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When I said self reflection is good- I did not mean it this literally
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reamed · 5 months
u make me wanna get a cd player.. i gotta burn mixes onto a cd to put it in a discman and walk around with it on my belt. I'd be so funky, jus like u are :3
omg get one and we can trade cds and be funky together :3 💿
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
cbf!price and Johnny getting the baby’s room finished and all set up while you were at mommy and baby yoga, end up fighting (endearingly) the whole time because John wants to use the wallpaper with the alphabet and Johnny just rolls his eyes and goes “your age is showing, she likes them princesses”
they end up getting nothing done.
bickered like siblings over what the baby wants or doesn't want like she's not a baby.
you call simon and kyle, and they finish the nursery. (they even brought a different wallpaper altogether so neither john's get smug about it)
your age is showing is so foul :(
that for me are fighting words. talk shit get hit playerrrr.
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jaysgirlx · 1 month
as long as you're happy you can collect as many wives as you want, i don't think breaking my heart is exactly the term i'd use to express how i feel, it'd probably be jealous or unwanted. you can remove me if it's really causing you any stress hun, i know we don't chat much anymore.
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ofblackskies · 7 months
@carp3diems gets a starter for a hockey playerrrr
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“Whoa, nope, uh uh.” Elsie skated toward where the team was trying to come out onto her ice, stopping sharply on her skates before she hit them. “I have the ice booked for fifteen minutes still. So keep your little hockey skates off my ice until then. Kay?” She winked, hands coming up to shoo them back behind the door. “Kay. Good.”
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keefsteef · 1 year
Explain why each member of Van Halen is the best member of Van Halen (if that makes sense?)
It makes sense!
Just to get it out the way early on, I think David and Samuel were both the best for van halen in their own respective ways.
David was the best for van halen as despite how many people tend to not mention it, he really brought a sense of perseverance. You know, he brought that little push. I've read before that he would always push the rest of the guys before they got their record deal to never give up.
I also really think his voice was perfect for the 1978 album. I don't think I would like to hear Samuel on that, just like I wouldn't want to hear David on 5150.
Samuel was the best for van halen in order to show the guys a different aspect of music. We all know David was big on image and party party party while squawking orders, so I'd really like to think Samuel showed them all the grass is greener.
He also was a good fit to help move on from the pain of David splitting. I do NOTTT WANT TO HEAR from people that the guys weren't in pain because thatd be a lie, anyone would feel hurt by something like that.
Michael was the best for van halen... because never have I read about a man with more patience and class. It's not a secret that the original line up did him DIRTYYY, and he still stayed solid and never folded. His loyalty was much of the foundation. And don't forget he's a killer bass playerrrr.
Edward and Alexander...well obviously they're the best for van halen since they AREEE van halen, but I want to say the bond they had spoke volumes through their bandshipness... you know, one didn't get jealous of the other etc etc. They stayed close. No one else could compliment Edwards guitar with the drums like Alexander could. And also as a whole, all the guys are really great guys on the inside from what ive read and concluded.
Uh...Gareth Chereroni...sings well 😩
I SWEAR IM NOT ANTI GARETH I JUST CAN'T YET GET INTO THAT ERA LMAOOOO Gareth if you read this hi sweetie I'll get there some day xoxox....
Anyway thanks for the ask!!! I loved this one.
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animutate · 1 year
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trixabellian -> animutate
hello im aradia or aa welcome to my blog im really cool and awesome.
some things to know about me!
not 18 it/they/she nb girlfagdykehomoqueer
i have autism + ocd and probably other things i dont know about so thats why im like that.
my special interests are the character pico, early newgrounds, and adobe flash playerrrr please ask me about them please pleasw
i also like 70s era chuck e cheese and homestar runner
my favorite color is red :3
my awesome music ⬇⬇
jack off jill
siouxie and the banshees
the cure
i dont have a dni but i will be mean to you if you call yourself "proship".
byf just know i very genuinely believe pico is my boyfriend and i dont like thinking about anyone else seeing him that way because i am unstable and its a coping mechanism for me. so pls dont tag any of my posts about him as selfship. ty.
art tag is #art portal
special interest/general oldweb sideblog is @newgroundsofficial
newgrounds is arisenapocalypse (i know. i know.)
last updated 4/29/23
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
LMAOOOO genshin is like , base starting out then you evolve to writing for other fandoms 😭😭
i still play the game daily (gotta grind w my welkin) but i’m not as into it as i was 2 years ago ( 2021 PLAYERRRR 😍😍 ), but i think fontaine dragged me back into genshin.
unfortunately, when i started playing genshin. i had a job. which means…
i had money. (i’ve spent $700+ on this stupid game)
like ik some people haven’t read it but THEY NEED TO BC ITS SO GOOD RAGHHH
I’m a firm believer that chifuyu + takemichi are the best duo in the show (friend wise, i’m not a ship kinda guy) , but baji and chifuyu are still an amazing friendship 😭😭. ( chifuyu is my son , and i will die on the fact that he was the absolute backbone for takemichi and takemichi woulda never made it as far as he did without chifuyu I COULD GO ON ABOUT THIS FOR HOURS ).
BROOO UR ACTUALLY SOOOO REAL FOR THAT !!! the ending definitely wouldve been a lottt different w/o chifuyu, like he was always there for takemichi and so understanding !! +esp when michi told him abt being a time leaper, chifuyu was just like 'yeah makes sense tbh ' and gave him his full unconditional unwavering support ????? HES SUCH AN AMAZING CHARACTER !!!
i doooo rlly like the baji and chifuyu friendship cause we r also seeing why chifuyu respected baji so much, which i think is just so cute !! we never rlly get a big look into their past tbh, so this spin off is just like ooouugghhh toooooo good ! (they r also both idiots but in the best way possible so its actually so hilarious like Y WAS CHIFUYU PULLING UP TO MEETINGS W A BICYCLE LMAOAO)
[going to be discussing recent chaps of spin off series so if u havent read them ... yeas ]
honestly though im kind of worried for the next little arc in the series ... cause obv theres some kind of reason why ryusei isn't in the main series .. if wakui kills him off i will literally go crazy . b/c thats what it feels like its leading up to imo since now they're all gna investigate / go up against this new crazy guy, (+being partnered up w/ ryusei's crazy childhood friend feels like a disaster waiting 2 happen) IM SCAREDDDDD 😭 plssssss i hope that its just ryusei leaves the whole delinquent scene or smth like that 😭
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sapientiia · 2 years
ooooooo heheheh im so playerrrr (i do not let men pick me up late nor do i alter my standards) (this means i have 0 fucking options) (i am fuckless)
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gasper-ghost · 2 years
omg i swear i’m so playerrrr ( tik tok sound for all u uncultured)
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
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this one makes me sad bc its 200 for a homework vinyl when theres literally a preorder fro them rn for 30 bucks until tmr..... LIKE THE DEAL??? BC AFTER THAT THEYRE ALL GONNA BE SUPER DUPER EXPENSIVEEEEE
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murdersquazh · 3 years
1. The Folk of Air trilogy by Holly Black
(YA Fantasy, slow burn romance, enemies to lovers, royalty etc)
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2. Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
(LGBT romance, enemies to lovers, squad, family, royalty, etc)
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3. The Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab
(Adult Fantasy, royalty, friends to lovers, etc)
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4. The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas
(Romance🌶, enemies to lovers *a recurring trope in my reading list at this point*, fake dating, slow burn, etc)
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As much as I would like to give my opinions on these, I kinda read through them pretty quickly so I'm afraid I couldn't give a proper review and rating for every book. All I'm going to say is that I loved them all one way or another, more so for some, a little less for others. BUT I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING AS A LITTLE TREAT.
The Folk of Air:
CARDAN- I cant with Book 1 Cardan even after reading the spin-off. BUT THEN. ACT II BOOK 1 AND BEYOND HAPPENED and now I love his whole drunken ass, pitch black, worm-eaten heart.
JUDE-GURL, THE POWER. That's it. That's Jude.
TARYN- *eye rolls*
LOCKE- saw it coming from a mile away. Just read how he's described in book 1
NICASIA- ngl, I honestly wanted more from her
MADOCK- if the Hulk decided to foster his dead mortal wife's kids, sure.
VIVI- I need her energy. Or lack thereof
Red, White and Royal Blue:
HENRY- one half of my dream nerd bffs. LOVE HIM TOO.
JUNE- If I were gay, I'd have you. If I wasnt, I probably still would.
NORA- *Lowkey ships with June* other half of my dream nerd bffs.
BEA- Probably my favorite in the gang aside from the main couple
PEZ- I need him in my life. ASAP
The Shades of Magic:
KELL- very magical grumpy cat. A bit whiny but the story makes up for it.
RHY- I love the concept of his character sm and he kinda gave me inspiration for a story I'd like to write sometime.
ALUCARD- let's make it spicy. Minus spice. If u know what I mean *wiggles eyebrows*
The Spanish Love Deception:
AARON- Wanted Man. Like. Severely wanted. SOS.
ISABEL- very true to life sisterhood *nods solemnly*
ROSIE- I needed more of herrrr :((
DANIEL- fuck you
GERALD- fuck you a thousand times over (a sequel)
ABUELA- the whole fandom
THAT'S IT. I HOPE YOU GUYS READ THESE BOOKS AND LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS I DID. FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. These are just my humble opinions btw :)) please dont take them too seriously. Also sharing that I will finally read Tokyo Revengers next after riding a KnY high.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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Name: Leah (Meaning Weary) Castelo (Spanish surname meaning Castle)
I like this, it definitely sets up the theme of her being paranoid and sheltered really well! And all her themes give me an idea…
Strife Specibus: Sewing Needles 
I like this. I also like the idea of her using umbrellakind as an extra for… secret reasons. Reasons I’ll tell you later.
Fetch Modus:Im not quite sure on this one? 
Hmmm. Since she likes crafting, maybe it could involve knitting? Like each item is given a different combination of knits and pearls and if she wants to release the item, she has to knit the pattern Exactly right.
Symbol and meaning: A little mushroom! She made it as a patch herself when she was first starting out sewing and crafting
It’s so cuuute.
Handle: anomicAristocrat 
This is definitely interesting. I’m guessing she has little external contact w/ other people and so she doesn’t understand social standards? I like that she’s kind of self aware of this, too.
Quirk:types in a very lazy manner without really pausing in between her words she shortens words if she can tho its easier this way ig she tends to go on and on and on without really caring if other people get a chance to talk (no caps, no punctuation, uses some text lingo but not a ton, and hardly ever uses emoticons) 
Another interesting element of this to think about is how her typing style might change when she talks to other people. Does she speak to her brother different? In her etsy page, does she use a more professional style of typing or does she keep it relaxed?
Special Abilities (if any):she can “hide” herself from others but only when there is more than 2 people. this meaning she can easily make herself not noticed by others but only in a group setting. if its a one-on-one convo then she cant
Very voidy, ooo.
Personality:Leah is a very lethargic yet paranoid person. she doesnt trust others and shes very apathetic to others problems even if she was the one who caused them. she holds onto information only giving it to those she trusts most and you can be certain its not you. she is patient and very observant, making notes of anything she deems as something she can use later which has made her room a mess of notebooks and papers with odd bits of information and doodles. shes very creative however! this can be both a good and bad thing…
(Extra info: she runs a etsy type of store selling patches, scarves and gloves, and many many odds and ends.the house she currently lives in with her older brother is a gigantic, very old house. he has holed himself up  in one of the wings and shes been banned from going there but she has the rest of the house to herself. there are is nobody near them for days so she lives in a lot of isolation. leah put herself into a online school but is currently working at a much higher level than she should be. her both has many contacts outside of their fortress and thus gets any supplies that either of them order in a…. helicopter airdrop. the drop is miles away and leah isnt allowed to get the stuff. only her brother is allowed which is one of the only times she sees him. ) <— this is all probably pointless but i typed it so shrug 
It’s not pointless at all! It provides me a lot of extra context for her. This is also where I can finally talk about my idea. Okay, so… with the royalty/history and mushroom themes as well as the being trapped in a manor/castle… she kind of a little bit reminds me of Princess Peach. I mean, Peach is Princess Toadstool. There’s not really a Tone I can add to her with this beyond aesthetics (I might especially pull from the Shadow Queen), but you can definitely give her more of a… she dislikes the situation she’s in sort of personality that can work towards her rebelling and trying to seek out the unknown, such as playing sburb. She’s sick of being treated like a damsel, who isn’t allowed to explore or easily take part in all the things she enjoys.. …Even if she is naturally a little paranoid because of how she’s been raised. 
Interests: Crafts, most sciences but her favorite is mycology, she also highly enjoys history! focusing on the dark ages and many secret societies, she has many time lapses of the forest near her and loves studying them
Title: im not really sure on this tbh ???
She’s a vooooid playerrrr. She likes mysterious things, she’s creative and artsy, she’s good at blending in with the crowd…. She’s an heir of void. She inherited the lack of knowledge, the mystery, and she can passively change what is and isn’t known!
Land: same here :(
Land of Castles and Captives, maybe? It can be a land of espionage, kidnapped rulers, and our young hero having to use the powers of the void to hero it up creatively.
Dream Planet: Derse
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Hair/accessories: So I edited her barrettes a little. I thought they were cute, but they were kind of just sprinkled on randomly, and they didn’t match her color theme. So I moved them into select locations and changed them to that peachy color. I also gave her some big earrings to be reminiscent of Peach’s! They could even be homemade, since she’s the DIY crafty type. 
Dress/shirtskirt: I wanted to add a waistline and border detail that reminded of peach’s dress while retaining the general shape, because I did really love her look. I also updated the symbol a little. I wanted to give it juuust a touch more color variety without taking away the simplicity of the design. It looks more like a recognizable Mushroom now. 
Shoes/tentacles: The shoes ended up being smothered by the tentacles a little. I decided to give her some small pointed pumps, edited from fan-troll’s sprite sheet, and I redid the tentacles. I liked them in theory, but they looked a bit too much like jellyfish limbs? So now maybe they’re stuffed velvet tentacles with posable wires inside that allows her to shape them to her aesthetic! 
I love herrrr. Thank you for sharing and I hope my recommendations helped!
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Fireplace crackling , we throw herbs in the fire , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘, makes you some herbal tea 😘😘😘😘😘😍, wraps my arms around you 🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘😘,Tumblr messing up , rocks you from side to side , talks to you and your inner child, the things inside: I love you and feel you 🖤🖤🖤🖤you are so special and rare 🖤✨, I cherish and appreciate you so much , you are so perfect , stroking your hair 😘😍😍😘😘, water in the background https://soundcloud.com/wavesourcemusic/water-elemtn-sleep-isochronic-tones-8hz
Muah muah muah 😘😘😍😍😍😘😘😘😘, I love the way you express and carry yourself baby 😍🖤 the way you unfold for me , letting me read every chapter of you/your soul, I adore you 🖤, gentle breeze in the air ✨✨✨, we feed each other some fruit spring rolls 😍with some dipping sauce as we laugh and talk about any and everything that comes to mind 😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , you so sexy baby 👅💦💦💦💦💦,
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Intoxicating 😍😍🤤, mesmerizing 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤👅💦💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦💦, wet🐱💦💦💦💦, cumming together 🐱💦💦💦💦💦, why tf your stare so sexy 😭😭😭😭, you be making me so weak and wet baby 😩🖤, Tumblr messing up , swoons 😍😍😍😍🤤🖤, holds you in my arms 🖤🤗, red room chilling , music booming on the record playerrrr , we gaze at the stars through the skylight , Tumblr messing up , melting inside each other , sexy ass lips 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍, so plump 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤, so glossy 😍😍😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up ,
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Swoons 😍😍😍😍😍, caressing your back 😍😍😘🖤, down your spine, you so fine and divine , body, soul, heart and mind , Tumblr messing up , that ass I can't wait to dive in 😍😍😍😍👅💦💦💦💦, that pussy I can't wait to play with your clit 👅💦💦🐱💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up ,
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Tumblr messing up, getting ready to get on the shower , 🖤🖤🖤
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Tumblr messing up, kissing your breasts 😘😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, tumblr messing up, caressing your thighs 😍😍😘😘🐱💦💦💦, 😍😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up, caressing your legs 😘😍😍😍😍🤤💦💦💦💦💦,mmmmm🐱💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , caressing your booty 😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, 😍😍💦💦💦🤤💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦, kissing your neck and biting it 😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦💦, squeezing your cheeks 😍😍😍😍🤤💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦, tumblr messing up, ***spreading your cheeks 👅😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦💦💦, 😘😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, caressing your breasts 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘🐱💦💦💦💦, 😘🐱💦💦💦💦💦💦💦, caressing your legs 😍😍😘😘😘🐱💦💦💦💦, Tumblr Messing up , rimming you 😘😘😘😘👅🤗👅👅👅,😍😘😘😍😘👅💦😍😍💦💦, Tumblr messing up , caressing *your sides 😍😍😍😘😘😘💦💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , 😍😍😍😍💦💦💦💦💦💦, biting your cheeks 😘😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦💦, caressing your cheeks 😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦, 😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, caressing your thighs 😍😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, getting out the shower , drifting off into eternal sleep together 😘🤗🖤
Good morning baby 😘🤗🖤tumblr messing up, how you doing my princess?👑🖤muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘😘, Tumblr messing up ,
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Wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🤗🤗🤗🤗, deep loungingggg 😘😘😘🤗🤗🖤, stroking your hair 😘😘😘😘🤗🖤🖤🖤, beautiful af 😍😍😍, rocks you from side to sideeeee 😘😘😘😘🖤, I gotta make another post for the images
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teslatell-blog · 7 years
Can I get some help???
I’m thinking of making a fanganronpa 4.
And by thinking I mean already made character designs, talents, personalities,
drew cg’s, but I’m just too lazy to put it into script form.
Oh, and another issue is, that someone else already has an SHSL chess master and I don’t want to make it look like I copied them...
Here is a list of the talents!:
SHSL exotic dancer (no not traditional dancer)
SHSL banking prodigy
SHSL origami folder
SHSL swindler
SHSL doll maker
SHSL poet
SHSL translator (as in like text in other languages)
SHSL daredevil
SHSL horse back rider
SHSL mask maker
SHSL hypnotist
SHSL monster
SHSL comedian
And last, but most certainly not least, SHSL ???
So, if you want to, can you help me find a replacement for SHSL chess player?
I will finish it all though!!
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tpskids · 7 years
Some things that happened at school today:
- A group of teenagers seemed to be really concerned for the guy in the skittles advert. “If he touches the world does it turn into skittles? What if he touched the air? How does he wear clothes? What if he destroyed the earth and floated into space, destroying the stars? How did he have children? If he touched himself, would that kill him??????”
- A teaching assisstant accidentally got left alone and forgotten about for an entire period during Spanish.
- The pâté projector. “Want to throw some mushy meat at your friend? Well now you can, with the brand new pâté projector! Simply press a button, throw it at your friend, and watch as the can strips itself from the meat. Meaty fun for everyone!!!!1!!!1!”
- A satsuma seed was found on a bench, and one guy began yelling “plant her...... pLANT HER” and so another kid placed the seed on top of a piece of monster munch, delicately planting it into the ground. Everyone rejoiced.
And finally,
“Shakespeare’s a lad and Macbeth’s a playerrrr” - our English teacher
- M and O
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