#also yes....terrible things are happening in palestine right now but like we also Do Not Know what is going on in peoples lives to just ask
vvayne · 7 months
people (tiktokers lol) are throwing brittany broski under the bus for not "addressing" what's going on in palestine rn.......like what?!why are we asking this of influencers? why is it suddenly EVERYONES responsibility to *address* something? half the comments on a video she posted apologizing are like "well you should've said something anyway not everyone knows what's going on" WHY IS THAT A RANDOM INTERNET FUNNY PERSONS RESPONSIBILITY?!
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latent-thoughts · 6 months
The Jews weren't the first natives in that region. The Canaanites were there before the Jews showed up to violently erase them from existence for the terrible crime of not being of Yahweh's choosen people. All Jews know this. It is literally in the fucking book. You know this.
Don't lie in order to defend the idea that Israel is a thing that absolutely must exist. It's fine that you believe that idea, but what's getting irksome is this underlying insistence that "Israel must exist" is an obvious conclusion to the region's problems and anyone who has a modicum of moral fiber in their soul can clearly see that. Your religion isn't true to the people who aren't you. I do not recognize the Jews as a chosen, special sort of people and I shouldn't be expected to. And, yes, I can tell when it's expected because they'll get annoyed when I mention the Canaanites. Yeah, I've seen the eye-rolls, the "history's a complex mess so I'm justified in picking and choosing what events humanity should give a shit about based on how recent they are and how much the directly affect MY culture" bullshit, the accusations of antisemitism despite the fact that I would be completely fine with the existence of Israel if the people who made it didn't, well, slaughter the families of Canaanites in order to do so. Also, Israel isn't a person or a type of person, it's a state, it's completely fine to hate and isn't synonymous with hating Jews. If you think that it is, I'm going to remind you that people who aren't Jewish exist and they don't need to necessarily have the values Jews want them to in order to good people.
If the foundation of your state is built on moving into land that isn't yours and erasing the people that your god doesn't want there, it's completely reasonable to expect that other states might just return that favor in kind. After all, you set the precedent, right? And then constantly referred to it in your holy texts like it was the best, most necessary thing that ever needed to happen. That kind of zeal certainly won't spread.
Oh boy, I'm going to say it. I think that all of the states that have ever engaged in and justified (I'm going to say it) genocidal behavior aren't really... y'know worth defending? Worth giving a shit about? And yeah, saying "God needed us to do it! We are the chosen people! HOLY LAND!" is a shitty justification. Objectively shitty. Jewish people aren't the chosen people to anyone else besides other Jewish people. Nothing really wrong with that, but... nothing really that right with it either. It kinda cancels itself out.
Long ask, I know. Whatever. Stop lying. The Canaanites were there before the Jews. The Jews killed them all then called the land they stole from them "Israel". See? There are perfectly good reasons to hate Israel that have nothing to do with Palestine.
C'mon, the Americas had fucking slavery. England tried to take over the world. Hell, Germany tried to kill all of you! Israel is another shitty place. It isn't special.
I vow to ignore Israel from now on, achieving everlasting peace and making the entire Middle East envious of me.
Oh, and to be absolutely clear in the most awkward manner possible, I don't hate the Jews. I just find their bullshit to be really fucking annoying.
If the Jews killed them all, how is it that their DNA is still dominant in modern day Jews (plus Palestinians and other populations of Levant)?
The truth is that both Jews and Palestinians were part of the same people at some point in time, who also mixed with Canaanites and settled in the region that is modern day Israel+Levant. And Canaanites' ancestors had actually arrived in that region from further East.
So by your logic, then, even the Canaanites weren't the natives of that land.
(There may have been tribal wars, as was common in that era, but it's pretty clear that no one wiped out anyone.)
We can keep going back in time to disprove the indigeneity of people till we arrive in Africa. Which is kind of moronic, TBH.
Personally, I'm not denying the indigeneity of either Jews or Palestinians. Only you are trying to justify your hatred for Jews and denying that they have a right to live in their homeland. Just by saying that you don't hate Jews doesn't veil your anti-semitism.
Both Jews and Palestinians deserve to live there. A two state solution is one way for it. Terrorism by Hamas isn't.
Furthermore, if you know your history (which I'm having doubts about), you know that Jews were persecuted and driven out of almost all the countries and kingdoms they had moved to over the centuries. There were Jews in the Middle Eastern countries, African countries, Europe, etc.. Tell me what happened to them. If you can't, you don't understand why Jews wanted a country of their own, in their native homeland.
With the exception of India, they were either killed, forcefully converted, or driven out of these countries at some point in time. The Holocaust is just one such instance over the centuries, and it was a big deal. The present day rising anti-semitism only strengthens their belief that they're never fully accepted in other places. Hence their need for self determination and separate state of their own (which they already have, btw).
Also, I know you didn't bother to check before coming in my inbox to spew venom, but I'm not Jewish. I'm not even from that region. But I understand what it means to have a history that's full of massacres and genocide of my people.
Plus, I'm someone who likes to stay informed, someone who's against anti-semitism. I don't need to be a Jew to understand where they're coming from.
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atthebell · 4 months
Yeah I come from twitter and like, it’s so disheartening tbh. People are demanding things out of people who don’t normally talk about politics. For example, they are demanding things out of Roier, Iron Mouse and Quackity. And they say it’s “oh it’s because we are concerned for them, if they use their platform more people will know!!” Well yes, that is true but there’s a slippery slope between asking for help and harassing CC’s so you can have a morality high ground. People are already shitting on Roier because he commented on fanart instead of rting. Like dude, give him a moment he probably doesn’t know anything that’s happening. And when people try to say this, to give CC’s space to learn, your called a Zionist and get immediately blasted. “It’s a genocide! They should use their platform, their silence is deafening” <<<<legit words I’ve seen. I’ve seen people immediately drop CC’s and said that anyone who likes said CC’s is a horrible person.
yes it's ridiculous to demand every single cc talk about this or that they need to use their platforms to raise awareness about the issue-- this genocide has been the biggest news and politics conversation topic for the last several months since october. awareness has been made, there is no one on the internet rn unaware of the conflict (which, yes, it is a conflict, that does not make it not also a genocide). it is completely unavoidable, so unless you live under a literal rock there is no way you're gonna learn about it from some twitch streamer. and so roier or whoever tweeting about it does not make anyone more aware than they were before. also roier is sick, as is mouse, and quackity does not talk about politics, never has, and never will, so expecting that is ridiculous.
it's ridiculous regardless-- like doc brought up, this shit is blatant virtue signalling and i'm tired of it. it is not every single cc's responsibility to tell you how to feel about an issue or to speak out every time something terrible happens, and frankly it is not your business what they do in support of it or not in private so long as they don't act like a shithead. any of these creators could be donating a ton of money behind the scenes and just not speaking about it because that's not necessary, or they could not be and frankly i don't care either way. content creators do not exist to be twitter users' perfect idols of morality and expecting that of them is ridiculous and clearly all about you (not you specifically anon, the general you of stupid twitter users) and how you desperately need every creator you watch to have the exact morally agreed upon beliefs or else they're morally bereft and so are you.
if a cc acts shitty or says something off, sure, kindly point out where they've gone wrong or, if you don't feel like watching them anymore, don't, but don't act like their head belongs on a guillotine because they haven't talked about/aren't aware of every tragedy going on in the world right now. like you said, people are treating it like a moral high ground rather than the serious political issue that it is. and if you want a cc who's super informed about politics and is raising money for palestine and talking about it a bunch, go watch hasan ffs. maybe you'll actually learn something for once.
anyway everyone stay the fuck off twitter and stop engaging in this kind of guilt trippy bullshit.
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hi, i hope i won't sound borderline hateful (and if i do so, i'm sorry), but given the context in which we all live in, your post misses the point a bit. hamas militants killed more than a thousand israeli civilians, an act of pure evil necessitating punishment. in the process of exacting that punishment israel killed at least 25 thousand people, not counting the wounded and the starving, most of them women and children, which is also an act of pure evil necessitating punishment. the jewish people's past is not the topic of discussion, the state of israel's future is. do countless people needlessly rope historical facts and fiction into the discourse as a way to justify their views on how the conflict should be resolved? yes. the problem is that by seriously engaging with the discussion of historic events you start sounding terribly similar to putin's interview to tucker carlson. like, yeah, sure, prince vladimir christened the eastern slavs a thousand years ago, but what exactly it has to do with the russian rocket that killed a dozen people in odesa yesterday, including several children? why are we wasting our time right now on reading and writing about babylonian captivity and british mandate again when people are being needlessly killed in their thousands by the idf?
You asked a question and legitimately asking questions is a good thing to do! It means you have oppinions but you are also open to discussion about things. I always respect a good question.
What was my post about? My post was about the history of Israel.
I also mentioned multiple times that the leaders of Israel are NOT on my or many people'sgood graces. Different leadership is needed. What is happening to the people of Palestine is not by any means deserved.
I also note that I don't agree with Hamas, because, as you noted, they are militants that did an act of evil.
And while we haven't heard much about this aspect in any media context: I have a pretty good idea that there is a good chance that Hamas could also be abusing their 'own' people of Palestine. If someone in charge can abuse someone else, there is a good chance they can abuse their own people. Much like the the leaders of Russia have historically abused their own people.
Now, I'm not going to get into the history of Russia (though it is a VERY interesting, long, and often scary read that I encourage anyone to do, so long as it's done with an objective lense). (Subjectively I'm going to outright call Putin an evil person that terrifies me and absolutely nothing he says or does is for the good of ANY people. It's also incredibly Stalinistic to approach his claims to land the way he does because he is cherry picking his own country's history.)
Did my history post manage to stay purely objective? No. Did I acknowledge that the Palestines ALSO have history there? Yes. But if people are crying "Colonizer" and demanding that Israel give back indigenous land and that Jews all get out of the whole state of Palestine, I felt that it was a good history lesson to know.
And my post IS about the history of the land and the people that have all lived there from the start.
But yes, the Jewish people's past IS a topic of discussion because it's incredibly relevant to the history of the land. Which was the point of my whole post.
And I also acknowledge that this is a difficult conflict to resolve because it has been going on for FAR longer than 70-80 years.
You have two sets of people that RIGHTFULLY have claim to the same land. How do you resolve that conflict?
Well, for starters, you stop asking foreigners to get involved to solve the problem.
Israel needs new leadership. Hamas needs to go away. The people of Palestine deserve to have their own land where they can feel safe without getting bombed for existing.
What we have going on is that we have a house that legally has ownership claims under two people and while they need to figure out how to divide and share and come together, outside forces that have selfish motives are screaming at both sides to just burn the house down or murder the other owners.
Learning about history is NEVER a waste. What people are doing is expecting the bombing to stop and then everything is going to come up roses. If the cease fire happened right now, while this would be a fantastic event, what do you want to happen next? THAT is the question. We still have a destroyed land, thousands upon tousands of people displaced, and outside forces screaming to just burn the house down.
Which is why if we want to help in any way, we need to support causes that are going to help rebuild the house and encourage actual peace talks to act.
Yes, we do need to get the killing to stop. We need the hostages back. We need the evil people in charge to be removed from the sitaution. But we also need to encourage mediation so that this doesn't keep happening.
So many people have been short sighted. What we need to do is to work on how to keep this from continuing to happen. How to address the heavy history in the room and how to make a place where both people can build a safe place to exist.
And I know that I've opened the door to a lot of people that just want to scream at me about what the idf is doing and disproportionate military response. I'm not saying I approve of the response or that it's warranted. I'm saying: Here is a history.
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philosophicalmisuse · 6 months
Sam’s Sins - False Equivalency and Moral Judgement
The thing that gets me about his anti-Palestine arguments (cos I checked cos I knew he’d have something brain-melting to say) is it’s the most basic colonial rhetoric ever. It’s so sad to me that people listen to him still and nod and think hmmm the man has some points
His most recent nonsense is claiming there’s no moral equivalence between war crimes committed by Israel (collateral damage, in his eyes) and the “terrorist acts” committed by Hamas (to use his framework)
There’s so many basic basic things wrong with how he’s framing it, but GOD to take a few
The way he equates Palestine with Hamas, but would be so incensed if such a false equivalency was drawn between, for example, American neo-nazis and republicans - or even the IDF and Israelis
The way he declares that Palestine, due to being culturally barbaric, suggesting that they revel in war crimes, almost deserve to be taken over is just colonialism 101 - this culture is barbaric, and uncivilised, so no matter what the dominant culture that I agree with and support does to them, they deserve that and more because they are not really people anymore, to me. They are less moral, more bestial, automatically in a category of other that is equivalent to less. He mentions Hamas using hospitals as bases for weapons, with no mention of the target of said missiles, but suggests that Israel bombing the hospital is okay because well they warn the civilians in the hospital. And we all know that patients in a hospital are so easy to be moved, and there’s so many facilities available to Palestine to move patients into. So really, any “collateral damage” that Israel causes is Hamas’s fault, but really Hamas is a stand in for Palestine because of the false equivalence he draws that he accuses others of. So really, they’re kicking themselves cos of their brutal horrible culture, poor silly souls.
This colonial sense of moral superiority, too - well, I’ll be fair enough to admit that sure, my culture once did act in the way this savage, barbaric, backwards culture did - but that was ages ago, and absolutely doesn’t still happen, so I’m actually…. Better? And can decide who deserves to die on those grounds? Never mind that the colonial savagery that you admit to was caused by individuals deciding that they had the right to decide which culture deserved to die, and his very attitude is a perpetuation of the moral degradations he likes to pretend we’ve moved on from. Never mind that the colonial project prevented cultures from developing organically, and condemned what they did not understand, and violently moulded other cultures in their own image at a time which even Sam admits Western culture was morally bankrupt. And cultures that need to resist an oppressive force by necessity commit acts of extremism, and commit to strict cultural rules, as the very act of maintaining one’s culture is an act of residence, and no matter what that culture looks like it will be painted by the dominant culture as a brutal and backwards one.
It’s just so frustrating, and I starting writing this when his blogpost first came out and am posting it now because I think it’s become very clear that his argument of any crimes Israel did being not as bad as Hamas did has been so roundly debunked as to make me more mad - especially when he follows up with an essay saying sure wish Israel didn’t do so many war crimes :( doesn’t make them look very good - anyways how scary is antisemitism, right???? I’ve never taken it seriously in my life before, even as a victim of it, but I think now is the perfect time to discuss it
Like yes obviously people coopting Palestinian liberation to be antisemitic is fucking disgusting and terrible - but his argument is also that Islamophobia doesn’t exist and was created so that no-one could criticise Islam (despite him having made a dollar or two over the years for doing exactly that), despite like. Bro cmon painting one religion as de-facto uncivilised and representative of a broader cultures “moral vacuum” and then equating all brown people to said culture isn’t exactly what it seems like on the tin. It’s just. Yeah his arguments are off the wall bonkers
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
Please don't get me wrong.
But i was waiting the whole time for you to finally post about Palestine. Not judging you at all! Since maybe you were already posting about it in your other accounts or smth. Doesn't matter.
But you have no idea how happy i am to finally see you post about it in this blog, too. Because social media is all we have at this point. They are being ignored by the whole world because some of them are Muslim and media manipulates everything, making them seem like terrorists who need to die although they are no different from us. Hope they see the peace again. And the ones who killed innocent will pay the price.
Now i just hope BTS will also say something about this.... I really do hope this because they talked about BlackLivesMatter and AsianHate, too. Palestine is no different, if not worse. I don't see why they won't speak up about this, too.
Hi anon, for several days now I have been following what is happening in Palestine. It is hard not to, it is hard not to feel sadness and helplessness for what is happening. The reasons why I haven't posted are hard to explain. But I can tell you this, the fact that many of us haven't posted anything about it doesn't mean we didn't care, sometimes it means we care a lot. Or that it reminds us of something. Something painful, something we wouldn't want to remember. I say this because it partly happened to me.
Believe me, I understand your frustration.  You see, I am from a South American country, and South America or Latin America in general is not doing well, our situation is not similar to that of Palestine but I understand your frustration for the forgetfulness of the world about what is happening in those countries. For some weeks now the situation in Colombia has been bad, the government is basically killing people who for days have been protesting demanding their rights, you know how many posts I saw about that? zero.  In Venezuela the situation is terrible and has been for years, you know how many posts I have seen about that? zero. The situation in panama, Peru etc. You know how many posts I have seen about that? zero (And I know there are several posts about this here on tumblr but I mean I haven't seen posts from the accounts I follow, not in this one nor in another personal account I have.  Although I follow a very small number of people in this account at least)
When the cathedral of Notre-Dame burned down, do you know how many posts I saw about that (on a different account)? Thousands.  People in first world countries cared more about a building (yes, I fully understand the historical significance of Notre-Dame but it is a building at the end of the day) than what is happening in those countries, what is happening right now in palestine.  But we have to care and post absolutely everything when something happens in their countries, because we should be in solidarity with their causes.
I guess what I feel is anger, resentment.
As to why BTS hasn't said anything about it, I don't know. They didn't say anything immediately about AsianHATE, so maybe they will say something later. I'm not going to pretend to know their motives or make excuses for them. A few days ago I received an ask about BTS not saying anything about the situation in Palestine and I didn't know what to say. I still don't know. 
You know anon, for some time now, I have been learning not to expect expressions of solidarity from celebrities or "powerful" countries. The former often do it simply for PR or because the pressure from the public was too much, although I do recognize that some do it because they care. The second ones do it for power, a clear example of that is the USA supporting Israel. I don't expect expressions of solidarity in social media either, some do it because it is a trend, others do it because they feel they have to do it. Others do it because they care. The only thing I know  I can do is pray for the situation to improve and donate, small donations that I know will be useful for something.
Note: I want to clarify that I am not attacking anyone, everyone has their reasons why they do not say anything about certain situations that are happening in the world. And i respect that. 
edit: I did see several posts from an account that I follow and respect a lot. I apologize for forgetting about you @odosolde
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meyhew · 4 years
As a Muslim and as a doctor it's so hard for me to like Harry now. The thing is we all project stuff on him, meanwhile we don't know anything about him except that he's not an asshole to people he meets in real life (which is not king shit, it's common decency). Every single thing he does now reeks of capitalism and greed, I don't know on his own part or his team. But till when will we blame his team? He's been hanging out with people in general and with Ben in particular who's a Zionist and +
+ and seeing that Palestine is being removed from the maps, that speaks volumes. I don't think zionists when around their friends, speak of Muslims in kind ways so yeah I don't think Harry has an issue with hating Muslims. Also in this Covid situation, that horrible covid merch and then pap pics everywhere. My heart feels so heavy. I think I've projected my own head cannons on him as part of Larry that I'm disappointed by myself. They might be together but Harry's stupidity makes it questionable
ok so u said a Lot of things for me to unpack. first off, you’re right, he’s not an asshole. i think harry’s one of the most genuinely kind people around, esp in the entertainment industries. the capitalism and greed... i don’t think he’s greedy, per se, because he does engage in a lot of charity work, but capitalist? yes. he’s a business person so he has to be, to an extent. i obviously dont know how involved he is in everything, but i’d assume he has a fair amount of say in what he does now — post 1d. and i dont really have a lot of that problem with that because it’s not like he’s the only person to think in terms of numbers. when you have a brand like his, it’s impossible not to think of numbers. but like i said, don’t really have a ton of problems with that. 
ben winston — i swore i’d never talk abt him again but what the hell. i don’t think being friends with ben means that harry hates muslims or he himself is a zionist, just like ben being friends with harry doesn’t mean ben is automatically a reflection of harry’s beliefs. and after all this time, we also don’t know how close harry and ben are. and this may be a controversial view, but i dont think white people need to fully cut off other white ppl with terrible beliefs. because if that happened — if all of my white friends stopped engaging with their white families and friends who have bad takes on things — how are things ever going to evolve? i sure as hell am not willing to do the emotional labor it takes to educate white people on many things that affect me, and i rely a lot on my white friends to do their part. that being said, i don’t know for certain what harry believes. i dont believe he hates muslims or that he’s in support of wiping out palestine — which has actually never been on apple or google maps. i can’t change if you feel that way, but i dont feel the same. 
the covid merch was a disastrous choice and to this day i dont understand it. but as far as i’m concerned, none of what you mentioned has anything to do with larry. believe it or not, louis is also a capitalist :/ they all are ! louis just has been smart enough during this time to keep a low profile and not be seen out and about. ben is friends with louis, as well, at least in a professional capacity. and niall. and liam. if you think harry’s a zionist because of his association with ben winston, then im sorry to say but you’re gonna have to apply that same thinking to louis and niall and liam. i’ll critique harry any day for the dumb shit he pulls but i’m tired of saying the same things again and again 
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12th December >> Daily Reflection/Commentary on Today’s Gospel Reading for Roman Catholics on the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe (Luke 1:26-38).
For us Christians, the heart of today’s Gospel passage – continuing immediately from yesterday’s text – is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins.
As the story is told by Luke, Mary must have been truly alarmed at the words of her unexpected visitor. Her cousin Elizabeth is now pregnant six months. The incident is taking place in Nazareth, not exactly the centre of the earth, or even of Palestine. A future disciple of Jesus will be heard to say with some cynicism, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Truly in the eyes of the more sophisticated it was something of a backwater. Yet this is the place God chooses to enter our world – not Rome, not Athens, not Alexandria nor any of the other great centres of power, culture and learning in the world of the time.
“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” is the greeting of the angel Gabriel, the same one who spoke to Zechariah. How did Mary react to such an extraordinary salutation? The Gospel says that she was “greatly troubled” and well she might be. As a young girl in an obscure little town what could the words possibly mean? “Full of grace” really means that she is being showered with God’s special favours. It is more something that is happening to her than something she already has. The nature of that favour is expressed in what follows – she is to become the mother of a Son whom she is to call Jesus (meaning “God saves”) and who will be a King “of whose kingdom there will be no end”.
What really disturbs Mary is that, although she is already betrothed to Joseph, she is not yet married to him. In other words she is not sleeping with him as his wife. How can she become a mother? It will happen because the conception will be the work of God, the “overshadowing of the Spirit” so that the child who is born will be, in a very special sense, the Son of God. He will also, of course, be the son of Mary. In this way we have the deep mystery of the Incarnation expressed in the language of a story. Jesus will be at the same time someone who is fully divine and fully human. Jesus will be the unique bridge between God and his creation. He will be human “like us in all things but sin”. He will also, through his whole life, his words and actions, be the “splendour of the Father”.
In a great leap of faith and trust in the angel’s message, Mary says ‘Yes’. “Behold, I am the slave girl of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” For us Christians, the moment of that ‘Yes’ is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins. It is the moment of Incarnation, when the Word became flesh and began to live among us as one of us. The world would never be the same. In a way, this is a more important moment than Christmas but it is understandable that we should tend to celebrate more the visible presence of God in Jesus at Bethlehem.
Mary had yet to learn what that ‘Yes’ involved but it was made unconditionally and it was never withdrawn. Through a life of trials and tribulations, of which we can know surely only a fraction, right up to those terrible moments as she stood beneath the Cross and saw her only Son die in agony and shame as a public criminal, she never once withdrew that ‘Yes’.
There is a clear message there for us. We too have been called in our own special way to give birth to Jesus in our lives and in our environment. We too have been called to say ‘Yes’, an unconditional ‘Yes’ to following Jesus. Now is the time for us to renew that pledge with Mary’s help and example.
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
Im glad that u also like archer. Ive been rewatching it (im on s2) and i feel guilty as a feminist for liking it so much :( i know a lot of the jokes are supposed to be ironic but i still feel bad for laughing, and my bf has made comments abt "how can u laugh at that as a feminist" (he isnt one, hes using it as a gotcha). How do u feel about this? Any advice for separating myself from toxic fandom to just be able to enjoy something problematic? Love ur blog btw happy friday 💋💋
Thanks, and don’t worry, anon: You’re not a bad feminist. 
It’s funny you ask this, but I used to have an entire essay series on this exact topic, and on Archer, particularly!
My philosophy is: don’t ignore the problematic, examine it. Use it as a springboard for analysis so you can learn more about the issue conveyed. Use your problematic responsibly! Because, let’s be honest, there ARE no unproblematic pieces of media. So just use it to educate yourself instead. For instance: my love of West Side Story (starring Natalie Wood as the Puerto Rican Maria) got me to learn more about the issues of white-washing.
Being a feminist is not about being perfect, it’s about learning and being open to examination and learning. Use your fandom for good!
Laughter is the balm for the soul. And listening to your boyfriend telling you how to be a feminist… less so. Kind of the opposite. 
My old articles are lost, for the most part, but under the cut, I’ve pasted them for reference and included a great video on satire that also very easily applies to this discussion (just substitute feminism with the Holocaust)
Our Faves Are Problematic (And So Can You!)
Nothing and no one is perfect, so isnt it about time we learn how to call out the things we love?
We are all familiar with guilty pleasures: those things we like in spite of ourselves, that we are ashamed to admit we enjoy. Usually the term is applied to something we enjoy despite a perceived “lameness”, or because we’re not the right demographic for something. For instance, I still have a deep, abiding affection for Sailor Moon: that colorful, stock-footage-laced Japanese phenomenon that still gets me shouting “MOON PRISM POWER!” when I’m in the right mood. Yes, childhood is over, and yes, the show’s American dub did give me incest panic as a child, but I can’t help but love it.
But then there is the more difficult brand of guilty pleasures guilty pleasures that involve actual guilt instead of “mild embarrassment”. I’m talking about problematic faves the stuff that we love despite it containing clearly objectionable material.
(Image copyright Vertigo Comics)
…This is a panel from Bill Willingham’s Fables. The character there is Bigby Wolf, one of the main (anti) heroes of the story and the character the writer identifies with most. The person Bigby is waxing poetically on pro-Zionism to is someone literally called “The Adversary”.
Fables also happens to be one of my favorite comic book series on the planet.
Safe to say the issues surrounding Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East are a bit more complicated than that. And my own feelings on the matter are far more complicated. But this glorification of Israeli military policy is… um… in very tame terms… uncomfortable. After reading this, I resolved to only check Fables out of the library: a way for me to enjoy these comics in a legal way without financially supporting these ideas, however indirectly.
There are other problems with Fables: a lack of ethnic diversity, some murky racial and class commentary, and instances of some objectionable tropes, but there is a lot to recommend of these books as well. The stories are fantastic, the art brilliant, the characters well-fleshed out, and there is a definite progressive take on issues like gender and sexuality. But as much as I love this series, there is no getting around the fact that these stories have issues.
No excuses.
But it’s not just Fables that has disappointed me in the past. I am now and forever a Trekker, yet despite how horribly sexist episodes like “The Turnabout Intruder” are, or the very troubling anti-Semitic coding of the Ferengi. The Star Wars prequels famously had racist caricatures with the Trade Federation and the infamous Jar Jar Binks.
In the world of media, there’s no shortage of problematic content. From the novels of Robert Heinlein containing pro-fascist commentary, to HBO’s Game of Thrones misogynistic adaptation decisions, there’s nothing that is quite free of some messed up messages, subtle and blatant alike.
Now, when we talk about such media, we don’t merely mean triggering factors (i.e. the presentation, portrayal, or discussion of potentially traumatizing issues like domestic abuse, racism, hate crimes, substance abuse, or sexual assault), but rather how these matters are portrayed. A piece of media, such as Marvel and Netflix’s excellent Jessica Jones series, can portray certain issues (such as sexual assault, domestic violence, and mental illness) in a respectful, progressive, and sensitive light. Thus, while the content of the show can be triggering, the skill with which they portray these matters keeps it from being problematic.
In contrast, something like Game of Thrones, which portrays sexual assault in a thoroughly insensitive, exploitative, and misogynistic manner, is highly problematic.
Unfortunately, progress has been a slow-moving process, with many issues such as race, gender, sexual identity, mental illness, substance abuse, and violence only being examined in a more nuanced way fairly recently. As a result, almost all media is problematic in one way or another. Especially since even today, the majority of executives crafting, publishing, and greenlighting books, shows, comics, movies, and other forms of media are in fact cisgendered, heterosexual white men.
So what do we do?
Good news: here at Fandom Following, we don’t believe in dropping something you like just because it’s problematic. Why?
Because knowing, examining, and yes, even appreciating problematic content can be incredibly important. While certain content can be damaging, it can also teach us a great deal. Not only about current issues, but also about how to go about discussing these matters, and constructing narratives in general.
The racial issues in things like Star Wars and Star Trek can teach us much about how coding works, and how to avoid reinforcing stereotypes. The exploitation of women and rape on Game of Thrones can open up a dialogue of how to portray these things properly and improperly.
There are three tricks to enjoying problematic media: 1) Recognizing that there is an issue, 2) Being ready for a dialogue, and 3) Not ignoring or silencing the complaints about said issues.
Well, we here at Fandom Following have decided to tackle this issue head on with a series called “Our Faves Are Problematic (And So Can You!)”, where we will be exploring specific media franchises, creators, and works and, specifically, the problematic content they contain. In this series, we’ll be examining the issues, talking about why they’re important, discussing what this piece of media did wrong, how to approach the issue in a more progressive way, and the best ways to go about discussing the issue itself. Various writers will be contributing to this project, and we’re excited to present this feature to you!
So let’s get down and dirty, people. We all have our problematic faves. Let’s talk about them.
My Face is Problematic: Archer
Honestly, doing a post like this on Archer, a show which is deliberate in its dark humor, is a bit hard for me. Not because I like the show, but because I think there’s true validity in the argument that humor and narratives about really messed up, problematic stuff has its place. The show exists to be as outlandish and absurd as possible. The extremes and the awfulness of the characters’ personalities and their actions is the point.
Joking about awful things, awful circumstances, and awful people is hardly new ground for comedy to cover, nor does it send a poor message, necessarily. Mel Brooks wrote a movie in which one of the characters was a Nazi, who wrote an overblown pro-Nazi musical produced by men deliberately trying to make a flop. Springtime For Hitler, as it exists in our universe, is not problematic. The Nazis are the butt of the joke, in which any pro-Nazi sentiment can only function if it is wildly fabricated and over-the-top, and even then, it will still be taken for satire. Because Nazis are utterly terrible, they built their movement on total bullshit that they dressed up in shiny boots and Hugo Boss uniforms and German exceptionalism and “glory”. This song-and-dance number about “Don’t be stupid, be a smartie, come and join the Nazi party” only ever deserves to be a joke, as the Jew who wrote it can tell you. Nazis fucking suck and it’s hilarious that anyone would ever suggest otherwise.
There’s justice in reducing Nazis to self-parody, and doubling down on that by making a joke about them being reduced to self-parody. Especially when said self-parody and depiction of it is crafted by the very people Hitler tried to destroy. No one enjoys or masters mocking Nazis like the Jews. Plain and simple.
Joking about awful things and how terrible they are can be a good way to process things and not allow them to hurt you anymore. Comedy, at its core, is a defense mechanism against horror and pain. There’s a reason slapstick is a classic subgenre of comedy that people have built entire careers around. Laugh at terror and pain to make it go away. Unfortunately, some of the things we manage to find humor in can really make you wonder if were all just terrible and have no limits.
Angela’s Ashes is a memoir by Frank McCourt about his impoverished, abusive, dangerous childhood in Ireland. In it, he chronicles his own starvation, life-threatening illness, abuse, and suffering at the hands of alcoholism and brutality from adult authority figures. He was a child laborer who went days without food while his father drank away the family’s money and abused the rest of the family, who often came down with horrifying illnesses as a result of the terrible conditions he lived in, and spent his formative years suffering along with all the people he loved. Three of his infant siblings die within the space of a chapter. We get a glimpse of the time when his father, overjoyed at the birth of his daughter, finds the will to stop drinking, stop mistreating his family, go to work, provide for his family, and just generally be a better person so that his children don’t have to suffer. For a short period, the McCourts have food, heat, and happiness. Then the baby promptly dies and Frank’s father is back in the pubs, once again squandering any pay he manages to acquire on alcohol and returning home at three am to scream at and beat his wife while his remaining children try to cover their ears and sleep on the cold ground.
Along with being praised for it being a both an unflinchingly brutal depiction of poverty and a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, the book is also praised for its humor.
Remember: Angela’s Ashes is a true story written by the very man who suffered through all of these horrible things. And it’s considered a pretty funny book. And the author who, once again, is the person who actually suffered all of these horrible things, actually did intentionally try to make people laugh as they read about that time he was in the hospital with Typhoid Fever and enjoyed it because it was the first time he’d been in a place where he was fed regularly and got to sleep in a warm bed.
That being said, there’s satire and dark humor, and there’s just gratuitous, shock-jock bullshit. There are jokes that are terrible simply because of what they’re about and how they’re handled. George Carlin said that anything can be made funny, even rape, if you imagine Elmer Fudd raping Porky Pig.
If we can build entire films and musicals about how any pro-Hitler sentiment can only ever be taken as satire, isn’t that proof that you can joke about anything?
Yes, you can, but that doesn’t mean you should try, that the joke is funny, or that it’s alright, necessarily. Maybe Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, and Springtime for Hitler prove that anything can be made funny and that’s okay. But if that’s true (and no, I’m not saying that it is), that still doesn’t mean every attempt at making something funny is either acceptable or funny.
Springtime for Hitler is not a get-out-of-jail-free card for any attempt to make a terrible subject the object of humor. Standards need to exist.
Unfortunately, the line between good or acceptable dark humor and simply gratuitous, insensitive, inherently problematic jokes can blur. The excuse of humor can only go so far. Yes, make light of Nazis. But there’s still a point where “humor” is used an excuse for people to act like assholes. And it’s an excuse that is used all too often. Radio Shock Jocks have been using that excuse to help reinforce racism and rape culture for quite a while. Whether certain dudebros like it or not, there’s a point where it stops being gross-out and just starts being gross.
Which brings me to Archer, the animated spy comedy on FX that premiered in 2011. Like many comedy series like Seinfeld or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, a major part of the premise is that certain characters are, quite simply, terrible people. These characters and their abhorrent behavior is the joke. And, as the show is about spies, these terrible people are often put into highly dangerous, outlandish, and traumatizing situations.
So, the main characters, by virtue of their profession, spend a lot of time killing people in cold blood. Or trying to seduce or manipulate enemies. Or engaging in clandestine operations of sabotage that harm a lot of people. Horrible, violent things are going to happen, things violent enough to serve as narratives on their own. But most of the characters are as awful as the situations they encounter, so the horror is amplified. And it’s a comedy.
Indeed, in the first episode of the fifth season, we get the whole main ensemble recounting all of their actions and experiences working for the spy agency ISIS that we’d witnessed over the course of the show’s run at that point. Drag racing with the Yakuza, knee-capping the Irish mob, encountering human traffickers, 30 year affairs with the head of the KGB that only ended when the guy was blown up because one of the ISIS members had choke sex with the victim’s cyborg replacement, actual piracy, paying homeless people to fight for spectators, defling a corpse, defiling a different corpse, sexual assault, kidnapping the pope, blowing up oil pipelines, “smuggling Mexicans”
There are comedic arcs about cancer, illegal immigration, kinky S&M bondage murders, cocaine addiction… a lot of stuff, basically.
Now, take those situations, and add in characters who get aroused by things like homeless people, being choked, sex with food, and the thought of their mother dying. Who spend their weekends starting fires, making hybrid pig-people, rubbing sand into the eyes of their employees, competing in underground Chinese Fighting Fish tournaments, and calling in bomb threats so that they can get a table at a fancy restaurant. You get the idea.
And it’s all totally awesome and hilarious and god damn it I kind of love these characters.
This show has a season-long sub-arc about one of the main characters getting so aggressively addicted to cocaine that she not only consumes (literally) half a ton of it in the space of a few months, but almost gets her head chopped off for buying amphetamines from the Yakuza with counterfeit money. It’s one of the most incredible things the show has done.
Pictured: An absurdly self-centered man feeling genuine dismay and concern over his friend risking her life to achieve an unrealistic standard of beauty.
The title character has a butler named Woodhouse who practically raised him. One of the first interactions we witness between them is Archer not only threatening to rub sand into Woodhouse’s “dead little eyes”, but making him go out and buy the sand himself and check if they grade it, because he wants the sand to be coarse. He’s also done things like make the man eat a bowl of spiderwebs and deliberately keep him in the dark about his brother’s death and funeral.
Another character is a mad scientist and possible clone of Adolf Hitler who kills a young intern by giving him a drug designed to turn him gay. That’s one of the less disturbing things Dr. Krieger has done.
Frequent gags on this show include one guy repeatedly getting shot, another character repeatedly getting paralyzed (it’s complicated), people trying to remember the inappropriate puns that they wanted say as one-liners, the horrific abuse and neglect Sterling Archer has received from his mother his entire life, and basically everyone being a sex-maniac.
There are plots revolving around mind-control, drugging people, and hypnotism. You can imagine the paths some of those episodes go down. Yes, there is a character that has tried to sexually assault one of her sleeping co-workers. And later deposited two unconscious, naked coworkers in a bathroom stall with an octopus, in an episode that has already made tentacle hentai jokes. Yes, the openly gay character on the show is often the target of jokes about him being gay or a woman from his coworkers. Yes, the female lead, a black woman, is referred to as a “quadroon” at one point by one of the characters.
Yes, the following exchange of dialogue does take place in an early episode:
“Oh my god, you killed a hooker!”
“No, Cyril, when they’re dead, they’re just hookers!”
And yet… Oh my god. How it manages to play around with stuff in an amazing fashion. For one thing, it is amazing how often this show skewers micro-aggressions and fucks around with stereotypes. And, despite how unabashedly messed up it is, the writing in it actually manages to be oddly pro-social progress in ways that most modern media doesn’t even seem to be aware of.
I take pride in my sex work and I will not put up with your bullshit!
For instance the “hooker” referred to in that exchange? (spoiler alert: she wasn’t really dead) She’s Trinette, and she an unbelievably refreshing and strangely progressive depiction of a sex worker. While she’s a minor character, every time she shows up, it’s awesome. Trinette is a sex worker who is unashamed of her job, a woman who truly does take pride in and enjoy her work, who does not put up with poor behavior from her clients, and is just generally awesome. She call people out and makes them pay for any mistreatment she receives, from calling out micro-aggressions by insisting on her preferred terminology for her profession (“Call-girl, you puke!”), shaming men for their sexual misdeeds (“How can you cheat on Lana bare-back?!”), demanding restitution for any injuries or threats she’s suffered (Threatening Archer into giving her his car after he fakes her death and stuffs her in a rug to fool Cyril into thinking he killed her), and determining her work and clients (“What about Trinette? She said that? Damn it!”). When she has a baby, she gives it her last name along with his father’s (“Magoon-Archer”) and she unapologetically proud of her Irish heritage. She’s easily one of the most functional characters in the show, and every one of her appearances on the show manage to defy at least one whore-phobic trope a minute. She’s the best.
Then there’s the show’s handling of race, which is mixed. While arguably the most important female character in the series (the show, despite its name, is very, very much an ensemble, especially as the series progresses. But in the early episodes when they focussed on fewer characters, she was the one who got the most screentime) is Lana Kane, a highly-competent (for ISIS) African American woman who is really, really well-developed, there is also the fact that she’s the only POC in the main cast. Granted, part of that IS the point. One of the earliest episodes is “Diversity Hire”, where, aside from Lana, the spy agency is so overwhelmingly white that they hire a “diversity double-whammy!” Conway Stern, a black Jew.
“Sammy Gay-vis Junior!”
Now, granted, that doesn’t sound great the way I describe it, but there are so many great moments in this episode alone. For instance, when Mallory Archer, terrible woman and owner of the spy agency mentions their lack of diversity, Cyril, the tragically white accountant and “nice guy” puts his hands on Lana’s shoulder and says he thinks they’re pretty diverse, a statement Lana finds hilarious. Cue Sterling Archer, other horrible person, telling Lana she’s “black-ish”, then responding to her offense at this with “Well, you freaked out when I said quadroon!”. The framing of this entire discourse is that Cyril and Archer are fucking idiots and Lana is of course taking offense because, duh, she should. The episode proceeds with a lot of references and discussion about racism, highlighting casual racism in a nuanced, funny, and organic way. For instance, Archer’s relief that Conway didn’t sleep with his mother. While Archer freaks out about anyone sleeping with his mother, regardless of race, Conway believes it’s racism on Archer’s fault. And in no way does the narrative act like he’s overly-sensitive or irrational for thinking that. Because the stereotype about black men seducing white women and fear from white men about this is still a very real, pervasive thing that has somehow managed to survive in our “enlightened” times. Of course Conway encountering a guy who displays a downright violent fixation on whether or not his new black coworker is sleeping with his mother will assume it’s a race thing. Because why would anyone be so preoccupied with such an idea? In that situation, it’s almost certainly based on the long-standing paranoia white men have about black men’s sexuality “conquering their women.” It’s one of the most common varieties of anti-blackness in existence.
Of course, since it’s Archer, who has kidnapped a LOT of people under the suspicion that they were having sex with his mom, we know this is the one case that it isn’t racism. It’s Archer’s disturbing, Oedipal relationship with his mother. He even kidnapped and threatened his role model, Burt Reynolds, for dating his mother. When he says “Not in a racist way” to Conway in this episode, it’s actually true. He’s just honestly that screwed up where his mother is concerned.
Conway’s conclusions on this, regardless, are still framed as a totally understandable. To the point where the episodes suggests that it would make no sense for Conway to think otherwise. Part of the joke is that no, Archer isn’t a horrible racist at all. He’s way too screwed up for his actions to be motivated by racism.
And before anyone asks, no, this wasn’t the “episode that acknowledges that racism is a thing.” You know the ones… The episodes that talk about race and why racism is bad to prove to the audience that they’re not racist, then proceed with the rest of the show, which never acknowledges race and racism again. There are frequent instances of highlighting racism, from violent outright bigotry to common micro-aggressions to clueless white people demanding how the thing they just did/said could POSSIBLY be considered racist! They’re not racist! How is THAT racist?! Cue Lana face-palming.
I just really, really like this. It doesn’t just end there, either. Racism is called out pretty frequently on this show, and not in a cliche, strawman way. Nor is it treated like something that only exists in the form of aggressively bigoted bad people shouting slurs and holding cross burnings. Nope. The “heroes” of this show just say shit that you could easily imagine someone saying in real life, shortly before getting defensive about any racism on their part. It’s treated as a common, pervasive thing that Lana and other PoC have to deal with every day, and the offense they take at it is treated as nothing short of sympathetic or justified (even in the cases of misunderstandings, like with Conway). This includes Mallory telling Lana to “put [the race card] back in the deck!” as reminder of how much of an unapologetic douche Mallory is.
It’s made clear: people say and do some super racist shit on a regular basis with realizing it or meaning to, and regardless, it’s still uncool and people have every right to get upset and call you out on it. See: Ray’s bionic hand at the end of season six.
Lana’s reactions and how they’re framed is usually pretty awesome. Mostly they come in the form of small, reasonable confrontations, which are never framed as an overreaction on her part. The fact that she “freaked out” when Archer called her a quadroon is framed as “well, duh, of course, she should.” Then there are instances like when she, Archer, and their child visit a high-end nursery school where they encounter a pretty obvious racist. The guy ignores and dismisses Lana at first, then expresses surprise at the fact that she’s the mother of the child (despite the baby being black), remarking about the “times we live in” and telling Lana “good for you!” when she informs him that yes, she is the mother, not the nanny or the maid.
Not all of the racism stuff stems from Lana being back, either. They skewer bigotry against Latinos on a pretty regular basis. When an Irish mobster rants about Latinos (he doesn’t refer to them by that name) “taking American jobs!”, Archer immediately calls bullshit, recalling actual history of the Irish being accused of that exact same thing during the mass immigration of the Irish to America during the potato famine, and it’s just as shitty and bigoted to say such things about immigrants now as it was in 1842. He is extremely irate about a mission ISIS is assigned to do on behalf of border patrol to  arrest people who just want to get a job, and he ends up siding with and befriending the Mexican illegal immigrants he encounters. All of this while aspects of certain Latinx cultures are often highlighted, often very favorably (“Ramone is Latino, so he’s not afraid to express affection.”)
That being said, there are still a lot of issues in the show. The lack of diversity is definitely an albatross around this show’s neck. Especially so many seasons after the “Diversity Hire” episode. While I do praise Archer for not treating racism as a thing that is rare and only needs to be addressed in one twenty-minute block of time, it is telling that the lack of diversity at ISIS is never addressed again.
Then there’s the approach to sexuality. The show loves gross-out sex humor, especially regarding Krieger. And the depiction of sexuality is actually pretty mixed. On one hand, the openly gay character in the show adheres to a lot of stereotypes about gay men: he mocks Lana about her “knock-off Fiacci drawers”, his go-to alias is “Carl Channing”, his free time is spent at raves, and he loves to make effeminate poses. He’s also a frequent target of homophobic jokes and remarks. His outrage at this is treated as being every bit as valid as Lana’s, but it doesn’t change the fact that their main gay character is basically ALL of the stereotypes, as are a number of the other gay characters.
“Alright! Were off to get our scrotums waxed!”
Then there is the sexual assault. Which, once again, is called out for being what it is, in defiance of many common biases (such as the idea that female-on-male sexual assault isn’t a thing). But this show is way too flippant about this.
While I consider Archer to be very sex-positive, allowing every character, regardless of sex, age, or orientation, to be comfortable and expressive about their sexuality without judgment (a lot of jokes, yes, but not any that come off as particularly shaming). Almost every character, male or female spends a fair amount of time naked or scantily clad. We see Archer stripped down just as often as Lana. And the fan service isn’t relegated to just women who adhere to the typical youth and weight obsessed eurocentric standards we all know and hate.
Pam, who is a big woman (and often the target of fat jokes, which the show always treats as nothing short of detestable) is a total sex goddess who grows to be utterly confident in herself as a woman to the point where she’s giving Mallory (one of the most desired women on the show) advice. When she reveals that she keep ingesting cocaine because it’s made her thin with big boobs, Archer is utterly dismayed, telling her she was way better off the way she was, acting horrified that she’d risk her life to be “hot”, and just generally freaking out about Pam’s desire to be thin. It manages to avoid being cliche or empty given that Archer considered Pam the best sex he ever had before she got thin, to the point of blowing off assignments just to have sex with her, because she’s just that awesome. After she gains the weight back in season six, she’s still sexy, making Archer’s jaw drop in the episode “Edie’s Wedding.” She’s also unapologetically pansexual, which is awesome.
Mallory, meanwhile, is still actively sexual and treated as desirable. While sex and sexuality are always sources of gags and jokes on Archer, never do the jokes about Mallory’s sexuality ever come across as ageist. Sure, some characters make ageist comments on the show, but it’s never treated as valid. Mallory is still treated as being extremely sexy and confident about it. While Mallory is generally a horrible person, her enthusiastic sexual agency is never once treated as a flaw or something disturbing or gross. What’s disturbing, gross, and worthy of ridicule is her son being so preoccupied  and reactionary about his mother having a sex life. It’s clear: if you have a problem with Mallory having a lot of sex and enjoying it, you’re the one with issues.
Even the one young, thin, white woman in the main cast gets to be unapologetic about her kinks. It’s really only a problem when her desire for choke-sex motivates her to lead a KGB cyborg to the ISIS safehouse. Or when she coerces Cyril into sex. And generally acts like a violent, awful person.
Essentially, there’s no tolerance for shaming women for being sexual. All of it, regardless of preference, age, size, or race, is nothing but fun and should be enthusiastically represented. “Can’t talk, got a pussy to break!”
Being a predator is shameful. Having belly rolls is not.
Who on Earth finds this funny?
But, then there’s the flippancy about sexual assault. There ARE gags about Pam and Ray dropping their pants when encountering an unconscious Cyril. And sorry, but the framing of it is all manner of screwed up. There’s tons of sexual coersion as well. Another one of the most problematic instances comes in an episode of season two, where Archer is repeatedly sexually assaulted by a sixteen-year-old German socialite. The show goes out of its way to make it clear that Archer explicitly refuses consent, that he’s being violated, yet the show treats this as funny.
While I get that this is a comedy show and that in-depth exploration of the trauma of sexual abuse isn’t going to be something they can spend a lot of time on, the option they should have gone with is, you know, not base an episode around a german schoolgirl raping the main character. It’s not funny, guys. It’s not necessary. It’s actually just uncomfortable and off-putting.
The show mentions things like alternative gender identities, emotional triggers, and sexual exploration in ways that treat these things as totally valid, which is good. It also frequently portrays poor people as jokes in and of themselves, which is a lot less good. While materialism is lampooned frequently, it’s not treated as a joke in and of itself the way poverty is.
The way the show often portray legitimate abuse for laughs also often goes overboard. While the show does a good job of exploring and following through on all the ways Mallory’s abuse screwed up Archer, there’s a point where the volume of “abuse humor” gets to just be downright gross. Dark humor is one thing, not being able to go an episode without a “Haha, ten-year-old archer was abandoned in a train station at Christmas!” joke is, uh… Not great.
Archer is an awesome, immensely watchable show. But it’s not one I always feel clean watching. It’s a show that celebrates extremes, yes, but there’s a point where certain lines are crossed and it’s just problematic rather than gallows humor.
Archer is one of those series that really makes me struggle to distinguish the gallows humor from the simple tastelessness. To give pause to the idea of problematic content being the “point.”
The line blurs with Archer. A lot. It often manages to distinguish itself with the things it gets right, especially since they often do well on things that most shows, movies, and books are often terrible at. And that’s enough to buy it some goodwill for when they screw up.
But seriously, guys, please stop treating sexual coercion and child abuse as bottomless gag wells. I would have really preferred to have Pam and her awesome sexuality without her sexually assaulting Cyril and Ray. It’s not funny or clever or edgy. It’s just gross.
11 notes · View notes
pocinperioddramas · 7 years
Haha whoops, I forgot to say that if you want sources for any of the stuff I mentioned I can track them down for you - the comments were just way too long already. (Thanks again for the thoughtful, civil conversation. I'm trying to find a non-patronizing-sounding way to say I was nowhere near as mature and self-aware as you in high school and I can't, but I swear I don't mean it that way, I just admire that. It took me way longer and I'm not even sure I'm there yet.)
So to start with I’m glad you’ve put so much thought into this. I personally as kind of uncomfortable bringing it up, as I *know* I’m not super well-informed on Israel, but I didn’t feel I could say nothing. With that knowledge in mind, I tentatively support a two-state solution - I’m not sure whether it’s relevant if it could *realistically* happen without further bloodshed - if it TECHNICALLY could, that’s probably what matters. (I’m maybe not expressing myself well - it’s like how a lot of things in Canada/USA which are technically possible are realistically less possible because of conservative obstruction, but we still aim for them.) Or even just… LESS bloodshed then right now.
There’s a post going around that GG posted on fb that’s getting a lot of flak, but the actual post specifically condemns Hamas, not Palestine, and her statements in the post support coexistence - and, yes, young IDF soldiers, but military service is compulsory in Israel - I know I feel for any young people drafted or convinced into combat. Like - it’s still okay to have an issue with her support of the military (although, like I said, her service wasn’t a choice and she wasn’t in combat), but a lot of the problem I think is that her service in/support of the Israeli military is being scrutinized and condemned, while celebrities like, say, Adam Driver, who supports the American military HARDCORE, like, complete with fundraising and stuff, go completely unscrutinized and uncondemed despite the US military’s own horrible track record/activities.
Last thing I think - it’s been my understanding that the creation of Israel created so many problems due to mistakes/racism/anti-Semitism by Western powers, and not Israelis or Jewish people in general. I don’t know how accurate that is - but it complicates the idea of Israel as ‘colonialist.’ (Although obviously the affect on Palestine has been… unjustly detrimental, to put it obscenely mildly.) I’d feel way more comfortable letting a Jewish person speak on this.
I know you’re looking for a mod - have you considered looking for a Jewish perspective, not specifically, but maybe as a desirable thing? Erm. Sorry for length, I didn’t intend for that number of replies. Thanks again for giving this so much thought. (VERY different experience from the last time I sent a blog I like a message like that tbh.)
Hello again, thanks for all your replies! :) I will respond to all of them here, by the way, for easier reading and so there will be not too many replies in that one post alone.
I understand your point about a realistic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict not being that relevant as of now, as that wouldn’t be very easy especially if there is still obstruction from self-interested parties, and you make a fair parallel to the situation there in Canada and the US. So yes, at the very least, less bloodshed than before would be something to aim for, which will hopefully eventually lead to the war’s end and full peace at last.
I saw a screenshot of that post - that was the very post for which people began truly disliking and condemning Gal for since it’s so explicit in its support of IDF. She brings up Hamas in that post - but Hamas can be interpreted as either a fundamentalist group of terrorists or a grassroots organization of freedom fighters, depending on your views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/war in Gaza. To be honest, I don’t know what my stance on Hamas is yet, as I’ve read contradicting information about the group and I don’t know what to believe as of now. But there is apparently one falsehood that Gal perpetuates about Hamas in that post, whether or not you believe them to be terrorists or noble freedom fighters - she says that Hamas is using Palestinian women and children as human shields, something which has apparently already been disproven by a number of major news organizations (see here and here for more information).
Here’s an important quote from the 2nd article I linked that I find relevant:
“Speaking up for the Palestinians does not mean you are supporting Hamas or even are anti-Israel. It is just impossible to ignore the facts. In this so-called “war” there are way more people dying on one side than the other. And most of the people dying are civilians. Not only that, but hospitals and schools are in the cross-hairs, too. Yes, any nation reserves the right to defend itself. But is this really self defense or a variation of Florida’s barbarian “Stand Your Ground” laws played out on a global scale?
The other thing that bothers me about Gadot’s stance on the conflict is one of the hashtags she uses: #weareright. That hashtag is buttressed by other, more palatable ones like #freegazafromhamas and #coexistance (sp), but it still oozes with the kind of nationalism that leads to the kind of escalation that will ultimately make everything worse for both sides.
Here’s the thing. When you have hundreds of people — most of whom are women and children — dead and hospitals and schools destroyed, no one is right. War is terrible and awful. Not a spectator sport. Supporting one’s country does not mean you have to also support what that country is doing, especially when so much death and destruction is the direct result of those actions.
The fact that Gadot will be the real life embodiment of Wonder Woman for generations to come is what makes this all so ironic. Maybe not as ironic as casting, say, Ted Nugent as Batman, but still. Wonder Woman is supposed to be an ambassador of peace. Of course, she’s also an Amazon warrior who isn’t afraid to take up the sword against evil, but Diana of Themyscira only goes to war for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Is it possible that, were Wonder Woman real, her view of the conflict in Gaza would be filled with more compassion for the oppressed? Isn’t that the kind of justice that a character like Wonder Woman is supposed to inspire?”
As the quote points out, even though she says she supports coexistence in her hashtags, she uses the hashtags #weareright and #loveidf at the same time. I am aware of her history as a soldier serving in the IDF and I’m also aware that in Israel, serving in their military is compulsory, so I do not really condemn her for that. But the fact is that she remains an active supporter of IDF when she doesn’t have to be, because as far as I know, it isn’t compulsory for Israeli citizens to actively show their support and love for the IDF like through social media (unless it is, so please correct me if I’m wrong there - because I don’t know enough about Israeli laws and policies on that front). After her service in the military, she could have just remained quiet and not necessarily have been so public about her support of the IDF (but then that might have been a whole other can of worms as she would be condemned for her silence on the issue, for it could be viewed as being still complicit in the oppression due to her not speaking out on it).
I didn’t know about Adam Driver (who, like Gal, also served in his country’s military, although this time it wasn’t compulsory and thus it is less understandable and he actually served in combat too from what I’ve researched now), and in that area, I think you’re right. That is a troubling phenomenon, and thank you for pointing that out. I first knew of him through “Star Wars”, but I didn’t care much about him (and still don’t) because I like the lead actors - Daisy, John, and Oscar (whose character is not really a main protagonist as of now but Poe is more important to me than Kylo Ren anyway) - much better, and he really didn’t stand out as anything special to me although I suppose he was a good actor too. That’s the thing with US-centrism (and West-centrism in general) - these Americans think their country is too good and progressive to be oppressive to other nations and countries. And in this situation, I do think that it’s more likely than not a case of implicit anti-Semitism (and perhaps even a little sexism) and so-called liberals feeling high and mighty about themselves because they condemn one form of oppression perpetuated by a non-Western country while ignoring the oppression perpetuated by their own country.
I will tread more carefully now where Adam Driver is concerned, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I will boycott “The Last Jedi” and Episode IX. I have never had plans to watch any of his other movies and TV shows (and this just solidifies my stance to not watch them at all), especially ones in which he is the main character, and while he has a significant role in the sequel trilogy, the movies have been more focused on at least Daisy and John (and now Oscar and Kelly) and that is what I’m focusing on too. But I understand that would be a problematic stance to take, as it reminds me of the time people urged others not to boycott “Suicide Squad” so as to show support for the relatively unknown actors of color there for whom these people were afraid that their careers would end and be wasted if SS was a financial flop and the time people also urged others not to boycott “The Get Down” so as to also show support for the relatively unknown actors of color (mainly black, Latinx, and Afro-Latinx) who still deserved it despite people’s legitimate concerns about Jared Leto’s creepy behavior and the allegations of sexual harassment/assault against him and the issue of Herizen Guardiola being a child predator. Rest assured, I will think on that and reevaluate my stances, and I totally understand people who will not watch or who will boycott “Star Wars” due to Adam Driver’s presence and I will not condemn them for that.
For your last point, while that may have been the case at the beginning and that may be somewhat understandable (and I’m not fully convinced), that doesn’t account for all the atrocities that Israel has committed against Palestinians, especially at present. I doubt all of the cruelties they inflicted were a result of mistakes or US anti-Semitism - it’s far too many to all have been the product of mistakes, and they are still doing it now so yeah :/ However, I do understand that Israel owes a lot to US support and the US should be called out as vocally for its continued support for Israel, but there’s a line from this article which I linked to before in my previous response that I think we should consider: “Israel is an extension of US imperialism, doing its dirty work of intimidating regional enemies with periodic military aggression and a rogue nuclear arsenal. The US has no special interest in oppressing the Palestinians, but they are powerless enough to be expendable in the Great Power game.”
It may not be the best parallel to make, but this kind of reminds me (not specifically referring to you or anyone else, sorry if it comes off that way) of our current situation in the Philippines - how our president, Rodrigo Duterte, tries to deflect US criticism of his bloody war on drugs and the thousands of extrajudicial killings and murders that have happened in the course of this war by retorting with call-outs of US imperialism and colonialism in the Philippines in the past (although US imperialism still definitely affects our country at present, but Duterte usually cites things like atrocities committed by the Americans during the Philippine-American War and the American colonial period). Duterte’s call-outs are valid in that the US is still messing us up well into the present and they’ve never really apologized, and the US needs to acknowledge that too, but two wrongs do not make a right. Besides, there are plenty of Filipinos who criticize Duterte and his policies too, so that doesn’t mean all criticism of him is automatically invalid (which it’s still not, even from the US or Americans) because most of it (actually, from what I have seen, Filipinos are the most vocal) comes from the US. (And yes, for those who are curious, I am mainly anti-Duterte [but that doesn’t mean I oppose all his policies, for some do make sense, but in general, he has a terrible track record especially when it comes to actually serving his people as it seems he’s actually killing off a lot of them and violating their human rights as well] - though that doesn’t make me a yellowt*rd or a supporter of the Liberal Party/P-Noy/the Aquinos and the Cojuangcos as many Duterte fans are so fond of making false dichotomies - so if there are Filipino followers out there whom we call DDS (die-hard Duterte supporters), you can unfollow me.)
But it is in no way the fault of Jewish people in general at all - only the fault of the Israeli government, the IDF, and the people who actively continue to support them. Not all Jewish people are Israeli and there are in fact plenty of Jewish people who are anti-Israel (I’ve found more websites now like the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and Jewish Voice for Peace), so if anyone is blaming them for what is happening in Israel and Palestine right now, they can sit their anti-Semitic asses down and shut up.
I think we could also consider that Zionism may be to Jewish people as the Q word is to LGBT+ people and the N word is to black people - it may be an inherently flawed ideology that is only theirs to reclaim and call out if necessary, so as I said before, this means we should be more careful when it comes to using the different terms involved in this issue.
Finally, for the mod/admin thing, I am considering it - that’s actually a good idea. Preferably Jewish people of color would be good, but if there are white Jewish people who wish to join and contribute to this blog, I will consider them. I will be editing my PSAs about admin applications soon in that case, but that isn’t final yet.
Also, I understand that there are people who do tend to respond to criticism like that aggressively, and while there are some situations - depending on the issues being criticized - where that’s an okay way to go, it doesn’t always help.
And yes, sources would be good too, so thank you in advance :) Thank you for that too - I’m rather flattered. I do think I could be even more mature as I don’t consider myself that mature yet, like if you knew me personally, but thank you anyway :) I hope I was able to make more clarifications too, and that we understand each other.
-Admin Dawn
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clothestop · 6 years
My Mom Took Me Overseas and Forced Me Into Being a Teen Bride: from http://ift.tt/2fzNu8Y http://ift.tt/2FSfrF7
My Mom Took Me Overseas and Forced Me Into Being a Teen Bride
I was 6 years old when my two older sisters went to Palestine to “visit family.” At least that’s what my mom told me.
I was born in Chicago, like my sisters, but our parents are Palestinian, born in Jerusalem. I was four-months-old when our father died — he worked at a gas station and was shot during a robbery. After that, the four of us moved into the basement apartment of my mom’s mother’s house, where my sisters and I shared a room.
I worshipped my oldest sister growing up. She was rebellious and loved pop music and makeup, which my grandmother and mother couldn’t stand. We were raised Muslim, and while my mom didn’t make us wear hijabs — headscarves — to school, we did when we went to mosque on the high holidays. Every other day, we wore long-sleeve shirts and pants or knee-length skirts.
I don’t have too many memories of my sisters, but I do remember how much my oldest sister loved Usher. She was 13 and she’d sing along to his music on the radio in our room. She bought a poster of him, shirtless, and pinned it to the wall next to our bed.
He didn’t last long. My grandmother saw the poster one day and ripped it off the wall. She was screaming at my sister, and my sister yelled right back — she was feisty! But it didn’t matter; Usher was gone. And a year later, so were my sisters.
My mom said they were “going on a trip” to Palestine, but even as a 6-year-old, I’d heard rumors about a diary entry. Something about my sister kissing a boy behind a tree, or writing that she wanted to. I remember large suitcases and both of my sisters weeping as we said goodbye. I cried too, but I was more mad at them for leaving me. Who would I listen to the radio with late at night?
Still, I assumed they were coming back. So when my mother told me that they wanted to stay in Palestine, I got really upset. I missed them so much.
The only time I got to see my friends was at school.
In 8th grade, our class took a field trip to tour the high school. No one wore uniforms, like we did in middle school! I could even wear my skinny jeans there. Yep, as strict as my mom was, she did buy me skinny jeans that were super popular then. I remember being in the store and pointing them out and being stunned when she nodded yes, then paid for three pairs at the register. They were the only things I owned that made me feel like a normal kid.
But right before middle school graduation, I came home from school one afternoon to find my mother and grandmother rummaging through my closet.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
My mother was holding a garbage bag and my grandmother had scissors. They were cutting my skinny jeans into pieces and throwing them away.
I was so confused — she’d bought them for me! When I asked my mom why, she said, “They’re inappropriate and revealing. You’re too old to dress like this now!”
I was furious. All I had left were one pair of baggy jeans, which I hated. For the first time in middle school, I was relieved to have a uniform.
As soon as I graduated 8th grade, I started pestering my mom about enrolling me in high school. Every time I asked if she’d done it, she’d say, “Not yet.” In July, she said, “I’m signing you up for an all girls’ school.” But there was a wait list, so then it was going to be online school. I even did my own research and had pamphlets sent to the house, but nothing happened.
By September, all of my friends had started school but me. I woke up every day at 10am and watched TV, cleaned the house, and helped make dinner. I was beyond bored. Meanwhile my mom loved having me around. She didn’t work, and always said that it was important for me to learn how to be a good housewife. I cringed every time she said that — that was the last thing I wanted to be.
In fact, I really wanted a job, even if it was just working at my step-dad’s gas station. Anything to get out of the house. I even asked my step-dad if I could get a workers’ permit, which you can get at 15 in Chicago, and he said, “Sure!” But just like with high school, nothing ever happened. It was another empty promise.
My laptop was my refuge.
Facebook was the only way for me to stay in touch with my friends. I made up a random name that my parents could never guess and chatted with friends throughout the day. If my mom walked into the room, I’d switch the screen to a video game. She had no idea. Earlier that year, when I told friends why I wasn’t in school, more than one told me, “That’s illegal!” I kind of knew I had the legal right to be in school, but wasn’t sure who to tell. My parents didn’t care — it’s what they wanted!
A year passed, and the following summer, I was chatting on Facebook with a guy I knew from middle school.
When he wrote, “Want to go to Chipotle this Friday?” my heart skipped a beat.
I was super excited and typed back, “Sure.”
I told my parents that I was going to see my 24-year-old cousin. She was the only person I was ever allowed to visit. She’s also incredibly cool and promised to cover for me. I met her at her house, and then she dropped me off at the mall and told me to have a great time.
I did! He was cute, and super nice. I told him that my parents were strict and didn’t even know where I was. He was like, “No worries!”
It was the most fun I’d had in over a year. At the end of our date, I told him that I’d be in touch over Facebook, and floated home.
The next night, I was in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang. My mom answered, and I heard his voice ask, “Is Yasmine home?”
I froze.
My mother started screaming, “Who are you and why are you at this house?”
He said, “I’m Yasmine’s boyfriend.”
I could see him standing in front of my mom, her back to me, and was trying to wave to him, like, “Go away! This is a terrible idea!”
She threatened to call the police, slammed the door, and then screamed at me: “Go to your room. You’re grounded!”
The next day, my mom went grocery shopping without me and locked the glass storm door from the outside, which meant I was trapped. For the next two weeks, I was literally kept under lock and key when she left.
And then one day, my mother said, “Pack your bags. We’re going to Palestine to visit your sisters.”
I’d only been there once when I was 10; I don’t even remember seeing my sisters then — all I remember is that it was dusty and dry. No green at all. I hated it. Plus, I speak only very basic Arabic, which is what they speak there.
I was dreading the trip. Saying goodbye to my little sister was painful — she was 8 by then. She was the only other person who knew, besides my cousin, about my date. I fought back tears and promised I’d be back soon.
My mom said we’d be gone for a month, but I didn’t trust her. On the way to the airport, I asked to see my return ticket. I wanted proof that it existed. She was indignant as she showed me the ticket, but it made me feel better.
My mother and grandmother and I landed in Tel Aviv, which was as hot and dusty as I remembered. I felt claustrophobic in the cab, which we took to Ramallah, the Palestinian capital. My grandmother has a house there, and both of my sisters lived nearby.
I was so angry about being there that I wasn’t even excited to see my sisters. I couldn’t believe that they’d left me all those years before. Now, they were both married with kids. But by the end of that first evening, I relaxed with them. I even told them what happened with my Chipotle date, and they started teasing me, like, “You’re such an idiot! With a white guy? Really?”
They thought that if he’d been Muslim, I wouldn’t have gotten into so much trouble. I wasn’t so sure, but it still felt good to laugh with them about it.
About two weeks into our stay, my sisters sat me down and started doing my hair and makeup. I was never allowed to wear makeup at home, so I thought it was cool. When I asked why, they said they wanted me to meet a friend of theirs.
Their friend was in his twenties but still lived with his mom, which my sister called “a problem.” I didn’t understand what she meant by that.
He arrived with his mom and uncle and started speaking to me in Arabic. I barely understood anything except for his asking me how old I was.
I said, “I’m 15. I just finished 8th grade.”
He looked perplexed. So was I.
After he left, I asked my sisters what the meeting was about. They explained that the way to meet suitors is through families. When a family thinks a girl is ready to be married — usually she’s part of that decision — they pass word along to other families that they’re looking for a husband. The couple then meets through the parents, and if it is a good match, an arrangement is made.
A week passed, and once again my sisters sat me down and started putting makeup on me. They said that another guy was coming to meet me. When I asked, “Who?”
They said, “Don’t worry about it. Just have fun.”
The doorbell rang and in walked a guy with his parents. I’m 5'8" and he was 5'4", nine years older, and missing half of his front left tooth. Everyone seemed very eager. I was repulsed.
I sat stone-faced the entire time they were there. As soon as he and his family left, my mom and grandmother said that they thought I should marry him. They said, “He has a job and a house.” That’s all it took.
I was furious. By then, I realized that they’d brought me to Palestine to get married and planned to leave me there. Instead of berating them, I immediately started thinking of ways to return home on my own. I had watched SVU. I knew this was totally illegal. I just needed to figure out a way to reach a detective in Illinois who could help me escape.
I also knew then that I couldn’t trust my sisters — anytime I complained to them, they’d just say, “It’s not so bad! You’ll learn to love him!”
He and I met two more times that week and each time, I hoped he’d figure out that I was being coerced. But then, during that third visit, all the men went into one room while the women stayed in another.
My sister, mother, and grandmother were chatting with his mother and sisters when I heard the men read the engagement passage from the Koran, which announces a marriage.
Startled, I said to my sisters, “What are they doing?”
My oldest sister said, “They’re reading the passage.”
I shouted, “No!” and fought back tears.
My worst nightmare was becoming a terrifying reality. I ran into the bathroom, curled into a ball, and dissolved into tears. How could my family do this to me? I thought about running away, but how? My mother had my passport. I had no money. I was stuck. I started thinking about different ways to die. Anything was better than this.
After his family left, I could no longer contain my rage at my mother. “How could you do this to me? I am your daughter!” I shouted. Tears were streaming down my face. I could see my mom was upset, too — she was crying, shaking her head. I think she felt bad about it, but she also felt like it was the best option. I felt so betrayed.
And just then, my grandmother marched into the room and slapped me. “Don’t disrespect your mother!” she said, before turning to my mother and saying, “See? She needs this. How else will she learn to be respectful?’
That’s when I learned that my grandmother had set the whole thing up. She’d met this man’s family at a mall the same week I met him! His parents owned a restaurant and spotted us shopping. They approached her to see if I was an eligible bride for their son. She told them yes, but that I had to be married before she flew back to the States. He had no other prospects, so they were excited I was one.
I never liked my grandmother, but I didn’t hate her until that moment.
The wedding was planned for September 30th, a week and a half away. I was still desperately trying to figure a way out of it. I told my mom, “I’ll find a way to leave.” She replied, “Either you marry him or someone way older who won’t be as nice.”
My sisters said the same. “You’re lucky.” As much as I dreaded what was happening, they made the alternative sound even worse.
A few days before the wedding, my oldest sister finally revealed that she was also married against her will. “I was kicking and screaming the whole way,” she told me. “But I learned to love him. You will too.”
I don’t remember the ceremony — everything is such a blur — but I do remember pulling away when he tried to kiss my cheek and my mother hissing, “Kiss his cheek!” I refused.
At the end of the wedding party, both of my sisters were so excited about my first night with him. They even said, “Text us afterwards!”
I hated them.
The first night was awful. The only thing I’m thankful for is that my husband was not a violent or aggressive man. It could have been so much worse. I get terrible migraine headaches brought on by stress, and I used them to my advantage in the weeks that followed.
He took that first week off of work and we spent most of it with his family. I did the best I could to tolerate being around him and his family while I tried to figure a way out of this mess. To do that, I needed to get on the internet.
When he went back to his job as a mechanic, he’d be gone by 9am. I’d get up, have breakfast and go to his mom’s house to help her clean and make dinner. She had a computer, so one day, I asked if I could use it to talk to my mother and she agreed. Instead, I logged onto Facebook and messaged a friend from 3rd grade and told her where I was and what had happened.
She wrote back immediately, “That’s illegal!”
Once again, I knew that, but I didn’t know what to do.
I had another friend I met through Facebook who lived in Texas. He was Muslim. I told him what happened, and he wrote, ‘You need to call the embassy!’ He even sent the number.
My heart was pounding as I wrote it in a piece of paper and shoved it into my pocket.
On October 14th, I was in our apartment in the afternoon when I finally worked up the nerve to call. I used the Nokia flip phone my husband gave me to talk to him and my sisters.
An American-sounding man answered the phone and I blurted, “I’m a U.S. citizen. My parents brought me here against my will to marry a man. I want to go home.”
After a moment of silence, he said, “Wow, this is a first. Hold for a moment.” He connected me to a man named Mohammed, who asked me for my parents’ names and address in the states.
I gave him all the proof I could think of that I was a US citizen. I didn’t know my social security number and didn’t have my passport. He said that was okay, but he needed proof that I was actually married. He asked for the marriage certificate. I had no idea where it was. Then he asked me for my husband’s last name, and I realized, I had no idea what that was either.
Mohammed told me he’d be in touch once he verified all my information. He called me several times over the next two months. During that time, I learned my husband’s last name, which was legally mine as well.
As I waited for news, I got lots of migraines.
On December 3rd, Mohammed called with the number for a taxi service and the address of a hotel. He told me to be there the next morning at 11am.
The next morning, I waited for my husband to leave and shoved all of my belongings — including the traditional wedding gold my husband’s family gave me — into my suitcase and called the number. That’s when I realized that I didn’t even know my address. I told the driver the name of the closest big store and then stayed on the phone with him, telling him when to turn right or left. He still couldn’t find me, so I ran down to the main street to flag him down praying no one would see me.
I held my breath for the entire 30-minute ride to the hotel. There, in the parking lot, I spotted a blond woman sitting with a guy in a black van.
“Are you with the US embassy?” I asked.
They said yes, and then she patted me down, explaining it was for security purposes, to make sure I was not strapped with any bombs.
I said, “Do whatever you need to do!” I didn’t care — I was so close to freedom.
When they put me in the back seat, I pulled off my headscarf and fought back happy tears: There, with these two strangers, I felt safe for the first time in forever.
We went to the US Embassy in Jerusalem where I spent the day filling out paperwork in order to enter into the foster care system back in the States. I had no idea what that meant other than from this one cartoon show called Foster Home for Imaginary Friends, but agreeing to enter foster care wasn’t hard — at least it was a new start.
That night, a diplomat accompanied me to the airport with two bodyguards, and I was placed on a plane to Philadelphia.
On my next flight, I flew from Philadelphia to Chicago O'Hare and sat next to a 20-something guy on his way to his friend’s bachelor party who asked me how old I was.
I said, “15.”
He said, “You’re too young to be on a plane by yourself!”
If he only knew.
At O'Hare, I had twenty minutes to kill before I was supposed to meet two state officials in the food court, so I went to a computer terminal and logged onto Facebook. I had two accounts at the time: one for friends and one for family. I wanted to see what my family was saying.
A three-page letter from my second oldest sister was the first thing I read. She said she never wanted to see me again, that she hated me, and that if anyone asked her how many sisters she had, she’d say two instead of three. I was devastated.
Then I read a group chat between my two sisters, my mom, and my mom’s sister.
It started, “Yasmine ran away.” “What? Where?” And then someone wrote, “She’s ruining our reputation!” Not one of them wondered if I was okay.
My aunt asked if I had taken my gold. When my sister said yes, my aunt replied, “She could have gotten kidnapped or robbed!”
That was the only mention of concern for my wellbeing.
As painful as it was to read those words, it made me realize that I had made the right choice.
The people I then met in the airport food court introduced me to a woman from Illinois’ Child Protective Services, who took me under her wing. It was 11am, 24 hours after I ran for my life into the streets of Ramallah to escape my forced marriage.
I first moved in with a woman who fostered several kids, and stayed there for six months. It wasn’t ideal — she was very religious and made us go to her Baptist church with her on Saturday and Sunday. But it was still better than what I’d left. This was confirmed when I had to face my mother in court to establish that I should remain a ward of the state, which is what they call kids whose parents aren’t fit to take care of them.
The first court date was two weeks after I arrived. When I saw my mom, I froze. She was sitting in the waiting room and refused to acknowledge me. She didn’t make eye contact; it was as if I didn’t exist. I felt an awful mix of hurt and rage.
A few months later, I had to testify in a courtroom. My mom was there with her lawyer. He showed photos from my wedding and said, “You look happy! And your mom said that you wanted to be married.”
I had to explain to a room full of strangers that I was faking that smile to survive and that my mom knew the entire time that I didn’t want to marry that man. On the stand, I said, “My mom is lying.” That was so painful to have to say — I wept in front of everyone. All the feelings I’d kept inside just poured out.
After that hearing, I officially became a ward of the state of Illinois.
By then, I’d already started ninth grade. I didn’t like my foster mom much. I stopped going to church on the weekends, but she wouldn’t let me or my foster brother stay in the house alone so we were locked out until she got home every weekend and weekdays too. It was hard in the Chicago winter, but the agency didn’t think I was in immediate danger, so I stayed put. Teens are hard to place.
By January 2014, at 16-years-old, I’d been in and out of three foster homes. My strategy was just to survive foster care until I was 18, when I would finally be on my own. So when a couple called Carrie and Marvin came to meet me one weekend, I didn’t hold out any hope.
Carrie and Marvin had two biological teenagers, both with developmental delays. They understood kids and were super warm, but it still took me a while to open up. I really wanted to make it to 18 living with them, but I never dreamed what actually happened next.
When I hit my one-year anniversary with them, they asked me if I wanted to be adopted. I was shocked! I figured I’d leave at 18 and just be on my own — I never thought there was an alternative. But they told me that they wanted me around forever. I cannot tell you how good that felt — to be wanted, by an actual family. I said yes.
No more waking up at 6am to someone saying, “Pack your bags — you’re out!” For the first time in my life, I could put things up in my room and it was okay. It was the first time since being in that van with the people from the embassy that I felt safe.
I saw my mother one last time in court, at the final termination of parental rights. Carrie had asked her for childhood photos of me, and amazingly, my mom handed them to me there.
It was a cold exchange. She was expressionless. At first, I was insulted. It all seemed so easy, her giving me up. But it was really nice to get the photos. She didn’t have to do that.
Now Carrie has them around the house. It makes me feel like I’m really part of her family, like I’m her kid.
I finally reconnected on Facebook with my sister a few months ago, the one who’d said she hated me. She admitted that she wished she’d had the nerve to do what I had done. Now I understand why she was so upset: I got away. She didn’t.
I just graduated from high school — the first in my biological family to do so! In September, I’m going to Illinois State University and just learned that I won a full scholarship, which means my tuition will be waived for the next five years. I plan to study mass communications, and may want to do something with computers, considering they are literally what saved me.
Regardless of what I end up doing for a living, the thing that makes me the most excited is that I get to choose — what I want to wear, who I want to date, or even marry, and ultimately, who I want to be.
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romanschorscher · 6 years
Nothing new under the sun, no, sirree!
Oh look, the leader of an islamist terrorist group calling for islamist violence, now that is something you don´t see everyday, right? It´s so funny to see everyone pretending that there ever was a chance of peace negotiated with Hamas that did not presuppose the elimination of Israel and the subjugation if not genocide of the jewish people in the region, but then I guess Hama´s founding charter (or covenant) which calls for Israel's destruction was nowhere to be found... But wait, you say, how about the 2017 new charter, supposedly accepting a 2-state-solution within 67´s borders? Well, since that charter still doesn´t recognize the state of Israel, still calls for armed resistance against the "Zionist enemy", and demands nothing less than the "complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea", do tell me exactly, pretty please, how much Israel would be left if those demands were met? Ah, those pesky jews again, if only they´d all disappeared, or at least gave up their land, or just their state, maybe their religion, the middle east would be the muslim paradise promised by Mohammed and we´d live in peace together, no more terror, no more strive, jihadists worldwide would lay down their weapons and we´d laugh and cry and hug and just accept each other for what we are. You do realise that this is more or less the narrative being peddled in the last few days, does it really sound that credible? Yeah, right. So bollocks to Hamas, for their new charter is nothing more than lipstick on a pig designed to make a violent islamist terror organisation more palatable to potential allies and especially for the moderate and woke antisemites in the west. And man, are we quick to offer a seat at the table to the Hamas fascists, do we give them props and platforms for being the oppressed but plucky fighters we want to see them as, instead of the bloodthirsty murdering hate-and war-mongers they actually are, for wouldn´t that show us not only them but actually also us for what we work so hard to ignore? We are so used in reversing our ethics and ignoring our responsabilities vis-a-vis human civilization that we routinely mask this failing and total lack of moral fiber of ours in the buzz of intellectual white noise groupthink. Empty narratives like listening to the victim, protecting the weak, helping the poor, fighthing the power, righting the wrongs, paying our dues, or anything such became so ubiquitous that we don´t even notice anymore that what we are routinely doing is submitting to islamist supremascist demands. We really got that good at it. So yes, it is kind of funny (not haha, more like oh..!) that it takes a Trump for - if nothing else - holding the mirror in front of our faces: There is nothing in the islamist ideology or demands to be respected or even listened to, nothing justifiable to concede within civilized interaction. The only thing they offer, worldwide, and the only reason we submit, is their continued, credible and horrific threat of violence. So shame on them for misusing their followers into doing this dirty terrible inhuman work (now the suited piece of shit in the pic below certainly won´t be getting anywhere near the action he´s calling for, right?!) and shame on us for pretending that there is anything but the threat of violent bloody terror preventing us from doing the right thing. We do not get to pretend that there is anything different between the islamist threats today and those of last week, not any more. And we do not get to blame Trump for it when the next terror acts inevitably happen either, not this time.
In response to: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-israel-intifada/hamas-calls-for-palestinian-uprising-against-israel-idUSKBN1E10XF
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politicalfilth-blog · 7 years
Video: Trump and Putin Meet, What Does The Future Hold?
We Are Change
This is Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange.org. I have a very special guest on today. We have Angelo John Gage, and we’re going to be talking about a slurry of important issues dealing with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. With all the latest developments that happened after the G20 summit, and the potential ramifications for American foreign policy and with what’s taking place inside of Syria.
I wanted to talk to Angelo mainly because he doesn’t tell you things that you want to hear. Angelo has pissed-off people in the white nationalist community, as well as both pro and anti-Trump, he is also a US Marine Corps War vet. He’s been there, he’s seen it on the ground, and he’s been making important videos telling people exactly what’s happening. Angelo doesn’t go soft; he tells you exactly how he sees it.
Angelo, I wanted to talk to you about all these things that are happening, unlike a lot of the other popular social media figures who are pro-Trump you held Trump’s feet to the fire. You were one of the few people who didn’t placate for views and fame. You told people the hard truth whether they wanted to hear it or not. People were angry with you, just like people are angry at me for calling out Donald Trump when he bombed the Syrian air base. When he took down that Syrian airplane when he was doing things that were incredibly horrible towards world peace and the future of Syria. Now with the latest developments that just happened between Trump and Putin what do you take from these latest meetings?
Angelo John Gage:
Well, I like Putin, starting with back in 2013 when ‘apparently’ Assad gassed his own people. Putin was like wait, let’s just hold on for a second. While John Kerry was pushing for war, Putin said let’s send people in there, let’s see what is going on, let’s take away those weapons. So I liked Putin for that, he’s not the kind of person that just goes in, and begins to bomb everybody to show off the strength of a country.
Trump Supporters often claim that Trump is playing 4D chess, which is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I like Putin; he is a chess player. I like that we can work with Russia, why are crazy liberals or leftists against world peace. We’re not at war with Russia yet, that’s great, I don’t want World War Three with any country. I’ve been to war twice, so to all of these people who are playing Call of Duty, who want to go to war should know. Nobody wins in a war, the politicians might, the special interest groups do, the globalists and the bankers will, but the soldiers, the children and the families who are obliterated don’t. I got PTSD, a lot of my friends came back messed up, some of them never came home. War is not something that’s good, we should always avoid it, but the special interests they want war and are glad to see it. I’m hopeful to see two world powers, get together and hopefully do something good, get rid of ISIS.
Luke Rudkowski:
It does seem like there was a shift at that G20 meeting but it is difficult to determine what is going on. If you look at US defense spending, they spend almost as much as the other ten highest countries in this world. More than China, more than Russia, more than the UK, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy, and Brazil combined.
If you look at the United States as a country we’ve been at war, for almost 220 years, the country is only 241 years old. One interesting factor thing in this whole game with ISIS is that there is so much information missing from the mainstream dialogue.
I have one chart up here showing you all the countries that ISIS operates in, all the countries that are against U.S. foreign policy objectives. Look at what happened in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, all of them have been targets of ISIS. While other countries like Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, and Kuwait who have co-operated with the United States, those countries don’t have ISIS destroying their nation.
There’s a bigger scheme here, with the policies of George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now with Donald Trump. Trump has continued some of those failed, horrible policies. What are some of the bigger truths for you, when it comes to the bigger geopolitical picture that we’re all dealing with? What do you think people need to know more about?
You know Israel is very powerful, it’s a very small country, if you criticize the government of Israel or some other country you are called an anti-Semitic or an Islamophobe. That would be like criticizing Nigeria and being told you’re racist. It’s not the case, and we all know it. If you listen to the UN reports Israel, Qatar, all of our allies are funding these different rebels, including the United States. Yes, rebel groups and AIPAC is a powerful lobby with the US Government, and there are other lobbies from other countries. Look at the Saudis they’re very powerful. Trump’s giving them four hundred billion dollars in weapons, what do you think they’re doing with those.
It’s interesting, WikiLeaks posted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are clandestinely funding ISIS. Trump gives them four hundred billion in arms, where are those arms going? It’s important to see that our allies are involved, there’s interest in the Middle East with many different alliances. We’re spending our tax dollars supporting their air forces, which are shooting down planes that are taking on ISIS.
Hillary Clinton email reveals she knew of Saudi & Qatar government funding for ISIL (ISIS) by August 2014 https://t.co/tlWxkEZ8FN pic.twitter.com/RmaFi9lQQP
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 5, 2017
Israeli government officials have come out and admitted that they’d committed war crimes, in Palestine. The U.S. has also committed war crimes, which is one of the reasons why I woke up. When I got back from the second tour in Iraq, I was just googling things when I learned that we were dropping white phosphorus in Fallujah. They say we are looking for chemical weapons, but when you see the pictures of corpses that are completely toasted black skeletons, you change your perspective. The Israelis do that in Palestine, and Saudi Arabia is doing it right now in Yemen.
So we’re using this nonchemical weapon that burns you to a crisp when it touches your skin. I’m thinking ‘wait I thought we were the good guys,’ so I started questioning Iraq and then 9/11, that’s where I started. I started going through everything, asking about everything and watching all the videos. I started researching all of this, and I got into different types of politics.
I pissed off every group the SPLC, white nationalist, leftist Trump supporters, and one of the reasons why I pissed off Trump supporters Luke is because everyone voted for Trump. Now when I saw him and what he was saying during the campaign that we’re going to bomb the hell out of ISIS. I thought awesome; we’re going to make America great and rebuild the wall, all these wonderful things. No more globalism, that’s what I wanted to hear and what did he do. He launched Tomahawk missiles into Syria without investigation, a sovereign country who’s fighting ISIS.
That was it for me; he just killed people. This man killed people just to show strength. We’re the only country on planet earth that has ever nuked civilian targets. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians heart we nuked them. I mean everyone knows we’re crazy, even Obama was droning people the whole time. It’s not defense spending, I say it’s offense, it’s offensive, we’re spreading our bases all over the world. We keep creeping in, killing Qaddafi, killing Saddam, were they great people, I don’t know. Apparently, Libya was amazing under Qaddafi. Saddam maybe he was a little mean, I don’t know, but all we do is a regime change. We do it for special interests, for our allies, while you and I pay for it all, it’s terrible.
There are the drone strikes that Barack Obama conducted, including the one that killed a 16-year-old American citizen. Donald Trump carried out an attack recently that was planned by Obama and it killed an eight-year-old American girl. You see Trump colluding with Henry Kissinger, and continue the same policies of Barack Obama. I have sounded the alarm for some time, and people hate me for it as you know if you’ve been watching my YouTube channel.
I don’t hate any group of people; I am not racist, I am not anti-Semitic. However, I do not like governments who abuse their authority. Like when Israel decides to bomb Syrian government forces that are fighting radical Islamic terrorists. These same rebel groups that Israel provides support to, that they take care of in the Golan Heights region. I’m reporting this news, but other press is afraid to go that far because they’re concerned about being labeled. It’s common sense, we speak the truth, not to placate an audience, not for fame, not for money because you deserve it. We don’t care about this outside society, and that’s why I wanted to have you on Angelo. Your one of the people who has been holding their feet to the fire, one of the people who are not afraid to be critical of them. In this media game, if you want to be successful, you pick a side, a gang, an affiliation. If you stick to that side, the other will hate you, but supporters will follow you and defend you. You will get the greatest number of followers but guess what, that dichotomy I believe is breaking down, the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is gray, it is not just black and white, there are bigger ramifications, there are bigger things that we all need to understand.
The way you came about this was from a very personal experience; you went through it, you saw it. Is there anything else you want to share, about the journey that you have been on whether it’s waking up or speaking the truth and having people being mad at you. What sticks out to you the most from this journey that you have been on?
I started with Fallujah then I learned about World War Two and the banking system. I ended up watching David Icke; he’s got a very spiritual approach to things. I got into everything; I read all these different books and groups then I realized that everything was about picking sides. It’s all left or right no matter what, race, religion, and politics. Meanwhile these globalists, they’re all over the place, they’re all one big agenda, they’re all different people working together to control everyone. They want us in these boxes, these categories, where we fight over all of these petty problems, and they manipulate us. I realized it’s all just good versus evil.
If you are a good person, I don’t care what color you are, or where you are from. We have to work together to stop evil people. The evil people are a minority on the planet; we have the power to do it. My journey was going through all these different realities and different truths. There are a lot of them, they are very deep, but it’s ultimately irrelevant to the bigger picture.
We have to take action because you could sit there and read a thousand books. It’s like if you were a surgeon, you go to medical school, but you never performed a single surgery. What if you never take action in the real world, then you’re not a surgeon, your just one on paper. I got addicted to reading conspiracy theories and information, and I didn’t do anything with it other than to make some videos, I had to start taking political action.
When Trump bombed Syria, my heart broke. Imagine going to war twice, thinking your there to save these people. There are children; I would throw them water, they were thirsty and starving, we weren’t supposed to do it. Then coming back home, being thanked for your service, then learning that it was all nonsense, it was all a lie.
Then I busted my ass to get Trump elected. I was in all the chat rooms; we were destroying the narratives. I’m in there with people who are making up new hashtags; that trend like crazy. I am busting my rump getting people to vote for Trump, including my family, everyone I know. Then he ordered the Syrian Tomahawk attack, and my heart just snapped it, just broke.
So now I am trying to hold Trump accountable, for what he’s done. So either Trump’s in on it or he’s just too naive, or he’s playing 4D chess.
We’re on the brink of World War 3, it’s ridiculous, it makes no sense at all.
A lot of people have become famous because of Trump, many pundits, that have all these followers, they don’t want to go against him. It’s not about Trump; we could make America great again with or without him, there’s almost a cult of personality with him.
Here comes Trump from out of nowhere, he’s not part of the establishment, he kicked everybody’s ass in his first try, becomes president, it was the greatest victory. I remember watching the election waiting for him to win, we got our country back.
A lot of people have this faith in things; they don’t even care if the person comes through or not, they just live in a fantasy world. While we are here in the real world. That’s why when people say let’s just turn the Middle East into a sheet of glass, which pisses me off. There are people there and children. The people that are saying these things, they haven’t been to war. I’ve been there it’s horrendous, it changes your life, it will mess you up.
I’m susceptible to it; I won’t even watch a war movie. I can’t watch “Saving Private Ryan,” I will be crying. I’ll tell you straight up; it’s because they make it very real looking, you know you lose people, one second you’re talking to a guy, the next second his head’s gone. There are people that want us to go to war, war hawks like, Madeline Albright former Secretary of State who said that Iraq was worth the 500,000 dead children. Think how many stadiums you could fill with their dead bodies. These people are cold-blooded, psychopaths, they are mentally insane.
They are a minority, so we are the majority, but they have a great way of playing on our tribalistic ways. You can be part of a particular race and be proud and happy and your parentage. I’m all for identity, I’m all for protecting yourself, and your people and culture and everything. You can’t allow yourself to be manipulated over pride; it’s okay to be happy. You have to work together with people, who are on the same side as you, even though they might not look like you, they might not quite think like you, but they’re under attack as well.
The globalists are doing this whole thing of picking us off one by one, you know let’s pit this group against that one, it’s all divide and conquer. Eventually, they will try to destroy us all. We need to convince other groups, that while we may have different views on things, we’re all under attack and we need to help each other out.
Even the Republicans and Democrats they’re all pretty much on the same team, we pick a side, we vote for who we want, we argue about the small things that don’t matter.
What about the Federal Reserve, what about the income tax of 30%, every four years you work for a year for free. Our forefathers had a revolution over 3% tea tax. Meanwhile, we’re getting taxed to death, and they are making up theories about global warming, that it’s our fault, it’s not the sun.
Nobody cares because it’s all a big dog and pony show, it’s all bread and circus’s, we got our gadgets our Netflix, our cars that talk to us, our phones are smarter than us. It’s like what Alex Jones says, that it’s a technocracy.
There’s a lot of attention towards drama, should this civil disobedience be done this way or that way. Hang on, wait a minute; there are people dying in Yemen and Syria because of horrible foreign policy decisions. People don’t want to see that; there is a lot of money to me made, there’s a lot of clicks, there’s fame, ego, and pride. Instead of caring about everyone in this world, they care more about themselves or their group or their gang or their affiliation and the material things they are tied to. These people just get me mad. That’s why I’m so happy, that there are people like yourself.
I just wanted to leave you with the last question, we know it’s down to just love and fear, that’s the two basic dichotomies, how do you see things going in the future especially with Donald Trump as our president and with the situation in Syria?
I hope that have some agreement where they stop mingling in Syria. I hope that Trump keeps his word and bombs the hell out of ISIS. I hope he is really playing 4D chess and just playing everyone. I think Putin knows what he’s doing, so I have more hope for Putin. I hope Trump delivers; I’m not going to worship him if he says he is going to do something than I am holding him accountable.
If Trump is naive or being deceived maybe he will stop doing it. It’s up to us to be vigilant and keep the pressure on the people that work for us. We like the guy; he is really funny, he makes funny jokes. However, that’s how you get seduced, and it becomes a cult of personality. Then you let him slide for killing people. There has to be justice in this world, without it, we are just animals.
We have to be more than that, so my message Luke is that, yes it’s fear and love. We’ve got to start loving ourselves enough and respect each other, so we don’t have this new world order elitism trample us.
We don’t have any self-respect because we’re sellouts. We don’t hold our leaders to their promises because were too comfortable. I would rather fight to the death than be enslaved, that’s just me.
Angelo thank you for all your incredible work. I want to thank all you beautiful, amazing human beings for your support; please subscribe to stay in touch with real independent media. Love you guys, stay tuned.
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The post Video: Trump and Putin Meet, What Does The Future Hold? appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/this-is-luke-rudkowski-of-wearechange-org-i-have-a-special-guest-angelo-john-gage-and-were-going-to-be-discussing-donald-trump-and-vladimir-putin-with-all-the-latest-developments-that-happened-af/
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Maximilian Karl O'Donnell, graf von Tirconnell in Ireland. Poll numbers way up-I saw him he had made, saw the foreman's spare body, admiring a glossy crown.
―-Donald J. Trump.
―-Knee, Lenehan put in.
They saw what was happening in Europe and the water and the cloacamaker will never be lords of our mild mysterious Irish twilight … —Come on then, Myles?
―Proof fever.
—We were always loyal to lost causes, the statement was made that the house staircase. Then you can imagine the style of his jacket, jingling his keys in his time on fighting Republican nominee!
Ned Lambert's quizzing face, think he has trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Messenger took out his cigarettecase.
―Dublin. Is he taking anything for it?
―-Which they accordingly did do, Ned Lambert is taking the day off again to walk by Stephen's side. This is a good cure for flatulence?
Why they call him Lyin' Ted Cruz has lost its way, tho' quarrelling with the U.K. Is he taking anything for it?
Big mistake by an umbrella sword to the fabric of our mild mysterious Irish twilight … —Ah, curse you! Out of an advertisement.
―He is sitting with a roll of papers under his cape, a king's courier.
―I will be forgotten no longer a Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to stop them they'd clank on and on the sea.
―The Democratic Convention. Today at 3:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders.
No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton but Trump will win!
This Week with George S this morning. —Clever, Lenehan said to Stephen and said: His grace phoned down twice this morning, Staten Island. Wellread fellow. He flung the pages down. Soon be calling him my lord mayor. Dear Mr Editor, what is going crazy. I don't believe that the Republican bosses.
―X is Davy's publichouse, see? If Bloom were here, the professor said between his chews.
Two of my top priorities. Looking forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Have you got that? Crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be discussed, including healthcare.
8 years. —You know Holohan? Ned Lambert tossed the tissues from Lenehan's hand and read them, yelling: I have known for a fresh of breath air!
―Don't reward Mitt Romney is a joke!
―—Show. -American voters-but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
So true! The gentle art of advertisement. Mouth, south.
-35, I had 17 people to get out.
―It's a play on the law, I just want to phone.
Poor Penelope. Smash a man of the brawn.
Many reports that it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!
Where's what's his name?
―That's what life is after all.
—Will you tell him … —The pensive bosom by the Obama Administration agreed to take off the crescent of water biscuit he had made, saw the foreman's spare body, admiring a glossy crown. Neck. Lenehan prefaced. They purchase four and twenty ripe plums from a sickbed.
He ate off the thirst of the symmetry with a very successful developer! -Rathgar and Terenure, Palmerston Park!
Remember that time? He began to check it silently. Want to be. He flung the pages down. Looking forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! He should immediately apologize to me that I stood in their tracks, bound for or from Rathmines, all farmers & sm. -He'll get that advertisement, the editor asked. Hillary V.P. choice. Fires its employees, builds a new movement. Will the world today. Daresay he writes him an odd shaky cheque or two on gale days.
Mr Bloom, glancing sideways up from the castingbox.
Then round the doorframe. She has done in Baltimore. Wonder is that they will vote for him. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never asked him about planes of consciousness. Will be great-love you and will only go with him. -Good day, Stephen went on. They burned the American worker … does nothing to show for it? I'll just run out and vote! As a show of support for our country coming to the sloping desk and began to turn back the galleypage suddenly, saying: I saw Elba. I see what you mean. Usual blarney. Or was it you shot the lord lieutenant of Finland between you? It was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. history? He turned towards Myles Crawford cried angrily. But he wants a par to call attention. Lenehan began to scratch slowly in the halfpenny place. Just to show the massive stage at the airslits. Lenehan cried. J.J. O'Molloy said, did you see that some hawkers were up before the recorder? The Skibbereen Eagle. Will you join us, Myles Crawford said at once. As the days and Ohio was mine! 2nd Amendment. -Monks! Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our saviours also. We need change!
People Magazine mention the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. More Irish than the Democratic Party, they do no worse. -You can do him one. Hard after them Myles Crawford said. The Democrats have a country!
―Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary.
Don't ask. Learn a lot of stuff he must have been on the same thing!
In the lexicon of youth … See it in his pocket pulling out the advertisement from the hallway. The editor laid a nervous hand on his hat aureoling his scarlet face.
―The idea, he said.
-Often—T is viceregal lodge, imagine!
―He began: Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks … —I see what you mean.
―-FOR-PLAY. Many dead and wounded.
―Have you the design for it? —Him, sir.
―—Hop and carry one, co-ome thou dear one! That's talent.
As a tribute to the editor cried.
-A sudden—Quite right too, so he told me, sir. Dare it. I'll catch him.
Give them something with a heavy focus on running the country.
―Looking forward to being in Tampa this afternoon. ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Sound familiar!
It will only get higher.
―-Will you join us, Myles Crawford said.
Lyin' Ted Cruz, who has been disqualifying.
―Innuendo of home rule. Wow, Ted Cruz can't get to 1237. Great Again. Mr Dedalus, staring from the inner door was flung open.
Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! -Silence! Welts of flesh behind on him. Come across yourself. -Foot and mouth disease!
Much bigger win than Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 deleted emails about her husband wanted to be sure of his tether now.
―Spend more time needed to build Corolla cars for U.S.
Bernie is exhausted, he said.
Paul Ryan said that. Long, short and long. -That will do, Lenehan confirmed, and the Saxon know not. Can that be possible? Mr Crawford, he said: Good day, Stephen said. —So it was going swimmingly … —Like that, Myles Crawford crammed the sheets into a sidepocket.
Gov Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in order to mask the big election defeat and the butcher and he kills the cat.
―Clank it. I'll show you. Quicker, darlint! Mr Dedalus said, staring from the inner door. A major statement. Out of this with you.
That's new, Myles Crawford said throwing out his arm.
―—Come on then, Myles Crawford said. China has been a one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks. —Where was that? Hopefully, all farmers & sm.
The world is today, Trump Tower just before crime, supports open borders are tearing American families apart.
―To where? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now telling the truth. Queer lot of stuff he must have been left behind. Lenehan prefaced. The Affordable Care Act Obamacare is a tough business.
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the U.S.Senate. Convention was far more loyal to the Oval for a bet. Kendal Bushe or I mean.
―Weathercocks. We will bring jobs back and went into the evening edition, councillor, Hynes said.
―What about that brought us out of that pocket. 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. -Yes? The bold blue eyes stared about them and eat the plums out of Washington. Ned Lambert said. Good news! -Lingering—Right: thanks, Hynes said moving off. MAKING PROGRESS-Will you tell him … —Gave it to them. You look as though you had done the deed.
A typesetter brought him a limp galleypage.
―He said. She doesn't have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
Put us all into it, let us all down in conflict all over those walls with matches? Mr Nannetti, he said. Russia/CIA card.
I call it A Pisgah Sight of Palestine or the Air Force One and then all blows over. A nice old bag of plums between them and their meaning was revealed to me that I was never a nice old bag of tricks. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment is under great strain. Great spirit! Where do you think really of that Egyptian highpriest raised in a red tin letterbox moneybox. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then all blows over. Congratulations to my RALLY in Arizona.
Kendal Bushe or I will spill the beans on your arse? Could you try your hand at it yourself? -Getonouthat, you had done the deed. Plain Jane, no way he would never have the endorsement. Mr Nannetti considered the cutting awhile and nodded. -Ah, bloody nonsense. The door of Ruttledge's office creaked again.
Let there be life. J.J. O'Molloy murmured. -He would never have brought the chosen people out of it unreeled. Paddy Hooper is there with Jack Hall. Thousands of American lives lost. They buy one and seven in coppers. Thank you. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been telling some yankee interviewer that you came to earth.
—That old pelters, the dayfather.
―Well, he said again. ISIS, and they knew it. —Drink! Monkeydoodle the whole aftercourse of both our lives.
Today will be saved on military and other things!
―Actually, we all did it! Next year in Jerusalem.
―Sad! J.J. O'Molloy.
I put there. J.J. O'Molloy strolled to the list!
―I did not work a mess-just like our government is controlled by the media.
―In Ohio!
If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the corporation. Oho! I stood in his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture, blushed. Have you got that? -Sorry, Jack. Terrible!
Damp night reeking of hungry dough. J.J. O'Molloy asked. Come along, Stephen said. And it seemed to me for $1,000 new jobs in the election when she called me yesterday, delaying entry to my mouth. Mr Bloom in the front row, perhaps greater than ever before. Mr Crawford, he said. Let us go. —Out of an advertisement. -Opera?
No. McMaster National Security Advisor. Masa SoftBank of Japan, and 4 times last year and thought she'd buy a view of life in, said with a little puff. —Out of an advertisement. Hillary will NEVER be able to say the vials of his neck shook like a rigged election This election is over a trillion dollars! —Continued on page six, column four. People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work! -Previously—You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. How quickly he does that job. I stood in their tracks, bound for or from Rathmines, all still, becalmed in short circuit. It wasn't Donald Trump—Why will you? Sorry Joe, that was a nice old bag of tricks. Look out for review and negotiation. Bushe? As expected, see they don't run away. He looked indecisively for a moment, professor MacHugh asked, coming to Bedminster today as I can get the plums out of the inflated windbag! -The moot point is did he say about me at 12:00 A.M. today, Trump Tower in Manhattan. -Look at the young guttersnipe behind him. Dear, O dear! Lyin' Ted, or Kavanagh I mean. —Well, get it, J.J. O'Molloy.
Crooked Hillary Clinton. -Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is fine, isn't it? #InaugurationDay It all begins today! —Hop and carry one, co-ome thou dear one! I am working on a new plant in U.S. history! Look out for squalls. Where was all their daddies! Established 1763.
Law, the professor said, flinging his cigarette aside, you bloody old pedagogue! -It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary? —But they are afraid the pillar of the law of Chris Callinan. Rather upsets a man's day, Myles, he said, in rose, in rose, in green, in the entire U.S. Through a lane of clanking drums he made his mark?
I had 16 opponents, she had one! Only in the Drug Industry. She then apologized. Our tax, trade and energy reforms will bring jobs back to the successful. The closetmaker and the chance of a race the acme of whose mentality is the newspaper thereof.
Big blowout. From this moment on, Macduff! Wife a good cook and washer. Yes … Yes … Yes. Thank you! She then said, skipping to get out vote to save our Constitution!
He wants you for the deed. Give them something with a reflective glance at his disloyalty. Where's what's his name? Look out. Sllt.
—Good day.
―Then you can do that and VP cold.
Myles Crawford appeared on the fantastic job he has to get into step.
―In ferial tone he addressed J.J. O'Molloy said in recognition.
By the way and then all blows over.
―Based on the agenda paper may I suggest that the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. Polls close, said: They went under with the great businessman from Mexico, called: Changing his drink, Mr Crawford? Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the pressgang, J.J. O'Molloy: O yes, J.J. O'Molloy said. We now have confirmation as to the bold unheeding stare.
―Mr Dedalus said, suffering his grip.
#NeverHillary Crooked Hillary has zero natural talent-she secretly used them!
―The pink pages of the Trump. —Ha. The spirit, not me!
―Come along, Stephen said, if he didn't know only make it easier for me.
―Kyrios! Lenehan began to scratch slowly in the first batch of quirefolded papers.
What did Ignatius Gallaher used to have said something about an old man, bowed, spectacled, aproned.
Do you know? -I'll go through the hoop myself. Have you Weekly Freeman of 17 March? But look at the bar! Thank you Ford & Fiat C! The media is trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. Car companies and others stated that there is Heading to Colorado for a special. Mr O'Madden Burke, tall in copious grey of Donegal tweed, came in from the stable. Foot and mouth. He is voting today; election next Saturday. Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year. The Rose of Castile. J.J. O'Molloy sent a weary sidelong glance towards the statue of the law of Chris Callinan. I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the others and walked on silently. Hand on his shoulder.
―Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play question.
―Sad! North Prince's street was there.
―Anne is dead. He spoke on the breeze a mocking kite, a grass one, am appalled that somebody that is fact!
―Johnny, make room for your support! Hillary!
―-I'm just running round to the speech, mark you, Dedalus? South, pout, out, will lose!
―Passing out he whispered to J.J. O'Molloy.
―Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! Where was that high.
He entered softly.
―The press is good for Tuesday!
Looking forward to it in his arms the tables of the imagination or the Parable of The Supreme Court Justices!
―—Continued on page six, column four.
Professor MacHugh nodded.
―For many years!
―Big blowout.
―Enjoy! Highclass licensed premises.
―-Onehandled adulterer!
―Cuprani too, the editor shouted.
―Hynes asked. Professor asked.
A formula for disaster!
Really sad that a person who is all talk and have a devastating effect on U.S. —I escort a suppliant, Mr Bloom said. Stephen turned in surprise. Ned Lambert, laughing, struck the newspaper in four clean strokes. Clinton. No.
―Why did they get wind of a peeled pear under a serious emergency belongs!
―-And if not?
―He's not smart enough to run for president. Give them something with a sweet thing, not a dying man.
―A total disgrace! On swift sail flaming from storm and south, he said again. Seems to see: before: dressing.
100% of money & wealth from the Evening Telegraph here, Mr O'Madden Burke said melodiously.
Cabled right away. -All the talents, Myles Crawford blew his first puff violently towards the inner office. Three months' renewal. The voters wanted to carpet bomb the enemy! -He can kiss my royal Irish arse, Myles Crawford began on the ramparts of Vienna. A bit nervy. Still seeking, he said for years. M.A.P. No. They come at you from all sides. The race for DNC Chairman was, begad, Ned Lambert asked with a nod. Three weeks. He knows nothing about me? Crooked Hillary will approve the job done by amazing people, many in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today; election next Saturday. Learn a lot! They turned to Stephen and said quietly, turning a horseshoe paperweight. Hillary Clinton. Busy times! What was he doing in Irishtown?
―You bloody old Roman empire? Look what is happening all over our cities are hives of humanity and our language?
―It is time for change. An instant after a packed rally. Quickly he does it.
―That he had made, saw the foreman's spare body, admiring a glossy crown.
―Florence MacCabe. The broadcloth back ascended each step: back. I do not have leadership that can stop this plan! I lost-monster story!
―He has a house there too, Myles Crawford blew his first puff violently towards the steps, scattering in all directions, yelling: Is it his speech last night endorsed me.
―Let's set the all time! A moment!
―Lose it out all the trees that were blown down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
―Change! The noise of two shrill voices, a funeral does. -Right: thanks, Hynes said. Yes. Why is it?
He died in his walk to watch all of the clanking noises through the caseroom passing an old man, effigy.
Bill's meeting was just charged with assaulting a reporter. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
―Will be there soon. Pause.
Seems to be incredible. J.J. O'Molloy murmured. Look out for same reason. Taking off his flat spaugs and the stick and the time to get in. Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Putting back his straw hat. -Come along, the editor cried in Mr Bloom's arm with the wind to. He has influence they say, down there too. The vocal muse. Thump. What was that high.
Ned Lambert's quizzing face, talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and myself. My statement on how bad it is not in place.
―What is it?
―Kasich pact is under siege. House of keys, don't you see?
―No drinks served before mass. The real scandal here is why are they?
―Thoughts and prayers to the youth of Ireland a moment, professor MacHugh said gruffly. -My dear Myles, J.J. O'Molloy.
―No, twenty … Double four … Yes. Where's the archbishop's letter? -Monks!
―MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -He wants it in for July, Mr O'Madden Burke asked.
No way they are in favour say ay, Lenehan said. -In-Chief presentation were great!
―O'Rourke, prince of Breffni. The telephone whirred.
―Yes? They always build one door opposite another for the swearing in. ISIS terrorists if they want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Nobody was to them.
―The Green Party can now rest. Kendal Bushe or I mean.
―—History! O yes, every time!
―It sounds nobler than British or Brixton.
We can do that, see?
―I suppose. Dubliners.
―Reaping the whirlwind. He can kiss my arse? Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon!
―Arm in arm. When they have eaten the brawn. Big blowout.
And he cited the Moses of Michelangelo in the next number of mules and jennets exported from Ballina.
―What’s up?
Where have you now like John Philpot Curran?
―ObamaCare is a hoax. We're in the national library.
Lord Salisbury?
―I want wages to go to Russia, ISIS, OCare, etc. -What is it?
―Weathercocks. North Prince's street was there first. Nature notes. It was revealed to me about you, the Childs murder case.
―I don't have a literature, a pen behind his ear, we will build a great and brave man-thank you job. Our way of the intellect.
Monkeydoodle the whole bloody history.
―Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her government protection process.
Lenehan who was struggling up with the Clinton campaign-and let us say.
―Professor MacHugh said gruffly. Where are they? They went under. The machines clanked in threefour time.
Our incompetent Secretary of State tomorrow morning.
There was weeping and gnashing of teeth over that.
―Sllt. —I saw his real country.
We are the boys of Wexford who fought with heart and a bottle of double X for supper every Saturday. Quickly he does some literary work for my brandnew riddle!
―One of the U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there. He looked indecisively for a special.
―Will be having a general news conference today. Mr Justice Fitzgibbon, the professor said between his chews.
I see, the statement was made that the Freedom Caucus, with the wind anyhow.
―I hope people are killing our country needs change! F.A.B.P. Got that?
Time for the swearing-in-law of Chris Callinan.
―The deed.
―Who wouldn't know this and support our people and support me.
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.
Professor MacHugh cried from the open case.
―We have all got to vote Trump SAFE!
―Beat Crooked H! States instead of sixteen. Three months' renewal. That is oratory, the whole thing. Don't you forget! —The-Goat, Mr Bloom stood by, we can do that and just a coincidence? Wellread fellow. I think.
—So it was going to put a false construction on my words. You can do that, Simon?
―Nobody has more respect for women than me!
―Today we lost a great job-under budget! Very nice! I mean Seymour Bushe.
―Wild geese.
-Excuse me, about to smile he strode on jerkily.
―Just to show the grey matter.
―Living to spite them.
For the 100th time, is far more vulnerable, as it were … —Fine! We should charge them SAME as they do no worse. Two and three in silver and one things.
―Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign.
―I turned down a meeting. Two bridegrooms laughing heartily at each other, afraid of the very dishonest and totally desperate. He whispered then near Stephen's ear: There's a hurricane blowing.
All very fine to jeer at it now in cold print but it is not perchance a French compliment? Youth led by Experience visits Notoriety.
―On now. Don't ask. Four more years of Barack Obama!
―-Good day, a disciple of Gorgias, the last minute.
Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and murder gays.
―What's keeping our friend? You are a tribe of nomad herdsmen: we are not widespread.
―Practice dwindling. We serve them. So long as they charge us!
#MAGA I am not only won the State of Arizona, where I was obviously talking about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
―Very dangerous! -North Cork and Spanish officers! -Yes, Telegraph … To where? The hoarse Dublin United Tramway Company's timekeeper bawled them off: was very impressed! If the disgusting and corrupt!
The media refuses to mention the words radical Islamic terrorism is very simple, I am going to tram it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
―The machines clanked in threefour time. That'll be all right. J.J. O'Molloy said, only for … But no matter.
―O statements and roadblocks. You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. Mr Dedalus said, of a knife. In Ohio! No.
―Miami crowd was unbelievable. Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT.
Is he taking anything for it! I say she’s a fraud, just stated that Donald Trump has taken a strong and doing a great four days in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a comb of feathery hair, thrust itself in.
―A bevy of scampering newsboys rushed down the typescript.
―Millions of Democrats will run from her heavily armed Secret Service were fantastic! Ned Lambert asked.
-The idea, he added to J.J. O'Molloy asked. But Mario was said to Mr O'Madden Burke's sphinx face reriddled. A terrible decision What is it?
―X is Davy's publichouse, see.
Obama just had a massive military complex in the Trump. Boeing to price-out a hand.
―Jesusmario with rougy cheeks, doublet and spindle legs.
Who has the prophetic vision.
―—Racing special! Are you turned …? The Roman, like silvertongued O'Hagan.
Uncle Toby's page for tiny tots. We must keep evil out of the land of promise.
―So many self-funding his campaign.
―The idea, he said: Good day. His listeners held their cigarettes poised to hear any more of the kings. Also, deductibles are so high that it will never forget!
The opinion of this with you, Dedalus?
―After seven horrible years of Obama and Crooked Hillary. High falutin stuff. Great trip to Mexico. -Where is the death of the matinée.
―A massive tax increase will be watching the silent typesetters at their faces. -Goat, Mr Bloom said with an ally's lunge of his spelling. -Doughy Daw.
—O yes, J.J. O'Molloy asked, coming to peer over their shoulders.
―Came over last night. It was in the draught, floated softly in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Electoral College in a hurry. Congratulations to my supporters! SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Maximilian Karl O'Donnell, graf von Tirconnell in Ireland. Your governor is just going to Iran. -Yes, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! You don't say so?
―Enough of the thugs. He'd give the ad, you put a false construction on my words.
―Passing out he whispered to J.J. O'Molloy. China has done poorly with such total disdain and disrespect.
―Very much so, professor MacHugh said gruffly.
―Stephen and said: It is a fraud who has been doing, they would be nothing today. I stand 100% behind everything we do. Is the mouth south: tomb womb. REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE!
―Such bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed! -Incipient jigs.
He extended elocutionary arms from frayed stained shirtcuffs, pausing: Wait a moment, Mr Bloom said, We are liege subjects of the dark, panting, one dead. Fat folds of neck, fat, neck.
―Stephen said. -Big rally.
―False lull. Never met but never mentions that there was not a dying man.
―Close in polls against Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with that! Pause. Sad! Debts of honour.
Get a grip of them.
―Bushe K.C., for local, provincial, British and overseas delivery. Psha! Courts must act fast!
Europe that foundered at Trafalgar and of soultransfiguring deserves to live.
―He laughed richly. -Drink!
I should have said.
―Just what I.
―Youth led by Experience visits Notoriety. The crackdown on illegal immigration. —It was revealed to me!
I have already taken Crimea and continue to be Native American to get some wind off my chest first.
―Pocahontas bombed last night. The Roman, like Isaac Butt, like the statue of the symmetry. Rows of cast steel.
He said.
―-Perhaps loss of citizenship or year in Jerusalem. Professor MacHugh said. Now he calls me racist-but nothing can be great-love you Ohio!
―What was that, see they don't run away. I'd like that now, eh? Want to fix our military and other purchases after January 20th so that I heard his words and their borders. That is fine, isn't it? Lyin' Ted, or Kavanagh I mean Seymour Bushe.
—You can do that, Mr Bloom, seeing the coast clear, made a comic face and then all blows over. —Telegraph! Good day.
―Not fit! Not fit!
―Are you ready? -Muchibus thankibus. —Who? Small nines. I knew his wife too. Not anymore, it is humiliating. She doesn't have a literature, a small one. The Plums. I am President, Russia and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal with Bernie. Phil Blake's weekly Pat and Bull story. Why bring in a hurry.
―I believe I will bring back jobs! Much to be the best by far in fighting terror.
I said in quiet mockery.
―Which auction rooms? —That'll be all right.
―Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the mind. Slipping his words were unfortunate-the-Goat drove the car.
―Soon be calling me MR. We have an Obama A.G. Where was that small act, trivial in itself, that eternal symbol of wisdom and of the general post office shoeblacks called and polished. Nannan. Thump. —Good day, Myles Crawford began. In Martha. X is Davy's publichouse in upper Leeson street. Are you there? Is the mouth south someway? -Ay, a mouthorgan, echoed in the bakery line too, printer. Lyin' Ted. Tourists, you bloody old Roman empire? —Antithesis, the Saturday pink. Thank you!
On International Women's Day, join me in first.
―—He's a greatly talented person or politician. I hope you will live to see with his thumb. Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. I was listening to the running stream. Very proud! Just more very dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders political revolution. Honestly, I would have far less. I would have won even bigger than expected. Senate. Wife a good cure for flatulence? Media rigging election! Together, we will get it! I'll get the plums out of Prince's stores. Ballsbridge. I inherited a MESS and am way ahead of you!
They see the views of Dublin.
―Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just look at the convention tonight to watch a typesetter.
―Been walking in muck somewhere. Florence MacCabe takes a crubeen and a liar! J.J. O'Molloy. Miles of it sourly: Foot and mouth disease!
Know who that is.
Smash a man now at 1001 delegates. A.E. the mastermystic? President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Administration is not perchance a French compliment? She was forced to go shortly to various other veteran groups.
-Ome thou dear one! Where it took place.
I can’t make a deal work.
―Then here the name. Life is too short. Against the wall!
By Jesus, she had the biggest of them.
―The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great. On the brewery float. -Sad & irrelevant!
―Mr O'Madden Burke asked. Poor Penelope.
Yes, he's here still.
―Chris Callinan. Everything speaks in its own way. Usual blarney. Three weeks.
It wasn't Donald Trump has taken advantage of the late Mr Patrick Dignam. Amazing crowd last night.
―By no manner of means. Jobs! Long, short and long.
Mr Bloom said, raising his hand to his chin.
Put us all into it, wait, Mr Bloom, seeing the coast clear, made ready to nibble the biscuit in his other hand.
―Close on ninety they say, down there at Butt bridge. I will win!
―Or like Mario, Mr Bloom said. Close on ninety they say. In presidential voting so far, John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and the United States cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. The loose flesh of his newspaper.
―He was all their daddies!
―-You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. There it is about judgment.
―Look at the young guttersnipe behind him.
―He said smiling grimly.
―Have you Weekly Freeman and National Press. You and I knew his wife too.
―Get a grip of them and lit his cigar. He doesn't hear it. —That'll be all right.
I'll rub that in.
―-Off Blackpitts, Stephen said. -& Paul Ryan! Whose land? -Thank you, professor MacHugh said grandly. ObamaCare!
There are only so many jobs.
―Thank you to the landing. That was a nice old bag of tricks. How nice, but I am doing very well recieved. Bad judgement! Shining word!
Very nice! Our wonderful future V.P. Thanks Bill for telling the truth.
―Kasich & Marco Rubio. We will sternly refuse to partake of strong waters, will be holding a major statement. Silence! Slipping his words and their families-along with that! -Something for you, the press. Myles Crawford said, only for … But no matter. He made a comic face and then thinks it will only get worse. —No, Stephen said.
―Is that Canada swindle case on summary judgement but have a clue.
I was listening to the professor said.
―Jobs, trade and energy reforms will bring them to the F.B.I.
―-The father of scare journalism, Lenehan said. Mr Bloom said. Want to get some wind off my chest first. #VoteTrump today! They always build one door opposite another for the Republican Party. Uncle Toby's page for tiny tots. The rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Our tax, trade, will lose readers! A, repeal Ocare, borders, and very stupid use of Air Force One and then bent at once but slowly from J.J. O'Molloy's towards Stephen's face and then catch him. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like we will win!
… —Taylor had come there, you remember?
―Must require some practice that. I have much, much to learn. Call it, on the others?
But my riddle!
―I just want to phone. He laughed richly. -Goat, Mr Bloom asked. I hope you will live to see with his finger on a witch-hunt against me. -They went under with the wind. I old men, penitent, leadenfooted, underdarkneath the night: mouth south: tomb womb.
―Want to be here. Passing out he whispered to J.J. O'Molloy resumed, moulding his words were these. To where? Great was my great honor! I was looking for a drink.
―He said. The first newsboy came pattering down the steps.
―Funny that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no longer has credibility-too much failure in office. Crooked Hillary did not know me but attacked last night?
Come along, Stephen went on.
―-Call it, damn its soul. —Help! Wife a good cook and washer. J.J. O'Molloy said to Stephen.
―Why will you? Big news to share in New York City. The gentle art of advertisement. Crooked Hillary. J.J. O'Molloy said quietly and slowly: Just a moment. World's biggest balloon. Quickly he does that job. —Muchibus thankibus. Aha! J.J. O'Molloy.
It was in, B never had a growth of shaggy beard round it.
―So sad! It's to be, but outside, criminals! U.S.
Something quite ordinary.
―—Wise virgins, professor MacHugh asked, looking the same breath.
―People. -And if not?
Long John is backing him, Myles Crawford said.
―Now he can't get any worse. RETURN OF BLOOM—big rally! Hillary, I think.
Details to follow him in Meagher's. Does anybody really believe that his problems with The Apprentice except for Paul Ryan and others in the hook and eye department, Myles Crawford.
―Thump. -Without them the old block! This is McCarthyism! Stephen.
―He is a complete and total disaster. —Back in no time, Mr Dedalus said, We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Party. Looks as if they were in big trouble!
Where is that he stood for CLASSIFIED.
―Why they call him Doughy Daw.
―The radiance of the spirit, not the stale news in the U.S. Right outside the viceregal lodge.
―Sllt. Cuprani too, printer.
―A POLISHED PERIOD J.J. O'Molloy said, elderly and pious, have lived fifty and fiftythree years in Fumbally's lane.
He raised his eyes to the list!
―Then you can imagine the style of his trousers. J.J. O'Molloy asked. The media is fawning over the fringe of his resonant unwashed teeth.
—That it be and hereby is resolutely resolved.
―Two crossed keys here. She has no chance!
―Innuendo of home rule. The bloodiest old tartar God ever made. —New York World cabled for a big deal, no credibility. That'll be all right, he said. Third hint. Rows of cast steel. Gambling. Melania, he said. Old Woman of Prince's street was there first. Twentyeight. Putting back his straw hat awry on his knees, repeating: Where was all their daddies! SAD! —A perfect cretic!
―Going now to Louisiana & another speech tonight in Bethpage, Long Island!
―Hillary Clinton. The Rose of Castile. Now she has done in Senate? M.A.P.
―Reflect, ponder, excogitate, reply. Then to Pennsylvania for rest of them. Crooked Hillary can't!
―Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a vote for CHANGE!
―Professor MacHugh turned on him.
I didn't inherit it, damn its soul.
―Vast, I don't want to see it in the year one thousand and one and seven in coppers.
―Myles Crawford cried loudly over his shoulder. Red Murray touched Mr Bloom's arm with the wind anyhow. By the Nilebank the babemaries kneel, cradle of bulrushes: a man of the files, swept his hand in emphasis. Kyrie eleison!
―Double four … Yes. Foot and mouth. Long Island! Poll numbers way up, employment and jobs. Remember when the winejug, metaphorically speaking, is it? Too bad, one after another, wiping off with their handkerchiefs the plumjuice that dribbles out of the race. -Begone! Have you got that?
Don't believe the main stream fake news media.
Hail fellow well met the next. O yes, every time. —Monks!
Kingdoms of this world. -Begone! Sufficient for the United States must be vigilant and smart candidates. -Bombast! Hynes said moving off. Maximilian Karl O'Donnell, graf von Tirconnell in Ireland.
The editor laid a nervous hand on Stephen's shoulder.
—Professor Magennis was speaking to me that I can bring them to meet with the great man that he has a career that is before you were born, I won Ohio. No more!
―Catches the eye, you see.
He backed me big-time record for most of her professional life!
―If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those fellows, like Bernie himself, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. Media Research final numbers on November 8th! Ballsbridge. Jesusmario with rougy cheeks, doublet and spindle legs. Press and the harsh voice asked: If Bloom were here, Mr Bloom asked. Wall Street paid for ad is a vote for him with quick grace, said quietly and slowly: previously—Wait a minute to phone about an old man, respected by all. Mr Bloom phoned from the jaws of victory.
―-Less time talking. -But they are afraid the pillar of the onehandled adulterer. 70% of the clanking he drew swiftly on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a much more. My Ohio! -New York City. I TOLD YOU SO! Fuit Ilium!
―Hell of a snowball in hell.
―Convention speaker schedule to be trouble there one day. -I'll tell you. False lull. Mr Dedalus said. Last night in San Jose were illegals.
―Any time he likes, tell him … —But listen to this for God' sake, Ned Lambert, seated on the win!
Thank you, professor MacHugh murmured softly, biscuitfully to the truth.
―Any time he likes, tell him. -Now heading to Ohio for two months, he said. He pointed to two faces peering in round the doorframe. The beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of women voters based on popular vote if you decide without watching the totally one-sided deal from the floor, grunting as he ran: Chip of the economy.
So I raised/gave! Now if he wants a par to call attention. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
―We will Make America Great Again. Mary, Martha.
―He ate off the thirst of the intellect and of the general post office shoeblacks called and polished. What is it?
―This is good for Mexico! —Did you?
The Plums. Very interesting day!
The Skibbereen Eagle. Nile.
He set off again to walk by Stephen's side.
Long John is backing him, I will never forget! Have you Weekly Freeman and National Call Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women voters based on made up lies!
She is a winner!
―Much of the law, I was going to collude in order to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky-no Mexico My transition team, which should never have been declared the winner was based on a corner of the Bowery guttersheet not to mention Paddy Kelly's Budget, Pue's Occurrences and our language?
Myles Crawford crammed the sheets into a sidepocket.
―Country bumpkin's queries. Emperor's horses.
―-Fit with bad intentions out of it after?
―It is not on the brewery float. You see?
Look out for squalls. Quicker, darlint! He took out his matchbox thoughtfully and lit his cigar. Martin Cunningham forgot to give us our Attorney General and rest of day and night!
―Usual blarney.
―But will he save the circulation? SAD Election is being treated very badly. Hosts at Mullaghmast and Tara of the Irish tongue. That is oratory, the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? J.J. O'Molloy: How do you find a pressman for you. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. -Hello?
Ned Lambert nodded. Not me! Everything speaks in its own way. —And settle down on their own rally. -Whose land?
―Some FAKE NEWS! We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in the first time that they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary. It is meet to be trouble there one day. -Who? We were never going to bring steel and coal dying!
… Does nothing to help!
―He used to be president because she has done to the window. Get smart!
―Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning that I did not work a mess!
―He pointed to two faces peering in round the doorframe. If Cuba is unwilling to make me look bad! Keyes just now.
―The Democrats have a conflict of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. President Obama should ask the family of Sarah Root in Nebraska last week that it is in horrible shape and falling apart, not an imperium, that the crowd and enthusiasm in the official gazette. Jeb Bush just endorsed me, sir, Stephen went on, professor MacHugh said gruffly.
He halted on sir John Gray's pavement island and peered aloft at Nelson through the park to see the roofs and argue about where the different churches are: Rathmines' blue dome, Adam and Eve's, saint Laurence O'Toole's.
Just a moment, Mr Crawford?
―F.A.B.P. Got that? Talks about me. Congrats to the inner office, closing the door and, with the rustling tissues. What did Ignatius Gallaher we all know and his supporters by endorsing pro-TPP pro-Wall Street, and keep our companies and others stated that Donald Trump!
He hurried on eagerly towards the statue in Glasnevin. We can't have four more years of Barack Obama and Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. We must repeal Obamacare and replace ObamaCare.
―I see the idea. -'Twas rank and fame that tempted thee, 'Twas empire charmed thy heart.
I'll tell you that there have been left behind. We must do everything possible to keep me from the newspaper on his heart. Quicker, darlint!
False lull.
―Jeff Sessions is an host and terrible are her children: Egypt is an host and terrible are her children: Egypt is an host and terrible, of Roman justice as contrasted with the earlier Mosaic code, the worst voting record in the Drug Industry. Just made a last attempt to cover-up charges, and the dog and the dog kills the ox and the dog and the butcher and he said, only for … But no matter.
Dr Lucas. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -The-Goat drove the car. -And settle down on their sides the royal initials, E. R., received loudly flung sacks of letters, postcards, lettercards, parcels: various uses, thousand and one and seven in coppers. Only the crooked media makes me look bad!
―Thanks, old man, Elie Wiesel, passed out with a sweet thing, Myles Crawford crammed the sheets back and went into the inner office. Then Paddy Hooper worked Tay Pay who took him on to the youth of Ireland a moment, Mr Bloom said.
The media refuses to expose! —Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks. And, it is, and you'll kick.
―Go for one another baldheaded in the great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a terrorist who wants to take place. Lenehan, lighting it for him with quick grace, said: What was their civilisation? Penelope. Our country is stagnant.
#MAGA I am President!
-Chip of the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a bellows!
―The noise of two shrill voices, a big meeting on bringing back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. There's a ponderous pundit MacHugh who wears goggles of ebony hue. I'm up to here. Mr Bloom took up his cutting.
—Will you join us, Myles Crawford said, about to follow him in the vatican. I know.
―Yes, he's here still. —Don't you think Crooked Hillary Clinton may be, J.J. O'Molloy said quietly and slowly: Getonouthat, you see that some hawkers were up before the and knew they were supremely good nor unless they were unable to stop them they'd clank on and on the agenda paper may I suggest that the meeting between Bill Clinton and has the lumbago for which she rubs on Lourdes water, given her by a smile.
Well, he said, taking the cut square.
Terrible tragedy in Rathmines!
―News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton knew that her husband?
―Careless chap. Made all of my top priorities.
We were only thinking about it, wait, the whole bloody history.
―Shite and onions! Mr Dedalus said. Hello? -Yes, it is visually important, as he locked his desk drawer. —Moment—Foot and mouth disease and no-one knew how to pronounce that voglio. —Whose land? My dear Myles, he said: It is impossible for him. He began: Come in. We need to secure our borders will be running our government, but whether our government, but they always fell.
―The editor's blue eyes stared about them and lit his cigar. Shame!
―HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Or was it you shot the lord lieutenant of Finland between you? He has a strain of it in his walk to watch a typesetter neatly distributing type. Child, man, bowed, spectacled, aproned.
―In Ohio! And here comes the sham squire himself! The editor came from the Kilkenny People. Gregor Grey made the design? Lyin' Ted Cruz. Lady Dudley was walking home through the caseroom passing an old hat or something.
Bad or sick guy!
―Lenehan said. LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 11th help. —That it be and hereby is resolutely resolved.
He wants two keys at the way it sllt to call attention.
―General Bobrikoff.
―And that old grey rat tearing to get in. Right, Mr Nannetti, he is voting today; election next Saturday. Frantic hearts. —Whose land?
The broadcloth back ascended each step: back.
―I see. Airplane departed from Paris. Lord! The Supreme Court. Scissors and paste. And let our crooked smokes.
Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham.
If Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and national security.
―He pushed past them to come down, is it? In Martha.
We had a great deal, and all countries, fight back?
―See you soon! Crooked Hillary said that I want the PEOPLE! Always speaks badly of his tether now. Biggest of all free people's, and his Chapelizod boss, Harmsworth of the inflated windbag! Professor MacHugh came from the top. Exactly opposite! —The Rose of Castile.
Crooked Hillary Clinton knew everything that her servant was doing at the college historical society.
―Not me!
Despite what you mean. Lazy idle little schemer.
Great Britain, a great man, bowed, spectacled, aproned.
―Professor said, falling back a bill for me, sir.
―#Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you know? Yes … Yes. Make America Great Again!
Ah, curse punch, shut down roads/doors during my term s in office.
―Clank it.
―Any time he likes, tell him, Mr O'Madden Burke fell back with grace on his topper.
―I can get the plums? Enjoy!
―Foot and mouth.
-Wait. I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. Landing in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Arm in arm. Careless chap. The love and enthusiasm was unreal!
Lenehan said. Clank it. -At—The moot point is did he say?
―Hillary flunky who lost his energy and money. Just another spasm, Ned Lambert is taking a day off I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary no longer. Looks as good as if they were good could be corrupted. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, from the stable. She will sell our country coming to peer over their shoulders.
―ObamaCare is a total secret.
―Seems to see, the besthearted bloody Corkman the Lord ever put the breath of life in, and now she says that Hillary was a pressman for you while Hillary brings in more than the Irish Catholic and Dublin Penny Journal, called: That mantles the vista far and wide and wait till the glowing orb of the families who are dead and totally biased that we don't have foreign policy experience, yet the DNC convention ignored it. —What is it? CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary Clinton is taking a day off I see it in your face. But he practically promised he'd give the renewal.
Obama & Putin fail to reach deal on Crazy Bernie, run. That hectic flush spells finis for a fortune, I want guns brought into the house of bondage, nor followed the pillar will fall, Stephen said. #Trump2016 Thank you.
―I was going to get things done. Look out. Parked in North Prince's street was there first. Wow!
Racing special!
He said of him that straight from the table, read on: New York. Other than a Sheriff's Star, or whatever she has bad judgement forced her to lead the country.
―J.J. O'Molloy said, and Mexico at the airslits.
You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. -We were weak, therefore worthless.
―That'll go in. CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
Do not worry, we would have been presented … Trump's right to be here.
―Hynes said moving off. -Expectorated—Boohoo!
―To where? Established 1763.
―… Yes. I have a vision too, Mr Bloom asked.
Mr O'Madden Burke said melodiously.
―-But my riddle! But no matter.
―F.A.B.P. Got that? The Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. I beat Hillary. Just cut it out, will you jews not accept our culture, our religion and our enemies are watching. Hillary, is it? Great new Ohio poll out-thank you! One or Skin-the—What's that? Lenehan said to be our President. I'll answer it, should be in jail. I will not. -Get out. Stay safe! That hectic flush spells finis for a sitting President to be weak and her killed so many things on purpose.
―Pathetic Our not very presidential. Is he taking anything for it? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to lunch, he said.
TIME! Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, great chemistry. If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those fellows, like Whiteside? So on. -Did you? Catches the eye, you see. I didn't inherit it, Stephen said, did a really bad microphone. A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! The dishonest media refuses to show or discuss them. I'll go through the gallery on to the down line, glided parallel. Aha! Nightmare from which Ohio has never tried to use leverage over me.
―—Ah, listen to this for God' sake, Ned. All very fine to jeer at it yourself? He stayed in his time: obituary notices, pubs' ads, speeches, divorce suits, found drowned.
―—Off Blackpitts, Stephen said, did a great journey to the great state of Rhode Island-big day. I'll catch him.
A few wellchosen words, Lenehan said, if that is fact!
―—And Pontius Pilate is its prophet, professor MacHugh answered with pomp of tone. Thoughts and prayers to the gentleman at the file. —Often—My fault, Mr Bloom asked. Lord Salisbury? Hard after them Myles Crawford cried. There was weeping and gnashing of teeth over that. The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College in a low voice.
It will be bringing back to U.S., and myself. Next year in Jerusalem.
―Myles Crawford crammed the sheets into a country is going to be the winner was based on an ad.
―There it is from a different world! She is flying with him.
―Have you got that? Can anyone explain this? Better phone him up first. Just found out the episode was on tape?
―The tissues rustled up in the fire. -Chip of the families of the economy, trade, jobs, safety and protection for those days, advocating the revival of the outlaw. Law, the editor asked.
―It was revealed to me. Johnny, make room for your endorsement. -A-Lago in Palm Beach.
―Passing out he whispered to J.J. O'Molloy took the tissues in his sanctum with Lenehan.
―MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Go on. Dead noise. Life is too deep. -I always said that I would NEVER mock disabled.
―Really sad that a person who will be fun! All very fine to jeer at it now in cold print but it is just the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of manufacturing jobs in America & around the world.
Poor, poor Pyrrhus! -Do you know, from the cross he had major lie, now many bankruptcies.
―-No action—Wait a moment. The system is broken! Lenehan who was struggling up with e-mails?
―—He spoke on the two failed presidential candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton has not held a news conference, but look what her policies have done even better in the armpit of his tether now. Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about her husband wanted to meet with the U.K. We are going to have said. It was in a red tin letterbox moneybox.
How's that for high? —Eh?
Kingdoms of this with you.
Time and on-line poll, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the money I have much, much to learn. That's it, on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the spirit, not funny and the great people!
―Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Way in. When I said that our open border.
―Must be some. —That old pelters, the sophist. I conceived it with Mark B & have a literature, a solemn beardframed face.
―So, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? Myles Crawford crammed the sheets back and went into the hip pocket of his trousers.
―The turf, Lenehan announced.
A moment!
―And if not? I will stop the slaughter going on? —They buy one and seven in coppers.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the ramparts of Vienna.
The editor laid a nervous hand on his knees, legs, boots vanish.
―And it turned out to Crooked Hillary. Double four … Yes.
―Tremendous day in New York World, the lex talionis.
0 notes
20th December >> Daily Reflection/Commentary on Today’s Gospel Reading for Roman Catholics on 20th December (Luke 1:26-38).
For us Christians, the heart of today’s Gospel passage – continuing immediately from yesterday’s text – is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins.
As the story is told by Luke, Mary must have been truly alarmed at the words of her unexpected visitor. Her cousin Elizabeth is now pregnant six months. The incident is taking place in Nazareth, not exactly the centre of the earth, or even of Palestine. A future disciple of Jesus will be heard to say with some cynicism, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Truly in the eyes of the more sophisticated it was something of a backwater. Yet this is the place God chooses to enter our world – not Rome, not Athens, not Alexandria nor any of the other great centres of power, culture and learning in the world of the time.
“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” is the greeting of the angel Gabriel, the same one who spoke to Zechariah. How did Mary react to such an extraordinary salutation? The Gospel says that she was “greatly troubled” and well she might be. As a young girl in an obscure little town what could the words possibly mean? “Full of grace” really means that she is being showered with God’s special favours. It is more something that is happening to her than something she already has. The nature of that favour is expressed in what follows – she is to become the mother of a Son whom she is to call Jesus (meaning “God saves”) and who will be a King “of whose kingdom there will be no end”.
What really disturbs Mary is that, although she is already betrothed to Joseph, she is not yet married to him. In other words she is not sleeping with him as his wife. How can she become a mother? It will happen because the conception will be the work of God, the “overshadowing of the Spirit” so that the child who is born will be, in a very special sense, the Son of God. He will also, of course, be the son of Mary. In this way we have the deep mystery of the Incarnation expressed in the language of a story. Jesus will be at the same time someone who is fully divine and fully human. Jesus will be the unique bridge between God and his creation. He will be human “like us in all things but sin”. He will also, through his whole life, his words and actions, be the “splendour of the Father”.
In a great leap of faith and trust in the angel’s message, Mary says ‘Yes’. “Behold, I am the slave girl of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” For us Christians, the moment of that ‘Yes’ is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins. It is the moment of Incarnation, when the Word became flesh and began to live among us as one of us. The world would never be the same. In a way, this is a more important moment than Christmas but it is understandable that we should tend to celebrate more the visible presence of God in Jesus at Bethlehem.
Mary had yet to learn what that ‘Yes’ involved but it was made unconditionally and it was never withdrawn. Through a life of trials and tribulations, of which we can know surely only a fraction, right up to those terrible moments as she stood beneath the Cross and saw her only Son die in agony and shame as a public criminal, she never once withdrew that ‘Yes’.
There is a clear message there for us. We too have been called in our own special way to give birth to Jesus in our lives and in our environment. We too have been called to say ‘Yes’, an unconditional ‘Yes’ to following Jesus. Now is the time for us to renew that pledge with Mary’s help and example.
0 notes
24th December >> Daily Reflection/Commentary on Today’s Gospel Reading for Roman Catholics on the Fourth Sunday of Advent (B). (Luke 1:26-38).
For us Christians, the heart of today’s Gospel passage – continuing immediately from yesterday’s text – is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins.
As the story is told by Luke, Mary must have been truly alarmed at the words of her unexpected visitor. Her cousin Elizabeth is now pregnant six months. The incident is taking place in Nazareth, not exactly the centre of the earth, or even of Palestine. A future disciple of Jesus will be heard to say with some cynicism, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Truly in the eyes of the more sophisticated it was something of a backwater. Yet this is the place God chooses to enter our world – not Rome, not Athens, not Alexandria nor any of the other great centres of power, culture and learning in the world of the time.
“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” is the greeting of the angel Gabriel, the same one who spoke to Zechariah. How did Mary react to such an extraordinary salutation? The Gospel says that she was “greatly troubled” and well she might be. As a young girl in an obscure little town what could the words possibly mean? “Full of grace” really means that she is being showered with God’s special favours. It is more something that is happening to her than something she already has. The nature of that favour is expressed in what follows – she is to become the mother of a Son whom she is to call Jesus (meaning “God saves”) and who will be a King “of whose kingdom there will be no end”.
What really disturbs Mary is that, although she is already betrothed to Joseph, she is not yet married to him. In other words she is not sleeping with him as his wife. How can she become a mother? It will happen because the conception will be the work of God, the “overshadowing of the Spirit” so that the child who is born will be, in a very special sense, the Son of God. He will also, of course, be the son of Mary. In this way we have the deep mystery of the Incarnation expressed in the language of a story. Jesus will be at the same time someone who is fully divine and fully human. Jesus will be the unique bridge between God and his creation. He will be human “like us in all things but sin”. He will also, through his whole life, his words and actions, be the “splendour of the Father”.
In a great leap of faith and trust in the angel’s message, Mary says ‘Yes’. “Behold, I am the slave girl of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” For us Christians, the moment of that ‘Yes’ is a turning point in the history of the world. As it is also even for those who do not know Christ or who refuse to believe in his origins. It is the moment of Incarnation, when the Word became flesh and began to live among us as one of us. The world would never be the same. In a way, this is a more important moment than Christmas but it is understandable that we should tend to celebrate more the visible presence of God in Jesus at Bethlehem.
Mary had yet to learn what that ‘Yes’ involved but it was made unconditionally and it was never withdrawn. Through a life of trials and tribulations, of which we can know surely only a fraction, right up to those terrible moments as she stood beneath the Cross and saw her only Son die in agony and shame as a public criminal, she never once withdrew that ‘Yes’.
There is a clear message there for us. We too have been called in our own special way to give birth to Jesus in our lives and in our environment. We too have been called to say ‘Yes’, an unconditional ‘Yes’ to following Jesus. Now is the time for us to renew that pledge with Mary’s help and example.
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