#how are you gonna be a whole adult and still not understand that your experiences aren't universal
justthedismount · 2 years
Are we really still rehashing the fahrenheit vs celsius thing like who caaaaares
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fruitmins · 6 months
Agust Dad—Eight
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: fluff but then not fluff.., they cannot catch a break fr, rushed to edit this so might have mistakes
<next part>
note: i did NOT forget about this book believe it or not.. my parents have been on my ass about school and getting into a college. plus the motivation to write was just not there?? but i like this chapter and it’s a bit longer so enjoy (finally)🫶🏾 taglist is gonna be closed tho, sorry
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @tatyhend @jiminiesunicorn @littlestarstinyseven @baechugff @thelilbutifulthings @tearykth @familiarlikemymirror3 @coree730 @prajusstuff @wobblewobble822 @choisoorin @manuosorioh @0funsite0 @whipwhoops @bergandysam @aloverga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @silentreadersthings @butterymin @girl-nahh @linneasblog @cuntessaiii @nikkiordonez12 @chl0buggy @serendididy @llallaaa @ghostlyworld @roguesthetic @captainchrisstan @bxcndd @lukeys-giggle @mint--yoongs @hyunjaespresent-deobi @yes-suga @gimeow @coffeedepressionsoup @mixedfandxms
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You step out of the hospital, feeling the cool breeze on your face for the first time in days.
You stop before getting into Yoongi’s personal car, taking in the world around you after days of spending time cooped up inside.
You take a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. The whole experience these past few days has been exhausting, both physically and mentally but you're happy to finally be able to leave, and even more happy that you and the baby are both healthy and okay. You're looking forward to going back home, seeing the others, and just getting some well-needed rest.
And the best part of it all..
Yoongi is by your side. Every second you were in the hospital he was there and refused to go anywhere that wasn’t the toilet. It was heart warming, and it made you look at him even more differently. You didn’t want to say you were falling for his caring gestures and kind admiring eyes, but it was starting to get alarmingly similar. Even if he was showing concern it still made your heart flutter slightly.
And you put all the blame for your confusing feelings on him.
Even as he held your hand and guided you to his car and out of the private hospital you felt your hands starting to sweat as you pushed back any thoughts about gushing over it.
You managed to hold in enough sweat for him not to tease you about it before he lets go to open the passenger door for you.
Yoongi doesn’t take his time to start driving and head home. He can tell how tired you are from everything, glancing at you every once in a while as he tries to keep his eyes on the road.
"How are you feeling, Y/N?" he finally asks softly. You nod slightly, feeling relieved that the pregnancy is fine.
"Good," he nods, smiling gently. As if he can understand you without you even speaking. Sometimes you wonder if co parenting will be that easy. "Let's get home so you can rest properly."
You lay your head back against the head restraint as he drove them back to his spare home.
You look over at him, pausing and thinking carefully before opening your mouth to say something. You’re nervous to talk to him, but you quickly shake away your thoughts and tell yourself to act like an adult and not a school girl.
“Thank for being here, Yoongs. You could have flew the moment you found out you got a random woman pregnant..but you didn’t.” You say in a soft quiet voice. You needed to be an adult and give him his props. After everything that has happened he hadn’t once shied away.
Yoongi flinches slightly at your words, seemingly unprepared to hear them but he lets out a soft chuckle at the nickname, something you were starting to pick up from Harin.
"No, I couldn't leave you," he says quietly, his eyes fluttering. "That... wasn't an option." He states. You’re confused on what he meant by that, and almost ask him to elaborate but think it’s better for your feelings and sanity if you just left it there.
He looks at you for a moment, his expression turning to a small smile. "I'm glad I could be here to support you."
He gives a small sigh, looking towards the road, the sunlight shining through the windshield. He looks like he wants to say more but holds it back. "You should get some rest." he says softly after a while of comfortable silence, his voice gentle.
“Okay.” You say with a small smile, turning your head away from him you tired to get as comfortable as you could in the car.
Your head slowly starts to droop forward and you begin to doze off. It doesn’t help that he is driving extra slow and extra careful, some soft music (of course BTS) playing on a low volume that sends you to sleep.
"Y/N... wake up..." you hear Yoongi's voice, and you open your eyes. You're suddenly back (to his) home and Yoongi is gently shaking you awake.
Yoongi lets out a soft chuckle as he notices your sleepy expression. “That probably felt like three minutes but I promise you it was at least fifteen. I even went around in circles to buy time.”
“Oh, thanks..” you say with a weak chuckle and a small yawn as you slowly unbuckle my seatbelt and exit the car and slowly enter the house with him.
You flinch in shock and surprise when the first thing you hear once you open the door are screaming voices. Your eyes are wide as you come back to life and analyze the situation in front of you.
There’s the rest of the members and Harin stood in the living room. You feel tired, both physically and mentally, but you're happy to see the banner, the decorations, and the cake.
Yoongi who is next you let out a soft chuckle, “Guys you didn’t have to.” Yoongi says, shaking his head in slight disbelief as Harin speed walks up to you to give you a tight hug.
You can already feel yourself getting emotional, but Harin’s hug just adds salt to the wound. “Girl, why aren’t you on your honeymoon?” You ask with a small chuckle, trying to hold back your hormonal emotions.
“Like I could relax while you were in the hospital.” She rolls her eyes at you and you just hug her tighter. “Jin felt the same way..” she adds, rubbing your back for comfort but her statement just makes you more emotional. Of course Jin would feel guilty about it.
It felt like for the first time in a while, you felt like you were liked, maybe even loved. You felt like you fit in with the boys and Harin, despite the awkward situation and how you met them. They didn’t judge you, and they genuinely cared about you.
Someway, somehow, despite all the chaos you just went through. You felt at peace.
After a few hours, they leave, and you're left to clean up the mess they made. You’re not mad at it though. It was nice chatting and eating with the group after being in the hospital for days. It was a nice distraction, and your only distraction since Yoongi still has your phone. Even though it could be seen as controlling, you know he’s just protecting you from the media. You feel crazy for gushing about the fact that he held your phone.
You take a deep breath and start to pick up, your hands moving automatically as you focus on the cleaning. You’re exhausted, your moves slow and sluggish. And Yoongi seemed to notice from the kitchen as he washed a couple dishes.
"Y/N..." he says gently, setting down the dishes and moving over to you. He gently takes the broom out of your hand and places it back where he found it.
"Sit down, I'll take care of it." he says softly. "You're obviously very tired.” He says and you’re about to object and reach for the broom but he holds out his hand and stops you.
Yoongi pauses, watching you for a few moments before he walks up behind you and takes the broom from your hands. "It'll be faster if I do this," he replies gently.
"It’s my house, Y/N.” Yoongi says softly with a small chuckle. Yoongi looks at you sympathetically, and you realize how exhausted you are.
“Alright, fair point..” you mumble, giving him one last look and he gives you a small reassuring nod. “Goodnight.” You say to him and responds back as you go to the master bedroom.
You gently close the door and pick out a change of clothes before settling down in the bed. Your muscles relax against the softness, letting out a breath as you immediately start to drift off to sleep.
You don’t know what time it is when you wake up, but you know it has to be late at night because when you open your eyes your met with nothing but darkness and silence.
You get up to use the bathroom, your blatter getting the best of you as you waddle to the restroom.
You don’t notice the slight vibrations as you pass the living room the first time, but you do the second time when you exist the bathroom. There’s the sound of soft buzzing and a quiet ringtone in the silence. It takes you a few minutes before you fully process that the ringing is coming from the living room. Then you realize it’s your ringtone from your phone. The phone you hadn’t seen in days.
You get a dreadful feeling in your stomach as you make your way to the living room. The last time you checked your phone this late, you ended up in the hospital. But still, you slowly move to the living room.
It's dark, but you see the outline of Yoongi on the couch. After a moment you notice that there's a thin blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a pillow beneath his head.
You slowly approach him, trying not to wake up. He looked so peaceful as he slept. You smile softly at the sight. You couldn’t imagine what this was doing to him and his career. You almost felt sorry for him..
You snap out of your daze as you hear the buzzing again, turning to see your phone on the floor charging a couple steps away from the couch.
You step to your phone, taking it off the charger and tiptoeing out of the living room so you didn’t wake Yoongi. He looked like he needed the sleep.
You squint from the bright screen, not really looking at the caller ID before answering.
“Hello? Y/N?”
A voice answers before you can even greet them. The oddly familiar voice makes you physically flinch, a whole new wave of emotions and memories washing over you.
You hadn’t heard the voice in a year, but you know good and well that it’s hers. You remember the way she picked up the phone and immediately started talking, asking, demanding for money. That’s the only reason she would ever call, until you finally had enough and told her to stop.
So why was she calling? Especially at this time of night?
You get a terrible feeling, your breathing getting slightly heavier as you speak into the phone. “W-Why are you calling this late? Why are you calling at all?” You question, the sleepiness almost entirely gone.
Your mother clears her throat, her annoyed and stressed tone coming through the phone.
"Y/N, you haven't picked up any of my calls or texts for the past few days," she says firmly, her voice filled with a bit of anger that you remember all to well.
"I was worried sick, thinking you had gotten hurt or worse!" your mother continues, her words quick and clipped. You immediately know it’s a lie, because she had never cared about you before. Your whole childhood she’d flip from being the most loving parent in the world to wanted your head dead on a stick. But she was the only parent you had, so you stuck with her until you moved out.
"Especially since everyone on the internet is saying that you’re pregnant with some idols baby.” she adds.
There’s a long pause.
The crickets outside fill the silence as you take a minute to think.
“Mom..how do you know that?” You ask slowly and carefully your heart slipping a beat as you think back to that terrible night. The last thing you can remember are people seeing some of your face in the video. They couldn’t have learned your identity. And if they did, why didn’t Yoongi tell you the second you woke up in the hospital?
“Hunny, everyone knows you’re pregnant,” your mother continues, her voice still filled with annoyance. “It’s trending right now on the internet, and everyone knows who you are.”
You can almost hear the smile in her voice, the way your mother always gets smug when she’s right. “...Y/N, I’m disappointed that you couldn’t tell me as soon as you found out.”
She sounds almost disappointed, like she feels betrayed by you in some way. But your to frozen in shock and fear to yell at her. Of course she would break no contract and call. She found out you were in ‘relations’ with a millionaire. Money.
Your phone shakes in your hand in fear. This whole time you were trying to keep it private, to have a normal life despite everything. And it’s all coming crashing down. You realize that your phone wasn’t just vibrating because of the call,
It was because you were getting hundreds of texts and inbox messages. Even as you shook your phone was going off, notifications from every social app you owned.
“I-I gotta go.” You say, going to twitter, only to see that your mom was right. As much as you hated to think that.
You look at the Twitter feed, your heart sinking as you see all of the pictures floating around. Your full name, your pictures, where you go to school... it's all there. For at least 24 hours.
You don’t know how, but people managed to use the clip and used face recognition to find out who you were. What was worse was that old coworkers and classmates were also speaking up and saying it was you. Your full government name was on the internet. They managed to find out where you went to school more hidden pictures of you on the internet.
You feel a tear roll down your face as you try to contain your emotions. It feels like the end of the world.
And what makes it even worse is that Yoongi didn’t tell you.
Yoongi knew, and he didn't tell you. He kept this secret from you. A secret you needed to know.
Your mother's voice filters through the phone in your hand. "Go? Why?"
"Mom, I have to go," you say again in a whisper, your voice choked up with tears. "Don't call here anymore." You don’t give her time to respond before hanging up.
You can feel your breath quickening as you try to make sense of everything that's happening.
You start to shake, your heart pounding against your chest as you struggle to stay calm but it’s difficult when you believe that your life is ruined.
You stare at your phone, trying to ignore the millions of notifications coming through. You don't know where to begin. You don’t know what to do.
Your steps are heavy as you move back to the living room, staring at Yoongi who was still asleep on the couch.
He knew the entire time. They all knew. And they welcomes you back with a party and cake. They made it seem like nothing was wrong and kept you in the dark.
Staring at his peaceful face, you no longer felt sorry. You felt betrayed.
One of your tears drop onto his face, causing his eyes to flutter before slowly opening. "Y/N..." Yoongi stirs when he sees you lingering over them.
He blinks a few times, still half-asleep as he groggily turns his head around and looks at you. He slowly sits up on the couch, rubbing his eyes and wiping away the tear on his cheek.
He realizes your the source of the tear, his expression forming into one of concern. "Y/N, you okay? Did something happen?" he asks quickly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You speak in a whisper, looking at him with my own glossy sad eyes.
“People found out who I was, a-and you didn’t tell me.” You try your best to sound strong but you can’t, mentally and physically.
Yoongi looks at you with small shock and confusion before his eyes shift to the buzzing phone in your hand.
"Y/N," he says, his tone filled with concern as he hears the shakiness in your voice but it’s clear he is trying to hold himself back from freaking out himself.
He pauses for a moment, seemingly not knowing what to say. "I was going to tell you." he says softly but that just makes you even more pissed.
“I was going to tell you,” he says again, more firmly and confidently. “But I didn’t want to overwhelm you and there wasn’t a good time.”
“There was never going to be a good time. That’s not an excuse. You should have told me!” You say, your voice rising slightly but it’s clear that you’re broken by the tone.
“Y/N, you just got out of the hospital. I wasn’t going to spring that up on you.” He says firmly but with a worried expression.
“I-I don’t need you to look after me. Not when your the reason for this mess.” You say, the words even sounding harsh to you the second they left your mouth.
Yoongi flinches, his expressions turning to shock as you say your words and you almost feel bad.
"Y/N... it's not like that," he says softly. "Please, don't say that.” He looks like he's about to say more, but you cut him off before he can.
“I-I think you should go home.” You say with a swallow, even though it’s pitch black outside. Nevermind it’s his house.
Yoongi’s eyes widen at your words, taken aback by them as he stands up from the couch. “Y/N, don’t be like that..” he says with a low tone, almost pleading.
He takes a few steps towards you, trying to get close enough to you to talk to you properly. “I had a reason, I promise and I want to be here for you. I'm not going to leave you alone... not when you need me the most." he says, the sincerity in his voice clear.
“You don’t know what I need because you don’t know me.” You say quickly and sharply, your breathing heavy. “Because despite the lies you told to the media you haven’t known me for years and we didn’t fall in love.”
There’s a long uncomfortable silence in the air as the two of you share your own looks of hurt.
“J-Just leave..” You mumble, looking away from him as you wipe your tears.
He's silent for a few moments in the wake of your words. He knows you’re right, and he knows that you probably need space.
"I suppose you're right," he whispers taking a small step back.
His eyes fill with regret and guilt as he stands up, turning towards the door. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
With that, the door closes behind him, leaving you alone in the quiet house.
It’s silent as you try to get your feelings and thoughts under control. Your phone vibrates again in your phone and without even thinking, you chuck it at the wall.
Your phone breaks into pieces and you sit down on the living room floor, just looking at them as your heart slowly breaks with it.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 24 days
Hi dear I hope you're doing well and I was hoping if you can do the whole greaser gang with a s/o that's like Fiona Gallagher from the show shameless? Like she's taking care of her six siblings and her dad who's usually at the bar or passed out somewhere. Their mother ran out and is mentally ill so their s/o is left to be her siblings mother/father/ and nurse fill free to ignore if you want to do and I hope you have a good day!
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Summary: The Outsider x Fiona Gallagher!Reader Warnings:mentions of absent mother, drinking, very toxic adult behavior, dysfunctional family Author's Note: gonna be busy tmrw and weekend again, ill try and post 1 fic per day but no promises.
Ponyboy doesn’t really live in a dysfunctional family, yes his home life is tough but Darry loves him and tries his best and pony knows that
However, pony cant mentally put himself in Darry’s shoes of having no-one to lean on and having to take care of many siblings
When he first met you, he was absolutely smitten. And when you told him of your problems, he thought you were the toughest chick in town
He often asks Darry what to do to take a couple of burdens off your shoulder. He applies it to you and also at home, you’ve made him a better person.
Has a dysfunctional family and can understand, to an extent..he still gets fed sometimes and doesn’t have to work to stay in his home
But he doesn’t have a hard time adjusting to you.
He’s very open and loves your siblings, so he tries to take them out as many times as possible to give you some rest.
He genuinely doesnt understand how your parents could have left you doing all this by yourself when you’re such a perfect girl.
Soda admires you like you’re a work of art. 
He takes everything into consideration, for example, if he wants to take you on a date he’ll invite some of the gang members to hang out with your siblings and keep them away
Never asks you for anything, not to rant, vent or anything. He feels as if his problems could never measure up to yours so his whole world revolves around you.
Tries to spend as much of his money as possible to get you nice things and spoil you.
Steve understands how tough it is for you mentally. He’ll often stop by your place with something for you, like a box of chocolates or something. 
Whenever he’s over, he makes an effort to get to know and play with your siblings, he even was going to introduce himself to your dad. You convinced him it was a bad idea so he didnt.
He makes it known that you can tell him anything, literally anything, and he’d listen. He also wants you to know that you can call him anytime and he’d come for you.
Reassures you that he won’t ever leave you, that you’re special and he’s madly in love with you.
Two-Bit has some kid experience so he tries his hardest to keep your siblings company and even brings his sisters for ‘playdates’
Really enjoys spending time with you and would even do the chores around the house with you to keep talking with you.
He’s not very good at comforting people and he tries to make up for it by using his humor. You get where he’s coming from and it often helps a lot actually.
Tries his best to look nice for you when he comes over, he wants you to know he’s not a washed up nobody like your parents and wants to be a rolemodel to your siblings.
Often tells you that you’re perfect and that your siblings will grow so much better with you as their ‘parent’. He once made you cry because of what he said and he just held you in his arms while you sobbed.
He can sort of relate to what you’re going through but his is not as extreme as yours. 
Whenever he can he drops by to help you. Date night consists of making dinner for your siblings, washing the dishes and having a late night dinner together after you put your siblings to bed.
He knows you'd make a perfect wife since he’s old enough to marry, just waiting on the right time to pop the question.
Dallas is insensitive and rude to you. He knows what you’re going through, he just doesn’t care.
However, once you caught him putting on a bandaid for your younger brother. He wasn’t kind about it, saying things like “can’t you do this yourself?” but he still did it.
He knows you saw it and thinks that hanging around your house and helping you with chores and siblings will keep you quiet about it
He doesn’t like kids, but he tolerates them for his reputation, and because you’re growing on him.
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charlottecutepie · 5 months
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ nsfw alphabet (Michael Afton x fem!reader)
tags: p in v, oral sex (m and f receiving), lingerie kink, praise kink, Michael is my bf
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Michael art by terphy._.ry
A — Aftercare
Michael's breathing heavily, lying on top of you, trying to realise that everything that just happened wasn't his dream.
His cock is still inside you, and he can lazily move his hips, because poor guy can't stop his arousal, which continues to grow with every second. When that happens, you always tease him by biting his lower lip and whispering, "don't tell me you want a second round?" what makes him blush. But a smile still appears on his face. Yes, he does, but sometimes he's too shy to ask.
Michael also becomes very talkative after sex, asks if everything is okay, if you liked it, sometimes this guy worries too much about your state, but you don't mind. He also likes to shower you with kisses, cooing words of tenderness. He climbs on top of you like a little kitten and nuzzles your neck.
B — Body part
Not gonna lie, Michael likes your breasts. At least he didn't lie. You noticed his fascinated glances at your cleavage from the very beginning, and whenever you said, "Mikey, my face is up here," he just rolled his eyes and looked the other way, trying to change the subject of the dialogue. Yes, he was embarrassed.
Michael loves you whole, don't doubt it. But your breasts are too beautiful for him not to touch them.
C — Cum
If your breasts are so beautiful, then why not cum on them? Michael feels himself damn pervert, but as soon as he found out that you like it, his happiness knew no bounds. Before he always used to ask for permission: "Baby, can I? can I?"
It didn't seem right for Michael to cum inside your mouth while you were giving him head. Despite how hot it was to see your lips covered with his seed Afton felt it was wrong, too dirty, too pervert. But, fortunately for him, his girlfriend is just as perverted as he is.
D — Dirty secret
Afton himself thought that he had no secrets from you, but it turned out opposite.
Michael probably won't tell you, but he would like to try female domination. He doesn't like rough sex, but if you sit on him, put his hands behind his head and start moving slowly on his cock, he won't last five minutes. And if you tell him to not cum? Michael will lose his head.
Besides your dominance, Michael, as mentioned earlier, loves your breasts. And more than once he imagined putting his cock right between them. He thinks he's a complete pervert, imagining it, even thinking about it, but the image of you like that never gets out of his head. Maybe one day he will talk about it, but not in the near future. He's just ashamed.
He's not sure if this can be called a dirty secret, but he likes petting. When he fingers you, his thumb rubbing your clit and you wrap your palm around his twitching cock as you both moan into each other's mouths.
E — Experience
He had no experience (although he said opposite to his friends). Except for the adult magazines that Michael secretly kept under his pillow. But when his father found out about it… History is silent about what happened next.
F — Favourite position
Michael can change positions very often during sex. And there are two reasons for this: 1. He is very horny and wants to try everything. 2. He wants to see your body from all possible angles. He especially likes it when you're on top, so he can watch your breasts bounce.
Michael also likes it when you lie on your back with your legs wrapped around his waist while he hangs over you and fucks you into the bed. In this pose, he can see your face better, so he understands that you feel good.
Michael loves doggy style, fucking you from behind while his fingers dig into your hips and butt. If he's too lost in the moment, he can pull you by the hair.
G — Goofy
Although he sometimes tries to be serious during sex, he doesn't really succeed. It doesn't matter which one of you makes a stupid joke, Michael's face breaks into a smile.
Adult Michael, however, treats sex differently. He sees it as a way to finally rest and relax, to focus on something better than work. He's really thinking about becoming a family with you, but he needs time. He needs to think about it a lot. Despite wanting to have children, he doesn't think he can be a good father to them. He doesn't know what a "good father" is.
H — Hair
Michael had read a lot of adult magazines, and everywhere the articles screamed about shaving the intimate area, especially for girls. However, he hasn't become a victim of marketing, he respects you and understands your choice.
Michael takes care of himself, he shaves, but without fanaticism.
I — Intimacy
You are his first serious relationship, Michael is trying hard. He just doesn't know exactly what to do, he's nervous. Besides, he doesn't have much money to take you out or give you gifts. Despite his silly jokes, the way he behaves with his bully friends, when he's alone with you, he's… calm. You affect him like chamomile tea, Michael becomes quiet and peaceful.
One day you saw him under your window, Afton was holding a telescope.
“Hey, Y/n!” he cheerfully waved at you. “Let's go stargazing! There's the milky Way!”
Michael is trying to make you feel like a princess from fairy tales. And sometimes he succeeds. Although buying you milkshakes and pizza from his father's pizzeria with his father's money is not the best idea, but Michael doesn't care. If only you were happy.
Michael loves spending time outdoors with you, especially in the summer. He runs away from the pizzeria while William is not looking, and runs to the big tree that is your meeting place.
Hugs and kisses on the cheek gives him life. And if there is a river nearby, swimming and playing in the water are provided. Then you ride bicycles, and then you go home to one of Michael's friends. He has a whole collection of vinyl records. When Afton found out that you love music as much as he does, did he feel that he had found… "his copy, but in a female way"? You just giggled at the comparison. And then Michael started teaching you how to play the guitar.
Moments like these will forever remain in his memory.
An adult Michael is just as charming a person as he used to be. He works and earns money, now he can finally buy you something, already with his hard-earned money. One day, he enters house with a box of chocolates. The man's face was tired, and his fingers were tapping nervously on the package. Soaked clothes from the rain completed the picture.
"Hello, honey, this is for you." his tone was calm, you walked up to him, looking at what he was holding. And while he was handing you a gift, he gently kissed you on the forehead. "Today is 5 years of our relationship."
J — Jack off
During the period when his hormones were crazy, Michael did it, especially when the only place where he could see naked women were these damn magazines. However, until William haven't found out.
But now he has something better than these magazines. His beautiful and lovely girlfriend, whom he adores and loves very much. So, yes, Michael is still masturbating, just now imagining you.
K — Kinks
Lace kink: Michael just loves the way you look in your lingerie, blue is his favorite. But in all the colors you look like an angel, Michael doesn't even want to undress you. He can't find the words to describe your beauty. Afton feels envious of himself dating a girl like you.
Praise kink: Michael never forgets to say how pretty you are. He always compliments you, your body, naked or clothed. In return, he also likes to receive praise, even if not in sex, he just goes crazy when you say simple "well done". Perhaps because no one ever praised him, and his father was always cold to him.
He gets shy, but he really likes it when you call him a good boy.
Body-worshipping: Michael can kiss every inch for hours and tell you why he likes this or that part of your body. Once, when he was half drunk, "my goddess" came out of his mouth, which made you laugh rather than blush. The next morning, Michael decided not to talk about it, but you were always teasing him with it.
When he makes love to you in a missionary, he always mentions what a beautiful waist you have.
If you have sex in any other pose, Michael will always find any part of your body that can be praised.
Michael gently kisses your collarbones and goes down to your breasts, takes your nipple in his mouth, covering it with his saliva. He sucks it and pulls it slightly, causing you to sigh. While his palm gently squeezes your other breast.
Edging: He never told you about it, though it wasn't necessary. As your fingers circled over his tip to bring him closer to cherished climax, Michael let out a strangled sob. You took it as a sign that he wanted to cum, but the sudden "No, wait, wait…" caught you off guard. You stopped your movements, giving your boyfriend a worried look, thinking that you had hurt him.
But Michael had a deep blush on his face, his lips, already swollen from your kisses, were slightly open, and his breathing was erratic.
"Please… Wait, I don't want to cum yet." your lips stretched into a smile, yes, you understood what he wanted.
L — Location
You tried to do it at his place once. And you both regretted it. No matter how quiet and careful you were, Mr. Afton always knocked on the door as if he knew.
Just as Michael leaves a kiss on your neck, pulling up your t-shirt, there's a knock on the door.
"Michael? I need you to help me refuel the car." William's voice is heard outside Michael's room. Michael clicks his tongue.
Just at the moment when Michael starts to unzip his jeans, thinking that he has already helped his father with everything he could and no one will disturb.
"Michael, help me to carry parts for Freddy."
It was even funny. Well, at least William was knocking.
This left Michael with unpleasant memories, and he promised himself never to have sex in his house.
But that didn't stop him from fucking you in the bathroom of his father's pizzeria.
M — Motivation
When you show that you want him, when you take the initiative.
When you're the first one who starts touching and kissing. When you sit on his lap and start running your hands over his body. He especially likes neck kisses. Michael had never felt so loved.
When you kiss him passionately, pulling him closer by his t-shirt. And then you pull away, quietly whispering into his lips: "my parents arent home right now." This prompts him to say, "aeriously? why are you telling me this only now?" before he kisses you again.
Michael loves it when you put on lipstick, especially if it's dark red, it looks really good on you. And what turns him on is when you kiss his neck, leaving lipstick stains on his skin. Or, when you two hug and cuddle, it all ends with you showering kisses all over his face: cheeks, chin, eyelids, lips. After that, the Afton's face looks completely smeared with lipstick.
One time he got angry when one of his friends commented that you have a nice ass. Michael couldn't believe his ears at first, glaring at Simon. "Wait, what did you say again?" After the conflict, Afton got a bruise under eye, which got you many questions.
But before you could ask them, Michael's hands pinned you to the wall.
N — No
It's pretty obvious, but Michael would never hurt you. No matter what your kinks and fetishes are, whether you like being treated roughly in sex, Michael is unlikely to behave like this. He has made enough mistakes, and he would never want to repeat the same ones with people he loves.
He won't degrade you even if you ask. This guy likes to tell you how beautiful you are, how tight you are, how good your pussy feels, but he will never insult you.
Michael doesn't like all these BDSM and other strange fetishes either.
An adult Michael wouldn't want to take you with him on his night guard shift, no matter how much you ask him to. It's still dangerous.
O — Oral
He's always up for it, you don't even need to ask.
Michael likes to give you pleasure, and as long as his girlfriend is happy, so is he. He loves it when you guide him by holding his hair. When you moan his name and squirm while he holds your hips so you won't pull away. The idea of asking you to sit on his face has been wandering in his head for a long time, but he is too shy to say so. Therefore, he hints with jokes.
Afton loves it when you make him feel good. He usually becomes very noisy, making moans, even sobs. He tries to control himself, but he still pushes his hips into your mouth, which sometimes makes you cough. Michael likes to put your hair in a ponytail and watch you, but then he doesn't last long. You're too beautiful in his eyes.
P — Pace
Michael wasn't experienced the first time, and neither were you. But you always told him whether you liked the way he moved or not, which helped him find the perfect pace.
Although, when you moan "Harder, Mike" in his ear, he still gets confused.
Michael is afraid of hurting you, so he always asks if he can move faster.
His pace is slow at first when he enters. He seems to be drowning in you. When his cock is inside, Michael can't help but moan plaintively. He likes the way your wet pussy squeeze him. Then Michael starts moving, sensually and slowly at first, hitting all your sweet and sensitive spots. After that, you both start moving in unison, faster. Your hips lift in response to his thrusts, asking for more and his pace accelerates.
Q — Quickie
Michael is a big fan of foreplay. Before slipping into you, he always prepares you, takes time to stretch you, and what can you say — he just loves kissing and cuddling. So, he doesn't really like quickies, but he will never refuse if you ask.
Especially whenever you're wearing a skirt, Michael will tease you by touching your inner thighs. But then, when his teasing gets to the point where you feel your panties are soaked and the outline of his erect cock is visible through his shorts, jokes come to an end. And you two need to find a place where you can fuck, quickly.
R — Risk
Michael hated doing the chores his father assigned him at the pizzeria. Put this away, do that, bring those papers. Michael protested to William by pinning you against the wall of the pizzeria and kissing you possessively. This, in the eyes of Michael, is a real risk. It's a pity that William didn't care and Michael still got a scolding.
The adult Michael stopped liking risk. He's risking enough at his damn job so all he wants at home is some peace. Especially in the morning, on his day off, there is nothing better for him than to wake up in the warmth next to you, rays of the sun breaking through the curtains. There is nothing better than realizing that today he will not go to this cursed place, but will be at home with his beloved.
He turns around and sees you sleeping on your side, your back facing him. Afton hugs you from behind, pulls you to him, hearing how calmly your heart is beating. But then, when you wake up, stretch sleepily and accidentally press against his groin, Michael takes it as a sign. He begins to cover your neck with weightless kisses, murmuring "good morning, baby," hugging you to him like a little puppy trying to keep warm.
His fingers caress your curves, slowly and lazily moving down your stomach. You keep answering his questions and telling him your dream. Michael smiles and nuzzles your neck, snuggling closer. He dreams morning would always be like this.
"Michael," you call his name, feeling something hard pressing against your butt. "Did you even listen to me?"
S — Stamina
Michael usually lasts 13 minutes, sometimes less. Just because your pussy feels too good. But after a short break, he asks for a second round, which you happily agree to.
T — Toys
Even though he says he doesn't need them, you know he's lying.
Michael is just like that, he can deny it all he wants, but as soon as you pressed the vibrator against his cock, it immediately twitched, reacted to the vibration. Michael was gasping for air, his brows drawn together pitifully. You continued to torture him with toy, running it all over the base, especially paying attention to his tip, which was already leaking with pre-cum. Afton's hand grabbed your wrist, squeezing, as if telling you to stop. You continued to please him.
Yes, Michael hated to accept it, but he liked it, and not just liked, he wanted to repeat it.
However, he later took revenge on you with the same toy.
U — Unfair
Yes, sometimes he teases you on purpose to hear more of your moans and pleas. It's like honey to his ears to hear another "Please, Mikey!" from your mouth. Sometimes he can rub his cock against your wet folds, teasing not only you, but also himself. He likes the fact that you're already needy, even though he hasn't entered yet.
Afton also can't take his eyes off you when you put on a skirt or a short dress. The summer in Utah is always so hot that you usually dress to a minimum, but it's good for Michael. You know that he likes your outfits, maybe even too much, when he puts his hand under your skirt.
V — Volume
He's loud, you're loud.
Michael can't help but moan when you have sex, although you're not complaining. His voice is very attractive, especially when he moans your name. But his tone can change, it depends on his mood, even pose. At times his voice sounds high, a little whiny, he almost whimpers.
Adult Michael is more calm, usually from him coming deep sighs and quiet, low groans.
W — Wildcard
You were walking through the school corridors talking to your friend. She's been asking a lot of questions about Michael since you announced your relationship to her. You kept walking as soon as you caught the voices talking loudly outside the classroom door. You noticed a very familiar voice with a british accent. Of course, that voice belonged to none other than Michael Afton.
"God, why do you have such crooked hands?!" a familiar voice shouted.
"No, dude, it looks ridiculous." the other replied. "She won't even eat it, it looks disgusting."
"That's because you ruined everything!" Michael's voice rang out again.
You exchanged glances with your friend, both smiled. Curiosity grew with every second, although Michael had argued with his friends many times before, but this dialogue interested you too much. What were they doing?
You open the door and enter the classroom, guys' argument stops immediately. Now their heads are turned in your direction. A funny, but contentedly cute picture appears to your eyes. The school desk around which Michael and his friends are standing, everyone stained with cream, especially Michael, his nose and fingers in it. And the reason is the cake, which looks incredibly delicious because of the abundance of cream.
"Well, cool." one of guys says, folding his arms over his chest. "Is that your girl, Afton?"
"My girlfriend, Frederick." Michael corrects him, giving his friend an annoyed look.
The longer you stay in one place, the more guys' eyes are on you. Michael takes a step closer to you, looking guilty.
"It was supposed to be a surprise…" he mutters, sighing.
"He wanted to sing you a rock song!" Simon laughs behind Afton's back. You notice that your boyfriend's cheeks are slightly pink. How sweet. "And throw a cake in your face!"
"Damn it, Simon! I didn't want to throw a cake in her face!" Michael snapped.
"What? You should thank me, I'm actually making excuses for us!"
"Yeah, our cake doesn't look like a gift. It's more suitable to throw it in someone's face." Frederick enters into the dialogue.
"Guys, I know who's face it'll be!" Marcus exclaims with malicious joy. As soon as he manages to pronounce the first letter of Michael's younger brother's name, you cough loudly and subdue him with a look. "I mean, really? Are you saying that I sacrificed my life in vain, distracting Michael's dad while he was stealing mix for cake?"
"Michael," you come closer to him, smiling. "Don't worry, I really liked the surprise. Cake looks very appetizing." you cheer him up by looking into his eyes. Michael can't help but smile.
"Really? Cake looks terrible…" Mike purses his lips.
"Well, sorry, I'm not a baker." Frederick's voice is heard again.
Your gaze falls on the guitar, which lies near the school desk. Michael's friends didn't lie about the fact that he wanted to give you a little concert.
"So what song did you want to sing for me?" you caress Michael's cheek. And then notice small sparks of joy appear in his blue eyes.
X — X-ray
15-16 cm.
Y — Yearning
When you first started having sex, Michael realized that he got crazy about you. After he had been inside you and realized what it felt like, he wanted more and more. His hormones were just bubbling, and every time he could, he tried to hint at sex.
So every time you kiss, Michael always asks if you want to go further. No matter how horny he is, he also respects you and doesn't want to pressure you, much less force you.
Z — Zzz…
It's rare that you can sleep after making love, because you usually do it when you can. For example, when William isn't around, this is during the day.
Although one friday night, when Michael was at your place under excuse that he was staying with a friend, it happened. You finally did it in your bed when your parents weren't home. And after sex, Michael… couldn't shut up. Oh, he had so much to say, so much to share!
Adult Michael began to appreciate the word "sleep". After sex, he falls down next to you and looks at the ceiling, talking to you about absolutely everything. However, one day he asked such a… strange question. "Do you think a robot can put on human skin and walk around as if nothing happened? It would be fun."
And then, after a few minutes, he turns on his side to face you and begins to doze off. "Michael, no. Mike, don't sleep! We still need to take a shower!"
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leidensygdom · 1 month
Ok, I'm gonna start a post idea I had been pondering. If you're either mentally or physically disabled and you have opinions about representation, this is the thread for you!
So, I've been seeing more people trying to tackle the topic of autism in their stories, but I've felt some of it tries to woobify a bit what is to live with autism, or just focus on the more socially acceptable quirks of it. And as someone with autism/ADHD (was suspected of it for most of my life, got it finally diagnosed by my therapist (who specializes in autism and ADHD) last year), sometimes I'd like for people to acknowledge the more unsavoury parts of it, the weird quirks, etc.
So, this post is going to be about that- If you wanna help people understand how your disability/neurodivergency affects your life, feel free to add to it! Just mention what do you have (no need for a full list, just what you consider relevant to the post) and some experiences, quirks, anecdotes or such that you think that are not often seen in stories or media, and that you consider an important part of it. They don't need to be huge things! I encourage people to share just whatever they feel comfortable. My list is gonna be a mix of stuff, but yours can be very different. Let me start!
Clothes and how they feel was surprisingly one of the most disruptive parts of my autism. As a kid, if I was forced to wear something that caused me some bad texture/sensitivity issues, it would significantly affect my behaviour and performance. It took me many years to be allowed to use mostly sportswear. (And it turns out being a "girl" (not anymore) wearing only sportswear tends to cause a whole lot of bullying)
This happens even nowadays. I've found out that non-heeled boots are more comfortable to me than sport shoes, because feeling something against the back of my foot makes me feel overwhelmed. I tend to wear yoga pants under actual pants, because they keep the actual pants' seams from causing sensory issues. There's almost a sort of ritual on how do I need to combine clothes to be able to function "normally", mostly consisting on reducing how much they annoy me.
On that topic, hygiene is actually a huge thing too. As a kid, I wasn't allowed to shower daily. Days I didn't shower, no matter how much I tried to keep my hygiene in other days, were "bad days" to me. I would literally plan hanging out with friends or eating out around the days I was allowed to shower. I could physically feel the difference between the day I showered and the day I didn't (even if I washed my face, armpits, used the bidet, etc).
This is true even nowadays. I can thankfully now shower daily, which isn't recommended by a lot of experts (specially because it can damage your hair and skin), but it's more worth to me than having days where I feel like I shouldn't be seen in public.
Being overwhelmed sucks! Meltdowns are mostly associated with kids, mostly because adults either learn to mask them, or do everything they can to AVOID having that meltdown. I've mostly figured out routines and such. There's this one place we go eat out every other Tuesday- And in the hours we go in, there's a sort of silent corner that is always free. This week's schedule was a mess, so we went yesterday to that same place, and the silent corner was filled with a very loud group. I got extremely overwhelmed. But enough masking drilled to me means I just sat there unable to talk for maybe 30 minutes.
Autistic adults still do have autism and experience often the full spread of traits, they've just found ways to mask, or avoid being in situations where they do need to do that. I've adapted my life and routine to that. But sometimes I land on situations out of my comfort zone that will make me feel just like when I was a kid. I want to freelance online because I'm fully aware I can't perform properly in a public facing job.
Group projects sucked so much. I know they suck for most people, but most times it was easier for me to do the entirety of the project by myself and add the others' names to it than dealing with chasing people for their parts. My college had a 6-months-long massive group project in the last year, with a 7 people group, which obviously I couldn't do alone. The whole experience was so harmful in so many ways I've had several full therapy sessions talking about it :'')
One of the reasons it's because mental flexibility is HARD with autism. If i set a schedule, I expect that schedule to be followed. If people agree to do a part, I expect that part to be delivered (unless there's a proper reason) on due time. People hate this a lot usually! It will tear group projects apart!
Stimming can be harmless, or it can be very annoying to some. I tend to shake legs and play with something in my hands. I could easy this off drawing in classes- My high school found out that I was paying more attention when I was allowed to draw in classes, and my academic performance was pretty much perfect, so they gave me permission to do that.
However, I had a teacher in middle school that did forbid me from drawing. I stimmed during a class with pens- She got so mad she sent me home with a note to my parents they had to sign. Fun!
Not exactly an anecdote, but I am ace. I hate the discourse about "making an autistic person be aro or ace is infantilizing autism". Aro/ace people can have autism. That's just how it is. I've been infantilized a lot for being ace- Which only got worse because I am autistic, and people perceived some of my special interests as child-ish. The combo didn't make things easy.
On that topic, people will often be very patronizing of your opinions or takes for being autistic. I've had people debate my sexuality (or lack of thereof), my gender identity and presentation, my hobbies, my preferences for everything, down to "what do you want to eat tonight?". This isn't too different to shitty takes about how "autistic people are more prone to being affected by the trans activistsTM", because people assume autistic people can't choose on their own. Trust me: We can.
Anyhow, I'd love if this post could be a good compilation of these sort of anecdotes! I think it could help people who wanna learn more about what is it to live with specific disabilities (and how to better portray them in media)
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
Burden of Truth (Book 1) Chapter Eight
Father Figure! Marc Spector x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Steven Grant x Teen! Reader
Mother Figure! Layla El-Faouly x Teen! Reader
Chapter Eight: To Mogart
Summary: With little luck, Marc and (Y/N) bump into Layla, who has a solution to finding their own clue to Ammit's tomb.
            Marc and (Y/N) walked through the marketplace of Cairo as (Y/N) kept an eye out for possible people to talk to. They had seen a lot of black-market dealings in their time, and that meant they had seen a lot of black-market dealers.
            “Do you recognize anyone?” asked Marc.
            “Not yet,” said (Y/N). “But it’s possible new fronts and new workers could be a part of the scene. If I don’t recognize them, it’s my fault.”
            “You’re doing the best you can, kid,” said Marc. “And I can’t do better.”
            (Y/N) glanced at him, unsure of how to react—still confused in interactions. They opted to nod curtly.
            “…About what Harrow said,” said Marc. “Are you alright?”
            Pouring from him, the words couldn’t be held back. Marc had seen (Y/N)’s reactions to Harrow’s words and accusations, and he didn’t like it. They were a kid. They were working harder for what was right than most adults did. They were good. They didn’t deserve to be looked down on or hurt by Harrow.
     ��      Did I deserve to be hurt?
            Banishing the thought, Marc looked at (Y/N) as their eyes flicked to the ground before raising again.
            “He didn’t lie,” said (Y/N). “My parents died. I am a young Avatar.” They furrowed their brow. “But…I don’t understand why that meant my words could be dismissed. I told the truth, but no one listened.”
            “None of the gods are fair,” said Marc. His hand rose to pat (Y/N)’s shoulder (affectionately), but he forced it back down. “You did the right thing, though. They’re the ones who were stupid enough to listen more to Harrow.”
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N) quietly, pulling the cuffs of their jacket.
            “How have you guys not gotten anywhere with this whole mission?”
            As a new voice entered the conversation, Marc and (Y/N) whirled. Layla stared at them, hands on her hips.
            “You’re so close, but I guess experience doesn’t make up for being Egyptian and really knowing this place,” said Layla, smirking.
            “Layla, what the hell are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here,” said Marc.
            “Why? Because my name pisses off a few people in Cairo?” said Layla.
            “Well, that could cause a problem,” pointed out (Y/N).
            Perfectly unconcerned, Layla shrugged. “Who cares?”
            “It’s not the locals I’m worried about,” said Marc.
            Layla rolled her eyes. “Just come with me. I’ll help you find what you need.”
            “We have been pretty slow,” said (Y/N). “Harrow’s already on the track of Ammit’s tomb.”
            Marc’s jaw clenched, but he nodded.
            “Perfect! Follow me,” said Layla.
            That evening, Layla, Marc, and (Y/N) ended up on a boat filled with a family playing music and dancing with one another. Lively, upbeat melodies filled the air, and (Y/N) smiled as they watched, enchanted, as the family celebrated being together as one. As the sun dipped in the east, fiery light danced across the waves as the boat skimmed over the river.
            “So, what exactly are we gonna do here? What’s the plan?” asked Marc.
            Layla raised a brow. “Oh. It’s not pleasant being left in the dark, is it?”
            Marc’s jaw clenched. “Okay.”
            This is one way to ruin the happy family moment, thought (Y/N), sighing.
            “I get that you’re not happy about me leaving so quickly and coming to Cairo,” said Marc. “I understand.”
            “Wait. Is that your apology?” Layla scoffed. “That’s good. That’s really good.”
            (Y/N) didn’t need their ability to know she was lying and being sarcastic.
            “Just so we can get through tonight, maybe let’s just give our shit a rest for a moment and just try to strategize before we get to…” Actually unsure, Marc trailed off.
            “Mogart’s,” finished Layla.
            “Mogart’s?” repeated Marc.
            (Y/N) had heard of him—an antiquities “collector” who was really just a thief and a black-market dealer.
            “Just so you know, I’m not here to help you,” said Layla sharply to Marc. “I’m here for me and for everyone else who would die if Harrow succeeds.” Gesturing to (Y/N), she continued, “And you’re bringing a kid to a fight, so I have every right to take charge.”
            (Y/N) blinked, and they pulled on their sleeves. First Marc, now Layla. Two adults seemed…concerned, or something like that, about them. Due to the unfamiliarity of the feeling, (Y/N) found themself uncomfortable.
            Marc nodded stiffly. “Copy that.”
            “Got it,” said (Y/N), spilling the words out quickly.
            “Good,” said Layla.
            Marc swallowed. “But I am sorry. For whatever that’s worth.”
            Truth. (Y/N) felt it in their bones. They smiled.
            Clearing his throat, Marc brushed aside his vulnerability. “So, this Mogart guy. He’s really gonna have his sarcophagus?”
            “Yes. I asked around,” said Layla. “Mogart’s collection is prime gossip for those of us who deal in antiquities.”
            Abruptly, the music grew louder, and the three at the end of the boat looked back at the others. They were dancing and laughing, in their own world of fun, outside of Marc, Layla, and (Y/N)’s more complicated one.
            Marc smiled and gazed at Layla. “I haven’t heard that sound since…” His eyes softened. “Since our wedding.”
            Layla couldn’t help a smile in return. Feeling it, however, she cleared her throat and looked at (Y/N). She escaped from sharing vulnerability. “(Y/N), we’ll be heading downriver for a while longer. You should take a rest.”
            “I can keep going,” said (Y/N).
            Layla raised a brow, and (Y/N)’s heart clenched as they remembered how their mom used to affectionately scold them, making them feel guided and protected. “Uh-huh. You can, but that doesn’t mean you should. Rest. Unlike Marc, I’m not running off anytime soon.”
            Layla spoke no lies, and, although able to continue, (Y/N) was tired. From running around Cairo to fighting to channeling Ma’at to pleading with the gods for them to listen, (Y/N) had gone through about as much any person could take without crashing. They lay down on the bench, closed their eyes, and drifted off into blissful silence as the sounds of a joyful family swam around them hauntingly.
            “They shouldn’t be here,” said Layla, looking at (Y/N). She wanted them to rest, yes, but she had also wanted to talk to Marc about bringing a child into danger.
            “They’re an Avatar. Harrow knows who they are. They’re in more danger alone than they are with me. Us,” said Marc.
            Layla remained unimpressed. “They’re more in danger with you.”
            Clenching his jaw, Marc looked away. How was he supposed to answer? Layla was right. Around him, (Y/N) was in danger. Yes, they were an Avatar, but they had still been unseen, working in the shadows, until Marc got involved with Harrow and exposed them in the Alps with Steven.
            It was his fault they were in danger. Marc couldn’t just leave them. He had failed to protect others he led into danger. He couldn’t fail to protect (Y/N). They were too much like him. Like Randall.
            Marc wanted them to turn out better than he had.
            “Maybe. But who else cares about that other than us?” said Marc.
            Layla looked at the sleeping teen. She nodded shortly. Who else was there to care about (Y/N)?
            Sitting up, (Y/N) opened their eyes as they heard Marc speak to them. “What?”
            “We’re here,” said Marc.
            (Y/N) looked around. The boat was docking in front of a small carnival with glass, pyramidal structures behind a dirt track for horses. Marc, Layla, and (Y/N) disembarked and approached the grass lawn.
            “This guy’s got a lot of friends,” said Marc.
            “Yeah, and a lot with guns,” said Layla.
            “What else did we expect?” said (Y/N).
            Marc glanced around, and his eyes landed on a small motorboat approaching the pier. They had no lights and were looking around suspiciously.
            “What is it?” asked (Y/N), seeing Marc’s body-language tense.
            “Harrow’s men keeping tabs?” wondered Layla, narrowing her eyes.
            “I don’t know. Could be,” said Marc warily.
            “Let’s go,” said Layla, turning towards the carnival. They needed to focus and get this done. The longer they waited, the closer to Ammit Harrow got. “Remember, Marc, your name is Rufino Estrada. (Y/N), your name is Mariana Estrada.”
            Like the Mariana Trench? (Y/N) was confused but nodded.
            “Right,” said Marc.
            “We just got back from a family vacation in the Maldives,” said Layla.
            (Y/N) flinched at the mention of family. The last time they had one…they lost everything. Still, part of them ached at the word, and they sat up straighter.
            “These are strange details to give them,” said Marc.
            “I’d tell them you worked at a gift shop and they were some random kid, but they’d never believe me, would they?” said Layla pointedly.
            The three approached the horse track, and a security guard approached.
            “Bek,” greeted Layla.
            “Layla,” said Bek, glancing at Marc and (Y/N).
            “It’s been a while. Good to see you,” said Layla.
            Bek nodded to her. “Right this way.”
            “Thank you,” said Layla, smiling.
            “He’s looking forward to seeing her,” said Bek as he guided them closer to the horse ring. “After Madripoor, I’m sure you two will have a lot to talk about.”
            Madripoor did have quite a few issues recently, thought (Y/N), reminiscing on the super-soldier serum reproduction and gunbattle that had gone down with, reportedly, Avengers.
            “Excuse me for one moment,” said Bek. “Mr. Mogart will be with you shortly.”
            He walked away, and Layla, Marc, and (Y/N) were left watching the men ride horses with lances.
            “So, what? This joker just puts on El-Mermah games in his backyard, for fun?” said Marc, unimpressed.
            “No, he gets private lessons by the best in his backyard,” said Layla.
            “Using money from trading what doesn’t belong to him,” murmured (Y/N).
            Bek approached one man, Mogart, and he descended from his horse. Bek placed a red robe around his shoulders, and Mogart smiled at the group across the track.
            “I like the robe,” muttered Marc.
            Lie. But (Y/N) didn’t need to be told that.
            “Layla,” called Mogart. “Come in.” He walked towards them, and the three came onto the track. “Such a delight to see you.”
            “You, too,” said Layla.
            Mogart took her hand and kissed the back. “How have you been?”
            “Good. Thank you for having us over on such short notice,” said Layla.
            “Oh, please. I hope you realize you need no excuse to drop by,” said Mogart.
            Ignoring us to flirt with Layla and annoy Marc. Is this a man thing? thought (Y/N).
            Layla patted Marc’s shoulder and smiled at (Y/N). “This is my husband, Rufino, and my step-kid, Mariana.”
            “Nice to meet you,” said Marc stiffly, sticking out his hand.
            “Pleasure,” said Mogart, refusing to shake it a moment before taking it to show who was in charge (again, men). He nodded to (Y/N). “Cute kid.”
            (Y/N) avoided eye-contact and nodded.
            “Come, follow me. I’ll show you my collection,” said Mogart, turning towards the pyramidal structures. “I hope you understand, though, that this is more than a collection for me. Preserving history is a responsibility I take very seriously.”
            Marc gave (Y/N) a pointed look to not say anything since they clearly thought differently about his habits and was about to speak way too honestly.
            “A self-appointed responsibility that you alone were able to enjoy, no?” Unfortunately, Marc had forgotten to make sure Layla wouldn’t say anything.
            “Well, as I prefer to see it as a philanthropic effort at preservation,” said Mogart. “Now, if I may ask, why such interest in Senfu in particular?”
            “Oh, actually, our purchases—”
            “I’m sorry.” Mogart interrupted Layla and looked at Marc and (Y/N). “I’d like to hear from your husband or stepchild, if you don’t mind.”
            Marc and Mogart stared at each other evenly, and Mogart crossed his arms.
            “I think…I would just love to take a look,” said Marc, not the best lie by a long shot.
            “I like learning about Egyptian history,” said (Y/N). “And this is a great opportunity.” Not a lie at all, both were true facts. However, (Y/N) wouldn’t be learning about history in general but in Ammit.
            Mogart looked between them and nodded. Gesturing to the pyramid behind him, he said, “Feel free.”
            “Great,” said Layla, smiling. She took his and (Y/N)’s arms and walked into the pyramid. Quietly, she whispered, “Marc, just let Steven out before you blow this.”
            “Not a chance.” Marc looked at the sarcophagus. “Alright, what do you see?”
            “The burial practices are in line with the Studenwachen texts,” said (Y/N).
            “The what?” said Marc.
            “You know those?” asked Layla.
            “Ma’at makes sure I know a lot about Egyptian history,” said (Y/N). And my parents taught me before her. “The sarcophagus is legit, but all I see is the literature to guide the dead. I don’t see a location for Ammit’s tomb.”
            “Because the information has to be unlocked.” Steven spoke, and (Y/N) and Marc glanced up to the reflection in the glass ceiling. “It’s coded.”
            “Okay, um…” Marc took a deep breath. “Will you give me a minute? I gotta talk to Steven. Just keep Mogart occupied, and don’t let (Y/N) speak, they can’t lie.”
            Layla looked at (Y/N) in confusion.
            “I really can’t,” said (Y/N) honestly.
            Taking a deep breath, Layla nodded. “Come on.” They stepped out of the glass pyramid and left Marc and Steven to figure out the mystery of Senfu’s sarcophagus.
            Layla smiled at Bek and Mogart. “He just needs a couple minutes in there alone ‘cause…yeah. He is…” She looked back and winced. Marc was clearly speaking inside the pyramid. “He’s praying.”
            Marc and Steven’s talk isn’t going well, thought (Y/N), frowning worriedly.
            “Is he reaching into the sarcophagus?” said Mogart, frowning.
            “I’m sure he isn’t,” said Layla, but Marc was, guided by Steven.
            “Bek,” said Mogart, narrowing his eyes.
            Bek walked towards the pyramid, and with his back turned, Marc didn’t see him coming. Bek touched his arm.
            “Hey, what are you—”
            On instinct, Marc whirled, grabbed Bek’s gun with the skill a common man shouldn’t have, and pointed it at the mercenary. Instantly, two other guards pulled out their guns and pointed at Marc, Layla, and (Y/N), ready at any instant to shoot any of them.
            “Marc. Don’t,” said Layla, glancing at the guards warily.
            “Shit.” Marc looked between Layla, (Y/N), and the guns trained on them.
            “Marc…” said (Y/N), swallowing, unsure.
            Marc’s eyes met theirs, and he let his grip on the gun loosen, handing it back to Bek and holding his hands up.
            They were trapped.
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vampirae · 4 months
Astrology knowledge + personal notes
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Disclaimer! Some paragraphs are pure astrological knowledge, others are just mine personal opinions and experiences. Experiences aren't universal, it may apply to some and not to others.
You don't feel like the 4th house is accurately describing your family dynamics or traumas? Nice, then look at your 2nd house. The 4th house talks about your family, but mostly about your roots, generational trauma, your country, your literal home etc. Meanwhile the infamous 2nd house associated always exclusively with money, in reality is linked directly to your childhood, your family dynamics/setting, values or traumas they gave you, also your literal future family etc. E.g. Venus in the 2nd house is associated with being spoiled or likely to be giving gifts or favours, but why? Probably because in their childhood caregivers tried to "buy their love" so they associate gifts to being loved. Look at the planets in your 2nd house, its ruler, and the aspects etc.
Cancer sun men, usually tend to be cheap or stingy, literally, never met a Cancer sun man in my life who isn't so, if they behave differently it's usually because it suits their own personal agenda, or try to manipulate you.
Aries moon women tend to post absolutely gorgeous photos, they're so artistic, and know how to take or edit photos or videos.
Cancer rising is so funny, relatable or friendly, they naturally attract people or masses, they're charismatic in their own way, but they tend to be private and dislike when people invade too much of their personal space without permission; some will cut you immediately off, others will be waiting patiently for you to finally understand you're being inappropriate, literally no in between.
Moon in the 12th house, from my own personal experiences, terrible friends. Likely to be great companions if you want to get high or drink or talk about whatever without being judged, but literally avoid them in "no chill time". Extremely manipulative, always victim of the circumstances, helpless and problematic. Briefly, if you don't want to find yourself being a free therapist for hours, a free ATM or parenting a whole ass adult, just avoid getting closer to them. On the other hand, great and sacrificial lovers, but vampiric succubus as friends. (To the people asking me which 12th house moon hurt me, well too many my darling, this is why they're on my blacklist).
When it comes to raw sexual libido mars in fall and detriment are the ones most usually labelled with low libido, which is true, but still in my opinion and experiences they're not on the same level. Mars is Cancer is the one with the highest libido between the three, then Libra and last Taurus. Furthermore men with this mars (the aforementioned) are more prone to have issues with their, ahem, "friend". But, gladly, they also have wild fantasies and are more prone to compromise or satisfy their partner's desires. E.g. if you want them to be dominant, they'll try their best to be your Master/Daddy etc. Last but not least, despite being "shy" and at first look traditional, they're more open to use toys or try new sex positions if it's your will, but won't share you (so threesome or orges literally it's a big NO if they truly love you).
Sagittarius and Cancer placements are competitive AF, but the last one will give up if they're gonna lose or act uninterested, or just whine in the corner about how life is unjust with them. Sagittarius placements, will look chill and playful, but they're extremely competitive, not only because of the prize, but it's a great opportunity to learn something new, or master some of their skills, or just an adrenaline shot. Literally, they're second to Aries when it comes to competing, yet people are unaware of this nature because of their nonchalant and sometimes dumbass vibes/behaviour.
Talking about Sagittarius placements again, when they're labeled as funny, don't think they're master at telling jokes or giving clever clapbacks, in fact, earth signs are masters of this type of humour. Sagittarius placements are funny because of their spontaneous nature: like saying some weird or shocking things with a serious face, or doing some WTF stuff, literally they're funny in original ways and something you never expected. With time they'll acquire a more "normal" sense of humour, but usually they're memorable for their unexpected humour.
Virgo really needs some structure or specific goals or tasks. They could have a hard time with unspecific projects, games or work, they'll literally stay there like a NPC waiting for your interaction or order, analysing the situations, outcomes and necessities.
Libra placements are charming and a good company, their indecisiveness is forgivable most of the time, until you have to work with them. It can be so stressful sometimes to work with or under a Libra (sun, rising or mars), you never know when they'll change their idea again or return to an old project, or what you have to do. I'm sorry to say it, but they're problematic bosses and owners. To lift yourself from this curse, there are few options, like changing job or aggressive yet polite confrontation, just to make it clear, next time you won't forgive and neither make you lose your time again, because it's the only resource you can't buy or restore.
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dizzeeflower · 2 years
I guarantee you there is one manifestation of disability that almost everyone on this planet has actively laughed at and made fun of. yes, even you
can you guess what it is?
it's something there are constant gags about in media, something people mention in passing as a joke
something that if it presented itself in a public space i guarantee in most situations would be openly and loudly mocked (and if not humour, most people would at least express disgust)
don't believe me, do you?
✨ incontinence ✨
yep, it's incontinence. (get your giggles out now folks)
I am partially incontinent due to a fun cocktail of mental and physical disabilities and i know for a fact this is where people will stop reading, have a little laugh, and move on thinking this isn't worth the read anymore
but please, if you want to be a true disability ally, stick around and listen.
5% of the world population is estimated to be incontinent to some degree. 1 in 20 people (and no, that is not just elderly people)
so yea when you're in the grocery store, or at the gay bar, or seeing your college theatre's rendition of Grease - chances are there's a good handful of people in the crowd who struggle with incontinence.
it might be just someone who has minimal stress incontinence - something very common in people who have been pregnant - or someone who has adhd and forgets to go to the bathroom, missing the cues from their body that they are desperate, or yea it could be the 85 yr old grandma who wears diapers.
the point is, all of these people deserve respect for their bodies. everyone does. and this includes bodies that malfunction sometimes.
'omg thats so funny im gonna pee myself' 'reddit boys can go piss in ur little baby diapers' - great comeback bestie, but can we move on from them now? im gonna be honest these don't offend me personally, but it's worth being aware of where the humour of these comments comes from. its rooted in ableism
but something that does offend me and something that genuinely triggers me to have panic attacks and can push me into an anxious depressive state for days at a time, is when a character wetting themself is used as the butt of a joke on screen.
i'm thinking season one of stranger things. yeah, most of us know the scene right? when eleven forces a bully to pee his pants in front of the whole school? yep, triggers my ptsd right good that one does. and my siblings ptsd. and im sure many many many more ppl with incontinence (or even ppl without it who had the unfortunate experience of an accident in school)
if you found it funny, i dont care at this point. keep doing you. i dont blame you, okay? but i just want to ask that you reconsider WHY you laughed. 'because he pissed himself' okay but WHY is that funny? 'older kids and adults arent supposed to piss themselves' yea well it happens sometimes to most people at least once, and to 1 in 20 people much more often than that. so WHY is that funny?
keep asking why why why... and if in the end you can't think of WHY, then maybe there isnt a reason for you to laugh at it except that you've been taught to by osmosis. because everyone else laughs
dont give up here, because this is where i want you to really think. is it worth it?
is it worth laughing at something just because everyone else is, and risk 5% of the population going into a self conscious spiral, a panic attack because of your mocking, making them think they will never be accepted?
obviously u making a "im gonna piss myself" comment while laughing does not put 1 in 20 ppl into a panic attack, but u get where im coming from now i hope
so if you're still reading, im guessing you want to reconsider some of your behaviours and comments about this subject. thank you! now that you've realised where these jokes are rooted, you're going to start noticing a lot more often just how much this disability is mocked in society.
but what else can you do to help?
consider sticking up for us because understandably incontinent people dont tend to stick up for themselves lest it out us as incontinent. because admitting that is still met with laughter and disgust. help us jumpstart the incontinence acceptance by speaking up for the silent minority whenever an incontinence joke comes up in class/family gatherings/general conversation (this is my opinion, any other incontinent folks are v welcome to challenge this if u would rather ppl didnt for whatever reason!)
another thing you can do is - you won't like this - dont call ppl disgusting for buying adult diapers with silly animal characters on. unpopular opinion here on tumblr dot com, i know
but listen: incontinence products are disability aids! pullups, incontinence pads/pants, adult diapers, these are all disability aids. not products of k!nk, not things to snigger at in the pharmacy.
and would you complain about someone putting hello kitty stickers on their walking cane? would you think it gross for someone to doodle little stars and affirmations on their wheelchair armrest? is it wrong if someone wants pink hearing aids instead of a nude coloured ones? no?
then don't laugh if someone wants lil hearts on their pullups, and don't fake gag if you happen to see purple patterned adult diapers on ur dash. sometimes humans just like to decorate their bodies and extensions of their bodies. this is just that. and lets be real, plain white nappies just aren't the vibe sometimes
~ while we're at it, ppl with stoma bags are beautiful and deserve to wear whatever they want to feel comfortable and handsome as hell 😘 ~
and let me address the elephant in the room. yeah, some people have a f3tish for this stuff (just like anything can be made into a f3tish). whatever. if ur against that stuff then idc pls dont talk abt it in the tags and comments. anyway it is NOT an excuse to find actual disabled ppl disgusting for needing these aids.
and heres the funny thing: you usually can't tell if someone uses diapers for a f3tish or for their disability, or possibly both!
so you're gonna have to not attack random ppl on the internet bc you don't know what their life is like (what a shocking new hot take)
if a 46 yr old balding man with a beer belly and chest hair who isn't visibly disabled mentions he uses diapers, don't assume he's a creep and its a k!nk. it might be, sure, but it might be a condition or disability that you have no right to comment on or judge him for.
so if youre squicked by it just block and move on, don't send anon hate, dont make a post about how these types of people make you sick. you might just lose a valued mutual who was secretly incontinent and thinks you hate them for it now (whether this is right or wrong, its often how these things come across)
(btw if anyone fuckin talks abt k!nk on this post im going to scream directly in ur ear :) make ur own posts and don't bring any f3tish discussion onto mine)
had to get that out of the way unfortunately because this is a condition that is so unfortunately overrepresented by the f3tish side. i wouldnt have to talk abt k!nk on many other posts about disabilty aids but this one unfortunately was necessary
it's exhausting
imagine having a disability that requires aids thats almost EVERYONE winces at, laughs at, mocks loudly. and then to come on tumblr, the place that is meant to be full of acceptance from strangers in similar circumstances, queer and disabled and poc - but the moment your aid is brought up in discussion its seen as something disgusting and the property of freaks and creeps and people who are evil and want to do children harm
it's exhausting, like i said
i dont have much else to add honestly, im shit at writing cohesive posts (especially when im physically shaking with anxiety bc woohoo announcing to possibly thousands of ppl that im incontinent) but if anything i just hope you will question yourself if you laugh at this stuff in future
im going to go back into my little anxiety hibernation hole and never open up about this condition again ✌🏼
as for the incontinent population, we’re pretty silent about this condition so it’s easy to forget abt us. but please just keep us in mind and stick up for us when u can
— for clarity: incontinence is not ALWAYS a disability, it is a condition that can affect ppl on a sliding scale. for some it is a mild inconvenience, for some it severely impacts daily life. for some it is the only physical condition their body experiences, for some it is a symptom of a predetermined mental or physical disability such as generalized anxiety disorder or paraplegia. whether or not it is considered a disability, acceptance of ALL incontinence is a good step to eradicating this source of ableism —
no one has to reblog this but pls consider it if this has opened ur eyes a lil and u wanna open some more
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venacoeurva · 5 months
People on my dash discussing this hence it's on my mind,
There are serious social and legal implications of minors participating and accessing adult spaces, the problem is kids are still pretty self-absorbed and selfish and lacking true comprehension of external consequences in that underdeveloped brain sort of way (even the nicest, most considerate and critical-thinking kids are going to be this way to some degree, it's not an insult) to grasp that. Normal adults feel violated and gross when catching a kid interacting with their adult art and so on. Kids do not comprehend it can be a massive life-ruining legal issue too (which most minors cannot grasp because again, still underdeveloped brain type of self-absorbed lack of understanding of consequences. Also kids usually don't understand the legal system. It sounds harsh and insulting but that's how it IS. I remember being that way, myself). Adults who are happy that or at the least enabling minors being in adult spaces is a RED FLAG.
Making adult spaces and blogs and sites have warnings, entering your age, big 18+ and 21+ warnings and so on is a thing, even if it won't stop everyone--some kids will be scared off from encroaching, though, thinking that accessing these pages while a minor and lying that they're an adult on the clickthrough warning will contact the police or something. We know it's not stopping everyone, but at the very least we're doing the most we can to save our asses short of carding everyone, which isn't the most reliable method, either. I feel like the inconvenience of having to enter birthdays or click through warnings may also annoy some kids into leaving, given the instant-dopamine, constant stimuli type internet these days kids are used to (and negatively cognitively affected by, I'm sure...) versus the "waiting 20 minutes for a JPEG to load" internet of old that required patience no matter what.
But for real, being a minor in an adult space can fuck you up, and it's just sad and scary how kids don't even realize this until it's years too late and/or they end up in some real dire situations because of it-- and even then, they probably won't realize the weight of the situation until later (if they're still alive, given the risk of kidnapping, stalking, or committing suicide if it reaches that level, especially if the site or victim and predator are local). How many of us adults look back in retrospect and shudder at what could have happened, or what did? I feel like most adults who had access to the internet as kids, especially in the 90s and 00s, went somewhere they weren't supposed to go, and a lot of us who weren't just lurking had a similar experience of running into adults with bad intentions once they sniffed out the kids being active there. A good amount of us became desensitized to things on shock sites, too, which is for sure not good for us, psychologically.
I mean, hell, thinking about it, teenagers and tweens can't even really access kids-only spaces anymore since a lot of those shut down or are heavily monetized, and of course either adults are just gonna kind of take it over if it gets popular and want the kids (who were there first) gone, or predators are going to specifically enter those spaces to croon at some poor kid how mature and smart they are and they should talk on Discord and that whole process. It's not a new thing, but it definitely continues. It's like as valuable as a resource it is, the internet is gonna fuck kids up no matter what, even if they stay in spaces meant for them, that are supposed to be moderated and protecting them, and a lot of kids have parents who do not care, do not check in on what younger kids are accessing and not noticing any sudden behavioral changes, or will punish them for "letting that happen", and that's utterly terrible.
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polyhexian · 6 months
Agony!Hunter: Okay but he's alive. Do you understand how incredibly lucky you are that he's alive?
eventually!Hunter: One: judging from the bunch of us it's actually more common for him to be alive, and two: I think I'm entitled to my own messy feelings on the matter!
A!Hunter: Yeah, okay, sure, have your messy feelings! But HE'S ALIVE. You really shouldn't take it for granted that he's alive!
e!Hunter: IT'S COMPLICATED, OKAY?? He was my arch-nemesis for years! He hurt me! It's nice to know he cares but it's a lot to deal with!
A!Hunter: A lot to--I barely even knew he EXISTED until recently! I just found out I have a dad--
e!Hunter: Technically I also just found out I have a dad.
A!Hunter: --AND HE'S DEAD. You still have a dad! MY dad is DEAD! What could be worse than him being dead??
worst!Hunter: Uh…
e!Hunter: No. Just, no.
A!Hunter: Yeah, we already agreed you win the Most Horrible Experience award, and you don't get to weigh in on this.
w!Hunter: Okay, okay, fine.
Runaway!Hunter: *has spent the last 5 minutes swapping everyone's wallets around without them noticing*
Lament!Hunter: Okay, so, it makes sense that Will would be terrifying given the chance to become a full-fledged adult Golden Guard. All Golden Guards are terrifying. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's WILL, though.
R!Hunter: You're lucky he's smaller than you. I bet everyone believes you when you tell them he's your little brother.
L!Hunter: …Yeah, I don't call him that.
R!Hunter: I usually can't either, cuz people look at us funny. So he's my uncle!
L!Hunter: Your--uncle--okay, that's--wait, is that my wallet?
R!Hunter: Not yours, no.
e!Hunter: Look, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I'm sorry about your dad, and you're just gonna have to let me deal with mine in my own time.
A!Hunter: Ugh, FINE. Let's just change the subject. So--hey, what about you? You've been quiet this whole time.
e!Hunter: Yeah, what's your sob story?
MH!Hunter: *sweats*
MH!Hunter: ....he yelled at me once
E!Hunter: come on
W!Hunter: no comment
R!Hunter: damn really? He's never yelled at me
L!Will: [are you stealing? I want to steal]
R!Hunter: I like him.
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lego-man-speer · 2 days
sorry, it’s long, bad written and probably bad English. Some parts looks/are disconnected.
If someone has a relationship with a 17, he is a provlably ephebophile(15-19y/o), not a peadophile. Depending the country ephebophile is not crimenous or condemned. Usually 17 looks more an adult than a child, for some reason the people in the past used to look mature faster than nowadays.
Thinking all Goebbels’ lovers were victims is not right, some of them were, some of them really liked him, and some of them know what they were doing. Sadly it’s common to actress to do sex to grow in their career, especially for them to be the top ones. Making someone choose between their career or having sex that they don’t want is horrible, it was a sacrifice she did, and yes I think it can be considered rape because it’s like a “die or kill your beloved ones” question, it’s not really a choice.
For me liking a people that is already dead and some is alive is different, you see, an alive person, you don’t their future or what they gonna do, and is easily to don’t notice their changes thought the time. But a dead one you know their hole live how they was liked and their life phases and changes. What, for me, make you able to choose a moment of their life for liking them, a time their personality and actions you like more. We judge people for what they are, their “now”, but dead people don’t really have a “now” they are all made of past. You decide what’s the now, hitler in his his 20’s it’s almost a complete different person he was in his final year, you can choose who you like more or don’t, I don’t think you need to like the person hole life and action to say you like that person.
I believe all hitler inner circle needle in some level some kind of therapy, Goebbels was short and lame ( don’t know if it’s his is the right word, my English such sometimes), I notice that short men often try to compensate their height(what theoretically means a lack of masculinity) by doing something “male”, such as sex( I blame society for this) , he clearly had a low self-esteem that he dels in the worst way possible by subconsciously believing being a womanizer would prove he is less inferior, having sex was a way to screen “look I worth something” for the world but specially for himself. Lying so many time until he believes it was true, lying for himself is something he did a lot.
So…what I means by all of these? I don’t really know, take your own conclusion :)
Goebbels fans once again have failed to disappoint me on their lack of understanding when it comes to the nuances of sex and consent. Quite worrying really. So I will gladly explain it, not just to Goebbels fans, but we'll make this a learning experience for the WHOLE of Reichblr.
I was going to leave this video at the end, but it's best that we start with it. An easy to understand guide to consent. Just under three minutes. Watch this first.
Now, we'll go through each paragraph one by one.
1.I never explicitly stated that Goebbels was a pedophile. I merely said rapist - which is true. Regardless of the word I used, a grown man having sex with a 17 year old is not okay. They do not “look like adults” because they are not adults, nor do they have the intellectual or emotional maturity of an adult. Goebbels had a fully developed brain, exploiting a girl whose brain was still developing. The phrase “well, she didn't look that young” is a common excuse used by pedophiles. Although I did not explicitly call Goebbels a pedophile, I think you understood that his attraction to a 17 year old was not okay.
I've had commenters argue that age of consent law in Germany is 14, but have clearly shown that they do not understand how these consent laws work. These laws exist to protect minors who have sex with other minors (because guess what? This happens!). They do not allow over 18s to have sex with minors (ignoring things like Romeo and Juliet laws, because they don't apply in Goebbels's case).
I want to put this question to the community: If your 17 year old daughter tells you she slept with a man who was pushing his 40s, how do you respond to that situation? And in this 40 year old man can be ANYONE, I'm not saying Goebbels specifically.
2.I never said ALL were victims, but the majority were. His earlier relationships in his youth and the affair with Baarova were consensual. But this does not mean we ignore the ones who felt that they had to. You say in your anon that it's quite common for actresses to have sex to further their careers. Thus you're admitting that Goebbels exploited a system that he could benefit from.
The infamous Goebbels casting couch is a very well-known thing for Reich nerds who actually engage in real history. The fact that these actresses (and likely his secretaries too) felt that they had to give into Goebbels's demands so that they could keep their career is coercion. It is not consent. If we refer back to the video I linked that the top, consent is an enthusiastic “yes” from both parties. Doing it because you're left with little choice is not consent.
And if we refer back to Mark Felton's video, we know that Goebbels would go to lengths to keep these women in his grasp. These are not healthy sexual relationships. This is manipulation and coercion. It is abuse.
And just because historians don't explicitly use the word “rape” doesn't mean that it's not what they're suggesting. Historians aren't entitled to spell things out to you, mainly because they don't write for children, they write for adults. And they expect that you have the emotional and intellectual maturity to understand what is and what isn't a consensual relationship. You can easily put two and two together.
3.I find your third point very strange, personally. I never said that you couldn't like or be interested in Goebbels, I said that you can't choose to ignore the fact that he was a sexual deviant.
I also understand that you're saying that you could pick and choose a more acceptable era, but I have two issues with this: (1). Goebbels was hyper sexual throughout his adult life, the only difference between Goebbels before power and Goebbels in power is that Goebbels had less ways of exploiting young women he took an interest in. There was no “better” Goebbels, merely a less powerful Goebbels. (2). I think you're making this point because of your bias and affections towards Goebbels, because you wouldn't say this about other men in recent history. For example: Jimmy Saville, Ted Bundy, Donald Trump, the list goes on. I personally don't consider this an appropriate point to make?
4.This isn't an argument, more of an understatement so I won't comment on it because there's nothing I have to say here.
I think we really need to put an emphasis on education in Reichblr again. This doesn't mean we put an end to shitposting and edits and art because that's not what I mean here. I mean we need to encourage people to do research outside of tumblr and promote resources for newcomers who don't have the same foundation of knowledge as many in the fandom already have. Because the amount of people I have interacted with who know next to nothing really concerns me, and it also embarrasses us as a community when we get the occasional wave of hate and you can't actually defend yourself.
I am more than happy to work on a resource masterlist for the community that can be added to over time - but that depends on if everyone else actually wants me to put in the effort to do that.
My final point is that a lot of us really need to do better and not get defensive when someone reminds others of atrocities committed by members of the Reich. To reiterate: This is a REICH community. None of your faves are innocent pookies. They did bad things. And yes, some of them were rapists.
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cupidsdolll · 6 months
It’s not fall if you haven’t carved a pumpkin yet. There's no way, it’s one of the major events during the whole season, like literally almost everyone does it now. Not to mention, a couple of neighbors have already gotten theirs and have fake plastic ones out to hold the real ones in place. And sure, maybe it’s just a silly little tradition and doesn’t matter to most people, but there’s just something about doing it with someone you love that makes it so much better.
But you know Harry never had the best experience with Halloween and doesn’t necessarily want to do anything scary. He’s been hesitant to do anything Halloween related since you’ve been together and it’s perfectly understandable. So you beg and beg and promise it won’t be as bad, and you won’t even do a scary face like you really want to do. You tell him it’ll be a happy pumpkin to welcome everyone in instead of scaring them away, and even then you can still sense the uncertainty of it all in his body language. You pull out your secret weapon though, you stare at him all wide-eyed and pout your lips. You know he can’t say no to that face, all of his friends know. It’s his one weakness.
He sighs before agreeing, but the moment anything that might trigger him happens the event and festivities are done. You nod excitedly before hugging him tightly, expressing your thanks to him excitedly and promising that nothing’s gonna happen. You can’t wait to go to the small pumpkin patch and pick out the perfect pumpkin, carve out a silly little face, and share the magical moment (at least for you) with one of the main people in your life.
Within the next couple of days, you’ve finally freed some time in both of your schedules to go to the small pumpkin patch to pick out the most perfect one. As you two wander around, eyes roaming over all the options before coming across a tiny little pumpkin you can’t help but to coo excitedly over the little fruit.
“Haz!!! Look at the little pumpkin!” Your face lights up as you lean down to pick it up, holding it gently as if it were made of glass. He laughs fondly at the girl before following behind, his eyes full of adoration for you.
He can’t help but to watch you fondly even as his arms somehow became full of different colors of the tiny pumpkins, your mission to find the pumpkin to carve seemingly forgotten once you found out there was more than one of the smaller pumpkins. He can almost barely carry them all, and there’s no way you can find more. You must have managed to find all of the small pumpkins in the whole patch, and how did you even manage to just find them all and breeze by all the normal pumpkins?
After a couple of minutes and a few dropped pumpkins, you finally gave up on your hunt for the miniature ones and settled for a decently sized-pumpkin. Harry had to grab a heavy-duty bag from a man in the lot who held onto an armful of bags for this exact scenario it seems, making sure to thank him before returning to you and dumping all of your ‘pumpkin babies’ into it and holding the bigger one in his arms.
Once you both got home, you immediately had Harry call over his group of friends to invite them over to draw faces on the small ones, while you and him carved out your own to keep outside your house. Obviously, you didn’t have the proper things to carve out the pumpkin, so you used one of your bigger kitchen knives and had Harry hold onto a smaller one to do the face.
Once you managed to cut off the top and began scooping out the guts, you glanced beside you to see Harry with a look of disgust on his face. You laugh to yourself, while the sound of the other adults conversations fill the room. Some were filled with happiness, while some sounded annoyed like their partner wasn’t doing something wrong. You happily carved out the face, and Harry… well he just stood there holding the knife until called upon like a nurse in the operator room.
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moonlit-positivity · 4 months
Things I wish I knew before healing, part 2
• nobody is coming to save you. Except that's not entirely true either. Not in the way youd think. If you're looking for someone to hold you, coddle you, change your dirty diapers, and do the work for you? Nah these mfs can't baby sit a grown ass adult. But that is a very valid feeling. I can't tell you how much I bitched and moaned in the beginning. I literally told my therapist one time, "I want someone to change my fuckin diapers!" Lol 😭 the hard thing about being abused as a child is that there is never anyone there to care for you on that deeper level. And the hardest part about growing up this way, is that there never will be. Not in the way of this fantasy of wanting someone to be fully enmeshed with your brain enough to know what it is you want and need without you ever needing to open your mouth and say it out loud. No. That's not how people are gonna save you. But they will save you in an entirely different way. They will let you know when youre making a mistake. My therapist has helped me in ways I would have never even fuckin imagined humanity would be able to help someone. And she's not the only one. I'm lucky and blessed and privileged to have had a few good case managers and help from people who work for the city I live in. These people have helped me in ways that others couldn't. They gave me a backbone to stand up and get the work done for myself. They helped me understand this during the hardest fucking rude awakening I have ever had about life in general. And that is, that no one on this earth is entitled to taking care of you. Nah. In my case tho they still wouldn't even if I wanted em to, bc I already kinda knew that from growing up with my mother. I would have never been able to outright ask someone to love me. Not with the awareness of what my mother put me through and the constant fear of becoming just like she was to me. But there comes a time when you gotta stop bitching and whining about how unfair it is and learn how to get up and move anyway. And tbh, I'm still not entirely there yet. It's not an easy thing to learn. But I know a helluva lot more now than I have ever known in my entire life, and that means a whole fuckin lot to me right now. I literally started out from under ground zero, like -65 if you wanna be specific. I had to crawl through the gutters just to get where the fuck I am today. I fuckin carved that shit out all by myself. I fuckin did that. And I'm proud as fuck of where I stand today.
• there is going to be times when you literally cannot talk about it anymore. I can't tell you this without explaining that I am the type of person who would want to immediately snap my fingers and expect the immediate response, to have that quick fix solution. Nah. Patience is an acquired skill. Not to toot my own horn here, but God fuck if I had ever known that before starting therapy I swear to God I don't think I woulda made it through. I have such an aversion to pain and suffering bc of what I went through as a kid, but the pain of healing is unlike anything you will ever experience. Because unlike being abused, healing feels good. Healing feels like someone is purifying your soul in a pure light. And your soul is filled with anger and bitterness and pain. So trusting that light is fucking nuts to say the least. There are times when someone telling you it's not your fault will absolutely break you down into a million fuckin pieces. Not because it hurts, though yeah it does hurt a lot because that's not something anyone has ever told you before and there's the pain around why these mfs have never fuckin told you that. But it also hurts because it feels good to be finally listened to, heard, seen, and validated by another fucking human being on the face of the earth. And you won't want to believe it at first either. But eventually they'll keep saying it to you. Over and over. And eventually there will come a point when you finally lose your shit behind it and deal with the brainwashing coming undone to understand exactly what it is you've had to go through. And then there comes a time when you just can't talk about it the same way anymore. It changes you. It makes you see things about yourself and about the people around you and about this world in general that you've never even thought about before. And that's a whole lotta fuckton to sit with in itself.
• things gonna get better. And it's gonna scare the absolute piss and shit out of you when it does. The silence of peace and serenity is first filled with panic and survival on a whole different level than anyone will ever tell you about. The peace and silence of serenity feels like madness. It feels like youve been living underground your whole life and now you're above ground and everything is new and fuckin terrifying and you don't actually wanna live here, you wanna crawl back underground because it's more familiar and "safer" to you that living above ground is. And this is actually a normal feeling a lot of us go through I've noticed. Talking with other survivors can definitely help give you a sense of normalcy to what you're going through. But my god that urge to go back to the abuse and pain and suffering is so fuckin real. It's all you ever know. Trusting peace to not be a fuckin trap? That takes a lot of pain in itself.
• which brings me to this point. Every single thing about this process is a fucking pain in the ass. You've been beat, abused, gaslit into believing you are the devil incarnate by your parents. Your first ever caregivers, your first ever human experiences, have you believing you are the dog shit underneath their feet. They spend your entire childhood abusing you. Then you finally leave them behind and now you gotta find out they fuckin abused you???? My God. There is nothing about this shit that is gonna give you happy happy fun time play time vibes at all. That's fucked up beyond belief.
• youre gonna be pissed the fuck off all the time. My God if you're reading this and can relate, LOOK INTO SOMATIC HEALING. Give your body an outlet. And it doesn't have to be like exercise or yoga or any of that bullshit. Just shake your shoulders. Shake your arms. Shake your body. Let it move those big fuckin emotions and get it out. Somatics is all you ever fuckin need to get through this shit. Just find ways that it works for you. But yes. The anger and rage and betrayal is REAL. Don't fuckin beat yourself up for this shit. It's valid and it makes sense you'd be angry. LOOK AT WHAT THEY FUCKIN DID TO YOU.
• you're not faking your trauma, your symptoms, or your illnesses. There are real legitimate things happening in your brain and your body that affect the way you function day to day. The fact that there will be people in your life who will never fuckin understand that is a fucking war crime against yourself. Do yourself a favor and remove these people fuckin immediately. Anyone who dares question your life & illnesses & your right to fuckin exist???? Is a fuckin threat and you need to get them out NOW. You are not faking. You never fuckin were. Don't let anyone fill your head with doubt. Family, friends, therapists, doctors. NOBODY. find a second opinion. Find the doctor who's gonna listen and take you seriously when you ask about it and help get you the proper testing to find out. Do NOT settle for the doctors who tell you you're lying. Do NOT settle for the family that says youre lazy and selfish and entitled. Fuck those assholes. You know yourself better than they do. The fact that they even accuse you of lying to begin with is such a mindfuck in itself.
• there are gonna be times when the pain and regret of not knowing what the fuck you've already said and done is gonna suck the living energy from you. It's because well whaddya know. You've grown up a little bit. You might feel like it's a great thing to have the awareness and understanding now, and tbh yes it is! Don't detract from that point! But the people who have already been hurt from you aren't really gonna give a rats fuckin ass one way or another. And that's gonna hurt on so many levels, because yeah that's fair and valid. But holy fuck if i had known that before hand I swear to God things would have been so fuckin different. The thing about it is, people are listening to you, even when you don't think they are. I might go further into this sometime bc there are so many reasons as to why we don't think we matter as much to the people around us as they do actually care and listen. The words and actions you take (or don't take) will have a direct effect on those around you.
• life is not a fuckin game. God I wish someone had told me that a lot fuckin sooner. Take yourself seriously. Take your life seriously. This isn't the pregame show, this is the actual fuckin super bowl. Life is gonna hand you the epitome of fuck around and find out, and its gonna hit you hard if you're not prepared for that.
I will probably add more later. Thanks for reading 😊
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relicsongmel · 6 months
you should. tell me your thoughts about ray shields
OH GOD OH FUCK OKAY IF YOU INSIST. I hope you’re ready cause hooooo boy do I have some for you HERE WE GOOOO
Where the hell do I even start. Raymond Shields…my ray of light. My hotshot wonder. My weirdgirl king. I guess before anything else I’ll tell you about how this man absolutely blindsided me—Uncle Ray put your friend Mel through a turnabout of her own and she’s gonna explain how it happened so buckle in. I’ll try to make this as coherent as possible but I need you to understand this man has way too much power over me and a single fleeting thought of him can melt my brain into mush so. Apologies if this comes out as completely nonsensical it’s his fault not mine
I’ve been in the Ace Attorney fandom for a little over a year and had a couple of things accidentally spoiled for me as a result (some of which was my own fault, admittedly) but when I started Investigations 2 last September all I knew about Ray was his name and (sort of) what he looked like. Like a lot of English-speaking fans, I was initially put off by his portrayal in the localization. This immediately stuck out as odd to me because my personality is such that I don’t have a lot of characters I genuinely dislike, especially if they’re part of the main cast—even if they’re not my favorite I can almost always find something to love about them. It made me wonder if maybe some of his quirks got lost in translation somewhere (and I did find out later that this was indeed the case), but I didn’t actively seek out that information at the time for fear of being spoiled, so I just suffered through the early parts of The Imprisoned Turnabout doing my best to ignore what I perceived as questionable behavior on his part.
However, if I’ve learned anything from my time in this fandom it’s that nothing in Ace Attorney is surface level—one of my FAVORITE things to do when playing this series besides voice acting the characters is figuring out what makes them tick and speculating character motivations as the game progresses using the little hints scattered by the writers here and there—I was already somewhat intrigued by Ray’s apparent grudge toward Miles but when the revelation of his partnership with Gregory dropped my brain immediately went BRRRRRRRRR. I started wondering what that experience of working for him was like and how it affected him (and if his unwavering loyalty to Gregory was related to his grudge toward Miles). I started exploring the whole WEB of parallels between him and Gregory and Miles and Phoenix and Mia and Maya and Kay (and probably more but those are the main ones). I fell in love with the beautiful mentor-student relationship he developed with Miles, even if in the moment I was baffled by the weirdly flirty things Ray sometimes says to him (like the line about swapping clothes in the Winter Palace. What the fuck was that about sir) and VERY confused/worried about whether Miles had met him as a child or not (I still don’t know/can’t remember if the game ever gave us a concrete answer on this btw—if any of you know please do enlighten me). And above all I knew—I KNEW that he was hiding a boatload of trauma regarding the DL-6 incident; made even more clear to me by the contrast between his teen and adult selves once I got to The Inherited Turnabout. I knew he was using humor as a mask to hide the pain of what happened. I knew from the fact he still had Greg’s old coat and wore his hat every day that he hadn’t moved on. This, I thought to myself, is a deeply emotional man deathly afraid of emotional vulnerability haunted by the ghost of a loved one. And let me tell you, as someone who’s been in a similar position myself, to say that really struck a chord with me is an understatement.
AND THEN THE THIRST. Oh boy. If I’ve sounded really eloquent up until now that shit’s about to go out the goddamn window because SWEET MOTHER MARY I AM DOWN SO BAD IT’S EMBARRASSING. I recorded my playthrough starting from Chapter 2 (just for fun—I’m not nearly brave enough to post any of it on the internet except maybe some short clips here and there) and you can literally see the clear turning point I had after hearing his Objection voice for the first time. I started making innuendos left and right (IT’S NOT MY FAULT his dialogue lends itself really well to that sort of thing ok). In true Ray Shields fashion it started half as a joke but devolved into absolute chaos. This coupled with the fact that I was slowly but surely becoming more invested in the inner conflict of his character? I was beyond saving at that point. No hope for me. Nothing left but to leap into Uncle Ray’s arms and let them wander where they will. “Ride that stallion into the sunrise,” as it were. I could go on but quite frankly the things I want that man to do to me (and what I want to do to him) are too unholy for this world so I’ll leave it there.
And that’s the story of how Raymond Shields permanently infected my brain. It’s been an absolutely wild ride but I hope you enjoyed the journey—glad we can share our love of this silly disastrous emotionally repressed paper-eating man together <3
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Hello, I want to ask you how did you reconcile between different nakshatras and placements in Dhruva Galactic Center Ayanamsa from Lahiri?
I recently decided to change my ayanamsa from True Chitra to True Revati/Dhruva Galactic Center because I felt like it resonated more with both my own natal chart and those of my loved ones.
However, I like to research on public figures and seeing so many placements change really affects both astro physiognomy, themes in a person's life, etc. It really surprises me and makes me consider how nakshatras really do manifest in a person in a whole new way.
While I find Dhruva Galactic Center more accurate with vimshottari dasha periods and house placements than Lahiri ever was, it is still a huge transition for me to reconcile with the change in my Moon nakshatra.
Did you deal with these same struggles and what fully convinced you that Dhruva Galactic Center ayanamsa was the right one to use?
I wonder if we're talking about the same Ayanamsa. I use the one in Kala Astrology software designed by Ernst Wilhelm, it's called middle of Mula Galactic Center. If you look through my posts, you will find a case study how incredibly spot on this has been in my celebrity research, topping everything else for accuracy.
Personally, I also went through a Moon Nakshatra change, although not everyone I researched does, and it was life-changing. I never related to my Moon Nakshatra before that, and thought there was something wrong with me. The fact that my Ascendant and Sun had the same rulership as my supposed Moon Nakshatra didn't help because I was confusing my Moon with my Sun and Rising. So in my case I welcomed the change as it was an eye opener not just for research but also for my self understanding.
Researching the Nakshatras and learning theory is the first step, but you have to also FEEL it work in your life. You have to understand its energy and experience it. If you're just mentally attached to an idea, you're not really resonating with the Nakshatra.
What also helps is looking at Nakshatra rulership. I never resonated with my Moon Nakshatra being ruled by Jupiter, because my life was just too hard. When the rulership changed to Saturn, it all made sense.
The Moon rulership in your chart is particularly obvious, because the Sun manifests more in our later adult life, particularly in our 50s, so it takes time to even see it work and you're most probably not gonna make a correct judgement. But the Moon is with us since infancy. It's impossible to miss. So you're gonna relate to it very strongly and see how events unfold in your youth, by aspect and sign. That, plus the mythology of the Nakshatra should make it clear.
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martyrbat · 2 years
yknow im gonna be honest right here and admit that jason todd being poor is something i hold very personal to me because i am and being able to connect with this little fictional character and recognize myself is something very dear to my autistic heart and how i analyze his character. so please excuse how messy this is as i try to spontaneously place my thoughts in something legible
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[ID: a closeup of Jason Todd as Robin. He's asking Batman, "What's that world ever do for me?" END ID]
But this whole flashback in particular still makes me so frustrated. When you're poor, you establish and build communities. You have to or you die. You rely on people's kindness and love - even if you're a stranger. It's how you survive. I had old friends ask me if im embarrassed or say they'd be too ashamed to take that help or do what I had to do to scrape by.
But so many don't understand that pride is a luxury many can't afford. I'm not ashamed. I'm angry you'd rather have me dead than confront the classism you benefit from and are comfortable upholding.
Poor people are the first to tell you that the world and society aren't going to save you and that you're abandoned by it - that they'll leave you to die and not care until it breaks their bubble of privilege and exploitation. (Homelessness, landlords, shoplifting food. Being visibly poor or effecting THEIR lives - it's never about yours). But the people in it, the 'little people', are the reason you ever survive. You're at the rawest point of humanity and while yes, you experience and deal with the cruelty and dirtiest parts of it - you see and experience the genuine kindness from everyday people. People that are equally struggling are more likely to help you than people that can comfortably do so without the fear of going without.
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[ID: Batman and Robin sitting together on a ledge. Batman is telling Robin, "You need to love it...Or what's the point?" END ID]
Now take this kid. He gone without. He doesn't get to have a billionaire privilege of that filtered view. He knows people aren't good vs evil, that they're not black or white. Good people do shitty things to survive. Evil people walk free. He's familiar and knows struggles and reality - he knows drug addiction and overdose and murder and suicides and malnourishment. He knows police brutality and the system is designed against people like him up until just recently - where he suddenly meets the criteria to be protected instead of targeted. He doesn't look over the streets, waiting to swoop in. He's lived in them. He knows them.
For me and my experience as a disabled, poor, autistic with hyper empathy? All you want to do is help others. You don't have a life unless you're being productive. You want to give back the kindness you were gifted with, you know that struggle and pain and don't want anyone to go through it. You know no one is looking out for you other than your community. The world can be so fucking cruel so that's why I can't be - I have to be the good I want to see in it.
Then take this kid that has the opportunity to do more than what he ever dreamed of? He can finally live instead of just survive. He can be the hero to the people that usually don't get that luxury of care. He can protect his community and build bigger ones. He can help people. As @autisticredhood said so brilliantly in this post: "he doesn’t care what the world will do for him he cares about what HE will do for the world"
Stripping that away from him changes everything Jason is. As a child and him being unfairly written off as the angsty Robin but aldo as an adult since it's such a key element to what his moral code is and how he operates as a hero. Jason Todd will always care. He loves so much and it's constantly dismissed and I hate it.
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