#soulmate soobin
luxora · 7 months
TXT -> {Soulmate AU} -> Meeting you
Requested: No
Group: TXT
Genre: Fluff.
A/N: So I couldn’t really choose on how someone knows that you are their soulmate, so I kind of have done a variety of different identifying soulmate stuff. Feel free to let me know which one you prefer!
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Yeonjun wasn’t particularly looking for his soulmate because he was still in his youth and was not quite ready to settle down exactly. Or maybe the words ‘settle down’ weren’t exactly the words he should use, because it was not like he didn’t want to meet his soulmate, because he did, its just he was not actively looking for them because it will happen when the world decided to let it happen, hence why he was not bothered in trying to actively search for them.
The two of you will meet someday, and hopefully he will be someone you were willing to accept as your soulmate.
Yeonjun glanced down at his wrist, cocking his head at the sight of a small crown tattoo in the middle of it. It was a worldwide known thing that soulmates have matching tattoos, therefore Yeonjun will know who his soulmate was once he catches a glance at it, on whoever they may be. A shout from across the cafe interrupted his train of thought, making his sigh as he reverted his attention to his job at hand.
Since his parents wanted him to experience real working experience, he had opted to work part-time at his uncle’s coffee shop as a barista. It was fairly easy to do and Yeonjun has always met a variety of people, some pleasant and some not. He will admit he makes good money, and he was content being surrounded by the smell of coffee and cake while customers came in for a break, meeting, or something else.
Yeonjun hummed to himself as he reorganized the cups and straws behind the counter, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans floating in the air as Yeonjun made all the freshly brewed caffeinated drinks. It was a typical day in his life, crafting perfect cups of coffee for the myriad of customers who passed through, school ending two hours ago and he still had a few more to work before he could head home to do his homework. Although if he really had to choose his preference, he would much rather doing extra hours of work than homework. His mathematics homework was a nightmare from the undead, and he wanted to avoid doing it as long as possible.
Amidst the steady hum of conversation and the soft jazz playing in the background, the bell of the coffee shop ringed and Yeonjun glanced up to see someone walking towards the counter, totally engrossed in a phone call. He didn’t seem to recognize them, not being a regular, but he fixed a friendly smile as they quickly ordered their coffee, not sparing him much of a glance as they glanced at the menu, told him their order, before returning back to their conversation.
Not offended to the lack of a friendly converse, Yeonjun,  began to prepare the drink with practiced precision, only glancing at the stranger at odd times when he heard an exclamation from their end, no doubt reacting to something dramatic which had happened. As he was finishing up with the drink, he noticed the stranger tugging off their hoody and tying it around the waist, holding their between their ear and shoulder as they tied a loose knot before grabbing their phone again.
Since they were busy with their conversation, Yeonjun placed the steaming cup on the counter, ready to call out the order, but just before he could, the stranger  finally ended her call and turned to collect their coffee, this time with a smile on their face as they reached out for it. But it was just as they were reaching for the drink did Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise when he caught the mark on their tattoo.
On the stranger’s wrist was a small crown tattoo, an exact match to the one that adorned his own wrist. It was the soulmate mark—the unique symbol that bound two people together across time and space. And while he didn’t think he would meet you so randomly, just knowing that you were in front of him, oblivious to his own matching tattoo, it just swept the floor out from under him. And you did not seem to realise the effect you suddenly had on him as you curled your fingers around the coffee.
“Thank you so mu-”
Just as you were to pull your hand back with the drink, Yeonjun found himself grabbing your wrist, keeping it place while his heart raced with a mix of excitement and disbelief. You immediately frowned at him, attempting to tug your hand back, making Yeonjun nervously clear his throat before he finally displayed his bare arm to you, most notably to his own crown tattoo on his wrist.
Yeonjun carefully watched your expression, it starting off with confusion as you turned to look at him arm, before shifting to surprise, shock, and then recognition, your own eyes glancing at your own one, Yeonjun’s fingers covering most of it and yet still visible to the two of you. And then you finally looked at him.
Both of you finally took the time to analyze each other’s appearances. While he was dressed in his school uniform while donning a barista apron, you were dressed casually, and as he looked at you, he figured you were about a year or two older than him, but not by much. Your lips parted slightly as you gazed at him before slowly moving into a shy smile.
“...Hi.” You eventually said,
Yeonjun mustered a small smile, a silent acknowledgment of the extraordinary connection that the two of you now shared. Both of you were donning shy smiles, content in the small bubble of miraculous energy which formed between the two of you, only to be simultaneously snapped out of it by an irate customer behind you. While you blushed at the interruption, Yeonjun couldn’t help but glare at the customer behind you, feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over him. He felt you tug your wrist out of his hand, igniting a small spark of disappointment, only to be quickly replaced with joy as you grabbed your coffee and then pointed at one of the booths with a smile.
“I’m going to sit over there for a while.”
to wait for you
The unsaid message was clear to Yeonjun, and he just smiled before nodding.
“Sure thing.”
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Life truly was grey.
Soobin couldn’t help but stare out the bus’s window helplessly, looking at the passing sights and yet could not truly appreciate them due to his lack of color. Being unable to see color was an aspect which everyone had to deal with until they met the soulmate, Soobin having not met his yet due to the fact he had no idea who they were.
His parents only managed to see color for the first time when they met in their late twenties, coincidentally meeting in a coffee shop where his mother accidentally spilled her coffee all over his dad. But fortunately enough his father’s anger did not last long because the second he locked eyes with his mother, a literally flurry of color hit him at once. Soobin thought his parent’s meeting was cute, although it did little to motivate him to actively search for his soulmate because they could literally be anywhere in the world.
Soobin sighed as the bus moved to a stop, patting down his school bag as it remained on his lap. It had always been a very tedious day to deal with and having such thoughts about the lack of his color in his life hardly helped his mood. As the bus started moving again, Soobin couldn’t help but lift his head to watch the other people walking through the bus to find a seat, only to suddenly lock eyes with someone who happened to send a jolt through him as he was was shocked with electricity.
All of the sudden, the world around Soobin burst into a kaleidoscope of colors he had never seen before. The once-muted surroundings now danced with vibrant hues, leaving him in awe. It was a revelation that stirred his soul, a profound connection he couldn't comprehend. And it seemed that you felt a similar sensation as you completely froze on the spot, clutching at one of the bus rails to stay upright as you continued to gaze at Soobin, neither of you looking away.
Soobin was for a loss of words. The previously dull grays that he as grown accustomed to throughout his life had suddenly disappeared and was now replaced with so many colors which he could not add a name to yet. The bus itself was bright, and the passing outside sights were just so enigmatic, the air in the bus becoming somewhat charged with an unspoken energy as the bus rumbled along its route.
Neither of you looked away from another, seemingly realising what had just happened between the two of you. Soobin couldn’t help but gulp at the sight of you. You were just...so pretty. You were dressed in casual clothes with a bag, looking as if you were going shopping, but to Soobin, he couldn’t help but admire how stunning you looked. So with a pounding heart, he glanced at the seat next to him and looked at you carefully, non verbally offering for you to sit beside him, which you understood after a few moments. After you took a seat beside him, Soobin took a deep, steadying breath before turning to you.
"Just now...do you see the colors too?"
You gazed at him, saying nothing for a few moments before nodding. Looking at him with an expression mixed with surprise and realization, you finally parted your lips to speak. 
"Yes, and... it's incredible. I've never seen anything like this before."
“Me neither.”
Neither of you said anything afterwards, simply gazing at one another in curiosity, becoming familiar with each other’s facial features and appearance while the bus continued on its journey. When the bus came to another stop, Soobin took another steadying breath before clearing his throat and offering you his hand, flashing a small smile.
“I’m Soobin.” He introduced himself, waiting patiently as you reached out to grab his hand, your fingers curling around his in a firm handshake which sent a jolt of electricity though his body as you shook his hand. You smiled shyly at him.
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Beomgyu twirled the pen in his hand patiently, waiting for the response to his quip to come back as he was quite interested in what he would received. When he finally saw the scribbling of words on his forearm, he couldn’t stop his smile of excitement as he watched the sentence fill his forearm, making him laugh once he saw the full response.
‘You barbarian, mint chocolate is the best ice-cream in the world. It tastes nothing like toothpaste you mainstream maniac.’
He loved chatting you, even though he has never actually met you yet, but that was not much of a problem as he felt like he knew you well enough. Beomgyu never understood how it really works, but once someone reached the age of thirteen, they somehow were able to communicate with their soulmates through their bodies. Or rather, through writing on their bodies.
He did not believe it at first, nor did he really understand it, but he is naturally a very curious creature and so he could not help but test the theory, taking a permanent marker and writing the word ‘hi’ on his arm, watching with puzzled amazement that it faded away after one minute after he wrote it. But minutes passed by since his first word disappeared with no response, so Beomgyu tried writing it again, watching it fade away but again be met with no answer.
He was kind of put out after that, thinking that maybe his soulmate bond was broken. He had told his parents what happened but they reassured that he was not broken, it was probably because his soulmate has not come of age yet. Put out by the news, Beomgyu experimented drawing on his arm, watching how the drawings would disappear, internally expecting a response but eventually accepting that he was not going to get one.
Although four months later after his birthday, Beomgyu was surprised when he was making himself a sandwich and saw a word on the back of his hand as he was buttering his bread.
And the two of you have been conversing ever since.
Beomgyu was now in his final year of high school, along with you, albeit neither of you attended the same school. While Beomgyu would love to go meet you in person, he knows that you don’t live in the city; therefore it was unrealistic of a meeting occurring between the two of you. But he knows once he graduates, he is going to head first thing to you, to finally meet you in person and to have some of those real life dates and adventures he has promised you ever since the two of you started conversing.
It is kinda cliche to think that he has fallen in love with you despite not knowing you. But then again, the two of you were soulmates and were to end up with one another one way or another, and so he can’t really be blamed falling for you, especially since your personality was so clear to him in the messages between the two of you.
Beomgyu twirled his pen as he waited for your next response, the monotonous hum of the classroom filling the air as Beomgyu struggled to concentrate on the lecture. You weren’t answering and usually you were super quick, making him frown as he tried to figure out what was keeping you back from answering his previous question. Just as he was about to write a question on his forearm, his attention was taken away by the teacher announcing the arrival of a new student, which was rather strange since it was the last year of high school for all of them, so he has no idea why someone would move to a new school so late.
Beomgyu lowered his pen to the desk and straightened in his seat, prepared to meet the new student. But as the door creaked open, a figure stepped inside and Beomgyu's heart skipped a beat when he saw you walking in, donned in the school’s uniform, a smile on your face as you scanned the classroom until you were locking eyes with him.
Obviously the two of you knew what each other looked like due to exchanging social media information, the two of you following one another. He had always thought you were beautiful in your photos, but now seeing you in person...you were breathtaking, photos doing no justice. Beomgyu faintly heard the teaching introdcuing you to the class, which you responded with a friendly smile and a bow, albeit your eyes never left Beomgyu’s, a cheeky glint in your eyes as you cocked your head in his direction.
As if the universe had planned the meeting, the teacher instructed you to take the seat next Beomgyu, it being the only available one in the class. He watched in rapture as you walked towards him, smiling at all the other students before taking a seat, purposely ignoring him as you grabbed your books and pens and settled them on the desk. As the teacher resumed the lecture, Beomgyu couldn't concentrate. His mind buzzed with the realization that you were in fact sitting right next to him.  The unspoken conversations that had filled his days with a quiet magic were now replaced by the prospect of face-to-face interactions, something he had dreamed of and yet... it was possible now.
When the class finally ended, Beomgyu hesitated for a moment before calling your name, where you immediately turned your head to look at him with a cheeky smile.
“W-When did you-”
“My father got a job transfer here. We have just moved and coincidentally found out that this school was closest to home.”
“...coincidentally you say?”
You winked at him.
The two of you shared a smile which was posed as odd to the other students, but to one another, it was all-knowing and filled with bliss as the two of you realized that unspoken conversations via your arms was no longer a necessity.
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The vibrant lights of the carnival cast a kaleidoscope of colors over the lively crowd. Taehyun, surrounded by the laughter of his friends and the cheerful hum of the festivities, felt a peculiar energy in the air but he simply thought it was his body reacting to having free time for the first time since forever. School was finally over and he was finally able to enjoy his holiday. With the carnival coming to town, Taehyun and his friends eagerly attended during the evening to celebrate the end of exams while getting lost in the world of fast food, games and rides.
Taehyun was strolling through the crowd with his friends, laughing at the argument occurring between two of them about one of the stall games, when he suddenly froze in place when he caught the gaze of a stunning individual near one of the food stalls. In a fleeting moment, the world seemed to still and the carnival's cacophony faded into the background.
As his eyes locked with the stranger’s, a wave of warmth suddenly surged through him. It wasn't just a mere connection; it was something deeper, something magical. It was as if the whole universe was doing a 360 on its axis, reorganizing everything until the one center of the world was you, your eyes locked deeply with his and neither of you moving from your spots, unable to look away. Taehyun faintly heard his friends concerned calls of his name, having noticing his sudden absence, but he did not listen as foreign thoughts suddenly entered his mind.
So perfect
The thoughts were not his own, they instead contained a voice which did not belong to him, which made him slowly smile as he realized what had happened. Deciding to test his theory, he began to project his own thoughts, which had a positive effect as you suddenly smiled at him, prompting him to start walking in your direction.
You were dressed so prettily, and Taehyun couldn’t help but compare your smile to the sun with how bright and beautiful it was. You apparently had just purchased a stick of cotton candy, the pink treat barely been tasted due to the sudden occurrence between you and Taehyun. You openly stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, which he obviously reflected back to you as his heart pace increased as he got closer to you.
"Can you hear me?" Taehyun thought, his eyes widening in amazement.
"Yes, I can. This is... incredible."
Despite the carnival noise buzzing around the two of you, your thoughts were so clear to him and he knew it was the same for you. He was aware that once one was able to hear the thoughts of another, it meant that they had found their soulmate, their souls and minds becoming linked with one another for all eternity, until death parted them. Taehyun was never actively looking for his soulmate due to his young age, and yet now that he has found you, he couldn’t help but feel excitement. He could communicate with you without  uttering a single word, the fact that he had such an n intimate connection with someone was just...amazing.
Taehyun stopped in front of you when he finally reached you, the two of you having matching smiles as you gazed at one another from head to toe, becoming familiar with each other’s appearance before giggling. He smiled at you before reaching for you hand, you having no objecting when he tugged you a little bit closer, the two of you invading each other’s personal spaces, not that either of you minded.
"We're soulmates," Beomgyu whispered, his voice echoing in both their minds. You nodded.
“We are.”
“I will admit, I did not expect to find you here.” You laughed.
“Neither did I.”
Both of you exchanged a smile before Taehyun tugged you by the hand to introduce you to his friends, your fingers immediately lacing with his and confidently following him as the two of you met up with his group who all had surprised expressions on their face. After introductions, all of you then explored the carnival together, riding whimsical carousels and sharing cotton candy under the twinkling lights, albeit the two of you seemed to be in a world of you own while his friends posed as multiple third wheels.
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The day’s events were very exciting due to the celebration of his 18th birthday, but that was not the most exciting thing for him. For Kai, the most exciting part was for him to go to bed that night, because it meant that he would finally be able to enter the dreamscape which will belong to himself and his soulmate.
Of course he couldn’t assume to meet you straight away. For all he knew, you weren’t of age to meet him in your dreams yet, but Kai hoped for the possibility that you were already of age and were waiting for him just like he has been waiting for this day to come. Call him a hopeless romantic, but he was looking forward to meeting the other half of his soul, and after he bid his family goodnight and got into bed, sleep seemed to taunt him endlessly due to his mixed excitement and anticipation.
Of course his parents and older sister advised him not to be too hopeful because you may not be there to share a dream yet, but it didn’t diminish his hopes. Even if he was not to meet you tonight, he would waited endlessly for you in his own little dream world, you were to meet with him sometime, he just hopes it will be sooner rather than later.
He doesn’t know how much time passed as he stared up at the ceiling of his room, but eventually he managed to fall into a slumber, the embrace of sleep gently pulling into a dreamscape, the world shifting and transforming around him and until a sight finally took its form in front of him - a sun-kissed beach. It felt like he was really there in person, the the sound of waves crashing against the shore, warm sand embracing his bare feet, and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of salt and freedom.
Kai glanced down at his own body, realizing that he was no longer in his pajamas but rather in beachwear  - a pair of shorts and a buttoned shirt which was unbuttoned half way. He smiled at himself and at the sight before him, but then he suddenly he was not alone as he felt a gaze on him, prompting him to glance up and felt a hitch in his breath.
A stranger stood in front of him, a beach ball in their hands and a bright smile on their face as recognition flashed across their face. They were similarly dressed in beachwear, and as Kai continued to stare at their features, he couldn’t help but become flustered at their attractiveness. And locking eyes...he just felt a connection just form instantaneously between the two of you.
"Kai?" You called out said, a smile playing on your lips which made his heart pound in excitement and glee.
“Y-Yeah, that's me. Are we... dreaming together?"
Even though he figured that is what was happening, the fact that it was...it was just sending his head in a mess and he couldn’t help but let out an embarrassed laugh, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he continued to gaze at you. You nodded, your eyes sparkling with excitement. 
"Seems like it. I've been waiting for this moment."
“Me too...Y/N.”
He didn’t know how he knew your name, but it just graced the tip of his tongue and escaped, him saying it like some kind of holy prayer which will bring all miracles to the world. He had felt so incredibly connected when he heard you utter his name, and it seemed him saying yours had a similar effect as you eyes fluttered at the sound of it and a slight flush dusted your cheeks. You giggled before walking closer, holding out the beach ball in your hands to him, delight in your eyes.
“Care to play?”
He reached out for his, his hands brushing against yours in an accidental touch, jolting a spark of warmth through his body and yours, prompting you two to blush and giggle at the instant sensation.
“Of course.”
The two of you decided to make the most of dreamlike encounter. With the beach ball in hand, the two of you began a playful game without any rules,  laughter echoing against the backdrop of the dream beach as the two of you volleyed the ball back and forth while sharing stories, dreams, and the intricacies of each other’s lives. With each passing moment, the dream became a canvas for the budding connection between the two of you The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of pink and gold. It was a dream, yet it felt more real than anything Kai had experienced before.
As the dream beach faded away, Kai stood by your side on the shore, hands connected and fingers intertwined. Your skin pressed against his made him feel so warm despite the two of you only being in a dream. He truly felt that he was holding your hand in person, and soon after the dream ended, he looks forward to the oncoming nights where he will be able to meet with your constantly until the two of you finally met in person. The two of you shared a bright smile, your other hand cupping his cheek while joy reflected in your eyes.
“I don’t have to wait anymore.”
“Neither do I.”
A promise was made that night that the two of you were going to meet in person soon, because before Kai could kiss you, he had to take you out on a real date, as you only experienced the best things in life which he can only hope to provide. But it was a new adventure to the two of you, one that both are eagerly anticipating to play out.
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donniehere · 3 months
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pairings: ot5!txt x reader
genre: soulmates au, angsty fluff.
warnings: none. <3
cw: 690.
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In a world where the fate of love is already decided for you, the shame of being chosen to live alone for eternity is horrific. The hope of hiding the symptoms of loneliness was a dream of humanity, only to be cursed with color-blindness. Yet, the moment the world is colored again, you have met your saviour.
Being the joke of your surroundings, you isolated yourself from the world, not allowing anyone inside. And that was until, five boys have shown you the true meaning of colors.
Each boy has colored different shades, and slowly, you learned how to embrace the beauty of the world, and maybe, of yourself too.
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Yeonjun taught you of colors that don’t exist. Your first thought was, if the colors weren’t real, how were you able to view them?
However, Yeonjun already knew the answer to your question. He elaborated, “Until the day you met the five us, you believed people like us do not exist, therefore we have shown in the most unexpected ways and times. Same goes to the colors.”
The same day Yeonjun’s eye color was finally displayed before you, a new sign of hope was visible in yours.
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Soobin showed you the benefits and disadvantages of nature. It is natural to fear nature, but soon, you’ll fall in love with it.
You’ll admire its beauty, crave to see it. You’ll enjoy the ocean breeze, the warm sun during summer and the smell of rain.
However, do not forget, nature can be terrifying at times. You’ll meet trees who fall, waves that break, thunders that shock and snakes who betray.
One step at a time, and you’ll get natural.
“Do not be afraid, I promise, we’ll be there to cover you when a storm arrives.”
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Beomgyu showed you the beauty of others. Your entire life, you were in search after an embracing person, losing and gaining hope, until you fell into a pair of unexpected arms.
He taught you the meaning of outer and inner circles, the meaning of personalities and love. Find the people who share your pain, not those who pretend to care.
Through Beomgyu, you have understood that people can be different, for that, we are called humans. Without the differences, this world will be colorless for anyone.
“The differences between us is what makes us unite. Like magnets, if you understand what I mean. Our atoms are the opposite, mine is positive, yours is negative, thanks to that, we lean in easily, and never tear apart.”
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Taehyun showed you the colors of yourself. You have a taste of every paint. Your hair is [h/c], and your eyes shine bright color of [e/c]. You wear different colors everyday, and you act a different shade.
A set of colors always mix into one, and that specific color is the one that represents you. When people look at you, they instantly come up with that color, and by that judge you. People might have opinions of their own, and not like your color, but aslong as you favorite that shade, you’re better off.
“If you love colors that much, you must admire yourself too, as you are the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.”
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Kai taught you the colors of emotions. There is a variety of emotions, they are uncontrollable. You cannot decide what you’re feeling.
You’ll feel happiness when you think positively, or whenever you win a video game.
You’ll feel betrayed when somebody breaks your heart, or when your favorite character dies.
You’ll feel loved when you are with the five of them, or when elders direct a sweet smile at you during the day.
And there is always one emotion, that will run with you along the path. Sadness is an indescribable feeling. It has it advantages and disadvantages.
Sadness mustn’t always embrace us, because we’ll fall down it's devilish trap. However, when you are feeling lonely, and tears stream down your face,
remember, tears are colorful too.
“Whether you cry tears of gold or blue, remember that every color has a meaning, and nothing happens for no reason.”
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80 notes · View notes
mirisss · 7 months
A Love Worth Waiting For
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TXT OT5 x soulmate! afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.9k
Warnings: angst, death threats (nothing explicit), mentioning a saesang following TXT & (Y/n), I think that’s it. 
Thank you for the request! This was so cute! I hope you like it! 
Please reblog! 
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Third Person POV
(Y/n) (L/n) debuted as an actress in early 2019. Her popularity grew gravely with each show and movie she did, as did her roles in them. She started out as someone who only had one line to being the lead. Netizens and international fans all fell in love with the young actress, especially once she joined some variety shows and showed the fans her personality. 
In the same year, 2019, a new 5 member boy-group debuted under Bighit Ent. Tomorrow X Together, also known as TXT. TXT just like (Y/n), grew in popularity and soon had quite the fanbase. 
The moment that all the members of TXT met each other they found out they were soulmates as a light red string appeared, it gently wrapped itself around their wrists as a bracelet. As they studied the string they found that it seemed to be searching for another wrist to wrap around yet it could not find it. The boys all looked at each other, happy to have found one another, albeit a little disappointed to be missing one soulmate. “Hey, we’ll find our missing soulmate soon!” Beomgyu said, trying to cheer everyone up. “Yeah, we’ll find them!” Kai exclaimed happily as all of them smiled. 
Two years passed and TXT’s Soobin had become an MC for Music Bank, the members were really proud of their leader for accepting it and branching out a little outside of his comfort zone. Soobin really enjoyed and he was very excited when it was announced that (Y/n) (L/n) would join him as the new MC for Music Bank. All members of TXT found (Y/n) very cute and they loved her acting, so Soobin was happy about getting to work with one of his idols - though Bebe Rexha probably would have been his first choice if he could choose. 
Soobin’s POV
I woke up feeling super excited. Today was (Y/n)’s first day as an MC and I would finally get to meet her! I really hoped we would get along well. The other boys joked around with me at breakfast, saying I was too energetic and outgoing to be the real Choi Soobin. I just smacked Beomgyu on the head as he said that before leaving. On the way to the studio I practiced how I would introduce myself to (Y/n), I wanted to make a good first impression. My whole body was tingling with excitement. 
I hurried inside the studio as soon as the car was parked, turned out, (Y/n) hadn’t shown up yet. She was running late because of traffic. Hopefully she would just get here before we have to go on stage. I was nervous, more than usual, probably because I would meet (Y/n). 3 minutes before we had to go on stage, (Y/n) came running inside the studio. She was even prettier in person than on tv. My whole body felt warm, I felt butterflies in my stomach, a similar feeling to when I met the other boys for the first time. As I took a glance at my hand, I saw the familiar red string that I hadn’t seen in years, wrapped around my wrist. My eyes followed the string as it stretched outwards, looking for the person who would complete it. Soon enough the string found the wrist it wished to rest around, as my eyes traveled from the wrist to the person’s face, I gasped. I met the shocked eyes of none other than (Y/n). (Y/n) was our final soulmate. 
Before we had a chance to speak we had to go on stage. It was a bit awkward but I knew we would be able to speak after the show. I was a bit anxious, what if she didn’t like me or the others. No, I shouldn’t think like that, we’re soulmates. She will like us. Just like we like her. After the show ended, (Y/n) and walked of stage and just stood awkwardly beside each other. I didn’t know what to say and I guess neither did she. I thought of what Yeonjun or really any of the others would do in this situation. “Hey, I’m Choi Soobin, I’m a member of TXT if you’ve heard of us,” (Y/n) giggled as I put my hand out for her to shake. She looked down at my hand before she met my eyes once more, she took my hand and gently shook it. “I’m (Y/n), I’m an actress if you’ve heard of me,” “Of course I have, I love your dramas,” “I love your songs too! Especially Runaway!” We continued talking for a few minutes, I told (Y/n) that I’m not her only soulmate but all members of TXT are. (Y/n) gave me her number and told me to text her so she could meet the others too. 
As I got home that day and told the others that I had met our soulmate, the other four were very jealous. “THAT’S SO UNFAIR WHY DID YOU GET TO MEET HER BEFORE US” Kai and Beomgyu yelled in unison. Taehyun and Yeonjun didn’t believe me at first but as they saw how serious I was they began jumping around in happiness. “WE’RE GONNA MET OUR SOULMATE, WE’RE GONNA MEET OUR SOULMATE” We all jumped around, chanting happily as we celebrated finally meeting our final soulmate. 
Third Person POV
The day after, Soobin texted (Y/n) and so they arranged a day when they could all meet up. The six of them were happy and spent the entire day chatting, getting to know one another, and possibly a hug and kiss happened too. They told their managers and so it was arranged for them to meet regularly. This then turned into (Y/n) moving in with TXT, she didn’t switch agencies just to keep it hidden from the public. The managers thought that it might be too suspicious for (Y/n) to swap agencies before her contract was over. 
The soulmates were happy to live with each other. Loving every second of their lives. All was good in their paradise, until a saesang found them on a date. The soulmates had been discussing with the companies a plan on how to announce their relationship, them being soulmates and all meant that the chance of them breaking up was just about zero so it would be better to just announce it and hope that the fans would congratulate them rather than hate on them. 
It was a late autumn day, getting colder and closer to Christmas each day. A few snowflakes had fallen earlier in the day. Now, the sun had set and the sky had been cast into a deep darkness. Our six soulmates were out on a date, they had a table booked at a nice restaurant. Unbeknownst to them, an upset fan had been following the group since they saw their favorite idol parading around with his group and a girl. A girl the fan knew quite well, everyone knew who (Y/n) was. The fan followed them, capturing picture after picture in hopes of destroying the young actress for hanging out with the fans favorite idol. 
(Y/n) and the boys of TXT had a nice dinner together. As they went home they were all happily laughing, enjoying the cold evening together. It was quite peaceful outside, most people staying inside to escape the cold breezes of late autumn. As they got home, they changed into their pyjamas and went to bed all cuddled together. Happy and more in love than ever. 
The morning to come though, was not as happy as the night before. 
The six soulmates woke up to all their phones blowing up with texts and calls from their managers and friends from their companies. (Y/n) and Soobin were the first to answer the calls from their respective managers while Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai checked the texts and found the pictures of them out with (Y/n) the previous night. Also pictures of comments from thousands of fans sending hate to them but mostly to (Y/n). Threats of boycotting the actress’ works or the boys, however majority of the threats were death-threats directed toward (Y/n). 
“Hello,” “(Y/n), were are you?” “I am at the apartment, with the boys. Why?” “Stay there. We’re sending a car with security to get you to the company,” “What’s going on?” “Someone exposed your relationship and people aren’t happy. You’ve been receiving death threats all night with people saying they’re gonna seriously hurt you,” (Y/n) gasped as she dropped her phone, her arms shaking. She had been half asleep as she answered the call but now she was wide awake. Yeonjun put his phone down and rushed toward (Y/n), enveloping her in a tight hug. Shushing her with soothing words, hoping to calm her down. 
Soobin too ended his call. The same information had been relayed to him, a car was being sent for them. A crisis meeting was to be held between their company and (Y/n)’s to figure out how to deal with the situation. Never before had a soulmate relationship been announced this way to the public, never before had such a big controversy arroused from it. 
Soon enough, they had all gotten dressed. Just in time for the two cars to arrive for them. Fortunately, no one knew where they lived so it was safe for them to walk out to the cars. The problems would be once they arrived at the companies. Because that’s where the public can get to them. 
For three days, the members of TXT and (Y/n) had to stay at their company buildings for safety reasons. During the first day, the companies had written up an explanation and proof of the soulmate bond that excited between TXT and (Y/n). After the response to the saesangs post was published, majority of the public calmed down. The soulmate bond had not been included in the saesangs post as they didn’t know of it so once it was announced netizens found their relationship sweet. However, a smaller group of people still threatened the safety of (Y/n) and TXT. That group couldn’t accept that their favorite idol or actress had found their forever person/s. 
After three days, it was safe enough for the soulmates to return to their home. A new article was published, announcing (Y/n)’s transfer to HYBE as her exclusive contract with her company had come to an end. Now, the public was celebrating their relationship as most people dreamed of finding their own soulmate. Of course, a few people were always going to be against their relationship but they were happy together and now that they could go on dates outside without worrying about being seen, they went out as often as possible. 
It was a love worth waiting and fighting for. A happy ending for (Y/n), Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai. Six souls bound together into one thanks to fate.
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txt are bunch of colleagues turned family, they're soulmates who were all destined to meet
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fairyofshampgyu · 10 months
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Crying over gyu :(☹️ I love him😭
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iknowyuu · 11 months
choi soobin x gender neutral! reader
↝ wc: 1230
note: n/a
content: soulmate au <3!!!! awkward reader & soobs
what a shitty day.
seriously, nothing has been going your way. this whole day, no, this whole week has just been the worst one of your life. it felt like you couldn't catch a break, like life was just an excuse for you to be thrown around like a dumbass. if karma exists, you must've been the most despicable being on the planet in your last life.
you replayed the scenes of the past week over and over in your head, cringing as your most terrible moments, along with feelings, came flooded back to you- and soon enough, you felt the tears form in your eyes, your breathing already hitching. this is horrible. everything is horrible. you stopped in your path, uncaring about the few people around you, (there was barely anyone anyway- it was almost 10pm) and you sat down on a bench near a shop. finally, you can rest.
you broke down, shoulders shaking as you wiped your tears everything sucks. my life sucks, this day sucks, and god, i suck, so much you were so engrossed in your sadness and self pity that you didn't notice the way the rain stopped falling until you heard a voice next to you. "hey.. what's wrong?"
you jumped and whipped your head to the right to find a very tall, blonde man inches away from you, his umbrella now shielding you from the sky’s tears (if only someone would help with yours, too).
now soobin has never done this before, obviously. he's not a bold guy, he doesn't particularly enjoy talking to strangers, soooo what provoked him to sit next to and greet the [handsome/pretty] person that was sobbing their eyes out and caused him to be completely out of character was completely unknown to him. that being said, he couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of care and connection for someone he had never met. it felt weird.. and incredibly warm.
“i..i..” you tried to speak, looking up at the strangers concerned eyes- but you couldn’t muster any words due to the shock, as well as overwhelming heartache. now, not only because you've just had one of the worst days of your life, but because someone cared. god, you were so emotional.
you scrunched up your faces and covered your face once more, crying more tears of sadness. soobin sat there awkwardly, trying to think of what to do, before settling on placing a hand on your shoulder. is this helping? should i ask them about what happened? i don't wanna overstep my boundaries.. he thought. he carefully and cautiously moved to wrap a hand around your shoulder, almost jumping in surprise when you turned your head and leaned into him.
he slowly maneuvered his umbrella into the crevices of the bench, somehow making it stick up and cover the two of you. minutes went by as you calmed down (and so did the rain), your breath hitching along with the seconds that went by. finally, when you start to regain your senses, you immediately sit up and pull yourself away from the stranger. "i'm sorry…" you wipe your face again, clearly incredibly embarrassed. you couldn't help it, with the magnetic pull you felt towards him.
"no, no, don't be." he scoots forward a bit to look at you more clearly. "it's okay. we're all human…" he hesitates before speaking up again, "do you.. wanna talk about it?"
you look into his eyes and then down at your lap, debating in your head whether or not you should confide in some stranger you'll probably never see or hear from again..
well, if that's the case, would it really do that much harm? your brain is telling you no, but your heart's telling you please, please do. and so, you do. you tell him everything, the events, what led up to it, how it made you feel afterward, the backstory of why it made you feel that way.. and he just sits there, nodding, looking at you so patiently that you just talk and talk, so much that you even run out of things to say.
"wah.." he sighs deeply, running fingers through his blonde hair, turning to look at you. "you've been through a lot." he watches as you purse your lips and stiffly nod your head. a moment pass as he looks out onto the distance before looking back at you. "can i.. can i hug you?"
you look at him with glossy eyes and scrunch your eyebrows upwards, as if you were gonna cry again, nodding as your breath hitched again. "aw," he pulls you into his chest, rubbing your back as you wrap your arms around his torso. "it's okay. you'll be okay." he places his arms on your lower back pulling you in closer to him, your forehead now resting in his shoulder.
soobin hestiantly raises one of his hands and places it at the upper part of your back, gently rubbing his hand in circles. "this will pass. you'll be okay, and one day you'll look back at this day and laugh." you hiccuped. "i promise…" he pauses. "uh.. what's your.. name?" he breathily chuckles at irony of having you in his arms and not knowing your name, and you respond with a curt "[name]." "okay. i promise you, [name]." you nodded as your breath hitched. a few moments passed as he held you in his arms, before he slowly pulled away.
the two of you sat in silence, your arms lingering around him, coming down and letting your arms slowly fall from around his back, down to his arms. he gazes into your eyes just as you do into his. you finally got a good look at the man who's been comforting you for the past seven minutes, and your heart feels like it stops. you take a deep breath, your previous tears drying on your face, and your chest hitching. you feel this sense of intense familiarity, and your heart rates quickly picks up.
the way he looks at you shifts from concern to adoration.
"are you.." you speak. your breath catches in your throat. he finished your sentence for you, "my soulmate?"
"oh my god," your eyes well up once again with tears as the both of you simultaneously engulf each other with much more force and security than before.
"don't cry. don't cry." he says as his voice wavers tears threaten to spill from his own eyes. he's shaking from the revelation. it felt like he's been waiting all his life for this moment. he pulls back to wipe your tears with his thumbs and holding your face with his palms. "i'm so sorry i didn't realize earlier. i-i don't usually talk to people like this, let alone random people on the street, a-and i noticed you when i was walking back home from work, and you just had such a grip on me, even though we've never met," he frowns as a few tears finally escapes from his eyes. "i'm soobin."
you nod fervently. "i'm [name].. but you already know that," you slightly shrug and watch as he smiles at your words. "i'm so happy i finally met you." you hug him again and slightly move from side to side, relishing in the giggles that escape from his throat.
and just like that, your week has been made infinetly better.
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caramiasoob · 1 year
Almost died
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bun-313 · 1 year
sorry if there are any mistakes and let me know if i missed warnings
You move into a new town after leaving your toxic life behind when you meet a beautiful man and learn to love again without fear.
cw⚠️: sa, toxic relationship
You just moved in to a new town to open up your clothes shop. As you put boxes inside your new home you bumped into a man taller than you and very handsome. He helped you pick up the mess "i'm so sorry i shoud've been paying more attention" the man said "no no its ok i should be more careful" you said immediately "are you moving in?" he asked "uh yea im opening my own clothes store actually" "really thats so cool! i'll definitely visit. My name is Choi Beomgyu by the way" "thank you and my name is Park y/n" you answered. You said your goodbyes after cleaning up, and he had told you he lived close and walked through there often. You hoped you two would get close you already had a slight crush but how could you not.
As he walked after you went inside he noticed something on the ground...it was a poloroid of you. Now you didn't know this but he though you were so pretty and was also excited to get to know you, so he kept the picture.
You had finally settled in now it was time to get everything for your shop ready. Sadly you haven't seen Beomgyu maybe cause of timing or he wasn't there you didn't know, but you really wanted to see him again. As you moved some boxes of decorations in the shop you saw him and he saw you. He walked up to you and you couldn't help to get a knot in your stomach "hey how have you been with the moving?" he asked "its been good now i have to get everything here ready" you answered "is there anything i could do to help" "no its ok i don't want to bother you. You probably have better things to do" you said frantically "no really its ok i want to help" he said laughing "ok um well you can help me with some boxes" not only was he pretty but also kind. You haven't felt like this about someone in such a long time. You told yourself for the past year and a half to never fall for someone again and every time you got feeling s for someone it would end just as fast, but here we are. After getting everything inside he suggested you two go eat, and you agreed no matter how much your mind told you to stop falling your heart told you to keep going and your heart was being loud.
As you guys ate he kept asking questions to get to know you better after all he liked you too "so why did you move here" "well i like it here but i also had some problems in the last place i was at" you said thinking about your ex "well i'm glad this is better for you i hope we can get close" "yea me too... how long have you lived here?" this is bad you thought to yourself as you fell harder and harder for this man you've only seen twice now "i've been here my whole life i mean i have traveled, but i just like it here" he answered your question. You two asked a couple more easy questions like favorite food or color and what your favorite music was. He was easy to talk to he would joke around but listen to your every word and you did to, so you didn't realize it was dark out now you wish you could just talk to him all day but that wasn't possible. He walked you home you said goodbye to each other and fell asleep thinking about him.
As he made his way back home he thoughts of you while looking at your picture he kept in his wallet. You made him so happy he didn't know why but you felt warm.
You kept seeing him every morning sometimes you would talk sometimes he would be in a rush, but over time you two got close like you both wanted. This morning tou decided to make him some cookies as a thank you for helping you move in "hiii gyu~" you said as you gave him the cookies "gyu?" he said with a smile "yea gyu i like it as a nickname or is it bad" you said in a playfully sad tone "no i like it but what are these for" "as a thank you for helping me settle in". He ate one of them and told you he loved them, you two talked for a bit till you noticed you still didn't know how old he was "hey how old are you we still haven't told each other" "i'm 22" you added "oh! i'm older than you then i'm 23" he said, you had always like men a little older than you so that was even better. He left after a while and you worked on your store.
Beomgyu had told his friends about you and how much he liked you but didn't know what to do, and he could tell they were sick of it but he didn't care. He decided to bring his best friend Soobin to your shop to meet you. As they walked in you couldn't help to notice how tall his friend was Beomgyu was already tall but his friends was even more "hello my name is soobin" he said with a smile "he has told me so much about you...too much honestly" he said quietly. You and Soobin got along well he was very kind, and Beomgyu started to get a little jealous. As Soobin looked around your store gyu made a comment "you two are getting along" you could tell he was a little annoyed because you two were so close it felt like you"ve know each other for years, so you knew he wanted attention right now "he's nice but you'll always be my favorite" you said playfully hitting him "good because i don't want to share" he said in a sulky tone. You felt a knot in your stomach once again he probably didn't mean it that way you told yourself.
The three of you went out to eat but couldn't help to notice how clingy gyu was being not letting Soobin sit next to you or even walk bext to you, and as you took a short walk after eating he even held your hand not that you minded but it was weird. After Soobin went back home and gyu decided to stay you asked him whatbwas wrong "hey you ok?" "yea why?" he looked at you confused "you were being weird you wouldn't let me even walk next to your friend" "oh i don't know i felt like you might end up liking him more than me" he said with his head down. You held his face "i told you that your my favorite" you said with a laugh then realized you were holding his face. Your heart was going fast faster than you could ever run maybe you were having heart problems but man were his eyes beautiful. You let go fast thankfully it was dark enough so he couldn't see you blushing.
He was also blushing his heart was also now a trackstar. He wanted to kiss you there and then but didn't want to ruin anything.
You two said goodnight and parted ways still thinking about everything that happened, but the next day it was like nothing happened thought you did talk less but you still have work that was it. A couple days pasted and you invited Beomgyu over to your house and he agreed "so what movie do you want to watch" you asked looking through all your movies. You guys finally picked and started the movie lights off and snacks ready, as the movie went on the physically closer you two got till he was on your chest letting you play with his hair. His hair was soft the weight of him on you flet nice and he loved it just as much as you did.
He got up and turned around to see you better and just like that you felt his lips on yours without second or even first thought you kissed him back and you never wanted it to end till he backed off "sorry..." there was a moment of silence i've already fallen to hard i don't want him to be sorry you told yourself as you grabbed him to kiss him even more now he was shocked but not mad "don't be sorry" you pulled away. Now neither of you could stop completely blocking off the movie, and now you could tell he wanted more but you weren't ready for that much yet you were still hurt from your ex, so you pulled away. "So what now..." you asked him "sooo do you want to be my girlfriend thats what" he said with a smirk "of course i do" you said hugging him "do you even know how long i've liked you" he said "since i saw you" "are you fr because i've liked you that long to" said suprised "really!? i don't know what it was i just felt like you were right as soon as i saw you" he said also hugging you "but if we are dating i need to tell you some things not right now but soon" after all what your ex did to you was still always on the back of your mind even though you knew gyu would never donthe same it could effect the relationship "ofc you can tell me anything."
⚠️ sa, toxic relationship
It had been a couple weeks of dating gyu you had told your friends and he told his. You tried to have movie dates but would always get distracted by his lips or more like he got distracted by yours. This night was different this night you would tell him about your ex it was going to be hard but you needed to tell him "what did you need to tell me it sounded serious" he said nervously think you were going to end things "well i had a bf before you about 2 year ago by now and well...he didn't a lot to me, and i feel i should tell you because i know you want to get intimate but..." your eyes started to water and Beomgyu tried to comfort you "hey take your time" "well my ex was really nice at first and he was my first boyfriend...until he started becoming controling like with what i wear who i talked to how long u was out and one day he got really mad and...." you felt disgusted even thinking about what this monster did and gyu wiped your tears as you were now crying. His heart broke to see you like this he didn't even know what had happened yet but he did hate this man now "he thought i was cheating after was out for too long and he used me i kept telling him to stop be he wouldn't....i tried to escape but he hurt me he left me with scars, and when he was done i felt so..." you took a deep breath "i felt disgusted in every way and when i left him he tried huting me then to but i called the cops and ever since i'ce never done *it again its to hard for me and i don't want you to have to deal with that" you said now sobbing while he held you "no i understand and i'm so sorry you ever went through that i'll make sure no one ever hurts you again i promise" now he was getting emotional just thinking someone would ever do that to you "and i 1000% promise i would never do that to you because i love you" he had said words you would've never heard from that horrible man and in that moment you knew he ment it because you felt loved, in that moment you knew he was your soulmate since you met him till know he had done nothing but care for you, and just as you knew he did too he knew he wanted to be with you forever he knew you were his soulmate.
He stayed for the night you didn't want him to leave "thank you" you said as you two were in bed "no need to thank i will always be there for you i should be thanking you for telling me all of this i can't imagine how hard it was" ever since you told him the story he hasn't let you go he was hugging you all night but you loved it you felt safe with him "i love you beomgyu" "i love you too" you fell asleep in each others arms.
The next day he decided to do all your favorite things and time went by years went by and he always treated you right and you got over the trama because you knew you were always safe with Beomgyu. You had thought about what if you never moved or you never met your ex would you still be here and in the end you always felt yourself saying yes, no matter how life went you would always end up with gyu because you were soulmates and now he was putting a ring on it.
this was probably dookie but yea i was just bored ♡♥
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soulbins · 2 months
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soobin has a mole on the bridge of his nose and i swear i have the same mole in the same place as his... i guess we were just made for each other lol🤷🏻‍♀️
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kohiio0 · 7 months
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I didn't know that much 'bout 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲..
but I think I'm learning ⸺ ⋆。𖦹°‧★
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wonfilms · 1 year
I am yeonjun biased 👀
this is why we're the most amazing ever
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bowlofsoob · 8 months
🎤 thank you, next
social media smau | choi soobin x gender neutral reader
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synopsis › in a universe where you and your soulmate swap bodies on your twenty-first birthday and every birthday after that. world renowned soloist soobin is set to have a concert on the day of your guys’ shared birthday, a firm believer he doesn’t have a soulmate and wants nothing to do with them. you, a college student who hasn’t listened to a single one of his songs, swap bodies with him on the day of your final exam and his big concert. you’re now under the public eye for ruining his career and soobin has to deal with your wrath since he failed your exams. he must also process the fact that he does in fact have a soulmate, one he couldn’t care less about.
genre › soulmate au, strangers to enemies to lovers, idol and college setting, crack and slight angst
warnings › swearing, alcohol consumption, ignore timestamps
status ongoing, no update schedule
taglist comment below to be added, asks will be ignored
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↳ yn and locals ⚘ soobin and friends
TRACK ONE: blow out the candles!
01. ticketmaster is evil
02. freaky friday dupe
03. pr team in shambles
04. awkward fancalls
05. go ahead and log out for me
06. his dick kinda big
07. pls don’t yell at me i will cry
08. tba
TRACK TWO: are we 4lyfers ?!
09. pass or fail
10. am i dying alone /srs
11. mom i’m famous
12. breathe if you want me
13. hide and seek
14. left on delivered
TRACK THREE: this song is about you!
15. this one’s for you babe
16. crowd surfing
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beomgyuslilracha · 24 days
two best friends in a room ❀.*
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⊹ pairing: huening kai x f! reader
⊹ genre: clueless childhood friends to lovers
⊹ warnings: drinking involved and maybe angst if you squint really hard? other than that, it's mainly fluff!
⊹ wc: 7.0k
summary: if you had a thousand won for every time you heard the question "are you two dating?" or just the words "you two should just date already!", you and kai could probably afford to buy a house together. in which two childhood best friends are the only ones in all of seoul who can't seem to see that they're obviously in love with each other.
there were always hints.
not-so-subtle clues.
signs — or, billboards, if you will.
realistically, they were all so blatantly obvious that anyone with a functioning pair of eyes could see it. something just short of being able to scream the words to the world itself.
unfortunately, there is a certain pair that was utterly and embarrassingly oblivious.
and even more unfortunate? it was the same pair that the billboards were screaming about.
two childhood best friends. the beloved trope that all the best stories were inspired by and written about. the kind of friends anyone could look at and know, at first glance, that they were soulmates - destined to be together in any and every lifetime
the only thing fate didn't account for, in this lifetime, was the fact that they were both ridiculously blind.
୨ ✿ ୧
huening kai and y/n.
brought together by a stolen pack of 64 crayola crayons in primary school and impossible to separate ever since. had no one known any better, anyone would have been convinced that the two of you were, quite literally, glued to the hip.
despite all the years that have passed since you two first met, you both still did absolutely everything together. hell, you literally followed each other from primary school all the way to the same university.
the only way life managed to pull you two apart at all was with the ridiculously unreasonable university guidelines separating the male and female dorms — the rules were very much reasonable, you two were just pouty about it.
luckily for your codependency, you and kai only ever had to deal with being apart for four days out of the week.
once the weekend came around, with yeonjun and soobin's approval - and sometimes even without - the two of you, along with beomgyu and taehyun, would gather at their shared apartment and spend the next two nights and three days all together.
in fact, tonight was the first night of said weekend, and you and kai were already making your way to the elevator to head up to the older boys' apartment.
not empty-handed, of course, seeing as you both had one hand occupied with bags full of snacks to share and enjoy between the six of you.
it was a sort of rule that yeonjun and soobin collectively implemented after a few months of four freeloaders living off of their food supply. if any one of you were going to come over - most especially unannounced - then you were kindly asked (aka demanded) to supply the group with drinks/snacks.
in any case, the hands that weren't holding anything were to be found perfectly entwined with each other's — and they have been ever since the two of you left the university. not that this was anything out of the ordinary; honestly, it would be more surprising if you weren't holding hands.
your friendship with kai, for as long as either of you could remember, has always been an affectionate one. lots of hand-holding, many hugs, and even quite a bit of cuddling that made the rest of your friends feel nauseous upon witnessing.
"ahh, if it isn't the happy couple," yeonjun teased immediately after opening the door, earning simultaneous eye rolls from the two of you.
"oh ha ha, that's a new one." you stuck your tongue out playfully at the older boy, handing him the bag of snacks from your hand.
kai followed, quickly passing his bag of snacks into yeonjun's other hand while quickly following you inside - greeting soobin with a sweet embrace directly after you.
there was just something about the 'teasing yeonjun and loving soobin' agenda that the two of you naturally followed.
"kai ... there is nothing but gummies in here." yeonjun pointed out from the kitchen, his brows furrowed together as he scavenged through the bags the two of you had handed to him.
"yeah, i wanted to try every flavor they had!" kai answered enthusiastically, parting from you momentarily to go and grab a gummy bag full of sharks.
"i tried to stop him, but he insisted," you said with a shrug.
"no you didn't! you grabbed half of the bags!"
you were just about to open your mouth to deny his accusations, but, one mini flashback later, you realized he was right. on top of that, you were pretty sure it was also your idea ... but the others didn't need to know that.
"whatever," yeonjun rolled his eyes, an amused grin on his lips as he left both bags full of gummies to sit on the countertop. "let's just hope taehyun brings something that's considered actual food."
soobin couldn't help but to laugh from the living room as he began turning on the TV. "no faith in beomgyu then, huh?"
"are you kidding? last weekend he brought a king-size snickers bar and considered that his contribution," yeonjun recalled, throwing himself onto the couch cushion as he shook his head.
both you and kai simultaneously burst into giggles as the two of you also thought back to the same memory of your friend's dorky grin holding up his snickers bar with pride.
"didn't he eat the whole thing himself, too?" you asked, laughing even more.
"i swear, if he comes in here with nothing again, i'm literally kicking him out," yeonjun stated with exasperation, though all of you were more than positive that he was not remotely serious.
gathering a few bags of gummies to share between the two of you, both you and kai settled together in the single recliner seat – despite the open loveseat across from the two of you being entirely available for you to sit comfortably in.
not that either of you were uncomfortable in any way. in fact, it was quite the opposite. you squeezed beside kai in the seat cheerfully, with your legs draped over his lap, and began to playfully add a peach ring to both of his ring fingers.
one glance in your direction had yeonjun gagging in a mocking manner, rolling his eyes dramatically.
he only stopped when you threw a shark gummy at his head, grinning in amusement as he took a bite of it's head.
a knock sounding from the door interrupted the casual chatter that had eventually occupied the room, introducing taehyun into the space once soobin had answered the door for him. he wordlessly lifted his arms, showcasing the bags filled with chinese takeout to the three of you that remained in the living room.
"tyun, you're my angel," yeonjun cooed, pretending to be moved to tears when he eyed the containers filled with actual food. he stood from the couch to walk over to taehyun with open arms of affection, though taehyun himself wasn't exactly welcome of the gesture – judging by the way he dodged his hug to greet you and kai instead.
"ah, i see you two have made yourself comfortable already," taehyun remarked, noting the position the two of you were in.
"wasted no time when they got here, actually," soobin added with a chuckle, walking back to the loveseat with a container of noodles in his hands this time.
you scoffed, shaking your head with the slightest twinge of annoyance, though not bothered enough to make any sort of comment in return.
unfortunately, you and kai were far too used to the teasing by this point.
whether they feigned disgust or constantly referred to the two of you as a couple, you both remained unbothered and confident in your friendship to not let any of their remarks affect you.
"whatever," you dismissed them casually, chewing off the head of the gummy bear in your hand. "so what're the plans for tonight?"
soobin shrugged with uncertainty, setting down his chopsticks after chewing his mouthful of noodles. "same as always, i think. we could make up another game tournament or just have a movie marathon."
taehyun was quick to shake his head as he sat down on the longer sofa, his expression appearing completely serious. "i'm not playing another game with those cheaters over there," he commented, nodding his head over in your direction.
your mouth gaped open in surprise. "what is that supposed to mean??"
yeonjun scoffed loudly in order to truly showcase his disbelief in your shock. "oh, please, as if you two don't always team up together to cheat against us."
"when have we ever-" kai started, but was cut off by the other three instantaneously listing all the games that the two of you have cheated in without any hesitation – which wound up being almost every single game.
"... and then there was also that time in monopoly where you were both sneaking money under the table-"
"okay, hold on, that's not fair! we were already on the verge of going bankrupt by the time we started cheating," you attempted to defend yourself, pointing your finger over at taehyun. "you had like 5 hotels on boardwalk, so excuse us for trying to help each other survive."
kai was too busy laughing beside you to join in on the conversation. he just found his best friend far too adorable as he watched you get so worked up over the memory.
the bickering went on for maybe another minute before the front door of the apartment suddenly burst open, finally announcing the presence of the final member of your group of six.
"don't worry, kids, beomgyu is here! the weekend can officially begin!" he announced loudly, kicking the door closed with his shoe as he held up two bags full of bottles of beer and soju.
"who gave him a key?" was yeonjun's only concern, looking over at soobin with a look of pure confusion.
"that's not important," beomgyu dismissed him, moving to the living room to set both bags onto the coffee table in front of everyone. "what is important is that i'm here with drinks!"
you laughed at the sight, shaking your head in amazement. "yeah, we can see that. did you want us to black out tonight or something?"
"no, i want us to have fun," beomgyu answered, lightly flicking at your forehead as if you were somehow the ridiculous one in this situation. "when was the last time the six of us actually drank and had fun?"
"i didn't know we needed to drink in order to have fun," taehyun deadpanned, not even bothering to look up from the takeout in his hands.
while the remaining four of you were in agreeance with taehyun, seeing as you've all collectively had fun together without any involvement of drinking before, beomgyu could just barely see out of the hole that he was digging himself into.
"okay, listen, you know that's not what i meant," he attempted to save himself, lifting his hands up in a surrendering motion.
"no, no, please! tell us, gyu, have you not been having fun this entire time?" you continued to tease, glancing over to kai in order to catch his amused smile and giggle together.
beomgyu noted this exchange, rolling his own eyes.
you both were always looking to the other for reactions, hoping to see if you managed to make the other smile or laugh. it was sickeningly sweet, truthfully - as if nothing was actually funny unless you reassured each other with a proper reaction.
beomgyu groaned, shaking his head. "listen, i don't want to hear it from mr. and mrs. over here, alright? you guys know what i meant!"
your previous expression of amusement quickly dropped, earning more snickers from the others. sure, you did claim to be confident in your friendship with kai to be unbothered by these types of comments, but that didn't mean they weren't still annoying to hear every five minutes.
although, you suppose that kai wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you closer to him wasn't exactly helpful to the argument.
but what did you care? as you snuggled closer into kai's embrace, you pushed the thought aside and reveled in the comfort of your best friend.
"fine, fine. what did you have in mind then?" soobin finally dragged the attention away from the two of you, pausing all the teasing for a brief moment to actually figure out what beomgyu's supposed plan to have fun was.
"thank you, my dear soobin, i'm so glad you asked," beomgyu beamed brightly. "i was thinking we could all happily drink to our heart's content and then play a mature game of truth or dare."
"what are we, 12?" yeonjun scoffed, shaking his head instantly at the idea.
beomgyu's bottom lip jutted out into a pout. "oh, come on, it's not that bad of an idea! when we're drunk, it'll be more fun."
"listen, i'm down for drinking, but i'm probably not going to participate in your little grade school game," you spoke up honestly, shrugging.
the general consensus was pretty much on your side, leaving beomgyu to pout in defeat as everyone began grabbing a bottle to drink and continue on with the evening in a less immature way.
୨ ✿ ୧
by 10 o'clock that night and about three bottles of beer and multiple shots of soju later, the six of you were gathered around the coffee table and giggling like maniacs.
"okay, okay.. yeonjun, truth or dare?" beomgyu asked, slurring his words ever so slightly.
not one of you could remember how you got here.
yeonjun let's out a hiccup before smirking, his droopy eyes barely able to meet beomgyu's in return. "dare!"
"i dare you to record a dance challenge right now and post it to your story," beomgyu smirked back, laughing like a madman as if it were the most diabolical dare he could come up with.
"boooo," you groaned aloud, gesturing a thumbs down in beomgyu's direction. "he posts dance challenges all the time, this is no fun."
beomgyu hummed, his drunken mind barely realizing this fact for himself as well. "oh... okay, well, in that case we get to choose the challenge!"
yeonjun shrugged, entirely unbothered as he took another sip of his beer. "doesn't matter to me."
beomgyu was silent for a moment, seemingly trying to remember the current dance challenges that were going around, but all of you could clearly tell his foggy mind was coming up blank. after a brief moment of eye contact with you, he crawled over and whispered obnoxiously loud, "help me choose a challenge!"
your eyes widened with an idea, smiling brightly as you tried to recall the name of the song.
"oh, oh! make him- make him do that one where... with the girls, when they do the little thing.. with their hips?" God, what was the name of it again? your poor state of mind could not, for the life of you, remember what it was called. "you know the one, where it's like- like the .. titi ti ti... you know?"
your eyes scanned over your group of friends, hopeful that they would understand what you were talking about, but they were all collectively staring at you as if you had miraculously grown a second head.
"y/n, i mean this with all my love and affection... but what the fuck are you talking about?" beomgyu couldn't help but to laugh.
you pouted, sighing in defeat. you looked beside you at your best friend of the five, your eyes practically pleading for him to read your mind and understand you. "kai, you know what i'm talking about, right?"
he hummed for a second before lighting up with realization. "oh! you mean antifragile?"
you gasped, wasting no time in throwing your arms around him in excitement and knocking him over to the floor. "yes!! yes, thank you! i knew you'd understand me!" you peppered kisses all over his cheek in delight, genuinely overjoyed.
kai's face was now entirely flushed red at this point, and he had to hide his face behind his hands from the embarrassment after you finally pulled away from him.
an action that was certainly not missed by the group.
"there! you have to dance to antifragile and post it to your story," you beamed brightly, acting entirely nonchalant – as if you hadn't just spent the past minute and a half kissing your best friend's face.
taehyun blinked with mild surprise, exchanging equally confused looks with soobin. even they couldn't remember a time where the two of you were that affectionate with one another, so neither of them were entirely sure if they should acknowledge or ignore it.
yeonjun, for the time being, went with the latter.
"okay, well, let's film this challenge and move on."
and that he did. although, in his head, he was overly confident that he absolutely nailed the challenge and had no shame in posting it. the rest of you, however, could clearly tell that he forgot half the choreography and started dancing to an entirely different song halfway through.
of course, neither of you spoke up to correct him. you collectively agreed it would be funnier for him to watch it back in the morning.
"alright, so it's my turn now, yeah?" yeonjun asked as he sat back down on the floor, a hint of a smirk gracing his lips.
your eyes were narrowed suspiciously as his smirk only widened once he looked over and met your gaze.
"y/n. truth or dare?"
a suspicious feeling in your gut was just sober enough to convince you to play it safe. something about his determined stare had you worried about what he had in mind for a dare.
"uhh, truth."
with a subtle glance at kai, yeonjun continued on, "okay. have you ever had a crush on any one of us before?"
you blinked. "what? where did that come from?"
"oooh, that's a good one!" beomgyu was thoroughly impressed with yeonjun's question, now watching you with intense curiosity shining in his big, boba eyes. "have you?"
even soobin and taehyun were eyeing you with piqued interest.
you swallowed a nervous gulp, feeling your cheeks heating up under their scrutinizing gazes.
"is that a yes i'm sensing, little y/nie?" yeonjun teased in a cooing voice, smirking almost devilishly as he studied the way you were shyly avoiding eye contact. "which one of us, huh?"
"hey, cut that out," kai quickly stepped in, setting his drink down. "she doesn't have to answer that."
his arm snaked around your waist protectively, his brows furrowing together. he couldn't entirely tell if you were uncomfortable by the question, but he'd rather not take any risks.
one could argue, however, that maybe kai was the one personally trying to avoid the question. taehyun's eyebrow twitched inquisitively, eyeing kai now more than ever. was he, perhaps, the one who did not want to know the answer to that question?
"fine, fine, but she still hasn't answered the first one," yeonjun chuckled, tilting his head playfully. "and if she doesn't, then she has to do the triple dog dare of my choosing."
you groaned, your hands reaching up to cover the glowing red color that was painted across your cheeks from the embarrassment. there was no way in hell you were about to have yeonjun triple dog dare you to do anything.
"okay!" you exclaimed, still staring straight ahead at the table to avoid looking at any of them. "yes... i had a crush on one of you guys before, but that was way back in our first year of high school. it lasted, for like, a week and then i was over it."
the room fell dead silent, the five of them now exchanging glances with one another as they telepathically tried to figure out which one of them it was that had caught your eye back then – even if it was rather short-lived.
in any case, you figured it would be funnier to never speak on the topic again and watch as they drive themselves crazy trying to figure out who the one was.
"moving on," you continued the game casually. "taehyun, truth or dare?"
he strategically chose to answer truth, allowing you to ask him a rather harmless question about any secret guilty pleasures he has hidden from the rest of you.
to which he swore up and down that there was nothing he was ashamed of to hide.
"kai, truth or dare?" taehyun's tone was relatively calm, but his unwavering eyes had a part of you feeling rather nervous about what he had planned.
"ummm.." kai glanced at you for some form of reassurance, almost sharing your sense of nerves. "truth?"
"have you ever thought about dating?"
kai's original nervousness faded as he then rolled his eyes, an act that had almost become a routine of his for every time this question was brought up. "oh, come on, don't you guys ever get tired of that question? why can't y/n and i just be friends without you guys bringing up dating every five minutes?"
taehyun smirked.
if this were a game of chess, he'd imagine kai was put in check right about now.
"i just asked if you ever thought about dating in general. you were the one who thought of y/n."
kai opened his mouth to retort, but not a word came out.
after a few seconds had passed, though it truthfully felt like an hour, you finally scoffed. "i'm sorry, but can you blame him? you guys never leave us alone, so obviously kai was going to assume that was just another roundabout way of talking about the two of us."
taehyun lifted his hands in a silent gesture of surrender, wordlessly setting down his metaphorical chess piece as he gave in to the checkmate.
"so does that mean we can rule out kai being the one you crushed on in high school?" beomgyu questioned suddenly, shifting the attention over to himself.
"beomgyu!" soobin hissed, placing his finger to his lips in order to signal for beomgyu to hush.
now it was beomgyu who was holding his hands up in surrender. "what? i can't be the only one who's still thinking about it, right?"
you couldn't help but to laugh, shaking your head in genuine amusement. regardless of the atmosphere, you knew you could always count on beomgyu to lighten the mood in any situation.
eventually, the six of you went back to the game and there were no longer any unnecessary insinuations from the others about your friendship with kai. even when the two of you got extra cuddly after more drinks, their comments remained kept to themselves - though their shared looks were not as secretive as they may have thought.
that was, until later, when you and taehyun found yourselves alone in the kitchen as you were grabbing water bottles for everyone. at least, that's what the two of you originally went into the kitchen for - somehow after discovering a container of dumplings, the two of you ended up sat on the floor instead and eating them together away from the others.
"so what're you going to do when kai starts dating?"
you froze midbite, caught off-guard by the sudden question. you quickly chewed what was in your mouth before turning to stare at taehyun with a perplexed look. "what are you talking about?"
"i'm talking about kai. eventually, he's going to want to start dating," taehyun reiterated for you, his expression unwavering. "if you two always swear up and down that you're just friends, that means he's going to have to be apart from you to get close with someone else. so i was just curious what you were going to do."
you couldn't help but to be taken aback. the thought never really dawned on you before, seeing as you kind of just assumed you and kai would be inseparable.
"why do we have to be apart for him to start dating?" you asked, feeling a small twinge in your heart at the thought.
taehyun sighed, having to remind himself of your codependency on each other. "well, think about it this way. imagine you start dating someone, but they always had to have their best friend around. wouldn't you feel uncomfortable?"
you frowned, painfully realizing the truth to taehyun's explanation. you supposed it would be kind of awkward to always have a third person around in an intimate relationship.
"well, so far, kai and i never had to deal with that problem," you commented, glancing back at taehyun.
taehyun shook his head, unable to suppress the pity in his eyes. "of course you haven't had to deal with it yet. no one approaches either of you because they already assume that you're dating."
another painful point ...
"i'm just saying," taehyun spoke up, shrugging his shoulders as he focused back on grabbing the last dumpling from the container. "if you two really are 'just friends', then you need to be ready for when the other eventually starts dating."
admittedly, it was a little difficult going back to the others after that and acting as if you hadn't been faced with a reality check during, what was supposed to be, a fun night of hanging out together. it was even more difficult having kai wrap his arm around you when all you could imagine was him treating another girl the same exact way.
did that mean you wouldn't be able to be close with him anymore?
of course not.. what girl in their right mind would want to see their boyfriend cuddled up with another girl?
"y/nie, you okay?" kai's gentle voice beside you finally drew you out of your spiraling thoughts, his hand simultaneously reaching up to caress your cheek as he studied your saddened expression.
you forced a smile. "yeah, sorry, i just got lost in thought."
it was more than evident that kai knew you weren't being entirely honest - the two of you have been friends for almost your entire lives, he practically knew you inside and out by this point. of course, he also knew that you would tell him when you were ready, and now was not exactly the best time when you were surrounded by your four other friends.
curse kang taehyun for putting these thoughts in your head. there you were having a great night with your friends, then suddenly you were heartbroken over the thought of losing your best friend when he was still sitting right beside you.
you prayed that both sides of taehyun's pillow ended up being warm for the entire weekend.
"y/n! truth or dare!" beomgyu called out suddenly, reminding you of the game that you had originally been playing before you and taehyun had left for your side quest in the kitchen.
"oh, right, um ... okay, dare."
the game continued on rather normally while you all consumed more drinks, but you honestly couldn't recall many details of what had occurred later on during the night. you remember a lot of giggling and stumbling around, but nothing too specific after that.
although, you do happen to remember vividly clinging onto kai more and more as the night progressed. you started off with simply resting your head on his shoulder to be close to him, but somewhere along the way you ended up on his lap and making the others nauseous as you cuddled up even closer.
"i think i'm going to be sick, and it's not from the alcohol," beomgyu had joked at one point, pretending to gag as he turned away from the sight of you and kai feeding each other gummies.
"you're just jealous," you teased, sticking out your tongue playfully.
a devilish grin adorned beomgyu's features at your words. he tilted his head, now turning the tables around to tease you. "you know what? i am jealous." he patted his lap dramatically. "why don't you come over here and feed me gummies?"
before you could even register how to respond to that, kai's arms had subconsciously tightened around you to keep you in his hold. "no."
you felt your heart leap in your chest at his deadpanned answer, but you couldn't even begin to decipher as to why. you glanced over at kai curiously, trying to judge whether he was being serious or just joking around.
"get your own gummies," kai finished, a humorous smile finally growing on his face.
the two of them seemed to laugh and move on, but why were you still thinking about the way his arms were still held protectively around you? and why was your heart pounding in your chest?
what if it wasn't the gummies that he didn't want to share?
you let your head fall to rest on kai's chest, closing your eyes gently. maybe you just drank too much to think rationally.
୨ ✿ ୧
once it had reached an ungodly hour of the night, and not a single one of you were capable of keeping your eyes open any longer, you each collectively agreed to split off into your respective rooms to sleep.
yeonjun and soobin lived in a three bedroom apartment, thus allowing the six of you to divide evenly into each room every time you all stayed over.
it was an unspoken rule that you and kai were always paired together in the guest bedroom, leaving beomgyu and taehyun to decide which one of them bunked with yeonjun or soobin in their own bedrooms.
tonight, you and kai didn't wait around to see where the two ended up staying. instead, the two of you washed up together in the restroom and headed straight to bed while the others played whatever deciding game they chose.
now, every time the two of you stayed the night together in the older boys' apartment before, you've comfortably been able to share a bed and cuddle together throughout the night without a second thought.
so why do you both suddenly feel so far away from each other?
the two of you were laying on your backs, staring up at the ceiling in a darkened room with only the soft sounds of your breath to fill the silence.
unbeknownst to the other, you were both laying awake and allowing your thoughts to run crazy as you individually processed a few details during the night.
while you were chewing on the inside of your cheek and processing the brief conversation you had with taehyun in the kitchen, kai was consumed with the painful curiosity of wondering which one of them it was that you had once held feelings for.
sure, he was able to feign his nonchalance during the game, but that didn't mean it wasn't still eating him alive.
"hey, can i ask-" you both spoke up simultaneously, only stopping to let out a small laugh at the realization.
"you can go first," you offered, turning your head over in his direction to face him.
he seemed to take a deep breath before turning over to face you as well. since both of your eyes had enough time to adjust to the darkness of the room, you were able to see him rather clearly, thus allowing you to note his oddly nervous expression.
"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but..." he was hesitating now. "i was just, you know .. wondering..."
his fingers were mindlessly toying with a loose piece of string from the duvet, a small distraction for his hands as he attempted to build up his courage. he could feel his heart practically hammering against his ribcage, and a part of him feared that you could hear it as well.
God, did he even want to know?
his heart plummeted into his stomach. "..what?"
"it was beomgyu," you chuckled lightly, completely unaware of the way kai's throat had practically run dry. "that's what you wanted to ask, right?"
he nodded, seemingly incapable of forming any words at the moment. there was this strange feeling in his chest that felt like a weight had been placed on it, but he could not understand why he would feel like this.
"it was only for, like, three days, though," you clarified, feeling a sudden urge to reassure him. "it was when he was elected class president for our year. i think i mostly just built this image of him in my head to be like those k-dramas we always watch."
truth be told, kai only half-listened to what you were saying. once he heard that it was beomgyu who had once been a subject of your feelings, his mind subconsciously wandered off to start comparing himself to his older friend.
but why?
"did you fall asleep on me?" you asked suddenly, your soft voice finally drawing him out of his self-deprecating thoughts.
"no, sorry, i was just... lost in thought," he answered, repeating the same excuse that you had used on him earlier in the evening. he cleared his throat now, wanting to move on desperately from this topic. "so what was your question?"
you were grateful to the darkness for covering the blush that had suddenly graced your cheeks. now that it came time to actually ask him, you no longer had any desire to know the answer.
"oh, it was nothing, nevermind. it was a stupid question," you quickly dismissed it, waving your hand in the air as if to physically brush off the question.
without even realizing it, kai's instinctive nature had him reaching for your hand to intertwine his fingers with yours. an action that should be relatively normal for the two of you suddenly causing your heart rate to speed up unnaturally.
"hey, don't say that. you know you can ask me anything," kai reassured you, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
you had to swallow down the lump that had formed in your throat. somehow his hand in yours made the question even more difficult to ask than before.
you took a deep breath, feeling uncharacteristically nervous. you couldn't remember a time before where you had ever felt scared to be open with kai.
"have- have you ever thought about dating anyone?"
once the question had escaped your lips, you ultimately regretted it. you no longer had any desire of wanting to know the answer to that question, afraid that kai would suddenly agree that the two of you should start spending less time together.
fuck, here it comes...
"honestly, no," kai answered genuinely. "its never really crossed my mind before."
"why not?"
you could see his outline shrug through the darkness. "i don't know. i guess i've just always been so happy with you that i never needed another person in my life."
your heart was practically swelling in your chest as you felt your face grow ten times warmer than it's normal temperature, though a frown still remained on your lips as a sudden new sense of guilt filled your chest after further thought.
"but don't you want someone you can be affectionate with?"
kai chuckled, shaking his head. "i think we're plenty affectionate with each other, yeah?" he lifted up your hands to make a point, noting that they had yet to separate from being entwined with each other.
you scoffed, rolling your eyes - despite the fact that he couldn't quite see the action. "you know what i mean! i mean someone you can actually, you know... kiss.. and be intimate with." your voice grew quieter as you finished your sentence, feeling shy and embarrassed for even bringing it up.
the room felt like someone had turned up the heater by ten degrees, increasing this unknown tension that was settling between the two of you.
"but we have kissed before, remember?" you could practically hear the smirk that was on his face as he adjusted his position in bed to lay on his side and face you directly.
you let out a laugh, shaking your head before turning to face him with a humorous grin. "i don't think it counts when we were seven."
he laughed with you for a moment before returning to the original topic. "i know, i know. but i'm serious. i guess i just always saw us as inseparable, so i never really considered being apart from you to get to know anyone else."
"do you want to?"
the two of you were facing each other entirely now, the space between you both having suddenly minimized dramatically from before - only your interlocked hands separating the two of you from practically brushing noses.
"do you want to?"
no... no, absolutely not. there was no one else in this world who could ever remotely compare to kai in the slightest, much less replace him.
of course, a part of you was far too shy to voice such thoughts out loud, leaving you to simply shake your head in response instead.
"then i don't either." his voice was as low as a whisper, eliciting your heart to leap in your chest.
you couldn't pinpoint when it happened exactly, but the energy in the room had definitely shifted. there was something unspoken in the air that neither of you were quite confident enough to address, too afraid of how the other may react.
which left you both to lay in silence, gazing shyly at one another while your hearts unknowingly raced in sync.
after what felt like centuries had passed, the soft shuffling sound of movement broke the deafening silence. of course, what you hadn't expected was for the movement to signify kai leaning in closer... and closer.
you could smell the peppermint from the toothpaste as you felt his soft breath hit your face, fully aware of the way his lips were now only a mere centimeter from your own.
in a matter of seconds, after you impulsively voiced your hesitancy, it was like he was suddenly farther away than before.
kai had sat up so quickly when he registered your voice, feeling absolutely disgusted with himself for daring to make such a move without ensuring you were comfortable.
of course he read the room wrong... he just got too far ahead of himself in the moment...
"no, you're right, i'm so sorry," he was rambling so quickly, you were barely able to make out a word. "i shouldn't have done that, i don't know what i was thinking. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, i'm so sorry."
you had to reach out for his arm in order to stop him from leaving. he had already thrown off the blanket and was preparing to leave the room entirely, uttering apology after apology as he stood up from the bed completely.
your heart physically ached at the sight – all because you couldn't keep your mouth shut for one more second.
"no, kai, listen to me.." you finally managed to get out, positioning yourself to sit up on your knees in front of him as you desperately clung to his arm to prevent him from leaving you. "that wasn't what i meant."
he gulped, thankful for the darkness that you couldn't make out the tear that had escaped and was now racing down his cheek. he was not really one to be emotional like this, but he was scared.
he was scared that he ruined everything.
you were the last person he ever wanted to lose, so to think he could have messed it all up with one wrong move...
"i said 'wait' because... i've never actually kissed anyone before," you admitted through an embarrassed mumble, your heart pounding in your chest from the nerves. you wondered if he could feel the way your hand was shaking.
he guided your hand from his arm, gently pressing it up to his cheek and leaning into your touch. he chuckled ever so softly, the sound erupting butterflies in your stomach that you hadn't ever felt before.
his voice was gentle and delicate, perfectly easing your concern. "i haven't either, remember?"
with him still holding your hand up to his cheek, you absent-mindedly begin to caress his cheek with your thumb. your heart was most definitely on the verge of beating right out of your chest, but you no longer cared.
here you were, in front of your best friend, with these newfound feelings stirring in your chest. although you couldn't quite understand or make sense of all of them, you did know one thing for sure.
you really wanted to kiss him.
this time, you were confident enough to lean in. you had originally imagined the experience to be much more romantic, but it appeared that your lips only just managed to make contact with the corner of his mouth - having missed your original target amidst the darkness.
the two of you instantly burst into a fit of giggles, resting your foreheads against one another as you processed the moment. you were mostly reacting out of embarrassment, but kai found it to be extremely endearing.
your giggles were cut short as you felt kai's hand gently cradle your jaw, silencing you as his lips perfectly made contact with your own.
there wasn't much movement, seeing as you both weren't exactly the most experienced, but there was still a spark of electricity that sent shivers down your spine.
you giggled against his lips as he broke into a shy grin, pulling away ever so slightly. "i'm sorry, i'm- i'm not good at this."
you shook your head quickly, cupping both sides of his face gently with your hands. "no, don't say that. we both just need practice, that's all."
with a newfound confidence, kai snaked his arms around your waist to pull you close to his chest, once again making you grateful for the darkened room hiding the intense blush that was certainly coloring your face right about now. "you'll help me practice, right?"
you could only nod, taking the opportunity to connect your lips together once more and reveling in the way it felt to kiss your best friend - your other half, truly.
the kiss lasted much longer this time. despite you being the one to initiate it, kai was the one to deepen the kiss and fill the room with the intimate sounds.
once the two of you pulled away to catch your breaths, you smirked in response.
"what are best friends for?"
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i needed to desperately give in to writing fluff with kai because myGOD i've just been feeling so deeply for him lately 😭 i apologize for working on this over ydgtp, but i needed to get this out so bad. i could probably do a pt. 2 of sorts.. but i like it how it is so maybe not.
pls let me know what you think !! and i promise to go back to writing pt. 8 🤩
permanent taglist:
@human-misery @dongmeiii @softcabur @marekmybeloved @aishidaishi @taekwondoes @wccycc @jjhmk @mjlasagna @eclecticeggknightpsychic @yjusei @beachbabe4ever @laylasbunbunny
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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◇ skz drabble by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
☆ camcorder by @tasteracha
bf!minho x reader x chan, a little pervy chan
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
chan x hyunjin x hongjoong x san x juyeon x reader
◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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♤ shadows we trust by @remedyx
supernatural au, mystical creatures!bts, dark circus au
◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
♧ stay alive by @staytinyville
mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
♤ eternally theirs by @imnotlauriane
dragon!bts, soulmates au, knights au
◇ the lucky seven by @riphobisbraces
hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
fallen angel!yoongi x angel!reader, corruption arc
♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
fuckboy!yoongi x smartass!reader
kim taehyung
◇ isn't that what brothers do? by @aris-ink
step brother!taehyung, forbidden romance, dub con
♧ black swan by @aris-ink
step dad!taehyung, manipulation, corruption, cheating
☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
alpha!taehyung x omega!reader, heat sex
jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
♧ close by @aft3rhrs
step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
☆ let's play a game by @anyamaris
soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
soobin x reader x hongjoong, idol au, obsessed!soobin
◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i &lt;3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
☆ drippin' by @ncteez
'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
♧ sos by @neopuppy
a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
☆ shameless by @neopuppy
step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
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miupow · 3 months
─── ♡ toxic!txt
toxic!soobin -> "you're mine, right? tell me you're mine." 
lovesick and obsessive, believes you’re his soulmate and that you’re meant to be… and he won’t let anything get in his way. he has to have you, keep you safe and protected and, most importantly, his
toxic!yeonjun -> "where the fuck do you think you're going?" 
needs to know where you are and what you're doing at all times, demands complete control over you, corrupts you into his stupid little doll who can’t think for herself. possessive and jealous to the point of violence, snaps at the slightest loss of control
toxic!beomgyu -> "quit being such a bitch." 
treats your relationship like it’s casual yet loses the facade any point you show the smallest signs of leaving him or being with another man. belittles you and makes you feel dumb and worthless, makes you completely dependent on him. anger issues.
toxic!taehyun -> "you're not going out dressed like that." 
undermines your intelligence, treats you like you're just a dumb little girl, his airheaded wife,, micromanages you and your schedule, tells you what to do and expects you to follow through with utmost obedience, gets extremely angry when his control is threatened, when you push back.
toxic!hueningkai -> "who was that?”
the most two faced of them all…. such a sweetheart, he treats you like his perfect little princess, his breakable angel… but the smallest things can set him off, ignite a rage in him that scares you. he’s obsessed with you, needs you to belong to him.. nothing can ever take you away from him.
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luviestarz · 6 months
choi soobin fic recs!
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🍈 ; CHOI SOOBIN 🐰 pepero n weed! - @getoogles
🍈 first love — series masterlist - @moonhoures
🍈 soobin with his chain dangling in your face ! - @duhnova (dom! soobin x fem! reader)
🍈 oblivious; csb - @rosewould
🍈 Happy Accidents SMAU - @sunghun (when you embarrass yourself in front of not only everyone in the candy aisle at your local convenience store, but also the cutest boy you’ve ever seen, you can only hope that you’ll never see him again. but fate, it would seem, has other plans…)
🍈 DRIP. | C.SB - @jeontaeil-archived
🍈 attention // c.sb - @fairybinie
🍈 that’s the spirit! — csb - @agustdiv1ne (a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you’re a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he shows you something that changes how you see, well, everything.)
🍈 wrapped in gold ㅡ c.sb - @heartchoi (m)
🍈 corruption ⋆ ࣪. choi soobin. - @hyunimylove
🍈 hurting you ― choi soobin - @jungwnies (he wasn't JUST your best friend, but he was also your shoulder to cry on. after being left crying on the streets after your boyfriend cheated on you what's better than being in the comfort of your bestfriend; choi soobin.)
🍈 stranger danger ₊˚´→⊹ c.sb - @delcakoo (after a night out drinking with friends, you suspect a creep is following you home and try to fight him off (spoiler: it’s your boyfriend, soobin.)
🍈 red string of fate - @cathyun (you live in a world where soulmates existed. everyone is connected by an invisible string, it decides if that person is the one for you or not. the only moment you can see the string is when you've realized your feelings for the right person, your soulmate.)
🍈 ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ [4:04 pm] - @itgetsquiet
🍈 LESSON LEARNED - @calumcxke (soobin was in a clingy mood, which usually meant a lot of kisses. but with neither of you being able to swim, it went south pretty quickly.)
🍈 THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER DRINK BEYOND YOUR LIMITS (OR MAYBE YOU SHOULD?) - @hannie-dul-set (lovestruck! soobin being a little dummy.)
🍈 friendly desires | choi soobin - @txt-trash (soobin is just a friend, he’s someone you talk to on occasion who you’ve struck a deal with one drunken night. if he helps you get with beomgyu, you’ll help him get with a girl he thinks he likes. what he didn’t expect was to fall for you instead when your attention drifted away from him.)
🍈 fangs - c.sb - @beomie3 (the proper way of doing your boyfriend's vampire makeup for a costume party is straddling him, of course <3 + the hickeys you left on his neck are only part of the costume, right?)
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