#young justice universe
pichichu-studio · 2 months
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Family tradition 🥰🥰🥰
Inspired by:
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fakeicecubes · 2 months
Reasons why the rest of the JL believes Batman and all of his children are metas/cryptids
-Weirdly good instincts
-They only see the bat and kids at night
-Hasn’t died
-If they have died, they came back within the year
-The JL has seen all of them at one point or another stay up for 96 hours straight and act semi-normally
-One time Batman was stabbed and started bleeding green(it was slime Bruce packed for kids to play with if they were at a crime scene)
-Red Robin didn’t cry while watching A Dogs Purpose for Young Justice’s movie night(he did, the mask hid his tears)
-They all know an absurd amount of Golf facts
-Somehow none of them age
-All of them are friends with a super
Wonder Women has the list and they update it after every mission.
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marskiiii · 28 days
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- same bg as canon except Dick was sold to a group of nameless, off-grid scientists to be experimented on using American black robin DNA
- later rescued 7 months later by Bruce and trained to become The Boy Wonder, Robin (age 9)
- (unintentionally) keeps wings private from team (only Alfred and Bruce are aware of his wings) as he generally keeps his wings bound tightly to his back
- only frees them on patrols (mostly hidden under his cape) with Batman and at home/during personal training
- he is (begrudgingly) 4'11" (this is his max height. pulling an fma where his special appendages prevent him from growing up)
- wears "performer" tights when training at home
- literally an adrenaline junkie for freefalling
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milk-bat · 3 months
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never tired of drawing them
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robintherobiner · 4 months
Bruce: Kon-el, Red Robin has gone rogue. We require assistance apprehending him.
Kon: Is it mind control?
Bruce: I-
Kon: Or like, a body swap? Manipulation? Has he been threatened?
Bruce: Well-
Kon: Or is it of his own free will?
Bruce: Does that matter?
Kon: Duh. Young Justice is ride and die, man.
Bruce: ...I believe the phrase is 'ride or die'
Kon: No, I don't think so.
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nightcomet01 · 2 months
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Wally kitty zooming
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alpaca--girl · 1 month
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They are so stupid and cringe (<3)
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thebeefsteaktomato · 3 months
A quick Kid flash and Robin comic:
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Wally forgot he’s a ginger and thought d!ck may also have a tan forgetting this is the same man who owns and uses every skincare item available.
also can you tell when I gave up making this😭
Earlier that day:
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
DpxDc AU - If his parents are going to treat him like a punk, he might as well lean into it. 
Danny is getting seriously worn down by his parents constantly asking him to explain why he’s gone all the time and why his grades have slipped so far. I mean, sure, it took them months to notice, but now that they have, they’re alluding to the fact that he’s turned into some kind of punk and that he’s not taking life as seriously as he should be. This is what makes Danny kind of snap. 
He cuts his hair, gets Sam to pierce his ears in a few places (which sucked but was nice to catch up with her since Team Phantom didn’t get out much anymore), learns how to skateboard and gets Tuck to help him mask his identity on the internet as he begins online protesting the unethical treatment of ghosts. He makes picket signs that he leaves outside of Fentonworks and it takes days before his parents see them because they’re down in the lab. They go back up immediately after his parents take them down, and he begins tagging buildings with protest sayings and art all over amity park.
No matter how they ground him, the Drs Fenton are at a loss as to what to do to control Danny. Jazz says it’s not her place to interfere and is cheering her little brother on for being passionate about a new hobby. 
Danny’s honestly really vibing with the changes. He always understood why Sam wanted control over her own look, but he’s really leaning into the whole shebang. Ember and Johnny13 have never bonded over anything more than they have the punk transformation of their King. He’s really representing them fr fr- she taught him how to play the bass. 
With enough protests about the Anti-Ecto acts, the JL step in and begin their efforts to lobby change within the US government. Constantine is up to date on the new King being from Earth and thinks they might be able to weasel out a non-apocalyptic scenario if they reach out sooner than later. A letter gets sent through the infinite realms (No way in fuck was John going to try and summon a fucking King excuse you Bats)- Danny gets the letter and decides to let them sweat a bit, sending back his own letter that just says “K.” cause he’s learned that adults/authority figures all suck ass until proven otherwise. After a few days, a portal opens up in the middle of their meeting. 
Ghost King Phantom is rolling in on a skateboard, with the Ring of rage dangling from one of his ear piercings and ice crown floating above his head. He’s drinking an off brand smoothie, wearing a leather jacket that has medieval chainmail on it over his now distressed hazmat suit and his boots steel toed.
“...Sup. Y’all want to do something about this whole situation? I’m an all or nothing kind of guy.” Danny greets them. He means that he’s willing to be diligent in his efforts to disbar the Acts. It gets interpreted as him threatening to end the world, ofc, but that’s an issue he has to deal with later. 
“King Phantom we have been working daily to-” 
“Uh huh. Look, didn’t you guys have like a teenage group? I want to work with them, they’ll probably actually help me get shit done while you fuck around with paper work.” 
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bingusluvr5 · 3 months
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bart allen week day 2!!! they will all wake up extremely sore tomorrow.
also sorry for deleting first days post i hated it so much i couldn't stand it 🙏🙏 its okay i like this one much better
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arguablysomaya · 10 months
Tim (about Kon): I can fix him.
Cassie: You are literally worse.
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wolfish-chan · 4 months
Batfam + co headcanons
- Jason dyes his hair black, but can’t seem to dye back the white streak
- His eyes use to be more brown, but after his dip in the Lazarus pit, they are a dark green
- The Al Ghul’s are similar in that aspect - Ra’s and Talia both have naturally brown eyes and Damian’s blue, but they’re now a vibrant green, reflecting the amount of time they’ve spent in the pit
- Ra’s eyes are the most unsettling, they’re the exact color of the pit water
- Damian has an accent
- Dick does too, but it’s much harder to pinpoint because of how much he’s traveled
- Damian calls Bruce ‘Baba’, but only after he disappeared. Before that it was just ‘Father’
- Tim is supposed to wear glasses, but he tends to forget them and his contacts so his mask is built to compensate. However, he is forever squinting during board meetings at Wayne Enterprises
- Jason and Bruce have the same thinking face but nobody would willingly call it out
- Alfred could definitely kill any of the rogue gallery, but he doesn’t out of respect of Bruce’s values
- Initially, Bruce would get annoyed when Tim would bring YJ into the batcave/manor, but he’s slowly begun to expect it
- He did get tired of finding Bart in his good chair though, so now he has a special one beside it (everyone knows it’s for Bart, but Bruce would rather be caught dead than admit that)
- Duke gets along really well with Bart and Wally, and Bruce feels a headache forming every time they’re together
- Cass is Wally’s favorite out of Dick’s siblings. More often than not, he talks way too fast for her to catch more than a few words, but she’s such an attentive listener that he forgets
- Stephanie and Jason aren’t allowed to be in a room together without supervision because they kept getting into fistfights (she antagonizes him as a hobby)
- When Damian needs time to think, he goes down to the barn to sit with Batcow because nobody ever checks for him there. They always assume he’s off training
- Duke brings out Damian’s childish nature in the best ways, and they’re almost as close as Damian is with Dick
- They pester each other a lot, but then fall asleep watching movies together (true brothers fr)
- The entirety of the batfam refuses to watch superhero movies because they’re “inaccurate”
- Jason and Diana have a genuine bond, and it only grows stronger when he comes back, even if she does get disappointed with his actions. She’s like the mom he never had
- Clark always says he doesn’t have favorites out of the younger generation, but it’s secretly Tim. He appreciates all that he does for Kon (Dick is still his favorite Robin tho)
- Alfred doesn’t make certain recipes anymore because they were something he used to make with Jason, and it upsets him to make them without his assistant
- Tim cannot for the life of him match his clothes, like Adam Sandler type of style
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nanamis-username · 1 month
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biannual young justice rewatch 🙏
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lowquats · 8 months
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help him
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milk-bat · 10 months
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miss them :,))
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robintherobiner · 4 months
I am a firm believer of the fact that that all the teen superheros had a crush on Nightwing at one point and he is just completely oblivious to this fact.
Dick: Hi guys, Batman let me to give you guys a training session, because Robin mentioned you all wanted to learn how to do a backflip!
All the teens staring at Dick's abs and thighs with red faces: Oh, cool..!
Dick: Robin! Don't insult your friends, they didn't even do anything!
Kon, shuffling to the side to peer at Dick's ass: Yeah Rob, we didn't do anything.
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