#maintenance routine
flame-shadow · 9 months
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
beauty maintenance tips⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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get a necessary amount of sleep (8 hours or more) drink enough water for ur body and ur amount of movement that u do on a daily basis
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take supplements that are good and nourishing for ur body and focus on ur intake of fresh fruits and veggies and find a way to incorporate it into a balanced diet.
when using ur gua sha make sure to use a facial oil, i add a couple drops of facial oil into moisturizer OR i'll use the gua sha while i have an oil cleanser on my skin.
deep moisture overnight on ur lips, face, hands and feet.
use SPF on ur facial and body skin
use a sheet mask 1-2x a week
for the skin on ur hands, i recommend dry brushing ur hands and using some leftover facial serum or oils on ur hands, keep ur cuticles moisturized and moisturize ur hands also.
i apply my mascara in a wiggling motion, in a kind of horizontal motion (->) like that.
coat lashes with mascara vertically before horizontally 
let that layer dry 
and do two layers
use a body scrub before u shave and when ur out of the shower moisturize with a body oil before u use a cream/body butter. use lip scrubs and lip masks for softer and smoother lips.
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itsroxie · 2 years
Pov: Morning routine ☀️
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(Pics are not mine) ❣️
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dduane · 7 months
OK, brief posting hiatus...
Going off to get autumn/winter COVID booster & flu shot. :) Then probably lunch.
ETA: Back in late afternoon. Shots got, shopping done. A bit weary, but no other significant side effects. One of @petermorwood's biceps is a bit hot, but that's it.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Morning Routine: How To Start Your Day With Dark Feminine Energy
Rise in a matching pajama set or night dress. Indulge options made from silk, satin, lace, or cashmere in the colder months.
Wake up with a tall glass of water. Add lemon, if desired.
Vitalize your skin with a well-curated, short skincare routine that's perfect for your skin type and concerns (don't forget sunscreen).
Listen to music that awakens your body and spirit. Dance, EDM, or pop music are all great options. Look for 'happy,' 'productive,' or 'baddie' playlists for your enjoyment.
Brew a cup of luscious coffee or tea to energize your day.
Meditate for 5-10 minutes. Life becomes so much more effortless when you just breathe.
Write out your top 3 affirmations and goals. Bonus points for listing 3 things you're grateful for today.
If you have 10-20 minutes, read some text that inspires you or a couple of articles related to your industry or interests to get your brain powered up for the day.
Get dressed in an outfit that makes you feel your best. Try tailored trousers, your favourite jeans, silk skirt, button-down blouse, blazer, or a leather jacket for the office. A matching knit or cashmere set is perfect for WFH. Don't forget the accessories (slippers, too, if remote).
Perform your morning beauty ritual – makeup, hair, perfume. Find what works for you to help you feel confident and beautiful for the rest of the day.
Eat a wholesome, plant-based breakfast. Oatmeal with fruit and seeds, natural peanut butter, and avocado toast are all great options.
Review and revise your most important tasks, meetings, and to-do list for the day. Time block similar tasks and admin routines like email and updating spreadsheets.
Practice self-care and discipline to reap success. Once you master a routine that feels good, your desires and dream life become your destiny.
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oceane4loveu · 6 months
kpop idols workout routine
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Hanni Workout
•30 sec crunch
•30 sec 90 degree crunch
•30 sec plank
•30 sec rocking plank
•30 sec plank twist (each side)
•30 sec bicycle crunch
•30 sec mountain climbers
Le sserafim workout
•100 jumping jacks
•4 x 25 burpees
•2 x 10 jump squats
•1 song plank crawl
•2 x 10 plank up and down
•2 x 10 plank twist
•75 crunches
Kazuha Workout
•20 leg raise
•20 scissor kicks
•20 leg stretch
•20 Russian twist
•20 plank twist
•20 side leg crunch (each side)
Karina Workout
•10 x 2 sumo squats
•10 x 2 wide squats
•10 squats 12 hip abduction (each side)
•15 donkey kicks (each side)
•12 side plank dip (each side)
•10 burpee
wonyoung Workout
•30 sec leg raise
•30 sec leg circle (each side)
•30 sec tree (each side)
•30 sec glute bridge
•30 sec swan
•30 sec side band (each side)
•30 sec thigh stretch
Jungkook workout
•20 squats
•20 push-ups
•20 jump squats
•10 planks
•20 mountain climbers
•15 burpees
•20 crunches
•20 leg lifts
•20 Superman's
Jennie Pilates Workout
•30s | WUNDATWISTS (left)
•30s | WUNDATWISTS (right)
•30s | SIDE KICK KNEELING (right)
•30s | SIDE KICK KNEELING (left)
15 seconds BREAK
•30s | DOWNWARD DOG LEG LIFT (right)
•30s | DOWNWARD DOG AB CRUCH (right)
15 seconds BREAK
•30s | ONE LEGGED WHEEL (right)
•30s | ONE LEGGED WHEEL (left)
•30s | BOW POSE
•30s | DANCER POSE (right)
•30s | DANCER POSE (left)
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thingsinlife990 · 8 months
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Getting back on track 🥒🕯️🛁🗒️🫖🍵🏃🏽‍♀️
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darlingdisfunctional · 2 months
AO3 IS DOWN 😭😭😭😭
immediately headed here for the ao3 tag
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luxe-pauvre · 10 months
Repetition is a component of all ascetic traditions, and I like to think that my own habits constitute something like a spiritual discipline. My nature bends toward listlessness and disorder. Resolving to do the same thing each day, at the same time, has given my life a center, insulating me from the siren song of novelty and distraction that has caused me so much unhappiness in the past. I live a monotonous life, which is not to say a tedious one. (I believe, with Rilke, that those who find life dull are not poet enough to call forth its riches.) And I imagine that these tightly circumscribed days are radiating, with each turn of the circle, into widening arcs, amounting to a life whose ties are deeper, whose direction is more certain.
Meghan O’Gieblyn, Routine Maintenance
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hamaonoverdrive · 17 days
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make up a girl (or two or three or..) and
➡Join the 2024 Yuri Shipping Olympics!⬅
The @yuriolympics are an event to create and celebrate F/F works. This is the second year the event is being run and we'd love to have YOU join Team OCs, the defending champions!
Personally I had a ton of fun creating for this event last year, and the community has been a great source of creative energy and encouragement.
Sign up here! And join the discord!
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regal-bones · 1 year
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Um beep boop ?? 💕
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2hot444this · 8 months
Skin care 101
Know that you don't need a 10-step, expensive skincare routine for a good skin. But, you can do the bare minimum like--
#1 Stop touching your face. I don't get why people complain about acne and skin problems when they keep picking on their face, rubbing their nasty hands all over their face.
#2 Wash your face if you get sweaty. Don't wipe it with napkins/hand kerchiefs.
#3 Never pop/pick on your pimples. And there's nothing to hide either.
#4 Stay hydrated! Don't overdo it though. Drink a litre of water (on an empty stomach) right after you wake up. Your blood will actually be filtered by your kidneys more efficiently because it's more diluted. Then drink water as per your requirement in small instalments throughout the day. And after you come back from school/work drink a litre again. Do not over do it-- people have actually died. Never restrain from using the rest room.
#5 Off topic but never drink water right after your meal. Your stomach's pH value will be lowered and leads to indigestion.
#6 Consult a dermatologist. Don't self diagnose by these home-made DIY creams, face packs etc.
#6 Exfoliate 2x a week. You can take a handful of sugar and rub it along w/ your soap on your body.
#7 Invest in a gua sha tool if you can or just do face massage w/ your hands. It really works !
#8 Ain't nothing beats a good diet. Eat them fruits and veggies. I fixed my diet and it fixed everything in my life, not even kidding.
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dailydivergent · 4 months
Friendly Reminder that your morning/evening routine should change often.
I'm not even going to say "will change often" because it also should.
Your routines should change slightly when:
You memorize your current routine (add something to it!)
You realize you always skip something in your routine (delete it!)
You see something on TikTok (try it!)
Your friend shows you something (try it!)
You try something new and like it (add it!)
You try something new and don't like it (delete it!)
You get my point.
As you grow and change, it's natural for your routines to, too.
They should change.
It means you're growing.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Nighttime Routine
Prime your space for rest and sensual relaxation. Lean into your seductive, dark feminine energy. Set the tone to pursue self-care and pleasure after hours. 
Wash Off The Day: Get out of your mind and into your body. Transition into the evening with a luscious shower (or bath) to help you feel your best. Use your favorite shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating scrub, and body wash that suit your hair and skin type. Savor the various scents, steam, and the blissful feeling of clean, smooth skin. Follow up your shower with a body lotion and a hair leave-in conditioner. Make sure they’re hydrating. Enjoy the lingering scent. Change into a silk robe or matching loungewear set in a luxurious fabric – satin, lace, or cashmere – that glides over your freshly pampered skin. Prioritizing yourself is sexy. 
Listen To A Seductive Playlist: Create a rich, indulgent and serene environment. Depending on the mood (or how early you start your nighttime routine), tune into a playlist of sensual, slowed-down songs, a French playlist to unleash your inner je ne sais quoi, a slowed-down playlist, or an extended mediation music video to tap into your feminine energy. A few recommendations are below: 
French Evening Playlists:  Playlist 1, Playlist 2, Playlist 3
Slowed & Seductive Playlists: Playlist 1, Playlist 2, Playlist 3, Playlist 4
Divine/Dark Feminine Energy Meditations: Meditation 1, Meditation 2,  Meditation 3
Do Your Skincare Routine: Build an evening skincare routine that feels like a relaxing ritual (and also offers lasting results). Find a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer that works for your skin type. Consider using skin-nourishing products like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C serum, retinol, and eye cream. Exfoliate your face 2-3 times a week. Use a rich, hydrating face mask once a week. Add a jade or quartz roller to your routine to massage your skin, release any tension, and debloat your face from the day. Do your skincare routine in the following order: Cleanser, Toner, Serum(s), Eye Cream, Spot Treatment, Moisturizer, and Face Oil. Try using disposable face cloths to prevent bacteria from causing breakouts. My favorite ones are linked HERE (they have an exfoliating side, too). 
Make Some Tea: Indulge all your senses. Steep some bedtime or ‘sleepy time’ tea. Options with notes like vanilla, cinnamon, almond, cocoa, and chai offer a luscious and spicy aroma to help you embrace your sensuality (and satisfy any cravings before bed). 
Indulge In A Creative Outlet: Add to your vision board on Pinterest, spend a few minutes browsing on Tumblr, draw, or write some artful prose – tap into your late-night creativity and imagination. Clear this brain space for a more enjoyable evening and better sleep. 
Journal For 20 Minutes: Write out your feelings on a blank page or use a guided journal prompt. Practice some shadow work if you’re up to it. My favorite shadow work journal is linked HERE. 
Stretch & Meditate: Take 5 minutes – on your couch or bed – to do some light, full-body stretches and a 5-10 minute meditation to relax your body and mind. 
Read A Book: Choose a captivating philosophy, psychology, self-help, or a spicy novel. Try to read at least 10 pages daily to seduce your mind one last time before bed.
Make Bedtime Alluring: Have comfortable, loose pajamas, soft and clean sheets – both in smooth, luxurious fabrics – grazing your skin. Keep the room cool. Use a cashmere-scented, lavender, or chamomile pillow spray if you choose. Indulge in self-pleasure to help relax your muscles. Recount joyous memories to soothe your mind, help you unwind, and ease into a restful slumber. 
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oceane4loveu · 7 months
Can you give tips for those who can't follow a routine? Please? 💝
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Associate your new habit with an action already present in your daily routine. For example, you want to meditate, associate it with your morning routine after brushing your teeth. by linking the new habit to an already established habit, you facilitate its integration.
Integrate new habits gradually into your routine. Try adding one new habit at a time, instead of changing everything at once. This will allow you to adapt gradually and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Useful visual reminders or alarms to help you remember your tasks and routine. You can use reminder apps or post-it notes to help you.
find a routine that fits your schedule and preferences. create a routine that suits you and that you can really stick to; don't force yourself to follow a routine that doesn't suit you. simplify your routine because if it is too complex or demanding it can be difficult to maintain.
create a progressive routine, start with small steps and gradually add new habits to your routine that will allow you to gradually adapt.
I hope I was able to help you 💗💗💗I also have two applications to recommend: myRoutine and DAYOL, these are really the two applications that I use on a daily basis to plan my days, perhaps they will be able to to help too💗💗
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thingsinlife990 · 8 months
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Monday routine 💤
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