#with all due love to other Nightmare I have a soft spot for these two ;w;
zu-is-here · 2 years
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★ Happy Ragdollsverse Anniversary ★
a scene from the latest chapter of A dream that comes crashing down [Ragdollsverse series] by @anfie-in-the-box
Dreamtale by jokublog
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Hii Katie!
Ok I have a request 🥺🙏🏼
You’re in a secret relationship with Hotch and you both work at the BAU. He notices the last case got you feeling down and these debating if he should show his soft side and comfort you or not until someone from the team goes “sir you’re not subtle. We all know go hug your girl”
not so subtle
cw- your usual criminal minds case content, fem!reader, i guess some angst ??
the team trailed onto the jet, having just completed a case. easy conversations lingered amongst everyone, this case being not so different from any other- at least, to them. meanwhile, you silently made your way to your designated seat, feeling absolutely drained. 
to say this case had been rough on you was an understatement. the victims had all been insanely similar to you; hair and eye color, age, even similar body type. it was like you were seeing your face up on the board, that the profile was being given in relation to you. it didn’t help that during the takedown as well, the unsub had immediately latched his attention onto you; giving you the most bone chilling grin as he checked you out from head to toe, as if you were next on his list. you already knew the second you closed your eyes tonight, that’s exactly what you would see in your nightmares.
it also didn’t help that the comfort you desperately craved for the past week, you hadn’t gotten. more than anything, you just wanted aaron. the team wasn’t aware of your relationship just yet, so interactions with him were few and far between. 
you had felt his eyes on you from time to time, checking in on you, but he couldn’t necessarily do anything else. in addition, due to lack of hotel room availability, you hadn’t been able to sneak off to his room during the night- with you being paired with jj, dave with aaron. sure, you had seen him, spent almost every second of the day with him, but you hadn’t seen him. somehow, that made the longing and need for him- as your boyfriend- even more painful. 
as you settled into your seat, aaron gingerly sat at his. he almost occupied the available spot next to you, but hadn’t, which he was already regretting. he knew you were hurting, he knew he should be comforting you. and yet here he was, doing nothing about it. without another thought, he started to get up to move towards you, but again, stopped himself as dave sat across from him. instead, he grabbed a file, to hopefully play off his sudden movement.
dave slightly narrowed his eyes at aaron in suspicion as he sat, but he knew. he had noticed aaron’s eyes on you through the case’s entirety, aaron lifting a hand to place on the small of your back, but stopping himself midway. he had noticed you migrating towards aaron whenever you had a chance, wanting to say something but the words never making it past your lips. if he, along with the rest of the team, hadn’t already put the pieces together that the two of you were together, there was absolutely no denying it now. the two of you weren’t fooling anyone. and now, he was getting tired of waiting around for one of you to do something.
“hm?” he didn’t look up from his file, making a play at being convincing. 
“just go.”
“sorry?” aaron finally lifted his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“you’re not very subtle. neither of you are.” dave gave him a knowing look, before he glanced in your direction. “we know, so stop being an idiot and go over there. she needs you, but i don’t need to tell you that, do i?”
aaron opened his mouth to respond, but with dave’s expression, he knew he was caught. 
so without another word, and ignoring dave’s cheeky expression, he finally got up and made his way towards you. as he approached, your eyes met his. they were sad, and aaron regretted not already making his way over to you sooner even more if it were possible.
“sir?” you questioned, not exactly sure where he was about to go with this.
“no.” he shook his head as he took the seat next to you, your face falling into one of confusion. “we’re not doing that right now.”
“what?” you asked. your voice was laced with surprise, but also relief. you could already feel part of the tension leaving your body.
he shook his head, opening his arms to you and ignoring the fact that the team were all watching. “c’mere, it’s been long enough. and i can’t stand seeing you upset for another minute.”
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emocowboylvr · 5 months
hii! would you be interested in doing a fic or headcanons about carl x narcoleptic!reader? it's just i never see it anywhere and i really struggle sometimes. you don't have to --just asking, but thank you. <3
Hi!! Yes of course. To do this i definitely had to educate myself a little further due to the fact that I only know the super basic information about narcolepsy. I'm happy to learn more and to do this for you!! (Also sorry it took so long.)
Thank you for requesting this and feel free to give me feedback and send more requests if you like this one.
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Narcolepsy is tough to have during the apocalypse.
It’s important to be constantly alert and awake, but that’s just not something you could do. You often felt drowsy, if not completely exhausted or drained, and the consistent moving, running, and fighting definitely didn’t help.
When Rick and Daryl, while out on a run, found you alone in the woods one day, they brought you back to Alexandria, where you met Carl.
Since Carl was your age, the two of you became friends very easily.
At first, it worried Carl that you were so tired during the day and he suspected that there were further problems, such as you not being able to fall asleep at Alexandria for some reason, or even the possibility of you being sick.
When you became closer, he asked questions, and you told him that you were narcoleptic, which led to a long discussion and a learning opportunity for him because he was uneducated on the topic.
Since the apocalypse started when he was so young, he is uneducated on a lot of topics concerning disorders or anything medical.
When you started dating, he tried to understand more about it, but at first was a little confused. He would recommend things that you know wouldn’t help, but you still thought it was cute that he was trying.
He never got annoyed when you’d fall asleep during the day, not even a little bit. He’d just use it as an excuse to hold you.
Carl is definitely a physical touch kind of guy, though he doesn’t like to show it in front of other people.
When he’s near the group he’ll do very subtle things, like put the side of his foot against yours or his pinky finger through your belt loop. If he’s feeling touchy that day he might hold your hand in front of everyone. But in the seclusion of the two of you he’s all over you.
But his favorite form of physical contact: getting away from everyone else and finding a comfortable spot for the two of you two lay down, where he would allow you to fall asleep on top of him, while he flips through the pages of a comic book he’s already read a thousand times.
The sound of his thumping heartbeat could be heard in one ear and the faint sound of his breathing could be heard in your other. You had always thought that it helped you sleep easier. You felt like it kept you asleep and from waking up during the night so often and you didn't have as many nightmares.
Maybe you just told yourself that because you liked when he held you.
Carl also loves to have “sleepovers”, although he hardly sleeps. He isn’t an insomniac or anything, but he often has a hard time falling asleep. He keeps himself up with his thoughts. But the weight of your body on his, and your soft skin that he would very gently caress in order to not wake you, would help him relax.
Sometimes you’d wake up after a nightmare, very visibly upset. Being narcoleptic, you had them often, and the apocalypse and your traumas from it really made it worse.
Your sudden stirring in bed would wake him from his sleep, and every time he would pull you closer to him, lazily tracing circles over your back or running his hands through your hair. He would place soft, loving kisses on your forehead or the bridge of your nose, and very groggily he’d mumble something like “Come here, it’s okay” or “Go back to sleep, I’ve got you.” Before he’d fall back asleep himself, probably before you did.
Of course, like every other capable member in Alexandria, you had to pitch in, which you didn’t mind, but you had night watch, and god was it hard to keep yourself from drifting off. It was only for half the night once a week, but still torture nonetheless. The moonlit sky and the faint wind in your ears almost lulled you to sleep. Your eyelids would feel like they weighed ten pounds and your body would just beg you to let it rest. But you fought it.
You’d force yourself to pace around or sing a song you used to love to keep yourself from falling into the drowsy temptation.
Sometimes, when Carl couldn’t sleep he’d come out there with you and talk to you, and every once in a while, you couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder and shut your eyes.
Every now and then he’d come out there to talk to you and he'd have to watch you struggle to keep yourself awake. He just couldn’t let you fight yourself to keep your eyes open so he’d sneak you inside really quickly, tuck you in, and take your shift for you, even though he’s already done his.
I really hope this is good enough, and honestly, like I said, I'm still learning about narcolepsy, so feel free to tell me anything I could do differently!!
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nyankochan · 1 year
A Mother’s Love II
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Malleus x fem!reader (platonic)
As a kid, Malleus had no parental figure outside of his grandmother. When at times she was too busy as queen, he found comfort in the embrace of one of his Royal guards, who happened to be Lilia’s lover.
TW: mentions of violence, miscarriage, depression
Part 1: here
word count: 2.5K
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You hum a nameless tune whilst you help Malleus get ready for the day. You button up his shirt, taking careful consideration to not wrinkle the fabric. You slip a black sock on each foot and hook a pair of suspenders to his shorts. Malleus watches, being unusually quiet, as your dainty fingers delicately tie his bow tie around his neck.
“Yes, my prince?”
“What is that song you’re humming?”
You offer a smile. Some of Malleus’s black locs fall over his face, which you carefully slick back out his vision. You straighten the bow, pulling the entire outfit together in a cute, yet poised outfit for the heir of Briar Valley.
“Hm, it’s a song I heard so long ago that I forgot the words to it,” you say. “I can only remember the tune, but it was very special to me.”
“If it was so special to you, then why did you forget it?” Malleus asked innocently.
“I’m old my dear prince,” you chuckle. “Sometimes, we adults become forgetful as we age.”
“Oh…” Malleus pouts. You tilt your head in confusion, concerned by his sudden mood switch. “Does that mean, you’ll one day forget about me too?”
“My prince…” You kneel back down to his height and take his small hands into your own. You caress his palm with your thumb, a small yet comforting gesture. “There’s nothing in this world that could make me forget about you. You’re that special to me.”
“You won’t forget me even as you grow older?” Malleus asked hopefully.
“Not even after the day I die. I promise you that, Malleus.”
Malleus hugs you. The sudden force almost threw you off balance. Once steady, you reciprocate the gesture. His grip tightens, refusing to let go. For a while, you hold him, providing the warmth and security he needed.
Malleus never knew his parents. You vaguely remember them yourself, so you weren’t much help in educating him on them. Not like it really mattered to him. He had his grandmother, whom he adored. But with how busy Her Majesty was as queen, she couldn’t always spend time with him in the way she wanted. The next closest maternal figure he had was you, and Lilia could be considered a paternal model. Between the two of you, you practically raised Malleus. You witnessed his first steps. Comforted him during each nightmare, and even taught him bits of magic.
No matter how old you got, Malleus would always have a soft spot in your heart for he was the child you and Lilia could never have.
Some years ago
For centuries, the fae and human race clashed. The two races had difficulties coexisting due to the imbalance of power. The fae, naturally gifted with magic, taught their skills to the weaker humans. As humans strengthened, they turned on their allies, and war broke out the battle for dominance.
Malleus’s grandmother, Her Majesty Queen Malefica attempted to forge peace between the two races, but it was a tedious process that often resulted in more fighting than compromise. You and Lilia were top commanders in the army, and often witnessed firsthand the treacherous outcomes of failed negotiations. Fighting between fae and human. Magic used carelessly that caused more destruction thad good. The loss of lives, some of your closest comrades, and others, innocent bystanders. The worst of them all: yours and Lilia’s unborn child.
“Lady Y/n? Can you hear me? Lady Y/n!”
You awake with a start. Gasps for air quickly turned into a pained wince. You recognize the medical wing by its ancient supplies and alcoholic scent. However, everything is hazy. And your body feels like it’s on fire, particularly in the abdomen region.
“My lady, are you all right?” The doctor asked. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Four?” You say confused. You grip your head feeling the headache coming on. “What happened?”
The doctor frowned, looking almost guilty. “Im sorry my lady but-“
Your heart sank. It started to return to you. The skirmish between Briar Valley and the Land of Heroes. They surprisingly had stronger mages and warriors than your troops anticipated. While you had more numbers, you were slowly forced to retreat when one of the mages used illegal transformation magic. Briar Valley’s Queen had a unique magic that allowed her to turn into a dragon. This mage used a phony knockoff spell that not only killed him and several of his comrades but many of your allies.
You remembered trying to save one of the younger cadets. In the process you were wounded. Your defense spell was overpowered but the enemy mage’s temporarily boosted magic. The flame attack burned through the skin and seared the lining of your stomach and parts of your uterus.
“I’m sorry to tell you this Lady Y/n, but you were six weeks along. Your uterus was so badly damaged in the attack that there was nothing I could do magic wise to save your child. I’m so sorry.”
You heart stopped in that moment.
You were pregnant?
With Lilia’s child?
You didn’t know. If you had did you never would’ve foolishly took to the battle field. Tears prickled your eyes and you felt yourself begin to hyperventilate. The heart monitor started beeping.
“Lady Y/n? Please calm yourself!” But the doctor’s words fell on deaf ears.
You were pregnant. You and Lilia were gonna be parents. And now that future was stripped away from you both for good.
“(Name)?” Malleus calls, tugging on your sleeve. You snap back into reality becoming aware of your surroundings. The concerned prince stares at you, green eyes wide with worry.
“I’m sorry my prince, I seemed to have zone out,” you chuckled. “Shall we go get breakfast?”
“Can we get ice cream?” He asks hopefully. Your eye twitches, buy your do your best to hide your irritation. You swear, you regret the day Lilia got him hooked on it.
“Maybe later,” you say with a soft smile. “How about some pancakes?”
Luckily, the young child’s eyes sparkle nonetheless. “Yay! Pancakes!” He raises his arms to be picked up, which you do without a second thought.
As you walk down the long halls to the kitchen, the prince excitedly babbles, talking about all the things he wanted to do with you for the day, including taking a walk through the gardens, visiting the gargoyle statues by the palace entrance, and wanting to go to the town. You just smile and nod along, not quite sure how to fulfill all his requests in a singular day. After all, you had other responsibilities to handle that you usually took care of when Malleus went down for a nap, one being filling out some of the military reports.
You weren’t as active in the military as you used to be. But, you supposed the fighting spirit never died and you wanted to help out the best you could despite what happened in the best. You never stepped foot on the actual field since then, but you will still train recruits from time to time and it was best you handled any paperwork instead of leaving it to Lilia. He didn’t have your patience to fill out several page reports, and if Her Majesty wanted anything to be legible, let alone done, it was best to let you handle the tedious tasks.
Once in the kitchen, you begin gathering the ingredients to begin breakfast. Usually, Malleus wanders off but today, he was insistent on helping you. Which you didn’t mind.
“Ok, just add a cup of flour into that bowl,” you instruct. Malleus nodded. He holds the measuring cup with two hands, intently focusing on the bowl. He tilts the cup over, but the flour was packed into the cup and didn’t come out right away. Malleus wore a confused look and tapped the bottom a little too hard. The flour falls out in a clump, kicking up a cloud of white dust that covers his face. He blinked a few times in confusion.
You snicker, trying to bite back your laughter. Malleus pouts and looks to be on the verge of tears. “Now now, no need for the waterworks,” you say, taking a wet towel to wipe his face. “What’s baking without a little mess?”
“You’re not mad?” Malleus whimpers, rubbing his eyes.
“Mad? Least you got majority in the bowl!” You scoff. “Lilia couldn’t even do that even if I did it for him.”
You loved your husband. You really did. But cooking, baking or anything really involving being in the kitchen was just not his forte. He had no affinity for it at all. It made you wonder how in the hell did he survive centuries on his own before you two got together. Lilia couldn’t even make a scrambled egg properly. Last time he did, it was simultaneously burnt and purple.
“Lilia really can’t cook, huh?” Malleus said in between giggles.
“Not even a little, so it’s my job to make sure you don’t end up like him.” You ruffle Malleus’s hair before picking up a whisk and giving it to him. “Come now. You only grow if you learn from your mistakes.”
It took longer than usual, but you and Malleus finished the batter. You were patient with the boy, letting him take his time measuring out ingredients and only guiding him slightly when it came to storing things in. You only took back over when it came to using the stove, because he was still a little too young to work with the heated device.
In the end, he was quite proud of himself when the finished product came out a crisp golden brown.
“It’s so good! Do you think grandma would like some?” Malleus asked as he shoveled more food into his mouth. You smile softly.
“I’m sure Her Majesty would greatly appreciate your sentiment.”
You two were enjoying each other’s presence and the calmness of the morning. The skyline was an ombré of oranges. Your tea had finally cooled off enough for it to not burn your tongue. Although Malleus was now sticky from syrup, he nearly cleaned his plate with no complaints.
That calmness was soon interrupted by a frantic servant running into the dining room.
“Lady (name)! Lady (name)!”
Her sudden entrance startled you and you spilt a bit of tea on to your shirt. “Dear, what’s the commotion so early in the day?” You ask, trying to wipe the stain.
“I’m sorry, my lady, but Lord Vanrouge returned in a frantic haste. He told me he needed your presence immediately!”
Your heart skipped a quick beat. “I apologize, but please watch the prince for me!” Without a second thought you teleported away.
Malleus stared, mouth slightly agape, at your now empty seat. Tears began to pool in his green eyes. “(Name)….”
You soon arrive at your destination: the infirmary. You and Lilia had a special link that you both created once you were finally married. The link allowed you both to transport to the other in an instant regardless of where they were. It took a lot of magic to enact the seal and couldn’t be broken. You quite literally threatened Lilia with his life to don’t do anything to betray your trust in the relationship. The bond was about as sacred as the wedding band on your finger.
Never mind that.
Your current concern was your husband that was pacing the room while a few doctors scrambled around the room.
Lilia perked up at your call. He quickly rushed to you and grabbed your hands. “Dearie, thank goodness you’re here!”
“Whatever is the matter?” You brush Lilia’s bangs out of his face. He looked clearly distressed and their was a bit of blood trickling down his temple from an open wound. “You’re hurt!”
“Never mind me. Come here-“
He led you urgently too where the doctors were gathered: a small bassinet where a small infant lay. The baby had pale skin that was clearly flushed red with fever. They also had silvery white hair and the clothes were by no means suitable for a child that small. They were dirty, ripped and exposed open abrasions that who knew how old they were. You gasp.
“Oh my god, Lilia! You stole a child?!”
“No! What do you take me for?!” Lilia exclaimed. “I found this little one alone in an abandoned cabin on my excursion. He was in bad shape, but I don’t know much about caring for a human child. With your medical knowledge and experience, I figured you were the best to call.”
You trace a finger around the baby’s ears which you notice were not pointed like fae’s. The baby cringed and then began to wail. You take the stethoscope from the doctor and then look to your husband.
“Let me see what I can do.”
Lilia placed a kiss on your temple. “Thank you, dearie.”
After a thorough check up as well as treating the baby’s injuries, you thankfully found nothing too serious. He had early symptoms of pneumonia that were luckily caught soon enough to begin some treatment. Other than that, the baby just had signs of exhaustion and hunger.
Once you had the child bathed, you had Lilia bring some of Malleus’s old baby clothes that didn’t fit anymore. You swaddled the infant tightly and held him close against your chest protectively. He was a heavy sleeper, only briefly opening his eyes periodically to showcase a stunning set of violet irises.
“Do you think this child’s parents are looking for him?” You ask Lilia, who sits on a nearby chair with a heavy sigh.
“I’m not sure. There wasn’t anyone for miles. I think the poor fella’s been abandoned.”
Your heart aches. You wonder who would be so heartless to leave a baby, let alone a child, by themselves to get sick and possibly die. It angered you and at the same time, made you extremely sad.
“Lilia,” you begin. “If it’s alright with you and Her Majesty, I’d like to keep the child for the time being.”
Lilia looks to you with surprise. “(Name)-“
“He has no where else to go,” you interrupt. “Please? I couldn’t bare to send him off to someone who may not provide him with the same love and care I know we can.”
Lilia remains silent, pondering what you said. After a few tense moments he finally signs. “Alright.”
You smile. You place an endearing kiss on Lilia’s forehead. The baby wakes. He doesn’t cry. Just stares absentmindedly at his surroundings. His violet eyes then meet yours. Somehow, he wiggles a hand out of the swaddle. You extend your pinky, which he grabs tightly with a small fist.
“What should we call him?” You ask.
Lilia peers over your shoulder. He then smiles. “How about Silver?”
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neet-elite · 30 days
↳ EVENT 12. M!Whitney (Sleepy/Good Morning Sex)
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Pairing: M!Whitney / F!Reader / Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,186 Warnings: non penetrative sex, older whitney if you squint, wet dream Prompt(s): 01 — sleepy/good morning sex Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: waow two posts in one day! thank you so much for taking part in the event, i really love all of the whitney requests i got MWAH !! giving me a chance to exploring writing for DOL is forever appreciated <3
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He's awoken to the sound of your sleep ridden mumbles, except they sound more hurried than usual. Rushed, almost, in their attempt to grab his attention. And in the dark of the night, with no one by his side besides the love of his life, he gently wakes with worry already on his brows. An intrinsic need to comfort you, drowsy arm coming up to lay heavily on your waist as a makeshift weighted blanket out of mundane ritual. Poor baby, having a nightmare?
Rough hands on soft skin, his sleep addled mind unable to decipher your plentiful whimpers for a good few seconds as he idly rubs a reassuring thumb up and down your exposed shoulder, his thoughts filled with the kind of peach fuzz that crowds all brain space upon first waking up. He's barely functional, and yet still he seeks only to comfort you first and foremost.
Because he can hear you. Can feel you wiggle around, clearly struggling with something, and still, his raspy voice calls out to you from beyond dream land.
"Babe?" He starts, then promptly attempts to cough the sleep away as quietly as possible so as to not startle you. His eyes don't even open, can't open, far too tired himself to even think of lifting the sandbags above his eyelids enough to bare witness to your pretty face. "Hey, are y'awake?"
He waits a second for a response, then two... Then three, and he can hear you whine again. All low and choked, high pitched in tone and almost resembling—
Ah. He gets it now, a little slow to understanding the situation you've laid bare before him, but he got there in the end. And really, that's all that matters.
All the shifting around you're doing, seeking his sleepy time warmth from under shared bedsheets, attempting to tangle your trembling legs with his own, the sweet, sinful, sounds your tired throat lets out after he wraps the arm around your waist tighter— it's obvious to him now that he's been awake for a minute or so.
"Dreamin' of me?" He hopes to himself, the one way conversation stroking his ego enough to cause him to break out into a soft smile; barely there due to the grogginess that addles him, but you'd spot it if you were awake, wouldn't you?
Moonlight darts across the room to light up his eyes, kissing them in a bid to have him open them, just a little. Take a quick peek, the moon whispers. And he'd be a fool not to indulge, propping himself up on an elbow to peer over at your face, careful not to disturb you too much in hopes of hearing you enjoy yourself for a little longer.
A quick peek is all it takes, though. Witnessing the way your bottom lip trembles in excitement, how your brows scrunch up in what he can only assume is pleasure as your body wiggles closer still to him, back to his chest, ass to his cock. A heavy sigh escapes him as he lightly settles back into position behind you, an undeniable smile tugging on his lips now that he has the image of you enjoying yourself fresh in his mind. And, the feeling of your ass so gently shaking against his cock convinces him to shift closer too, getting as snug and fit as possible to your trembling frame just to feel you against him. Heart rate quickening with adoration when he hears a barely there whine of his name, half cut off by sleep.
It's cute, he thinks. How even as he's cuddled right up beside you, sneaking an arm under you neck without waking you, the other at home draped on your waist, knees tucked under your own as if sharing the fetal position; still you yearn for him. Can't get enough of him, can you? Craving his touch even in your sleep, intrinsically trying to search him out with every shake of your cute little butt against his (technically) morning wood. Not that he's any better, pining after you just as much even after all the time he's spent with you— not once has he considered anyone else. And isn't that just so cute? God, he can't get enough of you either. Eyes tightly shut due to tiredness, cock still chubbing against you due to need, though he has the forethought to at least angle it down as he grows hard behind you, letting his tip poke against your thigh before he gently helps you in lifting it up, allowing him to shift his weight around until his full exposed length is twitching with you against your clothed slit.
So comfy just laying here with you, a light hum escaping him as he finally settles back against you, giving your whole body a quick squeeze with the intent on going back to sleep. It's nice enough just knowing that you want him, brain fuzzy in a mix of lust and love, he hopes that he'll dream of you too with a quick peck to your shoulder blade.
Except, try as he might... There's really no other option than to help you through your frustrated sighs, is there? His heart pained, cock aching just to help you. Listening to how frustrated and upset you sound with every jerk of your body, precum rushing to his tip to seep out onto your panties, he simply has to give you some relief. Otherwise, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he were to leave you struggling all alone like that? You just need some help, you're asking for it, right?
Or, maybe he's just selfish. Too tired to fully commit to fucking you, inching his cock up and down your pretty panties out of innocent instinct rather than anything else. He's half asleep with you, struggling to find the strength needed to give you exactly what you want, what his pretty girl deserves, so he hopes the dream version of you will appreciate the slow moving humps he has to offer her. Maybe dream him can pick up on his slack, right? Breathing heavily against your neck, his lips parting only for his tongue to dart out to wet them, accidentally running his tongue along your nape just a little, as if he can't help himself but to explore every inch of you.
Butterflies line his tummy when you choke on a moan in response, feeling the way your unconscious body tries to move in tandem with his own— even if you're more than a little off at times. It's the thought that counts, he smiles to himself, in love with the way your ass continues to rub against his pelvis, cock buried deep between your thighs as he lazily rocks back and forth.
"M'sorry," he sighs against you, nothing more than a whisper in fear of disturbing your apparently good dreams. "I hope dream me is treating you better—" He goes to laugh, but is immediately dissuaded from doing so when your lower half jerks back against him, increasing the stimulation your hidden cunt offers his drooling cock. Instead, a satisfied gasp turns to an eye roll, biting down on his bottom lip so as to not moan too loudly for you as you repeat the motion. Again and again, growing increasingly more precise with his movements and leaving him breathless in the sleepy night. The things you do to him...
Fuck it. Moving automatically, not a single thought in his exhausted mind, he relies on instinct alone to help carry you through your wet dream. Dipping his hand a little lower than your waist, he hooks a finger under your panties like a practiced routine. He needn't worry about himself, he always sleeps buck naked. But there's comfort in the familiarity of it all, isn't there? How despite not opening his eyes, he'd so used to being next to you that he can easily feel his way around to your cunt, indulging in his more baser instincts by diving two fingers down to your hole, running the pads of them up to your clit in curiosity, and gasping from how wet you are. Fucking soaked.
"Stupid slut." He praises you, the derogatory words drenched in the utmost of love and affection, begrudgingly pulling his fingers away to allow room for his cock. "Okay, you've convinced me."
Even sleepy, he can't deny you. Wouldn't want to in the first place, but his body heats up at the understanding that it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, cry his name loud enough and he'll be there for you. Even if what you need in the moment is simply his fat cock pressed directly against your sopping slit, wanna feel how hard it throbs for you, baby? How easily you can seduce him, so easily in fact that he's spilling copious amounts of precum against your pretty little hole just because you whisper his name? How embarrassing, right? How downright annoying that that's all it takes for his cock to be rock hard and leaking for you.
But, in the privacy of the shared bedroom, hidden under soft sheets, encased in tangled limbs— he supposes it's not so bad after all. Not when his hips absentmindedly start to rock against you again, not even fully aware of what he's doing until he feels the way you roll back down his length, coating his girth in sticky slick for him to sigh lovingly at. All this means is that he loves you. Like, a whole lot, right? What was once complicated emotions he couldn't for the life of him figure out are now so easy to identify. Growth or something, he's too tired to think too deeply about it. I love you, he thinks as he lazily fucks his hips into you, I love you, he sighs against your back, nosing at your neck to huff in your scent with every pass of his tip against your throbbing clit, "I love you" he whispers so softly, so quietly into the open moonlit air as his tip catches sweetly on your hole, fighting with himself to not shove his cock in you already and ruin the perfect end to both his and your own night.
And so he continues. Content in the placid pace he's set, humping his full length up and down between your folds, gorging himself on every drop of slick your cunt gushes out onto his cock, drinking up your dulcet toned moans with heavy breaths. Honestly, it sorta feels like he's the one dreaming, happily stroking himself against you until your body starts to tense up in his meagre hold, his mouth hanging open in a silent proclamation of his love for you. Hush, he needn't wake you now. Not when you're so close, aren't you? Knowing that he's helped you reach a conclusion to your otherwise stressful sounding dream fills him with enough satisfaction to leave himself to the wayside, but your thighs start to grip his cock just that little bit tighter as if you know that he's there helping you, making the easy glide up and down your slippery slit soooo much more satisfying, and he can't help but to buck his hips against you a little faster. Hoping to reach his end with you, eager to get there as fast as possible by the sounds of things— he can pick up on that tell tale shake of yours that you're almost there.
But he doesn't have to wait long to match you, a simple and clearly moaned Whitney is all it takes, really. See, easy, a few more fucks up and down against your cunt and he's creaming it. Just in time too, your legs straightening all you way out as you tense against him, causing him to groan in privacy, muffled against the pillows as he turns his head to the side to hide his out of sight deed. Thick ropes of cum soon cover your tummy, dribbling down and onto your cunt as he continues to lazily milk himself empty with sloppy thrusts, his muscles taut and strained in an effort not to squeeze you too harshly now— God, he already can't wait to see your face when you wake up in the morning all sticky and confused.
And even as he finishes, releasing a pent up exhale into the sheets below, feeling the way your body fast relaxes against him and you no longer beg for his attention, he remains. Keeps his cock secure between your thighs, arms wrapped nicely around your dozing frame because he's so comfortable. And he's so fucking tired, a wave of exhaustion washing over him now that he's done and the weight of your body gently crushes his arm under you.
"Sweet dreams." he yawns at you noncommittally, keeping an arm under you merely because he can't fight you off of him given how tired he is. The sound of your sleepy breaths being the only thing he needs to help usher him into dreamland too.
Hopefully you'll meet him there.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Sososo I’ve come with a Joseph request from identity v cause that man is scrumdiddlyumptious
Basically Joseph is like a king right? And reader is one of his servants that’s always with him 24/7 and Joseph loves flirting with reader because of his reactions DESPITE Joseph being married (a queen btw)
And on this one particular night, Joseph summons reader to one of the guest bedrooms and is all touchy freely and reader doesn’t think it’s right at all
BUT! Reader thinks about it for a bit with a little help of Joseph convincing him (he was using gentle words and his pretty face) which leads to them getting down and dirty
Kinks: hair pulling, biting (soft), praising, and orgasm denial 🥰
What I wrote definitely won't get me into heaven
Nsfw, smut, male reader, bottom reader, gay, anal, cheating, au
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It started in the library, (name) was dusting the shelves when the king took notice of him and instantly became obsessed with servant and since then (name)s life at the castle became a horny nightmare.
King Joseph was everywhere, soft gropes and quiet flirts and (name) would be a liar if he said it didn't do things to him.
"My~ aren't you flexible..." Joseph said watching (name) clean, the servant contorted slightly to get to a hard to reach spot and (name) blushed at his comment, the two currently in Joseph's study and the man had (name) specifically to clean it, he was practically his private Butler.
And if Joseph had his way, his husband.
But all in due time.
"Tonight I have a guest coming to stay the night, I need you to clean the velvet room for them to sleep in, you must be there for 7pm" Joseph said seriously as (name) bowed to him "of course your Highness..."
(Name) looked confused and Joseph wanted to smear cum all over that face "in private call me Joseph..." He said as he leaned back in his chair and held his chin on his thumb and his index finger curled slightly covering his lips "o-of course your hi--Joseph" (name) blushed at the informality and Joseph felt blood rush to his cock as he dismissed the other.
When (name) was a distance away Joseph locked the door and returned to his desk, unbuckling his pants and freeing his cock.
(Name) plagued his thoughts, the white haired man imagining (name) on his knees before him stroking his cock before taking it deep in his mouth and Joseph practically fucking his delicate throat.
Joseph fucked his fist with furrowed eyebrows, his blue eyes unfocused as he thought of (name) and wanted nothing more than to ruin the other.
Cum splattered his desk as a grunt left his lips, a bead of sweat falling down his neck.
Joseph didn't care much for his wife, the queen wasn't his type in the slightest and he was working on ways to divorce her.
He had another person in mind to be his queen.
(Name) wandered the halls with cleaning supplies, off to clean the guest room.
(Name) hummed slightly as he changed the sheets and began dusting "god you're ravishing" (name) turned to see the blue eyed beauty that was Joseph, his long white hair cascaded down his shoulders as he removed his carvot and took off his crown and carefully placed it on the desk, vibrant blue eyes piercing through (name) as he stalked towards him, pinning him against the wall and his hands groping his hips. His lips were a hairline away from (name)s as he spoke "do you even know the affects you have on me?" He asked and (name) blushed at the contact "cute..." Joseph commented with a chuckle before kissing (name), the kings lips demanding and controlled as his hand moved to grasp his neck gently "we -ah- we can't do this..." (Name) said as Joseph moved his leg between the others and rubbed his clothed cock "of course we can" Joseph said moving to kiss his neck, wet kisses and slight sucking on his neck to leave hickeys "t-the queen..."
"Don't worry about that... Don't you want to be a good boy for me? My pretty boy? Let touch you and show you how beautiful you are?"
(Name) gasped as Joseph's free hand pulled (name)s cock and stroked it, thumb rubbing the tip and (name) couldn't hold back the moan leaving his lips "let me love you the way you deserve to be loved"
Joseph wanted to love (name) with everything he had and (name) gasped under his touch and nodded shakily, gasping when Joseph lifted him into his arms and tossed him on the bed and began removing his clothes, (name) watching heatedly as the king stood nude before him, cock erect "you did this..." Joseph said rubbing his cock slowly before crawling on the bed and practically ripping the clothes off (name) "been waiting to do this..." Joseph wanted to take his time with (name).
His beautiful precious darling deserved to be treated like the treasure be was.
Joseph touched every curve, groping as he kissed (name) slowly, cocks rubbing as he caged (name) and his white hair fell around (name) like a waterfall of pure snow.
Joseph grinned at how inexperienced (name) was, the precious man never had time for romance and tried so hard to keep up, whining when Joseph slipped his tongue in.
Joseph's tongue felt weird in (name)s mouth but the servant found the sensation to be addictive as Joseph moved the others hands to wrap around his neck "you can tug in my hair if you desire so, you'll need something to hold onto after all..."
"What do you--oh!" (Name) gripped the king's hair as he went lower and took (name)s cock in fully, hand gripping the base tight enough so (name) couldn't cum as he sucked him off "p-please I-I need..."
"You can cum on my cock and my cock alone" Joseph said seriously as he moved lower and pushed (name) into a mating press "w-wait!"
"What?" Joseph asked kissing (name)s inner thigh "that place is dirty..."
"Pretty clean to me... I know you like to take multiple showers a day as you work so hard for me..." Joseph said sucking on his thighs and leaving little love bites "I just can't help myself..." Joseph licked his ass before practically making out with it, flipping (name) for better access "don't cum unless I tell you too" Joseph said seriously before returning to his meal, devouring sweet (name)s ass with vigor.
He slowly introduced a finger with his tongue, searching for something (name) didn't understand as the poor man's body nearly gave out from the sensation.
This was all so new to (name), the man drooling on the bed as he let the other have his way with him.
Joseph introduced two more fingers slowly, removing his tongue completely to finger (name)s ass open, stretching and curling his fingers "Ah!"
"There it is..." Joseph began fucking his prostate relentlessly as he moved his hand to grip the others cock, bending over to lick (name)s ear lobe and gently nip it "so pretty..." He grunted before pulling his fingers out "shh don't worry..." Joseph stopped (name)s whine as his cock rubbed against his ass "gonna fill you up with something nicer..."
"Let me look at you" Joseph gently manhandled (name) so he laid in his back, legs spread and breathless and Joseph rested his forehead on (name)s "god I love you..." Joseph gently pushed in with a breathy groan before kissing (name) with passion, slowly bottoming out.
It stung but slowly (name) moaned when he slightly moved "you feel so good... My perfect angel... I want to take you everywhere... Make you my queen..." Joseph was babbling as he slowly began thrusting, gently biting the others neck as (name) closed his eyes with furrowed brows, moaning softly.
"Going to imprint the shape of my cock in you... Wont be able to do anything without thinking of my cock in you..." He mumbled as he slowly picked up speed, both moaning and grunting as skin slapping skin echoed through the room.
"You're close? Come on my beloved... Cum for your king!" The two climaxed and (name)s body was shaking "the queen was in love with another... We're working on our seperation... She inherited from her father... Soon I'll put a ring on you" Joseph whispered as he watched his beloved fall asleep.
He would have to get his fiance nicer clothes.
Or clothes easier to remove.
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cassayeee · 6 months
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warnings: porn with quite a bit of plot (i can never just write a oneshot), emotional sex, p in v, oral (f receiving), virginity loss, slight marking, mentions of killing, death, and suicidal thoughts (this is the hunger games), just be wary fr - minors stay away
notes: so this was a request from @theBridgetopanem on ao3 and, ugh, it's just so cute. love me some soft boy finnick. once again, very quickly edited so sorry for any grammatical mistakes. anywho - make sure to like, reblog, and comment! love u all <3
word count: 9.4k
No one truly understands the deception of humanity more than those who have the power to take it away. To push innocents against innocents and make sure nothing more than blood and broken souls remains where hope and naivety once stood.
It was a horrible nightmare in your mind – trying to think like them. Trying to survive. And the shadows that followed you out of that arena as people congratulated you for being a victor? Well, they knew what the absence of humanity really brought.
Finnick Odair is your mentor for the 70th Hunger Games and you can't help but find comfort in the man who is in your life solely to make sure you don't die.
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The 70th Hunger Games, ready to begin.
Your name, reaped.
All hope, lost.
Voices flickered in and out of your consciousness as you made your way up to the stage. Of course, this happens to you in your last year of eligibility, why wouldn’t it? Time sped and slowed as it pleased, having no regard for your ticking thoughts. Nor did it care for your unwillingness to let it pass.
This can’t be happening. This isn’t happening. Why is this happening?
You weren’t a Career. You had no special talents besides swimming and spearfishing. Swimming. How for fucks sake was that going to get you through the Games? News flash: it wouldn’t. Maybe spearfishing? But that was hardly a skill that could contend with previous victors. And it definitely wouldn’t help you against the Careers.
I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m going to die.
As you curled into the dark spot floating at the edge of your vision, you barely heard the name of the male tribute announced beside you. Isaac? Ethan? Ian? Why does it matter anyway? You weren’t going to make it out of here. This was it. The ocean was draining, and you were being sucked down with it.
You barely noticed the Peacekeepers usher you off the stage and saying goodbye to your family was now a flicker of a memory. Siblings would never see you again. You would never be able to make them laugh in your family home or try to eat your mother’s insufferable cooking again. You would never be able to brush off fishing duty to go swimming with Annie or visit the town tavern with her again.
Oh, Annie.
Best friends since birth, the two of you were practically inseparable. Many of your other friends and family joked that the two of you must have been a soul split because of how alike you were. You did everything together, but the shining break in this storm was the fact that she wasn’t standing where you were. That your siblings weren’t. If it had to be any of you, you were glad that it was yourself.
But, fuck – you wish it would have been anyone else’s name picked out of the grim bowl.
Stepping foot on that train was probably the hardest decision of your life. Not that it was much of a decision, really. If you wouldn’t have gotten on yourself, the Peacekeepers would have gladly thrown you on there themselves.
You couldn’t say that you were too impressed with the interior of it. Honestly, it just looks like the Capitol threw up all over it. Yes, your family home was nicer than most of those in the other Districts due to the wealth of the area, but you didn’t care about all of that. The people made a house a home, and this train was nothing more than a moving coffin.
As your Capitol lapdog, Jorge, showed you and your fellow tribute into the lounge car, a head of bronze hair caught your eye. His arms were spread wide on either side of him as he lounged on the travel sofa – seeming to be as content as a summer’s day. You could almost laugh at the absurdity of it. But, before that mocking gaggle could make its way out of your throat, the man before you turned.
Oh, shit.
Finnick Odair. You needed no introduction of his, everyone in District 4 was aware of him after his victory in the 64th Games. Youngest ever and all that, you had to respect him for making it through. What you couldn’t respect, however, was his enjoyment of his Capitol fame. He appeared on screen at least five times a month at some prestigious party, the arm candy to some Capitol prissy who you really couldn’t bother to care about. Why should you when they laugh and cheer for children to die for their amusement? It was absolutely disgusting. 
Flashing you with a stunning smile, he popped a sugar cube in his mouth as Jorge motioned for the two of you to sit across from him. His sea-green eyes followed your movements as you stiffly sat before him, like a prized pet for sale. Your shoulders were locked tight as you stared back at the man before you. Tanned skin from hours on the coast and beauty that even the old Gods would envy, you couldn’t discount his looks. But you knew those could be deceiving. And anyone who wins the Games knows how to be deceiving.
“Hey, you two,” he began as he looked between you and… Ian? Yeah, let’s go with that. “This isn’t a position I want to see anyone in, but I’m here to help make sure you make it through whatever hellscape of an arena they have planned for you and get you used to the culture of the Capitol.”
You could feel your hands shake as this terror became more real with every word he spoke. He’s my mentor. I have a mentor. I’m really a tribute.
I’m going to die.
Every ill thought you had of Finnick was immediately disposed of. He was a lifeline in this – he knew how to win. And if you had to be deceitful, manipulative, hell, even seductive through this, you’d take whatever advice he had and hold onto it with your life.
Quickly grasping your hands together to try and still them, you showed nothing but vulnerability as you slouched in your seat. You could feel another panic attack coming on, but you shoved it down to deal with later so you could talk with Finnick. You weren’t going to waste a single moment on this train that didn’t provide you with some sort of opportunity to gain skills that would help you make it out of the arena.
Finnick saw how your composure changed as soon as he started talking and his heart broke a bit from the horribleness of this. He meant it when he said that he didn’t want anyone else to be in this position, for the Games to be a reality, but he would be damned if he didn’t make sure that one of you wouldn’t come out a victor. So, the three of you got to work and talked through the whole ride to the Capitol.
Finnick was betting on your spearfishing skills to get you through.
“The other tributes will be spread between those who know how to hunt, how to hide, and how to survive. I need you to be all three.” He stated.
The two of you were working together before your training began in the Tribute Center, stealing your last little bit of train time to work on hand-to-hand skills. Ian was off resting since Finnick was already aware of his expertise with tridents. Apparently, the two had known each other prior to all of this. Finnick wasn’t worried about him. No, he was worried about you.
“I’ve never hunted another person before.” You reminded him. “Fish are different.”
He was showing you maneuvers that could be used for deflection at this point. Utilizing the strength of the staff would be crucial, but since the Capitol provided metal ones in the arena, there was no worry about it breaking. Being in the proper position to block vital spots was up to you, though.
“Fish are small targets,” he nailed his trident against your spear, the reverberation racing up your arms. You continued to hold on. “Humans are bigger. More places to aim for.”
“But they can fight back.” You remarked as you readjusted your hold on the spear. “They can kill me just as easily.”
“Then be faster. Be quiet and quick and they won’t know you’re there until the damage is already done.” He urged. Setting his trident against the wall, he stripped off his shirt from the exertion and reached for a bottle of water to rehydrate.
Your mouth watered at the view. He was, in the simplest of terms, gorgeous. Taunt muscles built from years of experience stretched across his expanse as sweat trickled between the valleys of them. His Adam’s apple bobbed in tandem with his swallows and you were entranced by the movement. You don’t know what he did in a past life to be graced with a body like that, but you had to appreciate it if even for this one moment.
Shaking your head to rid yourself of the distraction, you grabbed a drink of water as well, taking the time to think of your odds. They’ve been getting better with Finnick’s instruction, but it was your intelligence and timing that would get you to the victor’s circle. Confidence was starting to brew in your veins, and you didn’t want it to go away.
Setting the bottle down, you grabbed your spear once more and took a fighter’s stance with it. Finnick noticed and lifted a well-manicured brow at you.
“I’ve got the defense positions down,” you started. “Now show me how to win.”
You tried not to stand out amongst the other tributes as much as you could, in hopes that they would view you as nothing more than some meek and useless girl. Your plan was that if you kept your head down, they wouldn’t view you as a threat. While that could cause some to view you as an easy target, it would also keep the element of surprise tidily tucked in your back pocket.
However, you stuck close to Ian as Finnick urged the two of you to attempt an alliance – granting the ability for at least one person to keep an eye on your blind spots. You weren’t naïve, though. Alliances were unsteady, especially if it came down to saving your own skin over the others. And there was no proof that Ian would even keep his word about meeting in the arena, let alone keeping you alive long enough to hear the first sounds of cannon fire. If you were a betting man, you wouldn’t bet on him.
But he did bring in two more members to your shaky alliance, Della Remfar and Billy Churl from District 10. Not Career-material by a long shot, but they were both highly adept with an array of knife work. And, to your knowledge, both knew the cleanest and quickest ways to stab, slice, and gut something – which could definitely come in handy.
Even after surrounding yourself with the three, you weren’t entirely sold on the idea of putting any sort of trust in them. You didn’t speak of anything personal, nor did you even attempt to learn anything about them. It would be easier this way. There can only be one victor in the end, and the memories of the fallen tributes should be left to be carried on by their own friends and families, not by someone who was an instrument in their death.
And, selfishly, you just didn’t want the chance of actually liking any of them to arise. It would be hard enough to kill strangers – killing friends would probably destroy you.
The training scores were being announced as you sat between Finnick and Ian. Nervously, you kept bouncing your leg up and down on the plush seat as you waited for your name to pop up on the screen.
Your show to the Gamemakers may not have been anything extremely special, but you would be damned if your new prowess with a spear would go unnoticed. Finnick’s teachings were nothing short of a blessing, and every time you lifted that metal bar, you had the unrestrained thought of making him proud.
It was strange, to find comfort in a man whose sole purpose in your life was to keep you from dying. He would do all he could to keep sponsors coming your way and leave you with all the knowledge and tricks he gained from his own Games. And you would survive. If you wished hard enough that you would live through it, perhaps you could wish it into existence.
A fool’s thought, but it didn’t stop you from looking up to the night sky every night and doing just that. It wasn’t a prayer, not by a long shot. If there was a God out there, you’d hate them with every fiber of your being for allowing their “children” to do this to one another without fear of repercussion. You were already in a living hell – it couldn’t get much worse than this.
Silencing your mind, you peaked with interest as Ian’s name flashed across the screen along with his score. An 8. That was solid. Enough to show the sponsors he was someone worth rooting for and kept the Careers off his tail for being too much of a threat. But it’s not like you cared that much when your name and picture finally appeared.
From pure desperation and worry soaking your veins, you grabbed Finnick’s hand in an attempt to calm yourself. You couldn’t even look at him, not as your eyes were glued to the screen in front of you. But Finnick looked at you.
He saw how scared you were – not just from the placings, but from the whole event. He couldn’t be surprised – hardly anyone made it through the Games without being completely terrified. Even in his own Games, he was fearful. Petrified, more like. No one wants to die like an animal and, besides the vicious, no one wants to kill another human being like one either. So, tightening his own hand around yours, softly rubbing his thumb on the back, he waited with bated breath for your score.
9. Oh, fuck.
“That puts you right around the Careers,” Finnick whispered to you.
You nodded your head, eyes still staring straight at some unknown point in front of you. Your hand was still wrapped around Finnick’s, neither one of you wanting to let go from the worldly anchor. In truth, you were surprised you had placed that high, and by the slightly jealous façade that rested on Ian’s face, you could tell he wasn’t too happy about it either. But Finnick, he just seemed to watch your facial response to it, ready to help you through.
There was no overwhelming emotion of happiness or disappointment, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. And, after turning your face to drown into his oceanic eyes once more, you were.
This was it. The clock was counting down as you and the other tributes stood atop your respective platforms waiting for the blood bath to begin. For humanity to disappear and pure unrestrained carnage to take its place.
Your whole body was shaking. Anxiety and dread were filling you up and overflowing at the top. You wanted to be anywhere but here. You wanted to be dead already to get it over with. You wanted to be with Annie and your family playing on the beach.
You just didn’t want to be here.
So, for a split second, you let your consciousness cover your mind with a memory. Something warm and happy that could perhaps get you through the next minutes or hours or days. And you indulged in it.
“Oh, yeah. My parents took us swimming all the time. For ‘exercise’ and all that, but really, I know they just wanted to spend time as a family whenever we could.”
You and Finnick were lounging in the main sitting area within your deck of the Tribute Center. While he probably should have made his leave already, he wanted to check on you after your training, and, without admitting it, desired to spend time with you.
The two of you were currently sharing memories of your families and friends and life. You don’t quite remember how the conversation happened, but it was just too easy to get lost in the words with him. A bittersweet thought of how you would miss him materialized, but you quickly threw it to the wayside so you could luxuriate in the presence of Finnick Odair.
“My mom was always about making sure that between work on the docks, out on the waves, or just helping with the catches, we prioritized one another. Blood is thicker than water, she would always remind us.” You couldn’t help the bright smile painting your face as you thought about how kind and, sometimes scary, your mother was. She truly loved life and insisted on making sure everyone in your family could see the beauty in it as well, if not a little aggressively.
“She once threatened my younger brother, Kade, that she would take away his slice of chiffon cake if he didn’t go out and play with his friends for a bit.” You disclosed. “She ate it right in front of him when he refused.”
You both laughed at the story, going on to tell him more about your siblings and Annie, who was practically your sister at this point. With each passing story, you grew less enthusiastic. He saw the way you started to deflate from the stories, sadness taking its place due to your current predicament of perhaps never being able to see your loved ones again.
He didn’t want those memories to sour from this, he wanted you to keep them treasured – shrouded in a golden cloud of light and love. With a sense of duty, he moved over from his armchair to join you on the loveseat you were curled into.
Your doe eyes followed his movements, curious as to what he was doing. He sat beside you; stern vulnerability layered on his features. With shrugged eyebrows and a twinkle of some unknown emotion in his eyes, he placed his hand on the side of your face, tenderly holding you in position.
“Don’t let them take this from you.” He softly insisted, fingers warming you where they rested. “They want to break you, to dull you, but don’t let them win.”
You blinked. Once. Twice. Before your brain registered that you should reply to him.
“Wh- What?” You stuttered out in a hushed voice, much less of a conversation than you intended, but you were still confused by his words and actions. He continued to look at you, stealing glimpses into your soul through your widened eyes.
“Your memories, your love. The Games are built to destroy you of it all, leaving nothing more than a walking corpse empty of thought and emotion.” He asserted. “But don’t let them win. When you walk out a victor, hold onto what you love most and remember that the Capitol can’t take that. They can try to take your humanity, what makes you, you, but they won’t.”
You were stunned into silence, thoughts running rampant, but one began to overshadow them all.
He thinks I’ll win?
“I know we’ve only truly known each other for a short while, but I’d like to think I’ve become a great judge of character over the years.” He confessed with a small smile. “And when I look at you, I see a genuinely good person. Someone who shouldn’t have been forced into this, who should have lived their life out in peace and bliss but will win because they have something to fight for.”
You didn’t want to speak, to breathe, for fear of stopping his expression. But your eyes encouraged him, so he went on.
“You. Fight for yourself, Y/N L/N. Fight for the memories you hold in your heart. Fight for the love you have to give. Fight for whoever makes your head rush. Fight for the feelings.” He whispered out, only for you. “Just, please, fight. I know you can win. You have the skills, the intelligence, everything. So, fight for everything and nothing at all.”
Silent tears were streaming down your heated cheeks from his honesty. You knew Finnick to be manipulative and cunning when he needed to be, but there was nothing but a boy who wanted to be heard in front of you. What did he have to lie for anyway? You’d be going into that arena either way, friend or not.
Your own smaller hand covered Finnick’s as he continued to hold your cheek. Your lids gently shut as you pushed yourself into the warmth he was offering, staying close to him. He watched you hold the part of himself he presented to you, and decided he should gift just a little bit more.
Lifting his left hand to sit on the other side of your face, he pulled you close to rest his forehead against your own. With shut eyes, the two of you breathed in each other as the intimate moment closed over you.
Even in this short period of time, you’d never felt as close to a person as you did to Finnick. He knew the position you were in, for he had stood there before. He knew your emotions better than you did and encouraged them as a power, not a weakness. He was a light in this dark world, and you’d protect that flame with your life.
Pulling his head back but still staying close, he expressed one last thing. “My secrets, Y/N. I’ll give you all my secrets if you come back to me. If you fight for me. I’ll fight for you every day of my life and it still won’t be enough if you don’t come. Back. To. Me.”
He practically shook with the truth of his words. He wanted for nothing more than time. Time with you. Time to truly learn everything about you. Something in him yearned for you since the moment you had met. Your strength, your smile, your brilliance. He wanted to bathe and drown in it all at once. So, he needed you to win. To dirty yourself as he still is. Then, perhaps, you could both learn how to wear the past together. 
For a short moment, all you could do was look at him. To take him in as he was, no mask atop his face. To see what Finnick Odair looked like when there were no secrets to steal. And then you quickly tucked yourself into his torso as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I’ll fight for you, Finnick.” You declared into his chest. “I’ll fight for more moments like this.”
He hesitated for just a breath before he enveloped his arms around you, holding you tight and taking in your presence. He would make sure that you get anything you need in that arena. And that he’ll be there to pick up any pieces you left behind when you come back to him.
Della was dead. Ian was dead. Tributes from all the districts were dead.
The only ones still living were you and Billy, and the clock was ticking away.
Ian stuck true to his word and met you far from the Cornucopia as the two of you ran for your lives. The arena was a swamp – dirty and thick with a putrid smell that you would never forget. But the cypress and tupelo tree bunches gave what cover they could as you deftly made your way through the duckweed covering parts of the watery surface. Della and Billy attempted to steal a supply pack out of the slaughterhouse, but only Billy returned. Sticking close to one another, you made it through your first night.
Finnick also did as he promised and made sure the sponsors gave you anything you needed: spears, bread, ointment for Ian after he ran through a thorn-filled brush and ripped his leg open, even just extra blankets and water bottles – he made sure you were always supplied. His heart was in his mouth every time he saw you on screen, each day fitting you worse than the last. Exertion and fear were already taking their toll on you with mud-caked skin, chapped lips, and hair that was matting faster than a sunset. But none of that mattered as long as you made it to the end.
Ian was the next to go with a slit throat as your group battled head-to-head with the Careers. Two of the four were down before it happened, giving you all a false sense of hope. It was in that second of distraction that the girl from 2 sprinted around and tore Ian’s neck open before you could even blink.
Without even thinking, you launched your spear right into her chest as Billy finished off the District 1 boy. The two of you were unaware that each had defeated a tribute, but as your breathing slowed and you turned toward him, the realization hit you like a train.
I have to kill him.
It was a sickening thought, one you wish you’d never have to think about, but one that was entirely fueled by survival. You made a promise to Finnick that you would return. That you would come back. And even with aching limbs and short breaths, you would fight.
So, fight you did.
Billy started making his way to you as you reached the District 2 girl and yanked the spear from her concaved chest. There was no time for sympathy, no time for feelings. Billy wasn’t your friend. Sure, he may have saved you from the guy from 6 and always made sure that you got your share of food, but he wasn’t your friend. He couldn’t be your friend.
You locked down your thoughts as the two of you met in a patch of hip-deep swamp water. The muck below was forcing your feet to sink lower and gave you little grasp, but you lived in the sandy ocean. You knew how to maneuver well enough to use it to your advantage.
You were smaller than Billy as he towered over you at some number over six feet – a sturdy build for a butcher’s life. Which was a disadvantage for the environment. As you could navigate across the ground without fear of adhering to it, he was stuck, weighted down into the pit of swamp.
As he struggled to turn to follow your movements, his hands were briskly releasing knives your way. Try as you might, you couldn’t miss all of them. One lodged in your upper shoulder as another grazed your cheek, nipping off the tip of your left ear. But he wouldn’t have an infinite number of knives, and you could be patient enough for them to run dry.
And when they did, you advanced. Flittering over to him, you adjusted your stance just as Finnick taught you – bracing your arms apart so they could give and move as needed. You caught him in the side at first, until he grabbed onto the other end of the spear and pulled you toward him. He was stronger than you. If he got his hands on you, he could choke you out or drown you as hastily as he wanted, so you couldn’t let him touch you.
As he hauled you closer and closer to him, you steadied yourself. You’d only have one shot at this, and if you missed, it was all over. Taking a deep breath and focusing on the one moment you would have for this to work, you waited.
Not yet.
He was reaching the end of the spear.
Not yet.
He was loosening his grip on one hand to stretch out toward you.
Not yet.
You could feel the heat of his palm as he began to place it on your good shoulder.
In a flash, you jumped up and around him, securing yourself on his back and throwing him off balance so he couldn’t lay hold of you. Spear forgotten; you grasped his knife still stuck in your shoulder. With a cry, you yanked it out of yourself and stabbed it into his neck. And you stabbed again. And again. Tears were streaming down your face like a river flooded as you made sure he was well and truly dead.
As his heavy body dropped, you released your death grip but not before you fell into the water with him. You closed your tired eyes as you floated in the combination of blood and sludge. Nothing felt real. You were a victor, and you didn’t feel real. For a moment you could almost see your consciousness floating above you in a haze, like you were the one to die rather than Billy. But as soon as it was there it was gone. Instead, a transporter floated just where you had been, and now it was grabbing the winner of the 70th Hunger Games up into its claws once more.
Finnick was the first to greet you with nothing but concern on his face. As everyone else tossed cheers and ‘congratulations’ at you, he held onto you and walked you from the crowd. And he didn’t let go even when you sobbed into his shirt, staining it with tears and blood.
A doctor had to stitch your shoulder and cheek and wrap your bleeding ear, but with the Capitol’s technology, it took less than 2 days to heal. And Finnick never left your side for those days, talking about nonsense and the sponsors and the Games and how your family came to visit but you were unconscious from the medication and everything else he could think of that he couldn’t talk to you about before.
You told him about your heart-wrenching fear at every waking moment and nightmares you would have each night in the arena. Sleep was unwilling to take you, and you hardly wanted it to. Not when the arena croaked and screeched with animals and tributes on the prowl. Nothing but pure survival was in your veins, and that feeling was reluctant to leave you even now.
When you were dismissed from the hospital, he didn’t leave your side then, either. He talked to your family and Annie like they had known each other for a lifetime already. It made you happy watching them together. All the people you loved right in front of you, and you were still alive to witness it.
Even with the dark cloud looming over you, they were still the sun’s rays shining through. Small, but strong enough to keep you going.
Weeks after the Games and your victory tour concluded, you were nestled in a small reading nook in your home in Victors’ Village. The Games still haunted you, but you found solace in books. In romantic novels that didn’t have death sentences or tyrannical leaders – just two people who were in love and determined to display that in any way they could.
It was a way for you to escape reality, if even for a fleeting moment. Surrounding yourself with friends and family could only help for so long, and more often than not, being around so many people had you reliving the fight between your group and the Careers. The heaviness of the air and the cacophony of sounds had your stomach turning and chest tightening. Usually, Finnick would notice and quickly relieve you of the event by sheltering you outside.
It was a rather common occurrence, which is why you were happy to be in solitude. You told your family that you’d like to live in the house alone, if only for a couple of months, but they were more than welcome to visit you – which your mother did. A lot. She’d bring attempts at dinners and pies, but you were grateful for her and never discouraged her love. You couldn’t imagine the pain that she went through watching her daughter almost lose her life in the arena, so you entertained all of her antics. Almost every time she visited her eyes would drift to where your shoulder scar lay beneath your clothes, and she always kissed the mark on your cheek before she left as well. The reminders were plain to see.
But your solitude was never truly lonely.
“Hot chocolate?” Your eyes broke from the pages in front of you to look at Finnick, who was now offering the delectable drink to you.
You smiled at him and nodded, shifting your position to reach for the mug of cocoa. He sat beside you, offering more warmth than just that in your hands as he glanced at the book resting in your lap.
“Pride and Prejudice, again?” He smirked. “You have a library full and you’re reading this for, what, the fifth time this month?”
You hit his shoulder with your own as you giggled into your cup. Taking a sip and humming as the warm liquid traveled down your throat, you set your cup aside to face him.
“It’s a wonderful story, what can I say.” You confessed to him.
“And,” He reclined back in his seat as he regarded you. “Highly illegal. I still don’t know how you got your hands on that.” Shaking his head, he took his own drink of the hot chocolate and evaluated you with a raised brow.
“Perks of being a victor, as you should already be aware of.” Your smile vanished. “You get secrets, and I get tales to bury myself in.”
Any trace of playfulness withdrew from his manner. Soft eyes looked into your own as he set his cup aside, reciprocating the action to yours.
“Y/N,” he whispered softly.
Before he could say anymore, you snuggled into him, hurting for the man before you. “I’m sorry, Finnick. I didn’t mean to bring it up, I just– I just can’t understand why they would do that to you.”
Your watery eyes finally traveled back up to his, as he caressed your head with a tender touch. Finnick had finally told you what his days consisted of as a victor – of forced touches and unwanted attention; he was used in the Capitol for his looks and composure. You didn’t take it well, seconds away from marching to President Snow and killing him yourself for putting loving, sweet Finnick through that pain.
It wrecked you even more to know that he dealt with it all for the people he cared about. For his family. For his friends. For you. And that there wasn’t anything you could do to stop it without putting everyone else in danger. The worst that was done to you was parading you around like a show dog on a leash to different events. Perhaps if you weren’t scarred, they would have wanted the same for you, but for once, you could count yourself lucky that Billy hadn’t fully missed.
“Y/N,” he spoke once more as he lifted your chin to gaze down into your eyes. “Please, don’t suffer for me. You know I would do anything to protect you from them, and if this is the cost, then so be it.”
You shook your head as you wiped the tears from your eyes. “You don’t deserve this. You shouldn’t have to do anything else for them. Especially not that.”
You couldn’t even say the words out loud, it was so repulsive. It made sense now, why he was always with new and different Capitol citizens at those parties. Why he never looked truly there in the way he handled himself. And it made you want to shove your spear into anyone who would ever try and do that to him again.
“It’s okay, Y/N, really.” He gently smiled at you the way he reserved only for you – with all the love and radiance he could put into it. “I get to spend the rest of my time– the rest of my life with you. That’s all I could ever ask for.”
“Finnick,” you whispered, hardly knowing what to say to him.
He gingerly brushed the hair back from your forehead as he placed a kiss upon it, hushing you. “For you, my love, I would do anything.”
Your body trembled in his hands from the emotion tumbling around inside you. After the Games, it was hard to let yourself get close to him, for the honest fear of losing him. But he was patient. He waited for you and took his time working through the tremors of the Games that still resided within you. It was hard, it still is, to make it through a day without finding yourself back in that arena, but being around him made it easier – more manageable. He was the part of you that kept you afloat and you were hanging on with both hands to make sure he stayed.
You lost yourself in his eyes – green and blue twirling in an intimate dance, the most beautiful you had ever seen. Truly, there was no other place you would rather be than with him. Every ounce of comfort that you felt stemmed from Finnick, and he felt just the same. To part with one another now would be to rip a heart in two, never fitting the pieces to another.
I love him.
It was a scary thought and, really, shouldn’t have shocked you as much as it did. You knew for a long time already that you did but admitting it to yourself was the true challenge. Everyone knew it, hell, Annie would constantly ask you when the two of you would just marry already – she had never seen two people as made for the other until she saw you and Finnick. But you were slow to let that part of yourself go. He already had your heart, but now, you would finally allow yourself to have his.
Tenderly, you reached your hands to cup his face – the slight stubble growing on his cheeks tickling your palms. As not to scare him off, you so slowly pulled his head down to yours. Only an inch apart, your mouths breathed onto one another, painting your lips with his scent.
“Y/N,” he ground out in a whimper.
“Finnick,” you echoed back. “I love you.”
The sharp inhale was the only sign that he had heard your small voice. That, and the urgency at which he bridged the gap between your mouths. A whine escaped from the back of your throat at how soft he was – how his lips molded into your own as if fated to do so. You were already addicted to the feeling.
Finnick wasn’t faring much better. His whole head was fuzzy with love and reverence for you as he pulled you up to sit on his lap, bringing you as close to you as he could. Tenderness soon turned into something more as he began to map out the curves of your body with his hands. As you gasped from his touch, he took the chance to sneak his tongue into your mouth, charting that territory out as well.
Happily returning the favor, you too began exploring the body of the glorious man before you. Tongues twisting, hands moving, both your breaths became labored as the need for even more started hazing both your minds. Pulling away for just a moment, you took your chance.
“Y/N,” he practically growled out as you began to shift your hips over his growing hardness. “We don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable yet.”
And you knew he meant it. While the two of you had never crossed that line before, you wanted to use more than just your words to show him how much you love him. You wanted to cherish him, to give him all of you.
“I want to.” You pleaded. Then, you quickly pulled away as a thought occurred to you. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about how you might feel about this. Fuck, Finnick, I–”
Before another word could leave your mouth, Finnick covered it with his own, pushing all the love he has to give into you. He coaxed you right back into the kiss, cradling your head close, softly rubbing the flat scar on your ear’s tip. Through a deep breath, he broke the tender instant to glance back at you. Your mind clouded until he spoke.
“Don’t ever think I don’t want you, Y/N,” he reassured. “There is nothing in this world that I want more than you. What happens in the Capitol doesn’t leave me broken, not when you’re still here. And, if you want me, you already have me – I just don’t want you to feel forced into it.”
As he explained his thoughts to you, his hands were delicately rubbing up and down your sides as to console any feelings revolving around your head. He loved you without needing something physical. You were more than enough for him without anything else than just your presence.
“I love you, Finnick Odair,” you confessed for the second time aloud. “And I want to be yours – mind, body, and soul. For as long as you should have me.”
As Finnick’s eyes grew watery from the words torn from your heart, he acknowledged just the same. “I will love you forever, Y/N L/N. And should I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my thoughts will be filled with you. Only you.”
And with the words spoken and sealed in a lover’s embrace, you sculpted your lips around each other once more. Finnick was slow to undress you, taking the time to truly admire the woman that you were. Removing your top, he trailed his lips from your neck to the scar on your shoulder and drifted further down to your breasts.
You held your breath as you watched him take your nipple into his mouth, suckling and teasing the bud with his tongue. Sighing, you tangled your hands into his hair, urging him to continue his actions. Doing just that, he reached one of his hands up to fondle your untouched breast, coaxing out more whines from you from the feeling.
Unaware, your hips continued to grind down on his lap, searching for some sort of friction for the growing heat in your core. While you had reached highs on your own hands and fingers before, you never touched a man like this – let alone felt the urge to have every part of him in you. And damn it, did you ever want to feel Finnick fucking Odair.
As he switched between ministrations on your nipples, he groaned into you every time you caught on his swelling cock. His head was filled with nothing but the thoughts of you and how he wanted to taste and touch you. How he wanted to tempt out every little noise you could make as you reached your peak over and over again. How he wanted to drown in you.  
Giving into his raging thoughts, he flipped the two of you around so your back lay comfortably on the cushions beneath you. Hot chocolate cooling and book thrown to some corner in the room, it was just you and him. Nothing else mattered.
Wandering down your body once more, he rid you of your pants and undergarments, leaving you bare in the sun. You were a goddess to him. A picture of perfection. He would never get tired of gazing upon you. Even when the two of you had grown old and grey, you would still be the most beautiful thing, sculpted by the poets themselves.
You watched as his eyes traced your body, and you began to grow self-conscious. Before you could even attempt to close yourself off from him, he grabbed onto your thighs and looked deep into your lust-blown eyes.
“Please, don’t hide from me.” He begged you. “You are the most exquisite being, never forget that. I feel like the luckiest man in the world to be able to even glimpse your beauty.”
Sentiments swelling your throat, you nodded up to him and relaxed into his touch. Seeing your newly eased state, he kneeled on the ground as he pulled your legs over his shoulders. Gazing upon your core, a growl emerged from the back of his throat. Your slick heat was practically begging to be filled by him, and who was he to deny such a pretty little thing?
He kissed up the innermost parts of your legs, inching closer and closer to where you needed him most. Before you could issue a complaint to stop teasing, he licked a warm stripe up your pussy, and you gasped. Head thrown back and hands immediately finding purchase in his hair, you were hooked.
He nuzzled his nose into your clit as he began to touch your core with his tongue, forcing out mewls and whines from your mouth. Reaching up his hands, one gripped onto your legs to prevent them from wrapping around his head, while the other spread your lips so he could dive even deeper into you. Flicking and cooing, his tongue continued to taste your slick as he moaned into you from your flavor.
You began rubbing your hips up and down his face as you continued to chase your high. He was too good at this – you’d never last long at this rate.
“Finnick, ahh,” you chanted his name like a choir of angels, and your voice went straight to his cock.
Wanting nothing but his name on your mind, he inserted a finger to begin loosening you up. The slight stretch already elicited a whine of pain from you. His digit was so much longer and thicker than your own, and you had a feeling his length was even more so.
As soon as he felt you relax around one, he slipped in a second. Scissoring around your cunt, he sucked on your clit to keep you slackened. You already felt so full. But as soon as all the discomfort turned to pleasure, you wanted more than just his fingers in you.
“Fuck,” you moaned out. “Finnick, I, shit, I want to feel you.”
He sighed into your pussy at your pleading state. Closing his eyes, he continued slipping his fingers in and out of you, getting you even further toward your orgasm.
“Not yet, love.” He insisted in a gravelly voice. “I want to taste you on my tongue first. You can do that, yeah baby? Want to cum in my mouth? I know you can do it. You’re such a good girl.”
You whined as you shut your eyes and continued stirring your hips on his face. He placed his lips back over your clit and thrust his fingers even faster into your heat. The sound of his knuckles squelching against your wetness was driving him insane, but he wanted to– no, needed to taste your essence before putting his cock into you.
As you felt your climax crawling nearer, your pussy clamped down around Finnick’s fingers, not wanting to let go. Your hips became erratic as you felt the familiar tightening in your lower abdomen – rising from your toes to the tip of your head. Finnick moved and slurped like a man starved, aching for you to lose yourself on him.
With a few more movements and a cry loosened from your lips, you released right into Finnick’s waiting mouth. He cleaned up every last drop, not wanting any to go to waste. You continued to ride out your high as he removed his lips from your bud. Once he felt you tire from your spend, he slipped his fingers out of you.
You watched with hungry eyes as he licked his fingers clean, eyes rolling back as his cock leaked from the wonder of your taste. Moaning as he popped them out of his salivating palate, he quickly moved to rid himself of his shirt. Reaching his arms back behind his neck and tearing the shirt from his torso up around his head, his eyes never left yours.
“I knew you would taste absolutely fucking divine.” He proclaimed to you as he started stripping his pants off. “I bet you feel just as good.”
Gasping, you finally laid eyes on his cock. Thick and girthy, you had no idea how it was supposed to fit in you. While it wasn’t ridiculously long, the stature of it made up more than enough. And as Finnick saw you fixed upon his hardened length, he twitched, which made you whimper up to him.
Bending back down to hover over you, he covered your mouth with his lips, allowing you to taste the salty remains of your own release. Moaning into his mouth, you gripped onto his bronze locks once more, lifting your hips to graze your now swollen clit against him.
He groaned and swiftly grabbed onto your hips to push you down. Backing from the kiss, he asked you one last time, “Are you sure?”
Breathless, you answered. “Yes. Please. I’ve never been surer about anything.”
Staring into your eyes and seeing nothing but certainty, he nodded.
“This is going to hurt, at first.” He stated. “Just try to stay relaxed and I promise you, you’ll start to feel good soon enough.”
Bobbing your head, you dug your nails into his shoulders to brace yourself as he glanced down and began to line himself up to your still-sweating heat. As he pressed the tip into you, you inhaled a sharp breath. Finnick immediately looked up to your face.
“It’s okay. Breathe, my love.” He took his hand and caressed your face. Settling a tender kiss on your lips, you started to breathe normally once again. Taking it as his cue to continue his insertion, he pressed back into you.
Slowly, so achingly slowly, he rocked his length into you. Taking the time to pull back and forth, he was easing you through the tight pain in your cunt. You were biting down on your bottom lip and your eyes were sealed shut from the sting of it.
“Fuck,” he breathed out. “You’re doing so good, baby. Just a little bit more and, shit, I’ll be all the way. God, you’re so tight, fuck.”
Finnick was trying his hardest to go slow for you, but the way that your cunt was compressed around him was like a drug. He wanted more, he wanted to move, but he would never place his own needs above your own. He watched your face for any sign of unordinary discomfort, but he saw none, so he inched further and further until he was fully sheathed into you.
Groaning, he dropped his head into your neck and panted out. As you adjusted to his size, the discomfort subsided. Sighing out as well, you started to lift your hips in your attempt at receiving friction. Finnick moaned and bit down into the softness of your neck.
“Move, Finnick, please.” You whimpered into his ear, already drunk on the feeling of his cock in you. You were so full, practically pushed to the brim, but you wanted more of him. You wanted him to make love to you.
Listening to your words, he dragged his cock through your walls as he moved in and out of you. Feeling your warmth rub against him was nothing short of amazing – there wasn’t anything that would ever compare to the feeling of you.
The two of you moaned in tandem as he thrust a particularly harsh plunge into you. You were scraping his back, leaving red angry lines as you wrapped your legs around his fit waist. Even in your inebriated state, you couldn’t help but admire him. For more than just his handsomeness, Finnick was the most gorgeous thing inside and out, and you couldn’t believe that he was yours. You would do anything for him to smile at you, to give you soft kisses to your temple, to just be.
So, you took hold of his head from where it was leaving marks on your neck, and you clashed your teeth together in a heated kiss. He was quick to reciprocate and grip onto your ass as he continued drilling himself into you, mouth never leaving yours.
You were the one to break the kiss as you leaned back to moan from the feeling.
“Fuck, Finnick. I love you so much.” You were rambling now, high off nothing but the way he was making you melt into his arms. “Please don’t leave me. I couldn’t, ah, live without you. Need you here. Always here. Mmm, my Finnick.”
He continued his movements as he gazed at you, love and lust battling for dominance in his sea-green eyes. “I’ll never let you go, Y/N. You are mine as I am yours. God. I was made to be by your side. Oh, Y/N. To always be with you. Would never leave you. My heart, fuck, is yours forever.”
The two of you were incoherent, rambling sentiments of love and sweet nothings to the other. Both of your climaxes were approaching, wanting to cum at the same time as the other. Skin on skin and sweat dripping upon each other, this was a plea of love, a confessional. Never to leave, always to stay – your hands were tied together as Finnick kissed you softly once more.
In contrast, his hips picked up the pace, as his fingers found your throbbing clit once more, pushing you to reach the top with him. His movements became inconsistent as he grew closer, knowing you were on your way as well by the way you were clenching down on him.
“Come on, baby,” he cooed at you. “Cum with me. You’re so close, love, I can feel it.”
“Yes, yes!” you whined at him. “Wanna cum, wanna cum with you. Ah, almost there, Finnick, don’t stop.”
Moving your hips with him, you both panted as the light grew brighter. He sped his twirling fingers up around your bud, begging you to peak with him. And as the two of you whined and whimpered louder and louder, Finnick thrust hard and deep into you. With this one last push, you both roared a moan as you came in and around the other.
Slowing his motions, Finnick allowed you to ride out your orgasm as he spilled his seed in you. Your legs twitched around his hips as you came down from your high. Head tilted back, you breathed hard and fast as your heart pounded. Finnick wrapped his arms around you as he held you close, still buried inside you.
For just a bit, the two of you stayed like that – together as one. Your pants eventually withdrew and were left with nothing more than the beating of the blood in your veins. He tenderly pulled out of you, leaving you empty of nothing but the soreness in your hips. Rubbing small circles on the aching joints, he kept his head close to yours. He then started kissing all over your face, making you giggle.
Chuckling along with you, he saved you from the attack by pulling away and looking at you with pure love and adoration. Mirroring his visage, you tenderly stroked his cheek as he sighed into your palm.
“I’m going to marry you, Y/N.” It wasn’t a question, but a fact he knew true in his heart.
Your eyes widened at his words, stilling your actions for a moment.
“Not tomorrow,” he laughed at your shocked expression. “Perhaps not a week or month from now, but one day I will. And that day will be the happiest of my life.”
Tears brimmed along your eye line, but it wasn’t sadness blurring your vision. Joy, excitement, and love were making their presence known in this strange way, and you didn’t know how else to respond to his worrisome look except to smile at him. Smile with your heart and soul to the man who was everything to you. And he smiled back the way Finnick Odair only smiles at you: uninhibited and overflowing with fondness.
Nestling into him as he repositioned you both on the seat, you contently sighed into him. This is what you fought for in that arena. This is why you promised that you’d win.
For vulnerable moments like this. For nothing between you and the man you love except the warm skin of your bodies. For the chance to live and not survive. For him.
With those thoughts in your mind, there was only one way you knew how to respond to him: with your truth, not a secret, and not in fear.
“Yes, I will marry you, Finnick Odair.”
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
Harbinger with a kitsune gn!s/o
Tw: nothing to be worried about,reader is 500 y/o bc Kitsune,Reader is a tease,Taking bath together in scaramouche part but nothing too specified,reader wear hairpiece on Dottore part
Character included: Scaramouche,Dottore, Pantalone
Synopsis: You're a Kitsune that strangely work for the tsaritsa instead of the electro archon due to a contract between tsaritsa and ei. You're also the tsaritsa right hand. Much higher rank than the harbingers
Note:IM NO LONGER ON WRITER BLOCK WAHAHAHAHAH,btw im very very very sick lately probably going t hospital but idk‼️‼️‼️🤯🤯,BTW THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING G/N READER TELL ME IF I MADE A MISTAKE
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He can never understand why a Kitsune like you is serving under another archons,aren't you supposed to be with ei right now?
The time his eyes met you,you gave him an annoying and strangely sweet grins,he turn his head away with a tint pink blush on his face. And oh fuck it was clearly a love at the first sight
You both have a proper conversation when you and him have to discuss something regarding ei gnosis,he couldn't focus,his mind were on you all of the time.
The way you praise him so nicely is bringing heat to his cheeks,the way his cheeks turn red in a split of second by your compliment,just by saying "good boy"
How truly lucky he is to have an s/o as beautiful as you, your sweet grins,Your Soft five tails. The way you dressed,the way your ears goes up,make him even more inlove, He's a soft lover,he never once to call you a name.
He then learned you and ei have a conflict 500 year ago,that why you didn't serve her. He feel relieved someone share the same struggle and problem like him
You were having a day off,thinking nothing will get wrong in the fatui organization,that until you heard a loud bang coming from your door,it was your boyfriend. He look furious and mad
"oh my love,what happened?"you questions him, you soon wipe the sweat on his forehead and kiss him on the cheeks to make him relax. He calmed down,his expression changed
"someone annoying bitch gave another party our information and now the plan is ruined,I swear they're going to be-"he said,back with the full rage and anger.
"how about I prepare a bath for us two,if you're comfortable of course,you can tell what happened while I was your back"scaramouche expression drop,a red blush were on his face,you two do cuddles or something more intimate but never one the idea of taking bath together come to his mind,he just scoff and nods at you
"I wish you were at work,it would've been so much better having you on my side"he mutter as you start to pour shampoo on his hair,vanilla scent,very fitting for him. He then went on about his day,before he goes unusually quiet in middle of the conversation
"lately I also have very frequently nightmares and thoughts about her, sometimes i wonder, what wrong with me"he whispered,the room goes really quiet. Only splash of water seem to be audible,you understand what he's been through,you have been through the same situation as him,you understand what he is feeling right now,the feelings of being worthless and fear
"as long as you're here with me,you'll be fine,you can pat my tail if you feel anxious"you said, leaving kisses on his cheeks. (Mommy issues Scara lmao)
Il Dottore
Man without respect sorry not sorry, he's a high Ranking Harbinger himself so he often he doesn't treat anyone with respect,not even Pierro. But when he saw you,he gives you on full respect (simpttore real)
Oh you need help with something,he offer you a hand, something not someone like Dottore usually do. For tsaritsa sake this man a crazy scientist,killed and abused so many child,then why does he has such a soft spot for you!? The other fatui harbingers tease him about it all day when they're all gather but he always denied his feeling that he end up bottling it
He also couldn't help but stares when he see you talking but in flirting manner with someone else,namely tartaglia and Signora
His face was a mess when you confessed you like him too,he feel like he's the luckiest man in the world that time. Sometimes he doubt do he deserves you
He's most interested with the Kitsune feature you have. He usually inspect it when you weren't looking around or is asleep,and how shocked he are when you suddenly purr. Was pretty hesitant about continuing his inspection at first but since purring mean that you're happy about it he just continue,still worried about you waking up tho.
When you assure him it fine to play with your tail and ear,he goes insane,he took every chance to pat and rub it,he sometimes even comb it and decorate it with bow bc he thought it look pretty.
It was a normal day at work, Everything was going well with getting the Electro Gnosis Plan,The tsaritsa has to be excused as soon as the meeting ended,So she ordered You And Pierro to take control for a while. But mostly it's you to take control
"those are the worksheet, nothing too Much to do,Just some yearly interviews and overall opinion on the current discussed plan, please give it to the right hand after you're done"Pierro explained while he give the harbingers the worksheet.
Pierro finished first, followed by Pulcinella and Capitano,Dottore then followed fourth
But to your surprise he doesn't just give you the worksheet,He then attend to pat and rub your ear with a high pace,this doesn't go unnoticed by the other harbinger
"Dottore,the fuck are you doing there"scaramouche question as he watch the scene. Dottore didn't instantly answer him.
"fluffy ear"was only his answer before he continues to pats your ears with a fast and high pace
"what a very specific answer,thank you Dottore"columbina sarcastically said. Never once in the harbingers life they see Dottore act like this.
"hey stop it, you're going to ruin my hairpiece,why is your opinion is blank?"you asked, grabbing his wrist to stop him from patting you
"I don't have an opinion"he said, Trying to move his hand from your grip,it impressive how you grip both of his hand with just one hand.
"go back and fix it"you finally let go of his wrist and hand him back his worksheet
"no"before he know,a strike of lightning was behind him,he only uttered a small sigh before he sat down to his chair.
"wow.. they're surely very serious at work,if I was you Dottore,I would never do something like that again"Childe whispered to Dottore,dottore still look mildly annoyed,the other harbinger just agree with him
"they're a crazy maniac sometimes,I wonder how I'm still alive,they also strach me when they're on the Kitsune form sometimes. Ugh."he sigh before he responded to childe while he start writing down his opinion
"hey I heard you"you glared at him,I guess someone will not be petting your ear for a week straight
He know you for so long,He treat you just the same with everyone,with respect,it just that you seem to have more respect beside the tsaritsa but it not because you're the right hand of her. He doesn't know is it because your caring attitude or was it your beautiful appearance or was it your hardworking personality,it seem like he like everything about you,and it also seem like you feel the same way about him
He's the type of guy to instantly take it to a serious relationship,he couldn't be more happier when you accept his marriage proposal. He prepared everything for your both wedding. The fanciest and most luxurious things must be served for his dear s/o.
But he couldn't help but thought about something,he has a ginger cat on his house called Mora,He wonder if Mora's Fur is softer than your or no. He never once to touch you around tails or ear before and he's worried if he do it you'll get uncomfortable
Of course you notice it,you assure it's fine,his favourite time to pats you are when you're on your Kitsune form,your ear and tails is always soft but something about the Kitsune form just felt softer.
He let you sleep on his arm when he do his work,he like the warmth you both share.
When you're off work,he sometimes ask you to accompany him to the meeting,you will sleep on his lap or arm, sometimes the meeting table. The other harbinger only can questions about it. He like it when you're around him
The meeting about to start 15 minutes later,all of the harbingers already circling the meeting table. Yet they seem to can't get their eyes off something. Your appearance, laying on Pantalone lap and asleep,ear perked up.
"err.. why is the her Majesty right hand here?, aren't they supposed to have a day off?"Signora asked, slightly concerned.
"oh yea, they're accompanying me. What? Can't I bring them with me, they're my s/o after all"he said,with the same exact smile painted on his face,the one that make the other harbingers annoyed the most. How could you fall in love with this super annoying man?! But after the meeting ended. You were called for a urgent matter. While you're gone the harbinger tend to be talking about you
"I got a question for you in the name of science,How does their tails felt like?"Dottore question.
"yeah!I always imagined it's to be soft"then Childe followed, it's seem like the harbinger Is way more interested in you than he imagine
"what a magnificent creature"Signora also seem to agree on the current topic,soon most of the harbinger start also to question it. Only those who respectful enough to know your role that didn't question it. Namely Pierro, Pulcinella and Capitano
"hey who give you the right to-"he was about to start threatening them,until you show up.
"why don't you find it out yourself"you cut his words. The harbinger was shocked by your sudden appearance. Meanwhile your lover seem to be concerned at your words
"hey,are you saying it's not a special treatment I get"he asked,eyebrow knitted together.
"no."you gave him a sly grins before the harbingers burst into laugh.
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Off topic,Kagamine Len haunt me. Where my Shiho😔😔💔💔
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 9 months
Random HTTYD Headcanons
Someone once tied together the Boneknapper and Death Song, saying that the former would hang around the game sites of the latter and then collect the bones and I agree with that so much. I’d love to re-find that post so I can credit the blog responsible because they are so, so real for this! I had to mention it because it’s such an under-appreciated take. (ETA: I found the original post here, by @dragonjadearts — thank you for this headcanon I think about it all the time.)
Changewings started to put their eggs in trees to deter Cavern Crashers from eating them.
Red Changewings are the ones that inhabit Changewing Island. Green Changewings are from further south.
Male Thunderdrums are actually the primary caretakers of young Thunderdrums. Both parents will look after and protect the eggs until they hatch but after they do the mother often leaves.
Additionally, Thunderdrums will also transport their eggs and/or hatchlings in their mouth.
Thornado and Skullcrusher have actually met. Thornado had gone out when Bing, Bang, and Boom were asleep and visited Berk, hoping to meet up with Stoick alone only to find another dragon by his chair. The encounter was awkward at first for all three parties, with Stoick trying to break the ice, but once the two dragons recognised what they had in common, they became very friendly and respecting of one another.
The Rumblehorn naturally hunts boars as its primary food source. As opposed to fishing for saltwater fish like other dragons, they also fish for freshwater fish like salmon.
Like the Submaripper and Shellfire, and the Skrill and Singetail, the Rumblehorn and Catastrophic Quaken are naturally opposing species.
Dark Deep was originally the home of the Catastrophic Quaken, not the Gronckle. Due to the sheer number of invading Gronckles, the Quaken was then mostly pushed out.
Gronckles are like the rabbits of the dragon world. They can reproduce from a young age and very often and with high egg counts.
Dragons like the Razorwhip, Timberjack, and Typhoomerang have shorter lifespans in comparison to other species.
Barb-shooting dragons grow their spikes like hair/teeth. The spines that are shot out out are ones that are knocked loose by new roots.
The more distinguishable the colours of each head, the older a Zippleback is.
Zipplebacks evolved from a mutation caused by inefficient embryo separation which means most if not all members of the species distantly share the same common ancestor.
Whip & Lash, Bucket and Mulch’s dragon, is actually female.
Bucket is related to the Thorstons.
The twins removed the S from the alphabet in Reign of Fireworms to annoy Snotlout.
The riders have contemplated who is most likely to turn into a Mildew-type, and most of them have come to the agreement that it would be Tuffnut. Chicken is his Fungus.
Mildew actually has a soft spot for Flystorm. Away from the knowing gazes of others he indulges in petting him and giving him fish, muttering “That’s nice,” as he would with Fungus.
Spitelout treats Kingstail better than anyone ever. As such all of his past methodology surrounding dragons is now in vain, and very hypocritical. (That sword analogy? How dare you compare ol’ Kingstail to that, boyo?)
Fishlegs is actually an only child (he’s always stricken me as one and it boggles me if he isn’t). Those kids he teaches in the Gronckle Scouts are actually his younger cousins. They call him ‘uncle’ due to him babysitting a lot and the difference in their ages. Fishlegs has a lot of cousins.
Fishlegs’ mother, Termagant, owns a Snaptrapper by the name of Arrogance, Innocence, Patience & Conscience. This means that Meatlug has older brothers (and a sister. Technically. Allegedly.). At first they were a bit too mischievous/privy with one another for her liking, making them seem like they were hanging up in her a bit, but they eventually got used to one another.
And yes, she makes all six of her children crab cakes.
The Monstrous Nightmare that Valka saves in HTTYD 2 is the one that took Gobber’s hand.
The Night Fury and Light Fury evolved via something similar to the Peppered Moth Evolution. Whichever one was the original species, however, is still unknown.
Gustav is allergic to peanuts.
Fanghook actually has a fear of setting things on fire.
Hiccup sees a lot of his younger self in Gustav, but it frustrates him that Gustav takes a bit more after Snotlout sometimes.
Gustav’s mother actually wanted to call him “Hiccup” (being the runt) but didn’t want to upstage the chief or confuse people, so she chose “Gustav” (meaning god’s staff or popular guest) to be ironic.
Snotlout was originally proud to have Gustav model himself after him, but when growing up and maturing on the Edge he realised that Gustav was or could be reckless because of it and started to resent him for being a “cheap copy” of him.
Hookfang has a soft spot for Gustav, mostly when he was younger. Since Gustav got Fanghook, his patience has been less withstanding.
The dragon with the least patience for kids is actually Stormfly. Just after would be either Barf & Belch or Hookfang, but by a long shot. Hookfang holds more patience for younger kids than older ones.
Spitelout for some reason shows more outwards appreciation towards Gustav, but argues with him over being leader of the A Team.
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Image ID: Two glitter texts, reading as "NIGHTMARE FACTORY – DEVLOG 0". End image ID.
Hi, I'm Garça Visconde Mirigis, and I'm VERY happy to announce that this post you're reading is the first devlog ever for my nightmare game, a 3D platformer parody of mascot horror genre! And yes, nightmare, not dream game, because making my actual dream game is way out of my current abilities at the moment!
Ever thought to yourself how different a horror game would be if our protagonist decided to help the monsters instead of... [reading a list off-screen] killing, imprisioning, sacrificing, exorcizing or even banning them to other dimensions? Because I have, for ungodly amounts of time, and after literally years I decided that the time to actually make this thing has come. Welcome to the NIGHTMARE FACTORY!
As previously mentioned, NIGHTMARE FACTORY is a parody of mascot horror games, set in an abandoned toy factory that also used to host a theme park. You play as Vera Torres, a 57 year-old mechanic who used to work in there. One day, our dear Vera receives a call from an old coworker: The higher-ups are going to sell the factory and the theme park, but they need a good inspection, and no one is accepting the offer! Feeling a bit nostalgic and wanting to help her friend, Vera decided to help take a look inside...
... Only to discover the place is now filled with strange monsters whose leader has, somehow, decided that she's actually his mother?! But she only had one kid ever in her life...?
Yeah, Vera is CONFUSED, and it's now your duty as the player to help her figure out just what the heck is going on!
The game is a lighthearted and pink look at mascot horror as a whole, featuring little references to other games and lots and lots of silly jokes. It is also a long love letter for the genre, because as much as I like poking fun at FNaF, it did change my life for the better and it will forever have a soft spot in my heart. I love the franchise despite it all, and making a whole game just to poke fun at it and other similar games feels stupid. No one can create a good parody if they don't love the thing they're parodying even a tiny little bit.
NIGHTMARE FACTORY is not an "aha look at how stupid this is" look at mascot horror. I want it to be as sincere as possible, and the end product needs to be honest and not ironic in the slightest in order for it to be a success.
HOWEEEVEEEER. Despite the silliness, NIGHTMARE FACTORY can and will feature grapphic imagery and disturbing content due to its nature as a horror title. Trigger and content warnings have not been currently set, but shall be added as development continues.
The gameplay is inspired by the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy, Pac-Man World 1-2 and Rayman 2! These are my favorite platformers ever and I played them for hours as a kid, and since NIGHTMARE FACTORY is all about toys and childhood I figured it would be the perfect fit!
For themes and story, NIGHTMARE FACTORY is inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's, Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival, Tattletail, Poppy Playtime, Silent Hill 1-4, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood and the Lacey series on YouTube! Some of the themes include loss of childhood, the horrors of motherhood and girlhood, corporate corruption, trauma recovery, grief and rage.
For visuals, however? Alice: Madness Returns, Hello Kitty Roller Rescue, Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams Game, Disney Princess' Enchanted Journey and old dress-up flash games are my references!
The game is set in 2020s São Paulo, Brazil, AKA where I live, and it can and will feature elements of brazilian culture. The final version should have both english and brazilian-portuguese translations, with cultural notes being featured to help non-brazilians understand some jokes and themes better.
NIGHTMARE FACTORY is currently sitting at "the single gamedev is desperate to start programming but he's busy with uni work" stage of production, but do not worry, the single gamedev is also working on the story, how level progression shall go, how the game should feel to play, and, of course, planning the mechanics, AKA the most important part of a fun game. I'll make an entire devlog detailing every single main mechanic as soon as I'm able to finally start fully working on this!
NIGHTMARE FACTORY is being made with Godot, Blender and Krita, and it will be released first for PC.
It wouldn't be a project I made without me losing my mind about it from day 0!
Nightmare Factory is a 3D platformer game, with around ~30 levels planned, divided into 5 acts/chapters/arcs/sessions. You can think as these sets of levels as Crash Bandicoot's Warped level selection, like this!
After answering some asks relating to mascot horror as a genre, I remembered a conversation I had with my amazing partner some weeks ago about how I want to release NIGHTMARE FACTORY. YES, I didn't even start programming it, but this is the type of thing I need to settle on before I build a good chunk of the game. It will be important!
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But then. There's the problem: I don't like it when games are "released" but you have to pay more to get all of them. Yeah, each chapter would be super cheap so they would have a full game price when combined, but also. Do I want to do this. Do I genuinely want to do this. Like? Am I sure this is the right way to do it?????
Image ID: Screenshot of Crash Warped for the PS1, with Crash standing in front of a warp room with 5 blue buttons on the floor, each marked with a number from 1 to 5. The 6th button has the face of Tiny Tiger, signaling it to be the entrance to a boss fight level. End image id.
My first plan was to release each act separately so I could both get feedback and also have more fun, because by getting feedback I would be way less worried about messing things up + I could update things like character physics to be less wonky or more stiff in case it was a common complaint, which could change the entire level design. And also because I'm a clown and I want to make a mascot horror parody, and releasing it in chapters aligns perfectly with how I want this to go.
Anyways, this has now lead to me deciding that the game should be a "pay for it once" type of thing. I'll still release it in chapters, but the updates will be for free. Will I regret this decision because liking it or not I need money + I am an indie dev + there's nothing wrong with game devs expecting to be, y'know, PAID for their work? Absolutely so!!!!! But I think that, for now, this will be how I develop this silly game.
Anyways, this is getting long enough, so I'll finish it for now. Character introductions will be made after the gameplay-focused devlog, so see you guys soon enough! Byeeee <3
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twary · 2 years
May I have reader reacting to the crusaders gently kissing them? Like, reader didn't expect this kind of kissing, because they are like, big and buff men that are always read to fight? ;)
And how would they start the kiss and how would it feel?
MY HEART IS WAAARM! Thanks for this lovely request, dear anon🥺😫✨
Oh, the boys obviously already have feeling for the reader And...Well, this post got much, much more longer than i thought it would be, sorry (>人<;) (but omg, i love this post so much, thanks againg for this request! 🥺💜)
Oh, there is a little sdc spoiler on Jotaro's part‼
There's a lot of love and fluff ahead, enjoy :3
Cut for length~
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Today, you and Jotaro are sharing a room, usually u have a room just for you but the hotel was almost full, so there were only two rooms available, Joseph and Avdol are in one and, obviously, you and Jotaro on the other. Unfortunately Kakyoin was still in the hospital due to the fight with N'Doul.
Also, you're feeling a little off, so is good to spend the night with someone in the room. Jotaro is not the talkative tipe, but still, you can say that you two get along well.
It was his turn to shower, you were the first. Already in your pajamas you hit the bed, you fall asleep very quick.
When Jotaro gets out of the shower he spots you all sweaty with a very bad expression for who is sleeping pacefully "Oi, wake up!" He shakes you a little until you're awake, by the look on your face it was not a good dream. He put his hand on your forehead "You've said earlyer that you was not feeling so good, right? Your face is hot, must be a fever" He doesn't say anything more before going to the bathroom again and returning with a wet towel, wich he gently places on your forehead "I'll bring you some medicine, don't get up" But before he could go you grab his wrist, you were clearly scared.
He sat by your side and waited for you to tell him what were you feeling and why were you so desperate. You told him about your nightmare while some little tears were falling down. When you end telling him about it you are a little afraid of what a man like him would think of you: afraid of a nightmare? Are you a kid now?
He puts his hand on your right cheek and wipe a tear with his thumb, you were suprised by his action, it was the last thing that you expected. While you were lost in your thoughs, he slowly approached you lips with his, he took his time, the kiss is slow, soft and yet passionate. Your heart skips a beat when he leaves your lips alone making you realize what just happened.
"Maybe with this you can have good dreams now" He leaves the room to get your medicines leaving you lost in the kiss that he just gave u. A little time pass and he is back, he gives u the medicine, a glass of water and wait for you to take it. When you're done he puts the glass on a table near by and lay beside you. With no futher explanation, he close his eyes "Good night"
You were paralized for a second, but then you lay dow with him and, a little automatically, take his hand, you can feel that this suprised him, but then a smile form on his face (and maybe a little blush too). You had good dreams that night.
It was a beautiful morning, you and the crusaders are in the hotel, you would stay until the afternoon, then take a train to continue the journey to egypt.
After the brakfast, you decide to take a little time to relax, this trip is stressful and you barely have time do breath a little, so, at least until you all catch the train, you decided to calm your mind and body.
You took a book from the hotel shelf and headed down to the pool, what could be more peaceful? You sit by a little table with two chairs and a umbrella in it. The wind was refreshing and the sun was bright.
Some time passes and you hear a familiar voice from the chair next to yours: "Oh, i've already read that one! I can say that the plot is really good" You took a little jumpscare, you are so into the book that you haven't even heard him approaching. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Of all the boys, Kak was the closest to you, he was always very friendly.
The book was put aside, chatting with Kakyoin is awesome, especially cuz you two have the same taste for some stuff, so the chat flows very easly. In a certain poin of the conversation you mention a book that you've read once, it was he's favorite "Did you like it too? I'm glad, some people just hate all the cliché in this book" You told him that when you were younger you wanted to live those clichés that were always in books or movies, but now you understand that this all is just fictional.
"You think so?" You nod. He takes a moment and stares at you and then get up "W-What about i prove that you're wrong then? He is clearly shy, his ears are a little red, but his expression is serious, his hand reach yours by the small table, he intertwining his fingers with yours. He has a determined face with shine in his eyes.
His lips finally mets yours, they are soft. The kiss is a little hesitant at first, but then it turns out to be really sweet, gentle and lovely. When the kiss end his face is full red, even himsef can't believe he made this, but even with it, he manages to keep his composture "*ahem* I'm heading back inside to see if Mr.Joestar and the other need something before we leave, excuse me" His voice is a little low and he avoids looking into your eyes.
He doesn't have talked to you since then, until you were all on the train in this afternoon. Kakyoin sat by your side still avoiding your eyes "Listen, i just wanted to apologize for earlier, i-" Before he can say anything more you hug him. You can feel his face turning red, he is hesitant to hug you back but then his arms slowly rest over you "So you feel that way too, huh?". You don't even have to see his face to tell that he is smiling.
He was the one who had to go buy some stuff for the group in a market near by the hotel that all of you are in for today.
We all know very well what happens when Pol is alone around the town, so your task is to go shopping with him today, just in case.
Obviously he's all happy that you're coming with him! All the shopping process is full of silly jokes and laughs, he is the best at making you laugh and go for a bad mood to a really good one. Once he told you that he likes ur smile.
You two are already in the hotel hall, when those silly moments of joy with him and the others sudenly crosses your mind...It can end at any moment, after all, you and the crusaders are all targets of skilled and powerfull stand users. You really doesn't want to lose them...
Seems like Polnareff sense your worry, after all, he is the crusader who most spend time and talk with you, he already knows you very well...He hold your hands and get closer: "Chéri, whatever you're worried about, you can always count on your knight in shining armor!" His tone is funny and he's with a silly face on, clearly trying to make you laugh. It is strange to see such a buff man like this.
"And you know? You were much more prettier this morning" When you're about to say something he kisses you, is fast, but gently and sweet enough "Because you were smiling, mon amour"
You're static in the same place, that was very sudenly and now you don't know what to think-
When you come back to your mind you can see he running away with a smile, u can almost feel that all this kiss thing was planned...Well, who cares, after all, now you're smiling too.
You and your friends are already in Egypt, the end is finally forming...It's already night and there is no hotel neither a city near by, you all decide to camp for tonight.
Polnareff and Jotaro are putting the tends up, Joseph and Kakyoin are cheking the food and water for the dinner and you and Avdol are responsible for setting up the bonfire. There are some papers in your stuff that u don't mind burning, so let's go.
You two are sit side by side, Avdol already set the fire and you are throwing some papers to keep it-"Hmm...This doesn't seems to be righ-OUCH!" Polnareff was in the ground with the whole tend on top of him, the noise was more loud than you could imagine.
Kakyoin is the fisrt who breaks the silence "Oh my god HAHAHA- How can you-HAHA *ahem* I-I mean, are you okay?" Kak's still giggling while offering his hand to help Pol to get up but he just pull the cherry boy to the groung too "You're laughing at what, huh? You can't even stand-" Before Polnareff could end the phrase a pillow hit his face "Oh no, now you asked for it!" And like that, a pillow fight starts, it doesn't take too long for Jotaro and Joseph get involved too.
You and Avdol can't help but laugh at all this situation: "Everyone was so stressed out about what we gonna face...Is really good to see that a simple moment like that can bring up smiles, isn't it?" He have a soft smile on his face.
You two keep talking while laughter echoes in the background, the mood is very light and warm, especially 'cause Avdol is beside you, is very easy for you to feel comfortable around him, even if he was a little intimidating at first.
Suddenly you spot a picture of you and your family behind some of your papers. In this moments the laughs seems to fade and you stop. It can't be helped, you just left whitout futher explanation and maybe never come back to they. You miss your family and worry about them.
it's almost instantly that Avdol notices your sad expression and the forming tears "Hey..." The tone of his voice is calm, but a little sad...He gentle ups your head in his direction by the chin and place a soft, warm and, especially, comforting kiss in your lips. Slowly, he distances his lips from yours keeping your chin up "I can't make the happy moments last forever neither the sad ones go away, but i really want to make you happy in all of them" His words are like honey and the look on his face is soft.
When you're opening you mouth to tell him about your feelings a pillow hits Avdol. Obviously the pillow fight won't end anytime soon, but that's okay, 'cause this moments are priceless, especially with this man by your side.
It is a pretty calm day, you and Joseph are in the town, there is not a particular reason, he just felt like having a little time alone with you, since you joined the crusaders he was very gentle and friendly with you, he says that talking and be around you is calming, after all, you and the crusaders already faced several powerful enemies and went through really stressful situations.
Your eyes spoted the window of a bakery, the good looking cakes took your attention and for a little second you stop to see them, that's when Joseph notices that you stoped waking beside him and come back to see what are tou looking at "Oh, do you want some? They look very yummy" Before you could refuse (cuz he already have spend money asf on this trip) he completes: "To be honest i was really wanting to eat something sweet these days...Cmon, let's get inside" And practically drags you inside.
There are a lot of goodies that make you eyes sparkle, they seem divine! You look for Joseph to ask what is he getting, but he is already with a bunch of food in a outdoor table waving at you.
The first one he wanted you to eat was the cake that you saw in the window; it was a strawberry cake with whippedcream and a really pretty chocolate decoration. He took a plate and cut a slice for you and him, he already took a bite. When you were reaching for yours, he stoppped you. "Now, close your eyes and say 'aaah'" You roll your eyes, but that's okay, he's with a big smile, he is happy! You're definitelly not gonna ruin this moment!
With you eyes closed you feel the cake in your mouth, so you close it, but then something soft reach your lips.
You open your eyes just to see Joseph kissing you, his lips taste like strawberry by the cake he ate. The kiss is very tender. He is with a big smile "The sweetest, isn't it?" He has a little of a joke tone in his words.
You place a hand in your lips to clean the whippedcrem he left on it, you are trying to act normal, but your face is red and now you're shy "Hey, don't worry, actually, you're the sweetest here" He is very good with words, and very good on making you feeling like a blushing mess too "You won't help me eat all this?"
Oh god, in this day you two have ate so much you could explode! But of all the sweets you tried today, Joseph is still your favorite.
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hbyrde36 · 8 months
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Chapter 9
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 ao3 link
Eddie pressed his fingers to his mouth as he walked down the front steps, still feeling the ghost of Steve's soft lips against his own. He felt like he was walking through a dream, instead of the nightmare that his life had become in the past 24 hours. Though that feeling began to drift away rapidly as he got into his fan and drove away from the trailer, and Steve and Eleven. 
Once he was alone, with nothing to distract him and no sound other than the hum of the engine, Eddie couldn't help but start spiraling, just a little. 
Could Steve have really meant what he said, when it was far more likely that he had just latched onto Eddie because he was the first person who’d helped him after two years in what was essentially captivity?
Did Steve actually like him, or was this some kind of Stockholm Syndrome thing?
No, that was for kidnappers.
Florence Nightingale syndrome?
It was a slightly better match, but it wasn’t as if he’d nursed Steve back to health or anything. 
Okay, so maybe there wasn’t a fancy name for it, but the two of them had been pulled together under wild circumstances. Was it so surprising that they might cling to each other as anchors for their respective ships in this storm?
A little, considering they were both boys and he had been 100% sure that Steve Harrington was straight, right up until the moment he’d kissed him!
Eddie knew, at least for his part, that it was more than a thing born of shared trauma. He’d been crushing on Steve for years, and had fantasized about kissing him countless times. The reality of it had been better than he could have ever imagined, too good to be true in fact, or maybe that was him projecting his own fears.  
It was a scary thing to be handed everything you ever wanted, and even more frightening to accept it when you’ve spent so long being absolutely sure that it would never be an option.
As he pulled into the high school parking lot he decided to just put the whole thing out of his mind for now, as best he could anyway. There were much more important things to worry about than his love life.
The bell rang, and he watched from his parking space as students began pouring out of the school. He spotted Mike and Will first, the two of them having grown so tall this year that they stood out from the crowd. He peered behind them, knowing Lucas and Dustin wouldn’t be far off. The four boys were rarely without each other, except when Lucas had basketball practice of course. Which he must have today, Eddie realized, when he found Dustin bringing up the rear on his own. 
He stepped out of the van and made a beeline for the boys, wanting to catch them before they got on their bikes and took off. 
“Hey shitheads!” Eddie shouted, hands formed around his mouth to boost the sound.
All three boys whipped their heads in his direction. Dustin’s expression morphed from a wide happy grin into a worried frown in an instant. Mike and Will just looked confused. Eddie jogged the last few feet to them, in a hurry to get everyone on board and get back home as soon as possible.
“Is everything okay?” Dustin asked, at the same time Mike said, “Where were you today? 
“Everything is fine” Eddie began, holding significant eye contact with Dustin, then looking at the others. “But there is something back at the trailer that I need you all to come see.”
Dustin gasped.
“What is it?” Mike asked, sounding annoyed.
Will was quiet, watching it all go down with a slightly amused smile on his face. He was definitely in the running to be Eddie’s favorite today.
“All will be revealed in due time, young Wheeler. Go throw your bikes in the back of the van. I’m gonna see if I can snatch up Sinclair before his practice starts.”
Mike opened his mouth, either to ask another question or to argue, but Dustin elbowed him in the ribs and told him to hurry up. Will had already unlocked his own bike from the rack and was walking it towards the parking lot. 
Yup, favorite kid. 
Eddie set off in the direction of the gym. He opened the door only to see Chrissy who had just come from the girls' locker room. It was perfect timing. 
She smiled at him and ran over, her sneakers squeaking on the court as she did. 
“Eddie! You weren’t in school today. You okay?”
He smiled in return. Chrissy was a literal ray of sunshine and he couldn’t help but react to that, no matter how weird his day had been.
“Yeah, I just had some family stuff to take care of.”
He scrambled for a way to ask her to come with him. If things did pan out the way they feared, she was in very real and immediate danger, and he just couldn’t imagine letting anything happen to her. 
He didn’t really want to give anything away until he could prove it, and there were too many prying eyes and ears for him to just blurt out - I found Steve Harrington in the woods! But he had to try something.
“I know you’re about to start cheer practice,” Eddie began, “But…uh, do you remember all that stuff we talked about in the library?”
Her smile faltered a bit but she nodded encouragingly.
“There’s been some developments and I'd really like to fill you in on what I found out, if you wanted to come back to my place? The boys are coming too, my cousin and his buddies.” He added quickly, worried that she might somehow take his invitation the wrong way.
Chrissy glanced nervously around the gym, and he was pretty sure she was about to agree to go, when two things happened at once. The outer doors swung open loudly, revealing Dustin, Mike, and Will, who must have gotten tired of waiting and came to look for him, he guessed, while the door to the boys locker room was also thrown wide as the entire basketball team came trotting out. They were buzzing with pent up energy and Jason Carver was at the head of the pack. 
He spotted Eddie immediately and rushed over. With no hesitation the jock planted himself between him and Chrissy.
Jason crowded Eddie as he shouted in his face, “Get away from her, freak! She doesn’t want to talk to you. What are you even doing here?”
“Jason, stop!” Chrissy shouted.
He waved her back dismissively. “No, no, it’s alright babe, I got this.”
Eddie grit his teeth, fuming, and not only because of the way Jason was talking to him, he could deal with that, but the way he was so openly dismissive of his girlfriend. Someone he was supposed to love. Chrissy deserved better.
“What is it, Munson? You like to watch the girls while they practice, huh? You got a thing for looking up their skirts?” Jason accused loudly, then lowered his voice to a sinister whisper.  “Or is it the boys locker room you’re more interested in getting a peep at?”
It was a dangerous accusation, and it unnerved Eddie a little that Jason might have suspicions about him. If he’d said what he did a little louder, there might be a lot more guys looking to jump into this fight. He tried his best to ignore it like he would any other barb, but it was an effort to keep from overreacting and rising to the bait
“Oh fuck off, you neanderthal. We were just talking.”
“What did you call me?”
Eddie looked at Chrissy over Jason's shoulder and rolled his eyes. She stifled a giggle, stopping abruptly and going wide-eyed when Jason turned his head to glance back at her.
“Don’t worry about it, Carver.” Eddie answered. “Now, if you would just kindly back the fuck up so I can finish my conversation with the lovely Ms. Cunningham here, I’ll be out of your hair in a jiffy.”
“I don’t think so. What makes you think she wants to talk to somebody like YOU anyway?”
In Eddie’s defense, it had been a long and mostly no good very bad day. He stepped into Jason, closing the very small gap that remained between them until they were almost nose to nose. 
“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” He said, jabbing the other boy in the chest with his finger.
Jason shoved Eddie away from him hard. He stumbled, but Will, Mike, and Dustin were all there to steady him.
“Stop it, Jason! He's my friend!” Crissy shouted again, still hovering but trying to stay out of the way. This time her boyfriend either didn’t hear, or completely ignored her. 
Eddie shoved Jason right back, pleased when he had to take a step back to maintain his balance. Unfortunately, Eddie hadn’t really been in that many fights. Guys usually took one look at him and backed off, assuming he carried knives and shit just because he wore leather and a battle vest. He was briefly a drug dealer, so maybe that had something to do with it too. So, he was a little unprepared for Jason cocking back a fist and punching him square in the face. 
Chrissy looked like she was about to jump on Jason’s back to stop him but suddenly Lucas was there. He caught Jason’s arm, stopping it before he could land another hit.
“I knew you weren’t really one of us Sinclair! I should never have told the coach I had a good feeling about you! I’ll have you thrown off the team for this!” Jason shouted.
He shrugged himself roughly out of Luca’s grip and walked back over to where the rest of the team was doing warm ups and pretending not to watch the drama unfolding in front of them. 
Chrissy looked torn. She watched Jason walk away, bouncing her eyes between him and Eddie as she gnawed on her bottom lip. 
“I’m sorry,” she finally said to Eddie. “I don’t know why he gets like that.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.”
She nodded a little to herself, sending a sad smile his way and turning to follow after her boyfriend. 
Eddie sighed. He’d have to let her go for now and hope that tomorrow wouldn’t be too late. He felt like an idiot, he should have known better than to approach her when that meathead was bound to be close by. 
“You good?” Lucas asked. Producing a small towel from his pocket and handing it to him to dab away the blood from his nose. 
“Yeah, sorry if I made trouble for you.” Eddie said, gesturing off towards the rest of Lucas’ teammates.”
“Don't worry about it, they all know how Jason can be. I’m sure the whole thing will be forgotten by tomorrow. What are you guys doing here anyway?”
“We need you to come with us.” Dustin butt in.
Lucas looked at all of them in turn. “Party business?”
“Don’t ask us,” Mike said, hooking a thumb in Eddie's direction. “He won't tell us shit.”
“I’ll tell you everything when we get to the trailer, I promise. We can’t talk about this here. You in, Sinclair?” Eddie asked.
“Fuck it, why not. Didn't feel like dealing with Jason’s attitude today anyway.”
“Good choice.” Eddie said, grinning. “Come on boys, let's get out of here.”
On the way back to his van, Eddie noticed Nancy and Jonathan about to get into her car. He’d thought for sure that he had taken too long and missed them, but somehow he’d gotten lucky.  Maybe the eldest Wheeler got caught up doing newspaper stuff after school. Whatever the reason, he was grateful. He told the boys to get in and trotted over to the couple.
Eddie found he had mixed feelings towards Nancy. She’d been so great about the investigation thing and told them everything they wanted to know, and she was nice about Eddie’s own reaction to it all, but there was a small part of him that bubbled up with jealousy when he thought about her and Steve being reunited. 
He knew she was with Jonathan now, and had been for a long time, much longer than she’d dated Steve, but the thought still set his teeth on edge. He shook it off, he had no reason to think they would still be interested in each other, and even if they were, it’s not like he had a claim on Steve now just because they’d made out a little bit. Nancy cared about Steve, and she deserved to know that he was alive and safe. Well, as safe as any of them were now.
“Shit, man, what happened to you?” Jonathan said as Eddie got close. He must still have some blood smeared on his face. 
Eddie shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. “A disagreement between me and one of our resident jocks. No big deal. Listen, uh, are you guys busy right now?” 
The two of them shared a look. “Not really, why?” Nancy said.
“I can’t tell you here.” He was getting really tired of saying that already. “I’m sorry to be cryptic about it, but I think you’ll understand when you see. I’m taking all the kids back to my house right now, could you follow us there? There's something I need to show all of you.”
The couple looked at eachother again, confusion clear on their faces, but for whatever reason they agreed. Probably because he already had their brothers roped into something. Oh well, he'd take it. This had all gone much easier than he thought it would, apart from the black eye he could feel forming. 
The short ride back to the trailer park was uncharacteristically quiet. Dustin remained silent, though Eddie could practically hear the thoughts churning in his head. The other boys knew at this point that Eddie wasn’t going to give in, so there was no point in questioning him on the way. 
He pulled in front of the trailer and got out, ordering the boys to stop when they tried to walk right inside, insisting they needed to wait for Nancy and Jonathan.
He and Steve hadn’t exactly planned this part but Eddie made sure to stomp his feet on the steps so that anyone inside would hear them coming. He turned to his small assembled crowd, feeling like he should give them some kind of warning. 
“So, this might be a bit of a shock. Just…everybody try to be cool, ok?”
Eddie spun back around quickly to avoid the several sets of very concerned eyes that were aimed in his direction. He opened the door and stepped inside, doing a quick sweep of the room, finding Steve and Eleven sitting at the kitchen table with Wayne. He stepped further in, letting everyone trail in after him. 
Wayne, who’d had a sandwich halfway to his mouth, let it drop from his hands to hit the plate with a little thud. He rubbed at his face muttering, “God damnit Eddie.”
Eleven didn’t seem surprised at the influx of new arrivals, Steve must have filled her in when she woke up. 
“Wait, is that?” Lucas started to ask but was cut off by Nancy’s gasp of, “Steve?!”
Steve stood, giving her a little wave. “Hey, Nance.”
She hesitated, just staring at him for a handful of seconds before stepping forward and throwing her arms around him. “You’re alive.” She murmured softly into his chest, eventually pulling away to look at his face.
“Oh my god, you’re alive!” She said again, much louder this time and with tears in her eyes. “Are you okay?” She asked, reaching up to cradle his face in her hands. 
Eddie had that feeling again. He knew it wasn’t right but he felt like she was touching something that belonged to him. He held the jealousy in, Nancy and Steve had been something to each other once upon a time, and they were entitled to this without his interference. 
Steve lightly took her hands and lowered them from his cheeks. Then he finally looked up and met Eddie’s eyes, smiling as he said, “I’m okay, Eddie’s been taking good care of me.”  
Oh and didn’t that make his stomach flutter. Eddie could feel himself blushing a little under Steve’s gaze, glad that no one was really paying attention to him. Everyone was too focused on the missing person in the room, now found, and the young girl at the table who was a stranger to all of them.
Steve broke their stare after a moment and looked around at the rest of the assembly crammed into the small space of the trailer. 
“Hey guys.” He said, nodding to the younger boys.
Dustin, he greeted by name, causing the other three to look his way accusingly. He shrugged at his friends, mouthing the word sorry while looking far too smug to mean it, before walking over to take a seat next to Eleven. 
“Hey man.” Jonathan said, finally emerging from a stunned silence as Nancy came back to stand near him. “I’m, uh, glad you’re alright.”
“So that’s it? You found Steve?!” Mike blurted out, finally losing patience. Honestly Eddie was surprised he’d lasted this long. “I mean, not that that’s not cool and all but what’s with the secrecy, and why is he here instead of with his parents or Hopper?”
Eddie finally sidled up to Steve, close but not touching like he really wanted to. He wasn’t sure how he was meant to act now in general, let alone in front of this many people, so he was happy enough just to be near the other boy. 
Steve wasn’t. 
He took that one step closer that caused their sides to brush and rested his hand on Eddie's lower back where no one else could see. “Are you still sure about this?” He murmured the question softly into Eddie’s ear. 
Eddie nodded, even as his heart started to race from the gentle touch and the feel of Steve’s breath on his skin.
“There’s a lot we need to tell you all, starting with introducing you to someone. This is Eleven. She and I have been held against our will at Hawkins lab for the past two years.”
Mike, Lucas, and Will’s jaws all dropped simultaneously. Dustin grinned from his place next to the girl. She looked a little shy suddenly with all the attention and Eddie noticed Wayne gave her a little pat on the back in support. 
As he watched the interaction, and how the girl smiled up at his uncle, it hit Eddie suddenly how lucky he was to have made it out of that place when he did. Luckier still that Claudia had found him and took him home. He could have died, or been made to spend the rest of his childhood in that place the same way Eleven had. He honestly wasn’t sure which one was worse. 
Steve and Eddie took turns telling their parts of the story and then together explained the parallels between the game and the real world. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, it didn’t take much to convince the boys that they were telling the truth. They quickly accepted the fact that much of what they had played through was real and they even took Eddie’s backstory in stride, though they had a lot of questions that he didn’t have the answers to. 
Jonathan and Nancy were a bit harder of a sell. He was quietly skeptical, while she kept trying to poke holes in everything and seemed completely unwilling to accept that anyone could have the type of power they were claiming. Finally, with a flick of her hand El sent a magazine that had been sitting on the kitchen counter flying in Nancy’s direction. She caught it on instinct, her mouth opening in a soft ‘oh’ of surprise as her brain caught up to what it had just witnessed. 
The rest of the room went dead silent at the display, save for Dustin who was giggling like an idiot at having finally seen what he’d been waiting for since the morning. He offered her a high five, which she returned with gusto, smiling wider than Eddie had ever seen her in their short acquaintance. 
Things went a lot quicker after that.
Wayne didn’t say much throughout the explanation, which wasn’t surprising to Eddie, his uncle had always been a quiet person, but he watched the man's face fall as they reached the end and had to tell of Eddie’s character's death at the hands of Vecna via the demobats.
“You boys said things don’t always go the same as your game, right? Do you think…does that mean…is that likely to happen, Eds?” Wayne's voice shook as he finally spoke. His worry for his nephew clear as day. 
“We’re honestly not sure.” Eddie admitted reluctantly.
“That’s why we wanted to tell everyone who might be involved as soon as possible,” Steve added.
“There’s more too. Fred, and Patrick were victims in the story, and Chrissy. I tried to get her to come with us but her boyfriend interrupted.” Eddie said, mostly to Steve since the others had been there. 
“Yeah! You should have seen it, Steve.” Dustin jumped in. “Eddie got a good shove in but then Jason punched him in the face.”
Wayne shook his head, grumbling softly, “Gonna have to call that school tomorrow. Ain’t right letting my boy get hit like that.”
“I’m fine.” Eddie insisted, catching his uncle’s eye.
“Jason Carver?” Steve asked, jaw tightening every so slightly.
Lucas nodded, answering him. 
Steve touched his fingers lightly to Eddie’s chin, examining his face carefully. “Did he hurt you?” He said softly. 
It was almost too much, the way Steve was looking at him, and a lump formed in Eddie’s throat. “I’m fine.” He forced out, hoping his voice sounded more normal than he felt. He swallowed hard and tried again. “I'll probably have a hell of a black eye later, but that’s all.” 
“So, what do we do now, what’s the plan?” Will asked.
Steve and Eddie shared a look. “We hadn’t really worked out much past telling everyone what we had figured out.”
“What about Max and Billy?” Lucas asked.
Steve frowned. “Who is she again?”
“Max is a girl the boys tried to make friends with, she and her shitty brother, Billy Hargrove, moved here the fall after you got taken.” Eddie explained.
“What do you mean, tried to make friends?” Steve asked.
“We were all hanging out at the arcade once, a few days after we met Max.  Billy showed up early to pick her up. He saw her and Lucas holding hands and he freaked out.” Dustin said. “I’m pretty sure if we weren’t in public he would have killed lucas.”
“Yeah, he said some pretty messed up stuff.” Will added.
Lucas sighed sadly. “She wouldn’t talk to us again after that.” 
Will patted him on the arm. “She doesn’t talk to anyone, Lucas. It’s not your fault.” 
“He’s right.” Mike agreed. “She always acts pissed off, but sometimes when she thinks no one is looking her eyes go all sad. I don’t think she has any friends.”
Eddie didn’t like the sound of that. “So, she’s alone, and possibly depressed.” He pointed out, looking at Steve.
“And If Henry picks his victims like you said, then…” Steve trailed off.
“She’s screwed.” Eddie finished the thought. “Do any of you dipshits know where this girl lives?”
The younger boys all shook their heads, they didn't know.
“Cherry Street.” Wayne answered out of nowhere. 
Everyone including Eddie stared at him for a moment in surprise. 
How and why the hell did Wayne, of all people, know where this girl lived?
“That boy you were talking about, the racist one? I know his old man, Neil. He’s a supervisor at the plant and a real piece of work, apple doesn’t fall far, y’know? You go get that girl, but be careful.”
Eddie gaped at his uncle. “You’re seriously on board for this?”
Wayne laughed. “As if I could stop you. You boys go, I'll handle things when Jim gets here.” He paused to check his watch. “Which should be any time now. Probably better if you stay out for a while and let me explain to him what’s going on. He’s gonna blow his stack.”
“Jonathan and I can stay and help you explain it to him, Mr. Munson. If that’s okay with you?” Nancy offered.
“It’s fine with me, and please call me Wayne.”
Steve wanted El to stay behind too. She wasn’t happy about being left out while her brother put himself in danger, but she agreed once Eddie promised to keep an eye on him for her. It was decided that the four younger boys would go along with Steve and Eddie to the Mayfield/Hargrove house, because at least she knew them a little from school, and it would be less creepy than two older boys showing up alone unannounced. 
They were getting ready to leave when there was a knock on the trailer door. Eddie, thinking it was Hopper coming early, opened it without hesitation. 
It wasn’t the police chief, it was Chrissy Cuningham. 
She started profusely apologizing the second he opened the door, but stopped abruptly in the middle of her speech and let out a loud gasp when she spotted Steve hovering behind him.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you found him!” Chrissy cried out.
Eddie took her by the hand and pulled her inside, he didn’t want to risk his neighbor overhearing anything. “Actually, he sorta found me.” Eddie told her. 
She smiled brightly at Steve and hugged him before turning back to Eddie. “Is this what you wanted to tell me?”
“This, and a lot more actually.”
Chrissy looked around, finally taking notice of just how many people were inside the small home. 
“Why don’t we take her with us?” Steve suggested. “I think I can explain it to her on the way.”
Eddie shrugged and looked at Chrissy. “You up for a little field trip?” 
Dustin called shotgun. Eddie would have preferred to make the trip with Steve sitting by his side, but he and Chrissy had crawled into the far rear of the van so they could talk, giving the back seat to the other boys. 
The whole way there Eddie couldn’t stop staring through the rear-view mirror at the two of them huddled together. It wasn’t a jealousy thing this time, it was the fact that Steve kept catching his eye in the reflection, and smiling in a way that would’ve made his knees give out if he wasn’t already sitting down.  
When he almost missed a turn for the second time, Dustin elbowed him hard in the side. “Eyes on the road, Romeo.” He kept his voice low enough that Eddie didn’t worry about the other boys hearing it over the music, but he still blushed and swatted at the kid’s arm. “Shut up!”
It turned out that Chrissy knew exactly where the house was, since Billy had been on the basketball team with Jason before he graduated. They parked a few doors down, trying to scope out the situation a little before going in. 
It looked like the kids' parents must be out, as the driveway was empty, but a blue camaro that Eddie knew belonged to Billy was parked out in the street. That was going to be a problem. He had known better than to hope that the girl would be home alone but he still didn’t have any idea how they were going to do this.
“What if I went up to the door and distracted him?” Chrissy offered.
“Yeah! And then we can sneak around the back and find her window or something!” Lucas said.
Eddie chewed on his thumbnail, thinking. “If me or Steve get caught sneaking in a young girl's window we’ll get arrested.” 
Honestly if they got caught doing this, getting arrested for that would be the least of their worries. 
“You two can stay here then and keep watch. We got this.” Dustin said.
Eddie didn’t like it but he didn’t have any better ideas, so he reluctantly agreed. At least it was dark out now, so the kids had a decent chance of not being seen. 
Chrissy slipped out the back door of the van, and they all watched as she walked up to the front door and rang the bell. It didn’t take long for the door to open, revealing Billy, silhouetted in the doorway by the lights inside the house. They weren’t close enough to hear what was said but just based on the guy's body language she must have been doing something right. He leaned against the doorframe with his hip, smirking at her as he listened to whatever it was she was saying. 
They didn’t know how long she’d be able to keep it up so the boys quickly spilled out, going through a neighboring backyard to come up behind Max’s house. 
With everyone else now gone, Steve climbed over the back seats and settled in next to Eddie, taking his hand right away and squeezing it. It would have been romantic, holding hands with Steve in the quiet dark, had they not been so worried about the others and what could go wrong. 
About five or ten minutes had gone by since the boys had left the van, and Billy was still happily chatting with Chrissy by the front door. Eddie should have known that things couldn’t be this easy, that something was about to go wrong. 
Out of nowhere, all of the lights in the house began to flicker wildly. Eddie’s heart sank. It had to mean what he thought it meant, there was no way it was a coincidence. They’d almost been too late, still might be if they didn’t get in there right now and try to help the poor girl.
Without a word he and Steve both leaped from the car, perfectly in sync about what needed to be done, and ran for the house. Chrissy was already looking in their direction, a panicked look on her face. Billy was distracted looking around at the blinking lights. Neither of them stopped or slowed their steps as they approached the door to the home, pushing right past a bewildered Billy and into the house beyond. He recovered quickly, following closely at their heels and shouting at them to get the fuck out of his house. 
Eddie could hear distantly that Chrissy was trying to stop him or distract him, but he couldn’t concentrate on what was being said. They needed to find the girl. 
Thankfully the house was small and the second door they tried turned out to be her bedroom. It was a crazy scene. The young redhead was standing in the middle of her room stock still, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. He could see the boys standing on the other side of the window, they were banging on the glass and shouting. It looked like she'd been walking towards the window to talk to them when the attack started.
Finally Billy fought his way into the room. Eddie was sure that under normal circumstances fists would be flying by this point, but with the lights flashing and his sister having some sort of episode, it was chaos, and the guy didn’t seem to know how to respond to it all. 
“Music right?” Steve said.
“Yeah, let’s just hope it works. Everybody look for a walkman!”
Chrissy, Steve, and Eddie started to tear the room apart as Billy continued to shout.
“What are you doing to her?! You better get the fuck out before I call the cops”
Chrissy quickly found it lying on the girl's bed half obscured beneath a throw blanket. She shoved it in Eddie's direction. He popped it open, and after all of this he was still somehow surprised to find that the tape she’d last listened to was in fact Hounds of Love by Kate Bush. He shook his head, rewinding the tape to the start of the last song that had been played before shoving the headphones over the girl’s ears. 
He heard more than saw Steve bodily shoving Billy out of the room. Eddie was worried about him getting hurt, but he had to trust that he could handle it. Eddie had his hands full trying to save this girl. Once she was okay he could worry about everything else. 
The song began, the volume loud enough that it could be heard in the room which had grown quiet in Billy's absence. When Eddie had envisioned this moment, the young girl’s first battle with Vecna, it had been to the soundtrack of Running up that Hill. Though he was a metal guy first and foremost, he enjoyed all kinds of music, and was able to appreciate Kate Bush for her theatricality. He didn’t know why that was the song his mind conjured up, had never thought to question it. That wasn’t the song that was currently blasting out of the girl’s headphones now, however Jig of Life felt more than appropriate under the circumstances. 
🎵I'll be sitting in your mirror Now is the place where the crossroads meet Will you look into the future Never, never say goodbye To my part of your life🎵
“Come on, Red. You can do this.” Eddie murmured, shaking the girl by the shoulders. He wasn’t sure if she could hear him, and even if she could, he didn't know what he could possibly say to help her fight this thing. 
🎵No, no, no, no Oh-oh-oh-oh let me live She said come on and let me live, girl She said come on and let me live, girl Come on, let me live This moment in time, she said It doesn’t belong to you”🎵
The lights stopped flickering so suddenly that it was jarring, and in the same moment Max’s eyes shot open. She gasped as if rising out of a deep pool of water, swaying on her feet, and would have fallen if Chrissy hadn’t been there to catch her. Max grabbed on to Chrissy's arms, gripping tight as her breath came in short gasps. She looked frantically around the room searching for a danger that was no longer there.
“You’re okay, you’re okay. It’s over. I got you.” Chrissy rocked the girl gently, murmuring comforting words into her hair over and over again as she fought to control her breathing.
Now that Max was free, Eddie finally tuned in to the noise happening in the rest of the house, and he could hear that the raised voices in the other room had reached a fever pitch. It wasn’t only Steve and Billy that could be heard now, but the younger boys as well. 
He locked eyes with Chrissy over Max’s head. “Stay with her, I'll be right back.”
She nodded rapidly. “Go! Help them!”
Eddie rushed out to the hallway and found everyone in the living room. Steve was in the middle of it, the only thing standing between an enraged psychopath and the four younger boys. From what he heard, it sounded like Steve had been trying to explain to Billy some of what was going on, but he was refusing to listen. Then the boys had come bursting in, and Hargrove took one look at Lucas and lost it. 
Billy had his back to Eddie, so the asshole didn't see it coming when he creeped up behind him, snatched a commemorative plate right off the wall, and smashed it over his head. Unfortunately, it didn’t knock the guy out like he had planned, but it did send him to the floor. Eddie jumped on him, holding his upper body down, while Steve quickly got the idea and took hold of his legs. Eddie yelled at the boys to find some rope or anything they could use to tie him up with. They returned quickly with a handful of zip ties and a roll of duct tape. They made it work, finishing the job off with an extra piece of tape over Billy’s mouth for good measure. 
Chrissy and Max chose that moment to come out of the young girl’s bedroom, both staring open mouthed at the scene before them.  Max’s eyes were wide but sparkled with amusement as she watched her step-brother struggle against his bonds.
“What are you going to do with him?” Chrissy asked.
“I have no idea, but at least we shut him up for now.” Steve said between heaving breaths. He sat down on the floor hard, using the hem of his shirt to dab the blood from his split lip. Eddie tried not to stare at the strip of exposed skin that the move had caused, but it was a losing battle. He knew it was fucked up to ogle the poor guy while he was bleeding, but he felt less bad about it when he realized that Steve was watching him right back, eyes full of intense desire. Apparently seeing Eddie smash a plate over some douchebag's head had really done something for him. 
Dustin cleared his throat loudly, purposefully, interrupting the moment before either of them could do or say something they might regret in front of all these people. Eddie didn’t know whether to thank him for it or throttle him. 
Lucas was the first to approach Max, the other boys following close behind him.
“Are you okay?” Lucas asked. The tender expression on the kid’s face told Eddie that his little crush on the redhead hadn’t dimmed at all since that awful night at the arcade. 
Max gave him a small smile. “I have no idea what's going on or how you and your weird friends got me out of there, but yeah, I’m okay.” She said.
Chrissy stayed by Max’s side even as the boys swooped in to try and cheer her up, the poor girl was still clinging to her hand like a lifeline.
“Maybe we should take him back to the trailer with us, Hopper should be there by now. Maybe he can hold him for something down at the police station?” Steve suggested, mostly aiming the idea at Eddie since the others were occupied. 
“That’s not a bad idea.” Eddie agreed. He offered a hand to help Steve. He took it, letting the touch linger a little longer than necessary once he was on his feet.
Eddie raised his voice to be heard over the small roar of all the younger boys talking at once. “Hey Red, you got a problem with us kidnapping your shitty stepbrother?”
“No.” Max answered quickly, then hesitated before continuing, “but uh, I don't think I want to be alone right now. Can you take me too?”
Chrissy released the girl’s hand in favor of wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she said, “I think you’d better come with us anyway so we can try to explain what’s happening to you.”
Eddie caught her eye and nodded in agreement. “We’re definitely not all going to fit in my van this time. Maybe we could take two trips?”
“One of you could drive Billy’s car. I know where his keys are.” Max supplied helpfully. Eddie was really starting to like this kid. 
Together, he and Steve managed to pick Billy up to carry him to the car, the others going out ahead to keep watch and open doors. Halfway down the front yard, their captive started thrashing violently, causing them to drop him to the ground. Luckily for Billy, the lawn was pretty lush and probably cushioned his fall well enough, though Eddie sincerely hoped he hurt something in the fall. 
They were working on getting him back up, Mike and Lucas now helping now too, when Eddie heard a rustle in the bushes separating Max’s house from her neighbor’s.
The last thing they needed right now was for some nosy housewife to spot them in the middle of - whatever this was - and call the police.
Eddie shushed the group and had them lay Billy back down on the ground. He crept over to where he’d heard the noise. It was very dark in the side yard, since Max’s house didn’t have any outside lights other than the single bulb on the porch. He squinted as he got close, trying to see if there was really someone there or if it was just a raccoon, only to get blinded as the creeper turned on a flashlight that was aimed directly in his face. 
“Jesus H. Christ,'' Eddie shouted, stepping backwards as he threw his hands up to shield his eyes, and proceeded to trip over a branch and fall flat on his ass. 
Steve was at his side quickly, making sure he was okay, and helping him up.
The mystery person with the offending flashlight had also come out of hiding. Eddie blinked a few times, trying to force his eyes to adjust. It took a second, but once they did he realized they were standing face to face with Robin Buckley.
“What are you doing?!” She asked accusingly.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Eddie insisted.
She crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing the two of them curiously. “So...you don’t have Billy Hargrove trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, and you and your merry band of freshman, along with whoever else, aren't getting ready to take him and his step sister god knows where?”
Eddie sighed. “Okay, it’s exactly what it looks like, but I swear we have a really good reason.”
“We’re not trying to hurt anyone.” Steve added.
Robin tilted her flashlight up again, shining it directly in Steve's face this time. 
“Wait a second…Harrington?! I thought you were missing!” She all but shrieked.
Eddie slapped his hand over her mouth as he said, “Technically, he is still missing. It’s a long story.”
Robin glared hard and he lowered his hand for self preservation.
He turned to Steve, they hadn’t really talked about bringing Robin into things. She had mostly served as Steve’s side-kick in the game, and she wasn’t a victim of Vecna’s. She also wasn’t friends with anyone in the party, Eddie knew her from band but that was all. Now he wondered if there was some reason why, out of all the people in Hawkins, he had chosen her to be NPC-Steve’s best friend.
Steve seemed to read his mind. “You want to tell her?”
Eddie shrugged. “At this point we might as well.”
“I really love the way you’re talking about me like I'm not here, guys. Doing wonders for my belief that what you're doing has no nefarious purpose.” Robin said, clearly rolling her eyes despite the fact that they could barely see her.  
“Look, we can explain everything, but you’ll have to come with us.” 
She stared at the two of them, then looked towards the gaggle of kids behind them keeping watch over Billy. Finally, her eyes settled on Chrissy, going just a little wide as she recognized the cheerleader. 
Oh, that was interesting.
“Okay, fine.” She said. “ But if anything happens to me I will haunt your asses!.”
Chapter 10
Thank you @penny00dreadful for beta reading once again!
Taglist: @yeahhhh-suga @steddie-there @goinsteddie @brbsoulnomming @the-s-is-silent @paintsplatteredandimperfect @estrellami-1 @herebedragons404 @epiclazershark @mentallyundone @hardboiledleggs @manda-panda-monium @ellietheasexylibrarian @sofadofax @5ammi90 @bestwifehaver @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @soaringornithopter @buckleybarnes @adaed5 @goodolefashionedloverboi
As always, i'm happy to add or remove anyone from the taglist. Just let me know!
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canyon-tale · 11 months
Long time no see :3
I come with new questions!
* what claims does Error have?
* what do the bad sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
* i'd love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
* is Ink romantically involved with anyone? is he aroace like canon?
* does Geno exist? what is he like? does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
* do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
Happy to see you back, I always love answering your questions :D
Gonna stick them under a Read More again, but enjoy and let me know if you have any follow up questions! <3
What claims does Error have?
Error is a bit of a mix bag of magic elements tbh, mostly cuz I want to include all his eye colours XD His main claim is Carnage, and he is a demi god of that element to aid the Maid of Bones. He has a light and water sub claims as well, most likely due to either carrying or having absorbed magic items. He also has a slight connection to the Void, but he’s also terrified of the Void realm and magic.
What do the bad Sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
They were VERY suspicious about Epic when they realised who he was and that Cross had picked him as a talonmate. Epic is technically Cross’ first mate, he just didn’t talk about Epic to the others because while he loves them it was also kind of nice to disconnect from the Nights and Stars from time to time. Cross is probably the most relaxed and dorky when with Epic because Epic gives the same energy back.
When the other’s did find out about their relationship they were all basically like over protective parents, following Epic around, doing background checks, questioning him once Cross actually invited him to the dens, etc. Epic was none too phased about it, but Cross was a bit embarrassed XD
Even while they were all cold towards him at first they all eventually warmed up to him. Nightmare was the last, but when Cross came to him to ask if he could help with Epic’s eye and nightmares he kind of developed a soft spot for him.
Epic actually ends up joining the Night flight eventually! The other’s are very relaxed and open minded so they never take issue with them becoming heartmates despite not wanting eggs together.
I’d love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
Blue is a lightning guardian! He was very determined to join the royal flight and capture a human someday, but those ideas changed when he came across a few books about dragons and human riders. He’s been enamoured by the idea of having a human partner ever since, but he still keeps up the act of wanting to fight one instead.
His brother is a fire scout who was sure Blue would end up as a nurse due to his sweet and caring character, and was a little alarmed when Blue started growing scales and became a guardian. Little Blue is very determined to be a royal guard after all uvu
Is Ink romantically involved with anyone? Is he aroace like canon?
He is aroace! He’s technically talonmates with Dream and Blue, but it’s more a queer platonic relationship and doesn't follow the traditional definition of talons. He’s of course also thornmates with Error, and I’m playing with the idea of him being at least wingmates with Cross since I like the two of them having some kind of bond.
Does Geno exist? What is he like? Does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
He does! He’s stuck in the Void but I haven’t thought too much of his side of the story yet. I think I’d like him to have some kind of connection to Fresh and Error, probably mostly Fresh at the start since I can see Error being terrified of the Void.
Do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
No, mostly cuz there are no biological males and females since the dragons are hermaphrodites. There’s definitely dragons with similar traits though, they’re just more randomly genetic than anything else.
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commanderthalys · 8 months
Ro’wynne and her relationships with the rest of the firstborn
Doing all of this under the cut bc it’s gonna be a long ass post
Wynn thought it was fun that she shared part of a name with Ro, and used to joke that Ro’wynne quite literally wasn’t complete without her. While Ro was watching over her siblings in the night Wynn would often come and sit quietly with her, when unable to sleep due to the secret she carried (I think it weighed really heavily on her). Ro never pried but it seemed that was enough for Wynn. They rarely held an actual conversation yet always seemed to be close due to their dream connection. Ro doesn’t know the truth about Caithe killing her and I don’t think will ever know. She pleaded with Wynn not to leave, they had already lost Riannoc, but Wynn had reassured her before leaving that she’s be alright.
Ro and Caithe have had a strained relationship due to many different factors. She loves Caithe, but was very upset at how she treated the secondborn sylvari. She then went with Caithe to rescue the second born that were captured by asura and stayed with them while Caithe pursued Wynn. She sees her sister as selfish due to her secretive nature, and Caithe thought she was cold due to her rough personality. Over time Ro does gain an admiration for her efforts against the elder dragons. They don’t get along very well but do love each other even if they have a hard time communicating that. Post mordrem corruption they haven’t seen much of each other.
Ro admires his position as a diplomat but worries a lot about him. When he first left to study away from the grove she gave him a thorn from her armor to remember her by, and to use in emergencies. She tried to teach him how to defend himself before he left, and the thorn was as close as she could get to being there herself to keep him safe. They write letters to each other somewhat often and he tells her about his studies abroad. I think this quote from him
“A true sylvari should have two hearts: one soft and pliable as hot wax, and the other as hard and impenetrable as an icy diamond. The first, he should show to his companions, the second, to his enemy. Woe to the one for whom the two are the same.” Is inspired by her.
He writes more to her post mordrem recovery, she can’t really travel so he tries to bring bits of the world to her.
it sounds like Faolin’s always been a little shit in many respects from what I’ve read lmao. She used to mess with Ro’wynne and test her patience when they were saplings. After the Wynn incident Ro’s connection to the dream allowed her to feel her mother’s bitterness towards Faolin, and although she didn’t know what had happened, she stuck with the Pale Tree. Once Faolin created the court and started tormenting the rest of her kind though, all bets were off. Ro’wynne’s only left the grove a few times in her life prior to HoT, and she went with Caithe to twilight arbor to put a stop to Faolin’s nightmare. By the end they hated each other, only for mordremoth to corrupt them both.
In a sick twist, Faolin was turned into the vinetooth creature by Mordrem Champion Ro’wynne. As mordrem they worked together to try and take down destiny’s edge, which ended with Caithe killing Faolain as we know. She does not miss Faolain but does regret not doing better in trying to help her against nightmare.
these two are very very close. Ro’wynne was the protector of everything Kahendins built. She’s so proud of him, she used to quietly sit by him as he would explain his plans to build a new house, or a new defense for the grove. He greatly enjoys her company and they live together, even though Ro has her own place now (I imagine she used to stay with him in the early days, and even after he shaped a house for her she stayed. He doesn’t mind).
Post mordrem he helps her heal and they do a lot of things together. They built a garden and he also built a quiet little spot for her to get away from all the noise when she needs it.
he was the Riannoc incident before the Riannoc incident and the reason Ro’wynne is so overprotective. She blames herself for not being there to prevent the asura experimenting on him. They weren’t super close but whenever he had nightmares after coming back she’d always be there as a shoulder for him to cry on. She’s one of the only people he makes an exception for, in being allowed to interrupt his studies. Mainly because she’s quiet and he knows she won’t bother him. Maybe also because he feels safer sometimes knowing she’s watching his back.
her baby brother, she loved him so much. His cheerful and outgoing personality would bring the hidden side of her out, and he would playfully mess with her as she watched over the grove. He looked up to her example as a warden for the grove, but when he decided to pursue Mazdak she begged him not to. Even when the Pale Tree gave him Caladbolg Ro’wynne feared for him. After the death of her brother Ro’wynne began taking her role as warden much more seriously, the first death of a sylvari was a great shock to everyone and she was going to do her best to prevent more of them.
due to his time spent away from the grove they never grew very close. Her connection to the dream allowed her to check on him from far away, and on nights he was lonely in Orr, he’d still find himself able to fall asleep feeling safe. At the world summit during lws2 he saw her flee with the mordrem and later he caught glimpses of her as a mordrem, ravaging the pact. They don’t see each other for years and he assumes she’s dead until he visits the grove and learns about her recovery. They still haven’t talked though, he’s been busy with his own life and he’s not quite sure how he’ll be able to handle seeing her, the one that killed so many of his soldiers and turned many more. She likewise is afraid of him, he was the pact marshal and he ordered cannons to be fired against her. She of course understands his reasons but those thoughts still linger.
they’re pretty close after HoT. Aife had always seen her as a distant figure (most did) but she was one of the firstborn, along with Niamh, who first met her post mordrem. Due to her position as a luminary the two don’t see each other often but try to spend as much time as they can together when they have it.
Niamh officially founded the wardens as a group, and Ro’s been one since the start. The two of them are very alike when it comes to being protectors, and Niamh understands a lot of Ro’s reasoning for many things. As saplings the two would bicker over who should be the one to keep watch, etc, and Ro would often win just due to her imposing presence. However, the two do love each other. Post HoT Niamh is very wary of letting a mordrem into the grove, but over time the two are able to regain trust with each other.
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jadeoxfordrose · 5 months
OTP asks: 5, 10, 11 for your favorite ship that has you in a stranglehold!
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So I'm gonna answer these for one of my TTRPG OCs, Thea, and her paramour Adelaide (an NPC). For a little context, the game where I play her is Court of Blades which is a Forged in the Dark system focused on interpersonal relationships, political intrigue & the interplay of the noble houses as you play a retainer for one of said houses. It's very Game of Thrones meets the Borgias in fantasy renaissance Venice.
I won't go into full details of the backstory but while Della is *mechanically* Thea's paramour, the two of them are still in the longing/yearning part of the relationship - yes they are both in love with each other, no they haven't actually said those exact words to each other yet. It is complicated of course by the fact that Della is currently married to Thea's former husband who did try to kill her 12 years ago and until very recently believed he had been successful. And Della is pregnant with his baby. Like I said, it's complicated lol.
With that in mind, I'm gonna approach answering these as if the two were already at a more established point in the relationship :))
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? Of the two, Thea is the one who struggles with nightmares more often. I can see Della putting Thea's arms around her, letting Thea hold on to her as tight as she needs to, hands resting over Della's heart and the two of them just breathing together until Thea feels ready to talk (if she wants) or fall back asleep. Then Della turns to face her, hands wrapped around one of Thea's, so she can fall asleep knowing Della is there.
5. Describe their cozy night in. Baby settled for the light, the two of them curled up together on a big pile of cushions or a conversation pit style seating arrangement. Thea working on some embroidery or sewing something, Della working on research or reading aloud to Thea.
10. Describe their first date. Arguably it was Thea bringing Della a picnic that they got to share in the vineyard in late summer, the heat of the sun kept at bay by the shade of one of the trees that are peppered through the arbor.
If they were to do an official first date? A walk through the artist's quarter, listening to music and watching performers, small gifts being bought and a meal as the sun goes down, making the canals look like they are shining pink and gold.
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? Thea definitely does, a habit born of necessity, and while she isn't there quite yet, Della will get to that point soon. Roles reversed, I think Della does it less/is less practiced at it and Thea can usually tell right away. (Her inability to realize Della was in love in her is due to other factors, Thea is usually pretty emotionally perceptive.)
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. I don't know if I have found the song that does it perfectly but if I think about them while listening to First Light by Hozier, it's like being body slammed with feels lol.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing? Thea for Della: Long floaty dress in a light but rich colour, soft outer layer, well worn boots. Comfort is first priority, but also a mixture of pretty and practical. (Della has had to dress to social expectations for a long while, Thea doesn't want or expect that from her.) Della for Thea: Genuinely not sure, I kind of want to ask the GM lol. I could see it being something simple, without all the layers of (mostly metaphorical) armor Thea wears, a sign that Thea was safe enough to not need them.
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway? Della is making dinner and dancing, Thea would watch for a little while (probably until she's spotted) then join her because Della would absolutely hold out a hand to her and Thea is always going to take it. Thanks for the questions @emilykaldwen and @homosociallyyours <3
OTP Asks!
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Presumed Dead (Part 1)
Fandom: DC, The Suicide Squad, Rick Flag, f!reader
Word Count: 6384
TW: Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Torture, Capture/ Held Prisoner, Slight Mind Break, Guns, Internal Bleeding, Suicidal Thoughts, Bodily Changes Due to Starvation/Malnutrition, and I reserve the right to not tag all warnings so you have been warned! This is a DARK fic with dark themes and images. Please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable. It's dark, but it is also one of my favorite things I have ever written! 💖
Part 1, Part 2 (coming soon), ??? (coming soon)
Series Masterlist
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Running across the battlefield, Rick passed the motionless bodies of both his men and the enemy as he desperately searched for his lieutenant. The last time he had spotted you, you had been shooting at three knife-wielding attackers when your gun clicked empty. Your eyes had met Rick’s for just a brief second before he was overwhelmed by his own enemies. 
Rick hissed as he applied more pressure to the deep wound on his shoulder that was currently gushing blood through his fingers, but he ignored the pain as he continued his search. He had to find you before you became just another one of the bodies scattered around him.
A noise from his left caught his attention and Rick rushed off towards the sound. It led him to a platform overhanging the cliff. As he approached, he could make out a lone figure fighting off two others, and even before he could make out your face, Rick knew it was you. He would recognize your fighting style anywhere.
He pulled his gun from its holster and was taking aim just as both attackers collapsed to the floor, their blood now dripping from your knife. You let it clatter to the floor as you straightened up, trying to catch your breath. Rick could see some superficial cuts on your neck and face, but nothing looked too serious. He let out a soft sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if he had lost you.
You glanced up, instantly dropping into a fighting stance at the sound of him approaching. But then you relaxed and grinned when you saw it was only him. “As usual, you only show up after I’ve taken care of everyone.”
Rick shook his head and smirked at you. “I knew you could handle yourself, darlin’. You always do.”
“I had an excellent teacher,” you said as your grin softened into something more tender.
He knew that was just empty praise. When the two of you had been introduced three years ago, you were already one of the best soldiers Rick had ever met. It was no wonder he fell in love with you almost instantly. The part that still baffled and amazed Rick was that you loved him in return.
You took a step towards him just as you heard a metallic “click”. Both of your heads snapped towards the noise. There, leaning against the support cables for the platform, a wounded enemy soldier held up a grenade in one hand and the pin in the other. He smiled weakly before his head slumped to the side and the grenade slid to the floor.
Rick screamed out your name, but it was too late. The grenade exploded, the blast destroying the support cables instantly. Your eyes, wide with fear, once again met Rick’s for just a moment as you reached out your hand for his. But then the platform collapsed into the abyss below, and you vanished along with it.
Rick collapsed to his knees, staring blankly at the spot you had been standing mere seconds before, hoping beyond hope you would somehow come climbing back over the edge of the cliff. But you never reemerged. You were gone. And you had taken his heart with you.
Rick groaned as he slowly dragged himself from unconsciousness and attempted to roll over. His head was pounding, and his entire body felt oddly weak and sluggish. He tried to think back to what had happened before this moment and where he was, but all he could remember was his nightmare. After three months, he still hadn’t had a single night’s sleep where he didn’t relive the moment you had plummeted to your death. He should have been faster, he should have saved you.
But since he had let you down in life, he had sworn he wouldn’t do the same in death. For the past three months, he had spent every moment tracking down the men who were responsible for your death. Which was how he had ended up here.
It all came rushing back. He had found a lead on the remaining men he was tracking and when Waller had refused to sanction his investigation, he had gone rogue and broken out Harley and Harkness to help him. But when they had arrived at the supposed location, they had gotten separated. And the next thing Rick knew, he was surrounded by enemy soldiers, and something had slammed into the back of his head. That was the last thing he could remember.
As he forced his eyes open, Rick realized he was in a small jail cell. Groaning once more, he sat up on the small cot he had been lying on and looked around, trying to locate the best means of escaping.
His cell had two doors. One led into the main room with another door, presumably to the outer hallway, and one that led directly into the adjacent cell. That cell was almost three times as large as his and appeared to be empty. Unfortunately, neither door seemed like it would be easy to escape from. Rick cursed softly to himself.
“Welcome back, Colonel. It’s been a while.” Rick froze at the sound of the familiar voice that had just called out to him. But it couldn’t be. You were dead…. Weren’t you?
The voice languidly continued. “Normally you show up every few days, but this time it’s been what? Almost a week? I thought maybe you were gone for good. Wasn’t sure whether to sob or rejoice.”
“Darlin’?” Rick called out hesitantly, his voice catching in his throat as he scanned the outer room and the other cell, trying to locate where your voice was coming from. He had watched you fall a hundred feet – you couldn’t have survived that – yet he’d know your voice anywhere. It sent a spark straight to his heart, restarting it after three long months.
Finally, he noticed a shape huddled in the far corner of the cell next to his. At first, he hadn’t noticed it because the gray blanket wrapped around the form blended in with the cell walls. But then Rick saw it shift slightly, and he realized what he was looking at.
Still unable to believe the miracle before him, he repeated himself, “Darlin’? Hey, it’s me. Rick. How are you here? I saw you fall…. I-I thought I’d lost you.”
“You did lose me. Then I lost me. Now, I don’t really know if there’s anything left for someone to find.”
Rick’s brow furrowed in confusion as he gazed at the back of your head while you continued to stare at the wall beside you, seemingly indifferent to his presence. He moved closer to the bars dividing your two cells. “I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. Darlin’, would you please just look at me?”
As you let out a long sigh, Rick couldn’t understand why you weren’t reacting to the fact he was here. Sure, you were both still prisoners, but just the fact the two of you had somehow managed to be reunited after your supposed death should be enough to warrant some sort of reaction: happy to see him, mad he had stopped looking for you, sad he had been captured too – something! But instead, you just continued to stare at the wall.
Rick drew himself up to his full height, and in his most authoritative voice, barked, “Lieutenant! You will look at me. Now! That is an order!”
You scoffed. “You know, even like this, you know how to get your way.” And you turned to look at him.
Rick nearly collapsed as he took in the person in front of him. There were cuts and bruises scattered across your face and neck in various stages of healing, and it looked as if your nose had been broken at some point. Your hair was a matted, greasy mess as if it hadn’t been taken care of for weeks, if not longer. Your eyes stared at him with a dull, foggy heaviness to them that made it seem as if you were staring through him, not at him. Your face had grown gaunt and thin, so painfully thin, while your skin looked as if it hadn’t seen the sun since the day you disappeared – but it was you. It was really you.
Breathlessly, Rick whispered, “It’s true….. You’re really here….”
You chuckled, the sound slightly off, almost unhinged. “But you’re not really here. You’re dead. Or I’m dead? I never remember which one. But I guess I can’t be dead if I’m still in this much pain all the time. Unless this is hell? Actually, that would make a lot of sense….”
As you continued to ramble on about the likelihood that this was hell, Rick could only stare at you in horror. “Oh my god… What have they done to you?”
“Torture,” you said matter of factually as if you had just told him the time. “And drugs. Oh, so many drugs. And none of the fun kinds either. No, just the ones that make my insides burn all night or the ones that turn my brain to mush for days or the ones that make me violently sick for hours …… or the ones that make me see you. Those are the worst. Because for just a moment, every damn time, I let myself believe you are real. But you’re never real. This isn’t real.”
“This time I am. I’m here, I swear. And I’m gonna get you out.”
You shrug, completely unphased by his statement. “That’s what you always say. Though it is strange because they didn’t give me any drugs yet today, so I don’t know why I’m seeing you. Maybe I finally snapped for good. Honestly, I’m surprised I lasted this long. What’s it been, two, maybe three weeks?”
Rick’s blood ran cold. “Darlin’….. You’ve been gone for three months.”
He watched a look of panic cross your face as the reality of the situation hit you. “No… No, that’s not possible. I’ve been keeping track.”
As you rose carefully to your feet, the blanket that you had wrapped around yourself fell to the floor. Rick couldn’t contain his gasp of devastation. If he thought you had looked thin before, it was nothing compared to seeing you fully. You were still wearing the same white tank top you had been wearing under your tac gear when you disappeared, but it was now stained a brownish red with dirt and layers of dried blood. Where it had once fit snuggly over your form, it was now loose and baggy. You had a different pair of pants on than before, but even tied tightly at your narrow waist, they threatened to slip past your boney hips that were now protruding sharply from either side of your body. Ever since the day Rick had met you, you had always been toned and fit for combat, your arms firm and muscular. But now, all of that was gone as your skin was stretched tightly over nothing but bone.
But almost more heartbreaking than your transformation were the marks covering your body. Bruises of various ages and colors covered your skin in a rainbow of reds, yellows, purples, and blues. And littered amongst them were a multitude of cuts and slashes, some fresh and still slightly oozing while others had already left nasty scars. As you crossed the cell to your cot, Rick noticed your very pronounced limp, which slowed your progress. When you began to examine the wall beside the bed, he could just barely make out small tally marks carved into the surface. And as you ran your hand over them as you silently counted, he noticed how cracked, chipped, and bloody your fingernails looked. It was instantly and painfully clear how you had made those marks.
As you finished counting, you looked confused, as if the number didn’t seem right. And Rick had to admit, it looked like there was only a fraction of your time recorded there. But then, you pushed the cot aside, exposing another part of the wall. A part that was completely covered by your crude marks.
You stumbled back, your eyes growing wide and frantic at the sight of just how long you had truly been here. But then, that same foggy expression slowly fell across your face once more, and in a soft voice, you said, “Well…. as they say, time flies when you’re having fun. I guess I just forgot. But then again, I forgot a lot of things.” Your eyes flickered to Rick’s. “But never you. I never once forgot you. Though, sometimes I wish I had. Because then it wouldn’t hurt so bad when it turns out you aren’t really here.”
“I’m so sorry, darlin’. I’m so sorry for all of this. But, you don’t have to worry about that this time because I am really here.”
“That’s what they all say. But it is strange they didn’t give me any drugs yet today so I shouldn’t be seeing you. Maybe this is it and I finally snapped for good. Honestly, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” Your face fell. “Did I.... did I already say that? I think I did but I forget. But I forget a lot of things now. Those drugs they keep giving me scrambled me up pretty good. They make me see things that aren’t real. Maybe this was how Harley felt when her guy zapped her. I can’t remember his name, the guy with the green hair and that awful laugh. But I guess it doesn’t really matter. None of it does. At the end of the day, it’s still me…. Or is it? I can’t remember anymore.”
Rick didn’t even realize that tears had started silently rolling down his face until one dripped off onto his arm. You had always been the strongest, most confident, most intelligent person he had ever known. And seeing you like this, so confused, so broken, so unsure of yourself, it was its own form of torture.
You seemed to notice his tears because your lip began to quiver. “Pl-please don’t do that. Don’t show me that. It’s bad enough thinking about what he would think of what I’ve become, how he would look at me. I don’t need my hallucinations actually showing it to me. I know I’m fucked up, in my head, my body. That’s another thing I can never forget. But I don’t need to see what my colonel would really think of me.”
Rick quickly wiped his eyes. “I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m not- This isn’t because of anything you did or how you are. I shoulda been here sooner. I shoulda known you’d survive and I shoulda tracked you down. I’m so sorry.”
“How were you supposed to know? I barely survived as it was and if I had seen you drop, I would have thought the same thing.” You looked down at your hands and Rick could see you were struggling to hold back your own tears. “But Rick…. I miss you so much. Every single fucking moment of every single fucking day. I thought these hallucinations were a blessing at first because I had you with me, but every time you disappear again, it tears me up inside. And all I want to do is to have one kiss, to hold your hand, to run my fingers through your hair, to smell your skin, something. It’s a physical ache at this point that screams out to me each and every time I see you. I need you as much as I need to breathe…. but you’re not really here.”
“I am! I don’t know how else to convince you.” Rick pressed himself against the bars of his cell as tightly as he could as he reached out for you. “Please, just give it one last try. One more chance to prove I’m really here.”
“You’ve said that so many times. You’ve sat in that cell so many times and tried to persuade me. But I can’t let myself fall for it again. Because every time I reach out for you and my hand passes through nothing, I die a little inside. And I’m completely hollow now.” You squeezed your eyes tightly for a moment, but when you opened them again, the pain was gone, and the old blank expression had returned. “Look, can you just go away? I really can’t deal with you today.”
“I can’t go anywhere. I’m locked up too, remember? Because I’m really here.”
“That’s what they all say. But I can’t do this, not today.”
There was something ominous about the way you repeated ‘today’. Slowly, Rick asked, “What’s so special ‘bout today?”
“You know what.” It was little more than a sigh. And when he didn’t respond, you continued. “I told you, I’m hollow, I’m hurt, and I’m tired. I’m so goddamn tired. I’ve been fighting so hard for so long-” you gestured to the marks on the wall “-apparently for longer than I realized. But I’m done. I just want to go to sleep. But I can’t do…. what I need to do... in front of you, even imaginary you. I can’t disappoint you like that. So please, just leave me to finally get my peace.” You closed your eyes again as your right thumb began to rub small circles just below your left wrist, directly across the vein.
Rick’s eyes widened as he realized what you were implying. Looking around frantically in his cell, he noticed a few small rocks in the corner where they had fallen from the wall. Picking one up, he aimed through the bars and hurled it at you. It slammed into your arm, and you snapped your eyes open as you turned to glare at him.
“Ow! What the hell was that for?”
“Have any of your other hallucinations been able to do that? If I’m not really here, then this shouldn’t really hurt.” Rick hurled the second rock at you, which missed slightly and just skimmed across your skin, scraping it just enough to draw a few drops of blood.
You watched, a look of fascination on your face, as the red liquid welled up on your arm. Hesitantly, you wiped away the stain with your fingertips and stared at them for a moment. Then slowly, you turned to face Rick. And in a hushed whisper, you said, “It’s real, which means…. Ri-Rick?”
Rick nodded, a smile of relief spreading across his face. “Yeah. I’m real. I’m really here, darlin’. I promise you that. And I’ve never broken a promise to you, have I?”
Softly, you shook your head. Licking your lips, you took a small step forward. Then another. With one hesitant step at a time, you approached the bars that are separating your cells. You reached out your trembling hand, but when it was a few inches from the bars, you froze. With tears streaming down your face, you whispered, “I can’t. I-I can’t do this again.”
Rick gave you an understanding smile. “It’s okay. You don’t have to. You’re not alone anymore.” And with that, he reached through the bars to close the distance between your hands, and he linked his fingers with yours.
At the instant of contact, you inhaled sharply and your eyes flew to his. With a strangled sob, you threw yourself against the bars, desperately trying to reach as much of him as possible. Rick slid his arms through the bars as much as they would fit and wrapped you in his embrace as you bawled uncontrollably, your shoulders heaving wildly as you trembled in his grasp. He ran his hand over the back of your head as he whispered, “It’s okay, darlin’. It’s okay. I’ve got you now.”
As you continued to break down, he had to look away and clench his teeth to stop his own sobs from bursting from his chest. It was a miracle he was holding you once again. However, as he drew you close to him, he was horrified by how fragile and frail your emaciated body felt in his muscular arms. He was almost afraid that if he squeezed you too tightly, you would simply snap in half.
For what felt like an eternity, Rick held you in his arms. Within minutes, his muscles began screaming out in pain at the unnatural way he was squeezed through the bars, but he ignored it as he let you cling to him. After all you had been through, he could handle a little discomfort if it eased your suffering even the slightest bit.
But finally, you pulled back to look at him and he was able to shift into a more comfortable position. As he stared at you, he asked, “How did you survive? I saw you fall… probably a hundred feet.”
“I don’t know. I just remember seeing the cables snap and then your face and then…. nothing until I woke up here. I was hurt really badly. Broken bones, a collapsed lung, major blood loss. And my knee was completely shattered. But they didn’t care. They did enough to make sure I would survive but everything else…. Things either healed right or they didn’t. It didn’t matter to them. And when I was coherent enough, the questions started. All about ARGUS and Waller and the Task Force. But I didn’t tell them anything…. Or at least I don’t think I did. After a certain point, my memories start getting fuzzy and I can’t….” 
You looked up at him, tears in your eyes once more. “Rick…. I’m not okay. My head’s really messed up. I’m trying so hard right now to stay focused on this conversation, but I’m… drifting. Unless I really, really concentrate, I can’t remember things and I can’t…. I can’t tell what’s real anymore. I’m still not totally convinced you’re not just some new fucked up dream that I think I can touch.”
Rick cupped your face in between his hands, trying to let you feel as much of his skin, his warmth, as possible. He trailed both thumbs gently up and down your cheeks as your eyes flickered closed in the comfort of his touch. “See? I’m here with you. I’m really touching you and you’re really touching me. It’s gonna be okay. When we get outta here, we’ll get you a nice meal, have someone check you out, and they’ll have you back to your old self in no time.”
Your eyes slowly opened once more to bore solemnly into his. “And if- if they can’t?”
Rick leaned his head against yours. “Then I’ll be right there to help you figure things out. Once we’re safe, I’m never lettin’ you outta my arms again. I swear.”
The two of you remained like that for another eternity before Rick finally whispered, “What are we in for when they come back?”
You sighed. “I don’t really know. They don’t even ask me questions anymore. Obviously, they did at first, but now, they just hurt me or inject me with something then throw me back in here. I don’t know why they even bother keeping me alive anymore.”
Both you and Rick exchanged a worried glance as you processed your last statement. But before either one of you could say anything, the main door opened and six men with guns walked in. You clutched Rick’s arm tightly as they started towards your cell door.
There was nothing Rick could do while he was in a separate cell, but he tried to pull you closer to him, his hands tightly coiling in the loose fabric of your clothes.
As one of the men opened your cell and you cowered into Rick, he called out, “Hey! Hey, stop! Take me instead! Leave her alone. She doesn’t know anythin’ anyway. You want me!”
Your eyes darted to his face as you whispered, “Don’t. You don’t know what you’re doing. What they’ll do to you.”
Yes, I do. Rick thought. I can see it in every mark on your skin. But he continued shouting, “Fresh meat, right here. I got all the juiciest secrets you’re just dyin’ to find out.” But the men barely glanced in his direction. Instead, they grabbed you.
“No, no, no! Rick! No!” you frantically clawed at his arms as you tried to maintain your grip on him as they began to drag you away.
“Hey! Get the hell away from her!” Rick barked as he tried to push the men off of you, but one of them slammed the butt of his gun into Rick’s head, dazing him enough that he lost his grasp on you. Instantly, the men yanked you away from the bars and towards the cell door.
Rick felt blood running down the side of his head and everything was slightly hazy, but he managed to raise his head enough to focus on your face, and the soft smile of acceptance you had on it, just before they hauled you from his sight.
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The next few hours were a kind of torture Rick had never experienced before. Even watching you die hadn’t felt like this. At least then, he was sure you were dead. But now? They could be doing anything to you and he had no way of knowing. In fact, there was a strong possibility you were already dead, but Rick refused to let himself consider that option. Not after he found you again. Not after he promised everything was going to be alright.
 Finally, the outer door opened and the men from before returned carrying your limp body between them. He took one look at you before throwing himself against the bars. “You bastards! What did you do to her?”
The men ignored him, but they shifted enough that Rick was able to get a better look at you. But he almost wished he hadn’t. One eye was swollen closed and your bottom lip was split wide open with blood trailing down your chin. There were finger-shaped bruises already starting to form around your throat and Rick could hear you wheezing even from here as you struggled to breathe through your damaged esophagus. Many of your old scars had been reopened, presumably with a blade of some sort, and as the men carried you into your cell, Rick saw the trail of blood you were leaving in your wake.
When they got you inside, they tossed you callously onto the cot. Rick heard you moan weakly in pain, and he shook the bars once more as he snarled, “You sons of bitches! Do you think you’re so tough because you beat up on a defenseless, injured woman? Why don’t you come over here and see what I’ll do to you?”
Six guns were immediately pointed at Rick’s head and chest, but he didn’t back down. One of the men approached the door connecting Rick’s cell to yours and he unlocked it, letting it swing open with a clang. Rick stood in place for a moment, waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, he took a single step forward, into your cell. Still, nothing happened. The guns were still trailed on him, but none of the men seemed like they were planning on stopping him from leaving his cell. Glancing between the men, he quickly tried to calculate how many of them he could incapacitate or kill before one of them could gun him down. He might not make it out of this alive, but at least he could take a few of the bastards who did this to you with him.
“Rick….” The sound of your hoarse, weakened voice snapped him out of his bloodlust-filled rage. As his eyes darted to you, he saw your good eye cracked open slightly and gazing at him. Slowly, you raised a single finger into the air. It was all you could manage at the moment but he understood. Ignoring all the guns pointed at him, he crossed the jail cell in three long strides and knelt down beside your cot. As he did so, he felt a tiny sting on his neck, but he ignored it as he turned all of his focus onto you.
Rick carefully cupped your face, but it still caused you to release a low moan. Up close, he could see the bruising on your cheekbone, indicating a fracture or even a break. And as he began to take your hand, he noticed all but one finger on the right hand was now missing its fingernail. Glancing at the left, he saw it in a similar state except for your pinkie, or what was left of it, was wrapped in a dirty piece of gauze.
Every muscle in Rick’s body tensed once more and he began to rise to challenge the men for what they had done to you, but you whispered, “No. Stay.”
Ever so slowly, and with much effort, Rick lowered himself back to the floor, the hatred still glowing in his eyes. But he reluctantly turned his focus back to you. The slightest ghost of a smile passed across your lips, and Rick gave your arm a soft squeeze.
After a few minutes of silence, the men slowly backed out of the cell, their guns still trailed on Rick. And then they locked the cell and exited the room. The two of you were finally alone, together in the same place. But at what cost?
Rick gazed down at you tenderly, as he gently stroked the back of your hand. “Darlin’, why did they do this to you? Why now?”
You swallowed painfully before mumbling, “They have you. A colonel. What more do they need with the broken shell of a lieutenant? This was a warning for you to cooperate with them. And they said if I survive this, they’ll just do it again until I don’t.”
“I won’t let them. And you’ve been through worse than this before. You’re gonna pull through.”
“Rick…. I don’t think I am.”
Slowly, your hand reached for the bottom of your shirt. You tried raising it up, but Rick could see you were struggling. So, he gently moved your hand out of the way and lifted the hem of your shirt to reveal your stomach. Massive bruises covered your torso, but one section on your left side was especially brutal. It was a much darker red and purple than the rest and when he gently prodded it, your skin was hot to the touch.
He looked fearfully back up to your face and you weakly nodded. “I think I felt something break or burst. There’s probably internal bleeding. Things are going to get bad. And then, they’re going to get worse. And there’s nothing we can do about that without help.”
“You have to hold on. Okay? The team will have been lookin’ for me and they have to be close by now. You just have to hold on until they get here. Then it’ll all be okay.” He brushed the hair away from your sweaty face. “I’m right here beside you and I’ll do whatever I can to help, but you have to fight. For me. For us. Can you do that for me, darlin’?”
“I’ll try. But I don’t know how much fight I have left.”
Rick leaned over and placed a long kiss on your forehead before muttering, “It’ll be okay. You’re the strongest person I know. And you’re gonna be fine.”
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An hour or so later, you were much worse. Your skin was hot and clammy to the touch, the bruise on your side was growing larger as well as darker, and you were barely able to hold on to consciousness. Rick kept trying to get you to talk in order to keep you awake, but your words soon grew more chaotic and confused than ever before, until Rick couldn’t bear to listen to the insanity spilling from your lips. So instead, he let you drift back into silence.
He remained pressed tightly to you on the small cot, running his hand soothingly over your hair or across your face, softly whispering words of encouragement or hope. However, he wasn’t sure if you were even aware of the fact he was here anymore. Every once in a while, you would mutter something incoherent before going quiet again and Rick would just hold you tighter.
And then the coughing started. Wet, ragged sounds that had your body folding in half and your face contorting in pain. When this would happen, Rick would help ease you into a sitting position and wrap you in a bear hug to try and keep you from shaking too much and causing even more harm to your already severely damaged body. Then, he would lower you back down as you gasped frantically, trying to catch your breath. This cycle repeated in rapidly shortening intervals.
After a particularly bad coughing spell, he watched as a single tear rolled down your cheek and he used his thumb to wipe it away. “Come on, darlin’. You gotta stay with me. I just got you back. I can’t watch you die again.”
For the first time since the fever started, you looked up at him with halfway clear eyes. You struggled to swallow before murmuring, “Rick, I’ve wanted to die for weeks. I was ready to do it myself when you showed up. But now at least, I get to do it in your arms. The last thing I’ll get to feel is them wrapped around me, and the last thing I’ll see is your face, your eyes. And that’s more than I could have ever hoped for. It absolutely terrifies me what they’ll do to you when I’m gone, but selfishly, I’m glad you’re here with me.” You smiled softly up at him before your face contorted once more and your body convulsed as you coughed, and Rick could only stare in horror as blood dotted your lips, and stained your teeth. It was a bad sign in a long list of bad signs.
With a somber sigh, he leaned over and rested his head on yours. “Just hang in there. We’ll figure a way out. I promise.”
“What happened to never breaking a promise to me?” you asked weakly, a small smile tugging at the corners of your blood-speckled lips as your eyes fluttered, struggling to remain open.
“I haven’t yet, have I?” You shook your head, the movement so small that Rick felt it more than saw it. “It’ll be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
Before he could say more, there was a loud commotion on the other side of the door that led out into the hall. Rick eased himself carefully off the cot and hurried over to the bars of the cell just as a blast of gunfire exploded outside. He glanced back at you, but you hadn’t even flinched at the noise, either too accustomed to these kinds of outbursts or too weak to react anymore. Rick wasn’t sure which option was more troubling.
Then, as suddenly as it started, the sounds stopped. Rick shifted his position so he stood between you and the door as he lowered himself into a fighting stance. No one was going to lay another finger on you as long as he still had breath in his lungs.
The door flew open, slamming loudly against the wall, and a familiar figure walked in. Rick straightened up as she said, “There ya are, Colonel. Been lookin’ for ya.”
Rick pressed his face against the bars. “Harley? How did- never mind. You need to get us out of here right now.”
“Us? Ya got a little friend in there with ya?” Harley skipped over towards the cell but came to a sudden halt as she got a look at the person on the cot. “Is that…. I thought she was dead!” But then she gasped as she took in the full extent of your injuries. “Oh, doll…. Look at you. You’ve been stuck in here this whole time?”
“Unfortunately, yes. I thought she died too, but somehow, she survived. However, she won’t last much longer without serious medical attention, so you need to call someone to extract us.” But Harley just kept staring at you in disbelief and shock, the horror of what she was seeing clearly etched on her face. Yet Rick didn’t have time for it. He barked, “Harley! Either call someone or give me the damn phone so I can. Now! That’s an order.”
Reluctantly, she dragged her eyes away from you and gave her commander a two-finger salute. “Whatever ya say, boss.” Then she pulled out a phone and quickly dialed a number.
As she began to talk to someone on the other end of the line, Rick hurried back to your side. “Darlin’, I need you to sit up. Harley’s here and we’re gettin’ you out of here.” He held open his arms to help you.
However, you weakly shook your head as you muttered, “It’s just the drugs. It has to be. Makes you see what you wanna see. But it’s not real. It’s never real. You, Harley, Boomer… you’ve all shown up to save me so many times. But in the end, it’s never real…..” You trailed off as your head lolled to the side. Rick could see you still breathing but it was getting shallower with each inhale.
However, it was going to be alright because Harley was here and help was coming. You had to be wrong because Rick was never given any drugs which meant Harley couldn’t be a hallucination. She was here, just on the other side of the bars calling for help. Harley was her-
Suddenly, Rick remembered the sharp sting to the back of his neck when they returned you to your cell, as if from a bug bite….. or from a needle. Hesitantly, he looked up to stare at Harley who was pacing just a few feet away with the phone still pressed to her ear. Rick’s eyes never left her as he approached the bars. Then, ever so slowly, he reached out his hand to touch her.
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Part 2 and a surprise part coming soon! 🥰
Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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