#send me you favorite soulmate recs i will read them all
artaxlivs · 10 months
This is ridiculous.
Eddie has important stuff To Do. He's a busy rockstar with a never ending list of stuff his manager and agent keep reminding him that he needs to get done while he's not on tour.
But. His house is being remodeled. And one of the carpenters or handymen or journey...men? journey people? whatever. One of the dudes in a tool belt. Well - he's hot as all hell and Eddie can't seem to find a single fuck to mark off that To Do list.
Every day this man shows up in jeans that hug his ass, a tool belt slung low to one side and this pristine white polo shirt with a logo over his left pec. The other people - people not men because there are actually three women in the mix, all with arms that could crush Eddie, and if he was into chicks, he'd be looking respectfully - are all in various dark colored shirts with a similar logo on the back or in the same spot on the chest.
But White Polo is the only white polo. White Polo must be in charge. He does seem to give a lot of orders. He's got big sexy hair and a strong voice. The first time Eddie was close enough to hear him talk, he had some feelings about that strong voice giving orders. The kind of feelings he explored later that night in his own bed. Alone.
It's not a mean voice though, not aggressive. Rather, it's the kind of voice that steadies you in a storm, that you can rely on. The kind of voice that probably sounds gravelly and sleep mussed on a Saturday morning. The kind you want to wake up to. The voice that Eddie wants to wake up to.
And it's not just the voice and the looks. It's the competency, too. Earlier this morning, White Polo was helping the crew put some kind of wood frame up. He hammered something in and then twirled the hammer and stuffed it in the tool belt all without looking. That was going directly to Eddie's spank bank. Maybe he could find other things for them to remodel so White Polo never has to leave.
"Mr. Munson?"
Eddie startles, almost dropping his Garfield coffee mug. There's a lot of noise in the house and he was sort of doing one of the things on his list. Writing a song in his head. It was definitely not about a man in a tool belt. Nor was it about anyone getting nailed.
Jesus Christ.
Clearing his throat, Eddie turns to White Polo, "It's just Eddie."
"Well, Just Eddie, I'm Steve." His voice is soft, strong though, with that little bit of gravel. It's not Eddie's fault at all that he's imagining him whispering in Eddie's ear when they're both sleep warm and too comfortable to get out of bed. "Looks like we'll be done here in another two days."
"Oh." He says dejectedly, not meaning to have such an honest reaction but he can't help himself. He's wasted three days just glancing at White Polo - Steve - from afar. Now Eddie's on a time limit. Two days isn't nearly enough time. Would it be inappropriate to invite him to dinner? Or to stay? Ask him for --"Coffee?"
Steve smiles and it's kind of small, like it's a secret smile, just for Eddie. Brushing his hair back over his ear, Steve says, "I shouldn't but...your coffee smells kinda great so...sure."
Grinning, Eddie tells him that he gets the beans from this little mom and pop shop that brews their own beans. The band discovered them on tour years ago and he still gets his beans shipped from them every few months. He's babbling but he can't seem to stop himself, telling Steve about different roasts and his fancy machine that cost more than his first van back when he was sixteen and living in a trailer park.
Leaning against the counter, Steve listens patiently, watching Eddie with hazel eyes and that little smile. He's got these cute moles that Eddie wants to kiss. Broad shoulders he wants to feel pressed up against the backs of his knees.
Shit. He almost spills the coffee when his face suddenly heats up at that.
"Everything okay?" There's concern in Steve's voice and he reaches out to steady Eddie's arm. His callused fingers brush Eddie's arm just over his bat tattoo and...oh.
It's like nothing he's ever imagined. So much more than all the stories. It's the biggest, brightest, most intense thing Eddie's ever felt. Just a brush of fingertips and the spots light up with gold. Three brushes across the bats' wings and a fourth smaller one off to the side. Eddie can feel the tingling on the underside of his forearm where Steve's thumb must have brushed as well.
Surging forward, Eddie cups Steve's cheek, leaving a bright gold palm print on his jaw, a thumb smear up by the cheek bone, bits of gold in the shapes of fingers curling along the side of his throat, and one little dab on the lobe of Steve's ear. Their lips are pressed together before Steve's fully reacted to the soul bond but that's okay. They don't have two days, they've got forever.
A few years later, when Corroded Coffin wins album of the year at the Grammys, Gareth takes the mic away from Eddie as he's doing all the polite thank yous to managers and agents etc - and he thanks Steve, telling the world, "If Steve had never been a hot guy in a tool belt, Eddie would never have written Golden Bats, Hammer of Love or, Eddie's favorite," Gareth says, grinning and leaning really close to the mic like it's a secret, 'cause it kind of is, "Ride the White Polo."
My Masterlist
While there are other gold touch soulmate mark fics, I've only ever read them in @kangofu-cb's Gold on Your Fingertips in the Winterhawk fandom and it will always be both one of my favorite soulmate fics and one of my favorite Clint Barton fics.
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pinkrecs · 2 years
pinkrecs’s bts yandere fic recs
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[POSTED ON JULY 12th 2022]
note: this is most (honestly just checkout all of these authors’ masterlists--there’s more great gems) of my favorite yandere bts recs! please show much love to our wonderful authors. the yandere genre does contain triggering themes (ex: representation of toxic relationships, possessive/obsessive behavior, non-con/dub-con, violent behavior, etc). read at your own risk + check out the author’s notes. ENJOYYY ^^
i would love to give each fic a detailed comment on how i love it but i lack the words and writing capabilities to do that. so hope a short spoiler-free comment will do (sorry). GO GIVE THESE FICS A LIKE, REBLOG, OR COMMENT!!!!
- death valley by @bangtangalicious 
↳ gang + rocker + fightclub au + ot7 x reader. my brain is dizzy & fucked (in a good way) after reading this. each member gets their own time to shine and the characterizations of each member are crazy. this fic is a messy ass rollercoaster and the smut is scrumptious too!!
- gumiho cisswap bangtan x reader by @bloodsweattearscatharsis
↳ gumiho + cisswap au + poly ot7 x reader. its obvious from the title since the author mentioned that they haven’t made a title for the fic lol. honestly, go give this a read because the dynamic of ot7 is quite fun and i LOOVEE the suspense that from each chapter. all of them could run me over anytime and also HOT WOMEENNNNN ayyyyyyyyy go read bc it needs more luv
- house of serpents by @smasmashie
↳ mafia au + ot7 x reader. every character in here needs to go therapy but also not because i need to see more drama unfold. ot7 seems to care for the mc but their actions shown are... uhmm... questionable. but that makes this fic good though! reading each chapter like it’s the morning newspaper 
- in your dreams by @voidswan
↳ idolverse au + vmin x reader. GOD THIS WAS INTENSE, i was shaking, gasping, and throwing uppp!! vmins are menaces in this one but god you can’t help but want more D: i’m like the mc--who’s a moth attracted to the flame.
- lilies of the valley by @girlmeetsliv3
↳ a/b/o au + poly ot7 x reader. each relationships between the members and towards reader is mysterious and there was underlying tension of meeting the pack’s expectation. in some way, it gets uncomfy at some parts yet that is what keeps each chapter an enjoyable read.
- lovesick by @angelicyoongie
↳ soulmate au + ot7 x reader. mc is very unlucky gal... not only having one BUT SEVEN yandere as soulmates lmaoo.. and the soulmark inflicts on both people if one of them gets hurt. that’s rough damn! i’m still unsure if all of them know that all of them are sending her letters. keep notifications ON for this fic 
- nephilim by @royallyjoon 
↳ cult + supernatural au + poly ot7 x reader. it was defintlely chilling while i read this. while there’s some sense of normalcy, the larger control of the cult makes keeps us feeling uneasy. 
- on the first day of christmas, my true love gave to me by @forever-once-gone 
↳ ceo + christmas au + poly namkook x reader. namkook is crazy and unhinged when they show their true colors. jungkook is very VERY sweet tho i cant hate him rip
- strangers by @bestaez
↳ strangers from hell au + ot7 x reader. i haven’t read watched the kdrama so i can’t compare between the two. this is definitely interesting as we can see SOME insight to how ot7 plans it and covers up their tracks to avoid getting caught. i hope the mc can get the tf out that apartment and we can see the reasoning for these actions of ot7 in future chapters
- school f*cking sucks! series by @sluttyandere
↳ high school au + maknae line x reader. all characters are of legal age btw! sucks to be mc because she just getting snatched from each guy like that. and she’s the class president but kinda powerless since two of them control her status at the school. all three of them are massively wicked and im kinda digging it LMAO
- thou shall not steal by @xherxx
↳ mafia + spy + enemies to lovers au + poly ot7 x reader. as the author mentioned, this fic is on the lighter side of the yandere spectrum. i love the mc in this fic. a girlboss icon actually. adored every interactions between the mc and each member. it’s a VERY pleasant read lol
- where three stars meet by @girlmeetsliv3
↳ poly sope x reader. this felt like a movie to this. i could picture everything in my head and sope was quite mysterious in this. and the little details placed throughout the story makes it enticing to continue reading. 
- “why you look so pretty when you cry?” by @minniepetals 
↳ mafia au + poly ot7 x reader. the way ot7 brings hopes up for the mc before crushing them down so she breaks and realizes that her only option is them is tragic for the mc... yet it’s a whole serve!
MISC (aka idk where to categorize these lol):
- never ever after by killingpeach (AO3)
↳ fairy tale au + ot7 x oc. each member is based on a character of well known fairy tales. for the mc to leave the story, she must make the member of that fairy to fall in love with her for “the end” to happen. i love the author’s versions of these fairy tales. each time the fairy tale ends, ik the oc is like: “i won... but at what cost??”
- seven princes of campus series by @bibbykins 
↳ college au + ot7 x reader. this series includes various fics with each member and their s/o and is more on the softer side of yandere! each couple is cute and the build up of how each became to be to great!
- tatemae; 建前 series by @99liners
↳ trophy wife au + ot7 x reader. this series includes various fics with each member and their s/o. the gaslighting and manipulation is wild in these fics y’all. and each time, the ending of the fic makes think like: damn... these men not seeing the pearly white gates of heaven
- the tarot series by @flowesona​ 
↳ ot7 x reader. this series includes various fics with each member and their s/o and “each inspired by one of the major arcana tarot cards.” i love this concept and each plot is easily able to get into. 
- desire by kyoigi (AO3)
↳ demon au + jikook. demon jimin is hot yet creepy at the same time. and the way jimin goes through his inner turmoil before realizing his feelings for jk + jk starting to piece everything together?! just scrumptious 
- mused obsession series by @sombreboy + @chimoona
↳ photography + model au + jikook. the way jimin falls into jk manipulative and obsessive nature is crazy yall... and how they show their devotion towards each other? fucked up yet i can’t keep my eyes away from it!
- photos of you (and where I should be) by korknight (AO3)
↳ photography + rapper au + yoonkook. jungkook is risking it ALL for yoongi! down MASSIVELY bad yet jk gaslights himself into his actions are good for yoongi. 
- watching you, watching me by mellifluous_kim (AO3)
↳ idolverse au + yoonkook. THE TWIST? you knew my jaw FELL to the FLOOR?!? it’s a must-read because everything is not what it seems D:
- carnal by @kosmosguk
↳  vampire au. mc folded that quick... honestly same here too! just immaculate *chefs kiss*
- contact by @gorehsk
↳ alien au. pure filth and i love it.  
- rose gold by @sweetwolfcupcake 
↳ idolverse au. jin is quite eerie in this fic. he’s subtle with his yandereness and  calculated with his actions.
- the baron by @therealmintedmango​ (AO3)
↳ historical au. jin is charming and no one can suspect a damn thing. a fun read!! 
- the lost, the found, and the treasured by @forever-once-gone
↳  reincarnation + royalty au. so well-written!! there’s small details in the story and by the end... you see piece together. seokjin waited for a long time and i could see why (even though it’s quite haunting). 
- ash and cinder by @chimchimsauce 
↳ cinderella au. a cinderella retelling with yoongi as our prince. great fic with the yandere twist!
- beloved by @bang-tan-bitches
↳ historical + empire au. this fic was a RIDE. mc is a supportive sister yet she unknowingly attraction of yoongi. his desire is eerie and attractive at the same time. 
- beneath the world by @nomnomsik
↳ yoongi is down bad... and his notebook 😭😭
- control by @taeyohonic 
↳ idolverse au. damn a twisted universe of bangtan. yoongi’s character is a massive dick in this one
- exitus acta probat by @bang-tan-bitches
↳ mafia au. can he also snatch me away pls too
- lineage by @kosmosguk
↳ royalty au. god the twist? you gotta read this, it’s a masterpiece.
- the man in the moon by @worldwidemochiguy
↳ lowkey reading was comforting in some sort. like i was soft for yoongi’s character by the end :3
- the music of the night by @bestaez
↳ phantom of the opera au. i was smiling near the ending but then that had to happen lol
- angel by @worldwidemochiguy 
↳ best friend au. hoseok is affectionate, sweet, and insane in this one. 
- forbidden fruit by @deepdarkdelights
↳ organized crime au. mc’s lack of fear has gotten her into some trouble... but it’s jung hoseok--it’s alright!!
- may the odds be ever in your favor by @yandearest 
↳ hunger games au. this fic is incompeleted but the author left spoilers for the ending. i highly suggest checking out this fic--it’s very well written!
- orgasms on the verge of a nervous breakdown by @sluttyandere
↳ high school + party au. wow this was quite a lot to handle. pls note there’s non-con. in conclusion: trust nobody
- toska by @chummywchimmy
↳ a/b/o + werewolves au. hoseok is sweet and all but lord that bird gift LMAO. 
- a dangerous game by @chaoticpuff17 
↳ mafia au. joonie does not know how to give up... prayers for the mc
- deviant by @jkeuphoriadreamland + @chimoona
↳ this fic is one of the most memorable fics i read. namjoon is so cunning and cocky piece of shit. 
- fôret de cauchemars by @kosmosguk
↳ sleep psychiatrist au. i massively agree that this fic is one hell of a rollercoaster. thrilling and creepy!!
- lady of the night by @deepdarkdelights 
↳ victorian + time travel + jack the ripper au. this joon lives in my mind to this day. enjoyed the mc figuring out what the hell is happening while scolding namjoon’s misogynistic ideas.
- let the villain win by @lemonjoonah 
↳ author au. let me tell you that joonie’s character will have you memorized and shocked!!
- moonstruck by @lovelyspring7
↳ mafia + florist au. this is fic did what it gotta do... and IT SERVED!!! 
- used to disappointment by @girlmeetsliv3
↳ nerd au. gosh i would also feel like a disappointment if i was in school with namjoon. but joonie is caring in this one (?)
- apothic by @jiminstonic
↳ zombie au. zombie jimin is sweet towards for the mc, but his actions went a lit extreme... ig that’s what he gotta do? slay?
- arte factum by @lolabangtan
↳ artifical intelligence + sci-fi au. fuck me up android jimin!@(31!!!! he’s a little bit eerie but we can OVERLOOK that :D
- charming by @bangtans-apollo
↳ cinderella au. *chefs kiss* prince jimin needs a therapy session because he’s very overbearing and possessive. you never know when he gotta explode!
- curiosity brought it back by catslullaby (AO3)
↳ CURIOSITY DID BRING IT BACK!!!!!! one of my all time favs. the way mc decided to make jimin jealous and she got what she wanted! but she also bargained more than what she can afford lool
- neighbors by @jkeuphoriadreamland
↳ neighbors + stalker au. toxic? yes. hot? yes.
- otherworldly by @sinning-on-a-sunday 
↳ coraline au. i am ashamed to say that i’m not mad at the ending. i would bend my knees for other jimin.
- porcelain by @deepdarkdelights
↳ dollmaker au. i’m not just screaming at jimin, i’m also screaming at the grandma.
- spirited away by @out-of-jams 
↳ spirited away au. i already watched spirited away and this fic takes it as inspiration to create something different as it own. jimin is supposed to be someone we can rely on... but the writing has good job of conveying the gut feeling of something that isn’t right :D
- the owner by @shumidehiro
↳ ghost au. i like the mc in this! love that she is respectful to the spirits and i can see how ghost jimin holds his resentment from.
- treasure by @sombreboy
↳ faerie dragon hybrid au. that took a dark turn but who can’t resist jimin? lets be REALLL
- daffodil dreams by @sombreboy 
↳ murder suspect + therapist au. the way tae and mc are attracted towards each other is kinda in push and pull in way. and when they give into each other, it feels conflicting since it feels right but wrong for the two to be together. a thrilling read!!
- devotion by @sweetbunnykook 
↳ childhood friends au. the yearning?? the tension?? and when it blows up between the two, it’s completely worth it in the end. beautifully written!!
- dura lex, sed lex by @go1denjeon
↳ law au. tae is so mysterious in this fic. you know what you’re for when you read this, you just don’t know when tae decides to reveal his true colors. in hindsight, he acts like ordinary citizen yet ill think we’ll see more of his true colors in later chapters.
- like chalk and cheese by @helenazbmrskai 
↳ tae def helped the mc bring out the craziness in her. it’s refreshing read from most yandere fics as we start to see more of the roles reversed. 
- poison apple by @jooniyah 
↳ moneylender au. this is one of more darker fics. mc doesn’t give up nor so does tae. his character is crazy and im impressed how she keeps her sanity still. 
- purple people eater by @therealmintedmango (AO3)
↳ alien au. ik the title of this fic sounds crazy and the fic is. tae is adorable in the fic (besides the shit he pulled in the end). 
- the phantom by @darkestcorners
↳ paranormal + parallel universe/time travel au. tae’s character in this is fucking scary actually. i probably been dead by now if i was mc in that situation. 
- the treachery and reprisal by @min-hoax
↳ tae got ISSUES. and jimin??? my gasp was so damn loud at the end. that’s it. 
- violets: memories [part one] / violets: realities [part two] by @emoboijk 
↳ stalker au. tae and mc are unhealthy for each other but they still got feelings for each other... love how mc friends are there to support her :D
- brother knows best by @cosmostae
↳ stepbrother au. jungkook is so hot and goodass smut. gulity-pleasure fic :D
- cardio by kaiseuphoria (AO3)
↳ personal trainer au. jungkook is so sweet but so insane all at once??&!6? this fic is a perfect mix of sweetness and creepiness. 
- cruel intentions by @explicit-tae
↳ mafia au. the first chapter was just recently out and i’m glad the mc got out of the situation. but since it’s the first chapter, i wonder when is jungkook going take her and the baby back? eagerly waiting for the second chapter!
- deception by @kthyg
↳ gang au. this fic is interesting in a way that mc likes jk long before jk likes her. jk gotta manage his anger and sort his shit out first. 
- flower petal by @royallyjoon 
↳ empire + reincarnation au. this two together is tragic. mc did what she gotta for everyone’s sake and that ended up... not so well many years later...
- forever afterthough by sorvette (AO3)
↳ fantasy + vampire + werewolves au + implied poly ot7 x reader. god this was a RIDE. the progress between the mc and jungkook is sweet and i enjoyed their bond together. writing felt like a kinda like dream because this is so well written!!
- play date trilogy by @worldwidemochiguy
↳  the inner turmoil within the mc between leaving and staying lets me know that jk got her bad... honestly same tho
- polarity by @darkestcorners 
↳ best friend’s boyfriend + college au. YOU GUYS WILL NOT GET IT UNTIL YOU READ THIS FIC. like i would smash my head everytime so i wipe OUT my memories and reread this fic all over again. the plot twists, the mind games, and how realistic this setting is in this fic got me fucked in all sorts of places. without being physical, jk uses all types of tactics to overtake mc’s mind. this is a must read. 
- taking over you by @go1denjeon
↳ idolverse au. love the mc’s approach this situation. jk’s character in this fic is actually fucking sick and twisted. at some parts, i just got very uncomfy and got the chills. 
- the crimson shell by @angelicyoongie 
↳ mermen au. do not think this is your friendly mermaid au. merkoo in this fic his claws, spikey teeth, and clicks his mouth to communicate. poor mc in this, she went through SHIT
- the friendly ghost by @darkestcorners 
↳ ghost au. ghostkoo is very sweet. he could never do wrong--until the end RIP :D
- to obtain the flower / primrose [sequel] by @mingshits 
↳ empire au. who knew that mc’s actions toward jk during childhood could leave a result like this lol? this fic was a whole serve, def must read. each time mc takes one step, jk is FIVE steps ahead her LMAO
- you by @whoretan 
↳ college + stalker au. the first chapter recently released and i’m invested on what’s going to happen to the next chapter. everyone’s motive in this fic is somewhat unclear and the mc here is quite unreliable. can’t wait for shit to happen 
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ki-yomii · 2 months
helloo! could you recommend your favorite jungkook and yoongi fics? thank you and have a lovely day ♡
hey there~ 💛
... tbh i haven’t read too many fics for my boys lately 🙈
i've been trying to work through the books sitting on my shelf collecting dust + i got sucked back into fallout now that the show is out lol.
but i do have some all-time favorites!!
please mind the warnings/tags - you're responsible for your own reading consumption. that said, all of these fics are 🔞
i hope you have a great day nonnie and if you have any recs send them my way 🥰!
the crimson shell series by @angelicyoongie
mermaid aus are my lifeblood istg. and this is one of the best one's i've ever read!! it's dark, it's creepy, it's foreboding - and tantalizing. everything i love about mermaid/siren aus crammed into one series.
you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
make you mine two-shot by @colormepurplex2
i'm a sucker for abo, and as such, have read a looot of it over the years. its a genre that's very easy to descend into wtf-how-are-they-still-alive-after-THAT territory but this fic does it very well in a way i haven't seen too often. i loved the world-building and set up.
Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
a sea of indigo series by @foxymoxynoona this was the first BTS fic i ever read... and is a big reason as to why i got into the fandom in the first place. i had no clue who they were before then. i'd heard of them + listened to agust d without knowing it was yoongi 💀 but this fic made me check out BTS RUN and now here we are 🤪
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
witch oneshot by @sailoryooons
this is easily one of my top 3 yoongi fics. the world building, the tension, the relationship between yoongi and reader. it ticks all my boxes and vividly paints a picture of this universe. i adore the concept, and love the way this fic is brought to life through sailoryooons storytelling.
For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
desolate series by @angelicyoongie
one of the first hybrid fics i've read for bts 😭 i love my lil meow meow and the set-up for this fic is amazing. it takes a fresh direction with the hybrid trope and builds a relationship that feels organic and progresses very naturally💛
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
ps. i woof you oneshot by @gimmesumsuga
this one is just so so cute and asjhdjsghfjs!! i adored remi and thought about having yoongi and holly as neighbors for days after reading this lol.
The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
first and last and always oneshot by @floralseokjin
i'm not one for holiday fics/aus usually but there's something about this one that i absolutely adored. it felt very realistic and drew me into the relationship within the first few paragraphs. the angst is so well done and heartfelt, it made me cry lol.
You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
go send these authors some love!!
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halesandy · 2 years
Ana's ATEEZ Fic Recommendations
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So this lovely anon was sending me a lot of good stuff to read, so thanks a lot to them!
Here's the list of our combined reads that we recommend for all Ateez fic lovers. Enjoy! 🥰
🧡 @escapewriter's Coffee House Diaries - 8 smau stories
🧡 @ilymatz's Cherry On Top - Yeosang x Reader smau
🧡 @hwalyn's Sweeter Than Candy - Yeosang x Reader smau
🧡 @desayunho's whole masterlist, but my favorite is Time of Love - Woosan x Reader smau + wonderful written parts
🧡 Omg @imagine-a-life-like-this's Cliché Romance Masterlist is to die for! My personal favorite are with San and Seonghwa
🧡 Another talented writer is @songmingisthighs with their expansive masterlist! My favorite is Algedonic with soulmate!Yunho x Reader smau
🧡 OT8 x Reader Into The Aurora by @honeyhotteoks !!! This! Must read 1000%
🧡 @seung-hwa's Infinity had me so hooked! The tears were there, I swear. It's a San x Reader soulmate!au, reincarnation!au
🧡 In this place, full of lies by @wordstro. Okay, this is not what I usually like to read and I was a bit sceptical, but.. BUT This is a work of ART! Really! I might need a few weeks to recover from this and stop daydreaming about this being a real tv-series! Really love this series! It has aliens/monsters, it has San a an ex, it has post-apocalypse settings, so yeah. Go give it some love, guys!
🧡 @baekhvuns's Memoir with mafia!Yunho and some good old memory loss trope, and it's a gem! Also love Guns and Roses with Hongjoong and Mr. & Mrs. Park with Seonghwa
🧡 Cute librarian!Seonghwa written for you by @itgetsquiet, right here, in Blooming Feeling
🧡 You wanna feel your heart break? @nonclassyparty will break it 8 times and you're gonna love it! Read it here, in Subtle variations of heartbreak
🧡 Bright pink haired San as your lovely younger coworker? YES! Here, in @yunlvr 's Loveholic. Angst and fluff? Just how we love it
🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡
I'm pretty sure that I might have forgotten some of the works I've read and loved, so there's gotta be more parts of Ateez fic recs! Make sure to follow these amazing people who keep feeding us good stuff and give them some of that big big amount of love you have!
Don't forget to send me your fic recs if you want your favorite fics, writers or even your own works to get a bit more love 🤗
Hope you're having a great day and staying healthy! 🧡
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aethon-recs · 8 months
Hi! Thank you for all your recs. I have downloaded most of them and read most of them during my 2 weeks family vacation. They were great. I was wondering if you could recommend me any tomarry crack fics that are hilarious.
This was such a fun ask, thank you for sending this in! I had a ton of fun revisiting some old favorites in this ship that made me laugh and cry-laugh and then laugh some more. As I was rereading and sorting through the fics on this list, I noticed a few recurring themes that came up... coffeeshop AUs, social media fics, funeral-themed fics(!???), and a myriad of food-themed fics. 
I really hope you enjoy this selection of hilarious silly clever witty cracky takes on Tomarrymort 🤍
Tomarrymort Crack Recs
A Slice of Heaven by jellybeantarot (M, 3k, complete)
Tom is a sex worker under an agency that masks as a pizzeria, Harry orders a large sausage pizza, and yep, that's a dick in a pizza box.
almost got in a knife fight after work (a thread) / things i’ve learned since dating knife boy (a follow-up thread) by chaoscookiescrimes  (T, 2k, complete)
just Harry @'thechosenone' All im saying is a pocketknife is a purchase you’ll almost never regret.
and they were roommates by @purplemineralwater (M, 3k, complete)
Tom and Harry, roommates and stars of Gogglebox, are adored by their fans. Unbeknown to them, the fans of the show want them to be more than friends.
cam and get it by @swoontodeath (E, 3k, WIP)
Harry Potter isn't one for pornography. He's got a perfectly adequate imagination, thank you very much, not to mention a fully functional right hand. One accidental glimpse of Tom Riddle's arse, though, threatens to change everything.
Coffee Moste Evile by @wynnefic (T, 4k, complete)
After graduating Hogwarts, Tom finds work at Borgin & Burke's, where he diligently sells the darkest of arts(-themed coffee and pastries).
Dark Lord Coffee by @being-luminous (T, 4k, complete)
In which Voldemort runs his empire from a coffee shop, and wizards are generally very ridiculous.
Dearly Beloved by @wynnefic (T, 3k, complete)
Worn down after countless demands, Harry breaks and finally goes on a date with the incredibly ostentatious, vain, and self-absorbed Tom Marvolo Riddle the Third. A few days later, he attends Tom's funeral, which goes much better.
Do You Want Fries With That? (part 1) / Tom's Time Has Fry-nally Come (part 2) by jellybeantarot (T, 16k, complete)
Harry really needed some money, Dumbledore needed someone to dress up as Wendy, and Tom was the only one with the desperation to be Ronald McDonald.
found you sleeping in my coffin by @the-wig-is-a-metaphor (M, 6k, complete)
Harry gets turned into a vampire. For better or worse, Tom is there to help.
Full circle by tetsurashian (NR, 67k, WIP)
Harry and Tom’s souls are tied together. Which is why they’re in this endless loop of rebirth. At some point, they stopped caring and just started fucking with people.
Harry James [Redacted] by @duplicitywrites (T, 24k, WIP)
It had been three weeks since Harry had mistakenly landed in the 1970s, given his name to Dumbledore as Harry James, and been re-Sorted as a Slytherin. He's now broken the timeline, busted his parents' first date, and potentially botched his chances of ever being born. And, just maybe, he's also caught the attention of a certain rising Dark Lord.
Harry Potter and the—Well, Anything But This by @cindle-writes (E, 21k, WIP)
It’s 12 years after the war has ended that Death sends Harry back in time to fix the timeline and save his soulmate. Except there's one catch. Harry has to start over again from his first year.
Hiss Hiss by @vdoshu (G, 1k, complete)
Harry goes to buy himself a pet for Christmas. Tom sees this as an opportunity.
Inventing Paradoxes (part 1) / Deconstructing Paradoxes (part 2) by @perhaps-sunlight (G, 75k, complete)
When budding Dark Lord Tom Riddle overhears a prophecy predicting his demise at the hands of Harry Potter, he hatches a devious and brilliant plan: befriend the enemy, master the power-that-he-knows-not, and then eliminate him.
Keeping Your Human-Child Horcrux Happy in Captivity; A Guide to Enrichment (part 1) / The Horcrux Hotline (part 2) by @cannibalinc (M, 9k, complete)
A self-improvement series for Dark Lords with troublesome human-horcruxes. 
Local Preteens Entrap Murderous Wraith (You Won’t Believe What Happens Next) by @being-luminous (T, 22k, complete)
Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover a spell. They decide to perform it, and no one is pleased with the result.
Magically Delicious by @dividawrites, @duplicitywrites (E, 10k, complete)
Draco Malfoy is selling 'Voldemort Bathwater Boxes' at Hogwarts for questionable, unknown reasons. Harry is more curious than he should be, and this has disastrous consequences for everyone... but mostly for Harry.
no amount of therapy can help by @the-wig-is-a-metaphor (G, 2k, WIP)
The entire internet is aware of occultist youtuber Lord Voldemort's infatuation with niche content creator JustHarry. The entire internet is baffled.
no helping hand by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (M, 2k, complete)
Harry just wants to have a wank; Voldemort just wants to make that as difficult and unsatisfying as possible.
Once a Paw a Time by @youlighttheskyfanfiction (T, 3k, complete)
In which Tom is still Tom, and Harry is a black cat intent on making Tom miserable. Or happy. Who knows? Certainly not Harry the cat who is absolutely just a normal cat.
Oversight by @dividawrites (E, 21k, WIP)
Voldemort’s resurrection ritual doesn’t go as smoothly as he’d planned. He requires assistance and there’s only one person he can ask—the boy tied to his father’s gravestone.
Prison Blues by @metalomagnetic (E, 68k, WIP)
Harry and Voldemort find themselves locked up in a mysterious prison.
r/AITA by @seagate-blog (G, 3k, complete)
A budding relationship seen through the eyes of Reddit posts.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k, complete)
In which Draco Malfoy is dead in the kitchen, Harry is regretting moving in with his boyfriend, and Tom has never been more in love.
Stories Told at Your Funeral by IceLynx (G, 5k, complete)
Tom Riddle fakes his death. To Harry Potter, the man in charge of Tom's funeral, it's all very vexing. Harry might be an undertaker, but this is a very different undertaking.
Terms and Conditions May Apply by @duplicitywrites (T, 17k, WIP)
Lord Voldemort gets one chance at a new life. This new chance comes with a lot of conditions.
The Potter Problem by Icefall (T, 8k, complete)
During his twenty-fourth time loop, Lord Voldemort meets Harry Potter at a Muggle nightclub.
The Way to a Man’s Heart by @mosiva (T, 26k, complete)
Tom has an unknown nemesis. Harry has Tom’s lunch.
The Voice of Victory by @vdoshu (T, 3k, complete)
Lord Voldemort loves a good villain speech. Harry’s just the sort to interrupt him.
Thigh High by @kushimanii (T, 400, complete)
There, covering Harry’s long, smooth legs, were the most horrifying things Tom had ever seen. And Harry was lying in their bed with them. Tom knew what his new Boggart was.
Until Midnight Comes by @dividawrites (E, 26k, complete)
A few years after the war Harry reluctantly attends a party at Malfoy Manor. He drinks a few too many and runs into a handsome man called Tom. What happens after is definitely not a drunken error in judgement—it’s love at first, blurry sight instead.
Welcome to the Cultys by @duplicitywrites (E, 12k, WIP)
Harry had two main regrets in his life: 1. Asking the question “What if I set up a mock awards show to get cult leaders to show up for my thesis study?” 2. Responding with “That is hilarious” when Ron had suggested they call the awards show 'The Cultys'.
Would You Still Love Me? by @chiocchi (M, comic/artwork, WIP)
"Harry, would you still love me if I was a snake?" Harry knows how this question works. No matter how deranged and unreasonable it is, he has to say yes. A notion he may come to regret once Tom's questions start to get darker and oddly specific.
yer a monster fucker, harry by @exarite (M, 3k, complete)
Voldemort suggests they fake a relationship. It's a reasonable suggestion, so of course Harry says yes.
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corinthianrm0 · 1 year
I blame my new superbat obsession on you
If you any have fic recs please send share them as consolidation-
hello love! welcome to the superbat pit, hope you'll have a great time down here🧡
of course! i have MANY fic recs
here's a list with the links! all of them are on AO3 (numbered for my sanity, not because one is better than the other :))
...If You'll Have Me (by Mithen), very very cute, i even cried a bit,,
A Sense of Identity (by DaaroMoltor) Bruce FLIRTS, and they fall in looove :,)
The Joy of Mekhzh (by Mithen), lovely, NSFW warning!
Getting to Know You (by fallingintodivinity) i love matchmaking Ma Kent, also NSFW warning!
Satisfaction Brought It Back (by slippin_into_darkness) Bruce becomes a cat, nothing else to say
what if we rewrite the stars? (by Resacon1990) this a really lovely one, i cried ngl
The Taste of Mint (by RL_off_main (rosie_lioness)) best gift ever, it's even inspired by one of my comics i- 😭
Detachment (by bonehandledknife (ladywinter)) very NSFW, but i loved it AAA
Happy to Help (by foxpuppet) also pretty NSFW, but they're two dorks in love, so
running backwards (the only way forward) (by soetry) read it this morning, lovely one, yet again, two dorks in love
Batman doesn't sneeze. (by AnAngryRat) really fluffy hehe
Kryptomycota (by flirtygaybrit) sorta case fic? really liked it
thirteen (by CapnWinghead) nanny au!
Interview with a Batman (by Mithen) LOVED THIS!!!
if you see your soulmate standing out in a field (by KathrynShadow) Clark has a midwestern accent of COURSE
Save the Honeymoon for Last (by Mithen) mild NSFW? it's fun! also they bicker like an old couple
Repeat Your Favorite Mistakes And Love Them All Again (by watchingthestars13) now this is THE fic. just read it, it has everything you could ever ask for (also NSFW warning)
these are the ones that come to mind at the moment! hope they're enough to start and all the links work!! have fun :))
ps. you'll probably need a AO3 account to read some of these✨
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forever-will-last · 4 days
hellooo do you have recommendations for cadina fics? I love "a thousand pictures in my mind" and I'm also reading "mirror me back" and "get in, loser" but I want to start reading more!
I DO!!! I made a post about this a little while ago so I'm just gonna borrow that same list again I made. I admittedly haven't been reading too much lately (I have been working on the Cadina Week content NONSTOP since the last update of a thousand pics basically) but here is my list!!! Both get in loser and mirror me back are actually on it already but I'm just going to send the list as is!!!
cadina fic recs (first, some ones from my friends, and then many others i heavily recommend, in no particular order):
Get in, Loser! We're going... to fall in love? - SUPER cute slow burn made by the incredible amazing talented stunning @16sydd16. Genuinely one of my favorite Cadina fics of all time.
ANYTHING by the Cadina Captain herself, Chisamaya. Maya's been holding down the Cadina fort for YEARS and has 13 INCREDIBLE Cadina fics on her AO3. She's also on Tumblr @chisamayas and posts super cute fanart of Mean Girls and Cadina all the time! My personal favorite fic of hers is Collared (very smutty pet play fic) and I will live and die a Collared stan.
can i come and sweep you off your feet? - super adorable (and angsty at some points, especially for poor regina) fame AU by my very talented friend ninesixtheenths / @girlkisser-wieners on Tumblr! i absolutely also recommend her rugby fic, which is rejanis but is 10/10, as well as her regret indie band au fic.
(mean girls) series by anonymous - this is from another friend of mine who posts these anonymously instead of tying them to her account. there are SO MANY good ones in here including a soulmates au, a superhero au, and some GREAT character studies of both regina and cady. there are a few rejanis fics in this series too but they're all phenomenal.
okay onto fics that aren't from my friends but i heavily recommend, in no particular order:
Mirror Me Back - okay i know i said no particular order but this one's a lie. if you haven't read MMB yet, stop what you're doing and read it right now. it's very smut heavy, however, this is genuinely the fic that got me into writing for this fandom and it is one of the best fics i've ever read across any fandom. every day i perform rituals for an update /j
On Predators and Pack Dynamics - omegaverse fic that is genuinely incredible. obviously very smut heavy but i love the characterization of them here.
if i could tell her (how she's everything to me) - role reversal & arts high school AU from 2020 where cady is the popular one and regina is a little socially awkward. very cute, very sweet, very fun.
Pretty Girls - mean girls 2024 rewrite where cady and regina were anonymous pen pals before cady moved to evanston. really loved this one!! one of the first i read in the tag.
To You, I Can Admit That I'm Just Too Soft for All of It - grad school au that i absolutely LOVE. the chapters are unordered snippets but they are so cute and fun. the author also does some social media stuff with it, i believe on tumblr, so it's a cute little tie in!!
you would find her in a polaroid picture - SUPER good college au with gymnast!regina!! genuinely recommend anything this author writes tbh i adore their stuff!!
i choose you and me, religiously - once again recommending anything this author writes as well. SO talented. this one is a slow burn idiots in love au and it's just. chef's kiss. muah. i love it.
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limnsaber · 8 months
Mandalorian Slash Fic Rec List - DinLuke Volume III: Canon AU + Other AU
Welcome to Volume III of The Mandalorian Slash! For reference, 🔐 means a restricted work and 💜 means an personal favorite. Check out the other lists here: Gen III, and Mando Slash I, II, and IV. Happy reading, and make sure to give your love to our featured authors!! -Limn <3
💜 Hand in Glove by rinwins (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Prosthesis, Gen, 1k)
“Here,” Luke says, “help me with this?” “I’m not really a mechanic--” “That’s fine, I just need your hand.”
Canon AU
💜 Right Side of the Sun by @vagrantblvrd (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Greef Karga, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gen, 6k)
Karga comms Din out of the blue and asks him to come to Nevarro.
Under the Sky by @vagrantblvrd (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Teen, 3k)
“So,” the man currently invading Din’s personal space says, biting his bottom lip as he looks Din over. “You come here often?” Din’s heard better, and when he says as much the man laughs, mouth pulling into a genuine smile.
all for freedom and for pleasure by @foggysirens (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Mutual Pining, Rebellion Era, Teen, 10k)
“It was you.” The words fall from Luke’s lips before he can stop them. The Mandalorian freezes, helmeted gaze turning to focus on him. “The Force was leading me to you.” - Or, in an act of desperation, the Rebellion seeks out help from a rather unlikely source, leaving Luke unsure of how to feel about the new arrival to Echo Base, but unable to deny that the Force works in mysterious ways.
Like the Dawn by @ace-din-djarin (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Mutual Pining, Found Family, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Teen, 15k)
Din’s words appear a few months after the attack on his village, after he had been taken in and adopted by the Mandalorians and the grief was still thick in his throat. He doesn’t know, at first, that they are there at all, until his baji’buir looks at him, her golden buy’ce tilted, and says, quietly, “I believe you have your words, ad.” She hands him a piece of shining beskar to use as a mirror, and sure enough, curled under his left ear in a slanting script, there they are. Two words: I am.  — Just before his eyes slip closed, he sees something else overlaid on what he can actually see — a flash of silver, shining and beautiful. Something in Luke’s heart sings, for just a second, and he hears the Force whispering ‘ this one.’ He strains, trying to see more, but he can’t hold on, and drops down into unconsciousness. — Or: The first words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin. Luke and Din travel the galaxy before they find their match.
Branching by @alchemyalice (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Finn, Rey, Gen, 8k)
“What color is the ship?” “White and red,” Reeves reported slowly. “Why?” Din’s lungs rattled as he exhaled. “I, uh.” He worked saliva into his mouth. “I think it might be a friendly.”
🔐 the albatross by TheCosmicMushroom (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Sith Luke Skywalker, Force Sensitive Din Djarin, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Gore, Mature, 5k)
“There, at the epicenter, he awaits. Back-lit by ominous red—so much red—Luke Skywalker appears small, too small certainly for the devastation he’s wrought. Covered head-to-toe in black, he epitomizes the Dark Side itself. Effortlessly, he sends blaster bolts careening back to his would-be attackers with that crackling, wailing blade. Lines blurring from impossible speed, he is a wraith in the waning daylight. And before him, men break into pieces like wet flimsi.” [An AU in which Din finds himself entrenched in the Rebellion and the Imperial Prince’s attention.]
through power, there is victory by @emilianadarling (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Dark, Sith Luke Skywalker, Power Imbalance, Psychological Horror, Teen, 8k)
Then, slipping between Stormtroopers like a living shadow, another man appears. He’s of modest height and slim build, clad in a black cloak with the hood pulled up over his head. The energy in the room instantly changes as he steps forward, becoming weighted and charged. There’s a sense of raw deference in the way everyone watches him. When the commander from earlier steps forward and tries to speak, the man raises a gloved hand to cut him off without looking, dismissing him as easily as one of the rank and file. Din’s stomach bottoms out. - In a galaxy under Emperor Vader’s rule, Din and Grogu are intercepted by Imperials.
only as strong as the warrior next to you by @emilianadarling CaroGolden (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Dark, Sith Luke Skywalker, Power Imbalance, Politics, Possessive Behavior, Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker, Depictions of Fascism, Multimedia, Ensemble Cast, Explicit, 141k, man this one, whoof)
With an indolent air, Luke rests his elbows on the railing, leaning forward to better take in the action. Below the Mandalorian is already in motion, beskar a glinting contrast to black walls and floors. Luke’s eyes trail him as he moves, bitter and gluttonous. Watching as Din takes stock of the concrete half-walls, helmet tilting upward to survey the turrets above. Exploring terrain before the simulation is initiated, his professionalism unaffected by the tension that still lingers beneath armor. Compartmentalization is a skill Luke learned involuntarily; a way to cope with the horror that was once his daily existence. Din, by contrast, embodies the very practice of it. That rigid separation between self and other. The Mandalorian’s inner world is so vast, Luke could get lost in it. - Imperial High Prince Skywalker has taken himself a bodyguard.
Other AU
Persevere by @chocmarss (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Lighthouses, Teen, 40k)
"And you don’t need to pay me anything just because I saved your life. Anyone could’ve done it.” “You’d be surprised at how many wouldn’t,” Luke told him with a wry smile. “My name’s Luke, by the way. So that you’d know who you just dragged into your home.” “That implies that I should be worried,” The man —Din— pointed out, using his hip to lean against the bedpost by his feet. Luke reached forward and set the glass on the tray. “Should I?” The sun lit up his brown hair, catching every curl that glowed red and amber. Luke met his gaze head-on. “I’m not a threat, if that’s what you’re implying.”
Luke didn't take into account how he could get tossed into the sea when he was on that mission; he didn't think he'd wake up in someone else's house. There were a man, his baby, and his dog, you see. You'd have to understand — Luke wanted to be a part of it.
would you be so kind by furiosophie (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Jyn Erso, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mature, 4k)
"You ready for self-defense class in second period?” Jyn asks from where she sits with her feet up on the common table of the teacher’s lounge. “Apparently Ahsoka bullied one of the parents into doing it." Now Luke actually comes awake, "One of the parents?" "Yea, that one scary looking dude who never takes off his helmet what was his name--" Oh, Luke knows exactly who that is.
handspun (i could be lonely with you) by @we-re-always-alright (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Chicago, Mature, 40k)
Luke runs a yarn store out of converted coach house in a quiet part of the Clybourn Corridor. Din is trying to chase his kid and keep him from touching everything in sight. Grogu just wants to live in the softest yarns. (A story about the vibe of a city, spoken poetry and the power of the hand knit.)
splicing (tell all the stars above) by @we-re-always-alright (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Chicago, Weddings, Mature, 63k)
Luke decides the best way to get your family to approve of your partner is to drag him and his child to France for a week. Din is skeptical of most of the Skywalker family. Grogu is willing to try snails but he already doesn't like the texture of mushrooms and French cuisine loves mushrooms. Leia is having the most elaborate wedding this family has seen since the last time the Amidala family was at court with the Bourbons. Something about weddings can bring out the best and worst in your family, can't it? (A continuation of the story about the vibe of a city, soft spoken poetry and the power of the hand knit. The Over-the-Top Elaborate French Wedding Edition.)
making it easier for us to celebrate by @andfollowthesun (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Pre-Relationship, Gen, 6k)
There are some days when he wishes he could stay at home full-time. Like now, when Grogu plants himself in front of Din, and promptly bursts into tears.
💜 Are We Out of the Woods Yet? by @maered613 (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dinluke Halloween 2022, Mature, 14k)
There’s something following them. Din’s sure of it.  His old instincts have kicked in ever since he heard the snap of that branch.  It’s almost lunchtime, and by now he’s memorised Skywalker’s graceful, sure gait- and all the kid’s chaotic stampeding.  There’s another in the mix.   Grogu’s Boy Scout troop is going camping, and faced with the prospect of spending 48 hours worried out of his mind or sleeping outside for a night, Din decides to get some fresh air. Din thinks his biggest problem is going to be hiding his attraction to Grogu’s Scout leader, that is, until he hears something start to follow them through the woods.
💜 To the trust funds and the punishers by niuxuu (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Teen, 15k)
“But you can say no.” “Why would I say no?” As soon as the words left his mouth he realized he wanted to, he wanted to say no more than anything. But he had no reason to do that, not when everything was going according to plan; this was an accomplishment. Grogu needed this, so why was he being selfish and hoping to deny it? or Where Din is Grogu's foster dad and he convinces himself its just for a short while, until one day he's contacted about a couple that wants to adopt the kid and he realizes he can't imagine a life without him.
Blue Sky by @thrvrnd (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Explicit, 35k)
Luke is trying to adapt to his new life: out of the Navy, in a new town with his newly-found sister, following the death of their long-estranged father. Then he meets a Force-sensitive kid and his single dad at a playground. Luke isn't sure about getting into a relationship with a single father. Din's not sure Luke's ready either. Can they work it out? Yeah, they can. They do. That's the story.
And in my mind, I still need a place to go by @dancynrew (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Teen, 7k)
"Ah," Luke says, blinking rapidly, ice pack dripping into his eyes, lights still flickering, air conditioner still groaning horribly. "Well. This is a disaster."
🔐 I'm still trying to figure out (the end of what I was starting to say) by Kushana (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Asexual Relationship, Mature, 7k)
Luke is still reeling from the discovery that he has somehow found himself another family – and isn’t it strange how right it feels, how easy it feels, to fall into rhythm with Din and Grogu. They have been doing it for months now, unaware of what it meant, of where it was leading, getting in sync without having to think about it.
by committee by @treescape (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Teen, 5k)
Over the years, Luke’s just about seen it all. He and Leia had spent twelve long years growing up in the Imperial Palace while Padme was Supreme Chancellor, and they’re both settling nicely into their own Senatorial careers now that their freshman terms are over. But he’s never seen anything quite like Din Djarin, who’s apparently just won the Mandalorian Senatorial race without ever actually running. Or, Luke and Din are both Senators and serve on the same committee.
Some Glad Tomorrow by @vagrantblvrd (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Pre-Relationship, Teen, 4k)
Din’s not sure what to expect when he gets a call out of the blue. Especially when the caller turns out to be a lawyer.
💜 Up Against the Dark by @vagrantblvrd (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Superheroes, Teen, 5k)
Luke honestly doesn’t know what it says about him that he ends up in these situations. Really. “Strange,” the Mand’alor says, a pained note to his voice, which is fair as he literally just took a bullet for Luke. “I think it says you’re an idiot.”
somewhere only we know by @foggysirens (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Night at the Museum Fusion, Teen, 42k)
Scanning the paper, Din's eyes fall onto a listing that he had somehow missed. Right at the bottom of the page, in smudged black ink, is a listing from the natural history museum looking for a new nighttime security guard. Now that was an interesting thought. - Or, Din is a struggling single father who becomes the natural history museum's new night guard. He's not expecting much out of the job other than a steady paycheque, but when the sun goes down and the exhibits start to come to life, Din needs to find a way to keep everything under control. A task easier said than done, especially when there's a certain Medieval knight who won't leave him alone.
impossible scenario by deniigiq (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Peter Parker, Crossovers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reincarnation, Reunions, Teen, 14k)
Luke did a double-take. “That’s a lie,” he accused. “Tell the truth or be compelled.” “By the Force?” Ned asked hopefully. Luke blinked at him. He pointed at the glass sliding door which revealed Obi-Wan holding Junior the cat above his head by the kitchen sink. “By the Force,” he said. Ned’s face fell. (Peter accidentally flirts with a drunk Luke Skywalker in the middle of an identity crisis. He then becomes involved with a bunch of people who might actually be more chaotic than him and decides to help out the best he can.)
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suspiciousspidey · 9 months
Tony Stark Fic Recs
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A list of my favorite fics featuring Tony Stark, from tumblr and ao3.
Writers: If you'd like your fic removed from this list, please send me a message!
Reminder: As always, your media consumption is your responsibility. Please read the writers content warnings/tags! And, if you like their work? Spread some love to them!
Drunken Confessions by @larcenywrites
- Tony makes a drunken confession, and a conversation is had the next morning. The smut in this is so sO good.
BOTH Masterlists by @larcenywrites
- Just trust me. It's all good. You want to read it all.
- Author's Summary: "Soulmates AU - Sally Manners has spent her life avoiding the man whose name is etched on the inside of her thigh. Until suddenly she can't. No tie in with any other fics I've written. Tony/OC"
Cover You In Oil by Star_trekkin_across_theuniverse on ao3 (to read this one you must be logged into an ao3 account)
- This is SO GOOD. It's one of the first tony/oc fics I've ever read and it's one I do go back to.
Exile All The Longer by Darsynia on ao3 (also on Tumblr @darsynia)
- Author's Summary: "Tony lost Pepper in the Snap. What he gains, what EARTH gains, is a 'gift' from Thanos: Soulmates. Some say that the mad Titan used the stones to do this out of respect for Earth's role in his grand design, others say it's to make those left behind complacent, docile-- even grateful.
Tony isn't grateful. He's pissed. His Words are a cruel slap in the face, and the whole concept is bullshit. He spends a year doing right by the world with his company and then settles down to build his lake house. Tony falls for his smart, gorgeous architect as easy as breathing, all the while feeling self-righteous about the whole 'inevitability' of Soulmates. He's beat the system, fallen in love the old-fashioned way. All Tony has to do is get her to actually speak to him, instead of by text or email.
And then she does. She says his Words."
- YALL. THE SLOW BURN IN THIS?? Godly. It is SO GOOD. So detailed. The angst??? Whoooo buddy. This fic had me on the edge of my seat, biting my fist, it was that good. It had me by the throat and honestly it still does. I should probably be embarrassed of how many times I've reread it, but I'm not.
Two Wicks, One Flame by AmberSnapeBlack on ao3
- Author's Summary: "Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated.
What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?"
- SUCH A GOOD FIC. You can't help but root for Emma. There are real sweet parts but some real angsty ones too. Also, it was interesting to read a fic with Pep being a not-so-nice-guy.
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lunar-years · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
💖 thanks for sending!!
nothing is burning here, my father would laugh: post Man City Jamie-centric, vaguely pre-ot3 episode tag. Never have I felt more compelled to write fanfic than after watching that damn hug!! Also this was my first Ted Lasso fanfiction so it is dear to me :)
Waterfalls: Jamie/Roy focused canon-divergent ot3 between s1 & s2. I'm just really proud of myself for finishing that one because it sat in my drafts half complete for over a year. And then I successfully came back to it and figured out where to take it and got it finished!! Which is big for me.
all your cracked perfection: gen Jamie-centric childhood->canon timeline coming-of-age fic. I like this a little less now that we've met Georgie, because a lot of the fic features Jamie's relationship with his mum but I wrote it before we knew her!! so it isn't totally canon-compliant, but I think most of it still works with canon nonetheless. Mostly this was just really fun to write even though the topic was heavy and I also liked playing around with different POVs in it. I wrote it mid-season in a ravenous Jamie Tartt-induced haze after the Amsterdam episode emotionally wrecked me.
Still, Sometimes,: My latest! Ot3 established relationship, post s3 future fic! This was a behemoth to write and is kind of my manifesto on future royjamiekeeley and how I imagine them maneuvering through life's hurdles together, so I feel very passionate about it!! i also challenged myself by writing the whole thing from Keeley's POV because I find her the hardest to write of the 3 :)
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of: This is a Stranger Things Jonathan/Nancy soulmates AU! Nobody seems to read fanfic for this pairing so it has like 2 views (/s) but I adore them and had so much fun writing this!! I pretty much never write the classic, trope-y fanfiction AUs, but the opportunity with their canonical matching scars was simply too good to pass up. It was a big challenge but a fun journey.
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thedroneranger · 11 months
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ blue-aconite Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
The next Rewind has landed: @blue-aconite! Fe was one of the first people to reach out and ask to be included. I was so happy to receive that message—thank you, Fe. You're such a gem! 🖤
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
Let's keep this going throughout the summer, so I'll continue to invite friends—other creators and readers—to share their lists. And I encourage you to do the same! Send 'em to my inbox! If you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
Home Is Where The Heart Is, Jake Seresin, @imjess-themess I almost had a nervous breakdown following this series but it was worth it in the end. It’s amazing.
Loving You Is..., Jake Seresin, @demxters My ultimate comfort couple is Jake and Ace. This series is just so good!
Lucky Piece, Jake Seresin, @wildbornsiren I remember reading this for the first time. I fell in love. And it was so easy.
Met You at the Sea, Jake Seresin, @seresinsweetie Simply stunning. That’s it.
My Girl, Jake Seresin, @ereardon I don’t think I’ve ever gone through so many emotions while reading a fic like I did when reading this one. I am in love with it.
Somewhere Out There Is Somebody, Jake Seresin, @a-reader-and-a-writer My favourite soulmate au fic ever. And then it got part two and I loved it even more.
The Best Benefits, Jake Seresin, @writercole This series had me by the throat the entire time. I love it.
The House We Share, Jake Seresin, @roleycoleyreccenter I come back to this so very often and it’s one of my absolute favourite fics.
Wipeout universe, Jake Seresin, @wkndwlff This series has everything. I simply adore it.
Creator's Own
Let Me Drown, Bradley Bradshaw/Jake Seresin, @blue-aconite I’m so proud of this, and I thought it deserved to be shared.
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn  @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan  @dingochef  @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @averyhotchner
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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chaotictarlos · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
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Thank you both for the asks! I love this little game! It's always nice to have a reason to brag about my writing or shine some light on fics I wished people looked at more. In no particular order, here's a list of mine.
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces - This is one of my favorite fics that I've written in this fandom. It's a character study and exploration of emotions through Carlos' POV of the breakup era. I enjoy writing the breakup era and writing the boys getting back together, and how each of them make their way back to the other. This is the first part in a series of what will be three fics. It can also be read on it's own. (I'm currently working on the TK POV one but real life has been busy lately)
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are - summary: It's a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening. This is a fic that I've taken a pause on because of some truly nasty people who, instead of not reading, decided that they wanted to send hateful words my way. I want to get back into this fic, I have so many ideas for it and how I want them to eventually end up back together. I have the next chapter written and ready to post, I've just been anxious about it.
With love, your soulmate - summary: Carlos Reyes doesn’t think he has a soulmate. In the 22 years he had been alive he had never found anything that would tell him otherwise. At first, it bothered him that he was seemingly without anyone and that there wasn’t a perfect person out there for him but he learned to grow comfortable with that information. He learned to adapt, to date enough that he wouldn’t be lonely, and on the nights when he was without anyone he found ways to make himself feel good. He was content. Or so he thought so until a letter arrived on the day of his 22 birthday. A letter addressed to him, from the past and from his soulmate. From there, they start talking. Leaving letters for each other to find and read, falling in love through the words that they shared. Will TK ever catch up to Carlos so that they can have their happy ever after? Or will time remain cruel to them? **Soulmate AU based on the short film Brooklyn Love Stories - Long Time Distance Relationship with Ronen** This fic was such a labor of love because it was so hard at times to figure out timelines and to get it the way that I wanted it to go. In the end, it was so worth it and it's the first chapter fic I finished in this fandom. I also just love a good soulmate au.
Jingle those Balls - summary: Two families, one fake relationship. TK needs a fake date for his mother's Christmas Work Party. Enter Carlos. MY TARLOS HALLMARK FIC. I almost didn't write this but Cee encouraged me so much an dI am SO glad that I did. I ended up writing 20K words in two weeks and I just love how this turned out. It's silly, fun, a little angsty and smutty. Carlos is so sassy in it too. I had such a delight in writing it!
where do we go from here / how did we (i) get here? / And in your hands, is all of me - the parts I never let you have - I'm rec'ing all of these together because they truly need to be read together. These three fics kicked off my season 4 coda series and deals with the topic of Carlos being married to Iris. There's a fic from Carlo's POV, TK's POV, and then them together. I struggled a bit with the secret when it was revealed and this was a great way for me to work through it and I think I created some really good fics that deal with the topic.
Bonus +1
We can get a little crazy just for fun - My series of slutty Carlos fics. These are just fun, smutty fics that are inspired by Rafael's thirst posts and I always enjoy writing them. I think others would enjoy them as well.
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carlos-in-glasses · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Thank you Michelle - and thank you also to @liminalmemories21 @catanisspicy and @reyesstrand for sending it too!
Technically speaking When Soulmates Swim is my favourite for splashy sexy angsty fun reasons, but I'd like to focus on a particular five. I wrote these back-to-back from mid-November 2022 to end of January 2023, and it was such a happy creative period it brings me a lot of joy to think about them:
The Ruins of Wonderland: A canon-divergent breakup era fic in which TK does not fall through ice, and so attends Nancy's 126 hang. You'll never guess who else shows up! I'll give you a clue though! His name rhymes with Shmarlos Schmeyes and they may or may not have sex very dramatically.
Chasers: A 3x13 coda in which TK talks to Cooper about addiction, Alex, and Carlos. Meanwhile, Carlos goes for a swim and reflects on early days of exploring his sexuality and meeting TK. When Carlos gets home, TK has something important to tell him.
Man to Man: In the aftermath of the housefire, when Carlos is worried that Gabriel will be ashamed of him all over again, he recalls coming out to his parents and what it was like to introduce them to TK years later. This fic is also an origin story for Carlos' gold cross necklace, and contains the line "You're a miracle, TK Strand," - so I went a little nutsy when I heard the voice of Carlos Reyes actually speak those words in his vows! Also contains my favourite sex scene that I've written.
Afterglow of a Supernova: Carlos and TK help Carlos' high school crush from the wrestling team, Scott, during a call. As a thank you, Scott and his wife invite them for dinner... but things go a little awry when jealousy strikes in a different kind of way. I had the greatest time writing this one.
Fire Island: I wrote this in January but didn't publish it until April because I was so nervous. TK and Carlos travel to Fire Island so TK can face his past. During their trip, they bond with an older gay couple to who talk to them about life at the height of the AIDS crisis. This one is very close to my heart, and I think it's technically one of my best in general. I cried reading it back during editing and that never happens. I also really like the banner I made for it:
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artsyunderstudy · 2 years
Do you have a snowbaz fic recommendation/favorite list?
Well. I do now.
Behold, ten fics I highly recommend.
The Space In Between by @whatevertheweather Rating: M Words: 101,153 This is my favorite fic of all time, honestly.  I am completely, embarrassingly obsessed.  It’s got everything.  It’s got timeloops (timeloops!!!), comedy, angst, emotional sex, romance … It’s an AU based off the show Russian Doll and honestly, for me, it’s better than the show.  The setup is absolutely improved with an intense romantic angle.  The slowburn relationship between Simon and Baz is incredibly well done, and the banter is so good.  As is the usual for Elly’s fics.  There were moments I laughed out loud, and moments my breath got stuck in my chest.  It was a wild ride.  I love this fic.  I want to marry it.  It is perfect to me.
What's Left by @cutestkilla Rating: M Words: 133,992 Run, don’t walk, to read this.  It is so incredibly good.  I know it’s been recced before, but I will do it again and again.  This fic is so original, and so well done.  The basic premise is that Simon Snow didn’t survive the White Chapel, but the Humdrum did.  The Humdrum and Baz end up with the same goal, to find and take down the Mage, and so they end up teaming up.  Look, I can’t say enough about how good this is, how very clever.  One of my favorite elements in this story is how it goes into Simon and Baz’s past relationship, both the good and the bad, and their own personal traumas in such lovely, sensitive ways, and it really makes you fall back in love with them.  You spend the whole fic falling back in love with Simon, and Baz, and…. And Sid, you will not leave this fic without being in love with him.  I promise.  The life cutekilla gave to Sid’s character is beyond, it’s just so beautifully done, to the point where I would LITERALLY DO ANYTHING FOR HIM OKAY.   This fic is funny, and heartbreaking, and poignant, and smart.  So, so incredibly smart.  And it has a perfect happy ending. 
London Loves Us Only by imjusthereforthefreefood Rating: E Words: 47,646 I want to eat this fic.  Seriously.  Oh my god this fic is so fucking good.  So raw, and sexy, and visceral and real.  Simon moves to London and finds himself completely isolated.  He feels completely invisible until one day he sees Baz, and Baz sees him back.  It’s such a beautiful story about loneliness, falling in love too fast, food alone and food with others, building a family, and building a relationship.  It’s so incredibly good.  The tension in this fic is so strong, so all-consuming that I felt like I was holding my breath all the way through it.  So good, so lovely, and the SEX.  The sex is dirty and real and I am completely obsessed.
Snow, Baz, and the Seven Bunces by LakeWitch Rating: M Words: 54,024 I love a fairytale AU, and admittedly Snow White is my FAVORITE to see adapted, so this fic was bound to be a treat.  Honestly, though, it’s done so so incredibly well that I wanted to re-read it as soon as I finished.  It’s treated more like a historical AU than a fairytale, and it definitely has a serious tone.  I love the way the relationship blossoms between Baz and Simon, the way they have to take care of one another and the life they build together beyond the kingdoms and all the political drama.  This fic has such lovely hurt/comfort elements that I am obsessed with, and the romance unfolds so sweetly by the end.  Simon’s tenderness with Baz in particular is just so incredibly lovely.  I want to read it again now.
Falling Back To You by @bazzybelle Rating: T Words: 54,293 Soulmate fic!  I love a good soulmate fic and this one is incredible.  Simon and Baz are soulmates that can talk to each other by writing on their arms, until something happens to sever their connection.  Simon can no longer send messages to his soulmate, but Baz keeps writing to him anyway.  I love the way tension builds in this fic between the two of them, not knowing what they are to one another.  I love Simon’s slow realization of his feelings as he makes his way through Baz’s poetry.  I love everything about this fic, including the ending.  I would say more, but I don’t want to give anything away.  Definitely read this one.  It’s completely lovely.
Past One O'clock by @amywaterwings Rating: M Words: 40,534 I went through a bit of a phase with reading getting back together fics, and this one absolutely ruined me.  Absolute favorite, and waterwings has SO MUCH good fic.  This is actually part of a series of two texting fics, and the other one is also amazing and I would highly recommend that as well, but this one was so good.  Not only was their relationship rebuilding done absolutely beautifully, the fic dealt with some really hard issues with a lot of tenderness.  Simon’s trauma is so heavy in this story, and it really explores his personal journey with healing.  I also love Simon as a social worker, I think it’s so good and makes so much sense with his history, and it’s perfect for this particular story.  The ending is so hopeful and so sweet and honestly, this one sticks with you.  So beautifully done.
Broken by @orange-peony Rating: E Words: 43,786 I literally just read this fic yesterday and I already found myself re-reading chapters today. This is a period AU where Simon, fresh from the war, has taken a job as gamekeeper for the Pitch estate. I think it's clear that tension is a thing I crave in fics, and damn this fic has tension. And really, really good sex. I felt like I was holding my breath for a huge portion of this fic. The depth of feeling these two have for each other in this fic is so lovely, so raw. I love how they slowly come together as friends, both knowing that it's more than that. Both of them loving one another. I just really, really absolutely adored this story.
I See You by @annabellelux Rating: T Words: 84,692 I would literally recommend anything by annabellelux, just to be completely clear. I have read SO many of their fics and they are all so so good, and I'm not sure this is my absolute fave (I mean, first prince AU???? Gods.)  but I do absolutely, completely love this fic.  It’s a soulmate AU, and it’s such a good slowburn.  Great, fun meaty as hell plot with tons of pining and just the right amount of angst.  I absolutely devoured this fic, and I already want to read it again.
Restoration Ecology by @captain-aralias Rating: E Words: 51,073 Of course an aralias fic makes the list. SO MANY GOOD FICS. Again, hard to pick, but this is one of two that I've read multiple times all the way through. The other is We All Fall Down, because I'm so obsessed with Hanahaki, but this one is meatier. And there is so. Much. Good. Sex. This fic is SEXY. And I love how it manages to be slow burn romance while giving us incredibly good sex all the way through. (Biting!) I also love getting together later fics because Simon and Baz are a bit more mentally stable. Overall. I dunno, Simon's still a maniac (about Baz) in this fic and I'm here for it. The romantic payoff in the end is really lovely and well earned. Such a good fic to sink your teeth into.
when the dust settles (you'll come home to me) by cynosure_ph rases Rating: E Words: 65,892 This fic absolutely ruined me. I just, I feel like I have to put it on here because it is so, so well done, but like. I love angst, but there's something about an amnesia fic that just hits so much harder than anything else. This amnesia fic is SO GOOD. Simon and Baz are happily in a long-term relationship, settled, older, with CATS, and talking about KIDS, but Simon is in an accident that takes his memories. He can't remember anything past 7th year at watford. And it's fucking ... devastating. For him, for Baz. But slowly, Simon heals, and they fall in love again, and it's so lovely. And sad. And lovely. This fic crawled into my chest and it lives there. It's got a lasting impact. It's a ride, though, just know going in. The amnesia is very realistically handled, which is hard to read. Sometimes it's still hard to think about. But so beautifully done.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I’m so sorry to add to the fic Rex requests but I’ve been desperately sad lately and need a pick me up. Do you have any Batman fic recs for happy aus? Idk how to exactly explain it but fics where they all get along pretty well and clearly love eachother. Something along the lines of Shutterbug, if you’ve read it. Thank you and I’m sorry for adding to the growing pile of requests 😭
hey for sure!!! do not apologize for adding to the growing pile of requests I have DREAMED of this keep sending them FOREVER
some of these are a little ooc but I tried to pick ones that at least aren't outrageously ooc. it's just hard to write happy batfam fic that isn't a little ooc they're so fucking miserable in the comics
JLA & the batfam
what a genre. I have more of these but I picked my favs
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad Week - Jason gets kidnapped by JLA who think he's still a wanted Gotham villain. Batfam (minus Batman, who's unavailable) try to rescue him.
Batman/men? - how can Batman be in like six places at once on this JLA mission???
Not So Alone - JLA doesn't know Batman has a team/family, they insult him, batfam gets revenge
specific dynamics
Life in the Fast Lane - honestly the ao3 description is a pretty good summary: “So, let me get this straight,” Dick said, frowning, “You stole a car, kidnapped Tim, got in a high-speed chase, stole another car, fought a bunch of cartel members, and blew up a chop shop...all to get a minivan back?”
hit 'em up style is an all time favorite!!! Bruce gets Steph some tampons. that's it that's the fic
How to be Brothers with the Family Cryptid - a guide by Duke Thomas - Duke gets to know Jason and vice versa
crack and general fluff
Waynes? More Like Wayne-kers - the Waynes are annoying! lots of fun
pest family - ratman ratman ratman RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN!!!!!!!
Capture the Flag (to the death) - the Waynes play capture the flag. it is not a low-key affair.
this is our home, we just don't have a door - the batkids for sure are doing something, and Jason is not getting involved. he's not.
The Wayne Family Annual Beach Trip is exactly what it says on the tin
before we get married, I need to get permission from batman - I almost forgot to rec my own fucking fic. I am fucking speechless. anyway the story of five people asking for a batkid's hand in marriage + 1 time it was the other way around
this has some drama, but they still love each other when it comes down to it
I'll Still Love You Anyway - a platonic soulmate au for the four male Robins & Bruce | 2nd edit: has a quick mention of pit madness
Minimum Height Requirement is an au where Bruce strictly enforces a "no capes until you're 18 rule" | edit: decided to reread this and as per previous request here's a tw that this fic has mentions of pit madness!
hope this makes you feel better <3 <3 <3 much love and enjoy
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steviesays · 1 year
January Fic Recs
I'm back :')
Application of Virtual Systems by inalienable_wright
Fandom: Community
Jeff losing his mind, post-canon, what else is new - I really love post-canon Community fics that center Jeff and Annie and this one is off to a great start!! Its inspired by another one of my favorite Jeff/Annie fics, Everybody Knows, in which they both focus on Jeff trying to cope with being alone for the first time in 6 years and the fact that there was still so much left unfinished between him and Annie at the end of the series. I'm terrified the upcoming movie is going to absolutely obliterate all my headcanons so I need to read as many of these types of fics as possible before that happens :)
Every dog has its day by Pikkulef
Fandom: FMAB
This was a fun little fluff story about Roy and Hayate clashing over their love for Hawkeye Sidenote: please also read everything else by this author including but not limited to Everyone learns faster on fire
Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul by @onthearrow
Fandom: FMAB
Can't even tell you guys how excited I've been for every update of this fic !!! It's post-canon Royai and I'm so sad its going to be ending soon, but have enjoyed the ride so thoroughly
But Satisfaction Brought It Back by Starship_Phoenix
Fandom: FMAB
Second cute animal fic for January interesting ... Roy bonds with a cat against his will its a fun little read
Old Friends by foolishfalls
Fandom: FMAB
I love a little Ed and Riza bonding fic and this one was really great! I really like exploring the parallels between their characters and this story was a lighthearted delve into that dynamic. Extra points for the ending :)
When Thou Shalt Come To Judge the World By Fire by BewareTheGemini
Fandom: FMAB
When I say I love this fic ... so much ... angst, young Royai, their guilt about the war, the tragic romance, like this one has really just been hitting all of the correct buttons and I love it !!!!!!!
The Strictly Professional Series by NothingSoDivine
Fandom: FMAB
Royai smut - these two are so strange and I love them
low stakes by zauberer_sirin
Fandom: FMAB
I actually first read this story a while ago but come back to it every now and then when I want to smile :) Royai bed sharing, my loves
artificial destiny by RoryMarx (AuroraKant)
Fandom: FMAB
Depressing Royai soulmates fic (with a twist !!!!) we absolutely love to see it
The Literary Romanticism in B-Roll by slomyroll
Fandom: Community
This series is kind of a retelling of the show through the lens of Jeff and Annie's shifting relationships throughout it and I've loved it !!!!
cover (but come undone) by tsaritsaa
Fandom: FMAB
Some light post-canon Royai angst ugh we love the resolution of communication issues they cARE ABOUT EACH OTHER !!!!
I actually read a lot more than I thought I did this month haha I'm glad to get back into giving monthly rec lists because I do want to be more active/involved in fandom outside of just liking the occasional post :') a lot of these authors I just linked back to their AO3 page because I didn't know what their blog was, so if you know them, please let them know I loved their fic!! And as always, please feel free to send me your fic recs, I'm always reading and always looking for something new!
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