#this is maybe a weird direction to go with this prompt but i just wanted to write the senior staff camping okay
tweetracer · 11 months
Hi! I saw you wanted some barbie prompts so I had a idea.
What if Ken meets someone in the real world and he instantly found them attractive, they end up complimenting him which makes him want them even more to where he forgets the whole patriarchy ordeal and just wants them to love him because they didn’t just ignore him.
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💖 Meeting RG!Ken in the Real World 💖
(RG!Ken x Human!Reader)
💖 SO YOU DEFINITELY MEET THIS GUY WHILE HE’S IN DAVY CROCKETT MIDDLE SCHOOL’S LIBRARY. You’ve been working there a few months as a librarian and while it wasn’t exactly your passion it was something that filled your schedule and kept half-decent food on the kitchen table so you wouldn’t complain.
💖 “Hi! Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section?” The cheerful voice made you look up from where you were hunched over at the painfully old computer- double checking that all of the due books had been checked in.
💖 “Excuse me?” You said, completely flabbergasted by both the words and looks of the man who stood opposite your desk. He was tall; with golden blonde hair and sun-kissed skin he would be strikingly handsome were it not for the ridiculous cowboy outfit he was donned in. (Who were you kidding? He was still ridiculously attractive even with the costume).
💖 “Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section of this library” he repeated with another charming smile, leaning forwards to rest his chin in his hands.
💖 “That’s…” you started slowly, brows furrowed in a way that made his chest feel weird and tingly. “We don’t have a section for Horses and the Patriarchy.” You explained as gently as you could, eyeing around in hopes of finding the poor excuse for a security officer that usually took his lunch in here despite the obvious ‘no eating in the library’ signs posted around.
💖 The man’s handsome face wilted a bit and for a moment you felt a little guilty for not being able to indulge his ridiculous request. “Oh! Silly me- could you point me in the direction of the Horse Section first? I’ll go to the Patriarchy section after” He said, chipper once again.
💖 “We… don’t have a just Horses section either..” you said again, watching as the man seemed to actually wither, crumbling forwards till his head was against the cold wood of your work desk.
💖 “Do you have a Patriarchy section?” He whimpered, looking up at you from where he’d half collapsed dramatically against your desk- blue eyes glassy and filled with so so much emotion considering the circumstances.
💖 When you shook your head he nearly wailed, sinking further till he was almost entirely on the floor- fringe out of place and hat askew. You stood up to peer over your desk, looking down at the handsome man near-crying on your library floor.
💖 You glanced around, thankfully it was lunchtime for the kids so almost everyone was outside enjoying the sunny Los Angeles afternoon, leaving your room mostly empty. You gnawed on your lips nervously for a few moments before making a decision.
💖 “I can help you find some books on horses though.. and the patriarchy?” You offered, not entirely sure what you were getting yourself into as he jumped up, smiling eagerly and leaning forwards till his face was a few inches away from yours.
💖 “You’d do that for me?” He said with so much awe and amazement you’d think you offered to hang the stars for him.
💖 “…Yeah?” It was your job after all, even if this man was definitely not a student or staff member as far as you knew. Maybe he was a substitute teacher (yeah… right)
💖 But the way his whole face lit up joyfully at something as small as helping him find books made your heart give a little skip in your chest.
💖 You guide him around, pointing out a few books that were somewhat relevant (though he really only seemed interested in grabbing the ones with lots of pictures). Standing next to him you noticed he… really didn’t have a sense of personal space- the man would lean close everytime you spoke up to offer your help in locating relevant books, big baby-blue eyes staring into yours as he hung on to every word you said, nodding enthusiastically.
💖 You felt your cheeks and ears warm go warm at all the attention, occasionally stumbling on a word or two and chewing on your lip nervously between sentences- eyes darting around to anything but the absolute ray of sunshine in front of you.
💖 “Why are you doing that?” He asked innocently, leaning forwards into your space again with only the flimsy spine of Horses, by Ryan Bessin to protect you.
💖 “Doing what?” You said, trying to sound collected and professional though your gaze was still elsewhere, skimming over the names and authors. You jumped a little when you felt him reach out to gently prod at your lip, freeing it from the grasp of your teeth.
💖 “You’re chewing on your lip” he started, unconsciously mirroring the action on his own face. His blue eyes were focused so intensely on your lips and he felt that weird flutter in his chest again. What was that? A side effect of the real world?
💖 “Oh sorry I do that when I’m” you waved your hand vaguely for a moments, waiting till he finally looked away from your mouth to meet your gaze. “Nervous.”
💖 His head tilted in confusion and you were unable to look at him and not see an absolutely adorable, floppy-eared golden retriever puppy. “You’re nervous? Why?” He sounded so genuine and you swear to god he needed to stop looking at you with so much kindness and interest or you may just explode.
💖 “You’re just” you grip tight to the book, “-you’re very… handsome” (and intense) you started again, cheeks warming even more when his face seemed to light up like the Fourth of July- a huge grin splitting his face. “I think there’s another book that might interest you over here!” Frantically you change the subject, thrusting the book forwards and trying (and failing) not to notice just how solid his abs were.
💖 He followed you eagerly, still smiling at you with those weirdly perfect teeth and that shamelessly attentive expression. “Thank you so much, Barbie!”
💖 You looked over your shoulder at him, bewildered. “That’s? Not my name?” You said with a confused but genuine smile. Was it supposed to be some type of weird compliment?
💖 The man blinked, baffled for a few moments before he seemed to remember something. “Oh! Sorry! Force of habit” he laughed, looking bashful as he fingered the pages of the book he held.
💖 (And you definitely didn’t let your gaze slip to those deft, elegant looking hands. Broad and masculine but spared any callous or freckle- his tanned skin nearly perfect)
💖 “So… why exactly are you looking for books on the Patriarchy and Horses?”
💖 He blinked a few times at your question, looking down at the books in his arms as though he’d forgotten they were there for a moment. His smile brightened marginally, and he picked up one of the books at random- The Origins of Patriarchy, waving it loosely in front of your face. “Oh! So I’m learning about this super awesome thing called The Patriarchy”
💖 He almost immediately noticed the slight downward tilt of your lips- and the resulting twist in his chest was not like the fluttering sensations from earlier. No this was… icky- this feeling was unpleasant (something he didn’t actually have a lot of context for) and all he could think of was getting that look off of your face as fast as possible.
💖 “But- uh that’s beside the point!” As flippantly as possible he tosses the book over his shoulder with a bashful laugh. You winced, knowing you’d have to put that up later, but the man didn’t seem to notice; too busy looking at you with those big blue eyes and leaning against the bookshelf.
💖 “O-Okay?” You said, blinking rapidly at him as you chewed nervously on your lip again, trying not to squirm under the pure fascination in his gaze, completely unaware of the rapidly shifting priorities of the man in front of you.
💖 “Oh my name is Ken! Hey- what size rollerblades do you wear by the way?”
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a-case-of-attachment · 4 months
Okay, writing prompt if you're interested. LuciferXreader, making out in a pile of rubber ducks. It may be weird as hell, but also really cute and funny. AND!! Laughter is a healthy part of any relationship!
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Yes I’m interested!!!!!!!!!
I hope this is what you’re after, it kind of got away from me and I spent way too long thinking about what all those little duckies could do.
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Lucifer had a problem, one of his own making that was yellow and sometimes quacked, maybe barked, there was even ones that spoke backwards and in riddles. They came in all kinds of colours and did all sorts of things. He had a purple one that could teleport, a rainbow one that shot confetti out of its mouth when it was squeezed, he even had one that glowed in the dark and played lullaby’s. The point was that Lucifer had made a lot of rubber duckies over the years but he didn’t realise quite how many until he was looking for one specific duck.
“Where are you, you little piece of…” Lucifer grumbled, his words trailing off as he dived into another mountain of ducks, sending them tumbling down to join the rest that had spilled over the floor. He had been at this for a while now, sending his work room into chaos and all because Charlie had been telling Vaggie all about one she had seen him making when she was a child. She hadn’t asked him for it and Lucifer had honestly forgotten it existed until she had brought it up but she seemed so enamoured with it that Lucifer had decided there and then that he had to gift it to her as a reminder of happier times in her childhood. The only problem was that he couldn’t find the damned thing and he was quickly running out of patience.
“You alright there love?” Lucifers head jerks up and round at your amused voice, blinking dumbly at the sudden brightness of the room. Your leant against the door frame, eyebrows furrowed slightly but a teasing smile tugging up the corners of your mouth. You were a vision, a ray of sunshine through the grey cloud that had been steadily forming over him. “Yep! Everything’s fine. Hahaha. A oh kay. What erh, what are you doing here darling?” Lucifer laughed nervously, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment at being found in such a state.
He had abandoned his hat and jacket ages ago, his sleeves pushed up to his elbows and his gloves somewhere within the sea of ducks. Lucifer had unbuttoned his collar at some point, his bow tie pulled loose and hanging around his neck like a sad flat little snake. His face must be flushed by now and his hair that was once neat and styled probably looked more like a birds nest now, stick up in every direction and clinging to his forehead.
“Charlie called me. Seems someone has been ignoring her calls and texts for the past couple of hours and she wanted me to check in and make sure they hadn’t gotten so involved in a project they forgot to eat again. Clearly she was right to worry.” You gave him a pointed look, clearly expecting an answer for his current predicament. Bitting his lip Lucifer let his eyes sweep across the carnage that was his work room and the vast amount of ducks he still had to get through. He needed help or he was never going to get through all these, not any time soon anyway and who better to help him than you? He always wanted to spend more time with you and this would keep you in close proximity for quite some time. It was a win win in his books and he was damn sure going to take full advantage of it.
Groaning Lucifer let his shoulders slump and looked back to you, finding you in the exact same position you had been in before though your eyes had softened slightly now, worry starting to creep in at the edges. “I’m looking for a duck,” he stated, nodding slightly after he had spoken like it was that simple of an answer. “Oh really? Never would have guessed.” Lucifer glared at your sarcastic reply, huffing loudly and crossing his arms over his chest in an overly obvious display of indignation that you both knew was just for show. The gentle laughter his behaviour got him sounded sweet, even as you rolled your eyes and pushed away from the doorframe. He always liked the sound of your laughter, like music that soothed his soul and made his heart ache all at once.
“Alright your majesty, are we looking for one in particular or is this a know it when a see it situation?” You raised an eyebrow at him in question as you sank down onto one of the few spots of clear floor. “It’s made of crystal, has a really cute teeny tiny crown on its head.” You hummed at Lucifers words, your attention now firmly on the ducks that surrounded you. “And when did you last see it?” Lucifer winced at your question, tugging at his already loose collar and refusing to make eye contact with you when you glance in his direction. “I don’t know, maybe a couple of centuries ago. Charlie was about five or six at the time.” You made a weird choked off noise when he said centuries, Lucifer catching a glimpse of your hand slipping on the pile of ducks you had been looking at and sending a couple more tumbling to join the ones that Lucifer was already half buried under.
He offered you an apologetic smile and hopefully his best puppy dog eyes in an attempt to soften any sort of regret you might be feeling at having sat down to help him. It must have worked because you sighed heavily before rolling your shoulders back and sitting up straighter. “It’s fine, we’ll find it and when we do you are sooo going to make it up to me with back rubs and kisses.” Lucifer agreed readily, nodding his head and promising you that and a thousand things more. “Right! We are going to do this one duck at a time, sorting as we go. We will have four separate piles, one pile for the ones that are just rubber ducks with a unique paint job and another for the ones that do something useful.” Lucifer opens his mouth to protest because all his duckies are useful but a quick glance from you has him closing it before he can even get a sound out. “There will also be a pile for ones that do pointless things and another for the ones that are just plain dangerous.”
“They are not dangerous!” Lucifer insisted, snatching up a random duck and squeezing it to prove his point. There was a loud click followed by sound of metal grinding together and Lucifer looked down in horror as the barrel of a pistol slid out of the ducks now open mouth. “Hahaha, how did that get there?” Huffing you held your hand out expectantly and Lucifer reluctantly handed the traitorous thing over, making sure the postal was safely back in place first. Without a word you leant over and pushed a section of the ducks out of the way, clearing a patch on floor in front of you. The gun toting duck was place down gently, looking way too sweet and innocent for what it hid within.
You picked up one from next to you and held it out towards Lucifer. “What does this one do?” He squinted at the thing, turning his head slightly to the side as he tried to remember what this one did. It was yellow like most of them except this one had a red rimed beak that made it look like it had lipstick on. “Lipstick!” Lucifer shouted out triumphantly, his sudden outburst causing you to startle. “It’s lipstick, retro rouge if I’m not mistaken.” You turned the duck toward you, tilting your head quizzically as you squeezed at its sides. It’s beak parted as a stick of bright red lipstick emerged. “Huh,” you said, loosening your grip on the duck so the lipstick went back in before placing it on the floor a few inches away from the other duck. You picked up another, this one yellow with black spots and held it out towards him. “What about this one?”
This goes in for hours, one duck after another and though it would normally be a rather tedious Lucifer is having fun. Some of his duck creations really are bizarre, like the one that changes colour depending on the time of day in Hawaii or the one that screams whenever someone says pineapple. There are some good ones though, like the one that generates a personal forcefield that’s lasts up to an hour when placed on your head or the one that cleans your bath after you’ve used it. The useful pile was a lot smaller than the others though, the useless ones needing a whole corner of the room to themselves. You had even found one that said ‘I’m quackers about you’ in a squeaky voice when squeezed, a little heart shaped box of chocolates with Lucifers hat emblazoned on the front held between its wings.
Lucifer had refused to hand that one over, especially when he realised you intended to put it in the useless pile. A had sat there, cooing at the thing and stroking its head whilst you glared at him. So preoccupied with the duck Lucifer didn’t have time to prepare himself as you suddenly lunged across the space, hands grabbing for the sweet little ducky. The two of you had spent far too long rolling around the floor and tussling for the duck until finally you came to a stop, sprawled across Lucifer and the both of you breathing heavily. You were close, head hovering above his as you stared into one another’s eyes. All Lucifer would need to do is tip his head back and then he would be able to kiss you, one of his favourite things to do these days. His eyes dropped to your lips as your tongue snuck out to wet them, your teeth nipping at your bottom lip enticingly. Lucifer sucked in a deep breath, his hand flexing on your waist where it had ended up in your little play fight. Your head lowered slightly, eyes darting down to his lips then back to his eyes as if asking permission that you really didn’t need. From down by his hip there came a loud quack followed by ‘I’m quackers about you’ then another quack effectively bringing a sudden end to the tension growing between the two of you.
The two of you dissolved into laughter, Lucifer wrapping his arms around your middle as you buried your face in his neck. You lead there for a while, laughing softly until that trailed off and the two of you when just lead there, holding one another and surrounded by ducks. It had been nice if a little weird but Lucifer wasn’t complaining. “It’s true you know,” he said softly, not wanting to ruin the moment but his words had you shifting, pushing yourself up slightly so you could look down at him with confusion. “What is?” Your voice was just as soft as you spoke, the hushed tone adding to the intimacy of the moment. Sighing Lucifer reached up, cupping your check and rubbing his thumb gently across it. “I really and quackers about you,” he deadpanned.
The stunned silence that hangs between you goes on a lot longer than Lucifer thought it would and despite how hard he tries he can’t help the large smile that spreads across his face or the laugher that comes bubbling out. Groaning loudly you finished pushing yourself up into a sitting position, shoving Lucifer back down when he tried to follow. “You’re terrible,”you mumble, shifting back over slightly to avoid nocking into a stack of ducks. Lucifers still chucking when he sits back up, effortlessly catching the rubber duck you half heartedly throw at him. “Mmmm, and yet you still love me.” Lucifer wiggled an eyebrow at you, leaning in slightly to emphasise the ridiculousness of the gesture. This time it was you who couldn’t help but smile, huffing in amusement and shaking your head at him. “Yeah, I do.” Lucifer beamed like the cat who go the cream at your words, always feeling like his heart could take flight every time you told him you loved him. Truly a bizarre phenomenon that would need much more research done into it, requiring you to tell him often and in multiple ways how you felt about him. “Now come on, this bloody duck isn’t going to find its self.” Lucifer took the duck you held out to him, a hot pink one with a flame branded on its chest, and quickly lent forward to place a kiss on the back of your hand before he started telling you all about the duck and how it could be set on fire and wouldn’t melt.
That had been a good few hours ago though and night had settled heavy over the city since then. Over half the room had been cleared now, Lucifer having opened a portal and dumped all the colourful, boringly normal ducks onto a sleeping radio demon to create some extra space for you both. There was still no sign of the duck he was after though and the both of you were clearly tired, the process having slowed down considerably in the last half an hour or so. He’s beginning to think it’s a lost cause, the duck long since lost or broken.
You yawn loudly, arms stretching out above you before you fall back into the heap of ducks behind you. The groan you make sounds almost painful as you wiggle in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable amongst the ducks. Your eyes close, hands disappearing into the sea of yellow above you. Despite how horribly uncomfortable it must be you look content and Lucifer wants nothing more in that moment than to crawl over there and join you, curling up against your side and resting his head on your chest so you can both get some much needed sleep. As much as he wanted to give into temptation Lucifer was determined to find the duck for Charlie, fixated on giving her that little moment of happiness and wonder that had stayed with her since childhood. That didn’t mean you had to suffer with him though.
“I think it’s time you were getting to bed darling, I can finish up in here.” Your eyes open slightly at his words, brows furrowed and your smile slipping into a frown. “Lucifer.” There was an odd tone to your voice, one that he probably should have paid more attention to but Lucifer assumed he knew what you were going to say so he kept on talking, turning away from you to continue looking through the ducks as he did so. “I know. I should be trying to get some sleep as well but you know I won’t be able to, (Lucifer), not till I’ve found this duck anyway and I really just want to surprise Charlie with it. She seemed so happy when she was talking to Vaggie about it and I just wanted to, (LUCIFER!)” Your loud cry of his name had Lucifer jumping, dropping the duck he had been holding to the floor with a loud splat as it oozed out like a marshmallow melting in the sun.
Laughing nervously Lucifer turns back to you, an apology already on the tip of his tongue but it quickly disappears when he sees what you’re holding. You’ve sat up, eyes fixed on your hand that you’re holding out towards him. In your palm sits a crystal duck, a small black crown sat atop its head styled similarly to Charlie’s own. Lucifer sucked in a breath, reaching out to take the thing from you with trembling fingers. He can’t believe you had found it, just when he was starting to lose hope. You truly must be heaven sent.
Without warning Lucifer lunged at you, flinging his arms around your neck and sending you sprawling back into the ducks with a yelp. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” Lucifer said between peppering your face with kisses. “Lucifer,” you laugh, turning your head to the side and giving him access to your neck. He places a few more quick pecks along your neck and the top of your shoulder before placing one final one on your lips.
“She’s going to be so surprised,” Lucifer beamed, pushing himself back up and turning towards the door, a wide smile on his face as he stared down at the crystal duck clutched in his hand. He didn’t get more than two steps towards the door before fingers wrapped around his wrist and stopped him in his tracks. Frowning Lucifer looked back over his shoulder at you, finding you looking at him just as confused as he was you. “Where are you going?” Lucifer blinked down at you dumbly because surely that was obvious? “To give Charlie the duck?” It came out slow and sounding more like a question, Lucifer even holding up the duck in case you had forgotten.
Your confusion smoothed out into understanding, a small smile curling up the corner of your lips. “Lucifer,” you said almost teasingly, tugging gently on his wrist until he turned to face you fully. “It’s the middle of the night love. She’s going to be asleep, and even if she isn’t she’s probably going to be doing something she doesn’t want her dad walking in on.” You look at him pointedly, waiting for your words to sink in. “Oh…ohhhh,” lucifers eyes went wide, looking down at the little duck in a mix of horror and embarrassment.
You chuckle gently, tugging on his arm and causing him to take a step towards you. “So why don’t you,” you plucked the duck from his hand, leaning back to place it on top of the coffee table before turning back to him and wrapping your hands around his wrists, “come back here and finish giving me my reward hum?” You tugged him forward and down, Lucifer’s knees hitting the floor on either side of your waist with a dull thud. You used your hold on his wrists to lift his hands and place them on your shoulders before gripping his waist and pulling him down and closer until he was sat in your lap. Lucifer blushed, licking at his lips and swallowing slightly. “I eh, I can do that.” You hummed at his words, lifting one hand to cup his cheek and guiding his lips down to yours.
The first few kisses were soft and slow, Lucifer humming gently at the addictive feel of your lips moving against his. He sank into you, getting more comfortable on your lap and letting his arms drape over your shoulders. The two of you stayed like that for a few long minutes, Lucifer content to spend hours just like that but it seemed you had other ideas. Pulling back you nipped gently at his lip, Lucifer letting out a little whimper at the sudden sting. Resting your forehead against his you slid both your hands up his back, pressing him as close to you as he could get. “Hold on tight,” you mumbled, placing a kiss against his lips.
Lucifer barely had time to register what you had said before you were moving, effortlessly tipping him to the side and rolling him onto his back. He landed within the ducks with a dull thud, several of the stupid things tumbling down to land on his face. Your laughter was sweet as you helped remove the offending ducks off his face, leaving the ones that had fallen around his head and shoulders. “There you are handsome,” you smile as you remove the last one from his head, clearly delighting in the bush your words get you. “Your erh, looking rather radiant as well.” Lucifer cringes at his own awkward attempts at flirting, refusing to look at you because of how awfully that was. You would think he would have gotten better at this sort of thing over the centuries but there was something about you that just left him flustered and unable to say what he means when in your company. When you’re not around he can wax poetry about how your smile lights up the world like a sunbeam or how your eyes sparkle like the stars, but now? With you looking down at him like he’s your whole universe? Not happening.
You shift to the side slightly, slotting one of your legs between his and pressing up against him. “Only when you’re the one looking,” you whisper before pressing your lips against his, using his startled gasp as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. Lucifer moans softly, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you in closer. There’s a duck digging into his back and the sound of muffled quacking coming from somewhere above him as their movements caused another wave of ducks to fall down in them. It was ridiculous, kissing in a pile of ducks that were threatening to swallow the two of you up but Lucifer found he didn’t really care, especially when your tongue swiped across his lips, seeking permission that he readily gave. This here, this was the closest to heaven he had felt in eons and he was content to stay in this moment for eternity. Well at least till Charlie woke up anyway.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
i'm gonna be real idk if your the right person to go for young justice core four headcanons but you give the best replies by far so heres my own idea idea
I was listening to the Roblox Soundfont remix and now the og Gone Angels and now I'm thinking . . .
Tim became Robin to prevent Batman from ceasing to be the symbol of heroism and good he started off as
The symbol that spiraled into destruction of even the self with Jason Todd's death
imagine a world where Red Robin becomes the very thing he swore to destroy with his own death
he dies along with Bart and Kon. Cassie due to this and maybe other factors fucking looses it, Batman post-Jason's death but pre-Tim becoming Robin style
or maybe instead he dies but the rest of the core four lives. either way Cassie still looses it, by herself or with her other teammates
And maybe, just maybe, they get nobody to be the Third Robin to their Batman, no Third Robin to Tim's Second Robin
likely improbably in canon but the idea of Cassie and maybe even Bart and Kon having a villain arc (maybe Black Silence style) is too good of an idea not to share
(Side note; imagine a Gone Angels cover where the survivor(s) sing and for the itallian lyrics in the midway point the deceased sing)
((extra side note: imagine this is what gets Batman and maybe the other Bats to reflect on the time before and after Tim become robin, post Jason's death; seeing their history repeat with Young Justice))
((hell maybe the Justice League realizes as wells))
"you give the best replies by far." Thank you. Sometimes, it takes a bit to reply to asks cause I'm taking a few hours to really answer the prompts/ideas/questions people pose. I also sleep at random times, so apologizes in advance to any asks that take a while!
My image of YJ is a codependent platonic polycule. They are Young Just Us because they didn't receive proper support from their mentors. This is part of why Cassie and Tim fell apart after Kon and Bart died. This is why, in their own weird ways, both of them tried to get a form of Kon back. Tim tried the scientist cloning avenue, and Cassie tried the cult.
If you want Tim's death to inspire Cassie and YJ to go evil, might I suggest Tim sending proof of Bruce being alive in the timestream and then succumbing to his spleen injury (perhaps an infection)? This would create a delicious amount of angst, anger, and mental breakdowns.
Cassie, the only nonretired YJ member alive at the time, didn't believe Tim about Bruce being alive. This was in part due to the cloning stuff but also in part to trusting Nightwing (or Batman at the time). If Tim didn't make it out of that alive, Cassie may be desperate to find anyone to blame but herself for that. She was a kid, she was lost in her own grief, and Tim should have had the support of literally any other hero.
The entire hero community turned against a teenager in his time of need that he resorted to conspiring with the LoA and ended up losing his life. Whether she chooses to be mad about nobody believing him (Tim's possibly a better detective than Bruce and people have revived before, but his evidence at the time was flimsy), she can be very pissed that not a single hero offered to help him. They didn't even need to trust in Tim's decision. They could have just accompanied Tim until the teen gave up or proved himself right. They could have treated it as a grief road trip while Tim found himself.
Anyways, losing the last nonretired YJ member that way may cause her to just snap. The JL was already on thin ice with the YJ for their lack of support to her generation of heroes. Them failing YJ enough that two children died in the field and one died as a direct result of their actions? She would, rightfully, loathe the JL. On top of that, she does already not trust the government for what they did to Secret. If she can't prosecute the JL, she'll become their enemy.
Cassie lost all of her main polycule. She wants revenge.
After Bart and Kon come back, they see how JL left Cassie and what they did to Tim. Cassie is part of their ride or die, and she has been treated so horribly. Tim has died. They obviously join her.
Now, with Bart there to give evil ideas (Bart is the scariest member of YJ and you can't convince me otherwise), YJ is a force to be reckoned with. Maybe some of the other members come out of retirement, maybe not. They would be unstoppable with Tim helping them, but that's the problem. They don't have Tim. Tim isn't there to help them nor hold them back. That's why they became "evil" anyway.
I like to imagine someone, probably Nightwing, screaming at them from across the battlefield. "This isn't what he would have wanted! He became Robin to stop Batman from destroying everything. This is the antithesis of why he became a hero!"
For a split second, YJ would pause. There's merit in those words, after all. Cassie would recover first as she shakes her head. "He became a hero to be the leash to Batman's rage. He's not here now. He's not here to temper our rage, and you did that. You abandoned a child." She plants her feet more firmly and points her sword at Nightwing. "We won't let you do that again."
It's dealers choice on whether YJ win the battle or not. Also, I do believe YJ would be obsessed with trying to bring Tim back. Perhaps some of their evil deeds truly stem from them trying to find ways to bring back Tim. They are incomplete without him just as they were incomplete without Kon or Bart and would be without Cassie.
Now, is Tim actually alive or does he stay dead? Did Ra's revive him using the Pit? Did Ra's lie or misguide the Bats while keeping Tim hostage? Will Tim come back, either after being brainwashed by Ra's or escaping, to find his platonic polycule has officially lost it and turned evil?
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withacapitalp · 5 months
Hurricane Joy
Written for the STWG Daily Prompt "applesauce". This is just a little snippet of a universe where Steve's parents left him with a little half sister, and he and Eddie are dancing around some feelingsssss
“Joy, I’ll pay you five bucks to eat. You want five bucks? You can do so many things with five bucks!” 
“Careful there, Harrington. Don’t all those parenting books say bargaining with children develops bad habits?” Eddie asked as he entered the kitchen, finding Steve sitting in front of Joy with applesauce absolutely covering both of their faces. 
“They’ve never had to take on Hurricane Joy and the applesauce of doom,” Steve groaned, pouting in Eddie’s direction as he walked further into the room, pausing to pat Steve on the back as he approached the two. 
“So how is our baby bean today?” Eddie asked, pressing an exaggerated kiss to the top of Joy’s head and listening to her squeal in glee as he did. 
Sure, she had been named after Joyce, but a part of Eddie was honestly convinced that Joy had heard her name once and then made it her mission to live up to it every single second of the day. Even her epic meltdown moments ended up being funny to watch. 
“Well she’s happy as a clam, but breakfast has taken,” Steve paused to look at his watch, sighing and shaking his head when he saw the time, “Over an hour. Applesauce is my enemy, Eds, I swear to god it is.” 
“Well maybe if you stop making faces at her it would go faster,” Eddie suggested, barely holding back his laughter as Steve gave him the world’s bitchiest look before turning back to Joy with renewed vigor. 
“I’m not making faces,” Steve said, continuing to make weird faces at the baby as he tried and failed to spoon applesauce into her mouth. Joy cooed at her brother’s antics, smiling a bright gummy smile as the applesauce dribbled out of her mouth. 
“C’mon, Joy, work with me,” Steve begged, holding out the spoon, “Don’t you love me? Don’t you want me to be happy?” 
Joy burbled, grabbing at the spoon and trying to yank it out of Steve’s grip, flinging applesauce everywhere as she did. Eddie dodged the bit that had been heading for his hair, trying not to burst into laughter as he watched a glob land directly in the middle of Steve’s forehead. 
“Maybe her favorite babysitter should give it a shot?” Eddie offered, trying to act like he wasn’t dying from laughter inside. Most of the time Steve took things fine, but Eddie knew there was a deeply hidden part of his best friend that took every single ‘failure’ as even more evidence he wasn’t cut out to raise his half-sister on his own. 
“Her favorite babysitter is Wayne and you know it,” Steve said with a sigh, voluntarily releasing the spoon and walking over to the sink to wash himself off. 
“Yes, but Wayne was the one who used to get me to eat when I was in silly moods too,” Eddie replied, unable to keep from changing his tone to complete babytalk as he sat in front of Joy. It was just impossible to not want to make those chubby cheeks turn up into a big grin, “Yes he was. I was a silly boy just like you’re a silly silly girl!” 
Joy wiggled in her high chair, slapping her hands down on the tray table as she babbled. 
“And how exactly did he do that?” Steve asked dryly, wiping his face on a clean washcloth and tossing it over his shoulder as he leaned against the sink. 
“Usually with pliers and a crowbar,” Eddie immediately shot back. 
He waited for a few seconds, watching Steve get paler and paler until he was forced to put the man out of his misery. 
“Kidding! Geez, Stevie, lighten up.”
“Sorry I guess I’m just nervous,” Steve said, flapping a hand as he walked closer, reaching down with the washcloth to clean up Joy’s face, “Since it’s the first time…”
He trailed off with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with Eddie and focusing on Joy. Completely unaware, she looked up at her brother, sticking her tongue out and cackling to herself as she did. 
She truly was the world’s cutest baby, but Eddie had someone equally cute he needed to focus his attention on. 
“Everything’s fine now, I promise.” Eddie said, putting down the cup and spoon and coaxing Steve into a hug. He held Steve tight, feeling the other boy clinging on just as hard, burrowing his face into Eddie’s shoulder as he released the tension that had been holding him hostage since the moment Eddie walked in.
It made sense that Steve was so frazzled. This was the first time he was leaving Joy home without him.  
“You’ll go to your shift, you’ll come home with a VHS, we’ll put the baby down, and we’ll celebrate, just you and me” Eddie said, laying the day out in easy to follow steps and hoping that would ease some of Steve’s anxiety, “Me and Joy will stay here the whole day. The only place we’ll go is in the backyard, and I’ll make sure she wears a jacket and shoes if we do,” 
“Starting to sound pretty domestic there Munson,” Steve mumbled, but Eddie could hear the smile on his lips. 
“I’m a regular Lucy Ricardo,” Eddie declared, pulling away from Steve and gently pushing him towards the door, “Now shoo. Go bring home the bacon, Big Daddy.” 
Steve turned red in a second, even the tips of his ears burning a dusty rouge as he shoved Eddie away and spluttered for something to say. It was a lot harder for Steve to think of snappy comebacks now that he had implemented a no cursing rule in the house, and Eddie was planning on taking advantage of that in every way he could. 
Joy was amazing for everything she did, even the unintentional things. 
“I love you, baby. I’ll be home soon. You be a good girl for Eddie,” Steve crooned, giving Joy a thousand kisses before he turned to leave, pausing for a second before walking back over and pressing a firm kiss to Eddie’s cheek. 
“Be home at five, Darling. You better have dinner in the oven and waiting,” Steve ordered, flashing Eddie a tricky little grin before he disappeared out the door. Eddie blinked rapidly at the air in front of him, as if he could will Steve back into existence so he could demand to know exactly what the fuck had just happened. 
“Your brother’s trying to kill me, Joy.” Eddie moaned, hiding his face behind his hair as Joy continued to shout nonsense words in his direction
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Hi, I hope you are doing good 🧡
Could you do a Lando x gf where she isn't used to feel loved (for example she isn't used to hearing compliments, receiving thoughtful gifts or affectionate gestures) and when he does one of those things she doesn't know how to react and gets emotional? Like an overwhelming feeling of being loved. Thank you!
Nothing but Love
Lando Norris x Reader
Genre: fluff
Reguest: yes and I'm taking hurt/comfort and angst prompts. I'm actually looking to do specifically mental health prompts because I think it's comforting to read things like that 🤷🏻‍♀️
Summary: Read the request. I'm so proud to have followed it because I was wanting to make it angsty and I stopped myself.
Notes: This is a 4+1 thing.
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Gift Giving
Affection had never been something she got much of. It's something her parents struggled with to the point that it seemed like they were always distant. Both with each other and her.
She is affection starved. It's a fact Lando knew about before they even started dating.
He knew it was going to be difficult to warm her up to it at first. He just needs to find her love language and use that to his advantage.
First on the list: gifts.
Lando, in all honesty, does not think this is her favorite thing. He's seen her at Christmas almost die at the thought of people spending money on her.
But he has money, and he wants to use it on her.
He starts out small with things she needs and doesn't make a big deal out of it. She mentions a snack she's craving, and he has it for her the next day. If she complains all her socks are starting to get holes in them, there are new socks in her drawer the next morning.
He keeps it small, and she appreciates it.
Acts of service
Lando isn't expecting her reaction to this one to be so overwhelming. He purposely makes it a point to do small things like clean up around the house and check of tasks on her to-do list.
She doesn't know how to act at first. It's like she's a robot with no programming or direction. Eventually she warms up to the idea and she learns she can just thank him, be grateful, and move on with the day.
It takes a while to get there, and he has to remind her several times that she doesn't need to try and do everything on her own.
Plus, Lando finds it nice doing mundane tasks when his world is so chaotic and crazy most the time.
Quality time
This one is something they both do on the regular anyways. It's one of Lando's major love languages. He himself needs quality time. The difference here is that Lando makes it a point to do her favorite things that she struggles asking him to do with her.
He takes her to see movies she's been talking about for months. They go to the concerts of her favorite bands that maybe he doesn't like as much. He plays her favorite games with her that he sucks at and watches her smile when she wins.
In a way, it's like watching a child get to do all the things she never got to. Always too busy trying to take care of herself growing up. It's one of his favorite things to see.
Her childish smile makes him fall deeper every time.
Physical touch
Everyone knows Lando is clingy. Every moment of everyday he is touching somebody. Not in a weird way, mind you. Simply hugging, holding, cuddling, shoulder patting, anything that keeps him in close proximity to the people he cares about.
It was something she wasn't used to at first. His touch starved human had no idea how to reciprocate his endless bouts of physical needs.
She caught on quick. A fast study. Now she may even be as clingy as him.
People are so disgusted by their constant public displays of affection. It's a never ending well of tight hugs and stolen kisses.
If she goes to him for affection, he never turns her away. It doesn't matter what he's doing. He could be streaming, and he will not hesitate to either turn it off or if she's comfortable will let her cuddle him while he's gaming.
Words of affirmation
This is the one that got her. He wasn't expecting her to be so shocked when he said he was proud of her for eating three meals that day. Or stutter and blush when he said she's the most gorgeous person he has ever placed eyes on.
He makes it a point to remind himself to say things like that to her. Even the littles compliments.
Sometimes she cries and tries to tell him he's wrong. How he's the only one who has ever said such things about her. Oh, how he wishes he could go back and meet her sooner and tell her all the things she deserves too here.
He is constantly showering her in compliments and reassurance. He reminds her she is worthy of praise and affection. She cries about it sometimes and he just holds her and tells her that she's worthy.
He does it daily and as often as he can. He would start every sentence about her with a compliment if he could.
Her parents may not have given her the affection she deserves. But he will, and he'll make sure she gets all the affection he can give because she deserves it.
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wqnwoos · 8 months
rumours trickle around college faster than light. some of them — most of them — are entirely baseless. just mouthfuls of gossip for people to giggle over.
so when the false rumours about you begin, it shouldn’t really come as a surprise — but it does. straight from the people you trusted most — and they throw you straight into the deep end; you’re left a flailing social reject.
but you’re also left with mingyu.
unlike the numbers who did abandon you when your ship started sinking, mingyu didn’t. mingyu wouldn’t.
before, he’d always kind of been at the edges of your circle; someone you had a laugh with, talked to occasionally, flirted with, a couple times. because he was cute, and nice, and kind of reminded you of an overgrown puppy.
after, when the little tidbits of gossip had flown around the school, and you suddenly had nobody to walk with to classes, nobody to study with in cafés, mingyu was still there. no longer in your peripheral vision — he put himself in your direct line of sight, and you focused on him with an ease and gladness you hadn’t felt for a while.
three months later, and now you’re here. or rather he’s here, giggling under your duvet with phone flashlights lighting up his smile, polaroids of him and you stuck above your bed, and contact name changed to gyu 🤍.
“and then,” he says now, with a kind of relish. “the vampires came, all — ”
“what?” you cut in with an affronted whisper. “you can’t put vampires in your ghost story!”
“can too.”
mingyu sticks his tongue out.
“nice,” you comment dryly. “classy.”
“babe, you’re ruining my story!”
“you’re just making it up as you go!” you prod him on the shoulder, and he cracks another of those gorgeous smiles, raising his hands.
“caught me,” he admits, not sounding guilty in the slightest. “i hate ghost stories. they scare me.”
“don’t worry,” you say, patting his bicep. “i’ll always protect you.”
somehow, he manages to manoeuvre an arm around you and pull you closer, planting a kiss to your bare shoulder. “my hero.”
idyllic silence, broken only by the rustling of sheets and a soft tch when you reach over to kiss mingyu’s cheek. he’s your constant, you think sleepily. even if the whole world was against you, as long as you had mingyu, you’d be okay. maybe not great — not wonderful — but okay.
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an / written as part of my 1k event for an anon who requested call it what you want (taylor swift) as the song prompt! honestly. i feel like i did not do this prompt justice + the backdrop of this fic is a little rushed? but i wanted to make the rumours unspecified and this was the best way to do it 😭 IM SORRY ANON I HOPE U LIKE IT 💗💗💗
taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm
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reidsdaisies · 2 months
hey! congrats on 500 :) can i request an softdom mgg smuttt (idk if you write for mathew or not but if not could it be spencer?, completely fine if you don’t wanna write mathew ofc<3) rose 9 prompt? maybeee r had a rough/stressful day and he just wants to make her feel better🫣🫣
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; softdom!spencer reid x fem!bau!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ prompt(s); rose, 9 –  “Just let me take care of you, baby.”
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.8k
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; spencer gives reader a neck massage? (not in a weird way), a bit of talk of a made up case, kissing, fade to black? not proofread 🥲
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; hi! thank you for requesting honey 🫶 i haven’t really been in a smutty mood so this is more suggestive and fade to black, sorry ;( also, in my requesting guidelines it states i will not write rpf (real person fiction) so i decided to do your request with the second option—spencer!
celebrate with me!
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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This case is already starting to take a huge toll on you, and the team only took it up 3 days ago. Spencer—ever the observer— noticed almost immediately. He’s done his best to keep quiet and not interrupt your work flow, but he can’t stand to the side anymore and watch you struggle.
He's come up with a few ways to help you relax, his favorite so far being most risqué of them all.
Spencer spots you in the hotel lobby, sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of something. He notices you writing something down—most likely writing down your thoughts and theories about the case in attempt to keep them organized.
"Y/n," he wearily says your name, not trying to spook you as he comes up behind you. Despite his attempt, you're still caught a little of gaurd, and your shoulders drop as you look up to the man standing beside you.
"Hi, Spencer," you sigh. You don't want him to think you're bummed out at his presence, but your overall mood right now is just kind of gloomy. He understands.
“How are you?” He asks, pulling out a stool beside you and sitting down at the bar.
“Uh, good..” you mutter, looking away from him.
“Are you sure?” Spencer tilts his head to the side, still looking over at you. You just shrug, finishing your sentence before closing the notebook and huffing.
“No, I’m not sure of anything,” you sigh, dropping your head in the palms of your hands, smooshing your cheeks. He rests his hand onto where your upper back meets your neck, slipping the hand beneath your shirt to gently massage you.
“Is it the case that’s frustrating you?” He asks, listening to your sighs of frustration slowly melt into ones of relief.
“Mhm,” you hum, laying your arms flat on the table so you can rest your head in them more comfortably.
“It’s a confusing one, right? No direct leads, virtually no connection between the victims besides the MO of the way the killer disposed of them.”
You shake your head, groaning as he mentions the fact that you guys are going off basically nothing.
“It’s just so upsetting, and with the newest victim being dumped in a completely different area, it leads me to believe that he already knows we’re on to him.”
He nods in agreement with your sentiment, even though he knows you can’t see him do so.
“Maybe I can help you take your mind off of it..” he suggests, fingers working at the knot in your shoulder.
“Huh?” You question, picking your head up slightly and looking over at him. He lets out a breathy laugh at your little confused pout, leaning in closer to your ear.
“How about we go to my room, hm?” He whispers against the shell of your ear. His words force a breathy moan from your lips, and you find yourself darting your eyes around the lobby. Thank god it’s late, and just the two of you are left downstairs. “Would you like that?”
You nod eagerly, pulling your head from your arms and sitting up straighter. His hand slides off your back, grasping your hand and helping you off your chair.
He grabs your note book off the counter and stuffs it back into your purse before sliding it over your arm. He pulls you in closer, talking at your level, whispering something into your ear that makes your cheeks heat up.
You were antsy the whole elevator ride up to the 2nd floor, and it didn’t stop as you bounce on your feet, waiting impatiently for Spencer to unlock the door.
When he finally pushes the door open you’re quick to rush inside, pushing past him and kicking off your shoes.
“Someone’s excited,” he laughs, shutting the door behind him and stuffing the keycard back where he was keeping it in his wallet.
“Well you promised me something, of course I’m excited.”
“Mm, if I remember correctly, I didn’t promise you anything.” You shot him a glare, your mouth dropping in a snarl. He chuckles, giving you a tight lipped smile. “Kidding.”
You just shake your head at him, the joking snarl turning to a smirk. As you throw your arms around his neck, lips immediately attaching to his, one of your hands finds its way into his soft waves. His arm slithers around your waist, naturally allowing his hand to rest on your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
The soft moan you let out is muffled by his mouth, which in the moment is practically mauling yours. Out of any of the people you’ve kissed before, Spencer surely is the most zealous of them all.
He backs you up in the direction of the bed, letting you fall back onto the mattress. Leaning down, he presses his lips to yours. His nimble fingers undo the buttons of your blouse as he trails his kisses down the column of your throat, and then your chest.
“You’ll let me take care of you, right, baby?” his eyes glance up at yours, seeking you’re consent.
“Yes, god yes,”
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swanlakebaby · 4 months
— making up | pjm
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prompt: making up with jimin.
⸝⸝ pairing: bf!jimin x fem!reader
⸝⸝ warnings: argument, fingering, orgasm, making up, bf jimin, bf material, smut
⸝⸝ word count: 1k
⸝⸝ note: n/a
nsfw, 18+, minors dni
you stare up at the ceiling , frustrated with jimin. you just had your first big argument with him and you didn’t know how to process your emotions. you hear him shuffling around in the kitchen , moving pots and pans , very clearly annoyed from the argument himself. rolling your eyes , you turn to your side , away from the bedroom door and shut your eyes , slowly drifting off to sleep.
only a few minutes later , the bedroom door swings open and jimin comes over to you and shakes you awake. “i made dinner.” he says flatly , before walking out of the room. exhausted , you stretch and wake yourself up , curious as to why he’d make dinner for you after such a heated argument. maybe it was his way of saying sorry? “this isn’t some weird plot to poison me, right?” you say , walking into the dining room and furrowing your eyebrow before taking a seat at the table.
jimin shakes his head not impressed with your joke and begins to fill up your plate. the silence fills the air , making the situation awkward. you silently eat , the sounds of silverware hitting against the plate. “let me turn on some television.” jimin says , getting up to grab the remote. “good idea.”
the tv was enough to drown out the bitter silence between you two. you hurriedly eat so you can go back in the room and leave this situation. jimin tilts his head back , drinking the broth from the noodles before dismissing himself and going to the room. a few moments later , you hear the shower turn on. you roll your head in annoyance , wondering if he somehow knew you wanted to go back in the room and was just doing this to get under your skin.
you place the bowls in the sink and go to the room. the bathroom door is closed and locked as jimin showers. you decide to just shower in the morning and you slip back under the covers. a little while later , you hear the shower stop , and the curtain sliding open. you close your eyes peacefully , thinking about todays argument and the tense dinner. you shift around the bed uncomfortably , not being able to fall asleep.
jimin shortly comes out of the bathroom , glancing in your direction for only a second before leaving the room and heading back into the kitchen. you hear sounds of the sink water running. slipping out of bed , you walk into the kitchen where jimin is. “when you’re done , let’s talk.” you said , opening the fridge and getting a bottle of water before heading back into the room. he didn’t reply , but you knew he was listening.
a few minutes later , jimin softly opens the bedroom door. he gets into his side of the bed. you’re facing each other in the bed , and he stares at you. you close your eyes , trying to sleep. you feel him pull you closer , his body heat radiating from his bare chest. he wraps his arms around you softly , kissing your forehead and closing his eyes for sleep. “jimin” you say. “hm?” he says in a tired voice. “lets forget about today, please?” you open your eyes , and watch as he nods and hums ‘okay’. you smile softly as jimin opens his eyes. he quickly gives you a peck on the lips , sliding his hand down your waist. you wrap your leg around his body.
he begins to rub all over you , before sliding his hand in your shorts , playing with its tag. you giggle and grab his hand , taking it out of your pants. you rub on his bare chest , sliding your hand down to his underwear. his bludge feels stiff , turning you on. he looks at you , a hungry look in his eyes. you smile at him before turning around , not wanting to play any games.
you close your eyes once again , and feel as jimin brings his hand to the front of you , placing his fingers in between your legs. “stop it.” you chuckle , trying to hide a smile. he rubs his fingers against the cloth of your shorts , sending a wave of arousal through your body. you hold onto his wrist as he picks up the pace slightly. you grab onto the pillow , trying your best to hide the fact you were enjoying this. jimin shifts even closer to you , putting his hand through the front of your shorts , rubbing you.
you quickly coat his hands in your wetness before he then slides one of his fingers inside of you. you let out a soft moan , giving up. he playfully nibbles on your shoulder , putting in a second finger and speeding up the pace. your legs feel weak and shaky , wet sounds coming from him fingering you.
you hold onto his wrist tightly now , your stomach feeling tense as you’re hit with an orgasm. your entire body shakes as you cum on jimin’s fingers. he chuckles with satisfaction , before taking his fingers out of you. in between your thighs feels slick and wet now. jimin’s fingers are sticky with your cum as he then licks them clean before grabbing your face and kissing you. “goodnight.” jimin says , holding onto the side of your waist as you feel in between your legs.
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written by swanlakebaby™
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scholastic-dragon · 24 days
I love your writing and when I saw your birthday post I was so psyched!
Would you please write something about the turtles (Bayverse or ROTTMNT, your choice) and the worst time/ place they’ve gotten erect? Maybe how the deal with it? Why they got aroused in the first place? Let your mind run wild ;)
Sometimes your partner or crush just gets to you and you can’t control your desire ;>
• Female reader/ or what ever you’re comfortable writing for
• Developed or no developed relationship
•All the turtles or just one you really like to write for (up to you)
• A short story or head-canons work equally well
Essentially go with whatever you feel most comfortable writing for with the prompt! Thank you! And have fun /^v^/
Also here’s some birthday cake for the road! 🎂 🍰🧁🎉
Erection Directions
I'm thinking bay!boys but either works
Well....you see.... it was patrol
It was a slow night, they weren't planning on going out, everyone's in a bad mood
And then you call
And he let's the guys take a break and sneaks off behind a secluded wall to answer the call
"Hey love, were on patrol is there somehting you need-"
"I think I need you to come over and fuck me,"
😳 (the turtle was too stunned to speak)
Swallows his tongue and has to clear his throat before responding.
You flirt and banter for a moment, then it becomes clear that your hand in inside your blue panties (that you sent a lewd picture of)
"Baby, I can't I'm on patrol" He responds after you ask for a video of his "achingly hard cock" as he put it
"How am I supposed to get off if I don't hear your pretty moans?" You tease
Peering around the wall, he unzips his pants and aims the camera at his hard cock. He catches the soft moan from his lips and his thumb rubbing precum along the shaft.
After a minute he stops recording and sends it your way. He hears your excited moan over the phone.
He grips himself harder.
"I wish you were here right now, inside me instead of my hand,"
That makes him stroke faster, your voice, the knowledge that he's doing this out in the cold night air spurring him on.
He feels his release getting closer, and he hears your responding moans.
"I'm gonna-"
"Oi, fearless!" Like the ass he is, raph comes around the corner.
Leo drops his phone in an attempt to cover himself. "Come on!" He yells.
Raph turns and yells, both to him and Donnie and Mikey. "I'm fucking done, I'm going home, fuck this!"
Donnie asks. "What happened?"
"He's fucking jerking it!" The red brute yells, making the other two start complaining.
"Whyd we even come out here?!"
"I had work to do that you made me put down!"
Leo scrambles on the ground, putting his hand over the microphone. "Patrols over, go home!" He simply yells
He sighs and tucks his own soft cock into his pants. He's upset and extremely embarrassed.
When he lifts the phone to his ear, he hears you laughing your ass off.
It was the weights room
He lives in there
And you, his new and flashy crush, are now also "living" in here
You claimed it was stupid to pay for a gym membership when you could simply hang out here
And because he's in love with you, he agreed
Now, he regrets it.
You're doing squats while holding a dumbell and the way your ass and thighs look right now should be illegal.
He's laying on the bench press, not even trying to be sneaky as he watches you go up....and down....and up.....and down
And now something else is up
Very up and not at all sneaky.
His head snaps to the ceiling, his hands shaking as he holds the bar above his head.
His heart is pounding hard. A lot like how hard he wants to pound you-
He shakes his head and the bar nearly comes crashing down on his face
"Raph!" You rush over and stand above his head, grabbing the bar around his fingers and lifting it (with his help)
And great, now he's got a view of the underside of your breasts, and the sweet sweaty skin of your bare stomach. Oh, and your delicious thighs are there too.
His cock pulses beneath his shorts.
"Are you okay?" You help him put the bar back, leaning over to look down at him.
Now he can see your cleavage.
"Um" He goes to answer but no words come out.
You sigh and straighten up, and your eyes rake down his body.
He tenses. Your eyes go wide and your cheeks flame.
Donnie was working under the truck
He's on a custom made rolling cart, his hips peeking out from under thr garbage truck.
He's got headphones on, listening to an audio book you recommended.
It's a romance and the characters just had their first kiss.
He's working and listening, not really paying attention.
"His lips traveled down her neck, making a spike of heat run down her body to her pussy"
He stopped working for a moment, swallowing hard and taking in what was happening.
The scene progressed and got dirtier and dirtier, to the point where he was aching and hard in his pants
It was late, no one was awake.
He rolled out from under the truck, wiped off his hands and undid his pants.
He tried to match the pace of the book, and man this person was doing a really good job on the voices
For a moment he imagined you and him fooling around like the characters were
His strokes became fast. Slick sounds filling the quiet garage
As the characters hit their peak, so did he, moaning softly and cumming in his hand, it spills down onto his chest and pants.
He sighs, opening his eyes and nearly passing out.
On the other side of the garage, your sitting with your hand in your pants, your lip caught between your teeth
Your eyes meet.
He removes the headphones, feeling hot and sweaty at your flushed cheeks
You smile, all seductive and it makes his cock twitch.
"Chapter 24?"
Hes up and rushing to you, fully intending on acting out the full Chapter.
It's while you and him are making dinner
It's mundane and it smells almost as good as you do
You have a smile on your face as you try to remember what each brother likes and it makes his heart warm
He stirs the gravy and asks you to come try it.
He doesn't expect you to take his wrist and lead his spoon to your lips. Wrapping it around the silver and sucking the gravy off.
Now other things are warm
"Mmm!" You moan, licking your lips. "That's really good mike!"
Very warm
It stays that way until everyone is eating at the table
Mikey sees your eyes drift down his plastron as a drop of gravy falls off his bite of potatoes
Your breath catches as you notice the tent in his shorts
Everyone is busy taking and chatting about... oh he has no idea what anybody is talking about
Especially when you smirk and let your hand sneak under the table
You grip his thigh and he nearly cums in his pants from that
You scratch your way up his leg, griping him through his shorts and underwear
He shoves food in his mouth to keep from being too loud. Your hand feels amazing
It's a bit clumsy with the angle and clothes in the way, but he's still very much so getting off
He manages to keep himself quiet as he cums, staning his shorts. You shoot him another cheeky smile.
The hand that was griping him, moves the the table and "accidentally" knocks over a glass of water onto his lap
He gasps at the cold and everyone turns to look
"Oh, mike, I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!" Your eyes flash with mischief
"It's fine, y/n," He touches your arm. "Come help me get some towels to clean this up,"
No towels were got, but a big mess was made.
@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
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forgwater · 4 months
Bleeding Hearts
~Bleeding Hearts Masterlist~
Deuce x (gn)Reader
Warnings: This story contains yandere themes and behaviors.
a/n: the randomizer said Deuce gets the first fic so here it is!
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….Is there someone in your house?....
Saliva builds thickly in your mouth and throat, only made worse by your slow, yet at the same time fast breathing; ragged and shallow. The fog in your racing mind does not alleviate any of your dark thoughts.
‘No, it’s fine.’ You try to calm yourself.
Maybe… you just left the door unlocked?
‘Why is it open then?!-’
There has to be a simple, inoffensive explanation for this.
Maybe there’s no one in there and you’re just worried for no reason!
Right?!... right.
Willing your uncooperative legs in the direction of your residence, you approach the old wooden entrance.
Steeling your nerves and shaking hand, you attempt to push open the creaking door. Only for it to be grabbed and strongly swung open by the intruder.
The air leaves you and you don’t know if you just screamed out loud or if your vocal cords have failed you. Either way, your eyes are suspended in shock and terror.
Luckily for you, though, you are met with a pair of blue eyes.
Eyes that you recognize. Eyes that look just as shocked as yours.
“Deuce!” you scold the poor guy, relief and anger both evident on your face.
“Oh! Hey!” he looks far too nervous to give you proper answer.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me! What are you doing in my house?!” you cross your arms at him and he swears you’ve never looked cuter.
“I- um- I was just returning your key!” he explains.
“My… key?...” Confusion.
“Yeah! You… you left it at my dorm the last time you visited!” You don’t know why, but the smile on his face seems a little strained.
“I… did?” suspicion rises within you.
“Yes, you did. Aaand I… returned it.”
“You… returned it. By letting yourself into Ramshackle just like that?”
That’s a weird way of returning a key.
Should… should you really press him on this?
What if he actually has bad intentions- No! It’s Deuce we’re talking about! He wouldn’t do anything of the sort! It’s nonsense! He wouldn’t hurt you. He’s your friend! One of your closest friends too! You’re just thinking too much. Maybe he just made a mistake, didn’t consider you’d freak out.
He does have a tendency to rush into things without thinking first.
It’s fine. Mistakes happen.
“I just…” he’s avoiding looking at you, opting to pay attention to his shoes instead.
“Just…” you prompt for him to continue and he does.
“Y’know… today is- I just wanted to leave you a gift for- for… uh…” a panicked look crosses his eyes “For being such a good friend!” he finishes quickly.
“Really?” you eye him with suspicion and he bites his lip.
“Really.” there’s confidence in his voice this time. “Could we…Could we go inside? Since you’re here and all!”
“Hmmmm…” you contemplate for a minute. “All right, fine. Lead the way.” you’ll trust him on this one.
“Thank you!” there’s this look of relief that he gives you followed by barely contained nervousness and excitement that quells all of your worries. And you finally step inside the building, with Deuce guiding you towards the living room.
The squeaking of the wooden floor matches the beating of your heart as you anticipate just what the hell did Deuce come up with. The two of you share a few glances and Deuce seems like he wants to say something, only to opt for silence in the end.
The moment you pass the archway, your vision quickly spots the roses and chocolates on the coffee table.
And chocolates.
So much for a friendly gift.
You can make out a small piece of paper there as well.
“Oh.” is all you can manage to get out. The regret is instantaneous the moment your gaze lands on Deuce. He knows.
You hesitated. He knows.
“One chance!” he scrambles.
“I can make you happy!” your hand is roughly grabbed and you lock eyes “I care so much about you!” His eyes are wide, frantic; he looks desperate to fix this. This… what is he trying to fix exactly? Your friendship or his chances of getting with you?
You try to pull your hand away, to rip it from him, but his grip only tightens. You wince and then scream at him to let go.
“Why don’t you love me?!” he screams back. “I love you! I’d anything for you! Is that not enough?!”
“No- Deuce-“ de-escalate the situation. You need to de-escalate the situation…”How… how about we talk things out?” you try.
“Talk things out…”
“Yes! We’re gonna find a solution to this!” doing your best to smile reassuringly, you try to free your wrist by massaging his hand away.
“Yeah, we are.” he smiles. A smile that you miss, an almost bitter one.
You’re close to freeing yourself, of course Deuce will listen to what you have to say! You’ve known each other for a while now, it’ll work out! It’ll be fine.
“Can’t wait for you to meet my mom!”
….. What….?.....
“Wait-!“ you panic.
“Do you think you’re getting out of this?”
This is the coldest you’ve ever felt Deuce be. Your breath hitches and your heart sinks.
No, nononononono- this is worse!
You try to come up with something to say- to do- to get him to come to his senses- but… nothing. You’re frozen on the spot as you once again gaze into his blue eyes.
He gives your pained hand a little squeeze.
“The only things we’re gonna talk about is how good of a relationship we’re gonna have.” And then he smiles.
“Right, babe?”
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petit-naldo · 1 month
Charles had never experienced jealousy. When you were Charles Leclerc, there were very few things you had a reason to be jealous of. Don’t get me wrong, he had his fair share of tragedies. But when it came to petty jealousy, he was kind of immune.
He had the prettiest girls, the best clothes, the best cars, the best team.
He had the prettiest girls, the best clothes, the best cars, the best team.
So it takes him a moment to realize what that burning feeling in his chest stands for.
It happens, for example, when Carlos is holding Lando's hand AND looking at him for what feels like an eternity in the hallway before the sprint. And this strange feeling makes him uncomfortable and angry, so he tries to intervene. And he does it in the stupidest way possible.
He puts his hand on their handshake. Because he's getting angrier by the second.
He just wants them to stop touching.
Of course, there are cameras capturing his stupid move.
He doesn't really know why he did it.
 He's known for a very long time that Carlos and Lando are really good friends, it never bothered him more than that. But lately they seemed to have some kind of renewed spark, giggling and hugging on the podium.
Even though Carlos said they're his two favorite teammates.
It still bothers him.
 Yeah, right. It's the fourth year, Carlos, and we've been laughing every damn day, why can't you say I'm your favorite teammate?
Maybe something changed last week in Monaco. In fact, if Charles is honest with himself, he knows exactly what ignited a little fireball in his belly. It was right after the Monte Carlo Masters final. He was talking to George and Carmen in the VIP hospitality area. George was a good friend of Lando's. Of course, because Lando was so charming. Lando sitting with a pretty blonde across the court. And George, always the first with gossip, smiled and raised his eyebrows.
"So, he’s back to girls...," Carmen laughs as if she perfectly understands what it means. And Charles frowns.
"What do you mean?"
"You know," answers George, moving his face in a suggestive way.
"Mmh, ah yeah," answers Charles, who really DOESN’T know but can’t really imagine anything besides one thing. Is Lando bi ?
He can’t keep this idea out of his head. So one night in Shanghai, while he and Carlos are sat on boxes outside the Ferrari garage, softly chit-chatting and the dusk is wrapping them in blue and purple and the frogs are starting to wake up, he tries to bring up the subject as casually as he can.
He first pushes the direction of the conversation towards the tournament.
"Weren’t you a bit disappointed? I think the semi-finals were more interesting matches."
Carlos answers and says it’s okay, but what he’d really like to do is go to Roland Garros. Watch Nadal's final game. Shit. Charles prompts again, redirecting.
"Were you with Lando?"
"No, he was with a girl." Jackpooot. He switches with what he hopes is the most casual tone he could adopt.
"Oh yeah, it’s true... by the way, ahah, George told me he was surprised because… well, he said Lando used to… date boys."
"Ah, George, such a nosy bitch," Carlos says, looking at his phone without bothering to respond any further.
Charles bites his lip. He wants his answer. He NEEDS his answer to ease the ball of fire he feels growing in his chest. Charles doesn’t know how to be subtle.
"So, Lando is bi?" he blushes because really, it’s nowhere near subtle.
"Why do you care?" asks Carlos, suddenly looking at him intensely.
Charles falters, luckily, the night is fully set upon them because his face might be close to crimson, and he blurts out the first excuse he can think of.
"A gay friend of mine has a crush on him."
He never panicked so hard, it’s weird, he’s usually a chill dude. But his heart is at the edge of his lips. A wave of heat floods him, and his breath shortens.
"Who?" Carlos asks, frowning. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
"You don’t know him. From Monaco." He clings to this thread. Fortunately, his overheated mind found this excuse because Charles has no friends who know Lando and that Carlos doesn’t know, and if Carlos had realized that, it would have made the rest of the conversation very uncomfortable.
Luckily, after what feels like suffocating seconds, Carlos lets it go with a grunt and shakes his shoulders.
"Yeah, he is… well, if you consider showing up with a girl once every blue moon, being bi."
He feels that sting, that crazy sting clouding his mind, making him act like a foolish fool and he watches himself open his mouth again to utter, "Oh...I didn’t know, if you knew."
"Ha…," scoffs Carlos, shaking his head, letting his eyes gaze into the faraway... "oh believe me, I know."
Charles knows he should shut the fuck up. But he can't because this sentence alone and the tone with which Carlos said it, stir up a thousand more questions. He should leave before it's too late. He’s already asked too much.
He isn’t close enough with Lando to keep pushing, for his curiosity to make sense.
But nonetheless he asks.
"How did you find out?"
"Mmh… " Carlos looks at him a bit surprised by his questions. Usually Charles isn't the kind to ask personal questions. "I’m not really comfortable sharing his personal stuff, Charles."
The "Charles" should be his cue to fucking stop pushing. Because Carlos said it in a way that doesn’t offer contradiction.
But he is stupid. He is the most stupid man to ever exist. So he fakes a laugh.
"Come on, Cahrlos, tell me, I’m your favorite teammate " He tries to be playful, but he so desperately needs to know that it must be really obvious in his tone. He feels cringe and shameful and immature and he wants to burry himself into the ground.
But he also wants the answer.
"Why," laughs Carlos, "your friend wants to know?"
And Charles backs down. He isn't brave enough.
"You’re right, I shouldn’t gossip like that, damn George really rubs off on me."
They keep chatting about tennis. He tries to focus on Carlos deep voice to avoid getting lost on thoughts about Lando.
But that night, as he lies in bed, the overthinking starts.
He keeps replaying the conversation, trying to extract from it every bit of info he can.
"Oh yes, believe me I know" - why this tone, why this almost tragic tone, melancholic.
Ideas start to swirl.
Did Carlos stumble upon Lando being with a boy? Did Lando make a move on Carlos? Did Carlos make a move on him? Could Carlos have done something with… no, no, no, Charles, come back to your senses.
He lies awake.
The little ball of fire starts swelling in his chest at the thought of Lando being near Carlos.
But that’s stupid.
Because Carlos is straight.
And Carlos is only friend with Lando.
He is.
Is he?
Isn’t it weird though how close and touchy they are?
Well, Carlos is a touchy guy.
But especially with Lando.
And him.
No, but it’s not the same.
Charles is straight.
Maybe after an exhausting sim session back when they were teammates he and Lando could have…
NO !
Carlos is straight.
S t r a i g h t.
But maybe he tried.
Or maybe one day he will.
Lando is not ugly.
Not as pretty as Charles, but…
Charles shakes his head.
C’mon, is he really judging other drivers’ looks now?
But then, the weekend happens and he notices Carlos staying glued to Teto.
And Carlos makes a joke about Teto being his WAG on Instagram.
Carlos is way too comfortable with every other boy around.
Charles tries to reassures himself about what ? he doesn't know.
He says to himself that it’s okay.
Because there is no one else’s waist Carlos puts his hand on while he walks.
And it was a real close hug during the shell event. No ?
Jesus Christ, Charles, get your shit together. He’d really like to take some time to acknowledge what the fuck is going on inside his mind. What are his feelings for Carlos, does he really have a crush on him. That would be a very bad idea. And he is straight. As Carlos. Supposedly.
Anyway, he can’t because 90% of his brain is focused on the race and the ten other % are literally occupied by… okay, he wanted to call that rage ? But it’s that burning itch making him want to punch every man too close to Carlos. Making him want to act like an imbecile just so Carlos would look at him.
It takes up too much space in his mind to let anything else in. He scooches alongside the Spaniard anytime he can. He develops weird strategies to be sure he’s next to him during the parade.
He keeps an eye on Lando at all times. He scrolls down Teto’s Instagram and re-watches the Don’t Blink on YouTube. Clenching his teeth at the winter one. Carlos lifting him like that, like a feather.
Teto acting exactly like a wag, getting along with Sainz Sr, sitting near Carlos in restaurants,
Teto, who is actually very pretty. Shiny golden hair. Big eyes.
When Charles sees him leaning against a railing above one of the numerous ponds of the Shanghai paddock, he has the urge to throw him overboard.
Maybe a crocodile could eat him. Are there crocodiles in Shanghai ?
That way, he would never again hold Carlos’s shoulder while laughing.
Then the weekend is over.
He looks through the window of the plane. Today he flies back to Monaco. He has been a nightmare to deal with, yelling at everybody. He feels restless and irritated.
Yet the weekend has been good. Everything ran smoothly. Carlos had even congratulated him for the third place, gave him a hug. But after, at the corner of his eyes, he had seen him hugging Lando, holding him by the neck. Diving into one of their secret conversations.
And just a few hours later. He had heard they were flying back together on the same plane.
He goes to Monaco too!!! He is Monegasque! Why can’t Carlos ask him to fly with HIM? Why Lando? Always Lando! Insufferable, childish, giggly, never-won-a-race Lando!
HE is il predestinato, HE is Ferrari’s sacred child! He is nice, and every girl are at his feet.
He slides a hand over his face. He feels like he's going crazy. What is this fury burning in his chest for days?
But he doesn’t need to think about it for long.
It’s pretty obvious.
It is well…
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thisapplepielife · 6 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
When in Vegas
Prompt Day 11: Royalty AU | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Drinking, Gambling | Tags: AU, Meet-Cute, Platonic Stobin, What Happens in Vegas
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"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry," Steve says, grabbing the shoulders of the guy he nearly knocked over on the Vegas casino floor. "I'm clumsy. It's apparently contagious. I caught it from my best friend," Steve explains, giggling. 
He's tipsy. 
"I see," the guy says, voice tense. 
"Sorry, again," Steve repeats, and smiles in his direction. 
"It's fine," the guy says, and Steve lets go of him. And then takes a good, long look. He's cute, but he's wearing a Knicks hat, and that's a definite dealbreaker.
He watches as the guy blushes under his gaze. Oh. Well, he's adorable. For a mortal enemy. 
"Sorry, I can't be seen talking to you. Not after last night," Steve says, swaying on his feet, and the guy looks very confused.
"Last night?" he asks. 
Steve points at his hat, "Your team knocked my team out of the semifinals, and I can't cross enemy lines."
The guy chuckles a little, and takes off his hat and examines it, like he's not sure what hat he was wearing on his own head. That's odd. 
People are so weird.
Steve slumps down on the seat at the nearest slot machine and holds his hand back, offering his new frenemy a handful of nickels. 
He takes them, and sits down next to him. 
"Well, I'm Steve."
"Eddie," the guy says. 
"What brings you to Vegas, Eddie?" Steve asks, pulling the handle on his machine again. 
"A holiday," Eddie says, and Steve tries to think what holiday he means and is drawing a blank. 
"My friends are getting married," Steve offers, and Eddie visibly tenses beside him. 
"Well, that's nice. For them," Eddie says, voice clipped, tight. 
And his voice is different than it was. Like his accent is fake. Is his accent fake? Robin would love that. A puzzle for her to solve. Where is Robin? She went to the bathroom a long time ago. 
And she turns up, right after he has a cute boy, no, a cute Knicks fan, to talk to. Figures. 
Robin's eyes are huge.
"You're…" she trails off, and Eddie shushes her.
"Who? He's who?" Steve asks, looking between them, wildly. 
"Prince Eddie," she hisses, looking at Steve like he's the weird one here. He's the only sane one, he's pretty sure.
He's drunk. But this isn't Prince Eddie. 
"Prince Eddie, as in, Prince Eddie," Steve says, not believing this bullshit. 
"Please," Eddie says again, pulling his hat down lower. 
Which, Steve guesses, would make sense. If Eddie just grabbed a hat as a disguise, he probably didn't care or know what team he was repping. So, maybe, he could be forgiven. Maybe.
"What are you doing lurking around a casino?" Robin asks, "Shouldn't you be across the pond?" 
"Yes, well," Prince Eddie says haughtily, and he suddenly has a posh little accent. Steve knew it was fake earlier.
"Well, what?" Steve asks. He's curious now. 
"My family has been trying to arrange a marriage, and I just decided to flee the country."
Steve looks at him, and he's never been able to school his face very well, and Prince Eddie must be able to read him like a book. 
"I didn't say it was a good plan," Eddie admits, a little petulantly. 
"Won't they know where you've gone? Or do you have secret money? I bet you have secret money," Robin rambles. She's tipsy, too. 
"Well, yes. They must know I'm in the United States at this point. But I haven't checked into a hotel or anything they can trace me to yet." 
"So, you're just gonna live in this casino?" Steve asks, "Is that the plan?"
"That's not the plan," Prince Eddie snaps. 
Steve smiles, this is the most entertainment he's had all weekend. And they're in Vegas. It's been non-stop entertainment. 
"You can stay with us, if you want to!" Robin suggests, overly chipper about that terrible idea. 
"Yeah, this prince-" 
And Prince Eddie shushes him, loudly. 
Steve corrects himself, mid-sentence, "-this normal man, wants to crash in our hotel room. Sure." 
"Well, he could!" Robin says, like it's an actual option. 
"We could be serial killers," Steve says. 
"You're not serial killers, don't be daft," Prince Eddie declares. 
Steve smiles, because, yeah, they're not. 
"We're not serial killers," Steve admits, "but we are poor commoners. So, still bad for you, I'd imagine." 
Prince Eddie smiles, soft and amused. 
Robin starts, "Prince Eddie-" 
He interupts, "Please, just call me Eddie. I beg of you." 
"Eddie," Robin says, "do you want to crash in our hotel room?"
"Yes, please, I think I'd like that very much." 
Steve cannot believe his ears. But, okay, sure they can host a prince for the night. 
Robin pulls up a chair in between them, and orders them all another round of drinks. 
And another. 
And another. 
Once Prince Eddie loosens up, he's actually funny. Steve reaches over and turns his hat around backwards on his head. 
"That's better. So I can look at you without gagging." 
Eddie laughs, adjusting the hat, but leaving it backwards. 
"So, you gotta get married," Robin says, like she understands his royal plight. She's touching both of their shoulders. 
"Apparently, I'm of that age," Eddie slurs, feeding the machine another coin. 
"And there's nobody you want to marry?" Robin asks. 
Eddie shakes his head, "I'm definitely not interested in anyone they deem suitable." 
Steve drains his glass, and just in time, because the waitress brings another round. They are small, and a little weak. But free. Steve likes free. 
"What's that mean?" she questions, and Robin is playing stupid. She knows exactly why. 
If Steve clocked him, Robin definitely did. 
Eddie must agree with Steve's assessment, "You're aware I can't marry a woman." 
"Well, we're in Vegas. You should marry Steve!" Robin shouts with delight. 
Steve laughs, loudly. Yeah, sure, he'll marry Prince Eddie in front of Elvis. Sounds like a solid plan. 
Then he sees Eddie looking at him, like he's considering this, and Steve's eyes go wide.
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Notes: What year does this take place in? I have no idea. There's nickel slots instead of players card machines, but they can get married. So, it's just a total AU. Go with it, lol.
And I had a totally different idea for the Royalty AU, but it needed more words than 1000. Hopefully it'll go up for Steddiemas, instead. So, I had to come up with a second idea. Royalty isn't exactly in my wheelhouse, so I never expected to write two back-to-back, lol.
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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bagerfluff · 4 months
Anger At First Sight
Nico di Angelo x Son of Eros Reader
Prompt - First Meet
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
AN - If you have any ideas for a story with this reader then ask and you shall receive
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Nico glared at his sister as she pulled Nico to Gods nowhere.
She had grabbed him by the jacket and away from his tree, he was having a very nice time thinking about his life while watching everyone. But now that they were still walking, and Hazel refused to tell Nico what she was even planning, annoyed him.
Nico wanted nothing more than to leave. But Hazel kept dragging Nico. “What are we even doing Hazel?” Nico asked for what felt like the millionth time. The sun was slowly setting and everyone was gathering for dinner so Nico didn’t even know what was happening.
For all Nico knew nothing was happening. Nico never spent a lot of time at Camp Half-Blood but he knew nothing like Capture The Flag was happening.
So this confused Nico more.
No one else was with them, Hazel had only dragged Nico. She still hadn’t let him go, which was probably a good thing since Nico would probably shadow travel away. Hazel looked at Nico and just smiled at him. Nico rolled his eyes.
He had to stop asking.
Nico never really knew what was going on in Hazel’s mind anyway. Hazel finally stopped but Nico almost walked into her. “Sorry, why did you finally stop?” Nico asked and this time Hazel rolled her eyes. “I wanted you to meet someone”, Hazel pointed her finger in the direction she was looking in.
Nico had quickly realized that he was on the opposite side of the Hermes Cabin. In front of him Nico followed Hazel’s finger and Nico eyes widened at what he saw. He was what looked like the Stoll Brothers talking to someone.
He had h/c hair that was messy and looked like it hadn’t been washed in days. He was wearing a white tank top that looked like it had big holes in the back. They were so big and close that there was almost no back to the shirt.
Nico was confused about that but what caught his attention more was the scars. Nico had seen his fair share of scars, he had some interesting ones himself, but he had never ones like this. They looked red, like they were agitated but they were pretty small.
Maybe six inches long and almost completely straight. Nico was confused how he got these scars. The boy was also wearing jeans that were ripped at the knee. That was all Nico could see as he only saw the boy from the side.
Nico realized that he looked good.
He seemed to be laughing at something and Nico could slightly hear it over the commotion of campers. It sounded light and airy, and Nico had the sudden urge to laugh too but Nico pushed it away. “Is that the new camper?”
Nico asked, looking over at Hazel, who looked like she was trying to not laugh. “Yes, and I think you like him”, Hazel smiled at Nico and Nico tried to ignore the slight increase in his heart beat. He had heard about you when he came to camp a few months ago.
He wasn’t claimed yet so you spent all your time in the Hermes Cabin. Nico had also heard that you were good at archery, which made people think he was a Son of Apollo.
But why did Hazel bring him here?
Hazel's comment popped into Nico’s head and Nico got rid of it. Nico hadn’t focused on romance in a while and Hazel was clearly trying to set him up with him. “I don’t need a boyfriend, Hazel. And I don’t like him”, Nico argued, “How could I like someone I don’t even know?”
Hazel smiled at Nico and placed her hands around her mouth “Hey Y/n!” Nico looked over at the boy, Y/n, that was his name. He looked away from the brothers and smiled when he saw Hazel. Nico looked at him, he had e/c eyes that seemed to shine in the sun and a smile that could blind a man.
Nico had to look away or he was afraid a blush would spread to his face. Nico didn’t like what he was feeling. It felt wrong, weird, not normal. “Hey Hazel. Who’s this?” Nico hadn’t even realized that he had come up to them
Nico looked over at him again.
He was now a few feet away from them looking at Nico. “This is my brother, Nico”, Hazel said, pointing at Nico. Nico had realized, against his will, that he looked better up close. Nico slightly shook his head, to get rid of the thoughts. Then he hoped that no one had noticed. If they did, they didn’t say anything.
He smiled again and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you Nico”, Nico pulled his hand out of his jacket and shook his. But after he shook Nico’s hand he turned his hand over and placed a kiss on Nico’s knuckles, not breaking eye contact with Nico.
Nico felt his cheeks heat up and he looked over to glare at Hazel to see that she had left. Nico made a mental note to talk to her about this later. He let go of his hand and leaned to the cabin that was next to him.
“So, do you know why Hazel wanted me to meet you, Pretty Boy”, Nico was shocked for a moment. Nico had been called lots of things. But ‘pretty boy’ was never one of them, and Nico didn’t know how to feel about it. He didn’t know how to feel about him.
“I don’t know but I have things to do”, Nico said and then he started to walk away. Nico heard him say “Nice talking to you too” but you didn’t follow him. Nico was glad for that. Nico didn’t like this. 
And for now, he didn’t like you.
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shinynewboots · 6 days
The Alchemy: Adam x AFAB Morningstar!reader Part 2
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AN: Hello all! Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given this story!! Once again want to give a special shoutout to @jennieyeager for the wonderful prompt! I do apologize for the wait. I had a lot of different directions I wanted to go and this was the final project. With that being said:
Confession time: I definitely think this is going to be longer than 4 parts! I kept trying to condense this as best I could but these two idiots really took the plot and ran with it so I hope y'all are ready!
Warnings: 18+ eventually, somewhat dubious consent, language, Adam-typical misogyny
Part 1
The clock on your arm was ticking quickly, time moving at a faster pace than you could fathom. You had made the executive decision to not tell Charlie about your arrangement with Adam until it was too late for her to stop it. A cowardly move, perhaps, but you knew she would try and talk you out of it if she sensed even the smallest hint of hesitation in your decision. 
And there was some hesitation. To leave everything you had ever known to marry this man who had only ever been the boogie man of your nightmares? But you thought of Charlie and her mission and dreams and you knew the answer could only ever be yes. 
There was another part of you, a part that you weren’t completely ready to acknowledge, that was curious and intrigued. No one ever chose you first. Ever. And yet this mythic being upon first glance knew that he wanted you. Now maybe it was the slight resemblance you bore to your mother or desire for his weird revenge but it was still you that he had chosen. That had to mean something, right?
So you left a note for Charlie to find once she finally realized you were missing. 
I’m okay. Please don’t come after me. I went with Adam, the leader of the exorcists. He promised in exchange for me, he would stop the exterminations and give your hotel a shot. Please, Char, I had to do this for you. For us. For…everyone. Please don’t tell Dad, though I doubt he would answer your calls anyway. Please don’t do anything rash. I will try and contact you when I can. I love you. Y/N.
The embassy looked more foreboding than it ever had. The building almost looked like an eyesore along the skyline. Almost too perfect to be seen amongst the squabble of Hell. You glanced down at your watch: 0:05.
Five minutes until your life changed forever. 
You trekked through the embassy, the rooms were just as quiet and dark as when you and Charlie were here only 24 hours earlier. You finally made it back to the meeting room where you had met Adam originally. Light streamed through the cracks in the door and you knew he was there. Another glance down at your watch: 0:02. 
There was no use in waiting for the clock to strike midnight. For your carriage to turn into a pumpkin. It was inevitable, so why put it off? Sighing, you opened the door. 
You looked around the room and only saw Adam, his feet on the table, and leaned back in one of the boardroom chairs, a golden guitar in his hands.. He wasn’t wearing his mask so you got a good view of his human features. He also wasn’t wearing his white and purple robe and instead wore a simple black cotton t-shirt and blue jeans. 
There was no one else present, not even his loyal exorcist from the first meeting. Adam was strumming the guitar, his eyes closed, and his expression was peaceful. 
You glanced down at your watch. 0:01.
You cleared your throat to alert Adam of your presence. The gentle melodies from the guitar came to an abrupt stop and you were suddenly face to face with Adam, who had flown to you with such a speed that you still couldn’t wrap your head around. 
“Hey Babe, good choice.” He said, smirking and taking in your appearance. You found your eyes drawn to his lips and the memory of his smoldering kiss only 24 hours early. My, how much can change. Adam seemed to notice because his smirk became a hungry grin and revealed to you his sharp canines. You found yourself so distracted that you missed his question.
“Hard Candy?” He asked again, holding a small wrapped cherry-hard candy in your line of sight. You looked at him, your eyebrows scrunched. 
“Uh, sure. It’s not poison, is it?” You joked, giving a very Charlie-esque awkward smile. 
“Nah, babe. It's for the travel. You ever portal-traveled before?”
You shook your head. 
“Thought so. Don’t want you puking on me or anything once we get there. This should help.”
You nodded and went to grab the candy from his hand. He had other ideas. He unwrapped the candy himself and held it out in front of your lips. You involuntarily took in a deep breath and could once more taste his kiss from even the subtle scent of the candy. 
“Open,” He whispered and you did just that. He placed the cherry candy on your tongue and it took everything in you not to unravel. To forget your arrangement and to try and find out if his kiss was just as sweet and flavorful as the hard candy that now sat on your tongue. Instead, you chose to swirl the candy in your mouth, the juices emitting their pleasant sweet tang. 
“Thanks,” You breathed out, not trusting yourself with any more expression of language than that measly word. 
“It’s fucking good, right?” 
“Yeah, I, uh, wouldn’t expect anything less from a candy from heaven.”
Adam shook his head. “Nah, that's not from Heaven. They don’t get the cherry flavor right. That’s from Earth.” 
“Oh,” You said lamely, trying to locate this special cherry flavor Adam seemed to enjoy. You wouldn’t call yourself a candy connoisseur but at least now you knew one more thing about your soon-to-be husband: His hard candy preference. 
“You ready to go?” Adam asked, holding out his large hand for your grab. 
“You promise that you’re going to stop the exterminations? And give my sister’s hotel a shot at redeeming sinners?” You asked, just needing one last verbal confirmation that you weren’t making a mistake. You could have tried to hold him to a deal but he was an angel. An angel, who despite being a villain in your parent’s history, had done nothing to conceal his true intentions as far as you knew. And you always felt icky making deals. The idea of owning a soul? Could you even own an angel’s soul?
Adam grinned in a way that could only be described as shark-like, his canines glittering in the light. He held a hand over his heart as if to further prove sincerity. “I promise to do everything in my power to stop the exterminations and give your sister’s stupid hotel a shot.”
You breathed a deep sigh and nodded. You gave him your hand and he squeezed it in a surprisingly gentle manner. His hand was calloused, surprising you as you thought all heavenly things were perfect. But his hand was rough and weathered and worked (especially his fingers, which you attributed to his years of guitar). 
A portal suddenly opened in the wall and you got your first glimpse at the Pearly Gates of Heaven. It was even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. A piece of your heart began to ache. Charlie should be here to see this.
Adam pulled you forward. 
“Close your eyes,” He whispered, his mouth dangerously close to your ear and warm breath tickling you. “And hold on to me.”
You looked up at him, your eyes wide with wonder and a little disappointment that you couldn’t take in the sight before you for even a moment longer. 
“Trust me, the first trip’s the worst.” He said, and suddenly he pulled you to his side. His body was warm and softer than you had imagined. You closed your eyes tight. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even tighter to his side. You heard the flap of his wings and suddenly you felt weightless as the ground beneath your feet ceased to be. You could feel yourself flying higher and higher until…
You felt a rush of air and a glorious sun shining on your face. You felt as though the universe had taken you by the belly button and was pulling you closer to it. Your stomach began to flip and you were very grateful for the candy, as the flavor was helping to settle your nausea, at least for a little bit. 
The sensation was lessening and you felt your feet hit solid ground. You hesitantly opened your eyes and were immediately met with various cameras shoved in your face.Angels, winners, and Cherubs crowded around you and Adam. Your mouth had run dry and you couldn’t think. Lights flashed and you felt yourself melding closer into Adam’s side.
“PRINCESS! PRINCESS! Care for a comment?”
“Princess! Over here! How did you manage to get Heaven’s most eligible bachelor to lower his standards to a Hell Born like yourself?”
“Hey Fuckers, get the fuck off my lawn!” Adam growled.
“YOU HEARD HIM, FUCK OFF!” You heard someone else yell. You looked over to see the same Exorcist angel (Lute?) that had been with Adam at the meeting yesterday. She had a menacing grin on the face of her mask and had a spear pointed at all the reporters. Adam gave her a nod which she returned (after she speared through a camera cherub was holding). 
 Adam decided to act quickly since Lute could only hold off so many reports and so he used his wing to shield you and make a path up to the house. You mirrored his footsteps, though you couldn’t take in the world around you due to his wing. Finally you made it inside Adam’s house and were able to take a free breath. 
“Fuck,” Adam cursed. “Fuck Babe, I’m sorry. I don’t know how they found out.” 
He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. You could still hear the reporters outside but chose to not let it bother you (well, it would bother you at least a little. You had never been one for the spotlight).
“It’s okay. It’s fine,” You said softly, placing a hand on his arm. He looked over at you with curious eyes and you felt your heart stop. And then you felt yourself accidentally swallow the cherry candy. You immediately began to cough and choke as the candy slid down your windpipe.
Adam’s eyes widened in shock and fear. He ran up behind you and began to push on your stomach in a pitiful attempt at the heimlich maneuver. Fortunately, you weren’t solely reliant on him to save your life, and you coughed up the remaining cherry red candy. A sliver of what it had been when you had been given it early. Really Sexy Princess Morningstar, real sexy.
Adam must have been relieved when you stopped choking, at least enough to make a joke. “Fuck Babe, don’t choke again unless its because of me.”
Ah, there was the asshole you had originally met. You had let his kind, sexy gestures fool, but the asshole was still there. 
You scowled at him and began to look around the house. It was a modest house, the perfect size for one or two people. Cleaner than you expected too. You had honestly expected trash and leftover food to be strewn around the house, but you were pleasantly surprised. 
A sound at the front door caused you to jump and you looked to see Lute entering, an irritated look on her face. Adam walked over to her, his hand up to give her a high-five which she begrudgingly returned.
“Thanks Bitch, I don’t know how those fucking reporters found out.”
“You made a bit of a spectacle of yourself, Sir. Apparently one of the Saints let it slip that you requested the Hell Spawn.” Lute said, eyeing you with disgust. The feeling was mutual and you could feel your demon form bubbling under the surface, your eyes beginning to turn a reddish color.
“Fucking Peter,” Adam scowled. He glanced over at you and seemed to feel the irritation seeping from your pores. “Babe, she doesn’t mean it.” 
“Yes I do.”
“Yes she does.” You said, crossing your arms and stepping closer to Adam. 
You and Lute glared at each other. 
“Okay, okay ladies reel it in. Lute, you’re a real one. I fucking appreciate it. Just let the girls know I won’t be at training for a few days while I get Y/N settled.”
“Of course sir. Hell Spawn.” She said, nodding at Adam and then you. Your eyes narrowed. 
“Bigoted Cunt,” You responded, giving her a just as condescending nod. Lute bristled but one look from Adam and she quietly slipped out the door. 
Adam turned to you, suddenly more sheepish than you had seen him in the past 24 hours. He rubbed a hand behind his neck. “So, uh, I only have 1 bedroom. I mean I have more rooms, I just haven’t had a chance to get more beds or anything. So I put your suitcase in my bedroom.”
You know, this is the part of the story where the main character gets nervous. Worries that her very sexy, very annoying husband-to-be is going to ravish her and take advantage. Her mouth would run dry and her palms would get sweaty. Only one bed? Give me a break. 
But you weren’t the main character in the trashy romance novel and he certainly wasn't the main love interest material. And you could make do with the idea that maybe living in a romance trope. And he seemed sheepish enough that it was genuine. 
So instead of doing as you would if you had been the same person you had been in Hell, only a few hours before, you decided to draw on some newfound confidence. You closed the distance between yourself and Adam and looked up at him, a coy smile on your features. “Lead the way.”
This seemed to him, as his features brightened up considerably and he grabbed your hand to guide you to the bedroom. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and you could feel your nerve breaking the longer you walked with Adam. 
When you entered his bedroom, you were surprised to find it to be rather plain. Very few features had been added to the space to make it homey aside from a guitar propped against one of the nightstands. Not a picture or painting or any decor to be seen. Like the rest of the house, it was shockingly clean. On the bed, your forgotten suitcase sat. 
“I’ll leave you to get settled. I'll grab some wine or beer or whatever you drink down below.” Adam said, motioning towards you to begin unpacking your suitcase. You smiled at him, feeling as though you were seeing the real Adam already in the few moments of insecurity he had let shine through. 
“Wine is good.” You said. He nodded and made to move towards the door before stopping and turning back to you. He stood in front of you, his golden eyes meeting your own before they looked lower at your lips. Emboldened, you licked your top lip slowly and looked at his own before devilishly looking back at his eyes. 
His large hands cupped your cheeks and suddenly his lips were on yours. Your senses were once again overwhelmed with that delicious taste of cherry hard candy. Feeling more and more impish, you licked the seam between his lips, a soft request. 
Adam responded in kind and opened his mouth, tongue meeting your own and licking in a controlled, hard manner. Your hands found their way into his hair and tangled in his soft brown locks. One of Adam’s hands left your cheeks and snaked its way down to your waist, pulling you closer. His large hand cupped your hip and squeezed with a firm pressure that sent a pleasant chill up your spine. His body felt so warm against your own and you could feel your resolve weakening. 
(But would it be so bad if it did?)
You reluctantly pulled away from him, your lips missing the feel of his against your own. His cheeks were flushed and his golden eyes were bright and alert. 
“I uh, I should unpack,” You whispered, untangling your hands from his hands. Adam nodded, though you weren’t sure he heard you. 
He coughed awkwardly and you tried to avert your eyes when he tried to discreetly ‘adjust’ himself. “I’ll go get the wine.”
“I’ll unpack,” You replied, mentally kicking yourself for the repetition. You nervously brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. Adam nodded once more and left the room, leaving you alone.
You sighed and tried to calm your breathing. You unzipped your suitcase and smiled forlornly at the picture that sat on top of your clothes. It was a picture of you, Charlie and your parents. You and Charlie were children, grinning wildly at the camera. 
You folded the picture so it just showed the two of you. You placed the picture on what appeared to be the unoccupied side of the bed and continued to unpack.
Tags: @jennieyeager @tati-the-fangirl @alastorswifeee @randomgurl2326 @marxo5 @dragovegogrimborn @ella-janehaven @honestlyshamelesskid @miniaturetalent @klorinda @turtle3586 @naniiiii12 @belladonnadeath
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faeriekit · 9 months
Health and Hybrids (X)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWOis here PART THREEis here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here PART SIX is here and PART SEVEN is here PART EIGHT is here PART NINE is here and this is part ten oh gods this was gonna be short at some point oh fuck
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Bath boy took a bath! It was only a little gross! ...Ok JK it was quite gross.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
“Gifts from Medical, coming through!”
Wally barely feels the way Bart whacks him with a spare pillow case, but the whiffing noise is kind of a clue that the teen wants him to slow down. Or, in all actuality, Impulse probably wants Wally to buzz off, but Wally’s got boxes and boxes of tinker toys in his arms and nowhere else to put them down, so there really isn’t an alternative but a direct route to his destination.
“Go away!” Bart complains, and whacks the back of Wally’s head with the pillow case again. Wally hopes it’s one of the clean ones. He’s seen the ones that Bart’s favorite patient has…used. “No adults allowed! Bats said so!”
That's true. Batman had said that. “Well,” Wally says, dodging his way to the curtain to Bart’s clear dismay, “Medical said it was alright, and we all have to listen to them. They also packed gifts for your bud, so…”
Bart grabs onto the back of Wally’s suit and digs his feet into the tile. “Thatdoesn’tmeanyoucanbargeinhisspace!” the kid protests, teeth gritted, as Wally drags him across the floor with nothing but a determined gait and a tiny bit of the speedforce. (Just a little.) “It makes him nervous!! And then he’ll bite you!”
Oh, yeah, the biting. Wally stops at the edge of the curtain, hands on the gross gray fabric. Hrm.
“Uh.” There’s gotta be a solution to that. He looks down at Bart’s weird mop-head hairstyle. “Will he stop if I bring gifts?”
“Nah. He’s going to eat you.”
“Bossy,” Wally decides, even if this is, in the end, for the alien-kid’s sake. Bart squawks. “Oh well. I gotta deliver these anyway. Hey, stranger; I come bearing gifts from your medical team! Uh…hiss if you get mad, I guess?”
Wally bumps the free-flowing curtain to the side with his hips, showing off the aforementioned pile of toys in his arms before poking his head in.
The cluster of darkness on the bed, being largely a mass of black in the vague shape of a humanoid, says nothing.
Bart crawls underneath Wally’s outstretched pile of deliveries so that he can go straight up to the bitiest occupant of the Watchtower proper. The teen kneels down on the floor, put his chin on the entity’s cot mattress, and leans up on the bed up at the shadowy mass of teenager up above him. “I can tell him to go away if you want me to,” he tells the entity, who sort of…turns? Towards the speedster. “I could beat him up.”
Wally snorts. No he couldn’t.
“…I could get Superboy to beat him up,” Bart immediately amends, which, hey! Not nice!
…True, maybe, but not nice!
The shadow-kid doesn’t get up and leave, and he doesn’t start hissing or throwing things—both things Wally is pretty sure he’s capable of. And, well, Wally has a job to do, and unless the alien entity teen actually discourages him from doing it, Wally’s going to do his best to help the kid out on this one.
“Bart, if you really want to help him feel comfy when I pop this on his bed, get between him ‘n me, please.”
Impulse, thankfully, holds off on sulking. He hops onto the alien kid’s medical cot-bed, carefully tucking in a blanket beneath him as to stay…sanitary.
Wally’s got to admit. It doesn’t smell so hot in here. Maybe he ought to have let medical wrestle him into some hygienic gear instead of zipping straight down. Eh. Too late now.
Wally carefully releases the pile of presents from the kid’s medical team onto the bed— snatching one or two bouncers out of the air before they fall onto the floor.
Bart and the nameless alien kid lean in closer to inspect the colorful packages. “Oh, sweet!” Impulse exclaims, eyes wide. “Hey, look, you got new stuff!”
New stuff is right. Finance lets medical essentially decide their own budget; purchase orders of new physical therapy tools are consistently approved even with oversight. In this case, it looked like the team was more than happy to take advantage of that goodwill with a run to the local children’s educational shop.
There are boxes upon boxes of colorful children’s toys on the mattress. Bart looks like Christmas has come early. The alien kid looks—at attention? At least? His claws gently rake over the rainbow-bright cardboard boxes, turning them this way and that so that he can see.
Wally zips away and zips back with a chair for himself. The cot is gross, yes, but more importantly, Wonder Woman has made very clear in her notes that the bed is part the kid’s perceived personal space. Violating that trust with the alien-entity-kid is largely a non-option. If they want to hold themselves up to the standard that J’onn was able to impart in their brief conversation, they have to be kind, careful, and considerate of his personal space.
The Flash (the second) hops into the chair. “Want to help the kid open the stuff, Impulse? Might be hard with his. Uh. Hand claws. Claw…hands?”
They both look at the aforementioned being’s hands. The claws look like hands and sometimes they look like claws, but they mostly don’t look like anything. If Wally stops paying attention, he legitimately thinks he’s alone in the room with Bart and a stiff breeze. 
“…Fingers,” Bart finally decides on. And then he beams. “Yeah! Okay. Hey, look! Let’s open this one!”
The kid-alien-thing mostly seems to respond to the brightly-colored and waving object in his vision and Bart��s cheery tone. Still, react he does. The amorphous form gets closer, tilts forward, and shimmers ever so slightly with attention as Bart begins to narrate his unboxing of colorful grip-shaped silicone toys, with little suction cups on the ends so that they can stick to things.
Bart sticks one to the kid’s side table. It takes the kid a second to observe, come to a conclusion, and then—fumblingly—claw the bright blue sucker off with his fingers until it comes free. The wobbly form of a teenage alien tries, misses, and then tries again to get the suction cup to relatch onto the table. The purr at his own success vibrates quietly through the room. It…the sensation shivers through Wally’s body.
It feels very, very weird. A little too personal. Like…the sound is embedded beneath his skin. Wally carefully scratches at himself, but the sensation of fingers on his suit doesn’t get rid of the feeling brushing against his muscle layer.
Bart doesn’t even react to the feeling, even if he can tell that Wally’s getting twitchy. “Tim thinks that most of his being is extradimensional. That’s why I can tell what he’s up to more; he zings in the speedforce.”
Wally slowly pushes himself up in his chair. “Wait, really?”
Bart doesn’t look up from his new project: unwrapping the cling wrap from dry erase lapboards. They look like they have the alphabet dotted along them in little spots of blue ink. “Mmhm.”
That’s… “Does Barry know?”
“I dunno.” Bart shrugs. He’s too busy watching his friend watch him unwrap preschool toys to give a clearer answer. “You can text him I guess. I think it’s just a theory, but he’s not biting you for being in his space right now, and he’s hissed at like everyone else who’s been here. Hey, look!! This one’s slime!”
Wally half gets up out of the seat. “Okay, okay, I think that one—“ He’s gone and back in a couple of nanoseconds, a plastic cafeteria tray clutched in his fists. “—That one needs a tray, I think. Don’t mess up the sheets with your new goo just because you’re excited.”
Impulse, teen speedster from the future, and a so-far nameless, bodiless alien teenage entity, share a vaguely textured cafeteria tray as they smush purple and yellow sensory beads around in rough circles. There are other toys that get opened, but are left largely untouched: a clock puzzle with insertable shapes serving as the numbers, and a 3D drawing pad with reusable cords on a velcro backing. The winner of the batch seems to be the colorful sensory beads in little tubs, considering that the two recipients of the stuff seem to gravitate back towards it with every new unboxing.
Of course, the favorite has to be the messy toy. Honestly, Wally should have guessed. Whatever. The plastic and wrapping trash is gone in seconds, leaving the kid’s space nice and clean, since apparently Wally is hanging around to be adult supervision. He might as well help out a bit.
And, apparently, the alien kid has something of a heart in his not-quite-present body; when Wally’s done throwing the trash out, the kid’s projectile of choice to chuck at Wally’s torso is a red block of floam putty sensory beads, matching the red of Wally’s suit.
…Wally’s going to take it as a nice gesture. The kid is purring and playing and generally disarmed, so this is probably an attempt at bonding.
The kid has a toy. Bart has a toy. Wally has a toy.
“Thanks,” he says, and unwraps the plastic on the stuff.
The alien might not have words to respond, but he purrs, and he purrs, and he purrs, and Bart hums right along with him.
And they knead putty together.
Toys for injured ghosts:
Squigz™ Master Set
Squish & Squeeze Sensory Beads
Double-Sided Early Writing Skills Lapboard
Shape Sorting Clock
Rainbow Cord & Picture Pattern Maker
Yes I used real toys and went on a fake shopping spree; I used a combo of Lakeshore and Melissa & Doug, mostly looking for stuff that either aided with fine motor skills, language acquisition, or both. They know Danny doesn't speak English and they know he has trouble with his hands, and at least one of the Medical team has to have or has young kids, and this is what they came up with collectively. Do they resent that Wonder Woman got to him first? No, definitely not. :( They did try to find toys that weren't outrageously condescending, though; no dolls, no fine motor toys meant for, like, ham-fisted babies. The fact that the toys are, like, equally interesting to Bart, is, like...unique to Bart. Maybe Kon, too. I feel like Tim gets to watch Cassie, Bart, Kon, and the alien play around determinedly with the Squigz while he's defrauding Lex Luthor from his laptop nearby lol
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eminems-skittles · 9 months
Jess Mariano with the prompts 5. "don't go on that date" "why?" "because it will kill me if you do” (fem!reader says this to Jess who’s going on a date) + prompt 6. “please tell me you want to kiss me as much as i want to kiss you" 🙏🤭
maybe slightly ooc for jess but i hope you like it!! i’m falling asleep while writing this so i hope this isn’t bad <3
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watching jess get ready to go on his countless and never ending dates had become some kind of routine for you. you’d come over to luke’s and sit at the counter as you watched jess serve the many customers that filtered through the diner. he’d come hangout at the counter with you every chance he got, chatting about whatever book you had your nose in. at six o’clock on the dot, jess would throw in the towel and head up the stairs to his and luke’s apartment. when this routine first started, you’d follow jess up and hangout on his bed as he changed for his date, nothing fancy just a new graphic t-shirt and more gel in his hair. however as time went on, you decided to stay back at your spot in the diner. watching him get ready to take out some girl who wasn’t you started taking it’s toll after awhile and you couldn’t take it. this went on for a few months before one day, you didn’t show up at the diner.
jess didn’t think anything of it at first. there were days you didn’t make it to the diner to see him. it was only after the fourth day of him not seeing you that he started to get suspicious. your absence had left a weird feeling of worry hanging over him and he had even resorted to going to school to see you but lane had told him you were sick. (you weren’t, just expertly avoiding him.)
the feeling hanging over him lifted when he spotted you in the diner on the fifth day. you were perched on your stool, a book placed in next to the plate of fries sitting on the counter. when your eyes met his, you quickly looked away deciding to scan over the cover of your book for the thirtieth time. your gaze stayed trained on the cover until a cup was set down next to your plate. when you looked up, jess was waiting in front of you.
“hey,” he said, a hint of smile on his face. if you didn’t know him so well you wouldn’t have noticed it.
“hi,” you mumbled. his gaze was intense as he stared down at you.
“where’ve you been?” he asked.
“oh y’know..” you trailed off.
“no, i don’t know” he breathed out. “lane said you were sick. how’re you feeling?”
you were quiet for a second, shifting in your seat under his stare. you sighed before answering, “i wasn’t sick.”
“then where were you?” he asked, still trying to investigate.
luke walked behind him, grumbling something about “customers needing food.”
“do you have a date tonight?” you switched the subject.
“maybe,” he shrugged. just as you knew him, he knew you and saw the way your shoulders ever so slightly slumped at his answer. “why?”
“just wondering,” you whisper. “i should be going, i have homework. have fun on your date.”
before jess could get another word in, you were hopping off the stool and grabbing your stuff before hurrying out the door.
“you’re an idiot,” luke said as he passed by again.
“what’d i do this time?” jess groaned.
“she likes you,” lorelai said from her table. when she had arrived jess wasn’t sure as he was too wrapped up in seeing you for the first time in what felt like several weeks. he stared at lorelai blankly before asking what the hell she was talking about. “well, she obviously likes you and you obviously like her.”
“she’s right, honey,” miss patty chimed in.
the thought of you returning the feelings jess had so carefully tried to suppress
for a various number of reasons had his head swimming. “i gotta go.”
jess hurried out the door of the diner, walking in the direction of your house. when he got to your front door, he hesitated before knocking. the time between the knock and when you opened the door seemed to last forever.
“jess? what’re you doing here?” you asked as you stepped onto the front porch, shutting the door behind you. he smiled at the way you hugged your sweater to your body as you felt the chilly wind.
“i wanted to see what’s going on with you-“
“don’t go on that date.” you interrupted. you started playing with the sleeves of sweater as you locked eyes with him.
he was quiet, obviously taken aback. “why?”
“because it will kill me if you do,” you whispered, barely audible.
“what was that?”
“it will kill me if you go on that date,” you said louder. “it hurts jess. watching you date every girl in stars hollow but me hurts. i’m in love with you and you don’t even see it! i sit at the diner and then i go watch you get ready for dates i’ll never go on just so i can be close to you! and that hurts me. i can’t do it anymore.”
“you’re in love with me?” jess asked softly. tears were in your eyes from how worked up your confession had gotten you.
“well, i mean, i guess so,” you admitted, looking away from him. he took a few steps closer to you.
“i’m in love with you too,” he whispered. his hands found your waist, the weight of them pressing gently through your sweater.
“you are? but why all the dates?” you looked at him again but quickly looked down again as a tear slid down your cheek.
“thought i couldn’t get you. thought you didn’t feel the same so i distracted myself” his voice was a quiet rumble as he leaned his forehead against yours.
“well you can, and i do,” you said just as quietly. he leaned away from you, one hand coming up to your cheek to brush another tear away.
“don’t cry,” jess whispered. “you’re pretty when you cry but please don’t cry.”
“you think i’m pretty?”
“mhm,” he hummed. he stared into your eyes for a second before saying “please tell me you want to kiss me as much as i want to kiss you.”
“i do,” you replied.
“good,” he smiled before leaning in to kiss you. his lips pressed gently against yours and his hand on your hip squeezed as he pulled you against him. he deepened the kiss and you put an around around his shoulders. when he broke the kiss, he smiled and pecked you gently again. “you’re telling me we could’ve been doing this the whole time?”
“seems that way,” you replied and pressed your lips against his. “so what now, mariano?”
“now, i take you out on a date.”
“what about your other date tonight?”
“there was no date tonight,” jess admitted. “there hasn’t been a date in a few weeks. ”
“oh.” you paused. “why?”
“they weren’t you. all i want is you.” jess revealed. he leaned in again, barely giving you a chance to process what he said, kissing you with more force than the first kiss. after breaking the kiss he mumbled, “where do you want to go to dinner tonight?”
“hmm, maybe luke’s?”
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