#(more than a little freaked out. the numbers were not kind)
frostybearpaws · 2 days
AU ask! Tell me about the kids relationship with their big sis, Jinx.
Before the twins were born but Sevika was visibly pregnant (with what they thought was just one big ass baby) Jinx had a lot of internal build up of negative feelings and negative thoughts that equate to, they’ve had their time with me, now they’re having “real children” which ultimately led to an emotional meltdown and a screaming match between panicking Jinx and hormonal Sevika.
eventually, when the climate has cooled down and they are once again able to talk to one another, they are able to dispel the thoughts that Jinx had regarding her position in the family now that there was going to be a tiny human.
at this point Jinx starts to cautiously look forward to the arrival of what she thinks is one sibling then BOOM she gets two. (Initially she kind of freaks out but warms to the idea with some coaxing)
no one knew that there were going to be twins so it was a surprise for everybody. Silco showed Jinx her new brother and then learned that there was another one to which Jinx yelled, “holy shit does she have a whole clown car in there?” Sevika was not amused.
after the twins are born Jinx is still a little unsure about them. They’re loud and are these weirdly helpless little blobs that have uncanny (but also totally expected) similarity to the two people who have raised her.
a couple months down the line she’s finally interacting with the twins, she makes two discoveries. Gaia is a very cuddly baby who will grab a hold of someone and Not Let Go which is fine just don’t let him get your hair and Atlas has the most adorable grumpy baby face and these discoveries make her want to learn more about them.
then Sevika has Sif, cognito baby number three and is what Jinx calls a delayed triplet (because she is 11 months younger than the twins).
Jinx is now more excited for Sif now that she has interacted with her twins and decided it was a good experience. What kind of trips her up is that there is an uncanny parallel with her position in the family now being what Vi used to be. She is now the big sister to two younger brothers and littlest sister. She gets a bit emotional about that but resolves to be “better than Vi” (bc at this point Vi and Jinx have pretty much burned their bridge and it will take a long time to rekindle any kind of sisterly bond because of this interaction.)
she does her best to be a good big sister. She teaches her siblings how to defend themselves (so does the rest of the family so they are basically trained assassins by the age of like nine and ten)
Sif ends up taking after Jinx and making weapons. (jinx is very very pleased with that, and there is an added bonus of Sif being naturally gifted in magic)
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fraye-complex · 3 months
I was Not made to do taxes! I was made to get high and kiss another boy on the mouth and sit up in his lap all comfy and melt into him, kissing lazily at his neck and shoulder until I'm so foggy I start to fade in and out of consciousness against him and then I can just be his toy! That's what I was made for 💛
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I’m so sorry for this guys but
AITA for telling someone their horse was masturbating?
Basically does what it says on the tin. For those of you who don’t know horses can masturbate. It’s most common in male horses under the age of three who have not had their testicles removed and who are confined to a stall or small pen and get really bored. They typically grow out of the behaviour once they’re older or given more freedom. Some owners try to train them to stop it from happening but most just ignore it because it’s better than other boredom behaviours like cribbing and wind-sucking (both are SFW to Google btw).
Anyway, I’m a groom and stable hand, mid-twenties now but been working at my job since I was fifteen (part-time then, now full-time). The stable I work at boards horses and gives lessons but also offers training for young horses, so we get a lot of OTTB here – that is “off-the-track Thoroughbreds”, so ex-racing horses that people typically buy cheap and then retrain to be show jumpers or dressage horses or whatever. One such horse is Bert, who is the horse in question in this situation.
Bert has excellent bloodlines but he sucked as a racing horse so he was sold OTT. The man who bought him, I’ll just call him John, knows nothing about horses – he’s a total beginner in every way, has never ridden and pays other people (including me) to take care of Bert, but claims to be an expert in everything equine because Bert cost him so much money (I don’t know the actual amount but he’s in the section of the stable where the $20,000 Warmbloods are boarded so I’m assuming around that amount which is a lot yes but also not the most expensive horse we’ve had here).
Anyway the actual story – I’m at work cleaning out stalls when John walks past, he completely ignores me as he always does so I do the same and get back to work. A few minutes later he goes sprinting back in the opposite direction which I thought was weird but whatever, I kept mucking, until I heard him shouting for help. I went out into the aisle and he’s there shouting at another groom and demanding to know the emergency vets number (it was a weekday morning btw, so he didn’t need the emergency vet, he just needed the regular vet but that’s meaningless anyway). I went over to see what was happening and he tells me his horse (Bert) is ‘acting weird’ and needs a vet immediately, so I offer to go see Bert for myself and then call the vet if necessary.
So basically yeah Bert was masturbating. Had an erection, was rocking about rubbing it on his tummy, and did NOT want anyone going in his stall or touching him. John points at Bert and says something like “see, he’s sick!” and then tells me Bert tried to attack him when he entered the stall and I just, I dunno, I cough and say that Bert is fine and just wants some privacy right now, figuring that the obvious erection might be a giveaway as to what’s happening? But John turned to me and blurts out word for word “are you an actual retard” and then starts cursing at me and telling me I know nothing and Bert needs a vet etc and so on. I kind of blanked on everything else he said after he called me a retard to be honest because WTF? I don’t really know what went on in my brain in the next few seconds but I ended up shouting – yes, shouting, extremely loudly, it fucking echoed in the stable – “he doesn’t need a vet because HE’S JUST MASTURBATING” in John’s face and then walking back to the stall I’d been mucking.
As I got back to the stall I heard laughter from a couple of aisles over. Apparently my co-workers and some riders who were there had all heard me shout and found it hilarious, and that made me laugh too because it was so freaking ridiculous. I honestly kind of forgot the entire encounter afterwards because we had a horse who actually needed a vet a little while later and yeah, John and Bert just slipped my mind.
I didn’t remember until that afternoon when my boss came to see me and said he’d had a complaint from John who wanted me fired. I did not get fired but I did get ‘warned’ (just a formality, my boss didn’t actually punish me but wanted me to act like I had been if John questioned me later, which he never did). John complained that I’d treated him like an idiot, spoken down to him, and “acted above my position” (those were the exact words he used) causing people to laugh at him. I explained the entire situation to my boss, who also laughed, and that was that, nothing else ever came of it aside from my co-workers telling the story of me shouting HE’S MASTURBATING so loudly it scared a pony into jumping so suddenly that it farted to everyone they possibly could.
Since then John has ignored me even more than before which I honestly consider a blessing, and I would leave this situation thinking I’m NTA except that one of my co-workers brought their boyfriend to the stable recently and when they introduced us the boyfriend said something like ‘oh right, you’re the asshole who talks down to people who don’t know everything about horses’ and yeah. My co-worker was blindsided by that as well and we basically both said you don’t have to know everything about horses to know what an erection means, but since then I’ve been wondering if I am TA in this situation? Like, clearly there were better ways to tell John what his horse was doing, but he called me a retard and also I get paid to take care of horses not to teach the birds and the bees to fifty year olds so I don’t know. I’ll let Tumblr decide.
So, AITA for telling John his horse was masturbating?
Additional info: I'm on a rota with other stable hands so I sometimes groom Bert, muck his stall, attend to his vet/farrier appointments, give him worming paste, etc and so on. I am not his trainer and have no input into when he gets to leave his stall. I've mentioned to my boss a couple of times that he boredom stims and should be in a paddock with other young horses, but John refuses to agree to that for reasons I don't know. My boss has since spoken to Bert's trainer who is now trying to convince John to let Bert have more time outdoors.
What are these acronyms?
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dckweed · 10 months
Not sure if you're doing top gun requests right now, but if so, here's one. Rooster with a girl who is helping penny at the bar on a super busy night and there is some rowdy group who keeps calling her over and staring at her, and eventually they go too far and try to grab her but she just knocks one of them clean out and as the guys (hangman, fanboy, etc) is taking care of them, rooster takes her away bc she was about to go crazy on them lol. He's just like "that was so hot but you don't need to go to prison tonight."
baby i am always taking top gun requests. ooooh i love this idea so freaking much, thank you for choosing me to send it too, i absolutely do love it when you guys send things!
please note that i see every request that comes in and i am getting to them one at a time! with that being said, feel free to send one in!
anway, how are we all doing today? are we staying hydrated?
warnings: drinking, violence, inappropriate groping and harassment, bar fights, established relationship with rooster!
"BITCHLESS & DICKLESS' bradley rooster bradshaw x fem!reader
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It was a busy Friday night at the Hard Deck, you and Penny the only two working and barely able to keep up with the constant flow of customers coming through, it only seemed to get even more crowded and rowdy when a small group of sailors fresh off the base come through, taking up a couple of the tables near the juke box. They signal you over and you make your towards them, order pad in hand incase they order more than just beer.
"Hey guys, how can i help you?" You ask, your voice upbeat and a smile on your face. It was sticky hot outside and you knew your shirt was clinging to your skin because of it, you tried not to feel too uncomfortable with the obvious way two of the men were staring at you. "Eyes up here, fellas." You say, giving a playful angry look. You were used to being looked at, it kind of came with the job title of bartender, but that didn't mean that it didn't make you uncomfortable.
One of the men cocks a smirk at you, leaning back easily in his seat. "They'll have a round of Budweiser," He says, his eyes not leaving you once as he gestures towards his friends. "and i'll have your number, sweetness."
Before you can open your mouth to object politely, one of his buddies beats you to it. "Hey, Hanks, give some of us a chance with her damn." He chuckles flashing you a smile.
"How about none of you get a chance?" You say sweetly, laughing with his buddies. "I'll be back with the beers in a minute." You shake your head, walking back to the bar. You grab six cold beers from the ice box and start putting them on a serving tray.
"Those boys gonna be trouble?" Penny asks, maneuvering her way behind you with a few drinks of her own. You hadn't realized that she had heard the interaction.
"No, they'll be fine." You shake your head, glancing back over at the table as you pop the tops off of the bottles one by one. The one that had asked for your number, Hanks, was staring at you and talking to the rest of his friends at the same time. His gaze unsettled you, but you carried on with your job anyway. You make your way back over to them, planting your serving smile back on to your face as you start handing out their beers. "Alright fellas, let me know if there's anything else i can get you, okay?"
"That phone number is still wanted, honey." Hanks' friend says, taking a sip from his bottle. He shoots you a wink and manspreads in his chair, you perk an eyebrow at him. What was it with navy boys being so goddamn persistent?
"I'm sure it is honey," You say, your voice a little more stern on the matter this time around. "but my boyfriend sure wouldn't appreciate me giving it out to random navy boys that walk into my bar." You turn to head back towards the actual bar, where you see Penny starting struggle.
"I don't see him around, im sure what he don't know won't kill him!" Hanks voice calls after you, its almost admirable how persistent they are, it was afterall one of the more endearing qualities about your boyfriend when you first met him, although you had to say that he hadn't been nearly as uncomfortable as these boys were.
"Oh he'll be around!" You call back over your shoulder, not noticing that at that moment said boyfriend and his group of friends had walked through the front door of the bar. You didn't notice them for quite a few minuets, giving them plenty of time to get to their usual seats as you worked on the fresh wave of customers at the bar, mixing drinks and handing them out almost mechanically.
After around twenty minutes or so Bradley comes up to the bar, standing directly behind you, your back turned as you pour beer from the tap. "Here you g-Bradley!" You exclaim excitedly, nearly spilling the beer in your hands before you hand it to the man standing next to him.
"Hey baby," He says, his voice gruff and hoars, tired. He gladly accepts your kiss as you lean across the bar for it, pressing his lips against your own. He was still wearing his flight suit, and still covered in sweat, and a quick glance towards the others told you everything y ou needed to know.
"Rough day?" You look at him, eyes questioning as you get to work making their drinks. Whiskey neat for Jake, Scotch on the rocks for Bradley and Natasha and a pop for Bob, your favorite sober companion most evenings.
"You could say that," He says, a deep sigh leaving his chest as he watches you, already feeling more at ease. You didnt pry any farther, knowing he would tell you all about it in bed that night. "When are you off?"
You pout, coming around the bar with the drinks on a serving tray. "Not until nearly closing tonight," You say, walking with him towards the others. Bradley studiously takes the tray from you, ever the gentleman even on his roughest days, his arm brushing your shoulder as you walk. "Hey guys," You greet, giving Jake and Bob your usual friendly kiss on the cheek, and with a giggle you give one to Nat too when she taps hers and gives you a lopsided grin. You could tell by looks on their faces that they all needed a dose of happiness.
"Where's mine?" Bradley whines, hand on your hip possessively. You roll your eyes at him but lean up to kiss his waiting cheek anyway, adoring the small smile that tugs at the corners of his lips.
"Awe come on Rooster, you get her all the time, let the rest of us have some." Natasha says, causing you to throw your head back in a laugh, leaning farther into your boyfriend. Your laugh was infectious and the whole group lets out a chuckle, you watch their bodies relax afterwards. "Might want to keep em coming, Y/N , it's been a rough one.."
Jake looks somewhere behind you, eyebrows pinched, stare hard. "Looks like you're in need, Y/N" He says, raising his whiskey to his lips to take a sip.
You look over your shoulder, your eyes landing on the group of sailors from earlier on the other side of the bar. "Those guys again," You sigh, grabbing your tray off the table.
Bob grabs your wrist before you go, and you furrow your brow at him. "Are those guys giving you a hard time?" He asks quietly, he knew Bradley was already on edge as it was and didn't want him looking for a fight.
"Nothing i can't handle, Bobby," You say, ruffling his hair with a wink before heading off towards the group, putting some pep back in your step. "Ready for round two already, fellas?"
The night drags on quickly and slowly all at the same time, customers come and go, drinks are made and made again and carried out to tables. The two main groups being your Boyfriend and the rest of the daggers and the group of boat boys who become more rowdy as the night drags on.
Bradley is already uneasy with them as it is, catching them staring at you one too many times and asking for your number more than once, to which you studiously turn them down, looking his way as if asking for help. He knew he would step in when needed, but he also hoped that didn't need to happen, he knew Penny would talk to Mav and Mav would talk his ear off about it tomorrow on base.
Your patience had more than worn thin, and you were counting down the minuets until your shift was over, hoping that the last half an hour would pass without any issues. Your hopes were wrong though.
You were bringing the group of boat boys another round of beers and a couple of waters and were just picking up the empties and placing them on your tray when you feel it, a large, sweaty hand sliding up the back of your thigh and right up onto your ass, giving it a heavy squeeze. Your eyes widen. "You wanna lose that fucking hand?" You ask, voice gruff as you stand up straight. The entire table quiets.
"What? Fly girl over there is good enough to squeeze this thick ass but i'm not?" Natasha had playfully smacked your ass on her way to the restroom a short time ago, something the two of you had grown close enough as friends to do. It had made you laugh, but this? Oh this was an entirely different ball game.
You see red, and off in the distance you hear Bradley and Jake both yell and the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor as they all get up abruptly. Youve done it before they can even reach you though. The tray drops from your grasp, your dominant hand balling up as the sound of shattering glass reaches your ears and your fist collides with Hanks' face, right between the eyes. You feel a sickening crunch under the force of the blow and blood spurts out of his nostrils as he slumps down, you had hit him hard enough to knock him out.
"What the fuck?!?" Bradley is next to you, arm out protectively as his friends all stand from their seats, ready to brawl over what you had done, even though their pig of a friend had done worse in your opinion. "Y/N?"
"Bitchless and Dickless over there can't catch a fucking hint!" You yell lunging for his friend. Rooster's arms hold you back though before you can make contact with him, the entire bar watches you scream and kick at the sailor as your boyfriend drags you out towards the parking lot. "Fucking assholes! Squeezed my fucking ass!"
Surprisingly, Bob is the first to throw a punch. He had been watching the idiots mess with you all night long along with Rooster. And after their long ass day he was just as ready to fight as the rest of them, infact, he actually took pleasure in what he did. His fist collides squarely with Hanks' friend and Natasha drags the already semi conscious asshole across the floor after you and Bradley, Penny coming to help her.
"Jesus christ baby, you started a fucking brawl!" Bradley laughs, opening the passenger door of the bronco, shoving all of his stuff onto the floorboard as he sets you up on the seat. "That was so fucking hot," He says, hearing police sirens in the distance already. "You have no idea how bad i want to fuck you right now but i can't have you going to jail tonight, buckle in tight baby.." He says, closing your door before running around to the drivers side, the only the thought on his mind is getting you home where you're safe and in your guys' bed, preferably underneath of him.
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usedtobecooler · 7 months
steve takes on a shitty little side job for halloween, working as a scare actor at the pumpkin patches after dark strictly adult shows.
his character changes most nights, to keep things fresh but mostly so that eddie won’t come running in with his girl of the night — with the sole purpose of dragging steve to the ground to make himself look tough in front of her.
tonight he’s got a burlap sack over his face, dressed in a blue boiler suit that’s ripped at the chest from an overzealous customer a few days previous — and okay, maybe he should’ve worn a shirt under it, but, y’know, the chicks dig it.
he’s hiding behind a hay bale when he spots you with your group of friends — you’re an easy target, jumping at every little noise, flash of light and brush of fingers on your elbows. your friends are laughing so hard it draws attention, every actor in the place jumping out on you all and terrifying you further.
he almost feels bad about praying on you, knowing he’s gonna freak you out, but it was what you paid for, after all. and he was endeared by the fact that, no matter how nervous you seemed, you were laughing just as hard as your friends were and looked to be genuinely enjoying it.
as you get closer, excitement builds in steve’s chest, you’re slightly sideways, unaware of his presence, and he takes his opportunity — pushes his way out from behind the bales to a gaggle of ear piercing screams and laughter. you jump, trip over your own feet and basically fall onto him, a panicked little giggle pushing past your lips.
he crowds you back up against the hay bale stack, honey flecked eyes narrowed and hardened as you stare at him, a nervous laugh escaping you. you’re breathing heavily, he can feel your chest heaving against his own with how tightly pressed together you are. he forgets for a moment that he’s meant to be scaring you, instead leaning a toned arm out to bracket you in.
he only plans to do it for a moment, but then you actively push up into him, like you’re daring him to do more and, oh. steve leans in, so close in fact, that your noses brush through the thick, scratchy material of the sack covering his face.
you gasp, another nervous laugh being punched out of you, though your gaze finally leave his to rake down the vast expanse of exposed, tan, freckled skin. steve almost feels a little smug at how long it takes for you to rip your pretty eyes off of his toned body.
your friends have long gone, their laughter and screams to be heard just over steve’s shoulder. he’s almost glad that they left you both alone to have your moment, but his shackles go up at the idea of them leaving you.
he’s almost ready to break character to escort you back to them, when a high pitched trill of your name is echoed through the maze. you almost look sad as you acknowledge your friend, pouting exaggeratedly and nodding towards them.
he holds his hand up to his ear, fingers in the shape of a makeshift phone, “gimme your number?” he’s grinning, even though you can’t see, and he knows his voice sounds deeper than usual with the muffled affect of the burlap mask.
you fluster, covering your mouth with your hand to hide your laugh, “when do you finish up?” your voice is soft, sweet and steve kind of melts with it.
steve doesn’t speak again, just holds up all ten fingers to mimic that he gets off at 10pm. you look down at your watch on your wrist, just a slight glance but it’s enough for him to catch.
“meet me under the ferris wheel once you’re off?”
and hell, who was steve to pass on that opportunity?
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
prove it to me ༓ jjk (m)
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✑ Summary: "I'm not your baby Jungkook. Remember that." Those are the words you say right before jumping into a one night stand with Jeon Jungkook, the man who's constantly annoying you with his college fling stories. You decide maybe just this once you'll play into his game and prove that he's no more average than the rest.
Pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x fem!reader
AU/genre: PWP, smut, humor, fluff, one-sided e2l, friend of friends, oneshot (for now?)
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 5.3k+
Warnings: arguing, swearing, sexual tension, denial of feelin’s, kook’s kind of an @$$ but he got some truth to him, oc's jaded & not buying into kook's bs, myg being a good friend then ditching lmao, kook likes calling oc petnames, kook is bunny boy
sexually explicit content: dom!jk, switch sub!reader, semi-awkward first kiss, unprotected s*x (pls stay safe everyone!!), teasing, foreplay, dirty talk, some manhandling, rough sex, t*itty suck, f*ngering, penetration, cunnilingus, doggy, multiple orgasms (f. receiving), kooks calls her pretty girl, some degradation/dumbification (sl*t calling) & oc has bit of an actual dumby moment but she's still fairly rigid, but not a full brat? Lmao idk
Now playing: Monster in me, Breakfast, LOUD
A/N: ahdjsj?c it's here! 👉👈 a thousand apologies that this is out way later than planned! Uni getting most of my time 😟 But its here and I'm so pumped to share it with you guys!! Hope you enjoy 😗💕
@marcoazz2 @demiec0re @jcrl99 @muah-minhoe-8 @whoa-jo @jeongukkieeeeeeee @sweet4jenni @chanjwl @kimtaesss @jexizia @vexstrils @notchia @dollypoetry @cherrysoulth @burnahtsw @icantpickabiasugh @megaamonn
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Jung freaking kook. Just look at him sitting over there, half-naked and wet. Sure, he’s got a towel thrown over a shoulder but it’s so small it’s doing fuck all to dry him off. Obviously he chose it on purpose. He thinks he’s such hot shit but you think he looks like a drowned rat.
And look! He’s got Namjoon’s apartment floor drenched with the pool water he tracked in! Man, if this was your place you’d be handing him a nice mop and bucket right about now.
"They were begging me to go a fourth round, but I was winding down, y'know?" Jungkook's voice echos obnoxiously off the walls. You mentally roll your eyes. He’s got a big mouth too. This must be your twentieth time hearing the same spiel about his little rendezvous with two chicks during undergrad. News flash Jungkook, you're not a god!
The guys are into it, though. You scan the room. Hoseok's on the verge of drooling, and Jimin can't stop grinning. Namjoon and Seokjin are leaning back in their seats, slight smirks pulling at the corners of their mouths. And Taehyung? Don't even get started on him. The man excused himself for the bathroom about ten minutes ago and is still yet to return.
Men. You decided to spend your one free Saturday with men.
You should have accepted Soyeon's offer to go drinking instead. This was the downside of being one of the only females in this so-called "friend group". None of your girlfriends were here! Sure, other women were around, but they were far too busy slinging themselves all over that perfectly chiseled bod–no.
Don't finish that thought.
Lots of guys go to the gym, __. Jungkook is nothing special. These women are obviously brainwashed; unlike them, you don't have time for his little boy games. It's time to get out of here.
"Okay, well, I'm heading out. Nice seeing everyone," you say, rising from your seat.
Jimin whips his head around. "What, already? We haven't gotten to the good part yet."
��There’s a good part?" You scoff. “Or, you mean Jungkook making girl number two squirt all over the bed? Heard it before, don't need to hear it again."
"It was girl number one," Jungkook butts in, eager to correct.
Whatever. You swing the apartment door open, phone and keys in hand. "See most of you on work Monday." You allow the door to slam behind you.
"She okay?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, wheels turn in his head.
"Don't worry about her. Work's probably got her beat." Namjoon cracks open a can of beer unfazed.
Jungkook nods, chewing on the bottom of his lip. "Does she–"
"The answer's no. __ doesn't need a good fuck, so put those thoughts away."
Shit, Jungkook swears internally.
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Monday morning comes like hell on your doorstep. You're groggy when you wake up, barely getting to the shower. You considered skipping the ritual entirely but couldn't, not with how gross you felt. Project deadlines were right on your tail too, so you needed to either slap yourself awake or kiss your precious job promotion goodbye. You choose the later.
"Hey Minji, how are those files coming along?" You round the corner of the small office. It's 10 o'clock now, and everyone is typing, scanning, copying, and making phone calls until steam comes out of their ears.
"Almost finished." Your coworker, only a few years younger, responds. "Just have to tie up some loose ends, and then I'll hand them to you for review."
"Great. Thanks for–" You pause when you catch a slight grin spreading across Minji's face. Despite all the chaos today, Minji's definitely been the most cheerful. "You seem really happy today. Something good happened recently?"
Minji suppresses the grin and squeezes her palms in her lap. “Nothing in particular. Just glad to be a part of the team."
"Yeah, right!" Hoseok sends a knowing smirk, nearing the two of you. "Someone had a busy night last night, huh? It's okay. __ is cool. You can tell her anything." Once close enough, your coworker pulls you into a casual side hug.
You grimace. It feels weird while at the office.
"Do you mind?" You shrug him off. "It's work hours."
"Well, actually," Minji starts, cheeks rising. "It's nothing like that. I'm going on a date tonight. I'm just a little excited."
Hoseok's mouth forms an 'o', eyes widening. "Really? Who is it?"
"Uh, his name's Jeon–"
"Jungkook?” Jimin’s head pokes up from across the cubicle. Eavesdropping as usual.
"No…," Minji replies. "Who's Jungkook?"
"He's just a close friend of ours." Hoseok gestures between the three of you. “He’s Jeon Jungkook.”
"He's only you guy's friend," you say bitterly. Considering that player as a friend is pushing it for you. Really pushing it.
"C'mon, what's with you and Jungkook?" Jimin says, shooting you a borderline glare. "You've had bad blood with the guy since you met him.”
"Oh, don't start with me Park,” you fold your arms. "You know exactly why I feel the way I do."
You think he'll have a comeback, but he doesn't. Jimin simply sighs and returns to his work. Figures he'd be the one to jump to Jungkook's defense. The man practically idolizes him. That, and he's been best friends with him for the past eight years. Loyalty sure has its perks.
"So! If it's not Jungkook, who's the guy?" Hoseok asks, hoping to switch the topic around.
Minji jolts up in her seat. “Wonwoo," she says. “His name’s Wonwoo. We ran into each other at a friend's birthday party last night."
"Well, good luck with him tonight," you reply, returning to your office. "I'm sure it'll go well." Enough small talk. You have a whole seven hours plus of work left.
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6:45 p.m.
The clock on your screen blinks at you. Everyone's gone home by now, and so should you. But you're still here, fingers frantically typing on the keyboard.
“__, go home already." Your finance officer, Min Yoongi, stands in the doorway, resting an arm against the frame. He's got his soft, leather briefcase in the other hand; yes, the one you got him for his birthday a couple months ago.
Yoongi was the only person in your department who often stayed as late as you. He looked like he was on his way out, though. Must have gotten what he wanted done. "I'll get there eventually," you say. "Just finishing some reports for our meeting tomorrow."
"What reports? They're all done."
"Well…my reports."
"You mean, the ones that we don't actually need?" He quirks a brow.
"They're extra just in case. There might be something off, and this might help." Yeah maybe you were making shit up to keep yourself busy, so sue you. What else were you going to preoccupy your time with? You already polished off the last pint of cookies and cream ice cream.
"You're cute." Pushing off the doorframe, Yoongi nears your desk. "You know boss doesn't look at them."
"You never kno–"
"Hey." The authority in your co-worker's voice makes you straighten your posture. "Let's cut the bullshit." In a moment of urgency, he leans his body between you and your computer.
"Excuse you?" You shove his shoulder with both hands, but he stands firm until your computer goes pitch black.
"Here's what we're gonna do." You're gently pulled up and out of your seat by the wrist. "I'm gonna get a drink, and you're coming with me."
The man gathers your coat and bag, slinging them over a shoulder. You feel your legs being lifted off the ground soon after. "I can walk, you know." You reflexively kick your feet in protest. It's been a while since he's picked you up like this.
Yoongi switches off the light and makes his way to the elevator at the end of hall. "Not right now, you can't." He pushes the button, calling it up.
"Ah look at you," you purr, locking your arms around his neck. "Someone's been watching k-dramas after hours. Trying to confess or something?"
He enters the elevator for both of you, amused by your playful remark. "I consider you my friend, __. But if I were trying to confess, I'd just come out with it. Subliminal messaging isn't really my thing.”
Understanding his notion, you close your mouth. What were you supposed to say to that?
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You aimlessly watch as the woman pours freshly shaken alcohol into a short, round glass. She finishes the concoction by sticking an orange wedge along the rim. A cocktail, a classic but timeless favorite. Yoongi takes a sip of his whiskey and tilts his head towards you. "Whenever you're ready to spill your guts, let me know." 
"Hmm? I don't have anything going on." You down a shot yourself. "Nothing to spill here." 
He gives his glass a gentle swirl, liquid splashes against the sides. 
"Why are you looking at me like that? Nothing's wrong," you say. 
He sets his glass on the bartop, straight-faced. 
"Honestly, I don't know what you're getting at. We just came for a drink." 
"It's him, isn't it? Bunny boy with the six pack."
Your nose scrunches knowing exactly who he's referring to. With little thought you give a short 'no'. 
Yoongi stares at you nonchalantly. "Nice try, but I'm not an idiot, __. I don't know the guy that well, but I know enough that he's been on your mind a lot. You've been real prickly towards him too. Something tells me he's the reason you've been burying yourself in work lately.” 
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm just committed to my work. You know me, Ms. married to her job and all." You feign a chuckle. "I assure you, Ju–he's the furthest thing from my mind." 
“Mhm...right." He hums unconvinced. "Tell me ms. married to her job, why won't you say his name?"
"Because-" You cut shortly. "I'd rather not think of him right now. Can't we talk about something else or drink in peace?" 
He reaches for another taste of his burning liquor. "Alright."
Minutes pass before either of you speaks. You and Yoongi do this often, and you cherish it quite a bit. Sitting in silence after a long day at work soothes both your minds. But the man was right. Your mind isn't settled at all. No. It's buzzing with constant deadlines, family expectations, social commitments–  
"Okay it's him!" you blurt out, earning the attention of a few passing diners and even the bartender herself. Shoulders slouch as you grip the glass in front of you. Your eyes shift to your right, side-eyeing Yoongi, silently staring back at you.
"Jungkook...he’s just frustrating,” you finally say. “Fucking this girl, fucking that girl. Do you think I wanna know how many places he's stuck it in? No, I don't. But does that stop him?“
 You down your second shot. 
"He's been going on about the same lay for three years now. Three years, Yoongi. Honestly, how long's he going to keep it up? ‘They were begging to go again’, like who fucking cares?!” Blood boils through your veins.
A third shot. 
"I mean, how good can he be? If you asked me, he's average! Average Jeon Jungkook with probably an even more average dick!” 
“Damn, you’re pretty feisty angel.” A man slides on the stool to your left. “Calling me average and everything. Kinda hurts my feelings y’know?” 
You nearly choke picking up the man’s voice and scent– fuckin' Jungkook.
You swivel to face him. “Drop the pet names Jeon. I'm not your angel, and I seriously doubt I’m wounding any so called ‘feelings’,” you spit. “Why don’t you take your ego somewhere else…” You nod at the group of women gawking in the corner. Jungkook follows your gaze before meeting your eyes again.
"Not interested," he shrugs his shoulders.
“Oh wow, really?” Maybe sarcasm wasn’t the best way to go but since when did Jungkook start passing up overly eager women…shocker.
"Don't be insulting, __. I probably sleep around a lot more in your head than in real life."
"Please, who are you fooling," you reach for your fourth shot. Jungkook steals it out of your hand, however, shaking his head. 
"No, no, no." He sets the glass on his other side, furthest from your grasp. "Someone might be getting a little ahead of herself." 
Teeth clench. Is he patronising you?
"Do you mind?" The words spit out of your mouth. "I'm trying to sit and have a nice drink with my friend."
"And what friend would that be?" Jungkook leans forward in his seat, sparing a glance past your figure. 
"Oh, him…hate to break it to you but he left with some woman earlier.” 
You turn around immediately. He's gotta be messing around but damn– Yoongi really left you. That little snake. He'll be hearing from you tomorrow.
Rising from the barstool, you snatch your belongings and make your way to the exit.
"Where are you going, __?” Heavy feet patter after you, following you to the parking lot. "Just 'cause Yoongi's gone doesn't mean you have to leave." 
"I'm going home, Jungkook. 6am comes awfully quick." You want him to take the hint that you don't wanna stay but no such luck. You're instead blocked in your path, Jungkook facing you square on. He's a little close, but it doesn't matter. You'll just push around him.
"Alright, I'm sorry!" He wets his bottom lip. "If I've been too explicit about my private life, I'm sorry.” You watch as he rubs the side of his neck. “I tend-I tend to get carried away, especially around the guys. But after hearing what you said back there, I realize I should chill a little."
"Congratulations, you've figured it out.” You stare blankly at the man. “Can I leave now?" Brushing past him, you open your car door and jump inside. Dumb apology.
Fingers reach to shut the door, but Jungkook grips the rim, propping it open. "That can't be all." He leans down, shaking his head. "You clearly have some kind of vendetta against me and I'd like you to tell me why…please." 
You blink up, patience running thin. You’re wondering what you should say to get him off your tail, but the longer you linger the more it’ll look like you’re staring. And heaven knows Jungkook gets enough eyes on him as is, especially with his biceps bulging from his shirt.
Not that you’re paying attention or anything but take tonight for instance with those women ogling him in the bar. Like, did he have to wear a white tank top tonight? Show off.
“You’re so arrogant,” you say, clenching your fists. "You act like you're the best thing this world's ever gotten."
It’s obvious that your words strike a cord inside Jungkook. His face, riddled with concern and protest. 'Him, arrogant? What on earth is this woman talking about?' his eyes say.
"That's not true. When have I ever acted like that?"
Baffled. That’s what you are. It takes every ounce of gull left in your body to step out and meet the man at eye level.
"You're kidding. What do you call the constant retelling of your college fling then? Because you sure love the pedestal it gives you! Must have heard it fifty fricken times by now."
"Okay, maybe a bit then, but like I said I just get carried away. Lost in the moment if you will. The guys wanna hear it anyway, and it's just one story, __. Hardly enough basis to say I love myself or some shit."
"But that's exactly it, Jeon. You think everyone will worship at your feet just because you have that one story, a bunny like smile, and the body of a–"
"Woah, wait a second. Did you say worship at my feet? I get you're pissed off at me but come on, that's a bit much."
"It's n---shut up Jungkook!" You snarl. How dare he interrupt you after demanding you to tell him what's wrong. "Don't you ever get tired of running your mouth all the time?!"
"Me running my mouth? You're the one yelling sweetheart." His icy tone sets you off.
"Listen asshole, just for once, can't you just listen! You're so average, fuck!"
"Alright babe, I hear you, damn!" His eyebrows knit together. "And stop saying that I'm average! I'm not, okay?"
"There you go again, acting all entitled with that over inflated ego. I said it before and I'll never stop saying it–you're an average fuck! I don't care how many people you get in your bed."
Jungkook paces backwards, fingers laced behind his head. He cranks his neck back and chuckles. "Oh sweetheart, that's where you're so, so wrong."
"No idea what you're talking about," you say, unmoved.
He steps forward, complete disregard for your personal space. His breath heats your skin. "You absolutely care who I'm with...who I'm talking to...and especially who I'm fucking." He places a hand on the roof of your car. "You care so much that it's eating at you, bit by bit."
You do all you can to ignore the way the back of your neck fires up and how your heart picks up as he speaks but–dammit, this isn't the time! He's messing with your sanity. Or maybe, it's the shots kicking in. Both likely. Either way, you’ll be damned if you let him catch on.
"Fuck off Jungkook!" You push against his muscular chest. The force should have sent him stumbling back, but it only makes him slightly jolt. Courtesy of his rock-solid form.
"Why? 'Cause I'm right?" He traces down your figure. “ 'Cause you're scared of what will happen once we get close?”
Palms sweating, you struggle to form a proper response.
Option A: No, you're not scared in which Jungkook will likely challenge you.
Option B: Yes you're scared in which you let Jungkook be right and your efforts will be in vain.
Or Option C, what you've been doing all along: Fuck off!
Lust clouds over Jungkook's eyes as you remain motionless.
"How 'bout you prove it to me." His voice cuts through your contemplation. "That I'm wrong, that you don't want this, and I'll do the same for you."
You know exactly what he's insinuating– a one night stand. You swore you'd never give in to his antics. Then again, you never thought things would escalate this far either.
But if you agree to sleep with him now, you'll look like a hypocrite. And what of the countless speeches you made about not wanting to be another one of his swooning, giddy women? Still… it's not like you want to sleep with him. And if you do sleep with him, and he's average after all, you'll finally have something to testify to.
That'll knock him down a few pegs. 
"So…" You hear Jungkook drawl. "Is that smug expression you got on a yes?" 
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"Hurry up and unlock the door,” you snap, manners going awry. “I wanna get this done as soon as possible.”
"Relax will you.” Jungkook fiddles with his keys, nearly dropping them with every shuffle. “So bratty when you’re down to get some.” He ushers you forward once managing to crank the door open.
You ignore his snide remark, taking in the spacious room. “Don't tell me that's your bed,” you say. There, in the middle of the living room was a mattress. It was on the smaller side but not in bad shape. If that’s where Jungkook intends to give it to you though, you’ll gladly walk out.
“Seriously?” You're thrown a slightly pissed expression. “It’s for emergencies, okay? My room's down here." He breezes down the hall adjacent to the living room. You follow.
“Better?” A lamp switches on from the corner of the bedroom. The room’s a little bare but you can’t complain, at least it was clean.
"Yeah, its fine." You flicker your eyes at Jungkook, arms length away. Chest tightens, legs begin to shake.
This isn't a dream. You're fully conscious and you're about to jump in bed with Jeon Jungkook.
Inadvertently, you pause down at his lips–they look soft.
Oh fuck it...you can’t stomach anymore delays.
Feeling the adrenaline, you shake your coat off and toss it on the chair to the side. You march up to Jungkook next, grip the fabric of his shirt, and smash your lips against his.
It's unusual at first, sloppy even. You're moving your lips the best you can but it's a struggle getting into a rhythm. Likely because you've never kissed each other before, let alone made out.
The temptation to snort at how ridiculous the whole thing must look jabs at you. But it's when you feel Jungkook smiling through each kiss that it hits you like a ton of bricks–your lips have been the only ones moving.
"So that's how you kiss huh?" Breaking apart, he stares down at you, tongue in cheek. He's teasing you.
Rather than give an answer you smirk and twist the fabric of his shirt. You press your lips to his again but this time it's with more confidence and determination. A heavy grunt falls from his mouth and rough hands grip your hips as teeth clash against teeth.
"Fuck, slow down baby," Jungkook pants between kisses.
You ignore his plead and card through his hair with both hands, yanking on his soft, black strands. "I'm not your baby, Jungkook. Remember that."
Your back slams against the door instantly, knob rattling at the sudden pressure. With one hand, he anchors your wrists above your head while the tatted one wraps tightly around your waist. Saying this isn't turning you on would be a lie, a big fat lie.
"What do you want me to call you then?" Your thighs squeeze together when you feel his bulge brush against your center. His pecs graze atop your breasts too, causing a shiver down your spine. "Can't call you baby, can't call you angel."
You bite the inside of your cheek and gaze at Jungkook through your lashes. A devilish smirk spreads across his face at your chosen silence.
"Guess I'll have to figure it out along the way."
He inches forward, capturing your lips. His tongue licks the seam before pushing in the crevasse. Though you fight, you can't stop from moaning into his mouth.
You find your thoughts drifting to all the other places you'll feel his tongue tonight. Maybe on your neck, or your breasts, inside your thighs–fuck. You're about to soak your panties to bunny boy.
One by one, you feel the buttons of your silk blouse being pulled apart. The delicate material pools at to your feet in seconds, leaving you in your lacy white bra.
"Pretty," Jungkook plays with a strap before bringing his hands down to cup the swell of your breasts. "Not what I expected though...thought red was more your color." He flashes a cocky smirk.
"Very funny, Jung–"
You gasp when his thumbs start swirling tiny circles around your clothed nipples. "How hard are they?" He says.
"Take it off and find out."
"Fuck.” He squeezes your breasts. "You sure?"
Once giving a nod, you're pulled to the bed. Jungkook guides you on your back before settling himself around your waist in a straddled position. When he leans forward to reach behind your back, you feel his length poke you.
"Mm," you muffle a small moan.
He raises a brow. "What's gonna happen when I'm inside you huh?" The straps of your bra sweep off your shoulders. Cool air hits your breasts, nipples pebbling instantly.
"I can take it," you say.
Jungkook's eyes dilate at your bare breasted state. "Sure you can babe." The tips of his fingers graze along your sides. "Cause I'm just an average fuck yeah?"
His palms cup the underside of your boobs, squeezing lightly. He then lowers his lips to the ridge of your ear.
"Gonna make you come by your tits pretty girl." Your back arches as he digs his fingers into the soft flesh.
"Fuck," he hisses. "Rolls off your tongue just right." He trails from your neck down to your naval, leaving open mouth kisses along the way.
Your core twists at the warm sensation. You wanna tell him not to leave marks but something inside you secretly hopes he does.
Jungkook traces back up your torso, giving your buds a few flicks with his thumbs before taking one between his lips. He sucks firmly, switching between breasts. Occasionally you let out a yelp when his teeth tug at them ever so slightly.
You desperately want to rub your thighs together due to the wetness pooling between them but the weight of Jungkook straddling you doesn't allow for much movement.
“Be a good girl and stay still," he says, cocky grin plastered on his face.
You're not a good girl, you pant back though your nearly frozen body would say otherwise.
A few more flicks of his tongue and you know he's made you come from your tits as promised.
Jungkook leans back on the his knees. "I really wanna fuck them now." He tugs on a nipple playfully but you slap his hand away.
"Don't even think about it," you say. "They're sore enough".
"You liked it though."
"Well no shit, I came didn't I? Can't believe it," you mumble under your breath. "Anyway, it's your turn now. Take your shirt off," you nearly demand."
"Even after coming, you're still a fiesty little kitten." He brings his arms around his waist. Your core tightens as you watch the white tank top lift up his muscular upper body and over his head.
"Satisfied?" He studies your expressions.
Instinctively, you trace down his sweaty build; starting with the collarbone. You work your way over to his shoulders after until his pecs draw your attention. And then his diaphragm, leading to the ‘v’ outlining his pelvis.
"Take them off too."
Jungkook gives you a pleased look. "Wanna see how average my cock is?"
You move to an upright position, face close to his. "More like wanna see what it can do." You snap the band of his sweats. "Hmm, what'd you think about that playboy?"
Jungkook's cock twitches. He needs to be inside you before he blows a load in his pants here and now. He gets up from the bed, hooks his thumbs in his sweats and pulls them down along with his briefs.
Alarms go off in your head as his half-harden cock is yanked out of it's confinement. It slaps against his abdomen, tip glowing with precum.
Swallowing, you fiddle with your own pants. It's huge and it's going inside you.
"What if I told you I wanna taste you first?"
You pause your movements and peer up at the man. "You mean...down there?"
You wanna slap yourself from how naive you sound but the thought of Jungkook's head between your legs was an affair you'd never predict to happen.
"Yeah pretty girl," Jungkook quips. "There."
"Uhm," you breath, stomach doing somersaults. "Okay."
He settles between your legs this time, panties kicked off in some odd corner of the room. He gives your inner thigh a kiss before running a finger up your slit.
A lusty moan leaves your lips.
He pushes in a moment later, making you gasp for air. Another finger pushes along side it and after a few pumps he's perfectly stimulating your g-spot.
"Jung-Jungkook fuck!" You grip the sheets from under you.
He brings his thumb over your clit, toying with the bundle of nerves. "Am I doing it right __?" He's teasing again.
You nod vigorously. "Don't stop...please. Don't you dare stop."
Jungkook hums in approval, low and breathy, but retracts his fingers from your soaking cunt. They're quickly replaced with his tongue however, licking a broad stripe up your folds. The action is repeated over and over until your once again digging your nails into his scalp.
"M' gonna come," you say with a shaky voice.
As if an invitation, he dips in your heat. A string of profanities spill out.
Shit shit shit, you chant as you release on his tongue.
Jungkook lifts his head up from between your legs and wipes his mouth off. "You're fucking sexy." He presses a deep kiss on your lips, long and messy. "And you taste sweet too."
"Fuck me," you nearly beg. "And call me a slut while your at it."
"You su–"
"You don't have to use a condom either. I'm on the pill."
"Yes Jungkook."
He shifts back from your body, chest inflating and deflating. "On your hands and knees then."
As soon as the words leave his mouth you flip over, your full backside in his view. Did you feel exposed? Hell yeah. But that's part of the fun.
You turn your head over a shoulder to see Jungkook inching behind you. From this angle you feel so small. You bite your lip, anticipation driving you wild.
"Don't forget what I asked for earlier playboy."
Hovering over your back, his breath tickling your skin. "And what makes you think I'll listen to you pretty girl?" His length brushes between your asscheeks.
You whine.
All at once he aligns himself with your hole and thrusts himself in. The fullness of the stretch has your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Fuck, you're so big," you moan.
"Yeah? You like this," he grunts, starting off a steady pace. "I knew you would." He nips your ear. "Cute how dumb little sluts like you think they know what they want, but really, they don't have a clue."
Your breathe hitches, squeezing around his length. "What about---fuck---assholes like you who decide what others want before asking?"
The bed jolts forward. You cling to all you can to steady yourself.
"It's not really deciding for others if they already want it, is it?" He snaps his hips. "I'm merely helping them, like an asset."
"Shu---god fuck!"
"Deny it all you want but we both know how hard this little pussy's clenching around my big, fat cock. Been wanting this for a while hasn't it?" Beads of sweat drip from Jungkook's brow. His wavy, black locks dangle in front of his eyes.
Helplessly, you start rocking yourself on him, meeting his thrusts in perfect sync.
"Holy shit–" Jungkook groans. "You get me so fucking turned around. Can't even be in a room with me for five minutes before you're clawing for a way out but here you are, desperate to take my cock."
"What can I say," you barely gasp, beyond wound up. "Can't stand arrogant jerks like you."
He snorts. "But you'll sure fuck 'em won't you? Slut."
Walls tightening, knees shaking, it takes only one last hard thrust and you're spasming around him.
Jungkook coaxes you through your high with broken grunts. "Fuck, you feel so tight and warm around me. Gonna come pretty girl? Gonna come all over my cock aren't you?"
"It's okay sweetheart, you can do it. Fucking cream it."
And you do.
With his cock coated with your cum, Jungkook fucks through his own high. "Hang in there __, I'm almost there," he says, thrusts sloppy.
Once he releases into you his body grows limp on yours. A small yelp tells him to slide out and off you.
As you lie next to each other, panting heavily, you're the first to break the silence.
"I think I've proven my point. You gonna shut up about your story now?"
"I don't know which point that would be but sure," Jungkook turns his head to the side with a lazy smirk. "I'll shut up about the story. I have a new one on my mind anyway."
God what have you done. Uncaged the beast, that's what.
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A/N: thanks for stopping by, happy to hear your thoughts ☺💗
no reposting, copying, or translating my work
© kookslastbutton
2K notes · View notes
yujification · 4 months
press your number — hwang yeji
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desc: It’s lewd and messy when Yeji finally slides it all the way in. Soft squelching sounds, that of which derived from the silicone stretching her pretty cunt out. You moan, a sharp whine coming from the back of your throat as she sits on your waist, biting your lip gingerly. “Fuck,” You swallow. “Good girl. Just like that.” You give her ass a nice hearty smack. She swats your hand away. You were only being kind, after all.
cw: strap sex, strap sucking, praise, unnie kink, cunnilingus, lowkey manipulative!yeji, gratuitous smut, kind of pwp
wc: 2.4k
note: i got crazy writers block halfway through…. um this is super half-assed…. my bad! + i pulled out the proper punctuation for this one plz dont ask why ….. i was feeling diplomatic
Groupmates doesn’t always equal teammates. In fact, your relationship with Hwang Yeji was more like something akin to a rivalry— always at each other’s throats with knives and blades (and tongues) waiting to slash (or lick).
It hurt. It hurt your heart how much she hated you and hurt your head even more.
“I have needs,” Yeji whispers, licking a stripe up the valley of your breasts, tasting of pure, unsaturated skin and flesh. Of salt. Of innocence. “And… when your unnies have needs, you need to help, yeah? I would’ve helped you. Do you need me to help you? Help you learn?”
It felt wrong, almost. Chanting her name, almost like a prayer, begging and pleading for release while Yeji buried her face between your thighs. You wondered if she cared. If she gave a shit how wrong it was.
It was mostly you doing the dirty work anyway, using Yeji’s thick, jet black 7-inch of silicone and thrusting into her rhythmically, drool loosely hanging off your lips and dribbling into her mouth and hair. You felt like it was a part of you. Like the strap-on was your own, like you could almost feel her tight, virginal cunt clenching around it. Neither of you had ever been with anyone else before. Being an idol meant limited social interactions, let alone time with normal civilians long enough to fuck them. You had to help each other, is what Yeji always said, but as far as you were aware, the others didn’t have late-night meetings like this. Yuna had admitted that she had kissed Chaeryeong before, years ago, but it meant nothing. This wasn’t kissing. This was raw. Felt real. Maybe too real.
“Feels good, unnie,” you whisper, burying the cock deeper, and letting Yeji adjust to it’s size.
Yeji grunts. It’s low and throaty and leaves you dripping. You shouldn’t enjoy this as much as you do, but it wasn’t like she would know anyway. “Is that a question or a statement?”
A statement. You play it off. “It was a question,”
“Sorry. Do you feel… good? Unnie?” There are awkward pauses between your words.
“Y-Yeah. Feels fine.”
Just fine.
You can feel it. You can feel when she comes, and not even in some bullshit spiritual way. You feel it. You don’t remember Yeji being a squirter, but suddenly she is, her juices leaking all over the silicone. You pull out, and almost want to take the strap off and lick everything off of it. You imagine it tastes good. Clean and salty.
You don’t. It’s too many boundaries to cross in one night.
“Another?” you ask, letting the one word speak for itself while your fingers hover over the clasps of the toy.
“Quality over quantity,” Yeji says, a little too blunt for comfort. You want to be offended, but you aren’t.
“Am I getting better?”
“You’re regressing,” But you know she’s lying.
You scoff. “You came in two minutes,” and it’s truer than ever. Maybe even less than that. You’d always had good waist control, and maybe that’s what made you such a good dancer. “I’m obviously not getting worse. That was quicker than last time.”
“Freak. You’re counting?”
“It’s only an estimate.”
Yeji adjusts herself. “Fine. Fuck me again, then.”
“Quality over quantity.”
Touché. Always witty, never afraid.
Any other girl would pout. Beg like a dirty whore and get on their knees. Anyone would kill for a chance to be with someone as high profile as you. Yeji, however, couldn’t care less about how much money you have or how many fangirls you have lined up just waiting to suck your strap clean.
“I want quantity. I said, fuck me again. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You won’t. You’ll obey, but not as easily as usual. Not as much as Yeji wants.
“Ride me, then. I want you on top, this time.”
Yeji meets your request with a bitchy eye roll. “Fuck, yeah, okay,”
And it’s always that easy.
You settle on your back and Yeji straddles you. She’s wetter than normal. Her folds shine in the light, nearly glistening with heat. They’re swollen too. Puffy and needy.
She lines the silicone up with her entrance and sinks, and the words come out embarrassingly fast, “God, you make unnie feel so fucking good,” and she doesn’t stop them, pushing nearly half of the length into her before stopping, taking a breath.
“You can do it,” you encourage, hands firmly on her waist,
“Stop talking.”
It’s lewd and messy when Yeji finally slides it all the way in. Soft squelching sounds, that of which derived from the silicone stretching her pretty cunt out. You moan, a sharp whine coming from the back of your throat as she sits on your waist, biting your lip gingerly. “Fuck,” You swallow. “Good girl. Just like that.” You give her ass a nice hearty smack. She swats your hand away. You were only being kind, after all.
At the very least, it isn’t an attempt to be romantic. She hates corny shit, and this isn’t corny. Well, maybe it is— but not in that way. It isn’t cheesy. It isn’t stomach-churningly cute, or soft, or sweet. You’re fucking your leader with a huge piece of silicone and praising her for her good work. God knows she needs it. It might inflate her ego, and she might use this moment against you, but sacrifices have to be made for a good time. And this? This is a good ass time. For you, at least. With her reactions, you’re not certain if it’s reciprocal.
“I feel full,” Yeji notes, breath shaky, slowly quickening her pace, rolling her hips onto the strap as it slides in and out of her. “Think I’m gonna come,” She huffs.
“Already?” You want to laugh, but you don’t. It’s ironic how cruel she is to you, how ruthless and mean and intense your work relationship is, but how easy it is to break her. How quickly you can make her lose it. How you can ruin her and she wouldn’t even mind.
Yeji moans. It’s loud and rough and Ryujin is sleeping just one thin wall away, and if that doesn’t wake her up, you don’t know what will. Nothing will get Yeji to shut up, not even you, but you make an attempt anyway.
“Shush, unnie,” you urge, brows furrowed in frustration as you impulsively and autonomously buck your hips up into her.
It only doubles her reactions.
“You only, fuck, you only make it harder when you do shit like that,” She hums, rocking on you, breath coming out in short gasps.
Finally coming down, Yeji climbs off of you and stands. Her knees shudder under her weight, understandably. Her cunt aches.
“I’m gonna go piss and get dressed. We have practice in thirty. Be ready.”
Another order. She’s good at giving those, evidently.
The next time it happens is a little less planned. Fuck it— not even that. It’s not prepared at all. It started off innocent, at least. If you get arrested for indecent exposure and get kicked out of your agency, you have an excuse. It’s her fault. It’s always her fault. Hwang Yeji is always to blame. She makes you like this, a horrific mess and a trainwreck of an idol.
“I could lose my job,” you say. “My life would be over,” you say. “All your fucking fault,” you say. You say, all while spilling your saliva all over her lips, messily pressing your lips to hers while you brush her wet and wispy red hairs away from where they stick on her cheek. You’re in full hair and makeup and wouldn’t like to ruin it, but maybe it’s a little necessary. Such an irresponsible leader, letting you ruin yourself in the bathroom of a music show. She doesn’t even seem phased with her clit against your skin.
Lucky for you, Yeji’s stylist wasn’t quite finished yet. Her makeup wasn’t finished below her nose and she was still wearing the clothes she came in — well, only half of them, anyway. Her skirt was splattered across the tile and her panties dangled off of one knee as she sat on your now bare thigh, A fistful of orange hair was left tangled in your hands, spilling out of your palms as she rides against your thigh. You always want to praise her. Tell her that she’s a good girl for letting you fuck her so close to showtime, but it almost aggravates you how careless she is. You could get caught. Not just by a groupmate— that wasn’t your concern. Sure, it’d be awkward for someone to catch you in such a… compromised… position, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. They’d keep it a secret, you were sure of it. Worst case scenario was your manager. God forbid he walk in. You were confined to a stall, sure, but it didn’t even matter when you were cursing and whining into Yeji’s slutty mouth, nearly begging her to keep going. Freak. How were you even getting off on this? She wasn’t even doing anything to turn you on, and somehow, some way, you were turned on anyway. Women tend to have that effect on you.
Yeji stopped rather abruptly, words still hesitating to come out. Your fingers duck down and push generously against her clit.
You aren’t trying to embarrass her, of course not. But, it feels a little good to make her shy, shuddering needily against your thigh. “Good fucking god, unnie,” you breathe, licking hotly up her neck, damp with sweat. “So fucking wet, all for me?”
She covers your mouth with the palm of her hand, eyebrows threading together in a twisted furrow while she lazily humps against you.
When she comes, it soaks your thigh, thick wetness dribbling down your leg and dripping onto the floor. “You made such a mess, unnie.”
You aren’t trying to embarrass her.
Of course not.
Yeji hates it when you sleep in her bed. She doesn’t think you’re unhygienic, or anything. You’re fairly certain she would let you sleep in her bed after you fuck her if it weren’t for the fact that you kick. When you’re asleep, you destroy her just as bad as you do when you’re awake. Roughly slamming your heels into her knees, elbowing her in the jaw. The rule is no marks. No bruises, no hickeys, no bites. Even if they’re done deep in slumber. Nothing.
You’re both a little distracted. You feel a teensy bit gross, too. The strap is on Yeji this time, and she isn’t even really doing much— because she never really wants to do much.
Goddamned pillow princess.
(You don’t mind.)
The silicone comes out of your mouth with a sharp pop, saliva pooling on the corner of your lip. You can’t even get mad at Yeji, because she’s unbelievably nice when you take her down your throat. She knows it isn’t the most comfortable.
“You’re so cute,” she whispers, scratching at your chin softly like you’re an animal. Something about it is a little domestic, really. You’re like her pet, in a way. Always ready to obey her even if it means discomfort or displeasure. Who are you kidding? Fucking your leader could never bring you any sort of displeasure.
Is she even getting off on this?
“What’s the point? Of this? Of all this sucking? You can’t feel it. I can’t really feel it.”
“Preparation. Tolerance building. You’ll never be able to handle something bigger if you don’t get used to this first.” Yeji claims, hands smoothly tousling your hair.
A brow of yours shoots up. “I’m the one who fucks you, usually, though.”
“Not always. Can you just take it like a good girl and be quiet? Open wide, please? For unnie?”
The conversation ends with an eye roll, your mouth open, and Yeji’s hand on your jaw while she slides it past your tongue. It’s wet and warm in your mouth. And still, a little gross feeling. Who were you to object?
“You’re something else,” Yeji whispers. “So obedient. I used to wonder why you never reject, but I understand now. You have a crush on me, don’t you?”
You gag a little. Not from the dick halfway down your throat. More from the downright ridiculous words coming out of Yeji’s mouth.
“Don’t be crazy, unnie,” you whisper as you pull back, a string of saliva between your top lip and the silicone.
She scoffs.
“Okay,” and she pats your thigh and lifts you onto the bed.
“Unnie, I can’t take all of that. Not down there.”
Yeji cocks her head. “Sure you can.”
“I can’t.”
“Do you…?”
Yeah. You do. You’re not sure what it is that you do, but you do.
“Okay,” Yeji unclips the strap from her waist and lays it gently in the drawer it came from. A little too gently. Like she gives a fuck about it, or you, or this.
Her tongue feels good on you. All over you, in fact. While it drags down your body, from your collarbones to your stomach, tender strokes of the muscle, flexing around the softness of your skin and down to your sweet cunt. Her tongue glides between your folds, lapping up your juices like a crazed animal that had been without water for months. She hadn’t done this before— but you felt a tightness in your stomach that wasn’t unfamiliar, but wasn’t something you were used to.
Her mouth alternates between sucking at your clit and fucking her tongue into your hole, sending you onto a frenzy of flexing your abs and thighs, back arching against the bed as you writhe. A cold hand settles on your waist and the other situates on your thigh, holding your leg over Yeji’s shoulder. It’s new. Fresh, and soaking, and so, so good.
“You taste so good,” Yeji mumbles into your pussy, mouth burrowed between your legs. She’s better at this than you thought, and it almost makes you wonder if she makes other girls’ thighs shake like this. If other girls experience her tongue on them like this. Whether you’re the only one doesn’t bother you— you’re just curious. You don’t question it.
And when you come, everything feels like levitating. Some sort of telekinetic force lifting everything from the floor. It’s ridiculous, maybe. Oh, well. Looking up at you as your stomach and chest rise and fall like a tidal wave, Yeji smiles, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
She’s something else.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
yandere dg hcs if u havent yet?? ty❤️
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He's an unpredictable ticking time bomb to say the least. It doesn't matter if he's James Lee or DG, they're STILL the same person. As soon as his eyes land on you, that's when your entire life belongs to him now. He's borderline possessive, obsessive, manipulative and not above gaslighting you emotionally to make you stay with him. There are 2 instances when you could have met him, as James Lee or as DG but it doesn't make the situation any better since they're both the same obsessive psychotic person when it comes to you
If you met him as James Lee, it would probably be when you'd be in school with him or something. You were the sort of person who'd never get involved in fights and always kept yourself under the radar. Your only concern was to just pass the freaking math test this week with a decent score. While you were returning home from school, you spotted James hitting a few people like they were nothing and you glared at him disapprovingly. He spotted you glaring at him and he was amused by your pouty glare. "Aww...don't worry princess, you don't need to worry about bad men anymore" he said in a slightly patronizing condescending tone with a smirk on his face. You just grumbled under your breath and walked away as his eyes never left your figure till you vanished from his sight. He couldn't help but softly chuckle to himself, you were quite intriguing
He'd spend time getting to know more about you which will also involve smacking people around to give him the information he needs regarding you. He won't even be discreet about following you or stalking you at this point, he just has this arrogant cocky grin on his face and thinks he's protecting you and comes up with a number of reasons on why you need him to be around you. He despises it when you pay attention to other people though, they're just mere pests in his eyes. Why would you waste your time with them? Why would you waste your time with those silly little annoying pests you call your friends? You're clearly a naive one if you think they don't have ulterior motives towards you, he's certain they have ulterior motives towards you
Or you could either meet him when he's DG. You could be an assistant of his or a dancer, catching his attention as DG would he slightly more difficult compared to him as James Lee because he's so used to people throwing themselves at him and he just doesn't even bother to react to them anymore. Miraculously if you do end up catching his attention at some point, within the next 10 minutes he'll have every single nitty gritty detail about you one way or another and reads about you like you're some kind of fascinating specimen in his free time
As time progresses by, he'll start growing more possessive and obsessive towards you. It'll get even worse if you're going out with him and in a relationship with him. He'll want to know about every single thing going on in your life and who you're with and what sort of pest he'll have to get rid of to ensure you're his. I wouldn't put it past him to not resorting to installing cameras in your house either because he really would do something like that. What? It's just to ensure your safety, that's all. You'll always have someone stalking you from behind the shadows and you'll never have your moment of privacy again. Say goodbye to your much cherished privacy since it'll go out the window and down the drain and he's the reason for it
He likes you for being yourself. He's met plenty of superficial people and people who's personality changes even faster than the colors of a chameleon but your presence is like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual people he interacts with. You could be plain and simple and he'd still love you. In his own twisted manic way. He's drawn to your humble down to earth nature. He loves it when he gifts you something and you start blushing and turn flustered, he's now made it his personal mission in life to see you get flustered more often since he finds you rather adorable and endearing when you do that. Your cheeks puff out slightly whenever you're feeling embarrassed about something so he'll teasingly caress your cheek with his hand to watch you squirm even more. Your reactions are too cute and entertaining for him. Sadistic MF
He loves to spoil you. Whatever you want, just say the word and you'll have it in the blink of an eye with a shiny packaging wrap around it just for you. However a while later his behavior will start getting much worse. He'll slowly start distancing you from your friends since he wants your attention to be only on him. There's a reason he's called one of the 10 geniuses you know. He'll do it in a calculating manner you won't know and realize he's isolating you from people before it's too late. He won't even deny it when you confront him about it, the way he sees it is he's just doing this for your own good. He's fought against gang members and yakuza leaders and whatnot, there's a reason he's one of the feared skilled fighters around. He doesn't want you going through the same thing as him so just be a good little spouse for him and accept his love for you. Will take you out on bike rides on his bike as well. He loves it when you hold him and rest your head on his shoulder. Night bike rides with him are quite romantic, he'll take you out to a place where the stars are visible and he'll hold you in his arms and you both will enjoy the peace and serenity of the night atmosphere, looking at the stars
Oh,you'll report him to the authorities? Darling, you're just making him laugh with your naivety at this point. He has the power and authority to buy the entire police department or whoever he wants. He's an IDOL admired by the people. When the faith in him is strong, no one can bring him down. It's not like someone would even believe you anyway and even if you do find the one sane enough person to believe you, DG will get rid of them quickly. Don't bother trying to escape from him either, he has all the resources and power to locate you and trace your location in mere seconds. You'll be dragged back to 'your home' and he'll just scold you like you're a child. And all escape routes for you will be destroyed, you'll lose your internet privilege for a month and the security system will be more improved and he'll change the locks too. Look, he might be a ruthless fighter but that doesn't mean he's a monster at heart. He genuinely does love you and care for you, he doesn't want to hurt you. He'd never get physical or raise his voice at you even when he's mad
Will control everything you do. Whatever do you need a job for? It's strenuous to work these days, he doesn't want you getting tired and gaining the attention of some random undeserving scumbag who doesn't have the right to look at you. He's more than enough to provide for the two of you. Let him just spoil you and take care of you
Don't even get me started on what he does to people who hurt you. Now it depends on the sort of person who's hurt you. If it's just some random jealous fangirl or fanboy, he'll use his popularity to his advantage and that person's account will get suspended and they'll have an fanbase hurling curses towards them. Fanbases can be quite scary at times. If it's some gang member or some jerk of a gang leader he will not go easy on them. He'll ensure they live, sure but live a painful torturous life. He'll either make them blind in one eye or both, or cut one of their fingers off or something for daring to hurt you. He'll finish the job quickly and he'll do it by himself. If it's Charles Choi trying to hunt you down for some reason....well, it's been long enough since that old man's been in a position of power and he'll bring him down. It's best if you don't ask where the blood is from
He likes holding you in his arms and having you on his lap. It doesn't matter what you say, you're sitting on his lap one way or another. He'll give you soft kisses on your lips every now and then and loves it when you do basic chores around the house even though you don't need to since there are people to take care of that for him. He likes seeing you in that cute little apron of yours, cooking something or doing laundry or whatever. He'll envelope you in a hug from the back and press soft kisses to your neck as his arms will be wrapped around your waist tightly so you won't be able to escape from his grasp
Overall, he's a good guy with a psychotic hidden personality inside. Just don't leave him and things will be all right
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lushaletta · 2 months
I have a question??? Could you do Fred Weasley x older sister Potter reader who's he's friends with and like headcanons of their relationship please and thank you
in good hands / fred weasley
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
content: mild swearing, older sister potter!reader
summary: being harry potter’s older sister is difficult. you hate watching your little brother get hurt both physically and emotionally, but fred happens to be a great protector.
a/n: MY FRED WEASLEY DEBUT!! george is my fav but fred is so arghghghgh hot. anywayyyy tysm for this request and i’m sorry i didn’t follow it to a t!! i was originally gonna do headcanons as requested but i kinda got in the zone… i do kinda like this pairing though so i may end up doing hcs eventually anyway! also my bad for this taking FOREVER i’ve been madly busy… love u folks
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⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Harry comes running into your room, soaked with both rain water and agitation. His broom is immediately tossed to the side and you can’t help but be concerned— you have a feeling you know what this is going to be about, and it’s not the first time.
“So sick of it! I only try to help, you know? To make things better and no one ever gives a fuck! No gratitude or even kindness, after everything I’ve done.” Your face softens as he inches towards you, even being careful not to get your bed wet with his clothing.
“They’re still mad at you for losing the game? Are you serious?” You’re completely furious. Harry’s had the world on his shoulders since forever and his entire life is a tragedy. He can’t even play a school sport without being reamed for something that’s hardly his fault.
Peeling his jersey off, he crawls into your side and waits for your affection; the only thing he can count on when the world isn’t on his side.
“I tried to fix things, you know? Told Fletcher I was sorry but they’re still pissed, calling me a freak and saying all this crap about Voldemort.” You shush him and cradle his face in your arms. Your heart is breaking because how could anyone treat your baby brother like this, how could anyone see him as something less than precious?
His eyes shimmer but not with the sparkle of joy. They’re teary. “Fuck ‘em all. They’ll come around, Harry. They do eventually.”
It’s not fair what they do to him. He’ll mess something up and half the time it’s out of his control, and suddenly he’s public enemy number one. You’re usually there to help, and so are his friends like Hermione and Ron, but it can’t always be like this.
He’s okay after a while. You amp up the jokes and ruffle his hair and he’s okay. He has dinner with his group and you with yours. It’s a nice evening and all you can do is hope he’s forgetting everything wrong with the world. It seems like he is, because he’s tossing peanuts in the air and catching them in his mouth while Ron is laughing hysterically and Hermione is resting her hand on a judgemental expression.
“Oi, Weasley!” you say, and Fred whips his head towards you. “I’ve got something to ask. A favour.”
He perks up. You were asking him for a favour. He’s been waiting for his in since forever, but he wouldn’t let you know that. “Yeah?” he replies, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
A quick breath escapes your lips as you lean on him, lashes fluttering and a little grin settled on your face. He can look at you trying to be all persuasive without blushing. He’s stronger than this.
“How about.. you and George look after Harry? I’ve been worried about him, with the whole dementor thing. And after what happened last game, I can’t just sit from the stands and watch him get injured again knowing I didn’t do anything about it. Everyone’s pissed at him.”
Fred softens. His mind races, trying to come up with the cons of the request. He comes up empty. This was an excuse to talk to you more and, well, he already quite liked Harry, so that was no issue. And with your convincing doe eyes, how could he refuse?
He’s taking too long to respond and he knows it, but he can’t stop staring at your pretty face. You clear your throat, prodding for an answer. “Huh? Oh, yeah. The lad’s gonna be in good hands, m’lady,” he winks.
The roll of your eyes makes him smile. “Better make sure of it, Weasley.”
And to shut you up, he shoves a grape between your lips and you smack him across the arm.
From then on, Fred and George made sure no one got in Harry’s way. Someone messed with him, they messed with them. The twins were 190 and a half centimetres of beater strength and poking the bear was on no one’s to-do list, so Harry was pretty much set. Well, not entirely.
All Harry really wants to do is sit down and catch up on the pile of homework he’s missed for Chosen One duties, but some people take that as being haughty.
“Potter. You and your godforesaken hero complex. You think you’re untouchable? What’ll happen if I sock you in the face, huh? You think magic will—“
“Fuck around and find out.”
Finnick Lewis turns around. He immediately backtracks. “Hey, listen, man, I don’t want any trouble.” Fred didn’t miss the nasty glare that Lewis sent Harry on his way out. He’d take care of that one later.
The boy doesn’t really know what’s just happened or why, but he’ll take whatever he can get and he’ll be grateful for it. He mumbles out a thank you before scrambling to his room.
You’d seen Fred’s effort in protecting your brother. He’d done a damn good job at it too, because Harry hadn’t complained much about students in weeks. You’re glad you at least took that load off his shoulders.
“Tell you what, Weasley,” you say nonchalantly, unwrapping a chocolate.
He hums. It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon and he’s trying to finish up an essay. Lupin likes him just fine, but he’s definitely a tough grader.
“If you can make sure Harry’s perfectly uninjured after the next game, I’ll give you a kiss.”
Who cares about Lupin? Fred looks up at you instantly, suddenly feeling the velvet of the chair on his skin. “I’ll totally bite. How many seconds?”
You snort. “The kiss?” He nods. “3 seconds. 5 if I’m feeling generous.”
The essay is forgotten just like that.
The man moved the moon and sun to ensure Harry’s safety on his watch. Lewis and Fletcher had their tails between their legs after a few careful threats and actions to back them up, and Harry felt good. Safe. That’s all that mattered.
Monday arrives and the Quidditch stands are a sea of red and green with Gryffindor particularly antsy as Harry zooms around the pitch, Golden Snitch right within his view but not quite arms reach.
“Potter’s got his eye on the prize! I’ve got mine on too, Johnson looks impeccable in robes, I’ll tell you that much— Sorry, Professor.”
Fred’s holding his own, watching out for any foul play from the Slytherin Seeker whilst batting Bludgers. George is at his side, throwing them out and scoring right into Flint’s stomach.
“Wonderful play from Weasley! Not quite sure which one, but great nonetheless,” Lee says through the megaphone.
Fred’s just about to hit a Bludger into the opposing Keeper’s side, but he spots Harry in the corner of his eye being tailed by Higgs and there’s a nasty Slytherin Bludger coming right for him and he’s flying there immediately.
Harry’s so pumped with adrenaline and focus on the Snitch, he doesn’t even notice the ball coming straight to his nose. Godric knows that would leave a mark. Fred comes up and bats it away, nearly falling off his broom.
You’re watching from the stands in admiration and excitement and Fred can’t help but find you in the crowd. He sends you a wink from the pitch and a girl beside you seems to think it’s for her. You let it happen. You know who it belonged to.
Gryffindor emerges victorious, winning by two points and Harry’s crowd surfing, a big smile on his face as students chant his name. He doesn’t know how long the fame will last, but he doesn’t really care.
“You did good, Weasley,” you admit as Fred comes up beside you.
“Think I deserve my kiss now?”
In typical you fashion, you roll your eyes and pull him towards your face.
He thinks the kiss will be haste, but you melt into his lips and he does the very same. His arms snake around your waist and bring you impossibly closer and you relish in it. It’s embarrassing how much you’re grinning, but you can feel his smile too.
Catching your breath, “That was like 30 seconds. Now you gotta help Harry with his homework.”
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igotanidea · 9 months
Laugh: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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requested by @thefandomdiaries07 - I AM SO SORRY!!
“Oh my god!” Y/N started laughing at another Bad dad joke Dick Just Said. Honestly, she wasn’t sure whether it made her giggle like a silly teenager because it was so stupid or because Dick was ginning and being so full of himself. 
“That’s a good one right?”
“No....!” she gasped wiping the tears away, smudging her mascara in the process. “It was terrible. Terrible, Grayson! I swear every time I believe you reached the bottom of the groaner well, you surprise me with another one!”
“Now that’s hurtful!” Dick grabbed his heart, pretending to be deeply cut by those words. “Your words are like knife to my soul!”
“Please stop watching soap operas….” She laughed even more at his choice of words.
“Hm.” Dick smirked. The position he was in allowed him to see behind Y/N’s shoulder and notice something she could not.
Once her laugh reverberated through the room in the Manor, Jason, who was just casually passing by, with his signature face expression being the mix of broody and smug, stopped in his tracks. To give it justice, he looked like he was just struck by the lighting by the sound. Rooted to the ground. Frozen. Transfixed. Taken into another dimension. Whatever words might come to person’s brain – he was just that. With his eyes almost turning into hearts he looked like a love sick puppy. Just because he heard her chuckling at something.
“Hey Jaybrid!” Dick called to his younger brother, unable to stop himself from a little bit of teasing. Todd might have been lying about how he felt for Y/N, denying the obvious, but his actions were pretty self-explanatory. Especially in the family of self-appointed detectives, trained to read into every detail and gesture. “You look surprisingly non-threatening.”
“Shut up Dickhead.” His face expression turned back to resentful, the slightest blush showing on his cheeks due to being called out like this. He was a grown ass man acting like a boy who saw a girl’s bra for the first time.
“What’s with the attitude, little bird? Someone step on your toe?”
“Shut up!”
“Oh come on, cheer up! How about I give you a joke to relieve the tension?”
“Oh, no!” Y/N cried out in despair, turning to face Jason “Jace! Save me! Dick won’t let me go until I die from the embarrassment from his jokes! Please, don’t let me suffer alone!”
Once she looked at him with those pretty, pretty, shining, smiling e/c eyes he was gone. Like gone. How could he possibly tell no to her? How could he…..
“Not in the mood…” he muttered, looking down, terrified to death to meet her gaze.
“Come on Jay! Pretty please? We’re friends. It’s kind of I’m in shit you’re in shit situation. You can’t run from it.”
“I hate you.” He hissed crossing his arms
“I give you a chance to realize that you hate Dick’s sense of humor more than you hate me. So? what’s it gonna be?”
Yeah, he couldn’t tell her no.
“Did you get home safe?” Dick texted a few hours later, once Y/N left the manor and got into her apartment.
“You could have given me a ride with that fancy porche of yours, so you wouldn’t have to ask after.”
“I was kind of hoping Jason will pick you on a bike and give you a romantic trip, but seemingly we can’t always have what we want.”
“Jason?” if they were talking not texting she would raise an eyebrow at the moment
“Sure? My younger brother? Do you remember Jason?”
“Fuck you Dick. Stop playing around. We’re friends. That’s all.”
“Y/N for crying out loud. I saw that boy almost snap his neck because he heard your laugh and wanted to see why you were laughing.”
“but yes, keep telling yourself you’re friends.”
What the hell?!
She lost her patience in an instant and dialed Dick’s number.
“What the hell was that Dick?!”
“I believe it’s something you call telling the truth”
“I believe it’s acting like a freaking gossip girl!”
“It’s not a gossip!
“stop playing with me!”
“Am not! Did I ever lie to you?” he trailed and for a moment there was silence in the phone as they both were thinking about the years of keeping a little secret of his vigilante persona. “It’s true. I swear. “
“so why tell me now?”
“Cause I am seriously scared of what injuries Jay maysustain if someone doesn’t speak up. Last week Steph did as much as mentioned your name and he fall off the stairs.”
“You’ll never let him live it down, will you?”
“Not a chance!” Dick laughed “but hey, we both know you have a crush on him too so…”
“This reverse psychology is not going to work on  me Grayson. No circus for tricks.”
“Please don’t tell me you tease him absolutely absentmindedly…..”
“Tease? Dick this is just who I am. I play and twist words with everyone. I do that all the time with you.”
“can you at least talk to him about it?”
“wouldn’t that make it a bit awkward?”
“sure. And I’ll be right by the corner with the camera to video it.”
“I swear to god you’re the definition of an older brother.”
For three days Y/N was trying her best to avoid the conversation. No matter what Dick said, Jason was her friend and taking their relationship to another level was…. Hard. Honestly, Y/N wasn’t even sure how she herself felt about it. Did she like Jason as more than friend?
How do you even recognize the moment when you stop thinking of someone as a buddy and move to I want to be more stage?
Sure, there’s physical attraction but that is not necessarily the sign of deeper feelings.
Just cause you feel you want to kiss someone doesn’t mean you love him.
So how did she feel?
She was postponing even thinking about it, but there’s no escaping when you serve as an emotional support and voice of reason for the whole family of vigilante seeing them *him* on a day to day basis.
So yes, Y/N was pretty much conflicted and feeling like a silly teenager, even though her metrics was showing quite a different age number.
And she was sad.
And that was something Jason could not stand.
“did you switch the position of your bed lately ?” he asked her after a few days of her being shy, withdrawn and silent. Obviously he did it in-character with the teasing tone and that freaking edgelord attitude.
“What?” she raised her gaze from the bat computer, frowning in confusion “there’s still no place for you to crush at my place one way or another.”
“Oh, please…” he rolled his eyes, plumping onto the seat next to her “as if that was what I meant.”
“What did you mean then?”
“You seemed like you’ve been getting off on the wrong foot, hence the question. I thought you were smarter than that and will get the reference.”
“Haha… very funny Todd.”
“I’m serious though.”
“You are never serious.”
“I miss your laugh…..” he babbled without thinking and his eyes grew wide at the words. “oh, fuck…I mean… you have terrible laugh. Terrible. And I miss laughing at your laugh. That’s what I meant to say.”
“I swear you’re the only person I know who can both offend and complement someone in one sentence.” She scoffed, turning back to computer away from him 
“Yeah, kind of my signature.”
“You’re a terrible person Jason Todd and I hate you. God I swear you’re so annoying. I can’t believe Dick was thinking you likelike me….” She babbled and this time it was her turn to blush because of saying too much. “oh, shit….I mean… Dick is delusional obviously and I’m pretty sure he was drunk while using the word.”
“Grayson told you I liked you?” Jason smirked.
“Yeah…. Funny, right?” she chuckles awkwardly
“Extremely funny.” Jason looked down avoiding meeting her eyes.
“Haha ….” She muttered.
And then, once they mocked Dick and the whole situation to the most possible extend and there was nothing more to say the silence fell between them. At first it was normal since they were both lost in their heads but after a while it started getting uncomfortable. Even the air in the batcave became heavier and it was becoming hard to breathe.
“Y/N…..” he looked at her
“Jace…..” she looked at him
And when their gazes met they were gone.
Acting on impulse they both moved forward, meeting halfway when their lips connected.
It was not like they write it in the books or how you see it in the movies or not even how you imagine kissing someone you like.
It was their first kiss together and yet, there were no sparks, no electricity, no butterflies in the stomach.
Nothing so obvious and, well, spectacular.
And yet, there was something more to this display of affection.
The deep sense of doing something right.
Something pure and perfect.
Feeling of finally belonging somewhere.
With someone.
The inner peace.
It was….natural, but it didn’t take away the wonderfulness of being in the bubble together with that person.
Getting out all those emotions they were trying to hide.
And at this moment Y/N knew she was fooling herself. She did like him more than friends.
“Y/N…..?” he pulled back after a second, both pair of eyes closed, foreheads connected.
“I like you.”
“Yeah, I kind of notice……”
“Yes, I like you too.”
“So what do I have to do to make you laugh again?”
She pulls back, opening her eyes and smirking teasingly.
“You can just be yourself. I swear sooner or later you will do something silly or stupid enough to make me laugh. At you…..”
“I think you and I have very different definitions of liking someone.”
“Maybe….but if there’s anyone I want to work towards creating joint meaning…. It’s you , Todd.”
“Oh….” He cooed “don’t give me diabetes with all that sweetness.”
“enjoy it while it last, Todd…..” she laughs and hearing that sound after a few weeks of silence he couldn’t help but grin widely.
Like a man in love.
Who he was.  
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multi-fandom-imagine · 3 months
So, but of an elaborate request, but-
Reader that works for Vox as an actress or any other type of TV celebrity being comforted by either Alastor, Husk or Angel because Vox yelled at her, practically cussed her out and made her cry.
(Love your fics btw!!)
A/n: You're so sweet 😩, also why not all three 👏.
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Alastor knew it was you the moment you stepped into the Radio broadcast room. He could see tears running down your cheeks and he already knew what fucker was to blame.
Stepping close to you, the demon did his best to push away his anger. He knew Vox was taking his anger out on you because of him. What he wouldn't do to ring his scrawny little neck.
Brushing away a tear, Alastor clicked his tongue then pulled you into his body. He had to bend down to hold you but he did his best to comfort you.
"Now now dear, do not fret nor worry about what that clout chasing mediocre podcast says about you."
Letting out a few more sniffles you looked up at him smiling weakly. "Really?"
"Oh course dear, now let me deal with Vox. He will never make you shed anymore tears."
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You were quiet when you sat down on the bar stool, your head resting on the table. He could see you held tears in your eyes, that you were doing your best to not sob. He hated seeing you cry, hated it because it meant that he couldn't do a thing about it.
He felt useless, he felt like a loser.
Wings twitching he made his way over to you, you looked so pretty in that dress. You had so much talent, to much talent for that jackass. Shaking his head he let out a grunt pulling you into his chest not caring about your tears soaking.
"He yelled at me again, the things he said....I'm so fucking stupid. Why do I keep doing this Husk? I just want to sing, I like what I do but I dont know how much longer of this I can take."
Frowning, Husk let his head rest onto of your head as he let his claw run down your back gently. "Forget what that freak says to you. You have more talent than that hack darling." Maybe he go do something to fuck Vox up, ya that's what he'll do.
He'a not gonna let that bastard get away with making you cry.
"Now can you give me a smile? Don't let that prick ruin the fun we might have."
Letting out a weak laugh you looked up at him with a weak smile. "Fun? What kind of fun."
"Whatever you like love."
•Angle Dust•
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<Friendship pairing>
If there was one thing Anthony understood was the shared pain he felt with you. He did his best to hide the abuse he received from Valentine, just like you did the same with Vox. But he hated it, he hated that someone with your talent was being wasted on that bastard.
Peaking at your crying face, he knew you were trying to stay strong and he hated it. He hated it because you helped him through everything and you were doing this for him so he wouldn't worry.
"Why ya cryin over a freak like that!" Anthony did his best to cheer you up but it seemed to make you even more miserable. "Come on hot stuff."
Taking a step towards you, Angel dust gave you a grin pulling you close. "I got a sexy little number for ya to make a certain bar tender to stumble over his words. You guy's will be makin babies soon enough.."
A light laugh escaped your lips, Vox'a treatment of you completely vanishing through your mind. "You really think me wearing this would make Husk lose his mind?"
"Sugar, if it doesn't then you always have Lucifer." Anthony gave you a wink as he shoved the skimpy number in your arms. "Now hurry up and change...I gotta see his reaction."
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
Got any more of that uhhhhhh desperate af people-pleaser reader? CUZ DAMN I think you got my number with that one
writing people-pleaser reader is so healing. if aggressively working through shit via smut is healing.
... be careful around HORANGI. all it takes is one slip up during a kortac training exercise--all he has to do is disarm you and push you up against a wall; your back crushed to his chest. the moment he cracks a joke about it--something about you being so cute, so submissive, it is literally just an inappropriate joke--but you can stop neither your own body from squirming nor the embarrassing sound that comes from your lips. it's half embarrassed squeak and half encouraging groan. 
he's shocked and intrigued. "ah... did you like that?"
he presses against you a little harder and is rewarded with another little wiggle and a noise. 
you do. he chuckles. you're some kind of freak. 
nsfw ↓
horangi has, not to put too fine a point on it, extraordinarily poor impulse control. the only thing that saved him from gambling himself from an early grave was the foresight to hire himself out to the military. the only thing that keeps him from doubling back and gambling his life away again is  the rigid structure of the military. business separate from pleasure. but you put something that tempting in front of him, you can bet he doesn't hesitate. 
he pulls your tucked-in shirt loose and his gloved hands slide up from behind, groping you hard. you're embarrassed to like it but god, it turns you on that he wants you like this--in the middle of this round, risking his teammates' ire if they were to find out. you're a little too cooked to think about what would happen if YOUR teammates found you like this. he has you on the ground in no time, all your gear still on, his fingers pumping into you, transfixed and so eager to take everything you're offering him. it's depraved; you both know it. so depraved that when he sees your comm collar, it's more than just a passing thought to activate it and let your whole team hear the way you're begging him to go faster. 
then he thinks even longer about radioing on his own comm for an assist, or two, or three. he smirks, asking you lowly if you think you'd like to get fucked in the dirt by his whole squad. you can't stop saying yes, god, anything you want, i want what you want. nice plausible deniability there. he chuckles and decides against it. might be his only chance to have you at his fingertips like this, so he'd better take you for himself.
but... you know he's not keeping his mouth shut about it. after that training exercise is over, you'd better be careful, because horangi will be bragging. maybe even sharing a picture of you, your eyes glazed and an appreciative smile on your face. it would be easier to count the kortac operators who don't see it instead of the ones who do.
you'd better watch out after that, because the next time your squad and kortac conduct a training exercise together, they're going for you, and you're at the mercy of whoever gets there first.
more kortac / masterlist tag
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bluespiritshonour · 5 months
Why is it always Robin has to prove himself to Batman? Be it any Robin. And no, I'm not talking about characters, because Bruce—Bruce is like “Everyone must prove themselves to me but I'm not answerable to anyone” that motherfucker. Very IC.
I'm talking about stories, about narratives—why does every Robin-centric narrative has a “prove themselves to Batman” arc—but Bruce's arc never involves proving himself to anyone?
Why, after the events of the Tower of Babel, Bruce didn't have to work to gain the Justice League's approval? Why didn't he have to work to redeem himself, dammit!
Yes. He had to reveal his identity. But then, it wasn't his idea. It was Clark's. It's fundamentally different from Dick unmasking in front of the Titans: Dick feels in his bones that it isn't fair that he's the only one masked and the Titans are up for mutiny, so he made an executive decision.
It didn't even occur to Bruce to do it. Dammit, the fucker wasn't even trying to get back into Justice League. Clark had to persuade him. And no, I don't mean he should have gone and begged them to let him in. He doesn't need them.
But let's be honest: none of the Leaguers need the League. But humanity does. That's why they put their differences aside and band together.
Bruce is selfless when it comes to sacrificing his family a la Batman : Ego. Oh!—it's Bruce's children that are dying in Batman's mission. Isn't he so noble?—the picture of tragedy? The greiving father? The man who can't even have a steady romantic relationship because Batman wouldn't let him? So selfless—until he isn't. Until the JL—in other words, a planet full of people—need him to swallow his pride. Then, he isn't selfless anymore.
He's selfless when he's a father sending his children to war for the greater good—but he's not selfless when it's time to swallow his pride, to take the risk of trusting someone even after being traumatised and betrayed—for the greater good. (And honestly his trust issues seem narcissistic when surrounded by people like Dick, Alfred and freaking Commissioner Gordon!)
You know who does it? Dick Grayson. That's who. The “trust no one” maxim has been drilled into him by Bruce, but even then he chooses to trust. Not because he's stupid, but because it's a requirement. He totally expects to be stabbed in the back; he isn't naïve. But he'd rather be betrayed than have someone be barred from help because they seemed suspicious. It's canon in Titans. He says it in words, look it up. To Brother Blood, I guess.
Bruce didn't have to work to get on the League's good side. He just had to reveal his ID to regain trust and that, too, was Clark's idea.
And that's not an attempt at redemption, because if it was, then why did Clark have to do it too? Clark didn't do anything to deserve it. But Bruce forces him to and Clark agrees: for the greater good that the League trusting each other would ensure.
Clark Kent, who chooses to forego a mask so that people trust him. Literally, it comes down to that. Who has to built his whole civilian life around the fact that he shows his bare fucking face to the whole world.
And honestly, if I were to throw genre convention aside and read the text the hard way, Bruce doesn't seem really all that bothered with keeping his ID a secret. He's nothing compared to Clark. I mean. Come on, look at the number of people who know Bruce's ID and the number that know Clark's and tell me. Fucking tell me who's more serious about that stuff.
Bruce's entire existence hinges on other characters’ kindness, in and out of universe. In-universe there's this massive brigade of people who know his ID and keep it a secret. Out of universe, writers who show him to be the best even though Clark, Diana, Dick are all more worthy than him.
This is what you get when you let little incels run creative industries.
What did Bruce ever have to do to redeem himself to anyone? Literally anyone? Bruce would let Gotham burn if it meant he keeps his colossal pride intact. But oh, send his children to die: woe is him, this greiving father, so tragique—would absolutely do that.
He isn't even a hero. You know the impact of Batman: Ego and BtAS pales when put next to his very selfish acts when it comes to himself.
Because always—ALWAYS—the uwu factor in Bruce's stories aren't personal.
Not like it's in Clark's who has to face xenophobia because he's an alien. He's natural existence—his powers that are a part of him existing—being called a threat. He still helps.
Not like Diana who comes to the Man's World and decides to stay behind despite it being, well, a Man's World. That would never really respect her as much as it respects a man, any man, even though she's a literal Goddess. Coming and staying in Man's World for her means loneliness. Being immortal and watching every friend she ever made become a memory. But she chose to do it. Because at the end of the day, it's not about her. It's about helping people.
But for Bruce, in true male-is-default fashion, it's about losing people. People he loves.
His parents' death, Jason's death and so on and so forth. I'm not saying losing someone is not painful. I'm just saying it's always about his manpain.
Making the victim's pain his.
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theemporium · 1 year
Hi there! If it’s alright, could I request number 7 from the smut prompt list (“that was the prettiest sound i’ve ever heard”) with Eddie?
thank you for the request, darling! i am sorry it took so long🖤
7. “that was the prettiest sound i’ve ever heard”
Something about the idea of getting caught thrilled you.
You knew that and Eddie certainly knew that as well. And god, add it to the fact that you wouldn’t be caught dead with him anywhere but here, and the little shit would never let you live it down.
You had gone to Eddie Munson like every other student had in Hawkins High. You wanted some drugs and it just so happened the local metalhead was your best option over creepy old men and dodgy deals in car parks. 
Your deals were always the same. You were snarky to him, he was just as witty back. You would hand him the money, he would say something that made you shoot him a glare and you would take your purchases with a “fuck you, Munson” and a middle finger thrown in his direction as you walked away.
You weren’t sure how exactly it involved to…whatever this was, but you knew for a fact it started with your knees digging into the soil and Eddie’s hands wrapped around your ponytail as he fucked your mouth.
It was some weird routine the two of you had worked out, neither one quite sure what it was but definitely not jumping to put a label on it.
To you, Eddie Munson was nothing but some weird metalhead who was the high school freak and happened to sell the cheapest drugs about. 
To him, you were nothing but some preppy cheerleader who stuck her nose up at people and thought she was better than everyone else because of the uniform she wore. 
It didn’t stop either of you coming back for more. 
It was a…healthy way of letting out whatever anger and rage and other stupid teenage emotions you two held for each other. 
“What would your girls say if they caught you know, huh? What would they say if they saw you whoring yourself out for me?” 
The wood was cold and hard underneath you, your shirt had ridden up so your bare tits were pressed against the table top. Your knees stung from the bench you were sat on, your skirt flipped up and your panties pushed to the side as Eddie took you from behind. 
“What would they say if they saw how much of a slut you became for my cock?”
Your nails dug into the wooden surface, your body jerking with each thrust as his hands gripped your waist tight enough that you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow. You hated how wet the thought made you. 
“Fuck!” you cried out as his hand reached around to play with your clit, pressing down on the swollen nub as your cunt clenched around him. 
“Atta girl,” Eddie groaned as he watched the way your ass shook with every thrust, the way his hips slapped against your cheeks. “C’mon, don’t get shy on me now. I know you can be louder than that.”
You didn’t have a chance to respond before you felt his hand wrap around your throat, pulling your body flush against your chest and you could only imagine what it would look like if someone caught the two of you. 
Your uniform dishevelled, your hair a mess and your makeup smudged from his facefucking earlier. Your tits were out, your panties were ruined and you were pretty sure all you could whisper was his name. 
“C’mon, doll,” he grumbled in your ear, his pace quickening and his own breaths becoming laboured. “Maybe if you’re loud enough they will hear you at track practice.” 
The noise you let out was borderline pornographic, the kind of moan he had only heard in those trashy adult movies he sometimes rented out from the restricted area in Family Video. You had clenched around him, unable to stop yourself from tumbling over the edge and Eddie didn’t stop fucking you—even after you came. 
“That was the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard,” Eddie groaned as his hand tightened slightly around your throat. “Let’s see if we can make sure it’s the only sound you can make.”
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hp-hcs · 7 months
the rules (Chapter One of The Doll) — slytherin boys x gn! ‘the boy’ (2016)! reader
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Requests: open
tws: dolls, obviously; reader referred to as ‘it’ (presumed inanimate); mentions of past child character death(s); mentions of a house fire—implied arson; violence; & murder
based entirely off of the 2016 film ‘the boy’. very few things in this world are able to scare me more than that fucking doll
“This house is freaking me out, man,” Theodore grumbles, setting down his trunk in one of the guest bedrooms. Mattheo snickers from his spot where he’s leaning against the doorway.
“What, you afraid it’s haunted or something? We went to school with ghosts for eight years, dude.”
“Oh, shut up,” Theodore rolls his eyes. “Not haunted, just… offputting. This feels like the kind of house that has like, secret stairways and trapdoors and shit.”
“The L/Ns didn’t draw their inspiration for their house from H. H. Holmes, dipshit,” Blaise scoffs as he elbows his way past Mattheo to get to his room.
The trio snicker at each other as they all drop their suitcases and trunks in their respective bedrooms and reconvene in the foyer of the massively ancient house.
“I’m just saying,” Theodore was explaining to Blaise as they made their way downstairs. “Nobody chooses to make their house look like a Victorian dollhouse if they aren’t fucking crazy.”
“Guys?” Enzo interrupts timidly. “We have a fucking problem.”
“Oh, I so called it.”
“Shut up, Theo. What’s the issue, Enz?” Mattheo drawls.
Enzo holds up the note that the L/Ns had left them that provided instructions on how they were to take care of and clean the house.
The boys had opted for this choice—staying in and cleaning up some wealthy family’s creepy house over the summer—instead of serving time in Azkaban for their stances in the war.
(It had seemed like the better choice at the time.)
“They’re even more insane than we thought, guys,” Enzo shakes his head. “They got a creepy as fuck doll that they think is their real kid, or something.”
“Yeah no, I’m out,” Theo mumbles, putting his hands up in an ‘I surrender’ pose and taking a step back.
“Fuck you, if we have to do this, you have to too,” Mattheo snaps. “Where’s this doll?”
Enzo points to one of the faded decorative chairs that flank the doorway to the parlor. Sure enough, a terrifying, two-foot tall, porcelain doll sits there, dressed up in an expecting-company outfit with tiny little leather oxfords to match.
“Yep, I agree with Theo. I say we get the fuck outta here,” Blaise mumbles, shaking his head with wide eyes.
“Its name is…” Enzo scans the letter. “Y/N. Oh, wonderful, the L/Ns wrote out its entire daily schedule for us. That was so thoughtful of them.”
Enzo falls silent as he skims the letter further, shaking his head the more he reads. “They’ve got some weird rules, guys,”
“Do I dare ask what they are?” Theo mumbles weakly.
“‘Number one: No guests.’ Well there goes my weekend plans,” he mutters sarcastically. “‘Number two: Never leave Y/N alone.’”
“We’re so getting murdered here,” Blaise grumbles, receiving a sharp glare from Mattheo.
“‘Number three: Save meals in freezer.’”
“Country house. That makes perfect sense,” Mattheo scoffs flippantly, ever the skeptic.
“‘Number four: Never cover Y/N’s face.’ Oh my Merlin, we’re going to die here. ‘Number five: Read a bedtime story.’”
“Honestly, you’re all so dramatic,” Mattheo rolls his eyes. “This is probably just some weird way for them to deal with some trauma they have. Do we know if the L/Ns have any kids? Actual ones?”
“Just one, but they died,” a new voice chimes in. Draco steps into the foyer, folding up his umbrella and shrugging off his soaked overcoat. “Sorry I’m late. Went into town to buy cigarettes, and the guy at the gas station told me all of the gossip surrounding this house. Anyway, why are we asking about the L/Ns’ chil- what the fuck is that?!”
“This is Y/N,” Theodore says plainly. “Come on and make your acquaintance, hm?”
“I’m good, thanks though.”
Enzo clears his throat loudly, getting the two to stop bickering. “‘Number six: Play music loud.’”
“So that we can’t hear them coming when they sneak up on us to kill us,” Blaise bemoans, pressing one hand against his forehead and mumbling under his breath something about how Azkaban wouldn’t have been that bad, would it?
“‘Number seven: Clean the traps.’ Wonderful. ‘Number eight: Only Regulus brings deliveries.’”
“I met him,” Draco interjects again. “At the gas station. He introduced himself. He’s the grocery boy for the L/Ns.”
“Good to know. ‘Number nine: Y/N is never to leave.’”
“We’re fucked,” Theo shrugs, nonplussed.
Enzo gulps. “‘Rule number ten: Kiss goodnight.’”
~~~ Chapter Two <3
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
One Per Customer
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Paring: Chris Evans x Interior Designer Reader
Word count: 1.5K
Summary: Chris’s blue eyes turn green.
Warnings: 18+ Absolutely MINORS DNI. RPF, SMUTTY SMUT, ANGST. Not Beta’d. Jealous Chris, possessiveness, rough sex in a pickup truck, public sex, fingering, nipple play, edging, rearview mirror sex, talking you through it, p in v, creampie, good girl kink, fluff, ‘lil more Dom Chris. Unprotected sex. (Wrap if you tap).
Author’s note: This is the result of a dear Nonnie’s ask, a sequel to Customer Service. I need another series like another hole in my head. Welp. Lemme know if we need to see more of these two.
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
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You were bent over the steering wheel of the pickup truck, trapped between it and Chris’s huge cock pounding in and out of you. He was holding back, stroking deep but frustratingly slow.
There was nothing you could do but take it. And you loved it.
Chris was lifting you slightly with strong hands around your waist so he could leverage his thrusts, pelvis striking your ass so forcefully that he could see the effects on your bottom.
“Sssssss… oh yeah. Love to see that ass jiggle when you’re taking these shots, Gorgeous. You always take ‘em so well, too. Squeezing me like… like a... Good. Fucking. Girl.”
“Hhhhhnnnnghhh, Chris! I…”
You were complaining and keening at the same time, trying not to honk the horn as Chris had his way with you. But he was fucking you so well that you were about to collapse on the wheel and that would cause a long, loud blare and you were beginning not to care….
You tried to focus, but it was hard.
Chris was hard.
So deliciously hard.
Chris ran his hand up your spine under your dress and around to tease and pinch your taught nipples intermittently. That, the smell of the leather of the wrapped steering wheel, the fog forming in the window from your breath and the cold outside combined for information overload for this adventure.
You could almost feel his smile as he reached down to spread your cheeks so he could see better in the dim light.
“Fuccckkkkkkk. That’s so pretty. The way your tiny little pussy struggles to let me in yet takes me so well. This is a great angle in the moonlight. You know I love to watch my cock destroy your holes, Gorgeous.”
Oh, you knew. The number of mirrors you’d bought to decorate the rooms of his house were not wasted. Chris Evans was a freak.
The image in your head about how good it might look and that, coupled with how good it felt, caused you to moan louder than you intended.
“That’s it, Gorgeous. Let me hear you. Get loud if you want.”
You chuckled and shook your head at him.
“Don’t be a dick. Chris.”
He responded by hitting it even harder than before, rendering you unable to speak properly.
“Omygoddddthatfeelsssoooo! …..l”
“What Gorgeous? Does it feel good? And you say I shouldn’t be a dick? But that’s what’s making you incoherent right now, correct?”
He paused for you to answer but you could only whine as he held you down to destroy your cunt. His hand reached around for your clit and you almost lost it from this new assault. He teased you, applying varying degrees of pressure, pinching, and flicking to your sensitive bud, apparently trying to drive you insane.
“Chris… please, please, please…”
You put your forehead down on the wheel and rotated your pelvis on his cock, chasing some kind of relief. The air was full of the smell of sex and the sounds of arousal. Chris ignored your begging and continued his monologue.
“Ohhh, shit, Y/N! D’ya hear that pussy? How wet it is? You’re fucking soaked for me. Cream all over my cock, Gorgeous”
Chris’s voice was loud, and it carried, and you knew he was doing it on purpose. Then he stopped talking so you could both hear the obscene wetness of you and him fucking in his truck on this beautiful October Friday night.
“This. Pussy. Is. Mine. Right?”
“Yes, Chris.. Yes.”
Your whisper was plaintive and urgent. You just needed to cum. Chris was speeding up slowly now, the thick slick head of his cock sliding through your channel, making you feel every beautiful imperfection. And when he was seated fully inside you…gotdamn.
“What did you say?”
“It’s yours. Only yours!”
You got a little loud, but now you didn’t care that his window was down. At this point you didn’t care who heard. This felt like nirvana. You and Chris together always did.
“Wanna see your face, Gorgeous.”
Chris snaked his hand up the front of you, grabbed your throat, and leaned you back on him so that you could feel his heart beat fast through the layers of clothes between you. His seat was reclined all the way back.
He kissed the side of your head as you arched back onto him and you felt him moving. But all that mattered was chasing the high that was just out of reach. His hand was between your legs, stroking your clit with fingers that were teasing you so good that your legs were shaking.
“Chris! Please!”
You were soaking his fingers.
Chris grabbed your chin and turned it so that you were now facing the adjusted rear view mirror which showcased your lust filled face.
“Keep those fucking eyes open, Gorgeous,” Chris whispered menacingly against the shell of your ear.
You shuddered as his other hand crept up from your thigh to flick your nipple with his forefinger and thumb over and over. The pain was delicious. You closed your eyes and he moved his hand away for a second then back to your throat.
“Watch me watch you cum, Gorgeous. I need it. Cum all over me and my nicely detailed leather seats.”
You met Chris' eyes in the rear view and opened your mouth to breathe. You started panting as he nuzzled your cheek.
“Can you do that for me? My Gorgeous Good Girl? Scream for me.”
You rasped, then yelled as you clenched and came around him, uttering filthy pornographic sounds as you finally found your release. You were vaguely grateful that you did not in fact release everywhere, but any coherent thought left your brain again as Chris let you up to ride his cock and your orgasm to its finish.
“That shit is mine… fuck me Gorgeous. Make me cum.”
You worked your hips and soon he pulsed hot sticky sweet cum deep inside you and collapsed on the steering wheel.
The horn let out a bleet, which caused you to try and scramble off Chris’s lap. But he held you fast, kissing the back of your neck as he ground his slowly softening member inside you, causing an aftershock to run through your body.
“Fucking mine.”
The possessiveness.
“Christ, Christopher. You’re a menace.”
You were hoarse and you wondered how much you shouted when you came. You looked up to see Ryan’s window move when the shutters closed. There was no mistaking that you had an audience.
“Chris. He probably heard the whole thing.”
You leaned back and whispered as Chris reached in the center console for some paper napkins.
“Good,” grunted Chris as he tenderly cleaned you up the best he could.
You shifted to the passenger seat and grabbed for your panties on the floor. Chris snatched them before you could and stuffed them in his pocket as he zipped up his pants. He winked at you.
You shivered as you shook your head, causing Chris’s eyes to soften and hand you his flannel shirt for warmth. He reached over and buttoned it up as you looked up into his blue, blue eyes. You wanted to reassure him.
“You don’t have to worry, just because I’m working with Ryan now, doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything with him. He’s just a flirt. And he doesn’t know we have this ….situation.”
You looked toward Ryan’s house again and frowned, realizing that you had to search for a word to describe you and Chris. You decided to chill.
“Well he didn’t.”
Chris grimaced at the word “situation” as he took in the look on your face.
You and Chris had been hooking up on the low for about 6 weeks. You were just letting things flow and not stressing a label. Further conversation about what you were hadn’t seemed that urgent until now.
To Chris, it was urgent as a muthafucker tonight.
“Ryan Duran is an asshole. And I saw him checking for you all night. He wants that ass. And when he made that joke about bending you over his new couch I…”
“I can handle Dr. Duran, handsome.”
You smiled at Chris and gently rubbed your hand over his still buzzed head and now full beard as his eyes shone in the moonlight.
“Look at it this way, you should be content that you raised the most money for Z’s class. You beat his ass by reading If You Give a Dog a Donut.”
Chris gave you a side smile. He loved giving back to his community. He loved that you knew that about him.
He loved…
“You’re right. Now my girlfriend, who is the best interior designer in the Northeast, will be making over her classroom.”
You raised your eyebrow at him.
You crossed your arms as Chris started the truck.
“Yes, Girlfriend. Everyone knows you’re my girlfriend, Gorgeous.”
You looked at him skeptically.
“Well, no one told me. ”
You huffed as if you were mad.
Chris turned off the truck and leaned toward you, gently reaching for your face and turning it toward him.
“You’re my One, Gorgeous. Will you be mine?”
You took his face in your hands and kissed his pouting lips. A surge of joy filled your soul.
“Yes, Sir. Will you be my boyfriend?”
Chris grinned.
“Only if you spend the weekend at my place,” Chris quipped as he pulled off from being where he’d parked in front of Ryan’s house an hour earlier.
“Sure, but I have to prep for my meeting with Ryan Monday morning.”
“Fair enough, let’s go grab your laptop and swatches and nothing else. I want you naked except for my shirts and in my bed for the next 48 hours.”
He smiled at the road to your place and put a huge, hot hand on your thigh.
“I’ll feed you, fuck you, and fill you with cum…”
You laughed and shook your head at him.
“I can’t with you Christopher…”
He leaned over for a kiss at the stoplight.
“Oh yes you can. And only with me.”
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