#mom please the cashier is almost done scanning the items
I have no idea how this website works. I’ve only been hjere for two weeks, I feel like a lost child at a supermarket who is looking for their mother who left to grab something she forgot as the cashier is nearing the end of scanning all the items
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tamagochiie · 3 years
doing groceries w/ the msby four
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character roster: sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotaro, hinata shoyo, atsumu miya 
genre: fluff, just a little angst (in bokuto’s part), established relationship 
a/n: i broke my glasses today, so i had to go out and get it fixed, but my favorite eye glasses store went MIA. so not only am i blind, but i’m also sad as hell. but i was able to think of a cute lil one shot while i was walking around the grocery store. 
also please don’t mind if there’s a few grammar errors uwu 
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-- sakusa kyoomi 
the exact same way your mom holds your hand while wandering around the store is exactly what he’ll do to you
he doesn’t want you wandering away from him or accidentally break something he’ll have to end up paying for
the latter can be blamed on the one (and only) time he and bokuto did groceries together; tiny baby couldn’t stop touching things, he ended up breaking a vase
he also doesn’t want you catching other people’s germs
the whole ordeal gives him anxiety 
“Kiyoooomi~,” You whine, trying to slip away from his grip only to have him tighten it. You grumble your distaste for your boyfriend’s attitude. 
It’s been a whole hour since you’ve stepped into the store and he hasn’t let you go since. And though you usually wouldn’t mind it, the urge to pee comes to you in a surprise and you’ve been wanting to go to the bathroom for the last twenty minutes. 
But it’s not like your boyfriend cares enough to spare you a moment alone to alleviate yourself. He’d rather you wait a little longer until you get home, but his painstakingly slow pace down the aisle has you internally screaming. 
He’s got one hand tightly threaded between your fingers and the other pushing the cart. His eyes scan over the many canned vegetables before him, ignoring your protest and complaints. 
“You’re usually annoying about wanting to hold my hand,” He says through his mask, sighing deeply. “I’m hurt you all of a sudden wanna let go.” 
You glare at him and his cheap attempt to make you feel guilty. “You and I both know exactly why you’re holding my hand, and it’s got nothing to do with affection.” 
You squeeze your thighs together, doing a little dance to calm the urge to pee. Your eyes burn holes into your Sakusa’s skin and you hope its enough to make him uncomfortable, but he takes it well. 
“We’re almost done,” He tells you, taking a can off the shelf with his free hand. “I just need to get tissues and then we’re--”
“Sakusa Kiyoomi, if you don’t let me go right this second, I’ll pee on your hand right here, right now!” 
Without a second thought, he slaps your hand out of his hold, grimacing at you and your threatening words, muttering words of disgust beneath his mask as you sprint to the nearest restroom. 
-- bokuto kotaro 
you have to remind bokuto not to touch things before you leave the house AND before you get into the store
mans will touch every thing he sees without QUESTION;
shiny pan? cute little bear shaped spoons? anime themed plates? he’ll pick it up, bring it up to the light to inspect it, and because his hands are naturally sweaty, he might break a few
and you’re wallet runs dry by the time you walk out of that store
“That’ll be an extra 2,581 yen.” The cashier holds her hand out as you place your money onto the palm of your hand. It takes everything in you not to grab a shard of glass and dig it into your boyfriend’s thigh. 
You nod curtly before grabbing the rest of your bags and exiting the store. 
Bokuto shadows over you, but still gives you enough space to breathe. He’ll hover his hands over yours, trying to taking a couple of weight from your grasp as you walk back to the car but you shift away. 
He pouts. The rest of the walk is dead silent, but even you can hear the little whines in his heart, all the mental kicking he’s giving himself for doing exactly what you told him not to do. 
He’ll help you pack the groceries into the car, and you leave him to do the rest and get inside the car, sitting in the passenger seat. You feel the car wobble when he closes the trunk and sits beside you soon after. 
Like a dog with it’s ears, Bokuto’s hair falls down to his face. You begin to feel bad for giving him a bit of the cold shoulder, but you told him not to touch the plate, to put it back. But Bokuto being Bokuto, he couldn’t help but pick it up, inspect it, and even scratch the little paintings of the oranges to check if there was a scent. 
And because he’s clumsier than ever, he dropped it while twirling it in his hands. Which leads you to now. 
The soft hum of the car fills the dead air between you both. Bokuto shyly glances at you, still pouting. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes as you rest your head back. 
You feel him take your hand, tracing circles over it before he brings it up against his cheek. He presses little kisses onto you skin, mumbling a string of apologies. 
You turn your head, flicking your eyes open to meet his eyes, tears brimming at the waterline. 
You bring your other hand to cup the other side of his face, your smile lopsided as you feel your boyfriend trembling in your hold. 
“Are you still mad at me?” He asks, eyes averting away from yours and not the material of your jeans. “I’m really sorry for breaking something again...” 
“My little love,” You sigh, your warm breath fanning against his blushing cheeks. “What am I gonna do with someone as clumsy as you? You’re gonna make me broke, Bo.” 
He smiles at the nickname, assuring him he’s still within the safety of you love. “So you don’t hate me?” 
You bring his forehead close to yours so he can hear you loud and clear when you say, “I’ll never hate you, but if you end up breaking another thing, I’ll cut up all your volleyball jersies. Understood?” 
Its a shaky laugh that leaves his lips, but he nods his head. “Understood. 
-- atsumu miya 
you’ll find him in the fresh produce section
he’s knocking against the watermelon with a tight fist, and you think its pretty cute of him putting effort into looking for fresh fruit 
but in reality he has no clue what he’s doing 
he’s seen osamu do it before and he’s always wanted to try 
you eventually catch onto the gimmick when he starts slapping the mangos, too 
You chew onto the bottom of you lip, using all the energy you have left from wandering around looking for Atsumu to bite down your urge to laugh. 
Your boyfriend looks quite serious, gaze fixed at the mango cradled in the palm of his hand. He slaps it a few times before bringing it up to his ear, listening to it as if there’s a whole ocean speaking to him. 
He’s oblivious to the judging glances and amused stares, too absorbed whatever it is he’s doing. 
You want to stop him, call his name so you can both head to check out. But the scene unravelling before you is too funny--even more so when he puts the mango down and reaches for the apple, slapping it as well before pressing it against his ear. 
You know you shouldn’t, but you pull out your phone to take a picture, immediately sending it to Osamu. You quietly accept the fate of future you before calling out to your boyfriend. 
-- hinata shoyo 
he’s kinda like bokuto except he knows not to test you 
but he is the type to add a bunch of things in the cart that you weren’t planning on buying
you won’t even notice until you’re at the check out counter
and he’ll justify every single thing he’s put in the cart 
“Shoyo, no.” You glare at him, resting your hands onto your hips as you scold him in the middle of the check-out counter. The poor cashier tries to mind her business as you and your childlike boyfriend bicker over which items go and which stay. “Why the hell do we need a glow in the dark flashlight? We have still have a perfectly good one at home!” 
“Yes, but this one’s my favorite color!” You feel your eye twitching at his counter argument, not entirely sure if you’re talking to a kid or your adult boyfriend. “AND how are you gonna find the flashlight in the dark? If we get the glow in the dark one, it’ll be easier to find!” 
You hear a quiet mumble of agreement coming from the cashier and the people behind you. A very soft, “Well, he’s got a point,” hanging above you. 
You pinch your nose, sighing heavily as you near your defeat. But you don’t want to give in just yet. “Shoyo, we can’t buy everything in this cart.This is all way too much.” 
His smile falters and you roll your eyes. You pick out the foot cream from the cart, “Why do you need this? You already have one at home.” 
“But they didn’t have coconut before.” He replies, not at all sensing your irritation. 
You dig your hand back into the pile, reaching for anything random. You bite into your cheek when you see what’s in your hand. Hinata opens his mouth to protest, but you speak before he can even mutter a sound. “No.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“But it’s so cute!” 
“Hinata Shoyo, I will not bring another cat themed item into my house just because your best friend tells you to!” 
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1;  report ix
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: doctors! au; humor, romance 
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.8k
g/n: ((unedited skfslkdf)) also,,, i will be releasing Parallel Palpitations very soon [which features this Jimin hehehehe stay tuned for that] PLUS, im very excited to release the report x AHHHHHH send me your thoughts pleaseee 
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle​ @btsmakesmehappy​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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You open your new group chat first thing in the morning, wanting to check on Soomin and Jimin. Just yesterday, the two had informed you of their concerns separately, both worried over the same thing. Soomin’s mother wanted to hold a small congratulatory celebration for her daughter’s KMLE results, and her subsequent acceptance at Woocheon, so there was going to be a party exclusively for all tenants of the building at the restaurant just next to the cafe. 
The two hadn’t worked out their budding acquaintance, as you had practically forced them to greet each other the last time you were at the cafe, so you thought this might be a great way to have them start over their tricky relationship. 
As you’ve expected, both of them had even tried to convince you to come, in the hopes that a mutual friend could help diminish the awkward air around them. You’ve declined each of them politely, not wanting to intrude on their little get-together. Besides, (just like you hadn’t forgotten to mention to them), this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of this wall hindering their friendship (to which, both of them had also quite strongly disagreed upon). 
A mere three hours after their outpour of sentiments, as you’re rewatching episodes of Dr. Romantic with Chohee, the pair drunkenly call you, requesting a video chat. You’re pretty sure not one of them is aware of what’s happening, especially with Jimin refilling his shot glass every thirty seconds; Soomin speaking gibberish, and Chohee literally teasing them through the screen of your laptop and yet none of them seem to mind a damn thing about it. 
So, with hopes that each of them arrived home safely last night, you type in your text message. 
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‘What is this place, really?’ you mutter to yourself, slightly regretting your decision to take the subway instead of a cab. You only ride taxis for places you’re not familiar with (such is the case with today) but you didn’t want to spend twice as much solely for transportation so you took the train to the building. 
Now you feel lost. You’ve just gone to the main entrance of the building, but there was scaffolding barring the entrance, and now you’re struggling to look for Entrance B with the singular tarpaulin saying “Please use Entrance B” and a faded arrow below pointing to the left. After a grueling ten minutes of asking people for directions and walking all over the place, you finally find Entrance B and hurry on your way inside. 
There’s already a small crowd forming where the directions for the processing of your license is posted, and you can’t seemingly read the directions all the way down with people clearly taller than you blocking the way. 
“What’s the matter? Can’t see the directions, smally?” 
Your instant recognition of his voice makes you hang your head low. You figure there’s no way you can get rid of this guy anytime soon. 
“Hello, Jungkook.” 
Why is it that he’s always there wherever you are? He couldn’t be stalking me, could he? 
Jungkook almost spits his water on the girl in front of him. Oh, so he heard your thoughts then. “Yeah, you wish, woman. I wouldn’t do that even if you had one million strapped to your neck.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Wasn’t asking for any conditions for you to do that, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts.” 
“Awh, you mad, babe?” Shaking your head at him, you try to continue peering over everyone’s shoulder to check the post. “If it makes you feel any better, I would for two million though.” 
You were just about to retaliate with a smart comment, but you see a girl walking towards Jungkook while twirling her hair with her newly manicured fingers. “Jungkook-oppa, you’re here!” she says, hooking her arm on his elbow. 
Ah yes, it’s the same brat that kept defending Jungkook’s ass during the KMLE exam. “Why don’t you come with us? My mom works here,” her voice gets down to a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. “If you come with us, you wouldn’t have to fall in line, then maybe we could have lunch together. 
Jungkook removes her hand from his, “No thank you, I’ll just wait here.” 
“With her?”
The audacity of this bitch. 
“Yes, with her.” Jungkook says, not skipping a beat. “She’s...better company.” Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
You try not to show much of your currently soaring pride on your face, but you can’t help but clear your throat as a terrible disguise for a snort. The girl becomes silent after that, with most of her friends trying to control their facial expressions after Jungkook’s reply. 
“Fine then, your loss,” she says with a flip of her hair, then makes her exit. 
You're unsure what to do now as the girl has already left, and you’re also not sure if you’re entirely happy about being left with Jungkook now. “Why didn’t you go with her? Could’ve saved you a lot of time considering the people here.” 
Jungkook clenches his jaw, as if in thought. “I don’t like cheating. I believe that there’s a different value in the reward that comes with something you worked hard for.” 
You’re surprised. You really hadn’t expected this kind of quote, coming out of Jungkook out of all people, but you find yourself nodding as he speaks, quite impressed that you share the same principles. 
As the crowd starts to disperse, you and Jungkook finally get your turns to take a look at the poster. “Is it often?” 
“What is?” 
You point a thumb backwards towards where the girl had gone to, “Having girls throw themselves at you all the time?” 
“Oh that,” Jungkook chuckles, then gives you a lopsided smirk, “Yeah, that. Hadn’t realized being this hot was so tiring.” Squinting your eyes at him, it then again dawns on you that you shouldn’t even have asked him that sort of question at all. 
“You know,” he says, nudging your shoulder with his, “I’m quite jealous of you really,” your brows crease together. This can’t be good. “At least you don’t experience all of that, cause you know…” he says, gesticulating his hands over his face. 
He did not just insinuate that you were not...attractive at all. Huh. This bastard can wait for his license alone then. 
“Goodbye, Jungkook.” 
“Hang on! ________, wait! I was just messing with you,” Jungkook laughs, running after you.
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The cashier is already scanning the last items on your grocery list by the time Jimin and Soomin had texted you that they were done with their licenses, and you three had agreed on meeting up by the mall’s concierge. It doesn’t take long before you all decide on having Italian for dinner, after seeing the restaurant nearest to where the concierge was. 
“Wait, it took you guys only half an hour?” you exclaim, recalling how you had to endure at least more than an hour with Jungkook as you waited for your licenses to finish. Thankfully though, the latter had other errands to run so you two parted ways as soon as you got your IDs. 
Jimin, always the gentleman, offers to get your group the utensils as well as a few condiments and spices you might need with your meals. “Soomin-ssi, do you know anybody else who’s going to Woocheon too?” he says, setting the silverware atop the napkins. 
Soomin thanks Jimin for the thoughtful gesture, sending a small smile his way. You squeal inwardly, wanting to know what happened last night for them to interact like this. “Um, also, I’m not so sure about the others who will be attending Woocheon too...I only got a glimpse of the list, sorry.” 
“Ah, no worries about that. So, how was the dinner party last night?” 
The two glance at each other, seemingly communicating with their eyes. Oookay, what’s going on between these two? What exactly happened last night? If they wanted to be alone, they could’ve just said so… 
“It was fun,” Jimin initiates, plastering  what seems to be a painfully wide grin on his face. Soomin nods along with him as she adds more, “Honestly, I don’t remember much about last night, but I do recall Jimin calling me ‘sajangnim’ the whole night. And I told him to not call me that, but Jimin here is a stubborn man.” 
“Yeah, you complained about that too last night,” you laugh, cutting your garlic bread into pieces. “Wait, what?” Jimin squints his eyes at you, “Were you there last night? How did you....” 
“I’m guessing you both don’t remember calling me last night too, didn’t you?” 
“We did?!” they say in unison, making your eyes go wide. “Did I do something stupid?” “Please tell me I didn’t say something I shouldn’t have?” 
“Hmm, well, it was quite the conversation last night,” you tease them, wanting to see how far this can go, “plus Chohee was there too so I have another key witness.” 
“What?” Jimin squeaks, lips pressing into a thin line, “what’s the key witness for?” 
“That, my friend, is up to you to remember and figure out.” You give each of them a wink, before turning your attention back to your pasta.  
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Transferring all your groceries to one hand, you fish your keys from your purse, shaking it lightly to hear its jingle as you blindly course your fingers through your bag. As the elevator doors open, you see your neighbor down the end of the hall, trailing after a man. 
Ayoung hears the elevator bell ding and turns to your direction. She excitedly points her thumb to her back, mouthing ‘new tenant’ to you. She keys in her code and lets the guy in first. The moment he’s inside, she leans by the doorframe and whispers how hot the guy actually was and how much of a lucky neighbor you were going to be. 
You shake your head at her, leaving Ayoung to entertain her guest. Of course, not forgetting to pray that she manages to score you a hot man next door.
© joontier 2021
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miss--aura · 4 years
Saw your requests were open! I too love Fatgum so maybe an +18 plus scenario with some angst? Like maybe you were good friends but now both are stuck in limbo after sleeping with each other one night. Confused about what they are. Sorry if I'm not making sense.
Stuck In between
Pairing: Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader
Warnings: angst, bad smut because I had a headache while writing the ending, idk what to put for warnings, banana milk sucks
Requested by: ness-is-a-vanillabean
On a serious note I decided I don't know how to wrote angst or if this counts as angst lmao.
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It was a spur of the moment decision, at least that's what you kept telling yourself. You were drunk, and let your lust get the better of you and now you didn't know what to do.
You shouldn't have let Midnight convince you to go, you shouldn't have taken the wine glass offered to you. It was all just some big mistake that you made, and it landed you where you are now.
You haven't left your house in a week and you certainly havent been checking any messages on your phone. Luckily you could work from home, but you couldnt hide forever.
"God, I'm so stupid!" Slamming your head on your desk with a groan, tears forming in your eyes as you choke out a sob.
No matter how hard you tried it kept replaying in your head. The way his eyes seemed to drink you up, his hands caressing every inch of your body, the way he filled you up hitting the spots that made you forget your name.
Part of you didn't regret it at all, getting out all of the lust filled emotions was such a nice release to something you've been holding onto for god knows how long.
Yet, you couldnt look back on the memory in a fond light. Because in the end, you said I love you. You said I love you to your bestfriend, and now you couldn't even talk to him.
He'd called you at least 15 times a day since then, over 200 messages being left unread. You just had to go and be selfish, didn't you? Ruin the one good thing you had in your life.
You wondered how he was doing, not that you'd ask. But at the same time, you were his bestfriend and you confessed your love to him in a drunken haze and haven't spoken to him since.
All the ways you could've confessed, you had to go and do it when you were drunk out of your mind and being pounded into a mattress. Going back to work at the agency would be a nightmare now.
One week left until you actually had to go back to the agency. Meaning one week to figure out how to avoid Taishiro for the rest of your life. Did you want to avoid him? No, but you'd rather avoid him than own up to your own emotions.
Picking your head up off the desk you decide to actually do something productive for once. You needed groceries anyways and right now was the perfect time to do so, considering Taishiro would be patrolling the other side of town.
You quickly freshen up and head out the door, the grocery store being only a few blocks away so you could manage walking there and back.
It was a short walk, being about 15 minutes give or take a few. Now that you were scanning shelves you realized how long it had really been since you've seen, well, another human.
It almost made you laugh, how seeing really people made you feel better about the situation your in. Sucking in your cheeks you put a small case of banana milk into your cart.
Taishiro didn't really care for it, but it was almost a comfort item for you. He always said it just tasted like a banana, and it'd cost less to buy regular bananas instead. Though you'd disagree everytime he brought it up.
Sure, it tasted like bananas, but it is banana milk so whatever. Plus it came in cute boxes with a straw and who were you to deny something that looked so cute.
Making it to checkout, you place your items on the counter. Allowing the cashier to do their job while you let your eyes wander around the store.
It wasn't big, but it had a comforting feel. Maybe it was because you'd been feeling down, or maybe it was the way you'd been here so many times that the familiarity was comforting to you.
Never the less you give a small smile to the cashier, finishing the rest of your items as you pay. Fishing the bags into your arms as you start the short journey back to your home.
"Need help carrying those bags?" The voice made you freeze in place. There was no way this was happening, he wasn't supposed to be here. He was on duty, right?
"Listen we need to talk, you can't keep ignoring me."
"I don't wanna talk right now, aren't you on duty anyway? I have to go put these away." You start walking off, hurrying to get away.
"I'm a hero, I help people in need. You aren't feeling like yourself which means it's my place to help. Is it not?"
"I said I don't want to talk, I said something I didn't mean, and I have to face the consequences for that. Okay?"
"So you don't love me?" You swear you could hear the hurt in his voice, but you told yourself you were hearing things. You can't ruin this anymore than you already have.
You can't bring yourself to respond, quickening your pace as your eyes fill with tears. Trying to blink them away only causing them to slide down your face. Not that you bother to wipe them because you know Taishiro is still watching you walk away.
He doesn't like you like that, he's a pro hero, you're just an office lady. That's what you have to remember. Whatever you thought you had, was just you trying to convince yourself that something could happen.
It didn't matter if you wanted to run into his arms, nothing would change. You'd be the hopeless romantic who had feelings for a hero who didn't have time to waste on a relationship.
"Y/n wait! Stop walking so fast I can't keep up!" Taishiro's voiced filled through your ears, your heart melting at the sound. But for once, your head was in control. Head over heart, that's what your mom always said.
"Go away 'shiro." It came out more broken than you wanted it to and you knew he could see right through you as much as you wanted to hide away from your feelings your feet plant themselves no longer letting you move further.
Two arms wrapping around your waist in the tightest hug you've ever experienced. Stealing the air from your lungs as a small whine of pain escapes your lips.
"Y/n, listen to me. You can't keep avoiding me. I've been worried sick about you, can't you tell? I thought I was dreaming when you told me you loved me but just as soon as that happened you dissapeared. Please Y/n talk to me."
You shook your head more tears streaming down your cheeks as you tried to speak without sounding like you were dying. Though it felt like you were.
"You don't love me 'shiro, I gotta get over you but whenever you're near me it makes it so hard. No matter how hard I try I keep falling harder."
"Who said I don't love you? Angelcake, you never asked me if I loved you. Look at you, what is there not to love about you? When you said you loved me I'd never been more happy in my entire life. So please, stop running away from me, I hate not being with you."
"Shh, let's get you home, I wanna show you how much I love you."
Arriving at your house, you force the key into the door as quick as you can manage. Taishiro taking notice to how desperate you were to enter.
Pushing the door open you realize how messy your house was, an awkward smile spreading across your face as you let him in. "Please excuse the mess, it's not usually like this I've just been having a hard time recently."
"As if it's any worse than mine, besides I'm not here to judge you." He grins placing his hand in yours and leading you to your bedroom. Seeing as he'd been here enough to know the lay out of your house.
Just as soon as you were in your room, he was all over you. Kissing you with so much passion you thought you were dreaming by the way he seemed to be bleeding out lust.
Taishiro opted to use his normal form in moments like this, his fat body not working when it came to the more intimate moments. Not that you loved him any less in any form.
You whine into the kiss, your body on fire from the arousal building up within you. Clawing at your close to get them off, desperate to have Taishiro's hands be on your bare skin.
"Someones needy, aren't they?"
"'shiro, please I want you. I've been waiting for this."
He hums, giving you a small nod as his hands sneak up your shirt. Helping you strip out of your clothes before falling suite with his own.
His hands grope your breasts squeezing lightly to get a reaction out of you. Which you give through a small moan. The noise is just enough to get him going though.
Spreading your legs and holding them open with his knees he slides his fingers over your folds, getting a grasp for how wet you were for him.
The more he teased the more you squirmed under him, small begs passing through your lips. Begging for him to hurry up.
"Taishiro, please stop teasing me I cant wait anymore~"
He only smiles in response, placing his cock at your entrance. Having done this just a week ago he was more than ready to plunge into the depth. Slowly thrusting into you allowing you to adjust.
You whine out his name, back slightly arching off the bed in ecstasy. Clenching around him your eyes clouded with list at the sensual yet familiar feeling of him filling you up.
He thrusts harder, finding a sweet rhythmatic pace that made the both of you feel good. Not too fast, but not too slow either. The perfect momentum between the two of you.
Leaning down to kiss you, he finds himself smiling like a little kid, happier than ever to be with you in this moment.
"'m close baby, where do you want my cum?"
"Anywhere, I dont care."
Satisfied with that response he thrusts into you a few more times before pulling out and letting his cum cover your lower abdomen.
"I told you I loved you babe, is that enough to prove it?"
"More than I could have ever asked for."
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almostperfectshark · 3 years
Well Guys,
Where do i even begin to start... My life has been hectic, wild, and absolutely crazy these last few years. I dropped everything I had in Michigan at 18 years old and moved to Montana for a guy who i actually happened to meet on this website. Tumblr... Who knew right? I’m sure there’s probably a lot of you that have found love out their on this website and if your happy I’m happy glad it worked out for ya but sadly it didn’t for me. You know that feeling when you meet someone online who you instantly vibe with and have conversations with and it feels like you’ve known each other for years?? That’s the kind of feeling I had when I met this person. I won’t drop his name because to this day he continues to “stalk” me. He manages to find all my social media platforms no matter how many different emails I used he finds all of them.. I of course skyped him and made sure he was who he said he was or so I thought.. He was real physically but emotionally he was completely different if that makes sense. We talked for hours upon hours day and night every spare second we had so I ended up moving to Montana and I’m a Michigan gal so that is quite a distance. I left everything I had behind my family, my friends my college I was enrolled in and about to start, my drivers license ,EVERYTHING. Prior to me flying out to Montana he talked about a poly relationship and I have been in a poly relationship in the past so I was thinking about giving the okay but didn’t give the okay to him yet. Not only does he show up with two random strangers I’ve never seen before or knew their names wouldn’t you want to pick up your partner alone and not with two people she doesn’t know? Well we get in the truck after I grab my bags and of course I’m wanting my first kiss with him but it’s kind of awkward to share that moment in front of some strangers ya know? So we get to the house and I can’t stand it anymore so I finally lean in and kiss him and look behind me to hear them say “Don’t stop because of us” that was a little weird. We go inside and his mom is still awake poor thing ( I honestly miss her so fucking much) she introduces herself and hugs me and welcomes me. We go into his room in the basement and do our thing the next day goes by and I start to become good friends with we’ll call her Sara so we get on the topic of the best sex we’ve ever had and she tells me the best sex she ever had was with my bf and he tries to deny it and I threaten to go back home since I haven’t even been there for two fucking days he begs me not to so I decide to invite Sara over to confront him in front of me and she does and she ends up making him tell the truth he then proceeds to cry hysterically and starts telling me he doesn’t want to lose me and ends up punching a wall in rage and probably self disappointment they leave and I decide to forgive him even though this happened the day before i got on the plane. I was already half way across the map and wasn’t willing to give up and make a fool of myself for some guy I met online. He changed for a little bit before I moved out there he was a manager at Sonic but when I showed up he wasn’t working anymore so I took on the reigns at that point of bringing in an income. At first I started at a sporting goods store and I loved it I miss that place so much it was such a cool and rad place sadly it closed down because we were a sister store and we weren’t bringing in enough income to their liking. From there I moved on to a organic grocery store and that place was boujie as all hell, at first I thought they were all nice people but lord does that change It’s kind of funny and sad at the same time how much people can change within a matter of seconds. Most of the items in that store didn’t have barcodes to scan you had to remember individual numbers for every damn thing every piece of candy,nuts,fruits,veggies. There was a girl who came in every single day who helped get me the job she worked in the medication department super sweet girl actually named Sara lol but not the same sara as above. She would come in every single day crying this woman would bust her ass at this place and she was a manager and never got a higher recognition for any of the shit she did ever they literally treated her like garbage. She was the only one who would help me with any questions I had unlike my other manager who thought she was all that and a bag of chips. She was from the U.K. her name was Fran this woman was a fucking bitch one of the most two faced people I have ever met in my life. This woman would literally have her cashiers me or the other closers ring up a bunch of groceries for her and put them in bags and then she would carry them to her car and told us she would pay for them the next day well guess what she never paid for them and she continued to do this for days so I started asking the other cashiers who she had do it as well and they said that she checks herself out... that seems a little fishy why don’t you trust us doing it? Do you go back and delete items? I think she started to catch on because this woman threw me under the bus every single chance she got about me not wiping my belt down which I did and how I didn’t wipe down all the bins down good enough. She found every excuse to write my ass up and I got tired of it I was tired of coming home and crying everyday. So I called in and quit. My partner at the time had a couple disability’s but nothing that prevented him from working he claimed he filed for disability but alas never did even after 5 years. At that point guys I was fucking numb my heart sank to my chest every fucking feeling I ever had for this man was starting to deteriorate and fast. I didn’t find this out until after we got married. Yes married.. trust me I know I should’ve known better I should’ve thought twice but he was my first love and trust me I have learned my lesson. He also loved pills anything that could get him high he would take pills, shrooms, acid, he’s tried a couple questionable things. This guy was so addicted.. I just wanted to feel numb I wanted to get out I caught him talking to other women multiple times I wasn’t perfect either and two wrongs don’t make a right but I never physically was intimate with anybody. He got me hooked on pain killers bad we would do them everyday together and that’s the only thing that kept me going from the emotional abuse and the fucking trauma it’s inflicted on my mental health.  Thankfully I’m a little over a year sober. The most shocking thing that has ever happened to me in that marriage and the point to where I felt like I was shit on the bottom of his shoe was when we needed help bringing in an income so we made an ad looking for a roommate. Big mistake, We found someone almost immediately my partner and I are attracted to both sexes this guy wanted to grab dinner with him and meet him in person. I was never invited and I told him I wasn’t comfortable with it because the messages this guy was sending him were very very flirtatious. He ends up taking his friend Jesse with him he goes to the bar and comes back quite fucked up along with the guy to check out the room who happens to keep rubbing on my fiancee at the time. I was not liking this shit at all so I started screaming at him to get the fuck out of my house since I’m the one who pays all of the bills and mind you we also have other roommates upstairs who are absolutely amazing. What does my fiancee do at this point? He locks me in our fucking bedroom my roommate comes downstairs and asks where I am and finally gets this guy to leave. We eventually got our own place because I thought that would help again nope it was only a couple streets down from his moms house too. My family finally after years decided to visit me and it was a flight or fight instinct and I was done. Packed what I could in a backpack told him I was going back to visit with my family and kissed my dogs one last time and when we were almost to Michigan I told him I was done. Please don’t give me any shit about the way I left I honestly didn’t have any other choice I was out of chances I was out of efforts I was drained. He continued with the “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t come back” how it’s going to be on my hands he even went as far to send me photos of blood all over a back seat of a car that looked like a murder scene he found on google. I deactivated his phone and he still tried to contact me through email etc. We are currently going through a divorce and I pray to god he signs those papers and lets me move on. If you read this I appreciate you so much and thank you for taking the time to read this I have many more stories to go if you’re interested about anything else. My current partner, my family, my life now anything and I will write about it. Thank you again.
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growingupautie · 4 years
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StoryTime: The White Card Incident
(2,770 words but worth the read.)
In January of 2013, I was promoted from a part-time weekend job as a technology sales representative for Lenovo to the Marketing Development Manager for Lenovo in charge of half of my entire city of Houston. For a while, I felt like I was on top of the world. I loved my job and traveling through my city. I loved meeting all the people in the 50 plus stores I had to visit and started to memorize a lot of them and what we talked about.
I even made my route have me end up near Chinatown on some days so I could stop by and eat lunch there (and get some things from my favorite bakery.) But just as Kandace and I were planning on using this newfound position to get an apartment together, something terrible happened. In October of that year, we got on our weekly conference call as we always did, but the mood seemed somber and no one was talking or laughing like they used to.
When our boss came on, she also seemed upset and had trouble getting her words out. I could tell that everyone on the call, all 20 plus of us from across the United States just wanted her to say what was happening so we could rip the bandaid off. After a minute of praise that felt hollow given the tone of the call, someone finally asked if she could get to the news we were told to expect.
She said "sorry" and continued to tell us that the parent company we work for had lost the contract with Lenovo after failed negotiations and our positions were being terminated immediately. The call somehow fell more silent. Everyone had questions. Myself included. But in the end, we found out most of what we wanted to know. The Lenovo branded cars we drove were to be returned, (I had let my vehicle stay broken down as I didn't need it and it would be expensive to fix.)
The laptop we were provided was to be returned as well along with the phone, and hotspot device. But the most important bit of info came when someone asked if we would be allowed to apply for unemployment. "Of course we would be able to. We paid into it, we worked, we should be able to get that back." but to our surprise, the boss said something along the lines of "no don't do that! We could get in trouble! We haven't paid into that!" All of us were stunned. Someone asked how that was even possible.
It turns out the loophole in the law they had found was that because the company was in Akron Ohio, and we all worked and paid taxes in our various other cities somehow they managed to not pay into it. We didn't get bogged down into the why or how, but all that meant to us was suddenly we were without cars and a paycheck and would be denied unemployment. I was devastated. I really thought I had found a place to grow and could see myself making a career out of it.
We were about to sign papers on an apartment and suddenly I'm without a job, without a working car, and without any kind of financial assistance. Some issues happened around my family and after a short time, I got my car somewhat fixed and I moved out of the house into Dadaw's (grandmother's) house. I tried frantically to get another job. After all, I had just been in charge if half of Houston for a big company. Surely I would be offered another position somewhere soon.
But as time went by, nobody had called. I had very little money left, and very little outside help if any. Hope was dwindling, relationships were strained. I had spoken to at least 20 job placement agencies. After my mom informed me that I had been diagnosed as Autistic as a child, I had reconnected with D.A.R.S. (Department of Rehabilitative Services) who help people with disabilities get help with work and other things.
But they refuse to help me based on my other medical issues because they closed my case before, and they refused to help me as an Autistic until I got rediagnosed. They paid for me to be rediagnosed, I did so with no sleep, having skipped dinner and breakfast, and with a ridiculous amount of stress on my shoulders.
I aced their IQ test minus the memory portion, and after a while of convincing the doctor I was Autistic through old stories and experiences and the fact that I had been diagnosed, he agreed. That day, I went home with my heart sunk in my chest. I felt like a failure for needing this kind of help. I felt like a broken or incomplete person because I couldn't do it on my own.
And after months of their "help," working with a bunch of disability-based job agencies, the "help" of 20 plus other job placement agencies I had saught out, and filling out applications online myself, no matter what I tried, I couldn't get a job anywhere. I couldn't afford to eat, and I didn't want Dadaw to pay for me as she often couldn't afford much. A few people in my life suggested I get food stamps. Several people in my life told me I should apply food stamps. But the idea of that in itself was terrifying.
But after a while, between eating very little, my friends taking me out from time to time, and constant pestering from my family I felt I was left with no choice. I went to the food stamp office with my head down, the people around me had the same downtrodden demeanor. When they called me back, I felt a rush of emotions. Guilt, remorse, sorrow, anger that it came to this.
But most of all, I felt embarrassed. Growing up, food stamps had been used as an insult toward the people around me, I knew at one point my family had needed them and used them and I felt like as someone who had been constantly bullied growing up, I was opening myself up for more. I played through a million scenarios in my head as I walked back. Someone I know seeing me at the checkout counter, the cashier silently judging me, the people around me, me dropping the white card with the unmistakable logo in front of someone.
I snapped out of it and sat down in the interview room to answer questions to determine my eligibility. But it felt like a police interrogation to me. I felt like I was cheating the system. Like it wasn't for me, but someone else who deserved it. Someone else who needed it. I felt the eyes of the interviewer boring into me as if to say "why are you even here?" I spoke up about to break. "I...I don't even want to do this." Her face changed from accusatory and annoyed, to shock.
I let her know that I felt like I had no other choice, that I felt embarrassed. I explained my situation, and she looked at me almost begrudgingly endearing. "Son, if you need help, you need help." she said. "That's what it's here for." I felt somewhat relieved or at least a little better about not actually cheating the system. They accepted my application, and I was approved.
When I got the card, I was once again filled with dread. Replaying the simulations over and over in my head a million times. Finding a way to cheat the system in a way to avoid being bullied, I realized I could use the self-check-out. Then quickly realized if I get one of those "please remove items from cart" messages or something else regarding my card, someone would have to come up and help me anyway.
Still, I figured it was my best hope for avoiding confrontations, and I parked outside the grocery store. I checked my balance on the card and made sure everything was working, went in and got a basket, and started shopping while feeling like a spy. Like somehow I would get caught and it would be the end of the road for me. I'm honestly surprised nobody thought I was shoplifting as nervous as I was.
When I was done, I walked over to the self-check-out area doubling down on my earlier decision when a woman stopped me and said they were all closed for repairs. Panic set in. I didn't say anything. I just sort of smiled and walked away with my basket.
The 15 items or less line was almost empty but I had too many items. The next line had too many people. The next few lines had the same amount of people and items, and I started doing the math on which cashier was scanning and bagging faster vs how judgmental they look trying to get myself into the best possible situation.
Eventually, I found a line sandwiched between two closed lines with only one woman and her 2 kids in the basket with a few items. The cashier didn't seem to care much about anything and didn't seem like a gatekeeper or any other kind of threat. And the woman in front of me seemed sad and aloof as well so I felt like things were going to be ok. The woman smiled at me and apologized for having so many items. "It's not that much. It's fine." I responded with a smile.
But suddenly from behind me, I felt a high strung angry presence. Like a monster who's in a hurry and I'm in his path. As each item was scanned, he started saying "Oh God...." "Of course..." and "Just great..." in a demeaning and monstrous tone. The woman continued to hide her face with her back to him and sulked further into herself as he continued. "Cash or credit?" The cashier asked in a monotone voice. "I...uh...Here..." The woman said quietly and she tried to hand her..."A food stamp card..." I thought to myself.
I realized that I and the woman felt the same at that moment. In need of help, but afraid to seek it out, and even afraid to use it once that help had been provided. I started to piece the scene together realizing the kids had beat up shoes and clothes, and the woman did as well. They were clearly hungry and frightened by this angry rhino of a person and just wanted to get some food. I started to think of all the scenarios that could have put them in that situation. But then I realized it didn't matter.
Only a moment had passed while I thought through all of these things, the children were terrified of this man already and then he saw it..."OH GREAT! MY TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!" he screamed scaring the kids even more. He began to verbally narrate what he thought her situation was. accusing her of getting "knocked up" to "leech off the system." He said people like them were a "drain on the economy" all while using language inappropriate to use around her children.
At that moment after the initial shock wore off, I grasped my card in my pocket as anger built up inside of me. I knew what I was afraid of, I had built it up in my head, and this ignorant jerk was making it a reality for a down on their luck mom and her two scared children. I immediately pivoted. "What did you just say?" I told him with a face that said: "I dare you to repeat that." apparently too blustered to care, he said, "I SAID PEOPLE LIKE HER ARE A DRAIN ON THE ECONOMY!"
I whipped my card out and held it in-between two fingers right in his face. "And what about me?" I spoke out with an angry but in control tone. "I...Uh..." he said as it became clear to me, like most bullies, this one was only doing this because he thought his targets (this mom and her kids) would not be able to defend themselves. I yelled at him more, trying to control my voice so I didn't frighten the kids anymore "Well, you had all kinds of ignorant crap to say a minute ago!"
He snapped out of his shock bullies go into when someone stands up to them. "Wh...Why don't you mind your own business?! I WASN'T EVEN TALKING TO YOU! WHY DON'T YOU FIND ANOTHER LINE!" He started to build up steam again making the children huddle in the cart.
Having had enough of his nonsense I moved my card, leaned in with a scowl, got uncomfortably close to his face and angrily whispered: "Why don't YOU find another line before I find one for you..." a terrified look came across his face as he realized doubling down on his ignorance would not get the job done and after a pained audible gulp in the "big man's" throat he was frantically on his way spouting off "That's what I thought" and other face-saving phrases.
I timidly turned back to the family making sure I had dropped my "don't mess with me" persona (My Autistic folks know this one) so I didn't scare them. I asked them if they were ok. Her eyes were filled with tears, and so were the kids. She smiled at me and thanked me for stepping in. I told her kids that it was ok because he was gone now and offered to walk them to their car. She said she appreciated it but they would be fine.
The checkout woman handed her a receipt and obviously wanted to stay out of the situation. I saw the woman leave and she smiled at me on the way out. I had enough items that it took a good 5 minutes to check me out. I realized in that time I was no longer afraid of being seen with my card. Maybe it was the adrenaline of standing up to that bully, maybe it was outing myself to protect that family, after all, it would be silly to be afraid now that everyone had clearly seen it.
I paid, went outside, and on my windshield was a note on small lined paper that had been torn out of a planner of some sort that said: "You will be blessed all the days of your life." I don't know who left it, or if it was in response to what happened, or even how they found out which car was mine, but it was there.
The message here is two-fold. First, it is easy to get caught up in thinking you don't need help, or that even if you did it isn't for you. "It's for someone more deserving." sometimes it's just the fear of being bullied or ridiculed for accepting it. And because of this, a lot of people wait until they hit "the bottom" before they ever consider asking and even then they might not.
In a better world, we would destigmatize the need for help. Therapy, government assistance, shelters, these things are in place to help people, and if people need help, they should be able to get it without being berated to tears over it. The last thing someone who's questioning if they need help or not needs is some blowhard with their ignorant opinions of why they don't. Which brings me to the second message.
If you see something like this happening, and you have the power to step in whether you are personally affected or not, do it. This includes all forms of bullying. Bullies are cowards. They may double down, but once these types of people realize that we won't allow this anymore and there are actually people who will stand against them, they buckle under the pressure. If you see it, shut it down.
This has been another [Growing Up Aspie] Storytime. If you'd like to help me make more content more often, please consider supporting me at Paypal.me/growingupaspie or with a monthly pledge of $1 or more at patreon.com/irishwolfproductions. Thank you for your support.
-Nathan Alan McConnell
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Hawkins’ Charm (Part 9)
Synopsys: They had gotten out of Hawkins. After all the shit that had happened, all the heartache and pain, Billy and the Reader had gotten away from that hellhole, building their life in California as he had dreamed. But when Max’s graduation rolls around and they go to celebrate, it’s as if the Upside Down was just waiting for all of them to return. And it has a bone to pick.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader; platonic!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: angst, bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, mentions of injuries and death, fighting, swearing, mentions of smut, but not full-on
Word count: 2120 (I’m sorry if there are any mistakes :D )
Italics are flashbacks
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“Billy, stop!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, throat burning with every uttered syllable, but no sound came out. When Y/N had come to and seen the bruises he’d left around her neck, she had almost passed out again, but had to remind herself – this was not Billy, this wasn’t her caring sometimes hot-headed boyfriend that had wrapped his palms around her neck and tried to squeeze the life out of her. This was a monster using him as a servant to do its bidding. 
           For a second, their eyes met as she stood at the other side of the mall, the Mind Flayer’s attention on El who laid on the ground before it. And there it was – recognition in Billy's eyes. If only for a moment, he remembered who she was, who he was to her.
           As quickly as that had happened, it was gone, and Billy turned around grabbing a screaming El who had woken up and skidded away by her ankle and dragging her towards the monster. No, Y/N thought to herself, that’s not gonna happen, and rushed to the side where a discarded shotgun laid on the ground. She checked its ammo, loaded and aimed. 
           “You,” Y/N pointed at Hopper as they jumped out of the van, “stay in the car and stay low. We don’t need someone to see your face and freak and call the cops.”
           “I am the cops,” he grunted but slid lower onto the seat, masking his face with a baseball cap.
           “No,” El butted in, “keyword – were. You’re technically still dead. At least as far as Hawkins is concerned. And the rest of the world.”
           Like a child, Hop grunted our a ‘whatever’ and watched as the group entered the store, the little ‘DING!’ ringing sharply through the air. “Stay low my ass,” he muttered and slid down the chair to vanish from view.
           Y/N tapped her foot against the tiled floor, and each little movement of the muscles tightened the feeling in her back where the salve had seeped into her skin and had lost the cooling effect, making her grit her teeth to keep the whimpers of pain at bay.
           Each beep as the items were scanned amped up her anxiety, and she started chewing on the tip on her thumb which Steve promptly slapped away from her mouth.
           “If your boy sees you without a finger, it’ll be my head he’ll come after,” he grumbled and crossed his arms mimicking Y/N’s stance and tapped his foot at the same time.
           “Oh please,” she rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you two already gone through your dick-measuring phase?”
           “When are boys ever?” Robin snarked from where she stood behind Y/N, and the two fist-bumped at that.
           “Hey, don’t I know you?” the clerk squinted his eyes at Y/N with a pointed finger in her direction. “Aren’t you that chick that ran off with Hargrove?”
           “If by that chick that ran off with Hargrove you mean his girlfriend throughout the senior year and decided to move to California with him then yeah, I guess so.” She was really over all of the judgement from others.
           Her mom hadn’t been too pleased when she’d announced that she’d be going to San Diego with Billy. Especially given how Y/N had planned on returning to New York and going to NYU at the start of the last semester. 
           Sure, it hadn’t been the most pleasant of stays, but the Big Apple had grown on her. She’d found some peace and had been able to collect her mind after everything Hawkins had put her through. That is until the tanned Cali boy slammed his way into her world.
           He completely shook everything up, from what Y/N wanted in life to what she thought she deserved. There’d been a tremendous amount of guilt that plagued her heart since Barb, and once returning to Hawkins it got bad again. 
           She hadn’t been there to help and look for her, she hadn’t stayed and brought justice to one of her best friends, instead, she'd opted to run away. Y/N felt like she’d been selfish and a horrible person. Until Billy helped her understand it wasn’t her fault. And he made sure she knew it.
           “You couldn’t have done anything,” he’d muttered in her hair one night after the boy had climbed through his window seeking solace from his dad, only to find Y/N dry heaving over her toilet seat. “Fuck, sweetheart, it wasn’t your fault, you gotta understand.”
He hadn’t known the real circumstances then, but it didn’t matter 'cause the words hit their mark either way. “That fucking lab and those people were a messed-up bunch, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take care of yourself.”
           Y/N had shaken her head. “I-I should’ve stayed. I should’ve helped Nance and Steve. I-I sh-should’ve fought for her.”
           A hand wove into her hair and made her rest her cheek against his chest. “How can you fight for someone else when you can’t even fight for yourself?”
           “So, what do you need all this stuff for?” the cashier asked taking Y/N out from her thoughts and making small talk while scanning the copious amounts of rope and batteries. “Infiltrating the CIA?” Oh, if only he knew how close he was.
           “Going on a camping trip,” Y/N gave him a tight-lipped smile. They seriously didn’t have time for this shit.
           He pulled up the two barrels of gasoline and shrugged. “Must be some trip if you need all this stuff.”
           “You never know,” Robin said curtly hoping he’d just hurry up, “maybe a bear blocks our way back to civilization, and we have to fight it off.”
           “With what? Ropes and walkie talkies?”
           “Exactly,” she gave him a sarcastic smile, and he finally rung up the total.
           Billy couldn’t breathe. He felt like his lungs had collapsed and a boulder sat on his chest, pressing down on him. His vision swam, bright lights merging in a sickening dance turning his head dizzy.
           Pain. That’s all he felt. But maybe that’s what he deserved. He’d been an asshole, a major one at that. Maybe this was his way of repenting. Spending his last moments alive in unbearable agony for all the hurt he’d caused while he was alive. Especially to those he loved. 
           His eyes dripped close, but then two hands planted themselves on his shoulders.
           “Max,” he gurgled out, pain shooting through his body right down to the very tips of his toes.
           “Hold on,” the redhead sobbed. Fuck, is she crying? Over me? “Don’t you dare die on me, or I swear I’ll dig up your grave, zap you back to life and skin you alive.”
           “ ‘M sorry,” he choked. “ ‘M sorry.”
           And he knew he was gone when an angel came into view. A beautiful gorgeous angel.
           “Billy,” she called his name. “Billy, please.”
           Fuck, she sounded so much like Y/N. His Y/N. A small smile came over his face. Maybe death wasn’t that bad when it took the form of the only person that had every truly, really loved him. Not even his mom had loved him as much as his girl did. 
           Sure, he missed her like crazy every day of his damned life, but she had left him with that bastard that was nothing more than a sperm donor to him. A little kid on his own to live with a monster. Billy wasn’t afraid of the dark or what hid in it. He was afraid of the person in the next room with a beer bottle in his hand.
           But Y/N… he’d been so shitty to her in the beginning, to her friends. But somehow, she saw through it, saw through the tall and dense walls he’d built around himself and had fallen for the man hiding inside the fortress. 
           “Billy, stay with me,” the angled pleaded. Of course, he would. He could never say no to her.
           Once they got to Joyce’s, they split up in groups, Billy taking his sister, Mike and Nancy back to their places while Joyce stayed with Will, and Johnathan took Dustin and Lucas back to theirs.
           “Have you talked with Lucas?” Billy looked over to Max and saw her visibly shrink. She folded her arms and slid down the seat a bit more as if trying to minimize her existence, and it worked as even sitting down he towered over her like a tree
           “About what?”
           “You know what,” he gave her pointed look before returning his gaze back to the road.
           For a moment, silence settled between them, but then Max sighed and groaned out “No. In fact, I actually tried to do that before everything with Y/N went down, but he just waved me off. Said it wasn’t a big deal.”
           Max’s ginger eyebrows were pulled together in a frown of hurt and confusion. “And I know I haven’t been the most understanding and was giving him the silent treatment, but I just… I don’t know what to do… I don’t know how to make it better.”
           Billy sighed, looking at how the trees zoomed past them on both sides before carefully replying. “You love him, don’t you?”
           “Yeah,” she said throwing her head back against the seat surprising him with her blatant honesty. “I mean we’ve been together, on and off, since like being thirteen… kinda hard not to.”
           As Neil’s house slowly started to come in view, Max asked him to stop on the curb.
           “Drop me off here. I’ll just sneak around the house and climb in through the window,” she said and turned to look at Billy grimacing. “Neil doesn’t really let me stay over if there are boys around.” She let out a sneer. 
           Her brother just shook his head and smirked ruffling her head. “You’re trouble, you know that, Maxine?”
           A scoff got stuck in her throat. “Me? Have you met yourself? You snuck out so many times during your senior year just to go to Y/N’s, I’m surprised Neil didn’t pick up on your routine and put bars on your windows.”
           Billy sorted. “If he’d even tried, I would’ve found a way to get to her.”
           “Sentimental asshole,” she rolled her eyes, but he could see that there was nothing malicious behind the gesture. “See you in a few hours.”
           “Stay safe,” he said, and Max nodded, quickly leaning over and pulling Billy in a tight hug. “Everything’s gonna work out. With Lucas, this whole shitshow. I promise.”
           “Do you think Y/N's gonna be okay?” Max mumbled in his ear and opened the door, her muddied up sneakers getting even dirtier.
           "She's the strongest person I know. She'll be just fine,” he looked to his lap and his heart clenched. She was, without a question, but that didn’t make him feel any less worried. Rather it terrified him to the core because who knows what situations awaited them. Billy wasn’t ready to let go of his life just yet, and he knew she'd do anything for those she loved. 
           His knuckles tightened around the wheel.
They’d make it out. No matter what. Or he’d burn everything in its wake. 
           A miracle the doctors had said. Not only that vital organs hadn’t been punctured, but that the chemicals Billy had downed a week ago hadn’t fully burned his insides apart. When Y/N heard this from the nurse, she had to rush away from her boyfriend’s side by the bed into the attached bathroom and throw up.
           Her throat burned like ten thousand hot pokers were being pushed down it. Her hands shook as she opened up the faucet and splashed ice-cold water against her face. Y/E/C eyes looked up to see the blue-black bruises littering her neck, Billy’s two handprints like tattoos against her skin. 
           No, she shook her head, not his, but that monster’s that used him as a puppet. Her Billy would never hurt her. 
           “Is he gonna recover?” Y/N asked glancing at the nurse when she reentered the room assuming her previous position. He was the same nurse that had looked at her neck and she had blatantly disobeyed his pleas for her to rest. She had to be with Billy.
           “Physically, yes… Psychologically is a different kind of story,” the nurse said. “But the doctor thinks he’s gonna be just fine. He’ll need a lot of help, but we're optimistic."
           Y/N nodded looking away from the nurse and back to her boyfriend. With shaky fingers, she took ahold of his palm and brought his fingers to her lips. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. I’ll be here for you… We’re gonna be just fine… we’ll make it…”
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Hawkins’ Charm tag list: 
@genius2050 @aiifandomsunite @ashleymarieriffle @littlefool-smalljester @infinitelycharmed23 @llcalumllhoodll @benevolentgemini @rxmanovbby @euphoniumpets @krazykatykat456 @believerofall @ccidk @babechief @meganmj @blackhood5sos @fml9603 @noodlenerd101 @universefinds @kuroidesuchloe @im-a-stranger-thing @grxxn-gardxns @springholland @beforethebraces @robinisourlesbianmom @queeneliza108 @neenaw-neenaw @lexisntthatweird @choicesismylife @mckenzie2020 @kcd15 @snuggleducky @reckless-sofia @didyouseetheflair @silver-winter-wolf @jay-ta-blog @hopeless-lovex0 @anyasthoughts @robinismyqueen @yeah-butyourenot-dacremontgomery @mcrganstarks @psychoticobsession @cutehipstergirl25 @sbfandom @mickmoon @jackyfrost01 @txhmine @dark-princess99 @morgangrice18 @changingmylifestyle367 @sweetdayme4427 @alowexpectation @sexyvixen7 @golddvstwoman @evelynfreakinaddams @sunfucked @sataninsatin @queenbbarnes @venomavocado @rangotangomango @psychosupernatural @sereiins @frickin-bats @bandsruinedmylife @thee-brunette-princess @queenskyster @aspiring-fangirls-world @gracethegeek9902 @katiexdacre @dreamwavej @escaping-reality21 @void-fire-rose @slvtherinseeker @paranoiadestroyah @arromite @jojo-buttercup @danarysstormborn @graveyard--baby--666 @teller258316 @hello-therree @stqrker @bethanystan @enthusiastoffandoms14 @i-bitch-you-bitch @billysgodcomplex @astil-be @kpopishilarious @bae-bino @billyhargrovescigarette
Billy Hargrove’s tag list: 
@la-reina-tigresa @youcanstandundermyumbrella @ephmrl-love
Forever tags: 
@lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
A/N: soooo.... it’s been a while.... a lot of things have happened and continue happening, but I hope you can forgive me for posting an update so late. Life just gets hectic and I do this for fun, so when pressing matters come up, I have to focus on them :D
I’ve started my last year of uni and I’m shitting bricks, but other than that I’m immensely enjoying everything I'm doing, mum’s visiting me next week, so that’s a plus, but also my first assignment is in less than two weeks, so yay me! :D
P.S. my tags are always open :)
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glowrioustrash · 5 years
Well That’s Embarassing
Summary: Mox goes to the mall with his girlfriend but quickly grows bored. Luckily, they have a game they play sometimes where they try to embarrass each other in public.
Pairing: Jon Moxley x OC (Dani)
Word Count: 1500+
Warnings: False, humorous accusations of kinks and medical issues? It’s an odd one, feel free to message me if you have concerns. The whole premise is them saying fake things in public to embarrass each other so it gets pretty silly.
Author’s Note: Hey, I’m alive! Well obviously I am, I have been reblogging stuff but I wrote a thing! Wow! Thanks to @kingcorbean and @vonschweetz for their help in it <3 The post that gave me the initial idea is at the very end.
Also apparently in the time I’ve been gone they took away line breaks? Gross.
I don’t have any tag list anymore it’s been eons, but I’m also tagging @robwiethoff because I love her.
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“Just go by yourself.”
“But that’s not as fun.”
A groan was his only warning before his lap was suddenly occupied. Dani’s legs hung over the arm of the chair he was sitting in as her arms wrapped around his shoulders. He made a show of it, letting a woosh of air escape as if she had knocked the wind out of him - she couldn’t knock the wind out of him even if she tried, he was used to being tackled by men 3 times her size.
“C’mon Mox.” She pouted at him.
“I don’t want to go to the mall.” He told her plainly, his face unamused even as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He might not be interested in going to the mall, but he’d never be upset about his girl in his lap.
“Jon.” She whined, dragging out his name. He responded by mocking her, whining wordlessly back at her. She tried to fight back the laughter at his girlish noise but a small smile broke through.
“Just go to the mall. Take my card, get whatever you want.” He offered.
“But who will tell me if I look good if you’re not there?” She huffed, leaning into his chest.
“Someone who works there.” He shrugged.
“They tell you look good in everything so you buy more.”
“They’re right, you do look good in everything.”
“Jon.” She whined again, adding a wiggle of her hips for good measure.
“You really want me to go?” He sighed.
“Yes.” She sat up, smiling brightly at him.
“You want me to go, be miserable, make fun of all the stores we go into, and sit around while you try on clothes?” He reiterated, trying to make her reconsider.
“You want me to complain the whole time we’re walking around, asking how much longer until we can leave, reminding you every 5 minutes that you owe me big time?”
“Did I mention I’m stopping at Victoria’s Secret?”
“Why didn’t you say so, woman?!” His entire demeanor changed, perking up at the thought. He tightened his arms around her as he stood, picking her up. She laughed as he started walking towards the garage. “Let’s go to the mall!”
It didn’t take long for Moxley to grow bored of the mall as Dani wanted to stop in at several other stores before Victoria’s Secret. They were in some home decor store when he decided to try and hurry it along. He saw a horse figurine and picked it up before calling her name loudly.
“Hey Dani, we should get this for your sister. You know, the one that likes to fuck horses.” He spoke loudly, making sure any shoppers in the area could hear.
Dani’s eyes widened at first before narrowing, knowing exactly what game they were about to be playing. They’d done this a million times before, trying to embarrass the other in public for fun.
The airport was busy around them as they said goodbye. Dani was used to him leaving to go back on the road, but it was harder now that he was wrestling in Japan. It was so much farther, the time difference was huge. He was going to be gone for almost a whole month before he got a chance to come visit.
“I gotta go.” He spoke softly, the moment just for them in the hustle and bustle of the airport.
“I know.” She admitted sadly, tears threatening to spill over as she loosened her grip on him.
“I’ll call every day.” He promised.
“You better or I’ll fly there to kick your ass.” She threatened weakly.
“If that’s the case, maybe I won’t call.” He teased, making her laugh softly.
“Don’t you dare.” She pouted, pulling him in for a quick kiss.
“Miss you already.” He murmured against her lips.
“Miss you more.” She replied, reluctantly releasing her hold on him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Let me know when you land.”
“Always do.” He pecked her on the lips once more before joining the line through security.
Dani brushed away at the tears that had started to fall, cursing herself for being so emotional as she watched him progress through the line. She was happy for him, this is what he wanted to do. He was happy and healthy, he had a spark he’d been missing for years.
“Hey Jon!” She called out to him, refusing for their good bye to be so mushy. “Take care of that rash, okay!”
He grinned, taking a few steps forward as the line moved. “Okay, but remember to wipe front to back while I’m gone.” He called back.
Dani laughed, seeing the shocked and disgusted looks on the people around him in line. “I will. Your hemorrhoid cream is packed in your carry-on. Take care of your butthole.”
“Thanks for letting me borrow it.” He answered as he moved to the front of the line. He lowered the shades he was wearing to wink at her before stepping into the area where she couldn’t see him anymore.
“No, no. She didn’t fuck a horse. She said that being with another man after you was *like* fucking a horse.” Dani shot back. “Because of your tiny penis.”
“Your mom didn’t think it was tiny.” He shrugged, setting the figurine back on the shelf.
“My dad had a micropenis, I wouldn’t trust her.” Dani responded flippantly as she continued to browse.
By the time he had his comeback loadad, asking her how she knew, she’d already moved to the next aisle.
Point Dani. Game on.
“I don’t care if you consent, I’m not putting all of these candlesticks in your ass.”
Point Mox.
“Oh, we need to get some puppy pads. I’m tired of cleaning your explosive diarrhea out of the carpet.”
Point Dani.
“This dress would look really nice on you, but it might show off all those boils you’re trying to hide.”
Point Mox.
“I’m not comfortable bringing any blow-up holiday decorations into the house until you can promise you’re not going to try to have sex with it.”
Point Dani.
It carried on throughout several stores and it didn’t speed up their shopping at all, but at least Moxley was having fun now. By the time they made it to the final stop, his arms were full of bags from the other stores. His annoyance of being dragged along and having to carry all Dani’s bags lessened as he wondered what in the store Dani was going to be trying on.
“You can go set those down and sit in the boyfriend chair if you want.” She told him with a peck to his cheek. Mox nodded and headed to the back of the store where he’d find the chair. He stopped a few racks away from Dani as he saw a display mannequin wearing a lacy blue thing with straps all over the place.
“How about this?” He pointed it out to her, wiggling his eyebrows.
Dani dropped the bra she was looking at and came to see what he was pointing out. She looked it over, feeling the fabric between her hands. “It’s nice,” she agreed, “but the last time you wore lace you complained about the chafing.” She smirked.
Before he could respond, she shot him a challenging look and picked one up off the table, the look clearly saying that if he wanted her to try it on, he should accept the defeat. He kept his mouth shut, not entirely sure who won the point considering he was walking away quite happy with himself.
After browsing, Dani made her way to the change room to try things on. She stepped out of the room to get his opinion on a few of them (his opinion always varying degrees of “yes get it” and “wow that’s hot”) but kept a few for later surprises. When she left the change room ready to buy, she had an armful of multicolored garments, lace and silk and cotton all mixed in.
Moxley stood behind her while the items were being scanned and bagged. He was happy to notice the strappy blue piece made the cut - she hadn’t let him see it on so it must be good.
“I’m going to rip that off of you with my teeth.” He claimed happily as he watched the piece being folded gently. Dani looked back at him in surprise while the cashier turned pink at the declaration.
“Stop it, that’s embarrassing.” Dani admonished with a gleam in her eye. “You’re my brother, you need to stop saying things like that.”
Mox sputtered as the cashier looked up in shock at the two of them. The poor woman quickly looked back down and focused on finishing the transaction. She took the credit card without looking either of them in the eye, running off as soon as she handed Dani her bags. Dani handed them off to a still shocked Moxley, who followed her dumbly out of the store.
“You okay back there?” Dani finally asked once they had passed a few stores, looking back over her shoulder at him.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” was the only thing he could think to say.
“I assumed I would.” She shrugged coyly as she slowed down to walk beside him.
“Tonight.” He promised.
“I’ll be the one in blue.”
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lachlantrash · 5 years
“Did you seriously just wipe your popcorn fingers on me?”
"Yes, Lachlan?" You sigh, answering the phone from your car as you drive to the supermarket.
"Don't answer me in that tone, missy." Lachlan scoffs, making you let out a laugh. "Alright, I know you just left, but Emmett won't stop pestering me. How long until you're home?" He asks.
"Tell Em that I'm not sure, me and Gray haven't even arrived at the supermarket yet." You laugh, checking on your three year old as soon as you mention him through the mirror. With Grayson just turning three, your daughter Briella is approaching her sixth birthday. Emmett, your middle son is eight years old, and your oldest son Sawyer has just turned eleven. You only brought Grayson with you on your errand run, being assured by Lachlan he could handle your three older children.
"Shit, I mean shoot, alright I'll tell him. Bye, babe." Lachlan says, another laugh escaping you as he hangs up the phone.
"Daddy said bad words." Grayson informs you as you pull into the parking lot of the grocery store.
"I know he did, Gray. We'll have to yell at him when we get home, yeah?" You ask, grabbing your purse before getting out of your car, walking to the backseat to grab Grayson from his car seat.
"Be nice to daddy. Daddy buys toys." He laughs, a dimpled smile falling onto his face.
"Alright, we can be nice to daddy." You sigh dramatically, walking to the stores entrance. "Wanna ride in the cart, or walk all by yourself?" You ask, knowing Grayson loves exploring but you're hoping he'll choose the cart.
"Ride in the cart, mumma." He says, reaching for the first cart he sees from your arms.
"Good choice, little dude." You hum, placing him in the sitting part of the shopping cart. You give Grayson your phone to watch an episode of Paw Patrol while you grab groceries, getting through the first few aisles before Grayson's handing you your phone because of a FaceTime request.
"What's going on, Lachlan?" You ask, handing the phone to Gray so he can look at his daddy while you continue moving through the aisles.
"Listen, (Y/N). Don't get overwhelmed or anything, but Briella just fell down the stairs. I think she's gonna be fine, she was just rough housing with Em, but where's the band-aids? I swear it's just a little scrape." Lachlan promises, preparing himself for the earful he's going to get from you.
"In the bathroom by the kitchen, Lachlan." You sigh, deciding not even to bother scolding him for letting the kids be rough with each other. "Here, Sawyer talk to your mom. I'm gonna grab some band-aids..." Lachlan trails off, handing the phone over to your oldest.
"Hi, mum. Hey, Grayson!" Sawyer laughs, looking at his brothers face upside down.
"It's Soy, mumma look!" Grayson squeals, almost dropping your phone to show you his undoubtedly favorite sibling.
"What the heck is happening in my house right now, Sawyer?" You say, grabbing your phone from Grayson to look at Sawyer.
"I don't really know, mum. I was playing pokemon and then Bri started crying and daddy was calling you because she has a cut." He explains.
"Bring the phone to Bri, please." You sigh, grabbing a few things from the aisle you're in before heading to self-checkout.
"Mumma, Emmett pushed me!" Briella cries as soon as Sawyer hands her the phone.
"I did not! We were playing, and she fell down the stairs, Mumma. I didn't push her." You hear Emmett huff from somewhere off screen.
"Listen, both of you. Daddy's grabbing you a band aid, Bri. He's gonna clean up your booboo and then after that, I don't want you two playing rough anymore unless it's in the basement, in your playroom. I don't think he pushed you Bri, I doubt he meant it. And Emmett, you know better than to play rough by the staircase." You sigh. "I'm in checkout at the grocery store now, I only have a few more stops. Be good to Daddy please, all of you. I love you, I gotta go though, okay?" You tell them, listening for a few mumbled 'I love you's' from your two grumpy kids, Sawyer taking his dad's phone back to tell you he loves you before hanging up.
"What happened?" Gray asks, little brows furrowed as he sees your mood drop from what it was in the car.
"Briella just got a booboo, buddy. Daddy's gonna fix it right up though, he's the best at that." You tell him, giving him a smile before you start scanning items and bagging them. As you place bags back into your cart and pay, your phone goes off again. You groan, letting it ring as you go back to your car. You get Grayson buckled in and put groceries around him, pushing the cart to cart return before getting into your car.
"Should I just go home at this point?" You sigh as you call Lachlan through your car, exiting the grocery store.
"No! Don't do that. I just, I have a quick question, okay?" He says, and something about his tone of voice eases you.
"Alright, what's the question?" You ask, driving down the street towards the Kohls for a quick stop.
"So we wanted to make popcorn, but none of us know how long to cook it. Do you happen to know?" He asks hopefully, making you groan.
"It says on the box that you cook it for three minutes, Lachlan." You sigh, pulling into the Kohls parking lot. "I'm at Kohls now, Gray and I are just gonna run in and get some new bathing suits for the kids, because it's almost summer break. After that we're running to Dunkies, and then we'll be headed home after I quickly stop at your mother's. It should be within like, an hour, we'll go quick. Can you handle that?" You ask, already unplugging your phone and getting out of the car, quickly unbuckling Grayson to carry him.
"Yeah, we'll be fine babe. I promise, thank you. We're just gonna watch a movie and have smooth sailing from here." He promises, though you don't believe it for a second. After exchanging 'I love you's' you hang up, speedwalking into the Kohls and grabbing a basket as opposed to a cart, knowing if you do you'll shop more than you need to. "You need to hold my hand, okay Grayson? We need to be quick." You say to the toddler, who eagerly nods at your words.
You find your way to the bathing suit section, letting Grayson pick himself a green dinosaur swim shirt and bathing suit bottoms. You go to the little girl options, grabbing Briella a black and white striped two-piece. Though you want to grab Sawyer a set, you know he's at the age where he prefers just swimming trunks, so you grab Nike swim trunks and decide to do the same for Emmett. Though you know you're on a time crunch, you quickly grab Lachlan a new set of trunks, along with grabbing yourself a one piece before forcing yourself to go into line.
"My legs are tired, Mumma." Grayson whines, reaching up for you to hold him. You struggle but successfully lift him, holding him to your hip as you empty the basket onto a conveyor.
"Seems like you've got a full house, huh?" The cashier laughs, making small talk as she scans your items.
"Oh, do you know it. Four kids and a husband that's just as bad as a kid." You laugh, taking your credit card out to be ready to pay.
"Gosh, it is a full house. I'm guessing he's home with the other children?" She asks, noting just you and one child.
"Yeah, he offered to watch the other three while we went on an errand run. It would've been easier for me to take all four with all the calls I've been getting." You confide as she bags your items, handing her your credit card after she finishes.
"That always seems to be the case. They always mean well, but they're a lost cause without the wife home." She smiles, handing you back your card before giving you bags.
"Here he is calling me again." You sigh, making her laugh before you excuse yourself, walking out of the store.
"I know I promised we'd be fine and -Hey! Did you seriously just wipe your popcorn fingers on me?" Lachlan yells, letting you watch his face form to one of disgust through facetime.
"I'm gonna guess it was Emmett." You laugh, putting Grayson in the car and the two bags go in passenger seat beside you.
"It was actually Briella." He sighs. "Anyways, my mom just called me and told me she'd meet you here, so don't stop at her house. Are you already out of Kohls?" He asks.
"Yeah, you called while we were finishing checking out. We're gonna stop for coffee and then head home, huh Grayson?" You say, including Grayson in the conversation.
"Can I get a coffee?" He asks, making Lachlan laugh.
"No, but since you're being so so good for Mumma, I'll get you a coolata." You say, making his eyes light up. "What do you want from dunks, Lachlan?" You ask, pulling into the line for the drive-thru.
"Just get me a medium iced, cream and sugar please." He says, and immediately your kids are all shouting at him. "Jeez, alright I got it. The kiddos here all want a donut, and are demanding they also get coolatas."
"Tell them it's a no go on the coolatas, Gray's only getting one because he came with me. I'll get them donuts though, I suppose." You sigh dramatically, making Lachlan groan.
"You're really gonna leave me here with kids who aren't getting there way?" Lachlan gasps, making you laugh.
"Sorry babe, it had to be done. I love you, and I'll be home soon!" You say, exaggerating a "Muah!" before ending the call. You move through the drivethru, ordering half a dozen donuts and your coffee, Lachlan's, and a small coolata for Grayson.
Once you pull up to collect your order you thank the staff, pulling away and handing Grayson his drink. "Drink that before we get home, or your brothers and sister might try to steal it from you." You tell him, pulling out of the Dunkies and driving off to your house.
"We're home!" Grayson cheers, almost done with his coolata by the time you get home. We sure are, bubs. Let's go get everyone to come help with bags." You tell him, taking your key out of the car and grabbing him from the backseat, leaving the doors open while you walk into the house.
"Honey, I'm home!" You sing, placing Grayson down in the kitchen as soon as you here a stampede running towards you.
"Mumma, you're home!" Briella says, jumping with excitement.
"I am home! Can you three go get the bags from my car? I could only carry the little guy and the coffees." You say to the three older children. "You can each have a donut after." You add, which immediately gets them all running to the yard.
"Thank god you're home." Lachlan sighs in relief as soon as he enters the kitchen, immediately pulling you into his chest to hug you.
"Couldn't hold down the fort for a few hours?" You tease, pulling away slightly to look up at him.
"Not at all, next time I'm gonna go shopping, or have you bring at least two of our gremlins." He sighs. "I don't know how you do that all week, even with school, that was a shit show." He complains, making you laugh.
"You did great, Lachlan. Only one scrape, it happens. Everyone survived, so I'd call that a win." You praise him, planting a kiss on his lips.
"I'd call you a win." He mumbles, pulling you in for another kiss, only pulling away when Sawyer walks in and gives an audible 'ew' at your current position.
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xoxopandapanda · 6 years
A Functionally Dysfunctional Valentine’s Day
Set in the Functionally Dysfunctional AU
Contrary to popular belief, out of the two of them, Inuyasha was the romantic. While Kagome did love a good romance movie and a date night with her husband, it was Inuyasha who loved to plan and perfect their outings. Kagome had been the one to introduce him to the world of wooing, but once Inuyasha got a taste of it, he was addicted.
Kagome’s work at the clinic had been busier than usual, due much in part to the recent cold snap, and she had all but forgotten Inuyasha’s favorite holiday was coming up. But he hadn’t, and was busily using the extra time that his wife was at the clinic to prepare his ultimate plan. ‘When you getting home?’ He texted his wife because he knew a call would prove to be fruitless. He also knew that expecting a response right away was stupid, so he tucked his phone into his pocket, and set to rotating the tires on the car that had been dropped off that morning. Once he was done, he set to changing the oil, mentally preparing a list of things he needed for his special day with Kagome. ‘I have the roses and chocolate…maybe wine? Oh I should stop by the card section and see if there is a good one. I think we need more dashi stock…’ The good thing about being excellent at his job was his mind could be elsewhere while he was working. It was well over three hours later that Kagome responded. ‘It’s slower today, so I can be home for 4!! :D’ Inuyasha snorted at the emoji attempt, knowing that Kagome had expected it to auto fill but it hadn’t. But nonetheless, 4 pm was good. It meant they had a long evening to themselves. ‘Maybe I should pick up bubble bath stuff too…but she probably has quite a bit of that...’ Inuyasha shot back an actual emoji, just to mess with her a little bit, before looking at the time.  ‘Almost one…’
He turned back to the cars he had to work on, and decided that if he worked efficiently enough, he could close up by three, giving him enough time to get to the store. When it came to Valentine’s Day, Inuyasha was always the first person to have in his order for flowers at the local flower shop. He also preordered all the chocolates from the fancy Swiss store on the other side of town, so he knew he was safe in that regard. He had picked them up that morning, and keen to get them home. It was sometimes a toss-up if there were any good cards left, but Kagome loved either cheesy or mildly offensive cards, so he figured he could find one that fit either category. After all, most wives wanted to be wooed on Valentine’s Day, but Kagome just wanted to spend time with him. Locking everything up for the day finally, after calling his regulars to let them know he was closing a little bit earlier than normal, and starving off the jabs from Totosai to ‘Go and love her right up’, he texted Kagome to tell her he was heading to the store, and to let him know if she needed anything. He arrived just after 3 pm at the mom and pop grocery store that Kagome loved, but he wasn’t the only person standing in the card isle. There were dozens of men, trying to find a nice card for their special someone, some toting kids along, some toting carts full of stuffed animals and chocolate. Inuyasha silently judged all of them for their lack of organization, while mentally praising himself for being such a thoughtful spouse. The only reason he waited until the last minute to pick out the card was because the more picked over the isle was, the more visible the most ridiculous cards were, which saved him time in finding one. Scanning quickly over the options in the Funny-For Her section, Inuyasha picked up the first one that caught his eye. It had a dog squatting on it, with ‘HEY HOT STUFF!’ written across the top at an angle in a font suspiciously similar to the word affects in Microsoft Word that every middle schooler loves. Opening it to read the inside, Inuyasha barked out a loud laugh before closing it, grabbing the envelope, and walking away, heedless of the stares the other people in the isle were giving him. He checked his phone, but Kagome hadn’t texted back yet, so he chanced a phone call to her. “Hi handsome!” She answered the phone. He smiled, always happy to hear her voice, “Hey beautiful. I’m at the store, what do you want for dinner?” “Oh! You’re there right now? I need some soy sauce, dashi, and veggies? I think I still have some tofu in the fridge. What are you thinking for dinner?” “Oden or something, should I grab some meat?” “Okay!” Inuyasha heard, her excitement at the thought of having her favorite meal for dinner shining through. “If you pick up a cake mix, we can have that tonight too! Weight need eggs though...” “Got it. I’ll pick up the mix and the ingredients for the cake to be sure.” “Good idea. Also grab whatever snacks you want. I’m certain we are out of those.” Inuyasha swung down the baking isle, grabbing a vanilla cake mix, vegetable oil, and pink canned frosting. “On it. Anything else?” He asked as he made his way to the refrigerator area. Kagome sighed loudly on the other end of the line. “No, I’m just really excited to come home at a reasonable time. I can’t wait to pet my cat while it’s still light out.” Inuyasha snorted while inspected the eggs in the carton he had picked up. “Your cat is more important than your husband? I’m mortally injured, wench.” “Oh you’ll get your attention. But you know how Buyo gets when you get kisses before him.” Inuyasha places the eggs carefully in the basket he had in his arms, and wondered if he should go back and get a cart. “Maybe I should start being fussier than him. I wonder if that would get me the attention I desire.” “… don’t you dare…” Kagome’s voice held no malice, and Inuyasha knew that she was just as amused as him. Deciding a cart was too much of a hassle, Inuyasha meandered towards the snack section, inspected sales as he walked by. “Tempting idea though.” “You’re being a brat. But I do have to go if I’m going to get out of here on time. I love you.” “Hmm, love you. See you at home.” “Bye!” Kagome hung up quickly. Inuyasha rucked his phone back into his pants pocket, and picked out his choice snacks for home. He had to back track to pick up the meat, but it was fate in a way. Kaede was standing next to the fish, inspecting the choices available. She mustn’t have noticed him, but, to her credit, she didn’t jump when he approached. “What are you going for Valentine’s Day, Inuyasha?” Inuyasha selected some thinly sliced beef, wrapped it in a bag, before placing it in his now-teetering-fully basket. He then reached over and took Kaede’s nearly empty basket. “Spending it with the wife at home. What else should I do?” “You’re not taking her out to dinner?” Kaede selected a nice and plump, but small, white fish, and placed it in her basket that Inuyasha was holding. “She’s not to into going out. You have plans?” “Oh yes. To come here tomorrow, once the sweets are on sale, and have my fill.” Kaede grinned up at his with a full smile and a sparking eye. Inuyasha smiled back, responding, “Now there’s an idea.” Kaede turned on her heel, making her way to the front to check out. “Well I have all I need. What about you, young man?” Inuyasha closely followed. “Yeah, I’m done.” He placed the two baskets at the register of a young teenager, who looked completely unenthusiastic. The boy started to mindlessly ring the items up, not even greeting either of the customers, not that either minded.
The two mildly chatted over the different Valentines Day sweets that they liked the most. As the boy finished scanning and bagging Inuyasha’s grocery items, Inuyasha finally spoke to the cashier. “Her items too, please.” The teenager grunted and began to empty the second basket.
“Inuyasha, please. I can pay for my own groceries.” Kaede chided, but made no indication that she wanted to stop him from doing so.
Inuyasha grinned over at her, pulling out the enough cash to cover the transaction. “I can’t ask you to be my Valentine, but I can pay for your groceries.”
Kaede laughed, and Inuyasha picked up the multiple bags, although only one was the older woman’s. Kaede continued her comments regarding the Valentine sweets she remembered from childhood, and how few of them were still around, while the two of them walked to Inuyasha’s car.
Once they were settled in, and Inuyasha was beginning the brief journey home, Kaede took a peek at the card Inuyasha had purchased for his wife. She read it out loud, pausing at the end to chuckled good naturedly.
“If I didn’t know you two,” she croaked out, her voice caught up from her deep laugh, “I would think this was man trying to get a divorce.”
Inuyasha laughed too. “That’s why Kagome’s the best wife. She thinks these things are funny!”
Kaede placed the card back into the envelope, and leaned back for the last block home. “You two are a match made in heaven.”
Inuyasha smiled, but said nothing further to her comments, knowing that she spoke the truth. Pulling into the driveway of their small but present home, Inuyasha turned the engine off, and grabbed Kaede’s grocery bag. He walked her over to her house in a comfortable silence, and was patted on the cheek for his efforts. After making sure she secured her door, he went back to the car to bring in the rest of the bags of groceries. He had enough time to start chopping the vegetables for the oden before Kagome came back and took over.
He figured his car, although it was his baby, could spend one night outside, especially since it was predicted to be a mild night.
Kagome came home just as Inuyasha was putting the broth in the serving bowl to heat it up and boil the vegetables, left over tofu from the fridge, and meat. Kagome greeted him with a warm kiss, and a soft “Happy Valentine’s Day” before jogging to the bedroom to put her pajamas on, with Buyo hot on her heels, true to his nature and displeased that Inuyasha had received any sort of affection prior to him.
Inuyasha took the brief repose from his wife to quickly sign the card, and put it on the table for her, next to the vase of roses and fancily packaged chocolates.
Kagome entered the room, wearing her soft fleece pajama pants with hearts all of over it and one of his old t-shirts he wasn’t allowed to wear in public anymore. Her hair was haphazardly tossed up into a messy bun, and she carried the vocally displeased calico cat in her arms. She saw the card, and tossed a sheepish look at Inuyasha.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, isn’t it?” She asked, remorse already filling her eyes and body.
Inuyasha placed the oden ingredients into the broth, and grunted. He rinsed his hands, and walked over to her. “Don’t stress, woman! Christmas is your thing, Valentine’s is mine. After all, I tried to stay open on Christmas this year.”
Kagome laughed, her tense shoulders easing, letting Buyo slip a little bit. Buyo quickly informed both of them exactly what his opinion of that was, but they ignored him.
“Tried being the key word. No one was willing to come themselves!” She leaned into his embrace.
“Ah, what diligent customers I have, thinking of my wife just as much as I do!” He planted a kiss on her head, before picking up the still yowling cat from her arms and placing him on his shoulder. “One day, someone is going to call the cops on us for animal abuse with the way he carries on.”
Kagome patted the larger brown spot on Buyo, snorting, “If anyone tries to take him away, I’m sure they’ll bring him back in the hour.” She reached down and opened the envelope to reveal the card front. She tossed him a deadpan look. “I think I made something similar to this in middle school.”
Inuyasha grinned. “Isn’t it great! Just wait, it gets better!”
Kagome narrowed her eyes, and read the card. “Hey hot stuff…” she opened the card to reveal the image of the dog defecating with a grimace on its face, “You’re the shit.” There was cartoon steam coming off of the pile of excrement, and the color of the words was a deep brownish yellow, also appearing to be a special word affect, done with bad taste.  
Inuyasha looked back and forth from the card to his wife’s face once, and then twice, before Kagome let out a howl of a laugh, which proved to be too much for Buyo who demanded to be place on the ground instantly. Inuyasha complied, knowing that something was probably going to get destroyed by the cat, but not really caring.
Kagome’s laugh was infectious, and Inuyasha started to laugh along with her. “Inuyasha!” she exclaimed, “You’ve out done yourself!”
“I knew you’d love it!” He accepted her arms as the flung around his neck so she could pull him in for a kiss. Pulling back from her affection, he added his last thought for a while, “The only issue is, it’s not really work appropriate, so you can’t show it off.”
“Oh well, it’s the thought that counts,” Kagome retorted before kissing him again.
He was only released when the boiling of the soup pot became loud, and Kagome took a moment to smell the flowers and appreciate the chocolates. They ate their dinner in comfortable quiet, only interrupted by the whizzing of cars outside, and the groans of a grumpy cat in the back ground. They held hands under the table, like bashful lovers, even though they were in their own home with no one looking. Together, they cleaned up the kitchen, and made the cake mix kinda-sorta to package directions, but not too terribly worried if it turned out.
Once it was in the oven and the 58 minutes on the clock, Inuyasha moved into the living room to put on a movie. While Kagome did love a good romcom upon an occasion, Inuyasha couldn’t be bothered to sit through even an hour of it, so he put on a good action movie that he knew Kagome would love.
She sauntered into the room holding glasses of wine. “Look what I found under the sink!” she called to him before noticing his movie choice. “Rush Hour? Heck yeah!”
Inuyasha accepted the glass from her. “Only the best for my better half.”
Kagome blushed mildly, pleased by his comments, but more interested in the movie than further the conversation. Together they snuggled, drinking wine, until the timer went off, and Kagome left to take the cake out of the oven. She came back with one of her abnormally fluffy and large blankets, and dropped her head on his lap for the rest of the film.
Inuyasha absent mindedly twirled her hair in his fingers, and appreciated the warmth of their love and home.
Once the movie was done, Kagome was lightly dozing off on his lap, her breathing deep and regular. Inuyasha made no move to wake her up, but as soon as the noise from the television stopped, she opened her eyes. Her body tensed for a moment, before she released a loud sigh and stretched long.
She rolled over to meet his eyes. “Wanna bath?” he asked her.
“Everyday.” She sat up, and lifted her hands above her head. “Whatcha thinking of?”
“You, in a bubble bath, me, on the floor reading you some stupid tweets.” Inuyasha rose himself, placed his hands on his lower back, leaning back to stretch. He then stepped just in front of her to lift her into his arms, carrying her bridal style.
Kagome laughed gleefully, “Ooohhh, Mr. Romantic! You know the way to a woman’s heart!” Inuyasha carried her up to their bathroom, before turning on the faucet for her bath. Kagome stripped down, wrapped herself in a towel, before reaching to grab some bath salts and a bubble bath gel. She handed them to Inuyasha who put some under the running water. Soon the bath was heavily scented and frothy – just the way Kagome liked.
Kagome crawled into the warm water, sighing in appreciation, and Inuyasha sat on the floor next to the tub. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, where it had yet to leave from his trip to the store, and pulled up his Twitter app. It was virtually the only social media that Inuyasha consumed, but he was never active on it. He just enjoyed the different tweets from comedians that he followed.
He read all of his feed, filtering none of it, and he and Kagome rated whether they thought they were funny or not. If there was a picture included, Inuyasha would show it to Kagome, and some of the bootlegged items that were begin inspected caused quite the uproar between the two of them.
“Oh yes,” Kagome exclaimed between her giggles, “the collaboration between Nike and Winne the Pooh was my favorite one.”
Inuyasha gasped out his laughter, nodding his agreement.
Once the wine and hot water got to Kagome, she beached her way out of the tub, completely unconcerned that she was the opposite of graceful, knowing Inuyasha had seen much worse from her. He handed her a towel after tucking away his phone again. Kagome stumbled, still chuckling to herself to the bedroom. She called over her shoulder, “Bring the car to the garage. Then come back to bed.”
Inuyasha knew he shouldn’t have been surprised that she remembered his car better than he did, but if it was important to him, it was important to her, and he was pleased to hear her remind him to take it in. Although he hadn’t intended to do so, he went to pull his favorite car into the garage. As he grabbed his keys, he saw the destruction Buyo had chosen to wreak. Looking at the little pieces of paper that was strewn all of the entry way to their home, Inuyasha halfway hoped the paper wasn’t important, but chose to do nothing at the moment, because, hell, it was already done.
Inuyasha stepped outside and brought his car into the garage, and was back in the house before Kagome could get her inebriated and happy self into bed. She had managed to get her pajamas back on, but was fighting a losing battle with the duvet. Inuyasha watched for a little while, Kagome’s giggling preventing her from being able to easily pull back the cover, and her wobbly legs making her teeter her and there. Eventually, after he got his fill of amusement, Inuyasha helped her into bed, before changing into his pajamas of light sleeping pants, and no shirt. He went downstairs to frost and bring up the cake that had been momentarily forgotten. He hadn’t realized at the store that the frosting container came with some gaudy hearts and kisses sprinkles, but he poured them on top of the frosting anyways. Although Kagome was a much better cake decorator than him, he knew she would love it regardless. He climbed back up the stairs with two larger slices of the cake, and found Kagome had snagged his phone out of his pants, her mostly likely downstairs in her purse still. She was playing Whitney Huston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ at full volume. When she saw him enter the doorframe, she sang with it. Normally, Kagome had a lovely voice, that reigned in its listener, but slightly drunk Kagome was singing for the gods. And not in a good way. Inuyasha’s ears immediately pinned against his head, and he looked at her in horror. Kagome only lasted about 10 seconds before she started to cough from the effort, and began to laugh instead. “Let’s not do that again, wench.” Inuyasha approached the bed and put the cake slices on the side table on his side. Kagome rasped out, “You got it, dog boy.” Inuyasha took then phone and turned off the song. He set his alarm, a little later than normal for Kagome’s sake, and put the phone on the nightstand. Kagome was still laying down, looking up at him with eyes that shone so much love that Inuyasha had to take a second and kiss her. She tried to wrap her hands up into his hair and pull him closer, but he moved away from her to grab the cake slices. Kagome was easily persuaded to change her course of action, and accepted the plate with a wholehearted, “oh my, my, my! Thank you!” Inuyasha settled in next to her, still on top of the duvet, but in close proximity. They took turns feeding each other bites of their respective slices of cake, interrupted by kisses here and there. The cake was sweet, but not as sweet as the loved shared between the two lovers. Once the cake was finished, even the crumbs gone, Inuyasha picked up the plates, and walked them down to the dishwasher. He came back with a glass of water for both of them, but Kagome appeared to have already fallen asleep. She was curled up toward his side of the bed, her arm reaching out for him already. Kneeling on the edge of the bed, Inuyasha reached over her to place her water down on her nightstand. Placing his glass on his side, Inuyasha laid down carefully, waiting for Kagome to move her arm before placing his whole weight on the mattress. She pulled her arm back from instinct, and waited for him to settle on his back before reaching her arm across his torso and scooting closer. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her, whispering, “You’re such a damn lightweight.” Kagome mumbled back to him, “But I’m your lightweight.” Inuyasha snorted lightly, “Yeah, you are,” before closing his eyes and chasing sleep himself. Except, Kagome’s giggles returned with a vengeance, and soon her entire body was shaking uncontrollably, and she looked up into his one opened eye and said, “You’re the shit…” Inuyasha screwed his eyes tight, trying to not laugh, but failing miserably. He too began to shake, and the two of them fell into hysteria together. Kagome reached up to pull him into a wet kiss, pulling away to say, “Happy Valentine’s Day to the best husband in the whole wide world. I love you more than you can ever imagine.” Inuyasha placed his hand on the back of her neck, and puller closer to him, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. “I love you too. You’ll never know how much.” Kagome sighed, and closed her eyes, finally succumbing to the call of sleep, with Inuyasha not far behind. The next morning, they’d go downstairs to find out Buyo had destroyed the water bill, and that they would have to call up the company for the amount they owed, would eat cake for breakfast, and would continue their week the best way they knew how: functionally dysfunctional. But for the moment, they were just in love, and happy to be that way.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
I've been working in the supermarket for only little mire than a momth and I'm already fed up. These are some of the more unpleasant encounters I've had with customers in this time: -Maybe third or fourth day in the job and the first day I didn't have someone shadowing me, an elderly lady comes in, and before even saying hello demands someone to come help pack her bags. Now, I'm new and didn't even know we did that kinda thing (apparently this is more common in america but here we don't have designated baggers) and I didn't exactly know who to call for so I fumbled awkwardly for a minute until the lady's adult daughter who was behind her in line stepped in and said she'd help with the bags as she had just finished loading her stuff on the belt too. While I'm cashing out the old lady, I'm having to look up most of the fruit and vegetable numbers in my little booklet because... well, I'm new so at this point I only know apples and bananas off the top of my head bc those are the most common ones. So with everything i look up, she keeps telling me (in a very exasperated tone) what they are. Hey lady guess what. I know these are champignons. If I didn't know what they were, a) I'd ask you, and b) I wouldn't be able to look them up because as you can clearly see from where you are standing, this list does not have pictures. So she kept doing that, and her daughter kept being like "Mom stop, let the young lady work" and I kept getting more pissed off and anxious at the same time because I felt like I was taking too long (on my very first day I even had a panic attack because of this feeling of taking too long) so I said in my best customer service voice: "I'm really sorry I'm taking so long, I just started this job and I don't know everything yet!" And the old lady just said "Yes, I can tell." Like wtf rude!!? Can you just chill?? She also did nit say goodbye or thank you when I said "Have a nice day" as she left, her daughter shot me a look that just screamed "I am so sorry" (The same old lady came back a week or so ago, I only recognized her because she asked for help bagging again and this time I knew what to do and also didn't take as long because by now I have the most important numbers memorized, so she was a lot friendlier to me and even smiled at me, so maybe she was just having a bad day the first time around.) -A man came to my register with a small collection of items and two empty gas cartridges for those water carbonator thingies for at home. Our supermarket does this thing where you can bring in your empty cartridges and exchange them for new ones. However, they come in two sizes and I only had small ones left at my register while the ones the man brought were big. The two or three next registers in front of me were unmanned at this time and I was at the last one so no one behind me. I also couldn't call out to a cashier further down through the speaker system to ask if they had any because of course the speaker at my register didn't work, just my luck. And yelling across three registers was out of the question. So I told the man he'd need to go to another register to exchange his cartridges, at which he got really pissed and started yammering about having to get back in line etc. Sir. You can just walk up and ask, and nobody will complain because the exchange takes next to no time. Anyway, I finish cashing him out and ask if he wants his receipt, as I do with every customer, and in this really rude tone he goes "Yea I guess I DO need it because I HAVE TO GET BACK IN LINE" and walks away without a goodbye of course These next three all happened within the same day, on which I also happened to be really fucking sick but I dragged myself into work because I just got this job and didn't want to be fired. -A man came in with his young son and asked about a point promotion we had in cooperation with the WWF, where for every certain amount spent you'd get a point and with a certain number of points you could get a figurine of one of a few different endangered animals (Elephants, pandas etc) and of course parents and kids were all over that. I used to own a ton of these figurines myself as a kid, now I think my brother has most of mine. But anyway the man asks about these figurines and just earlier I had seen a note about this in the cash office so I told him what I had read on the note- that only registers with an even number have a basket with these toys, which meant I didn't have one because this time I was on register Number 3. He immediately got pissed because of this and was like "God, why don't you guys put a sign up?!" I ofc in customer service mode go "Yes I'm really sorry about that sir, I'm not sure why we don't have one, I'll bring it up with a manager later" yada yada ya know that fake shit but he just keeps bitching about having to get in line again and I have anxiety so I was kinda freaking out and didn't think to tell him that he can just walk right up to a register without getting back in line and ask to check out the toys, which people did all the time while it was going on. He ends up paying for his stuff or whatever and then walks off without saying goodbye (I see a recurring theme, when customers are mad they drop the greetings and basic politeness) and as he's walking off with his son and without a toy he's just muttering about shit service yada yada. -A little while later I was doing a return for a lady who had noticed the mugs she bought scanned for more than the price on them and I had missed the sticker for the new price because it was on the bottom and I hadn't turned the mugs over. She was really nice about it, she could probably also tell I was sick and made an honest mistake out of not being able to focus that well. Anyway I had already called for a superior to authorize the return because cashiers can't do that by themselves and this man I had cashed out a minute ago stomps up, cuts next to the lady, slams down a net of oranges and starts semi-yelling at me for ringing it up wrong- the net didn't have a barcode on it (not sure why, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't and sometimes when they do they don't work... it's weird.) So I punched in the number for oranges and weighed them, because I didn't really know what else to do? The net was supposed to be 2,99 and weighing it made it a little more expensive but not by much, maybe 10 cents- so really nothing to throw such a fit over. I tried to explain and showed the man that it didn't have a barcode to scan so I had no other way to determine a price but he kept interrupting me, telling me he didn't give a shit why I did what I did but that I did it wrong and to fix it and fix it now, yada yada. I could feel a panic attack coming on but the lady I was doing the return for (which nobody had come for yet, by the way) helped keep me calm and shot the guy a dirty look foe being so aggressive, I was super anxious because not only did I have to deal with two people waiting for something now, it was also super busy and I also kept cashing people out while they were waiting and I actually had to call for someone a second time because just nobody was showing up to authorize the damn return, and when someone finally did, the superior took the two of them to a different register to do the return because I had a bunch of people in line with big carts. -The last one for that day wasn't even that big of a deal but it still kinda pissed me off just because I was already upset from the previous encounters- a customer came up with a few cans of... let's say beans for simplicity- and he had stuck these stickers on them from a promotion we had going on, they had their own barcode and if you scan that barcode and then scan the product it takes a percentage off this product. However I had not seen the stickers until the guy pointed them out after I pulled through about five of the cans, because as I said I was having trouble concentrating because I was sick and the stickers were almost exactly the same color as the cans so I had simply missed them. The guy didn't trip about it and I called over the speaker for someone to authorize cancelling the proces so I could restart the process since I'm unable to apply the discount manually. A few minutes of awkeard waiting unable to continue pass and no one comes. I call out a second time, assuming I had simply not been heard or understood as my voice wasn't in the best shape, so i made sure to speak extra clearly. A few more mintes pass. Nothing. I call out a third and a fourth time, and after a total of what felt like probably ten minutes someone FINALLY got their ass to my register so I could do my thing. Of course customers in line had started getting impatient and I had heard one guy saying "oh my god what kinda bullshit is this" (i know right, it doesn't normally take this long i swear, normally someone's with you within a minute!!) Of course that guy did not greet me or respond to anything, just wordlessly held up his card to indicate how he wanted to pay and then left without a word. Please don't do that? It's not my fault that apparently everyone didn't hear me calling out four fucking times. Also on the same day, I had to stay on the clock for an extra 20 minutes because my register and no. 6 and I think one other one were the only manned ones and 6 was currently switching with someone, so my coworker that I don't like because she always talks to me like I'm stupid came up and told me to wait with clocking out until they were done switching which took them pretty long as they're both new. Like please you can clearly tell I'm sick just let me go home who cares if there's only one register open for a few minutes? The store wasn't even that busy at the time. The only reason I had something to do all of those 20 minutes was that the customers that came up had their carts filled to the brim. Guess who ended up in the emergency clinic shortly after because I'd been working all week despite being sick and got a pretty severe ear infection as a result? That's right, it was me.
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wanna-be-bold · 7 years
Thanks to Tali - Ch 6
To read the previous chapters:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12498508/1/Thanks-to-Tali
Watermelon Crawl
March 20, 2018
           “Tony.” It was currently 3:28 am and Ziva was wide awake in bed experiencing her latest craving – watermelon – and of course there was none in the house because she finished it off just 5 hours ago. “Tonyyyyy. Wake up ahava.” Since her voice seemed to have no effect on her sleeping husband, she started resorting to poking him in the side and rubbing her cold feet over his legs. Still getting no response, she grabbed her water bottle off her nightstand, unscrewed the cap, and began pouring it on the back of his neck.
           “Gah!” He jumped out of the bed, looking around before realizing Ziva was the culprit. “Really Zi? Again?” Tony climbed back into bed as Ziva was trying and failing to conceal her laughter.
           “I am sorry Tony but you would not wake up and that has proven to be the most effective way to get you to wake up in the past.” He shook his head to sling off the rest of the water before tapping his neck with the comforter.
           “Zi, why are we up at” he looked to the nightstand to see the time on the alarm clock, “3:30 in the morning?”
           “Because Tony, I need watermelon.” He looked at her exasperated.
           “But you just had watermelon. Isn’t there any left in the fridge?” Ziva looked sheepish and started drawing random patterns on the comforter.
           “No. I ate the rest of it before I went to bed.”
“The rest of it… that was a whole watermelon. You ate a whole watermelon?! How in the world can you want more?!”
“I don’t want it Tony, the baby needs it.” She pulled out her best puppy dog face and started fluttering her eyelashes. Unable to say no to her, Tony sighed.
“Well there’s no more watermelon in the house now so what do you suppose I do, go out to the store in the middle of the night to get more?” Ziva bit her lip and looked up at him. “You want me to go out to the store in the middle of the night to get more don’t you?” Ziva nodded and clapped her hands.
“Yes! Thank you Tony.” She pulled herself up into a sitting position to better reach him and placed a kiss on his lips. “The baby and I thank you.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” He mock grumbled, getting up off of the bed and pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt before sitting on the edge of his side of the bed and lacing up his tennis shoes. “The things I do for you.” He felt a pillow hit his back.
“I heard that Tony.” Ziva smiled as she saw Tony shake his head. He stood up and kneeled on the bed, leaning over for a goodbye kiss.
“You know I love you. And I love you too little one,” he leaned down and placed a kiss on her bump, “even if you do make me go out at three o’clock in the morning.” Tony grabbed his wallet and keys off of his nightstand. “I’ll be back soon love.” Ziva waved from her place on the bed, smiling at her husband that has already proved he will do anything for her and their little family.
             Tony walked into Kroger, the only grocery store in the area open 24-7 that Ziva would accept fruit from, and headed straight for the fruit section with a purpose. He picked out a watermelon with the technique Ziva had taught him and headed toward the checkout when his phone beeped with a text.
           “Get Nutella – Z” Groaning, he turned around and walked down the aisle to pick up her requested Nutella. Half-way pack to the checkout, his phone beeped again with another text requesting pickles, followed immediately by a text requesting fish. At that, he trudged up to the front to get a cart that, in hindsight, he should have gotten to begin with, and went to pick up her latest requested cravings. After finally selecting a fish he knew she would like and throwing it in the cart, his phone rang again, this time with a phone call.
           “Yes dear?”
           “Tony, will you please get some pre-cut watermelon? You know I can only eat it when it is cold and I really want some tonight.” He agreed, turning the cart to go back to the produce section. “Oh and the baby wants granola. Thank you sweetie.” Ziva hung up immediately after that, leaving Tony to stare at the phone before closing it and starting on his new mission, finding granola.
           After spending almost 30 minutes in the store, he finally made his way up to the only check-out open. As he started placing his items on the belt.
“Pregnant wife at home?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“I’ve seen you walk up and down these 2 aisles for almost 15 minutes. That and you have a cart full of watermelon, Nutella, pickles, fish, and granola.” Tony chuckled as the cashier scanned and bagged his items.
“She woke me up wanting watermelon.” The cashier just nodded knowingly as Tony paid and grabbed his bags.
“Have a good night. And good luck!” Tony just waved back over his shoulder, wanting to get home to his wife and get back to bed.
             It was just after 7:00 am and he was sitting behind Ziva in the bathroom, holding her hair back as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. He reached over and grabbed a hair tie off of the sink to pull her hair into a loose bun so that he could wet a couple washcloths. She finally seemed to be done and leaned back, flushing the toilet. Tony resumed rubbing her back and started pressing ta cool washcloth to her forehead, handing her the other one to wipe her mouth.
           “I can’t believe I am having morning sickness. I really thought that since it hadn’t started in the second month like it had with Tali that I would be able to avoid it this time but it appears I was wrong.” Tony pressed a kiss to her crown.
           “I’m sorry hunny. But do you think maybe it’s not morning sickness? I mean, you did eat the whole package of watermelon and half a bag of granola last night. And you mixed half of the watermelon with the granola and Nutella.” Ziva turned and sat down next to her husband who wrapped his arm around her shoulder and moved them where their backs were against the cabinets.
           “Well, I suppose that could be it.” She leaned her head over on Tony’s shoulder, thankful that, morning sickness or not, he was here with her to experience it this time.
  I hope you enjoyed this fun little chapter that I whipped up last night! My mom and I were eating watermelon last night and it made me think of how both she and my best friend craved watermelon during pregnancy. After re-reading Scarlett’s review, I knew I had to write this.
“Watermelon Crawl” is a fun song by Tracy Byrd that I couldn’t resist making the title of this chapter since it’s meant to be a fun chapter.
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Spread the Word Around– the Girl’s Back in Town
Title: Spread the Word Around– the Girl’s Back in Town (please tell me someone caught my Thin Lizzy reference here)
Characters: Cas x Sister!Reader, Sam, Dean
Summary: Based on this imagine. Sam and Dean have a half-sister who was recently resurrected from hell. Cas makes some introductions, and the ragtag team sets off to waste some sirens. (I suck at summaries. Sorry.)
Word Count: 5101 (I got a little carried away...)
Warnings: Sassy reader. Flashback from hell (Just one and not really graphic). Dean tries to be a hero. Cas is generally confused. Pretty much the same crap that always happens. A little cheesy at the end. Sorry. Just whip out the crackers and deal with it.
A/N: Very first attempt at a fic, so be gentle. Italics are reader’s thoughts. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated.
Tags:  @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxydavenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @cici0507 @fiveleaf @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @kayteonline @idreamofhazel @ilovedean-spn2 @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @your-average-distracted-waffle @drarina1737 @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean
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Dammit, I am too old for this! you thought as you realized where you were. The makeshift coffin you had been buried in was well on its way to full decomposition. Getting out shouldn’t be a problem.
Doing a quick survey of yourself, you made a quick mental note to thank whoever had made the decision to bury you in your combat boots rather than some flimsy dress shoes. With a couple of well-placed kicks, the bottom half of the coffin gave way, allowing you to wriggle out of the opening you made. The soil was deliciously cool against your feverish skin as you clawed your way from the shallow grave and exposed yourself to the fresh air on the surface above.
That’s a change, you thought to yourself. The last time you had breathed clean air was right before–no. You refused to think of it. You knew what you were getting into when you made the deal. You were a hunter. You knew the risks, the hazards of the job. You’d heard the stories. The only way you were gonna get out of this with your sanity was to refuse to let it consume you. To lock hell in a cage and never let it out.
You snorted a little at your own joke, morbid as it may be, and decided it was time for a shower and a plan–in that order. You brushed what dirt you could off and shook your head to rid your hair of the dust. Flipping your locks back into place, you started what would be a long trek back to civilization.
Who thought it was a good plan to bury me in a secluded forest 30 miles from nowhere? Okay, maybe thirty miles is a bit of an exaggeration, but come on, people. Make it easier on a girl, would ya? Granted, they probably hadn’t expected you to come back to life. Wait- why didn’t they burn me? I mean, I’m not complaining, but-
Your thoughts were cut short as you neared the edge of the woods and caught a glimpse of a two-lane road peeking from between the trees as the headlights of cars passing through illuminated the night. A quick glance at a road sign put you about ten miles out of the nearest town–somewhere called Hotchkiss, Colorado. What a name, you thought to yourself. “Here I go again on my own…” you grumbled to no one in particular, humming the tune of White Snake as you made your way into town.
By the time you were strolling down Main Street of Small Town, U.S.A.–apparently better known as Hotchkiss–it was near dawn.
You trudged on toward a hole-in-the-wall bar that looked dodgy, even for your tastes. You’d have probably been nervous had you not just woken up from the dead. Being resurrected apparently has that effect on people.
You made your way through the door, eyeing the seedy bartender on your way to the back where you saw a blaring pink neon sign that you were pretty sure was supposed to say “restroom” instead of “estr  m.” Nudging the door open with the toe of your boot, you scanned the interior and walked in. Not bad as far as a bar bathroom goes.
Oh, but the day is young, you thought to yourself as you marveled at the lack of vomit. You hazarded a glance in the mirror and, to your relief, you didn’t actually look all that bad. Wetting a paper towel from the rusty dispenser, you set to work cleaning the remaining dirt from your face. You carefully slid your leather jacket—yeah, definitely need to thank whoever chose these clothes—down your shoulders and scrubbed the dirt off your arms.
Why the hell is my shoulder so itchy? If it’s a hell-bug I might just scream, you thought as you gingerly peeled the sleeve of your black t-shirt up.
At least it’s not a hell-bug, you thought as you took in the sight of the angry, red, raised hand print that wrapped around your upper arm. You winced as you thought of what could have left such a mark.
Time to hustle some fool and get out of dodge. If I can get a room at that place off the highway, I can at least demon proof the thing. That ought to buy me some time to figure things out a little, you thought as you realized you still had no idea who or, probably more accurately, what pulled you from the pit or why whatever it was would do something like that. You were quickly becoming more uneasy as you found yourself reverting back to the tendencies you had before— stop it right there.
You made quick work of hustling the poor soul at the pool table, fluttering your eyelashes at him and giving him a wink before sauntering out of the dimly lit bar into the bright sunlight of the new day. Wonder if I’ll ever get used to seeing that again, you thought.
Continuing your way down the road you saw a motel that looked like your kind of place—the kind of place where no one would bother you, so long as you kept to yourself. Instead of going straight there—because who checks into a motel, besides hunters or troublemakers, without bags or belongings?—you made your way to the convenience store across the street. You selected a few items: a toothbrush, some toothpaste, soap, a change of clothes, salt (of course), and a few random food items you happened to see on your way to the register. You gave the cashier a friendly smile as you pulled out a few crumpled bills to pay for your things and left.
Arriving back at the motel, you realized you didn’t have any ID. Okay, so I guess it’s time to lay on the charm thick and hope he forgets to ask… you think as you sashay­­—there is no better way to describe your walk— up to the counter and put your money down.
Seeing the dumbstruck look on the proprietor’s face–Poor guy; doesn’t take much to get him all flustered–you reach over and grab a key. Room…you look down at the tag on the key 13. How ironic. Home sweet home for now.
As you pushed the key into the lock, you sensed rather than saw whatever the hell it was that just happened to pop up behind you this time. 
Just beautiful. Aaaaaaabsolutely wonderful. This is EXACTLY what I needed. So done.
You whirled around to see a man standing there. As you sized him up, he did the same to you, cocking his head to the side and peering at you in a way that made you almost believe he could see your soul.
Jeez. Creep.
“I am not a creep. I am Castiel, angel of the Lord,” he said in his gravelly voice.
Okay, I know I didn’t say that out loud.
“Your inner monologue is quite interesting,” Castiel responded.
“Alright, Professor X, enough with the mind games. Who are you for real, and why are you he-“ Your sentence was cut short as he grabbed your arm.
When you looked up and began to protest, you noticed that your surroundings had changed. Instead of some grungy motel, you saw two guys sitting at a massive table, books spread out all around them.
We are not in Kansas anymore.
“Actually, we are in Kansas,” Castiel informed you.
As you turned to tell him to stay out of your head if he valued his life, the sound of his voice caused the two men to look up, the shorter one grabbing a flask of what you could only assume was holy water and slinging it at you. Wiping your eyes, you gave him what your father had dubbed the bitch face. “Not a demon, you douchebag.”
Those eyes. You knew those eyes. “Dean?” you all but whispered. He stared at you without a touch of recognition, which you expected. “God, you must be Sammy then. What did they feed you, kid?”
Dean ran a hand over his face, “Alright, I’ll bite. Who are you and how do you know us?”
“I’ll tell you the truth, but you won’t like it,” you responded matter-of-factly.
“Out with it,” he grumbled.
“Why yes, I would like to have a seat. How gracious of you. It is a long trek back from hell. No, no I’m fine. Just peachy. Don’t need a breather,” you retorted, every word dripping with sarcasm. “I’m Y/N, and I’m your sister–well, half-sister. Daddy dearest was apparently more suave than we know. My mom was a hunter, and from what I understand, it was a one-time thing. Just before he married your mom. Sowing his wild oats, I guess. Ironic, isn’t it? John Winchester with two hunters before he even knew that the things that go bump in the night are actually real. Talk about having a type.”
You unceremoniously plopped down in an armchair as the brothers—your brothers—looked at you in disbelief.
“So, you just show up after thirty-some odd years, and expect us to believe you? Why now?” Sam asked, furrowing his brow and carding his hand through his surprisingly long hair.
“Well, angel boy is the one who brought me here. I guess we should all direct our questions at him,” you said with an air of annoyance.
Castiel, looking as sheepish as a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, nodded, affirming your story. “She is telling the truth. I found she had been raised from perdition. I assume it was one of my brothers, judging by the scar on her upper arm that is strikingly similar to yours, Dean. I took it upon myself to instigate a family reunion. Was that not good?”
A little warning would have been nice. Or— hey, here’s a thought—maybe a little explanation. Recent Hell escapee over here confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles. Your thoughts took a pause as you saw Castiel look to you and tilt his head as if trying to decipher what you meant.
“And that’s another thing! Stay out of my head, angel boy,” you said as you realized what was going on. Turning to the boys, you asked, “Does he do this to everyone?” Your only reply was a nod from the eldest of your brothers as they both returned their attention to their resident angel.
Between the boys’ questions and your own, your “conversation” was beginning to resemble an interrogation. This is getting us nowhere.
“Alright, alright. Angel boy here doesn’t seem to know any more than we do. This isn’t helping. You can’t draw blood from a stone. I’m up and at ‘em now. Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth,” you said, moving from your chair to peer over Sam’s shoulder, leaving a very puzzled Cas to wonder who would ever attempt to draw blood from a stone or would feel the need to inspect a horse’s mouth.
“Looks like you all were working on a case before I got here. Wanna fill me in?” you asked. Please don’t be a wendigo. Please don’t be a wendigo. You hazarded a look at your brothers and saw them looking at each other, Dean with a hardened expression and Sam silently pleading with him to give you a shot­– at least that’s what you assumed from his puppy dog face.
Nice, kid. I wasn’t around to teach you that one. Seems to be working, though. Always works for me. Dean is definitely a sucker for it. I’ll tuck that little tidbit of information away for later. May be useful.
Your mental ramblings came to a halt when your brothers turned their gazes on you. You smiled at their scrutiny.
“Tell me. Don’t tell me. I don’t care. I’m just glad to be back topside. Thought I might offer you boys a hand since I’m here.” You began to move around the room noticing the piles of books and scrolls and articles and journals… books and journals and lore, oh my! As you started scanning the scribbles in the notebook that laid open on the table, you groaned. Looking at the map that was spread out at the end of the table, you felt dread creep its way in, curling its way up your spine and settling at the base of your neck.
And now I have a headache.
“I freaking hate sirens. First case back from the dead and it has to be a damn siren,” you grumbled. Your muttered complaint caught your brothers’ attention.
“Just like that? How do you know that thing is a siren?” Dean questioned.
“Well, Einstein, there’s no obvious connection among the victims. None of these guys have anything in common. Different builds, different backgrounds, different ages. That told me to look a little deeper. I was scanning the vics’ patterns of movement thanks to this handy dandy map you all put together– nice touch, by the way– when I noticed that their paths seemed to converge in the same general area, but not the exact same place. Our first commonality. After skimming what I’m assuming is Sammy’s chicken scratch in the notebook, I saw that every guy you talked to was ‘seeing someone special’, whether he called her a girlfriend or whether she was a mistress­ or whatever. In not so many words, every guy called this girl perfect. I bet you a dollar to a doughnut that if we go back and question all the vics again, they’d say she was the perfect woman. Our second commonality. That led me to siren. All we’re looking for now is means of infection,” you finished, moving to reclaim your armchair.
“And you got all that from two minutes of scanning some notes?” Sam questioned.
“Call it a gift. Some people sing. Some people dance. Some people paint. I think,” you replied with a grin.
“She’s telling the truth. She’s a very loud thinker,” Castiel supplied.
Gee, thanks. I’ll try to quieten down. You turned to look at Dean, who was scowling down at Sammy’s notebook. Oh, ye of little faith. Cas’s gaze flicked over to you, and his mouth quirked into a half smile at your last thought. Understood that reference, did you?
“Look, fellas, we all know I’m right, so let’s either waste this thing together, or you can show me the door, and I’ll take care of it myself,” you said, moving from the armchair to once again inspect the dust covered volumes that filled the shelves. You peered over your shoulder, seeing your brothers having some kind of silent conversation, and thought it best not to interrupt. You continued to peruse the shelves.
I wonder how many years of work went into this. I wonder how many centuries it took to compile all this knowledge in one place. How old is Cas? I bet he has tons of literature stored in that head of his. Wonder if they have anything just for fun. What do the boys do for fun? The last thing I remember seeing them do for fun was play with little green men. Catching Cas’s signature confused-squint-head-turn, you answered him aloud, “Army men. Little plastic guys, Cas. Not literally little green men,” snapping the boys out of whatever other world they entered for their unspoken conversations.
After a stern look from Sam and a well-placed jab from a bony elbow, Dean grumbled, “I guess we could use an extra set of hands.”
“Thanks for the enthusiastic welcome to the team,” your said, your penchant for sarcasm once again rearing its head, “Glad to be here.” Rolling your eyes, you moved back toward Sam’s scrawled notes. “I’ve never seen a single siren with this many hits.”
“Pairs or even trios aren’t unheard of. That’s probably what we’re dealing with, which would explain why the locations we have are close together but not the same,” Sam supplied.
“I don’t care how many of these things there are. We are going now. The local law enforcement is looking for a serial killer, and I’m not about to sit around and give them another victim to add to their profile. Let’s go,” Dean said, grabbing his keys and heading to what you assumed was the door.
Yes, let’s go in blind, not knowing who is who or what is what.
“Dean, you need the last vic’s blood. Do you happen to have some or should we plan on a pit stop?” you asked, your voice thick with sarcasm.
“I’ve got it covered. Get in the car,” he replied, tossing his keys in the air and catching them as he slid in the classic Chevy.
This is not going to end well. Cas, are you still listening? Where’d you go? Let the record show that I totally called it when this hunt goes down the crapper.
The engine thundered to life and you and your motley crew, another Motley Crue if you will, started the four-hour drive toward an abandoned shirt factory where you’d hopefully find some sirens. Hoping for sirens. What has my world come to?
“Now, listen up, boys, I’m only going to say this once.” Invoking your best mom voice, you continued, “Against my better judgement, we’re going in blind here. We’re not even sure they’ll be in the same place. Stay close. Don’t wander off. Don’t try to play the hero–I’m looking at you, Dean. Don’t be a damsel in distress that needs saving, either. Don’t touch anything. We don’t know what bodily fluids could’ve ended up where. Work quickly, quietly, and efficiently. We are Seal Team 6 on this one, guys. No need to be loud or go in guns blazing. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Dean said with a mock salute and a smirk in his rearview mirror.
Someone isn’t used to being the little brother, are they?
You gave him your best stern I-mean-what-I-said face, and turned your head to look out the window, watching water droplets form on the windows and race down, dragging the dust with them as it began to rain. You sensed someone behind you, and before it registered with you that it was probably just Cas, you swung an elbow back to meet whatever idiot surprised you, hearing the sickening crunch of bone on bone. Looking around, you saw Cas holding his nose and doing the head-tilt-what-just-happened look that had become an almost permanent expression since you came into the picture.
“That was not a pleasant feeling. Why did you strike me? Have I angered you in some way?” he questioned as his fingers exuded a faint blue light while he healed his nose.
“No, Cas. I’m sorry. Instinct kicks in sometimes, you know? Well, I guess you don’t know. Maybe a little warning next time? I did just get back from hell, dude. I’m a little on edge here. Although, I guess we’re even now. That’ll teach you to snoop in my head,” you finished with a chuckle. Upon seeing his confused expression once again, you said, “Kidding, Cas. Only kidding. Relax.”
The rest of the drive was silent, save for the soft sounds of Dean’s cassettes and Sam’s muttered complaints when he disapproved of a song or his research–double checking you again, tying up loose ends, trying to eliminate a few surprises here and there– hit a snag.
This silence is driving me up the wall. I am literally going insane. At least hell is still locked in a box for now. Guess that’s a good sign. You shivered involuntarily at the thought of something escaping the cage you’d so forcefully constructed.
“FINALLY!” you all but sang, jumping out of the car as Dean parked a “safe distance” from the action. Man, he is a few fuses short of a full circuit when it comes to that thing. Obsessive much? “Remember what I said, boys. In. Out. Clean. Quick. Please, please, please at least check the girl’s face in a mirror before you stab her. And, for the love of all that is good and holy in this world, DO NOT touch anything unless it’s your weapon. Got me?” you turned, seeing heads nodding. “Good. Let’s get this over with.”
The four of you tried to appear nonchalant as you neared the entrance of the old factory, which was situated in a no longer operational industrial district of a small town. At least the sidewalks aren’t busy. No one to hide from. This place is giving me the creeps. Why do monsters always pick the most clichéd hiding places? Abandoned factories, abandoned warehouses, the list goes on. Like, have some creativity. Why can’t we ever visit a nice coffee shop or a cozy little bed and breakfast? You shook your head, urging yourself to focus as Sam expertly picked the lock and the ancient steel door creaked its way open.
Dean stomped his way inside, ignoring your request (okay, so maybe it was more of a command) for finesse. Man, this place is in bad shape. You worried your bottom lip in between your teeth as you entered the building and were engulfed in humidity. The hairs on your arms stood on end as the heat intensified when you began moving further from the door. The only lighting was provided by a busted bulb dangling from the crumbling ceiling. The shadows were endless, giving an eerie quality to the already decrepit building. You tugged at your shirt collar as you began to sweat. Your feet scuffled along the dirty floor as you and the boys, by tacit agreement, split up. The constant drip, drip, drip of some leak nearby combined with your quickened breathing to form a melody all too familiar. Suddenly, you weren’t in the abandoned factory. You were strapped to your usual table, watching in horror as a familiar face approached you dragging a gleaming silver tool chest behind him, his lips curled into a crooked grin as he took in your terror. The smell of blood and burning filled your nostrils. No. You let out a strangled cry and shut your eyes, bracing for what you knew was to come, but instead of cold metal, you felt a warm hand on your shoulder, roughly shaking you.
Sam’s voice permeated your consciousness, “Y/N! Y/N! Snap out of it! It’s not real!”
You cautiously opened your eyes, realizing you’d dropped to the ground at some point. You were met with Sam’s understanding gaze as he offered you a hand up.
Damn, I wasn’t this dirty when I crawled out of my grave. “Thanks,” you murmured, clearing your throat.
“No problem. Happens to the best of us,” he quipped, flashing his dimples.
As the sounds of a quiet conversation turned to shoes scuffling and fists connecting with flesh, you both took off toward where the racket was coming from. You ran ahead of Sam, finding Dean struggling against what you assumed was the siren.
“Come on now, sweetheart. It doesn’t have to be this way. We were having such a good time,” he cooed, going at her with the dagger again.
“Pity I’ll have to kill you. You’re so pretty,” she said in reply, lunging at him, effectively making his dagger clatter to the ground. He stood in front of her with his hands raised
Do I have to do everything myself? Making sure to employ the caution you had pleaded with the boys to have, you made your way toward the siren, whose back was to you, motioning for Sam to stay back. You nodded at Dean, urging him to keep her distracted as you raised your dagger. So close… Come on, Dean. I just need one more sarcastic comment­– a few more inches. You grinned and made your final move toward the monster, plunging your dagger into her back. One down, you thought, shooting Dean your bitch face as you cleaned your dagger on your denim clad thigh, your hands shaking from the combined adrenaline of your attack and your flashback.
“I need to dip this again. What was that I was saying about not being a damsel in distress, Dean?” you asked, moving toward your oldest brother, checking for injuries.  
“Hey, I am the hero. Not the damsel in distress, dammit!” he bit back.
“Doesn’t look like it to me,” you said, motioning to the body on the floor with your free hand. “There’s no way this is the only one. Where did Cas go?”
You all turned as you heard voices coming from the end of a long hallway. Wearily, you made your way toward the door, this time allowing Sam to take the lead. One a day is my quota on saving the asses of grown men.
You stopped short as the you heard the voice again, causing Dean to bump into your back.
“Hey! Earth to Y/N. Generally, when you’re trying to figure out what makes a noise, you move toward it,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Someone is obviously not happy I had to step in. Get over yourself, stop with your little attitude fit, and listen to that voice. It sounds like me,” you said, your curiosity outweighing your confusion as you moved toward whoever was talking, stopping in your tracks yet again when you saw the scene in front of you.
Can this day get any weirder? I mean, come on. Give me a break here. I’m pulled from hell by God knows who, kidnapped by an angel, introduced to my brothers who had no idea I existed, sucked into a hunt, and now some siren bitch has stolen my face. Can sirens even do that? Literally, so done right now.
Do I really look like that? You thought as “you” approached Cas, reaching to straighten his tie while purring something at the angel, who reddened. Cas hesitantly reached down to cup “your” cheek, and you cleared your throat. “Excuse me, miss. You look familiar. Have we met before?” Taking in her surprised expression you chuckled, “Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a camera right now. You should see your face. Oh, yeah. You decided to borrow mine. Let me just show you real quick,” you snapped. Cas backed away from the fake you, edging his way back toward the door.
The fight that ensued was quick, though confusing. God, this has been a freaky day. I can honestly say I never thought I’d be punching myself in the face. At least she didn’t think to take advantage of the fact that she had an angel at her disposal. This could’ve gotten a lot messier. I freaking told him not to touch anything. What does he do? He comes in here and gets infected. I’ll have to go over it with him and see what part of “DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!” wasn’t clear to him. He’s a freaking celestial being. You’d think that would lend him a little extra clarity. A solid right hook had the siren down for the count. You pinned her to the floor and turned to look at your brothers and their resident angel. “Can I get a little help here? This dagger won’t do much good since apparently Cas thought it would be fun to have a play date with a siren,” you yelled over your shoulder.
Sam looked to Cas apologetically before taking out his dagger and slicing the angel’s arm with it. He waked over to you and pulled out a mirror. “Just to be sure,” he said with a grin. Satisfied that you weren’t some ancient sea bitch, he offered you the dagger and said, “I think it’s only fair that you do the honors.”
I like him, you thought as you quickly killed the siren. No point in dragging it out, although I will say stabbing myself is an odd experience. You stood up, wiping your hands on your jeans careful to avoid the drying blood of the other siren, and spun around to face your boys. “Can we go now? I’m starving.”
Sam chuckled, jogging to catch up with you. You two walked side by side toward the door, Dean and Cas following.
“Wait, wait, wait. Are we not even going to talk about how Cas’s deepest desire in a woman is you? This is too good to pass up,” Dean asked, elbowing the flushed angel in the ribs.
“We’ll talk about the Cas thing after we get done making fun of you for playing the hero like Y/N told you not to and almost getting your ass handed to you,” Sam replied with a smirk.
“Hey! I had that handled! I would’ve been okay!” Dean insisted, pointing his finger at Sam.
“Boys, boys. Relax. There’s plenty of time for this crap in the car. I’m serious. I’m tired and hungry. If you don’t feed me soon, the sirens will seem like a walk in the park compared to me,” you said, once again trying to shoo them toward the door. Soon after walking outside, you caught Cas by the sleeve and pulled him toward you, straightening his tie like the siren did. “So I’m the girl of your dreams, huh? We’ll talk later,” you said with a wink, standing on your toes to place a kiss on his cheek.
“But I do not dream. I am not sure I understand what you mean. I am, however, looking forward to later, whenever that is. I am eager to share with you what I’ve learned from the pizza man,” the angel said with a small smile, taking his leave.
With a confused scrunch of your nose and a giggle, you made your way to the Impala, sliding in the back seat. I guess this turned out to be a pretty good day after all. “Hey, guys, Cas mentioned something about showing me something he learned from a pizza man. What on God’s green earth does he mean? Is that like angel code for something?” you asked after your brothers had slammed their doors.
Both of them groaned loudly. “Our lives have become a bad Lifetime movie. No– it’s worse than that. Our lives are becoming a soap opera. Our best friend is falling for our long lost sister, who recently came back to life. I’m not sure I can take it,” Dean said, running a hand roughly through his hair. Sammy just smiled and shook his head.
You leaned up to poke your head between the seats and grinned. Oh, yeah. This definitely turned out to be a good day.
Part 2
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i-am-trash86 · 7 years
A Thomas Sanders/ Sanders Sides Fanfic: "The Untold Storytime"
Chapter 1
“I will end you..” The man growls, getting dangerously near Thomas. “No!” Morality shouts, along with all the others. I stood there, unable to move, or speak. “Don’t just stand there, do something!” Princey shouts. Logic, Morality, Princey, and Anxiety couldn’t do anything, they can’t break the barrier, no matter how much they wanted to. “I-I c-can’t..” I managed to choke out, and my breathing started to get quicker, along with my heart rate.
Wait. I bet you’re confused. Let me start from the beginning. It was a warm and sunny Saturday, and I found myself doing absolutely nothing, like always. I swore that I was going to continue to do absolutely nothing that day. Oh boy, was I wrong. “Sweetie?” My mom asked softly. “Yeah?” I called back to her. “Would you be a dear and go to the store and get me some bread and milk please?” My mom questioned. “But I was gonna do nothing today..” I complained.
“You do nothing every day.” My mom replied. “Fair, fine mom, I’ll go and get what you need me to get..” I say, getting up. I grabbed my car keys off of the counter. And I unlocked the door, waking out. I unlocked my car, getting in the drivers seat, and putting the key into the ignition, turning the car on. I bucked my seatbelt, backing out of the driveway.
I eventually arrived at the supermarket, about ten minutes later. I parked my car, and got out, walking into the supermarket, but not before locking my car. I walked in each aisle, looking for the specific items my mom asked me to get, and being the unhealthy girl I am, I ended up getting Doritos, Cheese its, barbecue chips, and root beer.
“Damn, I should really go on a diet soon.” I muttered to myself. I wheeled my shopping cart to the register, and the cashier started to scan my stuff, putting it in plastic bags, and back into my shopping cart. “That will be 75.50.” She said gloomily. I handed her the money, and I grabbed my stuff from the shopping cart and walked out the door. “Have a nice day.” She called to me. I snickered. ‘She probably hates her job’ I thought to myself, wondering why I found that so funny.
‘That reminds me, I don’t have a-’ my thoughts were interrupted, as I had crashed into something warm, falling onto the floor. I blinked, a bit shaken from the sudden spill to the floor. I looked up to see what, or rather WHO I had crashed into. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I’m clumsy and I-” I started, but the stranger interrupted me by letting out a hearty laugh. “It’s okay. Are you alright?” He asks me, reaching out his hand for me to take. I grab onto it and he pulls me up off the ground.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” I say, a small smile plastered onto my face. I pick up my bags that we’re currently on the floor. I feel something warm on my hand still there, and I look to see that the stranger and I’s hands were still intertwined. He quickly pulls away, followed by a nervous laugh. Something pops up from out of nowhere, and it looks almost like the stranger. Except, he has black eye shadow under his eyes, and is wearing all black.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Sanders.” He retorts. I let out a scream, falling to the floor once more. Another person who looks like the stranger appears, except he was wearing glasses, a black polo shirt, and a blue tie. “Anxiety, it wasn’t a good idea to appear in front of a stranger.” He corrects. “Guys… this isn’t helping the situation we’re in!” ‘Sanders’ exclaims, gesturing to me. I feel myself start to get light headed, and a bit dizzy.
Two more versions of him appear. One also has glasses, but was wear a blue polo shirt, and has a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders, and the other is wearing a white long sleeved shirt, with a red sash and something gold on his shoulder. “Son, what happened?” The one wearing the blue shirt asks. “I’m not your son, and-” he gets interrupted by the one wearing the red sash. “Hello there..” he says to me, smiling.
“U-uh… hi?” I manage to squeak out. The one wearing the blue tie steps closer to me, getting a good look at me. “She looks a bit pale..” he says, analyzing me. “Honey, are you okay?” The one with the blue shirt and cardigan asks me. I shake my head, as I feel myself getting even more dizzy. ‘Am I going crazy??’ I ask myself. “I think she’s gonna pass out.” The one with the eye shadow replies, and right on cue, I black out, falling to the floor.
Ahhhh! I finally did it! I wrote a FanFiction about @thatsthat24 !!! I really enjoyed writing this! And I hope you enjoyed reading it as well, until next time friends
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