#coin's blog tips
coinandcandle · 10 months
Coin's Blogging Tips II
Here's another post of blogging tips. Check out my other post here!
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How do you want your blog to be perceived? Fun, friendly, intellectual, or serious? Choose a writing style that fits your brand and stick with it.
I tend to use a fun, light-hearted approach on most of my posts while keeping them educational, so I choose to write in a manner that sounds like I’m talking to a friend.
That’s also why I try to steer clear of too many difficult or academic words and phrases since the whole point of my blog is to be educational and accessible for all sorts of folks!
It should go without saying that grammar is important when writing a blog post. If you don’t have time to proofread a post and you don’t have others to help, consider putting your post through google docs or downloading Grammarly for help!
However, it’s more than ok to sacrifice good grammar if it’s to create a specific tone. As stated, I prefer a light, friendly tone so I’ll often go with a less grammatically correct approach to achieve that.
Here’s an example: 
I was going to write a blog post about the Golden Dawn and its history but there is far too much information to write about in a singular post.
I was gunna make a post about the Golden Dawn and its history but there’s way too much info for just one post!
The first sentence comes across as proper or more professional, but that’s not the tone we’re looking for! So we forgo good grammar to achieve a lighter and friendlier tone.
Making your blog easy to navigate is a great way to retain someone's attention. By creating masterposts or linking your posts to each other in-text, you can help others flow through your related content with ease!
First and foremost, is your post interesting? Your topic doesn’t need to be particularly relevant to be interesting, but it certainly helps! Find out what’s popular in your niche or community right now and see if it’s something you’d enjoy writing about.
Pro Tip: If you’re bored while writing it, your readers will probably be bored while reading it. Take a break and step away from a post if you feel like it’s dragging on, you can come back to it later.
Alternatively, ask a friend to read your post and get their feedback on it. It helps if you can get multiple people to review it before posting!
Sources and Citations
You don’t need to go full MLA or APA with your sources and citation, just mentioning where you get your info or adding a hyperlink in-text can help give your post credibility.
This doesn’t mean you should just through around links, though, make sure your sources are actually credible otherwise you risk the chance of losing the trust of your readers. Plus it’s just good practice to be honest about where you get your information!
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solargeist · 5 days
thank you for convincing me to play in stars and time because omg it is so good
YAYYYY YIPPIE ITS SO GOOD i did all the achievements i love it so much, i hope you have fun !!!
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2soulscollide · 1 year
my favorite free tools for writers
hello, hello! hope you're doing well.
today i am bringing you another list with my top 3 favorite (free!) tools that I find helpful for each phase of writing a novel.
brainstorming phase
Fantasy Names Generator - not only for fantasy (you can also generate real names). this website is just... amazing! it helps you come up with names for characters, places and locations, descriptions, generate traits, outfits (yes, outfits!!), and probably something else you could ever think of.
The Story's Hack - this one is so cool! you can generate names for everything, create your own generator, and practice writing through writing exercises! plus, you can save your generated names to see later, and you earn coins for each idea generated (you can later buy themes - dark, snow, forest, etc)
RanGen - my last favorite generator on this list is RanGen! you can generate plots, appearances, archetypes, love interests, cities, worlds, items, and more.
developing the idea phase
Bryn Donovan - in this blog you can find master lists under the tag "master lists for writers". it is so helpful when you first start developing the characters and need to find the right words to describe them and to find some quirks and flaws!
Writers Write (350 character traits) - again, this is so helpful!
Story Planner - ah, the number of times I've talked about this website... please, PLEASE take a look at it, you won't regret it. this website has literally everything you need to fully develop your idea with outlines for you to fill in step by step.
writing phase
Colleen Houck (80+ barriers to love) - need more romace conflict? there you go!
Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language - so, you know how your character's feeling, but don't know how he'd physically act? check out this list!
Describing Words - honestly, this is a lifesaver. don't you struggle to find the right word to describe something? well, with this website all you have to do is to type the object you're trying to describe and see which description fits better to you!
revising phase
Language Tool for Google Docs - i know we all have heard about google docs before, but the truth is, it's almost impossible to find free softwares to check grammar and spelling. so, google docs is useful, because it automatically revises it for us, and it's completely free. plus, you can add adds-on, such as "language tool".
Unfortunately, there's only one (free) tool that I actually enjoy for the revising phase. if you know some others, please let me know so that I can try them out and feature in this list.
exporting phase
Google Docs - i find google docs very easy to format and export to .epub, so i'd recommend using it as a free tool.
Reedsy - this is also a free tool available online. all you have to do is to write down each chapter (copy and paste) or import your word document. it will format the document to your liking and export it to pdf, epub and mobi.
that's everything for now! i hope this post was somehow helpful or inspiring!
if you want to see more master lists full of resources, check these:
BEST accounts to follow as a writer
Useful Resources & Tips for Writers
also, if you are a notion lover just like me, check the free template I just released with everything you need to develop and write your novel!
thank you so much for reading! hope to see you around, and have a nice day <3
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belladonna-moon · 11 months
☽ Closet Witch Tips ☾
Hi, everyone! I spent years living as a closet witch and wishing I had more freedom to practice. Nowadays my living situation is different which allows me to do things I couldn’t before, but I know that there are many witches out there who are still struggling with this so I decided to share some tips on how to practice in the broom closet
Keep in mind these are all suggestions, you don’t need to have an altar, a book of shadows, practice divination, etc if you don’t want to
(Disclaimer: you don’t need an altar to practice, but in case you still desire to have one)
Inside a jewelry box
Shoe box
Tin can
In a video game such as animal crossing, the sims, minecraft, etc
The #SelfCare app has a little altar in which you can decorate with crystals, herbs and tarot cards
Notebook (then add the items by drawing them or maybe making collages)
Make/buy a little terrarium (artificial or real)
I’ve heard of people using plant vases as altars as well
(In case you can’t buy tarot decks/runes/etc)
Make your own tarot cards/oracle cards (it can be a little tiring but it’s what I did when I couldn’t buy my own)
Use playing cards as minor arcanas to read tarot
Pendulums (doesn’t have to be an actual crystal pendulum as you see on witchy stores, anything on a string will do)
Make runes out of seashells, rocks, clay, etc
Flip a coin for yes and no questions
Give dice divination a try
Deity Worship/Work
Wear jewelry that reminds you of them (ex: sun necklace for apollo, moon ring for artemis, etc)
Wear their associated colors
Practice devotional acts such as reading about them, praying, drawing something for them, writing them a letter, something related to your deity’s domains
Keep a notebook in which you can write their myths/domains/associations/etc or write prayers/poems, make drawings of things they like, etc
Keep a small altar
Watch movies that remind you of them
Play video games associated with their domains
Study something they have domain over
Make them a playlist
Make them a pinterest board
Make a devotional blog
Light a candle in their honor (it’s ok if you can only use LED candles)
Keep something associated with them on your desk/shelf
Keep a crystal associated with them near you
Get a small statuette/toy of one of their sacred animals to represent them (on your shelf/desk, on a small altar if you have one, etc)
Make a little deity jar and keep it near you
Have a devotional plant for them
Spend time in nature in their honor
Take care of yourself
Book of Shadows
Notes app
Google docs or google keep
Tumblr blog (either private or public, up to you)
Somewhere on your phone/computer
Simple Practices
Enchant your jewelry with intention
Use color correspondence in your clothes/makeup
Open your windows to cleanse your room
Keep crystals around you
Physically clean your space
Take showers/baths with the intention of cleansing yourself
Try practicing some kitchen magic if you cook
Enchant your food/drink
Make sigils
Keep plants in your space associated with your intention (ex: protection, creativity, etc)
Keep in mind that you’re not any less of a witch for not being able to do certain things, your practice is still valid
☽ Feel free to reblog with more tips! ☾
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flowersandbigteeth · 7 months
I Have an idea for a character one shot (I'd just irk to fuck a centipede monster but same thing)
You get lost in the desert come across a cave, take a nap in the cave but when you wake up you’re trapped by a large centipede man who’s staring down at you like you’re a snack.
Preferably nsfw and Fem reader, also I’m sorry if you’re not taking requests I’m new to your blog
I really like this idea ^_^, It actually inspired a longer story I'm working on about a sarantopodarousacentaur. But for now, we have this.
sarantopodarousacentaur/half-centipede half-human (Mitas) x F reader
Word Count: 3K
Warning: nsfw, dubcon half-centipede smut, kidnapping, descriptions of violence, desert vibes
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“Have you seen a witch run this way, miss?” a lanky member of the city guard asked. 
You squinted in the desert sun as it reflected off his shiny gold armor. 
“A witch?” you asked, leaning on your bow. “Nope, can’t say I have.” 
He gave you a nod, glancing at your horse, Bina, who had her head in a bucket of water you’d drawn from the oasis. 
“Pretty horse,” he said, tipping his hat. “Better stay safe tonight. There’s a witch on the loose. Murdered one of the merchants in town with black magic. Could be dangerous.” 
“Sure thing,” you said, giving him a little salute as he walked away. 
“She’s not here!” you heard him yell at his captain over your shoulder. “Just a huntress watering her horse.” 
“She’s the bloody witch, you mouth-breathing dolt!” his captain shouted. “After her!”
Time to go! 
You hurried to empty the bucket and climbed on Bina’s back, kicking her lightly to make your escape. Pulling your goggles over your eyes, you turned into the wind, heading towards the mountains where you might be able to hide. You weren’t any witch, as the guard thought. You’d killed the merchant with poison before you’d stolen all his gold. It only appeared to be magic to the idiotic guard, who apparently had no idea what poisoning looked like. He’d bled out of every orifice, but his death was faster than he deserved. 
You could hear the hoofbeats of their horses on your tail. The guards were wearing heavy armor, however, and carrying swords. You were much faster. You twisted in your saddle and shot off a few arrows to ward them off. 
“We’re under heavy fire!” one of the guards shouted, and you snorted.
A few odd arrows were hardly heavy fire. You could have killed them if you’d wanted, but you aimed at their obnoxiously shiny chests, and your arrows only dented the metal. 
You often stole, but you didn’t often kill. The merchant had it coming, though. When he took you back to his home, thinking he’d seduced you, you’d found a house full of half-starved slaves. Slavery was illegal in Dechete, but he’d bragged to you about how he’d paid off the city magistrate to claim he’d adopted all the teens. So, annoyed that he was both a lech and a slaver, you hadn’t felt the least bad about dropping a few drops of Bloodweed essence in his drink. You let the teenagers take what they liked of his possessions and horses, pointing them towards the coast before you broke into his safe and pocketed the gold coins he kept there. 
No one would have noticed for a few days if one of the newer slaves wasn’t a snitch and called the guard, hoping to gain a favor from the magistrate. He got an arrow to the chest for his opportunism. Probably didn’t kill him, but the punctured lung would keep his mouth shut while the others got away. 
Which is why you were galloping through the desert, hoping to lose the city guard in the rising sandstorm. It was better they chase you than newly freed youths. 
“Sorry, Bina,” you muttered, pushing her faster into the fading light. “I owe you as many apples as you can eat when we make it across the mountain.” 
Beyond the mountains were the green lands of the Thundering Redwoods and safety. With all the gold you’d stolen, you could buy some animals and a little house in the woods. You’d never have to see this dismal desert again. 
“Fall back! The storm’ll take ‘er!” you heard the guard shout as the wind whipped around you, shooting particles against your face like liquid sandpaper. If you could have breathed a sigh of relief, you would have. Instead, you focused on keeping Bina running straight so you didn’t end up lost. 
“You’re a good girl, Bina,” you murmured, though you doubted she could hear you over the whistling wind. 
The rocks of the mountains came on you so quickly, you would have driven her straight into a stone wall if she didn’t have better sense. She made a sharp 90-degree turn at the last moment and carried you into a canyon. The wind didn’t reach here, and you pulled off your goggles, looking around at the high cliffs stretching up above you. 
“You’re worth your weight in gold,” you cheered, rubbing Bina’s neck. 
She gave you a pleased whinny, happy to be safe from the irritating sand. Hopping off her back, you wandered through the winding canyon, hoping it would take you straight through to the other side of the range. Night fell, and you still hadn’t come upon the opposite end, so, lighting a torch, you looked for a cave where you might get some rest before starting off again in the morning. 
“This look all right?” you asked Bina, holding your torch into a hole in the canyon wall only a bit larger than her. 
She nuzzled your hair, and you supposed that was her approval. Inside the opening, the cave opened to a large hall with a high ceiling you couldn’t see with your weak light. The sound of trickling water echoed off the cold stone walls, and after making your way quietly through the passage, you found a spring pumping, clear icy water into a small stream that went deeper into the cave. 
“I think you chose correct,” you said, smiling at your horse while you pulled your saddle and her bridle off so she could have a nice drink and a rest. 
You washed the layer of dirt off your face before you plopped down on the floor to get comfortable. Pulling an apple, you’d nicked from your bag, you gave it to Bina as she’d done most of the work. You could find something to eat in the morning. 
“Sleep tight, Bina,” you muttered, exhausted. 
Curling into a ball on the hard floor, you quickly fell asleep. 
You woke looking at the floor…but it was the ceiling…No. You were upside down. You blinked, peering in the low light at a shadowy creature silhouetted by the sun creeping in through the mouth of the cave. Your eyes frantically searched for Bina, but you found her safe and sound, resting in a bed of hay and eating a salad of apples, carrots, and melon from a crudely shaped clay bowl. Where did that-?
“Hello, little human,” the creature hissed. 
As your eyes adjusted to the light, they popped open, realizing what was holding you aloft by your ankle. 
“Sarantopodarousacentaur!” you gasped at the half-man, half-centipede smiling at you. 
His body was long, and the segmented carapace looked like polished mahogany. Shiny gold legs tapped the stone floor as if he were excited. He righted you, lifting you so you were eye to eye. His face was rather handsome despite his mouth appearing far wider than a normal human. Messy black hair fell around his jaw, and his skin was as gold as the desert sand. Two odd, blood-red teeth poked past his lips, and you puzzled at what they could be until he stretched his maw in an eerie smile, and you found they were the tips of two mandibles that rested in his cheeks. He flexed them at you as if he were hungry. 
“Um…hello…” you said, unsure what to say to a legendary monster. 
Sarantopodarousacentaurs were a myth, a story the desert folk told to keep their children from wandering at night. Yet, here was in front of you, grinning like a demon. He set you on the ground and patted your head. 
“You are a juicy little morsel,” he beamed, folding his muscled body to your height. “The perfect size to be my mate!” 
You swallowed hard and waved your hands at him, stepping back. 
“Oh no, I’m no…er…mate,” you said. “I’m just passing through. Bina and I will be on our way. Didn’t mean to disturb you!” 
You inched towards the bow you’d left on the ground while sleeping. His body curled around you in one smooth movement, pinching legs trapping you in a golden cage. A finger tipped your chin up to meet his red eyes. 
“You will be my mate,” he said. “But don’t be frightened.” 
He waved a hand at Bina, who happily munched on her bowl of treats, not the least afraid of the monster. 
“I will take good care of you and your Bina,” he said. 
His black-clawed fingers tore at the filthy, sandy clothes you wore, slicing them to ribbons as he unwrapped you like a treat. Lifting one of your legs, he examined it closely. 
“You look delicious,” he murmured as his eyes took stock of your body. 
You wracked your brain, trying to remember if centipedes killed their mates, but you couldn’t think clearly under his careful inspection. 
“Don’t you think we should get to know one another…before you…do…whatever…?” you asked. 
Please don’t eat me. 
He smiled again, his face so close to yours that his mandibles brushed your cheek. 
“I go by Mitas,” he said while he sniffed your hair. 
“I’m…ah…(Y/N),” you said, shivering. 
The cave was cold now that you were naked, and Mitas frowned. 
“You will be warm in my nest,” he assured you, tapping legs carrying him at a dizzying speed deeper into the cave. 
You gasped at what must have been the creature’s bedroom. On one side of the room, jewel-toned blankets, furs, and pillows formed a large, wide bowl where he slept. Your mouth went dry as you took in the neatly piled bones and skulls of his victims. Some were split to make bowls for food, drinks, and pigments, while some were carved with intricate designs and hung on the walls like art. 
He plopped you in his nest and coiled around you like a snake, his stiff legs holding you in place. His odd mandibles bloomed, pinching your cheek gently. 
He’s definitely going to eat me, you thought. His heavy hands moved all over your body, tracing your curves as if he were getting to know them.
“Normally I devour little mouthfulls like you,” he hummed, tucking his nose behind your ear and sniffing you. “But you’re too pretty to be a meal.” 
He sighed. 
“I’m lonely,” he pouted. “I want a proper mate.” 
“Yes but…” you started to say. 
“No buts,” he hissed. “The goddess led you to me. You walked right into my den. She must have meant for you to be mine.” 
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” you argued. 
“You’re either a meal or my mate,” he reasoned. “Which would you rather? It’d be a pity to eat you, but I’m sure you’re scrumptious!” 
Posed with those options, you chose the one that did not result in your immediate demise. 
“M-m-mate,” you squeaked. 
If only you had your bow nearby! The sarantopodarousacentaur was strong, but not invincible. A shot to the heart would kill anyone. 
“We ought to kiss,” he decided. 
“You think?” you asked. 
He nodded and smiled his eerily wide smile. 
“That’s what mated pairs do, no?” he replied. 
At that you squeezed your eyes shut, prepared for the worst. What you felt, however, was rather nice. His lips were soft and warm as they brushed yours. With your eyes closed, you took more notice of the scent of his nest. He didn’t smell bad, more like sandalwood and moss. Without thinking you leaned in to him, your hands finding their way to his chest. 
The muscles were firm and sculpted. Curious, your fingers drifted down to his abs as he tentatively brushed his tongue against your bottom lip. Your lips parted on their own and you were presented with his flavor. Surprisingly he tasted like mint and honey. 
You sighed your appreciation as his fingers gently moved along your waist, exploring your curves. Your body betrayed any lingering sense of caution sparkling under his touch. It’d been a long time since you’d been with a man. As a desert scavenger, you were more likely to rob one than take him to bed. 
You heard a lusty moan build in your throat and he pulled you closer, the sharp points of his legs scraping your skin in a not unpleasant way. His lips set off on an exploration of your body, drifting to your cheeks, then neck, until he was curiously nibbling at your breasts. 
There was no holding in your gasps when he pulled a nipple past his lips and ran his tongue over it. The pointy mandibles tucked in his cheeks nipped at the tender skin making you shudder in pleasure, not pain. 
He hummed, pleased that you were obviously enjoying his investigation. Thick fingers slid down your stomach to dip themselves into your wetness. 
“What’s this?” he murmured as his roving fingers found your sensitive spot. 
Inquisitive sanguine eyes met yours. 
“It’s called a clit,” you explained in halting breaths. 
He chuckled lightly as he felt your body stiffen while he circled it. 
“You like that,” he observed and you gave him a tight nod punctuated by a loud moan. 
He made an odd chattering noise that sounded rather victorious before returning to your breasts, to lick your nipples, one after the other. He had your head all fucked up. Pleasure rolled over you like a unstoppable wave, clouding any thoughts of escape with ones of surrender. 
Feeling you relax into his arms, he pushed you down into the soft pile of blankets and pillows beneath you. Opening your eyes you found him looming over you, considering his strategy. 
As you watched a portion of the yolk of carapace that wrapped around his hips parted and what must have been his cock emerged. It wasn’t like a man’s at all, instead the tip was slightly curved and the shaft lined with knobs arranged in a spiral. You whimpered at it’s size, unsure if it would even fit inside you. 
“Oh,” you mewled and he smiled down at you, his mandibles stretching wide, obviously proud of what he had to offer. 
“I like your little, squishy legs,” he purred opening them with ease and brushing his member against the soft skin of your thighs. 
Precum mixed with your own fluids that had slid down your leg. Curious, he dipped his head and you felt his long tongue explore your channel, making you squeal. No one had ever been quite so close before. At first, you were frightened, but as he worked his tongue inside you, you couldn’t deny the pleasure he sent shooting up your spine. Your eyes rolled back in your head and your lashes fluttered. Panting your hands found his shaggy hair on their own and held him in place. 
You heard a rumbling grow echo through the chamber, coming from his chest. He stopped for a moment to glance up at you. 
“No, don’t stop,” you demanded despite yourself and he grinned at you, lowering his head again. 
His efforts moved to your clit, his tongue twirling around it like some tentacle. His teasing pushed you up and up like a drifting balloon until you popped, screeching as you came. Pleased with himself, he loomed over you, licking his lips with the agile appendage. 
“Now you’re mine,” he declared, his hips snapping forward and his cock plunging in to your soaking core. 
Your body was his to take as his cock stretched you. His shaft was stiff and smooth, the covering feeling more like smooth bone than velvety flesh. 
"Ahhhh!" you groaned as he drove into you. 
His claws fingers held you in place, gripping your neck and all you could do was gaze up at him. His eyes had shifted from a deep garnet to cherry red. 
"Minnnnne," he muttered in a labored hiss. 
His hips slammed into yours mercilessly, rutting you like a beast. You started to lose yourself in bliss, his member stroking the places inside of you that felt the best. 
Your eyelashes fluttered closed and the only thing that passed your lips was incoherent babble. 
"Touch yourself, mate," he ordered, eyes eating up your vulnerable body and you obeyed. 
Your narrow fingers desperately circled your clit, chasing your end and plucked at a nipple. His gaze on you was lecherous, enjoying your neediness. After a few minutes, he couldn't take it anymore, brushing your hand away and folding his large body in half so that he could nibble the pert nipples you'd tugged to a point. 
His other hand found your clit and as he drove into you he pinched and stroked your little bundle of nerves until you were sobbing. Pleasure detonated in your core like a bomb and your back arched in the soft linens as you screamed his name. 
You heard him chuckle, devolving into animal grunts as he took his pleasure. His glowing eyes narrowed and you could see the rapture growing in them. They were solely focused on you when he emptied himself inside. 
You both laid there panting, his body curved over you like a cave, but not pressing his weight on you. 
"Little mate," he purred,  fingers stroking your cheek. "You are so lovely." 
Like a gentleman, not a monster, he twisted around offering you a sip of water from a bone bowl. You were too thirsty and spent to complain, so you drank eagerly. 
He hummed at you in satisfaction. It seemed providing for you pleased him. Your head was dotted in his happy kisses. 
"When we are done resting we'll go pick fruit," he said, snuggling up next you and trapping you in a cage of his legs. "I won't let my scrap go hungry."  
"Where?" you murmured. "We're in the middle of the desert." 
His chuckle rolled over you like a heavy grumble of thunder, sending a shock of pleasure up your spine. 
"There's an oasis where I cultivate plants," he explained, yawning. "Only I know about it. Very secret, but I'll share it with my mate. Sleep now, little one." 
Escape briefly crossed your mind, but to be honest, you'd never been so satisfied carnally before and you were rethinking that plan. Your body was glowing and your hormones were slowly binding you to the myth made flesh dozing beside you. Maybe escape could wait until after a nap and some fruit salad. So you pressed your head into his chest and maneuvered his thick arm over you like a blanket, which earned you a satisfied hum from Mitas, and drifted into sleep. 
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wanderingwriter87 · 9 months
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hi!!! i have finally secured a new apartment but i have a few thousand dollars in attorney's fees from the bankruptcy plus moving expenses and it's going to be very tight. if you have enjoyed my work, dropping a few coins in my ko-fi, tipping this blog, or just sharing this post would be greatly appreciated.
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stargirl-writes · 7 months
[navigation] the secret history of anakin skywalker
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pairing : assassin! reader x general anakin skywalker
status : ongoing
tags : enemies-to-lovers, SLOW burn, angst, hurt/comfort, mystery, espionage.
warnings: !mature content! (violence, mentions of abuse, mental corruption, mentions of suicide ideation) scheming, more mind games obvs, eventual smut(?) i'll be specifying on each blog !
read on ao3!
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you have only known one truth about this war, the republic and the seperatists are two sides of the same coin. but now, your master count dooku has disposed of you after your consequent failures. his betrayal fueled your thirst for revenge. and in the cruel twist of fate, you have found yourself with an arrangement with the enemy. general anakin skywalker is willing to do what it takes for the republic to win, even if it meant dealing with you, his nemesis.
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chapter summary / navigation
chapter summary
your mission to secure umbara has failed. your master, count dooku would not have asked of anyone but you to deliver success. but as you stand amongst the pile of bodies of umbaran soldiers, the horror of your failure washes over you.
and in the hopelessness of events, a jedi appears amidst the ashes of your city. one that did not hesitate to kill the jedi general krell despite his jedi order's honor.
warnings : mentions of ptsd, mentions of abuse, war, mentions of a panic attack.
notes : centered around the same time as the clone wars season 4 episode 15.
the arrangement
chapter summary
after your old master has betrayed you, you were captured by the jedi general skywalker. stricken by the grief, you resigned to your faith.
on the way back to coruscant to face republic jurisdiction, a sniper has fired in open space. taking general obi-wan kenobi down.
in a fit of anger, anakin skywalker accuses you. but you have already made up your mind in taking revenge on your old master. and even though you are terrified, you struck up an arrangement to aid anakin's mission to find obi-wan kenobi's true killer.
warnings: violence, imprisonment, betrayal, mentions of ptsd.
notes : centered around the same time as the clone wars season 4 episode 15.
common ground
chapter summary
a clue tipped by the jedi council leads anakin skywalker back to your cell. now his anger has passed, he wants to clarify the terms of your new alliance.
on the way to nal hutta, anakin skywalker steers the conversation to his fascination over your beliefs— which legitimizes the doubts he's been having about the republic.
warnings : none so far.
notes : centers around the same time as the clone wars season 4 episodes 16-17
the attempt
chapter summary
rako hardeen escapes with two known bounty hunters on orandia. anakin skywalker claims obi wan kenobi remains alive. and a revelation by cad bane made you head down a bar and drink the night away.
warnings : drinking.
notes : involves spoilers for the clone wars season 4 episodes 16-17
coming soon...
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hello my lovely people! thank u for taking interest in this story :)
i've always been in love with the enemies-to-lovers trope and this series would be canon compliant (at first) because i think it'd be more fitting to build on what filoni already established.
the timeline would be around season 4-7 of the clone wars.
and this series will be dark and angsty and contains mature content that i want to clarify is meant to serve the plot. and my depictions/interpretations is no way of endorsing or 'romanticizing' these situations.
anyway, i hope that i can fill your imaginations with this little thing i have in the works.
please don't post my works anywhere else. though likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreciated ! (and fuels me hehe)
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if you're looking to find more of my works, you can check out my navigation list !
© to @cafekitsune for the borders!
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twst-drabbles · 10 months
Lilia 9
Summary: Tracking down a pack of stealing faeries, General Lilia finds their path ending on a lone human being forcibly bathed.
(A reminder that I am not a spoiler-free blog. I tend to read ahead and skip around for my entertainment. That being said, time travel shenanigans with the Janitor who gets caught up in all this. Is it canon to the Janitor AU? Probably not but the thought is fun.)
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Soaps. Since when has Lilia ever heard of those little faeries, those pixies sneaking into stores and flea markets for the sake of stealing soaps? It’s not unusual for them to pick and take what they like. He’s had a number of sugar cookies stolen right from his hand just as the grateful citizens stuffed them in his palm. The faeries love for sweets would rival that troublesome princess’s love for her egg.
Lilia usually isn’t one to deal with smaller problems such as these, as they resolve themselves, but pixies are unusually sensitive to scents, to the point of avoiding cities and villages alike. For them to go out of their way to steal these scented soaps tells Lilia that something was wrong. Off. While the signals are usually more subtle, often the little faeries are the first to know of incoming danger.
Lilia only hopes this wasn’t the case.
Hiding his presence among the leaves in this forested area was second nature to him. He didn’t have the hollow bones of birds, but his steps would tell one otherwise. If even the pixies can’t tell he’s tailing them, then who was he to deny the claims?
Ahead of him was a light in this dark night, and in his ears Lilia heard the rush of a river. He took a deep breath in just as the water pixie dipped out of sight with their hoard of coin-like soaps. However, rather than the crisp scent of midnight grass and river water, Lilia was hit with the sharp smell of roiling magic.
It was the likes that Lilia has only witnessed when the princess was well and truly fed up.
“Ah, that’s too hot!”
In his concentration, the blunt sound of voice nearly made Lilia’s heel slip from a branch.
“Oh, these next? Alright, hand them here. Let’s hope it gets the smell out,” landing on the nearest tree, Lilia spots an immaculate white tub with clawed feet right below the gaze of a tree house that may as well be mansion. Inside the mess of bubbles that covered everything except for the face was you, a lone human surrounded by faeries with their little arms hauling the soaps they’ve stole.
A human? Here? You’d basically be a sitting duck in this location, and yet here you are, unmarked, cursed by no one, and actually being bathed by them?
The water pixie Lilia was tailing dropped the silver soap into the tub. Another surge of bubbles came forth and overflowed the tub, blue in color. A triplet of wood faeries carried a brown bucket over your head before dumping water to rinse you off.
You wiped the water from your eyes with a sigh, “Nope. I still stink of magic. Let’s try the next one.”
The water faerie jingled out their tune of frustration, a quick and harsh number. You picked up a handful of bubbles before blowing them at their feet.
“I’m sure I’ll get back to smell like my old self eventually. It was a crazy reaction of spells that interacted, so it is going to take some time.”
The water faerie landed on your palm, sneezed and flew right back to the branches, only to come face to face with Lilia in his mask. The poor little thing screamed.
It’s easy to come to the belief that the smaller the fae, the less powerful they are. To the ignorant, it’s the truth, but for people such as Lilia, with their small size comes a certain amount of finesse that not even the princess would be able to replicate. It’s why they can combine their forces so well to make the forest yawn open to expose his location and manipulate the river current to aim right at him.
Too bad Lilia’s dealt with his fair share of angered pixies. With a leap, soared over the water and landed the tips of his toes on the edge of your tub.
“Never would I see the day,” Lilia leaned down to your stiff face, “that a human would receive the favor of the faeries. How did you do that, Human?”
Perhaps this was trick, or a mistake of some kind. Humans would have to resort to such things, of that Lilia wouldn’t be shocked by. Creatures with lives as short as yours are often so protective of their own flesh, so, one would have to forgive Lilia for being caught off guard when you kicked his feet and had him land face first into the water.
“At least let me get a towel first,” you grumbled out as you reached over a pulled it off the grass, “I don’t need anymore stress. Things are already tiresome and confusing as they are.”
It seems that General Lilia has found himself in the company of rather interesting human.
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green-enby · 10 months
Hello everyone! First post; I'm a bit nervous... I hope you're doing well!
I still don't have a clear idea of what exactly I could do with this blog, but there is one thing I'd like to share: it has to do with the Genderfluid Fragment Gender System (GDGS), a system of terms that specify what range of genders one is fluid between, and the issue of underrepresentation of androgynous genders in some of these.
(For extra clarity, androgyny refers to a state of being both masculine and feminine, as opposed to gender-neutrality, which means neither masculine nor feminine, although the two are often used interchangeably, hence the lack of regard for the distinction.)
For those who are here to learn, the main terms in the GFGS are:
genderfae (being fluid only between female, feminine and neutral genders, never a masculine gender);
genderfaun (male, masculine and neutral, never feminine);
genderflor (only neutral, never masculine or feminine).
By adding suffixes to these, you can extend the range of them a bit:
genderfaer (female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine genders but never binary male);
genderfaunet (male, masculine, neutral, and partially feminine but never binary female);
genderflorer (neutral and partially masculine, but never binary male or feminine);
genderfloret (neutral and partially feminine, but never binary female or masculine);
genderfloren (neutral, partially masculine, and partially feminine, but never binary male or binary female).
There's also the genderfrith root and its variations, for people who always feel a connection to masculinity or femininity:
genderfrith (fluid between any masculine and/or feminine genders, binary or not, but never neutral);
genderfrither (binary female, feminine, masculine, never binary male or neutral);
genderfrithet (binary male, masculine, feminine, never binary female or neutral);
genderfrithen (partially masculine and partially feminine, never binary female, binary male, or neutral).
Finally, if you're fluid between all genders, that's called genderfruct.
In short, at the beginning of my gender discovery, I thought I was fluid only between a state of gender neutrality and one of androgyny, and I was surprised to see no term amongst so many of these to refer to said experience!
I looked to genderflor, but it does not, by definition, include genders that are in any way related to femininity or masculinity, so by extension androgyny. So how do you refer to that?
I felt like the system was a bit incomplete. So! I decided to take initiative and COIN new genders that extend the possible range of the main GFGS terms!
The actual names for the first 3 were coined by the blog @neopronouns, since I did not have enough creativity with words—I only had the flags already in mind. He just added a suffix to the genders, "-an", which is short for androgynous in this case. Genius!
So, I present to you...
Genderfaean (for pronunciation, a tip is to keep in mind that the root word is "fae", then you just add "an"): being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender that is feminine in some way—including when it is in combination with masculine, therefore androgynous. Masculinity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between girl, non-binary girl, agender, androgyne).
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Flag is the first, on the left; I put the genderfae flag to the right for comparison. The pink gradient stands for femininity, and I replaced the green-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient, representing neutrality (yellow) and androgyny (purple, which I colorpicked from the non-binary flag).
Genderfaunan: being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender which is masculine in some way—including when it is in combination with feminine, therefore androgynous. Femininity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between boy, demiboy, neutrois, boygirl)
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Genderfaun flag on the right for comparison. The blue gradient at the bottom stands for masculinity; again I replaced the orange-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient.
Genderfloran: being fluid only between neutral genders and androgynous genders, never solely masculine or feminine genders. (Example: fluid between neutrois and androgyne)
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Genderflor flag on the right for comparison; I replaced the green/orange-to-yellow gradients with purple-to-yellow ones (it's symmetrical).
Coining these next two terms myself:
Genderfloretan: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially feminine genders—never binary female or male. Can experience masculinity, but only in combination with femininity. (Example: fluid between neutrois, boygirl, demigirl).
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Genderfloret flag on the right for comparison. The darker orange stripes in both flags represent partial femininity. Replaced green-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
Genderfloreran: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially masculine genders—never binary male or female. Can experience femininity, but only in combination with masculinity. (Example: fluid between agender, androgyne, non-binary boy).
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Genderflorer flag on the right for comparison. The darker green stripes in both flags represent partial masculinity. Replaced orange-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
All the other genders of the GFGS I didn't extend like this already included the possibility of experiencing androgynous genders (e.g. genderfaer: female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine, so this means this partial masculinity can also be experienced in combination with femininity).
That's it! Thanks for reading this through! Hopefully someone will find these useful :) [smiley]
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honeykyeom · 1 year
dirty computer
*reuploaded from my now deactivated blog (@/sluttymingyu)
pairing: camboy!kim mingyu x reader (pretty.miss)
word count: ~630 words
warning/authors note: shared universe with @berrryshortcake, camboy au, male masturbation
18+ content below
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it’s almost criminal how the clinking of coins and various dings only spurs mingyu further. his mind is filled with static; the few words coming out in the noise were the comments scrolling across his laptop screen.
hole4sale: you look so pretty baby boy
skinnyp3n1s: fuck.. you’re so loud i love it
cocks1ut: such a good boy for us
his cock twitches in his hand, the words getting to his head and making the white noise even louder. the only sounds matching the feedback in his brain were his moans, loud and raspy and filling every crevice of his mind. it was easy to get lost in the steady pumping, the heavy breathing, the sticky substance leaking from his tip. he looks down at his thighs as he slows down, covered in wetness and arousal from the night.
“fuck.. i’m such a mess, baby.”
he’d been edging himself all night, all the blood from his body rushing to his cock and making it sting red with sensitivity. mingyu’s skin felt fuzzy, as if he was on pins and needles. his breath is running away from his lungs, with him desperately trying to catch it until the sound of coins grabs his attention.
pretty.miss donated 300 coins!
pretty.miss: you’re doing so good baby. wish i was there to help you
the bolts of electricity that run down his spine when he sees your username glow on his screen begin to make his head spin, the bouncing yellow letters of your screen name jumping with the butterflies in his stomach. 
“would you look at that.. pretty miss put us over our goal,” your name always tasted sweet coming from his lips, like caramel sticking to his tongue–thick and delectable. “i think you deserve to pick the treat of choice, angel.”
pretty.miss: i think you already know my favorite, baby boy.
mingyu chuckles, low and breathless. the effect you had on him was prevalent, no matter how hard he tried to mask the thoughts of you in his voice. 
“you’re going to be the death of me,” he whispers.
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“please, fuck…. baby, i’m already so close.”
the thin black vibrator shines against the tan skin of mingyu’s length, humming with vibrations and igniting his whole body. he can’t control his moans, the waves of his whines reverberating in his small space. 
he wonders if the cookies he dropped off to his neighbors earlier in the night would be enough for them to ignore the noise.
he can’t help the cries that escape his lips, not when the thoughts of how you touch yourself, his name and curses leaving your pretty lips while you watch him. do you use your fingers, your slick dripping down your hand as you thrust the digits into you? or do you use a dildo, dreaming that it was his cock filling you up?
the wail that leaves him is deafening.
skinnyp3n1s: fuck you’re so hot
pretty.miss: tell me how you feel angel
his voice is broken when he responds, “it feels so good!” his throat is dry, the words tickling at the worn muscles. all thoughts escape him, only his creeping orgasm appearing in the fog.
pretty.miss: what is it baby?
you were always able to read his thoughts, even when he couldn’t.
“i need to cum. please.”
the words on his screen are blurry through his tears, the salty liquid collecting in the corner of his lids.
pretty.miss: you know what i want to hear, baby. use your words
“FUCK, please! please can i cum? please baby, please,” he pleads as if it’s a prayer, tasting bitter on his tongue. mingyu repeats it, requesting for your mercy.
and once he’s able to see those glowing white letters, he swears he’s in heaven.
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foreverdolly · 1 month
Add a way to tip you on your blog, pls babes. There’s no way we should be able to read your fics for free. All so well written and thought out.🤍
this has me doing backflips off of my bed. thank you so so SO much for saying something this kind. i think that i will, honestly. things are so expensive these days and ya girl is super broke. people have also brought up starting a patreon, and i've very honestly been contemplating that. maybe posting three extra full length fics and a few headcanons a month? and i was also thinking about possibly making personalized fics for some extra coin too. anyway, this made me want to tear up because this is genuinely so so kind.
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sm64mario · 2 months
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hey, it's mun again. i was a little dramatic last time i did one of these but it's been about a month or two and i've calmed down a bit and y'know i feel like i've gotten comfortable with letting the mask down and just kinda bein' frank with you fellas, so let's get down to business.
i activated tipping for this blog! i do not need money. i am some fat cis white guy who's very lucky to have a mother who can feed me while i make bad life decisions. but, if you decide for whatever reason that you have a few extra coins lying about, and you'd like to toss 'em to a blatant shitposter, i'd be thankful. i was thinking about maybe doing like a 'wario post' for each one i get because i feel kinda greedy about turning it on but that might be leaning too into the gag.
was also considering making a sideblog for roleplay purposes. i think i deleted all of the older posts where i'd write paragraph long replies to my old rp partners but i miss it and wonder if i still have it in me. i'll shill it if i ever make it happen.
currently, the queue is set for two posts a day, and i'll occasionally add an improvised post or two if inspiration strikes me, but i hope the blog isn't too stagnant or anything! the quiz cards should help shake things up, and i'll occasionally try to find neat stuff from mariowiki or TCRF as well, but you know the drill by now - it's just mario shitposts and good feel. also, i realized i should probably start IDing the photos i personally post, so i'll try to add those.
my main blog is @absolutedingus, but i tend not to make original posts or queue or tag stuff on there, so don't feel obligated for follow or interact with it. if you have any pressing questions, concerns, or notices for me, please consider sending them there! in the future, i may link it in my description, but i worry it'll look too clogged with the disclaimer already there.
thank you for reading to the end! i'm not sure how to wrap this up. i like my wii u.
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The way you portray masculinity is one like nothing I've seen before. I love how self indulgent it is, it feels so real and so beautiful, so kind and warm, scrolling through this blog feels so safe and welcoming. With masculinity and males being so vilified as a concept within queer spaces, this feels like an oasis, somewhere to rest my head and embrace my masculinity wholly and accept myself in a whole new way.
Thank you for contacting the Male Distribution System Bark Line. Tip: Sub-Q shots wont pinch as much if you've just bathed/showered. Your message is in the queue...
Hey nonny, this means a lot to me. It genuinely does. I really know what you mean, i been seeing that shit for a few years now. It's hard because, I understand, I do. It's the same side of the coin for why people of color will say we don't like white people, when we really mean the social concept of whiteness.
It's still led to a somewhat alienating experince online though. Where are the straight trans men? The millenial and older trans men? Where are the stealth trans men? The "average joe" men? The men who started transitioning before I was born? They see the hatred for men as a gender and the conflation of induvidual men with the consequences and dangers of the patriarchy, and they leave. They blend into cis spaces because they're so certain they aren't wanted here in the community. And i understand them too, because if i was a little older i might've stopped trying already.
I've seen how much those men hurt too. Some seem to endlessly face imposter syndrome from being stealth in cis spaces, and some like me are just desperate to find one spot, just a single space, where any and every action a man takes is not evidence of his horrible ulterior motives and where there is no pressure to hide evidence of my transness.
I want men like us to feel comfortable somewhere. I want men like us to have reassurance that we haven't betrayed the women around us. I want men to have places to openly talk about what makes them feel masculine and secure in our manhood, where we can talk openly about the ways we're rebuilding a healthier, better, concept of what that looks like for us. I want a place for those freshly 18 year old "boy??" types to look and see that there are masculine men who are happy and love ourselves and each other and know that it's very possible to not be a bad man, and being a good man doesn't have to include femininity if you don't want it to.
Sorry this is rather long. This ask just. really means a lot to me. it does. Everything i've just described, on top of not even being fucking white, has made me wonder if i'll ever find more men like me.
I have a handful of asks in the Bark Line all thanking me. When the very first blogs of this type first popped up, i thanked them too. We're so excited to see eachother, and that makes me feel warm inside.
So cmon man, take a seat, have a beer. or don't, i don't mind lol, as long as you're comfortable and having fun. Let's celebrate embracing who we are, let's celebrate being the beautiful men we are.
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where-is-francis · 1 year
𝙏𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡 𝙊𝙛 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 —♡-> 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙚
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Before You Interact — Rules of My Blog
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩: Part of my Valentine’s Day 2023 blurb series
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙨: They/Them — fem/fem aligned DNI, you have plenty of stuff
𝘼/𝙉: I dedicate this to my one and only Shrimp Punch *bows and tips hat* anyways just to make it clear I don’t support Billy’s actions/ideas from S2/S3 in any way, shape, or form — this is more of a “he lived after the accident and decided to try and be a better person” type thing. Which is pretty much the only way I’m willing to write for him.
𝙏𝙒: None!
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The sight of 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙚 standing in the arcade used to seem foreign to everybody at one point, but now they didn’t pay much attention to him. You, however, made up for that by giving him a lot of attention. Pretty much anybody who was spending the holiday alone found themselves at the arcade, the only difference with you was that it was your job. Billy had just stomped out his cigarette in the parking lot and nudged the door open, effectively ringing the bell.
You turned from the back counter and leaned over the prize booth, shooting him a wide smile when you saw who it was.
“Well well well, if it isn’t my favorite devil. Where’s your DigDugging sidekick?”
“Had a date with Sinclair. Just me today.” He mirrored your pose against the counter.
It was surprising to see him like this. He was calm and fairly relaxed, but that seemed to become his new normal since the accident. Since he didn’t have to worry about Neil breathing down his neck anymore. Your eyes traced the hanging chain of the necklace he always wore and how it seemed to shine in blues and greens from the lava lamps behind you.
“To be honest, I’m surprised they’re not here trying to kick each other’s asses at skee-ball.”
Billy grinned at that. “Well, there’s always next week. Maybe Sinclair won’t leave with a bruise this time.”
“Ah, young love!” You sighed dreamily. “Speaking of which, c’mere.”
You flipped up the hinged section of the counter and led the blonde through a few loners and over to a new machine. It was dark red, covered in hearts, and had a flashing marquee sign on the top. Above the coin slot and at the height of your hips was a board with two large hand-shaped screens.
“‘Love Tester’? Yeah, looks like a real fun time.” Billy rolled his eyes.
The blue eyed male watched as you grabbed a quarter from the pocket of your work vest and slotted it in the machine. All of the lights came on and scattered a bit to show the main screen of the different ratings you could get. Billy couldn’t so much as think before you grabbed his left hand and forced it down to one of the prints on the board, following by doing the same with your right hand.
He watched, a bit stunned, as the lights climbed up and down at a rapid pace. It went from the bottom, holding the lowest score of ‘harmless’, all the way to the top where it read ‘hot stuff!’ in all caps. It wouldn’t have been a lie to say he liked you and the dynamic you shared, it was different to anything he’d had before. As much as his jokes and comments were biting and flirty, yours were just as much so. Billy had a strong sense of where he stood with most people, but you were unreadable.
The lights on the Love Tester slowed a bit before finally settling on your compatibility score:
The top match — Hot Stuff.
Neither of you said anything and instead just stood in disbelief, with Billy occasionally shifting on the wild and fluorescent carpet. Below the coin slot in a larger horizontal slot, a pink card had been printed out with the results. You grabbed it and began to read it off.
“‘Look out — these two have it all! Fiery hot love connection coming through!’ Oh my God, this is so dumb.” You were increasingly animated.
Without much thought, the blonde scanned the arcade to see if anybody watched what just happened. When no eyes but yours met his gaze, he visibly dropped the tension in his chest. It was new to him to be interested in somebody who wasn’t a girl. Even newer to be close to them. You flipped the small card over and continued to read the description in relative silence before passing it to your ‘perfect match’.
Billy took the card in his hands and smiled. He smiled. Not his usual cocky and taunting grin, but a sweet one, a genuine one. When he looked up, you had already started to maneuver back to the gaudy counter. He watched as you pulled a small box from the cabinet and grabbed a set of keychains. The loop slid over your finger and you waved it at him, silently telling him to come get it.
“So, what’d ya think?” You mused as he braved the counter.
“I think it’s full of shit. Just like someone else in this joint.”
The response earned a laugh. With your back to the blonde, you hurried and pulled the set of keychains apart. Anybody who got the top three rankings on the tacky machine would be rewarded with matching keychains. They were cheap and just as gaudy as the machine itself, but something about them made you grin. Billy was a bit confused when you passed one to him and eyed you suspiciously. It wasn’t anything super elaborate, just a black background with the two words printed in a flame font on both sides, but you still thought it was worthy of being added to the set of work keys you inherited.
“What? Anybody who gets one of the top three gets matching keychains if they bring the card up.” Your tone was ever so sweet.
His blue eyes avoided contact with your own as you watched him debate on grabbing the small piece of plastic. This territory was entirely new, foreign even, to Hargrove — a strange but welcome one. Meanwhile, any mask he used to have was gone for a mere moment. He could simply exist.
He picked up the keychain and gave it a once over.
“Nothing says ‘true love’ like a cheap piece of plastic.” Billy couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re such a romantic, you know that?”
After getting what he came for, and a bit more, he decided to leave and make the short trip back to the parking lot. The bell chimed but you stopped him before he could leave, passing the score card back to him. His dark brows furrowed in confusion before you turned it around, rolling your eyes, to reveal your phone number on the back.
“I get off at 6. You pick me up and we can go out, do whatever you like, hot stuff.” You grinned at him with your tongue caught between your teeth.
He couldn’t say much except give a small grunt and nod of approval — which certainly was boosting your ego — and you let him go once again. Billy jumped inside the Camaro and grinned down at the number on the card while simultaneously trying to think of something fun to do in the evening. The stupid keychain caught his attention for a moment, before he decidedly settled it on the small ring with his car keys.
You were going to be the death of him — and you were going to enjoy every minute.
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Reblogs instead of likes. Reblogs help other people find my works. Comments and tags very much appreciated. 💕 More male and enby reader fics on my blog.
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brickcentral · 8 months
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Hello community!
We've asked to our spotlighted artist Anne to provide an exclusive picture for Brickcentral along with some insights on how he made it, and here's what he have to say:
"Right at the beginning there was the idea to tell a story about a street musician, singing and playing guitar. She would stand at the edge of the city park during her lunch break. Someone passing by throws a tip into the hat before her. Her little dog observes this and thinks "Woof, I’m hungry! Why can’t this coin be a dog treat for me."
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The challenge here was to place the coin hanging on a wire in the position where it would look as if it was thrown to land in the turned up hat.
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For the background I placed the Botanical Garden set and as underground a grey floor tile. I sprinkled a little glitter in front of and behind the figures to create a reflection effect. Then I put a few bits of decorative moss to create the illusion of bushes.
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This scene should play in daylight, to underline the joie de vivre and love of musi, so I put up a white foamboard to left of the figures in a certain angle to reflect the light coming through the window. This light then hit the foamboard on the right side and illuminated the scene. Here a few additional placed sheets of folded white paper helped to lead the light."
Thanks for all the insights @toypoetry! If you want to read this artist profile, head to our blog at https://brickentral.net/ - @theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Coin's Research Tips
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As you may know, I do a lot of research for my posts, to the point of adding references and citations. So I know very well that occult and witchy history is murky at best and full of nazis at worst. Here are some tips I've come up with for those of you who want to do your own research.
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Cross-reference. Especially when you're looking into something that isn't widely accepted as fact or truth. For example, correspondences vary by region and culture, but a lot of times you'll be able to find similarities in the meanings of correspondences by looking at multiple sources. Cross-referencing also helps keep biases in check!
Use Wikipedia as a starting point. High School may have scared you away from using Wiki as a source, but it can be really helpful! Go to the citations and reference sections at the bottom of the pages and you'll see a few, and sometimes a lot, of references that you can go off to read!
Check for references and citations, and then check those references and citations. There can be dozens of links in someone's reference section or on their blog, but if none of them are valid or have any historical relevance to the post, then they're useless.
Look for reputable sites. These are often sites created by experts or consult experts. (Check below for resources)
Look into the author. Sadly the occult has a long history of bigots weaseling their way in, be sure you know who you're reading from.
Know that researching a bad person and why they're bad is not a bad thing and you are not bad for doing it.
Look for credentials. Why should you believe this author? What cultures and circles are they a part of? Are they academics, scholars, or historians? Find the credentials needed for whatever you're researching.
Fact check. Especially if it's your first time seeing the statement somewhere, see if there are other credible sources that back this statement up.
Ask for references. This really only goes for blogs or social media. No one who researches and writes about it should be offended by you asking for references.
Ask around. If you're looking into something but don't know where to start, ask your witchy friends! You can also send me an ask and I'll do my best to send you resources if I can find them.
Talk to people who actually practice what you're looking into. If you're researching a culture or practice, talk to practitioners and see what they have to say before proceeding further.
This doesn't just go for those of us that love research, at some point in everyone's path, they will stumble across something that needs to be looked into. You can also use these tips for casual research!
Here are a few of my favorite resources:
Your local library
@s-n-arly shared a list in this post of useful research sites such as:
If you're a person who also loves to research witchcraft and the occult, please add your favorite sources and tips in a comment or reblog!
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