#i have to get two different fabrics cause the stuff i use for the pants is a slightly different color than the ruffles
You know how fucking HARD it is to be a cosplayer AND a perfectionist?????
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim #45: Names
content: vampire whumper, mind control, conditioning, psychological torture, creepy whumper, sadistic whumper, electrocution
technically this takes place during kane’s captivity arc, but i’m putting it with the intermission stuff in the masterlist anyway for consistency, despite it taking place after some of the kane captivity chapters.
Graham’s hands coiled tightly in the fabric of his pants as Master fed. After years of this, the feeding itself hardly caused him much anxiety anymore, even when Master made it hurt more on purpose. He was used to this, it was routine, it was almost safe.
No, what had Graham’s entire body tense was what happened after.
The new habit Master had gotten into, the new ‘fun’ way to torment him. Master didn’t usually hurt him every day aside from feeding- he was a busy man, with more important things to do, a fact Graham never stopped being thankful for. But for the past month, he had been, every single day.
My name is Chewtoy, he reminded himself.
Master ripped his fangs out and licked the wounds on his neck closed. “Good boy. You think you’ll get it right today?”
My name is Chewtoy.
“I can’t, Master.” Graham said miserably, his voice small. He knew it was hopeless, and he knew Master knew it, too. He just had to keep enduring it until Master got bored.
The tension bled out of him all at once as he suddenly relaxed. All the fear, stress, and anxiety gone, replaced with a blank nothing. He couldn’t think. His thoughts were cloudy, the only thing that mattered was listening to and obeying-
“What’s your name?”
Oh good, he knew this. Easy question. “My name is Graham Mallory, Master.”
As quick as it came, Master’s control melted away as Graham regained control over his mind, the terror slamming back into him at full force. It was never more than a few seconds. Master didn’t want him getting boring.
Master tutted. “Wrong again, chewtoy.”
“I’m sorry!” He wasn’t sorry. It was a stupid game. “I can’t lie when I’m under persuasion, I can’t! It’s impossible!”
“It’s not a lie. It’s your name, the one I gave to you. Aren’t you grateful?” Master smirked, patting Graham’s head.
“Yes, M-master.” he answered dully, tremors running through him at the anticipation of his punishment. At least it would be quick. But god, it hurt every single time. It didn’t get easier.
Master turned into a blur as he stepped outside Graham’s small field of vision to grab the cattle prod. Because you’re livestock!, he’d gleefully explained the first time he’d used it. Except that cattle prods were designed for cattle, and didn’t hurt them very much, and humans are not cattle, and thus have much thinner skin.
“Eyes closed.”
“Yes, Master.” Graham squeezed his eyes closed. He never knew where to expect it. Just when he’d started thinking about it as it’s different every time, Master shocked him in the back of the knee two days in a row. Nowhere was safe.
Graham yelped as the prod hit just below his throat, electricity arcing through his body, making every muscle seize. He collapsed to the ground, his shout morphing into a pained sob.
“Don’t be a pussy. It was just a second.” Master admonished. Graham opened his eyes, unable to read his face from where he lied on the floor, but the white of his fangs was a telltale sign of his grin. “Maybe next time you’ll get it right.”
Graham banged his head against the wall in frustration at the click of the door locking. How was he supposed to do this? Was it just going to be like this every day for the rest of his life? Master didn’t seem to be getting bored of the prod anytime soon. And even if he did, he might just move to a different punishment. Maybe even a worse one.
He used his right hand to position the fingers of his left closed into a fist, watching them release as he let go. He could hardly feel them anymore, aside from a dull ache. He certainly couldn’t move them. That was better than when it used to hurt all the time, at least.
“My name is Chewtoy.” Graham mumbled to himself, starting the mantra up again. “My name is Chewtoy. My name is Chewtoy. My name is Chewtoy. My name is Chewtoy. My name is Chewtoy.”
At least Master might leave him alone for the rest of the night. Graham continued mumbling his mantra to himself, hoping it would eventually sink in, as he scratched another mark into the wood below his bed. It took a good half-hour to get it really into the nice wood flooring, but he didn’t have much else to do. At least the days were easy to count, since Master needed to eat every night. Three years, four months, eighteen days. “My name is Chewtoy. My name is Chewtoy.”
Graham continued mumbling as he made himself dinner. It was the first meal of the night, but he refused to call something he ate at what he estimated to be 6 o’clock in the evening anything but dinner. The others didn’t have names. Meal two and meal three. At least he could control this part. His little routines, the same every night.
Master didn’t come back later, giving him a night to himself. When he went to bed that morning, My name is Chewtoy sounded off in his head like counting sheep until he could lull himself into unconsciousness.
Graham woke up drowsily, unwilling to draw himself from the safety of sleep, but he had to be ready for Master. He swung his legs out of bed with a groan.
My name is Chewtoy.
He brushed his teeth and took a shower. It was always a pain standing up continuously after the shock of the cattle prod. It made Graham’s legs feel like jelly after the seizing. That was why scratching the tally in was the perfect first activity afterward, he could just lie on the floor.
My name is Chewtoy.
He drank some water. It was best to do that before having his blood sucked, Graham knew. It would probably be better to eat first too, but he could never choke anything down. It was easier to do it after, after Master had already come and gone and the worst part was over.
My name is Chewtoy.
Graham got dressed, his good hand shaking with nervousness as he pulled his shirt over his head. He wished Master would use persuasion on him for longer. It was nice to not have to be scared and anxious for just a little. Chewtoy wished he’d been taken by any other vampire- at least then, he could just be a mindless husk.
My name is Chewtoy.
Master came in shortly, ready for his meal. “Good evening, Master.” Chewtoy craned his head to the side to expose his neck while Master fed, unable to swallow the lump in his throat.
It’ll be better after he’s gone, after the shock’s already happened. My name is Chewtoy. Hopefully he doesn’t take me out to play with tonight. My name is Chewtoy.
Master clapped him on the back, hard enough to elicit an oof. “Alright, you ready for the big question?”
“Yes, Master.” Chewtoy tried to hold back tears. He hated the cattle prod.
All his turbulent emotions melted away again as Master’s control took hold, floating in a sea of nothing with only one important thing: Master’s orders.
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Chewtoy, Master.” he answered easily.
Chewtoy couldn’t believe it when his thoughts returned and he could process what he’d just said. He’d done it, he’d actually done it.
“Holy shit, I didn’t think it would actually work!” Master laughed, delighted. “Haha, that’s awesome.”
“That means n-no prod?” Chewtoy asked hopefully.
“Eh, I’ll figure out another use for it eventually.” Master petted his hair. “Ha, this brings mind control to another level. I’ve gotta tell the guys about this.”
Master left him alone, the door locking behind him. No prod.
Chewtoy pounded a fist into the air and flopped back onto his bed. He’d actually done it. He’d said his name was fucking Chewtoy instead of-
No, he can’t think it. Too risky. It wasn’t important, it was just a name. That was the name that got him hurt. Chewtoy was the name that kept him safe.
As he scratched day nineteen into the floorboard, Chewtoy wondered what else he could do with his newfound ability. It was dangerous that Master could invade his mind at any moment. He could take any information out of there. There’d been nothing he could do about it before, but now he could. He could change anything he wanted if he tried hard enough.
“My parents’ address is...”
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intersex-support · 1 year
Hi, I know this is something I really need to talk to a doctor about but I'm still trying to see a gynecologist and endocrinologist so in the meantime I figured I'd ask here in case anyone knows what this is
So I recently found out that it isn't normal to get intense clitoris pain but it's something that I experience extremely frequently, not just when doing sexual things but also when I insert q-tips into my ear I get a stabbing pain down there for example and even just going about my daily life there's a constant pressure around the area (feels like something is weighing it down) to the point where sometime I try to masturbate just to disrupt the sensation a little (but masturbating hurts so it doesn't actually take the pain away)
In addition to that my vaginal opening is extremely tight, I cannot use tampons or insert anything in there and the passage is just extremely narrow, when I'm aroused this does not change.
I know I experience some kind of hormonal or adjacent disorder because my periods are incredibly irregular, I'll skip months at a time but then I'll have a heavy period that lasts two months straight or I'll have spotting for prolonged periods. In addition to that I consistently have been getting bladder infection symptoms but every time I test for one it comes back negative.
I have a developmental/hormonal disorder that stopped me from ever growing fully (I still more or less have the same body I did as a teenager and am well under 5 ft tall) I was supposed to take shots for it from 8-12 years old but lost my insurance so I took less than a years worth iirc.
When I try and google this stuff I get incredibly vague "this could be a lot of things talk to your doctor" about most of it and have not been able to find a single person who reports vaginal/clitoral pain when inserting anything into the ears and I don't know if I'm intersex or not but it seems a bit likely given everything?
I know you can't diagnose me with anything but have you (or any followers) heard about this before? Could you help give me some idea of what it might be? My paranoid ass thinks I'm secretly dying of cancer or something.
Hi anon, so I’m really glad you’re going to try and get help for this! I really hope that it works out well for you, that you’re treated well and with compassion.
This might seem a little far off, and I am not claiming that I know for sure if this is what is happening, or if what I’m thinking might be connected is even right. While the ear and the pelvic region can seem incredibly different and unrelated, the ear is very close to our jaws, and tension in the jaw (I would say tension in general can do this, but especially if your jaw is constantly tight) can lead to issues in the pelvic region.
Something that can include pain in the clitoris, not only by touch but just by wearing pants/fabric in general, could feel like consistent pressure or even a stabbing-pain, and can cause issues with vaginal insertion, is Vulvodynia. This can be caused by a lot of things, but is often seen alongside other health issues; that is to say vulvodynia can be acquired through things like infection (like bladder infection!) but also be present with conditions you might have been born with.
This is an article talking about the rates of vulvodynia in people with EDS/HSD (cw cissexist language) https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/news/high-rates-of-vulvodynia-likely-in-women-with-eds-hsd-survey/?cn-reloaded=1
Hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD) are not uncommon for intersex people to have, some intersex variations are thought to be related to HSDs but there are many many reasons a person might have a HSD that is not intersex related. A condition often “comorbid” with HSD can be PCOS (one of the symptoms for this is irregular periods), but definitely is not limited to it.
Pelvic floor dysfunction like vulvodynia can have a lot of underlying causes, and some of those causes might come from being intersex. Pelvic floor dysfunction can also be managed and treated. I personally don’t know much about growth hormone, so I can’t comment much or find connections there, but it would be interested to know if there’s any studies that look into the connection specifically.
Again, I’m not saying any of this is what you have, I’m just making a few connections for you so you don’t immediately jump to the idea that you’re dying. Hopefully, the appointments you’re planning to make will be able to tell you more about what the underlying cause of this pain for you, and provide insight on how it can be treated.
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softsweetsuffering · 4 months
Hai hai haiii how be youuuu and how is dayyy and thank for sharing the pastelizer tip jdjfchjfjfhf and may winter or fully weather come soon your way cause heck YES HOODIES And ohhhhh that's why I love winter so much cause then I get to have POCKETS WOHOOOO CHCHHFHFH ohhh this gives me a question to ask yessss what style of clothing do you like and tell us your opinion on pockets :D
-hai anon
A very slow day today 'non, I started it a biiit late. Had a weird dream about being attacked by scorpions.
Winter will come eventually, at least summer will be over soon.
Pockets! Yes we love pockets! I have a pair of overalls that has a big zip pocket on the front which I quite love for storing my phone in heh. I love making sure my jeans have pockets, my favorite pair atm are black ones that have bonus side pockets on the legs and have dangly chains/metal bits :)
I wear alot of different stuff tbh?? I've been told I have quite the Fashion Sense. I will usually tuck my shirts into my pants, and then like to add layers with extra fabric or a nice coat/jacket. Recently I got myself two waistcoats, and theyre both very fancy lookin.
Oh! And I have a silk gown in dark blue that's covered in golden Constellations, which I fucking love.
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ellowynbeimler · 4 months
Jan 16
Dear Dad,
Good news or bad news first?
I mean, I'm gonna do good news first.
We're not dead! We didn't even get put on trial or anything!
Bad news, you did kinda, sorta, miss my wedding. But I don't think it counts cause both Grace and I were under duress. We didn't have an option about whether or not we were actually partaking, so it's not a real wedding, and you'll be at my real one, I promise.
So the day basically went like this:
I was woken up early by a couple of the maids who were very excited about something happening later. They didn't answer any of my questions, though, so I had no clue what was happening.
They put me in weird clothes that didn't look like any of the party clothes I'd seen at this place. To give you an idea of how it was more and less fancy, it felt like the fabric was as thin as paper, but it didn't rip under any of the regular wear and tear of the day, so that's a win now. But it was like a simple shirt and pants with some flowers and stuff painted on it to look pretty. I was so worried the whole time that I would accidentally break it or rip it or something, but that never happened somehow.
Then some of the guards came in, and I was sure that I was going to be killed or taken to a noose or something. But nope! Instead, I was marched around what felt like the whole castle. At the same time, various people came out of their rooms and followed the little stampede we made, and then I was stopped outside the building while everyone else went back inside.
After that, I had gunk put on my face. They had a little paintbrush and painted it on. I guess it's some kind of makeup, but there wasn't anything I recognized in there, and the stuff smelled really weirdly sweet? The guy putting the things on my face said it was rose ash, which is weird to me, at least, and he put it all over my face, lips, and stuff.
I'm pretty sure I looked like a mime or something when they were done, but I wasn't allowed to wipe it off. I just had to deal with it.
Then I was given food and some items, which was great cause I was starving. It was like the first, just plain food I'd had since we got here, some absolutely delicious fruit, and they handed me a weird light blue fruit that I was supposed to take with me.
Finally, we got to the hall, which was once again full of too many people, like too many people, you know?
The hall was set up weirdly, too. Usually, just some tables are set up in a vague U shape with the Lord's table at the top and the center of everything. Still, that table was gone this time, and all the other tables, benches, and chairs had been moved, so they looked at the front of the room, where Grace was in a weird dress.
When I got up there, after being slowly escorted by the two slow guards, I saw the rest was made out of the same material as the clothes I was wearing, but in different colors and with different things drawn. Instead of flowers and stuff her dress had like trees and ivy. It was all long on the top and then went down straight to the floor. It looked about as comfortable as the stuff I'm wearing. Which is to say, not very. She also had gunk on her face, but hers was light gunk, and I think it was in different shapes than the stuff on my face, but I don't know exactly what's on my face.
I tried to ask Grace what was happening, but she seemed just as confused. But before I could ask her any more questions, like if she knew where the others were, the Lord said we're getting married. And then did something that made the whole assembled group cheer.
We ended up with a ceremony with lots of cheering. It seemed like whenever one of us was supposed to say something, a cheer went up.
Eventually, we were handed rings by some guy from the audience, and then the Lord told us we could kiss...
Which was awkward cause I didn't really want to kiss Grace without her go-ahead, and I think she didn't want to kiss me at all, but the brat basically just pushed our heads together like dolls. And then, when we didn't "kiss enough?" he told us we had to do it "to smears?" and then we had to kiss in front of a bunch of people cheering until I guess it was good enough for everyone else.
We were pushed into chairs and then carried to a huge room on the other side of the castle from where we'd been.
Grace and I got a lot of food and a huge room. For some reason, the people who carried us and the food here just left laughing and cheering. And we were stuck 'cause they'd apparently locked the doors.
So, we've just been hanging out. There's not much else to do, and we ate enough food to make ourselves a little sick. So I'm going to call it a successful wedding. I'm not sure I'd do the screaming crowd again if I could avoid it, but otherwise, it was great.
The rings are pretty, too. I don't know if we'll actually keep them. We might have to sell them, but if we can, woof, they're pretty.
Anyway, I guess I'm married now, and it was a hell of a weird day, but the bed is huge and soft and warm, and Grace is sleeping. So I think I'm going to too.
Love you, Jack
Read the rest of the series here: 
Or read more by this author here: 
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circleitaly0 · 2 years
Top 10 Kate Spade New York Diaper Bags Of 2022
Kate Spade has over 180 stores around the world, and is sold in more than 400 stores worldwide . Kate and Andy went from taking “the nothing black bag” to a creative personalized purse, now they create merchandise from the simple tote to home decor and bedding. REUSABLE COTTON CANVAS BAGS. Canvas tote bags are made of natural cotton fibre and hence eco-friendly & non-toxic to ensure the safety of both your children and the Earth. Avoid disposable paper bags and the pollution that plastic bags cause. We research products and make the best product list following perfect criteria. Sturdy Carry All Bags -- 12oz thick canvas fabric and widened bottom gusset bags can hold all your stuff without being too oversized. A new season brings opportunities to try new looks, and what better source of spring outfit inspiration than the ensembles seen outside of shows throughout this most recent fashion month? This gold clutch offers the perfect way to end the wedding night.
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You can get this in black or smoked almond, both of which are versatile and so chic.
Never splurge unless you’re absolutely positive it’s real.
Each design features thoughtful details, beautiful hues, and polished ease. Looking for a handbag with an intricate pattern to change up your closet full of single-tone totes and purses? Then this floral jacquard-print tote might be a great addition to your wardrobe. With a design like that, this wristlet bag in the color serene pink will give you the perfect excuse to gussy up . This wristlet is a zip-top bag with 3 card slots, and it includes the spade flower jacquard lining of course. The large shoulder bag comes in two different colors . Get ready to embrace colours this season with the latest Adidas x Marimekko collaboration and Vans’ Eco Positivity collection. Check out our guide below to spot your favourite pieces. Your favorite brands are getting planet-friendly, too. Vince Camuto makes glamorous clothing and shoes to help you shine bright at any event.
Kate Spade Wallet, Red Wallet, Saffiano, Designer Wallet, Kate Spade New York, Accordion Wallet
Of all the hybrid trends that emerged last year—the sluffer shoe, the flegging pant—we're all-in on the shacket for another spring. This shirt jacket's bouclé knit and relaxed, open front are perfectly suited for in-between weather. ThirdLove's genius bras lift and support without a single underwire. Reviewers say this full cup triangle bra is comfortable enough to sleep in, and that they've purchased it in multiple colors after trying it once. Every product on this page was chosen by a Harper's BAZAAR editor. Choose a classic style with a trendy detail chain like this one from Charles & Keith. This bag is perfect for any wedding this season, plus the neutral color will pair well with all your casual and non-wedding outfits. I have been waiting for the bag you pictured to hit the Kate Spade site since seeing it in a magazine months ago! I'll probably keep waiting though, because I've found that the best way to get an authentic Kate Spade bag for much less is to get on their e-mail list. They are always sending coupons for an additional amount off of sale items. I recently purchased an organizer and a necklace for less than half their original cost. The brand eventually grew to include other items such as clothing, shoes, jewelry and sunglasses. In 2014, the company was sold to Fifth & Pacific and renamed Kate Spade & Company. Don’t miss out on Hailey Bieber’s collaboration with Vogue Eyewear. As a global ambassador, Hailey releases a stunning range filled with eye-catching shapes in earthy tones. The eight-piece collection features four optical and four sunglasses. https://bagtip.com/kate-spade-new-york-womens-satchel-handbags_219/ Another important tag is the Country of Origin tag, which can usually be found in the bag’s interior seam pocket. With plenty of options ranging from classic styles to vibrant designs, there’s definitely a Kate Spade bag to suit every lifestyle and personality. “And as a kid starting out in fashion, that was something you remember especially when everything was so serious and all about deadlines and the pressure of perfection,” he added. We’re here to walk you through new arrivals, give styling advice (just bring your laptop to your closet!) and help with anything else you have on your shopping list.
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Her death was ruled a suicide by hanging and she had left a note addressed to her daughter, Frances Beatrix Spade. Kate Spade’s website also has information about how to authenticate your bag, including a dedicated page to report counterfeit items. Upon inspection, you should be able to tell whether the material is on par with Kate Spade’s reputation for high-quality products. In the instances that a bag is part of a special collection, the collection’s name will be found below ‘Kate Spade’ instead. Most fakes feature fabric labels that have been glued on or sewn on an original Kate Spade fabric label. The main way to avoid being scammed into buying a counterfeit bag is to purchase from renowned and highly regarded sellers.
Smile Small Tweed Zip Crossbody Bag
From heeled booties to rugged lace-up styles, step into fall with the perfect pair of boots. We've partnered with Give Back Box to make it easy for you to donate gently used clothing and accessories to local charities. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by FACTSET.
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Let Me Feel You For a While
Pairing - Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Warnings - 18+ NSFW SMUT DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR PLEASE!!! Breeding kink (im sorry), slight blood, marking/biting, accidental voyeurism? THIGH RIDING YES PLEASE, AND SHARP TEETH MAKE ME DROOL. Oh btw spoilers for the Farewell Archaic Lord I think? General spoiler warning for genshin.
Word Count - 1.7k.
 Other Comments - You guys have NO IDEA how much I love Zhongli oh my god I love him. I slept on him at first but ever since my eyes were opened I realized how wrong I was for that. Anyway enjoy!!
@sadpsychologist @barbqtos​
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      Zhongli had money, he was just dumb and never brought it with him; too used to the routine of just making more Mora if he ever needed to buy anything while he was an Archon. This being said, that also meant he had one of the most elaborate bedrooms you’d ever laid eyes on. The room was filled with rich browns and shimmering golds, his bed sheets made from the finest silks. Archons never really slept, which meant the Zhongli had made this room as ethereal as possible just for you. 
     You were laying across the cold white gold sheets, hair clinging to your forehead from the sweat. Your fingers were dancing around your clit, rubbing harshly at times before dipping into your wet cunt and pumping them in and out roughly. You were so horny it was uncomfortable, and since you had gotten accustomed to your lover's large member, your fingers were doing much for you. You needed something better. You shakily stood from the bed, before kneeling down and pulling out the box and you guys only got into when the two of you were really in the mood. You quickly found what you were looking for, as it was the largest thing in the box. You pulled the dildo out of the box before quickly shoving the box back under your bed.
     Zhongli didn’t really like when you took matters into your own hands, as he wanted to always be the one thing that made you melt. He wanted to pleasure you in ways that you never would have imagined. At this point you were quickly pumping the dildo in and out of yourself, lost in the pleasure as you moaned out loudly. You weren’t worried about anyone hearing since you were alone in the house and Zhongli wasn’t going to be home for a while. You can imagine your shock and horror when you opened your eyes to see Zhongli standing in the doorway, dick already straining hard against the large man’s dress pants.
     “Ah you finally noticed my presence.” Your face was even redder when those words left his lips. How long had he been standing there watching you fuck yourself roughly with the large silicone tool. You let out a low whimper, beginning to pump the object in and out of yourself again, too worked up to be embarrassed. You heard Zhongli chuckle lightly before the loud sounds of his dress shoes against the hardwood floor could be heard. You felt Zhongli’s gloved hands halt your movements before brushing your hand away and pulling the dildo out, setting it aside for cleaning at a later time. Soft desperate whimpers falling from your mouth as your chest heaved up and down. Zhongli pressed soft kisses to your face, his gloved hands running up and down your naked body, brushing against your nipples causing you to jolt.
     “You’re so sensitive my dear.” Your hands were looking for purchase on any part of his body, finally landing on his strong biceps. You squeezed his arms hard, wiggling around and continuing to whimper.
     “Nothing feels as good as you Zhongli, please… please help me. Fill me Zhongli, stuff me.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, your lips swollen from chewing on them.
     “Well it looked like you were having a good time with the dildo sweetheart.” Warm embarrassment bloomed in your chest and you desperately tried to pull Zhongli down by his collar. Zhongli’s lips attacked your, passionately biting at yours, Zhongli’s sharp canines drawing blood before he swiped it away with a quick flick of his tongue.
     He continued this assault on your flesh as he went lower. He made sure to mark you anywhere that was visible, it made his pride swell when he saw you walking around Liyue trying and failing to cover up bitemarks and deep purple hickies. Zhongli pulled back to admire his work, before propping himself up on the edge of the bed. Strong arms manhandled you, forcing you to straddle his thigh. You blushed profusely when you realized what Zhongli wanted you to do.
     “But- but your pants Zhongli, I don’t want to ruin them…” A small smile and eyes filled with pure admiration poured into yours. He carded his fingers through your hair, pushing back any strays behind your ear in the process.
     “My dearest, you have always been so considerate, but for tonight don’t worry about anything, just do what comes natural to you. My clothes can be cleaned, and if not I will buy another pair.” Zhongli’s hands gripped your hips tightly, starting to move you back and forth on his thigh. You clit was ecstatic to finally be getting some friction, moans already being ripped from your throat. The ex archons dick was uncomfortably hard, outline clear as day from how hard it was straining against his slacks. Once you finally got yourself into a rhythm he let one of his hands fall from your hips, giving in and palming himself through the thick fabric.
     You moans began increasing in volume and frequency as you got closer and closer to the edge. You gripped onto Zhongli’s broad shoulders, your body quickly becoming tired. The man in front of you noticed this, letting his hand return to your hip as he helped steady your rhythm once again. Tears were threatening to fall from how good you felt, everything starting to become light and fuzzy as you continued to get closer to your climax.
     With a couple more rough thrust against his leg, the coil deep in your gut snapped, sending waves of please surging through your body. Your back arched hard before slumping into Zhongli’s chest. He kept your hips moving, letting your ride out your orgasm on his now soiled pants.
     “My love, do you still want me to fill you up?” Zhongli’s voice brought you back to reality, where you realized how hard he was. The thought of Zhongli filling you to the brim reignited the fire that was just extinguished in you. You nodded reverently before rolling off his thigh and onto your back, presenting yourself to him. A low groan sounded from Zhongli’s throat as you spread your leg wide, the site of you littered with markings making his brain go fuzzy; his only focus now on making you both feel good. You’ve never seen Zhongli rip off his close at such a speed before, until he was stark naked and crawling on top of you; caging your head with his arms.
      Once again Zhongli began to attack your neck, except not as rough, not wanting to cause more pain than pleasure. Without warning, he slammed his dick into you, since you had already worked yourself open for him. Despite this, your walls still clung tightly to him, his large cock dragging deliciously against your walls as he hit all the right places. Both of your were on cloud nine, as he ruthlessly pounded into your.
     Normally when the two of you had sex, right before Zhongli came he would pull out and cum onto your stomach which he of course would clean up later. Not for any particular reason as to why since you were on birth control, it had just become a habit. This time however you wanted to do things a little different. You were getting close, and you could tell he was as well, as his breathing became more uneven and more low pitched noises started coming from him. Your walls fluttered around his cock, causing him to shutter and let out a low grunt. Before it was too late, you tightly wrapped your arms around the ex Archons next, and pulled him down closer so your lips were mere centimeters away from his ear.
     “Cum in me Zhongli, stuff me with your cum. I want every drop of it please I wanna feel you inside me even after you pull out. Archons please please Zhongli let me feel you cum. Breed me.” Zhongli’s eyes widened, those words causing something to snap in him as he was hit with another wave of pleasure, his thrust still maintaining their power but becoming more erratic. You could feel Zhongli’s calloused fingers rubbing quickly against your clit, sending new waves of pleasure through you. The moans coming from the two of you were matched perfectly, as the two of you got closer and closer. With a couple of final thrusts, Zhongli sheathed himself in you as deep as he could go, cumming shooting deep into you. The feeling of his cum filling you up is what sent you over the edge, cumming for the second time; your mouth falling open to form a silent scream. You could feel Zhongli beginning to ooze out of you as he pulled out, which made you shiver.
     “Let’s get you cleaned up shall we darling?” Zhongli was still a little out of breath as he stood from his position on top of you, holding his hand out to you. You grabbed a hold of him, before catching him off guard and pulling him back down.
     “Let me stay full for a little while longer.” Sleep was slowly starting to take over, as your eyelids couldn’t stay open. Your words went straight to Zhongli’s dick, but that was an issue he would take care of himself. For right now, he just pulled you into his chest, allowing you to drift off into blissful slumber.
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barnesbabee · 3 years
collab || J.Y
ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴅᴀʏ 2 - ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ
Summary: Two famous porn stars have a fun collab together.
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x gn!reader
Words: Just enough
⚠ although there is no mention of gender, the reader wears makeup and lingerie, so if you are uncomfortable with that, don't read  ⚠
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As Yunho dried his hair with a small towel, he heard the familiar ding sound from his social media. He had just finished uploading the edited version of his live stream, so it wasn't unusual for him to be contacted by a bunch of people right after, however, he didn't expect to see you.
You weren't well known in the porn scenario, as you were fairly new and the competition was vast, but your 'Around The World' series had become a huge success and a major hit for its originality.
Yunho was quite a fan of the series, so when he saw your message, his fingers were crossed.
Y/N: Hello! My name is Y/N, I'm not sure if you know my work, but I am a porn star that is currently doing a series called 'Around The World' where I... well, fuck people all around the world. My next stop is South Korea and I have seen your work before and I think our style is very similar and I would love to do a collab with you! Feel free to check out my work on my page, I hope to hear from you soon! xoxo
The tall man squealed like a high schooler getting a text from his crush, he's always wanted a collab and now he was about to get one in one of the biggest series of the moment!
Yunhxxx: Hello Y/N! I am aware of your series and I am a fan! I would love to do the collab with you! I'll send you my number so we can talk about the details more comfortably :)
Part of your anxiousness died down at his response. Most porn stars were very polite and kind in front of the camera, and in business discussion, all for that quick buck, but you'd find, with your series, that a lot of them were just assholes with a huge ego. You had a good feeling about Yunho, but you didn't want to get your hopes up and then be disappointed.
The arrangements didn't take long, as you were both excited for the collab to happen, making it very easy to communicate. Yunho was kind enough to offer his own home for you to sleep in, arguing that 'whoever fucks me gets to sleep in my house for free'.
Yunho spent the weekend preparing everything for your arrival on Monday morning: he cleaned his whole house, stocked his fridge and cabinets with all sorts of food, and sanitized every toy of his. By the time he received your 'I'm on my way!' text, his house was the cleanest it had ever been.
The man showered, put on his best cologne, and applied some dark eyeshadow under his eyes. As he stood in front of the closet in his briefs only, he wondered what he should go for. A sophisticated look? A sexy look? An outlaw-looking look? He wanted something to get you immediately attracted to him. Yunho wanted to make you feel good, not to make you act as if you felt good.
Ultimately he chose a black button-up and black suit pants. He decorated his long fingers (that he had come to learn was something many people liked about him) and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.
Yunho was aware of his innocent appearance. He had had his cheeks squeezed one too many times, so he caught on quickly. However, the man loved to play with his looks. He loved to make people wonder what kind of person he was, with a cute face, yet an intimidating look.
Before he knew it, his doorbell rang. Yunho took one last look in the mirror, just to make sure everything was in its place and walked towards the door. The first hello wasn't awkward at all, as you'd already had a few zoom calls to discuss what would happen in your collab, just to make sure there were no misunderstandings.
Once you stepped in with your suitcase, you couldn't help but notice how neat, modern, and well decorated his house was. The walls were white with big windows, and the furniture was a mix of grey, light blue, and white. Yunho lead you to the guest room where you'd be staying, and it was a lot nicer than you expected. The bed was high and large, the duvet was grey with a bunch of fluffy white and red pillows decorating it. In front of the bed was a modern black vanity with lightbulbs around the squared mirror, and against the wall in front of the door was a black, sliding door wardrobe, with a large, orange, and red abstract painting of a couple. His house looked simple yet classy, with just the right amount of colour and decoration. You took a look at him, his dark look contrasting the house.
"You already got prepared?"
Yunho looked a little puzzled for a second, but then understood. "Oh! Oh no, you've just arrived, you must be tired! This is just... how I dress?" He said, feeling a little embarrassed.
You took a good look at his outfit.
"You always dress like that? Wow..."
Yunho's cheeks became a little red at the comment, and he stumbled over his words as he thanked you. He was used to receiving compliments when he had his clothes off, but with clothes on? Not so much... Before closing the door, Yunho told you to feel at home, and that when you were ready you could start setting everything up in the room he used to shoot.
The man had never felt that nervous, so when he finally closed the door, he immediately headed to his living room, and found the whiskey bottle he kept for emergencies. He poured a generous glass and sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone as he waited for you.
You were pretty much used to the routine, and since you had a stopover in a neighboring country and spent the night there, the trip hadn't been too tiring. You sat on the very convenient vanity and re-did your makeup. You liked to match your look to your type of content, so you went for a dark look: dark purple lipstick, a heavy, black smokey eye, and loads of mascara. You made sure to apply a lot, so it would run down your face and give the viewers the fucked out look they loved to see.
The lingerie matched your makeup: black lace lingerie with some bling here and there, and a garter belt to accessorize. You grabbed your robe from your suitcase and exited the room.
"Yunho?" You called, peeking your head from behind the wall.
His eyes widened when he looked up. You were completely different from the person he had met.
"I am ready if you are!"
He nodded and stood up, downing the rest of his 2nd whiskey cup in one go. Yunho took you upstairs and opened the door to his 'studio'.
In the center of the room was a carpet, and a big, empty space behind it.
"I usually move the bed or the couch over there, depending on what I want to do that day. I found that it was easier to move the furniture than the whole set up." He explained, pointing at the empty space.
Against the wall, opposite of you, there was a bed, much like the one on your bedroom, and a nice, black leather couch. Beside you there was a closet, where Yunho kept all his toys, accessories, and streaming outfits. Other than that it was just the usual setup: a desk with a computer, professional lights, and a camera.
Yunho walked over to the couch and moved it with ease to the empty space.
"So we've already decided?" You asked.
The man smirked as if simply entering the room turned him into a completely different person.
"I already have everything planned out for you dear, it would be rude to have my guests work."
You blushed slightly, and sat on the couch, waiting for the green light.
You watched as he opened the closet, displaying his wide collection. He picked a bunch of stuff that he set on top of a towel on the floor.
"Alright, that's about it."
You cocked your head to the side, in confusion.
"You're not getting dressed?"
Yunho reached for the choker he had brought and softly placed it around your neck, tying it just tight enough. He hooked his finger on the big metal ring on the front and tugged on it. You followed his silent command and knelt on the ground, in front of the couch.
"I'm already dressed, for the concept we're gonna try."
You were getting curious and excited. You stayed still as he started up the live stream. Yunho turned on the lights, set up the camera, and pressed 'Start Live Video'. The screen counted down from five, until the live started.
Yunho sat on the couch behind you, and placed his large hand on your head.
The man smirked as soon as the comments started raining.
There was a mixture of fuck yeah's and happy cheers as they recognized Yunho, and became excited for what was to come. The live was obviously happening on your account, although you would always split the tips with the person you worked with.
"Hello," Yunho started, and you let him take the lead "welcome to the 24th edition of Around The World, I am today's guest, and we have such a great show for you today, don't we?"
Yunho tugged on your hair, making you wince. You looked at the camera and nodded.
The 30 dollar donation ding sounded, announcing that someone had made a request.
'Make her sit on your thigh'
You let Yunho take the lead once more, hooking his finger on your choker's hoop and pulling you up, to sit on his thigh. You hummed as you rolled your hips, causing friction between your core and his thigh. Your hand ran along his torso, feeling the fabric of his shirt.
"He has too many clothes, don't you think?" You asked the camera, in a flirty tone.
There was a rain of comments agreeing with you, and you immediately got to work, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. His dick print was already very visible in his pants, and you could now understand why he wanted to wear that look.
You removed his shirt, slowly and teasingly, as the viewers praised Yunho's toned body.
The male hooked his finger on your underwear and snapped it against your skin. Your little whimper at the sudden pain made him smirk.
Yunho ran his hands along your body, making you shiver from the cold metal of his rings.
Tips and donations rained down with many requests, and so you went back on the floor and laid your head on Yunho's thigh, your face mere inches away from his hard-on. You perked your ass up and traced the shape of his cock with your finger.
"What do you think? Should we reward them?" Yunho asked, petting your head as he stared into the camera.
As expected, everyone gave you the green light to continue, so you slowly opened his fly, to find he had no underwear on. You freed him from his pants, gripping his length in your hand. You kept eye contact with the male, and although you were a professional, you were always nervous when you had to take dicks on the bigger side.
You spat on his tip, and played with his cock for a second, before slowly inserting it in your mouth. Yunho groaned and threw his head back, taking in the warmth of your mouth. His hand was tangled in your hear, gripping it and tugging on it from time to time.
"Shit, you're doing so good..."
Yunho was very vocal, to your (and the viewer's) pleasure.
The 50$ notification ding sounded, and a message played right after.
'bby I wanna see you jump on his cock'
Yunho smirked and gripped your hair, in a firm, yet not painful way. He swiped his thumb across your bottom lip, cleaning the remaining saliva.
"Hmm, you know what, so do I."
You stripped from your underwear, in a sensual way for the viewers (and Yunho) to enjoy.
Yunho slapped his thigh, and you climbed onto his lap, slowly but surely sinking down on his length. You gripped onto his shoulders for stability and groaned as every inch of his cock disappeared inside of you.
His hands gripped your ass, spreading your cheeks in a beautiful way for the camera to see. The male helped you, as you rode him, not only by holding your hips and guiding you, but also by snapping his hips up against yours. Filthy slapping sounds along with the mixture of your moans echoed in the room, and the donations were reaching their peak.
"F-fuck baby you're s-so good, you're doing so well."
You gripped his shoulders harder, as his praises drew you closer and closer to your edge.
"They're c-close! Should we l-let them cum?"
It was impressive how professional Yunho was. How he looked so immersed in you, so tired and fucked out, with his fringe sticking to his forehead and eyes burning into your soul, yet he didn't forget to interact with the viewers.
There were many people leaning towards yes, begging to hear the way you sounded as you came, and so he worked hard until you screamed his name and tightened around his cock. He let you rest and recompose for a second, but the way you clenched around him made it impossible for him to hold it in any longer.
"Shit, get on the ground."
You gladly complied, and got on your knees for him, immediately sticking out your tongue, as you could predict what would come after.
Yunho jerked himself off to your fucked out face, and soon a string of curses came out of his mouth, as he spilled all over your face. He smirked and wiped some of his cum off of your face with his thumb.
"Say ah, pretty baby."
You smiled and opened your mouth. He inserted his finger in your mouth and you happily licked it clean.
Yunho cupped your face with his hand, and smiled.
"You behaved so well, I might have to reward you again."
His head tilted to the side, pointing to the couch, and you followed. You sat down on the couch, and Yunho knelt in front of you. His arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you forward, so your hole would be of easy access to him.
The man teased you, as his tongue danced around your hole, not quite getting where you wanted him. You rolled your hips up, earning a slap to your inner thigh.
He looked up at you, with a hint of darkness in his eyes.
It didn't take long for you to get what you wanted, as he started tongue fucking you, with the help of his fingers. You gripped his hair, and your back arched as your high approached once more.
You came quickly, with his tongue still inside you, and he held your trembling legs and body, to keep you stable.
He didn't move for a second, giving you time to breathe and rest. After you had recomposed yourself, he helped you up, and the two of you shared a heated kiss, Yunho's hands never leaving your ass, that he definitely had a fixation with.
You finished the stream by thanking the viewers and donors and shut everything off. Once everything was done, you sighed and plopped onto the couch.
"Do you not want to shower?" Yunho questioned, as he saw the mess in your face and body.
You chuckled.
"Yes I do, very much, but I'm so fucked out..."
Yunho very kindly scooped you up.
"Well, I wouldn't want my guest to work too hard, I'll help you out."
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spideyhexx · 3 years
brat; L. L.
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pairing; president!loki x female reader
a/n: self indulgent fic :) cause we deserve more of this loki
masterlist part two!!! part three!!!
reblogs/comments/feedback is appreciated!
summary; you attempt to trust loki but that never works out and he has an idea for a going away present.
WARNINGS; mean!loki. name calling (slut...little one...whore...bitch). oral (male receiving). thigh riding. dirty talk. sort of loki episode five spoilers.
word count: 1.4k
You should’ve known. Loki is never true to his word, but you hoped just maybe he would be different this time.
The Void put you in a constant state of trying to survive and although you were doing just fine on your own, but Loki, with his fitted suit and “vote loki” pin refusing to leave his suit jacket pushed his way into your life.
He’s tricked you countless times already and for some reason you keep trusting him.
Maybe it’s his smooth voice or his enchanting eyes. Or maybe you were just desperate to have more supplies.
This time he promised he would provide you with supplies on your trek to find a new place to take shelter. His sweet ‘of course I’ll help you little one’ led you to believe he’d follow through.
Now, you stand in his “lair” that he took from Kid Loki and he is nowhere to be seen.
A desolate quietness surrounds the room. You stay there, getting more impatient by the minute.
Just as you decide to leave, you hear the hatch opening and Loki climbs down the ladder. He spots you and his smirk deepens.
“Oh, love! You actually came,” he sneers and walks right past you. Loki settles into the throne in the center of the room and spreads his legs leisurely.
You try not to look at how good his thighs look in his pants, but you can’t help it and your eyes quickly look at them, then away. He chuckles, clearly noticing and rests his hand on his thigh.
“Of course I came, you promised me supplies? I was waiting here forever,” you exaggerate and he scoffs.
“Come on, you truly think I care about your little adventure? Enough to give you stuff I earned?”
You’re at a loss for words. You try to say something but he waves you off. The anger he’s igniting in you is only increasing as he keeps that stupid, sexy smirk on his face.
“I will miss you though, little one. Never get tired of messing with you,” he says, winking at you.
“Won’t miss you at all. You’re an asshole, Loki.” He raises an eyebrow at your words.
“I may be a jerk, sweetheart but you love it.”
His voice drops in a growl as he says it. You shift on your feet.
“Fuck you,” you snapped, trying to stand your own ground against him. You wanted to see his face drop and it does, then he smiles.
“That’s not a no.” You huff and he dramatically pouts.
“You’re so annoyed aren’t you? Asshole Loki makes you heated. So much in fact, you could’ve left by now...yet you’re still here. Pathetic...isn’t it?”
He doesn’t hide it when he looks you up and down. He leans further back into the throne and spreads his legs wider, which only adds more sparks to the ever growing fire instead of you.
“How about we have some goodbye fun, love? Your only chance.”
Loki moves his hand to the bulge in his pants, lightly pressing against it. He sighs, then while keeping his eyes on yours, slowly unzips his pants.
Your body moves without another question. You stride over to him and he reaches up to push you down to your knees.
“Take care of it,” he says and points to his crotch, widening his legs for you to settle between them.
You attempt to pull his pants down but Loki grabs your wrist. He holds it tightly as he takes his cock out, leaving the pants still on. He lets go of your wrist and looks at you expectantly.
“Well? Are you going to suck on it?”
You are, but you’re taken aback, both by his size and how good he looks staring down at you.
Loki scoffs and grabs your jaw, sticking his thumb into your mouth.
You suck on it and he groans.
“See? You can suck on my thumb, so I think you can suck on my cock. Or is that too hard for you?”
He taunts and removes his thumb from your mouth, smearing your saliva against his cock. You lean forward and wrap your lips around the tip. He grunts and you smile.
“Don’t get cocky, little one. I can ruin that smile in two seconds,” he growls, watching as you take more of him in your mouth. You can’t help but moan around him as you bob your head up and down, your underwear already soaked from sucking him off.
“This is turning you on a lot, isn’t it? Fucking whore, aren’t you? Getting horny over my cock in your mouth?”
His voice is gravelly and spurs on your moaning. He bucks his hips up, practically fucking into your mouth.
“Take all of it bitch.” You moan at his harsh words and he laughs breathily.
“You like being called a bitch too? Hell, I should’ve fucked your face sooner.”
His movements quicken, tears threatening to spill from your eyes until you need to pull away for a breath and he surprisingly lets you. Loki waits only a few moments before pulling your head back to his cock.
You choose to instead kiss down the length of him and then attach your lips to his balls, sucking, kissing, licking whatever you could do to hear him spew filth at you.
“I’m gonna cum, put me back in your mouth little one.”
You don’t listen, but suck harder at the base of his cock, using your hand to jerk off the rest.
“Did you hear me, little one?”
Loki is about to say something else but he groans instead, not being able to stop himself from cumming. It lands on his shirt and a bit on his pants. He growls and pulls your head back from his cock.
“Fucking whore you are. Look at this mess?”
You feel a little proud, making him more pissed off as a last hoorah. You stand, shrugging his hand away and wiping your lips.
“You deserve it,” you quip. Loki reaches out, grabbing your waist and pulling you back to him.
“Do I? If I deserve a mess then maybe you should contribute to it.”
He yanks your pants down along with your underwear, then pulls you into his lap.
Loki sits you directly on one of his thighs and you can feel some of his cum on your own thigh.
“Rub against me, little one. Make a fucking mess,” he orders.
You hold onto his shoulders, so broad, so strong against the fabric of his jacket as you slowly start to grind on him. He smirks and looks down, watching as your cunt rubs his thigh.
“My leg’s already wet from you. Desperate...horny...soaked...little whore.”
You moan his name and he laughs.
“Please,” you mumble, moving faster, tilting your head back to focus more on the pleasure.
“Please what? Oh dear, do you want to cum?” His voice is teasing and you look back at him just as he dips his fingers down to rub at your clit.
“Holy….fuck yes. Want your cock too,” you stammer out, trying to press yourself against his fingers.
He takes them away and you whine. Loki sucks his fingers into his mouth and hums.
“Too bad, little one. You’re not cumming yet. I don’t think you really deserve it after being a pathetic brat. Just keep humping me like a cock hungry whore. Not allowed to stop.”
You whine at him again and he leans back, keeping his hands off of you.
The urge to finish was lurking and threatening to occur and you try to hold it back but it seems useless.
“Please, Loki. I need it, please I need it.” He sighs and moves closer to his, his lips lingering on yours.
He smirks, “I don’t fucking care.”
Those words should not do something to you, but they do and you can’t stop your release from exploding through you.
It’s stronger than anything you’ve ever felt, your mind numbing as you ride out your high.
You can’t enjoy it for too long though because Loki pushes you off of him and you fall onto the floor. He looks down at your release soaking his thigh.
“You didn’t listen, again. What was I saying before? Oh! Pitiful little brat, you are. So much of a slut that you can’t hold yourself back, hm? Can’t listen?”
He stands up and begins to walk to the ladder.
“W-Where are you going?” You ask him and he reluctantly turns back.
“Sweetheart, you don’t deserve more of my cock. Go fuck off on your adventure. Learn to behave like a good whore. Maybe if we cross paths again, I’ll be able to fuck deep into that cunt while you listen to me,” he sneers before climbing up the ladder and out of the hatch.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
I do
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests. 
George Weasley x Female Reader
Words: 1,856. 
Warnings: Smut18+, Male Performing Oral, Unprotected Vaginal Intercourse, Fingering, Handjob, Dom!George, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk. Fluff.  All the good stuff really. 
A/n: This is for @buckystrenchcoat smut plot prompts - 6.George fucking you roughly in your wedding dress. - I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! 
The day was finally here. 
In two hours, I would officially be Y/n Weasley. It wouldn’t just be a fake name scribbled in the back of my potions textbook, it would legally be my name. 
Throughout the morning my stomach was unsettled, butterflies fluttering around, my breathing uneven and my mind focused on one thing. 
Last night was the first night in almost three years that we hadn’t spent together. It was a little odd and I didn’t sleep much, but perhaps that was the nerves more than an absent George. 
I look over my reflection in the mirror, hair prefect, exactly how I had pictured it. 
Make up - flawless and my dress hugged all the right places with enough swish in the skirt to feel free while dancing.
“Y/n, is there anything we can get you?” My mother asks, her sweet reassuring smile slightly calming my hammering heart. 
“Would it be awful of me to ask for half an hour to myself?” I look over at Ginny and Hermione, both of them with small smiles on their faces, my mother shaking her head. 
“Of course not dear, I suppose you might want this.” My mother turns to her bag, pulling out my dark red diary from high school. 
‘Y/n’s you will be hexed if read’ scratched into the front cover. 
“Mum, where did you find this?” I turn the book over in my hands, taking in the worn leather cover, splats of different nail polishes hardened against the back. 
“You left it behind when you moved out with George, guess you didn’t need it anymore.” My mother sniffles, holding a tissue to her eye as she smiles at me. “You aren’t a little girl anymore, I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.” I sniffle in response to my mum, feeling tears prick my eyes as we both chuckle at each other before sharing an embrace. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you sweetheart.” My mum places both of her hands on my cheeks, smiling wide at me. “We must stop this at once, we don’t want to ruin your makeup.” I laugh at my mum’s change before nodding. 
“We will leave you be, call us if you need anything.” 
“Yeah, we will make sure that everything is set up correctly.” 
I smile at Ginny and Hermione, quickly embracing them and thanking them for being with me. 
Once the three of them leave, the room is quiet. 
A sigh passes my lips as I sit down on the small couch, grabbing my diary and flipping through it. 
‘George Weasley asked me to be his girlfriend today. Me! How could I not say yes, I would be a fool not to. I can’t believe he liked me back, mum was right. She always is.’ 
‘Y/n and George Weasley - has a nice ring to it’ 
I scrunch my nose up, cringing at my past self. A smile creeping across my lips. 
Before I can continue through the pages, the door abruptly opens. I gasp at the intruder, watching as George swiftly locks the door behind him. 
“Wow.” George’s eyes rack down my body, drinking in my appearance as I look over him. 
His white button up tailored to his body, black suspenders hugging his shoulders and perfectly ironed dress pants. 
“Wow yourself, but George, you can’t be in here.” 
I meet him in the middle of the room, his hands instinctively falling to my waist, my fingers looping under his suspenders. 
“Why’s that? This is my soon to be wife’s room right? or am I mistaken?” George smirks at me as I roll my eyes, shaking my head. 
“It’s not the tradition we agreed on.” 
“Maybe we can break tradition.” His whispered words cause goosebumps to fill my skin, I know George and I know what he’s wanting. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it to.
“You look stunning baby.” His lips fall to my neck, placing delicate kisses to my warm skin. 
“Feel what you’re doing to me.” George grabs my hand, placing it against his clothed cock that’s now straining against the fabric of his pants. A soft whimper escapes my lips, feeling his cocky smirk against my skin. He knows the power he holds over me.
I quickly fumble with his belt, attempting to free his cock before he stops me. His hand under my chin, our eyes locking together. I stand on my tippy toes, closing the gap between us, our lips smashing against each other. Hunger and need is evident between us. His hands grip my boobs, kissing down my jaw and sucking on my exposed cleavage. 
“You’re leaving this on.” His finger trails over the fabric covering my breasts. “I want you to walk down the aisle with my cum dripping down your thighs.” My breath hitches at his words, his eyes dark with lust, a mischievous smirk on his face. 
I pull him against me using his suspenders, his lips crashing against mine as our tongues fight for dominance. George’s hands fall behind my thighs, picking me up and placing me on the make up desk. We fumble around each other, my hands working on his pants, his falling under the fabric of my dress. 
“No panties?” George asks, his eyebrows knitted together. 
“It was the easiest option.” George smirks at me, lightly slapping my now exposed pussy causing a hiss to fall from my lips. 
“My wife, a hungry little cock whore.” I blush at his words, shaking my head. 
“Not your wife yet.” 
“But still my cock whore.” 
I nod in response, palming George through his boxer briefs earning a soft moan to fall from his lips, adding fuel to the fire inside of me. I pump his dick, marveling at the sight before me, his head throwing back slightly, eyes closed, lips parted and a chorus of soft grunts and moans filling the air. 
My body jolts when he slides his finger inside of me, my pussy instantly clenching around him.
“Mmm, she knows who she belongs to.” 
I bite my lip, trying to muffle the moans that escape me. George added a second finger to my dripping core, curling them inside of me, stroking all the right places. George falls to his knees, his lips attaching to my clit as I gasp for air, shocked at the sudden change.
Not complaining in the slightest. 
I tug at his hair, his moan vibrating my sensitive skin, the sound of his tongue lapping at my wetness causing a shiver to run up my spine. His fingers continue to work in and out of me, their pace changing from fast to slow with every fourth stroke. George’s lips suck on my clit, before swirling around the nub. My head falls back against the mirror, my hips grinding against his fingers and tongue. His hand falls to my waist, holding me down against the desk as he devours me, his tongue lapping at my core slowly, while his fingers pump hard and fast inside of me. 
“George, fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
My legs shake around him, his lips sucking my clit as I cum around his fingers. Spots appear on my vision, my breathing uneasy and my skin flushed. George pulls his fingers from my tight hole, a whimper escapes me at the feeling of being empty. 
“Perfect.” My eyes roll back as George takes his fingers between his lips, sucking them clean. 
“Fuck me George, please.” 
“Oh, anything for you baby.” I reach out for him, a dark chuckle rumbling through his chest. 
“Ass up.” 
I quickly scramble to my feet, laying my chest against the desk, his warm hands rubbing the supple skin of my ass. 
George’s fingers slip into my hair, pulling me up slightly, our eyes meeting in the reflection. 
“Watch me fuck you.” 
My mouth falls open at his request, nodding in response before we both moan loud. His cock sliding deep inside me with practiced ease. 
“Fuck, so tight for me.” 
“Only you.” 
George winks at me, kissing up my exposed shoulder, biting on my earlobe. 
“Good girl.” His hips thrust deep inside of me, my pleasured cry filling the air. His hips snap into mine, my eyes rolling back at the feeling of him inside of me, hitting all the right places. 
Sounds of my wetness fill the air, George’s hand spanking my ass as I hiss. 
“Eyes open.” 
I shoot my eyes open, locking with his in the mirror. George smirks at me, looking down at where our bodies meet, hissing at the sight before him. 
“You might not be able to walk down the aisle.” 
I groan in response, pushing back against his thrust, attempting for him to go deeper. 
George picks up his pace, his hands gripping my ass, spanking the skin every so often. 
I watch George in the mirror, his face twisting with pleasure, his cheeks filling with colour, his mouth slightly agape, biting his lip every so often to muffle his moans. The sight of him lost in pleasure causes the band to tighten inside of me, which he notices. 
“Hold it baby, I’m close, just a little more.” 
I place my hands against the mirror for balance, his pace having picked up as he chases his high. 
“Please let me cum.” I beg, feeling the warm tears prick my eyes, my body glistening with a sheen of sweat under the lights. 
“Right there, fuck, cum baby.” 
The coil inside of me breaks. My pussy sucking George in as I cum around his cock. 
The warmth of his release shooting through me. 
Our eyes lock one last time in the mirror, a proud smile on his lips, a love drunk one on mine. 
“I love you.” George whispers, pulling his now softening cock out of me. 
“I love you.” 
We quickly fix our appearances. I look over myself in the mirror, touching up my eye make up and drying the tears, thankful that I can blame it on my mum’s moment before all of this if needed. 
George’s eyes trail up and down my body, shaking his head. I tilt mine in response, trying to understand what could be wrong with my appearance. 
“I just can’t believe this day is here, you’re going to be a Weasley.” 
My heart swells at George’s words, goosebumps filling my skin. 
“I’m going to be a Weasley.” I confirm. 
George beams at me, quickly placing a kiss to my lips and walking to the door. 
“Don’t let our mum’s know I was in here, they would kill me.” George chuckles as he opens the door, only to be met by Molly and my mum. 
“Shit.” We say in unison, both of our mother’s rolling their eyes. 
“One day, not even a day, a few hours.” Molly tuts, looking over at my mum. 
“What are we going to do with you two.” 
George smiles at me, before squeezing past the mothers and dashing away from the scene. 
“Ready love?”
I take a deep breath, looking down at my engagement ring, the diamonds sparkling in the light. 
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Doing dirty things w/ AOT characters while you two most definitely shouldn’t be (Reiner, Erwin, Zeke, Levi)
A/N: my faithful stoned thot anon, shoutout to you for this request and I hope this was something like you were imagining in your mind. I know you only asked for simple mundane tasks, but I wanted to be extra and include more situations. I can’t wait to work on the other ones you sent me !
Synopsis: Basically, you’re trying to do a task that requires a lot of your attention or you to be silent (like on the phone, out to eat with friends, etc), but your partner really really needs some attention in that moment. I suck at descriptions sorry 🥴 If you see any typos no u didn’t, but really I was too lazy to proofread.
TW: Modern AU, hehe naughtiness obviously, choking for Zeke, also embarrassment, fembodied!reader, 18+, MINORS DNI!
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REINER BRAUN: Movie night with friends
Reiner just couldn’t help himself, he really couldn’t. The first sight of you in your silky pajama shorts and this man’s thoughts were going crazy watching you parade around the house as you grabbed the snacks and needed materials for tonight’s movie night with some of you guys’ friends. Luckily the fabric of his pajama pants were loose enough to hide the growing boner in his pants, but of course he made it known to you by approaching you from behind and pressing it against your ass so you could feel just how hard you had made him simply by looking pretty.
His hands began to roam all over your body, stealing a grope of your breast, and his mouth attached to your neck, taking breaks in between kisses to tell you how good you look and how much you riled him up. As good as it all felt, Pieck and Porco were only right down the street, so you took his hands off of your body with promises of making him feel better later in the night once they had left. You’re lucky he doesn’t like quickies like that and prefers to take his time with you or else he would’ve taken you right there up against that counter chile.
Pieck and Porco finally arrive and what was supposed only be one movie turned into two, and now here you were snuggled up under Reiner on a completely different couch than Porco and Pieck while they flipped through a catalogue on the television looking for a new movie to start up; Reiner growing more and more impatient as the minutes went on. The constant caressing on your thigh and pinches he would give your nipples every now and then giving that away completely.
You got tired of fighting his advances off a long time ago and part of you wanted him to continue, to see how far he would actually go, because truth is you wanted him just as much as he wanted you right now. You were just a lot better at hiding it.
It was halfway through the movie that he finally decides to make a drastic move, moving you to a position where your back was pressed against his chest and tapping your hips, signifying for you to raise them so he could pull your shorts down to your thighs.
“Sit still for the rest of the night and I’ll reward us both so good once they leave.” He’d whisper in your ear. The only warning you’d get before he’s slowly easing his cock into you careful not to stretch you out too much, but the wetness that accumulated between your legs all night long makes it so you swallow him completely. A shocked moan leaving both of your lips, but luckily being silenced by the action scene on the tv; both Porco and Pieck too into it to even pay attention to the two of you.
So desperately you wanted to swirl your hips up against you, create any sort of friction to make his cock hit that spot in your soft velvety walls that left you clenching and squealing and him growling into your ears, but instead you had to be as still as possible while cockwarming him. Not being too careful would surely draw the attention of the other two, but Reiner still tested the waters every now and then by shifting every so often on purpose to cause movement.
He was even able to draw a weird moan out of you once that had Porco and Pieck looking over at you like you were crazy, questioning if you were okay which you had no choice but to reply yes to. Barely able to get that out because the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you mixed with your walls clenching around him was a whole sensation on its own.
“Careful, you don’t want them knowing that I’m balls deep in you right now would you? Or would a slut like you enjoy that; them knowing that your pussy is swallowing my cock whole right now?”
Reiner is degrading during sex sometimes and you cannot tell me otherwise #sorrynotsorry.
And when he said the two of you would be staying like this the whole night until they left he absolutely meant it. After that little moaning incident he surprisingly acted normal the whole night, like the two of you weren’t even doing what you were doing underneath the cover. Knowing how torturous it must be for him to deny you the skin to skin contact and hip bucking you needed from him.
ERWIN SMITH: In a restaurant surrounded by friends
You never thought Erwin to be the bold type to try something out in public with you. The closest thing the two of you have done to it was a quick quickie in his office once with you pressed against the window of the skyscraper building it was located in, but even then you could feel the anxiety in his muscles as he pressed himself up against you; scared of an assistant or important business partner to come barging in on the two of you.
So you can imagine the shock on your face when you were spending the night out with friends at a restaurant, preoccupied with listening to Levi’s horror stories at his tea shop when you felt the ghostly tingles of Erwin’s fingers trail up on your thigh. A hand on your knee was nothing, something he had done plenty of times as a small sign of PDA, but this was different. You looked over to him with a questioned look in your eyes, but his kept his eyes straight and responded to you physically by pressing his thumb against the cloth that separated his finger from your clit.
Almost immediately you choked on the spit going down your throat which garnered the attention from everyone else at the table asking if you were alright. Everyone but Erwin turned to you and if they were truly paying attention that would’ve been a major sign that something was up, but your quick, “I’m okay!” Response had them off your back in an instance and only edged Erwin on more, fingers pushing your panties to the side as he continued on.
The food in front of you hadn’t been touched in around 10 mins since you found yourself full before you were able to finish it all, but you had to pick up your fork and abruptly take a bite of of it when you felt Erwin’s long fingers plunge into you with ease from your wetness and curl up into you; the metal between your teeth the best attempt you had at covering up your moans.
You swear you saw a slight smirk on his lips when you glanced over at him because he’s a menace to society like that.
His hands moved so languidly inside of you hitting all the right spots and pressing down on the sensitive parts of you that always guaranteed a reaction out of you. While also simultaneously still rubbing your clit with his thumb in wide circles, enjoying every twist and turn he saw your face do as you tried desperately to hold your moans in.
At one point, to mess with you even more, he leaned in and whispered into your ear, “You think all these people know that your cunt is clenching around my fingers about to cum?” No one else heard him but you, but it definitely drew the attention of Levi who threw a confused look your way. To which you could only reply to with a smile and awkward chuckle that almost broke out into a moan because Erwin thought it would be a good idea to speed up his fingers.
You didn’t care how obvious it looked anymore, your teeth found comfort in the skin of his arm to stifle moans and your fingers had a death grip on his thighs as your orgasm hit you like a wave. Leaving you with nothing to do but grind your hips down into his fingers slowly to not draw attention as you rode out his orgasm. His fingers were covered in your slick as he pulled them off of you and instead of being discreet and wiping them on his pants or even your dress, he picked up a small dessert off his plate and turned to you. Feeding it to you and sticking his fingers a little too far in your mouth so you can clean your own orgasm off of your fingers. His thumb going between his own lips once he took his fingers out of your mouth and sucking on it gently. “That was delicious.” He would state, never breaking eye contact with you.
The tent in his dressy slacks gave away all the excitement he was feeling on the inside as he watched you squirm in your seat while he did something so naughty to you in public. He couldn’t take it anymore, placing his share of the bill on the table and excusing the both of you for the night before going around and saying your goodbyes. No one seemed to notice anything, except for when you went to Levi to give him a goodbye hug and he whispered in your ear, “Next time get a room or go to the bathroom you freaks.” You totally weren’t embarrassed and didn’t leave the restaurant with warm cheeks.
ZEKE JAEGER: During a zoom meeting
First off, sexy time stuff aside, Zeke is a menace to society and always interrupting your zooms. Whether it’s him barging into the room and asking a question like “Did you eat the last bagel?” While you’re unmuted or walking behind you with his shirt off while you have you camera on. You will never know a peaceful smooth sailing zoom meeting with Zeke in the house.
But you were immune to it at this point and he was a little too immune and comfortable with messing with you while you were in them. But hey, you couldn’t blame him! You looked all too good to him while you laid in the bed on your stomach in one of his band tees and nothing else while you payed attention to the boring lecture happening on your laptop.
Once he realized that your camera was off his hands were on you immediately, rubbing up and down your legs to signify to you that he was in a mood while he made his way on the bed behind you.
“You can’t just be walking around the house all sexy like this and expect me not to pounce on you.”
You want to say something snarky and remarkable back, but a distraction from your boring ass class is exactly what you needed. So instead of protesting this time around, you arched your back so your ass was nearly up to his face to which he replied with playfully slapping you on it and even taking a nibble of your cheek. And because you’re a menace to society you run your own hand along your clothed slit and moving your panties out of the way to put it on display for him.
“I could really use some distracting right now.” Say less, this man’s mouth is on your clit in an instant, devouring you like you’re his first meal of the day. Your hips instinctively grinding down against his tongue as he moved his focus to sucking on your clit at a pace that left you ass up face down on the bed moaning like a pornstar. Never mind his beard scraping against your thighs and possibly leaving a rash there later for you to deal with. It adds a nice touch of pain to your pleasure.
So caught up into the pleasure warming up your lower stomach, you don’t even notice your teacher calling on you until Zeke reaches out and taps on the keyboard to move your attention back to the zoom in front of you, his mouth still working magic on your clit; a mixture of his spit and your juices trailing down his chin. The site is enough to make you cum but you’re forced to divert your eyes away from it as you unmute yourself, quickly asking her to repeat the question, going back on mute before they can hear the slurping noises that Zeke obnoxiously made louder once you unmuted.
“I’m going to kill you.” “Pay attention to school sweetheart before I stop completely. Education comes first!” What an asshole, but despite the joking tone of his voice you know he’d stop in a heartbeat just to mess with you and you’re too close to an orgasm for him to up and quit like that.
From the way your hips move sloppily against his face he can tell that you’re close, but once the teacher repeats the question at you to answer he pulls away completely seemingly to cut you some slack. But, surprise, he only moves his mouth away to replace it with his cock, sliding into you with ease and thrusting into you at a steady pace that has you moan loudly into the microphone on accident.
His face lights up with a smug expression and smile, the embarrassment on your cheeks making him pick up his pace and turning him on in a way. “Now your whole class is going to know that you were getting fucked by me. Too busy getting your hole pounded to even pay attention to the lesion. What a dirty little slut, they’re probably talking about you right now as we speak.”
You’re at a loss of words, not only because of embarrassment but because you can barely form a sentence from the way Zeke is pounding into you so ruthlessly from behind. His hand even coming forward and grabbing at your neck to balance himself against the bed while on his knees.
Your morning with him is far from over and the embarrassment from this zoom is going to last with you forever.
LEVI ACKERMAN:  On an important phone call
I know Levi Ackerman with his hands around our necks really get us going and the thought of dom him fucking us from behind while on the phone with our boss  makes us feel butterflies in our stomachs....BUT the thought of sub Levi whimpering and having to put his phone on mute while discussing business with someone because you have his cock halfway down your throat, is an equally as hot image.
He would glance at you from over his phone and let out a silent “What are you doing?” And make a faint shooing away motion in the air to make you leave, but he doesn’t want you to leave. You know that and he knows that which is why when you went to unbuckle his pants he gladly let you, hips even raising slightly so you can pull them down enough to let his cock and balls free from the restraints of his underwear and pants.
It was such a sudden and rash decision on your end that he wasn’t even hard at all when you pulled him out, but one lick from the base of his cock to the tip of it is enough to make it stand tall. Warranting a deep intake of air that has the person on the other end of the line asking if he was okay. Between the embarrassment from nearly being caught and the pleasure exploding in his lower half from how good you’re working your mouth, his cheeks are flushed with a bright pink color.
“Do you want me to stop” “no, no, keep going, please.”
He’s so needy and close to that sweet release already, the excitement from doing something so naughty while the person on the other end of the phone has no idea has his senses in an overload. Even the broken ‘Y-Yes’s that have to leave his lips every time he unmutes his phone strikes an excited nerve in him that he didn’t know he had; wishing he could moan as freely as he could to show off how good you make him feel, but he bites back those moans with his teeth. Instead opting for a number of praises when he can.
“You look so pretty on your knees in front of me with your cock in my mouth.” “You make me feel so so good, you don’t even know how good I feel right now because of you.” “Keep that up and I’m going to cum.”
Eyes closing shut and breath picking up the closer he gets. His hand even coming down to move your head at a pace that feels godly around his cock.
Usually you would tease and pull away altogether when he did this, reminding him that he couldn’t be too needy, but you would be lying if you said this didn’t have just as much of affect on him as it did on you, thighs clenching together with each bob of your head and moan that left his lips that he couldn’t quite bite back.
He’s an incoherent mess at the end, lips not even able to move together to form sentences and his hips bucking up wildly into your throat to release his load down your throat. His hips still bucking up slightly even after he came because it just felt that good. His mind was so clouded with pleasure that he didn’t even notice the person on the phone had hung up a long time ago, something he would have to deal with later but that proved helpful right now.
“I hope you don’t think that this was it.” Oops, now you awoke the dominant side of Levi’s switch personality and he’s definitely not letting you off the hook for this one.
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petri808 · 3 years
If you're open for nalu requests, can you write a smut fic where nalu goes to a lingerie store because lucy wants to try on some lingerie and natsu ends up getting aroused? But if you can't it's fine just ignore this ask😊
Hi Nony, this is the last request I’ll do. Decided to save this for @thenaluarchive Sinfully Nalu event Mirror prompt. What did Lucy expect by dragging Natsu lingerie shopping?
“I’ve just got one more stop to make.” Lucy pointed towards the other side of the mall.
“Ugh…” Natsu’s shoulders dropped, “but we’ve been here for 2 hours already, Lucy, and I’m getting hungry.”
“I’ll spring for lunch. Anything you want.”
“I’m holding you to it,” he grumbled, but allowed her to pull him forward.
Natsu knew the mall well enough to know that the section they were heading towards were mostly women’s clothing stores— definitely not where he wanted to be. All these fancy clothes, and accessories, and… stuff that his girlfriend loved to wear. Sure, he didn’t complain cause it made her happy, he just didn’t wanna shop for it. Forever twenty something, Cache or Channel— whatever, “oh, uh-uh, no way,” he jerked them to a halt. “I ain’t going in there.”
“It’s just Victoria’s Secret.”
“Well Victoria can keep her secret. Lucy you’re crazy if you think I’m going in a women’s lingerie store!”
Lucy turned to face, then grabbed both of Natsu’s hands, holding them together close to her chest. “Please,” her eyes begged. “I need you to tell me what you think will be nice on me.”
Thinking about his girl, in lingerie, while standing in a mall was *not* the image Natsu wanted conjuring in his mind. But between the soft, puppy-dog expression, and her whimpering pleading— he was powerless to turn Lucy down. He sighed with a whine. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“Yay!” She giggled, kissed his cheek, and took his hand again, entwining their fingers together. “I’ll make it as painless as possible.”
Yeah, uh-huh, right… Painless.
As they walked down the rows and racks of lingerie, Natsu hummed in his head as a distraction. Bras, panties. Low cut, high cut, thongs, g-strings. Sets, individual pieces. Lace, satin, cotton. So many choices! He let the colors blend in his vision, the scents of brand-new clothing mixed with perfumes sold, or miscellaneous accessories. How do women pick anything when there’s so many options? Give him a t-shirt and jeans and he was good to go.
Every so many picks, Lucy would ask his opinion. ‘Yeah, that’s nice. No, that looks itchy. I like that color. Eww, it doesn’t match you.’ Finding her size in the styles she wanted wasn’t always easy, but after 30 minutes, Lucy had half a dozen or so items to try on. So, they head towards the fitting rooms.
Natsu stopped in front of the doors, and readied himself to stand around and wait—
“You’re coming in with me.” Lucy tugged on his hand. “I need your final opinion.”
Up until now, Natsu had managed to avoid thinking about anything even remotely related to sex, but now?! “Uh-uh, no way!”
“Please…” Lucy turned on the pouty lip-action and puppy-dog eyes again. “It’s not like you won’t see me in them later.”
Natsu gulped hard as the naughty images were unlocked. “Are you trying to kill me in public?”
“Pfft, no,” she giggled. “Stop exaggerating this.”
‘You have no idea, woman…’ “Alright, fine. But don’t blame me if anything happens in there.” Because if the twitch in his pants and slight bulge growing was any indication, it wouldn’t be what she’d be expecting.
“Tch.” Lucy rolled her eyes. “It’ll be fine, Natsu, you’ll see.”
The dressing room was a lot more spacious than he was used to seeing. Men’s fitting rooms, at least the ones he’s been in are like closets with just one full length mirror, and maybe a small bench inside. This one could easily fit them both, with wrap around mirrors to catch every angle. It had a small, cushioned bench along one wall, and a couple of hooks on the inside of the door. But most noteworthy was the fact it was a fully enclosed room— not those partial-length doors at lower-quality stores. It was very, very private.
Natsu sat down on the bench and closed his eyes while Lucy fiddled with her options. He could hear the plastic and metal hangers going up on the hooks, as well as the sounds of his girlfriend shedding her clothing. His mouth suddenly felt dry… Lucy’s voluptuous body bared for him to see with only her regular panties left on— he squeezed his eyes tighter shut. ‘Don’t think about it! Don’t think about it!’
“Ready— Natsu, silly,” Lucy giggled. “How are you gonna tell me if it’s good or not if you can’t see?”
Lucy threaded her fingers gingerly through his hair. “Just one peak…”
‘Fuck…’ he groaned as the tightening in his shorts grew uncomfortable. “One peak.”
Natsu opened his eyes and immediately slammed them shut again from the screaming bra and panties glued to her frame. A sheer red with solid fabric only over the nipples and a strip covering her crotch. So much flesh revealed in these outfits, was there even a point to wearing anything at all?
“Great!” His voice squeaked out. “Looks fine.”
Her giggles only added to his demise. The sounds of more fabric rustling, and the twitch in his shorts… Natsu shifted in his seat trying to get comfortable, but he couldn’t. Lucy had grabbed about six of seven different pieces to try, and this was only the beginning. She was too damn sexy, and he swore, derived pleasure out of torturing him like this! Ugh, his cock was so hard right now…
“Okay, next piece,” Natsu heard her say. “I’m not sure about it, cause the color doesn’t seem to look good on me.”
Tch, it could be multi-colored polka dots and Lucy would still be a man’s wet dream. He cracked open one eye. It was a dark green, combo with frilled lace along the waistband. Natsu gulped hard as she did a turn around to reveal a thong and curvy swell of her backside.
“You do realize I’m biased, right?” Natsu blurted out. “Everything looks good on you to me.”
“Awww,” Lucy bent down and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I still think I’ll add this to the maybe pile,” she spoke as she started removing the pieces. “I think you’ll really like the next one I found; it has these cute flames on them.”
“You know what I’d prefer to see?” Natsu questioned, for he was done holding back.
Lucy stopped mid-way, bent slightly over with the thong down to her thighs. “What?”
Without answering her, Natsu got off the bench and started helping her take the thong off.
“Natsu, what are you—”
Once off, he moved onto her regular panties down.
“Nat— s-stop!” Lucy grabbed for his hands, but she couldn’t do much without twisting or tripping. “What are you do—”
“Keep your voice down.” He tugged those off too leaving her exposed from the waist down.
“Natsu this isn’t funny!” She seethed in an exasperated whisper.
“Neither is this,” he gestured at the bulge in his shorts. Guiding her against the mirrored wall as he spoke. “You said I could choose whatever I wanted for lunch, and I’ve decided to put you on the menu.”
Lucy whimpered when she felt the cold mirror against her bare skin. “But we’re in public.”
“I warned you didn’t I…” Natsu leaned in with a whisper, cheek to cheek. “Then I suggest you not make any noise,” his words wisp out, warm breath fanning down the barren skin as his lips burn a trail over her neck. Lucy dug her fingers into his hair, holding on but not stopping him as he moved lower.
His stops were brief, lips ghosting burning marks along her chest, a mountainous journey over the pillowy bosoms, a few licks against the pert nipples, and lower… down … snaking over her torso to what he was truly after. “Breathe, baby,” Natsu teased at her halted, bated breathing. “Just look forward and watch.”
She sucked in a gulp of air and stared forward at the mirrored image of Natsu going down on her. It was strange to literally watch every move he made like a voyeur living through another’s body. Lucy’s fingers tightened their grip on his hair in anticipation as he spread her legs a little wider…
“Mmm,” he mused in thought on how to get the best angle. “Hold to me,” Natsu suggested, and before she could reply, lifted Lucy’s left leg, and rested it on his shoulder. “Perfect…”
Natsu dove right in, latching his mouth onto the moist folds he knew so well, humming at the quick squeak his girl couldn’t catch in time. But he knew from the pull on his scalp exactly what she was experiencing. He kept one hand on her raised hip, while the fingers of his other toyed around the edge of her wet opening. His tongue pressed and circled around her clit, sucking, palpating, interspersed with soothing flicks and long strokes to lap up the growing sap gathering in the area. He closed his eyes as he relished in the warmth oozing over his face from her beautiful sex.
Heaven help her, Lucy couldn’t stop staring at that mirror… her gripped fingers to his hair and nails digging into his shoulder for dear life from the seasoned oral ministrations that slowly undid her sanity. Just his tongue alone… but the teasing fingers… Oh! Oh— Her thighs clenched to the sides of Natsu’s head as she felt one, then two fingers slipped through her walls. Lucy’s body arched slightly, and head tilted back as those fingers began swiftly pumping.
“Natsu…” Lucy moaned softly through sealed lips. She could feel his grin against her flesh, hear the squishing sounds, and smell the light scent of her extreme arousal. Damn him…
In a race against time, Natsu pumped fast and hard while his mouth and tongue devoured Lucy’s sex and sanity with an intensity to rival any known battle for supremacy. Each passing second, drawing the heated coil at her core closer to snapping. Her legs trembled, yet clenched and stiffened as his fingers pummeled, bumping the swollen sex being driven to his knuckles reach. He could feel Lucy start unraveling and held firmly to her hip bone as the jerky spasms rocked her body in orgasmic euphoria.
“Stop, stop, stop—” Lucy clawed at his back and neck as she whimpered from the immense pressure boiling in her body, and radiant moisture pooled in her eyes. “Please… enough, Natsu my legs are gonna give out.”
After giving her pussy a few more licks to clean up the excess juices, Natsu finally obliged and put down Lucy’s leg, then stood up while still supporting her as she caught her breath. He licked around his lips and cleaned off his fingers. “Best lunch in the world,” he grinned.
“Oof!” Lucy playfully slapped his chest with a short laugh. “Not what I’d meant. And now I don’t have time to try on the rest.”
“Why not?”
Lucy started putting on her regular clothes. “We’ve been in here for too long, it’ll be suspicious.”
“Tch, then just buy all of it if you like them, cause I’m telling you they’ll all look great on you.”
She glared at him. “Fine, but after pulling that stunt, now you owe me lunch!”
Natsu shrugged and grabbed all the hangers of clothing. “Okay, since you’ll need your strength later.”
The widest seedy grin bloomed on Natsu’s face. “You’ll see…”
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osamiiya · 3 years
Taking them bra shopping
Characters: Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintaro
Warnings: Suggestive, gender neutral pronouns but reader has boobies, like one or two swears.
a/n Why did I write this? idk honestly. Watch my mental state degrade throughout this
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Kita Shinsuke
Very polite
You think you see him blushing a bit at the more risque lingerie but he isn't
"I think that the other colour complemented your skin tone better."
Dosent try anything funny in the changing rooms, he simply peeks his head through the curtains, makes sure no one else sees. He waits in the hallway :(
Gives his honest thoughts about the style and color
Won't outright ask you to buy any lingerie but he's not going to object.
Pays for it all bless his soul </3
"I think the other one was better. This looks too tight."
You hum and move to put the other one on and Kita makes a sound of approval that accompanies his small smile.
His hands politely hover over the bra to fix it's positioning, waiting for your green light to put his hands on you.
"This one looks the best."
"It's $45 I think." Kita just nods and slips away from the curtain when you mutter something about being done.
He's holding the bras you decide to get in one hand, wallet in the other, and as the items get scanned, he dosent even bat an eye.
At your thanks he just raises an eyebrow.
"You need them don't you?"
Ojiro Aran
Respectful but also down bad
He walks with his eyes cast downward bc his mother raised him to respect women. He can't help that his eyes wander sometimes and then widen at the linge racks.
Aran holds your stuff and lets you wander off, following and giving his opinion when asked for it.
He says everything will look good on you so he's kind of no help
Again waits in the hallway, but if you have multiple to try on he'll just wait in the fitting room with you and comment nice things on how you look that day
"This one or the first one?"
You do a turn for him and he just smiles.
"They're both nice."
Rolling your eyes you run to the mirror, not missing the way Aran's eyes wander on your body.
"I don't want to get both though."
Your hands run over the material, pushing and pulling at it slightly to see which one was more flattering.
"Just get both, I'll pay."
Your smile grows in the mirror as you ask if he's sure, and he is.
So you get both, and wander to the check out, picking up things and asking Aran's thoughts.
Aran however, didn't think that bras would be that expensive, it's a small piece of fabric,the same as a bikini top, why was the price so high?
He swallows his pride and hands his card over with shaky hands, it's nothing he couldn't afford, he was just shocked that two bras easily went over $100.
Miya Atsumu
Don't take him please
Brings you lingerie that he thinks will look nice on you.
Has his own basket of stuff he thinks will look nice on you.
Finds the whole ordeal extremely hot and enjoys watching you send an embarrassed glare when he asks to get sized
Waits in the fitting room with you the entire time, putting on the bras after you and giggling to himself.
Wants to touch. Do not let him touch.
Likes all boobies big and small, very much a boob man and will be caught drooling at you trying on lingerie and push up bras
"You should get this."
There's less that'll be covered than the others, but Atsumu's dead set on how "Fuckin' hot" you'd look in it.
A quick look to the price tag has Atsumu's eyes going wide as saucers, and you can almost see the mental debate he has going on, whether he wants to get the lingerie along with your other under things or get the nice knee pads he's been wanting.
Miya Atsumu sulks when he puts it back, sending it a solemn look as he whispers that it would be a shame to spend that much money for a one night event, knowing how he'd ruin it and rip it off at first opportunity.
Like Aran, he watches you try on different styles and colours and decides they're all nice, really nice.
The price tag however? Not so nice.
He goes on a Twitter rant while you're talking to the store owner.
Miya Osamu
You would think he was a good person to go with
But remember, he's still a Miya
Snorts when the lady has you put on a bra over your clothes to see the cup size
But somehow he's still hyping you up?
Swears in ~awe~ and wolf whistles when you ask for his opinion
He loves going undergarment shopping with you
Likes it when you allow him to pick out lingerie, hands smoothing over your skin and the lace with awe
Genuinely thinks you look prettiest in the bright fitting room lighting, clad in a pair of pants and no top
Osamu can't help that his eyes wander everywhere, and you're right in front of him and God, you're so pretty.
"Look ok?"
Osamu's nodding before he realizes what he's doing.
"Let's buy the whole store, doll."
Unfortunately he dosent have the budget of a professional athlete but he's still got some money that he's more than willing to spend if it makes you feel pretty.
"The whole store?" You cant help but laugh at the firm nod Osamu gives you through the mirror, and Osamu's eyes sparkle.
His eyes however, don't sparkle when the poor teenage girl rings up the items, and Osamu sweats as he hands over his card, promising himself it was for a good cause.
And it was, especially when you show him again at home.
Suna Rintaro
Asks why you can't just use his hands as a bra
Smack his smug grin
Dosent mind going shopping with you or holding your bags
Just goes on his phone until you ask him something
Thinks you're pretty whenever, and dosent get the point of getting a pretty bra when nobody (but him) will see it anyways
Gives good advice on what styles look better than others
Makes sure they're comfortable and that you tell the lady if it isnt
He couldn't care less, will walk around the mall afterwards holding the bag
"Just tell her your size is my hand."
"Rin, please shut up- Hi yes I was looking to get a bra."
Suna wandered around the area, not letting you out of his peripheral vision, texting Atsumu and feeling the different laces and silks.
He's almost scared out of his skin when a worker approaches and asks if he needs anything.
When he wanders back, you're getting sized and Suna's scanning your face for any inckling of uncomfort, and when none if detected his eyes go back to his phone, the Schweiden Adlers going into their second set after taking the first.
"Babe can you come see if this fits properly?"
Suna blinks for a moment, whipping his head around a couple times before spotting your face peeking out from the fitting room curtain.
He sends a sheepish look to the ladies in line and slips behind the curtain with you.
"I think it's good- here." His fingers are cold against your skin as he loosens the straps a little.
"Looks nice, I like the colour." Suna's face is soft and he rests his chin on your shoulder as you admire yourself.
Bonus; The colour bra they would pick for you
Kita: Something practical, white or a skin tone
Aran: I feel like he would like something a bit lacy? If you were comfortable with it. That or a basic colour like black.
Atsumu: Red!
Osamu: "Dosent care" but also soft colors
Suna: Like an emerald green? He gives me emerald green vibes
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dimensionwriter · 3 years
100 Days
Part Three
Part One Part Two
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M! Alien x GN! Reader
Warning: pinning
Word Count: 2296
Today’s the day. A whole month has passed since Experiment 337 became conscious, therefore that means that he is now in the clear to be able to leave his containment. The reasoning for the 30 day period is to see if the alien holds the ability to breath in our atmosphere. So, slowly throughout 25 days, the liquid in the container gains more oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide until it reaches the point of similarities with Earth’s. Then the final 5 days are just checking on the vitals and making sure there are no complications.
And Shark was able to withstand it! Of course Shark would. There was no doubt in your head that that crazy alien wouldn’t be able to. He’s amazing like that.
Do you know how hard it is to try to look professional and calm while speed walking down the halls? Every time someone would stop to ask you something, you did not stop. You would yell the answer or tell them the name of someone who may know the answer while you were way past them. Luckily, no one pointed out how weird you look speeding to your door.
“Examiner, good morning. You made it just in time,” A low voice spoke to you. You looked away from your door to see your vector’s manager walking towards you. He was the one who’s always speaking through your earpiece. You assumed that he wouldn’t bother you anymore, except for meetings, since Shark was now conscious, but seeing him walk towards you told you that he must have found something new that interested him. Sadly, it must have included you.
“Morning, sir. Have they already started the movement?” You scanned your ID card across the reader causing the door to open. Stepping through, you were met with what felt like a completely different room. The container was broken down into its four glass panels and were laying on the floor in the corner. Your computer was now moved into the corner with a wall around it with windows that peered out into the room. In the middle, was a long table that had the main attraction on it.
Shark was still fast asleep, thanks to the sleeping medicine still being pumped into him. His grayish blue skin seems to look almost matte out of the liquid. Glancing at his limb, the black color that it turned to was a completely different texture. What type would it be most similar like?
“Morning, Examiner. We are almost done here. I am changing their vital readers to be inside of them , so there won’t be cords everywhere that could trip you. I have also added a microchip in their neck, just in case they try to escape. It’ll send a big enough shock to take down an elephant,” The vector’s doctor explained walking around Shark and pointing them out. So he had vital readers in his right thigh, middle left arm, and one in the center of his chest.
“Thank you so much. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to help you guys,” You apologize seeing how much was done without you. You walked over to your metal closet to put away your personal belongings and grab a fresh pair of lab coat and gloves. You actually get a chance to actually use the gloves.
You watched as your manager didn’t even try to put on any of the sterile clothes and just walked in. He’s the manager, so he should definitely know the rules, but is choosing to ignore it. This man sometimes gets on your nerves.
“So, this is the little shape shifting bastard,” your manager teased, poking Shark in his face. Not the bare hands. Who knows what germs this man has been exposed to and he’s directly making contact with the creature.
“Sir, I would advise that you do not touch Experiment 337 with your bare hands. It is unknown the result that may have on them,” the doctor spoke. The dark bags under their eyes made their statement feel a lot more firm then it would have coming from you. He may be the manager, but the vector’s nurse is equal to him.
He let out a small scoff and started walking around the room looking at things. The nurse went over to the corner room to probably make sure the vitals are actually reading correctly. With everyone busy, you walked over to Shark.
With the tips of your fingers, you brushed away at the spot the manager had touched. Woah. His skin was so cold. It felt like you were touching ice. Lightly, you trailed your fingers down his face to see that the texture was actually similar to something that was matte.
The skin underneath your finger begins to poof out. Looking back at his face, you see that his thin lips were spread out showing his sharp teeth. No way. You looked further up to see a pair of black eyes staring at you.
How was…. There can’t. You looked down to see that there was still a tube going up his back that was pumping the blue liquid. It has been confirmed that this formula worked good enough to put him to sleep. How was he awake?
“Do plan on bringing the bed in later today?” You watched as the manager walked towards the corner room, not noticing the two pairs of eyes on him. He disappeared around the corner and your head snapped down.
“You can resist the medicine,” you accused him. He gave a smirk and let out a quiet laugh. His top arms were folded across his stomach. He reached a little and grabbed the end of your lab coat and began twirling it.
“As I have stated before, Yeah and you can’t. It’s not my fault you humans are so, how do I say this kindly, incapable.” You didn’t even have it in you to argue with him. A million questions were flying through your head.
How did he stop the effects of the medicine? Does it have something to do with him being a shapeshifter? How long has he been doing this? Should you report this?
Wait, why are you doubting reporting this? This is definitely something that should be reported. If everyone thinks all aliens are asleep and there’s little security, he could become a real threat. Going rampant, freeing other aliens, or worse, going onto the outside.
Would he really be that much of a threat? He would probably just try to flirt with all of the security and get them to be his ‘mate’ or something.
“Darling, you look so cute when you think so hard,” his voice purred. You looked over at him to see he was smirking at you. His black eyes drifted down a little and that’s when you noticed that his hand holding your lab coat was raised up. He stretched his neck a little to look underneath it.
“What are you even looking at?” You held no personal items in your pants. Maybe he was analyzing the fabric of clothes better to recreate it better. Has he ever held this type of fabric before? You don’t really know where he came from or his history much. One day, you got a promotion to this vector to be an examiner and got assigned to him. No previous records were given to you.
“Nothing. Just enjoying the view,” he mumbled leaning a little farther over to look. Your brain seemed to freeze as you realized what he was doing. This pervert.
Stepping forward, you yanked your coat out of his hand and smacked the back of his hand. The corners of his eyes crinkled a little as he started to softly laugh. He was enjoying teasing you a little too much.
“Examiner?” You turned around to see the Nurse and the manager staring at you. You blinked in confusion at them. Why were they looking at you weird when Shark was clearly awake? “Can you please not smack the alien? They may be unconscious, but I’m sure they can still feel it?”
Unconscious? You turned around to see that Shark had his eyes closed and his arms back in place. It looked like he was truly ‘unconscious’ it wasn’t for the edges of his cheek twitching from trying to hold in his smile. He was trying to get you in trouble.
“I apologize. Thought I saw a bug or something on his skin. However, it was most likely his skin shifting around due to his ability to shapeshift." You hoped they didn't pick up on the bull crap you just let spewed from your mouth. It's one thing for a manager to touch him, but for a subordinate like yourself to slap him, that's an instant ticket to being written up.
"Bugs? Many workers have been moving in and out of this room. It's a small chance, but still is possible," they grumbled walking towards you. They glanced around the room before letting out a small sigh. "I'll make sure to send a cleaning crew in here just in case."
They actually brought it. You didn't know who to thank. Thank the nurse for being kind and not doubting you or the workers for moving around a lot. Well you thank both.
"Whelp, Examiner. Congrats on getting that thing to live for this long. Definitely thought the damn thing was going to kick the bucket ." His harsh laugh echoed through the room. You didn’t say anything, only allowed a tight lip smile to come on your face. The nurse just rolled their at his dumb statement.
“Examiner, you need to complete your training for in person examinations for Experiment 337,” the nurse reminded you. Their eyes drifted down to Shark next to you before looking back up at you. You swear you saw a small smirk appear on their face. “We will be outside waiting for you to finish up in here.”
They dropped their lab coat in the waste bin and slid their black gloves into their back pocket. Scanning their ID, the door slid open and they walked through. The manager appeared confused by their statement, so where you to be honest, but didn’t question it much and just walked out.
Did the nurse know that Shark was awake? If they actually knew, hopefully you won’t get into trouble for it. That would look so bad if you looked like you were hiding stuff for them and you could get written up, or worse, fired.
“Why do you always leave me?” You turned towards Shark to see he was sitting up now. You tilted your head up to be able to look him in the face. Something to document, he’s tall as hell. His torso to leg ratio is a little less even than humans. His legs are quite long and thick making you believe that’s where his height would mostly come from. But that theory is thrown into a fire seeing as his torso was the length of your entire upper body.
“Now that everyone has left the room, now you want to ogle my body. You perv,” he teased, covering his body with his six hands. The claws protruding out of them pressed into his grey skin. Small little bumps and rises appeared all over his skin. It really was like leather in a way. “Honey?”
“First, I know you didn’t just say I was ogling you. You were the one raising up my lab coat to look at me. You’re even more of a perv. Second, don’t call me honey. I don’t want anyone to hear you say that and get that wrong idea,” you ticked off with your finger. He unwrapped his first set of arms to let the elbows rest on his thighs. Gently, he rested his head on them and stared down at you.
“Then, can I call you babe, sugar plum, my starlight, darling, and/or angel? It would please me if all of the humans on this planet knew you were mine. And I do plan on making you mine,” he whispered. He leaned down towards you with a small smile on his face. In his dark eyes, you could see your reflection through them. Did you really look that flustered?
You stepped away from him and walked towards the door. You took off your lab coat while taking steady breaths. This is your job. You are getting paid to deal with this flirty alien. “Well, I see you're still stuck on that whole mate thing. While you continue to go on about that, I have work to do. See you later.”
You grabbed your ID to scan it when a hand landed on top of the scanner. Then another wrapped around your waist pulling you into a hard surface. Two hands went above you to the door while another grabbed your face to tilt it up.
“I’m not joking when I say you’re my mate. I’m adamant that you are and I don’t plan on letting you go.” His usual smile was wiped on his face, but instead a joyless frown was there. The sparkles in his eyes were all gone. He really was serious about this.
“Don’t worry. I’ll let you go. Just this time.” Every hand around you retreated back to him as he turned away from you. He walked towards the metal table with his tail low to the ground. “But next time, I would actually like some time with you. Please.”
All you could do was give him a small nod as you exited the room. Your mind felt fuzzy from trying to process everything. But you have plenty of time in the future to get answers to these questions.
70 days.
I actually wrote something. It’s something short but I’m proud I actually did it. I miss Shark and this story. Hopefully, I’ll get to get something else out. Anyway, make sure to Like, Reblog, and Comment. I love to see you guy’s comments. 
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bts-reveries · 3 years
you’ll always be my baby
characters/pairings: Namjoon and Moonji (ft. OC!Byul, Hyesung, Yoongi)
genre: family and fluff
request: [@kookietsukkie​] one of the kids’ jealous moments of their siblings! i was thinking either moonji or hana (cause i feel like they’re both pretty pampered by joon and yoongi). how at times they feel like their parents attention are too much on their new sibling… something like that!
a/n: this is more sentimental than what i thought of before i started lol but idk what i expected, this is what happens to all the tmbmil namjoon drabbles i write
thank you again for the request bestie!!
“Hyesungie, Hyesungie~” Yoongi cooed, reaching out and tickling the baby’s belly as Namjoon carried her. She smiled, twisting her body away from Yoongi’s fingers. “Aigoo, she’s getting so big now.” 
“I know right,” Namjoon says, fixing his daughter’s hat. “I hate it.” Yoongi laughs at his younger brother’s comment and shrugs.
“Well, you just have to make the most of it now,” he says, punching in the numbers on the register, telling Namjoon his total right after. They were buying some pastries at the bakery for a little family picnic. “Where’s Byul and Moonji at anyways?”
“Oh, they’re waiting in the car,” Namjoon answers. “Moonji fell asleep on the way here.”
“Ah. Long night?” Yoongi asks, assuming that she wasn’t able to sleep well the night before considering it’s just about 9 in the morning.
“Yeah. Baby sister kept her up. Well, kept all of us up,” Namjoon says sheepishly. Hyesung looks up at him, not knowing what he was saying. 
“She knows you’re talking about her,” Yoongi points out, laughing a bit. Namjoon makes a face at his daughter, making her laugh. 
“Alright, well we should be going now. Byul is probably wondering what’s taking us long,” Namjoon says, grabbing the bag Yoongi was handing to him.
“Alright, we’ll just talk again later. Maybe have a playdate for the kids,” Yoongi says, waving them off.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon hyung!”
“Daddy did you get me a cake pop too?” Moonji asks, looking over her little sister who’s gnawing on one in her carseat. Namjoon’s eyebrows raise and his mouth forms a letter ‘o’. 
“You forgot didn’t you,” Byul says quietly, glaring at her husband from the passenger’s seat. 
“Yoongi and I were talking and Hyesung grabbed it from the counter,” Namjoon shrugs. “Uh,” he says louder to Moonji behind him. “I forgot to get another one sweetie, you can just share with your sister. She’s not going to eat all of it anyways.” Moonji turns to her baby sister, frowning.
“But daddy she’s slobbering all over it,” Moonji argues. 
“Well we’re not near the bakery anymore, so either you share with her or not,” Namjoon tells her, turning into the parking lot of the park. “It’s your choice sweetie.”
“Fine, I just won’t eat one then,” she says with a small pout. 
“We can just go to the bakery again on the way home, okay baby?” Byul says, turning around to face her daughter. Moonji nods at her.
“Look baby,” Namjoon says, holding Hyesung in his arms. “Pretty flower.” He hands the little flower to her and she grabs it with her chubby little hands. “D-don’t eat it,” Namjoon says, stopping her arms from going up and shoving the flower into her mouth. 
“Daddy used to do that with me,” Moonji says, watching her dad and sister from afar. She sat on the picnic blanket with her mom. Byul looks over at them as well. 
“You can go over there and join them,” she suggests, looking back at her oldest daughter. “I’ll stay here.” Moonji shakes her head no, watching as her dad laughed at Hyesung waving the flower around. 
“Do you want me to come with you then? We could join them together,” Byul says. Moonji shakes her head no once again.
“He won’t notice me anyways,” Moonji says, resting her chin on the top of her knees. Byul frowns. She knows that Moonji was an only child for a while and that she always had her dad’s attention on her and only her. Even when she came into their lives. 
Getting a new sibling is a huge adjustment. 
“Are you upset that daddy pays more attention to Hyesung now?” Byul asks, trying to communicate with her daughter. She doesn’t want Moonji to keep things to herself whenever she’s upset. Especially if it’s something they can fix together.
Moonji nods. “He doesn’t love me as much anymore, it makes me sad.” Byul immediately reaches out for her.
“Come here,” she says. Moonji turns to her and crawls right into her arms.
“Daddy loves you just as much as he loves Hyesung. He didn’t forget about you, sweetie. I’m sorry if it makes you feel like he did,” Moonji nods, snuggling in closer to her mom’s chest. “We never want either of you to feel sad because of us so if something ever makes you sad, you should communicate it with us okay? You want me to come with you to talk to daddy?”
Moonji nods her head. 
“Okay, let’s go to them then.” Right when the two get up, Namjoon walks up towards them.
“Hi mommy, hi unnie,” Namjoon says, waving Hyesung’s empty hand. “Look what daddy and baby sister got you two.” Namjoon bends Hyesung down to Byul’s level, and she gives her a flower. 
“Aww, is this for me?” Byul says. “Thank you baby,” she says, giving her daughter a peck on the nose, making her giggle.
“Now one for Unnie,” Namjoon says, bending Hyesung lower. Moonji smiles slightly as her baby sister hands her a daisy. 
“Thank you Hyesungie,” she says in a soft voice. 
“Okay, so it's my turn with baby sister,” Byul says, reaching out to her daughter. Namjoon pouts at her. “And I think big sister wants to have a talk with daddy,” she says, turning to Moonji. She nods her head, basically saying it’s okay for her to go and leave her alone with her dad. 
“I’ll see you two later,” Byul says, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Moonji’s head. “Bye,” she mouths at Namjoon before kissing his cheek. Namjoon looked stunned, turning to his wife and watching her walk away with his baby. He then looks down at his older daughter.
“Okay, I’m kind of scared,” he says, walking over to the blanket and having a seat. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks his daughter, motioning for her to come sit with him. “Did anything happen at school? D-do you have a boyfriend now too?” He asks hesitantly, knowing how two of his hyungs are both currently in distress about their little girls having a ‘boyfriend.’
Moonji raises an eyebrow at him. “Ew, that’s yucky.” Namjoon released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Good. Now what is it? What’s wrong?” 
Moonji shrugs, “Mommy told me to talk to you because I’m sad.” Namjoon suddenly had a concerned look on his face as soon as he heard the last two words. 
“Why are you sad? What happened?”
“I feel sad because you love Hyesung more than me now,” Moonji says quietly, looking down and playing with the fabric of her pants. “Mommy said you love both of us the same, but you always play with Hyesung now and not me.” Namjoon’s heart breaks when he hears this, reaching out for Moonji’s hand.
“I don’t love Hyesung more than you. Just like I don’t love mommy more than her. I love all of you just the same. But in different ways.” He tells her. “I love mommy because she loves me and you and she gave us Hyesung. I love your birth mommy because she loved me and gave me you. I love you because you helped me become who I am today and I couldn’t have gotten here without you. And I love baby sister because now you have someone to play with and you’re not lonely when mommy is busy at home or when daddy is working.” Moonji looks up at her dad, listening to every single word he’s saying and really trying to understand them. “I love all of you just the same in different ways just like how you love hot chocolate because it keeps you warm when it’s cold and lemonade because it keeps you cool when it’s hot.” Moonji smiles up at her dad as he says this. He always did talk like he was writing a book. “Long story short,” Namjoon says with a slight laugh. “Daddy loves all of you and I’m so sorry if it makes you feel like I don’t sometimes.” He tugs at her hand, making her come and sit on his lap so he could hug her. “I know you’re used to it being just us your whole life. Then mommy Byul came along and it took some adjusting but you got used to it right, and you love her here with us?” Moonji nodded her head, her cheek pressed against her dad’s chest as his arms were wrapped around her. “Then now, baby sister came. And we’re all getting used to another person in our lives. It’s going to take some more adjusting.” Moonji nods again.
“Sometimes I watch you and Hyesung do stuff we used to do and it makes me sad because I felt like you were going to just do it with her and not me anymore.”
“No, daddy will never replace you. I’m showing them to Hyesung so we can all do it together, but you never want to come with us.”
“Because I feel like you want to just do it with her and you don’t want me there..” Moonji says with a pout. 
“I see, and I stopped asking you because whenever I ask, you say no. This is why communication is important, right?” Namjoon says. “You don’t tell me how you feel, that's why I keep doing the things that make you feel sad. You need to tell me so we can change that.”
“Okay,” Moonji says. “I will.”
“Okay, good. You know baby sister keeps mommy and I busy because she’s still little, which is why we might seem like we spend more time with her than you. So I’ll talk to mommy and we’ll make sure to set aside extra time to have Moonji and daddy time or Moonji and mommy time, how’s that sound?” Namjoon suggests, looking down at his daughter. Moonji looks up at him and nods her head, a sweet smile on her face. “Okay, maybe we can start with a date at the bakery after this? We can get you your cake pop and get a milkshake with two straws like we used to.” Moonji gasps, making her dad laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Thank you daddy. You’re the best and I love you so much,” Moonji tells him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. At least as much as her little arms can go. 
Namjoon sighs, Moonji was doing what she does best and that was melting his heart into two.
“I love you more. You’ll always be my baby, my little Moonji.”
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 2 - Bare
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Naked Female/Clothed Male, Foreplay on Kitchen Counter, Dirty Talk
Summary: Gojo is aware that you still aren't comfortable with the boundaries of your new arrangement but when you show up at his apartment wearing a skirt that he absolutely adores on you, the sorcerer finds it hard to resist his urges and does his best to persuade you into using him as much as he enjoys using you.
A/N: ~ in which Gojo is just a plain, old tease ~
- - - 
How can such a flimsy piece of fabric incapacitate the great sorcerer?
You showed up tonight wearing a black skirt that Gojo secretly adored on you. He loved the way it cinched around your waist and flared out delicately, cutting off just a few inches above your mid-thigh. He could not understand what it was about the skirt that turned him on so much but every time he saw you in this particular piece of clothing, the man found himself unable to stop his imagination from going. He had a hard time resisting his urges and usually would take care of himself on his own after seeing you. He would picture you on your knees, your skirt bunched up at the waist as he would thrust from behind…
Pay attention, he grumbled to himself.
He didn’t mean to ignore you but you’ve been a complete distraction since you walked through his door. He was trying his best to listen to you talk about your day as you sauntered around his kitchen but was busy staring at your hips swaying from side to side. Thankfully he was wearing his shades so you couldn’t tell that his mind was wandering.
Two weeks had passed since you came over to his place with your proposition but nothing went beyond heated make out sessions. Gojo knew you still weren’t quite used to this little arrangement. Which is why despite the two of you planning on seeing each other to "grab drinks", he would usually let you ramble about whatever was on your mind for thirty minutes before the two of you actually got down to any of the fun stuff.
“ Gojo , are  you listening to me? ”
Your question snapped him out of it. He angled his head down towards you, noticing that you were standing right in front of him.
“Of course I was listening!” he replied defensively.
You raised your brows, your face unamused by his response.
“Oh, really? Then what did I just ask you?”
He froze, realizing you caught him in his lie. Raising his arms up in defeat he scoffed before admitting, “okay, I wasn’t listening but it’s not my fault you talk so much.”
“ You are saying that I talk a lot? You ?”
“Yes I am”
“Well, I guess your bad habits are just rubbing off on me.”
“My bad habits?!”
“Seriously, that mouth of yours never stops running. You’re like a broken radio. The volume doesn’t work and no matter how hard you try, you can't switch over to another station to listen to something better,” you teased with a smile.
“Is that right?”
Gojo halted your little bantering session by abruptly reaching for your waist to pull you close to him. He spun you around so your back was pressed against his kitchen island before leaning down and bringing his lips to your ear.
“Is my voice really that annoying?” he whispered. “Because you didn’t seem to think so the other night when I was doing this…”
He sensed the shift in your body language, your heart skipping a beat at his question and the way you tensed up against his frame. He had to admit, he thoroughly enjoyed teasing you, this was different from the casual flirting he was used to because nothing is holding him back from having his way with you now.
He laughed against your ear, “not so chatty now are we?”
Picking you up by your legs, Gojo lifted you onto the countertop with ease.
“No blindfold today?” you asked, finally finding your words as your pretty eyes stared directly into his own while you both faced one another.
“These count,” he replied, referring to his sunglasses.
Gojo’s eyes trailed from your neck to naval until it reached the band of your skirt. His hands were gripping onto your waist, that hungry blue gaze filled with nothing but need. He noticed your stare fixated on his lips but he wasn’t going to give in by kissing you just yet, he wanted to continue figuring you out, surveying all the different places he could touch you just to hear you call out his name.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, his index finger tapping against your top.
You nodded your head politely and he smiled.
This side of you amused him. Despite your reservations, you’ve been quite bold about your needs and he couldn’t help but admire this newfound confidence you had, totally flattered that you were willing to show it off for him.
He tossed your top over his shoulder, his fingers trailing up your spine until it reached for the band of your bra.
“How about this?”
You bit your bottom lip, your hands dancing up his chest until it reached for the collar of his black tee.
“Maybe if you actually paid attention to what I was saying, I might be more willing…” You pushed him away, clearly having fun with him but inhaled when you felt his other hand move up across your stomach to cup your left breast.
“I didn’t invite you over to talk,” he answered calmly. “If that’s the case then we can reschedule this for another time...”
You pursed your lips, tempting him even further for a kiss but he saw that expression on your face that indicated you had no interest in stopping. You tugged at the clasp in front of your chest before telling him, “this is where the hook is.”
The smirk on his face spread into a wolfish grin as he eagerly unfastened your bra. He hummed with pleasure, dropping your undergarments to the side, tilting his head to get proper look at you and noticing the way he tightened against his pants soaking in the image before him.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes!” he complimented. “Lay down for me...”
You lowered yourself on your forearms against the marble counter watching as Gojo adjusted his stance before hovering his long torso above yours.
“Get comfortable, I don’t plan on rushing anything.”
Your face was a little flushed and you hesitated underneath him, fully aware of him absorbing your half naked state. You allowed yourself to lay flat on your back against the countertop, lifting slightly when the cold surface touched your skin. Gojo planted a kiss on your neck, nipping at it before brushing down your collarbone. You shivered feeling his breath against you, his hands kneading your breasts as he placed another kiss between them. The pads of his thumbs began to rub your nipples, causing them to perk up at his touch. Your mouth parted with a sigh and you closed your eyes, finally allowing your body to relax. He lips replaced his thumb as he enclosed his mouth over your hardened nipple and he flicked his tongue earning a satisfied exhale in response.
Gojo’s senses worked differently as everything for him was heightened on another scale.The scent of your perfume intoxicated him, the sound of your heartbeat racing like music to his ears, the vibrations that ran up his arm every time he touched you was like a trigger to his system and you tasted so sweet . He truly appreciated his power for granting him the ability to experience the moment playing out before him.
“ Satoru…” you moaned, your back arching off the counter as you felt him gently bite your sensitive nub. Your hand reached for his hair, your fingers tangling themselves between his white locks.
He bit down a little harder a second time, alternating between his tongue and teeth and causing you to pant before finally releasing you from his mouth.
“Yes?” he purred, noticing the way your legs spread underneath him.
He guided himself to your mouth, finally satisfying your craving by kissing you softly.
Freeing his hair from your grasp, you trailed your fingers along his jaw as you parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slide into your mouth. Gojo continued roaming his hands along your body, gliding down your side before reaching for your leg. He stroked your inner thigh, caressing your soft skin before making his way up to your core, feeling the heat radiate off of you. He groaned into your mouth while palming your underwear with his hand, suddenly very conscious of just how wet you were for him.
Gojo broke free from your kiss, allowing you both to catch your breath for a second as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“Whatever time you wasted on small talk, I’m going to compensate for by getting you off so many times you’ll have no idea what to do with yourself when I’m through with you...”
You parted your lips to protest but whimpered instead as his fingers began working your wet cunt over the fabric of your underwear. He moved in slow circular motions, a light pressure at first but increasing with intensity as he gradually picked up the pace.
“ Fuck ,” you whined, catching your bottom lip between your teeth.
You were wriggling underneath him, your body rising and falling with every move he made. He returned to playfully suck on your nipples, pleasuring you with ease.
“ Touch me …” you begged, “ Please… ”
Your words were enough to convince him. The man tugged at the cotton fabric you were wearing before motioning his finger over your swollen clit. You were driving his patience with how wet you were getting but he was forcing himself to control his urges.
He dragged his middle finger along your slit before inserting it inside you. Naturally, your hips rolled with his movement and he slowly pulled out before pushing back in again with a little more force.
“ Ohhh , that feels good...”
Gojo couldn’t hide his own enjoyment. This was better than anything he had ever imagined about you. He was about to release years of pent up frustration on you. All those times you two spent alone together where he would draw his attention on your lips or think about what you were wearing underneath your clothes  and wonder how well you would take his dick if given the opportunity....
He had a revelation of how much he actually wanted you. His fantasies solely focused around you and regardless of who he was with, you were still the object of his desires.
The one person he was desperate to fuck.
Gojo pushed his finger all the way in, his thumb pressing down on your clit as he rubbed with speed. Your body shivered again, your moans growing louder as you clung onto his sleeve for support, feeling yourself coming undone beneath him. He felt you tense around him, your body contracting before finally releasing as the first wave of pleasure traveled through you.
He pulled his finger out, keeping your legs spread for him as he stood upright and watching you with approval. Your first orgasm illuminated your gorgeous face but he had no intention of giving you a break just yet. He proceeded to hook his fingers around your underwear, prompting you to lift your hips up as he stripped you of the fabric.
“That’s one…” he stated, ensuring you knew he was keeping his word.
He noticed you reach for the zipper of your skirt, ready to strip off the last article of clothing you had on.
He grabbed your wrists, pinning both your hands down by your sides before reaching for his glasses and dragging it down slightly along his nose so you only caught a glimpse of those blue eyes looking at you.
" The skirt stays on, ” he demanded before pushing back his frames and releasing you from his grip.
"As you wish...”
“Now then,” he continued, returning his attention onto your legs. He lifted your skirt higher until he granted himself a full view of your bare pussy. Licking his lips with anticipation, he lowered himself down before looking up at you with a teasing smile. “Let me show you exactly what this mouth of mine can do...”
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