#hero has a crush on villains accent
the-broken-pen · 27 days
Hello! Heard you were open for writing request? Had this idea in mind about a villain who's Russian and a hero who's falling for villain's accent? Maybe a bit of flirty banter as they fight 👀 your choice tho! Have a fun spring break ☀
The hero was pretty sure the villain was actually trying to kill them this time.
“Hey, don’t aim for the face, okay? It’s the money maker.”
The villain raised one eyebrow–and aimed for the hero’s face.
“Oh come on,” the hero groaned. “That’s just uncalled for.”
“Really? Is it now?”
If the hero had better judgment, they would have said something snarky back, or attempted to get the upper hand. Instead, in a move uncoordinated and wrought with embarrassment, they tripped over their own feet and blushed.
The hero was used to pretty. They were used to gorgeous.
But they had never expected to be attracted to someone’s accent of all things, and it was driving them mad.
“Yep, pretty sure it is,” they managed. They had to dodge halfway up the wall to avoid the villain’s next blow.
“You’re awfully chatty today,” the villain said, and the hero was going to lose their mind–
“Is this affection?” The hero blurted, and contemplated throwing themself off the building to spare both of them. “Because it feels like affection.”
“I don’t know,” the villain shrugged. Their mouth tipped up slightly, gone in a flash between one second and the next. “Do you want it to be?”
The hero froze. “You–I–” and found themself blinking up at the sky, the villain’s hand around their wrist. “Did you just judo flip me?” They wheezed, and the villain grinned.
“You’re blushing.”
“Yeah, because you just knocked the wind out of me. Excuse me for going red with oxygen loss–” the hero cut themself off with a cough, lungs protesting every word, and tugged the villain down to crash into the pavement beside them.
“Let me rephrase; You’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“It’s cold.”
“It’s July.”
“A very cold July.”
“If you’re going to lie,” the villain said, and truly, the hero was lucky they hadn’t had a knife pulled on them yet, “Do it well.”
The hero buckled the villain’s knees. Petty? Yes.
Satisfying? A good reprieve to try and get the blush that flared every time the villain spoke to subside? Also yes.
“Real smooth,” the villain rolled their eyes, pushing themself to their feet. “So, what is it.”
“Was that a question, or–”
“My winning personality?”
The villain was studying them with far too much care.
“Aren’t you supposed to be robbing a bank or something?” They said half-desperately.
“Smile? Laugh?” The villain paused for a moment, catching the hero’s punch as if it was nothing more than a mosquito–which was insulting, to say the least–before their face cleared of any confusion.
“Ah,” the villain said, and oh the hero was so screwed, because they knew that look. That look appeared regularly in their dreams. It was the villain’s signature ‘I figured something out and I’m going to use it to do nefarious things’ look. Their ‘I’m smarter than you and I’m about to prove it in an effortlessly ruthless maneuver’ look.
The hero saw it far too often.
“‘Ah’ what.”
The villain, damn them, grinned, releasing the hero’s hand.
Any air that the hero had managed to regain after the judo flip escaped from them like they were a sinking ship.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“No,” the hero said, cursing every single moment of their life that had led up to this one. Maybe they really should have become a lawyer– “I’m just flabbergasted by how dumb that sentence was.”
Flabbergasted. Flabbergasted. Who the hell says flabbergasted?!
“This is cute,” the villain remarked as they drew a knife. They gestured with it towards the hero’s undoubtedly fire engine red face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered.”
“I’m not flustered, I’m–”
“Flabbergasted?” The villain suggested wryly, and truly, the fact that this situation was funny in a hopeless and pathetic way was not helping. The accent absolutely was not helping either.
The hero truly had nothing to say to that, staring at the villain, the two of them impromptu statues.
“You like me,” the villain teased. “And my accent.”
The hero was not proud of what they did next.
Considering their life, it wasn’t the worst thing they had ever done out of embarrassment.
A close second, though.
The villain smirked, and in a move far more elegant than they had ever thought themself possible, the hero slid under the villain’s arm, snagging the knife from the villain’s hand as they went—and planted it into the villain’s side.
The villain blinked, hand going to their side. The hero blushed—
Finally, in the single coherent thought they had managed in seemingly their entire life, they did something not embarrassingly pathetic.
The hero bolted away, into side streets and alleys, to the sound of the villain’s pained and endlessly amused laughter.
“Real smooth,” the villain called after them, voice echoing between the buildings. “You’re handling this quite well.”
The villain was never going to let them live this down.
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kasagia · 1 year
hi, can you do a one-shot for klaus, where he has a crush on y/n, and they have a one-night stand, and Klaus is sad because he thinks he won't see her again, but then he gets the news that y/n n is pregnant with his daughter (reader gets pregnant, no hayley, y/n is Hope's biological mother) and klaus takes the news well, because it's someone he loves and takes the pregnancy as an opportunity to make t /n love him.
Making her love me
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x fem! reader Word count: 7,4k (way too long, sorry not sorry) Warning(s): smut mention, panic attack (a little), swearing, and typical TVD violence. Nonsense from me: I'm so excited to post it since it's my first request/ask or whatever I should call it. I hope it's basically what you asked for, Gallus Anonymous! <3
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Klaus Mikaelson loved Y/N Y/S.
The original hybrid was hopelessly in love with her since the first time he met her on his family's ball. He will always remember that day.
She looked like an angel. Well, maybe more like a devil (judging by the fact that part of her hair was arranged in two small buns imitating horns), but still, she was the most beautiful girl at the party (and maybe in the whole world).
When he saw her, dancing in her black-golden dress with one of Salvatore's brothers, he knew that this girl would be his at the end of the day. Even if he has to fight with these bloody, young vampires.
Unfortunately, Y/N didn't have the same feeling when she first saw him. As a proud member of a Mystic Falls group (who returned to the town after a school exchange), she was obligated to hate the Mikaelsons.
But she must admit to herself that the man with the British accent was incredibly hot.
Damon, noticing Klaus's sudden interest in his friend, decided to use this to his advantage and pushed Y/N into the arms of their nemesis. Klaus was delighted. Y/N disgusted.
The original hybrid stuck to her for the rest of the evening, forgetting all about Caroline. Y/N has since become Klaus Mikaelson's official distraction. And she wasn't happy about it at all.
Her friends would use the Siphon Witch whenever they needed to keep Klaus occupied or to ease his bloodlust after doing something stupid (like stealing white oak stakes right under his nose and 12 obedient hybrids. Great plan, Damon!).
Y/N would have to wisely bump into Mikaelson and spend some time with him until the Mystic Falls heroes fix the shit they made. At least the girl was much less stressed compared to her friends, and sometimes she really enjoyed the company of the hybrid.
Once, a man took her to a cafe-studio where little-known Mystic Falls artists would gather. She returned to the Salvator Brothers' estate in navy blue paint, with little constellations painted by Klaus on her face, arms, and neck. Damon barely refrained from making a sarcastic remark.
Fortunately, Stefan saved him from her very likely wrath, because every time someone makes jokes about Y/N's relationship with Klaus, she gets mad and loses control over her magic power. Once, Bonnie had to repair Stefan's motorcycle. The vampire learned his lesson then and tried not to annoy her again. Sometimes, though, he seriously considered letting his older brother cross the line. He wondered if Damon would cry over a damaged car.
With time passing, Klaus had only a stronger crush on her. Everyone knows that. Expect Y/N herself.
At best, she thought the hybrid regarded her as some sort of friend or a distraction between his villainous grand schemes. There could be no feelings between them. Not when she already had a very loving boyfriend whom the original hybrid found out about at a 1920s school party.
She bewitched him completely then. And he was ready to tell her the truth about his real feelings for her and try to make her his, but then he saw this other guy holding her like he wanted to hold her the first time he met her. For Klaus, this man didn't deserve her attention; that human didn't realize how valuable a treasure he was holding in his hands right now. Klaus wanted to go away and let Y/N enjoy dancing with this lesser man. He really does. But when she turned and looked at him with these beautiful, delightful eyes, he couldn't just disappear without exchanging one last word with her.
After all, Klaus was a selfish man.
"You don't mind if I cut into you." Klaus' voice came from behind me, making me shiver.
"Yes. Actually, we do." My boyfriend snarled, recognizing the guy who was "hanging dangerously around me." He had no idea about the supernatural shite we were in and I had no idea how to tell him all of this (or just didn't want to).
Klaus just smiled unfazed, catching his gaze.
"Why don't you go somewhere far away and come back in 20 minutes? You can be useful and bring the beautiful lady something to drink." my boyfriend dutifully obeyed, leaving me with a smug hybrid. "Shall we, love?" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, swaying to some slow, romantic song without waiting for my response.
"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?"
"I don't have to prove anything, love, I'm the alpha male." he replied, offended. I rolled my eyes, sighing.
"You would've loved the 1920s, Y/N. Girls were reckless, sexy, and fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped." he turned me around, smiling slyly.
"Since they were so reckless and drunk, I suppose it was easier for you to find a lover then."
"You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow." I shifted my gaze to him, shocked by the information he had thrown at me. "I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know that you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day you'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"How many girls fell for it? A magical tour of the world with an all-powerful original who plays with them like toys?"
"You mark my words. Small-town boy, small-town life won't be enough for you." he said, completely ignoring my previous words.
"And how do you know what's enough for me?"
"Because I know you, Y/N. Do you imagine marrying that stupid man with whom you were dancing later? Giving him children, living too short to make your real dreams come true?" I wanted to look away from him, but he gently grabbed my chin, forcing me to confront him and all my fears at the same time. "You want love, trust, passion, excitement, and even a little power, and unlike this fool, I can give you all of this and more. Just say a word."
"But for what price?" I asked, taking a big breath.
I realized we were much closer than was appropriate for a dance, but neither of us cared. His gaze was moving from my eyes to my mouth. I licked my chapped lips unconsciously, stuck in some incomprehensible anticipation. Only for what?
"Kaus. Y/N. I finally found you two. We have a problem. Klaus' mother is back." Stefan interrupted the moment between us.
I swear I could hear a little swear from the hybrid before he took my hand and led me towards Stefan, who was hurrying away.
After that, T/N didn't get a chance to meet Klaus again. Since they were on opposite camps in finding the cure, Y/N tried to avoid the hybrid at all costs. He just wanted to use her. Seduce her with his sweet words to make her do everything he wanted. She had no other explanation.
Klaus, on the other hand, tried to get her out of his head in every way he knew how. He couldn't keep up with adding new canvases for the portraits of his one-sided crush. His siblings were starting to worry about him.
Especially after he found out her boyfriend was going to propose to her. (Damon has never been prouder of being a gossip boy.) This overflowed the hybrid's cup of bitterness.
Kol and Elijah walked around their brother like they were on eggshells. Rebekah, on the other hand, has no such pity. It was her occasion to tease Klaus, like he was doing whenever she fell in love (at least Rebekah didn't want to kill Y/N like SOMEONE).
But nevertheless, she was the one to tell Klaus that Y/N rejected her boyfriend's proposal. The original never loved his sister more. He was happy that Y/N was now single, and he even thought that in the near future he may have a little chance with her since there were no other competitors for her heart.
But even in his wildest dreams, Klaus would not have dared to think that Y/N would knock on his door that same day and greedily bite into his lips as soon as he opened it. And not that she'd start ripping his clothes off and pushing him into his bedroom (which surprised him, given that she knew how to get there without his directions).
He never would have thought that one night would change his life forever.
I sighed, rolling over to the other side of the bed as the first rays of sunlight somehow hit my eye. I always kept the windows closed. How come I didn't do it this time? Reluctantly, I opened one eyes to look at my treacherous bedroom window, only to found out that I wasn't in my room.
Also, not in my bed.
And not in any clothes.
As soon as I looked at the calm, sleeping, and clearly satisfied (judging by his disheveled hair) Klaus, memories of last night started flooding back to me.
Panicked, I looked around the room for my clothes, trying to ignore the sight of overturned furniture, a broken mirror, and even a dent in the wall. Unsuccessfully. My face has never been so close to the color of my blood.
Once I'd traced my things, I carefully got out of bed and dressed as quietly as I could, closing the vampire's bedroom door behind me. Now all I had to do was get out of the house full of originals unnoticed. Simple, right?
"Y/N, darling! What a pleasure to see you this morning. How do you feel?" Klaus' little brother jumped out of nowhere and threw one arm around my shoulders, making me come inside the house again.
"Hello Kol. Bye Kol." I tried to dodge him, but he sped up to stand in front of me.
"Wait a minute half-witch. You're going to leave my brother like this? After your… noisy night? He'll be devastated. Was he not up to the task? I could teach him a bit if that's a problem for you. You have my word that within a week you won't be able to stop…"
"Kol! For the bloody hell, stop this awkward conversation. I'm sorry for him, usually we keep him in a coffin." Rebekah cut him off and stood next to him, glaring at him furiously.
"Um… no problem, I guess. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go now."
With even redder cheeks, I ran out of the mansion and, at the speed of light, got into my car, driving far away from this town. I needed rest, and I knew only one person who would be willing to take me under their roof without any questions.
"Hi Katherine. Where are you right now?"
"Are you sure it's just food poisoning? Won't you die here suddenly? Do you want my blood?" Katherine flooded me with questions as I returned to our table.
It's been 2 months since my "great escape," as Damon liked to call it, from Mystic Falls. At that time, I was traveling with Katherine around the United States, doing what I wanted to do most: seeing the world (starting with small things like staying in all states). After the brunette gave the cure to Elijah (while experiencing her epic love story with him, which ended with her heartbreak over Elena's meddling and Elijah's doubts), she decided to accompany me on my quest.
I had to arrange everything in my head. What I wanted out of life, who I wanted to be, and so on.
That was the main purpose of this trip.
In fact, I helped Katherine heal her broken heart and tried to avoid the topic of Klaus Mikaelson like the plague. With small or big successes depending on the day.
Sometimes Damon, Stefan, or Bonnie would mention how snappy he'd become after my sudden departure or that he was asking them about my whereabouts. The worst was his drunken voicemails he left. They ended after the first month, but they were the biggest test of my perseverance. I had to piece my twisted life together before adding my love problems with the world's (nearly) oldest living vampire to the puzzle.
At least that was the plan until those New Orleans bitches got me.
As soon as we left the bar, some girls accosted us and knocked us out with magic. I woke up in some cold, dank, musty crypt with Katherine by my side. At least I wasn't alone. We both had a better chance of defeating those witches. The new thing in those two months was my sudden ability to do magic without any source of energy. It looked like my abilities were starting to screw up too.
"Are you Y/N Y/S?" one of the witches approached us, staring at me warily.
"One and only. May I know who I am having the pleasure of?"
"Sophie Deveraux."
"Sophie. Some time ago, I knew a girl with this name. She got under my skin too. She is dead now. You can guess what happened to her."
"Yeah. It's definitely her. I couldn't imagine someone more of this psycho's type." she told her friends. The women grabbed us both and led us out of the makeshift cell to drag us to the main hall of the crypt.
"Allright. Can one of us tell why you are holding us here?"
"We need you, sugar, but your friend is just an accessory, so if you want both of you to get out of this somehow, you'll keep quiet." seeing that I had no intention of objecting, the unknown woman smiled victoriously. "Good girl."
I gave her a sweet smile before breaking her neck with a flick of my wrist. There was a sudden commotion around us. Katherine suffered a brain aneurysm after one of the witches raised her hand on her. The brunette screamed once before someone else appeared in the crypt, tearing out the heart of the witch who was attacking her.
Elijah came to save the day.
"I thought you wanted to talk, and both Katherine and Y/N were supposed to be unharmed." he said in his legal tone, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stepped between me and Kath. The woman was as pleased with the presence of the original as I was.
"She started." Sophie pointed at me. Elijah turned to look at me. I shrugged.
"You make me." I answered her with a malicious smile.
"Y/N." the man said warningly. This noble bastard won't tell me what to do.
"Elijah. Nice to see you. Maybe you can tell us why we've been locked in some fucking tomb? Is this some kind of revenge of yours, or did we get caught in the crossfire of Mikaelson's skirmishes purely by chance?"
"I would like to know that too. You wanted to be heard. Speak, before I change my mind." he turned to the witches without changing his defensive position.
I gave Katherine a brief, knowing glance. The woman reluctantly nodded at me. Great. We have personal cannon fodder if things get hotter.
"Marcel Gerard, ruler of the city, forbade the witches of my coven to use any magic. We want your help. Especially your brother's."
"Niklaus? You have to make him go to town first. And as far as I know, she's not in the mood for any outings right now."
"Even if he gets a message from her?"
"Your mother didn't teach you not to point at people?"I growled at her as she did it again. "Besides, I didn't text… You have my phone, don't you?" I asked, realizing it was their only way of contacting the hybrid. The woman tossed me my phone with a sly smirk.
"Read." I scowled but followed her instructions anyway, wondering what it was that would make him stick his nose out of Mystic Falls.
"I need you, Klaus. New Orleans. Witches cemetery. Please help me. Yeah. I can already tell you that he won't come. We're waiting here for no reason."
"And why is that?"
"This news reeks of a damsel in distress from a mile away. I would never write to him like that. I also doubt if he even cares what happens to…" I stopped when I heard someone's scream in the distance. A man mentioned earlier had burst in with blood on his hands and lips.
Well… mistakes happen.
"Great! Now that we're all here, we can start. We need your help." The woman began to explain the whole thing about Marcel and the witches. Everything was clear except for one thing.
"And where exactly is my role in this Machiavellian plan of yours?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"And who said I would agree to it instead of just killing you all and taking Y/N out of here?"
"I can take myself and KATHERINE out, Klaus. I don't need your help."
"Oh, do you?" he took a few steps towards me to stand in front of me. I snorted, returning his dark gaze. There's no way I'll be afraid of him.
"That's how we get to the main topic." Sophie paused, catching our attention again. Klaus stood next to his brother, giving the witch his famous sinister look while he was waiting for her to continue. "You see, I have a special gift for knowing when a woman is pregnant."
"And how exactly is this fact important to us?"
"She's carrying Klaus' child."
I broke the sudden silence in the crypt with a very loud laugh.
"And you're insane or a very, very bad liar."
"I'm telling the truth! You're pregnant with his child." she tried desperately to convince us.
"Vampires can't procreate, ergo, I am not in any false pregnancy."
"Vampires can't. But werewolves can. And Klaus is both."
"That's ridiculous. Klaus, say something! She didn't tell the truth, did she?" I tried to find support from the speechless Klaus. By the way, I think it was the first time I saw him without words.
"Y/N, be quite for a second."
"What? Elijah, are you believing her?" the man responded with nothing, staring at me with a strange look.
Klaus walked over to me. He stopped a few steps in front of me, staring at my belly as if he was hypnotized.
"I can hear it." he whispered, looking at me in disbelief.
"Hear what?"
"The baby's heart."
"What? But... it's impossible." I suddenly felt my heart beating much faster, as I was unable to catch my breath properly.
"It is. Like being a hybrid or a witch without her own magic. And yet we're here. And we gonna have a baby."
"No. That's a lie. I... we... I need fresh air." I avoided the brothers standing in front of me and headed the way Klaus had come from earlier. Unfortunately, one of these witches blocked my way and grabbed my arm tightly.
"You're not going anywhere until we settle the details of our deal." right after she said that, I felt her hand being removed from me. I was pulled against someone's strong chest. The familiar smell of Klaus' perfume brought me a momentary sense of relief.
"Touch her again, and I'll make sure that's the last thing you gonna do before I take your miserable life away from you." Klaus growled, tightening his protective grip on me and scouring the present witches with a hostile glare.
"Calm down, both of you. Neither of you will have any use for her if she faints here. Klaus, take her outside. Elijah and I will take care of everything."
Klaus glanced at Elijah. His brother nodded, encouraging him to leave. The hybrid took my hand gently and led us out onto the streets of New Orleans. We stopped in a square. Klaus sat me down on a bench and knelt in front of me, carefully watching me take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm down.
When I was sure my magic wouldn't suddenly blow up the whole city, I opened my eyes tentatively to meet the vampire's concerned gaze. I swallowed, turning my eyes away from him. He was still kneeling in front of me with his hands on my lap.
"Are you better?"
"I think so." I glanced at him nervously, fiddling with the bracelets on my wrist to internally brace myself for asking the original thousand-year-old hybrid about something incredibly... stupid. "Can you... go to the one place with me?"
"Are you sure you want to go back there, love?" I shivered when I heard this familiar nickname. I missed this. Klaus misread my reaction as he shrugged off his leather jacket and covered me with it.
"Thanks. I don't want to go back there. I think, well, I need to be perfectly sure it's true that..." I stopped, unable to say the words aloud. It would have been too real then, and right now I couldn't accept even the slightest possibility.
"That we're going to be parents?"
"Yhm. Will you go with me to the gynecologist? I don't want to do this alone."
"Anything you want, love. I'll check the address." he sat next to me and started searching for the location of the nearest clinic on his phone.
As we sat together in silence, I began to wonder at the absurdity of this situation. And the improbable, rational behavior of the hybrid sitting next to me.
"Klaus?" I asked, yanking him off the phone for a moment.
"You're not... you know. Crazy about this? Or something like that. I mean... I thought you gonna ask me if it's yours, of course if it even exist, but still. You're so... calm. Like not you."
"Would you rather me to run mad around town and deny our baby?" I chuckled, imagining his lunatic walk through the streets.
"No. To be honest, I would have expected something like that than this, but it's a nice surprise. It's enough that one of us is scared to death. Thank you for keeping a cold head."
"Don't get used to it, love. C'mon. I know where to go."
In less than five minutes, we got to the building and waited in line. There were many other people in the waiting room, but what caught my attention the most was a couple sitting in the corner. Husband and wife. The woman was probably in her third trimester (or had quadruplets. God, please let me have only one if there are any.) The man whispered something tenderly into her belly, and she smiled at him with just as much adoration. Involuntarily, I imagined Klaus and myself in this situation. I glanced at the tense vampire next to me. He was also staring at the couple.
"Y/N Y/S?"
"It's me."
"Are you going alone or do you have any company, dear?"
"My boyfriend is coming with me." I said, taking Klaus' hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an amused smirk on his lips. We started walking hand in hand behind the doctor. The vampire leaned toward me.
"Boyfirend, huh?" he whispered in my ear, clearly pleased with the situation.
"Don't get used to it, love." I repeated his earlier words, trying to imitate his tone of voice. The man chuckled, politely following the doctor with me.
I had to admit that it was funny to watch Klaus in such a... strange situation. His nervous, slightly stressed demeanor gave me courage as I lay there waiting for the ultrasound results. The cold gel tickled slightly, but I gritted my teeth, waiting for the final confirmation of my fate.
"There it is. That's your baby. Congratulations!"
Klaus put his hand on my shoulder and leaned gently toward the small screen. I stared at the tiny speck as if it were enchanted. It really was happening. I will be a mother.
"Do you want to hear your baby's heartbeat?"
"Could you give us first a second alone, doctor?" Klaus spoke as he saw me still staring blankly at the screen.
"Of course. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Oh, my God. It's real. We'll have a baby." I choked out after a few seconds of silence between us.
"You took that information really quickly, love."
I punched him lightly on the shoulder, finally turning my attention to the man standing next to me.
"Stop joking with me. Aren't you scared? I mean, a few hours ago we were on the other side of the country, living our lives, and now we're looking at some stain, which is our baby. Are you that calm, or am I being dramatic?"
"Of course I'm afraid, but I know we're going to figure it out. Maybe if it were someone other than you, I would be paranoid and mad, but it's you. With you by my side? Nothing can go wrong." I burst into tears at his emotional confession. Stupid pregnancy hormones.
"Come here, you idiot." I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him. "I hope Katherine got our things back."
"Yes. Speaking about her..." he said, moving away from me to look at my face.
"She is staying with me and you're not going to kill her." I said it in a tone that left no room for any objection. It's been 500 years; whatever conflict there was between them should be over by now.
"Absolutely not."
"Yes? So be prepared that if this little one is a girl, she'll be named after aunt Katherine, who couldn't be there for her mom because her dad is acting like he's on his period."
"You know you've been pregnant for a few hours, and you're already using it against me?" he asked resignedly. The grimace on his face was a clear sign of my victory.
"Get used to it. You're stuck with me for a while."
"I think I can work with that. Let's go home. I think uncle Elijah and Katherine will want to see the first photo of the newest member of the Mikaelson family."
*Two months leter*
"Good morning, Y/N"
"Morning Elijah." I grunted from my book, never taking my eyes off the text I was reading.
"Have you eaten yet? Want me to make you pancakes?"
"Actually..." I didn't have time to answer, because an extremely happy hybrid came out of the kitchen with a large tray on which was my breakfast.
Elijah looked at his brother in disbelief as he sat comfortably next to me on the couch and began feeding me with a fork while I continued to read my book as if nothing had happened.
"Niklaus. Can you explain?" his brother was shifting his bewildered gaze between us.
"His werewolf hormones tell him to look after me. So when I told him I wasn't having breakfast today because I didn't want to stand in this heat by the stove, he made it his morning's main goal to make me a decent meal. At least Marcel and the witches will get some rest from him today."
"Werewolf hormones?" very amused Kol entered the living room, staring at the hybrid with a malicious smirk.
"Yes, brother. Werewolf hormones." Klaus' cool tone caught my attention away from the book.
"Of course... your werewolf hormones. So that's what they call it now. Just don't flood Y/N with this sudden tenderness, or the girl will get scared and run away from you again." before Klaus could make any move towards his younger brother, I grabbed his hand and moved him so that I could get more comfortable on his chest.
"He is weird." I commented as I took a grape from the bowl and popped it into Klaus' mouth, much to Elijah's astonishment.
"Weird? No. Just a little joker. I have to go now. I'll meet you later, Niklaus. Please, don't start without me."
"Do I want to know what he was talking about?" I asked, giving him a curious look.
"It depends. Will you get angry?"
"If it has to do with that teenage witch, Davina, that your adopted son treats like a daughter? Probably." his silence was an answer enough. I pulled away from him, eyeing him disapprovingly.
"Yes, love?"
"Promise me you're not going to hurt her."
"And what does it matter? I'm not Elijah, how sure are you that I'll keep my word?" my angry look, however, fortunately made him give up. "Alright. She'll be fine." he sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Thank you. On the way back, you can stop by the store and buy me more chocolate and ice cream."
"As you wish."
He got up from the couch, placed a quick kiss on my already-showing belly, and left the living room, passing Rebekah as she entered. His sister looked at me curiously.
"What?" I asked, fed up with her penetrating gaze.
"Nothing. You two seemd very... compatible with each other. I'm impressed."
"Well, he's the father of my baby. We have to get along. For the baby's sake, it's best if we're friends."
"Surely." she hummed, completely unconvinced.
"Rebekah. What do you mean?"
"I mean that "just friends" wouldn't act that way. My brother never treated anyone with such affection. He's doing everything he can to impress you. For a bloody hell, he even changed his plan to take over the city for you!"
"She is right." Katherine walked past her and threw herself on the couch next to me. "He does everything he can think of to make you fall in love with him. For example, that "almost date" at the best restaurant in New Orleans last week. Or the fact that you've been given unlimited access to his credit cards, safes, stashes of clothes, and God knows what else. Or that weekend out of town so you could relax. Do you think they seriously didn't have a second room with two beds in the hotel?"
"Nik used the one bed trope? He's even more desperate than I previously thought." Rebekah snorted as she poured herself a glass of whiskey.
"Even if what you say is true, which I doubt, I have no intention of changing anything. Klaus and I work well as friends, and for the sake of this child, we will continue to be them so."
"So you don't love him back?" Rebekah questioned, coming to me, so she could stay in front of me. Her evaluative look somehow made me feel guilty.
"It doesn't matter what I want or feel. The most important thing for me is my child and I will do everything to ensure at least a little normality for them. If Klaus and I tried to be together and it didn't work out... At least this child deserves reasonably normal parents."
"What if you were happy together and created a loving family? Wouldn't that be better for everyone?"
"It's not worth the risk, Bekah." I replied, getting up from the couch to escape the inconvenient conversation with the original vampire.
"Risk of what?"
Losing him.
I didn't answer as I left the room. I decided to hide in the library for the rest of the day and try to forget the doubts the blonde had stirred up in me.
But my wild imagination did not give up so easily. I began to consider a possible relationship with Klaus. Despite what I told the girls, I wasn't blind to Klaus'… flirtatious remarks and behavior. I saw every long, stolen glance at me, every quick look at my lips during any conversation, and most of all, the longing shining in his eyes that was so similar to mine and that I somehow managed to hide from him.
I wanted to spend my life with him. But I also knew that I'm not enough to keep him away from his scheming and fighting for power. For the good of this baby, I had to be content with being his formal one-night stand and friend at best. Even if my heart yearned for him every single day.
Thinking about my unattainable future, I didn't even notice when I got to the library. But I certainly saw two people kissing in the room.
Klaus and Camille. At least he cleared up all my doubts.
I was probably the only one who noticed how my heart shattered into a million pieces. At least until Klaus pulled away from her, confused, and spotted me in the doorway.
"Y/N." he whispered, terrified.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt… I'll leave you alone."
"No! Y/N, wait!" he shouted, trying to get to me, but before he got even a step closer, I used my magic to teleport myself to a New Orleans street.
I leaned against the building next to me as the first post-teleport symptoms started to hit me and my head started spinning a bit. I shouldn't have done it while being pregnant, but well… I couldn't stay in the same room with these two any longer.
Once I had recovered, I decided to order myself a hot chocolate and sit with it in the park to collect my thoughts. I had to come up with some clever, eloquent way out of this predicament. And most of all, refrain from crying.
Thinking about this situation, after all, everything happened as I wanted. Klaus had found someone else to adore, so I could stop worrying about the deterioration of my relationship with the Mikaelsons.
We would be friends.
Just as I wished.
The only problems were my stupid broken heart and festering feelings of jealousy.
I wiped a tear running down my cheek with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I shook my head, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Something that stupid couldn't get me off balance. I had to be strong. If not for myself, then at least for this little one.
My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pants pocket and glanced at the screen to see the photo of Klaus sleeping with me on the couch that I had set as his contact picture.
I remembered that night. It was one of the first month at the Mikaelson Mansion and also my favorite.
"Can't sleep?" Klaus stepped out of the shadows to stand in front of the fireplace, which flames I had been staring at earlier.
"Not even tried."
"May I?" he asked, pointing to the blanket that covered me. I nodded, opening the hem so he could slip into the space next to me. He put his arm around me, moving us into a more comfortable position. One of his hands automatically went to my slightly rounded belly. I sighed, resting my head against his shoulder, and returned to staring at the flames of the fire. "What's bothering you?"
"Remember when Tyler kidnapped me and…"
"Please tell me you're not going to lecture me again about how I shouldn't have attacked Elijah." he interrupted me with a groan of displeasure.
"I'm not, but your brother didn't deserve this. Even if he was talking some shit about you. You knew I would never believe it."
"You wouldn't?"
"Of course not. You always try to protect your family, not always in a good way, I have to admit, but still, I know you would never use your own child for your games. I trust you." he tightened his grip on me and cleared his throat.
"It's good to know you're at least on my side, love."
"Your siblings too. If you'd just let them in, maybe you'd see it too, but that's a topic for another time."
"I know better ways to spend my free time with you, love. One of them brought us to this situation." he smiled slyly, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Very funny, but we have to talk about something serious."
"I'm sorry. What are you thinking about?"
"Have you ever thought about whether there is a chance for our child to be… a tribrid?"
"Tribrid?" he asked, confused, stopping to play with my hair.
"You know. You're half vampire, half werewolf; I'm a witch, siphon, but still… Can our baby inherit all of this from us?"
"They might as well only have the gene of a werewolf, a witch, a vampire, or a hybrid. I think all options are possible. Maybe in my mother's grimoire we can find the answer to that question. These books are as old as the world."
"You can include the birth of a miracle baby in your search. I hope we won't summon a demon into the world." I joked, turning slightly to look at his face again.
"I thought you already knew that the demon has been walking around this world for a long time, and you're cuddling with him on the couch. By the way, it's our search."
"Our? You seriously want to just give me access to your mother's precious books? The same ones that have so much knowledge inside them that you won't let any other witch see them whole, or even your siblings?" I was shocked. I would never in my life expect something like this from him, but on the other hand, he has done astonishing things many times before.
"You're different."
"Like how?"
"I trust you."
"You did?" I whispered after a few seconds of silence. Those words were more striking than three others of equal importance he might have said to me. Klaus doesn't trust people that easily, I think he falls in love with them more often…
"You wouldn't be the first to hear about all my plans if I didn't. Besides, you're the mother of my heir..."
"Keep treating your family like a fucking dynasty, and you'll have to buy me a crown and my own castle." I cut him off when I heard that horrible term for our baby.
"Why do you need a castle when you already have your throne, love?"
"You're impossible." I chuckled at this awful attempt at flirting.
"That's why you like me."
"Maybe." I yawned suddenly, unaware of how tired I was. I felt the hybrid's soft, warm lips against my hair before both the blanket cocoon and his grip tightened around me.
"Sleep. I'll stay with you and I will chase away your nightmares."
"How did you know?" I asked, feeling him gently brush away the strands of hair that had fallen over my eyes.
"I know you. Besides, I can hear everything through these thin walls. I would rather hear your screams for other reasons than nightmares."
"Only yours." I heard as if through a haze before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The next day, Katherine found us sleeping together and took a picture of us. One of my favorites.
Before I could answer the phone, I felt someone snatch it from my hand, and something hit my head at breakneck speed, knocking me out. Stupid witches.
~A few hours later~
I was kneeling in front of the crib that Katherine and Rebekah had set up after the whole witches' fiasco. After those damn witches kidnapped me, they cast some strange spell on me and the baby to speed up her (as it turned out) growth and thus her birth.
A few hours ago, I was a human pregnant with a hybrid. Now I was a heretic, the mother of the thyrbid, the most powerful creature on earth.
I guess life with the Mikaelsons was all about sudden, unexpected changes. At least they weren't boring.
Elijah, Kol, Klaus, and Marcel were running around the city, killing the last witches who had allied with Esther. Rebekah and Katherine have been delegated to look after me and the baby until the boys get the hang of the situation. A bit sexist, but I didn't have the energy to argue about it. Not after I so impressively returned to the graveyard and killed half the coven.
After feeding on the blood from the bag, the girls gave me a moment alone with my sleeping daughter. Her first day in this world, and she was already trying to get killed.
"Y/N." Klaus' tired sigh snapped me out of my thoughts. For the first time in hours, I shifted my gaze to something other than my daughter and met a face as tired and bloodstained as mine.
"Hi." he knelt uncertainly beside me, glancing at the baby sleeping in the cradle.
"She is beautiful. So similar to you." he whispered softly, afraid he would wake her up at any moment.
"She has a look of the devil in her eyes. That's all you."
The girl stirred in her sleep, as if hearing us talk about her. Two loving, child-infatuated looks appeared on Klaus' and mine's faces.
"She needs a name. You made a decision?"
"I was thinking about Zoe and Caitlyn. But I think we both know that Katherine Jr. is the best fit for her."
"God no." I chuckled, trying not to wake the baby after seeing his terrified look..
"Got a counterproposal?"
"Hope. That's actually nice. Hope Mikaelson."
"What? Are you not the father?" I asked teasingly.
"I'm but... I thought you'd want her to have your last name."
"Mikaelson suits her better." I replied with a shrug.
"Well, then I guess it will be Hope Y/N Mikaelson." I smiled at him, resting my head tiredly on his shoulder. We both stared in awe at the new member of the Mikaelson family.
"How did you come to that? Hope?"
"With Elijah's little help. When I found you… dead. Elijah said that I ruined our family's last hope by making out with this bartender, which, by the way, is not exactly true."
"No. Let me finish. I've never been so helpless and scared in all my life as I was a few hours ago. Never, not even in the worst, darkest moments of my life, have I been so broken, so despairing, than when I held your dead body. Whatever you think now, whatever you feel, the truth has to be told. I love you. I've loved you since the first time I saw you, and each day only brings me closer to you. You're the only one who can make me so mad, terrified, or happy. You taught me unconditional love, and even if you don't share my feelings, I want you to know that you completely changed me. It will be my life's purpose to make sure that our daughter and you are safe and satisfied." I stared at him with tears in my eyes, listening to his touching confession.
"I was so mad at you and Camille, but... I can't blame her; falling for you is as easy as breathing. Not when I did it a long time ago."
"You did?"
"Yes. And I don't want to hide it anymore. I can't hide it anymore. As I turned into vampire, everything I feel for you since all this time is more intensive. My desires, my love, and my longing - I feel them so much that I can't even imagine spending one more hour without your words, touch, or kiss. I don't want to live in a world where we're just friends. So if you promise that this is forever, then I..."
Klaus cut me off, pulling me into a longing, long-expected, passionate kiss. I moaned into his mouth, pulling him as close as possible by the strands of his hair. At one point, I bit his lip until it bled. My new ability was immediately activated. My fangs slid out of my gums by themselves, digging into his lip and sucking more of his delicious, sweet blood. We broke apart when we were completely out of breath. Klaus licked his lips, staring lustfully at my black-veined face and bloody mouth.
"I promise. You're mine. For always and forever, love."
"And you're mine. For always and forever."
"Aw... Congratulations, Nik! It only took you one child to make her yours. I thought it would take you at least three." Kol suddenly appeared in the doorway, interrupting our moment.
Klaus growled at him and threw the baby monitor at his brother. Kol dodged at the last second and tossed the device back at him, sticking out his tongue before he ran as fast as his legs could take him. I giggled, drawing the hybrid into a tender kiss.
Yeah, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
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baiabay · 5 months
No Role Modelz (ATSV Black Cat Variant! Reader Insert)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Current Chapter
Chapter 6
^^links 2 chapters!! this story is also on ao3, wattpad, and quotev under the same name
Chapter Five: A Villain Worth Fighting
You flinched as guitar strings screeched in your ears. The thump thump thumps of heavy boots prompted you to dart your eyes around the room, though you couldn’t quite find the source of the sound. Just as you started to convince yourself you were imagining things, a blur of neon colours dashed past you, crashing into the barrier Miles had been trying so hard to break earlier. 
The neon blur posed dramatically before The Spot, summoning a bright smile on the masked faces of Gwen and Pav. The colourful figure reached to strike what looked like to be an electric guitar -  a heavy musical note rang in the air. Before you could comment, Gwen piped up in your right ear. “Hobie!”  
Pav, on your left. “Hobie, my guy!” 
It seemed both you and Miles were on the same wavelength regarding the presence of this new ‘Hobie’ character, speaking up simultaneously. “Hobie?”
“Look at that,” The Spot spoke up. “Another one. I love how many… variations of you guys there are, I mean…” 
You squinted, taking in the form of the new Spider-hero. You couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was but something with his chaotic…nature? Appearance? … Accent? Whatever it was, consider your interest piqued. It didn’t help that you were a stickler for shiny things either - you caught your fingers twitching at the thought of plucking one of those silver pins off his vest…cashing it in maybe…(Are they vintage? I wonder how much they’d be worth…)
Shaking yourself out of your klepto-manic stupor, you instinctively reached for your hook, flinging yourself forward along with Gwen and Pav, dodging attacks Spot had begun to throw at your group. You opted to focus most of your energy on landing whip-lashes on the spotted villain… yet you managed to pick up on the murmurings of the now four young heroes on the other side of the room. 
“...bleedin’ from the armpits?”
“Miles, Hobie. Hobie, Miles.”
“Hi, I’ve never heard of you because Gwen barely ever mentions you…”
“You’re the younger from sixteen-ten, right? And who do you reckon that’s supposed to be, Gwendy?”
“Not…really sure yet, actually.”
In the midst of your eavesdropping, you paused. It just now hit you that you never actually told these people who you were. Granted, there hasn’t really been an appropriate time to give a friendly introduction given the fact that Spot has been cons-
A sharp cry left your lips as Gwen slammed suddenly into your face, landing ungracefully on top of you. She seemed to have popped out of nowhere, Spot’s voids leaving the two of you in a tangled mess of limbs and possibly broken noses. Before any apologies could make their way out of either of your mouths, you felt the ground give out - your stomach drop. Falling through a void, you barely had time to collect your bearings before you were slammed into a desk back-first. 
“Y’all make a heck of a team.” Spot teased. “Team?” You mumbled groggily, dizzily reaching for your whip. 
“I don’t believe in teams-” Hobie croaked out, squirming in Spot’s crushing grip alongside Miles. “...Aren’t you in a team?” 
Spot was cocky. He moved with ease, an air in his step as he flung the group around. Not even bothering to deliver actual blows, Spot depended on throwing around blackened portals, disorienting you all to no end. As best as you could, you kept your eyes trained on Spot. In the corner of your peripheral, Hobie, Gwen, and Pav groaned, piled over each other. A clear product of Spot’s doing. 
“This is gonna be good for us, Spider-Man.” Spot stepped once, twice towards Miles. Your body reacted before your mind did, and you found your arm reeling back, striking a lash of your whip in the villains' direction before you could think. He caught it, of course. Not once stuttering, not once releasing his grip, not once pulling his gaze away from Miles.
“You, and me, we’re finally gonna live up to our potential.”
Whirring. Ringing. Growing louder and louder in your ears-
“You’ll finally have a villain worth fighting.”
He still hasn’t let go. In fact, he’s starting to pull you in-
“And I won't be just a JOKE to you!”
A crescendo, into a blast. It knocked you and the others back a significant distance, leaving the end of your whip in the crushing grip of Spot. Your head buzzed violently, and the tips of your fingers tingled from the burn of being dragged across the floor. Your vision spun, and you found yourself blinking frantically in hopes of clearing your fog. A soft clack sounded out before you, and only once your eyes cleared did you recognize it as your whip. Tilting your head upwards, your eyes caught Spot, playfully waving to the group, floating towards the collider. 
For the umpteenth time that day, you found yourself acting out before knowing what you were doing. In the back of your mind, you wondered why you were doing this, why you were helping them.
Don’t you remember what he did to Dad?
Nevertheless, your stubbornness powered through. Pushing past the aches, the way your body screamed for rest, you flicked your wrist, wrapping the tip of your whip around The Spots’ center. You pulled like your life depended on it. The salty sting of tears began to prickle in the corner of your eyes. Spot pulled back. He was strong. He was about to drag you over the edge. It hurt. Your fingers hurt, your hands hurt, your arms hurt, you really wanted to let go. You had to let go until-
“You’re not a joke!”
A coil of web around your waist kept you suspended in the air, between The Spot’s pull and the grip of Miles. 
“Right gang?”
“Absolutely,” “Completely unamusing.” “I don’t believe in comedy!... Just kidding!”
“See, no one here thinks you’re a joke!”
Spot slowly lowered his head. For a second you thought some progress was being made. Until he raised his arm and-
You flew back, along with the others. You couldn’t stop it. Spot continued his float towards the violent innards of the collider. The machine rumbled, then paused. Quiet, as if it had never been activated in the first place. You untensed, slouching over as you huffed out a heavy sigh. “It’s over, right?” A soft laugh left Pav’s lips. “Seems like it- looks just like another easy adventure for Spider Ma-” 
A frantic choir of ‘no’s interrupted Pav’s relaxed sentiments. You didn’t even have time to act confused before you were hit with another blast. This one ten times stronger than the last. Thankfully, Gwen managed to shoot a few webs in your direction, softening the blow of what could’ve been a harsh landing. In front of you, you heard Miles groan. 
“What…was that?”
“Our future.”
You recognized that tone. You recognized that it meant you had to get the hell out of there. 
“I’m gonna take everything from you like you took everything from me.”
You took slow steps towards Miles, trying your best to hide the way your hands trembled when you moved. “Miles, we need to leave.”
“See you back home, Spider-man.”
You watched with furrowed brows as Miles shook and panted in a way that was very familiar to you. You wished you could do something. Comfort him the way he did when you encountered Spot- but there was no time for that. The walls were crumbling. You grabbed his arm, forcing him off the ground. “Miles, hey. He’s gone, it’s alright.” You tried to speak words of encouragement to him, but he showed no reaction, gazing right through you. “Liven up mate,” Hobie spoke. “We’ve got to go.” 
Miles, still out of it, barely budged. Above the two of you, a large piece of the ceiling was falling fast. Gwen reached for Miles’ free arm and started sprinting, narrowly missing the rubble. On the other side of the room, Pav used his web to pull your form towards him, opting to grip your wrist while he ran towards the buildings’ exit. 
Bounding through the halls of the facility, you all managed to make it to the building's balcony, looking down upon the chaos that had begun to stir in the city below. Pav let go of your hand to hunch over and grip his head. With a swift pat on his back, Miles deducted the game plan.
“We’ll clear the path. You slow down that building.” He and the others wasted no time, leaping off the balcony, diving headfirst into the disarray that stirred under you all. “Cat, you follow my lead!” He yelled, now airborne. 
“Wh-” You hesitated. Your heart was running a mile a minute in your chest. ‘What the hell did I get into?’ You thought. You didn’t do this. You didn’t save people. The Black Cat was a selfish, egotistical, chaotic antagonist. That’s how it’s supposed to be. No matter how much you want it to change. You sighed, debating turning the other way. You were tired, bruised, even. Plus, it would’ve been best to not meddle in this Spider-business you clearly had no place in - yet, everything in your being screamed for you to follow. 
You hesitated, you sighed, you jumped. 
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Why do you love Peter Parker? Do you think he deserves to be happy? (I want him to but no pressure, I’m just curious about what you think)
Peter Parker the light of my life, the gold in the sky and the glimmer at night, my inspiration, my gem, the ache in my heart.
I love Peter because for one he is so nerdy and sarcastic. I adore how quick-witted he is; like obviously he's a genius in physics and chemistry (and just in general), but being able to come up with funny remarks and stabbing insults while in the middle of a fight genuinely makes him so intelligent. And also when he uses his intellect IN a fight, like with Dr. Strange and geometry in the mirror dimension. Don't get me started on comic book Peter because he's created technology worth billions and at times outsmarted Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Hank Pym... he's just insane. 
I also just adore how geeky and awkward he is. He may be an insanely cool and beloved superhero but he also stutters when he talks to girls, geeks over Star Wars, and builds computers for fun. Peter Parker has superhuman reflexes but will also trip over his own feet. It's just incredibly endearing.
Personally I like Tom Holland's Peter the most because of how young and goofy he is. I want to see him be awkward, weird, shy, young, stupid. I enjoy seeing the contrast of inexperience and extreme power he possesses when in battle. It also makes the angst more delicious because that's a literal baby who's just been stabbed, crushed, beaten and bruised. 
The sheer New York of him too. Accent, attitude, proud and polite. He is a friendly neighbourhood hero! He watches out for the little guy! I feel like it's not something we see with many heroes. They usually focus on the big issues and major villains, but Peter is willing to help old ladies cross the street or prevent muggings. It's really sweet and simple. And when New York repays the favour? Top tier!!! He is the people's princess <3. I love that for him it's all worth it- every single person, citizen, problem. It's worth his time. 
Then there's his morality and self-control. One thing about Peter is that he's insanely strong and deadly. He's constantly holding himself back because he doesn't want to kill anybody. So in every fight not only is he battling the sensory overwhelm and keeping track of his enemies attacks, but he's also remembering to hold back his punches and kicks. He's vocally anti-murder and that's always been a really strong theme for him. It's what makes the moments where he does consider murder so much heavier. If a man who's constantly performing self-control and actively choosing to not do harm is pushed so far as to end a life? Terrifying. Peter chooses good over and over again; he spares the villain, sides with redemption, finds the solution- he chooses peace. I enjoy that for all the joyful, sweet, and bright energy he brings, there's this deep rageful darkness within him. The moments it shines through really remind us of how much wrath and trauma he really possesses.
In every universe Peter loses the things he loves most and still somehow keeps moving forward, finds the courage to still be Spider-Man. I think it says a lot about him that he can be beaten and broken so many times and still come out virtuous. His optimism, that hunger and responsibility for good? Just unmatched. So eager to do what's right that it ends up being his hamartia. It's actually pretty beautiful. 
And at the end of the day, Peter Parker is selfless. The hurt, loss, risks. All he does is give and give to make sure others are safe. He'll give up his own opportunities and happiness for the greater good every single time. He's an absolute sweetheart who will never pick himself. That's why I love Peter Parker.
So do I think he DESERVES happiness? UM, NOBODY DESERVES IT MORE THAN HIM. He's done so much for everyone, he's more than earned some happiness in return. He deserves to be happy and healthy for the rest of his life, to be at MIT with his best friends, in love, to have parental figures that DON'T DIE. 
Now do I WANT him to be happy... let's just say he looks really pretty in red and blue.
I want my man bloody and bruised, red rimmed eyes and voice cracking over tears. He's my favourite person in the universe and unfortunately for him I love angst so... yes I want him happy so he can then be sad again >:). No but seriously he deserves to be happy but bro can not catch a break (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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epiclamer · 1 year
^^^ this very draft has been sitting in my inbox since before I knew your name. I’ve been waiting a long time my love <3 enjoyyyyy
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Plane Crash
When the plane tumbled down, so did Villains whole world. It had started with a bit of turbulence, something the pilot had assured them was just fine and completely normal—much to the villain’s suspicion—but now it had escalated.
The plane’s condition was that of car ride down a rocky mountain. The seatbelt light hadn’t turned off once.
Slowly the flight attendants disappeared behind curtained sections, taking with them any whispers of reassurance.
People left bouncing in their seats and fumbling through the halls as they clasped to anything for dear life. It was starting to seem less and less okay.
Villain’s fear of planes did not help ease their racing mind.
They were going to die here.
“You’re not going to die here. Everybody please remain calm and seated while we head through this turbulent spot.”
If they were being honest, not even the pilot sounded sure of themselves. A slight quiver of panic could be heard through the loudspeakers in the plane.
Fastening their belt tighter around their waist, the villain gripped at the two armrests until their knuckles went white. Still, their attempts could do nothing to stop the clacking of their teeth as the plane swooped down again for a moment, pulling itself back up before the screaming in the seats begun.
But it wouldn’t be long before it was unstoppable.
People were getting nervous. Nervous people in a box trapped in the sky sounded like hell on earth to the criminal. They would even admit to being nervous themselves.
Taking a deep breath, Villain decided to take this moment to distract themselves, eyes scanning through the crowd of people that surrounded them. Maybe someone else had a good strategy for staying collected.
First they noticed a couple of teenagers, too consumed with their tacky movie to notice the bustling around them. Then a mother, clearly pregnant and sweating in gross amounts. An elderly couple, holding hands with their heads leaned back to the sky as if they were praying.
They probably were. It wasn’t a bad idea right now.
However, no matter how many people Villain watched, they couldn’t get their mind off of one.
A ridiculous thought to begin with. Villain would’ve slapped themselves in the face if they weren’t fearing for their imminent death.
But it was their only thought.
Their cocky smirk, their laugh, their nonchalantness, their dragging feet, their burden-heavy shoulders, their tired eyes, their slight accent.
Including under their suit…
Villain shook their head, trying to clear their thoughts. Having such lustful desires for their nemesis was disgusting.
But hey, they were probably going to die in five minutes so what did it matter?
The villain stopped breathing again, they wanted to pretend like this didn’t affect them one bit. They were never good with pretend. They had always been told they were too logic oriented.
They cursed their luck now. They needed someone, anyone, to be optimistic. Optimistic like their hero.
Fuck, they needed to send a text.
Flipping open their phone in a second, they knew it was no good, their screen lighting up as they clicked on Hero’s number. Fingers ready to write and mind filled with words.
Yet, nothing came out.
What were they even supposed to say? Hello? Goodbye? How are you? Care to plan my funeral?
In this situation what was sociably acceptable to send to your greatest enemy? Anything? Nothing?
They were so frustrated. Why wasn’t this easy? The villain was practically pulling the covers over on their death bed and they didn’t have any final words for their biggest crush?
Stupid, stupid, stupid. This was all stupid.
Their fingers worked without their brain, typing a few words before hitting send and shutting off their phone. The villain slid it back into their pocket as they relaxed as best as they could. Squeezing their eyes closed to best escape their situation.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the storm has past and we are heading for a smooth landing now. Thank you for your cooperation.”
The occupants cheered louder than anything the villain had ever heard before. Causing their own mini turbulence from inside the plane with the ruckus as they screamed and jumped. Hugging and crying and Villain was in the arms of strangers and they didn’t even care.
They were just so relieved.
As the people settled down and the plane came in to land, Villain felt their phone buzz in their pocket. Seeing a new message from Hero as they opened it up just to feel their heart sink.
It was nothing but a simple, “what?”. But Villain would never be able to explain just why they had sent “I love you.”
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stellar-imagines · 1 year
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝Todoroki with U.S transfer student.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Todoroki Shouto ] 
「Headcanons of Todoroki with S/O―a new transfer student from US who’s both smart and has a strong quirk.」
♤ Our local stoic boy, Todoroki, doesn’t get excited over the news of a transfer student. He’s indifferent, and only sees potential competition instead of a potential friend. But he can’t lie how you caught his attention with your accent. It wasn’t hard to tell that you were definitely an overseas student. And from that instant, everyone was all over you. But for Todoroki, it takes him a while for him to fully accept you as his friend and classmate.
♤ However, Todoroki isn't someone who warms up to people and he usually keeps to himself. He's not the type to take the initiative so you would have to be the one making the first move. You mingled in with the class almost perfectly but find it hard to converse with your newfound friends due to the language barrier. Todoroki admits that it is cute when you stumble over words and speak in broken Japanese. You’re a smart student despite the language barrier. 
♤ Most of the time he trains alone but ever since you came, he finds himself training together with you. The more he spends his time with you, he starts to realize how much he enjoys your company. You started out as friends and eventually became close friends through a lot of training and study sessions together. Todoroki is genuinely surprised at how smart and strong you were. It was safe to say that you could actually beat him in a serious fight. He finds himself learning more about fighting from you.
♤ He wasn't sure when he caught feelings for you. Honestly, Todoroki does not even realize and thought that it was just normal as your close friend. It wasn't until someone pointed it out that he realized. Initially, he denies having a crush on you. However when he starts liking the way you laugh, how your eyes light up, he knows that he can't deny it any longer. To top it all off, conversations with you got longer and his actions got a bit more intimate. Not to mention, he craves being close to you at all times.
♤ Isn't surprised when you're considered one of the top students in 1-A. You have proven yourself countless of times during villain ambushes, able to single-handedly overpower and immobilize highly capable villains. There was one incident where Todoroki and you were invovled in a villain attack, and he can't help but occassionally glance at you to make sure you're fine. Not that he doubted your abilities, but he was just worried.
♤ When he decides to ask you out, he didn't plan it that well because it was a very impromptu thought and he just went with it. It was when he was helping you with some homework and just casually asks if you wanted to do something on tthe weekend. Todoroki eventually knew about your feelings when you accepted and admitted that you were waiting for him to make the first move. He admits how he has never really asked anyone on a date and that study session became a date planning session instead.
Total: 518 words Published: 19.01.2023
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adriensaltprompts · 29 days
Submitted prompt: A Third Option
Léonce, a young teen from French Africa, found the Fish Miraculous from the old concept art and has been using it to be a superhero when the need arises back home. When their family moves to Paris, they immediately step up to help Ladybug. Hawkmoth poses such a big danger to the world that Léonce works through their social anxiety to try to offer backup despite that… and Chat Noir 1. misgenders Léonce, insisting they’re a he (Chat Noir/Adrien thinks of being nonbinary as an AFAB only thing) and 2. insists that the other Miraculous user needs to back off ‘his girl’.
Ladybug is disgusted on two different fronts. Firstly, she’s not dating him, and secondly, it’s abhorrent to her that anyone would misgender someone even after they’ve stated their pronouns (in French, Léonce goes by iel/iels or on/ons but not by strictly binary pronouns like il/ils or elle/elles).
She’s already in a bad mood the next day at school when Léonce is introduced to the class and Adrien misuses their pronouns there, too. It’s during that day where she puts two things together.
The first is that Adrien’s defense of himself/statements about nonbinary people are word-for-word Chat Noir’s takes.
The second is that Léonce is a nonbinary AMAB black person speaking with an African francais accent who’s skinny and has a gap in their teeth, a combination so specific that it can only mean she’s looking at the Fish Miraculous user.
Now that she’s had the realization Chat Noir is Adrien, and she knows Léonce’s other identity, she has options. She can choose a new partner. She can talk to Chat Noir about how ridiculous it is to accuse an agender aroace person of wanting to ‘steal’ anyone and how gross it is to imply Léonce is lying about their identity (the pins on their jacket are not for show).
She can sit Léonce down while in Ladybug form and apologize for accidentally figuring out their identity but explain how Chat Noir’s harassment is making the fight against Hawkmoth harder and she could use the help, even if he’s not onboard.
Really, the author can take this a hundred directions from here. The salient point is to have an “another Miraculous user appears” plot where the new character isn’t romantically involved with anyone and we don’t default to “Marinette’s partner as Ladybug should also be her dating partner”.
Léonce and Marinette do not need to be romantically involved with anyone to be heroes or have complete character arcs, even if the show seems to insist romance is mandatory. “Should Marinette be with Luka or Adrien?” Marinette can be with no one and be happy, actually. We’re taking a third option.
Bonus points if even minor villains like Lila or Chloé respect Léonce’s pronouns because, while they are assholes, some things are just repugnant even to them. This definitely kills their crushes on Adrien. It’s hard to be into someone who’s just running around being a bigot for no damn reason all the time.
Submitted by anonymous.
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Flufftober 2023
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Day 21: Accidental Confession/ Crush squeeing over them [Reader x Sir Nighteye (Mirai Sasaki)] {My Hero Academia}
Hero Galas could be rather boring, but necessary for proper networking. Sadly enough. Not that Nighteye minded in the slightest, it was possibly the one event where he wore a slightly more professional suit and dropped his usual polka-dot tie for a sleeker one.
Though even this one had a hidden joke element to it, a small flower on the knot that could spray water... if he ever remembered to fill the squeeze bottle with water in the first place.
Regardless, Nighteye was merely wandering around, joining conversations for a brief moment and moving on. He ran an intelligence agency, mostly underground work. It was normal for him to have not only a large network of more spotlight Pros, but also for him to be overlooked... constantly.
Which meant tonight was more about him helping other Pros find one another and possibly start working together. At least, that's what he had settled on until one voice reached his ears.
"Honestly, yes."
You were standing with a couple Pro Heroes Nighteye didn't fully recognize, but you looked just... so perfect. The colors of your outfit reflecting your hero uniform, which accented your hair and eyes so perfectly.
But Nighteye didn't want to get too close, he was well aware that he adored you for more reasons than he would ever care to let on. He also knew that attempting to date would be a nightmare from the press to the working together to the social pressure the two of you might face should one or the other become villainized for dating someone deemed 'outside their league'.
That wouldn't stop him from being polite, but Nighteye didn't want to risk any of that just because he had a crush on you.
"He's extremely professional, very driven, result-oriented." You were listing off someone's qualities, "He might seem intense or intimidating, but he does like a good joke, people with high energy and enthusiasm. And if he doesn't think he can do the job, he has a massive backlog of other Pros that can and will help."
"You two work together often then?" One of the heroes asked, "Or at least... you take advantage of the fact that he has so many connections?"
The way you hummed, "No, I wouldn't say I'm taking advantage of Nighteye. After all, I usually return the favor if he calls on me to help someone else. But yes, we do work together fairly often. Like I said, he's nice, polite, a little sweet once you get past the serious businessman exterior. And above all else, he's reliable."
"A little sweet?" Another joked, "Are you sure? He looks like he could steal souls. Or maybe you just have a crush on him and he's picked up on that?"
Nighteye thought he was blushing because of how highly you were praising him. But the way you were sputtering out an answer, color rising on your face, maybe he had very little to worry about. At least, if you two could keep your relationship 'under the table' so to speak.
Though that wasn't very likely, you were such a popular hero. And in Nighteye's opinion, you deserved that level of fame.
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grimm-tales-gamer · 2 months
Fallen Hero: Sidestep 4
I find it funny that this sidestep has the same motivation and scar as Iconoclast, yet they couldn’t be more different.
Name: Clara Dubois
Gender: female she/they
Villain name: Icarus
Villainous role: hero hunter (prepare them)
Motivation: fate
Scar: suicide (third in a row? Geez)
Reason for gala: destroy the sidestep exhibit
Where is she now?: hanging out. Innocent and free.
   Clara is a really fun sidestep to play. She (besides *maybe* sidestep 2 aka Daniel) is my most heroic sidestep. She believes that it’s eventual that the heroes of Los Diablos will clash with the farm and the threat that is coming. The city and its people will not suffer on account of her inaction. So she fights the heroes, never kills, helps civilians, donates to charity (what need does she have for that much money), and even robs from villains to have a flush fund if ever she needs it.
   She has a pretty good relationship with everyone, except maybe Argent and Mortum, and has a huge crush on Julia Ortega while also dating Herald. She told Julia though.. with a kiss as well as words. A conversation that Clara, Herald, and Ortega are going to need to have.
   Despite love being in the air Clara is not doing hot. She has issues she isn’t properly working through and believes it’s probably her fate to die during this “war”. She doesn’t believe she is a good person and worries about hurting the ones she loves.. more than she already has. She hurt Mortum when admitting the truth. She is afraid of hurting Ortega and Herald both physically in a fight (again) and emotionally for having feelings for both of them. I’m actually worried for her; her scar keeps getting worse and her motivation is dropping little by little. We’ll have to see what happens.
Man, another downer. How about some fun facts?:
Clara speaks several languages and actually enjoys learning new ones and keeping up with the ones she already knows.
There is only one language she tried to learn and dropped. Vietnamese. All those tenses and slight changes in tone meaning a thousand things drove her mad. She won’t touch it again.
Loves Vietnamese food though.
Learned how to cook after her second escape. Ortega may not believe her though.. Clara did almost burn her apartment down last time so.
Loves the color red, and will try to always wear something red.
Teases a lot. And is actually funny. She tries to never be straight up mean with it.
Used to play a lot of poker for actual money. She’s good and not just because of her telepathy.
She has used her telepathy to cheat though and was banned from playing with the other rangers. She took is as good fun and laughed when they realized.
Now the end with stats, armor stuff, and appearance:
Clara prefers anonymity at around 55%, she *can* be a know it all or it’d be a higher score. High empathy, sitting at about an 80%. And daring, at about 80% again. Clara prefers strength of mind over subtlety, strength sitting at around 80.
Type and appearance: practical. Blocky and built. Thick militaristic armor plates with an equally blocky helmet. There are no easy angles on this armor, no subtlety. The armor plates are black, the armor underneath is red with gold accents at the joints and neck.
Add ons: armor and speed
Extra: I always imagined Clara using a collapsible staff that she usually carries on her hip.
Clara’s appearance:
Race: white
Height: medium, maybe 5ft 7in (1.7m)
Hair: straight thick blond hair. Shaved on sides and back. The rest is usually in a messy bun.
Eyes: green. They were always green. Just maybe not THAT green. Thanks Void.
Style: fashionable street wear. Casual and colorful. Wears a lot of different things but always wears something in red.
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synergysilhouette · 8 months
An alternate take on "Big Hero 6" (2014)
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I wanted to rewrite this since there were some things I wanted to change. Maybe I'll start doing this with a couple other Disney films, likely from the renaissance to revival eras. Just to note: I LOVE this movie. This is just stuff I'd change/add in hindsight--or if Disney did the smart thing and remade THIS instead of the classic films (come at me).
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Make Fred half-Ainu and able to turn into a dragon. I say “half” despite him being full Ainu in the comics is just so Stan Lee can still be his dad. Plus I’d love it if he had his more level-headed, reserved personality (as seen in the comics) when he’s alone, or as the result of the stress he's going through. Plus since he’s mixed, I’d probably make Hiro and Tadashi fully Japanese to avoid criticism. Not sure if I'd keep his ability to turn into a European dragon or change it into a Japanese-inspired dragon. Maybe he can swap back and forth? While I like the idea of him being born with this ability (in a way similar to X-Men), it'd be a nice reference to Spiderman if he was bitten by a unique species of reptile that allowed him to become dragon-like, or perhaps he was kidnapped and experimented on as a kid (ie the superhero equivalent of relatives of rich people IRL), explaining why he always tries to stay happy-go-lucky a lot. Giving the team more backstory/development in general is always a plus.
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2. Incorporate more of GoGo's criminal past from the comics. Maybe explain that her gang-related activity is how she meets Hiro when he's bot-fighting, and explain that Tadashi and the Nerd Club vouched for her from being thrown out of school due to her academic ability, though joining the NC was part of the circumstances for her staying. Maybe Fred has even helped pay for her to be bailed out of jail before--something that's not revealed until the team discovers that he's rich, and GoGo develops a crush on him (her VA Jamie Chung mentioned that she believed GoGo had a crush on Fred).
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3. Highlight Hiro and Tashadi's parents more, and (controversial idea) make Baymax Hiro's project. I say this because in the comics, Hiro creates Baymax himself, and Baymax is programmed with his late father's brain engrams. I'd like more focus to be brought to Hiro's family in order to show that Baymax is modeled to be like him. With this, the microbots are instead Tadashi's idea who he introduces to Professor Callaghan, and Baymax is what Hiro creates for admittance into the San Fransokyo Institute, though Tadashi does assist. As such, Baymax is still kind and caring, but his protective and flexible personality from the comics is still incorporated. When trying to quell Hiro's anger, Baymax shows Hiro personal videos Tadashi filmed for him during his time in helping make Baymax. The OG version was emotional just seeing Tadashi again, but in this version, Tadashi's videos would reinforce Hiro's moral compass and make him strive to make Tadashi (and his family in general) proud. Hiro mentions at the end of the film about making Baymax a synthformer.
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4. More emphasis on the Japanese influence on San Fransokyo. I feel like even though it's a futuristic place with Japanese accents here and there, I do kinda wish more was done, perhaps taking inspiration from manga like Naruto, which lends Japanese and Western concepts.
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5. Highlight Yokai more, revealing his identity earlier to give Hiro more time to process is rage and sadness at Tadashi dying seemingly for nothing. Include more of his backstory from the manga. Using this early on would make it seem like a bittersweet death for a man wo's already experienced so much heartbreak, so when it's revealed that he's alive--and the villain--it reopens the wound. Exposing his identity earlier allows him more screentime, as well as giving us more backstory concerning Abigail. And they'd actually REFER to him as "Yokai" in the movie, rather than "the guy in the kabuki mask." And I'd actually like for him to APOLOGIZE to Hiro. I know he does in the show, but I just want that closure, especially since Hiro sees how grief can ruin you.
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6. Nit pick: I’d want the team to have more standout costumes like the X-Men, Inhumans, and Eternals. I’ve never been a fan of the team uniform. While they have unique colors, their looks (save for Fred, who in my version would be a dragon anyway and thus not need a costume--but probably not publicly reveal his identity).
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7. Give Honey Lemon abilities similar to their comic counterparts; Honey Lemon would be skilled at martial arts, though I guess her nano-purse can stay the same as the film. Speaking of, probably drop more hints that HL is Hispanic. I'd also like to lean into her embracing the "popular nerd" trope (I'm thinking Tecna from "Winx Club" meets Jean Grey from "X-Men: Evolution"), as concept art of her makes her look like a popular girl. I'd like to think she has the best of both worlds, though she may embrace her nerdy side in particular to avoid pretty privilege/the curse of being the pretty girl. If there is time, perhaps give a flashback to how her genius is underestimated because of her stylish appearance. A piece of concept art gives me Elphaba and Galinda vibes between GoGo and Honey Lemon, and I love that they had a rocky relationship at first.
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8. Just like Honey Lemon, make Wasabi a bit closer to his comic counterpart. Wasabi’s qi manipulation would be a neat trick, especially if he was Afro-Asian to help explain his affinity to it. I also love the idea that his superhero persona gives him much more confidence than his usual neurotic personality (he's like this in the movie, but it's not super obvious). I do like the idea that GoGo helps him get tougher, making him similar to Bishop from Marvel.
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9. Tying into my 3rd point, show us who Tadashi is besides his scientific interests. We get such a short instance to see his relationship with Hiro and his friends, and it'd be nice for the team (and Aunt Cass) to bring up memories of him more to flesh out who he was as a person, explaining why he wants to help others. I could honestly go either way about him being Sunfire.
You know what? Just make this a 150-minute movie to cram all this is. Lemme know what you think!
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god/goddess ocs pt 1
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Name: Rosa
nicknames: the sassy one (Cassie/Cassidy) Rosey posey (kuro) the goddess of flowers (everyone) the queen of this school (herself)
age: 13
likes: Inaaya (crush), Flowers, being prom queen, being the best, singing, dancing, top student, dresses, crowns, plants, being treated like a queen, helping others, protecting the gods and goddess's race from evil, being a hero goddess, seasons of spring, winter, autum, summer, parties,
hates: spiders, cassie/cassidy, villains, not being prom queen, demi god/goddess's, spies, scary stuff, racist, homophobic, being a failure, some gods or goddess's being better then her, abuse, gothic or emo stuff, kuro (sometimes) something that will make her go "ew".
sexuality: pansexual and demi girl,
info: she had a huge crush on inaaya and couldn't stop thinking about her but acts mean towards her as well sometimes and she thinks cassie has a crush on a inaaya too so she's jealus but Rosa does not know that inaaya has a bf already and doesn't know inaaya is a demigoddess before she became a full blooded goddess, and she likes to watch romance and all and eats spanish or colombian foods, misses home sometimes but is brave about it and is scared of the "dimension brothers" cause she knewed sun was king light's daughter so didn't bother messing with her or moon she is scared of king darkness but not his daughter, and for King Nightshade's daughter eclipser, and she doesn't like cassie for another reason cause they had a fight outside of school grounds which Rosa started the fight and got in trouble and acts like the victim, and loves to be worshipped by other gods and goddesses alike,
voice sounds like: Posha from sing 2 but uses a english accent, and if she's mad, upset, or scared she sounds like Isabella from Encanto.
powers: nightshade powder, growing flowers or make vines, healing, poison, (too lazy to explain the whole thing)
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
Bit of a meta question here: We know that Goji and Mothra had gaming consoles in their Infant Island home and that Rodan at least is familiar with games in general, also that Maia was gonna eventually let San read the Middle-Earth books; so it can be reasonably assumed that they each know at least a decent amount of human pop culture.
This all being said, what fictional characters (if any) are the kaiju's favorites?
Bonus: Which ones would they crush on?
Turns out Titans can get just as obsessed with fictional characters as humans do! From strong but silent heroes like the Master Chief to the Fellowship in LotR, to ancient classical figures like Sun Wukong, they love a good hero; and a compelling villain you just love to hate.
As for their fictional crushes...
Goji at his age prefers to watch the video games but he finds Thel 'Vadam (the Arbiter) in Halo sexy for multiple reasons, particularly his voice. He pays a lot of attention to how Thel's mandibles move when talking.
On the subject of Halo, Kat-B320 in Reach enchanted Mothra with her accent alone; our poor Queen was devastated after the level New Alexandria, but Cortana filled the void. For a while.
It was mentioned in Shamhat, but Rodan favors Tali'Zorah nar Rayya in Mass Effect and considers her Best Girl.
Tiamat thirsts endlessly over Bayonetta.
As for Ghidorah, Ichi and Ni enjoy Kratos, particularly Greek Era Kratos when he's an unyielding engine of blind rage and vengeance all too happy to unleash destruction upon Greece if it means killing whatever so much as inconveniences him; they piss and moan about the Norse Era being "boring". (They understand Kratos has reasons for being Like That; they just only like him when he's screaming and killing.)
San would not bottom for just about anyone... but he would absolutely get on his knees for the Doom Slayer.
...and because I simply have no control over myself, they get into SIGNALIS. And proceed to never shut up about it. Mothra in particular is so heartbroken from one ending that for the first time in Titan History she actually starts writing fan fiction because she's so desperate for all the space lesbians to be happy. (Which, same.)
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
The Untouchables (1987)
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Only a few minutes into The Untouchables I knew I was watching something special. Even if you know how it went down between Eliot Ness and Al Capone, you’re not ready for the tension this film brings. It’s got iconic lines, great performances, terrific costumes, a score that builds the mood like only Ennio Morricone could and the kind of crowd-pleasing moments that will have you returning to it over and over.
In 1930, notorious crime kingpin Al Capone (Robert De Niro) is the source of illegal liquor in Chicago. Everyone knows it, but his influence runs too deep for anyone to take him down. When FBI agent Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) realizes his straight-arrow tactics won’t do, he forms “The Untouchables” and goes where the police are unable - or unwilling - to.
The opening credits get you excited right away: screenplay by David Mamet, directed by Brian De Palma, music by Ennio Morricone, and an all-star cast. Let's go, baby! Is the story 100% accurate to what happened in real life? It doesn’t matter and you don’t care. What’s important is the way the movie makes you feel. Al Capone isn’t in the movie much but immediately, you hate him. He’s like a spoiled kid with a big stick. Capone thinks he’s so classy and smart but he’s not above the law. No one is. You can’t wait to see him get taught a lesson and pay for all the crimes he’s committed. By contrast, a surprising amount of time is spent making Eliot Ness human. Scenes of him at home with his children, tender moments with his wife (Patricia Clarkson) as she leaves notes in his lunch kit, etc. Their roles as the hero and villain are clearly outlined… so why is taking Capone down so hard? He wants to believe in doing things the right way but the game is rigged. As the audience, we may not object to the operations Ness leads but we see the toll working outside the law has on him. You already wanted to see Capone taken down so that smirk would get wiped off his face. What keeps you watching are all the other reasons: so Ness can return to a normal life, to know for certain that the members of the Untouchables are safe and for Ness to stop before he turns into a villain himself.
While the other members of the Untouchables aren’t given nearly as much attention as their leader, the performers make great use of the script they’re given. Sean Connery, in particular, is a standout. There are a lot of great lines in the movie and he’s got some of the most memorable ones. Connery is such a recognizable actor, with such an identifiable voice. While watching the movie, you forget it’s him. You don’t even pay attention to the accent, you’re so absorbed by what’s going on. You're too busy trying to get a grip on your nerves. When Brian De Palma makes you sweat, you’re sweating buckets, you’re tearing out your hair and chewing your nails to the bone. There’s a shootout between Ness and Frank Nitti (Billy Drago), Capone’s chief assassin. It got so extreme that I didn’t even care who shot, whether they hit, or how long the shootout would last. All I wanted was for someone to do something so I could start breathing again.
There are many scenes where things go from bad to worse. They'll all have you thinking “There’s got to be a way out somehow”. Your mind races, trying to figure out what Ness and his cohorts can do. You’re so invested you want to pause the movie and come up with a plan you could propose to them but you desperately want to see what comes next so you just let it play out.
So often, The Untouchables gives you hope and then takes it away. It crushes you to see all the hard work and sacrifices get effortlessly flicked away by Capone and his cronies. Rather than give up, you dig in your heels and keep on, more determined than ever to see this through. You forget about the rest of the world. All that matters is this movie. You even forget that you know how it’s going to end. When the credits finish rolling, you breathe a sigh of relief. Those 119 minutes flew by like they were nothing. (September 2, 2021)
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magicianenthusiast · 2 years
Very Important dabi headcanons
his eyes glow in the dark. this headcanon is very close to my heart
the glow doesn’t help him in any way, doesn’t improve his vision, nothing
if anything its a hindrance bc they glow really bright and they give him away on night missions
none of the other todorokis have glowing eyes. its just dabi. nobody knows why.
it started during puberty and he didn’t notice for the longest time until one day he caught sight of himself in a mirror one night and was like huh. then he forgot about it again.
when the league first started living together he scared the shit out of tomura by standing in the pitch black on his way back from the fridge bc all he saw were a pair of glowing eyes staring back at him
i am on team tall dabi
according to google endeavour is 6′5. i like the idea that dabi is the same height, or at least within an inch
like hes just Uncomfortably Tall
but hes still built like a piece of string and horrific posture
his quirk burns a lot of fat bc its really too powerful for his body to handle so hes really scrawny
this is another reason nobody realised touya = dabi
he just Looms. he doesn’t even mean to.
he doesn’t use gamer talk like shigaraki and spinner but his way of talking is Absolutely Incomprehensible at times
when he first ran away he was really keen to get rid of his richboy accent so any piece of slang he came across he immediately incorporated into his way of speaking
he also tried to mimic rougher ways of talking from other villains he ran into whether or not it fitted
the results were painfully cringe but after a while he settled into it and it just became a part of being dabi
even the other villains have to ask what the fuck hes saying sometimes
like he basically speaks the japanese version of cockney rhyming slang
he never went to school, or had any friends
at first he had a private tutor bc endeavour wanted to focus in on hero education in a way that he couldn’t at a normal school
he still learnt all the normal subjects but there was less focus put on them
he learnt a lot about the history of heroes, hero laws, the science of fire, strategy, etc.
this came at the expense of a lot of more creative lessons like art
he was meant to go to school after shoto was born and endeavour gave up training him, but then he attacked shoto
after that endeavour decided it was a risk to have dabi around other civilian kids (and also he didn’t want people to know that his family wasnt perfect)
because he never went to school theres loads that everyone else knows that dabi just doesnt
like not just social skills - which he definitely lacks - or experience of school culture
but bc his lessons were so focused on hero work it came at the price of other basic lessons
like the planets. dabi straight up didn’t know about other planets until he was in his late teens.
he watches every episode of ancient aliens. he insists he watches it ironically. hes lying.
hes trans (another reason nobody recognised him).
hes annoyingly good at shogi, mahjong, go, chess, and poker. hes pretty good at cardgames. hes atrociously bad at video games.
the only exceptions are candy crush and fruit ninja and other shitty mobile games.
hes dyslexic so even though he enjoys reading he hates how long it takes him so he rarely does. his handwriting is also really bad.
he has a twitter account, its under a fake name and he uses it purely to pick pointless fights with people.
also i know mha takes place like 200 yrs into the future, but i like the idea that tumblr has somehow remained exactly the same and dabi is on there
like cmon he is SUCH a tumblr kid
he lets toga dye his hair for him these days. since he cant put the black directly onto the white, he lets her pick out the base colour first.
during the interim before he joined the league he had a few jobs
i like the idea giran owns several businesses that are fronts for Nefarious Activities and gave dabi jobs in them bc he didn’t really care how bad dabi was at it
dabi never got good at customer service but he did get a lot of experience running the businesses (a bar, small noodle place, corner shop)
when theyre short staffed giran still calls in dabi and bc the businesses are all in bad areas where heroes don’t patrol everyones just like. ok.
like sometimes people just walk in and see wanted fugitive and  murderer dabi counting the tills. it be like that sometimes.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Overwhelmed when Loki saves you, you respond to his kindness with fear. Determined to apologize, you seek Loki out to thank him with a couple of milkshakes and some fries. Warnings: a tad angsty but much fluff A/N: This is actually one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. Hope you all enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart​ @marvelouslovely​
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine
Of course it had to be during your lunch break that a supervillain attacked the city. Of course today you decided to go out to eat instead of packing something. And, of course you had to be walking by the building right as it crumbled. You started praying to any god that there may be to save you from being crushed. Though, you hadn’t actually expected one to save you.
In the moments before you would have been flattened, Loki put an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. Raising his free hand, a glimmering green force field appeared around you. The falling matter bounced off of it and landed around you, the shield offering strong protection. Of course you were thankful to be rescued, but did have to be Loki? You knew he was supposedly reformed, but so many news outlets still ran stories about how he was dangerous. A ticking time bomb. You’d never quite formed an opinion on him, and it was causing great conflict in you now. On the one hand, he looked very intimidating from this close, what with his impressive stature and horned helmet and all. But on the other, he was saving you from the actual super villain destroying the city. Perhaps if there wasn’t so much going on, you could think more clearly. Alas, your thoughts were a messy, confused jumble, leaving you fearful of the super-powered god in front of you.
“Are you alright?” he asked in his deep, smooth accent as the shield shimmered away into nothing. The god brought his arm to shield your eyes from the small pieces of debris still falling, the other one still around your waist in a protective manner. “Are you injured at all?
“I, um, uh, I- I,” you stammered, backing up. “Mhm. All good. Uhhh, thanks.”
You were certain you must be the most awkward person in history, but instead of making fun of you, Loki just looked sad. Even with the hurt behind his eyes, his arms shot out to catch you when you stumbled over the wreckage. He guided you away from the obstacles to a place where you could walk unhindered. He moved back from you as soon as he’d finished escorting you.
“You are welcome,” he finally responded. “I am sorry for frightening you. You should get somewhere safe.”
Without waiting for a reply, he left to rejoin the battle. You started retreating from the scene, steering as clear of any large structures as you could, cursing yourself the whole time. Loki had saved you, and you’d been afraid of him. What kind of nonsense was that? And you were certain he got that kind of reaction all the time, based on the way he’d looked at you and realized your bumbling actions were a result of fear. Fear of him after he’d so carefully and gently saved you.
You felt stupid and petty as you joined a throng of people being guided away from the scene. After nearly two years of working to protect the city, Loki should have gotten more praise and love than he did. You realized it now, only moments too late. Someone should tell him he was appreciated, a hero. And if no one else was going to do it, you resolved to do it yourself.
The meeting was dreadfully boring, but someone had to go. Seeing as all the other Avengers were busy, that someone was Loki. Besides, Stark had told him it would be good for his image to head up the restoration of the city this time round. The committee and resources were all a part of Stark Industries, of course, so Loki felt there should be some employee to take care of it instead of him. But whatever, he’d been roped into it now, and he figured that there was some merit to what Tony has said about his reputation.
Luckily, with a week having passed since the battle, great headway had been made with the repairs, and the meeting was much shorter than expected. Itching to get outside, Loki headed to the main doors.
“You don’t understand,” Loki heard someone say to the receptionist as he approached the front desk. “He saved me the other day. I have to thank him. Please?”
Loki just rolled his eyes as he pushed through the turnstile. He couldn’t even begin to count how many fans had tried this tactic to meet their favorite Avengers. Granted, no one had ever tried to see him, but he was coming to terms with it. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder which of his colleagues you were trying to get through to see. Perhaps Steve, or maybe even Thor. Loki was so lost in thought it barely even registered when the voice switched from pleading with the receptionist to calling after him.  
He turned and stopped, recognizing the person jogging after him as you, who he remembered from the battle. “May I help you?” he asked in the most pleasant tone he could manage.
“Yeah. Uh, hi. I don’t know if you remember, but you saved me the other day,” you explained sheepishly. “You know, during the attack.”
“Yes, I recall.”
“Oh! Good. I just wanted to say thank you for that. For saving me, I mean. And the city.”
“I see,” the god replied, suspiciously raising an eyebrow. “Well then, you are welcome. Really, I was just doing my job, though.”
“Well, I still appreciate it.” There was a lapse in the conversation, as neither of you were really sure what to say next. “Can we go somewhere? Like for coffee or something. Can I buy you a coffee?”
Oddly enough, that made Loki distrust the situation even more. Ok, maybe you were actually a super nice person who had a guilty conscience for making him feel bad, and maybe that prompted you to come thank him properly. But that you wanted to buy him something, presumably to show your newfound appreciation? Absolutely preposterous. The only people who ever did something remotely as kind as that were his fellow Avengers, and not even all of them or particularly often. Any of the other people who openly supported him didn’t show appreciation, per se. It was more that they felt he’d done enough to redeem himself at this point, which wasn’t exactly the most thrilling phrasing either. But here you were, awkwardly shuffling your feet and asking to buy him coffee. Loki supposed he shouldn’t pass such an opportunity up. And yet, he probably was going to.
“No thank you,” he finally replied, shaking himself from the shocked, catatonic state he’d fallen into. “I do not much like coffee.”
As he walked away, he thought that would be the end of it. That perhaps you’d only been talking to him in the hopes he’d invite you to see the other Avengers, too. That maybe you’d go back to trying to wheedle your way inside at the front desk. Much to his surprise, you came hurrying after him.
“Wait,” you called. “Ok, so scratch the coffee. How about ice cream or tea or a milkshake or something? Anything really, you name it.”
Now that you were outside, he observed you again while he thought, as if hoping the sunlight would reveal your true intentions. He couldn’t find anything malicious in your expression, just some sort of anxiety. Loki must have taken too long in coming to a decision, because you started rambling.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to pressure you into it or anything, but I wanted to do something nice to say thank you and-” you cut off and bit your lip. “Is this stupid? It sounds stupid. It’s probably stupid. I’ll go now. Again, I’m really sorry to have bothered you.”
“One moment,” he said before you could make your retreat. “You said anything I want, correct?” You eagerly nodded as Loki got an idea. “Alright then. I would like a five course meal at the nicest restaurant in London, please and thank you.”
“I, um. I know I said anything but, uh...” You noticed his serious expression had turned into a sly grin. “You’re joking, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. My apologies, but I simply could not resist,” he chuckled.
You began to laugh, too. Not in a way that made him think it was out of courtesy or pity, but an honest to goodness laugh. Briefly, he thought it one of the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard, before quickly shaking the idea from his mind. It was ridiculous; he hardly even knew you. But you seemed pretty adamant on showing your gratitude. Plus, you’d apologized to him, which was more than he could say for most of the people in his life.
“You know, I would usually say tea, but a milkshake actually sounds quite lovely right now,” he told you once you’d calmed down. “That is, if the offer is still open.”
“Of course it is!” you happily told him, the smile on your face growing. Not to mention you seemed much more at ease. “I actually know a great diner that’s just a short walk from here, if that works for you.”
“By all means, lead the way.”
It took approximately ten minutes to get to the restaurant. After properly introducing yourselves, you kept up a light dialogue. It wasn’t uncomfortable, exactly; just hesitant, as if both of you were afraid of saying the wrong things and shattering the blissful moment. Loki still couldn’t bring himself to fully trust you. Such a feeling just wasn’t in his nature, especially not when it came to someone he just met and had a considerably rocky start with. Even so, he found himself enjoying your company.
Arriving at the diner, Loki held the door open for you as you walked in. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait for a seat, the classic red stools at the bar free at this time of the afternoon. Loki swiveled the seat back and forth ever so slightly, and found himself chuckling when he caught you doing the same thing. You offered him a shy smile as a waitress handed the both of you a menu.
The God of Mischief had only ever had the pleasure of drinking a milkshake once before, a vanilla one when the team had convinced him to try it on one of their outings. He’d thoroughly enjoyed it and planned on playing it safe by ordering the same thing now. When you asked what he was getting, though, you were having none of that. After nearly five minutes of rousing debate, you’d finally talked him up to chocolate. Part of him was having so much fun with the discussion and how animated you became about the topic that he almost didn’t want to concede. But the waitress came back to take your orders, and he didn’t want to make her leave and come back again.
“Oh, and some French fries too please,” you added after ordering your favorite milkshake.
Loki shot you a perplexed look. “French fries?” he asked after the waitress moved away.
“Yeah. Please tell me you’ve heard of them before.”
“I have. I have even eaten them a few times before, believe it or not,” he answered as you turned to face him, leaning on the counter. “But are you certain they go with a milkshake?”
Your jaw dropped open. “Of course they do. Listen, Loki, you haven’t lived until you’ve dipped French fries in a milkshake. You’ll love it, I promise.”
You continued to help him expand his knowledge of Midgardian cuisine as you waited for your order to come. Once it arrived, you dipped a fry in your shake, just as you had said, trying to convince him just how delicious it truly was. The trickster skeptically picked one up and mimicked your actions, plunging it into the frothy liquid. The second it hit his tongue, his face lit up in pure delight.
“See, I told you,” you laughed.
“Indeed you did,” he said back, the corners of his eyes crinkling from how wide his smile was.
An hour and another order of fries later, the two of you finished your snack. Loki was in a better mood than he’d been all month. Honestly, he was a little sad when the bill came.
“Are you certain you do not want me to pay?” he checked as you fished out a twenty from your wallet to cover the low-cost meal. “Or we could split it, at least.”
“Loki, it’s fine,” you giggled. “This is me thanking you, remember? And, honestly, it’s me apologizing, too. I was just startled the other day and there was a lot going on. I hadn’t ever really thought about what I’d do if I met an Avenger, least of all if it happened while they were saving my life. I was overwhelmed; I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about yourself or anything.” Without really thinking about it, your hand moved to rest on top of his. It was a surprise to Loki, but a welcome one. “Because—and I can say this with absolute certainty—you’re amazing, Loki. You do so much for the city. I hope you know how appreciated you are, at least by me.”
His other large hand came to cover yours. “Thank you, darling.” He didn’t mean to say the pet name, but it just slipped out. “I cannot express how much that means to me.”
Somewhere in his heart, he wanted to tell you everything, make you privy to all his inner turmoil. But that was buried underneath years of pain and rejection, too heavy to move for someone he didn’t know all too well, no matter how connected he felt to you in this moment. So he let the urge pass over him, hoping his thanks would be sufficient enough in expressing how he felt.
“You’re welcome, Loki,” you told him, squeezing his hand. Then you stood up. “So, I guess I’ll be letting you get on with your day then. This was really nice, though. Thanks for agreeing to it.”
“You’re welcome and thank you,” he replied. “It really was.”
After waving goodbye to each other, you exited and Loki stayed where he was, picking at the last few nubs of fries left in the basket. He didn’t know exactly why he didn’t leave, too. Just that something was missing.
“Ah, young love,” the elderly waitress who had been serving you all day said to Loki as she came to collect the empty dishes. “Magical, isn’t it?”
“Love?” Loki choked out. “I am afraid you are quite mistaken. It was not even a date. I hardly even know them. I will probably never even see them again.”
“And you’re just gonna let them walk out?” she tsked. “It’s a right shame, sonny. Let me tell you, you don’t just let something like that walk out on ya.”
He looked at the door for a second in melancholic contemplation before bolting out after you. He shouted his thanks to the waitress as he pushed open the glass door, exiting out into the harsh sunlight. As his eyes adjusted, they scanned for your form before it walked out of his life forever. Spotting you, he jogged in your direction and called your name. Funny, he thought, how just earlier that day the roles had been reversed.
“Loki?” you asked, stopped on the sidewalk as he caught up to you. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
“Actually, the problem is what did not happen.” He kicked a rock with his shoe, as suddenly the ground became very interesting to him. His insides were a nervous mess. Clearing his throat, he gathered his courage to continue. “See, I do not have any way of contacting you again. And it had been my sincere hope that you would want to do this again, let me take you out somewhere.”
“That sounds amazing,” you agreed, jotting down your number on an old receipt you’d found in your wallet. Smirking, you parroted back his words from earlier. “How about you take me for a five course meal in London?”
“Oh, so you have turned my own jokes against me. How very clever of you,” he laughed. “What if we just went to see a movie, instead?”
“Perfect,” you nodded. “Just text me a time and place, and I’ll see you then.”
“I look forward to it. As soon as I buy the tickets, I shall let you know.”
“Sounds awesome! It’s a date.”
As you parted ways, for real this time, it registered in Loki’s mind what you’d said. He hadn’t particularly been thinking about his phrasing or in what way he was asking you to hang out. But apparently you’d taken it as an invitation for a date. As Loki arrived back at the Tower and flopped onto his bed, already dreaming of your laugh, he found he was quite happy that you had.
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years
Voice Sweet as Caramel
Pairing: deaf!Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff, slight angst? Warnings: none Summary: You meet Dynamight and don’t know that he’s deaf. Luckily for him though, when you find out, your quirk comes in handy Word Count: 5.1k words A/N: I did a lot of research to make Bakugo’s experience seem as real as possible. If there is smth that I did wrong, worded incorrectly, etc., please don’t hesitate to inform me. Thank you and enjoy!
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It didn’t really bother him at first. Being deaf, I mean. He didn’t have to listen to a bunch of nonsense all the time, he could sleep in peace, villains trying to goad him on and agitate him didn’t work anymore, and so on. 
It didn’t take him long to realize just how many downfalls there are with that though. He started to fall behind in class because he could no longer hear his teachers. He wasn’t able to hear plans of attack or hear an enemy sneak up on him. 
He can’t hear your voice. 
He became deaf in the middle of his third year. It happened in the middle of a fight with the league of villains and he didn’t really have time to panic about it at the time. When school let out and he became one of the top heroes, he tried not to be bothered by it and for the most part, it worked. His other senses heightened as time went on but that doesn’t mean it made the reality that he’s deaf any easier. There were still the setbacks that will always hold him back from reaching top potential. Because of this, he’s the number three hero, right behind Deku and Todoroki. 
That’s what really crushed him. 
He never shows anyone, heroes, friends, and villains alike, that being deaf is a struggle for him, even when he gets used to it. He wants to hear the villains he defeats beg for mercy. He wants to hear his friends laugh when someone does something stupid. He wants to hear the praise of civilians when he saves them. 
He wants to hear your voice but he’d, obviously, never tell a soul that. 
He didn’t meet you until a year after he graduated.
You showed up when he was fighting some villains, and he’ll never admit that he was struggling a little bit. Somehow though, villain after villain suddenly couldn’t see him and they panicked. They’d run into buildings and each other before Bakugo beat them all to a pulp. 
Seeing as how you’re the only one else there with a hero costume on, he assumes you had something to do with it. As he hands the villains over to the police, you come over with a warm smile aimed directly at him. He stares at your lips as you speak, his ears ringing with the silence that he’s grown used to. 
He doesn’t really understand why you’re trying to talk to him, seeing as how everyone knows that the great hero Dynamight is unable to hear. So, why are you wasting your time trying to talk to him? Maybe you think he can read your lips. That is, after all, a common misconception about deaf people.
Without a word on his part, he turns and walks away from you. He doesn’t hear you stop in the middle of congratulating him. He doesn’t hear how you scoff a bit. He doesn’t see you frown at how rude he is. 
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You walk into the building with a bright smile already on your face, excited for something you literally do every day of your life. It doesn’t matter how many times you do it though. This will always make you happy. Plus, you just came to Japan from America a couple of weeks ago. You haven’t been here in years. You are excited to use your improved quirk to help others. 
You greet the lady at the front desk as you grab your sticker name tag that the staff makes for you every day. You then go to your first stop, gently knocking on the door and coming in once you get the go-ahead. 
“(Y/n)! You’re back!” the little girl squeals, a large smile coming to her face. Your smile stretches out further as you walk over to her. 
“Hi, Keiko! How have you been?” you say as you move your hands slowly for her to read. She watches them attentively before perking up, her mother beside her smiling softly at the interaction. 
“I’ve been really good! I’m glad you're back!” she says happily, her ‘accent’ coming through more now that she’s calmed down and isn’t shouting. 
“I’m happy to be back too,” you agree, your hands moving with your words. 
“(Y/n),” the mother says, grabbing your attention, “Thank you for coming back. You have no idea what this means to me. To us. After the villain attack...” Her eyes are watery as she speaks, her hand coming up to pet her daughter’s head. 
You smile softly at her, coming over to sit in the empty chair by her bed. “Don’t even mention it, Mrs. Suzuki. It’s an honor to be of use to you and your daughter,” you reassure. You then look to Keiko, seeing her body impatiently wiggling around as she waits for you to work your magic. 
You chuckle as you raise your hands, her eyes widening, despite knowing what you were doing. She turns to look at her mom as she shouts, “Mommy! I can hear again!” You read her lips and smile as she wraps her arms tightly around her mother. You watch with a soft look in your eyes, trying to ignore your oncoming sadness that will come when her hearing comes to an end again. 
“Keiko, I noticed that you are getting better at JSL. You must be studying so hard!” you praise, watching her chest puff out at the praise. 
“You bet I am! It’s so easy and my tutor says I’m really good at it!” she brags while using her hands for you to read, a chuckle escaping you at how proud she is. She has every right to be though. 
“That’s so cool! Can you show me what else you’ve learned?” 
You stay with the girl and her mother for their hour before slowly taking away her hearing again. She doesn’t seem to mind though. Even at her young age, she’s grateful for the opportunity that others don’t get to have and she knows that you can’t let her have her hearing back forever. 
You walk down the hall and walk into the next room after knocking. “Daiki? It’s (Y/n),” you greet softly, not wanting to spook the teen. He perks up at the sound of your voice, a smile coming to his face as he turns to face you. 
That has to be the best part of your quirk. You bring all of these smiles to these unfortunate people whose lives were changed at the hands of villains. 
“(Y/n)! I’m surprised to have you come back so soon!” he greets, holding his arms open for a hug. You happily accept it, returning his sight as you pull away. He brightens up more as the life returns in his eyes, your eyes catching the sight of his gums showing from how big he’s smiling before your own vision goes dark. 
“I’ll never get tired of seeing your pretty face,” he playfully flirts, making you chuckle as you take a seat by his bed. 
“You’re such a flatterer.” When visiting Daiki, he prefers to use his time wisely. He likes to memorize the faces of loved ones, read, watch tv, and other things that he can’t do.
When his time comes to an end, he sighs as he closes his book he was reading, a sad smile on his face. “You really are my hero, (Y/n),” Daiki says softly, his eyes roaming your face to now memorize it without your knowledge. 
“I’m just doing what anyone else would do with my quirk,” you reassure, giving him a sad smile as you slowly take his sight away again. He sighs and picks up the same book from before but with braille instead of typed words. 
“Still. See you next week?” 
“You betcha,” you say softly before kissing his cheek and leaving. 
Your quirk allows you to eliminate or heighten the five senses. You can only do one sense at a time though. You can do it in increments too, meaning you can completely eradicate or heighten a sense, or you can do it partially. For example, you can increase someone’s smelling to 100% and they can suddenly smell ten times better than a bloodhound. Another example, if someone is getting a headache by a smell, you can remove someone’s smell by 50% and leave them able to smell but not as strongly as they normally would be able to. Also, when you use your quirk, that sense is completely removed from you but only while you’re using it on someone. You also can’t use your quirk on yourself. 
It’s when you’re leaving the RCV, the Recovery Center from Villains, you notice the fight between a hero and multiple villains. You raise your hand to one of the villains, removing his, and your, sight. When you hear a loud explosion and a cry of pain, you turn off your quirk to find the villain you used your quirk on laying on the ground. You repeat this process with the other villains until there was none left standing. 
When the hero hands them over to the police, you run over with a grin. “Hi, I just wanted to say that you were incredible! I know you probably didn’t need my help but I just wanted to-”
You cut yourself off with a scoff when the blond suddenly walks away from you, a frown coming to your face as you watch him go. Well, that was rude. Especially after you just helped him take down four villains! 
“Excuse me. Were you the one to help Dynamight?” an officer asks. You give her a kind smile as you nod your head, turning to face her now. 
“Yes, ma’am. I have a senses quirk, so I eliminated their sight so, uh, Dynamite could get the upper hand,” you explain. She smiles at this, becoming more fascinated by the second as you explain what happened. You answer any questions she has, noticing the sun is starting to go down. 
“Well, it’s getting dark. I’ll let you go! Have a great day—oh! What’s your hero name?” 
“It’s Esthesia,” you say before saluting and walking away. 
On your walk home, a guy gives you an unseemly smile as his eyes flicker up and down your body. “Hey, baby. Where you going?” You give him a bored look as you raise your hand, taking his, and your, sight away as you continue to walk straight. He begins to panic, your ears listening as he runs around frantically before crashing into a brick wall. When his body hits the ground, you return both of your vision with a smirk. 
“Have a nice night!” you sarcastically call to his groaning figure. 
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The second time you meet Dynamight—you learned from the news how it’s actually spelled—it was under pretty much the same circumstances. You stay by the sidelines, appearing as a civilian to everyone which is exactly what you wanted. 
You raise your hand and remove the villain’s sight, listening for signs that the villain is defeated. When you return your vision though, you find a villain coming from above to attack Dynamight. 
“Dynamight!” you shout in warning, pointing up for him to see what your warning is for. He never looks at you though, allowing the villain to attack him from above. You quickly remove that villain’s sight, hoping that you weren’t too late. Why did he just ignore you like that? Is he that stubborn?
When your vision comes back, you find that he has taken out all of the villains again. You charge towards him once you see this, coming up behind him. “Why did you ignore me? You could’ve been killed!” you shout, afraid for the hero’s life. He keeps his back to you though, his eyes moving from villain to villain to make sure that they will stay down. “Hey!” you shout as you lightly shove him to gain his attention. 
“Hey!” he copies as he catches his balance and spins around, his eyes alight with an inferno that’s normally directed at villains. When he sees it’s you though, that inferno shrinks to a flame. “What is your problem?” he screams. 
You scoff as you cross your arms over your chest, a glare of your own staring right back at him. “My problem? My problem is that you keep ignoring me! I was trying to help you back there and you didn’t even turn to acknowledge me! You could’ve avoided that attack altogether!” you shout right back, your eyes moving to the wound on his shoulder that he received from that villain. Your eyes return to his face when he huffs and looks away from you. 
And just like before, he walks away from you, causing your jaw to drop open. “Hey! You don’t get to do this to me again!” you shout, running to stand in front of him. You notice that the police have arrived to take the bad guys away, which Bakugo also notices. 
“Get out of my way,” he snaps, moving to go around you until you just block his way again. 
“No! This is the second time I’ve helped you! You can at least thank me!” He doesn’t react to your words. He doesn’t even have an expression on his face anymore. He, again, just moves around you and walks away. This time though, you let him go. 
“Fine! That’s the last time I help you then!” you declare. 
It’s not. 
He just seems to have an invisible sign that you can’t see that says, “Come attack me! I’m alone! Please beat me up!” You don’t understand why he never has backup. Well, besides you, that is. 
After helping out several times though, you finally come across him in battle with another hero. About time. Where was he the last six times you’ve helped him?
You watch from afar, only helping if one of them seems to be struggling a bit. You notice that the other hero acts differently around Bakugo. Their body language is different and he never calls out to him. Does he not like him? Cause you sure don’t. 
After the fight is over and the police have escorted the villains away, the heroes leave after interacting with the civilians for a bit. You notice that no one talks to Dynamight though. How is he the number three hero but isn’t popular amongst the civilians? That makes his situation even odder to you. 
When they finally leave, you quickly catch up to them. “Hey! Hi, sorry! I just wanted to say that you guys did a great job!” you congratulate with a grin, not even looking in Dynamight’s way. 
The guy with flaming red hair, named Red Riot you believe, gives you a toothy grin. “Oh, thanks! You’re Esthesia, right? I’ve seen you on the news with Bakubro a couple of times.” You raise your brow at the nickname but realize he’s talking about Dynamight. 
“Oh, yes! It’s nice to meet you! You’re Red Riot, right?” At this, his smile gets even brighter, if possible. 
“Sure is! You can call me Kirishima though! This is Bakugo,” he introduces. It takes everything in you not to scoff. 
“Yeah. I’ve saved his ass a time or two before,” you say as calmly as possible. Kirishima looks to Bakugo and finds that he’s not even looking at you. 
“Sorry about him. He can be so moody.” You raise your brow when Bakugo doesn’t come to his own defense, seeming to just take the playful blow. 
“That’s one word to describe him. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you guys up. I just wanted to congratulate you,” you explain with a warm smile. 
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! It was nice to finally meet the hero who has saved Bakugo’s ass so many times! Say, how about we meet up sometime? It’d be great for you to meet some of the other heroes. Your quirk is really useful!” You blush at this but nod nonetheless. 
“Oh, that would be great! I love helping where I can!” You pull out your phone for Kirishima to put his number into your phone, this finally grabbing Bakugo’s attention, but he remains quiet. 
“Super! I’ll text you when some of the others are free. We can all get drinks or something,” he says as he hands your phone back to you. 
“Can’t wait! It was nice meeting you!” you say cheerfully before you leave the duo to go to the RCV, which is where you were heading before you stopped to help. 
About a week later, you get a text from Kirishima asking if you’d be free Sunday night. You agreed to meet him at a restaurant and you couldn’t help but grow excited at the chance to finally meet other heroes in the area. 
Sunday night came in a blink of an eye it seemed, your heart beating faster with each mile you get closer to the meeting place. You park your car and double-check that your outfit is in order before heading inside. You look around for spiky, red hair, and it only takes you a second to find him. 
“Kirishima!” you call as you near the table. Everyone but a certain blond turns at the sound of your voice. His eyes look at his friends before finally looking at you. You make eye contact with him for a moment before looking at Kirishima. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! You look great!” he greets, standing up and pulling out the only empty chair. 
“Thank you,” you say with a blush, slowly taking the seat, to which he pushes the chair in for you once you’ve sat down. 
“Everyone, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is everyone,” he introduces playfully as he takes his own seat. Once he’s settled, he properly introduces you to everyone, to which you happily greeted them all. 
“And finally, Mr. Grumpy-Mc-Grumpy-Pants over there is Bakugo, which you already know,” he says as he taps Bakugo’s arm. Bakugo turns to look at Kirishima before following his finger to you. 
“It’s nice to officially meet you,” you greet with much sarcasm. He, like always, remains silent and looks back down to his menu. You huff and decide to open up your own menu, trying not to be bothered by being shot down by the handsome male. 
For the rest of the evening, weird things occurred. Kirishima always taps him when someone says his name, Bakugo’s eyes roaming the table until he focuses on the person speaking. Kirishima taps him again when it’s his turn to order. You’ve seen people talk with their hands, both literally and figuratively, but these people really seem to get into it, making wide and crazy gestures. 
It wasn’t until your waiter came to your table with your food that you finally realized what was going on. 
“So, (Y/n), tell us about your quirk. Bakugo hasn’t shined any sort of light on what your quirk is and Kirishima seems a little lost at what your quirk actually is,” Mina says with a smile. 
Before you can reply though, your waiter and another worker bring your food to the table. “Who got the kung pao chicken?” the other worker asks, looking around the table. Kirishima was checking his phone when the question was asked, Bakugo not letting the waiter know that it’s what he ordered. 
This is when it hits you. 
The tapping. The blank, bored look. The quiet replies. The crazy gestures. 
He’s deaf. 
God, you’re such an idiot! You work with deaf people all of the time! How did you not realize until now?
“He got it,” you inform with widened eyes, your eyes staring at the blond. His eyes squint at you for pointing at him before realizing that you were just showing the waiter where his food goes. Once everyone has their food, you clear your throat. 
“So, um, Bakugo is deaf?” you shyly ask. This causes everyone to pause and stare at you for a moment. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kirishima answers, “Sorry, I assumed you knew…” he apologizes. 
You shake your head, turning your gaze to Bakugo as you continue. “But why does he act like that?” you ask. 
“Like what?” Kaminari asks with a furrow to his brows. 
“I work with deaf people all of the time. A lot of them are decent at reading lips to some extent and most know, or are learning, JSL. Bakugo seems...like he doesn’t care or that it doesn’t bother him? Does he know JSL?” you explain quietly despite the fact that the man you’re talking about can’t hear you. 
Kirishima sighs as he sets down his chopsticks. “Bakugo has been deaf for about a year and a half now. He knows JSL and uses it when necessary, but for the most part, he doesn’t like using it or when others use it to talk to him. It makes him feel....belittled, if you will. Like he has to have special treatment or something. I do my best to help him but I’m not perfect,” he explains, the last part being directed at what just happened. 
You slowly nod your head as you take this all in, a small frown coming to your face. “So, you guys don’t know what my quirk really is, right?” you ask softly, a smile starting to come to your face. They all look confused in your change of subject but nod along anyway. 
“Yeah, I was asking you about it before our food came. Kirishima says you can make people blind, or something?” Mina pipes up. You confuse them more when you begin to grin, all of them sharing a look amongst themselves. 
“Do you want to see something amazing?” you ask, your eyes flickering over to Bakugo. 
“Please don’t make me blind,” Denki begs, starting to ramble about needing to be able to see pretty girls. Jiro shushes him and then focuses back on you again. 
You raise your hand to Bakugo, taking a deep breath before slowly giving him the ability to hear. Everyone looks to him when he drops his chopsticks, his hands shaking as he stares wide-eyed at his plate. His chopsticks landing onto the table is the last thing you hear before your own hearing is gone. 
“I’m confused. What happened?” you read from Sero’s lips. You remain quiet and just keep smiling, your eyes focused on Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes snap to Sero when he speaks, something seeming to lodge in his throat. 
Before he can stop it, he’s tearing up. 
“Bakubro! What’s going on?” Kirishima worriedly shouts, looking between you and him. “(Y/n)! What did you do to him?” Kirishima asks worriedly. At the mention of your name, Bakugo finally looks at you.
“I can hear,” he mutters, his voice barely being heard from how thick his throat feels. When everyone starts to say that they didn’t hear him and to repeat himself, he rubs furiously at his eyes and takes a deep breath. “God, I forgot just how annoying your voices are,” he complains, trying hard not to smile. 
Everyone freezes at this. 
“You can hear?”
“What’s going on?”
“My voice is just fine, thank you!” 
Everyone starts talking at once, bombarding him with their voices. A small smile comes to his face despite his best effort, looking at all of them fondly. He looks to you again, eyeing you up as the others continue to chatter on. 
“Well, you being able to do this would’ve been nice to know a long time ago,” he grumbles. You stare at his lips, doing your best to read them. The average deaf person can only understand about 30% of what someone is saying based on just their lips though. 
“Sorry, can you use JSL?” you ask politely before picking up your chopsticks to begin eating. 
This causes everyone to freeze once more. 
“But why?”
Seeing their confused faces, you realize that you never explained your quirk. You give them the rundown before finishing with, “When I use my quirk on someone else, I lose the sense that I’m taking away or giving. So, in this case, I gave Bakugo hearing so now I can’t hear. This is all temporary, of course.” 
The table vibrates with Bakugo’s hit, making your eyes widen as you look at him. “Take my hearing back away,” he demands, not using JSL despite your wishes. Your brows furrow at this, luckily understanding what he said anyway. 
“What? Why? You were so happy just a minute ago,” you reply confusedly. 
“No, I wasn’t! I’m perfectly fine being deaf! I don’t want your pity!” he shouts, grabbing the attention of nearby customers. With him talking so fast, you weren’t able to catch what he said. This is when an idea comes to mind. 
You simply look away from him and down at your plate, starting to eat without another word. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Bakugo shouts, realizing too late that, duh, you can’t hear him. “Don’t ignore me!”
Ah, the irony.
The others eventually get him to calm down, bright and warm smiles on their faces at seeing him act like his old self. Don’t get them wrong, he still acts like this all the time but there’s this...new fire to him that hasn’t been there in a while. 
When he finally lets it go, you all start eating. The others use JSL to talk to you, seeing as how they all learned it for Bakugo, despite the fact that he didn’t want them to use it. It was a nice dinner, really. 
When the night comes to an end, you all stand up and walk out of the restaurant together. “So, when will Bakugo lose his hearing again?” Kirishima asks curiously, signing out the words for you.  
“Well, I can only use my quirk for so long before it starts to become dangerous, just like when you guys use your quirk for an extended amount of time. Because I use my quirk so much though every day all day, he could stay like this all night. I’m assuming we are all going our separate ways though…” 
“Oh, okay. Well, we all really appreciate what you’re doing for him,” Kirishima signs with a kind smile. You smile back at him, not seeing Bakugo say ‘I don’t.’ 
“It’s no problem at all, really. I just wish I knew about it earlier, so I could help him sooner,” you apologize, turning to look at Bakugo now. By the look on his face and the way his mouth moves, you’re assuming he scoffed.
“Do you think we could hang out again soon? I think it would be good for Bakugo to-”
“What’s with that crazy idea? I’m going home,” Bakugo snaps before turning to leave. Seeing him leave, you slowly raise your hand and switch both of your hearing back. You bite your lip when he stops, the sounds of cars going past on the road and the chatter of people nearby suddenly going silent for him once more. 
He almost feels like he’s going to be sick. 
He turns back around, wondering how he can get you to give his hearing back without actually saying he wants it back. His eyes widen in surprise when all of the sounds come back, a small smile coming to your face. 
“Not everyone has the opportunity to get their hearing back, even for just a little while. So, be grateful.”
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It took a while for Bakugo to finally warm up to you but after a month or so, he finally accepted your presence. It took him three to actually refer to you as a friend. It took half a year for Bakugo to admit to himself that you’re his best friend; he’d never tell you or Kirishima that though. It’s been a year and he still can’t admit to himself that he likes you more than as a friend. 
Bakugo takes a bite of the food you made, his face scrunching up in mock disgust. “What did you put in this? Rat poison?” he jokes. It honestly didn’t taste half bad but he wasn’t about to admit that out loud to you. 
He watches you dance to the music that he can’t hear, your lips moving as you sing. He wishes he could hear it. He watches you stop and turn to look at him at his insult, your mouth showing your scoff. 
“Do you want to die?” you ask as you swipe your thumb across your neck. He smirks at you as he makes a show of taking another bite. He doesn’t hear you hum but he watches as you sign, “Yeah, that’s what I thought, chump.” He’s the one to scoff now, his eyes rolling with his annoyance. 
He’s told you time and time again not to use JSL but you never listen. He secretly appreciates it because he doesn’t have to piece things together when you use it. He still acts peeved when you do it though. 
“I’m not a chump. You’re the chump,” he snaps. You set your food down before walking over to the big speaker on your kitchen counter that is currently playing one of your favorite songs. You stand in front of it and place your hands against it before raising your other hand over to Bakugo.
His ears are suddenly greeted with the sound of the music, a frown coming to his face as he looks at you. While he appreciates being able to have his hearing back, he hates that you lose yours in the process. He’s pulled out of his train of thought when you start singing, his eyes becoming wide. You use the vibrations emitting from the radio to keep tempo, singing in sync with the artist.
Talking without hearing was easy for you but you’ve never tried singing without your ability to hear before. This shows as you softly sing, your voice shaky and out of tune at some points. 
It’s the most beautiful thing that Bakugo had ever heard. 
Your voice is as sweet as caramel. He watches you with a soft smile on his face, not even realizing that it’s there. When the song comes to an end, you bring your food over to the speaker and eat while your free hand remains pressed against the speaker to ‘hear’ the music. 
To his surprise, one of his favorite songs comes on after a couple of minutes and you grew so excited when you realized this. You belt each word with immense confidence, not a sign of hesitation or worry in your voice. 
This is when he realizes that he’s in love with you.
More with Katsuki Bakugo
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