#someone on the update announcement said they felt like someone was gonna die
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When I said self reflection is good- I did not mean it this literally
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
Cheap Sunglasses || jjk
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook (BTS) x reader
Note: Inspired by cheap sunglasses by John K || do let me know if you liked it :)
Summary: Being a teaching assistant for college definitely has it monetary perks but who knew it had other perks in meeting a potential significant other.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injury (not the reader), angst, jungkook being an annoying player at times, mentions of over-exhaustion from schoolwork
“Thanks y/n!” Mingyu grinned, reaching out for a fist bump. You laughed, returning the gesture. “No problem, just doing my job.” 
“I’ll treat you for a meal soon, you can count on it! I’ll see you around!” He gave you a quick side hug before leaving the lecture hall. You got up from your seat, packing your belongings to head off for lunch. 
“y/n! Could you help me compile the outline for the chapters to read for the semester?” Your professor approached you, handing you the list of chapters that class had to read. “Sure, when do you need it by?”
“Preferably by the end of this week? No rush! As long as it’s before midterms.”
“Okay, sure!” You glanced at the list, it was the same reading list as last semester, you just had to use your own outline for this semester. You smiled, thankful that nothing much changed with the syllabus so you had less work to do as a teaching assistant.
Your professor thanked you and left the hall. “You know, one definite perk of being a TA is tutoring hot students. Mingyu was definitely hitting on you.”
“No he’s not. We’re friends, I already met him for one of my classes last semester.”
“Mm, yea don’t believe you. Anyway, let’s hurry go, I’m starving.” Sooyoung rubbed her stomach and you grabbed your bag, leaving the hall with your friends. 
One definite perk, which was not what Sooyoung said, of being a TA was that you get paid and you definitely needed the money. It was tough to juggle being a TA at first and you weren’t sure if you were cut out for it, but 2 semesters later, you’ve been a TA every semester and it’s become a part of your schedule.
“Chan-mi!” A loud bright voice called out for other friend. The three of you stopped, turning around to find the boy who was dubbed as the “sunshine” of your college.
“Yes?” Chan-mi clearly unfazed by his loudness. Hoseok grinned, saying a brief hello to you and Sooyoung. “Our club manager just texted me that we have an upcoming gig. Just a little insider info for you, you’re on the performing team.”
Chan-mi nodded her head with a short laugh, “He texted me too actually.”
“What?! I thought i’ll be the good news bearer.” Hoseok pouted, his group approached him, patting him on the shoulder to rush him for lunch.
“I’ll see you at next practice then!” Chan-mi waved goodbye as he was being dragged away by his friends.
His friends. That group.
That group was popular and they knew it. They don’t seem to bask in it but they would slip some of the times — easily charming people to get what they need, having girls praying that they’ll become their girlfriends. It was no surprise that they have quite a list of girls they dated.
Despite the list,their reputation wasn’t that bad. They would make it clear to the girls they take out on dates — that they’re not looking to commit. You figured it was the least they could to do the poor girls who were pining for them, laying out the facts immediately.
“So what are we eating? I’m about to die any second.” Sooyoung grumbled once more.
“If you’d like to book my TA, I’ve sent you an email with a google sheet for you to find a slot. She’s a popular one so better book a slot asap if you need her help.” Your professor announced to the class, making you feel shy from her comment, your eyes glued to your screen as you felt the stares.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t know that you were a popular TA. You did put in the effort to help others since you were being paid after all, so, you did deserve the credit.
Throughout class, you could do your own things since you didn’t need to pay attention to the lesson. Halfway through the class, you clicked on the google sheet link to see that your upcoming week has been almost fully booked.
‘maybe i need a pay raise’ you thought to yourself, opening your own calendar to update your own schedule. Your eyes landed on a particular name, shocked that he even bothered to book a slot. 
Jeon Jungkook.
You stopped yourself from whipping your head around to find him. He was part of that group and known to be the very athletic one. You guessed you stereotyped him to be those athletes that didn’t care about studies. You felt slightly uneasy, knowing his reputation in college and the girls.
‘It’s okay, it’s just one time slot.’
Once you noted the ones who booked a time slot with you the upcoming week, you contacted each of them to settle the venue & confirm the timing.
We can meet at my place :) - Jungkook
Yea, I’m not entirely comfortable going to a stranger’s place - y/n
Relax, it was a joke. How about near your place? So you don’t have to travel so much. - Jungkook
That works fine, there’s a cafe near mine. I’ll text you the address later. - y/n
Once class ended your two friends rushed to your seat. “So how’s your schedule Ms. Popular?”
“Really busy.”
“I saw the sheet, Jeon Jungkook booked a slot with you? Perks of being a TA is definitely helping cute students.” Sooyoung giggled like a little pre-teen girl.
“You don’t even need to be a TA to get cute guys, you have so many admirers.” Chan-mi made a very true remark.
“I’ll admit, you’re not wrong. But y/n’s snagging boys of a different league.”
“Stop idolising them like they’re gods.”
“They’re looks are god-like.” Sooyoung countered.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Hey,” someone tapped your shoulder, taking out your earpiece to greet Jungkook. “Hey.”
He was dressed in a typical tired college student, in grey sweats and a black hoodie. Yet, you had to admit he looked cute in them.
“Sorry, did I make you wait long?”
“Oh no, I just came early to make sure we get a good spot. Not too near the rest of the customers.”
“I see you want a little privacy.” Jungkook grinned cheekily, clearly implying something else. You raised a questioning eyebrow at him, “Sorry, just kidding.” He quickly apologised, taking the seat opposite you.
“Anyway, we can just begin immediately. Do you have any questions?”
Jungkook nodded his head, taking out his laptop. “I do actually. Quite a long list if you don’t mind.”
“Well you have me for an hour. Go ahead.” 
Throughout the 2 hours, you realised you really stereotyped him a great amount. You assumed he barely paid attention in class but he did — he even had a list of questions to ask. You honestly enjoyed helping these type of people the most, those that made their own effort to help themselves. 
“You know,” Jungkook spoke, coming back from ordering his drink. “For the past hour and a half, I gotta admit, I stereotyped you to be a super uptight and socially awkward person. Then again, having to help tutor a lot of people would need social skills as well.” 
With a chuckle, you shrugged your shoulders, “I stereotyped you too, so I guess we’re both guilty.”
Curious, Jungkook rested his weight on his arms as he leaned closer to you, “Oh really? What did you stereotype me as then?” A playful smirk clearly threatening to appear on his lips. 
“A dumb jock.” You mischievously grinned back at him, his smile dropped, clearly not expecting that answer. It felt good to bruise that ego of his, even if it was just a split second. “Since I’m asking you to tutor me, I’m not gonna argue that.” He leaned back, regaining his composure and confidence.
You could feel his entire presence exuding with confidence, though he did have something to be confident about. In fact, he had a few things to be confident about - athletically gifted, popular and handsome. Anyone would call you a liar if you said you didn’t think he was handsome. 
“If you don’t have anymore questions, we can wrap this up now.”
Jungkook nodded his head, “Thanks for helping me. Appreciate it.” He reached out his hand, offering a handshake. “A handshake?”
“Are you afraid of a little physical contact?” He teased.
Rolling your eyes, you reached out to give him a firm shake. “Glad I could help you.” He gave you a cute bunny smile, grabbing his things and leaving you behind in the cafe. You stayed for a few more minutes before heading back to your place to prepare dinner for your guests.
Cooking always seemed to make time pass by quickly because before you even realised, your friends were spamming your doorbell, rushing you to let them in. “How was he?” Sooyoung questioned the moment she entered your house. 
“I had a good day thank you.” You sarcastically replied, grabbing a cup for them. “He was alright, he actually came prepared with questions.”
“That’s surprising. I honestly thought he booked a slot just to flirt with you.” Chan-mi commented as she helped you set up the dining table. “Come on, he wouldn’t waste his time on me.”
“Why not? You’re a great catch.” Sooyoung argued.
“Pretty sure I give off the vibe of “date to settle” and not “date for the fun”. So obviously, he won’t even bother.” 
“Mm, you do have a point for that.”
“Anyway, enough about my tutees, let’s just enjoy girls night.” You raised your shot glass of soju, Sooyoung grinned excitedly, “Cheers to us”
As every week’s slot was released in the online sheet, Jungkook was always one of the first few to book. You couldn’t help but be surprised every time you saw his name on the schedule. 
“So you picked up the sport by accident?” You clarified again as you took another sip. Jungkook nodded his head, leaning back into his chair. “Seokjin was the one who wanted to learn it, he dragged me to the trial class and the rest was history. He takes credit for it.” He laughed, a reminiscing look on his face.
“From your stories, you guys seem like brothers.” You watched an endearing smile creep onto his face, “They really do seem like it.”
His phone started vibrating and he checked the caller ID before sighing, silencing the call. You furrowed your eyebrows together, “What’s with that annoyed look?”
Jungkook shook his head, running his fingers through his hair, “Nothing much, just someone I went out with a week ago.”
“Trouble in paradise?” You joked.
“There’s no paradise. It was just a date, nothing more to it.” He nonchalantly dismissed it. You felt a bit offended of how casual he was treating their feelings. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to go out with them, you know? You’re just giving them false hope.”
Jungkook sat upright, “That’s not true. I clearly tell them that I don’t mind going out on a date but that’s nothing. Nothing more than a date out. So it’s on them for still going for it.”
You sighed, “But you already know these people are dating you and hoping that they’ll be the one who will change your mind about the idea of commitment.” Jungkook shrugged, “Maybe that’ll happen one day.”
Narrowing your eyes at the boy in front you, you wondered if that was what he had been secretly hoping for whenever he went out with these girls. “Do you want that to happen? Is that why you’re more than glad to go out on dates?”
He didn’t answer immediately, staring at you as if he was thinking of a reply. Clearing his throat he adjusted his sitting position, “I didn’t say that. I just said maybe it’ll happen.”
“Yea but are you hoping for it to happen?”
Jungkook casted a soft glare, “Okay enough about my love life. How about you? Aren’t you single as well?”
You leaned back, nodding your head, “Yea, what about it?”
“Well, why aren’t you attached?”
Pressing your lips into a thin line as you thought carefully of your answer. “Unlike you, I date to settle.” Jungkook jutted out his bottom lip, internalising your reply as he nodded his head in response. “Interesting. You’ll probably click well with Jimin.”
“Your friend Jimin?”
“Yea, he has the same thought as you. Always nagging at me about the same thing you just did.” Jungkook chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he recalled the countless times Jimin was talking about Jungkook’s active love life. 
“He’s right you know… Doesn’t it get lonely always meeting different people?”
There was a short pause in the conversation, Jungkook’s eyes shifting away, his gaze fixed on the table. “To be honest, yea. But at the same time it’s what keeps me from feeling lonely. Doesn’t make sense, I know.”
You smiled, “It’s cool, I kinda get it. But after our numerous study sessions together, I’m certain you deserve to be in a good relationship.”
Jungkook shrugged, “Thanks but I don’t think I’m cut out for it.”
Confused, you questioned for an explanation. Jungkook’s eyes wandered around as he thought of a response. The athlete randomly took out his pair of shades. “Are the shades part of your answer or something?”
“It’s cheap.”
“Okay?” Your response sounded for confused, wondering if he was trying to change the topic. If he was, it was a very weird way.
“I buy the cheap ones because I know i’m going to lose them sooner or later. Can’t keep the good ones. That’s how I feel about my love life. Sometimes it feels like I can’t have nice things.”
“Man.” You breathed out, leaning back into your seat. “That’s a great analogy and all but don’t be so bleak. Between the two of us? You’re probably going to be first one who gets into a solid relationship.”
Jungkook chuckled, “Thanks for the faith TA. Do you have the same amount of faith in me for this module?”
You pursed your lips jokingly, “I think you’ll need more consultations for the same level of faith.” Breaking into a chuckle right after and so did Jungkook.
The popular athlete reached out his tattooed hand once again, for a handshake. By then, you were used to this gesture, chuckling as you reached across the table to shake his hands. “Tell you what, let’s take a pause on tutoring. You should meet the rest.”
“The rest as in your group?”
“Yea,” He stood up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and stuffed his hands in his sweatpants’ pockets. You liked his laid-back look, he always wore that similar style whenever he was meeting you and you assumed it was to get comfortable enough to study. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me?” Jungkook smirked. You rolled your eyes, standing up to get your bag. “Come on, don’t be so mean to me.” He playfully pouted and he looked cute. You felt yourself feel shy just from that, “I am not.”
“Yes you are, you always mock me or insult me. Where’s my compliment?”
You pursed your lips, bringing your finger to your lips as you pretended to ponder. “You’re doing well with this class.” 
Unsatisfied, he grumbled, “That’s not a compliment.”
“Of course it is.” You grinned cheekily at him, patting his shoulders. “But alright, you look cute in sweats.” Even though you clearly sounded nonchalant, your heart was racing from admitting that and you hoped that your face wasn’t getting hot. You kept your composure, and made the first move to leave the cafe. 
You realised that you didn’t know where you were going to meet his friends, “Oh yea, where are we going?” You turned around to see Jungkook still standing in place. He cleared his throat and adjust his bag strap. “R-Right, just follow me.”
You didn’t want to tease him further but you clearly saw a pink hue on his cheeks. “Cute.” You muttered to yourself as he led the way.
“You want a snack? My treat, for all the tutoring you’ve been giving me.” 
“Jungkook, you don’t have to—“
“Okay I’ll get you your usual.” He winked at you before heading off to the counter. You smiled to yourself, watching his figure walk away. You continued on your own work as you waited for him to come back. 
Jungkook happily came back as if he won a prize. “Guess who just got free cake? We did!” Jungkook cheered, pushing his stuff aside to make way for the food. “Free cake? Why?”
“So the lady who we always see here apparently owns this place. She’s at the counter today and she randomly gave me this cake for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
Confused, you looked at your calendar. “Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day.” “yea it is, didn’t you know?” “Clearly didn’t.” You shrugged, “But you should’ve told her we’re not together. I feel bad for the free cake.”
“No no, you should feel flattered she called us a cute couple. It means you’re cute.” Jungkook’s body froze for a moment realizing what he had just said. You laughed, “Yea right. Good joke, kook.” 
Jungkook frowned, “I’m not joking. I think you’re cute.”
You pointed your pen in his direction, “You know, when I was young I heard that cute meant adorable but ugly.”
“That’s obviously not what I mean. You’re not ugly, that’s for sure.” Jungkook argued without hesitation. You felt flustered this time, retracting your pen. “T-Thanks, I guess.”
The two of you not only spend weekly 2h sessions together, but also became “study buddies”. Jungkook was unsurprisingly super concentrated whenever he started studying. You realised it was his character to always give it his all even if it was something he wasn’t too fond of — like studying. You also noticed his eyebrows would furrow as he tried to comprehend the materials, or sigh and scold himself whenever he found himself stuck. 
He had a lot of endearing habits while studying, you couldn’t help but smile every time you noticed it. 
“It’s Valentine’s Day, why aren’t you on a date today?”
“Because we arranged a study session today.” Jungkook answered as if it was so obvious. 
“It’s just one day of not studying, you could’ve just told me. Plus, I’m sure many girls were hinting you to ask them out.”
“You’re not wrong about that.” He smugly answered and it made you feel a tinge of jealousy that Jungkook saw these girls as “date potential” while you were just his “study buddy”. “Tone down your ego—“
“But I’d rather study with you than go out on a date.”
You found yourself speechless, not knowing how you should be replying to that. Sensing that you were lost for words, Jungkook smiled, “Did I just take your breath away?”
“Shut up.” You snapped out of it, throwing your pen at him.
Hey y/n! Sorry i’ll be a bit late later, at the clinic so it might take a while before I’m let off! - jk
Are you sick? We can just reschedule! - y/n
No no! Just sprained my ankle during practice, that’s all! - jk
that’s all?! you’re not traveling today. what’s ur address? i can go over instead - y/n
You bit your lip, wondering if you were overstepping by insisting that and quickly sent another text.
if you’re alright w that of course - y/n
sure i just didn’t want to suggest it in case you weren’t, i’ll text u my address in a bit! - jk
On your way to his place, you felt nervous but you shrugged it off, blaming it on your usual ‘first house visit jitters’ — just like any other time you visited a place for the first time. Or so you told yourself. You ignored that feeling as you rang the doorbell, waiting for the injured athlete to answer the door.
“Hey.” Jungkook greeted you with a smile. You took a good look at his casted ankle, his weight resting on his crutch. A wince crept on your face, “Ouch, looks bad.” 
“Thank you for asking, I feel fine.” 
You stepped in, eyes taking your time to wander around his place. It was cozy, not cluttered as you had assumed. Jungkook pointed to the table placed by the window, well-lit for a good place to study or to wind down and have a meal. “Nice place.”
“Thanks. Didn’t have much time to tidy up the place before you came.”
“It’s alright, looks neat to me.” Your eyes glanced back down to his ankle, “Are you sure you want to have this session today? I feel like you should be resting—“
“You’re already here. I can take a little revision. Don’t underestimate me.” He teased, gently shoving your shoulder. With a light laugh, you nodded and sat down at the table. You watched Jungkook as he tried to find a comfortable position for himself, especially with his injury. Dropping his crutch on the floor, he settled down quickly to begin the session.
“So how do I know which case to use?” 
“It depends on the scenario prof sets for finals. Just a tip, prof loves answers that argues both sides. So, it’s best if you argue with both cases but conclude with which is more relevant or stronger for the scenario.”
Jungkook nodded his head, his bottom lip jutted out once again as he took down your response in his notes. “Thanks, I’m glad I started consultations with you since the beginning of the semester. I would be drowning will all these laws and cases if I didn’t.”
“I’m sure you would’ve managed fine. Your friends are managing well too. Jimin’s pretty good with this module.” You made an off-handed comment about Jimin as you started to pack up your belongings. You failed to catch the slight furrow in his eyebrows and that irritated twitch in the corner of his lip at the mention of Jimin. He knew you two would match well, which he should be happy for Jimin, but instead, he felt annoyed that Jimin was having consultations with you.
He couldn’t help but ask, “He meets you too?”
“Oh yea,” You nodded, your eyes still not meeting his as you scrolled through your schedule, “He meets me lesser than you though, just once a week.”
Just once a week. He repeated your reply. That was enough to get close to you. Hell, he meets you three times a week almost every week. One would question if he really needed that many consultations a week. Jungkook would argue against that, defending that he needed it. But deep down inside, he knew he was lying. 
You thought the same. Chan-mi and Sooyoung would make remarks on why Jungkook needed three sessions a week, hinting that he just wanted to find excuses to meet you. You would deny it every time, saying that he would always come prepared for each session with questions, proving that he really took those sessions seriously. But just like Jungkook, you too had a feeling that it wasn’t true. 
“Anyway, hope your ankle gets better soon. I better give you time to rest.” You checked the time on your phone. Jungkook did the same time, quick to respond, “Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m going to be ordering delivery anyway. You know... With my ankle. You could have dinner before you leave.” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to be casual about it. Jungkook wasn’t sure what was making him particularly nervous to suggest that. He normally wasn’t nervous with his dates. Why was he nervous around you when it was not even a date to begin with?
You contemplated, imagining your schedule in your mind. The pause made him grow nervous, “You don’t have to—“
“I’m down for dinner. My schedule’s not too busy tonight.” You smiled, settling your bag down back on the chair. Jungkook returned an eager grin. “My treat. For coming all the way here to tutor me.”
“Enough with the treats—“
“No negotiations on this one. I really owe you for traveling here, especially on such a last minute notice.” Jungkook shook his head, scrolling through the list of possible food options.
“Alright, thanks kook.” 
That nickname made his lips tug upwards as he tried to fight the smile. “No problem. What do you want to have?”
Dinner didn’t take long to arrive, you helped him collect the delivery and set it out on the coffee table. Jungkook had convinced you to watch a movie with him while waiting for dinner. Sinking yourself back onto the couch, the two of you happily enjoyed dinner while watching the movie he had chosen. 
“That’s cute.” You commented as the credits rolled. The movie was a short light one and it helped the both of you de-stress from the upcoming finals season. You really needed that self-care. 
“Thanks for the dinner and movie. I honestly needed it. Haven’t had much time to wind down lately.” 
“Too busy with your consultations?” 
You nodded your head, letting out a long sigh. “Yea, don’t get me wrong. It’s rewarding helping others, especially with the pay. But it’s just during this killer period that makes me regret it.”
Jungkook frowned, sitting upright, “I’m sorry I keep booking you.”
You chuckled, “Don’t be sorry. That is my job anyway. Plus, you’re always prepared for the sessions. I hate sessions when they don’t even know why they booked it. Drives me mad.”
Jungkook hummed, agreeing with you. “That must suck.”
“Yea,” your eyes trailed back down to his ankle once again. “What happened with your ankle anyway?”
“Training today. It’s been tough as well for me. Coach has been increasing the intensity and we don’t really get enough rest with studies as well. I wasn’t in the greatest condition today so I slipped.” 
“Yikes. Hope it heals fast though.” You smiled cheekily, “Do I get to sign it?”
Jungkook laughed, “That’s so childish. No one signs casts anymore.”
“Please? I’ve never done it before!” You pouted, doing your best to convince him to let you vandalize his cast. You didn’t need to do much to convince him, he was willing to give in pretty much from the first time you brought it up. “A-Alright. Just don’t draw a dick or something.”
You hummed, feigning consideration. “I wasn’t planning to but now that you mentioned it...”
He glared, grabbing his throw pillow to toss it at your face. “Don’t you dare.”
“I was kidding.” You laughed, rushing to the table to grab a pen, sitting back down close to him to draw on his cast. 
Don’t flunk my module.
“Done!” You added an “A+” next to it, willing yourself to not draw a heart which you almost did. You pulled away from the cast, looking at your work proudly. Jungkook snorted, “Don’t flunk my module? I won’t. Definitely not after all our sessions together.”
“You better.” You turned to look at him, suddenly aware of how close your faces were next to each other. You watched his gaze drop to your lips before flickering up to meet yours, “May I...?”
You nodded slightly, overcome by the adrenaline and fluttery feeling that was consuming you. You both leaned in, gently kissing each other, making sure you don’t put so much weight against him to avoid hurting his injury. Jungkook’s hand found your waist as he pulled you in, the other cupping your cheek. With your arms snaking around his neck, you both deepened the kiss.
Something in you snapped and made you pull away abruptly. “I-I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have done that.” You quickly got up to take your belongings.
“W-Wait, what do you mean—“ Jungkook called after you, struggling to get up fast with his crutch.
“You’re just going to end whatever we’ll have if we try. We’re looking for different things remember?” You rubbed the nape of your neck, “L-Look, could we just pretend this didn’t happen? I don’t want anything to be awkward between us.”
“W-Wait but...” Jungkook sighed, noting how resolute you were with your suggestion. “If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks Jungkook... Anyway, I should probably go. Get well soon.” You shifted your bag on your shoulder and sent yourself out the door.
After that incident, your schedule you had planned went down the drain. Your brain was foggy and your focus out the window the entire night as you kept thinking about that kiss. How it felt and how happy you felt. But you also reminded yourself that Jungkook was not looking to settle and you didn’t want to put yourself through that. 
You just hoped things would be the same after that day.
I’m guessing the usual cafe? :) - jk
Where else would we go? - y/n
Maybe my place? - jk
Good try - y/n
Worth a shot - jk
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself every time you conversed with him. Your usual 2h slot with him would drag on if you didn’t have anything that day. It wouldn’t drag on because of questions, you two would just be talking and enjoying each other’s presence. Ever since you met his friends, you met him more outside your 2h slot with him. Though, it was always off-campus. 
The incident at his place was as if it didn’t even happen. As if it was just a wet dream of Jungkook. You were thankful he stuck to the agreement and acted as if nothing happened. However, a part of you felt that it was the wrong move. 
You look great today btw - jk
But that doesn’t mean you look bad on other days - jk
Just extra great today - jk
Feeling that familiar fluttery feeling in your heart, you chose to ignore the message, promptly closing your chat. You reminded yourself about their reputation with relationships, they weren’t into a serious commitment. You didn’t want to waste your own time either. For some reason you could feel someone staring at you and you could bet anyone 10 bucks that it was Jungkook. 
After that moment, class went by fast and it was finally time for lunch. “Y/n! Do you want to grab lunch sometime this week? I promised I’ll be treating.” Mingyu flashed a very charming smile that made you smile back automatically. Behind him was Sooyoung and Chan-mi approaching you. 
“You really don’t have to treat me, I’m just doing my job—“
“I insist, yn. I still owe you for carrying me on your back last semester for the other class.” He chuckled. “Come on, you pulled your own weight.” You shook your head with a laugh. You glanced at your two friends who were patiently waiting for you and possibly eagerly eavesdropping. Just as you were about to turn away, Jungkook’s group walked behind them.
You could’ve sworn that you made eye contact when you gave him a smile to which he coldly ignored, looking away and leaving the hall with his friends.
“We can go for lunch but you’re not treating me.”
Mingyu reached out to pat your shoulder, “We’ll see! I’ll get you again soon!” He winked at you and headed off. Your two giddy best friends reached out to pull you along with them. “Is that a date?”
“N-No it’s not!”
“Why are you stuttering?” Chan-mi teased, poking your sides. You took a few steps in front of them, turning around to face them as you walked backwards. “I swear it’s not a date. We’re just friends.”
“Alright, alright, now walk properly before you hurt yourself Miss-I-have-a-date-with-Mingyu.” Sooyoung turned you around by your shoulders. Just as she strongly whipped you around, your eyes met with Jungkook’s.
Your mouth opened to say hi but nothing happened when he once again, looked away, not acknowledging your presence. “Hey y/n!” Jimin happily greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Thanks for tutoring me yesterday.”
“No problem, just doing my job.” You grinned at him but your thoughts still on Jungkook ignoring you.
Jimin chuckled, ruffling your hair, “You’re cute when you’re humble. Anyway, see you around!” You said bye to the others, noting that Jungkook didn’t say a single word to you. It was as if you weren’t right in front of you and you felt offended.
“Did something happen between you and Jungkook?” 
“No, nothing happened.” You denied as the memory of the kiss flashed in your mind.
“Are you sure?” Chan-mi questioned and you sighed. “Sorry, can we not talk about him? Let’s just have lunch.”
You didn’t notice your two friends sharing a look before collectively agreeing to drop the topic.
“You’re late.” You commented, staring at your screen as you continued your assignment. “Yea sorry, I was on a date with someone and it kinda over ran.”
Oh. A date with someone. “O-Oh, how did it go?”
“Pretty well.” Jungkook took a sit, taking out his laptop, ready to fire his questions. “That’s good!” you sounded happy for him. You weren’t sure if your eyes were just trying to make you feel better but it was as if Jungkook seemed disappointed with your reply, as if he was hoping for a different reaction. 
“Yea... Anyway, I don’t have much questions today so it should be a fast one. If you want, we could go get an early dinner?”
“I don’t think I can... I have quite a lot of things to do today.” 
“Oh... That’s cool.”
Moving on from the topic, you two went through the questions he had smoothly though there was something nagging at the back of your mind. Why was he so cold towards you that day? Why is he acting as if he wasn’t being such a dick towards you that day? 
“You good?”
“Hmm?” You glanced up to see genuine concerned eyes that made your heart flutter once again. “Y-Yea I’m good.”
“You sure? You seem quite out of it today. Are you unwell? Is something bothering you?”
You shook your head, getting frustrated. “Why were you ignoring me today in school?”
“W-What?” Jungkook pulled away, taken aback by your question. You sighed, “You know what I’m talking about.”
Jungkook shook his head, “I was just having a bad morning.”
“A bad morning.” You scoffed, “Right, so a bad morning would make you ignore my entire presence. I’ll take mental note of that.” Jungkook himself got annoyed, crossing his arms as he countered, “You didn’t seem to care about anyone else either when you were chatting up with Mingyu. Didn’t think my moody morning would even be noticed by you.”
You blinked a couple times, processing what he had just said. “W-What? I was just talking with him. Why are you even bringing this up?”
He didn’t answer this time, sighing as he packed his laptop in his bag. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” Jungkook got up and so did you. “You can’t do this? Are you jealous or something?”
“What? Of course not.” Jungkook frustratedly ruffled his hair. Not wanting to cause a scene at the cafe, you took your own stuff, chuckling dryly to yourself. “Well, you need to sort out whatever shit’s going on with you. I’m not here to guess how you’re feeling.”
“You’re not here to guess?” Jungkook whisper-yelled. “You were the one who suggested to ignore what happened. I’m here trying to keep my shit together because of that.”
“Jungkook, look. Let’s not talk about it here. Can we just drop it please?” ”Whatever.”
You walked away, not looking back to see Jungkook’s regretful look on his face.
Jungkook didn’t contact you after that day and you didn’t want to contact him either. Jimin, on the other hand, was trying to find out what happened between the two of you. 
“He always shuts the conversation down the moment one of us brings you up.” 
You sighed, “Nothing serious happened.”
“If that’s true, you guys wouldn’t be ignoring each other like the plague again. I had to lie to him about where I am today.”
A part of you, admittedly, would want Jungkook to reach out to you to just come clean about snapping at you the other day. You couldn’t understand how he could go on a date and then get pissed that you were talking to Mingyu. 
“You shouldn’t have lied to him.”
“It’s nothing.” Jimin shook his head, “What really happened between you two?”
Defeated, you told Jimin what happened that day at the cafe. “You two are just plain stupid. That poor boy likes you. You like him. Case solved.”
“If that’s true, he wouldn’t have gone on a date right before meeting me.”
“Yes, I agree that part’s fucked up. He just sucks at admitting his feelings to himself. Don’t worry, I’ll sort him out for you.” Jimin draped his arms around your shoulder, “you can count on me to give him a good nagging.”
“Thanks Jimin but you don’t have to do that—“
“Jimin? Y/N?”
The two of you turned around, Jimin immediately retracting his arm when you saw Jungkook standing right behind you. “Oh Kook!”
“I thought you said you’re meeting your Tinder date.”
“R-Right about that—“
“No, forget it, it’s clear who’s your Tinder date. Enjoy.” Jungkook shut him down and walked pass the both of you. Jimin sighed, “Looks like it’s time for me to fix this mess.”
“I think he’ll beat you up if you go after him. I’ll talk to him. You’re right, we need to talk.” Jimin gave you an encouraging smile, patting your shoulders, “Good luck.”
You needed that.
You hurriedly followed after him, calling out to him to stop and wait for you. It wasn’t that hard to catch up to him with his injury as well. 
Jungkook looked hurt and cold, as if he was building up his wall against you. “We weren’t on a date. Jimin didn’t want to tell you that he’s meeting me because apparently you get pissed every time you hear my name. I swear.”
“You don’t need to explain anything—“
“Yea of course I don’t, because I should just leave it to you to make wild assumptions every time some shit happens. I don’t get it. One moment, I think you may like me and the next moment you’re out on a date with someone else. Just tell me what is it and we can stop having this misunderstanding.”
Jungkook ruffled his hair, looking around the campus. “Can we talk somewhere else? And not here in public?”
You gestured with your hands, asking him to lead the way. Jungkook led you to a more secluded area, not too far away from where you bumped into him. You both couldn’t take walking together without clearing things up. 
Jungkook didn’t waste any time, immediately diving straight into it. “I do like you. Hell, there’s nothing to even doubt especially after that night. I wanted to kiss you for so long. I never admitted that to myself until that very moment. But then you said you wanted to drop everything and I thought it was just in the heat of the moment for you so I agreed. I rather be friends than back to strangers.” Jungkook breathed, taking a short pause, “But then I see you with Mingyu, with Jimin, and I know these men are your type. The ones that settle down with the right partner. The ones that don’t go on many dates. But that’s been me. So i figured you regretted it when you said that i didn’t want the same things you wanted. But fuck, i want to settle down with you. Take things slow, see where the future takes us. Three sessions with you was over the top for my studies but I did it because I love our time together. I love studying with you, going off topic and talking about other things. I love teasing you just to see your reaction because it makes me smile. I love it when you tease me back just to annoy me. You annoy me but I love it.” He sighed, looking at the floor before meeting your watery eyes.
“But I know I’m not the type of guy you’re looking for. You made it clear yourself that night when you asked to drop it. So there. That’s why I went on that date before meeting you. Because I was so nervous about seeing your face, I needed to get my mind off of you. I admit, I’m sorry for doing that because that just further proves your point about me.” He trailed off, as the realization sinks in of how he had just fucked up his own chances of being with you.
You didn’t bother interrupting him at all, your heart pounding loudly against your chest as you took in every single word he said. Your brain and heart having a civil war with each other. Not knowing what should your next move be. 
“I’m guessing silence means I’m right.” He spoke after receiving no response from you. “I’ll see you around. Take care of yourself.” He gave a pained smile as he headed off back to his place.
Your knees felt weak as you leaned back against the wall that was hiding the both of you from the others. Your hand brought up to your heart. 
What were you going to do?
With a heavy heart, you made your way back to your place. As you settled your dinner, you aimlessly browsed through the shows on Netflix as Your mind was busy thinking about Jungkook’s confession. 
Why didn’t you go after him? Why didn’t you say anything? Were you scared that it was all words? Were you scared of ruining the friendship you two had established? What was stopping you from doing what you wanted?
You knew you couldn’t leave things there. You had to do something before you regret. You liked Jungkook. A lot. You were willing to take the risk with him. Just as he was as willing to prove to you that he’s serious. 
You reached out for your phone and key, making your way out the door and to where you needed to be.
Once you had arrived, you were knocking on the door profusely, “Jungkook!” You called out.
The door opened, “W-What are you doing here—“
“I like you too. You’re wrong. I don’t regret that night. I regret saying that we should forget about it. Because i couldn’t. I didn’t. I thought about it everyday. I’m willing to take things slow with you if you’re willing. I don’t want to regret this as well.”
The smile on his face grew as you admitted your own feelings to him, Jungkook pulling you in with his free hand as the other still held on to his clutch.
“I mean it as well. I have zero intentions to play around with you. I’m serious and I’ll prove it. I’m not going to lose you, you’re not cheap sunglasses to me.”
“I trust you.” You said with a laugh, recalling his metaphor as his grin only grew wider. “You just made me a really happy man.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell with that wide grin on your face.”
“You’re annoying.” Jungkook said with no malice in his tone as he leaned in for a kiss. Both of you had been wanting to do that again ever since that incident. Your leg kicking the door shut as you pulled yourself closer to him. 
“I could get used to this.” You smiled as you pulled away. 
“Well, you should. I’m going to be kissing you for a long time.”
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Dusk Till Dawn
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield,
Brother!Parker Holland x Sister!Rosie Holland
-Warnings: Blood, language, angst, fluff, sadness, possible death
-Words: 2.5K
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A/n: I’m sorry its short but, I ended it where I feel like I needed to end it to make people wait.
Chapter 10: Dusk Till Dawn
Words: 2.5K
All that could be felt was immense pain. A feeling of death. Tom’s head was throbbing as warm thick liquid streaked across his forehead. His head collided with the door as the copter tossed and turned.
He awoke to the thick, pungent smell of gasoline and to you, paralyzed next to him. It took a minute for him to gather his bearings. The pilot was missing, either he flew out when you crashed or went for help, who knows. Everything started to come back to him, the moments before you both crashed replaying in his head.
The pilot shouting, “MAYDAY! MAYDAY! DOES ANYONE COPY! This is flight number 514 and we are going down.”
“Tom!” “Y/N!”
And you screaming “TOM? WHAT'S HAPPENING?” “I don’t know.” He said pulling you into his arms.
It all happened so fast. First, alarms started going off within the cabin. Then, the pilot started to loose control. Twisting and turning the wheel. The helicopter did somersaults through the air. Tom could see the look on your face, a look of pure terror as the engine started to give out. You all quickly lost altitude and braced for the impact.
You and Tom’s last words were exchange of “I love you”s.
There was no soul in sight for miles, except you. Only the bright blue sky and the mountains of Montserrat. Tom didn’t know why the copter’s engine gave out 17,000 feet in the air. All he knows as you were stranded, with no sense of getting home.
The windows to helicopter were smashed, glass shards littered the floor of the cabin and the blades were deep into the ground. He was lucky the pilot didn’t fly straight into a mountain. There was no sign of the pilot, maybe he parachuted before you crash landed leaving you and Tom to your deaths. Tom didn’t know what to think. His only focus was making sure you were okay.
If it weren’t for the current predicament and the blood dripping down your face, he would have thought you were only sleeping, you looked so peaceful.
He tried to pry himself out of his seatbelt, eventually ripping it so he could get to you. Urgently checking for your pulse. Pressing two fingers below your jaw and against your neck. He was able to breathe again, once he found the faint beat of your heart.
“Y/N? Can you hear me? Wake up, darling.” Tom yelled, shaking you violently.
“Tom? What happened?” Your eyes opened abruptly, confused by your surroundings. “Our helicopter crashed—.”
“Tom, you’re bleeding.” “Not as bad as you. We have to get you out of here. Here, I’ll carry you.” You only nodded in response as Tom tucked his arms under your knees and pulled you close to his chest.
Laying you down near some rocks as far away from the ticking time bomb, the helicopter. It could blow any second, but it never did. The smoke would create the perfect signal but to no avail.
“Tom, your leg!”
“Like I said, it’s not that bad. Oh my god… your stomach” “My what… oh.” You said as you stared at the gapping puncture wound in your right side.
“Is there a first aid kit?” Tom asked. “I think it probably got lost while we were flying.”
“What happened to the pilot?” You questioned. “I don’t know. I can’t find him.” Just nodding in response. Trying not to cry at the situation. You were stranded with no sign of help any time soon.
“Y/N, I need to stop your bleeding… I have an idea. Where is your carry on bag?”
“I put it under my seat” you called out, as Tom searched for it. Opening its contents in search of fairly useful items.
Tom found a hoodie, make up remover that was 70% alcohol, antibacterial wipes, a handheld mirror, and a bunch of makeshift medical items. Your phones had been thrashed, barely working even though there was no signal. He tore the hoodie up and wrapped the pieces around your torso, almost like a tourniquet and bandage to keep pressure and stop the bleeding.
“Ahh,” you screamed, the pain unbearable as he tied the cloth tightly. “I’m sorry,” Tom apologized profusely.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.”
“Now, I have to take care of you,” you said, wiping the blood off of Tom’s.
“No, you need to rest. The kids need you alive more than they need me.” “Don’t say that. They love you and they need both of us alive and well, so let me take care of your leg.”
“Alright, even after a helicopter crash you are still bossy” Tom said chucking.
“Not trying to pick a fight here… I’m sorry but this is gonna sting,” You explained, about to clean his gash.
“It’s ok… aahhh” Tom hissed at the stinging sensation from during makeup remover on the cut on his leg.
“Bet you loved that. A way to get back at me for whatever I did that made you so mad at me,” Tom jabbed.
“You know what you did.” “Y/N this is not the time or the place for this discussion and no I don’t.”
“Let’s just get home alive and then we can resume our fight.”
“You said I love you,” Tom mumbled.
“When we were going down… you said I love you. Did you mean it?” “Of course I meant it, Tom. We’ve been together for almost 17 years. How could I not love you?” You cried as Tom pulled you into his warm embrace. Even with the harsh breeze he was still warm to the touch.
“I love you too, darling. We will get out of this, I promise.” Tom asserted and you nodded, trying not let the tears fall.
What killed Tom was the uncertainty of it all. He had to have hope, something you were lacking. He had to have faith that you both would be rescued. That you would get to hold Parker and Rosie in your arms again.
Tom knew you would be okay and rise out of this like a Phoenix from the ashes. Overtime, Tom grew to believe you were indestructible. Everything that you had survived was a marvel. Surviving being tortured by a rival mob, almost dying in childbirth, and now a helicopter crash. There was no, if. You had to survive this. It was hard to have hope when he saw how fast you were deteriorating.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tom asked. Concerned as he noticed your breaths becoming more and more labored.
“I think so, my chest hurts though. It’s getting harder to breathe.” You said, before breaking into a fit of coughs, coughing into your hand. Panic started to arise as small increments of bloods stained your hand.
“Baby, you have to stay with me. Think about Parker and Rosie,” Tom whispered.
“Y/N, we both need to stay awake,” Tom pleaded. “I know, it’s just getting harder to,” you said, your eyes begging to close.
“I know baby. But, Parker and Rosie are waiting for us to come home. They need you Y/N, just like do,” Tom said, cupping you cheek and moving towards you, so you were side by side. Allowing you to rest you head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry. For the past weeks, I’ve been so lonely in our bed without you. I’m so sorry that I accused you of cheating.”
“I am too, love. Never in a million years would I cheat on you. You have to know that. I’m so lucky to have you. I never slept with or even kissed Jazz, there’s been someone killing my men at the mob —.” He said, kissing your temple. This kiss was one of longing, he just wanted you to be his again.
“Shh, it’s ok. I don’t want the last words I ever hear to be an explanation of your supposed infidelity.” You said, using the last of energy to let out a strained laugh.
“Y/N, baby you’re not dying ok? You can’t die. Just promise me, you’ll stay awake until help comes,” Tom begged. He couldn’t lose you, not after everything that has happened. He needed you and he always will. “You know I don’t like making promises I can’t keep” you whispered, trying like hell to stay awake as a few tears fell.
It felt like hours, the waiting. The sun had set. Tom had a plan to get you both rescued, when a plane or helicopter flew overhead he would use your compact mirror to reflect the sun. Granted it was a brilliant idea when the sun was still out. If you wouldn’t succumb to your wounds by morning the temperature would certainly kill you both. You had lost all color in your face, looking like a ghost.
You weren’t unconscious but you weren’t very talkative either, which scared the life out of Tom.
Each hour Tom’s hope would fade. He never wanted it to end like this. He demanded he be the one who went first. Tom couldn’t imagine what a world without you would look like.
If it had to be this way, killed, both your prime at least he was holding you in his arms. He was close enough to the point where, if it happened, he could hear your breathing stop along with the beating of your heart. Feeling you tiny labored breaths against his neck.
5 hours, Tom had been holding you, praying you survive, praying he survives along with you.
5 hours and he was ready to give up as he saw you drift off slowly towards a deep sleep. “I’ll see you on the other side, darling” he whispered before letting his eyes flutter to a close.
Back home, everyone was secretly panicking inside. Nikki couldn’t imagine losing her eldest son, neither could Harry and Sam losing their brother. Harry had left to be a part of the search and rescue team. As soon as Paddy got word, he was on the first flight out of Monte Carlo. Dom and all the boys were really trying to keep it together for Rosie and Parker’s sake.
They all had left the news on, praying that it would be announced that you and Tom were found, alive and well. Most of the news updates were irrelevant to the Hollands. They had already known, there was a pilot, even though Tom had been taking flying lessons for years and was skillful at it. They also already knew you were on a business trip. Nothing was really news to them anymore.
“I’m going to make some tea. Anybody want a cup?” Nikki asked, needing a distraction from the chaos. “Yes,” replied Rosie. “Please,” responded Parker. “That’d be wonderful darling,” said Dom. “Just what the doctor ordered. Let me help you with that,” said Sam. They were all big fans of a cup of tea. What couldn’t tea fix?
Rang the door bell. Nobody was really up for visitors but, I would be rude to not answer. Hoping it not some nosy reporters trying to get a story from broken family members of you and Tom.
“Rosie could get that, please?” Nikki called from the kitchen.
“Sure Grandma,” Rosie replied somberly. Opening the door to the last person she expected to see but the first person she wanted to see. After her parents, of course.
“I just came to see if you were okay. My dad is doing everything he can through the business side… I know you need your space. This was a mistake, I’ll go.” Henry said, staring at the ground. “Please, stay,” Rosie muttered, teary-eyed from all the crying.
“You mean it?”
“I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Hey, come here. They’ll be okay.” Henry said, wrapping his arms around her. Oh god, how missed comforting her.
“Henry, I’m so scared. What if we can’t find them?”
“Roo, we will find them. You have to have hope.” “I keep thinking we find them, but they’re dead.” “You can’t think like that,” he said, wiping tears from her cheeks.
“I missed you. Thanks for being here, you’re a nice distraction” “I’ll always be here,” he whispered, cut off by Rosie’s lips against his. It didn’t take long for him to kiss back. This was his second chance and he wasn’t going to miss it.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Rosie said, pulling away.
“No, I’m sorry. I really screwed up. I never should’ve broken up with you. I love you too much, Rosie Louise Holland. Take me back?”
“I’ve always loved you, Henry Maxwell Osterfield. Of course,” reassured Rosie. Capturing his lips once more in a more passionate yet gentle kiss. “Wait, I have something for you,” Henry stopped, pulling out something from his back pocket.
“That is, if you still want it,” he explained, holding you the silver charm necklace adorned with a H and a R. “Duh, div. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Rosie quipped as he clasped the necklace together. “There. Now it’s back in its rightful place,” she said, the biggest smile adorning her face. “Rosie, get in here! There’s an update,” called Parker from the living room.
Rosie pulled Henry through foyer and to the family room for the news. She tensed at the thought of the words “2 DEAD” displaying across the silver screen.
“We’ve just got word that both Tom and Y/N have been found. We are unaware of their condition. They are being airlifted to a hospital in Barcelona. Hopefully we can update you on that once families members have been informed. The pilot is still missing. Please stay with us as we continue to update you on this story,” announced the newscaster. Everyone rejoiced, there were no longer sad tears only happy ones. They were all on the first flight out including Harrison and Henry.
It was miracle, they found you when they did. Harry was part of team in rescuing you and Tom. He refused to sleep until he brought you both back home.
“We found them!” A loud speaker sounded from the chopper flying above. The rescue was eminent, you and Tom were found.
“Get two stretchers over here,” called one of the rescuers.
“Tom? Can you hear me? It’s Harry,” Harry said, trying to wake Tom.
“Harry?” Tom whispered, slightly stirring awake.
“Yes, you’re saved. We got you and we are on our way to the hospital.”
“What about Y/N? She’s lost a lot of blood. Please tell me she’s ok,” Tom pleaded, eyes barely even open.
“They got her in the other chopper. She’s gonna be ok, I promise,” Harry stammered.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Tom whispered before being consumed by darkness.
A/n: I just want to apologize here, I'm sorry. I'm so in love with this chapter and couldn't wait to share it with all of you.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist:@thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
68 notes · View notes
These Unprecedented Times
Chapter One
AO3 Link
Chapter Two: Escapism
Janus was not surprised to find five other sides staring at him when he returned to the Mindscape.  He tried to decide what to say for half a second before Virgil got there first.
“What the fuck?”
“Language,” Patton scolded.
“No, seriously, how did you do that?” Virgil asked, stepping forwards.  “What did you do?”
“I… don’t know,” Janus admitted.  “I just felt a tug, and I knew Thomas needed me, so I went to him.”
“Well, can you go back?” Virgil asked.
Janus took a moment to assess the question.  “It feels like it.”
“What do you mean it feels like it?”
“Yes, I would like some clarification as to what that means as well,” Logan said, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, I just… hang on.”  Janus took a moment and thought about Thomas, and then suddenly he was back in Thomas’ bathroom, where the man in question was brushing his teeth.
Thomas turned to him in surprise.  “Uh, was there something else?”
“No, just testing something.  Carry on,” Janus said, waving as he headed back to the Mindscape again.
No one had moved, and as soon as he appeared everyone went back to staring at him again.
“Yes,” Janus said.  “I can go back.”
There was another moment of stunned silence.
“We can talk to Thomathy now?” Remus exclaimed suddenly.  He started running towards Janus.  “Oh, my turn, my turn!”
“No,” Janus said firmly, catching him by the arms.  “You talk to him when I say you can talk to him.”  Remus pulled out of his grip a second later and ran past him.
“Well, that’s not very fair, kiddo,” Patton said, crossing his arms.  “We should all get a chance to talk to Thomas.”
“And you will,” Janus said.  “Eventually.  But I don’t know if Thomas is ready to meet any of you, and it seems to be up to me.”
“What brings you to that conclusion?” Logan asked.
“The fact that Remus is still here.”
Everyone looked over at Remus, who was currently hanging off the ceiling and trying to bang a hole to Thomas through the wall.
“You know, that’s fair,” Virgil muttered.
“So who are you letting see Thomas?” Patton asked warily.
“Right now, no one.  Everyone needs to go to bed.  We can discuss things tomorrow if you all have points you want to make.”  Patton didn’t look happy with that idea, but Janus didn’t particularly care at the moment.  “I’ll see you all at breakfast tomorrow, goodnight,” Janus said, and he walked away, marking the end of the conversation.
He hung out in his doorway for half a second to confirm that everyone was actually going to bed, and everyone was at least moving that direction.  Except for Virgil, who was moving towards him.  And as soon as Remus noticed him doing that, he hopped down from the ceiling and did the same.
“So… what does this mean?” Virgil asked.
Janus sighed.  “I don’t know,” he admitted.  Virgil and Remus exchanged a glance, and even Remus wasn’t grinning.
“Do you think this is a bad thing?” Virgil asked.
“I don’t think so,” Janus said.  “If Thomas summoned me because he needed me, that doesn’t sound like a bad thing.”
“Oh, he needed you, huh?”
Janus sighed.  “Remus, get your head out of the gutter.”
“Do you think he’ll need me next?”
“We do get to talk to him soon though, right?” Virgil asked, looking away from Remus.
“You’ll get to talk to him,” Janus said.  “But I don’t know who I’m going to send in next.  I really don’t want to make things worse than they are, and no offense, but I don’t think that makes either of you the right choice.”
“Why not?  I think we both do an excellent job of convincing Thomas that he’s going to get sick with COVID and die,” Remus said with a proud nod.
“Yes, and that’s precisely what I mean, thank you for demonstrating.”
“Yeah, alright,” Virgil muttered, not looking happy.
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” Janus said, nudging his arm.  “I’m not going to fault you for being anxious or hyperfocused.  I just think we might want to send someone else first.”
“Like who?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know yet.  I’m going to figure that out after a long night of sleep.  Which you two should also be doing.”
“Okay, but, here me out…” Remus said, starting to grin.
Janus grew wary, looking up at the ceiling.  “What?”
“Celebratory We-Can-Talk-To-Thomas-Now-For-Some-Reason Sleepover?”
Janus looked at Remus again, bouncing in place.  He sighed.  “Alright.”
Remus cheered, and zipped off to his bedroom to grab his pajamas.
“You think you can manage to get him not to scream all night?” Virgil asked.
“I’ll do my best.”
Virgil hummed in acknowledgement.  “Alright.  I’ll be back,” he said, and wandered off towards his own room.  Janus headed back inside his own and got ready for his room to be a complete mess in the morning.
Janus didn’t have a habit of waking up early, but when Remus stayed in his room, he usually got woken up multiple times throughout the night due to snoring, so around 7 Janus gave up and headed for the kitchen.
Patton was already there, making coffee and waffles for everyone.
“Good morning, Patton,” Janus mumbled, rubbing at his eyes as he moved to sit at the table for a moment.  He’d get up and help Patton in a moment.
“Boy, you sound pretty beat,” Patton said.
“Sleepover with Remus and Virgil,” Janus muttered.  “Doesn’t tend to leave one refreshed.”
“Oh boy.  You want some coffee?”
Janus considered the question.  “That would be nice, actually, thank you.”
“Sure thing.”  Patton poured some into a mug and set it in front of Janus, who gratefully took a couple sips.
“So, that was something yesterday, huh?” Patton said.
“Yes,” Janus said, admittedly still a little unable to wrap his head around it.
“What’s Thomas like?” Patton asked, looking over his shoulder.
Janus gave him a curious look.  “You know what Thomas is like.”
“No, I mean… what’s he like with his sides?  Or with just you for now, I guess.”
“I think mostly confused,” Janus said.  “He’s just as surprised as we are that this happened.  Or, actually, probably more surprised, since he didn’t know we existed.”
“Hmm,” Patton said, still looking uncomfortable.  “So… are you gonna let him meet Virgil or Remus first?”
Janus narrowed his eyes.  “Actually,” he said, partly because Patton’s assumption annoyed him and partly because what he was going to say was true.  “I was thinking Roman.”
Patton looked up in surprise.  “What?  Really?”
Janus nodded.  “Virgil and Remus are both hyperfocused on world event stuff right now, which is very much not what Thomas needs.  Logan’s in the same boat with wanting to stay as updated as possible, and you throw him into a guilt spiral every time he tries to think of doing something for himself.”
“Hey,” Patton said, sounding a little offended.  “I’m not—”
“Roman is the only one actually trying to do something constructive,” Janus cut him off.  “As ineffective as trying to come up with video ideas right now has been.  And who knows, maybe Thomas giving him some positive reinforcement will be able to pull him out of his head.”
Roman was the only one who hadn’t had anything at all to say last night, and Janus wasn’t at a loss as to why.  All of the attempts and consequential failures in trying to come up with video ideas couldn’t be doing wonders for Thomas’ ego, and Roman was Thomas’ ego.
Patton was still looking at him strangely at the end of his announcement.  “What?” Janus said.  “I’m going to be putting Thomas first in this, Patton.  Why would you assume I’d do anything different?”
“You’re the one who dragged Remus and Virgil over here,” Patton muttered.  “I figured you had some kind of agenda.”
“Yes, to try and get us all to work together while Thomas was being a mess and refusing to help himself in any way.  I had to try something different.  And it seems to be working,” Janus said, gesturing around.  “I’m not going to make Virgil and Remus and I the priority if it risks ruining that again.  Do you really think that little of me?”
“I don’t—” Patton sighed.  “It’s just surprising, is all.”
“Fine,” Janus said, not really believing that.  “I’m going to go talk to Roman before breakfast.  I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Good luck,” Patton said quietly.  Yeah, everyone knew Roman wasn’t doing too well.
Janus wasn’t expecting an answer immediately when he knocked on Roman’s door, but after a couple minutes he was forced to knock again.
“Roman?” he called.  “Are you still sleeping?”
Finally, the door opened.  “I was,” Roman muttered, rubbing at his eyes.  “Can I help you?”
“Yes, I’d like you to come speak to Thomas today.”
Roman blinked as he seemingly tried to process that.  “Did you introduce everyone else already?” he asked.
“No.  I think you should be the next to speak with him.”
Roman’s eyes widened in sudden panic.  “No, no no,” he said.  “That’s a horrible idea!  I don’t have any ideas prepared.  I don’t have any ideas at all!  I’m not camera ready, I’m not emotionally ready, I— I’m not good enough, Janus!”
“Roman.”  Janus reached out and put his hands on Roman’s shoulders.  “Roman, look at me.”
Roman did.
“You are good enough.  I promise.  I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t think you were the best side for this, okay?  I think talking to Thomas will do you both some good.  You could have a brainstorming session, or you could explain what you are, or you could just talk.  This isn’t as high stakes as you think it is.”
Roman stared at him.  “I’m meeting Thomas.”
Janus smiled in amusement.  “Yes.  And he’ll be happy to meet you.”
“He’ll be happy to meet the failure I’ve been lately?”
“Roman.  You are not a failure.  No one thinks you’re a failure.  It’s going to be fine.”  Janus thought for a minute.  “Would it make you feel better if we spend the morning getting you camera ready first?”
Roman brightened.  “Oh, uh, well.  Maybe.”
Janus started smiling again.  “Great.  Then let’s see what we can do in terms of a makeover.”
Thomas couldn’t necessarily say he was surprised to see Self-Interest again, but he definitely wasn’t used to it.  The second he appeared next to him Thomas jumped and nearly dropped his bowl of cereal all over himself.
“Hello, Thomas,” Self-Interest said.  “Careful, that bowl has milk in it.”
“I noticed,” Thomas said, setting the bowl down on the table.  “Good morning.”
“Afternoon?” Thomas asked, looking over at the clock on the wall to see yes, it was in fact far past noon.  He sighed and rubbed his eyes.  “Afternoon,” he repeated.
“It’s alright, Thomas, you needed the rest,” Self-Interest said, stepping closer to the table.  “Can I sit?  I need to talk to you.”
“Yeah.  You don’t have to ask me if you can sit, you know.  You’re part of me, right?  Doesn’t that technically make this your house too?”
“Fair enough,” Self-Interest said as he sat down.  “So, yesterday you said you wanted to meet your sides.”
“Yeah, but you said I wasn’t ready for that or something,” Thomas said, taking a bite of his cereal.
“You’re not ready to meet sides such as Anxiety or Intrusive Thoughts.  But if you’d like to talk to a creative side a little more into escapism, that can be arranged.”
“I have an Escapism side?”
“That is technically his current title, yes.  But he actually has many functions.  He is part of your creativity, specifically the part more tended towards escapism, but he’s also your romance and your ego.  He’s, well.”  Self-Interest cleared his throat.  “As I’m sure you can imagine, he’s not doing so well right now.”
Thomas winced.  “Yeah, that… sounds about right,” he muttered.
“I’m not telling you to pity him, I think he would despise that.  But he’s the one who’s been trying to come up with ideas for you, and he already feels awful about not being able to do it.  So just…”
“Don’t be hard on him.  Got it.”
Self-Interest nodded.  “Thank you.  Should I bring him by?”
Self-Interest nodded again, and sank back down like he’d done yesterday.  Only after he was gone did Thomas look down at himself and realize he kind of looked like a mess.  He’d met Self-Interest by accident yesterday, but now he’d agreed to meet a new side while wearing pajamas and not having brushed his hair, or teeth, or showered in who knows how long.  Before he could focus too long on that, however, Self-Interest and the new side Escapism appeared.
Escapism himself looked modeled off all of the Disney princes Thomas had seen yesterday, though Thomas also picked up on how nervous he looked.  “Oh,” he said.  “Hi, I’m Thomas.”
“I, er, know,” Escapism said.
“Oh, right, yeah, silly me,” Thomas said, shaking his head a little.  “You’re my Escapism?  Wait, why are you so much prettier than Self-Interest?”
Self-Interest sputtered in surprise.  “Excuse me?  Rude.”
Escapism, on the other hand, was now beaming.  “Well, I am based more directly on you, since I’m your ego,” he said with a proud smile.  “And it’s quite easy to work with such fine material.”
Thomas blinked and looked down at himself again.  “Uh… really?”
“Well, okay, you don’t look so great right now, but you clean up exceptionally well if I do say so myself.  Which I do.”  He smiled wider, and seemed in thought for a minute, before he jumped slightly in place.  “You know what, I’ll prove it to you!  It’s your turn for a makeover!”
“Wait, I thought we were going to brainstorm video ideas since you’re part of my creativity—”
“We were, but I absolutely forbid you to go on camera looking like that unless it’s a ‘before’ shot, and also, we can do both!”  He clapped his hands excitedly at the end of the sentence.  “We always think better when we’re moving anyway!”
“You know, that’s a fair point,” Thomas admitted.
“Of course it is!  Now, first of all, the basics.  Go brush your teeth, we need to get them sparkling!  Also, your mouth will feel less gross!”
“…True,” Thomas said.  He stood up.  “Alright, let’s go.”  He shoved a couple more bites of cereal in his mouth and then left the bowl on the table, following Escapism towards his bathroom.  He saw Self-Interest moving to sit on the couch as they did so, looking much more relaxed than he’d been yesterday, and more than a little relieved.  Clearly he thought Escapism knew what he was doing.
Thomas could trust him too, in that case.  Even if he felt a little weird with someone else watching him brush his teeth.
“Excellent,” Escapism said when he finished.  “That is a marked improvement.  Hair next!  And outfits!”
They headed over to Thomas’ bedroom, where Escapism tried to help Thomas style his hair, but since he could only move Thomas’ right hand, it didn’t end up going too well, and they mostly just ended up laughing at themselves.  On the upside, it continued to bring the mood up, and Thomas eventually managed to brush his hair and end with a state that Escapism approved of.  He put on one of his nicer outfits, because sometimes, as Escapism said, you just needed to dress up nice for yourself, and Thomas did like the way he looked when they finished.
“Next!” Escapism called happily when they finished.  “Lighting!”
“Lighting?” Thomas asked.
“Of course!  This house looks downright depressing right now.  We should aim for something brighter and warmer!”
Thomas gave him a curious look.  “Why?”
“Because if what you see had no impact on how you felt, there would be no point in having entire parts of a crew on lighting alone, now would there?  Or a massive industry in interior design.”
Thomas considered that for a moment, then shrugged.  “Fair enough.”
“We can start with something simple.  Let’s open some windows and turn on some lights around here!”
They ended up doing just that, and Thomas would admit that he did feel somewhat better by the end of it.  By the time they got back to the living room with Self-Interest, Escapism was talking excitedly about how much better that all looked.
“You know, I bet other people could benefit from this kind of thing too!” he said happily.  “What if that’s our next video?  Different ways to care for yourself and make yourself feel better while things aren’t going so great?”
“I’m not sure I have the authority to tell people how to care for themselves right now,” Thomas said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’m surprised you think no one else is struggling, Thomas,” Self-Interest said.  “I’m not saying you should display all of the ways your life is a mess right now on camera, but being open about not doing well might help others feel less alone too.”
“Exactly!” Escapism said.  “And we can add things like makeover tips!  Or maybe not, I don’t know, the idea could take some work, but it’s a start!”
“Yeah,” Thomas said, relieved to both finally have an idea and actually be feeling alright for once.
Escapism summoned a notebook and started scribbling things down, still talking a mile a minute.  He was very… loud.  But not necessarily in a bad way.
The rest of the afternoon had a large feeling of hope to it, and after a while Thomas started to get excited too, and ideas began to bounce back and forth between him and Escapism.  And if this was what came with meeting other sides, Thomas was pretty sure he could label this whole “side” thing as a positive change.
Chapter Three
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missskzbiased · 3 years
I Hate That I’m Afraid to Love You (10)
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt /Confort , Suggestive, Fluff, College Au, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, REALLY Slow burn, Love Square (?)
Pairing: Hyunjin X Fem!Reader  X Han X OC
WC: ~ 4,7K
[Previous] [Chap] [Next]
Warnings (general*): Language, Mentions of (Physical abuse, Death/ Loss of Loved One, Child Abandonment/Neglect, Divorce, Toxic Parents, Cancer, Mental disorder, Anxiety Attack, Alcohol, Food), Suggestiveness (?)
Updates: Tuesdays [Today I’m posting it a little bit earlier just because] [Also, I have up to chap 12 written but I’ve been blocked/busy to write. I already started chap 13 but the updates may be changed in the future]
Tagging: @aliceu @thatrandomoneinthecorner  @channiewoo
     “Holy Shit!” You sputtered, stumbling over your feet.
      Chan’s arm immediately wrapped around your waist, steading you as you tried to support yourself on the wall; eyes wide like saucers and mouth agape, utterly surprised by the scene you ran into so early in the morning. Hyunjin rubbed his eyes, dragged steps trying to bring him to the living room to check what startled you and Chan that much.
    “Holy shit!” He blurted out, suddenly looking awake. You would have laughed at him in other circumstances but right now you could only focus on Paris and Han sleeping together on the couch. Their bodies were covered with a thick blanket, and you could only hope for them to be fully dressed under there.
    Actually, that was kind of cute.
    As soon as the shock dissolved, you took in the scene. Though the blanket didn’t allow you to see much, you assumed Paris was lying right on top of Han, head resting on the crook of his neck. She nuzzled him, nose rubbing against his neck, which made him squirm a little bit, humming as he adjusted himself, probably hugging her under the sheets. You gave them a small smile, looking at Chan and Hyunjin with soft eyes.
    “Don’t look at me like this, you’re going to clean that couch if his butt touched my cushion” Chan hissed, arms untangling from your waist. He made his way to the kitchen, looking for something to eat “We don’t have anything for breakfast…” He sighed, looking at Hyunjin.
    “I didn’t think about it” He shrugged, and Chan pursed his lips, nodding in disappointment.
    “Of course you didn’t” He rolled his eyes, straightening himself and closing the refrigerator “I guess I’ll order something before we wake them up” He looked at you in doubt, wondering if it was a good plan. You frowned, looking at him in shock.
    “Why the fuck you’re going to order breakfast? Are you nuts?” You scoffed, studying your outfit. Sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt. Good enough to go get some stuff “I’m going to buy something real quick” You offered, heading to the door.
    “By yourself?” Hyunjin asked surprised. You arched your brow, looking at him in question “No, I mean… Shouldn’t one of us go with you? Actually, just let us order something, it’ll be way easier” He rambled. You sighed, rolling your eyes before looking at Chan.
     “I’ll be back in a min—“ Your answer was abruptly cut off by a startled Paris. She shrieked, floundering to lift her body, completely embarrassed by the situation. You assumed her attempt to lift her body wasn’t really gentle to Han’s torso, because he shut his eyes open, coughing and trying to move, startled by whatever was happening, which just served to drop Paris to the ground.
    She ended up dragging the blanket with her, uncovering Han to display a fully dressed boy with a damn hangover. He shoots his hand to his eyes, covering them in an attempt to make the light less painful, uncovering the next second to check what was the soft thud followed by a whine that reached his ears. He lifted himself just a little bit, looking to the ground, being greeted by a huge blanket covering something unknown to him.
    “What the actual fuck?” He muttered, covering his eyes again, trying to sit up. The whine came right away. He curled himself on the couch, bringing his knees closer to his chest and holding his head as he rested his forehead on his knee, utterly done with the day.
    Paris wasn’t much better.
    She got rid of the blankets, upset by her fall, a frown carved on her face. She cupped her temples, lips quirking down, another whine leaving her lips as she probably realized she had a hangover. She mimicked Han, curling up and shielding her eyes from the light.
    “Everything good?” You checked, and both of them hissed at you, complaining you were too loud. You sighed, looking at Chan “Do you happen to have some med?” You asked, feeling too young to be the mother of both of your friends. You glanced over at them, snorting as you studied their exact same antics, finding it kind of amusing.
   Chan made his way back to his room, going to look for some pills, and you stood there watching Han and Paris whining like kids. You chuckled before looking at Hyunjin, who seemed quite amused at the situation himself. You approached him, nudging his side.
   “They’re so gonna die of embarrassment later” You grinned, and this time he giggled, nodding and crossing his arm.
    “I’m not going to let them live it down” He promised.
    “Well, that’s all for today” Mr.Lee announced, standing up before looking around the class. You closed your notebook, shoving it into your bag like everybody else, hoisting your bag over your shoulder to get up but sitting back as Mr.Lee raised his hand, asking silently for all of you to stay a little bit more “Before you all go, I want to ask for feedback about your essay. As you may know, it was the first time I gave you an essay like this, so… Well, I guess I want to hear you out”    
    “I think it was pretty invasive” Someone raised their hand, stiffly exposing their opinion “Also, we could have more time… It’s not exactly easy to put all your life in someone’s hand when you don’t know them” You nodded in agreement. Although you had ended up with Paris and Hyunjin, you could imagine how hard it was for the groups who didn’t know each other.
    Embarrassing, to say the least.
    “I agree” Someone else raised their hand, boldly crossing their arms right after, a challenging look across their face “How were we supposed to give all our lives to someone to discuss when we didn’t even know this person? We had two weeks to know one another… It’s not like we can just trust people like this” It was a good point. You looked at Mr.Lee, who hummed, nodding at the input.
   “I’ll admit that this was one of my goals” He said, thoughtfully grabbing his chin “The whole point was to put all of you on the spot, just like a patient feels when they go to therapy. I understand it’s hard… Also, in therapy, you have the law beside you stating the psychologist can’t spread your life around… But the vulnerability itself was my point” He seemed pleased with their discomfort, and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
   You never felt as vulnerable as you felt talking about yourself and your family issues with Paris. If that was the whole point, he did an amazing job embarrassing you all. You looked at Paris, narrowing your eyes as you pondered his arguments. Indeed, even if she was a “psychologist” to the project, she also had to put her story in both your hand and Hyunjin’s, so she was on spot too, even if she didn’t need to discuss it with you.
    There was no one to be saved there.
   “Let me ask you this… How many of our fake psychologists think they had a positive impact on your group?” He looked around and so did you. Some people raised their hands, including Paris, who smiled proudly, chest puffed out “Now, how many of you think that impact could replace a real therapy?” You looked around again.
    Not one hand raised.
    “Good, good” He said softly, nodding in approval “You aren’t psychologists and therapy is way different than this activity. I want you guys to understand that it’s hard to open up and you, as a psychologist, won’t be the only one studying what is right in front of you… Patients are logical and judging human beings like all of us. They can and will study you” He walked around, hands to his back, watching all of you “They know you are analyzing them and they will choose you based on something. It can be your empathy, it can be your responsiveness to them, it can be the apparent lack of judgment… It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that none of you are better than them, and the sooner you realize it, the better”
    You took in everything he said.
     He was good.
     “Lastly, who would consider going to a therapist after all the debates you guys did for this project?” You raised your hand immediately, looking around to see if anyone else would raise their hands. To your surprise, a lot of people did, such as Hyunjin, who didn’t seem too comfortable to raise it fully in the air, shyly letting his hand hover over his lowered head.
     Your eyes met Paris, hands rested on her lap.
    Mr.Lee finally waved his hands dismissively, allowing all of you to go. You got up again, followed by Paris and Hyunjin – and all of your classmates, eager to just go anywhere else –, hoisting your bag over your shoulder and heading to the stairs. You risked a glance at Paris before clearing your throat.
    “No therapist?” You asked curiously, and she gave you an amused look, chuckling.
     “Why? Do you think I need it or something? I think I’m pretty well by myself” She sounded placid, her face totally at ease, as if she didn’t give much thought to your question. You shrugged casually studying your surroundings before returning your gaze to her.
     “Well, we all need someone to talk to” You said hesitantly, and she eyed you weirdly, ready to confront you. Before she could say anything, though, Hyunjin joined the conversation. He had a teasing smirk adorning his lips, a mischievous glint on his eyes warned both of you about his intentions.
     “She already has someone, right, Paris?” She rolled her eyes, groaning and throwing her head back as if she could ask God to take him away at any moment now “I just don’t know if they talk much… I’m sure as hell they cuddle a lot, though” You chuckled, shaking your head amused by him. Paris blushed, gaze fixed on the ground.
    “She won’t even say anything! I guess she just fell like this” You joked, getting an approving nod from Hyunjin. He looked proudly at you, glad to know you were going to join him in annoying her “I’ve heard you and Han have a project together this week” You grinned, making her scoff and push you lightly, holding the strap of her bag tightly before looking at you.
    “Yeah, I kinda told you that yesterday” She pointed out sarcastically “Really, guys… Will you ever let it go? I was drunk” She gave you her puppy eyes, which normally would have some effect on you but not today. You chuckled, nudging her too, smirking as you saw her pointed look at you, grumpily waiting for whatever you had to say.
  “Please!” You rolled your eyes “Even in your drunkest days you never woke up on top of me!” You accused, and she groaned again, clutching her cheeks and pulling them down. Hyunjin chuckled at her reaction before nudging her, pointing ahead to the stairs.
   “Oh, look! Boyfriend is waiting for you” He teased, pointing to Han, who waited for you on the stairs, nervously gripping his backpack’s straps. Paris shouted to get his attention out of habit, which just intensified your teasing until you got next to him. You and Hyunjin smirked at him as soon as you reached him, throwing him a suggestive look.
    “What’s up?” He tried to break the ice, blushing as his eyes darted between you and Paris before setting on Hyunjin “Is he going to stick with us from now on?” He asked displeased, and you were prepared to send Hyunjin away so you could head to the dining hall but Hyunjin interrupted you before you could say it.
    “Rude” He pointed out “As far as I remember, you came along to my house, and I even let you sleep on my couch with my girl” He joked. You and Paris chuckled, though she whined right after, knowing she wouldn’t be able to live it down so soon. Han seemed to blush harder─ which didn’t seem even possible─ and cleared his throat before grimacing at Hyunjin.
    “First of all, She’s not your girl” His tone was kinda threatening, and you had to fight back a smile as you glanced at a blushing Paris beside you “And what was I supposed to do? Let them with a dick like you?” He challenged, puffing his chest and trying to look more intimidating. Hyunjin scoffed at him, looking down at his eyes and grimacing.
   “I wasn’t the one who woke up drunk with someone on the couch” He sneered, stepping ahead to approach him, getting just a few inches away from Han “I don’t think you’re in any position to call me a dick” You darted your eyes between the two boys, worried. The tension built up to the point the four of you got silent, looking warily to each other, swallowing dry and clearing your throats once in a while.
    “You know what? We’re getting late to our lunch with Chan” You blurted out, locking your arm with Hyunjin’s, who gave you an astonished look. You gave a tight smile to your friends, ignoring the distressed look you got from Han and the confused frown Paris shot your way “See you guys later! Bye!” You waved your hand, dragging Hyunjin along with you hurriedly.
    “I’m sorry but what the fuck?!” Hyunjin looked at your arms locked, brows knitting together as he looked at them incredulously “I don’t recall Chan saying anything about a lun—“ You glanced back to make sure Paris and Han wouldn’t be looking at you, dropping his arm and interrupting him immediately.
    “I don’t want you guys to fight” You waved dismissively “Also, it’s better if they got some alone time together, don’t you think?” You snorted. He hummed in agreement, straightening up and peeking at you.
   “So… Where are we going to eat?” He asked curiously, shoving his hands on his pockets casually, tilting his head to observe you.
   “What do you mean?” You scoffed, arching your brows amused. He rolled his eyes, gesturing to the dining hall impatiently.
   “Well, Chan didn’t invite us to eat so I’m assuming you’ll eat somewhere else since your friends will be there” He wagged his hand, looking at you as if you were dumb. You nodded slowly, realizing he was right.
   “I didn’t really think it through” You admitted “I can go anywhere else, that’s not a problem… One day won’t make such a difference to my final budget” You shrugged, and he nodded back, uncomfortable. You arched your brow, nodding your head in question.
   “So… That’s it” He raised his hand to wave you goodbye, stiffly standing in front of you “See you around” And that being said, both of you parted your ways.
    Wednesday was a lonely day.
    By now, you were used to having lunch by yourself and go back home to enjoy your few hours before your shift. You always treasured these two hours. It was the time you had to stay in silence, peacefully laid down on your bed, or stressfully trying to put up with your assignments.
    Usually, you didn’t open the door to find Paris and Han on the couch, though.
    “Oh?” You let out, clearly confused. Han held the guitar to his torso, looking down to the strings as he thought about something, humming as he heard Paris mumble. They raised their heads slowly, looking at you froze on the doorframe “I didn’t know you were going to be here… I just came to…” Your eyes wandered around the room, spotting your book on the table “To pick this up” You walked over to the table, smiling awkwardly before getting your book.
    “You’re going out?” Paris asked surprised. Of course, she did. She knew you liked to stay in your room at this time, even if she wasn’t home. You always beamed about your alone time on Wednesdays. You took quick steps to the door, nodding before your eyes roamed around the room, struggling to focus on them and hide your nervousness.
    “Hm… Yeah! I’m actually… I’m meeting up a friend” You stumbled around your words, letting out a fake giggle “To… Lend him this!” You raised your book, finally finding something to say “He asked me this book and I totally forgot to take it with me! Yep! That’s right” You smiled proudly, waving at them “Bye! Take your time together! See you later” You said as you closed the door behind you.
    You stood there in front of the door, blinking a few times before letting a sigh out. God, you were horrible at lying! You glanced at the door, holding the book close to your chest and ready to go to the only place you could go now that you expelled yourself from your room: The garden. You absolutely loved to lay there on the grass, watching as squirrels and birds passed by, afraid to get close to you.
    You let out a sigh.
    Definitely not your plan for the day but it would work.
    You made your way to your destination, calmly walking through the halls ─looking at the garden as you walked beside the arches, hand sliding through the baluster as you felt the soothing breeze huff your face ─, watching the green grass and the yellow flowers that you liked so much. You smiled as you watched a squirrel pick up something from the ground, quickly moving to hide it somewhere else. When it reached the tree it was aiming at, your eyes fell upon the guy who was resting there.
    It was Hyunjin.
    He seemed absorbed in his book, which was pretty surprising as you never pictured him as the reader type. Especially not an under-the-tree-reader kind of a guy. He was laid down on the grass, earbuds on and backpack supporting his head; one leg bent while the other one was straight, giving him a relaxed and composed look. As the treetop danced around with the wind, the filtered sunbeam danced around him too, making it look like there was the perfect spot to read a book.
    You averted your eyes to look around the place, noticing a few more people than usual hanging there. It wasn’t hard to notice most of them were girls simply admiring him while he was reading, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. As soon as you went down the stairs, finally getting to the grass, you made your way to him, ignoring the few pointed looks you received.
    “Hey, Hyunjin” You called but he didn’t answer.
    He must be really focused on his reading to not listen to your calling. You shadowed him, which appeared to get his attention, his startled eyes raising from the book to look at you. He took one of his earbuds out, hand hovering beside his ear as he held it, looking confused at you.
   “What are you doing here?” He asked surprised, raising his torso and sitting on the grass. He lifts his chin to look straight into your eyes, and you chuckled at his response.
    “Should I send you a warning every time I come to a public place?” You asked jokingly, and he let out a chuckle of his own, shaking his head in amusement. He closed his book mindlessly and you couldn’t help but be in stitches as you realized what happened right before your eyes.
    His phone slid from the book, and even though you couldn’t hear it, you could see the Drama playing on his screen. You covered your mouth, trying to muffle your laugh, and his eyes shot to his phone, cursing under his breath as he quickly took the phone from the ground, shoving it into his pocket. You pinched the bridge of your nose, squatting as you tried to recompose yourself, pointing out to his pockets.
    “I can’t…” You had to stop, gasping for air as you let another fit of laughter slip from your lips “… Believe you’re pretendi—“ Before you could end your sentence his hand shot to your mouth, cupping it. He jolted forwards, his other hand reaching for your nape so you wouldn’t go away from his grip and keep talking.
    “Shhh” He hissed, widening his eyes in a silent warning. You looked into his eyes, studying them until he realized what he was doing, letting go of you immediately. He looked away for a moment, seeming embarrassed before he shot you a smug look “Did you miss me or something?” He teased, and you rolled your eyes before sitting on the grass, legs crossed.
    “Yeah, that must be it” You scoffed, bracing yourself on your thighs “So…” You drew out, smirking as he looked at you annoyed, sensing you would mock him “Why are you here pretending to read… Political Science stuff?” You ended up confused, fixing the book so you could read its title.
    “Well, I’m a Political Science student” He pointed out as if it was obvious. You grimaced, flicking his book before nodding.
   “So you kinda should read it for real, hm?” You gave him a tight smile, and he snorted, nodding in agreement.
    “Okay, that’s fair enough” He shrugged “Just in case some Professor goes by… You know, I have to look smart to keep up my better-than-you facade” He smirked, expecting you to retort him or something but you just rolled your eyes again and pushed him lightly.
    “If you have the time to look like you’re better than me, you should start studying for real” You suggested, and this time he was the one who scoffed, tilting his head to the side before grinning obnoxiously.
    “Then I’d be way better than you and it would be too easy” He teased, grinning dissolving when you threw your head back groaning, making mention to get up. He grabbed your wrist, laughing “No, no, no! I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He giggled, and you looked at him with narrowed eyes before settling back on the grass.
    “Well, what are you doing here after all?” You asked curiously, waving dismissively to his apologetic eyes. You liked to spend your time in the garden, so you’d know if he hung around your garden like this… You didn’t recall seeing him even once.
    “I come here on Wednesdays… I’m just waiting for my classes” He shrugged “What about you? I never saw you around here” He eyes you curiously, and you chuckled, hands going to the ground as you leaned slightly back, supporting yourself, straightening your legs.
    “I was going to rest before work but Paris and Han are at the dorms, so I figured I should leave them alone” You said, looking at him with a small smile. Hyunjin furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side, confused. He waited for you to continue but you didn’t, so he frowned, deciding to speak up.
    “Okay?” He said warily “What about it?” You looked at him as if he needed a new brain, snorting before nudging him with your foot.
   “Well, They like each other so –“ Hyunjin interrupted you by chortling, looking at you as if you were a confused kid, fondly mocking you without a word. You tilted your head, confused by his reaction, waiting for his explanation.
    “You’re kidding, right?” He chuckled, looking at any signs of amusement on your face, which he didn’t find “No! Seriously?! It’s so damn obvious he likes you!” He seemed surprised by your obliviousness, and you laughed at his delusional self, shaking your head in amusement.
    “You’re crazy! He likes Paris for like… Years!” You retorted, rolling your eyes “Where did you even get that from?” You scoffed, and this time he leaned forward, legs crossed and hands fisting the grass lightly.
   “No, look… I’m sorry to break it to you but he likes you” He repeated himself, and you looked away in disbelief “No! Really! He doesn’t like Paris! Just think for a moment, Y/N! Why would he even come to punch me for thinking I made you cry?” He looked distressed, totally taken aback by the fact that you didn’t agree with him.
    “He’s my friend! Of course, he would get upset if he thought someone made me cry!” You rolled your eyes “He stands up for me and Paris all the time. It’s called friendship, Hyunjin” He scoffed, looking away before grimacing at you.
   “Okay, and why was he all riled up when we ate the hot dog that night?” He challenged. You frowned. Well… Apart from his worries about Hyunjin in general, Han didn’t really have a reason to get so upset “See? Deep down you know I’m right” He smiled triumphantly.
   “He acts differently when he’s around Paris” You retorted, crossing your arms. He rolled his eyes, sighing “I mean it! Did you see how he acts beside her?” You insisted eagerly.
   “Please… He acts differently when he’s around you” He arched his brows, as if to make his point, “That’s how he acts around you! Have you ever seen how he act around her when you’re not around? I mean it. He likes you.” He was serious, and for a moment you couldn’t take his words out of your mind.
   Was that how he acts around you not her?
   “Anyway… I don’t even know why I’m trying to make you understand it” He shrugged “It’s none of my business” He sighed, arching one brow, studying your flabbergasted expression “Though I think I made my point” He chuckled, and you shook your head.
   “No, you didn’t!” You blurted out; too eager “He likes her! He has to” You decided, settling with your previous beliefs “She likes him, you heard it yourself! And I’m sure he likes her back… They just need some alone time to get together” He sighed in defeat, giving up on the idea. As you prepared to get up, wondering where you should go to rest, he tilted his head, grabbing your wrist again. You looked down at him, and he bit his lips in doubt before speaking up.
   “Do you want to watch it together?” He asked, taking his phone out of his pocket “You can read your book too if you prefer… The tree is big enough for both of us” He smiled friendly, and you had to smile back. It was the first time he was being friendly without any suggestive or teasing remarks attached.
   “I’d love to” You nodded, crawling to the tree trunk, leaning against it. He laid down again, resting his head on his backpack and giving up on pretending to be studying, raising his phone right up his eyes, so he would be watching it in peace. You opened your book, prepared to re-read it since you had actually read it over the weekend, noticing as he glanced at you.
   “Is that book this good for you to prefer reading it instead of watching something?” He asked cautiously, and you smirked at him.
   “Yes, it is… I think you should try it” You offered, and he scoffed.
   “No way, I’m going to watch my Drama” He rolled his eyes.
   “We watch it together and then you read my book” You suggested “Then you have to be sincere about it! You can’t just decide your drama was better without trying to read it!” You looked at him accusingly, and he chuckled.
   “What is on for me?” He asked smugly, and this time you rolled your eyes to him.
   “The shame of being so wrong throughout your life that you should hide under a rock” You grimaced, making him laugh “Or maybe I’m the one who should hide under a rock…” You let the sentence hanging in the air, and he smiled confidently.
   “Deal” He agreed. You closed the book, resting it on his stomach as you laid down, resting your head on your hand, elbowing the grass.
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filmoligical · 5 years
honey boy. jaemin (m)
popular kid! jaemin x popular kid! reader (fwb to lovers! au)
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GENRE: angst, fluff, smut
WARNINGS: explicit content, oral (m&f receiving), overstimulation, fingering
WORDS: 15.3k
Jaemin thinks you’re cute and gets the worst idea possible to get close to you, thanks to Lee Donghyuck. 
Na Jaemin swiftly made his way through the crowd in the halls to check out his poster which was designed by his friend who’s an ‘aspiring artist’ according to him, Huang Renjun. “Why did you write ‘Everyone vote for me!’ that sounds so selfish.” Jaemin groaned and jokingly hit Renjun’s shoulder. “Because, my friend, you need the clout. You’re never winning against her.” Renjun glared at the girl at the end of the hallway, Jaemin followed his eyes and saw you standing with your friends, surrounding your poster on the notice board.
Y/N, the girl who has been the class president since the start of high school. Perfect grades, looks to die for, the cheerleader and a heartbreaker. Jaemin looked away, “Oh.” He rested his forehead against the locker and mumbled, “I’ll manage somehow, you just wait and watch.” 
“Dude, I have no idea what the fuck you’re gonna do but just don’t embarrass yourself.”
“I’m not a dumb fuck, just see. I have my ways to win.”
“Hotpot for you if you win.”
The month of October, the perfect weather, the time when nominees are announced. October is one of everyone’s favourite months. Nomination announcements with an aftermath of cat fight in the hallways along with messed up halloween party in their wooden floored auditorium with stereotypical decorations done by the sophomores. 
The trees outside were not entirely hues of red and orange yet. The newly softened mud were the acorns - from green to pale brown, none yet the rich hue of children’s story books. The air was cooler with a tincture of earthiness - just a hint that brought to mind the cozy evenings and warm soups to come. Jaemin enters the school premises with obvious eye bags and dark circles, his backpack almost hanging off of his left shoulder. He slowers his pace and Jeno looks back at him, confused. “What happened?” Jaemin takes a 180° turn before even explaining to Jeno, attempting to leave him confused. He heard the footsteps coming closer and closer and eventually halting infront of him. “Good mornin— are you okay?” You ask, the smile fading into a look of concern. “I played games with Renjun till 4am, maybe that’s why? I don’t know.” He reasoned, his voice stuttering. 
“Damn. Anyways I actually came to say good luck, you know the class president thingy.” Jaemin cracked a tired smile, “Yeah that, I’m gonna try my best! Really excited about it to be honest.” You show bright smile yet again and show him a thumbs up before disappearing into the crowded classroom. “Man I don’t think you’ll win if she’s nominated, I’ve heard so much shit about her.” Jeno looks at jaemin while he shoves his thick chemistry books inside the locker. “I mean I know she’s all that and shit but I’m not that bad you know.” Jaemin teases. 
Later that day, Jeno sat on the edge of Jaemin’s bed, his eyes not moving from the plasma screen infront. Jaemin’s whines were a like an annoying and obnoxious background music to him and Donghyuck. “I swear, she manipulates the votes, it’s not possible that she has 112 and i have 89 only! Y/N literally does nothing!” Jaemin runs his finger through his brown locks. “Shut the fuck up, if i lose against Jeno one more time I’ll literally eat your food for the entire year.” Donghyuck spats, his eyes fixed on the plasma screen. “She’s a teacher’s pet, hosts good parties, is nice, gets good grades, heard she’s a really good kisser. What else do you need?” Jeno snorted. “Did I mention hot?” He adds. 
Jaemin sits with his legs crossed on the floor, bundles of messy gaming consoles, wires scattered on the floor in front of him, “Dude did you kiss her or something?” Jaemin laughs. 
“Are you dumb? I said I heard, maybe this is why you have zero votes. Renjun should’ve been nominated if he actually studied properly unlike you.” Jeno scoffs. 
“Wait a damn minute, what does being a good kisser have to do with getting votes?” Donghyuck finally replies and looks away from the screen for the first time ever since he came into Jaemin’s room. “She’s getting free votes from the dudes.” Jaemin sighed. “Maybe you should stop playing with my FIFA.” he adds. Jeno and Donghyuck’s banters along with Jaemin having a mental breakdown while sitting on the floor was interrupted by Donghyuck’s phone. 
“Mom i am so sorry! This is the last time i swear, it’s never happening again! I promise!” Donghyuck said on the phone. 
“Oh shit it’s 11pm, I didn’t even realise, his mom is gonna beat him up today! Atleast I can sneak in through the window, as long as my sister doesn’t sell me out.” Jeno whispers and starts packing his bag. “Yeah you guys should leave, my mom is probably mad.” Jaemin said slowly. “Don’t stress yourself, this isn’t gonna do anything except giving you extra points for college.” Jeno said and pats Jaemin on the shoulder. 
“Yeah now leave, before my mom is going to beat your ass!” Jaemin’s mom may or may not have scolded him or having friends over since 4pm. He left his mom’s room with an half assed apology. Sighing he picked up all the glasses and plates with half eaten pizza on them which Donghyuck left behind. He made sure to clean them up, so that his mom doesn’t throw tantrum early in the morning right after he wakes up. He finally sits on his bed, wearing his Ryan pajamas which he’s too shy to wear infront of other people and too shy to admit that he’s 19 and still wears it. he scrolled down his Instagram, just updates on the votings, halloween preparations and graduation preparations which he wasn’t sure why. Graduation is still months away. 
He suddenly thinks about you after seeing a selfie of you with a classmate he recalls to be, hyunjin. You have good sense of humour and he gets why boys and girls are crazy over you. Jaemin had once considered asking you out back in the last yes of middle school when he was only 15. Till this day he still thinks you’re of the most interesting person he have come across in this school. You texted him that night to tell him good luck yet again, your conversation varied from complaining about Mrs.Kwon to finally coming clean and telling Jaemin how stressful it is to be the class president and that you don’t wanna continue doing this anymore. You were glad that Jaemin had promised to not tell anyone. 
The next morning you regret wearing your school’s summer uniform, a white shirt along with a navy blue tie and a black skirt. You clutched the straps of your bag tightly as you felt goosebumps forming on her exposed legs. You turned your head to the gaze of Heejin, “Good morning! I’m not really sure why you’re wearing this—” the dark haired girl scans you from head to toe. “My mom forgot to put the blazer in laundry, and my pants are too tight. I need an appointment with the school tailor soon.” You say. 
With more than 45 minutes left for assembly and 50 minutes for class, Heejin, you and Yoorim, who was forced to come to school today, decided to seat on the bleachers “Guys I’m so fucking stressed, I don’t know what to do for halloween and literally no one has asked me out for prom!” Yoorim complained. “There’s still like 5 months left for prom— and maybe i’m stressed about halloween too.” You said with a shaky voice. “Y/N are you okay? you’re like not even shivering anymore, you’re literally shaking.” You replied with a weak smile plastered on your face, “I’m gonna be okay! It’s just the fucked up early morning weather. I’ll be fine. Let’s talk about halloween or maybe votings.” 
“Yeah speaking of votings, Aren’t you excited about being the president again? Maybe minus the fact that Mr.Jang literally makes you stay in this shithole till 5pm.” Heejin joked. “Yeah you’re right, that shits painful as fuck.” You said and quickly turned your head to see the new group of people walking towards the bleachers on the other side. It was Jaemin and his group of friends, clad in the school’s infamous black blazers. They sat on the other side of bleachers and you were pretty sure he hadn’t noticed you. You were lost in your own thoughts, in your own world, you couldn’t bother listening to your friends blabbering about prom which was a months away and halloween which was weeks away. Jaemin gives you a small wave across the field, immediately making you look away. Biology class, aka your biggest fear and your 5th period of the day. You tried your best paying attention to Ms.Son explaining the structure of oesophagus but the leaves falling and blowing in the winds outside kept distracting you anyways. Not to mention, Na Jaemin sitting a few seats away from you, rushing to copy whatever Ms.Son is saying. You realized that day Jaemin was ethereal. You would be ashamed to admit it or maybe you won’t even admit it even if you were held at gunpoint. Jaemin felt the strong gaze on him and looked back at you, making you quickly look away and pretended to hear Ms.Son’s oesophageal lecture. “Pssst Jeno! Fucking Lee Jeno!” Jaemin whispered. “Y/N keeps looking at me!” “Isn’t that what you wanted?” Jeno whispered back and went to copy down his notes again.
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Few days later you found yourself cleaning the classroom after school that day. You weren’t bothered enough to have a proper conversation with a few other people from your year doing the same thing, you just wanted to go home, have left over kimchi fried rice and take a big fat nap. 
You quickly mopped the floors, cleaned the windows and not to mention cleaning the extra unhygienic nasty bathrooms. You even had to clean for someone else she didn’t even know, because they called in sick the last moment. You clutched your bag strap’s tightly around your shoulder and walked out of the school gates. the glowing sun, a crisp circle in the bloody sky, illuminated a quivering path across the huge buildings. It was almost dark. You quickly grabbed your phone and took a quick picture, you loved sunsets. “Hey.” You were startled and quickly looked behind to meet the eye’s of the honey boy standing right behind you, still wearing his school uniform. his faded blonde - almost brown hair, his glowing skin, his cheeks a faded shade of pink, almost like the sakura blossoms of spring. And the same old big smile. You almost felt like you were in love. A feeling you felt for the first time in years. “You didn’t leave yet?” You asked quickly, concerned about the boy who had left school almost 3 hours ago. Jaemin awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, “I figured we can get some ice cream or something like that? But it completely slipped out of my mind that it’s Thursday and you were assigned to clean!”   You couldn’t help but smile. You felt July’s summer heat forming on your cheeks. You had never met a boy this nice in your entire life. None of your ex-flings or even ex-boyfriends waited for you on your assigned cleaning days. “But—”
“I know it’s weird to get ice cream in the middle of October, but the new shop around the corner has really good raspberry and green tea ice cream! I actually tried the green tea one last week.” Jaemin cut you off and quickly defended himself. 
“Yeah i get it! But why were you waiting for me?” You made sure to emphasise the “you”
“Oh—um—to talk about the votings maybe? And why not? It’s not a crime to catch up with a classmate!” He said sounding pretty.. embarrassed. You smiled weakly at him, “Well I am sorry but,” you checked your wrist watch, “It’s almost 6 and I have to do tomorrow’s History assignment, the one Mrs.Lee gave on the Korean War? It’s due tomorrow.” you replied. “Ice cream plans cancelled then.” He said frowning. “Um do you perhaps want me to walk you home?” Jaemin said breaking the 5 second long awkward silence.
You’re glad he initiated the conversation about walking you home. You felt unsafe, since it was cold and already dark outside. “Sure! I was kinda feeling unsafe, it’s almost dark. I have never really stayed at school for so long actually.” You said and started walking down the road. You felt at ease to know that there was someone right beside you, walking. You kept giving Jaemin side glares. This boy was too pretty, almost like an Angel. “My house is here! I can go on my own. Thanks for waking me home.” You looked at him in the eye. 
“Ye—yeah. My house is around the corner too! Good night? Good evening? I don’t know what to say damn!” Jaemin made a quick joke which made you both giggle. “Alright see you tomorrow then!” You said and ran down the road. Jaemin watched your petite figure running and eventually not in sight anymore. He sighed and took the road towards the opposite direction. You wanted to thank Jaemin again. You felt the butterflies in her stomach right after looking at Jaemin’s table, filled with trays of the nasty bibimbap trays the school serves, notebooks, piles of devices; it was just a mess. You walked to your table with the bibimbap tray, the sad looking sunny side egg on top. “Bruh why do you keep looking back there?” Yoorim said and followed your eyes, “Oh- oh— is it Jeno?” She asked with a smirk on her face. “Do you like him?”
“What the fuck? No why would I like” you sighed looking around you to make sure no one’s hearing you and then whispered, “Jeno out of everyone?” “So who is it?” Heejin asked, her mouth stuffed with food. “Ugh it’s Jaemin—he uh walked me home yesterday and I couldn’t really say a thanks properly.” You explained. You looked behind again and saw the boy walking to the library with his Physics books and 2 other notebooks. You walked behind him, leaving your friends confused at your sudden departure and Jaemin was quick enough to notice you, making him stophis fast pace. You felt the heat on your cheeks again when you saw the boy infront of you showing the brightest smile you had ever seen. “Hey?” Jaemin walked towards you. “Are you going to the library?” “Oh—oh-me? I was going to study physics..yeah.” That’s when you realised your anxiety kicked in and had fucked up and a boy has never made you nervous ever in your life. 
“Me too actually! I was going to study the Astrophysics chapter. I am done making the notes, do you wanna check mine out?” Jaemin said while going through his huge pile of notes. 
You nodded and walked to the Physics aisle with Jaemin. You looked at him from the side, long lashes, a sharp nose, pink lips — you soon realised you weren’t being yourself when you are near him. You would lose your confident, independent self when you would be near him. Na Jaemin made you feel the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Found it!” Jaemin looked at her, smiling with the huge book of astrophysics in his hand. “What’s your next class?” He asked you while going through the huge book.
“It’s PE, but I can stay behind and do these, if you’re okay with it.” You said. After hours of studying, and you getting lost in Jaemin’s ethereal beauty, he breaks the silence. “Do you wanna to go to this party? Donghyuck’s house? He said his parents are going to Busan tonight and returning on Monday.” “Sure!”
Donghyuck’s house was packed with all kinds of people going crazy, drinking, some even seen smoking in the corner. When you had entered the house, the smell of alcohol was quick enough to reach your nostrils and make you gag slightly; you were never a heavy drinker like your friends. You put your right hand reflexively on your throat and closed your eyes as you took in the scent that would surround you for the rest of the night. When you opened them again, your friends were already chattering over the loud music.
You and Yoorim were greeted by a slightly drunk, rosy cheeked Donghyuck “Good evening girls! If you wanna drink go to the kitchen, everything’s in there! and do anything you want as long you don’t throw up on this carpet.” He pointed at the black faux fur carpet on the floor. 
Everyone were going crazy. The music was so loud that it made your skin tingle and your lungs felt like mush. The bass thumped in time with your heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. Atleast you liked the song. 
Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. You couldn’t make out any words, but a familiar laughter rang in your ears and wouldn’t seem to stop. You looked around and your eyes met with Jaemin’s. “Hey we’re gonna go get something to drink!” Heejin chimed and dragged Yoorim along with her leaving you behind alone. 
You suddenly felt someone’s presence behind you, not daring to looking behind, you waited for the person to make a move. “Y/N!” You felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked behind and saw Jaemin, clad in a grey shirt and skinny jeans. His hair in looked better than it did in school, you thought. “Hey— how are you?” You simply asked with a smile on your face. “I’m great actually, you look hot by the way.” His remarks made your cheeks burn, you knew your cheeks were probably the colour of a tomato by now. “Thanks, I guess”
“Do you wanna have some drinks?” He asked while walking with her to the crowded kitchen. Geez, Donghyuck invited the entire school, you thought after seeing all the familiar faces you had walked pass by. 
“Do you want beer?” Jaemin pointed at the stack of beer cans and different bottles on the kitchen counter. “Yeah beer is fine. I don’t really drink much.” You said whilst Jaemin poured the the beer on the red plastic cup for you. “Damn really?! I heard you got fucking wasted in Hyewon’s party this summer.” Jaemin exclaimed and handed you the red cup. 
“That’s so embarrassing, people still remember it. That was the day I tried vodka for the first time and then I couldn’t stop drinking! I had the worst fucking headache the next morning.” You recalled the memories and took a sip of your beer. 
You can’t remember when you had lost your friends, when you had finished an entire bottle of whiskey and how you ended up dancing with none other than Jaemin. You felt his hands on your waist and your bodies moving in the same pace, you didn’t even realise when you had placed your head on the crook of Jaemin’s neck. This is the closest you have ever been. You were too drunk to even process what was going on at that point. You move your head closer to Jaemin. He stands frozen, from both fear and excitement. You leans in, your forehead rests against his, both your breaths are shaking. “You’re a really good dancer,” you say over the loud music. 
The thing you knew, he had slammed his lips to yours and nearly knocked all wind from your lungs. You hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of your lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss with the strong scent of whiskey being exchanged in the intermingling of their billowing breaths. In an instant you had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against your own, before you drew back into his lips. You could nearly feel the slight burn of the whiskey as it rolled off your tongue and seeped down your throat with every push of his tongue against yours. 
You quickly pulled away, breathing heavily. You looked back at Jaemin, his lips almost bruised and a smirk plastered on his face. “Let’s continue upstairs ? Donghyuck’s room is fre—he was interrupted with another kiss on his lips. A drunk you replied, “As much as I would love to, we shouldn’t be doing this.” Atleast you were in your right state of mind, while being drunk. “Oh cool, let’s dance then. And you shouldn’t drink anymore by the way.” Jaemin said while you went to grab another bottle of vodka. “Last one! Please!” You made puppy eyes and kissed Jaemin on the cheeks. “No last one, you’re gonna rest in Donghyuck’s room.” Jaemin said and put one of your messy hair strand behind your ear. 
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Na Jaemin to you was like the golden champagne bubbles fizzing and crackling in the mouth like fireworks. He’s like the feeling of driving on a hot summer night with the windows down. The fuzzy blankets on the chilliest of nights. You didn’t realise when you started thinking about him 24/7.
And it wasn’t helping when he was a few metres away from you. You couldn’t stop staring at Jaemin. You noticed how he tried his best to keep up with the teacher, moving his hands quickly and copying down the notes. Occasionally looking behind and whispering something to Renjun, how he owns a Ryan pencil case. It had been 3 days since the incident in Donghyuck’s living room. The incident which made you feel rather…weird. 
You still couldn’t be as enthusiastic as your friends merrily talking about halloween which is surprisingly only 15 days away. You stared at the cold fruit salad on your bowl, you can’t eat when your mind is pilled with thousands of different kinds of thoughts. “It’s decided I’m gonna be Sailor Moon!” Yoorim exclaimed and put a mouthful of cabbage salad inside her mouth. “Cool l’m probably gonna show up as a vampire..” Heejin sighed. “What about you?” She added and looked at you. “Me? I don’t know yet to be honest..” you said awkwardly and looked down at the school’s burgundy skirt. “Hey you’re so uninterested, is everything oka—
You immediately got up from your chair and slammed your hands on the table, “my head fucking hurts, please.” The entire cafeteria became silent, everyone’s eyes on you, wondering what had happened.
“Y/N, look i’m sorr—
“No I’m sorry.” You said in a small voice and quickly walked away from the cafeteria. You felt tears brimming down your cheeks as you walked past Jaemin and everyone in that cafeteria.
“Woah. Was she crying?” Renjun took a sip of cola from the can. 
“I’ll see you guys in History.” Jaemin got up and briskly walked towards the exit of the cafeteria. He saw you in the crowded hallway entering the girls washroom. Jaemin sighed and took a sit on the cold surface of the stairs, waiting for you to come out. His mind was clouded with thoughts too, yeah he did like you, but the fear of getting his heart broken was taking over him. Maybe you thought of him as just one of your flings. 
Jaemin soon saw you walking out, your eyes red and puffy, “Y/N! Are you okay?” He asks as he runs to catch up with your pace. You felt the butterflies in your stomach again and started walking in a faster, clutching the straps of your bag tighter, praying that the bell for the History rings at the moment. Jaemin was quick enough to run along beside you, “Stop ignoring me!” he huffed, catching his breath. 
“What do you want?” You asked in a monotoned voice. “Let’s go somewhere quiet first, I’m scared you’re gonna scream at me.” Jaemin joked pulling you by your hands and walking towards the empty staircases. You felt that same way over again when his hands had touched yours, you felt like the feeling of euphoric laughter at 3am. 
“Now tell me what happened.” Jaemin takes a sit beside you on the stairs. “N-nothing serious, it’s time for History anyways, let’s go.” You tried to change the topic. He took a glance of the wrist watch on his wrist, “We still have twenty minutes left for History, stop trying to change the topic and just tell me what happened.”
A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of your right eye, your mouth formed a rigid grimace. With arms folded tightly across your chest you tapped your feet on the stairs. There’s no way you’re telling him you’re stressed about a fucking kiss like a thirteen year old. 
“Is it— is it about Donghyuck’s party?” Jaemin slowly asked, his voice suddenly deeper than it was like a few seconds ago. “W-What?” You almost choked on air. 
“Look, we both were intoxicated, I’m sorry if i made you feel uncomfort— You don’t know what happened, you felt like your brain had a short circuit. Jaemin felt your soft lips on his. You kissed him and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled. 
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Jaemin planned out a small tour to Daegu, a gesture to maybe earn some votes from his fellow classmates. You were not surprised to see how everyone were sneaking bottles of vodkas in. Mr.Kim too busy screaming at Jaemin for being late to notice. 
"Damn it’s dark in here.” Heejin moved the thick velvet curtains out of the way and revealed a scenario of shy woods and hills. “Fuck, I’m so tired I woke up at 5am then ran to the station. and here’s the catch, I slept at 1 because my dumbass decided to pack her shit last minute.” You grumbled against the white pillow. 
“I you to pack on Thursday.” Heejin said, a smirk on her face. “Shut up. I’m gonna sleep you can go and have lunch, and if anyone asks about me, just say I died.” You say and wrap the blanket around yourself comfortably. “Sure ma'am.”
You felt like you were in heaven. The comfortable fuzzy blanket, a soft bouncy spring bed and a soft pillow was everything you needed that moment. But your dreamland was interrupted when you woke up to the obnoxious bell continuously ringing. You felt like stabbing whoever it was, groaning and dragged yourself out of the bed.
“Who is it i’m sleepi—
"Hey.” Jaemin shoves a box of sushi towards her, “I couldn’t bring food from the buffet so I ran to convenience store for the sushi!”
“Thank yo—
"Don’t skip meals!” He ran away inside the elevator even before you could thank him.
Later that evening, you the hills, lost in the rhythmic percussion of hues of green and orange. Your eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars, lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that you’re enjoying your thoughts, whatever they may be.
Jaemin notices you standing alone, away from everyone screaming and taking photographs for their Instagram feed and Facebook profile pictures. He moves closer so that you feel his presence, yet stays quiet, allowing you to stay lost in the moment a while longer. You pull out your phone from the back of the pocket and start taking pictures of the sunset. You suddenly noticed the reflection of the boy wearing a black hoodie on the phone screen.
“Did you eat?” Jaemin leans down towards the railings of the cliff.
“Yeah. Thanks for it, I’ll pay you back soon.” You say and looks up at the boy standing beside you, observing the sun getting lost into the horizon. You think Jaemin looks the best during sunsets, it’s rays kissing his glowy skin, he looks at peace. Your heart swells looking at him, so you turn your head to face the hues of green and orange instead.
“Did you take any pictures?” He asks and looks at the you who’s too busy observing the view ahead of them. the sound of other noisy students in the background echoing through the hills.
“No, I don’t have any makeup on..” You said in a small voice and started walking towards the crowd of other students a few yards away.
“Y/N you look good! I’ll take some with my phone omg.”
“Did you really just say omg out loud?” You burst into a fit of laughter and walk back again to join the boy who just embarrassed himself. You lean down on the railings and looks back at the boy, “take a picture, but from the back.”
And Jaemin does the most, he squats down on the ground and positions his phone to get a good snap of you standing against the railings with a background of the sun almost setting, the sky almost dark. 
“Yeah I’m done!” Jaemin smiles happily like a child after getting sweets and stands up to proudly show you the pictures he took. “You’re a good photographer!” You giggled and noticed his smile growing even bigger. “Can we take a selfie? We don’t have any pictures together.” Jaemin suggests and looks over at you for approval. “Sure.” You smiled. He stands beside you. You smell like peaches, he thought. Your hair showing hints of brown as it reflects with the sun which is almost on the verge of getting lost into the horizon. Jaemin positions the camera and throws up a peace sign following by you doing the same too.
That evening you found yourself out of the room in the resort garden. Your friend, Heejin, kicked you out of the room to fuck that guy you’ve only seen in the hallways. You walked through the gates, clutching your phone tight. There was a circular lawn with a path around it, central bed of shrubs. Outside of the lawn area were four rose bush beds to fill up the square area. she quietly sits on one of the benches in the dark, away from all the lamp posts surrounding the lawn.
“Why are you here?” Jaemin suddenly plopped down on the bench beside her. “It’s almost 11:30?” he added.
“Why are you even here?” You replied with yet another question.
“Just wanted to walk around a bit.” He runs his hands through his brown dyed hair. “It’s boring because Jeno and everyone else bailed on me to go play monopoly and I can’t play that shit.”
“You really can’t play?” You snorted. 
“Don’t laugh. I’ve been trying since I was 12.” Jaemin facepalmed. “You still didn’t say why you’re here.” 
“Heejin has a dick appointment and she kicked me out.” 
“Do you wanna hang out in my room? It’s really cold out here.” Jaemin offered, standing up and stretching his arms out.
You regret saying yes, you never knew Jaemin could be that talkative. He asked you to join him to go volunteering at a local nursery the next week. From all places in the town, it was the last place you will thought for to meet him. But you didn’t ask for more.
“Can I ask you something?” Jaemin said, his eyes fixed on you now. “About Donghyuck’s party and lunch.” His smile fading away now.
Your cheeks turned red. “O-Oh.” Yes, you would 100% kiss him again but you never thought he’ll bring it up seriously ever again. “I’m sorry about that.” Jaemin turned to look at you with an amused smile. “I’m just gonna be honest and say that I really liked it. Also…” He stood infront of you and took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you again?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly before he could even speak. Making your tongues dance together, Jaemin ran his hands on your back to your hips, unbuttoning your pants. As small moan came from you as you felt his skin against your exposed skin. You kissed him with more passion as he was about to break the kiss to remove your shirt. You did the same, to be sure, nothing will stop you from tasting his lips. “Where first?” He asked catching his breath.
You didn’t reply right away, instead you dragged him close to the bed, hoping that it’s his bed and not Jeno’s. You take off your shorts before kneeling on the ground. At first, Jaemin didn’t get your intentions, but he understood and was about to remove his own trousers. But you stopped him and did the work. It was more sensual this way. You could already see his half erect cock through his underwear. “Come on Y/N, stop teasing me like this.” He groaned as space started to lack down there. You slowly take off what was left and took his cock in your hand. A moan of relief escaped his lips. You started to pump your hand front and back, till it was hard enough to take it in your mouth. Giving a lustful look at Jaemin, you kissed the tip of his cock, giving small lick on it. His cock twitched at the contact of your warm tongue and lips. His groans and whimpers make you craving for more.  
But not yet. After teasing him, you opened your mouth and took him. Relaxing yourself, after a minute you were able to take him all inside. Jaemin tried to stay steady on his legs, till you made your move and he had to stop you to sit on the edge of the bed. “Y/N, you’re amazing!” He panted, his eyes shut. If the 4th floor in the resort was silent at first, it was now filled with Jaemin’s moans. Your body was demanding for more. As you felt him getting close, you ignored the sudden urge to touch yourself. He’ll have this honor. You kept working on sucking him more. Jaemin gently grabbed your head as he came in your mouth. “You’re really something else. What can I do for you?” He said trying to catch his breath. “Fuck me.”
“For sure I can, because my lovely lady, it’s your turn to get some fun.” He smirked. You sat on the bed (still unsure if it’s his or Jeno’s) waiting for him to make his move. He proceed to take off your underwears and play with your nipples first. You bite your lips. Pinching, sucking and biting them. “Jaemin… Please.” You begged him. Always sucking your breast, he ran one of his hand on your body to your wet core. 
A gasp of pleasure escaped your mouth as he rubbed your clit, finally giving what you wanted. A part of you felt relief, put the other was demanding for more and more. Jaemin seemed to understand your craving as he pushed one finger inside. You rested your forehead on his shoulder while he was thrusting and rubbing your wet walls. Heavily breathing, you focused on each of his movements, when he pushed the second fingers. He went back to your mouth for a kiss.
“Does it feel okay?” Jaemin asked softly as he let his finger move in and out of you in a nice pace. A pace that wasn’t too slow or too fast.
You gave him a smirk as you let your hips start to move with his finger’s pace, “It feels great my little rebel,” you muttered out before letting out a moan when one of his fingers that wasn’t inside of her slowly moved up to your clit. Moving around it slowly and making you even more turned on than what you were. “Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought you were,” You added on after your moan died down and locked eyes with him. Seeing the hint of mischief disappearing in his eyes. “What do you mean?”  
You smirked at that before leaning down to kiss him on the lips. His finger that was inside of you slowing down as you let out a tiny whine into the kiss, “Asshole, stop slowing down.” Jaemin stayed silent and he let his other finger move around your clit again, 
your eyes falling shut when that happened because fuck did it feel good. Feeling him slip his fingers out of you completely though you whined again, looking up at Jaemin as he pulled away.
“Don’t call me an asshole yet,” He stated before moving his hand out of your panties. “Want to try something with you right now. Only if you’re okay with it though.” You raised an eyebrow, “Something?” You asked feeling a bit nervous for whatever he had in mind. “When is Jeno coming back?” You suddenly remembered about his roommate again.
“They’re playing monopoly, he isn’t coming back anytime soon.” Jaemin stated “Wanna eat you out now.” Listening to Jaemin, you felt your cheeks, your pussy maybe even getting a bit wetter too as you did your best to keep composed. Not wanting to show just how much you wanted Jaemin to do that. Not wanting to seem so needy over letting Jaemin do whatever he wanted to you. “Do it.” You said, your voice sounding shaky as your body decided to betray you. “For real?” “For real,” You muttered out before leaning up to kiss Jaemin briefly. “Sure?” Jaemin questioned and you hated to admit it sounded hot hearing him ask you that. Mainly because maybe you thought you heard a whine in his voice now. Jaemin grinned at your words, his fingers soon hooking in the waistband of the panties which he pushed down in hurry. Not wasting anytime as he moved himself between your legs once the panties were gone and you chewed on your lip hard. A tiny laugh coming out when Jaemin left a light kiss on your thigh because it tickled, especially when his breath hit that part of the skin.
“You’re ticklish right there?” Jaemin asked as he looked up at you and you blushed even more than what you probably already were. “Didn’t think you were ticklish anywhere.”
“Yeah well I guess I am,” You smiled softly as you looked down at Jaemin. “Now if you don’t shut the fuck up and do whatever you were doing—” His grin came back at that, “Never thought you’d ever give me permission to do what I want to do to you like that,” he muttered softly but before you could respond Jaemin’s mouth had made contact with your pussy, leaving a few light kisses. An action that had rendered you speechless. Leaving you only able to moan out as your eyes fell shut.
The feeling of being kissed down there was new but it wasn’t one you were opposed too and now you wanted more. More than just the light kisses that Jaemin had left.
Your wish soon comes true when you felt Jaemin slowly spread you open, his tongue sliding inside of you and as he began to move his tongue against it. You closed your eyes tighter. Letting yourself feel the new sensations that were happening.
“Fuck,” You muttered out as you felt his tongue on your clit, circling it like he had with his fingers. Though this time it felt ten times better than when he had used his fingers. “Feels so good Jae,” you moaned out as his tongue moved back down.
Opening your eyes, you looked down seeing Jaemin looking up at you through his eyelashes. Like he was watching you intently and maybe he was. Maybe that was his way of figuring out what you liked and what you didn’t but right now there was nothing about this that you disliked. You were liking everything that he was doing with that tongue of his.
“You’re really good at this,” You told him before moving your hand down towards his hair and letting it tangle in his brown locks.
Your words seemed to gave some sort of ego boast to Jaemin because not long after you uttered them, he began to use his tongue more. Soon letting one of his fingers slip inside and you once again shut your eyes, your hand pulling on his hair hard as you felt yourself getting close to an orgasm.
Your body wanting and needing that release. A release that Jaemin was all too eager to give you, obviously reading the signs that you were close because he let his finger move hard and fast inside of you. His tongue moving back to your clit where it mostly stayed.
“Oh god Jae yes,” You groaned out as your body shuddered slightly, toes curling a bit as your orgasm hit. After the orgasm had ended Jaemin slowly slipped his finger out of you, moving up until he was laying beside you. You turning your head to look at him.
“So I take it you liked that?” Jaemin asked though his words came out more like a statement and you were half sure his ego had probably gotten a bit bigger from already knowing just how much you liked it. Rolling your eyes, you only sighed, “I think it was very apparent I did Na Jaemin,” you spoke trying to sound sarcastic. 
“I liked it too,” Jaemin told you as he leaned a bit closer. “Liked the taste of you and the faces you made,” he said his voice getting a bit lower before he leaned in even closer, kissing you on the lips again and of course you kissed him back. Not caring that his mouth had just been on you or that you could taste yourself on him. “So are you gonna fuck me or n—
The obnoxious bell ringing continuously, Jeno and a few other people’s chattering behind the door, it was obvious— you can’t fuck, atleast not now.
You quickly got up, trying to pick up your discarded clothes in different places on the floor and Jeno still ringing the bell. 
"Jaemin, did you die?”
“No! I’m in the washroom!” 
“What the fu—
You opened the door, giving Jeno a small smile and hurriedly ran towards the stairs ignoring the elevator. 
"Why was she here?”
“We were just talking.”
“Is that dried cum on my bed?” 
“Jaemin I’m gonna fucking kill you.” 
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Jaemin got to learn more about you over the days. He learned about your love for puppies and kittens, how much you hate the ’battery acid’ Jaemin drinks, your love for garland of the most vibrant blooms. He noticed how much you love tea over coffees. He still can’t believe a person could name so many different types of flowers, he has learned a few, chrysanthemum, frangipani and many more he couldn’t even pronounce.
It was one of those nights again; hours and hours long conversations starting from puppies to school to their futures. “I wanna meet you, the last time I saw you was 3 days ago.” Jaemin pouted through your laptop screen.
“Let’s plan something for tomorrow? I’m free so it’s gonna work out.” You leaned back, sitting comfortably against the bed post.
“But I wanna see you right now.” Jaemin whined, resting his hands on his palms.
You stare at the bottom of the screen, “it’s 3:37, impossible.” You chuckled. Immediately decoding the meaning behind Jaemin’s sheepish smile. “You are kidding.”
“Nope. I’ll be there in 15 minutes, wear warm clothes!” Jaemin quickly waves you good bye before you could even open your mouth to complain. There’s no way you’re sneaking out at almost 4am on a Saturday night. You pace back and forth in your room and stare at the  blank screen displaying the FaceTime logo. You hear a faint knock on the balcony door. Immediately knowing who it is you quickly open the door, letting Jaemin in. You felt the adrenaline rush in your blood stream. This isn’t happening.
Jaemin finally catches his breath and sits on the edge of her bed, “Can I have some water? Your balcony’s so high damn. I feel like I climbed up a fucking mountain.” You laugh, walking over to bedside table, grabbing the half empty bottle and handing it to him. “I drank alot of it and I’m too scared to go downstairs so stick to it.”
“Wear a jacket, we are going to the beach. Don’t worry I’ll drop you off before the sun rises.” Jaemin says while fixing his hair infront of the huge mirror. “If I get caught, I’ll make sure you’re grounded along with me too.”
“The way I’m about to risk it all for you” Jaemin snickered. “The fuck?” You hit him on the shoulder. “I’m just kidding!”
You let Jaemin exit first, you still could not believe you were doing something you thought you would never do. A shiver rushed down your spine, thinking about what you were going to do and there is no turning back.
“Be careful!” Jaemin looked up while you tried your best not to fall into the bushes. You felt goosebumps forming on the skin when a light breeze whooshed past you both. The streets empty, a few street dogs here and there, the old lamp posts flickering down the street. You felt at bliss. A feeling you never knew you could feel.
A faint breeze brushed against your sleepy face. All that was warming you up was the blue jacket and Jaemin’s hands around your shoulder. The beach was dimly lit, from the moon which reflected on the waves, creating a beautiful scenary. Jaemin was equally as quiet as you, observing the scenario. He felt your head rest on his shoulder, “Feeling sleepy?” he giggled finally breaking the silence. “No, maybe yes—but its so peaceful in here, so different from how it is during the day.” You spoke.
The sound of waves flowing closer and seeing them crash against the shore made you feeling at ease. Shuffling closer to him, you thanked everything that you were able to spend this moment with him. Perhaps tomorrow you wouldn’t see him. Maybe even the next. 
“I have been coming here every once in a while since I was 14.” Jaemin weakly smiled at the scenery ahead of him. “Just when I’m happy you could say.” “Why?” You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulders. 
“My parents used to fight everyday when I was in middle school, so I used to sneak out and just sit here for hours.” Jaemin said observing the sea. “My dad left without a word when I was 15 and I was kinda happy, not gonna lie.” Jaemin sighs, rubbing the back of your hands. “I’m sorry.” Is what you could say. 
“It’s okay honestly. I’m over it.” he chuckled. “Anyways, the beach is cool at night, right?” He kisses the top of your head.
The eastern sky fills with blends of pink and blue, welcoming a new day. Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid ocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the horizon. “Let’s go home my mom wakes up around 6.” Jaemin stands up brushing the sand away from his trousers. “My mom’s gonna be awake soon too, let’s go.” There goes a night Jaemin will cherish forever.
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Everyone in school started crowding the auditorium, running around looking for the best seats like they’re going to catch the last bus of the day. The crowd were hungry for excitement after a days of votings and seeing the nominees do volunteering work in the hallways. They jostled for the best position, cheering and waiting for the winner to be announced. Most of them were rather mostly interested in having no classes the entire day and the band performances afterwards. 
You took a sit on the front row, turned your head sideways and met with Jaemin’s side profile, fixing his tie and past it, all the other people spanning out in your view. she turned back to face front, the stage where the choir team were practicing for the day. “I’m really nervous.” Jaemin said still fixing his tie, you nodded and kept tapping your feet against the floor to the music coming from the stage. “Fucking hell, I can’t tie a tie!” Jaemin muttered leaving the untied tie hang around his neck. He leans back on the chair and lets out an exaggerated groan. “Who even ties your tie every morning?” You finally asked looking over at the boy with the navy blue tie around his neck. “My brother does it, he went to osaka with his girlfriend and some friends on friday and this is why i’m struggling.” “Help me.” Jaemin nudges. “I can’t do that right now. Maybe ask someone else?” You could, you just didn’t want anyone to see you tying his tie. “Fine..” he mutters and gazes around looking for a familiar face to help him out.
A speech boomed over the crowd, strident timbre of the voice, cacophony of applause and cheering, clapping, stamping of feet, palpable excitement buzzed through the charged air, infectious grins, spontaneous outpouring of emotion. Jaemin was still no where to be found. the principal, who’s nicknamed as “the hag” by the students is already on the stage giving long inspirational speeches. You looks back and Yoorim leans forward from the second row, “Where’s Jaemin?” Yoorim observes the auditorium trying to look for the brown haired boy. “I saw him with that junior Chenle like five minutes ago near the lockers. He’s gonna be back.”
“We are going to be announcing the yearly senior school president within a few minutes. we have Y/L/N Y/N, president since the freshman year, Jang Hanbin and Na Jaemin. Please a round of applause for these three who have worked so hard to make this place a better environment for us!” The principal’s voice echoed through the auditorium followed by claps in the charged air. 
Jaemin walks slowly in the dark, making sure he doesn’t trip over all the wires from the mics resting on the ground. He quickly plops down on the chair beside seolmin and mutters a yes. “Where in the hell did you go?” You whisper. “Well I was with the exchange student, the yearbook photographer. What’s his name,” you interrupt him, “Chenle. Zhong Chenle.” Jaemin grins. “Yeah him, he was trying to take my pictures but I made a deal and said that he’s gonna tie my tie and I’ll let him take five pictures of me.” You facepalm. “So you were out there having a photoshoot?” Jaemin nods.
The tension in the air gets worse and worse and you could literally see Jaemin’s legs shaking. You rested your hand on his thighs, “I’m gonna make sure you become the president.” You assured him. “What?” he asks, a face of concern plastered on his face. “Shut up and listen to hag.” You whisper yell.
“It was a really good competition this year! a very fair one. Over the past ten year the results were never this close to each other and I must say, I’m extremely impressed.” Jaemin held your hands under the chairs. You looked at him but his eyes are fixed on the plasma screen which is about to display the results.
“We have Jang Hanbin at the third position with 198 votes, Na Jaemin at second with 202 and Y/L/N Y/N at first with 206. Congratulations!”
The cheers erupt like an auditory volcano. It is all quiet one second and then deafening the next, rising to a crescendo and then falling to a trickle before the same nervous tension commands silence once more in you. Your heart is beating fast, you honestly didn’t expect it when Jaemin hosted an entire trip for them. “Aye, congratulations!” Jaemin grins, showing you the most genuine angelic smile you have ever seen.
“Good morning everyone and our respective teachers. I’m Y/L/N Y/N  from homeroom four. I would like to thank everyone who had voted for me and helped me achieve this honourable title. I’m disheartened to say that as much as I would like to help my peers and teachers in the campus I would like to focus on my studies more. So me, Y/L/N Y/N  is resigning and handing the title over to Na Jaemin. Thank you.”
“What did you do that for?” Jaemin’s concerned figure pressed against the wall, the gold plated badge shinning brightly on his chest pocket. “You wanted to be one and I’ve been a president for like what? 4 years? Isn’t  that enough?” You reasoned.
Music played by the band fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every person in the room. some react to the beat, others continue in chatter. “Let’s go the field this loud ass music is hurting my ears.” You pull Jaemin by his arms before he could even reply. “Why are we here again?” Jaemin asks when you brought him to the empty fields. “Don’t know. I don’t like crowds so.” You sit on the stairs and pat on the flat surface beside you, indicating him to sit aswell.
“I’m really happy right now. I never liked being the centre of attention all of the time. I have heard so many rumours about me and some of them don’t even make sense.” You sigh. Jaemn rests his arms around your shoulders and shifts closer, “But you really didn’t have to. I honestly feel so guilty, but I really wanna thank you, so I’ll take you out for some barbecue tonight.”
“No no, you don’t have to.” You shift away from him and look at him dead in the eye. “My mom’s gonna be really happy when she sees this” He ran his fingers over the badge. “You deserve it, more than anyone els—” Jaemin cut you off, “you talk a lot.” he hushed you, before moving his finger, and pressing his hand against your cheek, giving Jaemin more support to push himself towards you, and connect your lips together. The kiss was soft, gentle, slow which only lasted for a few seconds before you shyly pulled away, “We’re in school!” You reminded him.
“Oops.” Jaemin pushed himself to his feet, brushing dirt from his trousers “I’m not feeling like going inside anymore, I’m gonna go home, what about you?” You stood up aswell, “Me too its boring anyways.” You both walk down the hallways past the lockers when you notice the only locker ajar is yours. You slowed down your pace as Jaemin jogged back to keep up with you. “What.” he looked at you. “The fuck is my locker open for? I remember closing it..” you quickly jog to your opened locker. “See if anything’s missing.” Jaemin peeks from the back trying to help you. “Wait— wait there’s a note? Who even writes these nowadays.” You snort. “Ooh girl out here already getting promposals! Read it.” Jaemin jokes and encourages you to read the note written on a page torn from the Physics notebook.
Jaemin leans the lockers behind you trying to take a peek of the note in your hand. “Pretty sure it’s a dumb promposal or some shit like that. I’ll read it later.” You say and proceed to keep it in the back of your school bag. “No please I’m really curious to see who writes a note nowadays.” Jaemin pouts and convinces you to read the note. “You’re so annoying.” You mumble and unfold the piece of paper. “Oh look— it’s not handwritten!” You notice.
“Y/N, im pretty sure your gonna be with jaemin by the time you read it lol anyways i can see you having fun with him. it gets annoying sometimes to see you guys under the bleachers during lunch. great to see a sore loser like jaemin has someone before me. sorry to break your heart but mr na jaemin is playing with you just to get that badge and become relevant. from someone very close to you.”
Your heart shatters into pieces. You read the note again, one more time. Praying that the writings would magically disappear. You didn’t want to believe a random piece of paper left in your locker, but everything did make sense. Jaemin only started talking to you after the nominees were announced. You felt stupid for thinking maybe he was the one.
“What does it say?” Jaemin still tries to peek at the note and his gaze shifts to your face, eyes almost glassy. “What happene—,” Jaemin’s smile long gone and concern plastered on his face. “Don’t. Just go.” You yank his arms away from you. “I’m so gullible, did you know that?” You yell as tears streamed down your rosy cheeks. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down your face. You felt the muscles of her chin tremble like a small child. Jaemin crumbles the paper in his hand and looks at you. “Look i can ex—” you cut him off, “Don’t just don’t. Go home and don’t talk to me.” You storm off leaving Jaemin and his broken heart behind.
Jaemin drags himself up the stairs to his room without greeting his mom with a cheeky smile like he does every other day. This heartbreak feels cold. Can he even call it a heartbreak? It was his fault after all. He wants to beat himself up for being naive and immature. Jaemin throws the badge and it lands somewhere near his bed. He cried, cried for being exactly like his father, crying for hurting someone. Images of his father flashes back from the back of his mind again as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
On the other hand you feel empty inside. Jaemin was like your happy pill, seeing his smile once a day was enough to make your day 10 times brighter. You’re too ashamed to tell your friends you got played, since they were the one telling you he’s suspicious since day 1. Part of you believed it was fake, his touches, his kisses were always full of love.
The path to forgetting about you seemed far to steep, fate determined failure waiting for Jaemin at the top. He promised himself with puffy red eyes, it’s best to forget about you, you didn’t deserve it. His promised seemed to have vanished the next morning when he saw you sitting on the stairs with your group of friends, the Literature book on your lap, prescribed metal frame glasses which you rarely wore resting on the bridge of the nose.
“Hey man! What’s good.” Donghyuck patted his back and sat beside him on the metal benches of the cafeteria. He grabs the untouched toast from Jaemin’s tray and takes a bite, “You’re not hungry?” he asks. “No.” Jaemin replies with in a monotone voice. Donghyuck notices, “Did anything happen?” He finally looks at him with his bloodshot eyes and dark circles. “Oh damn I think i I know what happen—” jaemin cuts him off, “No you don’t.”
Donghyuck rests his chin of his hands and shifts closer to him, “I don’t understand, what happened?” Jaemin sighs, “She got to know everything.” Donghyuck’s smile finally fades into a frown. “It’s all your stupid idea’s fault.”
“Sorry but you’re the one who asked me for an idea.”  Donghyuck shrugs. “I’m gonna kill you.” Jaemin looked down and played with the disposable spoon. “Tell me something honestly, do you really like her?” Jaemin looks away and starts “I thought it was just a silly crush I had on her. Is it normal to cry over a girl?” He looks at Donghyuck. Donghyuck chuckles, “We have some serious issue here. You like her and you ruined your chance. Everyone in 4th floor knows what you both di—” Donghyuck stops when Jaemin looks at him dead in the eye.
JENO: i need to tell u something JENO: promise me u won’t get mad JENO: and won’t try to break our friendship JAEMIN: what JENO: i sent that note to Y/N JAEMIN: jeno why JENO: i know i fucked up. i liked her even before you did and that’s why i did that. i realised she likes you and there’s no point of it JAEMIN: wait she likes me? JENO: i heard from yoorim JENO: idk if you’re gonna forgive me or not but i just wanted to let you 
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Proms always had that melancholic yet beautiful feeling to them. everyone seemed to be so happy, though everyone knew that this happiness would be over soon.
Jaemin stood behind the snack table, date less, trying his best to look interested and amused when in inside he’s concerned about his friends still not showing up. he was stress-eating mini pizza buns when Renjun finally noticed him and approached him.
“What are you doing over here? Y/N looks really good, she did these glittery thing on her eyes, don’t know what they’re called, but you know what i’m talking about right?” Renjun said joyfully. Jaemin swallowed hard at the thought of it. “I’ll be there in a few sec. These mini pizzas taste really good.” “Please atleast go infront of her?” Renjun leaned over and lowered his voice. “She’s right there, please.”
Jaemin’s eyes travelled towards the direction Renjun was pointing at. You wore a navy blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and tight which exposed your perfectly structured collarbones and shoulders.
“See I told you! She looks really good!” Renjun exclaimed and patted Jaemin’s back while he shoved his fifth mini pizza of the night inside his mouth. Jaemin noticed you had dyed your brown, making you look way too good than you did with your black hair. “Did she dye her hair?” Jaemin asked, his voice muffled due to the food in his mouth. “Oh yeah—fucking hell don’t talk with your mouth full.”
Jaemin quickly looked away leaving Renjun confused. “What happene— I’ll murder Donghyuck and Jeno, why are they all coming here?” Jaemin gritted his teeth. “Maybe because you’re standing infront of the snack table? You’re not the only who gets to eat.” Renjun sighed. Donghyuck walked dramatically dancing to the loud obnoxious music playing in the background, almost dropping his phone. “Damn Y/N look, they got your favourites!” Heejin pointed at the chocolate dipped strawberries on the other side of the table.
Your expressionless face immediately turned into a happy smiley face after seeing your favourite sweet treats. Rushing to the other side forgetting about the four inch stilettos you’re wearing. “Y/N, the wires!” Jaemin warned you and you immediately stopped you pace and looked at him in the eyes. “Thanks.” you mumbled.
“Talk to her so that I don’t feel like shit.” Jeno nudged and took a mini sandwich off the plate. “Where did you even come from?” Jaemin flinched. “I was literally here the whole time.” Jeno playfully flicked Jaemin’s forehead.
A sparkle came into Renjun’s eye. “I have an idea. I’ll request the dj to play a slow dance song. Then, you two’ll have to dance together!” Jaemin looked at him dead in the eye, “No.” 
Renjun sighed for the third time in the span of fifteen minutes. “If you don’t go and at least say hi, I’ll actually kill you.” Jaemin ran his fingers through his hair. “Fine I’ll go say hi.”
Jaemin nervously walked through the crowd and the neon lights. Everyone had the same glass with the same non alcoholic drink in them, he assumed it tasted bad and didn’t even think about taking one from the table. “Hi Y/N!” Renjun surprised you from the back. “Oh h-hi jaemin. You look—” you scanned him from the top to bottom. He looked like a main protagonist’s lover of all the 70s romance movies you’ve binge watched with your grandma. Perfectly styled hair, black tuxedo, a black tie, “You look good.”
You were absolutely breathtaking, Jaemin thought. You were able to turn his stomach so that a thousand of butterflies inside him went crazy, to make his heart hurt in this bittersweet way. You put a spell on him he couldn’t escape from. Or maybe he was just overly dramatic.
The lights changed their colour from a dark blue to purple, setting a heavy mood over the scene of peers dancing in their best clothes. a modern song played loudly through the boxes and though Jaemin didn’t know it, he couldn’t help tapping along to the beat with his foot.
“Now that I think about it, prom isn’t that bad.” Jaemin remarked observing his surroundings. “What did you say?” Renjun asked again, the loud music making it impossible for him to hear. “You should really go to Y/N and give her some company.” Jaemin yelled in Renjun’s ears. “What, why?” Renjun yelled back.
The loud upbeat music came to a stop and was soon replaced by a slow ballad. The lights the room became dimmer and everyone in the room started getting scattered, looking for their partners for the dance of the night. The dance maybe some of the will cherish forever.
“Ew look—” Renjun pointed at some couple on the dance floor. Jeno and Jaemin’s eyes followed his direction. “Aren’t you both supposed to dance?” Jaemin asked them both. “Eunji is literally behind you having cream puffs, she isn’t gonna dance.” Jeno gazed over at his date. 
Jaemin looked at Renjun and he immediately looked back at away. “Look I don’t wanna—you’re dancing, don’t ruin the night for Y/N.” He frantically pushed Renjun in the crowd before he could even say anything.
The lights dimmer now, a nice cool shade of blue, which reminds Jaemin of the beaches at midnight. The music soothing to his ears, almost like the ballad songs he listens to in the middle of the night. The couples in the crowd were in each other’s embrace, some of them kissing and hugging, forgetting about the strict restrictions of canoodling.
“Dude I can’t find Y/N.” Renjun came back after squeezing himself through the crowd. “What do you mean, you can’t find her?” Jeno and Jaemin both asked at the same time. “I’m gonna see outside, you guys can check the washrooms or the dessert tables.” 
The small stones scrunched under his feet which lead him behind the ballroom. The stars were shining bright over him. Jaemin was more than glad to immediately find you on your phone.
“Why are you outside?” “It’s too crowded, I can’t breathe.”
Your breath formed little clouds which raised up to the sky. It was refreshing to be outside for a while, until you both eventually start to get cold. The music seemed far away now, like you both were in a different, own little world. “We need to talk.” Jaemin broke the awkward silence. 
“Yeah. You got some explaining to do.” You said almost sounding too sarcastic. “Can we talk inside my jeep. It’s too cold. Atleast I’m wearing a suit, you’re literally wearing a strapless dress.”
You gasped, “Why do you pretend like you care?”
“I—what do you mean?” Jaemin stuttered.
“Cut the act Na Jaemin, you’ve hurt me enough. Stop pretending like you like me, get my hopes high and then I get to know you did everything just to get that silly badge!” You’re now yelling, the broken voice of yours makes Jaemin’s heart ache.
“No listen— I don’t wanna listen okay? Why do you even care if I’m cold or not? We are seeing each other for the last time day after tomorrow, let it be like that. Just stop pretending like you care, please.” You interrupted Jaemin. “Why did you do this, why did you act like you car— shut the fuck up, I care because I’m in love with you! There, I said it.” Jaemin spat and you took a step back, astonished.
“What did you say?” You lowered your voice and looked at him for an answer.
“I said I’m in love with you.” He said looking up at the stars, shining brightly above them like the paintings in museums. “I don’t know how this happened, I never wanted to fall for you to be fucking honest. That day, when you kissed me behind the bleachers, I couldn’t sleep at night. Randomly thought about it everyday for 2 weeks.” Jaemin yelled and you stayed quite looking down at your feet. 
“And the badge thing? I made that up just to not look like loser, you know saying i have a crush on her to your friends is very embarrassing? But guess what at the end of the day I’m the loser.” 
“Look—let me finish.” Jaemin cut you off. “I pretended to like your flower shop talks only because I got to see you smile, pretended like I love waffles just to spend time with you more, and it’s hundred percent okay if you just tell me to fuck off right now. I can’t keep this inside my mind anymore.”
You felt tears forming in your eyes, your vision blurry. You looked at Jaemin who’s leaning his head against the side of his car.
“Jaem— get in the jeep you’re shivering.” Jaemin opened the door of his car and waiting for you to get “I’m sor—you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him down to meet your lips, this time the kiss was hungry and needy unlike all the other times you both have kissed. 
He smelled like expensive cologne, you realized. Jaemin gripped your sides tightly causing you to yip, your long gown almost getting in the way. "You’re so beautiful.” Jaemin mumbled against your lips, it made you reconsider all your hatred for him, can you really hate someone as loving as him? You laughed, letting Jaemin move down your neck and place feather light kisses as he went down along your jaw and neck.
Jaemin loosened his grip on your waist, letting his hands skim up your sides before going behind your back, unzipping your gown. You arched your back up ever so slightly to allow him to do what he wished, and he almost instantly took the opportunity and helped you undress in the cramped jeep, the string of the dress cascading to the side and you letting out a slight giggle. If it hadn’t been for all the emotions you went through earlier, you would have been highly self conscious with Jaemin staring at you the way he did, as if you were some Greek goddess.
“You’re really beautiful, I can’t believe this.” Jaemin’s tone was barely above a whisper as he spoke now, his dark dark eyes locked onto your ones to convey the sincerity of his statement.
You almost wanted to say the three words back to him but settled for just biting your lower lip and giving a slight grin, your hands still tangled in his hair giving him a slight tug to get him back to business. Jaemin obliged immediately, though his kisses were no longer to your jaw and neck, his lips and moved further south to your chest, one hand covering one breast while his mouth covered the other. Any words you wanted to say dissipated in an instant, turning into nothing but moans and groans that tumbled from your lips while your back arched upward again, seeking more of his mouth on your and more of his hands skimming over your sensitive skin. 
When he switched sides to give proper attention to your other breast, you took the chance to grab ahold of his shirt, starting to undo the buttons with your fingers just as quickly as you could.
With all the buttons undone, you ran fingers gently over his chest; when you let your fingers skim over his abdomen that was just above the waistline of his black pants, he moaned against your skin, the vibrations from it causing you to let a moan escape yourself.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jaemin asked, the worry etched onto his features.
“I’m sure.” You assured him, hands moving to cup his face again and pulling him in for a long, slow, and tender kiss; one that sent a pool of heat down to your core when he looked at you so hungrily once you both parted again.
He slowly inched your panties down your legs, pressing kisses to your exposed skin every inch of the way until he tossed the panties onto the side. He wanted to take his time with you, even in the cramped jeep of his. You didn’t care about that right in the moment, what you wanted was Jaemin inside of you already, but he still had his damn pants on. You sat up and roughly tugged his pants down, you were tired of waiting.
“Somebody’s impatient.” Jaemin laughed as he tried to maneuver to toss his opened shirt aside and get his pants off all the way. “Yes, we got interrupted the last time.”
You felt a bit bold, and without hesitation you grabbed ahold of his hand and guided it right between your legs. Jaemin didn’t hesitate either, a look of lust lingering in his eyes as he pushed one of his fingers up inside of you, moving it around ever so slowly to test the waters and having you moaning and grinding down against his hand in seconds. You tried to start with a kiss, but when he moved his finger to just the right spot, you bit down on his lip so hard you were scared you would draw blood on him, though Jaemin didn’t seem to mind, perhaps too caught up in everything as well. You slowly pulled away, only leaning back in to place light kisses wherever you could reach until you grabbed ahold of his hand and tried to pull him out of you.
“Something wrong?” Jaemin asked sincerely.
“Yeah, I need you, right now.” Your voice came across far more demanding than you expected, but the way Jaemin looked at you afterwards made it worth it. Jaemin reached his hand into the back seat pocket of the driver’s seat, pulling out a condom and trying to rip it open as quickly as he could.
“You bring a lot of girls back here?” You asked with a slight laugh.
“No, but better safe than sorry.” Jaemin replied, quickly trying to get the condom on, You relishing the way his face shifted when you reached down and assisted.
As soon as your hand pulled away, Jaemin’s hands grabbed your waist again while his lips crashed against yours, guiding you to lay back down on the back seat. He kept your lips locked together as he sank himself slowly inside of her, you letting out loud moans and being incredibly glad that everyone was too busy dancing inside and weren’t heading out anytime soon, getting one hell of a show from them if they walked by in the parking lot. He stayed inside of you for a minute when he’d filled you up, you wiggling impatiently under him and trying to thrust upwards to get him moving.
“You are so impatient.” Jaemin smirked.
“Less talking, more fucking.” You demanded.
Jaemin proceeded to start thrusting in and out, slowly at first, though with each passing moan he elicited from you, he thrusted just a bit quicker. “Jaemin.” You moaned out quietly this time, whispering his name for only you both to hear while he kept himself busy kissing and nipping at the base of your neck, leaving marks that would surely show up tomorrow and show the world that he claimed you the night before.
When his mouth moved back to capture one of your breasts, your cries became louder again, your moans containing his name becoming just mumbles of sound that only egged him on to go faster. You grabbed one of his hands again and guided it right to your core again, this time Jaemin acting without question and letting his thumb sink and rubbing the clit while he kept up his thrusts. You were practically blinded with pleasure now, unsure of how much longer you’d be able to last with him going like this.
“Jaemin!” You screamed out this time, knowing full well if there was anyone nearby they’d be curious about the noise. “Jaemin, please, I can’t.” You panted out, you couldn’t hold yourself together much longer, and a satisfied hum came from Jaemin against your skin sending you right over the edge then and there.
Every muscle in your body was exhausted, you felt like pure jello beneath him now, a constant warm glow of happiness lingering on your skin while a smile was etched permanently onto your face for the rest of the night. You were trying to get your breathing regulated again though you were panting from the experience, your legs no longer able to keep themselves upright and fully parted for him. It took you a moment to realize that Jaemin had stilled within you though he still hadn’t reached his climax. 
You with any other partner would have asked, argued the point when he’d say he was fine; but with Jaemin it was different, you were determined to make sure that you both had a good time. 
You thrust your hips upward with what little energy you had left, Jaemin snapping back into the reality of the situation and going right back to his thrusts, chasing his own pleasure this time. You moaned, not only from your own pleasure because of how overly sensitive you were now was to every twitch of his movement, but because you could tell your sounds got him off, you watched how his face would scrunch up trying to concentrate on his task whenever you moaned.
“Y/N!” Your name came harshly from his lips for the first time since you both got into the jeep, and if you hadn’t already exhausted your peak, you were sure that would have made you cum again. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“You already did that, I’m trying to fuck you right now.” You boldly replied with a sly grin, thrusting your hips up again and getting a deep groan as a reply.
It didn’t take much longer after that for Jaemin to reach his climax, a few more thrusts and a few more of your moans had him finish with loud cries out of his own, slowly giving his final thrusts until he was still inside of you, you pulling him down to lay on you knowing just how much your activities had drained you. The heat between you was nice, you didn’t even care about the layers of sweat between or your bangs clinging to your forehead, all you cared about was listening to Jaemin’s steady breathing and the feel of his hands running down your side. You weren’t sure how long you both just laid there in silence, but you knew eventually you’d have to move, and tell him about how you feel.
“So um, can I say something?” You broke the silence with your question. “I think I love you too.” Jaemin didn’t say anything, only smiled at you and kissed you on the cheeks and giggled, “Hey did you know, I’ve had the biggest crush on you since middle school.”
“You had a weird haircu—
Your trip down the memory lane was interrupted with Donghyuck knocking on the tainted window. You hid behind Jaemin and covered your exposed skin with his blazer. "Glad you both patched up but can you please move your fucking jeep?”
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Doctor Love | Berlin
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Requested by anon:  So okay okay, I had this idea a few days ago, and since your requests are open I'm gonna slide in real quick :)is it okay if I request a little scenario where like, u know when Berlino does that dumb thing of self sacrificing becuz he's gonna die anyway? What if his girlfriend/reader has been searching for a cure for his illness and before he can get himself killed she goes in the bank and tells him and somehow they manage to escape from the bank? No pressure if the idea doesn't appeal u! Ily!!
Word count: 2.4k
Warning: spoilers of season 2! maybe swearing, mentions of violence, guns, the whole shabang
Note: not my gif! Okay, so I’m in love with this request!! It took me a little longer to write, because I wanted to get it perfect. Let me just say I’m not a doctor, so I have no idea if there is a cure for the illness he has, but Imma try! Hope you like it darling! Thanks for the request and love you too! xx
‘I’m sick. I have an illness called Helmer’s myopathy. It’s a muscle degenerative disease, which means that my muscles get weaker and weaker until my heart muscles can’t keep up anymore. If I’m lucky I have four months left,’ he told you like it was nothing; like it was answer to a question on a pubquiz. He held your hands in his, knowing it would break your heart and dreams of a future with him.
‘Andrés..’ you whispered, ‘why didn’t you tell me sooner?’ He sighed and gently shook his head.
‘It’s uncurable, princess. I have medicine that I have to take every few hours that make it somewhat acceptable, but I wanted you to know.’
You visibly broke down. Even though you were always someone who never wanted to show any emotion besides happiness and anger, but this was different shit. Your hands were shaking, body trembing as you tried to understand that everything you had imagined yourself doing with Andrés would be nothing more than a dream. It simply didn’t make sence. Being together with Andrés for more than six months, you’d hoped he would be more open towards you and share what was going on with him. You felt your throat closing up, eyes filling with tears.
This illness was just the cherry on top for him. The man had done terrible things in his life and could mark off just about any sin in the Bible. Stealing, robbing, charming women. Karma was getting her way back to him and all he could do was accept his fate. It came across as cold to you. All this time you planned this whole life for you two together, but he knew that would never come true.
‘No! This is cruel! You let me believe we would be together for the rest of our lives, hell, you told me you wanted to marry me when you got out! You knew even if you made it out alive, you wouldn’t live longer than summer. You’ve done some terrible things in your life Andrés, but this..’ you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. ‘This is just rude.’
The sadness you felt quickly turned into anger as you kept yelling at him, hitting him in the chest. He knew better than to interrupt you and tell you that everything would be okay, because he just now realized it wouldn’t be okay. He would die and leave you behind. Period.
‘I knew you were a self-centred bastard! You always play these mind games and somehow make everyone get on their knees for you! Is that all I am to you, huh?! Some game to find how far you can go? Because let me tell you Andrés, this game is finished. Game. Over,’ you hissed. You threw your hands up in the air and stormed out.
That was more than four weeks ago. In the meantime you had spoken again and this time the anger had disappeared and just cried. That was all you could do. You had accepted that you would most likely be a widdow before summer and that broke your heart, but you also wanted to fight. Andrés told you there was no cure to his illness, but there was hope burning inside you and you did everything in your power to still find that cure. Whether it meant getting no sleep for the next few weeks or not.
Andrés would soon be leaving for the big robbery and you had spent every second of the day being with him and holding him close. The times where you would have rough sex the entire day were over; it was now making love. He was gentle to you, making you breakfast in bed even though he could easily ask one of the maids to do it and even buying you nice dresses in colours that matched your eyes.
Without him knowing, you contacted one of your best friends who worked at the lab of a university and asked him if he could do more research on medicine for muscle-related illnesses. He said he had some information that he wanted to share with you, but that meant you had to visit him.
‘Babe, I’m gonna have to run to Macy really quickly. Think you’ll be okay?’ you asked. Macy was your sister and seven months pregnant, so it often happened that you visited her to help her with something. That way he wouldn’t suspect a thing. You had no idea how he did it, but he always seemed to know what you were up to.
‘Of course, princess. Give her a kiss for me, okay?’ he winked, giving you a kiss on the lips. You lightly slapped his chest.
‘Be back for dinner,’ you told him. Out of the blue, he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you against him. He leaned down and you could feel his breath on your neck. Shivers send down your spine.
‘Your ass looks great in those jeans,’ he whispered, placing a light kiss on your neck and slapping you on the bottom. You giggled and pushed yourself away from him.
‘Bye!’ you called, waving him goodbye and walking out the door. You soon arrived at the university and was met by your friend who was waiting for you outside. You greeted each other with a hug and quickly got to work. He told you about the compositions of the different medications and what effect they had on what part of the muscle.
‘Isn’t there any way we could find a way to make this medicine last longer? This is the medication he uses now to keep it under control for a few hours,’ you gave him a syringe filled with the medicine and he studied it. He took the bottle from you and studied it contents.
‘There are some elements of this medicine that also appear in this,’ he pointed to a beaker filled with a milky white liquid. ‘I should be able to find a connection that makes this last longer.’
‘Is there anything I can do? I feel so hopeless not being able to do anything,’ you mumbled.
‘You did a great job already by giving me this. Is it okay if I keep the syringe? I need something that we know works, even if it isn’t permanent,’ he said. You nodded and waved your hand.
‘Of course. Anything to help find a cure. Thank you for doing this. I can’t even explain how much this means to me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t at least tried,’ you told him. He turned to look at you and gave you a hug. 
‘That’s what I’m here for. If I find anything, I’ll let you know, okay?’
It was the fifth day of the heist. Andrés had been gone for almost three weeks now, being busy with training and all. He obviously knew about the plan already, but being the passionate man he is, wanted to go over every single detail again. He couldn’t afford making any mistakes. The goodbye was hard. You cried loudly as he held you close, whispering little reasuring words in your ear. You were thankful for Sergio. He kept you updated on everything that was going on, but didn’t tell you any details or steps of the plan. You didn’t want to either; it was scary enough without knowing how everything went down in there.
It was now wednesday and you were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t heard from Sergio in two days and it started to worry you. The news wasn’t exactly uplifting too. Andrés’ face was displayed all over every tv channel, name heard on every radio station and seen on every wall in Spain. Your heart fell even lower when the news announced he was sick. The smug inspector worked on you nerves as she spoke about him like he was an animal. Sure, the man had done things that broke the law, but he never killed anyone nor hurt any woman.
‘Fuck,’ you cursed under your breath. Suddenly your phone rang and the called ID showed Alex, your friend at the lab. Your heartbeat increased and you were anxious about what he was about to say. You picked up the phone and heard his loud voice. A tearful smile made it’s way on your face as you heard him say those three words you so desperately longed to hear.
‘I have it! I have the cure!’ he yelled. You jumped up and raced towards the university where he was already waiting on you. The hug you shared was one filled with hapiness.
‘Okay, he needs to inject this like he did with the other medicine. This is enough to last until november. I have some of it still in the lab so I produce more and work more on the duration of it. I can’t promise it will work for the rest of his life, but for now it’ll do,’ he spoke. You said goodbye and rushed to Sergio’s hide-out. The medicine you held in your hands would give him at least eight more months and until then Alex had a better cure. You burst through the doors and Sergio jumped up. You could see the whole that had been dug in the floor. You turned to Sergio and burst into tears of joy.
‘He’s not leaving us, Sergio. He’s staying. With you, with me. He’s staying,’ you rushed. Your heart was beating loudly in your ears and the rush of adrenaline was so high, you thought you’d pass out. Your words seemed to land as he slowly moved towards you. His gaze fell on the little box you were holding and his eyes flickered from the black object to the hole in the floor and tears welled in his eyes.
‘I have to get it to him, Sergio. He needs to know there is something out here for him. You and I both you the man is up to something. Let me go in there, please!’ you pleaded. He quickly snapped out his trance and gave you a red suit and black boots to finish the look.
‘When you get to the indside, wait inside the vault. No one knows you’re getting in and that way you won’t get attacked. Take this with you,’ he pushed a fake gun in your hands and you placed it in the holster on your thigh. ‘Goodluck.’
When you were about to enter, you heard a lot of noise coming from the computer. The police had broken in. He nodded to you and you ran as quickly as you could through the tunnel. When you entered the vault, you were met by two people. A young man with dark hair and a woman with blonde curls. They looked suprised to see you and the man pointed a gun at you.
‘Serg- El Professor send me. I’m Berlin’s girl,’ you quickly said, stumbling over your words. Sure, you were carrying a gun with you, but it was a fake. Having a real gun pointed at you made you nearly shit your pants. When the girl pointed out I was carrying a gun and came through the only way out, he lowered the gun and craweled through the tunnel. It wasn’t hard to find Berlin as he came running in the direction of where you were coming from. You caught the stares of the other people who nodded at you and went on with their duties.
‘Berlin, babe!’ you called, making him freeze.
‘What are you doing here, princess? It’s not safe for you. They’ll come running through those halls any minute now,’ he sternly said, turning around and grabbing you firmly by the arm. ‘Leave, now!’
‘No, I’m not leaving. I came here to tell you I found a cure,’ you breathed and everyone around you froze. ‘You didn’t know, but I’ve been doing research for a medicine and I’ve found it. The first dose should work ‘till November. After that I’ll have a much stronger and longer working dose.’
‘Princess, I told you to leave,’ he said more firmly this time. You didn’t move.
‘Like I said, I’m not leaving. Not without you anyway. You promised me a life that I could only dream of and now we can have it. I love you with all my heart. I can’t loose you. Not now, not ever.’ Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you begged the man you loved so much to trust you and come with you.
‘Leave, now. Helsinki, take her with you,’ he ordered the bulky man behind you, but he didn’t move.
‘Love is a passionate thing, Berlin. I don’t know this woman, but she found a cure for your uncurable disease. That’s literally doing the impossible. You have five seconds to decide to leave with this woman or I’ll take you with me. Don’t look away when you have everything in front of you,’ he spoke. He turned his attention to you and you gave him a grateful smile. He smiled back and nodded.
‘Will you please come with me? If you don’t come with me, I’ll stay with you. I either die with you or leave with you, you decide,’ you stated. He looked at the box you held in your hand and realized how much he loved you. Moving towards you, he passionately smashed his lips to yours. The kiss wasn’t filled with lust, but relief and gratefulness.
‘As soon as we walk out those doors, I’m marrying you. No exceptions,’ he mumbled against your lips. You nodded and held him closer.
‘That was the plan.’
You heard the policemen run behind you and Helsinki was quick to throw a grenade. Berlin pushed you all inside and bowed your head in his chest. Once the grenade had exploded, you all rushed back and blew up the tunnel. You joined Sergio and Helsinki in the back of the truck, leaning against Andrés.
‘There are no words to explain how much I love you, princess. No words.’
The two of you left to Cuba, where you got married soon after you arrived. The wedding was on the beach, your white dress flowing around you while you stared at the man you could finally call your husband. Only a month after the wedding you surprised Andrés by telling you were pregnant.
‘You are my heart, my soul and my everything. Thank you for being my wife and everything I’ve ever wished for.’
.. .. .. .. .. 
Berlin Taglist
@nkjktk​ - @michaellangdonenthusiast​ - @hamiltonsofcrap​
215 notes · View notes
supraveng · 4 years
We are friends
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Summary:  Friends with benefits works fine for everyone, right?  But what happens when Sam is injured and your true feelings come out?
Word Count:3222
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is my first time writing about Sam, but I just love him so much!
Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling you decide to give up on trying to sleep.   It’s useless at this point, you are too worried for your brain to shut off and try to get any sleep.   You make your way into the kitchen and decide to make some coffee, the Quinjet should be back in about an hour, and you knew if you poured yourself a drink, you could finish the bottle before they got back.  
Sitting down in the common room, you see Bucky coming out of his room with his phone in hand.  You perk up hoping for an update on when they are returning from the mission. Bucky grabs a water bottle from the fridge before plopping down on the couch next to you.  “So, any update?” you ask hoping for some better news.  “They are about 30 minutes out, Cho arrived a few minutes ago and will take Sam into surgery right away.  Don’t worry, your teammate will be fine” he states with a suspicious look on his face.  You nod your head and swallow the lump in your throat, 
“Sam’s not just a teammate, he’s my friend” you respond while sipping your coffee.  The truth was, the two of you had been sneaking around for the past four months, and what started out as a friendly hook up turned more serious than you realized before hearing Sam was shot on the mission.   “Oh, so you are just friends?” he asks trying to get you to fess up to what’s really going on.   Everyone suspected something, but you both decided that it was no one else’s business what you did behind closed doors.  
“We are friends, Bucky, and I’m really scared” your voice trembling now.   Bucky puts his arm around you and tugs you closer “hey, it’s going to be ok, you don’t usually get this worked up when I get hurt on a mission” he smirks trying to lighten the situation. You look up at him with unshed tears in your eyes “yea, well, he doesn’t have super soldier healing like you, and he’s a big baby whenever he gets hurt or sick” you smirk remembering him acting like he was going to die when he got the flu last month.  “And we are friends….. I just happen to be falling in love with him, so if he doesn’t make it, I don’t know what I’m gonna do” you start weeping and clinging to Bucky’s shirt.   
“Oh doll, don’t cry….I didn’t know it was serious, I just thought you guys were fooling around, shh, shh.  It’s gonna be ok, Sam’s to damn stubborn to die.” Bucky strokes your back trying to calm you down.  Your tears slow down just as Bucky’s phone rings “yea Steve, ok, we’ll be right there. Come on, doll, let’s go get your man.” Bucky stands and heads towards the elevators.  Bucky requests the hanger and you turn toward him.  “Thanks Bucky, for everything tonight, but can I ask a favor? Um, don’t mention what I said to Sam? He doesn’t know” you state as your gaze drops to the floor.  Bucky stares at you with a smirk on his face, he doesn’t want to lose your trust, but he knows if you don’t tell Sam how you really feel, he’s going to have to step in. He’s seen the change in Sam over the last few months and knew it was more than just releasing tension, but Sam wouldn’t say a word.  
The doors open and you are frozen in your spot, seeing the hatch on the quinjet start to open.  Your holding your breath hoping to see Sam come walking out with Steve, but instead the medical team goes rushing to the jet with a gurney.  “Hey, he’s got the best team working on him, he’s going to be fine, I promise you” Bucky states taking your hand and pulling you closer to the jet.  “And if he’s not fine?  What do I do then?” you look up at Bucky hoping for some form of reassurance. “Then I’m gonna kick his ass for putting you through all this” he smirks and pulls you further towards the medical team as they start coming off the jet with Sam on the gurney.  
You gasp and cover your mouth when you see him, there’s blood everywhere and he looks like he must have passed out from the pain, there’s an oxygen mask over his face and they’ve started an IV already.  Steve comes off the jet and heads towards you and Bucky to give you more details.  “He was hit a few times, 2 of the bullets went through his thigh, but there’s one in his abdomen without an exit wound.   He lost a lot of blood, but once Cho gets that bullet out, he’ll be good as new” Steve explains as you follow them through to the medical bay. “Y/N, he’ll be in surgery for an hour or so, why don’t you get some rest and I’ll call you when their done” he offers but you just shake your head.  “I’d prefer to wait here, if that’s ok Captain?” you ask looking up at the super soldier for hope that this will all be over soon.  “Of course, I’m going to get cleaned up, then I’ll be back down, ok? I don’t want him waking up and complaining that I abandoned him” he smirks.  
Sitting and waiting for the surgery to finish felt like hours, you hadn’t even realized Steve had returned until he handed you a cup of coffee.  “I figured you might be staying here while he’s in recovery too, this might help.”   You nodded a thank you and stared down at your feet.  “He’s going to be ok, I promised him that he could talk to you when we got back, and I always keep my promises.”  “What?” you look at him confused “what did he want you to tell me?” “I don’t know, Y/N.  He started saying that if he didn’t make it I needed to tell you, but I didn’t let him finish, I told him he was going to see you soon and tell you himself” 
 You take a deep breath and nod, you are overwhelmed with everything going on and you just want to cuddle up with Sam, but instead you just sit there and think of the worst case scenario if the surgery doesn’t go well.   What if he doesn’t make it, he lost too much blood. What if he has spinal damage and can’t walk. 
 You started going through a spiral of what if’s when the door opened and Dr. Cho stepped out. “The surgery went better than expected, no serious damage other than the sever blood loss.  We are moving him to the cradle to get him healed up as quickly as possible” she smiles at you and Steve.  “That’s great news, thank you.  When can we see him?”  “The anesthesia is just starting to wear off, but you can see him.  He might be a little confused from the sedative, so don’t worry if he starts talking and not making much sense” she tries to reassure you. “It’s Sam, he never makes any damn sense” Bucky grumbles from behind you.  Turning to glare at him, but you just start to giggle “you’re right, he says some of the weirdest stuff, especially when he’s tired.”   “See Steve, it’s not just me!” he exclaims as you all head into the room.   
You run to the other side of the bed, wrap yours around him and bury your face into his neck as you start to sob all over again.  “I was so worried……I thought I lost you’ you stutter out between breaths.  Wrapping his arms around you as best he can, he strokes your back “you can’t get rid of me that easily, I’m too stubborn to die” he tells you.  You lift your head and giggle “that’s what Bucky said too” before leaning into kiss him.  Bucky and Steve gave each other a look before clearing their throats, “we will let you to have some time” “get some rest” as they started towards the door.  
You stop in the doorway when you see him lying there, so still and calm, it’s almost eerie.  Steve and Bucky go next to the bed as Sam starts to rise in a seated position, but you are frozen.  Unsure if he wants you there, unsure if you can stop from crying anymore and just watch the man you love lie there.  Your thoughts are interrupted when Sam looks over at you with a small smile on his face. “Cupcake? Come here” he rasps at you, and your heart leaps.  He only uses that nickname when the two of you are alone, it’s always Y/N when the team is around or just L/N during a mission.  
You pulled away from Sam, face flushed and trying to catch your breath.  “I love you, Sam Wilson, and if you ever scare me like that again, I’m gonna kick your ass” “I love you too, Cupcake, and you like this ass too much to do any serious harm” he responded as he kissed you again.  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to get you to the cradle for a few hours so you can get out of here sooner rather than later” Dr. Cho announced as she walked back in the room.  “You go get some rest and I’ll see you for breakfast, ok Cupcake?”  You smiled at him and nodded as they wheeled him out.   
Back in your room you took a long bath and grabbed Sam’s favorite hoodie to sleep in, knowing he was safe and being wrapped in his scent was the only way you would be able to get a full nights sleep.   And sleep you did, it was past 10am when you finally woke up and headed to the kitchen for coffee.  “Someone slept in this morning, that’s not like you, Y/N, everything ok?” Natasha asked as she eyed you from the kitchen table.  “I’m great Nat, just up late checking on Sam after surgery so I decided to sleep in.  I’m gonna go see how he’s doing after I make some breakfast; do you want anything?”  you asked, trying to sound casual but knowing full well the spy could see right through you.  With a smirk she stood up and crossed over to the kitchen and deposited her cup in the sink, “no, thanks.  And for the record, I’m glad he has you Y/N, you two are good for each other” as she left the room.  
You carried the breakfast you made to the med bay and headed toward Sam’s room, but when you arrived it was empty.  Looking around you spotted a nurse and cleared your throat before asking “excuse me? Has Sam Wilson been moved to another room?  Or is he still in the cradle?”  “No, he was released this morning and left with Captain Rogers about an hour and a half ago.”  Starring at him in disbelief, you mumbled a thanks and headed back upstairs.  Making your way from the elevators to Sam’s room was quicker than usual, you were too anxious to get your arms wrapped around him to walk at a normal pace.  But that came to an abrupt stop when you investigated his empty room.  He’s been out of medical for over an hour and you hadn’t even seen him, you tried to calm down when your heart started to race, there had to be a reasonable explanation.
“FRIDAY, can you please tell me where Sam is?”  “Mr. Wilson left the tower about an hour ago” the AI responded.  “He left, do you know where he went?” you knew she wouldn’t have an answer, but your brain was racing a mile a minute and after your reunion and confession last night, none of this made any sense.  “I am unaware of where Mr. Wilson has gone, only that he was accompanied by Sergeant Barnes.”  “Oh, okay, thanks” you mumbled leaving his room and heading towards the kitchen in the common area.   
After dumping the breakfast you made into the trash, you cleaned up the dishes and made your way back to your room.  Sitting on your bed you rethink the entire conversation you had with Sam last night, it felt like things were moving forward, the two of you love each other, it’s not just friends with benefits, then it hits you like a bucket of ice water. Cho mentioned the sedative would make him a bit off and not make any sense, you confessed you love him, and he said it back, but it wasn’t real it was the medication.  “How could I be so stupid” you growl and then decide you are better than this, you can reel in your feelings and put your anxiety to good use. 
 You quickly change into a pair of leggings, sports bra and your favorite tank top (I run on caffeine, chaos and curse words) before heading down to the gym.  Climbing on the treadmill, you popped your earbuds in and decided a bit of running and some Metallica would be the best way to keep yourself occupied and not overthinking everything.   As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop thinking about it.  So, what now?  He doesn’t feel the same way so do we continue what we’ve had these last few months, or do I break things off?  Knowing he might never feel the same way is only going to make this hurt worse when it all blows up in my face.  The stress of the situation makes you push yourself harder than normal and speed up the treadmill trying to relieve some tension by torturing your legs in the process. After another 20 minutes of running you are ready to collapse or scream, you're not sure which would feel better but you decide to make your way to your room, shower and leave the tower for the rest of the day.  
A change in scenery can only help you at this point, right?  You still have your earbuds in and playlist at full volume when you come off the elevator and trek through the common area heading toward your hallway and your room.  Hoping if anyone is in here, they are too busy to notice you and you can sneak by without anyone talking to you, knowing the minute you open your mouth you will probably just start crying.   Luck as not on your side today, it seemed like almost everyone was gathered around and Sam was right in the middle with a big smile on his face.  The smile that usually made you melt, was now making you feel like the biggest idiot in Manhattan.  Why would a man like him be in love with you, you were obviously delusional.  “There you are!  I was beginning to worry about you” he says as he stands up and makes his way towards you. You look around and realize everyone is staring at you, did Steve and Bucky tell everyone what happened last night? Oh, this is only going to get worse, can I make a run for it without looking like a fool? Probably not, am I going to try it anyway? Absolutely.  
You nod toward Sam and offer a small smile, knowing that your voice would betray your emotional state if you tried to speak at this point.   Lowering your gaze and pretending to be looking for something on your phone, you didn’t realize how close Sam was now and almost run into him.  He grabs you by your elbows and smiles down at you, with so much adoration in his eyes you are completely overwhelmed.  “I’m sorry I missed breakfast this morning, I came by your room after I left medical and you looked so cute and peaceful all snuggled up in my hoodie that I didn’t have the heart to wake you” he stated as he leaned in and kissed your forehead. He didn’t forget about breakfast.  He a came to you, and you slept through it.  Looking up at him in shock “I thought you didn’t remember what we discussed last night and decided to spend the day with Bucky” you reply almost ashamed that you let your mind tell you that you had been replaced so quickly and easily.  
“Hang out with Tin Man instead of you?  Not a chance, Cupcake, he could never replace you, even if he tried.”  You looked up at him at the use of the nickname with a huge smile on your face and exhaled “Sam.”  “But he did help me with something that I needed to pick up this morning, that’s why we took off before you were up.   I hope you forgive me” he said sliding his hands down your arms so that his hands were holding yours and takes a deep breath.  
“You are the most amazing person I have ever known and these last few months together have been better than I could have hoped for.”  What is he saying? Is this how we are announcing our relationship to the team?  He’s so dramatic sometimes, but this is too sweet to ask him to stop, I can suffer through a little embarrassment.  
“You are strong and funny and so much smarter than you give yourself credit for.  My life would be boring without you in it. And while we are friends, I want us to be more.”  You're caught off guard as he lets go of your hands and pulls something from his pocket. Looking up at Bucky in confusion, you turn back to see that Sam is now kneeling before you with a black velvet box in one hand. Your eyes must have bugged out of their socket as you hear most of the team start to giggle at you.  “Y/N L/N, my cupcake, will you marry me?”  he looks up with that same smile that mad you fall in love with him.   
“Holy Shit!” you exclaim as your mind catches up with what was going on.  “Yes!  Yes!  Sam, of course, I’ll marry you!” you scream as you throw yourself at him, making you both fall to the floor.  As you are coming up for air, Sam laughs at you “you didn’t even look at the ring!”   “I don’t need a ring Sam, I just need you.”    At that you can hear the team cheering and champagne corks popping, of course Tony has champagne ready for any occasion.  Bucky helps you off the floor and pulls you into a hug “Congrat, Y/N, you deserve better, but it looks like he actually makes you happy” he jokes as you hug him back. 
 “Hands off Barnes, that’s my fiancé” you hear Sam say from behind you.  Turning towards him you smile and he grabs your left hand and gently slides the ring onto your finger.  “It’s beautiful” you whisper, still in shock at what had just happened.  “It doesn’t even begin to compare you to” Sam replied and leaned down for a perfect kiss that quieted all those thoughts that had been plaquing all day.  You were in love with Sam Wilson and couldn’t wait to marry him and begin your lives together.
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margoshansons · 4 years
Desperate Measures 15/?
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MASTERLIST: (don’t ask about part ten)
Summary: Raven undergoes a terrible operation to save herself, and Finn recruits delinquents for a mission. Y/N is one of them.
warnings: surgical procedures, swearing, canon-typical stuff
notes: I’m finally back with a chapter and hopefully I’ll be able to update regularly again. Tbh, I feel like no one cares about this story anymore, so seeing it receive some new love has made my heart very very happy. Based on 2x02 “inclement weather”
Bellamy paced his cell, the wire digging into his wrists as he waited for another interrogation. Byrne, Sgt. Miller. It was only a matter of time before Kane decided to show up. It was only a matter of time before he had to face the man who had helped float his mother.
Today was that day apparently.
The door slid open. He had seemed taller on the Ark, more intimidating.
Down here he was just another adult who was playing with things they didn’t understand. Another adult who refused to believe them.
“How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?” Bellamy sighed, his shoulders slumping.
Kane crossed his arms, “As long as it takes until I’m sure you’re not a threat to others.”
He resisted the urge to scoff. The only threat they faced was the grounders.
“Those are my people out there” Bellamy growled, his irritation starting to get the better of him, “I should be out there looking for them, not--”
“You shouldn’t be doing anything” Kane cut him off, tone stern, “Your time of being a leader is over.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw. His time of being a leader will never be over. As long as his people survived, he would do whatever it took to keep them that way.
The sound of metal dragging on metal caught him off guard, Kane sitting down on a lone crate, gesturing to another one he had brought over. Bellamy knew the drill.
Here came the interrogation.
“I need you to tell me everything you know about the grounders” Kane paused, inhaling, “and my daughter.”
“Your daughter?” Bellamy asked, arching an eyebrow.
Kane creased his, “You know exactly who I’m talking about.”
Bellamy decided to play his game. “I know Y/N Franco survived a bullet wound to the leg and was one of the hundred who managed to make it back home. The rest of my friends are out there, probably dying and you’re sitting here acting like the real threat isn’t out there torturing our people!”
“That’s enough!” Kane barked, teeth grit in brewing anger, “If you aren’t going to help me, then I’m afraid I can’t let you go.”
As the new Chancellor stood up to walk away, Bellamy chuckled mirthlessly, remembering what Maria had said so many times before.
“She was right” Bellamy called out, “You’re not her father.”
He watched as the Chancellor buried his emotions in a fist, slowly turning around with an ease he had only seen Y/N wear before.
The two men eyed each other, never losing eye contact as Kane sat back down, hunching over to lean in closer to Bellamy. The interrogation continued.
Her leg throbbed, but she could walk. The bullet had been safely removed, and she was thankful Murphy was a lousy shot. 
She was thankful Murphy had only hit the muscle.
Raven wasn’t as lucky.
Y/N stood beside Finn, watching anxiously as Abby discussed what needed to be done to save Raven.
“The bullet is still shifting” The doctor informed the mechanic, “I was hoping it would stabilize by now.”
“So take it out” She and Raven spoke at the same time.
Abby and Jackson shared a nervous look, unable to hide anything from anyone down here. No one was.
“Raven” Abby’s tone turned gentle. “The bullet is pressing against your spine, if we leave it in you’ll live but...you’ll never walk again.”
Y/N swallowed at the news. On the ark, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Zero G solved that. Down here? With grounders abundant and new threats popping up everywhere? Where they needed their legs to run? Raven needed to walk. Raven needed that surgery.
“Take it out” Raven pleaded, showing no sign of backing down from her decision. “In zero g I didn’t need my legs. Down here I do.”
Abby sighed before nodding slightly to Jackson. She felt Raven’s calloused hand snake itself into her own, eyes pleading with her.
“Will you stay?” The weakened girl asked, “please?” Y/N nodded, leaning down, her leg still hurting but she ignored it. Raven was going through much worse. She could deal with a little leg pain if it helped Raven.
“I’m not going anywhere.” She replied, brushing a hand over her friend’s hair. A weight knelt down beside her and she caught Finn staring intently at his ex, grasping her and Y/N’s hand in his own. “Neither am I” He spoke softly, his gaze never leaving Raven’s.
“We’re almost ready” Abby called, turning Raven on her stomach before lifting up the mechanic’s grey tank top, marking the infected area with a black marker. Y/N felt her breathing shift. Raven’s grip grew tighter around her and Finn’s hands, a silent plea.
The scalpel made its way to the marked area, ready to cut into her--
“Stop!” Raven cried, a tear streaking down her ashen face, fear flickering through her eyes. “I’m so scared” Her voice broke and Y/N broke along with it.
This was her best friend.
More than that. They were sisters. They grew up together. They were meant to change the world together. And now the strongest person she knew was breaking down before her eyes.
“Hey” Y/N whispered, drawing Raven’s attention away from the surgery, “Look at me and Finn.”
Understanding swirled in her dark brown eyes.
She squeezed their hands together.
She was ready.
Finn switched his gaze to Abby.
Y/N’s never left Raven’s.
“She’s ready” Finn announced.
The screams were deafening.
*** Bellamy’s blood became ice as screams rang through the small compound. What if it was Y/N? She had been scheduled for surgery. What if the screams were hers? What if she was suffering and there was nothing he could do about it?
“It’s not Sparky, if that’s what you’re worried about” Murphy deadpanned from across the room. Irritation flashed hotly through Bellamy’s body, the traitor’s voice not helping his anxious state. “She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.”
He clenched his jaw at the statement, because against his better judgement, Bellamy knew Murphy was right. Y/N would refuse to scream during surgery, especially if it was just a bullet to the leg.
Before Bellamy could respond to the true statement, the doors slid open once again, revealing Kane and Byrne ready for another interrogation. Except this time the subject matter was one person.
The same person he had been thinking about minutes before.
“What the hell happened to my daughter?” Kane’s eyes were ablaze, searching back and forth between the two men, desperate for answers. Kane turned toward Bellamy, stalking forward, “You told me grounders don’t have guns.”
“They don’t” Bellamy spoke calmly, slightly unnerved with how desperate the Chancellor seemed. No one had ever seen him this vulnerable. Or this angry. “You wanna know what happened to your daughter?”
Kane clenched his jaw, the slightest nod answering the question.
“Ask him.” Bellamy gestured toward the opposite wall.
Toward John Murphy.
Y/N exhaled, wanting to cry tears of relief.
She had made it. Against all odds, Raven Reyes had survived.
“She’s a fighter” Abby pointed out later, wiping the scalpel and tweezers clean of the crimson liquid. “You all are.”
Y/N smiled shyly at the compliment, her thoughts drifting toward Bellamy. “Some of us more than others.” She murmured.
Abby froze, turning around to face the engineer. “You want to go see him.”
It wasn’t a question.
Y/N nodded.
“Please Abby” She pleaded, “If you knew what Murphy’s done, what he did to me, Raven and Bellamy, you wouldn’t have him locked up.”
The doctor sent a puzzled look before glancing between the two girls. Her mind began to weave the pieces together, an incredulous look on her face as Abby threw another glance at Y/N’s freshly stitched up leg.
“This way,” was all Abby said, pulling the engineer forward through the curtains of the med tent until she landed in front of a panel that looked out of place. “You can exit through there, your dad’s waiting out front, but this should be able to get you past him and Byrne.”
She threw her arms around the woman who had saved her and Raven’s life, grateful that she had someone in this camp on her side.
Her feet stepped out onto the grassy fields, sunlight streaming across her face, blinding her vision and heating up her face as she soaked up the yellow rays. Her boots crunched against the patches of dry grass underneath her as she managed to find the entrance to the newly dubbed Camp Jaha.
She avoided the awestruck gazes of her fellow Ark citizens, every one of them knowing exactly who she was. The poor orphan from Mecha station taken in by Marcus Kane. Before she was thrown in solitary with the rest of the delinquents to be sacrificed for their sick experiment.
Before she was sent down to die.
Alpha station was exactly the way she remembered it. Down to the last piece of scrap metal that had fallen from the sky. The metal walls confined her. Everything was too small.
She couldn’t believe she ever thought this was the biggest thing in the world.
The earth was a never ending maze, the same way she had viewed Alpha at one point, and now Alpha was nothing to her. A confining box meant to keep everyone in line.
She peeked down the corridor leading to the stockade, watching the guards, wondering if there was some way to cut the power so she could sneak in unseen.
An arm on her shoulder caused her to flinch.
She whipped around, senses on fire as she drew her fists, stopping when she met the shocked face of David Miller.
“Sgt. Miller?” She asked, disbelief crossing her features. The Chief of the guard relaxed, all the tension gone from his shoulders as he recognized the face in front of him.
“Y/N,” The chief breathed, “I’m so glad I found you. Did Nate follow you back at all?”
She froze at the question.
For the first time since being discovered at the dropship, she allowed her thoughts to turn toward those she failed. Miller, Monty, Jasper, Clarke.
All gone. 
By grounders or something else. But it didn’t change the fact. She hadn’t saved them. She had failed them all.
“I’m sorry” She swallowed, ignoring the guilt pressing against her chest, “I don’t know where he is.”
David’s face fell.
“I broke my promise” Y/N admitted, voice thick with emotion, “I promised you I’d take care of him, and I--I failed. I’m so sorry.”
He left with a broken smile and a pat on the back. His words ringing in her head long after he was gone.
“You did what you could.”
No she didn’t. She should’ve gone after them. She should’ve stopped hiding. She should’ve tried to fight off those who would try and harm her friends. And now she was paying the price. A hand grasped her bicep and pulled her backward, pressing her against the wall, a hand covering her mouth.
Her eyes narrowed when she saw who it was.
“Finn?” She spoke through his hand, the muffled sound muted by the flesh against her lips. The long haired delinquent shot several paranoid looks behind his shoulder before whispering his plan to Y/N.
“Your dad lied about the search team. Finding our people, going after the grounders, all of it. They’re not going after our people Y/N,” Finn informed her, his eyes bugging out of his head, “So we’re taking matters into our own hands. Monroe and Sterling are on watch, you and I are going to sneak in and free Bellamy. What do you say?”
He gently lifted his hand free from her mouth to let her give her answer.
It was a reckless plan. And there’s no telling whether the grounders even had their friends in the first place unless they managed to build smoke bombs. But it was better than anything she had come up with.
It was better than staying here and failing again.
“I’m in.”
Sneaking in was marginally easier than she expected. Especially with Marcus putting several guards in front of the door because he didn’t like how close Bellamy had gotten with her. Thank whatever higher power above for secret passages.
They had kept her safe from Marcus’ disappointment on the Ark and now they’re going to help her save her friends.
“Get up” Finn instructed, Y/N using the pliers to cut the zip ties around Bellamy’s wrists, “We’re going to save our friends.”
Bellamy’s skeptical look disappeared as he rubbed his raw wrists. Anger stirred in her chest at the sight of the red lines, but she shoved it aside. She would deal with her father later. Right now her friends were in trouble.
“About time,” Bellamy smirked, turning toward Y/N, “Your idea?” She shook her head, “Finn’s, and we gotta hurry. Now.”
Bellamy grasped the pliers from her hands and moved toward the opposite wall, her anger spilling out of her as Finn finished her thoughts for her, “What the hell are you doing?”
He had cut Murphy free.
“He’s the only one who’s been to their camp.” Bellamy explained as if Murphy’s presence being needed was the most obvious solution in the world.
Y/N rolled her eyes, moving forward to meet Murphy, “You shoot me again, and I promise I will kill you.”
His response was cut off by the appearance of Monroe, “Hey, Sterling just signalled, someone’s coming.”
The four of them ducked out, closing the panel behind them as Alpha station dropped them back by the medical tent.
“You’re late” Abby scolded, David by her side as their flashlights lit up the area surrounding the gate.
“Bellamy decided to bring company” Finn retorted.
Bellamy sighed, pulling Murphy’s bonds tighter, “He’s the only one that’s been to their camp.”
The two adults nodded before handing off the firearms to the delinquents, David entrusting his own pistol to Y/N, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Find my son, his name is Nathan Miller.”
She didn’t need to know that.
She knew exactly who to look for.
She knew exactly who she had failed.
DM Taglist (closed): @chloe-skywalker​ @im-a-writer-right​ @clarkewithameme​ @shatteredlovesick​ @your-typical-giggle​ @rhyxn​ @amongthewildthingss​ @furiouspockettoad​ @niammain​ @cxddlyash​ @lena-davina @kaylinfayezink​ @gingerxarmy​ @super-marvel-dale​ @travelnottogoanywherebuttogo​ @nerdbookish​ @valeskasecco @strangerliaa​ @simsvetements​ @molethemollie​ @thebookisbtr​ @im-a-stranger-thing​ @jordangdelacruz​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @multifandombookstore​ @okj232 @asian-male-enthusiast​ @minigranger​ @jooheonbee​ @libraryoffandomsuniverse​ @pancakefancake​ @weird-pale-blonde-person​
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Fucks not Found
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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Who had this fucking idea?
One had refused that you got out the truck since Italy was were you lived. Apparently for Six it was okay, since he was in the car moving at 160per hour. That’s how you ended up in that stupid espresso truck Three had rented. Feet on the dash, trying to concentrate on your laptop, unfortunately Three was trying to learn Italian next to you.
“I’m gonna kill him!” You said through greeted teeth, he was shamelessly butchering your mother tongue.
“Be nice Eight.” Five chuckled over the comm. The mission was going smoothly at first, exchanging jokes with Six, Four sending pictures on the group chat from his view up there. 
Eventually everything went south real quick. It distracted you from the urge to shoot at Three.
“You hit one more person and I’m walking?” you heard Five in the comm link, your eyes widened.
“You’ve hit someone?!” you yelled at Six. 
“Grazed him really ..” he tried to convince you
“Totally smashed him, One added, 10/10!”
“Imbecille!” your Italian resurfacing when in stress.
Four scoffed in the comm link "How come she can speak Italian and you cannot?
"She's always been the better twin" Six hissed avoiding another walker
“Definitely.” Four answered in a hushed tone.  
Brushing away Four’s comment you got impatient "One, I need access to that phone!"
One growled  "Bossy, ever so bossy!"
“What did you guys do in there? Why are you covered in blood?” Six inquired, you could hear the disgust in his voice, between cursed and screeching tires, as obviously they were chased by the lawyer’s own TAC team. 
“ The head, neck, and face are very, very vascular. So it’s a lot of blood.” One vaguely tried to explain.
“Oh Eight I think they kill a mafia guy in Italy! You pressed your temples at your brother’s words. 
The lawyer’s phone needed facial recognition more specifically retina recognition… so naturally Two scooped his eye out. What a first mission!
“One for Four?”
“Yeah, go for Four.”
“ We need you.”
“ Of course you need me. I’m here.”
“Remind me, where the fuck is here?” 
“ Here here. Like, here?” Four continued, his evasive answers made you grin.
“Specificity.” One added
“ Here. Right effing here! Top of the Duomo, like we talked about. Look up. Where you going?”
“In the wrong direction. Please help them.” You sighed, Three spun his revolver your way.
“Get that thing away from my face Three!” he grimaced returning to his book
“Oh shit, coming down! Four announced… Coming up North, down on Via de ..via de ..there’s so many fucking vias in Italy!  
“Via De Cerretani.” you cleared
“Yeah, yeah” he sighed annoyed
At some point you momentarily removed your earpiece since your brother was screaming and cursing. Mammà would disapprove.
“You gotta lose that police chopper!” Four was perched on the Sagrestia Vecchia following the Alpha Romeo through Florence’s alleys.
You hacked the chopper on board cam “I have eyes, I’ll tell you when they lose you.”
“dov'è il bagno? …. dov'è il baaagno?..” Three repeated 3 TIMES, you glanced at him really annoyed, fingers itching to unsheathed.
“Buongiorno Uno” he answered at the sizzling talkie.
“Shit’s gone, we’re supper fucked, Four needs an Uber!”
“Way ahead of you, papi!” a loud bang coming from above the truck startled you.
“Buongiorno Quattro” Three started the truck.
His accent really made you cringe. Removing your feet from the dash you dip your head catching a glimpse of Four on the top on the truck.
After a few seconds, he got down and squeezed himself by the passenger window, you scout next to Three with a huff.
Gunshots, and cussing resonated in the comm link.Unconsciously biting your thumbnail, you kew your brother was a good driver but it was stressful. Four leaned in watching the chopper cam on your laptop. His blond hair falling into his eyes, you spotted brown flakes in the emerald green of his eyes. He was so close you thought your heartbeat had sync with his because you felt like adrenaline had rush in.
For a second you locked eyes, he smirked at you, immediately self aware of your agape state you nudge him away from your laptop. One was screaming at everyone in the car, Two was screaming back at him, her French accent even more pronounced. Five lost it in Spanish against Six and One. 
“Ok, the chopper lost sight on you, make the best of it little bro.”
All of sudden “Wannabe” blasted into your ear, you chuckled at your brother’s music taste, until Three announced two black suburban were tailing the green Guila Quadrifoglio. Four reloaded the grenade launcher, you eyed him apprehensive, he just smiled at you like a kid on Christmas day.
“Six fake ‘em out mate, I’m coming to you!” reaching for his skateboard behind you.
Few explosions later you urged them to make in on time at the rendez-vous point.
“You got a superhero on the squad!!” your brother praised Four, these two really got along real quick.
Focused on your next escape route aka arguing in Italian on the phone with the docker you didn’t hear the commotion in the car, the tires screeching, shattering glass.
“Whoa, shit!” Six screamed.
You gasped, feeling something was wrong, a deep pain in your chest you couldn’t explain, furrowing your brows you breathe in trying to chase it away, thinking it was the adrenaline rushing out.
Three stopped the truck at the construction site where you had to meet, him and Four got out gun’s at point.
You got out the truck a second later, your own gun in hand, still feeling weird “Ok let’s get the fuck out of my mother land bef..” you freezed, your eyes landing on the green car.
A deafening silence invaded your ears, the sound of you gun hitting the concrete resonating until your brain caught up, you understood the sudden unknown feeling. 
“NOOOOOO” you cried out running to him, feet skidding on the debris. “Come on baby brother, no, no, no, no” you cradled his face in your shaking hands, your vision blurry with tears, you pushed your forehead onto his, hands bloodied. “please, please” you begged sobbing, murmuring prayers.
 He was gone. You were unable to feel his presence, unable to feel his emotions through that unique bond twins have, you felt lost, incomplete.
 The harbor was the final way out, no one said a word as Four and One put Six in a transparent body bag.
The boat drifting away, Three came out with a bottle of booze and some pizzas, like, the fuck man pizzas right now? You denied the drink, if you were to drink you knew you were not going to stop until you black out. You sat on the edge of the stern, eyes glossy a blank expression on your face. One stood by your side, his behavior cold but uneasy.
“Here’s a toast to a kid I liked.” Three lift his glass
“Are you crying?” Two mocked him
“We didn’t even know his name.”
“We don’t know any names.”
“What was his name?” You didn’t want to say his name, you didn’t want to burst in tears just by saying his name. 
“It doesn’t matter. He was a good man.”
You didn’t expect One to say that, yes he was but in the end what did he knew about your brother.
“I thought I managed the risk. I’m sorry.” One softly concluded not looking at you
“Did you guys had anyone else...family?”
“I think you’re looking at it.” Two told her nodded your way cautiously
They all look at you gravely, please stop you screamed internally; I don’t need your pity, I need my brother.
“Risposa in Pace Fratellino” you whispered as they toss his body into the unforgiving Adriatic Sea. Here you were, the only one left of the Y/L/N family.
After giving One the last update on the phone they’d got, you went to the cabin, to steal a moment alone, cry without a bunch of strangers around. But you bumped into Four.
“Hey ..” he hesitate, searching his pocket he lifted his hand, showing the Cross necklace Six had attached to his stir.
Four didn’t know how much this cross meant to your family, and that did it, bawling you let all your sorrow out clutching at the cross.
Tears you hadn’t shed for your parents, as you try to be tough for your mother when papà disappeared, and then for your brother when mammà died. And now for him.
Carefully Four wraps his arm around your frame, offering some warmth and comfort. Something you thought you had definitely lost an hour ago. Muffling your cries in his white sweater, he held you tighter as he too felt his pain, you heard him exhale and breathe in trying to contain his own tears.
After that it was not the same with Four. Two said once that you did what she called a “transfer”. Meaning you were treating Four as your little brother, but it was definitely not like that, it was something else. Something One had prohibit.
Back at the Haunted House in the California desert, you hadn’t slept all the way ‘home’, you busied yourself packing Six stuff and bring them back in your trailer.
One was standing in the cargo plane, in front of the metal storage cabinet, in which each one of us had to store personal effects, will, things like that, if you happened to die.
He handed you Six’s key.
“Hold on to it, will you? he furrowed his eyebrows retrieving his hand, When that mission is over, I’ll open it. Well if I’m still here.”
He nodded understanding.
“I brought him into this, ...”
“… He said there was nothing he’d rather be doing with his life. That prick.” One was oddly compassionate
You shook your head trying to hold back tears, if you hadn’t hack that asshole back in your hometown, your brother wouldn’t be dead. Two’s French saying was in loop in your head, “Avec des si, on mettrait Paris en bouteille” “With Ifs, we could put Paris in a bottle.” but your guilt was still there, hanging tight.  
 Wally’s head on your thighs you couldn’t care less about his drool staining your jean, watching the nightfall on the California desert, the scolding sun giving place to the starry night, the sky virgin of light pollution you could see so much of the vault. Wally barked scaring you and made his way inside. “Ok big guy, good night.”
Passing by the empty pool you sat on one of the old lounge chairs, when you arrived it became your hangout with your brother and Four, even though it was mostly Four’s area. 
Sometimes Five would pass by on her way to the “gym cargo” as they called it. Four would settle on the edge of the bowl, while you lean on a lounge chair, your brother in the bowl tossing a tennis ball to each of you, tonight was the exception, your brother was not here, tears were, only Four didn’t stay on his side. 
He didn’t ask anything, he squished himself between you and the armrest. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, face again his chest you sobbed. Being held by him was foreign at first, only used to your brother’s hugs since you’d left your hometown. As he brushed away your hair from your wet face, you looked at him, his mouth slightly opened, brows furrowed slightly, your hand reached for the crease between it, easing it with the pad of your index, his gaze locking with yours at your gesture. His hand brushed a last strand away, burying itself in your hair. He kissed the same spot on you, lingering, nose nudging his sharp jaw, his breath grazed your cheek. Lips hovering each other’s, there was a flash of hesitation that crossed his features, your lips closed on his before you could think. He tightened his grip on your waist, bringing you closer, your cold fingers brushing his cheek. Suddenly shame struck you.
Jerking away from him, stumbling on your two feet, you pressed the heel of your hands into your eyes. Kissing Four while mourning for your brother felt so wrong.  
“Eight..wh ?”
You cut him “If this is coming out of some misplaced sense of guilt, don’t bother.”
He opened and closed his mouth “What the.., you kissed me Eight ..!”
“I .., your voice wavered, I’m not myself right now… “ You had kissed him first, what were you trying to say, yeah he kissed back but argh the fuck was happening in your head. Avoiding his pained look you turned around, fleeing the situation.
“It’s not, just so you know, some misplaced guilt.” he watched you disappear into the night, your trailer alight few meters away.
Third chapter - A Matter of Seconds 
A/N: don’t forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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blewink · 4 years
Two Meant To Be //kth Chapter Two
previous chapter // next chapter 
warnings: fingering, dirty talk, college au, dom!taehyung, sub!reader, lil bit of exhibitionism, Ta’s a lowkey tease this who chapter, and some fluffy stuff near the end
word count: 4.9k
a/n: I accidently added in an extra character in the last chapter, i’m gonna fix that but i thought i’d address it. but this chapter is way longer than the last one but i had a lot of fun writing it! I hope ya’ll like it
-blue 💙
After hours and hours of walking around the mall and trying on dozens of dresses to find a few that actually flattered you well. Jennie had a few pictures from the night of Wendy’s party since you apparently looked really good then, you made sure the dresses you bought has a similar silhouette to the dress of that night. You also bought some jackets and tights since the weather had gone completely freezing over the past week and you hadn’t updated your wardrobe for winter yet. Your friends would say you were very committed to keeping style and overall vibe to “pastel child meets cottagecore whore with a little bit of some risque form fitting clothes.” Although you did like spicing things up sometimes and went for all black outfits too.
After finally meeting up Wendy and Mina, it didn’t take long for Jennie to spill the beans to them. As soon as the words left Jennies mouth, the two girls started squealing and jumping around like children. You weren’t gonna lie, this familiar rush of liking someone was a really good feeling, it made you excited for what was gonna happen next. Mina whisper shouts,”I knew you liked him, I really did.” You could feel your cheeks straining from smiling so hard. “Okay okay! The whole mall doesn’t need to know!” You tell them. The chaos then got interrupted by Jennie clapping her to make an announcement. “Alright girlies, in honor y/n having a crush,”  she draws out the last word and nudges your side, “I say we should have a nice dinner today. And not just some fancy restaurant, we should make it ourselves.” You all nod in agreement. Jennie continues, “Then it’s settled. I’ll call the boys and see if they can go to the grocery store to buy some stuff.” She pulls out her phone and calls Namjoon. “Hey Joon, so the girls and I want to have a nice dinner with the roomies.” You hear Namjoon’s muffled voice on the other side of the line. “No, no specific reason,” She giggles and looks at you, your cheeks surely turning red. “Alright, well take Jimin and Chan with you. Tae’s gonna help us when we get home. See you soon, bye.”
On the drive home you get a text message from Taehyung, you feel your stomach flutter and you open the messaging app.
Tae🐯: hey do you know why joon left me home all alone? he said jennie had something   for me to do.
You:  idk, jennie just wanted to do something fun and we can’t go against the birthday girl
Tae: yeah you’re probably right. anyways, how are you holding up? yknow with the breakup…
You: i’m doing a lot better, thanks for checking up on me tho :)
Tae: yeah ofc, i care abt you a lot and i just wanted to make sure you were okay
Wendy’s voice takes you out of your trance, you look up confused as you didn’t hear what she said “Sorry, what did you say?” Wendy and Mina laugh causing Jennie to ask what was happening, since she was driving and didn’t notice what happened. Mina answers, “I was calling her name but she’s been smiling at her phone like an idiot.” The car erupts in laughter and you try to hide your face in your hands. “Come on guys, don’t make fun of her. It’s kinda cute, it’s like a first crush.” You're relieved that you had Mina on your side at least. In an effort to stand up for yourself you say, “He just texted me to see how I’m holding up.” Mina lets out a small ‘awe’ then says “That’s so cute.”
      After about twenty minutes and more teasing from your friends, you arrive at home. Yes, you live with your friends in a giant house and no,  it’s actually not as bad as some might think. Everyone puts in their share for rent and you actually prefer living with other people as it makes you feel more safe. As you and the other girls pull out all your bags from shopping, you see Taehyung walking out of the house and towards the car. Seeing him now, your mind couldn’t get rid of Jennie’s words. The thought of him thinking of you in a romantic way makes you feel a little lightheaded. “Hey girls, any of you need help with your bags?” Mina, Wendy and Jennie in unison said no and left you with a few extra bags so you wouldn’t be able to hold all of them and you would need the help of Taehyung. “What was that about?” he asked while giggling a bit. Flustered, you don’t answer his question and try to grab all the bags. You don’t notice him making his war to your side of the car until you feel a hand on your waist. Immediately causing you to gasp and drop your bags.
   You’re beyond embarrassed at this point and you feel you could crawl in a hole and die. “Hey are you okay?” Taehyung's deep voice fills your ears causing your body to shiver. “Y-yeah I’m okay, could you help me carry some stuff though?” He nods, “Yeah, of course. But let’s get you up first.” He reaches his hand to you and you grab it, pulling yourself up. You pick up a few bags and Taehyung grabs the others. As you were walking to the front door, you noticed how cold it was outside already and it didn’t help that the wind was picking up too. Taehyung matches your pace and then he asks you, “Are you still gonna go to New York for Jennies birthday?” You respond, “Yeah I’m not gonna let Lucas ruin my best friends birthday and I love New York too much and I’m not missing out on that.” You let out a soft laugh before you finally reach the front door.
   Once you were finally inside, you made your way up the stairs to your room, Taehyung following close behind you. You reach your door and you set your bags down to open the door, and walk into your room. Walking over to your vanity you set your bags down and when you turn around Taehyung eyes move quickly to meet yours. Was he just looking at your ass? No. You’re just imagining things. He walked over and placed the bags next to the ones you had. “Thanks for helping me out” you say. He grabs the back of his neck and says,” Yeah no problem” A couple seconds pass without either of you saying a word. You’re staring into his eyes and he’s staring back. After about fifteen seconds of this he clears his throat. “So I’ll see you at dinner.” You say a quick yeah, feeling down that he hadn’t said anything. He closes the door making sure to look at you before the door blocked his view.
   He stood with his back to your door for a couple seconds and let out a sigh. He didn’t understand why he didn’t say anything, you looked amazing but you always did. He didn’t know how you felt and it was tearing him up inside. He decided it would be better to not do anything stupid and just walked to room. After Taehyung left, you decided to try on your dresses again and pick one to wear to dinner. You’re half naked with a dress half way up your legs when the door busts open. You scream and try to cover your body but it results in the dress falling down. It’s Tae. He starts apologizing profusely “Oh my god, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to barge in.” At this point you grabbed a towel and covered yourself. “It’s okay, just knock next time.” You nervously laugh. “Oh yeah right, well Jennie wants us to make desert. So you should come down to the kitchen when… you’re done changing.” His face getting mildly red near the end of the sentence. “Oh okay I’ll be there in a few.” He makes his way out but your heart is still pounding.  It takes you a couple minutes to compose yourself, but you change into a loose t-shirt, some small shorts and a pair of fluffy socks because it's still a little chilly.
  You hear Jennie's voice telling Taehyung about the desert and once you enter the kitchen they both stop talking and look your way. Confused, you say ”what?” Jennie quickly says, “What are you wearing?” “I thought we were baking so picked out clothes I don’t mind getting dirty.” She shakes her head and sighs, “God, what am I going to do with you?” You make a face to Taehyung, mocking Jennie, and he giggles back. Jennie interrupts your moment, “Anyways, you guys are in charge of making a pie. Can I trust you two to not burn the house down?” She cocks her eyebrow up. “Um yeah probably” says Taehyung. Jennie lets out another disappointed sigh and walks out of the kitchen. You make your way to the fridge to get the ingredients to make your pie filling and dough.
  While you're searching inside the fridge when Taehyung says, “Can I be honest? I have no clue on how to make a pie.” You can’t say you’re surprised, Tae was more of a cook than a baker. “That’s alright bub. Not to brag but I’ve made a few pies in my day.” You close the fridge and head to the cabinets to get a bowl. When you set the bowl and your other utensils, you look up to see why Taehyung was so quiet, you notice his gaze is again on you. You clear your throat, causing him to snap out of his trance, out of pure curiosity you say, “Liking what you see?” You regret saying those words as soon as they come out of your mouth. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that! Let’s just ignore that.” You make your way to your bowl and start mixing your ingredients as an uncomfortable silence fills the room. You hear his footsteps come closer and you look up at him, his eyes seem darker than they were just a couple minutes ago, “What if I did?” Your jaw drops a bit, leaving your lips parted just a bit. How were you supposed to respond? Did he have feelings for you? Your emotions were all over the place. He lets out a little laugh as his face gets closer to yours to where you can almost feel his lips on yours, “I think you’re enjoying this a little too much baby” The pet name causing you to blush and his eyes look down at your lips and he continues, “And you’re drooling a bit.” He taps your bottom lip and walks to the other side of the kitchen, sitting back in his previous spot.
 Feeling flustered, your actions were a little jumpy while you finished the pie. Not to mention that you could practically feel his gaze burning on you. Finally you put the pie in the oven, when you look up you see Taehyung distracted by his phone. You place your hands on our hips and clear your throat, when his eyes meet yours, the familiar darkness is still there. “Gee thanks for being such a great help Taehyung.” You made sure your words were coated in sarcasm. “You said you had it covered, didn’t you?” His eyebrow cocks up at the end of the question. You graon in anger and storm out of the kitchen while shouting, “You’re going to be the death of me Kim Taehyung!”
 He always enjoyed teasing you like this, he liked seeing you get all flustered just from his words. He couldnt help but think of all the things he could do to you, fuck, now he’s hard. He didn’t understand why affected him this much but he needed to get ready for the dinner. You found yourself in your room with dresses all over the place, it was surprisingly hard to find the perfect dress to wear to something so casual yet so important. You ended up choosing a form fitting, simple black dress. It only took you thirty minutes to pick it but it was perfect. You quickly curled your hair a bit, did some soft glam makeup,  picked out a few gold accessories and finished with a few sprits of sweet smelling perfume. You were lowkey feeling yourself when you looked at  your complete look in the mirror and you even snapped a few pictures and posted your favorite two. As if on cue, your alarm went off, indicating your pie was ready. You made your way to the kitchen as fast as you could, which wasn’t that fast since you had your heels on.  
      Luckly, when you took it out it was perfectly golden and not burned. You sighed in relief and sat on the countertop. It was only a couple minutes when Jennie came rushing in, “Oh thank god you’re here, can you help me set up the table?” You nodded but were still confused by her urgency as your friends were never ones for punctuality. “Jennie, why are you so stressed? It’s just gonna be us and the roomies.” A loud, sarcastic laugh comes from Jennie, “I wish, my mom just called and she’s on her way. I ordered pick up from some restaurant because we’re not going to have time for cooking, the boys are picking that up.” You two were now in the dinning room, you were placing the plates on the long table. “Why don’t you ask the girls and Tae to help us? Wouldn’t it be more efficient for more of us to help out?” Jennie gives you a small smile after mentioning his name. “Yeah you would like that wouldn’t you?” Your face heats up for the hundredth time today, seems like you’re going to have to get used to this.
The boys had finally arrived and you were all in the living room sitting on the couch. It was funny seeing you all dressed up but cuddled up on couch. Jennie was telling the rest of the group about her mother’s surprise visit, you looked over to Taehyung to see his reaction but not so surprisingly, he was already looking at you. You continued moving your gaze, pretending you didn’t see him. Jennie’s lecture was interrupted by the doorbell, indicating her mother’s arrival. You all quickly stood up and fixed your apperances, you smoothed down your dress and walked to the door with the rest of your friends. You all stood in a small group as Jennie opened the door. “Hi Omma!” Jennie said in an overly cheerful voice, her mom gives her a hug. Her mom turns to look at the rest of you, “Hi Mrs. Kim!” You all say while bowing.
After all the greetings and catching up, you made your ways to the dinner room, which had already been set up by you and Jennie. While you were each picking a seat, Taehyung made his way next to you. Once Mrs. Kim sat down, the rest of you did too. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and new memories, the food was delicious too. But every now and then you would find yourself getting distracted by Taehyungs hands. The way his fingers gripped around the utensils making his veins prominent, made you feel a little hot. It also didn’t help that he was constantly sneaking his hand down to rub your inner thigh. This was tourture for you, it had been months since anyone had touched you like this. You were able to ignore it for most of the night, that was until Mrs. Kim was saying her goodbyes. You were all gathered at the entrance and you felt Taehyungs hand on your side, giving small squeezes causing you to stutter with your words when talking to Mrs. Kim. Once she left you all made your way to the living room again.
Jennie was the first one to throw her her body on the beanbag next to the couch. The rest of you doing the same soon after. Your feet were starting to feel sore so you were eager to get your heels off. “Well that went well.” You all laugh at Jimins remark. “For real though, the food was pretty good, Jennie where did you find that restaurant?” Chan questions as Jennie sits up to face the rest of you. “It’s my mom’s favorite,” Jennie says as she fixes her hair, “We used to eat there a lot when I was younger.” A comfortable silence falls between the group, but only a minute passed before Mina stands up. “I think we all need to de-stress, how about a movie night? We haven’t done one of those in a while.” A movie night was exactly what you needed right now, so you were very excited, and it appeared so were your roomates. A couple of minutes of bickering later, you all had decided on a movie that none of you had watched yet, which happened to be a scary movie. You weren’t fond of the movie selection but you figured it was bound to be fun. You were now in your room changing into pajamas you had worn earlier, you were too lazy to get a pair of panties so you remained commando. A buzz from your phone interrupted you removing your makeup. You walked over to check what it was, a text from Taehyung. Your stomach fluttered again, yet another sensation you would come to get used to.
Tae: hurry the fuck up, we’re all waiting for you.
You checked your phone to check the time, but only three minutes had passed since you made it to your bedroom. You hurried to remove the last of your makeup and brush out your hair. You picked up a few blankets and a stuffie, and made your way to the living room. To your surprise, you found yourself in an empty room. Where was everyone? “I didn’t think you would get down here so fast.” Taehyungs deep voice fills the room from behind you. You turn around to see him in a loose white t-shirt, hands in grey sweat pants and his hair a ruffled mess. “I thought you said you were all waiting for me?” Your eyes follow his body as he makes his way to the couch. He lets a small laugh out once he’s on the couch, “You really will believe anything I say, wont you?” He pats the side next to him, indicating you to come sit with him. You roll your eyes, you should have know he would something like this. “Why do you keep teasing me Tae?” You sit next to him, leaving enough space between yourselves. “I like seeing how flustered you get, it’s cute.” Before you could answer, Jimin and Chan walk in, Namjoon not too far behind them. It’s only a couple more minutes, when the girls come in too. What did he mean by ‘cute’?
The movie had already started but you didn’t know what was going on, your mind was too busy repeating the words Taehyung had said. You shook your racing mind and tried to focus on the movie. Some girl was hiding in her bedroom from the intruder, at least you think that what you think was happening. She’s on the floor behind the side of the bed when the door opens. She covers her mouth to prevent the intruder from hearing her breathing while the man in the background walks to the closet, the floor creaking underneath him. The music gradually getting louder and louder, suddenly the intruder does a jump scare, causing a few of you to scream. It caused you to jump and reach for the person beside you, who happened to be Taehyung. You gripped his arm and buried your face into his chest. Once you realized you were practically on his lap, you let go of his arm and whispered “sorry.” He placed his hand on your thigh and started rubbing small circles with his thumb. He brought his lips to your ear before whispering, “No need to appoligize sweetheart.” His voice caused you to shiver and you weren’t going to lie, you were a little turned on.  
He left his hand on your lower thigh for a couple minutes until he started moving upwards. Your thighs had always been sensitive and you wondered if he still remembered that, even over a year later. You almost panicked, thinking maybe one of your roomates might see you but you realize you have two blankets over you and Taehyung. His hand starts rubbing you over your clothed core, you let out a small whimper. “Don’t make any noise baby, you dont want our friends to hear what a little mess you are for me, do you?” You shake your head. He continues his movements, rubbing right over your clit, you feel your wetness already seeping onto your shorts. His actions stop as he reaches further up to the top of your shorts, his fingers playing with the waistband before they delve into your shorts. Your breath hitches as his hand is now touching your bare cunt, “No panties?” He tisks, “Were you expecting something like this to happen?” You don’t answer his questions and the sensation of his touch makes your skin feel as though it’s on fire. His other hand reaches your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, “Answer me when I ask you questions, kitten.” The new pet name causes you to gush a little more, you could tell he felt it too because of the cocky smirk he has on. “Does kitten like being called names?” It takes everything to respond to him. “Yes,” you whisper. You’re still facing him when he plunges a finger into your needy cunt. You slap your hand over your mouth as moan threatens to come out. Taehyung smiles at your reaction, he always loved how reactive you were to him touch.
You two were now facing the TV again while his finger was sliding in and out of your pussy agonizingly slow. It was probably for the better, if he was going any faster, you were sure your roomates might hear your pussy squelching. His thumb circled around your clit causing your walls to tighten around his finger. Once he added another finger you felt yourself getting closer to your release. His pace picked up a bit causing you to bury your face into your blankets. “Are you close baby?” You nod, as you’re incapable of opening your mouth without a moan coming out. Only a few more trusts later and you open your mouth in a silent scream as your orgasm overtakes your body. His fingers ride you through your high and your body shakes as he pulls his fingers out. His fingers glisten in the light provided by the TV, he takes in index finger into his mouth, tasting your release. He then orders for you to open your mouth as he sticks his middle finger into your mouth. You suck on it, circling your tongue around his digit while tasting yourself. He pulls his finger out, “Good girl.” The praise makes you feel warm. He puts his arm around your waist for the rest of the movie, his hand rubbing your side until you stop shaking.
About an hour later, the movie finishes and you look around. Your roomates are all fast asleep leaving you and Taehyung as the only ones awake. “Should we wake them up or leave them here?” You ask worried as you all had class the next day. “Uh I say we be good friends and wake them up. You get up first, losing your balance and falling to the floor. Taehyung giggles, “Damn, I wonder how you’re gonna walk once I fuck you for real.” You ignore his comment, “Stop being a dick and help me up.” He walks over and picks you up, you stare into each others eyes before you say, “Are we gonna talk about what’s going on here?” You still weren’t sure what was going on between you two and you wanted to see how he felt about all this. He pats your side before saying, “We’ll talk about it in a bit but lets wake them up first.” Not exactly the answer you were expecting but you’ll take it. You walk over to Chan, who’s sprawled all over Namjoon, you snap a quick picture before shaking the two to wake them.
You walk each of your friends to their rooms, you make sure to set alarms on all their phones incase they forgot to. Once you close Wendy’s door, you turn to walk to your room, which was straight across from hers, Taehyung’s there leaning against your door. You walk up to him, “I assume we’re talking about this now?” He moves out of the way so you can open the door, “Of course.” You walk into your room, keeping the door open for him to walk in and closing it behind him. You switch a light on so it’s not too bright. You turn on your heel to face Taehyung “Um I need to change first, my shorts are… well, they’re ruined thanks to you.” “Oh it was my pleasure baby, no need to thank me.” He replies slyly. “Okay well turn around then.” He turns his back to you and you step out of your shorts. They’re practically drenched and you throw them in your hamper, making a mental note to wash before you leave for New York. You walk into your closet, opening a drawer and grab a pair of clean underwear and slip them on.
When you walk back out, Tae’s sitting on your bed so you make your way over and sit on your bed near him and cross your legs. “So, do you have any questions for me? Because I know I have a few for you.” You ask nervously. He licks his lips, “Just one I think,” you look at him curiously. “You’re sure you and Lucas are done? Like for real this time? Because this has happened before and you just went right back to him in less than a week.” This was true, Lucas always found the right things to say to make you take him back. But this time, he hadn’t reached out to you in days and you felt ready to move on. “I can assure you, I’m not getting back with Lucas. Not tomorrow, not next week or ever.” You give a small smile to really seal the deal. He smiles back, “Okay that’s good. One more thing,” He pauses, “When was last time someone touched like how I just did?” Your face heats up and you lift your pillow to hide your face. You feel the bed shift as he moves closer to you, his feet now up on the bed crossed just like yours. He grabs the pillow from your hands and makes you look at him, “There’s no need to get shy with me kitten. Answer my question.” You bite your lip nervously, “It’s been about three months.” Taehyung hums in response. “Well I’ll be making those months up to you from now on.” His hand nw on your cheek. “So what were your questions for me, kitten?” You almost forgot about them but your glad he brought them up. “Do you intend on having a serious relationship with me?” Your eyes tear up a bit at the thought of him saying no. A shocked expression crosses his face, “Of course I do. I don’t want to use you like that, I would never want to hurt you.” You nod your head slowly in response, “Okay I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.” He nods back, “Yeah we are. One more thing,” He pauses again, “Let’s take this slow okay? I don’t want to make you do anything you regret.” You giggle at his sudden softness in words, “You say that as if you didn’t just make me cum all over your fingers.” He laughs a little too, “Oh baby, if you think that’s going slow, I’ve got a lot to show you.” You looked at him and the way he looked in the light that was barley there, he was nothing short of beautiful.
You snap out of your trance, “Alright alright, it’s time for us to go to bed.” You hop off your bed clapping your hands together. Taehyungs still on your bed looking at you confused, “I was wondering if I could stay here with you tonight. If that’s okay with you?” You were taken aback by the idea of having Taehyung sleep in the same bed as you. “Um yeah sure, that’s okay.” He giggles like child before pulling your blanket over himself, “Come on I can’t sleep without my kitten.” Your heart swells as you crawl back into bed. You settle yourself under the blankets facing him, his draps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer. You can feel his breath on your face, “Can I kiss you?” You nod and tilt your head up. Your lips connect and your eyes fluttered shut. You felt your stomach fluttering and you wondered if this was how a real kiss was supposed to feel. When you pulled away, you looked into his eyes and everything felt calm. He pulled you closer so you were now laying on his chest. The hours of shopping and baking finally catching up to you as you drifted into sleep.
tag list: @wangxian-nation @supersamzzz @jujujangona526 @togetherminmin @dreamsndrabbles @annietaeyong
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Let Me Love You (Soft Yandere Mafia! BTS) // Members 2/7
Requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt
Summary: You certainly weren't expecting to be caught up in the middle of a mafia deal going wrong while dealing with you own life's mess.
So I tweaked the request a little. Not all members will have the plotline of mafia deal going wrong. You'll figure it out better when you read the Namjoon scenario. Also, I apologize for being so late with this. The other members will be updated shortly, please be patient!
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Kim Seokjin:
The lights in the huge bathroom flickered, your heavy breathing and whimpers evading your senses and making you feel suffocated. The cubicle in which you had locked yourself was at the end, the white door having a number of words scribbled on it. Unfortunately, there was no window for you to escape. And if you tried to leave the bathroom to make a run for the exit, you would definitely die. You didn't have any choice but to sit quietly and pray. Pray that no one finds you.
You huffed and gathered all the sheets scattered in front of you. You hated how much you procrastinated things but it was now a deadly habit that you couldn't get rid of, no matter what you did. And especially college assignments. Who even worked on them before the deadline was announced. Absolutely not you.
You rubbed your eyes in frustration and opened your laptop while searching for your pen. It was pretty late at night and your favourite cafe was absolutely empty. But the owner knew you very well so she let you stay. 
You let out a small 'ah' when you found your pen and just then, your bag started to fall off the seat. In order to hold your bag, you ended up letting go of the pen and it fell to the floor. You cursed as it rolled ahead towards the entrance of the cafe, a loud thud echoing through the quiet cafe when your foot hit the leg of the table. You winced and got out of your seat, stumbling to get your pen back. You were such a mess, it was almost embarrassing.
You sighed and bent down to grab your pen, your fingers meeting with someone else's. You frowned and looked up at the person who you had made contact with, a soft gasp leaving your lips on seeing a very very handsome stranger. He had black hair which were pushed away from his forehead and his dark eyes that stared into yours as if you were a painting at the Louvre. He was a lot more attractive than any boy you had ever met before. 
Snapping out of your dreamland, you cleared your throat and stood up straight, looking at the floor as he picked up your pen and stretched out his hand towards you. With a soft smile, you took the silver pen from him and mumbled a 'thank you', oblivious to what you were doing to him.
"What are you doing here so late, doll?" His voice startled you as your eyes momentarily widened upon hearing the nickname before you calmed yourself down. You saw the men standing behind him, shivers running down your spine due to the dangerous aura they carried with them. 
"Uh...just college stuff. I'll probably be staying up all night." You replied, smiling sadly at him. He hummed, his stare on your body going unnoticed by you. Your hands felt clammy all of a sudden and your body told you to run away. No matter how good looking this person was, he made you feel weird. He scared you. But he also made you feel warm. 
Suddenly, he stretched his hand out to you, a gentle smile on his face to let you know that he wasn't gonna hurt you. "Kim Seokjin." He stated as you hesitantly placed your hand in his. 
"Y/N Y/L/N." 
He brought the back of your hand to his lips and kissed it softly, sending your heart into a spiral. Your cheeks felt warm as you harshly bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling. This was definitely the first time that a man was being so gentlemanly. Otherwise, all males that you met were mostly assholes.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Let's talk more after I finish this small meeting that I have. Is that okay with you?" 
You thought for a moment, realising that you should definitely try to socialize. Being a foreign student was not very easy and you didn't have many friends yet. Your teachers always pressed everyone to make acquaintances with different people. They said your life would be easier. And you didn't have anything to lose either, right?
With a grin, you nodded your head and pulled your hand away, quickly gripping the hem of your top anxiously. 
"I'd like that."
"Great. I'll see you in a bit then." And with that, he walked away towards a table at the corner of the cafe. With a deep breath, you got back to your seat and drowned yourself in your assignments.
You had ended up sleeping on the table with your head resting upon your papers. If you had known what was going to happen then you wouldn't have opened your eyes at all.
There was a loud yell and you flinched, your head immediately turning to see the table where Jin sat. But he wasn't sitting anymore, he was standing. Actually, everyone that came with him was standing and a man dressed in a red suit was doing the yelling. You frowned and hissed, his voice was too sharp and you didn't like it. It was giving you a headache. Jin's eyes flickered to you, a wave of sadness passing over his features. Something was very wrong. He looked apologetic. As if he had committed a crime.
Or was going to.
"I didn't wanna do this in front of her but you've given me no choice." You heard him say. You narrowed your eyes when you saw him holding something which was glinting in the dim lights. The air in the cafe was dense and once you figured out the object in seokjin's hand, you immediately regretted your decision to study in Korea. 
Your dinner was begging to be let out, your stomach churning in fear as your heart pounded in your chest. Sweat beaded on your forehead and you felt dizzy. With all your strength, you pushed yourself on your feet and looked around the cafe. Your throat ran dry on seeing the two men standing by the entrance. You were trapped. There was no way you could leave.
Your eyes lit up with hope when you saw the door to the bathroom, your lips quivering as tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. You harshly wiped your eyes to get rid of the tears pooling in them and dashed towards the bathroom, praying mentally when no one followed you. 
But what you didn't know was that Jin didn't want you to witness it. He didn't want you to see him at his worst. Unfortunately, you had already done that. You had seen the gun clenched in his fingers and you had seen the murderous look on his face. As much as he wanted to treat you right, he couldn't. Because there was no way you were gonna trust him anymore. He could only kidnap you if you rejected him. But he wasn't sure of that either. 
End of Flashback
You placed the back of your hand on your mouth to stop your cries. But it was of no use. Your entire body was shaking since you heard the gunshot. What was supposed to be a tiring but peaceful night, ended up being a nightmare. A nightmare that you never thought you would have to witness. 
You tried to distract yourself by looking at the flickering lights but that wasn't helpful either. You heard the door to the bathroom being thrown open followed by heavy footsteps. You noted the murmurs. It wasn't just one person. There were two. You pressed yourself against the wall and tightly clamped your mouth shut. You didn't wanna die. Not today.
But the universe seemed to be against you. As if on cue, the door to your cubicle was pushed open. You closed your eyes and screamed at the top of your lungs as two rough hands dragged you out. You thrashed in their arms, their hissing and curses making you more scared. You didn't wanna get on their nerves but what else could you do. You were probably gonna die anyway.
You opened your eyes to see him standing in front of you. His hands were still wrapped around that gun and you found yourself shivering on seeing the pool of blood in which a dead body lay. Tears were streaming down your cheeks continuously and there was no way to stop them. Your cried turned into whimpers under Jin's powerful gaze. He made you feel small. As if you were a prey and he was your predator. 
"Please. Please don't kill me. I won't say a word. I'll forget that this night even happened. Just-just don't kill me…" you begged, your knees giving away when the two men left your arms. You absentmindedly rubbed your arms to try and soothe the pain that their fingers had left. Your eyes were fixed on the floor and you could do nothing but cry and beg. Hopefully, he'll pity you.
You saw his black boots come into your line of sight, your breath hitching when he placed his finger under your chin. You closed your eyes when he pushed your chin up so that he could see your face, his warm breath giving you some kind of relief.
"Let me see those eyes, doll." He mumbled, your eyes immediately obeying. You breathed heavily, his faint smile making you feel hopeful. 
"I'll leave Korea if you want. But don't hurt me." You whispered, your voice cracking in the middle. Jin's eyes showed nothing but guilt and affection. His forehead creased as he frowned upon hearing your words. Why would you say that?
He gently shook his head and placed the gun on the floor before kneeling down in front of you. You were so fragile. He was afraid he'd hurt you. Jin didn't know why but he found himself infatuated with you. The second he laid eyes on you, his heart fluttered and he knew that you were the one. He had to have you. 
You were shocked when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a warm hug. You inhaled his scent and found yourself relaxing on hearing his steady heartbeats. Your hands slowly held the lapel of his overcoat as he caressed your hair.
"If I wanted to hurt you, doll, don't you think I would have done that already?" He asked, rocking you back and forth in his arms. You bit your lip and nodded, realising that what he was saying was completely right.
"So there's your answer. I do not want to hurt you. I want to take care of you. Do you think you'll let me do that?" He questioned, pulling away from you and cupping your cheeks. You gulped, not knowing what to say. 
Take care of you?
He didn't even know you. 
When you didn't reply, he sighed and wiped away the tears that were drying on your cheeks. He pursed his lips and leaned closer to you. 
"I promise I won't lay a finger on you. All you have to do is come home with me. I just need you to give me a chance to show you that I truly care." He said, his voice dripping with desperation that made your heart flutter. No one had showed so much interest in you. Even though this situation was drastic, you couldn't help but think that maybe he wasn't such a bad person. You hesitantly nodded at him.
"I-I'll go with you." You stated, blushing when he smiled at you. Without another word, he kissed your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a second longer. If you thought you had the right to change your mind later, you were wrong. The minute you had said those words, your fate was sealed. Kim Seokjin never gave away anything that he owned. And he owned you now.
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Kim Namjoon:
You were relieved when you were asked to serve in the VIP lounge again, the tray of liquor steady in your hand. If you said you weren't traumatised by the man who kept catcalling you, you'd be lying. Him being sat at the bar was even worse, his hands always finding their way to your ass. There was a limit to how much you could tolerate, even if you were just a part time worker at the club. You sniffled, inhaling deeply and making sure there were no traces of the tears that you had been shedding in the bathroom a few minutes ago. You needed the job to support your studies. It paid well, even though you had to compromise.
Pushing open the heavy lounge door with your hip, you entered the room, your eyes immediately meeting his as he glanced at you upon your arrival. This was probably the seventh time you were being asked to serve him whiskey, the untouched glasses from before indicating that he wasn't really interested in the alcohol. You bit your lip harshly, slowly walking towards him as he sat on the big plush leather couch, trying his best to listen to the man sitting in front of him. You assumed it was a meeting of some sort since the air in the room was serious. Quickly placing the glass on the table, you turned around to leave, only to have his fingers wrapped around your wrist. Your heart skipped a beat, your body freezing in place but refusing to turn. Your eyes widened, his breath hitting the back of your neck and you knew he was now standing. Your fingers tightened around the empty tray in your hand, your wrist burning under his touch. It was weirdly safe and relaxing. 
"You've been crying. Why?"
His voice was gentle and smooth, his tone telling you that he demanded an answer. You wondered how he even figured it out, but then again, you were no good at hiding things. You swallowed thickly, his hand pulling at yours to turn you around. "Just- just an intrusive customer." You answered, your eyes looking everywhere but him. He was too handsome and you knew if you stared at him longer, you'd end up fantasizing about him. He hummed, his other hand coming to rest on your neck, fingers wrapping around the skin as delicately as possible. This made you look up at him. "If it made you cry, it's not okay." He stated, abruptly letting go of you only to turn and bark orders at his men to go and bring the culprit. Your heart thudded in your chest, your breath hitching on thinking about what was going to happen. You didn't want anything to happen to anyone because of you. "Exc-"
"Kim Namjoon, darling. And if you can't tell, you have had all my attention since I walked in." 
You were too stunned to say anything, his lips stretching into a fond smile at your wide eyes. If you really thought about it, it was absurd and impossible. The affection in his eyes was too deep for someone who you had just met. Your body told you to turn around and run but his smile made you stand still. You had never had such a bad internal conflict before. You froze in your place, drowning out all the voices and the people. You didn't even notice when that man had been brought in and pushed onto his knees. All you could remember was the way you had felt powerless your entire life. There were many factors contributing to that, but you couldn't recall the last time you felt like you were in charge. 
Fingers brushed against your arm, snapping you back into reality. You found yourself staring at the drunk man who now looked terrified. His eyes were already red and watery, lips quivering as his hands were tied behind him. You looked away, focusing your attention on Namjoon who stood beside you. "Tell me, darling, do you want to punish him for making you feel threatened?" He asked, your eyes widening in curiosity. Punish? What does that include? At your lack of response, Namjoon glanced at you, the heavy metal in his hands catching your attention. Your breath hitched as he took your hand in his and placed the silver gun in your palm. You realized how cold and heavy it felt between your fingers, absolutely alien. You were supposed to be running for your life but you didn't. Because you felt in charge. That's what you had always wanted. Namjoon's hands came to rest on your shoulders, his fingers rubbing circles to calm you down. You felt his breath on your neck, his hands now making their way to hold yours. "Don't be scared. I'm here." He comforted, strangely making you feel better about the situation. Your fingers wrapped around the trigger as Namjoon lifted your hand up, pointing the barrel at the man who now seemed completely sober. You took a second to observe all the others in the room, noticing how nobody seemed bothered by this. At that point, you had come to realise that this was more than just a business meeting. A low whimper had you looking at the kneeling male, his begs going unheard by you as Namjoon tried to distract you. He whispered nice things to you, about how you didn't deserve to be treated this way at all. That if it were up to him, he would never disrespect you like that. 
Your heart raced, your mind screaming at you to stop. This wasn't you. You weren't just going to kill anyone. That was just heartless, but something was much more wrong and twisted. Maybe it was the way Namjoon had you pressed against him or the look of fear in your victim's eyes, you didn't know which one. All you knew was that you were very willing to blow his brains out. 
"Pull the trigger and I'll take care of everything."
Your heart fluttered at the gentle tone of Namjoon's voice, his hands continuing to steady yours as you struggled to make a decision. 
Get over with it.
You breathed shakily, closing your eyes shut before reluctantly pulling the trigger. It took you a couple seconds to recover, wondering why all you heard was a click. You managed to open your eyes, peeking at the man who was still alive. Namjoon's lips brushed against your neck, shivers running down your spine as his hands now wrapped around your waist. Your eyes began to water, not being able to believe what you were about to do. Your hands started shaking, the gun falling on the floor with a clatter. 
"Wasn't going to let my angel get tainted now, was I?" You gasped at Namjoon's words, feeling partially grateful that he had handed you an empty gun. You leaned back into his chest, your legs feeling like jelly every time you looked at the helpless man before you. Namjoon tightened his hold around you, relishing in the way you fit so perfectly in his arms. He had kept an eye on you since you had come in to take his order. He had also seen how that man had touched you inappropriately, anger coursing through his veins at the very sight. Just because he hadn't let you kill him, didn't mean he was going to let that asshole live. 
"I'm not a bad person." You mumbled, trying to convince yourself that what you were saying was true. But were you good? Was it justifiable to want to murder another human being? Your eyes stared blankly at the glass separating the VIP lounge from the rest of the club. 
"I know, darling. Sadly, you were unfortunate enough to attract someone like me."
A subtle frown took over your features, your mind registering the words that had just been spoken to you. Namjoon's voice was like a lullaby, you could get lost in it's melancholy any day. You inhaled deeply, knowing that there was a very clear meaning behind his words. "Will you hurt me?" 
Your question seemed to amuse him for he chuckled softly, the vibrations from his chest spreading through your body. You could see his faint reflection in the clean glass, catching sight of the dimples that dug into his cheeks when he laughed.
"Why don't you answer that question for me, darling?"
Your skin burned when Namjoon's lips pressed against your neck, your eyes closing in ecstasy. You had never been this intimate with anyone before, mainly because you never had the time to get to know anyone. Alone in a foreign country, you were a little too cautious when it came to things like these. And about his question, you really didn't have to answer. It was clear as crystal, if Namjoon wanted to harm you, he would have done that by now. "What do you want from me, then?"
At your question, Namjoon turned you around abruptly, your hands on his chest as you steadied yourself on your heels. You stared at him, biting your lip when his fingers came to brush against your cheek. Namjoon lowered his head, making you avert your gaze to his chest. You felt his breath fanning your face, one of his hands resting on your waist. 
"I want you. All of you."
Your eyes widened, looking back up at him in surprise. Did you hear him right? You heard your heart beating faster than usual in your ears, everything else being drowned out in a second. The only thing you knew to be real was Namjoon and his hold on you, his eyes studying your expression and trying to fathom what your next words were gonna be. You only met him today. And from what you had gathered, he was a person with a dangerous status. He obviously didn't care who he hurt or who he killed, since he was the one urging you to shoot that man. The most rational thing to do was to decline and try to leave. But you being you, felt like this was special. You liked this affection oozing out of Namjoon, having been depraved of it your entire life. This was a good thing, wasn't it? Namjoon could give you a secure future.
Namjoon frowned, still caressing your cheek and waiting for you to answer him. He had a hunch that you were gonna say no. But Namjoon was a simple man. He wanted what he wanted. Assuming that things could go south, he decided to lay down his words before you.
"I won't take no for an answer, angel. Just say you'll let me take you home and we'll be alright." He cooed, shaking his head as he played with your hair. Your eyes wandered around the lounge, thinking how there was too much room for you two to be standing so close. But even if you wanted, Namjoon's hold was firm around you. He really had no intentions of letting you leave, whether it be from his touch or his words. 
"I- I wasn't going to say no." You answered, Namjoon's eyebrows raising in shock. You inhaled slowly, standing on your toes and pressing your lips to his cheek. "Please take care of me." 
Namjoon grinned, placing both his arms around your back and pulling you into a hug. He inhaled your scent, burying his face in your neck. 
"Oh trust me, darling. I'll take good care of you."
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Happy birthday to this beautiful, talented and soft human, he truly deserves this entire world. I hope every day keeps going better and better for him! Kim Namjoon will forever be my leader and role model 🥺💖
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staytheb · 3 years
Moonlight Melody - chapter 3
Word Count: 5,431 previous chapter, next chapter
Moonlight Melody masterlist.
semi-proofread. anyways, the third chapter’s about Jessica as a grim reaper and receiving her next assignment which is Joohyun who later meets Grim Reaper Jessica. happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Jessica was thrust awake as she found herself at the Reaper Station's conference room already sitting in one of its seat and in her uniform. She groaned as she flopped her upper body onto the table to catch a nap before the meeting began. It was short lived when she felt someone poke her side.
"I swear, Shannon, if it's you, I'm gonna pushed you in front of a bus again."
Grim Reaper Jessica threatened in a muttering tone with her face still against the table and not bothering to check if it was the death watcher that oversees her duties or not. She heard a male chuckle and turned to see that it was another reaper, Gunwoo, who had poked her earlier.
"I thought by now you would've figured out that we won't die from such mortal incidents."
Gunwoo propped an elbow on to the table and rested his chin upon it while smiling at Grim Reaper Jessica.
"Were you asleep before being summoned?"
"Yes. I took a nap as the heat was getting to me." She responded with a yawn as she sat upright.
"Why suffer with those mortal weathers when you can live here and choose whatever season you want to basked in?"
"That's no fun, honestly. I can't dress up with the seasonal fashion."
"How about giving up your triple life and just becoming a full-fledged grim reaper?"
"No, thanks. I'm sti-"
Gunwoo interrupted her while repeating the words that she always gave him as her reasoning.
"-still waiting on my sister."
He rolled his eyes.
"I remember, but I still suggest for you to cross over. Your sister, too. Isn't it boring being a human though?"
"Not really. Isn't it boring being an immortal?"
"Not really."
He eyed his fellow grim reaper with a grin.
"But who knows, one day I may end up as a mere mortal."
"I doubt you'll make it as one in the end."
"Wow, that's rude."
Grim Reaper  Jessica shot him a grin just as Lucifer's booming voice announced his own presence and everyone turned towards the front.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." Lucifer greeted as he sat at the head of the table upon his throne with a large grin.
He went about their usual discussion and updates before moving on to the last bit of the meeting consisting of assigning the reapers with their missions by Lilith. Grim Reaper Jessica hardly received her missions during the meetings as Shannon always gave them to her at all odd hours of the day. So Grim Reaper Jessica used to wondered why she even had to come to these midnight meetings, but later gave up and just went with it. Still though it got her curious and before she could ask Gunwoo about the subject, Lilith's voice interrupted her.
"Here's our latest user, pinkbaechu, on our REAPER CORRESPONDENCE site. The user signed up a few days ago."
Lilith announced upon Joohyun's account profile popping up on the holographic screen for everyone to view.
"She's quite pretty judging by her picture, but in all honestly she's really bland in personality."
There were some murmurs before Lilith continued.
"Now on to pinkbaechu's actual profile. Her name is Bae Joohyun. She's in her thirties. Born on the twenty-ninth of March. Height, one fifty-eight centimeters. Weight, forty-four kilograms. Her blood type is A. Her Zodiac signs are the Sheep and Aries. She doesn't eat chicken and dislikes coffee."
Lilith read out Joohyun's basic information before moving on to the real reason.
"This pitiful mortal officially got her heart broken by her scumbag of a cheating boyfriend of six years. Talk about summer romance, right?"
The others began mumbling comments about Joohyun's situation while Grim Reaper Jessica began to doze off feeling extremely sleepy for some odd reason before Lilith spoke again.
"Now, the one major thing to note about this case is that none of us here in the Infernal Realm had sent Joohyun Bae an invite to the REAPER CORRESPONDENCE. Yue Lao of the Celestial Realm took pity on this silly woman and decided upon himself to meddle a little bit in her pitiful love life while leaving the rest to the Grim Reaper Station to deal with."
Lilith's gaze looked about the room at the other grim reapers and death watchers.
"Who would like to take pinkbaechu's revenge as their own?"
A lot of hands went up, but Lilith's eyes landed on the dozing Grim Reaper Jessica. A smirk crossed Lilith's lips as she slammed her hands on the table which sent vibrations in the female's direction to jolt her wide awake.
Grim Reaper Jessica hummed sleepily while looking about the room casually.
"Congratulations, Reaper J, you have been assigned to pinkbaechu's case."
Lilith congratulated while snapping her fingers to make a black file appear in front of the said grim reaper.
"Wait, what?" Grim Reaper Jessica stared at the floating file before her.
Before Grim Reaper Jessica could protest Lucifer moved on to the next person and she reluctantly grasped the file into her hand with a tired sigh. Gunwoo laughed beside her and she elbowed him to stop, but that barely did anything as he snickered to himself. Just as Grim Reaper Jessica was about to make a snarky remark she felt herself thrust forward and she was back on Earth in her bed. She felt wonky, but came to her senses. Jessica checked the time. It was seven in the morning. She sighed while trying to return to sleep, but couldn't.
"What should I do now?"
Just as those words left her lips did she know what she wanted to do. Jessica went to the Eternal Twilight and sat upon the swing with the various sounds around her creating a tranquil melody. Jessica hoped that her sister's wandering soul would appear. Krystal did not appear and the melody that Jessica heard around her faded away.
"I seriously knew it was too good to be true. It had to be. I'm such a gullible person." Joohyun muttered with a frustrated sigh after checking her phone for the nth time since she had signed up for the REAPER CORRESPONDENCE a few days ago.
"What kind of app exists to make one's dream come true? Zilch."
Joohyun sighed again as her mood dampened.
"Why would one even exist if that was so easy to do in real life?"
Joohyun received no responses since creating the account. Heck, she received no replies after making a post in wanting to get back at her ex-boyfriend. She knew that her post had a lot of views, but not one person commented on it. Even when Joohyun clicked on the other profiles of the other users it went to private mode. She could only see her account and the posts of others, but a click into a profile and it just wasn't viewable. She couldn't even comment on any of the other posts as well. It was totally weird.
"Maybe it's just a site for ranting and nothing more. A place that's just another place to escape from reality."
Joohyun reasoned while putting away her phone and resumed work. She debated whether to take some personal days off, but didn't want to mope around the house causing her mother to worry. Her mother had her health to worry about instead of her own child to add to it. Besides, Joohyun needed to work to provide for herself and for her mother so she couldn't lose her job even if she despised it at times. Plus, the bank were running low on staff when one of her colleague that she was close with was admitted to the hospital in critical condition a few months ago. None of them knew when she would return.
Anyhow, at the time her mood was in high spirits when the thought of actually getting payback against Bogum was plausible. Now, after days of waiting and nothing happening her high energy dwindled. So when Joohyun returned home she was too tired that she headed to her room telling her mother that it was a stressful day at work. It was partially true. There were too many angry clients that took it out on her when they couldn't access their online banking account. Anyways, gathering energy Joohyun went about her nightly routine.
After changing into pajamas Joohyun finally sat on the carpeted floor of her bedroom. She had her knees pressed against her chest with her back pressed against the edge of her bed while staring at her dresser absentmindedly. Her eyes landed on the pretty MOLDIR tote bag given by that nice woman as she recalled the tinge of excitement and happiness she had these past few weeks because of that. Joohyun had received pictures of her modeling the products and her mother commented how surprised her daughter looked with them. She grabbed those photos from her nightstand and admired them.
Jiwoo had never seen her daughter looked so stunning and glowing all at once like that before. The both of them were even surprised to see the check with the sum for just that brief moment and her mother joking suggested for her daughter to become a model instead of a banker. Joohyun declined, but went through the photos seeing how happy she did looked in them. She didn't think by agreeing to these that it showed another side of her she didn't think existed. Still, Joohyun's mind wandered and a familiar feeling began to settled within her.
She unconsciously traced random patterns into the carpet with her fingers as her mind soon blanked out into nothingness causing the photos to lay about her. A moment later Joohyun suddenly shivered as her room grew immediately colder than it should've been. She rubbed her arms to keep warm while following the moonlit rays coming through her window and noticed it was closed. Same with the balcony door. She wondered if her mother turned on the A/C by mistake, but dismissed the idea since her mother would be the one to say something first about the coldness as heat comforted her better.
Standing up and moving under the covers of her bed instead, Joohyun decided it must be because she had gotten out of the shower and that night time had fallen with the slightly cool late June air in effect and settling in. As she was about to switch off her lamp's light, Joohyun's eyes caught a glimpse of something moving in the shadow cast by her lamp's light. She looked around her room cautiously, but shook the thought away as she wasn't one of those people for believing of monsters in the dark.
Then again, Joohyun did believed that a text message would help her to get revenge on Bogum. Maybe it was just the spur of the moment or something had overcome her, but still it felt real. Anyhow, she wasn't quite sure what to believe now. Being an adult was so tiresome and just mundane with little trifles of life. Anyways, finding nothing out of place except for the temperature being colder than normal Joohyun sighed as she was about to switch off the light until she heard a female voice speak from the foot of her bed.
"Don't do that. You should really leave the lights on. It makes things less creepy and daunting during the night, especially when something you're not used to seeing or believing."
Grim Reaper Jessica suggested while sitting cross-legged and hovering a few inches above the end of Joohyun's bed.
"Good evening. I'm Reaper J. You-"
The reaper was interrupted by Blanc who materialized right in front of Jessica and spoke instead.
"I'm Blanc. You should hang out with me because that ex-boyfriend of yours is a total douche and I have way better skills than him. Even looking like this."
Grim Reaper Jessica telepathically pushed Blanc to the side and was about to continued with her announcement when Eclare materialized a few seconds later where Blanc used to be and introduced himself as well.
"Hi. I'm Eclare. Wow, for a bland personality, you really are pretty and you smell deliciously sweet li-"
Eclare didn't get to finish his sentence as he was also telepathically pushed away by the grim 1reaper to join Blanc off to the side as Grim Reaper Jessica continued before being interrupted like nothing had happened.
"Like I was about to say, greetings, I'm Reaper J and you've summoned me so how may I assist you?"
Joohyun was still frozen in place with her body lying on her side half-twisted to turn off the light and the other half overlooking her shoulder to stare at the floating gothic-like female and two winged cats in front of her. She could only blinked every few seconds with her mouth agape. Grim Reaper Jessica sat afloat with a neutral expression as she bobbed up and down slowly while letting the situation sink in. After like twelve minutes passed did Joohyun finally come to her senses as she slowly positioned herself in a upright sitting position and pulling the blanket cozily around her.
"Who are you?"
The grim reaper smiled at Joohyun upon finally being acknowledged and instantly covered the mouths of the felines with her magic from interrupting and butting in like always before speaking.
"My purpose is to help you out as much as I can with your revenge, but I need to know all that you want me to know, Bae Joohyun."
"H-how do you know my name?"
"I know some things about you, but I know that you want to get back at your ex-boyfriend, Park Bogum. So I'm here to help you with that."
When the words sunk in did Joohyun's eyes lit up with the corner of her lips curving upwards. The more she thought of it, the more her eyes and lips grew wider and wider upon that realization that both Blanc and Eclare snapped Joohyun from out of her little moment.
"Yeah, so just tell good 'ol Blanc how you wanna go about dealing with dirtball Bogum for ya."
Blanc fluttered over to Joohyun and started suggesting things.
"Do you want me to bite him all over? Leave snakes under his bed? Haunt him in his dreams? Make him drink cat piss every time he drinks something? Or should I scratch up his pretty little face for ya? Just let me know what you want me to do. Don't hold back. Really. Don't hold back. I gotchu."
Blanc fluttered on over as well and did the same thing which Joohyun felt an even darker aura coming from him than Blanc.
"How about I enter his dreams and turned them into real living nightmares as he experienced them, but can't wake up? Like over and over as he reaches the point of awareness that he's gonna wake up, but repeats it again and again. That'll show him! Oh! Oh, I know! This one's my all time favorite out of the others that I do."
Eclare giggled mischievously as his eyes glazed over with excitement.
"Maybe every time he opens his mouth to flirt I have bugs and critters come crawling out. It doesn't have to be the mouth and could be another opening of the body. Or I could call up a buddy of mine who's been itching to possess some fool into doing stupid things or haunt him forever."
Joohyun looked at one cat to the other cat and totally did not think that these cute and adorable felines could come up with all these gruesome things they had just suggested. Grim Reaper Jessica shooed the felines away as they disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving just Joohyun and the grim reaper alone.
"Anyways, don't mind them. Tell me your thoughts."
Soon enough the words fell from Joohyun's mouth as she began blabbering about this and that while the words she spoke appeared automatically upon the black file that Grim Reaper Jessica suddenly had in her grasp that Joohyun hadn't noticed at all. Soon enough Joohyun's blabbering died down and she stared at the grim reaper bashfully.
"Um, is that good enough for you, Reaper J?"
"Quite. Thank you."
Grim Reaper Jessica confirmed while scanning the new content within the file before looking up at her charge.
"Anyways, in a little bit you should be receiving some items and I'll explain each one when th-"
The grim reaper was unintentionally interrupted when Joohyun began cooing at the sight of three black puppies suddenly appearing on her bed as they jumped about and all around Joohyun. She instantly petted the canines who immediately rolled onto their backs for belly rubs with the items firmly held in their mouths. To Joohyun, they were not the ferocious hellhounds you would assumed them to be. They were like all dogs wanting attention.
"I forget that this happens often." Grim Reaper Jessica muttered as she closed the black file before swirling her hand and the item disappeared.
The grim reaper looked about the room and caught sight of an expensive looking tote bag. Grim Reaper Jessica didn't think much about the MOLDIR bag and of the fact that she had met Joohyun before in her mortal form. When she was either a cupid or grim reaper for a part of that human life memory was blocked as if to not interfer with the other. Likewise when she was out supernatural uniform. She recalled bits and pieces, but other than that she didn't bother with it. Anyways, the grim reaper's attention returned to Joohyun who's mood seemed to have lifted.
"Aww, you three are so adorable."
Joohyun quietly squealed while petting the hellhounds.
"Wow, your fur is so soft to the touch."
She hadn't felt like this in a very long time. Somehow the puppies gave her a sense of calmness and washed away her sadness for the time being. The hellhounds could feel the grim reaper giving them a pointed look and reverted back to their upright position to get back on track. The hellhound with the red eyes was the first one to speak after dropping a small black-like wooden doll with a red bow-tied string around its neck onto Joohyun's lap.
"Hi. I'm Flesh. The DOLL in your case will be someone that you desire to be a replacement for your ex-boyfriend to help with your revenge. Once that occurs you'll pull the string from around it's neck and your new boyfriend shall appear soon afterwards."
Joohyun paused in her action and stared at Flesh who had just spoken before breaking out into giggles while petting his head.
"Oh my! You can actually talk, too? Just like the cats. Wow. That is so cute."
She gushed as the grim reaper patiently waited for the woman to have her moment. Flesh responded with a small bark before poofing away in a puff of red smoke as the next hellhound with blue eyes yawned after dropping a small round and flat stone onto Joohyun's lap before giving out his instruction next.
"Hiya. I'm Ukulele and in your case of the STONE, it will turn into five mini ruby red gemstones that you're able to eat while making tiny wishes."
He stretched his limbs as Joohyun petted the arch of his back which Ukulele quite liked before speaking again.
"Wish your wishes thoroughly. It will backfire if you don't and they'll come out differently than you had originally wished for."
Ukulele poofed away in a puff of blue smoke leaving the last hellhound with green eyes to present the last of the items for the revenge. The green-eyed hellhound placed a tiny black coin in Joohyun's lap.
"Hello, I'm Hibiscus and I actually don't know what the COIN will do for you in the time it's in your care," Hibiscus admitted as Joohyun frowned while petting the hellhound, "But when the right time presents itself or when you're in dire need of it when you don't think you won't, then it'll activate on its own accord."
Hibiscus soon disappeared in a puff of green smoke leaving only the grim reaper and Joohyun in Joohyun's bedroom. Joohyun gathered up the three items and stared at them lost in thoughts.
"Heed their words and followed their instructions well."
Grim Reaper Jessica reminded Joohyun as the woman nodded obediently.
"I will."
"Please make sure that these items stay in your care and to never lose sight of them."
Just as Joohyun was going to reply that she will, she was stopped when she noticed the grim reaper's gaze.
"The consequence of another mortal finding it  or being careless of them will be insurmountable. Do you understand, Bae Joohyun?"
Joohyun slowly nodded in slight fear.
"I will, Reaper J."
Grim Reaper Jessica stretched out her limbs as she was now in a standing position while still hovering in the air.
"If you agree to your revenge, then you'll also mark a place besides the one you'll take your vengeance upon."
Joohyun's brows furrowed upon hearing the grim reaper's words.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Your soul will also take its place in Hell once your life has ended. Do you comprehend what that means?"
"Will I die after the revenge has been completed?"
"No. You will live your life to its fullest and you'll die when your time to die comes unless the Fates think otherwise or it's a sudden death."
Grim Reaper Jessica calmly looked at her charge.
"Do you wish to carry on with your revenge, Bae Joohyun?"
Joohyun looked down at the items and then up at the grim reaper with a slow nod.
"Are you sure?"
The grim reaper asked once more before a final confirmation.
"I'm sure, Reaper J."
"Very well then. Please hold out a hand."
Joohyun was puzzled by the command, but saw Grim Reaper Jessica slightly motioned in the air with one of her hands and suddenly floating in front of her was a feathered quill and a golden parchment.
"This is a binding contract of your wish to take your revenge," Grim Reaper Jessica explained, "When you're ready to go through with it, then please say, 'I, Bae Joohyun, hereby adhere to the agreement with Reaper J', and it'll finished the rest from there."
Joohyun nodded as she recited the words the grim reaper informed her of.
"I, Bae Joohyun, hereby adhere to the agreement with Reaper J."
Joohyun held out a hand once the words left her mouth after reading the contents and winced when she felt a small prick to her index finger. She witnessed as the few drops of blood splattered at the bottom of the parchment sealing her fate.
"The deed is done."
Just as Grim Reaper Jessica finished talking did Eclare poofed back with a mischievous grin while casting his eyes onto Joohyun.
"Now that the agreement is settled, what should I do first, Ms. Watermelon?"
Joohyun wasn't sure how to reply as everything was still fairly fresh in her mind. She instead looked at the black feline clueless even with the weird name he had just addressed her by, but luckily Grim Reaper Jessica intervened.
"For now, Eclare, tail after Park Bogum. Take all notes of his activities, close relations, and other vital information for Joohyun to exact her vengeance on him when it's time."
"Will do. I got your back, Ms. Watermelon."
Eclare disappeared as Blanc looked over at Grim Reaper Jessica.
"What do you want me to do?"
"You're joking, right?"
"I'm not."
Joohyun watched as the white feline and the grim reaper banter a bit.
"Oh, c'mon, Sica. Let me help out."
"It's not your place to help here in the first place, Blanc."
"You're no fun."
"We're not supposed to be having fun."
"Says you. This is right up my alley."
The grim reaper eyed the white cat.
"Does that halo of yours need to be replaced?"
"Can't. I figured that out in my first few years as one of Heaven's familiars."
"Make sense."
"Since it does, then le-"
"Anyways, Blanc," The grim reaper was done bickering with the white feline and interrupted him, "Not as of yet."
"So what can I do?"
"Like I said before, but this isn't really your jurisdiction, Blanc."
"But you just said 'not as of yet'. That means I can help."
"For now, just stay on the sideline and I'll let you know."
Blanc huffed knowing that was true, but nodded.
"Fine, but you know my name."
Blanc looked over at Joohyun
"Remember me, Ms. Watermelon. The name's Blanc and if you need my help just call my name. Like, seriously, I'm being totally serious."
Joohyun just nodded in understanding.
"Okay. Laters."
Blanc poofed away in a cloud of white smoke while Grim Reaper Jessica did some stretching one last time and gave Joohyun a steady look.
"Just call my name, Reaper J, and I'll appear to you when possible. Please only do so if you're in need of me or have any serious questions regarding your revenge plan. Other than that, I'll always be close by even if you don't call for me."
"Um, what about the hellhounds and the cats?" Joohyun asked with a curious look.
"They won't appear on their own unless I send them or they accompany me when I visit you. So you don't have to worry about them unless the need is dire."
Joohyun nodded before glancing at the reaper with a thankful expression.
"Thank you." Joohyun thanked her. "Thank you so much."
"For what?"
Grim Reaper Jessica tilted her head curiously.
"For giving me a chance to get back at my ex-boyfriend for doing me wrong all this time."
The grim reaper shook her head.
"No need to thank me. I'm just here to provide you the means to do so."
Joohyun just nodded as Grim Reaper Jessica gave her another look.
"Now, to seal the deal again."
Joohyun was confused as the grim reaper hovered closer to her and offered out her right hand.
"Your other hand, please."
"But I thought we already did it a moment ago with the quill and paper thing?"
Grim Reaper Jessica continued to offer her hand not explaining what the other deal was so Joohyun did as told and held out her other hand that wasn't pricked before. She winced again when she felt another slight sting to her other index finger as a small pool of blood appeared. Grim Reaper Jessica firmly took Joohyun's pricked finger and placed it against the open page of the black file from earlier.
"Now the other real deal has been finalized, Bae Joohyun. Take care."
Before Joohyun could respond the grim reaper de-materialized along with the black file. She was left alone in her room once again, but this time around she had the three items from the hellhounds in her grasp to let her know that it wasn't made up and very real than before.
Joohyun glanced at the clock and wished time moved quickly so that she could go on her lunch break already. She thought she would've been fine working as a teller today, but now she wished she was doing consultations instead. The workplace had some early morning gossips that concerned her, but she wasn't aware of it except receiving weird looks and giggles behind her. Besides that there were some rude and impatient customers today as well. Joohyun had no clue why people were so grumpy about their own money even after informing them that she just manages the depositing and withdrawals of their accounts.
After working some more did she finally take her break and away from the workplace. Joohyun learned who had started the gossip as one of her colleagues actually lived in the same building complex and on the same floor as Bogum. He had overheard bits and pieces of the conversation between her and her ex-boyfriend and couldn't wait to tell the others at work after learning a little more, too. Still Joohyun wished that he had minded his own business instead of spreading gossip. She wondered how long before it would die down and they would gossip about something else after.
Anywho, Joohyun comfortably sat outside a small restaurant with the sun blocked by the umbrella and a cool summer breeze coming and going from time to time. She was sipping a pink island ice tea while people watching and eating a smoked salmon sandwich. She didn't have much of an appetite and so thought a light lunch would do her some good than nothing. She reached into her purse for her mobile device when her hand came into contact with something smooth. Joohyun pulled it out and realized it was the black stone that Ukulele had given her.
"I wonder if it tastes like cherries or strawberries when they turn into a ruby gemstone like the blue-eyed puppy had explained."
She observed the stone with an amused look before becoming shock when it suddenly turned into the said ruby and broke into five tiny pieces. Joohyun picked up one of the pieces and felt its texture like it wasn't candy at all. It felt more like an actual real gemstone, but had an airy feel to it, too. Curiosity got the best of her as she ended up popping it into her mouth. She savored the sweet taste of mixed berries as it exploded onto her taste-buds. At that moment her eyes had caught sight of a fancy car with an equally handsome man behind the wheel when it came to a stop due to a red light. In an awe-like state while admiring the handsome stranger Joohyun unconsciously made an indirect wish aloud.
"Oh how I could somehow work for a guy like him and have a boyfriend as handsome as him."
Joohyun swallowed the piece shortly afterwards and almost choked on it a second later when at that moment the good-looking male turned his head in her direction. She averted her gaze and downed the iced tea to distract herself so that it didn't look like she was just staring creepily at him. She eyed the vehicle and the man a moment later just as he had driven off when the light turned green. Joohyun sighed in relief as she shook her head at the situation. She tenderly placed the rest of the gemstones into one of her purse's pockets before enjoying the rest of her lunch and returning to work afterwards forgetting about what she had just done.
When she returned home later that day and entering her room Joohyun noticed that the doll from Flesh had changed it's overall appearance. She clearly remembered that it was still a wooden-like doll with no apparent features when she left this morning. She picked up the now human-like doll and admired how handsome it had become despite the same string tied around its neck. If she didn't know better, the doll's handsome appearance seemed almost familiar. Her fingers slightly held onto one of the bow-tied ends and contemplated if she wanted to pull it loose or not. While quietly staring at the doll she wondered why it had changed yet didn't resemble an exact person she had desired to replace Bogum.
"Wait a minute. Was it because of what happened earlier? Did I do something?"
Joohyun was immediately reminded of the gemstones from earlier. Her eyes widened as she realized that she may have made an unconscious wish when she tasted one.
"What's going to happen now?" She asked to no one in particular.
"Is it going to be bad or good?"
She glanced around her anxiously before settling her eyes onto the doll. She nodded with a determined face as it oddly gave her courage instead.
"Well, I've come this far."
Joohyun told herself as she slowly pulled the string of the bow-tied loose.
"Everything has been decided and I need to see it to the end."
Once the red string became detached from the humanized-like doll did the two items fly out of her hands and into the air. They swirled above her head and around the room before disappearing altogether in a bright yet dark reddish glow. Joohyun shield her eyes from the brightness before she blankly stared at the area where they were once floating before taking a deep breath. She inhaled deeply before releasing it and went about the rest of her day like nothing had occured and letting the grim reaper's doing do it's thing.
1 note · View note
multiparadise · 4 years
not worth it anymore ✦ g. dolan
summary: being asked to be grayson dolan’s girlfriend wasn’t the easiest because for starters it was going to be a relationship for the camera’s, just a show for the fan’s. and secondly, it already sucked that the guy who made your heart beat like crazy had a hatred towards you and can barely stand being in the same room as you and sometimes the pain is not worth it anymore.
warnings: lots of angst, grayson being a really mean person, and lots of heart break.
cue the hand signal from ethan. the lights were bright, slightly blinding your vision as you intertwined your fingers with the man next to you. a big smile on your face. you looked happy. you knew you did. you knew this would trick whoever was behind the screen watching this video. the man, grayson, smiled down at you and for a second you thought it was real too. just a happy couple. 
“well guys, should i confess the obvious now?” grayson said to the fans while looking in the camera. “you guys were absolutely correct, (your ship name) is real. and i’m sorry we kept it from you, but i hope you guys can see how in love i am with her. and maybe you’ll learn to love her just as much as me.” 
another cue, he pressed his lips to your cheek. you blushed. cleared your throat and spoke the first time during the duration of this video. “i love him so much, grayson dolan you are my everything and i am so thankful for these past 7 months. thank you for making me happy.” 
signal the last cue. the two of you shared a kiss, it was quick but it was enough. it was enough to convince them, but it was enough for you to remember the way they felt. 
then the recording stopped after the outro. ethan told you two that you did great and the chemistry even looked real to him. this caused your heart to flutter as you felt the chemistry was real too. how can someone even deny it? there has to be something there. but you were wrong again. you watched as grayson rolled his eyes, wiping his lips on the back of his hand. a disgusted, disturbed look etched on his face. he let out a harsh laugh before getting out “i swear to god if we have to kiss one more time i’m gonna punch the wall.” 
you didn’t need a cue for this, this was real. a heartbreak in the moment was real. you didn’t need someone to tell you how to act or how to feel because this was reality, this was real. the man you’ve given all your heart to had no clue he owned it and didn’t care about the power he had over it either. 
the three of you went your separate ways after that comment from grayson. you sighed, dragging yourself to the front door leaving their home knowing you’d have to come back in a few days to record another video updating the fans about your wonderful, perfect relationship. 
once you got home you received a text message from ethan apologizing for grayson’s words because to him it wasn’t a secret that you loved grayson. and at times it was a blessing and a curse that he knew. you messaged him back stating that it was okay, it’s always okay (when it’s not) and that he should’t be apologizing but you still appreciated it anyways. 
three days pass by and your social media has been blowing up none stop with comments and edits of you and your ‘boyfriend’ grayson. and due to discussions ahead of times the two of you would repost things from fans, comment hearts, stupid shit like “i love him so much” and “she’s my everything” and even talking about each other in a lovey dovey way on snapchat to make them thing that the distance between you two is so fucking painful. 
it was, at least for you. 
you find yourself at their house later that day, ethan recording a live video. cue this, cue that. you became used to it. the acting was natural for you. and you had to admit that grayson was a damn good actor, or maybe he did have feelings for you. and you were a fool that kept telling yourself that. 
during this live Q&A a fan had asked what was your favorite thing about each other. you smiled, feeling your heart flutter. “my favorite thing about grayson is everything. he’s phenomenal at everything he does. and also i have no complaints that he cooks for me and he builds things for us all the time! maybe he’ll build our future house with a great view we can look over to as we wake up and cuddle in the morning.” grayson smiled too and that was enough to send your heart to beat like crazy. “that sounds fucking awesome, i would love that. and i would even build a crib for a nursery because of course we’re going to have mini us running around.” 
cue the butterflies, cue the genuine smile, and cue the love you have for him. 
the video was coming to an end as you both said goodbye, holding hands glancing over at ethan as he had a big smile on his face thinking that maybe grayson did have feelings for you his (ethan’s) best friend but he was too stubborn and hurt from past shit to admit it. 
the lights die down, the moon was shining in the night sky, a blush etched unto your cheeks grayson rips his hand away. turning to you, “and don’t think we’d ever hook up. got it?” and the venom dripping in his voice was enough to set you straight. 
there was no way he loved you. 
for some reason you stuck around, but it wasn’t for long. it was about a month after the first video announcing your ‘relationship’ when grayson found you sitting on the guest bedroom’s bed with tears streaming down your cheeks painful sobs crawling it’s way out. he hesitated, “are you okay?” and that ticked you off. you stood up, pain in your eyes and grayson could see it. he could see the raw emotion you held and realized this was the first time he actually looked into your (eye color) eyes. they were mesmerizing. 
“shut up!” you yelled at him catching him off guard. “just stop, please i am begging you. stop. don’t act like you care, because you don’t. you know you don’t! so why fucking bother?!” 
“i-” he started but couldn’t get much out as you sobbed once again. “no, grayson. don’t. just fucking don’t. whatever you have to say i don’t care. tell me how terrible it is, how terrible it would be to date me. but guess what grayson we’re not actually together! i don’t see why after every single video you have to remind me of that. to tell me how horrible it is for you to act like your with me, to tell me how bad it would be for anybody. do you know how much that hurts?”
no he didn’t know. 
he didn’t know how much it hurt. 
and he stayed silent as you poured out all your feelings, all your sadness on him. 
“i can’t-” you choked out, “i can’t do this anymore. this pain is not worth it anymore your hatred for me is too much. if you hate me so much then why even fake a relationship with me? is it because you know you’d never fall for me? because if so, congratulations, congratulations to the fact that i’m so horrible. right grayson? wasn’t that what you said after last nights video?” 
he was still silent, but tears welled up in his eyes feeling mad with himself to become such a jerk to someone who was never a jerk to him before. he watches you tug on a suitcase he didn’t notice until know. he felt his heart being tugged, urgently looking around for ethan to give him his lines, a cue, something but ethan wasn’t there because this was reality. 
it wasn’t until you turned around at the front door staring deep into his eyes did he realize how horrible he was and how much he loved you but it was too late as you whispered, throat sore from the screaming, too tired to even show anger with him. just hurt. “you’re the most selfish man i have ever met grayson bailey dolan but i guess i’m the biggest fool i’ve ever met because through all the pain, i loved you. but not anymore.”
and then, you left.
author’s note: hello, thank you for reading this. this is my first imagine here on this account. feedback would be appreciated, both negative and positive. i am here to improve with my writing. i write about the dolan twins and possibly more to come.
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
The Lonely Road
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader
Rating: Teen (for online harassment)
Requested By: None
Word Count: 2,400
Author’s Note: Inspired by the song Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy, so feel free to give it a listen as you read. Originally this was gonna be a Valentine’s story, but now Valentine’s is over, and so I just took out the brief mentions of it. Also it’s a Gerard story so of course it’s longer than intended so taking parts out probably is for the better 😅 Shout out to my number one @mariawritesfanfic for helping me wrap this story up
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You scrolled through your twitter feed, as hours on the tour bus left you with few other options to pass the time. Your new album had just come out and you wanted to see how people were reacting to it. 
OMG @(YFN)(YLN)’s album is awesome! Everyone check it out now!
The only reason she’s famous is bc of @gerardway
The album is ok if you consider she fucked her way into stardom
I stg if mcr ever breaks up it’s gonna be (YN)'s fault
(YN) should just break up with gee so he can be with frank liek everyone knows he wants to be
You felt sick to your stomach as you read through the messages. Sure there were tweets from fans saying how much they enjoyed the album, and they love Gerard and you together, but those weren’t the ones that stuck out in your mind. It was the negative messages that caught your attention and soured your mood.
As if he was reading your thoughts, a text from Gerard appeared on your screen. “Hey sugar, congrats on the album. It’s amazing and so are you xoxo love you”
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes at the love and kindness of his message. “Thanks love," you replied before tossing your phone aside. You pulled shut the curtain on your bunk and let the tears fall silently. 
You had met Gerard at an award show. You had always been a fan of his and My Chem, but you were beyond nervous to say anything to him when you saw him across the room. When he approached you and said he actually had been listening to your music and was a fan, you thought you might transcend onto another plane of existence right then and there. You found him to be surprisingly easy to talk to and exchanged phone numbers so you could hang out sometime.
Hanging out sometime turned into hanging out often. Then one night under the stars in his backyard, your casual hanging out turned into sharing your thoughts, hopes, and fears you'd never voiced to anyone. The next day you were worried you'd never see or hear from him again, having revealed too much of your emotional baggage too soon, but that afternoon he called and asked you out on a real date. The date was perfect for two people like you and Gerard, complete with a tender, careful kiss that took your breath away. In an instant, you were falling hard.
After that it really became you and Gerard. When all of your friends found out, they were so happy for both of you, as they could see how happy you made each other. Then one day the rest of the world figured it out as well. Gerard had come to one of your recording sessions and had snapped a picture of you laughing in the recording booth and posted it online with the caption "the most beautiful person making the most beautiful sounds ❤" The fans put it together and a barrage of messages flooded your social media feed. Some people thought it was cute, many were awful, but you let it all roll off your back as you were too in love to care what anyone thought.
Months passed, and now that album was out. You had hoped Gerard would be able to join you on the road, but My Chem was in the studio themselves so he wasn't able to be there. You understood, but being away from him for the first time, while dealing with the stress of releasing an album, your first tour, and his angry fans, it was almost getting to be too much.
You had finally fallen asleep only to be awakened what felt like moments later by your manager Christine's voice.
"Rise and shine rock star, time to charm the lovely people of," she paused and you could hear her flipping through papers, "Fort Wayne, Indiana."
You sighed. You had wanted this for so long, it had been your dream for years. But now you were questioning everything.
"We're joined in studio by (YFN) (YLN), her new album just came out last week and we are loving it here on 106.7 FM," the overly cheerful radio host announced. “You have a lot of fans here in Madison!”
"Thank you," you replied with a tired smile. You hoped your lack of energy wasn't evident by your voice.
"Tell us, how much of an influence was your boyfriend? And for anyone who hasn't heard, (YN) is dating that oh so sexy MCR frontman, Gerard Way."
You had gotten this question at almost every interview, as if you were incapable of creating your own music. "He was there for some of the recording sessions, but a lot of the album was written before we met, so not a huge influence musically."
"What's it like to date someone so famous?"
"I mean, it's not like a topic of conversation for us," you replied sharply. You glanced up and saw the look Christine was giving you. "I mean, we talk about music and our projects and give each other feedback, but that's pretty much it. We're pretty normal weirdos."
After the interview was over and you played a few songs live, and then reboarded the bus.
"What the fuck was that?" Christine asked as the bus rolled down the road.
"What the fuck is with these interviews? It's never about me and my music. It's about Gee or the people on the internet and all the bullshit! That's not why I'm out here! I want to talk about my songs!"
Christine nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry girl. You're right. I'll make sure the next one we keep it focused on the music. We can't have you blowing up on another host."
"I didn't blow up! I snapped at worst," you retorted, rolling your eyes.
"Either way, we're on our way to Iowa now."
"Can't wait," you muttered and crawled into your bunk.
The dark cloud that had settled over you was not going away or getting better. While Christine was doing a better job of reminding the interviewers beforehand to lay off the relationship questions, they still came up, sometimes after the actual interview was over, sometimes they just disregarded your wishes all together to get juicy gossip. You did your best not to appear annoyed, but the longer you were away from Gerard, the harder it got.
She's an ugly, untalented leech! She doesn't love gee or else she would have put a song about him on the album!
He doesnt seem happy like he used to before her
The album jsut sucks. I mean i didnt listen to it, i just assume it does
She should just die
You couldn't take it any longer. The constant, incessant stream of hate coming at you was too much. You dialed Gerard and went into the back of the bus, shutting the door behind you.
"Hey (YN), how is everything goin?"
"I can't do it anymore Gee," you said, trying to keep your voice steady 
"Do what?" He asked, immediately concerned.
"Tour, be a musician, be someone in the public eye, I can't take it!" You sobbed, unable to control your emotions any longer. "I feel like I have no privacy anymore! Everything I do is wrong, everything I don't do is wrong! I just wanna give up! I don't wanna do this anymore!"
"Hey, hey, sugar, it's ok. Did someone say something to you today?"
"It's been every fucking day," you cried. "I wanna come home, I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't want anyone to know who I am anymore."
"Take a deep breath," Gerard said, trying to keep you calm. "Where are you?"
"On the bus."
"Where are you going, or where were you?"
"I don't even know anymore. All I see is fucking corn everywhere."
"Ok, umm, where is Christine?"
"In her bunk," you sniffled.
"Can I talk to her?"
You got up and made your way to the bunks and knocked on the frame surrounding Christine's.
"Yea?" She asked, opening the curtain. "Woah, girl, what's wrong?"
"Gee wants to talk to you," you said holding out your phone.
"Hello? What's going on?" Christine asked Gerard. She listened and nodded and mm hmm'ed along. "She seemed stressed, but not that bad," she said as she watched you sink wearily to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. "No, I hadn’t heard that… Yea, we're setting out from Omaha now, on our way to Denver," she paused. "Ok... Yea... Sounds good. Yea, we'll get our girl through this."
You looked up at her from your spot on the floor and she smiled down sympathetically and handed the phone back to you.
"Gee?" You said softly, the anger and fear and frustration having quieted.
"Hey sugar, we've got a plan for you, you're gonna be ok. But where are you hearing from the people that are criticizing you?"
"Twitter," you mumbled and you heard Christine mutter "I knew it."
"Delete it, you don't need that in your life. You're too talented and beautiful and wonderful to let anyone make you feel anything less," he said gently. "I love you, (YN) ."
"Love you too," you replied, a smile finally cracking through.
"Get some rest, we'll talk soon."
You had immediately crawled into your bunk and fallen into a deep sleep. The weight of your thoughts no longer weighing you down now that you had shared them with Gerard. When you finally woke up, you were rolling into Denver. You made your way to the front of the bus to find Christine on her phone.
"What's on the schedule today?" You yawned.
"You need a day off. We've been pushing you way too hard, and I just wish I would have realized it sooner. So we moved your interview to tomorrow afternoon and we're staying here overnight."
"Really?" You asked, stunned.
"Yep, we're going to the hotel right now."
It was incredibly refreshing to be in a hotel with a real bed and shower, and everyone was actually thankful for your meltdown that got them this break. 
You took an extra long, hot shower to allow your muscles to relax, and then crawled into bed to call Gerard and give him an update. As his phone rang you heard a knock on your door. Keeping your ear to your phone in case he picked up you answered the door. 
"Gerard!" You squealed as you launched yourself at him and he wrapped you in his arms.
"I missed you so much (YN)," he murmured against your neck. "I couldn't stand to hear the pain in your voice and not be there to make it better.”
"But you hate flying! And your studio time!" You exclaimed as you pulled him into your room and he dropped his bag on the floor.
“We were spinning our wheels and needed a break from recording,” he smiled reassuringly before he leaned in and kissed you with all the longing that had built up over the weeks apart. You ran your hands through his black hair and felt the tears slip down your cheeks. “And I’d fly to the moon if it meant I could spend a minute with you. I just wish I could have been here for you from the beginning, I wish I realized that you were struggling.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me. I thought I could handle it, but everything kept chipping away at me until I broke down completely.”
“I wanna worry about you, (YN). You’re my girl and I love you, and I wanna be there for you no matter what,” he said softly, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you replied. “It’s just hard when it’s coming at you from every direction.”
“I know,” he said, pulling you back to him in a tight hug. “But for today it’s just you and me. No one else matters.”
You smiled up at him before pulling him into another sweet kiss.
The next morning you woke up with Gerard’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close. It almost felt too good to be true. As he slowly started to wake up, he gave you his lopsided smile and you couldn’t help but grin in return.
“I needed this so much,” you said as you buried your face against his neck.
“I did too,” he said squeezing you tight, his voice still raspy with sleep.
“Thank you for being here. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he said leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “Wait, I didn’t give you your presents yet.”
“What presents?” You asked sitting up, as he reached over the side of the bed to grab his bag. "I don’t have anything for you!"
"It's nothing, just a couple things I made for you," he said pulling out a large flat envelope and handing it to you.
You carefully pulled out the drawing that was inside. "Oh it's beautiful!”
"It's us the night we watched the stars and talked for hours. That was the night I realized I was falling in love with you. I was so scared you wouldn't even like me like that," he laughed softly.
"It's perfect," you replied. "What's this? ‘Gee+(YN)=gross, a big sappy love mix’" you laughed at scribbled handwriting on the cover of the cd case. Around the words was a big heart and lots of little hearts.
"It’s a mix of songs that remind me of you, and me and you, but Frank decorated the cover. He doesn't really think we're gross, he's just-"
"Frank," you laugh.
"Exactly," Gerard replied. "I was just hoping this would help you get through the last days of your tour."
"It will," you smiled and threw your arms around him. “I think just having you here for a day was enough to get me through. And I know now that I shouldn’t just bottle up what I’m feeling.”
Gerard nodded. “We’re a team, you and me. Let me help you when you’re down and keep you safe from all the bastards and shit talkers.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled as you leaned in and kissed him. “But only if you promise to let me help you do the same.”
“I promise.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever - Chapter Twenty One
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Warnings: Far From Home spoilers
Authors Note: the final chapter is finally here. I cannot thank you enough for all the likes, reblogs, and comments. I appreciate it all so much. I’m still going to write so let me know if you want to be on my tag list for future updates. There’s a part in here inspired by Jane the Virgin but I won’t spoil it. As always, enjoy the story and thank you for reading. ❤️
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The room turned back into the warehouse and the voices stopped. Peter was no longer held at gunpoint, and was instead standing in front of you with a gun aimed at your forehead. Only, it wasn’t Peter. Beck turned himself into Peter when you were distracted by the voices. Peter was tied up and gagged as he was forced to watch his own clone hold the love of his life at gunpoint.
“Get up.” Beck said sternly in Peters voice. You raised your hands up and slowly got to your feet.
“Why are you doing this Peter?” Your voice trembled. Peters heart broke at your belief that that was really Peter.
“You saw things you weren’t supposed to. Stark left me his industry. This is what I’ve decided to do with it. Spider-Man won’t be treated like a kid when he defeats an Avengers Level threat like the Elementals. You were never supposed to know. Now you better run and never tell anyone what you’ve seen today.” Beck as Peter threatened.
“Why wouldn’t I hand your ass right over to Fury?” You asked cautiously.
“You’ve seen what I’m capable of. Is that a bet you’re willing to take?” Peter asked. “I can turn myself into you and destroy children hospitals, homeless shelters, nursing homes, you name it. I can ruin you. I can make you the enemy. Do not cross me, honey.”
“This isn’t you.” You decided. This wasn’t Peter.
“You don’t know me.” Peter replied. The real Peter recognized those words from when you had supposedly broken up with him. Beck was smart, but he wasn’t that good of an actor.
“Don’t I, Beck?” You smirked.
Beck dropped the gun as a bullet went through his chest. His Peter facade melted away as he hit the ground. Peter watched as Fury came out from behind Beck with a gun. Maria Hill untied Peter and helped him down.
“Now, who else knows about Beck other than you and Y/n?” Fury asked Peter. Peter looked around for you but he didn’t see you anywhere.
“I told Ned and he might’ve told his girlfriend, Betty. That’s it.” Peter told Fury.
“And do you think Y/n is gonna tell anyone?” Fury asked.
“She’s an investigative reporter. She’s gonna tell the whole world.” Peter said proudly.
Fury laughed and looked at a device on his wrist.
“You are so gullible, Peter. And thanks to you, I have to kill a bunch of kids.” Fury said as he turned into Beck. Peter felt like he was going to throw up. He had no idea how much was true and how much had been an illusion. Were you ever there at all?
“Where’s Y/n?” Peter demanded.
“I pretended to shoot at her until she left the building. I was disguised as you, of course. She thinks you’re gonna come after her again. And, who knows? Maybe you will. Or I will. And I’ll look her in sad little eyes and kill her, all while she thinks I’m you.” Beck forewarned.
“You wouldn’t.” Peter growled.
“I will. It doesn’t matter anyway. She will never forgive you Peter. Everything I said to you when I broke up with you cane directly from her. You’ve been neglecting her for Spider-Man’s sake. And now, she thinks you tried to kill her. There’s no use fighting it anymore, Peter. It’s over. It’s all over. Laters, baby.” Beck smiled and before Peter could speak, he was hit by a train at full speed. Peter clung to the side with his bloody hands. He used all his strength to pull himself up and get on the train. He woke up in a jail cell surrounded by foreigners. Peter let himself out and asked a vender for his phone. After being told he was in the Netherlands in a town Peter couldn’t pronounce, he called Happy.
Happy had never been too fond of Peter. He didn’t understand what Tony saw in a high school kid in red and blue pajamas. But Happy also knew that when Tony trusted someone, he trusted someone with all his heart. And Tony trusted Peter to carry on his legacy after he died. No matter what Happy felt towards Peter, he knew Peter had to be something special.
“Calm down.” Happy said after Peter slammed his fist down in pain. Happy had to patch Tony up a number of times and knew how to do sutures pretty well. He just didn’t know how to make it hurt less.
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Peter yelled and got up angrily. Happy was surprised by his outburst after only ever seeing the timid side of Peter, vying for approval from Tony and the rest of the Avengers. Happy let Peter vent about his struggles with Tonys death, recognizing a child in need of comfort and support. And eventually, they got to his struggles with you.
“I love her, Happy.” Peter said hoarsely. “So much. Maybe a little too much.”
“I’m sure she knows that.” Happy assured him. The conversation made him reminisce in old conversations he had with Tony about his future with Pepper.
“How could she?” Peter laughed sadly. “I never should’ve listened to Ned. I should’ve taken her on those walks and sat with her on that stupid plan. I drove her right into the arms of another man. And now, I might never get the chance to tell her how sorry I am.”
“Why wouldn’t you get the chance?” Happy asked the teen.
“Because she has every right to never speak to me again. I yelled at her and called her a cheater. I didn’t trust her or listen to her when she tried to tell me something was wrong. And now, she thinks I tried to kill her. She probably hates me.” Peter dragged his hand down his grimy face. “I can’t think about this right now. I gotta tell Fury that Beck is a fraud.”
“Fury knows.” Happy informed Peter.
“What?” Peters head snapped in Happy’s direction. “How?”
“Y/n told him someone was going around pretending to be her, Loki, and then you.” Happy replied.
“And Fury believed her?” Peter asked. Fury wasn’t one to entertain half baked theories.
“Hell no.” Happy laughed. “But then she told him you held her at gun point-“
“It wasn’t me.” Peter interrupted.
“Yeah, I know, dipshit. Let me finish” Happy said grumpily. Peter sat down and didn’t make any further interjections. “Y/n said you held her at gunpoint and started saying a bunch of crazy stuff about taking over Stark Industries. She said you called Tony “Stark” which we all know, you never do. Fury still didn’t want to believe her but she was relentless. You should’ve heard her. She swore up and down that you’d never hurt her and it couldn’t possibly have been you. She said you didn’t have a malicious bone in your body. She refused to leave until someone believed her. So, Fury did some research and found out Beck used to work for Tony. He helped design BARF. We think he’s using the same technology to create the Elementals.”
“She figured it out.” Peter whispered, eyes gleaming with pride in you. “She figured out that Beck was the bad guy and and played dumb at the warehouse so he wouldn’t know she knew.”
“There would be a lot more casualties if it weren’t for her.” Happy nodded. “We’ve got eyes on Beck now but only you can stop him. Are you up for it?”
“Yes.” Peter nodded, now filled with pure adrenaline. “But could you do me a favor?”
“Sure, kid.” Happy sighed. Peter pulled out the Black Dahlia necklace and carefully handed it to Happy.
“In case someone happens to me, could you give this to Y/n? And tell her that I love her and that I’m sorry?” Peter requested.
“What do you mean in case something happens to you?” Happy asked for clarification.
“In case I don’t live forever.” Peter said decidedly.
“Uh, what?” Happy questioned.
“Sorry. It’s a reference. You wouldn’t get it.” Peter shook his head and thought of the song you sang him all those years ago. He always came back to the song as a source of comfort. The melody always carried in his thoughts like a safety net. “Just please give it to her?”
“I will, kid.” Happy nodded.
“And make sure she knows that if I died, I died loving her and wanting her forgiveness.” Peter continued. Happy had heard enough of Peters doubts. He knew Peter couldn’t go into battle thinking he wouldn’t come out.
“You’re not gonna die, Peter.” Happy said gently. “No one is gonna let them happen.”
“I know, but, just in case.” Peter said timidly. “Can you just promise me?”
“I promise.” Happy nodded.
Happy took the necklace and tucked it safely into his pocket. He felt guilty for having misjudged Peter all those years. Peter wasn’t a just kid in pajamas. He was a good person who’d do anything to keep people safe. As Happy watched Peter crafting his new suit, he was again reminded of Tony. He saw little flecks of Tony’s personality blooming in Peter.
“How about some music?” Happy asked as Peter did his thing.
“Can I request something?” Peter asked as he slid his arm into a virtual web shooter.
“Go ahead.” Happy replied.
“Could you okay In Case You Don’t Live Forever by Ben Platt?” Peter asked nicely.
“Is there a specific reason?” Happy asked as he typed the title into the music player.
“Y/n sang it to me once.” Peter smiled in light of the memory. Happy didn’t look amused. “Please? It helps me focus.”
Happy sighed and pressed play. He watched as Peter sang along softly and sighed. He hoped more than anything that Peter would be the one to give you the necklace.
Happy and Peter split up. Peter went inside the smoke monster as Happy went to find you and Ned and Betty.
Happy found MJ, Flash, Ned, Betty, and you running down the bridge in fear of the monster.
“I need you all to get in the jet.” Happy shouted above the chaos as he tried to corral you all towards the jet.
“Who are you?” MJ asked. You nodded, also not recognizing the man.
“I’m Happy Hogan. I work with Spider-Man.” Happy announced, still trying to lead you to the jet.
“You work for Spider-Man?” Flash squeaked, still love streaming the entire event.
“I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man.” Happy clarified, sounding a little offended.
“Where is Spider-Man?” You asked, careful not to call him by his first name.
“Yeah, where is he? Is he okay? Is he in peril?” Flash shoved you out of the way to get closer to Happy, desperate to know his idol was okay.
“He’s fine.” Happy assured. “But I really need you all to get into the jet.” Happy pointed to the jet right as it blew up. Happy turned back to you all and looked around.
“New plan. Everyone get in the Crown Jewels vault.” Happy shouted, pointing towards the exhibit. You all ran towards the vault as drones gunned you down.
Once inside, everyone split up and hid behind a different pillar in the armor vault. You tried to slow your breathing so the drone wouldn’t hear you and find you. Just as you thought you were in the clear, Betty knocked over a suit of armor and the drones started firing like crazy. Everyone ran into the crime jewels vault and Happy blockaded the door. The drones continued to fire at the door, leaving dents in it with each bullet and weakening it severely. Everyone knew the outcome couldn’t be good. Happy did his best to calm you down, but there was no use in telling a bunch of teenagers who were about to die that everything would be okay.
“We’re about to die and I wasted my life playing video games!” Ned confessed in a panic.
“I have a fake ID and I’ve never even used it!” Betty admitted, just as fearful.
“I post stupid videos online so people will like me!” Flash chimed in in the spirit of confessing things before you all were shot but drones.
“I’m obsessed with telling the truth even if it hurts other people’s feelings!” MJ shouted.
“I’m in love with Spider-Man’s aunt!” Happy blurted. Everyone looked at him. You knew what your confession had to be.
“We are Venom!” You yelled as you turned into Venom and punched the drone square in the center. It shattered around your fist and fell to the ground. You let out a roar and shot a web out of both wrists. They latched on to two drones on either side of you. You pulled the webs together and the drones smashed into each other, breaking upon impact. You grabbed a drone with a gun aimed at Flash and bit in in half. You smashed a drone pointed at Ned and Betty to the ground and punched one aiming at MJ. You grabbed the last drone that was about to fire at Happy and ripped in in two. You threw it on the floor and stomped on all the drones until they were nothing but dust. You turned back into yourself and turned around to face the group. You met with several stunned faces, minus Ned who already knew.
“You’re Venom?” Flash squeaked.
“No.” You blurted. Venom slinked around your neck hovered above your left shoulder. “I’m not.”
“We are Venom.” Venom smiled. Flash passed out and Happy bent down to catch him.
“How did I not notice? I notice everything.” MJ whispered, questioning her entire schtick.
“If you’ve got things handled here Happy, I have something to take care of.” You said as you spun on your heel to leave.
“Wait!” Happy called. “Take this.” He pulled a broken necklace out of his suit pocket and handed it to you. You touched the black petals with your nail and looked at him in confusion.
“It’s from Spider-Man.” Happy said gravely. Flash snapped awake.
“Spider-Man?” He asked, eyes wide. You looked at the flower pendant before racing out of the vault. You ran down the Tower Bridge until you saw Peter, clad in a new spider suit. He was limping and looked like he’d been through hell. You ran towards him as fast as your legs could carry you.
“Wait!” Peter held up a hand when he saw you. You did as he asked and stopped where you were. “Tell me something only you would know.”
“You cried after our first time and told me your ATM code.” You blurted. It was the first thing that came to mind. You remembered laughing at him as he begged you never to repeat what happened.
“What was the code?” Peter asked, still cautious and keeping his distance.
“6969.” You said seriously.
You and Peter stared at each other, panting from the chaos, before small snickers escaped both your lips.
“It is you.” Peter sighed in relief. Come here.”
You ran into his arms as he limped over to you. You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and squeezed. Peters arm went to your waist and he closed his eyes as he took in your scent. It was you. Really you.
“Are you okay?” You said into his shoulder.
“I’m okay. Are you okay?” Peter asked.
“I’m okay. Everyone’s okay.” You assured him.
You pulled apart and brushed your fingertips over a bruise on his cheek. Peter leaned into your touch after being deprived of it for so long. You stared at him fondly for a minute.
“Uh, there was this sweaty guy in the jewels vault with us.” You suddenly remembered. I think he said he works for you. He gave me this.” You pulled out the Black Dahlia necklace and held it out for Peter to see.
“Oh no!” Peter gasped. “It’s broken. Y/n, I’m so sorry. I tried to give it to you earlier as a part of this stupid plan and I-“
“It’s okay.” You cut off his apology. “I actually like it better broken.”
Peter smiled in relief and stared at you again.
“Y/n, I cannot apologize enough for this trip. Everything went wrong. I’ve been terrible to you. I don’t even know why you came back for me.” Peter spoke sadly.
“Oh, I’ll always come back for you.” You said, matter of factly. “But you didn’t. You didn’t come back to me for five years.”
“I know and I’m so sorry-“ Peter tried to apologize again.
“I forgive you.” You interrupted. “I forgive you for leaving. Because even though I know it wasn’t on purpose-“
“It hurts like it was.” Peter finished, remembering Brads words.
“Yeah.” You nodded, unable to express how happy you were that he understood. You were finally making progress and telling each other what’d you’d bottled up for so long.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you about the break up. I know that wasn’t you. I should’ve trusted you when you said someone else was doing it.” Peter took your hands in his gloved ones and looked you sincerely in the eyes.
“It’s okay. Mysterio fooled everybody, not just you. And I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Loki or the snap.” You finally admitted the words to Peter.
“No, it’s okay. Fake you made a good point. There was never a good time to tell me. But is that really true? Did you really snap?” Peter asked.
“I had too. Someone needed to do it and I was the only one with nothing to lose.” You answered. You didn’t really remember that day. Snapping took a lot out of you. There were large gaps in your memory. The one thing you knew for certain was that you did it in the hopes of Peter Parker’s eyes gazing at you one last time, even if you weren’t there to gaze back.
“But you could’ve died.” Peter choked out. He had wished it hadn’t been true, and that Mysterio made that part up. Peter hated to think about you being so careless with your life when his whole life revolved around you.
“I died the day you and Venom disappeared.” You stated. “I didn’t care if I died that day too. All that mattered to me was bringing everyone back.”
“I don’t deserve you.” Peter shook his head and looked down at your intertwined hands.
“Yes you do. And I deserve you. In every version of reality, we deserve each other.” You spoke, remembering your conversation with Doctor Strange at the funeral.
“Who told you that?” Peter wondered.
“A little doctor friend of mine.” You smiled coyly.
Peter smirked at the thought of the all powerful Doctor Strange helping two kids fall in love.
“I just wish you would’ve told me all of this was happening. Venom and I could’ve helped you.” You changed the subject, but wanting the honesty to stop. If you didn’t air it all out now, you feared you never would.
“We’re always here for you, Peter. Even when we want to eat you.” Venom said as she rested comfortably on your shoulder.
“I know.” Peter sighed, ashamed of his own stupidity. “But I didn’t want to involve you after all you’ve been through. I had to do this on my own. The world needs its next Iron Man.”
“No.” You put your hands on Peters face and made him look at you. “The world needs Spider-Man.”
Peter was quiet as he though about what you said. You’d always believed in him. You made that very clear. Peter was forever grateful that he had you by his side. You never doubted him, unlike the rest of the world.
“Look, Peter.” You said softly. “I love that you’re Spider-Man. But I love Peter Parker more. And I never get to see him.”
“I know, peaches. I’m sorry for that too. Beck, uh, Mysterio told me you said I’d been neglecting you because of Spider-Man and that’s why you broke up with me. Or, why he broke up with me, as you. Is that true? Is that really how you feel?” Peter asked, scared of what your answer might be.
“Peter, I’d never break up with you because of your job. I know how important Spider-Man is to you. You love me, yes?” You asked.
“Yes.” Peter nodded, but understanding why you’d ever doubt that or need clarification.
“And I love you?” You went on.
“Yes.” Peter confirmed.
“Then that’s all I need. If you need to take some time to do some navigating or if you need some space, that’s fine. And if you have to ditch me at a four hour opera to go save the world, that’s fine too.” You laughed gently. Peters eyes became wet with tears of joy. “I’d never get mad at you for that. Yes, I wish I could see you more. But I’m not gonna solve that problem by breaking up with you. If I have to spend some nights alone because you’re out there saving the world, then, well.” You shrugged. “Whomp whomp.”
“Whomp…whomp?” Peter questioned.
“Yea. Whomp whomp.” You repeated. “I just mean, it’s not a big deal. I’m never gonna get mad at you for doing your job. You can be Spider-Man as often as you need. I’ll always be there when you get back.”
“I’ll always be there too.” Peter nodded.
You bit your lip, deciding to be completely honest with Peter. It was the only way to make your relationship last. “Will you?”
“What?” Peter asked, visibly hurt. “You don’t believe me?”
“I want to believe you.” You touched his face again. “But I’ve been having a hard time letting you back into my life because I’m scared you’ll disappear again. I can’t handle that. You’re out on the streets every night doing beyond dangerous things. You’ve been hurt badly before, just look at you now. And I’ll always be there to patch you up, but what if you don’t get back to me in time? How can I know you won’t leave again? Can you guarantee me you’ll always come back?”
“No.” Peter said simply. “I can’t guarantee that.”
You sighed and looked away from Peter, taking his words as a defeat.
“I can’t guarantee I’ll always come home. But I can guarantee forehead kisses every morning when you wake up, cups of tea when you’re sleepy, a hand to hold when you’re scared, eyes to look back at you and arms to hold you. I can guarantee you will never doubt wether or not you are beautiful. I can guarantee a lifetime of celebrated birthdays and poorly made birthday cards. I can guarantee someone to listen to your fears and your dreams and everything in between. I can guarantee an undeniable feeling that you are loved for as long as I walk this earth. I can’t guarantee I’ll always be here. But I can guarantee you all of that.” Peter spoke from his heart. He’d never had a way with words, but his little monologue left your heart glowing and knees week.
“Is that a lifetime guarantee?” You asked as you brushed a curl off his sweaty forehead.
“Absolutely.” Peter confirmed.
“No return policy?” You asked coyly.
“Nope.” Peter shook his head.
“And I don’t have to pay shipping and handling?” You pretended to gasp.
“I-what?” Peter was lost on your attempt at sounding like an infomercial.
“Then I’d like to place an order.” You ignored his confusion and continued with your bit.
“Are you 18 or older?” Peter asked, finally catching on. “If not, you’d need a parent or guardians permission.” Peter said in his best talk show host voice.
“Okay, we have to stop. I’m going to throw up on the London Bridge.” You laughed and pretended to gag.
“It’s actually called the Tower Bridge but-“
You cut Peter off with a kiss. Peter sighed against your lips and kissed you back. It’d been forever since your last kiss. You slid your hands into the curls at the back of his neck and gave them a gentle tug. Peter placed his arms securely around your waist and lifted you off the ground. Despite being surrounded by rubble and tiny fires, it was the most romantic kiss of your life. You pulled away and sighed happily.
“I love you, Peter Parker.” You said, still wrapped in his arms.
“I love you too. More than you’ll ever wrap your head around.” Peter smiled.
“You really love that song, huh?” You laughed, recognizing the lyrics.
“I do. And I really love you too.” Peters eyes suddenly widened. “I have something else to give you.”
Peter got down on one knee and pulled out the ring he had made for you with trembling hands.
“Oh, Peter.” You whispered as you put a hand over your mouth. “You got me a promise ring?”
“No.” Peter said firmly. A little smile appeared on his battered face. “This is an engagement ring.”
You couldn’t speak. You felt a completely new sensation bubble up in your chest. You put your hand over your heart to keep it from giving out.
“It was originally going to be a promise ring, but I don’t think we need that anymore. We’ve already made our promises to each other. I was gonna wait and get you the biggest engagement ring that the worlds ever seen, but you just reminded me that materialistic things don’t matter. All that matters is that we love each other. So, I hope you’ll accept this little pebble on a band.” Peter professed.
“I accept.” You took hand away from your mouth momentarily to get the words out.
“In that case, Y/n L/n.” Peter took a deep breath. “Will you-“
You dropped to your knees so you were at his level.
“Yes.” You interrupted
“Yes.” You said louder, thinking he didn’t hear you.
“Can I say the words?” Peter laughed.
“Yeah, of course, sorry.” You nodded profusely.
“Okay.” Peter took another deep breath. “Y/N L/n, will you-“
“Yes.” You interrupted again.
“Let me say it!” Peter yelled with a smile.
“Sorry.” You urged him to go on.
“Will-“ he began again.
“Yes.” You face palmed. You weren’t even meaning to interrupt him. You were just so excited. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”
“Will you marry me?” Peter rushed out before you could interrupt him.
“Absolutely not!” You said as you pulled his sweet face in for a kiss. Peter kisses you back as he pulled you to your feet. You broke apart briefly so Peter could slide the ring on your finger before kissing him again.
“What’s going on? Are you pregnant?” Venom interrupted.
“No.” Peter laughed. “We’re engaged.”
“At this age?” Venom asked, sounding a little too much like Captain America for your liking. “I heard you tell Dani on the phone that Peter was at least 8.”
“I wasn’t talking about his age.” You quipped. “And we don’t have to get married right away. We can have a long engagement. Everything will be alright.” You said as Peter nodded. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and admired the ring on your hand.
“We should probably get back to the class.” Peter sighed, not ready to go back to reality just yet.
“You should change first.” You gestured to Peters spider suit. “Unless you want Flash to have a heart attack.”
“Right.” Peter laughed. “I’ll meet you there?”
“I’ll be there.” You smiled. Peter nodded and pressed another kiss to your lips.
“See you soon, fiancée.” Peter grinned as the words rolled off his tongue. He skipped in the opposite direction to go get changed. You watched him throw his fists in the air in celebration and laughed at his giddiness.
“I’d say our move to New York was a success. Wouldn’t you, baby?” You asked as you walked back to the London Tower.
“If you consider getting a child bride successful.” Venom sassed. You laughed and ran towards where you last saw Happy. You had some news to tell him.
This time around, Peter sat with you on the plane and you watched your favorite movie with his dual headphone adapter. You snuggled into his chest and felt him laughing at the funny moments. Brad watched you guys and smiled to himself a little.
Back at the apartment, you helped Peter unpack his bags. A few of his things had been blown up, but most things were saved.
“So.” You said as you slid Uncle Ben’s borrowed suitcase under Peters bed. “Who’s gonna tell Aunt May we’re engaged?” You asked as you waved your hand with the ring on it in Peters face. Peter laughed and kissed your knuckles.
“It depends on if you think she’ll fall for the “technically I’m 23 I just happened to blip” excuse or not.” Peter replied.
“It should be you. I can’t imagine she’d be too pleased when I tell her her 18 year old nephew came back from Europe engaged.” You remarked. Peter rolled his eyes in agreement before pressing another kiss to your knuckles. “I love seeing that ring on your finger. My ring.” Peter grinned proudly.
“Peter Parker, I always have, and always will be, yours.” You repeated the words you said to him when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. Peter smiled, recognizing the words. You both jumped out of your happy daze when you heard the laundry basket May was holding drop. You both looked slowly and saw Aunt May standing in the doorway, eyes trained on the ring on your finger. Mays eyes widened at the sight.
“What the fu-“
The End
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