#free drinks and he realises how DEAD he’d be if you really had been flirting with him this whole time
k-atsukibakugou · 1 month
obsessed with the idea of one of your friends hating how you’re always teasing them, showing off, making sure they’re looking at your tits or your hips at any given time, biting at your glossy lips whenever they speak to you because you know what they’ll imagine. and then them seeing you really flirt with them and they choke
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
a love like war | part one
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Sequel to The Other Side 
Pairing: Negan x Reader Pronouns: She/her Warnings: Language, Violence Summary: Despite your best efforts you just cant seem to avoid Negan A/N: SHES HERE. IM EXCITED <3 Again all the thanks goes to @jinxeee​​ <3 Tags: @aubageddon91
“You belong to me” he whispered, catching you off guard and it showed “you always will” he added before you stepped away from the man, the confused look creasing your soft face as you reached for the door.
“Go to hell” you snapped before leaving the room, once you were outside you pressed yourself against the brick wall to catch your breath
You avoided the gardens like the plague after your interaction with Negan and it brought up some questions with Daryl, he’d grill you day after day, asking what was wrong until you had enough and told him everything. At first he was taken back by the assumption you and he were somewhat an item but he soon channelled that into anger, he hated the idea of you and Negan. He’d tell you, you deserved so much better than him and of course you’d agree. After that day, he promised to stay by you whenever you went out to the gardens so that Negan couldn’t corner you, and he thought he could get some revenge of his own by purposely flirting with you whenever the prisoner was watching. Of course his flirting was much more subtle than what you usually encountered, he’d pick you a fresh strawberry and tuck your hair behind your ear every so often but mostly he made you laugh to the point you’d forget that any one could be watching. You’d scold him when you’d get home at night but you’d never tell him you enjoyed knowing Negan would think of nothing else in his cell at night.
You felt confident walking through the gardens on your own today, you did your job checking up on people as you inspected the quality of the crops all while your face flushed red, attempting to avoid Negan’s stare. You left his section until last, thinking you could quickly get it done and leave before he had a chance to say anything to you but of course, that was too good to be true. Brandon stood over Negan as you approached but quickly dropped his weapon to his side as you did, he looked eager to ask you something “Im really sorry Y/N but I ain’t feeling all too good and there aint no one else I can ask'' You took a deep breath anticipating his question “Do you mind taking watch while I visit the doctor?” you cleared your throat before taking the spear he held in his hand from him, sending him a small smile and a nod.
“Sure” you watched as he hurried along to the infirmary, your heart dropping once you noticed you were now alone with the one man you didn’t want to be alone with.
You looked down at the man who was already staring back up at you with a wide smile, you rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the rest of the garden. “You know when I first saw you sat on that rock, covered in all that shit” he started, pulling at weeds from the ground before turning slightly to face you “I still though, my god is she beautiful” his tone made you snap back to his direction, scoffing at his words
“Did you think I was beautiful when you locked me up in your little torture chamber?” you spat back at the man, he held his hands up defensively, his smirk seemingly disappearing.
“I never apologised for that” his tone was much softer now but you still shook your head at him
“It’s a little late for apologies now, Negan,” the man sighed at your truth, and turned back to the weeds, pulling at the leaves while biting down on his bottom lip.
“I am. Sorry that is. If I had known- I can’t help but think how different everything would be” he sounded defeated which pulled at your heart a little until you realise who you were talking to.
“It’s gonna take more than a meaningless apology for me to forgive you” you didn’t mean for it to come out as a hiss but it did. Your eyes now scanning the area to track down someone to take over for you, Negan surprisingly stayed quiet as you did just that. You signalled for someone to come over before you looked back down at Negan. “I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for what you did to me” you whispered before handing the spear to the man who saved you from Negan duty.
The next day you gathered before the council, you stood by Daryl as you listened to Gabriel explain a situation with a hoard of walkers and his plan for getting rid/diverting it. He put together some teams of people and explained their jobs, Daryl and Michonne were to take  down any walker that strayed from the path and Aaron, Eugene and Rosita were to divert the crowd into the next town and attempt to trap them there. You embraced Michonne and Daryl as they left the room, wishing them luck and warning them to be safe, just as you were about to leave Gabriel called on you to stay behind for a moment.
You waited behind like he had asked, waving goodbye as people passed you. “Thank you for waiting” Now that the room had cleared, Gabriel took a few steps closer to you, you flashed him a smile and perched yourself on a desk that stood behind you.
“What can I do for you?” you questioned, oblivious to his intentions. He gave you a warm smile as he paced before you
“I want you out there too. I haven’t forgot that you were one of the best back at the sanctuary and think its time we put our skills to good use!” you couldn’t disagree with him, you pushed your lips together as you nodded at his words, waiting for further instructions. “I want you – I want you to go out there and keep the walkers on the right path” you cocked a brow at the man, you figured Daryl and Michonne already had that covered but he seemed convinced they may need extra help. “I also would like for you to take Negan with you”
You wondered if you had heard him correctly as you pushed yourself away from the desk “I'm sorry? You want me to take who?” You scoffed at the man when he repeated the prisoners name, shaking your head at his suggestion. “The man who left me in a room to die, that Negan?” your words tasted a little salty as you questioned the priest,  his head hung low as he took a deep breath.
“I see how he acts when you’re around. I have faith he will keep you safe!” you rolled your eyes at his words, chewing on the corner of your mouth as you thought of all the possibilities of being left alone out there with Negan “He’s a good fighter, we need that!” He added, walking closer to you before placing a hand on your shoulder, you avoided his stare as you looked down at your feet. “We can’t let anything bad happen to you but Negan? He’s a life I’m willing to risk for the safety of the community” Eventually he broke you down enough to get you to agree with his ridiculous plan. Before you even left the gates, you warned Negan not to speak a word to you, threatening his life if he even breathed in your direction and off you went, leading the man to your station.
Negan seemed to keep to his promise and not a word was spoken during your time travelling, when you reached your spot there were already a couple of stray walkers roaming around. Reluctantly you handed Negan a knife and watched him run off to kill the walkers, you offered no help as you stood back and watched him take down each walker, he barely had time to rest when the next set came limping over to him. You decided to sit down in the grass, drinking out of your canteen ignoring his struggles. By this point he must have killed over 20 of those things, he was panting and sweating yet you did nothing to resolve his exhaustion. It felt like it was the perfect display of karma, like the world had finally given you what you had been asking for, for years. The walkie on your hip started to buzz before Rosita’s voice spilled through the speakers notifying you that their plan worked and they would see you all back at Alexandria, Michonne’s was next claiming that she and Daryl didn’t have a lot of strays and they were ready to head home. You thought it was best you didn’t reply, none of them actually knew you were out there and you didn’t want them to panic.
You looked up at Negan, he had a couple walkers on him but you figured after they had gone, you’d be fine to head home too. You picked yourself up and brushed off any dirt that may have collected over time and turned on your heels to get the car started. What you didn’t expect was the dead that seemed right on your tail, You grappled with the creature before it took you down. You managed to keep it at arms length but you knew if you reached for your knife it would get you, you called out for help as you struggled to hold its weight. It felt like you were under the dead for a while, the feeling far too familiar as it snapped its jaws at you, suddenly the snapping stopped and the body became limp over the top of you, allowing you to throw it off to the side.
A hand reached out for you to grab and you did, a little too hazy to realise who’s hand it was. Once you were on your feet, your gaze met Negan’s and you allowed a small sigh to pass your lips “Thanks” you whispered, brushing off your clothes “you know if you’d have left me to die, you’d be free right now” you added, disguising your grateful words.
“Na, wouldn't be worth it” you cocked your brow at the man now you had finished cleaning your clothes, he shrugged at you a small smirk gracing his features, his tongue caressing his bottom lip. “the five minutes a day I get to see you, is worth way more than freedom”
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Take your time (I’ll wait)
I have a head canon that Sanji’s full of hot air, he believes he’s the woman whisperer, but should an attractive woman actually flirt with him, especially the woman of his dreams, he wouldn’t realise or know what to do.
Also, I wanted Nami to make the first move for once.
This is for my wonderful friend @fangirlingwithnoregrets. I told her I was writing something for her but told her I had no idea when it would be done. Well, I lied.
Summary:Black leg Sanji, self-proclaimed ladies’ man, can’t even see when he’s being flirted with. Nami has her work cut out for her. Rating: M- just to be safe. 
This can also be found on AO3 and FFN.
For eight long years, Nami had gathered money, week by week, month by month, never taking a break. It was hard, it was painful, and it was relentless. But despite all of that, she’s never had to work as hard as she is right now.
“Oh, Sanji-kun!” Nami called after him like she was surprised as the cook came into view. She’d heard the kitchen door open and the familiar pattern of his steps and she’d sprang into action.
“Yes, Nam-” He stopped dead, words lost at the sight in front of him and Nami had to bite down her grin.
There Nami stood just outside the women’s door, her hand pressed to her chest to hold the front of her dress up with the back unzipped, exposing her creamy back. Sanji looked like he was going to have a seizure, his eyes as round as golf balls and mouth agape.
In her most innocent voice, she asked, “Could you zip me up?”
He didn’t reply straight away, and if her ears had heard right, he actually gurgled. It was exactly what she was going for and she only had to wait another long moment before he was taking a tentative step towards her, like he was expecting it all to be a joke.
She played it oblivious, like she hadn’t noticed his struggle and turned to display her back- to show off what she needed done, of course, no other reason. She may have also scooped her hair up out of the way and curved her back more than necessary, but she needed to exaggerate.
He just wasn’t getting it.
When she felt him finally standing behind her, she turned her head to the side to look at him and fluttered her eyelashes. “Thank god you came by when you did, I’ve been struggling with the zip for ages.”
She’d waited twenty minutes behind her bedroom door for him to leave that damn kitchen.
Sanji nodded at her stiffly, staying silent but his reaction spoke volumes. His hands jittered nervously as they reached for the zip of her dress and he stopped breathing at it slowly dragged upwards. His hands lingered when the zip reached the top and before he could pull away, she was speaking, “Oh, could you also do up the clasp?”
He nodded dumbly, fingers fumbling to follow the new request and it took him three attempts before he finally managed it. He breathed out loudly when he was done and she felt it dance along her neck, causing her to shiver.
Letting her hair down, she spun around to face him. “Thank you for doing that, Sanji-kun.” Her hands smoothed the front of the dress and Sanji watched their journey like a hawk. It was incredibly satisfying but so frustrating because that’s all he ever did. Look. Not touch.
“Maybe you can help me out of it later.” When all he did was gape at her, she spared him and explained, “With the zipper, it gets stuck.”
She truly commended him for holding it together, not one sight of blood. Where was he finding all of this self-restraint from all of a sudden?
He found his voice then, “Of course,” he croaked.
Nami beamed at him and he took a step back, turning to leave. His footsteps were uneven, like he was going to faint at any moment, and it was such a stark difference from before that Nami grinned to herself. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but it was something.
“You have no shame, woman.”
Nami turned to look behind her and Zoro was peering down at her, having just turned the corner. She grinned at him cattily, unaffected by his words and shrugged.
“Keep it up and maybe his balls will finally drop,” were his words of encouragement before leaving and although they sounded harsh, she knew he meant well. She sure hoped his words were true because this was exhausting, she wasn’t sure just how many moves she had left in her arsenal.
Why was she trying so hard, you ask? Because she’d finally realised, after all this time, how she felt about Sanji and getting him to make a move was harder than she’d expected.  
Oh, and she’s pretty sure everyone knew about it at this point, except for Sanji, of course.
Nami was going to have to up her game.
Sanji’s zipped up another dress since then, an even skimpier one this time, where the zipper went all the way down her back and she’d even had her sexiest underwear on, purposefully shifting to show it off. He’d seen it, she knew he had. Heard him gasp, unable to hold it back, and she’d looked over her shoulder to give him a smouldering look, to silently encourage him but instead he’d just got his act together.
He’d taken a deep breath in, zipped up the dress and left.
She’d tried not to take it personally. Maybe she was just rusty.
So she had a new plan. A plan that she knew was going to get him. He was going to have to actually touch her this time.
The plan was put into motion as soon as everyone had left for town and Sanji had retreated to the kitchen. She’d changed into her bikini and laid down on her sun lounger she’d unfolded and waited.
It was a good 20 minutes before he’d come out of the kitchen, and briefly she’d wondered if he’d actually gone into town and she’d missed it. But then he’d flung open the kitchen door, drink in hand, ready to call her name but it died on his lips at the sight of her. She leaned up on her arms, smiling up at him like nothing was wrong but she was no fool, she knew he had a great view of her cleavage, she’d positioned herself that way.
He was motionless for a second, his brain trying to compute what was happening and then walked over, forcing his eyes to look away.
That’s fine though, she’d planned for this. It was time to up the stakes.
Putting on her best smile, she sat up as she accepted the drink and thanked him. She took a large a gulp and put it down next to her lounger. Then she reached up behind her neck, undoing the strings tied there, her other hand cupping her chest to hold the bikini top up.
She wasn’t quite at the stage of flashing him yet. Especially if Chopper wasn’t around.
His hand twitched at his side and he no longer tried to avert his eyes; they watched her hands shamelessly.
Time to bring this home.
Leaning down, she grabbed the sun lotion next to her abandoned drink with her free hand. “Will you put some on my back?” She asked innocently, shaking the bottle at him when all he did was stare, “I don’t want my skin to burn.”
When he nodded wordlessly, still stunned, she took it as a cue to lay back down on her front, carefully positioning herself so her bikini stayed put. When he didn’t move, she held the bottle over her shoulder, ready for him to take.
It was kind of cute. She shuffled over for him to sit and he sat cautiously, like any wrong move and he’d wake up from a dream.
“Can you undo the other bow, please?” She asked sweetly, pulling her hair out of the way to reveal the tied strings at the middle of her back.
“Yeah,” his strained voice replied, and it took a second but then fingers were pulling at the strings. She felt them flutter across her skin to fall either side of her body on the lounger.
It took a second after that, and she wished she could see his face, but she wasn’t ready for that yet. The first touch was cold as his lotioned hands made contact and Nami hissed at the temperature difference on her skin and he muttered a quiet ‘sorry’ under his breath.
He was clumsy at first, unsure. His hands skittered across her skin, trying to keep the touching to a minimum, which was ridiculous considering the task. Nami was having none of it, so she hummed in contentment, relaxing under his touch and it seemed to have an immediate effect. He relaxed, his posture slackening next to her and he no longer looked like he was going to take off at a moment’s notice. His hands found their purpose, surer of themselves and moved with more rhythm against her skin.
Now she could really start to enjoy this.
“Sorry, Sanji-kun, could you make sure to get rid of the streaking? White marks ruin a tan.”
He complied so easily, his hands running large strokes along her back and although it was a hot day, she could feel goosebumps erupting along her arms. His hands were soft on her skin, but firm in their actions and she briefly wondered if he moisturised them regularly considering how much he probably had to wash them.
At one point, he daringly ran his hands down the side of her waist, she wasn’t sure if he was doing it on purpose or not, but she would see that behaviour was rewarded. It was the most she’d got from him since this all started. She sighed loudly, almost making it sound like a light moan and wiggled her hips.
It was a cheap trick, but it had the exact effect she was going for. His hands were back at her waist, slowly stroking up her sides and daringly reaching higher up, not brave enough to brush the underside of her breast but enough to make her shiver.
“You’re really good with your hands,” she said softly, laying her head against her arms and looking at him from over her shoulder. “If you weren’t a chef, you’d make a great masseuse.”
He had a light blush on his cheeks, but he smiled down at her boyishly, “Maybe something to consider if we’re short on money?” He joked, laughing lightly at the end.
“Hmmm,” she paused, as if mulling it over, “it’s not a bad idea but maybe I want to keep you to myself.” She leaned back up on her forearms, turning as much as she could to look at him.
It was bold and she really was putting herself out there, half naked on the deck and basically telling him she wanted him all to herself, but it was worth it. He leaned closer and she didn’t miss the way his eyes darted down to her lips quickly. His hands had stopped their travels over her back and rested heavily on either side of her waist.
Time to bring this home.
“A man who can cook, dress well and is good with his hands, a catch if you ask me.”
She had him.
He was blushing brightly now, speechless but leaning closer by the second, she could almost count his blonde eyelashes. His breath was light against her face, and she shivered again. He was going to kiss her, this was it.
The spell was broken with the thumping of footsteps hitting the deck.
Zoro had ungracefully climbed back on board, unaware he was interrupting something, but it had the effect of splashing cold water on their moment. Well, not so much Nami. But for Sanji the effect was instant. He clammed up, all the tension she had eased out of his body back tenfold, his hands were off of her body and he pulled away like a shot.
It was game over.
She had been so close.
Under his breath he muttered an excuse, stood up and made a quick journey across the deck, retreating into the kitchen. He was still somewhat in character, he made sure to shoot Zoro a dirty look before disappearing but that didn’t help Nami as she watched his retreating figure.
Even Zoro looked concerned.
If it wasn’t for Sanji’s obvious interest and reactions, Nami might have started to doubt herself.
It took a few days for Nami to get back up on her feet and try again. It wasn’t exactly easy putting yourself out there to be shot down each time. Well, she wasn’t shot down, he reacted, but it wasn’t what she wanted. God, even Zoro, in his own blunt and brash way, had given her a pep talk.
And in those few days, Nami wondered if maybe she’d come on too strong. Maybe the best form of action wasn’t to hit on Sanji half-naked. He was hardly the most composed person and she could always ease him into that later.
The new plan was subtle but friendly.
They were having a small party on the deck after Luffy’s and Usopp’s impressive fishing haul from earlier today. There was a large table filled with food and drinks in the centre of the deck, with chairs scattered around in an unorganised fashion. It was a bit of a free for all, but then when was anything with them involved anything but that. Luffy’s currently doing impressions of various people they’ve met, much to the crew’s amusement, and they’re all guessing who it is.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Sanji leaving the kitchen, finally finished with the food as he held the last dish in his hand. As soon as the dish was set down, he was scanning across the deck for somewhere to sit and jumped eagerly as Nami waved him over to the empty seat next to hers.
Which, honestly, was nice considering the lengths she’d gone to recently.
If Sanji noticed that their chairs were closer together than anyone else’s, he didn’t say anything as he slid down next to her. She smiled at him but frowned shortly after at his empty hands.
“You’re not going to eat anything?”
“I taste and test as I go along to make sure everything’s okay, I’m good for now.”
Nami snorted, “Don’t tell Luffy that, if he gets to eat along the way, he might actually take an interest in cooking.”
Sanji laughed lightly, smiling down at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Her thigh brushed against his as she shifted but she didn’t move away, just settled in closer.
“Do you mind?” Sanji asked, hand nervously twiddling the cigarette between his fingers and she bit down the grin. She’d learned over the last few weeks that if he was nervous, it showed through his hands.
“Not at all,” She replied, “It reminds me of home, actually. Bell-mère used to smoke non-stop.”
“Oh really?” He encouraged, before taking a drag and blowing it out the other side.
“Yeah, our village doctor used to nag her. Kind of like Chopper with you,” she smiled and Sanji laughed.
It was always nice talking to him, he made it was so easy. If it wasn’t for his perverted tendencies or his lack of knowledge with flirting, she might actually be worried about him with other women.
“By the way, do you know who this is?” She asked lowly, as if she were telling him a secret and leaned in. She had his attention instantly, she knew she did, but it didn’t stop her from lightly touching his knee under the ruse of getting his attention.
“Uh, it’s-” he fumbled over his words for a moment before finding his feet, “the new navy admiral. It was on Dressrosa, I don’t think you’ve seen him.”
Her hand was gone then. Small steps. “Yeah, I definitely haven’t.”
They continued back and forth like that, at first guessing who the impressions were, a game within a game almost- who between them both could guess the impression first. It didn’t last as the topic changed and instead, they ended up just talking quietly between themselves and Sanji soon settled into it. His arm was across the back of Nami’s chair and they were leaning into each other, like they were sharing secrets and her hand found a permanent place on his arm.
Neither of them new what game was being played, or if it was even the same one anymore, they had become too wrapped up in each other. At one point, Sanji had got up to get food for himself and a drink for Nami, returning back swiftly. He even flicked his cigarette overboard so he could use that hand to pick at his food, the other arm never moving from around her chair.
Time to step this up a bit.
“Oh, you got the fish. That was really good today, did you do something different?”
He came alive at that question, his face brightening as he started to explain what he had done and tried, apparently it was a different technique.
It started out innocent, just a hand on his knee and he barely blinked at it. She’d been scattering in touches to his knee all evening. Except this time her hand didn’t leave, and it was only a few seconds later that she moved it further up his leg.
His eyes flicked nervously down to her hand and then back to her face, he looked like he was trying to assess what was going on.
She kept a poker face and asked a different question about dinner.
Just as he was telling her about a new cookbook he’d bought, her hand slide further up his leg until it rested comfortably on his thigh. It rested as high as it could without accidently touching something else. Not that she had an issue with that, but she’d rather they were on the same page first and didn’t have an audience.
He almost choked, then. She wasn’t sure on what, he’d stopped eating since he’d started discussing their dinner, but his eyes watered, and she passed him her drink.
His eyes almost bulged at that, but she didn’t truly shock him until she rubbed his thigh, being so bold as to run her hand down to his inner thigh.
“Are you okay?” She asked, half in mock concern and half real concern. He did look like he was about to have a heart attack, after all.
With a bright red face, he nodded, almost wheezing but he shut his mouth before that could come out. She smiled reassuringly at him but as soon as she squeezed at his inner thigh, he was on his feet. His chair clattered from the sudden move.
“Ah, um, the kitchen’s a mess,” he blurted, dancing between his feet, “I should-” he pointed at the kitchen.
“I can help,” she offered, leaning forward on her chair.
“No! I mean- no, thank you. Enjoy,” he finished awkwardly, gesturing at the deck, towards their friends and stiffly walked to the kitchen.
And then he was gone, not looking back once.
Nami was utterly defeated. She had nothing left. That was her last trick and nothing.
Unbeknown to Nami, who was still dejectedly looking at the kitchen door, Zoro was frowning at her from the other side of the deck after witnessing their little display. But it wasn’t just Zoro, Usopp next to him nudged his arm and made a ‘what the hell’ gesture. Zoro shrugged at him, as bewildered as he was.
This was stupid. She was Nami, cat thief and navigator of the infamous Straw hats; she was a gorgeous, wanted woman (in more ways the one). Yeah, it stung that she’d been rejected, but she’d get over her little crush on Sanji. At least she had her answer now anyway.
The pep talk didn’t do much to make her feel better right now, she wished it did, but it didn’t. Suddenly, she didn’t feel like partying anymore.
Before she could make up an excuse to leave, Usopp got up and went to the kitchen. Normally she wouldn’t think anything of it, but she’d seen his expression. He looked serious and stern, like he was about to tell someone off and marched to the kitchen like a man on a mission.
Maybe she’d missed something during her brief period of wallowing.
Except, when she looked around the deck, everyone looked normal. They were still talking and laughing, completely unaware of Sanji’s exit or Usopp’s huffy departure. Zoro caught her eye and he jutted his chin out towards the kitchen. She turned to look and Usopp was just about to swing the door open. Looking back at Zoro, he nodded but she didn’t get the chance to get anything more from him because then he was throwing in a comment to the rest of them, causing them to laugh.
A diversion.
She got up to her feet and walked over to the kitchen casually, so she didn’t attract attention. Except she didn’t enter as she arrived, instead squatting outside so hopefully she’d be a bit covered by the railing from the others on the lawn deck. They were facing the other way, but one careless look and she’d be spotted.
Maybe she didn’t have to worry about that. Zoro didn’t look over at her again, but he was keeping them distracted. God damn it, she’d have to increase his spending money at the next island.
She ignored that and got to the task at hand. The door was cracked open and she wondered if it was left like that by design. She craned her neck towards the crack in the kitchen door and she could hear the voices inside.
She’d missed the start, but it seemed she hadn’t missed much.
“What’s wrong with you!?”
Usopp. He sounded irritated.
“What’s your problem?” Sanji sounded confused and she didn’t blame him. It was rare to come across a cranky Usopp. He was almost as fun loving as Luffy.
“I don’t have a problem, you do! I’m not the one currently brushing off the advances of the woman I’m interested in.”
Oh. Usopp was talking some sense into him, for her.
Ah shit. She was going to have to give him more spending money too. She was going to be poor at this rate.
“Oh my god! Nami! Nami’s interested in you and you’re doing nothing!”
There’s a long pause and Nami wished she could see their faces, or at least Sanji’s.
“Nami’s not interested in me,” he said it with such surety that Nami questioned her skills.
Usopp spluttered before saying, “You’re kidding right? She’s been all over you the past couple of weeks; the touching, the sun lotion and don’t even get me started on the dress incident.”
“How do you-”
“Zoro told me,” Usopp cut in. “Even Zoro’s caught on before you and that’s Zoro.”
“Nami-san just needed her dress done up.”
“Twice? Doesn’t she room with Robin, a woman that can sprout multiple hands?”
Nothing. Silence.
“Has she ever asked you before?” Usopp’s not letting up though.
There’s a long pause.
“Or put her hand on your thigh, or spend the evening whispering with you or offered to help in the kitchen?” No response. “And that’s just the shortened list, I could keep going if you wanted.”
There’s some shuffling and she wondered if it was Sanji. He did that when he was unsure of himself.
“Nami’s not interested in me, not like that. That’s just Nami being Nami.”
Usopp groaned. “Then how do you explain-”
“It’s a nice thought though,” Sanji interrupted, his voice sounding final, like he’s done with the conversation, and then she can hear footsteps walking further into the kitchen.
“Do you want coffee? And can you ask Nami-san and Robin-chan.”
That’s a dismissal if she ever heard one. She never expected it from Sanji though, it wasn’t like him at all and she frowned at the thought.
No one spoke then and she wondered if they were staring each other down, Usopp could be stubborn when he wanted to be. But then there are footsteps walking towards the door, but they sounded defeated so Nami didn’t scramble away like she wanted to.
Usopp didn’t look surprised to see her, he closed the door after him and stood in front of her. He gave her a solemn look as he delivered, “Good luck getting through to him. He’s convinced nothing’s different.”
Nami stood up then, frustrated as she said, “He’s such an idiot. When has he ever needed this much prompting?”
“Maybe when you weren’t seriously trying, and it was just a pipe dream?” He shrugged
Nami groaned, why did Sanji have to be complex?
“I suggest going direct, now’s not the time to be a coward.”
Rich coming from him. “Like you can talk, coward!”
“I’m not currently trying to woo someone.” He even had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows at her.
“I am not trying to woo him!” She can feel her cheeks reddening.
She was seducing, it’s a very different thing.
Except Usopp doesn’t stay to argue with her, he spun on his heel and walked off back to the lawn deck. His job was done apparently.
She stood there for a second and Usopp and Sanji’s conversation rolled over her, replaying in her head. The longer she thought about it, the more irritated she became. Feeling wound up, she used that energy to get it over with and marched into the kitchen, throwing the door open, only to slam it closed behind her.
Sanji turned at the sound and his face lit up at the sight of her, seemingly over what happened on the deck earlier.
She didn’t give him the chance to greet her or sputter off nonsense.
“Why do you think I’m not interested in you?”
It came out more aggressive than she’d intended and Sanji blinked at her, not expecting that to come out of her mouth.
The brightness on his face dimmed when what she’d said settled in and he’s reaching into his suit pocket for a cigarette. “I don’t know what Usopp or Mosshead said to you, but just ignore it.”
Really. Really.
“I’ve been throwing myself at you for over two weeks. They don’t have to say anything to me.”
He looked stunned, the hand with the cigarette in fell to his side, mouth trying to form around words, eventually all he managed to croak out was a, “No?” He didn’t even sound sure of himself.
“Yes! Sanji, I rubbed your thigh!” She said incredulously. “I almost touched-” she gestured between his legs and he blushed- “there, with no problem about it whatsoever, in front of our friends. I don’t go around doing that to just anyone.”
She used her feminine wiles to get what she wanted, sure, but she never went that far. Never had to, men were so easy.
The frown on his face looked out of place against the blush still on his cheeks and he doesn’t quite look her in the eyes. “But you’re…” He trailed off.
“I’m what?” She really needed to take the impatience out of her tone, it wouldn’t help but honestly, how was he this slow?
“Out of my league.”
She doesn’t know whether to be flattered or angry.
If he truly believed that, then no wonder all her attempts had failed, but did he really not see himself? She almost couldn’t believe she’s going to say this, but apparently it needed to be vocalised because he’s just not getting it.
She took a few steps forward, moving closer towards him. “No I’m not.” Another few steps. “Your kind, sweet, thoughtful, one of my closest friends,” she listed, closer with each attribute she listed, “and you in a suit should be illegal. You fill it out well.”
She was in front of him then.
“Really?” His eyes tentatively flickered to hers and the cigarette in his hand is still unlit.
Progress, she’s getting there.
“Really, really.”
There’s a long pause, but this one’s okay because she thinks her words are settling in.
“Then… can I kiss you?”
All the fight that’s been spurring her on left her so suddenly and his question’s so innocent, but it does something to her. She could feel her cheeks heating up and she has to fight the urge to bashfully look down at the floor. She feels like a schoolgirl and it certainly didn’t help when he cupped her face with his free hand.
But it’s the look on his face that really gets to her. It’s so soft and earnest, but there’s still some doubt hidden behind it, like he couldn’t believe this was happening and it could all be taken away at a moment’s notice.
She nodded, eyes never leaving his face.
He sharply breathed out, like he’d been holding his breath waiting for her answer, and she felt it play again as lips.
It’s nothing compared to when their lips actually touch. It’s soft and tender, a quick brush. Which then turned into more brushes and his other hand cups the other side of her face, she’s not sure what happened to his cigarette. His touch is as delicate as his kisses and it has her clutching at his vest to ground herself.
“Took you long enough,” she spoke against his lips.
“I’m an idiot,” he replied and it’s another brush of lips against hers.
“Understatement,” she murmured, and she’s had enough. Just as he’s about to brush against her lips again, she leaned up on her toes as far as she could to properly kiss him.
It got the reaction she’s been after. It’s still gentle, she couldn’t imagine Sanji being anything other than that, but there’s urgency now, his lips move against hers with purpose. Her hands move up his vest to fist in the lapels, clutching him to her and refusing to let him pull away but he doesn’t even try.  
She pulled away after a moment, taking a step back and his hands slide off of her face. He’s surer of himself now, his hands reach for her as she takes another step back to stop her from walking away, but she evaded them. Instead she grabbed his tie, pulling him gently after her and when her legs bump the kitchen counter, he seemed to be getting the idea.
She hopped up onto the counter and the moment she parted her legs, he’s filling the gap between them with his body. She tugged his tie, “This is handy.”
He doesn’t have a chance to respond because she’s tugging it again to bring him back into another kiss. His hands don’t find themselves back on her face, instead they rest low on her hips and she’s happy with the progress he’s made in such a short amount of time.
There’s a shift in the atmosphere when the heels of her feet push into his thighs to press him flush against her. His hands tighten their hold on her hips, and she can’t resist the roll of her hips when his tongue found hers. His mouth is hot against hers and they find their rhythm as they exchange hot kisses. Her hands run up his chest, squeezing his shoulders and the muscles there before stationing themselves in his hair.
They parted to breathe but didn’t go far.
“The last few weeks have been torturously good.”
“And you didn’t question why it’d changed all of a sudden?” She’s not sure she’ll ever be over this.
“I thought I’d been imagining it all. You know, convincing myself something was different when it wasn’t. I was so sure.”
“It was frustratingly impressive. I’ve never seen you so composed.”
“I wasn’t. Well, I was around you but as soon as you were out of sight? I was a mess. You’re so sexy and alluring and well, you. The sun lotion almost broke me, you were so responsive under my hands.”
His jaunty, stiff walk came to mind when he’d scampered away after that and she tried not to laugh as a puzzle piece slotted in. “Sanji… were you turned on after that?”
He didn’t answer her verbally, but he did hide in her neck from embarrassment, nodding after a second.
She shouldn’t be pleased at that, she’d made him suffer, but well, she lapped it up. After what she had thought were failed attempts actually weren’t, it was nice to hear.
“Oh god,” he moaned, lifting his head from her neck as a thought came to him, “and the bath towel?”
Oh yeah. She’d forgotten about the bath towel.
That one had been an accident, not planned at all but she’d used it to her advantage. Well, tried to. She’d taken one step out of the steamy room after having accidently left her clothes in her room and bumped into Sanji who was leaving the toilet. It’d been short lived; he’d taken off before she could do anything, but his immediate reaction had been satisfying.  
His hair had almost stood on end just at the sight of her, a hot flush colouring his neck and face. She’d wondered just how far that flush had gone down but she had been distracted by the look on his face. He’d looked like he wanted to devour her.
Kind of like now actually.
“The bath towel was a happy coincidence,” Nami assured him but it didn’t take the look off of his face.
He dived down to reunite their lips and this kiss was hurried, bruising and his hands squeezed her hips. Her hands tugged lightly at the strands of his hair and it was clearly the right move as his hips jumped against hers.
He was hard.  
It didn’t deter her, if anything she made sure to really emphasise the roll of her hips and he made a breathy sound that made her head light. Just like that, a switch had flicked on and they were barely kissing anymore as they grinded against one another, chasing the feeling caused from the friction. His hands finally slid under her dress, hands pawing at the flesh of her behind and helping her grind into him. The fabric of her dress was bunched just above her hips, but she didn’t care because he felt so good against her and her underwear was wonderfully thin.
A particularly good thrust, good angle, had them both moaning and it was way too hot in the kitchen for this. Distantly she wondered if they were missed outside, but it was pushed to the back of her mind almost instantly.
“Nami, we need to stop or I’m going to embarrass myself,” he panted, but his hips didn’t slow. A quick glance down confirmed there was indeed a wet patch on the front of his trousers.  
“Sanji,” she gasped against is lips and became distracted when he licked at the corner of her mouth, “lose the pants.”
He groaned in the back of his throat, “I don’t want our first time to be like this.”
The boner pressed intimately against her disagreed.
“We don’t have to go all the way right now, there are other things we could do instead.”
At his confused look, she raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to catch on. When he still looked confused, she brazenly palmed him through his trousers.
“Oh! Oh!”
Apparently, there wasn’t a great deal of blood left in his brain.
She smirked at him and her fingers deftly started to work at the buckle on his trousers. When his hands pulled hers away, she almost moaned in displeasure but the smoky look he gave her stopped the sounds from tumbling out.
He held her hands in his, pressing a lingering kiss to the knuckles of one of her hands and then promptly dropped to his knees, face hovering between her legs.
“Ladies first.”
Outside on the lawn deck, Luffy was picking at what was left of the food on the table.
“Do you reckon Sanji has more of the octopus?” He didn’t wait for anyone to respond, “I’m gunna go ask him.”
Zoro just managed to snag the back of his top to stop him from going any further. “You’ll have to wait, eyebrow’s busy.”
“Huh? Busy with what?” Luffy turned to look at him, confused. “More octopus?!” He suggested, face lighting up at the thought.
“No. His balls finally dropped.”
Across from Zoro, Usopp laughed.
If I’m not shipping Zoro and Nami, they’re going to be bros. He totally has her back. Usopp’s always a bro, that’s just his default.
As always, please ignore any errors.
Thanks for reading.
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but when it heals, it beats for you
summary: my fic for @thoughtfullyyoungduck for the Writers Revolution Valentine’s Exchange. words: 3,314 rating: T a/n: I made a new taglist as it has been a year! If anyone wants on it, please just let me know! <3
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Eddie hated parties, he always had. Even when he was younger and his friends would have birthday parties in their backyards, Eddie hated them. Maybe it was the loud screaming of the children, or the germs as they shoved their fingers into all the food that had been laid out in the open air, Eddie couldn’t tell, just knew that he didn’t like it. Even when he went to college, his hatred for parties never changed as soda was replaced with alcohol, and screaming children were replaced with screaming adolescents.
Those parties though were still a little bit more bearable than these parties. These parties being ‘work social gatherings’, a sorry excuse for all the boring office people he worked with to come together and gossip in a place with alcohol instead of at their desks. These gatherings were also a way for co-workers to cosy up to the Heads of Departments with the hopes of securing a promotion or even a pay rise. The whole thing made Eddie want to barf, and the worst thing about it was that he was obligated to be there as a new member of the staff.
Fresh out of college, Eddie had secured a job as an admin assistant at a lawyer’s firm in New York City. It wasn’t anywhere near his dream job, but when you were poor any job would suffice just to be able to pay the bills. Eddie didn’t have any other option, and he would just have to grin and bear it until a better opportunity came along. With that thought in mind, he stepped up to the bar and ordered a beer, taking full advantage of the free open bar.
“Kaspbrak, I wasn’t expecting you to actually show up. You’ve surprised me!” A voice practically yelled from right next to Eddie. He winced and turned to greet his co-worker, Josh, with a forced smile. “You should come over here, meet some people. Important people, if you get what I mean?”
Meeting people was the last thing Eddie wanted to do, in fact he had hoped to get through the evening without speaking to anyone. However, the look on Josh’s face told him that he wasn’t getting out of this one, and with a sigh he nodded, gripping the neck of the beer bottle and slipping from the stool.
“Sure, lead the way.”
Josh ran his mouth as they made their way through the crowds to whatever table they were heading to. Eddie drowned out his voice, even though it was rather difficult given how loud he was, but it suddenly became a whole lot easier when another voice drowned out Josh’s annoying tone. A voice that Eddie would recognise anywhere. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes locking onto the back of someone he thought he’d never see again.
He was engaged in a conversation with Eddie’s boss and another co-worker, Janet, who was fake smiling and making ridiculous attempts at flirting. Even though Eddie had no right to, a feeling of jealousy built up in his stomach.
Eddie stopped walking, freezing in the spot as his brain started providing him with escape routes. Out of all the people that had to be at the function that night, why did it have to be Richie? What did Eddie deserve to be faced with such bad luck?
Sensing that Eddie had stopped following him, Josh turned around with a frown on his face, before grabbing Eddie by the wrist and tugging him forward into the group. The force of the jolt forward sent Eddie flying, knocking him into Richie himself, who also jolted forward, causing Janet’s drink to spill on her fancy blouse.
Serves you right, Janet.
“Woah, easy there-” Richie started at the same time Janet snapped in her high pitched voice, “Fuck sake, Eddie, watch where you’re going!” Which caused Richie to freeze and look down at who exactly had knocked him sideways. Their eyes locked, and just for a second, no-one else at the work gathering mattered but the two of them. Eddie had forgotten just how easy he could get lost in Richie’s eyes.
The moment didn’t last long, thanks to Janet, who pushed Eddie away just a little to fuss over Richie, making sure none of her drink spilled over his fancy three piece suit. “Eddie is new, please don’t let his clumsiness affect anything we were talking about,” she fussed, and Eddie had to roll his eyes at the dramatics of it all.
“Calm down Janet, it was just an accident,” Eddie muttered, taking a much needed step back from Richie, putting distance between them. No matter how far he moved though, the scent of his cologne was stuck in his nostrils. He swallowed, feeling Richie’s eyes on him and Eddie knew if he looked up, he’d see the same confusion and questioning in his eyes that was there the last time they saw one another.
Eddie wasn’t ready to deal with that issue yet. Nope, no way.
Luck was never on his side though, as Josh took that moment to speak up, addressing why he brought Eddie over there in the first place. “Yes, Eddie is our new co-worker, but he should have an equal chance of meeting important people like the rest of us. Eddie, this is one of our companies interested investors, Richie Tozier.”
There was a pregnant pause before Richie smiled and extended his hand for him to take, which Eddie did. A jolt of electricity shot up his arm and he almost pulled back before he remembered everyone watching them. According to all of Eddie’s coworkers, this was the first time he was meeting Richie Tozier, they had no idea just how well the two knew each other.
“Nice to meet you,” Eddie offered, not sure if Richie wanted the group to know they had history.
Just at that moment, the music changed from an upbeat tune to a much slower one and Janet lurched forward, breaking the trance the two of them were under. “Mr Tozier, I love this song. Would you dance with me?” Eddie had to hold back a scoff at how obvious she was being. The company, of course, had chosen her to charm Richie intp signing a contract with them and she was, no doubt, going all out with her given task. It was a little pathetic, really.
Hoping to make a quick exit back to the bar for one last drink before slipping out the back door, Eddie stepped back, only for a hand to be wrapped around his wrist, tugging him back. It was Richie’s hand, of course it was, and there was a look in his eyes that Eddie couldn’t quite place. “Actually, I was hoping Eddie would dance with me, if that’s alright with you?” He asked, eyes never leaving Eddie’s shocked one’s for a second.
Eddie should say no, he should shake his head and tell Richie to dance with Janet, it was her role in all this after all. God, if he said yes Janet would shoot daggers into his back for the next month, at least. The thing was, Eddie didn’t want to say no. Call him selfish all you want, but Eddie wanted to be alone with Richie, even if it was just for a three minute dance. With his mind made up, Eddie nodded his head, allowing Richie to take his hand and lead him to the dance floor.
It wasn’t until Eddie felt Richie’s hand on the small of his back as he pulled him closer for the dance, that he realised his chest was all compressed in panic. The second that Richie’s hand touched him, all the panic faded and it was as though a bubble had formed around the two of them.
“A lawyer’s firm, eh?” Richie broke the silence, his chin settling on top of Eddie’s head. They had only been in each other's presence for ten minutes and they were already falling into their old habits. “I swear, I didn’t know you worked here.”
That caught Eddie off guard and he pulled back to look up at Richie with a confused frown on his face. “What do you mean? I never- I didn’t think you knew I worked here. Why would I think that?”
Richie shrugged a little, looking bashful as he glanced up at the ceiling for a brief moment, “I just wanted you to know that I didn’t...look you up or anything. I didn’t follow you or check up on what you were doing. Even if I wanted to.” He let out a breath. “You made your decision and I respected it.”
Another lump formed in Eddie’s throat and Richie’s words only seemed to add to the confusion. Yes, he had made the decision to end their relationship, but only because Richie was going to end it first. “I don’t understand. Why would you want to check up on me? Or follow me or whatever? You- I did you a favour by ending things first. I knew you were struggling to find a way to do it, so I did it first.”
The look on Richie’s face was nothing less than pure pain as he registered Eddie’s words. He shook his head, “What are you talking about? I wasn’t- who told you I was going to break up with you?”
Eddie froze up a little and he forced himself to think back, way back to when he had overheard the conversation Richie was having with a friend of his. The words were still bitter to think about and his heart hurt. “No-one told me. I heard you. On the phone. You were talking to someone about finding it hard to change your relationship status, and that you had to be really careful. I don’t know about you, Richie, but that screamed of wanting to break up with me. I just- I don’t know why you didn’t just tell me when things stopped working for you. I’d have understood. We weren’t...it wasn’t like we were public or anything.”
Richie blinked a few times and Eddie could see the moment when it all clicked for him. The confused look turned to one of understanding, but instead of looking guilty, Richie looked...overwhelmed.
“Eddie...holy shit...Eds, no. Fuck.” He stopped moving to the music and instead moved the hand that was on the small of Eddie’s back to his hand and took it in his own. “This is too public a place for this conversation. Five minutes, that’s all I need.”
Even if Eddie hadn’t wanted to follow Richie before then, the pleading look in his eyes was all it took for him to nod. He let Richie lead him off  the dancefloor, out a door and into a hallway.
“How do you know where you’re going?” Eddie asked softly, letting Richie lead the way through the corridors of the hotel.
“I had a function here myself a while back, got a bit overwhelming so I went to explore,” Richie replied almost immediately, turning one more corner and opening a door that led to a balcony overlooking the city. “Found this place.” He closed the doors behind them, allowing total privacy, and Richie ran a hand through his hair. “I wasn’t going to break up with you.”
Out of all the things Eddie thought Richie was going to say, that was not even in the top ten. He blinked in confusion, looking a RIchie a little skeptically. “Alright, say you weren’t going to break up with me then. What did that statement really mean?”
Richie moved a little closer to Eddie, but not too close that he’d feel trapped. He reached down to take Eddie’s hand in his once more.
“I wanted to ask you to go public with me, Eds.”
Eddie suddenly felt sick to his stomach, as the look in Richie’s eyes, the sincerity, meant that he was telling the truth.
“I was just nervous because we were, as you pointed out earlier, not exclusive. I was technically your sugar daddy and we had sort of made that unspoken agreement that what we had was just...well what we had.” He squeezed Eddie’s hand, just a little bit, a soothing gesture. “Maybe it was just that at first, but then we started hanging out without the sex, we had movie nights and you’d spend the night just...chilling. We’d laugh and tease each other like it was a real relationship and suddenly that was all I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be real, but I was scared that maybe you didn’t want that. Then you broke it off with me and that sort of just...sealed it.”
The silence let Eddie know Richie was done speaking, letting him know it was his turn. His cheeks were burning red with embarrassment and he let out a frustrated groan at his own stupidity.
“I’m such a fucking idiot.” Eddie tried to step back, but Richie still had hold of his hand, keeping him grounded. “I’m such a fucking idiot, I was so caught up in thinking that you didn’t want to be with me anymore that I didn’t see the signs that maybe it was the total opposite. I can’t believe that I was that much of an idiot that I ruined the best thing I had in my life.” He looked up at Richie then, his eyes filling with tears, “Because you were, you were the best thing I had in my life. Nothing ever compared to the way you made me feel- make me feel- because I’m still crazy in love with you-”
Eddie didn’t get to finish his declaration of love as Richie swooped in fast, his arms securing themselves around Eddie’s waist as he hauled him forward, bringing their lips together in a long overdue kiss. A squeak of surprise left Eddie’s lips before it was replaced with a soft moan, his hands reaching up from where they were handing by his sides and weaving into Richie’s hair. It was just like the dreams Eddie had been having for months, except this time it wasn’t.
They pulled away after a few moments, the need to breathe too much to ignore and Eddie fell back onto his heels. Damn Richie and his height. Richie was grinning, tears clear in his eyes from behind his glasses. “I love you, too. I always have. You’re my perfect match and these six months without you? They’ve been torture.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie breathed, his fingers clutching at the curls on the back of Richie’s neck. “I’m sorry for fucking up so badly and jumping to conclusions. I’m sorry for not just talking to you about it instead of...you know.”
Richie just shook his head and leaned down to press another, more gentle, kiss to Eddie’s lips.
“We can talk about it, over dinner maybe?” Richie suggested, a hand moving to cup Eddie’s cheek, thumb running over the skin under his eye. “We can discuss everything, lay all our cards on the table. What do you think?”
It was a good idea for them to talk it out before jumping into something with one another again, yet Eddie didn’t want to wait until the next night after dinner for Richie to take him to bed. He’d been without him for six months and now he knew Richie didn’t want to end their relationship and that he loved him, Eddie didn’t want to wait any longer. “I think it’s a great idea,” he breathed, moving his head up to Richie’s ear. “But...I also really want you to take me home,” he whispered and then added, just for clarification. “To your home.”
* * * * *
Richie’s apartment was just like Eddie remembered it, open space and filled with life. He hadn’t had the chance to properly look around the night before, his mind...and body both otherwise preoccupied. Now he was awake though, the bed next to him empty but still warm, which meant Richie hadn’t long since woke up.
Eddie sat up, stretching and groaning as his bones cracked before he climbed out of bed. He grabbed his underwear from the bedroom floor before pulling out one of Richie’s shirts from his drawer. As Eddie stepped out of the room, he could hear Richie’s voice filtering in from the kitchen area, clearly speaking to someone on the phone. He edged closer, peeking his head around the corner, and right enough Richie was on his phone, pacing back and forth.
“Something came up, but I’d be happy to meet with you on Monday morning, at the office,” Richie spoke. “We can talk business and sign contracts.” He looked up then, eyes meeting Eddie’s from across the room and he broke into a smile. “Mhm, yes that makes sense,” he spoke into his phone whilst beckoning Eddie closer with his finger.
With his own, equally large grin on his face, Eddie moved closer and stepped between Richie’s legs as he continued his call. The body heat was welcome and Eddie curled back into Richie’s embrace, taking a piece of toast from the plate in front of them and taking a bite.
“I have to go, I have other business to attend to. I’ll be at the office on Monday morning, 9am sharp and we can talk.” Richie hummed and the voice on the other end, muffled back before the call ended and the phone was shoved into Richie’s pocket. “Stealing my breakfast?”
“If you’re not fast, you’re last,” Eddie shrugged, dramatically taking another bite of the toast. “Was that my boss?” He asked.
Richie nodded, running a hand through his curls, curls that Eddie had messed up the night before. He shuddered and the memory. “Your boss is quite...forward. He wasn’t happy I ditched the party last night.” Richie shoved more toast into the toaster and set the timer, turning back to Eddie. “Do you have somewhere to be today?”
“Not unless you do,” Eddie hummed, wrapping his arms around Richie’s waist, seeking more of his body heat. “Anyway, aren’t we going out for dinner? To talk and stuff?” He looked up just as Richie looked down, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before Richie closed the distance with a soft kiss. “Mhm, morning.”
“Morning,” Richie breathed back, spinning Eddie around so he was pressed up against the counter. “Fuck I missed you, I missed you so much.”
Eddie’s stomach clenched, his eyes softening almost immediately as he glanced towards the floor in embarrassment. It was his fault after all, his fault that Richie had to miss him in the first place. He felt Richie’s fingers under his chin, tilting his head up so their eyes locked.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Richie spoke softly. “Please stop?” His head tilted to the side, curls falling loose and into his face. Eddie thought he was the most handsome man he’d even laid his eyes on. “Come back to bed?”
Richie stepped back and held out his hand, allowing Eddie to turn him down if he wanted to, always giving him that choice. Instead of Eddie’s stomach clenching in a bad way, this time it clenched in anticipation with what was to come.
Yes, they had to talk, sit down and have a conversation about their relationship and what they both wanted. Eddie was going to have to communicate with Richie, tell him everything about his past and why he had thought he was going to break up with him in the first place. The thought was terrifying, but Eddie wanted nothing more than to let Richie get to know him completely.
All that could wait though, until later.
Eddie smiled, reaching his hand out to take Richie’s, letting him lead him back to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him.
* * * * * 
@s-s-georgie @richietoaster @jessiohhh @gazebobullshit @eds-trashmouth @thingsilike-08 @thoughtfullyyoungduck @stellar-alley @yallreddieforthis @lgbtqmads @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @moonlightrichie @that-damn-clown-movie @ghostnebula @care-bear13 @madidraw @pieofepicness @transbuckaroo @vanillaredvelvet @toziertool @femmereddie @itchytoaster @eddiesasspbrak @eduardo-andale-lets-go @pinkmedusa6 @kmcarras @bowtiescarves @greetingsfromderrymaine @eduardoandale @waterflowrr @jojobeaner @mahanawhonahan @dinolaur @viciousmaukeries @sunshines-fabulous-legs @reddie-forever @sophiac356 @are-you-reddie-for-it @liilaac @no-she-wasnt-reddie @gaymoonfan @selma318697 @reddie-4-more @ratbird0917 @adhdtozier @tozierpunks 
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t-o-m-hollands · 4 years
Tom x You
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Summery: Tom and his brothers have a pub. You, trying to avoid working on your new album, spend most of your time in there. Lots of flirting and bickering ensues.
Themes: Sort of frienemies to lovers, slow burn, mutual attraction but they are both to dumb to realise. General dumbness all around. Idiots in love.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: Drinking and swearing. Smut in future chapters.
At 8 years of age your father hands you a worn guitar and with the patience of a saint teaches you how to make it play the holiest of sounds. Every day you practise, until your fingertips has hardened and they move effortlessly over the strings.  
At 10 years of age you write your first song. It’s a puerile little tune about a sweet boy with hair like honey and an opportunity lost. It’s repetitive and nonsensical but your mother hums the chorus for weeks after hearing it.
At 14 years of age you meet up with a record label and when signing the dotted line on the contract you feel a chill down your spine and your grandmother’s stories about the crossroad demon comes back to you verbatim. With determination you still put your name on the paper in a signature you’ve spent hours practising. Only days later you hear your voice on the radio for the very first time.
At 17 years of age there are headlines in magazines about you, photos of men they claim you’ve dated and interviews with people who claim to be a ‘close source’ to you, even though you’ve never met them, spilling lies on every page. You find out your closest friend has sold information about you to the tabloids for over a year.
At 19 years of age you go on a world tour, though the only parts of the world you see are airports, hotels and playing venues and then later at night: nightclubs. You travel the world, but you learn nothing about it.
At 22 years of age and your boyfriend breaks up with you for an actress. There isn’t a day that year that tabloids don’t ‘report’ on it. He spends most of the time telling the world how much happier he is in his new relationship, and you spend most of your time staring down into a bottle.  
At 24 years of age you feel drained, dog-tired and worn out. On a regular basis there’s photos of you stumbling out of pubs, bars and restaurants all over the internet. Your record label is threatening a lawsuit and you haven’t talked to your manager in weeks. You have no friends and your family doesn’t know what to do with you.  
Okay, so maybe being a successful singer isn’t all that it’s cut out to be. Especially not when the entirety of the internet is making fun of you.  
And yes, maybe you’re in a flunk and haven’t written anything decent in months. And okay, maybe you haven’t even picked up a guitar in weeks. And maybe throwing away your phone in order not to have to face the record label was a bad idea. And maybe, hand on heart, the right solution to your problems is not to waste your days away in a well-hidden pub in a backstreet in London with the cutest pub owner you’ve ever seen, with biceps that makes you want to drool. A pub owner who has no interest in you and finds you annoying beyond belief.  
Yet here you are,  
“It’s Tuesday” Tom informs you as he hands you cherry coke and a straw.
So, it goes like this. Tom is obsessed with time. He’s always informing you of either what day of the week it is, or the time of day. As if he’s trying to shame you into realising that 10 am on a Tuesday is not an acceptable time to order a dry martini.  
“So?” You ask, feigning ignorance as you open the can. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed that this is a coke and in fact completely free of alcohol. I mean in the good ol’ day they at least had the cutesy to put cocaine in there.”.
“Don’t worry” he says, scrubbing the surface of the already clean counter-top “there’s a shit load of other stuff that’ll destroy your insides in there”.
You try not to roll your eyes, honestly you do. You fail. “Oh no, is it sugar? Please, doctor say it isn’t sugar!” you wail dramatically.
“No, not just sugar” and you can tell he’s also trying not to roll his eyes at your exaggerated play acting. “You know, I saw this documentary once about what they put in coca cola and –”
“No, nope, no, no. Absolutely not” You shake your head vehemently as if that will stop his words. "I would literally rather hear you talk about goddamn golf for an hour than put me of one of life’s few great pleasures”.
This time he doesn’t manage to stop himself from rolling his eyes at you. “Oh, I think we both know you find more pleasures in life than coca cola”.
Before you can answer him something insanely witty the door to the office behind the bar opens and an anxious looking Harrison step out. “Tom, Sam says the fish delivery didn’t show up again so we’re out of cod and therefore fish ‘n chips.”  
Tom rubs his face, looking worried. “Alright, I’ll call him up and see what happened.”  
But Harrison still looks tense. “Also…” he trails off, losing courage.  
“Also, what?” And Tom too sounds tense now.  
“Well, Downey from the bank called, he says the invoice is way over due and he wants a meeting. I told him you’d call today”.  
Tom keeps rubbing his forehead, as if to literally fight of a migraine, and his shoulders tense. “Yeah, yeah I’ll call him this afternoon”. Harrison nods and walks back into the kitchen
“You know, I cou –” but you don’t get to finish your sentence before he interrupts you. “Don’t” he says, voice sharp as a whip.
“But, it would just be a loan, honestly I – ”
“No, and I mean it.” And you judging by the tone of voice he uses and the stern look he gives you you’re well aware that he isn’t joking. It’s like his usually warm and kind eyes are nailing you down into your seat. “I’m not gonna borrow money from a customer, as you well know.”  
The problem is that really wouldn’t be a big deal for you to offer him a loan or give it as a gift really. You love this pub. You love the people working here and the patrons and coming in for a drink or a meal or simply a chat and a laugh. It’s your safe haven. No one ever hardly ever bothers you here. No one asks you for a selfie or asks you about when more music is coming out. No one tugs at your sleeve or try to sneakily take a photo of you. Here, you are normal. And it would devastate you to see the Holland boys lose it all when you know you can help. You have more money than you know what to do with.  
However, you know there’s no arguing with him when he’s got that look on his face so you don’t, just keep sipping on your cherry coke as your foot taps along to the song on the radio. From inside the kitchen you can hear the faint sound of the Holland twin's laughter.  
Tom turns away from you to sort out the whiskey glasses on the counter behind him. But when picking up a glass he fumbles, and it falls out of his hand and lands right on his foot, though it fortunately doesn’t break.
“Ah, fucking bastard!” he shouts, grabbing hold of his injured foot.
“You shouldn’t swear in church, you know” ¨you say, as you finish your coke.
He looks at you indignantly, pouting like a child, “well, lucky for me, this is a pub.”
“You say potato, I say tomato, now make me a real drink.”
“For fucks sake, darlin’, you gotta eat something.”
So, it’s either late or early, depending how you look on it. On tube stations all across London early worker are already gathering on the platforms to take their commute to work. Not you. Not Tom either.  
Now, Tom is an early riser and has been since childhood. His nanna used to say that he had energy enough for three children. Despite regular closing shifts at the pub he likes to be up at dawn. Says he likes to get an hour at the gym and a walk with Tessa in before he heads to the pub to make sure everything is in order. After having checked with Sam that everything is stocked for the day, he has his protein loaded breakfast while ordering supplies or read through whatever paper work he need to be on top off before opening up the pub for the day.  
Tom hates having this routine disturbed.
So, it goes like this. Harry had been the bartender most of that night, since Tom had ‘other business to take care of’. Whenever Harry was bartender he’d usually spent more time drinking with you than he did serving up the other costumers. When Tom came back and saw the state of you, he’d sent you home, telling you that you’d had enough for one night and asking Harrison to walk you home. Then he’d giving Harry a proper telling off. You had dutifully walked with Harrison to your apartment, thanked him sweetly, and then as soon as you saw that he had passed the corner walked into another pub just across the street for more. It wasn’t as charming a place as The Hollands and their bartender sure wasn’t as handsome or as fun to annoy as the regular one at Hollands. But in a pinch, anything will do.  
Upon closing hour however, as you made your way home, you’d discovered that your keys were missing. Being absolutely wasted this did not worry you in the slightest. You just strolled back on unsteady legs to The Hollands to see if you’d dropped them there. Tom, who had closed the pub for the night, was still in. From the windows you could see him going through stacks of paperwork in front of him, a frown on his face. Upon hearing you knocking on the window at 2 am he’d jumped out his chair to see what was going on. When seeing you three sheets to the wind, dressed in a thin dress on a cold summer’s night the frown on his face had gotten worse.
Now here you are, in his apartment, in the dead of the night, and he’s offering you a plate of tortellini. Tessa had been overjoyed to see you and after having been allowed to greet you she had then been sent to her place and out of the way of your drunk, stumbling feet.
“But I hate tortellini” you whine.
“Christ sake, Popstar, just eat the damn food”
“No, I hate it, Tom, I hate it so much, it makes me think of- of- ” you hiccup.
“Are you actually crying right now?”
“It makes me think of- of - cheese sauce and -”
“Sorry, but what now?”
“And – I – I – I hate cheese sauce”. You’re full on sobbing and he just stares at you in disbelief.  
Then, somehow the world seems fall the wrong way around. It takes you a second to realize that you’ve slid down on the floor and that you’re staring up at the ceiling. Tom’s strong arm take a hold of you and he guides you to a sitting position, leaned up against the wall. With your face in his hands he stares at you in indignation but there’s something else there too. You’re drunk enough to dare to call it tenderness.  
Suddenly you’re aware that you’re sobbing, but you can’t remember why that is.
“Fuck who knows” he responds and when you give out a sound that’s something halfway between a sob and a laugh he starts laughing too. “If I make you something else to eat, will you eat it then? You’ll feel better in the morning if you do”.
Your head feels heavy, so you lean it against his hand and nod. “No cheese sauce, please”.
He rolls his eyes, but he’s laughing too. “Sure, no cheese sauce for Pop Princess.”
“Oi!” You call out “You promised to never to call me that!” Pop Princess was the title the tabloids had given you early on in your career. He keeps smiling, but it’s a gentle smile, and trace the frown between your eyebrows with his finger, as if he’s trying to erase it.
“Will you please just sit here while I cook?”
You nod again, too tired to say anything. He gets up, and you can hear some pouring water and then he places a glass of water in your hand. “Drink” he orders, then he’s gone again, and you can hear the clattering of pots and pans as he starts cooking. You’re just staring into the wall, trying to make it stop spinning; limbs heavy with sleep and whiskey, a nice buzzing numbness in your head.
Then he’s in front of you again, looking at you with a frown “I thought I told you to drink that” and you look at the full glass clasped in your hands. “Seriously, you’ll feel better if you do”.
You roll your eyes “oh, please, Tommy. Remember who you’re speaking to. I’m the local drunk, there’s no need to lecture me in hangovers”. But you do as you’re told and chug down your drink and hand him the empty glass. “Good girl” he says and gets back to his cooking. Before long the delicious scent of food is spreading through the tiny, cramped kitchen.
You start humming a song you wrote years ago but never released, low enough so you think Tom won’t hear you over the sizzling pan. But he does.  
“What’s that?” he asks, curiosity in his voice.
“Oh” you say, leaning your head back against the wall as you close your eyes in the hope that the world will stop spinning. “Just a song.”
Everything goes quiet for a while and you find yourself wondering if you’ve fallen asleep. But then you hear his voice. “Keep singing, please”.  
It surprises you, the amount of tenderness in his words; such a gentle bequest. So, you do as you’re told. In a voice raspy from the whiskey but sweet from his kindness you sing.
“I’ve been holding my breath, I’ve been counting to ten, 
Over something you said, I’ve been holding back tears 
 While you’re throwing back beers, I’m alone in bed
You know I, I’m afraid of change, Guess that’s why we stay the same, 
So tell me to leave, I’ll pack my bags, get on the road, 
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know, 
'Cause you remind me every day, I’m not enough, but I still stay”
You trial off and he keeps quiet too and goes silent again. Then he slides down beside you, a plate of pasta carbonara in his hands which he offers you along with a fork. “Eat” he orders gently. You do, and it tastes delicious.
“God, Tom, you could rival Sam in the kitchen”.
He snorts but you persist. “Seriously Tommy, I’d hire you as a private chef if I didn’t know you’d be an insufferable employee”.
He snorts again, but you can tell he’s amused. “Wow, thanks a lot”
“Seriously, you’d always complain about my lack of organization, or the fact that I keep all of my face masks in the refrigerator, or that I never have any food at home or that I don’t eat at regular hours or that I sometimes just forget to eat and just have a Red bull for dinner instead or that I – ”
“Jesus Christ” he interrupts you “who the fuck let you be an adult? What’s wrong with you!?”
You’re wolfing down your food, so it takes you a moment to answer. “Someone said my problem was ‘a mind-boggling lack of general discipline and a staggeringly low ability to organise’” you finally say.
“Who said that? I mean they’re not wrong”.
“You said that” you point out as you finish your plate of carbonara. “Also, this was scrumptious, and also, may I sleep here tonight?”
He looks at you in disbelief “Yeah, duh, I’m not kicking you out? I mean, I thought that was the general idea of this”.
He grabs a hold of your plate and takes your hand in his other as he guides you both up to a standing position. He places the plate among the other dirty pans in the sink and then lead you to his bathroom. Giving you a new toothbrush, he orders you to brush your teeth while he changes his sheets. He hands you a shirt to sleep in and when you’ve changed you argue for a good 10 minutes while about who’s to sleep on the couch before he puts his foot down and say he’ll ban you from his pub unless you take the bed instead of him. So, you do.  
His bed soft and comfortable and smell of his detergent. From the living room you can hear Tessa’s deep breaths and the sound of Tom tossing around on the sofa. You wonder how uncomfortable he is.
“Tommy just come in here instead” you call out, voice drowsy.
“No, I told you, you take the bed”
You snort. As if you were going to give this bed up, no chance. Not now that you know how comfortable it is.  
“Yeah, duh” you answer. “Wasn’t planning on taking the sofa, but the bed’s big enough for the two of us, innit?”
Dead silence from the living room. Even Tessa seems to have been struck silent.
“You sure?”
You sigh. “Yeah, I'm sure, for fuck’s sake Tommy, just come in here”.
You hear the sound of footsteps slowly making their way across the floor, then he’s in the doorway. Clad in a pair of black boxers and a black t-shirt, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as he avoids looking at you.
You pull down the covers and he lay down beside you, keeping his distance in the bed. You have your backs against each other, staring into separate walls and even through the whiskey you can tell this is awkward. You want to ask him to hold you, but you’re scared he doesn’t want it. Scared he doesn’t even want to lay beside you. You are after all just a costumer in his bar. A costumer you know he can’t afford to lose.
You don’t know how long you lay there in silence, his scent surrounding you, the soft sound of his breath lulling you into further relaxation but eventually you drift off to sleep.  
When you wake, he’s gone. A note on his pillow tells you he’s gone to the gym, telling you to take anything you want for breakfast and just leave the keys at the pub later.  
When you close the door behind you you can’t help but feel that something tender happened in there, something important; but you know he doesn’t feel the same.
It’s Monday night, as Tom has been so kind to remind you off, and you’re plastered.  
Earlier the pub had been full to rim of football supporters shouting and singing and sharing pints before a big game, filling the entire place with an excited buzz. Now they’ve all gone off to cheer for their heroes on the field and only the patrons remain.  
Harry is bartender tonight, and Tom has placed himself in the back of the pub, a stack of paper in front of him that he keeps leering at. With a drink in your hand and a happy-go-lucky attitude you seat yourself on the opposite side of his table, determent to cheer him up.
“’m gonna write a song about you.” You inform him, voice only somewhat slurry.
“Go on then.” He doesn’t look up at you, just jots something down on the form in front of him. He’s wearing glasses tonight and they make him look so handsome you want to scream in frustration.
“Well, what rhymes with Tom? Rum!”
“Oh, Christ, no. No, I’ve changed my mind.”
“Tom, he serves rum and tequila.” You sing. “Wait, what rhymes with tequila?”
“Please don’t”
“Okay, ’m literally begging you not to do this.” He’s looking at you now, his caramel eyes filled with both amusement and genuine dread. You don’t listen, no, you sing.
“Tom, he serves Rum and tequila,
he loves the sun, it’s called heliophilia
his pub needs fundin’, he lives in London”
“Wow. That is a hell of a forced rhyme, pop princess.”
“No, no wait!”
“Wait? I will literally pay you to stop”.
But then you start singing for real, in a voice so sultry that it makes him freeze mid motion, hand just about to turn the page over.
“Have you’ve seen my bartender
he’ll serve you whiskey, he’ll pour you rum
so sweet it’ll make you tender
but all the whiskey in Tennessee
couldn’t have that man agree
to ever share a drink with thee
no, all that sweetness’s just for me
cause babe, he’s my bartender
Yes, have you’ve seen my bartender
He’ll hand you wine, he’ll sell you gin
I think it’s a sign when he hands me my wine
When hand’s touching hand, skin touches skin”
Tom seem to be frozen in place when you stop, and over at the bar you hear Harry give a loud whistle. “Fucking hell, popstar” he cheers.
Tom still doesn’t say anything, just observes you, seemingly speechless. And maybe you’re imagining it, but he’s cheeks seem pinker than usual.
"Well, at least I didn’t rhyme rum with cum” you say, trying to get a reaction out of him. And then “I did think about doing it though” and you lift your glass to him as if in a toast before you down it.
He snorts, back to his normal self and stare down at the paper again.
“Now, honestly, Tom. What did that piece of paper ever do to you?”
“You’re staring at it like you want to set fire to it. You’d like me to do it for you?”
“No thanks, reckon he’d sue”.
“Who is he?” you lean over the table and closer to him and you swear you can practically see him ordering himself not to look down at your cleavage. “Is he god?” you whisper in mock horror. “Cause, I wouldn’t worry too much, Tommy. You see, God can’t sue. Well, someone in America tried to sue Satan once and they couldn’t cause they couldn’t hand him the papers. Turns out Satan hasn’t got an address. Reckon the same goes with God”
He rolls his eyes “oh, this guy definitely has got an address. He lives in Knightsbridge.” And then, in a voice unusually bitter he adds “posh twat”.
“Oy” you warn, jokingly, “those are my neighbourhoods'”.  
A sound somewhere between a scoff and a laugh escapes him “Oh please” he laughs “please, you might live in Primrose Hill now, but you’re not Knightsbridge posh. Sorry to disappoint, Pop Princess”.
You glare, but it’s all in good humour. “So, who is this not-God-but-rich-as-God man sending you paper?”
The humour disappears from his face. “Downey, from the bank”.  Then he turns to the bar and shouts, “Harry, hand me a pint, ye?”
“And a whiskey for me, please” you request sweetly.
“No way, Harry, she’s cut off for the night. Tell Sam to make her something to eat” he orders his younger brother who rolls his eyes but obediently begin to head into to the kitchen.
“Not tort -” you begin shouting as an instruction.
“Not tortellini” he shouts at the same time. “And no cheese sauce either” he then adds.
You smile at him and this time you swear he’s blushing.
“Who’s Downey? You ask. And you know you’re prying, but you also know that Tom needs help with something and if there’s anything you can do to help, you will.  
“A bank man who wants me to pay my loans back”. He answers eventually after a long silence, when he figures you’re not going to give up and talk about something else. Harry comes back and hands Tom a pint and then leaves to take care of a costumer at the bar.
“A bank man, who lives in Knightsbridge?” You ask, bemused.
Tom smiles “oh, believe you me, Downey’s not your average bank clerk.” Then, in a serious tone, “look, I know you want to help, but there’s nothing you can do, ye? So drop it”.
“But I-”
“Drop it. Seriously, pop princess, there’s nothing you can do, I’ll figure something out”. He doesn’t sound harsh and the way he looks at you is positively adoring. Then he does something unexcepted. He reaches over the table and pulls a loose string of hair behind your ear. It’s a soft and sweet gesture and you want to reach over and kiss him but before you can he removes his hand and seconds later Harry places a dish of steaming pasta carbonara in front of you. You smile and thank him and he makes his way back to the bar.  
You eat in silence for a while as he continues to read through stashes of papers. You decide to leave the subject, for now at least.
“Yours is better, by the way”. He looks up at you, confused. “Your carbonara” you clarify. “I mean, Sam is an incredible chef and you’re lucky to have him, but yours is my favourite”.  
His cheeks heat up, again.
R E A D    P A R T   T W O     H E R E
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sweet-barnes · 4 years
Survivor - CEO!Bucky
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x reader
Word Count: 3.4K
Summary: Bucky’s cocky attitude gets him into a situation that he’s not happy with.
A/N: so this is for @kitkatd7​ 250 follower writing challenge! i really hope you enjoy this!
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You heard his footsteps before you saw him, his work shoes tapping against the marble floor of your lavish home as he walked closer. As he rounded the corner, you came into view. The black jumpsuit you were wearing hugged you in all the right places, showing off your curves in a way that drove Bucky crazy. He had to contain himself from pinning you to the counter right then and there.  
Your matching black blazer hung on the back of the stool, the one that Bucky had tailored for you with a floral lining inside. The lining is always the most important part, you remembered him saying to you as he slipped it onto your body. Now you wore it whenever you could, it was your favourite.
“How’s my best girl this morning?” Bucky’s hands slowly encircled your waist and he settled his chin on your shoulder. His cologne filled your nose and you couldn’t help but lean back into him. “I’m good, Barnes,” you responded, trying not to let him know just how much he affected you. Bucky placed a languid kiss on your neck, lingering there for a second before pulling away and making his way over to the coffee machine. 
You composed yourself quickly. You looked over at him, taking in his perfection as he stood pouring his coffee. The grey, subtle tartan suit he was wearing with the matching waist coat sent your mind reeling over how good he looked, his broad shoulders and his thighs were defined perfectly by the pattern.
“Like what you see?” You didn’t realise he was looking at you and your eyes flickered up to meet his icy blue ones staring back at you, a glint of cockiness in them and a smirk plastered onto his face. “You wish, James,” you tried but it was no use, you’d already been caught. 
“If you want me now doll, all you have to do is ask,” he sauntered over to you and rested his elbows on the breakfast bar opposite you. “Okay babe, keep it in your pants, you have work today,” you rolled your eyes but you couldn’t keep the heat rising to your face and the small giggle that left your mouth. As much as you loved the man in front of you, sometimes you wished it was easier to hide the effect he had on you.
“Aw, she’s blushing, she must really want it,” he kept teasing, his grin spreading. You huffed, looking down at your nearly empty bowl of cereal. “I can make you feel better, if that’s what you need?” Bucky’s voice was soft but you knew he was still messing with you. 
You looked up at him, putting on a sickly sweet smile. “I can make myself feel better, thank you very much.” You hopped down from the stool and made your way around to the sink, rinsing out your bowl and placing it on the drying rack. 
You felt the familiar strong arms make their way around your waist again, with Bucky’s large frame pressing up against your back. “I love you,” he whispered and tingles shot down your spine at the words. You repeated the words back to him before turning in his arms, snaking yours around his neck and leaning in for a kiss.
“You need to get to work hun,” Bucky said before your lips could touch. You eyebrows furrowed, “no I don’t, it’s my day off,” you were searching his eyes to see if he was playing with you but you couldn’t find any hint of it. 
“You agreed to some overtime the other day but you didn’t write it down, I wrote it in my diary for you because I knew you would forget,” he chuckled a little as he placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll take you in.” 
Before you knew it, Bucky was gathering your blazer and your work bag from near the door, handing them over to you. “Are you sure? I definitely would have written it down,” you still weren’t completely believing Bucky. 
You were always so organised with work, especially working in Bucky’s office. You just tried to make life easier for yourself as you contended with the jealous girls that worked there (everyone knew about your relationship and it hadn’t gone down well with the girls who always flirted with him).
“I’m sure, trust me, I am your boss after all,” Bucky grabbed his car keys and turned back to you, already knowing he was in trouble by the look on your face. 
“What?” He blinked, not knowing what he had done wrong. “You don’t have to bring that up every time you know, it’s not an excuse for everything.” Bucky was now clicking on to what you were talking about. He would always joke about being your boss, and you would always respond the same way, with an eye roll and scoff, followed by that shy smile that he loved.
Ever since the day you met there was constant banter and sarcasm between the two of you. Both of you flashing your cocky attitude at each other at every opportunity and nothing had changed in the year and a half you had been together. Bucky adored that you were just as headstrong as him, he loved that you always had a comeback to whatever he said and that you never took him too seriously whenever he would throw one of his comments your way. He didn’t think it would be any different this time.
“I know,” he chuckled, smirking at you again, “it’s just,” he paused. “Would you even be able to survive without me?” You felt your jaw set into place at his words, not wanting to flip instantly at what he said. When you didn’t reply, he carried on, only making the situation worse for himself. 
“Just like, you have your job because of me, which means those pay rises you always get are my doing, you’re always forgetting things, you’d be overly stressed if it wasn’t for me making sure you’re doing good all of the time, the list goes on Y/N.” You heard the smile in his voice but you couldn’t see passed his words.
At this point you could feel your blood boiling, “so you think I’m nothing without you?” You challenged, your eyes narrowing at Bucky. He didn’t catch onto the seriousness in your voice however, only chuckling and leaning against the counter with his arm. “Yeah babe, I make you 100 times better, through and through.” 
That was the last thread broken. You sucked your tongue against your teeth before nodding, walking straight to the door, picking your own car keys out of the bowl in the hallway.
“Where are you going?” You heard Bucky’s call after you. You rolled your eyes, walking out of the door and nearly slamming it in his face but he was too quick and caught it as it came flying towards him. “Woah babe, what’s gotten into you?” 
As you reached your car you whirled around to face him, making him stop abruptly in front of you. “I’m going to show you that I don’t need you, seen as though you think my life is completely dependent on you.”
It was now that Bucky saw the tears brimming your eyes. You were always so strong, always so put together and level-headed, it was very rare that he saw you crying. He knew however, that when you did cry, it was very serious.
“No no no, I didn’t mean it, I promise,” he tried to redeem himself but you were already climbing into your car, throwing your bag and blazer onto the passenger seat. You managed to close the door despite his attempts to keep it open with your last words lingering as you sped out of the driveway. “Too late, Barnes.”
When Bucky arrived at work that day he made his way straight to your office. It was on the floor below his, his office took up the whole of the top floor, but you were no where to be seen. He looked in the common room, around on the other floors and still came up with nothing. Eventually he resulted in asking at the front desk.
“She asked to take her holidays for this week, she said she’d call in when she’d be coming back and that you’d already authorised it,” the young girl explained to Bucky. He simply nodded before retreating back up to his office. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, lingering on your contact for a moment.
He knew sometimes he could be a bit too cocky but he never thought you’d react like this. You’d never had a problem with anything he’d said before and he knew you’d make sure he never over-stepped his mark. But clearly he’d crossed some invisible line that he didn’t know existed.
It rang a few times before you picked up, much to Bucky’s surprise. “What do you want, Barnes?” He could sense the edge to your voice as you spoke, there wasn’t the usual softness that he enjoyed hearing whenever he called you throughout the day. “Why have you taken your holidays at work? I never authorised that,” he heard you huff down the line.
“I’m showing you that I can do this without you, I already said this, now please leave me to it.” The line went dead as you hung up on him, and Bucky sighed as he threw his phone on the desk. He knew he messed up big time.
“I can’t believe he said that, I knew he could be an idiot sometimes but I didn’t think he was that bad!” Natasha exclaimed as she led you into the back of her bar. It was still closed and no one else was in yet apart from her so it was the perfect place to rant to your best friend.
“He tried to say he was just joking but he must have meant some of it, he listed off a load of things so he’s clearly thought about it before,” you dropped yourself down into the large leather chair in Natasha’s office. “I’m not being that kind of girl.”
Natasha hummed in agreement, “I guess you could try talking to him? I know he’d be willing to listen to what you have to say.” You knew Natasha was making perfect sense and was being very logical about the whole situation but you weren’t in the mood for logical and practical. You needed to do something to physically prove you didn’t need Bucky.
He needed to see you being able to look after yourself and not relying on him as he seemed to think you did. “I’ll talk to him after he’s seen it,” with that, you shuffled yourself further down into the seat with Natasha shaking her head at you slightly.
The good thing about having a best friend who worked in a bar was that you got free drinks. Another perk was that you could get a job whenever you needed and that was exactly what you were going to do. Of course, it wasn’t official, but as long as Bucky could see you working somewhere that wasn’t owned by him, he would hopefully get the message. 
It was tradition for Bucky to have a couple of drinks every Friday night in Nat’s bar with you, so you were hoping he’d still come despite your little falling out. 
You’d managed to go shopping and grab some clothes that fit your new ‘job’ and finished getting ready in the back before your shift started. It was well into the evening now and Bucky had left a few missed calls. He eventually left a message saying he’d be at your table if you’d like to join him. You were glad you knew him like the back of your hand otherwise this idea of yours wouldn’t have worked out very well. He’d finally get to see you being your own person.
Bucky was still in his grey suit when you spotted him in the booth in the corner. The low lights hit his skin perfectly and you couldn’t help the lingering look you sent his way as you were cleaning the bar. 
“Are you going to go talk to him or just stare at him for the rest of the night?” Natasha’s voice behind you made you jump and you turned to face her. “I’ll go serve him, not talk to him,” you corrected, before pouring his preferred drink that you had committed to memory and slowly making your way over to him.
He didn’t even look up at you as you placed the drink in front of him. It was only when you sarcastically said “you’re welcome,” did his head shoot up to meet your gaze.
“Y/N?” His voice was breathy and you noticed the way his eyes moved across your body and the confusion settling into his features at your unusual attire. “What are you doing? Why are you wearing an apron?” He began rising up to stand in front of you.
You felt yourself being pulled towards him. Seeing him now was making you forget why you left in the first place. “I’m proving that I can provide for myself, that there’s more to me than you,” you were thankful that your voice stayed steady as you spoke but you didn’t think you could keep it up much longer with the way Bucky was looking at you.
“Babe, I didn’t mean any of those things that I said this morning, you don’t need to prove yourself to me,” he reached out towards you but decided against it before he made contact with your skin. He hands felt helpless by his sides but he had no idea what to do right now. 
He had felt lost without you all day and now that he had you in front of him, it was like all of his words had left his head completely. 
“I’m also proving myself to myself, James, there must have been some truth in what you said otherwise the words wouldn’t have been in your mind,” you took a deep breath before continuing. “I won’t be home for the next week, I’m doing this for me.” 
Before you could see the look on his face, you walked away and back behind the bar. Bucky was still lingering in the same place as you stood next to Natasha. His face lost as he looked around at everyone else. 
“Was that the right thing to do?” You were suddenly questioning yourself and you didn’t know what to think anymore. You were so strong about your decision before but after seeing Bucky you didn’t know if it was the right one.
“Hun, he needs to learn that you are your own person, like you said before, he can’t go around saying that stuff about you and not expect any consequences and he’s been saying it far too long to not have any, in my opinion,” you looked over at her and she just shrugged. “Look, I can change my mind okay, don’t look at me like that.” 
You simply laughed at her, before you were being called over by a customer. You glanced over at Bucky’s table and noticed the seat was empty where he had been. It was going to be a long week. 
Bucky never thought he would feel so alone in his own home. Sleeping in the king sized bed without you next to him was the worst thing he’d experienced. He’d reached out so many times in the night to feel the warmth and comfort of your body but all he came into contact with was more sheets.
He’d given up eating proper meals by day 2, not only did he not have the appetite, but cooking for one just wasn’t as fun as cooking for the love of his life. He so desperately wanted to call you, to work it all out and convince you to come home but he stopped himself.
He knew you were doing this for yourself and not just for him. He owed you that at the very least. You deserved to find your place in this world without him. The amount of times the conversation that had caused all of this played over in his head was impossible to count. Bucky had ran through so many different scenarios of how that could have ended and none of them ended up with you leaving like this. 
The only thing that kept him going was the fact that you had said you’d be gone for a week. It had been exactly a week since you said you needed to do this and Bucky had been counting down the days until your return, not that he would like to admit it.
He was laid on the unmade bed when he heard the front door open from downstairs. He waited a second before hearing your familiar footsteps making their way up the stairs. 
Bucky was sat on the edge of the bed closest to the door when you entered, a sports bag full of stuff on one of your arms and the blazer that Bucky had gifted you on your other. The sight of you was enough to make Bucky instantly feel at home and the smile you sent him as you saw him let him know that everything was alright.
“So,” his voice was quite as you set your bag on the floor. “How was your week away from home, survivor?” You could tell he was nervous by the way he was wringing his hands together but you giggled at his choice of words. 
“I survived without you, if that’s what you’re asking,” you joked, making your way over to stand in front of him but a sadness settled into his eyes at your comment. He took a breath before attempting to speak but you cut him off before he could.
“I know you’re going to apologise, and I don’t want you to, I know how you feel about the situation but I’m glad it happened,” Bucky frowned. “You are?” You nodded, giggling again before taking a seat next to him and reaching out for his hand. He quickly filled yours with his and squeezed a little at the familiar contact. He’d missed the feeling of your skin.
“I think we needed that, I now realise that I don’t need you as much as I thought I did, and as much as you thought I did, and I don’t mean that in a way that I want to get rid of you, I mean it in a way where we can grow from this experience,” Bucky just searched your face while you spoke. 
“I don’t need you but I want you, you know I’ll always want you Bucky, I just want to be more independent,” he was nodding his head now, he was pretty sure he understood where you were coming from. 
“So what does this mean for us? You still want to be with me?” You thought you’d made it clear for him but the week alone hadn’t done his thoughts any good. “Of course I do, Buck, I love you.”
You leaned forward, placing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth which he quickly reciprocated. “I just want to do more things for myself, I love doing them with you but there’s some things we need to do for ourselves.”
“I agree, I was doing some thinking too, after seeing you working in the bar with Nat, I was wondering if you wanted a bit of a change in your job, nothing major, just you’d be in charge of a department?” The smile on your face grew at Bucky’s words. He knew you’d been going after a different job within his company for a while now but there was never a fully open position. Luckily, someone had just left on your week off and Bucky thought it was the perfect opportunity for you to be more independent within your work.
“That would be amazing, Buck!” You all but squealed before enveloping him in your arms. “It’s not too much that I got you your job though is it?” Bucky tried to joke but you knew he was being serious. “Not at all, babe,” you pulled back. “I really appreciate it.”
A moment was shared between the two of you and you didn’t know whether it was because you had spent a week apart or because you just loved each other that much but you felt the connection between the two of you grow stronger, and you never wanted to leave him again.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Jungkook X Reader ~ Stuck With Me [Request]
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>>> Word Count: Dead on 5K
>>> Pairing: Jungkook x Actress!Reader
>>> Genre: Fluff with maybe like the tiniest amount of angst…I’m sorry
>>> A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this one actually lmao, hope this okay for you @thewoundsinmyheart !! PS Yes the ending about the plants is something that has happened to me…I now only care for fake plants ;)
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To you, travelling to a new country was scary and something you never imagined yourself doing before you became an actress, 
"Thank you," You whispered as the air stewardess handed you some earphones and a drink you'd order, you glanced out of the small plane window, it was raining heavily and it made you think of the last time you were on a plane. It was your flight back from Korea, you'd split with your boyfriend, it wasn't a bad split, you both understood why it had to happen but it didn't make it any easier for you both and you both remained really close friends, staying in touch with each other. The media had a field day when they found out you were still friends with him, claiming no one could be friends with an ex. 
You could still remember the breakup as if it had only happened yesterday, but it was a year ago now but it was still a fresh wound to you, you gripped onto the seat tightly trying to think of something, anything else as the plane started to run up the runway. 
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"It's not like I had a choice baby." You whispered to Jungkook as he laid his head on your lap, both of you sitting outside the dorms that he lived in staring up at the stars together. 
"I never see you anymore." He mumbled as you looked down at him, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. It was true, you never had time for one another anymore. You were always away filming, and when you were off work he was promoting their albums and filming new music videos. You'd missed being able to stay up all night talking to him on skype, but you couldn't do that anymore because of your filming schedule. You had no time for each other and it was only a matter of time before things started to break apart. 
"We've been dating for a year now, you'd think we'd have this together by now." You mumbled laying down on the grass next to him, he sighed and pulled you to lay on his chest, wanting to stay there with you all night but you had an early plane. 
"Sometimes I wish I'd never become an actress." You admitted to him, he let out a light chuckle and you felt it vibrate across your face making you giggle.
"We never would have met though," You nodded in agreement, you'd only met Jungkook because you bumped into him on James Corden's show when you'd gone on for an interview and you both hit it off right away, talking about video games, and about the flinch game you were both playing since then it had been a friendship until he finally got the courage, or rather Jimin took his phone and asked you out over text. Date one lead to more dates and then dates turned into you being his girlfriend, in secret at first. Your company had one rule and that was no dating, but who follows rules? No one but that wasn't going to stop you meeting and dating Jungkook. After dating for six months you both let out a magazine article about it, feeling guilty about hiding it from people.
"We can always skype again?" You offered but you knew where this was going and neither of you wanted to admit it. 
"It's not the same." He whispered to you, sitting up and crossing his legs. He sat across from you and then looked into your eyes, neither of you had mentioned the words but both of you were crying. 
"We have to-"
"I know." You finished, not wanting him to say it, he nodded at you and you nodded back. You did that a lot, you would have your own conversations, finishing off each other's sentences. It annoyed the other members when you did it in front of them, they found it too cute and pretended to vomit whenever you did it. 
"Can we just pretend for one night that we're okay, one night and then tomorrow we can end it?" He nodded at you and you smiled weakly, trying not to let yourself cry in front of him but it was hard not to when you knew it was the last night you would spend together. 
"Don't cry, don't cry tomorrow either." You nodded in agreement with him and he kissed you softly, putting his hand on the back of your head to pull you closer to him, you kissed back, placing your arms around his neck and leaning closer to him.
"Let's go inside, it's getting cold and I don't want you getting sick." You nodded and he helped you stand up, but just as you were about to walk he picked you up bridal style, carrying you through into the dorms, earning some weird looks from Taehyung who was playing video games and Jimin who was on his phone. 
You knew that Jungkook going to the airport wasn't going to end well because of the fans that would go there to see him. So you were standing in the dorms saying your goodbyes to each member, you were close with them all. You had a year to get to know them and you loved them all like older brothers. 
"So this is it?" Jungkook asked when you were alone, the rest of the boys going into the dorms to give you some privacy, you nodded sadly not trusting yourself to talk. 
"We don't have to say goodbye, we can say see you later." He whispered to you, his voice cracking at the end but you nodded. 
"Sounds like a good idea." You whimpered and he took you into his arms, you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face into his chest. 
"I love you Kookie." You sniffled as you pulled apart, your driver was waiting and you didn't want to be late, though the thought of missing your plane and staying in Korea did sound appealing. 
"I love you too." He wiped the tear from under your ear and you looked over your shoulder, 
"We can still call and text, we can be friends?" You questioned bending down to pick up your bag and he nodded helping you to carry your bags over to the car. 
"Always." He whispered as the driver shut the boot, going over to the driver's door and getting inside. You shook your head trying not to cry but it was too late, the tears were flowing and you could tell Jungkook was holding it back because his hands were shaking and his eyes were bright red. 
"I love you." He said again, taking your hand in his and walking you to the car, helping you inside as you stared up at him, 
"Tell the boys I'll miss them...But I'll miss you the most." You wiped your face and he sighed bending down so he could see you better, 
"This is starting to sound a lot like 'goodbye,'" You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked at him with a sad smile.
"I'll see you later Kookie." You whispered, kissing his lips and then he shut the car door, watching from the garden as the driver drove away the love of his life.
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Despite everything you were still really close to every single member, so when you heard that you were going to Korea for a shooting you called them up, asking to go for a meal or drinks together and they all agreed. You had two weeks in Korea and only one of those was to film for, you'd taken a week off knowing how much you loved Korea. You wanted to have time off to spend with friends and to go sightseeing.
"I'm telling you the sign isn't good enough! She's a huge star she needs something big!" You heard Taehyung complaining as you reached the baggage area, you turned around looking for them but it was hard without your contacts in or your glasses on. 
"Y/N!" Jin screamed grabbing your attention, you looked over to them and smiled waving your arms around like a crazy person and laughing as cameras starting flashing wildly. You knew the cameras followed you and the boys everywhere but it was still something you weren't used to. Your manager promised she would grab your bags and you ran toward the boys, turning into a sprint when the area was free. 
"DUMPLING!" Jimin screamed moving in the way over Jin and picking you up as you jumped into his arms, you wrapped your legs around his waist and he stumbled backwards, falling into Taehyung and then onto the floor, you sitting on top of him in a fit of laughter. 
"Fuck, I missed you guys." You cried out looking at each of them staring down at you, Jin helped you up and you hugged him. 
"We missed you too," Namjoon said to you, you glanced at each of them and then realised Jungkook wasn't there. Jin saw your smile fall from your face and then looked around, 
"He's at the studio, he'd been busy lately." You nodded sadly but tried to pretend to be fine. You should be fine, your six best friends were all around you and engulfing you in hugs. 
"I have filming for this week but after that, I'm all yours." You promised them as Jimin hugged you for the sixth time in a row, he didn't want to let go. None of them had seen you in person for a year and talking through texts and skype wasn't enough for them. 
"I've got the week planned," Namjoon told you, you'd expressed to him your love for museums at the moment and he told you he'd take you to every single one in the area. Jin had promised you home-cooked meals and Tae was promising you photography lessons with him and Yoongi. Jimin, on the other hand, was too busy flirting with you and asking questions about your life now to make plans but you didn't mind. You wanted to relax with them, even though you were feeling bad that Jungkook hadn't bothered to reach out and make plans with you. 
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The truth was when Jungkook found out you were coming back to Korea he threw himself into work, not wanting to see you. Not because he didn't love you, or miss you. It was because he loved you too much and didn't want to go through the heartache of saying goodbye to you all over again. He'd tried to move on but no one compared to you, no one was you except you. He could manage talking over the phone and texting you but seeing you in person was only going to heighten everything he felt about you and he wasn't ready for that.
"You can't avoid her forever, she'll be staying at the dorms," Yoongi told him as he arrived in the studios, Jungkook looked at the photo of you on his desk and then over at Yoongi. 
"Hyung, it's hard." Yoongi sighed at the younger boy and sat on the sofa that was in the studio. Yoongi was the most understanding when it came to this situation and Jungkook always found himself going to him for advice. 
"You're both older now...Schedules are less hectic maybe you could try again?" Jungkook shook his head, 
"I doubt she'll still be interested." Yoongi looked at the photo that Jungkook was staring at, 
"I wouldn't be so sure, you didn't see the way she looked when she realised you weren't with us at the airport. She misses you." With that Yoogni left the studio and went off to his own. Leaving Jungkook to stare at the photo in silence while he thought of how he was going to get some time alone with you, he knew the boys wanted to hang around you as much as he did. He took out his phone and debated texting you, deciding against texting you and throwing his phone against the sofa. 
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Filming had gone by in a flash and you'd spent most of the second week with Namjoon and the boys. Jungkook occasionally showing his face at the dorms to grab a spare change of clothes before leaving again, it hurt for him to stare right through you as though you weren't sitting there in front of him but it didn't hurt as much as the first time he'd done it, the first night was awful, 
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"Hyung have you got the beat on that USB stick still?" Jungkook asked as he walked through the dorms front door, he looked at Taehyung who was sitting next to you. You looked up from the camera to Jungkook who was staring dead ahead at Taehyung, 
"Hi, Kook." You spoke hoping he would greet you. It was your first night at the dorms and Namjoon told you Jungkook was really busy with music and wouldn't be around much but you didn't think he would do this to you.
"Hyung?" Jungkook repeated as though he hadn't even heard you say his nickname but you saw him sneak a glance when he thought you weren't looking and you bit down on your lip. 
"Yeah, right here." Taehyung got up looking at you, you stared at the floor not knowing what to do with yourself. The dorm fell silent, even Jin who had previously been laughing at a bad joke was silent as they all stared at Jungkook in shock. He'd been talking about you coming back for months and now you were here it was as if he didn't care. 
"I'm going to get some air." You said to Yoongi who was sitting across from you, you walked past Jungkook and out towards the kitchens. Jungkook reached out for your wrist but stopped himself from grabbing you earning a dirty look from Yoongi who'd told him earlier that morning that you wanted to see him. 
"Thanks." He muttered taking a USB stick from Taehyung and turning to leave before anyone could question him but Namjoon stood in his way.
"Why are you acting like this?" Jungkook pushed past the leader and out of the dorms while Jin went out to the back garden to find you sitting on the grass. The same spot where you spent your last night with Jungkook. 
"He just doesn't want to get hurt." He reminded you but you wiped your eyes on your sleeve, turning to look up at Jin. Your knees were pulled against your chest as you cried into them,
"It hurts Jin. I thought we were friends." He sighed and sat down next to you, trying to comfort you in any way he could but he knew he could never comfort you the way Jungkook could. 
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The boys had enough towards the end of the week, both of you were making eyes at each other when the other wasn't looking and it was starting to get on their nerves. Neither of you would talk to each other, you gave up trying after the third day of him ignoring you and you didn't want to try again. Every time you did you felt your heart crumble a little more.
"We're all going out to a meal tonight, all of us," Jin said in an authoritative tone that morning, he was directing most of his attention at Jungkook who was sitting at the breakfast table facing away from you. Last night was the first night he'd spent at the dorms since you'd been in Korea and he ignored you. 
"No lame excuses as to why you can't go, you're going," Namjoon ordered looking at the younger boy who nodded at the leader. 
"Great. Can I leave now?" He pushed himself away from the table and left the dorms, you looked at Jimin. 
"I need to go shopping, do you want to come with me?" He nodded along with you and you got up from the table, going to change before you went shopping. If Jungkook was going to ignore you like that you were going to try and make it harder for him to ignore you. You'd wear his favourite colour on you and his favourite style of dress if you had to. You were sick of him acting like a child when he wasn't one anymore.
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Jimin loved the idea of teasing Jungkook to the point of talking to you and helped you find something that would make you irresistible. So now you were standing in Jimin's room trying on the dress for the night, your hair curled and pinned back, your makeup a simple winged eyeliner and mascara, no need to go over the top too much. You stared at yourself in the mirror, it was a black midi dress with a frill hem and sleeve, it wasn't revealing enough for people to think badly of you, it was just revealing enough to show Jungkook what he was missing. The tight waistline made your curves look amazing and the deep V line made it just sexy enough for an evening meal. You thanked Jimin for his fashion advice since he was the one picking out dresses for you and giving you advice on them, something you were tempted to kidnap him for and take him back to the US for when you had shows to prepare for. 
"You look-" Namjoon started,
"Yeah." Jin finished as you walked down the staircase in the dress and heels, taking Jimin's hand as he waited at the bottom for you twirling you under his arms and smirking at the boys. 
"My handy work." He chuckled looking at Taehyung who was taking Selca's for twitter, 
"Oh, I want some." You giggled taking your hand away from Jimin and getting your phone from the black clutch bag and taking photos with each of them when the door opened. Jungkook was standing there sweating,
"I'll go have a shower and then get ready." He told Jin who was staring at him disapprovingly, while you were busy taking photos you hadn't noticed that Jungkook was staring at you, his mouth hanging open as he noticed what you were wearing, watching as you smiled in photos with his friends and giggled. God that giggle. He'd missed hearing you giggle like that, he remembered when he could make you giggle that way. 
"Go," Jin told him and Jungkook was pulled from his trance, rushing up the stairs to get changed, the fastest he'd moved all week. Searching through his wardrobe for something to wear.
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"If you make eyes at him one more time I'm going to lock you in a room together," Jin said to you at the table, Jungkook had gotten up with Jimin to get another round of drinks in and you were staring at him. The way his lips turned up at the corners when he showed his bunny smile, then the way he laughed at something someone had said at the table, how he'd hide behind his hand if he laughed too hard at something that no one else found funny.
"Sorry Jin," You whispered looking down at your phone, your ride was almost there. You hadn't told them you were leaving that night, you couldn't stand the heartbreak of saying goodbye. You looked up again and Jungkook was talking to someone at the bar, Jimin came over with a tray of drinks and placed yours in front of you, following your gaze to the tall blonde that Jungkook was talking to you. Skinny, legs for days, her hair was thrown into a messy, yet stylish bun, and she was wearing a black dress that revealed almost everything and you hadn't seen Jungkook smiling that much since you'd been there. 
"She's just telling him a joke." Jimin lied, you knew what she was doing when she placed her hand on his bicep and acted shocked as it was ''Bigger than she expected''. You looked at the drink in front of you and then at your phone as it vibrated, 
"Excuse me." You passed Jin on the way out of the table and he kept his eyes on you, glancing at your phone. 'Uber'. Why would you need an Uber when he was driving everyone back to the dorms in an hour. 
"Yeah, thank you. I'll be right down." He heard you say into the phone, he looked at you and then over to Jungkook. 
"So you're just going to leave again, without even saying goodbye?" You looked at Jin, he looked hurt by your actions. 
"It's easier to leave without a goodbye, it hurts too much to say goodbye to you guys." But he was shaking his head at you, 
"I meant him." He pointed over at Jungkook who was still laughing with the blonde at the air, you swallowed hard and looked at the floor. 
"Look he'll be fine without me." You spat out, turning away from the bar and going over to the balcony doors but Jin wasn't going to let you drop this that easily. He followed you out onto the terrace and stood behind you as you stared at the floor below, all the people passing you without a care in the world. 
"How do you know he'll be fine? You've never seen him without you but we have, and it breaks our heart. I don't care about you leaving without a goodbye to us but you have to say something to him. I'm sick of you both acting like kids." He mumbled to you, both of you were so lost in your conversation you hadn't seen or heard Jungkook coming out onto the terrace to see what was happening. 
"You're leaving?" Jin turned to look at Jungkook and then you, nodding at the youngest and leaving the terrace, shutting the door so no one else would go out there. 
"Yeah, I am." You said as a matter-of-factly not looking at him in the eyes, if you had you would have seen him tearing up. 
"Without a goodbye?" You scoffed at him and went over to the seating area, sitting on the cold fabric and looking at Jungkook with a glare. 
"I didn't even get a hello, why should you get a goodbye?" He looked down at the floor, he knew you were right. He'd been treating you like a piece of shit with no reason except for the fact that he didn't want to get hurt but he ended up hurting you in the process. 
"We were supposed to be friends Jungkook and now we're nothing to each other." You whispered finally letting everything out that you'd been feeling for the last week, all of the hurt and anger you'd been feeling towards him.
"It was low of me, I'm sorry." He said coming over to the seats and sitting opposite you, the only thing between you was an outdoor table but it still felt like he was a whole other world apart from you.
"It was." You told him, looking up at him to see he was already staring at you in the eys. 
"But I didn't want to get hurt again, seeing you all week has driven me wild and then tonight..." He pointed at the dress and groaned laying his head down on the table in a dramatic fashion, 
"You drive me insane, after this year and I'm still not over you. I'm still madly in love with you and I didn't want to see you in case you didn't love me anymore," He still loved you? He wasn't being a child because he didn't care for you anymore. 
"You still love me?" You muttered turning to look at him and he lifted his head from the table to meet your gaze, 
"I could never stop loving you, I tried." You wanted to leap over the table and kiss him but you knew you had to remain cool anyone could be watching you right now. 
"Jungkook I-"
"You don't have to say it, I know you don't love me back." That was it, you pushed the wooden table away and sat on his lap, shocking him as he looked up into your eyes, they were sparkling the way they were on the last night you had together. 
"You're a fucking idiot Kookie." You mumbled before smashing your lips together, his hands froze on your hips as you kissed him but once his brain caught up to him he moved them, one resting on the small of your back to stop you from falling off his lap and the other resting in the back of your hair to pull you closer to him. Your hands resting on his shoulders as you kissed him passionately, he pulled away from your lips but putting your foreheads together as you panted out of breath. 
"I love you. Always have and always will." You mumbled to him, slowly sliding from his lap and sitting across from him again, looking at the table that was pushed to the side. 
"Are you going to leave tonight?" You looked at your phone and shook your head. 
"My ride just left." You locked your phone and looked at him and he was crying, 
"Are you going to leave again?" You looked over at him and then over to the wall, trying to stop yourself from crying. 
"I don't want to, I want to stay here." You whispered to him and he grabbed your hands in a rushed fashion,
"Then stay. Stay here." You frowned at him, glancing from your interlocked fingers to his face, he looked like he was in pain as he spoke to you. 
"We can figure it out, you can work here. You're fluent in Korean, you can find jobs." You giggled a little through the tears as he continued to rant on about what you could do here instead of back in the US. It didn't sound like a bad idea, 
"I could see what I could do." You whispered to him, looking over at the door to see Jin smirking at you through the glass, Jimin and Tae standing next to him and making kissy faces. You groaned at them and shook your head, Jungkook looked over his shoulder and waved them away, 
"You're serious about staying?"
"Only if you're serious about wanting me to stay?" He nodded and you smiled at him, 
"I'll see what I can do."
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There was nothing you could do. Nothing that your company was willing to let you do except moving to Korea and flying away when you had shots which you did. You packed up everything for Jungkook, you knew you needed nothing but him to make you happy. 
"You're sure about this?" Jungkook questioned as you unboxed the last box into your new shared apartment, 
"It's a little late for that isn't it Kook?" You giggled as you looked around at the apartment you owned. You'd brought a place together, moving in together seemed like the better option since you would both be together all of the time anyway, and when he was away on tour you would look after it and when you were shooting he would look after it. Both of you were determined to make it work this time. 
"You're right, you're stuck with me." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against his chest as he looked around your shared bed. 
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows, you groaned pushing him away and jumping onto the bed. 
"I think," You giggled picking the pillow up behind your back and waiting for him to come closer to you and smirking. 
"Fuck, you're gorgeous." He mumbled coming over to you and taking your head in his hand but you smacked him away with the pillow. 
"Oh, it's on!" He screamed grabbing one of the other pillows and chasing you down the stairs as you ran away from him. 
"I will call Jin and tell him you're bullying me!" You screamed from one side of the sofa and he stared at you, laughing. 
"I'm not scared of Jin." You smirked standing up straight and pointing at the front door where Jin was standing, holding a container of food. 
"You're not?" Jungkook dropped the pillow and sprinted to hide behind you, kissing your shoulder and looking at Jin. 
"Can't get me if I'm behind Y/n." Jin hummed in response and stared at you, you dove out of the way and ran out of the living room leaving Jungkook without protection. You turned into a fit of laughter as you watched them chasing each other, the oldest and youngest acting as though they were kids again. You were never going to get bored of this and you smiled to yourself, opening the door to let the rest of the boys inside. All of them bringing food, except for Namjoon who had a house plant for you,
"Thanks, Joonie, I'll try not to kill it." You promised, giving him a side hug and smiling up at him.
"It's fake, I know how you are with plants." You glared at him and took the fake plant into the living room, sitting it on the windowsill of the living room. 
"You kill four cacti and everyone thinks you're a monster." You said dramatically throwing your hands in the air, 
"In our defence, you did kill a Dracaena trifasciata plant and they're impossible to kill." You pouted looking down at the floor as Jimin spoke. 
"He looked thirsty." Jungkook chuckled at you and picked you up from behind, 
"We'll be able to keep the fake one alive unless Joonie breaks the pot." You giggled and Jungkook put you back down on the floor, asking who was ready to eat and taking everyone through to the kitchen as you stayed behind to watch them all. This was the best decision you had ever in your life.
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@yourguessisasgoodasminemate @yoongisdumplingcheeks @ficdump101 @btsiguess-kpop @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @babymochichimmy @mitzwinchester   @lyoongx​
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so... i’m not actually in the witcher fandom, nor do i know the most about it...but i still think you should write witcher!hyunjin + bard!jisung. i just approve of the notion idk
I WROTE IT!!!! lmao, be proud of me! this was a whole ride and I loved every second. I hope you’ll find this amusing, too!
Here's the tags: KPOP RPF, Stray Kids Fanfic, Han Jisung/Hwang Hyunjin, rated T, warnings for violence and blood, Witcher AU, 5k, complete. Read it on ao3 here or continue forth below the cut.
Inspired by this Witcher!Hyunjin edit. Beta’d by Reltic, who writes very good skz fic y’all should go read it <3
Anyway let me know what you think :]
 Hyunjin punched him in the face.
 … by accident. That was important. Or it would be important, if Hyunjin didn’t wish he could punch the annoying bard a second time.
 Unfortunately, they were currently caught and bound in the bandits’ cave, back to back, and if Hyunjin wanted to break free fast, the knife in his arm guard would also stab the annoying bard in the back. And he had to admit that that annoying mouth was currently the only thing preventing the bandits from slashing their throats and leaving them to bleed out in a ditch.
 So Hyunjin lost himself in the memory of the bard’s stupid soft cheek on his knuckles, the impact he felt before the bard’s head snapped back and he stumbled away. The blood on his teeth when he smiled up at Hyunjin, who had honestly (oh, his past self new nothing) meant to punch the lackey of the village’s head who refused to pay him. The space around the bar had been packed, and someone was pushed into the lackey just before Hyunjin hit him.
 The annoying bard.
 Hyunjin, feeling sorry and embarrassed, had kicked the lackey a few metres away, relishing in the thump of a body against the wall and then the following slump to the floor accompanied with the sudden scared quiet of the room. And then he’d glared at the guys who had been pushing the annoying bard and escorted him out, meaning to apologise. He had not meant for the annoying bard to follow him on the dusty dirt road to the next village and never stop talking.  
 “You really should let us go, my dudes,” the annoying bard laughed – Jisung, oh how Hyunjin wished he didn’t know that name – “I mean come on, have you ever seen a man as beautiful as him? It would be a crime to kill us, a crime.”  
 The first that hit Jisung’s bruised face after that was deserved, and Hyunjin wished he was the one who did the punching.
 “You trespassed into our territory, we will do as we wish,” one of the bandits crossed his head and lifted his chin as if he was almighty. For the moment, he was. “We have heard of a witcher with ties to the queen, and we can’t let him run to her and tell her about our secret drug ring.”
 Hyunjin closed his eyes and groaned quietly. Life was just out to get him specifically.
 “Ah, we don’t kiss and tell,” Jisung said, and Hyunjin just knows he’s winking and putting on his ‘flirting’ face. “Wait, Hyunjinnie, you know the queen? Me too!”
 Hyunjin wished he could close his ears too. Those were definitely the words the bandits needed to hear right now. Yes. Good thinking there, Jisung.
 “Who are you that you know the queen?” Another of the bandits spoke up, walking closer. “Maybe we can exchange your dead remains for money.”
 Jisung, at least, had nothing to say to that. “Ahaha, a joke, of course! How would I know the queen! Why would he know the queen? He’s a witcher, not a witch.”
 Hyunjin groaned. “The queen and I are on bad terms right now, and I won’t tell her about your drug ring because I will kill you all.”
 Finally, blessed silence. Hyunjin counted his heartbeats and breaths, relaxing his shoulders. Quiet. Nice. Now if only there was a breeze carrying some fresh mountain air.
 “Hey,” Jisung hissed, “don’t encourage them!”
 And the room broke in frantic yells and panic as they tried to decide what to do since both their prisoners apparently knew the ruler of the kingdom, except of course if they were lying. Hyunjin sighed.
 “Hyunjin,” Jisung whispered, shuffling around, “how do we escape? You have a plan, right?”
 Hyunjin took a deep breath. “I have a knife in my boot,” he told Jisung quietly, “if we stand up at the same time, I can take it, and cut us free.”
 Jisung let out a breath. “Oh, that’s good! I knew you got this.”
 Hyunjin just brought his legs under him, swiping the dagger from his boot – really, what kind of bandits didn’t tie their prisoner’s legs? – and as he stood with Jisung scrambling to his feet himself, he cut the ropes tying them together.
 The bandits noticed a second too late, and drew their swords a second too late. Two put up half a fight, but soon they all lay dead on the floor, blood splattered all over Hyunjin. Hyunjin wrinkled his nose, and made an attempt to wipe the blood off of his daggers on the only bandit who still had a clean shirt.
 “Where did that second dagger come from?” Jisung, his wrists still bound, interrupted Hyunjin.
 “You’re still here?” Hyunjin shoved the daggers back, one into his boot and the other under his arm guard where it was concealed under black leather.
 “Wait so you could have broken free all along with the dagger in your sleeve? Why didn’t you…” understanding slowly crawled across his expressive face, followed by a bright smile. “Hyunjin! I knew you care about me!”
 “I don’t,” Hyunjin said, but somehow couldn’t stop himself from untying Jisung’s hands. He took his sword from where the bandits had tossed it in a corner and drew the blade. More bandits would still be outside. Jisung picked up his lute and hugged it close to his chest.
 As Hyunjin had expected, a few bandits were in the surrounding woods, just far enough to not have heard their companions’ dying screams. Hyunjin killed the ones that attacked him and let the others run away.
 When he reached the road, he lifted his fingers to his mouth and whistled.
 Loud breathing and stomping reached him not much later.
 “Hyunjinnie!” Jisung emerged behind him, cheeks flushed under his bruised face, lute strapped to his back. “I don’t understand how –” he gasped for air, “– you can run through the woods so fast. Wait for me.”
 Hyunjin, however, only had eyes for the beauty that approached him now. “Kkami!”
 Kkami was his trusted companion and only friend. And a horse. But she was the best. Better than all humans he ever met. A good listener too. And quiet. Unlike a certain annoying bard.
 “Oh, pretty,” Jisung stumbled towards Kkami, who neatly stepped around him as if he was just an unusual kind of tree.
 “I’m so proud of you,” Hyunjin whispered to her, leaning his forehead against hers and stroking her long neck. Kkami was truly his only friend.
 Hyunjin climbed up on her back in one smooth move. He patted the parts of her neck he could reach and steered her down the road with his legs alone. She started walking in a comfortable walk, one that she would be able to hold for days. The sun was high in the sky, the trees green, the birds singing. It was calm now. The breeze smelled of forest and moss and rotting leaves and flowers in bloom. Hyunjin could hear his own heartbeat as well as Kkami’s, their breaths aligning like they so often did on long journeys.
 It was wonderful.
 Except that his and Kkami’s weren’t the only heartbeats he heard.
 “Oh, can I also ride on your horse? No? Alright then, it’s your horse, I understand. Did you call her Kkami? That’s so cute. Like you! You were so badass back there, I had literal goosebumps. I must admit the blood splattered clothes fit you very well. And did you see their faces when they realised we got free? And oh, we busted a drug ring, if you were on good terms with the queen we could totally go to the capital and receive money for doing good deeds in the name of the crown. But alas, we’ll have to live as vagabonds! Lonely heroes on their way to defeat evil!”
 Yup. There he was.
 “I should write a song about it. I can write a song about us. I will write a song about you! Hyunjin, how do you feel about songs? I promise I’ll also credit Kkami with defeating a villain, of course, she’s lovely. Do you think a long ballad would be suitable? Or a drinking song? If you don’t mind, I’ll try some freestyles, yeah?”
 “Shut up.”
 “Ah, but I write my songs by freestyling! I just start singing, play some chords, and continue until I find sounds and words I like. You know, as a starving artist with only my lute, I can’t rely on making notes and writing my lyrics down, I have to memorize them as I come up with them! So talking to myself helps with that, obviously. And now I have you, too! You will help me, right?”
 Hyunjin contemplated kicking Jisung in the face. It would… even be possible, he realised as he studied the distance between his leg and Jisung’s head. He’d have to stretch weirdly though, and unless he shifted his weight, the kick wouldn’t be very strong. The movement would surprise Kkami though, and while she definitely wouldn’t mind or be inconvenienced, Hyunjin was sitting comfortable and breathing in synchrony with her.
 Why mess that up? He could just pretend he wasn’t hearing anything, anything at all. A fly, maybe. A bee. Human voices? The last time he heard a human speak was one of the bandits, before he stabbed him in the chest with his sword and left the body in the shrubbery.
 Oh, the calmness of the forest… so quiet… so nice.
 In the late afternoon, the trees gave way to the next village, with fields spreading out into wasteland and far away mountains. The village was just big enough to have a bit of stone ground in the middle, with a river and a mill. An inn sat in it’s center.
 Hyunjin sighed. He had exactly no money, which meant he’d have to ask for a job first before he could rent a room. However, he had yet to see a village that didn’t have at least one monster to get rid of. It just meant he’d have to go monster hunting before he could go to sleep for a day.
 “Oh, are we staying here, Hyunjin?” Jisung stood in front of Hyunjin when he jumped off Kkami. And Jisung grinned. He swaggered towards the door of the inn. “I don’t have money, but I’m sure I can get us a room in exchange for entertainment! I’ll sing of your victories, witcher, and the town will love you!”
 “Uh… bard,” Hyunjin said, because he’d actually have to warn him, didn’t he? “Jisung.”
 Jisung turned to him with wide eyes and his grin turned into a soft smile.
 “That might not help. As a witcher, people don’t usually… like… it… when I’m around.” Hyunjin gestured to his appearance, dark leather armour splattered with blood. Long white hair bound together but he knew there were leaves caught in it. It really spoke for itself. His glowing eyes didn’t help his case. “I’ll ask for a monster to kill, which will hopefully get us a meal and a room, and Kkami a place in a stable. That’s all, and only if we’re lucky.”
 A look of something crossed Jisung’s face, there and gone too fast for Hyunjin to read. He squared his shoulders and bared his teeth. “Trust me on this, Hyunjin.”
 And Jisung sauntered into the inn as if he owned it.
 Hyunjin and Kkami shared a look. “I don’t know either, Kkami, sweetheart,” Hyunjin sighed.
 Kkami neighed quietly.
 “I know, I know, I better go and save his ass or something,” Hyunjin cringed. He was actually going to, wasn’t he?
 Kkami snorted.
 Hyunjin rolled his eyes. “Yah, don’t laugh at me! Wait here, okay? If anyone comes at you, you know how to drop kick them.”
 Jisung had maybe one minute alone in the inn. Somehow, Hyunjin expected there to be fire and screaming and new bruises on Jisung’s annoying face.
 One minute, and yet what Hyunjin found when he opened the door was Jisung pointing a finger at him, yelling, and cheering from a crowd of mostly drunk farmers and a handful of young women who curiously turned their heads.
 “That’s him!” Jisung was laughing, too. “He saved my life.”
 Hyunjin didn’t have time to process that before he was shoved next to Jisung by a smiling man with a long beard and a cup of beer was handed to him. The women oohed and aahed.
 “Jisung-ssi, why didn’t you say he’s pretty?”
 “Mr Bard, he truly looks as beautiful as you said! A hero!”
 “To have defeated a Barghest! I’ll drink to that!”
 Jisung cheered with the small crowd, and Hyunjin lifted his beer in cheers, setting it back down when it seemed like most people were briefly shifting their attention to their own drinks. Alcohol did nothing for him, and he didn’t like beer. Jisung swiftly switched his own cup with Hyunjin’s, and when Hyunjin brought the cup up to his face, he noticed it was water.
 “I told you to trust me, Hyunjin,” Jisung said quietly.
 Hyunjin could only nod.
 “Oh, your hair is so pretty,” one of the older women said, sliding into the seat next to him. “I’m the co-owner of this establishment, by the way.”
 “Um, thank you,” Hyunjin swallowed a mouthful of water. “I’ve been meaning to ask if you had a job for me here.”
 Jisung, now a few metres away, strung his lute and started singing a catchy song about ‘that time a handsome witcher saved me from the beast’ which, despite his raspy throat, sounded good – if you could ignore the terrible text. And the fact that it was all lies. Well, Hyunjin had to admit that he did save Jisung from certain death, but there was nothing heroic about it, and Hyunjin also hadn’t taken off his clothes to use his undershirt to bind a cut on Jisung’s ankle.
 “We are uncertain still,” the woman quickly tugged Hyunjin out of his thoughts with her serious tone. “A monster dwells upstream. Sometimes the river is dyed red, or pieces of ripped clothing will pass the village. My niece disappeared two weeks ago. One of the farmers went up to see what was causing the issue last week, and he never returned. One of his shoes did, though.”
 “Hmm,” Hyunjin nodded. “I have a few ideas of what it might be, and none of them are good.”
 The woman nodded, smiling worriedly. “If it really is a… monster, as you say, we will of course pay you accordingly. For now, your drinks are on us – see it as a gesture of good will for saving that bard.”
 With a polite smile, she turned to attend a group of newly arrived villagers.
 Hyunjin eyed the sliver of fading daylight streaming in through the dirty window. If it really was a drowner, it might move closer to the village when hungry. Drowners lived in streams and ponds and sewers, but if this one was upstream it might not take long for it to decide to live closer to the village. Hyunjin remembered the mill. There must be a body of water directly connected to it.
 And if the last death was already a week ago, then he’d have to hurry. He finished his water and got up.
 “Jisung,” he said when he reached him and Jisung had taken a small break from singing to hydrate. “I’m going after a monster here. I will be back by moonrise.”
 Jisung smiled a gummy smile, eyes sparkling. “You’ll be back?”
 “I’ll be back,” Hyunjin agreed, wondering if it would destroy his fragile positive image in the village if he punched Jisung in the face right now. Why bother though, Jisung’s bruises were just reaching their darkest point, another one wouldn’t even be visible.
 Hyunjin turned and left, hearing Jisung loudly announce that Hyunjin was going to defeat the monster.
 Kkami was eyeing him.
 “What,” he grumbled. “So, he was right. So what. I still have to go kill a monster now.”
 Kkami snorted judgingly.
 Together, they swiftly galloped towards the mill, and in a slower tempo they followed the water upstream.
 There were a few hills there, some shrubbery that quickly turned into tall trees, the river courving and going into the forest. The smell was the first thing that told him something was wrong here, so he got off Kkami, drank one of his witcher potions – never a fun experience, the way his insides twisted and bones shuddered just wasn’t a good vibe – and he felt his sight sharpening, eyes turning black.
 Kkami, unbothered queen that she was, turned to snack on some leaves.
 Hyunjin followed the smell of blood and death deeper into the woods to a clearing. A dark pond greeted him, and yes, this was it. He would never get the smell out of his hair.
 He kicked a pebble into the water.
 The water made waves, but not the ones physics predicted the pebble would have created.
 In the end, killing a drowner wasn’t that much different from killing a human. They were, after all, human shaped with extra gills and fins. Somewhat. The difficulty didn’t lie in their superhuman strength, but Hyunjin was a witcher, and he had drunk his potions. Not even the coldness and darkness of the water surrounding them really bothered Hyunjin.
 The difficulty lay in the fact that Hyunjin didn’t like the quiet that came after. He waded out of the pond, wet and cold, hair plastered to his forehead, the slippery head of the drowner in his arms, and what greeted him was cold starlight and absolute silence.
 He walked the way back to the village. Kkami was waiting where he left her, but he didn’t want to ruin his saddlebags by getting them wet with smelly pond water and the drowner’s blood.
 The moon rose just as he made it back to the village.
 And when he opened the door to the inn, the first thing he saw was Jisung’s annoying face. Could his day get any worse after this?
 “You’re back!” Jisung smiled again (why did he smile so much, and why did he smile at Hyunjin?) and then he saw the water dripping down his clothes and the monster’s head in his arms. Naturally Hyunjin couldn’t really grab the head in one hand, it was too fishy for that. Jisung winked at him, before turning back to the room. “The witcher defeated the monster! Your village is safe now!”
 Cheers sounded through the room, which seemed to be packed with the whole village and not just the handful of farmers from earlier.
 “Should I leave the head outside,” Hyunjin asked the woman who had spoken to him earlier.
 She took a look and briefly looked nauseous. “Yes, just leave it outside, thank you. I’ll prepare a room and a bath for you, master witcher.”
 Hyunjin blinked. He didn’t think he’d ever been addressed with this much honest respect. “Thank you.”
 “Follow me.”
 Through a crowd of mostly drunk cheering, the owner led him up a narrow stairway in the back, and opened one of the doors for him. There was a fairly big bed, a small window with curtains, and a tub behind a paper screen.
 “Uh, excuse me,” Hyunjin stopped the woman just as she walked past him with the promise of getting someone to bring up hot water, “my horse, she’s outside. Could you send someone for her? If it’s too much trouble, is there a stable I can bring her to?”
 The woman smiled. “Of course, dear. I’ll send my son, he’ll take good care of your horse.”
 Relieved, Hyunjin started to undo the straps of his armour, putting the pieces on the clothes rack next to the tub. Hopefully the leather would be dry by morning. When he was down to his undershirt and pants, the woman returned with two people following behind her, all of them carrying buckets of steaming water.
 “Thank you,” Hyunjin smiled politely, only to be told thanks in return, ‘for saving the village.’
 … Jisung must be composing an epic ballad.
 Tired, Hyunjin decided to not care about that right now, and fully undressed. He was just starting to relax in the hot water when the door behind him opened. Jisung’s familiar heartbeat sounded in the room. Hyunjin closed his eyes and sighed.
 “Are you – oh.”
 “What,” Hyunjin groaned. “Don’t tell me they only have one guest room and thus you simply must share with me.”
 “Ah, yes, actually. How did you know?” Jisung crossed the room and sat next to Hyunjin, keeping his eyes strictly on Hyunjin’s face.
 “Just – a hunch, I don’t know. Are you blushing?”
 “No.” Jisung blushed.
 Hyunjin hummed and started to cover his arms and chest with soap. It smelled too strongly of flowers, but maybe that would cover the lingering smell of blood and forest. He moved on to wash his hair, getting his fingers tangled in the knots.
 “Wait,” Jisung interrupted, “let me do that.”
 Stunned, Hyunjin didn’t move when Jisung grabbed the soap out of his hands.
 “Your hair is really pretty,” Jisung murmured. “I want to braid it and give you a flower crown. Did you know that one of my aliases is Dandelion?”
 “I did not,” Hyunjin said, because Jisung’s aliases were the most conceivable piece of information he just received.
 Jisung laughed and used his hands to wash the soap out of Hyunjin’s hair. “You pretend you’re all tough and dramatic but really you’re a big softie.”
 “Are you talking about yourself,” Hyunjin replied, because really, he did not come here for an emotional evaluation.
 “Aw, no,” Jisung lightly splashed water in Hyunjin’s face, “I never pretend to be all tough and dramatic, I am all tough and dramatic.”
 Hyunjin wrinkled his face in disgust. “You’re annoying.”
 Hyunjin noticed how Jisung’s musician’s fingers lightly lingered on the scars on his shoulders and back when he washed the soap away. He let Jisung hold his hands and massage a pleasant smelling oil into his skin after he dried and got dressed in a long nightshirt the inn had kindly provided for them. He sat still as Jisung used a towel to gently dry Hyunjin’s hair, and in the absence of a comb used his fingers to disentangle the worst of the knots.
 Jisung, for once, blessed Hyunjin with silence. Hyunjin still noticed Jisung. Even when he wasn’t talking a steady stream of nonsense, his presence was still… loud. Strong. The many buttons on Jisung’s jacket were undone with skilled fingers, and Hyunjin pinched himself when he finally remembered to look away. He walked through the room, closing the curtain, locking the door. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and looked everywhere except at Jisung, who pulled the nightshirt over his bare skin.
 “You don’t mind sharing the bed, do you?” Jisung asked at last, sitting down next to Hyunjin.
 “If I did,” Hyunjin replied, raising an eyebrow, “I’d have removed you from this room already.”
 Jisung’s annoying mouth formed a big, heart shaped smile.
 Hyunjin wanted to punch him. With his mouth. On Jisung’s mouth. He shuddered internally. Oh no. This wasn’t happening. He was definitely not going to kiss the annoying bard on his annoying mouth. Nope. Not happening.
 “Thank you for saving my life,” Jisung said, serious. “Not just from the bandits, but you also kinda saved me back at the other village. You also punched me, but I know that was an accident.”
 “I will punch you again,” Hyunjin grumbled, getting under the covers and scooting to one side, “it just won’t be an accident.”
 Jisung laughed. “You’re really funny, you know that? I think most people don’t even notice, which is a shame.”
 “You’re not funny,” Hyunjin yawned.
 “Is that a challenge? Keep thinking that, then. I’ll make you smile.”
 Hyunjin didn’t dignify that with an answer. He closed his eyes.
 “Sleep well, Hyunjinnie,” Jisung murmured, burying himself in the blanket just a hand width away.
 “Night,” Hyunjin returned after a pause.
 It didn’t take long for Jisung’s breath to even out and his heartbeat to slow. Hyunjin listened to the muffled and fading noises of the inn for another while before he allowed himself to drift off. Even witchers needed sleep.
 When he came back to consciousness, the first thing he noticed was the early morning light streaming in from behind the curtain. He still had his eyes closed and felt no need to move for the moment. Jisung’s heartbeat sounded steady, his breaths warm against Hyunjin’s neck. Hyunjin was warm and comfortable in a way he hadn’t been in a long time, the sheet comfortable around him.
 Arms tightened around him, and a voice in the back of Hyunjin’s mind started screaming like the house was on fire. Except Hyunjin really didn’t mind burning houses, he was a witcher, why was his brain screaming? He firmly told himself to shut up and enjoy the lingering sleep. Awake time would be later.
 “Hrngg warm,” Jisung murmured, and threw a leg over Hyunjin’s hips.
 That woke Hyunjin.
 Wide eyed, he stared down, only to see Jisung half on top of him. He realised that it wasn’t the blanket that was so comfortably warm and soft, but Jisung, because Jisung was draped all over him.
 Carefully, Hyunjin tried to extract himself, but Jisung only tightened his hold on him.
 “Fuck,” Hyunjin whispered.
 What did one do when one woke up with a human octopus attached? Hyunjin didn’t know, so he tried to breathe normally and not disturb Jisung further. The bruises on his face were thankfully already fading into lighter shades of purple, but Jisung must have been exhausted. One of Hyunjin’s arms was free, and he’d left a bruise balm on the small table beside the bed, in case he hadn’t healed fully in the morning.
 Carefully, Hyunjin reached over, scooped a bit up with his finger, and very carefully started to cover the bruises on Jisung’s cheekbone and temple. Jisung didn’t wake.
 After a while, Hyunjin closed his eyes and fell back asleep. When he woke up again, it must have been late morning – golden light illuminated the room. Jisung was staring up at him, wide eyed.
 “You drool in your sleep,” Hyunjin told him and gently pushed Jisung off him.
 Jisung blushed furiously and wiped at his mouth with his sleeve, eyes not leaving Hyunjin.
 Hyunjin stretched and stood. He opened the curtain, squinting against the bright daylight. When he turned to Jisung, he found Jisung rubbing at his eyes, looking lost in the center of the bed, blanket pooling around him. His hair stood around his head and looked – despite all logic – fluffy.
 “I – uh, did I sleep on you?” Jisung averted his eyes.
 Hyunjin hummed, turning to his clothes. His armour was dry, luckily, but he’d hate to wear the same undershirt and pants again. He’d have to find a river where he could wash his clothes soon.
 “I’ll go find the toilet,” Jisung mumbled and left for the door. He almost stumbled in the doorway. “Oh, clothes! The nice lady must have left them for us.” In front of their door, indeed, was a neatly folded pile of clothes. Simple linen undershirts and pants, nothing fancy but of good quality.
 When they had fully dressed and Hyunjin had wrenched his hair into a bun, they made their way downstairs just to find the barkeeper grinning widely at them, reminding Hyunjin that this village thought him a hero.
 Thankfully, Jisung did all the talking, and Hyunjin could eat as much breakfast as he liked. Maybe he should keep Jisung around.
 A handful of villagers came together to bid them goodbye, and the woman from the inn for some reason apologised for being unable to pay him, but instead offered a horse. A cute, mischievous black mare that had been her niece’s favourite, and as such had never learned how to be a proper farm horse. Jisung thanked the villagers profusely and loudly, and sang another rendition of ‘the handsome witcher saved my life’ as they left.
 Out of sight and out of earshot of the last farm belonging to the village, Jisung’s voice went high and panicky.
 “Hyunjin! I don’t know how to ride a horse!”
 Hyunjin just looked Jisung up and down slowly, making his point. Jisung was, after all, sitting on his horse. Sure, he was also hugging his lute to his chest and also gripping the saddle with white-knuckled fists.
 “Ha! I did it!” Jisung whooped then, and pointed a finger in Hyunjin’s face. “You smiled!”
 Hyunjin wiped the smile off his face, furrowed his brows and glared. “No.”
 “You did! I clearly saw – Hyunjinnie you’re so cute when you – ah!” Jisung blanched and cowered over his horse, who had just made a bigger step than usual to nose Kkami in the face.
 Hyunjin laughed. He couldn’t help himself. Jisung was confident, or good at bullshitting confidence, and pretty, and annoying, and brave. And he was afraid of riding on a horse.
 He leaned back just a bit, letting Kkami know to stop just by shifting his weight. Jisung’s horse also stopped, probably because it had decided Kkami was the best living being on the planet. What a smart horse. Hyunjin jumped off and patted the black horse on the nose, smiling at her.
 Kkami snorted loudly.
 Hyunjin grabbed the reins of Jisung’s horse and started walking. “Just relax, Sungie,” he said without looking over his shoulder. “I’ve got you.”
 “What about Kkami?” Jisung sounded very relieved and adorably worried about Kkami.
 Hyunjin hummed. “She’s the best. The smartest. She’ll walk with us on her own. You’re the one that needs to learn how to communicate with your horse. What’s her name?”
 “Uh,” Jisung paused. “I forgot? Or they didn’t say.”
 “Well, then you should start by naming her,” Hyunjin replied, and then started to talk about horses. What they liked to eat, how to care for them, what they did when they felt good and what they did when they felt scared, and what to do to calm a scared horse down. He talked about saddle care and the different kinds of signals most horses learnt from humans, and then he talked about Kkami.
 Jisung listened.
 And Hyunjin, the complete and utter fool that he was, talked himself hoarse (ha, get it, horse?) and taught Jisung how to not fall off his newly acquired companion.
 In the afternoon, they rested by a stream, Jisung complaining about sore legs the entire time and whining when he tried to sit climb back up on the horse. Hyunjin laughed at him, which made Jisung smile brighter than the sun in the sky, and they decided they’d just walk next to their horses to relieve the stress put on Jisung’s legs. After a while, Jisung started singing again. Maybe it was chronic. Still, Hyunjin found himself enjoying the company, and if his ears didn’t betray him, Jisung’s lyrics were better now, too.
 As the sun set behind some mountains in the distance, the annoying bard’s voice cracked from dehydration every few minutes. Jisung settled for humming melodies. Hyunjin caught a small animal for them to eat and build a fire on a clearing off the road. Jisung found an apple tree. As night fell, they huddled close together under Hyunjin’s thin blanket.
 “I’m seriously unironically glad to have met you,” Jisung’s loud voice startled Hyunjin, who’d gotten used to the quiet and the fire’s crackling. “I forgive you for punching me in the face, too.”
 Hyunjin took it all back. The annoying bard was annoying and Hyunjin did not enjoy his company at all. He sighed, pouring all his long suffering pain into the release of air.
 “But only because you’re pretty,” Jisung continued his monologue.
 That was it. Hyunjin couldn’t listen to another word. He leaned in, punching Jisung in the face. On the mouth. With his mouth.
 Jisung made a strangled noise and returned the kiss with a small smirk in the corner of his lips.
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getreadytosmash · 4 years
][All questions for the otp meme for Jen + Rhys!][
Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop?
Jen's favourite coffee place is the only place that has strong enough chairs to hold her weight and who puts far more caffeine into her drink than any Starbucks should allow. She's grateful for this, more so to the little barista who always stares with wide eyes and smiles brightly when she comes in. Jen can smell the crush (and admittedly lust) off him and he's cute, but she doesn't want to scare him off. And lose her coffee place.
Rhys? God, he wishes that he could see and write a phone number down at least. Jesus, he wishes that he wasn't a worker so he could ask her out. For a date or a fun night. Things change though when Rhys trips one day and goes face first into Jen's chest while spilling coffee all over her. He's upset and worried that he's hurt and embarrassed Jen, but she just reassures him that coffee can't burn her...and he can always take her out to help buy a new shirt along with some dinner to make up for it.
Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker?
Jen tries hard. Like, really hard. She needs good grades to get into the top law school and even with the worries and strains of her home life, it becomes easier to get lost in her work than think about how her aunt is dead and how Bruce is still left without answers and how her family did nothing. So it's easier to get lost in work and to try and stay out of the way of parties. If only that annoying boy Rhys would drop it and leave.
Rhys...he knows that he's a stupid guy and that he's only here because a fancy college is better than being kept at home with parents that don't want you around. Jen is pretty, but most importantly, she's smart. Rhys keeps hoping that at some point she might offer tutoring, but she just...doesn't? He wants to try and ask for help but Rhys doesn't want to spill that he's a mutant, not to mention the fact that Jen...always looks a little scary when someone talks to her.
Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? 
Rhys knows that he's part of the Brotherhood of Evil mutants and that means that anyone who isn't a mutant shouldn't be...well, he shouldn't feel attraction to them. But its HARD when said enemy is 7'5 and knocked the Blob out in one punch. God, Rhys can's survive this when he's faced with being lifted with ease and the moments where Jen flirts as she fights and teases him!
Even worse is the fact that Jen is fully aware of Rhys's little crush and likes to take full advantage of "Little Nighty". Most of the time it's to help win a fight and to not hurt Rhys, but maybe on occasion Jen flirts with honesty. Rhys is cute and yeah, he's a criminal but like, he's a cute and easy criminal!
Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? 
The world fears the hulks ever since every gamma mutate banded together against the world. If Krakoa could do it, then so could they. Jen loves finally being free with people just like her without any worry from humans or other heroes judging them all the time or worrying that the hulks will kill everyone in their rage. It's a good time, to simply just be with the others until Jen realises one day in an attack that other heroes have decided to turn on hulks too. Of course, some people have decided that it's easier to leave the human world and to join over with hulks instead.
Of course, Jen worries about that. Some humans don't survive being turned into hulks but if it's what they want...not many have specific gamma forms, but a particular mutant, Rhys, definitely stands out to her. He has big wars, dark skin and glowing eyes as he towers above mostly everyone. Samuel still complains about Rhys being a dumbass and letting anyone walk into that giant tuff of fur. But Jen still spares him a lot of sweet smiles and words.
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? 
Rhys is...nervous about meeting his soulmate, but excited. He wouldn't have a soulmate that loved him, but he kinda at least wants to see what they're like. He isn't expecting the goddamn She-hulk to be bis apparent other half and boy oh boy does that send his heart into terrified palpitations. How can he be good for someone like her? He didn't even think it would be another woman and yet here he was, trading Blue for Green.
Jen's thrilled but worried herself about meeting the other half of her heart. She had always been worried about not being good enough and now she had to worry about being green or too freakish for someone. Rhys is small and cute and the rudest man she has met so of course Jen is purring, absolutely delighted that her soulmate is someone not creepy or someone who can't control her mind and feelings again. Rhys is shy but Jen is willing to wait and spoil him until he melts and accept that she wants him forvever.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
Lyra isn't technically her daughter. But Thundra had been interested enough in Jen that it was kinda a romance? Lyra doesn't exactly want a father anyway and that's how she ends up with a teenage hulk in her care. That still doesn't explain how Jen also ended up with her niece snarling and holding up a small man and something about thieving. Rhys didn't mean to get caught, but he isn't exactly arguing when Lyra's hot aunt comes to sigh and stop him from being killed.
Jen is...gosh, big lady who is protective of her niece? Is there a word for aunt milfs? Rhys definitely wants to try and uh, apologise to Jen for causing such a ruckus and really! He isn't always such a bad guy! Jen finds it pretty amusing and what the hell, agrees to go out with him while Lyra asks whether they just let criminals go now. Rhys has earned the joys of a big green woman adoring him but....he's going to suffer a LOT of shovel talks from a teenage hulk who doesn't understand the human world.
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? 
O K. Rhys,,,in the hospital the same time as when Jen first hulks out??? Baby boy nervous about being there and god, the giant green woman doesn't help-
Hold on.
Rhys needs to follow whatever the hells going on and, well, any excuse to get out of the hospital, right? The giant woman is fucking incredible and it's a shock to see her turn into a small regular woman but Rhys isn't too bothered. He's still starstruck, even through helping her change into something more modest as Jen dazedly asks who Rhys is and what's been going on.
They get coffee later because even as a no one mutant, Rhys thinks that Jen is new to the powered world and needs some help navigating it. He's right and Jen is more grateful for it than he'd ever know.
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? 
Rhys's powers come in handy for being a bodyguard. He's practically unknowable, his shadows can help hide people and god knows they make a good offence up close. His client is some fancy little lawyer and originally Rhys tuts at having to follow around some human woman, even if he is being paid rather well. Jen on her hand seems to think its hilarious that she's been told she has Rhys to guard her, which doesn't help the internal insecurity.
It isn't until the week is almost up that an hit is attempted on Jen and yeah, Rhys stops it, that that human lawyer, but it isn't until he turns around that he finds himself faced with a 7'5 green woman and it only now hits him why Jen found the idea of being guarded so funny. She says it's alright and that if he wants, maybe he could...talk about guarding her heart?
It's a terrible pickup line and god does Rhys agree to it.
Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? 
Jen is polite and sweet mannered on land, but the moment she steps onto her ship, Jen can finally return to the wild ways of curly hair, high waisted pants and cloth shirts that show off her clevelege. Rhys is a beautiful prince who she plainly and outwardly flirts with happily, even with the anger of his parents. It gets even better when such a beautiful little prince flushes so prettily.
Rhys himself can't help but admire the strong and beautiful pirate. He wants adventure! He wants to get out of the tight suits and to wear tight pants and free flowing shirts...but alas he has been fated to a horrible castle where he isn't even the heir to the throne. So what then if he decides to flee in the middle of the night and try to pay the hot pirate woman off to have her take him with her and the rest of her crew? A boy can live!
It isn't...the best plan. What with a bounty being placed to return Rhys back, but for now, all he really cares about it Jen's strong arms around his waist, teaching him the tricks of the sea.
Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older?
Rhys and Jen are friends to the end. It's a cute rhyme that they come up with that makes all the adults laugh, even Jen's older cousin Bruce who is always quiet around anyone who isn't his mom or cousin. They're friends for years until Rhys practically drops off the face of the earth one day and his parents don't say anything at all. Jen's dad doesn't say or do anything either, even though her dad is a sheriff and should be able to do anything.
He didn't do anything when Uncle Brian killed Aunt Rebecca either though. So Jen pushes it down deep enough until hears later, where she's green and wild and strong, her feelings of rage and grief don't come back out until one day where she sees Rys again, remembers him down to her veins and bones as he picks a fight in the bar. After that it gets a little fuzzy.
Rhys uh, he remembers beaming and blushing back when Jen would share cookies with him. But he's pretty sure she wasn't a mutant so that doesn't quite explain why the asshole he was pissing off had gotten tossed into the air with a primal scream. Jen is mortified that she reacted in such a way and made an entrance like that, but Rhys is enamoured! He's touched that someone wanted to protect his dignity like that...and it was hot as fuck. He's up to see her toss more people as they begin to reconnect from years apart.
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peepingtoad · 4 years
|| @dokuhebi:-
War was approaching, Konoha’s farms were struggling to keep up with the demands of the citizens, even though the population was declining in size, even though fewer mouths were in need of being fed, and more families were without the right income to cater to those needs of hunger. The assignments being handed out were of more dangerous ranks, the shinobi placed on those assignments suddenly younger and younger in age. But all of that, and so much more, is practically ignored by the child. They have a more pressing affair to deal with.  It’s their friends birthday, and they have just heard his mother wouldn’t be making it home in time this year to visit.  Had she even managed to send a letter? Or had that gotten swept up in the conflict as well? They can’t be sure. What they are sure about however, is that it is up to them and Tsunade to mitigate this colossal disaster of their teammates empty celebration. Their little apartment, dreary as it usually is, will be the perfect grounds for staging a surprise. With no one there to meddle with the two childrens affairs. Allowing for the young serpent and princess to modify it to the desired effect. Far more vibrant and ghost-free now. A few decorations strung from cupboards and ceilings, window frames and doorways. The small counter space along with the even smaller side table is used for gifts and snacks, an assortment of foods that the two knew Jiraiya liked. Gifts are all wrapped, messily so, but serving the purpose. An orphan such as them hardly had the means for elaborate gift giving. But Jiraiya didn’t have to know that Tsunade had helped chip in for theirs, nor did he, or the Senju for that matter, need to know that the rest of the money for the present was acquired through pawning off items they stole here and there. Deciding it was well within their moral compass to do so, because it was for a good cause, and they had only robbed those who the child decided deserved a good lesson. For telling them off harsher than necessary, for being too obnoxious or loud a neighbour, for looking at them the wrong way because of their status in society.  So perhaps his mother wasn’t there for the celebration of the young boy, perhaps he would have no blood family around on the special day. But he would have a different family there, when Orochimaru, thinking themself very clever and subtle, lures him back to their apartment after training, feigning that they didn’t want to walk home alone, only to bring him in to the abode and announce the surprise. Where all three could spend the day, afternoon and night celebrating together.  Now at nineteen years old, his mother would miss his birthday again. Only this time, it would be well known she would miss all the rest to follow it. Her passing had struck him violently, unable to ever forget the look on his face when they walked in. When they watched the last piece of his already shaky foundation crumble from beneath his feet.  So perhaps that was why it became important to have a redo of the same little party they had done as children. A reminder he still had family, a distraction from an empty home, no matter how rarely she was ever there to begin with. The serpent offers up their apartment again, but not without a healthy dose of rules and warnings. Certainly not without hiding a few items for the sake of that precious research being preserved and out of harms way. After all, the innocent little snack table has been repurposed for some drinks instead. Only one year until the trio is twenty and legally allowed alcohol, for now, Orochimaru does what they do best: ignoring Hiruzen’s laws outright, and doing whatever the hell they wanted anyway.  And once more, Orochimaru is the one to lure Jiraiya back to the apartment. This time however, their tact is worth their own praise, as they let the man think the truly are forgetful and negligent of the day. While Tsunade and Dan set up at the serpents abode, Orochimaru keeps the ignorant guest of honor doing trivial tasks. Making him help them in the Hokage’s office, pretending that the right amount of stress and duties had made them forget the celebratory day - and with their hardworking nature, it wasn’t hard to convince anyone of that possibility. There is perhaps, a bit of fun to be had, waiting to exasperate Jiraiya a little that his day off became a handful before telling him they needed help with one last thing. Only for a light smirk to reflect on their lips and give the game up the moment they push open their door and let him enter.  A bit of fair warning to expect something.  Less juvenile decorations, less sloppy furniture arrangements,  the table showcasing various gifts, surrounded by various bottles of sake and whiskey for overindulgence, and a pickled and deep fried based menu of party food.  Whenever Jiraiya’s glass empties, Tsunade, Orochimaru or Dan were quick to top it up, an agreement between them that it would take any edge off from the morbid memory of who wasn’t able to attend. The night would continue well in to the morning, until Tsunade and Dan need to get back, or more so, until Dan decides for her sake, Tsunade may need to find herself in her own bed with some welcoming home comforts come her hangover in the morning. Eventually, leaving only Jiraiya and Orochimaru there for the remainder of the night, the buzz of drinking leaving a spell of calm, as the two sit on the small but pleasant balcony. At some point, deciding it might be fun to teach Jiraiya some of their erhu, but being too controlling - even drunk - to properly let him touch and tamper with the delicate item. More of a demonstration, than a lesson then. A moment of playful banter and jabs, until Orochimaru has brought out a small gift from their sleeve, and offered it to him. Deciding to retire for the night, and drunkenly placing a kiss to the top of his head, and a small pat of his shoulder as they move inside and leave him to unwrap the gift by himself on the balcony, “there’s room for two on the bed, don’t let me catch you sleeping on the couch come morning on your own birthday,” they say, or perhaps order, in parting. This time, Orochimaru could afford their own gift for him. Mostly ethically earned. A Kiseru and tobacco pouch, crafted in Kumogakure, the golden metal bind that winds up the long pipe carved in to by the intricate patterns of serpents weaving through lily pads. A note with a short ‘think of me on your journeys’ splashed with ink on a small card. Wrapped far more neatly than from the past. And perhaps the note is as much in support of his wanderings and passions, in support of his mothers legacy, as it is a possessive little trick. That if he found himself smoking at some bathhouse, in the company of some little she-devil that wasn’t them, one glance at the serpents on his kiseru would put the bastards work of flirting him up to waste, as they steal his thoughts from countries away.
It didn’t really bother him when it occurred that Orochimaru and Tsunade had probably forgotten about this day. That wasn’t to say that he’d been so wrapped up in his moping that he was dead set on being indulgently miserable for it—after all, every extra year one survived in this world was a worthy cause for celebration—but there was no denying that he was in a funk. That his shoulders seemed to be just that little bit heavier than before. That behind every buoyant smile, he was deflated inside. So it wasn’t that he didn’t care, but he wasn’t bothered by it either.
It was all just… grey.
Having said all that, what actually was irksome to him was that a day that should have been spent getting hammered in that one seedy bar that was willing to serve them (largely in thanks to Jiraiya’s sheer height and broad build that screamed ‘fully grown man’, enough to give him a pass), was instead being gradually frittered away on annoying little tasks. Orochimaru was dead set on doing everything necessary to keep themself firmly in their sensei’s mind as his natural successor; Jiraiya knew this, and they were exceptionally diligent with it.
So why, then, was he roped into helping them to suck up to the old man instead of falling into blissful drunken stupor? How annoying. And yet he still doesn’t refuse to help.
This ultimately leads to him being rather moody and pouty as they finally finish for the day, an early evening sun warming the dull dirt path to gold as they stroll along, Jiraiya with a sour expression and hands shoved just a little aggressively deep into his pockets. With the sudden mention of a seemingly-just-remembered ‘one last thing’ by the time they reach their apartment door, he’s all but ready to give them the most linguistically colourful of refusals, only for the mischievous little flash over their features to stop him dead in his tracks. 
Raised eyebrows and a slightly more curious kind of pout signal his own realisation and intrigue, progressing into a look of heartfelt wonder as the door is opened, and he is very suddenly presented with the more grown up version of a similar trick from… when was it, seven years ago? Eight? 
The first time his birthday had ever been so distinctly without her.
He can’t even be agitated that the intimate them-ness of this little home-made party is slightly skewed by the presence of Dan. After all, the guy had clearly gone to a load of effort in helping Tsunade to set it all up, and at least this way there was an extra person to help fill the void left by a distinctly missing one. Good food and drink, too—that which he’d been craving all day and which Orochimaru had cleverly worked up an even greater appetite for—saw in the hours to follow sadness being replaced by merriment, and that grey feeling exchanged for a far more celebratory mood. Celebrating his ascent to the next year of his life, sure, but also that they were all here. That they were all together.
Until Dan has to take Tsunade home, anyway. Not that it even registers to Jiraiya, who at this point is so away with the fairies he could have entertained himself for hours and probably not realised it. Besides, he has Orochimaru, and watching them equally as intoxicated as himself, seeing how they come out of their shell a little more and show off their more frivolous skills, delights him in such a way that he sees practically nothing else. The erhu ‘lesson’ really makes him wish he’d swung by his place for his shamisen, but he settles for makeshift percussion by way of random surfaces and his palms, and even a poor attempt at atmospheric singing at points—a treat for their neighbours, no doubt. Eventually their activities take them to the balcony where they continue chatting, until the mystery gift brings upon them a shroud of silence.
It hadn’t actually occurred to him that there might be any more gifts. The evening, yes, along with the company and the free pass to make a real mess of the place without them biting his head off, were great enough gifts in themselves… but this slender box seems to hold quite a gravity about it, if not by the fact it’s been left until the very last, with only the two of them here, then because of the affection pouring so freely from them as they retire, leaving him with a tender kiss and touch, a mysterious gift to open, and a suggestion… no, an expectation of what should follow.
That confidence of theirs really is something… and ‘misplaced’ is not that something.
Jiraiya opens the gift in bated silence, his expression oddly neutral but wide-eyed as he reveals the elegant kiseru, with its design that feels very much deliberately chosen to contain an element of themself, but of him too. The pouch is also filled with tobacco which he opens and inhales the scent of, a blend that smells so fine that even a relative novice like him can tell it’s the good stuff.
Dammit, you trying to make me into an old man here? ‘Oh, that’s the good stuff!’ So old mannish…
He thinks that, but only with the giddiest of smiles that blooms suddenly, not a hint of disappointment to be seen—not at the gift itself, and certainly not at the validation contained in that one little message that came with it. A message that he knew for a fact he’d admire every brushstroke of whenever he found himself missing them from afar.
Needless to say, he doesn’t quite catch on to any possessive undertones that may lie in wait between the lines like serpents in the grass; so overwhelmed is he by the pure, soft sentiment of it, furthered by his current state no doubt, that thick tears slide down his cheeks without him even realising they were brimming to begin with. Only a few, before he pats them away with his sleeve and returns inside, carefully placing the gift on the bottle-strewn table but not lingering there himself.
Even drunk, he knows there’s no way they’d have fallen asleep already. Hell, they’d said with no measure of subtlety that they wanted him in their bed tonight, so it’s only natural for him to take that as simply as it sounded: as an invitation.
Now, to what capacity they wanted him, he can’t say. But given the physical closeness that came so naturally between the three, ever since they were little (as much as a certain princess would deny it), there would be nothing untoward in sneaking through the door of their bedroom, nor in stalking up their bed on all fours, nor in gathering them immediately into his arms to give them a tight and gratitude-laden embrace that seems to involve every one of his clumsy, drunk limbs.
“Oro…” He sighs, brows twitching a little as he realises what a useless phrase a mere ‘thank you’ really is. Like making him feel like this, so loved and appreciated, during one of the roughest points of his life thus far, can be returned with mere words of thanks. When he withdraws from the embrace, it is only to put the most minimal distance between them, still close enough that his vision swims hazily with alabaster skin that even the night can’t swallow completely, the ever-present glow of yellow irises, the void-like negative space where ebony hair seems to sever throat from shoulders and drip down their chest like rivers of shadow. They’re so beautiful it snatches his breath away, leaving him very much aware of the thundering of his heartbeat.
… This is one of those moments, isn’t it? Those moments of opportunity, where the options were divided between safety and risk, change or stagnation, control or release.
Concepts that are all far too complex in this particular moment, and so Jiraiya does only what he feels in his bones is right given the close entanglement they’ve found themselves in, with limbs curling around each other and fingers ensnared in each other’s hair. He holds their jaw within his heated palm, and gives one quivering caress of their lips with his thumb before replacing that uncertain touch with the far more definitive press of his mouth.
It’s hard to really quantify how long they stay like that, exchanging kiss after kiss between soft sighs and humid pauses for breath and the amazing feel of them—of this—filling his brain with the most blissful static, but there comes a moment where their foreheads are pressed together that he finally remembers his point, and gazes blearily at them with a smile that’s somehow both bashful and truly self-assured at the same time.
“I will.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Mixed Signals
Prompt: #166 – “You’re calling that jealousy? Believe me; if you can still use your legs, I’m not being jealous.”
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader (ft. Jaebum)
Genre: friends to lovers / university au
Warnings: miscommunication / jealousy
Word count: 1739
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You had enough. Without a definite answer, you were simply swimming upstream, fighting the currents as they washed over your exhausted body, and you couldn’t keep swimming towards him anymore. For the past year, you had been in a push and pull relationship with Park Jinyoung. He was the first one to befriend you when you started university, and having a similar mindset about education and goals, it was easy to fall into his company. You’d sit together in the classes you shared, you’d study in the library with him on your free periods and he’d even contact you in the weekend to see how you were.
It made sense you had formed some kind of crush on him after the first couple of months of friendship. You weren’t someone who had a lot of experience with the opposite sex, but you were certain he was flirting with you most days. And you of course, gave it right back, sometimes even lying awake at night revisiting everything he had said to you during the day. In the beginning, you were anticipating him asking you out.
Yet he never did.
Five months passed you by without so much as a single confession and by the eighth month, you were convincing yourself you had definitely read all the signs wrong. And then he would touch you affectionately or do something for you that really went out of his way to just be seen as a friendly gesture. So you would start fantasising again, anticipating that impending confession that this wasn’t so one-sided after all.
Jinyoung was enigmatic; you could never read his emotions when it came to you.
After a year of wondering if you were just friends or not with the student, you decided to put a plan into action. You weren’t normally such a bold person, and whenever the campus bar held events, you were at home with your head in a book instead. Yet when you heard from a mutual friend of yours, Im Jaebum, about the band night at the bar and that and his band was playing, you decided to go along.
“Really?” Jinyoung asked, his face scrunching up as he judged you. “This is so unlike you, Y/N. You don’t ever go out.”
“Maybe she wants to enjoy her college years now,” Jaebum answered on your behalf, slinging an arm over your shoulder. You glanced up at him and nodded firmly.
“That’s exactly it, so are you in, Jinyoung?”
Jinyoung stared at Jaebum’s arm around your shoulder momentarily before shrugging. “It might be interesting.”
You grinned; your plan was working.
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The night arrived and although you were anxious, you knew Jaebum had planned this along with you and you couldn’t exactly back out. Part of the reason you couldn’t give up on the idea that Jinyoung did actually like you was because others insisted that he did too. And Jaebum had been adamant that he just needed a small shove to confess his feelings.
You smiled at Jinyoung over your glass of juice and then pointed to the stage. “It’s pretty good, huh?”
“It’s loud,” he corrected and you nodded too quickly, then realised you were meant to be convincing him this was where you actually wanted to spend your Saturday night. You inwardly groaned and lurched forward to grab your juice, taking a sip. Jinyoung smirked. “Isn’t that beverage a little juvenile for your big night out, Y/N?”
“Oh? This?” You pointed at your drink and then laughed nervously. “I uh, don’t drink alcohol. But I don’t need to be intoxicated to have fun!”
“And are you having fun?”
You shrugged. “I mean, you’re here with me, so at least I have someone to experience this with. And then when Jaebum comes out, it’ll be nice.”
Jinyoung folded his arms over his chest at your mentioning on his friend and nodded softly. “If you insist.”
When Jaebum’s band did come out, you actually had a good time. It was your first time hearing him sing live like this and you were grinning and clapping along to the music in your chair. Even if you were here for ulterior motives, you genuinely enjoyed the performance.
“That was awesome!” you exclaimed when Jaebum came to rest beside you, grabbing your almost finished glass and downing it.
He then frowned at you. “Just juice?”
“She’s living on the wild side tonight,” Jinyoung mused and his friend chuckled before wrapping you up in a hug.
“I could see you from the stage dancing in your chair. It was so cute that I had to come hug you to say thanks!”
“You all play really well; it was my first time seeing a band live.”
“If you can call them a band,” Jinyoung muttered dryly but you ignored his comment, turning your sole attention to Jaebum. The musician grinned and launched into a conversation with you.
“Do you want to dance with me?” Jaebum asked after finishing what he had been talking about and you nodded, taking his hand and following him out onto the space near the stage. You had your back to the table so you couldn’t see Jinyoung but Jaebum certainly could. “You know, if looks could kill, I’d be dead right now.”
“Do you really think so? I’m wondering if we’re wrong. I should’ve just confessed myself instead of doing this. At least then he could reject me and I’d be able to close this awkward chapter in my life.”
Jaebum shook his head and pulled you closer. You were surprised, but in a good way. “You’ve been trying to confess for the last four months. And look where that’s gone.”
You grimaced, thinking back onto all the times you had tried to tell Jinyoung how you felt. You had even written him a letter that still travelled around in the bottom of your bag. “So you might have a point.”
“And I’m right, he’s not happy about me holding you at all,” Jaebum smirked and lowered his head, still keeping an eye on his friend at the same time. “He’s totally jealous.”
“You think?”
Jaebum stood up straight, his smile faltering. “Uh yeah. Y/N, he just left.”
“What?!” You spun to see Jinyoung missing from your table. Saying goodbye to Jaebum quickly, you dashed outside, thankful you had chosen not to wear heels today. Seeing Jinyoung stalking towards his car, you raced after him, stopping him from getting into the vehicle. “Where are you going?”
“I’ve had enough of your little outing, go back inside and play with Jaebum some more. I’m going home.”
“But I wanted to spend time with you tonight!”
Jinyoung eyed you in distaste. “Really? Because you were clearly enjoying the physical ways of Im Jaebum just now.”
“So you are jealous,” you announced and Jinyoung scoffed loudly. You smiled to yourself. “You are!”
“You’re calling this jealousy? Believe me; if you can still use your legs, I’m not being jealous.”
You stared at Jinyoung in confusion before you realised what he was referring to, your cheeks flooding crimson. You then lowered your head, feeling small and pathetic. “Like you would do that to me anyway.”
Jinyoung shut the door to his car and turned to lean against it, staring straight at you. “What would you know of what I would do and not do with you, Y/N?”
“Precisely, I don’t know! Because at every opportunity that I think you’re going to tell me, I get nothing! Okay, so Jaebum helped me tonight. You saw straight through me, I don’t do scenes like this, but I was getting sick of waiting on you!”
“Waiting on me?”
You nodded adamantly. “I like you Jinyoung. I’ve liked you for almost a year now. I’m shy and awkward so it took me being stupid like this to even get to the point of telling you. And yet you’ve had so many opportunities to convince me you don’t like me, and you never do! I’m sick of playing this game where I don’t know where I stand with you. Because you never seem to tell me properly!”
“Are you done?” he asked simply and you glared at him, tears welling in your eyes.
“I knew there was nothing!” you managed to say before turning on your heel, but you didn’t get far. Jinyoung wrapped his arms around you from behind, drawing you back into him and lowered his head with a sigh to your shoulder. His lips pressed into you softly before he lifted his head back up. You realised you were shaking. “Don’t mess with me anymore; I’m done having mixed signals.”
“Is this really confusing you? Me holding you like this?” he asked softly and you swallowed with how husky he sounded. His grip tightened around your waist and his mouth found your neck, kissing along it gently until his hands were turning you around and his mouth hovered around yours. “Really?”
“You like me?”
“I was jealous,” he admitted, his jaw clenching for a moment. “I thought it was obvious you were mine already.”
“You can’t claim someone you haven’t confessed to,” you chided and Jinyoung nodded. “I didn’t know what you thought.”
“Now you do.”
“Do I?”
Jinyoung groaned exasperatedly. “Y/N, I like you just as much, if not more than you. Happy?”
“This is so unromantic,” you mentioned and Jinyoung rolled his eyes.
“You’ve read too many books. That’s why you never picked up on how I felt because you were waiting for something magical and life-altering to happen.”
You shook your head repeatedly. “If you had just kissed me, I would-”
His mouth found yours then, kissing you passionately. You had never experienced something so powerful before, your previous kisses all being so juvenile in comparison. When Jinyoung pulled back, you were breathing heavily, and somehow entrapped up against his car door. He smiled warmly at you. “What about now?”
You blinked away your stupor and smiled back. “I think I’m starting to understand you. Though before you said if you were jealous, I wouldn’t be able to walk but I still can.”
“I’ve kissed you once and you’re already thinking to that level with me?” he wondered incredulously, shaking his head but smiling all the same. “And you think I’m the one giving mixed signals, you’re driving me crazy.”
You stretched up and pecked his lips gently. “Good, I can’t be the only one feeling that way.”
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Pain isn’t that bad, is it? — Zoro x Reader
Female reader implied
Summary: The scars on your back tortured you, constantly bringing back the haunting memories attached to them. And Zoro’s claim that back scars are to be ashamed of didn’t make you feel better. However, Zoro soon realises his mistake. 
Word count: 1.6K words
A/N: This started as a drabble, but I got a littlebut carried away. Also, the lesson within this drabble is quite important. 
Warnings: PTSD implied. Also implied sex, no smut tho. 
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“Scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame” The words lingered on the air like a thread tying around your pride and squeezing it mercilessly, as you stared at the handsome man before you.
You’d been flirting with him for the past hour, sharing drinks and exchanging experiences and stories. And up until now, you found him quite attractive. Until his last sentence broke the charm.
“Really?” You asked, feeling the scars on your back ache. “How so?”
“One must never let their guard down, and never turn their back on their enemy” Said Roronoa Zoro proudly.
Flashbacks from the time you failed to save your little brother slashed the wounds open again, And the burn you got on your back seemed to be ablaze once more. But instead of blood flowing out of them, it was regret.
“I see” You muttered and took one big sip to your drink, hoping that the bitter taste of the alcohol softened the pain from the time you got hit by twelve arrows while protecting your little brother. And how those twelve arrows didn’t mean shit when a single arrow hit your baby brother, killing him a couple of minutes after the incident.
You finished your drink in a rather suspicious and quick manner. Zoro even noticed your sudden change of attitude. For someone not usually interested in casual affairs, you’d managed to catch his eye and spark his curiosity upon someone like you, you looked like a strong warrior with a secret behind her eyes.
“I’m sorry, I have to go” You murmured calmly and walked out the door, afraid that if you looked back, you’d see the two demons who sketched curses all over your back. Afraid that they’d grasp at you and pull you down.
However, the only grasping hand was Zoro’s.
“Wait” he said holding your arm delicately outside the bar the two of you were. “Is something wrong?”
“I was hoping to take you with me tonight, after all, you said you and your crew were leaving tomorrow, right? But now I realise, I’m no good for you”
“What do you mean?”
“I may not be a swordsman, but I do have scars on my back, and I’m ashamed of them” Your voice left a tingly regret in Zoro’s guts, as he looked at you, hoping that you’d make eye contact with him.
“[Name]...” He breathed.
“Don’t apologise. I don’t need people to look down on me. I’ve been looked down at for a long time, and I’m sick and tired of it. My scars ache, but they remind me that I’m alive, and that I’ve been through hell twice and still lived to see the sun rise again...” You pulled your arm, breaking free from his grip and stared into his dark eyes one last time before you turned and walked away, trying to keep the tears in for a little longer.
“Wait” Zoro once again grabbed you, this time by the hand. “I’m not gonna look down on you. I’m not the sort of guy who pities others. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you, I didn’t mean to put you through that again...Also, you don’t have to take me seriously, I’m just some other guy in this world…”
“I don’t think you’re some other guy” You cut him off. “You’re quite something, Roronoa. You’re the man who will surpass Mihawk. I have enough reasons to take you seriously. Besides, I told you, I am not a swordsman. I’m not ashamed of my scars because of what they are, I’m ashamed of them because they’re reminders of two big mistakes that cost my my brother, and my pride”
Once again, you tried to break free from Zoro’s grip. And this time, you didn’t meet his eyes. You couldn’t. The threatening tears were dangerously close to falling. And the very last thing you needed was to seem weak before such a strong presence like his.
In a split of a second, a thousand thoughts went through the swordsman’s mind. You’d been the very first person to get his attention ever since he first left home. Something within you attracted him like a moth to light. It made him feel stupid, constantly reminding himself of the stupid cook who was always behind girl’s bones.
As he felt ashamed of himself for flirting with a girl —knowing that if anyone in the crew found out, they’d tease him with it for ever—, he also felt ashamed for causing you so much trouble. Just as well, a sudden urge grew in his chest. An impulse, demanding him to act. However, being the disciplined swordsman that he was, he stuttered for a bit. He gave in when he realised he was going to regret it, not following his instincts, tomorrow when he set sail with the rest of the crew.
He pulled you towards him, and quickly grabbed your face with his free hand, pressing his lips against yours.
The spontaneous act made your mind turn blank for several seconds. And during those seconds, you weren’t aware of the fact that you’d kissed him back and were locking lips with him. Just as well, tears finally fell from your closed eyes.
It wasn’t until you became aware of everything once again, you broke the kiss, not pulling back, as the hand holding yours before the kiss was now on your waist, holding you close to him.
“I-I...Wh-why are you..”
“I don’t know” He answered leaning closer to kiss you again.
When you kissed him back once again, his chest rose with pride as his arms snaked around your body and squeezed you closer to him. Feeling his strength all around you sparked a fire in your stomach, eager to grow wilder, and prompting a soft moan from your lips, as Zoro swallowed it, feeling that same fire spreading in him.
“Ah” You gasped, breaking the kiss once again. “Did you not hear what I said?” You whispered close to his mouth, as your breath hit his mouth, making him crave another kiss
“Yes, I did. And I don’t care” He said looking you dead in the eye, the kind of eyes you see on a depredator before attacking its prey. “You caught the attention of the man who’s gonna become the greatest swordsman alive, you really are something. You’ve done something anyone has done before, I cannot let that chance slip away” He said as the words got out of his mouth without being previously thought, making him realise they came from the same place this sudden urge came from, and instead of fighting it, he decided to go along with it this time.
As you lied on your side, deeply asleep, Zoro gazed sleepily at your back, noticing the many scars you’d told him about last night. He hadn’t had the chance to see them, and didn’t feel the need to. But now, with your bare back facing him, he paid close attention to the burn scar in the middle, and several smaller silver scars all over your back.
With his mind still fogged with sleep, he stretched his hand and very gently caressed the scars, sending shivers all over your back. Slowly, very slowly, you became aware of his warm touch, and as you woke up, you realised he was tracing the scars.
“My town was being invaded by pirates. Several of them were throwing arrows at us…” You broke the silence, catching Zoro’s attention.
“You don’t have to tell me, babe” he purred, the husky sleepy voice doing something to you, making your body vibrate in anticipation.
“I tried protecting my brother, and got several of them in my back…” You continued ignoring what he’d just said. “And when we got back to fleeing, a single arrow got him on the neck, he died almost right away...The burn was made by Fire Fist”
“Wait, Fire Fist Ace?” His eyes now wide open with surprise as what was left of sleepiness quickly discipated like smoke in an open field. 
“I asked him to. I’d been sold as a slave shortly after my brother’s death. He came across the pirate ship that bought me, and he set me free. He didn’t want to hurt me, but I begged him to burn that horrible mark on my back…To be honest, I’m quite grateful. I rather have that scar than that horrible thing reminding me that for a while I was reduced to an object...”
“You’ve been through a lot” He purred, kissing your back and burying his face on the back of your neck.  “You’re stronger than you seem, and let me tell you, you do look like a tough girl”
“It’s the pain what’s shaped me to who I am today...back then I was miserable, but now I realise how much stronger I’ve become because of that…” The whisper somehow carressed Zoro’s ears.
“Pain isn’t that bad, is it?” Now, it was his voice carressing your ears, tickling your stomach. 
“Once you’re past it, you realise life isn’t as bad. It reminds you that you’re alive, and that you’re human, and how we only have a single chance to make the most of it…”
You could feel Zoro smile against your skin, as he proceeded to kiss your neck and shoulder, every now and then nibbling on your skin, sending shivers through your body. You slowly rolled on your back, as Zoro kept kissing your skin. Synched with your movements, he got on top of you. Feeling his weight on top of you brought back the memories from the fiery night you shared.
Zoro made his way to your lips and kissed them slowly, passionately, with the full intention of tasting your body once again, thinking how he could easily get addicted to it, and at the same time, conscious that he was going to leave in a couple of hours. And he wanted to make the most of the little time you two had left.
Please, don’t forget to leave feedback!! It keeps me motivated! Also feel free to leave prompts! 
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bangtann-bangdamn · 5 years
Dating... Kim Namjoon
Warnings: Angst, smut, and a sprinkle of uwu
AN: The date with Namjoon is my all-time favourite out of anything I’ve written so far.
Master list 
Kim Seokjin ♥ Min Yoongi ♥ Jung Hoseok ♥ Kim Namjoon ♥ Park Jimin ♥ Kim Taehyung ♥ Jeon Jungkook ♥ 
Meet cute
Namjoon is stressed™
He had so much work on his plate that the boys were starting to get worried about him
Jin jokingly suggests Namjoon knocks one out, preferably with a girl
But Namjoon would brush that idea off initially
Because he doesn't think it would be a good idea
But in a moment of desperation, he finds himself researching dating apps
Eventually, he'll just decide to say 'fuck it' and download Tinder
It's out of curiosity, he'll tell himself
But he'll inevitably end up sleeping with some girls and realising that Jin was actually right
And, for the first time, he would feel less stressed
Until he meets you
Because you were different
Even if your relationship started off the same
He'd message you, laying down exactly what he wanted from you
And you'd responded something with 'what, no date first?'
He'd laugh out loud but write that he didn't want to get any wires crossed
And you'd agreed and stated that if he wanted to get in your pants, you wanted at least a drink and an hours conversation first
Namjoon would agree immediately, unsure why his chest felt light
And he would fuss over what he would wear, wanting to make a good impression
Which would definitely make the other boys laugh
But Jin would tell them to pack it in because he knew
He knew what his younger brother was feeling
Your first ‘date’
He’d make the effort of putting on a nice shirt and would pick a nice bar to go to
Like it would be the kind of place you dress up fancy for because he wanted to make an impression
You’d turn up in the nicest dress you own, one that flatters your curves and emphasises your breasts
Namjoon wouldn’t know where to look
He’d be a little flustered and you’d think it was cute
Because he definitely gives off fuck boy vibes through his messages
You make small talk for a little while
You talk about what you do for a living and what you wanted from life
He tells you about his brothers and the stress at work
And you’d finally understand just what Namjoon was after
So you cut to the chase
“My place or yours?”
Your first time
It’s not romantic
It’s hot and rough, and he’ll make you cum like you’ve never cum before
He’ll start by going down on you
Taking his damn sweet time as he kisses his way from your lips to your clit
He’ll take a quick detour to appreciate your breast, gently taking each nipple in his mouth before continuing south
He’ll be excruciatingly slow
Slowly building you up until you’re a mess, begging him to let you cum
But he’ll edge you
Every time you’re close, he’ll pull away
Until finally you’ve had enough and flip him unto his back
He’ll moan so loudly when you slide him into you
You’ll try to pay him back by moving slowly but that doesn’t last long
You’re so worked up you can’t help but ride him
And he quickly meets your pace, thrusting up into you
Hearing his moans beneath you is more than enough to tip you over 
You collapse on his chest as he fucks you through your orgasm
When you're done he’ll tell you to get on your knees
You think he wants a blow job
He doesn’t
He’ll slap your ass and tell you to bend over, ass in the air
Then he slides himself in and quickly resumes his previous pace
He’ll pull on your hair when he fucks you from behind, whispering pure filth into your ear
You can feel your second orgasm approaching
You’ll start rubbing your clit in quick little circles, moaning out his name
When he notices, he’ll move his hands to your breast so he can change positions
Your back to his chest
And he’ll look over your shoulder to watch you touch yourself
The new position has you cumming so quickly
He’ll quickly join you
You both lie on the bed afterwards, neither of you have the energy to get up
But you’ll make Namjoon
Neither of you expects to see one another again
Yet neither of you are disappointed when you do
When you see him again
You’ll be on a night out with some friends
It’s a girls night, so sex is the furthest thing from your mind
Until you go to the bar to order a drink
And suddenly you’re not alone
Namjoon would greet you like a friend
And you’ll jokingly reply that if he expects a ‘round two’, then he’s sorely mistaken
He’d laugh it off, saying that sequels often ruin the experience anyway
And it was pretty fantastic that night
Which would spark the drunk competitor in you
You’ll start flirting with him
Going out of your way to brush up against him
He’ll love the attention
But it’s when you drag him to the dance floor and start grinding your ass against him that does it
He’s not normally one for public sex
But he can’t keep his hands off you
He’ll drag you to an empty toilet cubicle and fuck you against the door
Neither of you cares who hears
Afterwards, you’ll have hickeys on your neck that your friend would laugh about
But you won’t care
The third time you run into him, you’re on another date
You’re so bored that you’re contemplating ditching the guy
But as you listen to him drone on and on about  the current economic state of the country, you see him
He’s with a group of guys
He doesn’t see you at first, but when he does he’ll nod his head at your date
You’ll roll your eyes and try to pay attention to what your date is saying
Then your phone vibrates
You try to look at it whilst pretending to pay attention
Which was really unnecessary because he was on a roll
Namjoon will ask you if you’re having fun
And so begins the flirty banter as you tell him:
“Not as much fun as I’d be having with your hands on my thighs”
You’ll continue to text, slowly getting more and more hot and bothered until Namjoon finally writes
“Put the poor guy out of his misery and come back to mine”
You tell your date that you have to leave
He doesn’t even question it as you rise from the table, placing some money to cover your share of the meal
Namjoon will quickly follow you out of the restaurant and to his car
You’ll end up fucking twice that night
Laughing slightly to yourself after the second
Because no man has ever made you feel so good before
That’s when he’ll propose it
Friends with benefits
Because you both enjoy the sex
And he really didn’t have time for a relationship or to talk to a different girl every time
You’d agree because what could go wrong?
Your first argument
At first the arrangement suites you both fine
Every few days, one of you will text and you’d have hot, steamy sex that will leave you both breathless
But slowly, ever so slowly, your relationship begins to change
It starts when he asks you to be his date to an event
He didn’t want to go alone and you were the only female he was close to that wouldn’t end up thinking it was more
You’d end up spending the evening drinking free champagne and getting to know each other beyond the confines of your bedrooms
After that, whenever either of you needed a date for something you’d go together
But it all escalated when he spends the night
It wasn’t even that late
But you found yourself asking if Namjoon wanted to watch a film after sex, fully expecting him to make an excuse and bail
You were surprised when he said yes
You curled up against him to watch and before you knew it you were both asleep
You thought the next morning would be awkward
But you joked and laughed as you made breakfast
He complemented your cooking
And then spending the night started happening more frequently
Your friends started questioning your relationship
Because, all of a sudden, the two of you were getting closer and closer to a real relationship
And you were starting to crave that from him
So you decided to bring it up
You went to his apartment, knowing he should be home
You knew where the spare key was from all the times he had been too lazy to answer, so you let yourself in
You call out softly as you make your way further into the apartment
At first, you think you’re mistaken
That he really was at work
But then you hear it
Soft moans coming from the bedroom
You can feel your heart in your chest
Your brains already warning you to walk away
But you can’t help yourself from opening the door
Namjoon doesn’t even notice at first
He’s too occupied with the girl underneath him
But she does notice you and that alerts Namjoon
The moment you make eye contact with Namjoon, you realise your mistake
So you bolt
You don’t bother to stick around to hear him out
He tries calling you, but you decline them all
He had every right to sleep with other people, you realise
Because you never defined whether you were exclusive or not
Whilst you had stopped seeing anyone else
Clearly, you weren’t the only girl for him
When he turns up at your door, begging you to hear him out
You tell him you’re okay
But maybe you shouldn’t sleep together anymore
Namjoon would try to convince you
But you’re dead set on ending things
There wouldn't be an argument
Nor would he try to fight for you
Namjoon would leave feeling dejected
You promise yourself to not see him again
But of course, the universe has other plans
When he asks you out on a date
No matter how hard you try to forget him, he's everywhere
It turns out that you both frequent a lot of the same places
The same grocery store, coffee shop, even the same book store
It's like no matter how hard you try to forget him, he's right there behind you
But whilst you're trying to forget him
All he can think about is you
He's still seeing other girls, but it's not the same
As the days turn into weeks since you decided to end your arrangement, he finds himself retreating into himself
The boys are quick to notice the change in his work
Mostly because he's not doing it
He lets the deadlines pass him without blinking an eye
And they don't know what's worse - a stressed Namjoon or an unbothered one
It takes a conversation with Yoongi to make Namjoon realise though
That he'd caught feelings without trying
That your friends-with-benefits arrangement had morphed into a relationship
And when Namjoon realises that, suddenly everything comes into perspective
It wasn't the sex that had helped him through his stress
No, that was a temporary distraction
But it was you
It was talking to you, listening to you, that helped him
He knew he needed to win you back, for good this time
But he had no idea how
Every time he ran into you, it would be on the tip of his tongue
An apology, a declaration
But the timing never felt right
So he settled on just rebuilding your friendship first
Which was hard because you always seemed to leave pretty quickly when you saw him, only stopping long enough to be polite
But Namjoon was determined
Slowly your walls would crumble, and you'd remember why you liked him in the first place
Even if all your friends were warning you against him, you couldn't help but feel something
It would take months of small talk, of running into each other frequently for things to become normal
You actually start looking forward to seeing him in the coffee shop
Without even planning it, it would be your thing
To meet for a drink every Thursday afternoon
You'd talk about everything and anything
So when he asks you out on a date
A real, honest to god, date
You find yourself accepting
Because there are no warning lights flashing in your mind
And maybe you were kidding yourself and this wouldn't work out
But you wanted to give him a chance
Your first date
He would want to keep it simple
But also show you how special you were
So he'd arrange to pick you up in a limo
And he’d take you to an observatory, of all places
You'd laugh because, as first dates go, this one’s pretty weird
But he'd have arranged for one of the scientists to line up the telescopes to a certain cluster of stars
He'd be telling you all about them, making up a story about how the stars were created by a man entranced by a woman and how he would do anything to prove to her that he was worthy
You'd laugh and ask him what the cluster was really called
He'd stare directly into your eyes as he tells you
'They're named after you'
He'd even pull out the literal receipt because he bought a cluster of stars just for you
You wouldn't know what to say
But you'd end up laughing
Which quickly turns into crying because
That's so cute??
He'd be quick to hug you
Kissing your cheek as he tells you that he meant it
He'd do anything for you
That he was an idiot not to realise it sooner
He'd take your hand as he walks with you around the grounds
He'd surprise you with a picnic that’s already set up
And once you've finished eating, you'd stargaze for a while
He'd tell you all about the constellations
But you weren't really paying attention
You're too busy watching him
When he finally notices, he gets all shy
So you kiss him
When he finally takes you home, you ask if he wants to come up
That's when he confesses that he didn't want to rush things with you
He wanted to do it right, take his time getting to know you
So he leaves you with a soft kiss and a promise of a second date
Which, of course, goes out the window when you open the door in lingerie
Come on
Nobody has that much self-control
Saying 'I love you' for the first time
You wouldn't be doing anything special
Just watching TV in comfortable silence
You'd be cuddling on the couch when you roll over to face him
He'd still be watching the TV, but he'd lean down to kiss your nose
So you say it
Because you'd been feeling it for a while and if there was one thing you'd learnt in your relationship, it was not to keep your feelings to yourself
He'd be surprised
But he'd quickly be flashing you his dimples as he smiled down at you
Groaning because he always thought he was going to be the one to say it first
He'll say it back to you when you playfully slap him for thinking it was a competition
You'd end up laughing as you play-wrestled with each other
When he proposes
He wouldn't want to wait
He'd purchase a ring soon after you said you love him
He's never been so confident about something in his life
He'd be so excited about it that he'll end up carrying the ring with him everywhere
Not sure how to propose, but knowing that he had to wait for the right moment
Only he never got a chance to wait for that moment
On a date night, he would give you his jacket as you were cold
You'd instantly put your hands in his pockets and discover the ring
And when you ask him what it is
He'll just get down on one knee and pop the question right there in the middle of the street
He wouldn't have a speech prepared, but he'd still make you cry with his words
Because that's his talent
You’d say 'yes' in between your tears
Despite everything you'd gone through, you just knew he was the one
No man had made your heart sing like Kim Namjoon
And, for you, that was the only thing that mattered at the end of the day
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georgialouisea · 5 years
Don’t Tell My Wife - Part 2
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Characters - Reader, Justin Chambers, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki.
Warnings - Fluff, drinking, flirting, cheating. Word count - 2.4k. Summary - You were happy on Grey’s Anatomy, you felt at home there but when a guest role on Supernatural is offered you’d be a fool to say no. When the guest role becomes a more permanent thing, your relationship with your co-star Jensen Ackles develops too, into something it really shouldn’t.
A/N - So … just a quick heads up characters mentioned not from the cast of supernatural will be the cast  of Grey’s Anatomy, if you don’t watch the show it doesn’t matter at all just see them as ocs unless you’d like to google it’s completely up to you and your reading preference.
Part 1 - Masterlist
“Hey, stranger!” Jared shouted walking towards you with 2 coffee cups in his hands, holding the cup with your name scribbled on it out to you he smiled. “Extra vanilla as it is Thursday.”
“Thanks, It’s only been a week did you miss me that much?” Taking the cup from him you took a sip, he’d only known you for 2 months but he’d made the effort to get to know you.
“Of course I have, I’ve only had Misha to mess with.” Wrapping an arm around you he gave you a hug.
“Great, so I have more dead spiders in my trailer then?”
He only shrugged as he walked with you towards Jensen’s trailer, opening the door he climbed in. “You coming in or what?”
Following him in you felt a little uncomfortable walking into someone’s trailer without their invitation. All that unease left when Jensen looked up from his phone smiling when he realised it was you.
“Hey, when did you get here?” He stood up walking towards you hugging you.
“Last night.”
“Tell me you’re here for more than a week this time.” He smiled down at you as he let you go.
“Yep, you have me for a few weeks before I have to go back and be a TV Doctor.”
“You’re staying in a hotel for weeks?” Jared asked from where he sat on the couch.
“No, I’m not I actually moved into an apartment on Saturday, well kind of moved in half my stuff is here half is in LA.”
Jensen slapped at Jared’s legs off the couch so you could sit down, grabbing his coffee cup he sat down next to you. “You should’ve called us we could’ve helped you move in.”
“I had Justin’s very reluctant help, only took the promise of pizza and beer.”
“Cheap assistant then.”
“You ready for today?” Jared asked chugging the last of his coffee.
“Sure am.”
“Shit!” Jared stood up looking up from his watch. “I was supposed to be in hair and makeup twenty minutes ago.” He rushed towards the door. “See you later Y/N.” He called out as the door shut behind him.
“Bye Jared, he always like that?”
Jensen chuckled. “Occasionally, but when he is he’s late by a while, one day he was six hours late.”
“Did anyone call him?”
“Yep, he’d turned it off cause he wanted to sleep, I had to go to his place wake him up and drag his ass down here.”
“Wow.” Glancing down at your watch you needed to be in makeup. “I’m not gonna pull a Jared, I’ll see you later Jensen.”
“See ya Y/N.”
“What the hell was that?” Dean slammed the motel door shut behind you both.
Turning to face him you pulled off your jacket throwing it down on the closest bed. “What the hell was what? Me saving a child’s life or me saving your ass?”
“You nearly getting yourself killed in the process!”
“I was fine!”
“You nearly got your throat ripped out by a vamp!” Dean ripped off his jacket and pulled his gun from his waistband dropping them onto the bed next to yours. “You could have died!”
“I didn’t! Everyone’s safe, everyone’s alive because of me!”
Dean closed the space between you slamming you against the wall, his hand cupped the back of your head as his lips slammed into yours, his free hand ran down your side cupping under your ass as he lifted you into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist he walked you towards the bed dropping you down onto the mattress before he crawled on top of you.
“Cut!” The director called out into the room. “You know I think we might’ve just nailed that in one but we’re gonna do one more just to be sure.”
After one more take, the director yelled cut as he walked towards the two of you as Jensen helped you sit up. “If you two are like that with every scene you have together a lot of people are gonna be having early lunches.” He gave you a thumbs up before walking back towards the camera.
“You okay? I pushed you against the wall harder than I should’ve that time.” His hand rested on your arm as he looked down at you with a furrowed brow.
Nodding up at him you smiled. “Yeah, I’m good.”
His arm wrapped around your waist. “You sure, you’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”
“Honestly I’m fine Jensen.”
Wrapping his arms around you he gave you a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Patting his chest he pulled away from you. “Jensen, I’m fine don’t worry about it, Justin’s dropped me down the stairs before don’t worry and didn’t apologise, don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll get you a coffee later to make up for it.”
“Will, that make you feel better?”
“Okay.” Smiling up at him you nodded. “I’ll see you later Jensen.”
Stretching your legs out on your couch you read through the latest script for Grey’s with a glass of red wine in your hand. A knock at your door pulled your attention from your lines, you hadn’t ordered any food and the cast didn’t know where you lived yet, they must have the wrong apartment. The knocking didn’t stop.
Walking towards the door you flung it open, Jared and Jensen stood in front of you. “What the hell are you guys doing here?”
“It’s your first episode tonight.” Jared grinned at you holding up two bottles of wine. “So we’re here to watch it with you.”
“That’s Jared for can we come in watch your first episode with you, order pizza and drink?” Jensen rolled his eyes at Jared.
“You have wine, of course, you can come in.” Holding the door open you let the two of them in. “How the hell did you find out where I live?” Closing the door behind them you turned to see Jared already raiding the drawers for a bottle opener.
“We have our ways.” Jensen winked at you.
“Not creepy at all.” Picking the script off the couch you dropped it onto your coffee table.
“We asked one of the PAs, we’re not interrupting you are we?” He asked sitting down on your couch.
“Jensen I’m in yoga pants and I’m drinking, of course, you’re not interrupting me.” Picking up your wine glass you walked towards the kitchen where Jared was still clattering around. “What do you guys want to drink? I think I still have some beer left.” Putting your glass down you watched him open the same cupboard for the third time.
“Where the hell are your wine glasses?” Jared asked closing another door.
“In the one next to you.” Pointing towards the cupboard you watched him open it and pull out 2 glasses. “Are you already drunk?”
Turning around you ran straight into Jensen’s chest his arms darting out to stop you from falling backwards. “Sorry, I came to grab a beer, you good?”
“Yeah.” Nodding at him one of his hands dropped from your arm the other moved to the small of your back as you opened the fridge door pulling out a beer for him. “Here.”
“Thanks.” Taking it from you his hand dropped from your back.
Your phone lit up every few minutes as the episode played out.
“Someone’s popular.” Jared nodded at your phone as he drained his glass.
“It’ll be Justin giving me a running commentary as he watches it.” Leaning forwards you flipped your phone over.
“What’s the deal with you two?” Jensen asked sitting back down next to you with another beer.
“He’s my best friend.” You shrugged.
“That’s it?”
“Yeah that’s it, everyone always thinks there’s something going on but there really isn’t.”
“Told ya.” Jensen tipped his beer bottle towards Jared.
“Whatever,” Jared grumbled as he got up to fill up his glass taking yours with him.
“He really thought you two were dating.”
“Really Jared?” You called out as he walked away.
“You’re always with him! Plus your characters hook up!”
“We don’t all end up marrying our co-stars Jared!”
Jensen chuckled next to you his arm resting on the back of the couch behind you. Jared walked back towards you with 2 full glasses of wine, handing you your glass he fished in his back pocket for his wallet pulling out a twenty he dropped in Jesen’s lap.
“You actually bet on it?” You looked up at him.
Jared shrugged slumping onto the couch. “I thought you were dating him.”
“He’s going to love hearing that.”
As the episode ended your phone rang on the table, picking it up you didn’t have to even look who was calling to know who it was, answering the face time Justin smiled at you. “Hey, badass.”
“Shut up.”
“You killed it!”
“You know I haven’t read any of your texts yet.”
“Oh, you’re going to enjoy them.” He winked at you.
“Where the hell are you?”
“On set.”
“You’re on set and you watched the episode?”
“Oh yeah, Dempsey and Pompeo watched it too, they said they’re proud of you.”
“Don’t make me cry.”
“Where are you anyway?”
“Home, well on the couch, Jared and Jensen are here, did you know Jared thought we were dating?”
“You two are always together!” Jared protested next to you.
“Justin! Come on man off the phone!”
“I’m needed, seriously you killed it though I can see why they’re keeping you on.” With a smirk, he winked at you. “See you soon, love you.”
“Love you too.”
“And you’re seriously surprised as to why I thought y’all were dating.” Jared snorted.
Shoving Jared’s arm you dropped your phone back onto the table. “What’re we watching now?”
“You.” Jared smiled grabbing the remote from the table.
“Excuse me, Padalecki?”
Looking up at the TV he’d put on today’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
“No, come on.” Reaching for the remote Jensen’s arm dropped from the back of the couch to your waist holding you against him as Jared held the remote away from you.
“We’ve watched our show, now we’re watching yours.” He shrugged putting the remote on the floor he kicked it across the wooden floor.
“Why are you two such assholes, do you even watch Grey’s Anatomy? Because if you’re both going to sit there and ask me questions I will hurt one of you.”
“Shh, it’s on.” Jared hissed at you pointing at the TV.
Focusing on the TV you watched your LA family delivering first-class drama as the scenes played out, you tried not to think about Jensen’s hand on your hip as he sipped his beer next to you. You knew you weren’t in the episode until after the halfway mark only coming in when a trauma is brought in, you could actually enjoy this, looking down at your empty wine glass you didn’t really want to move you didn’t want Jensen’s hand to leave you.
As the advert started to play Jensen held his beer out towards Jared. “Get me a glass of wine would ya?”
Grabbing the bottle he shuffled off towards the kitchen, returning with an empty glass and a bottle of wine, filling up the glasses he flopped back down next to you, stretching his legs out he yawned resting his head back against the couch.
“Just a bit.”  
“You can go home you know, you don’t have to stay.”
“Shh you’re back on, are you even in this or are you stringing us along?”
“You wanted to watch it, you’re the one who put it on and yes I am.”
It felt weird watching yourself in the show that had been your life for the past few years with the two men who were going to be a part of your new family, it felt like some weird brag.
You weren’t really paying attention to the screen when Jared shoved your knee.
With a raised brow he pointed at the screen where your character and Justin were getting hot and heavy in the on-call room. “Y’all ain't dating.” He scoffed.
“No, ask me one more time and I’ll hurt you.”
As the credits rolled Jared stood up rolling his shoulders. “I need my bed.”
“It’s fine, go home, enjoy.”
“J you comin’?”
“I’m gonna help Y/N tidy up I’ll get a cab later, see ya tomorrow.”
Showing Jared out Jensen started cleaning up the kitchen throwing out empty pizza boxes.
“You don’t have to do that, you can go home.” You tried to take the plate from his hand.
“I’m not leaving your kitchen a mess and letting you clean it up, won’t take long anyway.” He shrugged as he carried on washing up the dishes.
Hopping up on the counter you took every dish he washed drying it and stacking them up next to you. Watching him your brow furrowed when he smiled up at you. “What?”
“What about me?”
“You’re going to be a breath of fresh air.” Drying his hands on the cloth in your hands his palms rested on your thighs. “And one hell of a lot of trouble.”
Smiling down at him you dropped the cloth next to you. “Oh yeah?”
His hands ran up your thighs to rest on your hips pulling you closer to the edge of counter your legs fell further apart as he settled in between your thighs. “Jensen, you’re married.”
Pulling you flush against him he nodded at you. “I know.”
“We shouldn’t.”
“I know.” He breathed out as his lips brushed against yours. “Sweetheart, I know.”
Part 3
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215 notes · View notes
lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
Dialogue Prompt List
A list of funny, fluffy, rage, and angsty dialogues compiled overtime! Under the cut because its reaaaally long and I love them all.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Crackheads - From here (1-30)   (31-40)
“All I know is, one of us is right, the other one is you.”
“You did what?”   “It wasn’t as bad as last time, I swear.”
“Don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?”   “Not until four.”
“Ohh, so you think I’m cute when I’m angry? Well, get ready because I’m about to be gorgeous!”
“I’m going into the woods to scream for a bit, anybody wanna come with?”
“So… I’ve just realised… that I’ve been shot.”
“I don’t care if you are panicking - just… do it quietly.”
“Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
“Yeah, I have a plan.”   “Is it a good one?”   “I have a plan.”
“I have to go… iron… my cat.”
“You gotta stop doing that.”   “What?”   “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
“Your existence gives me a headache, go stand over there.”
“You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.”
“Everything here can kill you, but I can do it the most efficiently.”
“Just know that I love you. I love you with all of my fucked up, piece of shit heart.”
“Is this coffee bitter?”   “No, it must be you.”
“You’re weird.”   “Sorry.”   “No, that was a compliment.”
“I know that I just spit blood all over you, and this is probably the wrong time, but I kind of like you.”
“Well, the best of the best weren’t available… so we got the best of the mediocre.”
“Here, hold my dignity… I’ve got some sketchy shit to do.”
“Fuck! I was so smart five minutes ago! What happened?”
“What happened to your face?” “Beauty.”
“You shake when you get angry.” “I do not!” “You’re like an angry lil’ chihuahua.”
“I could run a marathon. Right now. I’ll do it.” “It’s literally 2 am.” “I peak at 2 am, you should know this.”
“If there’s anything I’ve managed to do pretty well in my life, so far it’s not die. So we’re off to a good start on that one.”
“Are you there?” “Physically, yes. Mentally is debatable.”
“Why aren’t you dating him?” “Because I’d destroy him.” “He’d been into that!”
“Damn it, why aren’t you obeying the laws of physics?”
“All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes!”
“She is the embodiment of snorting chlorine and then drowning yourself in a pool.”
“I may be small but I am mighty.”
“You are very attractive. Therefore I will stare at you.” 
“Somebody’s cranky.”  “Somebody needs to shut fuck up.”
“I didn’t do it!”   “Then why are you laughing?”   “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
“You’re not short. You wouldn’t understand.”
 “Have fun, fam! I’ll bet it’ll be ‘lit’ as the kids say.”  “I’m literally begging you to stop”
“[character] NO!”   “[character] YES!”
“Did you just slap my ass?”   “Actually, I firmly grasped it.”   “Did you just quote Spongebob?”
“Twinkies and cotton candy is not dinner!” 
“I’m not arguing. I’m simply explaining why I’m right.” 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Love and Sunshine - From here (1-21)   (22-42)
“It was always you.”
“Can you just hold my hand?”
“I love you in every possible way.”
“You are your own person. You are not mine. But I hope you will let me love you.”
“I wished every day to hold you once more.”
“You are a fountain of good fortune, my love.”
“Seeing your face is like drinking water after a lifetime in the desert.”
“There is something between us and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever felt.”
“If I could stay here with you forever, I would.”
“You had the deftness of a master thief when you stole my heart.”
“You are the first thing on my mind, the last thought before sleep, and my truest love.”
“This is my favorite time of day.”
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Feel it, it’s soft.”
“He’s adorable, what’s his name?”
“Let’s take the long way home.”
“I know it’s early, but you have to see this sunrise.”
“Paint with me.”
“I love it. It’s amazing.”
“Look at those stars.”
“You’re absolutely fantastic.”
“Rumor has it, I make you nervous.”
"You look cute with a baby bump!” 
“I want to try for a baby” 
“I really love holding you, darling.” 
“You look beautiful in anything.”
“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” 
"The stars look especially lovely tonight." 
"I wasn’t planning on asking you, but it appeared to me that life is short. Will you marry me?" 
"May I have this dance, wife/husband?”
“Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant? ”
“Do you wanna know the sex of the baby?" 
“I can’t believe I got the first date, let alone a year.”
“I have so much love for you. I actually never thought I could feel like this, but you proved me wrong.”
“Dance with me and pretend the world doesn’t exist.”
“I don’t care where I’m sleeping, as long as its with you.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“You’re the most important person in my life.” 
"I think this is going to be the start of something wonderful.” 
“You’re a little shit but you’re my little shit.” 
“Welcome to fatherhood.” 
“God, I’m never leaving your side again.”“Every inch of you is breathtaking.” 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Ruled by Anger - From here (1-10)   (11-20)
“Admit that you’re wrong!”
“Do not compare yourself to me.”
“My hate for you runs deeper than your ego.”
“You left me!”
“You will never know how I feel.”
“I wish you were dead.”
“You will regret this.”
“Get away from me!”
“I don’t know you anymore.”
“Say that to me one more time.”
“I told you what would happen if you disobeyed.”
“You just made your biggest mistake.”
“Let’s see what’s left in you for me to break.”
“Go on. Try to run.”
“Come here. Now.”
“I’m going to put you in your place.”
“Looks like you’re not useful anymore.”
“When I tell you to look me in the eye, you look me in the eye.”
“You think you know what pain is? No. Not yet.”
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tear-Jerkers / Angst - From here (1-15)   (16 - 28)   (29-50)
“You made me feel weak.”
“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
“You were the only person I thought I could trust.”
“You promised you wouldn’t forget me.”
“I don’t have anyone else.”
“I thought you still loved me.”
“You never cared that you broke my heart.”
“It wasn’t supposed to end this way.”
“Please just stay with me. For one moment at least.”
“You’re leaving now?”
“You didn’t miss me at all?”
“I can’t love you anymore.”
“I wish I was sorry.”
“All these years and you decide to break my heart now?”
“Did I ever really matter to you?”
“How come she loves you?”
“There are an endless number of things I wish to forget.”
“I came so far. Only to end up here.”
“I’m scared. Why am I so scared?”
“He never came back. Even though he said he would.”
“I wish I didn’t care about it.”
“Pain is not an easy thing to ignore.”
“Set me free.”
“I made her cry. How could I do that?”
“Please don’t make me say it.”
“There’s only so many times I can mend this heart.”
“How do I keep going?”
“It’s gone. All of it.” 
“I miss you when you’re gone.”
“I’m sorry, I fucked up.”
“There’s no bringing them back.”
“This is all my fault.”
“It’s okay to cry…”
“I leave tomorrow.”
“Maybe you’re right. We should just end things now.”
“I’m sorry it has to end this way.”
“…I’m in love with him.”
“Why the hell would you say something like that?”
“These people don’t care about you, ____.”
“I lost them.”
“Nothing really matters to me.”
“What do you see in me?”
“Being with you is so exhausting sometimes.”
“I don’t need questions, I need honesty.”
“Just don’t give up, I’m working it out.”
“Nobody loves you, anyway.”
“Just please go away.”
“I can’t be alone with all that’s on my mind…”
“Just leave me the fuck alone.”
“Don’t fucking touch me!"
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Heart Broken Tagalog/FIlipino Lyrics Translated to English
“You promised forever, then why are we in the end?”
“They said if you truly love someone, let them go. Goodbye, my love.”
“I’ll wake up from this dream of mine and finally let myself move on from you.”
“For these last seconds with you in my arms, may I pretend that you’re still mine?”
“You could’ve told me so I didn’t have to let my heart love again.”
“Why would I force myself for someone that’s not meant for me?”
“I wonder when can I hug and kiss you again, outside my dreams?”
“I’ll hold you tighter. I know this wouldn’t last.”
“Sometimes, love is not the answer.”
“Don’t let go, I don’t want to be left alone.”
12 notes · View notes
sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
A night with my Japanese class crush
Inspired by these prompts I found here. I love college/university aus, there the ones I tend to default to since I'm in college myself. College
Lance knocked on the door again, hoping someone would answer. This wasn’t happening. He was not locked out of his own dorm room because he forgot his keys in the room when he went to go grab dinner and study. Except, well, he was. He knew Hunk wasn’t there. His high school sweetheart went to a college a few hours from theirs and her extremely over protective brother wasn’t going to be on campus for the weekend. His other suitemates though, James Griffin and Lotor Daibazaal, the assholes, had to of gone out for the night. The most annoying thing was they all hung their keys up on hook by the door, so they knew he didn’t have his keys yet they still locked the door. He groaned, dropping on the door and sliding down to the floor. It was cold outside and he just wanted to go back into his room and put his fuzzy shark onesie on and drink hot chocolate and fall asleep listening to the new Alexander Jean CD he finally got.
Part of him wondered if he’d get in trouble for falling asleep in the dorms’ lounge but he knew the last time someone had done that, they woke up with dicks and curse words drawn on their face. Lance was not risking that. He tried to think, was anyone he knew on campus still awake? Allura? No, she had early morning practise, so she’d be asleep with her earbuds in and he didn’t really know he roommate too well. Adam? He was the RA for a whole other building and if he remembered correctly, his favourite TA was on duty tonight so he couldn’t have guests. Pidge? No to that too, they lived with their brother and Matt loved annoying him by flirting with him and he didn’t have the mental compacity to put up with him right then.
In his frustration, Lance picked up his Japanese text book and threw it down the hall, where it hit the door on the other side. He heard the door opening as he threw his face into his hands.
“What the hell? Lance?”
He looked up and froze when he saw the person at the end of the hall. Shit.
“Keith!” he cried, shooting up and stared the other male. “What, what are you doing here? I thought you lived in Montgomery.”
“I do, but my brother lives here and he’s busy and asked me to watch his cat.”
“Huh?” Cat? Pets weren’t allowed in the building? And what brother? And why was Keith even here?
Keith and Lance were in the same Japanese class. He had noticed him on their first day. There class was set up so the desks were in a circle and Keith was opposite Lance. the first thing he had noticed was his hair was a bit of a mullet but other than the tragic hairstyle, Keith was really good looking. Like drop dead gorgeous, with his dark eyes and obvious muscles. Back when the weather had been hotter, Keith came to class with his bangs clipped back and his hair tied into a messy bun and Lance felt his heart stop. No one should look that good. Didn’t help that he’d been in a tank top and it took everything in him not to get lost during the lesson because he kept staring at Keith. Whenever they stood next to each other when the teach would have them practise writing characters, Lance would control himself not to blush. God, literally last week, they were paired to do a practise conversation and Keith asked him if he was free on Saturday and Lance melted a little before remembering it was a practise conversation.
“What are you doing out here? And throwing your textbook out that hall?”
“Huh?” Lance realised Keith was talking to him. “I left my keys in my room by accident and even though my other roommates so my keys on the hook by the door, they still locked it.”
“I can call security for you?” Keith offered, holding out Lance’s textbook.
“Thanks, but Hunk used the suite’s free passes when he kept forgetting his keys, hence why we hang them up by the door now.”
“Oh. Are any of your roommates coming back?”
Lance shook his head. “Hunk’s gone to see his girlfriend for the weekend and I know my asshole roommates left for the night. Everyone else I know isn’t the best option to stay the night with.”
“Did you want to stay the night with me?”
“My brother went to grab something from the student store and his therapy cat keeps meowing if he’s not in the room, so I’m keeping her occupied.” Keith explained.
“That’s what that noise was?” Lance said, thinking back to the times he was so sure he heard a cat meowing. Then he remembered something else. “Wait, the guy who carries the spaceship bag is your brother? I though he was a pre-vet student.”
“Shiro a pre-vet major? No, Shiro studying to be a teacher. He’ll be back soon and my roommate dropped out halfway through the semester so I’ve got a dingle. You can sleep on the extra bed and we can come back the next day to make sure your roommates are back.”
A whole night with Keith, alone? Lance would not make it through the night.
“I, I don’t have anything to wear. I needed a shower.” Lance tried to excuse.
“Most of Shiro’s hand-me-downs I use as pyjamas. I have extra towels too.”
Lance struggled to find another excuse. He didn’t want one because a whole night with Keith, yes please, but it was also Keith.
“Sure.” He agreed in the end.
“Cool, come on. we can wait in Shiro’s room till he gets back.”
Lance slowly followed Keith into the room, which he realised was one of the random singles on the floor. While one wall was taken mostly by a bed, the other had a large cat tree and a steady incline of perches, including a bridge that lead to the dresser. Tangled up in a teasing rope toy was a black cat, with a few patches of white.
“That’s Kuro, Shiro’s therapy cat.” Keith explained as he gently nudged her side, moving when she twisted in attempt to sink her claws into his foot.
“Oh. Ok. Medical issues?”
“Mostly. He has really bad anxiety after this accident he had. He’s much better than he was when he first got her but I guess you can say she’s overprotective. She doesn’t like having him out of her sight.”
“I see.”
The door opened and the guy Lance and Hunk were always so sure was a pre-vet student came in, unzipping his jacket. Most of his black hair was hidden by a beanie, but his white dyed fringe was still in his face.
“Oh, hello?”
“Shiro, this is Lance. He lives across the hall.”
Shiro’s grey eyes lit up with recognition. “Right. You live with Lotor right?”
“Unfortunately.” Lance said. It was no secret he didn’t like Lotor or James.
“Yeah, he makes it a habit to complain about me bringing Kuro to class.” Shiro said.
“I’m sure he does.”
“Lotor and his other roommate locked Lance out so he’s gonna spend the night with me.” Keith said, picking up his jacket from Shiro’s bed.
“Alright.” Shiro pulled out two bowls of instant ramen and gave whatever was left in the bag to Keith. “I’ll see you around Lance.”
“You too.” Lance said following Keith out the door and back into the cold air.
“Are you hungry?” Keith asked, his words slightly muffled with his scarf around his mouth.
“Um a little.” Lance admitted. “I can just grab something from the vending machine when we get to Montgomery.”
“No need, I have food in my room. I hope you don’t mind ramen.”
“Consists of most of my diet.” Lance admitted.
They soon reached the building and Keith tapped his student ID to the card reader, pulling the door open when it let out a beep. He led Lance up two flights of stairs and down the hall where a door covered in a Sherlock door poster hung, making the door look like the door for apartment 221B. According to the old marking on the door jam, it was actually room 221.
“Yeah, I had gotten the poster for Christmas before I started college and when I saw what my room was, I knew I had to bring it.” Keith unlocked his door and let Lance walk in first before he followed him. one side of the room looked unoccupied while the other was obviously lived in. the bed was covered in red and black sheets, the blanket shoved near the end of the bed, almost covering the large hippo plush. The desk was pushed against the end of the bed and held a large monitor for the desk top computer. Most of the wall was covered in posters of different anime or space related. On the chest of the drawers, acrylic stands and figurines were spread out, picture frames placed in free spaces around them.
Lance dropped his things on the empty bed and glanced over at the pictures. There was one with Keith and an older guy. He almost looked like Shiro but Lance could tell that he resembled Keith more. Another picture held a woman in army fatigues who looked more like Keith. There was one with Shiro and Keith along with a dog, who looked like more fur than anything. He looked over at Keith as he dropped his jacket onto the chair, taking the bag to the microwave that sat on top of the mini fridge. He turned on the kettle sitting on top of it and pulled out the other bowls of ramen.
“You said you didn’t like beef ramen, right?” Lance looked confused, unsure how Keith even knew that. “You mentioned it in class one day, around the food section?”
He had mentioned that, but that had been during a practise conversation that Lance knew he hadn’t been paired with Keith for.
“Um yeah. Don’t really like the taste of it.”
“I have soy sauce udon, is that ok?” Lance nodded and watched Keith pull a container out from the fridge and put it in the microwave. He picked up a mug that seemed to hold all the cutlery Keith owned and held it out for Lance.
Lance smiled at the sight of Studio Ghibli themes chopsticks as he took the Kiki’s Delivery Service ones.
“I didn’t realise you were such an otaku Keith.”
“Have you seen my bookbag?”
He had. It was covered in pins from different animes and the bag itself was Kingdom Hearts themed. “I prefer my pins on an itabag.”
“Oh I have itabags, I just don’t use bags on campus except for my bookbag so there’s no point in bringing them.”
Lance couldn’t help but laugh. He was still nervous about staying the night in Keith’s dorm, especially with his crush on him but he was learning a lot about Keith. It was slowly becoming easier to relax around him. The microwave went off and Keith pulled out the container, a cloud of steam erupting when Keith opened it and offered it to Lance.
“Seafood dumplings. I was going to finish these tonight so feel free.”
“Is it ok?” Lance asked. With Keith’s nod, Lance picked one up between his chopsticks and took a small bite. “These are good.”
“There’s this kinda unknown dim sum place not far from here. It’s pretty good.”
“Sounds like fun. I should check it out.”
The kettle went off next and Keith went to fill the bowls with hot water, keeping the lids down with a chopstick each before sitting next to Lance on the bed. He took Lance’s chopsticks from his hands and used it to pick up his own dumpling.
And there went Lance’s blood pressure, shooting up at the thought of using the same utensils as Keith.
‘Congratulations Lance, you’ve become a complete child with a crush.’
“Were you studying Japanese?” Keith asked.
“Hmm?” Then Lance remembered it had been his Japanese textbook he threw at Shiro’s door. “Yeah. The kanji is really hard.”
“Yeah. I get confused with some of them. I’m not looking forward to when we have to start using them in our writing.”
“I’m still more worried about speaking part of it. When I get nervous, my mind starts switching Spanish and Japanese.”
“Oh yeah, I remember the midterm exam, the speaking portion. You recovered really well though. If you want, I can help you practise your speaking.” Keith offered.
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
Lance couldn’t really answer after that. He wanted to. Keith didn’t have to but he wanted to.
“Sure. If it’s ok with you. Man, you are really doing a lot for me. Letting me stay the night, feeding me, helping me study.”
“I’m sure you can figure out some way to repay me.” Keith said, his voice sounding flirtatious, making Lance’s heart stop again.
‘He isn’t allowed to do this. I’m dying, why is he doing this?’
“You ok?”
“Yep, sure, totally fine.” Lance rushed out. Then Keith gave him this smile. God, he really wasn’t allowed to smile like that!
“Here, I think the ramen is ready.” Lance took his chopsticks back, and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth, trying to organize his thoughts. “Did you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure, you can choose.”
Keith handed Lance his bowl, which he started to dig into then woke his computer up. He put a DVD into the drive and skipped to the main menu.
“Ohh, Kingsman! I love that movie. The second one was really good.” Lance said as he saw the main menu.
“It’s one of my favourite ones. I remember Shiro saw it with his boyfriend and they said Eggsy had gotten married to a blonde chick and my mind went to Roxy.”
“I know, I watched it on the plane ride home but I was half asleep and the person next to me was watching it and was like ‘I can’t believe they shoved those two together! That was one of the stories good points, that Roxy and Eggsy were only best friends, never even hinted to be in a relationship. I was glad we were both wrong.”
“I know. But I guess it speaks to how Eggsy values relationships. He liked Roxy only as a friend and they stayed that way the whole time and even though he only wanted to have sex with the princess, he was able to hold a relationship with her, something he never wanted to risk, even for his job.”
“I kinda hope I can have a relationship like that.” Lance said.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem.” Keith said, in that same flirtatious voice.
Oh god, Lance didn’t know if he was trying to say something. That was a tomorrow issue. For now, he was going to enjoy watching this movie and ramen with Keith.
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