#if you wanna share any or if you want more the box is still open <3
vanishingstarrs · 3 days
twenty something
katsuki bakugo x reader, established relationship, just soft and pure vibes, down bad bakugo
( it was my bday on friday and i wanted to write something short and sweet, self indulgent for sure )
You didn’t care for birthdays.
You had never made a huge fuss over your own, anyway.
The last birthday party you remember having was back when you were still obsessed with fairy princesses and only spoke in broken sentences, likely only five.
Since then, it had really only ever been small dinners and hardly any presents. Your family never really had the means to do anything huge and you told yourself you never minded, that all you ever cared for was the acknowledgment of the day. And that was never skipped or glanced over, there was never a lack of love and you always felt grateful for another year.
It was true, you did feel that way and after the war those feelings only grew. You were more appreciative than ever, even more so for all the new friends and loved ones in your life.
Your boyfriend, Katsuki, especially.
And though you weren’t expecting anything, your boyfriend had other ideas. He’d come over the night before to make you dinner and give you a few gifts he’d gotten you. You swooned over his attention to detail, he cooked your favorite meal and got you things he knew you’d love.
“I know.” He sighed,“You might not wanna accept it, I know how you are, you think it’s too much, but I’m not returning it.”
He stood up, walking behind you and pulling the intricately detailed locket from the box you had just opened, he unclasped it and moved your hair aside to secure it onto your neck,“Open it.”
You listened, opening the locket and feeling your heart swell.
Your boyfriend had not only gone through the trouble to get both your initials engraved on the back of the necklace, but he’d already gone ahead and selected two of your favorite pictures. One was just your favorite photo of him and the second was one of you two together from the first date you’d gone on together. It’d taken you so long to convince him to take that picture with you and as a result was now one of your favorites.
“Thank you, my love.” You looked up and kissed his cheek,“I love it very much.”
“Just thought you should have something, just in case…”
You gave him a look,“We don’t think like that, love, but I appreciate the sentiment you were going for and I’ll cherish it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” He gave you a small smile,“Alright, you can open the rest, this was the only major one, don’t worry.”
You smiled and shared another kiss before proceeding to go through the rest of the gifts he’d gotten you. You worked in the hospital and he’d gotten a few things that would be useful; a few cute pens, a new pair of comfy shoes you’d been wanting to try out since your feet were always killing you, and a brand new water bottle (your last one got crushed after you accidentally ran it over with your car) and with it he’d also gotten tons of adorable stickers to decorate it.
You smiled big when you pulled a Hello Kitty plush out of the next bag and he rolled his eyes like he hadn’t been the one to purchase it.
“Don’t think I’m feeding your addiction to that weird ass cat.” He scoffed,“Just thought this one was actually kind of cool.”
Cool was an understatement.
Hello Kitty was known for lots of collabs with many of your favorite shows and characters, but this one? This plush was dressed in your boyfriend’s hero costume and the tag on it had his hero agency’s name on it so it was definitely official and not just some knock off.
“Didn’t even know they made these.” He explained,“Don’t remember approving that shit.”
You blushed,“I might’ve seen the papers on your desk one day and signed for you…”
“What?!” He stood up, shocked.
You shrugged,“I didn’t know they were actually going to go through with it, Sanrio teases lots of collabs so when I never saw it in stores I just guessed they went a different route.”
“When were you even in my office?” He asked, curious instead of upset.
“About a month ago, baby, remember? You were asked to patrol last minute because Eijiro’s wife went into labor and we had planned to have lunch together so I ended up dropping off food just in case you got a chance to stop and eat. I think your assistant, what’s his name, dropped off the papers and since I saw the logo on it… and well, I couldn’t help peeking.” You told him the story, feeling slightly guilty.
He rolled his eyes,“You’re lucky I don’t give a shit about that kinda stuff, otherwise I’d—”
You gasped suddenly,“Oh. My. God! Baby, what if they ask you to do a photo shoot with Hello Kitty, herself?! Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
Your boyfriend couldn’t help chuckle at your excitement,“I suppose it would be, a little bit, and I promise if that happens you’ll be on set with me that day, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” You gave him a big kiss and he handed you one final bag.
“Last one.” He said.
You rose an eyebrow at him as you peeked inside,“A dress? Do we have an occasion?”
“Only the best day of the year.” Katsuki took your hand and pulled you up to give you a hug,“I wanted to celebrate with you today because I’m a selfish bastard and I like having you to myself.” You felt him check his watch,“It’s officially midnight and officially your birthday.”
He pulled away slightly, holding your waist with one arm and placing his other hand on your cheek, making you immediately lean into the warmth of his touch. The kiss he gave you was gentle and full of so much love, you already knew this was your favorite of all birthdays just for the fact that you were spending it with him.
You opened your eyes and his gaze gave you butterflies, you felt like you did on your first date.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
“Thank you, Katsuki.” Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.
“And I lied.” He said,“I do have one more thing for you, but it won’t be until later. We’ll sleep soon, and I’ll have a few more things to take care of before it, but I’d like you to take my card—”
“Baby, no…” You began to deny, he’d already gotten you enough.
“Yes.” He insisted,“You have a dress, all you need to do is find some accessories. Get some shoes, buy a new purse, hell buy yourself the whole store, baby, go fucking crazy. I’m asking nicely, and I’ll make sure you get something, trust me. And I want you ready by three, got it?”
You knew arguing with your boyfriend was pointless, that was one bad thing about the both of you, you were equally stubborn and fighting only ended when you got tired of it.
“Fine.” You relented.
True to his word, you went to bed soon after the gifts. Your boyfriend brought an overnight bag and you were happy to have him hold you in bed. When you woke up, however, his side of the bed was empty and in its place lay a birthday card.
You picked it up, smiling at the design he’d gone with and pictured him standing in front of the display for a long time before deciding. You opened it and out fell your boyfriend’s credit card, you rolled your eyes and set it aside to read the contents of the note.
Happy birthday, my pretty girl. I know you’re new to celebrating, but I plan to change that soon. You deserve the world and more, and I’ll do my best to make sure you get it.
P.S. Please enjoy this breakfast (see nightstand) and be dressed by 9! Mina will be stopping by to ensure you shop for all your needs.
P.P.S. I love you.
You quickly turned and found the aforementioned breakfast, a cup of hot coffee, and a beautiful bouquet of tulips decorated your nightstand. You smiled and snapped a photo, sending it to your boyfriend along with a thank you.
He must’ve just left to take care of whatever he was planning.
You tried not to think about it or your nerves and overthinking would definitely kick in. You ate your food and sipped your coffee in bed while checking and responding to any birthday messages, picking up immediately when you saw your parents calling. You almost teared up when they started singing happy birthday and laughed along with them, asking if you’ll see them later in the week for your annual dinner. They agreed and you finished the call with ‘I love you’s’.
By the time nine rolled around, you were ready and right on time was Mina’s knocking on your door. You opened it and got greeted with a hug.
“I heard free shopping trip and here I am!” She cheered,“Ready to do some damage?”
“Not quite.” You blushed,“What do you know about his plans?”
She shrugged,“Sworn to secrecy, dude, sorry.”
You scoffed and laughed as you said,“Whatever happened to chicks before dicks?”
You’d met Mina as a result of dating Katsuki and ever since then you’d hit it off with her as much as you had your boyfriend, you never really had too many close girlfriends and she was a very welcome surprise into your life.
“Doing this for my chick.” She elbowed you teasingly,“So grab ya bag, girl, we have places to be and money to spend!”
You listened, grabbing your purse and reluctantly taking your boyfriend’s card as per his request.
It didn’t take long for Mina to decide which stores you should head into. It did, however, take more than a few for you to actually want to buy anything. It wasn’t that you didn’t see things you liked, but it was hard for you to accept your boyfriend was paying for you.
You’d been brought up to be independent and though you knew the importance of being taken care of, it was hard not being the giver for once.
A pair of shoes eventually caught your eye and Mina caught on quick, calling over an associate with a mischievous smile,“My friend would love to see these in a size seven, please.”
“Right away, miss.”
The woman left to find them and you sighed,“I don’t know, Mina.”
“Girl, please, your man literally is begging you to spend some of his money and you’re hesitating? These shoes are to die for and he explicitly stated you should get some to match your dress. We already got a few cute pieces of jewelry, I think these would match perfectly to those.”
In the end, Mina convinced you. Or the saleswoman did, when she revealed the shoes you were trying on would actually go on sale next week and that she’d be happy to adjust the price for your special occasion.
For once, you’d been happy to reveal it was your birthday and you walked away even happier with your bargain made.
“That was so nice of her.” You beamed as you followed Mina around a purse store she liked.
You definitely didn’t need one of those, but your eyes wandered aimlessly to pass the time.
“Mhm.” She agreed before holding up a bag,“And how hot is this bag?! C’mon, Bakugo would want you to have this.”
You regretted turning around as you actually really liked the one she’d been trying to show you,“Nope, got a bag, but thanks.”
“And you have shoes and jewelry, babe, the whole point of this trip was to treat yourself.” Your friend countered. She was right and you hated it.
You sighed,“I know, but I bought stuff already…”
“A few inexpensive sterling silver rings off that lady’s booth outside and a pair of shoes marked way down from the original price, this would be an actual treat.”
“Yes, but… I mean he already got me this nice necklace and the dress and all the other little things, plus he’s planning who knows what, I don’t think I need a new purse, mine may not be designer but it’s held up and it’ll be fine for a while longer.” You explained.
“He has the means to,” Mina walked up to you and pulled your current bag off your shoulder to replace with the one she was trying to convince you on,“Plus no one ever needs a new purse, it’s a want and it’s okay to have those, you know.”
You remembered the birthday card. You deserve the world and more…
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed. Mina walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, smiling and raising her eyebrows,“So…? Whatcha gonna do?”
She drove a hard bargain.
“You need to consider you might be in the wrong field.” You pushed her playfully as she looped her arm through yours and led the way to the cash register. Your heart might have actually broken while swiping your boyfriend’s card across and your fingers were definitely shaking as you typed in the pin for it.
You knew your boyfriend received alerts for any purchases, especially big ones, and you were just about ready to turn back around when you heard your phone ping, assuming the worst. He had to be pissed at that one.
my love: Glad to see Mina’s doing her job, don’t you dare feel guilty. You deserve this and more 🧡
You looked up to find Mina glancing at you and smiling,“Told ya.”
The last purchase you made was with your own money as you’d run out of your favorite blush and needed to replace it. You enjoyed lunch with your friend and she drove you back home where she proceeded to stake claim on your bedroom floor to get herself ready with you.
“You’re really not gonna tell me?” You asked your friend as you applied a light layer of foundation.
“I’m sure you could guess…” Mina shrugged as she curled her eyelashes,“But I really can’t say, all he told me was to take you shopping and keep you busy until three. He’s having a car pick us up.”
“You don’t even know?!” You turned around, shock written all over your face.
Mina snorted,“No, I’m trolling you, I totally know.”
You got ready in silence, save for some music Mina decided to play from a small portable speaker she brought with her.
Once the clock hit three, you were officially an anxious wreck. Your phone pinged.
my love: Your carriage awaits.
You made sure Mina was ready and that you weren’t forgetting anything before heading out, finding your “carriage” was your boyfriend’s car and he stood by the passenger door, holding the door open for you with a lazy smile. He was wearing nice clothes too and your eyes stuck to him like glue,“Wow.”
“Wow yourself.” He gave you a quick kiss, careful not to smudge your lipstick.
Mina fake gagged,“You two are disgusting.”
“Shut up and get in.” Katsuki told her before turning back to you, eyes soft,“You ready?”
You released a deep breath,“I guess so… I mean what am I even ready for?”
He smiled,“Don’t stress, just go with it. You’re about to find out anyway.”
It was hard not to, and you were sure your palms were sweating more than his as Katsuki always held your hand while driving.
You were quick to recognize the drive back to his house and relaxed a little bit, deciding he was right. Enough was enough, why not just go with it? You had amazing friends and an even better boyfriend, you deserved to get treated nicely. And he would never plan anything you weren’t ready for or wouldn’t like, as proven by the night before and the morning of shopping.
You didn’t see any cars or anything parked outside his house and you narrowed your eyes at him,“What’s going on? Seriously.”
He said nothing as he got out and opened your door for you, extending a hand out and helping you out of the car in your fancy new clothes and accessories. “Close your eyes.”
Mina nudged you from behind and you obliged quickly.
He held your hand and led you with one hand on your lower back as you dutifully kept your eyes closed, you heard the jingling of keys and figured Mina must be unlocking the door for you.
“Watch your step.” Katsuki warned you and you felt him help you regardless as you stepped into his house.
Not one second of warning was given before it happened.
You opened your eyes immediately, hands going up to your mouth as you found your entire group of friends in your boyfriend’s living room, wearing party hats and blowing noisemakers. Streamers and balloons littered the room and a cake with your name on it sat on a designated dessert table. You almost cried when you spotted your parents and two brothers in one section.
“Happy birthday, baby.” Katsuki whispered in your ear before you were tackled by your family first, then your friends, and even some of your work family had shown up to wish you another happy year.
You felt a little overwhelmed at first, but slowly you relaxed. It hit you how happy you were, how much joy had been brought on by everything your boyfriend had done. You hadn’t experienced this type of celebration in a long time and it was nice to be seen by those who you held dear. Your boyfriend hardly left your side as you spoke and got around to saying hi to everyone. “Don’t let him go.” Your mother even whispered into your hair as she hugged you tight and gave you kisses,“Good ones are hard to come by.”
“He’s the best.” You agreed with a huge smile.
You eventually split up as you spoke with a few of your friends and even some of his, happy to catch up with Kirishima’s wife.
You held her son and spouted baby nonsense to him as she spoke your ear off about how her husband and Katsuki had been thick as thieves planning the day months in advance, and how she’d even been roped into calling people and checking on their availability. You thanked her for being part of it and looked up to where the two men now stood away, somehow still looking mischievous. You didn’t doubt they might even already be planning the next thing.
The night went by in the blink of an eye.
You saw friends you hadn’t seen in a while, learned the hard truth of standing awkwardly in front of a cake while everyone sang happy birthday to you, ate amazing food and cake, had a couple drinks, and lastly opened a few more gifts from those who had brought one. (You may or may not have received a few more Dynamite x Hello Kitty collab items).
Katsuki held you from behind as you watched your and his friends mingle together,“Did I do a good job?”
“I don’t know how I’ll top it for yours.” You said back, turning around in his arms, placing yours around his neck,“You did amazingly, I never thought I would have this one day.”
“For the rest of your life, I promise you will.”
You didn’t know why, but it felt much heavier when he said that. Like he wasn’t just promising you a lifetime of birthday parties, but like he was promising something else. You thought back to the way he smirked at you across the room when you saw him talking to Kirishima and your heart skipped again. There was no way. You’d only been together for a little over a year…
And yet…
You pushed those thoughts away and allowed yourself to be happy in the now.
In his arms.
You kissed him,“I love you.”
You really couldn’t have asked for a better day, surrounded by the people who loved you— or for a better boyfriend, who made you feel seen in both little and big ways. Who went out of his way to ensure you were always happy and loved. You might just have a new favorite day of the year and it was all thanks to him.
“Happy birthday, gorgeous.”
Yup, you officially loved birthdays.
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uluvjay · 5 months
Santa red-J. Hughes
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Jack Hughes x fem! Reader
Jack gifts you an early Christmas gift and asks you to model it for him
Warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(a no no), teasing, pet names, dirty talk, grinding, cursing, kissing, porn with a small plot, this was supposed to be out before Christmas so I apologize😭, sorry for any errors!
Day 10 of my ficmas celebration!
The ride home from the prudential center was quiet, not a word spoken even as Jack pulled into his parking spot and exited the car.
You could see he was still tense from the game, you could hear Lindy screaming at them from the hallway where you and Jim waited for the boys to come out.
The tips of his ears were still red with anger, and you knew him well enough to know he was still pissed about being sent to the box and the added loss had fueled his anger further.
Once you entered the shared apartment he took off towards your bedroom while you went into the kitchen, You were taking a drink of water when you heard his stiff voice call out for you.
“Everything okay?” You questioned as you appeared in the doorway of the bedroom.
Jack was sitting on the bed, shoes and coat off but his game day suit still hugged his body deliciously. Beside him was a Christmas bag, tissue paper coming from the top.
“Can you put this on?” He asked, extending the bag out towards you.
“What is it?” You questioned, taking the bag from his outstretched hand.
“Was supposed to be a Christmas gift, but I can’t wait any longer.” His voice was low, not longer only filled with anger and embarrassment but something more.
“Okay.” You shrugged, setting it down on the dresser beside you as you went to strip off your devils crewneck, however a large hand on your arm stopped you.
“C-can you put it on in the bathroom? Wanna watch you walk out in it.” He blushed.
“Of course.” You smiled, picking the bag back up you made your way into the large bathroom connected to your bedroom.
Opening the bag you found a box, one that belonged to Jacks favorite lingerie store. You had bought a set for his birthday one year and since then he had been in love with the place.
Opening the box you were met with a deep red set, a tad bit darker than traditional Christmas red. Running a finger over the lace you took in how delicate it was.
You would never understand why he spent so much money on sets just for him to always end up ripping some part of it during the night.
Stripping off your clothes you slid the set onto your body, admiring yourself in mirror. Your eyes caught how well the color complimented your skin tone and the way the cups of the bra pushed your boobs up perfectly.
“Once again, you have magnificent taste.” You laughed as you stepped out of the bathroom.
Jacks head whipped in your direction as he heard your voice, a breath getting caught in his throat as his eyes locked on your body.
The set was perfect, the panties making your legs looks even more delicious, and your breasts-god your breasts, Jack wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to control himself.
“Oh fuck me.” He mumbled, running his hands over his face.
“I mean if you want me to.” You teased the man, making your way over to stand between his legs.
“You look breathtaking.” He spoke lowly, eyes taking in your body at a closer angle.
“Thank you.” You smiled, leaning down to give him a soft peck.
The boy whined as you tried to pull away, his large hands wrapping around your bare waist to keep you trapped between his spread legs.
“Give me a real kiss.” He whispered, lips just inches from yours.
“That was a real kiss” you giggled, but Jack didn’t find any amusement in your words and he quickly showed you that by tangling one of his hands in your hair and pulling your lips to his.
It was hot and breathtaking as his tongue traced against yours before it quickly won dominance, your lips moved feverishly in sync earning him a low moan from your throat.
His hand that still rested on your waist slipped down to the back of your thigh, lifting it lightly he signaled that he wanted you to sit on his lap.
You pulled your lips away from his to take your position overtop of him but the make out hastily resumed as you pulled the beanie off his head and tangled your fingers in his damp hair.
The dark locks were still damp from his post game shower but that didn’t stop you from tugging and pulling on the locks just the way he liked.
A smirk overtook your face at the hoarse cry that broke from his throat when you grounded your core over the tent in his pants.
“Baby.” He groaned, hands coming to still your moving hips.
“What do you need Jacky?.” You teased, lips trailing all around his throat.
“You. Need to fuck you.” He groaned, head tipping back instinctively allowing you more skin to roam.
He shivered as you smirked against his skin, heat growing in his stomach as you pulled away and looked down at him.
His eyes followed you as you moved yourself off of his lap and moved your hands up to undo the buttons on his dress shirt, however Jack was a bit to impatient and moved your hands to rip it open instead.
You giggled before trailing your hands down his toned abdomen to his belt, hands working quickly to undo the buckle and pull his pants and boxers down.
And while Jack expected you to climb back on his lap he was filled with confusion as you stepped back and moved to sit against the head board.
“You said you wanted to fuck me, so fuck me.” You smirked down at him with eyes full of lust.
Jack could feel the heat spread from his lower stomach up to his spine as you trailed a hand down to slowly rub over your clit through your lacy panties.
Shaking out of his haze jack shot up and removed his remaining clothing before his body was hovering over yours.
His large hand wrapped around yours and moved it to the side with a soft ‘tsk’ as his own hand came to push the lace to the side.
A groan left his mouth at the sight of how wet you were for him, your cunt glistening in the low light of the bedroom.
A deep cry came from you as he ran his cock through your folds, his head pushing into your entrance with ease.
His hips thrusted forward as a fast pace, the anger that had once been building up in his body now being filtered into his thrusts.
“Jack!” You cried as he shifted one of your legs over his shoulders, his length now hitting the spongy spot deep inside you.
“So good for me baby, feel so fucking good.” He groaned hoarsely.
One of his hands came down to pull the cups of your bra down, hands coming down to palm your breasts, His thumbs tweaked and pulled at your nipples earning sweet cries of pleasure from you.
“Shi-Jacky, you’re so deep.” You whimpered as you felt his tip once again nudging that spot deep within you.
Jack admired the way your body reacted to his menstruations, how your hands clenched the sheets beside you and how your head was thrown back in nothing but pure pleasure.
He could feel you clenching him tightly, and by the way your moans had subsided to drawn out whimpers and mumbles he knew you were getting close.
“Gonna come for me baby?” He questioned as one of his hands came down to rub cricles over your clit.
“Mhm” you moaned with a drunken nod.
Jack smirked at the state of you, he loved nothing more than watching you completely fucked out for him.
“Come on baby, give it to me.” He encouraged, thumb moving at the same pace as his snapping hips as he chased a high of his own.
A loud cry broke through the room as your climax overtook you, the leg that was hooked over jacks shoulder shaking while your back arched and eyes clenched shut.
“So beautiful.” He praised as he placed light kisses to your lips, swallowing your whimpers of overstimulation.
“I know baby, I know. I’m almost there.” He groaned, forehead resting against yours as his thrusts began to get sloppy and deeper.
With a few more deep thrusts the air was filled with a deep groan as Jack came deep inside you, painting your warm walls white with his release.
His large body collapsed on top of yours as his head snuggled into your neck, lips leaving small kisses on the skin.
“Feel better?” You spoke quietly bringing a hand to run through his damp hair.
“Much. Thank you baby.” He smiled giving you a proper kiss before he slid out of you and went to grab a towel to clean you up.
A few minutes later you were both snuggled on the couch, the soft light of the Christmas tree filling the living room while you two let out soft giggles while watching elf.
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thecuriousquest · 5 months
Princess (Daddy Loves You Part One)
Yan!Step Dad Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @murderofravens
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, spanking, guns mentioned, praise kink, Daddy kink, consensual vaginal sex, hair pulling, all characters are 18+
Master List
Part Two
My Ask Box is currently closed while I catch up on requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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Yan!Step Dad Toji who wears those tight black boxer briefs and an open robe while drinking coffee on the front porch.
Toji doesn’t get mad at you over much. He lets you dress how you want, doesn’t really care if you come home past curfew. Hell, he doesn’t even give a fuck if you’re dating.
Just as long as he can’t see you, his precious princess, with the guy, but that’s where you fucked up because why would you think there’s a problem? He never told you that you couldn’t bring boys over, never told you that you couldn’t date.
Why is this an issue? Because Daddy wants to make it an issue. Daddy’s been craving the perfect reason to punish his princess. He didn’t want to come off as a jerk and be the strictest father ever imaginable. Oh no. He wanted you to dote on him, he wanted to build a solid foundation and a great relationship with you before he showed off his darker nature.
He catches you on the couch watching tv with some guy in your class. A guy with no brawn and probably too much brain for his own good. He catches the dude with a hand on your knee, mindlessly thumbing the ripped fabric of your jeans.
Toji knows what he’s thinking about.
“Kid, get your hand off of her and get the fuck out.”
Both heads snap at Toji. Your eyes are like an owl. His mouth is parted slightly, forming the question “why”.
They weren’t doing anything wrong.
To Toji, you two were doing everything wrong. He can no longer live in his little fantasy about you being just his. He’s not sharing you. He’s not going to share his princess with anyone.
“I said-“ Toji starts as he puts the coffee down and removes his gun from the waistband of his boxer briefs. “Get your hand off of her-“ click goes the safety. Soon to follow, he cocks the weapon, “And get the fuck out. Or are ya heard of hearin’?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him run that fast in his life, and you’re about to run just as fast to your room when his arm shoots out and grabs you by the hair.
“Princess, Daddy’s real disappointed in ya. Gonna hafta punish ya real bad.”
You’re belly-down on the couch in an instant, your ass jiggling in those tight jeans with each spank from his large paw. You whine and writhe, but his knee on the middle of your back holds you still.
You can’t see the scar on his lip quirking up as he really lays into you, flaying your bottom a nice cherry red. He tugs your jeans down, giving you the real what-for a few more times on your bare ass just to really let the lesson sink in.
Toji flips you over on your back, pointing a finger in your face. “Never again, am I understood? I never wanna see ya with any fuckin’ creeps around here again. Ya got me?”
You blink up at him through bleary eyes, nodding to his stern command.
“You…you spanked me?” You can’t help but question. He’s never done anything like that before.
He drops his finger and stands up, jacked body on full display with his revealing robe.
“Yeah, and I’ll fuckin’ do it again if I see you disobeyin’ me or some shit.”
He sits down on the couch, man spreading, and pulls you in close to his side. You wriggle around, trying to get your jeans back over your hips. When you finally do, you rest comfortably against your step dad.
You honestly don’t know how to feel about him punishing you, but you can’t help squirming as you try to relive a tiny tingling feeling in your clit. Toji attempts to ignore you at first, but he finally breaks and puts you on his lap.
“Fuck,” he huffs, unable to bear it anymore.
You can feel his hard on poking your thigh as your hips wriggle.
“Ya really like gettin’ spanked that much? Like havin’ yer ass beat by a guy who’s stronger than ya?”
He chides and tsks, making that buzzing between your legs grow even further as he lets you break down right in front of him.
Adverting your eyes, you lean into the crook of his neck, mumbling against sensitive flesh, “Only when it’s you.”
You didn’t realize just how strong he actually is because he rips your jeans off of you. They’re tattered heaps of fabric by the time he’s done freeing you of your denim cage. He cups the fat of your swollen cheeks, fingers digging into beaten flesh as he spreads them.
You busy yourself with working his cock free from his boxer briefs while hovering over him, and your step father can’t help but laugh as he watches you struggle. But you’re determined, and somehow, with him sitting down and you trying straddle his lap, you get the damned thing off of him.
He plants you right on his fat mushroom tip, a little pearl of pre coating the head. You throw your head back, crying out for your daddy as he praises you for being so fucking tight.
“Knew ya were a good girl for Daddy. Always such a good fuckin’ girl.”
He really wants to see you bounce on his cock with your tits free, and Toji gets what he wants. You’re not surprised when he rips your shirt and bra completely from your body with one tug. It’s like an effortless motion for him. All nice and naked, he buries his face in your chest while squeezing the dough of your round bottom.
Up and down, up and down, your thighs soon grow tired as you learn of this man’s stamina.
Not liking you slowing your pace, he slaps your ass to get you moving. You yip, bucking your hips into him as you try and steady your breath. But as soon as you relax, your quaking thighs can’t help but start to seek out a more stress relieving position.
Toji, tired of how long this is taking, flips you on your slightly bruised rear. He fucks into you on the couch, thumping between your plush thighs.
“There’s an angel face. So fuckin’ pretty,” he compliments while brushing your locks back.
He slams his cock deep into you, making your pussy feel so cute and small. You end up gushing all over his cock like a sensitive little bunny, and Toji praises you for coming all over him.
“I really lucked out with you, huh?”
Soon after, Toji floods your pussy with his own. The show on the tv has changed to something else as he adjusts his boxer briefs and settles back down next to you.
“Clean all this up and change before your mom and Megumi get home.”
He smacks you on your ass to get you going, and you don’t want to refuse because you’re such a good girl.
“Yes, Daddy,” you tell him as you hurry to obey.
After this, Toji’s definitely going to have to start implementing more spankings into your life.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi could you please write smth about accidentally revealing your relationship with quackity? preferably with cc!reader <3
of course!! thanks for the request 🫶 ; ik I did a preference about accidentally revealing relationships but doing a little different thing and going in depth w it was fun!
QUACKITY ; softlaunch ❌ hardlaunch ✅
summary ; you and Alex accidentally reveal your relationship
warnings ; language, little bit of buzzed ranting, use of pet names (babe)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Alex have been together for about ten-ish months, keeping it on the low since you'd been traveling around for QSMP meetups, events, and the Streamer Awards for a little bit.
You'd finally gotten home, your shared apartment with Alex, with Cellbit and Roeir tagging along. The three were planning to make a 'trying mexican candies' video in the morning while you were planning to edit and maybe stream til you felt tired enough to quit and sleep. The three guys sit out in the living room, watching some TV show as they sprawl out on the couch, buzzed from the aftermath of award winning.
You were more than proud for your boyfriend, but it being so late now, and your need for comfort after being overstimulated for hours on end, called for a little alone time. You sit in your office, the clock reading 1:30am as you hit the Go Live button on your stream.
You decided to chill out behind the closed door, just chatting with whatever viewers were still awake at this hour, or were just beginning their day, depending on timezones. After five minutes, you greet your chat, snacking on some cookies you'd picked up from the store before returning home earlier, a glass of milk sitting on your desk next to the plastic box.
You sit in your very comfortable chair with a QuackityHQ hoodie, with the signature duck in the corner and design on the back, and some long, patterned pj pants, colored dark blue and black with a floral design. They were thin enough to wear in the warm heat, which was perfect for you. You looked tired but didn't really feel that way, like your eyes were sewn open from adrenaline and happiness.
"Good morning, everyone" You chuckle, "Alex just won an award, feeling good! He, Cellbit and Roier got some drinks and have been watching TV on the couch, so sorry if you can hear them. I closed the door just in case but don't mind any shouting or music"
Your chat explodes with messages, congratulating you, even though you lost in your category, and spamming hearts and heart hands emojis. Someone sends in a small donation, asking for clarification why they were at your house.
"Oh, Alex didn't wanna drive all the way back to his place and he had his car parked here from earlier. He drove the other two and we all left together. They're staying the night" You nod, clarifying with a little bit of lying, not wanting to slip up.
You'd known for a while that Alex was just a secretive person over the smallest things, and he didn't know why. You were totally fine being open about your relationship with friends, but made sure to respect boundaries for him. He reassured you in his own panic that he wasn't embarrassed to be with you and didn't want to hide his love for you often.
He explained it in simplest terms as he was weirdly secretive and he didn't want his weirdo stans attacking you or only watching you for him, he didn't want to ruin your fanbase that you built from the ground up. You'd been friends since forever, a good percentage (if not all, then most) of your fans also watched Quackity's content, which kind of made sense to you, but you didn't question it.
"But yeah, it was fun, just like... there were so many people, and so much was happening all at once and shit. I'm just trying to calm down and get tired." You lightly smile, taking a bite of one of your cookies. "I'm so proud of everyone who won and everyone who was nominated, good night for everyone"
You sit and talk to your chat for a while, occasionally listening to the trio's laughter outside your office. Before you can even snap your head around to inform whoever entered that you were live, they were already speaking, slightly laughing, and stumbling.
"Babe, oh my God, I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped one of your plates in the kitchen and it fucking shattered everywhere, I'm so sorry. I cleaned it up, I just wanted to tell you than wait for you to notice and make you mad, I'm sorry, Y/n/n"
Your jaw hangs slightly agape, and you stare with a silent expression. You slowly turn back to your stream, the chat absolutely exploding with messages. You saw probably a hundred first time chatters even making an expression about it.
"Lex, I'm live" You speak between your teeth, muting your mic. "Ah- uh, it's, it's fine"
He quickly regains his composure, staring over at you, then looking over to your PC, showing that you were a thousand percent live and five thousand people heard him say that. By the morning, it'd be all over Twitter and YouTube Shorts and TikTok, people were already clipping it.
"Alex, holy shit"
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, trying to rationalize what to do. Cell and Roier bust into the office as well, seeing both of you silent before asking, where you both talk over each other very loudly to try and explain.
They both look over to your monitors, confirming you were live. They both laugh in a light hearted way, looking to Quackity.
"You're cooked, dude"
"Rest in peace"
"You say that like I'm embarrassed to be with them, I mean, it's not like that... I think. Y/n, are you embarrassed to be with me? I'm not embarrassed to be with you, I wanna post pictures of us on adventures and experiencing shit so people can see us for us and what we are-"
"My brother in Christ" You sigh with a chuckle, rubbing your temples. "It's said and done, it's fine. And no, I'm not embarrassed to be with you" You turn back to your stream, unmuting yourself under the red LED lights and lamp on your desk.
You sigh and shrug before speaking, throwing your hands up halfway in defense.
"Y/s/n real"
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jadeddangel · 3 months
Creepypast & Marble Hornets headcannons:
Jeff the Killer:
100% sneaks into your house/ room just to wake you up randomly to spook you
If he ever took you on a date it would 100% be to the cheapest cinema in town cause my man's is broke
Your the breadwinner, you can make $2 a month and still be the breadwinner
He buys axe body spray and sags his jeans like a middle school boy and you can't convince me otherwise
Opened a nesquick Powdered milk tub with a table saw cause he couldn't get him open
Doesn't know how to undo child proof locks on meds no matter how many times you explain it to him
"No Jeff your not listening. Press down and then turn it," your voice scolded
"I'm trying! Damn you woman!!" Jeff yelled back
Yea, he never opened the jar right
It started with you and Tim dating and then when you met masky you trying getting to know him
He ignores you at first, more focused on doing his job then dealing with his other half's lover
He's smart, he'll pick locks open jars and complete puzzles in no time flat
He doesn't make money but Tim does so indirectly he's the breadwinner
He'll start hanging out with you after getting tired of sleeping on the downstairs couch
He's not nice, like at all, he's very blunt and when it comes to any type of criticism, constructive or not, he's pointing out every miniscule flaw
Don't bother lying to him, he can see right through it and it pisses him off
It doesn't matter your gender or your sex. He's turning around when you change any form of your clothes. He's big on privacy
"Masky? C'mon masky, it's just a sweater you don't have to turn. I'm wearing a shirt underneath, " you sighed, pulling your sweater off
Masky shook his head. "I don't care sometimes you don't wear a shirt under them, and i don't wanna see your nipples," masky spoke bluntly
Yeaaaa, if you can't tell your sex life is totally (not) amazing with man
As I said before Tim has a job, he Linda needs it to pay for his smoking habits
Speaking of smoking, he hates when you do any kind of drugs, he doesn't want you to end up like he did
He's surprising clingy behind closed doors and really likes being your little spoon
He constantly takes showers and cleans your shared home, even if no one except for you, him and masky will see it.
He has this bad habit of just buying whatever he craves, so when he goes to the store, expect the bill to be rather high
As I said before he's clingy behind closed doors but when it comes to pda the most he'll do is lock your pinkies together
"Tim, pleaseeeee I just wanna hold your hand! Just five minutes, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep holding my hand. " You tried to bargain
Tim sighed "fine fine but you're giving me your box of cigarettes. Don't think I didn't smell them on you"
He has a sharp nose, so there's no point in trying to hide things from him
Hoodie was beyond confused when he first met you, he had a whole "who what when where why?" Moment
You and brain both pay for everything so there's not really a breadwinner
Hoodie is rather quiet, it's not because he's awkward or shy, he just has nothing to say
Hoodie Hates coffee, he's more of a tea or energy drink guy
I hate to say this(no I dont), but he's a stoner, he hates all vape or smoking products except for weed
He usually sticks to weed vapes since it's less work and he can be a bit lazy when it comes to that
I mean his hygiene is ok he doesn't really shave or trim any thing but his beard but yknow he do him
Speaking of , he leaves his beard shavings all over the sink and leaves the toilet seat up
"HOODIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW" You shouted to get the man's attention
Hoodie walked in. "What?" He said monotonely
You pointed at the sink and then the toilet "pick up your fucking mess!!"
Hoodie shook his head "Nah I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though. "
You would probably try and beat him up if he couldn't just wollop our ass
He's such a sweet boy,it like he's made out of cotton candy
He's mostly did cleaning and cooking on top of his job but after switching back from hoodie, he's out of commission for like a week
He picks up after himself, and does his own laundry and there's never beard trimmings in the sink
He occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat down but it's rather rare
He's not too clingy but he does cuddle up sometimes
"Brian pleaseee get off!! It's the middle of summer! It's too hot to be cuddling" you huffed sleepily
"Shhh just let me hold you.." Brian muttered
Ticci Toby:
Your the breadwinner. Period
You think this man has a job? Hah funny
He hates when he tics especially when you are trying to have intimate moments together
You guys have to be silly during sex especially when he has a verbal tic and just yells bird
"Fuck toby right there~" you moaned out holding onto his shoulders tightly
"I'm so c-*whistles* shit sorry~" toby moaned out a bit embarrassed
"Toby it's ok it's normal~.." you muttered a bit trying to keep your voice even
Toby nodded "fuck I lov-Birds!" Toby shouted
You both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing just holding eachother close
Overall aside from Toby's horrible moodswings at times and his "work" you guys have a pretty helpful relationship
No, Just no
This man is toxic asf when you guys first meet, definitely a manipulator
He tones it down after a bit but still gaslights you into getting what he wants
When he gets angry, please down run from him- he will track you down and may or may not resort to physical violence to get you to learn your lesson
If you ask about the missing children he WILL gaslight you into thinking that's he's told you before and it hurts that you forgot and won't tell you again
Sex? What sex? You think he would let you even get close enought to see that shit happen hah very funny
"Slenderman? Cmon I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to hurt you.." you muttered softly
"No. I already told you, and you forgot.. it is insensitive of you and unwise of me to tell you again, " he responded through your mind. And though he doesn't have eyes, you could only assume he was glaring
He's not healthy for you, but you've got yourself into this for life and there's only 1 way to get out
Eyeless jack:
Just like Jeff he'll sneak into your room
You literally can't get rid of him
He won't talk or anything, just stand and stares
He doesn't cuddle and he barely touches you
He definitely tried to offer you a kidney as a way of telling you he appreciates you
No hygiene whatsoever, he doesn't shave and it takes a month before you even get him to shower
He mostly just grumbles and groans to let you know he understands what your saying
He's really smart, puzzles, locks ,and riddles are no match for him
He's blunt, when he does talk it's rare, bit it's honest and unfiltered
You guys barely have sex and honestly you've probably never seen his face
"Jack, please!! I just wanna see your face, " you whined, laying yourself over his lap
"I said no, and if you keep asking, I'll eat you. Literally, " Jack retorted
Yeaaaa he meant it literally and you could tell
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inorganicone2230 · 4 months
Like Hoarded Gold (Part 1) Yandere!Gojo/Geto x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo are complete strangers to you, but when they unexpectedly learn of the tragic news that has irrevocably shattered your life to pieces, the two of them become determined to help you and make you happy again, whether you want them to or not.
Warnings: Not many for this chapter, just the guys being nosy creeps for now.
Side Note: I do NOT and never will condone the actions committed in this or any future chapters, please be mindful and respectful of the fact that all of this is purely fiction.
“Come on, babe.”
Satoru Gojo moaned shamelessly into the kiss he shared with his lifelong friend and romantic partner, Suguru Geto, as he pressed the dark haired man down into the gym mat of the darkened storeroom they had snuck into.
“You're so fucking needy.” 
Suguru playfully taunted him, even as he groaned and pawed at the other young man just as desperately, his hands finally finding purchase on Satoru’s hips so he could grind their still clothed and aching erections together.
They’d had a break between lectures and when Satoru had teasingly suggested that the two of them find a quiet spot for a quicky, he had been more than happy to agree, which was how they now found themselves in their current situation; namely, the two of them laid out on an old mat in the storeroom of the college gym, desperately dry-humping one another.
“You're not gonna sound so cocky once I’m balls-deep in your tight fucking ass.” Satoru shot back, nipping his neck hard enough that it was surely going to leave a very noticeable bruise, one he knew Suguru would wear with immense pride and satisfaction.
Suguru’s chuckle was deep and sensual as he reached between them to begin unbuckling his boyfriend's belt and pants, desperate to get his large hands wrapped around Satoru’s fat cock.
“Wanna bet on-”
The door to the storeroom suddenly creaked open and both men instantly froze as dim light from the previously empty gym briefly flooded the space before closing and going dark again.
“Shit!” Satoru whispered harshly into his ear, just loud enough so only he would hear it. “Did a professor or someone else follow us?”
It's not like the two of them had ever tried to hide their relationship from the public, such a thing would have been an impossible endeavor anyway, what with how affectionate and touchy Satoru could be most of the time. But even with their relationship being public knowledge, it still hadn't stopped the occasional creeper or fame-chaser from trying to catch them in compromising situations, usually to try and extort the white haired young man for a cut of his rather impressively large fortune and inheritance.
With the unexpected death of his parents only four years prior, and Satoru being their only child, he had been the sole beneficiary to the Gojo family's vast wealth and assets, and while he still had to graduate college first before he could receive the entirety of his inheritance in full, the monthly stipend he received every month to fund their lifestyle until then was certainly nothing to sneeze at.
But it also had the unfortunate drawback of painting a big red bullseye on his back, and subsequently Suguru’s as well, one that led some people to think that they would be an easy target for some quick cash if a compromising photo could be taken and dangled over their heads.
“Just stay quiet for now.” Suguru replied, then tenderly kissed Satoru's cheek with the kind of affection he knew would leave the Gojo heir blushing. “If they try anything, I'll be the one to handle it.”
And he meant it to, he had already beat the shit out of a few creeps for trying this kind of shit, and would be more than willing to do so again if it came down to it.
Satoru was his, and he would always have his back, just like he knew Satoru would always have his.
The two of them, thankfully, were tucked away in a corner of the storeroom behind some stacked boxes of equipment, so they would see anyone that came around the corner, but when no one came, the two of them slowly rose to their feet to take a peek around, wondering if maybe the individual actually hadn't stuck around and left when the door shut.
But there, leaning against the wall next to the door was a young girl, one who both men briefly recognized as a first year, more specifically, she was a foreign exchange student who they just so happened to share one or two classes with this semester.
You had your phone drawn up to your ear and seemed to be calling the same number repeatedly as your expression grew more and more frantic every time the person(s) on the other end failed to pick up.
“The fuck?” Satoru silently mouthed as they looked at one another, confusion written all over each other's faces, but Suguru was just as lost as his partner and only shook his head at him.
He now suspected that you had no idea you weren't alone in here, which meant that you weren't a threat, so his posture had relaxed once more, but now he was also fairly curious as to what had brought you here, and who you were so desperately trying to get ahold of.
And based on the noticeable gleam in Satoru's bright blue eyes, Suguru knew he was also just as curious.
And then, as if their nosiness had triggered something on the other end of your phone, they suddenly heard your voice speak, your tone sounding both relieved and panicked as words, in what they were able to tell was English, began tumbling out of your mouth in fast succession.
The only problem however, was that neither of them knew enough of the language to be able to piece full sentences together.
“Oh come on!” Satoru quietly groaned in exasperation.
He knew enough to be able to pick out a few words here and there; words like ‘no’ and ‘please’ and ‘wait’, which you seemed to be repeating quite often as your voice grew more and more panicked, but eventually, whoever was on the other end must have abruptly ended the call, because you stopped talking as the phone slowly slid from your slackened grip and fell to the floor with a loud enough crash that he knew without even seeing it that the damn things screen was likely shattered to bits from the impact with the concrete flooring.
You looked so sad and heartbroken in that moment, and before either man knew what was happening, you dropped to your knees with a sickening thud that left both of them wincing. Your knees were most definitely going to be in a world of hurt once you finally managed to pull yourself out of whatever dark hole that conversation had thrown you into.
And then came the wailing…
The sounds that came pouring out of you were absolutely gut wrenching, and despite not knowing anything about you, not even your name, it took everything Satoru and Suguru had to stop themselves from going to you and demanding what it was that had caused this.
You had your arms wrapped so tightly around yourself, like you would fall to pieces if you weren't holding yourself together in that lonely embrace, and you were sobbing so hard that they both feared you might actually make yourself sick if you didn't get your breathing under control.
“What do you think we should do?” Suguru whispered.
Satoru didn't once take his eyes off you as he shook his head in uncertainty.
“I honestly don't know.” He answered. “We would probably just make things worse if we suddenly pop out and she learns we've been here this whole time.”
Suguru had to agree, and as much as it killed him to stand back and let your trauma unfold like this, he knew that Satoru was right.
Neither of them completely understood why they had this unexplainable urge to go to you, someone who was a complete and total stranger, but it was a matter they were going to have to ponder together and discuss at great length before making any solid decisions on.
But for now, they simply had to let the situation run its natural course and hope for the best, even if waiting and patience was never either of their strong suits.
And so they did.
They waited for almost thirty minutes, watching and listening to the sound of your very soul shattering as you cried yourself into exhaustion before you eventually managed to pick yourself back up off the floor and slowly and silently exit the storage space. Neither of them failed to notice the dead expression on your face or how utterly lifeless your eyes appeared to be, and both men knew it had little to do with the poor lighting from the few small windows sprinkled along the walls near the ceiling.
And only once they were certain they were alone again did both Satoru and Suguru finally release the breath neither of them realized they were simultaneously holding.
“Fucking hell…” Satoru groaned and slumped down to the floor to sit on his haunches. “What was that all about?” He asked, looking up at Suguru through feather soft lashes.
Suguru leaned back against the wall across from him and let out his own sigh of frustration.
He didn't understand what this feeling was or where it was coming from, but it was taking all his restraint not to go chasing after you, to make certain you didn't do anything foolish.
Perhaps it had something to do with seeing you in such a vulnerable state when you thought you were completely alone…
He had seen plenty of his friends in bad moods or had been a shoulder for them to cry on when they were stressed and upset, but he had never seen anyone in real life break apart so uncontrollably the way you had just now; not even Satoru after the death of his parents, if one could even call those two absent shit-stains by the title of parent.
“I don't know.” He whispered. “Maybe she has a significant other back home and they got into a fight or something?”
He saw the darkened look that flashed across Satoru's face and knew immediately that the thought of that prospect didn't settle with him any better than it did with Suguru himself.
“Or someone she knows could have gotten hurt, or even died.” Satoru casually stated, and wondered what it must have said about him that he hoped it was that and not Suguru's option.
This was not what either of them had expected to deal with today, not that anyone could have predicted it, but now that they had witnessed what you obviously must have thought was a moment of extreme vulnerability, their interest was thoroughly piqued and he knew that neither he nor Suguru would be able to walk away and just forget about it so easily.
At the very least, he wanted to know the details of the situation, even if they couldn't do anything about it to help you in the end, because if he didn't, then those mournful cries of yours would follow him for a long time, possibly forever, and he wasn't entirely sure he could stay sane if the burning question of it wasn't answered.
“Come on, let's go home for the rest of the day and figure out what we want to do.” Suguru said, and held his hand out to help his boyfriend rise to his feet. “There's no point in attending any more of our classes today if neither of us will be able to properly concentrate.”
It wasn't until they were almost to the door that something caught Satoru's attention and he had to pause for a moment to thank the heavens for his good fortune, because there was your shattered phone, still laying on the ground where it had originally dropped.
“It must be our lucky day, babe.” He said with a grin, bending down to pick up the device.
“I'm not too surprised, the poor thing was practically catatonic when she left, and a broken phone was probably the last thing on her mind.” Suguru wrapped his arms around Satoru's middle and rested his chin in the crook of his neck to look over his shoulder and watch him gingerly tap at the screen. “Maybe we could use returning it as an excuse to talk to her?” He suggested, but dismissed the idea just as quickly when he realized that would mean needing to explain how they found it and how they knew it was yours.
Satoru nodded his head absentmindedly, already knowing that he and Suguru had likely reached the same conclusion on that option, but he had one that might prove to be a bit more useful to them in the long run, especially as the lock screen lit up and showed both men that it was only the protective cover over the screen that was shattered. The sturdy case and screen protector had spared it from any true damage, and as he stared at the picture you had set of you and what appeared to be your parents at your high school graduation ceremony, he couldn't help but feel that fate was too good a word to describe this opportunity, and it had to mean something so much more.
“Let's stop by a cell-phone store on the way home.” He suggested, before pocketing the device and turning to give his boyfriend a conspiratorial wink and smile. “I have an idea of my own that I think you'll like a whole lot more.”
Later on that night, Satoru and Suguru found themselves snuggled up together on the couch that faced the large wall of windows in their penthouse apartment that overlooked the Tokyo city skyline.
When the two of them had first graduated high school together nearly four years earlier and started apartment hunting together, they had immediately been sold on this particular property, located in Minato, based solely on the views it provided of the city at night, and naturally, with Satoru being who he was, they ended up with the absolute best the building had to offer, right at the very top on the 45th floor.
It had already come fully furnished at the time they had first moved in, but over the course of their almost four year residency, they had slowly replaced everything with pieces that were more suited to their own tastes and preferences.
That was one thing that he loved so much about Satoru, despite the apartment being in his name and the money from his monthly stipends paying for everything they had, his boyfriend never made him feel less than for not being able to contribute more than his ability to cook and help clean. Satoru always told him that the money was just as much his, and had even gone so far as to get Suguru's name put on the account and debit/credit cards of his very own so he never had to ask for money.
Satoru, for all his childish tendencies and spoiled entitlement, saw the two of them as equal partners in their relationship, and did everything he possibly could to show him that at every opportunity.
But the greatest gift of all, besides just being in his life, had been in the form of his college expenses.
Satoru had always been destined to attend his parents alma mater, the University of Tokyo, but for Suguru, with his poorer background and lack of financial resources, despite his excellent grades and a long list of extracurriculars that had earned him a full scholarship to the elite high school they had both attended, the prestigious university had always felt more like a far off and unattainable dream as he'd sent in his application for it, and half a dozen other more affordable and realistic schools.
Schools that were far enough away that it would have seen him and Satoru separated and likely to break up.
So when, mere days after his parents' funeral, Satoru had expressed a keen desire to pay for his tuition entirely from his own pocket, just to help him achieve his dreams and keep them from being separated, Suguru had known then and there that the white haired young man was the one for him.
It wasn't about the money though, Suguru had never given a single thought to asking his, admittedly very wealthy boyfriend, for financial assistance. It was Satoru's genuine desire to help him and not lose each other that had cemented it in his mind that they were it for one another; that, come hell or high water, he would fight tooth and nail to keep what they had, and Satoru had been more that eager to share the sentiment.
And now, here they were, making what might be one of the biggest decisions of their life together as they scrolled through your now deactivated phone, and seething with rage at what they were learning.
“You're reading the same thing as me, right? I’m not misinterpreting this?” Satoru asked through clenched teeth.
Suguru's mood wasn't much better as he took the phone from his boyfriend's tightening grip to read the translated email more closely.
“No, you're not.”
After leaving campus for the day, the first thing they had done was drive to a small electronics store on the outskirts of the city to have your phone deactivated. And thankfully, with the help of a very hefty bribe, the creep working the shady storefront had been more than happy to ignore the questionable ethics of forcefully disconnecting and resetting the password on a phone that clearly didn't belong to either of the men asking for it to be done, and in less than thirty minutes, the two had been on their merry way back home.
It had been Suguru's idea to run everything on your phone through a translator app so they could try and figure out what was going on with you, and while they both felt a mild sense of guilt over snooping so deeply into your private life, they told themselves it was for your own good, that they were only trying to help.
The translations were by no means perfect, but both men were smart enough to read between the lines and mentally fix whatever errors there were in the process, and while your text messages had been a bust, with most of them being fairly quick and concise, your emails proved to be much more fruitful.
And rage inducing…
Satoru had been right in assuming that whatever had brought on your traumatic breakdown had to do with your family, but if what they were reading had any kind of truth to it, which neither of them were truly doubting, then it was so much worse than just someone you knew and loved dying on you.
The email in question was from your mother and read as followed;
(Y/N), I know this will come as a tremendous shock to you whenever you read this, and I need you to understand that me and your father are not making this decision to be cruel to you, but you are no longer a child, you are a grown woman on her own at college, in another country no less, and I feel like I should be allowed to be honest with you about the changes both our lives are about to take.
I think you are well aware by now that having you was not a choice neither I nor your father made willingly, you were a genuine accident, and while we care about you and want you to succeed more than anything, you are grown now and fully capable of no longer needing us. Me and your father put our dreams and desires on hold and raised you for nineteen years, and now it is time for us to be allowed to live our lives how we see fit. We have already sold the house and all but its most important items, all of your belongings have been packed up and moved to a storage unit that I have provided the number for down below. It has been paid off for the next six months while you decide how and what to do with it, but this is the final assistance we will give you, as we need all the money we can spare to begin our new lives elsewhere.
I know this is going to be very hard for you to understand, but your father and I were free spirits before we had you, travel and adventure was our life, and while we did our due diligence upon having you, I won't lie and say that you were our greatest joy. Having to be tied down to one place for so long in order to give you the stability you required, it killed us a little inside with each year that passed, and now that we are finally free, we feel it is best we no longer keep in contact with you going forward. It will only serve to remind us of a time we no longer want to think about, and it will only give you false hope in the end that things could go back to your perceived version of normal, and that is not fair to any of us.
We will be replacing our phones and numbers at the end of the week, so feel free to call us anytime between now and then if you have anything to say or add.
And please, take care of yourself and live your life to the fullest.
That was where the email ended.
It had been sent less than 24 hours ago, and a quick check of your call log showed them that your parents were indeed the last people you had tried calling, your mother having been the one to finally pick up and respond to your, now understandably, very frantic calls earlier in the storage room.
“What kind of sorry excuse for a mother would do this to their own child?” Satoru asked, his voice as cold and icy as his eyes and hair. “My parents were shit at being parents, and even they would have never done something as cruel and heartless as this.”
Suguru nodded in complete agreement as he reread the words on the screen again for a third time, and had to fight down every urge he had to punch this awful woman's number into his own phone and give her a piece of his mind.
“The only kind of people who could do this with as little remorse as she seems to have, are the kind that should have never been allowed to conceive in the first place.” The dark haired man responded, and draped an arm over his loves shoulders for comfort.
The two sat in silence for a long while after that, slowly processing everything they had learned, and in that time, Satoru had opened up your photo gallery for them to look through, idly scrolling through picture after picture, wanting to understand you further and gain insight into who you were. They started from the oldest ones at the very top, which seemed to date back three years, and while you seemed more interested in taking pictures of other people and the things and places around you, when a photo of yourself did eventually pop up every now and then, it always blindsided then how joyful and happy you seemed, especially in contrast with how they had seen you earlier, so sad and broken.
“So, what do we do now, Suguru?”
Suguru sighed, having known they would eventually have to discuss this.
“I know we were mostly just curious to find out what was the cause of her breakdown earlier, but now that we know the whole story, I don't think I can just leave this situation alone.” He said, and felt Satoru relax beside him, that was enough to tell him that his partner felt the same as him.
“Normally, I'd say that destiny and fate can suck my fat cock, but I don't feel like it was just mere coincidence that led to us being in that storage room with her today, it was definitely something more.” Satoru said, his confidence returning in full force as he stared down at a picture of your bright and smiling face, wishing more than anything that they could see it in person. “So who better to help a poor damsel in distress than the two best equipped guys in the city; we have the money, the means, and the time to show her were on her side.”
“I couldn't have said it better myself.” Suguru chuckled and kissed his cheek. “Now the only question is how do we proceed and make it happen?”
Satoru flashed him that signature too confident grin as he leaned back into his arms and pulled out his own phone.
“Don't worry, I got us covered on that front.” He said, scrolling through his minimal contacts to find the one he needed. “She might not figure it out right away, but our girl isn't going to know what to do with herself once she realizes she's got two knights in shining armor looking out for her.”
I've recently gotten really into JJK and since I'm not really feeling the motivation to write for any of my other fics at the moment, here is the newest idea that is rotting my brain from the inside out.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
And as always, I want to give a BIG thank you to my amazing friend @talpup  for all the brainstorming and encouragement on these stories! I’m sure I would have given up on this blog a while ago if it wasn’t for all of their help. I highly encourage anyone who takes the time to read this to go over to their page or their AO3 account under the same name and check out their works, especially Chaos and Erase The Shadow. They are two of my favorite BNHA fics of ALL TIME! And who has also started their own Yandere!Overhaul fic called Crossroads and is set in a 1920′s prohibition style era, it’s amazing and you need to check it out!
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creamhoodie · 10 months
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ His Princess ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊
synopsis: Reo spoils you for your one year anniversary. Warnings: 2,115 words, aged up after Bluelock events, romance and smut, one-shot, minors DNI
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Reo loved to spoil you. Tonight was no different in fact he wanted to spoil you more since it was your one year anniversary. Even though you were humble and shy about his gift giving nature he had still made sure to book reservations at the most luxurious French restaurant he could find. He had even picked your outfit, gifting you a beautiful dress made out of lotus silk though your own beauty outshone the rare fabric. 
It truly gave him such sweet pleasure almost orgasmic-like to bestow on you presents each better and more expensive than the last. You had once told him, “Reo, I don’t need these things. I just want you.” 
“I know. That’s why I wanna give you anything and everything,” he had responded. 
For Reo the exhilaration and joy of buying items had died while he was still a child for what could he possibly want when he realized everything was at his disposable? 
Clothing, cars, jewels, and money itself meant nothing to him and material items no longer interested him. That feeling had only increased as well when he became a professional athlete with even more riches. The only joy he received from partaking in his wealth was when he was using it to spend on you and show you how much he loved you. Gift giving was his love language and because you were pure hearted and non materialistic he wanted to spoil you all the more. 
That’s why over dinner he presented you with your first little Tiffany Blue box. The way your starry eyes lit up gave him dopamine. As always you started with your protests that he shouldn’t spend so much on you. 
“You’re my princess and I will always give you treasures so get used to it,” he said and helped you put the necklace on. 
“I just feel like I can’t give anything back to you,” you said as you swept your hair to the side. 
He secured the clasp and kissed your neck whispering into your skin: “you give me everything by being mine and letting me love you. That’s worth more than anything money can ever buy.” 
He placed more kisses at your neck, hungry and desperate and he felt you pulsate in bliss at his touch. The smell and taste of you had him asking for the check, desperate to be alone with you.
“I want you to pick one you’d like to wear for me. You get to keep all three so don’t worry princess,” he cooed into your ear as he stood behind you, his arms around your waist. He was in your shared bedroom with you, and  three large shopping bags from lingerie boutiques were on the bed. This was your second surprise of the night he had planned. 
“Reo, you really went all out didn’t you?” You asked. He saw your face take on its usual rosy glow when you were presented with a gift. 
It was always that rosy glow and those starry eyes from before when you were presented with the Tiffany Blue box that told him you secretly relished in receiving his gifts. 
Though you weren’t materialistic he knew at your core you loved to be showered with these gifts the way all women did. He was highly of the opinion that women were like flowers and meant to be pollinated with gifts and treasures. Each was beautiful and required care and deserved to be worshiped. You are his flower and to him you are the most beautiful in any garden.
“Go ahead and pick one angel,” he coaxed arms still around your waist as he hugged you from behind. 
You opened the first bag holding up a red floral fishnet teddy with the tags denoting it as a Spanish import. He had chosen that one because the red reminded him of how red and abused his cock would become after fucking you.
You put that one back in the bag and went on to do the same with the second holding up a see through laced pink slip. That one he had chosen as homage to your rosy glow and it reminded him of a princess dress. The thought alone of railing you in something so innocent nearly sent him over the edge. 
The last lingerie item was a wired two piece deep violet set. That one he had chosen because he knows how you love his violet hair and eyes. 
“They are all so beautiful, Reo. Thank you,” you said. 
“You’re beautiful. Exquisite. Stunning,” he said, placing kisses into your neck between each compliment. 
“I know which one I want to wear for you tonight but close your eyes because I want it to be a surprise for you,” you said. He closed them as instructed and let you guide him to sit on the bed. “No peeking and keep them closed until I say you can open them.”
He did just that listening to the scuffling of the bags and fabric. 
“You can open your eyes now,” you said. He did and his breath caught. You looked ethereal in the see through pink slip you had selected so much more impossibly gorgeous than he could imagine. Since you wore nothing underneath it (minus the necklace he had put on you earlier) he had a full view of your perky  breasts and pussy. 
“You chose well baby, you look like such a princess,” he said and motioned for you to sit on his lap. 
When you did his lips latched onto yours kissing you now without holding back, all the hunger and desperation he had felt at the restaurant poured through. 
“Reo,” you pleaded from both the pain and pleasure your stinging clit was causing you. He understood perfectly and not one to keep his princess waiting he picked you up before laying you back out on the bed, your legs were open for him and his face was cradled in between your thighs. 
“I know baby I know,” he said sympathetically, his cock feeling that same longing and pain. He would take care of you first though. Through and through you were his flower, his to please.  His fingers teased at your slit so wet and soaked already but he knew that from the wet stain that had pooled on his slacks from you sitting on his lap. 
With ease he pushed one finger inside of you then a second.
“Reo.. I need,” you struggled to speak and the mounds of your breasts rising and falling under the see through pink slip made the bulge in his pants expand even more.
“What do you want, baby?” He asked though he knew, of course he knew you inside and out and exactly how to touch you. Still, he loved making you vocalize it, receiving an ego boost for how your face would contort in absolute yearning for him.
“Tongue.. I need your tongue,” you panted say he continued to lazily finger you. 
“Need it where, baby? Say it,” he commanded firmly. 
“My pussy. Reo I need your tongue in my pussy.”
Alas, the magic words he had been dying to hear. 
He was quick to oblige you by removing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue, immediately soaked with your juices. Greedily your hands went to his loose hair pushing his face further in. 
He lapped at your pussy as if he was in the desert and it was his only source of hydration and hydrate him you did as your arousal kept flooding on his tongue. 
He has always loved how you tasted from the very first time he had tasted your sweet folds and they had lathered him up like a freshly squeezed peach. From the way your fingers tightened in his hair and your repeated moans of his name each crescendoing more than the last he knew you were close to orgasming. Between his tongue and his fingers skilled caresses he was soon flooded with your sweet relief as you laid flushed and trying to catch your breath. 
He pressed kisses into your inner thighs and as he did he felt you still pulsating. 
“That’s a good princess,” he whispered, “my good princess.” 
Your eyes looked at him with such love he couldn’t contain himself. 
“Reo, I want you to feel good too,” you said. Always generous and always willing to accommodate him, that’s what he loved about you and why he spoiled you.
“Is that so, princess?” He asked. 
You nodded tightly, face flushed and still fucked out. 
“Why don’t you go ahead  and undress me then?” He asked knowing that it was one of your favorite things to do. 
You started by unzipping his slacks, he smiled at that, you were always so eager. He helped your hands along the way, undoing his belt while you undid his tie. Soon he was just in his boxers, the tenting in them becoming almost unbearable.
He didn’t break eye contact with you as he stepped out of his boxers, noticing how your eyes widened at his cock. He stroked it a few times, prepping it just for you. 
“Be a good girl and lay back for me,” Reo said. You did so as he lined himself up with you. You were still so wet and felt the mushroom tip of him press against your entrance before easily sliding in. 
“Reo, you’re so big,” you stammered in both pain and pleasure a concoction only he could derive from you. 
“You take me so well though,” he said before pushing himself further in, “like you were made for me.” 
He sighed in complete bliss upon feeling your soothing warmth and softness. It was this sensation that made him want to buy you the moon if you wanted it. In this missionary position, violet eyes meeting yours, shaky breath, moans, and skin upon skin you could have asked him for anything and he wouldn’t deny it of you. 
 Your hands  went to his deep violet hair, fingers gripping the locks to steady yourself as you gave him one simple  command: “ruin me,” with begging glossy eyes. 
Who was he to deny you? If you wanted to be ruined he would oblige. 
He pumped into you steadily then all at once increased his speed, his carnal desire for you taking over. 
In and out he went and he wasn’t blind to the fact that you watched as his cock would go in and out each time coated more with your arousal.
“You’re so naughty. You love watching me fuck you don’t you princess?” He teased. Your face turned bright red and your eyes darted elsewhere. “Don’t you dare look away.”  With your eyes back on him he thrusted even harder now, the gripping in his hair tightened as well as your vaginal walls tightened around him as if you’d never let him go.
He could die here buried inside of you and he’d have no regrets or remorse. 
Between your legs was the treasure money couldn’t buy. He could lose his inheritance, his trust fund, his riches and soccer career but one thing he couldn’t stand to lose was the feeling of your warmth flooding on his cock. 
His hands pushed the pink slip up so he could access your breasts as he leaned forward to suck on your ripe nipple as he continued to  give you fast paced strokes. 
“Reo… feels so good,” you praised. 
“I bet it does,” he cooed. 
His tongue outlined your areola in circular motions following its shape as the feel of his tongue caused you to shiver from the sensitivity. Your breasts had a slight metallic taste from where the necklace had hovered in between them. His hips continued to buck against yours and he knew you were close again. He talked you through your orgasm now moaning your name and telling him how good you made him feel and how your warmth felt better than anything he had ever experienced. 
“Nothing can make me feel as good as you can, absolutely nothing,” he whispered. 
He loved missionary with you because now as you came down from your high he got to see your face flush and your eyes roll back in pleasure as you both reached your peak. He most especially loved being able to rest inside of you, laying gently on top of you as you stroked his hair as you each caught your breath. 
When he had recovered enough, still inside of you, he leaned forward to kiss you softly and slowly on the lips. 
“Happy one year anniversary,” he said before kissing you and once again becoming lost in your skin.
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jeneseoquoi · 1 year
nct 127 | '95 line + bad days
(note: johnny & yuta went to support taeyong’s shalala mucore prerecording so i had to take the moment to write a little something about my favorite trio. hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! if you enjoyed it, tell me in the tags/comments/ask box. and if you want me to write it for any of the other members, let me know and i'll try my best to get it done! a little long so most of it is under the cut.)
johnny: "are you okay?" you questioned, cornering the tall man in the kitchen.
johnny had barely spoken to you when you got home from work which was odd. it was even more odd when he spent the past fifteen minutes slamming any and every drawer & cabinet door in the apartment.
"i'm fine." he says, grabbing a random pot from the cabinet and pushing past you.
"are you suuuuure?" you ask as he opens and slams yet another drawer. "you seem a litt-"
"i said i'm fine!" he cut you off sharply causing you to furrow your brows at his obvious passive aggressiveness and tone of his voice.
"okay look, i know you well enough to tell that you're not fine. i get if you don't want to talk about it right now, but you could just say that instead of slamming around everything in our house and raising your voice at me."
he stayed silent, opting to gaze at the floor to avoid your glare.
"i'll be in our bedroom if and when you're ready to talk." you say, pushing past him toward the hallway.
it's less than an hour before you hear a faint set of knocks, followed by the bedroom door creaking open. you look up from your position on the bed to see your sheepish looking man. closing the book in front of you to acknowledge his presence, you wait for him to speak first.
"i'm sorry." he pouts, "i had a shitty day at work, but i shouldn't have taken it out on you." you nod accepting his apology before opening your arms to him.
"come here. you wanna tell me what happened?" he nods, making his over to the bed and settling into your arms. he tells you about his day, snuggling in closer as you thread your fingers through his hair.
"thank you for listening babe. i really needed this."
"of course baby," you cup his cheeks, "i'm always here for you no matter what."
he smiles, leaning up toward you. "i love you."
you smile back at him, before pressing your lips to his.
"i love you."
taeyong: "tae?" you called, slowly opening the door to the bedroom you share. he doesn't answer, but the blanket on your guys' bed clearly outlines his frame under it. making your way over, you carefully pull back the blanket to see your boyfriend face first into his pillow.
"is everything okay love?" you gently nudge him, taking a seat on the bedside. he finally turns to face you, revealing his puffy, red eyes. a clear sign he's been crying.
"oh my god! taeyong! what happened?!" he shakes his head, letting you know he doesn't want to talk about it, but you know it's weighing heavy on his heart by the sheer sadness in his eyes.
you take the moment to hold your hand out to him which he hesitantly takes. "come on." you say as he allows you to drag him out of the bed, and into the bathroom.
you turn on the shower, undressing before stepping in, and he follows suit. you face him, watching as the water cascades down his shoulders and you know he's trying so hard to keep the tears at bay.
"it's okay. you can cry in here and nobody will know. not even me."
as if your words broke the dam, tears start to spill from his eyes as the sobs rack through his body. you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
it's a while before taeyong finally settles into your embrace, his sobs turning to quiet sniffles. he buries his face further into your neck as if to muffle his next words, but you hear it clearly.
"thank you."
yuta: you know he had a bad day. he'd practically said as much when he got home. still, he was doing his best to keep up a happy persona.
tonight was your guys' monthly date night and you know how much yuta (and you) look forward to spending the much needed time together. see, even though you guys finally live together, it's not often the both of you get to do something special with each other due to his pretty strict, busy schedule. that's why early on in your relationship, you made a pact that no matter what, unless he was away on tour, you guys would have at least one night a month dedicated to a special date night.
these nights mean the most to yuta, so you could understand how he would be frustrated that of all days for him to have a bad one, it had to be on day night. yet, even though it was evident to you in his mannerisms and eyes, he refused to let on that he was even a tiny bit upset. which, to be honest, was making you feel a little worse. you never want your partner to suppress his feelings for your sake.
throughout dinner you tried to subtly ask him about his day or how he was feeling, but knowing your tactics, he brushed them off or just plainly changed the subject.
dinner and dessert went by with no luck of getting yuta to open up, and before you knew it, you guys were walking out of the restaurant and toward his car to make the journey home.
he opened the passenger door for you, before shutting it and making his way around to get into the driver's side seat.
"yuta." you called. he hummed in response, letting you know that he was listening. "can you look at me?"
he turned his head to face you, confusion present on his face. you reached over the center console to lace your fingers with his and continued.
"i know you had a bad day. and i know you think by hiding it, you're saving our date night, but i want you to know that you never have to pretend you're okay with me. i appreciate you trying your best to be happy for tonight, but i'd much rather you stay true to how you're really feeling, even if it's date night."
he sighs deeply, squeezing your hand, then bringing it up to his lips.
"you're right. i shouldn't and won't hide from you. i promise to tell you all about it on our way home."
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ohnomytummy · 6 months
Hi, I have a story from this Thanksgiving that I thought this community would like, and I don't have a kink blog to post it to so I'm gonna share it here cause I know your box is always open. Lol
I'm relatively thin, severely underweight for a good chunk of my childhood, have always been poor so I've never gotten to indulge too much in feasting, not in this economy. But long backstory short, I had the house to myself for pretty much 4 days straight for Thanksgiving break, along with all the leftover food from the entire family thanksgiving.. I was asked to toss most of it because we didn't have room in the fridge and it would go bad, but I didn't want any of it to go to waste.. you can probably tell where his is going..
I have a pretty sensitive stomach since I get full pretty quick, and I'm also lactose intolerant and most meat makes me gassy (and sweaty for some reason?), but for some reason none of that mattered to me, I put a YouTube series I've been itching to watch on my phone and munched on everything that was in front of me which included:
-almost half of a turkey that had been sitting out on the table for a day
-a platter of cheese and cube/slice things and pepperoni/some other meat I forgot
-I wanna say maybe 20 small sugar cookies (the puffy Walmart ones with frosting)
-about 2 litres total of a miz of lemonade, sprite, ginger ale, and coca cola
- 5 bread rolls with melted cheese and butter
-uncounted handfuls old candy I still had from Halloween....
I didn't even realize I'd been eating so much, but I guess since it was all over the course of about a day (9 hours-ish?) It was gradual enough that I didn't realize I'd gone overboard until the end. I remember reaching for the next thing getting ready and thinking "wow i wonder how much ive eaten" and seeing that the answer was all of it. I was wearing an elastic tank top, and I looked down and holy shit I looked pregnant. The tank top is kind of long but there was maybe an inch of belly sticking out from underneath naturally, and the tank top itself was like vacuum sealed tight to my skin!
This is where stuff gets crazy. I put my hand on my stomach to rub it and I could feel it churning under my hand, from the inside ofc and through my belly. I'd been burping throughout the whole stuffing absent-mindedly, but now that it was all setting in, I felt like I was going to puke. I couldn't even feel nauseous at first, it was just PAIN in my middle and I could barely get up. I'm so glad I was alone because I was moaning and rubbing my belly with both hands, holding it as I tried to get up. I could feel myself bringing up burps with every exhale, they were like.. soft and quiet but also really deep and sick, coming out with every breath, like "... urrrrrrp.. hic-hurrrrrp... uurppp. ur-urrp... hic-hUuuurrrrrrrrrp..." and with groans after each one lmao. I made my way to the bathroom eventually and sat by the toilet, sure I was gonna be sick, but I wasn't. I almost wanted to be, but I think I was just too scared to puke. So I sat back against the tub, facing the toilet, my whole body was covered in a cold sweat atp and i was rubbing my belly, and I could feel every single rumble as it ripped through my stomach and rose up as a belch. I couldn't stop burping like I was just about crying on the bathroom floor, bloated as a tick, belching helplessly. After a few minutes the burps started slowing down, but they were much more wet when they did come up. I think the meat and lactose was probably digesting now because I actually started to feel queasy. I started holding in my burps in fear that the food might come up, but then the air started xoming out the back. Starting with small short toots, leading to nauseous farts that, much like the burps, WOULDNT STOP. I was uncontrollably farting, small short bursts every few seconds and idk how to describe it but the farts felt pukey somehow. My stomach was churning like crazy and I could hear it from the outside (still felt intense as I rubbed it too). All the while the original belches never really stopped, so I was just on the floor, gas from both ends pouring out. My stomach was so hard and tight it felt like a bowling ball attached to me and my shirt was so tight it was so hot in hindsight but I felt like I was dying in the moment. Anyways I eventually fell asleep on the floor, woke up feeling sick, burped and farted next to the toilet again and tried doing the doggy-style yoga pose (best that I could, anyways, with my bloated upset tummy still filled with rotting undigested Thanksgiving leftovers) and kept farting until out of nowhere I almost shat myself, I think the position I was in moved the air along but the air took some stuff with it, so now I had to abandon that and sit on the toilet with a trash bin next to me because I couldn't fit it between my legs (my tummy took up the room lol) and it was mostly just me being sick from both ends, along with super uncontrollable rumbly burps and farts that just would not ever fucking stop.
Once it was all out things went back to normal, other than me being really gassy for a few more days.
I will let my uh *cough* community have this 😳🥵
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emodaryls · 8 days
I saw your little!Daryl post and it warmed my heart! I was wondering if we could get more of that?? Being a cg myself, sometimes I just really wanna comfort that sweet boy. Could you maybe do something where he maybe gets anxious or overwhelmed but he’s in public when he starts to regress and he cries but the reader knows exactly what he needs, so they take him home, knowing he would be too embarrassed to be little around others. No worries if not since you said you weren’t sure how to write him! 🩵
"You'll be okay."
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Little!Daryl x reader
A/N This sounds so sweet 🖤 This one will probably be a bit shorter sorry abt thatttt.. also sorry for the delay omg Fluff, 573 word count
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You and Daryl were wondering around the Commonwealth. It's the middle of the afternoon, and just about everyone's going out to get lunch. As you and Daryl made your way through a busy, crowded area, you noticed daryl becoming increasingly anxious by the amount of people. It makes him feel small and stuck. His hands started to fidget nervously, his eyes darting in all directions. He slowly got closer to you, seeking your comfort. You quickly pulled him aside to a less crowded area, and put your hands on his shoulders. "Hey, hey.. whats wrong?" You ask, looking at Daryl with a concerned expression. He looked down, his eyes glossy with unshed tears. He feels so vulnerable, so nervous, so scared. You felt terrible for him, and you wiped a tear that began to fall. "Do you want to go home?"
He nods with a slight grunt, looking down at the ground and blinking away a few more tears. You brought his head to the crook of your neck, and he just stayed there, letting out silent sobs. His hands wrapped around you, gripping the fabric of your shirt. His grip tightened and loosened a few times, and he tried his hardest to not cry harder. "Lets go home.."
And home you two went.
You tried to avoid any overly crowded areas to not get him worked up again. Once you got home, you led him to the soft, plush couch and held him close. Neither of you needed to speak. You shifted into a more comfortable position with a sigh, and Daryl rest his head on your chest. You scratched his scalp a bit, and he pretty much purred. He brought his thumb up to his mouth, beginning to suckle on it. You smiled softly, brushing some of his hair back to get a better look at his face. "You had a little freak out huh, bug?" You say, your other hand rubbing his shoulder gently. Daryl nods, his thumb still in his mouth. "You're okay.. you'll be okay." "Would you like some snacks?" You ask, and he nods again. You get up, leaving him on the couch. You walk over to the kitchen, grabbing some of his favorites. They were these biscuits that are made for babies when they're teething. Along with that, you got a small box of apple juice. You took the straw out of the wrapper before poking it through the hole. You returned next to him on the couch and handed him the biscuits and juice. You watched as he snacked on them, becoming more calm by the second.
Once he was finished, he leaned into your side, and looked at you. He mumbled something about wanting his pacifier, so once again, you rose from the couch and went to you and Daryl's shared room to get it. You opened the door and headed straight fo the beside tables, opening the drawers until you find his pacifier. Then you head back to the kitchen, turning on the faucet to rinse off any small fuzzies, dirt, or dust that may have stuck on. You then sat next to daryl, he leaned into you, and you popped the paci into his mouth. He happily started suckling, his eyes slowly closing from sleepiness and comfort. Soon enough, he was asleep, cuddling you, and suckling on his paci.
Daryl's just a sweet boy, and he deserves to be treated as such.
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charliehoennam · 13 days
beyond the badge pt. 3
pairing: david loki x f!reader
summary: his fianceé is abducted and a distraught david realizes some rules must be broken in order to save the one he loves.
warnings: 18+, dark themes such as language, violence, eventual smut, suicide, death, physical injuries, threats, blood and abuse of law enforcement
one | two | four | five
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Cruising through the town in his Crown Victoria, David can’t stop looking around for you.
The amount of experience he’s acquired over the years tells him you’re almost certainly tied up in some disgusting old basement and he can only pray you’re unharmed, even though in most of the kidnapping cases he’s solved, the chances of you being completed untouched are slim to none.
But still, he scans every passing face because what if?
Other than your disappearance, what he hates the most is having to rely on a criminal keeping his word.
All he can think about is how Donovan can have a sudden change of mind and order your execution. Or he could order his boys to slap you around, mess you up or God knows what else.
It corrodes him, flipping his stomach to the point he has to pull over to the side of the road. He throws the door wide open and stumbles out of his car towards the far side. Hardly anything other than bile spews onto the grassy ditch.
With a heavy groan and hard blinks of his ticking eyes, his back rolls and straightens as his vision finally stands still.
He walks back to his car and grabs a half empty water bottle that’s being sitting his car for too many days. Using the water, he rinses the bitter taste from his mouth and spits it out a couple times.
As he climbs back into the driver’s seat, he takes another cigarette from his pack – which he’s had only for a couple hours and it’s already nearly empty - and lights it up.
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“It’s never bothered me, but if this is what you wanna do, you have my full support.”
You’re dancing around one another in the kitchen, relishing in one of the rare nights you’re able to share and cook together. It’s one of the things you love to do together.
Trying out a new recipe is a whole event. David treasures these little cooking events for a number of reasons.
Growing up as a child, food was scarce in his household. He had lived off of expired Wonder bread and peanut butter for a good long while until he was caught stealing food from the school’s cafeteria – the leading factor that eventually led to Child Protective Services escorting him to Huntington’s Boys home where he had spent the following 6 years.
The Boys Home wasn’t exactly any paradise either. His neglectful and drunken excuse for a father might not have been around to starve him, but he still had to fend for himself.
As a single, grown man working law enforcement, the most elaborate dish he learned to make was boxed pasta with canned tomato sauce. He was content with that until you came into the picture.
The first time he invited you over for dinner, he forgot he only had half empty ketchup and mustard, soy sauce packets, a couple beers and day-old Chinese takeout along with other scattered ingredients that couldn’t be combine to make a dish for one. So, he stuck to what he knew: pasta and tomato sauce.
He’ll never forget how cute you were, trying to lie and tell him it was great. He knew it was awful. If his far-from-sophisticated palate could taste it, he had no doubt you could taste it.
You laughed it off over a pizza that night, but he still likes to joke that you kept coming back for more.
One of the main reasons he looks so forward to these events is because he gets to be with you.
Most nights when he comes home, you’re asleep in bed and he doesn’t want to wake you. Although sometimes, you’ll stir from his presence and stay a couple extras hours to enjoy some adult fun.
There’s just something to soothing to him about watching you cook. He admires every single movement. The way your tongue pokes out as you carefully slice with a sharp knife. The way your hips sway to music that plays only in your head. The way your breasts jiggle when you whisk. That’s his personal favorite and also why he loves it when you bake.
“You really mean that? I might get a little cranky though. Or so I’ve heard” he smiles over at you as he dices fresh garlic.
“Yeah, babe. Of course,” your smile melts his heart every time. “Why the sudden change though? I thought you loved smoking?”
“Well, I love you more and I wanna be alive to spend more time with you.”
“Be still, my beating heart” you grin, surprised and lean up into him for a quick kiss. “That’s very sweet. I support you even more for that. And, if there’s anything I can do to help, I’m more than happy.”
Your voice shakes as you whisk the bowl of eggs for the omelet.
“Well,” he smirks standing behind with his arms wrapped your hip as his eyes lower to peak down at your jiggling cleavage. “I could think of a couple things you could do to help.”
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David arrives at the police station – along with a few unit cars to accompany the transportation of the large sum of money - located in Conyers’s neighboring town. It’s much larger than the one where he works and heavily protected, with more law enforcement and advanced security system since the evidence room is shared with neighboring towns.
As David makes his way to the evidence room, Mike quietly thanks God that his boss let him in on the situation once the call from O’Malley came in. Of course, he already knew about everything, but he had to act like he didn’t and that was the hardest thing he’s ever done.
It’s clear from David’s disheveled appearance that he’s at his wits end and hanging on by a thread. He knows David’s always had an intimidating brooding look to his nature, but he looks ready to kill as he marches down the hall.
Mike’s never been afraid of David before, despite David’s rebellious past, but the determination in David’s dark eyes has a chill running up Mike’s spine as he approaches.
They don’t waste time with small talk. Mike tries to ask him how he’s holding up, but David doesn’t answer. Instead, he confirms the money and hands one of the duffel bags to the police officer next to him. He’s all business and that’s all he can muster for now.
Mike isn’t sure of what to say to him. He knows no amount of words in all the languages in the world can ease his pain, but it does hurt to see David suffer this way. So, he doesn’t say anything. He stays quiet as David opens and checks the bags.
He thanks his friend in a curt manner and heads back down the hallway, making a mental note to invite him out for a beer to apologize for his attitude. He hopes Mike can understand his impatience for small talk. He’s too concerned with your well-being that he isn’t even certain if it is well after all.
Once the money’s picked up, his car rolls to a stop at the old abandoned mill by the river. With a couple new packs of cigarettes, he sits in his car waiting for the time to pass. One cigarette after another, he smokes as he thinks over every possible outcome of this ‘deal’.
He trusts the plan he and his co-workers concocted, but that’s not what he’s worried about.
Anything could go wrong. It’s such a shot in the dark and he hates that he can’t predict anything. Everything is so uncertain and he can’t remember the last time he felt this terrified.
Taking the hidden picture from his pocket, he holds it against the steering wheel while his other hand hangs from the window with a cigarette dangling between his fingers.
David would gladly give his own life to save yours. He’d switch places with you in a heartbeat if he could. You don’t deserve to get caught up in his mess, in the wicked ways of his world.
What if you are alive and he’s able to get you back? Where will you go from there?
Even if you do decide to stay with him, there could be a possibility this happens again. The guilt will forever linger him when he thinks back on this and he knows he’ll never forgive himself.
Despite the love he has for you, he wonders if you would be safer away from him. Now, he’s almost certain you would.
This is why he shut himself off from the dating scene. This is why he wanted to avoid this vulnerability in the first place. Innocent loved one get hurt because of his job and he doesn’t know if he can live with that.
Time takes forever to fly by. Every minute is crucially grueling to him. Alone in his car, he finally breaks down in cathartic tears. All the anguish he’s been holding inside finally floods out.
As the day darkens, he hardens his heart bracing himself for what may come. Once he finally got all those tears out, a numbness overcame him. He sits, dragging the smoke into the shell that he’s become, void of all emotions.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you’re taking requests right now, but if you are could you do one that’s like the Chrissy scene? Like reader is really upset about something and goes to Eddie to buy off him but he refuses and cheers her up?
Perhaps the cutest Eddie scene we got! I love this so much and I really enjoyed writing it.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of drug use, brief mention of physical abuse, language, i think that's it?
Words: 2.7k
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“Just say no,” First Lady Nancy Reagan is always saying. But the wife of the President of the United States wasn’t currently a high school student. So what if you wanted a little pot to take the edge off? It didn’t make you a bad person. It made you a stressed teenager. 
The early spring air was still a bit chilly in Indiana, so you hug your sweater tighter against your body as you make your way across the empty football field. It’s the emptiest you’ve ever seen the stands, only ever having been here during a game before. But it’s much more peaceful this way, and your pounding head is grateful. The sound your sneakers make changes as you step from the fake grass of the field to the natural, overgrown bed of the forest beyond it. The light has suddenly diminished as well, the umbrella of the trees blocking out the majority of the rays. It only makes you colder and you cross your arms over your chest.
One of your best friends had arranged this meeting between you and Eddie in the woods. You’re not sure you’ve ever actually spoken to the boy before. Of course you knew who he was; who didn’t with all the attention he brought upon himself? But you were a year behind him, and you’d never shared any classes. Luckily, your friend was a regular customer of his and had no trouble setting up the deal with the metal head. 
The lonely picnic table comes into view, and you settle yourself on the bench, dropping your backpack on the wood in front of you. Originally, you’d hoped Eddie would already be there when you arrived, but it was kind of nice sitting in the quiet wooded area. There wasn’t a whole lot of quiet in your life, so it was a nice change of pace. 
The rustling of the leaves alerts you to Eddie’s presence before you see him casually stroll his way into the clearing, black leather jacket half zipped up and old tin lunch box dangling from his fingers. He shoots you an easy smile as he settles on the bench across from you, thumping the lunch box down right across from your backpack. 
“Funny seeing you here,” Eddie jokes as he unzips his jacket. 
“Just happened to be walking by and thought this would be a nice spot to buy some drugs,” you say, making Eddie snort a laugh. 
“Okay, right to the point,” Eddie says. He flips open his lunch box and rifles through it, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he looks. “Know what you want?”
“Um.” Your brow pinches up as you think, and when Eddie glances up at you he can’t help but find it incredibly cute. “Weed?”
“You asking or telling?”
“I don’t know,” you admit with a sigh. Eddie raises his eyebrows as he watches you rub your hands over your face.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, dropping your hands down to the table. “Peachy.”
“Look, uh,” Eddie says as he closes the lid on his metal box. “Not to drive away potential customers, but are you sure you want to buy?”
“Just wanna relax,” you admit with a shrug.
Eddie holds his chin in one hand and drums his fingers against the table with the other.
“There are other ways to relax. Alcohol?”
“No,” you say, more forcefully than intended. “No alcohol.”
“Okaaaay,” Eddie drawls out, looking down at his ring clad hand. “But, uh, weed and alcohol kind of get you to the same place, just take a different route.”
“Not true,” you say, crossing your arms and avoiding his eyes. “Weed relaxes and calms people. Alcohol makes people violent and mean.”
Eddie raises his eyes at your words, looking at you in concern. He knew all too well the ill effects alcohol could have; he’d seen it many times with many people, he was just trying to call your bluff. But the way you said it made Eddie think you were talking from personal experience – and not having partaken yourself in the drink. He wants to ask again if everything is okay, but he knows you’ll just deny it. Why would you tell him anyway? You’d never even spoken before. That didn’t mean you two had never interacted in the past though.
“Do you, uh, still talk to that neighbor of yours?”
You look up at Eddie, brow furrowing in confusion. 
“Your neighbor. Lily Warner? Werner? Warbler? Shit, I don’t know. The one who had the long blonde curls that married the guy who works with Wayne?”
Recognition dawns on your face and you lean back, jaw dropping and eyes widening.
“Oh! I completely forgot about her. No, she moved out after they got married. I forgot you were at that wedding, too.”
“Yeah.” Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Wayne forced me. Joke was on him, though. He never asked me to go to any formal shit again.”
“Because you took a bite out of the cake before the bride and groom cut it?” you ask, doing your best to hold back a laugh. You’re smiling though, and that was Eddie’s goal.
“Well, how was I supposed to know?” Eddie asks with a shrug. “I’d never been to a wedding before, and no one explained to me how these things worked. Dinner was a buffet, so I thought the dessert was too!”
“Fuck, how old were we? Eleven? Twelve?”
“I can’t speak for you, but I know I was thirteen because that was two days after I had my first kiss.” His smug expression has you letting out a small giggle, which Eddie is instantly addicted to.
“Is that so? With who?” you ask.
“Betty Wilson.”
“Really?” you ask, practically shouting it at him across the table.
“What?” he asks, pretending to be offended by your outburst.
“She was the biggest bully on the playground! Even in middle school!” 
“I know,” Eddie says with a laugh. “She said I could either give her a kiss or get a black eye.”
“I would’ve taken the black eye,” you tell him.
“You weren’t a thirteen-year-old boy,” he says, leaning in towards you with a smirk. 
“Boys,” you say with a playful eye roll.
“Well, that’s it.” Eddie locks his lunch box and stands up from the table, acting like he’s going to leave the woods. “I can’t be friends with someone who talks to me like that.”
Leaves crunch under Eddie’s shoes as he takes a few steps, but he halts at the sound of your laughter. He smiles to himself before schooling his face into neutrality before turning back to face you. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks.
“You’re so dramatic,” you say, shaking your head at him. You’re still chuckling a little bit and Eddie’s willing to get as dramatic as he needs to as long as it keeps you happy. 
“Me?” Eddie gasps. “Dramatic? Well, I never.” He drops the lunch box back on the table and flips his hair over his shoulder like he’d seen women do in the soap operas that were on television when he skipped school. 
“You made me laugh at the wedding, too,” you say as you recall the memory. “I was bored out of my mind, then I looked up and you had sauce from the pasta all in your teeth and you were acting like someone punched you in the mouth.”
Eddie throws his head back and lets out a cackle.
“Shit, I forgot all about that. When you laughed, your mom looked up, saw, and thought I’d hurt myself or something and came over to me all scared. How’s your mom doing?”
At the mention of your mother, Eddie sees you tense up. You practically curl in on yourself, a crease coming to your forehead. With a frown, Eddie comes back to sit down across from you.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Eddie says. He goes to reach out towards you but thinks better of it and keeps his hand to himself. 
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s fine. You didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t want to pry, but um, is she okay?” Eddie’s voice is soft and gentle, and the tenderness in it makes you feel like you could cry. 
“She’s fine,” you say, venom laced in your words. This makes Eddie frown even more, and he looks down at his hands. He purses his lips as thoughts run wild through his mind. Something clicks and his eyes snap back up to your face. 
“Is your mom drinking?”
Your shoulders fall, but you shake your head.
“No. Not her. Her boyfriend.” Your voice is weary and worn out, making a fist clench around Eddie’s heart. He nods in understanding as he digests the new information.
“He’s a mean drunk?”
“Very,” you confirm.
Suddenly, Eddie’s muscles tense and he clenches his fist. He leans in so his voice doesn’t have to be above a whisper for you to hear.
“Does he hurt you?”
The anger in his tone makes your heart swell, though it’s something any decent person would be mad about. When you look up to meet his eyes, there’s a fire in there as well that sends a shiver down your spine.
“No,” you assure him. “He’s just an asshole. To me and my mom. But she puts up with it and I don’t have a choice.”
Eddie’s jaw works as he tries to loosen up the muscles after clenching his teeth so tightly. At least the guy’s not laying a hand on you, but that doesn’t mean Eddie isn’t still pissed off at what you have to deal with. He runs his hand over his face and lets out a sigh. 
“Unfortunately, drugs won’t solve your problem,” Eddie tells you. “Honestly? I don’t know how much they’ll even help the problem. But, um…”
You lift your head to look at Eddie when he trails off. It’s unusual for him to just go quiet, so you’re intrigued by whatever it is he clearly wants to say. When a hint of pinkness comes to his cheeks, you’re even more surprised. You weren’t sure Eddie Munson knew how to blush. 
“I know that we don’t know each other well and that we’re not exactly friends,” Eddie starts, fingers fidgeting nervously with his rings. “But if you ever just want to get out of the house or need some time away from your mom or her boyfriend, you can just give me a call.” You meet his doe brown eyes and there’s an understanding there that you haven’t seen in anyone else. “I know what it's like to have someone in your own home make you feel like shit. And I guess now that I have a home where I don’t have to worry about that anymore, I want to extend that to you whenever you need it. Day or night, I don’t care. Call me and I’ll come get you.”
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you stare at the boy in front of you. Never did you think you’d find such kindness and empathy from anyone at your school, let alone Eddie. It puts a warmth in your heart that you hadn’t realized had been missing. 
“Do you mean that?” you ask in a timid voice.
Eddie hears the wobble in your tone and this time he does reach across the table to place his hand on top of yours. 
“Cross my heart, I do. Even if you want to just come over and get high, we can do that.”
“I thought drugs wouldn’t solve my problem?” you ask, the corner of your mouth twitching up in an involuntary smile.
“They won’t,” Eddie tells you plain and simple. “But if you’re staying with me and you’re in a safe place for the night, hell yeah, we can blaze up. Get some chips, some pot, and some Karate Kid movies. That sounds like a good night to me.” 
“Then I guess I should warn you now,” you say. 
Eddie sits taller in his seat as he looks at you, apprehension clear on his face.
“About what?” he asks.
“Well, I’m not going to be able to stop talking about it once I’m high, so I might as well tell you now that I have the biggest crush on Ralph Macchio.” 
Eddie laughs and drops his head down to rest against the picnic table. 
“You scared the shit out of me,” he says when he sits back up. 
“What? Thought I was going to say I have a crush on you?” you tease with a smirk. But Eddie doesn’t laugh like you expected him to, he just shrugs and avoids your eyes, hint of a smile on his lips. 
“As long as your crush isn’t on William Zabka, I don’t care,” Eddie says. 
“Ugh, no,” you say, scrunching up your nose. “Never a guy from Cobra Kai.”
“At least you’ve got some taste,” Eddie says with a teasing wink. He stands up from the table and walks around to your side. When he offers his hand out to you, you let him help you up off the bench, and then he takes your backpack and hooks over his shoulder. His free hand scoops up his black lunch tin and he starts walking in the direction of the football field. 
“You coming?” he calls over his shoulder. 
Broken out of your trance of watching him, you jog the few feet that Eddie got ahead of you. You walk side by side out of the woods and onto the turf of the football field. 
“So, are we going to your place now?” you ask, fingers fiddling with the hem of your green sweater. 
“We could,” Eddie says. “Or we could drop by your place while no one’s home and you can grab some clothes and stuff to stash at my place in case of emergencies.” 
“You’d let me keep some stuff there?” you ask, almost in awe at his generosity. 
“Well, yeah. I don’t think you’d want to be stuck wearing Hellfire or Metallica shirts all the time.” 
Truthfully, the thought of you wearing Eddie’s clothes is something you both find appealing, though neither of you would say it to the other. 
“Uh, sure,” you say as you follow Eddie to his van. 
“House empty now?” Eddie asks as you make it to the parking lot.
“Should be. They both should be at work.”
“Then let’s get in and out before they know we were there.” Eddie opens the back doors of his truck and puts your backpack and his lunch box inside. After slamming the doors closed, he comes over to open the passenger door for you and assists you in getting up on the high seat. Once you’re settled, he takes his own position in the driver’s seat and starts the engine. 
“Okay,” Eddie says as he begins to pull out of the Hawkins High School parking lot. “First stop at your house, then Family Video, then that mini market across the street from them so we can load up on snacks. Then back to my place for some plant-assisted relaxation.”
Down the highway a bit, Eddie pulls off on the street that leads to your house, and you look over at him.
“How do you know where I live?” you ask.
“Wayne and I helped the guy who married Lily move into that house when they first got engaged.” 
“And you still remember how to get there?” You’re impressed, honestly.
“It’s a pretty small fucking town,” he says with a laugh. 
Eddie turns down your street and the usual feelings of anxiety and apprehension aren’t there. Because Martin’s car won’t be in your driveway and neither should your mom’s. They’re out, working, which means you still have enough time to go in, get some things to leave at Eddie’s place, and get back out before they’re home. But having Eddie right next to you also helps to keep you calm. There’s something endearing and relaxing about him, but you’re still confident that he’d step up if something happened with your mom or Martin. Eddie wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, and if that challenge was protecting you? It’s a dizzying thought that you can’t quite wrap your head around. 
It’s as if Eddie can read your thoughts, though. He reaches over and takes your hand in his large one. Giving it a few squeezes, he shoots a smile at you. 
“Everything is going to be okay.”
636 notes · View notes
headkiss · 2 years
could you write steve fake sleeping on the couch to get the kids to leave him and his girlfriend alone?
hi lovely!!! sorry it took so long but thank u for the request and i hope u like it! | 1.1k words and fluff <3
Steve loves the kids, really, he does. It’s just, sometimes he wants you all to himself, that’s all.
He loves the way you treat them, the way they look up to you. He loves your sisterly bond with Max, your eagerness to hear Dustin’s new theories, the way that Will trusts you with things he doesn’t tell anyone else.
He loves that you show up to every single one of Lucas’ games without fail, that you’re there to cheer him on even when nobody else is.
He really doesn’t love it when they hog your attention, though. He’s the one you’re dating, after all.
You woke him up this morning with kisses all over his face, eager to get the day started with him. He cuddled you, so comfortably that you both fell asleep for a couple more hours.
The next time he woke up you were gone, and he found you in the kitchen making breakfast, a beaming smile on your face when you turned around to see him. He felt his heart swell every time you smiled at him like that, a ray of sunshine bathing him in its glow.
He swore he loved you more every single day, if it was even possible. You’d grown together over time, now sharing a place, sharing a life.
Today was a day he wanted to spend with just you, one to snuggle and watch movies and drink tea, to do the morning’s crossword and hear you giggle at his cheeky answers.
He was a clingy lover. One that loved to have his hands on you and your attention on him.
As you sat with him eating your breakfast and drinking your coffee, still sleepy eyes peeking at each other between bites, you reminded him that you’d be hosting today.
“Y’know the kids are coming tonight, right?”
“What? Why?”
“‘Cause it’s pizza night, Stevie! It happens every week.”
“But, why here, baby?”
You rolled your eyes at his questioning, knowing he already knew the reason and just wanted it to change. You also knew that as much as he complained, he loved spending time with the kids, even when he won’t admit it.
“It’s our turn to host. It’s only a couple hours.”
“But I just wanna be with you.. Can’t we reschedule?”
“Oh stop, you love that messy bunch. And no, they have D&D tomorrow.”
“Ugh, fine. But don’t you dare ditch me.”
You simply shook your head, not wanting to enable his plans to get you away from the group. He never really tried too hard, though, because he adored seeing you be with all of them. He adored being there, too.
He couldn’t help but think of your future together and how you’d treat your own children. You’d be perfect, he thinks. You already are.
The day swept by, you and Steve not in any hurry to get ready until about an hour before the kids showed up. Even then, you were distracted by each other, sneaking kisses between hair routines, making faces in the mirror. The little things you don’t think you could never live without.
When the group finally arrived, pizza boxes in hand, Steve was less whiny about it, considering you spent the whole day cuddling and talking and simply loving each other.
Dustin was the first to walk in, knocking but still opening the door himself because that’s just what he did. Steve would complain about it every time, and you think the only reason Dustin kept doing it was to annoy him.
The rest followed and then, pizza night was in motion.
As always, it was full of laughs and teasing. Smiles that could only be brought out when you all came together, a family no matter the DNA.
Hours passed and it was getting late for Steve’s taste, wanting to be able to hold you in bed while you read to him like you usually would at this time. While he enjoyed having people around, he couldn’t always handle it for too long. His social battery running out and only rechargeable by being alone with you.
When everyone was distracted Steve pulled you over to the couch, laying down and tugging you so that you were forced to lay with him.
“Stevie, what are you doing?”
“Mmm, tired. Wanna go to bed with you.”
“You’re cute, and I love you, but there’s still people here.”
“I love you. I have a plan, okay? I’m asleep.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head that rested against his chest after hearing your giggle, soft and loving as always. His eyes were closed now as he held you, tight enough that you couldn’t leave his embrace. It wasn’t like you wanted to, anyway.
It was about five minutes before the noisy bunch noticed yours and Steve’s disappearance from the conversation, having been too focused on whatever discussion they were having.
“Aww, it looks like they’re sleeping,” Max spoke as she spotted you two on the couch, her head on Lucas’ shoulder.
“So gross,” Dustin faked a gag, even though inside he really did think it was sweet. He was so happy for Steve, happy to see his big brother figure in love. Happy that he found you and introduced you to the group.
“It’s cute!” El was defensive because all the movies she watched made her a romantic. She couldn’t help but smile.
They all started to gather their stuff while Dustin walked over to you both, poking Steve’s forehead to check if he was really asleep.
“I knew you weren’t asleep. You wanna get rid of us that bad?”
You sat up and ruffled the boy's hair, “‘Course not, Dusty.”
“I’m sleeping, Dustin.”
“No, you’re not.”
Steve loved the kid, he really did, but he truly was tired and all he wanted to do was wrap himself up in your shared bed with you by his side. He didn’t care if it was cheesy or gross, it was true. He supposed being in love made him sort of cheesy.
“Come on, it’s late. Don’t you have a curfew? And you owe me because I rented you a movie for free yesterday. Free!”
“Oh my gosh, fine. You sap.”
Steve went back to fake sleeping while you walked Dustin and the others to the door, bidding them a goodnight and telling them to get home safe. You really did worry like they were your siblings.
Your boyfriend got up when he heard the door close, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. His lips kissing your neck gently, trailing up to your cheek.
“Bed time?”
“Yeah, Stevie. Is it okay if I read for a bit? Don’t wanna bother you with the light on.”
He rested his chin on your shoulder, arms squeezing around you because he wanted you as close as possible. His serenity and relaxation the most effective with your body tight to his.
“Only if you read to me.”
2K notes · View notes
athenadione · 6 months
i wanna wear his initial (on a chain around my neck)
I know it's super late, but I wanted to share my fic for damirae sauce week. I hope you enjoy! (Rated E for explicit sexual content) Words: 2,059 Read HERE on a03
Raven’s sure that most people would never consider Damian to be a generous person. It doesn’t help that he keeps even the closest of friends at arm’s length. She’s also sure that it doesn’t bother him that most people refer to him as distant and cold. He’s always held his cards close to his chest, and keeps those he cares about most even closer. 
And as his favorite (a true honor), Raven knows that Damian is more generous than he’d ever admit. So much so in fact, that Raven isn’t surprised in the slightest when he’s knocking at her door with a quiet excitement in his eyes. All while holding something behind his back with both hands. Refusing to show her until he’s completely inside, away from the prying eyes of their teammates. 
“What is it?” Raven asks, taking the elongated velvet box from him carefully. 
“Open it and see for yourself habibti,” Damian tells her, affection clear in his voice. Her eyes flit up to him a moment, already feeling the smile growing on her face. Her lithe fingers make quick work of the sheer bow wrapped around it. When she lifts the top she doesn’t hold back her surprise. 
“Damian, this is…”
It’s obviously hand-crafted, probably from some obscure jewelry artist requiring a password to meet at a secret location. (She’s kidding, well mostly). Even so Raven can only begin to imagine how Damian had the time to commission this without her knowing about it.
“Tch, you deserve the best omri. I won’t stand for anything less.” 
She touches the outline of the necklace delicately. It’s pure silver, and simple. A dainty chain, ending with an embellished ‘R’ full of tiny emeralds. R for Robin, so she can wear it out in public. My Robin. 
“It’s beautiful, put it on for me?” She asks, handing the box to Damian.
“Of course.” 
She turns around and walks to her mirror, gathering her hair over her shoulder. When she feels the ghost of his fingers at the base of her neck it sends a shiver down her spine. Then his hands come around her head with the necklace. 
“So…you like it?” He asks as he starts to clasp it. 
Raven trails down the R with her forefinger, staring at her reflection. The chain settling against her neck is cool to the touch and electrifying. Wearing his initial around her neck feels…thrilling. 
She turns back around to face him as he finishes. “I love it,” she says, standing up on tip-toes to kiss him. Her arms wrap around his face and his hands find her waist when she pulls him down to bring his lips to hers. “Thank you habibi,” she murmurs against his lips. 
“It’s just as much a present to me,” he admits against her skin as his voice drops an octave, “now everyone will know exactly who you belong to.” 
A sizzling heat settles in her lower abdomen as goosebumps rise on her skin where his breath tickles her ear. “All those poor women are in for a world of hurt once they realize Robin is officially off the market.” 
“Good,” he says, nibbling the shell of her ear, “they should have known I’d never be interested in any of them anyway. How could anyone ever compare to you?” 
Raven’s never been great at accepting compliments, but with Damian she’s learning. Still, it doesn’t stop the light shade of red she feels heating her cheeks as she answers him with another kiss. 
The heat of his mouth moving against hers is a slow burn. They take their time exploring one another, delighting in the pathway of their hands on each other as Damian takes the lead—nibbling softly on her bottom lip. She sighs at his ministrations, relaxing further into his hold. Damian starts to play at the zipper on the back of her leotard while leading her backwards towards her bed. 
“Is this okay?” he asks her, and Raven nods, helping him slide the straps down her shoulders.
“Yes,” she breathes, “It’s more than okay.”
She leans into his chest, fingers slipping underneath his belt to tease him as his hands skin over her arms. Marveling over the gentle way he cups her face in his hands, and the care he takes to help her undress. Trailing soft kisses down her shoulder, following the path of her leotard as it slides down her legs. 
“Tabdū rāʾiʿan, you wear our initial so beautifully,” he whispers with reverence against her calf as he helps her step out of her spandex. Raven sighs at the feels of his 5 o’clock shadow scratching lightly against her leg. It’s not enough friction, she needs more, but she knows better than to rush him. Damian likes to take his time, and she’s learned the hard way what happens when she tries to push him. She nearly shivers at the memory. 
That night he had turned her into a wet, sobbing mess. It had ended with her begging for mercy as he had continued to make her come again and again. So many times that she had eventually lost count. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks and looks up at her, and Raven’s breath hitches at the sight of him. Inches away from where she needs him the most, hands tracing delicately over her skin to reach the swell of her hips. 
“You of course, and how very talented you are,” she teases, her hands finding themselves playing with the strands of his dark, curly strands of hair. 
He hums, “you flatter me,” his hands tighten around her hips and he lifts her up onto the edge of the bed, “but you’re just as talented you know.” 
“No argument there,” she laughs at his raised brow before drawing his face back up to hers for another kiss. Letting him push her back until she’s surrounded by pillows, and his frame settles over hers. Close enough that she can feel the warmth of his arms around her face. 
“I think you’re overdressed,” she says, her hands gripping the edge of his uniform tucked into his pants. 
He stops her with his hand on her wrist, “Not yet, I want to look at you first. I want to watch you come for the first time wearing my necklace.” He fingers the chain between her breasts, before brushing his thumb over one nipple. “All mine,” he says as he teases the bud into a tight peak, “I want them all to know you’re mine.” 
Raven moans, chest heaving as he turns his attention to her other nipple—taking it into his mouth. “Y-yes,” she stutters when his tongue swirls around it, “I’m yours beloved.” She pants as he continues, as wetness continues to gather between her thighs. She wants to squirm, press her legs together to relieve the tension that’s building there so quickly, but she knows the pay-off of waiting. So she doesn’t plead with him, just whimpers, when Damian traces a single finger around the hood of her clit, so devastatingly slow. 
“So good omri, you’re being so patient,” he grips one of her thighs before hitching it over his shoulder, the act giving him more access to her. “Can you be still for me? I want to taste how sweet you are.”
“Yes, yes, albi, please,” she responds, gasping when he lowers his mouth over her clit. Her back arches off the bed just a little as she struggles to not move. Her hands tangle in the bed sheets as hot pleasure starts to build inside of her. His lips expertly nibble as his tongue darts out, sketching circles around her nub. Then he slips a finger inside of her, and it starts to pump in a rhythm that drives her only higher towards her peak. 
Her orgasm catches her by surprise, ripping through her body, and she cries out—her hands reaching to entangle in his hair again as he helps her ride through it. He plants small kisses to both of her inner thighs, murmuring words so low she can’t understand what they are. 
There’s a light ringing in her ears and she’s covered in a line sheen of sweat when Damian starts again. Enclosing his mouth around her clit once more. Raven shakes her head against her pillow as her hands shakily reach to pull him up, “Please, no more Damian. I want to feel you inside.” 
He glances up, and brings his fingers up to his lips, covered in her essence. “You do taste sweet Raven. So sweet that I want seconds.” His mouth lowers unto her again, “One more, then I’ll give you what you want.” 
She’s shaking by the end of her second, gripping his shoulders like a life-line as he pushes her back over the edge. He tells her how beautiful she is, a goddess incarnate, when he considers going for thirds. She begs for him to stop instead, “You promised,” she says, still breathless. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry omri. You just taste so good, I couldn’t help myself,” he says as he moves to stand, giving Raven a short reprieve. She watches as he undresses, taken by the way his muscles ripple under the light from the nearest window. 
He catches her staring, sending her a light smirk before it melts into something more intimate, “Are you okay? Do you need a break?” he asks. 
Raven smiles warmly and shakes her head, “I’m good, just enjoying the view.” 
“Likewise,” he quips, moving to settle his length right over her core. He kisses her shoulder as she moves to grip his forearms. 
They groan together, breath intermingling, as he moves inside of her. Going slow until he finally bottoms out, and Damian gives Raven a moment to adjust to the feel of him. The delicious way he fills her up. And then he moves again and she throws her head back with a moan as he starts a punishing pace. One that she can’t help but be swept into, can’t help but drown in the tidal wave of their pleasure. 
Damian quickly finds the spot that draws out more whimpers from her lips, and he lowers her mouth to swallow her cries. She drinks in his kiss greedily as he builds them both back up to orgasm, his fingers finding her swollen clit, rubbing tight circles that contrasts his more shallow and well-placed thrusts. Then he pushes them both over the edge together with a final stroke, moaning her name into her neck as he spills inside of her. 
Her own orgasm is mind-blowing, and Damian continues to thrust languidly, drawing it out as long as he can. He moves the sweaty strands of hair out of her face, curling them behind her ears as he kisses her again. Long and slow and full of devotion. For her. It makes her heart squeeze with emotion. 
“I love you,” she says, accepting more kisses at her temple. 
“I love you more,” he tells her, rolling onto his back while pulling her on top of him. She listens to his heart beat as it starts to slow, relaxing in the afterglow of their love making. One of her favorite parts. 
Damian makes them sit up as he reaches for her mini fridge, pulling out two bottles of water before uncapping one and handing it to her. She accepts it while murmuring her thanks, and takes a few greedy sips, not realizing how thirsty she really was. After a while they settle back against the headboard as Damian uncaps his own bottle.  
Raven starts to play with her necklace, admiring the shine of the emeralds as it reflects against the light. “You know I really do love my present, but next time I have a different necklace in mind to wear,” she says with a light smirk. 
Damian catches the playful lilt of her voice and looks down at her with a raised brow, “Oh? And what did you have in mind, beloved?” he asks, just before taking a sip of water. 
“Your hand.” 
Raven laughs as he chokes on his water in shock. The mess on her comforter is completely worth the look on his face. She’ll pay for it later for surprising him like that, but that’s okay. 
She’s counting on it.
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Savanaclaw: Pocky Game
Alright, let’s freaking go! Savanaclaw next bby! I got like three friends who simp hardcore for Leona, so I made his part a bit more suggestive. Hope y’all like this addition though, because it was fun to write!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.  Content Warning: Leona’s part is a bit suggestive.
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Savanaclaw: Pocky Game
Apparently, no matter what world you end up in, there will always be some delicious biscuit coated in chocolate that comes in a stick form. You discovered it one lovely day when shopping for some snacks at Sam’s, and the moment you noticed them, you grabbed several boxes. They were a delicious treat, but there was something else you wanted to do with them. You chuckled as you got home, putting the bag down and grabbing your phone, messaging a certain someone if they wanted to hang out and have snacks.
“Hey, henchman!” Grim said, crawling onto the counter and going through the bags of snacks and other miscellaneous groceries you two needed for the week, “Did you get my tuna?” he said before pulling out a box of pocky, “Oh, what's this?”
“They’re pocky, and you’re not allowed to eat them all. I bought plenty of boxes. You can have one, but the rest are mine.” You said, knowing that Grim would certainly steal more than one box. He opened it up and took a bite, humming at the taste before going to scarf the entire box down. You just sighed, shaking your head in disappointment. He went to snag another box, and you didn’t have the heart to stop him.
You felt your phone buzzing and checked it, seeing you got confirmation for snacks and chill. You chuckled, grabbing two boxes and stashing them in your coat pocket as you started to get ready to head out, “Grim, I’m heading out. Please unload the groceries…your tuna is in one of the bags.” You said, gesturing to the small pile. Grim perked up, deciding to just tear through them until he got what he wanted.
“Whatever you say, henchman!” Grim said, not bothering to ask where you’re going.
“Aaaaaaand?” You trailed off, wanting him to give you a proper answer.
“I’ll do the groceries…” Grim said, and you hummed another ‘and?’ at him. “Aaaaaand thank you for the tuna,” he finally said. With that, you grabbed your house keys and began making your way over to Savanaclaw.
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Leona Kingscholar
You knew for a fact that Leona wasn’t going to greet you at the doors of the dorm, so you made your way through the halls of Savanaclaw until you came to his room. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he might’ve fallen right back asleep after responding to your message. True to nature, you saw him being lazy on his bed.
“Leona!” You shouted, getting his attention. You watched his ears perk up in annoyance, as he let out a low growl. He moved his face to look at you, shooting you a glare. You laughed, walking over and sitting at the edge of the bed.
“What did you want, herbivore?” He growled out. You grabbed the snacks from your pockets and tossed them onto the bed. He looked over at them then back over at you, “Why’d you bring this?”
“Did you seriously forget about the text I sent you, like ten minutes ago asking to come over and share snacks?” You asked, crossing your legs as you looked down at the lion. You watched Leona getting into a sitting position as his eyes narrowed.
“I don’t have my phone on me.” he said and it clicked in your mind. He seemed to have come to the same conclusion as he sighed, “It was Ruggie…”
“Yup, probably…you still wanna have some snacks and play a game with me?” You asked, waving the pocky in front of him. He growled again before snatching the snacks out of your hand. You chuckled at his grumpy demeanor, knowing how much he hated to be interrupted during his naps. He looked it over before tossing it back at you.
“I don’t want any.” Leona said and you frowned.
“Fine, guess I’ll ask Ruggie to play the pocky game with me. He’d be more fun to kiss anyway.” You said, starting to get up from the bed. That’s when you felt Leona’s hand wrapped around your wrist and you knew you got the lion.
“The what game?” He asked, seemingly a bit more interested now. That was all you needed as you sat back down and opened the box and placed one of them at your mouth. You leaned closer to Leona, urging him to take the other end, “You came here to play a kissing game?” He asked and you nodded. Leona just sighed before attaching his lips to the other end.
The game was over in a flash as you felt Leona’s lips on your own. His hand came over to caress the back of your head, pulling you closer and not letting you leave as he nibbled on your bottom lip. You felt his tongue against your own as he pried cute little whimpers from you, the lewd smacking noises filling the otherwise quiet room.
Your hands came over and bunched up in his shirt, trying to steady yourself. Leona wasn’t having any of it as he pushed you down against the mattress. His lift left yours as he placed a kiss against your neck, “Screw the game, we don’t need it.”
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Ruggie Bucchi
If you knew anything about Ruggie, it would be the fact that he never turned down an opportunity to get free snacks. So it wasn’t shocking when you came over to Savanaclaw and he was waiting for you in the common room. It was empty for the most part as he sat on one of the cushions. His tail swayed, lazily behind him as he waited; Ruggie perked up once he finally could see you.
“So, whatcha bring me?” He chuckled as you got yourself comfortable on the cushion next to him. Before you could dig through your pockets, you felt Ruggie placing his hands in them, pulling out what you brought. You laughed at his eagerness, but let him since you were pretty used to it. Ruggie also never passed up an opportunity to be close to you, so this just made sense in your relationship. Besides, he had definitely grabbed things from your pockets more than once.
He inspected the box in his hands, looking it over before opening it up and grabbing one of them out. He nibbled on the end before deciding he liked it, “This all you brought?” He asked, going back for another.
“Yup, I brought them since they used to be one of my favorite snacks back in my world. Wanted to share them with you…also ask if you wanted to play the pocky game with me.” You said as you opened another flavor.
“Pocky game? Does the winner get all the snacks?” he asked, pausing in his eating. You shook your head.
“I mean…they kinda get the better end of the snack.” You quickly explained the rules to the game and Ruggie seemed to like the idea. He grabbed one of the sticks and put it into his mouth. He then managed to wiggle his eyebrows at you, urging you to take the other end.
You did a quick once over of the room, noting that there was only one or two students, and they weren’t much caring about what you guys were doing. It was still a bit embarrassing, but you decided to just go for it. You put the other end in your mouth and began nibbling.
You didn’t even make it halfway before you could feel Ruggie’s lips on your own. It was short and sweet and when he pulled back, he couldn’t help but snicker.
“Looks like I won.” Ruggie said and you huffed.
“This round…we gonna go for another?” You asked and Ruggie hummed before leaning in and grabbing the edges of your jacket. He pulled you in for another quick kiss.
“Nah, I found something even sweeter.”
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Jack Howl
Jack waited in the hall of mirrors when you entered, causing you to pause. You expected him to maybe wait at the dorms, but not the hall of mirrors. He looked over, giving you a sweet smile, “Ah, there you are. Thought I’d walk with you. I was just coming back from a workout.” Jack said; true to his words, he was still in his PE uniform. You had to stop yourself from looking at his arms and how the muscles were bulging out. It was truly unfair how he was able to get so muscular.
“Thanks Jack…did you want to go to your dorm or my own then?” You knew sometimes Jack got annoyed in his dorm, mainly by how rambunctious some of the students were. He didn’t dislike them, but sometimes he wanted some peace and quiet.
“We can go to yours…sorry I probably should’ve just told you through text.” Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Nah, it’s all good. Come on, I’m pretty sure Grim ate all his tuna and is a food coma by now. You said, walking back out into the world. You guys arrived at Ramshackle and Jack opened the gate for you. Once you two were inside, you quickly made sure the fireplace was burning and sat down on the couch. You pulled out the snacks and handed him a box.
“These are what I wanted to share.” You explained, opening one of the boxes up, “They were a popular snack back where I used to live.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had one of these before.” Jack said, opening his own box. He had grabbed the banana one, taking a bit and deciding the flavor wasn’t bad. He wasn’t about to eat an entire box himself, but it was an enjoyable treat.
“They were so popular back in my world that there was an entire day dedicated to them, especially the pocky game.” At that, you quickly explained the rules, “Sadly I never got to actually play it before.”
Jack paused and looked over the snack. You could see the start of a blush coating his cheeks as he debated before grabbing a stick out, “We could play?” he offered and you perked up. You got closer to Jack and took the stick from his hand. You put it against his lips and waited for him to take one end in his mouth.
You quickly grabbed the other one and began nibbling away. Jack was slower than you expected, probably from nerves, but you managed to get most of it down before you could feel his slightly chapped lips against your own. You hummed into the kiss, lingering there for a moment longer than you should’ve before pulling away.
“Just as fun as I had always hoped…can we play again?” You asked hopefully. Jack paused, his eyes wide and cheeks darker than they normally were. He then swallowed a lump in his throat and shot you a smile.
“We can play as much as you want.”
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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kaeemin · 1 year
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➠ pairing: non-idol! ex-bf!mark lee x reader
➠ genre: angsty
➠ warnings: um they broke up in a bad way ig | marks a red flag here even tho we all know he’s the bestboy ever | cheating :0 | the word ‘asshole’ here is used once in the ending
➠ wc: 1.041 (i think i got a little carried away)
when you pick up your things in his apartment and mark tells you he still loves you.
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Your ex of three years, Mark Lee, leaned back on the side of the door with a small smirk on his face. “I know,” he inhales slowly, licking his lips, “it’s great to see you again, Y/n.”
“I wish I could tell you the same.” You grumbled. “Let’s just get this over with.”
It was easy to tell, the pink bra hanging by the dining chair was the biggest giveaway.
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
You hate how casual he sounded.
“Whatever. Where’s my stuff?” You decided to go right through business. It was useless making a conversation with him anyways. Plus, you couldn’t really stand being in the apartment where you were constantly reminded of painful memories.
Here was when Mark asked you out, when you had gotten your first kiss, and when you also caught him tongue tangled with another woman. Yes, he cheated.
Here was when Mark asked you out, when you had gotten your first kiss, and when you also caught him tongue tangled with another woman. Yes, he cheated.
“I packed them for you, you know, as an apology. But I left some since I didn’t know which you still wanted.” He shrugged, walking to his room (the room you both used to share) and grabbed a huge box.
“I told you I don’t need your sorry—“
“—but I want to say sorry.”
You paused, blood boiling. It took a few seconds of you opening and closing your mouth, not knowing what were the right words to say. “Even…even if you want to say sorry, and even if you say it a million times, I can’t forgive you.”
Mark’s eyes softened. He looked like he was also having difficulty deciding what to say, so he gave up and placed the box on top of the table. “The rest of your things are still in the room. Feel free to look around and take anything you want.”
Without responding back, you walked past him inside the room. Nothing really changed much, everything was the same as you remembered. Except, the polaroids that were once stuck to the wall were gone. It was weird seeing the plain wall.
“I didn’t throw them away,” you hear Mark speak from behind you, “they’re in the box.”
“You don’t wanna get reminded, huh?” You scoffed loudly, but there was a painful pinch in your heart. Those polaroids hold memories and him admitting to not keeping them did hurt a little more than needed. What else did you expect from a cheater anyways?
“No, quite the opposite actually.”
In surprise, you turned around to face him and then regretted it the next second. Mark smiled, genuinely but small, still though, his eyes reflected thousands of emotions and you had a hard time reading them—reading him. He was holding a familiar sweater.
“It hurts, Y/n. I remember everything everywhere I look, even if I close my eyes. But even if it’s painful, I want to remember.” He confessed. Everything about him was so genuine. Mark stared at you in an almost pleading way, he looked down on his hand and sighed. “It’s your favorite sweater, take it.”
It is, in fact, your favorite. You used to wear it everyday, every night, and was always fussy when it had to be in the laundry. But you hesitated, because it was his sweater. You don’t know if you could handle wearing it again.
“I can’t,” you stammered. Tears were slowly filling your eyes and your lips quivered. Suddenly, you felt everything crashing down. It felt like a truck hit you. Your boyfriend of three years, the one who you thought you’ll spend forever with, cheated on you and stepped on your heart until it broke into millions of pieces.
Enough was enough. You needed to get out. Mark stared at you in silence and it pisses you off.
So, you pushed him roughly to the side and walked out of the room, hugging the huge box close to your chest. It was heavy and difficult to carry, but you didn’t want to ask for his help. In fact, you never want to have him involved in your life ever again.
“Y/n, I—“
“God, Mark, why do you have to make everything difficult?” You cut him off, spatting every word with venom. You faced him, eyes puffy and cheeks full of tears. “You’re the one who bought another girl home, you’re the one who messed everything up. You broke both my heart and my trust. Which part of ‘I don’t want anything with you anymore’ don’t you understand?”
“I’m sorry..”
“Stop saying that!”
“I can’t!” Mark finally lost it. The mask he placed on now fell off, and you could finally see how messed up he was too, if not more messed up. His sudden outburst shuts you up. This time, it was you who was staring at him in silence.
He breathed harshly, Adam's apple going up and down before he continued speaking in a hoarse but more gentle voice. “I just can’t stop saying sorry, okay? I know I screwed up, I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. The guilt is eating me alive, Y/n. I thought I was over you, I thought I didn’t care anymore, but I’m wrong. Because I still love you. I love you so, so much and I never stopped.”
It was clear now.
Finally, you could read him like an open book. Yes, Mark made a mistake, but you did one too. Believing him was the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.
“Yeah. You’re wrong.” You sniffled, balancing the box in your left arm while opening the front door. “You never loved me, you’re just using that as an excuse to feed that guilt in you. You’re an asshole, Mark Lee. I hope you rot in hell.”
And with that, you walked your way out of his apartment and his life.
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