#i put this under a read more since it's longer than i expected haha. you don't have to read it if you don't want to!
sequinsmile-x · 2 months
Physical Touch
He usually loved when his wife touched him, but it was slowly driving him crazy.
Part of the Love Languages series
Hi friends!
Well...I should have expected that the smut fic would win the poll by a landslide and here we are haha
I really hope you enjoy this <3 it's soft, smutty and full of Aaron just...pining for his wife. What more could you want on a Thursday evening?
Please let me know what you think <3
Words: 3k
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
He’d known she was tactile long before they got together. 
Aaron had watched her for years, always ready to place a comforting hand on someone’s shoulder or pull them into a hug. More than once he’d found himself wishing she’d do the same for him, the embargo they’d seemingly placed on physical contact between them a two-way thing, something they both upheld, as if they knew it was a line they could not cross. 
He’d held her hand once before they became them. It was when she was in hospital, before she was stable enough to be moved to Bethesda. She’d still mostly been out of it, pain and medication rolling through her in a way he was also familiar with. He’d held her hand, squeezing it tightly as he wore the suit he’d worn to her funeral, a bitter taste on his tongue as he apologised to her. She’d told him since that she thought she’d dreamt it, that she’d pulled him out of her imagination, the warmth of his hand around hers something she’d made up in some strange attempt to self-soothe. 
He’d always known she was tactile, but being in a relationship with her was a whole other level he hadn’t been anticipating. She touched him all the time, ranging from subtle moments, like her fingers trailing over his when she passed him a coffee or a case file, or squeezing his knee under the table when they were at Dave’s for dinner, to more obvious moments. She was a snuggler, something he would never have put money on before their first date. She would wrap herself around him like a vine whenever they were alone, her arm linked through his and her head on his shoulder as they sat on the couch, or she could lay half on top of him in bed, her hand sneaking under his t-shirt as she sought his warmth from the source, falling asleep to the comfort of his heartbeat. 
He loved it. He loved that his wife expressed her love that way, that she’d push his hair out of his face as she told him he needed a haircut, that she also loved their children in the same way. It’s one of the reasons he knew Jack and Violet always sought her out for comfort, her embrace was his place of safety too, something so calming about something as simple as her cheek against his shoulder that he wondered how he'd ever lived without it. 
He usually loved it, but it was slowly driving him crazy. 
He’d dislocated his shoulder in a takedown of an unsub two months ago. The injury had torn his rotator cuff and he’d needed surgery, a simple relocation of his shoulder joint not enough. He could still remember the fear in Emily’s eyes when he’d come round from surgery, how she was barely holding herself together, her grip on his wedding ring that he’d had to take off so tight the imprint lasted for hours. His shoulder had been immobilised with strict instructions on how to make sure he healed properly, and the only time his wife ever paid attention to medical advice to the letter was when it was for him or one of the kids, which had led to one, unfortunate, side effect. 
Aaron hadn’t had sex with his wife in two months. 
He missed her. She was right by his side, but he missed her. Missed the intimacy that had always been an important part of their relationship. Every tiny thing about her was getting to him the longer they went without having sex. Her beauty was bordering on obscene, as it always had, and his breath would catch in his chest whenever he looked at her, or if she walked by and he caught a sniff of her perfume, the scent he knew was simply her always following just afterwards. Even watching her with Jack and Violet, watching how good a mother she was filled his gut with want, with the desire to have more children with her as soon as possible. 
The touching was, however, by far the worst. Every time she touched him he felt his skin fizz, sparks set off just by the feel of her skin against his, and he was close to losing his mind. 
He hears a knock on his office door and he looks up, a smile immediately breaking out across his face when he sees Emily standing in the doorway, her arms crossed as she casually leans against the door frame. 
“Hey honey,” she says, stepping into the office, “Are you ready to go? We, and by we I mean you, promised Vi we’d pick up some dessert on the way home.” 
He chuckles as he thinks about his 2, almost 3, year old daughter. She was a mini Emily through and through, right down to the big dark brown eyes he couldn’t say no to. He stands up and starts to put some paperwork in his briefcase, and he raises his eyebrow at his wife as he looks up at her. 
“You say that like you can say no to her,” he quips, stepping out from behind his desk and walking over to her, quickly stamping his lips against hers.
She hums and kisses him again, her hand hooking around the back of his head, making him shiver as she scratches lightly at his scalp, “We both know I’m the bad cop at home, baby,” she says, kissing him once more before she pulls back, “One of us has to be.” 
He laughs, the sound dying in his throat when she reaches out and places her hand on his chest, rubbing gently at the lapel on his jacket. He can feel her touch through his clothes, her skin somehow burning him through his jacket and his shirt, and he tenses before he can control it. Emily frowns at him, her eyebrows pinching together as she pulls back. 
“You had some lint on you,” she explains, pressing her lips together as she looks him up and down, her eyes slightly narrowed as she tries to figure out what's wrong, “Aaron are you okay? Is your shoulder bothering you?” 
It’s not a lie, not really, because his shoulder was sore. A now familiar ache that got worse throughout the day, radiating outwards from the new scar he bore. It was easier than explaining to her how he was feeling, less embarrassing than admitting he wanted her so much he was thinking about pushing everything off his desk right here and now. 
There were still two weeks until the doctor’s initial advice would run out, and he knew it was going to be the longest two weeks of his life. 
“Yeah,” he says, smiling softly at her, rolling his shoulder slightly, “It just aches a bit.” 
She hums and places her hand on it, her concern deepening when he tenses again, “How about when the monsters are in bed I give you a massage?” 
He falters for a moment, sure that would be his undoing, but instead, he nods and decides to deflect as he places his hand on her lower back and guides her out of his office. 
“Why do you get to call them monsters, but I don’t?” He asks, knowing exactly what her answer is going to be. 
She scoffs playfully and looks up at him, her eyes narrowed, “Because one of them came out of me.” 
By the time they get the kids to bed, he thinks she’s forgotten. The evening had passed them by with homework, bath time, and bedtime stories, a wonderfully normal evening they both once thought they’d never get. 
He walks into their bedroom to find her kneeling on the bed, wearing one of his t-shirts and a tiny pair of shorts sticking out from underneath, with a bottle of lotion in hand.
She smiles at him, popping open the lid on the lotion as she beckons him over, “Come on, honey,” she says, “I promised you a massage.” She sees the slight hesitation before he walks over, and she hides a smirk by clearing her throat. He sits on the edge of the bed and she rolls her eyes, placing the lotion on the bed before she runs her hands over his shoulders, her fingers meeting at his neck as she starts to undo his shirt buttons, “This works better if you don’t wear your shirt.” 
He nods and helps her get his shirt off, grateful that he’d slipped his tie off when he got home earlier, and he lets the shirt fall to the ground. She puts some of the lotion into her hands and rubs them together before she touches him, warming her palms and the lotion at the same time. 
It’s only when she starts spreading it on his skin, her touch firm but gentle as she pushes her thumbs into his bad shoulder, that he realises she’s using her lotion. One that had a slight spice to it, a scent of cinnamon that followed her everywhere that was now permeating into his skin. He groans, his teeth clenched as he breathes her in, widening his legs as his pants get tighter. 
She frowns, ready to pull away just in case she is hurting him, but then she looks over his shoulder, her lips pressed together as her cheeks flush when she sees the tenting of his pants. She makes a snap decision, wiping her palms on her shirt to get rid of the excess lotion before she climbs out from behind him. 
“What are you doing?” He asks, his eyebrow raised as she kneels on the floor in front of him, her hands already on his belt, undoing it quickly. 
“Come on, Aaron,” she says, unbuttoning his pants and moving them and his boxers just far enough to free him, “It hasn’t been that long,” she says, smiling in a way that seemed far too innocent for where her hand was, “I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at me,” she says, pumping him up and down, “Let me help.” 
He nods, not needing any convincing, and his eyes drift shut as she leans forward and takes him in her mouth. He wraps his fists around the sheets of the bed so tightly he thinks they might rip. 
“Fuck, Em. You’re so good at that,” he says, unable to stop himself from thrusting into her throat, the pressure that had been building him in for weeks threatening to blow, “So fucking good.” 
She leans forward until her nose briefly presses against his pubic bone before she pulls back, sucking in a breath before she moves in again, bobbing her head up and down, his chorus of groans her reward. She has to press her thighs together for some friction, so turned on by seeing and hearing him like this that she briefly forgets why it had been so long since they’d done this in the first place. She can feel him start to lose control, his thrusts getting messier, but he stops her, his hand on her shoulder as he encourages her backwards, a desperate look in his eyes. 
She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, getting rid of the spit that had connected her lip to the tip of him and she tilts her head, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he says, pushing his hands through her hair that he’d clearly messed up, unaware that he’d even grasped it, “I just want to be with you.”
She smiles devilishly, her tongue pressed into her cheek, chasing the taste of him from it, “You are with me.” 
He rolls his eyes at her. He’d missed this too, the ease that came with being with her like this, the familiarity to it. It could be rough, passionate. Tearing each other’s clothes off. Or it could be soft. Full of love and hands pressed together as they showed each other how much they loved each other. 
“You know what I mean, sweetheart,” he says, and she smiles and nods, standing up from where she’d been kneeling. She pulls his pants off the rest of the way and then stands up, ready to straddle him, her desire making her dizzy. It’s only when she leans in to kiss him, her gaze briefly lingering on the new scar on his shoulder, and everything comes back into sharp focus.
“Wait,” she says breathlessly, pulling away from him, “We shouldn’t do this, your doctor-”
“Sweetheart,” he cuts her off, barely recognising his own voice because of how thick it is with desire, rough and gravelly as he stares at her, “You started this.” 
She scoffs, “I started this? You’re the one who got an erection when I just barely touched your shoulder.” 
In any other circumstance, he’s sure he’d laugh. It was so like her to try and start an argument in the middle of sex it made him fall in love with her even more, a feat that always seemed impossible until it happened. He pulls her closer, grateful not for the first time this evening that it wasn’t his dominant shoulder that had been injured, “Because you’re so fucking gorgeous I couldn’t take it anymore.” 
She swallows thickly and looks him up and down, desire sparking under her skin. It had been a long two months for her too, her frustration at not being able to have him so intense she’d yelled at Derek twice in the last week alone when he hadn’t deserved it. 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” she admits, her voice cracking slightly.  He smiles softly, the pent-up, overwhelming, need for her fading for a moment as he reaches out and cups her cheek, tucking some of her unruly hair behind her ear.
“You never could.” 
She thinks about it for a moment before she nods leaning forward to stamp her lips against his before she briefly gets off the bed, dropping her shorts to the ground, “Lean up against the headboard.” 
He does as he’s told, and she pulls a pillow from her side of the bed and slots it between his bad shoulder and the headboard, smiling softly when he stamps a grateful kiss against her lips. She sits on his lap, groaning as she notches over him, a noise he returns when he feels just how wet she is. 
“Fuck, Em,” he says, his hands on her hips as she pulls her t-shirt off, “I’ve barely even touched you.” 
“Yeah, well” she breathes out, rocking her hips over him, “You’re not the only one who’s been missing this,” she says as she wraps her hand around him to guide him into her. 
They both groan as she sinks onto him, the familiar stretch making them both breathless for a moment. 
“Oh fuck,” she says, her eyes rolling back as her head falls backwards for a moment, her hands on his thighs as she clenches around him, the breath stolen from her lungs as she adjusts to him, “God you feel so good.” 
“You do too, sweetheart,” he grunts out, encouraging her closer, tugging at her until they are chest to chest, bare skin pressed against each other as he rests his forehead against hers, “You feel so fucking good.” 
She cups his cheeks, her hands on either side of his face as she keeps her forehead against his and starts to rock her hips against his, a sound she could only call a relieved chuckle escaping her as he meets her thrust for thrust. 
They fall into a familiar rhythm, a sense of desperation woven through it, their eyes locked together as they both move, lost in the feel of each other. Eventually, he feels her hips start to stutter, and her thighs tremble around him. He reaches between them with his good hand and rubs circles on her clit, smiling as she mewls at him, the sound close to obscene as she buries her face in his neck, just about able to remember their children were sleeping down the hall.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he says, increasing the pressure on her clit, feeling his own orgasm within reach, “Come for me. Let me feel it.” 
She clenches her teeth tightly as she comes, stopping herself from screaming out as her hips buck against him. A spark goes off in her belly and spreads through her entire body, every nerve ending on fire as it washes over her as she moans his name. He isn’t far behind her, the way she clenches around him as she comes the final push he needs, and he buries his face in the top of her hair, her name lost in the dark locks stuck to her with sweat. 
They fall into silence, just the sound of their heavy breathing surrounding them. She’s the first to pull back, smiling lazily at him as she kisses him quickly before she pulls back to look at him, checking him over as if she’s looking for damage. She looks at the scar, placing her hand over it as she still tries to catch her breath, “I hope we didn’t make it worse.” 
“It’s fine, baby,” he says, kissing her temple and then her cheek, encouraging her to turn her head so he can capture her lips in a kiss, “Besides, since when were you such a stickler for doctor’s orders?” 
She playfully narrows her eyes at him but doesn’t pull back, not wanting to put any space between them yet, “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Right,” he says jokingly, stamping a kiss against her lower lip, stuck out in a pout she’d always deny, “So it wasn’t you who I caught trying to drive to the store less than two weeks after she had a c-section? My mistake.” 
She blows out a breath and shakes her head at him, her cheeks somehow flushing even though the blush from her orgasm had never gone away, “That was totally different.” 
He chuckles and kisses her, properly this time, and he smiles as he pulls back, “Sure, sweetheart. Whatever you say.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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callsign-relic · 3 months
Erm uuuuuuh favorite skylander and why :D
Putting this under a cut since it ended up being longer than I expected it to be HAHA
SO. My TOP favorite is Fiesta :)
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LIKE LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO ADORABLE 😭 and oh my god in the Superchargers game some characters have exclusive little quests where you can HEAR THEM SPEAK WHEN THEY OTHERWISE DONT IN GAME (outside of like battle voice clips haha) AND GOD HE’S SO NICE AND ADORABLE WHEN HE SPEAKS 😭😭😭 (link to the quest in case you wanna hear him hahaha) he’s a polite mariachi man and his voice is so cute he has an accent and ugh I just love him. I even bought one of the comics featuring him, he’s just so cute and nice 😭😭
on my old laptop I had a big rendered drawing I was making of him even but that laptop broke and that art is since lost to time 🥲 but maybe I’ll redraw it one day hahaha.
I’ll dare even say it… I was so enamored with this man back during my big brainrot days I once imagined g/t scenarios with him 🧎 LIKE A GIANT POLITE SKELETON MAN WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR???? I only feel okay admitting this since you’re the one who asked Gator AHAHEJWHWH I know you’ll understand
My second top favorite is, as I’ve mentioned before, Freeze Blade!!!
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Now I know what you might be thinking. “Relic what in the Sly Cooper furry shit is this”. And you know what you’re right!!! You’re totally right. But LISTEN TO ME. WATCH THIS SHORT. WATCH THAT SHORT!!! And you will understand.
Like I said before I think Freeze Blade was the birth of my love for confident/cocky yet well meaning asshole characters 🧎 he’s ofc not really a bitch he’s actually really nice but like I said he lead me down the path 😭 his voice is so unique I really like it and I ADORE how he’s animated in that short. We need more content featuring him fr
I actually did end up drawing him not too long ago but I didnt share it here since I didnt think it would get much attention agahagdha
And if I’m doing a top 3 I’ll also mention my final personal favorite, Swarm <33
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Listen to me. I am talking directly into your ear now. Read this backstory. Read this fucking backstory and tell me this does not SCREAM “g/t scenario”.
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Also he has an accent too which I love teehee. I haven’t drawn him but god I should… I want him to interact with the other Skylanders who to him are just so cute and teensy and be playful with them while also being so careful with them. I need him to interact with tinies. I JUST NEED HIM TO
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Great now I’m imagining g/t scenarios with him I blame you Gator SHHSHEHE
But!!! That’s basically it! Oh some honorable mentions for some other faves would be Roller Brawl and Nightfall, but I don’t have any particular strong feelings for them outside of that I really really like their designs. TBH also Dive Clops surprisingly? But that’s cause in the comic I got featuring Fiesta, there was a 2nd comic in it featuring Dive Clops where it was a really cute scenario where he got stuck and had to rely on his older brother Eye Brawl (who’s also a Giants character ehehhehe) to rescue him and the dialogue between them is so heartwarming and sweet. But yeah!!!
Thank you for letting me ramble about this silly game series :D
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ninjadeathblade · 3 months
Control (A Hat In Time fanfic)
Summary: Empress has been confined to the metro for five years and she's growing sick of her lack of freedom. Small things slowly nudge her towards taking proper action and making the metro a better place, once and for all.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 7,878
Warnings (there are lots for this chapter oops): Blood, injury, self harm, implied murder, near death experience of a side character, manipulation, swearing, threats, self worth issues, depression, trauma
Author's notes: This ended up way longer than I expected it to be. Anyway, just in case Em didn't have enough trauma (this isn't even the worst thing just you guys wait for the next chapter). Title is the song "Control" by Halsey. Please god read the warnings. Anyway, haha, we're reaching the climax of this story next chapter. Hope you guys have been enjoying this.
Empress wasn't sure how long went by, down in the Metro.
Majesty didn't take any chances, only letting her go to the surface if she had an escort, and never letting her go near the border between the territory that separated the metro.
Most of the time she was stuck running odd jobs around the Angel bases or sorting through paperwork for Majesty.
Maybe it was months. Maybe years. A decade could've gone by, it felt so long.
Contact to the surface was prohibited too, her phone destroyed and every other member of the gang knowing not to allow her to use their devices.
So she waited.
And hoped that Badge and Claw didn't try to do something stupid.
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“Apprentice,” Majesty called.
Empress looked up from the book she was reading. “Yes sir?”
The tabby held up a small package. “Delivery to the main crèche. My mate is there, it’s for her.”
Her attention zoned in on him slightly as she put down her book. “You- you have a mate?”
“Yes, now hurry up or I'll take the wasted time from the fur off your back,” Majesty hissed.
Empress scrambled up and took the package, carrying the small box under one arm as she made her way towards the crèche she grew up in.
It was the only one still in use nowadays.
The white and grey cat padded soundlessly into the room, the skills from her training since she was forced to stay down there.
“You must be Majesty's protégé,” a cat called.
Empress spun her head to look at the far corner of the room, a black cat curled on her side and facing the entrance.
“And you must be his mate,” she returned, walking close, placing the package and then stepping back.
The black cat smiled weakly, one paw scooping the object closer. “Please, call me Shadow.”
Empress nodded politely, sitting down beside her. “How far along are you?”
Shadow moved a paw to rest over her swollen stomach. “Any day now.”
Silence passed between them as they both dipped into their thoughts.
Empress knew that these kittens would not have a good life, not growing up down here, despite the advances in more recent years.
“You're his favourite you know,” Shadow eventually said.
Empress fought to keep a scowl from springing onto her face. “I am afraid I have to leave now, ma'am. Good luck with the kittens.”
She paused on the way back to Majesty's office, looking down the paths around her.
Empress dipped down a side tunnel, moving quickly.
If she wanted to try and leave, it would have to be fast.
Two paws, wrenching a vent grate off the wall and then hoisting herself up and into the cramped passage.
She’d only get a few minutes to try and leave.
Not that it would properly work.
Empress ground her jaw as her shoulders and legs painfully scraped against the sides of the narrow vent, crawling as quickly as she could through to get to and exit.
Empress shoved open the grate on the outside of the building, wincing as it hit the floor with a loud clang.
The white and grey cat darted down the street she dropped onto, heading as far from the building as possible.
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Empress took a shaky breath in, looking around.
Where even was she?
It must've been some dead-end back path in the Metro.
It was practically empty except for-
A phonebooth.
Empress walked forwards, wondering if it would still work.
If it did, maybe she could talk to Badge! Scarlett! Cl-
Slowly she punched in Scarlett's phone number, breathing heavily as the phone line rang.
A connection chime. “Hello?”
“Scarlett?” Empress choked out.
“Holy fu-” Scarlett sputtered and another voice was faint in the background.
“Darlin’? Who is it?”
“Um, no one Conductor, it's just Trisha,” Scarlett shouted.
The sound of rapid footsteps as the owl moved to a different room.
“Emily? What the hell, where have you been?!”
Empress drew a deep breath. “That's not my name.”
“That name. It's not mine,” Empress growled down the line before composing herself. “Anyway, how're you? How's theatre club going?”
“What the fuck?! You can't just disappear for five years and- and then just call like nothing's happened!” Scarlett shrieked over the connection, voice wavering slightly. “Hell Em, we all thought you were dead! Five fucking years and not a word! I haven't seen Badge in years either, or Claw! Where did you all go?! You have no right to run off without a word Em, no right! I don't even do theatre club anymore!”
Tears slipped down Empress' cheeks. “Scarlett I- I wanted to be home, with you, I- I still do!” Empress argued. “Are you still at Matilda's?”
“My mum's…?” Scarlett breathed. “I moved out of there two years ago, Con wanted us to go back to where he grew up so we could raise our kid.”
“What the fuck, you have a kid?!”
“Correction, we have an egg,” Scarlett sniffed. “You would know you had a niece if you were still around!”
“I have a niece…”
Empress' mind worked a mile a minute, trying to process everything.
“Scarlett, I promise you I will-”
A gun firing.
The line ringing empty.
Blood pounding in her ears.
A painful whine as her ears adjusted to hearing again.
“Shit,” Empress swore, looking in the direction the bullet had come from.
Majesty held the smoking muzzle pointed towards her. “Don't make me do this, Empress. Don't make me shoot you.”
Empress' arms shook, her tail moving to curl around one leg. “Majesty, I swear, I wasn't going-”
“Yeah, you weren't going to leave, shut the fuck up,” Majesty cut her off. “We all know that's a lie. Now, you're going to come back to base. And you're not going to pull any more dumb stunts. Okay?”
Her eyes darted around, seeing if there was any other way out the back alley.
If she climbed the large bin over there, she could reach the fire escape stairs up the side of that building and then escape through the buildings.
But Majesty had a gun and she knew he wouldn't have any reservations about using it.
A gun that should have six shots, but down to five seeing as he had cut the line.
Five shots left.
“Empress. Don't be a stupid asshole.”
She dashed over to the bin, gunshots following her as she crouched behind it.
One shot as she left the booth, another when she was halfway between, a third as she ducked into cover.
Two shots left.
She stood up quickly, utilising the adrenaline pumping through her veins, ducking back down as a shot clanged onto the lid of the bin.
One shot.
The sound of another shot ringing out.
No shots.
Pain from the outer side of her right ear.
Red liquid clouding her vision on that side.
The sound of Majesty cursing and fumbling to reload the gun.
Empress heaved herself onto the top of the bin, jumping and reaching for the stairs.
Paws slipping, scrambling for purchase, for some kind of hold.
A wrenching jolt of pain down her left shoulder when she finally gripped onto a pole, her body's weight being suspended from the rusting object.
Empress hissed as she clawed the rest of the way up, dragging herself over the top of the rail of the stairs.
Another shot fired, a bullet hitting the metal beneath her, followed by two more shots.
Her gaze flicked to the side, looking at the window beside her.
A couple steps back, a short sprint forwards, a jump.
Glass shattered around her, spraying outwards and inwards.
Majesty swearing loudly outside as she dragged herself up, sprinting across the room and jumping through another window.
A bullet followed the shattered glass as she fell two stories into the alley.
Juddering pain striking through her leg as she dragged herself up, getting as close to a run as she could as she headed towards Demon territory.
If she could just make it over the border, she'd be safe.
At least for a little while.
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Empress panted and flattened herself against a wall, hoping she'd blend into the shadows as a patrol of Fallen Angels ran past.
She was almost there, she just had to cross the open patch in the middle of the Metro.
She could see the Chosen Demon defences from here, all she had to do was get across.
Get across and be safe for at least a little while.
The adrenaline was wearing off, making her movements more sluggish.
Empress reached a paw up to wipe more blood out of her vision, brushing it to the side, fighting to keep her eyes open.
The white and grey cat stuck her head out to look around, only spotting a couple food vendors who had set up in the open area since things were slowly advancing.
She quickly walked, the fastest she could get after landing awkwardly on her leg after jumping out the window and dragging herself across the Metro.
One paw, raised with as much strength as she could muster to bang against one of the doors on the buildings.
A small hatch opened, an eye narrowed suspiciously. “Who is it?”
“I need you to get Radiance,” Empress heaved, slumping against the wall slightly.
“Who's askin’?”
“Tell her that Emp- that Emily is asking for her,” Empress gritted out.
“Sorry, no can do, boss isn't seeing anyone,” the Demon replied.
Empress let out a throaty growl. “Fine. Does Claw still work here?”
“You want me to get him?”
Empress rolled her eyes. “Just fucking do it, I'm getting tired of your yapping.”
The hatch closed and Empress slid down to sit on the floor, chest rattling as she took in deep breaths.
So many things could go wrong in the time it took to get Claw.
A patrol could show up.
Majesty could show up.
She could be injured, killed, even passing out would be bad.
The door flung open beside her, a grey cat quickly moving to crouch in front of her. “Emily…?”
Empress blinked, trying to clear the tired haze at the edge of her vision.
The cat’s head swivelled, barking orders at whoever was standing in the doorway. “Why didn't you come get me?! If she asked for me, you get me! Don't ever turn her away again!”
“But she's an Angel ma'am-”
“And?! She's also the closest thing I have ever had to a child! Get me a medical pack, now!”
A pair of strong arms swept under her, hefting her up and leaning her weight against whoever it was.
“Don't worry kid, you're safe now. Majesty can't touch you here.”
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Empress lurched awake, panicking, flailing around blindly in the dark.
A paw clamped down on her shoulder and she lashed out, hissing, claws connecting with flesh.
If it was Majesty, she'd pay for it later.
If it was any of the Angels, she'd pay for it later.
Empress let out a worried whimper, drawing her paw back as quickly as she'd struck out with it.
“Hey, shhh, it's fine, you're safe now.”
Empress' ears pricked, the right one stinging painfully when she swivelled them towards the voice. “Who is that? Who's there?”
“It's Radiance,” came the reply, a light turning on.
Dim light filtered into the room, coming out of a lamp beside where she was.
Radiance was sat to her left, where she'd lashed out, a small dribble of blood leaking from claw marks across her cheek.
“You're safe now,” Radiance repeated, a frown tugging at the edges of her mouth.
Empress looked down at where there was a threadbare blanket pooled around her lap, bandages across her chest.
“I sewed up your old wounds. You hadn't taken care of them properly,” Radiance explained.
Empress swallowed around the thickness of her voice in her throat. “Majesty wanted them to scar over. Said it'd make me more respectable.”
Radiance sighed, reaching out with one paw. “Oh Emily…”
“That's not my name,” Empress responded, voice cracking. Her tail swept up to curl around her legs as she tucked them towards her chest. “That's not my name.”
Radiance opened her mouth to reply until there was a knock at the door.
The gang boss crossed over to the door, opening it a crack. “Yes?”
“Can I come in?” Someone asked.
“She's healing and resting, I don't think it would be good for her to accept visitors right now,” Radiance hesitantly said. “Especially not if what you told me about when you two last saw each other is true.”
Empress let out a long breath. “It's Claw, isn't it?”
Radiance looked between the doorway and her. “Yeah, it is.”
“I don't want to see him,” Empress responded, moving to get out of the bed.
Her leg twinged with pain again, lancing up towards her hip while her ribs ached painfully.
Empress wobbled as Radiance closed the door and dashed over to try and help her.
“Is there a bathroom?” Empress croaked out.
Radiance nodded, hovering at her side, waiting to catch her if she fell. “Yes, just over here.”
Slowly the two cats crossed the room to a door.
“Let me know if you need any help, alright?”
Empress nodded at Radiance, offering her a small smile. “Thank you. For taking me in.”
Radiance shrugged. “You're family.”
Empress turned and shuffled into the bathroom, hoping the gang boss hadn't seen her eyes well with tears.
One paw fumbled for the light switch, slapping it on.
The lights hummed overhead, illuminating the stalls and wall lined with mirrors.
Empress rested some of her weight on the row of sinks in front of the mirrors, staring at her reflection, wondering when she stopped being able to recognise herself.
Tired eyes stared back at her, dark bags formed underneath them.
There was a chunk missing from her ear where she'd been shot on the way here.
Her fur was matted and patchy, half from poor self-care and half from scarring.
She was wearing some loose black shorts, probably put on by Radiance, the only thing that hid any of the body that felt like it wasn't her's.
One paw slowly reached up to run over hollow cheeks, one claw slowly opening her mouth, surveying teeth who's standard had lowered but at least they were somewhat close to her old self.
She dropped her paw again, leaning her weight on the counter as sobs wracked her body, pain juddering through her with every shaking cry.
Slowly she sank to the floor, tail curling up and around her torso, trying to provide herself what little comfort she could when everything seemed so different.
A knock on the door. “Can I come in?”
“No,” Empress clawed the word out of her throat, trying to will herself to get back up.
Get up, get up, get up.
It wasn't that hard.
She'd had to do harder things.
She'd had to lie to Badge for years.
Break Claw's heart.
Push Scarlett away no matter how much she just wanted to hold her little sister.
Pick up everything after Matilda died and try to keep her family from falling apart.
Join the Fallen Angels in the first place.
One arm slowly gripped the edge of the counter, claws unsheathing and digging into the surface.
Dragged her weight upwards, stared defiantly at the mirror.
A sigh as reality hit fully. “This is who I am now.”
A fist reaching out and smashing the mirror beside her, pain lancing through her paw as the reflective glass fractured.
Cradling the stinging appendage near her chest as she opened the door.
“I'm going to nap,” Empress stated, low, definite, not accepting any challenge from Radiance.
Radiance's face crumpled at the sight of her injured paw, quickly bandaging it before leaving her alone in the room, plunged into the dark again.
Empress sniffed and buried her face in the pillow.
She missed her family.
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About a week passed before Empress left the room that Radiance had let her stay in.
The gang leader hadn't asked about the broken mirrors in the bathroom; how only one had been smashed to begin with but as the days passed all of them were ruined.
She got away with a few more days before running into people that she didn't want to talk to.
However, there was only so long that growling and glaring at anyone who tried to sit near her would work for.
“Hey Emily,” Claw said quietly, sitting down across from her.
She blanked him. She wasn't going to respond to that name anymore, wasn't meant to.
Majesty had made sure she wasn't allowed to.
“Please don't ignore me. I haven't seen you in years but-”
Empress lifted her eyes to his face, watching as he shuddered at the icy gaze that levelled with him.
“Don't talk to me.”
“Please, Em, don't shut me out.”
Empress sighed, setting down her fork. “What the fuck do you want, Claw?”
Claw bristled, fur standing on end. “What I want is for my friend to talk to me!”
“And what I want is to be left alone!” Empress hissed, voice rising.
“Yeah well you've had that for five years!” Claw shouted.
By now, other tables’ occupants were turning to look at them.
Empress' tail lashed behind her. “You think I was alone for that time? Well guess what, I wasn't. Not one minute. There were escorts and cameras and punishment if I did want to be alone. The only time I was alone the past five years was for maybe an hour or two before arriving here. That was it, Claw.”
Claw shrank back slightly.
“Don't you dare try and tell me what my life was like. Until you suffer the way I have, you aren't allowed to make comments on my life.”
The lights overhead flickered off, then on, before the power completely died out.
Red lights turned on, flashing bright and then dimming before growing brighter again.
“Raid! Everyone to battle stations!” Someone shouted.
Practically everyone flooded out the room, leaving only Claw and Empress.
Claw's eyes met her's as she looked back at him.
The white and grey cat shoved past him, shoulders bumping as she headed towards the armoury that everyone else had likely headed to.
“Emily! Emily, please, I'm sorry, I didn't know! Emily!”
She spun around, hackles raised, teeth bared. “That is not my name!”
Claw stood stock still, staring silently.
Tears pricked at the corners of Empress' eyes and she turned, ready to walk away from him.
A grip tightened around her wrist and she prepared to lash out again, covering her emotions with a tough exterior.
The coping method she'd apparently used for five years just to try and survive.
“That is your name. To me at least. It always will be.”
Empress swivelled her head to face Claw. “I'm not the same cat you knew five years ago.”
“Maybe not the person I'm talking to right now. But deep down, somewhere behind that rough shell you've made for yourself, there's the Emily that I remember. The Emily I fell in love with.”
Empress yanked back her paw, clutching it to her chest.
He still thought she loved him.
Or at the very least, he still loved her.
“Shit Claw, you really are dumb is you believe that,” Empress said, hoping that the poison of words she'd learnt to wield would be a good deterrent.
Claws face just softened and he smiled at her. “Yeah, I'll get to see you again someday, won't I?”
Empress spun on her heel, walking away quickly before he could say something else.
Unfortunately, he followed her, walking alongside her towards the armoury.
“Persistent fucker,” Empress muttered under her breath, picking up a tommy gun off the rack in the armoury.
Claw snickered, clearly having heard her as he picked up a knife and a pistol. “I didn't know you knew how to handle one of those.”
Empress shrugged. “It's been five years Claw and I'm the right hand cat of Majesty. Of course I had to learn how to use tons of different weapons.”
There was the sound of a brief spatter of gunfire outside, small bullet dents going into the wall beside them.
Empress gritted her teeth. “Let's get a move on.”
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Empress surveyed the negotiations between Majesty and Radiance, trying to keep herself from passing out.
She hadn't slept much despite finally being somewhere that could be deemed safe, and her wounds kept reopening.
“So, you gonna give me back my apprentice?”
“Your apprentice? You mean the cat who's barely an adult that you shot at, emotionally and mentally manipulated, and kept away from her family for five years?”
“C'mon, do we have to go into specifics?”
“Hey, at least you aren't murdering our little siblings anymore.”
Empress' blood ran cold.
What did that mean?
And had Radiance said… our?
“Look, Radiance, lemme put this politely. Either you give me Empress or I decimate this pathetic little place, seeing as I've found it now.”
Empress' blood ran cold.
Claw stiffened beside her. “Empress? Who's-” His eyes darted over to her.
Her ears flattened back against her head.
A bullet fired into still air, the gunshot ringing in the silence.
“You know the smart choice, Radiance.”
Empress stood up. “No, this is wrong.”
“I'm not- you guys shouldn't be caught up in my problems with Majesty.”
Empress stormed over to the door, pushing it open, ignoring Claw's protests behind her.
Majesty's gold eyes flicked over to her and dozens of guns spun to be trained on her as she burst out into the argument.
“Ah, there's my girl. Empress, come home,” Majesty said, words honeyed.
Radiance moved quickly over to Empress, blocking her path. “No! You can't! He won't change! You'll just end up beat up all over again!”
Empress handed the tommy gun off to the grey cat in front of her. “Thank you. I know. But this is my battle and I shouldn't drag you into it.”
Radiance’s breath quickened and she dropped the weapons she was holding, grabbing roughly onto Empress' shoulders instead. “You don't understand! What he's done so far - that isn't the end of it! He can do - has done - so much worse. Please, don't do this, I don't want to lose any more of my family.”
Empress flicked her gaze over to Majesty, taking in the tightness of his jaw, the way his finger was itching towards the trigger of the gun he was holding.
“I have to leave,” Empress whispered, slipping out of Radiance's grip and making her way over to Majesty. “I have terms.”
“Oh? Little Empress is making demands now?” Majesty scoffed.
Empress bit down on her tongue for a few seconds before replying. “One term. You can do whatever you want with me so long as you don't hurt my friends.”
“No! Emily!”
“No! Em! Don't do this, don't make a deal with that monster! He isn't good to his word!”
Empress looked back over her shoulder as a couple of Angels restrained Claw and Radiance, both fighting tooth and nail to try and reach her.
She looked back at Majesty.
“You're really that dumb, huh?” Majesty sighed. “Fine, I won't hurt those shitheads. But you're coming back to base right now.”
“Can I say goodbye first?”
“Fucking hell, one week away and you've become such a sap. Fine, hurry it up,” Majesty replied, motioning for the Angels to move away.
They dropped Claw and Radiance, with the leader rushing forwards and embracing her.
One paw cupped the back of her head, the other snaking around her waist. “No, no, you can't go with him, I'm not losing you again.”
Claw hesitantly stood off to one side, eyes glistening with tears. “You can't leave.”
Radiance's hold on her tightened. “I'll fight him. You don't have to go back.”
Something close to hope started to bloom in her chest.
Maybe she could stay.
But no, Majesty would never allow it.
“I'll come back someday,” Empress said, barely audible, just enough for Radiance to pick up on.
“Empress, get a move on!” Majesty snarled and she moved back to fall in step with her own gang’s leader.
She'd come back someday.
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Empress spent most of her recovery months in the nursery, raising Majesty's offspring in Shadow’s absence.
The three kittens were mostly healthy, although Empress didn't agree with the kittens’ given names.
Countess, a ginger female with a brown splodge over one eye, had been nicknamed Cookie and had a tendency to boss her siblings around.
Commander, nicknamed Cody, was an inquisitive little black kitten, with enough energy to stay awake far longer than their brother or sister.
Phantom was their brother - a pure white kitten who stared with piercing blue eyes and almost never responded when spoken to.
Empress realised quickly that the snow coloured kitten was deaf, and so established enough of a connection through signalling that maybe Majesty wouldn't realise.
It didn't matter that Phantom was Majesty's son when he had two other heirs who were perfectly healthy.
“Empress, when are we going to begin our training?” Cody asked, beaming up at Empress.
“Um, I'm not sure. That's not really for me to decide.”
Cookie wrinkled her nose. “But you're in charge, aren't you?”
Empress shifted slightly when Phantom trotted over and curled up against her side, chin plonking down on her leg. “No, I'm not in charge. Your father is the one who's in charge.”
“But you're his best friend, right?” Cookie chirped, pupils dilating as she began to bat at her sibling's tail.
Cody hissed and whacked the top of Cookie's head before commenting. “No, they're not best friends. Empress is terrified of father.”
“That's why she freezes up when he visits us,” Phantom croaked, a rare occurrence of input from him.
“I'm not- I'm not afraid of your father,” Empress spluttered.
Although there was a nagging in the back of her mind.
About how her wounds were healed over now and if the kittens were old enough to begin training then she wouldn't have an excuse anymore.
She would be subjected to Majesty's wrath again.
Unless she could do something about this dismal situation she had landed herself in.
“Alright, I think it's time for bed, don't you?” Empress stated with a stilted laugh.
Cody cocked their head to the side and narrowed their green eyes. “It's nowhere near-”
“Growing kits need their rest!” Empress protested, carefully shifting Phantom off her leg before standing. “Come on now, your father won't be pleased if you're all too tired for training!”
The trio of young ones shot her sceptical looks but settled down anyway.
Empress' ears stung as the speakers in the hallway whined with feedback.
“Empress. My office. Now.”
Empress tried to mask the fear on her face. “I'll be back tomorrow morning, okay?”
“What's morning?” Cookie asked.
Empress swore repetitively under her breath on the way to Majesty's office.
This was it, he knew she was feeling better, he was going to make her pay for leaving before, he was going to-
“Empress, just who I asked for!” Majesty purred as she walked into his office.
A trap, a trap, it had to be, it must be, he was never nice, he was never-
“We have a special guest today who I think you might remember! They've finally decided to come back and do their job properly!”
Empress gaze flicked to the figure in the chair in front of Majesty's desk.
Her heart stuttered.
No, no, no, no, no!
“Hey Em, long time no explanation as to abandoning your family,” Badge said through gritted teeth.
That explained it.
She wasn't going to be hurt.
Badge was.
She'd endure any punishment, just don't hurt Badge.
Empress turned her frantic gaze to Majesty, chest heaving in lungfuls of air while her mind raced a mile a minute.
Majesty smirked, clearly knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Well, I believe you two have some catching up to do. Empress, after you've escorted Badge to their quarters, please return here so we can discuss business.”
Empress dipped her gaze away from him, darting it around the room before eventually fixing it on the floor. “Yes sir.”
“Good. You're dismissed.”
Empress reached forward, tugging Badge out the seat and out the room, tugged them down hallways and winding paths, down steps, through doors that the other members didn't know existed, only stopping once there was a roar of water to cover their voices.
“Fuck Em, why'd you have to drag me to the sewers so we could-”
“What were you thinking; coming back here?!” Empress shouted, hysteria catching up to her. “You should never have come back! He'll hurt you, I can't let you get hurt!”
Badge took a tentative step forwards, one paw snapping at an old angle before returning to its rightful place. “Em…”
“Don't you understand?! He can kill you! But no, that'd be too easy, he'd lose that extra bit of leverage over me. No, he'd make it slow, painful, it'd be closer to torture than death-”
She paused as Badge's paws reached her shoulders, brushing the jacket she was wearing back and off her body.
Empress' fur pricked in the cold, standing on end.
Her ears flattened back against her head as Badge circled her.
“How many of these scars did he give you?” Badge whispered.
“It doesn't matter.”
“How many?” They repeated, tone low and deadly.
Empress winced, paws coming up to try and rub some warmth into her arms. “They're mostly my fault anyway, if I'd just done my job better then it wouldn't have happened.”
Badge let out a loud sigh, one paw grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at them. “I'm going to go back to Radiance. You're gonna make sure that meeting with Majesty is short then your ass is joining us in the Demon base.”
“I can't, I'm not allowed to leave the building,” Empress responded, trying to ignore the slight break in her voice.
“Take these sewer tunnels. They thread under the whole metro, it's how I got here. If there's anyone else you want to get out of that hellhole, do it then.”
Empress took in a shaky breath. “Badge, I can't. He'll kill me if I slip up anymore.”
Badge gently rested their forehead against her's, pulling her closer. “I'm not losing my sister again. You aren't getting rid of me again, Em.”
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Empress tried to mask her limp as she got back to the crèche from Majesty’s office, dragging open the door.
Three pairs of eyes turned to her, tapetum lucidum glowing in the faint light filtering in from the hallway.
“Empress?” Cookie yawned.
“What's going on?” Cody inquired, already up and walking towards her.
“I need you to come with me. Quietly though,” Empress whisper-shouted, signing so that Phantom would understand as well.
The three kittens teetered nervously after her, only just having mastered standing upright.
“Hurry, hurry,” Empress urged, nervously glancing down the hallway.
“Where's your jacket? Why do you have a gun?” Cookie inquired.
Empress moved as fast as she could, warily checking around corners before actually turning them.
It didn't matter how unlikely it was that anyone was awake, there was always a night patrol out somewhere but they ran on different schedules every day.
“Good questions. To be answered later.”
Empress eventually got back to the sewers where she'd taken Badge, ushering the kittens along the path that ran alongside surging water.
Empress scowled when the track ran out, connected to an opposite path by only a thin pole.
“One at a time, go, cross,” she instructed.
Phantom went first, bounding across and sending the thing shaking a bit.
Cody went next, pausing in the middle as water lapped up at their paws.
“Empress, I'm scared,” the black cat whimpered, ears flattening back against their head.
“Hey, it's fine, you're over halfway there, it's just a little further, you can do it,” Empress encouraged, watching as the kitten took another couple of tentative steps forwards.
A large wave surged up as Cody slipped, washing the kitten away.
Empress dropped her gun and scooped up Cookie, dashing across the pole and placing her with her brother before scanning the waters.
Murky green liquid sloshed but no fur.
Empress let out a curse and dived into the rapids, eyes stinging as she opened them under the surface to try and spot Cody.
Swum back up to the surface for another breath.
A ragged black lump bobbed just out of reach ahead of her.
Empress kicked herself forwards, scooping Cody's limp form closer.
Exhaustion fought against her muscles as she dragged herself back to the path at the side, depositing Cody's unmoving form on the stone before heaving her own body out of the harsh flow of liquid.
Empress coughed up a lungful of water, bent over and heaving when Phantom and Cookie raced up to her.
“What’s wrong with Cody?!” Cookie demanded.
Empress forced herself upright, gently picking up Cody.
The kitten’s head lolled in her hand and she quickly began stroking from their stomach up towards their throat, repeating the motion over and over.
Cody eventually stuttered a breath before heaving up fluids, splattering onto Empress' lap.
Cookie let out a relieved wail, Phantom licking his sister's cheek to try and provide some comfort.
Empress forced herself upright, trying to ignore the fatigue clinging to her bones as she carefully shifted how she was carrying Cody. “Come on. We're almost there.”
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Radiance had immediately taken the three of them to the room that Empress had stayed in last time she arrived there.
“Who's are they?” Radiance questioned once Cookie, Cody and Phantom had passed out from exhaustion.
“Majesty's,” Empress breathed. “And some cat I'm pretty sure he killed after these guys were born.”
Empress memory flitted back to the sewers. “One of them nearly died on the way here, Radiance. I could've gotten them killed. They could be dead because I couldn't save them, I could've killed them-”
“No, you did not kill a kitten, stop that right now. Don't you dare talk like that, you have saved these little ones,” Radiance argued.
“And I nearly got one of them killed in the process. I can't do this Radiance, they look up to me like a mother because they never had one and their father is a shit head. I'm the only family they got. Family is meant to protect one another and I couldn't even manage something that simple.”
Empress looked over at where the three of them were curled up, Cody sandwiched between their warmer siblings.
“Radiance, they might as well be my own with how much I care for them. If anything happened to them I'd never forgive myself.”
Radiance slipped a paw round the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer for their foreheads to bump together.
“And you might as well be my kit,” the leader murmured. “But right now we need to prepare. If you and the three of them are missing, it gives Majesty the perfect excuse to start a proper war. So we need to get them somewhere safe.”
Empress swallowed around the lump that had formed in her throat. “Can I make a call? There's somewhere safe I might be able to get them to.”
Radiance slipped her phone out her jacket, handing it off before trotting over to the sleeping siblings.
Empress shakily tapped in the number, praying that her old friend would pick up.
“Who is this?”
“Scarlett, it's Emp- it's Emily,” she sighed.
“You hung up on me before! I hope you're going to apologise!” Scarlett accused.
Empress winced. “Actually my ex-boss decided to shoot through the telephone line. But anyway, I have a big favour to ask.”
“Em, I love but I- I'm so busy right now,” Scarlett responded.
“Please. I- I have some kids that aren't safe where I am,” Empress pleaded. “Just for a week or two I need you to take care of them.”
The silence that followed was deafening.
“You have kids…?”
Ah, yes, she could see why her words could be misinterpreted.
But fuck it, they were practically her family weren't they?
“Not by blood but yes. Please Scarlett, I- I can't have them getting hurt.”
Scarlett hesitated before replying. “Okay. But when you come and pick them up you bet your ass that you owe me.”
“I'll help plan your wedding,” Empress offered, chest warming at the easy banter they'd slipped back into.
“Deal. I'll call you back this evening to sort out the details, I'm out with Trisha at the moment. I love you, Em,” Scarlett replied.
Empress blinked away the tears in her eyes. “Love you too. Stay safe.”
Empress hung up before walking over to the bed where the kittens were still resting, Radiance just staring at them.
“I never thought I'd be an aunt,” Radiance said quietly, almost to herself. “Majesty killed almost all our other siblings and I haven't heard from my littlest brother in years.”
Empress silently sat down at the edge of the bed.
“I love them even though I haven't properly met them yet. But at the same time, I want to cry. They don't deserve this, to have been born here and to grow up like this.”
“None of them are standard, you know,” Empress interrupted.
Radiance shot her a questioning look.
“Cody is an insomniac, it's incredible they've been asleep since we got here. Cookie has anxiety even if she doesn't like to show it. Phantom is deaf. None of them would have pleased Majesty as his heir.”
Radiance let out a broken sob. “Why? Why does my brother continue to gain things he has no right to? No respect for?”
Empress gently patted her on the back and slowly she realised that she was crying as well.
Maybe it was stress, maybe it was exhaustion, perhaps pain, probably all three.
Her foggy mind extracted one thought before she drifted off into a state between sleeping and awake; she had to get them to safety.
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“You're all going to go stay with my friend for a little while,” Empress told them, signing along with her words so Phantom would understand. “It's only a week or so and then I'll come back and get you.”
“Why do we have to go?” Cody croaked, still breathing shakily after what had happened the day before.
“Because it'll be safer for you,” Empress answered, trying to smile reassuringly.
“You- you will come back for us, right?” Cookie asked, voice wavering.
“Of course I will. I’d never willingly leave any of you,” Empress replied. “Now I just need to go talk to another friend who's going to take you to the surface.”
Three sets of eyes blinked before chiming in chorus. “The surface?”
“Yeah.” She turned her head to where Radiance was flipping through papers and jotting things down. “Would you mind telling them about the surface while I go find Claw?”
Radiance immediately set down her things. “No problem. His room is in the north corridor, the twelfth door on the left.”
Empress looked down as something brushed against her leg.
Phantom stayed up at her. “I don't want you to go.”
Empress crouched, signing to him. I'll be back before you know it. And I need you to look after your siblings while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?
Phantom hesitated before nodding.
Thank you.
Empress ruffled the fur on top of his head before standing and heading through the Fallen Demon complex.
She paused outside Claw's room, thinking of what to say before knocking.
It took a minute before the door opened. “Mrrm…? Oh, Emily, hey.”
“Empress,” she growled. “Anyway, I need you to take my kids to stay with Scarlett. Also, have you seen Badge? I can't find them anywhere.”
Claw opened the door further and Empress' jaw dropped.
Badge was levitating in the middle of the room, eyes glowing while blue orbs circled them.
“Yeah, they asked me to stay up and keep an eye on them but I fell asleep,” Claw said.
Empress whacked him round the back of his head, hissing at him. “You idiot!”
Cautiously she tiptoed closer, reaching out to try and poke at one of the blue orbs.
It drifted away, closer to Badge before fading away to nothing.
The other orbs did the same.
Badge's eyes stopped glowing and they slowly lowered to the floor, blinking a few times.
Badge's eyes refocused and they looked between Empress and Claw.
“You dumbass, you fell asleep didn't you?! I told you I needed someone to watch me so I didn't go too far!” Badge shouted before sighing and looking at Empress. “Hey.”
“What was that?” Empress inquired.
Badge shook their head. “Just trying to chat with someone, no big deal. Anyway, Claw, please do take Em's kids to go stay with Scarlett. We need this, they'll be in danger otherwise.”
“How did you know about that?” Empress whispered.
“Let's just say that I'm intuitive,” Badge replied with a shrug. “So, that plan you've come up with. That you haven't yet told Radiance about it.”
Empress' brow knitted, worried about how much Badge seemed to know.
“Badge, I want you to go with Claw and the kids,” she said warily.
“Yeah, I know, we'll pick them up in an hour.”
Empress left the room, trotting down the empty corridors and halls back to her room.
Radiance was asleep, tail curled around Phantom, Cody and Cookie's bodies.
Cody let out a chirp as they spotted Empress, stirring the other three awake.
“Radiance can I- can I have a word?”
The gang leader immediately got up, walking hastily over to her and settling a paw on Empress' elbow. “What's wrong?”
“I- I know how to fix everything going on down here. But it means starting a war.”
Radiance scoffed. “Kiddo, you did that the second you decided to bring Majesty's offspring here. But what's the plan?”
“I need to be injured. Badly. Go back to him, claim a Demon patrol did it then we wait a short amount of time until he launches an attack,” Empress explained.
“No,” Radiance growled, grip tightening on her elbow. “No, I'm not going to hurt you. You've already suffered through too many injuries, I'm not making you go through more.”
Empress sighed, a twinge of guilt striking through her. “Okay.”
Radiance loosened her grip and Empress made her move.
Darted away and across the room, locking herself into the bathroom.
Fists banging against the door.
“No! Empress! Come out right now!”
Empress' chest heaved and pain blossomed under her feet, a shard of glass from where she had ruined the mirrors here before.
This was it.
The tipping point, the fork in the path, the decision that would change everything.
Cody, Phantom and Cookie's voices joined Radiance's pleas.
“Come out!”
Her breath stuttered.
That's right, she was the only mother they ever had.
Would they ever look at her the same way if they found out what she had done?
What she was planning to do?
Empress clenched her jaw and stalked over to the least destroyed mirror.
She raised a claw over her eye, looking at her jagged reflection.
Breaking her figure into so many pieces, fracturing her.
That's what had been happening all these years.
Empress paused with one claw hovering over her left eye, looking at her reflection.
She would never be able to go back after this.
This wound would start a turf war in the metro.
Did she really want to do this?
“Come out!” Radiance yelled from outside the room.
Empress flicked her gaze to the door before returning to her reflection.
Cookie, Cody, Phantom.
Hell, even Scarlett.
All of them would be so much safer if she did this.
She would get them out of here before the fighting started and then assume power in the chaos.
She plunged her claw down over her eye.
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Empress hissed, clamping a paw over her eye.
God why did she choose to do this in the bathroom, the blood was so brightly contrasting against the white tiles.
The cat shuddered and swallowed down nausea, carefully moving her paw away from her eye.
Her remaining right eye seemed fine but the other had a gash across it, blood pouring from the open wounds around it.
At least it had worked.
She moved her paw away from her face, right eye darting over her features.
A jagged cut went from her brow down to near her jaw, stark red, while blood spread to stain her fur.
Empress shoved her paw back to cover the offending eye, wary of the new dark spot in her vision.
There was still the right side but then the rest of it just faded to darkness, murky and unwelcoming. Unrelenting. Harsh.
Empress slowly walked back over to the door, one arm stretched in front of her to try and gauge her new depth perception.
“Radiance?” She called out, silencing the four cats on the other side of the door.
“I need you to get my kits out of the room and leave the medkit out on the table.”
There was the sound of a loud string of colourful curses and clattering, the door opening, weak protests before the door closed again.
Empress felt around with her right paw for the door lock, unwilling to turn her head to see something that she should be able to.
Muscle memory should be good enough, right?
Empress tried to brush last Radiance on the way out but was stopped by an iron grip on her shoulders, forcing her to face the gang boss.
“So, how do I look?” Empress tried.
Radiance let out a strangled sob, shaking as she held onto her.
Empress slowly prised herself from Radiance's grip, making her way over to the table and briefly removing her paw from her eye to snatch up the bandages, making quick work of wrapping up that side of her face.
The tremors in her paws didn't matter.
The blind spot didn't matter.
As long as she could keep those she loved safe, that was all that mattered.
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“Be good for Scarlett okay? She's my sister,” Empress said.
The three kittens didn't seem to listen, just staring in silent horror at the side of her head.
“Your face,” Phantom whispered.
“It's nothing, don't worry,” Empress replied breezily, masking her true feelings.
Masking the pain, the sense of helplessness, the new weakness she had that could be exploited.
“Just- just stay safe for me, alright?”
Three heads slowly nodded.
“I love you all. And I'll see you again soon.”
But only with one eye; a small voice in the back of her seemed to chime.
Never again the same way you have before.
Empress tried to shake it off.
She was fine.
Everything was- was fine.
It would all be fine.
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iron-parkr · 1 year
End of Year Wrap Up
I was tagged by the always wonderful @starsandstormyseas thank you love!
Total number of completed works
None but that's okay!
Total number of WIPs worked on this year
Let's see... The Spaces Between (MCU), Wish You Were Here (SPN), In Sunshine or In Shadow (MCU), The Devil Inside (Daredevil), Choose Something Like a Star (Doctor Who), a little bit of A Single Thread of Gold (Doctor Who), and my DBZ OC. So 7!
WIPs neglected this year
My initial reaction is to be self-deprecating and say all of them since I feel like I spent more time writing ahead and not producing much to show for it, but I know that's not true (plus I'm trying to be kinder to myself). I won't say neglected so much as just put on the back burner for the moment until the muse returns for them, and honestly I feel like this can apply to all of my fics at different points during the year
Fandoms I’ve written in
MCU, Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Dragon Ball Z for this year, which is both surprising and not surprising at all at the same time lol
Total word count
This is definitely a very rough estimate because I don't keep track of my word count anymore (I find it better for my mental health in terms of writing and creating) but adding up what I can remember writing this year comes to 61,913 words, and that doesn't include everything I've written down in outlines and whatnot
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected?
Kinda both? I'm always going to wish I had written more no matter what, but I'm very happy with a rough estimate of 61.9k this year, that's certainly more than I thought it would be
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Writing in itself is a risk in my opinion. But also WYWH is a massive risk narratively and stylistically that I'm really hoping I'll be able to pull off!
Do you have any goals for the new year?
I'd like to update TSB at least once, if I can update twice I'll be over the moon! Plus I'd like to one day post WYWH, ISoIS, and possibly my DBZ fic but who knows if I'll have the confidence for that lol
Biggest disappointment?
Not being able to update TSB more. My fixations tend to jump around which makes it difficult to focus on one fic or fandom for longer than a couple months and thus to update more frequently than twice in a year
Biggest surprise? 
The fact that I started writing a fic for Dragon Ball lmao was not expecting that hyperfixation but I'm honestly not mad about it
Most popular story of the year?
Uh well the only one I updated was TSB so I guess I'll say that haha
What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
Can I say all of them? XD
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion
I think they're all under-appreciated but that's just because they're my fics and I'm always going to think they're amazing (and it's also because I haven't been super great about posting/promoting them on here tbh)
Most fun story to write
The DBZ fic! Mostly because I have absolutely no expectations of anyone else ever reading it, so I feel no pressure whatsoever! It's just my silly little story with my silly little OC for my silly little anime show ^-^
Most unintentionally telling story
I'm not totally sure what this means but I guess like which story is telling in terms of revealing things about the author they didn't realize maybe? Idk if that makes sense but for me I always put parts of myself into my characters so each fic and idea will always be telling about me in a way
My favorite part of fandom this year
Not necessarily fandom, but my own determination to say screw canon and create my own version of reality within the story I'm writing. Now that I'm beginning to stray from what's established in canon (down the line in my fics, not just yet I'm afraid but we're getting there), it feels like I've become ruler of the sandbox. Canon is mine to command and I'm so excited for the opportunities that will give me!
Gonna tag @arrthurpendragon @juliaswickcrs @kingsmakers @darknightfrombeyond and whoever else wants to but absolutely no pressure!
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lipstickstainz · 3 years
cold metal - s. r.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Request: i just really want spencer reid to find out his girlfriend has her nip nops pierced. like he would be so cute and blushy. and she’d be like “bubs theyre just my boobs” and he just does the grabby hands at her
Warnings: nipple piercings, implied smut Word Count: 1.1k (sorry, it’s so short!) A/N: ugh I want piercings so bad, but I'm such a coward haha. thanks for requesting! requests are open! hope you enjoy. gif not mine.
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Spencer had never been so grateful for a team-building activity in his life.
It was mid-July and unexpectedly warm for Virginia - nearly 95 degrees Fahrenheit - and Spencer was behind you in the rented kayak. You brought up the rear of the squad, and while Team Jemily and Team Morcia had a competitive paddle, you two stayed behind and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Spencer had a book in his hand and was reading to you while you lazily moved the paddles so that you would eventually arrive at your destination.
Hotch felt that this action was necessary. You had been working steadily for two months, had never been home for long, and had wasted every spare minute on current cases. He would have preferred to give you all a month off, but his team was incredibly ambitious and there was a lot to do, so he could at least talk them into a day on a river in nice weather. So at least you had a day where you didn't have to sit in the dark office.
The sun shone warmly on your skin and without further ado you pulled your shirt over your head. "Would you please put some sunscreen on my back?" you asked Spencer, who without hesitation put his book in his waterproof backpack and pulled out the sunscreen. You never had to ask Spencer twice to put his hands on your body after he had taken the first step two months ago.
You had been at your house and had gone through your Doctor Who marathon as planned. You had picked him up at nine in the morning, with a comforter and pillow in tow, and since then you had hardly left your bed. The show was on the TV that sat on the dresser in front of your bed, but really you were far too busy swapping fan theories and discussing which season was the best. You lay next to each other and you told him about the theory that James Bond was supposed to be a Time Lord. You waved your hands in the air to emphasize your point and turned your head in Spencer's direction, who looked at you with a broad smile.
"What is it? I saw the theory on Buzzfeed. Don't look at me like I'm stupid”, you pouted and he gave a short laugh. You pushed your bottom lip forward and he wondered if your lips have always looked so kissable.  He didn't hesitate for a second. Spencer straightened up and leaned over you and before you could do or say anything, he pressed his lips to yours. You put your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you so that he slid between your legs. Doctor Who was just incidental after that.
You kept it a secret, not because the team wouldn't be happy, but to find out exactly what it was between you. You had been best friends for years, and the jump from friendship to couple was something neither of you had any experience with. It was prudent to keep it between you for now. An endeavor that was quite difficult when you were wearing skinny jeans and Spencer couldn't think of anything but your butt, or when he was spouting smart facts again without knowing how attractive that made him. Except for a few innocent kisses, you held each other back at work.
Spencer rubbed his large hands over your bare skin, sliding his fingers under the band of your bikini top before pulling you against him. He was sure the cream would leave some stains on his t-shirt, but he didn't care. You leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around your middle. Your head rested on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat.
The others were already far away and there wasn't a soul around you as Spencer's fingers moved up and slid under the hem of your bikini. You took a deep breath. You'd been together for two months, but had never gone further than making out and a little groping, which was why his touch was giving you goosebumps now. Spencer grinned to himself, taking your rapid breathing as a sign that he should continue.
Carefully, he slid his hand under the fabric and froze when he felt cool metal against his palm. He withdrew his hand and confused, you turned to face him. "Are you all right?", you asked him, wishing so badly that he would continue.
Spencer's face turned red and his cocky manner was hidden behind a shy look you couldn't interpret. "Since when do you have nipple piercings?"
Surprised, you looked at him and only then did you realize that he hadn't seen you naked or in your underwear. How could he have known that you had piercings? "I got them pierced after my eighteenth birthday”, you replied, and he nodded curtly. Spencer continued to stare at you until you turned to face him completely. His gaze remained on your boobs until you raised your hand and flicked it in front of his face. He broke free of his trance and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Did it hurt?" He tried really hard not to stare at your breasts, but failed miserably.
"At first, yes, but not anymore." You enjoyed that he couldn't take his eyes off you, so you arched your back.
Spencer licked his lips. "Do you feel - is that making you more sensitive?", he stammered, before finally looking back up into your face. His eyes glittered with want and need.
"Try it. They're just my boobs, love" you grinned, and you didn't have to say that twice.
Spencer stretched his arms out and made the typical grabby hands motion before placing his hands on your covered breasts and taking a deep breath as if he had finally arrived at his destination. He let his fingers slide over the fabric and when they caught on the metal, you winced briefly. Not from pain, but because in your opinion there was still too much fabric between his hands and your breasts. Without further ado, you reached behind you and untied the knot of the bikini so that the fabric fell off your body.
Before you could say anything, Spencer closed the gap between your bodies and pulled you onto his lap before putting his hands on you again. "Fuck, I've been waiting for this for so long," he confessed, and you felt his erection between your thighs. His fingers pinched at your nipples and you moaned into his mouth.
Needless to say, it took you way longer than expected to paddle to the finish line.
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spiked-tea-writing · 3 years
Haha We’re Married
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Wilbur Soot x Fem!Reader
Summary: After successfully hiding your relationship for years, twitter fucking comes and exposes you
Pronouns: She/Her 
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1kish
A/n: TBH I’ve only listened to Wilbur’s music, I don’t watch his streams. I just really wanted to write this trope for a streamer. This was kinda self-indulgent *cough* hella self-indulgent *cough*, so sorry if it’s choppy and poorly written. Also I’m trying out headcannon forms. Unedited and unproofed
The situation at hand was very complex
The two of you had been able to keep your relationship under wraps for a very long time.
-Since you were both pretty major streamers on the platform, it was just easier to eep your relationship a secret instead of in the public eye
Y’all were young when you got married had already faced judgment from the surrounding community, and you guys didn’t want to deal with the entire fucking internet questioning your relationship
The decision was made before he joined SootHouse, mainly so that your entire personas wouldn’t be based on being a couple. 
It wasn’t that hard, considering that your internet careers had started separate from each other, but it was increasing in difficulty as your popularity grew and you guys had to interact more, especially on Dream’s sever
Then when Wilbur had started streaming in the apartment, avoiding revealing everything became damn near impossible
Of course, there was speculation, rumors, fanart, and a lot of shipping, but the two of you had never addressed it. 
Fun fact: One fanart of you two was so good it was hung up in your flat, right next to a picture from your wedding lmao. 
Twitter was always breathing down your necks, especially since yall both wore wedding rings, but there was never enough evidence to put two and two together
They were thrown for one hell of a loop after both of you had been on Love or Host
The backlash got so intense to the point where you both made statements about how you both weren’t cheating since the relationships on Love or Host aren’t always real-life partnerships. 
Since you were known for your chill streams one day you were streaming a “painting and inevitably smudging my nails” stream when someone made a donation
It was for eight pounds, and the automatic voice read “when is your birthday, and what is your zodiac??”
You let out a giggle
“Um I’m in September and a Virgo I believe. Actually, funny story, my husband and I share a birthday which makes us both Virgos so I’m actually not sure what that means for our compatibility”
The stream carried on like normal and you didn’t think much of your answer
Then the motherfucking robot voice came for your weave as you were blowing on your fingers
“Are you and Wilbur dating???”
You went beet reed. 
“Haha no, we aren’t. I’m happily married.”
And yet again, the stream went on with any further hiccups. 
After the stream ended, you went to find Wilbur somewhere in the kitchen.
“Hello darling”
His arms wrapped around your waist as you let out a sigh. 
“Stream was very long but at least my nails look nice”
He laughed and started fidgeting with your hands
Your wedding band caught his eye
“I’m glad I tied you down.”
“My husband, the romantic.”
Smiles grace your faces but the sweet moment was interrupted by a phone call coming from your streaming room.
“Ahh fuck, I should get that. Could you call the Thai place for takeaway??”
“Sure thing.”
You made your way down your phone kept ringing
You glanced at the caller id which read Father-In-Law before picking up
“Hey, Phil what’s up?”
“Hey, you need to check Twitter. And get Will.”
The line went dead
You were wondering if that was a advil enduced fever dream when you called for your husband
The sound of shuffling feet against the carpet followed by your lank boiTM walking into your room snapped you into reality
“I was thinking Pad See Ew and-“
“Phil called and told me to check Twitter, and I’m hella scared.”
You could see his face drop. Twitter never meant something good/ Either someone died or someone got canceled for being a perv
“Might as well rip off the bandaid and look.”
You nodded and pulled up Twitter
The number one hashtag on trending was #SootMarriageGate
“What the actual fuck.”
“I’m scared”
With a bit of hesitation, you clicked on the hashtag, which directed you to the top of a thread
“After Y/n’s stream today, I’m thinking that her and Wilbur are actually married. Like it’s no longer a bit”
That tweet had an insane amount of replies, and before you could change your mind, you started scrolling
There were a few arguements, but most of the replies consisted of evidence the audience had found of your relationship.
There were so many clips that either had you mention something about the other person, to that time you walked behind Wilbur’s chair, face just out of the frame of the webcam. 
Unfortunately, people seemed to really be catching on
On reply had caught your eye
“We know Wilburs birthday is September 19, and if you look at Y/ns last birthday post, it was the nineteenth of September. And remember, she and her husband share a birthday. I think that that’s not a coincidence.”
You turned to Wilbur
“Maybe it’s time we just straight up tell them.” 
“You’re right. Should we tweet it?”
“Or maybe stream. Just confirm it and answer a few questions. Is that alright?”
“Of course. Should we do it tonight with the Thai food and make it chill??”
“Sounds like a plan.”
And so you guys waited for a few hours before streaming, during which you guys kept an eye on Twitter and got the food. You built a sort of nest on the floor in the streaming room to eat dinner in and give the stream some cozy vibes. 
After stalling for long enough, twitch got booted up and a stream was started. 
“Hey guys I got Wilbur here with me and we are having a chill stream and eating some Thai.”
The stream was just y’all chatting about the food for a few seconds, ignoring chat until finally Wilbur casually said,
“Oh, and what do you want for our wedding anniversary?”
He turned to look the camera directly in the lens, face deadpan. You let out a giggle before playing along
“Hmm, maybe we should just have a day out as HUSBAND AND WIFE.”
Chat blew up as you both stared at the camera, stone-faced. Wilbur stood up, still emotionless, and ended the stream.  
He turned to you with a smile
“That was easier than expected.”
“Honey the stream was 3 minutes long.”
He disregarded your comment. 
“Well now that that’s out of the way, shall we ignore Twitter for the next day??”
You rolled your eyes at your fantastic husband 
“I couldn’t have had a better idea myself.”
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
Ok so- idk if you’ve seen demon slayer;; but there’s this episode (it was during the spider fambam arc) aNywaYs- so like. Rui yeets ties* (i guess-) Nezuko like. Up in the air. With his weird spider thread jazz— and like. It’s sHarP weird spider thread jazz— so she’s like. Yknow. Being sliced and diced with string— but it kindaaa reminds me of like. Xiao. And his like.... weird... sad.... uh. Karma. Thing. Like y’know where he’s like hanging from his arms- red stuff. Yeah. So like. Now for the actual request
Xiao’s s/o (female if you don’t mind;;) gets kidnapped by like— the fatui or smth. And they tie her up like Nezuko :D to be like “lol haha Xiao be all like-” and she’s just. Like. Dying. Slowly. Dripping b l o o d and yknow. All the tea. And Xiao comes to rescue her— and he’s like 0-0 “wait...” and he realizes that’s like- exactly what happens to him- and so. He beats the fatui’s butts saves his s/o, anddddd she like.
Idk. This is where I need your angst expertise ❤️ like- she could d i e. In his arms. And poor Xiao would be so scarred omg poor thing- BUT THE ANGST- but at the same time;;;; the f l u f f of him being able to save her just in time and she was like fighting for him the whole time or whatever and ended up needing him to save her anyways- and then Xiao feeding her almond tofu until she gets better ❤️❤️❤️
IM SORRY THAT WAS SO LONG- im probably going crazy from lack of sleep from reading fics for too long sndndnsnsj
Anyways.... thank you! Have a stellar day~ ✨❤️
The heart yearns and the wind heard
lmao this ask is so adorable i hope you’d enjoy this ksks
anyway, full Angst train up ahead but there are moments of Fluff too. There are mentions of blood and violence if those are not your thing- dont worry guys, this goes with a happy ending cos you and Xiao deserve one~ on a final note- non canon compliant and suuuuuuper long- like- legit this is very long
The Yaksha sighs.
He’s here again. His mind and heart has returned his being into this crimson world his demons have created within him.
He feels it. He feels the corruption binding him tighter again for every death he brings by his tainted hands.
He looks at his bindings. And ever so slowly, the red and black coiling around his person will eventually reach his heart.
One day, he thinks, all this crimson and black in this world will swallow him whole and he will see the light no more.
Xiao sighs again.
This is his karmic debt.
The moment you stepped foot within Wangshu Inn, you knew he was in his prison again. After giving a quick greeting to the inn keeper, you hastily went to Xiao’s room. The closer you got, the heavier the atmosphere became.
You reached his door and knocked softly. As expected, no reply as he continues to struggle to take back his control over himself. Without hesitation, you stepped in. To anyone else, they would have instantly met his spear at their throats, but with you, this doesn’t happen. Instead, you see him crouched on the wooden floor with a hand on his chest. His knuckles were white and his breathing was ragged. His amber eyes- lost. Observing his form, yes… his moments of corruption are becoming progressively worse.
With swift steps of familiarity to this routine, you went to him and grasped his shoulders.
“Xiao, it’s me…” You whispered with clarity. And oh- how your voice brought a wave of comfort to his soul.
“N-name…” His voice cracked, but him calling to you is always a good sign.
You gave him a small smile and proceeded to grasp his hands together with yours. After which, you then leaned your forehead to his to chant your prayers. As your prayers progressed, slowly but surely, the corruption begins to fade along with the black mist that covered him. However, you took note how this ritual took longer than the last.
Once everything is done, Xiao just slumped onto your shoulders, still breathing deeply. “How are you feeling?” It was a useless question you asked every time this happens, but you always, always, have to make sure.
Usually, he would mutter a small ‘fine,’ but now- words seemed to have left his mind and all he could muster was an almost-unnoticeable shrug.
Truth be told- his response disheartened you, but you did not show it. Instead, you opted to simply encase him in your arms and caress his hair. After all, these are just one of the few, rare moments Xiao would leave himself into your care. Xiao is aware, himself, that his state has been becoming worse and worse. And you both know, that a day would come when he would just attack anyone- friend or foe- without a trace of hesitation. So, just this time- he speaks his feelings.
You answered immediately with a questioning hum.
“What would you do… when I finally lose control over myself?”
It was very subtle, but he felt how your hand stopped caressing his hair for a second, then proceeded to the previous task at hand again. In all honestly, you can never find yourself having an answer to that question. “And why would I ever let that happen to you?” You questioned back, fully aware that you were dodging his question.
Silence surrounded the two of you, unsure on what to do with the sudden heavier atmosphere.
Not wanting to face the cruelty of the world yet, Xiao simply buried himself on the crook of your neck even more. And despite the ghostly sensation of his lips on your skin, you could feel him mouth the words ‘I love you.’
“As long as I’m here,” you whispered, “nothing can hurt you.” And that was the most beautiful lie that the Yaksha has heard, but he was willing to believe all the same.
When word about Fatui diplomats starting a bank reached you, there was a nagging feeling in your head that trouble would bring itself present anytime soon. It was like an itch that wouldn’t get away. And the only way to have that itch gone is to scratch it.
“You are absolutely a fool.” Xiao stated darkly with crossed arms, for once disagreeing with the plans of his master.
“We can never know what their intentions are unless we let them start their bank, no?” Zhongli said as he gazed at the marsh spread beneath him.
The Yaksha only scoffed but said no more.
Building up your courage, you deemed it was your turn to voice out your thoughts, “Um… Rex Lapis, I see your point, but wouldn’t it be best to resolve the problem before it persists into something larger? We all know- All of Teyvat knows, that the Fatui are not to be trusted.”
Your archon offered you a kind smile, “I understand your worries, Name. However, as of the moment, they have not presented themselves as such. If they truly are our enemies, then it would be beneficial for us to know their intentions.”
You frowned deeply at his statement. Seeing you do so, somehow, your archon immediately identified your main concern.
“Is this about the Tianquan assigning you to be her representative for the Fatui?”
The moment those words left his mouth, a growl tore from Xiao’s throat, but he held his tongue.
“Did Ganyu tell you?”
The Archon nodded and you sighed.
“I volunteered, actually.”
And at that point, Xiao vanished into thin hair, but you could still his sense his presence around.
“May I know why?” Zhongli questioned gently.
For a moment, you struggled for words. You didn’t know how to describe this ‘itch’ to him. “At first, it was supposed to be Ganyu, since in the Tianquan’s eyes- Ganyu is an adeptus and she does not know that I am, too. Perhaps she didn’t want to put me in harm’s way, a ‘visionless human’ at the side of a harbinger. After some convincing to Ningguang for my volunteering, I spoke to Ganyu next.
“The adepti are divine beings that walk here in Liyue. I had this feeling that putting a divine next to a power-hungry harbinger would become an issue. I told Ganyu that, since I looked ‘harmless’ and ‘ordinary,’ the harbinger’s interest about the divine would never surface.”
A stretch of silence wrapped around them as Zhongli pondered over your words. “Perhaps, are you also planning to dig out the truth of their arrival?”
You nodded, “I knew you would allow them to stay, so I just took it upon myself to unfurl their secrets.”
“Hmmm… I grant you permission on doing this. However, should trouble arise, do not hesitate to tell us.”
The glare pointed at you was strong. Even without him saying a single word, you could hear his phantom voice in your head speak with such coldness, What are you thinking?
You simply gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be fine, Xiao. I may be a human in mortal eyes, but please do remember that I am also an adeptus, no matter how weak I am.”
Xiao releases a huff, but still sits by your side at the floor of the balcony, letting the moon kiss his skin. “You’re not weak.” He mumbled as he snaked his hand to yours.
To him, you will never be weak. In fact, you were the strongest being he has ever laid his eyes on. Not physically, no. It was you mental and emotional fortitude. Back during the Archon War, he always admired how you kept your head held up high no matter the suffering you have experienced. No matter how much death surrounded you, you still fought. And that strength made you a survivor. During the war, you never failed to help the wounded. Even when someone dies under your care, you held strong for the departed and for those who are left behind. You were a pillar of hope.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses every knuckle “… Just be careful. If ever you are in trouble do not-“
“Hesitate to call your name.” You finished, beaming at his words.
As someone who used to be a healer and a doctor, you were quite familiar with several mild skin diseases that mortals can suffer from.
If there is an itch, you do not scratch it- for you will only aggravate the area even more.
Now that you’re working alongside the Fatui as the Tianquan’s representative, the itch you kept feeling was only irritated more. Especially whenever you spoke with the Harbinger who goes by the name Childe. And since your work requires you to cooperate with him, you also don’t miss the chance to discover what he hides, should the opportunity presents itself.
Childe… his azure eyes certainly have their… charm to those unaware. However, you knew better. You know he’s capable of drowning you just by his eyes. While he may be a cheerful man, his eyes lack the lustre of joy. The eyes are the windows of the soul, yes? If so, all you see is an unending ocean that you do not want to swim in. The surface may be calm, but the deep is relentless. However, duty bound you are- deep within the ocean, you shall find the secrets the Fatui hides.
Again, another scratch to the itch, but it only irritates you more.
The news of Rex Lapis’s death became the catalyst of you confronting the Harbinger. From Yujeng Terrace all the way to Northland Bank, you ran (with Ningguang’s permission of course). Before you can even open the door to his office, something caught your eye.
It’s faint, but you’re an adeptus. You sensed elemental traces, just smack bang at the middle of the door. You carefully scrutinized the tracings, and fortunately you knew Snezhnayan script. And what you read only made your heart sink.
It’s ready.
With the adeptal arts, you managed to uncover the origins of these elemental tracings.
Without hesitation, you followed these tracings until it led you into some ruins.
Following the tracings further, you find yourself in a dimly lit room. Wary, you summoned your weapon imbued with your element.
Searching the room, you came across several antique boxes. You opened them.
What you saw were familiar. Too familiar. Dimming the room more with your element, you find more Sigils of Permission hanging on the walls and on the ceilings. The energy within them were faint, but with enough numbers, it’s enough to kill a-
“Well, well well, I thought you’d be there mourning for your Archon. But here you are, snooping around someone else’s research material.”
The sound of his voice made you sharply turn your head to him, your stance now more offensive. “What are you planning?” You bit coldly.
The Harbinger hummed a small tune, “Nothing much… But! If you’re really curious, I guess I could tell you.” He hummed some more but you knew he’s not finished. Once he finished his tune, he grinned to you menacingly and the depths in his eyes became even deeper and darker, “After all, I won’t let you leave this place with you knowing my secret~”
There was this one time, Xiao struggled against himself so much, he scratched himself red so that he could anchor himself back to the real world. You remembered how much you cried as he slept in your arms. You never wanted to see him do that again. Seeing him hurt himself also hurt you, too. It was like a stab in the heart, then a twist, and twist some more. A slap in the reality that you might lose him one day.
As he slept, you solemnly observed the wounds he sustained himself to. They were angry red, just like blood.
Now, you, yourself scratched that itch in your head too much into a wound for blood to seep through. You scratched too much and now you have to bleed from it.
You were slipping in and out of consciousness. Sleep was tempting you more and more but you know you have to wake up. You were aware that this is going on for days.
Everything hurts. You remembered how his blades, imbued with the Sigils, weakened you thoroughly. Every slash he brought to your body just drained the energy away from you. But still you had to do something.
He wanted an adeptus- he wanted an adeptus in order for the Sigils to grow stronger both in number and in power.
Now here you are, bound by chains and suspended at the middle of this empty room. These chains were adorned by talismans that drained away your energy. You were bleeding from your wounds of your previous battle.
Drip. Drip. Drip goes the blood and pools on the ground underneath you. The ground, you barely noticed, was lined by Liyuean script which enacts the ritual of the Sigils draining your divine power from your blood.
To the eyes of a sadist- you were a picture perfect in a canvas. A dark room lined by the damned Sigils, glowing an eerie gold. Then there's you with your bloodied clothes and chains. The red pool underneath was casting a red glow on your way, giving you a red shade to your pale skin.
Everything hurts-
And everything was driving you mad.
You can also feel the Overlord of the Vortex feed from your energy through the Sigils. You sensed his lust for power and revenge. You felt his anger and the corruption within him. You felt his hatred and his want to bring death. For days that felt like years, you’ve been battling against that very same god in your head. This battle was not something you shall not lose to and failure is not an option. If you fail here, then Liyue will fall. 
This god- he was driving you mad slowly.
If ever you are in trouble, do not hesitate to call my-
You shut the thought from your head. You are not going to call him. You will not speak of him. You will not think of him. You will not call him. Not to this place where his corruption will grow. No. You Will Not Call Him.
If it means that me not calling you will keep you safe from the corrupted remnant of a god- so be it. 
However, no matter how much you denied yourself to call his name, no matter how much your heart yearns to be with him- the wind does not ignore the pained sob that left your lips.
Ever since the news of Rex Lapis's death and the visit of the Traveler with a Sigil in his hand- the corruption within him just bloomed into something feral.
The Sigil- there was something wrong about it but Xiao doesn't know what is it that is wrong. Then there's you- where are you? Surely with the news of their Archon's death- it would send you to bring forth a meeting for the adepti to talk this over. But now- for days- you remain not by his side.
With you missing- the demons inside him are slowly taking control over him, taking advantage of his vulnerability for you. For each passing day, it was slow torture for him- The worry bubbling in him was consuming him. He glared at the Sigil between his fingers and not failing to notice how his dark aura covers him once more. 
“Traveler,” Xiao called sharply, “What is it you intend to do next?” 
To any mere mortal, the look his eyes held were enough to strike fear, but the Traveler stealed themselves- meeting the adeptus’s gaze with an equally serious calm. “I have my suspicions on a certain harbinger and I-”
“Where?” The Yaksha growled.
“In the Golden House.”
Without a word nor warning, Xiao placed a hand on the Traveler’s shoulder and teleported them to the place where the Exuvia is hidden.
To the Traveler, everything happened so quickly as one event led to another. One moment, they were standing among unconscious bodies of the Millelith then the next thing they knew a corrupted and demonic gust of wind flew them away to the side. Regaining back their vision, they could see Alatus’s spear now at Tartaglia’s barrier made of Sigils. 
Alatus narrowed his eyes at the floating talismans and began to calculate the flow of this incoming battle with precision and accuracy despite his losing control over himself. 
It was a tense minute of sizing each other up, but eventually, Tartaglia has broken the silence with his annoying innocent voice. 
“Who would have thought that I’d have the honor of fighting another adeptus of Liyue?” 
The question immediately fed the corruption within him, the dark aura exploding at it. He knew that he should not believe in the Harbinger’s words so easily, but the glint in the latter’s eyes held truth. You could be out there, hurting, scared, alone. You could be out there, bleeding out. You could be out there dyi-
His aura exploded once more at the thoughts spreading in his being. With a burst of unspeakable power, Alatus lifted his weapon and pierced the barrier once more, this time breaking it without failure. At the threat, Tartaglia backed away as he donned his mask.
In a similar fashion, Alatus, too donned his mask. “I will ask you once,” the Conqueror of Demons spoke with a deathly calm, “Where is she?”
He should have killed him then and there. But the call of the Overlord of the Vortex must not be ignored as it threatens Liyue. 
In the small opportunity of escape, Childe took it. But he was weak and injured as Alatus swiftly threw his spear to block his way and teleported right in front of him. In a show of power, the Conqueror of Demons lifted the mortal by the neck.
“I will ask you again, where is she?”
In fear, Childe told him everything and at his every word, Xiao listened carefully- never speaking once. But the anger within his heart, it boils- it rages. His amber eyes bored into Childe’s soul- thinking what he should do to this mortal. Oh how killing him would be so nice. However, when the Yaksha’s gaze landed on the regal form of the Exuvia, he merely threw the mortal in its way.
“Killing you would have been easier. However, the crimes you have presented against Liyue are not mine for me to judge.
I leave the Harbinger to you... Rex Lapis.”
Once out of the Golden House, the Overlord roared once more, shaking the lands of the nation. However, along with it, he heard the faintest of voices. I’m so sorry... I couldn’t hold him back anymore. 
Only then did the demons in his heart freely took control of him. Just like the stories of old, where the Yaksha walks, death follows. But they were no stories. In his way towards the ruins where you were held captive, every step he took brought carnage and even more death and blood to taint his hands. No Fatui will leave this place alive. The very being of destruction ended many lives. Each death, the demons were growing stronger.
All he wanted now was to kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill killkillkill killkill kill killkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkill
Then seeing you suspended in the ceiling and bound by chains. Blood was painted on your lifeless skin. Wounds were littered and bruises were blooming on your form. But most of all, your eyes. What were once full of life and hope- now empty and blank. His demons quieted down.
Broken. You were like a broken porcelain doll.
“N-name...” His voice cracked, not believing it all.
With haste, he quickly broke your binds and caught you in his arms. he was fast to check for your pulse and your breathing. And thank the Archons, you were breathing but barely. You were now walking the line between life and death. With all his might yet a gentle caress, he hugged you for dear life. “Name... It’s me...”
But still, your eyes still held no recognition and it shattered his heart to pieces. With further inspection, he sensed the presence within you. A corruption. A certain evil. 
“Name, stay with me please,” Xiao begged with desperation as he fought back tears. “It’s me who supposed to be the corrupted one between us, not you... I’m not allowing you to leave me, you hear me-”
With a ritual of the adeptal arts, he started purging and purifying the evil left by the god who fed from you. He is not letting you stay alone in your prison, not for a second longer. 
Xiao prays and he never prayed before. Even to his master. But just this once, He prays with desperation. You are the light in his darkness. You are the moon in his night. 
The ritual was a delicate process. For every word he spoke, he was rewarded by your screams of pain and the writhing of your fragile body. He wanted to stop, but he can’t. He had to physically restrain you from trying to escape from his embrace and from hurting yourself. And for every cry you released, Xiao merely shuts his eyes clos just for him not to see your pained eyes. Every now and then, Xiao speaks gentle apologies and words of encouragement for you. You were coming back. But still, the evil persists.
You writhed and scratched against him, until you were creating more wounds for blood to seep through. When it came to a point, you began pleading and begging for him to stop, that was when Xiao had shed a tear. So he continues the ritual, his prayers, and his apologies. They were arriving to a point where the ritual is reaching its conclusion but your screams only grew louder.
Please, just a little more...
Please, just stop...
The corruption disintegrated away from you in a forceful release of dark energy. He was breathing deeply, attempting to calm his loud heart. When he placed his gaze on you, you were breathing rapidly and your eyes were searching blindly and your hands were desperately holding onto him.
“X-Xiao...” You whispered, “Where am I? Where are you?”
With a sigh of relief, the Yaksha hugged you again closer and his forehead to yours, fearing you would go away again. The action made you lift your hands to his face, still searching blindly.
“I’m here, Name... I’m here.” At his voice, the dam in your eyes broke as you cried silently. Xiao was not adept in emotions, but for you, he will face them gladly. He lets you cry as he gives you soft whispers of assurance, safety, love, and promises. However, you were not crying because of what had happened to you. You were crying for him. After experiencing such corruption-
You sobbed some more- you were this close to him losing you and you could not bring yourself to imagine if your roles were reversed.
“P-please,” you said with a broken voice, “please don’t go to the place where I can’t follow...’
The words, at first puzzled him, but after a few moments, he realized and once more it broke his heart. Bringing you closer, Xiao let loose the tears he was holding back. With a gentleness unexpected of the Conqueror, he simply littered your face with kisses. “I promise if only you would do the same.”
With your smile that he loved dearly for so long you too spoke your promise, “I do.” They were simply two words, but the comfort they bring into the Yaksha’s heart was in volumes.
After that, you shared a few tender moments in each other’s arms. Simply relishing the feeling of their familiar warmth. A little later, Xiao spoke, “Would you like to eat some Almond Tofu once we get home?”
The question made you giggle at his innocence, so you agreed. Despite you needing physical medical attention. But Almond Tofu with him? Yes, you two definitely need some emotional healing.
A/N: fINALLY dONE lmao this was supposed to be short but angst really makes me want to write longer everytime haha~ anyway this request really made me ponder bout genshin stuff with all the corruption this and corruption that but then a question popped up like-
how did childe replicate the sigil of permission? since sigils are imbued with divine energy, i just thought how did this guy accumulate so much sigils to the point of freeing Osial- a god!!! soooo i just played with the idea for a bit then figured out maybe these pieces of paper get the divine energy from a divine source right? and the adepti are divine beings of liyue and another thing- you guys might have noticed the change of names in some scenes- i dont know but i think somehow different names represents different side of a person like- we have childe the cheerful harbinger then tartaglia the power hungry harbinger- there’s Alatus who’s calculating and cold, there’s the Conqueror of Demons who’s ruthless and unforgiving, then Xiao who is calm and humane- lastlyyyyy i might post this in ao3 ksks
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
Red is alone... HEROBRINE VS. RED!!!!!!!!!! Also, Mango is the new Dark, Second is the new Chosen (Already shown in A v A ep. 4), and Purple is the new Second, any questions?? - Ruby Disc
Okay, I think what you're saying is that since Red went through the portal alone in, theres potential for a singular Red plot (which I would adore, please give me more Red content alksjglds) and a chance for Herobrine to surface again
I think it could definitely be a cool concept but I personally believe Herobrine is gone or at least, isn't coming back anytime soon. It would feel weird if he was suddenly reintroduced when this arc is focused on King and Purple.
And then I think what you were pointing at with the whole Dark and Mango, and Chosen and Second, is that there are parallels in this arc with AvA 5. While I can see similarities, I wouldn't say King MT is the new Dark because aside from their antagonistic presence to the main group, they actually aren't that similar!
(haha OOPS- this post turned into a mini character analysis that got kinda long, so I'm putting the rest under the "Keep Reading" tag!)
Dark's motivation was seemingly destruction and vengeance (considering his first virabot was sent to Char!Alan's PC). He's crafty, smart, fast, and enthusiastic. He also had a personal beef with Chosen after his refused to help with the initial Virabot plan.
Now lets look at King. His motivation is power. The only thing driving him is that desire for power and possibly control (especially if the way he treats Purple is anything to go by). King is imposing, calculating, powerful in stature, and sly. There's no "tragic" backstory with another stick that's fueling his actions.
For example, lets say theres an important item located at the far end of a room that you want. The problem is that theres a huge crowd in between you and that item. If Dark was confronted with this problem, he'd probably jump headfirst into the crowd and brute force his way through. If it was King, he'd probably assess the situation first and use his size to get through the crowd or get someone else to retrieve the item for him.
Similarly, lets look at Second and Chosen. Second's name is the Second Coming, a clear reference back to the Chosen One as shown in AvA 4 but like, aside from being kinda a reincarnation (except not because Chosen is still alive) both of them having powers and the initial drive to attack the Animator when he wronged them, and their want to befriend their enemies, is kinda the only thing they have in common. Even then, Chosen befriended Dark because they were both wronged by the Animator. Second befriends their enemies because they wants to and probably sees the good in them.
So yeah! Maybe thematically, King has taken Dark's role and Second has taken Chosen's role in this fight in the sense, a powerful stick figure is doing bad and someone needs to stop them, but they certainly aren't the New Dark or the New Chosen.
As for Purple being the new Second, I'll be honest, I have no idea what you mean by this. asdkgdlsjgs
Anyway, god this turned out a lot longer than expect
what the hell was I doing again?? alksjlgsd
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leviiattacks · 3 years
hi hi hi i really really really loved your jealous headcanon of levi and your teacher levi!!! i was wondering if i could maybe request something where you kinda mix the two(?) so like theres this event going on in school and the reader is very occupied and busy because shes paying attention to her students and then maybe she talks to some teachers about the event and then levi is just there secretly sulking cause he wants her attention too?? or idk you do you because your works are always soooooooo good thank you<3333
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author note :: i did not stick to the prompt which was honestly an accident?/£/):7 but there is jealous levi and reader so i hope it workssss, it’s not that great and isn’t edited...but i hope you enjoy it :-( also thank you for the request you were very kind <3
for this to make more sense you’ll probably have to read my first ever teacher levi post which you can find here !!!!!
requests are always open :-)
word count :: 4.3k ???? longer than i expected ???? 
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levi groans at the mention of sports day before turning to look at you dead in the eyes
he knows this is your doing, you’ve always been big on getting the children into sport and other extracurriculars
now see, he has no actual issue with sports day?? he’s pretty fit if he says so himself!!!
it’s just that he frankly does not have the effort to participate.
another part of him also feels frustrated seeing mike flock around you like an annoying bee
he’s asking all sorts of questions
“are we doing the three legged race again this year?”
“how about javelin?”
levi takes one look at you and knows you’re trying to let him down softly, it is his favourite event after all.
“since last year’s fiasco and the way you nearly hit one of the sixth graders i think not.” you awkwardly chuckle patting his shoulder as if it’s any consolation
mike loves sports day, he’s competitive in all of the teacher only events and last year he even tripped you and levi up ON PURPOSE might you add
either way he still lost the teacher’s three legged race last year and ever since he’s been out to gain his title back.
levi remembers, he’s unsure if you do but he remembers vividly having to carry you on his back because you had sprained your ankle pretty badly after your collision with mike.
back then you and levi were still in the middle of your little math vs english debate meaning the whole walk to the infirmary was filled with bickering.
and when levi had placed you onto one of the beds you insisted you could treat yourself when you really couldn’t
the way that scenario ended had been with levi forcing you to place your foot onto his knee as he iced and tended to it
this year levi is not having any repeats of that. yes, he quite liked having some alone time with you, in fact it was one of the first times he stopped to wonder if he liked you.
BUT!!!! having you limp around the corridors wasn’t the best either and you were highly irritable until you were fully healed
“why don’t you actually try this year?” hange stifles a laugh, they’re stood to levi’s left and upon hearing their voice his shoulders sag. he knows he’s in for one hell of an earful
“i do try–”
“yeah whatever. anyway, you want a cupcake?” hange’s gesturing to the haphazardly iced buns in the four plastic containers in their hands
“these are for the bake sale!!” they add in enthusiastically.
levi’s about to shake his head, he’s already donated to the bake sale’s charity fund without paying for any of the baked goods. yes it is purely because he doesn’t trust hange to feed him anything edible
“they’re y/n’s batch :-)” hange’s wickedly grinning knowing they’ve hit their colleagues weakness
without another thought levi’s right hand dives into one of his pockets, fishing his wallet out. he places a few spare coins into hange’s palm
“wOAH, you’re pretty eager aren’t ya??”
their remark flies over levi’s head as he tries to pick out two of the most presentable cupcakes
“you’re so fond of y/n, why not try a little harder like i said?” hange’s thrown the bait in the river and levi completely falls for it. he turns ninety degrees completely forgetting about the cupcakes.
“i’m talking about sport’s day if it isn’t obvious.”
he faces hange directly. he scowls twisted in fake disgust and confusion all at once
“and why would i care about that?” he shoots back
“after walking in on the both of you touching each other up in the janitor’s closet i’m really surprised you’re — mMMPH—” levi’s shoved one of the cupcakes into hange’s mouth
“you’re gonna have to pay for that–”
levi smacks some more money into their palm to appease the issue
“when did you see that and have you told anyone else?” he’s seething right now, there’s no way he or you were unable to notice someone as loud as hange prance into the storage cupboard accidentally
“i haven’t told anyone but it has only been three days since i saw so who knowsss...”
“i’ll do anything for you to keep your mouth shut.” levi’s practically begging at this point
“i think you should buy a whole box of cupcakes as compensation. my eyes will never be the same again.”
levi hands over more than enough money, he’s probably handed over enough for two boxes just for extra measure
it’s not that he’s embarrassed of you or anything no, no, not at all. he just, this sounds so stupid but he isn’t sure what the two of you are????
you’ve kissed, A LOT but the only problem is that there’s never actually been confirmation of... something more? than that?
he’s simply horrible at asking, and seeing the way you’re talking to mike it’s almost getting to the stage of borderline flirting
he’s currently flexing one of his muscles and levi’s unsure if you’re actually gawking at them or feigning interest so mike can get bored and leave sooner
his bets are on you pretending for the sake of mike leaving until you reach out to squeeze his arm appreciatively
what is this feeling??
insecurity?? a low self esteem??? levi isn’t entirely sure what the emotion that surges through him at that moment is
but hange sure does, grinning at the scene playing out they shove moblit with their elbow
well, well, well levi getting jealous is certainly something new.
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when levi knocks on the door of your classroom you assume he’s come to bother you and ask for the spreadsheet with grade averages and all that technical stuff
english and math grades need to be compared side by side and even though it’s your job to help with the data analysis you’re pretty bad at it so levi’s the one who USUALLY picks up the pieces and does it for the two of you
occasionally mike steps in and helps when levi’s got other stuff in the way
“oh levi!! mike told me he’d be doing this month’s spreadsheet?” you’ve poked your head out of the door to talk to him
levi’s eyes narrow at that because he hasn’t asked mike for help at all.
“i didn’t come here for the spreadsheet but i haven’t even told mike to assist me this month... i wonder why he’s so passionate.” he mumbles the last part under his breath
opening the door up you wave for him to come inside “what you here for then?” you ask, oOoh maybe he’s finished reading an inspector calls?? finally you can talk to someone about the twist at the end
“i’m taking part in sports day properly.” the statement is unexpected and ?? levi ?? take anything other than math seriously ??
“woah... i’m proud of you?? i’m glad you’re seeing it’s important to show the children physical activity is fun.” your smile brightens up the entire room and he begins to feel a little more confident
peering up at him your curiosity doesn’t go unnoticed and he clears his throat, he knows you’re expecting him to say something else
ok, ok, ok. he thinks he’s built enough courage up to ask you
“i’ve never got the chance to ask but would you like to go on a date?” on reflex levi screws his eyes shut, suddenly he’s convinced you’ll say no and reject him. why would you accept??
his eyes flutter open and he feels you grip at the sleeve of his shirt.
well? that went better than he expected?
“where do you want to go?” you ask
“doesn’t matter, but let’s go somewhere after sports day finishes up.”
“are you barely going to try like last year?” you’re munching away at a granola bar - it’s rather bland and makes your throat feel kinda scratchy
you’re midway through drinking some water to deal with the dryness but you nearly spit it out when levi responds
“no. i plan on winning every single teacher event.”
HE WANTS TO??? beat???? everyone???
“you’re planning on beating mike too?” you tilt your head to the side incredulously
levi purses his lips at the mention of his name
“why does that sound so absurd to you?”
“he’s um, very good at sport that’s all.”
“i am too.” levi’s adamant to prove his point to you
“fine, here’s a deal. win at least one teacher event and i’ll try and solve one of your funny math problems or whatever.”
“what kind of deal is that??”
“you’ll be able to see me struggle with numbers, for free!!”
“no. i have something better in mind.” levi bites his smile back, he can’t let you know the idea makes him feel
“and that would be?”
he takes a step forward decreasing the space between the two of you.
“how about you kiss me in front of everyone?”
your mouth falls open because oh wow....? you have no actual problem with the task you’re simply surprised that levi is willing to put the both of you out there like that. the spectacle is bound to raise some eyebrows
“deal?” he holds his hand out for you to shake
you nod your head. “it’s a pleasure doing business with you.”
and so your deal is sealed with a firm handshake.
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the big day has ARRIVED!!!
all of the students are flooding in through the gates. some carry footballs, other basketballs. you’ve been here for less than ten minutes and had to save a ball from crashing right into an expensive window.
everyone’s wearing active gear, udo walks in with a ski mask on?? which is peculiar but it’s humorous so you don’t tell him off for it
you’ve chosen a comfortable olive green tracksuit, you don’t think you’re in the mood for ski masks like udo is
coincidentally levi happens to show up in the EXACT same type of tracksuit?? everything’s the same to the colour. you both stare at each other for a moment trying to figure out how exactly you managed that but give up, you guess you have similar tastes
the accidental coordinated outfits have a few of your students pointing and chuckling together
gabi and falco are laughing heartily and whispering god knows what about the two of you
“three legged race partner?” levi asks as he fills up some water bottles for the water stand
“oh? mike asked me to be his partner.”
levi doesn’t make it obvious that he’s jealous about it because what adult would be jealous over a three legged race??
but even if you can’t tell levi is pissed mike sure can
he’s walking past the two of you, hands shoved into his pockets when he spots you a few meters away. his eyes sparkle when he sees you. it’s at that moment he senses the dark piercing glare coming from your right.
you’ve yet to notice mike but levi’s seen him approaching from a mile away and he isn’t particularly happy about it.
the good thing about mike is that he knows not to mess with levi.
the two have known each other for years and by now mike knows messing with levi is a death wish in itself.
so when the poor physical ed teacher notices the way levi glowers at him he calls out your name to get your attention - he’s much too afraid to get anywhere near you
whipping your head around you wave at your race partner, why does it look like he’s seen a ghost?? you shove that thought to the back of your mind, he’s probably just tired
“petra doesn’t have a partner and uhh... i think levi’s free. could you work with him instead?”
levi turns away to smile to himself. ah how the tables have turned!!!
“but i want to work with you? it’s always y/n and levi do this. y/n and levi do that!! i wanna try with someone else.”
what you’ve said is a lie. honestly you’d just like to see levi get worked up again
but levi doesn’t get the memo at all. it flies over his head and he huffs thinking if that’s what you want he doesn’t mind. he’ll just show you how he feels.
“it’s okay. i’ll go with petra.” levi nonchalantly salutes at both you and mike as he walks backwards before turning around to locate the ginger in question
with your mouth open wide mike looks at you once and puts the pieces together
“guessing you wanted him to stick around?” you suddenly hear and god, you feel kinda bad
“oh no!!! i would love to be your partner.” looping your arm with his you smile up at him
whether or not mike believes you isn’t clear but he does return your smile.
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there’s a few minutes till the three legged race starts, everyone’s running around. erwin’s knelt down to tie yours and mike’s legs together
as he’s doing so you can’t help but hear a high pitched windshieldy giggle leave petra and you visibly seem annoyed. that’s if your arms crossed over your chest and clenched jaw are anything to go by
levi hasn’t even said anything notably funny ???? what is she laughing at ????
he’s quite literally just standing there making awkward small talk with her
it goes something like this
“have you marked your exams yet?”
levi doesn’t realise she’s said anything till she taps his shoulder and he asks for her to repeat her question
“oh.” he thinks for a while. “no not yet. i’ve got better shit to do. i don’t see them till next week either way.”
and then she just starts laughing so hard that she has to hold her knees and when that isn’t enough she holds onto a nearby pole for support
you see where this is going
when her breathing gets even more uneven she reaches out to grab levi’s upper arm
YUP. you knew it. you can’t be mad at her really. no one knows you and levi are sort of a thing.
a thing? is that the term? well, whatever late night calls discussing books and a few heated kisses in private mean that’s what you are
levi stares at the hold she has on his arm and you expect him to shrug her off. instead he sees you look, smirks a little and waves all the while letting her hand stay there
and the icing on the cake is petra waving at you too and her eyes are much more expressive than she thinks they are
she’s internally laughing at you for sure.
ok, not a big deal, NOT a big deal!!!
this is just him getting back at you for before.
flipping your head back your sad expression probably catches mike’s attention because he seems to cave in
“want to make him jealous back?”
his suggestion is interesting but you catch yourself second guessing
“he’s doing that because he’s jealous.” you mumble shaking your leg to test the strength of erwin’s knot
“and? don’t let him win.” he glances at his shoulder gesturing for you to make the next move
nodding your head vigorously you throw your arm over mike’s shoulder but find he’s too tall to make that work so instead you settle on holding him by the side
it takes you a little to adjust to the close proximity but in the time it takes you to do that mike informs you of levi glaring at the two of you
“mind if i hold onto you here? we can coordinate our moves faster!!!” petra doesn’t even wait for levi to agree to what she says. she just flings one of her arms around his torso
again, he lets her just as last time.
this game of cat and mouse is getting tiring, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut when mike approached you.
your senses snap back to where you are. your grip on mike’s torso firms and he turns to nod at you.
you nod back.
you’ll win this.
okay, SO.
something in your game plan must have gone wrong but mike’s strength is something you’ve clearly underestimated. his first step is so powerful you don’t even have the time to start moving
you assume that’s how you collapse to the ground behind him and scrape your hands onto the cement of the track
so much for winning. all you’re doing is bleeding and hissing trying to cope with the stinging sensation
“mike?!?? not again??” hange groans and jogs over to the two of you untying the ropes at your legs.
“do we have to ban you from another event??? you’re too reckless sometimes.” hange smacks his chest and then hurriedly whispers “levi’s coming this way if you value your life you better bolt and use the first aid kit as an excuse.”
mike doesn’t even debate with himself, that’s his best bet at staying alive and so he dashes away as if he’s left the shower on at home for five hours unattended
some students are murmuring under their breaths and luckily for you the forever reliable gabi and falco have come to your rescue with bandages
“show me your hands.” levi’s hard voice interrupts all discussion. petra’s stood peering over his shoulder and you swear you catch her muffling a laugh
levi frowns. “you good?” he asks. you assume this answer will be the deciding factor regarding whether or not he makes this an issue with mike
“i’m great – trust me!! just a few scrapes.”
levi doesn’t look convinced but he let’s it go.
he helps you get up and takes the bandages from gabi thanking her.
“i’ll patch y/n up.” he tells hange pointedly and they agree. moblit at that moment happens to run over with a megaphone in hand.
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“i’ll make him lose the one hundred meter sprint so badly he won’t know what hit him.” levi’s been grumbling the entire time he’s sat down to bandage your hands.
now that you’re both sat close to each other again murmurs of “matching tracksuits??” are back
“you don’t have to it was a mistake levi.”
levi shrugs eyes scanning his handiwork. “i want to. i’ve got to earn my kiss in front of a crowd anyway.”
gently letting go of your hand he looks out onto the track waiting to be called.
you’ve never seen levi give his full effort into sports day but even then you’re unsure if he’ll ever be able to beat mike.
honestly mike sure is fast and you recall one of the children referring to him with the nickname lightening bolt
and speak of the devil. a group of children walk past and are talking about the teacher’s race
“mr bolt’s gonna win for sure. you seen him run?? he could be an olympian!!!!” zofia’s gushing about him, she happens to be a big fan
the only nickname you’ve ever heard for levi is ursula – “ursula sure is evil for giving us that much work >:(” you had heard udo say once during class but after the earful he got from gabi he never used the name again, neither did anyone else
a few more minutes pass in a comfortable silence and levi’s called over to his lane. you’ve accepted the fact that there’s no changing his mind and he’s bound to compete now
“wait for me by the finish line.” he instructs and so you do. you go your separate paths. he to his lane (he’s in the lane two) and you to the finish line
petra’s already standing there waiting. her elbows are propped onto the railing peering out towards the contestants.
making your way to stand with her you see her sigh dreamily at levi in the distance
“hey, i know you don’t like levi a whole lot. you know your fued and all but do you think he’d say yes if i asked him out?”
that sure is unexpected.
you fight the urge to scoff because you know you and levi are starting to drop more hints. is this her way of finding out the truth?
“me and levi don’t hate each other actually.”
“oh, well dislike.”
“we don’t dislike each other.”
“tolerate?” she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth trying to control her frustration
“petra. i like levi.” your confession knocks the wind out of her. you both silently exchange looks. she’s very clearly in disbelief.
the next time she speaks the previous playful lilt in her voice is long gone
“as soon as you noticed i liked him you just had to decide you liked him too. people like you make my skin crawl.”
why is she so bitter?.)/&£:
you can’t help liking levi and he likes you too,, so what now??
“he likes me back petra. can we be civil about this? i don’t like workplace drama. i had no idea you were into him.” you’re hoping that this will happen to shut her up but NO!!! it doesn’t she’s only more mouthy now
“prove it.” she points one of her manicured fingers into your chest and demands evidence she doesn’t even deserve to see
“if he likes you back so much he should be able to show it.”
you know, if it were any day, any other time or any other person asking you this you would have out right refused, but given the circumstances and levi already waiting on you to kiss him in front of the entirety of the school you see no issue with having the last laugh in this argument
“fair enough.” you mutter and lean over to see hange announce the countdown
“AND GO!!!”
you swear you blink because GOD what on EARTH????? you don’t understand why previous to this levi balked at the thought of participating because he’s made it look so easy.
he’s not bolted he may as well have TELEPORTED to the finish line. mike is breaking out in a sweat far behind him and the boyish grin on levi’s face is enough to tell how he feels
gasps and applause can be heard from the children. zofia and udo are passionately arguing about some bet they’ve made - you make a mental note to tell them that making deals is fun as long as they don’t bet large amounts of money
levi’s jogging up to you completely ignoring petra’s presence
“told you i’d do it. i avenged you didn’t i?” you don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile so confidently in public 
you acknowledge what he’s said with a cartoon like thumbs up and then you’re staring at him unable to locate your courage
oh fuck it
you lean in hurriedly and steal a peck from him. he blinks and then scowls much to petra’s amusement. she has to think he’s about to curse you out but unbeknownst to her she’s read the situation wrong
“is that your idea of a kiss??”
and then he takes matters into his own hands – no literally into his own hands. he cups your face in his palms and captures your lips with his own. as you reciprocate petra can be heard choking on her saliva.
“OH well who would’ve guessed the english and math department had an alliance????? not me???” next is hange, they’re feigning shock even though they’ve known what the two of you have been up to this entire time
the whispers have now become full on shouts
“i KNEW it they were dating?!?!”
gabi and falco are audibly cheering, you’re quite sure they realised what was up long ago
“DON’T BE UPSET BUT I THINK THIS IS WAYYY BETTER THAN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!!” falco’s comment makes your heart rise in your chest
and you know what? you think so too.
as levi’s hand travels to the back of your neck pressing you further into him you come to the conclusion that maybe just maybe this is far better than pride and prejudice ever will be :-)
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Vampire Shift~
ꕥPosted: 5/23/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut, Angst, College!au, Horror!au
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Vampire!Jongho (feat Wooyoung and Minho from skz)
ꕥWord Count: ~5.9k (whoops)
ꕥWarnings: Horror themes, Language, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Mentions of blood and blood sucking (please lmk if I missed anything)
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho @bobateastay
ꕥA/N: I hope you all don’t a more spooky concept! Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though its May, it’s always spooky season to me lolol. Also! Feel free to listen to Vampire Shift by All Time Low while reading this (it’s only on YouTube I cry) since this is inspired by the song :)
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It was a terrible idea, really, to work the night shift at a gas station alone. Even more so when you’re a young woman whose only defense is the pepper spray on her key chain and 911 on speed dial. Alas, college bills don’t pay themselves and every spare opportunity to get cash was one I had to take.
The digital clock sitting on the counter next to me briefly flashed, indicating another hour had gone by. It was currently four a.m. and it was safe to say I was losing my mind. I’d worked for five hours now, and not a customer had come in. That was the only advantage, really. So long as no one was around my boss let me finish any assignments I had, which came in handy on more than one occasion.
I was only six paragraphs into a five page report and had been staring at my laptop screen for over an hour, feeling beyond brain dead. I was assigned the topic of financial statements and country trade deficits, and wanted to cry every minute I thought about it. I was half convinced to pay someone to write the report for me.
The ringing of a bell indicated a customer opening the door and I closed my laptop to peer around the counter, ready to greet whoever entered. The first man to catch my attention was wearing sunglasses which fazed me, but I tried not to stare. The man that followed had black hair with blond underneath, a combination that I strangely liked. Both men were donned in all back, their faces stoic. They were attractive, I had to admit, but neither were my type.
And then, the last man entered. He looked over to me as he walked through the door, giving me a nod and a slight smile. His slicked back black hair matched his black ripped jeans and highlighted his red leather jacket. He was so handsome he looked like he jumped out of a magazine and I had to suppress a ‘wow’. A string of butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I did my best to ignore them, not even knowing his name.
The three of them wandered through the aisles until I could no longer see them, and I scolded myself for being so thrown off that I forgot say any form of a greeting. I sighed and turned my attention back to my laptop, opening it and blankly staring at the screen. My ears perked when I heard the men’s hushed voices.
“Y’oughta get that girl’s number. I saw the way you looked at her.”
“Yeah, Jongho. She’s pretty cute. If you don’t get her number you know I will.”
“Shut up.” One of the men, Jongho apparently, responded with a laugh, “Let’s just get some snacks, okay? It’s gonna be a long night. Also I’m buying tonight so get whatever.”
A smile crept on my face and I looked down, fiddling with my thumbs.
They think I’m cute. Maybe Jongho’s the one in red?
I heard the bell ring once more and a girl entered who I vaguely remembered from high school. She was popular but for good reason, probably being one of the nicest people I’d ever met. Our circle of friends overlapped slightly so I’d spent a fair amount of time with her. She was smart as a whip and gorgeous all the same, which seemed to stay with her. She looked bright, long red hair falling around her face, freckles still prominent as ever.
We met eyes and she smiled, “Hey y/n!”
I smiled and waved, “Hey Annabelle. How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Good! I got into my dream college and it’s been great, although I’ve had to take some pretty hard classes.” She giggled, walking towards me. It’s honestly not too far from here. You go to Westgate University, right?”
I nodded and I put my laptop aside. She spoke again, genuinely excited for me, “That’s awesome! Congrats!”
“Thanks,” I smiled, “I’m taking it you got into Orholt?”
“I did! I was really-”
One of the men that entered earlier—the one still wearing sunglasses—shouted the redhead’s name and caught her attention, “Hey Anna do you want a Redbull or a Five Hour Energy?”
“Redbull! I’m not a monster.” She laughed.
The man nodded and walked toward us with several drinks and snacks in his hands.
“Oh! I want to introduce you to my boyfriend!” Annabelle turned to the man still wearing sunglasses and reached for his arm, “This is Minho. I met him at Orholt.”
Minho gave me a slight nod as I introduced myself and he placed the food and drinks on the counter. I began to scan the items, the mindless routine that I was used to by now. The loud sound of laughter made me look up, seeing the two other men approach us and place their snacks down as well. I watched them long enough to notice the way two-tone—my new affectionate name for the man with blond and black hair, I decided—shamelessly checked me out, a cocky smile on his face when I caught him. I just let out a small laugh before resuming my task, watching his confused reaction in my peripheral vision.
“Oh my god I totally forgot to introduce you to my friends.” Annabelle giggled and pointed to two-tone, “This is Wooyoung.”
“Hiya, Wooyoung.” I said with a confident smile, enjoying the way he still had a slightly confused look on his face.
“And this,” Annabelle nodded towards the man in red, “This is Jongho. Both him and Wooyoung go to Orholt, too.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jongho. I’m y/n.”
“Very nice to meet you.” The man smiled before he sent me a wink.
I had never been a particularly shy person, but as he did so my eyes darted down as I felt my face flush. I didn’t notice the gears turning in Annabelle’s head as she put the pieces together.
I placed the final items in the bag, raising my head as Annabelle addressed me,  “You know I’m having a bonfire tomorrow night at my place and you should totally come!”
I stopped to think, first trying to remember if I worked the next day, then wondering if I was willing to go the bonfire when I realized I didn’t have to.
She sensed my hesitancy and her face fell, “Aw do you work tomorrow night? It’s a Saturday!”
“Oh no, I don’t. I...” I stopped to think for a minute. Although I likely didn’t know anyone else who would be there, I was familiar with Annabelle’s house, which brought me a bit of comfort, “Are all of you going?”
Annabelle gave a knowing smile, “Yes. All of us will be here.”
I nodded, accepting the credit card Jongho gave me, quickly after handing them the bags, and returning his card, “I’ll go.”
“Yay! We’ve gotta head out but I’ll send you the details. You’ve still got the same number, right?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Alrighty! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
Annabelle left with a wave, her boyfriend on her arm and Wooyoung behind her. To my surprise, Jongho didn’t leave with them, the cocky look on his face all but telling me why he stayed.
I looked at him with wide eyes, playing innocent. “Can I help you?”
He placed an arm on the counter, his dark eyes seeming to put me under a spell. The confidence he was radiating was almost palpable and I felt myself being pulled to him. It was intimidating, to be honest.
“You’re really cute and I want your number.”
I let out a surprised laugh, “You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?”
“No, not really,” He propped his other arm on the counter, leaning towards me and raising an eyebrow, “So what do you say, doll?”
A smile crept on my face as I mirrored his actions and leaned towards him, “You gonna memorize my number? Or do you have a phone I can put my number into?”
Jongho’s smile got brighter as he reached to grab his phone, handing it to me. “You’re a firecracker, aren’t you?”
I shrugged, “I’d like to think so.”
When I handed his phone back, our fingers brushed and I could’ve sworn I felt sparks shoot through me at the simple interaction.
“Well I need to head out before the rest of them get too annoyed,” He nodded towards the exit where Annabelle, Minho, and Wooyoung left, “But it was enchanting to meet you, y/n.” He bowed, drawing a laugh from me.
“Ah yes. You as well, absolutely delightful.”
He gave me a smile, “I’ll text you later.”
"Sounds good. I’ll hold you to your word.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” And with that, he was out the door, leaving my heart a fluttering mess.
Me [8:37pm] So is there a dress code for tonight?
Annabelle [8:42pm] Nope! Wear whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m wearing this if it helps at all!
Annabelle [8:43pm] 1 Image Attached*
Me [8:45pm] So leather jackets and crop tops?
Annabelle [8:48pm] Haha sure! We can match!
Me [8:51pm] Lol bet. See you at eleven :)
Annabelle [8:51pm] See you then!
I started the process of slipping on a white cropped top followed by my light washed ripped jeans. I knew I was getting ready far earlier than I could have, but something about new events made me anxious and I had to make sure I looked nice. I giggled at the black leather jacket I was throwing over my shoulders, not having worn it since high school. In the middle of debating whether or not I should add another layer of mascara to my lashes, my phone dinged.
New Number [8:59pm] Y/n this better be you. This is Jongho and I’m texting you for a really important reason and I need you to reply quick
Me [9:00pm] Yeah it’s me. What’s going on are you okay??
New Number [9:02pm] I’m gonna go grab some food before I head to Anna’s. You wanna come with?
Me [9:02pm] Oh my god don’t do that to me, you buffoon. You scared me so bad rip
[New Number name changed to A Cute Buffoon]
Me [9:03pm] But sure I’m down lol. Here’s my address btw
Me [9:03pm] 1 Location Shared*
It occurred to me perhaps a bit too late that I was sharing my address with someone that I’d met only once and in a gas station.
I mean, he’s friends with Annabelle so he’s gotta be good right? God I hope so. I thought to myself.
A Cute Buffoon [9:04] Then it’s a date :) I live pretty close so I’ll be over in 10. That work for you?
Me [9:06pm] Fine with me!
A Cute Buffoon [9:06pm] Sounds good. I’ll see you soon ;)
I set down my phone and thanked myself for already doing my makeup. I checked myself out in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance and proud of how well my makeup turned out. I grabbed my bottle of perfume and spritzed the liquid in the air, letting it gradually fall on me so it wouldn’t be too overpowering.
You look beautiful, babe.
The waiting game was harder than I thought, not knowing what to do except awkwardly sit around and play an assortment of phone games. When exactly ten minutes had passed I heard my doorbell ring and I lifted myself from my couch, grinning at his punctuality.
I opened the door to see Jongho holding a bouquet of flowers, a smug look on his face. “Lovely to meet you here, stranger.”
I wanted to make a joke back but I couldn’t seem to think of anything, too surprised by the flowers in his hands. It wasn’t anything extravagant, the small bouquet of violets, but I felt my heart swell.
It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
My voice was small when I spoke, “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
His eyebrows furrowed as a confused look painted his face, “Really?”
I nodded, taking the flowers from his outreached hands and smelling their sweet fragrance, “They’re beautiful.”
My eyes flickered to his, the tender look on his face making me feel as if I was melting on the spot, “You’re beautiful.”
I squealed, my face undoubtedly turning pink while my mind short circuited. I’d never become so shy around someone before and the only thing I could think of to say in response was another ‘thank you’ followed by ‘I’ll go get a vase for these.’
I opened my door further, rummaging through my cabinets for a vase when I noticed Jongho was still standing by the door, “You can come in, you know? That’s why I opened the door.”
He laughed nervously, “Sorry about that. Force of habit, I guess.”
I raised my eyebrows in a teasing manner, “What? Are you a vampire? Can you only come in if someone invites you?”
I thought I saw a flicker of shock on his face for a moment, but it was gone before I could register it and I shrugged it off, my eyes finding the perfect vase for the flowers.
“It’s just how I was raised.”
“I get that.” I placed the flowers in the vase, giving them a bit of water before walking up to Jongho and gently patting his cheek, “Your good manners are appreciated.”
He laughed in surprise, full gummy smile on display as he playfully swatted my hand away from his face, “Alright, alright. Let’s head out already.”
I made a sound of agreement before noticing a slight pink on his ears. I was temped to tease him, but ultimately decided to save it for later. If I could fluster him once I knew I could do it again.
The diner we went to was one I’d never heard of before, let alone been to, and I was beyond frustrated that I didn’t even know about it’s existence. It was an adorable fifties style diner and even the attire the waiters were wearing fit the theme.
“This is the cutest place to ever exist, I’m convinced.” I said as we sat down on the same side of a bright red booth.
“I really hoped you would like it. This is my favorite restaurant ever and they have fantastic milkshakes. If you’d like to share one for desert, I’m all for it.” A wink.
I bit my lip and hid my face in the menu that was placed in front of us, thankful for any method of escape.
“You’re so cute.”
“Ahh no don’t say things like that.” I giggled from behind the menu.
His hand grabbed the top of the menu, pulling it down so he could see me, “Why’s that?”
“Because you make me nervous. Like a good nervous!” I tried to explain, which only resulted in becoming even more embarrassed, “I-I mean I’m excited to be around you but I’m also nervous. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.” I cringed at myself. Never in my life did I think I’d be blushing and stuttering over some man, but my god did he prove me wrong.
“Not at all,” he reached over to take my hand in his, “because I feel it, too.”
Before I could properly react our waitress came over, taking our order and effectively saving me from becoming a human tomato.
We handed our menus back to her after ordering and she looked at us with a soft smile, “You two make a cute couple.”
While I was a bit too stunned to say anything, Jongho didn’t seem to have the same problem and went along with it, “Thank you, ma’am. That’s kind of you to say.”
When she left, Jongho leaned closer to me, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by saying that we we’re a couple. I thought that-”
“No, I didn’t mind it!” I bit my tongue after likely saying that way too fast with far too much enthusiasm, but I meant it, “I didn’t mind it,” I said again, softer this time.
The tips of his ears once again turned a faint shade of pink, “Good to know.”
The food was as wonderful as it possibly could’ve been, their fries alone being one of the best things I’d ever consumed. Just as Jongho suggested, we shared a milkshake, which led to shy eye contact and laughter and my crush becoming stronger by the minute.
Just as Jongho paid and we were about to leave, a certain song began to play and he looked at me with an air of mischief, holding out his hand to me, “Dance with me.”
I took his hand, trying to hide my smile but failing. He led me away from the table and next to the jukebox. The area surrounding it was more open, probably with the intention for people to dance near it. He grabbed my waist, holding the hand of mine that wasn’t placed on his chest and looking at me in a way that could make any woman fall in love on the spot. We swayed to the music and I couldn’t help but feel full. Like I’d found all that I’d ever need.
Put your head on my shoulder~
“Do you know this song?” He asked with a smile.
I scoffed, “Of course I do! It’s one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mine, too.”
Hold me in your arms, baby~
I mouthed along to the words as I felt the need to prove it to him. As if to one up me, Jongho began to sing along, his gorgeous voice amazing me.
Squeeze me oh so tight, show me~
That you love me, too~
I blushed as he looked at me while singing along, becoming a bit flustered himself when the lyrics clicked with him.
Put your lips next to mine dear~
Won’t you kiss me once, baby~
As if we were in sync our eyes darted to the other’s lips at the same time. I could feel Jongho’s breathing becoming heavier before he said in a hushed tone, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” Was all I could respond before I pressed my lips to his, fireworks igniting inside me when he kissed me back. His lips were so soft and warm and as crazy as it sounded, he felt like home. I felt him smile against my lips as the music continued to play.
Maybe you and I will fall in love~
The fire was loud, crackling and lighting up the faces of all those crowded those around it. It was essentially the only source of light in the dark of the night, except for the distant lights still on in Annabelle’s house. My hands were interlocked with Jongho’s as we sat around it’s warmth, both of us finding it hard to separate from one another.
Conversation was flowing all around us, and I was relieved to find that everyone I had talked to was kind and welcoming. I was more nervous than I realized, but having Jongho next to my side alone calmed me. Someone around the fire mentioned an old story involving Annabelle and I began to wonder where she was, having not seen her since Jongho and I first arrived. I mentioned I was going to look for her and he nodded, at first wanting to join me but then getting pulled into conversation with one of his former classmates. I told him I’d head off on my own and he nodded again.
I looked around what seemed to be the entire property and still there was no sight of her. At that moment I heard yelling coming from her house, startling me. I felt my blood run cold when I recognized one of the voices as Annabelle’s. The yelling didn’t sound like it was out of fear, but instead more aggressive, out of pure anger. Without thinking I ran inside, hoping to calm the situation but instead found what seemed to be out of a work of fiction.
An unfamiliar man was on the ground, obviously trying to get away from a hidden figure before him that seemed to be cloaked in darkness. He let out a sound that I’d never heard a human make, one that I couldn’t even compare to something I’d heard before, and a shiver ran down my back. As the figure took a step forward I recognized it as Annabelle, or what seemed to be some version of her. Her normally grey eyes were now bright red, sharp fangs on display as she snarled at the man. A group of people were surrounding them, alarmed looks on their faces but hardly trying to intervene.
“What the hell?” I whispered, my eyes wide as I tried to back away without anyone noticing. But of course, I just had to step on an empty soda can, all eyes pointing my way. As I looked at the people around me, their expressions seemed to mirror mine and I swallowed, suddenly feeling immensely claustrophobic.
I met eyes with Annabelle and she seemed to change in a flash, her eyes returning to their former color and fangs disappearing. She looked more panicked than I had ever seen her which only scared me more. She was always able to keep her stressors under control, but as she stared back at me, I saw a version of her I never had before.
I was barely able to form a sentence, adrenaline coursing through me at a rampant rate, “Um...” 
Annabelle slowly walked towards me, “Oh—hey! Sorry I disappeared for a while but how’s the party going? Are you having fun?” Panic was still evident in her voice but I knew she was trying to keep a hold of the situation.
“I...I don’t-”
A stern voice came from left, and I nervously turned to meet Jongho, an unreadable expression crossing his face, “Y/n.”
“Yeah?” My voice squeaked as I began to regret agreeing to come along in the first place, still hyper aware of all the eyes on me.
“Come with me.”
His eyes softened at my panicked state and he held out a hand, “Please?”
I was hesitant, but being anywhere away from the crowd and whatever Annabelle turned into seemed to be a good idea. I took his hand and watched as he exchanged a look with Annabelle that seemed to calm her. Turning on his heels he led me back to the bonfire, sitting in a chair and motioning for me to do the same. Seeing no one around us gave me a feeling of both anxiety and comfort, and I wasn’t quite sure which feeling was winning at the moment.
“Well I’m sure you have plenty of questions.” He started, “I won’t lie to you and try to convince you what you saw wasn’t real, because it was, but I need you to know that no one is going to harm you. That guy is Anna’s roommate and they get into an argument at least once a week. Sometimes it can be nasty, but they never get physical and neither would ever hurt anyone unprovoked. No one here would.”
I was silent for a few minutes, trying to process what I saw on top of the time bomb of information he dropped on me. “Is she...is everyone....are you a vampire?” I whispered the last words, almost too stunned and afraid to say out loud.
He smiled slightly, his kind eyes making me feel safe. “Yes. We’re what you’d call vampires.”
I took a breath, almost afraid to hear the answer to my question, “Am I in any danger by being here?”
“No, everyone here is good. They don’t pose any threat. There are plenty of dangerous vampires but we stay away from them. Besides,” He placed an arm around my waist, playfulness in his eyes, “If there were, I’d protect you from them.”
“Oh? And how don’t I know you’re not dangerous?”
He leaned closer to me, clearly enjoying this, “You don’t, I suppose. Doesn’t that make it fun?”
“That’s very much debatable,” I smiled for a moment before a frown took over, “Everyone just seemed really...I don’t know, startled I guess?”
Jongho let out a loud sigh, looking down at the ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me, “Humans aren’t normally invited to these parties. It’s assumed that everyone here is a vampire. The perfume that you’re wearing, whatever the hell it is, is masking your scent. If I didn’t meet you before today I wouldn’t have known you were human. I guess Anna didn’t tell everyone, either.” He placed a hand on my knee and looked at me with kind eyes, “How are you feeling?”
“Surprisingly calm considering that I just learned vampires exist.”
Jongho laughed, “Yeah I’d say you’re taking it pretty well. Like I said earlier though, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions, so fire away.”
“Yeah I have a few.” I hesitated, hoping he wouldn’t be offended by my question, “Exactly how old are you?”
“Oh are you gonna age shame me?”
“No but it’s probably an important thing to know...since we kissed and all.”
He laughed again and leaned back in his chair, placing his arms behind his head,  “How old do you think I am?”
I used his question as an excuse for my eyes to wander over his body. He was beyond attractive, very clearly fit and he knew it, which equal parts pissed me off and turned me on. As hard as I tried, I kept finding myself being pulled to his thighs. Even through his jeans I could tell he had strong thighs and I had to press my fingernails into my palm to keep from drooling. “From your appearance? Early twenties. From what age fiction usually tells us vampires are? I’d guess you’re a hundred and three.”
Jongho nodded with a smile, “I’m not quite that old but that’s a fair guess. You had it right the first time. I’m a pure born and we actually age, but we don’t age as quickly as humans. I’m twenty.”
“Pure born?”
“It means both of my parents are vampires.”
I nodded as another question came to mind, a smile on my lips. “Do you sparkle in the daylight?”
“Oh my god,” He covered his face with his hands, a mixture of a groan and a laugh escaping his mouth, “No, we do not sparkle in daylight, “His hands came to rest on his knees, “But it sucks that we really shouldn’t be in direct sunlight for over two hours a day. That’s normally the rule to go by. It’ll burn us if we’re in it for much longer than that.”
“So do werewolves and witches and everything like that exist, too?”
“Yeah pretty much. We don’t all get along, but we have to coexist. It’s something we’ve struggled with for a while, unfortunately. Basically everything you’d believe to be supernatural exists.”
I was silent for a while, not really knowing what else to say.
“Y/n? Are you doing okay? If you’re not comfortable being here I can drive you home right now or if you’d rather be alone I can call an Uber or—”
My heart skipped a beat at his kindness. “No, I’m okay. I guess I’m just surprised I’m learning about this just now.”
“We do a good job of hiding it. Also it was probably a given, but keep this as a secret if you can. Having a lot of people know about our existence can be risky.”
I gave him a silent nod, unintentionally leaning closer to him. The sound of approaching footsteps made me jump into Jongho’s arms. I didn’t know why I found comfort in him, knowing that he could be dangerous as well, but he’d been nothing but sweet to me. I had no reason to fear him.
Annabelle approached us but stopped, taking a few steps back when she saw how I was buried in Jongho’s arms.
“Hey y/n.” She rubbed her arm, looking down as if she’d done something wrong.
“I guess Jongho probably told you everything at this point. I’m really sorry if I scared you and I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.” Even in the dark I could see tears beginning to stream down her cheeks and I felt a pain in my chest.
I got up from Jongho’s hold and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her stiffen, “I trust you, Annabelle.”
Those four words seemed to relax her and she returned my hug, still sniffling, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. We aren’t supposed to tell anyone and I thought you might hate me—”
I pulled back, “Why the hell would I hate you? You’re still you.”
She laughed through tears, gripping me tighter, thanking me over and over for not pushing her away.
We’re gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.
Not too long after, Jongho drove me home. The ride was more silent than when we were headed to Annabelle’s house, but the air wasn’t heavy or uncomfortable. Feeling tired, I laid my head on Jongho’s shoulder, faintly hearing ‘sleep well, baby’ before drifting asleep.
When I woke, I was in my bed. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and found a little note placed next to it that read:
I hope you don’t mind that I carried you inside. I tried to wake you for like five minutes but you were out cold. Anyways, I had a really good time with you yesterday and I hope you had fun too :) Text me when you wake so I know you’re okay. -J
I looked at my clock and saw that it was still early, but I texted Jongho anyway.
Me [3:00am] Not sure if you’re still up, but I really enjoyed yesterday, too. I’m exhausted so I’m gonna go back to sleep but I just wanted to say I’m okay and everything is good :))
A Cute Buffoon [3:00am] Sleep well, darling. We can talk in the morning
It had been roughly a month since Jongho and I started dating, and while I felt like I knew him pretty well, we had only known each other a little over a month, on top of the fact that he was a vampire which was essentially an entire separate culture. I’d asked him most questions I had early throughout our relationship, but one in particular kept replaying in my mind.
We were currently sitting on the couch in my apartment, cuddling each other. The TV was on but neither of us were really watching it. I was far more interested in the warm body in front of me, and based off of how Jongho was looking at me, the feeling was mutual.
I bit my lip, anxiously mulling over the question I’d wanted to ask him for weeks. I didn’t know how he would take it, let alone how I would bring it up, but I needed to ask at some point. Knowing he could probably sense my nerves, I gave in. “Jongho, can a human turn into a vampire?”
He hummed, turning to face me. “Why do you ask?”
“I just...I didn’t know if it could happen or not.”
Jongho chuckled, “Yeah it’s possible. It’s a long ass process to go through though, and there’s a lot that can go wrong, so it rarely happens.”
I shifted in my seat, trying not to appear overly interested. “Why is that? What can go wrong?
He smiled and raised a brow, his cocky persona resurfacing, “You sound so eager to know, dear. Do you want to become a vampire?” His eyes briefly flickered towards my lips before he tilted his head, dragging his soft lips across my neck. I let out a gasp when I felt the tips of his teeth lightly scraping the skin, “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse for me to put my mouth on you?”
Like with anything that exuded him, I felt myself becoming quickly overwhelmed, my mind now hazy and distant. I shut my eyes in an attempt to gain some semblance of control over myself.
“Your thoughts are swirling, doll.” Jongho began leaving gentle kisses along the side of my jaw, “Don’t think too much. Just let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay.” I said through a short breath, knowing we’d just have to have the conversation another time.
We’d had sex before, so it wasn’t like this was new territory for us, but every time felt like the first, leaving me just as out of breath each time.
He lifted me and placed me on his thigh, dragging me across his flexed muscles. I felt my eyes roll back at the simple motion, my need growing at an embarrassing rate. I grabbed his shoulders as I began to drag myself against him, whines and whimpers spilling from my lips.
“God you’re hot,” Jongho said through hot breaths, beginning to kiss my neck, no doubt leaving marks.
“Thanks I try.” I managed to say, pleased when Jongho laughed.
“You don’t even have to, and it’s completely unfair.” His hands moved under my shirt and danced along my skin, “It’s like you’re an angel come to life.”
I let out a loud moan, feeling tears well in my eyes from his praise, “You always make me feel so beautiful when I’m with you.”
Jongho responded with a smile, carrying me to my bedroom and laying me down on the bed while hurriedly discarding both of our clothes.
“You’re always so eager, babe.”
He nuzzled my neck as he climbed on top of me, his hands finding my own and holding them, “As if you’re not.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
He then moved in between my thighs, teasing me with his fingers as he ran them along my wet slit, occasionally rubbing my clit, drawing small whines from me.
“Jongho please just fuck me already.”
“Sweetheart, do you even think you’re wet enough for me?” He cooed.
Feeling frustrated, I pushed my fingers inside myself with ease, pulling them out and spreading them so he could see my essence dripping down my fingers, “I don’t know you tell me.” I said with far more sass than I intended.
Jongho’s eyes widened at the sight and wasted no time positioning his cock at my entrance, pushing in and letting out the most beautiful groans.
Neither of us ever bothered to use protection because, to put it simply, vampires couldn’t get humans pregnant. It was only possible when both partners were vampires, and we took full advantage of that.
“Fuck—baby you feel amazing. You’re so warm and tight ohmygod.” Jongho moaned as he began to move, thrusting in and out of me at a steady pace.
I clenched around him, loving when he was vocal. His sounds helped get me off just as much as his actions, at times it seemed.
“You feel...really good...too.” I said through heavy breaths. And as much as I wanted to last longer in bed, with Jongho, I never could.
“I don’t know if it’s because you’re a vampire and you’ve got like magic powers or something or maybe you’re just a sex god—but holy shit...I’m close.”
He threw back his head and had the audacity to laugh, something I really couldn’t stay mad at with how good he was making me feel. “Babe it’s been like six minutes.”
“Don’t be an asshole.” I joked, my laugh turning into a moan. It only spurred Jongho on, making him angle one of my legs up higher, hitting deeper inside of me.
“I know you’re close, baby. I can feel it. Cum for me, baby girl. Let go for me.”
He reached down to tease my sensitive nub, drawing quick circles until I was seeing stars, chanting his name like a prayer.
After Jongho came down from his high, he disappeared into the bathroom as he always did, coming back with a warm towel. As he pressed the towel to my thighs I tried to ask again.
“So...about the human to vampire thing?”
“Well,” Jongho sighed, “I didn’t think I’d be able to distract you forever.” He smiled, “It’s mostly done because couples want to stay together. The thing is though, the vampire obviously gets a taste of the human’s blood and it can be hard to stop once you’ve marked them, especially since smell is such a big allure for us.”
He took a long breath, “Then the human will almost always pass out, and needs to be taken care of for the next couple days because they’ll be so weak. Another problem is that the scent of their blood will be amplified during those days and it’ll be harder for the vampire to not, you know...” He looked away, not able to say the words. I knew what he meant, we both did. In some cases, vampires would kill their human partners for of their blood. Sometimes it was beyond their control. Just a primal need that would betray them. “Then their scent is more easily detected by other vampires and the whole thing is just kinda a mess. I think I’ve only heard of five attempts and only one of them was successful.”
I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
“And then on top of it all, it can be harder for the human to adjust and it can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Human and vampire relationships are dangerous.”
His face was serious as he ran a hand through my hair. I looked up at him and leaned into his touch.
He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, a shy behavior I hadn’t seen from him before, “I guess it’s important for you to decide then.” His eyes met mine again, “Is this still something you want to continue?”
“Our relationship?”
“Of course, are you crazy? You mean the world to me.” I swallowed, realizing he hadn’t voiced his own thoughts, “What about you? Do you want this?”
“I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want.” He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, his eyes sparkling.
“Hey Jongho?”
He hummed, looking at me.
“I want to spend forever with you.”
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Happy Birthday|{Todoroki Shouto}
Here’s to my tradition of posting something late for a characters birthday!!
Happy Birthday Icyhot!!!
I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Male reader
Words: 1.2k (1,218)
Warning(s): None
Requests: Closed
Shouto met you when he was picking up flowers for his mom.
You were extremely nice and helped him pick out the perfect arrangement.
Since then he had his eye on you.
He didn’t even realize that he had a crush on you. He only realized after he asked his friends about what he was feeling.
They explained what he was feeling was probably a crush and he did not know what to do with that information.
So he continued to watch and even came into the store when you were working to buy some random flowers just to interact with you.
He thought his apparent crush on you wasn’t that bad until you smiled at him and he nearly set the flowers you were handing him on fire.
He asked his friends for advice and they all told him to confess.
Okay, so all he had to do was tell you that he had feelings for you. That can’t be so hard.
Except it was the next day he walked into the flower shop and you spotted him.
“Hey, Todoroki, perfect timing I wanted to tell you about a new side project.”
He nodded back at you.
“Okay so, we’re having lessons on the weekends to teach others the meaning of the different types of flowers.” You pulled out a card and handed it to him. “I was wondering if you would be interested since I’m going to be the one hosting them and it would be nice to see a friendly face.”
He looked down at the card in his hands.
“Actually, (Y/N) there’s something I would like to tell you.”
He looked serious so you nodded.
“Uh alright, is everything okay?”
He nodded.
“It’s just I—“ he looked back up to you. Big mistake.
You looked at him with such concern and the butterflies in his stomach returned full force.
He felt his left side tingle with warmth.
“—Uh I just wanted to say that I would be happy to come to your lessons.”
Your face immediately brightened up completely oblivious to the blush that appeared on his face.
“Nice! Well if you’re going to come the card I gave you has all of the times on the back, the first lesson is tomorrow so see you then?”
Shouto could only nod.
“Cool, so what could I get for you today?”
He walked out of the shop with a bouquet of pink hydrangeas, pink roses, and bluebells.
Since then he came every week at least once to your lessons.
There were never any other people there so he had a lot of time to talk with you and to get to know you better.
He wanted to confess but every time he tried something happened and he short-circuited.
So instead of asking his friends for help, he went to the internet.
There were a lot of articles saying to write letters so he gave that a try and showed Midoriya and Uraraka. But by the end of the letter, they were on the floor laughing.
So he went back to the internet.
The next option was getting him a gift.
He wanted to get you something special.
He couldn’t get you flowers since you already work at a flower shop.
He got to thinking.
You love flowers and the article said that handcrafted gifts are more romantic.
Shouto looked at his right hand and got an idea.
You were standing at the register doodling on a sheet of paper.
The day was ridiculously slow and Shouto was late.
All of the stuff that needed to be done was finished and the plants were all in order so there was nothing to do.
It’s already almost closing time so you started cleaning up around the register.
A jingle at the door rang out as you were putting some seeds under the counter.
You stood up to tell them you were closing.
“Hello, sorry but we’re— oh, hey Todoroki!”
Said boy stood in the doorway with one of his hands behind his back.
He walked over to the counter hand still behind his back. Watching you placing the last bags of seeds under the counter.
“Where were you today, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I had to attend a group study session with my classmates and it ran longer than expected.”
You nodded in understanding.
You finally took notice of his hand.
“So what’re you hiding back there?”
Shouto cleared his throat feeling the familiar butterflies in his stomach and tingling of his left side.
“I read on the internet that if you want to show someone that you have feelings for them you should give them a gift of something that they like.”
You felt your face begin to get warm.
“And so, I made you this.”
He pulled his hand out from behind him and held out a rose made of ice.
“I-I didn’t know what to get you and this was the only thing I could think of.”
You gently took the flower, your fingers brushing against his for a moment both of you felt the electric jolt at the contact.
You inspected the rose.
It was crudely crafted but you could see the effort he put into it.
You felt the smile tug at your lips before you remembered something.
“Oh wait!”
You shoved the flower back into his hand and dashed into the back room.
“Give me just one second!”
Shouto stood there, did you not like his gift?
He heard you rooting around for a moment before you rushed back.
You came back through the doorway holding a bouquet of pink roses lined with lavender and bluebells.
“I made this for you because I was actually planning on confessing when you came to the shop today.”
Both of you were silent until Shouto’s left side erupted into flames.
After putting out Shouto’s flames and grabbing him an extra shirt the two of you sat in silence.
His fire melted the rose and you dropped the bouquet in your surprise so both of your gifts were ruined.
Shouto cleared his throat breaking the tension.
“Um, so does this mean we’re dating now?”
“Yeah, I think so?”
He hummed.
“Well, if we are we need to go on a date right?”
You nodded.
“Well maybe we could go somewhere after your lesson tomorrow?”
You blushed and rubbed the back of your neck averting your gaze.
“Ahaha about that.” He looked at you in confusion. “Those classes weren’t real haha.”
His eyes widened in shock.
“W-well the information was real just the class itself wasn’t I just wanted an excuse to talk to you without seeming like a creep.”
You looked back towards him and his face was flushed.
“Well, I would still like to come to your lessons if you’re still doing them?”
He looked at you waiting for your response.
You smiled at him.
“I’ll keep doing the lessons.” You held out your hand. “If you agree to be my boyfriend.”
Shouto felt the corners of his lips twitch as he reached out and took your hand.
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you stood up from where you were sitting.
“Now, you can help me clean up the mess that you made.”
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years
Satisfied Curiosity (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Bartender!Reader does everything she can to get the cute FBI agent’s attention. 
A/N: This wasn’t suppose to be so long or late, but my mind got the best of me. Big Thanks to @spencer-reid-in-a-pool and @reidetic​​ for being amazing Betas (you guys are precious!). This story would be utterly unintelligible without them. Also thank you to everyone who showed love to my first fic. I didn’t expect for it to receive half of the attention it was given. I’m super grateful and I hope to provide more for you all. Enjoy!
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: Sexting, Oral (Male Receiving), Fingering, Penetrative Sex, Rough Sex, Degradation
Word Count: 9.1K (sorry, not sorry)
I’d like to think that I’m able to read people pretty well. Since working as a bartender for the past five years, I can examine an individual and have their personality down pat. Facial expressions, body language, posture, gestures. All these things are basically words to a story that I am able to put together.
My thought process was cut off when I noticed these two guys sitting at the end of the bar. I regarded them momentarily. They don’t look like the typical bar patron, their clothing a little too unseemly for a place like this. They were surveying the area as if looking for something. 
I got a side profile of the tan Hispanic man. He had dark curly hair and trimmed facial hair. He was talking lowly to the man he was sitting with, their eyes still skimming all over their surroundings. I couldn’t get a good look at the other guy since his back was to me.
They sat tall, their bodies alert to any movement. It was as if it was their first time at a bar, but I know they were not uncomfortable here. There were no jittery movements from what I can see; no telltale signs that they were nervous. They also were not paying much attention to the people around them, focusing more on random spots within the place. Weird. Are they inspectors? Nah, that can’t be. Drew always gives us a heads up when visitors come. Plus, we got checked a few weeks ago.
The two finally turned towards my direction, and I was able to see the other guy. Wow, he was hot. Like very hot. Loose brown curls sat wildly on his head, looking as if he just rolled out of bed. He had a light stubble going on, highlighting the sharpness of his jaw. Damn, I bet I’d cut myself just touching it. He had a beautiful pair of pink lips. I quickly turned my attention to his left hand, noticing the lack of a ring. No wife, good. Now I need to make sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend or fiancée waiting for him at home.
I trailed my eyes upward, noticing that he was staring at me as well. I felt my face heat up when I saw him smirk. Damn, he caught me checking him out. His companion was also looking at me expectantly. They probably have been trying to get my attention for a while now, most likely to order some drinks. I made my way towards them, smoothing my hands over my jeans.
“Evening fellas, would you like to see a menu?” I asked as I placed some napkins in front of them.
“No thanks, but my partner and I would like to ask you some questions…” said the Hispanic man with a small pause. He quickly looked at my name tag before looking back at me “…(Y/N)”
The fuck? Partners? I didn’t think they were a couple. I did a quick glance over at them. Two Alpha males in a relationship rarely ever work out. They were not physically close to one another either. Sigh, you always fall for the ones you can’t get.
I didn’t answer them, still mentally distraught over this taken man. I’m sure they took my silence as confusion because the Hispanic man went on to explain, “I’m Luke Alvez and this here is Dr. Spencer Reid,” they flashed their badges, showing me some credentials. “We’re with the FBI.” Oh. I glanced toward Dr. Reid, a smile tugging on my lips. Score, we’re back in business.
I figured I might be here for a while so I got myself comfortable. Well, as comfortable as I can get standing behind a bar. I leaned towards them, my hands resting on the bar top. “Well, in that case, fire away.”
“Have you noticed any males here who arrived by themselves? This man likely sits alone, only interacts with women. He presents himself as a charming gentleman. His head would be facing downwards if he were sitting at the bar and he would probably wear some kind of hat to shield himself,” asked Luke.
“That’s roughly 50% of my male patrons, you’ll have to be more specific.”
“Yea, I should have figured that is not much to go by.”
I turned my attention back to the doctor who has yet to say a word, noticing that he was once again looking at random spots around the bar. “Your friend here is awfully quiet.”
At my comment, Spencer finally looked at me. I am sure that time stopped as his honey-colored eyes stared deeply into my own. If it wouldn’t come off strange, I’d stared at them all day.
He eventually turned away from me, “This place has a lot of blind spots.” He pointed to one corner by the back and another near the billiards table. It took a moment for me to comprehend what he was saying since I was distracted by the sound of his voice. He could probably recite Shakespeare and I’d think it was erotica.
He continued talking, oblivious of my swooning. “The man we are looking for does not want to be seen, he’ll know where to be so that the camera can’t spot him. He’ll likely bring the woman he’s talking to there or even over there,” he pointed to another spot, this time it was a small crook partially hidden behind a wall.
“The area by the restroom entrance also has no camera at all so he’ll possibly spend some time there as well,” he finished.
“I’d think I’ll notice some creep hanging near the bathrooms all night,” I remarked. “However, we have a security room in the back if you want to look over some footage.” I pointed to a door opposite the kitchen’s entrance.
“That’ll be very useful, thanks,” Luke reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He turned to Spencer saying “I’ma call Garcia, see if she can run some facial recognition on this guy.” With that, he walked to the security room.
I focused my attention back on Spencer, hoping he’ll stay here a bit longer. “May I ask you a question?”
“You just did,” he said, the damn smirk on his face once again. Smartass. 
“Haha, I’m serious,” He didn’t say anything, which I took as my cue to continue. “What exactly does someone like you do in the FBI?”
“Someone like me?” he repeated.
“Well, you do not look like a typical agent,” I stated, and he just raised a single eyebrow at me. “Not to say that you’re probably bad at your job. I’m sure that you’re amazing at whatever it is that you do. I’d just like to know exactly what it is. Like what does your job entail…” Great, out of all times for my motor mouth to talk off, it chose this moment.
Spencer didn’t say anything and the awkward pause was killing me. I wanted to grab his gun and shoot myself in the foot. He probably thought I was insulting him. He continued to watch me as I fidgeted under his stare.
Finally, he decided to show me some mercy. “I use psychology to profile and find people,” he put it simply.
“That’s it?” I questioned.
“Pretty much,” he stated evenly, focusing his attention on the napkin in front of him. His body was slightly tenser than before, telling me that he was uncomfortable. I decided to drop the topic.
I scanned his being in an attempt to find something, anything that would allow me to continue talking to him. He beat me to it. “Which Sherlock portrayal are you a fan of?”
I was momentarily confused as to how he knew I was a fan. “Um, I started watching BBC’s Sherlock but I find the books to be much more interesting than the show. Are you a fan?”  
“Of the books, yes. I haven’t had the chance to watch any of the series or films. I always find that reading offers a better experience. That’s a nice pin you have by the way.” 
Pin? I looked down and remembered my “I am Sherlocked” pin clasped next to my name tag. Gosh, I feel like an idiot. Just when I was going to reply, I saw Luke stepping out of the security room. 
I turned back towards Spencer, who was digging his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a card and gave it to me. “The number of the precinct we are helping is on here. If you have any further information, you should contact them.”
What, no. I don’t want him to leave yet. “But what if I want to talk to you more?”
“My number is on the back.” I flipped the card around and was greeted by a ten-digit code sprawled out in blue ink.
A smile adorned my face as I looked back at him. “How did you do that?” There’s not even a pen near his hands. Unless he carries all these cards with his number on it, which I severely doubt.
“You ask a lot of questions,” he stated.
“I’m a naturally curious person.”
He paused for a moment to dart his tongue across his lips. He made sure to look into my eyes before saying “You know that curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back.”
He gave a low laugh, “Touché.”
Just then Luke walked back to us, his phone to his ear. “C’mon man. The team needs us back at the station. There’s been another victim.” 
“We’ll talk later,” Spencer said to me. My heart skipped a beat at his words. I felt like a kid who had a childhood crush.
Spencer got up and with one last glance at my direction, the two of them headed out the door.
Well, there goes the best part of my day. I’m being selfish wishing that he would have stayed behind. The man is here to find a criminal, not get his dick sucked. I folded the card and slid it into my pocket before grabbing a rag. These shot glasses aren’t going to clean themselves.
●The Next Day●
I spent the last few hours debating on whether or not I should text Spencer. I tried to distract myself with mundane activities. I watched TV, did my chores, even attempted to read a book, but nothing kept my interest. I grabbed the card that was sitting idly on my dresser, pondering on what to do.
You shouldn’t. But I’m bored and he’s cute. He’s an FBI agent for crying out loud. He got important things to do. What’s the worst that can happen? You could get arrested for obstruction of justice. Or I can get closer to him and find out more about him.
It is settled. I added Spencer’s number to my contacts and perched myself on my bed before sending a short text.
‘Hello Dr. Reid.’ I waited a minute, then two, then three, anxiously hoping for a response back. This was a bad idea, he’s probably at another bar trying to catch this guy. I should just delete his number and make myself a sandwich.
Right when I was going to do just that, my phone vibrated. I never opened my messages so fast in my life.
‘(Y/N). Is everything okay?’
A smile broke across my face as I pondered on what to send him. Should I keep everything cute and sweet? Nah. That’s boring. Should I send some salacious texts? No, he’ll probably think I am some kind of skank. Perhaps I should go for the playful persona?
I finally decided to type out a message, not wanting him to wait any longer. I don’t need him thinking that I’m in actual danger because I don’t know how to respond to a simple text.
‘I’m more than okay now that you’re here.’
I didn’t have to wait long before his next text came in. ‘Is there something that you need?’
Oh Spencer, if only you knew. However, what I want cannot be attained at the moment. I quickly typed across my keypad, ‘That’s a loaded question.’
Apparently he did not like that since his next reply was, ‘I don’t have time for this. I am working right now.’
Well shit, should I stop? Hell no, we are in too deep. Besides, he could always choose to ignore my messages instead of responding. And he did give me his number instead of just leaving me with the precinct’s. With that in mind, I typed out a text and quickly pressed send before I started second-guessing my choices again.
‘So you don’t want to talk to me?’
Again, I didn’t have to wait long for his next message to come through. ‘You should only contact me if you have information pertinent to the man we are looking for.’
That’s bullshit. Why give me your number if you didn’t want me to talk to you? ‘You said we’ll continue the conversation later. It’s later.’
‘Later, When I am not working.’ he clarified.
If I were a smart girl, I would have left this alone so that he could work peacefully. But I’m not. ‘All work and no play makes for a grumpy doctor. Don’t you want some entertainment?’
‘You’re acting childish.’
I couldn’t help but grin at his statement. If only he knew. Well, I could drop him a hint or two. ‘I’ve been compared to a brat before.’
‘I’m not surprised.’
‘I’m a glutton for punishment, agent.’
‘Do you want me to deliver?’
My breath caught in my throat. Could it be? Does Dr. Reid have a darker side to him? Or maybe I’m reading too deeply into this. I don’t care, I’m having too much fun at the possibility of this man having a more unhinged side to him. I wanted to see it. I decided to be cheeky with him, ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you Sir.’
‘What are you trying to get at?’ One step forward and two steps back. I guess profiling and mind-reading are not one and the same if he has to ask me this. Or maybe he isn’t used to someone asking him to dick them down without outright saying they want him to dick them down.
‘I said it already, I just want to talk to you.’
It took a couple of minutes for his reply to come through. ‘We’ll talk later.’
I decided to give Spencer a break. I got what I wanted with his earlier comment. I ended everything with an ‘I’ll hold you to that,’ and put my phone down. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that an hour had passed. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. I might as well start getting ready for work.
Four hours into my shift and the crowd near the bar was barely manageable. I’m not a big fan of working Friday evenings. I easily get annoyed with the sloppy drunks who think they could hook up with any of the workers but the tips usually make up for it at the end of the night.
I was grabbing some bottles of beer when all of a sudden I got a twisted feeling in my gut. I felt the hairs in the back of my neck stand up, and not in a good way. Call it a sixth sense, but I suspected that something was wrong, very wrong. I placed the bottles down and looked at the countless customers littered around the bar top. My eyes landed on this man who was giving off some creepy vibes.
I’d like to think I had a pretty good memory and this guy was definitely new. He was hunched over, eyes looking at the menu on the table. He was rapidly tapping his finger on top of the table, so I assumed he was feeling uneasy. Every once in a while, his head would peek up, as if he was searching the crowd for someone. He had a baseball cap on, the hat pressed tightly down on his head, his blond hair barely peeking through.  
From what I can see he was attractive enough. A full-on beard decorated his face. He had on a leather jacket and a fitted shirt; seemingly trying to give off bad boy vibes. I started making my way towards him, “Is there anything you’d like to order?”
“That depends, are you on the menu?” Ugh. Gag. If I had a dollar for every time some Casanova wannabe used that line on me, I could pay for two months of my rent. He had a smile on his face that could be charismatic but I just found it downright disturbing.
“Food and drinks only. Sorry to disappoint.”
“That’s fine sweetheart, I’ll have whatever beer y’all got on tap.” As I walked away, I could feel his eyes leering at me. Should I text Spencer? No, I dealt with creeps before, this is nothing new. 
I turned back to where Mr. Creepy Guy was previously sitting but he was no longer occupying the seat. Fuck. I took a look around the crowded pub, hoping to spot him. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, I did. He was near the bathroom entrance talking to some girl who hardly looked like she could keep herself up.
Shit, I should get Spencer right now. I pondered on whether I should call him but figured that he wouldn’t be able to hear me over the volume of the crowd. I hurriedly pull my phone out of my pocket, trying my best to send the message as fast as my shaky hands can manage.
‘I’m pretty sure the man you’re looking for is here. You should bring some officers ASAP.’
Come on, Come on, Come on, have your cell on you. My phone vibrated, alerting me of a message. Oh thank god yes. ‘Are you serious?’ it read.
What the? Does he think I’m pranking him or something? I angrily typed on my screen, ‘This isn’t exactly something I will joke about Spencer.’
‘We’ll be there soon’ came his simple response. Okay, good. Now I just need to make sure that this guy doesn’t try to escape.
I looked back up and saw Mr. Creepy Guy still near the restrooms. One of his hands was holding on to the girl’s arm and I just knew he was trying to get her out of here. Spencer and company won’t arrive fast enough. I have to do something to make him stay longer.
I turned to my co-bartender, Manny, “I am going to take a 10 minute break.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond before I opened the small door dividing us from the crowd and made my way to Mr. Creepy Guy.
Once I got to the two of them, I spewed the first thing that came to mind, “Uh, excuse me. You um, forgot your drink. You know, the beer. That you ordered. At the bar earlier. About 10 minutes ago.” God, I looked like an idiot, but I couldn’t risk saying something that made him apprehensive.
Mr. Creepy guy sneered at me, “Yeah. I didn’t want it anymore.” Well, who shit in your cereal, mister. Oh right, that would be me. I gotta keep him a bit more distracted.
“Well if you order something, you gotta pay for it. Bar’s policy.” He continued to glare at me upset that I was being a cockblocker. Or more appropriately a murderblocker. Realizing that I wasn’t going away soon, he pulled a bill from his pocket before throwing it at me.  Wow I wonder where his pleasant attitude disappeared to.
I turned my attention to this poor girl and noticed she wasn’t looking too good. I assumed she was drunk but she looked way off it; as if she had been drugged or something.
Fucking hell, she probably has been. She can’t stand on her own two feet and she could barely stop her eyes from drooping downwards.
“Your friend here doesn’t look too good,” I commented, my hand already going towards the arm he wasn’t currently holding on to.
“She’s fine. We were just about to leave, right Sarah?” he asked the girl. ‘Sarah’ didn’t say a word, too busy trying her best to not crash down on the floor.
“Nonsense, we can’t have you leaving in such a state, it would look bad on us,” I improvised. “We’ll give her something real quick to help sober her up.” I hastily scanned the room, spotting Hannah, one of my coworkers, a few feet away.
“Hey Hannah,” I shouted, garnering her attention. I gestured for her to come here and she started walking over. When she stood in front of us, I pried ‘Sarah’ out of Mr. Creepy Guy’s hold and gently ushered her into Hannah’s arms.
“This is Sarah and she’s not feeling all that well. Can you tell Manny to give her the Queen’s special?” Hannah instantly knew what was up. The Queen’s special is our code name for helping those who we believe are in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation. Most of the time, the person is coherent enough to ask for help, but for these kinds of scenarios we’ll have to rely on our own wits.
The two walked, or in Sarah’s case, stumbled away. Hannah managed to give Mr. Creepy Guy a glare which he openly returned in my direction. I gave him a small smile, hoping he didn’t get suspicious and try to leave.
“She’ll be right back, would you like that beer while you wait?” I asked. 
“No, you did enough,” He jeered, taking slow steps back. I could have sworn he muttered ‘fucking bitch’ as he disappeared in the crowd, no doubt hightailing it out of here.
Crap, I should follow him. At least I’ll be able to tell the cops what direction he went or what his license plate number is. I started walking to the exit, shoving my way through the sweaty mass of people.
Once I got to the door, I pushed it open feeling the cool air hit my face. I looked around, trying to see if I could find Mr. Creepy Guy but to no avail. I walked a few steps down, searching to see if he went down an alley or something.
The place was eerily quiet and my nerves were starting to get the best of me. I suddenly felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder and let out an ear-piercing scream. I whirled around, my hand already in a fist to punch the living daylight out of this person.
Right when my hand was going to make contact, a hand closed around my fist. No problem, I’ll just kick you in the shin. My leg was about to leave the ground when I heard a stern “Calm down (Y/N).”
I know that voice. For the first time, I looked up and saw that it was Spencer behind me. I never realized beforehand how easily he towered over my form. He released my hand and I leaned my body against the wall next to me. The adrenaline from earlier leaving me.
“What the fuck Spencer, a little warning next time,” I angrily shouted at him. “You could have said my name before grabbing me or just tapped my shoulder. I don’t like being manhandled.”
“I severely doubt that,” he whispered. Wait, what. “Is the man still inside?” he asked in a louder voice than before.
“Um no. That’s the reason why I came out here. I was trying to find where he went.”
“And you decided to check an alleyway.” I casted my eyes down, paying attention to a piece of gravel on the floor. The tone of voice he was using made me feel as if I was in trouble. “Do you know what kind of danger you just put yourself in?  What if it was him behind you instead of me just now?” he chastised.
“I was fighting back,” I retorted.
“And you were losing that fight. You had no weapon of any kind to help defend yourself. You are no match for a fully grown male who sees girls like you as nothing but property,” Spencer snapped.
I felt miffed that he was scolding me about my safety but a pathetic part of me was turned on as well. I decided to switch this conversation back to what was important. “He’s a Caucasian man. About 5’9 with dirty blonde hair and facial hair. He had a Salem Red Sox cap and a faux black leather jacket. Burgundy henley shirt with black washed jeans and white Adidas,” I recounted from my memory.
He recited everything word for word into his radio. “Go back inside, we’ll take care of it from here.”
“You’re fucking welcome by the way,” I sarcastically stated. Before I could blink, Spencer slammed his hands on either side of my head and was staring intently into my eyes. I felt my heart rate pick up instantly. I didn’t know whether to be scared or horny so my body decided on both.
He had a carnal look in his eyes and I felt a light shiver run down my spine. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. It was as if it happened in slow motion, my eyes hungrily following the movement. He opened his mouth to speak and I was eagerly anticipating his words.
“Reid, come in. We need you for backup.” What the..? It was then that I noticed his comms were still on and one of his team members was trying to get his attention.
“Go back inside,” Spencer repeated, “We’ll continue this later.” Yeah fucking right. This is the third time you’ve told me this in the thirty hours I’ve known you. Nevertheless, I obeyed but it wasn’t because he told me; it was because I got paid by the hour and I was already gone for over fifteen minutes. At least that’s what I kept telling myself as I walked back inside.
I turned around to get a glimpse of his retreating form but he was already gone.
It was past midnight and I had about forty-five minutes left until my shift ended. The place was a lot emptier right now, which is pretty shocking. However, I’m guessing no one wanted to be around and get wasted when the cops were roaming about barely an hour ago.
I was pouring some shots for this couple when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I finished serving the duo before fishing my phone out, opening my messages straight away. ‘We caught the guy.’
I didn’t bother reading the name, knowing already who it was. Is it wrong of me to be a bit upset? I’m happy there’s one less criminal on the streets but I wanted to see Spencer some more.
Hmmm. There’s still a chance to make something happen, but I can’t mess it up. I quickly typed, ‘I should get a reward. I did help you catch the guy.’
I assumed that I’d have to wait a few minutes for him to respond but that was not the case. ‘And what is it that you want?’ It’s now or never.
I’m guessing he had his phone glued to him right now because his reply was immediate. ‘You don’t know who you’re dealing with.’
‘I’m not scared Spencer.’ If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he didn’t want me. But all the heated moments we had shared thus far had to have meant something.
‘You should be, I’m not the man that you need.’ was his reply.
I decided to be a bit cheeky, remembering that it gave me some results when I was messaging him earlier today. ‘You’re a man and I am in need, that’s more than enough for me. Save the rest for the pillow talk.’
I didn’t even get to put my phone down before his next text arrived. ‘This isn’t a good idea.’
Damn, this man is a hard nut to crack, but he has made me stubborn for him. I guess I’ll have to use my ultimate weapon.
Taking note of my surroundings, I dimmed the brightness of my phone and made sure to keep it close to my body. I don’t need any of the customers or coworkers to have a sneak peek into my secret album. I opened the app that holds all of my inappropriate photos, pondering on which one I should send to Spencer.
My eyes landed on one I took pretty recently. I’m not trying to sound conceited or anything but I looked fucking hot. It was erotic and sensual, but not overly so.
I was lying on my bed, one hand holding onto my chest while the other held the phone up. My fingers were spread apart, allowing for the taunt nipple of my left breast to peek out. The dim lighting of the lamp helped accentuate the curves of my body. The picture includes the lower half of my face, where I was biting down on my lower lip. I was wearing a white lacy thong that barely left anything for the imagination.
I quickly clicked on the photo and made it so that he’ll have to download the image before seeing it. I added the caption Warning, it’s a bit NSFW, before hitting send. Crossing my fingers, I hoped for a reply soon.
I waited and waited but my phone did not notify me of any new messages. Five minutes have passed and I was shit out of luck. Welp I tried. Now I gotta pick up my pride from the floor.
Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate and I felt happiness immediately taking over. At first, I thought it was a text message, except the vibrations kept going and going. Realization hit me, it’s an incoming call. I grabbed it quickly, a small squeal leaving my mouth when I saw Spencer’s name appear. I accepted the call and put it towards my ear.
“Hello Dr. Reid, to what do I---“
“When does your shift end?” he interrupted. Well hot damn, no waiting around now huh.
“20 minutes,” came my simple reply.
“I’ll be outside,” and with that, he hung up the phone. Wow, I can’t believe that actually worked.
The next 20 minutes were by far the slowest time has ever went. I kept glancing at the clock, watching as each minute passed at a pain strikingly slow pace. Once it was 12:58 A.M, I already had my bag on my shoulder with my hand on the dividing door.
I made a quick mental check on the inventory I had in my purse. Wallet, check. Phone charger, check. Travel toothbrush, check. Bobby Pins, check. Condom, check. Deodorant, check. Extra panty, check. Yup, I’m ready. I’ve had too many spontaneous sleepovers to not be prepared for evenings like this.
I looked at the time and saw that it was finally 1:00 A.M. I zipped right out of here, making sure to shout my goodbyes as I made my way to the exit. Once out the door, I turned towards the corner and immediately spotted Spencer waiting for me.
I made my way towards him with the biggest smile on my face. “Hi, Spencer.”
“Get in,” he demanded.
“Why the haste?” I asked with a teasing tone behind my words.
“I’ve wasted enough time when it comes to you.” That’s a good enough reason for me. He got in the driver seat while I made my way to the passenger’s side, placing my bag on the floor near my feet.
“My house is a 20-minute drive,” I informed him. “You’ll just have to make a lef—“
“No,” he cut me off. “The hotel I am staying at is 10 minutes away from here.” And this is why I always pack the necessities.
“Alright, you’re in charge, Sir.”
Spencer didn’t respond to my little quip, choosing instead to turn the car on. Fine, play that game of yours. As soon as I put my seat belt on, he pulled out and started driving.
We’ve only been in the car for a couple of minutes before I got a bit antsy. I never did like quiet rides. I turned to him “What took you so long to get Mr. Creepy guy?”
His eyes fleetingly dashed towards my direction before focusing back on the road. “Who?”
“The man that you were looking for,” I clarified.
“We had to be sure it was him,” he stated.
“My description wasn’t enough for you.”
“It was helpful but we had to be certain. He eventually confessed to the crimes while under custody.”
“Oh,” I said. “Umm do you have a girlfriend?” A girl gotta make sure that she wasn’t becoming a homewrecker.
“A. What,” he asked. I’m pretty sure he heard me but I repeated myself anyway.
“A girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Somebody waiting for you at home?”
“I do not. I am not in a committed relationship.”
“That’s cool. Neither am I if you’re wondering,” I said. “So did you like my picture?” Apparently, my mouth does not know when to stop. Although I must admit, I’m curious to know what he thought of it.
We stopped at a red light and he gazed at me before saying “I was with my team when I got your little message. They were wondering why I got quiet all of a sudden.” I would have laughed if he didn’t have such a dark look on his face. “I did not appreciate their curiosity as to what was going on.” The light turned green, and he started driving faster now. Do FBI agents get speedy tickets for booty calls?
“Does that mean you did not like it?”
Spencer didn’t respond and I was about to ask him something else when I realized the car was parked. Oh we’re here, that was fast. He got out and went to open my door for me.
“Wow, what a gentleman.” Still no response from him. I picked up my bag and hopped out while he closed the door behind me. He made sure to lock it before grabbing my hand and leading me to the hotel’s entrance.
I couldn’t even appreciate the interior of the place since Spencer was dragging me to the elevators. He finally spoke after pressing the button for the doors to open. “I’m giving you one more chance to turn back.”
“And miss out on the fun, no way.”
The doors to the lift opened and we stepped inside. They didn’t even close fully before he pushed me against the wall and crashed his lips against mine. Fuck, the moan that left my body was embarrassingly loud; I am sure the receptionists heard it.
I went to put my arms around Spencer’s neck but he grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall before my fingers could even touch his shoulder.  His knee drew my legs apart, resting in between my thighs. A shudder ran through me, which caused him to tighten his hands around my wrists. I liked that he was releasing the wilder side of him; the side that he kept hidden from others.
He sucked my bottom lip between his and bit down on it. Instinctively, I opened my mouth which he took as a green light to plunge his tongue inside. It was sloppy, it was raunchy, but I loved it.
I was about to start grinding my pelvis against his knee when the elevator doors dinged open. As quickly as he came upon me, he pulled apart. Spencer grabbed my hand once again and tugged me down a hallway. After a few steps, we stopped in front of the door and he went to grab his key from his pocket.
I took the moment to admire him. He was still wearing what I assumed to be his work clothes. His hair looked even more messy than usual. I’d like to think that he was running his hands through it while debating on what to do with me. His eyes seemed darker, no longer the honey orbs I was captivated by the day prior. Nonetheless, they were still beautiful. His lips, my god those lips of his. Puffed out and more pink than normal. I just wanted to kiss him again.
Spencer opened the door to his room holding it open for me. Once we were inside, with the door fully closed this time, he pulled me into another hungry kiss. One of his hands held my face as the other landed on my waist. I dropped my purse on the floor, my hands promptly losing themselves in his hair.
My mouth immediately opened up, wanting to feel his tongue pressed alongside mine once more. He used the hand that was holding my waist to pull me closer until I was flushed against his body. I felt hot. Too hot. I wanted to rip off my clothes and his at this very moment.
Suddenly his face pulled away, much to my disappointment. We were trying to catch our breath as we looked at one another.
“I want you on your knees,” he rasped. I’d love nothing more but we wouldn’t be here if I were obedient.
“And if I say no?” I asked.
“Don’t pretend you’re some kind of bad girl because we both know that is far from the truth.”
“Your profiling skills need some work if you think I am a good girl who follows the rules.”
He tightened his grip on my waist. “I never said you were a good girl.”
“Then what am I?”
“You’re a cock hungry dirty whore who is going to get on her knees or be bent over mine. Your choice.” Well, who am I to argue against such logic. Although the idea of being spanked by him is exciting, I rather see him come undone by me. And on me.
I slowly sunk down to my knees as Spencer started removing his belt and unbuttoning his slacks. I helped him drag his pants and boxers down, low enough to unveil his hard dick. My mouth salivated at the sight of him and I pressed my thighs closer together. Maybe I am a cock hungry dirty whore.
I placed one hand on him, feeling the heated skin against my cooler palm. His dick gave a slight twitch at the difference in temperatures. I closed my hand, delighted by the fact that I couldn’t fit my whole first around his cock. Leaning forward, I placed a small tentative kiss on the head. I glanced up, seeing that he had his poker face on.
Now that wouldn’t do, I want to see Spencer Reid lose control because of me.
I pulled my hand back and brought it to my face. I licked the length of my palm before placing it at the base of his cock again. My opposite hand settled on his thigh to help balance myself. I leaned forward once more and lightly licked the tip before placing it inside my mouth. I sucked gently while firmly grasping the base. He rewarded me with a small grunt.
I moved down, slowly taking him inch by inch. I made sure to get him as wet as I can while gliding my lips against him. My hand pumped the remaining length that couldn’t fit in my mouth. He started to become more and more erect.
“You like this don’t you?” Spencer groaned out, “You’re such a filthy slut for me.” How is it possible that the sound of his voice is making me aroused? He placed his hands on my hair, fisting his fingers among the locks.
I moaned at his words, bobbing my head up and down at a faster pace. I moved my hand to cup his sac, giving him a gentle massage between my fingers. He gave out a choked sound as he started to slowly thrust his hips.
I drew back and kissed my way down his cock until my lips met my hand. I placed my mouth on one of his balls and gave one a light suck before running my tongue around it. “Fucking hell,” Spencer loudly exclaimed, as I returned the same ministrations to the neglected one.
I pulled away with a small pop and dragged my tongue from base to tip. My eyes looked up at him, and the sight was sexy as fuck. His mouth was opened as he was trying to catch his breath, his face slightly flushed. There was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead and the veins on his neck were more prominent.
I made sure Spencer’s eyes landed on mine as I wrapped my lips around his now full length. He started thrusting more earnestly this time as my hand went back to massaging his balls. I continued eye contact as I bobbed my head up and down on his cock.
He tightened his hands on my hair harshly, which made me more wet. Great, on top of being a cock whore, I am a pain whore. This man is bringing the worst out of me and I’m loving it.
I made sure to hollow my cheeks and swirl my tongue around his head every time I returned back up. I didn’t think I’d have this much fun with a cock in my mouth. Once I dipped my tongue against his slit and firmly clasped my hand over his sac, it was over for him.
Spencer took over and held my head in place as he started to thrust within me. I tried my best to maintain eye contact, despite the tears swelling up. My other hand clutched at the skin of his thigh, raking my nails over him. His groans were a sweet symphony to my ears. Just when I thought he was about to release himself, he stopped and pulled away from me.
“Why’d you stop?” I pouted, my lips feeling very sensitive as they moved against each other.
He panted heavily and loudly, “I don’t want to cum yet.” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at the sight of him. He was a mess and it was all because of me.
“But I wanted to taste you.” My hand went back to grab him but he stopped me with a sharp tug of my hair.
“Behave or you won’t get a reward for sucking my dick so well,” he said flatly.
Ohh, I’m curious as to what a reward from Spencer Reid entails. He pulled me up and I had to place my hands on his chest for balance. As my legs were regaining feeling, he was staring at my face. I can already imagine what he sees. Tear stained face with puffy eyes and swollen lips. Apparently, he liked the sight because he pulled me into another kiss.
This one was much more tender than our previous kisses. His lips were soft, as if afraid they would irritate my already swollen ones. His hands cradled my head, gently tilting it up so he has better access. His tongue swirled against mine and I was surprised he wasn’t repulsed by his taste on me. So many guys would find this to be disturbing.
Spencer slowly pulled away from me. He looked into my eyes as he said, “I want you to strip then bend over the bed.”
“What if I don’t?” His once gentle hands on my face are now gripping my cheeks, making my lips pucker. He continued to stare at me and it took everything within me not to moan at his actions.
“I think you know what would happen if you don’t, do you really want that?” As much as I would have loved to mess with him some more, I did not want it at the expense of my orgasm. I’m too horny to be acting recklessly. 
I started stepping away from him, doing as he requested. I would have taken my time removing my clothes, but I was too impatient. As I pulled down my panties, I noticed how damp they were. This man has made me wanton and soaked without even touching me yet.
I went over to the bed, placing myself in the desired position. The bed was tall enough where my feet were still firmly on the floor but I didn’t need to bend my knees to keep my stomach flat against the mattress. 
I watched Spencer strip out of his clothes, making note of the mismatched socks he had on. Aww cute. Once he was bare, he walked up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. For a few seconds, he did nothing while I was readily anticipating his next move.
Finally, I felt his hand cup my mound and I gasped at the feeling. “You’re so wet. All of this because you had my cock in that dirty mouth of yours.” I shuddered at his words, the hairs on my arm rising up.
He started rubbing at my lower lips, spreading the arousal that has already formed all over me. “You have nothing to say now that I got my hands on you huh,” he continued, stroking his fingers against my core.
Just when I was about to say something, he sunk a single finger inside me. I inhaled sharply and buried my head into the sheets. I tried my best to move against him but the hand resting on my hip kept me at bay. He was methodical with his actions, pressing his finger against my walls as he moved in and out.
“Your pretty little cunt is taking my finger so well. You think you can handle another one?” I still couldn’t reply to him, too busy trying to even out my breathing. He then entered another finger. I moaned as he started diligently working those dexterous digits inside of me. My pussy was throbbing while he was working wonders.
A loud moan was torn out my body as Spencer’s fingers curled against my G-spot. “Oh you liked that, dirty girl,” he growled out. He curled his fingers once again and I let out an equally loud whine. He continued this every time he returned his fingers back inside of me; my throat releasing a moan whenever he did so. You’d think with all the time I spent staring at his hands that I’d be ready for him but that’s a big no.
My body was warming up and I could feel the heat pooling within me. I was a goner when a third finger entered me. He tightened his hand on my hip and I prayed that it would leave marks. I wanted to admire the bruises when this was all over.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the pleasure racking my body. I was so close to finding my release. The way I was pulsating around his fingers was a telltale sign that I was upon my release.
“You want to come, dirty girl, you want to come all over my hand?” he fiercely whispered. All I could do was nod against the comforters, my voice long gone by now.
I felt myself pulse and tighten around him. With just one more curl of his fingers, I was about to climax. But he suddenly pulled out and released me.
“What the fuck?” I screeched, voice coming back with a vengeance. “You said I was going to get rewarded you teasing bastard.”
“And you are. Now shut up before I change my mind.” For once, I stayed quiet, only because I really wanted an orgasm. It is the least he could do after making me all hot and bothered.
I turned my head back, wanting to see what Spencer would do next. I whimpered when I saw him put his fingers in his mouth, licking my essence off of him. I watched as he took his time, my pussy continuing to throb at the sight.
“You taste pretty good for such a whore,” he remarked once he was done. I saw him walk towards the nightstand and grab a foil packet. Excitement coursed through my veins, my body barely staying still.
He was behind me once again, and I was ready for him. I felt him rub the head against my lips, pressing down when it met my clit. He continued doing this, moving up and down against me, making sure to coat himself in my arousal. I started to wiggle my hips against him, hoping to gain some more friction.
A loud moan was torn out of my throat when Spencer suddenly grabbed my hips and buried himself inside my pussy. He let out a groan as he stilled within me. We had a moment to adjust to one another before he started rocking against me. He was hitting me deep, touching places that I didn't know were possible.  
“Spencer, you feel so fucking good,” I mewled out, enjoying the feel of his cock against my walls.
He kept a steady rhythm, making sure to pull halfway out before pushing back in. Small moans left my mouth as I tried my best to return his thrusts. His hands on my hips did not allow for much movement, reminding me that he was the one in charge of my pleasure.
My body moved rhythmically against the bed, my sensitive nipples rubbing against the sheet, adding to this blissful feeling. I was burning up from the sensations wrecking my body.
“I want you to touch yourself,” Spencer growled out. I let my hand trailed down my stomach but paused when they got to my lower abdomen. I felt a bump form at my lower abdomen every time he entered me, which only added to my desire. I tightened around him and he let out a groan before giving me a powerful thrust as a warning.
My hand continued its descent to my clit, fingers rubbing against it once they met. Spencer increased the pace, slamming his hips against my ass. My legs started to tremble, my orgasm looming over my body. My hand continued to play with my clit while the other gripped the sheets tightly. I bit down on the comforter, trying my best to quiet down my moans.
One of Spencer’s hands grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. “None of that, I want to hear you. I want everyone in this hotel to know what a filthy little bitch you are. My filthy little whore,” he grunted out.
It was all too much for me. His voice, his cock, his hands. I felt wave after wave of pleasure as my release washed over me. I cried out his name; submitting to the ecstasy my body was experiencing. My muscles went limp as I attempted to return air into my lungs.
I heard Spencer grunt as my pussy pulsed and creamed around him but that did not stop his relentless pace. “Keep touching the clit of yours, I want you to come one more time.”
“I can’t,” I whimpered. I was still recovering from the powerful orgasm I just had. I won’t be able to have another one so soon.
But Spencer Reid was nothing if not diligent. “You can and you will.”
His hand that was in my hair joined mine between my legs. His fingers were so much better than mine. He pressed firmly against my clit, keeping a steady motion against me. He snapped his hips harder, the slight pain making me feel that familiar coil in my stomach.
“I know you have one more in you for me. I want you to give it to me” he uttered. I’m not sure how he is able to do it, but I felt my body start rising again.
“Sp-Spencer. Please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for as I stammered those words out. His hand between my legs pressed harder and his rhythm against me started wavering. I knew he was close to his release, but I was right there with him.
When he pinched my clit firmly against his fingers, I mewled out his name once more. The coil snapped and I couldn’t help the way I trembled once more. My body quaked against his as the shock waves overcame me. I felt as if lightning was running across my nerves.
Spencer thrusted three more times before tensing against me. I felt him jerk and spill himself inside of me. He dropped down, pressing his chest against my back and whispering my name in my ear. We both tried to catch our breaths as we came down from our high.  
After a few minutes, Spencer pulled out of me and walked to a door which I assumed led to the bathroom. I’m guessing he went to dispose of the condom. I continued to lie on the bed, trying my best to catch my breath. My body was still on an all-time high, still reeling from the aftershocks of my climax. I fought against the drowsiness of my eyes, wondering how the hell I am going to stay alert on the cab ride home.
“How are you feeling?” I couldn’t even jump in surprise. I had no idea he returned and was standing right next to me. “I wasn’t too rough?”
“Best. Sex. Ever,” I drowsily responded. Spencer picked me up and maneuvered my body so that I was lying on my back. He grabbed a bottle that was standing on the nightstand; squeezing some cream into the palm of his hand. He rubbed his hands together and started massaging the lotion onto my legs. He focused his attention on my knees and thighs.
“Do you want some water? He asked. I nodded my head and he immediately went to the snack bar area. He grabbed a bottle and what looks to be a granola bar. He uncapped the bottle and gently fed the water to me.
“Do you want some food,” I shook my head at his question. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Cuddles” came my whispered response. Spencer smiled at me before settling on the bed next to me. He draped the blankets over our bodies and wrapped his hand over my waist, pulling me close.
“Goodnight Spencer.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
The last thing I felt was the press of his lips against my neck as my body surrendered itself to the sweet bliss of slumber. 
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
not a request but, Idia seems like the type to make a hentai game based on his darling correct? so he uses that as a base to have experience to woo his darling. but now as he tries it irl, he's confused it worked in the game. so why is the darling crying? is there a glitch somewhere? thoughts?
It all started when he thought that you looked like a character from an anime he watched once. He was a fond of the character so, he couldn’t help but to observe you more than he should, hiding his excitement throughout. There, he found out that you don’t just share a similar appearance but a similar personality as well, the perfect embodiment of that character. Idia almost thought that you were some kind of base for that character, cosplaying even, but you were from another world, weren’t you? Could it be that you’re actually that character and just got reincarnated into his world without knowing that you’re an anime character yourself!?
Reverse Isekai, was it? A twist in that overused genre where the fictional character is the one who gets to be trasported to the normal world. Idia was there on the peak of its popularity, reading all the manga, novels that he can find, watching all the anime adaptations along the way. Then the premise just gets redone over and over again that it slowly became boring. Even if they add twists here and there, it still ended up the same.
But now comes you, a real person that got transported into his world! A person who just happens to look and act like the character from one of his beloved shows! You can’t blame him for being this intrigued by your existence! Because how can he not!? This is an otaku’s dream coming true right here!
And best of all...You have his favorite character archetype! How awesome is that!?
Before he knew it, he was all over you. Well, not really...Since he was too shy to actually talk to you, and all he was just doing is either hide behind that tablet of his and a wall at least five meters away. He had already embraced the joys of being a loner and is practically a master of running away from social gatherings or talking in general, but now that it came to this, it became a double-edged sword.
Ortho said to just build up the courage to talk to you if he so badly wants to and he does. He really, really wants to talk to you, at least once...Or twice...Or thrice- The point is that he really wants to. But as supportive as the little brother of his is, he makes it sound so easy. Of course, someone who doesn’t know jackshit about making friends would never be able to master that skill that easily. He cringes at the thought of doing so without any experience, you’d probably see him as another creepy otaku.
Then, it came to him...A thought that proves that he was actually the genius that everyone claims him to be.
Experience. Of course! He’ll just have to gain experience so he can level up! With that, he can conquer your route doing just that! And what better way to do this than to combine it with something what he’s well-experienced with?
So, he started working. His fingers worked on the holographic keyboard faster than he’d ever been, creating a dating simulator game in less than three days. Ortho himself was surprised to see his usually unmotivated and borderline depressed brother having this intense look in his eyes. Idia barely ate or sleep during all of that, but he doesn’t care, what matters is that he finished it.
He finished the game that can finally help himself out, a dating simulator with only one character to focus on. A character who’s basically a spitting image of you and named after you, he even sneaked in some voice lines that he secretly recorded you saying. Idia had observed you longer to know what to write in the game script, which choices you would make, which words you would say, there was even different sprites and assets of you, depending on your emotions! Though, his hand seems to have slipped and before he knew it, he had already hired some Top-tier doujinshi artists to draw some Not-Safe-For-Work CGs of you for some Not-Safe-For-Work scenes. Yeah...He thought so far ahead that it just kinda turned into...Those kinds of simulation games.
But he regrets nothing.
...Other than the fact that he should probably keep this game away from Ortho as much as possible.
Anyway, it was probably one of the games that he took his sweet time with. Even though it was a game that he himself created, it was like he had developed some form of amnesia and was marvelled at his first time playing such masterpiece. All the twists and events left him in awe, squealing at every single CG when your character goes as little as holding his in-game character’s hand. The more...special scenes had him gulping down his own saliva as a physical reaction, the moans and groans that he recorded from you was when you were stretching in the morning, or when you’re startled or exercising, and yet, it fits so well with each sex scene. His face flushed and his pants felt so tight as he read through the dialogue box, his hand later slipping underneath them just so he could relieve his excitement.
“(Y/N)...Hehe, (Y/N)...♡” He blissfully moans as his hand goes up and down his cock, biting his blue lip in anticipation. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his flaming hair burned a brighter blue, expressing his excitement. His imagination was going ballistic, imagining your own tightness around him as he slid in and out of your slick insides. The closer the scene reached its climax, the faster his hands became, determine to release at the same time as your character. “Haa...(Y/N)~♡ It feels so good...So good...Haha...”
With a satisfied moan, his own strings of semen shoots against his screen, perfectly coming just in time as your character appears, all flushed and exhausted. Idia let out a sigh, calming down from his high with a few strokes here and there to make sure of a satisfying release.
“Haa...Idia-kun, I love you ♡”
That was his favorite dialogue, no matter how many times he replayed this scene, it never fails to arouse him, making him all warm on the inside. A huge blush covered his cheeks as he smirked, slowly building up into an unhinged chuckle. He brushed his hands down the tainted screen, smudging his cum even more as he imagined it as your face. “Aah...Me too...I love you too, (Y/N)~” He whispered, shivering in excitement. “Aw...I can’t wait to have you for real...Wait for a little while, ‘kay? Hehe...”
This plan was a success and certainly helped him gain the confidence and experience that he needed to finally talk to you properly. Memorizing all the available scenarios and route he can go to, he just felt like he can do just about anything right now. With all these knowledge in mind, you surely won’t be weirded out and things wouldn’t be as awkward as he had already formulated a full conversation on his head. A bad end flag was still left arise, but it was placed so low that Idia can’t just spend another batch of his precious time with it, nothing would go wrong if he just do what he practiced, right? For that reason alone, his birthday was coming up and for the first time in forever, he could use a party as an excuse to talk to you. It doesn’t matter who comes anyway, he’ll have Ortho to accommodate them, Idia’s main focus should only be directed at you.
Plus, if he was going to confess on his birthday, then that’s just a major advantage! Plenty of stuff happens when it’s your own character’s birthday in any game, developers becomes extra generous with the drop rates in gachas, they give you more game currency to spend, and extra scenarios with your favorite characters! Sometimes even free stuff of your choice! This would definitely put his chance rate well above what he expected, it’s you after all!
“Happy birthday, Idia-senpai. I brought this gift for you, I hope you like it.” Ah, there it is, his goddess’ voice echoing through the walls. You said that you were going to conduct a birthday interview with him which got his heart beating like crazy. W-Were you going to start the confession event here!? With all these people!? That’s too daring! Though, that’s really charming of you, and a part of him actually wanted that to happen so he could finally point his fingers to these losers-
But no, unfortunately, he doesn’t have that much confidence to give and so, he ended up having to push you somewhere more secluded. Somewhere more...private. Like his room for example- that’s a good place, right~? Nobody can interrupt this interview that way and...and they can do play all sorts of games right after too...That’s fun, isn’t it!?
The interview was surprisingly fun, although it really just consisted of him ranting to you all about his interests. He ended up spilling all facts about his favorite idol group, games, and movies, his big mouth going off on a tangent once again because of that one question. This wasn’t exactly part of the plan, he was planning to give off a smooth vibe to it but he guessed he was just a tad bit under-level for that. Anyway, you ended gracing him with an adorable giggle so, it doesn’t really affect his motives! He’ll still conquer your route like he did with the game!
A few more questions about his favorite and least favorite food comes, Idia couldn’t help but be impatient. When were you going to activate the scenario, huh? The love confession event, it was the one question that he was waiting for. His heart was ready, his body was ready, his everything was ready...So, why were you standing up with a satisfied look on your face? Aren’t you forgetting something here?
“And that concludes our Birthday Celebration Interview! Idia-senpai, thank you for answering all my-“ Idia’s heart skipped a beat as his hands automatically grabbed your hand and pulled you down, rather aggressively.
“W-Wait! Wait, wait, waitwaitwait-“ Idia stumbled over his words, his face flushed as he stared at you with a crooked but nervous smile. “U-Um...! T-There something else...That I want to tell y-you...”
Oh, no...This was that one scenario in the extreme difficulty mode of the game, where you’re not triggering the confession event at all. You’re probably so conflicted with your emotions that he has to do it himself as the main character. It’s not the original route that he’s going for, but it’s fine, he has the script of this mode in memory too, he should be able to pull it off...That’s weird though, he never remembered activating anything to play in this difficulty...Whatever, real life really is something else, isn’t it?
You were surprised and quite honestly, bothered at his sudden outburst but that’s fine. You were the same in the game too, he just had to take control of the situation. “I-I...” He gathered the words in his head, his face heating up than it ever did before.
“(Y-Y/N)...I like- No...” He stammered as he tries his best to form a nervous smile, his heart was beating so fast but that’s not really something new. “...I love you, (Y/N)...”
Idia heard a slight gasp from you but delusions took over his mind before logic can come bursting through, rendering him practically heart-eyed at the situation. He was distracted, but he still waited for your response even if he was already a hundred percent convinced that his confession was a success. It has to be, he had already seen this exact scenario in the game for a millionth time. “...D-Do you...love me too, (Y/N)...?” He fiddled with the tip of his burning hair, leaning close to you as he knows that it’s a special skill that increases his success rate up to at least twenty percent. “...You l-love me too, don’t you~? Hehe...♡”
Yes. You’re going to say yes. You always had said yes in the game as there was absolutely no reason for you to say otherwise. Everything that happened before this went according to plan, he followed every route, said the correct dialogue choices, so there’s no way that he can fuck this one up. He had definitely conquered your route for real this time!
“Ah...” But he had to wonder though, why were you averting your eyes for? That’s cute, but you don’t have to be shy...Just say that you love him too, he can hardly wait! “Idia-senpai...”
“...I’m sorry.”
Idia blinked, his body freezing on its spot as you bowed in front of him so respectfully. Your mouth began to move to deliver more words of explanation for him to understand, but he just couldn’t hear anything else anymore.
What did you say? You’re...sorry? Haha...For what though? That’s weird, that’s not what you were supposed to say, even if this was set in extra hard mode. He did everything correctly so, no matter what difficulty he’s in, you should be able to accept his confession every time.
...Is it a bug in the system? A glitch that he didn’t see?
You called out to him once again, you called out his name and upon looking up, he could only see your face. So full of concern and pity, but no signs of falling in love whatsover. No...You shouldn’t be looking at him like that, what the hell just happened?
This is all wrong...!
Before Idia could even properly process anything, he had found himself on top of you, both frustration and anger building up inside him. His hand, albeit really shaky, had found itself a dangerous clasp around your neck and your expression suddenly turned white. You’re struggling underneath him, like a deer caught by a hunter, kicking and scratching his arms away. But you were scared, he could tell by that look in your eyes, he could easily squeeze your neck in this position after all.
“I-Idia-senpai...!” He heard you call out but your voice just bounced off his ears, he was too distracted by his own shock. This was not in any of the scenarios that he formulated inside his mind, and he created thousands, for Hades’ sake! His breathing became unstable as he began to hyperventilate, sweating immensely as he tries to wreck his brain for whatever the hell he was supposed to do in this scenario. This wasn’t how the game continues after a confession event! Was he too inexperience or under-level to conquer your route? Did he miss a side quest from you or something? What did he do wrong? Was it the lack of gifts of affection? Normally, you were supposed to say that you love him too, embrace him before the two of you share a kiss and-
...A kiss?
Oh...Oh, that’s right! Maybe this is where the code got rewritten and that the kiss should come first now? Maybe your character was taking a different turn, you were probably shifting to other character types to accommodate your new-found feelings...You’re being a Tsundere, aren’t you~? So cute, but you don’t have to push him away though, he’ll keep coming back to you anyways.
...And so, in hopes of desperation, that’s exactly what he did, he leaned down at you as he smashed his lips onto yours. You widened your eyes with a muffled scream coming out of you, but Idia kept your mouth busy as it is. He was on cloud-nine, enjoying your soft lips against his chapped ones so much so that he just instinctively started grinding his hips against yours. You were starting to panic, but that’s fine, that’s a normal reaction. Both in real life and in-game.
By the time that he finished selfishly sucking up your lips, ultimately creating a little bruise on the side, he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting both your tongues together. Idia giggled to himself, the feeling of your lips and tongue was still lingering on his that he can’t help but be hungry for more. However, looking back at you, he blinked as tears suddenly began to stream down your cheeks. Your chest heaving up and down as small hiccups comes out of your every sob.
It made him panic slightly at first, but then remembered a scenario like this once in the game...Though, it wasn’t a scenario as drastic as this one, that he’ll admit. “A-Ah, you shouldn’t cry...” He tried comforting, letting go of your neck and wiping your tears away with a nervous smile. “Y-You’re not supposed to cry after a c-confession event, it’s not in your file...”
You flinched at his touch. “S-Stop, please...L-Let me go...” You whimpered, lifting your arms up to try and shield yourself away from him. “I-I won’t tell anyone, I-I swear-!”
Idia’s hand twitched, quickly covering your mouth as a nervous rection so that he wouldn’t hear the words that he doesn’t want to hear anymore. He felt scared to touch you now, seeing how defensive you got, his little angel’s crying and it’s all because of him. Your words certainly impacted him, but he shook his head instead, he has to keep himself from looking down.
“...You shouldn’t say that either, that’s not in your script.” He said with a bit of stricter tone onto it, attempting to show you how capable he can really be. He grabbed your wrist and forced your hands open, revealing your terrified expression. “Don’t worry...It’s just a little twist on the story, I’m sure. I just have to restart the system, right...?”
“I-I’ll fix you up soon enough, H-Honey~” You watched him with eyes slowly widening in realization and terror as he started to untie his tie, to remove the birthday outfit that he clearly dislikes. You were frozen, you can’t move, not like you could do much with someone as big as Idia straddling above your stomach but you were left immobile with fear. His use of love words sounds extremely clumsy and Idia himself cringes at the sound of it coming from his own mouth but he’s enthusiastic. That doesn’t make it any less terrifying for you at all.
The game’s not finish yet. It’s just as he expected, there was a little glitch that needs a little fixing. It was the cause of a scenario as unreasonable as this one to appear. But it’s fine. He can fix it all up, he can fix you all up and when he’s done with that, he’ll definitely conquer your route for real this time.
After all, there’s no game that he can’t finish, that would be a shame to his Otaku title! It doesn’t matter if it’s his birthday, he’s going to work all night to fix this very unpleasant glitch in you. What a pain~ Idia wonders what kind of price he’ll get from you after this.
...Not that he’s going to complain anytime soon lol
Idia has the personality of an ugly bastard. Just saying *cough*
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART I - Literally can’t believe I just sat here and posted that 500 characters at a time lol I hope you’re not too disappointed with this, I’m well aware it’s a bit of a disaster but it’s been real nice sending it to you :))
haha its unreal but i loved it sm!!! thanks for sending <3 btw if you want to send me a summary, i can add it into the masterlist!
here’s part 1 in full!
Prince of Ashes. Part I.
Eris could feel his heart beating as he ran through the halls of The Forest House. His breaths were unsteady and panicked, but he tried to school his features into a mask of calm in case he ran into his father. He adjusted the sword at his side, had grabbed the weapon and shoved it messily in his belt as he’d rushed out of his room. The torches he passed along the walls flared brightly, as if in warning. Eris hoped his father hadn’t done anything foolish.
The rumble of magic that had passed through the estate could only mean something horrible had happened. Eris didn’t slow down as he practically slammed through the doors of his mother’s chambers, not caring that he hadn’t bothered to put a tunic over his thin undershirt and knowing he looked ridiculous in an old pair of brown leather boots.
Eris paused at what he saw once he spotted the woman who’d raised him. He was not expecting his mother to be weeping at the healthy babe in her arms, her shoulders hunched as her breath hitched every so often.
Eris had perfected his carefully crafted image. He was the Tamer of Flames, the Heir of Autumn, the Prince of Ashes. He was calculated and hateful on his good days, cruel and horrible on his bad days. He wanted to be a son his father could be proud of, and he wanted to be a son his mother could look in the eye. As he stood in the doorway of his mother’s room, he bounced on the balls of his feet, feeling very much like a nervous child instead.
“Mother,” Eris breathed, not knowing if he should approach. Eris had been in the middle of reading through some reports when he’d felt the magic, he must have looked a mess after having run through the halls of The Forest House like some youngling.
“Eris?” His mother asked through her tears, more emotion than Eris had seen from her in centuries. “What’s happened?” Eris said as he walked towards them, his tone uncharacteristically soft. The pulse of angry magic that Eris had felt minutes before had worried him, but looking at both his mother and the seemingly healthy child had Eris very confused.
His mother merely shook her head and carefully placed the little bundle in Eris’ arms. Eris had only ever held one of his brothers when they’d been this small and fragile. It must be a girl, Eris thought, why else would his father be so angry, why else would his mother weep. He felt an odd sadness, pitying any female born into this court. “I want to name him Lucien,” his mother whispered, as if it were a secret.
Eris was only more confused, “Cauldon bless him,” he muttered, moving the blankets so that he could peer at the face of his brother. The baby’s eyes were closed, his mouth slightly parted as he huffed tiny breaths in his sleep.
“Eris, I must ask something of you,” his mother tugged on the loose sleeve of his shirt, her other hand wiping the tears from her cheeks. Eris was still looking at the child in his arms, but he nodded for her to go on. His mother never asked anything of him and Eris had never asked anything of his mother. “You must protect him.”
Eris nodded again. He thought he’d done a particularly good job at taking care of Rufus since his mother had been an empty shell when he’d been born. Not that Eris could blame her, he figured spending too much time around Beron was the cause. Eris had kept Rufus as far away from his father as he could, and while Rufus had a reputation for taking nothing seriously, all things considered, he was a good male.
“Give me your vow.” Eris furrowed his auburn brows, glancing to his mother as she gently took the child from his arms and placed him in his cradle. Strange, Eris thought, but would not question it. His mother had said it so firmly that Eris had been reminded of the female he remembered from his childhood. 
“I give you my vow, my solemn oath, to protect this child,” Eris said, unwavering eyes on his mother.
“Beron wants him dead,” she said softly, calmly.
“What?” Eris snapped, probably much harsher than he needed to be. 
“Your father wants to leave the babe to the elements,” she reached for Eris’s hand, but he jerked away from his mother. Fool, Eris thought, he was a fool. Hadn’t his father taught him since he could speak to never give anyone his oath. 
“Why?” Eris growled, and while he might have been frustrated with having agreed to his mother’s wishes, he was horrified at the thought that his father would kill an innocent child.
Even if the High Lord of the Autumn Court did not care much for his sons, he had always valued them as political pawns. Fae children were rare, his father had always known they would grow to be assets. Eris had spent much of his life fearing what his father would do to him and his brothers in anger, but he found a strange comfort in knowing Beron would never kill one of his sons. Eris looked at his mother, mouth dropping open slightly.
Eris took great pride in the fact that his emotions never openly showed on his face, not unless he wanted them to, but he couldn’t help it. Eris was a little horrified, a little concerned. His mother had gone off and had an affair, right under Beron’s nose, the runt in the cradle was his half-brother. Eris needed a strong fucking drink to swallow that realization. No. Beron would never kill one of his sons.
His mother looked at Eris with devastation, she sniffled once, ran a hand through her hair. She looked tired, but Eris couldn’t remember the last time his mother had looked so alive. “Eris, please, he… he is still your brother, please. Your father has doubts, but it is mere speculation.” She lifted her face to look up at her eldest son, “If he is under your protection …” She broke off then, looking at Eris with hopeful russett eyes.
Eris nearly flinched at her words, of course Lucien was still his brother, he thought. And not only that, but he’d vowed to keep the runt safe. Eris didn’t need to be a seer to know this vow would become a problem at some point, but he pushed those negative thoughts from his head. Eris moved to look into the crib, at the small babe inside it, “Are you sure about calling him Lucien?” 
His mother’s shoulders sagged with relief, “What’s the matter with it?”
Eris tilted his head to the side as he continued to stare at his youngest brother. “Mother, his name means sunshine in the Old Tongue, perhaps you should reconsider.” 
His mother flashed him a small smile, momentarily shocking Eris, “It means light.” 
“I hardly think that’s any better,” Eris was debating whether or not to ask who the father was when he heard the loud steps approaching the room, and he turned to face the carved doors of his mother’s chambers with a deep breath.
The doors slammed open with a loud crash, Eris was surprised the babe didn’t wake. “Give me the child,” Beron said with a frighteningly quiet voice. 
“Father,” Eris said, warning in his tone. Eris was many things, but he wasn’t an oath-breaker. 
“Do not involve yourself in matters that do not concern you,” Beron spat, “Give me the child.” 
Eris moved closer to his father, his hand moving towards the sword at his side, “Father.”
The High Lord of Autumn paused, looking at his son carefully. Eris let golden flames flare in his eyes. His father stood straighter, eyes flicking to the hand Eris had placed on the hilt of his weapon. “You would fight me, boy?” His father laughed with no amusement before he flashed a taunting smile in Eris’s direction, “You would fight me?” Eris knew that perhaps he should have reconsidered his approach to the whole situation when he felt the magic in the room swell.
The crackling magic that flowed through Eris’s veins was lethal, but not as strong as his father’s. Eris lifted his chin, “Father, leave the child.” Beron reached for his own weapon, and Eris drew his sword. His father was more experienced, and Eris knew his talents did not lie in combat, but he would fight for this. If he died, though, he worried what Beron would do to Rufus, but he wouldn’t let Beron leave Lucien to the elements. At least not without a fight.
“Eris!” His mother moved to stand between them, but Eris pushed her back with his arm. He would regret sending her crashing against the wardrobe later, but he was much too focused on his father to care too much about that now. Beron lunged at Eris with his sword, and Eris easily deflected the blow that was aimed at his chest. Eris’s amber eyes widened, but he wasn’t entirely sure why it shocked him to know that his father would strike to kill.
Eris had to lead his father away from his mother and the child, so with a small snarl Eris threw himself at his father, his sword arcing in the air. With a powerful blow, Beron stumbled out into the hall. The servants that had dutifully been attending to their business shrieked as their swords slammed together, the sound of metal against metal echoing as the servants ran away from them.
Beron was much stronger than Eris. He had been fighting for much longer, and Eris knew that if he started using his magic against his father, his father would respond with magic much stronger than his. Eris parried his father’s first series of blows, but it was an effort. High Lords were a different breed, and with each clash of their swords, Eris was reminded of that fact. “Ungrateful,” his father spat, cutting Eris on the thigh with a long swipe of his sword.
Eris heard his mother screaming at Beron to stop, and he knew that the cut along his leg was deep, but he managed to whirl out of the way of his father’s blade as it came frighteningly close to his neck. Eris put all his weight in the next swing of his sword, and Beron grinned as their swords met and they faced each other. “Why protect the little runt?” Beron’s grin merely widened, “You wish to have another brother fight you for the throne?”
Eris flashed him a crooked grin in return, ignoring the pain in his leg as he spoke to his father over the cross of their swords. “I am not afraid.” 
“Perhaps you should be.” Eris could not respond fast enough as his father stopped pushing against him, and Eris lost his balance. It was only a moment, but it was enough. Beron’s blade skidded across the edge of Eris’s sword, and Eris knew he had made a terrible mistake. Beron thrust his blade into Eris’ side.
Eris felt blank, he vaguely realized he’d cried out as his father twisted the blade before his own weapon fell from his weak fingers. He didn’t hear the sound of it as it dropped against the floor, the roaring in his ears was much too loud. “Are you happy now, Eris,” Beron said, putting a hand up to his son’s face in a strangely father-like gesture, the other still tightly gripping the sword in Eris’s side. “I have lost a son this night.”
Fingers curling in Eris’s long hair, Beron pulled his eldest son to him and placed a kiss to his temple. In his entire life, Beron had never shown any affection to Eris, and if Eris had been able to think properly, he would have been shocked. Eris groaned as his father yanked the blade back, his shaking hands going to the wound at his side as his legs faltered and he fell to his knees. Ruby red blood glimmered on the silver blade of his father’s sword.
Eris tried to take a deep breath, but found that his lungs wouldn’t let him. Eris coughed, feeling blood drip down his chin. He supposed that he should not have expected to beat his father in a duel. Eris felt like he was drowning. As a youngling he’d tripped on a rope and fallen off a dock in the Spring Court and into a lake, not knowing how to swim and in a panic, Eris had thrashed as water filled his lungs.
Each breath had burned in a way that Eris had never imagined he’d feel as the heir of the Autumn Court. Surely, Eris would have died had his mother not pulled him out of the water, sobbing as she’d told him to hold her hand next time. His mother was sobbing now as she fell to her knees in front of Beron, begging him to stop. Eris slumped forward with a gasp, the burning feeling in his chest becoming nearly unbearable.
He made a strange choked noise as more blood filled his mouth and Eris gritted his teeth as someone dropped down by his side. “You alright, Eris?” Rufus asked, his face close to Eris’s as he put his hands around Eris’s arm, trying to help him up. Eris looked at his younger brother through the curtain of his red hair, “Hello, hey, you alright?” Rufus repeated, russett eyes wide.
“Never better,” Eris rasped as more blood dripped from his mouth onto the marble floors. Eris tried to lift himself up with Rufus’s help. He couldn’t stand, Eris noticed, and put all his weight on his younger brother. Rufus laughed nervously, the sound hollow to Eris’s ears. Holding a hand to the wound on Eris’ side and abandoning his attempt to get Eris up off the floor, Rufus moved the hair from Eris’s face. With the back of his hand, Rufus wiped at the blood along Eris’s chin before he spoke. Eris wasn’t really worried, but he could tell from the tone of Rufus’s voice that he probably should be. 
Cato’s voice rang like a bell in the nearly empty hall, “What the hells happened here?” Calm and steady and definitely not worried. Cato would soon become heir, Eris thought briefly, all his brother had ever wanted and he hadn’t even lifted a finger to get it. 
“Your brother seems to have forgotten his place,” Beron replied with equal calm.
Rufus snarled softly, having been the youngest of six for thirty years, no one paid him any attention, especially not father, and Eris knew Rufus favoured him. Eris would be lying if he told anyone he didn’t favour Rufus as well. Eris could feel his eyelids drooping, but he watched as Maddox ran towards them from the other side of the hall, Priam close behind him. Eris felt heavy, so he leaned into Rufus, pain flaring through his side.
His vision was becoming blurred and he could barely hear his mother begging Beron to spare him and Lucien. The last thing Eris remembered before he lost consciousness was staring at his sword, thinking that the ruby eyes of the lion’s head on the hilt glowed with flames.
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neverendingdream111 · 3 years
“A stubborn friend” [Diluc x gn!reader]
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> It was almost 10 pm when you finished the last comission for the day
> To say you were tired was a big understatement, and the only thing that was on your mind was getting some well-deserved sleep
> But then you remembered you had one more thing to do - you had to deliver a message to your friend, Diluc, from the knights (they weren’t on the best of terms since the incident and Kaeya was one of the most annoying little shits people in Mondstadt, you were a messenger of some sort)
> Wanting to get this over with, you headed to Angel’s Share, hoping to find him there
> Seems like the Archons (Venti) wanted to make this even more difficult for you, because behind the bar stood Charles, which meant that the redhead wasn’t on shift tonight
> Since you were a regular visitor at the tavern (not because you liked drinking, no, that was a job for Kaeya and Venti who you often found yourself looking after when Diluc was at the verge of loosing his patience for the two), you decided to talk for a little while with the present bartender, who gave you the information that the person you were looking for was most likely at Dawn Winery, working on some paperwork
>You thanked him and said your goodbyes, heading to the Winery
> It didn’t really matter to you that it was late - you were more than capable of protecting yourself. After all, your reputation as one of the strongest members of adventurers guild didn’t come from nothing, right?
> Anyway, your trek went smoothly and soon you found yourself standing at the entrance of Diluc’s home
> Adelinde - the head housemaid - let you in, saying that the owner was in his office. The staff knew you well, considering you came here quite often. Be it a commission or just because you wanted to see your friend; you definitely didn’t need a guide to show you where to go, so you headed straight to the room where Diluc was
> You weren’t even surprised when he had told you without raising his head that he didn’t need anything and wished to not be disturbed, most likely thinking you were one of the maids
> You just walked across the room, stopping in front of his desk and placing the envelope right on the document he was currently reading. You only took your hand back when he finally met your gaze, which took him a few seconds after recovering from his surprise at the action
> “What are you doing here?” he asked, opening the envelope, his crimson orbs quickly scanning the contents of the letter
> “Playing a messenger, if you haven’t already noticed” you shrugged, crossing your arms “How long ‘til you finish all of this?”
> He just sighed, placing the letter on a nearby pile of papers “I don’t know, possibly an hour...”
> “... or five. Look, I know you have insomnia and your job is important, but we talked about this, Diluc. You need to get some rest” you narrowed your gaze, exasperated at his behavior. It wasn’t the first time (and most likely not the last) when a situation like this occurred. If there was an even bigger workaholic than Jean, it was without a doubt him
> “I thought you were merely delivering the message?” he raised an eyebrow at you, clearly too tired to argue
> “I’m just being a good, caring friend, and that’s how you repay me?” you gasped dramatically, placing a hand on your chest in mock offendence. A glare from him caused you to stop your ministrations, sighing again at his stubborness “But seriously, you should go get some sleep”
> “I cannot--”
> “Diluc” you interrupted him, now compeletly serious “It’s not up to discussion”
> He stared at you for a moment longer, and...
> ... ignored you
> this man--
> “Ok, that’s it” you started gathering his papers on one pile, so he couldn’t reach for them, and then placed them on the coffe table that stood in front of a sofa on the other side of the room “I tried being nice but apparently, it didn’t work”
> “Y/N--”
> “No buts, mister, you’re going to rest whether you like it or not” you then marched up to him and grabbed his arms, forcing him to stand up. He didn’t fight when you led him to his bedroom, too exhausted for this now
> He might be stubborn but you were even more so
> When you finally reached your destination, you helped him out of his coat that he still wore and placed it on the back of a nearby chair. Then you exited the room, letting him change into more comfortable clothes. When he was done, he just opened the door and sat on the bed without a word
> You soon joined him, and then he decided to speak up “We both know that I will most likely not fall asleep...” he murmured, slight irritation still evident in his voice
> “You do have a point here...” you sighed, thinking about a way which would help him
> Then you came up with an idea
> You undid his hair tie, letting the crimson waves fall comfortably on his shoulders, and he immediately grabbed your wrist, somehow startled by the move
> “What are you doing?” he asked, a light pink dusting his cheeks
> “It always helps me to calm down when someone plays with my hair, so i figured it’d work for you as well” you smiled sheepishly, for the first time this evening not so sure of your actions
> He looked at you for a moment longer, letting go of your arm and sighing, allowing you to continue
> Delighted at the fact that he actually let you touch his hair, you had to contain your excitement as to not hurt him accidentally, slowly brushing his locks with your hand
> Diluc wouldn’t admit it out loud, but your touch did soothe him. His shoulders relaxed and eyes closed, as he unconsciously leaned into your hand
> Usually work was on his mind, occupying almost all of his daily routine, but now the only thing he could think about was the way your fingers combed through his hair, and soon enough his thoughts were drifting towards you in general
> You two had... An unusual friendship, that was for sure. You have known him ever since you were children, along with Kaeya. After the death of his father, he thought that he’d lose you as well, just like his brother, but instead you stayed. Not only for him, as you were friends with the Cavalry Captain to this day, but either way it mattered to him the most at that time
> Ever since, you were an anchor of some sort for him, a person he didn’t need to put up his facade around, which he was grateful for. Truth be told, you could be a lot sometimes, but you always meant well. You both helped each other in their time of need, always there for the other. Be it a big problem like defeating a group of Abyss Mages roaming near the city, or a small one, like giving an honest opinion on something
> He helped you and you helped him. Just like today
> You knew he’d have problems falling asleep, that he wouldn’t stop worknig, so you had to force him to get some rest
> It worked, thank the Archons, as he slowly felt himself drift off, his head a too big of a weight that he desperatly tried to hold up
> You noticed his struggles and smiled to yourself, carefully detangling your fingers from his locks. That earned you a confused and oh so tired gaze, at which you squealed mentally because of how adorable he looked
> “Lay down” you whispered, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. It took him a minute to process what you said, giving you a nod and slowly making himself comfortable under the covers
> a big, tired baby ajsadkadkja
> You just smiled contentedly at the sight, happy that he let you see him, so vulnerable and exhausted it made warmth spread trough your chest
> Again, you smoothed his red hair delicately, marvelling at how soft it was, making sure he fell asleep
> Which he did, obviously, if you couldn’t tell by the slow rising and falling of his chest
> So you whispered a soft “Good night”, turning off the lamp on his bedside table and carefully leaving the room without making any noise, closing the door behind you
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> When he woke up, he could admit that it was probably the best he’s ever slept since the passing of his father
> With a small smile on his face, he got dressed and came down to eat breakfest, greeting the Winery staff whenever he passed them. After he was done eating, he headed straight to his office, dreading yet another day spend behind his desk organising the documents
> Imagine his surprise when he entered the room and saw everything that previously occupied the desk, now neatly sorted into small piles
> He quickly looked over the papers on the first pile, seeing it was put in perfect order
> His shock quickly turned into confusion. Who did this? The maids don’t come to his office unless asked to, and the last time someone was there was yesterday when you--
> Oh
> So that’s what happened, then
> He huffed, shaking his head with a smile
> You really were something
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First drabble on this profile! It turned out way longer than I expected, haha.
Have a nice day/good night!
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wickednerdery · 3 years
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Title: Save a Mobius, Ride a Loki Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Loki, Rick & Morty Pairing/character: Loki & Mobius, Rick & Morty Rating: FRM Summary: “Mobius, no!!” Notes: This is a continuation of The Great Loki and something that’s been stuck in my head since before Loki premiered I’ve been dying to write, so I have. Knowledge of Rick & Morty is helpful, but not required. This story has adult content, language, and violence. For length, etc, there’s a Read More:
Loki scans the desert, wary he’s ended up where he began; where the TVA first collected him. The whinnying of horses on the wind and outline of an American frontier town in the distance indicates this is unlikely, which is a relief. He takes a few steps, then stops and turns back. “What are you doing?”
Mobius sighs as he fusses with the TemPad. “Trying to figure out when and where we are.” He stumbles through the sand as he attempts to keep up with the god’s long strides. “There’s something wrong with the specs, the settings maybe…” Then a thought blooms in the back of his mind, compels him to ask. “You didn’t do anything to it, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Loki…” It’s gentle warning, reminder. The TVA isn’t done with him, he’ll not simply let Loki wander off.
The tone, implication of it, offends. “I didn’t do anything to your blasted device!” He storms off with his own suspicion and settles under a Joshua tree to examine the gun he lifted from the old man. 
Mobius plops beside him, undoing tie as the god shifts to share the shade. “I’m sorry I accused, it’s just…” He’s Loki.
Loki ignores in favor of moving on. “I think the portal gun moves across time and space. We’re in another dimension entirely, see?” He shows the tiny dials, settings, on the device. “Your TemPad won’t work, because it doesn’t exist here.”
If the TemPad doesn’t exist, then reason stands that the TVA doesn’t either and the thought is mind-blowing - terrifying and exciting both. Mobius lived his life with the understanding that the TVA, the Time-Keepers, existed everywhere and (in a way) at every time, and yet...He examines the gun for himself, then hands it back. “I suppose that makes sense.”
“Enough exposition for the readers then?”
“I guess so, I mean, we don’t want to bog them down in the...”
“Talky talky talky.” They say in unison. 
“So...how do we figure out where we are then?”
“I’ve a thought.” Loki gets up, starts in the direction of the town, with Mobius quick to catch up. As they carry on he waves hand to change their clothing according to what he suspects will be most appropriate.
“Did you just change my clothes?”
“Of course, how else did you expect us to fit in?”
“No, it’s nice…” The agent looks over the dark shirt, cowboy boots, before taking off the hat to examine. “Impressive...Just...why am I all in black?”
“Because I’m in white.”
“Yeah...But why are you in white and then, you know, I’m in black?”
“Maybe I want to change things up? Think that’s possible? ” It’s said sarcastically, but Loki himself isn’t sure it’s not true. 
Mobius smiles. “If anyone could do it, it’d be you.” 
When they arrive the god scans the rough wood buildings, the rougher looking citizens that stroll and spit in the streets, with growing smile. This is a place he can enjoy, regardless of where or when it is. Eyes follow a woman in threadbare silk, breasts nearly out, before they find the double-gun holster of her companion.
"What you grinnin’ at, Saddle-Bum?” When Loki laughs the man grows enraged, pulls his gun.
Mobius curses and scrambles as chaos breaks out, just managing to push the woman out of the way of the gunfire. He tucks them behind a pile of barrels that spill liquor as bullets fly. “Stay down.” As the dust settles he glances out. “Loki?” He’s not cross, only worried.
The god only smiles, triumphant over the local bleeding out on his back. “Ah, there you are, Mobius!” That’s a relief.
The woman begins to scream. “Oh my god! You shot the sheriff!!”
“But I did not shoot the deputy.” Loki tips his hat with a grin.
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He should be angry, scared, but Mobius isn’t. Heart pounds not with fear, but at the possibilities. It’s one thing to study Loki, to interview and interact with him under controlled circumstances, but this is something entirely different. They’re off the proverbial reservation. This is a wild Loki and it’s thrilling. “This is crazy…” The corners of his lips lift in spite of himself as men drag the body away. “Lucky no one liked that sheriff.”
“Funny how often that happens.” Loki chuckles. “Shall we find a room then?”
“Mobius, really, I thought you would know better. If two beings are in this sort of scenario, there will only be one room and one bed available.”
"Come on, you really think the...powers that be are gonna pull that old trope out?”
Loki only chuckles as he swings saloon doors wide and cheers. “Your new sheriff is here!” The gunslingers, prospectors, and whores all turn and stare. Just stare. The god drops hands to hips, but smile remains. “Tough crowd.” He huffs his laugh, carries on to the bar. “May we have two glasses of your finest and two rooms please?”
“Sorry, just got the one available.”
“On, come on, really?” The agent is incredulous. “Did Loki put you up to this?”
The bartend and proprietor smirks. “You want the room or not?”
“The one room will do just fine, thank you,” Loki smiles out before grabbing the whole bottle rather than poured glass and heading towards a cards game. “Are you coming or not?”
It takes a moment to realize the saloon owner had no expectation of getting paid now, that Mobius was free to go to the table if he wished. He did and he did, settling beside Loki. “You know how to play this game?”
“I know how to play many games, from many different lands. Do you know how to play?”
“I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.” Not more than a few hands later he’s nearly all the pot to himself.
The god is thoroughly impressed. “You lied.” He smiles.
“Ahhh, what is a lie, anyway?” Mobius smiles back. “Just a...” He shrugs. “Reinterpretation of the truth.”
“You get that from your space lizard employers?”
“Nope.” He sets another winning hand on the table. “I got that from you.”
“Yer a cheat,” a player grumbles. “A liar and a cheat.” Mobius prepares to defend himself when the player turns to Loki. “And a lousy sheriff.” The god only laughs before the man grabs his wrist, digs into Loki’s jacket pocket, and pulls out an ace.
Guns cock in the men’s direction; one sighs, the other grins madly. 
“Loki, you weren’t even winning!” Mobius decries.
“Well I would have been, if you weren’t so good!” 
“Oh, so this is my fault?”
“Not completely.”
“Not remotely!”  The two men begin to devolve themselves into a shouting match, talking over each other as they plot an escape. “Are you ready?!”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Loki blasts the poker player holding his wrist along with two other gunslingers while Mobius socks the man beside him in the nose. It quickly escalates, spreads across the saloon like a tornado that draws in all manner of people around it. Chairs and bullets and glasses fly through the air. Mirrors and tables shatter, people scream, and through it all the god revels...and so does the agent. Until, that is, another gun fires from outside...Fast, futuristic, and deadly so both man and god hit the floor lest they get hit.
“I know you’re in there you portal gun stealing fuckers!” Rick rages from within his ship. It isn’t simply that they took his gun - they weren’t the first and he’d many - it was that he hadn’t discovered the theft soon enough. It was the hit to his ego. “Come out here now and maybe, maybe, I won’t squanch your ass!”
“Jesus, Rick, relax.” Morty doesn’t know why he bothers as his grandfather turns to berate him instead.
Loki pops up, begins to pull magic into his hands as Mobius braces on overturned table to stand. “Hide in the rafters” 
“The rafters?” Mobius looks up as Loki forms him an armored vest as precaution. “Are you kidding me? What in our history together makes you think I’m capable of something like that?”
“Then hide elsewhere, just let me handle the old man.” Loki gives overconfident wink.
Mobius sighs...This is it, this is how he dies… “I’ve a better idea.” He storms past Loki, strolls out into the street where the other two are still arguing in their ship.
“Mobius no!” Loki gives chase.
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As you can see, Loki’s got no trouble slipping into new, chaotic, worlds and having a blast while Mobius takes a bit longer to find his footing - this may change as Mobius continues to travel and finds his own way of making things work. Because the rascals couldn’t manage to finish their cowboy tale in one go, there will be at least one more piece in this Wild West world...Hope y’all don’t mind, haha! (”Saddle-Bum” is an old west phrase meaning drifter.)
All gifs made found on Google, combined by me, credit goes to whoever their OG makers are!
Those who may read: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream @antoniostarshadow13 @mobiusbmobius​@zippythewondersquirrel ...If you wish to be tagged in future pieces, please let me know!
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