#steve said four (4) words in chapter 10. and not all that much in chapter 9. are people aware??
flowercrowngods · 11 months
next time steve and el sit down and steve talks to her, tells her something, or just asks her how she’s doing, asks her about her day, asks her if she’s okay — eyes alert, focused on her — el goes very silent, very still. smiles. because, “you’re talking again.”
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hellfirenacht · 15 days
Wing Man Part 10
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: It’s no longer Halloween, but the ghosts from yours and Eddie’s pasts are coming back to haunt you.
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(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
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You had always heard the phrase “speak of the Devil and he shall appear”, but you didn’t think that line was supposed to be so literal.
You and Eddie starred in shock as your shared connection stood in front of the two of you, smiling at Eddie as if he were an old friend. If Chris noticed any animosity in your faces, it didn’t show. Either he was oblivious, or you and Eddie were good at hiding what you two were feeling right now. 
“I thought I saw you in the lobby earlier.” Chris said, walking over to the two of you, ruining your moment together. “I didn’t think you were one for the theater since you never did come and see the Spring play that I worked so hard on.”
Eddie looked weirded out by this, to say the least. 
“Sorry, I was busy trying to finish the campaign that you started.” Eddie said. “I didn’t exactly have time to go.” 
Well, you were really in the middle of this now. You shifted slightly closer to Eddie, looking over Chris. He was almost unrecognizable from his school photos and how you remembered him on that day. No longer the pale and scrawny kid with the constantly pissy face, Chris was actually smiling and it was honestly off-putting. He looked more tan than he had in school, but there was a faint orange tint to his skin that looked unnatural under the yellow lighting of the marquis. 
A fake tan. That’s what it had to be. Chris was sporting a fake tan for his role as Rocky. 
You should have been Riff Raff. Or not here at all. You thought to yourself. 
“Are you still mad that I left Hellfire?” Chris asked. “That was four years ago! Plus, I handed everything over to you, didn’t I? You got to finally be the Dungeon Master, and I got to find something I enjoyed. I think it’s a fair trade.” 
Eddie still didn’t seem impressed, but kept his mouth shut. Chris turned his attention to you. 
“I’ve seen you before.” he said. “You come here a lot, don’t you?”
You blinked in surprise. There’s no way you would have missed him if he came to this show a lot, right? 
“Yeah, how did you know?” you asked slowly. 
“I’ve been running tech for the show since March.” Chris had a smug look on his face that made your stomach churn. If he was working backstage, that would make sense why you hadn’t seen him before. “And I got to be Rocky for this run. What did you all think of the show?”
“The movie was fun.” Eddie offered, and you had the feeling that he was trying to decide if he should be honest or to let go of what happened four years ago. 
You, however, were more willing to be honest in the moment. “I’ve seen better performances.” you said bluntly. “The movie was fine, but I expected more for the Halloween showing. Half of the shadow cast was completely different than before and they didn’t seem to know their cues. Also, what happened to the Virgin Sacrifice?”
Instead of being off-put, Chris just laughed and shrugged. “There’s been some recent changes to the theater management.” he explained. “It caused a bit of a commotion and there were some disagreements. Unfortunately, things like this happen in live theater. A lot of the cast bailed on the show at the last minute.”
That made sense, as much as it disappointed you. If there was an internal problem with the company running the show, it would end up bleeding out into the performance. You felt your annoyance calm down a little. It’s not like Chis was the one to run the show into the ground. 
“Well, It’s been nice seeing you again.” Eddie said, as his hand slipped into yours again, “We have to get going, it’s getting late.”
You gave Chris a half-hearted wave and a goodbye, but then Chris started talking again right as you two were turning around to leave.
“Just so you know, auditions will be opening for the shadow cast.” He said. “We’re skipping the next two months to get the show back on track. In case either of you are interested.”
You froze in place for a moment and Eddie noticed and dropped your hand. You turned around to look at Chris, wondering if he was being serious right now. 
“Auditions are never open. Even for the understudies.” you said. “I heard that you needed to know someone on the inside to even have a chance at auditioning.”
“Well, we know each other now, don’t we?” he asked with a smile that had too many teeth for your comfort. “I can get you an audition, if you’re really interested. I think you’d be great on stage.” Chris was looking at you up and down, as if considering you. “I can see you as a great Janet.”
“I’ve always wanted to audition.” you finally admitted. “I’ve been wanting to be a part of this show since I started coming here.”
Chris dug into his bag and pulled out a card for the theater, and scribbled down a date and time on the back. “This is when we’re holding auditions. It’s invite only.” he said. “I’ll put in a good word for you, if you’re serious.” 
You took the card, looking it over. Maybe you and Eddie had been a little hard on the guy. Chris was right, it had been a long time since he was in high school, and people change. You changed. It’d be pretty hypocritical of you to brush this off completely. Everyone here was an adult, right? And this was something you’d wanted for years now. Could you really just pass this up?
“I’ll be there.” you said, without thinking, and when Chris offered his hand, you reached out and shook it. “Thank you.” you added. 
Chris winked at you and said goodbye to Eddie and turned to leave, leaving you and your date alone outside the theater. By now, almost all of the movie-goers had left and the parking lot was nearly empty save for a few cars. 
“Holy shit.” you said, turning to Eddie when Chris was out of earshot. “I did not expect to run into him tonight. Or ever again.”
Eddie let out a small sharp breath that could have either been a laugh or a sigh. “I thought he just disappeared off the face of the earth when he graduated.” His eyes drifted to the card you held in your hand; the same hand that he had been holding on and off all night. “His hair grew out a lot.”
“Yeah, I think it’s even longer than yours now.” You agreed, tucking away the card into your own bag and turning to fully face him again now.
The mood between you two had shifted from what it had been before Chris interrupted the two of you. Whatever moment the two of you were about to have had passed, and as much as you wanted to kiss Eddie, it wasn’t the time. You didn’t want to force anything after the moment had been ruined. 
Dammit, Chris. Why couldn’t he have shown up before the movie started? Okay, maybe you were still able to feel pissed at the guy. 
“Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.” Eddie said, and this time you reached out for his hand instead. Chris might have cockblocked your first kiss with Eddie, but you weren’t going to let him completely ruin the night. You didn’t miss the slight squeeze of his hand as you led him towards your car. 
“I know I totally trashed the performance, but I did have a lot of fun with you tonight.” you told Eddie. “Other than him showing up, I really did like spending time with you.”
“Next date, it’s gonna be just us.” he said. “No chaperones and no Chris-es.”
“So, you want to go on another date with me?” you asked, thinking that maybe the moment wasn’t as ruined as you had thought. 
“I’ll call you this weekend.” Eddie promised. 
He leaned in, and you closed your eyes. Warm lips brushed against your cheek, and you tried not to feel too disappointed. It was still something, after all. The two of you hugged, and you breathed in the faint smell of cigarettes, leather, and popcorn. 
“Not if I call you first.” you said, finding that line was starting to be a small inside joke between the two of you. You hoped that there’d be a lot more shared jokes together in the future. 
You got in your car, and made your way home. Despite the small hiccup, you were starting to feel more confident about the future. Things were going well with Eddie, and you finally had the chance to do something you’d had your heart set on for years now. 
Moving forward wasn’t so bad. 
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Eddie was torn on how tonight went. You had fun, and you said that you had fun with him. He had been ready to lean in and plant one on you to make this feel more official but then Chris just had to show up and ruin the night. As usual. 
It might not have been as bad if he hadn’t started talking about auditions and that was what made Eddie’s stomach twist. You had been mentioned enough times that this was something you had always wanted to do, and Eddie admired that a lot. He loved that you wanted to be on stage like that, and if you were in the cast he was sure that he’d show up for you, just as you had been showing up for Corroded Coffin. 
But Chris had been the one to make the offer to you with his new muscles and hair that was longer than Eddie’s. Eddie didn’t want to feel jealous, and most of him felt like the two of you had bonded enough over talking shit about the guy that there was no way you’d had an interest in him. 
So why did a smaller voice in the back of Eddie’s head feel like this was starting to crumble already? You had talked about changing and being different since you had been in school, and Chris looked different and had pointed out that he had graduated almost four years ago. 
“You aren’t at Hawkins High and these aren’t children.” you had said when he had been taking in the site of so many people who looked and dressed more like him.
You hadn’t meant anything by it, Eddie was sure of that. You didn’t seem like the type to put someone down for what they were or weren’t able to accomplish. That still didn’t change the fact that he was a 20 year old still in high school, while you and Chris were out in the real world working and living on your own. Presumably. Eddie didn’t know where Chris was living and didn’t care to. 
It was pretty late in the evening now, and he found himself wishing he could call Ronnie right now. Actually, he was starting to wish that he had talked to her earlier, had listened to her and taken her more seriously a few years ago. 
Three more stupid credits and I’m out. That’s what he’d told himself since September when he walked into school for his sixth year in high school. He could coast through most of his classes, and he just needed to push through until June. 
1986. That was going to be his year. He just needed to get through the rest of 1985 first. 
Just as Eddie was about to go and crash in his bed the phone rang. You were the only one who would be calling him this late, and the knot in his stomach only tightened. You hadn’t been judgemental to his face about his education (or lack there-of) but what if it did matter? 
He didn’t think you’d just up and drop him because Chris Morrison of all people showed up with his stupid long hair, offering you something that you wanted so badly. Right? Then again, Eddie hadn’t exactly been the best at communicating with you at all, and he had disappeared on you more than once without notice. Chris hadn’t hesitated with giving you a way to contact him.
Expecting the worst, Eddie tried to remain calm as he reached the kitchen.
“Hey.” Eddie said into the phone, “Get home safe?”
That voice wasn’t yours. The last time Eddie heard that voice, Eddie had been covered in blood and soot in Police Chief Hopper’s office. Her voice had echoed so loud that Hopper had even flinched as she cursed him out for ruining a chance for both of them. 
“Paige?” Eddie asked in disbelief, as if he were talking to a ghost. 
For fuck’s sake, Eddie this isn’t something we can just reschedule I know this was your shot this was my shot I stuck my neck out for you I know I’m at the police station What did you do? No room for a little tarnish, huh? Don’t be an asshole I’ve been an asshole all along, I’m just the last person in Hawkins to accept it Fuck you. 
“I’ve tried calling you a few times but you weren’t home.” Paige said. 
“You could have left a message.” Eddie’s voice was colder than he meant it. First Chris, and now Paige. What sick prank was the universe playing on him today? 
“I figured you wouldn’t call back if I did.” Paige said, honestly. 
The clock in the kitchen read that it was late in Hawkins and not quite as late in California, assuming that is where Paige was. He wanted to hang up the phone, leave her on a dead end line, just as she had done to him almost two years ago. 
Don’t be an asshole. He told himself. What had happened between the two of them had been the perfect shit storm of events. Eddie had flown, reached out towards the sun, only to crash and burn. He had been reminded of what it really meant to have Munson attached to his name.
Eddie had been the one to fuck up, not Paige. 
“I probably wouldn’t have.” Eddie admitted. 
“Are you going to hang up on me now?” 
Eddie paused. “No.”
“You know it’s... really late.”
“I know. I probably should have called you in the morning but I thought it was worth a shot calling tonight. Besides, it’s not like you have school in the morning.” 
He didn’t, but that was only because he was planning on skipping tomorrow because he’d been out so late tonight. 
Eddie’s mind went through a rolodex of anything that Paige Warner would want to talk to him about after all this time. Was she wanting to finally know how he ended up in holding? Had her brother told her about how he was now Freak King Supreme in Hawkins? Shit, did he have an estranged child with her that he didn’t know about? They had always used protection but shit happens and who could blame her from hiding a kid from a guy who she had to bail out of jail and had no money- 
“I’m sorry.” Paige said. “For how things ended between the two of us. A lot happened after you called and I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you after.”
Eddie blinked and stared at the faded wallpaper of the kitchen, trying to make sense of the apology. She was apologizing? Why?
“I....” Eddie swallowed. “I think I should be the one apologizing here.”
“Oh, you definitely owe me an apology, too.” Despite her words, there was no bite behind it, no malice. “But I’m offering up my apology first as an olive branch.” 
How come ever since that night at the Palace Arcade, everything had started being so weird for Eddie? 
“What exactly are you apologizing for?” Eddie asked as he rubbed his face, the evening was starting to catch up to him now. 
“For blowing up at you at 4 am when you needed help.” Paige said. 
“It’s.. It’s fine. I deserved it.” Eddie leaned against the refrigerator and slid down. His gaze drifted up to the popcorn ceiling of the trailer’s kitchen, picking out constellations in the flaky white plaster. 
“Maybe, but I should have heard you out after I had cooled off.” Paige said. 
“So, you’re calling me in the middle of the night two years later just so we can talk about what happened?” Eddie asked. 
“Not completely. I’m calling because I want to give you a second chance.”
“Uhhh.....” Had Eddie heard that correctly? 
“A lot happened with WR Records after you bailed on the audition.” Paige continued. “I don’t want to go into details over the phone, but the short version is Corroded Coffin might have another shot.” 
Oh, it can get weirder. 
“Wait, what? Really?” Eddie sat up straight, gripping the phone with a grip so tight his knuckles were turning white. 
“I’m coming back to Hawkins for a few weeks. I’ll be landing in a few days, and I want to meet up with you to give you more information.” 
Corroded Coffin might have a second chance. Not just Eddie, but his band. When Paige had managed to get Eddie the original audition, she had said that only he would be the one to go to L.A. to play for all the suits in the business. They were only interested in Eddie, not Corroded Coffin. Eddie was real. 
“You mean, my whole band?” he clarified. “Not just me?” 
“Don’t get too excited.” Paige said firmly. “This isn’t nearly as nice of an opportunity as last time. But it is an opportunity. I want to meet up with you alone first to go over the details and explain what’s going on.” 
“Why just me?” 
“Because you’re the selling point, Eddie. You always were.” 
Real. I saw it that night at the Hideout. I saw it years ago at the stupid talent show. You get up there and whatever you play, it’s raw. It’s life or death. And people can feel it.
Had you felt it? Eddie thought back to the two times you had shown up to see him play, you’d looked up at him with an excitement that he’d only ever seen from the rest of his band. Eddie could count on his hands the number of people who he could say were fans of his. Paige had been the first to look at him like he was someone while he was on stage, but she wasn’t the last. 
“When do you land?” Eddie asked. 
“Early Saturday, but I’m spending time with my family for the next few days.” she said. “I’ll call you and let you know when we can meet up.”
“Yeah.. yeah alright. Sounds good.” 
Did it?
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later Eddie. Good night.” 
“Hey, Paige?”
“...Thanks. For bailing me out back then. I don’t think they would have released me if you hadn’t.” 
“Just don’t do that again, ok?” Paige said. “And you can give me a proper apology when we meet up.” 
Eddie nodded, and then realized he was on the phone and she couldn’t see him. “Okay. I’ll be there.” he said. 
The dial tone wasn’t as aggressive as it had been that day in Hoppers office, and this time Eddie didn’t slam the phone down on the receiver. Instead he opened up the fridge, stared hard at the six pack of beer, closed the fridge without grabbing one, and went back to his room. He kicked off his shoes, and shrugged off his clothes, and fell face first onto his bed. 
Eddie tried to sleep. He tossed and turned for hours, replaying the events of the night over and over and over again like a bad movie. Seeing you, watching the movie, almost kissing you, Chris showing up, Paige showing up. How could so much happen in the span of less than three hours? 
Paige wanted to talk to him about Corroded Coffin. Eddie was the selling point. There was no way that WR Records was still interested in him, if they were she would have said so and not even brought up the rest of his band.
Shit, what would the rest of the band even say? Only Jeff had been around for the original demo recording that they had all done together. Dougie had left after that year, Ronnie passed her position off to Gareth. 
Face stuffed into his stained pillowcase, he started creating a list of unanswered questions. Why was Paige showing up now? Why was she reaching out to him? Why is she giving Corroded Coffin another shot? Why did Chris have to show up tonight? Could you be attracted to Chris now that he had long hair and wasn’t the scrawny asshole he was in high school? Why did Dustin suggest him to hook you up with? Why did you agree? Why did he care so much that you didn’t remember him? Why did Steve also keep showing up? Why didn’t he kiss you? Wait, did Paige still want to kiss him? Okay, that one at least had to be a no. 
Eddie gave up on sleep when his uncle came home, and heard the faint snoring coming from the pull out couch in the main room. 
With sleep no longer an option for him for the time being, Eddie dug out his notebooks and instead focused on the mountain of song lyrics and notes from over the past few years. With his guitar slung over his shoulder and unplugged, he would be able to work without disturbing Wayne’s sleep. 
Each silent chord and tab that Eddie played whispered through his bedroom. He mouthed along to the words on the pages, his voice occasionally slipping through the cracks as he figured out the rhythm of the lyrics. Playing guitar cleared his head, music always brought everything to the surface one way or another, even if he didn’t realize it. 
As he focused on a specific riff, his fingers and wrist moved over and over in a constant rhythm. Even when he messed up, he didn’t stop the movements of his fingers as they slid along the strings. It was easy, it was challenging, it was meditative. Eddie could finally focus. 
Paige Warner wanted to see him again to discuss Corroded Coffin. Paige was an ex. Sort of. It had been implied that they were going to make it official when he moved to California with her. They were even going to move in together, even if they would have separate rooms. Roommates who sleep together. 
Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t just up and admit that she was an ex girlfriend. Business or not, Eddie was going to have dinner with an ex. 
If he were still the same shitty 18 year old from two years ago, he wouldn’t have thought it was a big deal. Eddie would have had no problem going to see her, and it wouldn’t have even crossed his mind to tell you. But now, as a less shitty 20 year old, he couldn’t do that. You deserved to know who he was going to see if the two of you were going to go on another date. 
He was also going to have to come clean about a lot more than that if things became more serious. That was something that Eddie was dreading. If he told you about Paige, he’d have to tell you about their history together. Telling you that he and Paige had slept together was easy, but what about the rest? How could he explain that she bailed him out of jail after he’d been arrested because a cop was shot on his lawn after two drug mules had burned his house down because Munson and Junior had stolen five pounds of weed from a reefer truck?
Eddie had only told the whole story to one person, and that was Reefer Rick. He hadn’t even had the heart to tell Wayne everything that had happened that Spring out of shame for everything that he’d done. Even Ronnie had been kept in the dark about what happened. 
The sun slowly came up, and his guitar and notebooks were bathed in a warm golden light that contrasted the chill of the beginning of November. Eddie hung his guitar back up and gathered his notebooks, setting them aside for a later time. He laid back down on the bed, and closed his eyes. He decided that the next time the two of you talked, he would be honest about who Paige was and what their main history was. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to dump all of his family trauma on you at once when things were only just starting out. 
It was kind of funny. Eddie had never set out to be anyone's boyfriend. It had never been a priority with him. Even with Paige, he had definitely found her attractive but aside from seeking her out to ask for her help with getting signed, she had been the one to make any move for anything more to happen. He’d been fine with that at the time, but after spending time with you... 
This wouldn’t be easy, but he told himself he wasn’t going to run anymore. When he woke up, he’d call you and tell you exactly what was going on and who he was going to see. Anything about his police record could wait for now. 
With that thought in mind, Eddie was able to finally pass out. 
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It was well into the afternoon when Eddie finally woke up again. He pushed through the grogginess and showered, dressed, and shoved a can of instant pasta into his mouth as he flipped through the limited channels on tv. 
About two hours went by before he remembered that you had today off. You’d mentioned that to him during one of your many long phone calls, and he about smacked himself in the head when he realized it. He’d been sitting around and waiting for you to get off work, and you hadn’t even gone in today. 
Eddie held the phone in his hand, his fingers hovering over the dial pad hesitantly before forcing himself to push the digits that would connect the two of you again. 
You answered on the third ring. 
“No Hellfire today?” you asked. 
“Not this time, everyone bailed out early for fall break.” Eddie said. “We did our Halloween special yesterday.”
“Tell me about it?” 
Eddie felt himself nearly melting into a pile of goo at the words. You always asked about his campaigns and his band, taking an interest in a way that no one ever had before. There was a lot that he had to tell you, but.. He could at least give you this before he gave you the real reason why he called. 
You listened as he told you about how the party went up against a pumpkin creature that had been attacking the town. It was a module he had made himself, and that he’d been working on for the past month between the main story of the campaign. You laughed and gasped at all the right moments, sealing the idea that Eddie was going to make a one-shot for you specifically to play. He couldn’t wait to help you make a character and add you to his table. 
Assuming you would even want anything to do with him after what he was about to tell you.
“Sounds like a Scooby Doo episode.” you said, as he finished his tale. 
“More like Goober and the Ghost Chasers.” Eddie smiled, taking his usual seat in front of the fridge. 
The two of you talked, and it was far too easy to get lost in all of the conversations that he had with you. Every time he told himself to suck it up and tell you who he was planning on seeing, you’d ask him something and the two of you would be off on another tangent. 
But then Eddie found his opening, and it was time to talk. 
“I’ll be at the Hideout again next week.” you said. “I’m really looking forward to hearing that song you keep hinting at. How many original songs are you hiding from me?” 
“We have almost seven by now, but no one wants to hear them.” Eddie lied, knowing full well there had been at least one person before who did. 
“I want to.” 
Two people. 
Fuck, he needed to tell you. 
“So... speaking of Corroded Coffin,” he said carefully. “We actually almost had a chance to audition for WR Records.”
“Hole shit.” you gasped into the phone. “What happened? I would have thought any record company would be tearing down the door to get you to sign with them. Or, oh, were they too mainstream? Did they want you to sell out? Change everything about you? Did you tell them to shove it, and that you wanted to make real music?” 
Eddie couldn’t help but snort into the phone, suppressing a laugh. “Nah, we uh... well we made a demo tape and sent it in, and they wanted us- me. They wanted me to audition.”
“Just you...?”
“Yeah.” Eddie picked at a loose fray in the tear in his jeans. “They didn’t really like Corroded Coffin, but they did like me. But I blew my chance, and never made it to the audition.”
“Shit, Eddie... that sucks.” you said sympathetically. “What happened?” 
Eddie was quiet for a moment as he tried to figure out how to explain to you what happened.
“Eddie?” you asked after he didn’t say anything. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to get into it.”
“I fucked up.” He finally admitted. “I did something stupid, and it stopped me from making it to California for the audition. That was two years ago. And last night I just got news that Corroded Coffin might be having another shot at something.”
“Wait really? That’s incredible that they still want to talk to you! And you said it was for the whole band this time? Not just you?”
“I don’t think it’s WR Records this time but a talent scout found me and is wanting to talk about Corroded Coffin?”
“There was a talent scout at the Hideout?”
“No.... my uh.. My ex.” 
The silence between the two of you was deafening. For a few seconds, the world went completely still, and silent. Eddie always hated silence. 
“Oh.” you said after a while, and Eddie could tell you were trying to process what he had just said. “So your ex wants to talk to you about your band?”
Your voice sounded neutral, almost too casual, and Eddie hated that too. “She- Paige- she was the one to give Corroded Coffin a chance. She paid for the demo herself, sent it to her boss, and got the audition slot for me. But I fucked up, ended up locked up for a few hours, and everything fell apart.”
Eddie wished that he could see your face, would you look at him with sympathy? Disgust? Would you suddenly look at him like everyone else in town? 
“That sounds like a lot.” You said. 
“Not gonna ask me what I was in for?” 
“Do you want to tell me?”
“...Not yet.”
“Are you on some sort of list?”
“Did you kill someone?” 
“I don’t think I’d be let out if I did.”
“Good point. Alright. Then I’ll trust you that you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
Trust. You trusted him. When was the last time he had anyones trust?
“Paige wants to give Corroded Coffin another chance.” Eddie said. “She wants me to meet up with her to give me details. I don’t know what she’s planning on offering but-”
“She bailed you out of jail and is offering you something you always wanted?” You asked, and he could hear something in your voice that sounded almost like defeat. “You should go. It’s clear that the two of you have a history that you two need to work though. And if she’s offering you and Corroded Coffin a chance, you have to take it, right?”
The way you said ‘right’ made him wonder if you were asking something more than just his current situation. 
Why was it that every time you two started to find your footing together, things slipped up? How could things constantly be so weird with you when this should have felt easy? What force in the universe out there kept dangling good things in front of Eddie just to take them away as a cruel joke? 
“Right.” Eddie said, sounding just about as sure as he felt about this. He didn’t even know what this was. 
“Look, I don’t know what happened between you two, but it sounds like it’s complicated and you two need to talk about it.” you said. “Just let me know what’s going on after, okay?” 
Eddie knew what you really meant. Let me know if this is going anywhere or if you’re going to get back with your ex.
That was a thought he didn’t even want to entertain. It already seemed to be impossible that Paige wanted to talk to him again, let alone date again. 
“I will.” He would. “I’ll let you know when we’re meeting up and what she says.” 
“I have my audition next Saturday.” you added. “And Robin and Steve and I are going to have a movie night later this week to hang out. But, I’ll still be at the Hideout if you all are still playing and not signed by then.”
You were joking with him, and he took that as a sign that maybe he didn’t completely fuck up.
“We’ll be there.” Eddie said. “I guess I’ll see you Tuesday then.”
“See you Tuesday, Eddie.” 
With the phone hook back on the receiver, Eddie took a deep breath. 
Just when things are starting to get good, huh?
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Dividers By: @strangergraphics
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eddies-house · 7 months
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 |
Smoke Signals
Chapter Ten - A Chemistry Lesson
W/C: 8.2K
Eddie x Fem reader - Grumpy!Bartender!Eddie x Shy!Reader
And for once, you let go Of your fears and your ghosts One step, not much But it said enough
You Are In Love - T.S.
A/N: so i decided to split the chapter up, I started moving into another scene and it only felt right to give it it's own chapter as it opens up the night. i hope you guys love this chapter as much as i love this chapter <3
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“Dustin Henderson!”  The younger boy shoves past both of them confidently, his hand shaking yours impressively.
“We have heard so much–”  Robin begins though she’s cut off by Steve lightly smacking a hand against her stomach.
Frozen.  You’re frozen in time, an influx of information and new faces rendering you a speechless idiot.  Each one stares expectantly, awaiting some kind of a response, more than likely drawing their own conclusions about your silence and lack of communication.  They were going to be so disappointed in your shyness should they even have the patience to wait around.
Before you can humiliate yourself, Steve saves the day as an offended Robin glares at him, rubbing her stomach rather dramatically.  “Donnie.”  He states, only creating further confusion.  Several people stood before you and Donnie was not one of them, you were now struggling to keep up with the current interaction at the mention of her.  Overstimulated.  You were definitely overstimulated.  You can’t even imagine the dumb face you were sporting, the silence too loud as you struggled clinging onto words.  Any words in the English language at all at this point.
“Donnie has told us all about you.”  Steve elaborates finally.  “All good things, I promise!”  He chuckles, seemingly attempting to ease your anxieties that had made themselves evident in your wide eyes and worried forehead creases.
“Yeah, yeah!  And she’s told us all about how you’re Eddie’s new babysitter.”  Robin chimes in again, earning a pointed look from Steve.
Eddie’s reaction is lost on you, his existence temporarily vanishing as you take in the current conversation.  The idea of being perceived was one thing, it was entirely another to be perceived by four strangers who had apparently already been made aware of your existence.
“What she means is that we’ve heard you’ve been a good friend.”  Nancy softly smiles.
You didn’t quite know why but the word felt insulting.  Not on any account of Nancy’s, there was no malice detected in her tone though you were still intimidated by her and figured with her being the prettiest girl in the room, she must at least be on Eddie’s radar.  The word ‘friend’ was starting to feel vulgar the more it played over in your head.
“Yeah, ‘friend’.”  Dustin uses air quotes, a wild grin on his youthful face.
At this, Steve delivers a harsh smack to the boy’s abdomen, more aggressive than he had done to Robin seconds ago.  
“Henderson.”  Eddie reprimands.
His voice lures you in despite your inner protests, your gaze traveling over each unique face until it settles on his.  That familiar distress showcases itself in the form of a frown; there was no telling what reaction you had expected of him but something about it makes your heart drop, your stomach feeling as if it was free falling in the worst way possible.  Were you really that repulsive?
It was obvious Dustin had only been joking but the disgust on Eddie’s face only forced your tear ducts to strain, your eyes becoming glassy in seconds.  It was a long shot, thinking that there could be any semblance of interest on Eddie’s part and you suppose you should be to blame for your hurt feelings.  He owed you nothing and here you were mourning over something that never was, all because he had let you see a piece of the inner workings of his mind.  It didn’t warrant a one way ticket into his heart.
“What!?”  Dustin shrugs, unbothered.
Robin steps forward, an apologetic smile gracing her features as she addresses you.  “I promise we’re not all gigantic dinguses.”
A flood of complaints spills from Dustin and Steve, Nancy only rolling her eyes at the interaction before taking the initiative in pursuing the conversation with you as the others bicker, Eddie only spectating the whole scene playing out in front of him.
“Dustin doesn’t always know when to keep quiet.”  She giggles, subtly pulling you to the side, her hand gentle as it rests on your forearm.  It almost repulses you, although your logic kicks in and pieces together that this woman has never done anything to elicit such a response from you.  “But he always means well.”
The heat was dying down, the unsolicited jealousy now tame within the confines of your body, not totally gone but no longer raging just beneath the surface.  If it were up to you you’d ball up the lingering feeling and burn it, if it were only so easy.
“Are they brothers?”  You ask, recalling that night you drove him home.  He only spoke of his uncle, Wayne.  He did also mention Dustin but never insinuated that they were related.  Based on the way they were interacting, you’d assume they were brothers in some sense of the word.
“Where’s your family?”  Eddie suddenly mumbles, eyes still glued to the scenery outside.  
The question is out of the blue and the last thing you would expect from him.  Although he had taken somewhat of a liking to you, he’d never taken an interest in something so personal.  And you offered him that same respect.  
“What?”  You ask, sneaking a glance at him, your hands squeezing the wheel.
His focus shifts from the window to you, his body turning inward as he leans his cheek against the headrest, waiting for your response.  The way his lips pucker from his cheek squishing against the seat only makes your heart clench.  His large awaiting eyes reflect the moon and you find it hard to change the subject when they appear so patient and attentive.
“Um, well, they’re back in…back home.”  You answer simply.
“Where’s that?”
He looked the most inquisitive you’d seen him, body turned toward you, his attention not once wavering.  Instead of the usual knit brows he often wore, his features remained softer and full of wonder.  Lips parted and eyes twinkling, who were you to deny his efforts?  Even if he was slightly under the influence.  Worst case scenario, he doesn’t remember this conversation.
You didn’t know what kind of response you were expecting but for some reason, the one word was a bit too vague, self consciousness kicking in.  
“What about yours?”  You shift the spotlight over to him.
From what you can tell as you keep your focus on the road, his gaze drops while he collects his thoughts, his breathing going shaky for just a second before he regains his composure.  A hum deep in his throat notifies you that he’s ready to begin speaking again.
“Uh, don’t really have one.  Never really have.  Or, uh, I just don’t remember them?  Other than my uncle, Wayne.  He’s back…”  Eddie hesitates.  “He’s in Indiana.”
Nancy’s gaze follows yours, locking in on the two boys catching up.  “Dustin and Eddie?”  Her puzzled expression already grants you your answer, though she continues.  “No, no they’re not related.  You’d think they are, with all the fantasy stuff they talk about and what not.”
“Fantasy stuff?”
“Dungeons and Dragons.”  Her perfectly plucked brows raise.  “My brother used to have me play with them, thank god Eddie stepped into the picture.”  She mutters.
“Eddie did mention Dungeons and Dragons.”  You nod. 
“And Dustin’s little drawing.”
“And the drawing?”
Your grin along with Nancy as you simultaneously speak, a few giggles filling the air between you.  
“So your brother is…Dustin?”
Amidst the calm conversation, Steve and Robin are cheering a few feet away, both of their arms now slung around Eddie.  It wasn’t clear what they were celebrating and it even seemed that they were just trying to embarrass him in that true friend fashion.  It was sweet, how much they cared about him, the lengths they went just to surprise him.
Nancy gracefully shakes her head, brunette curls bouncing with the movement and freckled nose scrunching playfully.  “No, no.  Dustin is one of my brother’s best friends.  Mike is my brother, he’s back at home in–”  Before she can reveal where ‘home’ was, her bright blue eyes widen.  “Back in Indiana.”  She corrects herself.
“I think Eddie’s mentioned Mike a few times.”  You recall the conversation, how he took Mike and Dustin under his wing in highschool.  “He couldn’t come?”
“He’s studying for midterms.”  She shakes her head.  “He really wanted to come but…you know between his girlfriend in California and college it’s just all…a lot.”  Her eyes are kind, probably the kindest you’d ever come across.
“I’d love to meet him one day.”  You smile, only hoping that you were reciprocating the same compassion she was radiating.  “And Max, and Lucas, and Wayne…”
Nancy’s eyes seem to brighten, ears perking up at the names.  “He told you about everyone?”  She asks softly, her baby pink lips upturning slightly.  
You nod.  Another eruption of laughter and shouting forces your attention toward the rest of the group, a proud grin displayed on Dustin’s face only hinting that he had just made a joke that even had Eddie hunched over in laughter, Steve’s arm still draped over his shoulder with his head thrown back.
“That is not funny.”  Robin pouts, arms crossed.
“I think it’s pretty funny.”  Steve smirks.
Nancy politely excuses herself from your one-on-one conversation, joining Robin’s side.  “What’s not funny?”
“When Robin swallowed an egg whole–”
“It’s not funny!”  Robin continues to protest.  “I almost died!”  
This only makes the boys cackle more, pulling an eye roll from Nancy.  
“C’mon Nance.”  Dustin grins.
“Yeah, c’mon Nance.”  Eddie chimes in.
Why did it rub you the wrong way when he said it?  You assessed Nancy’s body language and nothing conveyed to you that she had any interest in him, however your mind continued it’s unruly torture.  Even so, Eddie had made it clear what he thought of you, that you were ‘too busy dry humping’ Jett and that even though that couldn’t be further from the truth, he would still lose respect for you.
Heat burrowed deep in your belly once again, the kind that wasn’t yet uncontrollable but should anyone add fuel to the fire would result in your own self destruction.  All because Eddie had to go and cause a scene.  All because he had a temper that never rested even when it appeared dormant.  
“I-um, I’m gonna go get the drinks–what did–what did everyone want?”  You manage to pitifully scramble the sentence together and eventually get your point across.
“Stevie!”  Donnie interrupts, crushing the poor guy in a tight hug.  It makes you question her disgust for physical touch.  
Steve doesn’t seem to mind, a twitch of his eye only projecting a smidge of discomfort but other than that he contently hugs her back.  They begin catching up, everyone completely ignoring your request for their drink orders.  It’s not their fault you were so invisible, it was just your nature, you were always meant to be put on the backburner until further notice but for some reason it causes an extra deep pang in your chest this time.  Especially since Eddie had completely disregarded you as he jumped into the conversation.
With the tiniest huff, you quietly step away to make yourself useful behind the bar.  A pair of blue eyes follows you, considerate blue eyes that you attempt to ignore.  If you looked carefully enough, you’d see that pair of ocean blue eyes making connections between yourself and a certain brown eyed man.  You were in no mood to act as a detective though.
It was irresponsible.
Your track record so far was evidence enough.
But as you stared down the bottle of tequila sat in front of you, howls of laughter and echoes of inside jokes entering your ears even from the other side of the bar, it seemed like more and more of a good idea.  Or like the only idea.  
You could have one shot, just to relax the nerves, make you more approachable.  No one would notice.  You could come off as the friendly stranger in the background instead of the miserable mouse in the corner.  It was for your benefit.  Your thoughts would become less intense, your bitterness would melt away.  Eddie would temporarily become the dream boat he had previously been in your eyes rather than a mouthy douchebag, your hazy mind would erase his wrong doings if only for a few hours.  
You hope.
Or maybe you’d open your eyes and see what Eddie was seeing, had you really shown any interest in Jett at all?  Maybe a shot would be enough to introduce you to the narrative.  Maybe you should let loose and throw yourself at Jett for the fuck of it.  Bad decisions were starting to sound more appealing the harder you stared at the bottle of liquid courage.  Until your careful thought process was interrupted.
“We doin’ shots?”  
The deep but soothing voice catches you off guard, calm brown eyes and concerned brows gaining all of your attention.  They weren’t the brown eyes you secretly hoped for, even if they were the most infuriating sight you could possibly be faced with at the moment.  No, they were a lighter hue, the overhead light casting golden flecks within the irises that regarded you with genuine interest, his lips pressed together tightly as he awaits your answer.  In his hand he holds what looks to be a scotch on the rocks though it could also be whiskey, you were no expert quite yet.
“Uh…no.  I dunno.  Maybe?”  You squint your eyes painfully.  “Forget I said that.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell the others.”  Steve takes a seat at one of the vacant stools directly across from you.  “But…”  He clicks his tongue.  “If you are going to, count me in.”  He smiles charmingly, finishing off his drink.
“I…”  You’re about to take the sensible route, you’re so close to making the right decision.  Then again, bad decisions were far more tempting.  Especially with the help of an unaware acquaintance.  “Okay.”  You sigh, offering him a friendly grin.
Without further consideration, you pop the bottle cap off, pulling out two sparkling shot glasses and setting them on the counter confidently.  At least you didn’t have to drink alone.  
“Munson giving you a hard time?”  Steve suddenly inquires.  Your eyes nearly pop out of your head which you assume is why he elaborates.  “I know he’s kind of intense.  The first year he moved out here he was…he was so fuckin’ unhappy y’know?  And I know what you’re thinkin’: Why is this guy, Steve, who I just met, going on about Munson?”  He begins to ramble.
Slowly, you start to pour the foul smelling alcohol into one of the glasses as you listen intently.  A few drops trickle down the side but it goes ignored as you watch Steve’s every move.  He toys with the glass he’d just finished off, spinning it over and over again in circles atop the bar, a ring of condensation following.
“Don’t–fuck how do I say this?”  He pushes a weft of voluminous hair back.  “Don’t give up on him.”  Steve practically pleads.
You stop pouring the tequila, pausing to chew on your lip and look at him in confusion, which encourages him to continue.
“Look, Donnie was talking about how–how you’ve been really good for him.  And I don’t know–I just–I could sense that…you were mad at each other–you and Eddie, I mean.”
He takes your silence as a means to further explain and god, he could feel a migraine coming on just by the way he was stirring things up but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.  Not when Donnie had been so adamant about Eddie being in such good spirits since you showed up only to come face to face with an almost seething Eddie, and Donnie wordlessly conveying to him that something was wrong.
“The point is, I know that he’s an asshole, okay?  Whatever he did, I’m sure he deserves a slap to the face.  Just–don’t give up on him.”
Steve’s words sink in.  You aren’t sure what has been said but it’s apparent that the tension between you and Eddie tonight was obvious among his friends.  You ponder his request–to not give up on Eddie as you fill the second shot glass and slide it across the counter.  If anything, Eddie had given up on you by accusing you of messing around with Jett.  It was insulting and humiliating.  Dehumanizing.  
“I think he’s the one who gave up on me.”  You admit, tossing the shot back with teary eyes.
The sting spreads down your throat, the potent smell filling your nostrils as you slam the glass down.  Your eyes are glassy though you only hope Steve can gather that it's just from the alcohol and not the idea of Eddie essentially throwing whatever you had in the garbage combined with the burn of tequila.
As if caught off guard, Steve quickly throws his shot back, apparently an expert as he doesn’t flinch, only widens his eyes as he slams the glass down as you had.  He exhales heavily, nodding, thinking to himself.  You await more wise words, more advice that he had no business giving although you appreciate the sentiment anyway.
“What are you doing?”
The world feels distant and not because of the alcohol.  Your blood runs hot, most definitely because of the alcohol.  The question is asked with such outrage that it almost has you shaking.  Getting caught was more embarrassing than any outcome you could’ve imagined though you didn’t even try to hide the evidence, didn’t even go as far as to take shots in the back.  Did you subconsciously want Eddie to catch you?
“Nothing.”  You mutter, quickly capping the bottle and setting it on its designated shelf.
“I just saw you.”  Eddie grits, hands splayed out on top of the bar, his arms spread out as he attempts to keep quiet so as not to interrupt the customers scattered throughout the bar. 
Eddie’s glare burns a hole into you and maybe it’s because of Steve’s sudden advice, the fact that he felt the need to stick up for Eddie even when he didn’t know the whole situation, but you refuse to give in.  He holds a fire in his eyes that you hastily reject as you begin cleaning out the shot glasses.  It was your goal to come off as unbothered but you fear you’re coming off more as guilty.  Like a dog that had been caught chewing up the family couch.
“It was my fault.”  Steve chimes in nonchalantly.
Eddie glances over, brows knit together in irritation.  “Your fault?”
“Yeah, we were getting acquainted.  I insisted, it was–”
“Steve had nothing to do with it.”  You fess up.
Eddie’s face reveals a whole other level of rage, his eyes nearly glazing over with black.  You fucked up.  That much you could admit to yourself.  Steve appears to be panicked, his gaze glued to the bar top, his hands gripping the edge, nails threatening to dig into the wood.
“Meet me in the back.”  Eddie demands, pushing himself off of the bar.  
Terrified doesn’t even begin to explain the list of feelings coursing through you.  You’d never seen him as angry as he was tonight.  You were drinking on the job, something that in a small town usually isn’t a big deal but with all of the tension hanging in the air, you could only assume it would add to his irritation.  It would only give him more ammo against you.
Steve offers you an apologetic stare, clearly also taken back by Eddie’s irate mood.  And then, he half nods as if to wish you good luck before standing and making his way back to the rest of the group.  As you timidly step out from the bar and round the corner, you catch Nancy’s sapphire eyes before they disappear, your legs carrying you into the narrow hallway where the office was located.  Except Eddie wasn’t in there and you could only conclude that he was outside.  ‘Meet me in the back’ meant ‘meet me outside’.  Which could only mean he was about to unleash hell on you if he needed to completely remove you from the building in order to reprimand you.
You don’t let yourself prepare, you need to face him without any thoughts clouding your judgment, only further shoving you into the hole you dug yourself.  With a push to the metal door, you’re met with an aching cold, the kind that stings the surface of any exposed skin.  Immediately your cheeks burn, a few snowflakes landing delicately among your eyelashes.  You should have grabbed your jacket.
Leaning against the hay bales stacked like a Tetris game, is Eddie.  A cigarette hangs from his lips while he struggles to keep the flame on his lighter alive, the wind fighting his every attempt.  He grunts in annoyance, his head tilting toward the sky as if to personally ask it ‘why?’.  Already, his cheeks and nose are tinted pink, borderline red.  You contemplate asking if you could talk inside but you quickly bite your tongue, you didn’t want to be the one to initiate the conversation.
“What’s your problem?”  He asks simply.  As if he were asking for the weather forecast.  It’s insulting, quite frankly.
“My problem?”
Suddenly the fear that had consumed you seconds ago dissipates, no longer plaguing you and being replaced with a wrath you’re convinced no one else on the planet could pull from you.  Even worse, he refuses to look at you, keeping his stare on the cloudy evening sky.  
“Are you trying to get fired?  ‘Cause I should fire you right–”
“Oh yeah, go ahead.  Fire me.”  
He’s quiet, attempting to light his cigarette once again.  This time he succeeds, the stick catching the flame as he inhales and tucks his lighter into his back pocket.  You begin to question if he even cares about the cold until you see the goosebumps pricking across his arms.
“I should.”  He mumbles, taking another drag.
“Great!  I’m glad we’re on the same page.”  You reply, sarcasm dripping from each syllable as you rub up and down your exposed arms.  It didn’t help that you decided to wear a skirt and tights tonight either.  
Without time to process, he takes a large step toward you, his breath hot as it fans across your face.  A sense of softness flashes in his eyes before they return to the fiery nature they previously exhibited.  His cigarette idles in his hand at his side, his jaw clenched and visibly tensing before he scowls.
“Same page?”  He bites.  “The same page.”  His free hand rubs along his jaw in thought.  “Okay, if we’re on the same page then explain to me why you’re doing shots with Harrington?  If we’re on the same page then we must be reading completely different languages because you started this.”
You scoff, his statement on replay in your ears.  Each time it plays again you find yourself even more enraged.  “I did?”  You’re smiling but there’s not an ounce of happiness in your features or your tone.  
Eddie backs away, the heat from his breath is missed, no matter how mad you are and no matter how strongly it smelled of smoke.  He paces, turning around before coming full circle and facing you again, another deep drag from his cigarette indicating that he’s stressed.  Then he nods, bangs falling into his eyes as he does.
“You did.  You just–you start ignoring me, start acting like I’m not even a person?”  He points the cigarette at you and you’re starting to believe that in the midst of his rage, he’s completely forgotten about the cold whereas it was the only thing you could focus on.  Regardless, you fight through it, even if your teeth chatter.
“And, and–hold on.”  He shakes his head, curls following his movement as he rushes inside.
He left you out in the cold, literally.
You weren’t going to wait, his disrespect wasn’t going to keep prodding at you, not if you had anything to say about it.  He didn’t get to storm off and leave you outside in the freezing cold, even if you did do something you weren’t proud of.  He was probably going to wait and see how long you would hold out, how long you would sit in the cold before inevitably running in and looking for him, how stupid you would look–
The door squeaks open again, smacking against the wall as Eddie comes racing out, leather jacket in hand.  Well, if he was allowed to grab his jacket then so were you.  His cigarette hangs from his bottom lip as he begins muttering around it.
“You started treating me like I didn’t exist, I don’t know how normal people react to that but–”  He adjusts the jacket, flattening out the material before draping it over your shoulders, encouraging you to put your arms in the sleeves.  “I assume any normal person would be fuckin’ pissed so I guess I’m not–I’m just not understanding.”  He says a bit harshly.
You don’t react, frozen as he waits for you to put your arm in the sleeve.  While he’s still visibly aggravated, his eyes also communicate something else to you.  The deeper you look into them, the more his pupils dilate, a nervous gulp noticeable as he awaits your reply.
“C’mon, you’re freezing.”  He whispers, a large contrast to his previous tone.  It’s warmer, it’s familiar, it’s like home.
“What about you?”  You mumble, staring dumbly into his big brown eyes, his lashes heavy against his cheeks, unlike how they were seconds ago when he was wild-eyed and riled up.  He was still riled up, that was for sure but now…now it was diluted with something else.
“Don’t worry about me, Bambi.”  The term of endearment slips from his tongue effortlessly.  Like it was meant to fall from his lips directly into your ears.  Like it was meant for you and only for you, always.
With parted lips, you can see your breath escape into the night.  You know he can hear your labored breathing and you should be embarrassed but you can’t find it in yourself to care when his gaze softens, the sturdy exterior he had built up again crumbling just as it had that one night.
“I do worry.”  
It falls from your lips quicker than you can contain it.  You shouldn’t be offering him such compassion, not when he was so okay with insulting you hours earlier.  But pools of melted chocolate never left you any other choice but to get lost in them.  He moves in closer, ever so slightly, only enough that you feel the familiar warmth of his breath on your cheek, so that you can still make out his whole face.
“Don’t.”  He says breathily.
He only shrugs, his focus trailing down your face, reaching every inch.  It makes you want to shy away but you can’t, not when he looks so sincere.
“‘M sorry.”  He whispers, reaching up to brush a rogue strand of hair from your face.
Your instinct is to ask ‘for what?’, but you know better.  You don’t need to play dumb, both of you are aware of his nasty words and your tendency to take things to a level they should have never gotten to.  You’re both to blame.  But you don’t need to pretend to not know what he’s apologizing for.  There’s no pretending with him.  So you can only hope that he’ll see through to the deeper meaning of your initial question. 
“For what?”
For what?  Would he say that he’s only sorry he hired you in the first place?  Or that he’s sorry he ever met you.  Would he understand your words and be in tune enough to decipher them?
“Everything.”  He whispers.
It’s quiet, almost eerily but not.  No, it’s too peaceful to be eerie.  The first snowflakes of the season are still falling and you’re standing outside the bar with Eddie Munson, a man who was so stubborn he seemed almost impossible.  Almost, but not.  Never for you.
“Everything.”  You repeat.  And he knows he owes you more.
“Everything.”  He swallows the lump in his throat that was preventing him from saying the necessary words.  It goes down smoother than he expects.  “Every second I was ever an asshole to you.  Especially my stupid ass comment about Jett.  I-I was mad and I took it out on you.  I tend to do that pretty often don’t I?”  He laughs humorlessly.  “I don’t think less of you if you’re actually…y’know.”  He gestures vaguely.
“What?”  You ask, genuine confusion taking over your features.
For a moment, his eyes shift back and forth, as if to beg you not to make him say it.
“With Jett.”  He mumbles, gaze now avoiding you.
“With Jett.”  You repeat in disbelief.  “I have done nothing to suggest we are at all together.”  You scoff.  
“I know.”  Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, as if he’s bracing for more choice words from you.  They don’t come.  “I know.  I just, he got in my head and–”
“Got in your head?” 
“It was nothing, he got in my head and got all, I dunno protective?  If that’s even the word.  He just seemed jealous, okay?”  Eddie explains.  “I know that’s not an excuse for what I said.  I’m really sorry for saying you dry hump–”
“Don’t ever use the word dry hump and Jett in a sentence where you’re referring to me again.”  You laugh.  This time humor floods through you.  His whole demeanor relaxes, shoulders less tense.  “It’s happened one too many times.”  You cringe jokingly.
“Okay, that’s fair.”  He smiles, that boyish grin returning to his face.  The one you hadn’t seen in days, the one you missed every time, the second he directed it toward you the first time.  His dimples deep, eyes shy, he still lingers close to your face, neither of you protesting the invasion of each other’s space.  “Now put your arms in the sleeves.”  He demands, tugging on the collar of his jacket still laying over your shoulders.  “Please.”  His face only inches closer to yours as he convinces you to shove your arms into his jacket.
“We’re about to go inside, I won’t need it.”  You argue, crossing your arms in front of you, a hip jutting out with sass.
“Oh okay, we’re back to this then?”  He smirks, finger grazing the button at the lapel of his jacket, almost scorching the skin of your neck.
That familiar spark ignites in his eyes, the fire that showcased so much unexplored emotion, so many uncharted territories within the man before you.  You wanted to explore them all, you wanted to hold his hand and trek across each foreign feeling.  You wanted to bathe in the sparks and light yourself on fire to speed up the process.  You didn’t just want to burn for him, you wanted to burn with him.  Your soul was drawn to him, you wanted to melt into him, melt into his touch, even if it was just his fingertip.  You’d take what you could get.  And you were really convinced that he wanted the same things solely based on the way he was looking at you with heavy eyes and rosy cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m not done addressing my grievances with you.”  You joke.
At this, he lights up even more, his entire face exhibiting pure fondness.  His lips are so perfectly pink, a little chapped, but the sweetest pink you’d ever seen.  They were pillowy and plush and as he licked them you blinked, falling out of your trance.  Then, his hands travel down the zipper of his jacket, only touching the worn material and not at all forcing his touch upon you though he longs to feel your warmth.  
Instead, he pulls you forward by gripping each side of the jacket, leaving you no choice but to come flush with his chest.  You welcome the heat, the sudden warmth that engulfs you like a cozy blanket calms your chattering teeth.  
“Yeah?”  He whispers, nose nearly bumping against yours.  You wish it would.
Your lashes just barely flutter against his cheek, only teasing him of what he actually desires, and you don’t even know it.  He’s glancing between your eyes and your lips and your internal reaction is to scream at him to just do it.  But is that even what he’s hinting at doing?  Maybe there was something on your face.  You weren’t going to assume his intentions and make yourself out to be a fool.
He hums in response, his hands still tightly clutching the jacket, the damn jacket that you were now wishing he never put on you just so you could feel his skin, the heat of his hands against your arms.  The ache was becoming too apparent in your chest, you needed him and there was no way to express it.  You couldn’t.
He smells of tobacco and a hint of pine.  Even a tiny bit of spice from some kind of cologne you’d grown used to smelling on him.  There’s a waft of beer falling from his breath as well, not too obvious, but obvious enough that you can gather that he had at least had a beer before work or during his break.
“Do me a favor?”  He asks.  And in that moment, you would do anything.
A quick finger pokes your nose playfully.  “No more tequila.”  
You can only laugh along with him, almost burying your head in his chest but refraining as you enter your body again.  This was not a daydream and he was not someone to call yours.  Fooling yourself was only going to get you hurt.
“I’m serious, it fucking stinks.”  He scrunches up his face in mock disgust, plugging his nose, you giggling along with his antics.
With that, he pulls away, leaving you feeling frigid, already missing his presence even if he was still right in front of you.  Opening the door, he gestures for you to go ahead of him.  The atmosphere had been flipped upside down, all hostility left outside in the cold to be swept away in a snowstorm.  
“And then Eddie fucking jumps off his roof!”  
The bar fills with laughter, unfiltered, stomach grabbing laughter of five friends and yourself.  The regular customers had long gone and paid their tabs, leaving the bar empty and the possibilities endless as everyone shared treasured stories over beers and drinks.  Steve appears to be pleased with himself as the laughter carries on for over a minute.  The image of Eddie drunk and jumping off of his roof as a means to prove he can ‘fly’ only to face plant into the ground and be driven to the ER was somehow the best entertainment you’d been faced with in a while.  
It was mentioned that he didn’t get injured too badly and only required a few stitches above his eyebrow where you could now seek out a scar and remember this night.  The night Eddie’s friends accepted you into their circle.  Even if only for the night.
“Well what about when you got a lampshade stuck on your head.”  Eddie points at Steve with his beer bottle.
Steve only offers a disapproving expression as the giggles erupt once again.  Robin sits to your right while Nancy sits to your left.  The pair had immediately taken a liking to you and moved chairs just so you could sit between them.  It felt nice, you felt welcome.  You had no worries and nowhere to be.  And for once that made you feel alive rather than anxious.
“Okay, but can we talk about you babysitting Eddie on Halloween?”  Nancy attempts to hold in her laughter.  She had said it quietly but not quietly enough as Eddie deadpans her.  
Robin lets out a shriek of laughter, clearly intoxicated.  You can only grin at everyone’s reaction.  Steve and Dustin had gotten into some kind of a ridiculous argument and throughout the night, you noticed it was a regular occurance.  They paid no mind to embarrassing Eddie further but Nancy had no issue with it even if she wasn’t outright talking to the whole group in the first place and only you and Robin.
“What, Munson?  You got plastered and she had to save the day.”  Nancy giggles.  She had obviously been a little wine drunk, a tiny bit tipsy.
“Yes, it’s very funny.”  He says monotone.  “Can we find a new joke now?”  He asks, rolling his eyes although you know he’s only playing around, his lips threatening to pull themselves into a smile.
“It’s okay to get white girl wasted every once in a while.”  You banter.
“Oh, it is?”  Eddie raises a brow.  “It’s okay to puke all over me after getting white girl wasted?  Off of my tequila?”
The table erupts in a series of ‘oh’s’.  You could take offense.  But it was so much more fun to mess with him.
“I’m not the one who got puked on at least.”  You shrug, unbothered.
The table gets loud again, siding in your favor based on their volume.
“Yeah?”  He asks.  As if you two were suddenly the only people in the bar.  As if his friends had disappeared.  As if you were back outside behind the bar just a few hours ago.
“Yeah.”  You answer, a certain softness in your tone that only he could understand.
Nancy’s gaze flits in between you, mischief crossing her features for a brief second, you swear you see it.  But nothing comes of it as she turns her attention to the argument that Dustin and Steve had started up again.  Robin chimes in every now and then, hiccuping dramatically.  You and Eddie, though a little buzzed, can’t stop staring at each other from across the table.  His gaze is heavy and yearning but for what you’re not sure.
His bottom lip continues to get tugged in between his teeth, abusing the already chapped skin as he unknowingly communicates his nervousness.  The only thing you’re sure of is that he won’t tear his eyes away from you.  Not for Steve’s request to aid in the argument, not for Dustin’s screeching voice demanding he take his side, and not for Jett who was making it known that he was leaving for the night.  Eddie only mutters in response, something along the lines of ‘see you tomorrow’.  Steve and Dustin are too caught up to even pay any mind to Eddie’s ignorance to their debate.  Robin is in her own world, curling her legs up to her chest in her chair as she becomes fascinated with the wood grain in the table while Nancy pretends to be preoccupied with swirling the wine in her glass and acts as if she’s listening to Dustin’s reasoning, nodding every now and then.  But you notice the way her diamond eyes take in the scene before her.  And now you’re sure that she has no interest in Eddie nor has she ever shown it.  
But she does have an interest in whatever was happening between you and Eddie.  She was studying the chemistry.
It was 4:00 AM, the sun would be emerging just on the Horizon within hours.  An exhausted Steve lays his head on the table over his folded arms.  Drool threatens to fall from the corner of his lip onto his sleeve, his mouth hanging open as he sleeps almost like a newborn.  Every other breath a deep snore rumbles through him.
“This isn’t even the weirdest place he’s fallen asleep.”  Dustin snaps a polaroid, the flash doing little to make Steve stir in his slumber, his eyelids only twitching as he navigates his dreams.  “One time we found him under his bed.”
You chuckle at the sight, Steve had been completely hammered off of several beers and a few shots of vodka that Robin had convinced him to take with her.  The second he wakes up, he’s in for a rude awakening, you’re sure.  
“Do you take a picture every time?”  You ask as Dustin hands off the developing picture to you, only to continue getting just the shot he wanted as he crouched down to get a better view of Steve’s face.
“Of course.”  He laughs, stating it like there was no other option.
“Steve’s reputation with drinking isn’t necessarily…the best?”  Nancy speaks, setting a fresh glass of water on the table in front of him.
You’d learned throughout the night that Steve and Nancy dated in highschool and although it was a nasty breakup, they remained friends and it never was weird after that.  They respected each other as they did their other friends and it showed.  
“I mean…I don’t think it’s that bad.  He’s just sleeping.  I’ve dozed off while drunk a few times.”  You defend.
“Yeah but have you dozed off in places people couldn’t even find you until we tore the house apart?”  Dustin counters with raised eyebrows.  “He also used to reign under the title ‘King Steve’ if that tells you anything.”
Showing your hands in surrender, you begin collecting the remaining glasses from the table.  Several dozen shot glasses that had provided a good night but would surely bring on a rough morning for those that had participated.  You’d taken two shots throughout the night and had half of Robin’s Dirty Shirley that she couldn’t seem to stomach.  And she wouldn’t quit until it was gone so you humbly volunteered seeing as she was already almost obliterated, stumbling around anytime she got up and slurring every word.
Robin was now talking Eddie’s ear off as she sat at the bar, narrating every piece of her life that he’d missed since she visited and last updated him.  You could vaguely make out her explanation for still not getting her driver’s license, stating that Steve was more than okay with being her chauffeur for the foreseeable future.  Then she insisted that should she get her license, she’d be an even worse driver than Eddie used to be so it’d be in everyone’s best interest to keep her off the roads.  
Eddie hums along to the conversation, letting Robin steer the topic as he leisurely polishes the glasses he hadn’t gotten to earlier, his friends occupying his full attention a majority of the night.  An impressive pile of glasses and cups are building up on your tray, Nancy assisting in collecting what she could as she follows you toward the bar.  
“Nance!  Tell him!”  Robin whines.  “Tell him how I’m a danger to the roads of suburbia!”
“You are most definitely a danger.”  Nancy smiles softly, moving Robin’s bangs out of her eyes with her free hand before delivering the glasses she’d collected onto the counter.
“No need to convince me, Buckely.”  Eddie throws his rag over his shoulder.  “Although I’d probably have the time of my life with you behind the wheel.”  He grins, scooping up the tray you were having trouble setting down.  “But I’d also prefer to live a little longer so you avoid that DMV for as long as you can.”
Nancy nods in agreement, taking a seat on the stool next to Robin.  As you rush around the counter to assist in washing the remaining glasses, large brown eyes follow you, as if they missed you.  Like they’d never been happier to see you.  You still shy away from them, only because you’re not sure how long you can last until you melt, until your knees collapse beneath you and you’re a puddle on the floor.
“So what’s our game plan this time for getting Steve to the car?”  Nancy asks.
“Leave ‘em here.”  Robin slouches in her seat.
“I second that.”  Eddie chuckles.  
“You guys are awful!”  Nancy proclaims.
You can only giggle to yourself, bubbles coating your hands as warm water leaks down to your elbows as you scrub each glass.  A sudden hip jabs into your side, creating enough room for Eddie’s lean frame to partake in the chore.  
“What’s so funny, Bambi?”  He questions, quiet enough for only you to hear.
You shake your head, still tuning into Robin’s scheme to leave Steve behind.  She had obviously been joking, the two constantly bickering with one another throughout the night like siblings only proving so.  But she seemed to enjoy pressing Nancy’s buttons as she persisted in her idea of abandoning the poor guy.
“Nothing.”  You mutter.
Your backs are facing the two girls, neither of them able to sneak a glance at Eddie’s wandering eyes that you could very clearly spot just out of your peripheral vision.  His hands continued to concentrate on the task at hand though not very well as he scrubbed the same tiny shot glass for at least two minutes too long.
“Y’know, you’re not being very helpful.”
With a click of his tongue, he finally sets the overly-clean glass atop the drying rack, reaching over you in the process.  It only made you aware of his comforting smell that you had basked in out in the cold earlier.  You’d never imagine wishing to do dishes for the rest of eternity but here you were, hoping that an eyelash would fall onto your cheek just so you could wish on it to stay in this very moment.
“‘M not?”  He smirks.
“Nope, you’re just making more work for me.”
“Oh, you tell him!”  Dustin suddenly peaks over both of your shoulders, quiet as a mouse until he had made his presence known.  It startles you, a gasp escaping your lips.
“Henderson, don’t sneak up on people like that.”  Eddie holds a hand over his chest.
“Look alive.”  He shrugs, snooping around at the shelves that would otherwise be obscured from his view on the other side of the bar.
“Nothin’ for you back here, you’re not even twenty one.”  Eddie turns around, leaning against the sink and crossing his arms.  
“Wha-oh don’t be like that!  I only have like two more years and that’s rich coming from you of all people, Eddie.”  Dustin points a finger, sticking it harshly into Eddie’s chest.  
“Do as I say, not as I do.”  Eddie mumbles, returning to his task, snatching up the last two glasses that remained before you could, swatting your hands away.
“What’s he talking about?”  You dare to ask.
Dustin brings an arm over your shoulder, the other over Eddie’s, a huge grin plastered on his face as if he’d been waiting for you to ask the question.  Eddie only offers him a side eye, nothing malicious but a light warning.
“Eddie here used to have a big reputation.”  He explains, patting him on the back.  Eddie only rolls his eyes, clearly indicating that he didn’t have any real issue with Dustin revealing pieces of his past.
“Oh?”  You wipe your hands on a nearby rag, turning toward Dustin, intrigued.
“Yeah, he used to be the friendly neighborhood drug dealer.”
Your face doesn’t shift, only making it more difficult to gauge your reaction.  Eddie starts to fear that this was going to be your wakeup call.  Your revelation as to who he really was.  He knows Dustin meant know harm in it and to be fair, the kid had probably snuck a few beers away from Steve.  There was no ill intent, only playful banter although Eddie hadn’t anticipated how you might have felt about his previous endeavors until after Dustin spoke those words.
“Dustin!”  Robin calls for his attention, chewing on a cocktail straw.  
Without a second thought, the boy turns his attention toward the two girls sitting at the bar, making his way around to take a seat next to Robin only to assist her in some kind of party trick she had been trying to work out with a napkin.
“How’s it go?”  She mutters around the straw.
Eddie stares at the bubbles in the sink like they’re the only thing in the room, his eyes following each one drifting toward the drain and idling at the bottom of the basin as the remaining water drains.  Sparkly little bubbles created reflections in his eyes that could resemble stars.  And he waits.
He waits for your reaction, waits for you to detach yourself from him because god, he didn’t know what was happening between you two since stepping back inside the bar all those hours ago but he didn’t want it to end just because his past put you off.  It was inevitable that the single good thing happening to him would come to an end.  That this night would end.
He doesn’t expect you to shove your hip into his just as he had done to you earlier, twirling a rag in between your fingers, offering him a smirk.  
“Big reputation, huh?”  You playfully raise your eyebrows up and down.
Relief washes over him.  It doesn’t have to end.  This night isn’t over, maybe he can have whatever this is for a few more minutes, an hour if he’s lucky.  He’d delay going home if it meant you’d keep toying with him, teasing him over silly little things that his friends had told you about.  He didn’t mind, not when your face would light up at every tiny ‘secret’ you were let in on.  Eddie knew very well that his friends had been enlightening you with small details about his life back in Hawkins, about every time they’d visited Knife’s Edge, all the big moments and embarrassing drunk shenanigans.  He didn’t mind.  Because it meant that they’d already accepted you as one of their own.
“Shut up.”  He gently nudges your shoulder with his.
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 2 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 15
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 8.5K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Far later than she’d expected, you pulled into the driveway of your home. Dinner and coffee had turned into a stroll down the street to the local bar, The Stumble Inn, where the owner, Dan, loved a good play on words. A couple drinks, a lot of conversation, and quite a bit of laughter later, you'd all finally said your good nights, all of you heading off to your own vehicles for home. 
The boys were probably already asleep considering it was pushing eleven. That was alright. The four of you were planning on a bike ride tomorrow afternoon so if Steve wanted, he could always just leave Jeremiah there. No point in waking the kid to drag him home simply to bring him back again. 
Opening the front door, you stepped inside to find Steve on the couch, a rerun of Who’s the Boss playing on the tv. He turned to look over at you, his arms propped behind his head, giving you one of those glaringly bright smiles that made you feel like you needed to shield yourself, to bring a hand to your eyes to protect them. 
Dropping your purse on the table by the door, you made your way into the living room, smiling down at him. “Hey. Sorry I’m so late. We completely lost track of time.”
“That’s alright. I was expecting it. I told you that you were going to be later than you thought. Robin and Nancy love to talk. And with you being all shiny and new, they had endless things to ask you, I’m sure.”
Steve pushed himself up to sitting with his legs still out in front of him, opening his arms to you. You happily accepted his invite, your body liquefying into him when his arms came around you, pulling you into the warmth of his chest. Sighing contentedly, you wound your arms around his waist curling your legs underneath you, relieved that the awkwardness of earlier appeared to be forgotten.
“They should get jobs as interrogators. They definitely threw the book at me. I don’t know if there’s anything they don’t know about me at this point,” you joked, “including the unfortunately mortifying third grade talent show story.”
“Ohh, do tell. I’m intrigued now.”
“No. That one is better left unshared. Trust me. I don’t know why I even told them. I think your friends have some kind of superpower. I was running off at the mouth, story after story. I couldn’t seem to make myself stop. To be fair, they were shooting questions at me so fast I barely had time to stop and think. I’m stuck being friends with them forever now, you know. They have far too much dirt on me. Way too much they could blackmail me for. I fear I’ve made a grave mistake.”
Steve’s laugh rumbled beneath you, his fingers slipping into your hair, thumb pressing into your skin as it slid over the back of your neck. Your eyes slipped closed, your body practically humming under his touch. His other hand moved under your chin, lifting your face to his and a soft moan escaped you when his lips found yours, gently, tenderly. 
You would never tire of his mouth, his touch, the way it set you aflame every single time. You wanted him in a way that was borderline dangerous. The way you wanted him was all consuming, like a fire raging through a forest, turning everything to ash in its wake. If it weren’t for the boys, you were certain you would lose your job because you would do nothing but spend hours in bed with this man. 
But there were the boys to consider. It was hard to concentrate on that fact when Steve’s tongue was exploring your throat, his hand slipping under your shirt. Fingertips made rough from working with his hands teased your skin, his palms covering your breasts completely, kneading and squeezing until you were grinding helplessly against his thigh, gasping. But that little voice in the back of your head reminded you, brought you back to reality, the reality where you did not want either of your sons to walk in on this very blatant display in the middle of the living room. 
“Steve…” you rasped, struggling through the haze of desire when his lips latched onto your throat, open mouthed kisses creating a path of destruction, obliterating everything that wasn’t him. 
“Hmm?” he mumbled against your skin, rolling your nipples with his thumb and forefinger, the jolt of pleasure shooting straight to your core. 
“We can’t.” It was a whimper, a whine because you didn’t want this to stop. You didn’t want to be the responsible mom right now. You wanted to take this man straight up to your bed, caution be damned. But you couldn’t. You knew you couldn’t. You couldn’t have him staying over, couldn’t have Eli knowing the two of you had shared a bed, not until you were certain this was something that was going to last. You couldn’t put your son through that kind of heartbreak, not after everything he’d already lost.
“Why not?” Now his hands were creeping up your skirt, each one gripping an ample amount of your ass, pressing your center right against the delicious friction of his firm thigh. 
“The boys…we can’t…the boys…”
Fuck. It was so hard to form a thought, to fight through the pleasure coursing through your very veins. His mouth teasing your earlobe, the delicious pulsing in your pussy with every press of his leg against you. You felt like a teenager. What the hell was happening to you? Were you seriously about to come just from dry humping a guy’s leg?
“But we can,” he growled, hands gripping your hips, flipping you over so your back was pressed against his chest. “Did I forget to mention they’re not here?”
“Wha…huh?” His hands slid along the insides of your thighs, pressing them open as they went. “Where are they?”
“Well, Jonathan showed up a few hours ago,” he explained, fingers slipping along the edge of your panties. “He said that Nancy had instructed him to come and get them. Repayment for me being so kind to watch them so you could go out with the girls.” One finger slid under the material, slipping through your already damp folds to toy with your clit. “They’re keeping them for the whole night so we can have some time alone. Isn’t that nice?”
Your head rolled back against his shoulder, that rubber band that was already stretched so thin within you stretching even more, threatening to snap at any moment as he circled, pinched, and slid over the very center of your pleasure. A rumble fell from Steve’s lips, his nose slipping over your jaw and down your neck. You were not going to last long. Not like this, not when you were already on the brink of destruction. 
“Come on beautiful,” he urged, his thumb taking over the work on your clit as he slipped one large finger inside of you. “Say my name for me. You know how much I love it when you say my name for me.”
“Steve…” The word came out choked, one simple syllable that threatened to strangle you as your muscles tensed under his touch, your body ready to shatter completely. 
“That’s my girl…wanna hear you screaming it, baby. No need to be quiet tonight.”
Oh shit. Those words…his girl, words you didn’t even know you wanted but you did. You wanted to make him say it again. You wanted to be his girl more than you'd ever wanted anything else at this moment. Everything in your world completely disappeared, shadowed by this man and the way he made you feel. 
He got what he wanted. Because as he slid a second finger inside of you, his thumb playing you like the most beautiful song ever written, his name fell from your lips over and over. A crescendo of sound that began as a gasp and rose to a scream when that band finally snapped, your body taut, shaking, before collapsing back into him in a puddle of satisfaction. 
“Jesus Christ, Steve…” you mumbled. “How are you so goddamn good…no, scratch that. I don’t want to know.”
He chuckled, arms wrapping around you, face nuzzling your hair, “Don’t worry, gorgeous, because nobody that came before you matters. They were all just practice leading up to the main attraction.” He nipped at your earlobe. “I’ve never wanted to make a girl come over and over again like I do you. The sounds you make, how beautiful you look, the way you say my name, it’s like a goddamn drug, honey. I’m completely hooked on you.”
Turning your body, you straddled him, feeling just how much he was hooked on you pressing into you. The thin fabric of his sweats and the lace of your panties was not creating much of a barrier and you fought back the urge to yank them off him and ride him right here on the couch. But not yet. There was something else you'd been wanting to do first, something that had been on your mind ever since your first encounter in her kitchen. 
“Well, if I’m a drug then so are you, Steve Harrington, because I am completely addicted to you.”
“Oh yeah?” His hands settled on your hips, a smirk on his lips. “Is this the part where you fulfill my fantasy? You’re already in the perfect position.” He bucked his hips up and you gasped, hands dropping to his chest. 
“Oh, I have every intention of fulfilling that fantasy but not just yet." Leaning forward, you caught his mouth with your own, your tongue gliding over his bottom lip teasingly. Your hands slid under the cotton fabric of his shirt, nails scratching gently down his chest, over his stomach. That little knot wound up within you again at the feel of that coarse hair against your fingers, tapering to a line leading you right where she wanted. Gripping the hem of his shirt, you tugged it over his head, tossing it across the room where it landed on a chair. 
Steve’s lower lip jutted out playfully, “This doesn’t seem fair. You still have a top on.” Acquiescing to his request, you pulled your top off, sending it the same way as his. His hands slid up your back, fingers popping open your bra expertly, slingshotting it. “Much better.” One hand gripping you between the shoulder blades, he sat up, his mouth descending on your breasts. 
“Yes…” you sighed, cradling his head against you, your hips rocking against his length once again. 
“You’re so damn beautiful…”
You smiled, pushing him back down on the couch, wiggling your body down. It was your turn to drive him crazy. Your lips moved over his jaw, down his neck, your tongue tracing a trail over the artery there before your teeth nipped at his shoulder. He grunted, hips bucking when you kept going on your journey south, mouth exploring his chest, teeth raking over his nipples. Hot, wet kisses over his stomach while your hands gathered the material of his sweats and boxers, dragging them over his thighs until his cock was free, bouncing back against his stomach. 
Your tongue ran over your lips as you settled onto your stomach between his legs. Steve’s eyes went wide, watching when you took his cock in your hand, dragging the tip of it across your lips. As your tongue darted across the already weeping slit, he hissed, head dropping back to the arm of the sofa. 
“Jesus Christ, honey.”
Bolstered by his reaction, you used your hand to raise him up, your tongue running along the vein underneath, from the base to the tip before taking him into your mouth, swirling your tongue teasingly. With a heavy grunt, his hips rose from the couch in an attempt to get more of himself in your mouth. 
Grinning around him, you continued your slow torture, only keeping the tip of him in the warmth of your mouth as one hand moved down to cradle his heavy sack, rolling his balls in your palm. 
“Fuck…oh my god…honey, please…need more…” 
His hands fisted at his sides and deciding you'd tormented him enough, you took the rest of him, as much as you could, working the base of him with your hand as you slowly worked the rest of him with your mouth. The sounds he was making, the animalist grunts and groans, the curses falling from his lips, were goddamn intoxicating. You'd never felt so powerful in your life as you did knowing you could reduce this beautiful man to a mewling mess with just your mouth and hands. 
Steve’s fingers slid in your hair, his palms cupping the back of your head as he lifted his hips to match the rhythm of your mouth. You relaxed your throat, gagging slightly as he thrust even further into your throat. He paused, as if uncertain if what he’d done was okay, but when you dug your nails into the flesh of his thigh, lowering your mouth over him again, he took the hint, thrusting once again until your nose was nuzzling the coarse hair at the base of him. 
“Shit…honey, I’m…fuck, I’m so close…fuck, stop…I…don’t wanna…not in your mouth…”
Releasing him with an audible pop, you rose to your feet, offering him your hand. He tilted his head in confusion, the look so adorable your heart tugged. How could one man be both the sexiest thing you'd ever seen and the most adorable thing you'd ever laid eyes on at the same time?
“If I’m going to ride you, let’s do it properly…in my bed.”
“Oh…yeah, okay…”
He scrambled, pulling his pants back up as he took your hand, following your lead up the stairs. You'd barely made it into the room when you slammed your hands into his chest firmly, sending him onto his back on the bed. Wasting no time, you slipped your underwear and skirt off before dragging his sweats and boxers down off his legs and onto your floor. 
The smile he gave you was so soft, so heart melting, his hands gently cupping your face when you crawled up his body, straddling his hips. He opened his mouth and your heart stuttered in your chest, terrified but also thrilled at what might come out. But just that fast he closed it again, pressing his eyes shut tight. 
Brushing away that hope that had flared and dwindled so quickly, you gripped him in your hand, slowly lowering herself down over him. Your warmth wrapped around him like a glove, welcoming him as if he belonged there. You sucked in air, your fingers slipping through the hair on his chest, your teeth biting down on your lower lip. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Steve growled as you rocked against him, his fingertips digging into the flesh of your hips as he met each movement. 
“Steve…Steve…Jesus Christ, Steve…” 
“You look just as beautiful as I knew you would. Come on, honey. Take what you need. You can have whatever you want. Give you whatever you want, honey.”
“Touch me,” you gasped, whimpering when his thumb found your clit, teasing as you pressed your hands into the mattress, arching your back, your muscles clenching as you came down on his cock again and again. “Yes. Right there. Oh god…so good…”
Your hips rolled into a circle and he grunted, “Yes, baby. Keep doing that. Shit.” His other hand came to your breast, squeezing, pinching, teasing, touching you just like you wanted and you moaned his name again. “Gonna come for me, beautiful?”
“Yes…so close…don’t stop…”
“Oh, I won’t, honey. Don’t worry. Look at me, beautiful. Wanna see you.” 
You struggled, working to keep pace as you pulled yourself straight, your hands gripping his shoulders for purchase. Opening your eyes, you looked down, that band in you stretching farther than should be possible as the heat in his gaze consumed you. His name ripped from your throat, so loudly you were sure the people in the next town could hear. 
Your body turned to goo, wax from a hot candle sliding down the edges of you to pool on the mattress around you. You had nothing left, your legs shaking and Steve knew, taking over for you. His hands grabbed onto your hips as he plunged himself up and into you before holding her down against him, a roar emitted through gritted teeth, painting your insides with his own release before bringing you with him as you both collapsed. 
Your cheek pressed against his sweat-slicked chest, the hair there tickling your skin softly. His fingers trailed over your back, your bodies heaving as you both struggled to catch your breath. 
“Holy shit…” he muttered. “So much better than I imagined.”
“I don’t think I can walk.”
His rumbling laugh shook your bodies as his arms held you, rolling you so you were side by side, your body still cradled against his. His lips pressed against your forehead. 
“Good thing you don’t have to. Honey, you’re so damn amazing. I…this…” He paused, his throat moving with a hard swallow, as if he were forcing down words he didn’t want to say to leave his mouth, banishing them to the darkness where they couldn’t see the light of day. 
“Yeah?” you pressed hopefully, tilting your head back to look at him, wishing for him to say it. To say the words that had been torturing you for the last few hours, the words you were terrified to say until he did. 
“I’m just so damn happy. I have never been this happy with anyone. I…” He stopped, eyes squeezing shut. “I like you a lot.”
Your heart squeezed tightly. No, of course he wasn’t going to say those words. Hadn’t you just thought how crazy it would be to say them so soon? Of course he wasn’t feeling any of that already. 
“I like you a lot too.” You forced a smile, not wanting him to see the disappointment on your face as you nuzzled down into him, the top of your head tucked under his chin. 
Steve blinked against the harsh sunlight coming in through the window, one hand covering his eyes to ward off the glare. Last night came back to him in a burst of images that raced over the backs of his eyelids. The warmth of your mouth, the sight of you above him, your hair falling down your back, the gentle smile that curved your lips up on each side as you fell asleep nestled against his chest, your fingers toying with the coarse hair there as you hummed contentedly. 
Rolling his head, he looked down to find you still there but at some point in the night you'd both moved. Now your back was nestled against him, your ass pressed deliciously against him, explaining why he’d woken up with an erection. Winding his arms around you tightly, his lips explored the curve of your shoulder, the hollow of your throat, delighted when you moaned softly, wiggling in his grasp. 
“Good morning.” Your voice was husky, deep and raspy, choked with sleep first thing in the morning, just one more thing that Steve couldn’t help but enjoy about you. He would never tire of discovering new things about you. Each new thing only made him…
Love…that word was beginning to be a thorn in his side. The amount of times he’d had to bite his lip last night to keep from saying it was going to leave a bruise. The more time he spent with you, the more time he spent inside you, was making it harder and harder not to scream it out, consequences be damned. 
“Good morning.” His nose nuzzled into your neck, lips tracing a line, following it over your shoulder. “I swear, this is the best damn thing to wake up to. You are the best damn thing to wake up to. So much better than a slobbery dog demanding breakfast.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” His fingers skimmed over your soft belly to the curve of your hip, squeezing the ample flesh there. “I could really get used to this, honey. You in my bed…”
“Well, technically this is my bed,” you teased, sighing when his hand dipped into the apex between your thighs. 
“My bed, your bed…I really don’t care as long as I get to have you in a bed,” he growled, his lips wrapping around the skin at the hollow of your throat, sucking hard until you moaned deeply. “Jesus, I love the sounds you make. Wanna make you make them all the time.”
“Steve,” you protested, no real challenge in your voice. “Don’t we have to go get the boys?”
“We could push it just a bit.” Using his arm to push himself up, he pressed you onto your back into the mattress. Wiggling his eyebrows, he grinned. “I think Nance and Jonathan would understand if we waited just a couple more hours.”
“A couple hours, huh? You have big plans?”
“Oh honey, a couple hours is not nearly enough time for the plans I have for you.”
How about forever? It was on the tip of his tongue but he just couldn’t say it. He couldn’t risk it, not now, not when he was in so deep that he was drowning in you. 
An hour later, clad in only his boxer shorts, Steve was in the kitchen cooking eggs and toast while you took a shower. Unfortunately, human weakness reared its head and other biological needs needed to be met. They had made it known when your stomach had started loudly rumbling while he was buried deep inside you while he pinned your wrists down with his hands. 
As much as he hadn’t wanted to pull himself away, he’d begrudgingly done so. The girl needed to eat. While he wanted nothing more than to lock the two of you in that room for the rest of the day, you were going to need your energy for the bike ride he had planned for everybody this afternoon. He couldn’t have you passing out on your bike from low blood sugar.
He slid the spatula under the perfectly cooked over-easy eggs, sliding them onto a plate. Grabbing the two pieces of toast that had just popped up, he added them and set the plate on the table. He added the butter, salt, and pepper and was just going to pour your coffee when there was a knock at the front door. 
“Well shit,” muttered Steve, glancing down at his very bare chest. Grabbing his shirt from the chair in the living room where it had been tossed last night, he hastily pulled it over his head, figuring it would have to do if he wasn’t going to leave whoever was on the other side wondering if anyone was home. 
Opening the door, he found a woman on the other side. Her blue eyes went wide as she took in the sight of him in the doorway, her hand running over her sleek gray bob. The flowy black pants and floral buttoned top she was wearing seemed like a strange choice for a Saturday, leaving him with the impression that she was a professional of some kind. But you hadn’t mentioned anyone dropping by. 
“Hello,” he smiled pleasantly. “Can I help you?”
“I highly doubt it.” Her words were sharper than seemed necessary considering Steve had never seen this woman before in his life. “Is my daughter-in-law around?”
Shit. So that’s who this was. Justin’s mom and Steve had just answered the door wearing nothing but boxers and a t-shirt on a Saturday morning. That didn’t leave much doubt to what kind of situation this was and he wasn’t sure if this woman even knew about him. Had you told her about him? Or was she being blindsided, having the new guy that had replaced her dead son shoved in her face? 
“You must be Mrs. Randall. I…uh…I’m Steve Harrington. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He stammered the words. He would have offered her his hand but his palms were suddenly very sweaty. How did one handle a situation like this? 
“Oh, I know exactly who you are. Although why you’re standing in my son’s house in your underwear is quite a mystery to me.”
A nervous laugh rose up in him at her words, her eyes narrowing, head tilted as she studied him. He felt like a specimen under a microscope and judging from the way she was looking at him, he was not measuring up. 
“Well, you see…I…well, Y/N and I…I’m guessing she hasn’t told you about me.”
“No. She didn’t but my grandson did. Imagine my surprise when I had to hear from a child that his mother has a new boyfriend.” She gave him a tight smile, the kind people usually displayed when they were trying to hide how they really felt, but this woman did not seem to be trying to hide anything. Disdain was rolling off her in waves so strongly it threatened to knock him off his feet. “You really think it’s appropriate for you to be spending the night this soon? Have you even bothered to consider Eli’s feelings in the matter? How it might make him feel that some man is sleeping in the bed that his mother and father used to share? That doesn’t seem a bit tacky to you?”
Steve opened his mouth, having no idea how he was going to respond but feeling like he needed to. The pressure of a thousand stares, like being on stage waiting to see if you’d nail it or fall flat on your face, was heavy on his chest. But he was saved when you came bouncing down the stairs. 
“Something smells good. Did you cook break…” You came to an abrupt stop, hands gripping the towel you'd been drying your hair with when you saw the scene in front of you. Steve in his boxers, looking like a mouse staring down a cat. Judith, the cat, glaring at you both, with her hands on her hips, claws and teeth ready to slash and shred. “Judith…what are you doing here?”
“Well, after Eli dropped that particular very unpleasant and shocking bomb on me yesterday and you refused to talk to me, I decided we needed to have a conversation about this current situation.”
“You could have just called…” you began but Judith quickly cut you off.
“And what? Have you ignore my calls like you so often do? I don’t think so.” Judith stepped around Steve with a wave as if he were nothing but an annoying gnat she was wishing to swat. “No. I think not. I demand an explanation. I believe I am owed that. Precisely why did my grandson tell me that this man, who I don’t even know, who he barely even knows, is going to be his father soon?”
“Shit…” muttered Steve, earning a harsh glare from the woman that reminded him way too much of Mrs. Click from high school. He melted back against the wall, trying to make himself small and invisible to her unapproving gaze.
So this was why she came. She felt her son’s very memory was threatened by the presence of Steve. She thought that you and him were moving too fast. Of course she did if Eli was already talking about Steve being his dad. But it was just that, talk. The kid had been hoping for it before they’d even started dating. 
“Mrs. Randall, I think this has just been a really big misunderstanding.”
“Well, I was rather hoping so until I showed up to find you here in your underwear, clearly having spent the night. I mean, really.” She sighed, tossing her arms in the air. “You find this kind of behavior appropriate with a child in the house?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Eli isn’t in the house,” you snapped. 
“And where exactly is he?”
“He’s with my ex-wife and her husband,” Steve answered, folding his arms, his confidence returning now that he saw you weren't going to quaver under the glare of this lady. 
“Strangers!” shrieked Judith. “You left my grandson with complete strangers?”
“They’re not strangers. I told you, Eli is best friends with Steve’s son, Jeremiah. I know Jeremiah’s mom and her husband. In fact, I was just out with her and some other women last night.”
“Oh! And where was my grandson while you were out living it up and having fun like some teenager with no responsibilities?”
“He was with me. I took care of the boys so she could actually enjoy a night off.” Steve’s sympathy for this woman was quickly waning each time she opened her mouth. “I made them dinner and we played some games and watched a movie. Then Jonathan showed up and offered to take the boys overnight so she and I could have some time alone. I have never slept over when he’s been here.”
“Really? Because according to Eli, you and his mother had a sleepover just last week.”
Your teeth clenched together. “The boys were having a sleepover. We were watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch. Nothing happened.” Your eyes caught Steve’s, the two of you clearly remembering what did happen, what almost happened before you were interrupted, but it was none of this woman’s business. “And whatever happened or didn’t happen isn’t really any of your concern. Eli is my son.”
“He’s my grandson! None of my concern? It’s none of my concern that you’re acting like some rampant whore around him? That you’re just choosing to leave him with strange people so you can run around with your friends and have a good time like you don’t even have a child?”
“Whoa! Hey!” Steve stepped into her, finger pointing at her face. “You have no right to come in here calling her names like that. She is a damn good mom. She’s done all of this herself for a long time and if occasionally she needs a night to herself, she’s more than earned it.”
If someone could actually explode, he was pretty certain this woman would be doing just that right now. Her nostrils flared, eyes blazing, mouth contorted into an ugly sneer as she stared him down. 
“Just who in the hell do you think you are?”
“I think I’m her boyfriend. I think I’m her person. The person she’s chosen to have in her life right now. And I think I’m the person who’s not going to stand here and let you talk to her like this. I understand that it has to be hard for you to see her with someone else, to think about another guy being in your grandson’s life. But that’s not a choice you get to make. It’s hers. So unless you’re willing to have a civil conversation and listen then there’s the goddamn door.”
“I tried to help you. I offered to let you and Eli move in with me and you refused and now look at this mess you’ve created.”
“This isn’t a mess. This is my life.”
“And some life it is. I knew when Justin brought you home that he was making a mistake. You whispered all those lies about how much you loved him. I knew you never did.”
Your mouth dropped, a small gasp of pain escaping your lips, making Steve want to smack a woman for the first time in his life. Tears filled your eyes but you straightened your spine, refusing to allow Judith to make you fall apart.
“That was never a lie, Judith. I did love Justin. I still do.” 
“You loved him so much that you’re so ready to just replace him and move on. To allow some other man in his house, in his bed, in his role as Eli’s father.”
“There has not been any talk of Steve being Eli’s father,” you argued. “We are dating. There’s not even been talk of moving in together. All of that is coming from Eli. He adores Steve and he’s a kid and he just wants what other kids have. Can’t you see that?”
“He already has a father,” Judith whimpered, quickly losing steam as her grief began to take the wheel from her anger. 
“He does and I will never let him forget Justin. We talk about him every night before he goes to bed. I show him pictures and videos. I tell him stories. We order pizza every Friday because it’s what we used to do when Justin was home.” Those tears that had been lingering on your lash line now broke free, spilling down your cheeks as you held your hands out in front of you, begging Judith to understand. “We go to the apple orchard and the pumpkin farm every fall because it was a tradition we started with him. I show him his favorite movies and we listen to his favorite music. Eli knows all the words to The Most Beautiful Girl in the World by Prince and he knows how Justin used to sing it to me every time he’d return from deployment and we’d dance around the living room. Judith, Eli will never forget Justin because I can’t ever forget Justin. You think I don’t grieve for him still? Sometimes it hits me and the pain is so bad that I double over with it. But am I really sentenced to spend the rest of my life alone at thirty-two because the universe was cruel enough to take my happy ending away from me?”
Judith actually looked stunned. In the ten minutes Steve had known her, even he was shocked to find her speechless. This did not seem like a woman who ran out of words. 
Then the two women were hugging and crying. He stood to the side, unsure of what to do. He had the equivalent of emotional whiplash. He’d been so angry, ready to storm the castle and defend you to the death if need be, and now it didn’t seem necessary. You clung to each other, sobs shaking your bodies. 
“I’m sorry,” Judith sniffed, shaking her head, hands wrapped around your shoulders. “I’m sorry. I just…it’s so unfair that he got taken from us and then to know you’re with…” She jerked her head toward Steve. Well, alright. She might be apologizing but apparently she still wasn’t fond of him. “To know Eli may see someone else as his…I just couldn’t bear it. I fear I will be the only one to remember my son.”
“You won’t.” Your hands found Judith’s forearms, hanging on. “I could never forget him and I will never let Eli forget him. I promise you that. We…we don’t even know what this is yet.” Steve would be lying if he said that didn’t sting just a bit. “It’s so new. Who knows where it’s going but if it moves in that direction, Eli will still know who his dad is. And no matter what happens, you will always be his grandmother and you will always have a place in his life.”
Judith nodded slowly, her fist coming to her mouth. The woman appeared to at least be trying to accept it. Steve wasn’t sure what the history was here. He didn’t know what kind of relationship she and you had in the past but he hoped, if for nothing else than the sake of Eli, that she could. 
“Can I…would it be okay if I came into town for his first game?”
“Of course. Eli would love it if you were there.”
Steve wasn’t sure he would. He wasn’t sure he wanted to spend any more time with this woman ever. But this wasn’t his decision. He knew when he started this thing that you came with some baggage. And if the heaviest load was some uptight ex mother-in-law, well, he’d just have to learn to heft it if he planned on sticking around. 
“Okay. Well, then…I guess I’ll just go. It’s a long drive back. But maybe I could go pick him up and…”
You cut her off, “Steve and I are picking up the boys and taking them on a bike ride. They’ve been looking forward to it all week. So today isn’t a good day. If you would have called first I could have told you that. I could have told you all of this and saved you the drive.”
“Right. Next time I’ll call as long as you plan on answering.”
“I will answer as long as I’m not busy.”
Judith’s mouth pinched up again, the crying camaraderie apparently forgotten now. Wiping away any sign of weakness or vulnerability with her fingers under her eyes, she straightened her spine and turned for the door. It was disorienting how quickly she looked like she hadn’t just been falling apart, completely reserved once again.
“I will see you in a couple weeks then.”
“See you in a couple weeks.”
And then she was gone. You exhaled, your shoulders and head dropping forward, as if all the strength you'd held in to handle Judith had rushed from you in one breath. Your arms wrapped around your middle, reminding him of Eli after school just yesterday. 
Steve stood still, unsure of what to do. Did you want him to comfort you? Did you want him to leave you alone? Should he offer to just head and get the boys and come back for you later so you could have some time to process everything that had just happened? 
“I’m sorry.” The words were spoken so softly he almost didn’t catch them. “She loves to sneak up on me at the worst times. I should have seen this coming. She’s been itching to have it out with me ever since Eli told her you were my boyfriend.”
“It’s okay,” he mumbled, shrugging. It wasn’t, not really. He wasn’t sure how he felt after that whole exchange. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” you stated firmly. “I really don’t. Not right now anyway. Can we just eat?” Lifting your head, you pasted on a smile. “That coffee smells amazing and I could really use some right now.”
You breezed past him into the kitchen, leaving him standing there wondering what in the hell had just happened and what it meant that you didn’t know what this was between you.
The boys were down on the sand, building a fortress from rocks and driftwood that they collected for their superheroes. It was still far too cold to even consider stepping foot in the water. The day was warm, the sun beating pleasantly down on their skin, but it would take months for the lake to absorb that heat, usually not pleasant enough for a swim until late June or even early July. 
You sat on the blanket you'd brought with you to sit on while you enjoyed the picnic lunch that Steve had packed. Sandwich crusts, chip crumbs, and stray blueberries laid forgotten on plates as the boys declared themselves full in favor of running off to play. You took a sip of her iced tea, glancing over at Steve. 
After Judith’s impromptu interruption, ruining what otherwise had been an absolutely perfect night and morning, he’d been rather quiet and awkward. He didn’t appear mad but disoriented, like a child who’d fallen off their bike after removing the training wheels and feared getting back on because they didn’t trust themselves. It was like he’d lost his footing and couldn’t find it again. And you knew it was your fault. 
Judith just had such a negative impact on you and you were so exhausted from constantly trying to convince the woman that you w were doing a good job of raising Eli. Was it easy? No. Did you screw up a lot? Yes. But at the end of the day your son was happy, healthy, and loved. Wasn’t that what mattered? Why could that never be enough? Why did every decision you ever made have to come into question by a woman whose son joined the military just to get away from her?
“Hmm?” His head turned toward you and you could see how hard he was working to keep an impassive look on his face, to not show how he was truly feeling. What was he feeling? Was he angry? He had every right to be after the way Judith had treated him, after you yourself had dismissed him, telling him you didn’t want to talk. 
“About earlier…”
He cut you off, lifting his hand in front of him, “It’s fine. Really. You said you didn’t want to talk about it so you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s not fine.”
“It is. It’s obviously a tough situation for you that I don’t know anything about so…”
“But you should,” you stated firmly. Rising to your knees, you shifted until you were in front of him, taking both of his hands in your own. “You should. If we’re doing this…being an us, then you should know. Judith is difficult but she is a part of my life and she isn’t going anywhere. She’s Eli’s grandmother and that means that you’re going to have to deal with her sometimes so you should know our history. You should know exactly what you’re walking into.”
“But we don’t even know what this is, right? Isn’t that what you said? We’re not that serious so why do I need to know anything important about you?”
Ouch. His words hit their mark, exactly as he’d meant them to based on the tone he’d used. A missile he’d launched, his own hurt weaponized and aimed directly for you, successfully obliterating its target. You dropped down onto your heels as he pulled his hands back from you. His hand came to the back of his neck, rubbing, as if he could wipe away the tension that had appeared between them. 
“Shit. Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“Yes you did.”
“No. I didn’t.” His cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk with a frustrated exhale. “I want to know everything about you. I do. I want to know it all, the good, the bad, and everything in between. I just…when you said that…”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Is that how you feel? That you don’t know what we are? I mean, I guess I just need to know what this is. I thought we were on the same page but maybe we’re not. What do you want here, honey? Is this all just fun for you? Is this a casual thing? Are you serious about us or should I be preparing to have my heart stomped all over?”
Those beautiful eyes were begging you for an answer, for the answer he wanted. And he had it. He had all of you. He had every piece of you that you had to offer. But you didn’t know how much to say. He had no idea how completely gone for him you already were, how you dreamed of the future with him, what it would look like, the four of you together. 
Your eyes drifted over to the boys, yelling and giggling as Lex Luthor and his henchmen tried to attack the Fortress of Solitude they’d built from whatever they could find on the beach. You could picture this, days, months, years of this…the two of you sitting back and enjoying your boys together. Watching them grow up, birthday parties and Christmases, Steve helping them with their ties for school dances, teaching them how to drive. Nights together watching movies and playing games. You could see it so clearly in your mind but you were terrified that if you shared all that with him he would leave a blazing path through this forest as he ran as far and as fast as he could. 
“Honey?” he prompted when you'd been silent for so long. 
“What do you want?” you asked, turning the tables on him, placing the ball in his court. 
“What do you want from this? Do you see this as something that has a future? Do you see us together six months from now? A year from now? Ten years from now? Or in three months will I be just another in a long line of heartbroken exes?��
Steve reared back as if you'd just slapped him across the face. And maybe it had been an insensitive question but you felt it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Steve had been in numerous relationships throughout his life. Robin had shared that he latched on and fell fast because he was so desperate to be loved. Was that what this was? 
You felt like he really liked you, like he truly cared about you. But was it just his past traumas causing him to act like that? Causing him to feel things that weren’t really there yet?
“Do you seriously not know?” he demanded. When you just looked at him, he groaned. “How do you not know how I feel about you? This isn’t even in the ballpark of casual for me. I told you I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for you.”
“But how can you be sure? Robin said…”
“Robin said what? That I love too quickly because of my messed up childhood bullshit? Because my parents didn’t love me enough, I’m always looking for it elsewhere?”
“I mean, she may have said something like that.”
“And she’s not wrong. I have in the past. I stayed with Nancy because I was desperate for a family, a real family. I was desperate to make it work, to be successful where my parents weren’t. But I’m not twenty anymore. I’m thirty-two and I am well aware of my faults. I didn’t even see what I was doing then but I do now. I know every relationship I’ve ever had wasn’t really love. It was…I don’t know. Me just settling, searching for something, anything that would make me feel whole. But I’ve never found it. I’ve never felt it until you. I think you’re what I’ve been searching for. I’ve spent my whole life waiting for someone like you.”
This was the second time he’d said that to you and it didn’t fail to rock you to your very core once again. It shook your very foundation to know that this beautiful, perfect man seemed to think that you were the thing he’d been missing in his life, that you were the missing piece to the puzzle that he’d been hopelessly searching for. 
Your eyes roamed over his face, the flecks of gold in his eyes brought out by the sun, the freckles like angel kisses lovingly placed on his skin, those plump lips that girls would pay thousands of dollars to have. That word, that damn word, so simple, four letters, one syllable, was driving its way up your throat, desperate to be spoken. 
Your hands slid over his jaw, softly, gently, as if you were holding delicate treasure that must be protected, because you were. His Adam’s apple bobbed, the muscles in his neck tensing, as he waited for you to reply to the truths he’d just laid before you. 
“This isn’t casual for me either. I…I know my situation is different. I wasn’t searching all my life. I found…but he’s gone and when I lost Justin, I resigned myself to the fact that he was it. He had been my one shot at happiness and love and all that comes with it. But then here you came and you barreled through all of that doubt like a wrecking ball.” Your eyes slipped closed as you willed yourself to have the courage to jump off the edge, to soar through the air with nothing but hope that he would catch you instead of leaving you to hit the ground. “You snuck up on me and there is nothing just fun or casual about this because I…I love you.”
His eyebrows crept toward his forehead, every color in the spectrum dancing through his eyes that were now as wide as the moon and just as spectacular. You held your breath, your teeth worrying over your bottom lip. But then, as if in slow motion, his lips parted, curving into a slow smile that consumed his entire face, those little crinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes. His fingers slid into your hair, pulling you to him, his forehead pressing against yours as he whispered, “You do?”
“I do. I know it’s really soon. I wasn’t even sure I should say it. I realized it yesterday and it terrified me but it also…I don’t know. It just felt right, like something just shifting into the place it belonged all along. I told myself I wasn’t going to say it, that I was going to wait.” Your eyes squeezed shut nervously. “I was going to wait until you said it and I hope it doesn’t scare you. You don’t have to say it back. I don’t want you to say it because you think you have to. I just…I need you to know that I am all in. I am not going anywhere. I have already dove in way too deep. There’s no going back now.”
“I love you, too.”
“Don’t…please don’t say it just because I…”
“I’m not.” His fingers trailed down over your arms, linking his fingers with yours and bringing your interlocked hands to his chest. “I’m not. I’ve been trying not to say it too. I didn’t want to push you. I know this is hard for you. I know this is the first time you’ve been with anybody since your husband passed. I wanted to take things at your pace, follow your lead. I was waiting for you to say it first. But I do. I love you. I think I’ve loved you ever since that night I brought pizza over. And yeah, that’s crazy and it makes no sense because we barely knew each other but it’s true. I love everything I already know about you and I want to spend my life getting to know everything I don’t.”
“You…your life…?”
“Shit. Was that too much? I’m not about to pull out a ring or anything. I’m not asking you to promise the rest of your life to me. I just…I just meant…”
“Steve,” you laughed, pressing your lips against his to silence him. “No. It wasn’t too much. I know what you meant. I mean, we can’t really say we’re all in if we’re not expecting this to last forever, right?”
“Right.” He grinned, releasing your hands to wrap his arms around you and pull you in close. You sat between his legs, your back nestled into his chest, settling into place right where you belonged as the two of you watched your boys run down the sand.
Chapter 16
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311 @k-k0129
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little story! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. If you want to be added please make sure your age is stated on your page somewhere. 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. ❤️❤️❤️
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 21
Executive dysfunction is a bitch and can go to hell. I had something I could have posted yesterday while I was working on this, but no...
I am starting to wonder if maybe I shot myself in the foot with my tag rant as engagement for the last Reconnect AU was WAY down. But oh well. I can only continue to move on and hope I find new people who like my stuff.
All righty, my lovelies. We have gotten to the part where I was going to end it originally before you absolute menaces said you wanted me to continue it through season 4.
But here’s the deal, this story has reached nearly novel length of 40k. So what I’ve decided to do is call this the end of book one. And then I will start up book two, which will be through to the end of the school year and probably through the events of season 3. And then book 3 should take us the rest of the way.
I hope that’s acceptable to all of you. I want to continue it, but I think from here on out the title doesn’t fit Steve anymore and he needs a new one.
Now if you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I don’t start putting out a story until it’s done (if it’s short enough) or if I’m three to four chapters deep. So hopefully by the end of the month (if not sooner) you should start seeing book two.
I will run a poll on how you think I should do the tag list for it. But thank you all for coming with me on this absolutely wild ride. And hope you’ll stick around for the next two parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Word had been handed down, Mindy Jones, Ollie Anderson, and Kyle Carver had been suspended with word that Kyle being the instigator might be expelled. For sure he wasn’t going to be able to walk in his cap and gown at graduation.
Steve felt a sense of relief and strangely justice too. Yes, all right suspension wasn’t getting expelled, but the kids had been punished. They didn’t try to hand wave it away.
Steve had heard that Mr Vinke, the math teacher, Mr Cole, Miss Lucy, and Chief Hopper had all gone to the principal and superintendent for all three of them to be expelled.
The suspension was a given, but the school district wanted to do their own investigation and then expulsions might be handed out after it was complete.
Steve didn’t have much hope.
Marty, Gethin, and Janice all sat with the Corroded Coffin boys at lunch, something they didn’t normally do.
“Fuck,” Janice swore. “Why I am more nervous about tonight than I have all week?”
Steve nodded, poking at his food. “I haven’t been this queasy since I took a plate to the head.”
Everyone winced and murmured sympathetic platitudes and other noises of sympathy.
“I think it’s because it’s your last performance,” Gethin murmured. “Your last chance to completely biff it on stage.” Steve and Janice looked at him in wide-eyed fear. He waved his hands placatingly. “Not that I think you will. Just that your brain thinks you will.”
Steve and Janice looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “That tracks.”
Eddie slid his hand under the table and gripped Steve’s knee. Steve covered his hand with his own and gave it a squeeze of thank you.
Steve scanned the crowd the second night. He spotted Jeff and all his family, Gareth and Gethin and their parents, Brian and all of his younger siblings, and what looked like his dad. Wayne shuffled in his seat nervously, having never been to a musical before. But still no sign of his parents.
His mom promised that at least she would be there, even if his dad refused to come. And he held on to that. He managed to make it through the show and held it together.
He went out to be congratulated by his friends and their families. Wayne brought him flowers.
“You did good, boy,” he said gruffly, after giving him a hug. “I looked it up and flowers are the gift you give someone after a well-done performance.”
Steve looked down at the bouquet of wild flowers and smiled. “Thank you. I love them.”
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “They might be a tad wilted by the time we’re done, because we’re taking you out to eat in celebration.”
Steve teared up a bit. “Thanks, guys.”
Gareth smiled. “You deserve it, man. That was awesome!”
Gethin nudged his shoulder. “We’re just waiting for Janice and Eddie to get done.”
Steve nodded. Eddie had to reset the stage for tomorrow and Janice had to get out of a corset and that took some time.
“Yeah, no problem!” he enthused.
Eddie finished first and came out to meet them.
“Hey, Steve!” he said. “Feeling famous yet?”
Steve laughed. “I’m going to get fat if this keeps up. First ice cream last night and then dinner tonight.”
They all laughed. “It’s impossible for you to gain weight, man,” Brian huffed. “I’ve seen you eat a whole pizza and didn’t even get bloated.”
Steve laughed. “Playing three sports does that to you. Hell, I still life guard at the rec center every summer.”
Brian eyed his lean form skeptically. “I suppose so.”
“Swimming’s fun,” Steve said. “And it’s not just for us jock types.”
Janice finally came out. “Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Sharing with Tammy Thompson is hell let me tell you. I don’t know how someone so tiny can take up so much room.”
“At least you don’t have to share the choir room with twenty sweaty dudes that wouldn’t know deodorant if it bit them in the ass,” Steve grumped.
Gethin shook his head. “Shouldn’t you be used to that from sports?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “At least there are showers after basketball. Can’t say the same here.”
Gethin’s lips curled. “Fair.”
Wayne clapped his hands. “All right, I’ve got us a place reserved, so we need to hustle. Eddie and Steve are coming with me.”
Eddie and Steve filed out with the rest of them and followed Wayne out to his truck.
Steve slid into the middle between Eddie and Wayne.
“Thanks for this, Wayne,” he murmured. “And the flowers, too.”
“You’re welcome, Stevie,” he said. “I didn’t see your parents. Did they show up last night?”
Steve shared a glance with Eddie and then shook his head. “There’s still tomorrow.”
Wayne and Eddie shared a glance of concern over Steve’s head.
“I’m sure that’s the case,” Wayne agreed.
An uneasy silence settled on them as they drove to the restaurant. Wayne parked and turned to Steve.
He pulled him in for a great big hug and then opened the door. “It’ll be all right.”
Steve nodded and slid out after Eddie.
The dinner was just as ruckus as the ice cream parlor the night before. With just as many people. Steve looked around and smiled.
Yeah, 1985 was his year and it was just getting started.
Steve looked out to the audience and knew, even in the dimmed lights his parents weren’t there.
“Tell me, Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson, or do you stand with me?” Vince asked.
Steve could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. He held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me…”
He slowly rose to his feet as he sang,
“I have been in expectation Of receiving a reply On the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there?”
His voice cracked with emotion as he stepped half out of the spotlight.
“Does anybody care? Does anybody care? Y’r humble & ob’d’t–”
The drum rolled and Steve looked up into the eagle’s nest where Eddie was doing the spotlight. A single tear ran down his cheek.
Steve looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Eddie. And then he exited the scene on cue.
Eddie swore he saw more tears in that moment then for ‘Mama Look Sharp’ that night.
But that performance of Steve’s brought out something in Vince in that moment. Vince’s John Adams bid Hancock good night, but then it changed. All the emotion and fear of not being seen or heard. The loneliness that Adams must have been feeling in that moment, borrowed from the loneliness of both Washington and Thomson.
“Is anybody there–”
“Does anybody care–?”
Again, nothing.
“Does anybody see–what I see?”
And then Kenny came on and delivered the line with a sharpness that hadn’t been there before.
“Yes, Mr Adams, I do.” As if to banish all the fears and insecurities that John was having in that moment.
And Steve could almost hear it as though it was coming from Eddie. As if it was coming from his friends. The party. Wayne.
Yes, his parents weren’t there. They never were. And probably never were going to be. But that didn’t mean that no one was listening to Steve. That no one cared.
They all cared. Every last one of the dozens of people that showed up the last two nights. They cared. They brought their families. Brought flowers. Thought he was worthy of celebrating. Worth treating.
For the boy with the bat.
The boy that never knew what love really was until he looked up from a god damned garbage can into those warm and friendly brown eyes. A warm hand on his back and a gentle ‘Are you okay?’
In that moment, Steve’s life had become changed. Different. Better. All because a teacher took pity on Steve and chose Eddie Munson of all people to be Steve’s protector.
And he looked up at Eddie in the rafters and though he couldn’t see him, he knew that Eddie was looking back at him. Smiling back at him. Loving him for all his worth.
And if you had asked Steve what his worth was back in December he would have told you nothing. He wasn’t worth anything but being the baby-sitter. But now?
Now Steve was a baby-sitter, chauffeur, groupie, actor, chef, swimmer, friend, brother, and most importantly boyfriend. And maybe if he was really lucky, someone’s son.
Fuck, rereading this to add back in the formatting made me cry. My apologies if it makes you cry too.
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
342 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 2 years
You’re So Vain - Chapter 10
Dieter Bravo x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Oscar winning star Dieter Bravo’s reputation is suffering after the debacle of “Cliff Beasts 6″ and “Beasts of the Bubble”, so his management team has signed him on to a publicity stunt to find his soulmate and show the world a softer side of the erratic and unpredictable star. The plan quickly go awry, though, when Dieter’s soulmate wants nothing to do with him.    
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+! We finally made it! Word Count: 17.1k Warnings: *Blanket warning for chronic illness, cursing, and deceased family members. This is a Dieter fic, folks, so there absolutely will be discussions of drugs, drug use, and addiction.* Enemies to lovers, fingering, train sex, vaginal sex, protected sex, impromptu bondage, biting, FEELINGS, there’s so much yearning in this chapter oh god, exhibitionism, sex toys. Summary: Dieter has gone out of his way to make your birthday special, but you have no idea just how far he’s truly gone. Notes: There’s a bit of dialogue in this chapter that is mentioned as been spoken in Swiss German although it is simply written in italicized English. Not knowing anyone who speaks the language fluently, we decided to not simply rely on an online translator and use our imaginations instead!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9
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It hadn't taken much for Dieter to convince the director and producers of his film to let you do the portraits that would appear on screen as painted by his character. You had predicted that they would consider it a great marketing angle and you were right - but the director actually said that he liked your style and had asked what you would charge to do a portrait of his wife for a Christmas gift. Now you have a small space all your own at the studio where the canvases, brushes, paints, and myriad of other supplies procured for you by the set design team all sit alongside reference photos of Dieter for the four portraits that you have agreed to produce during the time that you're here in Switzerland. Today has been a particularly long day. Fourteen hours at the studio for the both of you, and Dieter has been working with barely any breaks. You're completing the second of four portraits in your little makeshift studio with the remnants of your dinner from the craft services table that you fetched for yourself hours ago, wishing it could have been a nice dinner out with Dieter somewhere or even room service. Things have been going so well - so much better than you ever could have imagined - and with tomorrow being your birthday you're seriously looking forward to the train ride to Basel about as much as you're nervous about the tattoo appointment that you'll have while you're there. The only thing that could make it better would be Steph and Nora magically appearing at the hotel, but you know they're going to the aquarium tomorrow so you'll just look forward to your FaceTime call instead.
“Deet!” Dieter has to stop himself for rolling his eyes and sighing when he hears his name being called by the director. Not that he hates working with this guy, he actually really likes his vision - he was just ready to grab you and go the fuck back to the hotel. Turning around, he nods to the middle-aged man who was bringing the script to life. “Yeah?”
"We've got a quick little thing we want to add to the schedule tomorrow," he flashes Dieter a smile, knowing that his lead actor has asked for the day off. But he's figured out a way that he thinks will make it palatable for the star. "Just a couple of hours in the late morning, I know today was a long one."
“Remember, I said I was unavailable tomorrow.” He gives Steve a slightly apologetic shrug and shakes his head. “Sorry.”
“It’s just two little hours in the morning.” The director insists, certain that he can make the prospect appealing. They’re not behind on filming at all but they could get ahead, and the studio would love it. “In and out, you’ll barely even notice you were here.”
Dieter frowns, not liking the way he was pushing. “Sorry, man.” He shakes his head again. “Tomorrow is my soulmate’s birthday. That’s why I said I was unavailable.”
You had no intention of eavesdropping. You really didn't. But your door is half open for air flow and they can't be more than a few feet away. The brush poised in your hand to and a few final strokes to the canvas nearly drops into your lap at the same time your face falls. They want him to work tomorrow...will he get in trouble if he keeps refusing? You really don't want the director to end up upset with him... "I'll move it up to earlier in the morning if you want. She'll never even realize you got out of bed." Steve asks, playing it off like it's nothing at all. "What's two little hours?"
He understands prodding, he’s done it plenty of times to get his way, but right now it’s irritating. “Her birthday is twenty-four hours.” Dieter tells him flatly. “I’m unavailable for every one of them.”
"It's just a birthday." Doing his best to make it sound easy and breezy, Steve shrugs his shoulders again. "She'll have another one next year. It's not a big deal."
Scoffing, Dieter shakes his head in disbelief this time. “Yeah, she will. But I think leaving the woman who is my soulmate by herself in a country that she doesn’t know by herself is a pretty shitty thing to do.” Dieter argues. “I’ve already said that I’m off and we have plans.”
"Gonna be another long day when you get back, then." Steve huffs, sensing he's lost the battle. "And your girl better have that painting done before you guys leave tonight."
“That’s fine.” Dieter frowns slightly but doesn’t snap at the man. He understands the pressure from the studio is intense, but production is ahead of schedule. “She’s working on it now.”
"See you day after tomorrow then." While the man might look frustrated, he doesn't push the point anymore and strolls on down the hallway. Maybe he can get his leading lady to come in for some extra work tomorrow instead so he can still get ahead of things.
Dieter huffs to himself, knowing that there is no way he could possibly miss any portion of your birthday. He would be the world’s biggest dick for that. He turns and moves towards your space, ready to see how far along you are.
"Hey." Alright, you might be a little - a lot - soft after hearing him adamantly defend wanting to spend time with you, so when you look up and see him in your doorway you can't help but smile. "You done for the day, handsome?"
The past week has been good - really good - between the two of you and he’s giving you an easy smile in return. Even if it’s slightly tired. “They’ve finally released us for the day.” He confirms, walking into the small room and looking around as was his habit.
"Last few brushstrokes." You motion at the canvas before applying just a tiny bit more paint to the bust on the figure in front of you before you nod at it in approval. "This one is officially done. Do you want to take a look before we leave?"
“I always want to see what you paint.” Dieter drops a kiss on your forehead and turns to look at the canvas.
"It's the one I sketched last week." On the second day you spent together, you had spent a few hours of the evening with him sitting so you could sketch out a portrait for him to show his director along with a few other pieces from your sketchbook. He had huffed at you for focusing on his profile when it made his nose the focus of his face, but he hadn't had any idea at the time that the real focus of the piece would be his eyes.
This - you and him - has become significantly easier over the past week, making Dieter wonder at times how the hell things had gone so wrong at the beginning. He knew, of course, but still - this was what he wanted. You sliding your free hand around his waist and tugging him close to your body on your stool as he catches sight of the portrait. "I—" He's stunned. The vulnerability in the brown eyes on the canvas makes him feel exposed. Raw and open for all the world to see. It's as if every bit of pain and joy he's ever experienced is on display. All his sins and triumphs listed. He can't even think of words right now as he stares at the face that he sees in the mirror every morning and yet, seemingly never sees this.
“What do you…um…” You panic slightly when he doesn’t say anything. After a week you’re used to Dieter’s low-key constant stream of consciousness. He’s rarely totally silent but when he is it’s usually because he’s thinking about something very deeply. But now that it’s your portrait of him that he’s contemplating, you’re nervous. “You…do you hate it?”
“No.” The word is almost forced out of him in surprise. Surprised that he doesn’t hate it. Not that your art is bad, he just doesn’t like himself. “It’s— I look real.” He tries to put it into words, but it’s almost impossible. “I— you see everything.”
“You’re always so busy hiding your eyes…” The look on his face reads shock, and you shift nervously on your stool. “I wondered how often you actually look at them.”
"As little as I can." He admits quietly, his hold on you becoming slightly more desperate. Unable to believe that you see him, exactly like this. There's a word that flutters through his mind and scares the hell out of him, so he doesn't say it. Never wanting to give you that ability to crush him, but it’s now something that is on the edge of his consciousness.
“Danica said the eyes are the windows to the soul,” you remind him softly. Not that he needs to be reminded of what his sister said to him years ago. Instead of saying anything else, you just wrap your other arm around his waist and look up at him. “Anyway, I—I’m glad you don’t hate it. Since you’re going to have to look at it a lot on set.”
There is just a moment where the two of you are staring at each other, one that makes Dieter want to say something. Something crazy and reckless and would be something that shattered this tentative relationship the two of you have started. Lining up with that word that is still knocking around in his addled brain. Instead, he leans in and presses his lips to yours, not wanting to fuck up.
The kiss is deep but not lascivious, more gentleness than lust, and that word floats through your head again for the hundredth time but you tamp it back down before pulling away. “Ready to go home, Dee?” Home. It’s silly, but that’s what the hotel has become.
"Are you done for today?" He asks, biting his lip as he pulls back to stop that sappy little smile from riding across his face at the idea of going 'home' with you. "We have things to do tomorrow, so running back over here isn't an option." He winks, not mentioning your birthday, instead giving you a dirty innuendo.
“This is actually finished, so I’m ready to go.” Standing up propels you into his arms a little bit deeper, and you can’t help but smile a little bit wider. “Thank you, by the way.”
"For what?" He cocks his head in confusion and furrows his brow at you.
“For…” It’s slightly embarrassing to admit that you were accidentally eavesdropping just a few moments ago, but it was an accident. “I heard Steve ask you to come in tomorrow.”
"Oh." He winces slightly sends you an apologetic look. "Sorry, I don't know why he was pushing. We are on schedule."
“I’m sure movies are like most businesses. If he gets things done ahead of schedule it spends less money and he gets a gold star from the studio.” Reaching over to grab your purse, you press a kiss to Dieter’s cheek when you straighten up again. “You didn’t have to say no for me.”
"Yes, I did." Dieter frowns, not wanting you to think that he would blow off your birthday to work. "I had told them that tomorrow was off the schedule before we ever started shooting. They had scheduled it in and have other things planned." He gives a small shake of his head. "He's just being greedy."
“Either way.” Nudging him toward the door, your fingers lace through his automatically. There’s rarely anytime you walk together now that you’re not holding hands. “I appreciate it. So, thank you.”
"Don't mention it." He feels weird when people thank him, like he doesn't deserve it. Probably because he feels like he doesn't due to the years of bullshit. But the way you thank him has him squeezing your hand. "What do you want to do for dinner?"
“How about the cafe by the hotel?” A few nights ago you had stopped there for supper after leaving set and loved it. The good food and live music had left you in an excellent mood after a long day, so you’re hoping it will do the same tonight.
"Whatever you want." He knows you will miss your tradition with Steph and Nora. Missing being away from them on your birthday means that he needs to make sure you have a great time. Starting now.
“That’s a dangerous thing to promise.” Not that you would ever ask anything extraordinary of him, but he likes to be teased and you like the way he blushes when you do. “What if I wanted something kinky?”
Dieter's immediately waggling his eyebrows at you. “Okaaaaay.” He huffs out eagerly, grinning at you even if his cheeks heat up slightly. For someone who has had orgies he finds that you fluster him in the weirdest ways. He blames it on the soulmate factor rather than the emotional entanglement. "Spanking? Bondage? Pegging? What are we talking about here?"
“Well…” Truth be told you had just been teasing him, but since it’s now the topic of conversation as you stroll out of the studio together, you bite your lip and tilt your head at him. “I’m not actually sure…most of what I’ve done is pretty vanilla. But I wouldn’t mind trying something new.” Which is not to say you are in any way dissatisfied with your sex life. It’s almost for certain that you’ve had more sex in the last week that you had in the entire ten years prior, and you don’t know of it’s the soulmate connection or just him, but it’s all been amazing.
"Okay." Dieter sees the hesitation on your face and knows that you aren't exactly the most experienced. One night after sex, the two of you had gone through some of your sexual histories. Not that Dieter remembered all of his, but he had told you what he could. "What have you thought about? Maybe some kind of secret fantasy. You know I'm not going to judge."
Admittedly your secret fantasies have more to do with romance than with sex, but that’s definitely too much for your week-old relationship to handle. You’re not expecting him to sweep you off your feet - you’re still just trying to find an even footing together. But it’s been going so well that you don’t want to rock the boat. “We did one the second day we were here,” you tell him. “The bath.” A few of his cast mates and members of the set crew that you’ve made friends with wave as the two of you leave the building together, a few of them tossing birthday wishes in your direction as you go. “But, um…” Your voice drops. “I don’t know if I’m ready to jump all the way to handcuffs or rope, but some people use softer things as restraints, right?”
"Bathrobe ties are a good one." Dieter tells you with a small grin. "Ties....I think there are a few packed in my suitcase. Lib somehow thought I was going to wear ties." He rolls his eyes and winks at you. "It'll only go around my neck if you’re cutting off the oxygen supply." He teases playfully.
“Baby steps.” You shake your head at him, now finding those comments much more teasing and flirtatious than you would have once. Your senses of humor aren’t so far off from each other, his is just more macabre. “Remember, we’ve been so good at not wanting to strangle each other.”
He snorts and shakes his head, grinning and lifting a hand at one of the harried looking PAs that is rushing from the parking lot. He leans in and brushes your ear with his lips. "Except that kind of strangling makes my cock harder." He teases quietly.
“Tease.” You throw him a pout as you walk, wondering for a split second when you became so fucking attracted to him. Or had you always been and your anger been in the way?
Dieter chuckles and steers you towards the car that had even rented for him to use. It was a small little thing, meant to get him back and forth to the hotel. “Always.” He promises.
“So supper and then we’ll get some sleep? Absolutely nothing in between since neither of us has any inclination in that direction at all?” You can barely keep a straight face through the sarcasm, knowing that without fail you’ll end up naked and satiated under those soft hotel sheets just like each night before. It’s intoxicating to be wanted, in a way that you’re much less afraid of it than you expected. This kind of need crawling under your skin isn’t harmful, it’s actually empowering.
“Absolutely.” Dieter rolls his eyes and drolls his answer sarcastically. Not like you hadn’t gone through the condoms the hotel had sent up twice. “Straight to bed.”
“And absolutely no shenanigans on the train tomorrow.” The little car is just big enough for two, but you had opted for a slightly more relaxed mode of travel tomorrow - taking the train from Geneva to Basel to visit the museum that houses so many of Hans Holbein the Younger’s works - and get you your first tattoo at one of the best reviewed shops in the country. The watercolor has been ready for almost two days now and you’re equal parts nervous and excited. “Tomorrow is a very solemn day. Obviously.”
“Very solemn.” Dieter agrees, opening the door for you and motioning for you to get into the passenger side. You don’t have an international driver’s license, so he had been driving back and forth. “No fun or smiling whatsoever.”
“So it’ll be like our first couple of dates.” The jokes are okay now. Now that things are going more smoothly and the two of you are doing your best to be open with one another. It’s been easier than you thought in some ways. Letting him in little by little instead of flinging open your existence to him all at once seemed to make you surer of the thing, and every day is a step in the right direction. And that includes the ability to joke together.
"Less screaming." Dieter wrinkles his nose at you and shuts the door when you are tucked into the passenger seat to round the front of the hood to slide in beside you.
The hotel isn’t far from the studio and the cafe is bustling when you step inside. It’s not a tourist trap despite being close to the hotel and the lake, but rather a brand-new place owned by a young couple that started having live music simply because their musician friends would show up any time of the day or night. The menu is full of fusion and international ‘greatest hits’, and their Switzerland-does-America version of fried chicken had had Dieter in the kitchen begging for the recipe to pass on to Rico when he got back to LA.
It's natural to have his hand on your waist, the warmth of your body transferring to him through your thin shirt. Walking in and greeting the wife who was working as a hostess for tonight. "We are back for more of your amazing food." He announces with a grin.
“Dieter!” She embraces him like an old friend, equally excited to see you as you get a hug of equal force before she ushers you over to a dark corner to sit. “We we’re hoping to see you both again,” she tells you with a grin. “We are going to make you American fondue.”
"American fondue, huh?" Dieter huffs, unable to stop the small grin as he looks over at you. "What do you think about that?"
“I’m in.” Fondue was on your list of things to try anyway, and everything at this particular cafe was amazing last time.
“Magnifique!” That earns a happy exclamation from your hostess, and she scampers off to the bar to grab what she swears will be the perfect drinks for the night.
"I like how we've just kind of given them control over what we eat." Dieter huffs with a good-natured grin. "It always means we are going to overeat."
“But we’re gonna be so happy about it.” The chance to nestle into his side for a while is more than welcome since you missed being able to spend downtime with him on set today.
Snorting, he turns his head and nudges his nose against yours. "Until you get the gassy side of stardom." He jokes. "I'm not lactose intolerant but this stomach gets sensitive sometimes." He reminds you with a rub on said belly.
“Ya know,” you peck a kiss on the bridge of his nose and grin. “After a certain point, lactose ages out of things. So maybe you just need to be eating fancier cheese.”
"But I like the squirt cheese in a can." He pouts at you, poking his bottom lip out and scrunching his nose at the kiss on his nose.
“Well then I hope you like having air freshener sprayed at your ass, because fart smells are not my jam.” There are a lot of things that Nora’s illness forced you to get over pretty fast, but somehow bad farts are still the thing that you can’t stand.
Dieter snickers and nods seriously. "No Dutch ovens." He grunts like he's just revealed some earth-shattering information.
“You’ll be sleeping on the sofa.” You warn him seriously, until your façade breaks and you laugh, snorting and winking your nose in the process.
"Kicked out of the bed in my own room." He huffs, meaning none of it and he starts laughing at you. Unable to resist leaning in for that kiss when you snort and wrinkle your nose, his total weakness where you are concerned.
“Only until you slither your way back in for cuddles.” You may have done it on purpose, and you’re not even sorry. It’s worth it for the soft look on his face right before he kisses you.
“So you acknowledge that I will be sneaking back into the bed.” He nods with a small giggle of his own. “Good.”
“I—” It flusters you a little, but you half-shrug and reach for his hand. “I would be disappointed if you didn’t.”
“You do seem to like my cuddles.” He teases, knowing you are just as committed to them. There hadn’t been one night that you haven’t ended up wrapped up in each other.
“Just a little.” It’s not like there isn’t plenty of evidence - like the way you’re cuddled into his side right now. “Guess I’m more of a cuddle whore than I thought I was.” Or maybe you just needed the right cuddles.
“Which is perfect, because I, myself am a whore.” He pauses, tucking his tongue into his cheek. “Of cuddles, of course.”
“You’re horrible.” You giggle, hardly meaning it. Even a few weeks ago, you might have, but not anymore. Now that word is swimming around inside you and instead of frustration there is nothing but affection.
“You finally noticed!” Dieter chuckles and he could listen to your giggle forever. Amazing that he could barely stand to be around you before and now he hates not hearing you laugh and seeing you smile.
“Affectionately.” You’re still giggling when the owner reappears with two tall beers and a dish of beautifully fresh olive tapenade and slices of baguette as a first course.
There is something to be said for sharing this with you. It’s better than he had imagined, the way you smile when you hold your beer up for a toast makes his heart flutter. “To a birthday to remember.” He offers quietly.
“We’re two minutes in and so far I’d say that’s definite.” You tap your glass against his and take a sip before showing him the time of your phone - which you only noticed because of the “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY IN SWITZERLAND!” text you had gotten from Steph.
He smirks and lean in to press his lips against your cheek. “Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you, baby.” The little terms of endearment come easily now, just like the way that smile of his makes your cheeks burn.
“Oh, I did go ahead and get you a present for your birthday.” He hums, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the small, folded piece of paper he shoved into these pants this morning.
“Nooo.” You pout at him pointedly. “I told you not to! You’re literally paying for me to have a three-week vacation and talked your director into using my paintings in your movie. That’s so much.”
He sends you a playfully mean mugging look and shakes his head. “Because it cost me so much to let you stay in my room, in my bed.” He huffs, pushing the paper towards you.
“The plane tickets, all the clothes, all the —” The second you flick open the piece of paper, words stick in your throat and your jaw drops like concrete. It’s not large - done on the hotel’s stationary in ink that you’re sure came from one of their pens - but it’s…beautiful. A sketch of you lying on your side in bed with the sheets slung low on your hips and one hand reaching out toward the observer. He must have done it one morning that he woke up before you. Each line is delicate, tracing your figure the way only a lover could. “Dee, I—” But the words completely fail you, even looking up to find him carefully watching like he’s afraid you won’t like it. “It’s—I don’t even—” Letting out a choked half-laugh, you launch yourself at him even though he’s mere inches away, wrapping your arms around him but careful not to put a single wrinkle in the page you’re clutching. “It’s beautiful, baby. I love it.”
“Good.” Dieter exhales in relief. He had told himself it was a stupid birthday gift. The trip tomorrow much more appropriate, but he had still brought it with him. The need to give it to you clawing away at him ever since he had woken up to pee and come back to find you reaching for his side, seeking him out.
“I’m going to frame it when we get back to LA.” Carefully keeping the paper flat, you dig into the bag you’ve been carrying to and from the studio to slip his drawing into the pages of your own sketchbook for safe keeping.
"I don't think it's worth that." Dieter huffs, biting his lip to conceal the pride that you would want to frame something he had created. Not quite the same, but it makes him feel like he's displaying art on the fridge again.
“I do.” There’s a certainty to your voice that can’t be denied by either you, and when you turn around again to face him you press in to kiss him softly. “I’m sure if it.”
It's slightly annoying how much he blushes around you, he's Dieter - fucking - Bravo, but it just means that he's vulnerable. Instead of grumbling about it, he slides his hand around you, pressing against the back of your neck to deepen the kiss slightly.
“You know this is probably why they stuck us in a dark corner.” When you two of you finally part again, you’re grinning, breathless, and have the good manners to look just a tiny bit sheepish about it. “Stuff the PDA Americans away from the other customers while they make out.”
“Probably.” Dieter doesn’t care about that at all, but he turns to the beer and chuckles. “Why don’t we eat so we can go to sleep like we planned?”
‘American’ fondue, you come to find out, means that the gorgeous melted cheese is cooked with beer instead of wine, and all the little accoutrements that go with it are fried in some way - and honestly it’s one of the most delicious and filling suppers you could possibly have asked for. By the time you and Dieter stumble back into your hotel room over an hour later it’s much later than you ever go to bed at home, but that doesn’t stop you from stripping each other down and finishing off another box of condoms before passing out tangled in each other’s arms like always.
The alarm is set so you don’t miss the morning train to Basel, but the first few hours of this birthday might be better than any that have come before. And though the you of the last ten years would protest it…it’s because of Dieter.
“Where’s the coffee cart?” Dieter huffs, getting up to poke his head out of the small cabin the two of you had reserved to head to Basel. He’s grumpy because it’s early, but also because you both had to get up and leave without coffee in order to make the train.
“I’m sure it’ll be around soon.” You’re far more awake than him, if only because this is such a big trip - big day in general - for you. The countryside whips past the windows and you cut the video you were recording of the scenery short so he his grumpiness won’t be caught in the recording. “I’m sorry we had to dash out this morning.”
“It’s not your fault.” Dieter grins, remembering what he had immediately done when the alarm had gone off. He had been awake enough for that.
“No, but I definitely enjoyed it.” You shoot him a grin and tuck your phone back into your purse. There’s no pockets in the dress you picked out to wear today, but it’s comfy as hell and leaves your shoulder exposed for the tattoo artist later so that’s all that matters.
“The first official birthday present of today.” He chuckles and slumps back down into his seat. “I’ll wake up for that any day of the week.”
“Me too.” Patting the bench seat beside you, you tilt your head to extend the silent request for him to come and sit. “If the cart doesn’t come around soon, I’ll go down to the dining car and get you some coffee myself, okay?”
“No.” He shakes his head and slides across the small aisle to sit beside you. Immediately leaning against you and cuddling into your body. “I’m just grumpy.” He admits petulantly. “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want you to get a headache,” you tell him honestly, dropping a kiss on top of his head as he cuddles up under your arm. “Me either. So we’re both gonna have coffee and there’s no need to be sorry.”
He sighs happily and burrows into you just a bit more, closing his eyes. That word is popping up in his brain more and he figures he needs to go back to sleep or get some caffeine so he doesn’t fuck things up and ruin your birthday.
It’s about ten minutes later that a chipper older gentleman knocks on the door of your cabin, announcing the arrival of the much-anticipating coffee. When you poke your head out to grab a cup each for you and Dieter, you also grab some pastries to make sure you have a little bit of breakfast in you. Being hangry won’t make today any fun. “Black coffee and a Nutella croissant.” You grin, handing them over to him.
He groans happily, taking the coffee and immediately pulling the lid off to take a sip. “God, I love it.” He takes a sip and moans. “So good.” He doesn’t even realize that he came so close to saying those words, too busy closing his eyes and letting the caffeine hit his system.
“I thought you’d like that.” Plopping down beside him with your own breakfast, it’s all you can do to try to calm your stupid-ass heartbeat from the sentence he almost said. This is getting ludicrous. Every time he uses that word you feel like you’re about to bust out of your skin. Maybe you need to have a talk with Steph later.
Coffee and croissant consumed in silence except for the little sounds of appreciation. He feels more alert by the time he’s licking a smear of chocolate off his thumb and draining the last of the coffee from the disposable cup. “What do you want to do first?” He asks, wanting to see how you are feeling.
“How early is the tattoo appointment?” He had made all the arrangements for you, forwarding your art to the shop and refusing to budge when you quibbled over payment. Despite being excited you’re actually pretty nervous, only having felt the inherent pain of permanent ink second hand from him.
“I scheduled it for two.” He hadn’t wanted to rush you in the museum and figured that you would find somewhere to eat before you went to get your tattoo.
“So how about we wander around the museum first thing, then find someplace to eat before the appointment, since you said it will probably take a while?” The train is scheduled to arrive just after the Kunstmuseum opens, so you’ll have a few hours to walk around and absorb things before needing to be on your way.
“That sounds like exactly what I want to do with you today.” Anything you want, that’s what’s on the table. “And hey—” he bites his lip, wondering if you will be insulted by this, but he wants to offer. “If when you get started on your tattoo, if you don’t like the pain, if it’s too much - I’ll sit for you.” He offers. Knowing that there is pain involved in getting your soulmate’s tattoos, but it might be less than the tattoo itself. If he remembers right, it’s just a quick searing pain rather than the hours in a chair. Some people think they will like it and they don’t. “If you want, of course.” He adds hastily, not wanting you to think he doesn’t think you are capable of it or anything.
“I’ll keep it in mind.” Squeezing his hand in yours, you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek and nudge it with your nose. Dieter is capable of being sweet at the most unexpected times, you’ve found, and it really makes you wonder how many of these moments you missed out on over the years by being stubborn and short-sighted. You shake that thought away for the moment, though, and take another sip of your coffee before squeezing his hand again. “I want to try to do it myself. It—it means a lot to me. To have my family represented like it will be.”
“I completely understand.” He does, just like the triangles were singularly significant to him, he would have never let you sit for them for him. You are seated next to the window, allowing you the sights as the train forges on and he leans against your shoulder to look out with you. “We could always have train sex.” He suggests playfully after a moment.
You nearly snort in response, looking over at him with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on your lips. He didn’t watch you get dressed this morning, so he has no idea that you not only tossed a fresh pack of condoms into your purse, but also put on the skimpiest lingerie you’ve ever owned in your life - bought especially for your birthday. “We could, huh?” It’s flattering as hell, the way he can’t seem to get enough of you, and makes you feel wanted in a way you can’t describe - even beyond lust. “Would that be fun for us?”
Dieter starts to rock his hips in the same motion that the train makes. The clacking keeping time with his thrusts into the air. “Whadaya think?” He huffs, grinning at you. “Wanna ride my rocket on a train?” He is teasing and yet if you are down, he will be all over you, unable to even express how much he loves that your sexual energies match. The idea that you were some sort of prude was way off.
Leaning in close, you nip at his earlobe and grin when you can feel him jolt slightly against you. “Look in my purse, babe.”
He glances at you warily, trying to sense a trap. He had a very hands off policy on a woman’s purse after the one incident where he had his ass kicked after rifling through a connection’s purse for her stash, but he reaches for it. Opening it up and grinning immediately when he sees the foil packets tucked into a pocket. “Someone’s horny.” He coos teasingly, looking up at you with that same silly grin.
“Thinking we would go an entire day without fucking would have been extremely foolish.” Shifting on the bench a little, you know full well that the smirk on your face has gone devious. “Although, you should know. Our hotel can’t send anything up with room service, but they did have an excellent suggestion of where I could find the other thing I wanted for today.”
“What did you ask for that they couldn’t get you?” That has him sitting up straight, eager to hear your answer.
“Telling you isn’t as much fun as you finding out for yourself.” You tell him honestly, biting your lip from the slight nerves flipping in your stomach right now. Yes, it’s your birthday, but you’re the one tied up in a bow as a gift for him right now.
Dieter sits for a moment, trying to figure it out before he starts looking at your clothes. Narrowing his eyes as he gauges if there are lines he hasn’t seen before under your clothes. He stands up and walks over to the door to flip the lock and immediately starts pulling off his shirt.
“There he is. Eager and ready.” A rapidly undressing Dieter is a sight you’re now intimately familiar with, and you have to say a silent thank you to the universe for putting the two of you in a car with no windows facing the inner part of the train. “I swear, I don’t understand people who can’t admit to wanting their own partners. Shit’s so stupid.”
“So you admit you wanted me when you slammed the door in my face?” He asks, sticking his tongue out between his lips as he unbuttons his jeans.
“You weren’t my partner then.” You remind him, wishing not for the first time that you could banish the memory of every single time you ever hurt him.
You frown and Dieter immediately rushes over to kiss you. “Yes baby. I know. We weren’t together, I was just teasing you.” He murmurs, not wanting to ruin your birthday.
“Everything’s okay.” That is something you can promise him, kissing him back and letting him pull you into his lap when he sits down on the bench seat again. “I just hate that time was wasted on me being a stubborn asshole.”
“You just played hard to get.” He jokes, running his hands up and down your back. “But we are right where we need to be.”
When you duck your head to kiss him, your hands gently move his - directing them from your back to your thighs and encouraging his fingers to slip under the hem of your dress. With no one able to see inside your car, he could undress you fully and you wouldn’t mind in the least.
He chuckles against your lips, loving how eager you are. Ever since that first night, you have demonstrated how much you love his hands on your body. “Dee…” The nickname has long since stuck with you, almost nearer to a pet name between you even though it’s the same one his manager uses. “No ripping, okay? I want this set to last.”
He snickers, biting your bottom lip. “I told you I would buy you more panties.”
“I know.” It’s not that you particularly care about the pair that he tore two nights ago, it’s that you really like what you picked out for today. “But you don’t need to tear these.”
“Oh.” You’ve piqued his interest, “Why is that, baby?” He hums, tucking his mouth against your throat and nipping while his hands slide up your thighs and over your hips to squeeze.
“Because…” Taking ahold of his right hand even as he’s fogging your brain with the feeling of his lips and teeth on your skin, you slide it down to the apex of your thighs as you hover in his lap. There’s no doubt that you’re wet enough that you’re practically dripping into his hand - since the panties that you’re wearing offer absolutely no protection whatsoever. “Of this.”
“Jesus fuck.” Dieter groans when he finds the crotch of your panties missing, stroking your bare cunt directly. “You are walking around in crotch less panties and you expect me to not drag you into a corner everywhere we go?” He huffs.
“I didn’t think you’d find out this early in the day,” you admit, albeit sheepishly, as he draws a gasp out of you with his long fingers.
“Should have known baby.” He practically purrs it as he starts to rub your clit. Giddy that you wore this on your birthday. It’s like his own present to open. “Addicted to you.”
“P-probably— oh fuck.” He’s learned your body so well in the space of a week that you have to wrap one arm around his shoulders for leverage just so you don’t lose your balance when he makes you shudder with each stroke of his fingers. “Should have guessed. Fuck Dee, so good baby.”
When you cum, he loves to have his mouth on you. Pressing hot kisses along your throat as he works you closer. Loving the unrestrained way you whimper in his ear. “Cum for me. Cum and I’ll fuck you right here.” He promises, words slurred against your skin.
“Fuck yes.” It’s not as though it takes a huge amount of coaxing - he has the uncanny ability to bring you up to that peak and make sure you come crashing down with an intensity that you’ve never felt before. As much as he might claim to be addicted to you, you have to admit that you might be addicted to him too. “So close, baby.”
“Good.” Dieter groans, cock twitching in his pants and he swears one day you are going to make him cum without touching him.
His fingers rub tight circles on your clit, relentlessly building you up to the top of that gorgeous mountain and pushes you right over the edge so that you’re clinging to him and moaning his name in his ear as your cunt clenches down on nothing and your hips rock in his lap. This right here is a vision he wants to see for the rest of his life. The thought takes hold in his mind and he moans your name while your ride his fingers. Watching you come apart is the best thing he’s ever seen.
As soon as you can move again, you’re clamoring off of his lap to pull his jeans down just a little more. His trapped cock springs free, making both of you groan in appreciation while you nab a condom for him, impatiently waiting to have your place in his lap back.
For Dieter, it’s a frantic race to get the foil packet open and rolled down his aching length. Eager to buried inside the hot confines of your cunt that cradles him so perfectly. His cock twitches once he’s done and reaching for you. “C’mere baby.” He begs, needing to be inside you.
“Gonna have to keep me steady.” The train rocks slightly, moving rhythmically down the tracks, and you hold tight to the luggage rack above his head while you get situated straddling his thighs. This position has your tits directly in his face, which is obviously one of the reasons he loves it so much, and your free hand fiddles with the strap of your dress playfully. “Do you want it all, baby?” You ask, knowing he’ll be biting at your dress if it’s still in the way. Besides, the bra you’re wearing barely counts as clothing and he loves being teased. “I’ll take this off if you promise to be a good boy and suck on my tits while you fuck me.”
Groaning, he nods eager. “I will, fuck I’ll suck on your titties.” He promises, “I’ll suck them the entire time.” He won’t, he’ll end up kissing you, but the sentiment is there. “Let me suck your titties baby.”
It’s a gorgeous thing, how eager he is today, and how you know he’s not faking it or embellishing for your benefit just because it’s your birthday. He’s just always ready to go, matching a sex drive you didn’t even know you had. “Okay,” ducking your head, you nip at his bottom lip while he lines himself up, and you sink down into his cock as you pull your dress over your head. “Since you’re always so good to me.”
He doesn’t know which is making him groan more, you sinking down on his cock or you taking off your dress. Either way, his eyes are lighting up at the barely-there bra and he wastes no time burying his face in the valley between your breasts before sucking a nipple into his mouth through the sheer material.
“Fuck, baby.” Throwing your head back in response to the way he’s trying to bury himself in your chest only pushes your tits deeper into his grasp and you gasp out his name as you start to grind his favorite figure 8’s in his lap. You really haven’t had this kind of sex drive since your teens and if you think about it too much you might start to think that word again, so you don’t. You shut your mind up with the way his cock drags along your inner walls, rising and falling on him and impaling yourself like a willing martyr.
His mouth is eager, and his hands are greedy. He’s allowed to be with you. You’ve never once pushed him away or said that it’s too much, that’s he’s too much. Being with you is like the balm to his soul he didn’t know he needed, and he lays himself bare every time. Groaning into you, the steady clanking of the train times the rolls of your hip and the push of his feet in perfect harmony.
You never thought he would be the person you got lost in, but it happens so easily. The moments swallow you up and let you exist outside of the world, only thinking about the way he seems to fit you like a lock and key. It’s not until afterwards that you think of course - you’re soulmates, no matter how long it took you to get here. He is the key that fits perfectly to your lock, and vice versa. At least as far as your physical relationship goes, that part has always been obvious. It’s the emotional part that you’re still afraid of, and you find yourself constantly doing anything not to think about it. All that matters is the here and now. That’s what you tell yourself when you’re wrapping your arms around him and moaning his name into every deep kiss. It’s going so well, don’t ruin it.
His mind is empty of everything except you. Savoring every moan and whimper that pours out of your mouth and tucking it away. His hands grip you harder, something he discovered you enjoy immensely, and he bites down on your nipple just to hear you gasp.
More isn’t something you typically ask for - the two of you seemingly always working up to a near frenzy at some point in the day - but right now there’s something about the way his fingers are sure to leave bruises on your hips that is driving you crazy. “Harder, baby,” you whine, groaning when his fingers dig into you again. “Fuck — wish we had some rope or something.”
“Shit.” Dieter hisses around your nipple, letting go of one of your back to blindly pull on the belt that was looped into his pants.
It probably wouldn’t look sexy to the outside observer, the frantic way the two of you work to get his belt free and wrapped around your wrists behind your back, but once you’re there it is spectacular. The leather bites into your skin just enough without cutting you, and his grip on the strap pulls tight every time you bounce with one his length with the rhythm of the train. It might be the most control you’ve ever given him over you physically - the most obvious show of trust - in your entire relationship. I know you won’t hurt me, that this will only feel good. And holy shit are you correct about that.
Your arms behind your back makes your tits perk up more, right in his face as they bounce in the confines of your bra. “Fuck baby, look at you.” He groans, admiration shimmering in his eyes as he watches you.
“Y—you like that?” You know you certainly fucking do, the angle making him strike something inside you that is completely new and building you up again fast and furiously. “You like me at your — fuck! — mercy, baby?”
“Yes.” Dieter is honestly more of a sub than most men and has no problem with letting his partner take control, but right now? Yes. He loves this. Your walls are nearly strangling him and he loves the frenzied fever that your body is trying to push for.
At this angle and intensity, you know you won’t last much longer, and you look down at him from having your head and shoulders pulled back to see all your own desperate need mirrored in his face. “Then t-take me,” you practically moan the words out as the rhythm of the train pushes him deep inside you again. “‘M all yours.”
That shouldn’t make him nearly snarl in pleasure. It shouldn’t be a bullseye into the heart of caveman thought he’s never had before. But it does and it is. Dieter tugs on the belt harshly, pulling your arms back and forcing your head to tilt back slightly, his teeth sinking into the juncture of your neck while his cock drills up into you.
The people in the cars on either side of you definitely just heard you cry out his name at an unholy volume, but fuck if you care right now. You’ll have teeth marks in your skin and belt imprints in your wrists and you’ll wear them like badges of honor for however long they last. It’s only another dozen thrusts before your whole body is locking up above him, shuddering in pleasure from an orgasm so intense you swear the whole world goes blank for a second and you forget to breathe.
He cums when you do. Immediately pushed over the edge by the feeling of your body trembling in pleasure. It’s too much. That word, that forbidden word nearly cried out in a phrase that would strip him bare, so he doesn’t dare. Instead, he’s capturing your lips in a kiss, trying to banish the thought with every stroke of his tongue against yours.
“I…” When you can breathe again, panting against his lips and pressing your damp forehead to his, it’s almost too strong. The words - the feeling - it’s there. But there’s no way in hell he would feel the same. Not this fast, or maybe not ever. So you force your lips into a quirked smile and let yourself laugh. “I guess we’re both switches,” you observe. The other thing will stay tucked away. Locked up in your heart maybe forever. He never needs to know how fast you fell in love with him once you gave yourselves the chance.
Dieter laughs breathlessly, kissing the indentations of his teeth on your skin in silent apology. You will just have to wear them until they fade, and he had dug in hard. “I guess so.” His fingers are gentle as he loosens his belt from around your wrists so that it falls to the floor and he leans back, bringing you with him.
“Think anybody heard us?” You giggle in his ear, knowing there’s no way that they didn’t. With your wrists free again you can wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding onto him for support as his own wind around your waist to keep you steady.
“Let them hear.” Dieter doesn’t really care. The two of you are in a private car on a train. Just two of millions who had potentially had sex on this route. He would be proud to weather that ‘scandal’ with you. “At least they can’t say I don’t do a good job.” He jokes, nibbling on your neck playfully.
“You always do a good job.” That much you can promise him, as you brush damp curls from his forehead and leave a kiss in their place. “I’m pretty sure I’ve had sex with you more times in one week than all the other times before, combined.”
Tsking, he is secretly pleased with that little odd fact. “What is wrong with people?” He huffs. “You are gorgeous and should have been beating them off with a stick.”
The way you fluster at that - at such a simple compliment - has your cheeks and ears burning but you just shrug. “Wouldn’t matter now, anyway,” you remind him softly. “Now that…” You have to swallow the words all over again and end up gesturing between you. “Now that we’re this.”
“Now that we’re this.” Dieter echoes with a soft smile. He leans in and kisses you tenderly. “We better clean up. We should be there soon.”
You steal one more kiss before climbing out of his lap, reaching for the tissue box helpfully supplied to you as passengers - or left behind by the last occupants of the car. Either way, you grin when you pull your dress back over your head and reach to pick up his belt to hand it back. “Restraints seem to be a yes.”
“I was surprised you wanted to do it.” He admits, removing the condom and cleaning himself up. “But I will never say no.”
“Spur of the moment thing that turned out very well.” When you’re both tidied up and dressed again, you plop down beside him on the bench and sigh. “So…I’m guessing you liked your surprise?” After all, the lingerie was as much for him as it was for you. If not more.
“I am, but I think you forgot the idea of a birthday was that I and supposed to surprise you.” He teases with a small wink after he’s already lifting his arm around you to let you curl closer.
"And I loved both of my surprises." The drawing he had given you last night is tucked safely in your own sketchbook and the surprise wake up of his head between your legs this morning would have been gift enough on their own, but technically this whole day is your gift and that just makes you feel spoiled beyond belief.
“The day isn’t over yet.” He murmurs, turning his head to kiss yours. “I want this to be the best birthday ever.”
"What else could you have possibly planned?" Short of flying Steph and Nora out in complete secrecy, there isn't a damn thing you can think of that you could want for today. And that would be far too much to pull off - not with the way Steph's job has been lately. "This is already by far the most extravagant birthday I've ever had, Dee. Even if all we did was just ride this train."
“Wellllllll.” Dieter rubs your arm and wonders if this is going to mean anything to you. “I may have arranged for us to have the gallery to ourselves this morning.” He confesses. “We are being given a private, personal tour by the curator. Just us.” It was actually something he had done himself, not asking Libby to take care of for him. He had wanted to do it himself.
"You what?!" Sitting straight up in his arms, you can feel all the blood drain from your face as your eyes blow wide in shock. "You—the whole place?" You're honestly so shocked trying to process the enormity of the gesture that you're not really forming full sentences. "How?"
“I may have tossed my name around a bit. Apparently, they like me here?” He admits, biting his lip and shrugging. “Plus, a promise of signing autographs for the staff and a donation.”
"Dee..." There are tears welling up behind your eyes, you can't deny that. What he went through to do something so meaningful for you is absolutely not lost on you, and you wrap both arms around him tightly. "Oh my god..." There aren't enough kisses in the world to say thank you, but you give him several immediately. "I—I will have a nerd girl meltdown; you know that right? Like this is going to be the highest-level art dork you have ever seen from me, and I swear I'm going to work so hard to make your birthday memorable this year." You may not have bottomless funds or a name to throw around, but fuck if you're not going to do everything you can for him - especially with that feeling living in your chest now.
Grinning like he won the lottery, he gives you a small shrug. “I know how much it means to you. I wanted to be able to make sure you had plenty of time uninterrupted with her.” He tells you, referring to the painting you are most excited to see.
“Thank you.” You bury yourself against his side, hugging him tightly and nearly giggling with excitement. It’s not that no one has ever done anything nice for your birthday, it’s that no one was ever capable of doing something so big, and the fact that he arranged something so personal means the world to you. “Thank you so much, baby.”
“You’re welcome.” He sighs, happy that you don’t think it’s lame. He hadn’t felt you would, but someone else would have been offended it wasn’t some expensive gift.
The walk from the train station to the museum is welcome after three hours in that little car. It’s far too early in the day for anyone back home to be awake yet so it’s just you and Dieter walking hand-in-hand through the busy streets of Basel with you sporting a dopey ass grin on your face the entire time. The day has barely begun and it’s already perfect.
It’s silly. It’s over the top and it’s probably completely unnecessary, but Dieter spots a flower vendor, setting up his baskets of flowers to sell and he can’t help himself. The first flowers he had given you were ones that had been bought for him and thrust into his hand. Right now, he wanted to choose some for you. “Come on.” He tugs you off course, known for that there is some time before you need to meet the curator.
“What are—” Whatever he has spotted, you don’t see – just a nice older gentleman fiddling with his wares behind a flower kiosk. “Dee?”
“Good morning.” Instead of speaking English, Dieter switches to the Swiss German dialect that is used in this area. He had been using English because most everyone who has come up to the two of you has recognized Americans and he hadn’t wanted to exclude you. “I would love to purchase some flowers for this beautiful woman this morning.”
“Good morning!” The man pops up from his seat and reaches to shake Dieter’s hand before tipping his cap to you, noting the confused look on your face. It isn’t the first time he’s met a tourist couple, so he just brushes it off with a smile, grateful that he doesn’t need to dust off his rusty English. “What does the lovely lady like?”
“She likes lilies, but I’m searching for peonies, zinnias, poppies, lavender and flower of the Incas today.” He admits, squeezing your hand and flashing you a smile before he looks back over at the lovely older man. “They are special to her, so today - I want her to have the most beautiful ones.”
“An interesting combination.” The man throws you a playful wink, understanding in a basic way that this conversation is confidential. He starts to buzz around his buckets and baskets, looking for each flower. The zinnias and peonies are abundant and in many different colors, the poppies he has are solely red, and the lavender and Peruvian lily are plentiful as fillers for bouquets that he will make throughout the day. It’s not a combination that he has ever done together before, but that doesn’t mean it won’t look nice. “A bouquet?” He asks Dieter, showing him one by one that he has each flower that has been requested and letting him choose the colours of zinnia and peony. “Or a crown fit for a queen?” He throws him a wink with that remark – waving a hand at his specialty – flower crowns of all shapes and sizes hanging from his little stand.
Dieter looks over at you and smiles. “A crown.” He decides instantly, pointing to the yellow zinnias and the pink peonies. “She deserves it. She’s—” He breaks off, shocked at his own next words, but he says them anyway. Safe in the knowledge that you won’t understand him. “She’s the woman I love.”
“A crown, then.” The older man doesn’t fuss or tease like an American seller might, just nods his head with the understanding that this is a gesture from a man clearly not ready to have the conversation. It’s not as though it’s the first time he’s ever seen a man say it with flowers - just the first time he’s ever seen it with such a unique combination. “This will only take a minute,” he assures Dieter before ducking behind his stand to get to work.
“I had no idea you speak German.” You admit, looking suitably impressed and surprised when he turns back to you. So far you had heard just the tiniest bit of French from him in Geneva but nothing more.
Dieter turns and gives a slightly self-conscious shrug. “You don’t speak it, so I tried to stick to English to make you feel included.” He tells you honestly. “Plus, everyone has known we are Americans.”
“Look at you just being super considerate and impressive.” It didn’t take you too long to figure out that part of his praise kink probably comes from a lack of sincere compliments in his life - most people just blindly trying to kiss his ass without caring what they have to say. So, you’ve made it a point to make sure that any sincere compliment you have for him is said without a trace of any kind of teasing. Especially right now, when you feel like your cheeks are on fire from what you just watched. “You…um…you remembered all the flowers?” Sure he’s seen the painting you did, but you would never expect him to retain it like that.
Nodding, he basks in the affectionate look you are sending him, covering him like a warm blanket. “I did.” He reaches around you and caresses your shoulder. “They are going to look so pretty on your shoulder.”
“Yours, too.” Never forgetting for one second that he is actively encouraging you to leave a permanent mark of yourself on his body, you lean in and press your lips to his softly. “You’re spoiling me, Dee.”
“I want to spoil you.” He murmurs. “You have been amazing here with me. And I— I’m enjoying this. A lot.” He doesn’t say what he wants to, that’s too much. But he had to let you know how much he was enjoying you being here.
“I am, too.” You bury your face in his chest for a moment and sigh, inhaling the familiar scent of hotel soap and his cologne and making your smile grow even wider. “Remind me to bake Libby a thank you cake when we get back to LA.”
“Don’t do that.” He huffs playfully. “She will be intolerable.” He does owe his manager, she had known what she was doing after all, despite him thinking she was crazy.
“Steph has kept her gloating to a minimum.” The small amount she had done was earned, of course, since she was the one who kept encouraging you to give this bizarre situation a try. You don’t know how the hell she’ll react if you admit to her that you’ve actually developed that feeling for him. She’ll probably start planning your wedding. Nope. Nope. Don’t have that thought. Far too giant of a leap.
Dieter chuckles and drops a kiss on your lips. “Together they would be unstoppable.” He grumbles.
“No cake then.” You pretend to pout, pushing out your lower lip just because you know it will make him kiss you again. “Maybe we’ll just post some pictures to social media today to make her happy.”
His lips find yours again, he just can’t help himself. “That will make her giddy.” He promises, looking over to see the florist finishing up and moving out from behind his station with the flower crown. “My lady, your crown awaits.” He theatrically intones.
“Crown?” Your jaw practically drops at the word, and you immediately follow his eyes to the man emerging from out of view. A little bundle of flowers was all you were expecting - a small bouquet that you could tuck into the open zipper of your purse. A crown is an infinitely bigger statement, and this one is stunning. “Oh, wow…”
“It’s okay, right?” Dieter worries that you don’t like it instantly. That he had chosen wrong.
“Baby, it’s gorgeous. I love it.” You promise him, barely catching the end of your thought before you can give yourself away.
Dieter grins, taking the crown from the older man gently and turning to very seriously place it on your head. Adjusting it carefully with his tongue poking out from between his lips. “There. Perfect.”
“Beautiful.” The man agrees, smiling to see the absolute joy on your face as Dieter fusses with the crown.
“Danke schoen.” is about the extent of your German, but you thank the man profusely as Dieter pulls out his wallet.
“You should tell her,” the man nods his head toward you, ultimately only charging Dieter half of what he normally asks from tourists.
Dieter makes up for the generosity by tipping the man extra, smiling and winking at him. “One day.” He promises, although he doesn’t know if that day would ever come honestly.
“Soon.” He encourages, laughing when you nab Dieter’s hand and press a kiss to his cheek. There has been no shortage of PDA over this last week, and today will be no exception. Especially not with the way your heart is swelling, and you swear you would give yourself away tonight if you talked in your sleep.
Dieter thanks the man again and grins at you. “Ready to go be nerdy together?” He asks.
Slipping your hand into his, your head down the street together side by side. “You’re so lucky that I have kept my constant listening to the Six soundtrack to my studio or else you would have smothered me after the fiftieth time playing ‘Haus of Holbein’.”
“Oh my god.” He groans, giving a small chuckle. “You are a nerd.” He doesn’t mean it really. “Although I’m interested in what you would have set as my theme song when we first met.”
“You don’t want to know that.” The ringtone you had set for him originally was done out of annoyance and an abundance of misplaced negative feelings, and you actively cringe thinking about it. Now that you know him better, the song doesn’t fit at all.
He snickers slightly, knowing it must have been bad. “Your ringtone was the Imperial March” He admits with a bashful grin.
“I…deserve that.” You shrug, shaking your head at the awful accuracy. “I totally deserve that.” The fact that everything has changed between you so drastically is an intense relief, but you still cringe slightly. “Yours was ‘You’re So Vain’…”
Dieter sputters slightly, trying to contain his snickering but it doesn’t last long. Laughing out loud and causing a few glances your way, he full on belly laughs at your selection. “Oh god, that’s so great.” He’s not mad, honestly tickled at your expression of displeasure at him being your soulmate. “It’s our song now.” He declares playfully, throwing his arm around you.
“Oh god,” you groan, huffing dramatically at him even as you let yourself laugh with relief that he isn’t mad or offended. Things really have come a long way, which you prove to yourself with teasing. “We’ll have a Pride & Prejudice themed wedding with that as the first dance,” you snort – imagining how ridiculous that would all be. “I’ll walk down the aisle to the Imperial March.” Joking about it is how you’re going to cope with the fact that it’ll never happen, you decide – since for the first time in your entire adult life you’re wishing it would.
Dieter hums, trying to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat when you mentioned a wedding. Telling himself that you are just joking. Instead, he opens his mouth and starts to sing, badly off key. “You’re so vain…you probably think this song is about you. You’re so va-in….”
“Neither of us is allowed to sing.” One finger pokes him in the side as the museum comes into view. Neither of you can carry a tune in a bucket and you both know it. “For everyone’s sake.”
“Ow.” It didn’t actually hurt, but he sends you a pout, rubbing at his rib just to make you feel sorry for him. It might earn him an extra kiss and he’s found he loves kissing you.
“Awwe, poor baby.” The fact that he’s exaggerating and there’s no way you actually hurt him doesn’t stop you from pausing on the sidewalk to kiss him. Although now you have definitely doomed yourself to trying not to have any wedding thoughts whatsoever for the rest of the day. He probably doesn’t even want to get married. Least of all to me.
When your lips press to his, he can’t help but grin. “Thank you.” He huffs when you pull away, sending you a wink.
“So what’s my ringtone now?” Since the subject has been broached, you have to admit you’re curious. It was more than a week ago that you changed his, and you wonder when yours changed in his phone.
Dieter pulls out his phone and opens up his sounds. When he pushes a button, Adele’s song comes out of the speakers. “So can I get it right now? Mmm. Can I get it right now? (Can I get it right here?)” He flushes slightly. “You seemed to like that song at the concert.” He explains.
“Awwe, yours is so much more personal than mine,” you admit, flustering a little than he even paid that much attention to you on what ended up being another bad night. Taking out your own phone, your ears are burning as the song that plays when he calls you starts up. “Ohhhhh you gonna take me home tonight…Ohhhhh down beside that red fire light. Ohhhhh you gonna let it all hang out - Fat-bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round.” By the time you changed it you had decided to opt for comedy, and already noticed that Dieter loves to check out a good ass.
Grinning, he shakes his head. “Guilty.” He confesses easily. “Love that song too.”
“It’s a good song.” And at the time you changed it, a love song would have been presumptuous at best. “C’mon, Dee.” Nodding to the museum now just a block away, you give his hand a soft squeeze. “Let’s go be nerds.”
“Let’s go be nerds.” That will be the theme for the day if he has his way. Whatever you want, he wants you to have. Pleased that he gets to spoil you on your special day.
The Old Masters curator of the Kunstmuseum Basel is waiting for you inside when you arrive, and Dr. Brinkmann shakes Dieter’s hand eagerly before offering you the same gesture and wishing you a happy birthday. The whole place is quiet today, just employees and the two of you, and he was excited at the prospect of a private tour when Dieter told him that you had a background in art as well as just being enthusiastic.
“Thank you for doing this.” Dieter tells him, really turning on the charm. “This has been on her bucket list, and I could think of no greater way to treat her to a once in a lifetime event.”
“As I understand it, the main attraction for you today is Lais Corinthiaca?” He asks, amused smile growing wider when you can barely contain the excitement in your features when he mentions the painting. “We have a few drafts of the piece in our collection as well, that I took the liberty of bringing up to the gallery this morning so you can see them side by side.”
You’re clutching Dieter’s hand so tightly that you might accidentally dislocate a bone, but you’re at a level of excitement that pretty much has you vibrating out of your skin and cannot be held responsible for the tightness of your grip. “Would—would you mind—if we saved her for last?” It feels silly asking, but this is a painting that you fell in love with as a teen and you’ve been dying to see it in person ever since. But the fact is, you know you won’t pay attention to a single other piece once you’ve seen her. “Like a saving the best for last sort of thing? Is that alright?”
Dieter grins, exuberant that you are this excited for something he had planned out. He never plans things, but this was personal. This was you and as a part of really trying, he was making an effort. The curator glances over at him and he nods. “Whatever she wants.” He agrees.
Spending the entire tour of the museum telling yourself that you absolutely will not cry ends up being about as futile as you expected. The moment you step into the gallery where Lais hangs on the wall with the other drafts and copies on easels around her, it’s like you’ve forgotten how to breathe. The painting isn’t terribly large - just over a foot high and under a foot wide - but she is the only thing in the room you seem to be aware of at all besides Dieter’s hand in yours.
It’s beautiful, watching your reaction to her. He finds himself watching your eyes misting up, ignoring the painting. Right here is the feeling he had when he had seen her so long ago, sinking into repose and then finding wonder in this piece. He brings your joined hands up and kisses yours softly.
It’s silly to say that a painting feels comforting, or welcoming, or even like coming home - but in this moment it’s a little like déjà vu. As if Dee was always meant to be a part of the first time you stood in front of Lais. As if the overwhelmed tears on your cheeks make just as much sense as any of his fans getting choked up when he takes pictures with them. It’s almost like time travel - you could swear that you can smell the wet paint and musky tallow of burning candles lighting up Holbein’s space.
Dieter knows that you will be staring at the piece for a while, but he doesn’t rush you. He couldn’t count the hours he had spent with her, not just because he had been stoned. This is a special moment and he’s happy he gets to share it with you.
You’re not sure how long you look. The curator has a few factoids to share and a little history of the piece, and before you know it the three of you are standing together in front of the various versions of the painting deeply immersed in your own personal theories about who the lady might be reaching out to or what she might be offering to the viewer.
“I think she’s beckoning him to her.” Dieter poses. “There’s a coyness about her in this draft.” He points to the slight crinkle around the eyes. “Teasing.”
“Lais was a courtesan.” The curator nods, clearly ruminating on the facts of the piece where Dieter is looking at the emotion in her body language.
“She feels warm in the final draft.” The painting on the wall reaches out to you like a pleased lover - you have to agree with Dieter on that one. “The gesture is soft, like she’s letting her guard down.”
“It takes a special man to allow a woman to let down her guard.” Dieter hums, almost to himself. Somewhat talking about the way you’ve let your guard down as well.
“M-maybe…maybe she was scared,” you murmur, not quite looking over at him. Are you certain he’s talking about you and him? Absolutely not. But are going to go out on that limb just in case? Well… apparently so. “Letting somebody in when you’ve built up ten-story walls isn’t easy…”
Dieter nods, still studying the portrait. “No, it’s not.” He agrees, knowing that he had deflected with his partying and casual sex. He had been afraid of being hurt too. “But…” he nods towards the final piece, the one that is prominently displayed. “The prize is worth it.”
“I—” It’s on the tip of your tongue, that thing you’re absolutely not going to say, even as you lean into Dieter’s side and put one arm around his back. “I really hope you mean that,” you say instead, wishing you were braver. That those walls weren’t still there at your knees, just waiting to be needed again. You want them gone, but you have to admit that you’re still scared.
His arm comes around you. Naturally and easily, folding you against him as if you belong. Because you do. “I do.” He turns to kiss you, because the moment calls for it.
The curator has retreated out of infinite politeness, but neither of you have noticed. You’re tucked against Dieter’s side with both arms around his waist now, trying desperately hold back words and tears that make might this moment too heavy. “You are, too.” Those words, at least, are soft. Nearly whispered because they’re just for him. “Worth it, I mean. Worth…well, everything…”
It’s on the tip of his tongue to say something stupid. His brain battling between ‘Marry me’ and ‘I love you’. Both enough to scare you away. It’s too soon and there’s still so much to learn about each other. So he doesn’t say it, he lunges forward and this kiss is desperate, needy and giving at the same time.
It takes longer than maybe it should before you can force yourself to break the kiss, trying as hard as you can to communicate everything you’re feeling in that one moment before you smile up at him sheepishly. Your cheeks are burning in his cupped hands, but you are reveling in the tenderness of the moment at the same time. “Save that thought for when we’re alone,” is your breathless suggestion, trying to be polite about the fact that you probably shouldn’t just make out in front of the museum curator, but knowing that you’ll be craving that feeling again in no time.
Dieter chuckles and looks around. “I think we are alone.” He admits, grinning about it. He’s not ashamed. “But we should wait. Do you want to take some pictures with her?” He asks, nodding towards the portrait.
“You know what I mean.” Your lips twist into a coy smirk, and you pull your phone from your purse to hand it over to him. “Will you take a couple? You’re better at selfies.”
“Of course.” He snaps a few of you by yourself before he includes himself in the photos. Smiling with you and knowing that Libby will be squealing happily when they go up on social media.
“We should find the curator.” Tucking away your phone again after snapping photos of each of the copies of Lais’ portrait, you lean over to kiss Dieter one more time. “Best birthday ever, baby. And the day’s not even half over.”
“Good.” He’s proud of himself for that. That he’s able to give you a great memory when there are quite a few that involve him that are less than stellar. But this is what starting over is all about, making new memories. “We still have the rest of the day to either crash and burn or make it epic.” He teases, hand squeezing your ass playfully.
“We’re not going to crash and burn.” Your arms around him squeeze gently, like you’re trying to summon the strength in yourself not to blurt shit out that would scare him off at the same time you’re trying to reassure him. “We’re not like we used to be.”
“You mean anger isn’t our first reaction?” Dieter gives you a shocked look, mouth open aghast. “Nooo. Say it isn’t so?”
That earns him a laugh, and your nose wrinkles on a grin as you shake your head. “We tend to react to most things with horniness first, these days.”
“I mean…yeah.” He rolls his eyes even as that required kiss is dropped on your lips for the nose wrinkle. It happens pretty much every time now. “How else am I supposed to react when I know exactly how well you fit me and how good my name sounds being moaned out in my ear?”
“No fair.” You pout heavily, squirming slightly against him. “You can’t just talk about it, you’re gonna get me all worked up.”
“Poor baby.” Dieter coos softly, using the fact that the two of you are alone in the gallery room to pull up the edge of your dress and slide his fingers along the banding of your panties. “I guess we are going to have to see how long you can hold out.”
“Dee,” you whine his name softly, pouting again until he relents and smooths your dress back into place. “We’re gonna end up skipping lunch and finding someplace to fuck,” you predict, shaking your head at him in amusement.
He smirks, loving how eager you are for it when just a short while ago he would have bet his entire drug stash you wouldn't sleep with him if he was the last man on the planet. "I have an idea..." He hums, waggling his eyebrows at you.
“What kind of idea?” This morning on the train definitely proved that you’re up for a little experimentation today.
"Well...." Dieter grins, sliding his hand back up to your waist and turns you to the exit of the exhibit. Determined to talk and walk at the same time. "I was thinking we would find a toy store. Maybe discover something for you to wear while we are having lunch."
“To wear, huh?” The curator is waiting for you at the end of the short hallway, and you kiss Dieter’s cheek quickly before you get close enough for the older man to overhear you. “Sounds like fun.”
He grins in triumph as you thank the curator profusely, gushing over the experience. Proud that he could set this up for you.
"I really can't thank you enough for providing such a unique experience to us." Honestly you never could have even conceived of a museum visit like this in a million years and the whole thing felt like a dream even before making it to the Holbein section of the galleries. As someone who has dedicated yourself to art education, you've learned more just today than you did in entire semesters at school and the fact that Dieter made all of it happen just makes your heart swell.
"It was my pleasure." He assures you with a smile, taking your hand and shaking it gently. "Rarely do I find people so passionate about Holbein as you and it is refreshing." He nods at Dieter, shaking his hand next.
"Hopefully I'll be back again one day." Though you can't allow yourself to be presumptuous enough to assume that you would come back again with Dieter in the future, your absolute hope is to one day bring Steph and Nora when your niece is just a little bit older. No matter what, you dearly hope this won't be the last time you see Lais Corinthica in person.
Dieter quickly fulfills his part of the agreement, giving out autographs and taking pictures with most of the staff of the museum, laughing and turning on the charm for them. They had done him a huge favor and he owed them that. Once done, he guides you out of the building and grins happily. "So, what's next birthday girl? Lunch or toy shopping?"
“If we toy shop first, then I can wear it at lunch.” The idea has been rolling around in your head since he brought it up, knowing full well that it isn’t something you would want to be actively playing with while you get your tattoo.
"You read my mind baby." Whipping out his phone, he looks for the closest store that would cater to those toys and selects it. "It's only a few blocks away." He smirks, and winks at you. "Let's go find you something to have nestled in your tight little cunt while you eat, and I can hold the remote."
“I’m going to be a wreck by the time we get to the tattoo place, aren’t I?” With his large hand entangled in your smaller one, you grin at him as you walk down the street together. “Something remote controlled, huh?” He’s going to love that.
"Well considering I don't think it's a good idea for it to be buzzing away inside you while you are in the chair..." He drolls, grinning at you. "I figured I'd relax you by making you cum before we get there."
"And an endorphin rush afterward is a great pain killer." You inform him, as though he isn't acutely aware of the feel-good rush as orgasm can provide.
“Babe.” He pouts at you, poking his lower lip out and turning on the wounded look.
"What? I—a couple of the girls on the set crew told me that getting their first tattoos made them really horny..." For a second you're afraid you've offended him somehow, and you shrug innocently hoping that you didn't say something wrong.
"No, I know." He promises. "It does make you horny. And you're teasing me talking about endorphins."
“It’s not teasing if you get to fuck me as many times as you want when we get home tonight,” you remind him, fully aware that that is where the night will end up. You’ve never had a significant other on your birthday before ever and you want to make sure every second is memorable. “And probably on the train again, too.”
He whines at the prospect of that and tugs you forward when he starts walking a little faster. "Fuck." He grunts, shaking his head. "Can I – would you let me with the toy?" He asks breathlessly.
“Would I let you fuck me with a toy?” Your forehead furrows, like you’re almost wondering why he’s even asking - he saw your toy collection. “Of course, baby. We just have to find something fun.”
"No, I—" He stops and bites his lip, his eyes practically alight with excitement. "I mean being inside with the toy." He explains, knowing that it's a possibility that you might not be into it, but if....
“You…” Tugging on his hand makes him stop in the middle of the sidewalk, and you pull him close to the building you were walking beside so that the other pedestrians will just walk around you and ignore you. “You want to…” Your voice drops cautiously low, but there is definite curiosity in it. “You want to double team me with a toy, handsome?”
"Fuck yes." His dick twitches in his pants just thinking about it. "Something small. The bullet buzzing away inside you while I'm right beside it." He swallows, nearly drooling at the idea and raises his brows. "What do you think?"
"I dunno, babe..." Alright, now you are teasing him. Batting your eyelashes with your voice low and your arms around his waist to keep him close. "You're always saying how tight I am. Do you think you could fit?"
His knees buckle slightly, making his body drop a couple of inches before he catches himself, leaning back against the wall. "Fuuuuuuuck." His whine is nearly pained, and his breath is ragged just thinking about it.
"I'll take that as a yes," you giggle evilly, leaning in to kiss his cheek before straightening up again. "Come on, baby. We're almost there."
"I can't fucking walk." He huffs dramatically and turns towards the wall to adjust himself.
It takes him a second to recover, but you kiss the pout from his lips and two blocks later you're rounding the corner into an alley to the discreet entrance to an adult 'entertainment' store.
"Okay." Dieter is over his pouting, eager to see what the store has available. Theoretically, he'd love to buy something and have you wear it out of the store. "Let's see what we can find."
"This place is huge..." Normally your toy purchases are made discreetly at the little locally-owned shop one town over, but this place is nearly an emporium. "I don't even know where to start." Signs indicating lingerie, costumes, games, toys for him, toys for her, toys for them...this store has it all.
"Anywhere you want." He promises, smirking at the selection. "I think we can just start in the toys for her if you want."
“Organized. I appreciate that.” The sheer size of the place is actually a little overwhelming, and you tuck yourself into Dieter’s side as you head up the stairs to where the toy sections are indicated.
"Now, if you don't like something, don't just agree because I like it." He cautions. "Because I like a lot of things. Doesn't mean you will."
"Maybe we can start with things you do like, though?" Looking at the racks upon racks and walls covered in options, you spot an area of shelving that clearly sports panties with vibrators built in and you tug him in that direction. "I've never had anyone else to play with these things with, so I don't know what's good for two."
"Anything can be for two." He tilts his head as he starts considering. "We will just have to see what sparks our interest."
“These are…interesting.” There are shelves upon shelves of boxes and displays touting discreet play, but after a while you stumble upon a group of them that are controlled by phone app. Some of them look like the same sort of device you’ve been seeing all along, but a few boast countless vibration patterns and the ability to work over long distances. “One of these could be fun…” You pick up a box with a bright pink device on the cover marked explicitly for long distance play as well as close encounters. “How long do you think long distance really means?”
"Considering I don't plan on being too far away from you, I don't think it will matter." He grins at you. "But maybe we can experiment with it. Have you go into the bathroom and I'll see if I can make it turn on?" There is a dirty little wink sent your way with the idea.
"I'm going back a week before you." It's not a thought you've had a lot of fun with, but he is scheduled to be on set for six more days after you fly back to LA. "And we live...not too close." You shrug meekly, realizing that you must sound incredibly clingy right now. "I was thinking of that."
His grin gets even wider and his eyes light up. "Ohhhhhhhhh, I see." His dark chuckle is filthy because of what you are proposing. "We will have to try that."
"Could make for some fun FaceTimes." But the fact is, if you think too much about how in a couple of weeks you'll be sleeping without him again, it's going to seriously bum you out. So you turn on a bright smile again and start comparing some of the devices on the shelf. "Are these sort of what you had in mind?"
"Yeah." Dieter wants to ask you to stay, have Libby change your ticket but he knows how needy that would make him seem. Even though you are enjoying yourself, you do have a life away from him. You have to be ready to get back to it. "Which one looks like something you would wear? Or want to wear?"
"Is it weird that I prefer my sex toys in unnatural colors?" There are bright pinks and purples and blues all laid out in front of you. "I'm not trying to pretend it's a real cock, ya know? I don't want something that's like...as close to your skin color as possible. I'd rather just have it be you." He's still holding the box you handed him, and you look over at it to glance at the features listed. "Plus, it's easier to tell if they're clean or not."
"No I agree." Dieter nods quickly. "Honestly I drift towards the neon colors, and glow in the dark ones are fun too." He chuckles.
"Glow in the dark sounds fun." For no reason other than it being silly, of course. "Do you see one?"
Snickering, he looks around and points to one. "There is a neon purple on that is supposed to glow in the dark." He tells you, admiring the was the toy is curved. "Looks like it goes inside you and presses against your clit."
"Think you'll fit in along with it?" You toss him a smirk as he stands beside you and bite your lip trying to imagine how full you'll feel - as if he doesn't make you feel like you're being split in two all on his own.
Groaning quietly, his eyes flutter shut at the thought of being buried inside you beside that toy. "Yes." He whispers, slightly breathless.
"That's gonna be your new favourite thing, isn't it?" The thought makes you giggle evilly, and shiver in anticipation at the same time. He's so enthusiastic about the idea that it can't be anything but pleasurable.
“Everything with you is my favorite.” He gushes without even considering how it would sound. He’s unable to remember the last time he’s had so much fun with sex, or so much of it.
"Same." Leaning into his side, the now familiar and comfortable bulk of him makes you sigh a little and you look up to find him smiling down at you just the same. "I..." Ah, fuck it. "I hope you know that if I didn't have to get ready for the school year, I would stay until you're done shooting."
“Really?” He is shocked at that, pleasure flooding his chest when you nod shyly and bite your lip. “That’s good to know.”
"What can I say?" His smile makes your heart clench and feel like it's going to explode at the same time and that word is at the forefront of your mind again. "You've grown on me."
“Like a rash.” He teases.
"Sure, babe." You roll your eyes, blowing out a breath that could have turned into annoyance except for the fact that you can actually tell when he's teasing you now. "Like a rash."
“But I’m your rash.” He coos, leaning in and kissing you. “Besides, you like the beard burn on the inside of your thighs.”
"Yes, you are. And yes, I do." The last place on earth for you to get self-conscious about a kiss is in the middle of a sex shop, and you lean into it unapologetically.
He nips the bottom of your lip. “Good.” He breathes out. “I’ll put that burn there whenever you want.”
"Do you want to look at anything else, or go grab some lunch?" With about an hour left before your appointment, you're starting to get a little more nervous, but being right here in his arms is the most soothing place you could ask to be.
“Anything you want to pick out for me?” He asks, curious to see where your ideas would lead you.
"Well you don't need a Tenga Egg." You throw him and smirk and lace your fingers through his to start strolling towards the section of toys meant for men.
“No, that would disappear and then I get to go to the hospital.” Dieter winces, shaking his head.
"Is something like a cock ring too simple?" He has a whole stash of toys, you know that, but you don't really know his preferences with them or even what they are. This will be the first time you've ever used them together.
“No.” Dieter bites his lip and smothers a small moan at the idea of wearing one as he teases you. “I think that would be fun.”
"Vibrating or not vibrating?" There are racks upon racks of the things, and you get lost a little in his little sounds of excitement as the two of you start to look through them.
“Fuck, vibrating.” Dieter decides with a grin, spotting one that is remote controlled as well. “That one you would control, baby.”
"His and hers vibrators," you giggle a little at the thought, but immediate feel the lump in your throat when Dieter's lust-blown eyes settle on one that lists multiple speeds and a Bluetooth connection. "Find one you like?"
“You haven’t lived until you have a vibrator against your taint.” He tells you seriously, picking up the box and flipping it over to read the back of it.
"I guess I'll never live, then." You tease, poking him in the side. "Pick whatever you want, and we can spend all night tonight playing with our new toys."
He grins for a split second before he widens his eyes and turns on a puppy dog look. “Mommy I want this.” He pouts playfully, wondering how you will react to that.
There's a moment there where your throat just runs dry and you nearly choke on the word, surprised to find yourself wishing instantly that it was you and him out somewhere with a little kid Nora's age that has your eyes and his wild hair. You only let the thought exist for a second before you're blinking it away, shaking your head to banish it like a haunting spirit. "I'll pass on the mommy kink," you tell him, making yourself laugh although you can hear how awkward it is. "But if that's the one you want, it's what we'll get."
He snickers, pulling you into his arms and kissing you, a grin still on his lips. “I had to.” He teases. “But no mommy kink. Got it. Does nothing for me anyway.”
"Since we're experimenting today, is there anything else you do want to try?" The check-out is downstairs on the main floor, but the two of you are slow to make your way in that direction. Too wrapped up in each other to care about speed.
“I think we should start slow, right?” He asks, looking over at you. “I don’t want to overwhelm you or have it turn out to be too much too soon.”
"I've used toys before." It's not as though having something vibrating in your pussy is a brand new sensation. It will just be new to do it with someone else. "I mean I'm not saying I'm ready to try out being a full-on dominatrix, but if there was some roleplaying or something kind of lowkey that you wanted to add in…we could do that."
“Hmmmm.” He grins and leans down to bite your shoulder. “Sounds like the birthday girl has some ideas. What do you want, baby? I’m your very willing accomplice.”
"Honestly?" The way that word makes your forehead pinch and your eyebrows raise with worry is obvious, and you shrug slightly. "I just...I know you're more adventurous than I am, and I-I don't...want you to get bored..."
Dieter frowns, stopping immediately and turning towards you. “Have I made you feel like I’m bored?” He asks, needing to know if he’s made you feel this way or if it’s just a general worry.
"No." He hasn't at all – always making sure that you enjoy yourself and that you get off before he does at least once. More if he can manage it. "I'm just...I'm just a worry wart, I guess." You're just realizing you're in love with him and that has made you instantly terrified of fucking things up, apparently.
“Baby.” Dieter senses that this moment is not one for jokes. His hand that isn’t holding a toy rests on your waist and he tugs you close. “I promise you, if I need something, I will let you know.” He murmurs softly. “I’ve had more amazing sex in the past week with you than I have had in years.”
"Okay." Both of your arms come around him, holding him just as tightly for a moment and letting yourself listen to the steady bump of his heart in his chest. It's only been a week; you remind yourself with annoyance. Chill the fuck out. "Let's go get something to eat. The appointment's coming up fast."
“Yes ma’am.” He pats your ass and pulls away. “We will pay for these and put them on in the restaurant.” He tells you with a grin.
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My Masterlist!
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thaliaisalesbian · 3 months
i get myself twisted in threads
fell asleep pretty much immediately after spending four hours making pie from scratch yesterday. might post pictures of the pie at some point, it is still pi day after all.
Chapter 21: i had to do something to break into your golden thinking
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
This doesn’t feel real.
He knows that there’s been someone in here—not his room specifically, but the house—to clean it up, get rid of the dust after no one has been here for months.
Joyce, he thinks. Or maybe the kids tried to help.
His room is quiet, but he can hear everyone talking downstairs. They’d all insisted on coming, even El, who’s not talking to him right now. She hasn’t said more than a few words to him in the past couple of days, but last night she’d pulled Steve into her room and read to him until she couldn’t hold the book up anymore. She was still curled up next to him when he woke up.
She’d probably spend the night here if Hopper let her. She’ll be back tomorrow, though, and the kids will probably want to take over his living room for sleepovers at some point.
Standing here, staring at the walls he’s not allowed to change, he kind of wants to tell them he’s not moving back in after all. That he’s going to stay with Hopper and El, and spend some (most) of his nights in Jonathan’s bed.
But he can’t do that, because no matter what’s going on, no matter how long it’s been since he’s been in the house, if his parents saw it all dusty and closed up, he’d get in trouble. He doesn’t want anyone else to have to deal with the fallout.
Steve knows he only has a few more minutes in here alone, before Nancy or Jonathan or one of the kids comes looking for him.
By some miracle, Nancy has her mom’s permission—even though it’s really just out of courtesy that Nancy even asks anymore—to spend the weekend here with him and Jonathan. The kids will be around most of Saturday, too, but Sunday is all theirs.
To help him get adjusted to everything, to help him unpack and organize, to go over homework and just spend time together.
He knows they’re all worried about the stairs up to his room, but he can handle them. He’s barely ever on his crutches anymore, and Owens had come and looked at everything before he’d let Steve move back in. He’d said they could count as a physical therapy exercise if Steve went up and down them five times in a row.
Honestly, that sounds more time consuming than most of his exercises, so he’s probably only going to do it if he gets really bored.
“You okay?” Nancy rests her hand on his back, hugging him from behind.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.”
“We could still recruit the kids to repaint your room, you know.”
“And they would all make a mess. Except for maybe Will and El.”
“Wouldn’t be such a bad thing, I don’t think.”
“You know,” Steve knows he probably shouldn’t even be thinking this, it’s way too early, they haven’t been dating that long, but he’s a hopeless romantic. He knows it. Once, when he was younger, he and Carol had been talking about their dream weddings—at the time, they’d been convinced they were going to grow up and get married, because they were best friends and couldn’t imagine not being in each other lives forever—Tommy, who hadn’t been invited because this was Steve-and-Carol time, had just walked into Steve’s house and jeered at Steve for talking about weddings.
And then, he’d made sure to interrupt whenever he knew Steve and Carol were going to be alone. He’d said it was because he had to make sure Steve wasn’t acting ‘girly’.
Nancy pokes his side, gently. “What do I know?”
Oh. He’s stopped talking. “I think, when we get a house of our own, for the three of us, it’d be cool to have Will paint us a mural or something.”
Nancy’s quiet for a minute. Shit. He’s overstepped, he shouldn’t have said anything.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine, you can forget I said that—” 
“No, Steve, it’s nice that you’re thinking about it. That would be good, I think. Will would make it look good.”
“I know.” Steve turns around in her arms, slouching so he can rest his head on her shoulder.
Jonathan finds them like that.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
“We’re okay.” Nancy tells him. “Just having a moment.”
“Want me to step out?”
“No.” Steve doesn’t know why his voice is hoarse, but it is. “Come here for a minute.”
Jonathan can just barely get his arms around both of them when they’re arranged like this,, but they manage.
“The kids are asking where you are.” He says, after a few minutes. “We can stay up here, if you want.”
“No, it’s… I don’t know. It’s just weirder than I thought it would be, somehow. I’m okay.” He doesn’t actually know what’s going on in his brain right now.
“Hopper’s going to pick up dinner.” Jonathan says. “The kids might be pulling all of the cushions off your coach.”
“Of course they are.” Steve pulls back a little. “Well, let’s go make sure they don’t start hitting each other with them. They’re heavy, for cushions. Tommy broke my nose once with them.” It’s an offhand comment, but he catches the look Nancy and Jonathan give each other.
“It was years ago, babes, we were kids. Don’t worry about it, and don’t be mad at him for it.”
“How hard was he swinging it? It’s pretty difficult to break someone’s nose with a cushion.” Nancy says, but she doesn’t sound mad. Yet.
Tommy had been mad about something, sure. Steve doesn’t remember what. He doesn’t think he even knew what Tommy was mad about when it happened, just that Tommy was upset and being meaner than usual, to him and everyone else.
“I dunno. He’s the one who suggested it, it seemed like fun.” It hadn’t, really. Steve had been terrified of ruining the cushions (he’d had to get bloodstains out of the ones they’d been using, and the carpet, afterward), and he’d been a little scared of Tommy, too. But Nancy and Jonathan don’t need to know that, it’s not like he even talks to Tommy anymore. “It wasn’t the sort of thing Carol and I did together. Climbing trees and racing on our bikes, that was all fine, but she didn’t like pillow fights.”
“Well, let’s go stop the kids from breaking any bones. Or lamps, or anything else.” Jonathan holds both of their hands until they get to the stairs.
Since they haven’t exactly told any of the kids (Will and El don’t count, since El pretty much figured it out before they did, and Will had clocked it on Jonathan’s face the first time he came home after they started dating), Steve understands why Jonathan drops his hand. They haven’t really talked about telling them, even if it’s not going to be a secret for too much longer.
Max has probably figured it out already, but she knows how to keep things to herself. Mike actively avoids thinking about Nancy’s dating life. Lucas might pick up on something, but he’s good at keeping things close to his chest, too. Dustin… if he were looking for it, he’d probably get it pretty quickly. But last time Steve talked to him, just briefly over the walkie, Dustin had asked if there was anyone at school he was going to try and date, since he was ‘so mysterious now’.
As soon as he’d gotten over his terror that Steve is going to just vanish back into the Upside Down, or die from his injuries, Dustin had started keeping track of the rumors he was hearing in the middle school about Steve. He’s convinced that Steve’s ‘injured air of mystery’ is what’s going to get him a date.
Steve gets it. He knows that Jonathan and Nancy are the public couple, they’re going to continue being the public couple. As much as people—mostly other high schoolers, Steve thinks—talked about Nancy ‘running off’ with Jonathan, it’s not super scandalous for a high school girl to date more than one boy.
It would be a little more scandalous for her to go back to the boy she ran off on. They weren’t on and off like Tommy and Carol have been, it would be out of the blue, and Steve knows that it would make Jonathan an open target at school.
So, Steve understands. He knows why Jonathan won’t even hold his hand in front of the kids, not when they can’t play it off as Jonathan helping him.
It doesn’t take away  the sting that comes with his now-cool, empty hand.
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jesuiscalmedammit · 2 years
Blackmail – (13) A fresh start || [Alejandro Gillick x reader x Matt Graver]
previously: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12.
note: after several months, here's chapter 13.
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Your relationship with Matt changed drastically in the course of twenty-four hours. He only spoke to you when it was absolutely necessary, and even then he kept the number of his words to the bare minimum. People began to notice, but no one was brave enough to comment on it with either of you being present. Even Steve refrained from saying a word and escalating things during the mission which was a pleasant surprise.
But once you were done, he invited you for a usual farewell drink and you could feel he was about to bring it up then. Matt had already left so it was just the two of you from the team in the chosen nearby bar, therefore there was nothing that could stop him from snooping around in your business.
“What the hell happened between you and Matt? He’s being a bigger dick than usual,” he began a second after you sat down across from him with two bottles of beer.
Wow, he was truly eager to hear the details. You leaned back and took a sip of your drink as you thought about how much to tell him. “What makes you think it has anything to do with me?”
“Come on, Matt is… He’s obsessed with you, he doesn’t even try to hide it. And he mumbled something about you yesterday.”
By now you had already made up your mind. You’d soon leave anyway, why not tell him as much as you could now? Letting out a sigh, you began to tap your fingertips on the side of the cold bottle. “Alejandro is alive.” Steve’s jaw dropped when he heard this. “But obviously this has to stay between us. He contacted me soon after his alleged death because he needed help and Matt found out. We—and now you—are the only ones who know this.”
Steve raised his hand to stop you. “But that happened over a year ago, what does it have to do with anything?” he asked.
“Well, a few days ago he showed up and asked me to go with him.”
“For good?”
“Yes, for good.”
“I guess Matt’s angry because you agreed.”
Nodding, you fought back the smile that wanted to crawl on your lips. “Yeah, I think so. I’m leaving tonight. It’s so weird—I mean, I haven’t seen Alejandro in a year, and now I’m planning to move I don’t even know where with him,” you explained. He didn’t have to say a word, you knew Steve was thinking it was a strange decision as well. “I know we should take it slow, like, meeting every now and then, but at the same time I remember the time we spent together in the past.”
Steve shook his head as he took a swig of his beer. “You were planning to leave the team for him before he disappeared. Sure, you and Matt had fun, but that was never this serious. At least that’s how I saw it from the outside. I think you made the right choice,” he assured you with a smile.
“Thanks. I know it probably sounds weird since I’m leaving tonight, but I was still a bit unsure of my decision. A part of me still loves Alejandro, so I’m sure we’ll figure this out,” you told him with a smile. “Thanks for supporting me, Steve. You have no idea how much that means now.”
“I can imagine your conversations with Matt about this. I’m quite sure he didn’t make it easy for you.”
“You’re right, he didn’t,” you said quietly. “Anyway, I’m gonna miss you guys so much. We’ve been working together for so long that you’re like family. It will be hard to be away from you all.”
Steve flashed a smile at you as he raised his bottle. “Well, we’ll miss you too. I mean, I sure will. And I guess it means you’ll have to go no contact because of him. If they found out he was alive, I’m sure the CIA would send us to take care of him. And Matt would gladly do it,” he added with a sigh.
You shrugged. “I think despite everything they’re still friends. But who knows, maybe he wouldn’t hesitate this time around. Especially knowing Alejandro told me something before I talked to him.” Slowly putting his bottle back on the table, Steve gave you a questioning look. “He pointed out that Matt would never leave his wife for me. I used to be perfectly fine with what we had, but then I realized that I wanted more.”
“You want a normal relationship,” Steve finished for you. “No one can blame you for that. But what did Matt say when you pointed this out to him? Did he go ballistic?”
Letting out a thoughtful hum, you said, “Surprisingly, no. He even told me he would leave his family if I decided to stay with him. Can you believe it? He made a promise he sure as hell wouldn’t keep. I mean, what are the chances of him actually leaving them? I’ll tell you—zero.”
Even though he nodded in agreement, Steve didn’t say a word. With that you silently agreed to end the conversation about your upcoming departure, and instead you decided to help him pick up some woman for the last time while he was still here. It didn’t take long, and you had to leave anyway, so soon you were entering your motel room and sat on the edge of the bed as you waited for Alejandro to arrive.
It had been so long since you last waited for him to arrive after a tough day that you forgot about that excitement you had felt in the past. You knew things would be okay with him around, and now that you were about to leave with him for good, everything seemed to come back. Everything would make sense once he arrived, every question you had would be answered, and he would sure as hell would make you feel safe.
The knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts. With a smile you didn’t even know you had on your face, you jumped up and went to open the door for him, but once you were face to face with him, you didn’t know what to do or say.
“Can I come in?” he asked to break the silence. You nodded and immediately stepped aside. Once he was inside, Alejandro took a look at your suitcase that was right under the window. “Did you pack everything?”
You nodded again. “Yeah. I—I did. Everything I had with me. But what about my apartment? All the things I have there… What will happen to them?” you asked uncertainly.
Alejandro grabbed the handle of the suitcase and pulled it closer to his leg. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll have someone take care of that. Everything will be shipped to Colombia.”
“So that’s where we’re going?” He nodded in response. “It’s okay, but I’ll give you a list of the things I’ll need. The rest can go to a storage unit.”
“All right, I’ll take care of it when we get there,” he assured you. “Ready to go?”
The two of you left the motel and you soon found yourself on the way to your new home. The last time you’d been to Colombia, the two of you were planning to spend the rest of your lives together. You could still remember the joy you felt when he revealed he was finally ready to let go of the past and move on with you.
But now? It was awkward. You hated to admit it, but everything was different. The corners of your lips instinctively curled into a smile whenever you looked at him, that didn’t change, but there was that small voice in the back of your mind which told you he was a stranger now. Who knew how much he had changed during the time he spent away from you. What was he even doing?
When you finally reached his apartment, you realized one thing hadn’t changed: he was still a minimalist. He kept the amount of furniture to the bare minimum, and there was no decoration that would give away anything about his personality or life. “You’re still now known for your interior design skill,” you joked once he locked the door.
“I like to keep things simple. But feel free to change this,” he added with a small smile.
He was trying. That was… good. “No, I—I just got here, I don’t want to change anything.”
Letting out a sigh, Alejandro stepped closer and took your hand. “This is your home now too. I want you to feel like home. Also, I think you’ll spend a lot more time here than me. Whatever you want, you’ll get it,” he said.
But this wasn’t all that good after all. “Please, don’t do this,” you asked him. Alejandro gave you a questioning look, and honestly, you couldn’t blame him. “You’re acting like things were the same as they were a year ago. But a lot of things has changed during that time. I need a little time and space, I—I need to ease back into this relationship.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know. You shouldn’t offer to do anything I want for one. Or… I really, really don’t know,” you admitted. “Things are happening a little too fast. One day I’m on a mission with the team, and happy with… you know, and a few days later I’m already moving in with you.”
Alejandro nodded as he leaned against a nearby wall and folded his arms over his chest. “Do you want me to stay somewhere else until you get used to being here?” he asked calmly. You shook your head as you began pacing back and forth in front of him. You didn’t want him to leave, that you knew for sure. But at the same time you literally needed some space. “I have a guest room, I thought you would choose that for now,” he suddenly stated.
So he knew? Wow, he knew you better than you remembered. “That… would be great, thank you. And I’m sorry. I know the things I say don’t really make sense right now, but… Hopefully it’ll get better soon.”
“I know. I won’t rush you, don’t worry,” he said. “The room at the end of the hallway is yours. Feel free to decorate it however you want. I’ll go get some coffee nearby, if you need anything, you know my number.”
“Thank you.” You watched as he left the apartment, then grabbed your suitcase and headed to the room he mentioned. “That was awkward,” you noted to yourself when you stepped inside.
Being alone was exactly what you needed now. Just some time to think, to get used to the idea of living in a different country and having him around again. You should have known he wouldn’t push your boundaries right away. He’d always been like this, considering every little aspect of a decision like asking you to move in with him before making his move.
You put your suitcase on top of your bed, and carefully opened it to pack your things out. But what seemed to be an easy task, soon turned out to be a bit of a mystery. There was a phone—that definitely wasn’t yours—under two layers of clothing along with a handwritten note. It looked a lot like Matt’s rushed handwriting.
“I get it, you want to leave and have a fresh start with Alejandro. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I’ll accept it,” Matt wrote in the letter. “But I don’t want you to live without a safety net. I saved my number and installed a messaging app for you, so you can contact me if anything happens. Or if you get bored. I’m sure he won’t always be there with you, so if you feel like it, just call me or send a message—I’ll answer it as soon as I can. Be safe, okay? And I’m serious, call me if you need help. I’ll go and get you, no matter where you are. I love you.”
Why did he have to make this so hard for you? Letting out a troubled sigh, you emptied the suitcase then put the phone and the note in it. You didn’t want to deal with that. You were with Alejandro. You were safe. You weren’t bored—yet. And you most definitely didn’t want to think about Matt right now. This was a new life. You had to focus on that.
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one with the road trip
Part 15 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Warnings | 18+ only  - no smut but mentions of it
Chapter 15 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
Apologies for any mistakes, this has been written on my phone and its a bit difficult to edit. Once I’m back with a working laptop I’ll give it a once over :)
Bucky had intended on renting a bike so you could ride down to Louisiana but with Sam’s suit it would’ve been an impossible feat. 
He settled for hiring an SUV and added you both to the insurance so you could take it in turns driving on the long trip down south. 
“Been together one day and we’re already on our first trip” You teased as you rested your feet on the dash, taking in the scenery as Bucky drove. His metal hand gripped the steering wheel as he peaked a glance over to your bare legs, resisting the urge to pull over. 
“You’re the one having a mid life crisis doll not me” You feigned offense and swatted the soldier beside you, pleased to get a hit in as he tried to dodge your attack. His eyes remained on the road as he grasped your hand in his. “Less of that thank you” He laughed, bringing your hand to his lips, leaving a kiss on the back before giving it back to rest on your thigh, his hand not leaving yours. 
“Looking forward to seeing Sam again?” He didn’t respond but his face said it all. “You’re so dramatic” You chuckled as you leant down to root around in your bag for the road trip snacks. Retrieving a bag of cashews, you offered it to Bucky who gladly took a handful. 
“I just know he’s going to ask a billion questions about stuff we’ve not even discussed yet, that we’re probably not even ready to talk about. He didn’t stop asking about you y’know? Y/n this, Y/n that…he kept threatening to ask you out.” 
“Oh he did” 
The car swerved slightly as Bucky's grip on the wheel tightened, his concentration lapsing for a split second. 
“He did what?” He asked, tearing his eyes from the road to glance over at you. 
“It was just a bit of harmless flirting-” You began before being cut off. 
“We flirted.” Bucky stated, his jaw clenching. 
“We also did a lot of things just friends don’t do. Relax Sarge, he only asked to get a reaction out of me.” 
Bucky grunted in response, knowing his reaction was a tad over the top but he couldn’t help it. You were his. 
“We could always mess with him in return.” You pondered as you took a swig of your drink. “Maybe hold off on telling him about us, it’s only meant to be a flying visit anyway isn’t it? So we wouldn’t have to pretend for long… play him at his own game?” 
Bucky smirked in response, completely on board with your little plan.
  The next few hours passed with the typical car games and a quick power nap as Bucky continued driving. 
“How long until you start at Starks?” 
“A month thank god, the GRC wanted me gone pretty quickly, I didn't have to work my notice which was a blessing really. I’ll schedule a day to go and clear out my desk and say my goodbyes. Will you still get your pension if we live out of the country?” 
“I’m not sure to be honest, I can pick up work wherever we are though, it wouldn’t be the first time. I’m good with my hands” 
“You’re telling me” You muttered under your breath. Bucky heard you loud and clear and let out a laugh as he recalled how you spent most of last night. “Are we crazy? Travelling with no plan, barely any money and only just starting out as a couple?” 
“Oh absolutely”
Eventually Bucky took a break from driving after you stopped for food in a roadside diner. It had been a while since you’d driven but you wanted to give Bucky the chance to get some sleep, something you knew he still struggled with. 
Despite telling him to try and get some sleep on the back seats, he remained upfront with you, doing his best to battle the drowsiness that had overcome him. He’d not gotten much rest the past few weeks, from battling the Flag Smashers in Europe, to hunting down Zemo and then back to New York. In truth he was worried he’d have a nightmare and wasn’t sure on how he’d react but upon your insistence, he tried to get some shut eye. After an hour or so he dropped off, the sound of you humming along to a song on the radio sending him off into a dreamless sleep. 
Bucky couldn’t quite believe it, he couldn’t remember the last time he slept without being haunted by memories of the Winter Soldier. Granted, he only got four hours of sleep , but it was the best he’d felt in a long time.
When it came to your turn to get some shut eye Bucky insisted on stopping over in a hotel for the night. You’d tried to convince him a motel would suffice after you lost the battle of you sleeping in the car but he was victorious. 
To be frank, after spending so many hours in the car, you were grateful to be sleeping in a bed with your super soldier by your side. 
As you slept, Bucky took the time to fire off a few emails advising he’d be ending his lease. Having slept earlier, he felt energised and was content in browsing the internet as you slept tucked into his arm. 
He did his best not to wake you as he opened a selfie from Shuri of her with Ayo and Nomble, a chuckle escaping his lips as Shuri and Nomble looked to be thoroughly enjoying themselves on a boat trip in New York whilst Ayo sulked in the background. 
He also replied to an email from his therapist's office, letting them know he’d be absent from his next session but planned on returning the following week.
Bucky was tempted to let Sam know he was coming but thought it best to surprise him.
The next day was much of the same, both of you switching the drive and stopping off at diners for food. Due to the lack of respect Bucky had for the speed limit, you were making good time and would be in Delacroix the following morning. 
“-it was like I didn’t exist. Honestly it was the most humbling experience of my life” 
“Sergeant Barnes in his uniform… now that is something I’ve got to see.” 
“Maybe one day”  
Your eyebrow perked at the thought. “Good god man” You groaned dramatically and sank further into your seat, giggling as you caught sight of the blush covering his cheeks. “For what it’s worth, lack of nutrients from the rationing clearly messed with her eyesight.” You were genuinely baffled how Peggy didn’t swoon for the man next to you.
“Where were you in the 40’s when I needed you huh?” 
“I doubt I’d have been your type” 
“Intelligent, strong woman with a great sense of humor? And thats not even mentioning your ass.. Oh no, definitely not my type” He replied sarcastically. 
“Ha ha fine, I’ll take your word for it.” 
“I’d have taken you dancing, maybe gone to a show or even the carnival. Anything you wanted.” He took your hand in his again and kissed the back of it as he pondered just how he’d of won you over back then. He usually didn't like to dwell on life before the war, the pain of losing his family and the future he lost was too much but having you in his life somehow made the memories hurt less. Having you with him now along with the future he could picture with you helped him make peace with his past life and accept that it wasn’t something he could ever go back to. 
When Steve was returning the stones, he did wonder whether he should go back with him but the realisation that there wasn’t anything waiting for him apart from a time that he didn't belong to made his decision to remain in the present resolute. And by god was he thankful he stayed.
On your way to your final hotel before arriving at Sams, you’d taken over the driving and had kept Bucky entertained with your off key singing and terrible car games. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” As it turns out, Bucky was a sore loser. 
“What? It counts!!” 
“You cannot see bacteria Y/N” 
“Yes I can! It’s right...right… right there!” You pointed to a random bit of the car interior and held back a laugh at a clearly unamused Bucky.
“You’re so full of shit” 
“How do you know I can’t see it huh? Guess it’s my turn again, I spy with my little -” 
“No” He cut off as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Absolutely not. I’m going to choose a game.” 
You let out a little smile and continued focusing on the road until the super soldier landed on something he liked. 
“Okay okay, would you rather sounds fun. Doll, would you rather have the superpower of being invisible or ability to fly.” 
“Aw come on Buck these are tame! If I have to answer, without a doubt invisibility.” 
“Not dirty enough for you sweetheart?” A tingle rang down your spine at your new nickname. “I’d have to agree, invisibility easily.” 
“Buck you’re an actual superhero, you’ve already got powers, leave some for us mere mortals!” 
“... you think I’m a superhero?” 
“....you’re literally an Avenger.” You reached across towards the man beside you, keeping your eyes on the road as you pressed your hand against his forehead. “Are you feeling okay?” 
Bucky rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and swatted your hand away from his head. “Fine you made your point.” 
You shook your head as you returned your hand to the steering wheel, tapping away to the song on the radio. 
“The rest of these questions are boring” He muttered as he furiously scrolled through his cell. 
“C’mon, go R rated” 
“It’s no fun when I already know the answers to these!” 
“Pfft doubtful, come on, hit me” 
“Spit or swallow, you’re a swallower doll.See?” 
“Okay okay! You’re right, I give in. How about we just ask each other some questions?” 
“But you already know everything,” He remarked, throwing a few cashews into his mouth. 
“When did you first see me as someone other than a friend?” You’d thrown him off guard with that question, his hand stuck in mid air as he went to throw more snacks into his mouth. 
“Wouldn't you rather know my most embarrassing sexual encounters?” He offered but was met with silence. “Fine……. I’ve never seen you as just a friend. Yes we were friends before we became more and honestly Y/n if it never progressed further than just friendship I would’ve been fine with it, more than fine with it y’know? Meeting you was the best fucking thing-” “Buck, it’s okay” Your hand reached out towards him and squeezed his thigh as you kept your eyes on the road. 
“There’s more… before we officially met in the lobby when that creep wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone, I’d seen you around. I was coming back from lunch with Yori and he was complaining about having gone for burgers instead of our usual and there you were, headphones in completely oblivious to the world and searching for your keys in your purse as usual. You were just so carefree - everything I wanted to be. And then a couple of days later we met and I was a goner.”
You bit your lip as you fought back a smile, overwhelmed by his honesty. It was a welcome feeling, knowing you weren’t the only one that felt an attraction almost immediately. 
“I’d seen you around too, before we officially met I mean. It’s kind of hard to miss you” You chuckled as you snuck a glimpse over at him and found him doing his usual glare. “It was pretty early on for me as well, do you remember when we went for coffee?” 
“And you ordered us two cups of sugar? Yeah I remember” 
“Mocha Latte’s aren’t bad for you… they just give you a bit of a buzz” 
“Especially if you order extra cream…” 
“Anyway! I’ve always been attracted to you, I’m not blind y’know but after seeing this dark looming strong man consume a drink like that, and have some residue cream left on his lower lip mind you, I just knew that it was more than just a crush. There’s something oddly charming and attractive about seeing someone so intimidating be so soft. It’s like I’m the only one who gets to see that side of you and I love it” 
Bucky didn't quite know what to say, he was slightly flustered at the compliments you were throwing at him and by the knowledge that you’d been interested far earlier than he had ever dreamed of. 
“We’re idiots aren’t we? For not realising sooner.” 
“Oh without a doubt”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Rebirth
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Chapter 5: Rescue And Requisition
Summary: Steve, aided by Peggy and the Stark siblings, heads to the HYDRA base on a rescue mission, but little does he know Katie has a mission of her own.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Word Count: 8.2k
A/N:  This series is my contribution of sorts to the CATF 10 Year Anniversary Challenge.  As always, some creative liberties taken. And for anyone who is interested, Katie uses the term Midnight Requisition which is a military term- “To steal, scrounge. To acquire supplies for a unit from another without their approval or knowledge, usually after business hours/dark.” 
This is the LAST catch up post, Chapter 6 onwards is NEW CONTENT!!! And continues the story, I’m so PLEASED finally to be able to share it!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
SSR Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 4
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As soon as Howard Stark saw Steve, the Inventor’s face split into a huge grin and he shook his hand with vigour. Katie then explained that they needed his help to go rogue and bust the men out from behind enemy lines, causing her brother’s face to split into a huge grin and nod. The three agents quickly bustled around Howard’s tent, Peggy and Katie talking in low, hushed voices as they hurriedly grabbed various pieces of equipment before the four of them quietly and efficiently left the base, Howard slipping the guards on the perimeter gate a decent wad of cash for their silence.
It took them a little over an hour and was just starting to go dark when they reached the private airfield where Howard had stationed his plane. The waning light suited them, as Katie pointed out, it would be easier for them to operate under the cover of darkness, less chance of being detected. More money exchanged hands, something Steve had always hated, the fact that money seemed to be able to buy you anything you needed no matter how morally corrupt, but at that moment he couldn’t have given less of a shit if he tried. Before long they were in the air, Howard informing them that the trip of just over a hundred and fifty miles would take them roughly an hour and a half, which was far less than the four hours or so he anticipated it would have taken Steve in the jeep.
“You’d have run out of gas after about fifty clicks.” He had teased the soldier who had inwardly groaned as Howard pointed out the flaws in his plan. But then again Steve hadn’t been thinking all that much had he? He never did when it came to the people he cared about. He was a jump first, think later kind of guy, and the serum hadn’t done anything to change that part of his personality.
“So we’re here…” Peggy spoke, leaning forward slightly in her seat opposite Steve, pointing to the map in her hands as he checked the straps on his chute. “The HYDRA camp is in Kreischberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges.” She moved her finger a little right and from the distance it travelled and the scale on the map, Steve estimated they were no more than five miles out.
“Looks like a factory of some kind.” Katie mused, glancing at the map where she sat next to Peggy, flicking her braid back over her shoulder.
“We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep.” Howard called from the front of the aircraft, which was now shaking slightly with a mild bout of turbulence.
“Just get me as close as you can.” Steve called, before he looked back at Katie and Peggy, his voice dropping slightly. “You know you three are gonna be in a lot of trouble at the lab.”
“What else is new?” Katie shrugged, and Steve heard Howard chuckle.
“I’m surprised Old Chester ain’t sent you packing yet, Kiddo.”
“Well like you’re his best mechanical engineer, I’m his best front line agent.” She shrugged, “no offence, Peg.”
“None taken.” Peggy said somewhat sardonically, before she snorted. “We all know I’m the brains behind this operation.”
“Don’t hear me arguing.” Katie shrugged before she looked at Steve. “And you’re gonna be in just as much trouble.”
“Well, where I’m goin’, if anybody yells at me I can just shoot ‘em.” Steve replied, grinning a little. His spirits had been lifted exponentially now he was actually about to do something worthwhile, despite the fact he knew he was going to literally leap feet first into danger.
“They will undoubtedly shoot back.” Peggy fixed him with a look.
“Well,” Steve looked round at his stage prop shield that he had brought with him, which was leaning against the wall of the aircraft, “let’s hope it’s good for somethin’.” His knuckles rapped on the metal as Katie gave a little shake of her head and a side smirk, bending over to check the laces on her boots.
“Agent Carter, if we’re not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late night fondue.” Howard called over his shoulder from the front of the plane and there was a moment’s silence as Peggy shifted a little awkwardly on the seat.
“Jesus, Howie, really? You’re doing this now?” Katie groaned as her brother chuckled.
“Hey, you asked me to come on this kamikaze mission.” He shot back. “I was just trying to lighten the mood a little.”
As the two siblings began to bicker Steve glanced at Peggy as he tugged on his gloves and the Agent rolled her eyes slightly. “Stark is the best civilian pilot I’ve ever seen. He’s mad enough to brave this airspace, we’re lucky to have him.”
“So are you two…do you…” Steve waved his arm between Peggy and Howard “…fondue?”
Peggy looked at him, completely ignoring his question and Steve supposed he couldn’t blame her, it was a personal question after all.  His eyes then flicked to Katie who had stood up and was making her way towards the cockpit, swaying a little with the motion of the aircraft. With a swift flick of her hand she slapped Howard round the back of the head.
“Ouch, Kiddo! Do you want me to crash this thing or what?”
“Stop being a schmuck.” She shot at him before Peggy extended her arm towards Steve, a device held in her hand.
“This is your transponder. Activate it when you’re ready and the signal will lead us straight to you.”
Steve took it from her. “Are you sure this thing works?” he looked at it a little sceptically, turning it over in his hand, his attention flicking to the cockpit.
“It’s been tested more than you, pal.” Howard shot over his shoulder and Steve looked at him before his eyes flicked to Kate who was looking out of the cockpit window straight ahead of them. She raised her arm and pointed at something, her eyes narrowing in concentration.
“Howie…” she began to speak but before she could finish her sentence the plane lurched violently sideways and Steve gripped onto the side as the sky was suddenly filled with flashes and bangs from anti-aircraft shells which exploded all around them. Realising that it was now far too dangerous for them to take him any further, Steve shot to his feet and made his way to the door, grabbing his shield as he went.
“Get back here! We’re taking you all the way in!” Peggy’s voice rose but for the first time since he’d known her, Steve completely ignored the agent, exhaling loudly before he dropped and shuffled to the edge of the plan.
“As soon as I’m free, you turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!” he turned and looked up at Katie and Peggy.
“You can’t give us orders!” Katie scoffed, her hands on her hips.
“The hell I can’t!” Steve looked up at her, unable to stop the cheeky little smirk playing on his face, “I’m a Captain!” and with that he pulled his goggles down and flung himself out into the starry sky. The noise was deafening as he plummeted through the air, the sheer force of falling whipped his body with such ferocity he was sure his hair was going to fly clean off his head. With a sharp tug of the rip cord he deployed his chute and with a sharp jolt he was pulled upwards slightly before he began to fall at a much more civilized pace.
After what seemed like an age, Steve’s sharp eyes spotted the ground rising towards him and he landed heavily in a thud. With an easy, fluid motion he yanked his parachute down to the ground and then untangled himself from the harness. Once he was free, he glanced around and realised he’d landed on the outskirts of a thick, wooded area, the earthy smells of pine, dirt and damp filled his nostrils. He took a moment to get his bearings, pulling out the compass he had in his pants. He knew that from the direction the aircraft had been travelling in he needed to head due north. As the needle settled on the point, he realised he was currently facing East so he spun to his left and was just about to set off at a run when he heard something flying in heavily from above.
He spun round, just in time to see another chute sailing towards him and in a flash he whipped out his pistol as whoever it was landed with a thud some hundred yards or so behind him..
“At ease, Soldier,” a familiar voice, soft and quiet in the cover of night, spoke and Steve felt a cold feeling of utter shock and horror fill his chest.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He hissed as he strode towards Katie who was now untangling herself from her harness.
“Same thing as you.” She replied flippantly as she took a look around and began to take a few steps away from him.
“Are you insane?” He glared at her, his hand wrapping around her arm to stop her. He could have sworn she felt the tremble in his finger tips if it weren't evident in his voice.
“Not last time I checked, no.” She wrenched free of his uncharacteristically brash grip and spun to face him, her eyes blazing at him in the dim moonlight.
“You could get yourself killed!” He pressed, his voice carrying a little more than he'd liked. He failed to keep the element of concern out of it.
“Keep your voice down!”
“Damned it Katie, this wasn’t part of the plan!”
“No, it wasn’t part of YOUR plan.” She shot back. “It was, however, always part of mine and Peg’s.”
“Peggy knows about this?”
“Of course she does.”
“And Howard?”
“No way,” Katie snorted. “I'd guess Peggy is currently getting the full force of one of his verbal bashings.” At that she pulled out her compass. “We need to go North.”
“I know.” Steve said a little sullenly, a growl in his chest.
“So let’s move. Sooner we can fulfil our missions, the better.”
The plural of the word didn’t pass him by and through the downright anger and frustration, and dare he say it, fear he was feeling at the current situation, his logical side started to kick in and he knew there was nothing he could do about any of this now, bar keep her safe. So with a sigh, he shook his head and turned to follow her as she’d begun to walk away, his brain registering her last words.
“Missions?” he asked, stressing the word. “We have more than one?”
“One each.” Katie shot over her shoulder. “You’re on a rescue mission. Mine’s more of a midnight requisition.”
“Midnight requisition? For what?”
“Intel, tech, anything we can get our hands on.” She picked up her pace, scrambling up a slight incline. “I told you in the plane, I’m a damned good field agent and this isn’t my first raid. We’ve done a few over the past couple of months. But they’ve all been bust, well almost all anyway.”
“Bust?” Steve frowned “How?”
“They were smaller Nazi controlled labs.” She continued to speak as she weaved through the forest “The more we raided and the more intel we gathered, the more it became apparent we were right, Schmidt is marching to his own tune.” She paused and looked around. “The fight at Azzano wasn’t his first move, he advanced a load of troops into Norway a month or so ago of his own accord. Then, at Azzano, he opened fire on both Allied and Nazi troops alike.  My guess is, and Peggy agrees, that this base will likely be under his control alone. And probably house more information about where his other ones are hidden.”
“This won’t be the only one.” Katie shrugged as she looked at her compass and turned right. “And without that information, Steve, we’re fighting blind. We can’t defeat HYDRA if we don’t know where they are.”
“You should have told me.” He replied, his tone still a little sullen. He didn’t like being in the dark.
“What, so you could blow the plan in front of my brother?” She scoffed. “He’d have refused to take us had he known what I was planning, he was bad enough when I had a full troop behind me.”
“You led a troop?”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” She chuckled. “You know I’m actually an ‘honorary’ Lieutenant, thanks to Colonel Phillips. Didn’t go down well at first, most of the men weren’t keen on taking orders from a woman.”
“So that’s what you meant when you called them all jerks earlier by the stage.” Despite himself Steve felt a smile curl across his face.
“Yup. They soon fell in line when a few of them ended up with my fist in their mouth. Not to mention a good number also found themselves on the end of a Phillips’ Special.”
“A Phillips Special?”
“Yeah, the term coined for when they’re stripped naked and made to run ten miles round camp by the Colonel.” She shrugged. “For all his bluster, Chester’s actually been really supportive of both me and Peggy. That, and he doesn’t like subordination in any form.”
“You don’t say.” Steve muttered as Katie continued, her foot-falls light and quiet as she weaved her way through the thicket of the trees.
They continued for about an hour, alternating their pace between a jog and a fast walk. Had Steve been on his own he no doubt could have run the entire distance a lot faster but he didn’t raise that issue, and there was no point being frustrated about it either. Firstly, there was nothing he could do about it, secondly, to be fair, Katie kept up a decent enough pace and thirdly, had he been running as fast as he could have he would no doubt have run straight into one of the various HYRDRA patrols they encountered within the woods. As it happened, the pace they were going at was perfect for his sharp senses to alert him whenever a passing patrol was near, enabling them to duck out of sight.
Eventually, the trees began to thin out and through the gloomy mist that had descended, which he had to admit was incredibly useful to keep their presence as covert as possible, Steve saw the perimeter fence and gate to the camp. He stopped dead, his arm out causing Katie to also pause and as he studied the gate, trying to figure out the best way in, he heard the rumble of trucks coming from his side. He spun just in time to see them approaching down the road which led through the wooded area and he crouched down, pulling Katie down with him.  
“Reckon you can make the last one?” He asked, turning to face her.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “They’re not going too fast.”
Steve took another look around before he nodded and the two of them ran for the last truck, Katie springing up first and he heard her give a little sigh as he pulled himself up over the tail gate. “Crap.”
The reason for her curse soon became apparent as Steve landed in the back of the truck and came face to face with two HYDRA guards.
"Fellas." He nodded. There was a split second and they both lunged at him at the same time. He pushed Katie a little harshly to the right as he hit one with straight punch to the face, the other dropping with a groan as Katie had connected a well-aimed boot to his stomach. As both guards tried to scramble to their feet, Steve grabbed both their heads, smashing them together like a pair of cymbals before he tossed them straight out of the back.
“Impressive.” Katie looked at him, smirking and Steve rolled his eyes as she turned and looked carefully through a small tear in the side of the canvas of the truck. “They’re taking us straight in.”
“And then what?”
“I dunno, you tell me, you’re the Star Spangled Man with a Plan after all.”
“Oh for the love of…this isn’t some kind of fucking day’s outing!” He practically exploded and Katie groaned.
“Lighten up, Steve.” She turned away, looking back through the hole in the side of the truck. “It was a joke.”
“Well I see nothing funny about any of this, at all.”
“And you think I do?” Katie turned, her eyes once more full of an angry fire. “Let me tell you, Captain, my unit has seen things these last four months that no one should ever have to see. And you know how we dealt with it? By NOT dealing with it.” She brushed a piece of hair off her face. “We joked, made light of the situations we found ourselves in because they were downright fear inducing, and if we didn’t none of us would have lasted five minutes. So take that stick out of your ass and stop being so goddamned self-righteous.”
Steve blinked, but before he could respond to her angry outburst the truck slowed and then began to reverse. Eventually it came to a stop and Steve could hear someone at the tail of the truck so he gestured for Katie to get behind him, which she did. He simply raised his shield in front of his body and waited. The flap to the back of the truck opened and without hesitation Steve smashed the shield straight into the guard’s face, sending him flying backwards. Quickly and quietly, shield on his arm, he jumped out of the truck, turning to help Katie down and the pair of them turned left, jumping off the raised loading platforms and jogging, all the time keeping their bodies stooped and low.
There were lines and lines of tanks emblazoned with the HYDRA symbol and the two of them shared a glance at one another. It was clear to Steve that Katie and Peggy were right, Schmidt had been gearing HYDRA up to be far more than a science division for some time if this equipment was anything to go by. Together, they weaved their way through the lines of armoured vehicles, taking care to keep to the shadows and out of sight as they made their way towards a smaller outbuilding that looked like it led into the main base.
“Come on.” Steve gently nudged Katie and the pair of them ran across the ground. Steve hopped up onto a tank that was conveniently parked by the annex, offering his hand to Katie to pull her up. They both scrambled onto the flat roof and ran, hopping up onto a slightly higher roof before they reached a set of metal steps which led up the side of the huge base. Katie went first, scrambling as fast as she could up them where she paused on a platform approximately halfway up. She nodded to a thick, iron door which led inside the building and Steve moved to try it, shaking his head.
“It’s locked.”
“Yeah, and you have the strength of like thirty men or whatever.” She rolled her eyes “Open it.”
He looked at her, narrowing his eyes at the fact she was bossing him around but he didn’t argue. He moved towards the door, shaking his head “This isn’t gonna-“ he gave a sharp tug and with a squeal the door pulled straight off the hinges “-work.” He finished lamely, looking from the door to Katie who stood there, arms folded, smirking.
“If only you had as much faith in you as I have.” She said a little sardonically and once more he glared at her. Pulling out her pistol Katie made to go in the door and Steve put his arm out.
“No, I’ll go first.” He stopped her.
“That’s not gonna work because you need to prop the door back up, so when that guard patrol comes back it doesn’t look like someone broke in.” She shook her head. Steve let out an exasperated sigh, more frustrated that she’d pointed out yet another potential issue he hadn’t considered in his haste and she smiled at him, “This is what I’m trained in, stealth.” She shrugged
She stepped inside, keeping herself flattened to the wall as Steve followed, leaning the door back up before he paused as they both looked around, finding themselves in a corridor of sorts.
“Any ideas on which way?” He asked and Katie pondered for a moment.
“Well, the front of the camp is left.” She frowned and Steve nodded his agreement.
“So we go right.”
“Keep behind me, stay in the shadows.” He couldn’t help himself but instruct her, but to her credit she didn’t argue, merely gave him a little salute as the two of them set off through the factory.
A short while later they reached another door, only this one was guarded, they could see through the etched glass window embedded within it. Steve signalled to Katie to keep back before he knocked. The guard turned and came towards them, and as soon as the door opened Steve punched him hard in the face before smashing his head between the door and the wall. As the guard went down he caught him, pulling him silently out before the two of them headed inside, taking care to shut the door behind them. They appeared now to be in the main munitions storage area of the factory, and it was busy. Guards swarming all over, people driving pickups laden with crates, and each soldier seemed to be carrying guns powered by some form of liquid that was glowing a bright, cobalt blue.  
They dodged between aisles, using whatever they could to keep out of sight and as they snuck between a collection of huge metal containers of some kind, they both paused as they spotted what appeared to be racks of small, rectangular shaped metal items all containing the mysterious blue liquid. It was eerie, like nothing Steve had ever seen before and he gently moved to a closer look, picking one up.
“What the hell is that?” Katie whispered as he turned it over in his hand.
“I have absolutely no idea.” He shrugged “Except, to state the obvious, it looks like some kind of grenade. But, I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
“We should take them back to the lab.” She stated and Steve nodded his agreement, sticking the item into the pocket of his fatigues before they set off to continue their search heading even deeper into the base.
After another fifteen minutes or so of dodging as many HYDRA agents as they could, and subduing the ones they couldn’t, they reached a large room deep in the belly of the base and Steve took a deep breath as he looked around the room at the huge metal cages that contained easily over a hundred soldiers, if not two. He felt Katie still besides him as she also glanced around, her eyes flashing as she scanned the room, her attention instantly shooting upwards when they saw a warden walking above the cages on some kind of gangway, in which the large, circular tops of the cages were embedded. Steve also spotted another guard weaving his way amongst the large cells on the floor and took a deep breath.
“Right,” he turned to Katie. “I’ll take the one up top first, then I’ll drop down and-“
Katie took an exasperated breath, “don’t you trust me or something?” She hissed.
“Of course I do, but-“
“Then you go up high, I’ll take the one down below. I can do this, I’m not some fairy-tale princess that needs protecting. And whilst I appreciate your chivalry, as well you know, now is not the time, Soldier.”
Steve inhaled deeply and looked at her, her green eyes bored into his and he gave her a sharp nod deciding to go along with her, despite every part of his brain screaming at him not to.  Without looking back, he ran around the side of the large room and found a set of metal steps which led up the side. He took them two at a time and then continued along the raised platform that ran round the side of the room, crouching as he went to keep out of the dim light that the small, barred windows let in. He spotted the guard coming his way and ducked even more, waiting, and once the man was within reach he grabbed his shield from his back and swung it with a huge arm straight at his face. The guard topped backwards and landed heavily on top of one of the cages out cold.
As Steve moved and began to search the guard for his keys, all the prisoners stood up, their eyes wide with shock and surprise.
“And who the hell are you supposed to be?" One of them spoke as the rest continued to simply stare at him in stunned silence and he didn’t miss the way a few of them eyed him up and down, taking in his helmet and shield painted in the stars and stripes of the American Flag.
“I’m…” Steve answered a little breathlessly as he hesitated for a moment as he began to look around for Katie, but he found no sign of her, “Captain America." He finished a little lamely, glancing back down.
"I beg your pardon?" Another man spoke, this one in a British accent as Steve grabbed the keys from the guard’s belt and ran back the way he had come. As heard he ran across the floor to the first cage, he heard the hisses and rumbles of excited murmurs he glanced up to see Katie jogging towards him.
"Merde," one of the prisoners uttered as all heads turned in her direction.
“Language!” Katie turned her eyes to the soldier who had spoken, giving a slight smirk which the man returned as Steve unlocked the cage he was in.
“You okay?” He asked Katie as they moved to the next cage and she nodded.
“Yeah, took him down with a choke hold then kicked him in the face for good measure,” she shrugged as they moved down to the next cage, then the next.
“Well, well, well, Lady Lieutenant!” A tall, wide man spoke and Steve saw Katie’s head snap in his direction, her smirk turning into a huge smile. “What took you so long?”
“Got here as fast as I could. I'll be outta here just as fast when Phillips finds out where I am.” Katie grinned, before she shook her head and sighed, her voice cracking. “Damned it Dum Dum, we thought you were all dead!”
“Take more than that to get rid of us.”
Systematically, they moved through the room, unlocking each cage as they went until they reached the last one, all the time Steve scanning the faces of the prisoners all as they all emerged, shaking hands and hugging one another. But the face he had been hoping to see wasn’t amongst any of them.
"Are there any others?" Steve whispered, pushing his way between the man he knew only as Dum Dum and an Asian man who was holding his dog tags up, looking slightly affronted.  “I'm looking for a Sergeant James Barnes." He asked, turning to the British soldier who began walking alongside him and Katie.
"There's an isolation ward in the factory, but no one has ever come back from it." The British Man spoke.
“Alright,” Steve spoke, considering his options as he continued walking towards the door through which they had entered. "The tree line's northwest, about eighty yards past the gate. Agent Stark knows where it is.” He stopped and turned, nodding towards Katie, his eyes returning back to the group of men “You follow and take your instructions from her, you got it?”
The British man and a few others began to nod, the excitement and anticipation of a fight was easily sensed and Katie stepped forward, shaking her head.
“Steve,” she began to protest but this was one order he was not going to let her ignore.
“You said your mission was requisition.” His eyes locked on hers “So use these guys and do it. Get out fast and give ‘em hell. I'll meet you in the clearing with anybody I find inside."
For a moment he thought she was going to argue but she didn’t. Instead, she took a deep breath and nodded, her eyes still locked onto his. In that split second, Steve hesitated. There was so much he wanted to say, but, he couldn’t find the words to express what he was feeling. He wanted to tell her to stay safe, to keep herself out of danger, make sure she got out alive…but instead he looked at her, swallowing and she gave him a soft smile.
“I know.” She said gently, “you too.”
Steve gave her another curt nod, his chest tightening a little as he turned to go.
"Wait, you know what you're doing?" A soldier shouted after him, and Steve looked back over his shoulder about to answer before he heard Katie quip.
“He’s knocked out Adolf Hitler over two hundred times."
The prisoners furrowed their brows, before glancing around at each other with confused expressions on their faces and despite himself Steve gave a little chuckle, looking at Katie’s grinning face once more before he turned around and jogged out of the door, her voice ringing in his ears as she issued instructions to the troops.
“You heard the Captain. Now the base is heavily armed so we’re absolutely going to have to fight our way out. On the way, we grab as much tech and weapons as we can. Not only to use but also for further analysis by my unit….”
Her voice died down as Steve picked up a jog, shield on his back and headed off back the way they had come.  It wasn’t long before a loud siren rang out and Steve took a deep breath, trying to push his worry away as shouts and loud explosions boomed in his ears, signalling the fight had begun. He continued making his way into the factory, fighting his way through a number of guards easily as gunfire sounded all around him, the angry yells and screams of fighting filled his ears as the freed prisoners began to engage with the HYDRA soldiers.
He fought his way up onto the gangway that circled the main factory floor, dispatching another guard with a swift, hard boot to the abdomen that sent him flying over the railing and he took a look around, the sheer size of the factory floor catching him off guard for a moment before he remembered what he was here to do. Pulling out his pistol he turned right, jogging round the gangway until he hit a dimly lit corridor. He continued round and, as he quickly made his way through in search of the isolation ward, he saw a short man in thick glasses, carrying a briefcase and a number of files in his arms emerge from a room. The man stopped dead, looked at Steve and then turned and sprinted away from him, heading round the corner. Steve began to run after him, but as he passed the room the man had emerged from, he slowed when he heard what sounded like someone talking, mumbling even.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the room, following the sound as it became clearer and then his heart stopped and he grew hot, his breathing deep as he knew that voice. It was weak but still so familiar, even if it had been months since he had heard it.
"Sergeant. 32557…"
He hurried through another door, glancing towards the end of the room and saw the man he’d come to this very place for, strapped to a reclined medical chair.
"Bucky?" Steve shot over, pausing at the side of the chair and looking down at his best friend. Bucky’s eyes didn’t move, instead he kept chanting his rank and number as he stared blankly up at the ceiling. "Oh my God." Steve swallowed was his eyes travelled over Bucky’s body, taking in the restraints that kept him strapped to the chair. He looked tired, weak, sick even, and it hurt Steve to see him in such a state. Bucky had always been the strong one out of the pair of them, normally looking after him. But, well, now it was time to return the favour.  He swallowed and began ripping the straps around him with ease.
"Is that…?"
"It's me. It’s Steve.”
"Steve?" Bucky murmured, his face breaking into a smile as recognition flooded his features.
"Come on." Steve helped Bucky to his feet, holding onto his arms as he steadied himself before he gently reached out and patted the side of his friends face.
"I thought you were dead," Steve sighed as Bucky frowned, his eyes fixed on where Steve’s face would normally have been, and when he instead found himself looking at Steve’s chest, he raised his eyes up wards, puzzlement etched across his face.
"I thought you were smaller.” Bucky swallowed and Steve kept hold of him, helping him to stand upright as he became more coherent. Whilst Bucky was gaining his senses, Steve took a quick glance around and his eyes focussed on a map pinned to the wall, various positions highlighted upon it across Europe. Committing it to memory he then slung Bucky's arm over his shoulder, for the first time ever bearing his friend’s weight.
"Come on," he urged as he began to lead him out of the lab.
"What happened to you?" Bucky asked as Steve pretty much hauled him out of the room, keeping him upright as he stumbled, his feet struggling for traction.
"I joined the Army." Steve replied simply.
As they made their way back down the corridor, Steve felt Bucky becoming able to bear some of his own weight, and then gently nudge at Steve to let him go so he did. Bucky followed behind a pace or two his arm clutched over his ribs.
"Did it hurt?" He suddenly asked.
"A little," Steve replied, his head still looking around.
"Is it permanent?"
"So far."  Steve nodded as they continued.
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion which rocked the factory and the two men paused for a second before they picked up the pace. Eventually they emerged onto the gangway Steve had walked round before and immediately recoiled back as another explosion sent a huge ball of fire up into the air. Steve held his shield up to protect his face as Bucky ducked slightly, his hand gripping one of the railings, other hiding his face.  Turning away from the railings, Steve started to head up a set of stairs immediately behind him, Bucky following. The heat was stifling and it made Steve feel like he was stuck in a furnace as they quickly sprinted up the metal steps and emerged onto another gangway. Taking a right, they began to sprint down it, explosions and flames roaring below them. Steve’s brow beaded with sweat and he wiped it with the back of his hand, taking another look down.  He had no idea whether the fire had been started by the men led by Katie or some self-destruction ploy by HYDRA to prevent any of their plans or weapons getting into their hands, either way he found it hard to care. One less base to deal with he supposed.
“Captain America!”
Steve stopped dead, turning to his left to see two men on the other side of the factory by an elevator door. One was the shorter bespectacled man Steve had seen before, and the other he recognised also, but only from photos. Johann Schmidt, HYDRA leader. He was dressed in a long black trench-coat of sorts, a large silver buckle bearing the HYDRA symbol spanned his waist and he turned towards Steve as he handed the other man a silver briefcase.
“How exciting! I'm a great fan of your films.” Schmidt’s thick German accent carried across the factory as he began to walk over the gangway towards Steve. Steve took a deep breath, his jaw setting as he strode towards the man, the anger surging through his body.  “So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement, but still impressive."
At that Steve swung his right arm back and bridged the two or so feet in between him and Schmidt with a punch straight to the man’s face, the impact forcing the HYDRA leader back a few steps.
"You've got no idea," Steve snarled.
Schmidt merely smirked, before standing up, cracking his jaw slightly and Steve frowned at the way the right hand side of his face appeared to have sagged away from his eye socket.  "Haven't I?"
Quickly, the man’s fist flew towards Steve, but equally as quickly he raised his shield to block it. The metal vibrated in his hands and to his utter shock the item dented with the force of Schmidt’s blow. It was then that Steve recalled Erskine telling him how the man had taken the serum, and that it had enhanced him too. In a flash he reached for his pistol but Schmidt was too quick and laded a punch straight to the left hand side of Steve’s jaw. He was knocked completely off his feet, falling backwards onto the metal of the gangway, the pistol he had been holding slid straight out of his hand and over the edge. Schmidt advanced towards Steve but he threw all his weight into a huge double kick, which sent the man sprawling backwards.
As Steve got to his feet, the gangway he was on suddenly began to move backwards, separating him from Schmidt who stood up, the two men not moving a muscle as the metal walkway drew them both back to their respective sides.
"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see I was his greatest success!" Schmidt yelled as Steve stood still, his chest heaving, as Schmidt reached up for his face, grabbing at the skin at the left hand side of his jaw. As Steve watched, to his horror, he began to peel back the skin revealing that it was a mask, and underneath was a grotesque, featureless red skull.
Steve swallowed, his face wrinkling up as he tried to understand what the hell he had just seen. What he was still seeing, for that matter.
"You don't have one of those, do you?" Bucky mumbled, his attention also on the man in front of them.
"You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality,” Schmidt tossed the mask down into the flames, Steve following it with his eyes before he glanced back across the factory room “,you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind.” At that Schmidt turned to his right and walked towards the now open elevator “Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!" he gestured with his hand as he made his way into the elevator.
"Then how come you're running?" Steve yelled back. It was a pathetic shot really, all things considered, but it was all Steve could think about saying given what had happened. As expected, Schmidt completely ignored him and merely smirked as he pressed a button to his right and the doors closed.
Steve paused, still not completely sure what the hell had gone on when a large explosion rocked the platform they were stood on, causing both him and Bucky to duck once more from debris that shot up all around them.
They needed a way out. Steve’s eyes fell back on the elevator and he followed the shaft upwards spotting a set of doors right at the top which led, he assumed, to the roof. He followed the line of the ceiling, noticing there was a thin gantry that led over to the side they were on, and he spun round to spot another set of steps which led upwards.
That was it, their only way out.
"Come on," Steve turned around, grabbing Bucky’s arm and leading him to the stairs. "Let's go. Up."
Together they hurriedly climbed and reached the highest walkway that stretched across the factory floor that was now burning, Steve felt, hotter than hell itself. Explosions rocked the catwalks causing everything to shake and Steve glanced at the flimsy gantry that led over to the side they needed to be on, then back to Bucky.
“Let’s go. One at a time.” He moved to help Bucky climb over the railings to allow him to cross first. Bucky made his way tentatively across the thin beam of metal and as he was roughly at the halfway point, it began to give way. Bucky picked up his pace and threw himself off the edge grabbing the railings at the other side, but the gantry collapsed behind him leaving Steve stranded.
Steve watched as Bucky hauled himself over and then tuned to face him, the realisation that Steve was stuck evident on his face as he looked back at him.
"Gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky shouted hopefully. At that point another part of the factory below them fell with a loud crash into the fire below and Steve swallowed, shaking his head.
"Just go! Get out of here!" he bellowed, waving Bucky away. Bucky shook his head, his hands gripping the railing around the walkway.
"No! Not without you!" He screamed back, desperation lacing his tone.
Steve looked over at him, then peered down at the fire, before taking another look up. If he stayed where he was, he was a dead man. If he jumped and didn’t make it, he was a dead man. But if he didn’t jump, well he had no chance of making it at all.
Decision made, he pushed the now broken bars of the railings in front of him, bending it out of the way to create a gap large enough to jump through. He took a few steps back, once more gaging the distance before he sighed and grimaced a little at what he was about to do. His thoughts flashed to Katie, his only comfort out of all of this was that she wasn’t stuck with him now and had a good chance of having made it out. With a deep breath he set off at a sprint before he launched himself off the side, over the huge chasm below. His arms flailed, as did his legs as he spun them to try and maintain momentum, the flames and explosions licking at his boots and with a loud grunt he landed, his arms gripping tightly onto the remainder of the railing beside Bucky. Bucky was quick to grab him, hauling him over, the pair of them falling to the metal walkway. Steve landed with a grunt on his back and took a huge breath, turning to look at Bucky who was led besides him, his chest heaving.  
“Thanks.” Steve panted as Bucky looked at him, incredulously.
“You’re thanking me? Whatever, punk.”
Another large explosion rocked the gangway they were on and they both rolled over, before pushing themselves up, stumbling a little as they made their way hastily through the door, bursting out into the cold night air. Steve took a split second to gather his bearings, his eyes flicking to the front gate of the camp before he located a set of the metal railing type rungs the same as the ones he and Katie had used to gain entry at the side of the building.
“This way.” Steve instructed as he led Bucky towards it, and started to descend, all the time keeping one eye on his friend in case he lost his grip and Steve needed to catch him. When Steve’s feet finally touched down on solid ground he felt like yelling in utter relief, but they weren’t clear yet. Once Bucky landed besides him, they both set off at a sprint across the outside area of the camp. There were still a fair number of soldiers running around but they were too busy trying to escape the burning building to pay him and Bucky any attention. Nevertheless, they kept to the shadows and made their way out of the gate, Steve taking a sharp right following the way he had come with Katie before.
As they walked towards the clearing they were aiming for, the hushed sound of voices and chatter hit their ears and he heard Bucky take a sharp breath.
“Steve?” Bucky asked as Steve continued walking, his feet crunching over the frosty ground under his boots. “Is that…”
“No, it’s not HYDRA.” Steve assured him. “We found a bunch of other prisoners before you, got them out first.”
“We?” Bucky asked, “there was someone else with you?”
“Yeah, it was….” Steve trailed off as they emerged into the clearing and a number of men wheeled round, guns raised. As they spotted who it was, their weapons dropped but before Steve could say anything, Katie pushed through the middle and stopped dead, her chest heaving. She looked a little roughed up- some of her uniform was torn, there was a cut to her right temple, a trickle of blood having seeped down her cheek and the same side of her face looked a little red and bruised, but other than that, she seemed fine.
Steve felt relief flood his system at the sight of her, and without a word he strode quickly towards her and she threw herself at him, wrapping her legs round his waist as he held her tight, one hand supporting her lower back, the other gripping at the back of her head, fisting softly in her untidy hair.
“Thank God.” he mumbled, closing his eyes as he held her close, pressing his face into her hair.
“You’re late.” She stuttered and he let out a splutter of a laugh as he pulled back to look at her. “I thought you were gonna stand me up.”
“Never,” he shook his head, his eyes locking onto hers. They stood still, no attention being paid to anyone around them at all and Steve swallowed, his eyes flicking down to her mouth. His face dropped towards hers, and then a voice spoke from behind them, completely interrupting him and reminding him that firstly he was in the middle of a still heavily occupied with enemy troops forest and secondly, that they were most certainly not alone.
“Well, this is nice.”
Steve closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he set Katie onto her feet, stepping back out of her space, blushing furiously. She peered round him, as he turned and saw Bucky smirking at the pair of them. He jerked his face towards Katie, arching an eyebrow.
“Hey, Doll face.”
“Barnes.” She scanned him up and down, taking in his appearance before she smiled. “Good to see you in one piece.”
“Yeah, I hate to break this little reunion up,” Dum Dum spoke and they all turned to face him, “but I suggest we get moving and tie up with the rest.”
“The rest?” Steve frowned, looking around, and for the first time he noticed that there were a lot less men than he had anticipated “Where…”
“We split into three main groups. We took a few losses but most of us made it. My group managed to take a few vehicles.” Katie explained. “Some kind of tank, two trucks. We also found a huge storehouse too and loaded both trucks with as much as we could take, weapons, ammo, and equipment, what ration packs we could find.” She took a deep breath. “There’s an old abandoned allied base some ten miles South East which someone suggested would be easier for us to hold up in whilst we waited for help. I sent a group ahead with the seriously wounded along with support. Said we would meet them there.”
Steve blinked, astounded at her planning, although he knew he really shouldn’t be. He nodded and then looked around, before a huge explosion made them all jump and Steve turned to see an enormous fireball erupt into the sky signalling that the HYDRA base had finally gone up completely.
“Okay, let’s move.” He instructed, as Katie began to bark out instructions again, before she hurried forward and fell into step alongside Dugan, who pulled out his compass before he pointed and began to bellow out for everyone to make tracks.
“So,” Bucky fell into step alongside Steve, and Steve kept his eyes focussed ahead as they began to walk “Somethin’ going on between you two or…”
“Don’t know what you mean.” Steve replied, but couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his face as he continued to avoid Bucky’s searching glance.
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted, nudging him.
“Jerk.” Steve replied simply, the smile on his face growing bigger by the second.
***** Chapter 6
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 13
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6   Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 2063
Warnings:  Swearing, bit of violence if you looking very closely 
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Ey up my Loves, so we’re back and kicking ass! Quite literally in this Chapter, I’ve been going back over my previous chapters and I’m considering rewriting them to fit my new style. Let me know what you all think, do you prefer them as they are or would you want them to match my new style ? Anyways without further ado here's chapter 13, enjoy everyone! <3 
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3rd person POV
Years have passed since that moment, time brought changes to the trio, what was once a childhood crush developed into a fierce love that neither of the pair wanted to acknowledge or admit in fear of loosing the other.
As you can imagine both Steve and Becca were ready to rip the heads off of their dumbass siblings.
6 years is a verrrry long time to put up with long looks of pining and repressed feelings, but unfortunately for the Brooklyn natives, y/n and bucky were about as stubborn as each other and refused to listen to the reasonable, sometimes frustrated, rants of their best friends. So much to the utter frustration of Steve and Becca, the two young lovebirds lived in a state of denial and attempted (the keyword being ATTEMPTED) to move on with their lives.
Naturally, someone as charming and handsome as James Barnes seemed to have a never-ending line of girls begging to be his, it had become a common occurrence for him to have a new girl on his arm each week, not that Steve or Y/n approved of his behaviour but hey Bucky can be a real big dumbass when he wants to be. Y/n did try to hide how much it bothered her, thankfully not only was Bucky a dumbass he was also completely unaware of her feelings and simply chalked it down to her being the unapproving sister, but to Steve it was a clear as day. He could see it in her face every time Bucky left to take the new girl dancing, or when she’d finish work early only to see Buck and his new girl on a romantic date in the Café opposite the dinner she worked at. The bright light behind her eyes always dimmed a little and she wouldn’t talk for hours, which for anyone that didn’t know her was enough to ring an ambulance and arrange a mental evaluation.
Now that’s not to say that Bucky was any better, the look of absolute utter rage that covered his face when another man called for Y/n was enough to make Steve and Becca completely loose it and simply laugh at his misery, neither of them felt bad because they’d been telling him for YEARS to man up and confess his feelings. Occasionally the pair did feel a slight twinge of guilt towards their brother, like the time the trio went to Y/n’s house to surprise her after work, only to see her kissing the cheek of a guy they’d never seen before, just like his other half Bucky did try to hide it, but the flash of pain that crossed his face was impossible to miss.
It’d gotten to the point where Steve wanted to lock em both in a closet til they finally admitted their feelings and put themselves out of their misery, though the fact that he had all the physical stats of a toothpick quickly nipped that idea in the bud.
Cut to today, for once it looked like it’d be a fairly normal day for everyone, boys were off doing god knows what, knowing those two it’d involve a punch up started by a small blonde idiot and finished by an even bigger idiot of a brunette. Though the same couldn’t be said about their girl, ever the more responsible one of them all Y/n had agreed to work overtime in the local dinner over on main street, meaning that she’d be the one closing the place down at 9pm.
Y/n didn’t even wanna think about what her two idiots would get up without proper adult supervision, though over the years she’d learned to expect that it would more than likely be something illegal.
Thankfully, it wasn’t something she had to worry about for the next couple of hours, though 9 times out of ten she’d be the one cleaning up the cuts and bruises only for them to come back the next day fresh wounds. As much as it did on occasion piss her off to no ends, Y/n wouldn’t want it any other way, they were and always will be her boys.
Well, that was an absolute shit show of a day.
I mean you’d of thought that I was common knowledge not to put ya hands up a waitresses skirt, but nay some men didn’t seem to have got that memo, ever the public servant I made it my job to enlighten then with a hot cup of coffee to the crotch. How I’ve not received employee of the month is beyond me, what’s not to love ? I’m a fucking delight!
Thank god it’s home time, if I’da stayed in that place any longer something would of happened, knowing my crazy ass it’d of been something violent but in my defence….okay I don’t have a defence, but men can seriously suck ass when they wanna. All I wanna do is have a peaceful walk home, ignore the homeless guys that like to gawp at my ass and run a big old bubble bath whilst relaxing with a decent book.
Naturally, that didn’t happen.
Now, If ya spend as much time around a bunch of over aggressive monkeys that love jumping into fights as much as I do, you’ll probably get real good at recognising the sounds of a fight. And I’ve got a pretty good idea who the two dipshits are that started this pissing contest.
The sounds of shoes scuffling across the pavement were pretty much impossible to miss now, that along with the grunts and groans of a bunch of guys smacking the absolute shit outta each other tipped me off to what was happening around the corner. Everything in me screamed to carry on my merry way and let these morons sort out whatever beef they had in peace and believe me I was so close to ignoring it and walking past em, but it’s kinda hard to do that when ya hear ya best mate scream “come at me motherfuckers!”.
I couldn’t help the frustrated sigh that came outta my mouth but come on guys! This is the 5th one this week!
Very reluctantly I doubled back and went to help my idiotic boys out of whatever trouble they managed to get em selves into, and boy I’m glad that I did cause they were losing. Badly. It would seem that Steve’s request was met for them to “come at” him, cause one of em had him by the arms and was pummelling the life out of his small body, and Bucky wasn’t having any better luck either. Buck was in the same situation, but he had the pleasure of two guys restraining his arms whilst another two took turns in kicking him in the stomach, I mean I was already pissed off at what was happening to Steve but now,  I’m beyond pissed and IF I’d of taken the time to calm down for a few seconds I’da thought of a better plan than this.
“Man…I really liked these shoes”.
In my defence, I didn’t mean to throw them as hard as I did, I was hoping to distract them for a couple of seconds so I could get the jump on the guy beating the crap outta Steve, instead I hit him square in the back his head and knocked him the fuck out. Any other time I’da been wetting myself laughing, but instead it seemed like time slowed down as the assholes holding Steve up froze and made eye contact with me, even the guys on Bucky stopped to see what had happened, all four of em had a look of complete and utter disbelief when they finally saw me. Not that I really cared, all I wanted was for em to get the fuck off of my boys.
Nobody seemed to wanna say anything for the next couple of seconds, the assholes beating up Bucky and Steve were still trying to wrap their heads around what just happened, and my idiots were looking back and forth between the guy on the floor and me, not even taking the time to try escape their holds. How the hell they manage to survive all these years without me is beyond my understanding.
“Sup my dudes, my names Y/n and I’ll be kicking ya ass today”.
I think it’s safe to say that I snapped everyone out of their shocked states, cause the guys holding both Steve and Bucky dropped their asses to the ground and instead focus on me, which is pretty fair considering I did just knock their mate out with a 2-inch healed shoe.
“Do ya know what we do to girls that don’t know their place round here? Cause ya about to find out girly” why is it always the ugliest motherfuckers that try to act tough, I mean look at this guy! he’s got more stains on his shirt than he does teeth, and about as much hair as a furless cat, I’ve been more intimidated by a group of 12-year-old girls in the dinner than I have him!...teenagers are fucking scary don’t judge me.
Right back to this absolute shitshow of a ‘fight’.
Mr ‘I’m only 30 years old and I already need dentures’ swung his arm out towards me in a pathetic attempt at a punch, which massively backfired on him cause I threw that dumbass over my shoulder and ‘accidently’ knocked his last 4 teeth out.  That left me with the rest of the hounds, two of em were rushing at me the second I let go of their newly toothless friend, the one on my right missed me completely and fell over a fence, dumbass. The dude on my left though, well he didn’t miss I’ll put it that way, he fully rugby tackled me into the car behind me, knocking the wind outta me and leaving me dazed for a few seconds.
But just like the first guy, his ‘punches’ were about effective as a marshmallow. Pretty embarrassing for him really, I mean you hate to see it.
“Okay no, give me your hand I’m gonna teach you how to punch cause this is just embarrassing for you dude, first don’t put your thumb at the bottom cause ya gonna break it, second don’t just throw ya arm forward and hope it hurts, use your body weight cause ya got a lot of it and throw it into the punch.”
At that point I’d pushed him off me and the car, his form was absolutely terrible so I went ahead and corrected it for him, found out his name was Eric, which was pretty interesting, gave him a few practise shots and then let him hit me for real, and I must be a fucking amazing teacher cause that one hurt!
“Really Doll?”
Let me tell you, I’d never seen Bucky so unimpressed in my life, his face was completely deadpanned with only his eyebrows raised, Steve wasn’t too impressed either, his infamous mum glare was in full force as I sheepishly backed away from my new best friend.
“In my defence, you left me unsupervised, and Eric’s form was absolutely atrocious, wasn’t it Eric my lad ?”
“….She’s a pretty good teacher to be fair”.
“See? I’m a good teacher! Suck it Barnes!”
Bucky Knocked Eric the fuck out in response. I think you can all understand how heartbroken I was.
“What the hell Barnes?! If it weren’t for me you and Steve would be dead!” I’m pretty sure I looked as insane as I was acting, Steve was full on laughing his ass off behind Buck, I mean if I weren’t so annoyed by them both right now I’d be on the floor with him just dying of laughter. But nay, I had a bone to pick with the both of them, which I think they both realised considering they both went pale before turning around and bucking it to my house. What you need to remember is that these are fully gown men, running around a Brooklyn neighbourhood screaming bloody murder, with a much smaller y/h/c lass running right behind them brandishing a pair of heels, fully intending to murder them both.
How we’ve gone all these years without being arrested or locked in a mental asylum astounds me.
So hopefully you all enjoyed this, let me know what you all think, we’ve got about 2 more chapters left of my boys then we move onto Captain America the First Avenger!! 
lots of love
Rose xx
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Us, May 3
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Meghan Markle: My Baby, My Way
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- rufflemania -- Hollywood style stars are tier-ing it up in this flattering design with feminine flair -- Tracee Ellis Ross, Kaitlyn Dever, Margot Robbie, Logan Browning, Nicola Coughlan
Page 3: Lizzo, Maude Apatow, Lucy Boynton, Jessica Alba, Lily Collins
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Anya Taylor-Joy vs. Isla Fisher vs. Regina King in Stuart Weitzman Nudist sandal
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Shonda Rhimes on the intense backlash she received over Rege-Jean Page's exit from Bridgerton, Kelly Ripa on her most embarrassing interview, Luke Bryan on his mother LeClaire's Instagram fame, Blake Shelton on The Voice's new coach Ariana Grande, Reese Witherspoon joking about wearing bottoms that aren't sweatpants
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: A Final Farewell to Prince Philip, his four children Prince Charles and Princess Anne and Prince Andrew and Prince Edward were among the loved ones who participated in the emotional ceremony, feuding brothers Prince Harry and Prince William (and his wife Duchess Kate) put their differences aside after the intimate service, due to Covid-19 protocols the grieving Queen Elizabeth stayed socially distant from the other 29 people who attended the funeral for her husband of 73 years
Page 11: ACM Awards 2021 -- Maren Morris teamed up with her husband Ryan Hurd and won Female Artist of the Year, Thomas Rhett won Male Artist of the Year, Carrie Underwood took the stage
Page 12: Hot Pics -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley wore an orange coat during a visit to NYC, John Stamos plays a coach on the TV show Big Shot, Zach Braff goofed around on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen in L.A.
Page 13: Eva Longoria on her trampoline while aboard a yacht in Miami, Howie Mandel arrived to the set of America's Got Talent dressed as a bug in Pasadena
Page 14: Jon Hamm and his rescue dog Splash strolled around the neighborhood in L.A., Heidi Klum in all white in Pasadena, Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry take a stroll in L.A.
Page 15: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes held hands after dinner at Il Segreto in L.A., Patrick Dempsey shot a scene for his show Devils in Rome
Page 16: Rachel Brosnahan in a blue dress and carrying a clear umbrella on the set of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in NYC, Lin-Manuel Miranda at the opening of a vaccination center for Broadway workers in Times Square, Trisha Yearwood feeds one of her rescue pups
Page 18: Gen Z Has Spoken -- these celebs are making the young kids proud -- Baggy Jeans -- Hailey Bieber, Tracee Ellis Ross, Bella Hadid
Page 19: Middle Parts -- Busy Philipps, Lizzo, Jennifer Lopez, Kourtney Kardashian, baguette bags -- Dua Lipa, Elsa Hosk, Irina Shayk, Kendall Jenner
Page 20: Seeing Double -- stars bear a striking resemblance to their famous counterparts -- Elizabeth Banks and Chelsea Handler, Emmanuelle Chriqui and Nina Dobrev, Betty Gilpin and Jodie Comer
Page 21: Rob Lowe and Ian Somerhalder, Jaime Pressly and Margot Robbie, Isla Fisher and Amy Adams, Rupert Grint and Ed Sheeran, Kyle Richards and Kacey Musgraves
Page 22: Clueless Crew -- stars are totally buggin' over Cher Horowitz's style in yellow plaid -- Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, Katie Holmes was rollin' with her homie beau Emilio Vitolo Jr. in NYC, Vanessa Hudgens, Dianna Agron
Page 23: Gabrielle Union
Page 24: Stars They're Not Like Us -- Jay Leno took one of his vintage automobiles out for a spin in L.A., Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took a selfie with a fan while grocery shopping in Beverly Hills, Kylie Jenner has custom vending machines
Page 25: Carrie Underwood in her massive walk-in closet, Denzel Washington signs autographs for fans in NYC, Megan Thee Stallion on a private plane, Drake and his bodyguard in Beverly Hills
Page 26: Stars They're Just Like Us -- Sarah Jessica Parker catches a yellow cab after working at her shoe store in NYC, Brad Paisley picked up five pizzas to go in Montecito
Page 27: Kelly Osbourne handed out goods at a drive-thru food distribution event at the Islamic Center of Southern California, HGTV's Egypt Sherrod transformed her closet into a meditation space in Atlanta, in between filming Law & Order: SVU's Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T take a selfie
Page 28: Hollywood Dads -- Scott Porter on parenting his two kids McCoy and Clover
Page 29: Jonathan Tucker on life with twins Hayes and India, parenthood is a lot tougher than Jovi Dufren imagined, Maksim Chmerkovskiy can't wait to show son Shai his work
Page 30: Love Lives -- Rihanna and A$AP Rocky are showing no signs of slowing down -- the pair enjoyed a night out in L.A. hotspot Delilah where they were holding hands and laughing and they're not hiding the fact that they're dating but they just don't want people in their business -- they're a good match and are each other's best friend
Page 31: Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber may look like the picture-perfect couple, but Justin admits that their first year of marriage wasn't what he expected, saying it was really tough and there was just a lack of trust and he blamed the strain on his own personal struggles and said before he didn't have someone to love or someone to pour into but now, more than two years after exchanging vows with Hailey, he has that
* Kacey Musgraves' romance with Dr. Gerald Onuoha is giving her butterflies -- the pair are so happy they found each other and while Kacey, who split from her husband Ruston Kelly last summer, is trying not to get too ahead of herself, her connection to the Nashville-based doc is off the charts and it's got the potential to go a very long way
* Today's Savannah Guthrie is thankful to have husband Michael Feldman in her life, especially given the demands of her early morning work schedule
Page 32: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are getting serious -- all the details on their whirlwind romance
Page 33: Adapting to parenthood has been a breeze for Emma Stone and she's soaking in all the precious moments of being a mom for the first time -- she and husband Dave McCary welcomed their baby daughter in March and Emma is super protective and a very hands-on mom and Dave is also hands-on and helps with their daughter -- thanks to the little one, Emma's marriage with the comedian has also gotten stronger and having a baby has brought them closer in a way they never expected -- Emma is looking forward to getting back to work; she's taken this time off to embrace motherhood and her number one priority is to raise a healthy baby so that's what she's focused on right now
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* Britney Spears is setting the record straight -- despite her ongoing conservatorship battle with her dad, Jamie Spears, she is doing totally fine, assuring fans that she's extremely happy and she has a beautiful home, beautiful children and she's taking a break right now because she's enjoying herself -- although the legal drama with her father is heating up, Britney is staying strong and she has this wonderful ability to see the positive even when the odds are against her
* Keeping Up With Us -- production for the Downton Abbey sequel is underway, Mossimo Giannulli is a free man, Chrissy Teigen returned to Twitter 23 days after announcing that she was leaving the platform, Vanessa Bryant remembered her late husband Kobe Bryant on what would have been their 20th wedding anniversary, Helen McCrory lost her battle with cancer at age 52 according to her husband Damian Lewis
Page 34: A Day in My Life -- Whitney Port
Page 35: Colton Underwood is ready to live his truth -- during an interview on Good Morning America, the former Bachelor came out as gay, saying he's run from himself for a long time and he came to terms with his sexuality earlier this year and he's the happiest and healthiest he's ever been -- now that he feels like he can finally breathe, Colton is excited for his next chapter, which fans will get to see on an upcoming reality show with Olympian Gus Kenworthy -- a huge weight has been lifted off of Colton's shoulders and he is looking forward to being his authentic self
Page 36: Moms Tell All -- Happy Mother's Day! From milestones and manners to rules and nanny-bans, celebs and insiders talk about raising kids in Hollywood
Page 37: Bindi Irwin says life at home with her daughter Grace Warrior has been positively blissful and her family with dad Chandler Powell is so full of love, adding that the newborn has already met some of the wildlife at the Australia Zoo where Bindi and Chandler live and work and of course she's seen some crocs and really lit up when she saw them -- while the Aussie conservationist is sad Grace won't get to meet her late dad Steve Irwin, Bindi's brother Robert Irwin and mom Terri Irwin have been by her side constantly and Robert is obsessed with Grace and has been helping out so much and her mom has been the biggest guiding light and she's already taught Bindi so much about being a mother, both in how she raised her and by showing her things day by day and Terri is quite the baby whisperer and she's so great a calming Grace down when she's crying -- first-time father Chandler is also a natural with Grace and he's been the most supportive and involved dad and together, he and Bindi make such a great team -- for now, Bindi, who stars with Chandler in Crikey! It's a Baby!, is hoping Grace will follow in her animal-activist footsteps, saying having three generations of strong women working as conservationists is a dream come true
* Jennifer Garner said teaching your kids is a lifelong job, and certainly values are something you have to show them -- Jennifer, who shares kids Violet, Seraphina and Samuel with ex Ben Affleck, is staying true to her word and has led by example when it comes to things like kindness and patience and she won't let anyone in the house to judge or speak ill of people, and she enforces the same wholesome, traditional values that she was raised with and the kids have been taught to be loving, hardworking and fair -- Jennifer has always taken a kids-come-first approach to parenting, and it shows as they bake together, enjoy movie nights, read books and have very active lives and it's a very healthy, happy household filled with laughter and love
Page 38: Gwen Stefani has her hands full with her sons Kingston, Zuma and Apollo with ex-husband Gavin Rossdale, but she wouldn't want it any other way -- Gwen's a tomboy, so having three boys wasn't daunting for her at all, plus she has fiance Blake Shelton by her side to pitch in with parenting duties and Gwen and the boys have a blast at Blake's ranch in Oklahoma where they enjoy riding their ATVs, and they play baseball and football -- it's not all fun and games, though because Gwen is big on boundaries and manners and she doesn't want to raise Hollywood brats and it's important to her that her sons be gentlemen
* Meghan Markle's pregnancy with Archie was no walk in the park, as she revealed during her bombshell TV interview with husband Prince Harry, the couple had concerns over whether or not the royal family would provide security for their son and claimed there were conversations about his skin color -- but this time around, as Meghan and Harry gear up for baby No. 2 at home in L.A., she's doing everything her way, without the royals and Meghan and Harry feel blessed that they're able to raise their daughter in the U.S. and can live by their own rules and make the decisions they feel are best for their children; having independence is the most important thing for Meghan and she's got free rein to be exactly the kind of mom she wants to be -- her parenting style is really like most mothers out there, and she's been craving pasta and doing yoga two times a day as her due date nears and she keeps a lot of art supplies out to foster creativity and healthy snacks around and she's a devoted mom and wants the best for her kids
Page 39: Kate Hudson has a lot on her plate, so the mom of three, who shares son Ryder with former husband Chris Robinson and son Bingham with ex Matt Bellamy and daughter Rani with boyfriend Danny Fujikawa, knows when to put her foot down as things can get a little overwhelming at times for Kate, but when she says no, it absolutely means no, and the kids respect her very much because of that
* Gigi Hadid, who shares daughter Khai with boyfriend Zayn Malik, wants to spend every waking moment with her precious little girl -- Gigi could easily afford to employ a team of nannies but chooses not to and she prefers to do everything herself and besides, she can't bear to be away from Khai for more than a few hours
* Candace Cameron Bure's three grown kids are flying the coop, but she's still super involved in their lives, despite slowly becoming an empty nester -- the mom of Natasha, Lev, and Maksim with former hockey player Valeri Bure says it's been a very transitional time and she's been trying to help them make decisions they feel good about and it's challenging, but they're figuring it out
Page 40: Oh, Baby! Meghan Markle's due date is just around the corner, and here are all the details
* Bump Brigade -- Halsey, Gal Gadot, Shawn Johnson East
Page 42: 10 Years of the Cambridges -- a look back at Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's solid marriage for their anniversary
Page 44: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: What Really Happened -- cheating and lies? The truth behind J.Lo's split from fiance A-Rod
Page 45: Friendliest Exes -- these former couples managed to stay close after going their separate ways -- Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz
Page 48: Gifts for Mother's Day
Page 54: Entertainment -- Ben Barnes on Shadow and Bone
Page 58: Fashion Police -- the most daring Oscars looks -- Bjork, Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron
Page 59: Rachel Weisz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga
Page 60: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me -- Julia Michaels
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 12-Bookaholics
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/Bartender AU)
Word Count: 1,515
Summary: You and Bucky try to get the ball rolling and explain your idea to Sam and Nat all while having a little fun :)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Happy Monday! Thank you for all your continued amazingness! Love you all! If anyone hasn’t been to the High Line you can check out the website here It’s one of my favorite places in the city and really is that beautiful! I like taking you on a little tour of NYC through this story, it helps with how badly I miss my city (we are doing well though so one thing at a time right!) All the pictures I use in my moodboards are real photos of these places. Here is the link for attaboy  again in case you want to see that too. Thank you all for reading! Much love to you always ❤❤❤
Warnings: Fluff, some super light smut (mostly implied), flirting, romantic fluff :)
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Previous Chapters
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between 
When you awake the next morning it’s to the sound of more rain hitting the sky light, Bucky’s even breathing warm against your neck. You slowly shift and stretch to grab your phone. Seeing that it’s not even 6am you unlock the device and lazily search through your Pinterest, saving recipes that look worth trying.
“Looking up some new stuff to bake, sweetheart?” His voice is low and raspy from sleep and you love the sound, turning and smiling as he rubs his eyes. “I hope I didn’t wake you?” He curls his arms around your middle and pulls you against his chest, “nope.” You rest your head under his chin, closing your eyes and listening to the rain.
“How about we just stay up here forever. Forget work, read books, eat pizza…” You continue, your breath hitching as Bucky’s hand creeps under your shirt. “Listen to the rain…Bucky.” He rolls on top of you, gently pulling your shirt above your head. “What else?” he asks between kisses. “This. Lots and lots of this,” you whisper, shimming out of your shorts.
“How long do we have before you have to leave for work?” His fingers inch below the waistband of your underwear, easily slipping inside you. “Enough time,” is the last thing you say before his lips capture yours, swallowing your moans.
You find if hard to concentrate at work, every free minute your mind wanders to thoughts of the bookshop and your idea and to Bucky. It’s hard to shake the feeling of wanting to dive in headfirst and just do it, go all in. But you know you can’t. You must do this right. You shoot Bucky a quick text, ‘hey babe, want to talk to Sam this weekend? Maybe we can hang at the bar after closing and go over our idea?❤❤’
His reply seems enthusiastic and you smile. ‘Definitely!❤ I can’t stop thinking about it, especially being in the bookshop now. I keep imagining where we could put things and how to move things around and all that.😁😍’ Letting out a breath you let him know you’re excited and try to get back to work. The rest of the day is boring, and the work week drags, however, your nights with Bucky are anything but.
Saturday night rolls around and you and Nat stroll into the bar late. You wade through the crowd of already drunk people, searching for Bucky behind the bar. You spot him leaning against the back counter, his button down open at the front and his sleeves rolled up, the buttons looking like they may pop off any moment. His jeans do little to hide his thick thighs and perfect ass. Sam slides up next to him and you follow their line of sight over the bar to find two girls giggling at something they said.
“Hey Nat, I think our boys caught some attention,” you snicker, pointing their way. Nat raises her brow, whispering in your ear before heading to the other end of the bar. She makes her way to the bar, getting the attention of Peter. “Hey Pete, could you get y/n and I some shots please,” she asks, batting her eyelashes.
He nearly falls over, grinning wide at you both before looking nervously over at Bucky and Sam. “Uh, yea, sure of course ladies. What’ll it be?” You pretend to think it over for a second, “you know what, why don’t you pick for us? Whatever you think we’ll like. And make one for yourself so you can join us!” He simply nods, rushing off to make your shots. “Could he be any more adorable,” Nat whispers, giggling. “No. But could he be any more afraid of the boys?”
You both let out a laugh, having way too much fun and looking over at them. They’re staring, Sam with his arms crossed over his chest and Bucky with his hand on his hip, all four eyebrows raised in your direction. You smirk at Bucky just as Peter appears with the shots. “Thanks Pete, can’t wait to try these.” He lifts his shot up, clinking the small glasses with yours and Nat’s. You keep your eyes on Bucky while you down the cold liquid, slamming the glass down on the bar and licking your lips. “That was great, good choice, thanks.” Nat heartily agrees, sliding the glasses back and smiling at Sam.
“You’re welcome, can I get you anything else?” A large hand lands on Peter’s shoulder, Sam’s deep voice answering his question. “No, thanks Pete, we’ll take care of the girls from here on out.” You watch him visibly stiffen, shaking his head vigorously before practically running off in the other direction.
“No need to scare the pants off the kid, baby,” Nat coos, her smirk reappearing. “And it looks like you were handling those girls on the other side of the bar just fine from here.” Bucky and Sam look at each other and scoff before they start laughing. “So, that’s what this is about!? They’re Steve’s cousins that are visiting from out of town,” Sam says, eyeing Bucky before laughing again. “You were jealous!” Bucky adds, his eyes bright. “I love it.”
His smile is so wide you want to punch him and for a moment you and Nat are silent. “Well, how were we supposed to know! And we were only having a bit of fun! AND might I add, I was not jealous!” Nat chimes in, “but clearly you two were! Coming over here and scaring Peter half to death!” They start laughing again and Bucky leans over the bar to whisper in your ear, “I love you.” Sam throws Nat a wink and waves over the two girls who quickly head toward you. After introductions are made and everyone laughs over your misunderstanding you spend the rest of the night enjoying your new friends and having some drinks.
By the time 2am arrives and the bar closes you’re all tired but still willing to talk things over.  Sam cleans off a back table and grabs some waters. “Ok. Let’s hear this plan of yours,” he says, smiling brightly despite the time and fact that he’s been at work for almost 12 hours. Your heart swells. You love them all so much.
Before you start you reach into your bag, pulling out a small Tupperware. “Ok, but first, some cookies!” Sam whoops along with Bucky, two large hands grabbing for the container. Bucky looks to you, his mouth full of cookie, “go for it baby.” You hold his hand the whole time, laying out what you’ve come up with so far.
Nat’s smile never falters, and Sam’s excitement is clear as they listen to all you have to say. When you’re finally done, they naturally have questions which you and Bucky do your best to answer. “Listen, I think it could really work if you do it right. People love books. They love food. They love coffee. You just need to bring it all together,” Sam says, suggesting you set up a meeting with his friend Tony who owns several businesses and has a really good head for this stuff.
“He sounds like he could be a huge help,” you say excitedly. Sam nods, chewing his last cookie. “Oh definitely. He’s brilliant and honest and if anyone can help you navigate through this it’s him. And of course, us!” he adds, putting his arm around Nat. “Of course, guys! Did you tell Steve yet?” she asks. Bucky shakes his head no. “He and Peggy couldn’t make it tonight so they are going to stop by tomorrow, actually later today, so we can fill them in.”
When you finally leave the bar, it looks as if the sun is about to come up. “Summer is really here! I love how early the sun comes up these days. And how long it stays out,” you say, leaning into Bucky. He has his arm around your waist as the two of you walk slowly down the quiet street. Suddenly, he stops. “Hey, I have an idea. You wanna go on a little adventure before we head home?”
With a little squeeze to his middle you happily exclaim, “yes,” not needing to ask any questions as you follow him into the subway. About twenty minutes later you emerge back to the surface and see you’re at the High Line. “Oh, Bucky! I love it here!” He smiles down at you, walking up the steps. “I hope we can see what I want to see,” he whispers, holding your hand as you head down the path.
You reach a spot where you have a clear view of the water and Bucky sits on a bench, pulling you into his lap. It’s close to 6am and the sun is starting to peek over the horizon, the bright orange and pink hues dancing across the calm water. “Good morning,” he says against your ear, his eyes fixed on you instead of the rising sun. Turning your head, you kiss him softly. “It’s the most perfect morning.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bucky-on-my-mind @bugsbucky @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @imgaril-lindru @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelandotherfandomimagines @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @scarletsoldierrr @softpeachbarnes​ @the-wayward-robot​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @flyawaybay​ @amandatar-06​ @nd1998sc​ @yansi1923​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @fire-flv​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @inflxmes @lauratang​ @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ @buchanansebba​ @emilylyoness​ @curlyred2020 @kaosera​ @breezy1415​ @metal-armed-cuddly-dork​ @devynsdiary​
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance
A chapter for anybody who’s been wondering just what Lake’s deal is.
It was dark by now.  Peggy headed out on the deck, and got a blast of icy-cold air in the face. They were moving west, back towards American waters, and it made Peggy wonder if the Canadians even knew they were up here.  In the darkness and wind there was nobody else on deck except the essential staff. All she had to do was find somewhere sheltered.
The wind was from the west, so Peggy went around behind the ship’s superstructure.  One of the lifeboats was in need of repairs and had been lashed to the deck there, keel-up, so men could work on it.  Between it and the superstructure was a nice little triangle that was out of the wind and away from prying eyes.  With the ship and the sea drown out the noise, Peggy leaned against the wall and bawled.
Steve was alive!  He was alive and awake and solid and real.  All this time Peggy had been mourning his loss, trying to get over this beautiful brave fool of a man she’d once hoped to build a life with, he’d been up there in the ice waiting to be found!  The moment she’d seen his eyes open, all the work she’d put into moving on had been utterly wasted because there he was.  She was overjoyed at the same time as… what was she going to do?
Peggy loved Daniel.  He understood her.  Their relationship was based on working together in peacetime on a very different set of problems… that was something she would have had to build from the ground up with Steve and three years ago she’d been ready to do it, even looking forward to it, but now?  Steve didn’t even know the time had passed.  He might think they could still make their date at the Stork Club. Somebody was probably telling him about it right now.  What would he think?  Would he wonder why Peggy hadn’t told him herself?
Was she going to have to break his heart?  Was she going to have to break Daniel’s? What about her own?  And was she really so bloody selfish that at a time when Steve’s return was going to mean so much to so many people, people like Daniel and Lieutenant Harbottle who’d never felt they got to properly thank him, she was thinking about this?
The answer to that last question was yes.  Yes, she absolutely was, damn her.
Hot tears slid down her face and froze to her cheeks, and her sobs mixed with the arctic wind and flew away across the sea on it. For what seemed like half the night, she felt like she might never be able to stop.  Her head began to ache, her nose ran, her throat went sore… Steve was in there waiting for her to come back and she was going to look the ugliest she had in her life…
Then, at last, she ran out of tears.  For a moment she stayed perfectly still, just listening to the wind… and then she heard the sound of somebody singing.
Perhaps she’d imagined it.  Over the creak of the ship and the sound of her own shuddering breaths, how could Peggy have heard anything else?  But there it was again, and after a moment of straining her ears, she realized it was coming from underneath the upturned lifeboat.  She knelt down for a look.  It was very dark under the boat, but once her eyes adjusted, she made out the shape of a woman lying on the deck, curled around a life vest she had clutched to her middle and singing softly to herself.
“And if I’m flying solo, at least I’m flying free,” she sang, slow and shaky.  Peggy did not know the song, but she could tell it was off-key.  “To those who’d ground me, take a message back for me…”
“Kay?” Peggy asked.
Kay opened her eyes.  They were red-rimmed, and her cheeks were stained with tears.
“Are you all right?” Peggy wanted to know.
“I’m fine,” said Kay hoarsely.
“No, you aren’t,” said Peggy.
“If you already knew that, then why did you ask?” Kay rolled over to face away from her.
Peggy spent a moment wondering if she ought to say something more, then decided no.  She’d never gotten a straight answer from Kay yet, and this was not the time to try. She should go in and wash her face, and see if she could talk to Steve without bursting into tears all over again. Peggy stood up.
“Don’t go,” said Kay.
Peggy knelt down again.  “Why not?” she asked.
Kay was still lying with her back to Peggy, and did not move to change that.  “Life’s not fair,” she said.
“No.  No, it’s not,” Peggy agreed.  It never was.
“Have you ever noticed that nobody ever says that like it’s a bad thing?” Kay asked.  She sniffled, and Peggy saw an arm move to wipe her nose on her sleeve.  “It’s just the way it is.  We’re not supposed to try to change it.”
“Yes.  The people who say life’s not fair are the ones who have some advantage they want to press,” Peggy agreed.  “Whether it’s a parent to a child, a boss to an employee, or…” she could think of other examples, but they hit a little too close to home.  “Or Steve’s lady friend, talking to the woman who risked her life for him even though he doesn’t even know who she is?”
This time, Kay did roll over.  “Who do you think I am, Peggy?” she asked.
Peggy’s heart started beating a little faster. For all she’d just had a very personal breakdown, there was enough professional left in her to know that this might be her only chance to learn something very important.  She was not sure how she felt about Kay – they certainly weren’t friends, but after what had happened today, could they really be enemies anymore? – but she could use this emotional moment to get some kind of truth from her.  The question was whether she would hate herself for it later.
“Can we talk about this indoors?” Peggy asked.
Kay uncurled a little from the life vest she’d been crying into, but she did so in defeat, not because she wanted to open up.  “You want me somewhere you can record me.”
“No,” Peggy backtracked.  “I want you somewhere we can both wash our faces and have something hot to drink, because we’re cried out and it’s brass monkeys out here.”
“It’s okay.  I’d do the same thing,” said Kay.
She squirmed out from under the boat and Peggy helped her stand, and they both stumbled back inside and found a washroom.  On a navy ship all of these, except the one for the nurses, were supposed to be men only, but most of the sailors who came in and saw the two of them washing up just turned around and left again – and the ones who stayed politely decided to use the stalls.  Peggy and Kay were still red-eyed and miserable as they went to the mess hall, but Peggy at least felt a little more presentable.  She got them each a mug of tea, and they went to a little table in the corner, far from anyone else present at this hour.
By the time they got there, she had settled on how she was going to answer Kay’s question.  Peggy gave the other woman her tea, and then said, “I think you definitely came from the same place as Olga Barynova,” she said, “and I think you may have been telling the truth when you said they sent you here to find her.  But I also think you have your own agenda, which your superiors may not approve of.  What that has to do with Steve I’m not sure.”
Kay shook her head.  “Nobody sent me.  I came here on my own.  I…” she took a deep breath.  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so I thought I’d let you figure it out on your own, but I don’t care anymore.  I’m a time traveler.  I’m from the future.  I’m here to fix it.”
That was not an answer Peggy had been prepared for, and her instinctive reaction was that it had to be nonsense.  Yet… hadn’t she seen stranger things?  She’d seen tiny Steve Rogers transformed into Captain America.  She’d seen the awesome technology of the Valkyrie, a plane the size of this aircraft carrier roaring into the sky as if it weighed nothing at all.  She’d seen the unbelievable power of the tesseract, the bizarre properties of the Zero Matter, and the corpse of a giant her superiors thought must have come from outer space.  Who was Peggy Carter to say that time travel was impossible?
“Tell me more,” she said.
“I was born in 1984,” said Kay, “and you’re right, the Red Room got me… but the Soviet Union collapsed when I was still a child, so they began using us as assassins and spies for hire instead.  The controls weren’t as tight as they used to be, and eventually I went rogue.  The organization the SSR evolved into sent a man to kill me, but he…”  She looked up at Peggy, and seemed to arrange her words carefully before she continued.  “I guess he thought I was worth more alive.  So I ended up working for them instead.  I was with the group who found Steve in the arctic in 2012.”
Peggy had been thinking that recruiting somebody like Dottie sounded far too dangerous to her, but that number brought her train of thought up short.  Twenty-twelve didn’t even sound like a real year.  It was the sort of far-flung future one saw in serials where people regularly rode rocket ships into space.  “And he was still alive?” she asked.
“Yeah,” said Kay.  “When I met him, when they thawed him out – they let it take a few days, so he recovered better than he did today – he was so lost.  Everybody he knew was dead and the whole world had changed, but somehow they expected him to just get back into it and be Captain America again. And he did, because he didn’t know what else to do.”
Peggy could just picture it… poor Steve, wandering in a world like something out of one of Howard’s fantasies, all flying cars and cities on the moon.  Not in itself a terrible future, but not one anyone wanted to see alone.
But apparently it was a terrible future, because Kay went on: “by that time, people like Zola meant that HYDRA had completely permeated the United States government.  You almost couldn’t get it out without tearing the whole thing down. Steve and I found out about it and exposed it, but it was a horrible mess.  People looked back on the last sixty years and realized there were so many wars that didn’t need to happen and people who didn’t need to die.”
When talking about the death of Zola, Peggy recalled, Kay had sounded like the murder had been very personal to her.  There was more than that, though: “were you in love with him?” Peggy asked.
“Love is for children,” said Kay.  “Captain Rogers was my friend.  We worked together for years.  He missed you.  He missed Barnes, he missed Stark.  Finding HYDRA was still active made him feel like he’d sacrificed himself in that plane wreck for nothing.  There are so many things he would not have stood for, but those won’t happen now.” She sat up a little straighter. “Because Zola is dead and Steve is alive, and the future is going to be better.”
Peggy didn’t know if she believed a word of that… but it was certainly a compelling idea, and she couldn’t deny the reality of the two facts Kay had just stated.  Zola was dead, and Steve was alive.  And if the other things she’d said were true, then the future was going to be… perhaps not necessarily better, but certainly very different.
He was my friend.  That was why she’d been crying, because he’d woken up and looked at her and said who are you?  If he’d done the same to Peggy, she didn’t know that she would have been able to just keep smiling as Kay had.
“What are you going to do next?” Peggy asked.
“I’ve got a list,” said Kay.  “There are some more like Zola who have to go, and the Red Room, but we’re not talking about people who keep their records for seventy years. I need information, and to get it I think I need Barynova.”
“Then why run off to follow me?” Peggy wanted to know. “Why not stay in New York where they’re working on that?”
Kay gave an uneasy shrug.  “I just felt like I should be here.”
Peggy supposed she ought not to argue with that. If not for Kay, Steve would be either on a dissecting table or burned alive in the boiler room, and Peggy would never even know she’d killed him.  The thought made her shudder.
“What’s your real name?” she asked.
“Natalia Alianova Romanova,” was the reply.  “If I had any friends they’d call me Natasha. Or just Nat.  But don’t call me that,” Kay added firmly.  “I don’t want that name getting into the history books later. I don’t want anyone ever knowing this wasn’t the way history was originally supposed to go.”
“Because you don’t want anyone trying to put it back,” Peggy said.
“That’s right.”  Kay heaved a shuddering sigh, as if she might start crying again, but she did not.  “Do you believe me?”
“I don’t know what to believe,” Peggy replied, with complete honesty.  “But you did lead me to him, so… thank you for that.”  Even if Peggy had no idea what she was going to do about it.
“You’re welcome,” said Kay.  “You were the love of his life.”
“He was mine, too,” Peggy said, and wondered what Kay would think of the problem that presented her with.  Did she know something else about Peggy’s own future that Peggy did not?  Was she destined to be unhappy in marriage?  Or had she even thought about it at all?  Maybe Peggy was only here because Kay expected her to play her role in Steve’s future, and had never considered that Peggy might have developed other plans in the meantime.
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sazc94 · 3 years
If These Sheets Were States
I had this idea based of the song If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low. All chapters will start with lyrics from the song. Its written form Steve's POV and yours.
(Also this was my first time writing so be nice please) Context you are British, you and Steve Rogers have been dating for about two years. You're not an Avenger you're just the average reader.
Lots of Fluff, a bit of angst and there will be some smut in the final chapter. Words 1.2k
Chapter 1
If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me. Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me. I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.
“Earth to Rogers” Natasha snapped her fingers in front of Steve, he removed his ear buds and sighed. He didn’t really like Pop Punk like you did but this song was one that felt especially fitting. He had been on a mission with Natasha, Clint and Tony in Dallas for what felt like forever. It had been almost 8 weeks since he had last seen you in New York and he was missing New York and more importantly you.
“Let’s go through the plan one more time, our window is coming up and it’s a small one” Stark Said.
“Natasha and I will enter through the first-floor window on the rear side of the building brining us directly into the Library” Steve pointed to the blueprint they had managed to secure. Steve knew a lot was resting on this mission 7 weeks of recon 3 days of planning and one aborted mission later tonight was their final chance to get Darcy Lewis out of Hydra’s grasp. Darcy had been working on something top secret for Fury after Thor had introduced the pair of them when he was last on Earth. It was clearly of importance as Fury had instructed the four of them that if they failed then then may God have mercy on their souls. This was the teams last chance to pull her out, they had gotten intel that after tonight the abandoned school building was going to be demolished and Hydra would be in the wind.
The team ran through the plan once more, Clint was to wait in the Jeep they had hired in a quiet street which was about two minutes’ drive from the building, Tony was going to wait for Steve’s signal before causing the generator to short circuit, this would create a distraction and leave the building without power for about 10 minutes, allowing Natasha and Steve just enough time to make their way from the library at the rear of the building to Darcy who was at the front of the building in what they believed was the computer lab, and bust Darcy (and her laptop) out of there. Once the generator was down Tony was to stick around the generator for 5 minutes before he and his suit were to make their way to the computer lab ready to assist with getting Darcy the hell out of there.
20:45 CDT Texas “Show time fellas” – called Natasha over the coms.
21:45 EDT New York City
I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again. I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.
“I’m fine Bucky, I’m letting myself into the apartment now” you were holding your phone up to your ear with your shoulder, trying to unlock the door, balance your takeout pizza and reassure Bucky you were fine. Bucky was Steve’s best friend and as much as you loved your Avenger boyfriend looking out for you, having Bucky call you every day to make sure you were okay was a little exhausting after a while. Today he had called you twice after he’d found out the subway train you were in had gotten stuck between stations after a small fire had been set by some immature school kids (thanks Wanda, that’s the last time I tell you anything) . “Honestly, Bucky, I’m fine, I just want to eat my takeout, take long bath and curl up in bed and sleep. It’s just a little scratch and the paramedics checked me out at the scene said it wont even scar if I take care of it. You were known for being clumsy and during your exit from the subway car you had missed a step on the ladder causing you to slip down the remainder of the ladder and you had caught your arm, during your attempts to steady yourself you had somehow managed you slice your arm.
“Okay Y/N” as long as you’re sure, Steve’s gonna kill me for not taking you to the hospital if something happens” Bucky chuckled “However being honest you scare me more than he does, take care doll and call me if anything if changes or you need anything” with that Bucky clicked of the phone. It was another hot week in NYC and being stuck in the subway for two hours had left you exhausted, overwhelmed and in desperate need of a soak in your bath. You kicked of your shoes, let out a sigh and slammed the door shut behind you. It was week 7, day 4 since Steve had left for his mission and you were missing him, this was the longest mission he’d been on in two years. Steve had moved in 6 months before his mission, and you had gotten used to the feeling of his furnace like body next to you in bed of a nighttime.
Depending on the Mission and how deep undercover the Avengers were would depend on whether you heard from Steve or not, this particular mission it appeared was deep undercover because it had been radio silence since he left. “Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, call Wanda” “Yes Miss L/N” replied the AI, dating an Avenger had its perks, as soon as Steve had realized you two were getting serious he had asked Tony to add some security precautions to your apartment, and that included installing F.R.I.D.A.Y and some serious upgrades to your sound system and lights.
“Hey Y/N” Wanda sounded chipper for someone who had dropped you in it with Bucky. “Seriously Wanda, what the fuck?!” you cried “What” she replied innocently, all though you couldn’t see her you knew she was probably smirking. “I told you as my friend, not another informant for Steve, I was just letting off steam about how embarrassed I was with the fact that I had managed to injure myself when nearly no one else had” you exclaimed. You settled down on your old red fabric sofa with your takeout pizza and turned on the TV. “Hey, you may be my friend but if something serious had happened as a result and I’d kept it from Bucky which in turn kept it from Steve, he would have given me the next shit mission that came across his and Tony’s desk…. Besides, I didn’t technically tell Bucky. I told vision who I knew would tell Bucky” you could hear the grin in her voice. “therefore, I didn’t technically break my promise to you about not telling Bucky and also didn’t get in Steve’s bad books” by now she was chuckling feeling rather pleased with herself. You let out a long exhale. “Fine you win this round, but next time I am texting one of my friends who don’t have ties to the Avengers and more importantly Steve” you found yourself chuckling at that last part, when you moved to New York 3 years ago you would never have guessed you’d be friends with the rest of the Avengers, let alone dating America’s golden boy Steve Rogers. You flicked through the channels until settling on a Disney movie for background noise whilst you ate your pizza and caught Wanda up on the day’s events.
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Rising From The Earth
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Series Summary: After months of trying, and several heats, and ruts, Y/N was now beginning her journey on her road to motherhood. All Steve and Bucky wanted to be is supportive and strong for their Omega, but life doesn't always run so smoothly....
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (the fun stuff that comes with that) Smut, Accurate Representation of Pregnancy and (eventually) Childbirth, Strong Language (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes
Part One// Part Two// Part Three// Part Four// Part Five// Part Six// Part Seven// 
Part Eight: At Last 
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Chapter Warnings: Brief mention of nudity (literally so brief, you could blink and misread it), Strong Language
Word Count: 5k (woah this a long one)
26 Weeks. 
“How long has he been out?” 
“4 hours. We can’t wake him.”
“What happened, on that jet?”
“The cuffs Stark designed couldn't hold Daniels, he broke loose.”
“Alpha, please.”
“Bucky took the full force of one of his energy blasts.”
“Wake up, Y/N.”
“Alpha, I need you.”
“Y/N, come on. Wake up.”
“Alpha!” you sat up, covered in sweat, your eyes darted around the room, it seemed unfamiliar, until eventually your eyes adjusted to the darkness, and your surroundings became known. 
You were sat in your bed, in your room. Initially you couldn't recognise the room, as the smell of your Alpha’s scent had grown weak, with neither of your Alphas having set foot in your shared accommodation. 
You look to your side, to see Sam gently holding your hand, he had pulled a chair up next to your bed, a position he had resumed for 2 weeks, since your Alphas had remained under the care of Dr Cho. 
“Were you having that dream again?” he asked you tentatively, you nod your head.
“It’s not a dream though is it. One of my Alphas is laying in a coma, several floors beneath me.” you bluntly state. 
“I know this is tough, Y/N, but you gotta get some rest.” Sam sighs, he tries to lay you down, but you push his hands away.
“How am I supposed to rest, when one of my mates might be dying, one of the fathers of my unborn children.” you whimper, rubbing at your eyes to clear them of a combination of sleep, and tears. 
“Look, you won't be any use to either of them, if you don't get some sleep. Those babies need you to be strong, Y/N. They need their mommy.” 
“Just leave me alone, Sam.” you roll over onto your side, facing away from him.
“You don't really want that, Y/N.” Sam spoke, an element of hurt in his voice. 
“Just go.” you pulled Steve’s pillow close to your chest, and buried your nose in it, trying to absorb any traces of his scent that might be left. 
You hear Sam breath a heavy sigh, before the soft scrapes of a chair being pushed back, filled the room, followed by his footsteps as they drift further away from you, and towards the door. They stop, by the sounds of it, just short of the door. 
“I’ll take you to see him tomorrow.” were Sam’s final words, before the footsteps continued, before being silenced by the closing of the door. 
When you felt that he was a safe enough distance away, you pushed your entire head into Steve’s pillow, and allow the floodgates to open, as you drench Steve’s pillow in a salty tidal wave of emotion. 
~~~~~~~ You didn’t wake the next day, as you had sat up all night, crying your eyes out, to the point they were sore, and irritated. 
At 10:00am, as promised, Sam came to your door, and knocked gently, before entering, after he heard a faint: ‘come in’. 
“You ready to go.” he asked, pausing when he saw the redness and swelling around you eyes. “you sure you wanna go?”
“I want my Alphas.” was your only response, before you pushed passed him, making your own way to the elevator, you heard his fast footsteps behind you, as he caught up with you. 
“It’s okay to be scared, Y/N.” Sam says, placing his hand on your lower back. You move away from his hand, the movement only triggering your memory bank, of all the times, Steve would do the same. You twist round to face him. 
“Scared. Scared.” you repeat, “Sam, I’m fucking terrified.” you curse, his eyes flash wide, before they return back to his normal caring self. 
“And that’s okay too.” the corners of his mouth twitched into a brief smile. before they dropped down once again, as the elevator arrived at the Med-Wing. 
You step out first, searching for Dr Cho, so she could tell you, which room your Alphas were in. Spotting her, you made a beeline for the doctor, as she sat at the nurses station writing up some notes on the computer. 
“Where are they?” the first thing that flies out of your mouth. 
Dr Cho spins round in her chair, in both shock and surprise, her eyes wide, before they narrow, as they examine the puffiness and redness of your eyes. 
“Y/N, what happened to your eyes. Let me take a look?” 
“No.” you push her hands away from your face, “where are my Alphas?”
“Please, Y/N let me take a look at your eyes, they look swollen.” 
“That’s because I need my Alphas. If you’re not gonna tell me, then I’ll find them myself.” you huff, beginning to look around the Med-Wing. Most of the doors, and blinds were open, so it was easy to see into them, and that they were empty. 
Then you came to a corridor, with two doors that were shut, and the windows covered by the plastic strip barriers. 
Without thinking you grasp the handle of one of the closed doors, and before Sam or Dr Cho could stop you, you had barged your way into the room. Only to immediately halt, when you were met with the sight of Natasha, stood half naked, whilst Bruce was helping her get changed out of her gown. 
“Like what you see?” she spoke through gritted teeth, your whole body frozen.
“I...er....I’m sorry.” you stutter out, your eyes still hadn't left Natasha’s body, which by now had been hastily covered by Bruce, with his jacket. No matter what material covers her up, you can’t forget the look of the deep wounds that were left on her back. Your mind racing as you envision Bucky with similar marks, and scars. 
“That’s nice. Now get out!” she shrieked.
“Not until you tell me what happened?” you yelled back, Natasha may be an Alpha, but you will never be afraid of her, not when she was standing between you and your Alphas 
“Are you being serious right now! You know what happened, Y/N!” Natasha says over her shoulder, as Bruce trying to keep her covered, by moving in front of his mate. 
“You can’t be in here, Y/N. You need to leave.” Bruce takes a step towards you, you shield your stomach out of habit and growl. 
“Not until she tells me, what really happened on that mission.” you growl. 
“Y/N you need to remove yourself.” Dr Cho’s voice, appears behind you, as do her hands, which wrap around one of your wrists trying to pull you towards the door. You yank your wrist free, your breathing was becoming erratic, the only thing going through your mind was the need to find and see your Alphas. 
“Don’t touch me, I want answers, I want an explanation. I want my Alphas!” you shout, forcing the words from your mouth, your throat becoming tight.   
Your head begins to spin, your vision blurring in and out. 
“Calm down, Y/N. We’ll take you to your Alphas. Think of the babies.” Dr Cho speaks as calmly as she can. 
Your eyes are fixed on the door, the wobbly outline of Sam and Dr Cho merging together, with the rhythm of your heart. Suddenly, when Sam and Dr Cho emerge from each others’ outlines, a tall dark shadow looms behind them. 
Dark spots begin to cloud your vision, you feel the ground beneath you begin to move, as your knees buckle. A hand catches your head just before it hit the floor, and your sight becomes black. 
“I’m here, baby girl.” 
You wake with a start, your head scanning the room around you, before your eyes land on the firm outline of someone, who immediately makes your heart leap. 
“Alpha. What happened?” you try to clamber off the bed, but Steve halts your movement, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“Calm down, little one.” he takes your hands, but you use them as leeway, to pull him close to you. He doesn't fight you, as you fling your arms around his neck, squeezing him as tightly as your bump will allow. 
“I missed you, Alpha. I missed you so much.” you cry into his shoulder, his hands immediately rub up and down you back, as he softly shushes you. 
“Shh I’m here now, baby. It’s alright.” Steve kissed your head, one of his hands moves from your back, and rubs along the side of your stomach. His brow furrowed when the usual nudge against his hand didn’t come. 
“What happened, Alpha? I can’t remember.” you search your memories, but you are unable to recover anything. 
“You had a seizure, baby, but you're okay.” he kisses your head, your heartbeat picking up a little at his words, but before you are able to question him further, he interjects. 
“How are you, sweetheart. How are the pups?” he asked, moving you away from him slightly, so he could place both his hands comfortingly on your stretched skin. 
“Okay.” is all you mumble. In truth you hadn't felt the babies move for a few days, but your mind was too busy with worrying for your Alpha, you hadn't the time to worry about your pups. 
“Okay? That’s it?” Steve asked you, searching your eyes, already sensing your trepidation. 
“Where’s Alpha? I want to see him.” once again you try to get off the bed, but Steve holds you firmly onto the gurney. 
“In a minute, sweetheart. Tell me what’s wrong.” Steve’s eyes stare directly into yours, you watch as his pupils dilate with concern. 
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong I just needed you. And I need Bucky.” Steve flinched slightly when you said Bucky’s name. You hadn't called either of them by their first names in a long time, he knew this meant that you were in serious distress. 
“I know, honey. But something tells me, that you’re not so sure about something.” he rubs under on of your eyes, with the pad of his thumb, you wince a little, your eyes still tender from the level of crying you had done the night, and most of the week, previously. 
“It’s just....” you didn’t know how to tell him. He probably had so much more on his mind, with Bucky being in God knows what state. The last thing he needed was his Omega telling him, that you couldn't even grow some pups, with out his constant vigilance. 
“It’s okay, baby. You need to tell me, whatever is worrying you.” Steve holds your face in his hands, you have no choice, but to look at him. 
“It's the babies.” you final force out. 
“What about them, darlin? Are they hurting you?” One of Steve’s hands drops from your face, and rubs over the top of your bump, once again he frowns, when no little kick is felt against his palm. “They aren't very wiggle today are they.”
That was all it took for the tears to come spilling out once again. It made one of your eyes throb, still exhausted from its previous use. 
“Oh baby.” Steve pulled you tight against him, “what is it, sweetheart, what’s the matter?” 
“I haven't felt the babies.” you sobbed. 
“For how long, baby. How long has it been?” Steve pulls away, he doesn't seem angry, but you can sense the pick up in his heart rate, as he waits eagerly for you to answer, his leg was already twitching to run and grab Dr Cho. 
“A couple of days, I’m not sure.” you whimper, you rub at your pulsing eye, the pain almost worst than your fear. Steve pulls your hand away, as he can see that it is only further irritating your eye. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I’m so sorry. I’m such a failure.” 
“No Y/N. No you are not. This my fault, I should have been with you.”
“No, Alpha. You had to stay with Bucky. He needed you, more than me.” now it was your turn to hold Steve’s face in your hands, Steve overlapped you hands with his own. 
“I should have been with you. It’s gonna be alright. I’m just going to get Dr Cho, she’ll check you over-”
“But-” you look to the door hopefully, but Steve holds his finger up, and you instantly fall silent.  
“And then I will take you to see, Alpha. But only after Dr Cho has given you and our little ones, the all clear. Understand?” his voice is stern, but you can detect the underlying worry. 
“Yes, Alpha.” at that Steve quickly leaves, returning briskly with Dr Cho. 
“How are we feeling, Y/N?” Dr Cho asks snapping on a pair of gloves, Steve sees you growing hesitant, and strides towards you, squeezing your hand tightly. You look up at him, and he gives you one reassuring nod, and a quick smile. 
“I’m okay. I just want to see my Alpha.”
“Honey, tell Dr Cho what you just told me. You’re okay I’m here.” he kisses the back of you hand, and you draw a shaky breath before you explain to Dr Cho, about the lack of your babies’ movement.  
“Well, I think the best option would be for me to perform an ultrasound. That way we will really be able to get to the bottom of what’s going on. But I also want to examine your eye, it appears to be swollen, and the redness around it could indicate something slightly more sinister.” She gives you a warm smile, that doesn't really fill you with reassurance, nevertheless; you return her gesture briefly. 
She disappeared, before promptly reappearing, the sound of the wheels on the ultrasound machine, squealing and sliding over the hard floor. Steve grasps your hand with both of his, you can feel the vibrations of anxiety, tumbling from his being, and you give his hands a gentle tug, and he looks down at you. 
“I’m scared, Alpha.” 
“You’re aright, baby. Alpha’s here. Everything’s going to be alright.” he kisses your forehead, but the vibrations don't change.
You flinch when Dr Cho squeeze some of the cold jelly onto your stomach, before she lifts the wand from it’s holder, and begins to manipulate it, across your skin. 
You hold your breath, and you can tell, Steve is doing the same. The familiar whooshing sound fills the room, as Dr Cho glides the probe over your stomach. 
It’s only seconds, but it felt like hours, when suddenly the room is filled by the steady thrum, of one of your babies’ heartbeats. 
“The boy looks all good, nice healthy size, not much change at all since the last appointment.” you relax a little at her words, but your tight grip on Steve’s hand remains unchanged, as she moves away from your son, in search of your daughter. 
You felt like your lungs were going to explode, until you were finally able to break for air, when the sound of a second heartbeat, made it’s way into the room. 
“And there is, your little girl.” Dr Cho smiles, hovering over the still, semi-alien looking being, that resided in your stomach. 
“Is she okay? Is there anything wrong with her?” you rush, clinging to Steve, who has relaxed his own grip on your hands. 
“Again, she is a little smaller than, what I’d like, but her heartbeat is nice and strong. So I’m not concerned.” Dr Cho turns to you, and places a hand on your knee, and gives it a quick squeeze. 
“There’s absolutely nothing to worry about, Y/N. Your babies are nice and healthy.” 
“But they didn't move, they haven't moved for almost a week. That’s not like them at all.” you reason, the anxiety still high in your voice. 
“Tell me Y/N, how much sleep have you been getting the last few weeks?” she speaks, as she wipes your belly clean of the gel, and turns the machine off, pushing it to the side slightly. 
You look down at you stomach, not wanting to make eye contact with the doctor or your Alpha, knowing your response was not going to be pleasing for either of them. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You need to answer Dr Cho honestly. I’m not going to be angry, we just need you to be honest.” Steve reassures you, as he crouches down, taking your chin into his hand, making you look up. 
“If I’m honest...not a lot.” you stumble. 
“Roughly, how much is not a lot, Y/N?” Dr Cho coaxes you. 
“Probably, a few hours at most.” 
“How much is a few, Y/N?” Steve asked you. 
“1-2 hours, a night.” you squint, managing to drop your forced gaze. 
“Oh honey. I should have been with you.” Steve sighs, he pulls you into an embrace once more, your face instantly going to the crook of his neck, you nose jabbing at his scent gland, his odour instantaneously making you calm. 
“It’s not your fault, Alpha. I promise.” you kiss his neck, he presses his head closer to you. 
You reluctantly pull yourself away from Steve, to look at Dr Cho, in wonder of her question: “What would that have to do with the babies?” 
“The reason your babies haven't been moving around a lot, recently, and the reason for your seizure, is because they’re exhausted. You are exhausted. The only way your brain thought it was going to get any rest, was if it completely shut down.” 
“What does that mean?” you were still confused as to why their movement had been so limited. 
“Your babies are fine, Y/N. They’re just asleep.” you could have had another seizure there and then, when Dr Cho gave you the world’s simplest explanation. 
“They were asleep.” you repeat, in utter disbelief. She nods, giving you a assuring smile. 
“Now, I need to look at that eye.” she turns her back, shortly, before she turns back, clutching, a ophthalmoscope.
“No I want to see, Alpha.” you stubbornly say, before trying for the third time to leave the bed, but Steve held you strongly on the bed. 
“We will soon, sweetheart. Let Dr Cho look at your eye, and then we’ll go.” Steve kisses your cheek, but you’re not satisfied. 
“I just want to see, Alpha.” you look at him with puppy dog eyes, and you can see he wants to cave, but he knows your eye needs to be examined. He hushes you, before he squeezes himself behind you, holding you close to his chest. A feeling you had missed greatly. 
“I know, baby. I know. Be a good girl, and let Dr Cho look at your eye, and then we will go straight there.” Steve convinces, you lean back against his chest, giving a silent agreement to Dr Cho, who steps forward with the eye scope, clutched in her hand. 
She brings it up to your eye, and you wince a little at the bright light. 
“I know it’s hard, Y/N. But I need you to try and keep your eyes open for me.” Steve kisses the back of you hair, and whispers encouragement. 
“That’s my girl, baby.” Dr Cho removes the light, which you’re grateful for, until the invasive light, is replaced by the prodding of her fingers. 
You mewl and pull your head away from her interfering fingers, a bruising pain running across the bottom of your eye socket. 
“Shh little one, it’s okay. Dr Cho’s nearly finished. Come on, baby. You were being such a good girl.” Steve tries to coax your head back to looking at Dr Cho, he kisses you neck, you let out a faint gasp, as he sucks a little on your mark, eliciting comforting hormones around your bloodstream. 
You unwillingly allow Dr Cho to continue her examination of your eye, Steve rubbing over the back of your hands with his thumbs, and kissing along your neck, and shoulders, eventually it came to an end. 
"It appears that you have suffered a subconjunctival hemorrhage.” 
You tense in Steve’s arms, and begin to panic once more, that didn’t sound remotely good, hundreds of scenarios flash through your mind, Steve grips you closer. 
“It’s okay Y/N, don't panic. That’s just the medical term, for burst blood vessels, in your eyes.” you lean back into Steve, he wraps his arms tightly around you, you turn your head into his chest.
“See everything’s alright, darlin. It’s all going to be okay.” Steve consoles you, “what’s the cause of this, can it be treated?”
“It could be a number of things; it doesn't need to be treated, it’s more of a cosmetic issue, it should resolve itself on it own, unless there is something preventing it. Has your morning sickness returned, Y/N?” 
You shake your head in Steve’s chest, Steve doesn't try to scold you for not using your words, understanding you just needed the comfort of his bodily warmth, and scent. 
You sense Dr Cho, bending down, out of the corner of your eye, next to the side of your bed, and her hand ghosts over your back.  
“Y/N, sometimes this can happen, when someones been exerting a lot of force and pressure on their eyes. This pressure can often be caused by crying.” You felt Steve tense slightly from behind you, you push your face further into Steve’s chest, desperate to hide the burning of your cheeks. 
“Honey, it’s okay. Have you been crying, a lot?” all you can do is nod at Steve’s words. 
“I’m sorry, Alpha. I just...” you look up to meet, Steve’s eyes, “needed you.” you sniffle. Steve pushes your face into his neck. 
“Shh, baby. I’m so sorry. I should have come to you, the moment Bucky became stable. I’m sorry, Alpha has neglected you for so long. I’ve been such a bad Alpha.” you can’t even form a reply, Steve is desperately trying to stop you from releasing anymore tears, not wanting you to worsen your eye.
“Don’t cry, baby. You don't need to anymore. Alpha’s here now.” he rubs your back, and you just fisted his t-shirt, breathing in his scent, that was finally there to help you keep your tears at bay. 
“Shall we go and see Alpha?” Steve tentatively asked you, hoping that might distract you. You nod your head, Steve repeats your nod, before slipping out from behind you. Holding his hands out for you to take, you slip off the bed, and Steve helps you steady yourself. 
“Okay?” he asks you, taking you chin.
“Yes, Alpha.” you give him a warm smile, before he places his hand on the small of your back, a touch that you gladly lean into, as he began to lead you out of the room. 
Your knees were a little shaky, but you soon got into your stride, and it wasn’t long before you were nearly matching Steve’s pace. 
“Slow down, baby girl. There’s no rush.” Steve tries to curb your enthusiasm, but you were too focused no the prospect of seeing your other Alpha. Just as you reached a closed door, Steve pulled you aside. 
“Now listen to me, baby. Alpha isn't very well, and he doesn't look very well. Don’t be scared, by what you see. Dr Cho and Dr Banner are doing everything they can to make him better. And he is getting better. Why’s that?” Steve asks you. It doesn't take you long to decipher an answer. 
“He’s strong.”
“That’s right, little Omega.” Steve smiles at you, and kisses you on your forehead, before stepping in front of you, and grasping the door handle.
Turning it, he peaks his head in. 
“Hey honey, there’s someone here to see you.” Steve pushes the door open, and leads you in, you rush forward only to stop short, at the foot of the bed. You’re eyes are wide, as they observe over the man laying in front of you. 
You almost didn’t recognise him, the bruising over his face was extensive, and made his face swell, he didn’t have a hospital gown on, as you notices a large bandaged wrapped around his chest. His right arm, matched your’s when you were in the hospital, his too were covered with IV’s, the familiar sound of an irritating heart monitor, set the tone in the room. 
“Go closer, baby. Don't be scared, it’s just Alpha, he wants to see you.” you feel Steve’s hand go on your back, gently nudging you towards Bucky’s bedside. Eventually you begin to feel your toes, and drag your weighted feet, to the side of the bed. 
Bucky winced as he turned his head, watching you come to him, he opened his arms as best he could, and tried to lean towards you, but stopped abruptly, when he appeared to pull on a tube in his side. 
“Careful darlin, your chest drain.” Steve warned, going to you at Bucky’s side. He pulled the chair that was already there, closer, and sat behind you, as you stood playing with your hands. 
“It’s okay, sweetie. Come and give Alpha a cuddle. Don’t be scared it’s me.” Bucky croaked, all you wanted to do was fling your arms round him like you had Steve, but you were afraid you were going to hurt him.
“Don’t want to hurt you, Alpha.” your voice trembled slightly. 
“It’s alright, doll. I know you’ll be as gentle as you can. Right now, I just need a big cuddle from my babies.” you caved as he said that, and as skilfully as you could, you wrap your arms around Bucky. He quickly reciprocated. 
You push your head into his neck, but the scent you were hoping to find, was not there, instead he smelt of dried blood, and sweat. You couldn't help but recoil slightly the smell was not the familiar one you were expecting. 
“What’s the matter, baby?” Bucky asked you, when he felt you move away slightly.
“Nothing, Alpha.” you didn’t want to upset him, despite his scent changing, you could still feel the wave of emotion he was feeling, having you back in his arms. 
“No tell me, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” he pulls you away from him, and your gaze drops to his chest, and your eyes fix on the large bandage covering his chest. He catches your chin, moving you eyes back to his bruised ones.
“What happened to your eye, my beautiful girl?” you scoffed a little at his pet name, right now you were everything, but beautiful.
“She’s burst a few blood vessels in her eyes.” Steve explained for you, Bucky was rotating your head from side to side, performing his own examination. 
“How?” Bucky asked shocked. 
“Dr Cho said it can be caused by large amounts of pressure, often the pressure can occur from excessive crying.” you silent curse at Steve in your head, Bucky didn’t need that one his mind, not now, when he’s clearly needs time to recover, without having to worry for you. 
“Baby girl, is this true? Have you hurt yourself, from crying?” Bucky’s own swollen eyes swim with hurt and guilt, already knowing that your answer will condemn him as the culprit, causing your tears. 
You nod, unable to tell him directly. Bucky caresses your cheeks, you can literally see his heart breaking through his eyes.
“I’m sorry, darlin. We won't ever do that to you again. I promise, Alpha and I are not going anywhere else for the rest of this pregnancy.” Bucky vows, you lean in careful of his cracked and split lips, and place a soft kiss on his lips, as your confirmation that you liked his agreement. 
For the first time in weeks, you felt a yawn creep up your throat, and you cover your mouth, as it escapes. 
“I think it’s somebody’s bedtime, Stevie.” Bucky chuckles, moving strands away from your face. 
“I think so too.” Steve stands from his chair, and tries to take your hand, but you hold onto the only space on Bucky’s arm that isn't covered by an IV.
“No I don't want to leave, Alpha on his own.” you whimper, your bottom lip began to tremble, at the thought of being apart from either of your Alphas for a moment longer. 
“It’s alright, darlin. Alpha will bring you tomorrow.” Steve tries to reason, but you don't let go. 
“No, please I want to stay.” 
“Baby, there’s no where for you to sleep comfortably.” Bucky tries to point out, rubbing a hand over your bump, you push into his hand, the feeling of him touching your belly, makes your insides glow. 
“Please, Alpha.” you pout, and give Steve puppy dog eyes, and it’s not long till he caves. 
“Alright.” he sighs. “Hang on a minute, we need to make sure we support your back.” 
You feel movement to your side, and your head turns to see Bucky moving over in his bed. 
“Careful, Alpha. What are you doing?” you grab, Bucky’s arm, but Steve is already by his side, helping him get comfortable.
“What are you doing, baby?” Steve asks Bucky, as Bucky hands him an assortment of tubes, making him hold them, while he shuffled towards one side of the bed. 
“Making some room for my little ones.” he spoke bluntly, eventually he was satisfied, by the amount of space he had made, and patted it, encouragingly. 
He didn’t have to ask you twice, as you gladly, but cautiously laid next to him. He rested one hand on your tummy, whilst the other wrapped around your shoulder. 
“You can turn into me baby, it’s alright. Remember you can’t lay on your back.” Bucky reminded you, helping you to roll into his side, Steve was taking your shoes off, and pulling your leggings down, before covering you with Bucky’s hospital blanket. 
“But what about Alpha?” you asked, as Steve fixed the barriers around you and Bucky, so that you wouldn't fall off the bed. 
“I can’t fit on there, sweetheart. And anyway I’m happy in my little chair, watching my two favourite people snuggle.” 
“You can at least hold my hand.” Bucky smirks, Steve grinned back, and pulled his chair closer to the bed. 
“Of course, my darlin. I wouldn't have it any other way.” he clasps Bucky’s hand, and brings it to his lips. 
You snuggled closer to Bucky’s warm chest, feeling the most content, you have ever felt in the last 2 weeks. 
Finally, your men were home. Your family was together.  
A/N: Fun fact, my mom thought that she had lost me, after she did a load of long shifts in a row, and she hadn't felt me move in a few days. But the Doctors told her that I was in fact just asleep!! Not much has changed!
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