#i was just standing in the bathroom earlier trying to figure out makeup for tomorrow and it was dripping off my arms
cheerfullycatholic · 11 months
Today was bad and it was mostly my doing 🥲 hopefully tomorrow is better, my nephew's getting baptized!
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preciousbarnes · 11 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Tags: angst, loss, mourning, hurt/comfort, fluff eventually
Inspired by: Haunted by Taylor Swift
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You felt ice cold, laying alone in a bed once kept warm by two bodies and now to be forever occupied by only one. It had been 3 days since you were given the worst news of your life, the worst news you would ever receive.
Part of you knew the second you opened the door to Sam standing on the doorstep, wringing his hands together and stuttering his request to come in. He never asked before, he was never nervous before. He had looked like he had just lost his best friend.
He had.
He explained to you the mission they were on in Eastern Europe, targeting an underground group attempting to recreate the super soldier serum.
Extensive, deadly injuries, you were told.
They knew with the number of injuries there wasn’t much hope, he explained to you. But hope was all you could hold on to at that moment.
Not compatible with life, you were told when asking for more details.
In between the cries, Sam assured you he did not suffer. Swore they loaded him up with every painkiller and sedative known to man to allow him to pass peacefully. That was it. When asking if you could see him one last time, Sam explained that it would be for the best if you remembered him as he was, breaking your heart even more.
You found yourself thinking of the obituary you had written earlier that day. How could you sum up a life like his into less than a novel? All he was, all he had to offer. Him as a whole.
Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Known simply as Bucky by loved ones. Aged 109. Loving husband, devoted soldier, and friend. Killed in the field defending what he believed in most, freedom and safety.
That was all you could bring yourself to write, and Sam assured you it was simple but beautiful just as your husband would have wanted.
Sam was arranging the rest of the funeral for you, which would take place tomorrow evening. Just a small gathering for those closest to Bucky during the sunset. All you had asked was for a private place for him to rest, preferably by nature. Known by few other than yourself, Bucky loved the outdoors. You wanted him to have a piece of beauty to himself forever. Thus, a small meadow had been privately purchased where he would by laid to rest.
You laid in bed, trying uselessly to go to sleep. You couldn’t. Each time your eyes closed, you saw Bucky. His smile, his beautiful eyes gazing at you, memories of his laughter and voice telling you he loved you. What once brought you comfort and warmth now kept you awake.
Late the next morning you moved robotically, getting showered and ready. As you did your hair and makeup, you saw how lifeless you appeared. Your hair was dry, without its normal shine. You had deep dark circles around your eyes. Your skin was dull. You looked lifeless, which matched exactly how you felt. As you styled your hair, you swore you saw a figure out of the corner of your eye. Gasping, you immediately dropped your styling tools.
You creeped out of your bathroom, and through your small home. No one was there. You could have sworn there was someone.
“Must be just lack of sleep,” you brokenly mutter to yourself, as you turn back to your bathroom to finish getting ready.
Around 5 Sam arrived to drive you to the small funeral. Tears slipped as it all began to become reality. He was gone. All you had was his memory to haunt you now.
The car ride was quiet. Sam kept looking to you out of the corner of his eye as he drove. He was worried, and heart broken for you.
“I know it doesn’t fix anything. It won’t undo the pain, but I’m here for you. I swore to Buck I’d always be here if something happened, just as he promised me for my family. You aren’t alone, honey. We’re all right here for you to lean on,” he softly told you.
“Thank you Sam. I’m just. I’m not ready to talk about all this yet. It’s too fresh still, but I think it always will be,” you tell him, voice becoming a whisper at the end.
You arrive at the meadow, to see the rest of the crew there. Agents, supervisors, the avengers, anyone who meant something the Bucky was there, just as you wanted. He deserved to be surrounded by love and respect as he is laid to rest. The scene was beautiful, a small meadow full of wildflowers near a little stream, with willow trees off in the distance. The sky was a mixture of pinks and oranges, beautifully painting the landscape in a honey golden color.
You all stand around the grave as Sam begins to speak, delivering the eulogy. You rest your hands on Bucky’s casket, stroking it the way you once stroked his cheek. As it all sinks in, the emotional dam you had built breaks open wide.
Out of your line of sight stands a figure hidden in the tree line. He watches as his own heart feels ripped in two, watching as you sob over the casket in front of you.
“You’re not gone! You can’t be gone!” you cried over and over. You were no longer numb. Seeing the casket, the flowers, the simple and inconspicuous grave marker, it all made it painfully real.
A small, sad smile takes over his face as he watches Sam gently pull you from the casket as it begins to be lowered into the ground. The man in the shadows tears up as he watches your sobs become heart wrenching wails of pure sorrow and grief, you begging for it all to be some sick nightmare.
The man slinks away further into the forest, left with nothing but sorrow and regret in his heart. It was coming over him like it’s all a big mistake.
That night Sam brought you back to his home, afraid to leave you on your own. Weeks slowly drudged on. You barely left his guest room. You couldn’t return to the home you once occupied with your husband. It was too much. Full of memories of love and promises of forever that was taken away far too soon.
When you did leave the guest room, usually when Sam was gone, it always felt as if someone else was there. A safe presence, a warm and familiar one. You swore you caught a figure out of the corner of you eye a few times. You’d always search the house high and low, some part of you hoping to find something but always coming up empty handed.
It all came to fruition one fateful night when you woke around 4am to hushed voiced down the hallway.
You creeped down the hall softly and slowly, stopping at the edge but not daring to peak around the hallways corner and down the stairs into the living room.
“Man, this cannot go on any longer. She’s fading away. There’s no way she can last a year like this. She won’t survive,” Sam said urgently and desperately. Your heart clenched despite your confusion at who he’d be talking to, hating to have worried him so. He had tried to take away the pain that he could, and had even made you smile a couple times. But it didn’t undo the hole in your heart and soul.
“I know, but I’ve worked something out” says a voice you’d recognize anywhere. One you never thought you’d hear again. You gasp, tears springing to your eyes as you’re suddenly running down the stairs to the two men.
There he was. He wore his all black tactical gear you had seen many times. His face had fading bruises and scrapes, obviously having just came from a fight of some sorts. He looked at your with a heart broken gaze, taking in your shattered appearance.
You sniffle, tears cascading down your cheeks as you feel like you’re seeing a ghost.
“Bucky?” You brokenly cry, as your knees buckle.
Before you can blink you’re swept up into strong and familiar arms, Bucky holding you tightly to his chest. Your fingers claw into his shoulders, gripping him to yourself as you sob violently, overwhelmed. Sam finds himself smiling softly at the reunion he wished for as he quietly excused himself.
“H-how?” You cry between sobs. Bucky sits down in a chair, bringing you down into his lap as he cradles you close, allowing you to rearrange yourself to straddle his lap, holding him tightly to your torso. You’re afraid to let go, afraid this is another dream and that you’ll wake to his memory slipping through your fingers.
His metal hand pets your back softly but firmly, grounding you as his flesh hand cradles your face, looking you in your eyes.
“Hey, baby doll. I’m right here, but you gotta breathe for me. Let’s just breathe for a moment alright?” His voice softly suggests. You look over his face, seeing the man you love more than life itself, alive and warm and healing in your arms. You nod, trying to catch your breathe.
After a few moments pass as you calm your breathing, you ask again.
“Bucky, I- I don’t understand. You, Sam said you were gone?” You question, voice wet with emotion.
He nods, and grimaces.
“We lied. I had to lie. The mission, it was bad. It is still bad.” He explains to your softly, continuing to give you soft pets and caresses that ground you. They tell you he’s here, he’s safe, he’s alive, he’s yours.
“How could you? Do you know how I’ve been? Bucky I was dead without you,” you sob softly.
His guilt ridden frown deepens, and there are tears in his eyes.
“I know, baby. I know. And I am so so sorry. There was no other way. There still isn’t. But I’m too selfish to keep this charade up, even if you’d be safer if I had,” he explains to you.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“I’ve been here, checking in on you. I was at the funeral. I know how I’ve hurt you, and I will be sorry for the rest of my life. But I hope to spend the rest of my life making up for this.” He tells you, the realization dawning on you. You hadn’t been crazy. That figure had been him.
“It was you,” you whisper. Bucky smiles sadly and nods.
“It was. The mission was bad. They knew about you. They knew where we were, even with all our precautions we took. They were going to use you to get me, and kill you. I couldn’t let that happen. So Sam, a couple higher ups, and I faked my death. We figured in a year I could reveal the truth once my undercover mission going after them concluded. I needed you alive, I can’t live in a world without you on this planet. Even if it meant coming back in a year and you maybe moved on. It was worth it. But then I saw you mourn me. How broken it made you. I heard your cries, your pleas for me. I’m too selfish to continue this lie, even if it’d keep you safer.” He tells you, voice choked with emotion as his eyes fill with tears.
Your hands move from where they had grip of his shoulders to cradle his face, wiping away the tears the fell.
“Oh, James. I’m just so, so glad you’re not gone. I can’t live in a world without you. I would have never moved on. I promised to be yours and yours alone forever. Even after all of this, I mean every word I said to you.” You tell him, before pulling his face to yours for a kiss.
He kisses you like a man starving, his lips soft and warm but firm and demanding. His hands hold you reverently, like you’re made of glass and he refuses to let you slip through his fingers. You hold him softly but firmly in your arms, feeling his strong and sturdy frame under you. It promises safety, comfort, love, and a future.
You wrap your arms around him tighter, pulling him impossibly closer. After a few moments you both begrudgingly part to breathe. Your foreheads rest on each other as you gaze into each others eyes. The rest of the world had faded into the background, and it’s just you and the man you thought you lost; the man who you love and will love until the end of your days no matter how misguided he may have been.
“I’m so so sorry, doll. I love you so much. Missed you so much. I’ll never hurt you like this again, I just needed you safe” he vowed to you, voice breaking as he hugs you to his frame.
You readjust in his lap, wrapping your legs around him so you’re seated firmly on his lap. Your head rests on his shoulder as your hands softly map his back soothingly.
“I know,” you whisper, “I love you too. Always.”
You both sit there, basking in each other’s presence quietly, before you break the silence again.
“You said you have it worked out now? What did you work out?” You ask him in a whisper, not wanting to break the soft and peaceful atmosphere surrounding you both. You move to sit back up instead of leaving against him, grasping both his hands in yours.
“We’ll go into hiding for a while, until Sam and others can figure this all out. In the past few weeks I’ve narrowed down locations for them, and their structure. I’ll assist from the sidelines when necessary, but I won’t be in the field at all. I’ll be with you. We will be together.” He promises you.
“Sounds perfect to me,” you sigh, knowing the rest will be figured out. Looking down to where your left hand rested with his, you smiled as both your wedding rings caught the light. You were just glad to have your husband back in your arms, no longer just haunted.
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jujulebee · 2 years
"I'll just... try again tomorrow, I like... I don't have the energy for this right now."
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So crushingly boring. But why? She'd been looking forward to this for like. Weeks. Her schedule was clear and she didn't have anything else to do so... why was even staring at the digital canvas trying to figure out how to sketch something up just so... boring?
Dolls and Jules are both fast asleep by now, surely, and Sam doesn't get off work for another five hours.
I'm not about to encourage Aurora to do drugs just so I can get a fix and abandon her halfway through the night to fuck some stranger. Diana is a hard no, I'm never drinking from her, not a chance. Johnny and Lily were never even options. Almost everyone at the Red Room is kindred, so it's not like I can drink from them. They'd need to drink from someone else first to get fucked up anyway.
Neri's kindred. Lyn's kindred. Noah and Sammy too. None of my online friends are options.
Maybe I can hit up one of my twitch mods? Probably not. I know Day's been sick for the past few days, I don't want to bug them. Fersen's too far away for this time of night, same with Darren. Audrey's a possibility but she's usually busy with work at this time of night.
Frustration finally boils over and she pushes herself away from the desk, dropping her pen in the process. She watches it uselessly clatter to the floor as she slowly slides across the floor, stopping when her chair wheels hit the fluffy carpet near her bed.
"I'm hungry."
There's no one in the room to hear her speak. She stays there for a few silent seconds before she groans out loudly in frustration.
"I'm so sick of being mopey! One day is, like, way too fucking long!" She stands suddenly and stomps towards the master bathroom, flicking on the lights and suffering a mini-final-death when the vanity bulbs burn away the darkness of the room.
If she can't drink off her friends she'll just party sober.
Dress how you want to feel Honey Bonnie Azrael. This mopey shit isn't you. You're a fucking ray of sunshine strong enough to be weaponized against kindreds!
It takes an hour but she's fixed up the quick slopjob she'd done earlier on her makeup. Another 30 and she's dressed, hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. She grabs her backpack and bat and stomps towards the door, pulling it open with every ounce of unpacked aggression in her body barely contained.
"Oh!" Lily stands, hand raised to knock, flinching back when the door swings open. Him living there is still so new for them both, it's not too surprising that that fact escaped her mind. They stand there blinking at each other for a moment before they both untense. He's the first to speak, quiet and reserved. "I uh... I d-didn't realise y-you were goin' out, um."
Damage control goes into overdrive and she flashes a bright smile, hooking her bat in her backpack so she can wave both hands, "Nah nah nah, not for anything important! What's up Lily?"
He narrows his eyes just a bit, almost imperceptibly, untrusting in her honesty. He watched her develop that smile. He knows when it's not real. He's the reason that smile exists, for better or worse. "... Do you want to check out the car show nearby? It ain't very far. I... heard they've got some cool neon stuff I think you'd like."
There's a panic that rises in her chest when she watches her little brother shrink in on himself slightly, unsure, reclusive. She doesn't hesitate to answer, excitedly accepting, "Yeah of course! That sounds supes cool!" He relaxes a bit at that, and she'd breathe a sigh of relief if her chest didn't feel too tight to make the empty motion, "Do you know all the cars that are gonna be there?"
"Y-yeah I think so!" He looks a bit excited by the question, following her as she moves past, "I-I don't think ya even need t'change clothes, really, t-the folks I saw online seemed t'be in that kinda crowd. A-an' if I do see a car that wasn't talked about on the website," He continues, grabbing a leather jacket she'd stolen from their Uncle years ago, "I'll definitely know it."
"Ooooh, Lily over here with the super cool knowledge of all things cars!" Honey says, her grin finally genuine, at least for the most part. "You're gonna tell me all about'em right?"
"Yeah! Absolutely."
She giggles and waits for him to don the jacket to open the door for him, following out behind and locking the door as securely as she can.
This is by far the better option for how her night could have gone.
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oomisluvr · 3 years
sakusa takes care of a drunk reader, a drabble
synopsis: y/n is talking to a stranger about her sex life and kiyoomi is on damage control. it's an uphill battle to finally tuck her into bed. give this man a break, please.
“he be blowin’ my back out, girl.”
“she means we very gently and very passionately make love.”
“just beatin’ this pussy up!”
“i do no such thing.”
“absolutely drillin’ and killin’ my shit.” you motion with your hands. sakusa reaches out to stop you, a blush deep on his face.
“this boy folds me like a pretzel.”
“my ankles be touchin’ my ea- mmph!”
sakusa covers your mouth with his hand, “you’ve lost your talking privileges. give me your drink, babe,” you glare at him, defiance burning in your eyes. he glares right back, “now, y/n.” he looks to the woman you were talking and apologizes on your behalf.
you relent, releasing your grip on the drink you were holding. sakusa take it and relaxes the hold he has on you, "you always kill my fun, omi!"
"no, i keep you safe." his gaze softens and his voice follows, "c'mon, it's late now. let's get you home."
you're surprised by the gentleness in his tone. wordless, you nod, extending your arm for him to take and lead you out of the club. it's raining tonight, and sakusa all but demands you to stay at the entrance doors while he runs to get the car.
you'll get emotional if you think about it too much, about exactly how much he sacrifices for you. he accommodates for you in every aspect of his life, oftentimes without you ever having to ask. you're part of him, an extension of his own body. he quite literally could not live without you. he loves you, with everything in him. he really didn't have to come out with you tonight, but you know he did it because he cares about your safety.
when the car pulls up, sakusa jumps out, umbrella in hand, escorting you to the passenger door, opening it, and closing it once you got situated. you giggle at the little jog he does to get to the driver's side. the sound of rain hitting the windshield makes you sleepy. upon noticing your tired state, kiyoomi removes the jacket from his shoulders, draping it across your figure. you yawn, snuggling into the heavy fabric and allowing his scent to lull you to sleep.
the next time you wake up, sakusa's at the passenger side of the door, lightly shaking you.
"c'mon, we're home now." he stretches his hand to pull you out, closing the door behind him, and snaking an arm around your waste, bringing you to your shared apartment.
after fumbling with the keys, he unlocks the door and kicks off his shoes, turning the lights on. sakusa leads you to the couch, descending on one knee to remove your heels, fighting with the straps and buckles.
"try taking it off with your teeth."
"try tak- what the hell? i'm not doing that."
"awww, c'mon, you know you like my feet."
"y/n, stop being weird," you wiggle your toes, making him loose his grip on the clasp of your shoes, "and stop moving."
you giggle, still feeling buzzed from all the alcohol you downed, "i know you secretly have a foot kink."
"i do not."
"it's okay, it's okay," you soothe, roughly ruffling his hair, "it's just me and you here. you can tell me if you wanna suck on my toes. i won't judge," finally removing your shoes, sakusa stands to his feet, stretching his hand for you to take.
"i don't know where you're getting this from, but you need to go to bed. i think you're delirious." you pout like a child, not wanting the fun to be over.
"fine. only if you carry me." you flop back on the couch to emphasize your unwillingness to walk yourself, stretching your arms up, "please, oomi?"
you're so cute, but sakusa can't let you know that. huffing loudly, he bends down to pick you up with ease, arms hooked under your legs and back, "you owe me in the morning. i didn't sign up for this."
you giggle, enjoying the attention from him, "you're so strong, oomi. look at these muscles." you grab his bicep, "what is this? a bowling ball? is there bowling ball in here? did you eat a bowling ball?" sakusa fights back a smile, but a blush manages to break through.
strolling through the bedroom, sakusa drops you on the bed, leaning down to kiss your forehead, mumbling in your ear, "why are you only nice to me when you're drunk, hmm? pretty girl." leaving you on the bed, sakusa digs through your dresser, approaching you with your usual pajamas, "put this on."
"no." you resist.
"put them on me." you kneel up on the bed, manipulating your arms and back to reach the zipper of your dress, dragging it down and shimmying out of the loose fabric, "look, i made it easy for you."
sakusa will never get used to seeing you in just a bra and panties, and his face turns beet red at the sight. you're sitting on your thighs now, legs folded behind you, feet touching.
"you're so difficult," he sighs, his blush only deepening when he moves to touch you, "arms up." you giggle, shaking your head and crossing your arms, he clenches his jaw in an effort to focus on the task at hand.
"oomi~" you flirt, "i still have my bra on. i can't sleep with a bra on. it's not good for me."
"then take it off."
"take it off for me."
"i won't go to bed until you do."
"fine. turn around." you shuffle on the bed, your back now facing him. with anxious hands, he unclasps your bra, the soft fabric falling to the bed. your bare back greets him, and he bats away impure thoughts. before you can turn around, sakusa grabs your arms and forces the shirt on you.
"oomi! don't be so rough."
"then listen and i won’t have to be so rough,” yanking the shirt over your head, he sighs, “there. all done.” you’re scrambling to get under the covers when sakusa grabs your ankle, “not yet. you need to do your skin care,” you open your mouth to protest, but kiyoomi interupts you, “let me guess, you want me to do it?”
you nod your head in excitement, “carry me oomi!” scooping you up, he carries you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter space. you’re rambling about god-knows-what, incoherent and broken sentences flow from your lips. sakusa tries his best to listen, he really does, but he can’t tel the difference between makeup wipes and micellar water.
“sorry to interrupt you, angel,” he kisses you on the forehead to calm your protests, “but which one do i use? the micellar water, right? you said the wipes burn sometimes...”
“aww oomi,” you bring your legs to wrap around his legs, pressing him into you, “you know me so well,” you mumble against his lips. your arms wrap around sakusa’s neck, hands tangling into the soft hair at his nape, lips building a rhythm against his.
it takes everything in sakusa to stop you, but he knows where kisses like this lead and getting you in bed is top priority.
“no, y/n,” he breaks the kiss to peer into you, “you need rest.” his eyes are soft and full of love, “let me take care of you, baby. sit still, please.” you nod and give him a quick peck, a silent promise to give him the reigns. relaxing the hold your lags have around him, kiyoomi gets to work.
he dabs the micellar water on your reusable cotton pad, gently swiping it across your face. you close your eyes, humming and mumbling the words of a song he heard earlier. using this time, sakusa admires the softness of your face, love swelling in his chest.
“all done.” you kiss his cheek in thanks, moving to hop off the counter. his hands fly out to hold your hips, keeping you placent, “not so fast.” he moves away from you, searching through the cupboards to find all the pieces of your routine.
after gathering his materials, he starts with dropping a clear, cool serum on your face.
“remind you of anything?” you joke, giggling mindlessly at your own joke.
"stop talking."
"boo, go back to being nice!"
you sigh loudly, swinging your legs and humming louder. sakusa works moisturizer into your skin with such vigor, your body starts to move. for good measure, he squeezes your cheeks, making your lips appear fish-like, laughing when you whine, "oomi, stop! let me go! are you done yet?"
moving to put all your things away, he nods, "yes, y/n. all done."
"carry me back then!"
"i lied. you still have to brush your teeth." you open your mouth to speak, "and no, i will not brush them for you."
"but i'm tired!"
"too bad. look, i even put the toothpaste on for you." he hands you the toothbrush. you snatch it out of his hands and vigorously brush your teeth. smiling at your attitude, sakusa begins to do his own nightly routine.
looking at him through your peripherals, you admire his physique. he really is built like a greek god. shamelessly, you rake your eyes over his body, observing the contraction of his muscles; the way the light reflects from his skin. sakusa kiyoomi truly is beautiful. catching your stare, he pokes your stomach.
"stop looking at me."
"what? i can't look at you?" foam flies everywhere.
"not like that."
"like what?"
"like you want to eat me."
"i do." you spit out the toothpaste, rinsing your toothbrush and putting it away.
you straightforwardness makes him blush, "tomorrow. i'm all yours tomorrow, but for right now-" he approaches you, his lean frame towering over your own, "-let's get you in bed."
you don't have to ask him to carry you; he does it anyway, throwing you over his shoulder and laying you on the bed.
"are you going to tuck me in, oomi?"
"what kind of question is that? of course i'm going to tuck you in."
i know i reference sakusa picking the reader up a lot but this man is 6'4" 176.8 pounds (192 cm, 80 kg) and could therefore bench press you without breaking a sweat, no matter what your weight is. my baby is strong. periodt.
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emmanelson · 3 years
It Started Out With a Kiss
i’d say I’m sorry for this filth but who are we kidding? more trash under the cut including speechless ben, possessive paxton and some very steamy, very public smut. also found on ao3 here.
“I’m sure there’s a bed in the other room.”
Paxton’s allowed to be petty and a bit possessive as he latches onto his girlfriend’s waist and drags her behind the wall that separates them from the rest of the party and leads into the hallway. He catches Ben Gross’ eye over the duration of the evening one too many times now. The last fuck he gave flew out the window and now he dares the underclassman to pretend to stumble in their direction.
So when he hears Devi’s comment, in rather uneven breaths mind you, a laugh is bubbling against his throat. She would retract her statement the second he tells her they are at Trent’s house, and his friend probably masturbated in every single room of the house. It’s going to make his plan seem genius. His fingers skim the outline of her dress and he edges his tongue into her mouth, knowing exactly what buttons to press in order to get her in the mood. Which was more often than not because she thought about sex probably more than any girl he knew.
“No, I want you. Right here. Right now.” The firmness in his answer only weakens her resolve and soon heat is radiating off her body. Screw the party.
“Why here? We could just wait till we get back to your house?” His lips nibble on her ear and she’s struggling to find a reason to turn him down, his erection rubbing against her core.
“Guess you’re just that irresistible. It’s really your fault if you think about. If you didn’t show up looking so hot, I could concentrate on beer pong or whatever Trent and Marcus are currently trying to blow up in the backyard.”
It’s been months and she still can’t get used to the compliments coming from him. His breath is hot on her neck and just as his tongue brushes against her parted lips, she pulls back, gently lifting his head up to meet hers as she attempts to catch her breath.
“What brought this on?” She’s never seen Paxton this agitated by something, or someone before. Or this handsy.
At previous parties, he flirted sure, but in the past few gatherings they attended, they were practically attached at the hip. If Paxton didn’t have an arm slung over her shoulder or kept their fingers intertwined as Trent praised Eleanor’s latest performance, he was whispering in her ear or placing a hand on her hip. Even Zoe Maytag gave her props in the bathroom and admitted they only ever got to hand stuff and he wasn’t into PDA when he was ‘hanging out’ with her. Devi decided to save this information as future ammo if she needed it.
“I’m sorry but if I have to see Ben fucking Gross look at you with sad puppy dog eyes while blatantly ignoring his own girlfriend one more time, I might just snap. I might just fucking loose it and deck him.” The words are bitter, sharp coming off his tongue and it sends shivers down Devi’s spine. His gaze hardened, eyes getting darker, and her stomach flips, because for a moment he looks like he’s considering murder. And she would help him hide a body without hesitation. He drags his lips to bite down on her neck and she involuntarily throws her head back as her tries to suppress her moans.
“So what’s this going to prove?”
“Well what we obviously already know...That you can’t help jumping me even in public.” He chuckles into her hair as she rolls her eyes. And she thought she was competitive. Paxton and Ben took it to a whole other level. “But seriously, don’t tell me you didn’t notice the guy flaunting his relationship in front of you. It’s like he got some sick joy out of rubbing your nose in his happiness. This is a taste of his own medicine.”
“Who even says he’s going to notice or care?”
“I do. If he attempts to seek out where you went, which he obviously will, what he chooses to do after will either prove me right or you right. That he does care or doesn’t.”
Devi raised an eyebrow, throwing him an are-you-kidding-me glance before Paxton’s lips descended down on hers again. If he wasn’t kissing her lips, he was trailing his tongue down her neck, her shoulders, even her chest bone.
"Excuse me for caring. This whole longing, woe-is-me act was fine or whatever when you were both single. But he’s fucking with my girlfriend, my relationship and I’m not going to pretend to be okay with it.” Once again, his mouth was rough against her ear as leaned against her body and ground his hips against hers. While she wanted to be mad, she also found his protective nature incredibly hot and wasn’t about to say anything to end it anytime soon.
“He’s with Aneesa. I doubt he even thinks about me in that way anymore.” Devi’s voice attempts to reassure him as her fingers comb through his hair.
“I can’t say that I blame him.” His lips start trailing kisses from neck ear all the way to her cleavage, knuckles lightly kneading her breasts through the fabric of the dress. “I mean not only are you insanely hot but you’re also like the smartest person in the whole school. I just wish he wasn’t so obvious about it.”
“Is this you being jealous?” She has a smirk playing on her lips, eyes lit up in a teasing nature.
“I just never thought I’d see the day where Paxton Hall-Yoshida got jealous. You’re usually so calm and level-headed.” Her voice falters as he starts stroking her breast, the nipple hardening under his touch.
“What can I say? When I opened my mind to studying, I learned stuff inside and outside of the classroom. For starters, noticing things more often. Noticing Ben for one, the rude comments one minute and longing stares the next.”
“Can we stop talking about him now?” Paxton had dropped to his knees in record time, lifting up her dress and practically diving underneath it, his laugh vibrating against her core.
“You aren’t wearing any underwear.”
“It’s laundry day, didn’t I mention that earlier?”
“Must have slipped my mind. Remind me to thank your mom later.” His joke only registered for a minute before he was seeking out her clit, swirling his tongue around it, repeatedly pushing against her until her legs are convulsing and she’s coming undone around his lips.
Ben’s silhouette hovers, quietly staring at the scene before him in agape. He only sees Devi granted, but it’s not just seeing his ex at a party outside of school, it’s seeing her flat against the wall, eyes closed, shallow breaths becoming audible every few seconds and seeing the way her body physically shook from whatever Paxton was doing to her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. And Ben wanted to call out to them, sneer that this was a public place, someone’s house and if they couldn’t keep their genitals to themselves then they should just leave, but he was momentarily frozen.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Devi’s body begin to come down from its high, Paxton rises and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. To Ben’s horror, it doesn’t end there.
Is she giggling? Paxton just shakes his head and captures his lips with hers again.
He turns his head and meets Ben’s eyes. Devi’s lips begin to attack his neck and he moans, all the while locked in a staring contest with the captain of who knows how many fucking clubs.
This time it’s Paxton wearing a rather smug smile, something that he’s seen on Ben one too many times in History class. Well, this was his History class. One area where he would always outsmart Ben and that in itself was enough to fill him with pride. Finally Devi detaches herself from her boyfriend and gently wipes her makeup remnants off his neck.
“I should probably go reapply my lipstick.” She’s still trying to steady her legs and with a wave of nausea coming over him, Ben is reminded of a conversation that took place months ago. ‘Well tomorrow I won’t be able to walk again because I’m about to go get railed.’ And that she did.
“You don’t have to you know. You look sexy like this.”
“You may think so, but my mom? Not so much Romeo.” Devi’s playfully shoving against his chest as she untangles herself from his arms, the fingers still interlocked until the distance makes it impossible and she’s heading further down the hall towards the bathroom.
“Dude are you just gonna stand there?” Paxton fixes Ben with a hard stare, equal parts creeped out and a little high off his assumption because his point was proven. It was a win-win situation. Satisfy his girlfriend and wipe the stupid smirk off Ben Gross’ face.
Finally Ben forces himself to look away and turns the corner in a hurry.
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duskholland · 3 years
Y/n has a disagreement with frat!tom, she drowns her sorrows and then frat!tom takes care of drunk y/n
ah...a classic. cw: alcohol + angst w a happy end. pls don’t do this irl--communication is key in any balanced relationship! don’t drown your sorrows <3
frat!tom night !!
*:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
Tom: I’m sorry Tom: I didn’t mean to upset you Tom: can you just text me back Tom: please
You drag your index finger over the lock-screen of your phone, giggling slightly as you watch Tom’s texts wobble. Your eyes are tired and unfocused, your head spinning, and your objective of getting absolutely hammered has been well and truly achieved. You’d surpassed your limits an hour ago, if you’re being honest with yourself, but your bottle of tequila had been calling your name, and now you’re out of your mind. You’re just glad that your roommate is at her boyfriend’s for the night so she doesn’t have to witness your heartbroken breakdown.
Another two texts bumps up to the top of the screen, startling you.
Tom: I’m worried about you Tom: can you just let me know that you’re okay?
You sigh loudly, then begrudgingly pick up your phone. You open the texts sent from Tom, your boyfriend — or, ex-boyfriend…? — and read over them again, eyes hazy. You decide not to reply, and to instead leave him on read, because what else are you supposed to do?
With a heavy sigh, you lie back on the floor and stare at the ceiling of your dorm. You groan as you think over the events of the day again, your mind heavy and lethargic.
It’d been a stupid argument with Tom, about god knows what. Spring break, you think. He’d changed his mind last minute, and instead of going to Mexico with you and a few friends, he now wants to go back to London to spend time with his family. He also wants you to go back with him, to meet his parents and his brothers, and, in typical Tom fashion, had failed to mention that he’d changed your flights on your behalf.
It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is you’d spent a very unpleasant thirty minutes at the frat house earlier, exchanging sour words of disapproval with your boyfriend, who couldn’t be bothered to hear your side of the story. You’d ran away when you’d realised you were just going in circles, and now you’re here: red-eyed, drunk, and alone. The realisation makes you hiccup, and you feel your eyes well up again.
There’s a loud knock at the door, and you startle.
“Fuck,” you mutter, quickly standing up. You toss the bottle of alcohol under a blanket and wipe at your eyes, cursing yourself for looking like such a mess. You hope it’s just a neighbour, concerned about the breakup song playlists and the loud volume of your crying, and not an RA about to bust you for possession of alcohol in a college dorm.
It turns out to be neither, and you scowl as you open the door just to see Tom standing beyond it. His eyes snap up, his expression springing into one of surprise as if he hadn’t expected you to open the door. There’s a light blue beanie sitting on his head, but he whips it off and holds it between his hands as he rocks back on his feet and swallows
“Y/N…. Look, I’m so sorry.” He looks so small, with his figure covered in grey sweats and a white t-shirt. He has a red jacket shrugged over the top too, but his posture is slumped and diminished. His eyes are pink. “I was such a twat. I don’t want us to break up over this, and I don’t want you to hate me, either. I’m sorry.” His gaze narrows as his eyes twist over your figure. “Wait, are you drunk?”
Your eyes bulge, and you instinctively reach out to grab his arm. You jerk him into your room, chastising him in a loud whisper about the presence of your pesky RAs, and then you lean back against the door, facing the main body of the room where Tom’s now pacing.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you manage, tongue feeling thick in your mouth.
Tom finds the bottle of tequila you’d thrown in your bed as he straightens up the duvet, turning on you with a frown on your face.
“You shouldn’t be drinking on a Tuesday night,” he mutters. “Is this my fault?”
You shrug. “No,” you say. “Pretty sure I’m the one who did the drinking.”
Tom winces, then slowly takes off his jacket. He approaches you gently, extending two hands towards you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, voice exhausted. You hate how heartbroken he looks, so you reach out and join together your fingers, pulling him a little closer. Tom walks all the way to you, folding into you until he’s squeezing your hands and has his forehead pressed against yours. “I’m sorry for being a dick, and not speaking to you about spring break first.” His thumbs run over the backs of your hands. “And I’m also sorry for being a twat and not listening to you properly.”
You have to close your eyes, finding it too hard to focus on his face when it’s pushed so near to you.
“I’m too drunk to have this conversation with you,” you mutter. You drop one of his hands and feel him freeze before you shift it up to his hair. You’re quiet as you play around with his brown curls, finding comfort in the familiar softness. “I’m sorry too, though. I feel like shit. I shouldn’t have been so angry about it all…” You break off, feeling your eyes water as your voice thickens. It’s just a whisper as you add, softer, “I don’t want to lose you over this, Tom.”
He pulls back, and you’re able to meet his eyes as he reaches up to cup your warm cheeks in his hands. You aren’t angry anymore—now that he’s here, looking at you so softly, you just want to move on and fall straight back into his arms.
“You’re not losing me, darling. You could never lose me,” he murmurs. He leans in and kisses your forehead softly, letting his lips linger there for a moment. “Let’s get you in bed, yeah?”
You nod. “Okay,” you agree, suddenly feeling very attached to the idea of curling up beneath the covers and sleeping.
“Wait, wait.” Tom’s gentle hold on your waist makes you stop. “Bathroom first. You’ve still got makeup on.”
You pout as you coo, nodding. “Can you take it off for me?”
“Of course, love.”
You’re glad for the en-suite in your room. Despite it being a tight fit, Tom’s able to come in with you. He sits you on the closed toilet seat and tenderly dabs at your face, stripping back the smudged makeup as he cracks a few light jokes and murmurs soft words of praise. He watches as you brush your teeth, standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your front, lips brushing over your neck in featherlight kisses as he meets your eyes in the mirror and your heart flutters in your chest. Despite your complaints, he even convinces you to down two glasses of water.
“Aren’t you getting in too?” You whine. He’s standing beside your single bed, hands on the top of the duvet as he finishes tucking you in. You do your best to look innocent and fragile, blinking up at him through wide eyes. “It’s cold…”
Tom hesitates.
“Do you want me to?” He asks. When you nod your head enthusiastically, he smiles softly. “I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow morning and realise that it’s not what you wanted.”
You shake your head. “I won’t,” you say, knowing it to be true. “Just… if you’re worried about overstepping, don’t kiss me or anything. I won’t be mad if you sleep here.”
He smiles as if he finds the compromise agreeable, then kicks off his shoes and pulls off his shirt. You try to wolf whistle, only for the sound to come out flat and failed, and he laughs loudly.
“Did you just try to whistle at me?” He teases.
“Are you lying?”
Tom slips into bed beside you. It’s a tight fit, but you’ve spent enough nights together on your single mattress to know exactly what you have to do. You don’t hesitate to curl into his side, throwing a leg over his body as you rest your face against his arm and press your hand to his chest. Tom reaches over and flicks off the lamp before wrapping his arms around you, holding you close.
“I love you,” he says, the moment it’s dark and you’re both settled. “I love you so much, baby.”
You coo, unable to control the unruly smile that tugs at your lips.
“Love you too, Tom,” you murmur. “You’re so warm.”
He chuckles, light fingers rubbing circles over the top of your arm. “And you’re just lovely.”
You melt, burrowing your head further into his side. Beneath your palm, you can feel his heartbeat, pulsing gently.
“You know, the only reason I was so mad earlier was because I was scared of meeting your parents,” you admit, voice soft. “It’s not because I don’t want to spend time with you, Tommy. I do. All the time. But it’s scary to think about how I could do something to fuck this up. It’s scary sometimes... to think about how much I love you.”
You feel his lips touch the top of your head.
“Do you want to know a secret?”
“I’m scared too. That’s why I changed the flights without speaking to you. I was scared you wouldn’t want to come with me and take the next step with me.” Tom breaks off, sighing. “I’m a fucking idiot, though. Still should’ve spoken to you about it.”
You hum gently. “As long as you look after me, and make sure I’m okay, then I’d love to come and meet your family.” You tilt your face up and lean closer until you’re able to deposit a clumsy kiss to his sharp jaw.
“Of course I’d look after you,” Tom assures. “But you don’t need to be scared. They’ll love you, because I love you, and I think you’re the most wonderful person in the world, Y/N.”
You curl in closer, stifling a yawn. “Love you too.”
“Precious,” he mumbles. You feel him urge you nearer, warm kisses falling over your head again and again. “Go to sleep, babe,” he urges. “I’ve got you.”
You sigh contentedly. “Will you still be here in the morning?” You whisper, relaxing fully into his hold.
“‘Course. I’ll even get you breakfast.”
You smile against his chest. “Fuck yeah,” you murmur. “G’night.”
“Night, princess.” Tom rests a hand on your arm, and you sink into it. “Sweet dreams.”
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endlessymphony · 3 years
Hi congrats on 50 Followers !!!!
🧸 : James Potter x reader where he spends a lot of time with the marauders and kinda ignores the reader and forgets their anniversary. So they get into a big argument and James says something mean about her being a muggle born.
Happy ending please 😁
Thank you 🙏
thank you so much lovely anon!
pairing - james potter x reader
summary - james forgot your two year anniversary and left you waiting all day, just to come to your dorm and end up starting an argument
warnings - arguments, a bit of prejudice against muggles/muggle-borns, cussing
a/n - im really glad you guys like my james potter fics lol
you awoke, a rush of adrenaline and giddiness taking over as you practically shot yourself out of bed, almost tripping over the blankets you shoved onto the floor. you rushed over to the calendar hanging on the back of your door, bare feet pitter pattering on the hardwood floor, and yes! today was the day! the hearts circled in pen around the date only confirming your excitement.
your two year anniversary with the one and only james potter. your heart pounding a million miles a minute- feeling it ought to beat right out your chest. below the heart was written ‘surprise date’ in his handwriting, as he insisted that he could handle planning this date on his own. he was wrong, although you weren’t aware of that quite yet.
you spun yourself in a circle, making small noises of glee as you tossed yourself back onto your bed, thinking of what james might be up to. “oh merlin, i need to get ready.” you gasped, sitting back up and rushing over to your wardrobe.
it took an hour to find an outfit that you deemed ‘perfect’, settling on a top that you knew james loved. you spent another thirty minutes on hair and makeup, overjoyed to be spending the day with your beloved.
the waiting game began.
at first it was difficult to wait for him, adrenaline still rushing through your veins- body running off of pure excitement.
an hour passed, then two... then five, and soon it was much darker outside, the sun starting to set.
‘maybe he’s held up grabbing flowers, or making dinner reservations’ you thought, trying to push away the anxiety that was slowly creeping in to replace the high that you were feeling before. ‘oh! maybe we’re doing a night under the stars, how gorgeous would that be’
so, you continued to wait
but he never showed.
james finally came stumbling in to your dorm room at half-passed twelve, chuckling at the sight in front of him. you were wrapped up in a blanket, laying in your bed so that your back faced the door, hiding your hurt expression from him.
“hey, love.” he crooned as he walked over and sat down beside you on the bed, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “the boys and i had a great day today, you won’t believe what we got up to!”
you slowly sat up, turning to look at him. tear stains on full display, mascara making them all-the-more obvious. james let out a small gasp, hand moving to cup your face. “oh no, what’s wrong? did something happen?” he gently smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
you pulled yourself away from his touch, throwing the blanket off like you had done this morning, but a different feeling had taken over by this point. anger. disappointment. hurt.
you dragged him by the arm and pointed to the date on your calendar, tapping the paper with your pointer finger a few times so he would get the gist. “what are you trying to tell me, y/n?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, trying to play the dumb card.
“you missed our anniversary, james. it’s been two years.” you felt defeated, like every ounce of life had been drained out of your body, and you were now an empty shell. “i waited for you” you began, “all day.”
“it’s not that big of a deal, let’s just do something this weekend instead.” he offered, a smile making its way to his face.
god- you wanted to punch that stupid fucking smile off his face.
“not that big of a deal, james? you left me hanging. ALL DAY i waited.” you were starting to get angry, your voice starting to waver as it raised in decibels. “you knew how much this meant to me! or so i thought you did, but lately, it’s like everyone else is MUCH more important than i am.” your hands balled into fists, brows furrowing slightly as you started to let him have it.
“and don’t you fucking dare say this isn’t a big deal, james potter.” you spat, voice like venom as your said his name. “you really let me down, you really fucking blew it this time, i am really fucking upset about this.”
“i should’ve known that muggles overreact over everything.” he muttered to himself, brows practically knitted together as he ran a hand through his hair. his eyes widened as soon as he said that, opening his mouth to apologize to you.
“you know what james, just fucking leave, just get out.” your lip started to quiver, eyes threatening to spill hot tears down your face all over again, you wanted to hold your composure in front of him. your heart felt as if it had completely shattered in your chest. “really? you really want me to leave?” it was his turn to feel defeated, face started to relax from its scrunched up state.
“yeah, i do. now get the fuck out.”
james looked as if he had his tail between his legs, shoulders slumping down as his whole body started to deflate in defeat. embarrassment. shame. “okay.” his voice was small, this version of him was completely different from the ‘regular’ james that you knew and loved. he walked out, turning to look at you, but you just slammed the door in his face.
you cast a quick silencing charm before you began to scream-sob. tears feeling as if they’re burning your skin- falling to your knees as you let the waves of heartbreak, pain, and anger completely take you over. you cried until you couldn’t anymore, head pounding and eyes starting to get puffy and red. you screamed until you couldn’t any longer, voice hoarse and throat feeling as if it were on fire.
you sobbed still, silently, nothing coming out as you had nothing left to give. “thanks james, thanks for making me feel so loved... so appreciated.” your voice was broken, cracking with every word. you laid on the floor, wishing that it would swallow you up, so you could disappear and never have to feel a thing.
you ended up falling asleep, the whole day taking it’s toll on you. you had nothing more to give, no more fight left in you.
james knocked on your door lightly, afraid that you were about to tear his head off the moment that he stepped inside your dorm. “y/n?” he asked, tone merely above a whisper as he slowly opened the door and stepped in. james closed the door gently, eyes finally falling on your figure laying on the floor.
he felt a pang of pain shoot through his heart. “i caused this.” he mumbled, taking a few slow steps towards you and sitting down. he felt tears welling in his eyes, a few managing to slide down his face as he looked at you. james felt nothing but remorse and disappointment for how things went earlier. he had completely forgotten about the anniversary- what a dick move.
your eyes flickered open, vision slightly out of focus as you try to figure out who’s figure is in front of you. low and behold it was james, crying, mumbling about how he knows he fucked up- and it’s eating him up inside, and about how much he loves you.
you began to sit up, blinking a few times to wave the sleep from your eyes. “james?” you asked, voice still torn up. his head shot up, trying to wipe away the tears with his hands. “hey.”
“what are you doing here?” you asked, “sh. don’t talk, you’ll blow your voice out.” james replied. “i wanted to come back and apologize to you. i feel awful about earlier, and i know how much i hurt you with my actions, especially with my comment about muggles.” he gently cupped your face again, “i didn’t mean it, i promise. i really didn’t mean it.” he sniffled, trying to keep the tears away, but despite his efforts- they returned. “i really love you. god, i’m a shitty fucking boyfriend, aren’t i?” james chuckled, trying to ignore the tears now steaming down his face.
“james.” you started, “no, y/n, i need to make it up to you for how terrible today was. i need to show you that you’re loved, and make you feel important and special, and like the only person in the world.” he started to trip over his words, talking fast out of nervousness, he didn’t want you to kick him out again.
“can we talk about it more later?” you finally managed to ask, “yeah. yeah, sure. definitely. you can sleep in tomorrow and i’ll go and get you some breakfast, does that sound alright?” he was rambling again, trying to ‘fix’ everything. you nodded, a small smile beginning to grace your lips.
“now let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” he stood up and offered a hand to you. “we have time for apologies tomorrow.” you took his hand hesitatingly, slowly standing up, legs a bit wobbly.
james walked you to your bathroom, grabbing you by the waist and sitting you up on the counter. he began to lightly hum to himself as he pulled out a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton rounds, pouring some of the liquid onto the round and gently starting to clean the makeup off your face. he washed your face and brushed your hair for you after, as well.
he helped you change into your pyjamas, and placed you into bed, picking up the blankets off the floor and placing them back on the bed- tucking you in. he leaned in and kissed your head before stripping down to just his t-shirt and boxers, placing his glasses on the nightstand, and climbing into bed beside you.
he spent the rest of the night whispering compliments to you, telling you how much he loves you and wants to be with you forever, and there was no shortage of apologies said. james held you to his chest, playing with your hair until the both of you eventually drifted off to sleep.
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Thousand Eyes
Tumblr media
Warnings: Pro Hero Au, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, dom/sub-themes, overstimulation, begging, choking, oral (receiving), jealousy, hair pulling, claiming, slight breeding kink, fluffy ending
Shoto Todoroki x Female! Reader
Word Count: 7.4K
a/n: Happy Holidays everyone! I hope whoever comes across this is having a good end of the year and finding the positives in all the craziness. I have a few more fics in the works and will start pumping them out since I’m on break. Maybe I’ll start incorporating hcs, fluff only stuff, drabbles, etc and not just the long fics. Much love <3
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone waiting for Todoroki to arrive home from work. You had just finished fixing up dinner and he typically came home around the same time so the two of you could eat together. While switching from Tiktok to Twitter, you heard the front door click signaling to you that Todoroki had come home. Bringing yourself up from the couch you walked over to the door to greet him with a hug. You barely left any room for him to remove himself from his shoes before you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled into him. Todoroki looked down at you, smiling. 
“Hi, baby.”
Dropping his work bag off to the side he returned your hug, squeezing you a little tighter than normal. Pulling away from him, you moved back a bit to finally let him all the way through the door. 
“How was work today?”
Grabbing his duffel bag up from off the floor and bringing it into the bedroom you heard him respond from the other room. 
“Not too bad. Actually, it was pretty calm today, mostly patrol over anything.”
“Well, that’s nice to finally have a break of sorts.”
Walking back into the main room, you saw him towards the bathroom. 
“Yeah, it was a nice change of things. Actually, something else came up. I want to talk to you about it but I’m gonna shower first if that’s alright?”
Nodding lightly in response, you waved him off. Walking back into the kitchen you turn the burner back on the stove to give the dinner that you made some extra heat.
“We can talk about it over dinner.”
Hearing him hum an okay and disappear into the bathroom, you hopped back on your phone and scrolled through Twitter again. Mindlessly scrolling, you saw a post reminding you about your childhood. It was a meme regarding the Grinch and you went deep in thought about your life in the earlier years. Thinking about how much you loved the Christmas season, and how that film somehow brought your family together no matter the occasion. The memories sticking with you dearly. You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t seen your phone shut off or Todoroki slipping out from the bathroom. He was standing in front of you and you still hadn’t noticed him standing there. 
He walked up to you, placing his arm on your arm and his other hand finding his way under your chin lifting it slightly so you could look at him. 
“Hey, my little ember. You there?”
He softly chuckled which brought you back to reality. Staring up into his eyes, you realized once again how beautiful he was. His hair was halfway dried, a few beads of water snaking their way down his strands. His brows were slightly furrowed in an attempt to silently understand what was going on in your head. Even though you guys had been together for a few years now, seeing him in front of you like this after you had zoned out and made the blood rush to your face. Making you heat up instantly.
“Y-yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking about old memories and got lost in them. You uh, you ready to eat?”
“Yeah sure.”
Grabbing two dishes from the cabinets you plated the food for both you and Todoroki. Bringing them to the table you turned back around to grab two glasses you turned around and asked him what he wanted to drink. Bringing the two cups to the table you finally sat down and the two of you began to eat. Swallowing you looked up at Todoroki.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh! Yeah, I completely forgot.”
Taking another bite of food Todoroki began to speak through his mouth full of food. 
“So when I was leaving work today one of my interns informed me of this gala being thrown for all the heroes. I called Midoriya to see if he knew anything about it and it seems that it’s more festive than formal. Like a Christmas get-together. So, this is a long-winded answer of me asking if you’d want to join me?”
Your mind was racing about what you were gonna wear to this gala because the last thing you wanted was for you to feel underdressed. 
“Yeah! No, I'd love to go. I was just thinking about what I was gonna wear.” 
Chuckling softly, you rubbed the back of your neck, kinda embarrassed at yourself for being so vacant of reply for your boyfriend. 
“You’re always thinking about how you look...and I don’t understand why because you know you’re gonna be the hottest one in the room.”
“Sho! You’re gonna make my head big.”
“What?! It’s true. You’re too hard on yourself”
Shoveling another bite of food in your mouth you brushed him off
“Yeah, yeah I know but still I wanna look good. I can’t be next to you and then not put out. Can you imagine how that’d look?” 
Looking at him incredulously you were waiting for him to respond and when he did you wanted to slam your face in your hands.
“It’d probably look fine because you look fine regardless.”
Exasperating at his response it caused him to let out a small laugh. Following suit with the small laughing fit, you shook your head and regained yourself. 
“So you said it’s kinda festive like we’re supposed to dress up?”
“I suppose. I’m pretty sure either way is fine.” he responded flatly standing up to go help himself to a second serving of food. 
“When is it by the way?” 
“Tomorrow.” he said, turning around to come to sit back at the table.
“Tomorrow?!” choking on your food a bit from the shock of this event being tomorrow. 
“Well, now I really have to worry about what I’m going to wear. Shit.”
Todoroki stayed silent noticing that you were deep in thought trying so fervently to figure out what you were going to wear to this gala. You didn’t want to disappoint but at the same time, you didn’t want to make it seem like a big deal for Todoroki’s sake. 
Suddenly, your eyes widened and you realized that you had the perfect thing to wear. 
“Todoroki! I got it!”
“Huh? Got what?”
“What I’ll wear for tomorrow!” 
Standing up from the table you walked into the bedroom speaking to him while walking away.
“Do you remember when I was making that Santa outfit but never wore it out because I was afraid it was too obnoxious? The one I based off that rich lady in the Grinch.”
Sliding the hangers to the side you were sifting through all your clothes trying to find this dress that you made a couple of years ago. Sliding over to the side of your clothes that you had your winter wear organized in you saw bright red fanned out on the floor of the closet. Bending down to pick up the fabric from the floor, your backside brushed up against something. Standing up with the dress in your hands you turned around to see Todoroki standing behind you. Holding the dress out to your side, Todoroki wrapped his arms around your waist. Your bright smile plastered across your face 
“Look! I found it. I’m gonna have to go get a petticoat tomorrow so it lays right but I think it’ll work well! And I can find you something too while I’m out.”
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary, baby. Wouldn’t wanna steal the show from my girl now would I?”
Dropping your arm that was holding the dress you wrapped your other around Todoroki’s neck. Threading your fingers at the base of his hair, massaging lightly into his scalp. 
“No, I guess not.” 
Smiling up at him, Todoroki lowered his head to meet your lips. Engulfing your lips in a tender kiss that warmed up your entire body. Every time he kissed you it felt like it was the first and you never wanted them to end. His lips were always somehow so soft and inviting. Pulling away and looking back up at him an idea popped in your head.
“Maybe we can just add a lil something to your tux then.”
With a small smile now on his face, he nodded his head in agreement. With a yawn beginning to dawn on him, your body followed suit against your will. A sudden wave of tiredness falling over you both. Stepping away from you, Todoroki began heading toward the bathroom. 
“Why don’t we get ready for bed? I have to get up a little early to finish up the paperwork from today’s shift.”
Nodding slightly you followed him into the bathroom beginning your nightly routine. You finished before Todoroki and walked back into the bedroom. You picked your costume up from the pool it was in on the floor and hung it back up in the closet. The cheeky smile that spread across your face was something that didn’t slide past Todoroki when he came back into the bedroom. 
“What’s got you smiling like that?” a breathy chuckled punctuated his question.
“Nothing really. Just thinking about how we’re gonna look tomorrow. I’m excited.”
Climbing into bed, you snuggled up into Todoroki as well as the sheets. 
“Well don’t stay too excited, you gotta get your rest.”
Placing a kiss atop your head you told each other good night and Todoroki shut off the lights. 
Waking up the next morning, you’d had gotten up a little later than you expected. You usually were able to catch him before he left. Throwing the sheets off yourself you stretched and tried to get yourself out of bed. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you opened up your phone and when you saw the time the leftover sleep left your body and you started getting ready in a hurry. It was almost noon and you still had to go out and grab a boutonnière for Todoroki and a petticoat for your dress. You got ready in record time and left your home to get said desired items. You wanted to be back in time to do your makeup and get properly dressed up and not be rushed for the event. 
By the time you got back home, it was around 2:30pm. Who knew finding a mistletoe boutonnière would’ve been such a feat. Finally settling into the couch you let out a sigh a relief and your stomach let you know for the third time within the hour you should eat something. With a groan, you waddled into the kitchen and fixed yourself something quick to eat. Todoroki would be home around five so you had enough time to screw around a bit. After you finished up you looked at the clock and decided to start to get ready for the evening. 
With your speaker blasting Christmas music you were clad only in black lingerie and adding the final touches to your makeup. Stepping back away from the mirror to get a full look at your face you smirked at yourself and went into the bedroom to get your dress and everything on. Pulling up your red fishnets and petticoat you walked over to the closet to grab the dress. 
Slipping it on you fastened the belt and then bent over to grab your red heeled boots from the bottom of the closet. As you got the zipper up on the boots you heard the front door open, signaling that Todoroki just got in. You glanced over at the clock and noticed it was about 5:30pm.
‘Just in time’ you had thought to yourself. Todoroki called out for you and with a quick 
“In here!”, you let him know that you were in the bedroom. You stood up and straightened yourself out while looking into the mirror embedded on the closet door. 
Turning your head to look at him you posed and smiled at him. 
“Ya like?” 
“Yes, my little ember. You look amazing.” 
You walked a little closer to him wrapping your arms around his neck. You felt heat travel up into your face as his gaze seemed to pierce through you. 
“I know what that look means, and you need to get ready, or otherwise we’ll be late.” 
Planting a small kiss on his cheek you walked away and heard a small groan come from him which elicited a chuckle from you. While you were waiting for Todoroki to finish getting ready, you were stuck in front of the mirror in the main room deciding whether or not you wanted to add the Santa hat or not. You decided to keep it on hand and just put it on when you arrived at the gala. You didn’t want an indent in your hair to be too noticeable and if worse came to worse you would just have to fluff out your hair in the bathroom. 
You heard the clearing of Todoroki’s throat and you looked behind you. He always looked so good in anything he was in. His black tuxedo fitted nicely against his body and his hair was slicked back, a few pieces falling loosely in the front. 
“Well, look at you.” A cheeky smile following your words. 
“You like?” Todoroki wore a smug smile referencing back to how you greeted him earlier. Catching on you continued the charade. 
“Yes, very much. But, I have something to make it even better.” 
Walking into the kitchen where you dumped your findings from your outing earlier, you grabbed the mistletoe boutonnière. Going back over to Todoroki you began to pin the boutonnière onto the lapel of his tux.
“I told you I was going to find you something to make it a little festive. So now, whenever I come next to you a part of me will be under you. So I’ll just have to kiss you.”
Finishing pinning it onto his lapel, you looked up at him, his heterochromatic eyes seeming to sparkle with a new endearment to bestow upon you. 
“Very funny, now let’s get going.” He pressed a kiss on top of your head and you stretched back to grab your hat and clutch that you left on the counter and walked out the door. 
The drive to the venue was quiet but that was nothing out of the ordinary. What was though was Todoroki’s hand on your thigh occasionally squeezing at the plushness of them. You were smirking to yourself trying your best to keep your composure, but he gave your leg one particularly hard squeeze and you pressed your legs together out of habit. 
“You alright?” 
You could hear the smirk in his voice but you refused to give into him this early, you hadn’t even pulled up yet. Clearing your throat you fixed yourself in your seat
“Yeah, great actually baby.” Moving your hand onto his thigh closest to you you asked him, 
“You excited for it?”
“Yeah, I think it’ll be fun for the both of-” You had grazed your hand across his lap, running over his clothed sex to reach his other thigh and give it a squeeze causing his breath to hitch. 
“Guess I should’ve known that was coming sooner or later.” An airy chuckled left him but you knew that you had him right where you wanted him. Pulling up to the venue, he parked the car. 
Stepping out you grabbed your clutch and hat, staring into the tinted side window to place your hat where you wanted it. While checking yourself in your makeshift mirror, Todoroki came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. Nestling his chin into your neck
“You look so beautiful, baby.” 
“I know, now let’s go in so everyone can see.” You knew where he was attempting to go with his compliments but at least wanted to experience a little bit of the gala before your makeup would be indubitably ruined.  The both of you walked up to the hall this event was being held in and you could hear Christmas music blasting. The doors of the hall were open so you knew exactly where to go. 
Stepping in the hall looked like a winter wonderland. There was soft blue lighting throughout, snowflake and icicle decorations hanging from the ceiling. Centerpieces on the tables were filled with snowbrushed branches and accents of green. And of course in looking at the scenery in front of you, you failed to noticed the mistletoe hanging above you and Todoroki’s heads until Midoriya came up to greet you guys. 
“Hey! Todoroki, Y/N, how are you guys.”
“We’re doing great, it’s really good to see you Izuku!” You moved to go and hug him but he backed away slightly. 
“I can’t step under there with you Y/N, Todoroki is right there.” A nervous laugh left him but the overtone of joy covered it up. 
“What do you mean?” Looking up you noticed the mistletoe and then glanced at Todoroki
“Oh, that’s what he means.” Todoroki verbalizing your thought. With a quick kiss to Todoroki you moved back over to Midoriya giving him a hug. 
“You’re still such a goofball, I love it.” As you two were giggling you looked over at Todoroki who signaled to you that he was being motioned over with some work friends. Giving him a nod you hung around Midoriya for the moment.
“You wanna grab a drink? They have this killer spiked eggnog, you can’t even taste the alcohol.”
Raising your eyebrow you lightly elbowed Midoriya
“Sounds like my kinda thing.”
While walking up to the bar, you noticed Bakugou hunched over scouring the floor of the hall. He hadn’t noticed you yet so you picked up your steps and called out to him.
“Hey! Kaachan!” 
An audible groan left his mouth, cutting through the music that was blasting through the speakers. You knew that nickname pinched a nerve in him and seeing his reaction killed you every time. You came up closer to him and enveloped him in tight hug.
“Oh c’mon don’t be like that. You know I can’t resist screwing with you.”
“Yeah yeah, now get off me.”
“Not until you give me a proper hug you dumbass”
Reciprocating the hug with one arm you stepped back and he finally got a full look at your outfit. Lifting his glass to his face he motioned to you
“Nice outfit.”
“Right! I finally had a place to put it to use to.”
Midoriya had chimed into the conversation now, “That’s the dress from the live action Grinch right?”
“Yeah! God I love that movie.”
Sitting up on the stool next to Bakugou, you asked for some of that eggnog Midoriya was raving about. You spun around so you could face both Midoriya and Bakugou while at the same time trying to spot Todoroki in the crowd of people. You spotted him chatting with Momo and a few other people that you assumed he’d done work with. 
You hadn’t noticed that Midoriya had walked over to Todoroki, you were too busy wrapped up in your thoughts at the moment. You sucked your teeth and a small sudden wave of jealousy was flowing over you. While in your head you turned your head to see your drink waiting on the bar counter and you took a big gulp of it. 
“God damn Y/N, did you even taste it.” Bakugou teased you.
“Yeah I tasted it. Midoriya was right saying you couldn’t even taste the alcohol. Shit is like juice.” You laughed trying your best to cover up your jealousy with alcoholic tendencies and low rate jokes. 
Bakugou noticed the quick change in your behavior and tried to follow to where your eyes were boring holes into. Once he saw Todoroki and Momo sitting a little too close for comfort he understood the current state of upset you were in. 
“Stop staring at it, it’s just gonna make you more upset. It’s probably nothing anyway.”
“Staring at what-”
“Todoroki and Momo. You couldn’t hide your emotions to save your life Y/N”
“Guess you’re right about that.”
Sighing you swiveled the chair back around ordering another glass in a piss poor attempt to keep your nerves at ease and not think about the scene in front of you. You trusted Todoroki and never even thought of him having ill intentions with you. 
You just felt a little competition with Momo considering they went to school together, she was stunning and he once had a crush on her that you found out not too long ago. It was all too much for you to process in the moment and Bakugou was attempting to figure out what to do to pull you out of your funk. Putting his glass on the counter he put his his arm on your shoulder.
“Look, you’re too pretty and look too nice to be feeling like this.”
Standing up he held his hand out to you and looked up toward the speakers,
“And by the sound of things, seems like it’s the perfect time to share a dance. So, care to dance with me?”
A small smile spreading across your face, you chugged the rest of your glass of eggnog and took his hand.
“I’m never gonna forget that.”
“Oh shut up.” Lightly laughing you trailed behind Bakugou leading you to the floor. Sia’s Snowman was coming through the speakers and you seemed to forget what it was you were upset about while swaying with Bakugou. He seemed to catch onto this and looked down to you only to be met with your eyes looking up at him with that of a doe. 
“Thank you.”
“Oh don’t start with that I just didn’t want to sit with someone mopey.” 
You nudged him while still swaying to the music
“Oh whatever, I’m still thanking you.” He looked down at you again 
“Try not to think about it too much. He’s still somehow ridiculously oblivious to things and doesn’t think about stuff like that too deeply. He doesn’t mean nothing by it. Wanna go get another drink and go over there?”
“Sure why not.”
Getting your drinks you walked over to the group of people you had become acquainted with through Todoroki. Old school friends of his that you seemed to flawlessly get along with. Walking in front of Bakugou you heard him mumbling about something. 
“What’d ya say?”
“Why are you walking in front of me?”
“Seriously?! That’s why you’re making all that noise.” You knew he screwing with you and you just waved your hand and walked over to the group. When you got there you noticed Todoroki wasn’t there anymore. Momo was the first to greet you out the group.
“Hi Y/N! How are you, it’s been so long.” She was also in a Santa dress but less dramatic than yours. She had a cute little santa hat headband to top it all off.
“I’m doing great! And you look gorgeous as always. This is a little off topic but do you know where Shoto went? I needed to ask him something.”
“I think he went to the bathroom. If you go to the back of the hall and turn left that’s where they are.”
“Okay cool, thank you. I’ll be right back!” You announcned to the rest of the group and they all nodded you off, acknowledging your absence. Walking to the bathrooms you went to turn into the hallway but instead turned into boyfriend. 
“Oh there you are, I just coming to look for you.”
His demeanor seemed unreasonably sharp and you couldn’t place whether he was mad at you or something else. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing why don’t you go hang up on Bakugou again.” 
Your face contorted in surprise and complete shock about how he was addressing the situation. He tried to walk away but you grabbed his wrist.
“Hold on, you’re not gonna jab at me like that then walk away. If it bothered you that much why didn’t you just come up and switch with him. I didn’t come up to you because it seemed like you were enjoying yourself chatting with Momo and everyone and I didn’t want to interrupt. That’s all.” 
“It’s a little hard to pay attention to a conversation when I’m focused on you dancing with another man, let alone it being someone I’m close to.” 
With that he walked away from you and back to the group from before. You watched him in disbelief, in absolute shock about what just happened. You took a deep breath and huffed walking back to group as well, instead when you arrived you didn’t sit on the couch next to Todoroki but rather leaned on the back of the couch standing over everyone. 
Looking up you saw Bakugou coming back with two drinks in his hands. He looked down at the couch and noticed Midoriya slumped out on the couch, unsure if he was sleeping or trying to focus himself on not making a mess everywhere. 
“Got this for him, but I think this is that last thing he needs so you can have it.” You smiled a thank you and continued chatting with everyone. You looked over at Todoroki who’s face was blank but his eyes held a fury that was unmistakable to you. You grabbed your phone out of your clutch to send him a text but he didn’t respond, let alone look at his phone. You sighed and excused yourself to the bathroom this time actually having to go. When you left you ran into Todoroki waiting in the hallway. 
“Save it, we’ll talk about it later.” 
Mumbling an okay you walked back to the group slightly stumbling, all the eggnogs finally catching up with you. You took a detour to the bar to get a water to try and balance everything out. While sitting up at the bar Bakugou came up beside you. 
“What’s up with him?”
“He’s upset with me for dancing with you. Guess he does think pretty deeply about these things.” You rolled your eyes not having the energy to put more thought into your partners antics, knowing that if you did you’d completely ruin the rest of your mood. You looked up towards the group and saw Todoroki giving what looked like his goodbyes to everyone. You swiveled back to face Bakugou 
“This blows, but at least I looked cute while it happened.” Shaking your head you took another sip of your water. 
“That you did.”
You looked at him through your lashes, unamused knowing that he was part of the reason you were in the predicament that you were in. Chuckling to yourself you spoke one more time
“This will make for a funny memory in retrospect but right now I’m so over it.” 
The two of you were lightly laughing with each other when Todoroki made his way up to you too. 
“I’ll be taking her now.”
Whipping your head to him you couldn’t believe the way he was speaking.
“I’m sorry who the fuck is her?” The alcohol making you a little more loose lipped than normal as well as bringing your bubbling frustrations of the evening to the forefront. Bakugou snorted at the sight in front of him and got up from the bar
“See ya around Y/N. Call me.”
“See ya man.” 
Todoroki was glaring at the two of you and the ending interaction before he turned on his heel with your hand in his. Completely numb to the situation and with the help from alcohol you were almost a blank slate, not really thinking about anything that was going on. 
“Can you stop walking so fast, please, baby?” You were met with silence until you got to his car. Mumbling to yourself you didn’t think he’d hear you but to your surprise he did.
“If you’re gonna say something, say it so I can hear it.”
“Oh will you quit the act already. I was dancing with him I didn’t fuck him Shoto.”
“Sure looked like you wanted to with the way you were looking at him-
“-And I could say the same about you and Momo but you ain’t see me throw a fuckin hissy fit about it Sho! All up on her n shit, give me a break. Let’s just go home.”
You grabbed the door handle and let yourself in the passengers side sitting in silence when Todoroki got in and started the car. The tension in the car couldn’t be sliced with the sharpest blade, it was so thick it was almost suffocating. You took your hat off and fluffed your hair out in an attempt to hide that you were trying to get a look at him. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white and his veins were jutting out from his hand. 
You couldn’t deny that that sight alone was enough to send your mind spiraling elsewhere, but you couldn’t shake the guilty feeling that was beginning to well up in you. Pulling up into the driveway the two of you continued the silent treatment to each other. Walking inside the house you slipped off your heels, your feet relieved to be let out of their cages. You walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water but didn’t get the chance to make it to the fridge because Todoroki had come up behind you caging you to the countertop. 
“Sho, I don’t have the energy for this right now”
Moving his hand to your waist he spun you around to face him
“So you have the energy to pay attention to Bakugou but can’t give me the time of day.”
“Oh fuck you.”
Moving yourself out from under his arms you moved to go to the fridge but once again Todoroki interrupted you plans. This time it was with his hands around your waist pulling you into him. 
“I think you might want to rethink your choice of words baby. It’s not wise to upset me further.”
“What are you gonna do-punish me? Please.” Scoffing you tried to move away from him but his grip on you was tighter than you expected. All of this was too much and you were trying your hardest to keep your arousal at bay. You hated fighting with him but something about the way he was going about this was making your brain spark. 
“Is that what you want? Cause I think it can be arranged.”
“Actually what I want is for you to be an adult about this and to stop acting lik-”
“Shut up.”
Catching you off guard he pressed his lips against yours the sexual tension finally dispersing between you too. The frustration and anger of the situation being displayed through the fiery kiss between you two. Todoroki picked you up and placed you on the counter top, his hand trailing up your back and landing at the base of your neck, lacing his fingers into the bottom of your hair. 
Your hands planted on his chest pulling at the fabric of his jacket trying to bring him as close as possible to you. He pulled away from your lips and moved down to your neck finding you sweet spot immediately. He sucked on it until it seemed like it would hurt if he did for a second longer. He moved down to the plunged neckline of your dress and attacked the top of your breast that was exposed. With an airy moan escaping you you found yourself giving up on fighting him.
“Sho~ baby please.”
“I thought I told you to be quiet.” 
You were almost caught off guard by his response but instead was caught off by him picking you up off the counter and carrying you into the bedroom. When he plopped you on the bed, his boutonnière fell on top of you landing in your lap. 
“Now would you look at that. Guess I have to kiss what under it huh? Scoot back for me baby”
Moving back, Todoroki ran his hands up and down your thighs. His lips began kissing up your thighs while he was squeezing the sides of them. When he came close to your heat he breathed on it, pressing his nose into your clit but instead of finishing the job he moved to your other thigh teasing you. 
“Shoto please, I need you. You can’t keep teasing me like this.”
Lifting his head up from in between your legs he looked up at you.
“For someone who is the reason why we’re here in the first place, what makes you think you can order me around like that.” Cocking his eyebrow he awaited your answer, but your answer never came because he was teasing your clit. Rubbing his finger lightly up and down between your folds you couldn’t focus on your words. 
“That what I thought. Now shut the fuck up and let me do my work.”
With that he ripped at your red fishnets creating a hole right where your panties resided. You went to scold him for ripping your tights but before you could say anything he had used his quirk to singe off your panties leaving you bare in his wake. 
“Now, I know you can’t stay quiet for long, but I want you to try your hardest to keep quiet for me baby. Okay?”
You nodded vigorously looking down at him. He took that as his cue and licked a fat slow strip between your lips. Your breath hitched but you kept your silence. When he began circling your clit that when his request became a little more difficult to complete. Picking up his pace he began lapping at your clit making you lose your composure. A moan slipped past your lips. You began bucking your hips into him signaling that you were close to you release, something you should’ve held out on because Todoroki stopped his movements. Bringing his head up to face you he smirked
“See, you can keep quiet. All night you’ve been running your mouth but apparently you only listen when my mouth is on you. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, but please Sho, please I wanna cum so bad.”
“Don’t worry my little ember, I’ll let you get to your release. You just have to listen to what I say. This time make as much noise as you want. I want to know how good I’m making you feel”
With the tip of his tongue he licked a quick strip across your clit, making you squirm on your back 
Chuckling to himself he began lapping at your clit again. Creating figure eights you lost all your senses. You completely gave into him and couldn’t hold back. Moaning, you were writhing in tempo with his tongue lost in the pleasure he was giving you. Your drenched hole began to flutter and heat started to flow to the lower end of your stomach. 
Overwhelmed with your orgasm your body convulsed against Todoroki, but he didn’t stop. He kept thrashing his tongue against your overstimmed cunt. Panting and moaning you grabbed a fistful of his hair trying to lift him away from you but he wrapped his arms around your hips locking you to the bed and his face.
“Shoto, fuck! It’s too much, I-I can’t take it.”
Instead of responding, Todoroki hummed against your pussy the vibrations sending you into your second orgasm. You screamed out Todoroki’s name unable to handle the stimulation running through your body. Todoroki finally lifted himself from your legs, staring at you like a predator does its prey.
“Didn’t know you could do that baby.” A smirk stretching across his face while he removed himself of his jacket and dress shirt.
“Do what-” You cut yourself off suddenly feeling a cold wet spot on the inside of your thigh. The realization of you squirting on his face threw you into a moment of embarrassment where you almost forgot he was in the room. 
“Baby, stay with me. Cause I’m not done with you yet. You have a lot to make up for for the stunts you pulled back at the gala. Don’t you think?”
Kissing you, you tasted the tang of yourself fresh on his tongue. You slid your tongue across his lip, asking for permission and he obliged. Your tongues danced a waltz that only you two knew the steps to. The fire from the both of you radiated off each other and fueled the jealousy ridden passion from tonight. Pulling away from you, he trailed his deft fingers down the valley of your exposed breasts and stopped at the belt of your dress.
“I think it’s time for this to go.”
Gently taking your articles of clothing off you sat up from your flattened position of the bed and pulled your arms from the sleeves. You wrapped your arms around Todoroki pulling him back into the bed and flipped yourself onto of him. You heard his shoes hit the ground and you began working on his neck. Sucking a small hickey onto the skin right underneath his collar bone. Grinding yourself into him you felt his bulge begging to be set from the confinements of his pants. 
Sliding yourself off of him you fumbled with the button of his pants and pulled them off along with his underwear. Taking advantage of your current position you were going to try your hardest to stay in control of it. Coming back up to kiss Todoroki you felt in between your legs for his length and positioned it at your entrance. 
His head was enough to make you go feral, making you want nothing but the rest of him. Hearing Todoroki’s breath hitch was just enough encouragement to push you to fully bottom out on him. The both of you groaned in pleasure at the sensation.
“Fuck you feel so good wrapped around me, baby. Feel good on me. Use me and only me. You’re mine and I’m yours remember that.” 
Though you knew what he meant, his last statement almost rubbed you the wrong way and brought back the frustrations from before. He was still bringing it up and you were getting sick of it. Rolling your hips back and forth on him you decided to use him to your full advantage.
Finding your rhythm you bounced up and down on his cock. Focused on your pleasure and also taking out your emotions on him. His moans were so blissful though that you couldn’t help but be intoxicated by him at this moment.
“Y/N, you’re so good, Fuck! Keep doing that ah~”
Feeling a sudden wave of confidence flood through you you decided to see how far you could take this position of control with him. 
“Yeah, you like that? You’re the only one that gets it. Not Bakugou, nobody but you.” With a ballsy move, you wrapped your hand around his neck and choked him. It didn’t last long though. Within a second you were flipped over, Todoroki hovering over you with sheer lust adorning his eyes. His hand wrapped around your neck, fingers pressing into the blood vessels on either side of your neck.
“Don’t say his fuckin name while I’m inside you. You think of me and only me. Understand?” 
Nodding quickly you recognized your reign of power was now over. Todoroki then slid his length almost all the way out before slamming it back into you kissing your cervix with blatant ferocity.
“Fuck! Sho! Fuck fuck fuck” 
Panting you were desperately looking for something to grab hold of. You shoved your hands into the sheets of the bed before slamming your nails into his back. The pace he set was vicious, clearly taking out his frustration on you.
“All night it’s been about him but right now I want all your focus on me. You belong to me Y/N.”
Grabbing your face he squished your cheeks together forcing your lips to pucker. 
“Look at me while I fuck you. Burn this into your memory of who makes you feel this fucking good.”
You looked at him and felt yourself about to reach your peak. Your fluttering alerted Todoroki to your climax and he pulled out.
“Sho, please. Please don’t do this to me again.”
“Hush and get on your hands and knees.”
Flipping yourself over, you pressed your face into the mattress and wiggled your ass in the air, waiting for Todoroki to line himself up with your sopping hole. 
“There you go, give me those hips. Ahh, fuck baby.”
Again his pace was unrelenting. The fat on your ass rippled with each contact of his hips.
“Come on, you know how to fuck me. Show me you deserve it.”
Todoroki tangled his hand into your hair and brought you up so your back lay flush against his chest. 
“I’m gonna dog fuck you, fill you up with so much of me that you don’t even have time to look at someone else without thinking of me. Every time you think of me you’re gonna think about my cum dripping out of you. Now, who do you belong to.”
“Who? Sorry I didn’t hear a name”
“You, Shoto fuck! It’s you, it’s only ever gonna be you. Fucking hell.”
“There it is baby. You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you? That’s why you’ve been mouthing me off. Well, fuckin take it.”
Letting loose of his grip on your hair and submissiveness taking full control of you, you began whining into the sheets. His cock attacking your walls was sending you into a space of mindlessness. 
“Sho- please, please can I cum. I need to cum so bad.”
“Go ahead baby, squeeze all the cum out of me. I’m gonna make you mine in every sense of the word.”
His thrusts began to falter and became deeper and slower. With one final thrust, you came around him, your pussy dancing around his cock milking him of his seed. 
“Fuck! Holy-”
“Y/N shit~”
Todoroki stilled inside you, hovering over your body while you collapsed into the bed, exhausted mentally and physically. As Todoroki pulled out of you, you felt so empty but didn’t have the energy to move anymore. 
As if he could read your mind Todoroki picked you up and pulled you toward the top of the bed rest you on a few pillows. He stood up to walk to the bathroom and grab a warm towel to clean you up. Coming back into the room he kneeled down to your core, gently cleaning your sensitive areas.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, I’m okay, just keep doing that. It feels nice actually” Sighing you let your body fully relax into the mattress underneath you. Todoroki stood up and tossed the towel into the hamper and came back to lay on the bed with you. Giving your poor attempt at grabby hands due to your exhaustion he chuckled and slid next to you. Grabbing your hand in his he rubbed his thumb over the side of your hand.
You scooted closer to him moving his arm so you could lay your head on his chest. With all the attitude having left your body you were completely soft with him. 
“Are you still mad at me?”
Instant regret filled him, all of his actions from the night finally catching up with him.
“Y/N, I could never stay mad at you. Sometimes I don’t realize how much I ignore my emotions. I’m sorry for having you be at the receiving end of my frustrations. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you. You mean so much to me.”
“It’s okay, at least the sex was good. I would just hate you ever truly being mad at me and I wanted to make sure.”
“Y/N. I am thoroughly and undoubtedly obsessed with you. You’re my little ember and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I couldn’t ask for anything more in life because you’ve given me everything I could’ve ever wanted.” 
With a smile across your face and sleep beginning to take over your eyelids, you tried your best to stay up with him while he confessed himself to you.
“You know I’ll love you forever Sho.”
Todoroki looked down at you with a dubious gaze trying to pick apart your affirmation. 
“Forever Shoto.”
“Good, because I could use a bit of forever in my life.” 
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queenofspades20 · 3 years
Birthday Boy
Happy birthday to my favorite fictional boyfriend. Just some fluff in honor of Bucky’s birthday.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: this is just fluff, maybe a few curse words. Enjoy!!
Bucky and Y/n were sitting on the couch watching Hot Tub Time Machine.
“I’m telling you, Buck. The douchey ski patrol guy looks just like you!” Y/n insisted. Every time the actor popped up on the screen, Bucky just shook his head.
“I don’t see it, Doll.”
“Then you need glasses, old man!”
“Old man?” Bucky’s head snapped in Y/n’s direction. He had an incredulous look on his face. “You weren’t calling me old man last night.”
“Not my fault you’re going blind, Babe. Sebastian Stan is clearly your doppelganger. Your younger doppelganger,” Y/n said with a smirk, putting emphasis on younger. She knew she was picking a battle with Bucky but she wanted to see how far he would let her go before putting an end to it.
Bucky knew what she was up to. He loved seeing her smile, even if it was at his expense, but he was only going to let her go so far.
“I see how it is.” He leaned over and pushed her to lay down, climbing on top of her. Bucky grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head with his metal hand, his flesh hand moving down her sides, tickling her.
“Bucky, NO!” Y/n yelled out. “I was just teasing. With your birthday tomorrow, I gotta get my shots in while I can! You know I can’t help myself.” She squirmed her body, trying to move away.
Bucky shifted so his legs were on either side of Y/n’s, effectively trapping her. He started tickling her sides.
“NO! BUCKY!!” Y/n tried to pull her body away, but he was too heavy on top of her.
“I’ll show you old man.” While tickling her, he started kissing her face and neck. They were laughing, Y/n trying to desperately get away from Bucky’s hand, when Bucky felt cold water hitting his back.
“HEY!” Bucky yelled, turning around. He saw Sam and Steve standing there, laughing.
“I had to cool you off,” Sam said. He held up an empty glass and shook it. “No sex on the couch.”
Bucky let go of Y/n and got up to run after Sam. “Get over here, Birdbrain.”
Sam took off running to his room with Bucky close behind him.
Y/n looked at Steve. “He was tickling me because I called him old man. But he refuses to acknowledge he looks like the actor in Hot Tub Time Machine!”
The movie was at a scene with Blaine, the character Y/n was referring to. She pointed to the screen and Steve looked.
“I don’t see it.” Steve shrugged and walked off.
“Argh! Thor save me from old men who need glasses!”
 The next morning, Y/n got up before Bucky to cook him breakfast. She had a day planned of doing activities Bucky loved. She made pancakes, bacon, and eggs with some coffee and loaded up a tray with the food. She made her way back to their shared room. Bucky was not in bed, but she could hear him in the bathroom.
“Doll?” Bucky called out.
“I have breakfast. I was hoping you’d still be in bed, or did I not tire you out?” Y/n cheekily answered.
Bucky stuck his head through the doorway. “I thought I had tired you out.”
Y/n just rolled her eyes. “Get out here, birthday boy, so I can give you your first present.”
Bucky quickly made his way over to the bed. “Breakfast with you is a good present.”
He settled onto the bed and Y/n placed the tray over his lap. “A hearty breakfast to get through the morning, because we’re going on a little trip.”
Bucky looked intrigued. “Are you going to tell me where?”
“Nope. I did think we could take your bike, since it’s a gorgeous day out.”
“You know how to drive a motorcycle? And who said I would be okay with you driving my bike?”
“One, rude. Two, I got lessons from Steve. I can get us to where we are going no problem. I even did a test drive with Steve a few days ago.”
Bucky looked impressed. “I still don’t know.”
Y/n looked at Bucky with a pout. “Please, Baby? I promise I know what I’m doing and I really want this to be a surprise.”
Bucky hesitated. He had a hard time saying no to her but he also loved his bike. “Fine, but if you seem hesitant at all, we pull over and switch.”
“Deal!” Y/n smiled widely. “Now dig in, Baby.”
They ate their breakfast and then got dressed for the day. As they made their way to the garage, Y/n held up a blindfold.
“You’re not wearing that while driving,” Bucky joked.
Y/n gave him an unimpressed look. “You’re wearing it first. I want this to be a surprise. I’ll wear it later if you’re a good boy, though. Let you do whatever you want.”
Bucky felt his pants get tighter. “Careful, Doll. Keep talking like that and we won’t make it out of the compound. But I’m going to hold you to that later,” he said as he took the blindfold.
They settled on the motorcycle and Bucky put the blindfold on. “Can you see anything, Bucky?”
“Okay then. Hold on.” Y/n started the motorcycle and Bucky wrapped his arms around her waist.
They took off. It was a weird feeling for Bucky to not know where they were going, but he trusted Y/n. After a while, Bucky felt the bike slow down. He could hear crowds and screams of joy in the background. After the bike was stopped, Y/n looked over her shoulder.
“You can take off the blindfold now.”
Bucky slipped of the blindfold and smiled when he saw they were at Coney Island.
“Good surprise?” Y/n asked and bit her lip.
“Best surprise.” Bucky hugged her close.
“Good. I wanted you to have fun and not worry about the world and this seemed to fit what I wanted.”
“It’s perfect.” Bucky got off the bike and helped Y/n off.
They spent their morning at Coney Island, riding everything they could and playing several games. Y/n made sure to win a stuffed bear for Bucky. Bucky really enjoyed the Cyclone and regaling Y/n with the story of how he made Steve ride it back in the day. They had lunch and then decided to finish their visit with the Wonder Wheel. At the top of the ride, they shared a kiss.
“Good birthday so far?”
“Best I think I’ve ever had.” Bucky looked at Y/n like she hung the moon.
“Ready to head back to the compound? The team has a small party planned for you.”
Bucky had a hesitant look on his face.
Y/n rushed to assure him. “Nothing like Tony’s usual parties. It’s just the team and significant others. We want to celebrate you turning 104.”
Bucky looked relieved. “That’s fine. As long as you promise to not leave my side all night.”
“Like I would leave you anyways.”
Bucky and Y/n made their way back to the bike. Bucky immediately got on and looked at Y/n. “I’m driving back. You did a good job but I wanna drive.”
Y/n laughed and climbed behind Bucky, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I figured you’d want to drive back. I only cared about surprising you here. And maybe after the party.”
Bucky reached down and squeezed her hands. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Bucky.”
They made their way back to the compound and got ready for the party. Y/n put on a deep red knee-length dress that fit her body in a way that showcased all her favorite assets. She kept her hair and makeup simple, since the party wasn’t going to be crazy. She made her way out of the bathroom and saw Bucky buttoning up his shirt. He looked up as she walked in to grab her shoes. As she passed him, he grabbed at her hand and pulled her close.
“You look delectable,” Bucky murmured. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. His arms slid around her waist, his hands moving down until they cupped her ass. Y/n smiled at Bucky and put her arms around his neck.
“Glad you like. I bought the dress just for tonight.”
“So, another present for me? I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off you.”
“Well, that is a perk of it being your party. We go for a while and then leave early and you can unwrap me and put that blindfold to use.”
Bucky groaned. “Can’t we just skip the party?”
Y/n threw her head back and laughed. “No. You know they’ll just barge in here. If we make an appearance, then we won’t be interrupted later.”
“Fine.” Bucky grumbled. He pouted as they left their room and made their way to the common area where the party was set up. Bucky was hoping if he pouted enough, Y/n would let him leave extra early.
“Your pouting isn’t going to work, Baby.” Y/n said over her shoulder, smiling.
Bucky gave up the pout and smiled back. “Worth a shot.”
When they entered the room, it was filled with the team and their partners. Steve had brought Sharon, who was happy to have made it in time, having been on a mission for the past few weeks. Clint and Natasha stood together, Clint’s arm around Natasha’s shoulder. Wanda and Vision were holding hands. Bruce had excitedly brought Betty Ross, who had recently come back into his life. Sam and Peter stood with their girlfriends and Tony and Pepper were happily hugging.
“Happy birthday, Bucky!” everyone yelled as Bucky and Y/n entered the room. Bucky felt so happy to be surround by his friends. Tony and Steve had hung up a banner that said “happy 104th birthday” and there were streamers all around the room. On the coffee table was a cake with a pile of presents for Bucky. Tony had set up a bar to the side, fully stocked with a bartender there to make everyone’s night easier. Though Thor couldn’t stay, he had dropped off some Asgardian mead for the super soldiers earlier that week. There was also a buffet table with various foods that Bucky loved, both from back in the 40s and from now.
The party had been going for a few hours and everyone was having a good time. Bucky and Steve had gotten into the mead and were feeling its effects. Bucky had opened his presents, loving everything he got, especially his new knife from Y/n.
“Doll, you already did breakfast and Coney Island. This is too much,” Bucky said as he admired the tactical knife. It had a black and blue carved handle with a steel blade that had a blue sheen.
“I saw it and thought of you,” Y/n said with a shrug. “The blade reminds me of your eye color.”
Bucky leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I can’t wait to use it on my next mission.”
“Only you would be that excited for a knife,” Sam said with a laugh.
“Shut it, Pigeon.”
Sam just rolled his eyes with a smile. After presents were done and the cake was eaten, Bucky decided he was ready to finish his night in the bedroom with Y/n, wanting to make use of the blindfold. He looked over at Y/n and caught her eye. Bucky gave her a smirk that signaled he was ready to go.
“Well, thank you everyone for a truly great birthday. I can’t thank you enough for everything.”
“You deserve it, Punk,” Steve said, Sharon cuddled into his side.
“Definitely my best birthday yet.” Bucky pulled Y/n close and kissed her temple.
Y/n smiled, ready to start trouble. “I think that’s my cue to get this old man to bed.”
Everyone laughed while Bucky looked down at her in faux shock. “Old man??”
Y/n laughed as she stood up. “I mean, you are 104. I’m surprised you lasted this long.” She slowly made her way over towards the door. “Do we need to get you a cane or maybe a walker?”
Bucky jumped up and moved quickly towards Y/n. She let out a yell and ran towards their room. “I’ll show you old man, Doll,” Bucky yelled out as he chased her.
Everyone heard Y/n yell, “bring it on, senior citizen!”
Sam looked at Tony. “Thank you for soundproofing their room.”
“That was a present for all of us.”
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forcefully-awoken · 3 years
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This is for the BNHArem’s villain AU collab!
Gang Orca x Reader
Rated: Teen? Mature? This is new territory for me.
CW: Sex work, kidnapping, idk stockholm syndrome?
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The corruption of Kugo Sakamata is not the prolonged, drawn out affair the news has portrayed it to be. It wasn’t quietly brewing under his skin, needled at by the whispers and stares that plagued him. He was a good man, up until the point where he wasn’t. He was a kind man, until something inside of him snapped. It was as fast as the moment the first domino falls. The goodness is there.
Until it isn’t.
There’s a car alarm blaring outside your apartment.
It’s been like this for weeks now. There’s nothing else to do but get up, to go about your life as though nothing has changed when everything is different. It’s almost time for your stream, you note as you walk by your kitchen, ignoring your grumbling stomach to turn on the tv first. It’s still on the news station, just like when you turned it off last night.
If you can’t save the world, you might as well listen to it crumble.
You move back to the kitchen, trying to figure out what you have that will make an even half way satisfying dinner. Fuck, it’s been weeks since you were able to get to the shops. You settle for some ramen with an egg and some questionable vegetables on top. Waiting for the water to boil you can hear the news trickling in.
**Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcast rumours of villains running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. Road maintenance endeavour to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before.**
**One thing we know for sure: we can no longer rely on Heroes to protect us. The streets of our once-great city are no longer safe, we are no longer safe.**
The heroes? You can’t decide if the anchor is optimistically naive or just plain stupid. You snort, stirring the noodles into the boiling water. The heroes haven’t been seen in ages, the top ten falling one by one to more and more villains. You’ve even heard talk of heroes becoming the villains.
**Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary.**
**One thing we know for sure: we can no longer rely on Heroes to protect us. The streets of our once-great city are no longer safe, we are no longer safe.**
“Yeah, no shit,” You talk back to the tv, preparing your dinner before walking carefully over to the couch with it. You want to turn it to a different channel, see if anything happier is on but you don’t. Can’t. You tell yourself it’s plain need, that you have to check to make sure it’s not your apartment in the path of destruction.
You can’t turn it off because you don’t want to. You don’t want to because it’s become an addiction, like watching videos of disasters on the internet. Your food burns the roof of your mouth when you shovel it in but you can hardly tell. Ugh. You’ll need to go shopping this week.
Setting the dishes in the sink for later you turn the tv off, resigning yourself to an excursion this week. It’s not apocalyptic outside yet, but you don’t want to turn the risk of getting mugged, or worse. Whatever you need can wait until tomorrow though, you think, stepping into your bathroom to shower, put on some makeup for your stream.
Streaming isn’t exactly how you thought you would make money but it pays and it keeps you inside, keeps you safe. Once you deem yourself pretty enough you get the show on the road. Easy, light stream today.
You don’t even think you’ll need to take off your underwear.
“Would I ever fuck a villain?” You laugh as you read the question, absentmindedly tweaking a nipple as you do. You can hear the ping of donations stream in when you give a little shudder of pleasure. “Sure, some of them are pretty hot. You ever seen that Gang Orca? I bet he’s packing.”
It ends with little fanfare after that, and soon enough you're back in bed, staring at the ceiling as sleep eludes you. There’s noises outside, loud shouting, what sounds like glass breaking. Just one more stream, just enough to save up to move into a different neighborhood, a safer one. Then maybe you can rest.
Morning comes before you want it to.
You pick plain clothes, a little form fitting so people can’t grab you, but loose enough to move in if you have to run. You keep your head down as you lock your door behind you, moving with quick, sure steps. The store is out of a few things but you manage to stock up on essentials for another few weeks. You did it, thank fuck, nobody even hassled you that much.
Right when you slip your key into the door is where it all goes wrong.
“Don’t scream,” the voice behind you is low, and despite your better instincts you listen. “Open the door and I won’t hurt you.”
Yet, you think but obey anyways. There’s a presence behind you, large and overly looming. A large hand drops onto your shoulder right when you hear the door shut. There’s something digging into your shoulder and a quick, darting glance reveals- claws?
Oh, no.
It can’t be.
You stumble forward in an attempt to get away, twisting your body around. It’s a nightmare come true- not just a villain in your home but one of the worst ones. He’s so much larger in real life than you thought he would be. So much more intimidating when you finally meet his red eyes.
Kugo Sakamata.
Gang Orca.
Standing in your living room.
The last thing you see before you faint is his hands coming towards you.
It’s too quiet when you wake up now.
Your room is too dark, save for the open laptop on your desk. Your arms are tied to your desk chair, legs as well. You can see him in the room, but you know he has to be there. Nothing appears to have been taken. You have no idea what’s going on, until he steps back into view.
“Hello there,” His voice is smoother than you would have imagined from before. God, he looks even taller from this angle. Your neck strains to look up at him all the way. His hand comes up to cup your cheek lightly, some sort of parody of a lover’s touch.
You only barely manage to hold back your shudder of revulsion.
He can see it in your eyes though, and his hand jerks back as if he’s been burned. Good, you hope something has hurt him. He’s already shattered your limited sense of security- hostage, in your own home. If you make it out of this alive you won’t even be able to move. He turns away from you, stepping to your computer. You can’t see around him, he blocks out all the light as he stands between the screen and you.
“Do you know why I’m here, little one?” You had the way the diminutive name sounds as it falls from his mouth, almost soft and bordering on sweet. You remain silent, fear locking your jaw shut tight. He continues on without you anyways, “You should. It was only last night when you said what you want from me.” He steps to the side, allowing you to see what’s on your computer now.
He’s started a stream.
Shit, you knew your dumb mouth would come back to haunt you one day. You just didn’t think it would be like this. Your mouth drops open but no words come out. Vaguely, you can read the chat- lots of concern but those messages are being drowned out by people asking, no telling, Gang Orca to do all sorts of depraved things to you. The fucking perverts.
“You could tell them where you are,” He sits behind you on the bed now, arms coming up to wrap around you, caging you in. “Or you can watch how quickly the average man turns when there’s something he thinks he wants.”
You’re still clothed, but you can feel the heat of him through it. How is he so warm? He shifts forwards even more, a hand coming up to hold your jaw, showing you off to the screen. You feel even more naked than during your actual streams. You feel exposed, every nerve like a livewire beneath your skin.
“I could kill you, you know,” His voice sounds almost detached, like he’s bored with the situation, “I think they would like that.” The grip on your jaw tightens. “You can already see what they want me to do to you, how they want me to defile you. There’s almost nobody concerned with your safety now.”
Your eyes strain as you take in the chat, blinking back tears as you realize he’s right. There’s nobody asking you if you’re alright now- only demands, promises to pay whatever the cost is if Gang Orca will only get the show on the road. You wonder why the site hasn’t automatically shut down your stream, after all one of the most notorious villains is right there, begging to be caught.
Until you catch sight of how many people are watching.
“You’re too popular to turn off,” There’s a hint of something sad in his voice, regret mixed with a fondness you can’t place. It’s like he expected this, like this is all going according to plan. “They don’t want to shut down what’s making them money hand over fist.”
You hate to acknowledge that he’s right. The stupid fish fuck is exactly on the mark. The site takes a portion of your donations, and the amount it’s at right now isn’t just your own personal record, it’s a sitewide one. There’s no way they’ll shut you down, try to get you help. Not when there’s still money to be made.
“Don’t you see?” His voice tickles your ear as he whispers into it. You don’t want to see. It’s like you can predict what he will say next. You don’t want him to confirm it, to confirm the worst fears inside of you.
“It’s not just the villains that are bad,” Between his arms and his voice you can almost forget that it feels like the whole world is watching you now, watching this corruption. “I’m evil, but at least I’m honest. I won’t touch you unless you ask me to. How many of them can say that?”
He’s right, of course he is. How else could the world get this bad? Someone along the way stopped caring, and then another, until there were more eyes looking away than could be helped. Easier to ignore the wrong and look out for number one, after all isn’t that what you had been doing?
“Join me,” he breathes, “Be free.”
You don’t hesitate, not now. You let the next two words slip from your mouth not without thought, but free from it. The last tether of your sanity snaps.
“Kiss me.” It’s a plea, one he obeys with a vicious grin. His mouth presses to yours.
The next domino falls.
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Succumb to Your Urges
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: fluff, implied smut?
Summary: Every thought you have is of Natasha, and it’s starting to interfere with your missions and your job. How can you get her out of your head? More importantly, does she know?
sharing a bed for @blackwidowbingo
secret romance (2020) for @avengersbingo
free space (2021) for @ladiesofmarvelbingo
Author’s Note: This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
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You’re supposed to be focusing on the mission at hand. Loki had manipulated a bunch of people into doing his bidding, scattering them all over town to gather supplies for something he’s cooking up. Thor can’t be reached, you have no clue where he is, but you do know that Loki is up to something. After all, he is the God of Mischief.
Loki ordered his men to scour the city looking for supplies, but all the men seemed to gather at the same place: the downtown mall. You’re not sure why they are here or what they want, or if Loki is here with them. He has magical powers that will turn him into anything and anyone. He could be right next to you, and you wouldn’t know it.
You and your entire team are wearing normal clothes so as to not attract attention. If people know that the Avengers were at the mall, then you wouldn’t be able to get anything done. They would surround you and ask for pictures and stuff, exposing you directly to Loki. You’re supposed to keep an eye on the man Steve assigned you with, but you haven’t been paying attention to him at all. In fact, you haven’t looked at him in the past ten minutes.
The only person who you’ve been staring at is Natasha.
She’s assigned to the same man like you because there are fewer men on Loki’s team than there are Avengers. Steve and Tony are in charge of one, Wanda and Vision are with another, Bucky and Sam are a team, and Bruce and Peter are together. Who knows where the other teams are in the mall since it has two stories, but you're communicating through the earpieces with the assistance of Friday.
“We’re all good here,” Natasha mutters.
“Yeah nothing is happening on our end,” Steve responds.
“Guys, are we supposed to move in or just watch them? Our guy is just eating in the food court,” Peter asks.
“If nothing happens, then we do nothing. We don’t want to give Loki the advantage of knowing we’re here. Stay put and wait for our signal,” Tony instructs.
Natasha crosses her arms, causing her breasts to push up and spill over her shirt. Damn, she looks so good right now. You mean, she looks good all the time especially in that tight little uniform she wears on almost every mission. It shapes her ass very well that has you daydreaming about slapping it. However, it’s a rarity to see her in normal clothing.
She’s wearing skinny blue jeans that hug every curve, heeled ankle boots, a black tank top with a brown leather jacket. Her hair is down in soft curls, and her makeup is done just right. Man, if you had things your way, you would have already gotten her in bed. She is oblivious to your feelings about her, but everyone on the team knows how much you like her. Maybe that’s why you two are on the same team.
Natasha feels your eyes on her, burning a hole in the side of her head. She looks over at you, and you quickly look away as to not give away you’ve been staring at her. You looked away so quickly that you didn’t see the smirk forming on her face. The man you’ve been watching is now on the move, and you’re back in action, your focus on the mission—eighty/twenty.
The man leaves and you two begin the chase. You need to be at a safe enough distance to not get spotted, but you need to be close enough so that if he makes an abrupt turn somewhere, you are able to see where he goes and what he is doing. The man heads to an electronic store--the biggest store in the entire mall.
Why is he here? What does he hope to gain? More importantly, what is he getting? If you can see what he’s buying, then you can try and determine what exactly Loki is up to. The man maneuvers through the aisles slowly, looking at things as if he is interested in buying them. He moves on seconds later, never staying in one place for too long. You and Natasha have split up so that it doesn’t look like two women are following this man. One of you is in one aisle and the other is in an aisle two rows back.
The man looks around as if he is stretching his neck before making a beeline to the back room. You and Natasha follow him until he disappears into the room.
“I’ll wait here, you go find him,” she whispers.
She stands guard and makes sure that no one goes in and that no one but you two come out. If you really need her help, then you’re going to ask for it over the earpiece. You push open the door and quickly head inside, wanting to get this over with. The man is nowhere to be seen, so you head in further until you hit the very back wall. The room isn’t that big, to begin with, so you can only assume that this isn’t the big warehouse where they keep all their merchandise. There is nowhere to go once you enter the room except for the door you came through, and the man is nowhere to be found.
He just… disappeared which either means it was Loki in disguise or that Loki popped him out of the room. Either way, Loki knows you’re here. You rush back to Natasha and sigh angrily.
“I think we may have been made. We need to go now. Loki isn’t going to be here anymore.”
You two leave the store and head back to the rendezvous point that Tony set up for cases like these. If no one gathered anything or if something bad happened, then everyone should meet up back in this spot. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and Vision are already at the meetup. When you and Natasha join, Peter and Bruce jog to the area.
“Our guy just vanished,” Peter pants.
“Yeah, same here,” Bucky nods.
“I think Loki knows we’re here. We’re not going to get anywhere now that he knows. Either we wait until tomorrow or we have to figure something else out,” you groan.
“We’ll come back tomorrow. I can get some facial scans done of our faces, and have virtual masks made for us so that we can stay undetected,” Tony reveals.
“Why didn’t we do that in the first place?” Natasha asks.
“Because I didn’t think of it until now,” he says quickly before moving on. “Okay! Everyone, get some shut-eye if you can because we meet here first thing in the morning.”
The entire group disbands to the hotel Tony bought for everyone to stay in for the night. It’s better than going back to the tower and possibly expose yourself to onlookers. People really have nothing better to do than to stare at Tony’s tower all day and wait for one of the Avengers to walk through the front door.
Because the hotel had almost all of their rooms booked, Tony was able to get rooms for two people each, and that means you and Natasha would be sharing a room. The room you got stuck with only has one King bed, so to her, it’s no problem, but all you’re going to be thinking about the entire night is her sleeping right next to you. You enter the hotel room tiredly, tossing your jacket onto the nearest chair.
“I’m going to take a shower first if you don’t mind.”
“Yeah, go ahead. I’ll take mine in the morning.”
Natasha heads to the bathroom with her pajamas, and you plop down on the bed in exhaustion. The only two things that can be heard is the soft hum of the air conditioning and the shower. You look over at the bathroom door to see it open a crack. Did she forget to shut it? Is it opened on purpose? Does she know you’re ten feet from the door and can practically see in it?
No, Y/N, bad girl. You can’t just look into the bathroom when someone is showering. That’s creepy and wrong.
Still, you can’t seem to stop yourself from quietly approaching the bathroom door. Natasha takes crazy short showers since she claims that she knows where everything is, so why spend twenty minutes in there just staring at the wall? It’s very hot and steamy inside the bathroom, but you can clearly see the shower door open and Natasha steps out.
If you thought she looked good with clothes on, then she looks breathtaking naked. Besides the fact that she is wet, you can see the curve of her breasts with her nipples hard and puckered out. Her skin looks silky smooth, almost as if you could lick every inch and feel how smooth it is. Her ass is plump and round, and you imagine tapping her ass and watching it jiggle.
No, stop this! This is wrong! Look away!
But you can’t seem to look away. Not now. Natasha dries herself with the towel before grabbing her clothes. She is going to come out soon, so you force yourself to peel your eyes away and head back to the bed. You can’t seem to get the image out of your brain, even if you were to go to sleep now. You scramble to get under the covers, turning your back so that when she walks out, all she is going to see is your back.
You don’t hear anything for a few minutes, but then you feel her slide into bed. Thank God you have a King bed instead of a Queen. You won’t be able to feel her when she is on her side of the bed, and it provides you with extra space as if you were in a separate bed.
“Goodnight,” she drawls.
“Night,” you say quickly.
She turns off the light, sending the room into darkness. All you can what is your heart pounding, scared that she can hear it from her side of the bed. You can’t bear to turn over and face her, scared that she will say she caught you looking at her. Even if sleep wanted to come earlier, it can’t now. Every time you close your eyes, all you see is Natasha… naked. What the hell were you thinking peeking in on her while she was changing?
You’re so caught up in your own thoughts that you don’t hear or feel Natasha move until she is practically right behind you. She touches your waist and slowly slides it south, keeping her hand on your leg.
“What are you doing?” you whisper, not turning to face her.
“I know you like me.”
“What? No, I don’t,” you shake your head, denying the obvious.
“I left the door open on purpose.”
You turn around for this. She’s so close that you can see the color in her eyes and the freckles on her face.
“You did?”
“I know you were watching me.”
“I’m sorry, Nat--”
“Don’t be,” she whispers, cutting you off. “I like you too.”
She takes this moment to lean in, giving you time to think about this and to pull away if you wanted to. If you really wanted to, you could say no to this and she would let it go just like that. Or you could enjoy the moment and just be with her. You can worry about the details and the feelings tomorrow morning.
You opted for the latter.
She presses her lips to yours gently at first to test the waters before giving in harder. Her hand slides over your ass to grip at it, and you scoot closer just to feel her next to you. You can’t believe this is happening right now. You’ll get shit for it later from the rest of the team, but nothing else seems to matter.
It’s you and Natasha, and you may not go further than just kissing for a bit, but you know your relationship is about to take a hard right onto a one-way lane with no way back… and you’re okay with that.
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
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request from anonymous: “Can I get a jean x reader you to have dating for 4 years and plains on proposing but before that happens an old high school friend tries to steal you from Jean but fails badly because you care about Jean more than the friend (can you make the friend Colt, Reiner, or Porco)” 
pairing: jean kirstein x fem! reader
req status: OPEN
you were sitting with Jean, drinking a coffee with Connie and Sasha as they were telling you about how a few of your friends from high school were coming into town, wanting to celebrate one of their birthdays. 
you hadn’t seen Porco, Colt, or Reiner in years. after high school, they all had went to different universities as you and Jean went to the same university, promptly moving in together. while you would have kept in contact, you really didn’t feel a need too as you had all of your closest friends in the same university as you. 
“that’s exciting, what are they planning on doing for Colt’s birthday?” you asked Sasha. she read the message again, “oh, they want to grab dinner or something. I really don’t know as Porco, per usual, hardly specified on the plans,” Sasha explained. 
Jean gave you a look, hoping you denied the plans. both of you were landing on your fourth year together this weekend and he knew this year would be the year he would be proposing to you. Connie had went with him to pick out your ring, reminding himself not to tell Sasha or else her loud mouth would go and tell you by complete accident. 
the four years the both of you spent together were some of the most refreshing years of his life. when you met him your senior year, crushes he had on anyone at that time were completely wiped away. Mikasa? he left her completely to Eren. the girls hitting him up for a random Saturday night adventure were blocked. 
“I mean, Jean and I weren’t planning on anything so I don’t see why not?” you looked over to Jean, whose face dropped a bit. he nodded, not really muttering in agreement but nodding his head yes, “I’ll just text Reiner for the information tonight,” you told Sasha, grabbing your wallet before heading to the cashier to pay for your drink, along with Jean’s. 
“why Colt’s birthday? why did he decide to come here?” Jean complained to the two. Connie laughed, sensing his friends jealousy, “don’t tell me you’re still jealous of their old relationship?” Connie joked.
Jean didn’t say much, confirming Connie’s theory. Sasha couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head at his ridiculousness. 
“its been four years Jean,” Sasha said, “they probably haven’t spoken since graduation,” Sasha added on. Jean rolled his eyes, “still, they were in that play together and nothing in the world can change my mind that he didn’t have feelings for her,” Jean stated. 
Connie and Sasha groaned, the three of them dropping the topic as you walked back to the table. you motioned to Jean as you put your jacket on, “well, we’re heading home to get ready. Reiner mentioned they were coming down here around nine so we I guess we should be getting ready and all that jazz?” you told the three. 
Connie and Sasha giggled to themselves, taking in Jean’s face as he pulled on his own jacket. you wondered what had them so giggly but decided to drop it, knowing it was some weird thing going on between them. 
you told the two goodbye, grabbing Jean’s hand and intertwining it with yours. “you okay?” you asked, “you’ve been weird since Sasha brought up the thing for Colt’s birthday.” 
Jean shook his head, “I’m fine, just have a small headache,” yeah, that headache was Colt Grice himself. you ran your fingers through his hair, “you can lay down for a while, maybe it’ll go away with some ibuprofen?” you said, “I can run you a warm towel and get in the shower while you’re laying down. if you’re still feeling under the weather, we can just skip his birthday and apologize tomorrow.” 
he could see the concern on your face, laughing to himself about how worried you got about a measly headache. Jean kissed you, telling you not to worry about and that he would be fine by the time the outing came around. 
once you got home, Jean laid down on the couch, taking your warm towel and putting it on until he heard the shower running. he took it off, feeling a bit bad that he lied about having a headache but he just couldn’t stand the fact that you had to be around Colt tonight. a feeling in his gut telling him to watch out for the blond. 
the night rolled around as you spent most of the afternoon finishing your makeup. when Jean saw you walkout of the bathroom with your makeup done, his jaw dropped on the floor. you hadn’t gotten that dressed up in months and if he was being honest, he kinda hated it. 
Jean hated it only because that meant that he hadn’t taken you out properly in months. you were wearing one of your favorite outfits, one he loved because it hugged your curves nicely and your hair was styled the way you always did it when you went out with him. 
“you look amazing babe,” his whispered, bringing you in for a kiss. you smiled, “thanks! figured since we’re actually going out tonight, might as well dress up for you while we’re at it,” you said, giving him a quick kiss before slipping on your shoes and texting Sasha and Reiner that you were both on your way to the restaurant. 
the entire time, Jean held his jean pocket that held the engagement ring. he had no idea why he brought it but in the back of his mind, something had screamed at him to just bring it. Connie every now and again had asked him if he popped the question yet and every time he said no, Connie would scream to him about it. 
the restaurant was a few miles out of town, in a college bar crawl part of town. Jean had been to this area a few times before but he wondered why the boys had picked that part of town since they were no longer freshman. 
you parked right next to where Connie and Sasha were at. the two of them complimenting how nice you looked. Connie looked over to Jean, whispering that you dressed up rather cute for a reunion with Colt. Jean’s eye twitched, knowing he was doing it to get under his skin. 
you found Reiner and Colt in the front waiting for all of you. you instantly hugged Reiner, whispering how much you missed him before you heard a scoff coming from Colt. you released Reiner, giving Colt a smile as he instantly brought you in a hug. 
“hi to you too, Colt,” you laughed, releasing him. you brought Jean over to you, “I’m sure you remember Jean,” you mentioned, squeezing his hand. Colt nodded, giving Jean a simple head nod and redirecting his entire attention to you again. 
Jean could sense this was going to be a long night as all of you walked into the restaurant. you made sure to sit next to Jean and Sasha, making sure that you didn’t leave Jean’s side considering the restaurant was a bit packed. 
it was nearing midnight and you could feel yourself getting a bit buzzed with the alcohol you were drinking. you weren’t planning on getting plastered but the two glasses of wine you had was a bit strong and you found yourself laughing more than usual. 
some how, you ended up talking with Colt near the bar as Jean, Reiner, Porco, Connie, and Sasha were all playing pool together. you weren’t really interested in the game and Colt offered to stay by your side, mumbling a sarcastic comment to Jean about how he would take care of you. 
“so, how are you and Jean?” Colt asked randomly. he saw how your eyes lit up at the mention of your boyfriend, “great! we’re about to head into our four year anniversary,” you said excitedly. 
Colt’s eyebrows fluttered in confusion. 
“four years? and still hasn’t proposed to you?” he asked trying not to seem pushy. you shrugged, “it’s fine. I’m not in a rush to get married and neither is Jean. whenever he pops the question, I’ll obviously say yes,” you said a bit dreamily. 
Colt sighed before trying to grab your hand. you gave him a look, wondering what the hell came over the blond as you pushed yourself back a bit. Jean saw the entire interaction happening, letting you deal with it until he felt like you couldn’t anymore. 
“I’m just saying, if you ever wanted.....to you know, give me a try again, I’d always be okay with that,” you didn’t know what to say. giving him a silent response before sighing, “Colt, you’re a great friend but Jean and I really great together and I already told you, our anniversary is close and I don’t hold the feelings I once had for you,” you murmured, finally. 
Colt sighed, not knowing what to say but before he could say anything, Jean walked over to you, knowing you had denied whatever Colt was doing to you as his look of sadness was written all over his face. you gave Jean a sigh of relief, kissing him as if Colt wasn’t even there. 
he took you back to where everyone was, Colt slowly making his way later after trying to get over his rejection. you had kept yourself by Jean’s side for the rest of the night, holding and kissing him, making everyone else gag at how affectionate you were being. 
Jean had wanted to catch a fresh of breath air before spending the final few minutes with everyone else until the bar closed. you agreed to come out with him as you instantly told him what Colt had did earlier and laughing together. you felt a bit bad for laughing at Colt’s expense.
once the laughing died down, Jean looked at you, taking you in under the moonlight and bringing you in for a kiss. you were bit flustered at the way it turned a bit heated but soon, Jean pulled away, caressing your cheek before grabbing something from his pocket. 
“I would have saved this for a different time but it’s been on my mind all day,” he opened the box, showing you the ring as you realized what he was doing. You heard gasps from all of your friends as they were coming out of the restaurant to inform you that it was closing but instead, they watched as Jean knelt down on one knee. 
“I would give you some grand speech but you know that you mean the world to me and making you my wife...the future Mrs.Kirstein would mean even more to me.” 
you smiled, wiping a tear off your face as you nodded and screamed yes. Jean instantly picked you up, spinning you in circles before finally letting you down and putting the ring on your finger. Sasha and Connie ran out the door, Sasha basically knocking you down to the ground as Connie gave Jean a ‘bro’ hug. 
the two of them congratulating you as Reiner and Porco congratulated you afterwards. Colt had saw the entire interaction happen but remained inside, not wanting to see you or Jean. 
you gave Jean a kiss, telling everyone that you both wanted to head out. you knew what Jean had planned as his hands were roaming everywhere on your body with kisses littering your neck and shoulder. Sasha and Connie understood exactly what Jean was doing as Sasha murmured about making sure to not have a kid tonight. 
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Roommates (K.NJ)
Warnings : mentions of drinking, partying, swearing, mentions of sex
Synopsis : unable to afford rent alone, she looks for a roommate. he’s perfect on paper, but seems to avoid her in person. after their friend groups mix for a night out, she finds out he finds her beautiful. she never expected to befriend him, nor did she expect to fall for her handsome roommate.
Word Count : 3281
After graduating university, I moved into a 3-bedroom duplex, sure with my new job I could afford it by myself. But after a few months, I found myself struggling to keep up with bills and rent and soon put out an ad for a roommate. I’d prefer to live with another girl, but after meeting all the girls that applied, I decided to expand my search to include guys as well.
           Kim Namjoon seemed like the perfect applicant on paper and seemed fairly decent when he came to check out the place. He didn’t ask any questions, calmed all the concerns I had about living with a stranger, and met all my expectations for a roommate. He seemed to be the obvious choice, so he moved in a couple days later.
           I didn’t expect to become friends with the guy as the two of us were quite different, but I didn’t expect him to completely avoid me either. He kept to himself, either leaving the place for days at a time, or staying in his room, only leaving to get food and use the washroom. At first it was nice; I was worried about him making any unwanted advances and it really calmed all my anxieties. But after a while, it seemed like he was avoiding me like the plague. I tried to talk to him a few times, but he would shrug it off and ignore my existence.
           “How’s living with a stranger?” My best friend, Jimin, asked when he came for a visit a couple months after Namjoon moved in. “Have you guys hooked up yet?” I choked on my drink, completely taken back by his question.
           “God no! I’ve tried being friendly, but the man avoids me like I don’t even exist!” I said after I caught my breath from my coughing fit. “I guess I don’t mind it though. It’s almost like I still live alone, just with extra money.” The front door slammed open soon after I said that and Namjoon came stomping in with the angriest look on his face. He paused when he entered the living room and saw Jimin sitting beside me on the couch.
           “If you two are going to fuck later, keep it down. I’m going to bed.” Before either of us could say anything, Namjoon stormed up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door.
           “Who pissed in his cornflakes?” Jimin asked, his eyes wide as he looked in the direction of the stairs Namjoon just stormed up.
           “Who goes to bed at 3 in the afternoon?” I stared at the time on my phone with my brows furrowed together, wondering if something happened while he was gone.
           “You’re sure he isn’t some criminal?” Jimin jokingly asked and I playfully slapped his arm and giggled. But I really didn’t know what he did for a living. He pays rent on time and helps with the bills, so I never really questioned anything. “Jin is wondering if you’re coming out with us tonight.” Jimin was typing away at his phone, most likely texting Jin, asking what the plan was.
           “Yeah, I have tomorrow off so why not.” Jimin nodded and continued to text Jin. “Who’s all going?”
           “All I know for sure is me, you, Jin and Taehyung. Jin said he invited someone from his work who might come and bring his friends too, so I’m not too sure.” I nodded.
           “I hope the guy he invited from work is Hoseok. I met him a couple times and he’s super fun! And really hot.” Jimin laughed and shook his head at me. “What? I can appreciate his beauty!”
           “I never said you couldn’t. You just haven’t shown interest in anyone since Jackson.” I rolled my eyes.
           “First, we promised never to bring him up. Second, I’m not interested in Hoseok, I just think he’s attractive.” Jimin held his hands up in surrender before getting up to leave.
           “I’m going to go meet up with Jin for a while. I’ll see you tonight.”
           After Jimin left, I decided to get ready so whenever they decided to show up, I wouldn’t be holding us back from our night out. Jin always complained about how long it took me to get ready, as if he didn’t also take forever.
           After showering and doing my hair and makeup, I was left with deciding what to wear. I had a couple outfit choices laid out on my bed. I kept picking them up and holding them up to myself while looking in the mirror, but I just couldn’t decide. I was just about to call Jimin when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I threw the two dresses I had in my hands onto my bed and went to open my door, expecting either Jimin or Taehyung to be on the other side, but was surprised to see Namjoon standing there, holding two coffees.
           “I wanted to apologize for earlier. I had a bad day and took it out on you and your boyfriend.” He handed one of the coffees to me. I looked down at the drink and then up at him. “Oh uh, they messed up my drink and gave me one for free. Figured you’d like it.” He quickly said, and I didn’t let it slip that the two coffees were obviously very different. The one in his hand was hot, whereas the one he handed me was iced. I just smiled and thanked him. “The long-sleeved black dress would look good on you. Go with that one.” He said before I could shut my door and then quickly walked away before I could ask what he meant. I looked at the different dresses on my bed and smiled to myself when it put it together. And he wasn’t wrong.
           “Hey, you sexy motherfucker, worldwide handsome has arrived!” I heard from downstairs as I was putting the final touches on my outfit. I rolled my eyes at the dumb nickname Jin gave himself and quickly opened my bedroom door to head out. Namjoon was heading back to his room from the bathroom, and I asked if he wanted to come with.
           “My friends and I already have plans.” I nodded and told him to have a good night and rushed down the stairs.
           “Damn girl, where have you been hiding this!” Jin gushed when he saw me. I playfully slapped him as I slid on a pair of strappy black heels to go with my dress. It was really a thin strapped crop top and a skirt, with a long-sleeved sparkly mesh dress on top that really showed off all my curves, and my legs. Just as we were about to leave and get in the car, Hoseok came barging in.
           “I thought we were meeting you there?” Jin asked. Hoseok looked between the two of us, confusion written on his face.
           “Does Namjoon live here?” He asked after a minute of silence. I smiled to myself at how small a world we live in and nodded. “Namjoon, let’s go!” Hoseok yelled, and I took that moment to check him out without him noticing. Jin elbowed me in the side and told me we should get going before Taehyung thinks we’re hooking up.
           “He really won’t ever let us live that down, hey.” Jin and I shared a laugh as we told Hoseok we’d meet them at the club. “Hey thots, we ready to get lit?!” I exclaimed as I got into the car. Taehyung rolled his eyes at me, but I could see the smile he was trying to hide.
           “That was fast for the two of you. Just a quicky this time?” I rolled my eyes and leaned forward to playfully slap him as he was driving.
           “It was one time! And it was years ago.”
           “Still weird.” I shook my head and leaned back in my seat.
           We got a booth before Hoseok and his friends arrived and joined us. Namjoon’s eyes widened when he saw me, and Jimin glared at him, obviously still upset about what happened earlier. “Hey, I uh, already apologized to Y/N, but I guess I should apologize to you too. I shouldn’t have snapped like that.” Hoseok’s two other friends looked between Jimin and Namjoon, wondering what happened. “It was Y/N’s place first, and you two are dating so I should be nicer.” I was so caught up in him giving me a coffee that I completely forgot to correct him on that fact, but it still made me laugh. Jin and Taehyung burst out laughing while Jimin just sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face.
           “Oh my god, Y/N and Jimin dating.” Jin laughed.
           “That’s the best joke I’ve ever heard!” Taehyung added, bent at the waist as tears streamed down his face from how hard he was laughing. I felt bad for Namjoon as he stood there, confused as to what was so funny. His friends eventually put two and two together and shook their heads.
           “Y/N and I aren’t dating.” Jimin finally said. Namjoon went completely red in the face and I found myself smiling at how cute it was. For the first time since he moved in, I actually got a good look at him and honestly I couldn’t stop myself from staring. I’m not sure if it was the dim lighting, or the way he was dressed, but he was really handsome.
           “Oh, sorry.” He quickly said. “I’m going to go get a drink.” I quickly stood from the booth and followed him as Hoseok introduced his two friends to the rest of the group.
           “Hey!” I said when I caught up to him. “Sorry about my friends. Also sorry I didn’t correct you earlier, it slipped my mind.” He shrugged his shoulders, saying it wasn’t a big deal. “Jimin has been my best friend since diapers, basically my brother. That’s why Jin and Taehyung found it so funny.” Namjoon nodded.
           “I don’t need your life story.” My heart sank when he said that. I thought we were finally getting somewhere with our relationship, but I guess he was just the kind of guy who couldn’t not right a wrong.
           “Noted.” I ordered mine and my friend’s drinks, as well as shots for the table, told the bartender which table, and turned to walk away before Namjoon made his order. I plopped down beside Jin who immediately wrapped his arm around me. “Sorry, I ran off before I could get your names.” I smiled at the two strangers sitting across from me.
           “I’m Jungkook, and mister grumpy pants there is Yoongi.”
           “Well I hope no one minds, but I ordered shots for the table.” Just as I said that Namjoon came back with the bartender and the two handed out the drinks and shots that had been ordered. I held up my shot glass and everyone else followed suit. “Let’s get litty titty!”
           “You’re not allowed to make the toast ever again.” Jin said as we all downed our first round of shots. Namjoon was sat directly across from me, staring at me as if I kicked his dog. Conversations started around the table, but Namjoon just sat there, staring at me. I downed my drink in record time while making eye contact with him. I leaned across the table and motioned for Namjoon to do the same.
           “You keep staring at me like that, I’ll think you’re secretly in love with me.” I said just loud enough for him to hear and sat back. “Jin, come get another drink with me!” I slid my hand into his and he happily obliged, asking around the table if anyone else wanted something.
           At some point during the night, I convinced some of the guys to hit the dance floor with me. Namjoon obviously stayed behind, rolling his eyes at my invitation. “Don’t take it to heart.” Hoseok told me as a group of us made our way to the dance floor. “He doesn’t know how to act around girls he thinks are pretty.” I smiled at the insinuation that Namjoon thought I was pretty.
           Jin took my hand as soon as we hit the dance floor and the two of us began dancing together. I could feel the alcohol starting to hit me and began to let loose. “Your friends are betting on whether or not you and Jin are going to hookup tonight.” Hoseok told me as we made our way to the bar to get more drinks before heading back to the table for a rest.
           “They do that every time.” His eyes widened. “Jin and I hooked up once a couple years ago and now the two of them, Taehyung especially, won’t let us live it down.” He nodded in understanding.
            I sat beside Namjoon, considerably more drunk than when I left the table. He looked at me with the same annoyed look he’s been giving me all night, but I didn’t let it bother me this time. “A little birdy told me you think I’m pretty.” I slurred out and laughed as his eyes widened and he suddenly got nervous.
           “I don’t know who told you that, but they’re lying.” His words hurt more than I’d like to admit. I don’t know why I want him to think I’m pretty, but I do. I stood up to move to the other side of the booth and sit beside Taehyung, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down beside him. “I-I think you’re beautiful.” He stuttered out, obviously not nearly as drunk as me. With my elbows on the table, I put my head in my hands and turned my body to look up at him.
           “You look really handsome tonight, Namjoon.” I could see a bit of pink dust his cheeks as he smiled. “Oh! You have a dimple.” I said as I poked it and brought my face closer to his to get a better look. He swatted my hand away and looked away from me. “You’re so mean to me.” I pouted. I reached out and placed my hands on his cheeks and made him look at me. His eyes were wide as I studied his face with a pout on my face.
           “What are you doing?” He asked, reaching up and taking my hands in his, removing them from his face.
           “Memorizing your handsome face, since you always hide from me.”
           “Sorry.” I smiled at him.
           “Come dance with me!” I stood up again and held my hand out to him, catching the attention of the other two sitting at the table, specifically Yoongi. Namjoon lowered my arm, denying my request. “Please! Just one song.” Yoongi smirked at Namjoon who seemed embarrassed.
           “I’m not much of a dancer.”
           “I’m not either!” I exclaimed and grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the booth. He didn’t resist much as I pulled him to the dance floor, earning a surprised look from Hoseok who was having a mini dance battle with Jimin. “Don’t be weird about it.” I laughed as I started dancing. Namjoon was very stiff and awkwardly smiled at me. “Let loose.” I grabbed his hands and started dancing with him, trying to get him to enjoy himself. I got lost in the song and Namjoon eventually let go of my hands and just watched me.
           “I’m going to get a drink; do you want anything.” Namjoon whispered in my ear after a couple songs passed.
           “Surprise me.” I continued to dance while I watched him walk away. I didn’t expect him to actually get me a drink, but he returned a few minutes later and handed me the same drink I’d been drinking all night.
           After a few more songs and a couple more drinks, I had definitely surpassed my limit, and Namjoon could tell. I was slumped over on the table, barely able to keep my head up. “Let’s head home.” He said softly, bending down in front of me, telling me to hop on his back. I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck, and he stood, reaching back to support my legs. Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were heading back to the table as we were leaving. “I’m going to take her home. The uber is outside.” He explained to the group before leaving for the door.
           “Please don’t hate me.” I whispered as he walked outside and towards the waiting car.
           “I couldn’t ever.” He replied, setting me in the backseat, and ran to the other side. For some reason, his words caused my heart to flutter. I didn’t expect to start crushing on my quiet roommate, but somehow it happened.
           The next morning I woke up with one of the worst headaches I’ve ever experienced. As I sat up in my bed, I saw some Advil and a glass of water on my side table and smiled. What happened last night wasn’t a dream.
           “I’m making breakfast, if you want.” Namjoon said as I descended down the stairs. I smiled to myself as I looked at him standing in the kitchen with an apron on. I made my way over to the barstools that sat beside the island and took a seat, just watching him. “Uh, what are you doing?” He asked, a blush rising to his cheeks like many times last night.
           “I don’t know how long you’re going to be nice to me like this, so I’m going to bask in it.” I giggled and he just rolled his eyes at me, feigning annoyance.
           “You’re annoying.” He scoffed, turning back to whatever he was cooking.
           “Yeah, but you still think I’m pretty.” I teased. He didn’t even bother turning around when he said his next words.
           “I already told you that was a lie.” I stood up from the barstool and walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, taking in his scent and feeling the butterflies in my stomach take flight yet again. I could feel him tense under my touch, but as quickly as he tensed, he relaxed into my embrace. “I think you’re beautiful.” He repeated his statement from last night, and I wouldn’t believe him if he said he couldn’t hear how hard my heart was pounding.
           “Go on a date with me today.” I said as I let go of him, looking up to see his reaction. He was pretending it didn’t affect him as he continued cooking, but I could see the blush on his cheeks and I smiled, knowing I made him just as nervous as he made me.
           “A date?” He questioned, not even bothering to look at me.
           “Yes. A date. With me. Like bowling or something. Something fun though!” He took the pan off the stove and started plating the food, still not giving me an answer, which caused my nerves to start to get the best of me. Still, I refused to take it back. I wanted to go on a date with him and I wasn’t one to sit around and wait. Still silent, he walked to the dining table, placing both plates on it and finally taking time to look at me.
           “You couldn’t have waited for me to ask you?” He chuckled, causing all my worries to subside as I walked to the dining table and taking a seat.
           “I go after what I want.” I shrugged. “And I want you.”
           “Well, at least let me plan it.” I agreed to his condition and the two of us ate in silence, glancing up at each other every once in a while with shy smiles.
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zamoimagines · 3 years
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There’s Your Trouble
Word Count: 3,529
Pairings: Billie Dean Howard x Reader, Sally McKenna x Reader 
Chapters: 1, 2
Summary: You and your girlfriend, Billie Dean Howard, are staying at the Cortez for the weekend but you meet a pretty ghost. 
A/N: Chapter two is finally here! Hope you guys enjoy :)
The rest of your night wasn’t what Billie had promised. You remember telling her how excited you were to spend time with her at a hotel because it meant you both could maybe have a little alone time. She was constantly working on her show, or traveling, or doing interviews, or signing autographs on the street. This was a chance for the two of you to actually spend some quality time together. 
How wrong that assumption was. The rest of the day was spent interviewing different residents who obviously didn’t want to be filmed, and some of them even looked as if they were the ghosts themselves. Billie was so focused on learning the history of the building and asking the owners about James Patrick March. She cared more about her crew than anything you had to say. Any time you would try to speak, someone would cut you off and Billie would completely ignore that you had said anything at all. You were an afterthought to say the least. It had been this way long before you’d arrived with her at the Hotel Cortez. This seemed to be a pattern that never ended. 
Night fell rather quickly. You didn’t realize that it was dark out until you glanced out one of the windows of your room. Billie was still going on about all that needed to be filmed before Devil’s Night to her worker bees. 
“Uh.. Billie?” you tried to interject. 
“I’m thinking we can get a couple shots of the front for dramatic effect? I talked to Liz as well, she said we could see the basement if we really wanted to.”
“Oh! And what if we got a scene in front of that creepy empty pool?”
“Billie, can I please talk to you for a second?”
The blonde finally turned in your direction. She gave you a wild smile. 
“Yeah! Sorry, honey. What is it?”
“Are we gonna go to the bar and get some alone time? I figured tonight would be perfect since we just got here.”
“Of course!” she replied happily. The sound of that brightened your world. 
“I’ve just got to get a few shots first.” Your heart sank in your chest. 
“Oh… okay.”
“Honey, I promise we’ll go on a date when we get the footage we need.” Billie pressed a small kiss to your forehead. “Do you want to come with us? You could see all of the chilling content first hand!”
“I-I’m okay. I think I’m gonna wait here until you get back.” 
“Are you sure, baby?”
“Yeah, I gotta unpack anyway.”
“I’ll film as fast as I can. It won’t be too long, right guys?” Billie looked to her crew for reassurance, though all they did was glared coldly back at you. They barely knew you and couldn’t give less of a shit about your romantic endeavors. She stood up while grabbing her mic before leading everyone out of the room. 
“Why don’t we just go out tomorrow night?” you offered.
“It won’t be too late, Y/N, I promise-”
“I’m just tired. It’s no big deal, really.”
“Okay, then. I’ll try not to stay out too late. I’ll see you later, sweetheart!”
“Bye, Billie.”
Alone. Yet again. Your own girlfriend cared so much more about her damn TV show than about spending the evening with you. It stung quite a bit, though you wouldn’t dare to ever let her know. She worked hard to get where she was. You just wished she would care about more important things sometimes.  
Instead of wallowing, you figured you would change into something more comfortable. You changed out of your travel outfit and immediately ditched your bra before slipping on some shorts along with a big t-shirt over your head. A sigh of relief escaped you. Folding your old clothes, you began to unpack your bag and put your belongings into the drawers of the dresser. You switched on the tv just to have a little background noise as you finished putting everything away. The only thing left was your makeup bag and a small carrier full of hygienic products. Taking the last two bags, you sauntered into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.
As you started to brush your teeth, your mind wandered aimlessly about Billie. You only agreed to come because she told you that she had so many things planned for you. Every business trip turned out to be all about your girlfriend and she’d always happened to just forget about every promise she made to you. This one was only proving to be the exact same. How could a damn TV show be more important than your own relationship? You didn’t understand her thought process whatsoever. 
You finished up before making your way back to the bed. Though, there was something off about the room. Something felt incredibly eerie but you couldn’t quite place what it was. Perhaps it was just your mind playing tricks on you. After all, you were spending your week in a haunted hotel, so it was probably normal to feel a little creeped out by your surroundings. 
Just as you sat down on the bed, you heard a soft humming sound. Your head quickly turned in the direction of the bathroom door. Was someone in your room? 
“My, my… You’re even prettier than I remember, Princess.” a familiar voice spoke. You nearly jumped out of your spot as you let out a gasp. 
There standing in front of the doorway was the woman you’d met from earlier. The one in the elevator. You thought you’d locked the door but perhaps you actually had forgotten to and it slipped your mind. She was still as gorgeous as ever, only now she was just dressed in a simple black nightgown. Her fingers were laced around two glasses and a bottle of some brown liquor was in her other hand. You noticed large rips in her fishnets as she made her way closer to you. 
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
She shrugged as she inhaled the lit cigarette hanging out of her mouth, “Just a minute or two. The walls are paper thin here, though, so I heard your little conversation with the girlfriend.” She paused to take a longer drag. As she exhaled smoke, she raised a brow.
“Saw her leave too. She seems a little… Prissy.” Sally added in a disgusted tone. 
“Billie isn’t prissy. She’s just well-rounded!”
“Keep telling yourself that.” She plopped down next to you on the mattress with a sly grin on her face, her cigarette draping smoke all around your body as she nestled in closer.
“Just because she’s high maintenance doesn’t mean that she’s a bad person.”
Sally handed you one of the glasses before popping open the bottle. Pouring some alcohol into your cup, she chuckled in disbelief. 
“I’m not sure I believe that. The bitch is more infatuated with her camera than her own girl.” 
Those words definitely stung. You stared blankly down at your drink as you tried hard not to think about it too much as water pricked your eyes. Sally poured her own glass then glanced back up at you. 
“Look, I’m not trying to be a debbie downer or anything. I just think it’s fucked up that she’d just leave you here.” 
“She’s… She’s just very professional. She takes a lot of pride in her work.” You tried to explain, “Besides, she said we could go on a better date tomorrow.”
She raised a brow. “A bit too professional, don’t you think? How could she pass up a night with a gorgeous girl like you?”
There was a thick silence that hung in the room.Your vision grew fuzzy as more tears welled up in your eyes, though you were quick to wipe them away to appear like you had everything together. “Oh, my poor baby girl.” Sally cooed as her index finger lifted your chin. You could see that her own eyes were watering but you weren’t entirely sure what for. She offered you a soft grin that caused the skin on your cheeks to flush; it had been so long since you’d received this sort of affection from anyone. “Why don’t we have a drink, hm?”
You looked down at the glass skeptically. Was this a trap or something? 
“I’m not sure I should-”
“Oh come on, you were gonna go to the bar earlier anyway. What’s one little glass going to do?” 
She was right. It wasn’t like you had anything better to do with your night. Rather than waiting for her to pour you a glass, you simply took the bottle from her and screwed off the cap. Your lips pressed against the mouth as you quickly took a huge swig. 
“Straight to it.” Sally chuckled as she grabbed the liquor back from you, “What a good girl you are.” 
Your whole body felt warm. So warm that you couldn’t notice that damned blush on your face was becoming more apparent. It was probably just the effects of the alcohol and not the fact that her remark had been incredibly smooth. 
Nearly two hours had passed in which you both kept passing the bottle back and forth. Each swig from the bottle made you significantly more inebriated as you both talked about everything under the sun. You told Sally about your life, and in return she told you more about herself. You’d learned that she used to be a musician, that she had been dealing with a drug addiction for decades, and that she lived here at the hotel. She even made you crack a smile or two. 
There was so much alcohol in your system now that you were completely relaxed. It was as if Sally took every problem you ever had and melted it away with simple conversation. You had to admit, no one had ever made you feel this way before. Not even your own girlfriend. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked, your words slightly slurred. 
“Only if I can ask you one in return.” Sally replied with a sly grin. 
“That sounds like a fair trade.” “Then go right ahead, gorgeous.”
You took a deep breath as you tried to summon the right words. It might’ve been stupid, but you had a sneaking suspicion that there was something paranormal about this woman. You could’ve sworn you felt something deep in your gut telling you that it was true. The worst that could possibly happen was that she’d think you were crazy. “I’ve noticed that you’re rather unique.” You gulped, “This might sound stupid to ask, but uh, are… a-are you a-” Before you could finish your sentence, she cut you off completely. “Are you asking if I’m a ghost?” Your brows furrowed as your eyes widened slightly out of shock. It was as if she had taken the words right out of your mouth. The blonde chuckled to herself when she saw your reaction, then inhaled more smoke from her sixth cig of the night. “Yeah. I’m a ghost. Been dead for fucking years now.” She paused briefly, a fire in her eyes now. “Does that scare you?” So it was confirmed. Sally wasn’t alive… If you were honest, you weren’t sure how you felt about that. You’d seen enough of Billie’s work to know all of the signs but you didn’t figure you’d be the one that would have a run in with the dead. Shaking your head, you could feel yourself growing dizzy from this new information. You weren’t about to act like a wuss in front of her now. “Not at all.” You muttered maybe a little too quickly. Sally raised a brow at your response. “Do you believe me?” You shrugged. “I mean, you practically walked through the wall when I wasn’t looking. And you took me for a spin in the elevator earlier, which was a little eerie.” “So is that a yes?” “Yes… I believe you.” Sally looked rather pleased with you as she took back the bottle. “Good… You’re not a skeptic.” She took a swig and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I fucking hate skeptics.”
You simply just nodded along as you listened to her. If you were honest with yourself, you were still on the fence as if you actually believed her or if it was the alcohol getting to your head. You had been overthinking the matter so much that you had barely missed the other women speaking directly to you. “Shit- Sorry. What did you say?” You asked. 
“I said it’s my turn.”
“For what?”
“To ask you a question.” A mischievous grin appeared on her pretty pale lips. 
You gulped. It was just a question, and surely what she had to say wasn’t too terrible. 
“R-Right. Go right ahead, ask away.” 
Sally paused for a moment to fully pivot her body in your direction. She leaned forward a bit before asking, 
“Why do you stay with a woman who doesn’t give you the time or day?”
A much more loaded question than you were expecting. Instead of responding, you simply took the bottle from her lap and took a very long swig to avoid saying anything whatsoever. The blonde chuckled to herself as she watched you chug the liquor down. “We had a deal, Princess.” She sang out. There had definitely been a deal, and you needed to hold up your end of the bargain. 
“Billie does care about me. I promise… She’s just really busy.” You set the bottle back down before continuing, “She’s been waiting for months to get coverage on this place. There’s a reason she’s so preoccupied.” 
“I’m sure that’s what it is.” Sally scoffed. “I don’t mind, though. I’m just very happy that you like blondes.” She gave you a wink as she ashed her cigarette into the glass bottle. 
You were at a loss for words. No matter what you said, your new acquaintance never believed a word that you said despite explaining yourself over and over again. In a way, you felt completely defeated. You were defending a cause with not a lot of evidence to back you up. Sally could tell you were getting upset, for she got even closer and let out a whine of sympathy. 
“Awe, don’t pout. Here, I’ll make a bet with you.” She began, “If this Billie chick comes in here tonight and fucks you when she sees you in this number, then I’ll keep my distance and respect your relationship. But if she goes straight to bed?” She paused for a moment to discard her cigarette completely, “You have to come by my room and let me show you how pretty you are.”
The immediate flush upon your cheeks was enough for Sally to chuckle darkly to herself. You were sure you had never blushed this hard in your life. You couldn’t remember how long it had been since someone had flirted with you like this, let alone your own girlfriend. 
“U-Uh- I’m not so sure about that-” You stammered. 
“Let me put it this way; When will you ever get to tell someone that you got to make a bet with a ghost?” 
She had a fair point. Surely the drinks weren’t helping you to make any logical decisions. Your head felt like it was spinning as the words fell out of your mouth,
 “Fine. Sure, why not.” You were sure that the blonde was just bluffing, what harm was one little bet going to do? 
But oh how you would regret ever saying a damn words. 
“Good.” The next moment, Sally’s face was only an inch away from your own and those deep brown eyes were staring directly into yours. 
“How about you let me give you a sneak peek?” She whispered. 
Your breath caught in your throat. Her stare put you into a trance, though you did your best to stay grounded. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Mm, it’s only a kiss.” Her fingers reached out and danced upon your shoulder, “Maybe two.”
Before you knew it, you were paralyzed under her touch. Your eyes shut tight as if to try and wake yourself from some sort of dream, but as you did so, something hot pressed to the side of your neck. Her soft lips brushed against your skin, your heart beginning to beat rapidly in your chest. Her hand traveled up to caress your cheek and her forehead rested upon yours as you slowly opened your eyes. There was no denying there was a heated passion building inside you. 
“Come on, Princess. Let me taste those pretty lips of yours.” Her voice was so dark and inviting. You couldn’t help but swoon into her touch. 
“Sally…” You tried to protest, but you were finding it hard to resist. Your vision grew hazy the moment she captured your mouth into a tender kiss. 
You felt as if you should’ve been beating yourself up for not stopping her, but you craved the amount of affection she was offering you. After the first, she kissed you again with much more confidence. Her tongue slid against your bottom lip as if to beg for entrance. Your mouth opened with ease as she eagerly deepened the contact between you both, slowly but full of lust. A low groan escaped her which in turn caused you to whimper against her. You could tell how bad she wanted you, but more importantly, you were starting to realize how badly you wanted Sally.
You pulled away briefly to catch your breath though you managed to stay close. The other woman let out a soft laugh before practically moaning, “I could eat you up.” She bit her lower lip as her gaze studied your mouth and back up to your eyes. 
“I can’t imagine what your pussy tastes like.”
“Sally- jesus.” You hissed.
Thankfully, she rose from where she had been sitting before picking up the bottle of liquor and the two glasses she had originally come in with. Her hip was cocked out to the side as she watched your every move. 
“You just wait,” She said as she pointed toward you, “You’re gonna lose.” 
“I will not!” You rebutted. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
You moved to protest her words, but in the blink of an eye, she had completely vanished. The room had seemed to change as well for everything seemed much darker than a moment ago. The window revealed a black sky full of stars. How much time had passed? 
The faint sound of clicking heels echoed down the corridor outside your door. Billie. 
At least she was finished filming so you could forget this night had ever happened. You made sure to freshen up your hair and get into a position that looked inviting for your girlfriend to walk into, for you were sure you wouldn’t lose your end of the bet. Billie loved you, and that was a fact. She wouldn’t deny the chance to spend a sensual evening with you. 
The door swung open. In the doorway was Billie Dean, her posture slightly slouched as she flashed a winning, yet sleepy smile to you. 
“Hey, Honey. How was your night?” She asked, her voice groggy as ever. 
“It was fine.” You replied immediately. Your head was still woozy from all of the alcohol. “I missed you, though.”
Billie plopped down on the opposite end of the bed as she kicked off her heels. She shimmied out of her skirt, then worked at the buttons of her blouse to reveal her silk slip. You did your best to appear sexy but it was proving to be difficult when she wasn’t even paying attention to you. 
“I missed you too. I’m so exhausted, we spent hours wandering this place and didn’t find a damn thing.”
“That’s too bad.” 
“Yeah. We’ll try again in the morning.” Once she was situated for bedtime, Billie got under the covers next to you. She leaned over to press a soft peck to your cheek before turning around to turn off the lamp beside her. 
“Wait, don’t you want to spend some time together?”
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so tired. Why don’t we grab breakfast in the morning? I promise I’ll make it up to you after I’ve had plenty of sleep.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
She turned completely away from you and didn’t notice a damn thing. Not what you were wearing, or what you looked like, or how she had made you feel so lonely. Instead of fighting her on the matter, you sighed sadly to yourself. 
“Goodnight, Billie.” 
You turned off your own lamp before curling up under the blankets and faced where Billie’s back had turned. Tears stung your eyes once again, though you managed to stay completely silent to try and drift to sleep. You were nearly asleep when you felt a familiar sensation upon your neck; hot breathing and a soft pair of lips. A warm kiss was placed upon you as you heard Sally’s voice faintly whisper in your ear,
“I win.”
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
i used a few asks to build out this scene including this, this and this. here is y/n’s outfit (it’s hot). this is connected to behind the bar.
enjoy 5.6k of fluff and smut. warning: some choking :)
You pulled the dress down as you stood in the bathroom of the hotel room you were sharing with Harry. To say you were nervous would be an understatement—you were internally losing your shit. Harry had asked you a month ago to go to his formal with him and at the time you had just thought sure, it’s just another event. But now you were here and you were wearing one of Rhea’s dresses that showed almost every inch of your skin and you were this close to feigning sickness. And not because you were nervous about what Harry would think—Harry didn’t care what you wore—you were nervous you would be wearing the wrong thing and the rest of the dates would think you were crazy.
Because the truth was that maybe your dress was a little crazy. It had a deep plunge down to the base of your breasts that showed your cleavage and instead of seams going up from the hem to the hip, there were laces, meaning you couldn’t wear underwear, and also that a significant amount of leg was showing as well as all of the tattoo on your hip. Essentially, you had to be very careful while dancing. You had asked Harry about the dress code and he had just shrugged, before pulling you in towards his chest and running his hand through your hair. That had quickly distracted you and the thought had fled from your head, meaning you had to rely on Google and your roommate, and neither of you were in sororities or had ever gone to a frat formal before.
Which left you here, standing in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror, taking a deep breath before you turned around and entered the bedroom, where Harry was waiting for you. You could hear the low rumble of music playing from the portable speaker Harry had packed with him, his pregame playlist that you knew well by this point flowing through the air. BLEACH by BROCKHAMPTON was currently playing, one of your shared favorites, so you decided it was time. You swiped the remnants of your makeup into your makeup bag and zipped it shut, leaving it on the counter for when you packed up tomorrow, and then you turned and opened the door.
“Holy fuck.”
Harry was standing a few feet away, holding a glass hotel glass filled with amber liquid and staring at you, eyes wide and jaw dropped. “Hi, babe,” you said, giving him a small smile. “Like?”
He cleared his throat and closed the space between the two of you, pressing your back lightly against the wall behind you. “I don’t know if we’re going to even make it to the venue,” he said, running his hand up the laces at your sides. “We might need to just skip the pregame and stay here.”
“Oh?” You slid your hand up his chest, splaying across his exposed chest under his sheer black dress shirt. Of course the two of you had accidentally matched, his all black outfit the perfect compliment to your dress. “But I spent so long getting ready,” you complained, scratching lightly at his skin.
His head dropped to your shoulder, resting his forehead against your leather jacket. “Fine. But I cannot be held accountable for the things I might be forced to do to you.”
You chuckled and pushed at his chest, moving him away from you. “You don’t look to bad yourself, Styles.”
“Yeah?” He smirked, gesturing at his outfit. “What do you think? Am I hot enough for you?”
“Hmm,” you said, running your eyes up and down his body. “Nearly.”
You nodded, pushing his suit jacket back a bit so you could hold onto the pudge at the top of his pants, one of your favorite things about his body. “I wish you didn’t have to wear a shirt.”
His eyebrows lifted, the corner of his mouth lifting at your words. “Well, that could be arranged.”
“As much as I would love to fuck you right now,” you murmured, “we have places to be.” You leaned in and pressed a lipstick-tinged kiss to his jaw. “Come on, baby.”
“Not so fast,” he said when you tried to pull away, spinning you around and pressing you back up against the wall and dropping his glass to the table next to him. “This is the last alone time I’m going to get with you for a while and I’m going to fucking enjoy it.”
He left a line of open-mouthed kisses down your neck, causing your pulse to quicken and you curled your hands in his hair, the long strands sifting between your digits. “H, Matt’s expecting us.”
“Fuck Matt.” You chuckled but Harry didn’t—he just sucked on the juncture of your neck and shoulder until you pulled his head up, giving him a terse look as if to say I’m wearing a fucking dress, idiot, try to be discreet at least. And then you released him and he reconnected your lips.
Your hands dove under his suit jacket, curling the back of his dress shirt in your hand and tugging, needing something to anchor you as he slipped his tongue between your lips. His hands were pushing up the hem of your dress, desperate for more of your bare skin, and when he reached where your underwear would usually be, his breath hitched and he pulled away.
His gaze fell to where your dress sat bunched up at your hips, his hand splayed over your skin. “Are you…not wearing underwear?”
The giggle that left your lips made Harry pinch your skin softly. “No, I couldn’t with the laces.”
He groans, dropping his head to your shoulder. “I really wish I hadn’t figured that out because now I’m not going to be able to fucking think all night.”
“You’re never thinking anyways, it shouldn’t be too different.”
“Hey.” He lifted his head and pouted at you. “That’s mean. Say you’re sorry.”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the p sound. “Now come on, we need to go or Matt’s going to tell everyone we were fucking again.”
Harry shrugged. “It’s not wrong.”
“We’re not fucking right now.”
“No,” he said, eyebrows wiggling at you, “but we could be.”
You groaned, and pushed down your dress, stepping out of his grasp. “You’re hopeless. Now grab the whiskey—we’re going now or I’m not touching you for a week.”
That got him moving immediately, the handle of whiskey and bottle of Coca Cola you’d brought with in his hands as you made your way down the hall to where Matt’s room was. You knocked on the door, Harry’s arm hooked around your back and holding you close, nosing at your hair gently. It was adorable, frankly, how needy he got around you. It didn’t matter what you were wearing or what time of day it was, he just constantly wanted to be touching you.
The door swung open and you stepped inside, Matt clapping Harry on the back and giving you a tight squeeze. Caleb and Tyler let out hoots and hollers upon seeing you, before introducing you to their dates. Matt had brought a girl he had started seeing recently, Katie, who you actually quite liked—she was quiet and sweet, but definitely knew how to have a good time. Harry set the whiskey and coke on the console table where the other alcohol was, and you poured yourself a drink, needing some alcohol flowing through your veins. Sipping on your drink, you lost yourself in conversation, Harry’s body pressed to your back and his chin on your shoulder as you talked.
You ended up sitting on the hotel bed talking to Katie about her major and your respective hometowns. She asked you about Harry and how you’d met and you told her the whole story from start to finish. You had her laughing when you quoted things Harry had said to you in the bar and cooing as you described how sweet and considerate he was, how he’d just hang out in the bar and do his homework at the stool nestled against the wall whenever you worked an earlier shift during the week. He surprised you constantly at how much he was more than the simple frat boy you had expected.
When you finished your drink you caught Harry’s eye and raised your glass, silently requesting a refill. You watched him go to the bar and grab two Whiteclaws, one for him and one for you in your favorite flavor, Line. Tyler came over to him and asked him something and Harry shook his head before slapping his hand away, and then came over to where you and Katie sat.
“Your drink, malady,” he said, handing you the can.
“Thanks,” you replied, taking it and flipping the tab open. “What did Tyler ask?”
He huffed out a breath. “Tried to steal your Claw. I asked him if he was my girlfriend, which he obviously wasn’t, and told him to fuck off.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’m so happy my boyfriend is so possessive over his alcohol.”
“With those two you have to be,” he said, leaning against your body and sliding an arm around your shoulders. “So Katie, what do you think of my beloved big?”
Katie’s eyes widened and then flickered over to Matt. “He’s…great, honestly. I didn’t really know what to expect when we met, but I’ve enjoyed getting to know him. I’m not really sure, like, what we’re doing, but it’s good so far.”
“Well,” Harry said with a smile, “I have it on good authority that he likes you.”
“Harry,” you hissed, knowing exactly what he was up to. “Stop meddling.”
He raised his hands. “Sorry—I’ll leave it be.” He had been trying to get Matt to pluck the courage and make it official with Katie for ages, rather than just hooking up and essentially dating without ever labelling it. Since he’d been dating you he had turned into this dating guru overnight, a wealth of knowledge that you thought was completely bullshit half the time. “I think we’re leaving soon—if I don’t get Thing 1 and 2 to the actual bar soon they’re not going to even fucking make it.”
You nodded. “Want me to help rally the troops?”
“Please. I swear, you’re the only one they listen to anymore.”
“It’s because they’re both in love with me,” you replied with a roll of your eyes and Harry scoffed. “What? It’s true.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Harry kissed the top of your head and then turned back to Katie who was watching the two of you with a smile. “Sorry, Katie, but I need to steal this one.”
You got up and went with Harry to convince his littles and their newly acquired littles, Alan and Brian and their respective dates, to start heading out. Tyler somehow ended up giving Alan a piggyback ride out of the hotel room, both of their dates following with annoyance on their faces. It was going to be a long night.
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The frat had rented out a club in the town they’d selected for formal, which was one of the main reasons you were excited for the night. A legitimate bar rather than a shitty frat one? A dream. The light were flashing as you all walked inside, Mr. Brightside blasting on the speakers. Harry kept his jacket since he had all of your belongings tucked into it, and you all found a booth in a corner to stash your stuff in. You grabbed drinks and before long, you were on the dance floor, Harry’s hands on your hips and yours around his neck, grinding against him.
His fingers kept brushing up the laces on the sides of your dress, utterly obsessed with the skin you had on display. Sexy Bitch by David Guetta came on and you immediately discovered that Harry was going to taking full advantage of the songs, speeding up the speed of his hips against you, even twirling you around so your ass pressed against the front of him, his head dropped to your shoulder and bitting marks on your exposed neck. His fingers dug into your hips and swayed you back in forth on him and you just smiled and laid your head on his shoulder, letting him take over.
You had never really enjoyed dancing with a guy until you did it with Harry. He managed to be a perfect combination of fun and sexy all in one, alternating between screaming the lyrics to grinding slowing against your ass, his hands holding you as close as humanly possible, the ends of his hair tickling your skin. You never felt uncomfortable with him—you felt sexy, desired, and wanted more than anything else.
Matt, Tyler, Caleb, Alan, and Brian were hovering in the vicinity and when Jordan Belfort came on they all lost it, creating a mosh circle of some kind and turning into the peak frat boy that you knew lived inside of Harry, even if you didn’t see it all the time. Katie and the rest of their dates danced with you, screaming the lyrics and dropping low when you wanted, tipping your heads back and laughing as the boys jumped all over each other, Harry’s hands on Tyler’s shoulders as he jumped and down. All of their suit jackets were long forgotten and the back of their dress shirts were sweaty, but no one cared. Your hair had long since gone up in a ponytail and you were deeply regretting wearing long sleeves, because an entire frat and their dates packed onto a dance floor was making you sweat.
You needed air or a break at the very least. You tapped Harry on the shoulder and pointed to the bar, and he nodded, before yelling for you to put it on his tab. As Hot Girl Bummer started you slipped away, letting the music swirl around you as you pushed through sweaty bodies, guys you knew through 260 or Harry giving you high fives and hugs as you moved. Finally, you made it to the bar and you sighed, the lack of bodies making the temperature drop at least ten degrees.
“Can I get a whiskey on the rocks, neat?” You asked the bartender and his eyes widened, but he nodded. You leaned against the bar, your arm on the counter and sighed. Watching someone else make you a drink was so unpleasant—you just wanted to be the one with the handle in their hands, behind the bar.
“Do you have a tab open?” The bartender asks, setting your drink in front of you.
“Styles,” you answered. “Question—how much would I have to pay you to let me behind the bar?” He looked at you in confusion. “I’m a bartender too. Just…want to make some right now, you know?”
“Oh,” he said. “Sorry, but I can’t let you. Protocol and all that.”
You frowned. “Really? Even for an actual bartender?”
“Yeah,” he replied, grabbing a glass from below the bar. “I couldn’t give a fuck, but the bosses, you know?”
You took a sip of your whiskey, grimacing slightly as the straight whiskey slid down your throat. The first few sips were always brutal but once the ice melted a bit, it was perfection. “Pretty please? I’ll even make you a drink.”
“I can make my own drinks.”
“Hey babe.” You turned and Harry was standing behind you, looking between you and the bartender. “What’s going on?”
“I was trying to get this kind bartender—sorry, what’s your name?”
“Adam to let me make a drink.”
Harry nodded once, and then looked up at Adam. “Well, mate? What do you think?”
Adam seemed utterly unamused with your shenanigans, but personally you were having a grand time. “I already told her—it’s against policy.”
Harry frowned, before looking down at you and placing his hand on your back. “Sounds like it’s a no-go, babe. Adam, can I get one of whatever she got?”
“Straight whiskey?” You asked him, surprised.
“That’s what you got?” You nodded and he exhaled sharply. “God, you’re going to kill me. Yeah, straight whiskey. Fuck it.”
Fuck it didn’t turn out to be the best advice. An hour later, you were back in Harry’s arms, his arm wrapped around your waist and your hand curved around the back of his neck as you pressed your ass to his front, eyes shut as you moved. “What’s the likelihood you’d let me fuck you in the bathroom?” he mumbled in your ear, nipping at the skin below your earlobe.
You considered his words, your alcohol-fogged brain struggling to process the pros and cons. “How clean is the bathroom?”
“Clean,” he answered immediately.
“Hmm,” you hummed. “No. I want a cozy bed and to be able to enjoy you for hours.”
He grazed your pulse point with his teeth and you groaned, only him able to hear the sound over the music. “Hours, huh?”
“Well, I can go for hours,” you retorted, grinding your ass against him harder. “It’s you who can’t.”
“Hey, that’s mean.” He turned you around, catching you when you almost fell in your heels. “Who said I can’t last for hours?”
You rolled your eyes at him and pressed your thumbs into his biceps to hold yourself steady. The whiskey had you a bit weak in the knees, just how you wanted it. “I did, based on personal experience.”
Harry dug his hands into your hips before slipping them down to your ass, his rings digging through the material of your dress and into your skin. “That’s it, we’re leaving.”
He ducked his head and kissed your jaw, a low moan falling from your lips. “Yeah, I’ve got a girlfriend who thinks I can’t fucking last and I’ve gotta prove her wrong.” With that, he was wrenching you off the dance floor, rushed goodbyes to his lineage, and pulling you towards the booth where Matt and Katie were making out for his jacket. Matt flipped you off when you interrupted to say bye and Harry just rolled his eyes before pulling you towards the door.
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Harry was ripping off his clothes before you’d even fully gotten inside the room, kicking off his dress shoes as you unlocked the door. Your head was spinning from the way he’d kissed you in the Uber you’d taken back, how he’d sucked and pulled on your lips, marking your neck with his mouth as you panted in his ears. Now, in the room, it was no different, except this time he picked you up off the ground, carrying your through the room with his lips on yours before dropping you to the plush hotel room bed.
“Can’t fuckin’ last,” he mumbled, making a line down your sternum where your dress exposed your cleavage. Your fingers tucked between the strands of his hair, tugging softly as he sucked right over your sternum. “We’ll see about that, baby.”
“Your clothes,” you breathed out, pushing at his chest to create space. You wanted to be able to feel him, to see him in all of his beauty. “Off.” Fingers fumbled for the buttons and he helped you, pulling it free from his trousers as you slowly made your way down his shirt. You were suddenly thankful for the fact that he never properly buttoned his shirts, leaving the sheer black material loose down to the third or fourth button.
He ripped off the shirt once you got it unbuttoned, tossing it to the floor and ducking back down to find your lips. Your hips pressed up into him, desperate for his fingers or anything—just something to help you through the burning that was running through your body. “Needy, hmm?” He taunted, pushing up the hem of your dress, exposing your bare center. When he ran a finger up your slit you couldn’t stop the needy cry that filled the space between you. “You’re so wet,” he said in awe, poking his finger inside your slit experimentally and watching your hips buck up to get more of his finger.
You were chasing him, bending and moving your body just to have an inch more of him, anything more he would give you. Fingers dug into the pearl white duvet that was most definitely going to be a mess after you were done with it, but you didn’t care. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be sleeping much anyways.
Harry scooted backwards so his body could fall to the bed, crawling between your legs and blowing softly on your clit, making you keen, body snapping up from the sensation. “Fuck, baby,” he moaned, biting gently into the skin of your inner thigh. His free hand rubbed at the spot after, holding your thighs open so he could suck on your clit, the heat of his mouth and the pressure of his palm on your skin and the rapidity of his fingers inside of you being too much.
“H,” you panted, tugging on his hair and holding him close to you. “Need it.” You were basically shoving your pussy into his face, riding his fingers and his tongue, just chasing the feeling inside of you. When you were drunk you came with ease, and tonight seemed to be no different, the cumulation of grinding against him all night and the way he had kissed you in the car culminating in you being nearly at an orgasm. There was also how he looked between your legs, his hair tickling your skin and his eyes darting up to look at you every once in a while, loving to watch you reach your edge.  
“Come for me,” he said, suckling on your clit and then licking a circle from your slit back to your clit. “Come on, baby.” Then he slid another finger in and curled them, hitting the spongy part at your front walls and you cried out his name and curses, arching your back as your orgasm overtook your body, heat curling up your spine as you came.
He licked you through it, pulling his fingers from you and kissing over your slit as your walls fluttered, shockwaves rolling through you. “Too much,” you said, shaking your head and pulling him up. “Want you.”
“Me, hmm?” His cocky persona was coming out in force and you were too drunk to deal with him. You could see he was too from how he fumbled with his belt and his pants, you laughing as you helped get his socks off because you refused to let him fuck you with his socks on. “How do you want it?” He asked, pushing your dress the rest of the way up your body to reveal the peaks of your  breasts and your flushed skin. With your help, he pulled it off your body fully, leaving you naked for him. “Fuck—no bra or underwear? I’m a lucky man.”
You giggled and he smiled at the sound, sucking on your jaw softly. “From behind,” you told him, pushing him back so you could hop up onto all fours.
“Can do, baby,” he said, loving to use pet names when he was drunk like this. Once you were on your hands and knees for him, head tilted to the side so you could see him behind you, his hand came down on the skin of your bum. It was a shock, but not unwelcome in any way—the impact had your mind fumbling, fingers digging into the pillow on the bed just above where your head rested against the duvet. You squeaked as he did it again, rubbing into the skin gently, and you wondered if you’d have the outline of his hands on your skin tomorrow.
Not that you minded in the least. “Condom,”  you panted, trying to piece together any rational thoughts in the moment, because all you could process was your desire to have him inside of you. “Where’s the condom, H?”
“Fuck,” he said, letting go of your skin. “Duffel. Fuck—where is it?” His feet hit the ground and you chuckled into the duvet as you watched him root around in his duffel bag for the condoms he had packed. You kept your ass in the air, not wanting to have to move, and he seemed to be happy with this decision. “Waiting for me, huh?” He asked, getting back on the bed after having dropped his pants and underwear to the ground, scampering across the bed to you. “Look so good for me. Ass in the air, just begging for me.”
“Shut up and fuck me,” you told him, pushing back against the air, taunting him. You seemed to succeed because he cursed before ripping the condom open, grabbing the condom and rolling it down his length. It was fast, all of the build-up, but you didn’t care. The two of you could barely keep your hands off of each other, so the foreplay didn’t matter all that much anymore. You just wanted to feel him stretch you, fill you up, hear him grunt in your ear as he fucked into you, see his pupils blown out and hear your name leave his mouth. Fucking him was one of your favorite activities, no matter how long it lasted or how it happened.
He slapped your ass again, rings digging into your flesh, and your fingernails dug into the duvet, searching for purchase. “You always like that,” he murmured, leaning down to bite softly on the skin of your bum. His hands slide up your back, grabbing and pulling at your skin as he rolls his hips against yours, his erect cock rubbing against your folds. You pressed back into him, searching for more, but he had nothing to give—he seemed to just want to linger here and get his hands all over you.
You were panting, letting out a combination of his name and begs that he would remind you of in the morning with a joking smile on his face. “H, please, come on—“ Your words were cut off by him slamming into you without warning, your body jerking forward from the impact, a deep moan leaving your mouth.
Then he was building a pace, a brutal one that left the back of your thighs stinging but you loved it. Loved knowing you’d feel him in the morning, loved how he filled you and consumed every part of you, ripping you to shreds and sewing you back together again all at the same time. From the angle you could feel him pressing against your g-spot over and over again and stretching you out just like you liked it.
All you could do was hold onto the duvet and rock back against him as much as you could, but by and large you just let Harry take over, knowing he could set a pace that you could never rival. His fingers were digging into the skin at your waist, a tight grip that was sure to leave marks, and he was mumbling your name over and over, mixed in with curses and random words you couldn’t even process.
He was so good. There were no words to even properly to describe the feeling of Harry fucking you like this, hard and fast and filling every need you had. You could feel another orgasm building, the combination of his hands gripping your body and the depth he was reaching inside of you making you fall through an orgasm faster than you could process.
“More,” you mumbled into the duvet, reaching behind you for his hand blindly.
“Yeah?” His hand slid up your back and came to rest on the back of your neck, tightening slightly around the sides. Ever since that first time you’d fucked and his love for being choked came out, the two of you had experimented with it, only to find out you both loved it. You liked it right as you were about to come, as just something to push you over the edge, while Harry liked it for longer periods of time.
His fingers pressed into the sides of your throat and you rocked back onto him immediately, hands sliding up and pressing into the mattress, holding your body up barely as you chased your release. “Close,” you said when he pounded into you faster, the sound of skin on skin filling the room.
All of a sudden he was pulling you up, your back coming to rest against his chest, reaching a different depth inside of you. You could hear his pants and groans even louder in your ears and you moaned his name, reaching up to press his hand back to your throat. “Want my hand on your throat, baby?” He said in a husky voice that had you nodding. His palm circled your throat, thumb on one side and his fingers on the other and he pressed down slightly, before adding a bit more pressure. He knew that he had to keep building pressure because the pain faded fast and you needed more, and he most definitely didn’t disappoint.
“Gonna come,” you said, words gravelly in your throat as you stuttered the words, the depths he was reaching inside of you and the pressure on your neck making a brutal combination. “Don’t stop.”
“Never,” he answered, adding a bit more pressure before dipping his head and sucking a mark onto your shoulder. Together, it overpowered your senses, sending you into overdrive and pushing you into your orgasm, body shaking against his as you came.
He held you close, fucking you through it and loosening his grip so you could come down. You fell back down to the bed, hands on the duvet and holding you up, breathing heavily as you pushed back against him, wanting him to finish too. “Come on, H,” you mumbled, looking back at him. “Come for me, baby.”
His eyes found yours and with a grunt you could feel him spilling into the condom, hips stuttering against yours and hands digging into your skin. “Fuck,” he hissed, head bobbing as he pulled out.
You rolled over as he got up to the dispose of the condom, brushing your hair back and catching your breath. “I take back what I said earlier.”
As he walked over to you he smiled, before bending to the duffel and grabbing two more condoms. “Don’t worry, I’m not letting you forget it. I’ve got plenty of condoms and a whole fucking hotel room to explore with you.”
Your eyebrows lifted and he tugged on your leg, you head bouncing on the mattress. “The whole room, huh? What’s next, the bedside table?”
He rolled his eyes and bent over, picking you up, knowing you would be Jell-O in his arms. “I was thinking the floor.”
“The floor? It’s carpet, H!”
“I’ll put a shirt down, hush. I know you like the burn.”
You blushed because he was right. Fuck him for knowing you this well. “Fine, but you’re helping me with the lotion tomorrow.”
He chuckled, dropping down to the ground in a mess of limbs as he settled to the floor. “Course, love. It’s my favorite activity.”
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In the morning, you woke up to a head of hair, light snores in your ear, and tight muscles. You groaned, before rolling over. You had to pee and badly. Harry’s hands tugged at your skin, wanting you back, but you pulled away, making sure not to wake him as you got up and on shaky legs made your way to the bathroom.
The sight of your face in the mirror made you sigh. Your hair was a disaster, most definitely a rat’s nest that wouldn’t be coming out anytime soon, and makeup you’d been too lazy to take off smeared under your eyes. Marks and bruises littered your skin, the remnants of many, many rounds with Harry last night adorning your body. You pressed one on your shoulder gently, hissing at the pain that radiated from the spot.
You sighed and sat down on the toilet, peeing quickly before standing back up and washing your hands and face, cleaning off the leftover makeup. Then, you pushed open the door and called Harry’s name.
He picked his head up, rolling over and knuckling at his eyes. “What is it, baby?”
That pet name never ceased to make you smile, the sweetness of it on his lips causing your heart to soar. “What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Styles? Hmm?” You turned in a circle, showing him the damage he’d left on your body with raised eyebrows.
He immediately blushed at the sight of the red and purple marks on your skin. “I’ll kiss it better, c’mere, baby.” He reached out his hands, wiggling his fingers to get you into his grasp.
Despite knowing he’d only cause more because he was a sucker for hungover morning sex, you made your way over to him, sitting down on his lap. “Made quite a mess, mister.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, kissing across your cleavage softly. “Looks pretty, though.”
“Think so?”
“Know so.”
“Tell that to literally any human being when they see me. I look like I’ve been fucking attacked.”
“Not attacked,” he said, peeking up at you. “Just fucked really, really good.”
You laughed, brushing your fingers through his hair, before kissing him gently on the lips. “Good thing I love you otherwise you’d be in for it.”
The two of you fell back into the hotel sheets, desperate for one another, despite spending the entire previous evening wrapped up in one another. Around you, your formal attire littered the floor, but neither of you cared, just wanting a few more minutes together before you had to leave each other’s arms.
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick Pt.7→Peter Parker friends to lovers AU
Parings: College!Peter Parker x reader friends to lovers
Summary: when you give one lie to your mom that you have a boyfriend, she ends up buying an extra ticket for a cruise you guys are going on. Now you’re stuck looking for a fake boyfriend and eventually drag peter in. Except you and peter both like each other and don’t know how long you can last pretending.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/n: so this is a repost because tumblr glitched and it didn’t post the full thing? It only posted the title that’s it and I don’t know why it did that but hopefully this works this time😤
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The makeup brush meets your cheek as you stand in the bathroom getting ready. Peter finds one of the nicer outfits May packed for him. He wears black shorts and a red Hawaiian top. Maybe matching will make them see how cute and happy you are.
“Do you ever feel bad about doing this?” He stands in front of the full body mirror struggling with a button. His fingers shake at how nervous he is.
“Bad about what?” You ask, eyes wide as you bring the mascara to your lashes.
“Lying? Pretending I'm your boyfriend, lying to your mom and dad and sisters?” his words not meant to be so strong but he felt he should know. Being dragged into all of this, kissing you, touching you, hell making himself more uncomfortable than you.
“No, do you feel bad?” Your voice soft as you ask him, he lets out a huff. Boy does he feel bad.
“I mean, a little. I've never met these people before in my life and I'm just lying to them about everything.” he runs a hand through his curls. They’re soft from a shower earlier and smoothed out with gel.
“Honestly Peter, they don't even pay attention to half of the things we say. You could tell them you've committed murder and they would gloss over it.” you tell him and he raises his brows. It doesn’t make sense. If they didn’t care so much why would you care enough to bring him on a whole trip?
“But like it's your mom. Why do you even need a boyfriend? Why lie?” He feels if his mom was still alive he would love her so much. Cherish every moment with her and make sure to visit her all the time like he does May. May is his only mother figure, she’s his only mother figure and he loves her like that too.
You pump the lip gloss a few times before swiping it over your lips. Pressing it together to get a soft pink that makes your lips look softer. You stare at your reflection and know he’s right. You know he’s right but you hate it.
“Can we not go into all of this right before we see them?” You come out of the bathroom, placing a gold stud into your ear. The dress manages to look better now than it did earlier. Maybe it was the sun setting into your skin, maybe it was the gold highlight at the tip of your nose that made you glow even more. The dress that brought out your features, maybe it was how he always wore the red suit back home, how the color red drives him crazy on you.
“Wow Peter, two in one day. Im proud of myself.” you look down at his pants and he quickly looks down to then realizes you're just teasing.
“Stop.” he groans standing up. “Are you ready?” he asks and you nod. You have a necklace in your hand and look at him.
“Yeah, i just had trouble with this necklace, could you help?” you ask, handing it to him. It fumbles in his hands as he comes behind you and takes it around your neck clasping it. He brushes some fallen hair hair to the side as he latches it in place. Coconut and peaches and the mixture of the lavender vanilla perfume was perfect.
“Peter?” your voice weak in a whisper as you feel his breath on your neck, how his hands are rough and calloused but so large and warm. Your lower half is pressed up against his by accident. You feel how strong he is and how maybe with one simple phone call you two would be out of dinner but rather in bed with each other.
He blinks a few times before backing away. Realizing he was standing too close for too long.
“It's good.” he swallows, gaining his composure. You turn around and reach behind him to grab your bag.
“We good?” You nearly spoke in a broken sentence and he nods before you pass him and grab the door.
“Y-Yeah.” he nods following you behind. He wouldn't let his feelings get the best of him now, not after all he's done here.
The light was dim.
You and Peter sat towards the end of the table. Island music plays throughout the restaurant but is drowned out but the sound of talking.
You are uncomfortable already. Drinking a margarita that was served to both you and Peter. Yet Peter didnt touch his, he didn't really enjoy drinking, he couldn't really get a good buzz unless he had a lot.
“Hey,” his hand places over the drink, “Slow down.” he warned you and you stopped drinking to look at him.
“Sorry mom.” you set down the glass and rest your head on his shoulder. His hand on your thigh and even if no one could see it, he knew you needed some sort of reassurance.
“So peter.” your oldest sister, Arden, folds her fingers and leans over to him. Her husband talking to your dad so nothing could distract her. “Stark tower? What a tragedy that happened to him.” she doesn't care, and you know it. You knew peter was close to tony so you wanted to shut it down quick.
“Arden, don’t.” you give sharp eyes and she bats her lashes a few times at you. Acting completely clueless to what she was about to do.
“What? Im pretty sure i was talking to peter not you.'' That was the first time she got his name right. Peter was shocked.
His hand squeezes your thigh to let you know its okay. You pick your drink back up and take a sip before picking away at the food in front of you.
“It was a tragedy, but um, luckily the tower is ran by his wife, Mrs.potts.” he tells her and she hums.
“Do you plan on staying there forever?” she asks and just before peter can speak you take your head off him and lean in.
“Peter makes very good money working for the towers, he's very smart and is promised a job after graduation. Since i know that's what you're asking.” You say in a little of a slur. You're tipsy. Oh my god. Peter thought. you were tipsy.
“I never thought about that until you put it in my head. Peter what do your parents do?” she looks back at him as if you never even spoke. You pick up your glass again, almost empty and he knows you're moving onto his next.
He's now stuck. Back home dealing with physics and maths while also taking the role of Spider-Man was cake. Answering questions from your sister that made him uncomfortable and dealing with a now somewhat drunk you, that was his biggest mission yet.
He's seen you drunk before, but you were happier. You laughed with MJ and ran down the streets of queens. Once ned had to prevent you from throwing your top off a balcony. This was different, you're slouching in your chair, touching him, clinging onto him as if your life depended on it.
“My mom and dad passed away when I was young so I've been living with my aunt—“ he starts. You set the now empty glass down. Warm feelings going through your blood, you are angry. It doesn’t take his advanced senses to tell him that.
“Why do you care?” you interrupt him. His hand moves from your thigh to your shoulder, gripping it tight.
“(y/n) i think you've had enough to drink—“ he states and you look at peter with sharp eyes.
“No peter.” you nearly spit at him and look back at her. His eyes go wide at how aggressive and assertive you were.
“(y/n) just listen to Parker and sit down and eat your pasta, not everything is about you. Sometimes people can have conversations and it doesn’t revolve around you.” Her words blunt and shocks peter. When sisters fought he thought it would just be about clothes, maybe stolen makeup and hair ties. Never anything like this.
“That's actually my last—” he starts to himself but you speak out not even hearing him.
“No, why do you do this? Every single year you treat me like this? You hate me for no reason and I'm your sister. You didn't even want me at your wedding two years ago, you barely even wanted Maya and she's not any better than you or me.” you pause to look at the girl who falls back into her chair with a glass of white wine knowing she's made you snap. Peter's hands are now both on you trying to get you to take a seat.
“You call me names, make fun of my looks, make fun of the fact that i never had a boyfriend and now that i've found someone and i'm happy you hate him for doing that. So what is it that you want? Are you mad that I wasn't exactly like you? Are you scared that I might be better than you? That i might be happy without being perfect? That I don't need money and a rich man to make me smile? What do you want? I'm nineteen you're twenty seven. Grow the fuck up.” you grab peters drink and take a sip, leaning back. Peter has his hand on the glass too trying to take it away.
“Girls, please.” Your mom has her hand on her face, embarrassed of the little fight. All eyes are on you two, Peter tries his hardest not to go bright red while you try your hardest not to let tears spill.
You pick up your fork, eating a small bite before you look at your sister who rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her glass. You didn’t know why it was your breaking point but it was.
“You know what?” tears threaten to spill, they burn at the corner of your eyes making your vision blurry and your skin hot. “I'm done, you win. Im done.” you get up from your spot leaving the dining area.
Peter sits there awkwardly, shocked not knowing if you need anyone to chase you or what. He gets up anyways, saying a mumbling a few sorries before going after you.
“(y/n)! (y/n)!” he calls after you. People walk past carelessly enjoying their own blissful vacation. You walk quickly with a bit of a lean. You weren't a lightweight, you just were furious.
“(y/n), wait, please.” he stops in front of you, you’re on the beach, close to the main ship. If he can just take you to the room, get you in bed with no struggle, this will be nothing by tomorrow.
“What peter?” you stop, you wipe a tear and look him in the eyes. They’re bright red and puffy, he wishes he would’ve know so much sooner. How a girl like you, the perfect girl in the world could be so broken.
“Look i know you don't like them—” he wants to help he just doesn’t know what’s too far and what’s not. You laugh not wanting to hear it.
“Peter you don't understand. You don't. You never will understand. You think this is all a paradise and thats exactly what they want you to think! It's a cover up peter, this is all just a coverup to be perfect. They Are obsessed with perfection. I'm not perfect to them peter. I'm not. And I thought bringing you here would prove to them that I am. I can have the hot smart boyfriend and handle college at Columbia and look all pretty but I can't. Peter i—“ his arms wrap around you. You sob into his chest as he strokes the top of your head and rubs your back. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. As real Peter, not fake peter.
He holds you there for a moment. Letting all the years you’ve hidden this collapse. He doesn’t care about the stained makeup that will appear later, he doesn’t care about anything right now except you.
“Lets go to the room okay?” you nod into his chest, pulling back a bit but he lets you lean into his shoulder, he allows you to rest while he walks you two back to the ship and to the hotel room.
When he walks in, you're practically asleep on his shoulder. Drunken state and crying was probably not the best mix.
“I'm gonna take off your dress now, okay?” he asks respectfully. More nervous than you.
“I've always liked the color red on you.” you mumbled letting him slide down your straps and letting you slip from the dress. You try and play with his shirt while He shuts his eyes trying not to look at your exposed body.
“Relax peter. I'm wearing a bra and underwear.” you stumble a little and Peter catches you.
“You need to get some sleep.” he holds you and you fall into the bed. Crawling to your side and pulling the sheets over your body. Not changing into anything, just laying there in the lace bralette and panties. Peter looks at you already falling asleep, full face of makeup still paints your face. Even if most of it ran down from your tears he still took a rag and some face wash to your face.
“Thank you.” you whine. Touching his wrist as he wipes your face. “Thank you for everything.” you sniffle.
“Of course.” he takes out the earrings and takes off the necklace too. “C-can you wear a shirt?” his voice chips a little and you stifle a laugh.
He grabs you one from the dresser and you allow him to slide it on. It's one of his shirts, you don't know why he's given you his old star wars shirt but you love it. Maybe it had a few pizza sauce stains but it smelled like him.
He walks off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and by the time he's back you're passed out, snoring into the pillow and your hair is already a mess against the pillow.
He smiles softly before hearing the sound of your phone going off in your purse. He knows he shouldn't look but the least he thinks he can do is plug it in.
MJ: so did you tell him?
Betty: He totally likes you back and its not just the fake dating, you should see him when you miss study sessions.
MJ: Why are you afraid of peter? He weighs like 10lbs i could easily knock him over
Betty: ugh you guys better be real when you come back
He shuts it off quickly feeling like he's invaded something. He saw the texts a few days ago but he just thought it was harmless. He was completely clueless.
He plugs the phone in before laying in the bed. Pulling the sheets up to his chest and staring at the ceiling a bit before he feels your arm wrap around his torso. He looks down at you and thinks with all the moments he's seen so far, with all the things you've been through, You need the most comfort now.
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his chest. He lays staring for a little while longer before he falls asleep with you on his chest. Arms around your protectively as you both snored into the night.
“Goodnight peter parker.” you mumble into his chest.
“Goodnight (Y/n).”
Next morning peter woke up with you tangled in bed with him. Your cheek presses against his bicep and he really didn’t mind, after the night you had you deserved to sleep. It was late though, a lot later than he expected. 11am and normally he was up. But he didn’t want to move to disturb you.
A knock on the door makes him groan. His body was sore from swimming yesterday and he was starving as he realized he barely ate. He rubs his eyes as he trips over the sheets as the knock gets louder and louder.
You still being dead asleep, he gets up and opens it being faced with your sister.
“Is (y/n) awake?” It’s Maya, not Arden the one who fought and should be here but it’s the younger one.
“Uhh, no, she’s still asleep.” He mumbled trying to gain good vision. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and holds onto the door handle tight.
You’re starting to wake up though, you can hear them talking but your head is pounding and your eyes are puffy. You can’t makeout who’s talking but the sheets are missing peter and you can hear the low morning voice he has.
“Well when she wakes up can you tell her Arden says sorry?” She huffs almost as annoyed as peter that she’s standing in front him.
“Well...shouldn’t Arden come say sorry if she’s sorry?” It was the first time he said something that was in use to defend you. Something he should’ve been doing the whole time.
“She’s busy.” Maya tells him and tries to peak around to get a look at you.
“Well if she was sorry she can make time to apologize to her own sister.” He isn’t as scared of her as he was two days ago.
“Look, kid, I know you want to help but none of this is your place—“ she starts and his grip on the door tightens.
“I think it became my place last night after my girlfriend's sister made her cry.” He tells her with a sharper tone. The girl stands in front of him with a defeated look. She doesn’t say anything before she picks up her phone and starts typing.
“Just, tell (y/n) mom wants to see her for lunch. Just her.” She tries and Peter looks away at you.
“No, sorry we're busy today.” He shuts the door on her before rubbing his face. He scared himself there for a moment but he knew you couldn’t handle another day with them. If he could do one thing for you that would be stand up for you.
“Who’s that?” You asked and he shook his head.
“Oh, just some kid who had the wrong room. ‘Tis all.” He told you and you nodded. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand not remembering if you plugged it in or not. Messages flooded from Betty and MJ scare you that peter might’ve seen.
“Hey did you plug in my phone last night?” Your voice soft as you ask.
“Uh yeah, it was at like seven percent.” He told you before he went into the bathroom and quickly shut the door to take a shower.
You sit up feeling the pounding in your head before walking over to the bathroom door. If you just get in and get the Advil without even looking at him things will be fine.
“Peter,” you knock twice. “Peter I’m coming in.” You open the door hands over your eyes as you move your hand around for the medicine cabinet.
“What are you doing!” He almost shouts and you keep looking.
“My head hurts!” You tell him and he groans.
“So wait until I’m done?” He asks and you shake your head grabbing the bottle.
“No!” You take the bottle and fall out the door. Sitting on the bed you take two before he comes out in fresh clothes and wet hair.
“You could’ve waited…” he mumbles as he puts his dirty clothes back in his suitcase.
“Well, my head was pounding.” You drink all the water from the bottle on your table. He watches you flop back down before you touch your legs. “Where’s my pants?” You ask and he decides with all the things happening, he can at least play a game with you.
“Oh you know, we were both a little drunk and then things escalated pretty quick and you get a little loud. I'm surprised we have—“ he starts and you give him a dead look.
“Peter.” You give him a stare and he huffs.
“You didn’t wanna wear pants.” He told you and you nodded.
“Cute story though.” you wink at him as you walk over to the dresser to find pants.
“Do you remember yesterday?” he asks in more of a shy voice, he doesn't want to get you mad this early in the morning.
“Peter, I was tipsy not blackout drunk.” you chuckle but bite your lower lip.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he comes up behind you and you turn around with a pair of shorts in hand.
“No, not really right now.” you tell him honestly.
He mentally slaps himself for even asking. He knows this is hard but in a way he feels he should know. He should be allowed to help you. Maybe after this trip if you guys were still friends things would go back to normal. Although he hated the idea of normal, friends or not. He wanted to be there for you and maybe you’ll never let him take care of you in the way he wants but he still wants to be there.
You grab your swimsuit that hangs on the clothing rack and take it to the bathroom.
“W-well are we doing anything today?” he asks, defeated.
“Yeah, we can go down to the beach. If you want to come of course.” you say before locking the door.
He was going to the beach.
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