#satan x female mc
aki-mochi · 9 months
Ch. 24 Coronation Day
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Finally, the day has come as all of Devildom crowd around the Demon Lord’s castle while the student body of RAD and members of the House of Lords sit in the coronation hall. Demons talked amongst themselves as Lucifer and his brothers strode in to sit in the front row, opposite from the Lords’, having dressed in their nice suits for the occasion. Asmo looked around and nearly squealed in joy.
“I see all kinds of Devilgram influencers here~! I hope to greet them later. That will SO make my day~!”
Mammon was about to say something but was cut off by an icy glare from Lucifer. “You all WILL behave or you will have punishments when we get back home.”
Five of the six younger brothers shrunk in their seats in fear as Satan just rolled his eyes and brought out his book that he had brought to entertain himself until the ceremony started. He was almost done with the chapter he was on but twitched an eye in annoyance when trumpets bellowed throughout the room. He really didn’t want to wait until later to finish, the plot was getting very tense and he was on the edge of his seat to find out what would happen next. But when he saw movement from above his book, he paused and looked up only to have a massive blush adorn his cheeks.
There came the queen in a beautiful silky gown with her royal crown adorning her head as her hair was tied back into a graceful bun. She smiled as she saw the crowd of demons, spotting the seven brothers amongst them in the front row as Diavolo wanted. As the chatter from the audience died down, she cleared her throat before speaking up.
“Welcome, my dear kingdom. Today is the day Devildom will experience a change. A great change for you as well as I, for I will be stepping down from the throne to focus on my health and healing process. As you may have heard the rumors, my husband, Akuma, was an abusive spouse and wanted nothing but power over Devildom.”
She paused for a second to take a deep breath as she clasped her hands together.
“If it wasn’t for my brother, and the Seven Rulers of Hell, I wouldn’t be standing here now. I owe them my life, as well as a favor to my dear little brother, Diavolo. So, now, I would like to call out the next heir to the throne onto the stage, Demon Prince Lord Diavolo.”
The crowd clapped as the red haired demon walked into view and gave a bow to MC before smiling at the crowd with a polite wave. When he turned to his sister, he knelt down on one knee with a hand over his heart. MC took the royal ceremonial sword from Barbatos and held it up in front of her.
“As queen of the Devildom, I, MC, declare you, Diavolo, the new King of Devildom.” she announced while gently tapping him on each shoulder with the blade before sheathing it and giving it back to Barbatos.
The audience roared in celebration for their new king as the brothers clapped with smiles on their faces, proud that the Demon Prince had come so far since they first fell from Heaven. When Diavolo stood up, he gave MC a big brotherly hug before looking at the crowd.
“I thank you all for being here to witness this big change. I will do my best to be the King I need to be for this kingdom in honor of my big sister and our father.” He smiled proudly.
Barbatos proceeded to escort the crowd to the dining hall for food and refreshments as Diavolo and MC made their way down to meet up with Lucifer and his brothers. The oldest had a proud smile on his face when he spoke up.
“You’ve come a long way, Lord Diavolo. I know it was not easy on you since your father had left after we were taken in after our fall.”
“And I have you to thank, Lucifer. This would not have been accomplished if not for your hard work.” Diavolo smiled.
“What will you do now that you’ve stepped down, your Highness?” Asmo asked.
“Well, I will focus on myself for a while but I will also be helping with paperwork.” she smiled.
“Shall we go to the party and let loose of any stress?” Diavolo suggested.
“That actually sounds wonderful.” MC smiled as she followed her brother with the seven rulers in tow to the celebration party down the hall.
When they got there, demons were already having drinks and dancing to the music or talking amongst other demons. Everyone was having a great time and were glad that their Queen had come back. Now, their Demon Prince is their new King. What more could they ask for? Asmo ended up joining the crowd making videos of the party for his Devilgram story. Beel went straight to the food display and piled a mountain of food onto his plate before joining a sleeping Belphie at one of the tables. Levi ended up sitting in a corner of the room with his game since there were too many demons for him to handle. Mammon started making bets with a crowd of demons to earn some grimm through a game of poker. Satan sat with Levi reading his book while Lucifer decided to have a glass of Demonus with Diavolo in celebration.
MC ended up mingling with some demons she used to be acquainted with for a good hour before the questions about her marriage situation began to be too much for her to talk about anymore. She ended up sneaking out of the room to step outside for some fresh air, unaware that Satan had seen her leave and chose to follow. MC stood at the balcony railing with a glass in her hand as she took in the view of the kingdom, looking at the city lights as the moon shone in the sky. A small sigh escaped her lips before feeling a presence behind her. She turned her gaze behind her and saw the blonde brother standing by the curtains with his book in his arm.
“Satan? Shouldn’t you be inside partying?”
“I should be asking you the same thing, your Highness. May I join you?”
Receiving a nod, he walked over to stand by her side as she stirred the contents in her glass whilst in deep thought. Satan noticed this and placed a hand on hers that rested on the railing. MC blinked, snapping back into reality and looked at their hands before looking up at him.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
At this, she looked away, finding interest in her drink as she spoke. “I’m happy Dia is now King. really am. But…will things be the same between us and your brothers…?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…I really enjoy being around you all. Will me stepping down from the throne make a difference in our relationship? Will you still want me around and spend time with you?”
“Of course we do. Just because you’re not the queen anymore doesn’t mean we don’t want you around. You’re more than just your royal status.”
MC looked at him in surprise, not believing what she just heard him say. She’s worth more than just her royal status? No one has ever told her that before, so she expected that everyone just wanted to be her friend because of her wealth and royalty. While she was getting her thoughts together, Satan took her hand in his and placed a kiss against her knuckles.
“You are beautiful, MC.” he smiled, a small blush visible on his cheeks.
With that, Satan gently took the glass from her hand and set it down away from them then pulled her into his arms for a gentle embrace. His arms wrapped around her body tenderly, as if to protect her from the dangers around them. Satan smiled when he felt her arms wrap themselves around his waist to return the hug. Her face buried in his chest as if to hide from the world. MC gave a deep breath as she slowly started to relax in his arms while taking in the scent of hardback books with the hint of red apple pie that he loves so much. Taking the crown off her head, he nuzzled in her hair; smelling the faint scent of her shampoo that she probably used the night before.
MC pulled back enough to look up at him with her chin on his chest; her cheeks a soft red hue as she gazed into his yellow-green eyes. His features were soft as he gazed down at her beauty, his hand coming up to her face as he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. MC instinctively leaned into his touch of affection as her eyes closed in relaxation. Satan smiled softly at the sight as he cupped her cheek with his hand as his thumb continued to stroke her soft skin under her eye. When she opened her eyes once more to look at him, she noticed he was closer than before.
“Satan..” her voice barely a whisper.
“MC…” he hummed before leaning in to capture her lips into a kiss.
The kiss was soft and sweet as he kept his hold on her ever so tenderly, as if she would break like glass if he held her any tighter. The, now, princess unwrapped her arms from his waist and proceeded to rub up his chest and down his arms as she gave a sigh into the intimate gesture. It only lasted a few moments before they had to pull back to take a breath. Satan smiled down at her as he tapped her forehead with his own.
“Will you do me the honor of staying the night with me?” he asked.
MC smiled and hugged his waist once more. “Of course. We can go to my room so your brothers’ won’t bother us.”
“Sounds like a great idea.” he chuckled.
Pulling out of his embrace, MC took Satan by the hand and proceeded towards her bedroom, whilst sneaking away from the party unseen, so they could have a little bit more privacy.
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Based on that one joke from TikTok. My pc is still broken and I can't write anything decent:
MC: Fuck… I forgot to peel my skin today.
Mammon: What?
MC: My skin, I didn't peel it today.
Asmo: Like a mask?
MC: No, just my skin.
Asmo: Solomon's never done that.
MC: It's just the girls, Solomon doesn't know shit.
Satan: You have to peel it?
MC: Once a month, just after my period.
Asmo: You're molting?
MC: Yeah, sure.
Mammon: And you didn't do it today??!
MC: Don't worry, I can do it tomorrow.
Satan: Nonsense MC, we can help you now.
MC: …no, don't worry… it's kinda taboo for girls anyway…
Asmo: Don't be silly, MC! We'd never judge you!
Satan: And it'll probably take less time if the three of us are helping you.
Mammon: That's right! C’mon MC, let's peel your skin off!
MC: …oh no.
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luxthestrange · 5 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#2 OUR BOOBS
F!Mc*Is wearing a crop top, feeling confident to wear it*Baby I don't understand, They are my boobs
Satan*From the other room*WAT!?
F!Mc: My boobs!
The Russian National anthem is put on speaker
Satan*Comes in with a Toy gun, Vodka, and a Ushanka on top of his head, Russian accent*' OUR BOOBS'
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5mary5 · 3 months
Female mc visits the gynecologist
Obgyn:so are you sexually active?
Mc: yes
Obgyn: are you on birth control?
Mc: no
Obgyn: *looking at the 7 men that came with her for support 🤨* why?
Mc:....they are all infertile-
(This is written on the basis that demons cannot get humans pregnant btw)
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xans-mindspace · 5 months
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featuring the demon brothers !!! — gn reader — my headcanons !!! — red text in brackets = spoilers , dw it’s very clear what the spoilers are for !!! + it’s only like one minor spoiler — wc. 1.4k
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ꨄ — lucifer : quality time
lucifer loves to spend time with you. this man canonically has separation anxiety mind you !!! he’d send you a random text like “come to the music room” after a long day, or he’d come up to you while you were spending time with the other brothers & tell ask you to go to his room tonight. you rush to his room, expecting to have an important and urgent conversation as he’d made it sound, only to find lucifer sitting on his sofa, a glass of wine in his unusually bare hand and another glass in front of the sofa across from him, as a calming tune plays on the music player.
if you mention the way he had made his request sound so urgent he’d simply say: “what? aren’t i allowed to spend time with my little lamb anymore?” a cheeky smirk plastered on his face.
you would end up talking to him for hours, and the next thing you know, he had somehow convinced you that walking to your room is too much for your little human body to bear this late into the night, so you found yourself warm in the comfort of his bed and his arms as you drifted off to sleep.
ꨄ — mammon : gift giving
what convinced me that mammon’s love language is gift giving is that one devilgram story (mammon at the office) where he worked his ass off to save up for a matching watch for mc ໒꒰ྀི o̴̶̷̤ ︹ o̴̶̷̤ ꒱ྀིა !!! the fact that he didn’t ask money from others like he usually does (apparent from how much debt he canonically has), ‘cuz he actually wants the gift to come from an authentic place !!! it makes it so much more meaningful <///3 and he thinks that the hard work is all worth it if it’s for you !!!
the way the first thing he thinks to do when he receives a batch of money is to take mc out on a date :( he would absolutely spoil you with anything you have your eyes on. you’d be hanging out with him, casually whining about that one thing you really want as you scrolled mindlessly through your phone. the next day, he’ll show up on your door with the exact thing in his hands !!! he def loves surprising u.
ꨄ — leviathan : quality time
levi’s favorite thing is holing up in his room and playing video games. but you rivaled against these, threatening to take their spot on the number one thing that he loves. but why deny himself both?
levi loves it when you come to his room & play games with him for hours. he used to be so used to being alone in his room, mindlessly playing the next video game he had bought. but now, his room would feel so empty without your presence in it.
it’s stupid and cringe, but levi never really cared about that sort of stuff, but you’re his player 2 !!! back then, he’d read summaries of different games. they piqued his interest. he was about to add it in his cart, before he realized it was a game that can only be played by two people. he was left disappointed before deleting the game out of his cart. he basically beamed when he realized that he can play those strictly co-op games he had to drop now that he has you. he immediately jumped to akuzon and bought every single co-op game he wanted to play but was never able to. and adding a few new ones too ! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ꨄ — asmodeus : physical touch
this was a given. we all know that asmo’s love language is physical touch. he just can’t help it !!! whenever he sees you still sleepy in the morning, your hair so messy, he just has to give you headpats !!! it feels like a crime not to !!!
or whenever you two are out together. walking side by side. your hands would touch and i swear to you it would send electrical shocks from the tips of his fingers to his heart. yes, he seems to always have it together, but asmo’s good at performing, right? his heart would thump just from the littlest touches and he can’t help but to intertwine his fingers with yours, holding your hand in his, feeling it click! like a piece of a puzzle connecting. it might be dramatic, but asmo never denied his love for the dramatics, it’s just who he is.
or when you’re acting oh so obliviously and unintentionally cute. how can he not want to give you a tight hug? his feelings are so explosive that he feels like the closest thing that would do his feelings any justice is to let you feel it, literally. physically.
ꨄ — satan : words of affirmation / acts of service
oh satan the man that you are. satan is a textbook gentleman. he has a way with his words. very direct and shameless when it comes to his expression of his love for you. a romantic at heart, at least ever since he’d met you, that is. a romantic at his core, and he can’t think why he would ever hide that from you. it is your fault, after all.
he would flirt openly, and sappily, and he would not bat a single eye ! he’d write you letters, poems. if he were to gift you something, he’ll take the time to stick a sticky note on it, just a cute lil’ message on it ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝꒱ྀི১ he’d give u books & when u open it, you’ll see them fully annotated. i’m talking written little stuff on the margins, color coded tabs / highlights & all !!!
ꨄ — beelzebub : acts of service
BEEL OUR SWEET BOY 💔 he will always ask you for what you want whenever he’s out in madame scream’s. he’d get u your favorite snack whenever he’s out in the convenient store.
if you get sick, or you’re having a bad day, he’d show up on your door with aaaall of your favorite food / snacks. he would put it neatly in a basket, and he’d be the person to make you a bowl of soup or even try to bake for you !!! anything to make you feel happy <3
he would absolutely give you amazing massages. beel is a big boy. & i trust he knows kinesiology & thus he’ll know what to do whenever your body is exhausted or isn’t really working with you. he’d be such a huge help, asking you just lay down so he could help you feel better. he’d even put a snack right beside you just in case! you’d feel ten times better after you feel his firm hands massaging your tense muscles. he’d note the way your body relaxes and melts onto his hands. seeing u feel good makes him v happy too. his big & rough hands, handling you so softly and cautiously. just a total teddy bear :(
ꨄ — belphegor : physical touch
people think asmo is clingy? wait ‘til they see how belphie clings to u whenever u two are alone. he will sleep on every part of your body (lol).
once, lucifer had insisted that belphegor actually try to study since finals are coming, and though his grades are not to be undermined, he should still at least study to be safe. belphie agrees, on the condition that you tutor him. so you do. you were studying together. the night was getting darker and you’d been studying for hours on end. you yourself was growing sleepy, so you couldn’t even blame belphie when his head started to sway and bump against your shoulder multiple times, before settling comfortably on it, nuzzling it beforehand.
it doesn’t even need to be a coincidence, he would just directly ask you to be his pillow (verbatim) because it’s the best way to sleep according to him. he would “borrow” your thighs, setting his head so cozily on your lap as if it was as comfortable as a pillow (or even more). or when you hung out with him and beel in their room. you ended up sleeping in his bed, you’ll be vast asleep when you felt something tickling your neck. sleepily opening your eyes, you’d find belphie’s head on your chest. and if you chose to sleep in beel’s bed? oh, he’d climb right up and slither his arms around your waist without saying a word. it was a little cramped, but how could you deny such an adorable gesture? the next day you wake up with his arms still right where it was when you had fallen asleep. his mouth snoring softly as his warm breath fans and tickles the back of your neck.
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a/n: ahhh i finished writing this at 3 am 😭😭😭 it’s storming really hard outside and my eyes are starting to hurt but it was rlly fun to finally write again :-) i hate writing / reading ooc characters so i hope i did your faves justice !!! 😭🙏🏼
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vcill · 1 year
❥⁠ When they cum
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Lucifer would definitely talk you through things in the bedroom, want to cum? Ask him first. Feels good? Of course it does since he's the one doing it.
When gets close, he starts to really tease you. Asking if you really deserve his cum or if you've been good enough for it.
You know how his eyes kinda glow or how the room seems to darken whenever he's mad? I feel like that would happen but not because he's mad or anything, but because he's about to release all he's got into you.
Would start growl and the fangs he has will start to bruise and break the skin on you neck.
When he does cum, he thrusts into you HARD. So much so where you're bending in half. (But in a good way lolz)
Degrades you while he does. Calling you a pathetic human who's only use is for his cum.
Will creampie you, if not, would cum on your face and force you to clean yourself up all while he sits back and watches while he slowly jerks himself off. If you miss a spot, he'll come on you again and force you to clean up a bigger mess.
In other words, luci is a very very nasty boy.
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This is the avatar of greed. What would you expect?
Favorite position would have to be mating press when he cums, either that or he's fucking your face.
When he gets close, he rambles on about how he's gonna fill you up and make you feel so full, how no other demon could do it better then him.
Gets very possessive, will repeat "mine" over and over and will make you tell him that you belong to him too.
When he finishes, he's loud and mumbles your name over and over. Will get high off of the orgasm, tell me he won't.
But don't think you're done. Baby boy loves overstimulation and will continue once he's done.
Depending on how long you go, by the time he's done you will be covered with demon cum.
Licks all of it off happily and makes eye contact wit you while he does it.
I highly believe he and Lucifer often go on threesomes together, cause they r both nasty asf when they going at it. 🤧
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So you know how in hentai whenever the girls cum they go: AHHHHHHHHH
Like that but more Levi.
The three eldest just have something in common with each other. They don't shut up.
Would say he can't believe this is happening to him and that you let him defile you like this.
Feel free to disagree, but I believe his favorite position is doggy. You can be under his gaming desk and he'll thrust into you from below it. Or get a blowjob, your choice tbh.
When he gets close, he gets REALLY lewd he pretty much drunk off the sex. Boy would tell you also his dirtiest secrets and desires.
Cums a whole lot;would beg you to let him take a picture afterwards to save for later.
He loves thigh fucking!! Don't tell me anything different. Thick, small, he loves it all.
If he gets to come between them, he would lick it off which leads to him eating you out/give you a bj.
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Will go two ways with this one.
He can be really sweet and gentle and praise you every step of the way.
Or fuck you like you're not even a living being.
Really depends on his mood tbh.
If he's sweet Satan candy, he'll be soft and gentle, when gets ready to cum.
Would be like Lucifer and growl while letting out airy breaths.
Does a mix of praise and degradation.
Tells you you're nothing but a filthy cumdump but will say he'll gladly clean up all the messes inside/on you.
Prefers to cum on your stomach or in your mouth, he just really loves seeing it drip out and run everywhere.
I know a lot of fics write it differently, but I believe instead of fucking you roughly, he'll sit back and watch.
Would force you to touch and play with yourself, either with toys or just your hands.
Slowly jerks off while glaring at you, whoever he's mad at he just imagines them watching while he fucks you better then they can.
Cums on the floor and makes you crawl and lick it up.
Satan pet play cannon! 🤭
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The Avatar of Lust.
Ok this finna be a REALLL nasty one so buckle up.
If you're giving him a bj, he'll cum on your face and rubs in claiming it's great moisturizer. (Knowing him, it probably will.)
Or if he's fucking, would pull out and cum on your back and trace patterns in it.
Asmo just really loves playing with cum.
If you ride him, he'll tease and play with you in every spit possible, when he gets close he gets Soo whiny and start dirty talking like crazy.
Chants your name over and over when he does, most likely brings you to your end too.
Loves recording videos of you guys fucking, whether or not he posts them is up to you.
In the videos it's you moaning loudly while you hear him in the background, telling everyone how lewd you really are and the things you do when the camera isn't on you.
Occasionally, Satan will join the both of you, (I believe those two r the closest with each other) both degrade you like crazy and covers you in their cum.
At dinner they often whisper new things to do to you, with you on the other side blushing like crazy while the others are oblivious.
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100% has a breeding/size kink.
Favorite position is prob full nelson or the siren.
Either way he has a grasp on you SOMEHOW.
Would be in the mix of gentle and rough, might ram into you and take it slow and steady the next.
Praise king, do not tell me anything different.
Constantly tells you how good you feel/look like while cumming into you. Loves watching it drip out like a cream puff or jelly donut. Satisfies his hunger in the quickest way.
If not in you, then on your thighs. He loves them since they look like little breads rolls and are soft like them. The warm feeling and softness makes go crazy.
Pants like a dog in heat when he's close, def would like your neck or face a few times, doesn't matter if it has food on it or not.
When he cums, he lets out a growl/roar and pulls you close to him while he finishes.
May or may not have made you something with his cum in it and watches you it. Totally didn't.
But if you do find out and don't mind, throat fucking becomes wayyy more common cause he loves watching you eat his cum.
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Handjobs are probably his favorite.
(didn't hear this from me, but I can see him having a hand kink.
Watches you while you jerk of his cock and compliments how pretty your hands look while doing so.
Breathy and whiny moans come from him as he holds your other hand and demands you to go faster.
Believe it or not, this would be a super intimate moment.
He cums with a series of whispered curses and squeezes your hand. Licks your hand and makes you watch as he does so.
Favorite position is reversed cowgirl/ side spoon. Anything that doesn't require him to much work is perfect for him.
Cums on your ass mostly, doesn't really like to cum inside unless he's feeling really possessive or too lazy to pull out.
When you beg him to cum inside, his only words for you are needy/filthy. Tell you to clean up your own mess while he finishes.
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akutasoda · 1 month
For the 1k event can I request angst hcs with the demon bros with a fem mc whos a fallen angel but with mauled wings? Like we’re talking loose feathers and flesh sticking out bonus if they randomly met her in the forest
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bloody damnation
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synopsis - when they meet a fallen angel in unfortunate circumstance
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns), heavy angst, very little comfort, body horror???, lots of blood, wc - 1.8k
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lucifer ★↷
↪as part of his brotherly duties, he had to go search the forest out back of the house of lamentation when one of his brothers ran inside claiming there was some 'horrid monster' lurking. creatures in the devildom normally didn't stray as close to the house so he immediately knew something was up.
↪although maybe he would've preferred you to have been 'a horrid monster' purely for the reason of the awkward situation you have placed him in. it's one thing to find some demon or creature with mangled parts, it was another to find an angel - or the reamins of one.
↪your once beautiful, silken wings lay crumpled and tangled in a mess behind you. he could practically smell the blood, see it too as it stained the grass beneath you and soon covered by the white feathers that turned darker as they hit the ground.
↪for obvious reasons, lucifer reluctantly brought (snuck) you into the house and hid you in his room until he managed to get hold of diavolo to sort out your situation. however he knew he couldn't just leave your wings in such a state, it looked like it hurt and he couldn't imagine they'd heal prettily if left like that.
↪he once had beautiful wings, some say he still does. so he knew how important keeping wings in a good condition was and so he managed to convince you to let him provide a basic, temporary solution to your wings. he hardly wanted to know what happened for you to fall let alone fall and end up with your wings in such a condition so he remained silent.
↪bu the time diavolo arrived, lucifer had performed basic healing magic and bandaged your wings to allow the membranes to heal inside your wing. he could think more clearly about the situation of having a fallen angel in the devildom knowing your pain had been limited for now.
mammon ★↷
↪mammon had decided to sneak out again and somehow lucifer found out and was actively searching for him. so he decided that sneaking through the dense forrests on the outskirts would be a good way to avoid lucifer and sneak back in - hopefully convincing lucifer he'd never left.
↪the smell of iron hit his nose and made him stop in his tracks. it dawned on him that he had no idea where he really was and so his mind decided that the blood was because some vile creature was feasting nearby - maybe he'd become the next victim? but when nothing showed signs of appearing, he kept moving forward until he halted at the sight of the blood.
↪he never knew there could be so much blood in one place. the grass was practically a sea of crimson and i the middle was a brutal mess of white that covered what appeared to be a body. mammon felt sick to his stomach at the sight, especially the bits of flesh that clung to your feathers like parasites.
↪now mamon was greedy, he could save himself from your sorry sight and leave or he could do something for you. fortunately mammon could be more kind that greedy at times so when he finally realised just what you were or used to be, he knew he couldn't just leave you to bleed out on the forest floor of unfamiliar territory.
↪he didn't mind recieving a scolding from lucifer when he emerged from his hiding, mainly because lucifer was too stunned to see you in his brother's arms as mammon asked for him to help you. mammon knew how scary it was to fall, he helped his brother and now he wants to help you.
leviathan ★↷
↪it was a well known fact that levi spent most of his days locked inside his room. he barely went outside unless it was for RAD or absolutely necessary for him to leave the sanctity his room provided. however sometimes he'd have to leave his room but he never dwindled around.
↪levi was desperate to get home, it had been a long day at RAD and he finally managed to snag a limited edition item from a store on the outskirts of the devildom. all he had to do now was get back with his purchase in perfect condition. he practically jumped out his skin when he heard a scream from further beyond in one of devildom's forest beside him.
↪he knew he shouldn't walk into a dodgy forest after hearing a scream - it was like every horror troupe! but surely a peak couldn't hurt after all what if someone was hurt? not that he'd normally care all that much but something felt different, more serious.
↪and he was right, the sight wasn't pleasant by all means. the remains of what could only be an angel thrasing around desperately trying to subdue the bleeding that was a constant stream of crimson. levi felt sick, by no means was it your fault but he just couldn't stand the sight of your flesh and feathers mixing together.
↪he fumbled desperately trying to reach his d.d.d to contact lucifer for help but he felt absolutely helpless in the scenario. he had fallen once, sure it wasn't aa brutal as you but he could only imagine the fear you must be feeling - especially whe you're wings are practically falling off. but what could a lowly otaku like him do?
satan ★↷
↪on his way back from RAD, he had seen a rather adorable cat run past into a nearby forest and naturally satan followed. a part of him was convinced that maybe he would get lucky and find some sort of secret cat hideout in the devildom.
↪he found it rather alarming that the cat suddenly turned heel and ran back past him not to far fron a clearing. although when he looked into the clearing, he hadn't expected to see the fallen remains of an angel crumpled into the floor.
↪ originally he thought you looked absolutely ethereal, ironically the devildom's light seemed to highlight your features perfectly. however he quickly doubled back on his thoughts when he could see the mess that were you're wings. the crimson coated over what used to be a pure white, feathers had fallen and in their place was evidence of flesh that certainly shouldn't of been there.
↪he had always been curious and so showed no hesitation in stepping towards your poor form. the exhaustion from blood loss and the actual act of 'falling' was evident on your frame and so you barely paid attention to the approaching demon - perhaps he'd be kind enough to put you out of your misery.
↪satan knew you were still alive but he was stumped. did he just leave you here for something crueler to come along and finish you or did he help you?
asmodeus ★↷
↪it had been another late night for asmo, he had snuck out once again against lucifer's demand and asmo had spent some time at the fall. although for some reason he wasn't actually in the mood to be there no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to stay, so he had left way earlier than normal.
↪it was a rather quiet night all over devildom, way quieter than what asmo was used to seeing and so he figured he might as well just head back. or that was his plan until the sight of a rather deep crimson caught his attention. small drops lead into puddles and eventually the source lay at the edge of the outskirts of a forest.
↪asmo started panicking and immediately fumbled out his d.d.d to call atleast one of his brothers who may be able to help. he wasn't dumb and could recognise those wight feathers, he knew you used to be an angel because the greying feathers told him that you were no longer welcome back in the celestial realm.
↪he took great pity on you. he was sure you would've beeen a stunning angel but know you were reduced to nothing but a former shell - just like him all those years ago. he took cautious steps toward you but it became clear that exhaustion had taken over you, oh how he wishes he could help you return to your former beauty.
beelzebub ★↷
↪it had been another late fangol game. the other team had put up more of a fight than beel's team anticipated and the matches dragged on and on. once the game had finished he informed his brother's that stayed to watch that they could go home without him as he'd still be a while.
↪he didn't mind walking home on his own at all or atleast until he closed nearer to the house of lamentation and saw a very concerning amount of blood trailing off into the closest forest. beel was a kind soul at heart and if somebody was hurt, he'd want to help.
↪although he wasn't exactly prepared to find a bleeding angel at the end of the trail. the sight of you and your mangled mess of feathers, flesh and blood was by no means pretty. he approached you carefully but he could tell that even if you did notice him, you didn't care. you were too exhausted to do anything but accept your fate.
↪beel felt pity when he watched your slumped form crumple to the ground, he did rush over and checked if you were alive. one minute you had been laying face down in youe own blood, the next some stranger was carrying you away and before you're mind slipped into darkness you heard multiple voices as somebody laid you down on a rather comdy surface.
belphegor ★↷
↪the avatar of sloth wouldn't be the avatar of sloth if he didn't spend most of his time lazing around or sleeping. he rarely went out without nearly falling asleep many times. but sometimes the house of lamentation gets too loud. way too loud. normally he just goes into the attic but between mammon being ounished by lucifer and satan going through a rage, he'd rather not.
↪the forest behind the house was normally quiet and no unwanted creatures normally came near as they also seemed to fear lucifer. sure it wasn't the attic but he was tired and needed one minute of peace without fearing that satan would wreck through the entire house or lucifer would do the same trying to catch mammon. he didn't plan to be long but the unpleasant smell of blood quickly hit his senses.
↪out of weird curiosity, he followed the smell and he wished he didn't. he stared at you as a flurry of emotions swirled inside of him. was this what pain lillith had to endure when she was forced out of the celestial realm? no, no she was sent to the human world, surely it was painless physically? all belphie could do was stare awkwardly at the bloody mess that was you.
↪he could hear your laboured breathing and could see the amount of pain you probably were in, yet he froze. the right thing to do would be to go alert his brother's of your presence but he doubted they wouldn't be much help right now but he could barely help you himself.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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valsdelulucorner · 7 days
Oh right!
Are your requests still up?
Can't recall and i don't wanna impose lol
Just wanted to swoop on by to ask if you had any courting behavior/mermaid cultural headcanons for obey me mermaid au (can't recall if you made one though i know you made one for their appearances)
Ignore if you're not up to it
Yes of course! I haven't mentioned their courting behavior yet so this was such fun to imagine
Mermaid bros courting head cannons<3
I think that in the mermaid AU, they all have similar courting behaviours but they are all different. The species they come from gift gifts and bring kills to show how they could support them and feed them well.
If only one mer falls for someone, they will make it obvious to any other possible suitors they are trying to court, making it obvious that that one person was off limits. With multiple mer fallen for one person, it can result in bloody fights and competitions to who can bring the biggest fish.
When mer-folk want to mate, they will collect little trinkets for their potential partner, bringing them large fish aswell to show case how well they can provide for their future mate. They also show off their scales and body while in the water with a mate they are interested in, showing off their fins, gills, and inside of their mouth to show them they are interested
When the 7 bros start to actually fall for the pretty/handsome human on the island, it became just one big competition because they thought you were just playing hard to get to see which one of them was perfect, only to find out after you had no idea they were courting you.
If you decided to accept all of their affections and said yes to all of them, they will tone down the aggressiveness but crank up the possessiveness. There will still be teeth and claws bared but they started to reduce it even more when they found out the most injured brother got special treatment from you.
Just because they have you doesn't mean they still wont getting you fish and trinkets, you originally thought they were just being nice but was extremely disappointed to find out it was like one big competition between they, with you as the prize
This is so badly worded so im sorry if some parts dont make sense and if there is spelling errors
Lmao i uploaded some of my art and it got deleted, I don't think Tumblr likes me lmao
This was so fun to write, what should I do next?
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jkaicai · 2 years
Mc: Mammon.
Mammon: ?
Mc: Truth or Dare?
Mammon: Uh, Truth.
Mc: I dare you to kiss me
Mammon, standing up and taking off his jacket: O-o-okay but don't expect me to like this or anything.
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xythlia · 8 months
kinktober week two | biting | vampire!satan x f!reader
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What Goes Bump In The Night week two is here! The theater two showing is all about vampires, so when those fangs are bared make sure your necks are too~
› you're a caged bird, no hope of faith or flight to save you from the beast that holds you in an iron grip. But do you even want to be saved?
› warnings : ambiguous 18th century setting, biting, vampire au, blood/blood consumption, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, use of pet, sacrilege/religious themes, mention of killing, reader has hair long enough for it to get in their face, noncon, cervix fucking, creampie, choking
› word count : 3k+
🔪 what goes bump in the night?
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The human mind possesses a remarkable ability to adapt.
You had quit marking time here long ago, it only served to drive you deeper into despair and slowly it became clear the only choice left was to make the best of being trapped in this rotted cathedral. So be it. Things became less horrid once that shifted inside you, he was kinder for one. Less bouts of intense rage although it wasn't perfectly remedied by your obedience and you suspected the real source of his rage was his own despair at knowing there was no solution for what he was. He also allowed you more freedom of movement, though only within this decrepit place.
You also suppose it makes sense he would choose this place to be a prison, for both of you. What you don't understand however, is his would be devotion to a being that did not create him nor hold any love for him.
"Leave me." Satan greeted you. His eyes never even moved to you, it almost made you feel miffed he couldn't even be bothered to properly rebuke you.
"I didn't even know you were here," you lied. He's always here. Always in the shadow of this altar when he's not slipping into your bedroom, attempting to find a much different form of salvation. This place was obviously once resplendent, but years of abandonment have reduced portions to rubble. This main part of the cathedral was nothing more than a half cracked maw, sucking in the freezing night air.
"I couldn't sleep," you muttered, maybe more to the neglected pews than to him.
You both knew you were lying, his acknowledgement coming in the form of a bland hmph. It was strange, you hated and reviled him especially when he would lurk into your room at night but something you couldn't really describe would rear it's head as an ache for him. You were now wholly dependent on him and you loathed him for it.
When those venomous eyes finally train on you it nearly makes you reconsider. Coming to him like this was a mistake, especially if you don't tred carefully-
"Maybe I should use you to sate my own desires," he cuts off your train of thought. "How wretched you are. You call me beast more times than I can count, yet you sulk into this place wanting to be bed by said beast." He sneered, tone shot full of mocking. You were caught out.
A pit opened in your stomach, but it wasn't unpleasant. No, it was a funny mixture of desire and disgust. He was right, though that would never pass your lips.
So you decide to lie again, even though you know he can practically taste the desire wafting from you, knew you were wet the moment you walked in.
"That's not what I want from you-"
"Then leave!" He practically snarls and you wish you had the nerve to strike him. He knows perfectly well you can't leave, could never leave. He tore you away in the night from all you ever had, all you ever knew and dropped you into this decaying church because try as he might he can never resist what he is.
Your own lips curl into a snarl. "You're nothing but a pathetic creature that would spend all of his eternity knelt for a god that deafens its ears to him."
You don't stop even as he rises to stand, every movement radiating aggression as he comes closer to you. You want to hurt him even a fraction of how badly he's hurt you, the ugliness of it twines together with your arousal, twin snakes squirming in your belly.
"You're pathetic. You know no god will ever look at you in joy so you capture women, cage them and break them so at least someone will gaze at you in sick adoration-"
The words die as a garbled sound of pain as his hand grips your throat, pushing you forcefully against a half rotted support beam. The position was oddly intimate, allowing you to smell the tang of the dust that had settled on him from spending hours in that repentant pose. That shameful arousal spiked inside your gut at the way he bared those fangs at you, the way he held you in place by your neck.
"Aren't you the one gazing in adoration, pet?"
The stone floor suddenly at your back was roughly fractured in sharp contours, horribly uncomfortable but it mattered not. You blinked away the start of tears in your eyes at the breathtaking sensation of being laid out flat, you always forgot about his strength when enough time passed but his small display of violence was thrilling to you in a vile way, so was the pain.
All of Satan's focus was zeroed on you as he hunched above your trembling body. The look on his face was dark, making your thighs squeeze together in a way you wish didn't happen. His flaxen hair was haloed by the cracks of moonlight from the crumbling ceiling,for a millisecond you swear he looked like one of those stained glass depictions of an angel.
"Please not here," you squeaked out.
"What? Are you afraid god will strike you down?" He asked, then whispered, "Do you really think he cares? He has yet to save you."
You swallowed thickly, noting how his eyes tracked the movement with their overblown pupils. This was a terrible idea, one you regretted now but it was too late. You'd poked the bear until claws came out and there's no asking for them to be retracted.
In the tense quiet he brushed a stray strand of hair from your forehead, the act so gentle, so intimate it nearly made you forget that you were but a meal and a thing to fuck. The faint stench of old blood brought you back to reality, knowing it came from his hands.
So, his faux repentance was prompted by another killing. It always is.
That blood-crusted hand glided down the column of your throat, making you flinch. You could tell by the hardening of his eyes that it was the wrong involuntary action to have, but there was no taking it back. That hand dipped inside your neckline to trace the curve of a breast before stilling above your heart.
"You're always so afraid," he said. It sounded almost regretful. "You know I don't mean to hurt you?"
"I don't." You whimpered. Finally a portion of truth. For all his occasional nicety it always wound back around to pain. A pain you got used to, tolerated, even sought out such as tonight, but you could never ever be sure that he would never hurt you.
He laughed and it was a mad sound, ricocheting off the cold indifferent stone and making you flinch again.
"You're just as detestable as I am, do you know that? Skulking in, acting on your own shameful desires, pretending you're not. Pretending you don't enjoy this little dance we do." His speech was coming out hard, rapidly. "I could tear you into shreds, leave nothing but ichor and parts and there's nothing you could ever do to stop me."
It was sick, how delighted he looked as you shrank against the floor. Even now your defiant streak became prevalent.
"You won't kill me," but you hardly sounded sure.
"Would you like to test it?"
You clenched your jaw, staying silent, although your trembling worsened.
Before you realized it he was leaning back, icy hands moving down violently to rip at the linen trousers you wore and horror washed over you. Horror that this was no longer a scathing back and forth, and that this time he really might make good on killing you.
"What are you doing- stop!" You cried out in dread but his movements didn't falter, no matter how much you struggled against him pulling at the fabrics of your clothes until the seams tore, leaving your cunt bare to his gaze and your ass to the bite of the frozen stone floor.
You yelped in pain as he tugged you down, scraping your back against the stone and raised your legs up, propping them on his shoulders in a hardened grip. Terror kept you locked in place even when his hands disappeared, fumbling with his own waistband looking down you saw how erect he was in his hand. Thick and tip dripping precum as you feel him smear it between your folds, and you bite down hard on your lips in anticipation of fresh pain.
As he roughly guided himself inside you struggled anew, crying out from the unprepared stretching as his girth forced your muscles and slick walls to part. Something like lust overcame you as you felt him fit fully inside, the head of his cock brushing against your cervix. It made you go limp, a gasped sob rising from your chest as he pushed your legs up against your breasts before forcefully placing your hands to hold the backs of your thighs.
His movements started slow, his breathing ragged feeling you clench around him. When he started thrusting with more vigor the back of your head scraped painfully against the floor, making you yelp as cool tears pooled in the shell of your ears from sliding down your cheeks. It hurt, the way it always did and brought a dull pounding pain that flowed through your entire body.
It was raw, being fucked into jagged stone with no consideration from the man sucking and nipping at your skin. A mockery of intimacy, but in a repulsive way it sustained you. Feeling his balls smack against the fat of your ass, gasping his name in broken syllables, feeling his fingers slip down to prod at your clit; it guaranteed your survival.
As you shift to wrap your arms around his neck an aggressive sound leaves him. All the pain made your back arch, trying to escape the ground while at the same time providing him a deeper reach that brought a burst of ecstasy to you. Pain and pleasure intensely mixed and muddled your mind as your body jostled with his cruel pace. Whatever pain there was would be rewarded, there was solace in that.
With no space between you that scent of iron and rot returned, pairing with the smell of your own acrid sweat and his golden hair tickled your cheek as he bit down with intent this time.
The wail that rang against the unfeeling cathedral left you unbidden, an animalistic response to the searing, nearly blinding pain of teeth sinking into your flesh. Sobs left you in ripping spurts, your nails clawing at his back but it did little to stop him. His pace never broke, if anything the way he circled your clit only picked up speed and your cunt spasmed around him.
It was strangely beautiful, feeling yourself coming undone and slipping away as your eyes never left the gap of starlight breaking through the musty darkness from the vaulted ceiling. The pain was ebbing away too, like a hazy afterimage that you couldn't hold onto. Faintly you knew the wet warmth seeping against your skin was your own blood, he always is a sloppy eater after all. It makes you crack a small smile, and distantly you know you look insane: fucked out, bloody, yet smiling up to the sky while he doesn't stop pumping into you, doesn't stop sucking and grunting against your skin. A barbaric display beneath the unsympathetic eye of the moon.
Though there is a happiness in knowing the dance ended the way it always does. That tomorrow you'll wake up, sore and feeling sick, but alive still.
As your eyes flutter closed and you go limp in his hold something shifts, though you're no longer awake to catch it. To him this suffering of eternal existence would perhaps be lessened if you were also eternally present, and without your current fragility.
Thick spurts of cum flood your throbbing cunt with his last sloppy thrusts as he keeps drinking, past his fill and past the point of no return. You'll wake much, much later as little more than a fledgling beast with base instincts but it thrills him to think of your anguish once you regain a sense of self.
Whatever poison you spit at him as a human would pale in comparison to what will surely leave your mouth once you realize what he's done to you. But snapping that iron will of yours a second time will taste even sweeter than you do at this moment.
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - Part 1
Characters: demon brothers, Diavolo, fem!MC and high school crush! male! NES (MC x NES)
How’s it gonna be , Intro – Part 0 , Part 2 , Part 3
CW: unrequited love, rejection, insecure demons, i refuse to let MC be a doormat, lesson 16 mentioned, my interpretations of the pacts, suggestive (kinda? i dont know), MC is down bad for NES, golden retriever NES, both MC and NES are in their 20s
There were two songs during the writing of this part: Rock Lobster and Girl With One Eye; do with that information what you will
Diavolo liked NES. What a fine addition to the program he was! Invested in his studies, clearly interested in the new world he had been suddenly thrown to and cooperative as an advisor whenever MC was occupied with other matters. Charismatic, polite and respectful, still acting with naiveness, but quickly adapting to his surroundings.
No wonder MC used to be in love with him.
That was a surprise for everyone, although he’d be lying if he said it was a pleasant one. Solomon had laughed at the turn of events, stating how lucky MC was finding NES years later. In hell, no less! And while that made everything easier in terms of getting to know the Devildom from a familiar face, seeing MC smile with that bashfulness whenever she crossed paths with NES wasn’t something none of them were keen on. 
Sending him to Purgatory Hall despite MC’s protests was the obvious choice. The House of Lamentation was already crowded and having MC share her room was both unnecessary and unfair; at least, that’s what Lucifer said.
Both of the angels’ and Solomon’s reports were as positive as they could be. Luke thoroughly enjoyed baking with him, Simeon described his company as delightful and the sorcerer was ecstatic when he announced that NES tried every single one of his dishes, which just proved his bravery and resilience. 
Diavolo liked NES, yes, but he’d like him even more if MC liked him a little less.
“So those are pacts?”
MC stared at NES, mouth dry and words stuck in her throat. She needed to blink, but she didn’t know how to do that without looking weird. Of course NES’s eyes had to look like that under the light of the fireplace. 
He laughed and her heart skipped a beat. There wasn’t an ounce of malice in his voice, making her wish his soft smile was born out of the intimate bubble encasing them. If she focused enough, she could swear NES had a blush in his cheeks. If only that wasn’t due to the heat.
“The pacts, MC”
“Oh, yeah”
Could the earth swallow her if she was already in hell?
“They’re bonds I share with the brothers. Kinda like…”
She didn’t know what to say then. That she could command the brothers and they had no other choice but to obey her? He'd discover the true meaning of the pacts if he asked the right people, mainly Solomon, but it still seemed like a fact too vulnerable to share.
“It means she’s part of the family” a voice behind them intervened. “That she belongs with us”
MC jumped and turned around at lightning speed, drowning in embarrassment at the realization that she’d completely forgotten about Satan’s presence in the library. However, something in his words irked her mind. Did he want to say that? Or rather that she belonged to them?
“That’s nice, right?” 
She looked at NES, who was smiling despite the heavy silence in the air. Satan scoffed, no doubt in a mocking tone, and MC wondered with sudden ire how far she could go.
“Well, these are just two of them”
Mammon’s, covering the tip of her fingers in pure black with golden swirls; and Beel’s, dripping out of her mouth down the length of her throat.
“And where are the others? They look really cool!”
“Come closer, I’ll show you Satan’s”
Said demon snapped his book close, turning around with glaring eyes. MC ignored him and opened her mouth, letting herself enjoy NES’s presence so close to her body. There was ink in her tongue, drawing hard edges in the shape of a very elaborated arrow. NES stared at it in amazement, unconsciously grabbing MC’s chin and moving it side to side, up and down, to admire the tattoo better.
“Do you want to see the others?”
NES took his hand away, discreetly looking at Satan out of the corner of his eye.
“Would you…?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary” 
The blond glared at them and MC stared him down with a silent warning.
“I don’t think that’s your decision to make”
The tension was thick once again and MC sighed when NES looked away in awkwardness, but she couldn’t let Satan spoil what she wanted to be a nice date.
“Come with me to my room, NES, I’ll show you the rest of them”
He didn’t need any reassurance, taking his DDD and MC’s blanket with him before following her out of the room. 
The fireplace was still lit, but Satan felt unusually cold. 
“She invited him to her room?!” Asmo clutched his chest before covering his annoyance in fake saccharine words. “How daring!”
“Lucifer will be furious!” cried Levi trying not to drop his DDD in his drink, finally letting it rest on the table and keeping his trembling hands inside his pockets.
“Why didn’t you stop them?” 
Satan looked at Mammon in disbelief, sneering at his brother’s furious expression. 
“Do you really think I didn’t want to? She wasn’t exactly happy with me at the moment!”
“Well, no wonder! You cock-blocked her!” 
Levi screeched at Asmo with a horrified look in his face, tears already in his eyes and fingers fidgeting with his jacket’s zipper.
“She’s raising their intimacy levels at ultimate speed! She’s taking the shortcut! There’s no way a yucky disgusting otaku could compete with that!”
Asmo rolled his eyes, patting the sobering demon’s back.
“None of us can compete with that, Levi”
Everyone looked at Mammon in surprise, but he was staring at his fingers, completely defeated. 
“As much as it pains me to say this, Mammon is right”
“Oi! Have some respect for your older brother!”
“Shut up, you moron! I’m taking your side” speaked Asmo once again. He sighed and crossed his arms, hugging himself with sadness. “MC already made her choice. The only thing we can do is slow the process”
“Then we’ll do that”
Satan seemed determined, rejecting Mammon’s supporting touch when he leaned over his chair to grasp his arm. He got up and started to grab his things, stopping only when he heard Levi’s nervous voice.
“She’s already mad at you, Satan. Like… bosslike mad at you.”
“Do you really want to risk that?”
He refused to meet his brothers’ eyes, nor their fear, their empathy or their dejectedness. Without saying another word, he stepped out of Café Lament and set foot to the House of Lamentation.
MC loved the brothers. They’d become family, even with the death threats, the broken wall and the murder. They knew what she liked to do and eat and wear and they were more than happy to indulge in her wishes. 
But if they interrupted her time with NES one more time, so help me God, she’d give Hell a whole new meaning.
First it was Satan, sitting next to her in every class and cutting every attempt at a conversation with NES short in the name of a proper education. Then followed Belphie, who slept on the floor by her bedroom door, locking her inside and forcing her to jump out of the window, which gave everyone a heart attack. 
Lucifer mildly scolded them for that, stating himself above the poor behavior they were displaying, but still found multiple reasons for MC to be in his office for hours on end. Same as Levi, who pulled three all-nighters in a row and left her half-dead for a week. 
Mammon and Beel had been more subtle, both inviting her to movie nights, cooking sessions and shopping sprees. She only put a stop to all of the nonsense when Mammon tried to intercept her when she was on her way to a date with NES, excusing himself with a poor idiotic story about some angry witches. 
Strangely, the only one not to have a stupid scheme against her crush was Asmo. She almost expected him to be the most obvious about it, but nothing happened. He still did her nails and he helped her choose her outfits whenever she had a date with NES, albeit with a harsher critical attitude. 
He quickly became the nicest one to be around and she had no qualms in saying so.
“Oh, MC! You always know how to make me happy!”
“But it is true! I don’t know what’s wrong with the others! They’ve been acting so weird…”
Asmo stopped rummaging through her closet, turning around to look at her with an unamused expression. He looked tired.
“Honey… Surely you know. You must know”
They stayed in silence for a few seconds, both knowing that MC knew what he was talking about. All seven brothers had been interested in her to some extent, claiming ownership over her soul on more than one occasion, and this was the first time she’d rejected all those statements in such an obvious way. 
“We miss you, MC” 
Not the whole truth, but something neither of them could deny. 
“I miss you too”, she assured him. 
She could’ve left it at that, ending the raw, vulnerable talk in a positive tone. Alas, things weren’t always that easy. 
“But I like him. So, so much”
MC didn’t want to cry, but she was close. The dejection in Asmo’s eyes lasted long enough for her to almost regret knowing NES for so many years. In the end, he hid himself amongst her pile of clothes and continued looking for a good outfit.
“I’ll find time for you, I swear. For all of you”
Asmo nodded without looking at her, ending the conversation when he threw some clothes in her direction and waited for the mandatory catwalk. 
It wouldn’t be enough, but it was the best the brothers could ever get. After all, if someone deserved to be happy and in love, it was her.
Taglist: @stfuchaase @k1-an @megs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#804 Imprinting
Whenever The Demons, Angels, or Sorcerer do something idiotic
F!Mc*Lecturing them with a glare*STUPID MAN THINGS!?
Luke*Holding your hand smiling then looking up at your angry face...and copying your frown*SUCH A TERRIBLE MAN THINGS!
F!Mc*Looks at Luke*...Aww~*Smiles picking him up in arms and kissing his cheek*
Luke*Giggles at the affection*
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Luke out here repeating a lot of things he hears from the people he loves...
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svnqsn · 11 months
OO1 ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ፧ ‎ ‎BLOOD SUCKER ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏♡ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏
✶ users! › asmo, beel, levi, satan, belphie, gn!reader.
✶ synopsis! › the reader is a vampire.
✶ cw’s! › blood, blood sucking, blood bags -- just lots of mentions of blood, nsfw parts, brothers know reader is a vamp, mentions of a blood (sucking) kink in asmo's part and levi's, reader's mentioned to have eyes that change colour, primal play in asmo's part but it's just mentioned once and not very specific either, reader's a pureblood (only mentioned in satan's part).
asmo is obsessed from the moment he first lays his pretty eyes on you—you're unnaturally beautiful and if there's one thing that gets him worked up, it's beauty. he gasps when he sees your fangs for the first time and his mind goes places immediately; what'd it feel like to have those fangs sink into his skin? to watch you lick your lips clean of asmo's blood all over your mouth. he's been with a vampire once or twice but none of them had been as hypnotizing as you. you, with your lidded crimson eyes that stare at him like he's nothing but food for you. sometimes, he gets you riled up on purpose just to see the way you glare at him, like he's nothing but prey you're waiting to catch and swallow whole -- he loves it. he knows, theoretically speaking, that he could lay you flat on your back if he wanted to. the thing is he doesn't want to. he wants to see you sprinkled in his blood and enjoying it too.
beel understands you. he knows what it's like to want food—to need it—and not be able to have it at that exact moment and time. so he makes sure that there's always blood bags stacked in the mini fridge in his room and he also makes sure that you don't feel embarrassed about your cravings and needs. he's also never scared of you. not only because he knows you don't pose a real threat (at least not to him or his brothers), but also because he just gets it. he knows the suffering that comes with that burning pit in your stomach. he knows the anguish of hurting people because you can't control yourself and the blame that comes afterwards. so even if you do lose control at some point, beel's there to hold you and pet your head and make you feel okay again.
levi's scared of you, at first, and also impossibly turned on. it's hard to build any kind of relationship with him because he's so skittish around you. he looks at you and when you smile at him, all he sees are your fangs—and he squeaks and runs to his room. but it's not really fear anymore, at least not after you've made it clear that you were a good person (vampire?). levi just cannot stand the thoughts in his own head at the sight of anything even remotely vampire on you. he wants you to suck his blood, maybe even to call him your blood bag. but then he tells himself that he's gross: that's a filthy, disgusting thought. dumb levi. but he genuinely cannot help himself. he feels like he's in some kind of anime and he's watched lots of them with vampires. he can't help but fantasize about you sinking your teeth into his flesh and drinking until you're full. sometimes he dreams about it, even. he'd never ask though. the one time you've stormed into his room with your eyes a crimson red and a sneer on your beautiful face, levi nearly fainted on the spot. but then he pushed his collar to the side, turned a pretty red and offered his neck to you. he's so cute you want to eat him.
satan asks you a million questions all the time about the human world. things he's only ever read about in books, since there's no human alive to tell the tales. you spend hours in his room together, a candle lit, cuddled up in his bed while he asks and you answer. sometimes satan takes a few notes to add to some books that he owns. he especially loves it when you tell him something in his books is simply wrong. he loves when you go on long tangents about things that don't even exist anymore—of times long since passed. he asks you what your human life was like back then, but you just give him a confused glance. “i've never been human,” you said. even more questions. he's heard of pureblood vampires before, of course, but he's never actually met one. please don't tell him you're a price or anything like that. he will never stop asking questions.
belphie doesn't give two shits about you being a vampire, tbh. he loves the fact that you sleep during the day because that means he'll get to take even more naps with you. he also doesn't care that you drink blood—doesn't find it disgusting but doesn't find it too attractive either. it's just... normal for him. like, he'll fetch himself a drink and just grab you a bag of blood along with it. he does use you as an excuse 79% of the time. tells lucifer he has to look after you because you're hungry so he can't go to school (he's very much simply taking a nap with you). he wouldn't mind you biting him either. it's not like he finds it super hot and gets turned on by it, but it's just.. he doesn't mind it. whether you're actually hungry and need blood or you just want to nibble on his skin a little for comfort, he's pretty much down for it. at this point, he doesn't even flinch anymore when you sink your teeth into his neck, shoulder or arm. his brothers do give you guys weird looks when they see you cuddling on the couch with your mouth around his arm, but belphie doesn't give a fuck about them. let them stare all they want as long as you're happy.
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vcill · 1 year
Heya 🫰🏻
Could I request something like "What the brothers would say to you to get you into the mood"?
I love your writing and am very curious about your ideas 👀
Thanks for requesting!
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He's the devil for a reason.
Would act the complete opposite then how he's usually does in bed.
If you have a praise kink, time to go crazy!!
Starts off innocent, probably asks you to sit on his lap and tell him about your day.
Will listen to every word, if you say you did well on test he'll tell you how proud he is to be able to be with someone so smart and pretty/handsome.
If it's the opposite, and you ended up failing, instead of one of his many lectures, he tells you it's okay and he'll give you extra help next time.
Slowly starts to rub your thigh or back as you continue giving you kisses here and there.
Hums in acknowledgment as you continue on about your day. Probably moves you from his desk towards his bed.
Lays you down on your stomach and will tells you it's a massage but the slick bastard won't say what kind.
You'll definitely find out once his cold his slip down in to your clothes and start toying with you .
Tells you to keep talking as he continues, if you asked what he's done the only response is: "Don't worry about it sweet thing, why don't you continue where you left off, hm?"
Next thing you know, he's pounding into you like there's no tomorrow while still making you tell him about your day, if you stop, he stops.
If you ended up not doing too well in the school day, its a slap on the ass for each thing that you told him.
Pretty much is just comforting then uses it against you.
This is pretty much one of the "softer" ways he gets you in the mood, even if you somehow don't catch on right away.
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Once again, Mammon did something to get in trouble. If it wasn't with Lucifer, then probably the witches, or his brothers- maybe even Diavalo.
Regardless, this is probably the right time this week and it wasn't even Wednesday day.
Even Lucifer was shocked how much trouble the second one was being.
After another lecture, Mammon showed up to your room still in a pouty mood from earlier.
The least he wanted was another lecture, which is why before you could even start, he cut you off.
"How 'bout we make a deal, yeah?"
Now you know better then to make deals with him, considering all the other times he made one with that had you ended up being stuffed full and exhausted.
But if it could stop his behavior, then so be it.
For the next 7 days, he acted like an angel. Being nice to his brothers, paying off some debt. Even studying. (Everyone was shocked, even you)
But the real action was when he was with you.
"Ya like it when I'm a good boy, right?"
Acts so submissive and even asks and begs you to do things that he would never had done before.
"Promise I'll be good, I'll always be good for ya, I'm your little mambaby ain't I?"
If you're into it, he'll add a bit of mommy/daddy kink into the mix.
But of course with him m acting like this, how could you not want to treat him let me a good boy?
Always asks if you want him touch, lick , suck or bite a certain part of you, and when you say yes, you think you see Simeon in the purgatory hall.
Of course he totally wasn't trying to plan this. Totally.
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Roleplay all the way with this man.
I feel like this is the only time where he REALLY feels confident.
Starts off with something corny, probably from a video game like "The mighty prince Leviathan, has once again slain the dragon. Now to find the princess/princess!"
You'll be laying on his bed, striking a dramatic pose "Thank you thy knight! For saving me, you shall receive a special award."
"I am glad my great efforts receive such praise, I'll do my best to serve your highness"
Honestly you two being very silly and goofy but turned on nonetheless.
While giggling, he kissing your neck while le giving you a few special marks, calls them protection stamps. (IDK what to call them just something goofy 😭)
Puts you before him, will kiss every part of you and go down, while he does he describes every part of you in such great detail.
"Your majesty brings me such bliss."
"Will the knight let me sit on my throne?''
"You own everything in this kingdom my prince/princess, take what's yours."
The confidence surge in him would be so hot, he's making sure you are definitely treated as a royal should be. Maybe even more then Barbatos treats Diavolo.
Other roleplays could as be a masquerade ball where you two fuck as strangers but turns out you know each other all along.
Forbidden lovers, needing to stay quiet to not get caught.
Or as if you were trapped in a video game, and new to fuck to get out. (This one might actually happen knowing him).
He's a silly stinky otaku but we love him 💕
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A little similar to Levi.
Maybe after reading a spicy/romance book he gets into the mood.
Starts off quoting after certain books he's read to see if you remember.
When you repeat the other half correctly, he gets so turned on for some reason. If you don't remember he still will but not in the same way. (Sadistic and Satan both start with a S for a reason.)
Depending on if you answer, he'll continue on, the part he's reciting most likely from a smut.
"They lay there, with not a care in the world, unknowing of what the creature lurking might do."
Even if you are getting fucked mercilessly, you still have lines to say!!
"They moaned the creature fucking Them better then any human could."
(Spoiler alert: They love the monster 🤭)
If not roleplay, he'll have your read the book instead, making sure to exactly get to the spicy part.
While you read it aloud, he starts touching you. Slowly rubbing up and down your area, may even go down on you while you read it.
Better yet does the same thing you describe in the book. If the creature is throat fucking the MC, get prepared.
Every single position you also find yourself in, some of these you never knew even existed, but can't help but to moan like a fucking animal.
If the book had pictures, you would match it completely once you were done reading.
He'll continue reading until he gets to another smutty part, in which it's your turn to read.
And mostly likey get your brains fucked out. 👌🏾
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Ooo boy
When is he not trying to turn you on?
Asmo has a very very high sex drive, which is obvious with how many past partners he's had.
Cause of this, y'all are pretty much fucking 24/7.
Isn't afraid to hide when he wants you, you could be sitting at the dinner table and he'll make direct eye contact while licking a spoon a little to lewdly.
Moans a little too hard when eating a dish and saying it's good. Leans over over gives you a bite too, making sure it gets on your cheek for him to lick away.
If you decide to tease him back, his horniness go up 100x.
After dinner pretend not to remember what happened at the dinner table and go to his room as normal only to get pinned to the wall in a second.
"Mc, I'm so hungry, maybe even hungrier then beel"
Go ahead and let him get that desert, extra cream too please!
Switches and you'll be sucking him off messily. drool and slobber everywhere and loud sucking noise filling the room.
"Mc, your so nasty I love it."
Cums on your face, with some getting on his torso, will look at you with the most innocent eyes and ask you to clean him up.
Whines so much whenever you ride him, gripping onto your hips hard, begging for you to go faster.
He'll sound like he just came out of a hentai, saying things that surprisingly, you only got to hear.
But never ever neglect him for too long, as bold as he is, he'll get even bolder.
In a meeting with Diavolo instead of being with him? Don't worry, he'll tell a good excuse on why you should be with him instead. Maybe even invites the demon prince.
(100% think he talks dirty to you in other languages, whatever language it is, is your choice!)
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Innocent baby that doesn't realize he's a complete beast in bed. (He does a lil)
Food play doesn't always have to come in here, a lot of times it's whenever you guys are alone together.
Can be very blunt. Just makes eye contact with you and asks "Can I fuck you?"
Or if he wants to be more romantic, he'll get on his knees and rest on your thighs, purring against them. Leaves a few hickies too.
Sucks you off/eats you out always talking about how good you feel.
Now this is where food play can come in. Maybe gets some honey, chocolate syrup, icing. (Icing works best for clean-up imo.)
Licks and slurps it off so messily, moans in delight when he taste your cum in the mix.
"m'still hungry mc, spread it a little more, please?''
Pulls your legs as far as they can to keep licking down there, his tongue can also get longer as he please, so definitely hits all those spots.
When he puts his dick into you, it's a messy make out session. Left over syrup falling from both of your lips, drool dripping down your chins, beel has never felt so full before.
"Mc, you got something on your chest, don't worry, I'll get it for you."
He gets it all right, maybe even does a little bit of a deep clean too.
Tbh, all he needs to do is look at you with those pleading, seemingly innocent eyes and you'll be gone in seconds.
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Since he sleeps a lot, his sex drive won't be high but that doesn't mean he ain't needy.
Ironically, when you're the one sleeping, he's horny.
Can do dream manipulation imo. goes into whatever dream you're having and changes it up a bit to have him in there.
It's a weird one, you're back in the human world in your room about to take a nap, until Belphie comes from under it and grab onto your legs.
"You're not tired yet, are you?"
"It's not fair if you're sleeping and not me, help fall asleep too?"
Slowly you start to wake up as Belphie moves inside of you. Moaning into your ear. You're gonna help him, right?
While he thrusts, you mumble sleepy the words "I'll help you" over and over.
When you cum, he complains," it's not fair that I didn't get to cum yet, so why should you sleep?"
Overstimulates you like crazy, when you start to get a little loud he ask how is he supposed to fall asleep with all the noise.
If you're too quiet, he says he can't call asleep without a little noise in the room.
"m'getting tired, you go on top so I can rest."
Will sit back and seemingly fall asleep while you do the work bouncing up and down.
If you try to stop thinking he's sleep, he thrusts up telling you he isn't done yet and to continue.
"Belphie, I'm tried, can we please continue later?"
"We have school in the morning, mc. I can't go to school without sleep, can I?"
Younger sibling brattiness sure is kicking in right now.
"If you don't want to help anymore, I'll just get beel to help you."
Last time that happened, you couldn't even go to RAD in the morning, to tired and numb to walk.
So go ahead and help little Belphie sleep, okay? It's better when you both fall asleep anyway.
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sorastage · 10 months
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satan’s catgirl.
be belphegor’s cowgirl
satan was reading a… very informative book one day and it gave him a great idea. he buys something off akuzon, and texts you.
(nsfw, smut, you perform oral, feminine clothing, you call him master, he calls himself master, he calls you dumb and kitten)
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you’re so excited to see what it is that you spritz some perfume on yourself and slip into some green crocs and walk to his room.
you decide to knock.
“hey mc, just come inside.”
gaining his permission, you slink inside.
“soooo. gift. where?” you get straight to the point.
he points to a box on a stack of books.
“i hope you like it. i thought of you when i saw it. i’ll wait outside, get changed and call me back in whenever you’re ready.”
why is he leaving, he’s seen you change a bunch of times before…
before you can ask this question, the door shuts.
“might as well.” you reach for the box and open it.
even though you feel a little scared, you can’t shake this feeling of pure excitement.
as you wear these… clothes, you start to feel more and more confident. you even pull at your own tail.
since satan’s still waiting outside, you could wait in any position you want…
you decide to kneel down at the entrance so you can be the first thing he sees as he walks in.
sitting far enough to not be smacked by the door, you call out:
“satan… your catgirl is waiting for you.~”
the door flies open.
he shuts then locks the door before turning around.
his eyes dart around the room, not noticing you crawling up to him and pawing at his ankles, slowly making your way up.
“look down. is this what you wanted..?” you whisper.
“f-fuck, you decided to surprise me, huh? you naughty little-”
you cut him off by suddenly grabbing his dick through his trousers.
“permission to take this off… master?”
unable to speak anymore, he just nods.
you pull his trousers and underwear down and trace lines up and down his hardened cock, lightly blowing on it.
“s-stop being such a tease. use that mouth of yours for something good.” he grabs your head and shoves his entire length in your mouth.
“can’t talk anymore now huh? dumb kitten, you only know how to use that mouth to please your master.” he continues to mock you and all you can do is gag as tears threaten to fall from your eyes.
he pulls you back up and shoves you back down, continuing for a few minutes before he starts to whine incessantly.
“s-shit. good kittens swallow.” he mutters before releasing in your mouth.
you make sure to fulfil his request and open your mouth to prove it.
“you’re the best kitten… come here.” he pulls you up and lays you on the bed.
he peppers kisses all over your body, flips you over and yanks your tail, causing you to yelp.
he laughs before hooking his finger round your panties and pulling them off in a swift motion.
“i’ll make sure you mewl my name for hours.”
i hope i’ll see you again ღ
thanks for reading ☆
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
For summary n details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me character x mc!
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"I really despise her, she gives me creepy vibes ngl " Dandil said.
"Yeah she's like ugh, if only the brothers had spend time with you they would've seen how much better you are!!" Ebella joined
"But it's a good thing they haven't we get to keep you all to ourselves" Norain said hugging you as you giggled at their clingy behaviour.
Dandil is a demon succubus. Ebella is another demon that holds the sin of greed. And Norain she's another average level envy demon.
I've been friends with them since I came here ..... actually I've been friends with almost all the demons here...diavolo has also praised me for it.
We chatted as our recess bell rang once again.
"what's your class ?" They all mused .
"......... mathematics" i groaned as they did too . They groaned because it's one of the subject we're not together.
My mathematics class go with Satan , Levi , and mammon and unfortunately Run hai. There's only one class i don't have with her and that is magic. The only good thing run hai has done so far is that she's able to bring Levi school......offline.
You sighed as you thought 'i still have Satan thou' but all that went to waste as you saw run hai was sitting beside Satan and was trying so hard to get him to talk. Satan saw you entering the class and eyed you in apology . You understand thou....not like you can do anything. You took and empty seat and sat down and took your notebook out try to do the homework you didn't do at HOL. (Cause like same bro)
"Oi human!! Liste-"
"I don't have any Grimm to spare mammon so you can go"
"The great mammon isn't here to ask for gri-!!"
Before mammon could say anything another person sat behind you.
You tensed and went stiffed bodied as you don't know this demon and you could easily die by his hands . You peeked from under your eyelashes and saw mammon was stiffed bodied as well.
"Lucien...grr" mammon growled at him . Thou unfortunately the professor asked him to go back to his seat. Now Levi , mammon and Satan all were eyeing you like you really are going to die.
"i don't like this..." You muttered under your breathe.
"Oh but I do very much darling~" the said demon beside you smirked and grins showing his sharp canine.
"I'm Lucien ". (This is how he looks)
You tensed . "Ah-i-i didn't meant that about yo-you" you stuttered as you tried to not look at him-
"Look at me when I'm talking to you love~" well damn. You looked from under your lashes and boy were you charmed.......no literally you couldn't move .....you tried but you couldn't he did something you are sure.
'move, move , move damn it MOVE!!'
"HAA-" You breathe in the air as you moved again .
"is something wrong mc?" "Sir i do not feel quite well...maybe I can go early please?"
"yes you may...it must be hard being a human " the professor said with a sympathetic smile and went back to teaching.
You packed your stuff and give a look to Satan . He nodded his head. As you just went to pick up your bag you froze again.
You could see this Lucian guy moving but you could not . You watched in horror as he grabbed you immobile wrist and did something that burner your hand in pain . When he removed his hand to your horror there was a bracelet like mark on your wrist now. (The mark)
"hah hah!" You panted and ran away from RAD and made your way toh HOL.
The main door creaked as you enter . Waiting for you in the hall was Lucifer. 'huh why is he here didn't he have to do sone stupid council work or something '
"Don't worry i was already informed about your health , care to explain what happened? Why were you suddenly unwell? Did you ate something bad?"
"What? NO!! What do you think happened? And whatever happened to me is none of your concern ...Run hai is still at RAD you should go back she might need you " you spat at him
'why does he care now huh'
"Of course it is my concern you are under my protection-"
"Yeah so much for protection Whatever" you ignored him and tried to went past him . But he grabbed your wrist.
The same one that had the mark . And it was still hurting .
You howled in pain and Lucifer immediately let go. His eye scanned your wrist and he let out a gasp upon seeing the mark.
"What is the meaning of this?" Suddenly he was in his demon form and you knew that you fucked up . And you fucked up very very bad.
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[A/N]: oooohhh we fucked up didn't we ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ. Also i introduced an oc . The art is not mine thou!!
Comments are appreciated!
Thank you for reading!!
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