#soulmate txt
luxora · 7 months
TXT -> {Soulmate AU} -> Meeting you
Requested: No
Group: TXT
Genre: Fluff.
A/N: So I couldn’t really choose on how someone knows that you are their soulmate, so I kind of have done a variety of different identifying soulmate stuff. Feel free to let me know which one you prefer!
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Yeonjun wasn’t particularly looking for his soulmate because he was still in his youth and was not quite ready to settle down exactly. Or maybe the words ‘settle down’ weren’t exactly the words he should use, because it was not like he didn’t want to meet his soulmate, because he did, its just he was not actively looking for them because it will happen when the world decided to let it happen, hence why he was not bothered in trying to actively search for them.
The two of you will meet someday, and hopefully he will be someone you were willing to accept as your soulmate.
Yeonjun glanced down at his wrist, cocking his head at the sight of a small crown tattoo in the middle of it. It was a worldwide known thing that soulmates have matching tattoos, therefore Yeonjun will know who his soulmate was once he catches a glance at it, on whoever they may be. A shout from across the cafe interrupted his train of thought, making his sigh as he reverted his attention to his job at hand.
Since his parents wanted him to experience real working experience, he had opted to work part-time at his uncle’s coffee shop as a barista. It was fairly easy to do and Yeonjun has always met a variety of people, some pleasant and some not. He will admit he makes good money, and he was content being surrounded by the smell of coffee and cake while customers came in for a break, meeting, or something else.
Yeonjun hummed to himself as he reorganized the cups and straws behind the counter, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans floating in the air as Yeonjun made all the freshly brewed caffeinated drinks. It was a typical day in his life, crafting perfect cups of coffee for the myriad of customers who passed through, school ending two hours ago and he still had a few more to work before he could head home to do his homework. Although if he really had to choose his preference, he would much rather doing extra hours of work than homework. His mathematics homework was a nightmare from the undead, and he wanted to avoid doing it as long as possible.
Amidst the steady hum of conversation and the soft jazz playing in the background, the bell of the coffee shop ringed and Yeonjun glanced up to see someone walking towards the counter, totally engrossed in a phone call. He didn’t seem to recognize them, not being a regular, but he fixed a friendly smile as they quickly ordered their coffee, not sparing him much of a glance as they glanced at the menu, told him their order, before returning back to their conversation.
Not offended to the lack of a friendly converse, Yeonjun,  began to prepare the drink with practiced precision, only glancing at the stranger at odd times when he heard an exclamation from their end, no doubt reacting to something dramatic which had happened. As he was finishing up with the drink, he noticed the stranger tugging off their hoody and tying it around the waist, holding their between their ear and shoulder as they tied a loose knot before grabbing their phone again.
Since they were busy with their conversation, Yeonjun placed the steaming cup on the counter, ready to call out the order, but just before he could, the stranger  finally ended her call and turned to collect their coffee, this time with a smile on their face as they reached out for it. But it was just as they were reaching for the drink did Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise when he caught the mark on their tattoo.
On the stranger’s wrist was a small crown tattoo, an exact match to the one that adorned his own wrist. It was the soulmate mark—the unique symbol that bound two people together across time and space. And while he didn’t think he would meet you so randomly, just knowing that you were in front of him, oblivious to his own matching tattoo, it just swept the floor out from under him. And you did not seem to realise the effect you suddenly had on him as you curled your fingers around the coffee.
“Thank you so mu-”
Just as you were to pull your hand back with the drink, Yeonjun found himself grabbing your wrist, keeping it place while his heart raced with a mix of excitement and disbelief. You immediately frowned at him, attempting to tug your hand back, making Yeonjun nervously clear his throat before he finally displayed his bare arm to you, most notably to his own crown tattoo on his wrist.
Yeonjun carefully watched your expression, it starting off with confusion as you turned to look at him arm, before shifting to surprise, shock, and then recognition, your own eyes glancing at your own one, Yeonjun’s fingers covering most of it and yet still visible to the two of you. And then you finally looked at him.
Both of you finally took the time to analyze each other’s appearances. While he was dressed in his school uniform while donning a barista apron, you were dressed casually, and as he looked at you, he figured you were about a year or two older than him, but not by much. Your lips parted slightly as you gazed at him before slowly moving into a shy smile.
“...Hi.” You eventually said,
Yeonjun mustered a small smile, a silent acknowledgment of the extraordinary connection that the two of you now shared. Both of you were donning shy smiles, content in the small bubble of miraculous energy which formed between the two of you, only to be simultaneously snapped out of it by an irate customer behind you. While you blushed at the interruption, Yeonjun couldn’t help but glare at the customer behind you, feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over him. He felt you tug your wrist out of his hand, igniting a small spark of disappointment, only to be quickly replaced with joy as you grabbed your coffee and then pointed at one of the booths with a smile.
“I’m going to sit over there for a while.”
to wait for you
The unsaid message was clear to Yeonjun, and he just smiled before nodding.
“Sure thing.”
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Life truly was grey.
Soobin couldn’t help but stare out the bus’s window helplessly, looking at the passing sights and yet could not truly appreciate them due to his lack of color. Being unable to see color was an aspect which everyone had to deal with until they met the soulmate, Soobin having not met his yet due to the fact he had no idea who they were.
His parents only managed to see color for the first time when they met in their late twenties, coincidentally meeting in a coffee shop where his mother accidentally spilled her coffee all over his dad. But fortunately enough his father’s anger did not last long because the second he locked eyes with his mother, a literally flurry of color hit him at once. Soobin thought his parent’s meeting was cute, although it did little to motivate him to actively search for his soulmate because they could literally be anywhere in the world.
Soobin sighed as the bus moved to a stop, patting down his school bag as it remained on his lap. It had always been a very tedious day to deal with and having such thoughts about the lack of his color in his life hardly helped his mood. As the bus started moving again, Soobin couldn’t help but lift his head to watch the other people walking through the bus to find a seat, only to suddenly lock eyes with someone who happened to send a jolt through him as he was was shocked with electricity.
All of the sudden, the world around Soobin burst into a kaleidoscope of colors he had never seen before. The once-muted surroundings now danced with vibrant hues, leaving him in awe. It was a revelation that stirred his soul, a profound connection he couldn't comprehend. And it seemed that you felt a similar sensation as you completely froze on the spot, clutching at one of the bus rails to stay upright as you continued to gaze at Soobin, neither of you looking away.
Soobin was for a loss of words. The previously dull grays that he as grown accustomed to throughout his life had suddenly disappeared and was now replaced with so many colors which he could not add a name to yet. The bus itself was bright, and the passing outside sights were just so enigmatic, the air in the bus becoming somewhat charged with an unspoken energy as the bus rumbled along its route.
Neither of you looked away from another, seemingly realising what had just happened between the two of you. Soobin couldn’t help but gulp at the sight of you. You were just...so pretty. You were dressed in casual clothes with a bag, looking as if you were going shopping, but to Soobin, he couldn’t help but admire how stunning you looked. So with a pounding heart, he glanced at the seat next to him and looked at you carefully, non verbally offering for you to sit beside him, which you understood after a few moments. After you took a seat beside him, Soobin took a deep, steadying breath before turning to you.
"Just now...do you see the colors too?"
You gazed at him, saying nothing for a few moments before nodding. Looking at him with an expression mixed with surprise and realization, you finally parted your lips to speak. 
"Yes, and... it's incredible. I've never seen anything like this before."
“Me neither.”
Neither of you said anything afterwards, simply gazing at one another in curiosity, becoming familiar with each other’s facial features and appearance while the bus continued on its journey. When the bus came to another stop, Soobin took another steadying breath before clearing his throat and offering you his hand, flashing a small smile.
“I’m Soobin.” He introduced himself, waiting patiently as you reached out to grab his hand, your fingers curling around his in a firm handshake which sent a jolt of electricity though his body as you shook his hand. You smiled shyly at him.
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Beomgyu twirled the pen in his hand patiently, waiting for the response to his quip to come back as he was quite interested in what he would received. When he finally saw the scribbling of words on his forearm, he couldn’t stop his smile of excitement as he watched the sentence fill his forearm, making him laugh once he saw the full response.
‘You barbarian, mint chocolate is the best ice-cream in the world. It tastes nothing like toothpaste you mainstream maniac.’
He loved chatting you, even though he has never actually met you yet, but that was not much of a problem as he felt like he knew you well enough. Beomgyu never understood how it really works, but once someone reached the age of thirteen, they somehow were able to communicate with their soulmates through their bodies. Or rather, through writing on their bodies.
He did not believe it at first, nor did he really understand it, but he is naturally a very curious creature and so he could not help but test the theory, taking a permanent marker and writing the word ‘hi’ on his arm, watching with puzzled amazement that it faded away after one minute after he wrote it. But minutes passed by since his first word disappeared with no response, so Beomgyu tried writing it again, watching it fade away but again be met with no answer.
He was kind of put out after that, thinking that maybe his soulmate bond was broken. He had told his parents what happened but they reassured that he was not broken, it was probably because his soulmate has not come of age yet. Put out by the news, Beomgyu experimented drawing on his arm, watching how the drawings would disappear, internally expecting a response but eventually accepting that he was not going to get one.
Although four months later after his birthday, Beomgyu was surprised when he was making himself a sandwich and saw a word on the back of his hand as he was buttering his bread.
And the two of you have been conversing ever since.
Beomgyu was now in his final year of high school, along with you, albeit neither of you attended the same school. While Beomgyu would love to go meet you in person, he knows that you don’t live in the city; therefore it was unrealistic of a meeting occurring between the two of you. But he knows once he graduates, he is going to head first thing to you, to finally meet you in person and to have some of those real life dates and adventures he has promised you ever since the two of you started conversing.
It is kinda cliche to think that he has fallen in love with you despite not knowing you. But then again, the two of you were soulmates and were to end up with one another one way or another, and so he can’t really be blamed falling for you, especially since your personality was so clear to him in the messages between the two of you.
Beomgyu twirled his pen as he waited for your next response, the monotonous hum of the classroom filling the air as Beomgyu struggled to concentrate on the lecture. You weren’t answering and usually you were super quick, making him frown as he tried to figure out what was keeping you back from answering his previous question. Just as he was about to write a question on his forearm, his attention was taken away by the teacher announcing the arrival of a new student, which was rather strange since it was the last year of high school for all of them, so he has no idea why someone would move to a new school so late.
Beomgyu lowered his pen to the desk and straightened in his seat, prepared to meet the new student. But as the door creaked open, a figure stepped inside and Beomgyu's heart skipped a beat when he saw you walking in, donned in the school’s uniform, a smile on your face as you scanned the classroom until you were locking eyes with him.
Obviously the two of you knew what each other looked like due to exchanging social media information, the two of you following one another. He had always thought you were beautiful in your photos, but now seeing you in person...you were breathtaking, photos doing no justice. Beomgyu faintly heard the teaching introdcuing you to the class, which you responded with a friendly smile and a bow, albeit your eyes never left Beomgyu’s, a cheeky glint in your eyes as you cocked your head in his direction.
As if the universe had planned the meeting, the teacher instructed you to take the seat next Beomgyu, it being the only available one in the class. He watched in rapture as you walked towards him, smiling at all the other students before taking a seat, purposely ignoring him as you grabbed your books and pens and settled them on the desk. As the teacher resumed the lecture, Beomgyu couldn't concentrate. His mind buzzed with the realization that you were in fact sitting right next to him.  The unspoken conversations that had filled his days with a quiet magic were now replaced by the prospect of face-to-face interactions, something he had dreamed of and yet... it was possible now.
When the class finally ended, Beomgyu hesitated for a moment before calling your name, where you immediately turned your head to look at him with a cheeky smile.
“W-When did you-”
“My father got a job transfer here. We have just moved and coincidentally found out that this school was closest to home.”
“...coincidentally you say?”
You winked at him.
The two of you shared a smile which was posed as odd to the other students, but to one another, it was all-knowing and filled with bliss as the two of you realized that unspoken conversations via your arms was no longer a necessity.
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The vibrant lights of the carnival cast a kaleidoscope of colors over the lively crowd. Taehyun, surrounded by the laughter of his friends and the cheerful hum of the festivities, felt a peculiar energy in the air but he simply thought it was his body reacting to having free time for the first time since forever. School was finally over and he was finally able to enjoy his holiday. With the carnival coming to town, Taehyun and his friends eagerly attended during the evening to celebrate the end of exams while getting lost in the world of fast food, games and rides.
Taehyun was strolling through the crowd with his friends, laughing at the argument occurring between two of them about one of the stall games, when he suddenly froze in place when he caught the gaze of a stunning individual near one of the food stalls. In a fleeting moment, the world seemed to still and the carnival's cacophony faded into the background.
As his eyes locked with the stranger’s, a wave of warmth suddenly surged through him. It wasn't just a mere connection; it was something deeper, something magical. It was as if the whole universe was doing a 360 on its axis, reorganizing everything until the one center of the world was you, your eyes locked deeply with his and neither of you moving from your spots, unable to look away. Taehyun faintly heard his friends concerned calls of his name, having noticing his sudden absence, but he did not listen as foreign thoughts suddenly entered his mind.
So perfect
The thoughts were not his own, they instead contained a voice which did not belong to him, which made him slowly smile as he realized what had happened. Deciding to test his theory, he began to project his own thoughts, which had a positive effect as you suddenly smiled at him, prompting him to start walking in your direction.
You were dressed so prettily, and Taehyun couldn’t help but compare your smile to the sun with how bright and beautiful it was. You apparently had just purchased a stick of cotton candy, the pink treat barely been tasted due to the sudden occurrence between you and Taehyun. You openly stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, which he obviously reflected back to you as his heart pace increased as he got closer to you.
"Can you hear me?" Taehyun thought, his eyes widening in amazement.
"Yes, I can. This is... incredible."
Despite the carnival noise buzzing around the two of you, your thoughts were so clear to him and he knew it was the same for you. He was aware that once one was able to hear the thoughts of another, it meant that they had found their soulmate, their souls and minds becoming linked with one another for all eternity, until death parted them. Taehyun was never actively looking for his soulmate due to his young age, and yet now that he has found you, he couldn’t help but feel excitement. He could communicate with you without  uttering a single word, the fact that he had such an n intimate connection with someone was just...amazing.
Taehyun stopped in front of you when he finally reached you, the two of you having matching smiles as you gazed at one another from head to toe, becoming familiar with each other’s appearance before giggling. He smiled at you before reaching for you hand, you having no objecting when he tugged you a little bit closer, the two of you invading each other’s personal spaces, not that either of you minded.
"We're soulmates," Beomgyu whispered, his voice echoing in both their minds. You nodded.
“We are.”
“I will admit, I did not expect to find you here.” You laughed.
“Neither did I.”
Both of you exchanged a smile before Taehyun tugged you by the hand to introduce you to his friends, your fingers immediately lacing with his and confidently following him as the two of you met up with his group who all had surprised expressions on their face. After introductions, all of you then explored the carnival together, riding whimsical carousels and sharing cotton candy under the twinkling lights, albeit the two of you seemed to be in a world of you own while his friends posed as multiple third wheels.
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The day’s events were very exciting due to the celebration of his 18th birthday, but that was not the most exciting thing for him. For Kai, the most exciting part was for him to go to bed that night, because it meant that he would finally be able to enter the dreamscape which will belong to himself and his soulmate.
Of course he couldn’t assume to meet you straight away. For all he knew, you weren’t of age to meet him in your dreams yet, but Kai hoped for the possibility that you were already of age and were waiting for him just like he has been waiting for this day to come. Call him a hopeless romantic, but he was looking forward to meeting the other half of his soul, and after he bid his family goodnight and got into bed, sleep seemed to taunt him endlessly due to his mixed excitement and anticipation.
Of course his parents and older sister advised him not to be too hopeful because you may not be there to share a dream yet, but it didn’t diminish his hopes. Even if he was not to meet you tonight, he would waited endlessly for you in his own little dream world, you were to meet with him sometime, he just hopes it will be sooner rather than later.
He doesn’t know how much time passed as he stared up at the ceiling of his room, but eventually he managed to fall into a slumber, the embrace of sleep gently pulling into a dreamscape, the world shifting and transforming around him and until a sight finally took its form in front of him - a sun-kissed beach. It felt like he was really there in person, the the sound of waves crashing against the shore, warm sand embracing his bare feet, and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of salt and freedom.
Kai glanced down at his own body, realizing that he was no longer in his pajamas but rather in beachwear  - a pair of shorts and a buttoned shirt which was unbuttoned half way. He smiled at himself and at the sight before him, but then he suddenly he was not alone as he felt a gaze on him, prompting him to glance up and felt a hitch in his breath.
A stranger stood in front of him, a beach ball in their hands and a bright smile on their face as recognition flashed across their face. They were similarly dressed in beachwear, and as Kai continued to stare at their features, he couldn’t help but become flustered at their attractiveness. And locking eyes...he just felt a connection just form instantaneously between the two of you.
"Kai?" You called out said, a smile playing on your lips which made his heart pound in excitement and glee.
“Y-Yeah, that's me. Are we... dreaming together?"
Even though he figured that is what was happening, the fact that it was...it was just sending his head in a mess and he couldn’t help but let out an embarrassed laugh, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he continued to gaze at you. You nodded, your eyes sparkling with excitement. 
"Seems like it. I've been waiting for this moment."
“Me too...Y/N.”
He didn’t know how he knew your name, but it just graced the tip of his tongue and escaped, him saying it like some kind of holy prayer which will bring all miracles to the world. He had felt so incredibly connected when he heard you utter his name, and it seemed him saying yours had a similar effect as you eyes fluttered at the sound of it and a slight flush dusted your cheeks. You giggled before walking closer, holding out the beach ball in your hands to him, delight in your eyes.
“Care to play?”
He reached out for his, his hands brushing against yours in an accidental touch, jolting a spark of warmth through his body and yours, prompting you two to blush and giggle at the instant sensation.
“Of course.”
The two of you decided to make the most of dreamlike encounter. With the beach ball in hand, the two of you began a playful game without any rules,  laughter echoing against the backdrop of the dream beach as the two of you volleyed the ball back and forth while sharing stories, dreams, and the intricacies of each other’s lives. With each passing moment, the dream became a canvas for the budding connection between the two of you The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of pink and gold. It was a dream, yet it felt more real than anything Kai had experienced before.
As the dream beach faded away, Kai stood by your side on the shore, hands connected and fingers intertwined. Your skin pressed against his made him feel so warm despite the two of you only being in a dream. He truly felt that he was holding your hand in person, and soon after the dream ended, he looks forward to the oncoming nights where he will be able to meet with your constantly until the two of you finally met in person. The two of you shared a bright smile, your other hand cupping his cheek while joy reflected in your eyes.
“I don’t have to wait anymore.”
“Neither do I.”
A promise was made that night that the two of you were going to meet in person soon, because before Kai could kiss you, he had to take you out on a real date, as you only experienced the best things in life which he can only hope to provide. But it was a new adventure to the two of you, one that both are eagerly anticipating to play out.
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what-iz-life · 1 year
Your real soulmate will naturally make you feel seen, heard, understood, valued, supported & loved. They'll bring out your inner child, be open with you & give you best friend vibes. They'll heal, grow & evolve with you–not only in this lifetime but in every dimension & level up.
26K notes · View notes
ewwww-what · 2 months
You guys don’t get it, they used to be the high 5 heroes. They used to be the high 5 heroes guys. They used to. They used to be starry eyed freshmen. They had to choose each other. They had to have awkward introductions. They had to pick that name together. I’m never okay ever.
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i6gyu · 8 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✶ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ( @luviesjunnie ) ˑ ִֶ ✶ 𓂃⊹.
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⠀☆ I'm a dreamer with memories of stars ☆
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affectioncore · 7 months
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the thing about fall out boy is they will always make you feel so seen and heard, they will hold your hand and hug you and tell you they understand how you feel and that you aren't alone. that they're saved by their music just as much as you are, that the separation between us as listeners and them as the artist is basically nonexistent. we are the dreamer and they are the dream, they owe us everything as we to them. No matter how obsessed you've been with your own vanishing, there will always be someone who wants you whole. they will always want us whole. we will always want them whole.
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beomgyucoded · 8 months
Lyrically Bound
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Pairing: Rockstar!Beomgyu x Lyricist!Reader
Word Count: 17.3k
Genre: sort of strangers to lovers, soulmate au
Warnings: reality Beomgyu, cursing, underaged drinking, mentions and descriptions of kissing, allusions to sex (no actual smut), use of pet names (Beomgyu calls reader princess), reader is a little judgmental of Beomgyu at first
Summary: in this world, soulmates are a rarity. There’s only a handful of people that have a connection so strong, that they share a fate. Your parents were one of the few, and you could only hope you were too. By high school you gave up most of your hope, however the second you get to Seoul for college you’re met with an ache in your chest and movie like dreams that leave you feeling warm.
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Soulmates were so rare in this world that most people didn’t believe they existed. No one tried to discover if they shared a connection meant to last a lifetime because of the infinitesimal chance. Instead, they would listen to stories that felt more like fairy tales- so out of reach- and then express their desire for such a tie to another soul. You were no stranger to these stories. You were often the storyteller, as your parents were one of the few.
Your parents met in high school. Your dad from Seoul and your mom from Jeju. Your mom had begged to go to a performing arts high school in Seoul, which happened to be the one your dad went to. Your mom said she’d never forget how she felt on her first day. There was this indescribable feeling the second she stepped foot into the school. She blamed it on first-day nervousness, but when the feeling continued to grow and a small mark in the shape of a guitar appeared right under her collarbone, she almost passed out. It was a big school, and it wasn't until the school’s winter festival that they encountered each other. When their eyes met, everything fell into place. While your mom knew that it was because they were soulmates, your dad believed it was love at first sight. Your mom, being as bold as she was, walked right up to him and asked “Do you believe in soulmates?” and showed him her guitar mark. 
            It is also believed that the child of soul mates is more likely to have a soulmate of their own. At least you hoped. Despite how long it’s been, you’ve watched as your parents fall more in love with each other every day. And you only wish to have that kind of connection with another person, too. Since soul links weren’t as obvious and were different for everyone, it was even more difficult to determine whether you had a soulmate or not. Throughout school, whenever you felt the tiniest bit for someone, you’d hold on to it thinking it could be something. It never was. 
“It’ll feel stronger than that.” Your mom always told you. 
She described it as “all your feelings hitting you at once,” and “there will be this feeling of familiarity when you’re near each other.” 
Hearing that made your longing for a soulmate even stronger. When you got to high school, you were sure signs of a soul link would show up like how it did for your parents. But when that didn’t happen, you decided to let go of the idea altogether.
            Aside from being known as the “child of soulmates”, you were also a musical genius (as your dad liked to put it). You possessed a lot of natural talent, especially in songwriting, since you were a child. This wasn’t surprising, considering both your parents were musicians in school. 
“You have such a way with words,” something you’ve been told since grade school.
  And because of this, music and writing revolve around you like the moon revolves around the earth. You had quite the voice too, your mom giving you voice lessons since you were three. Something strange, however, was the moment you picked up a guitar in your middle school band class, you could play it almost perfectly. The strange part being that you were never taught how to play the guitar before. The only explanation you could think of at the time was that your dad played guitar, and the soulmate bond between your parents was stronger than you believed. So strong that even their child could inherit what brought them together. You didn’t think too much of it, instead using the skill to help in your songwriting. 
That is how you ended up where you are currently, a resident singer/songwriter who everyone thinks is special, mostly because of her parents being soulmates. It seemed college admission officers thought so too, because at the moment you were packing up your things to go off to college. You were admitted to a college with one of the best music departments in the world, and on a full scholarship. Your parents encouraged you tremendously when making the decision. They said your talent shouldn’t go to waste and that they never had the courage to pursue music like you do. 
“Are you completely sure I should go to Seoul?” 
You asked one more time, watching as your parents happily helped you pack your things. 
“Why wouldn’t we be sure, dear? Music is what you want to do, right? I hope it doesn’t seem like we’re forcing you or that we just want you out of the house.” Your mom said and hurriedly added that last part. 
You giggled softly at her rushed sentences and continued to watch them. 
“I know you aren't, and I promise this is what I want to do. I’m just making sure you aren’t having second thoughts about sending your only child off.” You joked lightly, reassuring her.
 Truthfully, you were the one having second thoughts. You've always been rather independent, but both your parents always gave you unconditional support in any of your endeavors. You never felt alone or had to actually be all alone. Until now. Now, you were moving to the city all by yourself and would be in a new environment where no one knew you or of you. That was terrifying. 
“Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate in college.” Your dad’s voice brings you out of your thoughts before they can turn dark. 
“I don’t have a soulmate, Dad.” You mumbled softly. 
“You don’t know that for sure. Some people go their whole life without meeting theirs because they refuse to look.” 
“They refuse because there’s a less than 3 percent chance that they would even have one. And I did look.” 
Your dad only shook his head and chuckled at you. 
“I didn’t think you were one to lose hope. What happened to the little princess who only wanted to meet her prince and get married?” 
“She faced reality,” you said bluntly. 
“I’m sorry, that didn’t come out the way I wanted. But seriously, I’m not getting married.”
“You say that now, but when you meet him, I'm sure the first thing you’ll want to do is put a ring on it.”
Shaking your head amused, you returned to your thoughts. To be honest, you never gave up hope. To most people, you had everything a child could want, yet you always felt like something was missing. From your life and you as a person. Your parents met in high school, and it was silly of you to believe that you would meet your soulmate in high school, too. No story is the same. You, of all people, should know that. 
“You’re right, I’m not one to give up. I haven’t. Even if I don’t have a soulmate, maybe I’ll meet someone there anyway.” You said, trying your hardest to be optimistic. Soulmates aren’t everything. You seemed to have forgotten that.
“You’ve dated other people before, so maybe you will. Keep your head up, sweetheart. Let’s finish packing your things.” Your mom said warmly.
The next day, you woke up early. You couldn’t sleep, mostly because you were leaving for Seoul today and because of your conversation about potentially meeting someone at college. Your dad’s words echoed in your head as you were trying to sleep, his words slowly morphed into fantasies that you played out in your head all night. Sitting up in your bed, you looked around your mostly empty room and sighed. You picked up your phone and saw that it was just past 4 a.m. Groaning, you pushed the covers off and got up, knowing you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
After getting ready for the day, you decided to just walk around your house. Looking into every room, all the picture frames and decor, capturing mental images and saving them in your head as you wouldn’t be back here for a long time. Your things were already packed away in your car, just waiting for you to drive away. Your parents will be accompanying you, only because they want to be the ones to show you all around the apartment they got for you. They thought you’d have a better experience in Seoul if you lived in an apartment rather than on campus. You didn’t realize how long you've been standing and staring at the pictures on the wall until the creak of the stairs brought you back to the present. 
“You're awake early.” Your dad stated amused.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.” You said sleepily, a small yawn escaping after. 
Your mom laughed softly, and went to the kitchen, bringing back a tall glass of orange juice. 
“Here, sweetie,” she said and handed it to you. 
You downed it quickly (quicker than you should have), then turned to find your parents interacting cutely. Your dad was on one knee, tying the laces of your mom’s shoes for her while she looked at him lovingly. You smiled at the interaction, just admiring them. They were endearingly perfect for each other, and you were glad to witness their expressions of affection. 
“Ready?” Your dad asked animatedly. 
“How are you so awake every day?” You asked, failing to understand how they were able to sleep and actually have energy after waking up. 
To this your mom answered, 'It's a soulmate thing,” and that was all the explanation you needed. You put on your shoes and let out a huff. 
“Okay, let’s do this.” 
You took one more glance around the inside of your childhood home and then left, locking the front door behind you and meeting your parents in the driveway. You got into the backseat of your car, your dad insisting on driving, and your mom in the passenger seat. The drive was four hours long but felt like an eternity due to the anticipation. The closer you got to Seoul, the more you felt the nervousness bubble in the pit of your stomach. You rotated between looking out the window, fiddling with the hem of your shirt, twirling strands of your hair around your finger, and replying to texts from your friends asking how excited you must be. You tried replying wholeheartedly, but you were a mixture of excited, nervous, and scared– excited making up the smallest part of the ratio. After what felt like an endless journey, your dad stopped the car in front of a very luxurious-looking apartment building. Your eyes widened, mouth hanging open unintentionally as you looked out the window.
“Are you sure this is the right building?” You asked in both awe and shock as you stepped out of the car and craned your head upwards. 
They could only laugh at your response and actions. 
“It sure is.” Your mom replied, looking over at your dad and shooting him a proud look. 
“Come on, we’ll bring your stuff up a little later.” Your dad said and ushered you forward, taking your mom’s hand as the three of you walked into the building. 
Your eyes darted everywhere around the lobby, staying silent as you were at a loss for words. Your parents motioned for you to press the button for the elevator, and you did just that. 
“Press 12.” Your mom said excitedly.
Your eyes widened for the umpteenth time since arriving in Seoul, and you shakily pressed the button for the twelfth and highest floor. The elevator ride, unlike the car ride, was both smooth and faster than you were ready for. You followed them out of the elevator and they led you to the last door at the end of the hallway. 
“Would you like to do the honors?” Your dad asked you and held up a set of keys. 
You nodded and took the set of keys, fumbling them in your hands before finally unlocking the door to your new home for the next four years. You took small steps inside and gasped.
“This... is mine?” You asked, eyes still wide and full of doubt as you turned around to ask. 
“All yours sweetie.” Your mom confirmed and smiled lovingly. 
You took a look around the one-bedroom apartment, that was definitely too large for an 18-year-old. It had everything you could need, topped with a beautiful view of the city, and was within walking distance from your college campus. It all seemed too good to be true, too good to be all yours. You looked around cautiously, not daring to touch anything, barely even grasping the door knobs to see into each room. You came back to the lounge area and disbelief was written all over your face. 
“This is really for me?” You asked in a soft voice. 
They smiled at each other and your dad nodded at you. 
“It’s the very least you deserve since you earned a full scholarship. We wanted to get you a beautiful place with the money we put away for your college fund. Maybe you’ll continue to stay here after you graduate.” He said proudly.
Proud of you and all your accomplishments and proud of himself and your mom for finding such a perfect place for you. 
“I love it so much, how can I ever thank you?” You said, eyes now glossed over as you hugged both of your parents. 
“You don’t have to sweetie, just continue to do what you do and be happy. That’s all we could ask of you, for you to be happy.” Your mom said, and that almost made your pool of emotions overflow, but you held it in. 
They helped you bring your things from your car and they left soon after that, wanting to reminisce around the city they met in. It was Monday, and classes didn’t start until two weeks from now. The plan was to take the rest of this week to settle into your apartment, take next week to familiarize yourself with the city and take the week before classes started to explore your campus. 
However, things never go according to plan. By your third day here, you found yourself both bored and somewhat uneasy. The uneasiness had been present since you arrived, and you hoped it would settle by now. It did settle, by making home in the pit of your stomach with no intentions of easing up. It made you so restless that you were able to unpack most, if not all, of your things and even got your music room set up. That only took you two days, and now on the third day, you were sitting in the music room with your guitar just staring out the window. 
“Maybe I should go out today…” You thought to yourself, putting your guitar down and getting up.
You’d been living off whatever you and your mom brought from home and put in the fridge and the pantry. You decided to go out and look for the nearest convenience store or grocery store, and maybe take some time to wander around the area too. Stepping outside of your apartment building for the first time in three days, you typed “convenience store near me” into your phone and set off in whichever direction felt right.
After walking for a few minutes, you finally looked up and realized you had absolutely no idea where you wandered off to. Your phone is not being any help either, so you typed in the address of your apartment building and decided to start again. Luckily you didn’t wander off as far as you thought and when you got back to the only familiar building, you chose your steps carefully this time. That didn’t make a difference, because after a few minutes, you still found yourself lost. 
“Are you lost?” a voice asked from next to you. 
“Is it that obvious?” you asked and giggled softly, looking up from your phone to meet the eyes of a boy who looked around your age.
He was much taller than you, bleach blonde hair that had grown out a little and he had a very sweet look to him. 
“A little bit, yeah,” he replied with a slight laugh, “did you just move here?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I did, like three days ago. I’m originally from a little town in Ulsan.”
“Oh wow, that’s far. What made you move to Seoul?” 
“I’m here for college.”
“Wait, are you going to Seoul National University?” 
“Yes I am, do you go there?”
“I will be. Some friends of mine and I are all starting there in two weeks.”
“Guess I’ll see you around there too”
“I’m Kai”
“Well (y/n), where were you trying to go? I’d love to help.”
“I’m trying to look for the closest convenience store.”
“Oh! There’s one super close to campus if you don’t mind walking there.”
“I don't mind at all, I was going to check out the campus  eventually anyways.”
“Alright then, follow me.”
You followed Kai as he walked to the convenience store he was talking about and you were grateful to find someone nice enough to help you. 
“So, what are you planning on majoring in?”
“Music composition.”
“My friends and I will also be in the music department. We’re in a band together.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
“Yeah, we’ve been a band since high school and got enough recognition to get signed under a label.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. I’m a songwriter or lyricist if you will.”
“Oh, that’s really cool too. Do you play any instruments or do you just write?”
“I play the guitar.”
“I play the drums, our lead singer plays the guitar. Maybe you guys will get along well. And here we are, one convenience store.” He said and made a grand gesture causing you to laugh. 
“Thank you so much, I hope this wasn’t out of your way or anything.”
“Oh no worries, I was on my way back to campus. I should get back and help them move our stuff into the dorms. It was nice meeting you (y/n), see you around.”
“It was nice meeting you too Kai, thank you again.”
He waved at you and walked off in the direction the campus was in and you let out a sigh. The uneasiness in your stomach moved up to your chest while walking over here. Was Kai your soulmate? You thought to yourself and then remembered your mom’s words. There was no feeling of familiarity when you met Kai, and nothing… clicked. Letting out a huff, you shook the thoughts out of your head and went into the convenience store. 
Meanwhile, Kai was greeted with the sounds of frustrating groans and then the sound of something heavy being dropped.
“What took you so long?” Beomgyu asked, panting slightly. 
“Sorry, I ran into this girl and she was lost so I helped her.”
“Was she hot?”
“Is that seriously all that matters to you, Beomgyu?” Taehyun chimed in from his place on the floor. 
“Well if she was, I’ll let his lateness go.”
“Fine, yes, she was pretty,” Kai replied truthfully. 
“Okay, now please help Tae and me before one of us ends up killing the other,” Beomgyu said and pushed the hair out his face, bringing a hand to his chest. 
He wasn’t sure if it was because he’s been lugging boxes for the past thirty minutes or what, but his chest was hurting. Shaking it off, he clapped his hands together and picked up a lighter box, watching as Kai and Taehyun struggled to carry the big heavy box in front of him. 
You scanned the aisles of the convenience store, pleased with what you were seeing and picking up a few things. As you were checking out, a bright, colorful flyer caught your eye. It was from Big Dreams Music and it was a contest. Specifically, a songwriting contest, your forte. Taking a picture of the flyer, you put your phone back into your pocket and took the bag full of snacks, making your way back to your apartment. 
After putting your goodies away, you sat on the couch, pulling out your phone to read over the flyer you took a picture of. It was a songwriting competition for a band called Lethal Division. Their label wanted to change up their sound and was accepting entries. The band's name caused your heart to race out of nowhere. It was familiar to you, you’ve heard girls talk about them in high school, especially the lead singer. But that’s all you can recall when it comes to their image, you didn’t even know their names or anything. You’ve heard their music before, and you remember them being great in the beginning before they gained popularity. Now their music just sounded like noise and you’ve lost interest. You thought it was sad when music didn’t speak. You were always praised for your songs and how they moved people, so maybe you’d be able to help them move people too. You locked your phone, a slight frown on your face as you thought about what you should write. 
“I’ll sleep on it. And I should probably look them up tomorrow to get a better idea of what would suit them.” You said to yourself and decided to turn in for the night, hoping this ache in your chest would let you sleep for once. 
Waking up the next morning, you felt different, to say the least.  You felt warm from the inside. It was a comforting warmth. Better than the ache you’ve been feeling. The more you regained consciousness, the more you remembered the dream you had last night and you gasped. Sprinting out of bed, you hurriedly found an empty page in your songbook and started to write. 
Beomgyu woke up the next morning, his mind fuzzy. It felt as if he wasn’t here last night, but he knew that he was. The ache was gone from his chest, instead replaced by a comforting warmth, and he felt a small burning sensation on his arm. Looking, he saw a mark in the shape of a pen. The mark was small, barely noticeable and he wondered if one of the guys drew on him or he got a tattoo he just couldn’t remember. 
“Am I still dreaming? Why does this burn?” He thought to himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
Getting up, he tried not to trip over the many boxes littered around the room. They managed to bring all their stuff into their dorm but didn’t unpack any of it. All that was set up was his guitar stand for his precious guitar. He learned to play the guitar when he was in middle school, his dad taught him and it became his favorite pastime since he learned. So much so that he played guitar in his high school band. The other members of the band convinced him to perform at the end-of-year festival solo, and that was when he and the rest of the school discovered he had a voice. He never had singing lessons before, only really humming to himself from time to time. But his voice was beautiful, it was smooth and deep– and soothing, and people wanted to hear more. It was from there that his friends and him decided to start a band of their own, him being the lead singer and lead guitarist. They became fairly popular in school and their song covers are what led to Big Dreams Music discovering them and eventually signing them. It all felt like a whirlwind, but he didn’t mind it. This was his dream, after all, to be able to play guitar on stage. By their third year of high school, they had an ep out, songs fully written by them, and their popularity skyrocketed all around Seoul, even to other parts of the country.
 His ego also skyrocketed. They became known as the rockstars of their school, and he took advantage of his status sometimes. Their newfound fame eventually became more important than their music, their songs going from their heartfelt words to whatever the label thought would sell for them. None of them seemed to mind, knowing their newer fans were more there for their looks and just one chance for a night with a rockstar. Some fans got that chance, the old “band members taking a lucky fan backstage”  idea intrigued them, so after a show, that’s what they did and it became an infamous tradition. 
“We’re teenage boys.” Taehyun would always say and shrug it off. He was right, they were teenage boys– good-looking, talented teenage boys who had needs.
 Their last show was their high school graduation party, and they couldn’t carry out their little tradition then. Instead, they had to pack up for college. Seoul National University offered him and his friends admission to their music department, and although he thought college wasn’t too necessary, he couldn’t refuse the offer. Their music department was the best in the world, and getting to meet college girls wasn’t too bad of a perk either. 
Since classes haven’t started yet, he has yet to meet any college girls. Instead, the guys and him would go out and enjoy Seoul’s nightlife. He knew he was attractive, it was undeniable, and being a rockstar only made it that much easier to get anyone he wanted. However, it was nothing more than that, he never thought he wanted anything more. At least that's how it appeared to everyone on the outside, on the inside– he felt incomplete, and despite living his dream, there was still something missing. He heard the stories about soulmates here and there, not believing in them though. He thought it was too good to be true, the notion that there was someone out there just for him.
 When he was younger, he looked it up out of curiosity. And after seeing that there was practically no chance of him having one because of the rarity, he tossed any hope he had out the window. Though part of him thinks there’s still a chance, cause he still hasn’t had a steady relationship. His “love life” consists of many baseless hookups, both him and whoever he was with for the night wanting only one thing from each other. This had been working for him, he was overall satisfied and his needs were being met, until recently. A few days ago there had been this uneasy feeling building in his chest, and it had been prominent until now. Now, it was gone and replaced by an internal warm and fuzzy feeling. He didn’t know how to explain it to Kai and Taehyun without sounding insane, now he didn’t have to. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. 
“Gyu, are you up?” Taehyun called from the other side. 
He opened the door to reveal a slightly disheveled Taehyun, bright eyes wider than usual. 
“Yeah, I was just about to get ready for the day, what’s up? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?”
“The label called.” 
His eyes now widened to match Taehyun’s and he felt his hands start to clam up. 
“What did they say…?” He hesitantly asked. 
“They need all three of us to come in right now.”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair multiple times. 
“Is Hyuka awake?”
“Yeah, he was the one who got the call.”
“Alright, let’s see what they want.”
They got ready quickly and waited for the car to take them to their label’s building. Beomgyu was anxious– no he was scared. Every time they got a call from the label out of nowhere, he was always scared of suddenly being dropped. They all shared this fear, they worked hard for their fame and although their band isn't what it used to be, it was still their dream. A dream they didn't want to wake up from yet. The company car dropped them off in front of the building and they went to their usual meeting room. Everyone was already there waiting for them. 
“We’re holding a contest.” Their manager announced. 
The three of them let go of the breath they've been holding in, it coming out as a collective sigh of relief. The looks of nervousness were quickly replaced by confusion. 
“A contest for what?” Kai was the one to speak up.
“A contest to find your new sound. According to data we've been compiling, your music is no longer selling well and we think a completely new songwriter will help.”
Beomgyu sat up fully now, intrigued by their producer’s words and he crossed his arms. 
“And why can’t we go back to writing our own songs?”
“Because I'm not sure you guys know how to do that anymore.”
Their producer’s words felt like a slap to the face. Beomgyu knew he was right, what could he possibly write about now that had any substance? Fame? Money? Sex? That was all people wrote about now and he didn’t show it anymore, but he wanted their band to be different. After that little meeting, the flyers that were put up about the contest became more evident to him. They were there for god knows how long, but he’s only seeing them now.
 “How caught up in myself am I?” He thought to himself, resting his head on the window of the car as it drove them back to their dorm. 
You had been writing for hours, eventually moving to your music room, guitar on standby to play any melody that came to mind. The dream last night was unlike anything you've ever experienced. It felt like you were watching a movie, except you were able to feel and experience everything the main character was. It wasn’t entirely clear, but whoever the dream was about had such complex thoughts and a beautiful outlook on life, yet it was clear (at least to you) that they were holding something back. Before moving to your music room, you called your parents to tell them what you've been experiencing and about the dream. Your mom confirmed that what you had last night was a soulmate dream, and from now on until you meet him, this is how you will be learning about him. This was more than exciting news, you had a soulmate, he was close by, and just from the first dream, you already knew he was everything you've been missing. 
A little more than a week had passed, a new dream every night and you were certain that your soulmate was perfect in every way. Every morning when you woke up, you woke up with that warm, comforting feeling. It went away after some time during the day, replaced by the same ache from before, but always came back when you woke up from a dream. 
You finished writing the song and even wrote a few more, all either about him or inspired by him. The deadline for the contest was today, so right now you’re filling out the submission form. Chewing on your bottom lip, you flipped through the pages of your songbook, trying to decide which one to send in. You decided to go with the one you started writing after having the first dream. It had a theme of meeting for the first time, the song sending a message saying “I’ve been waiting for you” or "Where have you been?” Your hands were shaking while uploading the lyrics and the melody you wrote, the last thing left to be filled out was the name the submission would be under.
You had a distinct writing style, and you were always proud of your work, but that was in your small town in Ulsan. This was for a big record label in Seoul. Your thoughts started to eat away at you, fingers hovering over the delete key more than any other one on the keyboard. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes tightly. You didn’t want to have any regrets so, without a second thought, you quickly opened your eyes, typed “Lyric” into the name box, and hit send. 
Classes started soon after that, the contest now fading to the back of your mind. You continued to have soulmate dreams, and whoever he was continued to inspire you. You were certain he was beautiful, both inside and out, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. You tried to keep your thoughts chained to what you knew. Which was that he was nearby and he shared your love for music. You shared many other things too, from what you’ve learned in the dreams, and it only made you want to meet him as soon as you could. However you couldn’t actively pursue him, it needed to happen naturally. Of all the stories you heard, when the soul link became evident, both parties would feel a pull to the other. Not a physical pull of course, but something in your mind and your heart that says that you need to go and talk to that person. With the start of classes, you didn’t know if you’ve felt that pull to anyone. Mostly because all of your attention has been thrown into your studies. 
 You hadn’t seen Kai since you first met him, even though he said his friends and him were also attending this college and were also in the music department. Being in the music department didn’t mean he was also in the same major or that you’d share any classes though. Aside from that, much to your surprise, some of your professors have heard of you. They knew all about the music prodigy from Ulsan, who was raised by a rare couple of soulmates. And because of this, they decided to try and make your life here a living hell. They weren’t convinced that it all came naturally to you and that you would crumble under pressure. You were determined to prove them wrong though, and you have been, even catching some of them off guard by how quickly and skillfully you were able to submit their assignments. You felt like you’ve been swept up in a storm, and it didn’t seem like it would be easing up any time soon. Any free time you had, you spent writing. Either lyrics that come to mind or anything you can remember from your dreams. 
The semester carried on like this and it felt like you were the only one being swamped with work. You were beyond stressed out, not expecting college to be like this. Everyone else around you seemed to have free time for dating or parties or anything else, as you’d hear them talk about plans all the time. You’d hear mentions of that band too, mostly about the release of their next single. 
“It’s been so long since we’ve gotten new music from them” you heard one girl say. 
“I know right, and I heard it’s supposed to be better this time.” 
“Yeah! They got a new songwriter or something.” 
“Even if it isn’t good, they’re all still hot.” 
“Yeah, and new music means concerts. And you know what concerts mean” 
“And since they go here, we’ve got an even better chance” 
You started to tune out at this point in their conversation, realization taking over your features. 
“Kai said he was in a band and that they go here.” You recalled. 
“Apparently Lethal Division goes here and they have a new songwriter..” You started to connect the dots. 
“The contest.” You froze and finally concluded that Kai’s band is that band and the contest was to change up their new sound. 
Quickly, you pull out your laptop to check your email, you scrolled through hundreds of emails to see if the record label got back to you. Finally, you came across it. You won. Or well, Lyric did. And the new single they were coming back with, was going to be one written by you. You read through the email as thoroughly as you could and you still couldn’t believe what you were reading. You received the email almost a month ago, and they probably thought you ignored them. Sighing, you packed up your stuff and left the lecture hall, going to the practice room you reserved. Your stress suddenly increased, an even heavier weight crushing your shoulders as you walked. You weren’t one to be forgetful, not like this, but judging from the fact that they were still using your song, you guess the email was just to inform you. 
You got to the building the practice rooms were in and trudged to room 0121, the one you reserved. However, instead of being met with an empty practice room, you were met with the door locked shut, the sound of instruments and loud laughter on the other side. Dropping your head, you closed your eyes and tried to center yourself. The ache in your chest intensified all of a sudden and you took that as a sign to go home. You also didn’t have the energy to argue with whoever was in there. Opening your eyes, you took one last look at the locked door and left.
Beomgyu didn't think college would go by this smoothly. He thought a school with such a renowned music program would be more difficult, but it’s been the opposite. Maybe it was the fact that he was rockstar Choi Beomgyu, but he found his classes to be a breeze. All the free time his bandmates and he had, was spent either partying or rehearsing for their comeback. The contest was a better idea than he realized. He wasn't going to give their label too much credit though. Their producer and them went through all the entries together on the days they didn't have class and the winning entry was nothing short of incredible. It was by someone who, fittingly, went by "Lyric”. It felt like the song was written just for him, the lyrics struck a feeling in everyone's heart as they listened to the demo. The sound was just what they needed, and he couldn't wait to perform it on stage. 
Beomgyu spent the next few days practicing the lyrics to Lyric's song, trying to perfect every cadence and melody. He found himself humming it in the shower and even while he was trying to sleep. The more he practiced, the more he fell in love with it. It spoke to him in a way no other song had before. One thing that never changed about Beomgyu, was that he loved being on stage more than anyone else. He felt like how he did when they first formed the band and he hasn’t felt this eager about their music in a long time. His band members could tell how much the song meant to him and they loved seeing him like this, it made them excited to perform as well.  
Beomgyu’s only class for the day went by slowly, he didn’t want to be there, and staring at the clock only seemed to make time pass slower. When the professor dismissed them, he was the first out of the room, immediately making his way to the building where the practice rooms were. He got stopped along the way by a few girls, which he of course had to entertain for a bit.  The school gave Beomgyu and his bandmates the privilege of rehearsing whenever they wanted without having to reserve a room, so when he got there, he went to the first empty room he could find. Taehyun didn’t have classes today, so he would be bringing Beomgyu’s guitar and there was already a keyboard and drums in the room. Kai’s class would end soon and then they would practice the setlist for their upcoming show. 
Beomgyu sat down on the floor in front of the keyboard, waiting impatiently for Taehyun to arrive with his guitar. He couldn't wait to start rehearsing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, envisioning himself on stage, the crowd cheering loudly as he performed their new hit single. Suddenly, the door creaked open and he opened his eyes to see Taehyun walking in with his guitar case.
"Finally, you're here," Beomgyu said, grinning.
"Sorry, I got held up," Taehyun replied, setting down Beomgyu's guitar and taking his place in front of the keyboard. 
"But now that I'm here, let's get started."
Kai walked in a few minutes later, panting slightly from having to rush to get here.
"I made it," he said with a smile as he sat down at the drumset.
They started with their new single, and Beomgyu's voice filled the room as he sang the first verse. They played through their setlist multiple times, perfecting each song until it was flawless. As they played, Beomgyu couldn't help but get lost in the music, feeling every emotion conveyed by his guitar. It was cathartic, playing music with his best friends by his side.
After a few hours of practice, they decided to take a break and grab some food from the vending machines down the hall. They sat on the floor of the practice room, munching on chips and drinking soda as they talked about their upcoming show.
"I can't wait to see the look on our fans' faces when we start playing," Taehyun said excitedly.
Kai nodded in agreement. "It's gonna be fucking amazing." 
Beomgyu felt a sudden surge of adrenaline at the thought of performing for their fans. He knew that they had been waiting eagerly for this concert, and he wanted to make sure that it was the best show they had ever put on. He glanced around at Taehyun and Kai and knew that they felt the same way. As they finished their snacks, Beomgyu stood up and stretched his arms above his head. 
"Let's get back to it," he said, his voice filled with determination.
They made their way back to their instruments and started playing once again. This time, they focused on fine-tuning their performance, working on every little detail until it was perfect. Beomgyu felt like he was in a trance, lost in the music. Rehearsing soon turned into them fooling around, playing random chords, and laughing. As they played, he couldn't help but feel a sense of heat building up inside him. That ache from before suddenly intensified in his chest and he had to stop. 
“You okay man?” Kai asked concerned, standing up from his place at the drums and looking at Taehyun. 
“We should call it for today,” Taehyun spoke up hesitantly. 
Beomgyu didn’t want to, but the ache was taking a lot out of him. He put a hand over his chest and sighed. 
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Beomgyu said, his voice small.
 He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 
"Was I getting sick?" He thought to himself. 
The sound of the door trying to be opened caught his attention and all three of them turned to the door. A few seconds later, the ache settled down, back to how it was before. He got used to the feeling in the pit of his stomach, except for now, when it spiked like this. He put his guitar back in its case and slung it over his shoulder, the three of them going back to their dorm. 
The moment you got back to your apartment, you sat on your bed and just stared out the window. A lot happened just now, and you were overwhelmed, to say the least. You found out that you won the contest, and the label was practically relying on your song to bring the band back to where they used to be music-wise. You also realized that Kai was in that band and they went to school with you. And lastly, whoever was in that room had to be your soulmate. The closer you got to the practice room, the more your chest ached, and when you were in front of the door, it pained you more than it ever had before. All you wanted was to relieve your stress by writing, however, that wasn’t going to happen now. Yes, you had your music room in your apartment, but you always wrote there. You wanted a change of scenery, and whoever was behind the locked door clearly didn’t know what reserved meant. 
When Beomgyu got back to his dorm, he immediately went to his room. He didn’t understand what was going on with him. Every morning he woke up feeling warm, and as if he just got back from somewhere. Then, the mark on his arm. He asked Taehyun and Kai if any of them drew it on him, and they couldn’t even see it. Instead, they asked if he had some kind of sixth sense where he could see things they couldn’t, while laughing at him. It was there though. He saw it clearly. The small mark in the shape of a pen. Lastly, the ache. He’s been feeling it since they moved into the dorm on campus. It’s been bearable, settling in his stomach and it never bothered him much. Not until today. Today it felt like someone was squeezing his heart and it hurt. He couldn’t be getting sick, it would ruin everything right now. And if he wasn’t getting sick, he didn’t know how else to explain what was happening to him. 
You thought the dreams would stop since you were so close to your soulmate yesterday. They haven’t, you continued to have them but they were a little different now. They seemed more current, you were learning about how he was feeling and things he was thinking about now. Before, you learned about what he was like, things he experienced that made him who he is, like an introduction. All of it was fuzzy, but you remembered what you needed to. Last night’s dream made you wake up feeling worried, even with the warm feeling present. The dream allowed you to learn that your soulmate was distressed, almost upset about something. It was strange to you, how you don’t know this person but you do. How you care about someone you haven’t even properly met, and how you were able to understand him completely. Whoever he was.
You sighed and got up. It was Saturday today, and it was your first completely free day in a while. The band’s concert is next week, where they will debut your song as their new single. You were avoiding anything about it like the plague, you weren’t going to go to the concert either. No one else has ever performed your songs before, and the thought of that made embarrassment wash over you. Despite it being your free day, you couldn’t shake what you learned in your dream. Pulling out your songbook, you started to write. 
It was Saturday today, and even though Beomgyu was out late last night, he woke up bright and early. He thought partying would distract him from thinking about everything, and it did, but only for a short while. The girl he was with last night didn’t help much either. For once he felt unsatisfied, he needed more. More of what? That, he didn’t know. Maybe it was his nerves because the concert was coming up and they were trying a new sound. He woke up feeling warm again, the feeling now something he’s gotten used to. He thought it was nice, to wake up feeling warm and comfortable. He wished it would last longer than it did, fading not too long after he woke up. 
Beomgyu got out of bed and stretched, feeling a sudden pang of self-doubt. He knew it was the concert looming over him, it had to be, and the fear of not being able to deliver something new and exciting to his fans. The pressure was weighing heavily on him, but he couldn't let it show. He had to keep up the facade that he was confident and in control.
He made his way to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake off the feeling of dissatisfaction and longing. He needed something to distract himself, something to take his mind off the concert and all these other things happening to him. 
You wrote for most of the day, composing a song meant to make him feel better. Aside from that, you used your free time to talk to your friends, catch up on your shows, and go grocery shopping. Some of your friends were also attending college in Seoul and they planned to go out tonight. You weren’t against going out, it just wasn’t your favorite thing. Yet here you were, putting on a dress, too short to be considered one, and getting ready to go out with them. You felt you looked good, hot even. You haven’t gotten dressed up like this in a while, let alone been to a party or club. Your friends claimed that you needed something to relieve your stress, their exact words being “someone” not “something”.
No one but your parents knew about your soulmate, and you didn’t want to tell anyone else yet. Having a soulmate was a big deal, and you didn’t want the night to turn into them trying to find him for you. But you also didn’t want them to push you onto another guy. It felt like you were cheating. But how could you cheat on someone who was yours, but didn’t know you existed yet? It was complicated. Looking at your phone you saw it was nearing 9 pm, you all agreed to meet up at the house the party was being thrown at 9. It wasn’t a far drive from your apartment, so you took your time getting ready and ordering your Uber.
The guys could tell Beomgyu wasn’t okay. He was normally good at hiding his emotions, but his distress was written plainly on his face. There was another party tonight, and it surprisingly took convincing from his friends for him to go. He gave himself one last look in the mirror, satisfied with how he looked. Kai said he needed a distraction or two, and he knew what he meant. It was around 9:30 p.m. when they met up in the general lounge area after getting ready. Taehyun slung an arm over his shoulders. 
“This is just nerves because of the concert. But don’t worry, after our concert, we’ll start up our tradition again and things will be back to normal.” Taehyun said and smirked, giving him a nudge. 
He was right. This was all just nerves. Beomgyu was fine, he just needed to let go at this party. 
You’ve only been here for an hour and you remember why you didn’t go to parties often. You felt awkward, people you recognized from school were here yet you still felt like an outsider. This was technically your first college party. You stood in a corner of the crowded living room, clutching a red plastic cup filled with cheap beer. Your eyes scanned the room, taking in the throngs of people laughing, shouting, and dancing to a throbbing bass beat. You felt a pang of regret for coming here, or maybe it was just the ache in your chest that all of a sudden spiked again. Your soulmate was here. Despite that, you thought it was a mistake to follow your friends and attend this party.
It didn’t take long for Beomgyu to get comfortable, the party scene being a familiar environment for him and his friends. As soon as he set foot into the house, the ache in his chest spiked again but he wasn’t going to let it bother him this time. After a few drinks, he found himself in the middle of a group of girls. He was sitting in the middle of the couch, girls surrounding him trying to get a word in or touch him in some way. Beomgyu smirked, enjoying the attention but his mind was elsewhere. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on you. You were standing in the corner, looking uncomfortable and out of place. Beomgyu’s heart ached at the sight of you, you were beautiful, too beautiful to be alone like that. 
You couldn't stay here. You had no idea where your friends disappeared and your soulmate was here. It was overwhelming to think that someone in this plethora of mostly tipsy people, was your person. Your eyes did another scan of the room, looking for any signs of your friends. Instead of your friends though, your eyes found a boy. He was on the couch, surrounded by a group of beautiful girls vying for his attention. It made sense because he was gorgeous, prettier than anyone you’ve ever seen probably. His gaze shifted to you and you felt weak in the knees. Shaking your head and looking away, you took a deep breath and made your way to the door. 
Beomgyu excused himself from the girls and made his way towards where you were. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, he was nervous but he knew he had to make a move. When he got up though, he saw that you were gone. He panicked for a moment, realizing that he might have missed his opportunity. However, he quickly regained his composure, telling himself that he wouldn't let you slip away that easily. Beomgyu maneuvered his way through the crowd, looking around the room frantically for any sign of you, but you were nowhere to be found. The ache in his chest settled, but now it was replaced by his heart pounding, full of disappointment. 
You got back to your apartment not too long after you left the party, quickly texting your friends and telling them that you went home. The ache dissipated as soon as you stepped out of the house. Your soulmate was at that party, but all you could think about was the boy you locked eyes with.
Days passed and you still couldn't get the boy from the party out of your head. His image kept flashing before your eyes, making it hard to focus. You weren't sure what it was about him that had you so captivated. Maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to light up when they met yours or the way he carried himself with an air of confidence that made you weak in the knees. Whatever it was, you wanted to see him again. The concert is tomorrow and the label called you earlier today, inviting you to come. You already made up your mind though, way before they called. 
Beomgyu couldn’t get you out of his mind. Even after he went back to his group of girls at the party, you were all he could think about. Days had passed since the party and he tried looking for you on campus. He was completely distracted, even messing up during rehearsal for their concert tomorrow. As he walked back to his dorm room, Beomgyu couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. He was sure he missed his chance with you, and he knew he couldn't let that happen again. He needed to see you again. Maybe you’ll be there tomorrow. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. This was unfamiliar to him, usually he was the one being sought after and he let girls come to him. Not the other way around. But you, something was pulling him to you, something inside him was saying  "Go talk to her."
The next night came and Beomgyu was determined to perform his heart out. He knew it was a long shot that you would be there, so he tried to focus solely on the performance. As soon as the band started playing, Beomgyu felt a wave of emotion come over him. It was like his heart was speaking through the music, telling a story of longing and desire. He sang with all his heart, every note ringing true. The song Lyric wrote couldn't be more perfect, and Taehyun and Kai were feeding off of Beomgyu's and the crowd's energy. The crowd went wild, cheering loudly, and were full of awe at the lyrics of their new single. But amidst all the noise and excitement, Beomgyu's eyes were searching the crowd for you. You were nowhere to be found and his heart sank, but only for a split second. The lights were flashing, the crowd was still screaming and he felt alive. The audience yelled their approval and the show was over before they knew it. 
Beomgyu walked off stage after Kai and Taehyun, feeling a complete rush of adrenaline. As he walked backstage, he couldn't help but scan the crowd again, hoping for a glimpse of you. However, you were still nowhere to be found. Beomgyu's heart sank once more, but he knew he had to keep it together. He couldn't let his disappointment show, especially in front of his fans. After the concert, they were all signing autographs and taking pictures, flirting around to see who they'd take back to their dressing rooms. Beomgyu tried his best to keep his cool, sexy rockstar image up, but he didn't feel like taking some random girl back this time. His heart just wasn't in it. He sent a quick look to Taehyun and Kai, who looked at him surprised but still nodded back, and he left without another word, leaving the girls who were killing for their chance with him confused. 
The song you wrote for them became a huge hit and the label called you again, wanting you to write another one for them. You couldn’t deny how much your heart skipped a beat when they said the members were requesting it personally. You told the label that you would love to, however after you agreed to one more song, their request quickly changed from one to enough songs for a full-length album. They didn’t let you respond before they hung up on you, your mouth still hanging open in shock. Sighing you closed your eyes, trying not to panic because you knew you had more than enough lyrics written, but they were just that- lyrics.
Opening your eyes, you went to your room, retrieved your laptop, and looked up the band. You thought you should at least know their names and what they looked like if you were going to be writing their next album. You also wanted to hear what the final, produced version of your song sounded like. You looked up their band name and the title of your song first, playing the audio version. Your eyes widened at the sound of a deep, smooth voice starting the song, goosebumps forming along your arm. You assumed this was the lead singer, his voice sending shivers down your spine as the song continued. When it came to an end, you were left in awe, they did your words justice and you felt proud. Shaking yourself out of it, you looked up the band name next and their group picture made your heart stop. There he was, right in the middle of the trio, the boy from the party. Pictures didn’t do him justice, you concluded. The more pictures of them you went through, you found yourself looking at him more than the other two. Not on purpose, your eyes just naturally gravitating to him. Your heart was racing again like the night you saw him for the first time.
However, the ache in your chest suddenly reminded you of your soulmate and you went from feeling awestruck to guilty in mere seconds. Was it possible to feel attraction to someone that wasn’t your soulmate? Or maybe he was your soulmate… You didn’t know and you were confusing yourself. 
Shaking your head to snap out of it, you clicked through a few links. The members' names were Kai (whom you already met by chance), Taheyun, and Beomgyu. Kai played drums and sometimes sang, Taehyun played the keyboard and sang, and Beomgyu played guitar and was the lead singer. You couldn't help but feel drawn to Beomgyu. You chastised yourself for even thinking about him this much. You had a soulmate, for crying out loud. You closed your laptop and lay back on your bed, trying to clear your head. But every time you closed your eyes, you saw Beomgyu's face and heard his voice singing your words.
Beomgyu was still feeling the adrenaline from the show last night even though it's morning now. It felt like an eternity since he stepped off stage yet he could still remember every moment in perfect detail - every reaction from the crowd, every part of himself he gave in each song. The label was pleased with the reaction to the new single and said they were thinking about making Lyric the official new songwriter. Beomgyu couldn't believe it. He knew that they had something special with the song Lyric wrote, but for the label to consider bringing her on as their official new songwriter was a dream come true. He knew he had to meet her, to thank her personally for the magic she brought back to their music. His mind then shifted from Lyric to you. He wished you showed up last night. He was all over the place, he felt drawn to both you and Lyric, and for the first time, he didn’t know what to do. 
The semester ended not long after, and you and Beomgyu welcomed the reprieve. During the break, you composed songs for the band's next album, communicating with the label only through your alias "Lyric" and over the phone. The label was awestruck with your gift and offered you a job to be the band's official songwriter in exchange. You accepted without hesitation since this was practically your wish come true. And so that's how you secured a permanent job, all the while hoping your second semester wouldn't be as hectic as the first. 
Beomgyu spent his break trying to clear his head. He couldn't stop thinking about you and Lyric. It was like he was being pulled in two different directions, each one equally tempting. He couldn't decide who he was more drawn to, and he was starting to feel guilty about it. He had never felt this way before. He was a rockstar, he was confident and in control. But now, he felt lost and confused. They had two shows over the break and he found solace in the usual flashing lights and screaming fans. But it didn't last too long.
He and his friends also started recording the songs for their new album, most of them being written and composed by Lyric. Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement every time Lyric's words were sung. They were all so raw and emotional, and they fit the band's style perfectly. They fit him perfectly, and it never failed to surprise him, how understood he felt. He found himself constantly thinking about her, wondering who she was and what she looked like. He wanted to tell her how much the songs meant to him, how they made him feel alive and understood. But he couldn't. He didn't even know who she was.
When you arrived on campus the following Monday, it marked the beginning of the second semester.  You didn’t expect to see Beomgyu sitting under a tree by the lake with his guitar. You went the entire first semester without seeing him once. 
“What was he doing here so early?” you thought to yourself, watching the way his fingers gently strummed at the guitar. You couldn't help but smile at the way his fingers moved effortlessly over the strings. He was so focused, and so passionate, and it was beautiful to watch. You couldn't bring yourself to go over there like you originally planned, so instead, you decided to leave him be and simply admire him from afar for a little before leaving. While walking back to the main area of the campus, the warm feeling was still present from your dream, so you brought your mind back to your soulmate. The dreams still occur every night and from what you can remember from last night, your soulmate has been feeling a mixture of things. Most of all though, he was confused, just like you.
As the week went by, you couldn't help but think about Beomgyu. You've been seeing him more on campus lately, in the library, in the cafeteria, in between classes. He was either with his bandmates or surrounded by girls, and an obnoxious smirk took over his pretty face most of the time. You tried to push him out of your mind, but it was like he was always there, lurking in the back of your thoughts.``It's just because he's so pretty." You kept trying to remind yourself, also recalling the one time you heard him open his mouth, his words making your eyes roll. You had a soulmate, and that was all that mattered. Your soulmate was perfect to you, perfect for you, and he wasn't an obnoxious rockstar who thought he was better than everyone. 
You tried to avoid him as much as possible, but fate seemed to have other plans. One day, while walking to your next class, you accidentally bumped into him, your lyrics and sheet music flying out of your hands and scattering across the hallway. 
"I'm so sorry," you said, bending down to pick up your things.
"It's fine," Beomgyu said softly, crouching down to help you. As your hands brushed briefly while reaching for the same paper, a spark went off and that warmth spread throughout your entire body, you looked up at him, surprised. He didn't give you a single look though, but even that didn't diminish your surprise.
At that moment, you knew. You found him. Beomgyu was your soulmate. 
You tried to shake off the feeling to remain calm and gather your papers, but Beomgyu’s touch lingered on your hand, sending shivers down your spine. You looked up at him again, and he met your gaze this time. You could see the surprise and confusion in his eyes as well. 
“Do you feel that?” he whispered, his voice barely audible above the noise in the hallway. 
You nodded, unable to speak. You knew exactly what he was talking about. The warmth, the spark, the connection. It was unmistakable.
"I've been looking for you," he admitted, his eyes not leaving yours.
When he finally acknowledged you, his eyes were full of surprise. It was you, the beautiful girl from the party, the one he couldn’t get out of his head. His world felt like it finally aligned again, the warmth he would feel every morning, was present now while he was in front of you. The mark on his arm tingled, as if reminding him that it was there. He looked at the papers he picked up for you, “(y/n)” he read to himself, “so that was your name.” He then remembered that the mark on his arm was of a pen. 
"Wait, are you a composer?" He asked, eyes widening in realization. 
You couldn't believe what was happening. Beomgyu was your soulmate? The obnoxious rockstar who you'd been trying to avoid since the semester started, was the one you were meant to be with? It didn't make any sense. But as you looked into his eyes, you knew it was true. The way he looked at you, the way he touched your hand, it was all too real. And it felt right. The connection between you was too strong to ignore. But you can’t do this right now. Instead of answering him, you hurriedly took your papers from him and walked off in the opposite direction, not giving him a chance to say anything else.
 You found yourself in a space between two buildings outside. Your heart was racing, and you couldn’t breathe. After you calmed down, you closed your eyes, your head leaning back and gently hitting the wall. You were mad at yourself first of all. Mad for judging him without even talking to him. You knew your soulmate, but you didn’t know Beomgyu. You thought you didn't want to know Beomgyu. But now you did. And it scared you. You didn't know how to handle it. It was like everything you thought you knew was turned upside down. You took a deep breath and opened your eyes, knowing that you had to face him eventually. You couldn't ignore your soulmate. You couldn’t stay on campus right now either, so you blew off your classes and went back to your apartment. 
Beomgyu stood there, shocked. You ran away from him. His shock was replaced by confusion and then by longing — a need to figure out what everything meant. You clearly knew something based on your reaction, but he didn’t know much. What he did know was that he liked how he felt with you, like it was comfortable and exciting all at once. He liked the way his heart raced when he looked into your eyes, the way his skin tingled when he touched your hand, the way everything just clicked into place. Instead of classes, he went back to his dorm, he wasn’t going to get anything out of you right now so he had to do some research of his own.
As you walked into your apartment, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. You needed to clear your head and figure out what to do next. It also wasn't fair to leave Beomgyu hanging like that, he probably had a lot of questions. You sat down on your bed and closed your eyes, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. It was all too much to process, and you needed to sort everything out. You remembered the different types of soul links your mom told you about, trying to piece together everything that linked you and Beomgyu. You couldn’t do this by yourself, you needed him. You always needed someone like him, but right now, you needed him because you both had to put this together. 
When Beomgyu got to his dorm, he went to his room and took out his laptop. He started to research all the things he’s been feeling and the mark on his arm. He came to the conclusion that he had a soulmate. You. You were his soulmate and you had to have known that. He was one of the very few to have a soulmate and he found you. He couldn't believe it. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. But then he realized that you ran away from him earlier. He didn't know why, but he knew he had to find you. He needed you, he felt as if he always needed you, but right now, you two needed to talk. 
That night you couldn’t sleep, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You tossed and turned in bed, trying to quell the butterflies that seemed to be dancing in your stomach. You knew all about him, and he probably didn’t know a thing about you, not even your name. Did he get the same ache in his chest you did? Did it turn into that warm feeling when he woke up too? Did he have dreams like you?  If he’s your soulmate, what was he so distressed about that one time? All these questions and more swirled around in your head. One thing you knew for sure though, you wanted to be there for him, always.
He couldn't stop thinking about you either. He wanted to know everything about you, your hopes, your dreams. He wanted to be the one to make you laugh when you were feeling down, the one to hold you close when you were feeling alone. He wanted to be there for you, always. That was the one thing he was sure about amidst all the confusion. 
You woke up early the next morning, not having slept much to begin with. You stretched out your arms, feeling a satisfying ache course through your body. You didn't have a dream last night, which you expected, but it didn't stop you from waking up feeling warm and fuzzy inside. The first coherent thing on your mind was Beomgyu. You needed to see him today, no matter what. Even though you had no classes today, you were still going to campus to look for him. You knew exactly where to go. You just hoped he had the same idea. 
Beomgyu woke up early the next morning. He stretched his arms wide, letting out a yawn that reverberated through his chest. Placing a hand on his heart, he recalled yesterday's events, a smile blooming across his face at the thought of you. You were all he could think about now and he needed to see you again. Despite having just one class today, something pulled him towards the lake this morning. The scent of fresh dew coated the grass beneath his feet as he walked down the dirt path, still quiet in these early morning hours. Birds chirped overhead as he approached the sparkling waters of the lake. The surface rippled gently in tune with the slight breeze. A sense of calm washed over him as he took in the beauty before him, he took his place under the big tree he always sat under and started to strum at his guitar. 
As you walked towards the lake, you could hear the sound of a guitar in the distance. You smiled to yourself, knowing that it was Beomgyu. You could see him sitting under the big tree by the lake, strumming. Beomgyu noticed you and paused his playing, looking up at you with a small smile. You felt your heart skip a beat as his eyes met yours, the same way they did at the party. You quickly looked down, feeling a blush creeping up on your cheeks. Beomgyu cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
 "Good morning," he said, his voice smooth and deep, sending shivers down your spine. 
You looked up at him and smiled.
 "Good morning," you replied softly. 
"What are you doing here so early?" 
Beomgyu chuckled, closing his guitar case. 
"I come here sometimes to practice," he said, standing up.
 "It's peaceful here, isn't it?"
 You nodded. You felt comfortable around Beomgyu.
"I agree," you said softly.
 "It's my favorite place on campus."
“Mine too.” 
"Beomgyu," you said softly, your heart racing and you squeezed your eyes shut. "Can we talk?" 
As you stood there, waiting for his response, you heard footsteps approaching. You opened your eyes and saw Beomgyu standing in front of you. 
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice soft. "I didn't mean to scare you off."
You looked up at him, feeling a mix of emotions. 
"No, I'm sorry for running away earlier. I just needed some time to process everything."
"It's okay," he said quickly. 
"I understand. I've been doing some research myself, and I think I know what's going on."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you. You weren't alone in this.
"What do you mean?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
"I think we're soulmates," he said simply, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
You couldn’t help but smile too. You were glad he figured it out. You reached out to gently grasp his hand and intertwine your fingers, sparks shooting up your arm more intense than yesterday. 
“We are.” You confirmed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden sparks that shot up his arm. He felt a jolt of electricity run through his body as he looked into your eyes. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before. It was like you were meant to be together.
"I can't believe it," he whispered, pulling you closer to him. "We're soulmates."
You felt a rush of electricity through your body at his touch. You had never felt so safe and secure with anyone before. It was like everything in your life finally made sense. You leaned into him, feeling his arms wrap around you in a tight embrace.
"I've been dreaming about you," you admitted, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over you.
Beomgyu pulled back slightly, looking at you with a gentle smile. He held out his arm to you, and a small gasp left your lips. On his arm was a small mark, it was shaped like a pen. 
“Can you see it?” He asked, “When I showed my friends my arm, they couldn’t see anything.” He continued and chuckled softly. 
“They thought I was crazy and had some sort of sixth sense or something.”
“I can see it.” You reached out to touch the pen mark on his arm, feeling the warmth of his skin under your fingertips. 
Beomgyu shuddered at your touch, feeling the sparks fly between you. You felt them too, and you knew that this was real, that he was the one for you. 
“You probably have a lot of questions,” you said and looked up at him, letting your fingers trail down his arm to take his hand in yours again. 
Beomgyu nodded, his eyes fixed on you. He had so many questions he wanted to ask you, but at that moment, all he wanted was to be close to you, to hold you in his arms, and never let go. 
"I do," he said softly, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. "But right now, all I want is to be with you. Is that okay?"
You smiled up at him, feeling your heart swell with affection. 
"It's more than okay," you said, leaning into him. "I want to be with you too."
Beomgyu's eyes sparkled with happiness at your words. He felt like he was on top of the world, with you by his side.
"Let's go for a walk," he said, taking your hand and leading you down the dirt path that ran alongside the lake.
You walked hand in hand, enjoying the quietness of the morning. Birds chirped overhead, and the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over everything in sight. You felt the warmth of Beomgyu's hand in yours, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment.
As you walked, Beomgyu told you all about the research he had done on soulmates the night before. He had read countless books and articles, trying to understand the strange things he was experiencing. You listened intently, fascinated by the depth of his knowledge on the subject and by him in general. You answered any questions he had and told him all about your parents. You two realized the depth of your bond. You shared talents, he was the reason you could play guitar and you were the reason he could sing. The dreams, after you met Kai and he mentioned the two of you to each other vaguely, it was like a bridge. Every night since then, Beomgyu visited you in your dreams, where you got to learn about him. Now he knows why he would wake up feeling like he just came back from somewhere. The mark appeared on his arm the same day you woke up from having your first dream. The pen was because you were a songwriter and only him and his soulmate, you, could see it.
"So what do we do now?" you asked, stopping to take in the view of the lake. 
The water shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the beauty of the world around you.
"I think we should just take it one day at a time," Beomgyu said, standing beside you.
"We don't need to rush anything. We have all the time in the world."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. You didn't want to rush anything either. You just wanted to enjoy this moment, to be with Beomgyu and feel the sparks between you.
As you walked along the lake, hand in hand, you knew that this was just the beginning of something special. You had found your soulmate, and you were going to do everything in your power to keep him close.
"Thank you for being here with me," you said softly, looking up at him. "I'm happy I found you."
Beomgyu's eyes softened, and he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead. You felt the warmth of his lips, and your heart swelled with adoration.
"I'll always be here," he said, pulling you close. "No matter what. You're kind of stuck with me now," he added and both of you giggled softly. 
Your hand was still in his, and you didn't want to let go. You never wanted to let go. 
“You have a class you said?” you asked him.
He nodded. “ It’s the last thing on my mind though,” he said and gently nudged your shoulder. 
You blushed and giggled at him again, "Can I walk you to your class?" 
"Of course, you can," Beomgyu replied, smiling down at you. "I'd love that."
Together, you made your way to the music department, taking your time as you walked hand in hand. You couldn't help but feel happy and content, knowing that you had Beomgyu by your side.
 As you walked him to his class, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment. He knew that he was going to cherish every moment he had with you.
You reached Beomgyu's classroom after some time, and you stopped outside the door and turned to face him. 
"I'll see you soon," he said, before turning and entering the classroom.
You stood outside the door, watching as he disappeared inside. You couldn't help but feel excited about what the future held for the two of you. You knew that you were meant to be together, and you couldn't wait to see what adventures lay ahead. As you turned to leave, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned back to see Beomgyu standing in front of you, a small smile on his lips.
"I almost forgot something," he said,
You felt his hand on your back, bringing you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you into a hug. It was innocent, just a hug, but you felt like you were floating on air. When you pulled back, Beomgyu placed a hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes.
"I'll see you soon," he said again, before turning to enter the classroom. You watched him go, feeling your heart flutter. You stood there for a few moments more, just taking in the moment before you finally turned and started walking home.
It had been a few months since that day, but the memory still stayed with you in your mind often. You and Beomgyu had grown so much closer over those months, learning more about each other every day. You both spent more time together - going for walks in the park, exploring new places, or just cuddling up under a blanket watching movies at his dorm. He was your best friend now, your other half, the love of your life and he made every day brighter. Every time you were together, it felt like magic – like all of your dreams were coming true. You both shared something special that could never be broken: your souls connected by music and love.
One day, as you sat in Beomgyu's dorm room, strumming his guitar while he sang along softly, you looked up at him and thought about how lucky you were to have found him. He was everything you had ever wanted in a person and more. You couldn't imagine your life without him. There was something you still haven't told him though. You were struggling to tell Beomgyu that you were Lyric, the songwriter his band was always praising. Every time he and the others talked about her, you could feel your heart flutter. You wanted to tell him but something held you back; all the songs you wrote for them had been about him or inspired by him and you wanted to tell him that was why he felt so understood. 
You took a deep breath, setting the guitar aside as you turned to face him. Beomgyu looked at you curiously, his eyes shining.
"What's going on?" he asked, sitting up slightly.
You took another deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. This was something you had been meaning to tell him for a while, but you had always chickened out at the last minute. But now, with him looking at you with so much love and trust, you knew that it was finally time to tell him the truth.
"Beomgyu," you started, your voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."
Beomgyu's gaze intensified, and he reached out to take your hand in his. You felt his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your skin, and you took that as a sign to continue.
“I’m Lyric,” you mumbled almost inaudibly. 
Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise, and he sat up straighter, looking at you in awe.
"Lyric?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, unable to meet his gaze. You could feel butterflies swirling in your stomach, and you wondered what Beomgyu was thinking. Would he be mad that you hadn't told him earlier? Would he be disappointed that it was you?
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly, his voice gentle.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts. 
"I didn't know how to," you admitted. "I was afraid you'd be disappointed that it was me and not some princess with magic songwriting powers or something."
Beomgyu's expression softened, and he squeezed your hand.
"I think it's incredible. I think you're incredible. You have such a gift, and I can't believe you've been writing songs for me this whole time."
You blushed. "I entered the contest and had no idea what to write. Not until I had that first dream. All my songs were written and inspired by my soulmate, which I now know is you.." you trailed off, hiding your face behind your hands. 
Beomgyu chuckled, pulling your hands away from your face gently. "Why are you hiding? You have nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's amazing that you found inspiration in me, and I'm honored that you wrote those songs for our band. We couldn't have gotten this far now without you."
You looked up at him, feeling tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. "I'm just so relieved that you're not mad," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Beomgyu leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I could never be mad at you, my love. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I feel so lucky to have you in my life."
"And for the record, you are a princess with magic songwriting powers," he added and you playfully pushed him. 
"And another thing, I wouldn't be who I am today without you either." He said while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
You smiled, feeling your heart swell with love for the boy in front of you.
"I never thought I'd find someone like you," you said quietly, your eyes locked with his.
Beomgyu's lips curved into a smile. "Well, you've found me now, and I'm not going anywhere."
You leaned in to kiss him but were interrupted by a knock at the door. Beomgyu groaned in frustration, but you both knew he had to answer it. As he got up to go to the door, you couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. You were finally about to kiss him, and now you had to wait. This was another thing, every time you and Beomgyu were going to kiss, something got in the way. Every single time.
Beomgyu opened the door, and in walked another member of his band - Kai. You smiled when he walked in, him being you and Beomgyu’s biggest shipper. You got up from the bed, clearing your throat to get his attention.
"Hi, Kai," you said sweetly.
"Hey," he replied animatedly, before turning to Beomgyu. "We've got a meeting with the label in an hour. We need to start getting ready."
Beomgyu sighed, knowing that he had to go. He turned to you, a look of apology on his face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I have to go," he said, his hand reaching out to grab yours.
You nodded, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over you. "It's okay, Beomie. You have to go do what you have to do." 
You got up from his bed and kissed him on the cheek, Kai holding his hand up for a high five which you granted. You said bye to Taehyun who was in the lounge area of their dorm and went back to your apartment. When you arrived at your apartment, you decided to take a hot shower to relax. Shower thoughts flooded your brain as you stood under the steamy water. You realize Beomgyu has never been to your apartment before, all the time you guys have spent with each other has either been at his dorm or out somewhere. 
The thought of Beomgyu coming to your apartment made you feel nervous and excited at the same time. You could imagine him sitting on your couch, the two of you cuddled up under a blanket, just like you always did at his dorm. However, here there would be no interruptions. But then again, what if he didn't like your apartment? 
You shook your head, trying to get rid of those negative thoughts. You knew Beomgyu wouldn't judge you like that, and even if he did, it wouldn't change how he felt about you. You dried yourself off and got dressed, feeling a sense of excitement building up inside you.
You decided to call Beomgyu to see if he was free to come over. He picked up after the first ring, and you could hear the sound of music playing in the background.
"Hey, Beomie," you greeted him, feeling a smile spread across your face. "Are you busy?"
Beomgyu chuckled on the other end of the line. "Just practicing with the band, why? What's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place. Maybe tomorrow night? I know we've never hung out at my apartment before, and I thought it could be fun," you said, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice.
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and you could hear muffled talking in the background. Finally, Beomgyu spoke up.
"Yeah, I'd love to princess. You can give me a tour of your place and everything," he said, and you could practically hear the smirk on his face.
You felt your heart skip a beat. Beomgyu was actually coming over to your place. 
"I can practically hear you smirking, pretty boy. I'll see you tomorrow then."
Beomgyu chuckled. "Sorry, sorry. I just can't wait to see your place." His voice dropped down to a low murmur. "And maybe see what other surprises you have in store for me."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. "Beomie, don't be naughty," you scolded him, but you couldn't deny the thrill that ran down your spine at the thought of spending the night with him alone in your apartment.
"I can't make any promises," he replied, his voice low and sultry. "But I'll behave if you want me to."
You laughed, feeling your nerves calm down a little. "No, it's okay. I like it when you're naughty. Besides, you're still handsy even when you claim you're behaving."
Beomgyu chuckled, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "I can't help it. You bring out the naughty side in me," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
"I can't wait, princess," he replied, before ending the call.
The next day, you spent the day cleaning and preparing for Beomgyu's arrival. You wanted everything to be perfect for him.
When he finally arrived at your apartment, you couldn't help but feel nervous. He smiled as soon as you opened the door, making you feel at ease.
"Hey, princess," he said, pulling you into a tight hug. "You look beautiful."
You blushed, feeling a surge of happiness wash over you. "Thanks, Beomie. You look handsome as always," you replied.
"Wow, your apartment is amazing!" Beomgyu exclaimed, looking around in awe. "You never told me you had such good taste."
You giggled. “You don’t think it’s a bit..much?” 
"Not at all," Beomgyu replied, walking over to you and taking your hand. "It's just like you, beautiful and perfect."
You blushed and looked away, feeling a little embarrassed at his words.
Beomgyu chuckled and lifted your chin, looking into your eyes. "Don't be shy, (y/n). You should know by now how much I adore you."
You smiled at him, feeling the warmth of his love surrounding you. "I do, Beomie. I adore you just as much." 
"Why are you blushing? Is it cause we're finally alone with no interruptions?" he asked and playfully nudged you. 
You blushed even harder at his words, and you could feel your heart racing in your chest. You had been waiting for this moment, and now that it was finally here, you didn't know what to do. You nodded, feeling the butterflies in your stomach start to flutter. 
"Maybe," you said, a smile spreading across your face.
Beomgyu stepped closer to you, his arms wrapping around your waist. "Well, I have a surprise for you too," he whispered in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. "What is it?" you asked, turning to face him.
Beomgyu grinned at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He looked around the living room once more, “Why don’t you give me the tour of your place first?” He whispered and put his arm around you. You leaned into his touch, resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
“The music room is probably my favorite, I spend most of my time in there or on the balcony,” you said softly while tracing the veins along his free arm. You heard him let out a small sigh at the feeling of your touch.
“Then take me to the music room, princess. That’s where the magic happens right?” He said, lips turning upward into a smirk.
“Okay, Beomie.” You took his hand in yours and gently pulled him along, leading him to where the music room is. You led him down a hallway, stopping at one of many doors. You opened it, the familiar squeak of the hinges filling your senses with joy and you smiled up at him proudly. He stepped inside and took a look around the room you practically lived in, carefully examining each instrument on display with awe. Your heart pounded as he walked by every instrument in the room, this room was like your pride and joy. You hoped he was impressed by it. 
As Beomgyu continued to look around the music room, you couldn't help but feel proud of yourself. You had worked hard to make this space your own, and it was clear that Beomgyu was impressed. You watched as he picked up your guitar, strumming a few chords before setting it back down.
"You're so talented, (y/n)," Beomgyu said, turning to face you and leaning against one of the walls. 
"I had no idea you could play so many instruments. You're amazing."
You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks at his compliments. 
He pushed himself off from against the wall and took a seat on one of the cushioned benches, motioning for you to come over. You obliged and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to sit in his lap. 
“Now can I listen to the songs you've been working on for the band? Or are you still trying to be sneaky and keep it hidden from me?” 
“Mm, it's not finished though.” You said and wrapped your arms around his neck after being pulled into his lap.
He tightened his hold on your hips and smiled at you. “Well, I’d still rather listen to an unfinished song than nothing at all. Or are you just hiding something from me?” his smile turned into a small smirk. 
“And why would I hide anything from you, Beomie?” You whispered softly and looked up to meet his eyes. 
He leaned down slightly, his mouth coming close to your ear, “Maybe cause you want me to beg a little…” He whispered and let his lips linger by your neck for a little before pulling away. 
“And maybe, just maybe…” he started again, taking his hand and tracing the curve of your neck. 
“You think it's cute? Watching me beg..” 
“And why would I make you beg me? Hm?” Your voice stayed in a whisper, and you cupped one of his cheeks. 
He looked you in the eyes and grinned. 
“Why would you make me beg, you ask? I don’t know… you know how I feel about you-“ he paused when he felt your hand touch his cheek. 
“But who knows what you can get out of me.” He smirked and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
 “Maybe you can make me beg for a kiss… or a little more.”  
The touch of his lips to your cheek was enough to light your whole body on fire.  
You shuddered lightly and moved his hair away from his face. “And what kind of person would I be if I made my soulmate beg, hm?” You asked softly. 
He felt a blush creep onto his cheeks as you lightly brushed his hair out of his face. This time, you leaned forward and lightly touched your lips to the corner of his. Not kissing him properly yet. 
He let out a soft gasp and you watched as his lips parted slightly in shock, not expecting you to lean in. His breath got caught in his throat and he kept his gaze locked onto yours. His hands moved down from your hips to your thighs, fingers lightly digging into them, the heat of the moment getting to both of you right now. 
“Beom?” You whispered, eyes flicking down to his lips. 
His heart skips a beat at the soft sound of your voice.  
“Yes (y/n)?” He whispered back, face now flushed and his eyes trailed downward, gaze now glued onto your lips too. 
“Kiss me, please.” 
He stared at you for a second, processing what you just asked. The slight shock wearing off was replaced by desirousness, and he grinned.
“With pleasure, princess.”
He leaned in while pulling you closer to him and connected your lips, finally. His eyes closed right before your lips touched, his heart hammering against his chest. The moment the gap closed between you, your eyes fluttered closed, already lost in the moment. Your arms around his neck pulled him closer, as close as he could get to you.  You felt his hands trail up and down your sides, settling on your thighs once again. Your lips parted slightly, you taking the opportunity to gently bite his lower lip, bringing them back together with yours, not wanting this to end just yet. 
Beomgyu's lips were soft but demanding, and they made your heart race. You felt the heat between you grow as you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. You granted it, allowing him to explore your mouth until you both needed to come up for air. He pulled away from you, but only enough to look into your eyes. Your faces were so close that you could feel his breath on your lips. You felt his fingers trailing up and down your thighs and his grip on them tightening.
 “God, I want you (y/n),” he breathed out. 
  You leaned in and kissed him again, this time with more urgency. You could feel his reaction instantly as he groaned into the kiss and his grip on your thighs tightened even more. You moved your hands from around his neck to run them through his hair, tugging lightly as he deepened the kiss even more. It wasn't long before the heat between you both became unbearable and you broke the kiss, feeling breathless. You looked at each other for a moment, both of you panting slightly. 
“I want you too,” you whispered, cupping his cheek with one hand while the other trailed down his chest.
Beomgyu took in a sharp breath as your hand continued to trail down his chest. His heart sped up and his mouth hung slightly open.
“Let's take this to your room," He whispered. 
You nodded quickly and told him your room was the last door to the right. He lifted you up in his arms and stood up from the bench, moving quickly out of the music room with you cradled safely in his arms. Once you were both in your room, he gently laid you down on the bed. You looked up at him as he hovered above you, the desire in his eyes captivating yours and making your heart race even faster. 
“Are you ready for my surprise now?” He asked, his voice soft and full of want.
You nodded at him quickly and wrapped your arms around his neck. He leaned down and gave you a light kiss. He slowly trailed down your jaw and reached the sensitive spot behind your ear. His breath tickled and sent shivers down your spine.
You lay next to him, slightly out of breath after what just happened, and felt him press a kiss to your cheek. 
“Surprise,” he said teasingly.
You rolled your eyes but giggled softly and your heart skipped a beat as you looked at him. You sat up and picked up the shirt he was wearing earlier, slipping it over your head, the scent of him now enveloping all your senses. 
"Was that really your surprise?" you asked him shyly. 
Beomgyu had moved his head to rest on the pillow, facing you sideways, and propped up on his elbow.
He laughed at your shared bashfulness despite what you just did together, and kissed your forehead, “it was,”
He blushed and looked away from you for a quick moment, not used to this level of affection and intimacy. He looked back at you when you rested your head on your own pillow.
 “This is my favorite thing to do,” he whispered, laying down properly and pulling you to his chest.
“Spending the day with you.” 
Your heart sped up, from what he said, but also from the way you were currently pressed against him with your head resting against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you close. 
“I can hear your heartbeat,” you murmured, your eyes closing more with every word. 
He smiled lovingly at you.
“Yeah? What does it sound like?” 
“Like mine.”
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Main Masterlist
Beomgyu Masterlist
a/n: and that’s the end! I absolutely adore soulmate aus and Beomgyu, and I’ve always wanted to try and write one of my own. I hope you enjoyed it, comments and reblogs are always appreciated <3
437 notes · View notes
meep-meep-richie · 4 months
Remember when Mobius said “I think…i might, have an idea of what he’s capable of.” about Loki and in the end he was right?!
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248 notes · View notes
liesmultixxx · 3 months
In the low lamp light I was free
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Heaven and Hell were words to me
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151 notes · View notes
banggyu0308 · 10 months
Berry Sorbet // Huening Kai
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huening kai x fem!reader
summary: in which you share one of the five senses with your soulmate, and the taste of your lipgloss is on Kai's tongue all week.
genre: soulmate au, uni au, slight reincarnation au, non idol au, fluff, humor, skippable smut (will be marked by blue borders) (for your convenience, it is still sfw a little bit after the first border, just in case you don't see it. it is also slightly sfw before the last border, in case you don't scroll far enough)
warnings: cursing, both their friend groups are VERY annoying, some suggestive dialogue from said friends in friend groups (and a reference to taehyun being a tutor and occasionally making out w the people he tutors), some texting scenes, alcohol consumption, both kai and reader are idiots when it comes to their feelings, both kai and reader are very touchy-feely, mentions of kiss-like birthmarks, slight nudity (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY AT ALL. you'll see when you get to it...)
word count: 9k
🎶 - LIP GLOSS (the boyz) + i don't understand but i luv u (seventeen) + watermelon sugar (harry styles)
an- happy twenty-first birthday hyuka ❤️ + if your name is Madelyne and you're a Tyun bias, i'm telepathic and this is for you
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Kai's late. Or- almost. Sliding into his seat at the last minute was not what he had planned to do today, but it's what's ended up happening. His professor shoots him a sharp look over the other students heads, but turns back to the class without a word at his tardiness.
He puts his face in his hands and lets out a slow exhale, opening his notes to focus on the lecture instead of the thoughts running inside his head. His pencil scratches against the paper, his eraser squeaks slightly when he moves to get rid of a word, and the thoughts pause momentarily.
The girl seated in front of him raises her hand with what both Kai and the professor assume is a question, but is actually her CORRECTING what the professor has just told them. Kai expects the professor to get a little more than frustrated at being told she's wrong, but instead she's calm addressing the student. "Thank you for your contribution, Yn. I was unaware that this was a recent development of this topic, and I will further research and fact check it at a later time."
Yn looks up at the teacher with a smile. "I could email you my sources, if you want."
To Kai's surprise, his professor returns the smile, says, "Thank you very much," and continues on with her lesson.
He tries to focus again on the professor's words but a slight fruity taste settles on his tongue. That's strange- he didn't have any fruit today that he can think of.
Lunch break rolls around and as he takes a bite of his store-bought sandwich, he finds that instead of the sandwich's taste, it's the same fruity flavor that takes over his tastebuds.
It's subtle, but it's there, and it's a little annoying. Kai forces himself to finish half of his sandwich with a groan of annoyance, laying with his head in the crook of his arm once he's done.
He sits up to look around after a moment. The cafeteria is loud, but he can pick out some of the voices closest to him. There's Beomgyu, of course he's the loudest. Yeonjun's sitting next to him- they're arguing about something. Kai smiles slightly and shifts his gaze. They'll resolve whatever they're fighting about later. It's almost always something stupid.
Soobin meets Kai's gaze when it shifts to him instead, and without a word, stands and joins him at his table.
"Why are you sitting all alone?" He jokes with a soft smile. Even the small twitch of his lips sets off his dimple, and the expression makes Kai smile back.
"Just wasn't feeling it today. Here, try this... does it taste normal to you?"
Kai holds out the other half of the sandwich and Soobin takes a bite, food shifting to his cheek as he chews. He hands it back with a shrug. "Tastes normal to me."
"Not... fruity or anything?" Kai raises a confused eyebrow and Soobin shakes his head.
Kai stands and tosses the sandwich in the trash, lips pursed in frustration, and sits back down to pull out his phone. The situation is weird enough that he decides to google it, because his friend Soojin had been complaining about a weird taste in her mouth just weeks ago.
The first few articles are about food poisoning, of course, but the ones a little further down are almost all on the same topic, and suddenly it clicks in his brain.
Of course. Didn't Soojin tell him just last week that she'd found her soulmate, a girl in their class named Aurora?
You get linked to your soulmate at random times. Kai knows this. He just hadn't expected it to be, well, now? He's only twenty, he's still in college for pete's sake.
And now he has to figure out the next thing.
Who in hell was eating so much fruit???
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You sit down with a sigh in the front of your classroom. You're early- punctuality is important.
Obviously, the boy sitting behind you doesn't know that. He's seated a split second before the bell rings and you resist a disapproving look his way. His bleached-blonde hair is grown out slightly, mussed in the back like he just rolled out of bed. Jeez, your class isn't even that early...
He's quiet all throughout class, something you notice, although it's not a surprise. If class participation were a grade, he'd fail. You're pretty sure you've only heard him talk once.
The sweet taste of your lipgloss is still slightly unfamiliar when you swipe your tongue over your lips, and you apply another coat with one slick movement. The girl next to you looks at you with a question in her eyes, and you show her the lip gloss tube momentarily before turning back to the lecture.
The class ends with only one incident: a case of misinformation, which you swiftly correct. Lunch is next, and your lipgloss smears pink on your napkin when you wipe it off. Your mouth still tastes like it slightly when you bite into your apple, but it's fine.
You've packed yourself a normal lunch and when you finish, you check the time. Aw shit.
You almost run to your next class, which luckily goes by like a flash; it's one of your easiest ones.
Your next class is one you've just started and you're unfamiliar with. Both the classmates and the actual concept itself are new to you, and you look up from your notes to find the teacher's paired you with the boy from earlier. Instead of your look of annoyance from before, you send a small smile his way.
It's received and returned, and he finds his seat next to you. "I'm Kai," he says, a slight nervous note to his voice. You smile again.
"I'm Yn, nice to finally meet you for real, Kai."
You've been aware of him, of course. One of your best friend's is practically obsessed with one of HIS friends, Taehyun, which means you've spent many a lunch break observing the group, all for Madelyne's sake.
When Kai leans over you slightly to look at your notes, you catch a slight scent of something that almost smells like baby powder. You smile to yourself- it reminds you of your family.
It is strange, though, the way the smell of him lingers even after your numbers are exchanged, after the class ends, after you go back to your room for the day...
And still there when a text from him lights up your phone.
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huening project partner 📖🖊️ i forgot to ask this but, could you send me a copy of your notes? i'm not good at remembering things without looking at them
You laugh slightly at this, take a few photos of each one of your sheets of notes, and send it to him.
you is that all you need?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ yes, thank you 🙏 well... no.
you what else? the punctuation is scaring me
huening project partner 📖🖊️ wait really???????? taehyun usually does, the smarty-pants he is (can't be normal like the rest of us...) but it makes him seem like a really dry texter 😭
you exactly why we DON'T most of my friends are already dry asf when it comes to texting punctuation makes it worse
huening project partner 📖🖊️ i'm sure your friends cannot be worse than taehyun-
you BIANCA IS SO BAD AT IT ISTG like over here you and i are having a conversation and i don't just think you're sitting on the other end like an npc
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ... you're welcome?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ YOU'RE WELCOME!!!! and thank YOU!!!!
you oh my goodness i cannot breathe right nowwww 😭 madelyne is looking at me like i'm CRAZY
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ...is she wrong though....
you HEY!!! YOU'RE NEW!!! YOU DON'T GET TO DISS ME LIKE THAT JUST YET but tbh takes one to know one 🤭
huening project partner 📖🖊️ exactly, you idiot/lh sorry that was mean 😊 goodnight now, i don't even remember why i was texting you in the first place, no way i'm doing homework at 1am 😭
you well, me neither, even though i am right now goodnight kai :) i think i'm going to enjoy being partners with you
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You're cleaning in a rush, throwing things into bins, under your bed, under MADELYNE'S bed, but to be honest, who cares right now??? You'd known Kai'd be over today but it didn't hit you until this morning, THIRTY MINUTES BEFORE HE SHOWS UP, and now, rightfully so, you're in a panic.
You're shoving the last thing into your drawer right as there's a knock at the door. "Coming!!"
You take a moment to dab at your sweaty face and smooth your hair in the slightest. You reach a hand and turn the doorknob, swallowing the little anxiety crawling its way up your throat. "Hello hello!!" You grin at him, taking him by the shoulder and leading him in. "Welcome to my humble abode."
In any other circumstance, you'd be joking. But your room was quite literally the definition of 'humble', even after you cleaned up slightly. You'd done the best you could when you first moved in, adding dainty, pastel curtains that reminded you of fairies, other little details to your bed and side table, but it was hard to cover up the fact of how old this room really was.
Kai cracks a small smile and bends to take his laptop from his bag. You do the same. He joins you on the edge of your bed a moment later and it's all but silent, the only sound the clicking of your keyboards. Not that you mind!! You know the best way to get things done is in silence, for you at least.
He breaks it a moment later, leaning slightly to point at your screen. "I was thinking we could put this over here?"
His chin is practically on your shoulder and you nod slightly, dragging the text box to the other side of the screen. You look up to a loud bang, jumping slightly, which knocks your face into Kai's just as Madelyne walks in.
"OH-!" Her face is a devious grin when she looks at you two. "What do we have here~?"
You quickly shove yourself away from Kai, face hot. "This-" You gesture pointedly at him. "Is my partner on a project for school. Kai, Madelyne. Madelyne, Kai."
"Hey," Kai says. Other than a slightly embarrassed smile on his face, he doesn't look uncomfortable otherwise, and you let out a small breath of relief. The last thing you needed right now was your partner uncomfortable with you.
You stand and push Madelyne away, not leaving room for silence, and say, "Alright, goodbye now!"
Once she leaves again with a backwards glance to you and a "It's my room too," you flop back onto the bed.
"I'm sorry she's like that," you apologize, face buried in one of your pillows.
"No, it's alright, I really don't mind. My friends are the same way. Taehyun's a tutor, for crying out loud, we all know what he gets up to."
A wry grin is sent your direction when you lift your head again, and you have a split second thought of 'I should sign Madelyne up for Taehyun to tutor.' She'd love you forever if you did.
"Thank god," you smile back, settling back in front of your computer, a little closer to Kai this time.
Introduction to your best friend: check.
Maybe this whole project thing won't be so bad.
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Kai is surprised when you sit next to him during your Monday class, and even more surprised when, halfway through your lesson, you lean over to invite him back to your room soon.
He barely processes the words coming from your mouth. He's too focused on the fact that now that you're this close, he can smell your lipgloss, and it's all too familiar to him. It almost exactly matches what he's been tasting on his tongue for almost two weeks.
When he gets out of class, his mind is still running with thoughts tripping over themselves. WHY would he be tasting your lip gloss? When he didn't even know you? And why, the same day he does, does he get partnered with you for your project?
He plops onto his bed with a small sigh. His phone is alight with multiple messages from Yeonjun, asking where he was.
kai well... yes. sorry?
yeonjun 🙄/j You SHOULD be sorry, you meanie >:( WHAT is so important that you would forget????
kai what does it mean when you can taste a girls lip gloss but you've never kissed her or another girl with the same lipgloss?
yeonjun 🙄/j you're not making any sense i don't think it can be the same lipgloss then, or even lipgloss, if you've never kissed or anything
kai yeah... i guess that makes sense sorry for bothering you XD
yeonjun 🙄/j no no it's alright!! who's the girl?
kai you know yn..? super smart, takes a few classes with me, has the friend who's infatuated with taehyun?
yeonjun 🙄/j OH HERRRRR OMG yes i know her!! do you like her?
yeonjun 🙄/j because...?
kai nothing
yeonjun 🙄/j you totally like her.
kai i don't
yeonjun 🙄/j mhmmmm anyways, are you gonna meet us or not?
kai not i've got work to do
yeonjun 🙄/j fine.
yeonjun 🙄/j and one more question... do you have her number?
kai yes...?
yeonjun 🙄/j can i have it?
kai why?? do YOU like her?
yeonjun 🙄/j no i don't can i have it?
kai fine...
kai shared a contact: yn
yeonjun 🙄/j thought you didn't like her 🤭
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You have no idea what just happened.
First of all, WHO added you to this group thread? Why are you here??
And second of all, Kai was one hundred percent right. Why does Taehyun text like that????
unknown added yn
unknown HIIIII
you who. the FUCK. are you?????
unknown beomgyu, you know you're just the same. 🙄
you okay, so i know ONE person here, i guess... WHO ADDED ME????
unknown me!! the one who said hi first..?
beomgyu 🐻 that's yeonjun
you see, that's all i needed FUCKING NAMES
unknown you never think.
you that is totally, 100% taehyun
unknown ... correct. and scary.
taehyun 😏 i feel nervous now.
you dont be kai told me abt y'all so :D
huening project partner 📖🖊️ i did huh?
you oh HIIIII is soobin here too then?
unknown that's me <3 hi yn
you hi soob!! now, WHY am i here? and why does yeonjun have my number?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ that's my fault jjun asked ;-;
you and OFC you had to give in, because it's yeonjun, right? 🙄
huening project partner 📖🖊️ he's hard to say no to i didn't think he'd do this!!
you it's fine it's fine so. how is everyone?
soob soob ❤️ im good!
taehyun 😏 eh. could be better.
jjun 🙄 he's being dramatic, he's fine so am i
beomgyu 🐻 im good too!!!
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ... bad :D
you whats wrong hyuka? :((
huening project partner 📖🖊️ yeonjun :D
you ah, i see we should just get rid of him, shouldn't we?
jjun 🙄 you can't just get rid of me??? i MADE the gc therefore, by law, i CANNOT be removed!!
you i'm sure you thought this through beforehand ;-;
soob soob ❤️ he totally did
jjun 🙄 i did NOT so anyways :D yn, how is your project w kai going? 😏😏
huening project partner 📖🖊️ the emojis are SO unnecessary
jjun 🙄 that's why i used them, kai
beomgyu 🐻 he is nothing but unnecessary
beomgyu 🐻 i've always thought you match my energy :D let's do it :D ... if huening doesn't steal you away...
you he wouldn't dare >:(( would you, kai?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ...no?
taehyun 😏 LMAO.
soob soob ❤️ kai needs to be reminded he doesn't own yn
huening project partner 📖🖊️ I do NOT?????
jjun 🙄 mhm sureeee 🙄
you i feel like *I* should be the one who's scared here...
huening project partner 📖🖊️ NO YOU'RE FINE
beomgyu 🐻 we're completely normal :D
you that was the last straw the grinning emoji says otherwise GOODBYE-
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'hey, it's kai... was wondering if we could spend some study time in the library together sometime soon? just to do a little extra research, plus it's quiet and that way neither of us need to worry about hosting and cleaning and stuff. call me or text me when you get this. bye.'
You put your phone facedown on the table after listening to the voicemail. It's not that you don't WANT to study with him, in fact you probably NEED to, it's just that you hadn't planned for it. Today or any day. But honestly, today would probably work best... so, you text him back.
you i could do today!! project's due in a week anyways, so it's probably a good time to finalize some stuff and practice presenting.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ okay!! I'll bring my stuff in 15?
you sounds good!! see you then
You grab your books and your computer, shove them in your backpack, and make your way to the library. It seems as if Kai's borrowed your punctuality today- he's there when you show up.
That's new, but he doesn't bring it up to you, only waving you over to his table. "Alright, so, we should divvy up the actual presentation bit, and then I can double check the slides I'm working on, and then you can do the ones you are?"
You smile and nod, logging into your computer and opening the shared Powerpoint.
The two of you are working peacefully in silence, side by side at your desk, until you hear whispered giggling. Now, usually you'd roll your eyes at the disruption and ignore it, but the giggles sound too familiar.
Except... it wouldn't make sense for that to be the laughter you hear. There's more than one voice, and it sounds a lot like Beomgyu, Yeonjun... and Bianca and Madelyne??
Two more voices who, until then, had been unheard, grow louder to shush the others, and you place who they belong to when you see two sets of dark eyes and dark hair peeking from behind a bookshelf.
Funny that Soobin and Taehyun are trying to be the ones to keep the others quiet, but are also the ones that get them seen.
You duck your head and try to ignore them. You don't alert Kai to exactly what his friends are up to, or the fact that your friends are with them too... how the heck did that even HAPPEN??? You bet Madelyne's feeling VERY happy right now, you can tell everyone's pushed up against everyone behind that bookshelf.
One whisper cuts through the others, louder than the rest. "Guys, they look kinda cute together..."
Your head jolts up at the sound and Kai looks over at you in concern, but you shake your head. "Nothing, thought I heard something..."
When he turns back to his computer, you side-eye him, scanning him in a way you hope is subtle. Your gaze catches on a scattering of moles across his neck, a few on his cheeks too, but the ones on his neck catch your eyes the most. It almost seems like there are lip-stick marks on them, and you feel something that almost feels like jealousy in the pit of your stomach. Someone's obviously gotten to him recently and done exactly what had flicked through your brain a second ago.
But then again... When you lean closer, pretending to itch your leg, you notice that said marks are faint and almost match his skin tone, which throws you off. There are a few just like that smattered across your own body too, and they've been there since as long as you can remember.
Now you're curious.
"Kai?" You ask, facing your computer and whispering out of the corner of your mouth.
"Are those birthmarks? Around the moles on your neck?"
He looks at you quickly, a faint blush on his cheeks. "They are, actually... most people assume they're like, hickies or something? They're not, though. So."
You smile at him, tugging the collar of your shirt down so he can see the few on your own neck. "I have some other places too. My mom says they're where your soulmate kissed you most in your past life, which makes me a little suspicious of my soulmate's preferences." Your smile turns a little wry, and then you look away.
"Mine too, actually," he smiles to himself. "A lot on my moles, which are a lot of places, so..."
Your eyes widen at both the whisper of "they look like they're gonna kiss..." coming from the bookshelves and the thought running through your head of wanting to press your own lips to his moles, regardless of their placements. His soulmate was one relatable bastard.
You stand quickly, shoving your things in your bag, and murmur a small apology of your quick departure to Kai. No doubt he'll think he'd driven you off with his confession, but that works for you. No need to tell him the real reason.
You hear multiple groans of annoyance when you pass the bookshelf your friends are behind, and you slam your hand against it for a quick second, sending a glare to whoever's eyes you meet on the other side.
You'll be having words with them all later.
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WHY couldn't they let you have your words with them????
Madelyne inviting Bianca to your dorm the next day was practically the perfect opportunity to chew them both out. You'd already gotten mad at the others on the group chat (you're sure Yeonjun regrets adding you).
But!! Before you can even open your mouth to say something, they're both pulling open your drawers and closet doors, throwing clothes at you. You're stunned into silence until a sock flies into your mouth, which you spit out, and yell, "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?????"
They both pause and look at you with confused expressions. "Did you not get our texts? We've sent, like, thirty in the past 10 minutes," Bianca says. Her hands are full with a few of your skirts that you've shoved in the back of your closet, and you snatch them from her.
"OBVIOUSLY not? What did you say????"
When neither respond, gesturing to your phone, you open it and read through. "I am NOT going to a party. No way. I've got things to do!"
Madelyne rolls her eyes. "Yn. This is your second year in college and you haven't been to a single party."
"I have!!" you protest, moving to shove your clothes back in the drawers.
"Katie Milewicz's birthday party does not count."
"Whether it counts or not, I'm NOT going to this one!"
"What if we told you all the guys will be there and you can bash them about the library incident?" Bianca's smooth voice chimes in with Madelyne's, and it makes you look up momentarily.
"Fine. It'll be fun to do it in person." You sigh in defeat, then grab one of your pairs of jeans and a T-shirt. "But I am NOT dressing up!!"
"There we go..." They both grin at you and wait outside the bathroom as you change and do your hair. Taking your hands and dragging you to the dorm where said party is being held, you press your lips closed in frustration.
When you open the door, it feels like a wall has hit you. A wall that is far too loud, smells like alcohol, and feels like a heat wave.
"On second thought... I might just stay out here." You turn from the door, a little overwhelmed, but Madelyne tugs you back to it.
"I promise it's not as bad when you get inside, okay? And we can find you a corner you can hang out in, with a drink or without."
You take a deep breath, making sure to let it out as a frustrated sigh, but you allow them to bring you inside.
Almost every face is unfamiliar to you, and you suddenly understand the meaning of the phrase 'this is not my crowd'. Remembering Bianca's words from earlier, you peer around for Kai and his friends, but the room is so filled, you have no hopes of spotting them.
You grab a coke and retreat to a corner, so close to it that your hip is pressed right where the two walls meet. Even in your little solitary area, you're bumped up against every now and then.
You hate it, you hate this.
Someone's hand finds your waist momentarily and that's it, you're out of here. You have to finish your project anyways, both you and Kai are counting on you for this.
Turning from the wall to find the doorway, you're met with the first familiar face you've seen all night, the person said face belongs to moving some dude away from you.
"Hey," Kai says, slightly breathless, and he leans against the wall next to you. Your heartbeat spikes at his proximity, and you swallow slightly, moving backwards away from him just the slightest.
He looks just as out of place as you, but the one thing that catches your eye is how someone's angled their colored phone light just right so that it somehow catches Kai's hair, making it look like a blue halo. You giggle slightly at it, and you double check your cup to make sure you haven't accidentally given yourself something that's not coke.
A smile crosses Kai's expression and it makes your heart flutter again, moving a little closer to him.
"So." You say in his ear, loud enough that he can hear but no one else can. "How'd you get here?"
"Do I really look that out of place?" He says in your own ear, lips brushing against your skin, and you swear you feel an actual spark. You feel a sudden need to have him closer, but you ignore it, smiling up at him. "One hundred percent. So who dragged you here?"
"Two guesses."
"Hmm... Yeonjun and Taehyun?"
"Close. Yeonjun and Beomgyu."
"Damn. Maybe me and Beomgyu are less similar than I thought."
"Maybe you're more similar to Soobin... it seems like the two of you get along well."
The way he's looking at you makes you feel like you've done something wrong, even though you know you haven't. What IS that?
Whatever it is, it renders you completely tongue tied, and Kai can tell. "Should we get out of here?"
You can only nod, and when he takes your hand to drag you out, you definitely feel something stirring inside you this time.
He stops just outside of the room, close enough that if someone came looking for you two, they'd be able to find you. You both slump against the wall and slide down it, sitting on the floor. Your sides are pressed close, and the writhing under your skin is only growing the longer he's touching you.
"What were you saying?" You ask, and now it's your turn to sound breathless.
"Oh, nothing... Something about you and Soobin getting on?"
"Oh, yeah. We went to middle school together. It's not like we were ever close, but it's like we have one familiar face from our childhood, you know?"
Your hand feels like it's moving of its own accord, playing with Kai's hair when he leans his head on your shoulder. "I get it. Me and my friend Soojin's girlfriend, Aurora, are like that. She was in my eighth grade class."
You nod slightly, your eyes shutting, and your hand slips farther down to his back. You can feel where his waist dips to his hips through his t-shirt and you press your fingers right there gently.
Your mind feels so fuzzy, you swear you feel like you're drunk. You don't know what possesses you to kiss Kai, but you know the moment you do that there's no way you can ever stop. His lips are soft, pressing against yours so perfectly, it's like you were made for each other. You're giggling into the kiss, eyes wide open, and you know that's a weird way to kiss someone, but you don't want to miss a single thing about his expression right now. His hair tickles your forehead and you can feel his breath on your cheek, along with his eyelashes, but it's perfect.
It's absolutely, 100% perfect.
When he breaks the kiss, forehead against yours, you don't allow space to say anything, tugging him back into the dorm and to the bathroom. You have him against the wall, lips against his, against his neck, the bit of collarbone that peeks from the collar of his shirt... there's a primal need deep inside you to have your lips on his and it's insatiable, tugging you back to him for more more more, and the way he's responding you can tell he can feel it too.
Kai lowers his head to press soft kisses against your neck, one after another, and someone pounds their fist against the door after attempting to turn the locked knob.
You only giggle, and a voice follows the knock. "Are you screwing in there?"
Kai lets out a surprised and amused breath at the incorrect assumption. One last kiss to your jawline that does nothing to quell the need of his lips and he's dragging you back out of the bathroom and to his room, and let's just say... there's no need to worry about him not kissing you tonight.
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The sun is too bright.
That's your first thought when you wake up with a splitting headache, in a room that is very unfamiliar to you. You feel so horrible that you'd think you'd had at least three drinks last night.
You look around the room to find Kai asleep on the floor in a tangle of blankets. With his tall frame, the sight is almost funny. But it's also your only relief about what the last night consisted of, because waking up in his clothes had put more than a few running thoughts inside your head. At least now you can have a feeling nothing happened.
But looking at Kai and knowing what you did last night, what the both of you did... you have to get out of here. You can't change out of the clothes, but you grab yours and your shoes, and you quietly leave the room, heading back to your dorm.
Madelyne and Bianca are waiting there, surprisingly sober, although they look a lot like they hadn't slept at all last night. Bianca's usually perfectly-picked afro is smushed on one side and not the other, like she'd laid on it all night, and Madelyne's makeup is smeared all over her face.
"Oh, thank God you're okay!" They both fling themselves up from the bed and into your arms, then pause and take in your current state. "Are you okay?"
You nod quickly. "I just slept over at Kai's."
Bianca looks at Madelyne with a sly grin, then back at you. "Mhmmmm..."
You roll your eyes, then head to the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Did you guys get any sleep last night?"
"Not a wink."
Madelyne seems almost proud to admit her commitment to worrying about you, but it only makes your heart hurt. You were so busy with Kai you hadn't even sent them a text to explain.
"Guys... I'm sorry, I should've told you I was leaving. It won't happen again."
You look down at your feet while you say it, cheeks hot with embarrassment, and Madelyne pulls you into a hug by your arm. "Hey, yn, it's alright, okay? We're fine, you're fine, everyone's fine."
"That's true." You smile a little, then take a sip of your water. "I'm gonna lay down, okay? Let me know if Kai texts, I may have left without telling him..."
You're not afraid of leaving your phone with them. A, because they don't know your password, and B, because they're your best friends in the whole wide world and you trust them.
The water helps your headache go down and you're nodding off to sleep when your friends barge in. "He texted!!!"
You groan and fling your arm out for your phone. "Gimme..."
Bianca puts it in your hand and giggles slightly, bumping hips with Madelyne.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ hey, just wanted to check in after last night since you didn't tell me you were leaving... is everything all right? text or call me when you get this <3
You put your face in your hands with a sigh, and drop your phone on the side of the bed. "Not right now. Too much thinking involved in responding."
"He sent you a heeEeEeeEaaRrrT!" Madelyne giggles, raising her eyebrows repeatedly.
"Because. We kissed. And kissed again. And again. AND AGAIN. And now I don't want to talk to him because I don't have the emotional capacity, so please leave me alone right now."
You pout at them at your last sentence and then roll over in your bed, signifying the end of your conversation.
You'll text him later, of course you will. You just need to find a way to think with your brain, not your lips, because there's an actual ache inside you that needs him next to you.
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You don't text him later. It's not your fault you slept for hours, and then went to eat lunch and go to an arcade and then got dinner and went back to sleep!! But you forgot that your presentation is tomorrow, and now, standing next to Kai at the front of the room, it's more than a little awkward.
You can see a littering of kiss marks on his neck and wonder how they even showed up like that. But that's not the point right now. The point is that you need to recite this presentation but your mind is blank. It's like every time Kai steps closer to you, something from him makes you go dizzy and numb and unable to form normal human words.
It doesn't seem like he's fairing much better... he keeps looking behind him at the presentation, which is bullet-pointed to keep it small, instead of the full paragraphs you were supposed to memorize.
Finally ending the project, you're more than a little relieved. It was not good, at all. You'd be surprised if you got anything higher than a B. You're more frustrated than mad at the result of your work. You both worked hard on this, you know you did. Things just happened at the wrong times and messed everything else up.
You're ready to leave at the end of class, but the teacher stops both you and Kai. They lean over their desk to whisper to you, even though the rest of the class is gone, and their dark silver hair catches the light just so to make it look like it's sparkling.
"Yn, Kai... I don't know what happened today, but I trust that it was something bad enough to cause this, because I am genuinely surprised at your outcome of this project. I saw the two of you working on it together. The Powerpoint was done very well. But the actual oral part of your presentation... was not. And for that, I can't give you any higher than a C-."
They look genuinely apologetic when they usher you out of the room, and when Kai tries to say something to you, you brush past him and head to your room. Thank god that was your last class of the day... you have no idea if you could've handled having any more after that disaster.
You're not necessarily... upset, so to say. Right now, you just feel in shock. Shocked that you let something as stupid as making out with your partner on this project give you a C-.
Your plan is already in action when you fall into the comfort of your bed: let it sink in, cry, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep.
You're just getting comfortable, tucking yourself under your covers and wrapping them around you, when a sharp, burning sensation on your neck makes you hiss through your teeth. You swat at your neck. Is it a bug??? When you feel nothing there, yet the burning doesn't cease, you groan and get out of your bed, trudging to your bathroom.
You look in the mirror, tug down your shirt's neckline, and-
"What the fuck is that???"
You have lines of bright red kiss marks on your neck, like some sort of fucking rash, and every time you touch them they start stinging. The sting must be getting to your head because the first thing you think of is, 'does kai have some sort of weird poison on his lips???'
You giggle at your own thoughts, take a photo of your neck, and send him a text saying just that.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ funny, i was just thinking the same about you can you come over, please? it's really really important
You almost type no, but then the sting turns to an ache that you can feel in the pit of your stomach, and you hit send.
you yes
The moment you open the door it feels like the ache is tugging you towards Kai by a string, like you're some sort of puppet. The moment your palm meets his shoulder, the burn on your throat ceases and a small gasp leaves your lips.
"This is not normal," you mumble, pressing a kiss to his lower lip.
"Not at all," he agrees, lips finding yours when you part.
Your gaze drops to his neck to find the remnants of your kisses from the night before. "So then... It's been happening to you too?"
He nods, one hand on your cheek, and when he kisses you again, it feels like your heart is being wrenched from your chest. In a good way.
"I- please, do that again?" You whisper, chest pressed against his.
He complies with no protest, his breath shaking against your skin.
The burn is less, but still there, and you remember something you've read. "Kai?"
"I think... I think you're my soulmate."
He smiles at you and kisses you again. "Yeah, I've been figuring the same thing. It hurts, doesn't it?"
For a moment, you think he's talking about finding out who your soulmate is, but then you realize he's referring to each of the kisses burning against your skin. "It does.. do you know what we're supposed to do?"
He nods, and lowers his lips to your neck again. You smile to yourself at the fact that he knows, and quickly tug your shirt off, followed by your shorts, and he follows suit. Moments later, you're laying side-by-side in his bed, and, just as everything you've read has promised, when his bare skin meets you, the burn disappears completely.
And, well, with that taken care of, you go back to kissing him with a small giggle. You're more than a little surprised at finding your soulmate and you can tell Kai is too, his heartbeat fluttering under your palm.
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His skin is smooth beneath your fingers, and you barely process when your lips lower to mark it, sucking splotchy purple hickeys across the broad plane of his chest. Kai shudders slightly when you do, and you look up at him, nervous you made a mistake.
He shakes his head the slightest, closing his eyes briefly. "I'm just... getting used to how it feels when you touch me."
Your cheeks grow hot. You thought it was just you who noticed, the way everything gets a little warmer when his body is touching yours.
The burn under your skin returns when you move away from him slightly, and when you gasp, Kai tugs you back down onto him, a little smile dancing across his face. "I think we're gonna have to stay like this for a while..~"
There's a teasing note to his voice that wasn't there just a second ago, and it makes you do a double take to be sure this was the same shy boy who smelled (and still smells) like baby powder. "I don't think I'll mind~"
His cheeks go pink, like he hadn't expected you to flirt back at all. It makes you laugh, the flustered look on his face that makes it seem like he's forgotten that you're in his bed, practically naked.
You press your forehead to his and leave a small kiss on one of the moles on his cheek. Kai's hands move to your hips, moving you just a little bit so you're situated on his stomach, and the way he looks up at you through the pieces of hair in his face makes your breath catch. This man right here wants you, needs you, and it's so blatantly obvious from the look in his eye that you have no idea if he's messing with you or not.
You tentatively move your hips back so you're straddling him, and run a slow hand down his torso, and when he closes his eyes, you can feel the emotions radiating off of him in your own body. That's new.
His emotions feel so warm, like he's happy just being here with you, and he almost feels like he's mentally nuzzling you when you run a hand through his hair. "I think I like this..." you murmur, laying down on top of him and looping your arms under his back. You note the way his head falls immediately to the crook of your neck, not to give you any more kisses, but just to breathe you.
He whines when you sit back up, but the moment your lips meet his again, you can feel him go fuzzy, like he can't quite think straight when you're kissing him, and... well, you're almost completely sure that he can feel you feeling the same way.
"Kai, I..." You try to catch your breath when he breaks the kiss, but he chases your lips so desperately that you can't help but fall back into him.
A soft whimper from him surprises you, and, if even possible, you feel his mind go even fuzzier. Dizzy too, almost. Like his head has gone underwater and everything he's hearing has gone muffled, along with everything he says, too.
"Wan', please?" he hums, lips finding your neck again.
You almost ask what he wants, but you can feel it, and your cheeks grow hot before you oblige, your hand slipping beneath his boxers to take him in your hands. His tip is dribbling clear precum when you tug his boxers down, and when you stroke him once, you can feel the pleasure coursing through his body.
The achy burn is back, a little more fervent, like some sort of primal animal instinct, and it needs him closer, more, this close is nowhere near close enough, and before you can even comprehend it, you're whispering in Kai's ear and he's nodding and you notice that the burn only goes away completely once he's inside you.
Oh fuck.
It's not like you haven't done this before. It's not like you haven't enjoyed doing it before. But nothing has ever come even close to this. You can feel him, not just inside you but around you and with you and everything else. It's like every other time you've had sex all pushed into one thing and multiplied by ten.
And it's not just your experience you're feeling, it's like you're in Kai's head and not only feeling what you're feeling but also what it feels like to him. How it feels to be inside you. The same experience, backwards.
People have told you how much better it feels with your soulmate, but you just scoffed. How is something going to feel better with some random person you have a connection with?
But now you understand.
It's not just some random hookup with some random person. Nowhere near that at all. It's with someone who feels both new and familiar because you've crossed lifetime after lifetime together and now you've finally found each other again. It's like kissing someone that you know you can give up all control to, and they'd still hold you and take care of you and it just feels right.
You can tell Kai's new to this. His body is at an awkward angle beneath you, his arms looped over your legs, and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut. You can hear his shaky inhales and exhales, and his lips curl into a soft smile when you press a small kiss to them.
"Good?" You ask, and you can tell without him answering that yes, he's feeling very good, indeed.
"Very... 've never before, didn't know it felt like this..."
You giggle, which comes out wrong with how fucking breathless you feel, the burn of the kisses on your neck replaced by the burn in your thighs. "Trust me... doesn't usually feel like this."
He laughs, a quiet sound, his hips rocking up against yours. "'M I that good?"
"Ah, I don't know about that..." You tease, licking up the side of his neck. You smirk when his hands find purchase on your ass, moving you up and down in time with his thrusts, but the cocky look on your face slips when you feel him hit that spongy spot inside you, gummy walls tightening around him desperately.
Kai hisses through his teeth, then smiles up at you. "What were you just saying~?"
You smack him on his shoulder. "Shut up."
"What was that? Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sounds you're making~" He gives you a shit-eating grin that reminds you oh-so-much of his friend.
"You're acting like Beomgyu. Maybe I should take your favorite plushies and give them to him, considering you've swapped personalities today."
He feigns a shocked expression. "You would never!!!"
"I would!"
"You know... I could totally take my dick out right now and make you go back to your dorm.."
Contrary to his words, he only quickens his pace, repeatedly hitting the spot that makes your breath hitch. "Please don't."
"Hm? What was that~?"
"Don't stop, please, 'm so close, Kai..."
"Thought you said I wasn't good..." He catches your earlobe in his teeth briefly before his face falls to your neck, breathy pants against your skin betraying his facade.
You pull away from him and he whines slightly, looking up at you with a pout. "I think you should stop talking and just make me cum, Hyuka."
"I thought, ah, you liked when i- fuck- when i talk..."
"Mmm... debatable." You smirk down at him and the cocky smile plastered on an otherwise fucked-out face. The poor boy has tears wetting his lashes from your combined pleasure, his cheeks flushed.
"However, I do like this," you add, hands gripping at his upper arms. "I like this a lot."
"If you wanted me to shut up, then w-why are you talking to me?"
"I decided that actually, I'd rather hear you try to talk to me while you cum."
His eyes go wide at that, blonde hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. "I- I, ah, I-"
"'I, I, I,'" You mock, pursing your lips into a pitying pout. "Are you even trying?"
He nods pathetically, hands tightening on your hips. "I can't, I, feels so, so-" Kai cuts himself off with a whimper, hips twitching up against yours in a desperate attempt to pull himself closer to the edge.
"How does it feel, baby?" You coo, looking at him with wide, innocent eyes.
"Jus', ah, just wan' cum, 'm so close, feels so good, yn..."
A wide smile spreads its way over your lips, and your eyes narrow, almost like you're a predator looking at its prey. "See, baby? Wasn't that easy? That's all I wanted..."
He nods quickly, a watery sob pulled from his chest, and you press a soft kiss to his awaiting lips. "Doing so good, alright? Making me feel perfect, so so good."
Kai nods again, his breath shuddering in and out against your neck, his torso tensing up before his warm cum spurts inside you, cutting off whatever words you were about to say because holy shit, you can feel it. Not his cum painting the walls of your cunt, but the sheer ecstasy in his body from the force of his orgasm.
It's so overwhelming that you feel as if you might pass out when your own high washes over you. You go limp against Kai, cheek against his chest because all you can feel right now is exhaustion.
His arms lazily wrap around you, holding you close, and you roll off of his dick and onto the bed next to him, still panting. "So."
You smile up at him, left hand running through his hair. "That was fun, right?"
"Very fun. I don't think I'm gonna be able to recover for another few hours."
You laugh, nuzzling into his neck. "I don't think so, either. If ever. I think I get the hype behind finding your soulmate now."
"Yeah? Did your super-awesome-amazing-boyfriend-slash-soulmate convince you of that?"
"Who said you were my boyfriend? Maybe I just fucked you because you're cute and you're my soulmate and now I'm going to ditch you for Soobin."
"Why is it always Soobin??? What obsession do you have with Soobin???" He looks genuinely hurt, and you stifle a laugh.
"I'm not obsessed with him, you idiot. I'm obsessed with my super-awesome-amazing-boyfriend-slash-soulmate who convinced me to enjoy having him as a soulmate."
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This is new to you, unfamiliar territory. You've never walked into class holding hands with anyone, let alone your soulmate. Madelyne and Bianca are hovering behind you both the whole time, squealing and giggling and occasionally whisper-yelling their brand new shipname just for you and Kai.
And as for SooTaeJunGyu... when you happened to let a casual message to Kai slip out in the groupchat, they were quick to pick up on it and even quicker to realize you two were not just dating, but soulmates. (You still regret them finding out this way.)
Beomgyu's been the most annoying, as expected, posting whiny messages about how you spend all your time with Kai, and remember what you said about hanging out with him?
Of course, you haven't forgotten... it just so happens that every time you're away from Kai for more than a few hours, his most recent kisses start to burn again. Which means, wherever you go, Kai goes if you're going to be there for longer than two hours.
Kai gives your hand a gentle squeeze, still unsure of how much PDA you want, but when you give him a quick peck on the cheek, he goes slightly pink.
Your professor only smiles at your linked hands when you enter the classroom. They'd had more than an inkling of your connection, which is exactly why they paired you two together for this project. Obviously, they hadn't expected you to almost fail the presentation, but, oh well, things happen.
Should you thank them if you ever find out? Yes. But will they ever tell you? No way, at all, ever. There's no reason for you two to ever know.
The most surprising occurrence today is most likely lunch, when you wipe off your lipgloss to take a bite of your lunch, and Kai has one request for you.
"Can I taste your lipgloss real quickly?"
The tips of his ears are red, and it's so endearing that the question doesn't even faze you. You smirk lightly, applying a fresh coat just to kiss him on the lips, and when he swipes his tongue over his lower lip after you pull away, you can't help but giggle at the surprised look on his face.
"Soobin-hyung, Soobin-hyung, I figured out why my sandwich tasted weird the other day!!"
Soobin looks up from his own lunch to catch the tail-end of Kai's sentence. He chews for a second, then speaks. "Hm?"
"My sandwich, remember???? The one I had you try and you said it tasted normal???"
Soobin shrugs, and Kai sighs, picking up your tube of lipgloss. "It tasted fruity to me. Like berries. And this lipgloss is called berry sorbet, Soobin! Because Yn's my soulmate, and she was wearing this lipgloss!!"
You facepalm at his excitement and Soobin's amused expression. Kai's in such shock, you can only expect to be hearing about this all day.
And sure enough, when Kai's walking by himself ahead of you, on your way to your last class of the day, you can hear him mumble to himself, "Berry sorbet... I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner..."
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taglist: @isitthemoon @sunnibearr @beomsitez @agustdiv1ne @mixtape-racha @hyewka @dido-of-the-endless @fairyofshampgyu @huckleberrykai @yaekounzn @prodsh00ky @yo-yo-yeonjun @sofiw0rld @strawberry-kirby @certifiedmoa @txtistheloml @shytubatu @sunnibearr @soobhns @beargyuu311 @napofamoon @zeecarus @gyuthmics @ohmahgods @notevenheretbh1 @crispymicrowave @junoswrlld @ningka @5xiang @hyungpo
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jakeabel · 1 year
joe wrote in his book that pete didn’t even think patrick was that good when he first heard patrick’s recordings, but joe convinced him to give patrick a chance because he KNEW something was there. and when he listened back to those recordings decades later he had no idea what he heard in them then, but the conviction that their band needed patrick was so strong he threw all reason to the wind because he KNEW.
and sorry not to be crazy but can you imagine finding someone who you’re just MEANT to be with. who you know so well upon first meeting them that the rest of the world fades away and you can feel yourself instantly falling into place next to them. who you don’t even have to think twice about because you know that you are meant to go through life together. can you IMAGINE
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fics-lovebot · 10 months
fic recs masterlist
Hello!, here I´ll be constantly adding new recs, that includes kpop (boy groups), anime (men only) and not fandom related ones. also, eeeeverything in here I recommend with my eyes closed and would 100% re-read so,, enjoy!
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs, luv you and thank you in advance❤️
ot7 / poly
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thetrikeywarp · 1 month
sometimes i think abt how novelization dan (not Lovecraft narrator, but Daniel Cain) was so psychotic he used to kill bats and nail them to a plank in his attic just because he felt like it
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donniehere · 3 months
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pairings: ot5!txt x reader
genre: soulmates au, angsty fluff.
warnings: none. <3
cw: 690.
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In a world where the fate of love is already decided for you, the shame of being chosen to live alone for eternity is horrific. The hope of hiding the symptoms of loneliness was a dream of humanity, only to be cursed with color-blindness. Yet, the moment the world is colored again, you have met your saviour.
Being the joke of your surroundings, you isolated yourself from the world, not allowing anyone inside. And that was until, five boys have shown you the true meaning of colors.
Each boy has colored different shades, and slowly, you learned how to embrace the beauty of the world, and maybe, of yourself too.
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Yeonjun taught you of colors that don’t exist. Your first thought was, if the colors weren’t real, how were you able to view them?
However, Yeonjun already knew the answer to your question. He elaborated, “Until the day you met the five us, you believed people like us do not exist, therefore we have shown in the most unexpected ways and times. Same goes to the colors.”
The same day Yeonjun’s eye color was finally displayed before you, a new sign of hope was visible in yours.
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Soobin showed you the benefits and disadvantages of nature. It is natural to fear nature, but soon, you’ll fall in love with it.
You’ll admire its beauty, crave to see it. You’ll enjoy the ocean breeze, the warm sun during summer and the smell of rain.
However, do not forget, nature can be terrifying at times. You’ll meet trees who fall, waves that break, thunders that shock and snakes who betray.
One step at a time, and you’ll get natural.
“Do not be afraid, I promise, we’ll be there to cover you when a storm arrives.”
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Beomgyu showed you the beauty of others. Your entire life, you were in search after an embracing person, losing and gaining hope, until you fell into a pair of unexpected arms.
He taught you the meaning of outer and inner circles, the meaning of personalities and love. Find the people who share your pain, not those who pretend to care.
Through Beomgyu, you have understood that people can be different, for that, we are called humans. Without the differences, this world will be colorless for anyone.
“The differences between us is what makes us unite. Like magnets, if you understand what I mean. Our atoms are the opposite, mine is positive, yours is negative, thanks to that, we lean in easily, and never tear apart.”
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Taehyun showed you the colors of yourself. You have a taste of every paint. Your hair is [h/c], and your eyes shine bright color of [e/c]. You wear different colors everyday, and you act a different shade.
A set of colors always mix into one, and that specific color is the one that represents you. When people look at you, they instantly come up with that color, and by that judge you. People might have opinions of their own, and not like your color, but aslong as you favorite that shade, you’re better off.
“If you love colors that much, you must admire yourself too, as you are the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.”
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Kai taught you the colors of emotions. There is a variety of emotions, they are uncontrollable. You cannot decide what you’re feeling.
You’ll feel happiness when you think positively, or whenever you win a video game.
You’ll feel betrayed when somebody breaks your heart, or when your favorite character dies.
You’ll feel loved when you are with the five of them, or when elders direct a sweet smile at you during the day.
And there is always one emotion, that will run with you along the path. Sadness is an indescribable feeling. It has it advantages and disadvantages.
Sadness mustn’t always embrace us, because we’ll fall down it's devilish trap. However, when you are feeling lonely, and tears stream down your face,
remember, tears are colorful too.
“Whether you cry tears of gold or blue, remember that every color has a meaning, and nothing happens for no reason.”
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80 notes · View notes
i completely forgot how awkward the ‘soulmates’ exchange was in dsotm?
so we have ash explaining how heaven works to samdean (again, apparently)
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then you have him do this ‘fuck it i have to do this again don’t i maybe this time i can be nonchalantly vague and they’ll let me get away with it’ thing with his head
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then dean asks him what he means and then there’s that awkward pause while ash mentally resigns himself to giving them the Talk again:
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and the camera cuts it out so you can’t see it completely but he’s sort of pointing/gesturing towards them when he says the ‘soulmates’ line (also just look at his face ADKSHDKS)
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and then of course you have the awkward pause again while they register that and the camera makes sure to capture both their reactions
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and ash is just standing there like ‘i should give them a minute not everyday a man finds out the brother he is unhealthily obsessed with is also his actual fucking soulmate’
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anyway 10/10 interaction late seasons spn could never
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mirisss · 7 months
A Love Worth Waiting For
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TXT OT5 x soulmate! afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.9k
Warnings: angst, death threats (nothing explicit), mentioning a saesang following TXT & (Y/n), I think that’s it. 
Thank you for the request! This was so cute! I hope you like it! 
Please reblog! 
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Third Person POV
(Y/n) (L/n) debuted as an actress in early 2019. Her popularity grew gravely with each show and movie she did, as did her roles in them. She started out as someone who only had one line to being the lead. Netizens and international fans all fell in love with the young actress, especially once she joined some variety shows and showed the fans her personality. 
In the same year, 2019, a new 5 member boy-group debuted under Bighit Ent. Tomorrow X Together, also known as TXT. TXT just like (Y/n), grew in popularity and soon had quite the fanbase. 
The moment that all the members of TXT met each other they found out they were soulmates as a light red string appeared, it gently wrapped itself around their wrists as a bracelet. As they studied the string they found that it seemed to be searching for another wrist to wrap around yet it could not find it. The boys all looked at each other, happy to have found one another, albeit a little disappointed to be missing one soulmate. “Hey, we’ll find our missing soulmate soon!” Beomgyu said, trying to cheer everyone up. “Yeah, we’ll find them!” Kai exclaimed happily as all of them smiled. 
Two years passed and TXT’s Soobin had become an MC for Music Bank, the members were really proud of their leader for accepting it and branching out a little outside of his comfort zone. Soobin really enjoyed and he was very excited when it was announced that (Y/n) (L/n) would join him as the new MC for Music Bank. All members of TXT found (Y/n) very cute and they loved her acting, so Soobin was happy about getting to work with one of his idols - though Bebe Rexha probably would have been his first choice if he could choose. 
Soobin’s POV
I woke up feeling super excited. Today was (Y/n)’s first day as an MC and I would finally get to meet her! I really hoped we would get along well. The other boys joked around with me at breakfast, saying I was too energetic and outgoing to be the real Choi Soobin. I just smacked Beomgyu on the head as he said that before leaving. On the way to the studio I practiced how I would introduce myself to (Y/n), I wanted to make a good first impression. My whole body was tingling with excitement. 
I hurried inside the studio as soon as the car was parked, turned out, (Y/n) hadn’t shown up yet. She was running late because of traffic. Hopefully she would just get here before we have to go on stage. I was nervous, more than usual, probably because I would meet (Y/n). 3 minutes before we had to go on stage, (Y/n) came running inside the studio. She was even prettier in person than on tv. My whole body felt warm, I felt butterflies in my stomach, a similar feeling to when I met the other boys for the first time. As I took a glance at my hand, I saw the familiar red string that I hadn’t seen in years, wrapped around my wrist. My eyes followed the string as it stretched outwards, looking for the person who would complete it. Soon enough the string found the wrist it wished to rest around, as my eyes traveled from the wrist to the person’s face, I gasped. I met the shocked eyes of none other than (Y/n). (Y/n) was our final soulmate. 
Before we had a chance to speak we had to go on stage. It was a bit awkward but I knew we would be able to speak after the show. I was a bit anxious, what if she didn’t like me or the others. No, I shouldn’t think like that, we’re soulmates. She will like us. Just like we like her. After the show ended, (Y/n) and walked of stage and just stood awkwardly beside each other. I didn’t know what to say and I guess neither did she. I thought of what Yeonjun or really any of the others would do in this situation. “Hey, I’m Choi Soobin, I’m a member of TXT if you’ve heard of us,” (Y/n) giggled as I put my hand out for her to shake. She looked down at my hand before she met my eyes once more, she took my hand and gently shook it. “I’m (Y/n), I’m an actress if you’ve heard of me,” “Of course I have, I love your dramas,” “I love your songs too! Especially Runaway!” We continued talking for a few minutes, I told (Y/n) that I’m not her only soulmate but all members of TXT are. (Y/n) gave me her number and told me to text her so she could meet the others too. 
As I got home that day and told the others that I had met our soulmate, the other four were very jealous. “THAT’S SO UNFAIR WHY DID YOU GET TO MEET HER BEFORE US” Kai and Beomgyu yelled in unison. Taehyun and Yeonjun didn’t believe me at first but as they saw how serious I was they began jumping around in happiness. “WE’RE GONNA MET OUR SOULMATE, WE’RE GONNA MEET OUR SOULMATE” We all jumped around, chanting happily as we celebrated finally meeting our final soulmate. 
Third Person POV
The day after, Soobin texted (Y/n) and so they arranged a day when they could all meet up. The six of them were happy and spent the entire day chatting, getting to know one another, and possibly a hug and kiss happened too. They told their managers and so it was arranged for them to meet regularly. This then turned into (Y/n) moving in with TXT, she didn’t switch agencies just to keep it hidden from the public. The managers thought that it might be too suspicious for (Y/n) to swap agencies before her contract was over. 
The soulmates were happy to live with each other. Loving every second of their lives. All was good in their paradise, until a saesang found them on a date. The soulmates had been discussing with the companies a plan on how to announce their relationship, them being soulmates and all meant that the chance of them breaking up was just about zero so it would be better to just announce it and hope that the fans would congratulate them rather than hate on them. 
It was a late autumn day, getting colder and closer to Christmas each day. A few snowflakes had fallen earlier in the day. Now, the sun had set and the sky had been cast into a deep darkness. Our six soulmates were out on a date, they had a table booked at a nice restaurant. Unbeknownst to them, an upset fan had been following the group since they saw their favorite idol parading around with his group and a girl. A girl the fan knew quite well, everyone knew who (Y/n) was. The fan followed them, capturing picture after picture in hopes of destroying the young actress for hanging out with the fans favorite idol. 
(Y/n) and the boys of TXT had a nice dinner together. As they went home they were all happily laughing, enjoying the cold evening together. It was quite peaceful outside, most people staying inside to escape the cold breezes of late autumn. As they got home, they changed into their pyjamas and went to bed all cuddled together. Happy and more in love than ever. 
The morning to come though, was not as happy as the night before. 
The six soulmates woke up to all their phones blowing up with texts and calls from their managers and friends from their companies. (Y/n) and Soobin were the first to answer the calls from their respective managers while Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai checked the texts and found the pictures of them out with (Y/n) the previous night. Also pictures of comments from thousands of fans sending hate to them but mostly to (Y/n). Threats of boycotting the actress’ works or the boys, however majority of the threats were death-threats directed toward (Y/n). 
“Hello,” “(Y/n), were are you?” “I am at the apartment, with the boys. Why?” “Stay there. We’re sending a car with security to get you to the company,” “What’s going on?” “Someone exposed your relationship and people aren’t happy. You’ve been receiving death threats all night with people saying they’re gonna seriously hurt you,” (Y/n) gasped as she dropped her phone, her arms shaking. She had been half asleep as she answered the call but now she was wide awake. Yeonjun put his phone down and rushed toward (Y/n), enveloping her in a tight hug. Shushing her with soothing words, hoping to calm her down. 
Soobin too ended his call. The same information had been relayed to him, a car was being sent for them. A crisis meeting was to be held between their company and (Y/n)’s to figure out how to deal with the situation. Never before had a soulmate relationship been announced this way to the public, never before had such a big controversy arroused from it. 
Soon enough, they had all gotten dressed. Just in time for the two cars to arrive for them. Fortunately, no one knew where they lived so it was safe for them to walk out to the cars. The problems would be once they arrived at the companies. Because that’s where the public can get to them. 
For three days, the members of TXT and (Y/n) had to stay at their company buildings for safety reasons. During the first day, the companies had written up an explanation and proof of the soulmate bond that excited between TXT and (Y/n). After the response to the saesangs post was published, majority of the public calmed down. The soulmate bond had not been included in the saesangs post as they didn’t know of it so once it was announced netizens found their relationship sweet. However, a smaller group of people still threatened the safety of (Y/n) and TXT. That group couldn’t accept that their favorite idol or actress had found their forever person/s. 
After three days, it was safe enough for the soulmates to return to their home. A new article was published, announcing (Y/n)’s transfer to HYBE as her exclusive contract with her company had come to an end. Now, the public was celebrating their relationship as most people dreamed of finding their own soulmate. Of course, a few people were always going to be against their relationship but they were happy together and now that they could go on dates outside without worrying about being seen, they went out as often as possible. 
It was a love worth waiting and fighting for. A happy ending for (Y/n), Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai. Six souls bound together into one thanks to fate.
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