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You’ve taken me too lightly!
indie. non-selective. non-private. canon-compliant izuminokami kanesada.
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welp, this is the comeback nobody asked for but hey! it’s your girl saba back at it again after like 2 years of just…….notbeingaround but that’s beside the point! brand new izuminokami kanesada here looking for folks to write with–the blog’s still under some construction but drop a ♥ or a reblog and i’ll come check you out!
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hey there, just wanted to pop in and give a bit of an update here. i’m probably not going to be here for a little while?? i’m really...........just not the best right now and it pains me when i think of how unable i am to write mahaad at this point in time. i really do love him to pieces but i think i may have lost him again so!! i’m stepping out until i find the drive to write here again.
i’m really sorry to any new followers; please forgive this horrible timing. i do plan on coming back at some point, i just don’t know when. but thank you still for following! it means a lot!
i’ll be around---you can hmu on discord if you’d like to chat! and if you’re still interested in writing with me, i have a couple of other muses that are more active, so you can find me there too! 
thanks for reading---stay magical ♥
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It was a slow process, the fire in his eyes turning slightly more determined as it really set in. He hadn’t really had the chance to learn much about any sort of magic running through his veins from his parents, but it was there. He could feel it, no matter how faint it felt half the time. 
Now it was practically thrumming with his heartbeat.
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“Right behind you– so what are we gonna start on? Something that turns things invisible–? Change a mouse into a horse? Something that explodes when you throw it?”
          What was that about changing mice into horses?
     There’s something of mirth in his voice when he compliments Jaden’s...vivid imagination. He says, ❛something like that,❜ with the barest hint of a chuckle lost amid his voice. ❛for the sake of practice, i’ll have you begin with pósima fíltra.❜
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❛that is to say potions to be ingested by the brewer.❜ And sure, this sounded dull compared to explosions and transformations. ❛you’ll be creating your very first invisibility potion---a task not known for being particularly easy.❜
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He perked up a bit as his name was called before he broke out in a large smile. Quickly he made his way to the magic user’s side, nearly beaming at the news.
“Right on!” He hooted loudly, throwing a fist in the air excitedly. Admittedly ever since he befriended the other his curiosity of the magic world started to be harder to ignore– hence that one crazy concoction of a potion. Having an actual teach was a completely different thing altogether!
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“Can we start right now?”
          And, ah, that exuberance is refreshing.
     He’d been taught to honor the solemn nature of magic, to cherish the overwhelming burden that it and its teachings bring to one’s life. But there is something infinitely charming about this; Jaden’s excitement is almost tangible, and, even more remarkable, contagious.
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❛absolutely,❜ he says, and he’s almost surprised at the expectancy in his own voice. But then, being in this lad’s presence had led Mahaad to discover many things about himself...
❛i’ve already procured your necessary ingredients---come, let us begin.❜
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I dare you to juggle your thousand knives
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❛oh, is that all?? you’re sure you wouldn’t like them to be on fire too?❜
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( @redsliferslacker )
     He has never made sport of calling out to others; those that could brag of the experience only ever heard warnings or cryptic riddles. All other things were irrelevant---he had no need to speak out otherwise. But, as a wise (and purple) warlock once said (and lived to confirm), the mold exists to be broken.
Only, Mahaad certainly never expected Jaden to be the one.
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❛your timing is impeccable! i have good news: i believe i may have concocted the perfect brewing regimen. we may begin whenever you wish.❜
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|| ( @pxzzlepieces )
          He thinks of such idle things often.
     Spending time with others---time not branded particularly important or bearing any significant cause---establishing and fostering only casual camaraderie, whiling the hours away enjoying one another’s company... Can such a thing be kindled betwixt a king and his servant?
It can, says some gracious part of his conscious---the part that pities him and his warped ways.
It cannot, says the other, harsher side that demands he remain true to the vow he once made so many, many eons ago. And, honestly, Mahaad is unsure which is correct.
So he hesitates. He hesitates and he stumbles over the words that hadn’t yet the chance to fully mature to legibility---❛aaah---ah! m-my king, h---hi.❜
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❛what---ah... how may i be of service?❜
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yo happy monday and all that! here’s a rly bad picture of the fish and d EM BOIS!
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“I went to school that Friday and tripped on grass.”
sentence meme || CLOSED.
          He doesn’t doubt the various struggles that plague today’s youth.
     Yugi drawls on about them often—about school, and schoolwork, and jobs, and money, and just surviving in general. And Mahaad cannot fault him, cannot compare the trials of the modern age to those of the ancient past. He can only offer his sympathies, for what they are worth.
This case is no different.
He knows one Ryou Bakura well enough to know that everyday troubles have oftentimes been the least of his worries. He knows (though to no particular extent) of the strenuous battle Bakura waged with the curse that came with his fated treasure. And, he thinks, this is what makes the lad so unflappable.
But then, here he is being tripped up by…grass?
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❛i’m sorry—❜ Did he hear that correctly?❛you were felled by…grass?❜
And he’s suddenly got the urge to change the unflappable part of his previous speculation.
❛i didn’t peg you for the clumsy type.❜
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“Don’t worry; I’ve got this.”
sentence meme || ACCEPTING.
          In retrospect, this probably isn’t the strangest thing to happen this week alone. But it certainly stands as the most memorable.
     As members of the pharaoh’s royal court, each of the six high priests were expected to conduct themselves with respect and dignity, and act only righteously in all their endeavors. And they did. Most of the time. But alas, these six are still but human and, as such, must be plagued by man’s vices.
As it was, Mahaad stood at one end of a disagreement. Seth stood at the other.
They did vocal battle for many a long minute, only ceasing when word of the king’s coming reached their ears. And it was the eve of that same day that Mahaad found a confidant in a place most unexpected.
But Kisara listened; she listened, heard both his argument and Seth’s (he was not so petty as to leave that out) and she determined neither priest had acted as valiantly nor as respectfully as he should have.
Still, that isn’t what made the day strange nor memorable.
It was Kisara’s unbidden vow to get Seth to apologize so long as Mahaad promised to do the same. And when he asked how in the world she planned to accomplish such a feat?
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❛wh---what?? m---...milady, no. i believe this matter is best left as is.❜
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"Hey, you know what would be cool? You teaching me some magic."
          And there it is.
He is a man of few habits and even fewer hobbies. But among them is his (mostly repressed) desire to teach. He’s never truly had the chance---was only ever able to learn, but gods, he knows deep down he yearns to stand in the place his own master had.
To be the one to pass on what knowledge he’s so tediously gleaned to one who seeks it.
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❛cool, you say?❜ He’s stalling---of course he’ll do it.❛i certainly could show you a spell or two...❜
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“I will exit the plane if you keep eating pistachios.”
sentence meme || ACCEPTING.
          That isn’t very nice!
     To be so put off by one’s eating, well, that says more about one Seto Kaiba than it does him. They taste well enough, and they happen to be quite the convenient travel snack---or so Yugi had told him; he could only vouch for the taste thus far.
Does Kaiba not like pistachios?
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❛do they bother you that much?❜ And after he was nice enough not to make fun of his dragon themed flying contraption.❛why don’t you try them---they’re good.❜
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“That sounds like ‘I want to die’ kind of talk.
sentence meme || ACCEPTING.
          Drastic? Yes. Untrue? Probably not.
     He’s been called many things throughout the years, aye, and dramatic was one of them. In the past, he blamed this particular shortcoming on his post---his position, his responsibilities, they were all serious things that demanded more than the usual degree of commitment. And thus he concerned himself (more than he ought to) with many things large and small.
And this hasn’t changed, it would seem, even after so many, many years.
He may have significantly less to fret over these days, but, well, fretting is in his nature. Engraved in it, at that.
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❛die? ah, no---❜ This much he’s certain of.❛i did that once; it was very unpleasant.❜
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“How come there’s no goddamn apples?”
sentence meme || ACCEPTING.
          This sight is a rare one.
     The pharaoh, he knows, is many things. He is many things at any give time, but he is hardly ever angry---let alone angry enough to so brazenly voice his displeasure. Aye, but he is the king...
Mahaad has room enough in him to feel bad for the palace boy who stood quivering under the pharaoh’s weighty glare, and, for a moment, commends the lad on his ability to remain standing under it. He gives some (offhanded, Mahaad can tell) reason why the pharaoh’s platter is incomplete, and vows to return with the fruit he so desired.
And Mahaad watches him go.
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❛sire---❜ He says this carefully, fie, he won’t overstep his boundaries.❛is---is there something troubling you?❜
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Out of Context Starters
“90% of your wedding budget is on chocolate.”
“Keep in mind that this is in the middle of July.”
“I’m at Carl’s Jr and all I see is other restaurants staring at us.”
“I went to school that Friday and tripped on grass.”
“I need to find the teacher person with the hair and thing who teaches.”
“Next time I get annoyed with a coworker I’m going to say he can go suck on my six dicks.”
“Go choke on my sextudick.”
“It’s too late for this.”
“It’s too early for this.”
“You have to draw a poorly drawn dick on one though.”
“We’re talking about lettuce porn.”
“I should be a porn director. I’ll specialize in veggie porn and sometimes do collabs with fruit porn people.”
“Should I get pizza today? I think I should.”
“No sinning today.”
“It was just a pillow fight, officer. What do you mean you’re not supposed to stuff a pillow with knives?”
“That meme is gonna haunt me forever.”
“We should probably both sleep.”
“That sounds like ‘I want to die’ kind of talk.”
“Are you a boat?”
“Can I sword you to death?”
“How come there’s no goddamn apples?”
“Don’t worry; I’ve got this.”
“You’re the only one with a penis.”
“Eat the corn!”
“We went from knife-fighting bears to having an assault rifle.”
“That doesn’t make sense, human meat should be juicy.”
“I will exit the plane if you keep eating pistachios.”
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( @whitevvings ) || continued.
          Ah... He thinks he knows this atmosphere well.
     It surrounds the pharaoh on his worst days; an air that is heavy, stifling. It shies away from probing minds and dodges inquires with startling efficiency, but alas, Mahaad likes to think himself something of an expert---he can part it far easier these days than in those passed.
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❛i see,❜ he says, simply.
The next few moments are silent ones. With a sort of practiced ease, he finds himself sidled up beside one of the many (well stocked, mind you) shelves adorning the library. He regards Kisara silently, silently---and then he’s handing her a new scroll.
❛solitude is a treasure, aye.❜ Brazen, he thinks, to infringe upon a maiden stewing over matters that do not concern him. He blames his conscience for making the decision to stay. ❛but i believe this particular script goes best with company---
                               may i?❜
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