#yandere DG x reader
thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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A certain pink haired guy leaned back against his bike as he sighed under his breath, as his muscles outlined his frame against his white shirt. He was slightly on edge despite having a neutral and calm expression, but he wasn't too worried despite the lack of people around the area. He was thankful for the lack of people around the area if he should be honest, he picked a good place for this fight. 'Maybe he's too much of a coward to show up...why did I assume he'd show up after what happened last time. Perhaps I should make a housecall or something...yet at the same time I can't, that old man Choi will have something else to hold over my head and I don't need that at the moment...that old man needs to be dealt with fast' he thought to himself as he clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked at the sky
"Um...excuse me" you spoke softly as you approached him and fidgeted nervously. The pink haired guy was snapped out of his thoughts as you became the object of his scrutinizing gaze. "Who are you?" he asked you in a slightly disinterested tone as his eyes wandered over your features. "I'm...I'm the daughter of the man you were supposed to be fighting with today" you said softly. His expression remained stoic for a few seconds till his mouth curved into a soft smirk
"Ah...so you've come to watch your dear father die today by my hands. Quite unfortunate that his dear little daughter would see him defeated by me" he said as he smirked at you, his eyes drinking in your features and the way your maroon dress hugged your body. He felt amused when your eyes widened in horror and your face paled slightly as your lips quivered and trembled. "No please...please, I'm asking you to spare my father. I know he's a rather stubborn man but he's already gotten hurt before...I can't let him get hurt again" you said as you looked at him with a pleading and helpless expression. Your expression reminded him of a helpless little animal, stuck in a cage with no way out, a small little prey which he found delightful
"And just why, would I spare that man just because his pretty little daughter begs me to? Your father is someone who's messing with the big league little girl...he needs to be dealt with. I'm trying to do my job here you know...and as for your dear old dad getting injured before, that's something he deserved after trying to fight me. Your father is quite the hot tempered individual..." he said as his smirk widened at your helplessness. "No, please...leave my dad alone. I'm the only child of my family and my mother would be devastated if something happens to him. Please don't fight him" you said
"How amusing...the man clearly doesn't have the guts to face me in a fight after all and he sent his daughter instead to plead on his behalf" chuckled the guy as you frowned slightly. "No one sent me here, I came here on my own accord" you replied curtly. "Now why would you do that? You really love your dear old dad that much huh?" he asked as his grin widened even more as you nodded. He pondered for a bit and looked thoughtful for a few seconds as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. For a few seconds he simply stared at you with his stoic look till he broke the silence. "I'll agree to spare the old man...though I usually don't do this consider yourself lucky...I'll do it on one condition"
"Anything" you said and nodded eagerly with enthusiasm shining in your eyes which he found rather endearing. You really should have chosen your words more carefully because little did you know, standing in front of you was a dangerous man. The man's eyes trailed down to your body as his smirk widened and he strode over to you as he leaned closer to you and whispered in a husky voice in your ear. "Give me a kiss and I'll think about it...princess..." he whispered as you turned flustered and blushed slightly at his request
Kiss him? You'd never even held the hand or hugged someone of the opposite gender till now, how were you supposed to kiss a random stranger who literally just threatened to fight your dear father? You stared at him like he'd lost his mind as he couldn't help but feel even more amused, watching your internal struggle and conflicting feelings coming out to play as he watched you squirm. "Um...there's something you should know" you mumbled shyly as you fidgeted with the sleeve of your shirt and looked down at the road
"I don't...don't have experience in kissing someone before. I haven't been in a relationship before either...so..." you trailed off awkwardly as you shuffled your feet. The man stared at you, his expression glinting with malice and his eyes had a predatory gleam in his eyes like he'd just struck gold. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, standing in front of him was a shy, blushing, bashful beautiful girl who looked ethereal in that dress that highlighted your beauty and you weren't in a relationship with anyone? Looks like he'd have you for himself then
He had a wolf like grin as he pulled you close to him, your forehead almost touching his as his strong muscular arm gripped your waist tightly to prevent you from escaping while he enjoyed watching you squirm. "What...what are you doing?" you whispered as you had a nervous look in your eyes. "Getting my kiss...." he whispered as his soft lips brushed against yours teasingly and you couldn't help but tremble slightly in his arms. The feeling inside you was foreign and yet it kept growing stronger. You didn't know what you were experiencing but you didn't feel the usual emotions people described in books like how people had butterflies in their stomach or fireworks exploding in their stomach when such a thing was happening. Rather, you felt like someone lit a gentle fire inside you...a comforting flame that coursed through your veins and filled you with warmth
You sighed and decided to just get it over with as you closed your eyes and whimpered as you quickly and softly pecked his cheek. You recoiled instantly but he let out a dissatisfied hum and pulled you closer to him. "My, my so hasty...that wasn't a proper kiss princess...and you know it...looks like I'll have to take the pleasure of being your first kiss..." he said as his hand found his way to your cheek and caressed it gently. Despite his palm being rough and calloused with scars, his touch was gentle. He leaned in closer to you as he pressed his lips to yours. You trembled in his grasp as his hand moved to the back of your neck and kissed you more passionately. Your first kiss was gentle, yet passionate and filled with desire...it made you feel things you couldn't describe in words
It lasted for a few moments before he finally pulled away and traced his thumb down your bottom lip and caressed your cheek again. "You're mine now...that's a reasonable trade I my opinion. You'll be mine and I'll spare your dear old father's life..." he said with a wolfish grin. You were about to protest when his expression darkened slightly as his grip around your wrist tightened. "Is there a problem...princess...don't forget who's in control here" he whispered as his unnerving smile was still plastered across his face
You kept reminding yourself that it was to keep your father safe, to keep your family safe as you grumbled under your breath and agreed. After you went home you received a message from him and you couldn't understand, for the love of God how he'd managed to get your number when you didn't remember giving it to him. There were perks of being DG with the personality of James Lee. He couldn't get you out of his mind after that incident. You had no idea how much he'd started pulling the strings of your own life. From asking Kouji to find out information regarding you to making his men follow you home since you were his after all and even going as far as placing secret cameras in your own house which you didn't know anything about...you were a sweet little butterfly, trapped in his web of convoluted deceit, obsession and possessive love towards you
Don't feel too bad for the death of that moron you used to call a best friend. It was such a satisfying feeling to stab him in the eyes before he killed him for daring to lay his eyes on you in the first place and having the audacity to ask you out when you're his. You belong to DG. Slowly as time goes by, you're relying on him more and more after you were still unaware of how he was isolating you from your friends and family. He suggests you move in with him and you're forced to agree. Oh, don't mind him...he's just changing the locks because of safety reasons. Don't try to leave him unless you want your precious family to suffer. Everytime you scream or cry, he'll just coo at you and hold you in his arms and pat your head to calm you down with that same smirk he had on his face since the day you've met him. You'll complain to the police? Don't make him laugh honey, they're all on his payroll and having an obsessive fanbase comes in handy too. He has more eyes and ears to keep a lookout for you in case you try anything silly like leaving him
You're not allowed to leave his sight anymore. There's no escape for you from him...you really had made a deal with the devil...
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artemis32 · 2 years
Okay. Now Dg as Yandere x s/o reader 😈
Yandere DG I
He's not my favourite character, but I can't deny it, he's hot
Requests are open, please spam me, I'm bored
Lookism Masterlist
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Girl run.
That’s literally the only piece of advice I could give if we’re talking about DG as a romantic yandere.
The worst of it isn’t that he’s obsessed and borderline crazy. No. The worst part is that you won’t even really notice it until it’s too late to leave.
He starts off so sweet, the picture of a perfect gentleman.
Flowers, gifts, romantic dates, lovely sugarcoated words - lies, sweet smiles and passionate kisses and embraces.
He truly is the perfect other half you’ve been looking for - or so you thought.
There are two versions of events: how you met him, and how he met you. Really, you shouldn’t be so comfortable and sure of who you let into your life. You never know who someone really is until it’s too late.
You met DG while you were out with friends.
Before he became a famous idol, a short while before his debut, he was parading about with his fellow trainees in a hidden little restaurant, tucked away in a side street far from the bustling main street a few feet away.
The group of trainees, tired and happy for their much needed day off, had taken refuge at a table pushed far into the corner of the restaurant, DG sitting in the corner, facing the entrance of the restaurant.
They’d already finished their meals by the time you’d arrived, wrapped up in a thick scarf and coat to ward off the cold. 
You were accompanied by two or three friends, not that he paid them much mind.
Breathlessly, you had taken a seat at one of the tables near the front of the restaurant, unwrapping the thick scarf to reveal your face, split with a wide smile.
Your small group laughed and spoke, pausing momentarily to order before continuing.
The sudden silence leaves you confused, that is until you turn and spot possibly the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen standing behind you.
He would introduce himself in a calm, cool tone, telling you about how he saw you from across the room and had to take the chance to introduce himself to such a lovely lady.
Words meant to woo you - and they work. Both you and your friends find him charming. You don’t question why a handsome man decided to greet you out of the blue - you were never one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Because of that, you don't reject him when he asks to see you again.
The first date is memorable, as first dates usually are. He takes you on a picnic in one of the most beautiful nature reserves you've ever seen. Everything is covered with a light sprinkle of snow, but the two of you remain comfortably warm underneath a heated outdoor patio.
He's the perfect gentleman, doing everything exactly right. It almost seems like he's able to read your mind, everything going exactly as you'd hoped.
One date turns into two, and then another, and another after that.
Soon enough, the two of you are inseparable.
He lives on a very busy schedule but always seems to have time available for you.
Sometimes he plans to see you in advance, other times he'll show up unannounced to whisk you away for a quick lunch date or coffee run.
Regardless of how busy he is, he seems to put you first, pushing aside any and all responsibilities in favour of spending time with you. Honestly, he’s a wonderful boyfriend, someone you could really see yourself staying with for a long time.
DG met you a year and a half before he actually introduced himself.
It was some hot summer day and he remembered so clearly how beautiful you looked in the first moment he saw you - you had been wearing a dress, one he was sure to compliment you on in the far future.
You had been so happy that day, smiling so widely, laughing and joking with one of your friends. 
Of course in that moment he couldn’t have said anything to you, even if he had wanted to - he had been working with Gun at that moment, and the last thing he’d wanted to do was draw Gun’s attention to you.
So he ignored you and went about his business, only come back at a later stage, this time without Gun, prepared to learn everything he possibly could about you.
In that year and a half before he introduced himself, he obsessed over you, day and night, for months. He spent all that time learning as much about you as he could. His reasoning was sound - he had to get to know you, he couldn’t afford to slip up and have you reject him.
And he was so grateful that he had done that. He learnt so much about you, things that he would probably not have known - things that may have ended up pushing you away from him.
For example, you didn’t like cocky people, so he had to tone it down a bit whenever he was around you, putting on the façade of a humble man, content and reserved. 
He learnt about other, more trivial things, like your favourite foods and your hobbies, certain characteristics and behaviors of yours that he studied extensively.
Truly, by the time he actually introduced himself - in the café you visited weekly - he knew more about you than you probably knew about yourself.
He doesn’t really become crazy until nearly two years into your relationship. By that time, you’re comfortable around him, having been lulled into a somewhat false sense of security.
The changes in his behaviour and treatment of you start slowly. He makes small suggestions, little pieces of advice that seem to logical to deny.
Do you really have to go out with your friends today? You saw them last week - and now that I’m an idol, is it really safe for you to go out all the time? There may be some crazy fangirls out there who see you as competition.
That made sense - you didn’t really have to go out to lunch with all of your friends anyway, you could always see them some other time.
Do you really need a job? I make enough money for the both of us - it would make me feel a lot better if you take some time off, just for a little bit.
Naturally, a little bit of time slowly turned into you being unemployed. The same goes for your education - you’ve been studying so hard, don’t you think you deserve a small break?
He isolates you so gradually that you barely realise it until it’s too late. You have no where to go, no one to turn to except him. Not that that’s a bad thing, he takes such good care of you. He loves you.
And he does love you, that much is true. You’re beautiful, funny, intelligent (not as much as him), trusting and kind. You’re everything he wants and more.
It’s unlikely that you’d see any of his negative traits unless you push him too far - he tries to leave his anger and pessimistic thoughts at the door, never involving you in his problems.
The only way you’d push his patience is if you pestered him about leaving, for any reason - to see your friends, to get a job, to leave him. Or if you bugged him about his work, the things he did outside of being an idol.
He’s willing to give you a lot, but Telling you about what he does isn’t something he ever planned on sharing with you, ever.
The fact that he knows you so well also means that he can predict a lot of the things you’ll say and do, so oftentimes he can intervene before you say something you might regret.
If you were to ever try and leave him - whether because you realised how manipulative and controlling he is, or because you found out what kind of business he was involved in - he would act quickly, locking you away and cutting off any remaining contact you may have had with anyone other than him.
Honestly, you shouldn’t complain. He provided you with plenty - clothing, food, a gorgeous apartment, trips all over the world, really anything your heart desired. All he asked for in return was that you loved him - that included keeping yourself out of his personal affairs.
You would end up giving in, feeling guilty for prying.
Overall he’s not a bad boyfriend- he treats you very well and he really does care for you, but he is a horrible yandere - manipulative, calculating, possessive. 
He’s also the king of gas-lighting, twisting your words, making himself out to be the victim. And praying that he’ll get bored of you won’t work either, not when he put so much work into making sure you loved him.
On the bright side, he’d never turn violent. He sticks to purely mental games when it comes to you - whether or not that’s worse, you can decide.
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lyomeii · 9 months
a familiar face
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❁ warnings: yandere themes, platonic relationships, manipulation, reader doesn’t really care about people other than daniel and co., blood (but nothing to drastically)
❁ synopsis: after successfully getting out of the game, you thought that you would live a normal life after spending so much time struck inside that place. however, after years, something brought you back to lookism and this time, things appear to be more dangerous.
❁ request by anon! Hello! this is gonna be a Iong request. can I request platonic yandere dg with isekai sister? Lookis has a game that follow the arc and then for some reason she has to finish the game mission in order to get home the game give her a fighting ability too so after she finish the mission she'll leave the body and the body died after she goes back home she think all that experience was a dream and forget the game but to dg his sister the only one family that he have in this world has gone passed away a few years later she found the game again and get isekaid again and meet Daniel , because Daniel is nice boy he let her stay with him this is when Daniel moved out to his new school. Daniel is the first yandere she meet. Btw reader haven't read the webtoon and skip the storyline in game so can you imagines in the idol arc reader come to visit Daniel then there's this pink haired guy who for some reason creep her out so every time they meet by accident she always run the other side away from him, but it's not really accident because dg keep secretly watching her and his very pissed with the yandere men that she keep attracting ( basically all the looking men )
❁ a/n: this take longer to post :/ but here it is. sorry for being an inactive in recently days, I got a writing block and still having to finish some worlds related to college. and im not so proud of this one, I admit that, I got a little disappointed with this but I finished this since I catch up with lookism, so enjoy it.
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❁ could be a dream, but the sensation of the blood running down your nose speaking different. turned out that your biggest fear has happened and now, you’ve been throw inside the world of lookism once again.
❁ this happened a few years ago as you’ve taken the role of a younger, but skeptical sister of james lee and lets say you life wasn’t easy back then. not only everyone knew about your existence and tried to attack you, but james himself brought you along to his meeting with his bosses and coworkers. you become a popular person by many gangs because of your older brother, becoming a living target.
❁ luckily, james and some of his allies were there to help you to getting out of those trouble that he got yourself into. one time, he took off a man’s eye who flirted you and another time, that blond friend of his beat a gangster who tried to pick on you while smiling at you. aside from the typical violence, everything was going fine if you only focused on your school life. well, you do have the capability of fighting others, but you are too lazy to do it and whatever you are ready to join a fight, james lee shows up from nowhere to fight in your place, so it’s really rare when you have to fight someone with a brother like him.
❁ with that in mind, your life was pretty easy. that’s why you live a ‘normal’ life as a high schooler until you got back to the real world. after concluding all the missions and extra stuff, you simply died. it was a painless process (thank god) since it happened once you were sleeping at home. and once you opened your eyes, you were back to your original world, where things went back to normal, at least for you since you expected this to just a dream or something else.
❁ what you didn’t expected is this whole experience was indeed real for the characters. james found your lifeless body once he returned home with goo and gun with food, this whole situation almost made him lose his mind and almost destroy everything in his way, but he keep it himself and requested time to be alone for a while in order to grieve and also to take care of your body. it’s took years to him finally get over it, yet he keeps visiting your grave almost weekly with flowers in his hands alongside foods that you once enjoyed.
❁ he still grieving despite the many years that went by, even becoming a famous idol didn’t change how much he misses his younger sister and would do anything to bring her back. but then he sees someone that is almost a replica of his past sister, you.
❁ once back to this familiar word, you’ve taken a completely different role. now you are a teenager girl who share the roof with daniel in that small house. the two of you have a quite close relationship since you know about his two bodies and the whole deal, making you someone important to him. the two of you attend the high school together while you work at a daycare that your family owns in the center of the city.
❁ life is going great, well if you don’t count the fact that you are struck again inside lookism and this time things are crazier than before. why are teenagers entering gangs and fighting each others in class? back in your original world, teens were less problematic and in meanwhile, you also find out that one of your colleague is a single teenager father, now you babysit for daughter at the daycare for free since she is a cute baby. eli jang tried to convince to you to get a feee haircut in return, but you refused after seeing his previous victims clients.
❁ as times goes on, things get more crazier. more fights, more gangs and now Daniel is a training to be an idol? you really don’t understand how things are taking so fast, but you are willingly to support him at any time as long isn’t legal stuff. and that is why you meet that famous dude, DG. there is a familiar sense around him, but yet you can’t really tell what since you barely spend time around his presence as you have to work and babysit the children at the daycare.
❁ DG thought it was just a dream or a hallucination when he first saw you when handing daniel his keys since the boy forget it. you are a copy of his late sister, the same behavior, personality, appearance and even the same name. he had to hold himself to not hug you out of nowhere, remembering himself that his true sister died years ago and that you are a completely different person despite the circumstances.
❁ noticing how DG might be suspicious of your existence, you talked with daniel about getting an extra job in order to pay to help with the rent, but the boy didn’t let you overworking and promised to help you with anything if needed. he knows how much you work during free hours and how much you care about the others, often ignoring your own health and self-care, that’s why he promised himself to take care of you even that cost his life.
❁ and as more times goes on, you met even more people that you consider to be too dangerous for your lifestyle. the workers, big deal, hostel and the white tiger job centre! you didn’t ask for anything like this and now some members of those groups are becoming more prominent in your life, making you a little anxious as DG has start calling you almost everyday in order to learn more about you.
❁ not counting DG and Daniel, there are guys who often show up either on your job (like eli jang, who spend way much time at the daycare isentas of going home with his daughter) or just appear out of nowhere during your free days (jake kim and jerry kwion, both headaches that are more than willing to help you out and introduce you to the big deal). this two situation are the best if you count of all the many encounters you had with the many gang members that you are aware of.
❁ honestly, you just wanted to experience a peaceful and calm life before returning to the real world. but with the current situation happening, you are sure that will be struck in the lookism world for a couple of years.
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talkbycolor · 6 months
DG: how was the honeymoon?
Damon: MC got drunk and tried to destroy our marriage certificate.
Damon: they said, “good luck trying to return me without the receipt”.
Damon: i love them.
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Yandere! James Lee x reader
Since I’m indecisive, this will have multiple Time skips ;D so we get all versions of this dude.
Also, I’ve decided to make this a full-on fanfic ‘cos why not :D
Thank you for your request and patience, sweet anon! (I will not fall sick this bad again >:0 )
Word count: 912
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                                            ✩Chapter 1 ✩
On your first day at [...] high, you stood anxiously surrounded by masses of students at the school entrance. You were feeling completely depleted as you barely slept the previous night... oh how you just love to blame it all on stress from school rather than the chaos that snatched your mind peace last week.
 It would’ve been nice if you could just blow up at your beloved friends' faces with all your pent-up emotions that you kept sweeping under the rug, I mean they’re the ones who adopted you so why not, but the jokes on you… you’ve moved hundreds of miles away from them. You tried to shake all the unnecessary thoughts off your mind as you realise how it was taking a toll on your mood.
After a quick search for your class, you quietly entered. Unnoticed, you get seated at a lone seat at the back of the class, not feeling like socialising when you could already feel your eyes give up on you. “Ah yes, just a quick nap before the teacher arrives” 
Shifting through your seat, you sensed a pair of unamused eyes peering through you. You knew too well that you’ve taken somebody’s spot, but you just couldn’t do it. By the time you’ve confirmed it’s not just your daydreaming, you spot a shadow leaving. Your curiosity gave you the energy you needed to raise your head and look at who it was. The back of a tall redhead was all that you could have seen. Class started. You got up immediately, spilling a string of incoherent words. Earning a cute little giggle from someone you couldn’t recognise, then again how could you know who it is when everybody around you is a stranger to you and the same goes for others too... nobody knows you… right?
 Class ends, and you got a short break where you couldn’t help but feel lonely since you weren’t the type who’s confident enough to get around and socialise. Instead, your mind wanders off to a particular memory. One that forced a bewildered expression onto your face. Only for him to join you. Interrupting your trance, the boy who you ignored earlier chuckles, asking you, "What's with that face?". You left one trance only to get lost in another... you were dazed by his beauty.
Despite you being lost, you tried to conceal it with an awkward laugh, brushing it off saying, “Oh, it’s nothing”. “I think you look adorable,” he said with a warm smile. It was a little too much to you, so you just sat there... blushing like an idiot.
He lead the conversation, making you to feel more and more comfortable around him the more as he talked, as if you knew him for years even though you just met him. His calm voice and demeanour put your mind at ease, making you forget how intimidated you felt earlier. Break time ends and you get back to your class. 
Thankfully, the rest of your school day passes by normally. Nothing special, but later on you’ve received a message from your dad where he said that he’s too busy, he will probably pick you up late. You kept on waiting and waiting for what felt like an eternity. School closes. So you hopelessly plopped down on the ground in front of the gates as your legs gave out. You drifted to sleep unaware.
“Y/n” “Y/n” you felt someone shaking you “Y/N WAKE UP” “Dad?” you said in a hoarse voice with a cheerful tone. You were smiling while you’re asleep. James kept on shaking your shoulders gently until you grumbled and woke up. “Why are you still here?” he said, concerned.
You looked up, facepalming as you realise it was already getting dark. “Oh, my dad must’ve run a little late” you laughed it off. “How about I give you a ride?” You wanted to say yes, but you knew better than just trusting anyone who you knew for a day... let alone a guy. You tried to refuse politely, but he kept on insisting. After a lot of persistence from him, you were defeated. Normally, such persistence would've raised the suspicion of anyone, but you just let it be, since he seemed genuinely concerned. It really relieved him to know that you weren’t as gullible.
You hopped into the backseat of what seemed to be a luxurious car and he sat next to you. The chauffeur just started driving, and you didn’t give it much thought, as you were too focused on texting your dad. Trying hard with your last two remaining brain cells to word your words correctly about how this adorable sweet girl from your class offered you a ride, so he wouldn’t interrogate you, later on. After perfecting your little white lie, you put your phone away, drifting again back to sleep. James kept on watching you the entire ride. You looked serene, yet so vulnerable. 
You arrived at your house. He woke you up ever so gently. You forced eyes open instantly since you didn’t want to be a burden. Picking your bag, you thanked him and walked to your house, closing the door slowly behind then, you leaned your back on the door, closing your eyes. Trying to digest your whole day for a minute. As you opened your eyes and got off the door, a thought abruptly struck you.
“How did he know where I live ?”
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If you have read this far.. MASSIVE Thank you <33
BULLY ME (haha jk that would hurt:( )
I wouldn’t mind constructive criticism tho I would love to improve
I know there wasn't much in this chapter but trust me.. There'll be more moves by my guy next chapter this chapter however was a little about you
I hope this wasn't too bad haha ;_; 'cuz for some annoying reason I rewrote it like 5 times
Correct me if u find mistakes ;)
Please tell me your thoughts and if you’ve got any suggestion for this fic tell me I might consider since this is you I’m writing about after all :3
I'll try to update weekly :D
Reqs are open btw ;)
Lots of love mwah <3
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puffpuffmenace · 1 year
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【Broken colors requests are open!】
What I write: Fluff, Angst, crossovers, Headcannons, One-shots, Yandere, SFW, Slight NSFW(buddy, I said slight 🔫), certain dark topics, gore
What I don't write: NSWF, Weird quirks of a person(like liking how feet smells or smth)
Broken colors is a Yandere otome game !
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Nothing there yet darling, maby wanna request~?
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「Delivery Guy; DG」
Nothing there yet darling, maby wanna request~?
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Nothing there yet darling, maby wanna request~?
There isn't much said about some customers/characters, this will all follow day 1
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yyxandere · 2 years
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☆-Art Credits: 亜双義一真 | シニエ
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ Female and 'she' 'her' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Kazuma Asougi Yandere Alphabet
✩.* note ─ I edited this and I had really hard time tbh to get his character right for some reason, maybe it is because I haven't written in a while or Kazuma's character is really hard to write ( ̄  ̄|||)
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ TGAA 1-2 SPOILERS, Obsession, Unhealthy Thinking, Unhealthy Action, Delusional, Bl**d, G*re Mentions, Abusement of Power and Slicing of a person's body part mentioned.
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'*•.¸♡ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? 
• Kazuma may not look like it but he's extremely touch starved, all those years without his parent's warmth and growing up because for revenge made him make no time for others. Yes he have his adoptive family and Ryunosuke but that's not enough he needs more than them. 
• Kazuma will show his love at first by gifts and word of affirmation but in a really obsessive way. He'd give you about small things may it be a hairclip you saw at the market or a pin that fits your eyes he will buy it just for you, and little by little he will open up to you and with that will get touchy with you only in private obliviously. 
'*•.¸♡ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? 
• Kazuma knows that it's extremely wrong for him to do this, but he has to. At first he won't be messy, he'll try to take them to court and get them framed for a crime they have never done but if that doesn't work out Kazuma is already grabbing his sword or katana ready to slice a person's throat.
• This man can go from being soft but strict with you to slicing a man's body part just for you. If you ask him you're worth every drop of blood splattered at his clothes every time he does it.
'*•.¸♡ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? 
• He will treat you with absolute care, but at the same time slowing down and trying to sculpt you to be a perfect housewife. He's always saying that this is for your own good, and he's trying to loosen up the tension at your relationship. 
• Kazuma would never ever mock you after being kidnapped, it's actually the opposite, he's trying to calm you down, even though you're pushing him and crying for help.
'*•.¸♡ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? 
• Let's get one thing straight, he will never take advantage of you in ways that make you extremely uncomfortable or resent him, like he'll never ever touch you without your consent. 
'*•.¸♡ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? 
• Extremely vulnerable, he depends on you very much. If you weren't then, he should never even open his heart in the first place, so whenever you try to even escape he feels like his heart is shattering, because you clearly aren't vulnerable to him rather he is to you.
'*•.¸♡ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? 
• He's not surprised, he expected you to fight back someday may it be today or tomorrow but he feels betrayed. No matter how hard you hit and scream at him he will never raise a finger at you, he knows his own strength and he knows yours too, so he knows he can easily knock you out cold in just a flick of a wrist
'*•.¸♡ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? 
• Kazuma's love for you is no joke, he's deeply obsessed with you, he just wants for both of you to be like normal couples, so whenever you try to escape you'll always be pulled back by him, and with a deep shaky sigh from him, will he puts you back to both of your bed and chained up and left there for hours giving you a very stern talking while like a mother talking to their child. 
'*•.¸♡ Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 
• Him slicing a man up with his katana and letting the man's blood spray over your face and clothes, it was very much a gorey sight, you fell to your knees and started trembling, until he walked up to you, kneeled down to your level and wipe the tears -that you didn't even noticed- out your face and started kissing you all over you blood stained face, whispered how the man got what he deserves.
• That was the time you fully realized the power scaling between you and him.
'*•.¸♡ Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 
• All he wants is for you to be happy enough, and have kids of his own. From time to time he dreams of coming back from another day from court to see you cooking dinner and your children greeting him on the doorstep. 
'*•.¸♡ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 
• Absolutely, everytime you even look away from his gaze for a millisecond, he's quick to grab his sword or katana and start slitting them.
• He tries not to let his emotions get the better of him, but if he does manage to get so angry or jealous he'd abuse his power.
'*•.¸♡ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
• If he hasn't kidnapped you yet, he'll act determined and charismatic, that's enough to make anyone move their head and eyes to see him, and make you go awe. 
• After you were kidnapped, he'll actually be the same but less with the booming voice, stern but gentle with you, he doesn't want to scare you. 
'*•.¸♡ Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 
• Kazuma is absolutely clueless about courting you, yes he read a few books about courting but him doing it makes him lose his calm persona, but he will and does always try to keep himself composes everytime you're near him, he does want you to look at him like he was some kind of prince charming. 
• He's also very nervous because he never felt this way, and so with that he ask Professor Mikotoba to make him a script so he won't mess up, so every time he's waking up he's going to rehearse what is written in the script, but when he sees you, he immediately forget everything what was in the script and suddenly speak really off handed compliments. (It makes him scream at his pillow at night.)
'*•.¸♡ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? 
• Not really, he wants you to love him and his true personality, so he won't really find a reason why he should have a different personality. 
• But when he still didn't kidnapped you, he did keep up a really great persona so you can ve withdraw to him.
'*•.¸♡ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
• Like I said before, he tried his best to not let his emotions get over him, especially anger but he's only a human and he just can't keep his emotions on a leash forever.
• So his punishment is trapping you to a dark room, probably his basement where no one can hear your cry for help, he will keep you there until you slowly re-think all your decisions and try to agree to his little fantasy of his. 
'*•.¸♡ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? 
• Before it was only little things like, which friends you should only be seeing or which day you should be going outside. But after he kidnaps you, a lot of your rights will be discarded.
'*•.¸♡ Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 
• Extremely patient, he knows what he did -happening is a lot to take in at once, so he'll try his best to give you a lot of space and time to think and from time to time he'll push you to a mindset that this is normal or that he's actually a good guy and what you guys are experiencing is actually just rocky relationship. 
'*•.¸♡ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 
• If you die in his watch, he's not afraid to put who ever killed you to be brutally killed, or if you killed yourself he will be stoic man and he'll never forgive himself after what happend and commit suicide he's may not show it but he's entire emotional dependency pillar is entirely in your hands and with your passing he just couldn't see a life without you.
• If you leave he will find you on his own with a little help from the authorities, he's a prosecutor, he can make any excuse and they would believe him in a heartbeat. Even if you "escape successfully" you'll never get rid of him, he will find you one way or another. 
'*•.¸♡ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? 
• Well at first he is, he just feels like everyday his ideal morality is fighting, but everytime he sees you, especially when your in such vulnerable state like sleeping or being sick he's obsessed side and his guilt slowly fades aways. Yes he's still sick but he think that he's doing this for you sake, (even though he knows that he's doing this just for himself for the sake of his sanity) so no he'll never let go of you no matter what. 
'*•.¸♡ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? 
• His childhood was filled with misery and suffering, each day after his father's death he was fueled by rage each morning, it was like a leech sucking his energy and optimism he has and its super tiring for him, so when he met someone who made those misery disappear from him even for a second, he'll never let go, and unfortunately you were the one who can only do that. 
'*•.¸♡ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 
• Extremely guilty, he'll try whatever he can do to cheer you up, even though he knows that he's the one that because of your tears.
• When you try to isolate yourself he understands very much, and he'll give you all the time you need, so you can finally face him. 
'*•.¸♡ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? 
• • Well, he'll always try to change his obsessive mindset because he knows through experience what an obsessive mindset and lead and do to a man.
'*•.¸♡ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? 
• Pretend like you love him, be obedient to him, cook for him every time he comes back to him, and maybe he lets you outside with little worries because he thinks that you finally trust him, in other words, trick him with fake advances.
• Overall he is a very touch-starved man, give him the comfort he needs, ease up any problems and he will be under your hands.
'*•.¸♡ Wit’s End: Would they ever hurt their darling? 
• Physical? No but yes only when it's in the heat of the moment, but he will try his best to make it up for you. 
• Mentally? Yes, he'd downgrade your friends and make you lose contact with them he'd do it over and over again until their's no one his your life but him him only.
'*•.¸♡ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? 
• He would do anything, may it be forging evidence in court just for you, or getting a man slaughtered, he'll do absolutely anything for you.
'*•.¸♡ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 
• He has long patience but he's human after all sooo..
• He does snaps at you, but not as bad as the time he snapped so hard that he was in a killing spree so hard that you actually had to use forceful means to do so, I don't know how you did it but you did it.
'*•.¸♡ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
• He will try to do anything, for you to go voidless, but he knows that one day you'll go to a blank slate, so each day he'll do absolutely anything to keep you sane and happy.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
Yandere!DG + Reader: His hold on you
TW: as above, nothing too bad tho. Platonic. Could be read as x reader if you want. For non-anon anon request.
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Friends tell you you're lucky to know someone like DG, to have him look out for you. Introduce me, they would ask and when you shake your head, their eyes cloud with resentment and jealousy.
DG had warned you not to share anything about him, no matter how much your friends begged. A little part of you preens at the special connection between the two of you. It's private, intimate. A secret little club just for you and him.
You hold onto this connection and thought when your friends distance themselves.
Even your own parents are blinded by the pop-idol persona; the fame and fortune and perks of being associated with the country's favourite singer. All too happy to let you and DG spend time together. They dismiss any concerns with a wave of their hand while surrounded by lavish gifts.
So who can you actually tell, who will listen when you mention how uncomfortable you are. How you can't exactly put your finger on why your skin crawls, your stomach drops, and the discomfort continues to grow each time DG contacts you.
(Truly, the hold he has on you scares you, you admit to yourself that one time. The last time you can recall DG leaving you just about long enough so you can form your own thoughts. Moments of clarity before he sinks his claws in again. He has only made that mistake once.)
He used to be sweet, and you would respond to him giddy with excitement. DG! A K-pop idol! Paying attention to me!
But now he feeds you far too much bitterness. It's unbalanced. You never know which side of him you get.
When he pushes just a little bit too much, when you want to scream at him to leave you alone through tears, he's all sunshine and sugar again. Like how it used to be. Like he knows what words are on the tip on your tongue.
And when you're all buttered up, then he would chide you for being silly and young and you should just listen to him, his voice light and full of laughter. Hasn't he been good to you? Hasn't he been good to your parents?
Yeah he has, you concede. He's older, more experienced, seen the world. He's right. What do you know in comparison? Barely anything.
So it's fine. Everything is fine. You're just spiralling for nothing.
On top of that, the last few months have been better.
He's been nothing but nice to you. You can't bring yourself to ruin such a good thing.
Yet something unsettles you. And you know you sound insane. Crazy. Because why would DG do this? Why would he even break in?
Things are misplaced in your own room, or something you swear was right there disappears for a few days and miraculously turns up.
Little harmless things. Things you should hardly notice it but the insidiousness builds and builds and builds.
A book missing on your bookshelf, photos switched around.
You stop being able to relax or rest in your own home, only catching moments of fitful sleep as your mind races and your sanity hangs by a thread thinking someone has been in your space and messed with your things.
Even your ID disappeared. You turned your room inside out, was shouted at by your parents for losing such an important thing before it appeared on your bed.
Lying right in the middle, on top of the covers. So obvious. You can't have missed it.
Could you?
"Why would I do that? How? You must be seeing things." DG denies when you ask, body looming over yours and eyes flashing.
Maybe he's right. This is DG after all. He's busy. He's been nice lately. You don't want to rock the boat.
You think about your missing items, the misplaced things. Yeah. It is ridiculous to think DG would have any involvement.
Must all be in your own head.
"Y/N," he says, lips quirking and eyes a little unhinged, "It's funny though. Isn't it? If someone messed with you like this."
Is it? You think it's not, but you don't know what to think anymore.
"Seeing you go a little crazy," DG prods.
"It's ok to laugh." Somehow that feels like a threat.
So you laugh and laugh and laugh yourself sick, until your eyes are streaming and you convince yourself it's tears of laughter and DG is right.
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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heongiu · 1 year
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- 🖇️𖥻 [ Kira's masterlist <3 ]
Lookism ☁︎⏤͟͟͞͞ɞ
✰ Kim Goo x reader Smut (NSFW)
✰ Gun and Goo fighting over little things
✰ Reader with Goo just being Goofy
✰ Goo x Sick! Reader
✰ James lee angst
✰ Gun x Goo angst
✰ Sub! Goo headcanons (NSFW)
✰ James Lee Angst part II
✰ Gun, Jake and Samuel with a bratty reader
✰ Gun, Goo and Jake Gym hcs (slight nsfw)
✰ Gun and Goo with Housewife hcs (fluff)
✰ Gun x Reader (fluff)
✰ Gun and Goo HS AU
✰ Gun, Goo, Jake, Eugene and Samuel with rich reader
✰ DG x fem reader and their first night (slight nsfw)
✰Yandere Gun x reader
✰Gun x reader (fluff)
✰GunGoo School AU (Fluff)
✰Gun x Fem!Reader (Sensitive topics/Angst to fluff)
✰Goo x Reader First night (Slight NSFW)
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Jujutsu Kaisen 𖤐˚∘↣
✪ Gojo, Nanami, And Geto with a hideous simp reader
✪ sugar daddy/mommy headcanons with Gojo, Nanami, Geto and Mei Mei
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HTF ˙∘△٭
(No requests yet)
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KNB 𖦹꙳࡛࣪⋕
(No requests yet)
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Haikyuu!! 𖥻˙•↻
(No requests yet)
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★ . ꜝꜞ ᳝ ࣪ Thankyouuu!! ☁️ׂ ʬ
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Yo I'm actually obsessed with your writing😭 I'm going crazy send help. Anyways can you please do a yandere Dg with like a broken reader? I just love the thought of him pampering us🥹 Thank you and feel free the decline 🫶
Hello and thank you for liking my work, I really appreciate it :) And sure
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You didn't know when your life went all wrong and took the wrong tangential turn, you were supposed to get good grades, make your parents proud, make a good name for yourself in society and follow your passion and dream of becoming a writer someday. Yet there were days when you felt like you were a burden to people, not withstanding the fact that even your own parents kept yelling that at you whenever you didn't get good grades and didn't live up to their expectation of being the perfect golden child for them. No matter how many accomplishments you had, you felt empty inside. You feel like you've forgotten how to live the essence of life itself, you forgot how to feel happiness since a long time. You felt like there was an empty void in your heart and you just...stopped feeling one day and became completely indifferent to everything around you
You thought you'd die alone and there were times when you felt like you were better off gone when a certain pink haired idol ended up kidnapping you and made you live with him. You regretted the day you met DG at the PTJ company and you mentally cursed yourself for falling for his tricks and manipulations that led you here in the first place. When you woke up on his bed confused and bewildered of what happened, he kept rambling something about how much he was going to love you and how he'd take care of you from now on and you laughed at him when he said those words. "Don't bother...please... I don't deserve it...'' you said as he frowned. "Now why would you say that?" he asked you, as his eyes narrowed but spoke in a gentle tone. He had to know what exactly made you feel like this, why were you so...indifferent and what made you develop a sense of apathy towards your surroundings
He wasn't considered a 'genius' for nothing. He could tell you were bothered by something, you were silent most of the time but your eyes spoke tales of sadness, which frankly hurt him. It hurt him to see your beautiful lotus like eyes carry the burden of sadness. "When are you going to kill me?" you asked him one day during dinner as the two of you were at the dining table. "What?" he asked you slowly as his voice was laced with concern and his heart pounded at your words. Why on earth would you say something like that? Your words sent a chill down his spine, he despised and hated the thought of being away from you for even a second and here you were asking him to kill you?
"Why would you say that? Tell me...talk to me'' he said as he set down his chopsticks and held your hands in his and rubbed gentle comforting circles on the back of your hand. You opened your mouth but no words came out, as usual. It was like they were stuck at the back of your throat as you tried to swallow the lump forming in your throat but your trembling lips and eyes conveyed another story. "Because I'm useless....'' you mumbled as you looked at the table and avoided his gaze. DG looked at you with his soul piercing gaze but his eyes softened and he could tell your life before you met him was harsh. You didn't hear his move as he pulled you to the couch with him and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're NOT useless. You hear me? I adore everything about you. I'll tell you this as many number of times as I have to, I love you'' he said as he caressed your cheek lovingly
"But why me? I'm no one...I'm...I'm nothing special'' you mumbled as he gently placed a finger on your lips and shushed you. "Shhh....sweetheart. No more self doubt. It pains me to see you so critical of yourself. I adore your beautiful mesmerizing eyes, every time I look into them, I feel like I get lost in them. I love your lips, they're so soft like the petals of a rose..'' he trailed off as he gently placed a kiss on your lips which made you squirm and you looked at him with a vulnerable expression for the first time. Deep down, he was glad he was getting closer to breaking down your walls of self doubt and self hatred. "Your mind is the one playing tricks on you sweetheart, just listen to me and only me...nothing else matters. No one else matters. I love you...and I'll never leave you. As for why I chose you, it's simple really. You managed to enter my heart and when I want something, I take it. As simple as that'' he said with a soft amused chuckle
The both of you just sat there for a while on the couch together as the dim lights and the jazz music playing in the background made you feel slightly at ease. Your bubbling self hatred didn't exactly disappear but it decreased slightly at his words. "Come on my love, it's time for you to sleep'' he said as he carried you bridal style to your room and held you close as you drifted off to sleep. You might have entered the land of your dreams but he was still wide awake, thinking about the words you've said and how your words sent a cold chill down his spine. The thought of losing you made him...enraged in such a way that not even words or numbers could do justice for
He slowly got down from the bed and caressed your cheek lovingly before he headed out into the living room and started doing his research of what exactly led you to such a state in the first place. He found out about how your parents always demanded you be the perfect golden child for them, how everyone always expected you to help them and yet when you needed help the most there was no one for you to depend on, how you always shouldered your own burdens and how people around you looked down on you just because you had the passion and dream of becoming a writer, calling your passion 'useless' because they were too narrow minded. He could feel red hot anger coursing through his veins as he thought of the number of times you could have cried to yourself alone, with no one to help you as his heart stung from the mere thought of imagining your cries for help getting ignored by the vast sea of people who just used you for their own personal gains
You were burned out. You needed a break. You needed someone to tell you that they were proud of you for once and that was just what he was going to do for you. He immediately developed a strong sense of hatred against those who ridiculed you so much to bring you to such a state, judging you for every single little thing. Who the HELL were they to judge HIS sweetheart like this? His mind flashed back to the number of times you looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes filled with insecurities. He was going to get rid of every single insecurity of yourself you've ever had. He was going to spoil you with his love and you were just going to have to accept it. He thought of paying a little visit to those hypocritical pests later at some point in the future, to make them pay for every single time they made you cry or feel bad about yourself. It's not like such scumbags would be missed in society anyway so don't feel too bad when they land on the news the next day showing that they were brutally tortured before they were killed
He was going to make sure to spend more time with you, you really needed someone to keep an eye on you since he had the paranoia of you doing something drastic at some point which he couldn't allow to happen. He mentally reminded himself to get rid of the knives and switch off the gas in the kitchen so you wouldn't be able to hurt yourself. He'd encourage your passion for writing, you could have all the books you heart could ever desire and he'd love to read every word you've written. His intention was to never shoot down your dreams but for him to create a future for the two of you together. He was used to superficial people being with him only for the sake of his status or influence but he admired the way you were genuine at whatever you said and did. You could deny it all you wanted but despite your broken personality, he could see you had a heart of gold. A beautiful gentle heart and a soft soul that plenty of scumbags took advantage of that just made him mad to the core
DG sighed as he placed his file containing information regarding you back in his drawer and locked it, something you didn't need to find out just yet as he made his way back towards you and got on the bed as he held you in his arms and stroked your hair and placed a gentle and soft kiss on your cheek before he drifted off to sleep, you being by his side, right where you belonged...
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artemis32 · 2 years
i really like your yandere dg..°///° do you mind writing a scenario about it? >///<
Platonic Yandere DG II
Thank you, I really appreciate it :)) Better late than never I guess??
I may have just completely butchered his character, but we're going to ignore that for the sake of my sanity
I have no idea wtf a scenario is, and Google was absolutely no help 
This is spoiler free for those who aren't yet caught up on the more recent chapters, because I'm nice
I had to split this into two parts because my brain cannot compute more than this - that being said, I make no promises about when the next part will be out
Lookism Masterlist
Part I
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DG's stride was quick as he approached the living room, urgency fueling his movements as he caught sight of you sitting beside your tutor, clearly in the middle of a lesson.
He stopped right in front of you, giving your tutor a slight mod before speaking.
"I'm going away for a few days - work. It's very last minute so you'll have to stay here."
His words are sharp, swift. You hum absentmindedly, focused on your work. His hand, cold and calloused, grabs yours, and you stare up at him.
The warning look he gives you is enough to have grown men wetting their pants, but you only spare him a bored look before he speaks again.
You sit up straight, giving him a look - disgust or annoyance, he isn't sure.
"DG, I'm not an idiot. You've trained me like a dog, I know the rules."
Your words tug at his heart, but he brushes them off. That's a problem he'll have to deal with another time. He’s not the most empathetic person, he knows. But he thought you knew that everything he did was because he cared for you - after all, you were his only family.
He stands up straight, bidding you and your tutor a hasty goodbye before making his way to the car waiting for him in the street below.
There's no reason to be worried, he tries to convince himself. You know how important his private work is - you wouldn't worry him unnecessarily.
A few hours later, well after the sun has set, you bid your tutor goodbye, heaving a sigh as you clear away your notes and pens. You think about mundane things - how wonderful a relaxing shower will be, or perhaps a bath, what you’d have for dinner, what you’d do tomorrow since you’d have the apartment to yourself for a few days.
Instead of heading towards the kitchen to make yourself dinner as you usually would, you sink into the couch, feet tucked beneath you as you scroll through your phone.
Eventually even that isn’t enough to distract you, and you let your thoughts run rampant.
Your brother was always busy, and though he kept his work secret from you, you knew how important it was. His focus was often not on you, which didn’t bother you much -  in fact, it was probably better that way. Having him breathing down your neck all day would be enough to drive you mad.
Knowing how important his work was and how stressed it made him kept you in line most of the time. You didn’t want to find out what he’d do if you caught him out on a bad day.
But things had started to become repetitive - boring. 
I desperately need a change - a change in scenery, a change in pace - whatever. 
You picked at a stray thread on the hem of your shirt as while you were thinking.
Fuck it. He can get as mad as he wants when - if - he finds out. I’m going to go insane if I don’t leave. 
With your mind made up, you stand and make your way to your room. 
What your brother didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
DG finally had a free moment, one he took advantage of. He managed to slip away to a quiet, dark corner, pulling out his phone and dialing your number.
You picked up on the second ring.
His irritation spikes and he grits his teeth as he speaks.
"Has your tutor left yet?"
"Yeah, about an hour ago. Is that really why you're calling? I'm not five, you don't need to check in on me like I'm a child."
He sighs heavily. No matter what, your attitude always manages to make an appearance.
"Drop the attitude, I'm calling because I can. Do you have a problem with that?"
Your silence is answer enough. At least you know to hold your tongue when he's in a bad mood.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, probably two or three days. When I get back we can take a trip or something. I know you're probably getting cabin fever."
He heard you mumble something under your breath before you spoke again.
"It's fine. Thanks for the call. Bye."
You ended the call before he could berate your bad mood.
His irritation was worse than when the call had started, and he felt his eyebrow twitch as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
After a deep breath, he rounded the corner and approached the man waiting at the entrance of the building.
"Where did Goo go?"
The remaining man, Gun, looks up from his phone towards DG.
"He has other business to attend to, so it'll be the two of us today. Let's go."
DG wasn't particularly religious, but he sent a prayer out to whatever gods there may be, begging for the patience he did not have.
The icy air nips at your face, and your fingers feel numb even though they’re buried deep in your pockets. You try to convince yourself that sneaking out was worth it even as you shiver violently from the cold.
Eventually you cave and duck into a small corner store, the warmth that engulfs you bordering on painful as you feel yourself defrost.
The bright display of convenience store food and drinks catches your attention as you look around the store. 
It looks relatively empty, other than a boy that looks to be about your age standing behind the counter. He doesn’t seem to notice you, instead he continues messaging someone on his phone. 
You make your way down the isle on your right, browsing through the various snack options. While you’re picking out a packet of instant noodles, the door opens, letting in a freezing gust of wind as a small group of people rush in.
From what you can see, it’s a group of people about your age, two girls and three guys. They make a beeline straight for the boy sitting at the counter. 
They must be friends.
Your suspicion is confirmed a moment later when they all start joking around, one of the guys in the group joining the boy behind the counter and putting on the uniform.
Intent on minding your own business, you grab the few snacks that caught your eye and make your way to the counter. Dropping your items in front of one of the boys, you pull out your card, eager to get home and out of the cold.
When you look up, you get your first look at one of the boys that had entered the store after you.
His hair is dark, spilt in a middle part, and he has the beginnings of some facial hair growing above his lip and on his chin. You also take note of the tattoos peaking out under his shirt.
You look at him and notice his stare. The two of you stand for a long moment, staring at one another before the boy next to him shakes his arm, whispering urgently.
"Vasco, it's rude to stare!"
The boy, Vasco, nods before turning to the boy shaking his arm, whispering-yelling loud enough for everyone to hear.
"She's very pretty Daniel."
The sound of suppressed laughter rings throughout the store as the shorter boy, Daniel, gently nudges Vasco out of the way and begins ringing up your items. 
You pay and grab your items, turning to Vasco right before you leave.
“Thank you Vasco. You’re pretty attractive too.”
The cold hits you as you leave the store, gone before you notice Vasco standing there, mouth hanging open and face flushed bright red.
The following day had been boring but warm, something that you were content with after nearly freezing the day before.
It was late evening by the time you decided to actually try to do something productive with yourself, dragging your feet on your way to the door, bundling up once more to brave the cold in search for more food.
As great as DG was at providing, he had shit taste in snacks - he was a bit of a health fanatic, something that you hated about him. You regularly snuck food that he definitely wouldn’t approve of, should he ever discover that you ate it.
Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
You decided to go to the same convenience store you’d been to the day before. Your face warmed slightly as you thought about Vasco. He wasn’t exactly your type - not that you had a type when your brother did everything he could to keep you under lock and key. 
Either way, nothing would come of what had happened. Unfortunately, your brother’s paranoia seemed to have rubbed off on you, and you had developed the bad habit of being suspicious of every new person you met.
Lost in your own thoughts, you don’t notice that you’ve arrived at the store until you see the same store sign from the day before in your peripheral vision.
Once again, the warmth of the store seems far more welcoming than the cold, empty street behind you. 
Today, you see Daniel and one of the girls from the day before.
They both look up at you as you enter, recognition sparking in their eyes.
You gathered an armful of snacks, grabbing whatever caught your attention before making your way to the counter. Now that you managed to get a better look at the girl, you noticed how beautiful she was.
She was tall and fit, and she looked well dressed, her clothing clearly expensive.
When you looked towards her face, you noticed how she seemed to be looking at you with a critical eye too. The thought left a small smile on your face.
You turned to the short boy from the day before, addressing him directly.
"Daniel right?"
He seemed shocked that you had bothered to remember his name. He spluttered a bit while trying to answer.
"Um, I- uh... Yeah, Daniel. That's me. Sorry, I didn't catch your name last night...?"
You smile at his awkwardness, giving him your name before looking towards the girl standing next to him.
She's already looking at you, and startles slightly when she realises that you want her name too.
"Crystal. Crystal Choi. Nice to meet you."
The conversation lulls for a moment before you speak.
"So, no Vasco today?"
"Ah, no, just me. He doesn't actually work here, he just likes to hang around." Daniel answered.
He seems to contemplate something for a moment before addressing you.
"So, do you live in the area?"
The two behind the counter notice your demeanour change instantaneously. Your body tenses and your gaze turns hard, almost cutting into Daniel.
"No. Just visiting. I think I should be leaving now."
Daniel hands a bag with your purchase, hands trembling slightly. Your change in attitude had been frightening.
You hum in thanks before looking at Crystal again. She stares at you for a moment before you bid them both farewell and leave the store.
The two watch you leave before heaving a slight sigh, Daniel letting out a nervous laugh.
He started talking, his words falling on deaf ears as Crystal thought about how similar your demeanour had been to someone she knew.
Once you arrived home, you decided that it would probably be best to avoid that convenience store for a while, at least until Daniel and his friends had somewhat forgotten about you. Hell, maybe you’d find a different store to frequent all together.
Little did you know you were about to be pushed far out of your comfort zone, dragged into a mess you would barely be able to navigate.
After you hid your snacks away, you settled into the plush couch across from the large television mounted on the wall, content with the solitude surrounding you. 
Naturally, that peace was disrupted now even fifteen minutes later by the even toned doorbell. You grumbled loudly as you approached the door, under the assumption that it was DG at the door, arriving earlier than expected and making your life difficult by forgetting his keys. Or maybe it was your tutor, appearing for a lesson you had forgotten.
Evidentially, you were wrong on both accounts.
At the door, waiting patiently, comfortably slouched against the wall, stood a man - blonde haired, sporting glasses and a funky looking suit. He throws you a charming grin, pushing himself off the wall before addressing you - by name - something that sets off alarm bells in your head.
He blocks the door before you can shut it, shoving it open and stepping inside before shutting it behind him. 
“Oh don’t look so scared. I’m just here to talk. It’s not as if I’d hurt you. Speaking of, this’ll take a while - what snacks do you have hidden around here?”
The next part will be released when I have a magical spurt of motivation :))
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lyomeii · 1 year
not to late to a confession
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warnings: yandere themes, male reader, dg has feelings for the reader
request by anon! male reader who knew DG when he was James lee and had a heavy crush on him
a/n: a lookism request? A DREAM! sorry for taking too long for posting it, I decided to read the chapter where he show up to write him better :p
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-> the two of you were quite inseparable. none truly know how james lee meet you, but everyone know how deadly he can become if you enter any dangerous situation, specially those time when someone tries to hurt the dear friends of James lee.
-> back in high school, many suspects that you were the significant other of james lee, after all, not only the red haired was too overprotective, but once took the eyes of a man who attempted to hurt you. basically, many people knew how not to mess with you in fear of what might james might to do them.
-> as times go on, you had to leave South Korea in order to study abroad. since your parents want you to become part of the enterprise from the family (and to succeed your mother’s leadership). the farewell with james lee was a bittersweet one.
“so you were leaving?”
the two boys are laying down in the school’s rooftop, both staring at the orange sky as the clouds disband far from the sunset. this moment will end soon as [name] is leaving the country tomorrow morning, which will lead to their friendship to become distant and probably, to an end.
james lee’s mind is running miles per hours, trying to understand why everything is going wrong. that wasn’t supposed to be happen, he had the plan to have [name] at his side after defeating his enemies and to become richer to take care of both of them, maybe even making the [h/c] haired boy his significant other.
“how long you’ve know of your departure?” his gray eyes stares into the [e/c], trying to find a sign of comfort or maybe even a glimpse of sadness, but there is nothing.
“since yesterday night.” [name] sigh off. the heir couldn’t believe his own mother would betray him like that, especially when she knew about his future plan with james lee. “It was that or marrying some girl from another company.”
a silence took over the two boys, but this time it felt more sad than ever, knowing that neither of them will see each other for a long time is not only depressing, but also worry. what if one of them forget about the other? that would be the end of their friendship.
“[name].” james hold your hand, with his eyes staring at the colorful sky. “promise that you won’t forget me and once you return to korea, you will look after me, okay?”
perhaps, his words sound more like a kid would say, but james hopes that you will agree with his words. he can’t afford to lose you, not after spending so much time making sure you don’t have anymore else other than him.
“i promise.” the other one giggled, not minding feeling james’ hand into his. after all, it’s feel nice and comfortable to know this isn’t a dream. “i will find you again, i won’t forget you anytime soon, james.”
the red haired boy smiles. a promise was made by the two boys, one that neither of them will break and james can’t wait for that.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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talkbycolor · 6 months
Damon & MC: *staring into each other’s eyes*
DG: *pops a soda can*
MC: we’re having a moment
DG: and i’m having a cola
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Alrighty, hun. I am here today to request for none other than our beloved himbo, Sherlock. How about a yan scenario where he wakes up from a nightmare (probably about S/O leaving him) and S/O comforts him? Have fun!
Oh absolutely!!! This himbo needs more appreciation in this community!!!!! I will populate the internet with Sherlock Holmes (DGS) fanfiction if I have to, I crave more from this boi.
Spoilers: Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney)
TW: Implied kidnapping, implied threats, obsessive behaviour, nightmares
🔎Sherlock Holmes🔍
“N-no...Don’t go, don’t leave me. Not again. No, no...NO!”
Sherlock woke up with a start, immediately jolting forward as he gripped his hair in his hands and breathed heavily. The last few weeks had been particularly strenuous for Sherlock, the few hours of sleep that he got each night had been plagued with a multitude of nightmares, hours of torment that all followed one single theme.
S/O had left him again, and this time they had left him for good.
The dreams had probably started after S/O’s latest little attempt. It was roughly two months ago and he was so caught up in another case that he didn’t notice that his darling had picked the lock on their bedroom door and was making a break for it until they were already a good three quarters of the way down Crawford Street. That had been the closest that they had been to leaving him in some time and it absolutely terrified him to think that they would be out there without anyone to look out for them.
Normally, Sherlock would force himself to shake this new set of nightmares off and attempt to re-salvage his sleep. However, tonight, he just couldn’t fight that layer of fear that chilled his bones and made his throat tighten up. He found himself pulling the covers off of himself and getting out of bed. If he could just check on S/O, just to make sure that his nightmares were not some horrible vision of events that had truly occurred, then his fears could be temporarily soothed. He found himself sneaking through his flat, careful not to wake Iris up as he walked to S/O’s room. Unlocking it, he was instantly relieved with the sight of S/O who was asleep, completely oblivious to the fact that he was in their room.
Sherlock found himself walking over to their bed to watch them more closely, they looked so peaceful...so carefree to everything, a far cry from their usual nervous expression and flighty disposition. After a few minutes of just observing, Sherlock drew an arm out to gently touch their shoulder, relishing in the feel of their skin under his own, he then slid next to them, wrapping his arms around them tightly and laying his head on top of their own. After about ten minutes of him just holding S/O in his arms, he felt S/O stirring from their own sleep. They immediately seemed to tense up as they realised that something…or someone was currently restricting their movement.
“...Sherlock…? W-what are you doing?” S/O sussurated. At this point they were completely still while Sherlock slowly let go of them and sat up, S/O turned around to face him and was somewhat taken aback by his rather forlorn expression. They quickly sat up themselves and looked at him nervously as he clasped their hands into his own.
“It’s silly really, just a nightmare that I’ve been having, I just wanted to check on you. I didn’t factor in the chance that I might wake you up. I do apologise.” Sherlock rambled while continuing to play with S/O’s hands. S/O let out a short sigh before slowly pulling their hands away from his and moving them towards his shoulders before pulling him into a gentle hug. This time, it was Sherlock’s turn to tense up as he realised what was happening. A shuddered breath escaped his throat as he looked down at S/O who had gently looped their arms around his middle and laid their head against the middle of his chest.
“I-I’m sorry Sherlock..” S/O whispered while rubbing little circles into his back. Sherlock sighed and looked down at them tiredly, leaning into the affection that was being given to him so willingly. “Please don’t leave me, I was so scared….something might have happened, something could still happen.” Sherlock shuddered while raising his own arms to tightly wrap S/O into them, S/O pulled their head away to look at him, eyes wide with an unrecognisable emotion shimmering within them.
“I-I’m not...I’m not escaping, please Sherlock I promise I’m not escaping.” They begged, pulling their arms away to grip onto the front of his shirt, Sherlock took this opportunity to press them closer to his chest as he laid his head against their neck.
“Shhh…I know, I’ve just been ever so worried since that last little attempt of yours, but I know that you wouldn’t try to escape me again, it would be illogical to attempt it.” Sherlock breathed while looking down at S/O, who had let out a rather long yawn as they tiredly slumped their head against his chest and looked well on their way to falling asleep.
“Laying next to you is truly a miracle cure, my darling.” Sherlock whispered, while slowly sliding down to lay next to them. He pulled them back into his arms as he felt asleep calling him once more, he hoped that with the knowledge that S/O was wrapped tightly up in his arms that the nightmares would cease to cause him grief for the rest of the night.
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turnaboutinlove · 3 years
Welcome ~ !
hello hello everyone! my name is cat, welcome to my blog! this is an ace attorney centred writing blog, mainly character x reader!
due to the lack of ace attorney/reader content and more blogs appearing that are ace attorney centred, (plus my random thoughts upon scenarios lol), i’ve decided to make this blog!
please note that i may go inactive for periods of time due to education and life things (i’m trying to prioritise my mental health!).
the askbox is currently closed for requests, but you can send in your ideas or chat with me if you want!
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Rules for requesting
Currently, the character limit is 5 characters per request (mainly so I don’t try to overwork myself, etc etc.)
Please specify if you would like scenarios, headcanons, etc.
Also specify the gender if you would like - if you don’t, then I’ll just make your request gender neutral.
I will write some yandere content, but only per request. I’m not entirely sure if I’m comfortable with writing such content yet :,)
Try to be specific as possible when requesting - you don’t have to be overly specific (you can if you want) but at least lay out the bare bones :,)
The games I have played include:
The Ace Attorney Trilogy
Ace Attorney Investigations
DGS 1 and 2
(yeah i know i haven’t played a lot, so not that many yet)
I haven’t played Apollo Justice and onwards but I can try to write requests for the characters in the game - just don’t expect them to be great because I dont know the characters that well lol :,D
What I will NOT write
NSFW content
Pregnancy related requests - it just makes me uncomfortable,
Incest/Pedophilia etc etc. No but why would you—
The only characters that I really refuse to write are probably just. Manfred von Karma (von karma noooooo) and a few select others that I don’t really expect anyone to request haha.
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thank you for taking the time to read this long post ~ !
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