#twin flame advice
Signs of Twin Flame Separation - Is Your Twin Flame Relationship Going i...
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sophiarelationtips · 19 days
"Love is not about finding the perfect person, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
➡️Click Here To Build Your Relationship⬅️
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aizyat · 4 months
"Never get too attached to anyone unless they feel the same towards you because one-sided expectations can mentally destroy you. Don't love deeply till you make sure that the other part loves you with the same depth because the depth of your love today is the depth of your wound tomorrow."
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growingsage · 2 months
Love and Moving On
Falling in love is a beautiful thing. We as people are always finding beauty in what surrounds us. When we find our favorite human our natural instinct is to love and keep them at all costs. We have all been in a situation where we have overlooked something we didn't particularly agree with for the sake of keeping the peace and keeping the person. The more time you spend with them the more you are bound to see what you try to overlook and that beauty that was so different and being worked hard to keep starts becoming.. normal. This happens in relationships and it saddens me when there is a partner who's drifted and one who's still in love, but feels the absence of partner A. This isn't a gender specific phenomenon as it happens in relationships across the board as well as the pain that comes with it. I've truly loved and lost, that loss being something I still feel confused about. This is my experience so I understand this is something unique to myself, but I'll share my thoughts in hopes it helps out someone else who might feel how I do..
When you get into a commitment, do you really ever see "the end"? I believe you can feel from the beginning that maybe this won't be something that lasts forever, but I want it to? You want to see it through, your partner seems as though they would like to as well so naturally you keep the ball rolling. Those years come and they keep coming so do the birthdays, funerals, fights and celebrations. Then one day it all comes to an end. Whether that be a fight, cheating or relocations, that person is now gone.. but they're still alive.
You have all of these memories, both mental and physical in terms of gifts/special landmarks with a stranger. This person you've loved for years is gone; all of the growth and setbacks you watched them have, to them becoming who they were while you were together and you will be a part of who they become in the future because you, yourself are now a memory as well. Life can feels so hard in these moments and with social media you can still be updated on their life willing or unwillingly.
As somebody who has now been single for about a year now, I have watched my ex lover of 5+ years move on very quickly. It hurt me deeply. I use this pain to move forward and remind myself there is a reason things don't work out and I can use this as a reminder to keep moving on regardless of the love I hold for this person because our history is just that, history.
The hardest part of being a lover girl is the fact that even when it's all said and done, you still can't help but to wish them all the love even if it isn't with you.
Love is in everything around us and it's up to us to appreciate it and every moment because one day, the good and the bad won't matter. It'll all just be history.
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gringadano · 7 months
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Me and my hubby 🤗♥️
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rewrittenyouhere · 7 months
to lose a friend
No one talks of the pain of a friendship break-up. Like a real relationship, it can explode in your face and end with venom-laced words- or it can slowly corrode, and by the end neither can point to one thing that caused it. You grew together, side by side, but time passed and yielded a different path. The space in-between grew so slowly you looked up and there was an arm's length, then an ocean. All the same, the pain is real and stark. You had shared things- sacred songs, belly laughs, hidden grief, and even your favorite pair of heels. And time passes and you heal alongside the wound of their absence but there are moments in your years that are dedicated to them. And no matter the ending, there's always only love that echoes sadness.
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audrinawf · 9 months
Hii I have one question related to the void state that when we manifest our desires with the void do we really shift realities?? I don't want to do that as I saw one blog and there they mentioned that when we manifest our desires we shift realities and there is a reality where us and our family still struggle with those things which they before so I hope you understand what I said please clear this doubt I do want to manifest my desires but here only in this original 3D only it's easy for me to enter the void but I'm scared of this reality shifting thing 🥺
Heyy! I mean the reality shifting thing is just the quantum theory which some physics believe that there are endless realities existing at the same time and we are always shifting our reality cause we make all kinds of choices every day and when we do there a version of us that makes the opposite choice. It’s not like Rick and morty where we literally travel to a different universe. I believe there’s nothing to fear cause if you think back to a time when things were really rough in your life, you came out of it but maybe that version or reality still exists and it doesn’t mean that you’re loved ones were left to suffer.
tell me if I’m wrong but I interpret your question as you don’t wanna leave ur loved ones behind in this specific reality is because you associate it as your original reality so if you were to raise your vibration you’d leave you’re loved ones behind but that’s not how it works cause there is no original reality. There’s just you constantly and then you make choices and have beliefs that shape your reality. If there was an original reality so to speak then we would have abandoned our loved ones a long time ago cause we are constantly shifting and changing and creating new realities every second of the day.
The topic can be quite complicated and you can choose to believe if it aligns or you can choose not to cause there are so many other interesting theories on the universe that I will talk more about and the quantum theory is just one of them!
but if it’s any comfort to you I believe that when we shift and create a better reality we do the same for our loved ones cause we can’t abandon them or leave them behind.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself 👩🏻‍🎓 in April 2023: Virgo
9 Pentacles - The Lovers - The Wheel of Fortune - 5 Cups
Regarding: Ace of Cups
Well…it’s advice, but this is definitely a Twin Flame reading more than it is an advice one, it’s not going to resonate with everyone, but whoever it’s for is going through this heartbreak. You both come up as a divine pair, which you are, just an incompatible one right now. I assume you’ve reached the point of necessary separation. All Twins are magnets, but when they start out, it’s as opposite polarities. There’s a runner and a chaser, the chaser is usually the more spiritually aware and the one left heartbroken, the runner has no idea why they feel the need to run, but they do. And they have to. These two people cannot grow as separate individuals while they are together, it takes a short or long time, several reunions and separations even, depending on the people. It’s a deeply intense connection, chaotic even, you will switch places either knowingly or not, and you will always feel each other in some way, dream of each other, see spiritual signs and hints of the other person, no matter how long you’re apart. Once both Twins have walked in the other’s shoes, both have walked their own paths and spiritually ascend enough, they can reunite as a truly divine pair. The magnets attract as they should. If it works out, it’s possibly the most rewarding relationship, literally your “other half”, you’ve come here together as souls to learn these lessons, as a team. Some people believe your literal soul is split, I don’t, but do you. But…big but, we meet other soulmates and karmics along the way, life changes us deeply…most Twins choose not to reunite. There is always some sort of reunion, but not necessarily the revival of a relationship. After the lessons are learned, the soul contract is broken, you can feel that too. You CAN reunite, but you don’t have to. Free will 🙏 Many don’t want to, and what happens in between can sometimes be too painful to even bother returning to. Something had to cause the separation.
I’m not sure which of these people you are. Watching tarot readings and all, I assume not the runner, who is the King of Wands. They’re single, and have healed from this connection. You may have had an affair, other options, or have simply received the “Justice” that comes from being the more spiritually awakened Twin. Pain. Unfortunately. The other’s lessons will come later, for now they’re running and have growing up to do. Wheel of Fortune & The Tower shows this was destined to end, these connections always do. The two people have to separate in order to find their own soul paths, learn their lessons, become who they are independently, and unconsciously learn the others’ lessons too, in the meantime, before a reunion is even possible. You switch when you stop chasing, they stop running. Eventually you both just stop. It’s over. You did it. Knight of Pentacles and this Wheel show time. Never wait on your Twin, your whole life could go by.
5 Cups shows regret, sadness, missing you. There will be regrets in this person for being cold, possibly “authoritarian”, for getting over you and leaving you behind. Not yet, but they will. They always do 🙏 They’re over the past though, they’ve healed, and I don’t see a reunion with them. You have to live your life. Find new love. New passions, a whole new direction. What did this person hold you back from? Go do that. It’s YOUR turn to run. This will trigger them inside when the dynamic changes, they will feel you stop caring, and feel when big things are happening for you, even though they have no idea what you’re up to. And they will look for you, and unconsciously start chasing. Keep running. You have work to do on yourself. By the time you switch again…you may not even want it anymore. Or they might not. Someday, you’ll both learn, grow, and stop running. If you’ve not reunited after a long period at least once so far, you haven’t seen the last of them. In the meantime, it’s time to live your own life ❤️ Embrace anything being possible.
Animal Oracle: You have two
Cat 🐱
“It’s time to strike out on your own and relinquish your overdependency on others.”
It’s so easy to slip into a comfortable dependency with anything or anyone, from simple dependencies that can be healthy and restorative (such as daily exercise) to destructive and hard-core dependencies, such as an addiction. You may find yourself so totally hooked on another person that you lose yourself, always turning to that individual to either make decisions for you or to validate your own. This can apply to organizations and institutions as well. These dependencies that you’re most familiar with are most likely born out of habit rather than conscious choice. To make truly autonomous decisions, don’t get caught up in the polarities of being dependent or independent. Instead, make those choices from a place where you maintain your own authority and power, and accept 100 percent responsibility for those choices and their consequences.
Now is the time to review the people and things upon which you’re excessively and habitually dependent: Step back from them, identify the areas where you need to make some adjustments, and act accordingly. Practice setting boundaries, asking for what you want, and making decisions based on your own internal authority and autonomy.
Condor 🦅
“You’re too enmeshed in this situation, so step back and see the bigger picture before making any decisions or taking action.”
You’ve lost perspective here because you either believe there’s something you absolutely need to have happen or else you’re simply being too stubborn to let go, step back, and take a fresh look at your circumstances. It’s the forest vs the trees dilemma. You’re too close to clearly discern the reality of what’s actually taking place. So make practice of detachment. Most people think of this as a cold, sterile way of responding, but nothing is further from the truth. It’s worse to remain so utterly involved and entangled that you lose perspective - and sometimes even yourself. This familiar pattern stems from the guilty feeling that somehow you’re not doing enough unless you’re completely immersed in a person or situation, continually trying to fix the problem, person or situation or rescue people. While this gives a temporary sense of satisfaction, it also creates unhealthy dependencies.
True detachment is objective compassion, where you still care very much but are distanced enough so you’re not under the illusion you can control the situation or person through your intervention or participation. 1st, be present and attentive. 2nd, speak your truth or remain silent. 3rd, keep the focus on what really matters. Lastly, let go of any attachment to an outcome. This is how you keep perspective. You can state your preference without insisting you get your own way. Express yourself, while honoring & respecting others, and see what happens.
- Nature can keep a secret.
- Keep Freud guessing.
- You can’t run away from yourself, but running away from others can be quite productive.
- Avoid Sedentary Health Risks
- Upgrade Your Couch Time
- Donate to Your Local Food Bank
Ladybug 🐞 on Cat shows you being dependent on this person for your own personal happiness, which is not healthy. You have to make yourself happy doing the things you love, all by yourself. Family, friends, all of your loves, they all make you, you. And you’re lucky. This basically says what I said earlier, stop chasing. Stop reminiscing or thinking of them at all. The more you push them away, the more the universe brings you what you actually need.
Lollipop 🍭 on Page of Wands shows this could be a childhood love, or there is a child involved that makes this more complicated to just leave behind, or there is more time invested and pain involved before the separation, taking longer to heal because of that. If not, you may simply be fired up for progress that’s not happening, because you’re expecting it. In many cases, someone better is coming. Not comparable, nothing is as intense as a Twin, but better for you, the you right now and who you’re becoming, especially in cases where there is deep heartbreak or betrayal like is indicated here with 3 Swords and 10 Swords.
Starfish ⭐️ on Health Risks shows one way you can focus on yourself is by doing healthy activities. Walking, running, dancing, yoga, whatever you enjoy that gets you moving and takes your mind off of things that bring you down. Starfish is regeneration & healing.
Snowflake ❄️ on The Emperor shows someone that is very cold. Probably them. This is after The Wheel of Fortune, after a long period of time. You have to realize…the runner is not spiritually aware. At ALL. They tend to always think they’re right and not think twice. There is no reminiscing, no sadness, they don’t know why they even think of you at all. They do of course, but because they’re this way…some never change. They do regret being this way with you, or hurting you generally, but there’s no indication that they’ve changed either. Things like spiritual ascension, growth, “twin flames” are completely foreign to them. Their motto may be “this is how I am” with no consideration they have some control over that person, or a desire to change. To them, the past is simply the past. They wouldn’t be the first either. That’s why you can’t wait. If you’re meant to reunite, you will, but nothing here indicates that may actually happen…more the opposite. Besides, if they’ve never changed, and only have gotten colder, you won’t want them like you think you do 🙏
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keepingitmagical · 1 year
The One
The One by Melony Killoren
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Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame or Soulmate
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helenaroman1111 · 6 months
Parallel Dimensions, Synchronicity & Ascension | Physicist: The Most Imp...
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rheyareads · 6 months
How do you spell Epiphany?
Sometimes lessons just hit me like lightning. One minute I’m sitting in the middle of a still ocean admiring my progress and the clouds gather, the storm rages, I stand ready to fight back or give in, just like I’ve always done, and then crack! I’m hit with this bolt of realization that shakes me to my core and rewires everything I thought I understood. I’ve spent the better part of my life…
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seedyvampire · 7 months
LoA vs. Predetermination
At the beginning of learning about the Law, there can be a lot of questions regarding how more spiritual constructs like soulmates, twin flames, soul families/tribes, and soul contracts, karmic balance, spiritual status, astrological profiles, plans made prior to incarnation, etc. are able to coexist seamlessly with the notion of limitless conscious manifestation.
You are a higher vibrational being inhabiting a temporary physical form for the purposes of living out a lifetime in this lower vibrational simulated reality. You are just a sliver off of a much higher dimensional source, making you actually above the 3D in power, despite the many projected illusions and magicians trying to trick you into thinking otherwise. This gives you the ability to alter it with just your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, as these are what give shape to your frequency, naturally drawing in other frequencies that are alike to it. This renders the 3D essentially a hologram that constantly and unstoppably mirrors your own energy back to you.
Keeping all that in mind for a moment, what's one of the first things you do when you start up a game that involves role-playing? You build a character you'll pretend to be, and this can include anything from backstory to their physical appearance. Incarnating into the 3D reality is no different: who you are/were prior to learning about conscious manifestation is a combination of choices you selected for yourself before coming into this world, as well as your ego's reactions to external circumstances as you grew and evolved through life and its messes, and what (up until this point) you've been manifesting on "autopilot."
As you keep playing the RPG though, do you actually stay fully committed to that character build? Or do you find yourself wanting to pursue pathways that may not entirely fit with who you've made yourself to be? And let me also ask: how many people have you met who's personalities aren't in alignment with their zodiac placements, like, at all? How many people do you know who graduated and entered the working world fully studied and prepared for one specific career path, and are now in a completely different field altogether? How many couples have you met that seemed like they were destined to meet and be together forever, only to completely crumble apart? Even you yourself started out life as no more than a tiny handful of cells, yet look how much different you are now.
You are expected to grow, change, and evolve throughout your lifetime. There is no doubt in my mind that you, and all the rest of us, understood this even as you were still in the process of designing your physical self for incarnation, and would have known ahead of time that some presets would probably be only temporary.
Any contracts or conditions set prior to entering this life were your choice then, and are still your choice now. Your divine right to freedom of choice is absolute rule in your reality, it always has been and it always will be, end of story. There is no higher power outside of you determining whether you're "karmically worthy" to receive your desires, or if marrying that SP you want so much is in alignment with your twin flame contract, or if you can actually manifest the identity you want instead of the one your natal chart laid out for you. You do not have to follow any of that stuff if it does not resonate with you, dear one; it is entirely up to you. If it does not resonate with you, honor that inner knowing, because nobody was created to suffer or settle for less than what brings them joy and light. These lives are far too temporary to waste on arbitrary restrictions. If you can disregard your character presets in a videogame, you can absolutely disregard them when it comes to your actual life, which is far, far more precious.
With all of that being said, please don't think that being a conscious manifester means you have to throw these concepts away entirely. In fact, if you remember to stay in your power, you can actually manifest them to work in your favor. Who says that SP you want so bad can't also be your Twin Flame? It's your reality! Who says you can't have different zodiac placements if you want them? It's your reality! Who says you can't manifest reuniting with a friend from a previous life? It's your reality!
Whatever you choose to do, just always bear in mind that your presets have no more say over you or your reality than anything else does. You have the final say, every single time.
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alethonym · 10 months
unbelievable how many things are clicking into place. i can't put them into words right now though there's too many and they're slippery
#my stuff#adding on as i collect:#feeling like I'm barred from my own sexuality#not remembering events and needing people to remind me#lifelong identity issues#the way my ex literally lives in my head rent free and i thought it was twin flame telepathy or something. ngl i still believe in telepathy#like just in general being able to communicate with people in vibes but. that's beside the point here i think#back to the point: my strategies of coping with bad situations being basically 'whatever I'll just dissociate'#so called intrusive thoughts but they're really just like advice or jokes or whatever sometimes a lil scary too but yeah#NOT EVER FEELING CONFIDENT STATING ANYTHING ABOUT MY BELIEFS OR ATTRIBUTES BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS CHANGE...............#the fucking literal maps i used to draw like bro...#i didn't think it was MINE i thought it was like a spiritual structure of the universe or Something. very embarrassing.#sorry for putting it all out here like this. i just want it available later#also i just deleted my tags on another post without really thinking about it but literally yesterday i was still talking about how i#'see myself as one person its just a loose definition of what an identity is' like i tie my identity to the body no matter what#that's another thing like. that time i learned to Trust the Body above all else#i didn't really understand why i was even having trouble with something like that#but also i somehow thought it was normal#more or less#feeling like i was a different person based on who i was talking to. i thought i was just masking autism or like idk mirroring y'know#looking for ways to talk 'to myself' and i had a requirement that it needed to have an option to reply like a friend in a chat could#like just messaging myself wasn't good enough#looking back it's so... like.. this makes a LOT of sense#THE WAY THAT FILLING OUT PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS FEELS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INTOLERABLE#like i can do a basic one because. we have learned. but it's torturous overall#some of our past experiences with 'synchronicity' taking on a whole new meaning ..#definitely there's still god and magic involved though#in some but not all instances of synchronicity
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