#the way you write how these two collide with eachother
akioukun · 1 year
hi aki!! i felt very much inspired by your seasons au for harringrove earlier today so i wrote this little piece and i'd love for you to have it! i hope you like it!! thank you for always creating the most beautiful artwork, you continue to take my breath away!!
The new summer arrives with a burning promise for Steve.
Golden skin laced with molten sunlight, eyes as blue as the ocean, a voice reminiscent of waves crashing on a shore. This summer isn’t to be like the last, Steve knows.
They come together for the first time and produce the dew of an early morning, with damp grass and misty rain. Steve brings gentle song birds and Billy’s slow to wake, lulled to an easy slumber by their songs, not eager to rouse the heat of the day.
They work well enough but there’s something else hidden under the surface, hidden from sight, kept away.
It comes as no surprise that Billy’s hotter than a wildfire; just as unpredictable and uncontrollable. A temper that is unmatched, burning so brightly it’s no wonder Icarus fell from the sky if it were Billy’s heat that melted those wings.
Steve feels like that around Billy — like he’s in a free fall. Nothing to steady him, nothing to catch. No earth to dig his fingers into, no use in begging for help.
But, he likes it that way. Prefers it. Because Billy burns brighter than the sun but he warms Steve, makes him grow, makes flowers bloom in his chest where they shouldn’t. And he tends to them in secret, pretends that it isn’t Billy’s kisses that waters them and it’s not his smile that makes Steve’s world greener.
Because it’s forbidden. It’s not wise. They know better, they do. They shouldn’t get attached because seasons are fickle. They will leave whenever they want without warning.
But, a new summer loves the earth. And Steve’s willing to try.
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Um. Oh my god? I have no words? Actually I do FIRSTLY you are an absolute sweetheart and I am melting into a puddle at your kind words, I have so much love for the people that enjoy what I do because that by extension means my love for what I do is hopefully coming through. A big feedback loop of love is what it is and it means sososososooooo much to me that you put time and your energy into WRITING THIS INCREDIBLE MASTERPIECE???
I am. So in love with the way you use words and language, like I am actually going to implode that you wrote this. This is so poetic, so EXACT in its tone about how these two collide and and and that bit about flowers blooming in Steves chest where there is usually sleep and the slow slip into decay is SO BEAUTIFUL AND WHEN I READ IT I NEARLY THREW MY PHONE D O W N THE STAIRS. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KEEP AND USE IT IN THIS AU. I had tiny bits of like, more moss growing on Steve from Billys proximity in one of my attempts to write, but this…this is something else entirely more impactful and I am just, basically howling at the fact you would write this
My heart is so full, I adore you and your writing so much, thank you thank you THANK YOU for creating such a gorgeous piece I’m treasuring it forever 🖤🖤🖤
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scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Race 10)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.4k words, slight description of car crash) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I KEPT ADDING TO THE BIRTHDAY CHAPTER INSTEAD OF WRITING THIS,, SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Fernando and Lance made their way onto the paddock together, laughing as they spoke. Their teams having booked the same hotel for the first time all season. Before arriving at the hotel the day prior they hadn't seen eachother since their dinner in Canada two weeks ago, it was nice, Lance knew all the good places (that were both ridiculously expensive and ridiculously beautiful.)
"No, Lancito, I swear, am convinced someone else has a key to my hotel room!"
"Nando, I don't think that's allowed" Lance laughed, Fernando complaining about losing a handfull of his things since arriving
"Exactly! Is not allowed, so how am I losing stuff if no one else is in my room?" He asked, not giving the Canadian time to even process his words and answer "Is not possible! Am being stalked."
"Okay, Nando, Stalked is a little much" Lance rolled his eyes, arm finding its way across the World Champions shoulders
"I think your hotels are bad luck, Lancito, maybe this is why we never have the same one, is cursed!" He spoke enthusiastically, purposefully being more dramatic in an effort to make the boy laugh.
"I'll protect you, Nando," He hummed, patting the Spaniards shoulder "If you win"
"Ay, will be no problem! You know I am good" He winked, watching as Lance rolled his eyes, moving his arm to slightly push the Spaniard away, both exchanging looks that truly should've revealed how they felt right then and there but both drivers were far too oblivious to even consider the reality of how their eyes shined as they stayed so close, practically beaming with joy on the way to their garages.
Quali was over almost as fast as it started, Fernando upset with himself because of a p5 finish, knowing he could do so much better but for some reason hadn't.
"Nando, good job" Lance said from behind him, absentmindedly patting the Spaniards ass
"Ha ha ha" He laughed dryly, shaking his head at the rookies words
"What! You did good, Nando" Lance frowned, not meaning to sound sarcastic
"Thank you, Lancito, am just not happy" Fernando shrugged, aware Lance got 12th but not hesitating to express his disappointment with 5th.
"I know you'll do better tomorrow, you always do" Lance smiled, moving his arm to ruffle the Spaniards freshly cut hair "You look nice, by the way" He added before wandering back to his garage, leaving a very flustered and messy haired Fernando standing alone.
The race finally started, Lance managing to make up two places right away, ending up behind Kimi. The tires were already decently warmed up from the formation lap so all he had to do was pass Kimi and points would be one place closer.
He stayed behind him through turn 1, then turn 2, and turn 3. It was annoying. Kimi was good so it wasn't surprising that it was hard to overtake him.
As they came up to turn 4 Lance saw an opprotunity and took it, Kimi hitting the brakes earlier than Lance had expected and the two collided, Lance completely losing his front wing and helmet being smacked with debris from the underside of the Mercedes.
Kimi's car was practically thrown into the grass, Lance sliding the opposite direction into gravel, head pounding and ears ringing as he quickly exited, the race continuing without them.
"Who crashed?" Fernando asked over the radio, he didn't usually care as long as it wasn't him but this time he was curious.
"That was Räikkönen and Stroll"
"Lance crashed?" Fernando asked, the gap to the car behind wide enough for him to lose focus for a second
"Lance crashed."
"Mierda" The Spaniard muttered, the word barely picking up on the radio as he moved his focus back to the track
Fernando had another disappointing result, managing to make up no places by the end and finishing 5th. It was weird, not going to the cooldown room right after, not looking forward to the podium and seeing Lance's eyes on him.
He debriefed with his team, annoyed at the outcome of the race and acting colder to the Renault engineers than he meant to, he just couldn't help it. It was a very disappointing result.
Lance had been waiting all race to see where Fernando ended up, seeing him finish in 5th was a shock but part of him was excited. He left his garage a few minutes after the race ended and headed to Fernando's, hoping he was done debriefing by now.
As he reached the blue and yellow garage he spotted Fernando right away, his now short hair poking up sporadically.
"Nando" He spoke, smiling as the Spaniard turned his head, face lighting up as he confirmed the voice was Lance's
"Lancito, mi sol" He stood up quickly, rushing over to the boy and grabbing him by his shoulders, turning him in a full circle before placing both hands on his cheeks "Are you hurt? Is everything okay? I haven't rewatched the crash, was it bad?"
Lance smiled softly, leaning into the touch as Fernando asked him questions "I'm fine, Nando. It was my fault, I think Kimi's car is more fucked up than mine anyways."
"The engineers were saying he saw you and moved over on purpose, did your team report him? Are they talking to the FIA about it?"
"I'm not hurt, Nando, the car's fine too, we just needed a new front wing but besides that theres no damage, we don't want to cause unneeded problems"
"Is not fair, should be looked at, you were close to the points, no?" Fernando was more frustrated with the outcome of Lance's race than his own, his team behind him surprised at how adamant he was about Lance saying something because as long as Renault did good Racing Points places didn't matter.
"Shush, let's talk about sonething else, I'm fine, you finished the race, and now you aren't on the podium so let's get something to eat."
"Again?" Fernando asked, not protesting the topic change
"Wow, Nando, do you not want to eat with me?" Lance frowned, pouting slightly at the Spaniard
"Ay, Lancito, I never said that, let me treat you." He smiled, more than happy to return the favour.
The two didn't go far, they just decided on something easy and not insanely priced that they could only have in Texas, Whataburger.
Lance had never had Whataburger before and Fernando was shocked, changing his plans of going to a nice sit down place to just going into the drive-through and eating in the Spaniards car.
"Still cannot believe you have not had Whataburger before, is so good" Fernando gushed as he ate, Lance not being able to help himself as he gazed lovingly at the man
"Well I'm glad I'm losing my Whataburger virginity with you" Lance laughed, not fully thinking about his choice of words
"You are a virgin?" Fernando asked, sounding genuinely shocked
"I'm not talking about sex, Nando" Lance laughed awkwardly, wondering if it was obvious
"You poor boy" Fernando shook his head, hand leaving his food to pat Lance's shoulder "You really should spend less time racing and more time looking for a girlfriend"
"I'll have to pass on that" Lance rolled his eyes, lips slightly curved up as his eyes fell back on Fernando, their eyes locking as the Spaniard moved his arm, his eyes flickering down to the Canadians lips then back to his eyes.
Lance felt his heart skip a beat, licking his lips slightly, wondering if maybe there was sauce on his face, how embarrassing.
As he did so Fernando looked again, his eyes lingering this time, slow to find their way away from the Canadians narrow lips.
"Is good, no?" Fernando spoke, desperately changing the topic to stop his mind from wandering farther, not wanting to have such thoughts about a boy who was as innocent as the one in front of him.
"Si" Lance responded, nodding as he took a bite of his sandwich
"Si?" Fernando smiled, pleased with the random Spanish response from the boy
"It means yes, Fernando" Lance teased, explaining the Spaniards language to him
"Ahhh" Fernando nodded, a smile still on his face as he pretended the boy taught him something.
It was nice, this, whatever this was. Both of them enjoyed it, eating together, speaking together, they hadn't realized just how attached at the hip they'd become since Bahrain but neither man was complaining, they loved eachothers company.
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hellcat8908 · 10 months
hii!! could i please request a rhysand x reader, and reader is azriels sister. When azriel finds out he is so mad at them and he thinks rhysand is playing with you but rhysand and reader are mates snd really love eachother😍😍
I genuinely loved writing this because it's not something I would've thought of. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Love Finds A Way Rhysand x Female Reader
You had been seeing Rhys for a while now, and you had always been careful not to get caught together. Rhys wasn't sure how your brother, Azriel, would react and didn't want to risk their friendship. You knew he'd find out eventually, but you were hoping it wouldn't have been tonight.
You were sitting in his office while he was finishing up some paperwork. He was going to take you to dinner. He finished the last of the paperwork and helped you out of the chair. He handed you your bag and decided to steal a kiss. You deepened the kiss, and seconds later, Azriel walked in and caught you. The reason for coming to Rhys's office was quickly forgotten as rage flooded his mind. Before either of you could react, Az's fist collided with Rhys's jaw. "She's my sister!! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" He yells as Rhys recovers but doesn't retaliate. "I love her." Rhys says as he looks directly in Azriel's eyes. "Bullshit! You're just using her until you get bored and move on to the next one." Azriel accuses Rhys.
You step between the two of them, "Azriel! That's enough! Rhys isn't using me or playing with me. He genuinely loves me, and I love him." Azriel scoffs, "wake up, sis. I've seen him do this before. You're a temporary fling." You react before you can think and slap him. "Don't you dare!" He looks at you in disbelief before storming out of the room. His shadows are a swirling mess of emotions. You turn to Rhys, "Are you okay? I can get Madja for you." You ask, your voice full of concern. "I'm okay, you don't need to worry." He reassures you. "Well, he took that about as well as I expected." Rhys says with a sigh as he sinks into the couch. You sit beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. "That wasn't how I was hoping he found out." You say solemnly. "You should talk to him tomorrow. Try to patch things up between the two of you, I don't want to cause a rift between you and him." Rhys says. He always took the burden of every situation, trying to protect his family.
"I think we should call it a night." He says before standing up and holding out his hand to help you up. He leads you out of the office and takes you to your room. He kisses you goodnight before heading to his room, telling you it's for the best, just for now. You lay in bed but can't seem to get comfortable. You constantly toss and turn, try to fluff up your pillows. Nothing seems to be helping. Finally, you give up and quietly make your way to Rhys's room. You slip inside to find him awake. "I couldn't sleep." This is all you say before he's pulling back the covers and patting his bed. You lay beside him before he cuddles up with you. "So much better." You say softly. Soon, both of you are sound asleep.
You wake up alone as Rhys must've gotten an early start. You step into the kitchen for some breakfast, finding Azriel sitting at the table. You grab some tea and toast, not having much of an appetite. "Can we please talk?" You ask softly as you take a seat. "Now you want to talk?! Guess it doesn't matter since the cats out of the bag." He says, sounding annoyed. "Please, Azriel." You practically plead. "Can we go somewhere more private?" He puts his dishes in the sink before leading you to his room. Once the door is closed, he turns to you, "You wanted to talk, so talk." He says angrily. "I know you're mad, and we should've told you, but Rhys knew you would react badly to us dating, so we didn't. I'm just as much to blame as he is in that aspect." You say while fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt. "I know you don't believe it, but we really do love each other." He scoffs, "Don't insult me, I know better than that." He says. "Azriel, it's true, now it's up to you if you want to accept it or not. Rhys and I are mates." A wave of love comes along the bond washing over you at the statement, letting you know Rhys is close by if you need him. "What?! You and Rhys are mates?!"
"Yes." You answer as you look at the floor. "Is this what you really want?" He asks, his voice a little softer. "Of course, Az, he has done nothing but treat me the way I deserve to be treated. He is a good man with a good heart, and he makes my soul happy." You answer with nothing but affection in your voice. "If this is really what you want, I support you. Just know that if he hurts you, I'm going to hurt him." He says with a smirk. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." You say as you hug him. He hugs you back, "You deserve the world, and he's one of the few that can give it to you." Azriel tells you before stepping back. "I suppose now I have to go make amends with Rhys now." He says. "That would be nice." You tell him. "He should be in his office. Do I need to come referee?" You ask sarcastically. "I think I can behave." He responds. You head back to your room while Az heads to Rhys's office.
A while later, Rhys comes to your bedroom to find you reading. You close your book and turn your attention to Rhys. "I'm assuming everything went ok with my brother." You state as you look him over, not finding any new injuries. "He threatened to kill me if I hurt you." He says with a laugh. "Well, at least it was just a threat." You say with a grin. "That is true." He says before sitting next to you on the bed. "How would you feel about dinner tonight with everyone so we can announce our relationship?" He asks while wrapping his arms around you. "Sounds good, actually. I hated hiding it." You admit. "I know you did, and I wish we hadn't." He says before kissing your temple. "Will you wear that black dress I like tonight?"  He asks with a smile you can't refuse. You agree to wear the dress tonight.
Later that night, everyone was gathered around the table. Dinner was deliecious. You had roast, veggies, and baked potatoes. After dinner, Cassian brought out an expensive wine from Rhys's collection. Once everyones glass is full, Rhys says he has something he's been meaning to do for a while. He walks over to where you're sitting and gets down on one knee. He pulls out a velvet box and opens it, revealing a beautiful black diamond ring with amethyst gemstones on either side in a white gold setting. "Y/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and high lady of the night court?" Your eyes start to water as you say,"yes." He pulls the ring out and slides it on your finger. it's a perfect fit.
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roseonvenus · 11 months
okay so I was asked to write a love letter about Ethan Landry asking you to dance but I publishes and empty blog to the question and it deleted the idea with it but I know exactly who the user is and I really hope they don't mind be tagging them but here's the love letter anyways , and thanks for being the first that I write a love letter for @sage-green-matcha (sorry if you don't like it, but I hope you do!) (also! I can't remember if there was anything after they suggested Ethan ask you to dance, if you don't like it, I can always remake it)
Strange You Never Knew— Ethan Landry
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x Y/n
Contains: Fluff 💌
《navigation》 《playlist》 《+to playlist》
The laughter and voices of the drunk teens intertwined. Bodies collided and moved as the loud music blasted , and worries melted each time someone took a sip from their red cup. Midterms were almost over, and this party was the perfect way to get distracted from the stress the students carried.
Ethan and Chad stood less crowded doorway watching as everyone drunkenly roamed around the noisy room. Chad was talking about– it dosent matter. Ethans eyes were on the girl who was smiling and talking to Tara, Y/n. They had econ together and were in the same friend group. Y/n was more talkative than Ethan was, which was perfect.
She was beautiful. He amways had sweaty palms when she was near. Everyone knew he liked Y/n ,except for Y/n herself. Aside from.her being pretty and outgoing she was so oblivious.
"Dude!-" Ethans' thoughts come to a hold when Chad's hand meets his arm. "Ow– What?" He holds his arm as his eyebrows scrunch together in a questioning way. Chad's eyes linger to where ethans once were , landing on one of his best friends. Chad chuckles shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "You know if you want to make a move on her, you should probably actually talk to her instead of daydreaming about it!" Chad jokes , "What? No way!"
"Ethan, my man! I mean, look at her? What do you think?" The two boys look over at Y/n catching her attention as she smiles at the two , waving at them. "She's gorgeous.." Ethan says breathlessly.
"Great! Ask her out! Ask her out!" Chad repeats excitedly. "Shut up!" Ethan laughs.
"Dude, it's  so obvious he's into you!" Tara rolls her eyes , sipping her drink. Y/n laughs shaking her head, "You guys are insane there's no way!" she chuckles, "You're literally stupid!" Tara laughs "Okay whatever" Y/n eyes shift back over to Ethan, who looked to be getting lectured by Chad.
"You gotta have confidence! Plus, look at you man– you're a snack! Practically an entire meal all on your own!" Chad hypes his friend up , seeing it might have worked as Ethans face lights up with a smile, "Really?"
"Yeah! You're Ethan Landry! Hey! Y/n/n!" Chad calls out , striking ethan to get extremely nervous.
"I'll catch you later , Y/n/n," Tara says, walking away as Y/n walks towards Ethan. "Hey guys, what's up?" she smiles."Hey Y/n/n , now that you're here– later!" Chad runs off, leaving nervous Ethan all alone with Y/n
"What? Chad–" Ethan calls out , Y/n laughs slightly. Ethan turns to the girl in front of him , laughing nervously. "So Ethan, how have you been?" she starts
"Oh– uh– , I'm good," he smiles weakly. "I'm so glad you came! I actually like spending time with you. " Y/n admits , those words leaving her mouth made Ethan's eyes widen and his stomach turn. It also may have boosted his confidence even more since his conversation with Chad.
"Um– do you maybe..wanna dance?" He asks as his hands still slightly shake. "I'd love that, E!" she smiles, making his hand and leading him in the crowd of people. As they come to stop and fave eachother a more slower song begins to play.
Y/n smiles, placing her hands without any hesitation around Ethans neck. He , hesitantly, places his hands around her waist. "Is– that okay?" he says softly. She nods.
Fade Into You by Mazzy Star , plays as they sway slowly to the music. "You know–" they both say at the same time , making both laugh. "Go ahead." Y/n signals Ethan to speak first.
"You look really pretty today , Y/n," Ethan speaks gently as he slowly moves Y/n in closer. If their weren't so many colorful party lights, Ethan would've been able to see the redness on Y/n's face, "Thank you , Eth." She laughs nervously. "Sorry! Was that weird?" Ethan begins, anxiously trying not to make her feel uncomfortable."No! no, no, you're good. I think that was very sweet of you, " she comforts him.
Ethan looks deeply into her eyes as she continues to speak. He takes in every feature of her face. Her eyes , hair , lips.
"You know ethan..." Y/n says, catching the boys' attention. "Tara was saying something pretty crazy earlier , about it being obvious that you sort of , maybe , have feelings for me.." her words slow seeing ethans face change emotions "I mean– it was probably just drunk Tara speaking!– we can just forget I even brought it up–" her words are cut off as Ethan pushes his lips onto Y/n's. Her once tense body loosens up as she realizes she actually likes kissing him. Their eyes meet again as she pulls away from him slowly. They continue to dance slowly, not taking their eyes off each other. "I don't think tara was being crazy when she told you i liked you. i find it strange you didn't notice .." he chuckles , Ohh, yeah," was all she was able to say, still wonderstruck from the kiss, and laughing slightly. Ethans eyebrows raise , "I totally and completely understand if you don't feel the same!–"
"–I do!" she speaks, "I do , Ethan. " she smiled softly , leaning her head onto his shoulder as they still moved along with the music.
"That's..really great to know," he smiled, holding her in closely.
'Chad's gonna be so proud of me,' he thought.
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atomicpirateperson · 1 month
I love your fusions! Do you enjoy writing about how the original charas combined personalities cohabitate the same body? Is it like a hivemind in there or do they simply form one person? Or a little bit of both?
aw thank you sm! it can be both difficult and interesting to try and combine character's personalities, it is enjoyable :)
honestly fusion is kinda hard to explain, i portray it a lot like Steven Universe does, just without the concept that only magic gem aliens can do it (is there any other show that has a concept like fusion? i hear about dragon ball z but i've never watched that)
in a fusion, characters have to be in sync and agreeing with eachother. so some fusions– especially "mega hell teenager" who would never know what to say– would be super unstable and prone to defusing. think of all those conflicting personalities trying to work together!
unstable fusions tend to act more like multiple people in one body: they change personalities, are slow to make decisions, sometimes even fight with themself, etc.
but more stable fusions– like between friends, family, and lovers– are more like one new individual with the shared traits of all components. especially if they fuse often and/or for long periods of time!
the rest of this doesn't really answer your question lol, I just think it's a good place to lore dump–
fusion and de-fusion can be both on purpose or accidental! sometimes fusing requires a lot of a effort and focus, like doing a special dance, but sometimes you just need a loving hug or kiss. depends on the stability and all. comically, it can also happen when characters collide with eachother at high speeds!
if you destroy or badly injure a fusion, they will defuse. the component characters will luckily be unharmed, though whatever pain or exhaustion they experienced while fused might linger depending on the severity. the fusion will be fine if it appears again.
fusions have the knowledge and memories of their components, but that doesn't give one component access to the memories of another component. fusion is not inherently indicative of a super deep connection, or a romantic thing, and absolutely not an NSFW thing.
of course, the appearance of a fusion is a combination of the character's designs. the details are very subjective, there is no one way to design a fusion :) a fusion fusing with another character, or a fusion of two or more fusions, is not any different than if each character fused individually.
fusions often have extra body parts, mostly extra pairs of arms, especially if it's more than two components. a high amount of limbs is more common in unstable fusions. they can have the amount of eyes or arms as all the components added together, or they can have fewer. if it's not one of the component's traits, i wouldn't recommend multiple legs, but again it's up to you
fusions are always bigger than their components, and their sizes add up to be quite a lot! Rupaul is tall enough to pet a giraffe, while "mega hell teenager" (i love that name honestly) could lift a school bus!
fusions can inherit and combine the special abilities of the components, although it can get 'lost in translation'. for instance, fusions with Penny and one another character can shapeshift without much trouble, while Rupaul has some difficulties. "mega hell teenager" luckily can't fly despite having Carrie as a component!
fusions of two or more different genders are pretty much non-gender-conforming. according to canon, Rupaul is 2/3 male and 1/3 female, but they're essentially androgynous and can lean either way if they want to. likewise, they go by any pronouns.
okay, that's all of the information i can think of, but more questions are welcome :)
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Rocket and reader but with enemies to lovers trope? 👉👈
if you write it, thank you soo much!! :D
So rocket and blackjack … got it 😩🔥
(Hc portion)
Rocket does not ever find himself falling for any enemy, liking his enemies even a little bit. Also, for him to hate you as much as he does, you’d have to be head to head against him constantly. Maybe you worked with thanos or maybe your ideals collide with one another often, maybe you find yourself constantly working against the guardians which is why you’re just a natural enemy to rocket. Maybe you’re just narrative foils. In any event, rocket hates you. He will not come to terms with liking you unless you two end up teaming up against a greater force, and he’s able to recognize the positive aspects about you rather than all the negatives. He’s able to finally realize you’d make an excellent ally if you weren’t the most annoying person on the face of any planet he’s been on. When it matters, he works with you. I think that the battle against thanos would truly be the first time you bond, and that bond would continue through the 5 years everyone you both loved was gone. You find solace in one another, and it’s how rocket is able to realize he loves you, even if you’re an infuriating piece of shit. You dynamic would not change upon being a couple, you would both be at eachothers heads, you’d both still argue and disagree, but you’re not enemies anymore. Rivals, perhaps. But not enemies.
(Fic portion)
Rocket sighs deeply as you give him another infuriating smirk. God how he hated the way you looked at him, over confident and bitchy, almost as if you were completely positive you were just better than him in every capacity, yet you still felt the need to gain his approval in some way. Even if you never admitted to wanting that approval, it was something you showed you clearly wanted every day you two spent together. The showing off in front of him, constantly proving to him you were the strong one, you were the one that could beat him in a fight, no contest. In this alliance, he was the one that needed you. If approval wasn’t something you desired from him, you wouldn’t feel the need to constantly one up the guy. At first he figured it was a lack of self esteem, and to an extent he thinks that is the case. But as if lately, he wonders if it’s something deeper. He wonders if it’s because you think of him the way he thinks of you, late at night, nobody around but him and his thoughts of the one and only, you. Maybe he’s just waiting, hoping, you think of him the same way. Because as much as you truly get on his every last nerve, he has to face the music. He is madly in love, and he’s never felt this kinda love before. It’s the kind of love that makes him scream at you, the kinda love that drives him crazy, the kinda love that’s never made him ever feel this way. The kinda love that never gets boring and never has ever made him feel so many emotions at once.
And he knows, he does the same thing you do. He goes out of his way to show he’s the smart one, he’s the one that makes the cool weapons, he may need you for your strength, but you need him for his brains. And perhaps, he’s come to realize over the many years you two have known eachother, that you balance eachother out really well because of it. Maybe you’ve realized that too. Or not. You are an idiot after all. He asks himself everyday why an actual moron like you was able to one up him for so long. But when he brings himself back to reality, and sees your shit eating grin, he knows why.
It’s because he let you.
Because despite how annoying he finds you, he’s always had some weird soft spot for you. Because what to him is infuriating about you, is also adorably charming. He wishes he could wipe that smirk off your face, but at the same time… he kinda likes that look on you. He likes that a simple face expression you give him could drive him so crazy. Deep down, he knows he doesn’t find you infuriating but rather the feelings he has towards you. Because it’s complicated. You two have been enemies forever, therefor he should not have such attachments towards you. And yet he does. He wishes he could get rid of them. And yet, you feel those things towards him too. And while he thinks you joke about it, he knows deep down you are telling him your truth. You simply don’t care about liking your enemy, and he’s envious of how carefree you are about it.
As the two of you work together more, the more he realizes he wants you on his side, forever.
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Hey cutie!!!💕💕💕🙃
So I'd thought of this scenario the other day, where the reader is working at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and she's an ex of Jackson Avery (they're still friends); he goes there because someone close to him gets injured and so as he searches for the reader for help, where he also gets to meet one of the new interns, Daniel Kwan, who happens to be reader's best friend since college (who has feelings for her but she doesn't know) and while to Jackson that is very clear, the reader, on the other hand, has no idea, which makes it weird to see them interact with eachother
Idk... I was thinking of something not too sentimental because they're all in good terms but it can end up with a confession or something...🤔🤔 I know you haven't had the opportunity to start the latest season (I totally get it!!! I still don't know how you manage to keep your socials active since you're always working non stop 😖😖 but know that I'm always grateful to have you as a friend, cheering up my days 😘💌)
Btw there's no rush and if you don't feel like writing for Grey's Anatomy then it's all good 😉
A Crazy Idea [Part One]
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Daniel Kwan x Female Reader, Jackson Avery x Female Reader, Benson Kwan x Female Reader
Characters: Daniel Kwan, Jackson Avery, Female Reader, Catherine Fox, Benson Kwan
Word Count: 2058 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary:  Jackson's back and he's finding he might have been replaced in more ways than one.
Tags/ Warnings: Confessions of Love, Jealousy, Friends To Lovers, Exes, Ex Lovers, Fighting, Arguing, Operations,Past Relationships, Open Wounds,
Notes: okay so i've not watched the new series so I don't know kwan that well and apparently his names changed?!? but I stuck with Daniel anyway. Hope this is okay! x
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Jackson stalked down the corridor, his eyes sweeping inside every room, as he searched for Y/N. It had been a while since he had been to Grey Sloan and though he used to walk its halls every day he had forgotten how big it was. Though the more he walked the more his hand started aching. He had it held against him, pulled tight under his hoodie as he tried to keep it in a way that didn’t make it ache something rotten. As a sharp shooting pain fluttered up his forearm he stopped looking around but as he paused someone collided with him, hitting him directly in his covered arm and making him wince in agony.
‘I’m so sorry!’ a voice came from behind him. As he whipped around he found a doctor he didn’t recognise standing in front of him. His hands were out in front of him though Jackson doubted he knew how much he had hurt him. Jackson went to tell the man it was alright but he watched as realisation dawned on the man's face, ‘Dr Avery?’ 
‘Yeah,’ Jackson said. 
‘I didn’t know you were coming back. Are you here for a surgery? Or…’ the man trailed off. 
‘Actually, I’m looking for someone,’ Jackson said, ‘have you seen Dr Y/N?’
‘Y/N?’ the man asked. Jackson nodded watching as a glint arose in the man's eye. And if Jackson looked closely he was sure he saw the tinge of a blush on his cheeks before he continued, ‘she’s scrubbed in at the minute. But I’m on her service if there’s something you need.’
‘I just need her er-’
‘Dr Kwan,’ the man said, ‘Daniel Kwan.’
‘Right,’ Jackson said trying to recall where he had heard that name before, ‘well can you find her for me?’ 
‘Sure, what shall I tell her?’
‘Tell her I’ll be waiting in the pit for her,’ Jackson said as he felt another wave of pain come over him. Before Daniel could reply he stalked off back towards the pit. He needed painkillers. 
Jackson was sitting in a trauma room scrolling quietly through his phone as he listened to the hubbub going on outside the room. Since his new ally had continued his search he had been able to come down to the pit and get checked in. He didn’t officially have privileges but the nurses didn’t seem to mind following his instructions. He allowed them to take some blood and do a quick X-ray which he looked over himself, confirming his own suspicions of a broken hand but he didn’t interfere anymore. That's why he wanted Y/N. After all her speciality was orthopaedics. 
As he heard her dulcet tones outside the room he sat up a little straighter and placed his phone on his lap. The doors swooshed open and she came in in a flurry. Her hair was piled up onto the top of her head and Jackson could see her scrub cap squashed into her scrub pocket. Standing at her side was Daniel.
‘Jackson!’ she said excitedly though her face fell as she took in his mangled hand, ‘what the hell!?’ 
She darted to his side, her hand holding his gently, wincing as he hissed in pain. The nurses had given him something to take the edge off but that didn’t mean that her mauling with him wouldn’t make his toes curl. 
‘What happened?’ she asked. 
‘Had a run-in with a power tool,’ he shrugged. 
‘Your hands mangled!’ she said.
‘Hardly,’ he said nodding towards the X-rays on the board. Y/N glanced at them but continued to survey his hand a little longer. Daniel walked towards them. 
‘He’s right. He’s only got slight fractures to his scaphoid and trapezium.’
‘Maybe,’ she said, ‘but this gash goes through to muscle if not the ligament. And this is a million-dollar hand.’
‘Which is why I came here,’ Jackson said. 
‘Well I’d send you to our fabulous head of plastics but he’s no longer here,’ Y/N smirked. Jackson chuckled. 
‘Which is why I went second best,’ he said. Y/N swatted him on his good arm. Jackson chuckled but he didn’t fail to notice that Daniel’s eyes narrowed a little as he watched the pair of them. 
‘Blue,’ Y/N said as she moved over to the Xrays, ‘order an MRI stat for Jackson’s hand. I want decent images before we plan anything. Then phone the OR and tell them we need to bump my next surgery.’
‘But Mrs Gleeson-’
‘Can wait,’ she said waving him off. Daniel smiled tightly and nodded. Jackson watched them closely as she rattled off instructions. 
‘I thought you didn’t do special treatment,’ Daniel said folding his arms across his chest. 
‘I don’t. But as I said this morning, Mrs Gleeson still has some swelling to her ankle so whilst we can do her manipulation today it won’t hurt to push her back a few hours. Or even a day. And besides, I might not play favourites but I know someone who does. So it might be better that we get Jackson here in and out before Catherine Fox gets a whiff of what’s happening. Now, are you going to do as I asked or have you still got a problem with how I prioritise my patients?’ Y/N said. Her tone was nice but Jackson could hear the air of authority she was speaking with. Daniel shook his head and left the room. 
Jackson watched as she scanned over his X-rays one more time and then sat down on a stool beside him setting up a sterile tray. He said nothing as she took his hand in hers, assessing the damage of the deep gash in his hand. She started to clean the outer edge of the wound and feeling that twinging sensation coming back Jackson decided to speak.
‘So the new interns are pretty outspoken this year huh?’ Jackson said. Y/N looked up at him confused then as her eyebrows broke apart she said, ‘what Blue? Nah, he’s not that bad.’
‘He called you out in front of a patient,’ Jackson reasoned.
‘He called me out in front of you,’ she quipped back, ‘you’re hardly John Doe. And anyway I get what he means. You know I hate special treatment.’
‘And yet you came right away for me,’ Jackson smirked. 
‘For your million dollar hand,’ she corrected, ‘and the fact that your mother will find out about this soon enough and I’d rather not have her interrogate me while I work.’ 
‘Hmm,’ Jackson said. Her movements slowed as she looked at him curiously. 
‘Nothing,’ he said.
‘No come on,’ she said knowing he was holding back, ‘spit it out.’
‘It’s just you seem different with him. Any other intern you’d have chewed them out.’
‘Well I haven’t been friends with them since childhood,’ she shrugged. 
‘You’ve known him since childhood?’ Jackson asked as his mind scanned back for any recollection that she might have mentioned him to him before. 
‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘he’s an old family friend. Our moms are close. He’s not too much younger than me but he’s had some personal stuff so he’s only just catching up that’s why I recommended the programme to him.’
‘You’ve never mentioned him,’ he said.
‘We lost touch a little. I barely have time to see the people in this hospital never mind outside of it,’ she said. Then a memory clicked in Jackson’s head.
‘He’s in that picture of you and your high school friends,’ he said, ‘the one in your hallway.’
‘And here’s me thinking you didn’t notice any of the little things when we were together,’ she chuckled. 
‘Hey I noticed enough,’ Jackson smirked which was followed by a wince as she hit a sore spot. 
‘Sorry,’ she mumbled returning to her work.
‘It’s okay,’ Jackson said, adding in a low voice, ‘and anyway, I noticed he likes you.’ 
‘Blue?’ she baulked.
‘Yeah,’ he said. 
‘No way,’ she said, ‘we’ve been friends forever.’
‘And,’ she started, ‘and, well I’d know. He’s Blue. The same Blue he’s always been. He doesn’t like me.’
She fell silent for a moment. Panic flooded into the pit of Jackson’s stomach as he watched her work fearing he’d scared her. 
‘Y/N,’ he said, ‘I’m not teasing you. I’m being serious.’
‘Jackson,’ she said quietly.
‘I’m just saying,’ he said moving his hand so she was forced to look up at him, ‘remember I’ve been there.’ 
She watched him for a moment and then went back to her work.  Trying to ignore the niggle in the back of her mind.
‘That went well,’ Y/N said as she slipped her scrub cap off of her head. She walked into the prep room and knocked the tap on, getting ready to de-scrub. She had just operated on Jackson’s hand. Fortunately, it wasn’t too complicated and she had even managed that Jackson could stay awake throughout assisting somewhat. And though she was still wrestling with what Jackson had told her she had allowed Daniel to assist.
‘Yeah,’ Daniel said as he stood beside her, ‘I’ve never had someone back seat drive whilst doing a surgery though.’
‘Jackson knows what he’s doing,’ she said. He seemed irked. And she didn’t know why…though she suspected, ‘and he’s an expert in his field.’
‘I guess,’ he mumbled. 
‘Do you not like him?’ she said looking up at him. She wiped her wet hands on a piece of paper towel and tossed it in the trash as she turned around to lean against the sink. 
‘What?’ Daniel asked drying off his own hands. 
‘Jackson,’ she said, ‘you seem to have a problem with him.’
‘I guess after all the delays I’ve had seeing someone use their name to get whatever they want annoys me,’ he said going to walk away. Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him. He turned to face her. 
‘Jackson didn’t use any name. I mean his mother owns everything in this damn place. If he was throwing money around he could’ve had Link. But he wanted me. Because he’s my friend. He knows how I work. And I know how much he would value me not making a fuss or a scene. I didn’t help him because he’s an Avery. I did it because he’s my friend, in fact, he used to be more than that,’ she said. 
‘You two?’ Daniel said his eyebrows knitting together. 
‘Yeah,’ she said quietly.
‘I didn’t know you two used to y’know.’
‘Well that’s all old news,’ she said, ‘but he’s still my friend.’
They fell silent for a moment as Daniel nodded taking in her words. And then without warning, Y/N felt the urge to mention what Jackson had told her before. She didn’t know why but she couldn’t stop herself, ‘in fact he seems to think I’ve got something else going on,’ she said turning away so he couldn’t see her face, ‘he thinks me and you are an item. Isn’t that crazy?’ 
She chuckled to herself but as she heard nothing in response worry grew inside her and she turned to find him watching her stony-faced. 
‘I mean, that’s crazy right?’ she said, ‘Blue?’ 
‘What do you want me to say?’ he sighed looking away from her. 
‘Do you want me to say you’re right? That the idea of us is ludicrous? Or do you want me to tell you something else, something different,’ he said coming towards her. Even hours into his shift he still smelled amazing. He reached out and moved a strand of hair from her face causing a tingle to run down her spine. 
‘Blue,’ she whispered, ‘why don’t you just tell me the truth?’ 
‘Because I don’t know if you want the truth,’ he said simply, ‘but the idea of us…isn’t that crazy to me.’ 
Before she could respond the doors swooshed open behind them and he broke apart from her watching as the scrub staff filed in, ready to get themselves cleaned up. He smiled at her sadly and left the room. 
‘Everything okay?’ Tiffany, a scrub nurse, said to her with concern. 
‘Yeah,’ Y/N smiled weakly, ‘I just need to tell him something.’ 
And with that, she bolted out of the room to find Blue.
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caatws · 1 year
Hi there! I have been watching all the films the guardians have been in for research on a fic I'm thinking about writing and I noticed some interesting details/parallels I wanted to share.
In vol 1 when the guardians get arrested it's said Thanos recently loaned out Gamora and Nebula to Ronan. This matches up perfectly with Endgame where when they travel to the past we see Thanos say he's going to send Gamora and Nebula to work with Ronan. This means Gamora was basically a day away from meeting Peter, Rocket and Groot on Zandar when Thanos took her to the future with him. I think it further illustrates what people have been saying about how Gamora didn't have to be paired up with a different group as her family. She could have met up with the guardians sooner than a couple years later and be closer to them before the film ended. Also at the end of vol 1 Nebula cuts off her own hand rather than grabbing Gamora's when she offers it. This is a parallel to Endgame when 2014 Gamora offers her hand to 2018(or I guess 2023 Nebula due to the time skip)Nebula and says they can stop Thanos and Nebula actually takes her hand. It's interesting each film highlights how essential Nebula and Gamora having some kind of relationship is and I think that definitely could have been used more in vol 3. The ability for the two of them to eventually get through to eachother and help eachother is built up really nicely.
Another thing I noticed is that during Yondu's funeral in vol 2 it's not Kraglin or Peter who contact the Ravagers, it's Rocket. He says he called Yondu's old buddies. I think this kind of confirms there wasn't much of a connection between Yondu's crew that Peter grew up with and his old crew. This makes the decision to connect Gamora to them even more surprising because there isn't much of a story link. But I did catch that the design on the Ravagers clothes is the same as the one on the guardians team suits and Kraglin makes a gesture of his arm across his chest during Yondu's funeral that we see in vol 3 when Rocket is named Captain. If we take this as Ravager traditions being part of the guardians then it might have been good to expand on that. We could have seen Gamora's old world and new world substantially colliding which would make her connections to both more obvious and help lessen any exclusions of her character.
Also I don't know if it was intentional but I do see some commonality between vol 3 Gamora and Drax and Peter in vol 1. Drax keeps calling Rocket an animal and he says he used to eat animals like him. It's all about how he doesn't see Rocket as an equal person because he doesn't know him or have an understanding of him. This kind of parallels Gamora calling Rocket a badger and not understanding why he's considered family to the guardians. Peter got frustrated with Groot during the arrest scene in vol 1 and he said I understood you the first time when Groot keeps saying I am Groot and I think that's like Gamora saying I already know what your name is during vol 3. But like I said I'm not as sure about these as the other details I picked up on. It feels like there's something to it though.
good eye anon 👍🏼 a lot of these parallels and connections were def intentional and i think further proof that having the gotg trilogy be led by the same writer/director (tho i think vol 1 had another co-writer or two?) was the right call. even with all the flaws i found with vol 3 and the way it's near impossible to watch it in a vacuum with only vol 1/2 without iw/eg/the holiday special, i do think this is currently the mcu's strongest trilogy
i think there was even more potential for paralleling 2014/ravager!gamora's story with things from vol 1/2 than what gunn actually did, but what callbacks and parallels we did get were nice. but we rly could've used more to bring 2014/ravager!gamora full circle by the end of vol 3!
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Date night ✨
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Paring: Eddie x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1,120
Summary: Just a cute date night with your adorable bf Eddie Munson.
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"Hey! Y/n" just ignore him, carry on with your test. "Psst! Y/N!" You lean your head down continuing to write your test answers. Just pretend he's not there. "Y/N!"
"WHAT?!" You whisper yelled, snapping at your boyfriend eddie who was sat at the desk next to you. "Miss L/N!" Both of you heads whipped around to face your teacher glaring at you. If it was possible for someone to have laser beams shooting from their eyes, it would be her right now.
"Sorry." You muttered, sending an evil look in eddies direction. He was always managing to get you into trouble, but getting away with it himself completely unscathed. "Are we still up for tonight?" A whisper came your way.
"Yes?! Now leave me alone eddie!" he loved to piss you off and bring out the fire in you. Eddie leant forward resting his head in his palm, eyes making a b-line for your plump lips. Imagining how much he would love to kiss them later.
You heard a loud tapping noise on your bedroom window while you finished getting ready for your date. Running over to the window and sliding it open, the wooden frame making a jarring squeek.
Peeking your head out of the window, you spotted him. Your long hair as falling over your shoulder and slightly blowing against your cheek. But there he was, smiling up at you with a bunch of wild flowers in one hand. "Rapunzel, rapunzel! let down your hair!"
"Oh shut it, I'm coming down." Eddie never failed to make you laugh by saying stupid things, even though you hated to admit it. "You better not be staring at my ass!" You yelled down as you started to climb out of the window to meet him at the bottom. "Who me? Wouldn't dream of it babe!" He smirked, very much staring intensely at your ass the entire time.
"Hi." He gently spoke as he slid his free hand around your waist, pulling you in closer and letting out a soft breath as his lips finally collided with yours. "Hey." You kissed him once more. "So Eddie my love, where exactly are you taking me?"
"I can't tell you that!" He handed you the flowers "it will ruin the surprise!" The flowers had clearly been stolen from various peoples front gardens. But to you, it made it even more thoughtful as you knew he didn't have any money.
Both if you walked towards his messy van, which he had secretly spent a lot of time trying to clean before hand. You felt his fingers brush softly against yours, almost tickling you. Grabbing his hand, you stopped walking and pulled him closer to you.
"Eddie." He hummed out a yes in response, turning to you and resting his forehead against yours. "Thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful." Leaning up and pressing a kiss on his forehead, leaving a lingering 'desperation' behind.
You and Eddie had been together for about a year, even though the two of you were completely different. Neither of you could deny the intense, magnetic attraction you felt towards eachother. Never running out of things to talk about or feeling out of place. It just felt right. Like you had known each other for your whole lives.
Before you could open the passenger door to his van he ran in front of you, almost slipping on the grass in the process. Opening it for you before you even had a second to blink. "My lady!" He bowed his head down, grinning from ear to ear as he held his hand out for you.
As the van came to a stop you felt a little bit confused as to where you were. An empty field, on someone's private farm land. "Erm.. Eddie, it looks like you're taking me somewhere quiet to kill me." He burst out into laughter winking at you before jumping out of the van. Was that a yes?!
He ran round and pulled your door open for you, holding tightly to your hand as you jumped down. "No Eddie, for real. What are we doing here?" He placed his hand over your mouth telling you to shh, the other hand on the nape of your neck. "Just wait! You'll see, you're going to love it."
He dragged you out into the middle of he field making you face a certain way. "Right now don't move, I'll be right back!" All you could hear was footsteps moving briskly away. "What?... EDDIE WAIT!" You shouted after him. But still doing as you were told and not looking back.
Trees around the edge of the field rustled as the worry began to set in. You could hear footsteps approaching again. "Eddie. Please tell me that's you." You heard no response. And just like that, all the bad things that you had been through over the past couple of years involving the upside down, ran through your mind. You had never told Eddie as you thought he wouldn't believe you. "Eddie?"
"BOO!" He grabbed you round the waist and picked you up into the air. You screamed to high heaven, jumping out of your skin.
When he put you back down, hysterically laughing in the process. You smacked him on his arms and chest reapetedly, although a smile plastered itself on your face. "Ow! ok I'm sorry!" He didn't seem very sorry considering the cheeky look he gave you. "I couldnt resist!"
He grabbed both sides of your face and lent down to place a kiss on each cheek, an unspoken apology. "You're so beautiful when your mad at me." Eyes locking with yours "great, so all the time then?" You glowed.
"yeah pretty much! come on grumpy." He retorted sliding his hand from your face, down your arm to grab hold of you and turn you around. "suprise!!!" He held both of his arms out. You could literally feel your heart melt, although Eddie was always teasing you. He definitely knew how to make you swoon.
In front of you was a big picnic blanket, a few pillows and complete with a takeout pizza.
"See, I thought we always go out the movies and stuff, so why don't we just stargaze and eat junk food." Eddie slouched down on the blanket resting back on his elbows, looking very happy with himself.
"babe, I love you so much" you sighed as you layed down next to him, smothering him with kisses. Everything in that moment felt completely perfect. Eddie pointing out different 'constellations' one the night sky, making up names for them followed by a "no honestly it is! I promise!"
Being with him just made you forget everything bad that's ever happened to you.
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hey!! im new to tumblr but i love your writing and i was wondering if you could do a request for me? basically the reader is assigned to share a dorm with someone in your university, but it so happens that your dorm mate is dream, but you both hate eachother. you can try working out how they start to get a long. it could be something like angry sex or some shit but idk, feel free to play around with it!!!
brat • dream smut
a/n : welcome to tumblr, anon !! so glad you like my writing, here you go :)
POV: first person
pronouns: they / them
warnings: smut/nsfw, enemies to lovers, “sir”, degradation, very very VERY dom/sub, bottom!reader
University. It was most definitely a mixed bag; you shove your hand into it and have no clue what you’re gonna grab out of it. Was I gonna be sitting out on the grass with my new lifelong best friends, or was I gonna end up in miserable and making half-joking comments about how much I hate my life? I guess the answer ended up being neither, but something much more complicated.
I walked into my dorm room for the first time. It was pretty bare, both of the beds completely stripped of sheets, pillows, and blankets. I walked in, taking in the new environment that I was gonna be surrounded by for the next few months until my first break. ‘This looks... depressing,’ I thought, putting down my backpack as well as the suitcases full of all of my things. I began to unpack.
I heard a person come open the door to the room. “Hey, I’m Clay... I think you’re my roommate. You can call me Dream.” I spun around, looking at him. I simply nodded, not knowing what exactly to say.
“Uh, yeah, I’m [y/n].” I turned back to my clothes, letting the silence that was once there envelope the room once again. He tended to his side of the room as I tended to mine.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” I rolled my eyes. ‘Oh god, he’s one of those people.’
“Uh, I mean I just don’t really know you yet.” I pulled my sheets out of one of the suitcases, unfolding them.
“That’s dumb, how are you gonna get to know me if you’re all quiet?” I ignored his question. I know that simply letting him talk will give me all of the information I need to know about him. “See, you don’t even know what to say, I’m right.” ‘Cocky much?’
“I don’t need to talk to you to know you.” I could almost feel his glare into the back of my head.
He scoffed, “No, you don’t need to talk to me to make assumptions. Tell me one thing you know about me.”
I turned around and looked at him. “First, people only show their good side, so I like to make my own observations of their behavior. For example, you’re cocky as fuck.”
He rolled his eyes, turning back to his bed to unpack his things. “Okay, then here’s my ‘observation’, you’re a bitch.”
“Okay, and you’re an asshole.” I retorted, childishly, before putting in my headphones and deciding to ignore him as much as possible. ‘Out of every fucking person I could be paired with... why him?’
I walked from the bus stop up the stairs of the dorm building and to my shared room with... him. Dream, as he told me to call him. As much as I hated his attitude and almost everything about his annoying personality, I had to admit that after a month I was coming around in a way. Maybe I didn’t find him completely unbearable, but I definitely still didn’t like him.
I entered the space and set my bag next to my desk. Dream was laying on his bed, looking at his phone. “Hey, I’m having like 3 friends over here tonight, so could you find a place to stay?” I looked at him, my expression dripping with ‘say deadass’.
“Uh, no? You can’t tell me things like this last minute, dude. This is my place, too,” I stated, letting the truth onto him. His attention darted from his phone to me.
“I can’t just cancel!” He exclaimed in defense.
“Yes you can, and you will! Reschedule it for another time.” He was silent, staring at me.
“Fine,” He mumbled after a moment of quiet. I turned to my desk, taking out my homework for the day and setting it down. I walked into our shared bathroom with some comfortable clothes and turned on the shower. Stripping off my clothing, I stepped in as soon as it was hot enough. I sighed in content, the steaming water caressing my body and relaxing my muscles. 
After a bit of washing myself and relaxing, I turned off the water and stepped out onto the tile. As I changed into my clothes, I could hear Dream talking through the door, “They’re fucking annoying, man, but they’re hot so whatever, I guess.” My eyes widened as he spoke. ‘...me?’
I can’t say that I never found him hot. He’s tall, broad shoulders, pretty green eyes... who wouldn’t be attracted to him? He’s hot, but he’s a dumbass, and I think that’s the only thing that was stopping me from pursuing him.
I walked out after I finished drying my hair, bringing the blonde boy’s attention to me. “I gotta go, talk to you later,” He rushed out, hanging up in a hurry. I quirked a brow at him in confusion.
“What was that about?” I asked, taking a seat at my desk.
“Had to cancel. Nothin’ else.” I chuckled at his attempt to not share much.
“So who’s this hot but annoying person you were talking about?” I questioned, my eyes changing course to look at his face.
His cheeks flared up, his freckled skin turning pink. “Don’t listen in on my phone conversations, bitch,” He said harshly.
I stood up. “Excuse me? Listen, I already told you to stop talking to me like that-”
“You’re so hot when you look like that,” He interrupted me. Now it was my turn to start blushing.
“L-Like what?” I asked, half mumbling.
“When you get all worked up. That’s why I like bothering you so much.” I was stuck in my spot, unsure of what to say to that. The thought of Dream finding me hot was so insanely flustering for whatever reason, and it never occurred to me until that moment. 
He got up, walking over to me. I looked up and into his eyes. “Sometimes, when you make me really mad, I think about slamming you into your mattress,” He said, quietly, making the rasp in his voice stick out. “And just taming you... because you’re just such a brat, sometimes.” My breath got caught in my throat, I felt like I couldn’t even speak. “Sometimes a brat needs to be put in their place, don’t you think?” I nodded. “Use your words.”
“I, uh- yes, sir,” I stuttered out. A smirk pulled at his lips, and his hand made it’s way up to my cheek, cupping my face. He slowly pushed his thumb between my lips, causing me to start sucking it. He pulled it out, my mouth releasing it with a quiet ‘pop’.
“Get on your knees, angel.” I obeyed immediately and got down on my knees. “You wanna undo my belt?”
I nodded, eagerly. “Yes, please?” He nodded, humming an ‘mhm’. I bit my lip as I undid his belt before unbuttoning his jeans. I glanced up at his face before unzipping them as well and pulling them down. I could see the outline of his hard-on through his boxers. I slowly and softly palmed him over the thin material, eliciting a low, quiet moan.
“Take them off, sweetheart.” I nodded and pulled down his underwear, his cock springing up due to the sudden freedom. I licked the palm of my hand before wrapping it around his shaft and slowly moving it up and down. I looked up at his face, seeing his lip between his teeth as I touched him.
“Can I use my mouth, sir?” I asked him, even though I already know the likely answer.
He nodded, “Mhm, use your mouth.” I softly licked the tip of his member before wrapping my lips around it, sucking lightly. I started bobbing my head, taking more of him in my mouth every time I went back down. “Do you think you can deep-throat me, angel?”
I nodded. “C-Can I do that, sir?” He nodded, his hand making it’s way into my hair. I slowly started to take more of him in my mouth, eventually getting to the point of him hitting the back of my throat. I choked a little but pushed through it. I continued to take as much as I could down my throat, Dream softly fucking my face.
“Just like that, baby,” He groaned as I continued to bob my head. He pulled a bit on my hair, sending heat down between my legs. He pulled my head off of his dick by my hair, a string of spit bridging the gap. “Get on the bed, safe word is puppy.” I nodded and jumped up off of the floor and onto my bed.
He yanked my sweatpants down, pulling down my underwear with it. I pulled my shirt over my head and he did the same to himself. “You want my cock, baby? Look at how turned on you are.”
I let out a soft moan as he rubbed me right where I needed it. “I want it so bad, sir, please..” I begged. He bit his lip before pulling a bottle of lube out of his dresser.
“Get on your stomach, I’m gonna fuck your pretty little hole from behind.” Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I followed his directions. I could hear the slippery liquid being drizzled and spread all over his cock, it only made me want him more.
He slowly pushed into me, making a moan uncontrollably escape my lips. “Fuck...” I whispered.
“Yeah, you like feeling all full, don’t you? Such a fuckin’ whore for me,” He teased slowly moving with my permission. He gradually sped up, the two of us letting out moan after moan, the sound of our skin colliding being the only other sound filling the room. “You’re such a goddamn brat,”
“I... I know, sir... please- please don’t stop!” His hand made it’s way into the roots of my hair, pulling it, making it hurt so perfectly.
“Yeah? Don’t stop?” He asked, breathlessly as he started going faster. “I’m not gonna stop, angel.” I bit my lip, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as he pounded into me.
I touched myself as he fucked me, making everything feel double as good. “S...s-sir, I-I’m gonna... D-Dream, please!” I let out incoherent sentences.
“Aw, look, you can barely talk. Come on, sweetheart, cum for me like a good little slut.” The knot in my stomach fell apart as he spoke, a loud moan leaving my body once again. He let me ride out my high before pulling out and stroking himself and releasing all over my back. I bit my lip as I felt the warm liquid hit my skin.
He laid down beside me. “What do we say?” He asked, teasingly.
I giggled. “Thank you, sir.”
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Happy Birthday, Y/N
Synopsis: Y/N and Keisuke eats lunch at the school rooftop and invites you to his house after classes so you guys could hang out and eat peyoung together.
Story contains: Slow Paced Story, Wholesomely lovey-dovey bonding, kissing, hickeys, mentions of sex, and fingering. This will be female Y/N and in third person POV (for most of the time, I'll put careful indications).
Author's Note: it's my first time writing like this so please bear with me >\\\<, what inspired me to write was the image uploaded here, I wondered how would Baji be if He had a girlfriend, after all the wild smut I've read, I thought if writing some adorably wholesome bonding moments with my favorite guy, Keisuke while having intimate moments with him, I'll only be writing mild (maybe? Idk) sex scenes since the whole focus should be wholesome moments with Baji.
Chapter 1
I missed you
It's been so long since you and Keisuke or Kei (which you prefer calling him with) had hung out with each other since he was busy with other things in his life, you always understood him since toman is so precious to him, it's been actually just 2 weeks but you guys used to go out at least 3-5 times a week, it just made you lonely although you guys eat lunch together at the rooftop, just the two of you.
While you were busy thinking of Kei and the upcoming exams next week, you didn't notice that it was already 5 mins after the bell rang for lunch time, Keisuke has been waiting outside the door for you in his usual neat school get up.
You get startled as you feel a light pat on your head, you slowly turn your head and you are greeted with a smiling nerd
Baji: "y/n, is someone bothering you? Want me to beat them up" he says in a sarcastic manner with a grin on his face then chuckles as he clenches his fits
Y/N: You look at him as you pause for a sec and burst in to laughter "Now, didn't we already talk about that?" You wipe your laughter tears away "Can go to the usual spot now?, I bet you're starving, cuz heck yeah I am!" All of a sudden, you were a radiating light to Baji, you jumped out of you seat and you kiss his cheek, He smiles softly and pats your head.
Baji: "you're really f*cking adorable when you do that, y/n, that's my girl" he slides his free hand to your's as your hands intertwined, he was carrying something on his other hand, it was mostlikely food. "I love you. Now let's get outta here!"
You grabbed your lunch box tightly because you already know what's going to happen, while he was holding your hand, you guys sprinted out of the classroom like kindergartens on a playdate as you guys laughed, you always both get the student president on his nerves as you guys ran to the hallways, but at this point, he grew tired of telling you guys what to do, but he'd always grins his teeth in anger as he sees you guys
You finally reached the rooftop, you guys were mildly sweating, but you guys didn't seem to mind.
you pull out a towel from your pocket.
Y/N: "Kei, look over here" you say as you were both catch your breaths, he slowly turns to you "always so naughty, you get us into trouble!!" You say with a strict voice as you grabs his chin, you start wiping the sweat from his forehead while he looks at you with a pout. "But I love getting into trouble with you" you kiss his forehead, even though he was sweaty, he still smells nice.
Baji: while his eyes closed, his pout transitions to a chuckle, he then straitens his back "y/n" he takes off his glasses and puts it in a case inside the bag he was carrying as he unties his hair and loosen his necktie, your heart would race everytime you see him like this, it was always like when you guys make out at his house.
your thighs would tighten, you were turned on by the way he looked right now.he looks at you and notices your reaction, he'd always tease you like that because he damn knew you liked, no, you LOVED that whenever he does that, your face, your eyes, your lips says it all, it reminds you of the times he fucks you.
Baji: "oh-, silly girl, we're not doing that here" he chuckles as he corners you to the wall "you're so caring and loving, it turns me on" he says in a seductive voice, your back bumps softly on the wall as it meets you, he places his left hand on the wall and his other to your chin "I missed it, I missed you, y/n" you look at him in silence, as you notice the empty sadness behind his facade
You lean forward holding his face with both of your hands as you kiss his lips softly, he reciprocates as both of your eyes closed and passionately kissed eachother.
After that, you guys smiled and ate your lunch, he pulled out the thing inside the hand bag he was carrying, you were curious from since earlier since he doesn't usually carry anything except his lunch, he looks away for a second while blushing.
Baji: "Uh... I don't usually do these kind of stuff but uhm.." he shyly rubs his head still looking away, his face was turning red.
Y/N: you would chuckle as you find his behavior quite adorable, he rarely acts like that, I could only remember him acting like that was when he was confessing/courting me, our first kiss, and our first time having sex. "You look fucking adorable when you're like that" you tease him as you boops his nose.
Baji: "shut it!!!!" He grits his teeth and regains his composure "I made you something." he passes you a small container as he turns aways completely leaning his head against the wall.
Y/N: "Ke-Keisuke!"
you blush and investigated it, it was a black rectangular tub made out of plastic, it was meant to store food, you were a bit curious of whatever it was so you'd open it
Baji: "so what do you think?" He still wasn't facing you but he'd peak so he could see your reaction, he was acting cool and tough.
Y/N: "AAAAH!! KEIII! Are you serious?!" Baji would look at you, he got startled by your reaction, [shit, was it that bad?!] He'd look at you with a concerned look with his fangs showing.
your eyes would glisten as you were met by your favorite food, you would giggle though, since it was obviously homemade, you'd assume that your boyfriend made it for you since the icing and the written words were all wonky but you found it adorable anyways.
You would take a quick taste with the spoon that was placed on top of the lid.
You were amazed by how delicious he made it since it was the first time that he gave you food that he made, expect for peyoung, of course. you weren't really expecting anything like this.
You were indulging it as he watches you eat it , the white cream from the cake each time you lick it would turn him on, he was getting hard already, of course, knowing your boyfriend, you'd know how he would feel about this or how he'd react, but he respected you to do any sudden movements while you were doing something, except for exceptional times.
Y/N: you'd look at him, you'd see him wanting you on him right now, you'd take another bite but you wouldn't swallow it just yet— not until- "mhhh hmmm" you'd stand up, you'd go to his front, and he raise his brows.
You went crawling to his legs and sat on it.
Baji: "agh, my girl's doing hot girl shit. You do know how to turn a man like me on" he grins in a naughty manner while you guys make eye contact and not breaking it, you'd slowly sat on his lap while you loosely place your hands on his shoulder as you made naughty faces.
You'd feel his hard bulging cock clothed , on your cunt that is covered by your underwear. You'd lean in for a kiss, he'd reciprocate. You both were comfortable of doing stuff like that.
You both shared the cake that was on your mouth, as disgusting as it sounds, keisuke was in to that shit. He'd grab your waste and the other on your boob, you'd make moaning quiet noises as he chuckles while both of you were passionately kissing with cake, you felt so aroused that you didn't notice that your cunt was fucking wet already, it would leave a mark on his pants, it would look like he pissed on himself, yet, he didn't care, he'd just take of his coat and wrap it around his waist.
Your alarm would ring (10 mins before the bell)
You two break from kissing, you guys were fucking messy, with hints of the carrot cake on the side of your mouths but he loved the look on your face right now. He snickers and grabs your neck pulling you towards him.
Baji: "Mine" he'd whisper to your ear, it would leave goosebumps all over you, you loved hearing those possessive words, he would never cheat on you but you love getting verbal and physical reassurance.
He'd slightly loosens a button on your uniform and opens it slightly, he would dig in to your breast and sucks it slightly hard as he leaves a mark in between your breasts, arching your back towards him as your chest collides to his face even harder, you'd make cute noises.
Baji grabbed both of your breast and slowly slides to button your uniform again and tidies it leaving a soft kiss as he murmurs "mine" repeatedly
Y/N: "keisuke." You'd leave a small moan as you look at him hugging you with his eyes closed
Baji: "Happy Birthday, Y/N, I want you to come with me later, I missed you so much." You'd level with him as he looks at you, he gives you a forehead kiss "meet me later okay? Outside, after classes."
You'd find this entertaining and attractive, you'd just want more of him, but what holds you guys back was you were within school premises, and you didn't like the idea of fucking anywhere near the school.
Y/N: you'd only blush, giving him a nod "I love you, Kei."
Baji: He caresses you "I love you more, Y/N, we only have 5 mins left, don't want them losing their shit after they catch us like this" he chuckles.
You both tidied yourself up and went back while holding hands.
You guys wave good bye as you went back to your own classrooms.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
hellooo i have read your Han fic and it's so gooooooood you really know how to portray the one and only Han Jisung omgggg. can i ask for a seventeen smut? if it's okay with you. since I'm into Jeonghan these days i really want to know how will Jeonghan react if you two arw bffs since high school then one day things changed, both of you began being so touchy and flirty then he challenges you if you can resist him omgggg like he is so cocky and confident aaaaaah BYE-
aweee thank you so much! I love love love writing for the one and only Han Jisung!! thank you so much for your patience as well anon I’m soooo sorry that this took me an age to get out, but I hope that ya like the product hehe 💕
yjh was here | reader x jeonghan |
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x yoon jeonghan
Genre: fluff n’ smut
Tags: friends to lovers, bit of a comfort fic, bestfriend!jeonghan, cockyandflirty!jeonghan as we love him, lowkey mutual pining, mingyu, wonwoo, soonyoung side characters, coworkers au, mentions of food and mild food dares, mentions of alcohol+getting drunk, mentions of divorce (past), marking, reach-around teasing (r receiving), fluffy unprotected sex, body praising, spicy truth or dare, cuddles
Word count: 4.4k
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Yoon Jeonghan had a habit. It wasn’t the worst of habits, but it was the kind that would clutter up your life. Often, you would wonder why he would do it, and why he hadn’t stopped: not even after you had mentioned it so many times.
It had started in high school. High school, that eternity away now. Luckily, your past was riddled with memories of him, and all of the little things that you had shared together; lunches, late nights studying, throwing littler paper wads at eachother from across the room. He would pull at the tie around your neck that was a part of the school uniform just to get a rise out of you. Jeonghan would nap during class, and you would be the one to wake him up with the flick of your finger. On cold walks to school, he would lend you his scarf, and on hot summer nights you’d stay out searching for snacks until sleep drew your eyes down, and he’d let you lean on him the whole walk home.
yjh was here
He wrote it on the first exam you had ever failed in your whole life.
Conversely, he had gotten nearly a perfect score. He was annoyingly good at everything he did. That, or he was just really good at cheating his way through things. When you thought about it, it was likely the latter that was more accurate.
At first you thought it was a joke. It was as if he was taunting you for failing miserably at mathematics II. You were never good at math anyway.
The second time he wrote it was when you had fallen asleep in class. It wasn’t a common occurrence. He’d call you a baby for being scared to fall asleep during class for fear of being startled awake by the teacher. However, this was the week that had been the longest for you: the week that everything fell apart.
Even into your mid twenties, your mother still would never tell you why your father had left that week and you never saw it fit to prod more.
He had written it on a scrap piece of paper after getting you a strawberry milk and leaving it for you on your desk.
yjh was here
Since then, he had taken the opportunity to write it everywhere he could manage. Suddenly his little scribbles filled up the margins of your notebooks; on post-it notes--he’d even etch it onto the skin on your arm in soft blue pen ink. Later, when the two of you had gone on to college, he would sneak into your dorm to write it everywhere he could find. No matter how many times you would erase it from your little whiteboard by your desk, he’d always manage to write it over, noticing immediately that it was gone.
Today, you had noticed that he had slipped it into your legal folder, among other more boring and business-y things and you had no idea how it had gotten there. It must have been sometime the day before, as he had written it on a napkin from the catering company.
yjh was here.
In all the many years that he had followed you from place to place, you must have amassed hundreds of his little notes. You kept the ones that he would give you at work tucked away in a desk, often forgetting that they were kept there until you would stumble upon them, tugging a little smile at your face. The rest of them you kept at home in a little box in your closet, even deeper away, never really knowing why. The act of simply having them was satisfaction enough, in fact, you never really minded a little clutter.
With eyes drooping, you scratched away on your yellow note pad, writing a string of nonsense words that sounded important from the presentation. The red setting setting sun reminded you that it was your least favorite time of day: the time where the last work hour of the day would appear to stretch into twenty. Under the table your scratchy cotton work-pants felt even more scratchy than usual. Somewhere above you, the penetrating white fluorescents buzzed like flies.
With a little tap on your shoulder, Yoon Jeonghan was sitting next to you as he always was. Compared to him, you felt as if you looked like an utter mess. Just as he was annoyingly good at everything, there was never a day that he came into work looking less than perfection. Today it was a tweed two piece with a pressed shirt underneath as well as a navy tie adorning his beautifully slender neck. Around his face befell his deeply dark strands of hair which pricked the edges of his rounded wire glasses.
“This is so boring.” He had mouthed to you, adding a pout to the end of his sentence.
You formed the sound on your lips, “Shhhhh”
“I’m just saying!”
“Pay attention.”
You turned your head back to pretend to care about what your boss had to say. Every fifteen seconds or so you would nod your head to make it appear as if you were diffusing the information he was giving out.
Another tap on your shoulder and Jeonghan displayed his pen to you to draw your attention to the margin of your quarterly report print out.
you look really beautiful today, he had written
“Stop it!” You accidentally hissed, garnering the attention of your nosy and equally bored coworker sitting across from you.
This time you mouthed out the words, “No I don’t.”
“~yessss~” Jeonghan curled out his words with his tiny creeping smile
Your knee bumped into his under the ginormous desk.
“Pay attention, ‘Han.”
“Is there something you would like to add L/n?” Your supervisor’s voice cracked in the silence of the room.
“N-no sir.” your head bowed in repentance.
He elder man tsked in a little sound with his teeth. “I know that we’re getting to the end of the day folks, but let’s just get through this all so we can get home...”
Jeonghan’s tweed pants made a little screeching sound against the fabric of yours when you bumped him again under the guise of the desk.
“Screw you.”
Your friend met your remark with a wink, biting the cap of his pen while his eyes wandered down to show you another little message:
yjh was here
and I’m excited for tonight
Wednesdays were customary somaek nights where each of you and your coworkers would gather in your cruelly tiny apartment with their own separate dishes for all to share and forget about the troubles of the midweek. As the year was winding down, it was these nights that would get you through the week. With the bodies of the five of you in your tiny living room cramped around your low-set table, you had almost forgotten that the heating in there barely worked.
With each of your coworkers entrance, they would bring in the smell of autumn with them, and the chill of the air outside. On each of their long coats, bits of leaves would cling to the edges of the fabric. Each Wednesday there would be a royal mess to clean up after, but it was Jeonghan who would often stay after to help you. The two of you would end up in your cruelly tiny kitchen, throwing soap bubbles at each other’s faces drunkenly with socks sliding all over the wooden floors. Jeonghan would write another note to stick on your refrigerator, then he would take you by the hands to twirl you around to some unbearably cheesy sounding OST.  
Perhaps it was the way that your head would get fuzzy from the soju and beer, but you loved the way that he would twirl you; it was almost like a waking dream.
“Nobody worry! Nobody! Worry!” Soonyoung burst through your door, case of beer in hand. “I’m not late, I’m actually early! Don’t you know that it’s trendy to appear an hour into the party?” When Soonyoung spoke, he had a habit of speaking with his whole chest.
“Took you long enough,” Mingyu whined, popping in another strip of galbi.
“You don’t enjoy our presence, ‘Gyu?” Wonwoo’s mouth upturned into a teasing grin.
“N-no,” The biggest man babbled, “It’s just that...Wednesdays are somaek evenings.”
“--Then I am here to help you out my friend.” Soonyoung plopped himself right down on the floor with the poof of his blond hair popping from his beanie. “Ahhhh this all looks so delicious.”
“You better pay me back.” You griped while serving him a plate of the assortment.
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love you, Y/n?”
“Nearly every time I do something for you? You still owe me from the last time we went to karaoke.
“--And for covering for your ass last week...some hangover that was, huh?” Jeonghan scooched over his leftover rice to you.
Soonyoung scoffed while twirling his bottle of soju in the air, the admiring the little tornado swirling inside. “-Was worth it though. We always have fun don’t we?” In his affection, he threw his arms around you and Wonwoo beside him.
“-Food’s gonna get cold.” Wonwoo poked his finger in the general direction.
With his full glass raised in the air after a minute of preparation, Soonyoung lead you all in a toast, cheeks already rosy. The second that your glasses collided, liquid came downpouring to the table, but none of you seemed to mind. Before you could bring your drink to your lips, you caught yourself having a moments pause, watching all of your friends before you. If you could have, you wished you could fold up little moments like these as well to put in your drawer to see when you would feel down.
Jeonghan caught your wistful sigh, sending you a wink. In many ways, you knew he must have known your thoughts.
Under the table, his hand brushed up to your crossed knee, letting his hand linger. He let his hand rest there for a moment, as if he was soaking up your essence in the moment. He had never done it before, but his thumb gently rubbed at your knee, and it felt like a waking dream.
The night had ticked on, and you and grown more tired than you had expected by pass of the clock hand. As the night would normally progress, drinks would be had, then each of you would take turns updating the others on what you had been doing or working on. All of you would gather advice or support if needed. There had even been times when you would even provide a shoulder for one to cry on, although that didn’t happen most times.
Others, like today, the five of you would simply sit and enjoy each other’s presence with the window slightly cracked open to let the autumnal air cool your burning bodies. Jokes would be cracked every once and a while until yawns would escape your mouths. By then, another joke would be made about how you were all getting to old to be staying up that late.
Jeonghan played with your hair as you had leaned into him, swirling your final glass of soju in your wrist. While you were hot yourself, the heat from his body was still calming, and the way that his chest would rise and fall was a bit like a lullaby.
“I’m falling asleep, we should head out,” Mingyu clapped Wonwoo by the back.
“Another one for the books.” Soonyoung sighed, then rose up with a stretch of his arms, wrinkling up his white button up and loose tie.
“Sweet dreams everyone.” You shift off of your best friend, shuddering a little at the lack of contact, to close the door after them.
“I’m looking forward to next Wednesday!” Soonyoung beams with a little salute, then bows before shuffling away.
“What time is it?” You yawn out the words, rubbing your eyes.
“Too late. We still need to go in tomorrow, remember?”
Dirty dishes clink in your hands as you bring them to your sink. “We really should start doing this on Fridays.”
“I don’t wanna start cleaning just yet, can we stay here for a while?” Jeonghan spreads his arms out, beckoning you to fall back into him. You laugh a little at the motion.
“Why so touchy? We haven’t done this in so many years...I can’t remember the last time...”
You oblige him, nuzzling right up to his chest once more. He smells a bit of the somaek, but mostly of his usual scent: that cheap cologne that you had bought him about a year ago. You had mostly gotten it as a gag gift, but he had worn it every day since.
“Must have been in high school.” His words are long and breathy.
“How come we stopped?”
Jeonghan takes a minute to answer you, and you wonder if he’s fallen asleep. Instead, he raises a hand to rub at your arm lightly, just as he had done with your knee.
“Dunno. We got older?”
“What does getting older have to do with it?”
You watch in the silence as his thumb continues to rub over the fabric of your long-sleeved button down.
“--Do you want to play a game?” Jeonghan says at last.
“A game? What do you mean?”
“For fun. I’m trying to find something to do so we don’t have to do the dishes.”
“Okay,” You perk up slightly, still not removing yourself from his encircled arms. “What kind of game?”
“Truth or dare?”
“Psh what are we, back in high school?”
“Seeing what we are doing right now, wouldn’t you say so?” The words escape Jeonghan’s mouth with a growing grin.
You ruffled to top of his head, messing up his perfectly primped hair. “...Fineeee. You going first or me?”
“I’ll go. Truth.” Jeonghan pulled you back into him, settling your back flush with his chest.
“Okay, truth: did you really mean it when you said that you liked Minji’s power suit? I know you thought it looked tacky.”
Jeonghan’s breathy laugh miffed up your hair. “I’ll say anything if it keeps me in the supervisor’s good graces.”
“HA. I knew it.”
“Which do you pick?”
“Not dare? You’re no fun.”
“I said truth!!!”
“Fine, fine.” His slender arms squeezed at your body to situate you better in between his legs. “When was the last time that you brought someone over to your place?”
“Yo-you mean like “brought someone” over?”
“You know what I mean.” In his voice you could nearly see his mischievous smile.
“I’ve told you about all of them so I don’t know why you’re asking. It’s been about a year.”
“A year? Really?”
“--Nope! You don’t get to ask any more questions. Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Jeonghan said without a moment’s hesitation.
Your eyes wandered the room for his perfect punishment. “Ah! Take that soy sauce, the one with the wasabi bits in it...and drink it.”
Your friend sighed, but took the tiny cup in his fingers to down it all in one shot. He shivered a little and you could feel his face scrunch up, but he held his reactions back best he could.
“That was such a high school dare. You really haven’t changed.”
“I thought it was funny.”
“Truth or dare Y/n.”
“Ughhh truth again?”
“ ‘Hannnn--”
“Just say dare! I promise that I’ll go easy on you.”
“Fine then. Dare.”
“I dare you...to take your shirt off.”
“What?!” Your head snapped back to send him your deathly glare. “Are you being serious right now?”
“What? It’s nothing that I haven’t seen? Are you forgetting that we’ve been friends for nearly our whole lives? That and college you were someone who would go to parties and take your shirt off. Remember that?”
“...yes.” You felt heat rise in your cheeks. “Fine then.” In one motion, you pulled your shirt over your head, jumping a little once you felt Jeonghan’s hands help tear it off your arms. You hesitated to lay back, but his arms made a decision before you could, and pulled you back into his chest. Now, it was the skin of his fingers on your bare arms that you were painfully aware of.
“T-truth or dare?” You squeaked out.
“No fair, you made me do dare!”
“I already did a dare. Truth.”
From the other side of your room, your refrigerator clacked with the sound of ice cubes falling into their tray. On the door, dozens of multi-colored post-it-notes had been suck there with clear tape.
“...Why is it that you’re always writing me those notes? “yjh was here?”“
“Hmm.” He breathed out. “I had a feeling that you might ask me that one.”
“--Because I like to. And...”
Your anticipation hung tangibly in the air. You didn’t quite know it, but you had been waiting for his answer for so many years, you had lost count.
“...And I like seeing them around you. -Reminds me that I’m a part of your life. Kind of like how we exist together. They’re little reminders for you as well...to know that I’m around for you.”
“Jeonghan...” You wouldn’t have expected it, but tears singed the corners of your eyes.
“Truth or dare?” He cooed into your ear.
“D-dare.” Your voice shook, realizations flooding you like rain.
“I dare you to take off your pants. Can you do that?” His voice had dropped, low and gravely.
You nodded your answer, and took to unbuttoning your pants, shimmying them off where you sat on the floor. As soon as your bare legs were exposed, he had found a new place to rest his hands; you never would have guessed for them to be so beautiful-looking there.
“I choose dare.” He breathed onto your bare neck.
“I-I dare you take off our shirt too.” Your face felt furiously warm as you uttered the words and he did exactly as he was told. The sensation of your skin on his skin then sent your head spinning with just how close you had been in that moment, closer than ever before.
Jeonghan’s hands explored your bare legs with a touch as soft as butterfly wings. His light touches sent an aching pain to your sex as it had never felt so needy and neglected.
“Truth or dare my love?”
In an attempt to hide your frustration, you could only form the word, “T-truth?”
“Hmm...truth...” Jeonghan began to kneed into your legs, digging his nails in every so slightly. “Have you ever kept secrets from me?”
“Secrets? Why-why would I, I don’t-mmph-have any secrets to keep from you.”
“I think that’s a lie Y/n.”
Indeed it was a lie. You had kept secrets from him. Two secrets to be exact; one of them being near the precipice for the whole universe to see.
“I’ve kept secrets from you, you know.”
“Do you dare me to show you?”
Your anxious breath caught in your lungs, full of confusion but even more excitement. Jeonghan’s hands crept slowly up to your hips.
He repeated, “Do you?”
“Ye-yes. I dare you to show me.” Your eyes had closed feeling his hands draw even farther up your body.
Your best friend surveyed your whole chest with his hands, swirling around as much skin as he could touch. He was careful not to tickle you, but rather give every ounce of your being his careful attention. For a moment, his fingers grazed over your nipples, but went to cradle your neck in his hands. He turned it to the side to expose the beating vein there, and placed the slowest and most tender kiss upon it. From the feeling of his fleeting lips, you whimpered at the sensation.
“Dare.” You managed with a dry mouth. “I dare you to touch me...anywhere you want...please...”
Jeonghan chuckled slightly into your neck. “I just had my turn, but...I’m listening.”
Your entire body keened under his fingertips, writhing messily between his legs. This time, he was careful in touching you nearly everywhere: your chest, your nipples--pinching them slightly--and down your legs, to your inner thighs where he traced up to your underwear, now wetting a little with your arousal.
“Tell me the truth.” He bit into your skin. “Am I one of your secrets?”
Your answer was given to him in the form of you forcefully tearing from his grip to push his legs together so that you could straddle them. The way that his shoulder blades flexed under your firm grip was dizzying. Your eyes fell to his lips: your secret.
“I dare you to kiss me,” You breathed onto them.
“I thought that you’d never ask.”
Jeonghan was smiling as he pulled your lips into his, and he never quite seemed to stop. Every bit of your love for him spilled into his mouth where you found the comfort from him that you had craved for years. You had felt first kisses before, but nothing was quite like this one. With Jeonghan who you had known for so long, you were thrilled to get to know him in this new and different way, and you wanted to absorb every little bit of it: the way he would caress the sides of your face so gently, or the way that he would angle your neck to meet his lips. You would never have guessed to feel so complete with him like this, but it also made all the sense in the world. It was you that he wanted, and you that he wanted to stay next to through all those years. He had never let you go, and you had never let him either.
In between kisses, you found both of yourselves giggling hysterically.
“Are we really doing this right now? Are we...?” You bit a laugh into his lip.
“Yes. I think that we are.” He engulfed you in his grasp. “I’ve wanted to do this for years, Y/n.
Jeonghan scooped you up, moving both of your bodies to the couch where he clinked with his belt buckle to remove his pants. “You really do look beautiful. Everyday. I’m not just saying that.”
You practically clawed at him to lay his body on top of yours, then wrapped your legs around his waist to align him with your own. In your unadulterated intoxication of him, you hopelessly grinded up into him, seeking some kind of stimulation from the mashing of fabric together. After a little scoff, Jeonghan’s hand cascaded down your body to rub at your throbbing sex, marveling in the way that you had soaked though your underwear just a little.
“Wow. This is how you feel about me?”
“Do you want me to say sorry?”
“No--it’s just...I wish that I had known sooner.”
Your lust brought his lips back to yours as you kissed him over and over and over, trying to make up for all of the times that you wished you had done before. His touch on your sensitive skin sent you mewling onto his tongue.
“Can I make you mine now?”
As for your response, your widened legs told him exactly what he needed to know.
In one swift motion, he had tugged off his own briefs, letting free his deliciously hard cock, sparkling at the head with his pre-cum. Looking at him like this, all for you, was like a walking dream.
Jeonghan gathered spit from his tongue to glide over his dick, then teased your impatient entrance while he watched your face contort into the most beautiful shapes he thought he had ever seen. He entered you slowly, letting each of you take in the moment as if you could forget it the next. Once you were together, his brows twitched a little as his closed eyes focused only on you. He filled you up perfectly, as if you were made for him--which you had convinced yourself that you were. Jeonghan buried his face in your neck to suck into the skin, marking you as his.  
Your orgasm built much quicker than you had intended, and soon you were begging him to make you cum--which he gladly did. Your heels dug into his back upon your release which gathered more heat between your two bodies. Jeonghan didn’t skip a beat as he chased his own orgasm, fucking you into your own overstimulation and leaving you to melt under him.
“Jeong-han.” You gasped out his name through your teeth as your body quaked from the snap of his hips.
“oh god,” He uttered, tangling his fingers deep into your hair, then smashing his lips back into yours. “you’re so good for me my love...so good...”
Jeonghan let out little grunts as he came and filled you deeply with the warmth from his cum. As he throbbed within you, you knew it really was him you were made for. He lingered inside your walls as your bodies shook together with the aroma of sex fogging the air. After a while, it didn’t take long for both of you to be laughing contentedly into each other’s mouths once more.
Your best friend reached for your hand to bind all of your fingers to his. "No more secrets.”
“Do you want the sweatpants from the top shelf or the rack?” Jeonghan called to you through your cruelly tiny apartment. “Wait...i-is this...?”
Once he had returned, in his hand he held the aged strawberry milk carton with the little cartoon fruit on the side and the scrap piece of paper wrapped around it. In the other was your little box of notes.
yjh was here
“I can’t believe that you’ve kept it this long. Why--”
“--I’ll tell you why...it’s my second secret.”
Your best friend cocked his head. “...Second?”
“Ever since that day, I’ve known, Yoon Jeonghan. I love you.”
if you’ve got to this point, hehe hello I’m Ro, I write for skz and svt, and I’d love to write some more svt! If you’d like, you can send me your asks
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brokenbeskar · 3 years
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Chapter Four of Memories Reforged (Din Djarin x Reader) 
Word Count: 7.8k
Summary: Karga had warned that the two of you would have to work together to catch this bounty, but who knew working together would be so difficult?
Warnings: some canon typical violence, but nothing else! 
A/N: This chapter was a STRUGGLE to write, but I have been so excited for it! I hope my hard work payed off and you all enjoy it!
Sixty thousand credits. Sixty thousand credits. You have to keep repeating it to yourself as you scan through the passing crowd on one of the lower levels of Galactic City. Taking bounties on Coruscant was never easy, and quite honestly it was beyond exhausting. Thousands of city blocks stacked on top of eachother and spanning the entire length of the planet made it that much easier for bounties to blend in and hide. You and the mandalorian had decided to split up to cover more ground, but even between the two of you it could take weeks to finally find your quarry, and that was time you didn’t have. 
So here you were, on a vantage point scanning the streets below you on the west end, looking for any sign of your bounty. Nothing...nothing...nope...still nothing. A lot of the passersby were shady, as to be expected, but not who you're looking for. The lower you got in Galactic City, the more crime ridden and poverty stricken it became, a prime place for spice runners and black market trades. Which is exactly why you were looking here. 
The bounty you’re after, Kargra warned that the two of you would have to work together to catch her, and you know why. Her name was Yanu Nuld. This particular bounty was a renowned thief. She was known for pulling off incredibly risky heists but somehow managing to never get caught. She was incredibly cunning and deceitful. Known for convincing others to help her only to leave them abandoned and easily caught with nothing in return. All of the intel gathered on her was information happily given up from those scorned by her mendacious ways. Above all though, she was incredibly smart, a master evader. The price on her head was only as high as it was because of how many failed attempts there have been made to capture her. 
Yanu was clearly a thrill seeker. Hearing how high stakes her last few heists were, you wonder if she’s getting bored. It was no wonder she was here on Coruscant, there were plenty of valuables to go after, and with the thriving black market beneath your feet, she could easily make more than a few credits in one evening alone. That can’t be why she's here though, no-- she has to be after something bigger. She’s not here for some measly credits and you know it. That would be too easy for her, she needs something more exciting, more risky, more fun. What though? You didn’t intend to find out, just grab her and go as fast as possible. Sixty thousand credits were on the line here, and maker, you needed them. She was just a way to get you one step closer to your new ship. 
As you’re scanning the crowd you notice a familiar, irritating gleam of metal. You huff angrily and activate the commlink in your helmet. The two of you had synced them up before you split up to communicate, but clearly there wasn’t enough of that going on.
“What are you doing here?” You bark out through the comm, and you see him immediately look up to your vantage point as if you had shouted it over the crowd. 
“Looking for the bounty.” He deadpans and it infuriates you, you roll your eyes under your helmet. 
“Stand up at the cantina not work out for you, shiny?” A mocking tone was oozing from your voice before you suddenly changed your demeanor and snapped out at him, “We agreed I would take the west end, and you would take east.” 
“I finished sweeping the east end, she's not there.” 
“Well I don’t need you to double check my work.” you spit out bitterly at him. How he managed to constantly get on your nerves was a skill of its own. You try to push your irritation aside to focus on the bounty you still had zero leads on. “I’m assuming since you’re here you didn’t get anything good from the jeweler?”
There's a long pause on his end before he replies, “I didn’t speak to the jeweler.” He says it slowly, drawing it out. He sounds almost as irritated as you. 
“What do you mean, you didn’t speak to them?” You speak out through your clenched jaw. Your irritation is much more obvious than his, but you can’t help it. 
“You never asked me to.” it’s true, you didn’t, but you thought it should have been obvious when you told him you thought they might have some information. 
“Dank farrik! Fine!” You spit through the comm and jump down onto the dirty street below you, heading off in the direction of the jeweler. “Just keep doing whatever you’re doing. Let me know if you get anything.” You switch off the comm before he can say anything else.
You’re grumbling angrily under your breath as you trudge through the dirty streets. You and the mandalorian had been constantly getting into each other's way, you don’t work well together at all. It’s not like you don’t know how to work with others. Kriff, you got into this profession with a partner, working with someone else should be more natural to you than it would be alone. Something about this mandalorian however, was making this job far more difficult than it already was.
 Since you landed he’s been getting on your nerves. The both of you couldn't agree on anything, you are uncoordinated together, pushing each other away like opposing magnets. At the same time however, you kept getting in each other's way as if you were being drawn together-- like magnets. You would go to question someone, only to find he was already there with the same idea. You would go to search a new area, only to see his damned shiny armor somewhere close by. The both of you even physically collided with each other once rounding the same corner. You were seriously only one more run-in away from locking him back in his ship and finishing this job yourself. 
You pull out your tracking fob and hold it out in front of you to see if you can get anything, but the beeping is still just as steady as it has always been. She must be screwing with you on purpose, running in circles around the same block. At least you know she's still in the area. You keep walking, sweeping the fob in front of you to see if you pick up anything new, but you feel someone watching you. You feel it on the back of your neck, like electricity running through the air. You look to your right where you feel it, and see someone dart into the darkness. 
Pocketing your fob you decide to investigate. 
You step down a couple steps into the dark alley and change the setting on your helmet’s display to look for footprints. Bingo, bright red and clear as day. You follow them with your visor, whoever it was, they were running when you caught sight of them. You can tell based on the spacing of their prints and just how far they went considering you just saw them a minute ago. Walking along with them, you keep your eyes peeled, scanning your surroundings with your visor, looking for anything out of place. You’re just hoping this isn’t a trap. 
You follow them down the dark and damp alleyway, until the footprints your tracking come to a halt. It’s like whoever you were tracking simply disappeared. You look up and around the buildings next to you, whoever it was had clearly taken higher ground. You spot them on the heat signature, crouched on a ledge. 
“Do I have business with you?” You call up to them, letting them know you can definitely see them. 
“Should have expected a mandalorian to find me that easily.” They jump down from their ledge and saunter over a few steps closer to you, but make a point to keep their distance. You can’t exactly get a good look at them, their hooded robes concealing most of their features. 
You can’t help but scoff, “You say that as if that wasn’t the most obvious hiding spot. Too predictable. Now what’s your business with me.” 
“I have...information.” They seem to hesitate with their offer, but it causes you to tilt your helmet up in interest, so they continue, they’re voice dropping in volume, barely above a whisper, “I know the bounty you’re after.” oh now this was interesting. Definitely not what you were expecting, and you have a pretty good feeling it could be a trap, but maybe that's exactly what you needed.
“I’m interested,” You admit, “What can you offer me?” 
“Not so fast, I need something in return--in exchange. I need you to guarantee my safety.” They seem rushed, on edge.
“Your safety? From what?” You tilt your helmet at them quizzically. 
“From her. And--and I want to walk away with my record clean. I don’t want anyone to know I’m involved.” They were definitely panicked, there's an urgency in their voice, a sort of desperation.
“I can’t do anything about your record, but I have no bounty on your head so you're free to leave this planet, I won't stop you. Though I’m curious, why do you need protection from my bounty?” You relax your stance slightly, shifting your weight to one leg, but keep your shoulders square.
“Listen, Yanu...she’s dangerous. I thought I knew what I was doing getting caught up with her, but when I found out there was a mandalorian holding her puck--,” They cut themselves off and shake their head slightly, “look, doesn’t matter, this ended up being more than what I signed up for. She’s acting careless, like she wants to get caught--and I for one, don’t want to end up frozen in carbonite next to her....or worse…” They trail off at the thought of what their fate could be at the hands of a mandalorian, despite you not even really being one. There's no bounty on their head, at least not one that belongs to you, so for all you care you would shoot them without hesitation if they got in your way. And you get the feeling they know it. 
“How’d you know I was after her?” You rest your hands on your belt as you continue to question them. So far their story makes sense, but you’re checking for holes. Any little hint that something doesn't add up. 
“We saw you. Two days ago, maybe three hundred levels up. She knew immediately you were looking for her. ‘only a matter of time,’ she said.” The stranger in front of you shakes their head to themselves before continuing, “I didn’t believe her until I saw you interrogating some shopkeep and I saw your puck light up.” They swallow harshly, hard enough you can hear it, “She told me not to worry about it, and I didn’t...until she changed the plan. Look, what she’s planning is insane, and I want out. I tried talking her out of it, but she won’t budge. I feel like she’s left me no other choice. If she finds out I came to you, she’ll--she’ll kill me.” Their voice cracks at the end and you can tell they’re being sincere. 
They’ve so far only mentioned you though, they must not know about your mandalorian hunting partner. You want to ask, but know better of it. You don’t want to risk giving up any information that you could use to your advantage instead.
“So why did you come to me then?” You tilt your helmet curiously with your question. Truly it made no sense. “Why didn’t you just hitch a ride off this planet as soon as you got the chance? No reason for you to be helping me.” “Well I -- she…it’s--” They struggle immensely trying to explain, and it immediately puts you on high alert. This was it, that hole in their story you were looking for. The confirmation you needed that this was a set up. A trap. 
“Spit it out then.” You punch out the words through your modulator more aggressively than you intend. You hope it’s taken as a warning, a warning that you know exactly what they’re up to. And with the way they snap their gaze to you, you’re sure they get the message. 
“Look, it's not what you think,” They wave a hand dismissively. 
“What is it then?” 
“It’s complicated…” 
“Oh I bet it is. Now tell me why I shouldn’t shoot you here and now, you’re wasting my time.” You move a hand to the blaster in the holster on your thigh.
“Wait hold on! You aren’t listening, I told you it’s not like that--” 
“Well you better start explaining, and quickly, because I’m losing my patience.” 
“I…I--I love her, okay?” They blurt it out in a panic and it takes you by surprise. There was nothing in the galaxy that could have prepared you for that one. Of all the things they could have possibly said, that was definitely not what you were expecting. They hang their head defeatedly, “I love her...but--but she doesn’t--not me. She doesn’t even care about me, I’m nothing more than bantha fodder to her.” They scoff and shake their head, “She was willing to put my life at risk just so she could have a good time…” 
“So you came to me as a sort of...revenge?” You tilt your helmet inquisitively. You’re trying so hard not to let the amusement drip from your voice. This was clearly very serious to them, but this all feels so childish to you. This whole situation was borderline hilarious. 
“Do you want the information or not?” They cross their arms in front of their chest. You beckon them to continue with a slight wave of your hand, and settle both of yours back onto your belt. They give you a determined nod before they start spilling everything. 
“She's going to intercept a trade, some kind of rare crystal--I don’t really know what they are, but I know they’re probably worth more than double the beskar on your shoulders.” “Clearly that's an exaggeration.” You scoff. Beskar, mandalorian iron, was one of the most legendary metals in the galaxy. To imply these “crystals” were worth double? Hearsay. “It’s not. Like I told you, I don’t know a lot, but I guess they were stolen after the fall of the Jedi Temple. I don’t even know where she got the information about the trade, they’re keeping the whole thing incredibly confidential.” The stranger keeps their own voice down, as quiet as they can while they explain this to you. You don’t know much about jedi, honestly you don’t know anything. Whatever these crystals were, they weren’t important to you, but you realize why your bounty has an interest in them, if what your hearing is true. 
You take a step closer to the stranger in front of you, “Tell me everything you know about the trade.” And they do, they spill everything they know. It’s not a lot, but it’s everything you need. 
“Some kind of black market trade to a private client--I don’t know anything about the guy, but that doesn't matter. They’re doing the exchange on the upper levels tomorrow night. Some kind of hotel or something-- it’s big, real fancy. I’ll give you the coordinates. The crystals are in a case. Yanu is planning on intercepting before the case trades hands. I don’t know exactly how she’s planning to pull it off, but you’ll see her. She's...hard to miss.” The stranger trails off before giving you the coordinates, which you punch into your vanbrance so you can find the location later. 
“Thank you.” You nod to them, “You better get going, get off this planet and find somewhere to hang low for awhile.” 
“I plan on it.” They toss back at you and begin to head off in their own direction, before pausing and looking over their shoulder, “Be careful, Yanu is dangerous. Even for a mandalorian.” And with that, they continue on their way without looking back. 
You wait for them to leave, watch them disappear behind a building, and then wait a few seconds more before you activate the comm on your helmet. 
“Hey, shiny. You there?” You call out through the static of the comm. 
“You find something?” His voice rings back to you through the static.
“Yeah. Got some information, bounty’s going to intercept a trade. Some kind of rare crystal or something.” Maker, just repeating this stuff out loud sounds so ridiculous. Maybe you did get conned. 
“Rare crystals? You got that from the jeweler?” He sounds dubious, but intrigued. How were you even going to begin to explain the situation to this tin can.  
“It’s a long story. Rendezvous back at the ship, I’ll fill you in.” 
“Copy.” You hear his end of the comm click off and you begin your trek back to the ship. 
You’re perched up high in the immaculate hotel lobby, somewhere high on one of the various balconies, out of view from the bustling travelers beneath you. To call this a hotel lobby felt...disingenuous. Truly it was something else. Yeah it was the main lobby and lounge for a hotel, but it was unbelievably fancy. Marble, decorated flooring, chandeliers, huge windows, decor unmatched by anything on the lower levels. Large and impressive staircases surrounding both sides of the main desk area, It even sported a small cocktail bar in the lounge area. Staying here alone was a symbol of status, and it showed. 
The patrons below were just as decorated as the impressive area around them. Flashy jewelry and flowing fabrics. It always felt strange, seeing the stark disconnect between classes especially since the fall of the empire, and even more so especially on Coruscant. The glittering and extravagant spectacle of it all, it felt so fake to you. You knew the harsh realities of the galaxy, that no amount of glistening gems or extravagance could cover up. 
“You sure this isn’t a trap?” The mandalorian’s voice crackles over your helmet’s comm. 
“No, but it’s the best chance we got.” You admit. It could very well be a trap, a set up, but that was a risk you were willing to take. Even if this wasn’t a trap, you know she probably knows you're here. 
You couldn’t see your mandalorian hunting partner from where you were, he's perched up somewhere away from you, watching the lounge area through his pulse rifle scope. Where though? You have no idea. you both agreed it would be best if he stayed out of sight, since as far as you knew, your bounty was only aware of you, and only you. If you have even the slightest chance of catching her off guard, you definitely want to use that to your advantage. 
You notice down below a well dressed Pantoran gentleman leaning against a wall. Nothing outwardly paints him as suspicious, but with the way he’s scanning the crowd, and seems to be lingering for no reason catches your attention. Not to mention the fact that you somehow didn’t even notice him walk in. You continue to watch him. He adjusts his clothes, crosses his arms, shifts his weight from one leg to the other, nothing odd or alarming--until you see him fiddle with something on his wrist and hold it up to his face. 
You click a switch on the side of your helmet to zoom in, focusing on him. Oh yeah, he was definitely speaking into a comm unit. You glance down a little lower, and notice the hint of a holster under his jacket, only revealed when the edge of his jacket rides up when he speaks into his wrist. Now he definitely looks suspicious. 
“Hey, you see that Pantoran over there by the window?” You ask over the comm, hoping the mandalorian notices the same thing you do. 
“Yeah. He’s got a friend at the bar.” you look over, and sure enough, another well dressed man is sitting at the bar, speaking into his wrist. Sitting at the bar, but no drink. A pretty big red flag for you. He was much bigger than the one leaning against a wall across the lobby, built, and clearly strong. 
“Extra security, you think?” You ask.
“Probably something like that.” You can hear him shift slightly over the comm, as he adjusts his position. 
“No case though. Might be the buyer.” You know the mandalorian you're working with is probably thinking the same thing. At this point you're just trying to make conversation. Not that the silence bothered you at all. It was just...habit? It’s been  a long time since you worked with anyone else, but your old habits still get kicked up every now and again. When you and your late husband would go on hunts together, there wasn’t a second of silence between the two of you. It definitely made the job a lot more enjoyable, when the conversations weren’t just strategy and business, but they were filled with playful banter and jokes too. You can't help the snort you let out when you remember the dumbest joke he once told you.
“What’s so funny?” The mandalorian’s gruff voice asks through the static. 
“It’s--,” You shake your head lightly and let out another breathy chuckle, “Here, how do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk?” 
“Is that really what your laughing at right---” 
“A woo-kiee. Get it?” You cut him off, and immediately laugh at how ridiculous it is. Hearing his sigh over the comm only makes it that much better. You remember your response being about the same when you heard it for the first time. 
“Hey, pay attention. I got eyes on the case.” he cuts in through your chuckling sternly, and it snaps you back to reality. 
You peer down below you, and there, coming through the entrance. Another well dressed man is striding through, a shining silver case at his side. The man at the bar stands, and the one leaning against the wall, begins to make his stride to meet the one with the case. Bingo. That's the trade. You’re searching all over for your bounty, but you don’t see her anywhere. Did she abandon her heist? Did she decide it wasn’t worth it with you after her? Her partner, the one you met in the alley yesterday, told you she would be hard to miss, so why is it you’re not seeing her? The closer together the two men get to exchanging the case the faster your thoughts are racing. 
Then suddenly they all come to a halt when a deafening blaster shot zips through the crowd from seemingly nowhere, immediately there are panicked screams and the man holding the case drops to the ground in an instant. 
Suddenly, it’s chaos. 
Patrons of the hotel lobby are scrambling all over, every which way, screams echoing through the shimmering entryway as disorder reigns beneath you. Did...did the mandalorian just shoot him? 
“What the kriff are you doing?!” You shout over the comm, while you quickly scramble to jump over the banister of the balcony you’re on. You aren’t sure why your first instinct is to go for the case, but it is. You’re rushing down to the ground level, trying not to get caught up in the swarm of panicked people surrounding you. 
“Wasn’t me.” You hear the shuffle over the comm as he starts to make his move. Well if it wasn’t him then that must mean--she was here.
You keep pushing your way through the crowd the best you can, picking up the pace at the realization that your bounty is close-- when another blast rings through the air. You hear a thud, and see the man who was at the bar earlier on the floor, face down. Between people, you barely catch sight of the silver case lying on the floor next to him. You get shoved harshly from someone on your left, it knocks you off balance for just a second, and when you get your footing back, you finally see her. 
It's quick, she darts in to grab the case, picking it up off the floor without a break in her step. And then she's sprinting. You immediately start to sprint after her, aggressively shoving anyone out of your way as you chase her. Luckily she's easy to spot, her partner was right, she's hard to miss. Her bright pink skin, fiery red hair, and even brighter jumpsuit stood out easily in the crowd. 
“She’s on the move!” You struggle to get the words out as you fight through the sea of people all swarming to escape the turmoil. There's a break in the crowd, and you use it as an opportunity to close as much space between you and her as possible. She glances back at you over her shoulder and gives you a smirk, before she whips out her blaster and fires twice at you. 
Sparks erupt as it hits you once in the chest, and again in the shoulder, the brutal force of it causes you to lose your footing and stumble. The beskar protects you, but the impact is still hard and painful. You quickly try to shake it off and continue on your pursuit, the adrenaline from the chase making the pain dull quicker than it would otherwise, but then another shot, in the same shoulder, combined with someone colliding into you at the same time, and you fall to the ground with a rough grunt through your helmet. You can’t see anything but strangers’ feet passing by you, kriff you need to get it together, and quickly. You cannot let her escape. The shock from the blast still rings through your whole arm, your fingers are tingly and numb, pins and needles stabbing into you while you try to pick yourself off the ground as quickly as you can. You try to ignore it but--maker, the sharpness radiating from it was serious. 
You hear another blast just as you get to your feet, immediately followed by the loud crash of glass shattering. You look up ahead of you just in time to watch your bounty jump through the now shattered window, as glass continues to fall around her and all over the lobby. Light catches every tiny shard causing it to glitter as if it were part of the expensive decor. You rush your way over to the destroyed window and peer down, to watch as she takes off in a speeder, case in hand. 
“Dank farrik!,” you shout out through clenched teeth, and angrily pound your fist into the edge of the window. You drop down from the open window onto the balcony beneath you with an aggressive THUNK. “She got away, she's heading towards the port on a speeder.” 
“I’m on it.” Is all he says back to you. You’re about to ask for an explanation, but you don’t end up needing to, because you see him soar into that direction. The lights from the city reflect off his armour as he bolts through the air with his rising phoenix. Well, that definitely wasn’t fair.
 You’re desperately trying to come up with a plan, there's no way you can catch up to her in time on foot-- 
But then, you have the most stupid, most crazy, most riduclous idea you think you have ever come up with. 
You look over the railing of the balcony and take a deep breath. Fuck, you were really going to do this weren’t you? 
You hold your breath when you jump off, your heart jumping to your throat, as you fall through the air.
 You roughly catch onto the side of a speeder passing underneath you, and it dips dramatically with your weight. The person driving makes a loud noise in distress and you fear your going to pull the whole thing right out of the air. Your grip is slipping from your left hand as you struggle to keep hold, your feet dangling in the air below you. Speeders are zipping past you, beeping loudly as they pass your disruption. You’re terrified you're going to fall.
This was it. This was by far the dumbest thing you could have possibly done. 
“Sixty thousand credits...sixty thousand credits...sixty thousand kriffing! credits!” You’re repeating the amount over and over to yourself through gritted teeth as you attempt to haul yourself up over the side of the speeder. You get one arm hooked firmly over the side of the passenger door, and you're struggling to pull your legs up, when the driver shouts at you in some foreign language you don't understand. They swerve viciously to the right and the sudden shift in force causes you to slip, smacking the bottom of your helmet against the side of the door. 
“Cut that out!” You shout angrily at them and you attempt to pull yourself up again, ignoring them as they continue to shout at you panicked and angry. They jerk the speeder again, even harsher this time, and you get whipped back against the side of it, causing you to lose grip in your left hand and let go of the side of it. Now you’re barely hanging on with one hand, struggling to keep your grip while you dangle in the air as the driver speeds up and continues to veer dramatically to shake you off. Other neighboring speeders beep loudly and swerve dangerously close to your flailing limbs, the rush of air from them passing by only making holding on that much more difficult. If you don’t fall off this thing, you’re definitely getting hit by a different one. 
One more rough jolt from the diver and your gloved hand can’t hold on any longer. Wind rushes from your lungs as you start to fall, but you quickly hit the whipcord thrower on your vambrace, and a long length of fibercord shoots out above you, just barely grappling onto the bottom of the speeder you just fell from. The driver yells loudly as the whole speeder tips sharply with the sudden yank of your cord. The sudden halt from the cord pulling taut, yanks you aggressively, and combined with the weight of your beskar helmet, sends a sharp pain through your neck and makes you dizzy. 
You shake your head, and try to straighten up, gripping the fibercord with both hands, only to be met head on with blinding headlights from an oncoming speeder. Your breath catches in your throat as you brace for the oncoming impact, the blaring beep ringing through your helmet--but the speeder manages to swerve away from you just in the nick of time, causing your fibercord to sway, swinging you along with it as your grip on for dear life.
You clench your jaw tight as you haul yourself up, climbing the fibercord attached to your wrist, slowly reeling yourself closer and closer to the speeder above you. Some bounty hunter you were. The mandalorian probably had no trouble flying off after your bounty with his jetpack, and here you were swinging wildly from some poor soul’s speeder like an absolute fool. 
You continue to haul your way up until you get to the end of your fibercord, and grab back onto the side of the speeder, wasting no time to haul yourself up and over the side of it before there's any further mishaps. The diver continues to yell at you loudly in their forien language, fear lining every inch of it. You grunt as you finally make it into the passenger’s seat, and they start shouting at you louder, growing more and more desperate to shoo you off.
“Let me drive.” You gruff out, ignoring what you assume to be their pleas. Only, they don't move, just continue to shout at you, and honestly you’re getting irritated. You’ve wasted enough time dealing with this, you need to catch up to the mandalorian and your bounty--quickly. 
You pull out your blaster and point it at them. The driver shuts their mouth immediately at the sight of the blaster and you can see them gulp harshly. “Move...Let. me. drive.” You enunciate every word, dropping your voice to a threatening level. They make a small noise of distress before nodding once. Good, they understand basic. Or at the very least, they understand the blaster. You grab onto the steering controls with one hand and you awkwardly and unceremoniously trade places with the driver. 
“Hold on tight.” you shout over to your unwilling passenger. The second you get a firm hold of the controls, you immediately accelerate, speeding up as fast as the small civilian speeder would go. You can hear the driver next to you muttering what you assume to be prayers under their breath, while they clutch to their seat with all of their strength. They gasp and cry out every time you make a risky maneuver. You're pretty sure you break every flying law Coruscant has, as you zip through lanes of traffic, cutting through with no regard to anyone else flying around you. The aggravated beeps of other drivers fall on deaf ears. You can’t be bothered, you need to catch up. 
You see the mandalorian first, following close behind the bounty, dodging the occasional blaster fire she shoots out blindly at him. She's heading right for the dock, she must have a ship lined up and ready to go. Maybe if you’re quick enough you can cut her off from the front. The mandalorian was already right behind her, it was the perfect plan. There's no way she could escape if you pull this off. You quickly veer the speeder to the side and make your way to the opposite side of the dock, picking up as much speed as you can. 
The driver in your passenger seat screams as you come barreling down towards the platform of the dock without slowing down. You pull up tight on the controls and level out the best you can, scraping the bottom of the speeder as you slide along the platform. Sparks fly around you, before you come to a sharp halt. You immediately jump out over the side, and start sprinting in the direction of your bounty without a word to the driver. 
You can’t see your bounty yet, or the mandalorian for that matter, there's too much clutter along the platform. Crates, supply lifts, workers, and ships are scattered all over, but you know what direction she was heading, so you don’t stop running. Picking up as much speed as you possibly can, blaster in hand, you’re ready. You will not let anything stand in your way. 
There was no way she was going to escape. 
You hear blaster fire to your left, and see worker droids fleeing the area. You round a corner around a large stack of supply crates when you finally catch sight of her in a wide open landing area. Her neon jumpsuit makes her easy to spot from the rest of the clutter. She doesn’t seem to notice you as she continues sprinting towards what you assume to be her ship, case still in hand, firing behind her at what you can only expect to be your mandalorian hunting partner.
This was it, this was your chance. Your blood is rushing in your ears, you’re locked onto her, the only thing you’re focused on as you continue to barrel towards her. She was close enough, you could catch her by surprise and tackle her to the ground, and the mandalorian could catch up to support. No mistakes--no hesitation--you have to go for it--
But as soon as you take the leap--
Your vision goes black, a deafening ring goes echoing through your helmet that shifts into a horrible, loud, and awful white noise. 
Then, a pain. An absolutely excruciating, sharp, pounding pain, surrounding your entire head. The pressure feels unbearable, the ache searing behind your eyes. Your wincing at the pain only causing it to grow. 
You groan gruffly as things slowly come back to you one at a time. You flex your fingers and find them pressed against some kind of metal beneath you--you were facedown on the ground. How did you end up on the ground? You go to lift yourself up, but your vision is blurry and fading in and out. You manage to sit up slightly, and it takes you a minute to realize he's shouting at you. 
“Get up! She’s getting away, we gotta get back to the ship.” He grabs you by your arm and roughly helps you to your feet. But? You’re so confused, what just happened? Your head is still pounding, and you feel like you could fall over any second, but you try your best to keep steady. 
“Wh-...what happened?” You barely manage to get the words out as the both of you start to run towards your ship. There’s no way it was the quarry...was it? She wasn’t even looking at you, she didn’t even see you. Right? 
“You ran into my line of fire, now keep up or we’ll lose her!” he shouts over his shoulder to you, over the noise of the bustling dock. Wait...ran into his line of fire? The realization hits you like a ton of duracrete. 
“You kriffing shot me?!” The anger building in your chest sobers you up almost instantly. This idiot actually shot you! You would have had the bounty, she was right there. You practically had her in your grasp, but this absolute, bantha brained--bucket headed---fool, let her get away because he SHOT YOU in the back of the head. 
“You jumped in my line of fire.” He snaps back angrily at you. He sounds just as furious as you are. Not sure why--he's not the one that got shot in the back of the head. 
“You idiot! You’re lucky I'm wearing beskar, you could have killed me!” You’re shouting only increasing in both volume and fury as the two of you make it to the ship. The mandalorian hits a control on his vambrace to lower the ramp as you approach. 
“No, I think you’re lucky you’re wearing beskar.” He challenges, as he quickly makes his way up the ramp and through the hull. Oh you’re gonna kill him. Snap his neck and grab the bounty yourself. 
“Are you really that dim?!” You stomp through the hull right behind him, shouting up the ladder as he climbs to get to the cockpit, “Do you not look where you’re shooting? I can’t believe my bounty is getting away, because you shot me! Like a dumbass!” You grip the rungs of the ladder with such force and you stomp your way up, pure resentment filling every single movement as you make it up to the cockpit, “You kriffing moof milker!” 
He’s ignoring you now. Slamming down buttons and initiating take off as quickly as he can in hopes of catching up to the bounty as you continue to sling insults at him. You angrily sit in the copilot’s seat and buckle in as the ship begins to ascend. 
“I nearly had her! You tin-headed moron!” Despite the quietness inside the ship compared to the dock outside, you’re still shouting at him just as loud. Your irritation for this man is at an all time high, and that's saying something considering how often he seems to bring you to the edge of murder on the daily. All of the times he had gotten in your way this entire hunt, all of the times you felt like he was slowing you down, all of the times you felt like you were better off doing things yourself, and now this? Ohhh you hate him. You cannot wait to capture this bounty, collect your reward, and be on your way. You relish the day you get to turn away and never see this shiny mandalorian ever again.
The ship jerks roughly as the mandalorian rushes the ship through the air, twisting and turning wildly to avoid colliding with the heavy air traffic of Coruscant. Struggling to catch up with your bounty’s ship as it barrels towards the atmosphere. Every rough jolt of the ship only feeds into your seething rage. 
“Kriff! Did a wampa teach you to fly? Get it together, dumbass!”  He continues to ignore you as he flies, like he can’t even hear you, and maker, it pisses you off. The two of you are gaining on the bounty’s ship, quickly closing the distance between her ship and yours. She’s barely managing to dodge around other ships making their way through air traffic, before  it looks like she's going to directly collide with one. She doesn’t slow down and she accelerates towards it, until she fires. Blasting right through the ship and flying through the smoke and debris. 
The mandalorian tries his best to swerve out of the way of oncoming debris, jerking roughly to one side, which sends you slamming into the side console despite your seatbelt, but a large chunk still collides with the side of the ship. It’s like deja-vu when the ship gets knocked over in air, the rough shaking and awful clang of metal on metal, alarms blaring deafeningly, reminding you of your wreck nearly a week ago.
“IDIOT!” You shriek over blaring alarms as the mandalorian struggles to get the ship to straighten back out in the air. “Are you trying to kill us?! First you shoot me, and now you’re trying to get us stranded on Coruscant! Do you know how much repairs cost on this maker forsaken planet?!” The ship is rattling violently as he attempts to break through the atmosphere after the quarry, and you’re not sure you’re going to make it. “How did I end up stuck working a job with such a blurg-brained-no-good discount droid?!” You have to shout even louder to even be slightly audible over the blaring alarms, and brutal clunking and rattling of the ship, as she struggles and groans to break the atmosphere. 
You are almost positive the whole thing is going to come apart before you can make it into open space, but much to your surprise, the ship manages to stay together and make it through the atmosphere--just in time to watch your bounty jump into hyperspace. The stretch and blink of her ship disappearing is the final blow to your already shattered mood. 
“Farrik!” You shout and slam your fist into your armrest. You turn to face the mandalorian next to you, with every intention of flinging more insults his way, when you see him furiously flicking controls on the pain panel. There’s no way--he's not actually planning on trying to make the jump is he? This ship is on the verge of falling apart, you won’t make it. This whole ship will be ripped to shreds with you still in it. 
“What are you doing?! We won’t make it! You’re gonna kill us!” Your shouts fall on deaf ears, with the way he’s ignoring you it’s like you haven't said anything at all, like you aren’t even there. You watch in horror as he tightly takes hold of the controls and pulls back, forcing the ship to make the jump. You hold your breath, and the ship jolts and rattles violently, as stars start to smear past the cockpit viewport. Ear-splitting alarms still echoing throughout the ship, as you somehow make your way into hyperspace-- 
That is until you’re being ripped right back out. The whole ship jerks forward with such force that both you and the mandalorian end up colliding with the control panel with an accompanying grunt. You hear a bunch of things shift in the ship's hull and you pray to the maker the kid is okay in there. You come to a sudden halt and everything in the ship powers down, until you are left floating, sitting in the cockpit in complete darkness, minus a few red emergency lights. There's a slow whirr of all the ship's machinery powering down, until there's nothing. Complete silence fills the cockpit. 
“You…,” You start to break the silence, starting off quietly, barely above a murmur, until you gradually raise your volume back to an aggravated yell, “You absolute MORON! Bantha fodder! Moof-milking asshole!” 
He says nothing, continues to ignore you as if you don’t even exist as he slowly gets up from the pilots seat and goes to open a panel in the back of the cockpit. 
You murmur to yourself again, pressing one of your hands to the front of your visor in pure exasperation,“Di’kut…,” You shake your head, before turning to shout at him again, “Di’kutla!” The mandalorian flinches slightly, so subtly you think your eyes might be playing tricks on you in the dark. Oh, but that fuels you, all it took was that slight movement, and you know that must have struck him differently. 
You’re not fluent in Mando’a by any means, but you know what you learned from your late husband. And insults were his favorite. They were the first thing you learned, and the thing you’re most familiar with. And now that you know those might actually affect the idiot you're working with? You start throwing out every insult you know, “Utreekov shabiir!” Empty headed screw up, “Gar mirsh solus!” you’re a dumbass, “Di’kut!” Idiot. You say each one with such a passion, because maker knows you mean it. 
After messing with the control panel, the lights come back on, and you hear the low hum of machinery powering back up. He doesn’t acknowledge you as he walks back over to his seat and starts flicking switches to power up the ships thrusters. 
“We’re going to have to stop on the next closest planet for repairs.” He finally speaks up, but it's your turn to ignore him. You’re furious, this was the worst hunting experience you have ever had, and it was all his fault. Your bounty was long gone by now, probably halfway across the galaxy. All that time on Coruscant? Wasted. He doesn’t say anything when he gets up again and leaves you alone in the cockpit, probably to go check on the kid. 
You sit there alone angrily staring out as the ship slowly crawls its way along the stars. Seething in your own frustration. At this point, you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it to the next closest planet without killing him first. You hate him, you absolutely hate that shiny, tin-brained, fool of a mandalorian.  *** Previous - MASTER - Next 
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slyther-bi · 3 years
I finished it yay! Probably not the best but whatever, I kept losing focus when writing this. Tho I'm glad I finished it regardless, enjoy.
also it's a few minutes after 12 so happy late birthday @snapewrld
Red, that was all Lily saw when James spoke. Everything happened so fast you'd have missed it if you blinked.
No one noticed Lily raise her arm and form a fist in the midst of James attempting to ask her out and no one noticed the clear look of seething anger in her eye. It was only after Lily's fist had collided with James's face along with hearing a horrible cracking noise did they notice how angry Lily was.
Yet for some reason James nor his other friends seemed to understand why she did what she did. They all stood there in shock as James stumbled to the ground while holding his nose. There was blood running down his face and he was confused on what just happened.
"What the hell?! What was that for!!?" James shouted out as he stood up. Lily glared at him and was ready to deliver another punch "Are you kidding me?! You're seriously asking me why the bloody hell I punched you! Are you that fucking ignorant!!" She shouted out, it took everything in her power and will not to kill James right then and there.
"Listen to me Potter, I want you to stay the bloody hell away from me and from Severus. The same goes for your pathetic friends, I want nothing to do with any of you arrogant pricks" Lily stated and stormed off. She needed to go to a quiet place and calm down before she did something irrational.
As she was thinking about where to go she didn't notice the person she bumped into. 'Great...' she thought, she let out a snarl and was ready to say something but was stunned into silence when she realized who it was she bumped into. "Oh...Severus" She spoke softly her anger seeming to fade at the sight of her best friend. Severus gave her a smile "Hi Lils, have you got your heads in the clouds again?" He asked which caused Lily to laugh.
She smiled "Yeah, yeah I do. Sorry about bumping into you" Severus let out a soft chuckle "It's alright, I'm heading to the library do you wanna come along?" Lily nodded and together the two made their way to the library.
Once at the library the pair sat somewhere near the back. "Hey Lils, is everything alright? you seemed annoyed when we ran into eachother earlier?" Severus asked with deep concern. For some reason he felt like he had done something wrong but wasn't sure what. Lily let out a sigh and rested her head on the table "No everything is not alright, Potter and his stupid friends pissed me off. Potter tried to blackmail me, he said if I go out with that he'll leave you alone and I felt so goddamn sick hearing him say that" She explained and tears began to form, it was still hard for her to believe that that had actually happened.
"He kept talking most of it was insulting stuff about you and somewhere along the way I ended up punching him in the face. Everything he said pissed me off so much, I'm almost certain I broke his nose." She added and let out a forced chuckle. Severus pulled her into a hug and she clung to him for dear life "Don't worry Lily, they'll get what's coming to them" He spoke.
After several minutes they both pulled away and where soon interrupted by Professor McGonagall. "Sorry to disturb you kids but Miss Evans the headmaster wishes to see you right away" She stated sternly, Lily looked over at Severus who gave her a reassuring smile. She looked back at McGonagall and nodded before standing up and following her to Dumbledore's office.
When they have arrived she was greeted by Dumbledore and she was also greeted by James Potter. Seeing him there made her blood boil and she felt like tackling him to ground and punch him or to just simply hex him. Tho instead she took a deep breath and sat in the other empty chair in front of his desk.
"Headmaster you wanted to see me" Lily said as calmly as she could.
"Ah yes miss Evans, I have something to discuss with you along with Mister Potter here. It has come to my attention that you miss Evans punched mister Potter which resulted in him having a broken nose. Would you care to explain why that is?"
Lily clenched at the hem of her skirt and forced herself to smile "Well Headmaster, I did what I did because Potter here decided to try and blackmail me by using the safety of my best friend Severus Snape. Someone who he seems to go after a lot, I would have simply said no but it's seems that Potter only hears what he wants to hear because he keeps coming back to ruin my day as well as ruin the day of my best friend and everyone else in this school along with his friends" She stated through gritted teeth 'I hope to Merlin this is over soon or else I'm going to explode' she thought to herself 'Don't worry Lils, soon the Headmaster will punish Potter and all will be well' she added and waited patiently for Dumbledore's response.
It felt like hours before Dumbledore spoke again "Well, well this is very problematic but I must say that there were other ways to solve the issues miss Evans instead of using physical violence" He stated calmly like always. Lily frowned, she'll admit she could have done something other then to punch Potter but she was too blinded by anger that she didn't think rationally at the moment.
"You're right headmaster and I apologize" Lily spoke and looked down at her lap. Dumbledore nodded "Good, now for your punishment, miss Evans you are to have detention with Mister Filch for a month" He explained which caused Lily to gasp, she opened her mouth to argue but Dumbledore held up a hand to silence her.
Lily looked back down at lap and waited for Dumbledore to continue. "Mister Potter you will also receive detention but with Professor Slughorn for two weeks" He stated "And 50 house points will be taken from both of you" He added. Once Dumbledore spoke those words Lily quickly stood up which resulted in knocking back her chair.
Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by Minerva giving him an intense glare of her own. "Miss Evans is correct, it seems that anytime Mister Potter and his friends break the rules you turn a blind eye to it" She explained and crossed her arms.
After several more minutes speaking, well more like arguing, did Dumbledore provide a punishment suitable for Potter and his friends. Tho sadly neither would be expelled this was enough for Lily cause atleast not if they ever tried anything again she could simply go to Professor McGonagall who for now on will handle any punishment given to the Marauders.
Lily walked down the halls feeling a little better then before. Minerva had gotten Dumbledore to lower her punishment so now she wasn't allowed to attend Hogsmeade and she'd have a week's detention with Professor Flitwick. Not only that but Potter was given detention with Mister Filch for the remainder of the school year plus he and Sirius were both removed from the quidditch team even tho it pained Minerva to do so it had to be done. Sirius, Peter, and Remus will also be given detention with Mister Filch for the rest of the year and they all will not be allowed to attend Hogsmeade ever again.
Lily couldn't help but smile "Oh I can't wait to tell Sev the good news" She said to herself. She had stopped by the library but it seems that Severus had left. Next she went to the Slytherin's room and after some threats were exchanged a roommate of Severus's told her that he hadn't returned. She let out a huff and frowned "Where on earth could that boy be?" She muttered. Lily continued her search for her best friend, after a few minutes she heard some faint shouting.
She quickly began running to the source of the shouting and saw a sight that made her blood absolutely boil. There right in front of her were the Marauders tossings hex after hex to the very person she calls her best friend, Severus. Lily quickly pulled out her wand quickly casted the expelliarmus spell to expel the Marauder's wands.
The boys in question turned around in shock, anger, and confusion only to come face to face with a very pissed off Lily. She stepped towards them wand still pointed at them "I told you to stay away from him.......I TOLD YOU IGNORANT AND ARROGANT BASTARDS TO STAY THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!" She shouted out and casted the knock back jinx.
The jinx hit James and she quickly casted it again while aiming for Sirius. Both Peter and Remus stood there practically frozen, well that was because when Lily casted the first knockback jinx it had given Severus enough time to grab his wand and cast the stunning spell on them both. Lily turned her attention to them both and decided not to cast the jinx on them, instead she rushed over to help Severus up off the ground.
"I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey's" She said but Severus shook his head "Don't, just take me back to the slytherin common room" Lily opened her mouth to protest but Severus held up a hand the same way Dumbledore did to stop her. "Please Lily, just listen to me, just this once" He spoke and Lily simply nodded.
The pair quickly made their way to the Slytherin common room. Once they reached the entrance Severus spoke the password and soon the common room was revealed to them both. They quickly went inside and Lily guided Severus towards the long couch. She carefully sat him down "Sev are you sure you shouldn't go see Madam Pomfrey?" She asked in concern. Severus simply shock his head "I'm sure, Lily I need you walk up the stairs leading to the boys dorm, the seventh door is my room. When you reach it ask for Rosier, he has blonde hair, just tell him it's the marauders and that's it" He said softly.
Lily nodded and did what she was told, she ran up the stairs when she reached the top she began counting the rooms "One, two, three..." she mumbled to herself. Once she reached the 7th room she hastily knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and she came face to face with the very person Severus had asked her to speak too, Evan Rosier. 'Just tell him it's the marauder's and that's it' she thought "Severus, the marauders" She spoke out and as quick as she spoke the door slammed shut.
She stood there confused and upset "Hey!" she shouted out and began banging on the door. A few minutes later the door swung open, Rosier stepped out of the room with a bag in his hand "Follow" was all he said as he made his way downstairs. Lily quickly followed him, once they reached the bottom she watched as Rosier made his way towards Severus. He knelt down in front of him and opened up the bag he had. Rosier began pulling out several potion and made Severus drink them.
Once he was done doing that he picked up the bag and exited the common room. Lily walked over to Severus "Don't worry Lils, he gave me some healing potions I made myself" He said and leaned his head on her shoulder.
"Where is he going?"
"I'm not sure but I know it's best not to question it"
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booksonablog · 4 years
Johnny Lawrence Imagine
Author’s Note: Hi! Real quick - I am on a Johnny Lawrence “high” right now, so the following imagines will probably be about him because I can’t stop thinking about them. This is the first imagine I’m writing about him and the first time in a long while, so please bare with me 😅 Enjoy!
Summary: You and Johnny live in the same apartment building and have become very friendly to eachother. You have developed a secret crush on him and find it quite difficult and awkward to act around him in the event where you sprain your ankle and he offers his help. 
The brush, to your surprise, glided smoothly on your dingy apartment wall. You couldn’t be happier this morning, the flowers were coming out quite nicely and you were just about finished with the living room wall. Your door squeaked before you dipped your brush into the can. You turned, checking to see if anyone was lingering - your apartment isn’t the safest area on the map, but you chose to leave the door open rather than suffer the unbearable fumes of paint under your nose. 
The twitch in your fingertips betrayed you when they tapped the end of the can with your paint brush. You whipped your body in an attempt to stop the can from falling, unfortunately you were unable to save yourself from a hard landing.
Johnny spun his key ring around his index finger as he made his way out of his apartment before a crash interrupted his trance. 
Instinctively, he spun his body towards the crash looking up at your open door. 
“Y/N?” He whispered under his breath.
Your shriek vibrated the walls of the building below as your body collided with the ground. 
“Y/N!” He called out before racing up the steps. 
Arriving at your doorstep, his eyes scanned the scene before him. Paint and blue tape on the wall, ladder at a slant and you on the ground. 
“Y/n.” He breathed, quickly making his way over to you, “You okay?”
You smiled nervously, a reaction that often happened when you approached Johnny, except this time it was partially because of the pain. You nodded, wincing as you tried to pull your leg towards your core.
“I was painting and - fell off the ladder.” You said sheepishly. 
Johnny’s concerned eyes were glued to your face before they wandered down to your leg. He noticed you wincing each time you made even the slightest movement. 
“Is your leg okay?” He asked, his hand hovering over your leg.
“My foot hurts a lot actually.” You admitted.
He nodded, “Okay, well let’s try to get you up.” He grabbed ahold of your arms and gently lifted you up. You hopped up with your leg in a flamingo stance. You tried to gently place your foot on the ground but it only activated more pain, making you whimper and pull your foot back. Your grip was still tight on johnny’s bicep as you bit your lip in pain and fear of not knowing what to do next. Johnny’s face was sympathetic as he stared down at your foot. 
“Yeah, we might have to take you to the hospital.” He said.
Your heart sank, not having a broken bone or even a sprain before scared the crap out of you. He gathered you weren’t thrilled about the idea as he read the trembling fear off your face. 
“You’ll be fine, promise.” He said with a sympathetic smirk, drawing your eyes towards his. You were easily put into a trance, nodding your head.
“There’s an emergency clnic across the street, they’ll take a look at it and get you taken care of.” 
You were speechless. With pain running up your leg and embarassment rushing over your face, it was too much to handle, too much to form any ‘thank you’s’ or...anything. Before you could form any kind of words out of your mouth, he was already adjusting his arms around you.
“Now let’s just-” He smoothly cupped your body off the ground, an almost inaudible gasp slipped through your lips. “There ya go.” He looked down at you and smiled. Your cheeks turned pink before you smiled. His smile never faded as he turned around and headed out of your door.
As he carried you down the steps, you finally spoke up.
“Johnny -” You looked up at him as he stared straight, making his way toward his Cobra Kai Challenger. Your right hand stayed frozen on the chest of his soft, red ‘Speed King Motorworks’ shirt while the other started to fall asleep wrapped around his neck. “Thank you.” 
“Please.” he said, dismissing it. His smile faintly lingered on his face.
“Watch your head.” He said as he carefully placed you in the passenger seat, his face inches from yours. You smiled at each other and for a moment it felt like a mutual, unspoken-understanding, as if you both knew how much you thought about kissing the other. He eventually pulled back, closing the door, but you watched as he made his way to the otherside of the car, head down and struggling to keep his smile at bay. 
The two of you sat on the old leather chairs of the emergency clnic. You stared at your leg, moving it gently to test the pain. You winced before stopping and looking up at Johnny who was also staring at your movement. He looked up at you and smirked.
“Thank you for taking me, and carrying me down a flight of stairs.” You giggled, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears as you felt your face heat up.
He chuckled, “Anytime.” 
“Y/N?” The nurse called out, interrupting your moment.
You inhaled sharply, turning to Johnny. You wanted to beg him to stay, but fortunately you didn’t have to.
“I’ll be right here.” He assured you.
You felt your shoulders relax as you let out a breath. You nodded, turning back to the nurse.
Johnny waited for about an hour in the waiting room. For the first 20 minutes he was bored, looking around the room and moving his legs impatiently. The next 20 minutes he spent scrolling through his phone. By the time you got out, he was deep in old Karate videos on YouTube.
“Well, you were right.” You said, making your way out.
He fumbled with his phone, placing it in his jean pocket. He smiled up at you, “You alright?”
“Yeah, just a sprained ankle, they gave me a brace to wear for awhile. “ You answered, lifting your foot to flash the brace.
He stood up, “That’s not so bad.” he smiled down at you.
Johnny had drove you back to your apartment complex and politely walked you to your door.
“I like what you’re doing with the wall by the way - flowers and stuff - it’s pretty.” He gestured, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly.
You giggled, “Thank you. It’s a work in progress, but I’m just about done.”
“Nice.” He nodded.
The two of you shared another moment of eye contact and silence. So much to be confessed but there was hesitation from both of you.
You looked down, breaking the eye contact, before looking back up and thanking him once more.
“I really appreciate you helping me today -”
“It was no problem.”
“It was sweet.” You confessed.
His eyes met yours as soon as your words slipped. Your heart skipped, heat crept up your neck. You looked down - cursing yourself internally for doing so.
“Well, I’ll leave you to rest -” He leaned forward then back to the balls of his feet, his eyes wandered around your living room. “If you need any help - drop of a hat - I’m there.”
You chuckled, earning a smirk from him. 
“Take care of that foot for me.” He said, you swore you saw his cheeks start to turn pink.
“Will do.” You grinned, flashing a thumbs up.
He returned the thumbs up before exiting your apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Take care of that foot for me? What the fuck was that?!” He cursed himself, hurrying down the steps.
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I hope you enjoyed this one! Let me know if you’d like to read more Johnny Lawrence imagines or have any requests! 💕
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unlocktxt · 4 years
you are the reason | c.bg
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Choi Beomgyu
❦ genre: angst, beomgyu x reader, heartbreak,
❦ description: after a recent breakup beomgyu attempts to rekindle your broken relationship
❦ word count: 1k
❦ warning‼️: mentions of heartbreak and toxic relationships
❦ note: i’m currently writing another au, but wanted to keep my brain going and thought of this. i was inspired by the song you are the reason by calum scott. this is also unedited and was written at 3 am so keep that in mind. this turned out longer than i expected it to be
people tend to become a different person whenever they get in a relationship. this isn’t always a bad thing. you can grow as a person... or you can lose yourself in the process. love is beautiful, but risky.
one simple sentence is enough to tear your whole world apart. it’s almost as if you could hear your own heart shatter all at once. you don’t have time to prepare yourself, even when you start to see the inevitable. the constant fighting... the constant crying, could never make you stop loving them. you never want to hurt them, but it seemed to happen nearly every week.
it had been a day after one of your big fights- arguing about why you couldn’t see him everyday. it seemed like beomgyu lost his trust in you, becoming more and more possessive. he didn’t like you hanging around his friends or anyone for that matter. this only got worse when he started to target your friends, blaming them for the relationship problems they had no part in.
even so you ignored all of the signs. you just wanted to make him happy. when he would sit with you at lunch, you wouldn’t talk to your friends because he would get upset. things only seemed to get worse and you felt like you were trapped in a cage... just waiting- hoping for someone to let you out.
until one day... you were set free, but not in the way you would’ve liked.
“maybe we should take a break.” you could never forget the aggravation in his voice when he said that. was it out of impulse? maybe... but he didn’t take it back. this one sentence was enough to silence everything in the dimly lit house. the silence seemed painfully loud to you... it told you everything you didn’t want to admit. your relationship... was over.
“what do you mean by a break?” your voice seemed raspy, barely able to escape your throat as the lump started to form. if he could just reassure you that the two of you would be okay... you might just believe him.
“i mean... let’s not see eachother until i decide what to do.” he couldn’t even look you in the eye as your heart tore. you didn’t want to keep beating yourself up about this anymore. your heart felt weak... tired of the endless worrying and pain.
“no... beomgyu. i need you to choose between us and breaking up. i’m done with not talking to you for days on end. i can’t keep worrying that you’re going to decide you don’t want to be with me anymore, so choose right now.” if it were for him... you would forget all of this just to be held in his arms one more time, but you were also tired. if he wanted to give up... then you would too.
“i don’t know y/n! i can’t keep arguing like this with you!” his deep booming voice shocked you, causing you to flinch as he looked up at you with tears in his eyes.
“what are you saying?” you asked, just wanting an answer. you had to clench your fist, knuckles turning white, in order to contain your overwhelming sadness.
“i guess what i’m saying is... we just don’t work. let’s just break up.” and just like that he said his answer. you don’t know what you wanted to hear. were you glad to finally be free or were you upset that you didn’t give it one last try. either way... it was done and over now.
“okay then. we’re through.” you needed to get out of this house that seemed to be closing in on you. you felt like you were suffocating, your insides begging for air as you choked by tears. brushing past beomgyu, you rushed to your car. this would be the last time you would come here, but you didn’t look back. the weather seemed to cry with you, gently colliding with the windows of your car.
once you got home the storm only got worse, the harsh rain crashing on your roof as you sobbed. the fierce lightning seeming to mix with your silent screams. it hurt so bad and you didn’t know what to do. it was hard to catch your breath, having to take sharp inhaled breaths in between your sobs. it was hard to think of anything but him. no matter what you tried, your mind had just repeated what had happened over and over and over again. could you have done anything different? why did it have to end? how is this fair? why me? somebody please save me, you pleaded in your mind. the pain was too much to bear.
you awoke to a silent knock on your wooden door frame. sleep seemed to be your only escape from this heart-wrenching pain and you only wished that it could’ve lasted a bit longer.
“y/n...” beomgyu’s soft shaky voice only spiked dread in you. you thought you were beginning to hear things until the door started to open.
“no! no... just... don’t.” you weren’t ready to see him, in fact you didn’t want to see him. he paused before you heard a small sigh come from him.
“okay... just... promise me you’ll listen to me.” you didn’t respond to the guilty voice coming from outside your room. how could you when your own voice would betray you?
“y/n i love you... and i know that i haven’t made anything easy on you. i’ve let my own insecurities get in the way of us. i just... i want you to know i would do anything for you. if I could turn back the clock i would and i would make sure you were happy. i would make sure we were happy. i don’t want us to cry anymore.” he paused, “just... please... please let me fix what i broke. i want...no i need you to see that you are the reason that i can better myself.”
you contemplated his words. you didn’t want to make a mistake. if it didn’t work out again then you would just be heart broken all over again. did you want to start moving on?
beomgyu took this silence as reason to open the door, your head shooting up as you met with his swollen red eyes, hood over his head as his eyes looked down at you, pleading for another chance. this was enough for you to make up your mind, rushing towards him as you placed your hands on his cheeks, bringing him towards you. his arms wrapped around your torso, tight almost as if he would lose you again. his soft, dry lips collided with yours and you remembered what home had felt like.
“i love you.” you don’t know if this was the right choice for the future, but in this moment you were glad to have the man of your dreams right here with you.
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