#other neil
zu-is-here · 2 years
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★ Happy Ragdollsverse Anniversary ★
a scene from the latest chapter of A dream that comes crashing down [Ragdollsverse series] by @anfie-in-the-box
Dreamtale by jokublog
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anfie-in-the-box · 1 year
A dream that comes crashing down
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Oh my god it's here! I just finished the translation and it's finally here! I can't believe I did it! It took forever but it! Is! Here! Wahoo!
Also, it's mostly fluff, but with angst right underneath. Lots of manipulation, because it's Ragdollsverse! Be careful.
The other village looks the same as the one Dream knows but more refined, perfect almost. Led by the determined crowd of the villagers, Dream doesn’t have the opportunity to look around; yet even in a hurry it's hard to miss how every house shines under the sun, all neat and clean; they look new, not at all inhabitable — how good are they taking care of the buildings?.. The path under Dream's feet is surprisingly smooth and clean as well, every single stone in its place; such a road is so nice to walk on that one would want to return just to feel it again. Dream looks at everything with his sockets wide open, drinking in the familiar yet completely different sight. At least he doesn't have to orient himself — the village is rather small, no way one would lose their way even if they try. Every street leads to either the central (and the only one) square or the nearby river. Or both, stretching in-between.
The lightest breeze brings an aroma so bright and rich it catches all of Dream's attention and fills his whole being. It smells savoury and sweet, fruity and herbal, and the others as well — every single one and all of them delicious. Perhaps Dream doesn’t have to eat, but he'd like to try whatever smells so nice.
Or at least breathe in deeply.
Again, and again, and again.
Dream has so many questions and impressions that if he had a moment to stop and process everything, he's feel dizzy for sure. Everything's so much, other humans and other monsters surround him, chatting excitedly, and other Nightmare walks so close their shoulders meet. In the corner of his eye Dream sees his ever-present smile, although he tries not to focus on it — it's rude to stare, and, well… He's not ready to look anyone here in the eye. He looks at the back of those who walk ahead, or at the neat houses, or at the smooth pathway under his feet; it's much easier. Dream promises himself he'll get used to it. Other Neil is right, he just needs time.
The houses give way just as suddenly as always; just now the crowd was leading Dream through the narrow street, and then there's a wide space with the fountain in the middle in front of them. Humans and monster alike loved to spend there hot days, and deep inside Dream also wanted to sit on the stone parapet, enjoying the coolness and rare sprinkles of water, if only for a minute. But the chance was never there — Dream was always busy helping the villagers whenever he visited. Then he just stopped leaving the Tree of Feelings and his brother; except for that one and only time when…
"What keeps you so deep in thought, my darling little brother?" other Nightmare's voice is fond but persistent, and Dream, losing his train of thought, focuses on that. Other Nightmare continues, "I don't like it when you frown. Whatever makes you sad, forget about it. Instead, look around and tell if our preparations for your arrival are to your taste.
Other humans and monsters are well-coordinated when they disperse, as if they are under command, so after merely a moment Dream finds himself with enough space around. There are voices and laughter everywhere, and the smell of pastries, sweets, and fruits fills the whole being of the little guardian, and finally he can look around for real. Other Nightmare is right, there's a lot to look at — Dream's never experienced anything like that before!
There are plenty of tables on the square, Dream thinks they're from every single house of the village. The nearest ones to Dream have tablecloth with lovely embroidery, and the others are barely different; on those tables there are numerous plates and jugs, filled to the brim — that's where the wonderful smell comes from! Dream stands on his tiptoes to see more and instantly notices how the roofs are decorated with long ribbons, flags, and ornaments in the form of apples — not only golden but black as well. It seems here in the other village not only his other brother is respected but his duty as well. Dream breathes out loudly in surprise when he realises that.
It's so, so awesome Dream can't help a wide smile. He turns to other Nightmare and says with delight, "Dearest other brother, everything's so amazing! I've never seen anything like it!" Realising it must me a surprise Brooke talked about, he leans forward, "But is it truly all for me?"
Other Nightmare doesn't hurry to answer, only tilts his head slightly, showing he's listening attentively… patiently.
And so Dream realises he really isn't done talking.
"It's so much work to arrange all that, after all. Maybe I should go help with the dishes or something?.." he finishes, awkwardly.
Other Nightmare shakes his head slightly, his wide smile ever-present, and gently touches Dream's shoulder, as if not wanting to let go.
Poor him, Dream thinks. Other brother must really want to take my hand, but he can't. Why are his fingers even like that?
Dream wouldn't ask this question though. Perhaps other Nightmare will tell his when he's ready. For now, he chuckles fondly, "No, my dear, your help isn't needed. Or, well, the best help from you is you resting and enjoying yourself — all of us tried so hard to make you comfortable! We don't want all of that to be for nothing, do we?
" Of course not!" Dream presses his hands to his chest, where his — he still can't believe it — his soul pulses. Not too long ago he didn't have anything like that, he existed differently, not influenced by time and laws that the other are under. But now evergy that's himself has a culmination, and it feels like it was always this way.
It's very strange. Not so much existing differently, more remembering and realising that it used to be the other way. Which is even more strange.
Perhaps Dream will get used to it as well.
But right now he'd better have fun and appreciate the hospitality of this other version of his home.
"Why don't you look around?" other Nightmare suggests. Dream shifts from one foot to another and presses the ragdoll to himself, something nobody's noticed yet. Maybe it's better this way.
"I don't know what to start with…"
"The decision is yours, but," other Nightmare responds amicably, calm and sure, "if I were you, I'd experience the familiar first and then proceed to the new. So many impressions and feelings…" he shakes his head. "We don't want you to be overwhelmed."
Dream nods uncertainly. Other Nightmare claps his hands once — his fingers do something uncomfortably strange to get out of the way. It's unsettling, but his other brother didn't choose to be like that. He'd be hurt if he knew about Dream's discomfort and would be right.
"You look worried," other Nightmare notices; of course he does. Dream awaits questioning, but what he gets is simple, "I won't tire you anymore, dear brother. Go see what drinks there are, find something for yourself, fresh juice or spring water are sure to help you freshen up. I'm certain there's a lot for you to talk about with other Neil, and other children will be happy to play with you, while other adults would be delighted to teach you how to dance."
Dream wants to ask something, but in that moment somebody yells energetically and then there're the sounds of music everywhere. Looking around, Dream finds the musicians on the rooftops of the nearest houses — some sit on the edge, some dance to their own music, and the melody is light and swift and vaguely familiar to Dream. The little guardian didn't hear a lot of music in his life; he only attended the celebrations to help and he's never been to an event this well-attended.
Dream easily gets to the tables with drinks and food. It's like the crowd gives him way without thinking, and although he doesn't look them in the eyes he sees their friendly smiles. Dream even manages to smile in return — fun's just that infectious.
"We are happy to meet you," other people say unobtrusively, so sincerely Dream's soul clenches, a wonderful new feeling that seems to never end in this lovely place.
"We are grateful to have you," the others say, their voices painfully familiar, something Dream never expected to hear again. Especially so soon, so simply.
And they indeed have been waiting for him. "All this time" — what does it mean? Could it be he was needed and loved all his short life, without knowing it?
Here, it's so easy to feel wanted. Bright smiles and light, reverent touches leave no doubt.
Then Dream grabs the first thing he can reach — a glass of juice and a small cupcake without elaborate frosting, exactly what he needs to start.some dishes, Dream notices, are beautifully decorated — skillfully and not at all excessively, so it's not a pity to eat them. On the contrary, it's a pity not to eat them, strange to leave them to spoil. In Dream's village not even Ivory could do that; she was a master but used to go overboard, at least from Dream's point of view. The villagers liked her food, though.
The sockets open wide. Dream's barely able to compare, he's never tried what his villagers made, but if this is from other Ivory, her talent's just undeniable. Dream's never tried anything better in his life! Not that the guardian of positivity has had a lot of experience but… It doesn't stop him from biting off more and then getting another one of those cupcakes.
"Dream!" he instantly turns to the familiar voice. It's Wynne, rabbit-monster working as a seamstress for Ramona. Dream's helped her and Glenn move the fabrics a lot of times. Now he's looking at other Wynne, only not in her eyes. The same green dress, the same creamy fur (not covered in bright red, oh no, he can't think about it, Dream's on a celebration and it's a celebration for himself, he just can't ruin it all), as if nothing ever happened. And nothing did, gere. Everything is alright. Dream is alright.
He forces a smile, "Other Wynne, right?"
"That's me!" Dream sees her smile in return. "Want to dance with us? Everyone is going to be delighted to have you!"
Dream's smile gets a bit more genuine, although still awkward.
"I can't dance," he admits, shifting from one foot to another.
Other Wynne laughs, and the sound makes Dream warm all over.
"Not everyone dancing can actually dance! It's just for fun! But if you want to, I can ask other Glenn to teach you. Everything and anything, for you."
Anything and everything, for him. So easy and natural, like that's how it's supposed to be. Dream can't help reminiscing how he used to feel about the villagers. Here, they seem to reciprocate.
It feels amazing.
" Then it's an honor to be taught by other Glenn. I'm not as agile but…"
Other Wynne laughs again, "Don't worry about it! As I said, it's all for fun! I'm sure other Glenn will agree."
In that case Dream simply can't refuse. Would be silly. And other adults look like they're having great fun, and besides, a dancing lesson would be a good distraction from unwanted thoughts. Dream's happy to focus on something else.
Other Wynne holds his hand and pulls him to the dancing crowd.
"Other Glenn! Everyone!" she yells gaily. "Look who decided to join us! Other honorary guest!"
If only Dream could blush, he'd shine like a LED garland.
Dream doesn’t know how much time he spends dancing — just that he's having a great time. Moving to the music, getting into a rhythm — it's simply amazing!
He's not tired at all when the other children call for him to join them. Dream responds easily, and together they move to the edge of the square and play.
It's fun, resonating inside with fuzzy happiness that makes you smile. Dream's never played with children from his village, only observed during breaks between helping the adults, so the new experience makes him dizzy.
Abruptly, everything stops. Dream turns around and sees other Nightmare with his ever-present smile, right now vaguely fond.
"Are you having fun?"
Nobody answers, and although the other children don't have eyes, it seems they're all staring at Dream, so the little guardian of positivity responds himself, "Very much!" His voice sparkles with delight. Other Nightmare carefully pets his shoulder with barely tips of his sharp fingers, never tearing the fabric of Dream's clothes. Other Nightmare's so caring, so thoughtful…
"It's such a pleasure to watch you play," he nods a bit indulgently. "It's my main happiness to see my dear brother so happy."
Dream can't help smiling. The other brother's words make him warm all over. It's been a while since Dream's heard anything like that. It hurts to think about it, so Dream doesn’t. He holds other Shane's hands — she's a human girl around the age of ten — and suggests, "A race around the square?"
The other children all nod agreeably, obviously satisfied with his idea. Dream expects more uproar, but something tells him they're so timid in front of other Nightmare. He seems well-respected here indeed.
"I'll leave you to it," he tilts his head, reminding, "Don't forget to go see other Neil when you're tired. He's been waiting more than anybody, but do not fret, he'll wait a bit more. No rush; here you can do whatever you wish."
And isn't that new? The first years of his life Dream could indeed do what he wanted, but ever since the village nearby was established, he just tried to help the villagers and support his brother.
An opportunity to relax after everything…
Don't. Do not think about it. Just run ahead, enjoy the wind in the face, the smell of pastries and fruits, the cheerful buzz of the singing and dancing crowd… the absence of any emotions around… But that must be nothing. They're from the other world, so of course they have other emotions, ones Dream cannot feel. But how peculiar, like there's only emptiness all around.
What emptiness when there are pats on the back and hugs from every direction? When there are conversations and singing everywhere? Dream just has to stop paying attention, then he will get used to it.
When he's out of breath, the other children easily let him go. Dream asks the nearest person — it's other Eloise — where other Neil is, and she directs him to the place they used to meet with his Neil; does other Neil also live outside of the other village?..
Only Dream doesn’t have to leave the village after all. He finds other Neil a few streets away from the square, and the cat monster is sitting on the doorstep of a small house that Dream doesn’t recognise; as far as he remembers, his village had someone's garden in its place. Maybe a few.
Other Neil gives him the warmest smile, "Dream." The little guardian of positivity automatically looks him in the eyes and instently looks away, meeting with two black abysses, and then the other one where other Neil's soul should be.
Other Neil continues, tenderly, "I'm happy to finally meet you. To finally be there for you."
Dream is a bit lost in the warmth of the familiar voice.
"Say something else, something good," he asks, lowering his hands clenched in fists.
Whatever happened to his Neil?.. He wasn't among the villagers whom Nightmare… Nightmare…
No. No. No. No.
He's distracted by other Neil's voice, "Now that you're here, everything is okay. We'll take care of you. Rest. Recover. Come on, breathe in and breathe out."
Dream does just that, and suddenly, he's much calmer. Apusing awkwardly, he asks, "Um, other Neil… Can I ask you a question?.."
Other Neil shrugs, "Sure, kid. What is it?"
"Do you... um... Do you have a family? Or, well, did you? Like my Neil?"
Other Neil smiles lightly, "No, Dream, I've never had a family. Why would I? For me, there's nothing to regret, nobody to miss. Only you."
Dream really doesn't know how to respond to that.
Other Neil switches the topic, "How's the celebration? Do you like it?"
Dream nods readily and breathes out, "It's amazing! I've never had a celebration of my own… I just helped to prepare them and clean up. It turns out the celebrations are so fun! Everyone's found a couple of sweet words for me, everyone keeps telling how happy they are to see me…" He concludes," I feel wanted. "
Other Neil gugs him lightly with his only good hand. In return, Dream hugs him with both his and squeezes.
"I'm happy to hear it," other Neil says, quietly.
For a while, they just sit in companionable silence. It's still easy to hear the music and the singing, so there's also that to enjoy.
"I missed you," Dream whispers.
"I've never met you, but other Nightmare told us a lot about you, so it feels like we know you nonetheless. So I missed you too."
"Is that your house?" Dream asks quietly. He doesn't want to ruin the moment.
Other Neil nods, and his fur tickles back of Dream's head.
"My Neil didn't have a home," Dream shares, unexpectedly even for himself. There's longing in his voice. "His house burned down, and that's how Neil lost his arm. How did you lose yours?" He realises suddenly how personal it is. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me! Sorry. That was noisy of me."
Other Neil pats his shoulder and assures, "It's okay. Ask away, I'm always ready to answer. As for my hand, I was created this way; we're all reflections of those you used to know, so…"
Dream sighs, reassured, "I'm glad you didn't have to live through such a tragedy… But I'm sorry you don't have a hand."
Other Neil shrugs, "It's nothing. The other villagers help."
"Are you well here?"
"As well as everyone. We work together and rest together, we overcome obstacles together. We've been waiting for you together." Other Neil stops talking. Dream squeezes him a bit tighter, not too much, just perfectly.
"Do you want to go back?" Other Neil asks after a few minutes of companionable silence.
Dream thinks about it.
"No," he answers, finally. "Let's just sit here?.."
"Of course," other Neil responds. "Whatever you want."
They sit like that, hugging each other, listening to the music and the sounds of bells on other Neil's door.
Dream doesn’t know how much time passes before other Nightmare finds them.
"I knew I'd find you here," he says calmly.
Other Neil stops hugging Dream and stands up awkwardly, bowing lightly. He whispers to Dream, "Everything I have, I have thanks to other Nightmare. As well as everyone else here."
Dream, feeling other Nightmare's gaze on himself, stands up as well and smiles, "I'm a little tired of the hustle, so…"
"Then you're ready for the last surprise," other Nightmare says, satisfied, and reaches out his hand, even though Dream can't hold it. "Let us go."
Dream holds his other brother's sleeve and, excited, asks to go ahead. After a few steps he remembers himself, quickly turns around and waves his hand at other Neil. He waves in return with his only good hand and smiles widely.
Dream sees the surprise well before they reach the Tree of Feelings. Right around it there is a small house with flat roof that lets the crown of the tree out. It's breath-taking.
"Is it for us?" he asks in utter disbelief.
"Well, of course," other Nightmare nods. "We can't possibly live outside, and here, with me, you don't have to be afraid of the thunderstorms anymore."
Dream is once again warm all over, and he can't stop smiling. They come closer to the house, and other Nightmare takes the key from his neck and opens a small wooden door with painstaking embroidery. They come in, and Dream looks around excitedly. There's a rack and a cross-stitched carpet in the entrance hall, there's a secure roof over their heads, and then there's a small kitchen and two bedrooms with simple beds, bedside tables, round tables, and neat little chairs.
Dream's eyes shine before his very own place to live.
"And all of it is for us?" he asks again.
"Of course," other Nightmare responds. "Better choose the room and make yourself comfortable than doubt."
There's a wide smile on his face and his fingers keep moving unnaturally. Dream tries to look at his other brother without any discomfort, look at his hands, at his sockets without eye-lights, but…
Dream walks away to see the rooms, grateful for the distraction.
"Uh... Other brother?.. Is that what I should call you?"
"You can call me whatever you'd like, dear Dream. Although, that's not what you wanted to ask, is it?"
"Yes... You're right. I just noticed... Everyone seems to respect you." He doesn't use the word obey, for it would have sounded almost ominous. "Are you the one in charge here?"
"Well, of course I am! They are nothing more than some meat and magic, and we are the guardians of the Tree that defines them, lets them exist as they are."
Dream's sockets open wide.
"But I've always thought if we help the Tree and the Tree helps humans and monsters, we must help humans and monsters as well…" Then he realises something. "Wait, why are you talking about them like this?"
Other Nightmare doesn't hesitate for a second, "Am I wrong? Am I telling lies?"
Dream feels puzzled.
"Well, no, but…"
"No need for buts! They come and go, while we stay. We are here to serve the Tree, and they are here to live their little lives. Nothing ever was in order back where you lived before, and that's what made you so unhappy—" Dream tries to interrupt, but other Nightmare doesn't let him, keeps pressing, "don't tell me otherwise, I know you were. I'm your big brother after all. What a relief that you are finally here, where everything is in order indeed, all thanks to me! Here you will always be happy, I know you will."
Dream tries to guess, chuckling weakly. "After all, you're my big brother?"
Absolutely right!" Delighted, other Nightmare claps a few times, his long sharp fingers never tangling up by some miracle. "You do get it now, don't you?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure... I've never thought about it this way, and everyone has told me completely different things…"
"Oh, my dear little brother, I'm sure you'll see they were wrong and I am right in no time. No need to hurry though, I understand if you need some time to mull over the idea. Besides, today might have been a little overwhelming, perhaps right now turning in for the night would be the best. What do you think?"
" Sounds good, yeah," Dream agrees carefully.
"For entities such as yourself there's no need to sleep, but it doesn't mean it won't help," other Nightmare steps closer and suddenly hugs Dream's shoulders, so gently, so carefully, as if Dream's the most precious thing he has. Doesn't touch Dream's back, keeping him safe from his own sharp fingers. The embrace doesn't last long, but it's enough for Dream's soul to feel warmer. To the point of tears in the corners of his sockets.
But in the end other Nightmare lets him go and steps away.
"Rest, dear little brother."
Peaceful and pleasantly tired, Dream merely nods in response. He goes to his very own room, lays down in a comfortable bed, lays his head on a soft pillow and covers himself with a fluffy blanket. Feels in the darkness for the ragdoll of himself and, hugging it, closes his sockets. He still hears music from the distance, but it's different, not happy and energetic anymore but calm and soothing.
Clear night ends for Dream when he falls asleep and doesn't dream about a single thing.
Undertale © Toby Fox
Coraline © Neil Gaiman
Original Dreamtale © jokublog
Ragdollsverse © me (anfie / anfie-in-the-box)
Read it on ao3
Read Russian version on ficbook or fanficus
There's fan-art by wonderful @zu-is-here!
No references in this chapter!
Neil is canon Dreamtale character so he belongs to joku, but other than that, Dreamtale and other Dreamtale are my versions of it with my versions of the villagers and the other villagers.
Thanks for reading, and take care 🌻
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sparklingthedas · 9 months
Astarion lectures of disappointment >>>
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astrhae · 11 months
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crowley used the metal tool in season 1 to start time, and we learn that he's used it first to start space. to create the stars -- he still remembers how. he still remembers all of heaven's passwords: in the book crowley is described as an optimist because he has the "utter surety... that the universe would look after him". not god, but the universe. and of course he does: he helped create it and he's looking after it, too.
think about it: aziraphale had a sword, but crowley is about to face satan who wants to destroy the world, and crowley's only weapon is a tool of creation
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fru1typunch · 9 months
I was told to share my TikTok on respecting each other's Good Omens headcanons here on Tumblr so HERE;
now can we all just shut up and hold hands or something (since aziracrow can't anymore)
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abnormalpsychology · 2 years
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sunflowerius · 3 months
one of my favorite things about aftg is that in any given conversation not related to about, like, three things (exy, Andrew, and the mafia) Neil is just. entirely checked out. he was there for the first sentence of that conversation and immediately clocked out once he realized there would be no Stick Ball Talk.
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iiilllsam · 10 months
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bring it back, don’t take it away from me
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ninyard · 27 days
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fox tweets (pt 2.5) ((ft. jeremy))
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konaiiro · 20 days
✷ scariest boys in palmetto ✷
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notacluedo · 1 month
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Jeremy is so brave bc if I saw Jean doing up his gloves with his teeth it would’ve been over for me
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emry-stars-art · 2 months
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I don’t know if you all realize how often I think about @02511213942 ‘s art and specifically the “Aaron and Neil were friends first” lol. Neil brought snacks for the study session
(I do know there’s a fic about the topic out there as well but I.. don’t read fic much so 025’s was my intro the au train of thought and I fell in love with it. Andrew’s throwback memory is their art from the above linked post and the whole thing is worth seeing again even if you’ve already seen it 😂💕)
Anyway Aaron, new counterargument: what if Neil brought Andrew a little treat tho
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fearandhatred · 6 months
if aziraphale doesn't grab crowley by his gay little scarf in season 3 then what's the point. why does he even wear it. take that shit off if it's not important to the plot
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theseyellowdays · 6 months
One thing I genuinely think the fandom forgets or underestimates is just how weird Neil is. Like we paint him to be this carismatic, flashy, cocky bad boy, but in reality he's stingy, skittish, balks at anything more personal then his thoughts on Exy and Cannot for the life of him socialize. Like in the Raven King, right after Seth dies, he straight up goes:
"Neil had to patch things up with [Allison] somehow, but he didn't know where to start. He'd never been good at winning people over. Someone like Allison wasn't likely to be his first success. "
Neil's spent his life living on the outskirts of "average" life. Ergo, he's cagey and flighty and so far removed from normal that even among the Foxes he'll always be a little unpredictable and odd. And you know what, good for him; we all deserve an antisocial introverted asshole to raly behind.
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cubbyyyy · 4 months
You know what makes me sit in silence everytime i think about it?
The fact that Andrew was attracted to every version of Neil.
He thought he was hot when he still had his brown eyes/brown hair
He thought he was hot when he had blue eyes/brown hair
He thought he was hot when he had blue eyes/auburn hair and the number 4 tattooed under his eye. ”you are a pipe dream“ , he said, looking at Neils bruised and most honest self.
Then Baltimore. Neil got tortured. Got bruised all over his skin, scars that’ll never be forgotten and what does Andrew do? He asks yes or no and kisses his hip.
It sure af wasn’t love at first sight but the fact that his initial attraction never faded gives you a hint about what Neil is for Andrew.
(Not to mention how the versions of Neil changed the more Andrew learned about Neil as well. First he was Neil. Then he was Abram. Then he was Nathaniel. Until he finally became Neil Abram Josten.
All the lies. All the truths. It all came together and Andrew was there during all of it).
and if I start talking about Neil falling for Andrew the more he learned about him and the role he took over-
(Neil is there to protect the one who protects them all)
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taktitty · 4 months
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Andrew Minyard has cute aggression, pass it on
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