#school and work are kicking my butt i am so behind but STILL KICKING
scribble-hell · 8 months
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Day 6: Golden
0 notes
All In 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: It's Rebecca Black day
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As expected, your mother is waiting anxiously for your return. It’s not often you’re at the mercy of her disapproval but she has some choice words for both you and Roxie.
Why didn’t you call? You forgot to, everything was so chaotic. Why would you make me worry like that? You know how I am, it isn’t fair to not answer your phone. I was about to call the police. You’ve heard the same aimed at your sister dozens of times but it’s much different to be at the end of it. 
Once she’s done and you feel thoroughly guilty, you retreat to your room. That’s all you wanted. For the last day, all you wanted was to hide away. Yet, now that you’re safely behind familiar walls, you still feel unsettled. 
That’s enough excitement for a lifetime. How does Roxie think that is fun? It’s terrifying. 
You take out your laptop, your most prized possession, and sink back into your virtual cave. It’s safe there. The things you see on the internet are distant and often times fake. Fanfiction and streams and discussion boards. It’s all so menial and unimportant. It’s not finding a job and dragging your butt to work five days a week or disappointing your mother. 
Mm, well, you should check the job boards again. Something’s going to come up eventually. That’s what everyone says and those people have jobs. Even Roxie works, even if it is at a night club. It’s work and she brings home some impressive tips. When your mom asked her to get you a gig, she just laughed. 
You interviewed at Taco Bell a few weeks ago but you haven’t got a call. That’s probably not going to work out. Move on, try again and again and again. 
The computer doesn’t keep your focus as usual. Maybe it’s that you’re overtired or that your mom was so upset or everything that happened last night, but you just can’t rein it in. You close your laptop and lay flat on your bed. You close your eyes, exhaustion hot on your eyelids, but you can’t sleep. You’re no good at napping. What are you good at? 
You sigh and kick your feet. What are you going to do? You can’t spend another summer like this. You’re not like everyone else. You didn’t get into your school and you didn’t get some lofty job from your uncle’s company. As much as you can blame it on other’s luck, you have to acknowledge you’re own shortcoming. You procrastinate, you get nervous, and sometimes, you just avoid things altogether. 
You get up and grab your purse. The strap catches on your sweater and knocks it onto the floor. You search for your phone and pull it out. You bend to retrieve your cardigan and toss it with your purse back onto the dress. You look down as something flutters onto the carpet. 
You didn’t forget about the little note. It’s the weight that been on your shoulders. You take your phone and the paper and sit on the side of the bed. You can rip it up, crumple it and toss it in the bin, pretend nothing ever happened. You should. Just forget about the worst night of your life. 
You can’t. It’s not about your sister’s drunken display or your embarrassment. It’s about a job.  
You hang your head as your nose tingles. Your mom works her butt off and she’s so giving. You want to return the favour. Even if it’s small. Even if it’s just you paying for some of the groceries or a bill or giving her a few bucks. If you don’t try this time, you won’t be able to forget. You’ll always know that you are the reason you came up short. 
You unlock your phone and key in the number. You drop it and let the paper fall too as you stand. You pace around in circles until you’re dizzy. You hate making phone calls. The sound of your own voice is grating. Ugh.  
No, you have to do it. You can do this. It’s one phone call. What if that’s the job? What if you’re answering a phone? Get over yourself. Grow up! 
You pick up your phone and hit call. Your chest locks up. You can’t breathe. Oh god. If you can’t breathe you can’t speak. You hang up and squeak. Frig. No, don’t give up. 
You try again. This time, you force out an exhale and shakily hold the phone to your ear. There’s an answer after two rings. 
“Barnes,” a voice declares from the other end. 
“Erm, oh, Bucky? It’s... me,” you stutter out, giving your name as you realise he won’t recognise your voice. 
“Ah, hi, doll, give me a moment, one sec,” he says and you hear a scuffing on the other end and a muffled ‘excuse me’. His movement rustles and he clears his throat directly into the speaker, “there we are, doll, all yours. How are you?” 
“Uh, alright, I’m fine, er, oh... you?” You close your eyes, Just melt into a puddle and absorb into the carpet.  
“Doing great now, hearing from you,” he purrs, “I’m very happy you called.” 
“Mhm, well...” you put your hand to your neck. Your skin is burning. “I... was calling about the job. In the note.” 
“Of course, doll, so you’re interested?” 
Desperate, but you won’t tell him that. “Yes, please, I mean--” you cringe. You’re not ordering ice cream, “would... what would be... would there be an interview?” 
“Sure, doll,” he says. His tone is light and airy. Is he making fun of you or are you just self-conscious? Both, probably. “How about you come by the casino tomorrow at noon? Does that work for you?” 
“Yeah, uh, whenever,” you agree, “I can get a ride.” 
“Sounds like a plan. Can’t wait,” he coos. 
“Right, uh, okay, yeah, I’ll see you,” you babble dumbly. 
“Mm, yeah, see ya then, doll,” he intones. 
“Yep, er, bye.” 
You hang up in a half-panic. You did it. You made the call and you got an interview. You think. The conversation wasn’t what you expected but you think it went well.  
You blow out through your lips and grip your phone tight. Your heart hammers again. You march to the door and stop just before you can grip the knob. You’re excited but scared to tell your mom. 
You swing the door open and clammer through. You hear her in the kitchen doing dishes. It’s Roxie turn so of course your sister is sitting on the couch nursing another coffee. 
“Mom,” you slow and tap your phone against your leg as you stop by the counter, “I... I got an interview.” 
“An interview?” Her surprise is genuine, both in her expression and her voice as she looks at you. Her face blooms in a smile. “That’s wonderful. When?” 
“Tomorrow,” you utter. 
“Tomorrow?” She echoes. 
“At noon.” 
“Noon, okay, I can come home from work and drive you, but you’ll have to get a cab home. I should have enough for the fare.” 
“Ah, yeah, okay,” you clutch your phone in front of you and sway, “thanks.” 
“No problem,” she chimes, “where is it?” 
“The interview.” 
“Oh, at the casino.” 
“The casino?” She turns back to the sink and stares into the water as she scrubs, “hm, interesting. What will you be doing?” 
“Hm, I... don’t know yet. Maybe a cleaner.” 
“Oh, that’s not bad at all,” she says, “think I have a shirt you can wear. Maybe I could hem a pair of my pants for you tonight.” 
“Mom, you don’t have to--” 
“You should look nice,” she undercuts, “it’s not a big deal. Besides, it would be really good if you got a job.” 
You nod. You can hear the thinness in her voice. She tries to hide it but you know it’s not easy around here. You saw the red notice in the mail box and heard her on the phone with the landlord. The bough is close to breaking. 
“Thanks, I’ll... I’ll do my best.” 
“I know you will,” she trills. 
You smile and go back to your room. You shut the door and shudder. Great, now you’ve hurdled over the phone call, you can dread what comes next. Not just venturing out into the general public but going to an interview. It’s one thing after another. It feels like a lot after so long of nothing. 
Your mom lets you out in Lot 4. It’s far from the main entrance but she’s in a hurry to get back to work. You won’t keep her. You can walk a bit. 
The sun has you sweating along with the polyester trousers. The belt is pinned and the legs have been hastily hemmed. The blouse doesn’t breathe either but you managed to iron the wrinkle out of the sleeve. 
You come to the front doors and steel yourself. Your mascara sticks as you feel the perspiration around your eyes. Oof. You did your best to follow the tutorial with your sister's borrowed makeup but you skipped the eye liner; it only ever turns out smudgy. 
You enter and the air conditioning cools the heat in your cheeks and chest. The woman behind the counter greets you with a smile and a ‘how are you’ before asking if you’re checking in. You’re almost speechless at the sight of her. She’s so pretty and she can do the contour the way those girls on Youtube do. You wouldn’t be good for that job; not gorgeous like her. 
“Um, yeah, actually, I’m here for an interview,” you say. 
“An interview?” She tilts her head, “I didn’t see anything...” she clicks around with the slim mouse on the desk, “who were you interviewing with?” 
“Bucky, uh, Mr. Barnes,” you say. “Well, I spoke with him. Maybe I’m supposed to talk to someone else?” 
She says your name and glances from the screen to you. You nod, “yeah?” 
“Right, okay, I see,” she keeps her shining smile, “Mr. Barnes has a car waiting for you.” 
“A car?” Your brows pop up. “Alright.” 
“If you just want to head back out, it should be waiting there. You’ll see Merv, he has white hair.” 
“Okay, thanks,” you reply then gulp as you turn around. 
You turn slowly and go back to the doors. What is going on? He said to meet him here but he isn’t here? He would be a busy man. You just hope you don’t blow it. 
You pull the doors open and come down the shallow steps. A man with white hair stands by a dark car. One more mountain to climb. 
“Uh, hello, are you... Merv?” 
“That’s me, miss,” he stands straight, “you must be the lady.” 
“I... guess.” 
“Come on then,” he turns and opens the door, “Mr. Barnes doesn’t like to wait.” 
“Okay, sorry,” you step off the curb and climb into the car.  
The door shuts and you buckle up. At least the interior is cool. You snap the belt into place as Merv gets in the front. He rests a hand on the wheel and points with the other. 
“You want this up or down?” He points to the barrier between the front and back. 
“Oh, I don’t... whatever you like,” you shrug. 
He chuckles, “miss, you’re a lot sweeter than the other ones.” 
Other ones? Of course there would be other candidates. You wonder if this is a test. If maybe Merv is going to tell Bucky that you’re too quiet. 
“Do you like Springsteen?” He asks as he slowly pulls out. 
“Don’t mind him,” you answer. Honestly, you don’t really know any of his music.  
Merv flips on the stereo, “I like you even more.” 
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chiharuhashibira · 9 months
Here we go with our Part 5 finally ^^
I am thinking if I'll make a Part 6 of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 or no, but it depends on y'all loves and my magic plot bunnies.💓 In this chappy, I want to resolve one of Y/N's concern, sooooo this might all be about that, but I promise it'll be sweeter.
Taglist: @unofficialmuilover @sofilsworld @skeleton-the-gangser @ahashiraswife
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive
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"Here's your coffee..."
It has been a few days since you reconciled with Sanemi. It has also been a few days since you agreed to go out with him. Yes, this hot math teacher is now your boyfriend, and you adore him so much.
But despite this, both of you decided to hide it from the school for now. It's not that you're not proud of it. You just don't want the thought of other people invading your privacy. You are the total opposite of Mitsuri and Obanai, as the couple made it clear that they're together. Mostly, it's because Sanemi's friend is just too easy to get jealous of.
Oh well, Sanemi can easily be jealous, but both of you decided to keep it lowkey.
And yet, there are times that Sanemi can't keep his hands to himself. He would sneak kisses on your cheek when you were alone in the faculty room. He would even slip his hands under the table and entwine them with yours when he was sitting with you at lunch. Even if he acts harshly, he'll make sure to send you sweet text messages, which you never thought he'd do. He's too fluffy inside that facade.
Sanemi and you still haven't kissed on the lips. Surprisingly, the man easily gets flustered. Perhaps soon you will feel his lips, but perhaps it will happen if you initiate it.
You'll never know that Giyu is getting the hang of these. With the sudden closeness between you and Sanemi, your best friend knows that something is happening behind the curtains. But knowing your best friend, he's not the type of guy who'll intervene or ask too much, so he just lets you. And yes, Giyu is prepared to punch the hell out of Sanemi if he breaks your heart, despite the fact that he will not admit it. And the man will make sure that his scars double because of it.
You had this little mission in you to make your best friend and your boyfriend on good terms, but it seems like it isn't working. Giyu doesn't fight with Sanemi, but yes, the latter makes sure that the former hates him to the guts. There are times where Giyu will even ask you why Sanemi hates him so much, and even if you know the reason, you don't want to tell him, as your boyfriend might get madder at him.
"Thanks babe." You said this as Sanemi placed the coffee on your table. You were reading a history book while listening to your favourite song. Your boyfriend had decided that he would visit you for the first time, and that made you happy, so you let him. You want his company as much as you want to just cuddle with him, inhaling his minty scent.
Sanemi plopped down in the space beside you and draped his hands across your shoulders. "What are you reading, baby girl? I'm here already, yet you seem to still be busy."
Baby girl.You felt a tingle in your stomach as you heard this come out of Sanemi's mouth. You turned to look at him and placed your book on your lap. "Ooh, so the baby boy wants my attention?" You teased, pinching his cheeks, which made him roll his eyes.
"Stop calling me baby boy, babe. I can definitely put a baby inside of you now if I want to."
"What the heck!"
His words made you blush madly, so then you kicked him with your feet, which made him fall down the couch, laughing like crazy. Again, he is teasing you, which is somewhat amusing, but you are a little taken aback by his words.
"Idiot! I'm just kidding!" He said, massaging his butt as he stood up, still laughing from your reaction.
You were about to throw a pillow at him when, suddenly, your doorbell rang. Who might it be? As far as you know, it is Saturday, and no one has ever visited you before.
Unless it's... "Fuck it's Giyu." You muttered under your breath, which immediately made Sanemi look at you with a sudden annoyance plastered on his face. "The fuck? That asshole visits you?" He groaned and gave you an angry look that caused you to roll your eyes.
"Obviously, he is my best friend."
"Who cares? Just open the door!"
You sighed and walked towards the door. Yes. You know that Sanemi's jealous; that's why he started to throw a fit. Sanemi's somehow childish sometimes, and one of those moments is this one.
Ignoring your fuming boyfriend, you opened the door, and there Giyu stood, handing you a cake. "I bought this from Kamado-kun's bakery. It's your favourite." He says and that made you smile. "Thanks Tomioka-san. Why don't you come in?"
"WHAT IN THE HELL, Y/N?" Sanemi yelled from the living room when he heard you invite Giyu in.
The poor man blinked in surprise. His suspicion was confirmed. He had seen Sanemi's car parked near your house but decided to ignore it. But now it's all clear. "That's Shinazugawa-san's voice, right?" He asked you with his brotherly mode activated. "Uhhh... Tomioka-san—"
"Why are you here, Shinazugawa-san?"
Giyu entered the house, crossing his hands at Sanemi, who was sitting on your couch with a crossed leg.
"Why do you care? Tsk!" Sanemi blurted out, standing and crossing his arms at him as well.
"Uh guys..." You tried to intervene, but the two seemed to be in an intense staring contest. You can't deny that Sanemi looked so hot while glaring at Giyu, but of course, you pushed your thirsty thoughts away and went between them, raising your hands on their faces, which definitely shocked them.
"Hey idiots! Listen, okay? Please? Or I'll both kick you out of my house."
"What's happening then?" The two men asked in unison, and that made you sigh for the nth time.
You turned to look at Giyu, taking Sanemi's hand and holding it tight.
"Tomioka-san, Shinazugawa-san's my boyfriend."
"What? You hate me for that?"
Thirty minutes had passed, and the tension had faded. Thankfully. You never expected that in those thirty minutes, you could change the way your boyfriend looks at your best friend.
After you told Giyu that Sanemi was already your boyfriend, all his thoughts were confirmed. Even if he wanted to protect you that much, he also wants you to be happy, and Sanemi makes you happy right now, so he respects that.
Giyu went in front of Sanemi and bowed his head. "Please take care of my little sister. I know that she'll be in good hands when she's with you." He said that, claiming you as his little sister, which made you blush a bit. Sanemi blinked in confusion, telling Giyu to stop bowing to him. The ravenette man's remarks made your boyfriend blush as well.
And there, Giyu smiled at Sanemi for the first time. His kindest smile made all the coldness in Sanemi's heart melt. "Dude, stop grinning; that's spooky!" Your boyfriend said that, which made Giyu and you chuckle.
"Sanemi's just flustered at your cute smile, Tomioka-san."
"He surely is."
The teasing eventually became a conversation that finally led both men into this moment. Sanemi and you sat across from Giyu, with him slicing the cake for the three of you.
"Just to settle this, Tomioka, why on earth do you think you are different from us? I believe you're not fucking better than me."
Sanemi suddenly blurted out, seemingly curious about the reason behind the man's detachment. Giyu looked up at the man and blinked in confusion. "I never thought of that, Shinazugawa-san."
Sanemi gritted his teeth and slammed the table with his hands, which surprised you and Tomioka. "Why? Because you think I'm no good? The fuck, I'm gonna—"
"What? You hate me for that? You thought that I thought I was superior to you?"
Giyu sighed and crossed his arms. You patted Sanemi's back, trying to calm him down. Sanemi leaned back, crossing his legs again. No words came from his lips, and that gave you the chance to look at him. Even though he gets upset easily by things, he is still so adorable.
"I never thought of that. I even think all of you are a hundred times better than me; that's why I tend to say I don't belong there."
"Oh." Sanemi's tensed shoulder relaxed with his breathing. He looked at you, and you just gave him a smile, urging him to listen to Tomioka.
"Even back in high school. I saw how hardworking you are, so I always thought that you deserved to be noticed more. I wanted to be friends with you; I tried, but you hated me that much, so I just dealt with it."
You looked up at Sanemi and held his hand again. "That's why I always wondered why you all avoided Giyu so much. He's a great person. He acted as my brother when I lost my family in a car accident. He and Tsutako-sama took me in, and that's why I'm still in. But yeah, Giyu's not just a great talker, and I've been dealing with that all my life."
That's the first time that Sanemi heard about your family, and sadly, you've already lost them. Your lover looked at you with sadness in his eyes. Sanemi squeezed your hand and pulled you near him, giving you a warm side hug.
He wanted to know more about you, but one step at a time.
"Tomioka, look. I'm sorry, man. I misunderstood you." Sanemi let go of you, stood up, and bowed to your best friend. Tomioka blinked in shock once again but didn't do anything, as he doesn't know how to handle Sanemi at all.
"Shinazugawa-san, let's be friends."
You smiled at Giyu as he made your boyfriend blush, but the math teacher just hummed in agreement as he looked away, hiding his reddened face.
That day ended quickly, with Giyu leaving the both of you early and apologising for barging in and interrupting you. And yes, Sanemi was nicer to him. He'll still throw some curses and insults, but not like before.
And you watched them like a proud mother as Sanemi sent Giyu out the door, shaking his hand for the first time.
Sanemi went beside you after that, and both of you just decided to watch a movie together.
But yes, the night came, and you woke up on Sanemi's shoulder. He was staring at you, which made you blush hard.
"Baby, what's the matter?" You said, rubbing your eyes as you tried to compose yourself from the adorable sight in front of you.
"I love you." Sanemi muttered, and in a blink of an eye,you felt a warm but soft sensation on your lips. Realising that Sanemi had kissed you, your heart started to beat faster than before, and you felt like the heat on your body was quickly rising up.
Letting your emotions go, you wrapped your hands around Sanemi's neck, deepening the kiss that made the man chuckle as he slowly ran his tongue on your lips, asking for entrance.
Fuck, he's a great kisser.
You parted your lips a bit, and Sanemi took that as the chance to explore your mouth, your tongues fighting for dominance as his hands slowly wrapped around your waist, pulling you over his lap.
Drunk with passion, Sanemi pulled out for a breath, ironically taking your breath away with how flushed his look is. The man slowly came near you and whispered in your ear.
"How about I really put something inside you now? I think you'll love it, baby girl."
Shivers crawled across your skin as you heard those coming from his lips with his super-sexy voice. Sanemi placed his hands on your face, looking at you with eyes glistening with a mixture of passion and lust.
"What do you think, Y/N, baby?"
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝒀𝒐𝒖! 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌? 𝒀𝒆𝒔? 𝒀𝒆𝒔? 𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨!
Oh my gosh~ I want it so much >.< Sanemi, so naughty!
Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter~ And good news, more chappies will come hahaha! My plot bunnies are awake soooo hihi ^^
Hope you'll also check my other stories! Send a request if you want me to tailor one, specifically for you fufufu~
Also, for easier navi, Imma put this here as well:
Thank you so much and see yah on the next part! Love yah!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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vanfleeter · 9 months
Don't Take The Girl // JTK
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Characters: Jake x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Angst. Mentions of guns, robbery. Allusions to violence. Pregnancy. Childbirth with complications.
Summary: Based off of the song Don't Take The Girl by Tim McGraw.
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Jake waits patiently on the steps of the front porch for his father to come outside. He had offered to take Jake to the soccer fields by the elementary school to practice some of his drills. Hearing the sound of tires rolling over the gravel of their driveway, Jake lifts his head to see the familiar white mini van that he knows only belongs to Y/N’s mother.
He sits up, dropping his hands between his knees. The side of the van slides open and Y/N jumps out. He hears her utter a few words to her mother, along the lines of “Six… I’ll behave… Love you too…”, before she comes bounding up the walkway to the front porch.
“Good morning Jake.” She says, giving him a smile. “Ready to get your butt kicked?”
He groans. “You’re coming?”
Y/N nods her head as she adjusts the strap of her gear bag on her shoulder. Jake stands up from the porch and steps back inside the house.
“Dad!” He calls.
“I’m coming,” His father says as he walks out of the house. “Sorry, your mother was writing out a grocery list–some things for us to pick me up for dinner on our way home.”
“Y/N is coming with us?” Jake says, resting his hands on his hips as he looks at his father with a disdained look on his face.
“Yes, she is.” He says. “Her mother needed someone to watch her while she’s at work and I offered. Plus, with her also playing soccer, I thought it would be a good thing for her to practice with you.”
“Oh but Dad, can’t we take someone else with us? Maybe Josh? O-Or Sam? Anyone but her, please. Don’t take the girl.”
His father rolls his eyes and ruffles Jake’s growing, chestnut locks. “Come on, let’s go.” He says as he grabs his keys. “Don’t forget your stuff.”
-Ten Years Later-
Nervously and anxiously, Jake taps his thumbs on the steering wheel of his truck as he drives down the road to her house. Each mile he gets closer, the more nervous he gets. He knows he shouldn’t be this nervous, they’ve been together for a couple years now, yet he is nearly sweating bullets and his heart ready to burst out of his chest.
She’s always made him nervous. A good nervous–if that is even a thing.
Pulling into her driveway, he starts to get out of the truck when he sees the front door fly open and she flies down the steps with a big smile on her face. He chuckles as she throws her arms around his neck and embraces him in a hug.
“I’m so excited.” She says.
“It’s just the drive-in.” He laughs.
“Yes but it’s a special showing of The Goonies! I’ve never seen that movie on a screen bigger than my tv–and you know how small my tv is.”
Jake smiles and escorts her around to the passenger side of the truck and pulls the door open for her. “Oh I know.” He says. Once she’s safely inside the truck, he closes the door and jogs back around to the driver’s side.
“I’m going to go get something to drink, do you want anything?” Y/N whispers as she reaches for the door handle.
“No, but I’ll still come with you.” Jake says as he removes his arm from around her shoulders.
Y/N orders her drink and Jake pulls out his wallet to pay. “I can pay,” She says.
Jake shakes his head and slides the card across the counter for the employee to swipe. “I am the gentleman, I pay.”
“Oh.. You’re the gentleman.” Y/N giggles before sipping her drink through the straw.
Taking the card back from the employee, he slips it back into his wallet and stuffs it into the pocket of his jeans. As they make it back to the truck, he leans down and pecks her on the lips making her giggle again. A sound he loves so much.
A click sound can be heard beside them and Y/N feels the cold metal of a gun being pressed to her back. Jake looks behind her to see a man standing there with a gun pressed to her back as he grabs her arm and pulls her to him.
“Listen to me carefully, okay? I don’t want to hurt her, but I will if I have to.” The man says.
Jake can see the fear in her eyes. Jake holds out his hands in the air. He reaches slowly for his wallet and pulls it out and dangles it in the air for the man to see. “Take my wallet, man.” He says. “The keys are still in the ignition, you take the truck too, I don’t care.” He reaches for his necklace and pulls it off. “Real gold, it was a gift from my mom but you can take it too. Just please, don’t take the girl.”
The man pounders Jake’s offer. He then shoves Y/N back to Jake and takes the necklace from his hand before running off and disappearing somewhere in the woods.
Jake wraps his arms around Y/N as kisses her forehead. “You’re okay. I’m here..” He says as he holds her tightly. “I’m right here. We’re okay..”
-Five Years Later-
“Jake!” Y/N calls as she waddles into the kitchen.
Jake looks up from his laptop. “Feeling alright? Need help shaving again?”
Y/N laughs but shakes her head. “No.. I think the baby’s coming.”
“Oh shit..” Jake quickly closes his laptop and springs up from the kitchen chair. “For real?” Y/N nods her head and Jake grabs the car keys. “Alright, okay. We’ve got this.” He says as he leads her out to the car. A car he traded his truck in for, despite Y/N telling him that he could still keep that old thing.
She had been pushing for a half hour when she began to slowly grow weak. Her grip loosens on Jake’s hand, her heart rate dropping on the monitor. It was all a blur as they rushed her out of the room. He didn’t know what to do. But as if it were an instinct, his body crashes to the floor, catching himself on his knees.
He can hear the cries of their baby. Or was that him. Somewhere in the distance the doctor speaks to him. He can’t lose his wife. Not after all these years.
She’s his everything. His life. His heart. His true love.
“Please, please, please..” He begs in a whisper. “Take me instead. I don’t think I can live without her. God, please, if you’re real, I am begging you to not take the girl. Please…”
Jake sits there on the front porch, waiting for his father to come outside when he sees the minivan pull up in the driveway. A smile spreads across his face when he sees Y/N jump out the side door.
Daddy’s taking the girl with them.
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vlion · 1 year
Hello! I saw you were writing for Viago (What We Do In The Shadows), and I really need more for him, so... ^.^
Would you agree to write something with him and a Reader who is on their period? I'd prefer if the Reader was non binary/gender neutral, but if you're more comfortable with a Fem!Reader, it's okay. It doesn't have to be smut, I just would like to know how Viago would react, considering he is a vampire, after all. :p Thanks in advance!
The Unwanted Visitor (Viago/Gender-Neutral Reader)
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Author’s Note: I am so sorry this took me forever to get around to, school kicked my butt this semester! Viago is such a comfort character to me, and it’s always an honor to write for him. Enjoy!
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43720252
Content Warnings/General Themes: mentions of blood, AFAB! reader, gender-neutral reader, no gendered pronouns, fluff, hurt/comfort (reader is on their period), comfy vibes, (very slightly) alludes to smut at the end but no explicit content
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1354
You jolt awake at the sound of your alarm, alerting you that dusk would be arriving at any minute now.
From an outside perspective, others may assume that you were waking up to work the night-shift, or preparing for a night out with friends. At times, your plans did sometimes correlate with the latter of those two assumptions, however, your reality was quite different: you were waking up to make the most of your day–or rather–night, with your boyfriend Viago. Your vampire boyfriend Viago.
AKA, the only person you would have ever considered altering your sleep schedule for.
Unfortunately, while you were able to muster up the will and conviction to sleep during the day and wake at night, your body, on the other hand, had its own schedule of sorts. Normally this meant waking up and staying awake, as the traces of sunlight that would occasionally manifest in your room were enough to disturb your sleep cycle. Or, you would wake up with the overwhelming urge to drive to the nearest Macca’s and chow down on a Big Mac or some nuggets. Today, however, your body had other plans, which was evident in the way your fitted sheets were now stained crimson.
You sighed and stood up rather quickly, forgoing your typical morning (well, technically evening) routine to gather your sheets and run to the bathroom to clean up a bit, nonchalantly tossing your clothes and the stained fabric into your laundry basket. You rinsed off in the shower, cleaning off where necessary, and put on some comfortable clothes, applying a hygiene product that you deemed necessary for the situation.
You then glanced into the mirror, trying to determine if the bloating you felt was noticeable externally, when you swore that you heard a noise behind you. You glanced around in the mirror for a few seconds, before seeing what looked like a floating laundry basket making its way towards the–now open–entrance to the bathroom. Weird. 
Either you were still asleep and this was all some crazy, period-induced fever dream, or your vampire boyfriend was attempting to steal your blood-soaked sheets and clothes. You were hoping for the former of the two possibilities, but knew reality had a way of kicking you in your metaphorical ass. 
“Viago!” You nearly shouted, stopping him–and the honestly quite comical movement of the laundry basket–in his tracks. 
You turned to face him, crossing your arms and giving him a perplexed look. He looked like a deer in headlights; except those headlights were his pissed-off partner.
“Meine liebe! I was just going to take care of this for you…” He began, trailing off as he followed the movement of your hands snatching the basket back from him.
You had no doubt in mind that he was in fact going to throw the fabric in the wash for you. Hell, knowing him, he would probably even pre-treat the stains, going above and beyond to return the material to its original shade. However, the irony of the whole situation was not lost on you, and you still felt guilty about allowing him to do so.
You sighed, dropping the basket, and eventually opting to approach Viago instead. Gingerly, you reached up to caress his face, thankful in this moment for his kindness and supportive nature. “ Vi ,” you whined, not caring about how needy you sounded. 
“I’m here, liebling, is there anything you need?” He added, moving to caress your sides and hips where you were experiencing a bit of discomfort. 
You nuzzled your face into his neck, muttering a nearly silent “you” in response. 
He chuckled at that, stroking your back and holding you close. Of course, a wave of cramps decided to hit you at that moment, and you nearly doubled over in his arms.
“Sorry” you muttered quickly, massaging your own abdomen. “I feel like I’ve been internally mauled by a freaking werewolf, or something. And I know that with you being, well, you , it’s not the easiest thing to deal with–”
Viago cuts you off by slightly pulling away from you, extending his arms so that you were still in his grasp. “Nonsense, my love. I know what I signed up for with you. Just as you knew what you were in for with me. So please, head back to bed, and let me do this for you.” 
You couldn’t help the smile that formed at his words, reminding you why you were both willing to sacrifice and compromise to make your relationship work. You pulled him in once more, kissing him on the cheek as you returned to your bed that you rarely got to share with Viago, due to, you know, the whole coffin thing.
As you heard the laundry machine kick on, you took it upon yourself to gather your comfiest sheets and drape them over your–luckily unstained–mattress and pillows. You reclined back, and just as you felt your eyelids get heavy, you were greeted by a rather elated-looking Viago. 
You rolled your eyes, huffing at his disposition while you clutched onto your stomach like your life depended on it. “What’s got you so happy, Twilight?” You asked, smirking at your subtle jab.
Viago closed the space between himself and your bed, placing a glass of water and what looked to be pain medication on the table next to you. “Very funny, liebling,” he said, glaring at you as you giggled at his sudden disarray, using his thumb and index finger to lift your gaze to his own. “You try washing blood out of your favorite human’s clothes and sheets then get back to me. Oh wait, you can’t, because only one of us here is–” 
You cut him off this time. “The handsome and wonderful vampire that I love so much?” You sweetened the pot by accompanying your statement with a toothy grin, one that he returned–with the addition of his pearly-white fangs, that is. 
“What’d you bring little ole me?” You added, curious as to what he had been doing while you were making the bed. 
He handed you the glass and medication, signaling for you to take it as he rushed out the room suddenly.
When he returned, he was carrying a weighted blanket that you regularly reserved for movie nights, your go-to comfort snack, and a selection of 3 or so of your favorite movies. You moved to get up and help him carry the rather bulky load, but he was quick to halt your actions, and instead he placed the movies and snack on the table so that he could cover you in the blanket. 
You pulled him in, extending the blanket to cover both of you. One of your favorite parts about having an undead boyfriend–a phrase you never thought you would ever become so fond of–is that when an inevitable hot flash or low-grade fever begins to arise, Viago is there to instantly cool you down. 
Speak of the devil–er, vampire,–you felt two cold hands making their way to your abdomen, kneading and stroking the skin that he came in contact with. You felt like putty under his grasp, fully relaxing into him and your bed. 
You placed one of your hands over his near your stomach, rubbing circles with your thumb. “Thank you for this, Vi,” you spoke, bringing the same hand to your lips for a chaste kiss. 
He repeated the action with your hand, shifting you carefully to face him and pulling you to his chest. “Anything for you, meine liebe.”
You noticed his grip on you tightening slightly, and his voice breaking as he spoke. You moved to question him, when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen accompanied by the sudden need to rush to the bathroom. You followed Viago’s eyes to where they were fixated on your lower half, instantly making you feel self-conscious but also incredibly captivated by his primal stare.
“This is going to be a long week…” you sighed. 
“Yep.” Viago replied, allowing you to slip out of his grasp (for the time being).
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
“shit, you’re hot”
Gabrielle & Nicholas
Fabio & Ignacio
Dragiselle & Sigurd
Hotness alert
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Around the HSA combat tournament many students from different schools prepared in the Audience room... Gabrielle was one of the students most other placed their bets one, she was after all one of the strongest fighters of her school... Nicholas meanwhile just wanted to hone his fencing skills and try to come as far as possible... it made him surprised that the famed princess of the Ravenor family was attenting as fighter as well... eventually Gabrielle got tired of her shirt and just pulled it off, standing in her sports bra with her abs all exposed, putting her long hair into a ponytail.
He started to stare at her a little and accidentally let the word hot slip his mouth as she did hear him and her glare grew a little more cold. She drew closer to him and pinned him to the wall behind him.
“You should really focus on not getting beat by me rather than how I look... You are lucky you are not my first opponent.”
“Um... I am terribly sorry for my rudeness.”
She was surprised by his voice and looks now looking at him closer and sighed.
“If you wanna survive in this tournament, don’t get distracted or else... it could kick you out fast... take that as an advice and maybe I will meet you along the brackets and kick you out.”
She said that teasingly before picking up a nearby bolder and throwing it to the side.
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Fabio was just helping out Ignacio with farming some crops and collecting some stuff... both worked well untill eventually Fabio tried to pull out some veggies with a bit of strength, Ignacio having a whole view on him bending down and seeing that small bunny tail on his butt move a little.... Letting it slip that he accidently mumbled calling him hot... and although it was quite, Fabios ears were sensitive and so his head turned red looking at him not only, but he fell back with the vegetable out of panic, pulling it out.
As Ignacio got closer to see if he was hurt Fabio still seemed flustered as hell.
“Um... I um.... s-sorry I messed up but... did I hear y-you say... um nevermind.”
“Oh... um forget it, I meant the weather is pretty hot...”
“I see.... okay.”
Fabio seems lightly dissapointed as his ears sank down a little but he didn’t know why, the other part was happy his heart calmed down but soon he was his usual happy self... continuing to help out... just accepting that he maybe misheard it.
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Around a joint dorm leader meeting between schools, a certain castle building was rented out so all of the dorm leader from different schools could stay there... Dragiselle for once went herself instead of letting Inessa handle it and so stood in the corner of the room, her flame hair moving calmly... Eventually she noticed next to her that Sigurd also relaxed with her... eyeing her when she looked away and when she looked at him he tried to look away... eventually he mumbled something about hot and Dragiselle imidiatly missunderstood it.
“Is maybe my Flame hair a problem, I can move away from you if its too hot.”
“Mine princess, I was refering to thine beauty.”
This caught her off guard, maybe a little red even and let the hair of her flame go more irregular.
“Oh I see.... then I am honored for the compliment... from such a gentleman like you.”
However despite having this reaction... she closed her figure, bowed and moved to another way of the room. what was from him interpreted as keeping her distant while she actually was just a little flustered and needed to calm, not that her powers go haywire again-
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TRIGGER WARNING! Brief mentions of throwing up, body dysphoria, and abusive relationships.
So….I wasn’t always a big bodied person. Up until senior year of high school I was 135 lbs at the most. Even though I was at a healthy weight for my body, I was still unhappy with it. I kept saying I wanted bigger boobs or a bigger butt and I never felt beautiful. I always covered myself up in oversized sweaters and sweatpants, multiple layers, and anything form fitting freaked me out to no end.
Senior year of high school, I got really sick. I was throwing up everything I ate, doctors didn’t know what was wrong, and I was losing a pound a week. I ended up missing ten percent of the school year because I kept having to either miss school or go home. I ended up having to go to a nutritionist to help me not only retain what I eat but also gain the weight I lost.
Basically what the nutritionist told me was to snack throughout the day and have one big meal instead of eating three meals a day. Now I’ve always loved unhealthy foods, and this just made it worse. I ended up getting really addicted to food. I felt weird if I didn’t have food in my hand or on my desk. Surrounding me was also a mentally abusive relationship that I was in for over a year and a half, a mother (that I love absolutely, but this was still messed up) that kept disappearing to go visit her then-boyfriend further down the state to leave me by myself, classes that I was behind in because I was still missing them, social pressure cause most people at school wouldn’t talk to me, and more.
In the end, it took ten months before I finally got a diagnosis and got it under control. The relationship I was in ended literally a day before I found out. My mom was spending more time with me. And I was back in school.
The snacking is a huge addiction which I am still fighting today. I still crave to have a bunch of unhealthy snacks throughout the day or go to a fast food place down the street cause I don’t feel like cooking.
In 5 months after I first saw the nutritionist, I went from 130lbs to 170lbs and it would continue to grow over the years. At this time I’m 250 lbs.
My senior picture that was from the beginning of the year looks nothing like what I looked like when I graduated high school.
I’ve tried different things to lose weight from general working out, judo, kick boxing, and so far nothing has worked. I go to the gym almost everyday now and signing up for things to keep me motivated.
It’s strange cause I know my high school self wouldn’t even want to go to the gym at all. She’d probably laugh at the idea of me wanting to actually be able to run a mile in under 12 mins. I know that my endurance is definitely better than it was back then.
I still struggle to look at my photos before I got sick because I looked so different.
I want to get healthier. I want to lose the weight. I just am scared that my body will never let me. But I am NOT going to give up. I have goals and I am going to lose the weight. Im going to continue going the gym a lot and trying to eat better.
And I’ll let you know how it goes.
Anyways, thanks for letting me rant. I just wanted to put this out there.
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blackleopardgirl · 6 months
This semester kicked my butt, but I made it out alive.
 I want to let everyone know that I am officially finished with all of my finals this semester, and I am finished with this semester. I don’t know where to begin with this, expect to just say that I have never gone through such a stressful semester in my entire life. Compared to last year’s spring semester, where I had the 301,302, and 303 classes where I barely passed 302, struggled all throughout 303 and 301 ended up with me not passing almost because I forgot to post one final assignment before my professor emailed me as a final reminder in May AFTER our final grades were ‘due’ and she was so kind enough to email me back within hours and accepted my late final assignment, and changed my grade, and I finished the class with a B. 
  This semester I would have homework assignments week after week, day after day, and when I thought that I had finished all my homework, I would look up and find out that I had MORE assignments to finish that required a lot of effort and care, effort and care that I didn’t have to give. This semester pushed me so far and I can truly say that it also made me a stronger person. I am NOT a test taker by any means! This semester showed me that I do not perform well under pressure, and struggle with remembering information such as facts, but this semester allowed for me to push myself and work hours at a time thoruhgoutn the day, which did nothing but make me a stronger student academically and mentally. The pressure of taking those classes was nothing but worrying, and nerve wrecking. I cried several times in the beginning and some in the middle of the semester, but after the end when the semester was winding down around mid-November, when the professor told us that we would be finished with all of our serious assignments and projects, a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I felt so much better. I also remember feeling a sense of ease when we finished taking our final Monday 15-point quiz. 
  As usual, I didn’t have my social media, expect for when I went to Seattle in early September. I won’t be returning back to Instagram until May, as I always do. This is something I do for school, but for my self-esteem. 
  This semester, I only had 3 real life classes and I attended the Tuesday-Thursday class for most of the semester, but started slacking towards the end because the content that the professor was talking about was boring and I could’ve learned that through browsing the tab. My science lecture was a class I HAD to constantly have to continue returning to because I needed to receive this content. My lab class, was a class that I attended unless it was my birthday or around Thanksgiving. I still preformed amazing in the writing class, and passed the science and lab class. That was largely why I didn’t ever want to miss the last two science classes, I am not great at math. My 342 class was only a senior month to month class. It was boring, just felt like attending a giant meeting for 3 hours. I remember how sore my behind felt sitting down in my chair because after that 3 hour meeting we had our 451 meeting. But she cut that meeting down because even she was tired after 5:30. My 343 class was so amazing, my professor was very kind and uplifting, and I didn’t mind as much attending her class once a month. I preformed alright in the beginning of the 342 class, but I kept pushing because it’s something that I want so badly. My 451 class was easier to get through because we had more opportunities to get better, and lastly the 343 class was easy because I maintained an A throughout the semester, similar with my writing class. 
  I will remember this semester for breaking my brain but also for me still remaining level-headed. I kept remaining positive through the 342 and 451 classes because I remembered that I had the 150-point assignments due at the end of the semester which should give me a boost, and they did. I had great grades in writing and 343 Advocacy, but my science classes have allowed me to work hard and try harder, which ended up working in my favor because I passed those classes, and all of my other classes. This also was the only semester in university where I had 6 classes to take at once. I have never taken 18 credits at once, there was a lot going on this semester at home and in school. I feel so empowered. 
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Tribal Council #1 - Final 20 - Sin Sazonar
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Tribal video: https://youtu.be/B4N-KWrrElk
I gave everyone the choice between two tribal questions.
1. How are you deciding your vote for tribal?
BRANDI: This is the hardest vote I feel like. It’s very difficult to make a decision and the vote, for me personally, has changed multiple times. We don’t have any inactive members and no one has rubbed me wrong or made me feel as though they are super out to get me. I think I will be pondering this vote down to the last minute 😮‍💨
ARVIN: I feel anxious about this first vote, I'm just gonna go with my gut and make sure that after this vote we will be a much stronger tribe that can potentially win challenges against the old schoolers.
ADELINE: I think challenge strength, while cliche is literally all we need to focus on right now. Even while on vacation i did my very best to contribute multiple items for the scav hunt, and will work even harder npw that I’m back from vacation. I hardly know these people yet so it’s really hard to decide my vote on any other factor than the challenge 
SHAWN: I'm feeling worried! It's so soon to start casting judgement and so early to already be making this choice. I really want to give everyone chances, as we are still getting to know each other. But I know I have to do what's best for our team and the challenges. I'm hoping we can all get closer after this voting! 
HAIRIE: Initially I was told that I was being pressuring and not contributing to challenges. The miscommunication has been cleared out with involved parties (I hope <3). And about me stepping up to do Trivia because nobody wanted to do it as a first choice, I hope that doesn't bite me from behind because I really did try my best but we know it's really Davids Vs Goliaths up in here. While at the time with what information was being circulated, I had brought up the name that was pushing for my name. We've acknowledged that information was lacking and spun a little out of context, my decision now is to go with the majority and in hopes of fostering healthier relationships and coming out of tribal with a tribe that is ready to kick Goliaths butt. 
2. How does the theme of Old School vs. New School affect how you’re going to play the game going forward?
TRINICA: It's definitely going to keep me on my toes. The Old School tribe has, collectively, more institutional knowledge about Stings and potentially more play time in orgs, so I think we're at an inherent disadvantage against that. I think that just means being over-communicative within our tribe to make sure we're putting our best foot forward with challenges so we have a shot of not having to go back to tribal council. I think all of us have a better chance come merge if we have stronger numbers, because several of the people on that tribe have strong bonds already... so here's hoping we go on a winning streak after this!
AJ: I think it definitely makes me a bit nervous because as newer players we're going up against people who are established in the community and probably know these challenges better than we do. But I also think that we are a tribe who can do whatever we put our minds to, and that if we do our best and stick to our strengths, and help each other out when we need it - then we'll do well enough in challenges. This time I think we were just getting into a groove and figuring out our strengths as a tribe, whereas the other tribe had more time in the community to know what they are and are not good at. But I think that's really the only thing that comes into play here in my mind with the theme.
TANNER: So how I’m deciding my vote is someone who I feel connected to and don’t feel connected to. That’s where my vote is going to go. And I don’t really think challenge performance should be judged this early in the game. So that’s pretty much where my vote is going.
First Vote: Zee
you girlbossed too close to the sun 😔✨️
Second Vote: Zee
Third Vote: Zee 
I am hoping that this vote will help mellow out the tribe 
Fourth Vote: Zee
First round, first vote and it's already difficult. This would have turned out differently in the multiverse.
Fifth Vote: Zee 
I'm voting for Zee because I think she has a big part in everything that went down. She seems to be willing to throw other people under the bus in order to clear her name. 
Sixth Vote: Zee
no hard feelings, ily
Seventh Vote: Zee
I really really really wanted things to work out with you but i just cannot repair trust with someone who did SO MUCH so early. I assume your votes on me tonight so this is all I’ve got 
Eighth Vote: Zee
Reason is because you least contribute in challenges and can play sneaky 
Ninth Vote: Zee
And the person whose perfect game is ruined, our final vote: Clefford
Just because you were so messy, I love it but it was a lot
Zee’s Final Words
I'm sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way and I want y'all to know there's no hard feelings on my end and I hope we can play games together in the future. Nothing was personal and you are all really nice people who I would love to build friendships with/remain friends with at the end of this game. I really did want to work with many of you, and had I stayed around in the game I genuinely wanted to work hard in order to rebuild any in game trust that was lost during all the drama today. I'm not used to this kinda drama I'm a little Trinidad and Tobago baby like we hardly had half this intensity.
Oh as an additional note just really quick(I'm about to sleep), if I could add to the if I go home message: I'd also like to note that I genuinely enjoyed and valued the conversations, both in and out of game that I had with everyone, you guys are such genuine and sweet people and I enjoyed getting to know you ^-^
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10 May 2023 Wednesday 2:39 am pt
Adam Noah Levine is a pig 🐷. He tried to take my left big toe from me minutes ago. 2:40 am pt I told him to leave us alone if he isn’t going to cut off my head. He has been unrelentingly cruel for the past 6 years. My life has been a socially desolated one. Even in high school 🏫 a lot of people seemed to be afraid 😱 to look at me and I didn’t know god demon lord of demon angels (child rapists) was making them afraid to interact with me. A lot of times I was ignored in high school 🏫. I almost felt invisible at times if I ever stood in a random circle ⭕️. It’s weird if I see people respond to me. I’m not used to getting attention. It’s as if I’m finally not a ghost 👻 anymore. 2:45 am pt
2:46 am pt freshman year my English teacher yelled at me calling me stupid infront of the whole class Bcz I didn’t stand behind the wall and then appear from behind curtain? Something about Juliet balcony scene. 2:48!am pt I never complained to anyone but soon after that a student teacher came and replaced him for an internship (acid throat mouth pain 2:48 am pt). I didn’t think 💭 it had anything to do with me until recently. Also same with my art teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 after he told me I did ��A” grade quality work but Bcz I turned it in late I got a “B.” Incubus messed with all my drawings that I spent so many days on carefully drawing from feelings and still life things. He ruined all my artwork 🖼 to fit a new narrative of my life. I don’t know what that narrative is. Every time he replaced something edited the only word he would mention: “death.” No explanations. Photographs of us: “death.” When I thought of moving to New York to be closer to my sister in 2013: “death.” He made me afraid to move to be closer to her. I thought 💭 that I would be happier closer to her (right butt cheek pain) 2:54 am pt. Everyday I lived with anxiety. I was shy and quiet and often looked over/ignored in school 🏫 by most people. I made some mistakes that I questioned sometimes why I did that. 2:56 am pt I somehow did so much school 🏫 work in middle school 🏫 that I got honor guard (honor roll almost every quarter). In elementary school 🏫 I did have comprehension problems. The books 📚 weren’t big for science 🧬 in middle school 🏫 but sometimes I had concentration problems and difficulties answering questions that I needed to take the book 📚 home 🏠 which the teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 discouraged us from doing. It was weird that we could not normally/usually take books 📚 home 🏠. We were expected to do book 📖 reading and answering questions in class. I once cried Bcz he questioned my intentions. I needed more time. 7th grade math 🧮 science 🧬 teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 took me outside to talk to me and I cried. 3:02 pmpt I think 💭 my home 🏠 life often consisted of more homework 📚 time than most other students. I think 💭 god intended my life to be mostly lonely and planned to lie to me now using Adam Noah Levine and incubus.3:03 am pt
3:04 am pt in kindergarten the demon angel told me I couldn’t have what my sister had. I thought 💭 he meant boyfriend at the time. But I guess he meant an entirely happy complete social life. He meant for me to be close to desolated my whole life. 3:06 am pt so my sister got to go out to people’s houses 🏘 and parties 🎉 and have friends and boyfriends one after the other continuously and I would struggle. I guess that is where autism is (right foot 🦶 pain 😖😭3:07 am pt) useful to him. He made me easily get frustrated upset with all sorts of tools 🧰 including making my mom hate me and irritated with me from a young age, since probably a baby 👶 she said she held me once during cooking 🧑‍🍳 and I almost kicked the pot of water. It’s like the devil 👿 liked to make life difficult for us living in the dormitory of the college in Menlo Park. I was cursed my whole life. 3:10 am pt
3:12 am pt there were a lot of times I stayed home and my excuse was homework 📚, while my mom and sister went out. Sometimes or every time I screwed around for a while Bcz of an inability to concentrate (acid left nostril 👃 pain 3:14 am pdt)) comprehend, I was extremely slow when it came to textbooks 📚 I was cursed. I was also a perfectionist and a procrastinator. 3:15!am pt all tools 🧰 to desolate me. 3:15 am pt
3:39 am pt I vomited 🤮 a little liquid I drank I think hours ago something that should have only took 5 minutes to digest. 😖😭
everytime my mom went out with my sister she would say to me “it doesn’t have to be perfect.” But I think 💭 I had a difficult time with doing anything at all. 3:42 am pt incubus told me he hates me. Again. Not the first time. He really means it. I always tried to squeeze myself into a seat 💺 trying not to take too much space anywhere I sat. For years. Holding my legs and feet and hands close to my body. 3:44 am pt. I think 💭 he hates my personality. 3:45 am pt most friendships didn’t last very long. 3:46 am pt I guess I was annoying in high school 🏫. 8th grade year 2 students said they wanted to kill me. And another one punched me in the head. In elementary school 🏫 (heart ♥️ pain 3:47 am pt) I had comprehension reading problems. A teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 offered me extra books 📚 to take home 🏠 to practice reading 📖 some books had pretty illustrations and were girly. 3:49 am pt exhaling hot air. 🥵 so I spent a lot more time reading 📖 at home 🏠 at one point in lelementary school 🏫. Fictional stories though. Textbooks 📚 were always weirder harder to understand. 3:50 sam pt. 3:51 am pt
min elementary school 🏫 though I think I also had problems with answering questions even for books 📖 that were probably fictional stories something with beaver 🦫 in the title probably something about native Americans? And right of passage. Growing up 🆙. 3:53 am pt the only phrase I could recall in regards to the book 📚. I think 💭 I watched too many cartoons or was doing something else at home 🏠 I think 💭 I probably forgot to do homework 📚. Another teacher 👩‍🏫 came over to our class who always scared 😱 me she was (anus acid pain 3:55 am pt) tall with auburn? Hair and I was talked loud with glasses 🤓 she was a little tough rough with me since first grade when I didn’t follow along with a calculator exercise and I got overwhelmed from not paying attention at first and then when I paid attention I was lost on how to use the calculator and follow along. She called out commands rapidly. And she got angry at me for not following along. I was flustered and scared 😱 while everyone else knew how to do it. She took a hold of my arm when I said I felt hot 🥵 and she yelled out well sit outside. I think she probably would have dragged me out roughly if I didn’t move cooperatively with her when she grabbed my arm. 3:59 am pt
4 am pt I was nervous every time I saw her but for some reason she was nice to my younger sister and gave her a free ice cream 🍦. 4:01 am pt teeth pain 4:02 am pt
Once I tried to silently do what the other kids were doing near her Bcz I think she she gave them free passes/coupons to get free icecream 🍦 from the cafeteria or had the ice cream 🍦 bars on hand in a cooler hoping she would give me one but she seemed to ignore me. 4:04 am pt she didn’t let up 🆙 her tough teacher 👩‍🏫 act until I guessed at what a weather balloon or satellite 📡 was. I was supposed to look it up 🆙 the night b4 but completely forgot. All I could do was guess and hope I was right and I thought she knew the answers and was quizzing me, and I started them thinking that I can guess at things and maybe be right about it, like a psychic. But I wouldn’t know without confirmation from the teacher 👩‍🏫. It set me up 🆙 in the future to guess on things and Jen feel like I was psychic. 4:07 am pt but of course not everything worked out that way all the time so I still had to do a lot of work especially math 🧮 and all reading 📖 homework 📚. 4:08 am pt she was so scary to me. She seems like a terror with her booming voice. 4:08 am pt
4:09 am pt she once gave me a reading test and I think I started to stutter. And she gasses see me to be below my grade in terms of reading skills. 4:10 am pt
4:11 am pt sometimes I would cry when I was alone outside at school 🏫 and I had I forget like a whimper? In my crying. 4:12 am pt I was always afraid to go to the bathroom 🚽 at school 🏫, too.
Once a couple of girls dragged a boy into the girls restroom 🚻. The yard duty got confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ and thought I did it. So I had to sit in time out for recess. While the real one looked at me smugly and walked away. 4:14 am pt
4:25 am pt incubus sliced off a piece of my heart ♥️ I think 💭 and then I started feeling light headed wobbly. Difficulty breathing. I would not want this guy in my team. He’s .. ruthless? Definition? No sympathy/empathy. He is like a predatory animal 🦔 moving around selfishly with no respect for women. He vilified me and hurt me a lot. I can tell he’s extremely biased and doesn’t care for the truth with only the goal 🥅 to kill. Same team as garrido’s child rapists demon angels. Paint a picture of his personality. He is only doing it with a n animal killing personality cold 🥶 with no humanity. 4:30 🕟 am pt and he will use other people’s presence to fake his humanity but all movements he does betray he’s fake and only a killer with no heart 💜. 4:31 am pt
4:33 am pt many people are born to be fillers. Noah’s ark. They probably don’t take the time to actually do any genetic testing I fear. They fabricated everything. It’s only luck of the draw ✍️. My family names have virtuous and ethical in the names. You’d think 💭 that would mean everyone is born with ethical genes 🧬 then to name us that. 4:36 am pt to kill me off now cutting away at my heart ♥️ would mean everything they put out there about genes 🧬 and good people bad people is phony then. Bcz Jesus Christ was supposedly ethical? With appreciation for love 💗 monogamy and hard work and fairness. 4:38 am pt but he is treating me like trash 🗑 and killing my heart now.
4:45 am pt he is using me to save his face about rape and women and children 👶 but I guess he doesn’t need me anymore so he is getting rid of me. I tried to get a n appointment with my doctor 👩‍⚕️ in 2020? 2021? To check my heart ♥️ but she made excuses and told me to call ☎️ 911 the next (😖😭💀 pain 4:48 am pt) time I feel something and every time I was in the hospital 🏥 prior to that they told me that my heart ♥️ was ok 👌 even though I had difficulty breathing and the incubus had punctured it in 8/17/2017. 4:51 am pt I m scared 😱 of what they are doing and going to do. I’m scared 😱 for my mom and me and my sister. 4:53 am pt
7:41 pmpt incubus almost burned 🔥 me to death ☠️ 3? Times today after my bed 🛌 was changed. I think 💭 he has also been tangling my hair. He is very vindictive heinous judgemental abusive. He is not understanding. At least I tried to be understanding of people even when they were angry at me. But he never wants to be. He will ALWAYS judge a woman 👩🏼. He doesn’t understand woman. He thinks a woman needs to let men roll/walk all over her s*xually but he will also call her a whore probably if she does that too. There is no winning with this type of personality. He IS the WORST PERSON.. CREATURE BEAST in the UNIVERSE. The ABSOLUTE WORST. I’m usually nice to people upon first meeting. BUT if you cross the LINES when we DONT KNOW each other, you’re asking for trouble! After Scott called me a whore on Facebook I became harder about being touched too soon 🔜. 7:49 pmpt I felt like I couldn’t trust myself. But sometimes I had no patience. 7:50 pmpt incubus miñion has an UGLY personality. BEAST he is. 7:51 pmpt NOTHING humane about him. 7:51 pmpt
7:52 pmpt he seems like an extension of Adam Noah Levine. But distinctly different person. The incubus has his own signature feeling, but they’re both cruel and heinous. But the incubus obviously is hiding he knows things about me and knows he shouldn’t be as hard on me as he is. 7:53 pmpt
8:36 pmpt but I shouldn’t excuse the incubus miñion Bcz he knows better.
8:37 pmpt I typed that that teacher graded/assessed me to be below my grade level in reading 📖. I guess she could have been gass lighting me Bcz she probably knew she made me nervous but didn’t want to admit it. Maybe she wanted to make my regular or previous teacher look ineffective? (Slammed door 🚪 8:39 pmpt) idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe something else/different. Maybe that was the reason they let me borrow fictional books 📚 in elementary school 🏫 from another teacher 👨🏻‍🏫. 8:41 pmpt those were nice books 📖 I guess. I don’t recall much content so I guess there was nothing weird in the books 📚.
8:53 pmpt they already knew b4 conception that they were going to prematurely sacrifice me, like Jon benet Ramsey. They knew b4 my sisters’ conceptions that they weren’t going to prematurely sacrifice them. 8:55 pmpt which is why they’re all leo ♌️ sun 🌞 signs 🪧 . Jeremy, Mimi, and my youngest sister and my sisters’s 👯‍♀️ First borns. Leo ♌️ x 5. 8:57 pmpt everything. Fabricated. Which is probably why the incubus said good people do bad things. 8:58 pmpt but he won’t let me think I’m good for sure. Instea, he gave me the idea that garrido is good. That’s right. He would rather say garrido is better than me. Which is why he had babies 👶 with dugard. He kidnapped her and raped her. BUT he was willing to get caught. I read he said that he will never hurt their babies 👶. 9 pmpt unfortunately, that’s reality. Yet people early on held a lot of things against me that were relatively extremely small in comparison to garrido’s deeds. I was called names. People told me I was crazy. And when I passed by someone in a store 🏬 I thought 💭 I heard the word “sicko.” 9:03 pmpt I am as punched in the head probably 4 punches total, very strong 💪 hard powerful punches. I think 💭 I probably felt a soft spot in my skull 💀 where the punches happened sometime afterward and after I read on Wikipedia that there was a natural hole 🕳 for a vein? Artery? . It is weird now that I think about it. 9:05 pmpt it’s healed now. 9:06 pmpt I also hit my head a lot on very dense hard things. An old car 🚗 with a metal exterior. Steel bunk bed frame. A dense wooden bench in the Philippines 🇵🇭. Probably had a high dense Janka rated hardness. A failed cherry drop from the tallest bar on the school playground at Payne elementary school 🏫. Into tan bark. I also fell out of a van with heavy books 📚 in my backpack 🎒 onto the street behind my elementary school 🏫 in the morning. I had the books 📚 Bcz I had concentration and comprehension problems so I didn’t finish the previous day in class the reading and questions. You know without all my problems a lot of people wouldn’t have jobs? 9:11 pmpt when I was about to turn 18 years old my mom wanted me to go to group counseling Bcz I wanted to meet Derek. 9:12 pmpt police 👮‍♂️ and doctors 🥼 don’t have the motivation to do the right things for/by dugard. That wasn’t a beautiful life. Living in a shed naked on a bucket 🪣 being raped when 11 years old and it hurt. 9:14 pmpt people are very motivated by money 💰 and their own survival. They think they can justify it by believing they are better. But can you really say you’re better? Greeks wouldn’t agree. You have easy life it makes it easy to not be cross. 9:16 pmpt
9:39 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I am like wreck it Ralph in a way. 9:40 pmpt
9:41 pmpt I did kinda hit on a grown man when I was around 4/5 years old, in a swimming 🏊‍♀️ pool 🏊‍♀️ probably after I started feeling the incubus tickle my vagina and he put it in my mind to hump plush Mickey Mouse 🐁 toy 🧸. 9:43 pmpt
9:47 pmpt incubus/miñion changed my words to” I am as”. Typed I was punched... . 9:48 pmpt searing pain righ thigh. They re going to make me fall and die when I’m weak. No fake outs here. No miracles. 9:49 pmpt 9:50 pmpt everyone already knows incubus that you want me to die. So I wish you would just cut my head off. Make your miñion do it. He can move on to his next victim sooner. 9:52 pmpt
10:13 pmpt in high school 🏫 years, 2001, I had thought 💭 I was maybe half psychic. But I think 💭 that I thought 💭 it was a natural ability Bcz of something I saw on tv 📺 that people don’t usually use their whole brains 🧠 and that I was tapping into the part of the brain 🧠 that a lot of people were not trying hard enough to exercise. 😤🥵😤🥵😤😤. On an aol hometown webpage I created in 2001, I typed I thought 💭 I was half psychic and I showed it to “Brendan.” 10:17 pmpt I also typed I liked flipper the tv show and tennis 🎾?
0 notes
what happened the first time Wes tried to crack open the Danny is Phantom conspiracy did he like, confront Danny first or was it all behind his back like, maybe hoping ground zero would be lost among the gossip and that Danny wouldn't find out who spilled the beans once everyone knew
I mean it obviously wouldn't work because nobody believed him and the gossip didn't take off very far beyond a few people talking about Wes being kinda weird
I should absolutely write a fic about this.
I am absolutely going to write a fic about this.
"Hey Fenton! Fenton!!" Dash came bounding over and threw a meaty arm around his shoulder.
"Jesus Dash! What?!" Danny buckled under the weight (pretended to anyway) as Dash gave him a surprisingly lighthearted punch on the arm.
"You haven't heard?! Wes has this total batshit insane theory, it's hilarious!"
Dash was in a genuine giggle-fit, Danny didn't think he'd ever seen him this merry, he was also starting to suspect he was going to leave this conversation being the butt of the joke somehow. Wait-
"Wes? Who the heck is Wes?" Danny asked, it wasn't like he knew everyone in school, like Dash seemed to.
"He's on the basketball team, you know, tall guy, red hair, threw a sick move at least month's game! You know, WES!"
"I didn't watch that game."
"Oh," said Dash, flatly, "Oh yeah, almost forgot you're a total nerd. Anyway, like I was saying!"
Dash grabbed Danny by the shoulders and nearly lifted him off the floor.
"Wes thinks," he could barely speak through his giggling, he even snorted a few times, "Wes thinks your secretly PHANTOM."
Dash dropped Danny back down as he doubled over laughing.
"Could you imagine?! You! You're not even DEAD!" Dash honest to god slapped his knee in mirth.
Danny went through an incredibly swift array of emotions in the span of about five seconds.
The first was fear, clear and bracing, then came confusion, how did he know? Had he seen something? Then there was hope, Dash didn't believe it, and if DASH didn't believe it, maybe nobody else believed it either. Then relief, he could roll with this, he could TOTALLY roll with this! Dash was right! It was absurd, it was ridiculous, it was hilarious, him being Phantom? What utter nonsense!
Sam and Tucker had been standing by his side at a Dash-safe distance, looking absolutely horrified. Sam looked ready to jump in and lay down a swift defence, but Danny gave a quick little low wave for her to stand down. He got this.
"Oh my god SERIOUSLY?" Danny busted out a slightly hysterical laugh, okay so he wasn't completely over the initial terrified anxiety.
"How could I- I mean what- WHY does he think I'M Phantom?! I mean how does that even work I don't-"
Dash clapped him on the shoulder, this was probably the most contact he'd ever had with him without being physically assaulted.
"I know right?! Like apparently he thinks you look alike? And he's all like 'But I've seen his eyes glow green' and 'they're never in the same roo-hoo-hoom." Dash wheezed and started hacking and coughing.
Danny carefully constructed a look of offence.
"Hey I mean, it's not THAT funny. Why couldn't I be Phantom! I know how to use a Fenton Thermos! Look I even HAVE one right-" he torn open his backpack and pulled one out, making sure to fumble it in a terrific display of fuck-uppery and drop it noisily on the cafeteria floor, he dropped to his knees trying to grab it but knocked it under a table.
A few girls standing nearby who'd been listening in started tittering, one of the guys sitting at the table snorted milk through his nose and Dash was just about on the floor in hysterics.
Even Sam and Tucker covered their mouths in an attempt to look like they were holding in laughter. Tucker muttered to Sam, just loud enough for people around to hear.
"I mean, he's our friend and we love him, but god that was painful to watch. He knows he's terrible at ghost hunting! He's got like, nothing but thumbs."
Danny climbed under the table, grabbed at the thermos and lifted it up as he crawled back out.
"See! See! I have a thermos! I could TOTALLY be Phantom!"
Sam walked over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's okay bud, I think you'd be a great Phantom." her voice was thick with her usual sarcasm, soaked in pity though it were.
Danny's ears burned in embarrassment, he might have been humiliating himself on purpose, but it was still humiliating, watching everyone laugh at him for being so weak and incompetent. He was grateful to his friends for pushing through their discomfort and keeping up the act, it was still painful, but it came with a wash of pure unadulterated relief.
Nobody believed this Wes guy, nobody thought it could be even remotely possible. People would talk about it for a little while, have a laugh, maybe there would be a few memes and in-jokes, but eventually it would drop off. People would forget all about it and it would be just another notch on the gossip mill belt.
Even if someone DID believe it, they could never admit it for fear of vicious ridicule, for once in his life peer pressure was his friend.
And then Wes walked in.
Once Danny saw him he realised that he did recognise Wes, he'd seen him hanging around Kwan a few times, and chatting with Star, he was also in Danny's english class. That was about as familiar as he got with the guy, they'd never spoken a word to each other.
Wes had a terrifying expression of seething fury ripping across his face. He was glaring at Dash.
"It's NOT. FUNNY."
Dash was completely unable to stand, it was honestly overkill, Danny almost thought he was hamming it up on purpose, but maybe not, his face was turning an alarming shade of red after all.
"Wes don-" Dash gasped. "Don't do this to me man, I can't brea-" Dash was gasping for air, trying desperately to hold down the giggles.
Danny could almost see steam rising as Wes seethed. Then suddenly that furious stare was shooting daggers straight at him. Danny shrank into himself, looking as small and helpless as he possibly could.
"Uh hey Wes, um, I've heard the news." he joked tacking on a nervous laugh for emphasis. "Uh, soooo," he tossed the thermos from hand to hand, nearly dropping it again. "Is this like, just a joke or do you really-?"
Dash continued to wheeze, Kwan was holding him up by the arm, muttering about getting some water to cool off.
Wes strode over until he and Danny were face to face, he was taller by a good couple inches, even more so with Danny making a conscious effort to appear small.
Wes jabbed a sharp finger into his collarbone.
"Don't think I'm fooled by this pathetic act you've got going on, I am ONTO you, Phantom." he spat.
Danny glanced sidelong at the table beside him, silently begging for assistance, they only watched in silence, strained faces trying not to laugh. A glance the other way to his friends, they simply shrugged.
"Um, okaaay," Danny started backing away slowly. "Uh look Wes I am honestly really flattered but, do we really look that alike?" Danny ran a hand through his hair and then pointed up at Wes. "I mean we BOTH kinda have Phantom's haircut."
Sam deadpanned from the sidelines, "Maybe they're BOTH Phantom."
"We should start marketing that haircut." Tucker muttered to himself, tapping something on his tablet. "We could make a fortune, are you any good at hairdressing?"
Sam shot him a look of disgust and did not dignify the question with a response.
"Don't play dumb you two," said Wes, flipping his focus, "You're definitely in on this!"
The entire cafeteria was awash with giggles by this point. Just about everyone had heard about Wes' theory, but were mostly convinced it was some kinda joke. Now? Now they knew Wes was straight up fucking delusional.
He glanced around as people laughed, at him. At HIM.
"It's not funny!" he yelled over the crowed, the tittering increased in volume. Someone across the room yelled-
"Hey if I get the haircut, can I be Phantom too?"
One of the goths stood up on her seat.
"I've GOT the haircut! Mom says it's MY TURN to be the Phantom!"
There was a fresh round of mirthful laughter, some kids wheezing as hard as Dash had been. Another few kids piped up above the cacophony, throwing jokes of their own.
"I've got a soup thermos so I'm Phantom now, sorry sweaty I don't make the rules."
"If I wear a Phantom shirt does that make me Phantom ALL the time or am I only Phantom when I'm wearing it?"
"I have an ass, Phantom has an ass. Conclusion: I am Phantom's ass."
"Tag yourself I'm the thermos."
Wes had been trying to scream over the din, infuriated, desperate to find SOMEONE who would listen.
Danny gave him a pat on the back.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, The Guys in White once hunted some guy down because he had white hair, if a government agency can fuck that up then-"
Wes slugged him.
It wasn't a particularly solid punch like Dash's hits, it was quick and precise, Was wasn't a brawny guy, but he was lean and fast and had good aim.
Danny whuffed out a heavy breath as Wes' fist collided with his sternum and he collapsed to the floor.
Everyone in the cafeteria lost their shit, a few people screamed and one table of football jocks all stood up chanting, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT."
Tucker ran over to him as Sam stepped up and without hesitation slammed a fist straight into Wes' nose.
The footballers lost their minds, one of the goths stood up on their table screaming "REPRESEEENT!!"
Wes backed up immediately, crying out from the sharp pain blossoming across his face, he'd never been hit before and couldn't pull his thoughts together quick enough to throw a punch back at her, so he was taken by surprise once again as Sam placed a solid roundhouse kick to his stomach.
He had certainly not been expecting that kind of brute strength from her, she had incapacitated him swiftly and effectively, barely having broken a sweat.
One of his teammates hollered over the crowd and came barrelling down on the goth, she dodged without batting an eye and darted nimbly out of the way, giving the guy a quick kick in the pants to throw him off balance as she rocketed for the cafeteria door.
As Wes took a deep breath through his mouth, his nose dripping blood, he realised that Danny and Tucker were gone. The fight had lasted only seconds but Sam had run distraction well enough for the boys to take off without anyone noticing, a glance around showed Tucker supporting Danny about to exit through the cafeteria doors.
The doors opened to an out of breath Mr Lancer on the other side.
"'The Light Fantastic!' WHAT is going on here?!"
Oh they were all so fucked.
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strayen-fx · 3 years
》 HHJ x reader
》 angst, vampirish theme
》 warnings: mentions of blood, hints of physical assault
》 2.1k words
》 a/n: short and simple, after months of writing break. Hope you guys enjoy regardless :)
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“Stay away from them, my dear. Save your blood from the horrors of their fangs. Be wary of solitude, and be wary of the crowd.”
It was a day not unlike any other. My morning kicked off lazily, with me waking up almost an hour later than a college freshman was supposed to. Nothing unusual there. I did my usual morning prep, took a cup of grandma’s tea in one gulp, and went my way. I was already late for the train—I had to run after a departing bus with an exceptional speed that would put Olympiads to shame. I got in the room just in time as the bell rang for first period. I came in huffing like an old man, but it’s alright. Way better than walking through the early jam-packed hallways.
The first aberration in my daily humdrum existence happened on my way to fourth period. A student from another department stopped me on my tracks. I knew him; he was a member of the student council. Was I in some sort of trouble?
He introduced himself as Han Jisung, then proceeded to ask if I have seen his friend.
“He’s tall,” Jisung explained. “But like, not super tall. Not the towering-over-people kind. He has a mole under his eye. He’s got black—no wait, I think he dyed his hair again the other day. Anyway, have you seen someone like him? He’s noticeably handsome. I guess. I’m more handsome, though, but you know what I mean.”
The whole school would know who he is talking about. The one and only Hwang Hyunjin: champion swimmer, council member, and just a general talk of the town. The Prince. Even if I did see him around, though, I wouldn’t know. I never pay attention to the people I walk by.
I shook my head and muttered a soft sorry. I did feel bad for Jisung. He looked so worried and dejected, and I can’t blame him—not after after the incident with Seungmin. I can’t really take it against him to worry about his friends. I sauntered off to my next class, my mind still stuck on the fact that a normal person in my school has actually talked to me, and I was able to keep my composure.
Fifth period: P.E. I don’t even know why we still have this subject in college. I opted to take a stroll instead. You see, a huge, dense forest is situated right behind the main school grounds. You could say that the school itself lies within the bosom of greeneries. Unkempt bushes and rows of towering trees stretched over several miles deep, starting from the edge of the campus to god-knows-where. It is my goal to scout the whole area before graduation.
Weighed down by my personal monstrous beast, I trudged through. I walked for at least fifteen minutes before I finally reached the spot—my spot. Sheet of decaying leaves cushioned a huge gray boulder, standing at least ten feet tall, shaped like an odd piece of egg smashed against the forest floor. Against it stood a larger stone, this one dotted with moss and weathered with cracks. They were propped against each other for support, as if stopping one another from tumbling to the ground.
There was a smaller rock at the foot of the smaller stone, and I use it as leverage to climb up and sit on top of the largest boulder. It was my favorite place. Most times I could just pretend that I was alone in my own tiny bubble, at the center of that clearing that nobody else ventures but me. I don’t feel the breath of people suffocating me with every step that I take. I don’t feel my heart thumping with the sight of anyone else. I don’t need to hold back. Here, I don’t feel weird.
But today felt somehow different.
It was awfully silent. The wind felt sharper and colder. Electricity was humming in the air, leaving my skin prickling with discomfort. There was a tension in my veins that I couldn’t quite explain—it felt like an omen of an incoming disaster.
Time ticked slow. A couple hours could have passed—or maybe it has only been five minutes—when a nearby rustling perked up my senses.
Trying to keep my movements as quiet as possible, I hopped down and took up a defensive position, which wasn’t easy to do for a student with no actual weapon aside from an almost-empty bag and a worn-out calligraphy pen. My instincts told me to take cover—but my feet seemed glued to the ground. Sweat trickled from my forehead. My hands started to feel clammy.
And then, just as I was about to scamper away, a figure crashed into view from behind the nearest oak tree. I almost threw my bag towards the person’s direction, until I had a clear view of the intruder’s face.
It was Hwang Hyunjin, wide-eyed and disoriented, with his cheeks and uniform smudged with traces of blood.
“Help me.”
His voice came out as a tiny croak, as if his throat was filled with acid. He stumbled towards me, reaching out his hand for support. I wasn’t able to move an inch—and who could blame me? The situation was way too hard to process.
Hwang Hyunjin, the university prince, was hunched huffing before me, his clothes caked with mud and dried blood, his hair a nest of mess on his head. He had a cut on his cheek, I noticed. His breathing was heavy and labored, as if the mere act of standing on his own two feet required all the effort he could muster.
“Help me,” he repeated.
“What happened to you?” I managed to blurt out. My initial thought was that some random outsiders kicked his butt for stealing their girlfriends. But no—someone like Hyunjin would have been able to handle that. Plus, something in his eyes showed an elaborate fear—something only a beast would be capable of instilling. I should know.
My heart began thumping faster, a colossal drum barreling in my chest.
Just as my schoolmate was about to open his mouth and explain, a loud rustling broke the stillness of the air. Before I could process what was happening, Hyunjin grabbed my hand and bolted away, dragging me with him.
“Don’t look back!” he warned.
I did.
At least a dozen feet behind us was another male, probably as old as Hyunjin. He was sporting our school uniform, walking casually under the shades of trees as if time wasn’t of any matter. What puzzled me, though, was the fact that we can’t seem to distance ourselves from him despite the heavy efforts Hyunjin had been exerting to drag us both away from this newcomer.
I took another glance behind me, and to my surprise, the young man wasn’t there anymore. Nowhere behind us, as if he dissipated without a single trace.
Hyunjin took a sudden stop, causing me to bump my head against his back. I was about to call him out for stopping, but then I saw the looming figure a few meters in front of us.
“You…?” I began, my mind a juggle of unanswered questions. How on earth did that happen? How is he—
Hyunjin's friend, Kim Seungmin, stood before us in his dirty school uniform. He looked pale, his eyes bloodshot, but he was standing there in full grace, very much alive, giving us a toothy grin. “You’re hurting my feelings, Hyun. Why are you running away from me?”
Hyunjin’s grip on my hand went tighter. “Seungmin...”
“Friends are supposed to help each other, am I right?” Seungmin continued, faux dismay dripping in his voice. He bared his fangs, its tips dripping with fresh blood. “So help me, Hyunjin.”
I felt my body run cold. I wanted to scream, run, anything—anything to get away from this. From him. From the two of them. From everything. But Hyunjin's hand remained strong around my wrist, and my legs were close to turning jelly. I could start to feel the fullness in my mouth, the pointy ends of my incisors. Something that only happens when I'm in an extreme hunger or danger.
“Stay away from them,” grandma said. “We are the same kind, but we are different. Weaker. They see us as preys, as special commodities. They can smell your blood despite my concoctions, my dear, remember this!”
Seungmin tilted his head to one side, finally regarding my presence. “And you, over there. I’ve never tried drinking such special blood.” He grinned. “Satiate my thirst.”
The last thing I knew, a strong hand was pressing tightly around my neck, turning my vision green.
“Have you heard of the news?”
“What news?”
“Kim Seungmin was safe! They found him in the forest yesterday.”
“Thank goodness! Was he hurt?”
“He had a few gashes, but he’s fine. Hyunjin found him and brought him to the hospital right away.”
Students filled the corridor, everyone bustling and hustling about the news: after his sudden disappearance, Seungmin was finally found by his best friend, Hyunjin. The latter saw him in the forest, hungry and disoriented. They went straight to the hospital to treat his minor wounds, and that was that—nobody bothered to ask how he managed to lose himself in the wilderness, or how we managed to survive seven days on his own. Nobody asked him stupid and unnecessary questions. Seungmin was safe, and that was all that mattered.
I brushed my way past the milling crowd, flinching at every accidental touch. I kept my eyes on the ground, forcing my mind into silence. I was expecting everyone to be in their respective classrooms at this time of the day, but apparently, the news of Seungmin’s return has become enough reason for everyone to wander about and neglect their individual duties. It was a grand miscalculation on my part—I hadn’t braced myself for this huge number of people.
Not here. Not now. Not ever.
I just have to get back home, and then it’ll be over. My insides would stop churning once I’ve drunk grandma’s tea—that has worked for 18 years now. I can stop this. I can stop me.
I made a run towards the comfort room. To my luck, nobody was inside. I washed my face over and over, as if doing so would cleanse me from the impurity stamped on every drop of my blood. The face on the mirror horrified me—I had to stop myself from punching the glass over and over.
The moment I stepped out, I felt his presence.
He was there, leaning against the wall, lurking behind the shadows. There was a faint gleam of terror in his eyes, but at the same time, I can feel it: the hunger. Lust for meat. Thirst for blood.
“Don’t be like him, Hyunjin,” I pleaded. “Don’t be like us.”
He shook his head in resignation. “It’s too late.”
He took a step closer. Another. He kept on walking until he stood right in front of me, too close I can feel him breathe.
Too close I can see the faint traces of blood on his lips.
“I’m still hungry,” he sobbed. “I’m still hungry…”
Fear was apparent in his eyes—fear of what would happen to him, fear of what he had become. “You will be fine,” I offered, taking his hand in mine. “Trust me on this. It will be fine.”
And then I felt it, stronger this time—the hunger he was talking about. The thirst. My stomach growled in protest at the sight of Hyunjin’s pale flesh. I can smell his blood—I can feel its steady rhythm as it flowed through his pulsing veins.
I need to get home. Maybe my grandma could do something about Hyunjin, too. Maybe she could produce a stronger tea, and both of us wouldn’t have to worry about our instincts anymore.
We stood next to each other for a full minute before he broke the silence.
“We need each other to survive,” Hyunjin whispered. “If we drink the blood of our own kind, we can last for a month without feeding on others.” He freed his hand from my hold and gripped my shoulders tightly. “I need you. And you need me, too.”Hyunjin leaned down until we were staring at each other at eye level. He closed the distance between us. I closed my eyes, and for the first time, I allowed my monster to take ove.
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iamdarkness · 3 years
Alfonse x Summoner.NSFW 18+
This one goes to the people who wanted an Alfonse Summer atl. At least we got Freyr.
 Taboo: from Tongan tabu ‘set apart, forbidden’
 Summoner POV
As a person who comes from the “World of Steel” I am be very used to most levels of nakedness in people. I mean, when you do P. E. at school or when you go to the gym or running at the park, or the beach, and watch TV; we are all bombarded by all kinds of nakedness. We are used to looking at other people’s bodies as something normal.
   When I got to Askr I met heroes of all kinds and many of them are just like me in that they find levels of nakedness normal. Take Hawkeye for for example. He is quite a gentleman and in his culture it is quite normal to be half naked.
 Leading the heroes I got used to them and their bodies enough that I view most of them with a more clinical eye, like a doctor would. When they are wounded and I help treat them, I see their bodies just as a doctor would. The same goes when I see them in the beach or the spring. This make them much more comfortable around me. So much so that some of the heroes have tried to play tricks on me and see me crack.
  Like the time the most unlikely pair, consisting of Niles and Henry played a trick on older Ike. They took his clothes when he was in one of the baths, locked his room and hid his clothes in my office (which is attached to Alfonse’s). They told him not to worry “ The Summoner is asleep.” I was definitely not asleep and saw the guy in all of his muscular glory. Did I get flustered? Not really. I mean at first it was like “WTF”, but I was not ogling the guy! He was all freaked out, and I got worried. Besides, I have seen him almost naked before. What is a little more skin? Well it wasn’t little to be fair…it was actually quite a lot…
  I was quietly reading a report on my writing desk, all hunched over, when he came silently in and stood right in front of me. I waited for him to talk. I thought it was Alfonse at first, coming to get my report, so I did not even say anything. I am used to him just coming in and sit to wait for me to finish my work quietly. Then Ike stands just in front of the desk and I look up to see a mop of dark blue hair over his “Ragnell”. I look all the way up to see Ike looking over at the bookcase behind me. He was not yet aware I was awake.
   -Ike? What are you looking for?- I ask calmly looking back to the bookcase behind me to see what he was looking for. I hear a yelp and something heavy falling down. I look around and find him on the floor covering himself with his hands. His eyes were wide opened and he could not talk for a second. He just kept opening and closing his mouth and said “ I can explain.”in a strangled voice. Alfonse chooses that exact moment to come inside and finds me standing up to give Ike my coat so he can cover himself up. What does he see? I am undressing my self in front of Ike and Ike is naked on the floor.
   Yes we were able to clear that up. Alfonse even laughed about it and still does sometimes, but that was only the beginning.
   Some time later Dieck comes inside the study Alfonse and I use in the library. Now we all know Dieck always uses the bare minimum on clothes, but this time he is wearing only his pants and boots. As soon as he comes in, he starts taking his pants off (And of course he is not wearing underwear) and looks at Alfonse and say.
   -Oh Your Majesty is here too? Oh don’t worry; I don’t mind.- He now is butt naked and kicking his boots off. I turn to Alfonse with a ‘WTF’ face and I see him tomato red and very angry. He looks at me and…Why…is he angry at me too? What did I do?
   -Dieck… what the hell is going on?- I ask calmly because I feel Alfonse is going to blow a gasket and any loud noise will set it off.
   -I am here for the check up.- He says simply and his smile falters a little, looking sideways at Alfonse. I focus on his face like it is a normal conversation. Doctors and nurses can do this and so can I.
   -What check up?
   -The one you ordered to check our birthmarks and scars, just in case we are killed and there is no other way to identify our bodies.- I turn to Alfonse and I give him a questioning look, but he appears to not have heard anything except the “the one you ordered”. He is looking at us both angrily back and forth.
   -Umm…Well now that you mentioned it… It sounds like a good idea, but I have never given that order. Whoever told you that? -Still focused on the face.
   -One of the soldiers…so it is not true?- He asks now red in the face, which is very weird because this man has no sense of shame when it comes to showing off. Then he goes to cover himself with his hands, but too late Dieck, I already saw it all.
   -Well no, but it is a good idea, right Alfonse?- I say thoughtfully. He seemed to have regained his senses and is now still red, but his face is lowered and he just nods.
   -Oh…I should go then and find that (he whispers some curses under his breath)…I… -He takes his pants and puts them on. I start making a note about the idea to tell Anna.- I am sorry ______.
   - Don’t worry Dieck. No harm done. This has happened before and just so you know I liked the idea, but if we do make it happen, it would be a member of the healing team doing the check up.- He looks skeptically at Alfonse who is pinching the bridge of his nose and has his eyes closed. You know, that face he does when he is about to lose his patience? Well that one.
   -Oh! Thanks for letting me know.
   -I want to know if you can identify the soldier that told you this. Please see me tomorrow after breakfast,at the training ground.- Alfonse tells Dieck and there is a determined look on his face. Dieck looks back at him and with just the same look, agrees to it.
   At the end we did use that idea, but meanwhile I had four other heroes coming in to undress in my presence. One of them being Lady Camilla who agreed to dismember whoever was the culprit of the trick. The other was Libra who looked about to faint when he was informed he had been tricked by someone. King Claude, who laughed about it and congratulated whoever had bested him in his kind of game; and finally Sonia, who paraded around the room, even after I told her it was not necessary for her to undress. The culprit ended up being Xane ,and Marth was not lenient with him. Neither was I. I mean whoever plays a trick like that on Libra?! Yes! He is a guy!
 This keeps happening periodically, specially with new heroes. It is like some kind of hazing ritual.
   At this point I have seen at least one version of all the heroes naked for one reason or another and like I said before, they seemed to be very comfortable around me and my professionalism.
  Yet I, being myself can’t get used to showing much of my own body due to my insecurities. I mean I may exercise and maybe train but I keep myself still kind of covered up almost all the time. It is a uniform after all. I even have to wear that tiara they gave me. I look like royalty XD
  Askr itself has it’s own norms and they are far more conservative when it came to dress codes and overall behavior. I mean Alfonse sometimes sounds like I imagine my great grandpa sounded back in the day. And this is when I realized something. I have never seen Alfonse in any kind of undress and…It kind of bother me. Why? Because he was the only one person I was attracted to in all of Askr. I loved that man’s mind, heart, personality and skill…in everything he did.
 I knew I was in love with Alfonse at this point, but it had taken another Alfonse showing a little chest to understand that I was the the most sexually frustrated of all my life and that looking at his chest was doing things no one else had done in their entire nakedness. Hell not even porn or hentai had given me the high I got from imaging my Alfonse in that outfit. I mean…not that I used to watch porn or hentai. I know what they are, but the time I did watch, it was all meh. I even thought it was funny. I mean, who isn’t curious about that ? I suppose we have all gone at least once and taken a look at it? Right?…right?
   I remember plain as day I stood there stunned into silence, and probably mouth agape the whole time. I must have looked like an idiot or a pervert! My Alfonse was red as a tomato and trying so hard to avoid my gaze. At the end of the day, the only thing I got out of him was a little laugh and a small  “I am so glad, we do not share that costume here in Askr.”
   I find my self starting at his UN-globed hands when he is drinking tea or eating. I try not to, but the white smooth surface of the back of his hands contrast with the rough calloused fingers, so used to gripping sword and shield. They can also play the sweetest of sounds on a violin and I find that so sexy. Those same long white fingers so tempting and beautiful in their strength and skillfulness. Sometimes I stop my self from wondering how they would feel and...<<What them fingers do Alfonse?!! No ! Stop!>>
  It is true I touch him often. Touch is my love language and even though I always make sure to give people that do mind, their personal space, I do know that Alfonse does not mind. Alfonse may not be a huger, but it does not mean he does not enjoy being touched by people he holds close to him or for them to be near him. Also yes, I have helped him with his wounds but, most of the time I am to damn worried to actually take time to enjoy the touch of his skin and to be hones I find that quite a violation of trust, so I do not indulge in it.
   Sometimes he has caught me starting at the brim of his scarf and under-armor for a glimpse of his neck and I feel so embarrassed by it, but the thought of kissing him there is so tempting to me and I long so much to see past that barrier. He always covers himself again when he sees it is revealing more that that fraction of his neck… And Lord above! Is he smiling?
   The curse of all of this is, that yes we have Summer here in Askr, but it is not as hot and you have to travel to the beach to be seriously hot. He has never gone to the beach with us, since I arrived here.  I am not counting the times we do go, because Anna comes up with some scheme to raise money for the order, because we all wear the uniform then. Whenever he goes to the hot spring; he does it by himself, when Sharena and I are doing something else. Even while going to the river he wears long sleeves, because …bugs. I have asked Sharena and she just answered that she had not noticed and why I was interested….Oh you know…scientific purposes Sharena…
  At first I feel so sad and rejected. Fine…I get it. You are not interested in me and do not welcome my intrusive looks…but…he gives me so many mixed signals! Why is he so close at meetings and I can feel his fingers touching mine. He has taken my hands in his many times. When another hero flirts with me he always appears out of nowhere with knitted brows and a disapproving stare. Prince Hrid came to say ‘Hi’ once and to talk to me, and next thing I know Alfonse drops everything to be next to me as well. Hrid even asked me if we were engaged ! I wish Hrid!
 Well I suppose that is what friends do right? Maybe he does not want me falling in love with a hero and leaving Askr while they need me here. But I talked to him already. I am not returning “home” and I am not leaving…because…How can I leave and not see him again? Not that I wanted to return “home” to begin with, and it seemed impossible to fall in love with someone else other than him.
   I have seen heroes flirting with him as well, and he seems unimpressed by any of them. I have heard other heroes telling the rejected ones, “He has eyes only for the Summoner.” …But what had they seen that I don’t? So I go and ask Sharena and she just laughs it up and says to give him time. He is shy and self conscious.
 …So he does like me, but is very shy and very busy and very self conscious and insecure? OK…I can work with that. Like a great elf king said once; “I am patient; I can wait.” But not that much cause I’m not an elf.
   Then Lif came and I thought “Hell! Even his grandpa show more skin than him!”
 Lif came like a shadow from the grave that will take your last breath. To be honest, he looked more like Death than Hel herself. Except… He was HOT. I felt bad for even thinking that, when the Goddess of Death was trying to end us all, and most specially Alfonse. And you see, that is when I got angry. How the heck was an ancestor of the Askr royalty helping that crazy witch, end his descendants?
   Lif attacked us and tried to, I suppose…kidnap me? He made a bee line to where I was standing and fell all the soldiers on his way. It was weird! I was about to bolt, because the training I had, would not stop the guy who just felled like twenty guys on his way, but something, not fear, took hold of me and I just…those eyes… It was like ten seconds in which I looked into his eyes and saw so many emotions in them, that I could not understand and then I could not move….ten seconds and he was already there in front of me, not attacking but there!
   Alfonse came before Lif had taken me or whatever he was going to do. He ended up with a bruised knee and ankle. I went to help him with some salves and bandages when we were done with the rest of the more serious injured people. He took off his shoe and rolled up the under armor. His ankle was not swollen and his knee was bruised but it was not swollen. I put some salve any way.  
  -What happened? I saw it from afar and felt I would not get there fast enough. Where was Dimitri?- He said a little angry, since King Dimitri was one of my supports alongside him and he was tasked today with being my guardian. I was still massaging his ankle not even thinking about it.
  -They were circling us from the back and Dimitri had to fall back to take care of it…Umm…I don’t know what happened. It was weird. He looked at me and he just…
   -I saw it too.- Said Sharena who came to stand behind Alfonse.- It was like he hit you with a spell.
   -It didn’t feel, like a magic attack. I was more like… I don’t know…- I felt weird about it, so I just made some stupid joke to lighten the mood- Why didn’t y’all tell me your grandpa was so hot? Heh , heh, heh heh! What? It’s not my fault! He kind of looks like you Alfonse.- Hey I was nervous and I do this when I get nervous!
   At first They gave me their “ Seriously?” stare, but Sharena catches on quick and starts laughing out loud. Alfonse? Well he scowls and close his eyes and then takes his foot away from my hands. What?? wait I didn’t get the chance to enjoy that! Damn! Next thing I know, he is taking his sock and starts putting in on. I see his smooth white skin peppered with… is that golden hair? Does it have a blue in it? and my throat closes dry. I follow his movements, as hypnotizing as a dance, rolling up that white sock that is taking away my hopes and dreams. Then the under armor goes down and boot on. It took him like ten seconds, that I totally did not count. Then his hands were covered as well.
 I look up at him with my hands still hovering in the same place as when he took away his leg and see him smiling sideways. I compose myself and…Wait…What? Is he doing this on purpose? Seriously? And the worst part is, that it should not bother me at all, but the truth is…I am very bothered by it. He has become a some sort of taboo to me and GOD how I love the guy! If it was someone else like Robin who never looses that coat of his and globes; I would not care! But I love him Lord. Why is he like this? I used to thank God I was not one of those feet fetishes people, and now I will be dreaming of his feet.  Thanks Alfonse!
 Joking. I respect feet fetish people. To each their own.
 The point is that I feel like those people in Victorian novels, where they get all hot and bothered by someone’s ankle showing more than normal! Oh but what an ankle that was tho’. Stop. Focus!
   I resolve to see him as clinically as any other hero and not stare at the shape of his ears and think of how I want to whisper how much I love him while kissing it…Grrr…I’m doing it again.
   Days later we see Lif again and Alfonse is cursed…We have nine days. Good thing Hel has not seen The Ring or it might have been only seven. Yeah I joke now, but back then I was about to commit murder and then kill myself…or something just as dramatic.
 We searched for days, a way to undo the curse and we found nothing. You’d think I would have taken a page from Dean Winchester's book and played the “last days on Earth” trope to get into his pants; but to be honest nothing like that even crossed my mind at the time! I was so desperate to keep him alive that nothing else matter to me. He could have paraded naked in front of me at the time I was at the library and I would not have noticed…Well, maybe I would have, but it didn’t happen so it doesn’t count
   Until the sixth night of the curse.
   There was a knock at the door to my chamber. Oh! Did I mentioned we have a shared study? Because we do. It is between our chambers and it can only be entered from our rooms. It was his idea and it was for safety reasons. The nights I have spent sitting by the chimney staring at his door…but never mind that. He knocked at my chamber door and when I opened it, he was about to leave. He was wearing sleeping pants, a long sleeve night shirt and socks, all in white.
   We had fallen asleep next to each other at the library before of course, especially during the days he was cursed. And yes we used to huddle together during our march through Nifl. It was effing cold OK. We also usually had our sleeping rolls next to each other during campaigns, because we fall asleep while talking or after a watch,but we had never slept together on a bed. Beds are…intimate to him I suppose.
This night however, he came in and he just goes on and sit on my bed. He said nothing. I sat next to him and reached over to give him a hug. He took this as his cue and hugged back and didn’t let go. He clung to me with such force I was starting to feel dizzy. I asked him to stay the night. He nodded and still said nothing. I blew out the candle I was using to read and we went to sleep while he hugged me tightly. It was no surprise to me, but it was not so much fear that I could see in him. It was so many emotions, that fear seemed to be the least of his problems; but of course he was afraid. We spend together the following nights of his curse. Funny thing is …all those nights I dreamed of his Grandpa, watching over from my balcony window.
  And did I had a glimpsed of something while sleeping together? No. He came in and blew the candle out and by the time I woke up he was already awake. Not like I would have gone and taken advantage of his sleeping form to explore or something. I just thought later that if I had woken up before him, then may be I would have seen his shirt riding up or his pants lowered a little or maybe his sock had fallen off or something. Oh well…They were still the best nights of my life, even if they didn’t feel like that at the time. I mean, I got to be held like I was the most precious and sacred treasure in the world by my beloved. I would care for nothing else.
 Then…Grandpa is actually Alfonse from the future…
 Lif, as he goes by now, told us everything that had happened in his Askr. Which is weird because I had been dreaming of something like that and I thought it was stress.
 We spent some days in that dead world and I got to see Lif a few times. He looked curious about me, but at the same time I noticed he was avoiding me. The way he looked at Sharena really broke my heart every time I caught him starting at her. In turn Sharena looked ready to adopt him, if only he would let her do it.
One of those night I was having a nightmare about me dying while I saw Anna drop dead as if by magic. I woke up to find Lif watching me from afar. I got up and went to talk to him before he ran away.
 We talk for a while. I do not want to intrude on painful memories, but he seems to know me so well it feels natural to talk to him, just like it is to Alfonse.
 -You two…you are not lovers yet?- He asks eyeing me sideways.
 -No. Where you…?
 -Yes. After the first attack. We spent some weeks fighting Hel together. Is he still playing hard to get then?-Oh and there it was.
 -Oh! So it is not my imagination! God I thought I was going insane! Oh that Bunny suit messed me up! I love that chest!…wait. Is that why you have your chest out? - He nods.- And the glow…I noticed Thrasir does not have that glow and I love glow in the dark…ermm… It is an awesome design I have to say. I like it. It is sexy.- I felt bad for the lack of tact but at the same time he needed to know I did not find him ugly or scary any more.
 -You were always odd like that Summoner.- He says that in his deep voice, and it conveys a lot of feelings.
 Did he let me touch his chest? No…and I didn’t really ask to be honest. My respects to Lif. He gave up everything for us. I owe him a lot.
 Well, now I knew for sure and I could confront him or let him keep doing it, or maybe just seduce him. It was strange. I always thought it only worked on men, but I guess it does work goes both ways! At least it help me to fall in love with his mind and heart first, not his body.
 Next day we were walking out of Lif’s castle when the floor gave in and Alfonse and I fell through it. Luckily it was not even high, but I am not as tall as Alfonse and with my luck, part of my coat and shirt got caught on a sharp part of a broken stone pillar, and I was left hanging about one feet off the ground by one shoulder. I tried wiggling off the coat but I could not do it.
 -Are you hurt _____?- Alfonse asks worriedly getting up from where he landed on the floor.
 -No! I think I just got scratched! But I can’t unhook my self.
 - Only you _____.- Says Alfonse smiling and getting dust out of his uniform.
 -Thanks Alfonse…Can you help me down?
 He looks around and up for a while and then stares at me for a few minutes. Probably thinking how to approach the problem, but seriously I think he could just reach up and unhook me. He is tall enough for that.
  He comes close to me and circle my waist with his left arm and places his left leg between my legs to find leverage on the pillar behind me. He reaches over my head with his right arm to unhook my coat. Being this close to him is so exiting. My heart begins to race and I start feeling kind of hot. I try not to think about it and avoid my gaze from his face, but I can’t help looking at him.
 There was not much light coming down from the hole above us, but I could see the side of his face and ear…yeah the same ear I wanted to…OK! Not now! He took this time to move his leg up to hold my weight up, and I was left straddling it. He kind of wiggled it to adjust and…Oh boy! It felt good, good.
<< Oh no! Don’t move it anymore…>> I was praying for him not to move that leg, because God in heaven, I was going to come right there and then.
 …And he moved it again but higher and harder…
 -Mmmn- Oh GOD! I did not just moan into his ear. I mean, I am not horny all the time, come on! It is just that, he is so close I can smell him. He smells so deliciously manly, and his leg is touching just the right places!!
 Meanwhile he is frozen in place. It seems like he is thinking about what to do or maybe just not thinking at all. I personally think he will be leaving me hanging there to be hones. I am so embarrassed, I lower my face to hide it, but we are so close, I end up hiding my face in the crook of his neck.
 He gasps and I can feel his arm tightening on my waist and I get even closer to him. I feel him moving his head a little as if to see my face and then…he moves the leg again as if testing it. This time slowly. I tried and fail to stifle another moan but it still comes out. He moves his hips upwards and keeps moving the leg. It creates just the right amount of friction needed. I feel my hips move on their own to meet him.
 -Alfonse…- My legs tighten around his and when I come close to his manhood I can feel his arousal as well.
 -_________- He whispers my name softly as my leg touches him. All this while he is still moving that blessed leg back and ford. I am panting at this point and he feels like he is in the same situation. All of this brought me to my knees. I came hard. I sat there shuddering in his arms and biting my hand because the stone caused every little noise to sound louder. I felt him kissing my hair.
 We heard some loud footsteps up above us and then…
 -Hey! You need help down there!- I hear Barst’s voice over my head. He does not sound or look like he heard anything.
 -We are fine…I just need …to get her down.- Alfonse’s voice sound a little strained but Barst takes it to mean he es working on helping me down. Just like that, he unhooks my coat and lowers me down gently, still not letting go.
 -I’m getting a ladder!- He’s gone and we can hear his footsteps getting farther away.
 Alfonse steps forward still with me in his arms ,until my back is against the pillar and then looks at me and kisses me hard.
  I am dizzy by the time he lets go. - He is coming back.- He says against my neck and bites into it. I am sure they could hear that whimper that left my mouth. And can you blame me? He just bit into my neck and at the same time moved his hips in a way that I could feel his manhood rub against me. Both his hands were lowered to my hips and he used them to have me closer to him. All this while, he gave this utterly sexy guttural sound that almost sounded like a growl… He lets go, takes a step back and turns around, a moment later a ladder is lowered.
 -You go. I will explore down here a moment.- He says in a firm voice not looking at me.
  I go up the ladder still a little shaky and flushed. I tel Barst to let him explore to see what he can find, but to leave the ladder for him to get up. Darn I wanted to go “exploring” with him. Just imagining what he is doing down there is doing things to me. Good thing everyone thought I was scared of what had happened. I only had a scratch to show.
 He came back much later.
 …Well that was a lot of “exploring”.
 He comes to the camp outside the castle and we are ready to leave just after lunch. At first he seems reluctant to be near me. I am freaking out because well, overthinking and anxiety mixed with insecurities is a bad mix. Finally after half a day of travel, we make camp and post the watch. He comes and sit by my side when I am eating. We don’t talk about it until we are left alone to go to rest.
 -I…I apologize Alfonse. It wasn’t my intention. I…it just happened.- I tell him when he doesn’t speak.
 - It wasn’t my intention either…you don’t have to apologize. I have been wanting to tell you. I…have feelings for you. I just did not want to say it in a situation like that and not at a time like this. I wanted it to be special. I am in love with you _____.
 -I love you too Alfonse. I have for a long time… I’m sorry I ruined it…but I could not help but enjoy having you so near.- He is scarlet red, but smiling.- Which by the way, is your fault.- He looks puzzled.- Sir you are playing dirty.
 -How so? - He asks.
 -You are playing hard to get with my heart.
 -Oh that game you started playing with mine?-He asks arching an eyebrow.
 -What? Me? When? You don’t even let me see your hands for God’s sake. I never saw you flirting with me.
 -I…hold your hands.- He says blushing. Well that was so Alfonse of him.-…erm…You used to never take off that coat or those pants. You were all mysterious and unreachable- Mysterious? Well, firs time someone said that about me.
 -You wanted me to take off my pants?- He turns red again -I was…insecure. I mean look at those gorgeous women out there and I get all jealous and insecure. I felt safe with my coat on. What was your excuse?
 -The same…I am jealous and insecure…Well, I was at first, but then I noticed something about you. - I give him a questioning look.- You could look at any hero in the nude and not get flustered by it. When I asked you why; you told me they where just natural human bodies to you. You sounded like they were nothing special; like you had analyzed bodies so much you did not find them beautiful or sacred any more. You said you studied them at school and everyone paraded half naked in musical shows and the like. Later you told me you did find them beautiful in an artistic or scientific kind of way but it did not make it better to me.
 How to make someone like you fall in love….with me? I listened to you and how you praised my intellect and skills, and I knew you were attracted to those qualities, but there are other men with intellect and skills at home too. I needed to find a way to be special to you.
  It was only when we met that other Alfonse dressed in a bunny costume that I understood. The way you looked at him made me so envious and jealous. What was so special about him? I saw you ogle his body like he was the most sinful of apparitions, and he looked just like me! I was frustrated. That same evening I saw you looking differently at me, and I could not help but feel elated about it.
 I spied you looking intently at my naked hands and when I put on my globes, that look of disappointment did not escape my eyes. It occurred to me that you had never seen me in any state of undress and it must have been strange to you. I understood how you felt now. I have been watching heroes for years. Beautiful women I have been watching on a daily basis and none of them feel spacial, even if they have beautiful bodies,or incredible skills. Yet the day I saw you wearing regular clothes I …well I…- He blushed, lowered his face and left the sentence hanging.
 I flirted with the idea of letting you see more of me, but then I would just become like any other hero, and I wanted more than that. I want so much more.- Now he looked at me, and there was so much love and affection in his eyes, I could have melted in the spot.
 I have to confess I enjoyed seeing you flustered when you could see a little of me. That made me feel special, but I did not want to be just a mystery to you either. I wanted your heart and soul,your love not only your lust. I needed to to know you loved me.
  I had a talk last night with Lif. He told me they were lovers …His summoner and him. He told me I was being a fool just wasting time. He said that if you were anything like his ______, then you loved me, jut like his summoner did him. _______, I want what they had…I want everything, but I am afraid. Between this situation and the war with Embla…You understand me, don’t you?
 - I understand you. I suppose the time is not right. I don’t want to look back on the day we finally are together and remember all these tragedies. You know Alfonse. You were right about me and my take on “nakedness”. I guess we are on the same page now about desire too. To us, Desire comes from love. That is what makes you and your body especial to me. I fell in love with your sharp mind and your heart first, but also thanks to your “efforts” I can understand and appreciate how special a lover’s body is. You made me understand, that what I feel for you is true love, not just infatuation or lust. Thank you. We can wait if that is your wish…if not…I will not say ‘no’ to that to be honest. I leave it to your discretion…But Alfonse, next time you go “exploring” , I want you to know, I can always lend you a hand. ;)
  I write this on the day of Devotion. Alfonse and I had another talk and at the end, we decided to wait. Alfonse’s position is a little difficult, and now even more so after his father’s death. His personality makes me forget he is royalty, but the weight of his crown is a lot. He has more responsibilities and images to uphold. I want to think we have time to enjoy each other’s company, hearts and mind before we rush things any way.
 Well, I have to go, my family (Yes they are my family now) is waiting for me. Sharena informed me there is a huge surprise for me. Well, Anna did owed me some favors and she designed the costumes for the Royal family.I can’t wait see Alfonse! I hear he is wearing sandals XD Wink, wink!
 PS: Wait! I just realized something! Lif was actually spying on us!?
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heresathreebee · 3 years
KINKTOBER DAY 6 Foodplay/Rimming
Colonel Rick X Reader
AN: will edit tomorrow, too tired
It's your daughter's first day of first grade and to celebrate, Rick is in the kitchen making waffles and pancakes. And to his great annoyance, you had found a can of whipped cream in the fridge door. 
"Stop doing that," he scolded you over his shoulder and flips the last pancake, "that shit is nothing but pure sugar and she's gonna be too full to eat real food." 
Your laugh sounds muffled and whoops the image of you swiping white cream from your lips… but god willing, it will not tempt him right now. Today's about getting your daughter to school after that disaster of a kindergarten year. 
Rick swipes the can of cream from your hands and places two plates stacked high with fluffy, chocolate or blueberry baked breakfast delights. Your daughter squealed her delight and grabbed one of everything then she sat back and stared at it. 
Rick glanced at you in confusion but you were distracted (he was leaning on the counter and his biceps were bulging) so he asked, "'s a matter, darlin'?" 
Big and pretty eyes focused on him from behind the mountain she piled on her plate. "I'm not hungry anymore." 
Rick saw you stiffen as if you were struck with rigamortis and he tried his best not to glare at you in front of her. 
"You're fine baby, here–" 
You danced around Rick and filled a glass of water to bring back to her. She drank it at your behest as you fixed a plate for yourself. And like clockwork, the water washed the immediate taste of sugar from her mouth and she dug into the cholocate chip waffle at the top of her pile. 
Two parents sighed in unison and walked their daughter down to the bus stop. She held onto both of your hands, swinging back and forth to distract herself. She almost didn't go– Rick had to promise to come pick her up if she didn't want to stay but she had to stay until lunch. 
When she finally boarded the bus (with a face like you were sending her to boarding school), the two of you returned to the mess in the kitchen. You groaned, kicking your slippers to the side and huffing all the way home. 
"Oh stop it, it was your idea," Rick laughed. "Do you think she'll be ok?" 
You nod. "If she didn't want to go, we'd have had to drag her kicking and screaming. She'll be alright babe." 
Rick starts to load the soaked dishes from the sink to the dishwasher and you pause looking over the leftovers. "Did you have any of these?" 
"Hm? No, I didn't," your husband replied. He felt a tap on his shoulder and found you offering him a bit of blueberry pancake on a fork. "My hands are wet." 
"I'll do it for you, dummy." 
Rick opened his mouth to receive. The fool. Instead of a mouthful of pancake he got whip creamed instead. His sigh sounded, in your ears, like a deeply irritated 'goddamn.' You laughed yourself hoarse and offered the fork again. 
Rick watched you this time but true to your original word, you let him take a bite of what he wanted. Aaaand almost as a reflex, you licked the stray, sticky syrup from his chin. He definitely shivered– you felt it, but he doesn't scold you or bend you over the table like you hoped. 
You let him have his moment of restraint. The two of you fucked like rabbits, he knew what was on your mind. The dishwasher was loaded and plates emptied, all that was left was to soak the remaining dishes and wipe down the counters and table. 
But you watched him set up– hand towel over the shoulder ready to handwash what was left like he was unaffected by you. 
On Rick's part, he wasn't trying to frustrate you, he just didn't like to half ass a job (can't relate honestly). He heard you stomping in the direction of your bedroom. He was intent to ignore it to finish his task, but then he heard you stomp back into the kitchen and stop. 
The sudden silence bothered him. That and the feeling of your eyes burning holes into the back of his head. He half glanced– looked at the fridge to find you in his peripherals– but you weren't moving. 
Finally he half turned and found you doing exactly what it sounded like you were doing– standing, leaning, waiting (rather impatiently actually). 
And you had the whip cream still. You tapped your finger and the intensity of your glare gives him no choice but to stop. 
You don't answer but you do crook your finger at him. Rick dries his hands and obeys. Every step he takes towards you has your tightass stance unwinding and by the time he reaches you, you've relaxed into a lazy lean and mischievous grin. 
He asks again, "what?" 
You grab him by his belt buckle and drag him closer to you. "Take your pants off and bend over for me." 
You feel Rick stiffen. "...why?" 
"Because I wanna do something to you," you answer cryptically. 
"Am I going to enjoy what you're about to do to me?" 
You scoff. "I think you will, yes. If it's not, you're welcome to tap out." 
Rick's fingers twitched. "Let me put this away first." 
He reaches for the can of cream but you stop him. "This is a part of it." 
He says your name in warning. You can see he's uncomfortable about it and maybe he's right to be– you have been unpredictable and childish today– but you push forward. Give him your best, most sincere puppy dog eyes. 
"Please? I'll take it slow, if you don't want it, tell me and I'll stop," you say. "It's sort of a… continuation of Sunday's exploration…" 
You stuck your finger in his ass while he was pounding into you (he liked it a lot actually, he just doesn't do it often). You can see his thousand yard stare as he recalls Sunday’s events that left him shaking with pleasure for an hour after. 
Rick reaches for his belt and undones it slowly. You know in your head it's because he's still on the fence about it but your adrenaline rises and you take pleasure in watching him strip. Once his pants are at his ankles, you feel like you need to help ease him into the mood. 
You start by cupping his cheeks and kissing him. Long, deep kisses that convey your commitment to pacing yourself. He kisses you back in kind and struggles to remove his underwear past his knees because he doesn't want to pause kissing you even for a second. He gives up after a second and puts both hands on your waist to pull you closer, deeper into the kisses. 
"I love you," you whisper in between dipping your tongue into his mouth. "I'm going to take care of you." 
Rick moans in answer and you feel 'something' poking your stomach. You break away from his lips and pepper kisses down the column of his throat, over his shirt clad heart and chest and you sink to your knees pulling his underwear with it. 
You look up at him knowing it's his second favorite position to have you in. His bright eyes are dark and he swallows roughly but instead of giving his awaiting cock a kiss, you stand. 
"Now bend over." Rick hesitates but obeys. "Good boy." 
He glares at you over his shoulder but he does as you ask, setting his hands palms down on the counter and spreading his legs as much as his pants will allow. He jerks when he feels your hand massage the inside of his thigh, but when you don't move on right away, he is able to relax into it. 
I trust you, he thinks. He feels your hair tickle the base of his spine and you plant a kiss on his back, then you straighten up and massaging more of his hips, his butt, his thighs without touching his most sensitive parts. 
When he feels you massage his cheeks a little harder, pulling them apart, letting go, and doing it on repeat, his cock hardens. You haven't touched it once and his intuition tells him you don't want him to either. His breathing picks up and it feels like you're torturing him now. 
Did you change your mind? Are you having second thoughts? 
As if on cue, you ask him: "have you ever… tried rimming before?" 
Oh… that was the last thing Rick was expecting you to say. 
You got nervous when you saw his head jerk up from the counter. You were preparing to step back and give him space, but he reached a hand back and caught a belt loop in your pants which he used to drag you closer to him (hips pressed to hips). He seemed to be considering his answer. 
"...yeah… I have." He looks back at you. "Is that what you want to do?" 
You nod cautiously. If he's not into it, you're not going to make him feel like he has to for your sake. Your sex life is fine without anal play– if he's not into it, you'll survive. 
Oh but to your great fortune, Rick is very much into it. He puts his head back down on the table and, as a show of good faith, he tries to spread his legs just a centimeter further. 
"Go for it." 
He's a shivering mess. Your fingers felt good inside him but your tongue? Expert. He was going to lose his hearing from how loud he was moaning and whimpering. If he knew you were touching yourself right now, he’d have come without even trying. 
“Please, please, please–” Rick choked when you finally touched him where he needed you most. You wrapped your hand around his cock and tugged. Stroking him roughly and pulling towards you which jostled his balls as well. At this point he was barely breathing. 
He started to say your name but– “Uhhnnn–”
Rick comes in your hand and all over your shirt. You refrain from slipping a second finger into him only because you might kill him if you did. He comes so hard he’s dizzy and he barely has enough sense to reach across the counter and hold himself onto it. 
He had been leaning back into your touch, hips inching further and further away and to keep him from falling on you, you stand and push him back up, draping yourself over his back to hug him. 
It’s ten minutes before Rick comes down from his high. His breathing is deep and evened, legs freezing cold but back warm, at least everywhere you were. 
He shakes you with a laugh. "Yeah baby? You sure know how to work my shit, don't you?" 
He cleared his throat and said adoringly, "you are going to be the death of me." 
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Seven Stages of Being thrown into Teenage Superherodom
Stage 1: Panic
@marijon-week Day 1: Blue Eyes / Identity Reveal
Here *** Second
Ever since Fu made her Guardian she left Paris. The Kwamii convinced her that the stress of being ladybug and the mental, and now physical, abuse of her classmates has become too much. Her parents also noticed her shift and they supported her leaving.
This was how she found herself in Blüdhaven. She was a student at Gotham Academy, but with Gotham's high crime rate they wanted somewhere safer for her. Sure she could have also chosen Metropolis, but the commute from Blüdhaven was shorter.
She will be the first to admit that it wasn't ideal, but for her mental health it was great. And with complete honesty and sincerity she wouldn't change a thing.
You see one thing that apparently gets overlooked is that Nightwing is the resident vigilante of Blüdhaven. Even more is the fact that he happens to be her neighbor.
OK so maybe a little bit backtracking here. Marinette may have figured out that her next-door neighbor, Detective Richard Grayson, happens to moonlight as Nightwing at night.
So the building they had chosen for her was extremely safe, however they didn’t take an account Marinette's extremely packed and late work schedule. With how Marinette would still be awake in the early morning hours, and if she heard a thump of boots on the balcony next to hers regularly, she is going to look out the window eventually.
When she does, she sees Nightwing at her neighbor's apartment. Which could be one of two possible reasons why Nightwing could be there. One, his significant other lived in that apartment and he just came regularly. Or two, he lived there and assumed every sane person was asleep.
Her question was eventually answered one night when she was at the desk next to her balcony door, she heard boots like normal, but this time they were closer than normal, this time they were on her balcony.
The door moved, causing her to turn and focus on the door. That was when a male voice muttered, I thought I left it unlocked like always.
So most people would have quietly left, but she wasn't most she opened the blinds. She is pretty sure she had a stare down with him but its difficult to say because at the mask.
However after countless akuma attacks, you tend to figure out who the target is, which is what she did. Same height, same rough build, same hit and skin tone, combined with her ability to recognize figures for fashion, that gives you Richard Grayson. Without breaking eye contact she got up, stepped to the door, opened it and pulled him in, shutting it and the blinds, turning to face him. Then is when she noticed the blood near his hair line and down his neck.
“There better be an extremely good reason why this happened Mr. Grayson.” She looked innocently at him, “because I don’t know how to explain.” She gestured to him now seated at her desk. She pulled out her first aid kit and started checking him.
“How did you find out?”
“Night owl,” she shrugged. “I hear you come in every night and well um, well...”
“Curiosity got the best of you.” She nodded.
Of course this was when her phone would go off, she grabbed it, opened it, and groaned, because of course she was being called a Paris in the middle of the night, morning over there.
“You know what you're still alive, just a superficial head injury, but I have to go.” She said moving towards her bedroom when Mr. Grayson finally reacted.
“I’m supposed to… you said you were 14 right?” She nodded. “I’m supposed to let a 14 year-old leave in the middle of the night?”
“I am, I can explain in the morning.” She tried to justify, but he wouldn't let go of her wrist. So in a leap of faith, she gave him a quick rundown of the Paris situation and why she had to leave. If after this Blüdhaven had another vigilante well no one else knew why, Trixx loved it though. And she had someone who not only knew who she was but knew how to help and train her. Even if he acted more like a brother to her.
After all the eyes are the windows to the soul, and as a true guardian and a pure soul of creation, she knows that she can trust Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson’s.
- - -
It’s almost humorous that the next pair of eyes she would this come to trust were a blue so electric that they seemed to hold Lightning itself. Those eyes belong to one Jonathan Samuel Kent.
She had actually met John while in class at Gotham Academy, but nothing much more than their initial meeting and a good morning in the halls. This was pretty much because he seemed to stick with Damian Wayne, the ice Prince of Gotham. And green eyes always hurt her in the past, so she mostly stayed away from them.
However the fates had another plan for them. A group project, yay was sarcastically running through her head because of course, the two people she was partnered with happened to be two pairs of eyes that made an impression on her originally.
“So, should we go to your place, or should we go to the library, oh maybe we should go to Damien’s, or maybe mine to work on this.” Jon rapid fired at her and Damian, as they well she moved in order to talk about the project.
“I um... I’m not exactly...” she couldn’t even finish the sentence before Damian butt in.
“Tt figure this out and inform me later.” With that he go up and walked away. And go figure her assumption that everyone with green eyes were complete and total dicks is just reinforced. Because if you’ve never had a good experience with anything or anyone who shares the same traits why would it be any different now.
“Maybe we should just meet at the café or at the library just get this over with.” She got up with the bell, turned on her heel, leaving Jon sitting at the desk she just vacated.
She heard of a soft, “oh ok” as she walked away.
But of course nothing ever was easy in her life. Because the next thing she knows she hears foot falls behind her, they were actually picking up speed, and then stomps as if they were trying to stop right behind her. That was when I hand wrapped itself around her wrist making her spin and face the person who grabbed her.
In that moment she didn’t think, she reacted, she reacted like every other time one of her classmates decided to hurt her. It was a motion that came as naturally as breathing while in her civilian form, so much so that she would bet her heartbeat wouldn’t have changed. She dropped the books and book bag from her arms and shoulder lifting her arms defensively to protect her head and she pushed her shoulders forward , defend her head, in an attempt to stop a blow. But the swing never came, no weight, no pressure, no kick, no pain, just silence.
She tentatively opened her previously shut eyes eyes and looked forward, towards where the hand had originally pulled her, to the person who pulled her, she saw Jon, shocked at her reaction and then that turned to fear almost, it seemed to her, as if he was wondering if he did something wrong, if he hurt her, quickly she tugged her arm away from him and dropped to the ground and tried to pick up her items. However what shocked her was that he also dropped down and tried to help her pick up her things.
She looked up as he handed her a stack, “I forgot to ask you for your number so we can do a group chat. Are you OK?”
“Oh yeah yeah I’m fine.” She pulled a pen quickly from her bag and a sticky note, she usually uses to annotate her sketches and class notes come on, “here.” She handed him the piece of paper, Marinette got up and started to walk away again, as to not miss her next class.
By the end of the day, she found out that Jon can can text her head off. She always tries to respond to text quickly but this boy spammed the chat trying to get to know her better. If she was Damian, and she figured he did, she would’ve silenced the conversation, but it would be rude of her not answer.
Eventually they did figure out a an arrangement, Damian was going to go meet a brother after school so he wouldn’t be available meaning that she and Jon would start the project. So they decided to open a chat just between the two of them and figured it out from there.
Seeing as both of them lived outside of Gotham they decided it would be a little bit safer to meet at Marinette’s and John would leave from her apartment. And that is what they did, together the two of them left Gotham Academy after school, took the train to Blüdhaven and got into study mode. They worked in relative peace, researching and writing down ideas until there was a knock on the door. Marinette made her way up to the door, looked through and there stood Dick. So she opened the door, yet what got her attention was not just her pseudo Brother but the person who is with him. This person just happened to be the missing member of their project group, Damian.
“Hey Mari, I thought I would introduce you to my baby brother!” He beamed then noticing the other person in the room. “Hey Jon.” He greater and then took a double take “Jon!!!”
“Hey Dick, Damian.” He smiled.
“Tt. Anyone care to explain this.” Damian glared between her and his brother.
“Wow something the boy wonder doesn’t know.” She muttered under her breath, apparently it wasn’t quite quiet enough as some reacted.
“She knows?!?” Jon directed towards Dick and Damian.
“Know what?” She bit the bullet.
“Boy Wonder!?!” He seemed to shout just loud enough to get their attention. This did cause a reaction, Dick almost looked proud but Damian seemed ready to attack her.
“Okay I knew you were clever but seriously?!”
“Not the time Dick!” She moved so the kitchen island was between her and Damian. That was when something clicked Boy Wonder, Robin, Damian is Robin. Dick is Nightwing, both work with Batman. Jon heard her the others didn’t, Robin is close with… oh sweet honey iced tea. “ Dick please please tell me that I’m wrong!”
“I’m going with no your right.” Thump went her head as it fell onto the counter unrestrained.
“Why can’t my life be normal?” She asked no one in particular.
“You are a magical girl who can use the power of mini sized gods who you also protect.” Dick supplied ever so helpfully.
“Not helping!” She glared at him.
“Your life wasn’t normal long before we met.”
“Still.” She grumbled. Damian and Jon were now watching her and Dick interact as if trying to figure something out. Ping. Her phone went off. “Oh come on.” She fell back on the counter.
“Who is it this time?” Dick asked.
She tossed the phone to him. “I hate elementals.” A livestream of Stormy Weather ravaged the city of Paris.
“Cookies, I’ll be back.” He tossed her a box from her pantry. Special macaroons for the kwamii.
“Wait! Let me come with you.”
“And how many times have I told you that would be a bad idea.”
“No, don’t make me call Honey Bee to venom you again.”
He slowly backed up and sat on the couch dragging Damian with him. “I’ll um… I’ll hold down the fort. Don’t call Goldie.”
“I won’t.” She turned to go to her room. “Oh there is fresh cookies in the jar.”
She silently transformed and portaled away. Luckily her team was already there and they made quick work of the Akuma. Meaning she was back near instantly.
“That was quick.”
“Viperion was there.”
“How many times?”
“Am not.”
“You are.” Jon interjected into their bickering.
“Who’s side are you on anyways?” She asked out.
“I have no idea.”
“Great we broke Superboy.” She plopped down on the couch next to a stunned Jon. “If only… Fluff.”she smiled, and knowing that smile Dick panicked. “Fluff. Hey Fluff.”
“Oh no time travel is what got you into this time travel will not get you out.” Dick jumped landing on her keeping her seated.
“What it’s going fine?!“ Jon screamed at them, looking pretty close to a mental break down, she should know.
“You didn’t explain anything did you.” She looked on up from her position under a pile of a Dick and pillows.
“I was meaning to come up with the cookies were good and kind of had my mouthful.”
“OK great so here’s the rundown. Hello my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I was chosen at the age of 13 to wield the Miraculous of the Ladybug which grants me the power of creation and healing. I moved Blüdhaven and enrolled into Gotham Academy because of my utterly deteriorating mental health as a result of bullying in my previous school. Not to mention the magical terrorist who prays on sad or negative emotions, who happens to be using the Miraculous Butterfly or the miraculous of transmission. My partner uses the miraculous of the black cat which grants them the power of destruction, but he’s a total and complete asshole, but that’s not surprising. I was then given full guardianship of every single miraculous in the Chinese zodiac box, the most powerful of all of them the tender age of 14. I figured out that Dick was Nightwing about a month after I moved in and afterwards I have been going out into with him as he’s in as the vigilante Vulpes. And I literally just figured out you are Robin,” she pointed at Damian. “And you are Super Boy,” she pointed at Jon, “because of you’re a little outburst. I would not have figured it out otherwise! And I’m totally not I am going crazy because now there is a total of three people who know my identity in another country, no less, and I’m sure I can figure out the rest of the Bat family from here but I so I don’t want to.“ She was able to breathe now, after having explained this in just under a minute.
She looked between both Damian and Jon noticed they both looked as if she was either crazy or that certainly made a lot of sense, or a mixture of both she really can’t tell.
“You were bullied.“ Jon seemed to only take away. “That actually explains earlier.” He said just load enough for her to hear, as they were still next to each other.
“I’m not going over this again.“ She huffed, causing Dick to roll off of her laughing onto the ground and she followed suit. “You know there’s a reason I’ve always trusted blue eyes.” That was the beginning of and inseparable friendship between her and Damian, and something more between her and Jon.
None of them quite knew that at the time.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug@astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5606 @zalladane
Taglist: @miraculousfanfic127 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @bonusbuggy @ashbrea381writings
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michaelsbigreddick · 2 years
red lights-M.M pt. 4
This is a little get to know your backs story type thing. It's really just a bunch of trauma dumping by the readers part and then Daredevil sharing something personal as well. I dont know if the way I'm writing this is has too much on an OC feel to it. I apologize if it does. there's three previous parts to this mini series which you can find here!
warnings: mentions of murder, guns, death, drugs and human trafficking, religion
18+ minors DNI pls and thx <3
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You hung your bag on the hook next to your door, kicking off your shoes before heading to your kitchen table. There you settled into your chair and you had been building a butt cramp for the entire evening. Foggy convinced you to go back to school and study law. You didn't think it was a good idea, but he being the good lawyer and friend that he is, made you believe you were more than capable. But you still wanted to work with him, which meant it would take you longer to get your degree. You were alright with that though, now that your life was your own, you figured you could do whatever you wanted. If that meant spending years on a law degree you might not even need, so be it. You could do whatever you wanted now.
With late night study sessions and certain online courses you stayed up later than you were accustomed to. Hungry, you drove to a Mexican place that was open 24/7. It was all the way across town but you didn't mind the drive. You ordered for two. In a foolish attempt that fooled no one you said that one order was for breakfast. But really you were hoping that he would show up. And he did. Once you dug in, he had arrived.
Your door swiped open and the bell rang through your apartment. Although you were expecting him he still managed to catch you off guard.
“Expecting company?” he dropped his mask off on your couch and headed to your kitchen table where you were. You swallowed your hardly chewed food, nearly choking.
“Unfortunately.” he chuckled and poured himself a glass of water.
“Yes, actually I am.” you pulled a burrito out of the bag for him. Throught the tinfoil you felt it still warm.
“Betos?” he asked, taking the burrito.
“Only the best for you devil boy.”
You eat in near silence. Near silence only because your mind was flooding with conversation topics. It had been a while since you were this interested in getting to know someone. Eventually you give up your facade of staying on task. Anyone in your position would understand. How were you expected to get anything done with him sitting across from you?
“You know I never told you my name.”
“I've never called you by your name.” he smiled slyly. Like he knew you were thinking about this.
“So when you think about coming here, what exactly do you call me?” you shake your drink and rattle the ice around.
“Well, I think of it as going to see the siren.” You scoff, partly in disbelief but mostly from confusion. From what you knew they were ugly creatures that lured men to their death.
“What's that supposed to mean?” he pursed his lips realizing he was digging himself a whole he wouldn't be able to get out of if he wasn't careful.
“I uh probably should explain why shouldn't I?” you nod.
“Sirens, the lore is that they lured men with their beautiful voices, isn't it? The epitome of beauty, exactly what they wanted. I only meant you had a beautiful voice.” you felt the familiar heat rush to your cheeks. You take a sip of your drink and clear your voice but still feel it small.
“Oh. You can just call me y/n.” though you liked his thinking behind the nickname. It made sense, from what you knew, he hadn't seen you before. He nods his head looking pleased with himself.
“Well Daredevil is getting to be a bit of a mouthful. Is there anything else I can call you?”
“I uh, don't know if that's a good idea.” you booed .
“Alright, I'll give you a hint. It means ‘gift of god’.”
“Oh well what a hint.” he laughs at your sarcasm.
“I'm going to call you superman then.” he laughs again. He picks up his plate and motions to pick up your finished plate as well. You hand it to him.
“I'm hardly a hero.”
“If you don't want to give me a nickname you're going to have to deal with it.” he went to your couch and laid down. Nicki must have heard him from your bedroom because she came to lay with him.
You figured you had done enough for the night and joined him in the living room.
“Can I ask you a question?” That was always a loaded question.
“Why are you a paralegal, studying law part time? How, how can you even,”
“Afford it all?”
You trusted him enough to be honest with him now. You may not have anything on him all together, but if you began to dig you had a feeling it wouldn't take long to find out his identity.
“I, well I suppose I should start from the beginning right?” the space between you fills with your nervous laughter.
“I was a few months into my internship. I was going to be a surgeon. I didn't know what kind yet, it was too early on then. At that time I didn't know it wouldn't matter. But I did have a particular interest in the trauma department. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush we would all get when something crazy came in. Crazy and unpredictable, I was comfortable in that.” he leaned into your direction, hands clasped together. He had a look of absolute concentration and you couldn't even see above his beautiful lips.
“So um, I had a boyfriend at the time. Also an intern. ” you could see the muscles of his jaw tighten at the mention of a boyfriend.
"I started dating him at the end of my final year of college. It was insane, the worst timing ever but he insisted it was meant to be. He was so persistent and pleasant. Anything I wanted, he was there.” you felt your stomach begin to churn at the mention of him.
“He wasn't very bright but somehow we ended up going to the same hospital. One day he started talking about going to town. ‘Seeing the city and taking a break for a day.’ As a first year intern of course I didn't want to. I wanted to be in the hospital as much as I could, to see and learn. But I gave in.” you took a deep breath.
"It was the biggest mistake of my life. We spent the day in town. I tried to enjoy it but something felt off, and by the end of the day I was cursing myself for not listening to my gut. He had drugged me. And to make it short he was working for a drug cartel. The biggest one at the time.” you didn't notice when you had started to bounce your leg, it was a nervous habit you thought you'd shaken. Once it started it was hard to stop.
“They needed an on call doctor. I never understood why they didn't get someone who was already a certified surgeon. They always said it was about building loyalty. You'd imagine they would just buy loyalty, but instead they threatened my family. After a while they let me have my phone back. When I first checked it all I saw was texts from my friends that were also interns. Nothing from my family. There they taught me hand to hand combat, how to use a gun, and even how to cook. Of course they mainly kept me around for the medical part. That I was never able to forget. They were family in a way. I was always free to leave, but why do that if you're going back to nothing? They had faked my death as well. I should probably mention that.” you laughed again, not to make light of the situation, but more because you didn't know how to go on from here. You'd never said any of that to anyone but Jessica.
“If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in New York?” you laugh again but this time in reminiscence.
“This is actually a bit more interesting.”
“The first half was pretty interesting.”
“Trust me when I say, this part is worse.” he moved closer to you, puncturing a hole in his shape into your personal bubble.
“I have a friend. When I say this is going to sound crazy, trust me I know how crazy it's going to sound.”
“More crazy than your boyfriend human trafficking you for a drug cartel?”
“Yes.” he frowned.
“I have a friend. She's gifted, you could say, super strength. She was with this man named Kilgrave the first time we saw her. He controlled minds in some freaky way. He just ordered things and people did them. To put it short he ordered me to kill some of the people around me. Those people had also been dragged into that life. I had killed people before. There would be a lot of times where the safe houses we were at got raided and we had to get out of the crossfire on our own. But this was different, these were people I knew. And I knew I wasn't in control, but they were still my hands, it was my gun. He didn't stay there long. Just long enough to take money and leave. I shot twelve. They bled out in front of me. I remember it clearly “You, doctor, shoot your gun empty and watch each wounded person bleed to death.” you were fighting the tears back now. But you were too far in to stop.
“So I did, I shot one person with each bullet, and I watched them bleed out. The blood was pooling under all them, and I was stuck watching. I stood in the same place for hours till the last one died. After, I ran around the place playing medic. Luckily I had reached the main man before it was too late or I would've joined them. I never told anyone about me killing them.” you wiped your tears away and cleared your throat again. He moved a tissue box closer to you.
“She came back a year later. It was insane seeing her again. But she helped the new people out, the ones that replaced the people I killed. We took the money they had. It was so much, so much money. That's how I can afford everything. The apartment, throwing birthday parties, law school just for fun. Jessica calls it reparations. Anyway, she helped us all get back on our feet.” you were crying now. The things you've been trying so hard to forget, the things you liked to think you could drink away, they were out in the open, lingering in the air, in his mind.
“God I just admitted to murdering people dont you want to beat the shit out of me or something?” you tried to laugh but ended up choking on a sob midway.
He killed the remaining space between the two of you by pulling you into him. You felt him shake his head above you.
“You didn't have a choice.”
“That doesn't change the fact that I did those things.” he shook his head again. Maybe he knew there wasn't much he could say to help change your mind.
“There are times when I don't know what to do with myself. There's this anger I carry inside of me. All the time, and I feel it, here wanting to claw its way out. The more I try to push it down the worse it wants to come out. When I'm out there beating those people, I don't feel bad. I enjoy it. The worst part is that I don't want to stop.” he rubs your back in efforts to comfort you.
“That's the difference between the two of us. You didn't go out seaking it like I do.”
“That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. Why else wouldn’t I have left?” you sniffle between your pause.
“You say you have this anger, where is it from?” you could swear you had hit a nerve with how the rise and fall of his chest changed.
“I think it started with losing, um uh, life you know? Things getting thrown at me at too young of an age. Growing up, I didn't exactly have it easy. I'm not complaining,”
“No yeah I know. Sometimes that's just the only way you can put things. No sugarcoating.”
“Exactly… I don't think I'm sharing too much if I tell you I was an orphan at a young age. I grew up around religion, so as you are probably already assuming, they told me it was all part of God's plan. I don't, I don't understand how someone can sit around with all that power and let these people do the things that they do.”
“And that's where you come in?”
“I'm not doing Gods work.”
“It sure sounds like it.”
“What I do, God has nothing to do with.” you tear yourself away from the warmth and comfort of his arms.
“What are you saying? Do you seriously think what you do isn't good?” he faced the floor and rubbed at his chin.
“Someone doing something good, doesn't mean they're necessarily a good person.”
“There are nights where I'm less than a punch away from causing them their lives. The worst part is, that's when I feel most like myself.” the way he said those words, so full of feeling and hurt. The honest truth that you knew held the same weight to him as what you had just shared.
You get up from your seat and take his hand.
“Stay the night.”
“I shouldn't, I should really get going. You should rest. It's late.” it was always late when he was around. It was late enough to be completely sober and tell him these things.
“It is late.” you take his other hand, “Stay till I fall asleep.” he chewed on his lip undecided but he followed you to your bedroom anyway. Adjusting the pillows he laid down in an awkward position to keep his boots off your bed. But you made it work. You laid your hand on his chest and used it as a barrier between your face and his suit. Through your stuffy nose you could smell the material just barely. It wanted to smell like leather but didn't quite make it. Underneath, you could swear you could smell the mixture of his sweat and cologne. Daredevil wore cologne. Clean, and musky; warm.
You fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing. It had slowed down so much you thought the had fallen asleep first. But when you felt him move from under you, you readjusted yourself to keep him there.
“I hope you know you're good. For having the title of the devil, you sure are an angel. You're so good.” you whisper. You turn around, his chest now against your back. He wrapped an arm around your middle and moved you towards him.
It took him a while to come back after that night. You thought you had chased him off with confessing to murder, but he assured you it wasn't that. There was an unspoken agreement on not to talk about that night, what either of you confessed nor that he spent the night. Along with that you had a spoken agreement. He couldn't tell you about the Daredevil stuff in order to protect you. But he also couldn't tell you about his personal life to protect his identity. And that would be a good enough set up for you until the night that it wasn't.
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