#regulus black x muggleborn!reader
janesociety · 1 year
‘tis the damn season
regulus black x muggleborn!reader
type: angst
word count: 1.8k
summary: leaving regulus on boxing day after an explosive (literally) christmas party
warnings: drinking, hate groups (death eaters)
marauders masterlist
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“Come on, Y/N, you’ll have to face him at some point,” Dorcas said, stroking back your hair from your tear stained face. You sniffed, turning and finally facing her. The sun was barely peeking through the drawn curtains, a sliver of it landing right next to her.
“Sirius was right and I should’ve listened,” you said, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt. You were quite sure what he was right about. Maybe it was him telling you to stay away from the group of Slytherins you had been hanging out with, maybe it was when he insisted you not go out with his younger brother, or, possibly, it could’ve been when he warned you against going to a Christmas party at number 12 Grimmauld Place. “I was being stupid.”
“Don’t say that,” she said, sitting up and looking down at you. “Sirius was being an asshole and you couldn’t have known what would happen.”
But you should’ve known, you told yourself. You should’ve known that Regulus’ family would’ve reacted to you the way they did. You should’ve known that a Black family Christmas party would be full of death eaters and sympathizers. But Regulus should’ve known how dangerous bringing you actually was. Regulus should’ve known that leaving you alone to get drunk was a bad idea. He should’ve been the one comforting you now, not his friend who was now having to apologize for the actions of her housemates.
There was a knock at the door and Dorcas got up to answer it. She pulled it open just enough to peak her head out before pulling it open all the way and letting Pandora in. She smiled weakly at you.
“The boys are all having breakfast,” she said, leaning against the post at the end of the bed you were laying. Dorcas resumed her position next to you. “I can have Kreacher bring you something if you’d like.”
“Do they remember anything that went on last night?” Dorcas asked. Pandora bit her lip.
“I don’t think so.”
Regulus, Evan, and Barty decided to get shitfaced along with a few of their other pure blood friends in attendance, making the night even worse for you and the other two in trying to keep them out of trouble. Regulus was fun to be around when he got drunk at parties, not when you needed him to be there for you.
The night was supposed to be great. You knew from Sirius’ warnings that you should’ve managed your expectations better, but you couldn’t help but become excited at the idea of attending a high society party with your close friends and boyfriend. You, Dorcas, and Pandora spent the whole day getting ready- doing each other’s hair and makeup, helping each other into the dress robes you all had picked out days before. You were practically giddy with excitement by the time you made your way downstairs to see Regulus as the party guests began to arrive.
“You look beautiful, mon coeur,” he had told you once you appeared in front of him. You were both too enamored with each other to notice the disapproving looks of the passing blood purist.
The dinner was only moderately uncomfortable- you spent most of your time talking to Pandora, Regulus, and Barty as they were on either side and across from you. You tried to ignore the talk around you of blood status politics.
Even after the dinner when the boys began drinking and you, Dorcas, and Pandora gathered yourselves in a secluded corner, you weren’t exactly miserable yet. It wasn’t Walburga pulled the attention of the crowd by tapping her wand to the side of a metal goblet that your stomach filled with actual dread.
“Ladies and gentlemen, dearest friends, I would like to thank you for coming on this lovely night,” her voice echoed artificially throughout the entire house. “Tonight we celebrate many things, friends and family among those, but most of all, we celebrate unity under the Dark Lord.” Dorcas’ hand instinctively grabbed your arm and you could feel Pandora tense next to you.
“We should find Regulus,” the blonde whispered, discreetly scanning the room for the nearest exit. Walburga continued to ramble on about their mission and blood purity and the Dark Lord- you get the picture.
“I kindly ask all of you to make your way out to the courtyard for a holiday firework display,” Walburga’s voice echoed. You watched Abraxas Malfoy clear his throat from beside her and she quickly shot him one of her deadly looks. “The show was provided to us by the Malfoy family,” she said through gritted, pearl-white teeth.
You, Dorcas, and Pandora began to follow crowds towards the exits, stopping in a corridor just outside the entrance to the back courtyard where people were gathering.
“This way,” Pandora whispered, you and Dorcas trusting her as she led you down a hallway. The grand, arched windows provided enough of a view of the party guests outside that you could look from afar as the light show began. You were distracted with trying to find Regulus’ unruly mop of hair to notice the fireworks until you heard Dorcas gasp. What you saw made your blood run cold.
A glowing dark mark appeared in the sky, the snake slithering out of the skull’s mouth and around the rest of it before bursting into thousands of little beads of light which quickly began to form new shapes.
“They can’t be,” Dorcas said, dumbfounded by the horrendous display in front of her. “Not this outright, not this open.” Being in Slytherin meant she was used to small displays of loyalty to Voldemort, but nothing like this. This was bold, even for the Black family.
“We have to find Regulus,” you whispered, grabbing fistfuls of your dress and walking faster down the hall.
But you hadn’t found Regulus, at least, not until after it was too late. Him, Evan, and Barty were sitting outside on the ground, drunk out of their minds, and laughing at the glowing images in the air. Images of horrible, blood supremacist acts being committed, images of Dumbledore’s head on a stick, images of their beloved school being consumed by snakes coming directly out of the mouth of a dark mark. Reasonably, you knew they didn’t know what they were laughing at. Their eyes probably couldn’t even focus on what was right in front of them, let alone the lights a hundred feet up in the air.
But here you were in tears, at his house, at his family’s party, scared for your actual life, and he was happy and drunk. He wasn’t comforting you, he wasn’t trying to help you leave for the Potters’ through the floo network, he wasn’t doing anything except looking at you with that dopey smile that made you fall for him.
To say you were angry was an understatement. You were heartbroken. You were betrayed. He promised he’d stay by your side the whole night, and then there you were- you and your two friends sneaking through a house full of people who openly wanted you dead. Dorcas and Pandora stayed in the guest room you had been sleeping in that night with you and made sure to lock the door behind them when you got there. You all had trouble falling asleep that night- the horrific images played off as a hopeful firework display still fresh in your mind. And now here you were, crying in your bed because the boy who you defended to your other friends, who you fell in love with, had let you down in such an extreme way.
“There’s a fireplace in the kitchen we can use to go to Cas’ house,” Pandora offered. “I’ve used it before. We’d have to walk past them, that's the only thing.”
You sat up fully, brushing your hair over one shoulder to get it off your neck. “Like you said, Cas, I’ll have to face him at some point.”
You marched through the house, your bag in hand, the portraits that you had done your best to ignore the day before shouting obscenities at you. You didn’t think you could get any more upset, but when you entered the kitchen and Regulus’ face lit up, you could hardly stop your cheeks and neck from burning with- well, you weren’t sure what. It could’ve been anger, shame, flattery, or even sadness. It was probably sadness, you decided.
“Good morning, mon c- hey, what’re doing?” he stood up as you brushed past him, doing your best to avoid looking into his eyes. When his eyes fell to Pandora, she simply shook her head, silently telling him to let you leave. He didn’t listen, of course, he was a Black after all.
“Y/N, wait,” he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You whipped around immediately, pushing his hand off of you. “Wha- what’s wrong?” he asked, shocked at what seemed to him as a sudden change in your mood. You could barely control your emotions as you looked at him. You felt the eyes of everyone in the room on you, making your skin crawl.
“You left me alone,” you muttered, barely loud enough for him to hear. You mentally cursed yourself at the childish sounding complaint.
“What?” he asked, a confused smile playing on his lips. Oh, the once so serious Regulus Black, now thinking everything was some kind of joke. The smile made your face burn- this time you knew from embarrassment- and you turned around again, making your way over to the fire place. “Y/N!” he said again, more sternly. “What’s going on?”
“You left me alone in a house full of people who very vocally want me dead, that’s what’s going on,” you finally exploded. “You left me to watch a firework display of people killing muggles, of people killing muggle-borns, of dark marks so you could party! I spent all night at a party all my friends told me not to go to- but I went anyway because you said it would be fun- listening to grown adults talk about wanting to wipe people like me off the face of the earth. And you weren’t there.”
Regulus stood there, frozen. His memory of the night prior was foggy, but he wouldn’t have done that, would he?
You scoffed at his silence and turned back around to the fireplace. You stepped in, taking a hand full of floo powder in your free hand.
“I’ll see you at your house, Cas,” you said, looking over Regulus’ shoulder. You looked back at him, still in front of you, still frozen. “Merry fucking Christmas, Reg.”
You threw the floo powder.
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ziaverse · 9 days
he’s my girlfriend. what do you mean murder. hes just a lil cunty. what…
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empress-simps · 3 months
A Gryffindor's Grief
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Slytherin! Reader
CW: Reader's family and language
Genre: Angst
Note: My first ever marauders fic! Kinda nervous to post this ngl… I'm still thinking if I should make a second part. I want to hear what you guys think about this! Requests are open! Photos used are from Pinterest! Credits to the owner!
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It was forbidden love, really.
Those little moments of not-so-accidental touches, stealing glances, and discreet smiles sent each other's way were your means of communicating with each other.
James Fleamont Potter, a Gryffindor boy that was absolutely smitten with You; Slytherin's Princess.
An odd combination that would only lead to chaos.
Being one of the sacred twenty-eight wizarding families meant that you command power and respect from everyone you meet— intentionally or unintentionally. The idea about blood purity, power, and influence was already in your mind as soon as you were able to grasp things your toddler brain could handle.
You were taught to only mingle with pure-blood families, people who could be useful and loyal to you, and those with power, influence, and wealth. Your family’s distaste for muggles and muggleborns were also ingrained into your mind, as if they programmed you to believe what they believed in. It wasn’t that hard, after all you were surrounded by rich witches and wizards who are blood supremacists.
For someone who grew up with those ideals and values, you thought it was right. Although, your belief came tumbling down the longer you spend time at Hogwarts and got to know James Potter and the rest of the Marauders.
James, he made you feel alive.
It felt as if he was the breath of fresh air that you never knew you needed. Away from that suffocating Malfoy Manor, the scrutinizing gazes of your family, and away from rich pure blood problems. Being with him felt exhilarating, he was the buzz in your life. James brought so much joy into your dark, lavish, and empty lifestyle.
It was quite funny, picturing him as your knight in shining armor, whisking you away from your pretty, gold cage.
"Malfoy!" Evan Rosier, a pure-blooded Slytherin raised his hand in your direction, motioning you to come over and sit beside him during breakfast in the great hall. Cold eyes like Lucius Malfoy's travelled in his direction, a questioning brow raised.
"Rosier, you are being too loud." She commented, walking, and sitting next to him before greeting the person beside him, Regulus Black.
"Good morning, Regulus."
"Good morning, Y/n."
Barty Crouch Jr. looked up from his meal and snickered at the both of you. "Good morning, Mum and Dad." He teased, greeting you both as Evan laughed along with the other Slytherins near them. Heck even Severus has a small smirk planted on his face. "If you wish to make your family line extinct, then please feel free to continue with your remarks, Crouch."
He smirked, putting his hands up in mock surrender "Just kidding, Y/n. Geez. Rough summer, I suppose?"
You felt your lips press into a thin line, an obvious answer to the question; It was horrendous.
Evan’s laughter slowly dies, he shakes his head, “Give her a break mate, she just got the biggest news of her life during summer. Isn’t that right Y/n-“
“Shut your mouth Rosier if you do not want to be hexed into next month.” Her empty threat really doesn’t do damage to Evan, he just shrugged, taking it as a warning that you’re not in the mood for jokes.
Your father, Abraxas Malfoy and older brother, Lucius Malfoy made a huge decision for your future. Hearing rumors here and there about their Slytherin Princess being romantically involved with a blood traitor in Gryffindor enraged your father, Abraxas. That will certainly not do, they will not sit idly and watch as the Malfoy name be... tainted with those rumors.
You remember how you felt dread entering your system, fighting the urge to run and throw up as you mustered up a façade, “Those are just baseless rumors, a plot to ruin my image in school." You held your head high, praying they do not see the truth.
Abraxas stared at you, his daughter, with a monotone expression. "Your brother and I do not care whether those ridiculous rumors are true or not." Lucius nods, agreeing. What a lie. You know your family well enough to not believe what comes out of their mouths in situations like this.
"We do not care if you had relations with the boy, even though it is rumored that he is a blood traitor, you knew well enough not to fool around with mudbloods. Well done, Y/n. Perhaps you could change his views, get him to join our cause.” Lucius looked at you. You could press your lips into a thin line, trying to find an answer.
 “That tactless boy's role is to only be a bed warmer for you, remember that Y/n." Your father stood from the chair he sat in the drawing room. Slowly walking towards you. “Although, I suppose it ends now. I heard Lady Walburga Black is looking for a potential bride to their heir, Regulus Black.”
After a week, it was official; You are to be wedded to Regulus Black, your friend, Sirius’ brother.
You could not do anything about the arrangement, what fight would you have put up? A young girl like you, who does not have any power, influence, and wealth could only suck it up and accept.
How you wish it was James you were betrothed to.
“James, you came.” You breathed out, seeing him take off the invisibility cloak. The moonlight in the astronomy tower complimented his features, he offered a small smile sitting beside you.
The stakes were high, you were sure underlings of your brother (and possibly father) in the school have their eyes trained to you as you enter another year in Hogwarts. You would need to find new ways to meet up with your lover. Regulus’ eyes discreetly looked towards James, who is undeniably looking at you.
“Wouldn’t want for my girl to be alone, you know?”
He joked, intertwining his finger with you, a second nature to the both of you. Squeezing his hand, you softly looked at him. “I missed you, pothead.” He leaned towards your face, kissing you on the forehead. One of the things he does that never fails to make you feel flustered. “I missed you too, love.” You rolled her eyes, slightly shoving him playfully, “Stop being sappy, Pothead.”
“You secretly like it, love. You can’t lie to me.” He grinned, although the last sentence made you tense up. James shot you a concerned look, noticing your body language. “Something wrong, love?” You were torn, deciding on whether you tell him about the engagement rather than keeping quiet and leaving him in the dark about your current situation.
“I got engaged.” Before you could even stop yourself, the words flew out of your mouth. Shit. It wasn’t how she planned to tell him. The light atmosphere suddenly became dark and heavy. You can feel James turn rigid, freezing up as he muttered. “So, it was true, huh?” He scoffed bitterly, hurt overtaking his features. “James…” You gently called, carefully placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, turning his body away from you.
She tried to ignore the hurt she felt, pushing it down as she understood why James was acting this way.  “Sirius told me.” He choked out, still not looking at you. James really does know you well, answering the question you haven’t even voiced out yet. The slight tremble in his voice made your heart crack. You bit your lip, of course Sirius found out; he was still a Black after all.
“I love you, James. I really do.”
You spoke to him, you raised your hand, about to put a hand on his back that was still facing you but deciding against it before it touched him. Your hands faltering before dropping down to your sides. He shakes his head violently, his curly locks getting messier than they already were.
“Don’t… Don’t say it like that, love.” He pleaded, slowly turning to face you again, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Don’t say it like you’re about to leave me. This. Us.” He croaked; you felt his large hands placed on top of yours. He brought it up to his lips, kissing the knuckles.
“James…” You managed to utter out, voice getting caught at the throat.
James knew he was acting like a child, but damn- he never thought it could hurt this much. He pictured both of you marrying each other, living in a large house with a big backyard because he insisted it will be great for when you have kids. Merlin, he even imagined about 3 or 4 kids looking like the perfect mix of you both, running out and about with their names already carefully thought out.
out. He daydreamed that the both of you grow old, watching you tell stories to your grandkids about their grandfather’s mischief during your years at Hogwarts.
“I have to, James.” She chokes out, tears spilling onto her cheeks. Those four little words made James’ little bubble of happiness burst with just a bat of an eye.
“Don’t… don’t do this to me, love.” He pleaded; he even went down onto his knees as he saw you standing up from your place beside him. Poor James, luckily it was only you, the moon, and the walls of the Astronomy Tower watched him become a wreck.
“I love you, please remember that you will always have my heart, James. I wish you find happiness.” The part ‘without me’ was unsaid but was heard. It took a lot of courage, strength, and self-control not to fall apart. Deep down, you wanted James to say the same to you, proclaiming his love again for the last time you’ll be together.
“I love you Y/n, so much. No one will ever make me feel the way you did. I’ll find a way; a way for us to be happy together. I swear on my life.” He promised, looking at you straight in the eye. You could only close your eyes before smiling at him, trying to blink the tears away. Stars, you hoped James really does find a way.
“Goodbye, Potter.” She turns, walking away.
Maybe Slytherins and Gryffindors really aren’t meant to be together.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
pairing: regulus black x female reader
warnings: cursing, fluff, mr no nose
summary: you and reggie being the entertainment in voldemorts cult
a/n: this was funnier in my head, i kinda butchered the idea but oh well, hope you enjoy it !
song: mind mischief - tame impala
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You and Regulus were at a Death Eater meeting. You sat next to each other, as always.
Your hands were under the table as the two of you played rock, paper, scissors.
Lucius was next to you and he watched you hit your thigh, annoyed when you lost.
Voldemort hits his wand on the table twice, waiting for you two to stop.
Caught up in the game, since you had gotten four ties in a row, you both hadn't heard him.
It wasn't until you felt both your heads being slapped in the back did you realize the Dark Lord was waiting on you two.
"If you two are done with your filthy muggle game, I was just about to mention..."
You and Regulus rested your heads on the table, eyes fluttering shut as you two tune out the boring voice of Voldemort.
You were soon awoken by a bang on the table.
"I hope you two enjoyed your beauty sleep," he glares.
"We did," you and Regulus say in union, then high five each other
You glance around the room and notice that everyone else has already gone.
"You two can be excused from this behavior if you teach me how to play that game, but you two mustn't tell a single soul," Voldemort whispers.
You look at each other, a grin making its way to both your faces. You glance back at Voldemort before nodding your heads.
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This was the second meeting this week.
You two had been arguing about random stuff, getting things thrown at the two of you as you ran around shouting at one another.
You were sitting at the meeting, thinking about things that you are better at than Reg.
You suddenly feel a tug on your hair.
"The hell?"
"What?" Regulus shrugs. You turn your head back to the people at the table, but you feel another tug.
"Can you fucking not," you whisper harshly.
"Can you fucking not," he mimics you in a high pitch voice.
You kick his leg with your heel and he lets out a hiss of pain.
Voldemort slaps his hands onto the table, making you both jump.
"Stop this foolishness, now," he orders you two.
"Not until you get a manicure," you roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"I'm sorry?" Voldemort asks as Regulus covers his laugh with his hand.
"A manicure, you know... to fix your nails," you say as you look at the people around the table. Most of them are either scared for you, or just shaking their heads.
You feel another tug on your hair, this time harder.
"Ow! Regulus, what the fuck," you hold your head.
"Enough!" Voldemort shouts.
"He's just mad he has no hair for someone to pull," Reggie whispers in your ear.
"Make one more comment on the topic of my baldness-"
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Sat next to Regulus, you two were gossiping about the Death Eaters.
Not everything you were discussing was true, but they were things you heard.
For example, Regulus heard some muggleborn girls laughing about how Lucius looks like something they call a "Barbie".
After you two found out what it was, you couldn't get that picture out of your head.
You two giggling like children while pointing at Lucius and whispering to each other.
"Are you both done laughing at me," Lucius stares at you both with a bored face.
"Whatever do you mean, Lucy."
"First, don't call me that. Second, you know exactly what I mean!"
"We really don't."
"Fine," you huff, "we were just comparing your looks you a Barbie Doll," you explain.
"A what?" Voldemort and Lucius asks.
"Let me show you," you take out your wand and conjure a Barbie.
Regulus takes it and holds it out to them.
To everyone's surprise, Voldemort himself starts laughing.
He points his finger back and for between the doll and Lucius as he laughs.
"You guys are right! He does indeed look like Barbara!"
"Same thing."
"Not you too, My Lord," Lucious runs a hand over his face.
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"Who the fuck did this!"
"Uh, oh," you and Reg sigh. You figured that after the conversation with hair at one of the recent meetings, Voldemort would want some.
But you two decided that was too nice for your liking. So you decided on clown hair.
Voldemort comes rushing into the living room, where everyone was on the couches.
Gasps of horror filled the room as people stared at the bright rainbow hair.
"You two," Voldemort snarls.
"You," you both grin.
"What have you done to my head!"
"We thought you could use some hair," you smile innocently at him.
"You call this rubbish hair?!"
"Hey! We think it suits you!" Regulus exclaims as you nod in agreement.
"Get it off of me, this instant!"
He starts speed walking to you, you two tried so hard not to laugh at the sight, that your eyes started watering.
He is almost where you guys are sat when you two stand up and start sprinting out of the room.
"Gotta go!" Reg shouts as you rush out into the hall.
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milunalupin · 4 months
Could you do some regulus for valentines writing?
thank you for your patience, hope you enjoy :) and happy valentine's day to everyone <3
— candy grams
regulus black x reader ★ 772 words
The end of January was a cold and quiet time at Hogwarts. The holiday cheer has gone and winter truly makes itself known. Regulus Black found himself sitting in a empty nook in the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower, going over his Ancient Runes essay. Shoes squeaked floors below as the other students ran outside to play. Fluffy snowflakes fell past the tall windows, Regulus' eyes flickering out the window every few minutes to watch the snowfall. If he allowed himself to, he might admit to liking this time of year. Winter meant cozy sweaters and hiding out in his dorm, reading muggle poetry books charmed to look like a spell book.
The chattering and laughter of students exiting their classes began to fill the halls, Regulus sighing softly as his peace and quiet had come to an end. He collected his things and stored them back in his satchel, making his way down the stairs past the Charms classroom. The way down to the Slytherin common room was a longer one but Regulus took his time as he was in no hurry.
A girl with a white ribbon in her hair rushed past him, but stopped and turned when she realized he was there, a smile quickly making it's way onto her face. Regulus had seen her around, a muggleborn witch with an affinity for all magical things.
"Hi! Sorry to bother you, I know you may be on your way to class or something important, but I'm selling candy grams for the upcoming holiday if you're interested in one?"
Candy gram? What the hell was a candy gram? Regulus supposed this is that 'dumb lovey muggle shit' Barty was talking about the other day. Walburga would be nothing less than disgusted if she found out he spent a single knut on a muggle object. He gives her a weird look and shook his head, declining silently.
"No worries! Have a lovely day!"
Her pretty smiled faltered but it came back up just as quick as it fell. She waved at him before dashing back down the stairs.
Regulus blinked, feeling his chest tighten slightly, shaking it off and continuing his path down to the dungeons.
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Days have passed an Regulus is still wondering what a candy gram is. His mind continues to wander back to the girl and the ribbon in her hair as he leaves his last class of the day, spotting his brother's friend walking alone down the hall. He looked around to make sure no one of importance was watching him and quickly caught up to the tall Gryffindor.
Remus turned in surprise as his best friend's little brother stands beside him. He notices what he believes to be nervousness masked by his composed stature.
"Regulus, can I help you?"
"What's a candy gram?"
Now Remus is truly confused. Why has Regulus Black stopped him and asked him what a candy gram is? He must have been making a strange face because Regulus glared up at him and crossed his arms.
"You're a half bre- blood, aren't you? If you don't know, then just forget any of this happened." He scoffed, waving his hand dismissively and turning to walk away. He only made it halfway down the hall when Remus called after him.
"It's for Valentine's Day. You buy candy for someone you care about, usually your friend, partner, or a crush."
Regulus' ears burn Gryffindor red as he walks away silently.
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Regulus sees her again a week later. She had just returned from the Hogsmeade trip, white snowflakes sprinkled in her hair. Checking his surroundings, he carefully walked up to her as she spelled the snow off of her, quickly fixing his hair.
"Would you still happen to be selling those candy grams?" He asked, entranced by the small hairs framing her face that started to curl due to the snow.
"Absolutely! They're 15 sickles." She beamed, digging through her bag and pulling out a piece of candy with a little card attached. He handed her a few coins and opened the card up, following her finger as she pointed to two lines on the inside.
"You just write your name here, and then the person you're giving it to, here."
He stared down at the empty lines, then back at her with a small smile.
"I'm going to have to get your name then."
Her eyes widened, and Regulus had hoped it wasn't just the cold that turned her cheeks pink. Safe to say he's found another reason to like this time of year, and she wore a white ribbon in her hair.
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hp-hcs · 8 months
male, nonbinary, & gender-neutral readers x hp characters
requests: open! (RULES)
join the taglist!
Do you hate it when you find a fic that says “x reader” only for it to have she/her pronouns, as if it’s some inherent rule that only fem people read fanfiction? WELL DO I HAVE A BLOG FOR YOU.
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am i reorganizing my masterlist for the 10,000th time? yep! i’ve finally written enough that i need to break this down into tinier masterlists!
key: 🚹 = male reader ⚧️ = nonbinary reader 🚻 = gender-neutral reader
☣️ = yandere tw 💥 = violence tw ‼️ = homophobia/transphobia tw 🩸 = blood/gore tw 🧨 = implied sexual content/sexual innuendos ❤️‍🔥 = smut tw
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mattheo riddle masterlist
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theodore nott masterlist
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polyamorous/non-monogamous masterlist
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“Splinched” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“Pansy’s Brother” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹 ☣️ 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“lipstick” masterlist • enzo berkshire and draco malfoy 🚻 ☣️ ❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“watercolors” masterlist • tom riddle 🚹
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“The Doll” masterlist • enzo berkshire, regulus black, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, and blaise zabini 🚻 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“phoenix tears” masterlist • riddle brothers 🚹 ‼️💥🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
draco malfoy:
the audacity, i can’t believe this 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
enzo berkshire:
shut up 🚹☣️❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
ron weasley:
love triangle 🚹
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neville longbottom:
mr. green thumb 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
weasley twins:
common room confessions 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
blaise zabini:
uniforms ⚧️
fiendfyre 🚹
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons 🚻
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narcissa malfoy:
yandere! mother! headcanons 🚻 ☣️💥
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riddle brothers:
June 🚻
crystal 🚻☣️💥 (referenced attempted S/A tw)
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pansy parkinson:
paralyzer 🚻
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viktor krum:
sibling rivalry 🚻
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slytherin boys hcs:
slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
random non-reader stories:
❌= implied/referenced child abuse tw 🛑= graphic child abuse tw
“where have you been?”
molly weasley discovers the extent of the dursleys’ abuse ❌
the weasley family and their cinematic adventures
just some funky lil headcanons
Harry Potter and the Amount of Abuse He Suffered at the Hands of His Guardians That Doesn’t Get Mentioned Nearly Enough (aka LET THE POOR BOY BE TRAUMATIZED)
writing prompt: “…jegulus taking in teenage harry after he runs away from the dursleys” 🛑 ❌
untitled tomarry thingy (i just love them okay)
writing prompt: “Touch starved Tom / Voldemort” 🛑 ❌
two thousand words of pure marauders-raise-harry fluff
writing prompt: “regulus black becoming the best seeker ever and harry being his biggest fan and then he finds out that his dad use to date him and he tries (and plots with sirius) to get them back together just so he can call the regulus black his stepdad”
Children Don’t Belong in Cupboards (pt. 1/?)
synopsis: jily comes to the dursleys’ to get their son back 🛑 ❌
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
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rotten1angel · 4 months
war is over / r. black
regulus black x fem!muggleborn!reader
word count — 0.6k
summary: regulus and you escape grimmauld place to the potters
authors note & warnings: walburga and orion, from my old account, so the writings a bit eh
you knew it was a bad idea staying at the black house for winter break.
walburga and orion weren’t supposed to come home–but of course they had to come back from france a week early.
you hid in regulus’s wardrobe as you heard screaming downstairs — mostly from walburga and regulus. you clutched your knees to your chest as your hands covered your ears. tears streamed down your cheeks as you heard spells being cast. you heard pounding footsteps as regulus burst into the room and ripped open the wardrobe doors.
“reg–” you sobbed.
“come on.” regulus grabbed one of your hands and pulled you up and out of the wardrobe. holding on tight to your hand you felt him and yourself apparate.
you tried to piece together where he was going but you couldn’t–all you could do was hang onto him.
you had stopped moving — you and regulus stood in front of a warm, lit-up house.
“regulus..?” he ignored you as he — still holding your hand — walked up to the door and knocked. you two stood in silence as you heard a warm, motherly voice yell ‘coming!’
it was around 9 at night — freezing cold, and once the door opened you felt a fire’s warmth bleeding out into the frozen air.
“hello dears — i’m so sorry, who— who are you?” no malice was behind the voice, only concern as to why two teenagers were standing outside this woman's doorstep.
“regulus black, ma’am, and this is (y/n).” regulus’s voice cracked slightly as he looked at the woman. “ah.. yes darling — please, both of you, come in.”
you two had been seated on a red couch by the fire — hot cocoa in both of your hands. regulus had explained that they were at the potters to you — where sirius had stayed for the past few years.
“what are you doing here, sweetheart?” mrs. potter had asked regulus has she sat down in a chair across from him.
“my parents — they found out (y/n) was a muggleborn and threatened to kill her..” regulus told the woman–not looking at you–as if he was ashamed and it was his fault.
you wrapped your hand around his and leaned your face into the crevice of his neck.
“well.. you can stay as long as you need, love —we’ll need to get a room prepared, i’ll go up and do that now.” the woman smiled at the two of you and left the room.
you kissed regulus’s neck–knowing it calmed him. he turned his head and kissed the crown of your head.
you heard stumbling coming from the stairs and then you felt regulus’s body tighten — you peered up to see sirius and james staring at you two — mouths gaping.
“sirius— i—“
“what did they do to you?” anger and concern filled sirius’s voice. sirius walked over to the two of you and crouched down— hugging regulus’s shoulders, one hand cradling his head.
you had backed away from regulus and looked over to james — who gave a small, awkward wave which you returned.
euphemia came back downstairs–smiling at the two brothers. she went over — rubbing sirius’s back.
“alright, sirius, im sure regulus and (y/n) are exhausted. i’ve set up a room for the two of you — james can show you, it's just the spare bedroom down the hall from yours, james.”
james nodded — sirius let go of his brother and the three of you got up and followed james. you hung on to regulus’s arm as he followed the two older boys.
once you got to the room james stopped and turned. regulus nodded in thanks and went in, shutting the door behind you two.
once he did he turned to face you. he held your head in his hands and kissed your forehead.
“i’m sorry, my love, we shouldn’t have gone to my house for break — i should have listened to you.” his voice broke as one of your hands went over his.
“reg.. its alright.” you kissed his cheek and he sighed. you two changed into some pajamas euphemia had put out on the dresser and got into the warm bed. the two of you tangled in each other.
taglist — @wildieflower @diqldrunk @masivechaos @imabee-oralizard @garfieldsladybird
147 notes · View notes
The Great War | Regulus Black
▹ Pairing: Regulus Black x Reader
▹ Genre: Angst and Fluff
▹ Words: ~ 5K
▹ Summary: You'd swore not to cry anymore if you and Regulus managed to survive the great war.
▹ Notes: I'd like to personally thank the Anon that reminded me nearly a year ago about Sirius Black dying without knowing his brother wasn't like their parents. To alleviate the sadness of that fact, I wrote this fic :)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Your memories were plagued by cold winter nights and eyes as bright and bitter as a snow storm. 
Regulus' hands in yours, interlocked with a grip so tight it kept you from floating away. Stolen stares and clandestine meetings in the middle of the night at the top of the Astronomy tower became sacred, only for him to never look your way in the light of day. 
You knew every constellation, both in the sky and in his eyes. When snow fell, Regulus would carefully brush away the melted snow droplets on your cheeks. The air was biting and the wind unrelenting, a concoction that made for the perfect excuse to nuzzle into Regulus' side. You'd pretend it was for warmth when really you craved his touch. His lips would tilt into a half-smirk as you spoke, seeing through your flimsy excuse. Yet his arm would wrap around you all the same, pulling you impossibly close. 
The moments had been brief, gone within the blink of an eye. Reality would creep in, dampening the dreamy optimism you clung to in moments of doubt. No one could know; Regulus Black was consorting with a muggleborn, how scandalous. His family would eat him alive, a notion that made him keep you in the shadows, a place you happily stayed. You'd draw stars in the air with your fingertips, placating your fears with delusions that it wouldn't be forever. Each whispered word was an oath that you would carry to your grave. 
You'd never doubted that Regulus Black loved you; you could hear it in the easy silence and see it in the soft expression reserved just for you. Understanding and calm, he clung to the tranquility you brought to his turbulent life. So certain that everything would turn out fine, you never dared to ask for more. 
Then, it all turned into something bitter.
He slipped from your grasp like water, his feather light touches and sardonic smile only felt and seen in your dreams. The haze brought by the security of Hogwarts was muddied, reality much too bright to look at head-on. War gripped the wizarding world; Voldemort and his Death Eaters were the cause of the strife. Thrown into the trenches, you struggled to stay above water. With each mission and spell cast, any trace of innocence and youth that remained was ripped from you. All the bloodshed, death, and terror stained you dark red. Even if you survived, you'd never be the same.
You hadn't seen Regulus since the war started; even in your dreams, his face was a vague blur of what he used to be. You couldn't recall when the severing had happened; the letters came less frequently until they stopped coming at all. He used to drop by your apartment unannounced, a shy grin and flowers in hand. Regulus must've lost his way because he never made his way back. The love shared between the two of you turned bitter, and in the haze of it all, the betrayal stung harsher than any spell could. 
You damned him each time the phantom scent of his cologne lingered in your apartment. And you cried each time flashes of your best moments came back in the depth of night. Sucker punching walls and screaming into the sky never alleviated the pain; you cursed him while sleep talking. It was cognitive dissonance; you claimed to hate him all while wishing he would just come back and explain why.
"You good for this?" Sirius Black's voice echoed in the depths of your mind, breaking you from the reverie. Twin gray eyes, reflecting similar to his brother's. It was nearly enough to send you into a spiral. A simple nod was the only reply you gave him, but it was all he needed. 
Another mission, another attempt at stopping what was starting to feel inevitable. You didn't want to be so hopeless and desolate, but it couldn't be helped. The walls were closing in; you were losing the war.
"We all remember the plan, right?" A member of the order said. You couldn't remember their name, but you didn't care to. They may be dead in a week. There's no sense in getting to know them now. 
"Was there even much of a plan? We go in and minimize as much damage as we can, that's it," James Potter's voice stood out amongst the chatter. The rest of the members assigned to the mission solemnly nod, calling out various agreements. 
Numbness flooded your body, completely apathetic to the chaos you were charging headfirst into. This part used to be daunting, stabbing tiny needles in your body, but you'd desensitized yourself to it. Dissociated so far away that you weren't even sure anything was real. Healthy? No, but it was necessary; you couldn't afford to freeze up.
The people around you began to apparate and you followed suit. It felt as if you were being pulled apart and put back together. A thought flickered in your mind; perhaps if you were spliced, you wouldn't have to deal with the emotional turmoil that's been weighing you down. But all too soon, the feeling stopped; a wave of nausea hit and then vanished. 
You were there. 
It all became a blur; the exact moment the fight broke out was hard to pinpoint. All you could remember were the screams and the people pushing and pulling you like the tide. In the confusion of it all, masked figures around every corner, it was easy to forget you were fighting real people. They were skeletal visages you created, not living, breathing people. Bodies began to drop on both sides, curses and spells falling from the lips of everyone around. 
“Petrificus Totalus.” You flicked your wand, petrifying the Death Eater closest to you. With a thump, their body fell to the ground, and you were on to the next, adrenaline keeping your body upright. You turn the incantation to another spell on the tip of your lips. But your words fell short, your body locking up as you stared at the person in front of you. It was as if you'd been cursed, except you hadn't.
They wore a mask like all the other Death Eaters, but the icy gray eyes peering at you were hard to forget. 
You froze, unable to move even as your mind screamed at you to act. The noise of the room was muffled, a sharp ringing nearly making your ears bleed. Regulus was a--
You'd suspected as much, what with his family's allegiance to the Dark Lord and all he stood for. Yet until now, there has been no confirmation that your worst nightmares have come to fruition. But as Regulus stood there in the garb of your enemy, it would seem war found you on different ends of the same battlefield. 
A bitter, smokey taste filled your mouth as everything the two of you shared turned to ash. He was here; there was no more denying what he'd done. Regulus was a Death Eater. Your stomach turned to knots as it threatened to empty its contents right then and there. Fighting for the blood purists, you guess he never really loved you then.
Regulus tore off his mask, allowing it to drop to the ground with a thud that wasn't heard over the noise. His dark hair was messy and tangled, the ends of it curling from the sweat on the nape of his neck. Heavy dark circles lined his eyes, worse than they'd ever been, skin pallid and sickly. Eyes that previously shone like a bright star were dim and threatening to burn out. Dry skin clung to his lips, and you could see the damage his teeth had caused to his bottom lip. 
He looked terrible. 
Regulus had talked in length about the stifling expectations his family had placed upon him. He both hated and feared his family, witnessing the abuse Sirius suffered before he ran away. It was never something spoken, but you knew the resentment he harbored for Sirius, both for leaving Regulus behind and having the courage to go against the grain. You did your best, encouraging him to leave as well, to make the hard choice of not getting swept into the current. Even when Regulus disappeared from your life, you hoped he would take the hard road. Yet he took the easy way out.
Pity turned your numb body cold, and the fury it caused turned you hot. How dare he? After everything he'd done, to have such a tight grip on you still. To make you feel sorry for him as if he'd been forced down this path. He'd made his decision; he decided to follow the road that led to this exact moment. Why should you weep for him? 
Even then, with all your turmoil and rage, you still couldn't lift your wand at him. Time seemed slow, the chaos melting away the longer you looked into his eyes. Five seconds extended to five years.
But Regulus didn't share your hesitation or paralysis. He lifted his wand, a spell falling from his lips as his wrist flicked. You didn't have time to react, magical energy pooling at the tip of his wand before it shot towards you. Your eyes widened, and your heart stopped, unable to do anything other than watch your own death. 
But the impact never came. Instead, the green light flew past your shoulder, grazing your hair. Square in the chest, it hit a Death Eater that had crept up behind you. A gasp left your mouth, the only sound you'd made since the battle started. 
Their body hit the ground, unmoving. Only then did you turn to face Regulus. His expression remained unchanged, yet yours portrayed all the confusion and surprise in your head. At the speed of light, your heartbeat rattling against your chest, the barest hints of hope tinged your pessimistic thoughts. Was there a chance? His gaze softened, and his wand hand hanging slack at his side. You didn't want to fight anymore. All your steeled nerves and empty declarations of no longer caring about him were voided in an instant. You took a step towards him, hand reaching for him, but he took a stiff step back. 
He was gone, apparating from the battle. 
Sharply, you inhaled, holding it for a few heartbeats, then let it out. Regulus was no longer in sight. You returned to the battle. You rushed forward, trampling over the Death Eater mask he'd left behind. The porcelain it'd been made from cracked under the weight of you as the dirt on your shoes muddied its intricate designs.
You hardly thought twice about it, flinging another spell at a Death Eater. 
Another mission completed; more casualties piling up. 
"I saw you, you know," Sirius Black said. You'd all returned from the mission about two hours ago and just finished debriefing what happened. You stayed silent, your mind too preoccupied to come up with a singular thought.
"Saw me what? Fighting Death Eaters? Yeah, I saw you too." You were deflecting; he knew that, and you knew that he knew. The glint in his eye was not at all as careless as it had once been. Yet you feigned ignorance all the same.
"Yeah. I also saw you and Regulus." 
Your movements stilled as your body turned rigid. You didn't meet his eyes, didn't even blink. What could you say? Nothing would stop him from going to Moody or Dumbledore; at best, you'd be kicked from the Order; at worst, thrown in Azkaban and branded a traitor. 
"I don't know what you mean." It was a weak defense, but it was all you had. 
"Oh, shove off. I'm not stupid. I saw the way you reacted when you saw him, but I also saw him kill that Death Eater." 
You turned to meet his eyes. There was a question hidden in his statement. His gray eyes, so similar to Regulus's, were pleading, a part of him begging that maybe his brother wasn't completely lost. That he wasn't exactly what their parents were. 
"I don't know why he did that." Confirmation that Regulus was a Death Eater should've cemented so many things. The world should be black and white; he was a Death Eater; therefore, he didn't love you anymore, if he ever even did. How could he claim to love a muggleborn while doing his best to ensure you were eradicated? But now you weren't so sure. He was a Death Eater, yes, but he'd also saved your life. 
The migraine you'd had since you met him on the battlefield threatened to explode. 
"Do you--" he hesitated, his words quiet and soft. So unlike the barking confidence he usually possessed. The armor he'd shielded himself with was cracking. "Do you think there's a chance for him?" 
You pursed your lips. 
"I don't know." 
Without another word, you stood from the chair and muttered a quick "goodbye" before returning home. Your apartment had been just as you'd left it as you stood in front of the door, illuminated by the dim light on the steps. Except when you went to unlock the door, you found it already slightly ajar. 
The hair on your body stood up, cold fear briefly washing over you. The Death Eaters were getting bolder with their attacks. Would you be the next victim? Would it be your name and picture covering the cover page of every newspaper? For a moment, you considered leaving or at least getting help, yet you did neither. Instead, you pushed open your door, the wand held tightly in your hand. 
The room was dark, the sun having long since set. The pale blue light of your wand cast shadows in every corner of the room. It only made your nerves worse, jumping at every corner and shadow. The entryway was empty, as was the living room, but as you turned into the dining area and kitchen, you noticed a figure sitting at your table. They were still as a statue as they sat at your table, jacket neatly folded and placed in front of them.
His eyes were on you, arms slack at his sides, and he was wearing a grim expression. The dark circles you'd seen earlier that day seemed worse, so blackened they looked like bruises. You took a step back, the grip on your wand tightening as you held it up in a threatening manner.
"So this is it. You came here to kill me?" Your voice was like stone, cold and hard. There was a lump in your throat flecks of fear in your shining eyes, but you hardened your face. You wouldn't show any sign of weakness. If he would let the love you shared sink beneath the waves, then you'd drown the entire fucking world the two of you created. 
He took a step forward, dark, stormy eyes pleading. “No, Y/N, that’s not--”
Regulus fell silent as you moved your wand from his chest towards his face, eyes narrowed. There was a tremble to your body; lips pressed so tight as to stifle the sobs that came up your throat. 
"Stay back."
Regulus complied, raising his hands as a show of good faith. He wore that same disarming puppy dog face, like an abandoned dog alone in a shelter. Previously, you would've melted, running back to his embrace. But so many things were different, and it showed in the vacancy that made your eyes hollow.
"I would never hurt you." He asserted, hoping the sincerity of his words could penetrate the steel-enforced walls you'd encased yourself with. His placations had the opposite effect, the pain twisting into cold rage. 
"And I'm just supposed to take your word for it? You're a Death Eater, Regulus. That means you and all your other purist friends want people like me dead." The death grip you held your wand with seemed to tighten. All circulation in your hand has been cut off, but it was all you could do to stop the tears from falling from your eyes. 
"That is not true. I don't want you dead." 
A choked laughter fell from your lips. 
"Then I think you joined up with the wrong organization." Your words were sarcastic but not at all joking or light. 
"It wasn't my choice." There was no change in his expression, eyes holding your gaze captive.
"No, you had a choice," you snapped back, silencing whatever pathetic excuse he used to convince himself he was justified in his actions. "And you made the wrong one."
Regulus fell silent, chewing on his bottom lip and shifting nervously. Your breath came out in angry puffs, reminiscent of a dragon. The tears made everything unclear and watery, but you refused to move a single muscle, even if it was just to wipe away the tears. 
"I did what I had to do."
You felt your hand loosen, grip slackening enough that your wand almost fell from your fingertips. Thickly, you swallowed, cheeks damp from the tears that steadily fell from your eyes. This was it; your chance to finally tell Regulus everything you'd been screaming into your walls since he walked out of your life.
"You didn't have to do anything." Your voice was raw as you said the words you'd rehearsed time and time again. "Least of all, join the wrong side of the war. We had graduated; you could run away from all of that, and there was nothing your parents could've done." 
"It's not that simple--"
"But it is, or at least it was," you exclaimed, cutting him off, voice cracking with the desperation you've locked away all this time. "You could've run and never looked back after our last day--"
"It was too late then."
You narrowed your eyes, a silent cue for him to explain when it had been too late.
"The summer between 5th and 6th year. After everything that happened with Sirius, they wanted to ensure I would be the perfect son they wanted."
"You never said anything."
"I didn't want you to look at me differently. My fate had already been sealed, and it was selfish of me to keep it from you, but I--"
He fell silent, eyes meeting the floor as his tongue became tied.
"You what?"
In a crazy, fucked up way, you were hoping he'd say everything you dreamed of. That he would reassure you he loved you and he never meant to hurt you. You wanted him to scorn his family and all their expectations of him. For once, you wanted him to make the right choice and not take the easy way out. You'd never fight with him anymore if he'd just asked to stay. 
People always said love wasn't always enough, but you'd be willing to let Regulus ruin you time and time again. 
"It doesn't matter now." 
Disappointment was a feeling you were accustomed to by now, but that didn't make the bitter rejection sting any less. The tears on your cheeks were like acid, and you roughly wiped them away.
"I suppose it doesn't; you made your choice, and so have I."
Maybe now it would sink in. Your whirlwind romance with Regulus ended the moment you left Hogwarts for good. It wouldn't be some grand love like the books you'd read. He wouldn't push through any obstacle that stood between you and him. 
Regulus wasn't a passionate man; he was pragmatic and calculated. Any risk he'd taken was never a risk after analyzing every angle and way it may go wrong. It was how he'd ended up trapped in the cycle of his family, and Sirius was able to break free. They were two sides of the same coin, yet they couldn't have turned out any more differently. 
It was a hard pill to swallow; the man you loved was nothing like you imagined him to be. 
"Why are you even here?" Your tone was sharp and pointed.
One last opportunity for him to mend what he had ripped to shreds. Why did you keep giving him so many chances?
"I'm not sure."
You slowly nodded, hands lowering to rest at your side. He'd never say the words you needed to hear; Regulus Black could never be the man you wanted him to be. 
"I've missed you."
Maybe without realizing it, Regulus continued to twist the dagger he embedded in you. 
You should tell him to leave, but the words won't form. 
"I missed you too."
He seemed to hesitate for a moment, fighting a battle within his own mind. You stayed silent, watching with wide eyes as he stepped towards you. 
Your eyes stayed on him, afraid that if you even breathed, he'd change his mind. His hands were cold as he gently grabbed ahold of your face. The grip he held you with was careful and delicate, afraid to break you. 
As if no time had passed, you leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering shut and relishing in his presence. He still smelled of bergamot and smoke. 
You opened your eyes, meeting his unwavering gaze. A thousand words were said in the silence, both of you trying to convey what you were too cowardly to verbalize. 
A sharp breath, the flutter of your lashes as your eyes closed. The Regulus' lips were on yours. His kiss was nearly too light to feel, and it made all reason disappear. 
Your lips parted as you combed your hands through his hair, working through the tangles at the nape of his neck. His grip tightened as he kissed you like a man starved. 
Regulus pulled back first, his expression blank and unsure. Did he regret what he'd started? Hurt began to blossom, weighing down the high he gave you. It took so little effort to fade back into him. The reminder was like a sharp jab to the gut. 
His eyes wouldn't meet yours, yet his feet stayed planted in the ground. So close together, you could feel the heave of each intake of breathe and hurt radiating from his body.
This was dangerous territory to be in. Regulus was a Death Eater; you couldn't do this all over again.
Whatever love there was between the two of you had to die. You had to light the match and turn it to ash, even if that meant you went out in flames too.
"I think it's best if you go."
Regulus slowly nodded his head, his eyes moving from the floor to meet yours. Years of abuse and "discipline" led to him mastering the art of dissociation, to not let an ounce of emotion show on his face.
Despite the self soothing thoughts that reassured you it was the right choice, your bruised ego was desperate for a sign that your love affair had maimed him even an ounce as much as it did you.
Maybe in an alternate universe, the two of you were happy, but war was war, and its very nature was to take, take, take until there was nothing left in the aftermath.
Regulus didn't argue or fight, he simply dipped his head in a single, firm nod, mouth set in a thin line, nothing more spoken than a quiet "I see." In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, leaving you alone in your dark, depressing apartment.
A shuddered breath left your body shaking. That night, you didn't make it to your bed; that felt entirely too big and too lonely. You collapsed on the couch, allowing the weight of the world to fall off as you slipped into unconsciousness. And in your dreams, you saw nothing but the endless nothing that threatened to swallow you whole.
“I now go to my death with the hopes you’ll forgive me for all the pain I’ve inflicted upon you. I never intended to hurt you, but now I realize it was all I’ve ever done. I don’t expect forgiveness, I understand I’m no longer worthy of it, if I ever was. I love you, don’t forget that.”
- Yours truly,
Your eyes were trained on the letter held by shaky hands, stained with tears that fell from your cheeks. It had arrived two days ago, the letter accompanied with a small bag holding a locket. The writing on the letter was illegible, but you’d memorized every crease and fold on the paper. Why was it when you’d finally begin to forget about him, something would always bring him back. Part of it was your fault, you’d always welcomed him with open arms, but you’d hoped this time you’d end a cycle that never seemed to end.
Stood on the cliff sides, the winter air biting at your skin. What could he have done to be so certain of his death? Regulus was too insignificant for the Order to focus entirely on, so maybe he’d done something to spurn his Dark Lord. You hoped that was the case.
Inhaling the frosty air, you tucked the note into your pocket and turned to return to your house. Hands shoved in your pocket, the snow crunched under the weight of your feet. Lost in thought, you hardly noticed the sun had begun to set. Before long, the old brick building you’d made your home came into view. Crunching snow was replaced with footsteps on wood stairs and you pushed open your front door. You shook the snow off your jacket, setting it on the coat hanger by the door. The fireplace was already crackling, casting a warm glow in the room. 
You moved towards the kitchen to put a kettle on before moving back towards your room to get ready for bed. The heavy winter clothes were replaced by fleece pajamas that were soft like a rabbit. You sat at your vanity table and began combing through your hair. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the small box on your side table. Within the iron enforced lead box was the locket Regulus had mailed with his letter. It seemed insignificant at first glance, but the longer you looked at it, the darker its aura felt. Regulus had written explicit instructions for you to hide the locket, both from yourself and the world. There hadn’t been time to think of a secure location, so before then, it would remain in the box, its magic suppressed for a time. 
You’d question Regulus on it at some point, but for now you would go against every instinct telling you to ignore his letter and send back the locket. For as many times Regulus disappointed yourself, you’d let yourself down tenfold for continuing to give him the chance to do so. 
The whistle of the kettle had you stand from your vanity and pad back into the kitchen. But as you moved into the kitchen, the wall opened so that you could see into the living room, you were no longer alone. Standing in the middle of the room was Regulus. He looked worse off than his last visit, his clothes wrinkled and hair greasy. 
He didn’t speak and neither did you;’ your eyes focused on one another. The air was awkward, all the questions you’d had for him melting away from the softness in the gray eyes. You were the first to break the impromptu staring contest, grabbing two mugs instead of one. Wordlessly you began to prepare cups of tea, making it in just the way you knew Regulus liked it. 
The wood floors creaked as Regulus moved to the couch in front of the fireplace, his jacket hanging beside yours. After a moment, you joined him, passing the warm mug to his open hand. Not a single word shared between the two of you. The only sound in the house was the crackle of the fire and the slurping of the two of you drinking from your mugs. 
“Is it over now?” You finally spoke, unable to look towards Regulus. 
A moment passed; you blew on your tea, steam flooding your face as you lowered your head. 
You leaned forward to set your mug on the table, the glass clinking as you did. You turned, finally looking at Regulus since taking a seat. His eyes were focused on you; broken and blue with the face of a man haunted by war. Yet beyond that was warm relief. War was finally over. 
The Dark Lord and his followers were still afoot, and they’d need to be dealt with. But the Great War that plagued you and Regulus was finally over. The worst had ended.
Tomorrow you'd have questions about the locket and it's evil aura, you'd want to know what exactly he did that made him believe his death was certain. There was also the matter of how they'd proceed in the war. Regulus could be a turn coat, to give insight on the Death Eaters. So many things to consider, it made you feel dizzy. But those were semantics better dealt with at a later time.
For now, you just wanted to be a girl, sitting with a boy who you've loved since you were fourteen.
Droplets of tears stained your couch dark, your cheeks dampened. It was like a weight had been lifted and for a moment you thought you might disappear.
One of your hands dropped from the mug, laying on the couch near Regulus' limp hand. The grim line his lips had been pressed into warped into a soft smile. He placed his hand over yours, intertwining his fingers with you.
Not much was spoken the rest of the night. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, occasionally making chatter here and there. Your drinks were drained and when your eyes were too heavy to keep open, you’d led Regulus back into your room and onto your bed. His arms tangled around your body and your head on his chest you fell into a peaceful slumber you’d been robbed of since leaving Hogwarts behind.
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ur-local-anti-hero · 1 month
Dear John
Regulus Black x Reader
Summary: Maybe you should have listened to your best friend's warning about Regulus, you didn't. Now you just have to deal with the consequences.
Genre: Angst
CW: Intimidation, angst, pureblood's ideology, toxic family dynamics
Word count: 1.6K
This is part of my Speak now (Marauders' version) collection.
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“Maybe it's you and your sick need. To give love then take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors, Who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret I ignored when they said, "Run as fast as you can"
You wished you had listened. The argument you had with Sirius when he learned you were dating his brother was being replayed in your head while you ran towards your boyfriend’s room. 
“He’s going to ruin you, you don’t know him like I do.” Sirius had said, voice low with anger and worry. “The moment my mother hears about you two it’s over.” 
“You’re the one that doesn’t know him!” It had angered you, Sirius assuming that Regulus’ love for you was fragile. “I really love him, and he loves me. End of discussion.” 
“You don’t understand what you’re getting into. My brother would never prioritize you over our mother. and she’s never going to accept a Gryffinfor Muggleborn as a suitable partner for Regulus” 
You knew he was right, but some part of you naively thought that Regulus truly loved you.
“I’m saying this because I care about you. You should leave while you can” you could tell Sirius was worried and meant no harm, but that argument ended your friendship with the oldest Black brother. 
That was almost a year ago, you used to have a close friendship with him, but now he wouldn’t even acknowledge you. You refused to break up with Regulus, and you really thought you were doing the right thing. Regulus had shown you every part of him, you knew about his family and all the things he had done and regretted. But you also knew about the caring, loving and kind person he was. 
Even when the war was starting to become more and more imminent as the dark lord and deatheaters won power and followers, he never showed any interest in joining into the dark lord’s lines. The abuse and intimidation became worse and worse for mugglerborns who had the bad luck of running into slytherings in the hallways. 
Regulus was very aware of it, he became like your shadow, never leaving your side until curfew forced him to. And he was the first to greet you every morning, waiting for you outside your house’s common room. 
At least it was like this before Christmas break. It had been a week since you come back from the break and Regulus was acting weird, at first you thought it was because he had to adapt again to Hogwarts - It took him some time to come back to his normal self ater staying in his house - but after a week of almost no contact with him you became worried. 
On your way to the dungeons you ran into Snape and Evan. You had tried to avoid them, head low and pace hurried, but it seemed like they had a special radar to spot possible victims for their tortures and mocking. They blocked your path, you were cornered against a wall as they got closer than it was safe. 
“Look who is here” Evan had teased you, his wand pointing at your face. “Regulus’ little pet”
“Why are you separated from your guardian dog?” Snape taunted you. “Has he finally realized that he’s got more important things to do rather than take care of a filthy mudblood?” 
You didn’t like a bit where the situation was going, you had tried to reach your wand, but Snape had noticed and raised his wand at you. 
“Don’t even think about it” 
“You know, Snape? I’m curious.” He hadn’t stopped looking at you. “What are you doing here, there’s no way you’re going to see Regulus right?”  
He knew exactly that it was the only reason you would ever step into the dungeons. His face turned into a look of fake pity. 
“Oh. Poor little thing, he hasn’t told you has he?” Evan was mocking you, playing with your psyche as all slytherings liked to, still his next words made your blood run cold. “He’s become the new right-hand for the dark lord. As he ought to, at the end of the day he’s a Black.” 
That’s when you started running, Snape and Evan probably tought it was enough torture to mess with your head and they let you pass them by without much hussle. 
And you ran all the way to the Slythering common room. Usually you wouldn’t dare to enter alone, but you needed to see Regulus. You didn’t want to believe Evan’s words, ‘He’s probably trying to confuse you, make you confront Regulus and cause an argument’. You were trying to convince yourself, but you couldn’t deny that the possibility was there. 
You made it to Regulus’ dorm, without even knocking you entered. Inside Regulus was laying in his bed, Barty was in one of the desks, working on homework, or a plan to destroy civilization. You didnt really care, all you could focus on was Reg. 
“Regulus” your voice didn’t feel like yourself, it was void of any emotion other than obvious tiredness from your running. 
Regulus jolted out of bed when he heard you. Barty turned around and his lips morphed into a teasing smirk. 
“Oh well, look who’s here -” “Leave, now.” Barty was cut short by Regulus’ demand, for a second you thought he was talking to you, but he was facing Barty. 
“okay, okay. No need to get aggressive…” Barty said before getting up from the chair. He walked past you, didn’t even acknowledge your presence, and closed the door behind him. 
Regulus knew this was coming, there was no way you wouldn’t notice his absence or avoid entirely the rumors of the new deatheater in Hogwarts. He just wished it didn’t have to be this way. He coudn’t face you, from the start you and him were on opposite sides of the war, but he getting the mark was what made it definite. 
“Reg-” “What do you want?”
 Regulus’ voice was icy, not a single emotion in it. He saw you flinch at his tone. He never talked to you like that, his tone was always sweet and words picked with care whenever he referred to you. His change in demeanour angered and saddened you, he could tell. 
“Are you really asking me what I want?” your tone was colder now, you stepped closer with each word. “I’ve barely seen you for a week, and the moment I step into the dungeons the first thing I hear is that you’re the new right-hand for the dark lord. Please, tell me it’s not true”  
He could hear your voice crack and your waterline become wet with unsed tears. He knew you so well, he knew you were not going to cry, he knew you would give him the benefit of the doubt and hear him out. He knew that if he would tell you the truth, how he was forced and tortured to take the mark, you would understand, try to find a way to help and stand by his side. 
“It’s true” 
And he couldn’t allow that. If he were to let you in again, he wouldn’t be able to do what he had to do. End things, for your sake. 
“You’re lying to me, this is all a big joke, it has to be” you cried. 
He didn’t reply, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. At his silence you reached for his sleeve, pulling it up. He didn’t even flinch, and he let you stare at his bare arm. Well, not bare, as the deatheater mark was there, taking up half of his arm. 
You dropped his arm and stared at him in absolute shock. He didn’t say anything, that was angered the most, how he was not even able to say anything. 
“You didn’t want to, right?” he stayed silent “Please, say something” you implored. 
“It's my duty, it’s what 's right.” he deadpanned. 
You chuckled humorlessly “What’s right? That 's right? You’re joining a pureblood supremacist cult, there’s nothing right about it!”  
“And what about us, do I mean that little to you? Does our relationship mean anything at all to you?”  you said in a softer tone. 
“No. It was a mistake, from the start. I shouldn’t have dated a mudblood” Regulus had to make an enormous effort to not flinch at his own words. But this would make you leave, it had to. 
You promised yourself you wouldn’t cry, but the heartbreak you were feeling was unlike anything you’d ever felt. Regulus had been able to make you feel special, loved for almost two years. He held your heart in his hands and treated it with care, now he was ripping it and giving back to you. 
He didn’t want to fight for your love and you were not going to beg anymore. 
“You’re right. It’s funny, really, Sirius warned me this would happen, but I was too blinded to see that he was right” bringing up Sirius was a low blow, you knew how much he meant for Regulus. But at that moment all you wanted was to make him feel the same heartbreak you were feeling. 
“At the end of the day you’re a Black.” You repeated the same words Evan had said to you on your way to the dungeons. 
Regulus just stood there and nodded. You left his room, clearly distressed and crying. Regulus’ heart was shattered beyond repair. However, this was the best option. He would rather see you leaving, crying and heartbroken for the last time in his life, than lying on the floor lifeslessly as his family had promised if he didn’t leave you and took the mark. 
At the end of the day he was really just a Black, it was the family he was born to and the family he’ll die for. 
Author's note: this one is so sad, I'm sorry Thank you for reading! Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed and very appreciated. I'd love to hear what you thought about it so don't be shy!! To be part of the taglist Dm me or send me an ask <3 Taglist @feral-posts @izuoyarmin @aremuslupinsim @yourfavgay @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo 
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cringe-but-proud · 4 months
Muggleborn reader taking Reggie to a sport game
I'm alive.
Regulus Black x reader
A/n TYSM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HOLY SHIT???? This is the most American baseball game you could possibly think of despite the fact that this supposedly takes place in Britain. Sorry if anything's super inaccurate I'm not a sports person 😕 Anyways requests are open.
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"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." Regulus said as you dragged him along behind you.
A cool summer breeze drifted through the air as you and your best friend walked toward the line for the ticket booth.
"I can't either. I thought you'd chicken out on me last minute." You teased and he rolled his eyes.
You'd somehow managed to convince your best friend, Regulus, to accompany you to a baseball game over the summer break. And it really did take some major convincing. His parents were quite adamant about his total lack of engagement with anything even slightly related to muggles. That's why they didn't know about you, and that's why they didn't know Regulus had snuck out to spend time with you.
Once the two of you found a spot in line, you turned to Regulus and smiled. "But, seriously. I'm glad you could make it." You said sweetly.
Regulus' eyes darted down to where your hands were still interlinked.
"Oh," You let go of his hand and nervously looked away. "Sorry."
"No, it's okay." His cheeks turned slightly pink as he put his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
After standing in the line for about 10 minutes, the two of you finally got your tickets and walked into the stadium.
Regulus' eyes seemed to be constantly moving, looking at all of the things he'd probably never seen before.
"Do you wanna get food right now or should we wait?" You asked.
Regulus looked back to you. "They serve food here?"
"I don't have muggle money." Regulus stated.
"You can't go to a muggle sports event without them serving food." You chuckled as you led him to one of the concession stands.
"Who said I was making you pay?" You pulled out your wallet and handed him $20
Regulus blinked, suprised. "You don't have to pay for me, Y/n." He tried to hand the money back.
"No!" You made him close his hand around the money and pushed it back to him. "This is your first time going to a baseball game! You can't go to a baseball game without getting concessions."
Regulus, once again, blushed when you touched his hand. "... Fine."
The two of you were finally in your seats with all of your concessions. You had to explain how the game worked to Regulus and he seemed to understand after a while.
Once the game started Regulus glanced over to you. "So... What team are we supposed to be cheering for?" He asked.
"The guys wearing red." You answered.
"And that's because?"
"Because they're superior."
"What if I don't agree?" He challenged.
"Then I'll leave you at this stadium in the cold and dark to fend for yourself." You replied sarcastically.
He gasped. "You wouldn't!" He chuckled. "You love me too much."
You let a smile play on your lips. "Yeah. You're right."
Regulus felt his cheeks grow hot and he quickly looked away, turning his attention back to the game.
By the time the game was over, the sun was down. Regulus has spent most of the game feeling a bit flustered, blushing everytime your hands brushed against one another, his glances lingering a second too long.
"So, time to go now?"
"Nope." You shook your head. "We've gotta stay for the fireworks."
"The fireworks?"
"Yeah. They shoot off fireworks after the games every weekend." You said. "I wanna watch them, if that's okay with you."
"Yeah... Yeah, it sounds nice."
A few minutes passed before the first firework shot into the sky, painting the night sky with a stunning blue color.
You gasped and excitedly shook Regulus' arm a bit. "They're starting!"
Regulus looked over to you. Your eyes were wide and seemed to sparkle as they looked up at the firework display.
You were so beautiful.
"Y/n..." His voice was soft. Like he was whispering something only your ears would ever get to hear.
"Yeah?" You turned your attention to him.
"I uh..." He felt his heart beat fast. "Can I tell you something?"
You silently nodded and he continued. "I should've told you this way sooner, and I totally get it if you're weirded out by this or whatever... I... Like you. I like you a lot. And I have for a while now."
You sat there, stunned for a moment. His heart beat faster in anticipation for your response.
You finally spoke. "Seriously?"
"Seriously." He nodded. "Is... That okay?"
You paused for a split second. "More than okay." You leaned toward him and softly kissed his lips.
Fireworks went off as he kissed you and he knew this would be the best summer of his life.
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rreeaahh · 10 months
Green eyes VS green badge | R. A. B.
Second chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader | > mentions of james potter x reader | > james potter x lily evans
summary> the hate between y/n and regulus is hidden from anyone else, but maybe his actions combined with a heartbreak aren't the best outcome for y/n
word count> 2.7k
warnings> regulus being a jerk, again? reader being kind of a teacher's pet? mentions of discrimination based on blood purity; nothing else, in my opinion, feel free to tell me if i should add anything!
a/n> THIS WAS WRITTEN IN ONE GO, HOLY SHIT. I DID NOT PROOFREAD IT. thank u guys for all the support showed here<3 its crazy, honestly. the tag list is open for this series, so feel free to send me an ask or a comment of you want to be added! also, i have a thought and idk, i'd make this idea more detailed but on wattpad, and keep it a little shorter here, what do you think?
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There were four simple rules that Y/N needed to follow since she could talk and understand what she was being told.
The first one was that she could never, ever in her whole life disobey her father – he was the only one who cared for her, for her future, for her dignity and he was the only one who wished to see her become a strong and powerful witch; that’s what he claimed, at least.
The second one was that she was not allowed to ever question the Dark Lord’s word – her father said that Tom Riddle, his old friend, was the one who told him to keep her, to raise her and protect her as a father should. In other words, she has a dad because a bald snake-looking man said she was worth the effort.
The third one, one with a great significance, was that she should not interact with Mudbloods more than necessary – which was, in her opinion, pretty confusing, given the fact that Voldemort himself was a Half-blood. But, she could not put that problem to a question because she would break rule number one and rule number two at the same time.
The last one was simple – don’t be a disappointment, don’t ruin the family’s image.
And that’s how she lived her life until her first year at Hogwarts. That’s when she started to disobey her dad by giving up on rule number three and talk to all her colleagues – nothing more than acquaintances, though, because the other Purebloods could mock her for doing so. She learned that everyone should be treated equally, no matter the blood that was running in their veins – they were all wizards, after all. That’s a reason she got close to James Potter last year, in her fourth one. The older boy was shocked to see a Slytherin act that politely towards a first-year Muggleborn Gryffindor and jokingly asked her if she was sick. He said she was not like the others. He said she was quite nice.
They had a few other accidental meetings in the hallway, and without realizing Y/N started to get nervous around him; her heart would beat faster when she’d hear his voice in the Great Hall and her cheeks would burn when she’d wake up from another dream about him – that was her first crush ever. While at the final party of the year, where only a few Slytherins were invited – it was hosted by the Marauders, after all – Y/N was kissed by James. The party was at the end, she wanted to leave and he offered to walk her back to the Dungeons. It was the best night of her life, she finally felt seen, heard, liked. Maybe it was because of their encounters, maybe because James could see behind her social mask or maybe it was simply because of all the firewhiskey and beer, but he kissed her. He really kissed her, right at the door of the Slytherin’s common room. He grabbed her waist, cupped her cheek and even groaned against her lips when she gathered the courage to put her hands in his dark curly hair. He smiled at her and wished her a great summer, and then walked off backwards, still watching her.
That’s why she was excited all summer to get back at Hogwarts. That’s why she was determined to learn more about Muggleborns, to change her life and morals. That’s why she started fighting her father when he’d open the topic of marriage – James was, of course, a Pureblood, as Cyrus wished for his only child, but he was also a blood traitor. She never told her dad about him, but she wouldn’t even once let him get the idea that she was willing to marry one of his friends’ sons. They were all pricks, and she was only thinking about James.
That’s why her heart broke on the train – he wouldn’t even look at her. That’s why now, a few days after, she still looks like the train hit her. That’s what she thought, at least, because everyone else complimented her new jewelry, her hair, her nail polish, every stupid and insignificant thing. Her eyes had dark circles under them, her skin felt strange and her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Don’t you like the porridge?” asks Evan and points to her bowl.
His sister, Pandora, gets her head out of the tarot book and scoff in disapproval. “Could you mind your business, Evan?” She should be at the Ravenclaw table, but she really likes to spent time with them.
Y/N only smiles to them and pushes away the bowl. “You can have it, Evan, I’m not that hungry,” she winks in his direction and starts writing on her parchments again.
Because that’s what she does – that’s the only way not to look at the other side of the room, at the Gryffindor table. She studies over her Potions’ notes, her first class from that day. Professor Slughorn announced another meeting of the Slug Club and her new goal was to get invited, again. There are a few girls that get to be invited to those dinners, and Y/N was one of them but Horace liked to see new faces from now and then.
“You really want to go,” mutters Bruce Mulciber, looking at her with a bored expression. Edmund Avery hits his arm in a not-that-subtle manner and smiles at her widely.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are while studying, Y/N? So smart,” the boy says and winks in her direction.
“How disgusting,” Pandora whispers at their behavior. Y/N nods her head and smiles politely to Edmund, while wishing she could slam his head to the table until she’d see blood. But that would definitely against any existing rule – both Hogwarts’ and her father’s.
She gets up and starts gathering her belongings, taking a last sip from her tea cup. “I have to go, guys. Evan, I’ll see you in Potions, right?”
“Yeah, I have to wait for Regulus, though,” he informs her and grabs her porridge bowl, smiling thankful in her way.
Y/N laughs and grabs her parchments, drinking the remaining tea in her cup. While at it, a body slams into hers and the contact makes her to drop the tea on her notes, her white shirt and her shoes. And there’s silence.
“Sorry,” says in a blank tone no one else than Regulus Black. His uniform is perfect, his hair is put in place and he even got the chance to get away from Y/N before any drop could be on him. “I didn’t see you there.”
She wants to shout. She wants to scream at him, grab her wand and curse him. She wants him to be as embarrassed as she is now, wet and watched by the entire dining hall. But she can’t. She got her father’s temper but she learned from him how to handle it. She needs to handle it.
“Regulus,” she says in a happy tone, “Evan was waiting for you,” it’s the only thing that comes out of her mouth as she looks only at him. Not at her housemates, her friends, or even over her shoulder at the boy who froze there with his friends, who are laughing at her.
“Yeah, I know,” he mutters. “Let’s go, Rosier,” he demands in a now friendly voice. “Horace is waiting in the classroom; he probably wants to talk about the Slug Club.”
That’s when Y/N forgets about everything and in the silence of her mind there is only Regulus’ voice. He probably wants to talk about the Slug Club. Still with a smile on her face, she gets her robes from the bench, wave goodbye to her friends and starts walking away. She cannot resists the temptation and looks at the Gryffindor table. He’s there, with Sirius on his left, laughing with his friends.  After she leaves the Great Hall there’s a feeling of pressure on her whole body. Was he laughing of her? He could never, right? She was quite nice, after all.
Before entering the Potions class, she stood there for a few minutes, calming down. Now she’s putting on her dark robes, the silver snake shining on the green badge. As she’s buttoning it up, the steps of her colleagues echo through the dark corridor.
“There you are, Y/N,” sights Evan. He’s followed by Barty Crouch Jr and Regulus, who watches her like she’s sick with a blood curse. “You went ahead without looking back.”
“Oh, yeah, I got to make sure my robes cover the whole…” she looks only for a second at Regulus, “tea accident.” She says it while chuckling, like it was just a silly little accident which could happen to anyone. But not anyone would get away clean like he did after that kind of an accident.
“And yet you look worse than before,” Regulus speaks and his eyes points at her now clearly stained shirt. “Let’s go, boys, I’m sure Y/N knows how to dress herself,” he scoffs and smiles to her.
The other two boys follow him along and she sits there, blood boiling in her veins. Her anger is born because of two persons – her father, because he’d kill her if she was arguing with another Pureblood in public, especially Orion Black’s son, and Regulus Black, for being such and arse.
Horace Slughorn, however, didn’t seem to be that preoccupied by her entrance. He greeted her and went on with his lesson and for Merlin knows what time she finds herself thinking about Regulus, and how she’d strangle him with the tie around his neck if given the opportunity. Regulus has that power, to awake something in her that only wants to hurt him, to make him suffer and get out those cold eyes – maybe she could make a pair of earrings out of them. He was right besides her, sitting with Evan while she tried to ignore Barty’s jokes about their professor. Sometimes, she wishes so much to be away from them – she feels suffocated to be near them at school and also at home, when her father would take her with him at different events, but there’s no way that she could cross his word. You will act nice towards any pureblood kid, they are the only ones that deserve it – they are you only equals.
“That’s all for today, my dear students,” announces Slughorn and claps his hands together. “You have to write an essay about today’s lesson, in order for me to see that everything was very clear.”
She puts away her quill and ink and starts rolling the parchments that she took notes on. Barty plays drums in the wood of the table and Evan hits him behind his head with his notes. The two of them laugh and she can’t help but her Regulus’ scoff at their silly action.
“Oh, Mister Black, Miss Lestrange, could you stay for a little? I have something to tell you,” Slughorn says happily and goes over to his desk at the front of class.
“Yes, professor,” they both say and get up. They both also look at each other, eyes burning with annoyance.
“We’ll see you outside, ok?” asks Evan.
“Go on, don’t wait,” is the only answer he receives from Regulus before he goes first to Slughorn, Y/N right after him.
“Oh, my two favorite students!” the professor says as they remain alone in the classroom. “I hope the first days where excellent, kids.”
“Of course, sir,” Y/N smiles and Slughorn can’t help but lays his eyes a little longer on her, on her clothes. She was the only one that wore the robes during class.  
“How are your parents, hm?” His question sits uneasy on them both. Y/N does not look at Regulus, Regulus does not look at Y/N – they both hope the other one will talk first.
And because she remembers her father’s words, she opens her mouth. “My father sends his greetings, sir. He got me a new potions book that I’ve read over the summer,” she says and accepts happily the proud nod from her professor.
“Very good, I’m pleased to hear that the vacation didn’t stop your liking for studying,” he laughs in a soft manner. “Right, Regulus? Miss Lestrange here sure is a great housemate, keeping our pride safe,” now is the Horace Slughorn, Head of Slytherin, that’s talking.
She sees with the corner of her eye that his body tenses. “Of course, professor,” he forces himself to say.
“Right,” Horace claps his hands together again, excited. “You two are the brightest students in my house, that’s the reason I’m sure you two will be also the brightest Prefects that Hogwarts has and will ever see!” He hands them the green badges, the word PREFECT being written on it with silver letters. “I’m sure you’ll make me very proud, children,” he says.
“You can be sure of it, sir. We’ll do our best,” Y/N smiles and looks at the metal badge from between her fingers.
“That’s all,” the professor says. “Come on, go to your business, I have another class now.”
She bites her tongue and smiles polite at him, before turning around.
“What about the Slug Club, sir?”
Regulus Black was not the most talkative person Y/N knew, but he sure was stubborn.
“Oh, Merlin, I nearly forgot! Of course, Mister Black, you and Miss Lestrange are more than welcome, I thought that’s already settled,” he said and smiled at them – Horace Slughorn wanted to make sure that the kids of two important families in the Wizarding World liked him as a teacher.
As soon as they leave the class, Regulus scoffs, the sound echoing in the corridor. “Maybe you’ll learn how to dress now that I’m forced to spend even more time with you.”
His voice is mocking, rude and teasing. Now that they’re alone, they can finally act how they really wish to. Y/N grabs the wand from her robes’ pocket and points it at Regulus, who’s now pressed against the stone wall and grins at her.
“If you ever try to outsmart me again, Black, I swear I’m gonna Crucio you,” she spats the words in his face and only for a second Regulus’ face drops, his eyes looking at the tip of the wand before returning at her face.
“Only if you’d be capable of doing something like that, you pathetic try of a witch,” he says and grabs her wand, pushing it away from his face.
“You really have a death wish?” she asks annoyed by his eyes that watch her with superiority, his curved lips that laugh at her.
 “Careful, Y/N, you wouldn’t want you-know-who to find out what a brave and cruel witch you are, right? He may like it,” he laughs and walks away from her, leaving her alone at the door of the Potions’ class.
For a moment, she’s alone. And there’s silence. She looks at the green badge in her hand and exhales all the air in her lungs. And then, there’s laughter. And there’re steps which walk in her direction, and she wants to leave but she freezes pressed against the wall, right where Regulus was only a moment ago.
James Potter is walking beside a ginger girl; tall and beautiful and dressed in a red uniform, matching his. He makes her laugh as she’s playfully hitting his arm, telling him to stop. Y/N just stays there, and James doesn’t even seem to notice her. But the girl does – Y/N recognizes her as Lily Evans, the Muggleborn girl in James’ year. Lily’s green eyes watch Y/N as she sits there, badge in her hand, and the older witch smiles at her. She ignores James for a moment, giving Y/N a thumbs-up before pointing to her red badge, which had written HEADGIRL on it.
As they enter the room, Y/N starts walking away. She feels sad, maybe, heartbroken, even. She’s not sure. But she’s sure that she’s furious, angry, mad. Her father was right. Mudbloods and blood traitors deserve nothing.
And that’s only because James Potter picked the green eyes over the green badge.
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
All because of a silly little niffler, and a necklace| James Potter x f!reader
Reader is Slytherin, the same year as James, James pulls a big prank to snape but instead, you got it and everyone's making fun of you. Somehow reader is muggleborn in slytherin, cheesy love story, no smut
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"Y/n, can you open this box for me? " Severus asked, giving you a very bright yellow and red box, that's moving.
"Fine" You were tired of severus's 'can you's' so you might as well do it.
Inside. A niffler jumped at you and you fell to the floor. It took your necklace off, a very special necklace to you, and you can hear laughs already, as the niffler walked across your body.
A boy named Regulus catched it and a first year helped him put it in the box, seems like they were the only one's who actually has a heart.
"Wasn't me" Severus puts his hands up and laughed. All this because you were a 'mudblood' as they say it. You were a muggleborn, but, clearly better than the pureblood maniacs. Even Severus is not a pureblood, he's a halfblood and treating hisself like he's one of the Black's.
You stood up and ran outside of the common room, even outside, you can hear people chiming in 'y/n the mudblood, is she gonna cry'. You've never seen nor heard Slytherin be this evil.
You didn't know were your feet was bringing you , but you walked, and walked, and walked, and bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry! " You put your hands down, to show your bright red face of sadness, but mostly embarrassment.
"Uhm, y/n, right, uhh, what's wrong? " A guy asks. Messy hair, glasses. Well, his voice too, was iconic, James Potter. The guy your fancied since year one, you were suprised that he even knew your name. Well you sniffed, just like a niffler and wiped your tears, you were more embarrassed now.
"Severus told me to open this box, and there was a niffler and It took my necklace, and plus, all the Slytherin's were laughing at me! " You cringed at the moment, remembering when many slytherins laughed, mostly the purebloods.
"Snivel-- snape? H-how dare he? " James stuttered. "James.. Don't tell me it's one of your pranks? " You asked him, disappointed, but honestly not surprised.
"Uh-uhm, I'm sorry, yes, but I swear I'll find you the necklace! And do things to snape, im sorry! " He said. "Oh.. James.. Well, you said sorry, and i guess it's fine, I can buy myself a new one.. Later" You said. If you hadn't fancied him for years, you would've screamed at him and made him pay back but, he is James Potter.
"How much is it? The necklace, of course" James asked. "Sixty galleons, I know you might laugh at me for crying at a sixty gall-" He cuts you off "sixty?! Sixty?! Oh my Lord, y/n I'm sorry! Can I buy you a new one, or-or something? " James eyes lit up.
"No, it's fine.. James, you didn't meant it, I mean it was severus's fault, and uhm, I need to go now, James, have a goodnight! " You faked your smile.
Walking down to the halls, you were sad about your necklace, you loved it. It glows yellow if you're happy, blue if you're sad, red if you're mad, pink if you're adoring something or someone, purple if you're confused, and green if you're sick.
You walked to the common room, in hope to find the box and Regulus, but just to get told that after you left, the niffler left too.
Well, you got to bed, sick to your stomach that you declined 60 galleons, and humiliated yourself, in front of the whole common room and james.
The next day was worst, you got a nickname 'y/n the sniffing niffler'. It was getting worst that you left your food almost untouched.
A week passed by, you didn't go Hogsmeade, cause you've seen everything there, and it's not like you can afford many things there.
You instead enjoyed reading some books, the fantastic beast, while drinking tea. You enjoyed the quietness and the weirdness of the creature's.
Until that peace was disturbed by the sound of someone running. "Y/n, you can't believe it, I've been searching you all day! " It was James.
"James Potter, looking for me, what? " You looked at him confused. "Y/n I'm sorry about your necklace, I found the niffler and.. It chewed it up" James said, his chest going up and down after all thw running.
"As expected, that's alright, James" You looked at your book back. "No, uhm-y/n, I bought you a necklace, from the same exact shop" James said. You looked at him, and there he had it, a similar necklace, thats shining pink.
"James, oh my gosh! " It felt as if you were the happiest person in the world. "Thankyou so so so much! " You stood up and hugged him, dramatic and cheesy, but you just had the urge to. Imagine getting a necklace from the guy you had a crush on for years, and imagine him putting it on to you, well, you don't need to imagine now.
He puts the necklace on to you. "Beautiful, as always" He smiled. The necklace gleamed yellow and pink. Well, around him the necklace is always yellow and pink, mostly pink.
"Seems like you adore me, don't you little thing? " James grinned. "How did you know, wait, no! I'm happy! Do you even know what pink means? " You asked him, stuttering.
"Oh, love, you must know that everyone who buys it gets clear instructions of what the colors means, right?" James grinned.
"See James, the problem is that uhm, it's pink because.. " You paused, immediately regretting what you just said. "Because? " James shot an 'innocent' eye to you.
"Oh geez, James you know it, ive liked you since first year" You looked down. "You can take it back if your disgusted of me, resell it or something" .
"Look at me, love" He said. James, has this special power that makes you do whatever he says, and you looked at him.
He smashed your lips into yours, while holding your chins up to him. Softly and gently, you two pulled away. "Mhm, I think we both know I like you back and you're keeping the necklace forever. Y/n y/l/n, the most beautiful, and nicest girl I've met, would you like to be my girlfriend? " James looks at you dead in the eye. You of course said yes.
This evening was not what he expected, he expected you to take the necklace and leaves, but, this is way better obviously.
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 2 years
Beyond Rumours
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Chapter One
Summary: Y/n is a Malfoy. A Pureblood. A pretentious, blood-status-loving Slytherin. At least, those are the rumours, but since when has Remus Lupin ever really cared about rumours?
Warnings: Walburga Black
Word Count: 1.9K
A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to my new fic! I hope you enjoy!
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Thursday, 1st of September 1977
The familiar sound of train whistles and people bustling around filled my ears. Students hurried across Platform 9 and ¾, some of whom I'd met and seen previously at school, as well as a few first years that I'd never seen before, their eyes wide and trunks ready to go. I remembered when I was like that – eleven years old and ready to learn magic.
I stood silently beside my brother, Lucius, and his girlfriend, Narcissa. Both of them stared across the platform boredly, showing no emotion. I was pretty sure my brother was going to propose to Narcissa soon. She was nice enough, but... this was an arranged marriage. At least they looked happy.
"Ah, there are the Blacks," Lucius said, spying a group of three people across the station. "Come along."
I followed after my brother and his girlfriend across the busy platform. A few people parted to let us through, and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. We stopped in front of the Black family and greeted each other.
"Y/n," Regulus acknowledged stiffly.
"Regulus," I said with a nod.
I looked at Regulus's parents. Orion Black wore a smart set of midnight-blue robes, each button polished to perfection, no doubt shined by their house elf, Kreacher. Regulus's mother, Walburga, was wearing a modest set of black robes, her hair up in a tight bun, no stray strands. She was looking over at someone in disdain, and after a quick glance, I saw Sirius Black standing with his Gryffindor friends. My stomach coiled. Sirius had left the Blacks behind about a year ago, cutting ties with his family and the rest of the purebloods.
"Well, you'd best be getting on the train," Lucius said.
I nodded quickly.
"Goodbye, Lucius," I said.
Lucius smiled at me, and that's all I got. Not a hug - affection was never shown in public in the Malfoy family. Not that my brother and I were that close anyway. I glanced at Regulus and the two of us walked together to the train in silence. We found an empty compartment, the seats as cushiony as always, and put our trunks away before sitting opposite each other, still in silence. The train began to move, and it was only once the station was out of sight that I tackled Regulus into a hug. Regulus laughed and hugged me back tightly.
"I missed you, Reg," I said, pulling back to look at my best friend.
Regulus laughed.
"'Course you did."
I smacked him lightly and he laughed again.
Regulus and I had been friends from a very young age. Our families were close, and we basically grew up together. We'd stopped hanging out at home, though, because once we'd turned fourteen, our parents had begun hassling us to agree to an arranged marriage together. I loved Regulus, but just not like that, and I knew he felt the same about me.
"How was your summer?" I asked, sitting down beside him now.
Regulus shrugged, stretching his arms.
"Not as bad as it could have been," he admitted. "You?"
"Same," I sighed.
I hated going home in the summer. My parents and my brother had such high expectations of me, and I hated the way they spoke about Muggleborns and 'blood-traitors'. I could only pretend to agree for so long.
I had been raised to believe that I was better than everyone else because I came from a pureblood family. While it was true that my family had a lot of influence, I honestly didn't believe that my blood-status made me better than anyone else. It had taken me a few years at Hogwarts to realise it, and I was disappointed in myself that I hadn't figured it out sooner. Regulus shared my views, but we didn't dare talk about it with our parents. They'd call us disgraces, blood-traitors, and then they'd kick us out and disown us.
Regulus and I continued to catch up, talking about pretty much everything. The trolley lady came by, and we bought a few lollies to share between us. It was by complete chance that I glanced out of the compartment door as someone walked by, and my heart skipped a beat.
Remus Lupin passed by the compartment door, wearing an oversized sweater and jeans, his brown curls framing his impeccably gorgeous face. He didn't look into the compartments as he passed, and I sighed as I watched him go.
"Still in love with him?"
I was broken out of my thoughts by Regulus's voice, and I shook my head as my cheeks heated up.
"I'm not - I'm not in love with him," I said quickly. "I just... fancy him a little bit, is all."
Regulus rolled his eyes at me and chewed on his liquorice wand.
"Sure," he said, dragging the word out. "You know, I read somewhere that if you've had a crush on someone for more than five months, it means you love them? And you've had a crush on him for, what, five... years?"
"It's only been three years," I mumbled, crossing my arms.
Regulus sat up triumphantly and pointed a finger at me. "Ha! That's more than five months!"
"I am not in love," I grumbled. "I've only spoken to him four times."
It was true. I met him when I was in second year, and he was in third. We'd literally bumped into each other, and I'd dropped all of the books I'd been carrying. He'd helped me pick them up, and as soon as I'd seen his hazel-brown eyes, I knew I'd be thinking about them for weeks.
But that didn't matter. Remus Lupin didn't hang out with Slytherins, and I, Y/n Malfoy, did not hang out with Gryffindors. So what if I fancied him? Nothing would ever come of it.
The train shook and a loud boom sounded, and Regulus and I looked at each other in slight panic. There were a few shouts, and then laughter. I heard someone distantly yell something that sounded suspiciously like 'Potter!'
"What's the bet that was your brother and his friends?" I said, relaxing slightly.
Regulus rolled his eyes and took another bite of his liquorice wand. I was aware he'd taken the leaving of his brother pretty badly. I knew they'd been close, but Regulus had always tried to impress his parents, while Sirius didn't care about them. I decided to change the topic in an attempt to spare my friend some heartache.
As the sun began to sink closer to the horizon, Regulus and I changed into our school robes. Regulus put his Prefect badge on (he'd decided to leave the Prefect duties to the fifth and seventh years during the train trip), and the green and silver flashed, standing out on the black of his robes.
The train began to slow, and then stopped, and Regulus and I exited the transport, bumping into other students getting off the train. I heard the familiar voice of the groundskeeper, Hagrid, calling out to first years. Regulus and I headed towards the horseless carriages that would bring us to the castle and we ended up sitting with a few Ravenclaws, but none of us spoke.
I looked down at my hands. I knew about the rumours that were whispered about me and Regulus. Blood-status-loving purebloods. I supposed my brother had helped keep that circulating, based on how much he bullied Muggleborns. Regulus and I had never bothered to prove the rumours false, in fear of the wrath our families would bring.
Soon enough, we'd entered the castle we called home, and taken seats at the Slytherin table with Pandora Lestrange, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr. They were the closest to what I'd call friends, but I didn't hang out with them often. I'd never spoken to them about their views of blood status and Muggleborns, but the fact that they never spoke about it and rarely bullied Muggleborns had led me to believe that our views may be similar, so I didn't mind socialising with them.
"Hey, how was summer? Didn't see you on the train," Evan said.
"It was fine," Regulus replied with a shrug. "Not much interesting happened. You?"
Evan recounted his summer in great detail, with Barty making a few sarcastic comments every now and then that made me laugh.
I saw Remus and his friends at the Gryffindor table, but I quickly looked away. There was no point in hopelessly pining over him, especially since I was starting my first year of N.E.W.T classes. The first years filed in after Professor McGonagall, and the Sorting Hat sang a song. I fiddled with my fork instead of listening, and eventually the sorting began. As always, there was a pretty even split of kids, and quite a few of them joined the Slytherin table.
Once the sorting had finished, Dumbledore stood up at the High table.
"Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"
He sat back down, and a variety of different foods appeared on the table – delicious smelling roast chicken, golden potatoes, and green beans swimming in butter just to name a few. I filled my plate and ate, listening to Reg and the others talk. I noticed a new teacher sitting up at the teachers' table. She had brown hair, and was talking to Professor McGonagall like she knew her well. Soon enough people had eaten their fill, and the food and dishes disappeared, and Dumbledore stood up to say a few words.
"Just a few things. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." Dumbledore's eyes flashed in the direction of the Marauders (a nickname they'd given themselves a few years ago and had stuck), and they all grinned at each other. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. Also, the Yule Ball will be held this year for fifth year through to seventh year students."
A loud murmur went through the students of Hogwarts at the prospect of the Yule Ball. I heard a few girls talking about what to wear already.
"And I would like to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore said, gesturing to the new teacher, "Professor Emily Laufeyson."
There was applause and whispers as the witch stood up and nodded her head. I could have sworn she looked directly at me and smiled mischievously, before she cast her gaze to the Gryffindor table.
"Apparently she's married to some really powerful wizard," a second-year whispered across the table. "Loki Laufeyson or something. I think he's Nordic."
"And how do you know that?" a fourth-year asked.
Dumbledore hushed the crowd, before sending us all to bed. Regulus took his duties seriously this time and helped the first-year Slytherins to the dorms. I trailed after them, letting Regulus do his duty. No one spoke to me – apparently people were too afraid to – but I preferred it that way.
We reached the dorms and I said goodbye to Regulus before heading to the girls' dorms. The light was green, and we had our own separate rooms. Apparently the other houses didn't have separate rooms, but most Slytherin families were rich, so they probably paid someone to have the rooms built separately. Or maybe Salazar Slytherin just wanted his students to live in luxury.
I opened the door that had been mine since I was eleven, and walked in to see my trunk at the foot of my bed. I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed, sleep consuming me quickly.
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acciopietro · 2 years
May I request a Regulus x Reader where the reader is a confident and snarky Ravenclaw who's the sibling of Alice Forestue
wing woman - r.b. x reader
pairing: regulus black x fem!reader
summary: regulus black is dragged to a gryffindor party and runs into a ravenclaw girl who catches his eye
word count: 2477
tw: underage drinking
a/n: hope you enjoy!! it’s a little short but i did my best. this is unedited and not beta-read so hopefully its still okay!!
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REGULUS BLACK HAD A VERY selective friend group. Consisting of only the other Slytherin boys he roomed with plus the few others in his year, he liked to think he kept his circled quite closed. He wasn’t a social butterfly, nor was he so introverted to have no friends, but he often found that he saw no point to the whole thing. He’d end up having to spend his time with only Pureblooded Slytherins anyways, and no doubt his parents would arrange a marriage with a girl from the Sacred 28, so everything else didn’t really matter. As soon as Sirius became a Gryffindor, they drifted apart. It only proved his point.
His dorm-mates consisted of Icarus Nott, Evan Rosier, and Miles Boyle (a boy whose family wasn’t a part of the Sacred 28, but was Pureblooded nonetheless). Icarus and Evan, as Sacred 28 members, shared a lot of the same traits and values as Regulus, and he often spent time with them when the families would host extravagant balls and other similar events. Miles, however, while being Pureblood, was a little bit different. His parents were what Regulus’s parents might refer to as... radicals. Meaning, they had no problems with associating with Half-Bloods or non-Slytherins or Muggleborns, meaning Miles was the same. And that meant Regulus was dragged into the mix. 
As time went on, Miles became very good friends with a girl named Dorcas Meadowes. They’d spend time together, and occasionally Regulus would pass by Dorcas as she left their dorm and he entered. Regulus really didn’t care what Miles and Dorcas were doing, as long as his bed stayed clean and he slept peacefully. But it wasn’t until Miles got an invite to a Gryffindor party that it became an issue.
���Please,” Miles was begging at this point, his mousy brown hair drooping lamely over his brows. “I need a wing-man. And god knows the others won’t come with me.”
“I don’t have any interest,” Regulus said blatantly, raising a dark eyebrow. “Besides, I’d get murdered if I took one step into the Gryffindor common room.”
“No, you won’t,” Miles rolled his hazel eyes. “Please, Black. It’s only for a few hours and we have an invite, so they can’t get mad at you.”
“What do you mean, we have an invite?”
Miles pursed his lips. “I already told Dorcas you were coming tonight.”
Regulus groaned. “You’re joking.”
“Please?” Miles put his hands together as though he were praying. “I’ll pay you.”
There was a pregnant pause. “Fifteen galleons.”
Miles scoffed. “Five galleons.”
“You don’t need this money, you’re rich!” Miles huffed. “Seven galleons. Okay?”
Regulus sighed and ran his hands through his jet-black hair. “Okay, deal. But you owe me.”
“Of course I do,” Miles clapped his hands and grinned before digging into his pocket for the galleons. “You’re the man.”
“You irritate me, Boyle,” Regulus shook his head to himself but accepted the money nonetheless. “To no end.”
“You love me.”
That night, Regulus stood before his reflection in the mirror and sighed. He wore his typical black slacks and white dress shirt over his pale chest, his green-and-silver tie tied pristinely over the buttons of his shirt. He turned the sink’s faucet on, put some water on his hand, and ran said hand through his hair, fluffing it up. Why was he nervous? Oh, Merlin, the water made his hair worse. He had no gel or other product. He’d look like an idiot. He looks like an idiot.
“Hurry up, mate,” Miles called from outside of the bathroom. “Told Dorcas we’d be there five minutes ago.”
Regulus sighed, rolling his pale gray eyes before leaving the bathroom, a defeated expression on his face. Miles glanced at him and chuckled before approaching him.
“Turn that frown upside-down,” he grinned, ruffling up his hair for him. “God, do you have to look so formal all the time? Unbutton some buttons or loosen that tie for god’s sake.”
“I don’t want to look like a—”
“Like a what?”
Regulus didn’t say anything, scrunching up his nose and fiddling with his tie.
“Okay, y’know what?” Miles stepped forward and unbuttoned the first three buttons of Regulus’s shirt. Regulus swatted his hands away. “Okay, fine, do it yourself, then!”
Regulus huffed but loosened his tie only slightly. Miles nodded his eyes, narrowing his gaze as though to analyze his friend. “Better. Let’s go.”
The pair of them left the dungeons, Miles blabbering about his plan to woo over all of Dorcas’s friends so she would agree to be his official girlfriend instead of being in the weird situationship they were currently in. Regulus was too busy trying to resist the urge to button his shirt up to the collar.
Entering the Gryffindor’s common room made Regulus want to shrivel up into a ball and die. With it’s bright scarlet and yellow decorations, the loud music, and heavy smell of beer, he felt immensely out of place. Miles patted him on the shoulder.
“Chin up,” he muttered. “Let’s find Dorcas and avoid your brother.”
Regulus felt himself grow pale. Oh god, he thought. His brother.
They quickly found Dorcas, who adorned a neon pink skirt and bright green shirt, her coiled hair teased out into an afro that made Miles practically start drooling. Regulus stood awkwardly behind him when the pair hugged hello, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, his eyes surveying the room until they stopped on the girl standing behind Dorcas.
Miles and Dorcas were talking, they might have even said something to him, but Regulus had already zoned out; the girl behind Dorcas was wearing a short black pleated skirt, her white dress shirt unbuttoned more than it should have been, and a blue and bronze Ravenclaw tie loosely draped around her neck. Regulus blinked, staring. 
“Hey,” Miles harshly elbowed him. Regulus’s eyes snapped to Miles, then to Dorcas, and back to Miles. His face flashed with a scorching heat, his cheeks no doubt turning a bright pink. “This is Dorcas.”
“Yes, I know,” he said. Miles narrowed his brows, and Regulus cleared his throat. He offered Dorcas a nod of his head. “Hello.”
“Hiya,” Dorcas said sweetly, ignoring Regulus’s standoffishness. “I’m glad you two could make it. You want somethin’ to drink, or what?”
“Do I?” Miles asked rhetorically as Regulus stared off at the Ravenclaw girl again, who wiped her lip after taking a sip of her drink. Dorcas lead them to where the drinks were out on one of the tables, and handed them both a bottle. Miles popped his open and took a large swing, and Regulus only glanced at the label. The sticker label had been rubbed off and it now read, “PURE FUEL!”
“Sorry, what is this?” Regulus asked Dorcas loudly over the booming music. She shrugged.
“It’s probably Firewhisky mixed with the dirty Butterbeer stuff,” she told him. “I dunno, some seventh years whipped them up. Y/N might know what in it.”
“Who’s Y/N?” 
Dorcas pointed behind her to the Ravenclaw girl from earlier. Said girl glanced over, noticing the two of them looking at her, and she gave a wave. Regulus gulped and ran a hand through his hair as she came sauntering over.
“Hi,” she said, grinning. Turning to Dorcas, she asked, “What’s the pointing for?”
“He was asking what was in these,” Dorcas held up a bottle. “You know?”
“Oh, yeah,” Y/N nodded, taking another sip. Her lipstick smeared a bit. “Firewhisky and some muggle Vodka... Ciroc, it’s called. Doesn’t taste great, but get’s the job done, no?”
Dorcas laughed. “There’s your answer.”
Regulus glanced down at his bottle and grimaced. Y/N reached out and snatched it from him. When he glanced back up at her flushed face, she said, “You don’t have to drink this... we have spiked butterbeer, too, if you’d prefer that? Or just normal butterbeer if you’re not a drinker.”
“I’ll have the former, thanks,” Regulus muttered, avoiding her bright e/c eyes.  She strutted behind the table, bending over to grab a bottle from underneath the tablecloth that hid anything underneath. She handed it to him, his pale fingers brushing hers as he took it from her and popped it open. 
“Hey, aren’t you Sirius’s younger brother?” Y/N asked him, tilting her head to the side like a curious puppy. Regulus pressed his lips into a thin line. 
“Yes,” he said plainly. “Why?”
“Just curious. Thought you looked familiar,” Y/N eyed him, glancing at his eyes, then to his lips, then to his eyes again. She was awfully pretty, Regulus thought, before he clenched his jaw and glanced at his drink. “I’ve never seen you at these things, though.”
“I don’t go to parties,” he told her. “Unless they’re Slytherin.”
She scoffed. “I thought you might say something like that. In that case, you’re seriously missing out.”
“Yeah?” Regulus glanced about the room and shrugged. “Doesn’t feel like much.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head a bit. “It’s still early. Most people aren’t even drunk yet.”
Regulus said nothing to this, only taking a sip of his drink and glancing around the room, avoiding Y/N’s wandering eyes that were dancing across him. He could see her staring at him through his peripheral vision, his neck heating up at the thought of it. On the surface he felt guilty for letting a Ravenclaw and potentially not-Pureblood make him feel such a way, but deep down in his chest he didn’t care. She was beautiful.
“Oh, there’s your brother,” she nodded her head over towards the other side of the room, where Sirius and his best friend James Potter came strutting in, a flock of Gryffindors at their sides. Regulus' eyes widened.
“Bollocks,” he cursed under his breath, stepping back, partially behind Y/N.
“What, scared?” she asked jokingly. Regulus grimaced.
“I don’t want him seeing me here,” he muttered. “He’ll probably want me kicked out. Or cursed on the spot.”
Y/N frowned. “Well, then, let’s go to a different part of the room.”
“What do you mean?” Regulus gestured to the entirety of the place. When he turned his head back and forth, he could feel the delay of the world; he hadn’t gotten drunk in a while, and God knows he was a light weight. “The whole bloody place is one open room!”
“No, come with me,” she beckoned him, her hand grazing his elbow to guide him before she dropped her arm. Regulus followed her like a puppy dog, glancing back at Sirius only once before turning back. She lead him to a small part of the common room where there were a few tables with other students sitting and chatting or making out. “He probably won’t see you back here. Even if he brings someone to snog, he’ll be distracted.”
“Hm,” Regulus glanced around. He’d never admit it, but the Gryffindor common room was kind of nice. Warm.
“You’re welcome,” Y/N scoffed, taking a swig from her drink. Regulus turned red.
“Thank you,” he bowed his head. She eyed him, smirking.
“So formal,” she giggled. “Have we spoken before, Regulus?”
Woah, okay, first names, he thought. He wasn’t used to that. Besides, he didn’t even know her last name so it wasn’t like he could call her anything but Y/N at the moment.
“I don’t think so,” he said, shaking his head. “I think I’d remember if we had.”
“Oh, yeah?” she asked, raising a brow. He gulped. “Why’s that?”
Regulus took another large swing from the bottle in his hands. 
“Because,” he started, unsure if he should finish. He eyed her, his grey eyes running up and down her face. “You’re quite charming.”
“Aw,” she grinned, flashing her teeth. He might have been making things up, but he could have sworn he saw her cheeks tinge light pink. “You flatter me.”
He swirled the bottle in his hand, noticing it was almost empty. He needed a stronger drink if he was going to keep up this flirting thing, he thought. But for that, he needed to go into the other room. With Sirius. His brother.
“You want another drink?” she asked. Had she read his mind? “I need one, too. C’mon, let’s go.”
Y/N grabbed him by the wrist before linking arms with him, walking with him into the other room. He couldn’t spot Sirius, but he decided he didn’t need to. He was too preoccupied with getting a stronger drink and hoping to god that Y/N couldn’t feel how hot he was getting with her hanging on his arm.
“Fire-whiskey?” she asked him. He nodded, taking the bottle from him. He clicked it open with his thumb and took a large swig. “Good boy! No more butterbeer for this guy.”
His face turned crimson from the praise, he was sure of it. He sent her a quirk of his lips, eyeing the flush of her cheeks and the brightness of her e/c eyes. She was something, wasn’t she? Not bad for a Ravenclaw.
“Fortescue!” came a booming voice from behind him. Regulus whipped his head around and felt the world delay again. It wasn’t, however, delayed enough for him to realize it was Sirius’s voice. “And my dearest brother.”
“Hello,” Y/N said, and it was then that Regulus realized she was a Fortescue. At least now he knew her last name. 
Sirius sauntered forwards towards Regulus, narrowing his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
Regulus clenched his jaw and opened his mouth to speak, but Y/N beat him to it.
“He’s with me,” she said nonchalantly. “Got a problem?”
“I didn’t know you were friends with my brother,” Sirius deadpanned.
“Yeah, well,” Regulus felt Y/N snuggle up closer to him. “Now you know.”
Sirius glanced at Regulus again. “You’re lucky, mate.”
“Sure am,” Regulus rolled his eyes. “Nice way to greet your family.”
Sirius glared at him and opened his mouth, presumably to yell either a profanity or spew some crap about how they’re not family anymore, but James Potter grabbed ahold of his arm. “Not the time, mate,” he muttered.
Sirius grumbled and let James pull him away.
“Sorry, Y/N,” James flashed a charming grin in her direction, and she smiled back. Regulus pulled her closer.
“Well, that’s that!” Y/N shrugged. “Now we don’t have to worry about him.”
“Good that,” Regulus nodded to himself. Y/N frowned.
“Don’t listen to him,” she said seriously. He glanced down at her, staring into those bright eyes of hers. “Really. You can do whatever you want and hang out with whoever you want.”
“And I am,” Regulus gave a half-smile to her, to which she beamed.
“Aw,” she nudged his shoulder. “Well, I’m happy to be your wing-woman.”
Regulus offered a real smile this time. “Thanks.”
“In the meantime,” she began, glancing up at him coyly, to which he nervously gulped and felt the blood rush down his body. “Any other ideas for the night?”
@childishnewt @kaqua @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @eichenhouseproperty @niallhoransupremacy @criesinlies @fairydxll @cassiestars777 @aliyahsomerhalder
a/n: sorry, kind of lame ending, but i wanted this out of my drafts LOL
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Clandestine pt 2 S.B. x Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: Sirius and Regulus have beef but I think that's all. As always let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: Young Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Ordered by your parents to stay away from Sirius, you two agree to meet in secret. You aren't as sneaky as you thought and get caught and your parents have a life changing surprise for you
Part 1 Masterlist Taglist
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“Darling, your father and I need to speak with you.” The voice of your mother interrupted your reading. It was the summer after your fourth year and you were hoping to get some reading done before Sirius and his family came over. Your mother stood in the archway of the library, waiting.
“Of course Mother. What is it?” You asked, setting your book to the side. As you did this, your parents came into the room and sat on the couch across from you. She kept looking over at your father as if she was confirming this conversation needed to be had.
Your father opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by your mother. “First, how was school this year? Who are your friends?”
That was odd. You wrote letters to them frequently while in school and told them all about your friends. Maybe she was stalling. “Well, Sirius and I are still best friends. He’s tried to introduce me to his friends but I don’t see them that often. I’m fairly good friends with Evan Rosier and Regulus. Why?”
She sighed and with another look at your father, she knew there could be no stalling. “Is there anyone you fancy?”
“No.” Even if there was someone you would never tell them. It was private.
“Well, you’re getting older and soon you will think of someone in a way other than just friendly and when you do, there are some things you need to know.” She patted your leg as she continued. “It is very important that the person you date and one day marry are purebloods as well. And preferably they’ll be from Slytherin as well.”
That’s what they needed to tell you? Why did it matter to them who you dated or when the time came, who you married? Shouldn’t they just want you to be happy? “Why does it matter?”
“We come from a very long line of purebloods and we must uphold that value. We cannot allow our family tree to be tainted by anything less than perfect. As the heir of the family, it is your job to carry that tradition.” Your father said as he stood. He said what he needed to say; there was no reason to stay and debate this.
How stupid. Blood status was nothing important. Maybe it was for them and their parents but it never mattered to you. So many students were brilliant while being the first witch or wizard in the family. Lily Evans was incredible and she was a muggleborn. In fact, she was better than almost everyone else in the school. Sirius had mentioned his parents having a similar belief and part of you wondered if this was something your parents had picked up from them.
“If you are looking for the perfect boy,” your father said in the archway, “Regulus would be an excellent choice.”
This would only be the first of many similar conversations.
The summer was possibly the longest summer of your life. While Regulus and his parents still came around for tea or dinner, Sirius was never there. You didn’t expect him to come since he was kicked out and all but part of you hoped he would show. It’s not like he ever listened to his parents before they kicked him out so there was no reason to start now.
There had been no communications between the two of you either. At one point you think Sirius tried to contact you because that evening your father was throwing letters in the fire. The only thing that kept you going was school starting soon. While they could censor your letters at home and keep you locked away like a prisoner, there was nothing they could do while you were at school.
As soon as the train left the station and you could no longer see your parents, you hunted the train for Sirius. After a few moments, you finally caught sight of him in a room. Almost as if he was alerted to your presence before you made a sound, he looked out the door and locked eyes with you. You barreled into the compartment and threw yourself at him, much like you did the day you first kissed him.
Sirius wrapped his arms around you and held you close, hiding his face in your neck. As soon as his arms surrounded you, your body relaxed. You didn’t know just how tense you’d been the past few months without seeing him and holding him. Finally in his arms, you felt safe. Sirius pulled away just enough to look at your face, memorizing the color of your eyes and the shape of your lips and you did the same. He kissed you softly, his lips parting just a little as he smiled.
“I missed you.” He whispered against your lips. “I haven’t heard from you since school ended.”
He had no idea what happened after he left home. You sighed and climbed off of him, sitting in the seat across from him. The sheer joy you felt when you first saw him was quickly put out. “My parents aren’t very thrilled with your exit from your family.”
Sirius sighed and looked at his lap. “This is what I was worried about. Is that why you haven’t written to me?”
You nodded. “They were reading my letters before I sent them and checked them before I could read them. If they were from you or mentioned you, they were burned. Effective immediately, I’m supposed to cut off all ties from you.”
The compartment was silent except for the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. What if this was the end of everything? Sirius didn’t care about what your parents thought and he sure didn’t care about his. But he did care about you and your relationship with your parents. He wanted you to be loved and cared for like he wasn’t. He didn’t want to be the reason it fell apart. “So what are we going to do?” He was leaving this all up to you. Sirius didn’t want to force you to continue seeing him if it could ruin everything else. Part of you wished he would make the decision for you.
“They can’t do anything while I’m at school. If we just keep it a secret, then we’ll be fine.” You didn’t want to lose Sirius but you didn’t want to lose your parents either. They were flawed but they raised you.
Sirius smiled and seeing it lifted a weight off of your shoulders. He was ok with this. “Then we’ll do that. After all, we snuck around a bit last year. I think we can pull that off.” Sirius grabbed your hands and pulled you back onto his lap. “Since we’re alone right now, I think we should make the most of it.” He smirked and leaned in, planting his lips on yours.
You smiled against his lips, happy that he was alright with the situation but you pulled away. “We won’t be alone for long. I saw James on my way here. The only reason he isn’t here yet is because he probably got distracted by Lily or the snack trolley.” The pout on his lips was hard to ignore but unless you wanted to get caught only minutes into the school year, you would have to leave. “And I need to find your brother.”
“My brother?” Sirius asked, his nose wrinkling in disgust. “Why do you need to see that prat?”
“My parents are still trying to be friends with your parents and since I’m not supposed to see you, their only way in is for Regulus and I to be friends. He’s not that bad, you know.”
Sirius only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “I think we might have to agree to disagree. Just don’t get too attached to him.”
You laughed and planted a kiss on his lips before climbing off of him. “I promise. You’re the only one for me.” Before he could protest your leaving, you slipped out the door and headed off to find Regulus.
It was easier than expected. Only a few compartments away you saw him, sitting by himself. As you opened the door and came inside, he looked up from his book. “I see you’re already starting the reading for this year. Anything good?”
Regulus only shook his head and went back to his reading. You had never been very close to the younger Black brother but you two were friendly. You both were in Slytherin and you saw him more than you saw Sirius some days. Regulus was also a pretty good person to spend time with. He was quieter and more relaxed than his brother and he was excellent in school. He was usually kind enough to help you when you had a particularly hard time with a lesson. Assuming he didn’t want to talk, you sat and looked out the window.
The first few weeks were strange. Usually Sirius came and saw you at least once a day but with this new dynamic, both of you had to stay away from each other. People had noticed this as well. Friends were constantly asking you if something was wrong between the two of you and while you wanted to tell them it was the opposite, you had to play the part. If they told anyone who told someone who could tell your parents, everything could crash and burn.
Not only had you not seen Sirius in public, you hadn’t even seen him in private lately either. After you saw him on the train to school and told him what was happening, you didn’t have much time to see him at all. It was the last year in school and you both had a lot on your plates. Not to mention, your parents were very adamant that you spent time with Regulus.
Finally after three long weeks, the stars aligned and you and Sirius agreed to meet at the astronomy tower at midnight one Saturday. Sneaking out was pretty easy. There were many times you snuck out with Sirius to cause some mischief. You knew all the secret passages and hiding spots by heart at this point.
As silently as you could, you made your way to the top of the Astronomy tower. Sitting by the railing was Sirius. You tried to keep it together and walk slowly and not seem desperate to see him but as soon as he looked over his shoulder and smiled at you, you lost it. You took off running and luckily he jumped to his feet and caught you in his arms, lifting you up and spinning you around. If he had been sitting you might have tackled him to the ground. Sirius didn’t even set you down before his lips crashed into yours. Finally you felt at home.
“I am never going this long without you again.” Sirius whispered against you as he set you back on your feet. His hands gripped your hips and pulled your body flush against his. “Never again.”
You smiled and rested your head on his chest, breathing him in. Distantly you could hear owls hooting and trees rustling in the wind. The September night air was beginning to cool but it was still comfortable. Soon winter would come and snow would cover the ground. Perhaps if either of you were lucky you would be able to sneak into a common room and sit cuddled up by the fire. “I don’t want to leave you ever again. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I see you’re listening to your parents and staying very, very far away from my brother.” There in the doorway, you saw Regulus standing with his arms over his chest. For a moment no one moved. Sirius still had hands on your hips and your arms were still wrapped around his shoulders. There was no avoiding this. Regulus caught you two not only seeing each other but he saw you kissing Sirius. He was going to tell your parents.
“What are you doing here?” Even with the only light coming from the moon, you could see the fire in Sirius’ eyes; he was pissed.
“What I was asked to do which is more than either one of you can say.” Regulus rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you two separate yourselves from each other so we can talk about what’s going to happen next.” Sirius only held you tighter but if he refused to listen, things would only get so much worse. You moved away from Sirius and leaned against the wall, not trusting your legs to hold you up. For one second you felt at home and like everything might be right in the world and in another second it all came crashing down.
“Regulus, please,” you whispered, hiding your trembling hands behind your back. “What are you doing here?”
“Your parents asked me to keep an eye on you. They assumed you would try and talk to Sirius. Of course I don’t think either of them thought you would be shoving your tongue down his throat.” Sirius took a step forward, no doubt ready to fight but your hand on his arm made him stay. “They asked me to tell them if you were breaking the new rule. I wasn’t expecting to need to do that so soon.”
Regulus was your friend and maybe as a friend, he would be on your side. You didn’t have much hope, knowing he was more like his parents than Sirius ever was but you had to try. “Reg, please don’t tell them.”
“Don’t beg him Y/N. He’s not going to listen to you. He’s as slimy as they come. As soon as he leaves he’ll be off to tattle like the perfect son he is.” Sirius hissed.
“I wasn’t planning on telling them.” Regulus rolled his eyes and turned away from his brother to look at you. “Clearly you’re willing to risk getting kicked out of your own family for my brother.” Sirius’ mouth dropped open as he stared at his brother in shock.
“He’s lying! There’s no way this scumbag would ever do something like this! He doesn’t have a heart.”
“Y/N, can I please speak to you away from this oaf?” Regulus huffed out and walked down the stairs and walked into the small hallway outside the stairs. You gave Sirius what you hoped was a reassuring smile as you followed the younger brother out. Once the door closed behind you, Regulus pulled you a little down the hall to make sure Sirius was a safe distance away.
“So you aren’t going to tell my parents?” You asked as soon as he stopped walking.
“No. All I ask is that you try better to be more secretive.”
“You don’t want anything in return? I can do some of your homework or something.” Honestly you would do anything he asked you if he would keep this a secret.
Regulus only shook his head. There was a small sad smile on his face as he looked you over. “You’ve always been a good friend to both of us and despite that idiot getting himself kicked out, he is still my brother. I had no trouble following you here. Just please for all of us, do a better job being sneaky. That’s all I want.” There was a sadness in his eyes and it must have been because of Sirius. They were so close when they were kids and then Sirius was put in Gryffindor and the gap between them grew into a chasm. Carefully and slowly, you wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff as a board; hugs were not common in his family and your heart shattered to think of him and his brother growing up without them.
“Thank you Reg.”
He nodded and left, leaving you in the hallway trying to wrap your head around this.
It took Sirius some convincing for him to believe his brother wasn’t going to expose either of you to your parents but when a week passed and there had been no word from either family, he had no choice but to believe him. True to your word, you and Sirius were sneakier. Remus knew as he also caught you two nights after Regulus did but there was no doubting his support. He let you borrow the Marauder’s Map frequently and with that sneaky map, you had successfully met with Sirius in secret for the past few months without being caught. Your friendship with Remus was an unexpected bonus that came with getting caught. Regulus was another bonus. He still spent a lot of time with you, no doubt trying to do as he was told, but he would conveniently look the other way when Sirius passed you in the hall and touched your arm. Things were starting to look up and you would think you would have learned not to get your hopes up but you didn’t.
Christmas break rolled around and while you wanted to spend it at Hogwarts with Sirius, there was no way you could so you went home. On your last day back, your parents invited the Black family over for dinner because there was an announcement they needed to make. At dinner, Regulus sat next to you in the place that used to be for Sirius. Your mother’s eyes kept darting around the room and she looked everywhere except for you. The one time you caught her gaze, she spun her head to talk to Walburga so quickly you thought she might break her neck.
As dinner ended and everyone ate their desserts, your father stood and cleared his throat. Immediately the room went silent as everyone stared at him. “Good evening. I want to thank you, Orion, Walburga, and Regulus for joining my family for dinner tonight. There is something I wish to announce. After much discussion between Orion and I, we have decided the best way to make sure our families both prosper and continue down the pureblooded and right path. After graduation, Y/N will join the most noble and honorable house of Black and marry Regulus.”
@100gaysnails @george-weasleys-girl @weasleybuns @andy200700 @asuperconfusedgirl
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hazelsmirrorball · 2 years
Astronomy- Regulus Black
parings: Regulus Black x FEM! reader
Summary: Regulus and (Y/N)’s relationship was as beautiful as the stars in the sky. But as time passes their love for each other dies. Inspired by Conan Gray’s Astronomy
note: been gone for a while, hope y’all enjoy. If you have a request don’t be shy
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Regulus Black and (Y/N) (L/N). Their relationship was one pulled out of a book, a prohibited friendship turned into a Romeo and Juliet romance. Regulus never intended to fall in love with her and (Y/N) never intended to fall in love with him. But they did, they fell, and they fell hard. Talking about potions, became into silly little jokes and jokes became into the occasional flirty comments and a few months later both of them were lost with each other, falling in deep. Never in his wildest dreams did Regulus Black imagine himself falling in love with his brother's best friend and Y/n L/n never imagined falling in love with her best friend's younger brother. But love works in mysterious ways.
Socially speaking they were the same, same sense of humor, same quiet demeanor, and both of them both didn’t have the healthiest family relationship.
Regulus knew that his mother wouldn’t approve of their friendship, let alone their relationship. His mom cared about blood status, and she wanted to continue the pure bloodline in the Black family. Yet his other half was a muggle-born Gryffindor, two things his mom despised. He tried to avoid her at first knowing his mom wouldn’t like the fact that he was befriending a mud-blood, but the more he tried to avoid her the more intrigued he became. If his mother found out that he was dating a Muggleborn Gryffindor that’s best friends with Sirius it would be the end of Regulus. He couldn’t risk losing the only happiness he had in his life but he also couldn’t risk his mom getting un-pleased with him.
Regulus lay on his bed, eyes wide open lost with his thoughts. His thoughts went to Sirius, what he would do if he was in this situation. He knew he wouldn’t chicken out, he wouldn’t care what their parents said or thought and he would follow his heart. So that’s what he sort of did.
He got into a relationship with Y/n L/n but not into your typical one. Since he was deeply afraid of his mother but deeply in love with (Y/N) he decided to do an ultimatum, he would still be in a relationship with (Y/N) but without anyone knowing about it. His cowardness led him to do something he regretted now more than ever. When he told (Y/N) about keeping the relationship on the down low, she didn’t mind. So, they started dating.
At first, Regulus found himself thinking that he came up with the most brilliant plan ever, he could have the girl of his dreams while keeping his mother happy but he felt bad, he felt like a coward, he couldn’t hold her hand or kiss her in public. He couldn’t do all the things couples regularly did. He felt selfish like he was trying to have the best of both worlds and at some point, it was going to backfire and hurt one of them.
A tale old as time, young love doesn’t last for life
(Y/N) didn’t mind at first, she loved Regulus and she knew he wasn’t quite fond of PDA. She also was aware of his relationship with her mother since she was close with Sirius she knew what a pain she was. But it never crossed her mind that he would act like she never existed when he saw her around the halls. Like she was a stranger. Regulus had gone to the point of changing seats in their potions class and ignoring her presence. It hurt Y/n badly. She wished Regulus would scream at the world about how in love he was with her, but sadly that was near impossible. It was hard, how could she not hurt when the same person that ignored her during the day would caress her skin and mumble sweet nothings at night in the astronomy tower?
(Y/N) took James’s invisibility cloak quietly and tipped toed out of the Gryffindor common room. She wrapped her body with the invisibility cloak and walked towards the astronomy tower. She entered swiftly into the tower, instantly taking the cloak off and that’s when she locked eyes with her favorite fluffy-haired boy. He was sitting down against one of the edges with a big grin plastered on his face. Regulus taped the space beside him making (Y/N) skip happily towards him and giving him a peck on the check.
“That’s all I get?” Regulus said while pouting. In one instant moment, he took (Y/N) knees throwing her legs on top of his lap.
“Well, that’s what you deserve since you decided to ignore me, again may I add,” she said while innocently looking him straight in the eyes, Regulus melted instantly.
Damn, he felt so bad.
“You know I don’t do that on purpose. You have to trust me; I love you more than anything”
“I know and I do trust you, more than anything in this world” She while reaching towards his cheek to caress it softly with her thumb.
“Now, how was your day?” Regulus said with a soft smile.
“Well, James wanted to…”
As much as it seems like you own my heart
Today was a rough day for Y/n, Regulus had noticed as soon as he saw her walking behind the marauders while muttering some random words. He knew he wanted to sprint toward her and ask what was wrong but, he wasn’t brave enough for that. Even though he knew what he was doing was bad he decided to make it up for Y/n. He had slipped a small note in her robe when she accidentally bumped into him while heading toward class. The note read:
Meet me in the astronomy tower.
Regulus stayed the last hours setting up the astronomy tower. It was your guy's place. Where you guys could be yourself and enjoy each other's presence. You wouldn’t be judged for dating each other. You could slip into each other’s touch without a care in the world. It was your safe space.
Y/N walked in slowly whilst holding the small note Regulus gave her. Her eyes quickly watered when she saw the beautiful setup Regulus had made. The floor was covered in some beautiful blankets and pillows. A vanilla-scented candle was placed in the middle of a plate with chocolate-covered strawberries. Regulus looked up at you with the biggest smile on his face. The brightness of the stars and candles made him glow.
“I sometimes can’t believe you’re real Regulus,” Y/n said while sitting next to her beloved. Regulus pulled her close to him enjoying her presence. He took in her scent nuzzling into her neck. He smiled softly when he felt her shiver.
“I will love you forever Reg. You’re my forever star” Y/n said while taking Regulus by the chin making him look at her.
“And you’re my forever moon, love”
From far away, I wish I'd stayed with you
Regulus scrunched up his eyebrows while gripping forcefully against the apple that was close to his lips. He muttered random curse words while watching Y/n happily dance with James close by her side. If he wouldn’t be such a coward that would’ve been him.
But here, face to face, a stranger that I once knew
Regulus anxiously bounced his feet up and down waiting for his classmates to enter. He watched as Y/n laughed at something Lily Evans said. He grins excitedly watching her come near him. Her eyes hovered around the room stumbling towards Regulus her smiling instantly dropping. She avoid his eyes and walked far away from where she always sat.
I thought, if I wanted, I'd fall back in love You said, "Distance brings fondness", but guess not with us
“Regulus, I can’t keep doing this anymore” Y/n muttered under her breath avoiding his gaze.
“What?” Regulus quickly sat up and took him by the chin, making her look at him softly.
“ I just can’t keep doing this, I love you more than words can explain but I just can’t do all of this hiding. Dark times are coming and I feel like this is not the only thing you are hiding from me”
“Y/n, please trust me. When the time comes…”
“I can’t keep waiting for the time to come, Regulus. If you love me, why hide it? If we are soulmates like you said we were, why not show the world? Why hide the only good thing in your life?” Y/n yelled, covering her face desperately.
“Because I don’t want to lose the only good thing I have”
“You already did.”
We've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars. We've seen everything from Saturn to Mars.
“When all of this ends, where do you see us?” Y/n asked while laying her head on his
“I see us traveling the world together, freely, falling in love all over again”
Stop trying to keep us alive. You're pointing at stars in the sky that already died. You can't force the stars to align when they've already died
Regulus gripped the envelope in front of him. He felt as if his world stop. Like everything didn’t matter at that moment. Like all of his effort and patience wasn’t worth it. All his faith in love was flushed down the drain. All the things he did, all the wrong things, he only regretted one. The one that constantly followed him. He finally thought that it was done. The constant guilt and regret were done, but there it was the constant reminder that he will never be as happy as he was a few years ago. He felt the tears falling from his cheeks as he read the beautifully engraved letter.
You are cordially invited to
James Potter & Y/n L/n
It's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
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