#like it's still pretty simple and shallow but at a glance it looks like what you see the first time you enter a shop is all there is to it
dantheman-neo · 1 year
should probably post the introduction page here. go check it out it took a lot of effort
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley realizes why you started running hot and then cold with him. He makes sure he remedies the situation with you. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley was counting down the minutes until he could leave work on Monday. The sporadic, slightly flirtatious texts between you and him Saturday night and all day Sunday were driving him wild. 
He couldn't fucking wait to see you. He kept imagining how you would react to him in person now, especially after what you texted him this morning.
You should wear your hat backwards later today. That looked good on you.
Really, nothing about that was dirty, but it seemed to have that type of effect on him. Plus it meant that you were thinking about him, which left him grinning.  
"Rooster, look alive, man," Jake told him, slapping him in the chest with a copy of the newest F/A-18 flight manual. Bradley grunted as the massive book made contact, and he glared at Jake. "What's got you distracted? Excited about all the MILFs you're going to see later? I wish Bob had asked me to coach with him."
Bradley just shook his head. "Moms aren't my type. Too complicated." He just wished he still believed himself when he said it.
Then he settled into the seat next to Nat, ready for a long lecture about his aircraft, his imagination drifted to you. He imagined the three of you at the Phillies game, all in matching backwards hats. There was no doubt in his mind that he'd like the way you looked with a hat that way, too.
Maverick's voice droned on in the background, and Bradley was pretty sure the information he was giving would be useful to know, so he forced his mind back to the present.
Once they were all dismissed, Bradley headed to the locker room to change out of his khaki uniform. When he glanced over at Bob, he chuckled. 
"You know, we could wear our uniforms to practice one day. Drive the moms wild," Bradley said as he unbuttoned his shirt. 
Bob just shook his head. "None of them know I'm in the Navy, and I don't plan on telling them."
"Oh," Bradley said as he unzipped his pants. "I did tell one of them that we're aviators."
Bob laughed lightly. "Let me guess, Everett's mom?"
Bradley decided not to reply. He just shrugged and pulled on his Tiny Eagles tee shirt and gym shorts. Then he pulled his worn out Phillies cap onto his head. Backwards. 
"I'll see you over at the ballfield," he told Bob as he exited the locker room and headed for the Bronco. 
There was just something about you. Yeah, you were pretty. But lots of women were pretty. Yeah, he liked the way your body looked. But the female form was something that never failed to get him going. 
He wanted to flirt with you. He wanted to make you warm. He wanted to wear his ratty, old Phillies hat the way you liked it. Which was just a terrible idea, since dating a mom was not on his agenda. Even sleeping with someone who came with baggage was something he avoided at all costs, whenever he could. 
Bradley mentally scolded himself for even briefly believing that a sweet kid like Everett could be considered baggage. He wasn't quite that shallow. But he liked his life simple. 
Perhaps he should have kept the phone number of that woman from the bar. 
He coasted into his usual parking spot and made his way toward the ballfield. He stretched and ran the bases a few times, basking in the early evening sunlight. When Bob arrived, they tossed a ball back and forth for a few minutes until the kids started to arrive.
"You miss playing," Bob said with a smile. "Why don't you play with the officers rec league?"
Bradley shrugged after he threw the ball to Bob one last time and removed his glove. "Because, no offense, but they suck."
Bob laughed loudly. "I resent that! I play center field!" 
Bradley just grinned. "I know you do. Listen, I wanted to play pro ball until I was twenty-one years old. And while I love being an aviator, I am still good at baseball."
"Coach Bradley!" called Everett as he came streaking across the field. 
"Hey, kiddo. You get lots of rest over the weekend? Ready to play?" he asked the kid, tugging down the bill of his cap and making him laugh.
But then Bradley saw you.
Okay, this was a problem. The whole text thread between the two of you was playing in his mind now as he watched you walk across the grass, hopping on one foot as you changed out of your high heels as you went. You were wearing a plain gray suit and trying to talk on the phone while you juggled your shoes and Everett's gear bag.
You looked complicated as hell at the moment. This was a problem, because Bradley's mind was telling him he suddenly liked complicated. 
"Start warming up with Coach Bob," Bradley told Everett as he patted him on the head. That same warm sunlight that had felt so perfect on Bradley's skin was illuminating your face and hair, and he was already looking at you when he saw your eyes catch on him.
"I need to go, Frank. We can figure it out later," you said, pulling your phone away from your ear and ending the call.
"Hi." Bradley's voice was laced with everything he really wanted to say to you in person but didn't think he should.
"Coach," you replied softly, your long lashes fluttering against your cheeks as you closed your eyes for a beat.
"You give any more thought to the merits of sitting behind home plate versus sitting in the outfield?" Bradley asked softly, just for you to hear. 
The way your lips parted wordlessly as you played with your hair had him grinning. You crinkled up your nose in that way he already loved as you looked down at the field. "Are you really serious about going to the game with Ev and I?"
He wasn't actually completely sure before this moment, but now he was. "Yeah. Of course I'm serious. Should I ask Everett where he wants to sit? Since you don't seem to care? And since I'll have an equally good view of you from any seat?"
This time when you raised your eyes to meet his, he could feel them examine every inch of his chest and arms and the scars along his neck. Your gaze didn't move from his mouth as you whispered, "You're making me flustered." Then your eyes met his, and Bradley could feel your hesitation that wasn't evident through texting. 
"I'd love to be responsible for that. You look cute when you're flustered."
Your eyes went wide as you muttered, "And you look cute with your hat like that."
The sound of Bob's whistle had both of you jumping so that you almost collided. Bradley could hear you mutter, "Oh shit," as you pressed your hand to your forehead and turned away from him to find a seat on the bleachers. And try as he may, he couldn't seem to catch your eye at all during practice. 
You were embarrassed. Coach Bradley and all of his flirty text messages were making you silly. 
He really seemed to want to take you and Ev to a baseball game. He had told you twice that the best seat in the house would be one where he was looking at you. 
Nothing was ever going to be that easy for you though. As soon as Everett spent a Sunday afternoon watching baseball and eating ice cream with his coach, he was going to want that to happen all the time. 
You were afraid you were going to want it all the time too. You were so attracted to Bradley. The way he flirted with you was subtle and yet intentional, and it left you craving more from him already. 
How much was he willing to give? How available was he? How available were you? Frank wanted to get together with you again this week, but you didn't know if you'd be able to get a sitter for Everett. You didn't know if you wanted to see Frank outside of work anymore either. 
But you could imagine sitting at Petco Park eating nachos and drinking a beer with Bradley while Ev ate ice cream out of a tiny plastic helmet.
"Fuck," you groaned, forcing your attention to remain on Everett even though you could practically feel Bradley's eyes on you. 
Everett was better at tee ball than you had expected him to be. He managed to hit the ball over Bob's head pretty consistently, and you cheered for him when he turned and looked toward you. This is what he needed; an outlet for all of this energy and some male role models. 
When practice ended and Bob announced that each child could come up and get their jersey for Saturday's game against the Tiny Hawks, Everett was practically vibrating with excitement. 
"Mommy, I get a jersey just like the ones the coaches wear!"
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You sure do. Listen for your name."
When Bradley called his name, Everett went sprinting up to get his jersey, and you watched Bradley help him put it on over his shirt. Then he sprinted back to you and hugged you around your middle.
"Let's get going, sweetie. You must be hungry," you said, tossing his equipment into the bag, trying to make a hasty exit. You didn't want to continue your conversation with Bradley, because you were so mixed up at the moment. 
And that's when you heard him talking to Henry's mom. 
"Coach Bradley. I was hoping we could exchange phone numbers, just in case you ever needed any extra help with anything."
"Uh, sure, Sandra. Our Team Mom probably has everything under control, but what's your number?"
You shoved Everett's cleats into the bag and rushed him through getting his sneakers on. And all the while you heard Sandra offering her help with anything he might need. The worst part was the way she was rubbing Bradley's arm when you decided to glance in their direction. 
"Let's go," you told Everett, ready to make a run for your car. How embarrassing! You'd flirted with your kid's tee ball coach over text all weekend, and now he was lining up Sandra, who was of course fucking gorgeous.
Gross. You felt jealous. You never felt jealous. Danny had been cheating on you for the last year or so of your marriage, and you'd never felt this way! You'd been mostly content knowing that you had Everett to make it all worth it. 
So this felt wrong. The cold envious feeling seeping under your skin. Just wrong.
The two of you almost made it to your car, and of course, like an idiot, you had parked next to the Bronco again.
"Hey!" Bradley called, closing the distance as he jogged up. "I didn't get to say goodbye." He high fived Everett next to your car, and then you ushered Ev into the backseat. 
"So, I'll see you on Thursday?" Bradley asked, ducking his head a little bit, trying to get you to meet his eyes. 
"Yes," you told him, grasping your door handle. But he only let it swing open a few inches before he caught it in his massive hand.
"What's wrong?" he asked you softly. 
You sighed and met his eyes. "I thought we originally exchanged numbers just to talk about team business."
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "Yeah... we can make it just team business, if you want. But I obviously wanted you to be the Team Mom. And I was kind of enjoying the more...personal chit chat."
You scoffed. "I get it. I do. But if you want to exchange numbers and have personal chit chat with all of the moms who are clearly interested in you, then maybe you and I should keep it businesslike." 
When you wrenched the door open another foot, he didn't stop you this time. But he still gently closed it for you.
The next morning, you felt a lot better. Bradley hadn't texted you, and you weren't about to text him. It was honestly better this way. He could flirt with Sandra as much as he wanted to, and now you didn't have to worry about anything except whatever was strictly required of the Team Mom.
When Frank knocked on your door at lunchtime, you had just finished up a project. So you let him come in, and soon he was kissing you. It felt pretty good, so you let him unbutton your shirt as well. 
"Baby, how about a quickie?" he whispered next to your ear before kissing your neck. 
That didn't sound too bad. Now that you had rid your system of yearning for Coach Bradley.
"Okay," you whispered when he started kissing the tops of your breasts and caressing your sides. You unzipped your suit pants and slid them down your hips along with your underwear while Frank pulled a condom out of his wallet and locked your door.
Bent over your desk with your cheek pressed to the smooth wood surface, you let your eyes drift closed. And that was a big mistake. Because it was too easy to imagine a backward cap, a mustache and a deep, raspy voice in your ear. 
You felt him slide inside you, stretching your pussy in the process. It felt so much better than it usually did, you had to bite your lip to suppress a moan. Then he was moving, and you could practically smell sweat, spicy deodorant, and the freshly watered grass of the infield. Is this how it would feel to be bent over the wooden bleachers and fucked by Bradley? His mustache grazing the back of your neck as he whispered those flirtatious text messages to you? 
Hands gripped your hips, squeezing you tight as your pussy was filled over and over. He would love taking you from the back like this, quick and dirty. Unrelenting. 
You were gasping now, your lungs tight with each breath as you imagined his voice. You look cute when you're flustered.
"Oh," you groaned, and the pressure increased bit by bit. "Oh!"
He'd fuck you so good. He'd take care of everything you wanted. He'd press his mustache to your pussy, rubbing you until you cried. He'd finger you while he drove you around in his Bronco. You could picture it all so clearly. Feel it seamlessly.
Legs shaking, you fucked yourself back against him, wanting as much pressure as you could get. Then you felt it, and you knew it was going to be good. Your orgasm washed over you quickly, and you lifted your head off your desk, suddenly alert. 
You were with Frank. You were coming so fucking hard on Frank's dick while you thought about another man. 
"Oh! Fuck! Ohhhh," you moaned, completely shocked, totally stunned. It felt like you had been with Bradley. And now you were conscious of all the noises Frank was making as he blew his load into the condom. 
You stood with your back to him and quickly started to get your clothes in order with shaking hands. 
"Sounded like you really enjoyed that, baby," Frank said, and you could hear the smug smile in his voice.
Hell yes, you had enjoyed it, but not because of him.
"I have a lot of work to do," you muttered, rubbing your hands along your burning hot neck. 
"Let's do this again later this week," Frank told you, kissing your cheek before he left.
You dropped into your seat and spent the entire afternoon thinking about what you had done.
It took Bradley until Tuesday to realize what he had done wrong. You must have heard or seen Sandra with him. Fuck. He was just trying to be as accommodating as he could without telling Henry's mom to back off; he'd have to see her multiple times per week for eight more weeks!
But you'd gone from a simmering warmth with him to frosty cold on a dime. And that must have been why.
He didn't know how to make it up to you, and he didn't want to text you since you'd told him no more personal talk.
So he waited until Thursday at practice. When you pulled into the parking lot, you avoided the spot next to his Bronco. And you and Everett stayed in your car until practice was about to start, hustling across the grass at the last possible minute. 
You were not going to make this easy for him.
Everett came running over to join the rest of the team just as Bob was dividing the kids into two groups. But Bradley could only focus on you. Your hair was swept up today, exposing your graceful neck, and you were wearing a black pencil skirt with a tight blouse tucked into it. You seem to have forgotten your beat up sneakers today, because you were walking around the field on tiptoes so your heels wouldn't get ruined. 
You looked smoking hot, and you were not sparing a single glance in his direction. 
"Bradley!" Bob called. "Focus."
"Right, sorry," Bradley replied, reluctantly taking his spot behind home plate where he couldn't spend the next hour looking at you. 
He watched the kids go through the batting order, and then had them start practicing in the field. They were actually pretty good, and Bob was always such a calm presence that they responded really well to him. Bradley thought they would do well against the Tiny Hawks in two days. 
Once the kids were dismissed, Bradley followed Everett to the bleachers, and on the way he asked, "Is it cool if I walk you and your mom to the car again, kiddo?"
"Yeah! My mom would like that too!"
Bradley wasn't so sure, but now at least he had his in with you. 
"Hi," you said as Bradley approached, and he watched you kneel down in that tight skirt, his mind going to the filthiest places imaginable. If you turned and looked at him over his shoulder, he would probably end up embarrassing himself. 
"Hi," he rasped, pressing his lips together as you helped your son change his shoes. "Everett said it would be cool if I walked with you two up to the parking lot."
"Whatever," you said without looking at him. So Bradley walked up with Everett between you and him as usual. 
"What do you do in the Navy?" the kid asked him. 
"I fly airplanes," Bradley told him. "And I wear all these cool pins so people know I'm a Lieutenant."
"What's a loo-tent?" Everett asked, and Bradley saw you trying to hide your grin.
"Nothing, really. It's just a fancy word for someone who still has to salute to pretty much everybody else." 
Now you were biting your lip as Everett tried to pronounce Bradley's rank over and over again until the three of you reached your car. Bradley opened the back door and placed the gear back on the floor as Everett scampered in, but then he put a firm hand against the driver's door so you couldn't open it. 
"Hear me out?" Bradley asked, and your eyes finally met his. Your eye makeup made them look impossibly big, and he could feel the saliva pooling at the back of his tongue. 
"About what?" you asked softly, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I think I gave you the wrong impression about who I have and have not been talking to in my free time. Sandra did give me her number, but I will only text her back if she needs information directly related to the Tiny Eagles." 
Your lips parted, but you didn't say anything so he continued.
"And yeah, as soon as you volunteered to be Team Mom, I was jumping at the chance to get your number. But can you blame me?"
"You were?" you asked, a look of disbelief on your face. But when he ducked down to meet your eyes and nodded, you ducked to the side and crinkled your nose.
"Yeah, Kitten. I was. So you can put your claws away now."
You sucked in a breath, and your arms fell loosely to your sides as you looked at him. All embarrassment was gone as your expression softened and your pupils went wide. "Did you just call me Kitten?"
"Mmhmm. You've got some claws on you, yeah? And you scrunch your nose up like a cat. Cutest thing I've ever seen."
Bradley's body was humming, and the look of pure desire on your face as you inched closer to him had him aching.
"Are you going to keep calling me Kitten?" you whispered, your eyes lazily taking in his lips and mustache.
"You liked that." He was telling you, not asking. 
You were the one nodding this time, and Bradley bit back a groan as your fingers teased the back of his hand. "And which would you prefer I call you? Coach Bradley or Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
Bradley did audibly groan this time. "You're trouble, Kitten."
"You didn't answer my question." You were smirking now, desire mixing with boldness in your eyes. 
"You can call me anything you want."
You nodded up at him, such a smug look on your face as you reached behind you and opened your car door. Bradley watched you gracefully ease yourself onto your seat. 
"I'll see you on Saturday," he whispered, and then he cleared his throat. "Can't wait for our first game, kiddo," he added a bit louder, smiling at Everett in the backseat.
"Bye, coach!" he called to Bradley.
"Yeah, bye, coach," you added, and Bradley closed your door softly. 
As you pulled away, he started to make the long walk back to the bleachers to grab his own gear with a smile on his face.
Coach and Kitten! Ahhh! Big thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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Touch What You Love - Batboys x Reader Headcanon
I'm late to this trend but it's the one where people ask their partner to touch the parts of their body that they love. And PS, your body is perfect :)
Jason Todd
- Jason's gaze was usually trained on you, even when you were too busy starring at you phone
- But, he couldn't help but grin when your eyes finally met his
- "Jay, you wanna play a fun game?" you bit your lip as he nodded, twisting on the couch to face you "Well Gamemaster? What is it?" he replied
- You took each of his hands in yours, his palms completely covering your entire hand, his fingers brushing the inside of your wrist "I want you to touch your favorite parts of me" you whispered, looking up from your hands to meet his cloudy eyes
- "All of you" he muttered, his hands practically burning as he slid them up your forearm, curving to caress your shoulders, and slowing as his hands wrapped delicately around your neck
- "Right here especially" his voice deepened, fingers pressing pressure points that made you inhale sharply
- "Can't forget these" he smirked, dragging his middle finger across your bottom lip, applying enough pressure to push your lips apart, your shallow breaths pushing and pulling until he lowered his grasp back to your chin, tilting it upwards so your gaze met his
- "Every part of you the sunlight can touch I love, and ever part it cannot, I cherish even more," his voice was deep, but soulful, like he knew you needed to hear it with ever fibre of his being, his fingers having slid under your shirt to delicately trace up your sides
- At your loss for words, he leaned back, letting the tight, heavy air dissipate as he added "Okay now you do the same, but if it's not, you know, (he glanced down) I'm gonna be pretty damn offended." You couldn't help but laugh, heart still fluttering from his previous remark.
Tim Drake
- "Timmy, will you humor me with something?" you grinned as he spun around from his chair, getting up to plop himself next to you on his bed
- "Anything for you!" he cooed, tucking a stray piece of hair back into place.
- You smiled, "Okay, it's this TikTok trend where you ask your boyfriend to touch his favorite parts of you." you tilted your phone so Tim could watch a video of a couple, the boyfriend instantly grabbing at his partner's ass
- "Very crass Y/n, if you wanted to be held you could've asked" he yawned, but you stopped him, saying "No, like your favorite parts, what makes me special?" And you noticed his demeanor change when he realized how serious you were
- His hands immediately cupped your face, his pointer fingers tapping your temple
- "Here. Everything in here I cannot touch. Every one of your passions, the way you love people, your selflessness. I love you when you're mad, when you're anxious, and when you cannot love yourself." he whispered confidently, a slightly smile tugging at the corner of his lips
- his hands moved to hold your own, he said "I love these hands. The way they protect, hold, and cherish the things that make you happy. God, I love seeing you smile" he grinned, his right hand holding your cheek while you tugged thoughtlessly on his left hand, squirming under his gaze
- "I should say I love what's in here" he mumbled, tapping on your chest to signify your heart, "but we are both smart enough to know your true love comes from here" he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
- "Any man could take one look at your perfection and know they want you" he said, his eyes dragged up and down your figure. "I guess Im lucky you chose to let me find the perfection they cannot see" he leaned in to kiss you, your heart bursting with pride and love for your sweet boy
Damian Wayne
- "Dames, what are the odds you do another tiktok trend with me?" you put on your best puppy dog eyes as he scoffed
- "Beloved, as long as you promise it has absolutely no dancing I would be willing to attempt a simple trend-" he groaned in response before you interrupted saying "Perfect!"
- Crossing the room you were now both seated on a couch facing one another. You began "okay, the trend is you touch your favorite parts of my body."
- he starred at you beyond confused. "What constitutes favorite? The most physically pleasing or appealing? The most unique details? You must be more specific my love" to which you rolled your eyes, "I should've known you'd need an example" you giggled before cupping his cheek in your hand
- "I love your eyes Dames, to everyone else they can be so cold and piercing but when you look at me I feel like I'm home, and I swear I can feel the way you love me every time you look at me" you grinned, watching him squirm under your doting gaze and affection
- "I see the idea, and I must thank you Beloved, you know how much your kindness means to me" Damian began, reaching for your right hand, holding it with both of his
- "I have always noticed the little things. The way you fidget with your nails, or reach for me when I'm upset. I love the way you hold me, it reminds me I'm valued, needed, and your grasp reminds me I'm home." he sighed, shoulders relaxing as you threw your arms around him
- "Oh Damian Im happy to be your home, you're my home too." You beamed, lacing your fingers with his while you happily opened tiktok once again
- "I still refuse to participate in any more dances Beloved, but I quite liked this one concept" he grumbled, letting you settle into his chest as he watched you begin mindlessly scrolling through new videos "You really aren't gonna forgive me for the renegade are you?" you teased as he shook his head in response
Dick Grayson
- Dick burst through your apartment door, "Babe! Saw your tiktok, let's do this shit!" he hurried up to you while you stood frozen in shock having just sent the cute new trend less than 10 minutes ago
- "Um, the touching one? Right now?" you laughed slightly, still confused at his excited tone
- "Uhhh yeah? You're crazy if you think I'm passing up an opportunity to feel up the love of my life!" he cooed. "Spin, let me decide where my first place trophy is headed" he winked, swirling his pointer finger to encourage your spin
- "Dick, it's been 10 minutes. I'm not spinning again." You said exasperated as Dick's eyes bore into you.
- "You don't get it sweetheart! How do I select my all time MVP body part when everywhere I look is perfection! On my way over, I was like 'ass for sure' but then I got here and noticed your lips and goddamn they're prime for kissing. But then I thought about how I'm totally a thigh guy, or should I stick to my roots and choose your eyes, they were the first thing I noticed after all and I-" he rambled before you cut him off "okay, you win, you can tie all of it but at least come kiss me" you groaned
- with a triumphant grin he swept you into his embrace, pecking your lips before pressing a kiss on each cheek, continuing down your neck, to your chest, where he paused "new game. I touch every part I love, over, and over again. If you know what I mean" he winked, carrying you bridal style towards your bedroom while you laughed uncontrollably at his tickling kisses
- "Don't you have anywhere better to be Richard! I was about to make dinner!" you teased, fully enjoying his affection
- "I'm about to be between your legs, and I firmly believe there is no place on earth I would rather be darling"
~ hope you enjoyed! i read all comments/reblogs!~
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sailorkamino · 11 months
relatonships: geraskier x magic!reader [tangled au]
word count: 1.8k
summary: your village believed you to be born cursed and would have killed you, if not for stragobor. you've spent your whole life locked away in a tower but now you've got a chance for freedom in the form of a bard, a witcher, and an pretty horse.
warnings: stragobor, emotionally abusive parent, gaslighting, anti witcher prejudice, death/murder, pre relationship, emotional support dogs
a/n: my first time writing for the witcher! what do you think? i might turn this into a series <3
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Spring is coming so you’re making new outfits for your beloved hounds. Which isn’t at all depressing no matter what that one judgemental bird thinks. Anyways you’re using golden yellow fabric for Honeysuckle and cool blue for Periwinkle. As is customary.
Then you sense them. Strangers. You become almost dizzy with fear and excitement. A type of desperation only experienced when you live in a forced solitude. You make your way to the window, desperate for a glance. It’s not like they’ll be able to see you. Your entire tower is invisible to outsiders.
“Hey, look at this tower.”
You choke on air. Your dogs leap from your bed to check on you (still in their winter sweaters.) You hold your breath as two people and a horse step into the clearing. Then you meet yellow cat-like eyes and you’re diving to the floor with a startled noise.
“Careful. Magic.”
One of them is mumbling but it’s drowned out by the sound of your rapid heart. Honeysuckle whines in concern, licking your face. Periwinkle takes a protective stance over both of you, growling out the window.
Father has always told you witchers are bloodthirsty savages. They’ll kill any innocent being for a profit. They know no morals, only violence. When you were born under a black sun your religious village wanted you dead. Father hid you away for protection. You’re not looking to relieve the witch hunt experience.
You mentally poke at the witcher, feeling out his aura. He doesn’t seem particularly beastly. Animals tend to be more shallow than people, all instincts and simple emotions. Surprisingly he doesn’t feel that.
A part of you has always questioned your father's prejudice. You stopped voicing it but the concerns remained. Father hates witchers because they kill beasts. If monsters can be good, why can’t witchers? An old argument resurfaces in your memory.
“Have you listened to a word I’ve said, child?” Father asks angrily. “You cry when a rat dies yet defend butchers.” You look away, embarrassed by his mocking tone.
“This is why you stay in this tower. You’re too naïve for the outside world.”
You wonder if that’s the real reason he keeps you locked away. You’re capable of defending yourself now. So is he really protecting you? Or is he protecting the world? All because you were born under a black sun. Why must you be punished for being different? Why must witchers?
You think of the villagers who looked at a crying orphan and saw a threat. Who saw killing an infant as a lesser evil. You don’t want to be like that. Privately you wonder why your mentor sees compassion as a weakness but you’ve learnt it’s better to agree with him. “Yes father. I’m sorry.”
“No need to fear us. I’m Jaskier the bard, master of the seven liberal arts, and this is my companion, Geralt of Rivia! Could you give us directions to the nearest town?” The colorful man calls out.
Your heart races until you feel dizzy. So this is the butcher. The most beastly and cruel of all the witchers. He’s… underwhelming to say the least. Certainly least nightmarish and more dreamy than you imagined. But you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. You take a calming breath, petting your hounds to ground yourself.
The primal fear inside of you is wrestling with your desire for a real life conversation with a stranger. This could be your chance to hear both sides of what happened in Blaviken. Father always says you’re too naïve but only tells you his point of view. You’re almost sick with nerves when you blurt out rather loudly, “I wouldn't know. I’ve never been in the forest before.”
There’s a long pause and you can sense confusion. Have you already messed up? You don't want them to leave. Well the witcher can go, but the colorful one seems nice. You pop your head back into view, “I don’t leave my tower. I’m sorry. I… like your horse.” Compliments make you friends right?
“Don’t leave or can’t?” A much gruffer voice asks. You shiver. (He didn’t even say thank you for the compliment, how rude.)
“I’m safe here.” The words sound unconvincing to your own ears. You tell yourself it's because of fear. Not because you’re beginning to question them.
“Who says?”
“My father.”
They share a concerned look. You bite your lip in embarrassment. It sounds quite childish when you say it out loud. But you’ve been persecuted before, you aren’t about to let your guard down around a hired killer. So… why are you still talking to him?
Then you notice the brunet’s instrument. What a lovely change of subject. “Is that a lute?”
“It is!”
You’re practically jumping now. Honeysuckle, picking up on your excitement, smacks you with her wagging tail. “I’ve never heard a bard before! Play me something?”
Jaskier goes impossibly sad. You frown, hating the kicked puppy expression. What did you do wrong? Maybe you should just stick to socializing with animals. At least the rats find you charming.
“You’ve never heard music, my dear?”
Your face goes hot, both at the endearment and the pity in his voice. “I have lots of instruments but I don’t think I’m very good. Being self taught and all.”
“Why don’t I come up and give you a lesson? Free of charge!”
Your stomach twists in knots. You don’t know what’s more terrifying. Your new friend coming inside or leaving you to loneliness. You avoid eye contact when you answer. “My father wouldn’t like that.”
“What would you like?” The witcher asks sternly. You freeze. No one has ever cared what you wanted before. Is that concern you sense from him? Sympathy? From a so-called beast? Your silence seems like an answer enough. “So can’t leave,” he concludes.
“Can others enter?” Jaskier asks curiously.
You don’t know why you answer but you do. “Only with a portal. There’s no door.”
“But there’s a window.”
You frown. Obviously there’s a window, you’re talking out of it right now. Maybe your new friend is a little slow.
“Rope?” he proposes to the witcher.
Your mouth drops open. A rope? That’s it? Years of isolation by a warlock solved with a fucking rope? It can’t be that simple. It just can’t be. “My father is very powerful,” you warn. “And he hates witchers.”
“Him and most of the continent,” the man grumbles dryly. For some reason you feel guilty. Years of indoctrination to hate his kind, forgotten in mere minutes. Maybe you really are naïve.
“Who’s your father, dear? Maybe we know him?”
You sincerely hope not. “Stregobor.”
Dead silence. Then a very empathetic “fuck.”
Your stomach sinks. That’s the most emotion you’ve heard in the witcher’s voice so far and it doesn't sound good. Will they judge you for your fathers deeds? Wait, why are you assuming your father’s in the wrong? Since when did he become the bad guy? (Maybe he always has been but you’ve ignored it.)
“Let me guess, you were born during a black sun?” He asks flatly.
You feel as if a rug has been pulled out from under you. The comfort that’s been growing disappears, replaced with icy fear. You don’t even know this man yet you still feel betrayed. “Are you here to kill me?” You ask, slightly wobbly.
He sighs tiredly. Maybe he gets asked that a lot. “No. You aren’t fucking cursed. You were born during an eclipse. A completely natural phenomenon. A bunch of old bastards made up that curse for power and control.”
Your jaw drops, conflicting emotions raging inside of you. If he’s right you’re not cursed, which is great. But it also means your father has betrayed you. Your whole life can’t be a lie. It just can’t. A sinking part of you knows he’s making sense, even wants to believe him, but you desperately ignore it.
“I hurt people,” you confess abruptly.
“I thought you never left this tower?” Jaskier asks.
“When I was a baby.”
The witcher raises an unimpressed brow. “Did Stregobor tell you that?”
You growl in frustration as a strong wind rustles the trees. Jaskier looks around in bewilderment but the witcher holds your steady gaze. Not easily frightened by your show of power or glowing eyes.
“I’ve met a lot of monsters. You’re not one.”
The words you’ve always longed to hear. Uttered by the man you’ve been taught to hate. You take a moment to collect your flurry of emotions before answering. “Funny,” you smile weakly, “I was gonna say the same thing about you, witcher.”
You steady yourself before asking the next question. Knowing it won’t be easy but needing answers. The more you talk to Geralt the more you question what you’ve been taught about witchers. Maybe you don’t want him to be a monster. Maybe you’re so lonely you don’t care if he is.
“Tell me about Blaviken.”
“What?” His voice is somehow gruffer. Face horribly blank and posture rigid.
“Every story has two sides, yet I’ve only heard my father’s.”
He sighs deeply. Then begins. He tells you about Renfri. A princess born under the black sun. Her step mother was looking for a way to get rid of her and the curse was convenient. Stregobor agreed the girl was an evil mutant that must be isolated but her step mother wanted her dead. Together they ruined her life.
Renfri evaded them. She spent years being hunted, until she became the hunter. Eventually she formed a gang of sorts and tracked Stregobor to Blaviken but couldn’t enter his tower. (Apparently the idea of living in a tower forever was very distressing to your father. You don't know if you should laugh or vomit.)
Both Renfri and Stregobor asked Geralt to kill the other but he refused, not wanting to get involved. Although he hated Stregobor he tried to talk the princess out of revenge. It was too late. She threatened to kill townspeople until the warlock came out.
Your heart sinks at the ultimatum. Your father has never been a compassionate man. By the grim look on the witcher’s face he knew it too. In the end Geralt did what Stregobor wanted him to do. Instead of payment or thanks he was branded a butcher.
The fear-shame-grief rolling off of the witcher (definitely not emotionless by the way) is enough to make your eyes sting. Your gaze settles on Jaskier, who’s gone into full sad puppy mode. You have a feeling he’s never heard the full story either. You clear your choked throat.
“You mentioned a rope, good sir?”
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mxngldmxdnsss · 3 months
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pink in the night - johnny cage
this is kind of a dig on johnny and mk1 itself, I HATED how shallow they lowkey kind of made him - so much wasted potential with the fact that they could’ve explored further his reason for separating/divorcing his (ex) wife and the whole bankruptcy besides johnny being really irresponsible with money and not landing movies - sorry for the rant 😊
also there WILL be a sequel with Paper Bag by Fiona Apple so brace yallselves 😸
cw! pity sex kinda, v sex, angst obvi, fingering, unprotected sex, cum eating, dacryphilia, overstimulation, orgasm denial, creampies - pretty much an awkward one night stand but super depressing
sexual content ahead : proceed with caution!
It’d been months since the “incident.” You could remember the day when news broke, you had already known of course; Johnny kept you and everyone else at the Fire Temple very updated. The media went wild - theories and conspiracies spiraling out from each corner of the internet, from small things like simple dislike for each other, to absurd accusations of infidelity and abuse.
You thought that anyone still stretching and spinning the event could have seen that there was not much to write about - but you were too sure about the wrong thing. The day had been going fine, just fine. Johnny was busy practicing with some of the other monks from the temple while you and everyone else sat a bit away, observing as Johnny was knocked on his ass for the nth time.
Kung Lao snickered alongside you at the sight of Johnny moaning on about how the monk who had taken him down had taken advantage of him turning to flash a wink and a smile at the group. You turned to Kenshi and made a passing comment on how Johnny just might be able to get out of a fight just by boring the opponent to death with his cries of unfairness. Kenshi entertained the joke with a chuckle and a nod while everyone else shook their heads.
“What’re you two school-girls giggling about?” Came an annoyed and slightly out of breath voice. You glanced up to see Johnny standing over you all, his face pink with exhaustion and poorly masked embarrassment. “Oh, nothing.” You quipped mischievously as you nudged Kenshi to give him his queue.
Kenshi caught on quickly and raised his brows as he turned to look at Johnny. “Yeah, nothing.” Kenshi formulated an expression to Johnny that you couldn’t understand only being further confused when Johnny huffed and plopped down beside you. “Oh hardy har har, fuck you guys”
You slid Johnny a plate of dumplings you’d managed to save from Kung Lao’s wrath and turned your focus to your own plate of food, trying to ignore the warmth radiating off of Johnny’s close body and his overpowering cologne.
Johnny scrolled online as he stuffed his face with now cold dumplings - which he so stubbornly claimed were how he liked them. You all hardly paid attention to what was going on outside of the Fire Temple but when you heard Johnny slam his chopsticks on the table and witnessed him get up suddenly and storm off, you wished you knew what had happened before he did.
You gave Kenshi a bewildered look, to which he shrugged and used Johnny’s sudden exit as an excuse to also leave. Kung Lao did the same when you quietly asked what was wrong and excused himself to practice. You and Raiden were left together at the table sitting in an uncomfortable silence. When you finally managed the confidence to look over at Raiden, he gave you a sympathetic look, one he always wore, and you were glad for it.
The two of you cleaned up the table and took the dishes back to the kitchens and dropped them off to be cleaned before walking back towards the courtyard that separated the main temple area and separate housing spaces. Glancing at Raiden and seeing his already assuring gaze, you let the worried questions spill from your mouth. “Should I go check on him? Do you think something’s really wrong? Should we tell Liu Kang?” Came tumbling out of your mouth and you panted softly as you searched Raiden’s eyes for an answer.
Raiden simply smiled sincerely at you and gave you a quiet nod. You took Raiden’s nod as a referral to check on Johnny and said your quick goodbyes before heading to the housing area. You fixed any wrinkles on your clothes and wiped the corners of your mouth as you nervously fixed yourself before arriving at the door to Johnny’s room.
You hesitated for a moment before knocking gently and calling through the wood that it was you. Waiting for a moment, you debated if this was the right thing to do before hearing Johnny’s voice invite you in. You turned the nob to the door and walked into the surprisingly dark room.
When your eyes finally adjusted you saw Johnny curled on his side on his bed - his usual flashy and inflated self not found anywhere as you entered the room and closed the door behind you. By now on a normal day you’d have been bombarded with a dirty joke or two and questions and gossip about the world outside of the Fire Temple.
You made your way across the room to the end of the side of the bed. “Are you alright?” You questioned meekly as you watched Johnny twist around and reach up to turn the bedside lamp on. Looking down you saw that he’d discarded his typical monk attire and opted for his fabulous Cage Pajamas that he would usually show off.
Johnny stared up at you for a moment in silence before answering you. “I’m feeling better than ever, why?” Despite his response you could hear the exasperation in his voice, paired with a coldness you didn’t recognize. You gave him a look before moving to sit at the edge of the bed, careful to mind Johnny as you studied his face.
“Oh come on, I’m not that gullible Johnny, I know something’s bothering you.” You fold your hands on your lap as you refrain from glancing around the room, not wanting to give away your own nervousness. Hearing a sigh you focus back on Johnny’s voice as he pushes himself up in bed.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Johnny groans out before looking to you. He reaches for his phone and opens it quickly before tossing it to you. “Just read it.” Johnny says as he leans back against the headboard. You look down to see an article pulled up on the screen, just by the title you can tell it’s about Johnny’s ex-wife, Kris. As you begin to read further into it, you begin to understand Johnny’s dilemma.
Apparently photos of Kris around the city Johnny lives in, being accompanied by a man were finally confirmed to be a new relationship. You feel a pang somewhere in your heart as you look up at Johnny and find him with his head in his hands. Somehow, someway you feel betrayal, something you aren’t even owed, and you know it.
You and Johnny are nothing more than friends. Just really close, good friends.
You close out of the stupid article and place Johnny’s phone back on top of the nightstand before turning back to him. You aren’t even able to get a word out before Johnny interjects.
“I know I said I was over her, I am, trust me, before you begin to scold me. But.. already?” Johnny gives you a hopeless look when he finally looks up at you. “Am I really that far gone that no one will dwell on me?” You swallow back your feelings of humiliation and sadness and force a tight assuring smile.
“Johnny, I think you need to realize that you don’t need anyone to dwell on you.” You begin, sucking in a deep breath as you think carefully. “You have all of us, your friends, me, that’ll be here to support you, so why expect someone to wait on the time you had together?” You finish your sentence with a barely held back sigh as you lead forward to place a hand on Johnny’s knee before patting it, not wanting to lean too far into his space to pat his shoulder.
Johnny stares at you for a prolonged moment before leaning forward to take your hands in his. His eyes are cloudy with complex emotions that you cannot pinpoint as he drags you forward until you two are inches apart.
“Would you dwell on me?” Johnny asks, and you’re not even sure if he even understands what he’s asking. You’re at a loss for words as you gape at him while a fire erupts in your mind and your cheeks paint themselves pink. All you can manage is a short gasp and the beginning of a lost sentence before Johnny lurches forward and presses a desperate kiss to your lips.
You barely have time to recuperate the action before Johnny takes his opportunity to slip his tongue into your already parted lips and moves to push you down. Your head swirls with confusing emotions as you cling to Johnny’s novelty shirt and whine at his eagerness.
Johnny hardly seems to notice your nervous attempts to return his affections as he moves to press soft kisses to your neck before beginning to slide his hands under your shirt and pants. You shudder as Johnny cups your covered breast, while his other hand hooks his fingers on the band of your underwear.
You want to ask Johnny why he’s so suddenly bombarding you with affection like this but find yourself lost in the feeling of Johnny’s hands kneading your breast and slipping into your panties. Clinging to his arms, you allow Johnny to practically rip your bra off and move to pinch and roll your nipple between his fingers. Your body jumps and jolts at the welcomed actions and you whine at Johnny as he dips his fingers into your cunt, providing a steady pace as he continues to muffle your cries with his mouth. The cold metal of Johnny’s initialed ring brushes against your hole and dips inside of you for a moment, and you respond with a clench of your walls and Johnny rewards you with a quiet groan.
You’re brought to a quick release when Johnny finds your needy clit and presses the pad of his thumb to it before rubbing it in circles. You pant softly against Johnny’s lips, his eyes hazy as he glances down to admire his glistening fingers, now pulled out of you, slick with your cum.
You find yourself sucking Johnny’s fingers, not even registering that he pushed them into your mouth to have you clean them back off. Using his wrist as your anchor, you hold onto him as he slide the dexterous digits across your tongue and further into your warm mouth. You look up at Johnny coyly as you slide your tongue between his two fingers and he pinches your nipple with a soft chuckle causing you to huff at him.
Johnny quickly rids you of your clothes and moves to strip himself of his own before sitting back to admire you for moment. When you cover yourself out of embarrassment Johnny says nothing, only sliding his thumbs between the back of the apex of your thighs as he grabs hold of your legs to pull them apart for him. Your cunt still glistens with your fluids and you can’t help but jerk your hips when the cool air of the room hits your pussy.
“Johnny..” You whine up at him, and Johnny’s eyes flick up to your face and back down at you. He slides his hands over your thighs until they sit on the insides of them before pushing them further apart. You don’t have time to question why Johnny is so intent on looking at you before you feel him press the tip of his cock to your twitching hole.
Eager, you buck your hips up as far as you can while Johnny still holds your hips down, and it gives him the green light to push into you. You gasp softly and move to grab Johnny’s arms as he splits you open. Whimpering and eyes pricking with tears, you look to Johnny for assurance, only finding his expression foggy, eyebrows knit together as he concentrates on stuffing himself inside of you.
He finally buries himself to the hilt inside of you and curses to himself as you squeeze him tightly. You moan softly and attempt to slide your arms around Johnny’s shoulders to pull him in more, but he remains unmoving, you set the desire aside as best you can until Johnny begins to thrust harshly into you, making you cry out.
You want so desperately to hold him close, but Johnny seems worlds away as he makes quick work of pounding into you. You moan out and tears pool in your eyes again as you feel Johnny find your sweet spot and angle his hips to abuse it with his quick thrusts.
Feeling your orgasm build up again you whimper and move to wrap your legs around Johnny’s hips, to which he doesn’t mind, instead moving his hands up to grab your hands and pin them down beside your head. Johnny takes you in, watching your face contort into expressions he wishes he could burn into his memory forever, and your breasts bounce as he thrusts into you fervently, right down to where you two meet, where a ring forms at the base of his cock made up of all your juices.
Johnny suddenly halts his strokes and instead opts to bury himself deep inside of you, rocking steadily as he leans down to kiss the corner of your lips, however the grip he has on your wrists never cease only changing when he moves to hold both of your wrists in one hand, still pinned down to the bed. With his free hand, Johnny moves to free himself from your grip and pulls out slowly, moving to slide the head of his cock up and down your slit, dipping slightly into your folds.
He watches your expression as you give a silent plea for him to continue to fuck you. When he shakes his head, imploring you to beg for it, you give a sheepish look before opening back up your mouth. “Please Johnny..” You say quietly, hoping he’ll let up on his teasing and simply let you cum again.
Johnny instead shakes his head and slides his cock back up your cunt, stopping when his tip catches your clit. He glances up at you as he runs his tip over your puffy pearl, watching you become undone by his simple actions. Johnny pulls away before you can find release, and you feel your orgasm ebbing out of existence once more.
Before Johnny can voice his need for you to beg, you open your mouth and voice it all. “Please Johnny, I need you.” You legs twitch as you slide your thighs up against Johnny’s hips and he looks up at you and raises his eyebrows when you speak and you buck your hips up for contact. “I need all of you.” You whine finally, and Johnny suddenly presses back into you roughly.
Soft groans leave Johnny’s throat as he rests his head between your neck and shoulder, never allowing you to leave his grip and grab onto him as he pounds into you unlike before. You’re left gasping and wailing as you struggle to adjust to Johnny’s new pace, but you can hardly complain when he slides his hand down the side of your body gently and pats your leg, urging you to wrap them around him once more. You do so gladly, feeling his curious hand dip between the two of you and find your sensitive clit.
You’re brought abruptly to your end as you cum suddenly with the added stimulation, clenching and gushing around Johnny cock but he fucks you through it, now focused on chasing the end of his own high. Finally, Johnny’s hips stutter and his stomach flexes as he buries himself inside of you before cumming. He curses into your ear, and rests for a moment before pulling away.
While your chest still heaves with exhaustion, you blink away the haziness left after your orgasm and watch as Johnny pulls your legs apart and pulls out, groaning when he sees his seed dribble out of your pussy and onto the bed. You stare up at Johnny still panting and move to cover your chest as you shiver from the air, no longer protected from it by Johnny.
Johnny simply stares at you for a moment before moving to lay down beside you, hardly acknowledging you apart from an ‘encouraging’ slap on the ass, a breathless smile and a cocky chuckle.
You lay there mortified as you process the fact that you just fucked your closest friend without any care in the world and embarrassment seeps into your mind. You crawl under the blankets and Johnny follows suite when he feels your movement, meeting his gaze you know before you can fix it that your expression is confused and anxiety ridden - so full of questions for what just happened - because Johnny turns to face away from you, leaving you to stare at his back all night.
When you wake up there’s nothing but a cold spot beside you where Johnny had laid and when you join the group later that day he hardly spares a glance your way.
Part II - Paper Bag
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nomoreusername · 4 months
Pretty Things (Part 2)
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Paring:Aris x female reader
Summary:While Aris tries to apologize you mess with his head.
Spotting Aris and Y/N near the entrance, with Aris asleep on her shoulder, and Y/N holding a half empty bottle, Newt let out a relieved sigh as he walked over to his friends. Hearing muffled footsteps approach, Y/N glanced up to see Newt's blurry face. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating or not since apparently people can look like others.
"Come on. We gotta get out of here,"He explained, kneeling down. Spotting her glassy and puffy eyes, he assumed it was because of whatever they were under. While that was part of it and definitely an understandable thought because nobody could have expected a makeout session with heartbreak, it was far from the truth.
She didn't say anything as she put Aris's arm around her and used the wall to stand up. Feeling her legs turn to jello, Newt noticed her shakiness as he picked her and Aris up. Keeping one of them on each shoulder, Newt kept a firm grip on them as Y/N stumbled through the wave of people while Aris was dragged on the floor. Walking through a crowd of sweaty bodies and out the back he put Aris in Minho's arms first before seating Y/N next to him. Leaning against the car door, he recognized that the bumpiness in the ride could make her sick. Laying her head on his lap, he internally prayed she wouldn't throw up.
"Thanks,"She uttered in a strained voice. Giving her a simple nod, he pretended the pain in her tone wasn't there but made a mental note to check on her later. 
♡ - - - ♡
Y/N hadn't cried on the ride even though she wanted to. She wouldn't waste any more tears on someone who didn't want her. She was better than that, stronger than that.
Feeling a sharp pain behind his eyes, Aris awoke. Lifting his head and looking away from the window, he spotted something that made his heart stop. Y/N with her head in Newt's lap. Without even realizing he was glaring with everything he had. Still, something inside of him screamed that he didn't have a right.
That's when it all came flooding back. Not just the kiss. Seeing the glitter on Y/N's face and still knotted hair reminded him that he had run his fingers through it. Feeling his mouth go dry, he remembered her helping him after he threw up. 
He remembered her calling him pretty and him shoving her against a wall. He remembered how her arms had been on his shoulders. He remembered thinking she was Rachel while it all went down. He remembered her dancing with some stranger. Most of all he remembered what he said while they were literally in the middle of making out. 
What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?
Why did that have to happen?
Why? Why? Why?
Why was his first kiss Y/N? Why did he call her somebody else? 
Because he pulled the short straw, and she couldn't just let him suffer alone. No. She just had to be by his side and help. She just had to look out for him.
As his thoughts kept spinning so did his head. Managing to demand they stop the car, Jorge did so without question. Stepping out, he leaned over and threw up the little food that was left in his stomach. Hearing him let out a pained groan, Y/N walked out and waited until he was done. Looking up at her through tearful eyes, she feigned ignorance as she handed him the water. Taking shallow gulps, he barely managed to stand. Spotting this she pulled him up.
"I'm sorry,"He blurted out. She pretended not to hear. "Y/N, I-"
"I don't care,"She lied.
"Oh,"He mumbled, feeling his heart ache all over again.
"Yeah. We were just intoxicated. It's not like it meant anything,"She kept up her act. Aris stared at her as his lips, the lips that had just been against hers, turned into a frown. Anger at the thought of him being upset after what had happened flowed through Y/N's veins as she said one more thing she knew would hurt. 
"Yeah. I kissed some random girl after."
"You did?"He asked, wracking his brain for when that happened.
"Yeah. You were there, remember? When I kissed the pretty girl?"She asked, screwing with his head. The word pretty felt like a knife through his chest. He was supposed to be her pretty thing. He knew that he had no right and sure as hell didn't deserve it, but damnit, he was pretty. He was the pretty thing she craved. That she had her eye on. Not some girl who shared some stupid glitter. No. Him. He was pretty. She said so. She had said it to his face.
He. Was. Pretty.
He never wanted to be called that before, but now it was all he wanted her to say. 
"Great. That's absolutely fantastic. I'm just so happy for you,"He snapped, pushing past her. Slamming the door, Y/N stood there before storming the other way and doing the same. They both sat there with scowls on their faces and their arms crossed. No matter who asked they wouldn't speak. All they did that ride was glare out the window, then each other. 
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Tales Of The Masks is such a funny book to me.
Because if you look at it from the perspective of its framing device? I'm not a fan. The mask hunt conceit worked well in 2001, when the Toa were just starting out, needed to learn to work together, etc. Then repeating that the next year with the Krana felt a bit more forced, but was still sorta acceptable. But doing it a third time with the Nuva masks felt deeply stale, even as a kid, and on top of that felt like it ran counter to the premise of the Nuva Masks being one-of-a-kind upgrades brought about by their transformation. That's not even if you also consider the whole thematic angle of the mask's power extending to those in their vicinity, something something Unity something.
Looking for masks that really shouldn't make sense to exist in the first place, somehow got overlooked when they were searching every nook and cranny in 01, and just felt on some level sisyphean after gaining and then losing the Golden Masks that had all that stuff in one nice package anyway, just never really sat right with me. And now I have an extra layer of frustration from it given how some people point to that as proof of the early years being shallow and kiddie, unlike the later years with their edginess and violence.
But at the same time, when you actually read it, Tales Of The Masks also kind of embodies a lot of what made the early years so great; the fun dynamics among the Toa, the island's many mysteries and more and more signs that the Turaga knew so much more than they were letting on, and just some genuinely sweet moments of development of these initially-simple characters, taking advantage of the breathing room afforded to them by the lower stakes, that the Ignition years just couldn't or didn't make time for.
Idunno. It's frustrating to me, because I've seen people lately dismissing 01-03 as nothing but shallow collectathons, and honestly it feels like G2 made that same mistake to some extent. And on some level I can understand where they're coming from, because yeah, it did lean on the collection aspect a little too hard at times, to its own detriment at times. (See again, all my complaints about the Nuva masks.)
At the same time, I feel like painting it as just "good guys find masks, fight bad guys, end of story" is just, a painfully reductive and bad-faith reading of those years, when they had so much else going for them.
The worldbuilding wasn't as broad and expansive, but it felt more intimate, with the MNOG games in particular really fleshing out the Matoran culture and day-to-day; while also leaving enough open to the imagination, paired with the pervading sense of mystery and unknowns waiting around every corner, to use that as a launching-off point.
The characters were pretty simple, yeah, but they worked great as part of a dynamic, with distinctive and enjoyable personalities thst could be played off each other to fantastic effect - and still are, given a lot of the posts that circulate the Bonkle corner of tumblr.
And heck, even the supposedly simple "good versus evil" conflict wasn't what it seemed at first glance, with the Rahi being innocent animals under Makuta's control. The Bohrok ultimately turned out to have a good and important purpose, that whole conflict only happening because of the series of catastrophic events that led to the Matoran being displaced to where they weren't supposed to be in the first place. And even Makuta himself was supposed to be more sorely misguided than genuinely evil, until his rework in 2004. (Whereas the later years, if anything, felt a lot more straightforward and shallow about that a lot of the time, even if the presentation was more visceral. Why do the bad guys do the bad things? Because they want power. Why do they want power? Because they're the bad guys.)
Point is, I feel like Tales Of The Masks is kind of an interesting case study of both some of the best and worst aspects of the early years' writing both evident in full force. For many years I considered it my least favorite of the Chronicles books just because of its framing device, and it was only on revisiting it more recently that I was able to re-evaluate my opinion, and appreciate the genuinely good stories contained within. I just wish certain others would give it that same reconsideration.
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petersnya · 2 years
love letters | peter p
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Something rlly fluffy and cute to get me back into writing. Also this is based in the avengers tower not compound cuz I thought I was cooler lmao
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“Mrs. y/l/n, you have mail,” Friday's voice sounded in your room as you looked away from the video game Clint got you to try with an arched brow. Mail?
“This tower has a mail system?”
“I am not required to give you that information. It's.. classified.” sure it was. Your feet padded against the hardwood floor- stopping as soon as you got to the note. You picked it up carelessly and made your way back to your bed, flopping down on it, holding the letter above your face as you examined it.
“No y/n. This isn’t creepy at all. Just some.. weird envelope with a wax seal left at your door.” That sounds comforting. You slowly peeled off the wax seal and set it in your nightstand; it was pretty, so you wanted to keep it. The letter was on a white sheet of computer paper. Pulling it out of the envelope you looked at the handwriting and your heart couldn’t help but melt as you glanced over it.
You were never really into all the mushy stuff about dating or having a crush on someone- but this person in particular never failed to make that brick wall to hide emotions you built up drop; well him and your mom. She never failed to make you smile.
But he did more than make you smile. The handwriting in the letter was very boyish. It was messy and every word written was capitalized but with writing was small. Your eyes finished gazing over the words and you started to read from the beginning--
Dear y/n,
Hi… I'm not really sure how to start off a love letter but here goes nothing. Wow, I already messed up. I wasn't supposed to say what kind of letter it was yet and I can't go back since I wrote this in pen and have already tried writing this like a hundred times so i'm not re-starting. Anyways, as you may know I'm not really good with words. Especially talking to someone face to face. Which is weird since I'm very comfortable around you.. I still get nervous. My hands get so sweaty and my breath gets shallow. I can't stop tugging at the bottom over whatever shirt I'm wearing when I'm talking to you. And I'm sure you can see how red my face gets just by looking at you. I know you don't like mushy lovey dovey stuff like this and I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. That's not my intention at all I promise.. But I had to tell you this someday somehow. You make me so happy just with a simple hi or getting the chance to have a conversation with you, so I hope this letter can make you smile the same way. Ok Sam says this is getting too long…
Sincerely, Peter P
You couldn't help but laugh at every other sentence, just imagining Peter writing this over and over.
“How did I get so lucky,” you thought to yourself out loud. Just as you said that, there was a thud against your door.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and went to open the door. Swinging it open towards you, Peter's head fell on top of your feet. He sat up with a groan- rubbing his head where it hit your feet. Suddenly his head whipped around to look at you as you stood there with a smile on your face.
“Uh- look.. I know you uh.. You don't really do the whole ‘cute confessing your feelings’ thing but I just-” he stopped rambling and bent down to pick up flowers he had brought. “I just wanted to say, y/n, i really really like you. And it ok if you don't feel the same way but Sam, Cap and Pietro told me i would never know if i never asked so here i am and--”
“Dude! Please stop with the rambling,” you put your hands on his shoulder and shook him back and forth while the both of you laughed. When the laughter died down, you looked into Peter's brown eyes that were staring right back at you, still asking the same question. You pulled at his shirt to get him to step a little closer to you.
“I would be a fucking idoit if i said i didnt feel the same about you. You're everything I could ever want and need for the rest of my life. I’m sure of it.” Peter’s face was a little bit close to yours now. He stared at you speechless. A rush of confidence washed over him and he took to more steps towards you, becoming close enough to lean and and press his lips to your-- catching you bottom lip in between his two lips. His hand inched its way to your hips, unsure if he should or not. But you answered that question for him.
You grabbed his hand and slid it to the small of your back, allowing him to press your hips to his. Your lips pressed harder to his as you grabbed the flowers he got you and tossed them on your night stand. Grabbing Peter's shirt, you yanked him into the room- Peter reaching back and slamming the door shut behind him.
“Hey! I said no PDA! I was gonna have Thor post this to the Avengers instagram and Cap would be pissed if he saw that last part.”
Pietro tsked after he yelled at Peter from the other side of your door. You and Peter just bursted into laughter at the sound of him stomping away like a toddler.
“This might just be one of the best moments of my life.” Peter couldn’t help but admit, and you couldn’t help but smile.
Thank God for love letters.
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kshira · 3 years
—request: wanting your attention + nsfw
w// kei tsukishima & kōtarō bokuto
t//w; ღ ◟ f!reader, smut, 18+ & cursing
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+ kei tsukishima
you can feel the warmth of his fingers sliding to your inner thigh, burning his touch on your flesh as tsukishima travels onward between your legs.
the hours of anime you’ve watched on the couch today had burned holes in the sockets that carried your eyes, tskuishima joined halfway through the binge marathon out of curiosity.
but today he was feeling rather needy, your shorts did rise higher on your perfect plumped legs showcasing those pretty laced panties he always adored.
and the way your tongue swiped down on your bottom lip as the show intensified made his member twitch, he couldn’t resist just a little touch.
“i’m trying to watch my show kei” your thighs snap shut squeezing his long digits in its wake.
tskuishima lifted his honey laced orbs to you, your voice had a resilient tone though your body was dancing to his touch.
“i know” his fingers wiggle through your skin and proceed back to the route “continue watching and act like i’m not even here”
he reached the lining of your underwear feeling the dampened fabric on the tip of his finger, your breath hitched in your chest as tsukishima dipped a finger over the blockade into your slick hole.
the anime you were so focused on started to melt into nothing but mere pixels, no longer making sense at the way tsukishima pumped his long digit swimmingly knowing to hit the deeper ends of your velvet wall.
you couldn’t help to tousle his hair locking your fingers tightly around the strands, but tsukishima harsh hand stopped it automatically placing it back “you were watching your show weren’t you? don’t let me stop you”
a surge of pleasure washes over your body with a sweep of tskuishima finger across your bud “please, let me touch you” your voice dryly comes out, the refelection of the blue screen lights up his figure and it only makes you clench harder.
the lights paint the lust draped over tsukishima, his eyes mermozied by the faint image of your cunt drooling over a single finger—the sounds of his heavy breaths fueling your desire to touch and feel him more.
“you were so distracted by this anime but look at you, so desperate and needy for me now” he taunted guiding his lips over your ear pressing a nauseating lick to the shell.
“mm-know but need you now” your eyes peer through your lashes blinking a tear away, with a deep groan tsukishima gives in ravaging your heat with sublime strokes of his finger.
throwing your head back to hit the cushion of the couch letting his fingers work your cunt— maneuvering in ways that made the sounds coming from you louder than the anime you were so focused on before.
“you’re so wet making a mess all over my fingers, you wanna cum yeah?” his words are littered in your ear gaining the growing pleasure to topple over.
“mm yeah make me cum!” you moan out thrusting your hips into tsukishima palm—he picks up adding another finger to aid you there.
a grin grows on his face knowing he was the needy one but now it’s you with your mouth falling open lolling moans and begs for more of him.
his dirty thoughts grow his buldge harder—roughly taking hold of his cock tsukishima hungrily ruts into his makeshift hole while his other hand buried in your wetness creeps to your bud feathering circles on it.
swirling the precum around the base as self made lubricant he starts fisting around his cock harshly letting his fingers bear down on your throbbing bud pulsating the final nerves to come undone.
the static rushes through your body dissolving into salivating pleasure, your juices coat tsukishima fingers making him quickly take a final pump until he cums, all over his fabric stomach.
a deep sigh connects both of you, your eyes taking on his content face as the high comes dwindling down his hair stuck to the beads of sweat lingering on his face—he was always so handsome like this.
tsukishima rest his eyes back to you, a sly smile cast his face unable to mask a look of triumph but you’re too warped in the scenery of him to notice.
your body laid still allowing the pleasures to succumb driftng your eyes into sleep, tsukishima rose from his position beside you walking towards the other room but paused when a whimper fell from your lips.
who was the needy one again?
he brings his face to your level, cupping both sides of your cheeks to leave a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“better rewatch that episode you really weren’t paying attention at all” tsukishima smiles sinfully down at you.
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+ kōtarō bokuto
“sit” one simple word is all it took for bokuto to immediately plant his ass to the chair, his hand palming at his outlined bulge in anticipation.
your day was planned to cram weeks of studying into one single day, but instead you had your boyfriend placed in front you ready to devour him.
though it might be how adorable he looked with eyes colored golden darting sheepishly around the room before they landed on you, his silver strands deflate around his face at the aggravated tone you had with him knowing good and goddamn well what he wanted.
he was just being so needy way he rubbed his aching cock on your back while he hugged you from behind, you just couldn’t help yourself knowing his needy whines and cries for just for you.
you stand in front of him now eyeing his whole figure, eyes half lidded looking through you with a lust haze lingering on him.
he grabs smaller hands with his dropping delicate kisses on them, his eyes scale up your arms till it reaches the sweet smile dripping from your face though it was a mask at what hid under it.
“you make me so fucking hard with that innocent smile of yours, get on your knees now baby” bokuto aids you to the floor infront of him, your body positioned just right to fully worship him.
he guides his throbbing member out of the fabric prison for you, reddened at the tip like your flushed cheeks with the most gorgeous veins equally grown about and the best part—precum leaking out just a little bit to give you an idea of just how turned on he really was.
your tongues pokes out from your lips to pounce on him lapping at the existing cum whilst your eyes gleam through your lashes at bokuto, he can’t do anything but let his cock twitch on its own at the sex aurora you have pouring from you.
“fuck, m’gonna cum all in that pretty mouth of yours” bokuto wraps his fingers through your hair before aligning you to him, he just can’t help himself not with his pretty girl about to have her lips on his cock and more importantly his pretty girl with a stomach full of his cum, soon enough.
you wanted to slide in a sarcastic comment to him but the almost orgasm worthy moan he let out feeling your hot throat engulf his cock took you in another direction—making him moan over and over.
you glance up at bokuto watching his eyes dilate rapidly at your mouth sinking centimeters down his shaft, your tongue drags down with your mouth giving a slippery medicine at aching burn to take all of him.
bokuto takes shallow breaths mildly thrusting into your mouth, he was so eager to fuck your face but still compassionate enough not to hurt you, he swallowed a lump forming in his throat as you picked up a teasing pace.
you bob your head to a slurping beat, taking him completely in before sucking harshly up his cock and back down letting his moans be your timer of how close or far bokuto already was to cumming.
your hands traveled up his thighs and even through the clothes you can feel the goosebumps rising to the flesh.
you continued climbing till you reached his stomach gliding your hands under his shirt you feel the ridgids of his toned abs as your mouth sucked everything from bokuto.
“you feel so good, so hot and warm—fuck! just wanna cum all down your throat” bokuto breathes out, not being able to focus on nothing but the sounds of you sucking and slurping him.
bokuto ruts become ruthless trying to run deeper in your throat, you take the chance to pull off of him slowly admiring how swollen he is—just about to bust.
you feather his length with your lips kissing the drool dripped muscle, your eyes take there leave from it to him.
his rigid length started twitching under your control watching you take him and adore his need without hesitation, you directed your eyes back to the task at hand stroking him tightly but slowly.
“want you to cum on my face, you can do that right?” you flash a mischievous grin to bokuto letting your grip fasten and the stroke faster.
“y—yeah baby i wanna cum all on that gorgeous face, can I? can i cum?” the eagerness drawled from bokutos lips make you clench down between your legs, you moan a response back stroking him till you see the strings of white explode out.
though today wasn’t as planned with your studying event ending earlier than expected at least it ended on a good note with a sleeping bokuto on your thighs and his fingers wrapped firmly to yours.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Everything Has Changed- Part 2
Pairing: Faye (Euphoria) x Reader
Summary: After a few weeks of ease, Custer shows up suspiciously, Custer and her sharing a few hushed words that raise some flags. Ash finally explains Custer's random appearance and the insertion of his girlfriend into their home life. What comes out in that conversation is eye opening to the reader,
Song: "Toxic" by Britney Spears
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, sexual thoughts, swearing, mentions of drugs, mention of murder and violence.
A/n: Hiiii guys! Here's part two, I'm really hoping you guys enjoyed part 1, I was really proud of it.
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Ash eventually forgave Fez for coming home with Faye.
It took a few weeks, Ash’s pouting finally easing up at the mention of sharing a blunt with the pretty blonde, the drug being a sort of olive branch, if you will. He continued to ignore Fez and give him angry, intimidating glances from across the room every once in a while, but Fez told me that he understood. Ash hated when Fez didn’t bring him in on things, when he didn’t open up and involve him in household decisions. Fez rarely did this so of course it was upsetting for Ash, he had always been the one that Fez would go to (after me) to get an opinion because he made it clear that he valued his little brother’s ideas.
It was perfectly okay for Ash to question if Fez still trusted and valued him as a business partner.
What wasn’t sitting well with me were the secrets that Fez was harboring, telling me repeatedly that he would ‘tell me when he’s ready’. Fez has always been a shit liar, especially when it comes to me. He could never correctly lie to me or keep a secret without telling on himself and he had been this way since we were kids. He wanted me to be in the know and he wanted it to be simple.
Something about this situation, Custer and Faye, was hinky, something was wrong. I can tell from his anxious breaths, the way his phone constantly buzzes and pings throughout the day and the weird looks that Faye and him share that give insight into the fact that something deeper is going on compared to the normal, shallow bullshit.
I’d figure it out eventually.
“So, do you, like, babysit them? Like what’s the fucking dynamic here cuz I’m really confused?” Faye laughs, pointing to the boys who sit at the table, money being counted between them. I nod my head slowly with a proud smile, my fingers holding the blunt out to Faye as she takes it happily. She’d been off of heavy drugs for the last few weeks, her memory and simple conversations improving by a lot. She had opened up a bit more, growing more confident with me especially but also the two boys. She seems overall more happy and clear headed and it’s safe to say that she’s been enjoying her stay here.
Since she moved in, I have spent a total of three nights at my own apartment, not wanting to not be around her. I had this compulsion to spend time with her, to smoke with her, learn everything I could about her. She’s answered all of my questions so far, asking her own in return. We were steadily becoming friends without an issue but one thing we had yet to talk about was the thing I was most interested in.
“Yeah, I’ve got a tight leash on the two of them. Especially Ash.” I chuckle, looking over at my shoulder at the boy who sends daggers at me through his gaze. I just send him a wink, my eyes fluttering back to Faye as she sighs, running a hand through her hair. Her blue eyes twinkle as she looks out the window, my cheeks warming just at the simple sight of her. She’s gorgeous, beyond belief, strong to survive addiction and kinder than most people give her credit for. She’s explained that a lot of people believed her to be some ‘stupid bimbo’ but I quickly learned that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s silent, smart, and strong; just like Fez and how he appears to everyone else are us and how he has since we were little.
“Ayo, are you talkin’ shit over there?” Ash asks, turning in his chair with a sassy look. Faye looks at me with wide eyes, her lip tucking between her teeth as she hides her laugh. I snort, watching as Ash cracks a smile, his tough exterior breaking for a moment as Faye holds in her giggles. It was almost like we were normal, like we weren't dealing and selling drugs, like our lives weren’t a series of violent acts and distrust.
A knock on the door snaps us out of our giggles, Fez’s head immediately turning to look at the door, none of us moving. “Ayo it’s Custer!” The man yells, a loud, audible groan leaving my lips as I fall back onto the couch dramatically. Faye chuckles at my drama, reaching over to pat my leg simply as she stands. My eyes watch her, trailing over her body as she moves towards the door, her stride slowly considerably, hesitantly stopping in front of the door as Custer continues to knock. Ash turns to me, his once smiley expression disregarded, now being taken over by a firm frown, knowing that he’s in for an earful from Custer and a whole lot of frustration.
The door opens, revealing the scrawny man, his arms immediately wrapping around Faye, my frown deepening as my glance meets Fez’s. A wave of confusion crashes over his face at my annoyed look, the sound of Custer whispering quiet nothings to Faye making me cringe. His look is knowing, telling me that he has an idea as to why I’m so pissed, a small laugh rumbling in his chest. He shakes his head at me, warning me silently to not fall too deep for her, knowing that it would only complicate things further.
Why is it that all of the people that I've had feelings for are untouchable?
Custer steps further into the home, his eyes locking with mine as he tilts his head teasingly at me. A scowl returns to my lips, quickly spinning around in my seat to wallow in silence. I hear him share a few words with Fez and Ash, Faye returning to my side, sitting down a bit closer to me than she originally was seated, my cheeks warming at the proximity.
My eyes flicker over to her, lingering a bit on her bare thighs, a small laugh leaving her lips as she catches me. Her eyes flicker back to Custer as she crosses her legs, her hands soothing over her soft, pale skin. My mouth practically waters at the sight, the fact that she’s obviously doing it on purpose- in front of her asshole boyfriend- making my mind spin with naughty thoughts.
“Y/n.” Custer acknowledges me simply, sitting down in the chair to my right as I bite the inside of my cheek, holding back the copious amounts of insults I want to throw at the man. My eyes lift to his, his gaze unreadable as he motions between Faye and I. “You guys getting along?” He asks, Faye snorting behind me as I lean towards him, my elbows resting on my knees as I smile smugly.
“Yeah, you could say that.” I whisper back in reply, my eyes slitted as his eyebrows tick up a bit, curious and confused as I continue to stare him down. He can tell I’m sizing him up, apparently Ash realizing this too as he joins us in the living room, sitting down directly across the room from Custer, his hands folded in his lap. “Why are you here?” I ask, leaning back against the couch cushion as Faye tucks her knees up to her chest, her whole body turned to me as she rests her head against the pillow beside me. If she was any closer, her head would be resting safely on my shoulder.
“Just came to visit my lovely girlfriend. Should there be another reason?” He shrugs, a sly smirk on his lips that makes me fight the urge to grab him by the front of the shirt, take him outside and curb stomp his ugly ass. Fez steps up behind me, leaning against the couch as tensions rise, ready to verbally hold me back from making matters worse.
“Oh, you mean the girlfriend you couldn’t take care of so you sent her here?” I ask, Faye laughing quietly beside me as Custer’s gaze turns deadly, my brows raising tauntingly, asking- begging- for him to say something, to start something so I could finish it.
It wasn’t like I’ve been waiting for months -years- to set him straight.
Oh wait. I have.
“You got some savior complex now, huh, kid?” He asks me, Fez taking a sharp breath in at Custer’s words, my jaw gritting as my heart thumps angrily against my ribs. “You’re just taking in strays? Fixing them up and shit.” He laughs bitterly, shaking his head as sighs mockingly. “Riddle me this, if you're such a good friend then why do you think that Fez is in this situation that he's in in the first place, same with munchkin over here-” He cuts himself off with a laugh as he motions to Ash, my eyes catching Faye as her face falls. “I’m just saying. What’s got you thinking that you can fix my girl over here?” The anger builds up in my system just enough, the pettiness that I’ve harbored for weeks, months and years against this kid all comes down to my next words which are chosen very carefully.
“I don’t know man, she’s sleeping in my bed, isn’t she?”
A few beats go by, silence consuming us as Faye watches me carefully, our eyes meeting in a tense moment. Ash looks proud, his eyes drawn down to the strings on his sweatpants that he fiddles with, Fez now making his way around the couch and into the living room completely to finally become some sort of mediator. Custer’s lips are parted in shock, knowing damn well what I meant by that and the weight behind my words has him speechless. His eyes move from mine to Faye’s, betrayal and curiosity behind the murky hues.
“Maybe you should go, man.” Fez chimes in, taking us all off guard, folding his arms across his chest as he leans against the wall. Custer sighs loudly and the noise makes me want to snap his neck, his whole presence irking me at this point. We all watch Custer as he scoffs, rolling his eyes tiredly before turning to look at Faye as he nods briefly and slowly, as if he was contemplating something. There’s still something unreadable about him and how he’s acting, too compliant and too cool, too calm.
“I’ll go,” he pauses, relief filling me as our eyes meet in a heated standoff, “ but after I talk to my girl.” He replies sternly, my stomach twisting painfully as Faye sighs, standing up to motion to Custer. I gawk up at her agreement, sad that she would ever agree to speak to him after how he’s acted towards her in the past. It makes me sick to think about them in the same room together, without me there to slap him silly and stand up for her if she needed it. I’m well aware that she can take care of herself, being smarter than anyone gives her credit for. “Thank you.” Custer pouts like a child, taking her hand as he shoots daggers at me, my whole body turning to watch them leave the room. My fingers immediately move to fist my hair, annoyance radiating from me as Ash moves to sit down next to me on the couch, his hand rubbing up and down my back. Both of my boys can tell that Custer’s presence was beyond difficult for me to process, now adding Faye’s undeniable, unwavering trust in him killing me. Fez sighs as he does the same, taking Custer’s seat beside me.
“We gotta tell her.” Ash mutters suddenly, my head flying up to look between the boys. My lips part wordlessly as Fez nods, reaching up to rub his hands over his head as Ash sighs. They had been keeping something from me and I was right, I’m always right. I had been telling Faye that there was something more to her staying with us, that it went beyond just simple business and that there was something more cynical behind the whole move. She believed me for sure but struggled to see that Custer could be behind it. I think in her head, he was just some lowlife who really couldn’t do much, even if he put his mind to it. But I don’t think she gives him enough credit for all the fucked up shit he’s done, but then again, maybe she didn’t know.
Maybe she was completely ignorant to the fights, the drug deals, the harassment he’s thrown at women, and the disgusting words that have left his mouth in regards to Fez, Ash and I.
I watch as Ash rolls his shoulders as he looks for the right words, the gears visibly turning behind his eyes as a guilty expression covers his face. “I’m gonna say this all really quick, you’re gonna process it and we’re not gonna fucking talk about it again, ‘lright?” He asks, my brows pulling together in confusion at his stern order but I nod nonetheless, needing to know what they had truly been hiding from me this whole time. “I killed Mouse, Fez covered for me but Custer was there, it’s how he broke his nose. I broke it- with a hammer.” He huffs, shoving his face into his hands as he groans, my heart swelling with pride at the knowledge that he was the one who hurt Custer, but the confusion still outweighs any other emotion. “Custer backed us into a corner with Faye cuz she pushed some motel manager over a fucking railing and accidently fucking killed the guy and Custer said if we didn’t help her that he would bring his ‘proof’ to the police and get me and Fez arrested.” He concludes, my eyes looking to Fez for clarification but he nods, confirming any of my suspicions. “Now we're done talking about it. But it was time you fucking knew so stop tryna fuck his girlfriend and stop tryna get a rise outta him-”
“No.” Ash points at me, my lip jutting out in a pout as he pats my back. The door opens down the hall, Faye appearing moments later, her face as pale as a ghost. Custer follows closely behind her, not giving us another glance as he makes his way out of the living room, the front door opening and slamming with aggression that makes me jump. Faye stands in the middle of the room as she sighs, my brows pulling together out of concern. Fez clears his throat after a few moments, my eyes flicking to him with concern as he speaks up.
“Anyone wanna smoke?”
Pulling the covers over my shoulders, I roll over for the hundredth time. I’ve been listening to Faye tap on her phone, the buzz from the marijuana wearing off of everyone, now being the time for us to rest our eyes and go to sleep.
But I couldn't sleep.
It had bothered me that she never spoke about what she and Custer talked about when they were alone, the contents obviously freaking her out and scaring her enough that she was sworn to silence the rest of the night. She could barely look at me, her eyes low and focused on the floor while we were smoking, occasionally laughing at one of Fez’s attempts to make her crack.
My eyes flutter shut at the thought of her harboring something that made her upset, just wanting her to talk about it, to tell me. I stare at the wall as I hear the sheets on the bed crinkle and fold as she moves, wanting nothing but to be in bed next to her, wanting to hold her and tell her that Custer's fucked up for how he's treated her all this time and how it's fucked beyond belief. Maybe hearing that out loud would send her running for the hills and straight into my arms.
Selfish, I know.
“Hey.” Turning around, I spot Faye standing over me, watching as she lowers herself to the ground beside me silently, pulling her blankets with her. She lays down next to me, taking the time to relax into the new surface before turning to me. I roll onto my side, mirroring her as I gulp, my tongue darting out to wet my lips. She watches the movement wordlessly, her eyes curious and wide in the low light. She looks sad though, her eyes twinkling a bit with unshed tears as she sniffles, a bashful smile appearing on her lips.
She seems nervous, her fingers reaching out to gently play with mine, toying with the rings around my shaky digits. She just swallows nervously, thoughts running rampant behind her pretty eyes as she looks for something to say. Not that she needed to fill the empty space between us with words, but I can tell that she’s finally considering telling me what was wrong and what truly happened.
“I don’t think I wanna be with Custer anymore…”
I’m sorry-
“He’s a really bad person, Y/n…” She trails off, reaching up to wipe her tears before slipping her hand back into mine as I watch her intently, completely shocked and at a loss for words. I try to push down my excitement as she sighs, her eyes finding mine once more. “You don’t like him, I can tell. He doesn’t like you too much either but…” I laugh, my grin proud. Thank fucking god, I'd be concerned if he wanted to be my best fucking buddy. “He’s the one who got me so hooked on drugs, I fucking couldn’t leave him cuz I was so doped up. I didn’t even know it was fucking New Years this year cuz I was so high and thought it was still fucking Halloween.” She whimpers through a teary laugh, trying to brush it off but I shake my head, instinctively reaching up to cup her cheek, catching her attention. "Fucking traumatizing." She cries, my heart breaking in my chest as I nod, realizing there's so much to their story than just him being an ass.
“It’s not your fault.” I whisper, my eyes flickering back and forth between hers as she smiles sadly and wholeheartedly.
“I knew you’d say that.”
Euphoria Taglist: @ssprayberrythings @usernamelol @pessimisticbiitch @urmomsangel @rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e
General Taglist: @loversjoy @taylors-folk @ellyskey @neverwillknowme18 @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @diorsitgirl @id-3-kbro @chiyongberry @heyaitsklaudia @lokiandbuckywife @officiallyunofficialperson @honee-chai-tea @haylee-e @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @glizzymcguirex @crunchytoenailsyum @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @steezysimfinds @visiondaddy @jointherebellion215 @rafecameronswhore @write-from-the-heart @theanxietyqueen17 @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @bubblebuttwade @leslienjazzy @rafelover2405 @vvaalleennttiinna @akaliltimmytim @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @plantlungs @geniusohn @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @wolflover384 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin @abbybarnes17 @thesundrop @melovesmut @ariianelle @grxnde-dwt
Tags That Didn't Tag (on my end): @serialghost @sorceresss @vampsviolet @szlaco @beth123lg @popehaywardssecretgf @smoke-and-fire386
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
hanma is the kind of guy you start off having just casual sex with, no strings attached on either side
but hanma cannot help getting attached- the world is so dull that he believes that there is no permanent joy- only a thrill that needs to be chased
and one day, while he is with you, he breaks down- maybe kisaki, maybe something or someone else- but it all suddenly becomes too hard to bear
but you remain there with him- no filthy jokes, no quick remarks, no words, no nothing
just a quiet somber embrace in your warm arms, fingers brushing through messy hair you joke about being oh so terrible
and after that, things just cannot stay the same- never again. hanma has grown attached. he may not be the smartest or the strongest for that matter but for as long as he can stand, for as long as he can stay conscious for as long as he breathes- he vows to spend it with you.
am i in a tender loving mood for a change? maybe.
- 🌌
are you trying to kill me????? cw: fem!Reader, manga spoilers, mentions of death, eludes to fwb, fluff word count: 1.8k ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Shuji Hanma is a paradox.
From day one he's always been this way. You knew this. You accepted this. Much like accepting the warped version of a friend's with benefits he casually dropped in your lap over a year ago.
Those late nights. Early mornings. Middle of the day. Actually Shuji basically existed in your life at any point of the day. Somehow always in it while even being gone. His idea of this arrangement wasn't classic. Wasn't exactly tactful. Wasn't a lot of things in fact. But a lot of it was exactly who he was.
You never dreamed of seeing anyone else. He never entertained the idea of another human touching his flesh if it wasn't in a fight. Both of you staring at old flip phone screens at odd hours of the day seeing each other's names light up in them. Like it mattered what a simple hook up might want. These were just hook ups. Right?
Simply thinking of the last time you'd slept with Shuji left you stumped. Had it been a few weeks? No. As you stared at him on your bed wrapped in a towel you'd used this morning. Hair hung in his face and dark circles under his eyes. You couldn't even remember the last time you slept together.
Silent in your own room. Like speaking would alert someone to his presences. The fact he was clean and safe was enough for now when you set his only other set of clothes down next to him on the bed. A top of the folded laundry rest a handful of crumpled bills.
Even looking over at your desk Shuji noticed the cash sitting a top his things, "What is this?"
"Money. For your gas."
"You just gave me some I don't-"
"You needed gas around this time last month." You shake your head refusing to have it back, "Save it then. For when you need gas."
He was pensive and quiet. Naked completely under the towel. Not the first time he was naked in your room, "....is that an acceptance letter?"
Shuji's mention caught you off guard. What he saw in your room and what you saw weren't always the same. Now though you got the idea he spotted the college headed letter on your desk well before he ever got cleaned up.
There was no reason to beat around the bush with someone you'd been sleeping with for over a year, "...Yeah. It got back quicker than I expected."
Your jaw twitched as you gritted your teeth. His back mostly to you but still you could see the corners of his eyes staring over at your desk with something behind his expression that you couldn't quiet pick.
Something between tired and lonely.
Shuji nodded slowly, "You were always pretty smart."
Quietly you sat on your bed behind him. Hands in your lap when you glanced up at the shallow dip in his shoulders. He'd yet to eat after sneaking in, "It's one of a few options. I'm weighing them out. Along with some other stuff."
If you counted right. Today marked the six month anniversary of Kisaki's death. And exactly six months since he'd really taken to running away from his trial. Without even his friend to stand it with him. Shuji would have been sentenced alone. While Kisaki sat quietly in his resting place.
Lost in thought. His voice surprised you, "You should go. Could be fun."
The bile of your decisions weighed in your throat. Things you hadn't even admitted to yourself yet. Making their way to the forefront of your lips.
"...what about you?"
"What about me?" Shuji craned around to look at you seated behind him.
"What will you do if I leave?" It was an honest question. A worry that plagued you between the hours and days that you saw him.
Shuji produced half of what his old cocky smile would be. Bags under his eyes dampening whatever arrogance he might have left, "I'm a fugitive. What are you even talking about? I'm doing this now."
The idea weighed heavy on your heart. Something that shouldn't have but much like his six five frame sinking into the foot of your mattress. His well being sunk heavy in your chest.
"Shuji...it's been six months..."
He shrugged like it didn't matter. The leopard print on his bike was no longer there. Scratched and taped over awhile ago so no one would recognize him. He hadn't styled his hair in weeks. Dark roots almost taking over the blond streak in the front. It looked like a different man in reality. Some what good for him. But still it was the same person who'd crawl though your window at night and send you pixilated memes at lunch time.
"It is what it is. Though, it's getting kinda tiring being a fugitive." Shuji admitted quietly, "Would have been better if there were two of us but...I'm just tired now."
A million and one times you'd touched the skin in front of you. Raked your nails along his back so hard that he joked about it later. Found every inch of him that made him squirm and react like a virgin all over again. You'd spent months feeling that body until you forgot where yours ended and he began. But now you worried touching him would be too much.
Aware your thoughts took you over. It was jarring when you decided to scoot closer to him. Coming beside him to realize Shuji was crying.
Globs upon globs of fat tears rolling down his pale cheeks. Gold eyes glossed over with a film he wasn't able to blink away any time soon. They followed his jaw and dripped down to the towel in his lap. As he sat there with a complacent look cast over to your desk. Where the acceptance letter sat alone.
Like it was the first time you ever touched him. The hands you reached out to him with were shaking. Just like the night you both agreed to benefit each other. Taking what was his. And Shuji taking what was yours. Ages it felt like. Now leaving you to grab him into your arms and press his wet cheek to your chest.
"Come with me." You pressed your nose into his clean hair. Still damp but it smelled like home. Because it was your shampoo after all. You held him tighter when you felt the frog creeping up into your own throat, "Come with me. Please."
Unsure of what he would do. Pull away. Joke it off. Tell you off. Shuji's reaction was uncertain just like the last year had been. And even more so with the last six months. So when his long arms snaked around your waist. Grabbing you as tight as you were holding him. You weren't ready for what came out of his mouth next.
"...who'll visit him though?" Shuji's voice, though low, almost gave way like it was wavering. His cheek smashed into your chest as he felt the corners of his mouth want to dip. Willing them to stay where they are even as the tears came forth like a broken dam, "If I leave....who'll visit Kisaki?"
The weight of death came to rest on your heart. He was dead. There was no changing that. You didn't have to like him to know Shuji got something from him that now left him more shaken than being a fugitive did. If he took your offer, it meant leaving a part of him behind.
"...well," you spoke softly above him, "Even if I send it back tomorrow. It'll take a while for things to be processed. And saving enough money for another ticket...we'd work something out with the passport. There's a bit of time before I'd leave." words hanging heavy between the two of you in the small room, "...I could go with you as much as you wanted to visit him. And maybe we could do something special once you were free. Do something tactful and technical to get you out of here. Even Kisaki would be impressed right?"
He understood the sentiment behind it. Understood deep down the feelings that weren't just for friends or benefits that he shared with you. The only other person he valued in this life that still he could see and hear and feel. Shuji felt the crush reality of it all at once.
"...They'll know because of my name." He tried to shoot it down all at once. Be it for his sake or maybe just reason and logical. Kisaki wouldn't have done anything that played in his favor and your idea didn't play in anyone's favor. But Shuji didn't understand how to think like that or plan it out. Only act. And acting right now sounded so tiring to the man.
Taking a deep breath you feel him lean into you. Like you were going to push him off after what he said. Instead you hug him tighter and stare over at the letter sitting on your desk. There's really only one thing in your head that makes sense. And your lips spill it before you're able to think it over, "...then take my last name."
Rightfully so Shuji tensed up a little under your touch.
"Take my last name. Come with me. Leave. And..." That was it. You couldn't hold it anymore. For all the tears that had spilled past his lashes. Your own broke free. Causing you to clutch him tighter as the idea of being away was worse than death, "Leave with me. Please...please don't leave me."
Shuji broke the embrace. Only to look at you nearly at eye level with how he leaned over on your bed. His eyes red and teary. Emotions you weren't familiar with hinting on his placid face. It seemed surreal to look at him like this. Even as your foolish words hung in the air.
The lump in his throat bobbed a little. When he swallowed hard and looked down at the space so close between you two on the bed. Certainly you'd both been closer. And much more naked before. But now he had such a mix Shuji wasn't sure what felt more real.
"...You're so annoying, you know that?" You crack a smile through the tears on your face. Reaching up to cup his cold face and laugh a little, "You've been annoying since day one. And yet I've never cried over you. But now, I can't seem to stop it."
His complacent stare. Your laughing tears. Shuji couldn't find the words. He was annoying because after all this he couldn't even form a coherent sentence to answer you with. All he had was actions after all. That was all he was good for.
Crashing his lips against yours. Shuji let you take him into your arms once more. Assuring the worry in his mind that this would be the last time he let you go. That nothing new to him would ever be let go. Not when it was this good.
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celestialarchon · 3 years
The Celestial Archon
Chapter One: A Storm of Stars
Genshin Impact x F!reader
In the first chapter, you may find the mystery archon described in a way that doesn’t fit you. That’s okay, it will change to each individual’s own tastes with time. The archon is described a certain way for reasons regarding the story line!
WARNINGS: lots of genshin spoilers, mentions of blood/violence, & mentions of injury.
tag list! @pebblegwn @krexpe @rockinaflock @creation-magician @noythe @weightlessrose @kclremin @vievi @simpinforkirari @red-riots-crocs
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Our story began when Mona, the esteemed astrologist made a bold declaration. The stars foretold the return of a mysterious eighth archon. With this information, the most influential people of Mondstat and Liyue set a plan into action. The beloved traveler and his sidekick were quickly dragged into the preparations for the Celestial Archon. Aether and Paimon were looking forward to resting after weeks of hard work but unfortunately were interrupted by a star falling from the heavens. And so, we continue onward with our adventure.
Aether’s legs were sore, his knees began to buckle as he finally made it to the entrance of dawn winery. He yelped, falling forwards and closed his eyes preparing for the impact. It never came as two sets of hands grasped the boy and steadied him. Diluc, the esteemed owner of Dawn Winery sighed as his brother gently removed the mysterious young woman from Aether’s back. The red headed man scowled as the traveler’s knees buckled once more, catching the now unconscious boy.
The knights of favonious stood outside the winery, watching the two men carry the weakened traveler and mystery lady. With the stars still falling in the distance it was quite a sight to behold. Mona gasped as Kaeya approached, the woman in his arms still still sleeping. Her hair was long and wild, strange silvery tattoos danced on her skin, and her body was frail. Kaeya tried to be gentle with her, holding her bridal style but he could feel her losing strength and the warm blood from a wound staining his shirt.
Noelle rushed forward to remove Aether from Diluc, “My apologies Master Diluc, but this young lady needs a free room immediately.”
Diluc nodded, grimacing at the sight of the wounded woman in his brother’s arms. He pushed the doors to Dawn Winery open, making his way to the nearest guest room. Kaeya followed him and Jean yanked her younger sister along. The room was simple with a bed, night stand, and single chair. Kaeya set the woman down on the bed carefully, and rolled her over to see the back of her top soaked.
“Kaeya, go wash up.” Jean ordered, unsheathing her sword.
Diluc steered his brother out of the room while Jean got to work. With speed and precision, Jean’s sword cut the cloth away from the injury. Her eyes widened and she stepped back as the wound as freed. Barbara peeked around her sister and felt nausea building up. Noelle entered the room to see the two sisters in shock. Jean’s eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and disgust.
“Did she have wings?” Barbara whispered, eyes never leaving the back of the woman.
“No, this isn’t a tear. Somebody or something did this to her,” Jean gritted her teeth, “they carved it into her.”
Noelle glanced over them to see something incredibly awful. There were two deep and wide gashes starting at her shoulder blades and meeting at her tailbone to make an upside down v symbol. Her breathing was shallow as the air hit the open wound. Barbara made her way to the bedside to infuse the wound with hydro energy and try to help the pain.
“Noelle!” Jean barked, “Find the Alchemists and tell Albedo to set up a direct teleport point here. Bring Sucrose here, we will need all the help we can get.”
Noelle nodded and dashed out the door, nearly colliding with the knight’s librarian. Lisa frowned but ignored the rushed girl and stepped into the room.
“Lisa,” Jean sighed as the woman walked in.
Lisa’s hand found its way to the dandelion knight’s shoulder, “Yes, acting grandmaster?”
“Please send word to Liyue Harbor that we need the aid of their best herbalist right now. This is urgent. You may also inform the adepti and Zhongli of the archon’s arrival but we need aid now.” Jean’s tone was serious, it struck a chord of anxiety in Lisa.
Without a word, Lisa strode out of the room and began to do as she was asked. Barbara continued to ease the pain of the sky goddess but grew more worried each second. The wound was infected. Sucrose burst in soon after, tears forming at the sight before her.
After what seemed like an eternity, Liyue Harbor’s esteemed top herbalist arrived with a small zombie girl. Together, the best healers from both countries began to work hard. They poured all their energy into their work and successfully removed the infection. By the time the sun began to come up, the wound was rapid healed but scarred terribly.
Though morning approached, the temporary residents of Dawn Winery found themselves crawling into bed to get some rest. Jean didn’t want to leave the eight archon’s side but was convinced to by her loving sister. The healers slept all day and all night long, missing the arrival of Liyue’s highest regarded people and adepti. Not a single soul dared to peak at the mysterious goddess as she slept, in fear of interrupting her much needed peace.
24 Hours had passed since the arrival of the eighth archon. The herbalists and knights began to wake finally as morning approached. Unfortunately, when they went to check on the strange woman and her injuries, the room was empty. Dread set over Dawn Winery with the goddess of the stars missing once more.
Noon soon came to pass but there was no sign of the Celestial Archon. Everyone had split up to search for her but had no luck. Aether was frustrated and panicked as he fell onto the grass. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew him over, Paimon clutched to his hair as a winged blue beast shot across their line of vision.
“Dvalin?” Venti stood abruptly, “Could it be..”
Realization hit Aether, “Let’s go! We need to follow him!”
Aether, Venti, Kaeya, and Lisa trailed behind the dragon. Paimon screamed at them to slow down but they were too focused to care. Finally, out of breath, they stopped. Dvalin had landed on the edge of a cliff, his head leaned down to press his snout against the cheek of a beautiful woman. Her hair was still long and wild but not unkempt. Her eyes shone bright like stars and her skin seemed to glow under the sunlight. Aether was awestruck. Was that really the same person he rescued only a day before?
The wind carried her laughter as the majestic beast snuggled up to her. Her hands came up to stroke his scales as her feet left the ground. She truly was floating. Starstruck, Aether and the knights of favonious could only stare. Venti, however, burst forward with a gleeful giggle. The celestial archon turned as the bard crashed into her. Dvalin rested his head atop of hers as her arms wrapped around the childlike god.
“Don’t worry, Barbatos,” She reassured, “I missed you, too.”
“You scared me, you stupid supernova!” Venti nuzzled his face into her chest.
Aether shivered as a growl tore through the air. The noise startled him enough, he fell right on his ass. Xiao shot forwards, ripping the anemo archon off of the celestial archon.
“You bastard drunk,” Xiao’s face was dark, “Don’t touch her as you please.”
“Ehe,” Venti giggled as the adeptus held him by the collar.
Aether stood and sighed, gazing at the shocked woman. He turned, hearing footsteps behind him. Zhongli had found them and the remaining adepti trailed behind him. The eighth archon’s mouth was agape. She flung herself at Xiao, tackling him. Venti escaped the yaksha as the goddess fell ontop of him.
“Oi,” She grinned clutching onto him, “I think I even missed your shitty attitude, pretty boy.”
Xiao’s face was red as he grumbled, “Just shut up, space case.”
Zhongli clicked his tongue, impatient. He pulled the goddess off of the yaksha and embraced her. His sudden affection made her cheeks flush but she returned the hug. Zhongli’s arms tightened around her, fearful that he would wake up from a dream. After a few moments he released her only for the poor bright eyed goddess to be swarmed by the adepti.
She giggled as they each took turns showing her how much she was missed. Even as Cloud Retainer scolded her, the smile never left her face.
“What exactly happened to you anyways?” The female crane adepti grilled the goddess.
A nervous laugh escaped the young woman, “Well, I kept thinking about how my heart was restless. So I guess I kept walking. Eventually this strange darkness consumed me and I couldn’t go anywhere. It was as if all the evil gods I struck down were exacting their revenge. Some time ago, the void I was stuck in opened up a bit and I escaped but was forced into something even worse. There were terrible monsters and powerful beings who sought my abilities I guess. They mistook me as a new goddess and attacked me.”
Aether’s ears perked up. She was talking about the Abyss, he was sure of it. His heart hurt at the way she tried to mask the pain of the endeavor. She reminded him of Lumine a bit.
“So anyways,” She continued, “I ran again and got caught in this space. It wasn’t bad, but nothing happened. I mean nothing, I was actually stuck for real that time and the space seemed to shift around me even though I couldn’t move. Time didn’t pass and my thoughts came to a stop, too. Then I was forced out and I think I was falling? That blonde kid picked me up but I was weakened. Sorry I don’t remember much but that.”
“Forced out, hm..” Cloud Retainer seemed stuck in her thoughts.
“That’s not quite right,” The goddess sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “It’s more like it shattered? I think I fell with the pieces of it.”
“How strange,” Kaeya started, “It almost sounds like a domain.”
Zhongli nodded, “It does. Let’s not discuss this any further for now, it seems to be a painful topic.”
The celestial archon smiled gently at the geo archon, embracing him again. Zhongli stiffened but wrapped his arms around her again. Aether felt Xiao shift next to him, he glanced at the adeptus and had to restrain his laughter. He didn’t think the rough adeptus could ever pour, but there he was pouting.
After exchanging greetings and parting with Dvalin, the group headed back to Dawn Winery. Paimon had already taken a liking to the goddess of stars. Aether couldn’t blame the chubby fairy, the archon seemed oddly mortal to him. The other Archons carried themselves with grace and authority. The Celestial Archon was strangely human. Her appearance was godly and she did have a sort of divine aura to her but she was far more down to earth then even Venti.
“So why did you leave so suddenly?” Aether’s curious eyes met hers as they hiked back to the winery.
“I, uh, well the sun was calling to me.” A bashful smile formed on her lips.
Aether raised his eyebrows, “Calling to you?”
“Yeah,” her eyes were a bit distant, “It’s as if it was reminding me that the sun is a star, too. It willed me to bask in it I suppose.”
Paimon giggled at the archon’s clumsy wording. Aether pondered over what she said, thinking it was unique. Dawn Winery came into view and the traveler noticed that everybody else had returned. Chaos ensued at their arrival.
“Ahem,” Venti cleared his throat, “This is the eighth archon. The Celestial Archon, Seraphim. I call her supernova though cause she’s beautiful and destructive.”
“Hello! Let’s skip formalities, feel free to call me by my chosen name!” She introduced herself cheerfully.
Everybody chose to ignore Venti’s comment on the goddess being destructive. She was far too kind and gracious to be anything of that sort. Aether was the only one among them who noticed Venti’s words. They filled him with curiosity.
“I’m so hungry,” Paimon groaned.
“Oh, I missed food!” The bubbly goddess yelled, “Let’s eat! Can we eat?”
The dining room was filled with chatter as they celebrated the arrival of the long lost archon. Paimon was stuffing her face as Venti chugged another bottle of dandelion wine, hiccuping. Diluc sighed as Kaeya poured another glass for himself with rosy cheeks. The scarlet haired man found himself looking for the celestial archon again. No matter how heard he tried to distract himself, his thoughts and eyes always found their way to her.
She was levitating above her seat, giggling as people brought her food to try. Xiao was uncharacteristically calm and looked happy even, as he fed her bits of almond tofu. Zhongli was smiling at her as she took sips of tea. The goddess picked up the small zombie girl and sat her in her lap, letting the child introduce “coco goat” milk to her. Things were going well overall.
Diluc watched as the kind hearted goddess set the child down and excused herself. She glided towards the terrace with a lingering sadness in her eyes. The esteemed Ragnvindr swiped the unopened bottle of dandelion his brother was reaching for and uncorked it. For a moment, the man was hesitant but his legs carried him to the open terrace anyways.
“Hello, Mister Diluc,” The goddess greeted him without turning to look at him.
“Pardon me,” He stopped at her side, “I don’t mean to intrude. This is a gift for you, Dawn Winery’s special.”
She glanced at him through her peripheral vision and held out her hand. He sighed and placed the bottle in her slender hand, watching her take a sip. She returned to staring at the stars above, sipping on the wine. The tycoon couldn’t help but stay by her side, seeing the look of longing she had. He felt that if he left her, she might just disappear again.
“It’s good,” She murmured, closing her eyes.
“Thank you,” Diluc tried to hold back the smile growing on his face, “I appreciate that you’re savoring it and not gulping it down like certain alcoholics.”
A snort escaped from the girl, “Barbatos the esteemed anemo archon and local alcoholic.”
Diluc snickered at her comment. She was so surreal. Everything about her felt dreamy, it was truly enchanting.
“I can leave you alone with your thoughts, I am deeply sorry if I disturbed you.” The man sighed and turned, but was stopped by her fingertips grazing his wrist.
“Diluc Ragnvindr, you are not a bother,” She sighed, “I am just a fool who would rather look for answers in constellations than face the reality before me. For me, not much time has passed since the Archon War. So you’ll have to forgive me if I seem cold, I simply am frustrated and depressed by the changes in Teyvat. I missed thousands of years and it will haunt me for a long while.”
Diluc’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the bluntness of the woman in front of him. He was empathetic to her situation, after distancing himself from everyone around him he had moments of sadness as well. He was also fascinated by her adoration for the stars.
“Do the stars give you answers?” He asked quietly.
She laughed, “Not always, but i’m able to read the constellations of an individual, even you Darknight Hero.”
“Oh, fucks sake that’s mortifying!” He groaned and then leaned in, “Wait. I have a constellation? How much do you know?”
“Your constellation is Noctua, and it’s fairly easy to read. I know that you pretend like everybody is bothering you at all times, because you don’t want to be disappointed again as your brother disappointed you after the loss of your father. You feel the need to be strong and never seen as weak, somewhere between inferiority complex and social anxiety.” Her words made his heart pound.
“But,” She continued smiling, “I understand. I also have daddy issues of sorts. And it often feels easier to put up those walls.”
Diluc was speechless. Their conversation was interrupted by clapping, as Kaeya made his way out of the shadows. Any vulnerability left Diluc at his brother’s entrance. He quickly exited the balcony seeing Kaeya’s smug expression.
“You are interesting,” his voice was almost sultry, “Tell me, what do you see from my constellation.”
The goddess gave him a sour look. She was quiet for a minute, eyes narrowed at the man. He waited, expectantly.
“Pavo Ocellus,” She sighed, “A complicated constellation. You do carry a heavy burden savior of Khaenri'ah. So much of you is shrouded in mystery, although that’s fitting isn’t it? I don’t know enough to see you as a threat, however your dishonest habits and constant tests you put people through seems irritating.”
“Oh, you’re bold,” He grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Bold, beautiful, and busty. Just my type.”
“And you say things like that so casually,” She pushed his hand away, making her way back to the dining hall.
“Sir Kaeya, you should be careful saying such things. If you aren’t, somebody might fall for you. It’s like a honey trap. Give the wrong person the wrong idea and you’ll find yourself in a pinch.”
With that, she left the calvary captain alone with his thoughts. He was pulled in by her, but knew she was dangerous. His mind shifted back to Venti’s word earlier and he clicked his tongue. The bard may have been onto something.
When Kaeya returned to the banquet, the Celestial Archon was back to eating and being doted on. Xiao’s glare was locked in and targeted as Kaeya sat a short distance from the goddess. Kaeya merely winked at him, sticking his tongue out slightly. The yaksha’s hand flew to the spear by his side as he snarled at the cryo wielder. The goddess noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere and moved to the adepti’s lap. He blushed and scowled, but set his head on her shoulder.
The young woman’s affection towards Xiao didn’t go unnoticed and soon Zhongli was offering her tea while Venti offered her booze. Even Jean was attempting to seek some attention from the goddess. For once, Diluc and Kaeya had the same thought. That woman is troublesome.
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gennabi · 2 years
ginro x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
romantic; fluff, a bit angst
[ ginro has a staring problem , mentions of death as metaphor , it's valentines WOOOO (i'm sorry this is so late omfg) , ginro's pov at first n then reader's ]
requested from wattpad
dr stone masterlist | main masterlist
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ginro doesn't remember the last time he was this lucky. he doesn't remember the last time his head feels so light-headed or the last time his palms were this sweaty. but as you're seated opposite him, looking all dazzling, he couldn't help it that his eyes keep trailing to your figure every so often. in his head, his actions are all sly and you're going to fall in love with him when you catch his eyes. yet when you do, you only open your mouth and stare back with a huff,
"ginro, stop staring at me. it's your turn already"
huh? oh, right. he nearly forgets the topic on hand. everyone decided to take a break from working and sat in a circle, and gen opened the conversation with asking everyone's ideal type, adding something along the lines of "since it's valentines". ginro doesn't hesitate when he answers and a beam is visible on his face, "pretty girls of course! don't you like it when they just do things prettily?" and echoes of boos followed right after as he simply chuckles it off.
it's something that has been on the tip of his tongue for the longest time and he has no shame in admitting it. not like there's any fault in his type. and sometimes, he hears people talking about how shallow that is. he understands but somehow he doesn't. what's so wrong with a simple answer? does a complicated one makes someone even cooler? truthfully, he doesn't really care when people critics his answer. sure, it'll make him cry here and there because words hurt. but it's not really something to mull over.
he doesn't really care..... until you're the one nodding your head slowly and gaze casting to the ground.
did i.. do something wrong?
the laughters and chatters of his friends grow silent on his ears, entering into an ear and leaving through the other. are you perhaps, upset? why would you even be in the first place? unless you like him...─ no. no way. what is even there to like about him? he's childish, and his mindset is lacking and he's always running away and there he goes, repeating what people often tell him. so much for not caring. a sigh escapes his lips and only when he rakes in his surroundings, he realizes that the conversation is almost coming to an end. he glances over to the last one in the circle: ruri who's covering her face, chrome beside her with hues of red dusting on his cheeks. he fails to notice that by the time he does so, your eyes is on him and an involuntary 'oh' falls past your lips.
senku puts a finish to everyone's teasing, standing up as he announces that the break time is over and they start leaving the place one by one. you on the other hand, sits still, looking ahead into the distance. he gets to his feet and turns around, "do you want to go together?" did he sound okay? do you think he's charming now? his lips turn downwards when you reply softly, "no, it's okay. you can go first. i want to be alone for a while"
and for a moment, he considers it. if he should just spill his feelings right at that second. even so, he stops himself. how would that even help you? he's not even sure if you like him. and are you even upset because of him? so he takes a step away, a second, but his eyes betray him when they peek another glance. with your head now pressed on your knee, legs folded up, he doesn't think he bears to take another step.
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you ignore the sound of footsteps approaching you. it's probably senku or kaseki, coming back to nag you to start working. it reaches you and for a minute, there's silence before some rustlings were heard. you were so ready to just let them bite your ears off with their talk. but you're taken into surprise when an arm circles your shoulder and suddenly your head is bumped sideways to a chest. you slightly lift your head, noting the familiar long yellow locks and your heart immediately stutters.
there's a pause before you feel his body slightly rumbles, "pretty and cute girls are nice but.... what's most important is i have to like them first" huh? "and why are you telling me this?" you almost feel awkward at the lack of response from him so you tilt your head upwards to ask when he instantly shoves your head down, the friction making you hiss. he sputters, registering what he did spontaneously, "shit- fuck- i'm so sorry! i'm so sorry!! you just make me nervous sometimes!"
oh. he's done it.
he musters up the courage for the next bit, ready for whatever that is about to come. but when your eyes meet again, there's a gleam in yours, "only sometimes?". he feels a surge of heat creeping up his face from your teasing and the close proximity, and it slips past his mind that his warm face was what made him accidentally push you away in the first place. turning his face away, he laughs, "kidding! i was just kidding! i only wanted to cheer you up you kn-" "stop lying, your face is still red"
there's really no saving it now.
ginro's voice grows extremely quiet when he finally gives in. "i like you. are you happy now?". ginro thinks this is when he'll die. while hugging you, out of embarassment and the whole village is going to laugh at how pathetic of a death that is. you're going to think that he's lame an─ his train of thoughts comes to a halt when he feels your fingertips brushing on his free hand. you bring it to your lips, resting your head deeper onto his torso, "very much".
he'll die a thousand times if it this is what death feels like.
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my beloved ginro 😔💖
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dat-town · 3 years
not gonna miss this chance
Characters: Han Seojun & soloist!female reader
Genre: fluff
Setting: true beauty au, set a year after the tv show’s ending timeline
Summary: Your career is on the verge of ending, hence your management puts you up to do a duet with the infamous Han Seojun. You have heard too many rumours about him to keep track of and yet, none of them could have prepared you for the feelings that came with meeting him.
Words: 4.1k
Self indulgent little snippet because he deserves happiness too.
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You had heard of Han Seojun before meeting him, of course you had. Everybody who was in the industry had heard of the hot trend of a Newstagram star-turned idol and his band's shining debut from a year ago. They were told to have snatched teenage girls hearts all over Korea with their good looks and soulful music. You had heard their title track and you had to admit it was nice but nice wasn't enough in a cut-throat industry like entertainment.
Look at you, starting training at twelve, debuting at fifteen and now barely twenty-one you were on the verge of becoming a thrown away doll. Once you had been called cute and the it girl of your generation and now? People were saying you got boring just because your music had matured. Gosh, you couldn't keep singing about first love like your hit song had been for the rest of your life for god's sake. Your last album had been a flop, your company had been losing money and you were still afraid that even with a year left of your contract, they would cut you. But your manager had begged them for a chance and here it was: a collaboration with the newest love of Korea.
But the thing was, Han Seojun had quite a reputation and you didn't know who to believe. Some said he was well-mannered and hard-working. Others gossiped that he was always flirting with his makeup artists and Chen claimed he had been rude to her even when he had just been a ‘nobody’. Not that you were particularly fond of Chen either but as a fellow solo female singer you were a tad bit worried how the infamous singer would treat you.
Well, standing in front of Move Entertainment, you were just about to find out. Taking a shallow breath you followed your manager's lead, bowing to the receptionist and getting into the elevator after taking your visitor's badge. You had heard the company has gone through many changes after the executives were replaced due to the revealed Seyeon scandal but everything looked expensive, shiny and new, unlike in your small agency.
“Hey, I’m Lim Heekyung, nice to meet you. Seojun will be in a minute, too,” a woman in a pantsuit walked up to you on the right floor with a confident smile as she introduced herself. She led you to a meeting room which was apparently customized for a few people only and started preparing papers. She looked excited which was a relief and nice to see, at least someone from Move Entertainment was happy for this project apparently. You were a bit afraid they would see you like a leech, trying to cling onto their new star’s popularity.
“Shall we start? Seojun is a fan of dramatic entrances anyways,” Miss Lim laughed joyfully as if it wasn’t new to her that the idol didn’t make it on time. Ah yeah, you had heard rumours saying that he had something on the company and that was why they were so lenient with him.
You sat in silence, let your manager do the talk about the collaboration project. Seojun could play the guitar, you could play the piano, apparently it was perfect for a ballad duet, though if you used instruments yourself it added to the preparations time. But luckily, there was a songwriter named Leo at the company who had already sent in a few samples specifically for Seojun, so you didn’t have to start from zero.
“Ah, I see you started without me. What did I miss?” A tall boy opened the door wide and flipped down onto the chair across you casually. He had grown into his lanky limbs and with those wide shoulders hugged by the leather jacket, helix earrings in one ear and soft brown hair brushed to one side, it wasn’t a surprise how many female fans swooned over him. But there were a lot of handsome boys in the business, just his looks – no matter how confident he was in them based on the way he carried himself – wouldn’t make a difference.
Miss Lim patiently let Seojun know about the advances and only when she mentioned your name, did the boy glance at you. His dark brown eyes had a sharp form, just as piercing as his gaze, but the cunning smile spreading over his lips softened it a bit. He looked at you as if he wanted to see through you, to figure out how he should have approached you. You expected a snarky or arrogant comment, but in the end, he just flashed a blinding smile at you, one you could see on his posters, before turning back to Miss Lim.
“What’s the schedule?” he asked simply and you both were notified about the deadline of deciding and finalizing the song, the dates of planned recording sessions and the photoshoot. Since there would be no promotion period, it all would be done within a month and half from start to finish. You were a bit relieved hearing that and leave Move Entertainment without any confrontation.
You thought you were good at masking your wary feelings since the further meetings went well and the first recording session went okay-ish. Although both of you had been a bit scolded by the producer for not putting enough feelings into your singing. He claimed that the demo sent by Leo was much more emotional which made Seojun scoff and mumble under his nose. The PD called it for a day, making you promise to practice for next time and one by one they all left. Your manager told you that he would bring the car while you refresh yourself in the bathroom, so you really didn’t expect anyone to wait for you when you stepped out of the restroom, much less Han Seojun.
"Spit it out," he bit out barely glancing your way as he leaned against the corridor’s wall.
"What?" you spluttered as you were really taken aback by his out of blue appearance and question. The guy let out a tired sigh at your obliviousness and pushed himself away from the wall just to walk up to you, towering over your height with his.
"You look at me as if I killed your hamster or something. Which rumour about me bothers you? I fucking can't keep walking on eggshells around you, especially when it's just the two of us," he tsked and you gulped at the sudden called out. You didn’t think it bothered him, or that he was considerate enough to ‘walk on eggshells around you’, you merely thought he was so distant from everybody. It was still better than what Chen had told you.
"Oh, I… nothing. It's stupid. Sorry," you mumbled, feeling embarrassed for your your actions but Seojun apparently wasn’t satisfied without a real answer as he carried on:
"I didn't bully kids in high school but I threatened ones that deserved it, I didn't only get a pity chance from the entertainment, one of our makeup artists is actually one of my best friends, I'm not…"
"Chen told me you are rude and arrogant and have no respect for girls," you blurted out to stop him from speaking because you felt like you didn’t deserve to hear all that. He didn’t owe you any explanation for the way he was. You were just co-workers for a project after all, you had no place in his life, nor he had in yours, so he shouldn’t have been that bothered by your opinion but you understood that he felt uncomfortable due to your silent accusations.
Hearing your hasty interruption, the singer scoffed, a laugh-like sound leaving his mouth.
"Well, I have no respect for girls like Chen who harass my friends and turn their lives into hell just to go on a date with me," he said and it made you blink slowly.
"Yeah, oh. Check your facts before you go around believing such crap," Seojun stepped back with a roll of his eyes.
The whole situation made you feel made about how you acted, so you wished to apologise but it fell from your lips all too carelessly: "Sorry, I was just worried. This is my last chance, so–"
"Last chance?" the guy quirked a brow at you, curious but you quickly waved his question away.
"Nevermind, I just need this song to do well."
"Of course, it will. I'm Han Seojun, it will turn to gold under my hands," he grinned and made eccentric gestures as if he was about to do magic. You couldn't help a smile. “Or well, vocal chords.”
And turn it to gold, he did.
The rest of your recording sessions went smoother, even the previously grumpy PD complimented your for the development in your chemistry. Funny, you wouldn’t have thought that the wall pulled up between the two of you mattered that much, but at least you didn’t have a knot in your stomach, nor did you worry about every small thing you did around Han Seojun. He also acted more casual, more playful, joking around when both of you had a bit of time to take a breather. He snapped silly pictures, showed off with his height, smirked when he got too close but despite all his bravado and lowkey flirting, you believed even he wouldn’t have jeopardised his career over something like this.
Maybe that's why wrapping up the recording felt a tad bit weird: you got used to his presence, his jokes, his beautiful, deep voice that you could have fallen asleep to. Sure, sometimes he was cocky, a bit rough around the edges but he was a great singer and a fun guy. The project seemed to work out well and you loved it a lot, so you hoped the listeners would appreciate it as well.
But before all that you had one photo shoot together for the promotional pictures and the single's cover. You were grateful for the simple pastel colour background and elegant setting. The warm light latte colour and the clock in the background really fit the song's vibe. Luckily, your dress was decent and pretty as well, you didn't have to feel uncomfortable in it at least.  However, you didn’t expect that happy yelp coming from one of the makeup artists stepping into the dressing room. You turned to face the girl, wondering whether she was your fan judged by her excitement.
"Oh my! I'm so happy to finally meet you! Seojun told us about you so much!" she beamed at you which obviously took you back. Well, that you didn’t expect at all. He spoke of you to others? Ah. Apparently to the makeup artist who was most probably that certain one of his best friends he had told you about?
"Don't exaggerate, Imju, I mentioned her like what… once?" Seojun walked in on cue. He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, trying to avert the topic. "How's Suho?"
You had know idea who that said guy was but after a moment or two you could breathe properly once again while listening to their chatting.
“Just the usual. He’s excited about your duet.”
“Of course, he is,” Seojun grinned, a bit snarky but you could hear the proud undertones of it. When he looked at you, you were surprised by him leaning close though as he quieted down until only you could hear it. “Don’t worry, Jugyeong is really good and just stop her if she gets too gossip-y.”
“Are you talking about me behind my back, hah, Han Seojun?” The pretty girl called Jugyeong raised her fist as if she was about to hit the idol but he just laughed it off and left you two alone when he was hurried onto the set to start with his individual shoots.
“Have you known each other for a long time?” you couldn’t help but wonder as you were seated to get your makeup from her.
“Ah, almost 4 years, I think. We went to high school together. Plus, he’s best friends with my boyfriend. Though, they are always bickering like a married couple,” Jugyeong chuckled joyfully as she started with the cushion. You closed your eyes, listening as she kept going on about the time when Seojun had been obsessed with his motorbike, getting into trouble with his mother. It was strange hearing about a whole other side of him, mama's boy but the image tugged on your mouth, making you smile even though you weren't sure you had the right to know all that. You also learned that Seojun's sister was dating Jugyeong's brother and you felt so involved with the girl's trust albeit it was your last meeting, you were sure Seojun must have only told good things about you.
Hence, you felt shy under his knowing gaze when you walked out of the dressing room. He must have known that Jugyeong couldn't shut up for the life of her, so he looked a bit uncertain, too, stretching the back of his neck, forcing a cunning smile onto his smile when you took your place next to him.
To fit the ballad's theme, the setting was a piano decorated with flowers and you were instructed to sit beside him as if you were about to play a four hands piece. As you did what you had been told, you were very much aware of the way your arms brushed, his long fingers over the keys close to yours, his smile small but genuine.
"Great, great, guys! Someone help her onto the piano and Seojun, stand in front of her," the photographer directed the next scene but before any staff members would have rushed up to you, the singer next to you shushed them.
"I can do it," he insisted as he stood up and looked you in the eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded while holding your breath back before Seojun put his hands on your waist above the fluffy tulle skirt part and counting on three, he lifted you onto the lid of the beautiful instrument.
You crossed your legs, watching in awe as your pink skirt fell down on waves  but your breath hitched for an entirely different reason when you looked up, gaze meeting Seojun's feline eyes trained on you. You had never seen him look at you like that, lacking playfulness or suspicion or curiosity. He looked open, vulnerable, outright starstruck. Your lips parted meaning to ask something but your brain shut off when you heard the shutter of the camera go down and the director yelling compliments at you. It made you snap out of it and later, you blamed the evident blush on your cheeks on the makeup. Seojun blinked too, his guarded expression back in no time, finishing the photo shoot professionally, always lingering close to you, but never touching you. Even though you wouldn’t have minded.
"Hey," Seojun peeked into your dressing room just as you were about to leave, packing up, with a smile on his mouth and sparkles in his deep brown eyes. But unlike half an hour ago when he wore a fancy suit and looked at you like a prince would have looked at his princess, he acted just as casual as he looked in his denim jacket over dark tee. "Wanna grab something with me if you finished for today?"
His question took you back but first thing first you glanced towards your manager, eyes begging for permission which you had gotten with a sigh.
"Just be discreet and call me if you need me to pick you up," your manager shrugged, leaving you two alone with a knowing look that told you to be careful. You didn't need to be told though, you knew how much depended on the current public response to your image.
"Seems like a green light. Have you thought of anything specific?" you turned back to the boy with a subtle smile.
"Not really but I know a few less frequent, secluded places to avoid much talk about us," he said and you nodded, following his lead. Masks, caps and hoodies on, you barely talk on your way to the tent with the lovely ahjumma who welcomed Seojun (two heads taller than her) with a pinch of his cheeks and told you to get seated.
"Are you a regular here?" you inquire, carefully pulling down your mask since not many people are around.
"You could say that," the boy hummed letting you adjust to the place at your own pace, not pressuring you with extra reassessments about how safe it is there. Yet, he is so casual as if he wasn't afraid of a getting mobbed by Dispatch out of the blue. Not that it happened to you a lot of times but you heard stories and at such a crucial time in your career, you feared something like that more than anything.
"Do you want to come up to mine instead?" Seojun blurted out suddenly which made you wide eyed in a span of a moment as you splattered out a surprised yelp. "Come on, I don't mean anything by it. You just look really nervous being in the public," the singer said, his deep voice softening, soothing by the end and you needed to take a breather before answering. You didn't think it was so obvious but apparently you had never been a good liar with him.
In the end, you decided on going over to Seojun's place, so he asked the ahjumma to pack your food to go and you headed towards his flat a few blocks from the company. It was a small but cozy place, much softer and brighter than you expected, lots of pastels and photos of friends and family. While the boy busied himself in the kitchen, getting you plates, chopsticks and beer, you were encouraged to look around and you couldn't help but smile at his photos with not only his band members but high school friends, too. You had seen photos of his graduation with Jugyeong, then another one of his debut with her and another guy.  He was a recurring person on a lot of pictures, so you assumed that he was the so-called Suho.
"He's Jugyeong's boyfriend," Seojun affirmed as he walked up to you which you acknowledged with a hum and smiled at his photos with his sister and mother. The makeup artist was right when she said he was only tough on the outside.
"You knew Seyeon?" you whispered as your gaze shifted of a picture of three boys smiling widely into the camera. The middle one was the talented boy you had known  from the news of his committed suicide. Such a tragedy.
"Uhum. We were best friends. Him, Suho and me," Seojun nodded and without having to ask, he told you how they had gotten to know each other, what were their favourite past time activities and how they fell apart when he died. You could see he was hurting even now as he was talking about it, so you grazed your fingers against his knuckles as though to say you were there for him to listen, or whatever he needed.
Talking about his best friends and how a group of guys including someone named Chorong stuck by his side over the years warmed your heart. It was nice to know that not everyone had it as lonely as you who basically missed out on high school and memories from that time to be able to turn your dreams into reality. Your only friends were also in the industry but it made things both easier and harder.
"What about you? What did you mean by this being your last chance?" Seojun asked like a loaded gun but after everything he had just told you, you knew you could trust him with this and being in the industry for a while now, he must have understood, too.
You told him about the rising expectations, about your image and your company's ultimatum. It actually felt nice to talk about with someone other than your manager. Especially since Seojun seemed to understand exactly why you felt conflicted over the matter. You have given your youth to this dream of yours, so giving up on it would have felt like betraying yourself and everyone who believed in you but you weren't sure you could give it another 10 years of your life no matter how much you liked music. You had decent CSATs result, maybe you could have applied for a university program. Seojun even offered to arrange a meeting between you and Suho who was studying to become a proper songwriter.
You talked for hours and ate the tteokbokki even though it had gotten cold long ago and you couldn't remember when was the last time you had felt so light. You felt giddy even with just the tiny bit of alcohol in your system by the time you knew it was time for you to go.
Once you had felt relieved knowing that promoting your duet would be only one performance but recently, you started dreading the moment because that meant that you wouldn't have any more excuse to see Seojun. In the backstage, this time around you greeted Jugyeong like an old friend and teased to give Seojun a funny makeup before walking up to your  own assigned staff members. Your look was full of sparkles and glow fitting the silver colour of your dress, completing the ethereal vibe off the stage you were going to do and the beautiful song you had grown to love so much you held it close to your heart. The last rehearsals went smoothly and if you noticed Seojun's gaze lingering a bit too long, you didn't comment on it.
"Are you nervous?" he asked before the final recording and you knew it would have been unreasonable to deny it, so you replied with a small smile.
"A bit."
"Don't be. You're pretty and you'll do amazing," he reassured you and the way he said those words oh so easy. As if they were natural. As if he believed in you and maybe this was all the reassurance you needed because when you walked up onto the stage, not taking your eyes off his, it felt like it was just the two of you there. All the stress about not being good enough, about being judged for who you were and what you wanted to do with your life was subsided as you focused on the moment, just to sing this one song with one while trying to fight your heart's crazy beating.
You didn't really have the luxury to have crushes. You had always been concentrated on your work, you couldn't let yourself have distractions, especially since love scandals always affected girl worse than guy. At least that was what you told yourself for always putting up a wall around you and guarding your heart all too well. But during the past few weeks, between playful or flirty remarks, between smiles and ruffling hair, Seojun took apart your wall brick by brick even if he wasn't aware.
So it might have been only a few days since you had last seen him but in that rare moment of boredom, alone in your room, you realized that you missed him. Hell, you liked him and the feeling made me want to scream into your pillow as if you were a silly teenager. As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a new message and seeing the KakaoTalk ID made you shy.
duet partner, han seo jun
i've been thinking
sounds dangerous but ok
duet partner, han seo jun
don't get sassy with me, miss
what have you been thinking about?
duet partner, han seo jun
that i don't want to miss my chance
there's this girl i like
i thought of asking her out
do you think she would say yes?
oh. well... why wouldn't she?
i mean, you are talented, handsome, funny and reliable
duet partner, han seo jun
and what about my job? it's busy and a bit crazy
don't you think it would be unfair of me to ask?
I think you should let her decide that
duet partner, han seo jun
are you free on friday?
um, sure?
duet partner, han seo jun
cool, then go on a date with me?
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
a/n: here she is!!! while i work on afl, here is my crackfic on tattoo artist bucky!! if u haven’t caught on yet, most of my writing is au’s because of all the possibilites in terms of scenarios and storylines. anyways, i hope you enjoy, lovies!!! xoxo, ali <3
wc: 2.8k 
[tattoo artist!bucky x fem!reader]
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It was like an addiction. 
Your first tattoo you got was simple. It was a dainty, small one on your wrist.
But now, it was slowly developing into a sleeve.
Not that you minded, though. Your forearm was slowly becoming filled with designs that you kept going back and getting here and there.
And at the tattoo parlor near your apartment in Brooklyn, you had become a regular at this point.
It was called B&R Tattoo Shop, and it was run by two of the kindest, but most attractive men you’ve ever met. 
You’ve come to find out after getting to know the owners, that they opened the shop a bit after they returned from their second tour in the army and wanted to settle back in their hometown.  
Steve and James were hospitable to you, especially when they first met you. Steve was the one to meet you and speak with you at first, but he handed you off to James, or Bucky as he asked you to call him, because he was the artist at their shop that specialized in more of what you were looking for in terms of style. 
As far as first tattoo conversations go, you and Bucky got to know each other pretty well in one session. The tattoo itself took less than an hour, but it felt like Bucky was... prolonging it in a way, like he wanted to keep you there longer.
As you swung open the door of the shop, you were greeted by their piercer, Natasha. 
“Hey, back for another already?” She smirks from her spot behind the desk. While she wasn’t piercing, she usually worked the front if there was no one else free.
Your first tattoo had been done by Bucky, and you instantly fell in love.
With the tattoo. 
Well, Bucky too. Just a little bit.
He was extremely soothing and eased you into the process of tattooing you. He told you when something was going to happen, and as soon as you got used to the feeling of the needle against your skin. 
The more he talked to you, the less pain you felt. It was already not that painful, but you almost forgot about it with him talking to you. When he looked up to you as he finished, you looked like a confused puppy.
“Okay, all done, doll.” Bucky looked up at you, moving to turn off his machine.
“Oh... that was fast.” You furrowed your brows.
“Well, yeah, we moved pretty fast since it was a pretty small piece.” He explains, grabbing a paper towel and the anti-bacterial spray.
“Do you mind if I take a quick picture of it? I usually do, for my portfolio.” Bucky asks, inspecting the tattoo closely once again.
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine.” You wait for him to pull out his camera, take the picture, and he comes back with a piece of plastic film in his hand.
“Okay, so this saniderm has to stay on for about three days. This is how it’ll heal, and when you take it off just wash it up with a gentle soap and use a cream without any fragrance or any of that crap. I can give you a little of that spray if you wanna use it to clean it up if you ever feel like it’s dirty.” Bucky explains, giving you a mini bottle of the antibacterial spray.
“Thank you,” you say, moving to sit up in the chair. “How much do I owe you?”
“Uh, just about $40.” Bucky says without eye contact, heading to the computer at the front counter.
“$40? That’s it? When I signed the waiver it said the shop minimum was $75...?” You wonder out loud.
“Let’s just say you get a special discount, doll.” He smirks, typing something into the computer and only sparing you a glance.
“O-Oh. Alright.” You say sheepishly, handing him your credit card.
“Okay, you’re all set. Hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” He tells you with a gentle smile. It really contrasted his aura; a big, beefy guy with a metal prosthetic arm, covered in probably hundreds of tattoos. But here he was, smiling like sunshine.
“I think I will be. Have a nice day, Bucky.” 
“You too, sweetheart.” He gives you that smirk again, making you feel like you might actually pass out. And not because you just had a needle jabbed into your skin for almost an hour.
“Uh, I already talked to Bucky for my session today. I know I’m a bit early, I can wait if he’s still working on someone else.” You tell Natasha with a smile.
“Sure, let me get you your waiver.” She says, and you plop down into one of the chairs at the front and pulling out your book to pass time after filling out the form.
After a few minutes, Bucky emerges with a girl from his little tattooing corner.
You hear his voice first, looking up from the book while he talks to her.
“Okay, since this was your first piece and pretty small, I’ll only charge ya $55 for it, doll.” Bucky tells the girl with a smile, and you immediately feel a pang in your chest.
You didn’t want to say you were jealous, but goddamn it, your breathing became just a little more shallow at the sight you were currently witnessing.
Even Natasha and Steve turned their heads to him, confused looks on both of their faces.
“Oh! Y/N, you’re here! C’mon back, I’m sure Nat already set you up with your waiver.” You nod, not saying a word as you follow him to the familiar chair.
“So, are we still doing what we discussed on the phone?” Bucky asks, setting up his area to tattoo you.
“Actually, I was thinking something different.” You say sharply.
“Different?” The shock is evident on his features. 
“Yeah. Different. Just want a little something on my collarbone.” You say, sitting down. 
“O-Okay... what were you thinking of?” He asks, pulling out his sketchbook.
“I want an olive branch, going from here to here.” You show him where you want it to start and end. It was a bit of a stretch right across the left side of your chest. “Something simple and minimal. I’ve been thinking of starting the top of my sleeve, this might be a good way to transition into it.” You say nonchalantly.
“Uhm... alright. How does this look?” Bucky asks, showing you his sketch. “I would, of course, add more detail to your liking, just let me know.” 
“Yeah, I want some more shading, please.” You say shortly. You honestly weren’t trying to be mean, but you were irritated.
But in the end, you really had no right to be. 
After almost ten sessions with Bucky, he hasn’t made any indication that he likes you the way you like him.
Sure, he calls you pet names, but he does that to everyone. Even discounts. You weren’t special. He was just being nice and doing his job.
So honestly, you had to cut the act here.
“Are you sure this is what you want? Are you saving the other design for our next session?” Bucky asks, growing more and more concerned with your odd behavior. Usually you would talk to him about your day, how work was, really anything. 
“I don’t know. I think I might ask Steve to do that one instead.” You say out of spite, more than anything. You would never take a design that Bucky made specially for you to another person to tattoo on you, even if it was his own business partner.
“Wha- Why? Did I do something? You’ve been acting really weird today...” Bucky questions you carefully. “Talk to me, doll. Did you have a bad day at work?”
But that, that right there, was your breaking point. Doll. 
“No, I’m fine. Let’s just get this done.” You huff, laying down after nodding to the sketch that Bucky drew out. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed even further, but didn’t ask any more questions. He laid down the stencil and asked if the placement was alright. You looked in the mirror he handed you and nodded briefly. 
The entire time Bucky had the machine in his hand, neither of you spoke a word. He tried to make brief conversation, but you only responded with a hum or nod. 
When he finally finished up, you got up and headed to the counter without a word after looking at the finished tattoo in the mirror. 
Your face was blank, emotionless, and Bucky was truly lost. 
After you paid the full price of your piece, you walked out of the shop, not even sparing anyone a glance. 
Once you left, the shop was dead silent. Everyone either just finished up with a client or didn’t have any at the moment, and the shop was blanketed in an extremely uncomfortable silence.
“What the hell was that, man?” Sam’s voice broke the silence, making Bucky’s head snap towards him. 
“I-I... I have no idea. She was acting so...so weird today.” Bucky looked more confused than ever.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Natasha’s voice cuts through the palpable silence.
“Wh- What the hell did I do? I asked her too, and she didn’t give me an answer...” Bucky mumbles.
“Do you like her?” She fires back with a fire in her eyes.
“W-Well, yeah. She’s a regular.” Bucky answers, looking at his fiddling hands.
“Not like that, you dunce. You know what I mean, don’t act dumb.” Natasha rolls her eyes.
Bucky sighs, not making eye contact yet again.
“I-... I do like her.” He says. “But I don’t think she feels the same.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ... You really are a dumbass.” Sam sighs out.
Steve snorts at his words, nodding in agreement.
“Buck, she got jealous.” He explains, shaking his head at his best friend’s obliviousness.
“J-Jealous? Of what?” Bucky scoffs in shock.
“That girl you had right before her. Gave her a discount, called her pet names. The whole shabang.” Natasha points out to him. “Also, you gotta stop giving out discounts like that. You’ll lose more money than you’re makin’.” Natasha scoffs. 
“Wh- But... She never said anything...?” Bucky thinks back to all the times you’ve sat in his chair. You never made any indication that you were outwardly interested in him.
“I think she said enough today without actually saying much.” Steve laughs. His friend was a real idiot.
“I... But, why didn’t she say anything before?” Bucky asked.
“Buck, you never said anything either. I guess that when she heard you talk to that girl like that, she thought you really didn’t like her like that at all. You treated that girl the same way you treat her.” Natasha explains to Bucky, who had a look of realization on his face.
“But... I was just... being nice...” He says with his head in his hands. 
“Well, now she thinks you do that with all you clients, so...” Sam says, making the brunet’s head shoot up.
“Fuck. Fuck. I fucked up everything!” He exclaims. “I-I do like her!” 
“Well, don’t tell us that, tell her!” Sam shouts back to him, and before Bucky can process, he’s pulling out his phone and dialing your phone number.
“C’mon, pick up, pick up,” He mumbles repeatedly, but the call goes to voicemail. “Fuck.”
“Not pickin’ up?” Steve questions, coming to the front and picking up the shop phone. “Gimme her number, she’s doesn’t have to shop saved to her phone, right?” 
“No, I don’t think she does.” Bucky says, watching as Steve dials your number.
“Hello?” Your voice sounds annoyed as it filters through the phone. “Who’s this?” 
“Uh, Y/N! Hi!” Steve speaks, looking at Bucky in a panic, his facial expression screaming, ‘talk to her!’ 
“Steve? What’s up?” You ask, wondering what he needed. 
“You uhh... you forgot your book here!” He blurts out, trying to find an excuse, but quickly found one upon seeing your book resting on the seat where you were waiting. 
“O-Oh... I guess I’ll just turn around. I’ll be there in a few. Thanks, Steve.” You say, ready to hang up.
“O-Okay. Bye, Y/N.” He clears his throat, hanging up. “You have like, ten minutes to get your shit together and talk to her when she gets here. Good luck.” Steve pats Bucky on the shoulder, ready to haul Natasha and Sam to the back to give you two some privacy.
Bucky thought that this was the longest ten minutes of his life, and he was trying to conjure up a speech in his head to confess to you.
Finally, when you did appear through the doors, you looked lost. You only saw Bucky, which made you even more aggravated from the fact that you had to turn back around.
You were ready to head home and wallow in peace, but alas, you wanted your book. 
Bucky just watched as you picked up the book from his grasp across the desk, your eyes not meeting his while he kept his gaze on you very intently. 
Just as you turned around to leave, Bucky’s voice cut through the unbearable silence.
“Y/N?” He simply asks, and you feel like the wind’s been knocked out of your lungs at the sound of his small voice. This wasn’t the Bucky you knew and... loved.
“Yes, James?” You simply respond, and Bucky cringes at the sound of his first name being used. 
“Can I talk to you for a second?”
“...Why? Is everything alright?” And although your voice didn’t give it away, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Any possible scenario popped into your head. He has a girlfriend. He’s gonna tell you he doesn’t wanna see you anymore. He-
“E-Everything’s fine, doll. Just wanted to tell you that... That I...” Bucky’s voice sounded strained, like there was something caught in his throat.
“Bucky, just spit it out.” You say, wanting to leave already.
“It’s just- I like you. A lot. And I’m so sorry for earlier with that other client. I was just trying to be nice, but I realized how that looked to you, and I never thought anything of it because I didn’t know if you liked me back or-” Bucky was rambling, and your eyes were wide as saucers.
“Bucky, Bucky stop. Let me talk before you drive your own head in with conclusions,” you say, resting your hand on top of his on the desk.
“I like you a lot, too. I didn’t think you like me either because of that girl before me. You just- you treated her the same way you treated me, and I got jealous. I know I didn’t have the right to be, but it just made me think that... that you didn’t feel the same way about me, that I was just another client to you. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, and also for being kind of a bitch to you...” Now you were the one rambling, your hands flying all over the place in explanation.
“D-Doll, I never wanted to make you feel that way. I’m sorry, too. I should’ve told you before, before I almost blew everything with you that we’ve been building these past months.” He says placing one large tattooed hand and one metal hand on the sides of your face. “But I’m not gonna miss my chance again. Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?”
“I-I would love to, Bucky. Took you long enough to ask me.” You giggle, holding onto the hands on your face.
“Yeah, well, I’m kind of an idiot, if you haven’t already noticed.” He laughs, gazing into your eyes with a look that almost turned you to mush in his hands. 
“Do... do ya wanna go now?” You ask, nodding your head to the door.
“Sure, let me go grab my jacket from the back.” He tells you, and you nod, watching as he keeps his eyes on you until he disappears to the back.
“My man, who would’ve thought you’d finally man up?” Sam ridicules him as soon as Bucky appears.
“Dude, shut up. I got a date to get to, see you losers later.” He rolls his eyes, moving back out where you’re smiling at him.
“Ready, angel?” Bucky asks, slipping his hand into yours.
“Ready, handsome.” You reply, and as soon as you step out into the fall air, you plant a kiss on his cheek. “Where to, lover boy?”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 8)
(chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5) (chapter 6) (chapter 7)
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smut... a minor injury... a motorcycle... a teeny tiny bit of angst?? honestly it's just pretty normal aside from the smut
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You actually fell asleep without anything too untoward happening, just kissing and cuddling and whispers that didn't make much sense to each other but still made your heart flutter each time.
Waking up, though, was another story entirely.
"Arăți frumos în timp ce dormi," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, pulling your hips back so you could feel his hard cock against your ass. You hummed and snuggled up closer to him, bathing in his warmth as much as possible.
“I swear I’ve never slept so well in my life,” you mumbled as you reached back to run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck. “I need you in my bed all the time so I can finally get some rest.”
He smiled against your skin, sucking on that spot just behind your ear that made your eyes roll back in your head. “Il vrei?” he asked huskily, and you didn’t even care what he was asking; when he said it like that, the answer was always ‘yes.’ You nodded happily, biting your lip, as he started to push your panties down and helped you arch your back so he could guide his cock to your entrance.
You still gasped and clutched at the sheets beneath you, you couldn’t help it even if it wasn’t your first time discovering how thick he was. It was just barely painful for one fleeting moment before it faded into that delightful fullness, his strokes long and slow as he sighed against your ear. “Seba,” you whimpered under your breath.
“Sunt mai bun decât el, nu-i așa? Nu te-a futut niciodată atât de bine,” he growled a little, holding you tighter. “Sper că știe. Sper că știe că am făcut dragoste cu tine și că sunt îndrăgostit de tine.”
You couldn’t be sure if it was his words in your ear or his arms so tight around your chest that made it a little hard to breathe, but something was so different about the way he was speaking now than you’d ever heard him before. It was difficult to describe— not quite angry, but so passionate it could almost seem that way. You could feel it in the way he moved inside you, too; he was clearly holding back, like there was a storm beneath his calm surface.
You wanted all of it. Turning back, you kissed him and pulled his hair a little, hoping it would get the point across. It seemed to, considering how he gasped and sped up, fucking you harder and deeper as you moaned a little louder than you meant to.
“Când a fost aici, am vrut să te sărut,” he continued in a low voice, speaking right against your parted lips. “Am vrut ca soțul tău să vadă. Am vrut să te arunc în patul ăsta și să te fac să țipi, pentru ca toată lumea să te audă. Am vrut să știe că sunt eu.”
“Yours,” you said before you could stop yourself, and thankfully you didn’t have to worry too much about the implications of it because he couldn’t understand what you meant. He grabbed your face anyways, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he stared into your eyes.
“A mea,” he purred, fucking you faster until you started to whine and arch your back harder.
“F-fuck, I’m gonna—” you stammered, but he nodded before you could finish, encouraging you with whispered words and a hand slipping down between your legs to rub your swollen clit. You cried out, instinctively reaching out to grab his arm, but he held fast and kept up the pace, sending you tumbling over the edge before you had really prepared yourself for it. Unintentionally, you held your breath for a few moments as it washed over you, the tension releasing finally with a long sigh.
The very moment you began the denouement from your peak, he pulled out and rolled you onto your back, slipping right back in as he slotted his body between your legs. You whimpered and gripped his shoulders, and he got right back to his pace— but this time your body couldn’t take as much of the force and so it began to rock the bed, his headboard slamming into the wall. At first neither of you cared until he glanced up and hissed, “rahat.”
“What?” you asked, sitting up and craning your head around to see he’d clearly damaged the wallpaper there. “Oops,” you giggled, “guess we should take a break and fix that—”
He pushed you back down onto the bed as you yelped, capturing you in a hungry kiss; one arm slipped under your shoulders, holding you tight, while the other reached up so his hand could grip the headboard and hold it still as he started to pound into you again. You moaned weakly and relaxed in his embrace, feeling the bed still rock slightly under you but much more interested in the feeling of his cock slamming right into the most sensitive and overstimulated spots inside your channel.
“Oh god,” you sighed as you couldn’t stop your head from falling back into the pillow, closing your eyes to dodge the way he stared down at you with an intensity that bordered on fury. He moved in to bite at your neck instead, and if you were any more in touch with reality you would’ve complained that you didn’t bring many clothes that would cover his bite marks, but you were much too lost in the sensation he was bringing you for that.
“Atât de bine, atât de bine,” he chanted with a growl, “voi veni… atât de aproape…”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “please, Seba— yes, right there, oh fuck!”
You came again, technically, but it was nothing like the first time— more shallow but less brief, like the pleasure was spread thinner and wider, until you worried your vision would go completely black. He grunted loudly as he filled you, still thrusting roughly with each pump of his release into you, but finally he slowed and sighed, his breaths coming hard and fast as he let go of the headboard and held you tightly.
He seemed exhausted, honestly, and you laughed breathlessly as he collapsed on top of you. “You can’t be so worn out this early in the morning,” you scolded as you kissed his shoulder.
“Nu voi mai părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he groaned.
“At least let me up so I can shower!” you protested, trying to push his limp weight off of you and failing pitifully as you laughed.
“Nu, nici tu nu vei părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he cooed, covering your face in kisses as you laughed harder. Only when you defensively pinched his arm did he pull back and pull out, letting you slip out from under him.
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised as kissed him on the cheek, dashing to the bathroom and getting one last glance at him shaking out his sore hand before you shut the door.
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Chapter 38 done… only five more to go, if your outline was to be trusted (which it most certainly should not). Still, you were finally reaching the real height of the tension, the climax of the story likely to hit as soon as the next chapter.
But it wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t what you thought you would write when you sat down here months ago and began with page 1. In fact, it was better.
You sighed a little, looking away from the typewriter for the first time in maybe an hour or more, glancing out the window where the sun was starting to set and painting the whole countryside in an orange glow; but it wasn’t the only thing making the leaves change colors— fall was undeniably on the way, enough so that poor Sebastian was raking leaves already. And, because evil is a real and powerful force in this world, he had started wearing a shirt while working outside.
Not that it wasn’t still buckets of fun to watch him go: you found yourself leaning against the window frame to drink in the sight of him, smiling widely to yourself as he sighed and wiped his brow.
All of a sudden, he turned and caught you ogling, making him grin and you laugh with embarrassment. He waved at you, and you waved back, resigning to getting back to work for just a few more pages…
The creaking of the stairs made you realize someone was coming, but with Sebastian just outside it could only be Mrs. Alberti. With a sinking feeling in your gut, you ran to the closet to rifle through your sweaters, hoping to find something with a high neck. Nothing looked long enough, making you groan in frustration.
She knocked on the door and you jumped slightly. “One moment!” you called out to her, digging up a random scarf and throwing it around your neck to hastily cover the bruises Sebastian had left on you. “Yes, come in,” you finally sighed with relief as you threw yourself back into the chair.
“Good evening,” Mrs. Alberti smiled sweetly as she peeked through the crack in the door, “I just wanted to offer to cook dinner here tonight. I’m making a big recipe so I figured I might as well, unless you had your own plans.”
“No, that would be lovely,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“Just come downstairs in about, oh, fifteen minutes and it’ll be ready,” she explained.
“You don’t want any help in the kitchen?”
She scoffed a little. “From you?”
You chuckled at her brutal honesty. “Okay, point taken.”
“Sorry, dear, it’s just that I wouldn’t want your… Western sensibilities to muck up the recipe,” she defended.
“I can’t blame you,” you smirked. “I’ll be down in a quarter hour.”
She nodded and shut the door again, leaving you to unwrap the itchy scarf from your neck and let out a slow breath.
Of course, with an imminent deadline you couldn’t actually get any good work done, so you just read back over some older chapters and made a couple simple edits. All too soon, you checked the clock and realized you should go ahead and make your way to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath as you stepped into the entryway where the smell of Mrs. Alberti’s cooking emanated through the rest of the house. It brought back memories of when you were here with Michael and she cooked for the both of you. Those memories were wonderful once, then soured, but now you were coming to appreciate them again. Although, it was easier to enjoy them when you imagined the black eye your soon-to-be-ex was likely sporting now.
You took a seat at the table and let her serve you, even though it made you feel a little guilty; you knew she would never let you serve yourself when she was cooking.
“How’s your novel coming along, dear?” she asked as she took her own seat and you began eating.
“Well,” you began with a little sigh, “stories have a mind of their own, Mrs. Alberti. All this time I thought I was writing a thriller— something scary, gritty, maybe even tragic. But I’m coming up on the end of it and I’m realizing that all this time, I’ve been writing a romance.”
She smiled, glancing behind you to the doorway. “Yes, things have a funny way of turning out differently than we expect.”
Wondering what she was looking at, you turned to find Sebastian leaning against the wood frame, wiping his hands on a towel. “Bună seara,” he greeted.
“Sit down, Sebastian, have some dinner,” she offered to him as she stood up to pour him a new portion of soup.
He nodded and sat at the table, “multumesc,” he mumbled when she put a bowl in front of him.
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone eating their meals quietly. It was nice to have a moment of normalcy— your new normal— after such an eventful day previous.
“So,” Mrs. Alberti broke the silence unexpectedly, “you two had sex?”
You instantly spat out your sip of soup, making Sebastian give you a concerned look; you waved dismissively as if to say you were fine, though you coughed a couple times. “I… uhm— how did you—?”
“He was whistling while he gardened today,” she explained, “and you look the happiest I’ve ever seen you.”
“To be fair, I think the first thing is because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you added with a little laugh.
“And the second thing?”
“...at least partially because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you admitted.
“Fair enough,” she chuckled, “but don’t think I don’t see the way your shoulders aren’t so tense and you’re smiling all the time. I know a woman in love when I see one.”
“L-love?” you questioned instantly, choking on the word.
“Oh, honey,” she sighed, almost a look of pity on her face, “did you not know? It’s all over your face.”
You took a slow breath and pondered your meal before taking another bite. “No… I knew,” you admitted, “I guess you just put it really bluntly.”
She smiled. “It’s how we do things in Hungary. You should be honest with him.”
“With what words?”
“Sounds like you don’t need them,” she smirked. “I’ll leave you two be, then. You’ll have to tell me how it goes.”
She bid Sebastian goodnight with a little wave, and he nodded back happily; with the back door shut as she headed to her own house, you two were alone again. He took a sip of his soup and you finally noticed the marks on his spoon-holding hand.
“Your hand…” you realized, pointing to it, remembering with burning cheeks how he got that injury.
“Ah,” he smiled, looking down at the purple knuckles and smiling as he rubbed them gently. “Un sacrificiu demn.”
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After dinner, you picked up with some reading (so much more relaxing than writing, believe it or not) and Sebastian joined you for the same on the couch.
Just laying together like this— quiet, relaxed, and totally at peace— was igniting feelings inside you that you had gone without for so long that you’d forgotten they existed completely. Resting your head on his chest, between the unbuttoned halves of his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing yet invigorating somehow.
He held his book up over your head while you used one hand to hold yours open and read through the space between his chest and his arm. It wasn’t the most ergonomic position necessarily, and your arm was definitely getting tired, but it was worth it to be close to him in these little ways.
"Book?" he asked innocently after a long stint of silent reading, setting his own aside to look down at you.
You closed your book and looked back up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "The book I'm reading? It's good," you nodded (as much as you could without stabbing him in the sternum with your chin, that is).
"Nu, book ta," he clarified, poking your forehead, before making a motion like he was typing.
"My book!" you realized. "Yes, the book I'm writing, it's nearly done…"
Your heart started to sink inside your chest.
"And when it's done, I'll go back to London. Like I planned from the beginning. And it'll be published and I'll start from scratch at a new life… alone.”
You cleared your throat and looked away. “Ești în regulă?” he asked quietly, sounding concerned.
You shook yourself out of it, smiling back up at him. “Let’s go into the city tomorrow,” you decided. “I need some things, if I’m going to be staying longer…”
He seemed to appreciate that you were telling him something, but couldn’t determine what. “Nyíregyháza,” you explained, “let’s drive into the city.” You pantomimed a steering wheel to explain yourself better.
“Ah,” he nodded, “nu într-o mașină. Îmi luăm bicicleta.” He returned with the motion of steering a bike— and when he curled his fingers to rev the proverbial engine, you realized he meant a motorbike. “Motocicletă,” he smiled.
“You drive a motorcycle?” you realized with a little gasp.
“Da,” he grinned, a little more mischievous than before.
“Oh, you really are gonna be the death of me,” you laughed. “Let’s go see this bike of yours.”
He helped you up off the couch and escorted you to the shed across from the house, the last light of sunset just barely enough to illuminate the way. You knew he worked in here sometimes, but you never realized he was doing mechanic work— indeed there it was: a motorcycle, right by Mrs. Alberti’s car, clearly quite old but restored to decent condition. “Iată-o, fetița mea,” he announced as he raised his arms to present it to you.
“Wow, you’ve been working hard,” you realized as you looked around at all the parts and tools strewn about.
“Avea nevoie de un alternator nou și ceva de lucru în interiorul motorului, dar acum funcționează la fel de bine ca nou... dacă nu chiar mai bine,” he enumerated as he knelt down in front of it, grabbing a towel to rub a spot of dirt from the headlight. “Vrei să conduci acum?”
You tilted your head.
“Acum,” he repeated, standing up and pulling you closer, tilting his head back toward the bike. “Sa mergem acum.”
“You want to go for a drive now? It’s pretty late, I was about to go to bed,” you protested meekly.
“Haide,” he smiled, stepping back and pulling you with him. “Plimbare pe spate.”
He handed you a helmet that had been resting on one of the handlebars, and you dutifully put it on as he got on the bike and fiddled around with it for a moment, kicking out the kickstand and finding his balance before getting it to start with a roar that echoed around the shed. He beamed proudly, looking up at you. “Eh?” he prompted with a nod.
“Yeah, it sounds great,” you encouraged with a thumbs up.
“Ce mai face casca?” he asked, leaning forward to knock his fist on your helmet lightly, making you laugh.
“Yeah, it’s good,” you nodded.
“Atunci alătură-te mie,” he instructed as he patted the seat behind him. You took a quick breath and got on, wrapping your arms around him. “Mai strâns,” he mumbled, pulling your arms in to hold him tighter. You smiled and rested your head on his back, yelping slightly when the bike lurched forward and he steered you out of the shed and into the grass outside. He was very slow at first until he steered to the gravel road, at which point he instantly picked up speed until the wind whipped at your face. His unbuttoned shirt was flying in every direction, leaving him totally unprotected from the night air, but he didn’t seem to mind, holding fast as he took you down the road, hugging the turns letting the headlight illuminate only as much as he needed to see.
When you looked up, you could see the stars more clearly than ever. You sighed and hugged him tighter, amazed at how they didn’t move at all while the world on the ground flew by. It made sense, obviously, with them being millions of miles away, but it was jarring how different the speed of the world could look from different perspectives. And as exhilarating as it was to see the countryside roll by in a blur, you preferred the steady night sky; you didn’t want to think about this moment flying by, about the fleeting nature of all of this. You wanted to believe this would always be here, just like the stars. You wanted to focus on the things that would never leave you, the moments that would become lifelong memories, and not on the reality of how beautiful things are not usually permanent things.
“I love you,” you whispered against his ear, quiet enough for your words to be blown away into the night. A small tear left a hot trail on your chilled skin, blown back over your temple instantly by Sebastian’s acceleration.
In silence, you drove into the unknown with him, letting yourself forget about the rest of the world for just a little while longer. You deserved that.
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