#truly giffing of is a constant battle
sollucets · 10 months
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some p'yos
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art-tism · 3 months
In Our Silence- Dean x Fem! Reader
AN: I want to make this a longer multiple-part series with a slow burn friends to lovers trope. Eventual (probably) Smut in future parts. This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction, so I hope it's okay!
(Part 1: Movie Night?) | (Part 2: Coming soon) |
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: None, just fluff
also okay, can we appreciate this gif, dear GOD
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Movie Night
Leaning against the side of the Impala, I arched my neck back, tilting my head toward the car's roof. The August sun cast a golden hue over everything, its warmth caressing me from my neck down to my toes. The air was filled with the scent of late summer, a mix of fresh grass with a faint hint of wildflowers. I savored the beautiful weather, the temperature a perfect eighty degrees, with a gentle breeze tousling my hair pushing the clouds along lazily in the sky—it was a moment suspended in time. I wished to stay in this rare opportunity to truly be present forever.
As I passively watched particles stir around in the light beams burning through the dense leaves above, I couldn’t help but be transported back to a time when I spent my free time outdoors, immersed in nature's beauty, trying to connect with the world around me and traversing the landscapes of North America. I still drive across the country and back, but for very different reasons. The hunter life keeps me constantly on the move, now always on edge waiting for the next creature, the next battle, the next world-ending event. It was a life of constant vigilance, with little time for reflection or stillness.
Despite the chaos of my life, at this moment, leaning against the sleek metallic black of Dean’s prized possession, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. The world lulled to a momentary pause, for just a moment, as stay there. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of the sun and the soft caress of the wind soothe my senses once more. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine a different life filled with moments like this again. But that was nonsense, a distant memory now softened by time. I've come to find satisfaction in the life I've made for myself today. Everyone in the hunting world has a reason for being there, and it's often born from tragedy. I accepted this life because it led me to the Winchester brothers. My entry into the hunting world was marked by meeting Sam and Dean Winchester, an event that, as anyone familiar with the name 'Winchester' might guess, was perhaps the most harrowing night of my life.
I lost my family to a rogue vampire, one that had been terrorizing my town for about a week before setting its sights on my home. The reasons for their choice will forever remain a mystery to me. At that moment, I lost everything and nearly lost my life as well. It was then that Sam and Dean intervened, saving me at the eleventh hour as I resigned myself to my fate. The details of that night are hazy, and I prefer to keep them that way. But what I do recall, even when I try to forget, is the sensation of lying in the back of the Impala, Sam's comforting presence as he silently held my trembling body.
Sam was my rock, a beacon of kindness and support in the aftermath of my tragedy. He refused to let me drown in despair, always there to gently nudge me towards self-care, ensuring I ate and got out of bed, even when the world felt like it was collapsing around me. In Sam, I found solace and a sense of belonging, a reminder that I wasn't alone in the dark. Dean, on the other hand, was an enigma. Beneath his tough exterior, I sensed a tender heart, a vulnerability he seldom revealed. I knew he cared for me, just as Sam did, but his approach was more guarded, more hesitant. It was as if he struggled to find the right words, the right way to express his concern for me, a stranger whose life had become entwined with theirs after what, to them, was just another case.
Dean was reserved, his approach cautious and measured, especially considering all I had just endured. His way of showing compassion was subtle yet profound, offering silent support, giving me space when I needed it, and denying me space when he knew it wasn't good for me. For all they had done for me, I felt a love unlike any I had ever known. It was a love that transcended blood, a bond forged in the fires of hardship and loss.
When I lost my family, I believed I would never experience that kind of connection again, and that I would spend the rest of my life alone and disconnected. I thought holidays would be empty, void of meaning. But the Winchester brothers showed me that the bond of a chosen family can be just as strong, if not stronger, than the ties of blood. They taught me the true meaning of "the Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." My hands wandered up to the side of Baby, absent-mindedly tracing circles lightly in the thin layer of dust on her exterior. Thoughts of Dean flooded my mind, his love for this car evident in every lovingly maintained detail. I chuckled softly, a fond smile tugging at my lips as I marveled at how this car could always lift his spirits, just as he had done for me so many times. As I continue lingering on that thought for a moment longer, I am snapped back to by a sudden voice.
In the warmth of the afternoon sun, Dean's teasing words danced through the air, his playful tone echoing with affection. "That's where the hell you've been the whole time?" he chided lightly, his voice carrying a melody of lightheartedness. "I was about to start up a search party looking for you." Though his smile radiated warmth, there lingered a glint of concern in his eyes, a silent plea for reassurance.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his jest, my heart swelling with fondness. "Just enjoying the nice day, no case, no research, and a warm breeze," I replied, my voice soft with contentment. A beam of happiness graced my lips as I finished speaking, the simplicity of the moment washing over me. As my laughter mingled with the gentle breeze, Dean's shoulders slightly relaxed, a subtle release of tension I hadn't noticed before. With a sense of serenity, I straightened myself, the day's dust clinging to my clothes like a reminder of our shared adventures.
I turned to face him, “Apologies, did I worry you, Mr. Winchester?” I teased him lightly, catching his gaze momentarily, our eyes lingering for just a moment. “Well,” he laughed and shifted slightly in discomfort “just don’t like to worry, you know?” He looked down, flickering his eyes back up to meet mine. His striking eyes captured mine once more, pausing briefly before he tugged his gaze away towards the bunker door. “Sam and I just finished cooking, Sammy wasn’t interested in another night of Diner food,” he laughed more light-heartedly than before, “and I figured you’d want to enjoy my homecooked burgers before they got cold.” He shot me a smirk, Dean was fully aware of my love for his cooking, especially his burgers. They were a million times better than one from any of the hundreds of restaurants you guys have eaten at across the country.  “You got me there,” I giggled slightly, following Dean inside.
"Oh, Dean," I let out a small gasp of pleasure as I chewed my first bite, savoring the taste of his culinary masterpiece. "This burger is amazing," I exclaimed with my mouth full, unable to contain my appreciation for the dinner he helped prepare. I closed my eyes, relishing each bite as I ate slowly, letting the flavors dance on my tongue. "I swear, you get better every time," I added after taking another bite, savoring the moment. I took a sip of the Kombucha I had swiped from Sam, enjoying the raspberry hibiscus flavor he had deemed unsuitable. Dean smirked at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'd love to hear you say that again," he teased, winking at me “But I’d like to hear it in another context.” A warm flush crept up my cheeks at his words, his playful banter never failing to send flutters through my body. Though I knew he was joking, the sincerity in his eyes made my heart skip a beat.
I averted my gaze, striking up a conversation with Sam to avoid more flirtatious joke from Dean. "Sammy, thank you for letting me drink the Raspberry Hibiscus ones, I really like them," I said, raising my half empty kombucha bottle in a slight cheers gesture and giving him a playful smile.
"Of course," Sam chuckled. He shifted gears, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Hey, I was thinking about going out, maybe bar hop a little tonight. You down to come with me?" he asked, his gaze flickering between mine as he waited for my reply. I knew I didn't have the social battery for a night out; I had spent most of the morning doing some much-needed deep cleaning in the bunker.
"Actually," I began, my voice playful but resolute, "I think I'll pass on the booze, and hooking up with strangers for tonight. Cleaning up after you and your brother's messy acts has left me utterly exhausted." I rolled my eyes with exaggerated flair, making it clear that my words were laced with affectionate exasperation. Teasing the boys was always a delightful game; it was our unspoken way of showing how much we cared.
Turning to Dean, I pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You," I chided, a smile playing at my lips, "need to stop leaving your dirty clothes strewn about. I washed, dried, and folded them," I paused, letting the weight of my words sink in, "but if you continue leaving them everywhere, I might just have to start tossing them out." It was a lighthearted threat, and I knew I would inevitably find myself doing both Sam and Dean’s laundry again soon. But it was all part of our dynamic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Teasing Dean always brought a sense of warmth to my heart; he was so much more animated than Sam.
"You wouldn’t!" Dean gasped; his tone mockingly scandalized. He played along with my joke, knowing full well that I would never actually discard any of his clothes, except, perhaps, those stained with blood from our hunts.
"Will you stop leaving your dirty clothes on the floor then?" I said through a smirk.
Dean paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he responded. "I think it would be much more fun if both of our clothes ended up on the floor," he winked at me, his innuendo not at all subtle. Dean had a knack for turning anything into a suggestive remark. It was one of the things I found both exasperating and endearing about him.
"Douchebag Jar!" I exclaimed, pointing at him, unmoved by his pleading eyes.
"What! Oh, come on, Y/N, it's all in good fun," Dean protested, flashing a charming smile, hoping to escape my playful reprimand.
"Nope, sorry Dean, rules are rules, and you already hit your dirty joke quota for the night" I replied firmly, crossing my arms with mock seriousness. "Right, Sam?" I turned to Sam, who was grinning and clearly enjoying the banter. "She’s right, Dean, rules are rules. You owe a dollar to the Douchebag Jar. Maybe consider not making dirty jokes all the time, and you wouldn’t lose all your money to it." The jar was filling up fast again, thanks to Dean's basically daily innuendos. He always had another dirty joke or pick up line his sleeve, ready to blurt it out the second someone slips up and says something slightly suggestive. It was a wicked game to him, regardless of how innocent and respectful his behavior with me actually was. It wasn’t like Dean to ever mean it, Whenever he whipped one of his classic dirty jokes, his eyes crinkled and his face slowly morphed into a mischievous smile. I knew he only did it to get a ride out of me, and it’s not like he can direct all of his flirtatious energy at Sammy right?
I would, however, be a liar if I tried to claim his words never brought butterflies to my stomach, I know it’s just jokes, but something in his eyes makes them feel that much more real…
“Sammy!” Dean exclaimed dramatically, throwing his hands up in mock despair and snapping back from my wondering thoughts.
“Sorry, Dean, but rules are rules," I said, a hint of amusement in my tone. "You can't escape the Douchebag Jar that easily." I watched as Dean fished out a dollar, grumbling playfully as he dropped it into the jar.
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"Happy now?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Ecstatic," I replied with a grin, the tension of the moment melting away. "Now, what do you say we watch a movie or something? I haven’t had my semi-monthly Pride and Prejudice screening." My eyes twinkled mischievously, knowing full well how much Dean despised anything remotely related to period dramas.
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
here im gonna go ahead and “try” to compile all my favorite inukag moments from the series. this particular post is a) based off the anime and b) in nO PARTICULAR ORDER so yeah
welcome to my top  every favorite inukag moments post
under the cut cause u know
long post.
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first off, inuyasha’s genuine concern over her???? his palm cupping her cheek???? the way his eyes change as they look over her???? NOPE. thats it, im dead. what i love about inuyasha is when he feels something, he FEELS it. especially in the moment of panic or TRUE WORRY. gone is the feeling of shame or embarrassment. there’s no blushing and no macho man persona. what we have right here is pure, GENUINE concern over someone he cares about deeply. and more than anything else, this is still fairly early in their relationship. its been what, a month, maybe more, since they met. they dont know each other all that well yet and we all know inuyasha has some genuine trust issues. but with kagome... it’s different. he’s all in for her, whether he’d admit it yet (& he definitely wouldn’t yet). but this moment changes things for him. this moment truly frightens him, truly makes him think he’s gonna lose her. he cant have that, he’d give anything to protect this strange and irritating girl. he calls her useless and annoying, but he likes her. a lot. he trusts her, which is saying a lot. 
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HAHAHA YES. okay so this is such a good moment because prior to this exact screenshot, inuyasha is tugging at her sleeve, trying to get her to show him her wound because W O R R I E D. sango is coming up, watching them and she thanks them, leaving them both blushing and confused. this is a moment i love for more than just the cute inukag moment- it’s an inuGANG moment. neither one of them really realize what kind of impact they have on their comrades- kagome’s kindness despite having been attacked by kohaku, and inuyasha’s constant restraint in battle. which of course means inuyasha CARES about sango. he knows her baby brother is important to her, so he’s important to him too, even if he tries to make it seem like he’s not. them acting the way they do have this way of telling sango that everything is going to be alright in the end, without even knowing they’re doing it. 
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gif kind of explains it all, hahahahaha. 
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this is a movie 2 moment
i love it because we get a bit of why i love kagome & inuyasha together SO MUCH more than i could have ever liked kikyo & inuyasha.  i like you as a half demon is what she’s saying here, telling inuyasha that he doesnt have to change. that he’s perfect the way he is. when you think back to moments like this with kikyo, its her almost urging him to become human with the jewel. rather than accept inuyasha as he is, she offers him a way out. kagome loves inuyasha for WHO he is, for what he is, and she doesnt care if he’s human or demon, she just cares that he’s inuyasha.
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this goes back to that first moment i listed, because it’s inuyasha showing GENUINE concern for kagome (and shippo too!) when he thinks they’ve died, he says something along the lines of you’ve killed my friends, youre really gonna regret that or whatever it is that he says... BUT YOU CAN SEE IT ON HIS FACE & HEAR IT IN HIS VOICE, HE’S PISSED. those are his FRIENDS. HIS COMRADES. how dare you hurt them!! the new friends he’s so recently acquired, though they may be new they’re HIS and theyre IMPORTANT. i love this because his first reaction is anger and then true grief as he reaches for her hand, saying dont leave me. this is a moment that kind of always stuck with me throughout the series as being important, because it really shows you how close inuyasha and kagome are, even this early in the series. even though inuyasha is rough around the edges and would never admit it TO HER, you know he cares a lot for her. this moment is proof of how much inuyasha truly feels for those he cares about, no matter how long it’s been since he’s met them. its proof of his big heart 
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fuck that line always gets me and honestly i cant tell you if she says it in the anime or just the manga, but we’ll pretend i know what im talking about. honestly, this whole episode was GOLD. inuyasha cares so deeply for kagome, he’s willing to go through hell & back just to ensure she’s safe and protected. when he knew she was in danger, he fought like hell to get to her. & though he’s weak and bleeding, his only thoughts are of her. & he wants her to put his robe on, even if she’s bothered by the blood stains, because its gonna offer her protection. 
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kagome crying over the edge of the cliff, thinking inuyasha has just died to save her life. its not what she wanted, its never something she’d want. but he did it and she cant take it back. nothing miroku or shippo says can stop her from feeling guilty and so overwhelmingly sad she cant even speak. and then she’s angry. how dare he die & leave her behind. how dare he throw his own life away in place of her own. he knew he was weak and hurt, but he threw himself off the cliff anyways, despite her protests. but then he’s alive & she’s crying, shaking him in anger and relief. she’s just so happy he’s alive.
bonus pic of kagome being bad ass in this episode cause she’s BAE:
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u go girl
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kagome is calling out to sesshomaru, calling him “big brother” and both him and inuyasha wear the BEST expressions ever. then of course you get jaken who’s like WTF HOW DARE SHE & sesshomaru is like stfu ill kill u bitch. WHICH I LOVE BECAUSE HELLO, CHARACTER GROWTH. 
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another movie 2 moment (can you tell its my favorite one?) 
i love, love, lOOOVEEEE this moment. its’ one of my all time favorite moments, honestly. i love that it’s kagome that brings him back. her voice, her smile, her touch, and then her kiss. she’s there, locked inside his heart & mind, his bond with her stronger than any magic spell. and while it seems like for a moment inuyasha might lose himself to his inner demon, kagome saves him with a kiss (hey, fuck u gender stereotypes! girls can wake their guys with kisses too!) & we get a really sweet moment that follows
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he tells her ill stay a hanyou just a little longer, jsut for you. 
fuck. he remembers what she says to him & its special to me because again, kagome loves him FOR HIM. she doesnt want him to change, she doesnt want him to be human or a full demon. she just wants him to be him. everyone else he’s ever known has looked down on him for being half and half, never fully belonging to either side. but with kagome... he knows he’ll always belong. 
plus he’s clinging to her like she’s his only fucking lifeline. inukag hugs mean more to me than probably anything. even the kisses, tbh. 
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its adorable. i enjoy it thoroughly. 
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more early moments i LOVE & cant help but over analyze. 
this is the FIRST TIME he gives her his robe of the fire rat. its so important because it’s him showing concern for her well being & understanding that she needs his protection. he offers it to her and can i just say, any time i see inuyasha doing this i get giddy inside??
i know its dumb but i just love it so much
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this is another favorite moment because it shows kagome’s growth as a character. inuyasha has just come from seeing kikyo and yes, of course she’s upset by this, but she’s also upset that this idiot is up and MOVING AROUND? HELLO YOU ALMOST DIED??? what ARE YOU DOING??? but also, he saw kikyo and that hurts, but her concern over him always takes precedence, no matter how she feels about him & kikyo being together. 
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this is a reanimation of a beginning episode (i think its from.. movie 4? 3? maybe its 3. i think its 3.) and GOD I REMEMBER SEEING THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. 10yr old me was like “yup, theyre gonna get married.” 
hey, i wasnt wrong. 
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any & all jealous-inuyasha moments can be included here, alright? this one is just my favorite way inuyasha interrupts. 
i love jealous-inu. like, more than anything. he’s so quick to put himself between kagome & men, whether its koga or miroku or a stranger. she’s HIS even if he wouldn’t have admitted it at this point in their relationship. kagome is off limits to everyone. 
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i cant, im crying, i just love him so much
all the expressions here literally define the whole dynamic of their relationships lmao
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i always cry & flail & fangirl over this moment. it doesnt matter how many times i see the scene or the episode. i could write novels about how much this moment means to me & to their relationship. i feel like this is a defining point for them, especially for inuyasha. 
its at this point that he recognizes how much kagome means to him & that scares him. the last time he cared for a woman, she died. and that same woman died thinking he’d killed her. he cant let that happen again. he cant let another woman he cares for *ahem* LOVES die. he wont. and he knows that going forward, things are gonna get a lot more dangerous. so he does what he thinks is the best choice: he sends her home. but before we see him push her back down the well, we get this really sweet embrace and admission of ~feelings~ from inuyasha. he tells her how scared he was, that he really thought he was gonna lose her that day. for the first time in his life, he admits to someone else just how much they mean to him. he may not say “kagome i adore you” but he might as well have. his embrace, his words, and then his pushing her down the well says everything about the truth of his feelings for her. he’d rather be WITHOUT her, than see her get hurt. you can see how badly it hurts him to send her home, but it’s not about him anymore. its about protecting the girl he so clearly loves. 
so he sends her away & hopes she’ll be safe on the other side. 
bonus kagome yelling @ inuyasha so loudly he almost blows away. 
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damn girl, u scary.
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then there’s this moment....
i love it because inuyasha is just so... so vulnerable here.  he’s washing and washing but cant get the stench of blood off his hands. and then there’s kagome with that pitying look on her face. he can see it in her eyes... and he hates it. he doesnt want pity, he says, he doesnt care what he did, he yells, but she knows he’s lying. i think this is important for inuyasha’s growth as a character too, because for the first time he sees the PROBLEM with him becoming a full demon. 
& what does he fear the most about changing again? that he’s going to hurt kagome. that those claws of his are going to draw her blood. that next time, she might not be able to bring him back from the edge. & that terrifies him, 
but more than anything else- inuyasha lets her in. in a moment such as this, if it’d been anyone else, he’d have locked them out. he’d never have let someone else see him when he felt so vulnerable, so sad. but kagome... kagome was different. kagome understands, somehow, she always knows what to say or what to do when it comes to his feelings. she cant offer him much comfort aside from this- her light embrace. but it was all he needed. inuyasha sliding his hand into place over hers is such a beautiful and powerful image, with his striking golden eyes so fucking sad. it breaks my heart every single time i see this episode or watch this scene
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i honestly dont remember the context of this moment (she sneezes? she’s cold?) but it’s another one of those moments where his protective side comes out. Kagome CANT get sick (yeah thats what im gonna go with here okay) and his instinct is to offer her his robe, which will keep her warm & safe. kagome leans in to rest her head on his shoulder and ITS JUST ADORABLE
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i love this moment so fucking much you guys have no idea. 
ILL PROTECT KAGOME he screams as he jumps into the line of fire. tessaiga isnt even working correctly at this point but there was no way in hell he’d have let that guy hurt kagome. he’d have given his life in this very moment if it meant protecting kagome. i love how the story of hoshiyomi & tsukiyomi kind of mirrors that of inukag- i mean, even inukik. it reminds me a lot of naruto & how it takes generations of the groups to get it right- hoshiyomi & tsukiyomi tried but failed. inuyasha & kikyo were the second set to try it, they came close, but it still just wasn’t right. but then kagome comes along & everything just falls so perfectly into place. it took a few tries, but they got it right in the end.
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could this list really ever be complete without this special moment?
i absolutely, 100% will never get over this moment. 
not only is this a really great inukag moment, it’s an inu-gang moment.
he’s worried about them all, his heart aches because he really thinks he’s lost them all. but then... kagome’s soft little voice speaks & he realizes that they’ve all been saved. PERFECTION. for the first time, inuyasha sheds tears for someone he loves - and it’s not just for kagome, again, he’s worried about them ALL. he’s learned how to open his heart to love and affection and friendship. it’s softened him, changed him, FOREVER. and i jsut will never get over that. 
anyways this has been in my drafts for so long i forgot it even existed  ✌️
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phantomspiderr · 2 years
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Summary: In the wake of Yelena finding out about her sister's death, you are there to help pick up the pieces
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mentions of Natasha and Tony's deaths, Yelena has a LOT of trauma, lots of crying, very brief mentions of a gun, talks about death and grief
a/n: this is a pretty heavy one, I did kind of cry writing it
(not my gif)
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
"Lena, I'm home!" You kick the door closed with your foot as you balance the paper bags full of groceries in your arms. Your brows furrow together when the normal welcome home greeting, you're used to getting, doesn't come. Maybe she went out... and left the tv on? You walk into the kitchen to dump your bags on the counter and you shrug off your jacket, leaving it draped over one of the dining chairs. Then you move toward the faint sound of the tv in the living room, there you find Yelena standing frozen in the middle of the room. She's clutching the remote to her chest as her mouth hangs open and she stares at the tv with glassy eyes.
"Yelena?" panic washes over you at seeing your normally well put together, strong girlfriend almost in tears. Quickly, you cross the room to stand in front of her, hands immediately rubbing the top of her arms as some form of comfort, "What's happened?"
Her sad eyes lock with yours and it's as if she's knocked out of a trance because every emotion washes over her at once. Then before you know it she's full-on sobbing, your eyes go wide as she sinks into your body. Her legs give out and slowly you lower the both of you to the ground and you hold her tight against your chest. You're so unsure of what to do, Yelena has never knowingly cried in front of you before. Only on a few occasions have you heard quiet sniffles in the middle of the night when you're both wrapped up in bed.
Her cries sound painful as they rip through her chest and you're sure this is one of those moments that will stay with you forever. Yelena grips tightly onto the front of your jumper, her muffled scream rings in your ears.
In a press release earlier today CEO of Stark Industries Pepper Potts confirmed the death of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff.
Your head snaps around toward the tv upon hearing the names roll off the news anchors tongue. All you can hear is the ringing in your ears as you shockingly watch pictures of the fallen Avengers appear on the screen.
Yelena always spoke so highly of her sister after they had reconnected, it truly warmed your heart at how close they had become. You however had only recently grown closer to Natasha, her wary nature and busy schedule had made it difficult to meet her in the first place but now after The Snap, the sisters spent any free moment together, grateful to still have the other. The last five years hadn't been kind but at least Yelena had you - and Natasha.
The pair supposedly sacrificed their lives in the battle against Thanos. Though some details surrounding their deaths are still unknown, Ms. Potts made it clear that the pair should be remembered for the good they achieved as members of the Avengers.
Yelena's sobs come back to the foreground and you turn your focus back to her. Your hand rubs against her back as she continues to loudly cry. Your heart begins to break as you realise you can do nothing to take away her pain. She'd only just got her sister back after years of torment and now she'd lost her all over again in the worst way possible.
The news continues to play as a constant reminder that Yelena and her sister had been torn apart yet again. You try to fumble for the remote that Yelena had dropped when she'd started to break down. You stretch your arm out as far as possible, just managing to pull the remote closer to you. Finally, you manage to turn the screen off and Yelena's cries sound even louder now there's no interfering noise.
You urge your brain to say anything but you keep coming up blank, the only thing circling in your mind is Nat's dead. You'd just seen her last week, she'd come over to your apartment for your weekly dinner and a movie night. The three of you had laughed and made fun of the cheesy rom-com you had picked. Then you'd all ate so much that you fell asleep on the couch and woke up with pains in your necks from the awkward sleeping positions.
Your own heart aches the more you think about it and you can't begin to imagine the amount of pain Yelena feels at that moment. In your effort to think of anything other than Natasha you don't hear Yelena's sobs suddenly stop. Then in a second she's on her feet and marching away from you. You look at the doorway she'd just stormed out of with wide eyes, then you're scrambling to your feet to follow her.
"Lena, what are you doing?" You follow her into your shared bedroom and see her pulling a duffel bag from under the bed, dumping it on top of the bedspread and turning to her chest of drawers. She pulls out clothes before stuffing them into the bag and then she moves toward the wardrobe, rummaging around until she pulls out a handgun. She acts as if she hasn't noticed you standing in the room when she moves past you to go to the bathroom but you jump in front of her before she can enter the room. You try to plead with her, "Yelena, talk to me."
She looks angry. Her cheeks are flushed and there's still wet tear trails all over her face but her eyebrows are knitted together and her chest is heaving.
"I'm going to kill them." She moves around you, roughly bumping your shoulder on the way and knocking you back a little.
"Kill who?" You follow her into the bathroom, full of worry because you've never seen her act this way. Your Yelena is soft and squishy, she always makes you laugh but this Yelena is hard and cold, she cares only for her mission.
"Them! That sad excuse of a family that let my sister die!" You flinch at the harsh tone, "she did everything for them and they let her die! My sister is dead!" Her entire body is shaking with anger now and there's a moment of stunned silence before her breathing becomes uneven and her eyes start to water again.
Before her legs give out again, you catch her, your arms enveloping her in a tight hug as she angrily thumps her fists against your chest. It doesn't hurt but you hope it gives her some relief from the overwhelming anger she feels. Her sobs bounce around in the small bathroom, creating an echo of cries.
"I'm sorry," is the first thing that comes out of your mouth. Your hand strokes her head as you hold her up, "I'm so sorry, Lena."
"My sister's dead," the cry is muffled against your jumper again but that doesn't stop it from piercing your heart.
"I know, I'm sorry." It's the only thing you can think to say. What do you say to your former assassin girlfriend whose crime-fighting, world-saving sister just died trying to fight some purple space alien? There's not exactly a handbook.
“Stop saying you’re sorry,” her head lifts so you can see her teary eyes. You stop yourself before you stupidly say it again, your mouth opening for a second before closing. Yelena sighs deeply before she pulls away from you, gently walking past you this time. You quietly follow her as she enters the bedroom again, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at her hands. Uncertain as to whether she wants you close or not, you stand awkwardly in the middle of the room and wait. Uncertainty seems to be clouding your mind, not sure how to make the situation better, not sure what to say to make her feel better.
"She deserved better," Yelena wipes the end of her nose with the back of her hand and instinctively you grab a tissue from the bathroom and hold it out toward her. Yelena's head lifts for a second and the smallest smile spreads on her sad face as she takes the tissue. This time you decide to sit next to her on the bed, making sure to leave some space between your bodies.
"She always deserved better," she sniffles again, wiping her nose with the tissue before continuing, "I know we weren't real sisters but she was the only family I'd ever known. And I-I," more slow tears roll down her face as she gets worked up again, "I miss her already."
The second Yelena looks up at you and says those few words you finally start to feel the prickle of tears in your own eyes, you'd be so concerned for your girlfriend that you'd forgotten that Natasha was your friend too.
"I miss her too," your lip quivers and tears start streaming as Yelena reaches her hands out to grab your shoulders and tug you in for a tight hug. You hold each other for a long time, both crying and heartbroken for your fallen friend which after a while turns into teary laughing as you remind each other of good memories. Like the time Nat had unexpectedly fallen asleep during one of your movie nights and both you and Yelena decided to play a little game of human buckaroo.
Piling anything from pillows and blankets to mugs and bottles. You both laughed as Yelena reminded you of the way Natasha had woken up as you were placing a mug in her hand and it ended up flying across the room, smashing into millions of pieces. She'd given you both a stern talking to after that and she watched as you both cleaned it up.
Yelena even shared a broken memory from her childhood with Natasha, smiling fondly as she showed you the upside-down stance they used to do as children. You were both giggling on the floor as you attempted to copy her before falling on your back, Yelena laughed as she flipped back over to cradle your head in her hands. Her smile slowly faded as her eyes watered again, your hands moved up to hold hers that were resting on your cheeks.
"It'll be okay," you faintly squeeze her hands while giving her a gentle smile, "not right now but eventually." She pushes out some air, in what was almost a laugh and she gives you a tight smile.
You know this isn't going to be easy, it's going to be one of the hardest things Yelena has ever experienced - and that's saying something considering all she's been through. Immediately upon seeing Yelena's sad upsidedown face looking down at you as she holds your head, you make a promise to yourself. A promise that you'd stay, you'd be there for her no matter what, that you'd hold onto each other throughout this painful grief. Then maybe, just maybe, eventually you would both be okay.
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leahkenobi · 3 years
just a little blood
cassian x reader
warnings: blood, violence, vivid descriptions of injuries, pain, angst, screaming, yearning, hurt/ comfort, fluffy ending, lmk if i missed any!
summary: after an intense battle, cassian finds you badly injured. he fears that his feelings for you will be left unsaid.
a/n: hi there to anyone who finds this fic! this is the first fic i’ve written, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. all credits to the person who created this gif. the gif is not meant to be exclusive to what y/n looks like! i don’t own any of these characters. hope you enjoy!
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you knew it would be trouble from the moment you laid your eyes upon the ships rapidly approaching the bay. you had seen battles before, but none when you were so incredibly outnumbered. you turned to your brother and the rest of the family you have formed over the past years and met their solemn faces. you all knew what was to come, what your chances at survival were.
still, even in the face of chaos, your eyes met that of the male you had loved for decades, for centuries. cassian stared back at you, the same look of yearning that always remained when he glanced your way now mixed with a look of terror. terror for his family, his brothers, and the female he loved who hadn’t heard those words leave his mouth yet.
those words didn’t need to leave his mouth, however, because you knew. really everyone knew, including your brother, azriel. it was obvious, from the longing stares, the constant flirting, the acts of jealousy when the other found a temporary lover, the heartbreak written in your face when he kissed another that could be mirrored on his as well.
but there had to have been a reason, right? a reason he never confessed those feelings to you. maybe he never had “those feelings”? maybe you had dreamt them up or over analyzed those glances to aid in your delusions of him and the life you could live together.
before the group separated, you hugged your brother closely, followed by a hug from cassian as well. he lowered his lips to your ear. “please be safe, just this once,” he whispered. with a grin, you replied “never,” with a wink. he looked at you with a soft smile before he took to the sky.
the dust settled and all cassian could think of was you. he was unharmed in the battle, so he gathered his weapons and went off in search of his family. from his view in the skies, he could see rhys and feyre seated by a small tree, blood stained across their bodies, heads leaning against one another, regardless. cassian could see azriel and amren, who both seemed rather unscathed considering the long and gruesome battle that just took place before their eyes. he was panicked that he could not find you in the post-battle chaos, but resolved to it being because he had not surveyed all of the land yet. cassian spotted mor moments later who, was leant over a body. whose it was, he could not tell from his position.
when he heard mor start to shout for help, he swooped lower to her location. as he descended and began to make out the female mor was tending to his body stiffened. cassian didn’t know what to feel, anger, fear, sadness. none of his feeling mattered anyways. because that wasn’t just any female. that was y/n. that was the one he loved more deeply and truly than anyone else. his best friend’s sister. the female he believed to be his mate.
he arrived at mor’s side in record time and took in the sight of your broken body that lye before him. blood spilled from your mouth in small trickles, this meaning your internal injuries were severe. your right ankle was twisted awkwardly, which he knew was incredibly painful by the looks of it. he could see the gnarly and jagged vertical slash of a sword on your stomach, deep enough to be pooling blood in the grass on the left side of your body. the cut was so deep, he could see parts of the muscle the sword cut through. he could see your eyes closed lightly. small whimpers left your mouth, letting him know you were still conscious.
“hey, hey, hey,” he said softly as he knelt beside your body. when he touched your face, you whimpered again. the pain was unlike any you had previously known, spread all throughout the different parts of your body. “sorry, i’m sorry, sweetheart. i know it hurts,” he whispered. your eyes slowly flickered open and he gave you a soft smile, which you tried to return.
you lifted your left hand to your side to try to ease the ache you felt, but cassian was quicker, grabbing your hand and giving it a feather- light kiss so you would avoid touching your open wound. you slowly tried to lift your neck, which cassian registered. “no, no need to look, y/n,” he said calmly in a low voice while trying to gently lay you back down. “that bad?” you tried to get a chuckle out of him. “just a little blood,” was all he managed before you started groaning in pain.
mor reached your side again quickly, both of them trying to calm you and stop you from squirming in pain, knowing the movement would only make it worse. cassian remained kneeling on your left side, pushing the hair from your face with one hand while his other gripped your own. your cries of pain made him feel sick to his stomach. there had to be something he could do. he stared at mor, questioning what to do next with his eyes. if they waited much longer for an answer, you would bleed out.
“cassian it hurts,” was all you could say because of your condition. you felt nauseous and on the verge of passing out from the pain. it broke his heart to hear the way your voice was cracking. “shh.. shh… i know. just hold on, okay? we will find someone, alright?” cassian said. the panic was clear on his face as he turned to mor who was stroking your right shoulder. they knew this was trouble. they had no way to reach a healer.
that was, until rhys did his check-ins with his friends. unlike cassian, he did not need to physically see his friends to know they were alive and well. all rhys had to do was tap into the connection he had with all of the members of his inner circle to decipher their states. first he checked with azriel, who was alright but concerned, for he could not find you. he checked in with amren, who seemed about as comfortable as one could be after a battle of this intensity. however, when he tapped into cassian’s connection, he became nervous and frightened for his brother.
cassian picked up on the fact that rhys was connecting with him. “rhys!” he shouted in his mind, “brother hurry! it’s y/n, please rhys. please come help her.” feyre recognized the distress on his face immediately. “what’s happened?” she asked, just moments before he took her hand, without another word and winnowed them to where you lye, bleeding out in the dying grass.
mor was the first to notice rhys and feyre’s arrival. she quietly stood and stepped back from her spot next to you to allow feyre and rhys to approach. cassian was too busy comforting you, now holding your head in his lap while he caressed your face, to notice their arrival.
once again, you cried out to cassian in pain. it was unbearable at this point. “please,” you were begging him, eyes closed because of the intense waves of pain you felt, “please make it go away cass, it hurts so bad,” you whimpered. it took all of your strength to form coherent sentences and it took all of cassian’s strength not to cry with you. instead, he just hushed you, still not acknowledging rhys and feyre, saying “help is on the way, y/n, okay? i promise. you’ll be alright, i promise it won’t hurt forever. i’ll make it go away.” damnit, if only he could take away your pain. if only he could take every ounce, every last drop of pain and suffering you felt right now and turn it on himself. he would not think twice.
feyre sniffled from beside you and cassian finally looked to her. rhys only stared down at you, his hand on feyre’s shoulder. he whispered something in her ear, something cassian couldn’t even hear with his enhanced hearing. feyre only nodded to whatever he said. she then knelt to where mor previously was, hand resting on your shoulder. you flinched in pain at the touch, but slowly opened your eyes. “hi y/n/n,” she said. you wanted to return the greeting, but at this point, you were in so much pain you could hardly speak. all you could do was moan in pain. “i know it hurts now, but i’ll help make it better alright?” she spoke softly, “it’s gonna hurt a little for a moment, i have to put some pressure on the cut, but it’ll heal after a few minutes if you can stay still.”
feyre turned to cassian, giving him a knowing look. he knew it wouldn’t hurt “a little” and “just for a moment.” he knew this was the type of pain that brought even his toughest soldiers to tears or caused them to writhe in pain. having a slash of this size being stitched at all was incredibly painful, but having the muscles in your stomach healed together again as well? this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. not to mention your ankle, which still looked entirely out of place at the awkward angle it was stuck in. and those were just the surface level injuries.
your eyes fluttered open enough to make contact with feyre’s and nod lightly. she turned to rhys, as if looking for approval to begin, and he nodded. finally, she turned to cassian again, and he understood what that look meant. he was to be the one to hold you down. he was to be the one to calm your screams, and if that was not possible, then to be the one who muffle them somehow. he moved your head out of his lap, swiftly pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. he reached for your hand to squeeze right as feyre began to use her gift of healing to help you.
the second her hands made even the slightest bit of contact, you screamed. and it wasn’t just a scream, it was a cry. amidst the screaming in pain, there was a male holding your hand, his lips close to your ear, trying to comfort you, trying to settle you. “y/n, love, you are doing so good,” “i know it hurts,” “breathe, y/n/n,” all fell from his lips. you could see the fear in his eyes, could hear it in his voice when he whispered encouragements to you. while your fit of pure agony continued on, you found yourself shouting his name, as if he could take your pain away. you begged for him, pleaded his name, for him to help you, to save you. that sound would be something that haunted him for the rest of his immortal life.
finally, after a solid two minutes of hearing your blood-curdling screams, and your begging for reprieve from anyone that would give it to you, you passed out from the pain. cassian let out a sigh of what was almost relief. relief that at least now, you couldn’t feel the painful process of your body being mended back together. he stayed next to your broken form, leaned over your face and still squeezing your hand. his tears fell silently before he felt the shake on his shoulder, his brother’s hand.
rhys said, “cmon cass, we need to move her to a safe place. we need to find az and tell him what’s happened.” cassian nodded, “but feyre, she’s not done healing y/n,” he said, while looking at the deep gash still prominent on your side and you mangled ankle. “thesan will meet us in illyria,” rhys said. cassian knew it was not a good sign, the fact that they had to call in another high lord.
“rhys…” he said while panic washed over his features. “it’ll be okay cassian. but now, i need you to help me. i need you to pick her up so we can all winnow together alright?” rhys said. cassian was panicking, hands shaking, as he put his arms behind your shoulders and legs to scoop you into his arms. the last thing he wanted was to hurt you, or wake you again. oh gods, if you woke while they winnowed you. the force would make your situation even worse, and he didn’t think he could stand to hear you cry out to him in pain again.
once cassian was holding your body in his arms, they all winnowed to windhaven, where they promptly entered the healers tent. cassian set you down on the bed and took a step back to take you in.
to be frank, you looked like hell. you were ghostly pale from the blood loss. dirt and grime from the battle covered your skin. dried blood could be found near your mouth and your ankle was askew. and that was just your surface level injuries, not to mention the internal damage. cassian shivered at the sight. how had this happened to you? how had he not been there to save you from this pain?
as he assessed your body, rhys entered with thesan and azriel. azriel’s stoic face morphed into one of terror. he had never seen his sister so badly injured. he couldn’t stand to look, so he turned his head slightly the other way before turning his head right back to examine your body. thesan inched closely to where cassian was standing.
“excuse me, general cassian. let me take a look,” thesan said. cassian stepped away from your body and turned to face az who looked like he was holding back tears. “just- please. please help her. she needs to be okay. i need her,” cassian said to thesan, who nodded, as if understanding that she wasn’t just his friend, wasn’t just his family, but something more, something much more.
after what could have been hours, but felt like days, you woke up, disoriented and in a world of pain. from where you were resting, you could see azriel and cassian, backs turned to you, discussing quietly. as you shifted in the bed to try to overhear their conversation, you let out a whimper of pain. cassian’s head immediately snapped to you.
he was rushing to your side as soon as he heard you stir. he approached you, hand immediately reaching your forehead to push back the hair there and wipe they stray tear that had fallen. “hey,” he said, “hey, it’s alright now, y/n, you’re okay.” you only nodded. “what hurts?” cassian asked as azriel stalked over. “everything,” you responded with a chuckle. seeing that smile, hearing that faint laugh, caused a huge grin to spread across cassian’s face. because that was the smile he never thought he would see again, the laugh he thought he would never hear again.
azriel looks down at you and grabbed your hand. he kissed your forehead saying, “thank the gods you’re alright.” “i’m okay az, i’m okay,” you replied. rhys stood at the opening in the tent and let out a telling cough. he nodded his head in greeting, to which you waved softly, grunting as you put your left arm down. cassian sent azriel a look, as if they were communicating in their minds, and azriel took it as a sign to leave. “right then,” azriel said, “i’ll leave you two to talk.” he walked out of the tent with rhys.
cassian sat in the chair next your cot, his hand still in yours. you smiled at him. “talk about what, exactly?” you said. he cleared his throat. “i thought i lost you, y/n/n,” he said. “and when i heard you crying and heard you screaming,” his throat bobbed, “i almost couldn’t take it. i thought i was gonna be sick.” you smiled at him sympathetically, “but i’m still here. you can’t get rid of me that easily.” he nodded, then continued, “but if.. if you were gone. i would’ve never had the chance to tell you this. to tell you how i feel.” you were quiet, and let him continue, “i love you, y/n. so much. so much it hurts. so much i’m scared to admit it to anyone, even myself. i’m scared that i’ll tell you this, and you’ll leave me first, and i’ll have to live without you. i’m so scared because i can’t imagine this life without you. i can’t imagine anything without you. you ground me, you save me, and you don’t even know it. and today, that possibility of being here without you became real. too real. so please, please don’t scare me like that. ever again. because i need you, mother above, i need you. to hold me together, to love me. i need you.” he finally stopped, trying to decipher the look in your eyes.
“cassian…” you said. “oh- oh gods! was i wrong, oh fuck i’m sorry i just thought, there was this connection-“ “shut up and kiss me.” your hand reached for the base of his neck to bring his face to yours. he put both of his hands on your face and brought his lips to yours. the kiss was slow and passionate, all of the emotions from the past 500 years flowing into one moment. his tongue slipped into your mouth, and you allowed it. allowed him to have access to all of you, even in your most fragile and broken state. and that’s when your thoughts, when his thoughts, were solidified. you were mates. you were destined to be each other’s. after all this time, all this yearning, it was official. you were made for him, and he was made for you.
feyre was standing at the entrance of the tent, arms crossed and smirking. you unlatched your lips from cassian, and blushed pink in embarrassment at what you knew feyre had just witnessed. “don’t stop on my account,” she laughed. you laughed too, maybe a bit too hard because you clutched your side. cassian’s face filled with concern. feyre said “i just came by to check on you, clearly i missed something. should i have checked your head too? you do know you were just kissing cassian, right?” cassian laughed and you smirked, “yes i know who i was kissing and my head is completely fine feyre.” “how are you feeling, though?” she asked. cassian looked to you as you answered, anticipating what you were going to say. “i’m pretty sore, my stomach hurts a lot but i’ll live.”
“it’ll take time, y/n, but in a couple weeks you’ll be back and better than ever,” feyre said. “yea, i hope,” you answered. “you will be,” cassian answered firmly. “well then, i’ll let you two get back to it,” feyre said with a wink. before she walked out of the tent however, she turned the two of you and asked, “does az know?” how could you have forgotten? this was his best friend you were kissing. how could you be so reckless? “he knows,” cassian said, “we talked about it. he gave me the go-ahead.” you sighed in relief. “gotcha,” feyre said. “don’t be too rough,” she winked again. you and cassian turned to each other and laughed.
he saw you try to hide the pain in your face from the laugh. “i wish there was a way i could take away all of your pain,” he said. “you can’t take it away, but you can hold me… please?” you asked. “anything, y/n, anything you need,” he responded, moving from his spot next to you to sit behind you.
you now sat nestled between his legs. his hand in yours while you mindlessly played with his fingers. “i love you, cassian,” you said. you realized you had never uttered the words and meant it like you did now. he just smiled down at you, planting a kiss on your cheek, “i’m glad to hear it, or else that super sexy kiss we had back there would have made this all extremely awkward.” you chuckled at him. of course. of course he was yours. he had been all this time.
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Good Enough ✧ Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
Request: hiii i love your writing!! can you write about a sweet hufflepuff and how everyone thinks they aren’t a good pair together so one day Pansy bullies the reader into breaking it off with Draco because she feels like she’s not good enough for him then draco finds out and he’s really mad at Pansy?
Another seventh year AU where Voldermort never existed !
Warnings: bullying, slight angst, crying, cursing (barely), sad!draco, angry!draco, implied smut towards the end (also extra mean slytherins for the purpose of this imagine but i have nothing against them i <3 them as much as any other house)
Words: 4.5K
A/N: hiii thank youuuu 🥺💗 !!!!!! but ahhhh omg im a hufflepuff so i hope i delivered good hufflepuff energy in this oneee :’))) i think this might be my new favorite thing ive written omg but i do not own gif 
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There was truly no explanation how you, a kind Hufflepuff, managed to become friends, let alone a couple, with the proud and arrogant Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy. 
On the outside, your relationship to everyone seemed uncanny and plain wrong. Even your friends and housemates had looked down on it for a while but eventually came around and just let you be. You couldn’t say the same for the Slytherin’s, however, because if there was one house they disliked more than Gryffindor; it was Hufflepuff.
They berated you and Draco for weeks after they found out he had started a relationship with you. They scowled at you when you would walk by them sometimes calling you names depending on whether or not Draco was by your side. He always defended you and you did your best to ignore them, but they were relentless. You had only been dating for about a month now and the tantalizing comments from Slytherin’s and anyone else who wanted tear the two of you down were right now seeming endless.
“Why can’t people leave us alone,” you said sadly to him one night. You were lying with him in a patch of grass outside the castle, head against his chest as his hand lazily traced patterns onto your bicep.
“They’re only jealous,” he sneered quietly. “People get mad at what they can’t have or what they can't understand.”
Draco’s patience with people was worsening each and every day. His housemates, regularly, would corner him in the common room and interrogate him with questions that made him want to rip his hair out.
“Is this some sort of prank you haven’t told us about, Malfoy?”
“A Hufflepuff? Have you gone mad?”
“Is she blackmailing you with something, mate?”
“Haven’t you thought about how that makes us Slytherin’s look?”
“She’s a blood-traitor!”
The questioning would always lead to him yelling and threatening everyone aggressively before he locked himself in his Prefect dorm or would leave the common room altogether in a fury. Those were the days he would find you after he calmed down and would hug you tightly, pressing kisses all over your face as he praised you with everything he adored about you to how happy you made him and how perfect you were for him. 
You, on the other hand, were dealing with much worse. You never told Draco some of the awful things people would say to you when he wasn’t around. You would stand up for yourself very rarely, confrontation not really being your first approach to handling things but when the insults were bad enough, you were forced to.
You would always hear a variation of the same things said either directly to you or from obvious whispering, majority of them being from Slytherin and the occasional judgmental comment from others.
“Filthy Hufflepuff!”
“Can’t believe one of them is dating one of ours.”
“What does Malfoy even see in her?”
“You’d think someone who’s supposed to be kind wouldn’t want anything to do with such an arse.”
More than ever, Draco found himself giving you an excessive amount of compliments and reassurances that he thought would balance out the insults and criticisms you would tell him about or he would witness. Everything he would tell you was true, of course, but you always felt like he said them out of pity or like he had to.
“I appreciate you trying to make it better, but you don’t have to keep complimenting me, Dray.” You’ve said to him countless times.
And he would often respond with, “but I need you to know how I feel about you.”
Despite the constant uphill battle, your relationship with the platinum blond was everything you hoped for and more. Considering your friendship had started on rocky beginnings a year ago, you would have never thought you’d be with him now.  You couldn’t thank the stars more for when your aged and nearly blind owl had flown straight into the back of his head, pecking at him while he tried to swat it away which then led to him giving you a piece of his mind and trying to hex your owl - causing you to try to hex him just as McGonagall happened to be passing by the fiasco that landed both of you in a months-long detention for reckless magic usage. It was in detention when the two of you were forced to spend time together and realized that the other wasn’t as bad as they thought.
Draco, much like everyone else, always believed Hufflepuffs to be weak and cowardly, too kind for their own good - but he quickly learned how common of a misconception that was the longer he knew you. You always fought for what was morally right, defended those you love and are loyal to courageously, and were sweet and friendly with everyone you talked to whether you knew them or not.
He gravitated towards your kindness and empathetic approach to everything. He loved to see the smiles you put on people’s faces or the way animals would randomly come up to you and immediately trust you enough to give them gentle pets that they always leaned into. He even loved the way you talked to everyone as your equals, something he rarely saw in his environment. Everything you did was a vast difference to what he saw on the daily from his cold and aloof peers, but it was a difference he enjoyed. He wished so deeply that everyone could see and understand how amazing you were to him and he was determined to make it happen.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked shyly as he held your hand tightly in his, walking you slowly over to his large group of his closest Slytherin friends that were all gathered around a bench under a tree in the courtyard.
The Prince of Slytherin believed that if he could get his friends to at least tolerate you, then everyone else would follow in suit. He only associated himself with the best and most influential of his house so if there was anyone that could improve his current situation; it would be them. You were a little uneasy about his plan, but later agreed when he had convinced you that his idea couldn’t and wouldn’t fail.
“Of course it is!” He exclaimed encouragingly. “Plus, I’m Draco Malfoy, they’ll like anything I tell them to like.”
“Okay,” you sighed, rolling your eyes slightly at his boast.
The closer you got to them, the more you felt your hands begin to sweat and the heat crawling up your face. They all began to turn towards the two of you, their eyes focusing on you and you only with a pointed gaze. You started to realize how greatly you underestimated how intimidating they looked. Especially the one girl who made it her mission to bother you every chance she could get - always from afar while she pointed at you and whispered something into her friend’s ears while they laughed or when she would pass by you and say something rude under her breath.
“Look what Malfoy’s dragged in!” Pansy Parkinson called out with a malicious smirk on her face as she eyed you.
“Give it a rest, Pansy,” Blaise sighed, “If Malfoy wants us to meet his little friend then so be it.”
“Not my little friend, my girlfriend,” Draco corrected angrily as the two of you finally reached the group. “This is Y/N and I wanted you all to meet her since I plan on having her around for a long while, so you might as well get used to it.”
“Long while? Poor thing can’t even introduce herself,” Pansy laughed tauntingly.
“I think Draco introduced me just fine right now but if you want, I’ll do it again to make you feel better,” you smiled a big fake toothy grin at her. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
Everyone snickered at your response, watching for the girl’s reaction as her nostrils flared in irritation. Draco smiled to himself and gave your hand a quick squeeze, feeling proud that you found a way to talk back to her in the nicest way possible.
“Right, well, I’m sure you know this is; Goyle, Crabbe, Zabini, Pike, Flint, Nott, and...” Draco pointed to everyone, trailing off when he reached the only girl in the group, “I don’t think that one needs an introduction, she rather do it herself, right Parkinson?”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving the blond a false squinty-eyed grin with attitude.
“So, you want us to be the nice to the Hufflepuff then?” Zabini questions, pointing a finger towards you.
“Yes, I want you to be nice to, Y/N,” Draco corrected again, his hand getting tighter in your grasp as he spoke. “That goes for all of you and everyone else in this bloody house. I don’t want to hear anything bad about her or us coming from anyone ever again or you’ll have me to answer to. I don’t care how friendly we are.”
“So he has to defend you too now?” Pansy spoke again, “Merlin, it’s a wonder how you Hufflepuff sort even survive in this world.”
Before anyone could say anything, you mustered up all the courage you had and stepped forward towards the irked girl in front of you.
“Listen, I don’t want any more trouble with you or anyone,” you rushed out. “I just want to go about my day without having to hear how disgusting and weak I am.”
She opened her mouth to retaliate but Blaise put a hand in front of her and pushed her back before she got any closer to you.
“Alright, we’ll try,” he answered for the group quickly in an annoyed tone, “but I can’t promise that for the rest of Slytherin. They really don’t like you guys together, thinks it makes them look bad. Eventually, they’ll get tired of it and move on to the next.”
“That’s as good as its gonna get,” Goyle guffawed, Crabbe and Pike snickering alongside him.
You sighed, looking up at Draco and slightly tugging at his hand while you silently begged him to take you out of there but he didn’t catch the hint and instead did the complete opposite when he had turned towards the only boy in the group who seemed to have brains.
“Zabini, can I talk to you really quick?” He asked gruffly. Blaise deeply sighed and nodded, the two boys breaking away from the group and stopping a few feet away before talking in angry hushed voices to each other.
You - all of a sudden felt very small and sick, your eyes frantically bouncing around the group as they watched you squirm. Pansy took this as her chance to step closer towards you, stopping a few inches away from you while a smirk made its way onto her face.
“Since you obviously don’t see the bigger picture, I’ll paint it for you,” she began contemptuously, “you and Draco really don’t belong together, at all. Sure, you might think everything’s fine right now, but what’ll happen when he gets tired of defending you and proving you to everyone. You think Hogwarts is your problem? Just wait until you meet the Malfoy’s. Do you really think his father would like or even tolerate a filthy blood traitor like you?”
You gaped at her, taking a few shaky steps away from her as her words hit you like a truck.
“Think about it, Y/L/N,” she gets in your face again, her hand reaching up to grip your shoulder tightly to hold you in place. “He needs to be with someone of his status, a pure-blooded Slytherin who comes from a good wealthy family who holds all the same beliefs as the Malfoy’s. If I were you, I’d end it before you ruin his life any more than you already have and end up leaving him without a family or his inheritance.”
“Are you trying to say that ‘someone’ should be you?” You question through gritted teeth, shrugging your shoulder hard out of her clawed grasp.
“I never said that,” she smiles, “but who am I to say it shouldn’t be?” 
Pansy tauntingly walked away from you, a smug look on her face as she noticed just how obviously she had hurt you. You wanted to run away and cry, but you held it together for the sake of your last remaining dignity and so that you wouldn’t please your assailant even more than you already have.
Draco turned to stroll back towards the group with Blaise, his eyes landing on your shuddering figure and the broken look in your eyes as they met his. He looked around at the rest of the group who were talking amongst themselves, unknowing to them that Parkinson had just ripped a new one on you. She stood around them, looking at her nails with an uninterested look in her eyes and when she felt Draco’s eyes on her, she looked up and smiled at him innocently. 
‘Bitch,’ you thought.
He slowly walked towards you, taking your hand and deeply frowning when you immediately slipped it out of his.
“What’s wrong?” His voice dripped with concern, his sad gray’s searching your face for any answer as to why you were suddenly acting so cold.
“I need to talk to you,” you breathed out. “Alone.”
He nodded, instinctively reaching out for your hand only for you to reject it again. He felt queasy at the response, his heart falling to his stomach as you turned around and began walking away. His legs were moving hastily behind you, a dooming tension had fallen between the two of you and he couldn’t for the life of him find a reason why.
Pansy’s words were like a game of pinball on a constant loop in your mind. Your thoughts were bumping and flying haphazardly as you tried to make sense of them and what you were about to do. And as much as you hated to admit it - the wench was right. You would never be able to offer Draco and his family anything that would ever be close to enough. You were just a sweet, regular Hufflepuff, someone far from who his family expected to date. And what if you did end up staying with him? You figured you would end up breaking up years later when he would be forced to marry someone else. Or in the slight chance, he fought against that, there was no way you’d forgive yourself if he lost his family and his future because of your own selfish needs.
You stopped at an empty corridor, sitting at one of the windowsills you regularly sat at with the platinum blond when the two of you snuck out at night to meet each other. Your head fell into your hands, your thoughts raging louder in your head and now through your body as you began to unwillingly shake. The held back tears had finally broken out in a waterfall of sadness, frustration, and grief.
Draco only watched, his heartbreaking at the sight as he kneeled in front of you, his hands resting on your knees while he tried to figure out what to say.
“Darling, please tell me what’s gotten you like this,” he pleads sadly. “If it’s about what Blaise said, I made a deal with him so he would try and help.”
“No, it’s not that,” you answered, choking back the lump in a feeble attempt to try and get yourself calmed down enough to talk to him.
He sat back on his heels, his hand running down his face in distress as he racked through his brain for anything else that might have gotten you like this. He let you cry for a bit, feeling useless as he watched you go through an internal battle he had no clue about.
“Then what is it? Tell me and I’ll fix it,” he says softly when he saw your tears had finally been reduced to stray droplets on your face.
“You can’t,” you sniffle. Your hand weakly brushed over his paled slender fingers that were holding your knee gently. He turned his palm upwards for you and you placed your shaking hand in his while you basked in the final moments of his warmth. You regrettably slipped out of his grip before you spoke the words you couldn’t take back. “We can’t be together anymore.”
Draco blinked, his stomach dropping as soon as the words left your mouth. “What?”
You stood up, backing away from him as you shook your head. “Everyone was right - I’ll never be good enough for you, for your friends, for your family. You deserve to be with someone who makes your life easier, not harder.”
“Where did all this come from?” He asks incredulously, standing up from his spot on the floor as he painfully watched your slowly retreating figure. “It’s all rubbish is what it is. You’ve never made my life harder.”
“Draco, look around you!” You exasperated, your arms flailing around you. “You had to make a deal with your own friends for them to even be nice to me. Your house can’t stand me and they take it out on the both of us! And what about your parents? You know for a fact they would hate me, don’t even try and deny it.”
Pale hands ran through his hair, his fingers pulling at the platinum strands in frustration.
“I thought you didn’t care about all that,” he said woefully. “I thought you’d know by now none of it matters.”
“Well, I care now,” you answer back gloomily. “And you should too.”
There was a spinning and nauseating feeling in the pit of the Slytherin’s stomach, his heart violently jumping around in his chest as he let you storm away from him. 
He let his back fall against a pillar, a deep and burning exhale falling from his trembling lips while he stared at a live painting across from him. It was of three women, the chalices in their hands supposed to be joined in a toast above them while they smiled gleefully in celebration, 3 of Chalices, it read in the caption below the frame. Instead of being in their usual position, they stared at him with pity in their softly painted eyes as they slowly raised their cups towards him in a way of showing their condolences.
He nodded curtly at them before he kicked himself off the wall and dragged himself towards the Great Hall where they were serving dinner and where he would undoubtedly find his so-called friends. He prepared himself to break the news to them, knowing they would be over the moon about it and as much as he wanted to join them in their delight, he couldn’t push away the large ache that had settled itself in his chest.
“We’re done,” he muttered dreadfully to himself, “it’s over.”
He was testing out different ways he could tell everyone the long-awaited news but they all left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“I think you’ll all be delighted to know, Y/N-” he tried again but he lost his train of thought when he spoke your name. It was like taking an invisible kick to his heart as if Peeves the Poltergeist had somehow crawled into his body and was wreaking his usual havoc on his insides. 
The second he stepped into the Great Hall and saw his group sitting there, eating and laughing amongst everyone else, he felt sick all over again. There was no way he could stomach the triumph they were about to unleash, but he sucked it up and drudged towards them anyway.
“You look ghastly,” Pansy snickers, already having a feeling as to why he looked so rough. He stopped at the bench, hesitating to sit down because he knew he’d want to dash the second everyone started to relentlessly bash you.
“Deal’s off, Zabini,” the blond spoke lowly. “I’m not with Y/L/N anymore so it doesn’t matter.”
“You’re better off without her, Malfoy,” Blaise said delightedly. “Can’t believe you nearly had us associating with a blood traitor. It’s better that she’s gone.”
“Yeah, we ought to thank Pansy for that,” Crabbe laughed loudly through a mouthful of food. Pansy kicked his shin under the table, and he recoiled too fast, the food in his mouth getting shot in the wrong direction as he started choking.
“Pansy?” Draco repeated, his eyes falling towards the shying girl. “What did Pansy do?”
“What?” Crabbe coughed roughly, “did no one else see her talking to the ickle Hufflepuff?”
Pansy kicked him again and he wailed out a “stop kicking me, you donkey!”
Any ounce of sadness Draco had in his body was immediately washed out in rage. He wanted to flip over the table and scream at everyone in his path, but he only turned towards Pansy again and asked her calmly.
“What did you say to her?”
“I only told her the truth!” She said coyly, holding her hands up in defense.
“What” his fist had slammed onto the table making everyone sitting near the contact jump in surprise, “did you say to her!”
“The truth! Or are you too blind to see it too?” She sneered at him. “Do you honestly think the two of you would last? Look at who you are, Draco!”
“Talk to me ever again and I swear I’ll hex you,” he spat, turning hot on his heel as he stormed out of the Great Hall, his friends staring at his retreating figure in shock at the outburst.
Draco found himself rushing through stairs and corridors, his heart racing as he searched for the place he just knew you’d be. Now that he knew the full story, he needed to talk to you. Even if you didn’t change your mind, he wanted to at least try to fix what had been broken. The tall and bronzed doors were ajar, a small light filtering through the dark corridor he was nearly running down. 
A mop of bright silver hair had peaked through the crack in the doors of the Hogwarts kitchen, worried gray eyes following in suit as they searched the room for its target. He found you hunched over a small dessert plate, a half-eaten cake being drenched in your tears that never seemed to stop. There was a house-elf next to you, looking up at you from the floor in concern while they patted your leg. 
“Mister!” a scraggly voice croaked out from below him. He looked down to find a rugged looking house-elf staring up at him with furrowed eyebrows and hands on its hips. “Students are prohibited in the kitchen.”
“There’s a student right there,” he pointed towards you.
“She’s an exception!” the elf exclaimed wildly.
Draco shook his head before walking past the small creature, power walking straight towards you while it ran behind him.
“Wait till Gonpy tells the Headmaster about this!” The elf calls, “Gonby asks your name, sir!””
“Vincent Crabbe,” Draco answers mindlessly as he continued walking towards the far end of the room that very closely resembled the Great Hall and its vastness.
The familiar accent rang through your ears, your glassy eyes shooting up in surprise when you see the reason for your tears hurrying towards you.
“Before you say anything, you need to listen to me,” he starts desperately once he reaches you. “I know it was Pansy who put those thoughts into your head. I know you think you’re not enough for me. And I know you think I was always complimenting you out of pity, but you couldn’t be more wrong about any of that. I say all those things to you because I mean it. You are everything to me. You are more than enough for me just by being you. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been and sometimes I wonder if I’m even good enough for you. But you need to understand how much I love you.”
“Draco,” you breathe, heart leaping in your chest at his rambling speech, “I love you too. But what about everyone else, how are we even supposed to be with each other in peace?”
“To hell with everyone else,” he responds quickly, walking around the edge of the table so that he was now only mere centimeters away from you. “Do you want to be with me?”
“Yes, of course,” you blink at him, “but do you really think your parents would let this happen?”
“We’ll deal with them when the time comes,” he mumbles, his hand finding its way to your puffy cheek where he let it rest. “Besides, my mother likes anything that makes me happy, so I know for a fact at least she will end up loving you just as much as I do.”
You nodded happily, a new hope bubbling in your stomach as you lurched towards him and hugged the stressed boy against you tightly. The both of you let out a breath of relief at the same time from the contact, finally feeling back in balance after the short-lived sorrow. 
He pulled away from you and leaned down into you, his lips capturing yours in a tender and passionate kiss. That was when the elves you had forgotten about had quickly stopped eavesdropping, scurrying themselves away from the table as they went to start cleaning up the kitchen. 
It was minutes before you had finally pulled away, looking dreamily into the happy gray’s that gazed back at you. You admired him for a couple seconds, feeling very content before you reached up towards him again, tangling your hands in his hair and pressing another kiss onto his now swollen lips. He moved needily against you, pushing your body flush the table as he held you tightly against him.
“Ahem,” a small voice uncomfortably called out from below. It was the same elf who had chased Draco down the kitchen when he walked in, a frown on his face as he stared at the two of you. “Gonpy and the house-elves make food here!”
“I’m sorry, Gonpy,” you hurriedly apologize, ripping yourself away from a ragged breathing Draco as you bent down to shake hands with the elf. “Thank you for making me cake and letting me cry here, you’re a Hogwarts hero.”
“Gonpy thanks you, Miss Y/L/N! The truest, kindest Hufflepuff!” 
Draco bit back a smile at the interaction. You stood up and reached your hand behind you for the Slytherin to take and as the two of you walked away, he yelled out a quick, “Thanks Gonpy!”
And once the two of you were near the exit, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed his body against your back, lowering his mouth towards your ear and kissing the skin right below it before whispering, “do you want to go back to my dorm?”
You nodded eagerly, giggling loudly as the two of you stumbled out of the door underneath his hold and into the dimly lit corridor before pulling apart and racing towards the direction of the dungeons with his hand interlocked in yours.
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desiredmalfoy · 2 years
Always Truly Mine
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Genre: Fluff? Angst? A Little Bit of Everything
Universe: No Voldy :)
Word Count: 2.0 K
Warning: Some can be interpreted as cheating depending on how you see it.
Summary: The point of view of the reader from when Draco falls out of love with Astoria and actually loves the reader. 
Note: I’M FINALLY BACK!!! I MISSED THIS :) I’m so excited to finish all my WIPS.  It’s unedited. Please don’t be afraid to tell me if you see a mistake :)
Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated and adored.
[Never Truly Mine]
{Draco Masterlist} { Main Masterlist}
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{Credit to GIF owner}
You can’t exactly point to the moment you fell in love with him. He has always been there for you no matter what. A constant presence in your life that brought you comfort. The lines were always blurred between friends and lovers you suppose. Never knowing what the two of you truly were.
Unknown to you, it had all truly begun  before you had even realized it. 
You ran down the corridors looking for your best friend. It seemed as if fate as you bumped straight into someone. Almost knocking you over if it weren’t for the firm grip on your waist. You looked to see who you had bumped into when you saw it was your best friend, Draco Malfoy. His girlfriend, Astoria Greengrass stood firmly right behind him. 
“Where are you going? What’s got you all worked up?”
“Dray! I was looking for you!” You said with a smile on your face as the adrenaline still pumped through your veins. “Oh, Hi Tori!”
“Why were you looking for me exactly? Other than to see my handsome face of course.”
You rolled your eyes at this. “Ron asked me out!”
“Weasley? Gryffindor Weasley?” He let go of you and Astoria quickly grabbed his hand and placed it with hers.
You let out a small laugh. “Yes! What other Weasley could it be?”
“There are way too many Weasleys and I forgot you fancied him.”
“Stop being so sour Dray! Let’s go so you can help me pick an outfit for my date.”
“Date? With Weasley?” What you didn’t notice was the internal battle he was having regarding you going out with Ron. 
“Obviously! Did you get hit while playing Quidditch? Well I have to go and get ready! Enjoy the day & stop being so sour Dray!” You grabbed him into a hug quickly as you ran off from the pair.
Looking back, it was the first time you noticed Draco meant more to you was when he first started to date Astoria Greengrass.  He had been dating her for a couple of months now. They seemed like an ideal pair. You didn’t know how to feel, you suppose you felt a bit strange. Strange because the ache in your chest began to rear its head as you felt something that you had yet to decipher its meaning. You pushed those feelings to the side instead to show happiness for your best friend. His happiness was all that mattered to you. 
You attempted to forget about those feelings and thought you were doing a good job when Ron Weasley was the one who you couldn’t get out of your mind. Dating Ron seemed so perfect at first. He would open the door for you, hold your hand, shower you with nothing but attention and affection. But things soon begin to crack within your perfect relationship. You felt him slipping away from you and you didn’t know what to do. He would spend less and less time with you and you didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until he had finally broken up with you in front of his friends that you knew there was no saving this. You didn’t even fight it as you threw the Cauldron Cakes you had brought him. They hit him right in his face, and a small part of you was satisfied. You turned on your heels and left as soon as you had arrived.
You should’ve known that a relationship started to forget someone would cause nothing but hurt to you. You were truly naïve. 
You don’t know how long it had been but you sat on the floor of the astronomy tower. You wiped the tears from your face as you continued to cry. Cry because you had not only been dumped,  but humiliated. You had thought you could make it work. But it seemed it was not meant to be.
You didn’t know when but you felt a presence beside you. You turned your head and you saw Draco next to you. You didn’t say anything as you lunged yourself into his arms. He grabbed onto you instinctively and held you tightly.
You cried in his arms in silence for what seemed like an eternity. 
“What’s wrong?” He whispered gently into your ear as he slowly rocked you in his arms. 
“He broke up with me in front of all his friends.” 
“Cheer up (y/n/n)! You’re no longer tied to Weasley.” He said as he playfully in an attempt to cheer you up. “Look at that positive side of it.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong Dray.” She was as you cried in his arms. Draco had his arms already wrapped around your frame as he brought you closer to him.
“You didn’t do anything wrong darling.” He wiped the tears from your rosy cheeks with the end of his sleeve. “That git never deserved you.”
“But how come it hurts so much?” You contemplated loudly. “I’ll never be good enough. Not for him or anyone.”
“You’re perfect. Don’t let anyone ever make you think otherwise.” He grabbed your chin and brought your face to look up directly at him. “You are perfect (y/n), don’t ever forget that my dear.”
“Thank you Dray, I love you, you know that right?”
“I love you too.”
You had spent days inside your dorm as you had refused to come out to talk to see anyone. It had been too much for you to see Ron on daily bases still and you wanted to honestly stay away from all the murmurs of the crowds talking. You knew they were talking about you and Ron. You wanted nothing to do with all that. 
Draco would bring you breakfast, lunch and dinner and spend it with you. He would be there as you let everything off your chest. He sat with and just simply listened to you. It wasn’t until one day that he came in furious. 
“What’s wrong Dray?” You got up from your bed quickly and met him halfway to the door. He looked extremely mad as he ran his hands through his hair. 
“Can you believe her?”
“Who? What happened?” You grabbed his hand to stop him from pacing the room. 
“Astoria. She wanted me to leave you.”
“Leave me? Like for lunch?” You questioned him, confused at what he was saying.
“No, like to stop being your friend. She made me choose between you and her.”
“Oh…” It was all you can really say. You looked down at your feet and waited in silence to  “I understand Dray. Don’t worry.”
“You don’t understand do you (y/n)? I told her I chose you.”
You looked up at him with your eyes wide as you attempted to process what he was saying. He grabbed your shoulders as he repeated what he had just said. “I told her I chose you.”
“Draco..” You whispered softly as you brought your hand to his cheek. Your thumb wiping away the few stray tears. 
“I know you probably don’t want to even think of another guy but (y/n) listen to me.” He brought your hands into his, giving them a light squeeze. “You are the most important person to me. I love you with all my heart. You are the one person I can’t live without. Every time I saw you with him, it killed me. I love you (y/n), more than you can ever imagine.”
You were left speechless. You looked at him as a fresh set of tears came down your face and tears started to fall down his face. You didn’t know what to say so you simply showed him. You stood on the tip of your toes and pressed a kiss on his lips. He pulled you in closer as he grabbed on firmly to your waist. He deepened the kiss and you felt as if you were in heaven. 
“I love you too, more than you can imagine.” You placed your head on his chest. You felt the most at peace then you had in awhile. 
You had felt the happiest that you had in a while. Draco had made you the happiest person and you loved that he was by your side. He would hold your hand everyday and he would randomly bring your hand to his lips and would place a gentle kiss on your hand. 
One day you were sitting on the couch of the Slytherin common room reading one of your books as you waited for Draco to show up. He was meeting up with Theo and Blaise for something Quidditch related and he had said he would meet you at the common room. You flipped through your book aimlessly as you heard a voice you hadn’t in a while. 
“You really have no shame do you?” Astoria sneered as you lifted your head at the sound of her voice. She looked down at you as you placed your book down next to you. 
“Excuse you?” You were confused at what she was talking about.
“I find it quite funny you act like you’re innocent in all of this.” Astoria rolled her eyes at you.
“In what exactly am I innocent? I don’t think I ever claimed any innocence.” You had now stood up and were face to face with her. 
“You stole my boyfriend and you know it.” 
“I didn’t steal anyone and Draco was never your possession to take.” Now it was your turn to roll your eyes as you crossed your arms across your chest.
She crossed her arms over her chest as she took a step towards you. You took a step back not wanting any physical confrontation with her.
“I’m not sorry for falling in love with him.” You said after a small period of silence. “I’ll never regret that.”
“You’re nothing more than a sl-”
Astoria didn’t get a chance to finish that statement as Draco walked over to you and her. He placed himself in front of you and faced Astoria with anger all over his face. 
“You don’t get to talk to her like that.” He said to her with anger lacing his voice.
“Why don’t I? She’s the reason you broke up with me.”
“No. You know the reason we broke up.” 
“Because you stopped loving me because of her!” Astoria exclaimed loudly.
“I never loved you!” Draco countered quickly. As the words left your mouth, you were shocked as well,  and your hand flew to your mouth. 
“I see”, Astoria whispered barely audible to them. The only reason you heard her was because of the silence that had overtaken the room.
Draco didn’t say or spare another look at her. Instead he bent down to grab your things and then your hand to storm up to his dorm. You followed him up the stairs as he walked toward his room.
He dropped your things on his chair and grabbed you into an embrace. He did say a word as he pulled you into his bed. You laid down in silence with him as you placed your head on his chest. He softly ran his fingers through your hair in order to relax you.
“I love you.” Draco whispered into your ear as he embraced your figure as the two of you laid in between the silk sheets on his bed. The coolness contrasts the warmth of the boy you loved. “I hope you know it will never change.”
“I love you too.” You mumble as you feel the heaviness of your eyelids finally overtake you.
You suppose to some, you're nothing but someone with no remorse. Someone with enough callousness to take someone else's boyfriend. But it's hard to really care about the opinions of others as you lay in your lover's arms. You weren’t seeking anyone’s approval. The only thing that mattered to you was that you now had him.
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You'll Fit So Nicely You'll Keep Me Intact
Author's Note: Hello Hello! Not my GIF, please don't think it is, but it is my fic! I asked a few days ago if I should do Bane or touch-starved Tommy, and it was pretty clear I should do my sweet summer child Tommy boy. I just really think this big tough fighter needs to take a break and be held every once in awhile. And you can't tell me this man wouldn't have the sweetest moans. Fight me on it you can't. Please Please PLEASE reblog, like, or comment on this if you liked it. I live my day to day life craving validation.
If you absolutely hated it, also let me know! I admit I'm not the best at writing, and I'm willing to learn so I can feed my Tommy Conlon addiction. Ok, that's all, be fed!
2400+ words?! C'mon, that's gotta be enough to make you proud.
The whole fiasco was genuinely an accident.
The two of you, in his small cramped apartment, helping each other make dinner, because you couldn't remember whose turn it was, walking around each other like you had been doing it for years, because you had been.
You had been by Tommy for as long as you can remember, through those years where puberty slammed in the door and decked you directly in the throat (and other places), through the time where his family had slowly fallen apart, and into the years where he had joined the US Marine Corps.
Those years had been hell. At least when he moved away you were still able to text him annoying day-to-day updates and talk in the quiet nights when no one was awake to hear you admit how much you missed each other. But when he joined the Marines, you heard even less from your Tommy, and the ache you felt for him only grew.
When he came back, he had came back for good, immediately seeking you out with the promise of your old relationship back. And things went back to normal, slotted into place perfectly.
Except the insane amount of pining that you went through every waking hour you saw his stupidly attractive face.
But you weren't going to think about that. There was spaghetti to be made.
"Those are done." Tommy nodded his head to the noodles as he made the salad. You sneered to yourself, still pissed that he got the easy part.
"No, they're not, look, that one's still hard-"
"That's what she said."
"It's still undercooked you jerk. Can you please let me cook in peace? You're over there, doing the bare minimum, you ass."
"Hey, if this isn't tossed right, the whole thing is ruined. And those noodles are definitely done. We can get them in the sauce before the garlic bread is done so it'll cool down a bit. Look." All the sudden Tommy was crowded up behind you. Your breath did something funny. Probably the steam from the boiling water. Because, you know, it's so hard to breathe around.
Tommy took the spoon you were using to stir and managed to scoop up a single noodle. He then carefully picked it up and threw it on the cabinet. It stuck, but looked like it would fall via a strong sneeze.
"See? Done." You looked behind you to stare up at the infuriating man. He smiled and tilted his head. You had the sudden urge to hit him. With your mouth. Damn it.
He turned around, not giving you a chance to argue with him. That was his first mistake. As a MMA fighter, the idiot should know never to turn your back on the enemy.
You scooped up another noodle with your spoon. You waited until he was truly busy with cutting the tomatoes up for the salad.
You aimed for his head. It wrapped around the back of his neck with a soft splat. He startled for a moment, and then set the knife down and stared forward, still not turning around to look at you.
"You know what, now it's done. Now it's stickin'." You were struggling to hold it together, desperately trying not to laugh as you turned off the stovetop and set the pan aside.
You felt strong arms envelop you from behind, and you let out a loud laugh as you felt your feet leave the floor. Tommy, spinning you around before setting you on the counter. You've really put yourself it a bad position.
Well, if you're being honest, probably the best damn position you've ever been in.
Except that the bastard started tickling you. More laughter spilled out of you, uncontrollable at this point.
"Tommy!" You were out of breath from the constant attack. What happened to never turn your back on the enemy? "Tommy, what are we in-" More laughter as his joined yours. You two were so close you could feel his shoulder dip every time he rumbled a laugh. "what are we in 6th grade now- Tommy!"
You could feel his laughter huff by your ear, and you knew you had to resort to dirty tactics. If he wanted to play by middle school standards, then you had no choice but to stoop down to his level.
Tommy was very distracted trying to murder you by laughter alone, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. He never even realized your hands were so close to his head. He was in the middle of another fit of giggles when he felt your nimble hands glide through his hair. He had half a second to understand what you were planning, and he was just about to pull away, to get as far from you as possible before-
You gave a solid pull to his hair. You felt satisfaction shoot through your body as his laugh choked off, his body going rigid underneath your fingers. His breath stuttered and his hands instantly fell from your sides to grasp the edge of the counter.
You didn't quite understand what was going on at first, the only thing on your mind being that you'd won the battle. You couldn't help the smug smile from sliding across your expression, or the snarky little giggle that bubbled it's way out.
"What's wrong, Tommy? Did someone school you at your own game, hmm? Maybe next time you'll think before you-"
"Could you please let go?" Tommy sound winded, like he'd just fought a few rounds with someone much bigger than him. It made you pause, and then frown.
Your fingers loosened from his hair, but you didn't lower your arm just yet. You couldn't fathom why Tommy was acting this way, when he instigated the rough-housing. And you knew for damn sure you hadn't hurt him. You had seen the idiot stub his toe on his coffee table before, and the only reaction out of the fighter was a pause, a look up to the ceiling, and one long, drawn out sigh.
So even though he sounded like he was trying to fight for his life, you know it absolutely wasn't because you had hurt him in anyway. Tommy could break you five times over.
You looked down at his hands. Not only was he grasping the edge of the counter top, but his knuckles were white, like he was anchoring himself. You glanced to his face. His eyes were squeezed shut, his lips pressed tightly together, and his eyebrows were furrowed in deep concentration. Was he- was that a blush? His body was still pulled tight.
Experimentally, you lightly scraped your nails along his scalp.
If Tommy were to ever hear you call the sound that came from him a whimper, he'd probably swiftly and effectively dispose of your body. But it was a fucking whimper.
His eyes snapped open wide and met yours. You saw his utter mortification. You would say you felt guilty, but having your long time crush whimper while slotted between your thighs as you sat a top a kitchen counter really did things for you.
You mentally reprimanded yourself for letting your mind fall into the gutter as your friend so obviously had a small break down.
Before you could get a word out, to try talk him down from whatever thoughts were swirling in that pretty head of his, Tommy was out of kitchen. Ah, so he's chosen drama today? Coming from a man who would rather fight his own brother than talk, you can't really find it in yourself to be surprised.
"Tom." You dropped down from the counter, heading toward the living room, which was the only way he could've gone. As you rounded the corner, you saw him pacing the length of the room, his hands interlaced behind his head, elbows out, eyes wild.
"Tommy." You smoothed out your voice, pictured yourself trying to calm down a particularly flighty horse. You know, if the horse were the love of your life and you were desperately trying to make things less weird between you two before the already delicate friendship collapsed.
At your gentle prod he stopped. He let his hands fall down to his sides. He huffed once. Crossed his arms, made a face, and then dropped them. His fists curled up into balls and he closed his eyes. He opened one and looked toward you.
"You didn't hear that."
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your own arms to your chest.
He pointed to the kitchen. "That didn't happen."
Because you love your best friend very much, you didn't roll your eyes.
"Tommy. Calm down. Take a deep breath." He did not take a deep breath. You did for him. Then another one for you. You moved toward the couch, and the way he suddenly looked like he was about to sprint out the door didn't escape you. You held your hands up placatingly. Easy, boy.
You sat down, leaving enough room for him to sit beside you. He looked at you wearily. You gave him a pointed look, one that said this is something to be discussed, and there's no way you're getting out of it, and gently patted the space for him.
He looked like he'd rather do anything else. He eventually made his way to the spot and plunked down, but as close to the arm of the couch as possible.
You gave him a sweet smile. He looked away, but not before you caught the blush. You decided to let him speak first.
It was quiet for awhile. Your thoughts went to the noodles still sitting on the counter, probably cooling in the water making a film. He cleared his throat.
"I don't. Not a ton of people touch me." He stared dutifully in front of him. You stayed silent, afraid of scaring him into silence again. He shifted uncomfortably, letting out a growl of frustration. "I mean people touch me. I just meant. It's not. It's," He looked like each word was slowly strangling him, "Never that intimate. I guess. And never anyone like you."
You're eyebrows shot up. His head jerked toward you.
"Not like that, I mean like someone so pretty." You choked a little. He visibly flinched. "Ok. I think that's enough for tonight. I think I've made plenty an ass of myself for one God forsaken night." He made to move, but your hand covered his before you really thought about it. He immediately stopped, staring at your hand on top of his.
"Tommy, it's ok." He gave you a dubious look. "No, really. Lots of people don't know how to deal with touch when it's not normal for them-"
"I'm fine, I touch people all the time, it doesn't matter it's ridiculous-"
"Tommy." He stopped. You lifted both hands to slowly cradle his face. His eyes were panicky. He looked like he was fighting every instinct inside him. "Listen to me, love." His eyes widened. "You don't have to explain anything. I need you to know it's ok to freak out a little. It's ok for this to be new." You bit your lip. "It's ok if it feels good."
A small sound came from the fighter. His eyes slipped closed. It suddenly hit you. You sucked in a sharp breath, and you started to gently stroking his face to his neck.
"Oh Tommy. You spend all that time fighting in the ring, so much time dominating. You barely let anyone touch you before you knock them away." His dad was probably never there to offer him any type of physical love, and his mom was too distanced from anyone to truly give what Tommy craved. By that time, he had pushed his brother away, and you had never really noticed him to be very active in the dating area.
You could feel his control slipping, could feel him slowly letting you hold his head up while he explored the sensation of someone just feeling him. When he spoke, his speech was slightly slurred.
"Was always jus' scared."
"I know Tommy."
"Didn' want you t' leave."
"And why would I do something stupid like that."
There was a second of silence, but Tommy was too far in to go back now.
"Cuz' I only wanted you to touch. Only ever you." Your heart stopped. His eyes slowly opened, meeting yours. His gaze snapped to your lips, back up to your eyes. All it took was for your eyes to snap to his lush mouth, and he was surging to meet you.
You felt like you were melting, melding into him. His lips were sliding against yours, his hands suddenly huge, thumbs cupping your face while his hands rested on the sides of your neck. He kissed like you see him fight. The urgency and the power and the emotion. You ached all over.
You could hardly remember your name when you finally separated, heaving lungfuls of air. Maybe all that oxygen deprivation had really done something to your brain, because you might be having a stroke. It almost smelled like something was burning. Tommy's face did something funny and he sniffed the air.
Oh. OH. The garlic bread.
Both of you made a mad dash for the kitchen, Tommy arriving first and throwing the oven door open, grabbing whatever cloth he could find to take out the charred bread as you used a dishrag to flap away any smoke that spilled out.
Once he made sure his apartment wasn't going to burn down or that the ambulance wan't going to be making a surprise visit, he slumped against the counter, breathing heavily. You put your hands on your hips.
A few second went by, both of you trying to catch your breath. Tommy looked up at you. You met his eye.
You both melted into peeling laughter, trying to stay upright. It seemed like every time you two would get your shit together, you'd fall right back into cackles.
He finally reigned in the worst of the laughter, and slowly made his way to where you were standing. Your own laughs died down.
"Are we good?" you ask him gently. He nods his head, with his sweet smile.
"We're good" he replies gently. He gets this determined look on his face, and steps real close to you. He doesn't do anything else for awhile, instead looking to you, asking with questioning eyes.
You give him an encouraging smile. He smiles right back at you, and for the second time tonight, strong arms envelop you.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Poe Dameron x reader WORD COUNT: 1.9k SUMMARY: The union of Ireca and Mohash may seem a typical cliche of love in comparison to your depressingly lonely state, but when a certain poster boy pilot emerges during the celebration, you wonder if love works in other underlying ways. A/N: I found this in my google docs, first written about a year ago. so, wohoo i present to you my first ever poe dameron content, i think? he's so charming and carelessly beautiful. please leave a comment and tell me what you think or what else you'll like to see from me 💖 gif by @john-seed from this gifst WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and getting drunk, space swearing. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERLIST
Love is strange. Delicate yet fierce. So forceful that it manages to seep through the cracks created by bombs and gunfire of war. Unexpected at times, appearing out of nowhere. Yet, it’s beautiful because it brings those with beautiful hearts and minds together, entangled in the constant dance of intimacy and devotion.
It’s what Ireca and Mohash have.
Ireca was from the Logistic division, a mechanic herself and your colleague. She was to be married to her long-time lover, Mohash, a flight engineer for the Cobalt Squadron. As far as cliches go, wartime love falls along the lines of a romance cliche. Yet, war was all you’ve known. It’s what everyone has ever known. It’s common to develop some kind of a feeling other than the constant emotions during battle—fondness, the feeling of falling in love with someone. It’s truly what we stay alive for.
Maybe that’s why you hate it so much. The absence of the feeling that everyone describes as so fucking amazing that it completes you. You feel empty most of the time. It’s definitely the reason why you put all your effort into fixing things you can rather than complicated problems and issues that continue to reside in your mind, especially in the wake of midnight.
You find yourself sitting by the makeshift bar, tucked away from the crowd of friends and colleagues. There’s music playing, the sound of drums, and the seven-string hallikset reminds you of your brief visit to Naboo three cycles ago. You’re nursing a warm cup of something that tastes closer to acid water than alcohol.
Ireca emerges from the crowd with flowers in her braided hair. She approaches you with a bright smile and calls out your name wistfully. You shoot a strained smile her way, feeling the bags under your eyes weigh a little more. “What are you doing here all by yourself, huh?” she asks, leaning against the bar with a gentle pat on your shoulder.
“I’m just really tired. Last night was rough. Plus, I’m behind schedule.” you sighed heavily, running your fingers through your hair. She flashed you a smile of sympathy as you continued, “I’m sorry, Ireca. Don’t let me ruin your night. Go, have fun.”
She raises an eyebrow as you take another sip from your cup.
"Go. I'm sure you don't want to miss Mohash's special performance." You gesture to a drunk Mohash, who seemed to be searching for the woman. Ireca merely laughed. "Oh, it sure is going to be special." With a gentle touch to your back and wave, you watch her make her way into the swarm of bodies. You're left alone once again.
You’re still trying to figure out how Mohash even got hold of any sort of alcohol and managed to smuggle it into the base. Someone must have nicked it during one of the previous missions in the Mid Rim.
You rub your eyes, half-awake at this point; your cup is placed beside you as you rest your head against your folded arms on the table. Your mind is in a daze and incapable of irrational thought, deciding it would be best to just camp out here, by the makeshift bar, for the night. You were too tired to drag yourself all the way to your quarters, which felt like miles away, in the first place.
As sleep began to weigh heavy upon your eyelids, you suddenly felt a sharp tap on your shoulder. A soft groan escaped your lips as you shifted your head, still resting on your arms, just enough to peek at your sleep intruder.
It’s Poe Dameron. Commander and Black Leader. Incredibly talented, confident, and effortlessly handsome.
Ugh, you hate this guy.
Yet, you don’t feel so tired anymore.
“Are you drunk?” There’s amusement in his voice with a tinge of mockery. It made you realize the stun you were pulling. Classic Dameron. It was supposed to be a happy ceremony, but it was truly Ireca’s fault for manipulating you into coming tonight. Parties, events, and social gatherings were never right up your alley. You prefer spending time with machinery and your greasy hands.
Poe’s eyes are gleaming under the fluorescent lights, filled with concern, but you spot the smugness in his emerging smile. A flash of a thought, you kind of want to feel his lips on yours. The image immediately stings. You want to gag.
Poe is irritating, arrogant, and careless. Not charming. Nope, definitely not charming.
You straighten yourself, trying to shake off the burning image, shoving it to the back of your head. You lift your head, propping your elbow on the table and resting your chin on the heel of your hand. “You actually think I’ll even touch that bantha shit?”
Tearing your eyes away from Poe, you reach for your cup only to realize it was empty. He casts you a look. Your eyes shoot daggers with an extended pointer finger his way, “Don’t you dare say anything, flyboy.”
Poe raises his palms in defense, lips pursing. “Wasn’t going to.”
You catch a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, one hand discreetly reaching under his tawny leather jacket. Then, a bottle of Corellian whiskey emerges, shining under the lights of the Resistance hangar. Your face lights up at the recognition of the bottle, memories of your rare trips to Corellia, sharing whiskey drinks with your colleagues. It was the only planet you’d been to ever since you joined the Resistance.
You’ve only tasted Corellian whiskey once because of how expensive it is. You’ll happily get drunk to that in a heartbeat. Drink the worry and sorrow away with the lingering taste of frankly exorbitant whiskey.
Like a child with grabby hands, you reach for the bottle, but as your fingers brush his, Poe quickly lifts it to the air and away from you. He smacks your hand away. You whine, feeling a little lightheaded. The contents of the mysterious drink are starting to kick in.
What the blinkin' mradhe muck was in that drink?
“What do you want from me? It’s not like I have a drinking problem.”
He’s giving you that look like he’s judging you, but with a hint of amusement at the slight tug of the corner of his mouth. “You definitely have a drinking problem, but... i'll let you drink this on one condition.”
“For kriff’s sake,” you mutter, rolling your eyes, glancing away. “I’m not doing any weird wacky favors for you, Dameron.”
He scoffs, expression bewildered. “Hey, I don’t ask for weird wacky favors,” He articulates his words with a defensive tone, index finger stretched to your face. You simply smack it away as Poe clicks his tongue and continues to clarify his proposition. “All I’m asking is for you to fix my ship.”
Your wide-eyed gaze flies to him, shaking your head furiously. “Oh, no, no. No. Never in a million cycles. Never in a million millennials. Nuh-uh—”
“Hey, quit being dramatic. It’s a simple job.”
Your eyes grow even wider, voice raising. “A simple job? You fly that ship of yours like we have hundreds of spare ones. I’m not putting all my time and effort into fixing a lost cause.”
“But you haven’t even—”
“No. I’m not fixing your ship, and that’s final.”
Poe blinks and you’re back to fussing over your empty cup. The chatter of the crowd grows louder as a group of pilots of the Cobalt Squadron began rendering verses of an unknown traditional drinking song to your ears. You steal a look to only find Ireca and Mohash amidst a dance, tangled in each other's arms.
He eyes closely, noticing the turn of your lips, trained eyes deem melancholy. He knows the face of a loner very well—usually recruits with lost family and homes. They enlist in a mass community of freedom fighters for the restoration of good in the universe, and to finally feel a sense of familiarity and belonging. He doesn’t know much about you but he knows you don’t truly have anyone to depend on but yourself. It’s the reason why you’re constantly fierce.
Poe clears his throat, shifting closer to you as he watches the way you carry your gradual gaze to hold his. They then flit to the space between the two of you, raised eyebrows acknowledging the weird close proximity of his presence to yours.
“Look, you’re the best mechanic there ever was and probably ever will be. So, fix my ship, and you get to have this Corellian beauty. All of it.” He sways the bottle in the air, but you don’t look at it.
“You know, that’s bribery.”
“Yes, and it’s working.”
You scoff. “No, it isn’t.”
Poe laughs. “Yes, it is. I can see it in your eyes.”
Another scoff, you look fully aggravated. “How dense do you think I am?”
“Oh, very, but let’s not get into that.”
Bickering was the only language the two of you spoke fluently when you found yourselves tangled in a conversation with one another. Thrown insults were spoken lies—saying you hate each other when you know that isn’t true. Well, at least you don’t mean it and you hoped Poe didn’t either.
You’re exhausted, physically and mentally. For once, kindness and acceptance seem to be the easiest route.
A sigh passes your lips as you blink up to the ceiling, sending a silent prayer for blessings from the Maker above. “You’re right. I am dense. Truly dense. So, yeah. Okay. I’ll fix that stupid X-Wing of yours.”
Poe blinks, dumbfounded. “Wait, really?”
With a roll of your eyes, they meet his very own wide ones. “Yes, really. Only because you complimented me. Now, hand me that Corellian whiskey before I change my mind.”
He then makes a sound that resonates between a cough and a pleasantly surprised laugh, eyes crinkling with delight. Poe happily and absentmindedly passes the whiskey to you, still reacting like your agreement is some sort of object of ridicule in the best way possible.
“Wow—Maker, you have no idea what kind of trouble you’re saving me from. If the General ever found out—man, pfft. Thank you. Thank you so much—”
A swift and unexpected motion, he is reaching you, palms clasp and either side of your face, and plants a quick peck on the side of your left temple.
Poe isn’t thinking straight.
There you are, mid-swig, lips so close to the rim of the bottle with eyes so wide. You steal a steady glance at the pilot whose expression seems to reflect yours. His hands are still on your cheeks. He’s unbelievably close to you and he’s staring with that stupid look of his.
‘Maker, preserve me.’
A cheer erupts from the crowd from across the space and just like that, the moment is gone. Whatever the moment even was. His touch is no longer on yours and his gaze shifting away.
The tension, however, is still very present.
You finally take a swig of the whiskey, wanting to ease the sudden tightness in your chest. You hum at the stinging sensation on your tongue. You catch a glimpse of Poe from the corner of your eye who busies himself with tapping his fingers nervously against the surface of the bar.
Then, in an awkward motion, you stretch your arm to him, offering the drink.
A beat. His gaze shifts between you and your hand. When he finally gives in, a smile curves upon his lips, fingers brushing against yours. They’re delicate and you smile at him. It's small, but it makes his heart skip a beat and you wonder to yourself about the strangeness of love.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Maybe a fic prompt (if you wanna do it)? I was looking at one of your gifs (they're stunning btw) and I was thinking of something like Bilbo admiring the view and saying "This is stunning" and Thorin agreeing but while gazing at the hobbit? This is kinda cliché but I feel it would be very cute. Also your writing is superior, I love it ( ꈍᴗꈍ)ノ✿
Ahhh!!! I love this prompt so much @nerdymeatball13 , and I'm sorry it took me a hot second to finish, lots of things piled on me at once but here we are!!
prompt "This is stunning"
word count 1789
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins
warnings none
additional notes they're so schmoopy and I love them
The worst was over. The Battle of the Five Armies had been something to both mourn and celebrate. Many lives had been lost, but the good that came from that outweighed the bad. A close scare came with the Line of Durin, but by some miracle or nothing short of divine intervention by Mahal himself, Thorin, Fili, and Kili all managed to pull through. It was a blessing that no one took for granted, especially the victims themselves.
Thankfully, that was several weeks ago. It was still tough for Thorin to be on his feet, but with enough stubborn resistance, he had managed to ward off most of those constantly fussing over his bandaging and stitches. Oin never let him out of bed for more than an hour at a time, but it was more freedom than Thorin had felt ever since he’d been carted back into the mountain with nearly half of his insides trying to spill outside. 
This was one of those particular hours that he was allowed to be up and wandering around. He’d set aside all paperwork and kingly duties for the sake of a simple walk in hopes that it might clear his mind. Between recovery and trying to do as much as possible to help in Erebor’s reconstruction both literally and as a power, Thorin felt bogged down. There was little time for much else, and his mind had been growing more and more muddled as the weeks went on. A mind that was constantly in worry of what the spring months might bring as they were growing nearer and nearer.
Bilbo had opted to stay considering the winter months had settled in, which was a smart move versus trying to brave any snowstorm, but it was still up in the air if the hobbit had truly planned to head back west towards his cozy little smial, or if...by chance maybe he wanted to make Erebor his new home. It wasn’t something Thorin brought up. Yes, they had made amends, even more than that, with sweet somethings having been uttered occasionally back and forth, but it wasn’t the picture perfect romance that Thorin had been dreaming about lately.
Love was nice and all, and even better when it wasn’t one-sided, but to remain unknowing as to where it might lead? That was a nightmare in itself. It was a lot for Thorin to think about, and while he didn’t want to pressure Bilbo and flat out ask if he intended to stay or go, it was starting to eat away at the dwarf little by little. It’s what this walk was to help him with. To clear his head and hopefully return to his sickbed with a mind for papers and numbers.
What had led him towards one of the worst places in all of Erebor during this calm walk of his? The ramparts were a miserable place, but it gave you a good view of the stretch of land between Erebor and Dale, and not even Thorin could ignore what a sight it was. Snow covered and untouched, it was hard to imagine the brown and red blood stains that laid beneath it from a war not too long ago.
What he hadn’t expected was for someone else to already be out here and staring just as he wanted to. A head of dark golden curls that Thorin had been trying to clear from his own headspace. 
“Bilbo,” The dwarf greeted casually, gaining a small glance from the hobbit as they stood side by side with at least a small gap between them.
“Good morning, Thorin. How are you feeling?” Bilbo was polite as ever as if nothing had changed, and while they were on good terms, didn’t this place...bother the hobbit? At all? 
“I’m feeling alright,” No one wanted to listen to Thorin complain about how sore he might be or if he had a bad sleep last night, so he left it at that. Besides, the less whining he did, the sooner Oin would get off his back. 
“That’s good. Every day is a little bit better, it seems.” 
“Indeed,” It was an awkward conversation all over again. Thorin folded his arms behind his back and just let his eyes drift towards the snow covered land before them. A bit of that snow had collected on the ledges of Erebor’s structure, he could only imagine how lovely it might look from a different angle. “You looked to be deep in thought, is something on your mind?”
Bilbo finally pulled all of his attention away from the scenery and offered Thorin a small wave of his hand. “Oh, just thinking about the Shire. We get snow there too and it’s nice, but...there’s just something about this that’s different.” 
Thorin’s heart could have sunk right into the ground right then and there. Bilbo was longing for home, wasn’t he? Those rolling green hills, even in the middle of winter, had to be far better than an ice cold mountain that was barely able to be called a kingdom. Finally deciding to toe the line of truths regarding Bilbo’s intentions, Thorin kept his eyes forward. “I’m sure you’ll be ready for the snow to clear sooner rather than later. It makes for bad travel weather…” 
“Hm, it does, but I’m not exactly eager to go anywhere so quickly. You’re just getting back on your feet. Oin can’t handle barking at you to sit still all on his own now, can he?” Bilbo teased, seeming to be in higher spirits than Thorin ever would be on these ramparts, and with the idea of Bilbo’s departure looming in his head.
A small breath of amusement did escape Thorin though, finally removing his hands from behind his back and placing it on the stone before him. “I think I can manage to sit still, but your constant reminders have helped these past few weeks.” His fingers twitched, tapping against the stone in anxiousness that wasn’t overly normal. Considering everything that Thorin had been through though, he supposed he was allowed a little bit of shaky behavior and anxiousness.
“Something’s troubling you,” Bilbo observed. It wasn’t a question, but a fact that was being pointed out far too easily. “What is it?” Placing both hands around one of Thorin’s arms, Bilbo honestly couldn’t get enough of these small gestures of physical contact, even if he was a tad anxious himself when it came to initiating them. 
Regardless of the comforting touch around his elbow, Thorin wasn’t sure it did anything to soothe his poor frayed nerves. Those nerves were exposed as soon as Bilbo was able to peg that something was bothering him and the words just started tumbling out. “How can you stand to be here?” Specifically, right in this very spot. “After what happened, how can you stand here and…”
Throw him from the ramparts!
How could Bilbo be here? How could he have forgiven Thorin for the wrongs he had done and a life that had been threatened? How could Bilbo not be whining and clawing at the first opportunity to head back to the safety of the Shire? These were the things that had been bothering Thorin, and being in this exact spot did not help.
“Thorin, you need to stop letting one small incident eat away at you. I’ve forgiven you for all of that, you weren’t yourself…”
“That’s no excuse. I laid a hand on you. You might be able to forgive me by some miracle, but I can’t forgive myself for that day...and now, knowing that you’ll be leaving-”
“Leaving? Who said anything about leaving?” Bilbo huffed, still clutching at Thorin’s elbow with both hands and giving his head a firm shake of annoyance as if he were dealing with a child. “You truly are a dolt sometimes. Handsome, brave and foolhardy to boot, but downright stupid when it counts.” 
Thorin wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or annoyed at the backhanded compliments flying his way.
“You’re going to have to learn to forgive yourself because honestly, I’m not going to come up here and have you mope every single time all because you got a little angry and said some things and...that was it. That’s all you did,” When Bilbo put it that way, it sounded far less severe than Thorin thought it was. “And as for leaving? That was...something I wanted to ask you. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up, but I do want to stay. Sure, I’ll miss my garden and some other aspects of the Shire but...home isn’t a place, Thorin.” Bilbo slid his hands away from Thorin’s elbow, his fingers lacing with a hand of the dwarf’s and giving it a small squeeze. “You’re my home, and that’s where I want to be if you’ll allow it.”
Thorin stood dumbly, looking towards their linked hands before letting his fingers flex tightly to grip back at Bilbo’s. “Of course…” Having Bilbo stay was all he ever wanted.
“Good, and don’t you worry, we’ll make some better memories here, I’m sure.” Leaning against Thorin’s side with hands still tightly wound together, Bilbo just exhaled a deep sigh as if a great weight had been lifted off of his chest. The same could be said for Thorin. 
A ray of light seemed to break through the thick of the gray clouds overhead, illuminating a bit of that freshly fallen snow that laid across the stretch of land as far as the eye could see. It sparkled like a sea of diamonds, and Bilbo couldn’t help the small gasp of wonder that crossed his face. He had seen snow in the sunlight before, but seeing it from way up here? To see so far and wide covered in little glistening crystals? “This is stunning,” He breathed, not paying Thorin much mind who had just been staring at Bilbo since that small gasp escaped his lips.
“Very stunning, indeed.” That look of wonder that Bilbo wore was bright and appealing. More desirable than a treasure hall of gold or a vein of mithril. 
Bilbo’s gaze flickered once quickly to start, if only because he wanted to follow Thorin’s gaze to see what the dwarf was looking at as well to deem as stunning, but after a quick double take, Bilbo was blushing fiercely. “You truly are a sappy old thing, you know that?”
“I do.” Pressing a kiss to those dark golden curls, Thorin truly had to believe in what Bilbo had said before. They would make better memories atop these ramparts, and already that seemed to be a reality in the making, but most importantly, he was here to stay.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
A Perfect Proposal
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: In which you propose to Loki. Warnings: Did anyone order fluff? Well, here you go :) A/N: Sending love out into the world for anyone who needs it. If you’re feeling down on yourself and like no one will want you (as so many of us oft think) just remember your real life Loki isn’t as far away as you think :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​ @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
“I love you, dearest,” Loki said, placing a small kiss to your temple.
“I love you, too,” you replied. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life and every moment after.”
“I feel the same way.”
Unfortunately, for as much as he insisted that, Loki had yet to take the next step in your relationship. He’d been your boyfriend for nearly two years now, and you were both madly in love with the other. You honestly had no doubts about that at this point, but it was frustrating being stuck where you were, nonetheless. There wasn’t even anything wrong with your relationship, per se, but it had been the same thing for a while now. The problem was that you loved him so much, you wanted more. Marriage. You’d talked about it a while ago, and he seemed open to the idea, but he had yet to pop the question. With all the hints you’d been leaving recently, you thought he would have asked by now. There was nothing else you could do short of asking him yourself.
“That’s it,” you gasped, jumping up from the couch. “Sorry, Loki. I gotta go. I’ll see you later, ok?”
You gave him a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying off to find your friends, leaving a very confused god in your wake. Zooming into another common room, you found them locked in concentration on an intense game of MarioKart.
“Bucky, Wanda, Nat. Important announcement,” you said to get their attention.
“One second,” Bucky shushed. “I’m about to win.”
“In your dreams,” Wanda snickered.
You impatiently tapped your foot as you let them finish the final lap, about ready to burst with excitement from your idea. Bucky and Wanda both groaned as Nat snatched the win at the last second.
“And that is how it’s done,” she said high-fiving you. “Now, what’s the emergency?”
“I’m going to propose to Loki.”
Wanda squealed in excitement and threw her arms around you in a hug. “That’s awesome! I’m proud of you!”
“Thanks, but before I can go through with this, I’m going to need a ring.”
And so, your little band of friends snuck out of the Tower and headed to a jewelry shop in the city. You were marveling at all the beautiful bands, as your friends argued over which one would be best. They all had different ideas about what you should get, though you didn’t really have a clue yourself. You were sure you would know it when you saw it.
“I’m telling you, this is the best one,” Bucky insisted, holding up an antique ring.
“Are you crazy? It’s so worn. No offense, but who would want that one?” Nat said.
“Steve would like it,” he murmured.
“How about this one?” Wanda called.
She pointed to a slim, ebony black band in the display case. It was understated, yet pretty. You considered the shiny trinket for a moment. It seemed like something Loki would like, and yet it wasn’t quite right. Continuing to walk through the store and take in the countless options, something in your peripheral vision caught your attention. Your head snapped back to it, and you let out an audible gasp.
“This is the one,” you declared.
Your friends came rushing over to see. The ring was fashioned as a gold, double-headed snake with emeralds as eyes. Far from a typical engagement ring, but you and your boyfriend weren’t much for conventional.
“We’ll take it,” you told the chipper store clerk.
To thank your friends for their help, you treated them to some coffee. As you sat in the cafe, you began to obsess over how to propose to Loki, though they insisted you were overthinking it. They were acting as if it were easy to speak from the heart. Then again, Loki was the love of your life, so maybe the right words would just flow out in the moment. Still, you’d like to have some kind of general outline.
Your planning was cut short by your ringtone, and you knew it must be Loki as he was the only one who bothered with calling anymore. Everyone else just texted, but he hadn’t quite figured out how to do that yet. You had to admit, his ineptitude with technology was kind of cute.
“Dearest, can you hear me?”  he asked. “Is this accursed magic box working?”
“Yes, my love,” you laughed. “It’s working just fine.”
“Very good. I was wondering if you would accompany me to dinner this evening. Say, 7:30, the balcony where we first met?”
You remembered meeting Loki as if it had only just happened moments ago. You’d heard the stories of the monster he’d been at the Battle of New York, but standing there in the moonlight, he’d just looked fragile. You’d missed introductions earlier that day, having been on a mission, and approached with caution, careful not to rip him from his quiet reverie.
“Whatcha thinking about?” you’d asked softly, leaning next to him on the railing.
He’d looked slightly bewildered, whether because you snuck up on him or he didn’t know who you were, you still didn’t know.
“Nothing much, mortal,” he’d said.
“Well, that’s not very nice.”
“Calling me ‘mortal.’”
“Well forgive me, but you did not introduce yourself,” he’d snapped back.
“Oh, well, yeah. Ok. I guess you’re right.”
You told him your name, and he said it softly, tasting the foreign word on his tongue. He tested it out a few times before coming to a conclusion.
“I like that name very much, mortal,” he teased.
“Haha very funny. How mature.”
Despite trying to sound angry, you couldn’t help but smile. You’d talked for a while after that and didn’t split up until the first light of morning began to fight through the darkness. Needless to say, you didn’t get much sleep, for even when you’d reached your room, your heart was pounding too wildly to allow you to slumber. You were too excited from meeting this handsome stranger. This god. Loki.
But that was then, and this was now. You walked out onto the balcony decorated with twinkle lights, candles, and your favorite flowers, the napkins and tablecloth your favorite color. You nervously checked to make sure you had the ring carefully tucked away one more time before going out to meet Loki in an embrace.
Throughout dinner, you mainly managed to keep your cool, but your leg would not stop bouncing with anxious energy. If Loki noticed, he didn’t say anything, though he did appear to be a little nervous himself, what with the constant fidgeting of hands and all.
Waving away your empty dishes with a flick of his hands, he began asking what you would like for dessert, but your mind was already far away. You jumped a little at the sound of Loki’s voice.
“I’m sorry, what was that again?” you asked, snapping back to the moment.
“Dearest, are you feeling alright?” he questioned, voice laced with concern. “You seem worried.”
“No, I’m fine,” you said as he raised an unconvinced eyebrow. It was now or never. “But I have something to say.”
“By all means, please share.”
“Ok,” you began, sucking in a sharp, anxious breath. “As you know, we’ve been dating for some time now, and I love you more than anything in this world. Even when we fight, that doesn’t change. Every moment I spend with you, I feel loved. Safe. Happy. You’ve been there for me in ways no one else in this world has. From the moment we met, something was screaming in my mind, ‘This is the one.’ It hasn’t stopped saying it since. I want to be with you, be there for you, for the rest of my life. Loki, my heart, my love, the light of my life, will you marry me?”
You got down onto one knee and popped open the ring box for a very stunned Loki. You gulped nervously as he seemed to regain his senses.
“Well, this is awkward,” he said. Your mind immediately jumped to worst-case scenario, assuming he was about to break up with you, but before you could speak your fears, Loki was also down on one knee, also opening a box. “I was just about to say the same thing.”
Now it was your turn to be stunned. You’d truly thought he was too hard on himself to ever actually ask for your hand in marriage, and you were elated that he loved you enough to work past that.
“In case the answer wasn’t obvious, yes. Yes with my whole heart!” you exclaimed, launching yourself into his arms.
Pulling back from him, you kissed him passionately. You slipped his ring onto his finger, and he did the same for you. It was exactly what you’d always hoped your engagement ring would look like. You beamed at Loki, completely happy.
“I love you, dearest,” he said.
“I love you, too. I can’t wait to be with you for the rest of my life.”
“And every moment after.”
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wandaromanova · 3 years
“And I... Am...” [2]
A Natasha Romanoff x Gn!Avenger!Reader story
warnings: fighting, little bit of violence, angst, death (let me know if i should add any!)
A/N: Ahhh, here’s the final part of this very brief series. i hope you all enjoy and if anyone would like me to write something else my asks are open. thank you for reading! <3
tagging: @username23345
summary: 5 years ago, the avengers lost. half the world may have been taken away, but Y/N’s entire world faded to nothing in their arms. they would do anything to bring everyone back, most especially the love of their life. whatever it takes.
Part 1
Word Count: 3.7K words
(gif is not mine)
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5 years. 5 years without seeing her bright, pearly white smile. 5 years without her sarcastic comments and snarky remarks. 5 years without her messy red hair sprawled across her pillow as she sleeps peacefully beside you. 5 years without her warm hugs as her lavender scented perfume invades your senses. 5 years without long nights of cuddling in each other’s arms as you watched the cheesy romcoms of your choice. 5 years without waking up to her playfully kissing your face. 5 years without her standing by your side during missions. 5 years without your little dinner dates that you both decided to go on whenever you both had the time. 5 years without her teasing kisses against your neck that made you laugh as hard as ever before. 5 long, long years without Natasha Romanoff.
Everyday without her was agonizingly slow. Every part of your shared apartment a constant reminder of your failure. Your failure to protect the world, the failure of protecting your world. Natasha always ensured your safety and protection when you needed her most, and the time she needed you; you astronomically failed her. Your heart ached every night as you fell asleep, even more so in the mornings. The mornings were the worst as you would reach over to her side of the bed, expecting to feel her peaceful form breathing steadily next to you, but you are only met with the cold white sheets of your once shared bed. The cold sheets a heartbreaking contrast to her warm body.
You didn’t get a single night of uninterrupted rest, as the memory of Natasha fading to nothing in your arms would replay over and over like a song stuck in your head. You cried the first time you returned home on that fateful day. The walls of your apartment holding the memories of happier times, when she was still alive. Her coffee cup that she never washed and left on the counter every morning still sitting where she left it that very day. You didn’t have the heart to move it. You didn’t dare to move any of her things, leaving them where she had placed them. You wore all of her hoodies though, as they still held her scent. However, you went through all of her hoodies quickly, her scent fading away just like she had. You considered not staying in the apartment, the memory of her making it hard to breathe within the confines of your shared space. But, you didn’t have the heart to leave it either. Leaving your home felt like leaving her, although your true home was her.
You tried to hold out hope though. Every single day you would go to the Avengers Compound and oversee any occurrences. You would communicate with any avengers that were not in New York or simply not on earth such as Captain Marvel, Rocket, Rhodes, and Okoye. You got consumed by your need to compensate for the failure that changed your life and absolutely wrecked your self-esteem. Although you were stuck in the past, some of the other avengers tried to move past it. Tony and Pepper brought a beautiful daughter named Morgan into the world, you were so happy for them, albeit a bit envious. Steve joined a support group, Clint was.... somewhere doing lord knows what. But you remained in the compound, constantly ignoring your own well-being, unable to stomach the failure and desperately trying to find something to hold out hope. However, your stubbornness was not for naught, as one day, while Steve visited you at the Compound, Scott Lang appeared at the front of the Compound. As he explained about Quantum Physics and the possibility of time travel, hope made its way back to you full force. You could all quite possibly make things right again. This spark of hope didn’t ignite within you only, but it also coursed through the remaining avengers when they were informed of the insane, but good idea of time travel.
Time travel. That’s our only hope of restoring what used to be. It sounds absolutely insane, but it’s the only option we have. Just the fact that there even is an option, is a miracle. Tony took a little bit of time to be on board with the idea, but he came around and now all the avengers stand together on the platform. Clint and Rhodey were set to go to Vormir. You, Tony, Banner, and Steve were to go to New York. Nebula went to Morag, Thor and Rocket went to Asgard while Scott stayed behind. What felt like hours for the team, was only a minute in real time. As you all made it back to the present, you looked around at the entire team. “Did we get them all?” You turn to your right and look at Banner. “You mean to tell me this actually worked?” You asked with a wide smile. Suddenly, a thud is heard to your left.
The entire team looks at Rhodes, he is soaked and it is then you notice Clint’s absence. “Rhodey? Where’s Clint?” You ask nervously. Rhodes just looks up at the team with sorrow evident in his eyes. The whole room knew what that meant as it fell silent, you dropped to your knees. You were as close to Clint as Nat was, given he was your girlfriend’s best friend. Your soul was absolutely crushed by the news, and the fact that someone would have to tell his family about his sacrifice to bring everyone back was heart crushing. However, Clint’s death only fueled the motivation to get this over with once and for all. No one had time to truly mourn as now that the team retrieved the stones, the stones just needed to be placed into the gauntlet.
However, this was not the hardest part, no. The hardest part was figuring out who should actually snap their fingers. Thor, Tony, and yourself offered to do the snap, but Banner immediately intervened. “It’s gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive.” He said solemnly. “How do we know you will?” You asked him seriously. “We don’t, but the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s like, I was made for this.” He finished off, and everyone in the room begrudgingly agreed. Unfortunately, before Banner could even put his hands on the gauntlet, the compound was attacked by a huge explosion, sending everyone flying in different directions, some knocked out by the impact and buried beneath rubble.
You wake up with a groan, you entire body is aching. You slowly open your eyes and take in your surrounds. You are buried beneath the concrete of the compound. The once magnificent architectural building, now a destroyed foundation. You look to your right and notice that water is flooding into the area where you, Rhodes, and Rocket are trapped. You noticed that Rocket and Rhodes are both trapped under a piece of cement and you use your powers to lift it off of them before dropping it back onto the ground with a grunt.
You speak into comms, “Is anyone there? We’re trapped and are unable to get out of here. I can hold off the water, but I can’t get us back to the surface.” Your powers are strong, but it will take a great deal of energy to get yourself, Rhodes, and Rocket out of here. You have no clue how deep you guys are below the surface. But you could at least hold off the water until someone is able to save you all. Scott replies and says “I’m on my way, I’ll get you guys.” And you mumble a “thanks” before asking another question, “How on earth did this happen?” you ask this as you use your powers to form some sort of blockade to keep the water from drowning you all. Scott suddenly appears, going back to his regular size and says “Nebula was compromised. You guys better hang onto something,” as he turns into a giant and breaks you all out of the concrete cage you were held in.
As you all return to the surface, Scott places the three of you on the ground. You take notice of the state of Steve, Tony, and Thor. They are badly beaten as Thanos cowers over them. Your eyes widen as you notice the ships approaching behind Thanos, along with his army of thousands. You, Rocket, Rhodey, (and Gamora??) together, ready to attack. You have no time to question Gamora’s sudden seeming resurrection as you notice Banner is the only one missing from the bunch, nowhere to be seen. You turn to everyone as you point at the gauntlet in Gamora’s arms and speak “Protect that gauntlet at all costs, don’t let him get to it. As soon as Banner is spotted, give it to him so he can do the snap and end this, once and for all. Understand?” Everyone nods in acknowledgement at your words.
A sense of deja vu hits you as you turn to face the impending battle. Once again you all are drastically outnumbered, you all must stand and fight against Thanos once more. The only differences being that you all are 5 years older, half of the universe’s population is gone, and Natasha is not by your side. The entire team is angered that this happened in the first place and the desire and will to defeat the mad titan is as strong as its ever been. You all failed to protect the world and your loved ones once, you all refused to lose this battle again. You all have something to fight for. You all attack and after what felt like hours of fighting Thanos’ army, you notice Scott running with the gauntlet, and your eyes widen as Thanos makes his way towards Scott. You quickly throw the enemies you were dealing with, with the flick of your hand and rush for the titan head-on.
Using your vibrant blue powers, you strike Thanos with a powerful beam of energy. Thanos tries to block himself but is a little too late as he’s sent flying back. “You took everything from me.” You say angrily and with a vengeful conviction as your eyes turn blue and your blue powers waver across your hands, levitating you a few feet off the ground. The titan stares at you as he stands and says “I don’t even know who you are.” You look at him and tilt your head, and reply with a dangerous calmness, “You will.” You then end up encasing Thanos, holding him up high in the air, your powers acting as blue hands. You squeeze him with all the strength you can conjure up and start to rip off his armor without laying a finger on him. “Rain fire!” The titan exclaimed to his servant. “But sire, our troops.” “Just do it!” Thanos screams. Unfortunately, you were so caught up in your rage that you failed to notice what Thanos was saying. You were soon knocked out with a powerful blast from a ship above you. Your grip on Thanos no more as you flew across the field and were knocked unconscious.
You wake up and groggily try to take in your surroundings. Your entire team beat to the ground. Banner, Scott, and Clint are unconscious, and the rest of the team are too weakened to move. Captain Marvel was also here, when she got here? You have no idea, but that doesn’t matter as she was knocked out as well. However, at least the giant ships and Thanos’ army had been taken out. You guys did impressively well considering how outnumbered you all were. You look away from your battered teammates beside you and you feel panic wash over you. Above you, the massive titan stands, placing the gauntlet on his hand. No. He CANNOT get that gauntlet, you think in a panic. However, your body is too weak to get up, you still try to stand with every ounce of strength that’s left in your body, but to no avail. All of a sudden, you feel a tingling sensation from your hands that you have never felt before.
You look at your hands and notice little sparks of electricity forming. This has never ever happened before, your powers are a dark blue and are more like laser beams than sparks. What is happening? As you stared at your hands, you failed to notice Mjölnir rising beside Thor. Mjölnir abruptly launches itself into your hand, and you suddenly feel a surge of electricity flow through your veins, giving you a spark of energy. The people who are still conscious are shell-shocked as they had all tried and failed to wield the mighty hammer. You yourself had even failed to lift Mjölnir all those years ago before the Ultron situation, but now here you were, worthy and determined to win this battle. As you attempt to stand once more, Thor joyfully exclaims “I knew it!” At Thor’s words, Thanos stomps on Thor, successfully knocking the Asgardian God out cold.
You rise to your feet, the only thing on your mind being that you need to bring Natasha back. You charge at Thanos, rising off the ground as your dark blue powers mixed with the lightning of mjölnir radiate off of you. You struck the titan with a powerful, concentrated hit with Mjölnir before using up the most power you ever have. You manage to do damage to Thanos, but with the gauntlet on he manages to use the stones to fight against your own powers. As he hits you, he fails to notice you exchange the gauntlet with the stones, with another gauntlet that he failed to notice lying on the ground. As your body is flung like a ragdoll across the floor, you look up as Thanos says “I... am inevitable.” And he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens. He, along with everyone else looks confused as he does this. All of them were puzzled, except for you.
You get on your knees and place the real gauntlet on. The energy so powerful as it courses through your veins, it’s an intense burn as if your blood was made of fire, pumping through every part of your body. You look around at the team, the people you have grown to love and call a family. You know that this will be the end of you, but you are content with that. What better way to go than saving the world and bringing the love of your life back? The team seems aware of your fate as well, the sadness evident on the faces of the broken down avengers. It hurt them, but they knew it had to be done. They couldn’t stop you, even if they tried. You already had the gauntlet on and you had made up your mind. After one last glance at your family, you focus back on Thanos, who stares at you in shock. A human wielding the stones, that was a sight for sore eyes. The snap almost killed Thanos the first time, imagine now? You have powers of your own, yes, but you’re still a human. You take a deep breath, your mind is racing as it is taken over by thoughts of Natasha. How you’ll never get to see her red hair and green eyes sparkle again, how you’ll never hear her raspy laugh that warms you up inside, and how you’ll never have the future you both had always wanted together. But you remind yourself that this is all for her, and that was the final push you needed to follow through with this plan.
You stare Thanos dead in the eye again as you shakily say “I... Am...” you envision Natasha and her big bright smile as you finally say “an Avenger.” And with the snap of your fingers, a bright light consumes your body and radiates across the field. All you hear is the ringing in your ears and all you can focus on is the burning of your charred body. The conscious team members gather around you, they are all speaking to you but you can’t fully hear what they’re saying. They sound far away even though they’re right in front of you. You watch as Thanos and his little servants disappear into dust, just like half of the population did 5 years ago. You release a heavy sigh of relief at the sight.
You look back to Steve who’s directly in front of you. He reaches into his pocket and dials a number, and when he turns the phone towards you, you notice the contact name; Natasha. Steve’s eyes widen as the redhead actually answers her phone, it worked. He however, tried to swallow his shock as he let’s her know that you’ll be put on the line. He doesn’t have the heart to inform her of your condition. You use every muscle in your body just to reach out for the phone and grasp it in your hand. “Hello? Y/N, baby?? Where are you?? What happened??” You smile widely at the sound of her deep, raspy voice as your eyes slowly start to close. The team panics as they try to convince you to keep your eyes open just a little longer, Natasha’s voice sounding more concerned and alarmed at the coaxing of the team. We did it, we really did it... she’s okay... it’s okay... is your final thought as your eyes close even further. The darkness is so tempting and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into it, until you’re consumed by it. Never to see the light again.
2 weeks later
At your funeral, Nat was suspiciously devoid of emotion as the ceremony commenced. It was so weird for the team to see and they were genuinely worried. Natasha was always sure to not make her emotions known, it’s how she was trained as an assassin, but to show no emotion after losing the love of her life? Definite cause for concern. After the beautiful ceremony and burial, the team all returned to Tony’s cabin, he let the team know that there was something he needed to share with them. Tony stands before the team in his living room and places his iron man helmet on the mantle. He clears his throat before he begins, “Before the time heist, Y/N approached me and asked me a favor. They borrowed my iron man helmet and asked me to play this recording if things went south. So, this is me fulfilling their final wish.”
You appear as a hologram, sitting on a chair in your time heist suit. “So, if you’re watching this.. that means that I’m... yanno” and you make a throat slicing motion with a little laugh. You then realize that the people watching this will most likely not find humor in your little joke and immediately stop laughing. “I hope that in watching this, that means that we succeeded in bringing everyone back. It’s all we have been hoping and praying for, for the past 5 years. And I pray to God... or to Thor... that it worked out.” You actually laugh at your terrible attempt at a joke. Everyone in the room laughs at your corniness with tears in their eyes.
“If we did win, that must mean that you’re here Natasha.” You pause and take a deep breath. At the mention of the redhead, the room falls silent as Nat watches intensely, desperate to hear what you have to say to her. You proceed, your voice wavering as you were overcome with emotion, “I’m so sorry that I had to leave you so soon. I’m so sorry that we’ll never have the chance to get married and have little rascals of our own running around a little farmhouse of our own in the middle of nowhere like we always dreamt of. But, the day you left me, those 5 long years ago, a part of me left with you. And I would do anything to get you back, and I’m sure I’ve proven that to be true if you’re seeing this.” You take another break as your voice starts cracking, as Natasha finally let a tear escape.
You suddenly stand up, and move over to the camera, staring directly into it with an intense gaze. “But Nat, baby, you have to listen to me when i say that this is not the end of the world. It may feel like it, but I promise you it’s not. Those 5 years without you, I felt as though I was drowning in grief and despair, but then hope made its way into my life when Scott suddenly appeared on the steps of the compound. And I promise you that you will have hope again, not for my return, but for happiness in your life again, without me.” At your words, Natasha shakes her head furiously as silent tears steadily fall across her pale cheeks.
You giggle “I know you won’t believe me right now, but you will one day my love. You were wrong that day in Wakanda. You WILL survive this. You must move on eventually, as impossible as it sounds and as much as it kills me to say. Please do not give up on the world, don’t push everyone away, but let them in. I gave my life up so you could live yours, and I know you wouldn’t let my life go to waste.” You stop and look down at your watch. “I have to go now, if this time heist thing goes to plan, then everyone who vanished will return. God, I hope so.... I love you Natalia Alianovna Romanova.” You look down at your hands, and back up at the camera and say your final words.
“Remember...” you begin while moving closer to the helmet, “You could never lose me moya lyubov... I’m yours forever.” You smile tearily and the recording ends. Those last words were what finally did it for Natasha. All the emotion she was keeping bottled up broke loose and she had no control of the wheel of her emotions as she slammed head first into a breakdown. Natasha cried in sorrow as she mourned the possibilities that are no longer possible and screamed out in anguish for the unfulfilled promises of a happy, long life with you by her side.
The world had won, but Natasha had lost her world.
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
SFW alphabet// Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Request: There isn’t one- this is pure self indulgence. 
Submitted by:​ MEEEE
Genre/fandom: Fluff/Star Wars
Warnings:  None.
Summary: SFW alphabet for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Obi-Wan is pretty damn affectionate- when you both are alone. In public, it is often a different story. That’s not to say he doesn’t sweet talk you quietly when you’re out and about, but he rarely holds your hand when in places that the Jedi Order could see you. When you are alone though, either in his quarters, your Coruscant apartment or elsewhere out of sight, he is one of the most affectionate people you’ve ever met, giving you so many hugs and kisses it’s hard to count. One of his favourite things to do, during slower days, he’ll sit in his favourite chair whilst he reads, letting you sit in a nearby chair, your hands linking you both together.  B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Quite simply, Obi-Wan is one of the nicest and fairest beings in the galaxy, and the very best friend should you put the effort in to get to know him- though, even if you don’t, he’s still extraordinarily kind hearted, and ever the gentleman.  The friendship would probably start when he’s assigned to protect you- and of course he politely introduces himself, and you’re drawn to his friendly and calming presence. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He ADORES cuddles. All of them. In bed, in comfy chairs, standing up- anywhere, anyhow, so long as you aren’t discovered. Given half the chance, he would cuddle you to the end of time. He’s a big one for physical affection. A lot of his favourite moments with you are spent curled up together, talking about both everything and nothing, basking in each others company.  D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?) Obi-Wan would love to settle down- and he was incredibly ready to leave the Jedi Order for you, but you told him to stay, at least for Anakin’s sake.  He is a marvelous cook- and you can’t convince me otherwise. You don’t go out for secret date nights, oh no, Obi-Wan cooks you a delicious home-made meal.  He’s also quite clean, doing all the chores around his quarters almost every day or when he gets the chance between training sessions, meetings and the missions.  E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) If he had to, he would try and let you down slowly. He would try not to make a show of it and explain calmly to you why he think it would be best for you to go your separate ways. It would break him inside, but he’d keep his composure until he was alone.   F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) He would like very much to get married to you 😊 you are his one and only living love, after all. He’d leave the Order for you, if you let him. Enough said, really. G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?) Very gentle physically, very very gentle indeed. His touches are always so soft, as if he’s nervous that you’re only a dream, and if he’s too rough with you, you’ll suddenly poof out of existence. It’s quite sweet, actually.  H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?) Like with cuddles, Obi is a pretty big hugger. His hugs are warm, and full of all the love he holds for you. You almost always catch his scent- the faint smell of spices, and it always calms you down, it’s soothing. His hands often find the small of your back and the back of your head, supporting you as well as keeping you close to him. I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?) Not particularly quickly- he tries to suppress his feelings at first, and it takes many weeks of being around you for him to even admit to himself that he liked you, not to mention how long it took for him to muster up the courage to admit his feelings for you.  Even after he admits his love for you, he usually only says the L word when he thinks it’s a special occasion- though he makes sure that you know he loves you in other ways.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Obi-Wan doesn’t often get jealous- he understands the need for close friendships outside of your relationship. But there have been one or two instances where his emotions have gotten the better of him. When he’s jealous, he can get rather possessive. He doesn’t mean to- he truly doesn’t- but he’ll put his arm around your waist, pull you close to his side, whilst giving a very dark glare to send them a message. (He’ll try not to do this in front of Jedi, and has so far succeeded in that regard.)  K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Obi-Wan’s kisses are often quite light and brief- as most of them are given in public. Kisses in private are much deeper, much more passionate, much longer. His favourite place to kiss you is the very tip of your nose, he doesn’t know why really, he just thinks it’s a very endearing place to kiss you. His favourite place to be kissed is just under his jaw, your lips just seem to press against his skin so nicely there.  L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?) Oh, Obi-Wan is a dream around children! He is a wonderful mentor to the younglings in the temple- a brilliant father figure for those who see him as such. Absolute father/husband material, I tell you.  M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?) They are sometimes few and far between, but... Imagine the most idyllic scene you can think of. Sunlight streaming through the window and lightly hitting your face, as the wonderful smell of breakfast hits your nose, rousing you from your slumber. There he stands, in his nightclothes with his back to you, as he cooks you a glorious breakfast. He turns to smile at you as you get up, moving over to quickly give you a morning kiss on the cheek.  That is a morning with Obi-Wan. N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?) Just as heavenly as the mornings. They’re quiet, more often than not, but they’re still wonderful. Though just as rare as the mornings, if not rarer, you both spend the first part of the evening watching the sun set, before dining together, and finally ending up in each others arms, talking nonsense till you both find  slumber.  O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?) Usually late at night, a month or so into your relationship. It’s not about what most people would consider ‘secrets’, but to Obi-Wan these things are incredibly personal. He talks to you about the bond he had with his master, and how he felt when he lost him, he talks about how proud he is of Anakin, all of it. It takes a few weeks and countless late nights, but you’re both all the closer to one another for it.  P - Patience (How easily angered are they?) Man’s a Jedi. The King of patience. He doesn’t often get angry.  When he does, though... Yikes. He loses it. Thankfully his rage is almost never directed towards you. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?) He remembers everything you tell him, down to the last detail. You mention something as a throwaway comment? I guarantee you he’ll be doing or purchasing something  to do with that little throwaway line. Every detail goes into his head and never leaves.  R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?) A time he found you entertaining the younglings whilst waiting for you. You seemed so happy, your eyes sparkling and full of life, glinting as you laughed. He leant against the wall, just watching you as you played with them, letting them embrace their childhood for a little bit longer. It is something he’ll often play it over and over again in his head when he’s watching you sleep. 
S - Security (How protective are they?) Obi-Wan knows you have to fight your own battles, and he does try his best to let you do that, offering guidance if you need it. However, when he knows you’re out of your depth- whatever that may be- he will step in and defend you in whatever way he needs to.  T - Try (How much effort do they put in?) He puts in so much effort for you, trying to prove himself to you even though you constantly remind him he doesn’t need to. He also finds it his constant quest to make it up to you for not spending more time with you when in the Order. You tell him not to do that too, but he never seems to listen.  U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?) Apologising too much. For not spending enough time with you, for being late when he isn’t.. Little things. Little, pesky things. It started off sweet at first, but quickly you found it to be a little bit of a problem.  V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not really that concerned. He keeps himself clean of course, he has more than enough decency for that, but he’s not really that fussed. He’ll pay more attention to small things- like the style of his hair or how he wears his robe- if he wants to impress you, but he’s not exactly vain. W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Oh he would definitely feel incomplete without you. He misses you deeply when on missions- and even goes as far to use his holocom to contact you when far off and he can’t bear not hearing your voice anymore.  X - Xtra (Random HC) Obi-Wan is an absolutely divine cook. You want a meal that the canteens or cafeteria don’t do a good job on? Say no more, he shall provide for you. He’d cook practically anything for you, just to see you smile.  Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?) Obi-Wan isn’t particularly fussy when it comes to partners, however there is one thing that almost always has to be there. Manners. Otherwise, you may just have a few ettiquete lessons from Master Kenobi. Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Obi-Wan is usually a sound sleeper, and has a regular sleeping pattern. This pattern is only slightly taken off track when you sleep in the same bed as him, and he’ll spend at least half an hour running his hands through your hair as you sleep, admiring the blissful smile that crosses your lips. 
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
already gone [shelby goodkind]
shelby goodkind x reader
summary: it seems like everything is a losing battle, based off the song already gone by sleeping at last
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Shelby looked out of the plane window as the sky was a blue-ish gray-ish color. The clouds overhead looked like those cliché ones in movies where the protagonist just lost everything. Well that’s ironic.
Everything seemed so bland without you. The blonde Texan would usually be excited to be going on an airplane to Hawaii, but without you it didn’t matter.
The two of you wanted things together. A life with her and escaping the small town stereotypes and prejudices. Where the two of you could hold hands in public and kiss without the fear of her dad coming in. It was a constant thought of happiness, but now it’s just an empty laugh.
But Shelby can’t let it go. Not for the life of her.
She was slowly putting together that the two of you weren’t mean to last. No matter how hard you tried or wanted to work on it, someone was bound to get hurt.
Her thoughts were broken when the intercom overhead blasted through her ears, “Hello girls, this is your captain speaking. We are a few minutes off from taking off, as soon as we take off put your phone in airplane mode and thank you for flying with us,”
Shelby didn’t know what she was thinking. But it obviously wasn’t clearly. She sprung up from her seat and headed towards the bathroom, not thinking twice about dialing your number.
“Shelby? Is everything okay? Aren’t you on a plane right now?” your voice cracked with too many nights of crying to yourself over the perfect blonde who fixed and broke your heart all at the same time.
The blonde was taken aback. She didn’t think you’d pick up.
“Yeah, I am...on the plane I mean. I’m not okay, how could I be okay after letting you go?” she whispered.
“Shelby, why are you calling? Why are you making this harder than it has to be?” you snapped, your voice laced with venom.
“I wanted to apologize. Never did I ever mean to hurt you, please know that. I want you to know that I love you with everything in me. Baby, you couldn’t have loved me better,” her voice cracked and you released a muffled sob, “I hope that one day you’ll be able to move on,”
“Shelby,” you whispered. Your voice weak as Shelby looks up at the plane ceiling to stop herself from crying.
“It all started with most perfect kiss and that’s when the poison set in. And I knew that, I knew you deserved someone better. Someone will be with you every step of the way. I’m sorry I couldn’t let you go, I’m sorry I was so selfish,”
“It’s okay,” you whispered, “I wouldn’t have changed it for anything in the entire world,”
“I also know that I love you...I love you enough to let you go. And I know I shouldn’t have called and it’s my dad’s fault-“ she said before stopping, “No it was my fault. I should’ve never listened to him, but you deserve way more than I could ever offer you. Someone who isn’t afraid to hide who they are, someone who isn’t afraid of their family or their reputation,”
There was silence on the phone so the blonde Texan continued, “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but you realize that someday that this was right. That I was holding you back from being truly happy,”
“Stop Shelb, stop degrading yourself. You were the best decision I’ve ever made,” you told her.
She smiled softly, “And you were my peace and sanity from that horrid place we call home. Maybe in another life we were meant to be, but we’re already gone,”
There was a knock on the bathroom door, “Uh Shelby?” Dot’s voice cut in, “You need to sit down, plane’s about to take off,”
Shelby let out a shaky sigh, “I have to go, darling. I wish you all the stars in the sky. You have the universe in your hands,”
“Goodbye, Shelby,” you whispered.
“Goodbye, Y/N,” That stung she never called you by your first name.
She was about to hang up when you stopped her, “Shelb?” All the blonde did was hum in response, “I’m always gonna love you,”
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
A Love Destined
Pairing: Rex x Jedi! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of canon typical violence, feels (it gets a teensy bit sad)
Word Count: 2,651
Taglist: @callme-eds​ / @sgarrett49​
*If you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know*
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Chapter 2
The war had officially begun after the battle on Geonosis, and along with it came many changes to your life. It seemed that instead of simply living your life by the ways of the jedi and becoming the peacekeeper you were trained to be, you now had to also learn to be a soldier as well. This was never said outright, but it’s what you learned was the new way of things through your own experiences with this war so far. You had voiced this concerning fact to your master, asking how all this violence was “keeping the peace”, and his answer didn’t entirely help to ease your mind.
“It is simple young one, if we do not aid in this war, it is more than likely the Separatists will win, and if that happens, there will no longer be any semblance of peace in the galaxy. They wish to rule, not live together in harmony. We cannot let them prevail, our victory at the end of this war will mean a victory for the galaxy, it will mean peace”, he had told you.
You had given him a somber look at this explanation. “So, what you’re saying is, sometimes in order to have peace, we must get our hands dirty.” It wasn’t a question.
“Not the words I would’ve used, but yes, I guess you could say that”, he’d said.
You had understood this line of thinking and agreed that the Separatists could not win this war, or it would mean a perpetual unrest for the entire galaxy, but that didn’t mean you had to be happy about it. You hated all the constant fighting, always having to be on your guard when you were sent on a mission, never knowing if you or your comrades would make it out alive. It was a never-ending feeling of worry and fear, but you’d be lying if you said it was all bad.
Thanks to your many years of training and the additional training your new comrades provided you, you had become an excellent fighter, saving your company’s hides more than once. Your priority during every mission, besides getting the job done of course, was to get everyone home safely. Other than your master, your men were the most important people in your life, and over the course of the last half year, you had become quite close with all of them. You had started to think that the only truly good thing to come out of this war was the clone army. Yes, they were raised to be fighters, soldiers first and foremost, but after getting to know them, you realized they were so much more than what they were bred for. In fact, you could say with confidence that the clones were the kindest and most honorable men you had ever known, all the ones you had met at least. Some of them had more honor and humility in their little finger than some jedi had in their whole body.
No one fit this description better than your captain, and best friend, Keeli. You two had become very close over these many months, and you considered him your closest companion. He had been the one to initially suggest your extra training after you saying one day that you wished the jedi taught their pupils how to shoot a blaster, as well as swing a lightsaber, because it would’ve proven helpful in situations like the ones you found yourself in these days.
This line of thinking was conjured after a mission where you had been knocked on your back, and although you were spared from the deadly fall over the nearby cliff, your saber was not as lucky. Admittedly, you felt a bit powerless without your weapon, not sure if you could take on the dozens of battle droids quickly approaching your position with just the force alone. Luckily for you, your captain was quick to your side and fired at the droids while you used the force to throw as many over the cliff as you could.
After this mission, he had agreed to train you as best he could, and the other men in your company had been quick to volunteer their services as well. They taught you how to shoot, as well as some forms of hand-to-hand combat. You had been so grateful and felt much more confident out in the field with these extra tricks up your sleeve.
Other than being an excellent teacher, Keeli was a truly amazing friend. He was always there for you; when you needed a confidant to vent all your woes to, when you needed a shoulder to cry on after a particularly dreadful mission, when you needed reassurance to dissipate the self-doubt that always seemed to rear its ugly head, even acting as your support system throughout your trials, and was the first to congratulate you when you passed them and became a jedi knight in your own right. He was all of these, and you tried to be the same for him.
You tried to be there for all your men, they were your comrades, your friends, your family. These men were like the brothers you never had, and they had made it clear that they felt the same.
Perhaps it was this close relationship with your company that caused a worry in the councils’ eyes. Attachment was forbidden for a jedi and could lead one down a path that was hard to come back from, and they were worried you were doing just that, getting attached, to your master and to your men.
This is what brought you to Coruscant now. The council had requested you be the one to report to them on your last mission, only you. To say you had been nervous was an understatement, you could tell something was up, you were getting one of your feelings again, and that was never a good sign. They had all been more silent than usual as you’d given your report, only speaking after you had nothing left to say. They then informed you of their worry and even though you denied this and tried to reassure them that there was no reason for concern, they said they had already made the decision before your arrival. You would be reassigned to a new unit, which one they hadn’t figured out yet, but promised that decision would be made as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you were being sent to Kamino to assist Master Shaak Ti in overseeing the training of new cadets, a decision you were sure was made to immediately distance you from your company, who were currently back on Coruscant on a short leave.
You had accepted this change with as much composure as you could muster, while feeling as if you were falling apart on the inside. The hardest part was telling your men.
“What, they can’t do that… can they”, Treun asked out loud when you’d given the news.
You sighed. “I’m a jedi, I serve the council, so technically, they can do whatever they want with me and place me wherever they see fit”, you told him.
Another trooper chimed in, “You know I’ll never understand all these rules you jedi have. I mean what is so wrong about having friends, we’re the ones who always have your back, keep you breathing, or do they not even care about the safety of their own knights?”
“That’s not what this is about, Fuse”, you said somberly. “They think I’m getting too attached, and to the jedi attachment can be very dangerous, they don’t want me letting my emotions drive my actions, impede on my duties as a jedi.”
Thrash met your gaze with eyes that made your heart hurt from the amount of sadness that filled them. “And General Di is okay with this”, he asked.
You looked to your feet before responding, “He doesn’t really have a say, but he did agree that it might be good for me to get some distance, take a good look inward and figure myself out, which means a lot of meditation on my end.”
There was a light chuckle. “Sounds fun”, Quip said sarcastically, and you sent him a small smile, appreciative of his efforts to lighten the mood with a little joke, as he always did. However, it didn’t exactly do the trick this time.
They all went silent, not knowing what they could say to make this situation less depressing, nothing could do that. They felt this was all very unfair, as did you, even if you understood why it was happening.
“I’m going to miss you guys”, you said, trying to keep the tears at bay.
They all looked to you with sad expressions. “We’re gonna miss you too (Y/N)”, Treun said, his brothers all slowly nodding in agreement.
You made sure to give each and every one of them a tight hug before leaving and making your way to the hangar, where a ship was waiting to take you to Kamino.
As you walked you let your mind wander to your captain. Where was he, you hadn’t seen him since before your meeting with the council the day before, and he hadn’t been there when you gave the bad news to the boys. Was he avoiding you, did he blame you for this sudden turn of events, or worse, did he think you chose this? No, you told yourself, don’t be stupid, he knows you better than that, he knows you’d never willingly leave your men, leave him. So where was he?
You began to worry, not wanting to leave, for who knows how long, without first saying goodbye to your best friend.
Your worry quickly dissipated when your ship came into view and you saw Keeli standing near the entry ramp, clearly waiting for you. Your feet were moving before your mind could catch up, and you were running toward him, halting abruptly once you reached him. Breathing heavily, you beamed up at him.
“Keeli, am I glad to see you, I was worried I wouldn’t get to before I left”, you said, slowly catching your breath.
He smiled down at you, the kindness in his gaze so potent it made your smile widen even more.
“You really thought I’d let you leave without a proper goodbye? (Y/N), I thought you knew me better than that”, he said.
You shook your head. “You’re right, I’m sorry, it’s just that, when you weren’t in the barracks with the others and I couldn’t find you, I got worried”, you admitted.
His smile widened at this. “You were worried for me”, he asked. It was rhetorical.
“Well yeah, you are my best friend ya know. You’re important to me, so yeah, I worry about you”, you say, crossing your arms over your chest and jutting a hip to the side.
He loved when you acted a bit sassy, it was endearing, and admittedly, kind of adorable.
“Well, your concern is greatly appreciated, and I’m sorry for worrying you, I just needed some time to do some thinking is all”, he told you, and you gave him a look, which he was quick to respond to. “Nothing to be concerned about, I promise.” This seemed to ease your worry, your face relaxing into a soft smile. “Besides, I wanted to be the one to give you a proper send off. Seeing as I’m your best friend, I’d like to think I’m just a bit more special than the rest”, he said with a light humored tone.
You chuckled. “Of course your special Captain, the most special in fact”, you replied with the same energy.
He laughed at your comment before slowly letting his expression fall, his face now holding a despondent smile. Yours now looking very similar.
“I’m gonna miss you”, he said sadly.
“I’m going to miss you too”, you replied in kind.
You both stood there for a minute just looking at each other, sharing a somber gaze, before a voice was heard from the top of the ramp ahead of you. “General, we must be on our way”, one of your escort troopers announced.
“Yes, I’ll be along in a moment, thank you”, you responded, sending the trooper a reassuring wave over Keeli’s shoulder. You then look back to your captain, smiling softly. “So, I guess this is goodbye”, you said.
“For now”, he said with a smile of his own.
You nodded once, sharing in his hopeful demeaner for the time being. “For now”, you agreed.
Keeli then extended a hand to you. You looked at it with a bit of confusion, but took it anyway, accepting the rather formal gesture.
“Goodbye General.”
“Goodbye Captain.”
You released his hand and made your way past him to the ramp. You’d made it half-way up before stopping, fists clenched and tears slowly filling your eyes. You then turned suddenly, seeing your friend walking away, almost dragging his feet as he did. “Keeli”, you shouted to him.
He turned to see you running to him, and, as if on instinct, he held out his arms to catch you in a tight embrace, dropping the helmet he’d been holding to the ground in the process. You let a few tears escape and fall down your cheeks as you held him, arms wrapped around his neck and holding on firmly, as if easing it just a bit would cause him to disappear before your eyes. He held you with the same intensity, and you stayed like that for a long moment.
“Stay safe okay”, you finally spoke, trying to keep your voice from wavering too much.
“You too”, he said into your hair before you felt a light pressure from the swift kiss he’d left there. This caused a few more tears to fall before you pulled away, wiping them away with the back of your hand.
You made your way back to the ramp, stopping at the top to send one last glance to your friend. He smiled and raised a hand in a final farewell. You returned the gesture before the ramp retreated into the vessel and the giant door closed, cutting off your view completely.
Once the ship had made it far enough out of the planet’s orbit and you entered hyperspace, you’d excused yourself to the private quarters they had provided you for the short trip, saying you needed to meditate. This was accepted and you were left alone for the next few hours. After you entered the small room and sat on the bed, however, you released all the emotions you’d been trying so desperately to hold in the whole day, and let the silent tears flow freely, light sobs accompanying them.
You knew, ultimately, you would be okay, but for now, you needed to let this out, lest it build up and come out at a less convenient time. So, you did, you let all the sadness, all the hurt, and all the worry out, so that after, you might be able to focus on what was next for you.
Perhaps being stationed on Kamino wouldn’t be so bad. You liked Master Shaak Ti, she was a kind woman, and you’d get to see where your men got their start, learned all those skills they’d been kind enough to share with you. You were upset sure, but you decided to not let it consume you, and you allowed your natural curiosity to take over and pique your interest in visiting the planet again, and therefore brightening your spirits just a bit.
Yeah, this won’t be so bad, and I’ll simply take things as they come, that’s all I can do. You mentally reassured yourself before crisscrossing your legs on the bed, placing your hands atop your knees, and closing your eyes, falling into a calming meditation.
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pla-teau · 3 years
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hayward fucking lied | that manipulative weasel tried to pin all this on wanda to make her look like the bad guy and at the end she did absolutely nothing wrong except maybe cost them new windows. i believe hayward knew that wanda was going to be the power source to bring vision back to life. he hinted at it and i think he tried to push her at SWORD headquarters. when the hex happened, he put the missile on the drone knowing damn well wanda would stop it. he knew that after he detected that she created a copy of vision within the hex, she was the key to completing their rebuilding of vision. overall, my hatred for the man has reached a new level and i hope he dies at the end of the series.
white vision | obviously referring to project catarract that darcy found in SWORD’s hardrive. when i said i wanted white vision to appear, i didn’t mean this way and i’ve seen some theories floating around that maybe james spader will voice this vision? and if this is the big secret actor paul has been saying he’s going to work with — i will laugh and cry because i am one of those who was thinking we’d get an x-men cameo with either professor x or magneto and i’m gonna hold out hope. if it is just vision vs. vision, i don’t doubt i’ll love it. so excited to see this vision though it’ll hurt to see vision battle wanda since this whole episode just showed us how much they loved each other.
wanda and vision’s relationship | we got to see a very sweet and deep moment between the two in the avengers compounds after age of ultron. when i tell you i damn near cried into my pillow, it made my heart ache. they really are fucking soulmates. i didn’t originally care for the couple but this show really showcased how despite being the pairing of a witch and an android, there is still so much LOVE between these two. i broke when i saw the deed to the lot and vision’s note of growing old together. excuse me marvel i didn’t ask to be emotionally obliterated, thanks.
wanda’s chaos magic | clearly, we see that wanda is responsible for the creation of the hex. i think she didn’t purposely block out her creating the hex. when she said she doesn’t know how it happened, she truly doesn’t. we’ve seen her lose control once and that was after the death of pietro but it wasn’t as strong before. i believe she just blacked out a bit since she hasn’t used that much of her power before. i think with literally no one (where tf was clint? the avengers?? literally anyone????) there to help her grieve and basically keep her grounded, the wave, referring to her powers, did drown her this time and consumed her into this escapist reality where she no longer felt that pain.
wanda & sitcoms | now we learn why the show has been in the style of various television sitcoms. she’s grown up with them since she was a little girl in sokovia - her favorite being the dick van dyke show. hello i’m soft af. even when her parents were killed and she was practically at death’s door with pietro, television was there to help her get through it. in the HYDRA base, wanda still has a television to watch and help her through the days. what this episode told us is that television is wanda’s constant. i mean this in the sense that unlike people, television has always been there for her. wanda has not had a consistent group of people around her. it’s a revolving door when it comes to the people in wanda’s life. we see her alone and almost abandoned when we see how the creation of the hex happened. television is her escape which is what television provides for everyone. that’s the purpose of television shows - give you an escape from your life because in shows like the ones that have influenced wanda’s reality, they always turn out fine by the end of the episode.
agatha’s therapy | throughout this whole thing agatha is sort of giving wanda much needed therapy even if the end goal is not in wanda’s best interest. she mentions very quick about wanda being a young witch which could coincide with the idea that wanda’s always had this sort of gene in her like pietro and other mutants (if they’re going to use her to confirm the existence of the x-gene which im dying for tbh). she has a clue from the get go as to what wanda is but until she has the full picture, she doesn’t reveal it until the end of the episode. she confirms that ‘fietro’ came from a necromancy spell sooo does that mean she’s using a dead body? he was her eyes and ears but of course, wanda didn’t give up much and that plan was foiled.
wanda resurrecting vision | we learn that wanda never stole vision and brought him back to life. because she and vision are both born from the mind stone, it’s not shocking as to her practically using the chaos magic to create a vision for herself. it also explains why vision can’t live outside the hex - he was born from it and without the chaos magic, he’ll die. also, it’s peppered throughout the episode that the two are soulmates so there’s that aspect to it as well. so she hasn’t been puppeteering a corpse - that image of dead vision stems from wanda’s trauma and mentality starting to chip away at her reality. it also proves how fucking powerful this woman is because like agatha said, she’s supposed to be a thing of myth. while she did use her magic to create/resurrect vision, he’s still his own being in a sense - she doesn’t control him completely. he has his own thoughts and perceptions. he’s aware and the fact that something of wanda’s creation can do that really just showcases the power she holds in her.
agatha’s backstory | seems that agatha’s pretty smug when she’s confronted by her coven leader. it’s pretty easy to see through (in my opinion) the pleading to her mother and the rest of her coven. also kathryn hahn is simply eating up this fucking role and i’m here for it. now we learn why she has the broach, it’s her mother’s which is sweet but seeing agatha throughout the series and in the past, seems more of a token of practically massacring her coven that day. i liked seeing that snippet of her past and it seems like she’s always been drawn to the darker and more sinister side of witchcraft.
wanda’s power | as agatha comments at the end, wanda truly doesn’t know how dangerous she can be. wanda can barely remember how the hell the westview hex happened. while yes i’m here for wanda being shown and known as the most powerful being in the mcu, it’s also worth noting that she is dangerous. at the beginning of the episode, agatha rubs her nose in about how simple a protection spell is or how she studied to get her powers to where they are today. wanda doesn’t know anything about witchcraft or spells. yes, she gained powers from the infinity stone but she was made to be a weapon and even after being brought into the avengers, she wasn’t taught magic or how to tap into her chaos magic. she didn’t even know that her power was considered magic. i also think wanda’s powers are very much rooted in her emotions. we saw what she could do in age of ultron when she felt her twin die. wanda is powerful but so dangerous in this aspect. not saying that this is a bad thing but it separates wanda from other magic users like agatha, dr. strange and even loki. agatha has had years of knowledge and training to be as powerful as she is now. what separates wanda from the others is that she doesn’t have the control and mastery like them. she didn’t know that her powers could make another vision or alter the reality of a town populated by 3,000+ people. agatha is right, wanda is dangerous because she hasn’t had years to control the power she holds at her fingertips.
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