#thank you bambi
akioukun · 1 year
hi aki!! i felt very much inspired by your seasons au for harringrove earlier today so i wrote this little piece and i'd love for you to have it! i hope you like it!! thank you for always creating the most beautiful artwork, you continue to take my breath away!!
The new summer arrives with a burning promise for Steve.
Golden skin laced with molten sunlight, eyes as blue as the ocean, a voice reminiscent of waves crashing on a shore. This summer isn’t to be like the last, Steve knows.
They come together for the first time and produce the dew of an early morning, with damp grass and misty rain. Steve brings gentle song birds and Billy’s slow to wake, lulled to an easy slumber by their songs, not eager to rouse the heat of the day.
They work well enough but there’s something else hidden under the surface, hidden from sight, kept away.
It comes as no surprise that Billy’s hotter than a wildfire; just as unpredictable and uncontrollable. A temper that is unmatched, burning so brightly it’s no wonder Icarus fell from the sky if it were Billy’s heat that melted those wings.
Steve feels like that around Billy — like he’s in a free fall. Nothing to steady him, nothing to catch. No earth to dig his fingers into, no use in begging for help.
But, he likes it that way. Prefers it. Because Billy burns brighter than the sun but he warms Steve, makes him grow, makes flowers bloom in his chest where they shouldn’t. And he tends to them in secret, pretends that it isn’t Billy’s kisses that waters them and it’s not his smile that makes Steve’s world greener.
Because it’s forbidden. It’s not wise. They know better, they do. They shouldn’t get attached because seasons are fickle. They will leave whenever they want without warning.
But, a new summer loves the earth. And Steve’s willing to try.
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Um. Oh my god? I have no words? Actually I do FIRSTLY you are an absolute sweetheart and I am melting into a puddle at your kind words, I have so much love for the people that enjoy what I do because that by extension means my love for what I do is hopefully coming through. A big feedback loop of love is what it is and it means sososososooooo much to me that you put time and your energy into WRITING THIS INCREDIBLE MASTERPIECE???
I am. So in love with the way you use words and language, like I am actually going to implode that you wrote this. This is so poetic, so EXACT in its tone about how these two collide and and and that bit about flowers blooming in Steves chest where there is usually sleep and the slow slip into decay is SO BEAUTIFUL AND WHEN I READ IT I NEARLY THREW MY PHONE D O W N THE STAIRS. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KEEP AND USE IT IN THIS AU. I had tiny bits of like, more moss growing on Steve from Billys proximity in one of my attempts to write, but this…this is something else entirely more impactful and I am just, basically howling at the fact you would write this
My heart is so full, I adore you and your writing so much, thank you thank you THANK YOU for creating such a gorgeous piece I’m treasuring it forever 🖤🖤🖤
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unkn0wncryptid · 7 months
you liked my post!! here's a flower 🌸
*gently bites the flower*
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kayfabebabe · 1 year
for the bingo: despy!
Bambi! Thank you so much for the Ask <3 ~ Despy is the new addition to the Human's list and I'm soooo intrigued by him. I want to figure him out, mostly by biting him ~
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The 12 yo me who thought was the only one feeling alone in the world figuring out his gender is healed now
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inkbybambi · 5 months
imagine going to a haunted house with your friend, she gets so freaked out she runs ahead and you trip and fall and can’t catch up to her.
ghost sees you, stalking toward you with a knife and you suddenly can’t breath, tears streaming down your cheeks as you choke on a sob and beg for him to stop.
you’re hyperventilating, trying to crawl away but backed into the corner of the hallway, and you’re absolutely shaking from fear. it’s hard to catch your breath, feeling like your chest is collapsing in on itself, fat tears still falling and dripping from your jaw.
ghost puts the knife away, holds out his hands in a placating manner but you’re still too scared, still begging him to stay away.
he uses a radio to call for someone, and you watch as a gentleman — no costume, no fake blood or weapons — comes to you. ghosts turns the other way to keep others away as the man crouches in front of you, blue eyes deep with worry, a frown pulling on his lips.
“you’re alright, sweetheart,” he says in this raspy drawl. “can you walk for me?”
all you can do is whimper and shake your head, unable to stop glancing over his shoulder, wondering if ghost is going to come back, if someone else — someone worse — will appear in his stead.
“i gotcha,” he says, carefully scooping you up in his arms, making sure to not jostle your ankle too much as he takes you through a door, the atmosphere not as suffocating.
he gently places you on a chair, still worried, checking you over for anything he might’ve missed. he looks so soft, his distinct facial hair trimmed and kept, eyes gentle.
“‘’m john,” he says, and you find it within yourself to give him your name back.
he politely ignores the crack in your voice.
“you okay?” he asks as he places a hand on your knee, rubbing his thumb gently over and over.
“m-my friend,” you begin, voice thick and tears pooling at the corners of your eyes, catching on another hiccup. “she really wanted to go to this but none of our other friends wanted to and she looked so sad and i hate scary stuff, but i went with her anyway and then i tripped and she ran off and never came back for me,” you babble through increasingly thickening tears, reaching out for his shoulders and curling your fingers into his shirt, for comfort, to ground you.
he cups your cheek, thumb wiping away your tears, holding back his tongue on how your friend left you.
“let’s get you out of here, hm?”
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maxillo · 5 months
youtube link
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datshitrandom · 3 months
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Darren Criss at the stage door of Little Shop of Horrors | March 3, 2024 | 🎥 via Jason
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babykittenteach · 6 months
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Just the hands and chest for the people who follow me and leave fantastically unhinged tags on things.
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cameoutstruggling93 · 4 months
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Me and my alt rock Playlist against the world today
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kayfabebabe · 1 year
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gojoroui · 5 months
hello !! im currently working on a fic,, but i just wanted to come and say THANKU SM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS !? (∩˃o˂∩)★ i was SUPER HAPPY when i received the notification,, thank you guys so much !! i dont how to thank you guys enough (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
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giving each single one of you warm hugs and kisses !! ♡ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) SENDING LOTS OF LOVE !!
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peuldoongie · 7 months
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《 DAY6 – You Were Beautiful 》 covered by PLAVE
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inkbybambi · 5 months
i need soft simon who knows you're sensitive and nervous so he tries to calm your nerves during sex and asks if you're ok with what he's doing :'( fuck i need him so bad :"(((
simon is honestly the biggest sweetheart with you, especially during sex ): like this soft, sweet creature he's been gifted?? he adores you more than words can say. wants — needs — to keep you safe, needs a reason to come home at the end of the day.
sex with you is sacred, he treasures each time he gets to take you apart with his lips and tongue and fingers. takes his time finding every spot that makes you whine and mewl for more, fingers curling in his hair to keep him close.
the first time you take his cock? oh my god he's obsessed ):
you're placing so much trust in him and he would rather be six feet under than cause you any hurt or discomfort.
each time you do something new with him, your nerves light up like a wildfire and consume you — you're so worried. you need him more than you've needed anything else in your entire life but you can't stop the way you tremble under his touch, voice lost and stuck in your throat, breath uneven.
and he notices. of course he does ): his sweetheart, who's been nothing but good to him, good for him. he feels you under his touch, the way you're trying to be so brave for him.
the softest kisses against every part of your body ): your thighs and hips. up your belly and to your sternum, dragging his lips across the marks he left on your throat. he settles you, tension seeping from your body as you languidly kiss him, heart slowing and calming.
he's not a predator and you'll never be his prey.
everything he does, he asks for your okay. never satisfied with your sounds, always always needing your words. he takes you so slowly, tells you everything he's going to do, every touch he's giving you, the way he moves your body to fit comfortably against him. you're so sensitive to his touch ): but he takes care of you, always.
and he's like this every time. never assumes that because you were okay with it one day that you're okay with it another. he places your comfort and pleasure above all else in a way no one ever did ):
like he loves you so much and he wants to devote and devour you and know that he's doing right by you ):
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rr-sheep · 2 days
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i color this i hope you like it :)
That's SO FUCKING COOL (sheep approved) :D
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wonwonyoyo · 1 year
⋆。゚☁︎₊˚.🎀🧸🦌🍪₊˚☁︎ ゚.₊⋆
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and there was the pretty doe called Bambi
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⋆。゚☁︎₊˚.🎀🧸🦌🍪₊˚☁︎ ゚.₊⋆
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for @hearts4pixxie 💌
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sceneskunk43 · 10 months
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not sure if the demographic for this exists past me and like 3 of my friends but sure
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