#them to drop everything and give a heartfelt 'response' to the things going on is wildly dystopian.
vvayne · 7 months
people (tiktokers lol) are throwing brittany broski under the bus for not "addressing" what's going on in palestine rn.......like what?!why are we asking this of influencers? why is it suddenly EVERYONES responsibility to *address* something? half the comments on a video she posted apologizing are like "well you should've said something anyway not everyone knows what's going on" WHY IS THAT A RANDOM INTERNET FUNNY PERSONS RESPONSIBILITY?!
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johnkahner · 7 months
Heyy how are you, hope your doing well. I came across your blog and just wanted to say how much I love it and your writing. I’d like to request a “Mk1 Raiden X GN Reader Fluff Alphabet.” Feel free to go as wild as you can :) 🤎
AN: Hi, thank you for the request and liking the stuff I write! I hope you enjoy it! Not proof read.
Notes: Gender-Neutral! Reader, fluff
Fluff Prompt List for those interested.
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Raiden is absolutely smitten with you. He adores everything about you, but I think he would adore his partner’s personality. It doesn’t matter if you're shy and kind, or if you’re strong willed and determined. He loves your personality no matter what it’s what makes you, you.  
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Raiden loves your eyes. The color of them, the shape, anything, and everything about them. He loves how you look at him.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
His favorite cuddling position would be the sweetheart position. He likes to have your head on his chest as one of his arms is wrapped around you. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
His Ideal date would involve going to Madam Bo’s restaurant. Has flowers for you too. He’s a complete gentleman. 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He talks to you about his thoughts and feelings. Communication is important to him.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Raiden would like one eventually. As for when, he’s not exactly sure. Just whenever the two of you are ready. 
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He loves giving you gifts. They aren’t expensive, but he prefers more heartfelt gifts like handmade stuff. It makes his day whenever you give him something. He would show off what he received to Kung Lao. 
H = Honesty - (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
Raiden would feel guilty if he kept secrets from you, but he keeps some things to himself. He tells you most things though! He just prefers to keep embarrassing stuff to himself.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
One word. Panic. His mind would be all over the place, but once he calms down he would do anything and everything for you. Patching you up, getting food and water, etc. He’s at your beck and call. 
J = Jealousy - (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Wouldn’t get that jealous. He knows you only have him in your heart, and he thinks the same about you. 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
His favorite way to kiss you would be a nibble kiss. He likes to nibble on your lip or your earlobe. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He would make time for you. If you want to hang out or go somewhere he would drop almost everything. It would be hard if he was busy doing something for Lord Liu Kang, but that’s understandable. 
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
He would love to get married to you. When it comes to him proposing, he doesn’t want it to be a big proposal. Something small with a few friends there. Marriage would be great. You two would share responsibilities. You two are probably more lovey dovey now, but besides that the relationship stays the same.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
I think his worst fear would be you getting injured because of a mistake he makes. 
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
So you know when you rub your feet (wearing socks) on the carpet and when you touch someone or something there is a static shock? Sometimes when Raiden hugs you, you get a little shock. He doesn’t mean for it to happen either, but he always apologizes for shocking you.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Dear and Darling are the names he mainly calls you. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He likes to be in your presence. Like you two don’t even have to say a word. Like stargazing at night, being held by him, and just listening to the sounds around the two of you.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Raiden has his romantic moments (would ask his sister for advice on things). He would try to make your favorite food, he even asked Madam Bo for help on cooking. I can see him being cliché (The things mentioned in Date seem pretty cliche to me).
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is extremely protective of you. He would like you to stay with him, and use the power he received from Liu Kang. He would rather be the only one protecting. He just wants you to stay as safe as possible. 
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Would probably take him a few months to confess to you. 
U = Upset - (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He is concerned. It hurts him to see you upset. Will try his best to cheer you up. 
V = Value - (how important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
The relationship is as important as his own life. There is nothing in all the realms that can compare to his relationship with you.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He is fine with you fighting because you need to be able to defend yourself when he isn’t around. He would prefer to not fight you, but he will fight by your side. 
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
At first it took him a moment to read you, but over time he’s gotten to learn about your habits. Now he can read you like a book.
Y = Yearning - (how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
He looks a bit down, but he is able to function normally. Would talk to Kung Lao about you, anything that reminds him about you, and other stuff like that. 
Z = Zzz (how do they sleep?)
Will fall asleep holding you, and would make sure that you are comfortable. If you don’t want to cuddle he is fine with just being near you.
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moonlit-midnight · 1 year
Beautiful Strangers with the Sun in their Eyes
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Characters: Malleus Draconia.
Genre: Platonic Fluff, Friendship.
Summary: Wherein the random number you dialed one night belonged to no other than the housewarden of Diasomnia.
GN!Reader. The title refers to the pairing.
Malleus is nicknamed Angel. Reader is nicknamed Aurora and is talented in singing.
You were sixteen when you formed an unexpected friendship with a stranger over the phone, only to name him Angel.
It happened past midnight, one of those times where you had trouble falling asleep.
Out of boredom and loneliness, you decided to dial a random number, having a desperate need to talk to someone to pass time.
On the tenth ring, the person picked up the call.
You expected curse words, an enraged voice, but nothing came.
After seven minutes of silence, you almost dropped the call when the person on the other line finally spoke up.
The stranger was a young man. His voice was slightly deep and calm, greeting you with a timid “good morning”.
Although the sky was still dark, it was technically morning since it was already 3 AM.
He didn’t call you crazy for dialing an unknown number. Instead, he wondered why you were still awake at a very late hour.
You told him that for unknown reasons, you needed a stranger to vent to.
You were expecting a sarcastic comment or a mocking laugh from him, but surprisingly, in a patient and gentle tone he said,
“Go on and pour your heart out. I’m all ears.”
So you did.
After venting for nearly twenty minutes, he told you not to hesitate to give him a call next time if you needed someone to listen to your deep thoughts in the dead of the night.
You expressed your heartfelt gratitude to him for having the patience to listen to you.
You were a mere stranger. Yet he took his time to pause his world to listen to things that didn’t concern him.
He chuckled softly in response, assuring you that he was glad to be able to make you feel better.
★ —
Malleus was watching the sun setting down the horizon when his phone rang.
Seeing the name Aurora on his slightly broken screen, he answered the call with a smile tugging his lips.
Twelve weeks had gone by since he received that random call from a certain lovely stranger.
They would call Malleus during their free time and vice versa, asking each other about their day, and discussing anything interesting.
They never asked each other’s names, so Malleus gave them the nickname Aurora because it perfectly suited them and they simply radiated sunshine vibes.
“Hello, Angel.” Came your cheerful voice on the other line.
“Good evening, Aurora.” Malleus greeted, his tone serene and at ease every time he talked to you.
“I hope I’m not bothering you.”
“Not at all, my friend. I’m admiring the sunset outside the library.”
“What a coincidence! I’m also watching the sunset through the window of my dorm room.”
Malleus laughed lightly.
A short silence ensued, and then all of the sudden you started singing.
Like the outside of the window of the car we used to ride Everything around me is looking like a blur, moving fast
We must have followed the speed of the car without realizing Though honestly it seems to have stopped in the past That’s always the time for me, I hope it never fades out
Unfamiliar eyes as each one goes through their own path Our gazes may reach each other as we go Even in the silence, our voices will reach each other
Malleus found himself smiling brightly at the sound of your sweet singing.
The lyrics was dreamy, matching your melodious and soothing voice.
He relished this rare moment, feeling blessed to experience having someone serenading him over the phone.
Such a rare and beautiful moment indeed.
Once your singing came to an end, Malleus fluttered his eyes open, a little lost in a daze.
“You have a wonderful voice.” He remarked, sincere and honest.
“Thank you.” you giggled. “Do you sing too?”
“I do.” Malleus hummed in response.
“I would love to hear you sing one day.”
“It would be an honor to serenade you.”
“I'd like to meet you one day. If you don’t mind of course.”
“Oh, you have no idea how much I’ve been wishing to meet you. I really want to know who you are.” Malleus exclaimed, heart racing in excitement.
“Same here, Angel.” you remarked joyfully before bidding him good night.
“Good night, Aurora.” Malleus echoed before dropping the call, his happy smile unwavering.
★ —
Taking a deep breath and shaking your little anxiety away, you descended the stage, confident and head held high.
The crowd in the Mostro Lounge went quiet, their gazes fixed on you as they anticipated one of your spectacular performances.
Ever since the housewarden of Octavinelle caught you singing in the courtyard a few months ago, he asked you personally to hire you as a singer in the lounge.
Without second thoughts, you happily accepted Azul’s offer.
As you settled down on the stool, you held your guitar in a perfect position and adjusted the microphone to your level.
You gave the crowd of listeners and viewers a stunning smile which never failed to make them swoon over you.
Then slowly shutting your eyes, you started singing with all your heart.
I know time will tell You know, we will keep walking and following the star We were someone’s dream, we don’t forget each other I am always by your side, you must know that
Sometimes I think of when our reality felt like a dream I worry about the seagull that always laughed for us Even if we ride the same boat, you are alone in a different ocean But I will continue to always be the lighthouse you can rely on
I’ll be your home (I’ll be your home, yeah) Oh-oh, oh-oh, I’ll be your home
From a booth far away from the audience, Malleus sang along with the mysterious performer, earning him a surprised look from Lilia and shocking glances from his two devoted bodyguards.
The song wasn’t from Twisted Wonderland, so how come he was humming along perfectly as if he had listened to it a thousand times?
“Malleus, my young prince, how do you know this foreign song? Did the Ramshackle Prefect teach it to you?”
“No, they aren’t the one who taught me this song.”
“Then who—”
Lilia was cut off mid sentence when the prince suddenly let out a quiet gasp, bright green eyes growing wide in astonishment as if he was realizing something.
Of course he knew that song. It was the same song that a certain someone had been singing to him for the past twelve weeks every time he couldn’t sleep.
That soothing voice. It belonged to no other than you, the beautiful stranger whom he often conversed with on the phone, his kindhearted friend whom he calls Aurora.
Malleus stood up from his seat, slowly approaching the stage, and then his voice boomed through the Mostro Lounge.
“Aurora!” He called out. “It’s you isn’t it?”
It wasn’t a shout, but it was clear enough for everyone to hear.
You stopped playing the guitar, setting it aside before you hopped off the stage and ran to Malleus.
Although the two of you never described how you looked like, you and Malleus felt a sense of familiarity as you stared fondly at one another.
Everything about you shone radiantly. You radiated light, hope, warmth and serenity.
You were indeed deserving of the endearing nickname Aurora.
Malleus couldn’t tear his eyes off of you, and the next thing you knew, you were engulfed in his embrace.
People stared shockingly at the scene in front of them.
Malleus Draconia, the crown prince of Briar Valley and the ever powerful and fearful housewarden of Diasomnia was hugging you, the other magicless resident of Ramshackle and dorm mate of Grim and the prefect.
Gasps, murmurs and whispers filled the lounge, but you and Malleus ignored them.
“Yes, it’s me, Angel.” you breathed in, smiling as you hugged him tightly.
★ —
“My name is (…) by the way.” you said, sunlit eyes shining dazzlingly.
“I’m Malleus Draconia.” Malleus repeated your name affectionately before he introduced himself with a warm, sunny smile etched on his face.
“Oh my,” you giggled. “Who would’ve thought the owner of the number I randomly dialed two months ago belonged to the great housewarden of Diasomnia.”
You didn’t personally know each other, but you knew him nonetheless.
You unknowingly passed by each other in the school hallways, and you hear students talking about him from time to time.
However, you didn’t have any idea that he was the same person you often talked with on the phone.
His voice sounded different in person, and Malleus never heard yours since you were always hanging out somewhere with Ace and Deuce or busy working in the Mostro Lounge whenever Malleus visited the prefect at night.
“I’m happy to meet you at last.” Malleus outstretched his hand, and you simply took it in yours, swinging it back and forth in a gentle manner.
“We finally found each other.” you gave him a fond smile as you exited the lounge, hand in hand.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Warriors 💞💞💞💞 - LU Update Analysis - Warriors Throughout the Sunset Arc
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First of all, I must reiterate, I love his wave SO much
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It's a nice little comedic break in between Time being so so so sad. And it's in response to a really heartfelt conversation and a genuine compliment from Time, and Wars just 👋
It is everything to me.
Ahem, anyway, Wars has been stepping up these last few updates. Going all the way back to the beginning of the sunset arc, Warriors was sitting with Twilight while Time and Sky are trying to figure out the deal with the fairy not working / the monster's weapon.
I usually think of Wars as the planner of the group, but he's more of a battle strategist, so it makes sense he's not part of that conversation. Instead, he's trying to make sure Twilight is okay emotionally and isn't thinking too much about what's going on
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He remembers little facts Twilight has told the group about his life, and brings those up when Twilight brushes off his first attempt.
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And he's smiling, and he's joking, and I'm absolutely sure it's a front. He's got to be worried out of his mind, but he's putting on a smile and a brave face for Twilight's sake.
After Time and Twilight head to the village, Warriors is stuck with the job of wrangling the other heroes and letting them know what happened. That's got to suck, we can tell by the way he looks SO sad
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Very stark contrast to the way he was smiling for Twilight.
He then leads the rest of the heroes, minus Wild (who has his own stuff going on), back to the inn. First thing we see is Wars dropping his entire wallet for the innkeeper to not "worry about it" XD
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That's not a small amount of rupees, either, judging by the look on the innkeeper's face. But Wars doesn't even blink, because his mind is too preoccupied on Twilight and keeping the rest of the group in check.
Next, Wind, Legend, and Four are yelling in the lobby. Which, side note, we have confirmation that the whole place could in fact hear them XD
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And Wars comes in and puts that situation to a stop. He definitely slips into Captain Mode ™ here
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His reaction is very different from Sky's here, too. Sky looks really concerned, but Warriors looks mad. I think that's a good panel showcasing the difference in their personalities and their strengths within the group. Throughout the sunset arc specifically, Sky is the one trying to emotionally hold the group together, and Warriors has stepped up into the leadership position with Time out of commission focusing on Twilight. Warriors has got to be a little tougher, because he needs to physically keep the group together.
I assume this next piece of dialogue comes from Warriors
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Here he is physically keeping track of everyone. As long as they're here and together and safe, they can deal with the emotional fallout later.
When the heroes are all gathered around Twilight and Twi implies he's basically giving up, Warriors' expression is starkly different from the others
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They're all wide-eyed, surprised, and completely crushed, like they can't fathom the idea of Twilight giving up, or dying at all. But Wars, he doesn't look surprised. He just looks so, so tired.
They've all dealt with loss, but Warriors is the only one who was a soldier. The amount of death Warriors has seen and caused most likely surpasses the others. He's seen his brothers in arms fall countless times. He's not surprised, he's just tired of the loss.
Twilight's decision to fight probably affects Warriors the least. He's seen too many of his fellow soldiers fall, and he has the experience of being overconfident and paying for it, so he knows hopeful spirits can only go so far.
But, just like before, he puts on a smile and tries to make jokes to keep Twilight and the others happy.
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This specific quote hurts. Twilight is his brother. Not just his brother-in-arms, but his brother. This quote is peak sibling behavior.
Now, onto the latest update. Warriors is still trying to take care of absolutely everybody.
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I love the confirmation that they call each other "Link" when one of them is out of it. That's a headcannon I had already adopted <3.
Here Wars is, trying to make sure Time is okay and is getting any rest at all. Which, of course, he is not. He is most definitely not fine.
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But that's more of an emotional issue, a little outside of Warriors' comfort zone. That's more of Sky's territory, or Twilight's really, so Warriors isn't going to push while tensions are so high and there's so much else going on.
So Warriors does what he can, and he makes sure Time doesn't have to worry about anything but Twilight.
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Time is so overwhelmed and anguished, watching his descendant slowly dying with nothing he can do about it, so this support means a lot to him.
Once Time tells Wars what he needs, and it's something Wars is confident in doing, he does offer Time some emotional support, too. Warriors specifically turns away before he does so though, because this isn't his strong suit, but he knows Time needs it.
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To him, Twilight is the best guy. That's his brother, his fellow soldier and hero, and one of his closest friends. And, according to that first panel, Warriors doesn't have any other living family at all. The chain is all he's got.
Don't forget, Warriors, family is more than blood. This is your family too. Even the innkeeper could see it
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(All image credits to @linkeduniverse)
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kirimoochi · 1 year
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₊˚ ᗢ synopsis; getting over breakups is difficult. after your partner leaves you, you find comfort in your friends. when you least expected it, your childhood friend kazuha pulls you from the darkness.
⤷genres; modern college au, romance, and angst with comfort.
⤷masterlist; here.
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Kazuha stared at you in silence as you made your way through his apartment. Your appearance was too sudden. His hands were still placed on the door, its body still slightly ajar. He opens his mouth for a moment to question you but decides to hold back when he sees from the corner of his eyes, your hand wiping away loose tears. Your lips were pressed tightly together as they quivered. His gaze softens for you, autumn-colored eyes trailing your figure as you let out a deep sigh from the pits of your lungs. 
You drop onto his couch, bringing one of his pillows close to your chest. Your arms wrapped around it tightly as you held back your sobs. Dressed in nothing but shorts and a T-shirt, he figures that you need a blanket. The night was cold. He could see your body shiver with each breath and if there was anything he could do right now, it was to provide you as much support as possible. You’d need more than just one pillow to hide your cries. He keeps his head low when he comes out of his bedroom with an extra blanket. Throwing it over your body, he sits on the other side of the couch. 
You shield your face from him, hiccuping as your lips part themselves. “I thought we would last forever. We talked about going to a concert together. I bought the tickets and everything.” He pats your back as you bite the bottom of your lips, a thin layer of skin flaking. 
“We had so many plans. I wanted to marry them.” 
And perhaps that's where things went wrong. Dating to marry is a tough subject. Dating with the expectation to be with someone forever is hard. After all, people are always bound to leave. They will always come and go as quietly or loudly as parting winds. That’s how life has always been for him. But for someone like you, whose body was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably, it is difficult. It can be soul-crushing to know that no matter how much you love someone, built them up, or shared heartfelt memories, they might leave. 
It’s hard to love someone when life is cruel. It’s hard to give your heart out to people who might abandon it. He understands that. He knows what it feels like to give your everything in a relationship, only to be left with a broken heart and half a soul. The feeling is not as uncommon as many think, and while it may be the worst thing to experience, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. Silence is not bad. Being alone isn’t lonely. He just hopes that you’ll understand that despite all the heartaches, you’ll be okay. 
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asks, giving you a kind smile. Maybe watching a movie might keep you from thinking about them. Would you still be interested in watching those Studio Ghibli movies? Or have you grown up and decided to choose something else? 
“You can choose whatever you want.” 
You let out an incoherent mumble, which he takes as a neutral answer. He frowns at your response. He isn’t sure what is good for you. He wants to give you a distraction but he doesn’t know if you would rather lie on the couch and cry, or if you would like to talk. He wants to give you space but doesn’t know if you want to be alone. He’s sitting in this limbo, wondering whether or not what he was doing is good enough, or if it's the right choice. 
Untying his ponytail, he decides to lay his head on your stomach. His hands are still on your waist, providing you with a transparent bridge between your thoughts and reality. There was a moment of silence between the two of you. He thinks that it might be better to leave you alone. You weren’t talking and he was sure that if you were, nothing would come out other than sobs and whimpers. And he wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear something as heartbreaking as that. 
When he lifts his head slightly from your stomach, your fingers stop him. They comb through his hair, a content hum slipping past your lips. Was this the answer he was waiting for all along? Because it might have been. He continues to lay by your side on this small, cramped couch. You don’t say a word. He doesn’t either. The two of you only bask in what could only be described as comfortable silence.
It reminds him of the days in which you’d hold him close to your chest, squeezing him as if nothing else in the world mattered. When he was just a small kid, a stupid one he might even add, you’d always be there for him. You’d hug him and wipe his tears, blabbering on about how you would protect him from monsters. 
It’s funny. To see that things have changed. To know that at this very moment, the person shielding you from this terrifying world is him.  A man who was once a boy that loved to eat ice cream during hot summers, the one that would always share his lunches with you, and the one that would always walk you home when it was late. 
You’d be the one putting yourself in front of every kind of danger for him. He once thought of it as sweet, but now it looks pitiful. The person who wants to protect others is someone who can’t even protect themselves. He knew that despite your tough exterior, there lie insecurities that have been built up from childhood. He tries not to pull you closer to him. He wants you to reach out on your terms.
 Right now you look vulnerable. Your eyes are puffy. They’re red and you’ve been scratching at the corners a little too much. Being here might make you feel more pathetic. Crying to your best friend after getting your heart broken. It’s pathetic. Whining about how your perfect future was no longer going to be a reality. It’s pathetic. You were childish and you knew that deep down, you were beating yourself up over the smallest of mistakes.
You wished that you never got into this relationship. You wished you could have known that it wouldn’t last forever. If you knew sooner, you could have avoided all of this heartache. You would have never had to put yourself out there. Sitting so vulnerably on a platter for someone else to eat you up and spit you out. You never want to go through that again. You wished you could just turn back time and warn yourself that it wasn’t worth it. 
But that doesn’t matter now, does it? What has happened, happened. There was no wishing to be done. No way to create a time machine to right your wrongs. You have to keep moving. No matter what you have to keep moving. Even if things get hard, even if you feel like punishing yourself for being wrong, at the end of the day, he knows that you will be okay. He knows this to be true because he’s seen it so many times.
He’s seen you build yourself from the ground up. He knows that you are a capable person. You just need time. You need to be open and vulnerable just for a moment so you can heal. And because of this, he wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your chest, he wants to support you. He wants you to know that you deserve to be happy. 
You open your eyes for a moment, lowering your gaze to stare at his loose hair. Your fingers are still entangled in his locks but you find comfort in him. With him pressing his face against your body, you were allowed to cry without being afraid. You think you’ve taken him for granted. Coming to his apartment, using his couch as a new bed, you’ve crossed the line. You wish you had more self-control. Wished that you could stop making mistakes but when you look at him, his arms wrapped around you as if he was scared to lose you, you can’t help but feel your heart melt just a bit. 
With trembling hands, you hesitate but squeeze him tightly, letting yourself sob and weep for the rest of the night. 
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nurgletwh · 7 months
*pokes head up*
*sees the world still exists*
Huh. Look at that.
On a more serious note, having essentially dropped off the face of the earth from the perspective of almost everyone who's following me here or my works on AO3, I am alive. This was not in any great danger of changing any more than the normal (one can always get hit by a bus, for example), but it turns out I haven't been well.
My first clues probably should have been long before I found myself sleeping eighteen hours a day for 'no damn good reason,' but since there were also some extremely difficult and terrifying weeks at work and the stress that goes with it, it crept up on me.
Unlike previous times I've disappeared, it wasn't related to my mental health this time. Not that it's any better, really, because it turns out that my diabetes was creeping out of control. I wasn't monitoring the way I should have been, and I missed a doctor's appointment without rescheduling (which is terrible when you have ADHD, because fucking remembering to call someone to reschedule is damn near impossible).
It turns out that chronic high blood sugar makes a person feel all sorts of crappy in vague and indistinct ways that, in and of themselves, don't really trigger a sense of 'something is wrong, I should see a doctor.' It just leaves me feeling 'bleah' and 'ugh' and unable to do anything but sleep when I stop moving.
I am so far behind on anything and everything fun. I owe everyone who has a pending comment on my works a deep and heartfelt apology. I didn't mean to disappear. I know several of you have been worried, and it turns out at least semi-rightfully so. Not that there was much any of you could do about it, which really just makes it feel worse. I apologize for any stress and worry this may have caused. I can't promise to never do it again, unfortunately, because I am:
a) human b) a human with ADHD, and c) a human who is horrible at keeping up with communication the way she should.
I want to do better; I will try to do better. I have actually managed to continue writing, albeit at an exceptionally reduced rate. That's picked up markedly in the last week or so now that my meds have been adjusted. Hopefully, it continues to pick up. However, I don't think things are quite where they need to be based on my personal blood sugar testing, but it's a strong improvement. I still don't have much energy, but when I get home after work and sit down, I only sleep for forty-five minutes to an hour, not four followed by crawling into bed for the night and still not feeling rested in the morning.
I hope to start working my way through my inbox on AO3. If you're following me here and see this before I get to your comment, hi! ♥ Know that I have read them all and they give me sparks of joy to think about, but I have been very emphatically squashing any guilt at my non-response for now. Feeling guilty is a potent anti-motivator for someone with ADHD. It makes a growing mountain that I can run away from like an Olympic sprinter, which means that the only way I will successfully get back on track is to not feel guilty or compelled, which is the opposite of how it works for many folk.
I also seem to have gotten into some fucked-up screwy mindset where my brain is telling me I have to have something ready to post (or nearly so) before I can answer comments now. Which is just... wrong. So very, very wrong. I'm working on that, too. Blood sugar fixing first, however.
Take care, everyone. I've definitely been thinking about all of you and have seriously missed having the conversations and speculations that go with successfully generating writing but also require successfully responding to comments. It's been a seriously sucky couple of months; here's hoping things improve.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
Old Habits
Frank Adler x Reader
Chapter 5
Masterlists Chapter 4 Summary: Three years after she left Frank and Mary behind, Y/n returns to Florida for the wedding of mutual friends, what ensues may prove that like old habits, some feelings just don’t die. Chapter Summary: Amanda and Jack's wedding bring Y/n and Frank closer together than they've been in years. Warnings- Angst.
Watching her best friend get married had probably been one of her most bittersweet experiences to date; on one hand, someone she adored to pieces was so incomparably happy that it was hard to not smile, but on the other, it stung to think that in another life, she would have been there as Frank’s wife. Despite her wandering thoughts and the private glances she threw at Frank though, the ceremony had been beautiful; the burnt orange hue radiating off the sun as it sank past the horizon cast a warm glow on their leg of the beach, and the crashing waves had been the perfect backdrop to Amanda and Jack’s heartfelt vows. Everything, dare she say, had gone off without a hitch. 
After the evening ceremony and pictures, everything had been moved to the elegantly dressed tents that had been set up for the reception. With the exception of trying to engage with anyone at their table, Y/n had stuck to herself for most of the night, grappling with the memories and the harsh reality- Frank had found someone else. It was clear as day, the way he smiled when he was with Bonnie, the way he looked at her. He deserved happiness with someone that wouldn’t take what they had for granted and would stick around when things got tough.
That was why she hadn’t asked if they could try again at the rehearsal dinner the night before. 
That was why she'd lied when she said that moving to Atlanta had helped her.
It had been at the tip of her tongue, had they walked any slower been granted a few more moments together, she might have. But it was a good thing she hadn’t because Y/n had seen the way he and his girlfriend had been at dinner afterwards; they were obviously smitten with each other and after three years, it was clear that she'd lost her claim to his heart. 
Maybe she should have said something sooner- called after that first year in Atlanta, or visited or anything except dropping out of his and Mary’s life like they didn't matter. Because they did, they were everything to her.
Maybe she shouldn’t have left at all, maybe if she’d stuck it out, they’d have still been together. 
Maybe she should stop turning it over in her mind and just be happy for them. 
“Have you talked to him yet?” Their plates had just been cleared by wait staff after dinner when Amanda leaned over to quietly question her. That morning, while they’d had breakfast together, she’d asked the same question, and back then Y/n’s response had been pretty much the same too; a vague yes with a reminder that what she was going through didn’t matter that day. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy,” Y/n lied easily, “Now just…..focus on your husband,” she emphasized the word with a teasing glint, earning a laugh from Amanda. 
For a while after that, Y/n was able to slip back into her well masked sulk. Everyone had started moving around and mingling after dinner, and trying to maintain a facade of okay-ness, she’d done the same, moving from a group of college friends, to Amanda’s parents and then back to college friends. She’s almost started to put the whole thing in a pocket at the back of her mind, and naturally, she’d been proud of herself for not thinking about him- Y/n was convinced that the only way she could properly put her feelings to rest was to just ignore Frank. Ignore that he seemed happy without her, ignore that he and Bonnie seemed adorable together, ignore that she’d never wanted to be with anyone as much as she wanted to be with him. 
Of course, she could only ignore him for so long. When everyone had been herded into one central area for toasts, it had become pretty obvious that they’d both have to give one. Frank had gone first, and when he’d gotten up on the small, elevated stage, taking the mic with a nervous chuckle, Y/n couldn’t help but focus her attention on him as she sat next to Amanda, nursing a sleek flute of dry bubbly.
“I’ve known Jack for about fifteen years,” he began solemnly, champagne in one hand and microphone in the other, “I was there when he met Mandy; she was with her best friend,” briefly, their eyes met and Y/n knew that one thing Frank wouldn’t include was the fact that they’d met that night too, though it had taken a while longer before they started dating. “Yeah, she was with her best friend and uh….” He cleared his throat and glanced away, “He went over and they talked all night, and after we went back to place that night, I asked him if he thought she was hot- I was in college, alright- and he just said, ‘she’s way more than that- I think she's the one’,” the guests cooed and Y/n felt herself going misty over a story she’d heard a hundred times. “I guess that night must have been special, cause how many people can just look into someone’s eyes like that, and see the rest of their lives?” Surprisingly, Frank met her gaze again, “How many people get to stick with that person?” He added softly, and Y/n bent her head. “But anyway,” he raised his glass, “I’m not good at these things, so let’s wrap it up; here's to the comic book junkie that struck out and got to marry a cheerleader, dreams do come through folks. To Jack and Mandy,” when Frank raised his glass, everyone else followed suit, toasting to the happy couple. 
When Frank deserted the stage, Y/n tried to avoid his eyes while keeping the edge of her glass pressed to her lips. His toast had been hard to pick apart; she couldn’t tell if he was trying to send subliminal messages or just trying to give a nice toast. Though, she didn’t have as much time as she would have liked to pick it apart because just after he sat down, the maid of honor was being called to ‘extend her best wishes to the couple.’
Fueled by nervous breaths while clutching her glass in one hand and some of her sweeping, burgundy bridesmaid dress in the other, Y/n made her way to the stage. Upon being offered the mic, she dropped the dress and gravitated to the front center. Suddenly remembering that she’d left her little card with pointers written down in her clutch, she swallowed thickly and impulsively decided that it was time to work with whatever she could recall, which, thanks to working in medicine, was quite a bit.
“Uh….I think everyone here knows that Mandy is my best friend, she’s one of the kindest, sweetest people that I know, which is why it makes me so happy to see her with someone that loves her the way Jack does,” she paused, smiling at her friends, “Jack and Mandy, they just have this kind of love…..one in a million-makes you wonder if life is actually a Hallmark movie-totally consuming, kind of love. The stick around when it gets tough kind of love. Some people don't have that,” she bent her head for a moment, “And sometimes when they do, they don’t even realize it,” shaking off her own sorrow, Y/n resumed her bright grin, trying her best to keep her own issues separate, “So when I say that Jack and Mandy deserve each other, I mean it in the best way, because they both deserve every bit of happiness that they’ll have together- and I hope they have so much happiness. May your fights be few, your nights together be warm and your years together be many,” and as she raised her glass, everyone celebrated in unison, “To Jack and Amanda.” 
Surprisingly satisfied with her speech, which had only veered of course once, Y/n returned to her seat, avoiding the pair of blue eyes that had followed her across the floor. In retrospect, that bit about sticking around when things get tough could have been totally avoided- she’d already apologized, twice, the next step should not have been to air their issues publicly. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice. 
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When speeches, the father daughter dance and the bride and groom’s first dance was through, Frank had indulged Bonnie’s request to dance for a while. Though, three of four slow tunes later, when some more lively music had been put on, Frank had deserted the fray in favor of some fresh air and some peace and quiet. 
The wedding, he thought, had been amazing, though it had weighed heavily on him- he hadn’t realized how badly he’d actually wanted to marry Y/n until that day. Wearing the suit he’d bought specifically for their wedding had not helped. Be with her sure, he always knew that, but that Sunday, Frank had found that he wanted it all, with her; have a wedding and see her in the dress that she’d talked about for months. Back when they’d been planning their own nuptials, he’d been pretty hands off, summing up his input to “I want what you want”,  though, looking at his friends’ wedding had sent his mind a little wild; he wouldn’t do it on a beach, because he didn’t like the way his feet sank it the sand, or having to dust it off his suit, and he’d probably want a significantly smaller affair too. Maybe just a few close friends and Mary.
And Y/n. He still wanted her to be the bride. 
For a while, over dinner, he’d tried to put Bonnie in her place; imagine her in a pretty white dress, probably on a boat or something, but Frank just couldn’t seem to get himself there. As he walked down the beach, one hand slipped into a pocket as the other tugged at the knot of his bow tie, he tried to do it again; push Y/n out of his mind and focus on who he did have, but it wasn’t easy. Absently, he kicked bits of sand as he strolled on the slope, eyes cast towards the darkened, restless sea observing the way white foam raced to the shore while twinkling stars and a glowing, full, November moon acted as the only things illuminating the navy sky. 
“No, coming out here….is not a good idea.” 
The voice, not too far off, was familiar, and intrigued, Frank inched closer to where it was coming from; she was standing under the cover of a palm tree, leaning against the trunk with her shoes in one hand while the other kept her phone against her ear. He knew it was wrong, and that Y/n’s conversation was absolutely none of his business, but he stopped anyway, picking up bits of what she was saying. 
“I’m serious,” she giggled, “Stop trying to make me laugh. Rob, no.”
For a couple minutes after that, Y/n was quiet, and Frank let his thoughts race; he didn’t think that she was in a relationship and the whole idea entirely changed his perspective on the past few days. No wonder she’d kept some distance between them; she had someone else. Irrationally, despite having a girlfriend himself, Frank was jealous- and a little more heart broken than he’d been before. He had been playing the part of someone that had moved on, while she actually had moved on. 
Deflated, he shook his head and turned back towards the direction he’d come down in, deciding that he should head back and maybe get himself a drink. It hadn’t seemed like Y/n was finished with her conversation, but Frank had determined that eavesdropping was not good for anyone- though, he wished he’d come to that conclusion much sooner because all the experience had done was remind him of how selfish he was being. He couldn’t put so much effort into moving on and then get upset when she did the same. 
“Hey, what’re you doing out here?” Frank could tell if her conversation had wrapped up quickly or if he’d just been walking slowly, but he did know that he wasn’t too far away from the reception when Y/n called out to him.
Stopping and turning to look at her, Frank smiled despite his soured mood, “I could ask you the same thing.” She was wearing her heels again and he chuckled at the way she stumbled as the sand shifted under her feet, but quickly offered his hand so she wouldn’t fall. 
“Thanks,” she huffed a quiet chuckle, slipping her arm into his when he helped her closer, “I was just…..its complicated, I guess,” she shrugged and they slowly set off towards the party. 
Frank hummed quietly, “I just needed some air,” he noted, now close enough for them to hear the music again, “Anything you’d wanna talk to a friend about?” His question was free of any ulterior motives; even if she was smiling, Y/n did seem a little down. It might have been years, but he could still tell her fake smiles from her real ones. 
She didn’t answer immediately, and when they reached the tent again, stepping onto the wooden flooring that had been put down for the event, she retracted her arm. “Not really, I’ll be fine.”
Frank was about to offer a lending ear if she ever needed one, when a nineties romance song came on and in spite of her efforts to hide it, her eyes brightened. Admittedly, he his heart jumped a little at the first note too. For the first time in three years those first notes coupled with Elton John’s voice didn’t feel like a punch to the gut and as he bit back a hopeful grin, Frank offered his hand, “You can’t say no, its our song,” he teased. 
After a couple seconds of hesitation, Y/n put her hand in his, and while he snaked an arm around her waist, she laid a palm on his shoulder. Easily, they fell into complimentary steps and while neither of them had ever really been particularly good dancers, that song always seemed to bring out their most graceful footwork- he was doing a significantly better job then than he had with Bonnie earlier too. Y/n always seemed to be the only person whose toes he didn’t step on while trying to manage anything more than a slow sway.
At some point, towards the middle of the song, Y/n got a little closer, eventually laying her head on his chest as they tucked their joined hands closer and her palm on his shoulder slid under his arm to lay on the center of his back. In turn, Frank laid his cheek on the top of her head, breathing the sweet scent of her shampoo. “Do you remember the first time we danced to this?” She asked softly, as if a tone any louder than a whisper would disturb the moment. 
A Disney themed Halloween party which also doubled as their third date. He’d gone as Hercules, only to impress her, while Y/n had gone as Belle. With mismatched costumes, they’d gone to the party thrown by a sorority whose name he couldn’t remember and before that song, plucked straight out of the Lion King soundtrack,  had come on, they hadn’t dared to dance- Frank had been too nervous about embarrassing himself with his glaring lack of moves and he later found that it was the same for her. But then the song had come on and she’d impulsively asked, grinning widely when he’d said yes. 
“How could I forget?” He returned with a gentle hum, adding, “I think….I think I fell in love with you right then.”
“We’d only been on three dates,” she recalled softly, taking a while before she relented, “But I must have fallen in love with you that night too- when you didn’t punch that drunk guy for spilling beer on my dress.”
“What can I say? I’m a modern man…..and he was the quarterback and could probably kick my ass,” he elaborated humorously.
“Oh, he could definitely kick your ass,” Y/n teased, “Don’t get me wrong, you’re a big guy, but he was huge.”
Frank’s chest rumbled with laughter and he tucked her closer. “Your confidence in me just does so much for my self-esteem,” he joked, hand unconsciously slipping from the center to the small of her back. 
Before Y/n could offer a response, the song changed to another romantic one, and neither of them made a move to separate. It had been so long since they’d been like that, Frank didn’t want it to end. Holding her, as it always did, felt right and he couldn’t help but wonder if people were like puzzle pieces. Why else would being tangled up in her feel so right?  
“You  should probably get back to Bonnie,” she suggested after a while, but there wasn’t very much resolve in her words and Frank’s own reluctance to part with her kept his arms around Y/n. 
“I guess,” he sighed. “Do you ever think about this….about us?” He gathered the courage to ask, and from the minute the question vacated his lips, Frank held his breath for her answer. Even if she did have someone else, she might still think about him sometimes, right? The way he though about her. 
Two or three minutes must have passed without her saying anything, and it was leading Frank to wonder if she’d heard him, but then, quiet words followed a soft hitch in her breath, “Don’t you?” Again, she pulled away to meet his eyes, and while her response was nothing close to anything he’d imagined, there was a sincerity in her wide gaze that was answer enough. 
“I’ve thought about you everyday since you left,” he confessed, bending his head a little so their faces would be closer, “But I don’t think I’ve ever missed you as much as I do right now.”
“Frank,” she elicited and he swore he could taste her lipstick and the champagne on her tongue. 
“Y/n,” the hoarse whisper was so private, and it might have been a trick of the intimate lighting, but he thought she was leaning up towards him. Still holding her close, he let her hand go so he could trace her jaw with the back of his fingers, the warmth of her skin as familiar as her embrace, “What if I just…..”
“Just-” His lips on hers cut Y/n off. Immediately, she responded, lips fluttering against his in a slow, impassioned endearment. There was a feeling that spread to his toes, it felt like saying hello to an old friend after decades apart or going home after being gone for far too long. He didn’t think he could put it into one word, Frank wasn’t sure he’d ever want to-putting it into a word begged the chance that someone out in the world had felt it before them, and selfishly, he wanted that feeling to be theirs.
"Do you want to-"
"Time for the bouquet toss!" Amanda's call beckoned the attention of most of the guests, and startled out of their trance, Frank and Y/n sprang apart. 
"I should probably….." she gestured to where the crowd had gathered near the stage as Amanda got ready to toss her colorful bouquet. 
"You should…." Frank agreed with a stutter, "Cause you're the maid of honor and….." 
"Yeah," she started backing away from him, towards everyone else. 
"Yeah, okay," he swallowed thickly as the awkwardness stretched on. It was only as she almost stumbled into a server did Y/n turn around, still offering him one final backwards glance as she headed towards where a swarm had gathered. In the midst of the commotion, he saw Bonnie being coerced into joining in on vying to catch the flowers, and Frank took that, accompanied by the worry that she'd seem him and Y/n kissing, as his cue to go find himself another drink. 
At the bar, after deciding that he'd need something stronger than beer if he was going to stand there and think about the last hour or so, Frank ordered a flat whiskey. Leaning against the bar, he propped one elbow on the surface, crossed one ankle over the other and brought the glass to his lips in a long swing while he spectated. 
"So you and Y/n looked pretty close back there," Jack's words made Frank jump.
"What the fuck man," he huffed taking another sip of his drink after turning towards him. Jack chuckled and Frank shook his head, "We were……its complicated."
"Its been complicated," Jack sighed, turning to order himself a drink before continuing, "Look I know you," he took a sip of his beer, "And I know Y/n; you two are way too thick to come clean to each other- you're waiting for her, she's waiting for you so you're gonna end up playing this little game-"
Defensive, Frank scoffed, "We are not-"
"Are you kidding me?" Jack laughed, "The writing was on the wall when you two met and it still took a year for you two to go on a date- because Mandy and I set it up for you."
"Ditched us," Frank corrected pointedly. Jack was about to respond just when loud, synchronized cheers erupted from near the stage, and when they looked over, it was to find that someone had finally caught the bouquet and everyone had gathered around her. 
Upon noting who it was, Jack chuckled again and offered Frank a friendly slap on the back, joking lightly, "Well, you know what that means."
Tagging: @patzammit @dearmasaddict @swthxrry @flowerjewels @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @onenightnorth @royalwritersoftheuniverses
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drabbletale · 2 years
Swapcest NSFW Drabble
(For the love of god, this was sent pre-2020. I’m so sorry. It was mostly finished, just had some graphical errors where it would delete spaces and apparently past me couldn’t be bothered to fix it…. So here it is ^^; NSFW.
TW: Blue has some issues with the genitals his body uses. He doesn’t hate them btw, he’s just worried that Stretch will not prefer them. (not true though!)  But if you have body dysphoria relating to genitals, I’d recommend skipping this one maybe.) (Everything in this story is consensual and Blue is asking Papyrus if he wants to continue, not implying that he wants to stop.)
“Papy… it’s okay if we go to sleep. I don’t want to  rush you…”
“it’s fine bro, i’m good.” Stretch shook his head  and pressed himself down against Blue pointedly, smiling when Blue groaned softly in response. Gloved hands settled firmly against his hip, thumbs tracing the edge of the bone just above the waistband of his boxers and Stretch leaned in to claim a kiss.
Without breaking away Blue leads them slowly backwards to the bed. While he’s doing so, Stretch focuses on getting Blue out of his undershirt, feeling a sudden urgency in their unequal nudity. They had to stop kissing to get the shirt over his head, and Stretch can’t help the squeak of appreciation that escapes him at the sight. Blue chuckles, startled and giddy, and then grabs Stretch’s hand to tug him down onto the bed with him.
They land in a tangled mess, which sets them both off laughing again as they shift into a better position. With a bit of maneuvering Stretch manages to settle on his knees above Blue, only to have Blue knock him off balance straight away.
He sits down with a thump on Blue’s hips and earns himself a startled moan in response. He can feel Blue’s magic coalescing against the curve of his ass and the sensation has his own cock hardening. Blue’s eyes darken, his face flushes  with arousal, and his hips rock up against Stretch.
He almost loses it there, watching his usually well-kept brother falling apart beneath him at just the slightest bit of friction.
Blue’s making little high pitched noises of arousal in the back of his throat and Stretch has to kiss him in response, licks his tongue against Blue’s clenched teeth, as if he can taste the sounds and is rewarded with Blue groaning deep and heartfelt. His hands skitter to Stretch’s hips, gripping vice like as Blue drags him down to rock his own hips against Stretch’s again.
“can we get these off?” Stretch asks, tugging lightly at the waistband of Blue’s star-speckled pajama pants. For a moment Blue looks panicked and then his drops into something that looks terribly like resignation and he gives a sharp nod.
Stretch frowns. “sans… we don’t have to, if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“No, I want… I want this, I do! It’s just… You’ll see.” He presses up into Stretch’s hold, urging him to continue and giving a soft moan when he’s finally stripped from the pants. Before Stretch could pull his boxers off, though, Blue let out a small whine of discomfort.
He froze in response, worried he pushed the smaller skeleton too far… Which turns out to be the wrong thing to do, as Blue starts to curl in on himself, one of his hands moving to cover the gentle blue glow coming from his pelvis.
“Sorry! I’m sorry, I just… I’m not like you, brother… I…” Blue made a pointed glance at his brother’s obvious erection, then closed his eyes and leaned back against the pillow he was propped on… “I’m different. Down there.” It takes a moment for the words to register, and when they do, Stretch had to clear his throat to keep himself from moaning…
He was fairly certain his lover wouldn’t appreciate it. Yet, anyway.
Instead he reached down to hold Blue’s hand and gently tug it away. Cautiously he traced a finger over the outline of his brother’s sex. Blue gasped, his head flipping to face the other way, where his hand could cover his mouth.
Stretch smiled and used the underside of his knuckles to rub him with a little more pressure, rewarded by a trembling moan as his brother arched his back. The hand that had covered him up was now holding tightly to Stretch’s wrist.
Blue only twitches slightly in response when he strokes over the conjured flesh more firmly. Stretch was nearly salivating. This made no sense. “sans…” he had to tell him, couldn’t hold back as he finally pulled the boxers off to expose the leaking magic to the cold air of Blue’s room. “you’re so beautiful, you know? i just… i love you so much.” Blue opens his eyes and their gazes meet. “i’ll show you… it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
The pussy Blue had formed wasn’t much other than a mound of ectoflesh dipped in two. Curious Stretch slides the back of one of his knuckles beneath the slit and teases the hole. The warm flesh is both tingling and wet under his fingers and it’s both fascinating and daunting.
Blue’s hand tightens its grip on its own and Stretch glances up at him, takes in the look on his face, both vulnerable and resigned and feels his soul tighten at the sight. Still watching Blue’s face as best he can he drops his head to press a kiss against the mound. Blue jumps in response, a startled moan breaking from deep in his chest, and the sound echoes in Stretch’s head, urges him on to press another kiss to it, this time open mouthed. Blue keens, thighs twitching under Stretch’s hand and the sound sends a hot spike of heat to his dick.
Blue reaches down to grab Stretch’s shoulder, fingers digging into his hoodie before he drags him up into a hungry kiss. Their hands roam freely and Stretch shudders when Blue strokes down his ribs to tug questioningly on the waistband of his boxers. He nods and rocks his hips down against Blue in response, mouth too busy tracing the curve of Blue’s collarbone to speak.
The calm that washes over him once they’re both naked is sudden but welcome. It seems to take over Blue too, as he slides easily from clutching at Stretch to stroking. His hand sweeps down the length of Stretch’s spine soothingly and then slides in between them to curl around the length of Stretch’s erection. Stretch’s hips jerk instinctively into the touch, a low groan vibrating through his chest and Blue echoes the sound a moment later when Stretch reaches down to delve his fingers inside of his brother, thumb tracing circles around Blue’s clit.
They rock together, slow and steady, soft little sounds of pleasure trickling from their lips in-between kisses. Blue’s free hand strokes up and down Stretch’s back, and Stretch’s own clutches at Blue’s hip. Blue is trembling and wet beyond reason in his hand as Stretch tries his best to match the steady pace of Blue’s hand on his own hardness.
It’s in no way a rushed affair, but neither of them last very long anyway. Stretch presses close before he comes, mouth finding Blue’s desperately in an attempt to stifle the sounds he’s making and whines, low and trembling, into the kiss when he releases. Blue only lasts a moment longer, pussy tightening around Stretch’s fingers as his legs shook and his breath hitched. His teeth press into Stretch’s tongue as he shudders through his orgasm and Stretch groans lowly in response, pawing clumsily at Blue’s shoulder with his free hand.
Blue slumps back with a soft groan afterwards, and lets out a soft grunt when Stretch half collapses down onto his chest. Stretch’s panting softly, body still shivering from his orgasm and he smiles into Blue’s neck when his boyfriend reaches up to wrap his arms around his waist. They stay cuddled like that for a while as they catch their breath.
“i love you, sansy. all of you.”
Blue let out a breathless laugh in response.
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inkovert · 1 year
Ok I decided to share a heartfelt sibling moment (thank you @leebrontide for chiming in on my last post ☺️) bc I haven't really showcased the depth of love/care/protection etc between Cami and her brother Jeremy. And I really love this scene between them and the way it turned out 🥰.
CW: discussions of self-harm, grief, loss of a parent. allusion to suicide.
The minute I reached the porch, the front door flew open, Jeremy standing in the doorway in a T-shirt and shorts. 
“You good? What the hell was that cryptic ass message you sent me?” 
I’d wanted to be strong, hold it together as I explained everything to him. But the minute I saw him, I broke. Rushing forward, I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“I’m sorry, Jer. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…I wasn’t—” I sobbed, my chest heaving between each sentence. 
Shutting the door, he drew me into his arms. “Sorry for what? Cami, what happened?”
“All the running. The way I took off in the middle of the night that day. You’ve been so scared and I —“ I gasped for air to finish my thought. “I wasn’t trying to hurt myself. If I was I didn’t know, I just…was in so much pain and I didn’t know what to do and I —“ I curled into his chest. 
Chin resting against my head, he stroked my hair gently, soothingly. “It’s okay.”
I shook my head against the fabric of his shirt. “It’s not. I’m the older one. I’m supposed to be responsible. I’m supposed to look out for you, but I’m such a mess. I’m such a fucking mess, Jer, and I don’t want you to have to deal with…to think that after everything, one day, you might lose me, too.” I curled my hands into fists. “I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t thinking about how it was affecting you. I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry.” 
We stood there and he remained quiet as I continued gasping between sobs in his arms. 
Once I’d settled down, he pulled back to look at me. “Want me to make you some tea?” 
I sniffled, nodding. 
He set a mug of Earl Grey tea on the counter in front of me, taking a seat in the adjacent bar stool. 
“Thanks,” I mumbled, closing my hands around the cup to feel its warmth. 
Elbow on the counter, he leaned his cheek against his palm and studied me. “You’re not an idiot,” he said softly. “You’re not a mess either. You’re grieving. We both are. We just do it in different ways.” 
I made an irritated noise at the back of my throat. “How come your way seems a lot more graceful and put together than mine?” 
He paused for a moment, then, reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. Pulling something up, he set it down before me. It was a list of voicemails. I shot him a confused look. 
He pressed play on the first one and I gasped as my father’s deep, rich voice filled the room.
Son, I know you’re practicing hard out there on the school field but don’t stay out too late or your mother will get worried. I’m giving you another hour before I come and get you, alright? Love you. Bye.
He clicked on the next.
Son, I know the only thing that goes on in that head of yours is soccer but you’ve got to get more responsible. You left your whole science project on the counter. I’m gonna head over and drop it off for you, alright? I’m glad that you’ve found something that makes you happy but you’ve gotta make some room in that head of yours for some life skills. Pretty soon I’m gonna be old and gray and you’re gonna be the man of the house. Anyway, I’m on my way. Love you. Bye.
And the next. 
Son, I’m at the clothing store in the shoe section and I see these real nice sneakers here that you might like. Just calling to find out your shoe size. You’ve been growin’ too fast and the way you be stomping around the house like Bigfoot, tells me I might be a few sizes off. Call me back, okay? Love you. Bye.
I laughed at the last message, a tear breaking free and coursing down my cheek. 
“Every night before I go to sleep,” Jeremy said, “I lay in bed and listen to each one of these. Every single one. I’ve been doing it for the past three hundred seventeen days since he died and I know all forty-three by heart.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed. “Every week I have pillowcases soaked through with tears. Some nights I can barely bring myself to sleep and so I listen to these on repeat. Over and over again until sunrise.”
I gaped at him, bewildered. “I…I had no idea.”
A weak smile. “I know. Just because I grieve privately doesn’t mean it’s any less messy or any more graceful than you.” Feeling guilty, I stared down into my mug. “You and me. We’re all we have, Cami. You may not think I get everything you’re going through, and you’re probably right, I don’t. But I get it a hell of a lot more than anyone else will. I want you to be able to talk to me when you’re upset, angry, frustrated, feeling hopeless. All of it. All the messy, unpleasant stuff. Even if you can’t put it into words. Even if you think I won’t fully get it. I want you to lean on me.”
I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling. I nodded, then reached over to squeeze his hand tight and whispered, “You, too,” 
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rajkumarseo · 2 months
5 Thoughtful Mother's Day Gifts You Can Buy Online Today
As Mother's Day approaches, it's time to show the leading ladies in our lives just how much they mean to us. Finding the perfect gift can be a challenge, but fear not! We've curated a list of thoughtful and unique gifts that you can easily purchase online today. Whether your mom is always on-the-go or loves exploring new adventures, we've got you covered with ideas that will make her feel truly special this Mother's Day.
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The Importance of Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the incredible women who have shaped our lives. It's a time to express gratitude for all the love, sacrifices, and support that mothers provide unconditionally. This special day gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for everything they do, from nurturing us in our early years to being our rock as we navigate through life's challenges. It's a chance to reflect on the profound impact that mothers have on shaping who we are today. Motherhood is a role filled with endless responsibilities and demands, yet it is also one of boundless joy and love. Taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate these extraordinary women allows us to strengthen the bond we share with them and create lasting memories that they will cherish forever.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mother's Day Gift
When choosing a Mother's Day gift, it's essential to consider your mom's unique preferences and interests. Think about what makes her happy and what she enjoys doing in her free time. Reflect on any hints she may have dropped or items she may have mentioned wanting. Consider the practicality of the gift - will it be something she can use regularly or does it serve a specific purpose? Opt for gifts that align with her daily routine or help simplify tasks to make her life easier. Personalization adds a thoughtful touch to any gift. Whether it's through custom engraving, monogramming, or selecting an item in her favorite color, adding a personal element shows you've put extra care into selecting the perfect present. Don't forget to consider the sentimental value of the gift. Choose something that holds special meaning or evokes cherished memories between you and your mom. A heartfelt gesture can often mean more than an extravagant gift. The best Mother's Day gifts are those chosen with love and consideration for the recipient - showing your mom just how much you appreciate everything she does.
Practical Gifts for the Busy Mom
For the busy mom who is always on the go, practical gifts can make a world of difference in her daily life. Consider gifting her a stylish yet functional tote bag that she can use for work, errands, or even a quick weekend getaway. A high-quality planner or organizer can help her stay on top of appointments and to-do lists amidst her hectic schedule. Another thoughtful gift idea could be a subscription to a meal delivery service to save her time on meal planning and grocery shopping. For the tech-savvy mom, smart home devices like a virtual assistant or smart thermostat can simplify tasks around the house with just a voice command. A cozy robe and slippers set can provide her with some much-needed relaxation at the end of a long day. And don't forget about personalized stationery or custom-made labels to add a personal touch to her busy life. Practical gifts show you appreciate all she does while making things easier for her along the way.
Unique Mother's Day Gifts for the Adventurous Mom
Is your mom always up for an adventure? If she's the type who loves exploring new horizons and seeking thrills, why not surprise her with a unique Mother's Day Flowers complements her adventurous spirit? Consider gifting her a personalized travel journal where she can document all her exciting escapades. This thoughtful gift will not only be practical but also serve as a keepsake of her memorable journeys. For the mom who enjoys the great outdoors, how about a deluxe camping hammock or a set of durable hiking poles? These gifts will enhance her outdoor experiences and make her adventures even more enjoyable.
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If your mom has a passion for photography, consider getting her a high-quality camera strap or a portable photo printer so she can instantly print out memories from her travels. For the adrenaline junkie mom, you could surprise her with tickets to an exhilarating ziplining experience or skydiving session. These thrilling gifts are sure to get her heart racing and create unforgettable moments. No matter what adventurous gift you choose for your mom this Mother's Day, remember that it's all about celebrating and honoring the incredible woman who has always been by your side through every adventure life brings.
Conclusion: Celebrating Mothers in Every Way Possible
Celebrate Mother's Day by showing appreciation for all the wonderful mothers in your life. Whether it's a practical gift for the busy mom or something unique for the adventurous mom, there are endless ways to make them feel special on this day dedicated to honoring their love and hard work. Remember, Mother’s Day gifts don't have to be extravagant - it's the thought and effort behind them that truly matter. Take some time today to choose a thoughtful gift online and show your gratitude for everything they do each day. Let this Mother’s Day be a reminder of how much our mothers mean to us and celebrate them in every way possible.
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Missed Opportunities | Helmut Zemo x Reader
Here's a little something I cooked up. Not sure what I want to do with it, but it was bugging me to be written. For better or worse.
This is a little Helmut Zemo/Female Reader moment. It has Sam and Bucky too. It's not fully developed, but hopefully you all can enjoy it for what it is.
You were in Germany when you got the call from Sam. He needed help locating the Flag-Smashers, and was hoping you could offer some assistance.
He just happened to call at the perfect time, because as it turns out, the person you went to visit was no longer around. So, since you had essentially made a trip across the ocean for nothing; you figured, why not? Might as well make something of your travels abroad and not make it a total loss.
Sam gave instructions to meet him at a residence in Riga, Latvia. He mentioned very little other than that. Technically though, that wasn't entirely his fault. You're pretty sure he intended to provide more information, but Bucky was shouting, "Hellos.", "You've been missed!", and her personal favorite, an exasperated, "Please save me from my tormentor."
After Bucky's outburst, Sam had seemed to have forgotten about you on the phone; so you were just listening to constant bickering in the background. All you could do was shake your head and laugh at this point. Truly, Earth's greatest defenders were simply children at times.
It was good to hear their laughs. It had been too long and the world was still recovering.
We all were.
Bucky, Sam, and you all disappeared when Thanos snapped his fingers, wiping out half the universe. When you all returned, there was love and there was loss all around, but it bonded the three of you in a friendship deeper than any of you could imagine.
Okay, perhaps, that's a slight exaggeration. You became extremely good friends with both James and Sam; however, the two of them are a different story altogether. They won't admit to their friendship, but you know they'll both come around one day. They're just being stubborn idiots. God, she missed those two guys. It's been months since she had laid eyes either one of them.
So, here you are, standing right out front the door Sam gave instructions to meet at.
You fiddled with the arm of the backpack strapped across your chest. You didn't think you'd be this nervous, but a combination of excitement and adrenaline had caused you to be a bit jumpy. You tried to shrug it off as you raised your hand to knock on the door.
Not even 10 seconds after you knocked on the door you heard the shuffle of footsteps, accompanied with the ever present response of, "I got it."
Only the footsteps halted abruptly and muffled discussions were faintly heard through the door. You couldn't make out what was being said, only that no further movement had been made to answer the door.
I swear to God, if they are simply having an argument about who gets to open the door, I am going to murder them both on the spot.
You were about to knock on the door again a bit more insistently, but you never got the chance as the door abruptly swung open to reveal Bucky.
As you stared back at one another, you couldn't help but noticed his tense appearance, which is not all that unusual for him, but it was a more strained posture. You assumed it had something to do with whatever was being talked about just moments prior to answering the door.
It couldn't have been too serious because seconds later he dropped all pretense and gave you a heartfelt smile before sweeping you up in his arms for a hug.
He all but dragged you inside, it only caused you to chuckle at his enthusiasm. Yeah, you had missed him a lot.
The hug continued to linger on, and you could hear the door behind you close. You were about to motion to Bucky to release you from his hold when you heard Sam pipe in highly amused, "Buck, give her some room to breath."
You could feel the glare James was giving Sam, but he did let you go eventually.
Upon the release from your hug, the sleeves of your blue hoodie had drifted past your hands; you pushed them up a bit where you could grab James's hand and squeeze it in silent thanks.
After letting go of Bucky, you turned around to face Sam, shaking your head and grinning at him with delight, "Never a dull moment around here is there?"
"Never," Sam replied. "It's my turn, now," holding his arms out, he smiled pulling you into a softer embrace, but no less enthusiastic.
You huffed out a laugh and hugged him back with equal fervor.
A few moments had passed, and you reluctantly untangled yourself from Sam. More pleasantries had been exchanged and small talk had filled up the space as you walked fully into open living space.
You did a turn about the room as you headed towards the kitchen area with the guys trailing behind you. You had grabbed the strap of your backpack and had lifted it over your head.
You were about to place your stuff on the kitchen island when you heard soft footfalls make their way from the outer hallway towards you.
The unexpected noise caused you to hesitate; you turned your head towards Sam and James with a puzzled expression on your face. You had opened your mouth with the intention to ask them who else was in the safe house with you, when you saw him.
The backpack you were holding had fallen out of your hands and onto the floor with a thud, but you couldn't tear your eyes off the man standing across the room from you now. Your face had gone completely slack jaw and eyes had widen in shock leaving you speechless.
You would normally have said something quippy in this moment, but your brain had stopped functioning.
The silence was finally broken from Sam's response to the situation.
"Okay, I know what this looks like. We can explain him," Sam cautiously said. "Actually, Bucky should be the one to share this story, since it was his idea."
You could hear the words Sam was saying, but they never really registered. You assumed he thought you were shocked because the man who stood in front of you once tore your friends a part. Because he was supposed to be in a prison in Germany. Any other number of reasons could potentially be listed. What Sam didn't realize, was that the man standing before you was the last person you saw before you disintegrated before his eyes, and this was the first time since that chaos you had seen him again.
Other than Sam's calm reply, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Perhaps it was because the same look of shock and awe was reflected on Zemo's face.
You tried to form a response, something, anything to say.
Neither Sam or Bucky knew you used to visit Zemo after he was imprisoned. Whenever you travelled to Germany, you would tell them you had a contact that only agreed to provide information face to face. They never put two and two together, but they also trusted you implicitly; so they had no reason to ever question your motives or who exactly you were going to see. You actually saw Zemo a fair amount of time. More often than not, it was always to learn about the inner workings of Hydra. While they may be diminished in capacity; they still had not been completely eradicated. And you were determined to locate and destroy every remaining Hydra base, and dismantle them once and for all. They took your parents from you, and you were going to make sure they couldn't hurt anyone ever again. So, Zemo had been the obvious choice to help gain as much information as possible in your quest.
So, over the course of 2 years, you had made several trips to see him. You could almost say you were on friendly terms, but mostly, you believed his kindness and willingness to provide information was a benefit to him. To interact with someone on the outside to remind him he's not completely alone in the world.
The last time you saw each other was a day like any other you would come to visit. You'd lean outside his glass cell and just talk. The prison only allotted an hour's visit. So you always had to make your time worth while.
This particular day was colder than usual for the time of year. And being left outside the prison hallway where Zemo's cell was located only caused the draft to further lower the temperature with the concrete walls. You had involuntarily shivered as a cold draft had blasted in from one of hallways. Zemo had taken notice and unzipped his hoodie, passing it off to the guard to hand over to you. In that moment, the realization came that things were no longer black and white between the two of you. When you asked him why, he simply shrugged and said it's what any gentleman should do. His expression had softened though and was no longer outwardly indifferent. You had put on the blue garment and zipped it up; tugging at the sleeves as the hoodie was much larger on your frame than his.
There was only about 30 minutes left of your visit when alarm bells started going off. Zemo had pushed himself against the glass to look down the closest hallway to try and see what was going on. You had tried to remain calm, but when the guard standing nearby had disappeared right in front of you both, you knew something was dreadfully wrong.
With visible panic on your face, you had whispered out the word Thanos to Zemo. You'll never forget what happened next or the expression on his face. There was a hitch in your lungs and a strong tugging sensation drifting through your chest. You stumbled into the glass and fell to your knees in front of Zemo. You had slumped onto your side trying to concentrate on what was happening to you. You peered up at Zemo as he had slid himself down the glass to your level gazing at you in concern. You could hear him shouting for help, but there was no one around. You placed your hand on the glass to get his attention, and only then did you realize, you had tears in your eyes.
He brought his hand up on the other side of the glass and placed it against where yours was. Funny how an instance can change everything between two people. You saw his eyes widen and that's when you noticed the right side of your body started to turn to dust. All you had time to say was, "I'm sorry," before you completely disintegrated before him, leaving him, no doubt, alone once again.
You would have laughed at the expression on his face now if you knew it hadn't been the first time he's seen you since....what happened. But there was nothing really funny about the situation.
You weren't quite sure what to do, but your feet made the decision for you as you slowly made your way to stand directly in front of Zemo.
It's the first time you've stood together without any glass between you both. He's a bit taller than you, but not by miles; you're chin roughly comes up to his shoulder.
You see him swallow as if he's also thinking of something to say, but instead you see him raise his hand up and start to reach out to touch you, but stops before actually doing it. Internally, you make your choice for him and reach up with your hand and grab the one he's left hanging in the air. It's just a light touch, almost as if you're both worried the other might not be real.
Zemo glanced down at you holding onto his hand and back at you briefly. He squeezed your hand gently and then you heard him release a harsh breath before gripping your hand tighter and yanking you into his arms.
You barely had time to think about what was happening before you were enveloped into the most emotional hug you've ever felt.
The reaction was unexpected, but then so were the circumstances you were in, so nothing should really surprise you, but you were. Your arms were slightly hovering over his back, not entirely sure at that moment what you wanted to do, as you were still in shock. But, after a brief pause you brought your arms firmly around his body and hugged Zemo back with just as much care and buried your face in the crook of his shoulder. You heard him mumbling words into the side of your head, but couldn't understand what he was really saying.
Time could have been standing still for the infinite period we were latched onto one another. It wasn't until the clearing of Bucky's throat that jarred us out of the moment. The noise wasn't loud, but the room had been so silent until then; it sounded like a freight train.
Realization must have hit us both at the same time that we weren't alone in the room, and we jumped apart as if lightning had struck us both.
At this point, you were looking at anything in room, but Zemo. You started playing with the ends of your sleeves in nervousness when Sam spoke up in a very slow and deliberate manner, "Would you care to explain to us, what is going on?"
"I thought you were going to have Bucky explain to me, why Zemo's not in prison!" you say back, not ready at all to try and explain things. You still needed to wrap your own head around it, before attempting to share your brief history with Zemo.
"Oh, no doll. This can wait," James answered. You could tell he was not happy, but maybe more confused than anything by how he responded.
Both were assessing Zemo to try and figure out if this is some sort of game to him. Bucky had reached out to grab your arm and pulled you gently away from the criminal mastermind and closer to them to instinctually protect you from him.
You outwardly sighed, knowing there was a long conversation about to happen.
Zemo took a step forward and James took a step back bringing you with him. Sam seemed perturbed over the entire situation, but Zemo spoke up first.
"Is that, what I think it is?" he said. Zemo cocked his head to the side and eyed you with amusement.
You silently shook off the hold Bucky has on you and raise an eyebrow at him to not try that again. You swiveled back to Zemo, placing your hands on your hips. Confusion was written clearly on your face as you answered him back, "Could you be a little less vague?" A small smile graced your face in reply.
Zemo pointed at your midsection and a smug expression appeared on his face.
"I must say, you look quite fetching in my clothes."
You were physically startled by his comment. You had forgotten you were wearing his hoodie. It's why you went to Germany. To return it to him, but when you found out he was no longer there, you realized you were going to have to either keep it permanently or track him down. Sam's call came in before you could make that decision. Fate really is something else.
Your hands grabbed the fabric of the hoodie as you closed your eyes and ducked your head. You could feel the embarrassment threatening to turn your whole face red.
You started to shuffled away knowing an immediate outburst was coming from both of her friends. What Zemo just said, implied so many different things. So, of course Sam and Bucky would start shouting without having any context to the situation of how you acquired a piece of his clothing.
If the floor could have opened up at that moment, you would have appreciated it.
Sam and Bucky were both visibly upset and clearly about to start a fight with Zemo, but thankfully Sam, being the more even tempered of the group, stopped Bucky from doing anything. He had shrugged off Sam and stared at you with hurt on his face.
You exhaled shakily as things started to calm down. You dared to catch a glimpse of Zemo, and of course, out of everyone here, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy causing the chaos he wrought with his sly comment.
If looks could kill, he would have been flayed alive.
"Enough," you said to everyone. It was time to clear the air. "Let's all just take a seat."
You had gotten exasperated by the entire situation and turned to Bucky and Sam, "Do you automatically have to jump to conclusions? Do you not think there is a perfectly logical explanation, somewhere?" You had slapped your hands down by your sides and turned to Zemo. He looked as if he were about to say something, but you cut him off pointing a finger at him.
"And you. Big trouble. Don't even get me started."
As you stared at Zemo; he at least had the decency to appear somewhat contrite at your scolding. You could still tell he was mildly amused about the whole situation.
You saw Sam had taken a seat and started to wave you over to where he and Bucky were.
"Start talking," he said.
"I'm not sure where to start," you answered, pacing back and forth.
"How about the beginning?" Bucky parroted out arms crossed in front of him, he was clearly still a bit defensive.
"The beginning. Right. Sure. I can do that," you stopped to think about how to start, but everything just seemed to be as if you were actually hiding something from them, when you weren't. It just never came up, and The Blip was emotional for everyone.
Truth be told, you would like to avoid this conversation at all costs. For many reasons, some you're not ready to deal with.
Zemo had spoke up while you were deciding how to broach the subject at hand.
"If I may," he spoke.
The three of us had answered him simultaneously, "No!"
Yeah, it was going to be a long day.
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undercover-trio · 3 years
De request
First "I love you" with Team RWBY? The more tooth rottingly fluffy, the better. They/Them pronouns? Thanks, I love your works.
Aw shucks, thanks Anon, I’m glad my works are to your liking
I’ll make this as sweet as I can, so sweet even I feel the sweetness radiating from my phone.
o(-`д´- 。)
-Mod Pengie
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Art is by mistEcru
You twiddled with the music box in your hand, it was fairly small yet still quite beautiful. The rose design it had along with wines tracing along its silver surface, much alike the quality of those in stores.
Yet you made it, you created the music sheets after sleepless days, trying to translate Ruby’s favorite song into a music sheet. You studied the parts of music boxes through your scroll, you nicked your fingers many times as you shaped the metal for the box.
You worked hours on end to purchase the materials, sure it cost more to build a music box than buy one but you wouldn’t let yourself. Ruby had helped and supported you through so much, you wanted her to feel even a drop of the appreciation you felt towards her.
You did have many busts when it came to making them but you felt so proud the moment when you could make a successful one. Your head remembered the sound of her favorite song by memory given how much you played it on the music box to get it right.
As you walked towards Ruby’s dorm you felt nervous, not by the chance you’d be caught by the night guard, he already gave you permission to go.
You really hoped Ruby liked the gift, you put your all into it, it was in a cute red box with a f/c(favorite color) ribbon tying it.
The moment you knocked on her dorm door you felt all your worries wash away, you weren’t the type to have doubts. You knew Ruby, she was a precious and sweet girl who deserved the world.
You smiled at Yang as she opened the door, you looked slightly nervous and a bit tired with light bags under your eyes. It didn’t stop the genuine love she could feel coming from you, she opened the door wider to let you in as she smiled at the gift.
Ruby had her nose in a textbook, looking cutely focused as you chuckled, that caught her attention. She noticed her other three teammates walked out the dorm, leaving you and her.
“Y/N? What’s up!” She greeted cheerfully, you took off your shoes and stepped on Weiss’ bed. Ruby focused on how the candle light enhanced your features.
She looked curious as you handed her a box, you smiled and nodded at her to open it.
And she did, her eyes glossed up at the beautiful music box in front of her. She observed every detail, her being more flattered as she saw every thought you put into it.
“Play it.” You encouraged, your voice mellow from your tiredness, it was due to the hour and how much work you put into her gift.
She twisted the knob and listened to the song with you, while it wasn’t as professionally done as the ones she’d see in shops it was still welcoming.
She came to the realization you made this as her keen eyes observed the craftsmanship and details, it wasn’t impossible given you two first met in a workshop.
As the song ended her eyes were watery, this song was her favorite, it was her and her mother's song.
Red like Roses..
“I love you Ruby..I was just too nervous to say it till now, I wanted to make it special as well.
Her heart melted at your mannerism, your gift, your love, just everything in this moment.
She quickly jumped down from her bunk and tackled you into a heartfelt hug, you were a blushing and stuttering mess but she couldn’t help it.
She loved you so much in this moment.
She’s loved you for a long time.
“I love it- I love you- I just-“ Ruby was fumbling over her sentence, her feelings were overflowing.
You sat up and hugged her back, she tucked her head into your neck as she kept repeating how much she loved you.
You loved her too, and you felt fulfilled knowing that she knew.
-Before Weiss heads to Beacon cause I wanna be unique
Weiss… was perfect in aristocratic standards, she behaved impeccably, was talented and had the charisma.
Her silvery hair never failed to perk your interest, the way all her moves were calculated and graceful. Her eyes were a beautiful sky blue, they were probably what drew you in the most.
They were free, they were bright and daring, you weren’t sure when exactly you realized your fondness of her, it just happened.
While you weren’t the most poor aristocrat you certainly weren’t the most rich. It kept you grounded, you had always been level headed yet when it came to her.. you felt all sensible thinking fade.
Perhaps that was what made you follow her to the balcony that night, you remember how you froze when you watched her beautiful features be illuminated by the shattered moon.
Her expression made you pause for a second, with a defeated smile you could help but think she didn’t belong here. An angel can’t be kept in a cage after all.
“Why the long look?” You asked, your behavior genteel as always. Sky blue met e/c, your heart beat fast at the eye contact.
To think you were only 12 at the time.
You and Weiss became acquainted, slowly it turned into friendship, you couldn’t help but admire her.
She really was a beauty among thieves, you loved it when she laughed and joked. Your heart broke when she looked defeated or down, you always strived to be there for her as she did you.
Yet.. secrets can’t always be kept forever, white lies are soon seen through, you weren’t an opaque wall rather than a tinted glass.
“I’m leaving.”
Such a simple sentence from her managed to change your mood tremendously, yet even then as you turned to meet her precious blue eyes..
You couldn’t bring yourself to stop her, she deserved to be free.
“I see.” You couldn’t bring yourself to say more without your voice breaking. She raised her eyebrow at your seemingly relaxed response, yet Weiss was perceptive.
“I’m sorry Y/N.. I just can’t keep being grouped with my family anymore.” Her voice cracked with guilt and pent up aggression, you could feel her emotions about to overflow.
Two warm hands were placed on her cheeks, Weiss couldn’t help but lean into their comfort, you gently brushed away her tears.
“Weiss, look at me.” She hesitantly looked at your face, she didn’t say a word of how it made her heart skip a beat.
“I’ve known..for a long time you don’t belong here.” You started, Weiss could only listen to the cadence of your voice as she put her hands on both your wrists.
“You were made for adventure, a thrilling life with people who care about you.” The more you spoke the less coordinated your words became, she knew you cared about her. You wished for her to get the affection she truly deserved, with the amount of people she should.
It shouldn’t just be you.
“Weiss, when I look into your eyes I see the sky.. I see freedom.. I see many beautiful things.” Her cheeks tinted at the words, you noticed, she always got like that when praised.
“And freedom isn’t caged, it's the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” She smiled wryly as she knew you quoted the dictionary, you always did when it came to words that struck you.
“Therefore.. I support you, I’ll even aid you if need be.” Her heart warmed at your words, you were always there for her, speaking and looking at her as if she were the most precious thing.
She couldn’t help her next action.
Her arms wrapped around your shoulders as her lips made contact with yours, they were soft. Her lips were pushed against yours as she tried to convey how she felt to you, smiling slightly when you wrapped your arms around her waist.
When you two separated you met her eyes, they looked back at you lovingly, the way you would always look at her.
“I love you Y/N/N.” She admitted with a smile, you were surprised and delighted. You couldn’t help the way your face melted into a sweet grin.
“And I you, Weiss.”
You met with an Angel at twelve
And with your affections you delve
The closest of friends at fifteen
Something you’d never foreseen
A kiss goodbye at seventeen
As you watched her break from her routine
Blake was scared of your affection sometimes, not that she was scared of you as a person.
It’s just that she was hurt and emotionally scarred so many times and it was hard to heal. Her emotional state was equivalent to a paper that had been crumpled then straightened out.
The marks were still there.
She wasn’t sure she could recover if you turned out the same way Adam did, yet every time you looked at her with love in your eyes she just couldn’t help but stick with you.
She felt ashamed she would always lose her voice when she would try and say she loved you, it made her think of Adam.
You noticed this of course, and every time without fail you would give her a smile and tell her it’s fine. Sure it hurt a bit but you loved Blake, you knew of her past, her emotions and traumas.
You loved every bit of her.
She had come into your dorm late one night, she was busy at the library due to the Torchwick situations. Yet she felt her heart rate increase at your sleeping face, you always were the most beautiful person to her.
Then she heard it.
“...love you..Blake.”
You had murmured it in your sleep, she knew that you loved her, she knew that you refrained from telling her that because you loved her.
Her reaction wasn’t what she expected though, instead of the dreaded fear she thought she would have she instead had a feeling of comfort, ecstasy even.
Her emotions had already come to accept that you loved her, that you weren’t Adam.
She teared up a bit of the realization, they weren’t sad tears but ones of pure and genuine delight.
While she was on her high she sat next to your body and shook you awake, you drowsily looked at her. With a sleepy smile you lift up your hoodie a bit and let her sneak underneath it.
You called it ‘Hoodie Time’, Blake found it as a good way to calm down and relax if she listened to your heartbeat.
And the added bonus she liked being in small spaces.
She felt you stroke her hair as she listened to the cadence of your heart, it was slightly fast and it only flattered her.
“Want to talk Kitten?” You asked, Blake usually did this when she was stressed. You didn’t mind though, you thought it was quite cute.
She shook her head no as she kept her right human and cat ear on your chest.
“I just wanted to say” she started as you rubbed circles on her back to keep her calm. She felt slightly nervous but your action did help.
“I love you.” She got it all out in one breath, she grew slightly worried as she noticed you stopped rubbing her back. She shook her head, you weren’t Adam and you’d never be, you were Y/N.
Her worries ended when she saw how happy your face was, you looked as though you struck gold.
You looked at her as if she just gave you the world, you didn’t want her to worry, you quickly pecked her forehead since it was fairly close to your lips.
“I love you too Blake.” You began, then you started tearing up. “I’m glad you trust me enough to say this.”
She was flabbergasted at how genuinely loving your reaction was, it made her all the more warm inside, she loved your way of love.
She loved you.
She always would.
You smiled as you felt the wind brush against your hair, the city lights always looked perfect in the night. Unfortunately the police sirens weren’t that pleasant, then again, your favorite blonde is the one who is driving right now.
She took a sharp right as you grasped onto her stomach tighter, her muscles tensed at the feeling. The feeling of your fingers brushing against her stomach caused her to lose focus for a minor second.
At least until you snapped her out of it.
“Yang!! Bascule bridge is splitting right now!!” You alerted her, her lilac eyes noticed the ship trying to pass, she immediately increased the motorcycle speed.
Unlike with Ruby, Blake and dear oum.. Weiss, you wouldn’t get scared or mad when she invited you on a thrill ride. You enjoyed it and participated, it surprised her at first given you were a pretty mellow and sweet individual.
She smiled as she heard you gasp in excitement as you two were on the motorcycle mid air, the gradient of the bridge was more than enough to lose the cops and make it to the other side.
You treasured how her hair seemed to fly in slow motion, the moon illuminating the whole scene.
The landing was a bit rough, but thanks to your semblance, aerokinesis, you guys didn’t crash into oblivion. It did slightly exhaust you to slow the velocity you guys were falling at however the adrenaline sure helped.
Luckily there were only minor scratches to bumblebee, unfortunately you both just realized that the way back to Beacon was on the other side of the bridge.
“So Yang.. how would you feel sleeping on a random roof?”
Yang merely laughed at the question and slapped your back, she was on board with it.
That question eventually led to the two of you being on a flat roof, Bumblebee was hidden in a bush right below you guys. You could use your semblance to bring you and Yang up but the bike was a bit too much for you right now.
“Best Joy ride ever!” Yang laughed out with a huge grin on her face, you chuckled at her antics and gave her a fist bump. You guys relaxed for a bit, nearing sleep before Yang turned to you, her eyes looked determined.
“Serious though, I’m glad I have you Y/N/N, I’m not able to do these things with anyone else without being called brash and dumb.” You frowned at the last words, without speaking you merely grabbed her hand as you looked at the star signs.
Ursa Major, quite ironic given you have an overprotective bear hugging friend next to you at the moment.
“Yang.. before I met you I wasn’t able to be myself, while I’m not necessarily as… extroverted as you.. my parents didn’t like my need for thrill.” You told her as you grasped her hand tighter, she too frowned at your words.
“But then I met you… this amazing, lively person, the day you first invited me to a ride like this.. I felt happy.” She blushed at your description of her yet you kept going.
“You’re not dumb, maybe a little brash but you’re still a ray of sunlight that came into my life..and I love you for it.” Your face turned crimson as you admitted those last words, she paused as she came to terms with what you said.
The two of you were still lying down as she raised her arm, you closed your eyes as she patted your soft hair.
“Gee.. you could’ve just told me you loved me..then again you wouldn’t be my Y/N if you didn’t speak a lot to get a point across.” She laughed as you started snickering at her words too, her eyes caught sight of yours as they held contact.
“I love you too Y/N.” She smiled brightly as she brought you in for a kiss, you couldn’t help but beam with happiness as well.
You loved Yang a lot, you loved her thrilling, welcoming self. And she loved you as well.
Heyo! It’s me Pengie, sorry for the late upload of this, school kept me busy, luckily Fine Line by Harry Styles came in my life(slowed down cause I’m like that) added to the angst but nyeh
Anyways I hope your teeth rotted lol, I love you simps and have a good day!
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koalataeil · 3 years
Shopping Cart (poly!nohyuck)
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Pairing: Jeno x Haechan x gn!reader
Words: 1.6k
Genre: domestic fluff, angst (just a little bit)
Request: Jeno x Haechan poly fluff
Summary: Despite your best efforts, you bring your boyfriends shopping with you, only to end up annoyed and with a headache. Maybe now they’ll learn.
Warnings: pills (over-the-counter pain meds)
You always insisted that you go grocery shopping alone, specifically for this reason. Haechan, who’d been put in charge of pushing the cart, had been threatening to run Jeno over, eventually actually hitting Jeno with the corner of the cart. Jeno strutted up to Haechan, ready to hurt him before you commented, “Can you boys stop?” Jeno glared at Haechan before backing off. You rolled your eyes, going back to your shopping list and finding the ingredients in that aisle.
Haechan still was messing around while pushing the cart, nearly running into the end caps multiple times before you made Jeno take over. You desperately hoped that would solve the issue, but they always found a way to surprise you. As you reached to grab the bag of sugar you wanted, you could hear a cart crash loudly into someone. You quickly moved your head to the sound, hoping it was someone else, but it was your boyfriends making the noise. You wanted to throw the bag of sugar at both of them, but you knew that would just make things worse. You walked swiftly over to the cart, placing the sugar into it and glaring at both of them.
“This is why I go alone. I’ll make you both wait in the car if you keep this up.” You knew you sounded like a parent, but you were tired of the weird looks you got from other customers and just wanted some peace that came with grocery shopping. You turned away from them, walking to the end of the aisle to find your next item. You knew you should’ve just gone here alone or with just one of them at the most. But they both begged to come with you today, both being really clingy to you for some reason. With them both being clingy at the same time, their bickering would never end.
You heard the two arguing with each other in hushed voices as Jeno pushed the cart to follow you, Haechan close beside him. You gave them one final look before they both stopped talking, following you around like puppies with their tails between their legs. Once you finished getting everything you needed, they followed you silently to the cashier, quickly paying for your things before walking back out to your car, arms carrying a couple bags.
Once you were in the car, some music playing in the car, the guys remained silent, each looking out the window, afraid to meet your gaze full of disappointment and frustration.
However, once you made it to your apartment building, they got out of the car, rushing to the trunk and grabbing as many bags as they each could carry, mumbling “I’m going to carry more than you” to each other.
You rolled your eyes and lead them up to your shared apartment, arms empty of any bags as they were so caught up in their little competition. They rushed to the kitchen, setting their respective bags down to start putting all of them away. While they were distracted, you made your way to your bedroom, quickly changing into one of Jeno’s hoodies and a pair of Haechan’s sweatpants. Your head started to pound suddenly, annoying you even more. As if this day could get any worse for you.
Rubbing your eyes with the sleeves of the hoodie, you crept into the living room, dropping onto the couch. Your hands stayed in your lap as you tilted your head back, eyes closing as you tried to relieve yourself of your headache. Haechan peaked out of the kitchen to see you sitting on the couch alone, wearing his and Jeno’s clothes. His heartfelt like it exploded in his chest with so much love until he notices your position. He frowned before turning to Jeno. “I think Y/N has a headache,” he informed quietly. Jeno’s face immediately fell, guilt taking over most of his thoughts.
“We should finish putting the groceries away and then help them,” Jeno suggested, already rushing to unpack the bags. Haechan nodded, following Jeno’s lead. Once they finished, Haechan grabbed a cold water bottle and walked into the living room with Jeno.
“Hey Y/N,” Haechan started, his voice soft and quiet. You hummed in response, not moving from your position, head still tilted back. “I got you some water, do you want some meds?” Nodding slowly, you held your hand out to grab the water, head facing your two boyfriends.
Jeno quickly rushed to the bathroom and returned with some medication that always seemed to work for you. “Two?” He asked, his voice soft like Haechan’s. You nodded slowly, holding your other hand out. Once Jeno placed the pills onto your hand, you tilted your head back as you popped the pills into your mouth and washed them down with the water. “Do you want to cuddle?” his voice less confident than before.
“Yeah,” you replied quietly, closing your eyes again. You felt both of your boyfriends settle into the couch, one on each side of you. Jeno wrapped an arm around your shoulder carefully, your head immediately resting on his shoulder. Haechan plastered himself beside you, resting his head on your shoulder and holding one of your hands with both of his.
Haechan hummed absentmindedly beside you. The song was not recognizable to you, yet it calmed you as the medications slowly started to make its way through your system.
Before you can drift off to sleep, Jeno starts speaking, “you should sleep in bed. I don’t want your neck to hurt when you wake up.” His fingers brushed away some hair from your face. You groaned softly, nuzzling yourself further into his chest. “Y/N, babe,” he continued before glancing over at Haechan, nodding at him slightly.
Haechan reluctantly pulled himself away from you, knowing it would help Jeno get you into bed. You whined, trying to reach for him to come back. Jeno slipped his free arm under your knees and picked you up carefully. He followed Haechan into your bedroom, softly laying you on the mattress and covering you with a blanket. Both boys removed their shirts to be more comfortable sleeping.
“Who do you wanna sleep beside?” Haechan asked, knowing your hatred for being in the middle while sleeping. On the couch, it was different. Being between both of your boyfriends during the night always caused you to be too hot, sweaty, and unable to sleep. Because of this, your boyfriends would switch who was in the middle depending on your preference. Haechan already had a guess of who you’d prefer today but decided to ask anyway.
“Jeno,” you barely whispered, curling up under the blanket and waiting for Jeno to join you. Jeno nodded, giving a quick look to Haechan, who’d started pouting. He settled himself beside you, allowing you to rest your head on his chest and cuddle close to him.
Haechan crawled on the other side of Jeno, situating himself near him. His legs intertwined with Jeno’s, and he wrapped an arm around his waist with his head near Jeno’s shoulder on the pillow. Jeno trailed one hand up and down your back softly, and he turned his head to kiss the top of Haechan’s head a few times.
Haechan was a clingy cuddler, which usually didn’t help comfort you when you were sick or in a bad mood. Jeno was much more chill and allowed you (and Haechan) to pick the positions, usually having Jeno end up being a pillow. Although both of them had gotten used to this arrangement, Haechan couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when he wasn’t chosen. Today he felt horrible as he thought he was the cause of your headache. He’d been the one to initiate hitting each other with the shopping cart.
“Y/N?” his voice sounded different, almost like it would break like glass any second. You hummed in response, not moving from your comfortable spot on Jeno’s chest. “I’m sorry for making you get a headache,” he mumbled into Jeno’s arm. His own arm tightened on Jeno for some form of security and comfort.
“Hyuck, it’s not your fault,” you said softly, moving your head to look at your boyfriend. He kept his eyes focused on anything but you. “I promise, it’s not your fault,” you pressed, holding his hand.
“I’m sorry for hitting you, Jeno.”
“It’s okay, Haechan. I hit you too, remember?”
“Still,” his voice just as soft and fragile. You glanced up at Jeno, trying to communicate with him about what to do next. Jeno sat up slowly, allowing you to move your head onto the pillow underneath your head rather than his chest and breaking the connection between you and Haechan.
Haechan let out a gentle groan, trying to push Jeno back down to his spot. Jeno just smiled to himself before he crawled over Haechan, spooning him. After watching Jeno’s movements, you followed by scooting closer to Haechan. You brushed some of his hair away from his eyes with your hand before you kissed his forehead. You turned to lay on your other side, pressing your back into Haechan’s chest until he was spooning you.
Haechan was surprised but wasn’t quite sure what to say or do. He just wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer before pressing a kiss to your shoulder. Jeno smiled to himself again, happy he could solve this little problem and mild insecurity of his boyfriend. Quickly you all fell asleep, curled up against each other.
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Mettaton for ask game?
Apologies for the late response, I have... a lot to say about him hahaha
favorite thing about them: If I were to list everything about this bot, we would be here all day, so... He's the second character to be so excellent as to induce a wholeass long-term hyperfixation. Every scene with this guy is memorable... and largely fucking hilarious, but that's not the only thing there is to MTT either. He's a complicated, deeply flawed character with a lot of depth, burying insecurity and a lot of difficult, ugly emotions under a painted Hollywood smile. Also... he really is hot he is so fucking hot I've never thirsted this much over a fictional character before aaaaaaa
least favorite thing about them: My MTT related pet peeves are powerful, and they are many. *Deep breath* The fact that he's a hard character to get right and most people don't, either making him a perfect uwu sparkleboy bottom or an irredeemable abuser that doesn't believe in consent. The fact that he's the most neglected main character, with his equivalent of the bit that would have showcased the majority of his character development getting dropped fairly early in development leading to it just getting *implied*. (I don't care that giving him a "date" would have thrown off the pacing of the game, I want more MTT dammit *whine*) The fact that, as funny as he is, comedy's the ONLY reason anyone ever brings him up in stuff Toby Fox added later. The fact that he's not a Lost Soul despite literally being in the room. The wasted potential of Mettaton NEO. I've suspected Toby Fox doesn't know what he has with him more than once before.
favorite line: Every line this fucker says is pure gold, but I'm always partial to "oh, my poor love! I'm so full of grief, I can't stop laughing!".
brOTP: I headcanon that he reconciles with Alphys of course, but I've become particularly invested in his relationship with his bandmates Blooky and Shyren. Especially Blooky. It's gonna be a long hard road to truly making things right with Blooky of course, you can see in the alarm clock dialogue things are still decidedly Not Great with the ghost family and this bot would truly rather die than utter the words "I'm sorry", but... I like to think the family's going to get there... eventually.
OTP: I do think he's a very sexual alloaro, but while I don't go nuts for any there are actually quite a few ships I've gone "okay sure" at (though tbh I read them more as "yeah MTT probably would find this person attractive" than "marriage material").
nOTP: I'll not beat a skeleton horse one more time, I also find Mettaton/Burgerpants rather squicky. That most ungifted in the looks department boy is obnoxiously hetero if nothing else (and there is QUITE A LOT else)
random headcanon: I have. So many. I think about this robot. So much. Two I haven't talked about yet is that I agree with the idea that he transitions partially away from film and TV in the human world, finding the majority of the fame he seeks as a music star with the band. And the reason that he's so shitty to Burgerpants and no other employee is he overheard Burgerpants say something mildly unflattering about his acting skills one (1) time and he's held a grudge literally ever since 😅
unpopular opinion: It's an orientation one yet again but he really does give me more bi/pan vibes than gay vibes. Mspec Metta is a hill I WILL die on.
song i associate with them: "Most songs are about your hyperfixation if you torture the lyrics enough" is in full effect rn, so in addition to just putting "90% of Lady Gaga's musical output" here, Oh No! by Marina reminds me very much of him (though it's not a perfect fit, he very much DID want fame)
favorite picture of them: I no longer have my favorite screenshot I took of him having his heartfelt moment when Blooky calls while mid-splits with an arm up because I did the armor tactic the first time through his fight, so fuck it, y'all are getting this:
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He's also the entirety of my "fave" tag (suggestiveness ahead)
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re: your last ask about the time travel shenanigans—holy fuck yes please more of this. like, not only is it funny as hell, which i appreciate, but it's also a. more c!thomas and b. points to just how interestingly both the plot and characters of this series have grown over the years and i am ALL for it
"Janus!" is the first thing Thomas exclaims when he sees the Side Formerly Known Exclusively As Deceit rise up where Logan would usually stand. Which just might be a mistake, if Janus’s expression is anything to go by.
Okay, in Thomas's defence -
This is a really, really weird day, even by his standards. Because, like, Logan's currently standing in front of the stairs, and that's not where Logan's supposed to be, and his shirt and tie are all wrong. And had had been grinning. Openly. He had been openly grinning when Thomas had first woken up and looked in his wardrobe and realized that his favorite t-shirt apparently doesn't exist anymore and all his clothes are a half-size smaller than he's used to but also they still fit and - okay, no, back to Logan. He'd gone downstairs and tripped over a chair that wasn't supposed to be there and called out Logic. And he'd been about to ask him what's going on and why everything feels so off and also why Logan's standing in Virgil's usual spot instead of over to the right of the stairs. But then he'd noticed all the aforementioned Very Weird Clothing Things. And he'd stopped and said, "Uh, Logan?" and Logan's grin had dropped and he'd stared at Thomas for a full ten seconds then whispered, "what the fuck," with great emotion.
And then Patton had shown up with a ridiculous amount of pun-riddled cheerfulness that Thomas had been able to clock as sixty-percent fake within about half a second. And his clothes had been all wrong, too, and after a lot of confused, borderline-incomprehensible yelling at each other, Roman had showed up and added to the chaos.
"I am scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it!" Thomas had declared at some point, which had been the cue for an ominous music sting somewhere to Thomas's right that made everybody jolt in terrified unison.
"Did somebody say scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it?"
"Virgil, thank god!" Thomas had practically yelled, and just about thrown himself across the room to get to him - before pausing midway and allowing his brain to process... wrong hoodie. Wrong amount of eyeshadow. "Wait. No, hang on, is this - "
"FUCKING WHO," Virgil shrieked, leaping backwards half a flight of stairs, which had led to another round of confused yelling, with Thomas trying to assure them all that he's fine he hasn't had some sort of strange head injury or whatever, he's just really happy to see Virgil and no of course that's not weird, what do you mean who's Virgil, that's Virgil right over there, Roman please put down that sword things are already out of hand -
And at some point Thomas had got it into his head that the most reasonable course of events was to summon the one person who always seems to know everything that everybody else doesn't, which brings everything up to speed, more or less. Roman had gone, "Thomas, what are you doing," and Thomas, feeling slightly manic at this point, had said, "I'm trying to summon a demon, obviously," because the best way to get hold of a certain someone probably is blatant lying, and boom, instant Janus.
"Jeee-sus Christ on a cookie-shaped canoe, what is he doing here?!"
So, Janus pops up, he looks literally the same as he always has (except maybe with shorter hair? Wait, they all have shorter hair, including Thomas, wait a second -) with his half-snake-face and his hat and gloves that cosy-looking capelet of his. And although his expression reflects faint bewilderment and that very particular 'wait, what' emotion that results in being pulled abruptly away from something you were busy with, he looks so normal that Thomas thinks for a moment he might be the only sane person left.
But then Janus makes a series of start-and-stop noises of incomprehension, and gestures wildly towards Virgil, who's crouched midway up on the stairs behind Logan, looking like a cornered wild animal, and snaps, "Why for the love of everything that's holy would you tell him my name?"
"You think this is me?" Virgil retorts, hands going up to grab desperately at the bars lining the side of the staircase. "I don't understand anything that's going on! He somehow knows my name! He's - he's being nice to me!"
It suddenly occurs to Thomas that this might just possibly be a time travel sort of thing. It would explain the clothes shift. And the altered layout of his house. And the fact that when he'd checked his phone this morning it had told him it was 2016, and also it hadn't been his phone, it had been the one he'd broken a few years ago in a tragic piano-moving-related accident.
...Okay, yeah, this is absolutely a time travel thing.
"Is somebody going to explain why Thomas ruined all of our heartfelt name reveal moments in one fell swoop?" Roman demands. "I thought we agreed we were going to do them gradually and draw them out as long as possible for dramatic effect!"
"I agreed to none of that," Virgil snaps from his position halfway up the stairs.
"Yes," says Logan, "yes, I think we all would like to know what's going on. Thomas? What's going on?"
"Uh - " Thomas, who has just come to a rather startling realization about time travel and also about how shitty his Sides' taste in costumes were pre-wardrobe change, doesn't really have a prepared answer for this. "I have... I am - I just - "
Thomas struggles for words. Really struggles. And everyone's just standing there, watching him with expressions that range from terror to confusion to suspicion, and they all look so weirdly young in a way that's hard to pin down. It's the clothes. It's probably the clothes, or maybe it's the way they hold themselves. Roman, carelessly confident, without a doubt in the world. Patton, still wearing a fixed dad-grin, politely baffled and looking back and forth. Logan, who hasn't been systematically beaten down and pushed back over the course of many, many years. Virgil, who's basically just a ball of grey-and-black anger and acerbic anger at this point. Janus, who's... Janus. Who's looking at him in a way that Janus has never looked at him before.
And Remus is probably lurking somewhere in the back of his mind, too, doing whatever Remus does, and - would Remus be any different now, four years prior? Thomas hadn't had any significant problems with intrusive thoughts, not back then... or, well, back now. Maybe he's calmer, maybe Thomas could actually talk with him. Try to work something out, try to understand.
But wait, he's still got to give the Sides right here and right now an answer.
...Thomas has been through a lot in the past four years. Not, like, fantasy protagonist a lot, but more like a extended psychological journey of self-discovery and mental health crises. Now, he wouldn't trade any of this for the world, because he's learned a hell of a lot about himself in the process - but also? The Sides have put him through a lot of horrifying realization-type things.
Which is why he absolutely one hundred percent deserves to do what he's about to do next.
"I," says Thomas, with an extraordinary amount of confidence and self-assuredness, "am psychic."
And the dead silence holds. Now even Patton is staring at him in disbelief. Janus has graduated into outright horror, his face twisted up into a oh god no I am somehow responsible for letting him delude himself this far expression.
"Thomas!" Roman gasps, almost instantly lighting up with genuine enthusiasm. "Oh, Thomas, I'm so proud, we've been working on this for years. Tell me, does this extend to telekinesis, or just somehow knowing all our names and nothing else?"
"What?" Janus says. "What - no. No, you can't seriously be going along with this - what? That... what? That doesn't even make any sense?" He turns wildly from left to right, and - okay, it's very enjoyable to see him out of his depth, to be perfectly honest. Thomas likes Janus a lot, knows he has his best interests at heart, but the whole courtroom thing had been a major dick move. This is satisfying. "Are any of you getting this? Does anyone here understand what's going on?"
"I'm psychic," Thomas repeats doggedly. "I acquired magical psychic powers and now I know all of your names and tragic backstories. Surprise! I unlocked my full potential and the ninety-percent of my brain power that I wasn't using."
"That's - that's a widely-perpetuated and wildly incorrect myth," Logan says weakly.
"Nope. Turns out it's true, and I was only using ten percent of it, and now that I've gone full big-brain, I know that Patton's repressing all his bad feelings because he doesn't want to bother anyone with them, Virgil acts all scary and menacing because he thinks it's the only way that I'll ever listen to him, and Janus is secretly a huge dork with a heart of gold - uh, yellow, I guess."
"How dare you," Janus breathes, looking horrified.
"Wha - " Patton suddenly looks very pale indeed.
"Also, Roman, you're my hero; Logan, please never stop smiling like that ever again, it's literally my favorite thing in the world and if you ever stop being enthusiastic about teaching me things I will cry - and Virgil, I love you."
Virgil lets out a choked little noise like he's just been punched directly in the stomach.
"I love all of you," Thomas adds, an afterthought. "I never say that enough. Janus, that goes for you as well. You're right, I need to take care of myself more."
"I'm - " Janus is still looking around at everyone in complete disbelief, but now his gaze fixes onto Thomas, his eyes wide. "I'm what?"
Thomas is now on a roll. An extremely cathartic sort of roll. "And Remus -"
Everybody immediately panics. Virgil and Logan's hands both immediately leap up to clasp over their mouths, which seems to be a reflexive reaction on Janus's behalf. Patton lets out a deranged-sounding high pitched giggle that edges into genuine hysteria.
"Brother? What brother? I don't know what a brother is!" Roman says loudly. "I've never had a brother in my life! Thomas, your glorious psychic powers are malfunctioning. Have you tried turning them off and turning them on again?"
" - I'm not going to lie and say I love him, but -" Thomas stops abruptly, and staggers  backwards to catch himself on the couch as a thought strikes him out of literally nowhere. "Son of a bitch -"
"Does being psychic make you swear a lot?" Patton asks weakly. "Because, uh. Not sure I like this side of you, kiddo - "
"Logan," says Thomas. "Logan, what's the date today? This is so, so important, what's the date."
"It's... October," Logan says, very slowly. "October twentieth. 2016?"
"Holy shit," Thomas whispers, and then says it louder, "holy shit. Okay, listen. I was going to sort out all of our collective psychological issues in one impressive emotional speedrun, but I've realized we have something much more important to do." He pauses, and takes in a very deep, shuddering breath. "Guys. We can save Vine. Excuse me. I've just realized I’ve got to make a lot of calls."
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch 14- Well, fuckin’ Shalom.
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: After another dangerous encounter with Ahmed’s troops, Ari is back into a corner and comes out fighting.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+) Violence, angst and death.
Pairings: Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: It’s Hannah’s birthday today so Happy Birthday, Firefly!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 13
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Ari pushed a grumbling Simon off his face and sat up, trying not to move too much. Once out of bed, he stretched before sorting himself out in the bathroom and dressing as quickly and as quietly as possible so as not to wake Hannah who was, thankfully, fast asleep.
After the events of the previous day, when Rachel had gotten him and Sammy out of jail and they had driven back to the resort only to find Ethan was shutting them down, Ari had had a rough night, memories of the ordeal making his already light sleep almost impossible at times. He had spent a few hours wide awake in the dark, lying still to avoid disturbing Hannah, simply staring at the ceiling of their hut as his restless mind continued to deny him a peaceful sleep.
He had been, and somehow still was, physically and emotionally exhausted. The mere thought that Hannah had intended on ending what they had just a few hours ago still made him shudder. Following their heartfelt conversation on the dock they’d stumbled into the hut, and he’d loved her softly, slowly and intimately in the shower before they’d collapsed into bed. All of that combined with the whispered sweet nothings they had shared in the still of their hut might tell a different story, but Ari was well aware he had fucked up and almost lost her a second time.
And it made him sick to his stomach.
Ari shook his head, a reflex action, almost as if it would shake the thoughts from his mind and he sighed gently into the quiet of the hut as he finished buckling the laces on his trainers, turning from where he was sat at the edge of their bed to look at his Firefly sleeping with Simon who had curled up by her side. He smiled softly at the scene as he leaned in to place a loving kiss on her head before leaving the hut.
A few minutes later, Ari emerged in the breakfast area after a short stroll down the beach. The bruises and cuts on his face and over his left cheekbone were beginning to heal but the dull sting of his skin was a clear reminder of what had gone down in that prison cell in Khartoum and the depth of Sammy’s anger towards him. Still, as arranged the previous night, Sammy showed up along with Jake and Max early so no one else was around. As he brewed a pot of coffee, Ari went over his plan to set off to find Kabede and explained his last-minute decision to only take Max and Sammy with him, leaving Jake in charge of the resort and the girls. He wasn’t willing to take any risks after the events of their last mission only a couple of days before.
“Don’t lose sight of them, Jake. However feisty they get, especially Hannah.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Jake agreed as he took the mug Ari was handing him and Max snorted.
“You know she’s gonna give him a hard time, right?”
“I don’t much care.” Ari snapped at Max with a stern voice, causing the man to raise his hands in mock surrender. At that Jake sighed so Ari turned to look at him, his voice softer. “If she’s getting an attitude, tell her to take it up with me when I’m back. There’s a reason why her and Rachel don’t know where we’re going. And they won’t need to either until it’s done.”
As he finished instructing Jake on how to act upon a more than probable tantrum on Hannah’s part, Ari could clearly see Sammy rolling his eyes.
“More lies, huh.”
“Will you stop with your comments, Sammy?” Ari groaned. He’d had enough of the man’s accusatory looks and snarky comments to last him a lifetime. “I get it, you hate me, you already made your point.” And to make his, Ari gestured to the bruising around his face.
Sammy didn’t answer, but simply maintained giving his so-called best friend a cold stare until Max’s groan put an end to the war of deadly stares.
“Come on guys. This is it, we’ll be out of here in a few days. Let’s go find Kabede, give him the news and-” he sighed, “-wrap it up and get out of this fucking sandpit.”
Ari looked at Max at he spoke and then back at Sammy who scoffed and, without so much as a word, started walking to the jeep as he lit a cigarette.
Ari looked down and sighed, hands on his hips before his head tipped up to the sky. He then turned to Max, who simply shrugged and stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth as he followed Sammy.
When Hannah woke later that morning, she instinctively turned and reached for Ari, missing his touch. She was used to waking up him either holding her from behind, sometimes peppering kisses on the back of her neck or, as the case usually was, hearing him groaning and cursing as he pushed Simon off the mutt’s preferred sleeping pillow, his face. But that morning there was nothing, because Ari wasn’t there. Blinking she laid still, listening for any sound that gave his whereabouts away, but she could hear nothing at all, no sounds of the taps running, or the water from the shower splashing down into the tray. Frowning, she stretched her arm and her hand felt Ari’s side of the bed to find it was cold, well, as cold as it could be in a beach hut in Sudan with no air-con.
As she sat up, Hannah thought to herself that the most likely explanation was that Ari had just gotten up and gone for a run after he had been unable to sleep following the events of the previous thirty-six hours or so. He’d been restless all night, and no matter what she had tried to do to help, and she had to admit she had tried a lot of things to help him relax so to speak, Ari couldn’t settle completely.
Hannah sighed, remembering her attempts to soothe her Lobo’s uneasiness as her eyes roamed the hut and when her eyes landed on Ari’s bedside table she noticed his watch wasn’t on it. He never wore his watch when he went running as it irritated him but, strangely enough, his running trainers were gone too so she was at an utter loss.
“Where’s your daddy, huh?” She asked softly as she looked at Simon who moved his tail and gave a little yawn and a huff in response making her chuckle, scratching his ear. “You couldn’t care less, huh?”
Pondering, Hannah got up and, after washing and dressing, she went outside. The sun was particularly scorching that morning and she had to pull her shades down as she greeted some of the guests who were already milling about. But as hard as she tried to spot Ari, there was no sign of him on the beach. She made her way to the main building, Simon hot on her tracks, and found Jake and Rachel serving breakfast.
“You slept in.” Rachel said as she greeted her with a warm smile.
“Yeah sorry, must have been tired after everything. Guy was tossing and turning all night.” She apologised in her thick, Spanish accent, as she looked around at the various tables sporting the guests. “Where is everyone else?”
“Luca says the guys went to the market.” Rachel deadpanned, but Hannah could read the disbelief behind her words so she frowned at the blonde woman.
“To the market? Ari?” She scoffed, dropping her voice. “And with my brother?” Hannah then turned to look at Jake who had approached them but he only shrugged as she arched her brow. “You’re full of shit.”
“Hey, that’s what they told me, Red.” He repeated as he started walking into the kitchen area to fetch another tray of toast.
“Where are they really?” Hannah inquired, following him.
“Told you. Market.” Jake answered as he left the tray on the serving counter by the kitchen.
Hannah noticed he was avoiding her stare and when their eyes met for a split second she took advantage of it and glared at him. “I know you’re lying.” She hissed.
But Jake wasn’t going to give in that easily. Whilst he feared Hannah’s rant, he also feared Ari’s should he blow their cover, so he was determined to play the part he had been asked to till the very end. Thus, he had no choice but to shrug again, the expression on his face unreadable, and keep on with his breakfast duty- to bring a pot of coffee to a guest table. 
Hannah huffed in frustration and turned to Rachel. “Do you believe him?”
“Not a single word.” Rachel smiled
“Then where the hell...” she began to ask, more to herself than to her friend and team mate. And the frown on her face softened as her eyes opened wide when it suddenly dawned on her what was really happening and she groaned.
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Rachel nodded with a little sigh.
“What the fuck... why didn’t they tell us?” Hannah scoffed, her hands laying on her hips. And Rachel thought she couldn’t look more like Ari when she did that even if she tried.
“I’m betting on Ari’s stupid sense of protection.” Rachel shrugged.
“Yeah well, he’s gonna be the one needing protection when he comes home. Fucking asshole.” Hannah growled as she grabbed a piece of toast and chewed it, angrily.
When Ari, Max and Sammy reached the shanty town, it was instantly apparent something was wrong. They found Kabede slumped against a wall, a stab wound to his chest that Sammy suspected had resulted in a punctured lung. But his injury was completely forgotten by the man when Ari informed him that Mossad had pulled the plug on the mission.
“Mission? This is not a mission for me. This is my life. My family. You go.”
Ari was torn. Kabede was right, this was more than a mission. It had been his life for two years and on top of that, he wasn’t sure he could go back to Israel knowing that they were leaving over three hundred innocent lives behind to their fate at the hands of a tyrannical regime which, most likely, would torture and kill them once they were found.
Ari swallowed and looked at Max and Sammy, jerking his head and the three of them headed out of the hut into the heat of the sun.
“You wanna pull off one last rescue, don’t you?” Max asked once they were outside.
Ari looked at him and it was all the answer he needed to give as Sammy groaned at his silence.
 “I can't force you guys to do this one. This is up to you. You know the risks.” Ari spoke calm but determined, his mind made up.
“I'm in.” Max deadpanned as he nodded.
Ari then turned to Sammy who rolled his eyes. He looked back at Max and asked him to give Sammy and him some alone time and Max obliged, heading away without a glance back.
“Whatever you want to do, I'll back you up.” Ari told Sammy once he found the words to convey the most honest message he could give his friend. It was not the time for absurd displays of testosterone and he knew it.
 Sammy scoffed and blurted out a “Fuck you.” before bringing the cigarette to his lips.
Ari stood there, his arms folded but didn’t protest at his friend’s jab. He lifted his head to look at him instead and spoke softly. “You're right. I'm an asshole. I let my ego get in the way. I get an idea, and I go with it. I don't listen. I take risks. Sometimes it works, sometimes people get hurt. I'm sorry. And if you wanna go home, I'll back you up.”
“I'm not going home without Hannah, Ari. How can I? How can I leave her here with you?” Sammy snarled though he knew better than to raise his voice where they were.
“I’d never do anything to...” Ari began to defend himself but was cut off.
“To what? Put her in danger? You already did! By simply bringing her here, her neck has been on the block, in fact all our necks have.” Sammy hissed gesturing at him with his hand before throwing his cigarette down and stamping on it, looking up at Ari before shrugging and dropping his head again.
“Here we go again, huh?” Sammy spoke after a few seconds, his eyes piercing Ari’s before he shook his head as he walked off.
When they arrived back at the resort, Ari was on edge for a number of reasons and his anxiety was compounded when Hannah railed at him for leaving without telling her where he was going. After a very heated exchange, he finally managed to calm her down enough to get her to listen along with Rachel and Jake as he filled them in on what he, Max and Sammy had found. When Ari explained that he needed either her or Rachel to go with them to pick up the refugees, Hannah nodded and said she would go, much to Sammy’s annoyance. But as usual, she paid her brother absolutely no attention whatsoever.
The problem Ari had, was that he was back to operating with no plan. His priority was getting the refugees out of harm’s way but after that, he was flying blind and banking on managing to talk Ethan around. But, as usual, he was in act now, think later mode. And for the most, it was working. The collection went without a hitch, and a few hours later, just as darkness had fallen, they were pulling back up to the resort.
And then they spotted the military jeeps.
Ari exchanged a look with Hannah who let out a curse and an exhale as she too spotted their unwelcome visitors. Ari hopped out of the truck, and motioned to Max and Sammy, indicating the jeeps. They both nodded to show they’d understood, and then he took Hannah’s hand.
“Follow my lead, okay?” He looked at her, squeezing his fingers around hers and she nodded as they headed inside. Ari began to laugh and Hannah, picking up on his signal, grinned at him as he closed the lattice door behind them, his hand still round hers, the other running through his hair. He gave a little false surprised start as he looked at the man in front of him, his best acting skills on show as he gave the man a smile and a puzzled look.
“Colonel. To what do we owe this pleasure?”
“I was just treating my men to some of Abu Aziz's famous cooking.” The man drawled back.
“Great,” Ari let go of Hannah's hand and planted his palm on the base of her back, guiding her forward, “let's not keep him waiting.”
They both walked past him, smiling at a few other guests, but Ahmed didn’t follow. “Stop.” He spoke loudly and Ari did as he was told, glancing at Hannah before the pair of them turned to look at him. “I just want to see what is in the back of your truck.”
“What for?” Ari shot back, a frown on his face, his stomach in nervous knots.
“It will please me.” Ahmed gave a huge grin displaying his bright white teeth before he barked something in Arabic to a soldier who obediently ran off.
Ari looked at Hannah, then to Rachel, fake puzzlement on his face as the two women both gave an exaggerated shrug, feigning nonchalance. There was a lot of shouting, as they all waited with bated breath, but eventually Ahmed’s smug grin slipped and Ari felt a huge wave of relief wash over him.
But, his relief didn’t last long. As they sat for dinner, the soldiers continued to patrol around the resort and the tension in the air was palpable, not merely across the team but also the guests. Ari was getting more and more frustrated and nervous as the seconds passed not least because he actually had no idea where Max and Sammy had hidden the refugees. He cleared his throat a little, his right arm leaning on the back of his chair, almost facing Hannah who was sat next to him, her body language tense. His left hand dropped to her back, gently rubbing circles over her T-shirt which was tacky with sweat as they both watched a soldier who walked amongst the tables, with his rifle held in his arms.
“Is there something I can help them find?” Ari turned to Ahmed.
“They are just doing their jobs.” The man shrugged before he looked at Nathifa who had come to clear away their starter plates, and began speaking once more in Arabic. Ari, Hannah, Jake and Rachel all exchanged a look. Whilst they had no idea what was being said, they could hazard a pretty good guess the man was digging for information. As he watched, in the corner of his eyes, Ari saw Rachel glance around, before she turned to him, taking a deep breath.
“I'll be right back,” she stood up. Hannah’s eyes followed her before she glanced at Jake who met her puzzled expression with one of his own. Giving a little cough, she reached for her glass of water at the same time Ari shifted in his seat, his hand dropping to Hannah’s thigh as he spoke to Nathifa who was now visibly distressed.
“Nathifa, go help Aziz with the food.”
Taking her leave, she did just that and a few minutes later their main course arrived. But, unlike normal, the entire resort was pretty much silent bar the chatter of the soldiers who were raucous around the table. Ari really wasn’t hungry, none of them were, they were too nervous as it wasn’t just their safety that was on the line but the hundreds of refugees hidden around the place, not to mention the guests who were all equally as tense at the armed guards. Taking Ari’s lead, Hannah forced herself to eat, keeping up appearances, and after what felt like a lifetime Ahmed placed his knife and fork down, letting out an appreciative noise. 
“This was delicious.” He waved his arms over the table. “Maybe I'll bring Abu Aziz to come cook for me, hey?”  He let out a chuckle as Nathifa made to move away with the plates, but in a flash he reached up and grabbed her arm, once more speaking in Arabic. And none of them needed to be able to understand the language to know the man was being forceful, and the young girl was scared.
Ari took a deep breath through his nose as Hannah’s hand dropped to his thigh and he steadied himself, quelling the anger that was simmering in his mind at the assholes treatment of the girl he had hold of. When he spoke, his voice was calm but stern, a far cry from how he felt inside. “Don't do that,” he shook his head, his gaze locked on Ahmed, who simply stared back at him, that arrogant, smug nature he exuded was almost suffocating. The man tossed his head at Ari, goading him further as he made a simple noise of questioning whilst he continued to feel up the young woman, his hand round her waist, rubbing up and down her thigh.
Ari clenched his teeth together, Hannah’s nails now digging painfully into his leg through his denims and he was aware of the deathly silence that had filled the room, all eyes now on him and Ahmed waiting to see how the clash of the two alphas was going to play out.
“Do you know why I love Hadandawa women?” Ahmed snorted as his hand slid round to Nathifa’s ass. “Because they are absolutely wild in the sack.” With a laugh he pulled her onto his lap as the soldiers around laughed as she let out a sob of protest.
“Hey!” A voice shouted from the rear of the room and Hannah turned her head slightly to see Rachel had returned and was stood a little behind them, her eyes fixed on the scene as it played out, her face set in anger. And then, in the corner of her eye, Hannah saw Ari slipping the steak knife off the table, his hand clenched around the wooden handle. His entire body was coiled like a snake, ready to attack, and Hannah knew he’d reached the point where if he was pushed anymore he wouldn’t think once, let alone twice.
Ahmed ignored Rachel completely, and continued his disgusting little monologue. “Because they don't feel anything down there.”
Hannah glanced at Jake, who shook his head slightly as he too had noticed Ari take the knife, and Hannah realised then she had to diffuse the situation before someone got killed. Ari might be fast, and strong, and in normal circumstances she’d bet on him to win, but these soldiers had guns. And he wouldn’t stand a chance, none of them would.
“Their fathers cut them when they are very young, so...” Ahmed chuckled, his hand straying across Nathifa’s thighs travelling slowly upwards. “You have to be very rough for them to feel anything at all.”
Hannah felt Ari besides her, moving as if he was going to get up, but before he got the chance, she reached over and deliberately knocked the water jug across the table. There was a sudden flurry of activity, as the liquid spread across the table, some of the soldiers jumping out of its way, and Ahmed made a clicking noise and pushed Nathifa up off his lap as the pool of water spread towards him. The sudden movement caused the girl to stumble to the floor and before Ari could stop her, Hannah jumped up to help.
“Do you have to be rough with your girl, Mr Thomas?” Ahmed asked, and Ari’s eyes flicked to his, his palm gripping at the knife even more as the man’s eyes moved to Hannah, a grin on his face. “Does she like it? Maybe I should try and see.”
And that was it, Ari was done. No one threatened his girl, no one.
Ahmed’s hand moved towards Hannah as she helped Nathifa to her feet, but his fingers had barely brushed her arm before Ari was out of his chair and right in front of the asshole.
“Don’t you lay a finger on her,” he hissed, the blade of the knife pressed into the man’s neck, fury radiating from every inch of his body as he glared at the man who dared to threaten his girl. Around him, soldiers were all raising their guns as everyone else stood stock still, the sound of his own breathing was all that Ari heard for a moment before Ahmed smirked.
“Or what? Huh? What is it that you are planning on doing with that knife, Mr. Thomas?”
“Hopefully just eat my dinner.” Ari’s voice was low but threatening, because consequences be damned, he wouldn’t think twice about slitting the man open, ear to ear. The two men faced off, neither backing down, the tension simmering until Ahmed eventually gestured for the soldiers to lower their guns. As they did so, Ari let out a deep breath, the hand holding the knife dropping slowly, his eyes not leaving Ahmed for a second.
Which was a mistake, as he missed the soldier approaching him from behind. The first he knew about it was a scream from Hannah at the same time he registered a searing pain as he was clubbed on the back of the head by the butt of a rifle. With a grunt, Ari fell to his knees, hands clutched to the back of his head as stars exploded in front of his eyes. His hands clutched to the back of his head in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain as he slumped back against the leg of the table, his head spinning. He blinked as Hannah dropped to her knees in front of him, her hands reaching to cup his face as he struggled to focus. He was aware that a few people were talking, and then there was a flurry of movement, and he blinked again, the room fading back into view as Hannah looked at him, her eyes full of tears.
“Lobo? Hey, let me see.” She whispered and he shook his head, swallowing as he brought his hand back in front of his face to check for blood. There was none.
“I’m okay.” He nodded to her, and she looked at him for a second before she stood and offered him her hand. He took it and rose to his feet, the other hand still pressed to the back of his head as he watched the remaining soldiers leave the room. The last one had barely left before he moved and pulled Hannah to him, his arms wrapping around her as he grimaced against the throbbing in his skull. Taking a deep breath he held Hannah’s trembling frame tightly, pressing a kiss to her head.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked, cupping her face and she shook her head.
“He barely touched me, Ari. I’m more worried about you.”
“He shouldn’t have even done that.” Ari ignored her concern as he shook his head, swallowing. He turned his head to glance around at the guests who were all watching with trepidation. With a nod, he gestured to the kitchen just as Max and Sammy both appeared and the team headed away from prying eyes.  
Ari immediately headed to the lattice screens over the windows, his hand wrapped around Hannah’s as the pair of them watched the jeeps driving off.
“They're gonna be back soon. With numbers.” Ari said, as he turned to look at his team over his shoulder as he felt that horrible, shitty cold feeling of dread flood his system. Their timescales had just shrunk, dramatically.
“Especially when they figure out they're one man short.” Max sighed.
“What do you mean?” Hannah frowned. “What did you do?”
At that, Max shot a pointed look at Rachel as Sammy looped an arm round her shoulder, giving her a squeeze. Ari blinked as Rachel looked up at him, swallowing, and he gave a groan as he realised what was going on.
“Where is he?”
Less than a minute later the group of them were looking at exactly where he was. Dead on the floor of a hut. As they all stared down at the deceased soldier, none of them sure what the next steps were, Ari was frantically wracking his brain for a solution. This was his responsibility as leader after all.
But, it was Sammy that broke the silence to state the obvious. “We need a plan, Ari, and fast.”
Painfully aware that Sammy was right, Ari rubbed his face with his hand before he took a deep breath. He had been hoping to back Ethan into a corner and force him to backtrack and effectively mount one last rescue op before they all bailed, but that had completely gone out of the window. There’s no way they could even attempt it, not now that Ahmed was into them and one of his soldiers lay dead by his feet.
This was a fucking mess, and Ari suddenly found himself wishing there was one of Bowen’s dammed cargo planes coming for them…
Oh. Oh...
“Okay.” Ari gave a nod as the bones of a plan formed in his mind, letting out a deep exhale as he turned to Rachel and Jake. “Buy me a day, make sure they're taken care of but completely invisible. Don't let the staff in here.” Rachel nodded as he looked round at the guys in turn as he spoke. “Max, Sammy, take the truck, get the rest of the group.” He then looked at Hannah, squeezing her hand. “You and I gotta call Ethan.”
And you’re not leaving my side till we’re out of this fucking country…
Hannah looked at him, frowning a little and Ari knew why. Given that Ethan had warned him not to go near the remaining refugees he knew he was in for it. But he didn’t give a shit. Ethan could yell at him all he wanted, Ari’s priority now was his team and the hundreds of frightened people they had hid at the resort.
Quietly they all left the hut, peeling off in different directions. Rachel and Jake strode back up to the main part of the resort to see to the remaining guests that were still milling around following dinner, whilst Max and Sammy headed off to the trucks. Ari led Hannah back towards the resort a little behind Jake and Rachel, running through his plan in his head. It was such a long shot, but the only one they had.
“What are you gonna do, Ari?” Hannah’s voice was soft and he paused, turning to look at her.
“I’m gonna tell Ethan we need imminent extraction.”
“What? He can’t. There’s no exfil plan!” Her eyes widened as she shook her head. “And even if he could, now we have like three hundreds refugees after he told you not to get them!”
Ari dropped his head, hands on hips. “I know, sweetheart, which is why we’re gonna have to play the Bowen card.” His eyes met Hannah’s as she hesitated, and then frowned, opening her mouth to no doubt protest but Ari cut her off. “He knows who we are and what we’re doing, Han. He even mentioned your father’s name.”
“Yes, but what the fuck makes you think he can help when our own government can’t?” She shook her head. “Ari, this…”
“He talked about cargo planes, didn’t he?” Ari pressed. “Coming to evacuate them all?”
“Yeah, but... “
“We just have to convince him to get us one.” Ari shrugged, as if it was an easy and obvious solution, but he wasn’t fooling Hannah. She scoffed and snorted.
“Why would the US give a shit about-“
“You got a better idea?” Ari snapped, “because if you have, now is the time to share it.”
 Hanna’s mouth pressed tightly into a thin line and she folded her arms across her chest, looking away. Ari gave a sigh, and when he spoke his voice was softer, contrite almost, but still carried an unmissable tone of frustration.
“Just hear me out!” Ari implored as Hannah continued to stare into the distance. “Because it’s the only thing I got. And last time I checked I was still in charge.”
Hannah raised her eyebrows at that, and after what felt like an age, she turned to face him, her face stony and Ari took a deep breath as she looked at him.
“Go on then.” She instructed as Ari raked his fingers through his hair, the way he always did when he was stressed or thinking.
“We reach out to Bowen tomorrow, come clean,” he licked his lips, the salty taste of his sweat mixed with the sea air stung his tongue as he took a deep breath. “If we can get Ethan on side he might be able to pull some strings, get our people to call his.”
Hannah blinked, before she shook her head, letting out a deep breath from her nose. “If you say so.”
Her tone was flat and Ari’s shoulders sagged a little as he glanced out over the dark surface of the ocean. She didn’t think it was going to work, and even he had to admit he wasn’t sure it would either. But right now, he could see no option. They were past being discreet, this wasn’t merely dangerous, it was now a straight out battle between life and death, and he wasn’t going to sit around and simply wait for the inevitable to happen.
“Hannah, I know it’s a long shot…” He turned back to look at her as she gave a derisive snort as she met his eyes.
“Long? That’s an understatement-“
“-but right now it’s the only shot we have!” His voice rose once more as he threw his arms out to his side, his palms slapping against the outside of this thighs as the snapped back down. “So I’m gonna take it, with or without your help.”
Hannah’s tongue poked the inside of her cheek and Ari could tell she was biting back another response, undoubtedly a smart quip about this being no change from normal, that he came up with these off-the-cuff ideas and ran with them, because he was a reckless asshole. But this time was different, he was in a corner and there was no alternative but to come out fighting. And, unlike normal, he was unable to find it in him to assure her it was all gonna be okay because he didn’t know it would be, not for certain. And he couldn’t lie to her.
Instead he waited, impatiently, simply watching as she stared back at him, an expression on her face so like Sammy’s when he too thought Ari was being a dick, as she shook her head, her tongue making a clicking noise against her teeth. “Fine.” She popped her shoulder. “Let’s call Ethan.”
As predicted, Ethan blew his absolute fucking shit. He railed at Ari and Hannah over the radio, firing Ari, again. Both of them knew better than to interrupt his mad rant so they let him continue his angry diatribe until he finally finished and Ari picked up the conversation calmly and quietly. As he spoke and explained the spark of idea, Ethan’s logic kicked in and he agreed to do what he could at his end, but reminded them what they were already painfully aware of, essentially they were on their own. This whole operation had been illegal and off radar of the main Israeli government, so whilst Ethan was certainly able to provide them with a glimmer of an idea as to where they could exit the country, it was completely up to them to sort the when and how.
They spent the rest of the evening going over how they were going to approach Bowen and pull this off, Ari growing increasingly frustrated at the fact he didn't have the answers to Jake and Rachel’s questions. Eventually, Max and Sammy arrived back, and their attention then diverted to getting the remaining refugees quickly and quietly into the huts, providing medical treatment where needed and then some food. By the time that was done and the group reconvened in the kitchen area, it was almost half past three in the morning. To Ari's surprise, when he explained his plan to go to Khartoum and that he wanted Hannah to go with him, Sammy raised no objections, most likely because he was as keen to put as much distance between her and the potential returning soldiers as possible. And, whilst they were effectively about to officially blow their cover to the CIA, the US Embassy was the safest place for any of them to be.
They both took a quick shower and changed, Hannah dressing in a pair of faded jeans which grazed her ankles along with a pair of sneakers, whilst Ari pulled on a denim shirt and a pair of dark jeans before he sat on the edge of the bed to push his feet into his trusty boots as Hannah tied her hair back with a scrunchy. They then took Simon down to Max knowing the dog would try and follow the jeep unless he was occupied, and made a swift and quiet exit.
Ari could have driven the long journey to Khartoum with his eyes closed, it felt he'd done it that often over the past two years, but he was glad his eyes were firmly open as they both got to see the stunning sun rise over the desert horizon. It was a slight reprieve in an otherwise tense journey, both of them caught up in thoughts about what they had to do. At one point, however, Hannah fell silent mid discussion and Ari turned to see she'd fallen asleep. With a soft smile, he turned his attention back to the road happy to leave her to it. She might be exhausted but she was safe.
They arrived at the US Embassy at just gone Nine-Thirty, and a flash of Ari's 'Guy' Passport saw them through the guarded gate.
“Can I help you?” The receptionist looked up and Ari flashed her his most charming smile.
“We’re here to see Walton Bowen.”
“Do you have an appointment?” The woman beamed back, batting her eyelids at Ari, but before he could try and win her over with any more of his charm, Hannah rolled her eyes and cut in.
“We don’t need one.” She gave the woman a curt smile. “Tell him Guy Thomas and Rosa Gomez are here. He’ll see us.”
The receptionist blinked and Ari looked away, fighting the smirk that was threatening to spread across his face at Hannah’s tone. She kept her eyes on the receptionist, her mannerism not faltering for a second and the woman behind the desk gave a little cough as she reached for the phone. After a short conversation she replaced the receiver and looked up.
“He’s going to send someone down to collect you, in the mean time I’ll need you to sign in as Visitors.”
“Thank you.” Hannah replied sweetly as the woman slid over the register she needed them to fill in before she moved to a filing cabinet at the back. “What?” Hannah raised an eyebrow at Ari who simply shook his head.
“Nothing, Firefly.”
Less than five minutes later they were being led into the office upstairs, Bowen greeting them both in the main part before he led them through to a smaller room at the back which was clearly his office. They both politely declined his offer of something to drink, taking a seat opposite where Bowen himself sat at his desk. Ari’s hands clasped together in his lap as he took a deep breath, his eyes on Bowen,
“So, are you going to finally tell me who you really are?”
Frustration filled Ari’s system at how deliberately obtuse the guy was being. “You know who we are.” Ari’s voice was calm but authoritative, indicating that he wasn’t in the mood for whatever stupid horseplay Bowen was trying to tease them into. “I wish we had time to play games, but we don't.”
“Right.” Bowen was completely unfazed by Ari’s tone as he leant back in his chair, gesturing to them both “But I'd really like to hear it. From you.”
At that Hannah stiffened and took a deep breath, she was pissed off too. Ari gently laid a hand on her arm, as he turned to Bowen.
“Hypothetically?” Ari spoke, his eyes fixed on the man. “I'm the Israeli government.”
“Well fuckin' shalom.” Bowen’s voiced was laced with sarcasm as his eyebrow raised, a smirk on his face. Ari took a deep breath as he narrowed his eyes, Hannah making an angry noise through her nose as she shook her head, glancing around the room, teeth worrying at her bottom lip in a nervous, yet irritated manner.
“Let's assume for a second that we know something about these disappearing refugees.” Ari broke the tense silence. “And, we theoretically need your help getting about four hundred of them out of the country, immediately.”
 “Oh?” Bowen questioned, although both Ari and Hannah could tell he wasn’t in the least surprised. “How would I do that?”
“You mentioned planes.” Hannah looked at him as she crossed her left leg over her right. “Here on the ground in Khartoum, cargo planes.”
“Uh-huh.” Bowen replied, taking a deep breath before he shook his head. “Even if I could help you, Ari and Hannah.” He paused, levelling Ari with a look as Ari stiffened at the use of their real names whereas besides him Hannah merely blinked. “I don't have that kind of pull.”
“Okay, look,” Hannah uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, hands resting on her knees, “my dad didn’t found Mossad for you to come in riding shit shot over everything we’ve done or are trying to do.” She paused as Bowen took a deep breath, not an inch of surprise on his features confirming Hannah’s suspicions that he knew a dammed site more than just their names. “These are our people. They’re hungry, sick and being persecuted in a way you couldn’t possibly imagine. So much so that they’re willing to risk their lives to escape. Now, if we don’t find a way to get them out of here, then you’re gonna have a massacre not only on your hands but your conscience. So, I’ll ask again, are you gonna fucking help us or not?”
Her voice as steely, and as Ari looked at her, she was radiating a deathly, silent fury, fire burning in her eyes and for the first time since they’d started their meeting, Bowen’s cocky demeanour faltered a little as he shifted uncomfortably under her glare.
Despite everything, Ari couldn’t help but smile at how quickly Hannah had turned this round on Bowen by calling him out and he was reminded exactly why he had wanted her on the mission in the first place. Sure, her skills lay in the medical field but in situations like this she was fearless, quick thinking and had an authority about her when she was in this mood that could make the bravest of men quake in their boots. Right there and then, he didn’t think he could love her any more if he tried.
And he was also highly inappropriately turned on.
Bowen sighed and shook his head, an apologetic look on his face, his body language now shifting from cautious to open. “Honestly, the best I can do is talk to my bosses.”
“Well then,” Hannah nodded to the two phones on his desk, her arms folding back over her chest, chin jutting upwards in a display of defiance, “get talking.”
Bowen looked at her before he took a deep sigh and picked up the phone. From then on in it was a flurry of calls, back and forth it went as Ari explained in detail his idea and what he had agreed with Ethan.
For hours the wrangling went on until Bowen made the final call and informed them there was nothing more he could do formally. Ari, frustrated by the amount of red tape the man seemed to be caught up in had started pacing up and down, hand running through his beard. Hannah remained nervously in her seat, her foot tapping the leg of Bowen’s desk as the man gave her a small smile.
And then the red phone rang.
All three of them looked at it, Hannah rising to her feet as Bowen took a deep breath before he reached to pick it up, but Ari stopped him, hurrying over from his spot in the doorway, panic flooding his system as he suddenly realised there was a pretty big chance this wasn’t gonna go the way they wanted.
“Wait, wait, wait!” His large hand curled on the receiver to prevent Bowen answering as it continued to ring shrilly. “I don't know what this person's gonna tell you. They may tell you to throw me out of the building or the country, but I promise you, what you do right now will be your legacy.” He paused as Bowen looked at him. “When you look back on this moment, it will either fill you with great pride, or great shame.”
Bowen looked at him, before Ari moved back and he picked up the phone. “This is Walton.”
Ari and Hannah exchanged looks, her hand slipping into his giving it a squeeze as Bowen spoke. Eventually, he put the phone down and took a deep breath.  
“They told me to throw you out.” He shrugged and Hannah felt her heart sink.
“Fuck!” Ari slammed his hand on the desk before he stood up, both hands flying through his hair.
“But lucky for you, we’re cut from the same cloth Ari, I don’t much care for stupid decisions from up the chain either.” Ari blinked, his hands dropping to his side as he stared at Bowen, who shrugged a little. “You’re right, I don’t want four hundred deaths on my conscience so I’ll get you a plane, but I can only get you one.”
Ari let’s out a sigh of relief, his mouth dry as he thanked every single one of his damned lucky stars. He turned to Hannah who was looking up at the ceiling, swallowing and blinking back tears, letting out the breath she had been holding pretty much since the phone rang.
“We got a thirty minute window tonight.” Bowen continued, as he turned and walked to a filing cabinet, pulling out a scroll “I can’t buy any more time.” With a flourish he unrolled the paper out onto his desk and Hannah instantly spotted it was a map as he pinned it down with a stapler at one side and a book at the other. He glanced up at Ari then Hannah, pointing to it.  “You mentioned an air field?”
By the time they had fleshed out their plan, which involved numerous calls on secure lines back to Mossad HQ, it was almost two in the afternoon, and Ari was conscious that they needed to go if they were to stand any chance of meeting the schedule. After bidding Bowen a hasty good bye, they made their way swiftly to the jeep, hopped in and Ari sped away from the embassy back down the main road that would lead them out of Khartoum for what Ari was hoping would be the last time.
They felt like it was taking forever, and this time it was the setting sun that filled their eyes as Ari navigated the jeep down the deserted dirt track through the desert, once more avoiding the main road. They made small talk, a mix tape playing over the speakers as they went, Hannah mostly concentrating on going over their plan so they had it down to the last detail. But after a few hours, Ari had fallen silent and had taken to huffing impatiently, the foot which wasn’t pressed on the accelerator was jiggling nervously and his jaw was clenching in that tell-tale way. After half an hour or so of watching this silently, Hannah instructed him to pull over and take a moment before they had an accident, something he was extremely reticent to do but obliged anyway because she knew she was right. He needed to stretch his legs and clear his mind as much as he could. He would be no use to anyone if he arrived home in this state. He needed to be calm, focussed and together.
Ari left the ignition running, in case they needed to make a quick get-away and climbed out of the vehicle where he had pulled off the dirt track slightly and parked in the shelter of two sand dunes. He cracked his neck, ran his hand through his hair and began pacing a little, his toes scuffing at a few loose rocks as he took a deep breath, while Hannah watched from her spot against the rear fender of the jeep where she leaned back against the warm metal, her eyes tracking his every movement.
Ari bit his lip as he paced, running anxious hands through his hair, wringing them together, murmuring to himself. He thought back to his conversation with Sammy the day before and the incident in the dining room which until now, he had managed to compartmentalise. He was so desperate and determined to get this escape out properly without further damage to any of them, not least make sure Hannah was safe, that he had focussed all his energy and mental capacity on plotting and organising their route out. But now, the realisation of how close he had come to risking everything getting blown in a split second crashed over him, and it felt like a knife in the gut that was being slowly twisted, compounded by a constant hammer on the head, reminding him of exactly how dire the situation was.
Abruptly, he quit pacing and stalked over to Hannah, his hands cupped her face and crashed his lips to hers in a kiss that was bruising and possessive, but ever so careful as well, a combination Ari managed effortlessly when it came to his Firefly. “I love you. I love you so much...” he mumbled against her mouth.
She made no protest, bar a huff of surprise, but she welcomed him, almost like she needed the release as much as he did. Their kisses became more heated, and before he knew what he was doing, Ari's hand was fumbling for the door. Then effort was clumsy at best, teeth clashing together as he blindly pried the door open and pushed her inside till she was lying on the backseat.
Hannah grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to her, furiously kissing him, teeth clashing, beard scratching as she emptied every single emotion she was feeling into his mouth as he pressed her into the well-worn, creaky back bench of the jeep, groaning as he ground his hips down against hers. It wasn’t comfortable, trying to contort his large frame across the rear of the car but, right at that moment, comfort was the last thing on his mind as her hands tangled into his hair, nails scraping his scalp as she keened underneath him.
Ari pulled away if only for a second but Hannah's eyes told him everything he wanted to hear.
"Make me yours, Lobo," she whispered against his ear as his lips nipped and licked at her neck.
"You're already mine, Firefly," he all but growled, moving so that he had one leg bent on the bench, the other extended into the rear foot-well. The clanging of buckles, zipping of trousers and the rustling of fabric filled the car as, with a swift, hurried movement, Ari undone his belt and jeans, shoving them and his boxers down over his hips, just enough to allow his erection to spring free.
With a feral movement, he swatted Hannah’s hands away from where they were fumbling with the flies at the top of her own faded blue denims and quickly pulled them and her panties down over one of her legs, leaving her to kick them off the other, or not, he didn’t give a shit as long as they weren’t in the way. He shoved her legs apart as best he could, the tight position of the back seat giving them little room as she braced herself against the door arms above her head palms flat against the door.
Ari wasn’t wasting any time, because they simply didn’t have any to waste. Not only were they up against the clock due to their schedule, if they got caught as they were, out in the open, well, there was a jail cell waiting for both of them, and all things considered, had he been thinking straight he wouldn’t have instigated any of this. But he wasn’t, he never was as far as this woman was concerned.
Laying back over her, with a long, deep rut forward he thrust up into her, making her groan loudly as he nipped roughly at her neck whilst he retracted his hips and thrust back into her, harder still. A few thrusts later, his hips were set in a rhythm, snapping back and forth with a pace and a vigour that was merciless as he pistoned in and out of her again and again. His hands firmly gripping her hips as his lips met hers in a hard, deep kiss which was furious, tongues lashing against one another, obscene noises filling the vehicle, the inside of which was already hot and sweaty thanks to the heat of the day still being present, and was growing muggier by the second thanks to the heavy, exertive activities taking place on the back seat.
After a particularly deep thrust, an animalistic growl burst from his throat as one of her hands snaked into his long hair and gave a tug. As he glanced down at her, he could see the pupils of her eyes were blown wide with a desire he would never tire of seeing.  She titled her hips up against him, causing him to drive deeper and she let out an almost primal cry he had never, in all their times of being intimate together, heard her make before. It simply revved him up even more, his rapid movements growing even more urgent.
“Fuck, Lobo,” she moaned, her head falling back, smacking against the metal of the car door as Ari thrust into her harder over and over again and it wasn’t long before he felt the tell-tale flutter of her clamping around him, a sign she was close and her hands flew from where they’d been braced against the door to his back.
“Firefly,” his hand reached up, grasping her chin between his finger and thumb, forcing her face round to his and his lips claimed hers once more. “Come on, baby,” he panted against her mouth, his thrusting pausing for a moment as he ground up against her, causing her to cry out. “Cum for me, Hannah.”
Another rotation of his hips saw her mouth drop open in as she chanted his name, again and again, her tight heat gripping him like a vice as she came, her back arching, hands clawing at his skin over his denim shirt. The bite of pain from her nails overwhelmed him and he felt his own stomach tighten.
“Shit, Hannah, I’m gonna…” His words tumbled into her hair as his movements became desperate before his hips stuttered as he came with a surge that made the world around him go silent, almost like someone was squeezing the air out of him inch by inch.
They lay there in a tangle of clothing and limbs, chests heaving, sweat glistening on every part of their bodies that was exposed, clothes sticking to the parts that weren’t. Ari held his girl to him, panting and shaking, and he was desperate not to let her go, but he was also painfully aware that their stolen time together today was coming to an end. As he managed to gain enough control push himself up on his arms, Hannah looked up at him, gently brushing the tendrils of hair that had fallen over his face back, raised her head, her lips pressing gently to his in a soft, tender kiss, a stark contrast to the violent ones they had shared moments before.
“Marry me.” He said softly, his eyes only on hers, awaiting her answer. 
Hannah blinked as the two simple words resonated in her brain and those gorgeous eyes that Ari could stare into all day long grew wide in surprise. “What?” Her question was nothing more than a breathy whisper and Ari took a deep breath, before he spoke again, his voice clearer than it had been moments ago.
“Marry me, Hannah.”
As he watched her process his request, her eyes began to water and a single tear trickled down her cheek. Ari reached up to wipe it away, his hand shaking a little with nervous apprehension. Had he overstepped? It really wasn’t how he’d ever seen himself asking her, in a million years, but he wanted her to know just how much he did love and need her, especially as they were about to embark on the most dangerous part of their mission yet.  And if it did go wrong, then at least she would know what she meant to him truly.
“Han?” He managed to croak her name out as she laid there, simply looking at him. And after what felt like an age, she gave a sniff and then the faintest nod.
But a nod nonetheless.
“Yeah?” Ari inhaled, hardly daring to believe it but then her face cracked into a huge smile and she nodded once more.
“Yes! A million times yes! It’s always been you, Ari Levinson.”
He spluttered a happy chuckle as her words sunk in and the sheer joy flooded his system at her answer, the love he felt for her warm in his chest like a talisman as she beamed at him. Grinning like  the Cheshire cat, he closed the small space between them, sealing their engagement with a kiss. As much as he wanted to slowly make love to her until the sun crested the dunes and the stars started to shine, they were on a time crunch and this little detour would have already set them back some. But it was all fucking worth it, it would be. He had to believe it, or no one else would. 
They made themselves presentable and began the rest of their journey back to the resort, time no longer on their side. And as Ari drove, Hannah's left hand nestled lovingly and snuggly in his right, he pressed his lips to her knuckles. 
“I didn't mean for this.” Ari sighed as he glanced at her and then back to the dirt road ahead. “Well, I did in a way but not for it to end like this. I don’t know how I would have made it through any of this without you.”
“Ari.....” Hannah gave a little tsk. “You’ve pulled a lot of missions without me in the picture.”
“Maybe but,” Ari shook his head, “this is different.”
Hannah sighed now herself and leaned over to kiss his cheek, “the Red Sea Diving Resort will always have a place in our hearts, huh? If we make it, that is.”
“Don’t...” Ari shook his head. “Don’t say that. It’s gonna be fine.”
“I really wanna believe you.” She whispered, looking down at their entwined hands, taking a deep breath. “In an ideal world, then yeah, but I don’t know, Ari. I’m scared.”
He felt defeat in that moment, for he wanted nothing more than for Hannah to feel safe and secure. His body slumped a little in his seat and for a little while he didn't utter a word, his mind reeling and when he spoke his voice was a sad, barely there whisper. “I’m sorry, Firefly. I’m so sorry I dragged you into this. Fuck...Sammy’s right, I’m an asshole, I...”
“Hey!” Hannah cut him off sternly, “You listen to me right now, I wouldn’t change this, any of it for the world. It brought you back to me and even now I’d go back and do it all over, just to make sure we had these last two years.” She trailed off with a little swallow and a shrug as Ari took a deep breath. 
“We’ll have more, Han. We didn’t go through all this to fail now. We’re gonna make it. We have to.” It was a plea more than a statement, his eyes searching hers as she held his gaze, pleading with her to give him this, assure him he was right, because for once in his life, Ari Levinson wanted his gut feeling to be wrong.
And she did.  “Okay. If you’re telling me that then I trust you.”
Despite the tension of the day, Ari felt himself relax a little, both from the touch of her hand against his and by her words. He pressed a soft kiss again to the topside of her hand.
He couldn't admit it, maybe later once this was all over he would, but he was scared too. 
**** Chapter 15
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