredsueme, @courtneychicken, @marriedtopeterparker, @imeannooffensebabybut, @cassiopeia-barrow, @daphne-fandom-writing, @notmyfault404, @i-larb-spooderman, @aussiearies, @marvelismylifffe, @kdcollinsauthor
Narnia Tags: @firedancernix, @ttawny, @hopebaker
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 1 Chapter 7
• So! Chapter 7. So little yet so much happens in this chapter.
• I usually don't place a General Thoughts section on my TRR QTs, but there's enough, I think, to warrant one on both this one and the next for now.
• It's very well-constructed, there are all sorts of interesting contrasts and dynamics to it. In hindsight seeing as Olivia and Drake are such popular characters now, it's nice to see the beginnings of those shifts here.
• Hana also has a very important role in this chapter, and there are shifts here too. Not a lot will be said about this here, because I've got a full essay on her Cordonian Waltz scene that deals with a lot of its major themes. This scene is not my favourite Hana scene though - that honour will always belong to the piano scene in Chapter 8 😍
• THIS CHAPTER, my friends, is also where Drake's use of our surname begins. So I'm guessing our little tally for his use of our first name may just stop at 4 (he does say your first name sometime in the meteor shower scene, so that should be 5).
• Title: Fire and Ice.
Kinda fitting, no? We're staying in Olivia's wintry home, but there are a whole bunch of tensions bubbling under the surface.
I mean, look at the lines of the Robert Frost poem they borrowed this title from:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
I mean you have Olivia, who loves the cold and admires the frozen splendor of the Alps, and whose mockery of Savannah included claiming she was "the sensitive sort" who wouldn't "last long here". And who hates the MC enough at this point that the moment she gets the tiniest amount of power, she will leave no stone unturned to let the her know she is not welcome.
And then you have Drake, who has begun to thaw towards the MC, and Hana, who is now opening up to her. Both experience the first stirrings of desire for her in these chapters. You get romance points for just being nice to Drake in both this chapter and the next one, and Hana is flustered by the attention you could optionally give her during the waltz.
• The narrative describes Lythikos as being situated at the Alps, and Maxwell tells us that Olivia is primarily at "Lythikos Hall, which is further south" but she will be hosting the court at her chateau instead. Hana tells us that since Lythikos is her domain, Olivia would have the upper hand, but we will really only understand the importance of that advantage at the ball in the next chapter.
• Bertrand is missing, and on one of his many trips to figure out estate stuff. Drake complains about the others discussing Bertrand, and Hana (like a normal person) complains about the cold. Which leads us to our OOTD!
• Our rooms are pretty much a modified, simpler version of the Lykos Castle bedroom, where Val once reluctantly pretended to be Zenobia's handmaiden, and where Annelyse and Kenna could sneak in for a rendezvous at the end of Book 2. I like it. It's purple 😁
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Me Back Then: That outfit is terrible! It's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen and I've seen Bluebelle. The other option must be a basic sweater or something right? Right??
Me Back Then (after seeing the second option):
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Me Now: If our MC needs more motivation to freeze to death in Lythikos, the ugly coat opens up to a free Drake scene.
Me Back Then: Okay. Okay. I guess I feel better about turning into an icicle now.
• This, and the Beach Bae outfit, are the only ones in this book that unlock extra scenes with the outfit purchase alone in Book 1. Buying Marabelle's Dream in Chapter 13 also works on a similar principle, but as far as outfits go these two are the only ones this book.
• If there are two basic things canon will give us about our MC this chapter, it's that she's learned ice-skating before (how good she is at it depends on you), and she's gone for soccer and basketball practice as a child.
• Maxwell plays matchmaker by distracting Olivia to buy us time with Liam. Kinda reminds me of that scene in the Fox Hunt chapter where he tries showing Constantine dance videos so we get extra time with Liam at the stables 😂
• These dialogues below get unlocked only if you show interest in hearing more about Olivia from him:
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Liam and Olivia were such cute fucking friends and I find it sad that we rarely get to see much of that. Liam is protective of her, trusts her to the point of believing she is innocent when (optionally) no one else might in Book 3, concerned when she looks distressed and respects her.
• One thing that changed along the way in Olivia's story was who Lucretia was in relation to her. In this scene Liam calls Lucretia her great-aunt (although she isn't mentioned by name here), in Book 3 she is confirmed to be her mother's sister.
• I think the most heartbreaking bit is where Liam speaks about walking into the sight of Olivia crying into her mother's gown, and holding her until she cries herself to sleep. To think...that's the child Constantine was so desperate to leave broken and powerless.
• This tender backstory informs your choice to be good to her. You get to compliment her duchy, which, again, takes her by surprise.
• Hana comes up next, skating circles around every person in that court. Kiara, Penelope and Tariq are shown as struggling with skating - first as a set up to speaking about Hana's talent in this area, and second to show us just how much her parents had prepared her for a life in the nobility. Not only is she made to learn the life and rules and negotiations that govern noble/royal life - they've also pushed her into learning (and being good at) skills that would either help her in domestic/court life, or would make her desirable to her suitors. The courtly ladies who have grown up here know what's needed and know their strengths (at least some of them). A foreigner like Hana probably has to jump through more hoops to be seen, so her parents sent her to learn everything possible thing they could think of.
• Tariq is shown complaining about how his fancy skates are too expensive for skating...so yeah, another point on the "Tariq's Shoe Obsession" tally.
• Here is Hana speaking about ice skating with the same lack of interest Drake employs around fancy wine and good food.
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That last line. It killed me. There's such a sense of resignation in the way she says it.
• This may seem like a slight build up to Hana's Cordonian Waltz scene (and that scene does reference this dialogue), but I honestly believe it's meant to be more of precursor to her Piano Parlour scene in Chapter 8.
That scene was all about something she loved and enjoyed, ruined by her parents' desire to reduce it to just another skill for them to parade around. There is a real fire and anger about the way she speaks of how she fiercely guarded it, and I believe this scene - where she talks of ice skating with such a lack of interest that even a stranger can see it - is the perfect contrast.
• We now meet Drake, who has suddenly and without cause begun to call us by our surnames. We will only get to find out why towards the end of Book 2.
• There's also a funny dialogue the MC makes about wanting to see Drake in a tutu, to which he replies that some images aren't worth the effort - back from the good ol' days of his macho posturing. It's even more funny given that the writers are trying really really hard now to retcon that completely, by having him claim in TRH he would dress up in a tutu if his wife claimed to have a thing for the sugar fairy 🤣
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(Screenshots for the first option from the Parvez Kanok YouTube Channel)
More relationship points opportunities for Drake! You get to choose where your MC stands in her relationship with Drake now - does she like him? Is she friendly but cautious? Is she upfront that she can't stand him? The last option doesn't yield relationship points obviously, but he tells that MC that it's a good thing she refuses to trust him ("you shouldn't have faith in anyone out here, and certainly not me").
• We now have a skiing race down the slopes with Drake, where you can beat him at his own game and maybe show off to Liam and Olivia while they're on the slopes (Liam very adorably cries "Go MC!" in this option 😂). Orrr you can land on your butt while Drake laughs at you.
• Drake tries really hard to argue that he's won even in the option where you do everything right, which is another earlier indicator (besides the betting scene at the Derby) of his competitive spirit.
• Okay so this confuses me - Drake is the first one to tell you about the Cordonian Waltz being the main dance at the ball, has probably heard about it even with his lack of interest in all things courtly. But Maxwell is our sponsor, and in Bertrand's absence he should have at least been asking around if he had forgotten the message. I like Maxwell but the lack of forethought and concern for a foreigner that he's brought here is...not a great look on him on replays.
• We're now back at Olivia's lodge, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate (with marshmallows that Drake is pretending not to fanboy over)
• It feels so strange now to be in Lythijos and have something that's not Lythikos Nog.
• So here is where Olivia mentions Savannah, to get back at Drake for being Not Impressed™ (careful Drake the Leona side of your genetics is showing) with her "spectacular hosting". IDK Olivia if you're the only one patting yourself on the back for the hosting...then you're probably not that good at hosting.
• In any case, she pushes every possible button marked sensitive on Drake, and you can tell she knows how much Savannah's departure affected him ("wait, Drake, dear! Come back! I wasn't finished with you!") and is enjoying sinking that knife into him. From her we get to know that Savannah worked hard on fitting in, was a sensitive girl, and struggled to fit in. She also remarks on the suddenness of Savannah's departure.
• What baffles me though is that either Olivia was decent to Savannah's face during her time in court, or they simply retconned the fact that Olivia looked down on her. Because by Book 3, Olivia acts pretty normal around her and is even planning a gift for her in TRH in the middle of really important work. There is a possibility that she probably resorted to these tactics only during the social season but didn't have to do so once she'd withdrawn...but still. You'd think there would be some reference to her attitude in the first book. My guess is they backtracked with that part of the story because they were invested in making Olivia look better.
• The options to respond to Olivia include threatening to slap her, being dismissive about his pain, and simply asking about Savannah. The second one was way too insensitive for me and the third one seemed pretty invasive (why tf would I ask Olivia about Savannah when I could simply ask Drake), so I tried the first one...only to get a romance point. That's not going to be the last time I get a romance point just for being nice to Drake.
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Me Back Then: Aww Maxwell. Such a good friend.
Me After Book 2: This is so sad Alexa play Liar by Queen
Me After TRH: When was the last time you met her Maxwell? Two months ago??
• Drake's Meteor Shower scene is actually pretty short, and there's not a lot going on in hindsight. But because it comes from a character who is already so closed off - the amount of information is just right. It's just enough to create a shift.
- You start off by surprising Drake with your arrival. Now for most of Book 1, Drake is pretty talented at shoving his foot in his mouth, which is exactly what he does in this sequence if you're concerned about him. He's also apparently not a very easy scare.
- As with the scene that built this one up, Drake proves to be far more comfortable when you show a lack of trust in him than when you show concern - for it is the second option that sparks a knee-jerk, defensive reaction that he needs to then apologize for (rather similar in fact to the scene at the stables, where he gets straight to the point if you're suspicious, and makes smart-alec comments if you're grateful). You get a couple chances here and there to figure out how your MC will respond to him.
- It...kinda makes sense, because mistrust and suspicion is something he seems to expect. Genuine kindness and concern isn't.
- The other interesting thing are the parallels the story creates between the MC and the perception of Savannah especially in this book. Right from the MC's first special moment with Drake watching the shooting stars, the way Savannah used to when they were kids. The image Drake conjures of the MC being an innocent gazelle walking into a trap. The fact that if you're romantically involved with him, you share your first kiss in the same office where Bertrand and Savannah...I'm not finishing that sentence. The comparisons he makes between Savannah on her last day in Cordonia, and the MC at the Coronation Ball - right before events that will change their futures.
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(Screenshots taken from the Parvez Kanok YouTube Channel)
I still wonder if things changed along the way, because the tone of Drake's early scenes about Savannah sounded so...ominous, so scary. I think many of us (before they started dropping heavy hints about the Beaumont connection) suspected her departure was plot-related and she'd discovered something terrifying...except it all turned out to be one big misunderstanding between two people who would anyway be awful together.
- I think Drake makes a pretty huge leap in terms of trust here: at the end of the scene if you ask him whether he trusts you, he tells you that if he ever had to start trusting anyone, he would start with you.
- For the Drake stan there are a couple cute moments: him asking you if you trust him before shoving you to the ground so you can stargaze, the actual stargazing, and holding his hand on the way back to the Chateau.
• Poor Hana (if you've gone with him) is up all night waiting for the MC and Drake to return, worried sick about them being in the middle of a possible storm.
• Hana's Cordonian Waltz scene. Now that one I've played numerous times - maybe too often to count. I've written an essay about it too, so I won't be going into a lot of detail here. (for anyone interested in reading it, just search for #cordonian waltz on my blog. The essay on the Cordonian Waltz scene should be the first thing you see on that tag in my blog). I will talk about two things though - the personal impact of this scene, and Hana being valued for her skills more than for who she is.
- This scene is in a lot of ways the followup to our first scene with her, where we comfort her and give her advice on dealing with people like Olivia. If you bought that scene...she returns this favour as a gesture of gratitude (if not she does it is only because she's a marvellous human being and way too good for us). It also gives us more insight into why her engagement broke, why winning Prince Liam's hand matters so much even though she only sees him as a friend.
- Let's be honest - without Hana this story would look...quite different. She is our guide, our protector, someone who eases us into the routine of the court. She is also someone who is aware of Cordonia's ways and traditions, but in her own way is still a foreigner, still someone who might have to work far harder for the same amount of respect. She is someone with a foot each in both worlds.
- In a way, her knowledge is important to us, but her foreignness makes her relatable. It makes her acutely aware of our struggles in a way that a Liam or a Maxwell or even another lady of the court wouldn't, since they spent their lives in Cordonia and therefore may not fully understand the nuances of the MC's assimilation or exactly how much she may have to adjust to fit in.
- And I think this is exactly where the writers failed her. They made her the foreign woman with Cordonian heritage, who knew a lot about Cordonia...and then refused to explore the heritage and life she grew up with when the chance was clearly there. In Book 2, we wound up spending more time in Shanghai with the guys than we ever really did with her.
- Hana's skill based scenes often tend to go beyond the immediate task at hand and delve into the nuances - so that we can see the beauty of what she is teaching. Take this scene for example. Can we perform the Cordonian Waltz without a hitch if we don't buy this scene? Sure we can! But the beauty of this waltz, its value as a courtship dance, is only barely apparant if you don't buy it.
- Hana's general attitude to teaching a bad dancer an intricate waltz is "bitch if I can teach my dad's favourite hunting dog to learn a box step on his hind legs then I can do anything. Don't try me." But said, like, super super politely.
- The Cordonian Waltz seems to have the elements of a traditional waltz, I think, with the 'Cordonian' element being the courtship aspect of it. From what I can make of Book 1's exploration of social mores, the expectation seems to be to pursue whatever relationships you want to, but to keep those displays of affection largely private. A courtship dance giving the noble/royal a small leeway to flirt kind of works with that general logic.
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A little story here: this sequence was in some ways the reason I started taking interest in Hana at first. Part of that was because I related so heavily to a lot of what she was saying in this sequence.
I've lived with controlling parents. I've had family who insisted their way of thinking was the best, and who wouldn't even realize at times that they were not giving me a chance to voice my opinion. There's a lot of messages within that kind of upbringing that you absorb when you're young - the biggest of them being that they're all you have, and even genuine frustration at their worst behaviour can be wrong and will result in them reminding you of every single thing you've done for them.
It's not all doom and gloom...it's not either all subservience or all I-hate-my-parents either. It's often a very complicated, messy mix of things. There's good stuff and happy memories, but there are also things that seem normal and then niggle at you, before they explode and you see them for the big problems that they are. You value and respect those parents, but at the same time you can't always place what is it about their behaviour that makes you feel strange and stifled. You want to rebel sometimes, but some of that rebellion comes with a creeping sense of guilt, like you're doing something wrong. You know sometimes that staying away is healthier for you and them than staying with...but you can't bear to break off that relationship yet. And in a lot of ways Hana encapsulates - within the miniscule space the writers chose to give her - a lot of the mess that comes with complicated, controlling relationships like that.
I've seen people call Hana weak and passive, see her only for her tragedies, stay blind to the individuality that she does possess, stay blind to all the small ways she does push back. I've seen people who will without a moment's hesitation put her down to praise an Olivia - never mind that even an Olivia had some support somewhere, never mind that her homeplace Lythikos has vastly different rules and norms that she upholds, that she has grown up learning and still follows. Context matters.
- The other thing that is so striking is how she compares what she has grown up with to what Peter had grown up with:
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When you're brought up believing that you don't exactly have a say in who you marry, even romance of the kind Peter seemed to be envisioning seems like a privilege to you. Even on the basic level of 'I have a say in the kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with'. Sometimes you just know when what you want doesn't exactly count (I mean...we are talking about the woman who had 200 PinStop boards on her future wedding yet believed she didn't have a say in how it would look).
This is further complicated by the fact that the narrative alludes to her upbringing by placing an emphasis on heteronormativity - her parents constantly push her towards men, a lot of the skills they have her pick up (including fringe ones like fainting to show how fragile she is???) are openly mentioned as being there to appeal to men, Xinghai is shocked when Hana tells him that she cares for the MC romantically. It's not said in so many words, but the overall impression you get is that she's never really had the opportunity to discover what she wants, probably never had the space to even think about it. I kinda really feel that on some level.
I grew up in an environment where a lot of things were taboo - including discussions on sexuality or even sex itself. Our parents were tight lipped, other adults skirted around it, and in our churches and schools kids had the most skewed ideas of a gay/lesbian/bi/trans/nonbinary people. I spent almost a decade in the closet, half of which involved me being in very very deep denial.
It's only in retrospect that I recognize that a number of relationships that I saw as 'very close friendships" were actually crushes - it didn't even occur to me to call it anything else. It took me until after I got married to fully come out and understand who I was.
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(Screenshots from Abhirio's YouTube channel)
Hana's clumsy fumblings towards expressing her feelings must stem from a similar place. What she is feeling is so different from everything she has learned and experienced so far that she takes the entire social season to emotionally adjust. But doing the romantic, sensual Cordonian Waltz with a woman she's beginning to feel more than friendship for? That's a good start.
- There's also the factor of her parents convincing her to maintain her friendship for personal gain (Hana also briefly speaks of this kind of strategy in her Book 3 Snow Angel scene at Lythikos), but at this point she is so devoted and invested in the MC that she doesn't mind going above and beyond to make her succeed. She pretty much saves our asses for two whole books.
- Gosh I spent a lot of time on this scene didn't I (esp for someone who has done an entire essay on it before). But I've gone through two books since, and a lot of people tend to forget/dismiss/minimize Hana's particular set of situations in their desire to push forward a more shallow view of her.
- This scene is a good example of the mix between skill-teaching and personal history for Hana. As the story progresses, the writers will focus far less on the personal, on the struggles of her own journey, and more on the skills she can impart to the MC. And that's the tragedy of her writing: that the writers are some point were only willing to give her space, when the MC had something to benefit from it, when it was centered around the MC rather than her. When the MC either got the advantage of Hana's expertise, or when there is an opportunity that centers around the MC and places her in a pedestal. Towards the end of this series, Hana's friendship with the MC seemed very imbalanced - mostly because any opportunity to expand on what Hana was going through or feeling was often taken by other characters, or overshadowed by the MC's needs at the time.
General Thoughts:
• So...the next chapter is one of my favourites - because it is the dynamics of this chapter increased and expanded tenfold. The tension between Liam and Olivia as grownups who were childhood friends, Olivia's fear of losing him to the MC, Drake and Hana's trust in her, Liam's confusion over his feelings for her, how the ladies view this situation. There's so much going on next chapter, and this chapter is pretty good buildup to that.
• The 8th chapter esp in Books 1 and 2 of the series tended to provide significant changes in terms of relationship dynamics - and their dynamics in those chapters were often based on the theme of trust. But more on that in that chapter.
• Ngl, I'm also excited about that chapter because there's a spotlight on Kiara AND my all-time favourite Hana scene xD
• Admittedly...there's not a lot of Persephone (the MC of my failplay) in this QT - partly because I have only a ten-pic limit, and mostly because this chapter is pretty much like a short holiday from the court and the events.
• This is the kind of chapter that is light on the events and activities but heavy on the personal relationships. Plus, even though I wanted her to dance with Hana, I didn't want her to have any advantages going in to the ball - and even though you could still screw up it could still come with its own set of advantages. Besides, I knew a really good scene was coming up the next chapter.
• I found it easier as a Hana romancer to choose like this in Book 1, because even if I didn't take a scene I knew there would be a good one coming up in the next chapter, or in a couple chapters at least. By Book 2, I had very few good options (that didn't come with an automatic advantage) to choose from, so Persephone ended up taking crappy ones like the fashion show scene in Paris because I knew the next good Hana scene would take a while. It's...not a good feeling.
• What especially worked for this chapter were the contrasts. You have a gruff, guarded Drake who takes the chance to open up to you if you give it to him, and you have the vulnerable child-Olivia, juxtaposed with the very tough, very aggressive adult-Olivia.
• You were confronted with a very different Olivia in Liam's memories, to the one you see now, but at the same time reminded that she is indeed a very different person in the present. It was like you'd be tempted to thaw a little but the narrative would say "no, not yet".
• And it worked. Because you were eased into the nuances of that character, not having the better parts of her pushed in your face while you were still wary.
• Olivia's scene with Drake has a few parallels with a scene in a corresponding chapter in Book 2: Madeleine's treatment of Hana. Not on the scale of what they did (you can't really even compare Olivia's mockery of Savannah to Madeleine's obvious abuse of power), but on the setup the narrative was giving you. Here are the similarities:
1. Both chapters begin with the MC viewing Olivia/Madeleine as a rival of sorts, and her initial views on them are largely negative.
2. The MC witnesses moments of nuance that allow her to see that character in a different light. (Liam's story of Olivia's parents' deaths/Madeleine calling out the press on their sexism re: the Tariq situation, then the MC discovering to her surprise that Madeleine was never involved in the conspiracy against her).
3. While the MC is still attempting to take in this new information, the character does something that will confirm her initial thoughts about them. It will take a while before she manages to change her mind.
For me, the differences lie both in scale, and in the way the LI is treated. Olivia is cruel, she enjoys insulting Savannah and upsetting Drake - but the space isn't one where his position or his staying at the court is threatened. Besides this, the MC is allowed to push back at Olivia (aggressively, if she chooses to) and support Drake, as do Hana and Maxwell when Olivia leaves. Drake has the space to be upset about it, he has the space to lash out. His pain is validated and he is allowed his mistrust and anger at Olivia even into Book 2 when she is offering help.
Madeleine on the other hand threatens Hana's place at court and uses her newfound authority to harm her - and fully intends to continue doing so until she breaks. Hana is pushed by the narrative into a position of powerlessness - one that wasn't even necessary (she isn't even allowed to know about Madeleine's plan to break her nor is she given the space to push back against her). Even the diamond scene following Madeleine's threats revolved around every other character besides her.
I personally feel like the writing team chose this route for Madeleine in Book 2, because it seemed to work well enough with Olivia...but they'd gone too far, and in a way that Madeleine couldn't exactly come back from as easily as Olivia could. The strategy worked for Olivia, and backfired quite a bit for Madeleine.
• The irony of this chapter is that in TRH 7, Savannah herself speaks about not being able to fit in, and being happy she has friends among the ladies of the court now, and Olivia seems pretty alright with her by then. As I mentioned earlier this could be because the Olivia we're seeing now is doing everything she can to hold on to Liam, and it's making her act in ways that would only defeat her purpose, rather than help her.
• Drake's diamond scene in a lot of ways is necessary buildup for his whiskey scene in the next chapter. He spends a lot of time talking about what it's like to be in court there, but with our knowledge that his sister has disappeared and the (optional) assumption that the court was a poisonous place that drove her away from Cordonia altogether - he can (in his Whiskey diamond scene) expand on why it's better to not trust anyone, and warn her at the same time. The fact that he has now reached the point of wanting to tell her these things (even the things he says about Savannah in the meteor shower scene, are things he admits not having told anyone) is pretty major at this point.
• That's it for this week folks! Sorry for the longer-than-usual post 😅 I feel like the next one might be wayyy longer because I love that chapter.
• Tally Counts:
Number of Times Drake has Called Esther/Persy by Their First Names: 5
Number of Times Tariq Has Mentioned His Shoes: 2
Number of Times Drake Has Taken An Alcoholic Drink that’s Not Whiskey: 1
Number of Times Someone Has Called A Reigning Monarch 'Your Highness’: 2
Number of Times You Can Leave Hana Shook. SHOOK I TELLS YA: 3
Number of Times We See Penelope’s Angryface: 2
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians - Prologue (Chapter 14) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Felt like doing a chapter from Axel’s POV now :3
Ao3 | Wattpad | FFNet
Chapter 14:
As Highland Count entered his room to get himself settled and likely take a look around at his new surroundings, Axel stood out in the middle of the hallway. He rolled his shoulder and stretched contently as the Phaedron guild paired up and picked their rooms.
They seemed like a good group of guys. Friendly, easy going, some of them excitable, others more reserved. Like a regular guild of close friends and family.
Guild leader Roxbury certainly seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. The guy reminded him of Jhon, in a way. Polite, considerate, probably a bit too trusting. But definitely friendly. This Roxbury, however, seemed to have a hidden vulnerability to him. Now, Axel didn’t have Lynus’ empathetic abilities, but he knew a wounded soul when he saw one. And it raised his protective heckles.
And from what Lynus had told him, Roxbury wasn’t the only vulnerable soul amongst this guild. There was at least six of them, Lynus had admitted.
After a brief conversation, they collectively decided to keep a close eye on them. Maybe a little bit more than usual?
Though, Axel felt that Zesiro guy seemed rather intimidated by him. He was outwardly polite, but it was definitely fake. It was a cautious kind of politeness, as if he was ensuring that he didn’t get on Axel’s bad side. It kinda indicated to Axel that the guy had been through some shit and was pretty skilled in judging a person’s strength.
Definitely tempted to try to get him to lighten up. But he probably better not.
Not yet at least. Shiki might get to him first. Never know what the future held.
The door to the room that Roxbury disappeared in opened and the said brown-haired man appeared. “Axel, thanks for waiting,” he said with a polite sense of gratitude in his voice.
Before Axel could respond, another door opened sharply and a rather short but bubbly blond-haired guy rushed out. “These rooms are awesome. Bigger than the ones at the inn.”
Axel turned to give Blayden a half smile, subconsciously looking at him through one eye. “Not bad, right? What Villard lacks in consideration he makes up for in comfort. There's a lot of rooms to see in this place. Other than the bedrooms, nothing's off limits. So, go nuts.”
Blayden grinned widely at that just another young man, likely the same age, walked out of the room at a more leisurely pace. “Right, let's go, Baldur,” he said as he snared the other guy the wrist and immediately began to pull him along with him, right past his brother as he stepped out of his room also.
“Don't pull me!” the guy, Baldur, yelled as he was suddenly pulled in the opposite direction he had been facing. Though his words were sharp, he didn’t actually do anything else to protest. Didn’t even attempt to pull his hand back, to resist in anyway.
Axel arched an eyebrow as he watched them disappear down the hall. “...Flighty, tsundere prince?” he asked as he turned his attention back to Roxbury.
Roxbury gave a short chuckle. “Hm. He's gotten a lot better, honestly.”
Bryce watched as the two rush down the hall and uttered a rather exasperated sigh. It felt like an act, though. The guy appeared brash by appearance. Maybe even terse and, for a lack of a better word; cantankerous. But Axel got the sense that the guy was simply the older, big brother type that appeared grumpy by first appearance, but completely and utterly protective.
“I guess we’ll go and keep an eye on them,” Bryce uttered.
Roxbury nodded his head, a small smile on his lips. “You’re not in the labyrinth right now.”
Bryce folded his arms across his chest and shrugged. “Old habits die hard.”
Hah. The guy’s kinda honest. In a brash way.
“Fair enough,” Axel commented. “We’re taking flight after lunchtime today, so I’ll get someone to find you lot before that happens.”
Varuna, the guy with long white hair, stepped out of the room he shared with Bryce and looked curiously toward Axel. “What happens during take-off?”
Axel though for a moment. He could answer that plainly, but it would be underwhelming to experiencing it for the first time. “Better if you wait and see. We kinda hunker down in the dining hall until we’ve reached cruising altitude.”
Varuna looked at him silently for a moment before he sighed and ran his hand through his white hair. “That should be fun.”
“It’s startling at first, but with your experience with airships, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Axel returned.
The sound of another door opening prevented Varuna or Bryce of uttering a response. Axel idly glanced over at the sound to see two more figures appear. One with dark purple hair and the other a sickly-looking man. Axel wasn’t a medic, but even he could tell that the guy was deathly sick. How was he even standing and walking despite being so frail?
Mahalah smiled politely as he walked over to Axel. “Excuse me, Axel?”
“Would you mind showing me the way to the kitchen?” he unexpectedly requested before he motioned to the sickly man a step behind him with a wave of his hand. “Durriken here is on a strict diet, you could say.”
Axel wasn’t at all surprised. “Sure, no problem.”
Durriken shook his head. “Don't go too much out of your way.”
Mahalah immediately turned around and chided him lightly. “Hush. You're not a hassle.”
“It's fine,” Axel interjected, knowing from experience how to deal with people who thought themselves to be burdens toward those who were genuinely worried for them. “We have a few others who are on strict diets themselves. Just talk to Flavio. He's the one in charge of the kitchen, so to speak. He'll help you sort things out.”
Mahalah looked pleased by the answer while Durriken appeared mildly confused. He also looked somewhat worried.
“Mind if I come, too?” Roxbury requested.
Man, the guy was polite. He really did remind him of Jhon in a way.
“Sure,” Axel replied with a half-smile and jabbed his thumb over his shoulder toward the stairs. “I'll show you around so you can meet the others. There's a lot of people here now, so this might take some time.”
“We’ll go check on the munchkins,” Bryce interjected as he and Varuna turned in the opposite direction, where Blayden had dragged Baldur in earlier.
With that said, they parted ways; Axel led his small group down the stairs while Bryce and Varuna moved in the other direction. Their pace wasn’t hurried, however, which kinda indicated to Axel that they were just curious to look around themselves. He could understand that.
Explorers will do what explorers do.
They walked down the stairs in silence and reached the entrance that led out into the courtyard. The foyer wasn’t empty, however. A certain silver-haired troubadour appeared to have already cornered someone. Ayjay, if he wasn’t mistaken.
“Hey, Cedric,” Axel called out as they approached, idly curious as to way Cedric seemed to hone in on this guy. “Already meeting our new residents, huh?”
Cedric turned around and beamed brightly at him. “Of course. Lynus has told me much about this Phaedron guild. I'm so glad that you've agreed to join us!”
“We've heard much about the Guardians, too,” Roxbury replied, again in that professional and well-mannered tone. “My name is Roxbury, this is Mahalah and Durriken.”
“Nice to meet you,” Mahalah immediately replied, just as politely while Durriken settled with simply nodding his head in Cedric’s direction.
“Oh, are you a dancer?” Cedric unexpectedly asked as he looked toward Mahalah. “What an interesting skill. I assume that Ayjay here is the same?”
“That's right,” Ayjay replied proudly as he practically puffed his chest out and dramatically flicked back his hair. “One of the best dancers in Tharsis.”
Cedric looked amused more than impressed. “Is that so?” he said slowly before a sly look momentarily appeared on his face. He brightened up suddenly and clapped his hands in front of him. “I would love to see you in a duet with Mahalah!”
The façade that Ayjay had immediately faltered and he unexpectedly began to stutter in a flustered manner. “A-ah, well...it's not a duet...”
Cedric continued to beam brightly, completely oblivious (or just ignoring) the discomfort from the man in front of him. “I bet he's just a beautiful dancer, hm? Quite enchanting, hm?”
“I, ah, I gotta go!” Ayjay spluttered aloud, his face as red as his hair, before he turned on his heel and practically scurried away.
“My, why such a reaction?” Cedric asked innocently as he tilted his head to the side questioningly. It was all completely fake, though.
Ah, so that was why he cornered the guy. He had found a new victim.
“He's always like that with me,” Mahalah said with a sad shake of his head.
“I bet it's because he's intimidated by your immense beauty,” Cedric said without any hesitation.
Mahalah reeled his head back in surprise and a light dusting of red appeared on his cheeks. “Wh-what?” he stuttered before he shook his head again and folded his arms across his torso. “Please, don't tease me like that.”
“Aren't you delightful?” Cedric practically cooed, though there wasn’t any mirth in his voice. He soon smiled reassuringly. “Don't worry, love, I won't tease you.” That playful smile returned and he clapped his hands in front of him. “But I will tease the hell out of him. He's going to be so much fun~”
With a very telling chuckle, Cedric turned and hurried away. In the direction that Ayjay scurried away in.
Axel shook his head in exasperation. “That's Cedric for you.”
Roxbury was silent for a moment, no doubt struggling to find some polite words to utter. “...He's certainly a character.”
Man, Roxbury was really polite. He reminded him of both Jhon and Hrothgar. The conversation between the three of them was sure to be…interesting.
Axel shook his head sharply to push that thought aside before he motioned for the others to follow him as they continued on their way. He led them down a small hall that would take them into the large kitchen from a side door.
And just as he had expected, Flavio was already there. He appeared to be asking Cress to do something for him as the small inn-keeper nodded his head readily before he spun on his heel and hurried through the large swing-doors that led to the dining hall. Flavio watched him leave before he shook his head. Fondly.
“Yo, Flavio!” Axel called out.
Flavio immediately turned in his direction. “Axel, what's up?” he asked as he made his way over.
Axel motioned to the three that were with him with a tilt of his head. “We've got some new residents.”
The expression on Flavio’s face immediately brightened. “Ah, the Phaedron guild, right? Lynus told me about you.”
“Nice to meet you, my name is Roxbury, leader of the Phaedron guild. And this is Mahalah and Durriken,” Roxbury said once more.
“And I'm Flavio, it's nice to meet you, too,” Flavio replied, friendly and warm.
“You're the one in charge here?” Mahalah asked as he glanced around the kitchen, appearing to be somewhat impressed.
Flavio rested a hand on his hip and shrugged. “You could say that.”
Axel couldn’t prevent a snort. “Please, you commandeered the kitchen the moment you moved to Maginia. I doubt you've even seen the rest of the Sanctuary.”
Flavio immediately spun around to face him directly and pouted with sheer indignation. “What? Of course I have!” he insisted.
Axel levelled him with a stare. “Then you've seen the recreational room and the greenhouse?”
“...We have a greenhouse?” Flavio asked as he sheepishly pressed his index fingers together in front of him.
Roxbury seemed interested in that small titbit of information, too. “You do?” he asked, which earned him a nod from Axel. “Well, Nitish would be happy about that.”
Axel folded his arms across his chest comfortably. “Ah, he has a bit of a green thumb? I'll get someone to show it to him later, then.”
“Moving forward; Flavio, do you mind if I speak to you about Durriken here? He's on a strict diet, you see,” Mahalah requested as he took a step closer toward Flavio. He appeared quite adamant in sorting out the issues necessary to help with Durriken’s diet.
Hardly a surprise, honestly. The guy was likely to be on a diet to help him gain some muscle mass. As healthily as possible, of course. But he was likely to be on a light diet at the same time; soups and salads. Anything too fatty would not settle in his stomach, and make him feel nauseous.
“Sure, that's no problem,” Flavio immediately replied.
Flavio wasn’t a medic, but he knew his food. And he knew the benefits of certain foods. He’d likely want to run the diet he and Mahalah make up for Durriken past someone like Lynus later. But honestly, the guy was more than capable of figuring out things on his own.
“Durra, there you are!”
The unexpected and loud shout caused everyone but Axel to jump. Axel just raised an eyebrow. The voice startled him, for sure. But he had grown used to Zeryn’s loud voice booming suddenly. Someone shouting at the top of their lungs barely got an outward reaction out of him.
He would still grimace inwardly, though. There was no need to be so loud inside, god damn it.
Durriken turned in the direction the voice resonated from and he placed his hands on his hips. In an entirely chiding way. “No need to shout.”
A guy with grey hair walked directly over to Durriken and stood before him. If Axel wasn’t mistaken, the guy’s name was Clester. He remembered him through his hair, honestly. The guy’s hair reminded him of a paintbrush; sticking straight up in a gravity defying way.
Or he just used a lot of hair-gel. Whatever, no judgement.
“Why not?” Clester said as he folded his arms dismissively behind his head. He soon smiled broadly, though. “Anyway, you're in the kitchen. That's awesome!”
Durriken sighed and straightened his posture. He shook his head and grasped his right elbow with his left hand, his arm across his torso. “...I don't see how.”
Clester ignored him as he glanced around the kitchen. “Nya, I bet there's a tonne of awesome food here.”
“Well, it wouldn't be much of a kitchen if there wasn't,” Flavio was the one to comment, gaining Clester’s attention. “Are you interested in cooking?”
Clester lowered his arms to rest his hands on his hips, and shook his head. “Nah, but I am interested in eating! I'll eat anything and everything. So, if you need a food taste-tester, I'm your man!” he finished that sentence with a proud pose, jabbing his thumb into the centre of his chest.
Flavio uttered a small laugh before he fell silent. He folded his arm across his chest and idly tapped his cheek in thought. “Hmm, that might be a good idea. After all, we’ll have new materials and ingredients to work with. Definitely going to be experimenting a little.”
That brought a really bright smile to Clester’s lips. “Hehe, awesome.” He abruptly turned to give Durriken his full attention again. “I'll share the really delicious food with you, Durra, ok?”
Durriken tilted his head to the side. “Hm? But you'll be wasting it on me.”
And that caused Clester to puff his cheeks out in disgruntlement. “Dude, if you eat it, it's not a waste!” he proclaimed loudly, sounding rather indignant. But that soon dissipated and he turned back to Flavio once more. “Anywho, what kind of food do you guys have anyway?”
Somewhat amused, Flavio continued to indulge in Clester’s curiosity. “The usual; wheat, rice, milk, meat, garden vegetables, fruit. The real experimentation will happen once we get to Lemuria and we get our hands on some monster meat.”
“Monster meat!” Clester unexpectedly cheered, going as far as throwing his arms into the air. “I haven't tried any of that!”
Flavio laughed and placed his hands on his hips. “Well, you're going to be in for a treat! I happen to have experience in working in a restaurant that specialised in ingredients from the labyrinth. I'm sure I could make a meal or two.”
“Awesome!” Clester cheered again. “I’m gonna tell Ayjay.”
With that, he turned on his heel and ran out of the room in hunt for the mentioned dancer. And left everyone in the kitchen in a somewhat amused silence.
“You seem close,” Axel couldn’t help but comment as he turned his gaze toward Durriken.
“Ah, well...” Durriken murmured, his gaze toward the floor as he held his right arm again. “We haven't actually known each other for very long.”
“Clester found Durriken one day and shared some of his food with him,” Mahalah was the one to explain with a smile. “And when he learnt that Durriken was on a strict diet, he became rather attached to him. He has a bit of an obsession with food and helping others to enjoy eating.”
The kid appeared to be loud, with a short attention span. But Axel kinda liked the guy. He liked the ones who were openly, even obliviously honest.
“Ah, that so?” Axel replied with a half grin. “He seems to be the openly affectionate type.”
Mahalah laughed softly into his hand and nodded. “He really is.”
Roxbury chuckled also. “Well, perhaps we'll leave you three to speak.”
Yeah, that would be a good idea. Flavio would need to ask a few personal questions and they didn’t need Axel hanging around, eavesdropping. Roxbury probably felt the same.
“Right, I'll introduce you to the others,” Axel said as he motioned for Roxbury to follow him through the oak swinging doors.
As they pushed through, Axel cast an idle glance at his surroundings. Some of the members of the Phaedron guild had already made their way into the dining hall. Cedric had cornered Ayjay again, but Clester was there with them, so he was entertaining him as well.
Jhon was speaking with Falkner, though Tobyn stood silently behind him, while a shady looking guy (called Telem, if Axel wasn’t mistaken) stood behind Falkner in the same protective but awkward posture.  
Even Highland Count had made his way into the dining hall, his small canine companion perched in his arms. He stood to the left of them, just a few feet away with Hrothgar next to him as Chi-hung sat on his back haunches right in front of him, likely interested in the small white dog with the pink bow.
“I must admit, when I was told that there would be a white tiger here, I wasn’t expecting a true sabre-tooth white tiger,” Count commented as he looked at Chi-hung curiously. “Being the leader of three wolves, I presume?”
“He’s quite impressive, isn’t he?” Hrothgar replied with a smile. “I assume that Chi-hung here is drawn to the little one in your arms. Chi-hung is very protective of his fellow beast companions. Along with any animal, really. If little Suzy there is any indication.”
Count cast another glance over the pack of beast companions before a light expression of surprise appeared on his face. “Oh, I didn’t see the little lamb there. Hm, and a housecat, I see.”
Again, Hrothgar nodded as Wolfgar trotted to his side. “Yes. That little one is Zanna.”
“Wonderful,” Count said, seemingly pleased with something. “I honestly wasn’t sure what I was expecting. With sentinels and vessels, I should have expected this.”
Hrothgar uttered a genuine laugh of mirth and nodded once more. “It’s amazing how we grow accustomed to such things so easily.”
Roxbury had witnessed the exchange and he, too, had a sense of amusement in his expression. “We certainly have an array of characters here, don’t we?”
“We certainly do,” Axel replied readily before he motioned toward the redheaded protector. “That’s Hrothgar. He’s an honorary member of the Guardians. We’re protective of him.”
“Ah.” Roxbury made a sound of understanding. “He’s like Ciaran, then. We’re all protective of him, too.”
Hm, the wharf master if he remembered right. Good. It was always a good sign for a guild to be protective of their honorary members.
“Ah, I had received word that we had new residents.”
Axel turned to look to his right, to where Hamza approached the two of them. “From Cedric, no doubt,” he said as Hamza stood with them.
The corner of Hamza’s mouth twitched into a half smile. “He’s quite excited, you could say.”
“Yeah, he’s found new victims to tease already.” Axel sent a quick glance in the direction were Cedric stood with Ayjay before he turned his attention back to Hamza and Roxbury once more. “Anyway, this is Hamza. He’s the original leader of the Guardians and as far as I’m concerned, he still is.”
Hamza sighed and rolled his eyes. “We’ve had this conversation. It’s a joint leadership.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Roxbury said, once again sounding quite professional and polite. “My name is Roxbury, leader to the Phaedron Guild. Though, I do tend to share that title with another.”
“Good, good,” Hamza immediately said as he nodded his head in approval and moved to shake Roxbury’s hand. “No need to shoulder the burden of a leader on your own.” He released his hand and took a half step back, though kept his full attention toward him. “In all honesty, I am the one in charge of filling the paperwork and issuing orders when necessary. Axel here, along with Lynus, are what I refer to as field leaders. Especially in regards to search and rescue missions.”
Roxbury nodded his head before he looked somewhat curious. “I see. I must admit that we’ve conducted a few search and rescues of our own, but we have little experience otherwise. I do hope that we can be of some help should you ever need it.”
“That would be greatly appreciated,” Hamza replied, his tone a mixture of approval and appreciation. “You’ll be sure to learn quickly, I am sure. A leader of any guild certainly needs to think on their feet, yes?”
Roxbury chuckled, though it wasn’t entirely out of mirth. “They certainly do.”
“I best see that Cedric hasn’t gotten too carried away,” Hamza said with a small, half smirk on his lips. “Excuse me. Perhaps we can talk after the chaos of flight has taken place?”
“Of course. I look forward to exchanging stories with you,” Roxbury immediately replied.
Hamza nodded his head once more before he turned on his heel and immediately headed in the direction where Cedric was. Whom of which now had Sigil from Guild Aurora with him. The two of them were likely picking on Ayjay now.
Axel kinda felt sorry for the guy.
“Everyone seems to be settling in well.”
“Nitish, Achyua,” Roxbury said in greeting even before he turned around to look to his left. He smiled warmly when he saw that he was right. That smile soon faded slightly as he looked at Nitish with a half curious, concerned look on his face. “How are you feeling? Not being overwhelmed from all the new auras?”
“I’m fine,” Nitish immediately replied as he folded his hands delicately in front of him, staying close to Achyuta as the other man rested a hand on the small of his back for comfort. “There’s a lot of new auras, yes. But I sense no negativity. Though, some of them are…interesting, to say the least.”
“Take your time,” Axel said, causing the blond to turn his head toward him in curiosity. “Lynus tends to become spacy when there’s new auras for him to subconsciously inspect.”
Nitish smiled gently. “Thank you, I’ll be fine.”
Axel looked at the two for a moment. Nitish reminded him a little of Lynus; delicate and gentle. Achyuta, however, reminded him of Jhon and Topaz; mild-mannered and sophisticated. There was a sense of gentleness from him, too, however.
They just remind him of a content pair of homebodies.
“Oh, right, before I forget,” Axel said before he turned his head to the side and cupped his mouth with his hand. “Joren!”
Not a moment later, a short teen with blond haired hurried into view. He immediately made his way over to Axel and stood before him. He had to tilt his head back to look up at him, curiosity in his expression. He thankfully wasn’t as intimidated when he first met.
“Yes, Mr Axel?” Joren asked.
“Drop the mister,” Axel instinctively returned before he motioned toward Nitish with his hand. “Anyway, I want you to show Nitish here the greenhouse.”
Nitish’s expression immediately brightened. “You have a greenhouse?”
“Right,” Axel replied with a half-smile. “It’s a little empty at the moment, but Joren here is a farmer. He’s been working on it by himself.”
Nitish nodded his head before he tapped his cheek in thought. “To be truthful, I actually brought a few seeds from my own garden. I had hoped that I could do something like this here. With medicinal herbs, and all.” He turned his gaze toward Joren and smiled softly. “Do you mind?”
“No, that’s fine,” Joren dutifully replied with a shake of his head. He soon frowned lightly, however. “I haven’t worked much with medicinal herbs, though.”
Nitish smiled warmly. “I can teach you.”
Joren appeared excited by that and he looked up at Nitish in surprise. “Really?”
“Hm? Did I hear a greenhouse?”
Another pair of members from the Phaedron guild approached their growing group. They appeared slightly older than everyone else. Logre and Jeroden if he wasn’t mistaken. Quite heavily scarred, too. And not just physically.
There was definitely something about their auras that caught Lynus’ attention. Caught Axel’s attention, too. He couldn’t see what Lynus could. He knew a scarred individual, however. And in all honesty, they reminded him of both Shiki and Gerald; both held past hurts that, as try as they might, still affected them to this very day.
He felt the urge to keep an eye on them.
“Yes. Joren here is a farmer,” Nitish answered Jeroden’s observation.
“Ah, I have some farming experience myself,” Jeroden said as he folded his scarred arms across his chest. “Especially in working with difficult terrain. Let me know if you ever need any help.”
“Wow, really?” Joren replied, again sounding impressed.
Jeroden laughed in response, while Logre on the other hand seemed to have winced before he plastered a roguish smile to his lips once more. “Haha, sure! How I about I join you in visiting the greenhouse now?”
Achyuta immediately smiled and gave Nitish a small, supportive nudge. “I’ll stay with Sir Logre. You two go ahead.”
Nitish tilted his head back toward Achyuta and smiled. “Yes.”
They spent a short moment just looking at each other, reminding Axel of how he and Lynus would do the same whenever they had separate responsibilities. They eventually turned away from each other and Nitish moved to walk, rather elegantly, with Jeroden as Joren happily took the lead.
Achyuta watched for a moment until they were out of sight. He then turned toward Logre and gave him a polite smile. “Shall we inspect the premises?”
Logre rubbed the back of his neck as he thought for a moment. “Mah, might as well.” That response caught Achyuta’s smile grew more understanding.
“Don’t get lost.” Axel couldn’t help him. “This place is massive.”
“We’ll do our best,” Achyuta said with a friendly smile. “Excuse us.”
Man, another incredibly professional and polite one.
“Hm…” Axel hummed to himself as he watched the two leave his view before he folded his arms and crossed his arms across his chest. “They seem restless.”
Roxbury nodded his head. “New surroundings, old habits.”
“Yeah, fair enough,” Axel replied idly as he rolled his shoulder to ease out a small knot. “Can never be too cautious. There’re a few others like that already. This place is going to be well guarded, that’s for sure.”
Roxbury nodded his head again and parted his lips to respond. But an expression of surprise appeared on his face as his gaze drifted over Axel’s shoulder. Curious, Axel turned to look as well, and immediately understood his reaction.
Cannan and Skylark had made their way to the dining hall in preparation for lift-off, and was immediately (and cutely) confronted by Zoran, the seemingly quite fragile vessel, an inhabitant of a labyrinth located somewhere near Tharsis. Cannan and Skylark immediately stop dead in their tracks and turned their full attention to Zoran. Cannan appeared quite curious, holding his chin in thought as he leaned forward.
“They’re…?” Roxbury murmured.
“Hm? Oh, that’s Cannan and Skylark,” Axel explained. “Lynus mentioned that inhabitants from the labyrinth in Lagaard agreed to join, remember? That’s them.”
Roxbury continued to look at the two-winged ones, who in turn are fully interested in Zoran and Biast, the purple-furred sentinel. “That’s honestly amazing. Zoran and Biast, rather Zoran especially, would be happy to chat with them for hours.”
Axel nodded and was about to say something when he heard Cannan’s voice state; “You are indeed very small and fragile.” And he couldn’t help but snort to cover up a laugh.
Roxbury was about to say something else but his brow abruptly furrowed and he took a half-step forward, as if he couldn’t quite understand what he was seeing. “That’s…?”
“Hm?” Axel turned toward Cannan and his new friends once more, and he soon found the reason for Roxbury’s reaction. “Oh, the mechanical guy? That’s Shobek, an Yggdroid. A native of Armoroad, apparently. From what I know. Long story.”
An expression of understanding soon appeared on Roxbury’s face and he nodded his head. “I see. So, are there forest inhabitants from other labyrinths?”
“So far,” Axel replied with a shrug. “Apparently, there were forest natives in Etria, but something happened. They don’t like talking about it.”
Roxbury frowned lightly. “I see…”
Lindis and Simon really didn’t like to talk about it. They honestly would go no further than stating “something happened” and would leave it at that.
Something happened, alright. And it was devastating that it scarred the two to this very day. There was a high possibility that they were even haunted by what had occurred in their dreams.
There was little Axel or anyone else could do to help them for the time being. If they didn’t wish to talk about it, then no one could or would force them to. When they were ready to talk, someone would be ready to listen.
“Anyway, let’s continue with the introductions,” Axel stated to change the conversation. He however, paused when he spied another medic amongst the throngs of people mingling in the dining hall. “Before that; Oi, Isiah!”
Isiah lifted his head up and turned toward him with an eyebrow arched in question. “Hm?”
“If you're interested, the clinic is located down that hall,” Axel explained as he tilted his head toward the hallway that Isiah was the closest too. If he knew anything about medics, he’d be interested in seeing what the clinic held for him to work with. “You can't miss it.”
“That so?” Isiah uttered as he turned to look in the direction Axel indicated in. He soon shrugged and shoved his hands into the pockets of his medical coat. “Sure, I'll have a look.”
Axel watched as the other medic disappeared down the hall and shook his head, his patient half-smile making its way to his lips. “Fairly certain that Lynus is still there. Otherwise, he'd be out here fussing over everyone.”
Roxbury chuckled. “He does give the feeling of being the motherly type.”
“Hah, you haven’t seen him in full care-taker mode yet,” Axel said, good-naturedly before he patted Roxbury lightly on the shoulder. “You guys are going to be just fine here with this lot, I’m sure of it.”
“Yes, I’m sure of it, too,” Roxbury said readily as he moved to follow Axel deeper into the dining hall.
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