#but yeah anyway time for boring sorting tags
sparky-is-spiders · 10 months
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Hey check out my stupid dumb idiot boy. I love him very much which is why I put him through The Horrors. He's got a lot of lore floating around the brainspace that I don't feel like dropping here, but the short of it is that he's a dragon, he's a made up thing called a Noctar (think werewolves that fly and have no particular relationship with the moon). He was chosen to at birth to be the servant of a god (much to the chagrin of his parents who really, really hate gods), he served (possibly dated, and definitely killed) the Ultra-Special Chosen One of a different god, and he even managed to fall into weilding two different (mind-altering?) fire-themed swords (who keeps giving him those anyway?).
But yeah if you've seen me talking in the tags about my Wretched Lizards? Here's one of them!
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pl4n · 2 months
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#my art#ive been so jsvgjsnsndjbdjks#just a big ol jumble of kahsjdbskdhi#and i wanna draw more but im so uninspired aahhaah#i kinda wanna do some studies or smth but ahhhh idk i also just wanna lie in bed when i can#i so tire#but being lazy and bored is also so exhausting haha it feeds itself#so yeah itd be good to try to push myself a bit in my free time to do smth kinda fun chill engaging#its crazy bc theres so much that i could be doing but i have such a hard time being self motivated...#so outside motivation like work or friends is the only reason i do literally anything#which sucks bc i have a lot of things id like to be able to do on my own but yeah. idk why its so hard to do things for myself#that being said if anyone sees this and wants to do lil drawing challenges or trades or smth together that might be niceee#im sort of painfully shy online haha tho im not so much irl#i think the thing abt it for me is the feeling of creating these lil digital footprints#like if i send a message or make a post its just preserved like that... forever.. actually i recently looked at emails from my childhood#and its really cool to see a slice of the past like that but still. idk why it bothers me tbh. i just never got used to it#memories fade and warp over time right? so it really feels like existing in the world and talking to people is just a passing moment#it doesnt really feel that way w the internet. as small and insignificant these small imprints might be#and im really just being neurotic but yeah. maybe i dont like the feeling of taking up space and slowly widening it with every little step#yea thats neurotic fr LOLL#anyways im really rambling away in these tags haha but if ima post this art anyway its such a good excuse to ramble into a void :D#and a good way to practice existing on the internet. im sure ill get used to it
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shares-a-vest · 25 days
Happy MET Gala Day. I wrote some tags on THIS post and instantly got brainworms. cw: In this ficlet, Eddie calls Steve a slut but it is said with affection.
"Steve!" Eddie screams over his shoulder into the next room. But his voice only echoes around him, bouncing off the pristine white walls of the hotel room ensuite that he thinks is as big as his uncle's old trailer, "The car is gonna be here any minute!"
He smoothes his hands down his lapel one last time and smiles at his reflection before he turns on his heel and rushes into the hotel suite where he finds Steve right where he left him, in a make-up chair getting all dolled up by Chrissy with Robin by his side.
She is asleep in a bedazzled bathrobe and honestly, Eddie would prefer to join her. Not only is attending the MET Gala an expensive evening (Eddie loathes to think how much money Steve has spent in the lead-up to all this), but it all involves being gawked at and judged and repeatedly asked the same three questions by the press who are just going to make him come off like a real asshole anyway.
"Just getting glam done," Steve says, grimacing as Robin gives a grunting snore.
"Stop eating those flowers, Erica..." she mumbles, dipping her head and nuzzling into the plushy warmth of her collar.
Chrissy rolls her eyes and steps back to examine her handiwork.
Whatever that is, Eddie can't really tell. Steve looks just like his regular pretty self with maybe a spot of shimmering blush. He opens his eyes, fluttering his lashes and – well yeah, whatever Chrissy did makes his eyes pop more than usual.
But those eyes quickly grow dark, shadowed by a frown when Steve gives Eddie a once over.
"Is that your outfit?" he accuses.
Eddie nods and does a little twirl only to spin back around to the sight of Steve pursing his lips.
So much for pleasantly surprising each other with their outfits – the only thing that had Eddie giving this whole deal an ounce of his attention.
"Well it isn't on theme," he continues, shrugging with a nonchalance that would give Anna Wintour herself a run for her money.
"What are you talking about?" Eddie defends, "I'm wearing lace!"
He flaps his jacket to reveal a sheer black lace shirt before lifting his touser legs enough to show off his matching socks.
Steve pinches his nose.
"Eddie, that is a bare minimum!"
Eddie flails his hand in the direction of Steve's barely-there shirt, a sheer number that shows all of his chest hair.
"Excuse me for not dressing like a total slut."
He blushes as Steve stands up to reveal a similarly sheer pair of pants (if you could call them that). Underneath is nothing short of a goddamn codpiece that Eddie is certain won't cover his boyfriend's whole ass and –
Robin snorts again, causing Chrissy to giggle.
She nudges her partner and Robin startles awake, almost tipping back in her makeup chair and Eddie realises that 'doing glam' has taken so goddamn long, all because Buckley decided she needed the world's biggest feathery eyelashes.
"Boring!" she says, taking one bleary-eyed look (if she can see through those bird wings, that is) at Eddie's outfit.
She blows a raspberry for good measure.
Steve turns, chuckling and yep – that is at least half of his ass hanging out in some sort of lace-assless-chaps-codpiece situation that has no business being anywhere but on their marital bed – or a paid-for hotel equivalent.
Maybe they should just stay right here, Eddie thinks as he looks, his mouth agape as he ogles the sight before him.
"Calm down, Eddie," Chrissy warns with a wicked grin.
"Well, it's far too late now for us to do anything about it," Steve pouts, throwing on a floral-embroidered vest that at least covers a shred of his modesty, "I told you to come see my stylist."
"What about my brooch!" Eddie shrieks, pointing to the diamond-encrusted rose pin just above his breast pocket, "It's crystal."
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burntheedges · 2 months
Maintenance Request Chapter 17
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 3.2k
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chapter summary: Joel follows through on that promise of a phone call. 😏
a/n: thank you as always to @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta 💕
chapter tags/warnings: flirting, banter, fluff, cursing, food and drink mention, pet names (honey, gorgeous, darlin’, baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, good girl, handsome, cowboy), reader wears lingerie with gusset fastenings (picture whatever you'd like), phone sex, dirty talk, masturbation (f & m), Joel talks you through it
Chapter 17
Saturday, November 2 Tenth week of the semester
On Friday and Saturday, you and Joel texted a bit, but he was clearly busy with Sarah’s tournament and his family (which grew in size in your mind every time you learned more about them – how many cousins did he have, anyway?). 
You spent Saturday with Beth and Ellie.
“What’s this project about?” Beth asked Ellie as she flopped onto the couch next to her. She’d brought coffee and donuts, again, and the three of you were sitting around the strange, flat sculpture-thing Ellie had brought over and set in the middle of your coffee table.
“We’re supposed to pick a historical event and do a presentation on it.”
You and Beth both squinted at the thing on your table. “Is this a historical event?” 
Ellie sighed. “It was going to be the Emu War, like that’s supposed to be the plain and a town, but I realized I have no idea how to do the emus. Like, I can use little plastic soldiers for the humans, but what the fuck do I do for the emus?”
Beth had started giggling the second Ellie said “Emu War” and looked like she might fall off the couch.
You turned your squint to Ellie. “Was there a list of events to choose from?”
She looked shifty and wouldn’t meet your gaze. “Maybe,” she mumbled, tucking her hands up into the sleeves of her hoodie..
You raised your eyebrows. “Was the Emu War on it?” You had a feeling it wasn’t.
“No,” she muttered, confirming your suspicions. “But she said I couldn’t do the moon again. And I didn’t want to pick some boring, snoozefest historical event! What’s cooler than emus?” She crossed her arms, indignant. Beth teetered sideways as she giggled. You noticed she was laughing so hard her laughter had gone silent.
You sighed. “Did it say you could pick your own?”
She nodded, and then shrugged. “Yeah, but she said she’d grade it harder.”
Setting aside your thoughts on that grading strategy, you replied, “ok, well, sounds like you can choose the Emu War then. So what are we going to do about these emus?” You heard Beth snort and turned to find that she’d buried her face in one of your throw pillows.
Ellie started to explain her plan for demonstrating the different parts of the war on her landscape and you started poking Beth in the leg to get her to find her composure. It sort of worked.
“Hey,” Beth took a deep breath and made a soft “woo” noise as she breathed out, clearly trying not to laugh. “We can go over to that hobby store, the one with the model trains. Maybe they have little figurines that would work.”
Ellie perked up. “Yeah! I bet they have all sorts of weird little guys. And model shit.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Alright, let’s head over there now. Maybe we can get lunch on the way back, and then you can plan your battle.” Ellie grinned and jumped up to lead the way to the front door. You caught Beth’s eye but quickly looked away as you felt a laugh pull at the side of your mouth.
By the time you’d gone to the store, retrieved all sorts of “weird little guys” and “model shit” for Ellie, and helped her plan her presentation, it was well after dinner. Beth volunteered to drive Ellie and her historical event home, so you found yourself alone and putting laundry away, wondering if Joel would manage to find some privacy as he’d said. There was a party of some kind with his family that night, and he’d sent you a couple of pictures of a crowd of dancers, Sarah among them, smiling. Ellie had caught you smiling down at your phone earlier and teased you for it mercilessly.
Around 10:45, your phone buzzed as you settled into bed with a book.
Joel (10:44 PM): You free, honey? I just escaped.
you (10:45 PM): sure am 💕
** incoming FaceTime call from Joel **
When his face came into view, you noticed he looked tired. 
“Hey there, handsome. How was the party?”
Joel smiled, and you could see the fatigue in his expression. “Still going. They made me dance too much, but otherwise fine. I’m beat. How are you, gorgeous?”
You smiled at him and settled into your pillows. “Nothing exciting here. Just cleaned up a bit, did some laundry. Well, I did spend the afternoon with Ellie and Beth. Helped her with a class project.” 
Joel looked wistful for a moment. “Sounds nice. Would like to spend a day like that with you.”
You smiled, and felt your cheeks heat. This man. “You’re welcome to join us anytime you’d like, but I can’t promise much excitement with laundry. How was the tournament?”
He settled back into his pillows and you noticed the unfamiliar room. “Good, Sarah’s team played well. Didn’t win every game, but they did win most of ‘em. They’ll play in the final games tomorrow.” 
“Tell her I said congratulations and good luck.” 
“I will. What was Ellie’s project about?”
You laughed. “The Emu War, in Australia. We had to go out to that model train store to get her some little figurines for her mockup.” Joel laughed, too, shaking his head.
“Everything I hear about your niece is like a new adventure. I can’t wait to meet her.” You grinned at him. 
“I can’t wait to introduce you.”
You were silent for a moment as you studied the room he was in. 
“Joel, where are you?” The bed looked small and the room had some interesting decor. 
He laughed. “I’m in my cousin’s son’s room for the weekend, he’s away at college. Left his room looking like it did when he was in middle school, I’d guess. Sarah’s in with her little cousin.” He panned the camera to show you decor you would in fact associate with a 14-year old boy. There were even some pictures of women clearly cut out of magazines and taped up on the wall at the foot of the bed.
“I see you have some inspiration keeping you company,” you teased. 
Joel turned the camera back around so you could see his face, and raised an eyebrow at you. “Baby, if you think I’m looking anywhere but at you whenever I can see you, you haven’t been paying attention.” 
You smiled and bit your lip. “Flirt,” you accused. 
He grinned. “Guilty, honey, but you love it.” You rolled your eyes. “Aw, come on, bet you miss me.”
You hummed. “Well, I don’t think I could say no to that and be at all convincing.” He laughed. “Yeah, Joel, I do.”
“Don’t worry, honey, I miss you, too. Been thinkin’ about you all day.”
“Oh? What about?” You raised your eyebrows and tried to adopt an innocent look.
He eyed you, and somehow you could tell that he was checking you out. You moved the camera slightly farther away to give him a better view and he smirked. 
“Been thinkin’ about what I might do if I had you with me, tonight, instead of on the phone. Been thinkin’ about what we might do instead.” You licked your bottom lip in anticipation and you watched him watch you do it. Feeling suddenly inspired, you raised the hand not holding the phone and rested it lightly on your chest. His gaze darkened as he stared at it.
“Tell me what you were thinking about, Joel.” You wanted to sound commanding, but your voice was too breathy, too affected already.
“I thought about a lot of things, darlin’. Thought about how my pretty girl likes to be touched, to be held. Thought about all those pretty noises you made in my bed, ‘n how much I want to hear ‘em again.” Your breath caught and you watched your own mouth drop open on the screen. He grinned, almost feral. “Why don’t you take off that shirt, honey, let me see you.”
You nodded, and hid your own grin behind the shirt as you pulled it off. You’d been hopeful when you’d gotten dressed for bed a while ago, and you thought he’d probably like the lace you were hiding underneath. Before you could see him again you heard him inhale sharply and you threw your shirt across the room. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, and you saw that he was staring at your chest. Good. “Honey, s’that for me?” He sounded breathless and you loved it.
“Yes, Joel,” you smiled around your response. “Was hoping you’d call.” He groaned, eyes slipping shut briefly. 
“I need to see it, baby. Show me the whole thing.” You didn’t know what to do with the phone. You glanced around, grabbing some of your extra pillows to prop it up in front of you. It put him at your feet, looking at your legs and at an angle up your chest, to your face. If you opened your legs right now he’d be looking straight at your pussy through the lace of your lingerie. The idea sent a thrill through you.
“Honey, you are so fucking gorgeous,” he praised, eyes dancing over you as you laid in front of him. You grinned, propping yourself up on your pillows so he could see your face, too. 
“I think you need to take off those clothes too, cowboy.” He nodded and began to strip himself out of his clothes. You watched, intent.
Soon he was positioned similar to you, but propped on his side with the phone against a pillow in front of him. It gave you an amazing view of his bare chest and you turned your phone sideways to fully appreciate it. His hand slid across the bedspread towards the camera like he was reaching out to you.
“You want me to make you feel good, honey?” Your breath caught in your throat and you nodded. “Yeah? Want me to tell you what I’d do if I were there right now?”
“Yes, Joel,” you breathed.
“How’s this?” He looked you over. “Why don’t you spread your legs for me, honey, show me what I’m working with.” You smiled and did as he asked. He nodded. “That’s perfect, honey. Showing me everything. Showing me how good you look in that lace.” He sighed. “Move that pretty lace to the side for me, sweetheart. I need to see you.”
You scrambled to do as he asked, but realized he couldn’t see the details of your lingerie – the snaps as you undid the fastenings in the underwear were loud, and you knew he could hear them. “What–” he started, but you laid back again before he could finish, legs wide open for him to see. “Fuck, baby,” he breathed. “You are so gorgeous. What I wouldn’t give to touch you right now.” 
“How would you touch me, Joel?” You watched as he slid one of his hands into his briefs and gulped. 
He grinned. “Any way you want, honey. But I’d start with my fingers on your pussy. Look at you. Are you wet already?”
You nodded, then realized he might not see it, and said, “yes, Joel, always.” 
“Good girl. Spread that wet pussy for me baby, let me see.” 
You reached down to do so, and then realized the camera might be too far away for this. You rearranged the pillows, bringing him closer and you heard him groan as you fell back to do as he asked. With your left hand, you reached down to spread your folds wide for him, and then changed your mind and added your right. With both hands, you spread your pussy wide open and he moaned.
“Fucking hell, you are so fucking beautiful,” you heard him shift on the bed and wondered if he was touching himself. He must be. “I’ll never get enough of this, honey. Shit.” 
You hummed, using your left hand to keep yourself spread open but moving your fingers to begin circling your clit. You sighed into the feeling. “Joel, what now?” 
“Just like that, baby. I’d touch that pretty little clit, get her all worked up for me. Just like that.” He sounded breathless, just like you felt. “Tease you with my fingers. Maybe my tongue.” You moaned. “Yeah, did you like that? The way my tongue felt on your pussy? Inside?” 
You nodded, and managed, breathily, “yes, Joel.” 
“I know you did, honey. Could feel it. Could see it.” You could hear it now, the sound of him fucking his fist. It made heat rush up your spine. “Can’t wait to put my mouth on you again. I want to lick that pussy for hours next time. Just drown in it. Fuck.” 
The mental image made you think of what you’d been wanting, couldn’t stop thinking about, and it slipped out. “Next time is my turn.”
“Hmm, baby? What?”
“My turn,” you said in a stronger voice. “Next time I’m getting my mouth on your cock.”
“Fuck.” He sounded like he was falling apart. 
“Don’t even have to wait for our date,” you breathed, trying to speak loudly enough for him to hear you. “I want to get on my knees for you in my office, handsome. Lock the door and take my time, ah–”
Joel’s deep, growling groan cut you off. “Fuck. Is that what you want, hmm? My dirty girl?” You nodded, but you had no idea if he was looking at you. “Honey, you can have it whenever you want. You know how pretty you’d look, with your mouth around my cock?”
“Yes,” you moaned, but he didn’t stop talking.
“Would you like that, honey? Getting on your knees for me right there in your office? Where anyone might hear you?” His words washed over you as you felt the heat start to build from your core all the way up your spine.
“Shit, baby, let me see you put your fingers inside. Just slip ‘em inside, honey.” You moved your left hand down from your clit and teased at your entrance. He hummed to encourage you, and you curled two fingers inside. “Such a good girl, hmm? Doing so good for me.” You felt a shiver travel down your spine. 
“Miss your hands, Joel.” The words left your mouth on a sigh, and you opened your eyes (when had you closed them?) to look for him. He had his hand wrapped tightly around his cock and he was staring straight at the camera.  
“I know you do, baby. Those little fingers are nothin’ like mine, right? Not enough to fill you up.” You shook your head. “I know, my pretty girl needs something bigger. Needs to take it.” You watched as he jacked himself faster, and you sped up your fingers in response. You nodded and whined out, “yes, Joel.”
He grinned. “That’s right, honey. Next time I see you I’ll give it to you.” You slipped another finger inside, imagining it. 
It was too much, and not enough. Suddenly you needed more, but you didn’t know what. You whined again, and you watched him furrow his brows.
“What do you need, sweetheart? I’ll give you whatever you want, you know that.” His eyes were dark under his brow and you watched as he twisted his hand around the head of his cock. “Why don’t you move those fingers faster on your little clit, baby. Don’t you want to be good and come for me?” Your breath hitched and you nodded.
“Yes, Joel,” your voice was barely there, but he heard it. 
“I know you do, honey. Let me see it. Let me see you come for me, just like that. Never seen anything so pretty.”
You could feel it coming, licking at the bottom of your spine like a fire about to catch. 
“Can’t wait to have you in my bed again, gorgeous. Can’t get it out of my mind, how good you looked. How right.” You shuddered as your orgasm came hurtling towards you. “Right where I want you, nowhere else. Now let me see it, baby. Give it to me. Come.”
It was like your body was waiting for him without knowing it. As soon as Joel commanded it, you did.
The orgasm washed down your body like the tide going out, pulling and dragging you under as you cried out his name. Your chest heaved as your muscles locked, spine arching off the bed. 
You rode it out, feeling sparks tingle along your arms and legs. Distantly you heard him choke out your name as he followed you, and your eyes flew open again to watch. You managed it just in time to see the thick ropes of his cum paint his naked chest. 
For a moment, neither of you spoke. You watched his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths, as labored as your own. Slowly your heels slid down the bed as your legs fell flat against your blankets and all the tension left your body. You weren’t sure if you could move your arms.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Joel almost whispered, sounding wrecked. “I ain’t even touchin’ you and it’s the best I ever had. Better than I ever imagined.” You nodded.
“Me too, Joel.” He smiled and reached out for the camera to bring you closer. You did the same. Your eyes darted over his face as his smile grew.
“Honey, I swear I wasn’t planning to jump right in like that. Just can’t resist you.” You laughed. “You tired, darlin’?”
You sighed. “A little. Talk to me until I fall asleep?” He nodded. 
“Let’s clean up, meet back here.”
You did, and soon you were on your side under your covers with the phone propped up on the pillow in front of you. Joel smiled at you again, silently, and you finally narrowed your eyes and asked, “what?”
He shrugged. “Just lookin’, gorgeous.” You felt your cheeks heat, as always around this man. “Wish I were there with you.” 
“Me too, Joel.”
He smiled. “Can I come by for lunch on Monday? We’ll be getting back late tomorrow, or I’d just beg to come over then.”
“I wouldn’t stop you, even if it’s late.” 
“Don’t tempt me, darlin’.” You laughed. “I can see you fallin’ asleep.” You blinked your eyes wide and he smiled. “It’s ok, I just wanted to say something real quick.”
You yawned, but sat up a little so you’d hear what he wanted to say. “Can’t help that you gave me a workout, Joel.”
He grinned, but quickly sobered. “Sarah told me what you talked about. I– I’m glad you know. Just wanted you to know that. I wasn’t keeping it from you, or anything.”
You shook your head. “No, Joel, of course not. She told me how careful you are with talking about it.”
He ran a hand down his face and sighed. “I just want it to be up to her, really. But yeah, I’ll tell you all about it. There’s some stuff Sarah was too little to understand, between her mom and me. But maybe another time, when you aren’t about to fall asleep in front of me, honey.”
You shook your head again, trying to wake up. “I’m sorry, Joel.”
“No, it’s alright, I just wanted to say that. We got plenty of time, after all. I’ll see you Monday?”
You nodded. “Monday.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
Sunday, November 3 Tenth week of the semester
Joel (7:32 AM): Have a good day, honey. Woke up in a good mood today, for some reason. Hope you did too. 
you (8:37 AM): 🥰 sure did, handsome
Joel (8:43 AM): Good. 😉
a/n: look Ellie to me is the type of teenager who would think the words ‘Emu War’ were hysterical and then lock herself into an absurd class project because of it. see you next week!
tag list: @harriedandharassed @jupiter-soups @ilovepedro @auteurdelabre @anoverwhelmingdin @myloveistoolittle @iknowisoundcrazy @beezusvreeland @screechingphantommaker @bigboiseason123 @joelalorian @untamedheart81 @ashleyfilm @jessthebaker @jeewrites @fluffygoffpanda @paleidiot @mithicakurogo @theclairvoyage @lizzie-cakes @islacharlotte @syd-djarin @copperhalfcent @vabeachazn @spacedoutdaydreamer
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TWST Cast Food Order Series - Coffee Shop
Idk it seems like fun and I want to do their subway orders eventually so if you have a req drop it. Also, gonna update my tags Eventually, but this will be the first post that refers to Jack T., Che'nya, Najma, Neige, Falena, Rollo as 'twst side characters'
Riddle Typically, Riddle has a lot of rigidity regarding food and drink, and what he will or won't allow himself to have. However, as he starts to work through it all he eventually gets to the point where he feels comfortable ordering a small London Fog (Earl Grey Latte basically, with vanilla syrup) and a cake pop if he's feeling indulgent, though usually he just asks Trey for them. Even farther into the future, he'll indulge in getting himself a small white hot chocolate with 2 pumps of strawberry syrup because then it's basically drinking chocolate-covered strawberries....it just takes him a while to get there. (He always spells his name out when the barista asks, he learned after getting Ridelle on his cup)
Trey Whenever he makes candied violets, he also has violet syrup. He tends to carry a small vial on him when he goes out because if he's going to pay for tea, he's going to make sure it turns out perfectly. He typically gets a medium iced lemon herbal tea and he adds his syrup to it for just the right touch of sweetness. (Always gives a name like. Batman or some shit, especially when his siblings are around)
Cater Coffee connoisseur. You might think he's a basic bitch, but to me a basic bitch still means he's getting some sort of sweetener in his drinks and he is Not. Cater cannot STAND drinking a lot of drinks that go viral because they're so damn sweet. That all being said. Yeah, he's getting a large iced latte with skim milk. He won't have normal milk because of the fat content, but the other milk alternatives tend to have a sweetness to them naturally. He could get an iced black coffee or cappuccino, but he likes the ratio of a latte better. Iced black coffee is reserved for exam week LMAO it keeps him awake in more ways than one. Those spicy drinks that circulated at Starbucks? He definitely tried one. Didn't finish it. (Has had his name spelled as Carter. So. Many. Times.)
Deuce He likely won't have gone to a coffeeshop until he's at NRC so he's a little overwhelmed by the menu and what to order. I think he would go for a small frozen hot chocolate because it's familiar enough that he thinks it sounds good, but it's still something new and he doesn't know how to make it himself yet. Once he starts going more regularly though, I think he would really like REALLY sweet frappes. Like large cookie frappuccinos whether it be chocolate crumble or sugar cookie it does not matter lskjdfhlksdjf (has had his name spelled as Doose)
Ace Having a regular latte does not satisfy his sweet tooth, though he'll have one here and there. Ace likes trying lots of different drinks, but the one he always comes back to is a large iced white mocha, no whipped cream. (In relation to my MC, the no whipped cream thing was a change he made because he knows she likes eating the ice and he drinks slower than she does, so by the time she finishes the ice in her drink, he gets to pretend like he didn't time finishing his drink just in time to let her have the ice 'like a fucking weirdo, but okay' but the whipped cream always leaves a weird fatty residue on the ice that she hate). Ace is also a sucker for peppermint hot chocolate when it's in season. (Straight up had his name written as 'ass' on the cup which is the ONLY reason he doesn't tease Deuce about his spelling)
Savannaclaw (just assume pup/cubcups are implied LMAO)
Leona Ugh this pretentious bitch /lh. Flat white is too boring, lattes are the basic bitch drink, this has too much 'coffee flavour', this needs more milk YEAH I'M SURE IT DOES KITTY. Anyways, when he's alone, he gets himself a small cup of just steamed milk, with like a half pump of (sweet) vanilla syrup. When he's around other people he gets a Cafe Cubano, which is an espresso shot prepared with brown sugar. It's a small enough portion that's sweet enough he can get over not having milk in it, but he's not Jazzed about it LMAO he just doesn't want to get the milk in front of other people my poor baby man. He sometimes gets a Cortado, but he can never remember what to call it. (Refuses to give a name, just goes by the name of the order, or he's just called by his title)
Ruggie My man works so hard. He and coffee are best friends. He and Silver bond over coffee sometimes. It's beautiful slkdjfhlksdjfsdf In the mornings, he tends to make himself a large double-double coffee, which for non-Canadians means 2 milk, 2 sugar in drip coffee. In the afternoon, around 2pm, he makes himself a small iced dulce de leche latte. When he goes to coffeeshops, he goes because he wants something he can't make/imitate at home as easily....which would be a vanilla coconut cashew smoothie. (Vanilla ice cream, coconut milk, cashew butter and protein powder). He would have a fresh fruit smoothie, but he can't enjoy fresh fruit without feeling like he should share it with his siblings because it's a hot commodity, it's a luxury for them. Frozen fruit is cheaper and easy to make into smoothies, so he makes them a lot at home. Of course, if he's at a coffeeshop, he's going to get a donut too. (Has never paid attention to the spelling of his name, doesn't care)
Jack He cannot handle caffeine my poor baby, he would be so jittery and anxious. He is a fresh fruit smoothie guy, and also he cannot stand matcha (Vil made him try it at one point). He likes blueberry-acai banana smoothie with greens, yogurt, and protein powder. Otherwise, Jack will just get a small chamomile tea with honey as sweetener. (His name is always right and his tail wags when the barista throws on a happy face next to his name.)
Azul Azul tends to drink Milky Oolong tea, because of the health benefits. Does he like the flavour. Debateable, I don't know I haven't had this drink I can't tell you if I think he does or not. Probably. I read somewhere it kinda tastes nutty or like Danish cookies. When he goes to an actual shop though, he tends to get an Americano. (Assule, Asul, Azhoole, he tends to spell his name out for people now too)
Jade Not a coffee or sweets guy. We know that he's fascinated by the varie-tea (badum tss and I immediately get hit in the head with a chancla) that tea has to offer. I think Jade has had caffeine once and like. You know how humans. kind of have exposure to caffeine as kids even in small amounts, like in chocolate, or in stuff like certain sodas. Mers don't get that. They don't get that exposure at all. Jade on caffeine was a terrifying experience for any and everyone involved and he is not allowed to have more, nor will he allow himself to have any because dear great seven he swears he saw God and he doesn't even know who that is. That being said, Jade likes Jasmine herbal tea, while he prefers it piping hot and just a touch sweet, he isn't opposed to having it iced. His favourite blend is good either way, as it has rose hips, hibiscus and orange peel. He also enjoys Chaga mushroom tea. (His name is generally spelled correctly)
Floyd Like I said. Mers don't get that exposure to caffeine that other species in TWST do get. However Floyd, to me, has ADHD. And what does my ADHD do to me sometimes when I drink caffeine? I pass the fuck out, orrrr I'm finally able to focus because caffeine is a stimulant and makes everything better!! (This is why I would down an extra large iced vanilla latte right before exams LMAO) Floyd doesn't care so much about the flavour than he does it's effects, so he generally just asks what drink has the most caffeine and gets that, usually a large nitro cold brew, and he tells the barista to surprise him with a flavour just NOT salted caramel flavour. (He gives a random name every time)
Kalim ADHD 2.0 but addiction is just a general worry for his family, so Jamil makes sure he only makes herbal teas, and smoothies. That being said, left unattended Kalim would order whatever tea a barista recommends. Otherwise, he gets a mango lassi. He also often enjoys any flavour of lemonade, carbonated or otherwise.
Jamil Aw man. This guy. Needs so much caffeine, and as much as he enjoys tea, Kalim only serves herbal tea, but Jamil doesn't mind too much how sweet he makes it. When he's in the mood for it, Jamil will make his own chai blend. However, when he wants caffeine, he'll consume it in a way that would make Rollo think he's a demon. He will order a nitro cold brew, and a 2 bags of green tea on the side. He will then microwave the cold brew to make it hot and steep the green tea in it. Using Starbucks as a baseline, a large nitro cold brew has 345 mg of caffeine. One bag of green tea has anywhere between 30-50 mg of caffeine. A 'safe' amount of caffeine to consume in a day is considered 400 mg.
Vil We already know that Vil's favourite food is homemade smoothies- So when he goes out of his way to go to a coffeeshop, he's not going to pay for a smoothie, unless it's right after a run with Jack. Vil's order fluctuates with the weather and time of day. If he's getting something in the early morning (5:30am-7am) and it's cool outside, he's getting a flat white with soy milk. If it's warm out, he'll get an iced Macchiato with soy milk and cinnamon. If it's mid-late morning (8am-11am) and it's cool out he gets a medium americano, though if he's feeling indulgent he gets a honey vanilla tea latte with skim milk. If it's warm out, he gets a medium vanilla oat milk cold brew or a strawberry acai lemonade if he's again, feeling indulgent. He won't consider drinking anything until about 2pm, which, if he needs something caffeinated he goes for an iced matcha latte with oat milk regardless of the weather. In the evening, (4pm-6pm) he avoids caffeine and will either drink a small decaf iced lavender latte with oat milk or decaf green tea. Once in a while, Vil will try ordering something new. If he ends up liking it, that time of day is associated with that drink, so that would be the time of day he orders it again. the Vil in my head is telling me just how hard he has to mask when a coffeeshop doesn't have the thing he wants to order and how some of these orders. he doesnt even like. but he knows that they won't be out of the ingredients because it's Just the coffee and a milk alternative. So They Can't say they Can't Make it so he doesn't have to worry about needing to mask.his day is ruined if it's a day he wants to be indulgent and they dont have the ingredients but he has to try and hide like he is crying on the inside and he feels stupid about it because its just a drink I cant tell if it's OCD or Autism but there's a little something funky going on/lh
Rook He is well aware of the effects caffeine has on him. They aren't bad per ce, but he doesn't particularly appreciate the gastrointestinal consequences. He also doesn't really find the appeal in super sweet drinks. Most of the time, Rook just wants iced lemon water, though on nights he struggles to wind down enough to go to bed, he'll brew himself or order rooibos tea with a splash of milk. The smell is the most comforting thing about it, he remembers his sister used to make it for him.
Epel He says he's not a snob, yes he is, if you don't have apple cider, you suck, if you do have apple cider but it's a 'bad brand' you still suck, just a little less. That being said, a lot of coffee shops don't have apple flavoured drinks, and he likes making apple cider at home anyways. When Epel is out and about, he likes to order a large iced decaf maple latte. He always whispers the decaf part like it's a bad thing he can't actually have caffeine or else he turns into the squirrel from Hoodwinked. (Get's called Apple a lot, also Elle once or twice)
Idia Do you seriously think this guy goes to a coffeeshop? No, it's 3am, he's on UberEats/CarriageBites, he's put in an order for a bunch of energy drinks and some of those iced coffee bottles, he throws an energy drink and probably a salted caramel cold brew in one of those SUS slushy cups, makes it slushy and downs it in less than two minutes. Get on his level. Noob. I say this as someone who drinks a near liter of an iced vanilla 'americano' in less than two minutes.
Ortho Is worried about his brother. He also loves the smell of cinnamon coffee cake.
Malleus He's so lost in a coffee shop. He will spend a moment to read over the menu, realizes he needs to research the different kinds of coffee drinks before he feels comfortable ordering one, only for him to decide on having a coffee frappe. The caffeine has no effect on him so he drinks it purely for the taste.
Lilia Who do you think taught Idia to be a fucking caffeine gremlin. This motherfucker isn't even affected by the caffeine he just likes the taste of his abominable combinations and accidentally got Idia hooked. The only step Lilia doesn't do is the slush, he prefers his energy drink-coffee combo to be room temperature. Freak \lh
Silver He has Lilia as his father. Jamil and Ruggie as his peers. And Cater Diamond as a fellow coffee fanatic. This boy tries so hard to use caffeine to keep him awake, his coffee order scares the barista. (This was based an actual order I got from some guys FRIENDS because this poor dude was studying for engineering finals week, we were told not to worry about the price because they were willing to pay, and we had to give them like. Four warnings about the caffeine content. It ended up being 12 shots of espresso over ice in a 24 oz cup) He wants the biggest cup they can give him. He wants it filled with just straight espresso shots. Let me just iterate - one ounce of liquid espresso typically has about 63mg of caffeine. 12 espresso shots, using 63 mg caffeine as a baseline is 756 mg of caffeine. I don't know where that college student is now but god bless. I hope his friends took away the coffee at some point.
Sebek He doesn't like black coffee, I do think he likes particular types of coffee. Like the coffee that doesn't taste like coffee. However, his go-to order is still just a piping hot cup of hot chocolate. Also pleeeease give him the steamed milk art/latte art, he loves it more than he'll admit.
Jack T. Jack has a running joke on Ace where he only drinks black coffee in front of him, each time claiming some sort of delicious or exotic flavour just for Ace to fall for it every time when he offers it and it's just black coffee...but every once in a while, it's magically cloaked Vietnamese iced coffee, but Jack won't tell Ace the name just to piss him off because Ace really likes it but he can't place what's different about it from normal coffee with sugar and milk.
Che'nya As chaotic as our favourite purple cat is, I think Che'nya is partial to a rich, thick French vanilla. I think he likes the smell more than he likes drinking it, but yeah, it's just a yummmmmmmmy drink. He gives his full name out and just. :3 at the barista.
Falena He has a latte macchiato, much like Leona, he likes his coffee to be milk heavy lmao
Najma She doesn't usually drink anything for caffeine, when she does though, it's usually her brother's chai LMAO, but she'll make it an iced chai latte. Unfortunately, I HC her as iron deficient so this isn't always. The Best Choice. When she wants a coffee flavour, she gets it in the form of ice cream or in a mocha.
Neige Doesn't drink caffeine because it's an addictive substance. Yes Vil has mocked him in his bedroom at some hour in the morning hate listening to an interview with him in it. Fucking. Golden Child. (lh) When Neige goes to a coffeeshop he usually just goes to pick up a pastry and tip the barista. He sometimes has chamomile tea before bed but with enough sugar to rot your teeth.
Rollo Every once in a while he treats himself to a decaf con panna and madeleines on the side.
----------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire OC Orders Vizzie - Iced white mocha, no whipped cream, or iced vanilla americano/latte
Aspen - matcha latte with lavender foam and honey
Oisin - Bicerin with cinnamon on top
Cory - Romano (weirdo) /lh ----------------------------------------------------- Taglist: *DM or send an ask if you'd like to be added @fluffle-writes
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗽𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴
paring: florence pugh x innocent!fem!reader
tag(s): nsfw, smut with no plot bitchez, innocent r (or at least I tried), dom flo (or at least I tried)
warning(s): MDNI, wlw sex, explicit smut, legally age gap, oral sex (r receiving), vaginal fingering (r receiving), kinda innocent virgin r, grammatical error
word count: 2.3k
note: here's the winner of the pool :D. So, go easy with me on this one. I'm still practicing how to write smut, so bare with me. I'll get better in time. NOT ME WRITING 'Don't worry, darling'. I SAW AN OPPORTUNITY AND I TOOK IT, NO REGRETS. Also, I just want to say how hard it is to write this shit. Like I can picture the whole thing in my head, but I need to add emotions to it, you know. It's not as easy as I always thought it was. Anyways, I'm not a native speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy! <3
note 2: would you guys be interested in dark smut content for Florence? Like I've seen it for Lizzie, Scarlet and their marvel characters. But there's not much for Florence. And I'm a really kinky bitch, so I wouldn't mind writing it. But would any of you read that kind of content? 🤭
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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The fact that you were Florence’s little sister’s best friends and off limits, because Raffie said so, was a major turn on for the blonde. 
She wasn’t sure if it was because of your big doe eyes, your obliviousness towards her dirty jokes or just your shyness. But there was something about you that just set her skin on fire. 
You had always piqued her interest. And now that your body resembled the one of a young beautiful woman, she was even more curious about you. Well, maybe just curious about your body. Lucky for her, her curiosity would be soon satisfied. 
You were waiting for Raffie to get off work. Naturally, you were at the Pughs, since it was pretty much your second home. But no Pughs were actually around. Just Florence. 
The both of you decided to kill some time while watching a movie that was already playing on the telly. You were so bored that you were actually paying attention to the movie. Florence, on the other hand, was paying attention to your every reaction. 
It was a +18 film. Florence knew that, but you didn’t. And she knew the film would get a reaction out of you, that your cute little body would react to the adult scene. At least, that was what she was expecting. And man, you did not disappoint her.
The spicy scene finally made it into your sight. She carefully watched as your eyes and body were taking in the scene. 
At first, you thought it was a simple kiss. But then the kiss became more passionate and now they were taking each other's clothes off. You took a big breath as the couple undressed themselves. Your brows were furrowed, a lump had formed in your throat and you, unconsciously, rubbed your thighs against each other, noticing that a certain part of your body was getting weird.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” she asked innocently, as you shifted in your seat. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” you said, your eyes not moving away from the screen. 
You slightly tilted your head to the side, trying to understand what the couple was doing and why your body felt like burning and weird.
“You sure you’re okay?” she asked, once again. 
She knew you were getting hot and bothered, that was what she had expected of you. She wanted you like this, so she could help you out.
“Yeah, I just feel a little weird.”
“How come? Are you feeling sick?” she played dumb. 
“No, not sick. I just feel like I need to pee but I don’t want to,” you whispered, looking down at your feet in embarrassment. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I know how you are feeling,” she placed her hand on your thigh. You felt your skin burning under her touch.
“You do?”
“Yes, I do,” she smiled at you. “Does it feel wet down there?” she quickly looked down and then up to meet your eyes. She noticed they were filled with confusion. It was an adorable sight, her cute little Y/n didn’t know what was happening to her body.
“Yeah, I don’t know why,” you shyly admitted.
“Oh, you poor little thing,” she caressed your cheek. “You know, I can make it go away if you want to,” Florence bit her bottom lip, her heart picking up its pace waiting for your answer. 
She was afraid that you would back down, since this was a whole new territory for you. But she would have a taste of you even if you said no, she would find another way. 
“How would you make it go away?”
A grin formed on her lips at your curiosity and innocence. It turned her on seeing you like that, all confused and pure. She almost felt guilty for doing it, key word being ‘almost’.  
“Well, there’s a few things I can do. But I can’t tell you, I would have to show you. Do you trust me?” she squeezed your thigh, making your heart flutter. 
You only nodded, too dumbstruck at her closeness and her touch. 
“If you want me to stop, just say it, okay?” you, once again, nodded. “But I have a feeling you’re going to like this.”
She closed the small gap between you two, connecting her lips with yours. Your eyes winded, you weren’t expecting that. But soon, you gave in and deepened the kiss. She gently bit your bottom lip, making you whimper and her tongue found its way into your mouth. You felt the weird feeling starting to grow down there. 
“Flo, it feels even weirder now,” you whispered on her lips. 
“I know, sweet girl. Just be patient, okay? I’ll take care of you, I promise.” 
Her lips found your neck, leaving small kisses and bites on your sensitive skin. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the new feeling, your mouth was slightly parted. Your hand, instinctively, found its way into her hair, gently pulling it, earning a low moan from her. 
“I need this off,” she tugged the hem of your shirt. 
“Flo, I–.”
“It’s okay,” she cut you off. “I want to see you.” She carefully took your shirt off, and much to her surprise you weren’t wearing anything underneath it. 
You were now self-conscious of your half naked body, you crossed your arms over your breast trying to hide them from her. 
“Hey, don’t do that,” she said, gently moving your arms. She pecked your lips and whispered in your ear, “You’re gorgeous, Y/n. Don’t hide from me.”
She softly pushed you into the couch, now laying on your back she was straddling you. She trailed a path of kisses from your jaw down to your breasts. Your breathing became heavier the closer she would get your nipples. When she finally reached your left one, her tongue sucked on it. At first she was gentle, letting you take in the new feeling. But then she got rougher, not only sucking it but also biting it. You were a moaning mess under her. 
Her right hand found your other breast giving it as much attention as the one that was on her mouth. She would massage your nipple, pinch it, twist it and rub it. Your back arched at all of the new feelings that your body was experiencing, your aching core gently brushed against her body, making you moan at the feeling. 
“Flo, please…” you begged. 
You weren’t sure what you were begging for, she was taking care of you as she said, but you felt like it wasn’t nearly enough. 
“Let’s take this off then,” she said, her fingers finding the waistband of your pants and pulling them off your body. 
Your legs instinctively closed. She raised her brow at your action. 
“What did I say, Y/n?”
“Yeah, sorry I–.��
“No uh, tell me. What did I say?” she cut you off.
“Not to hide from you.”
“Exactly, do as I said, okay?” you nodded. Even though she was sort of scolding you, her tone was still gentle. A perfect balance of kindness and demand, which sent shivers down your spine. 
She kissed your breast one last time before moving further down your stomach, getting closer and closer to your aching core. You gasped as she left kisses on your thighs, carefully spreading your legs open. She noticed the only piece of clothing left on your body was soaking wet from your arousal. 
“I will take care of this now, okay?” she looked up to you, wanting to know if it was okay. 
“Yes, please.”
She gently brushed her tongue over your slit, making you whimper at the small lick. Her fingertips soon found your clit, still covered by the thin soaked cloth, and started to rub tight circles on it. Your eyes once again rolled to the back of your head, pleasure covering your whole body. But still, it wasn’t enough.
“Flo, take it off,” you looked down at her. You needed skin to skin contact, the piece of cloth was in the way. She raised her eyebrow at you again. “Please,” you finished. 
She chuckled, glad that you were starting to get how things worked.
She teared open your panty, making your eyes wide open. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll buy you a new one,” she winked at you as your cheeks turned crimson red.
She traced a finger down your slit, gathering all your arousal on her fingertips. 
“Well, look at that. All of this for me, little one?”
You weren’t sure what to answer her. But you figured you would agree to her words, giving the amusement look on her face. 
“All for you.”
She went to kiss your lips, “I want to eat you out. Can I please eat you out?” she whispered on your lips. 
You were so lost in your pleasure that you said yes, just giving yourself in enterily to her. You weren’t sure what she meant by that, but you knew she wouldn’t do anything to cause you any harm. 
She positioned herself in between your legs and her lips found your clit. 
“No, Flo. That’s dirty,” a moan escaped from your lips, even though you really thought it was a dirty thing to do.
“It’s not,” she said. Her words were muffled as she tasted you. 
Her lips were sucking on your clit, making your skin feel as if it was on fire. Gently biting from time to time. She licked up through your folds and then pushed her tongue inside of you. Your hands went to find her hair, pulling her closer to you, making her nose brush against your clit. The feeling of dirtiness washing away, replaced by bliss.
“Oh, shit, Flo.” 
“How does it feel?” she blurted out, still attacking your cunt. 
“Feels so good,” you said through moans and groans.
“You taste so good, peaches. So good, baby,” she pulled back, you whimpered, missing her touch. “I’m going to use my fingers, okay?”
You noticed her voice got rougher and she seemed to have stars in her eyes. 
“Your fingers?” you looked at her in confusion. 
“Don’t worry, darling. You are going to love it,” she sent a wink your way. 
She adjusted herself in between you, once again. Her tongue found its way back to your clit, and she gently pushed her index finger inside of you. You loudly moaned out her name, making her groan into your pussy, which caused your body to tremble at the vibrations. 
“You feel so good, baby,” she felt as you clenched around her finger. “Do you think you can take another finger?”
She didn’t let you answer before pulling her index finger out of you and pushing back in two of her fingers. 
“Damn it, Y/n. You are so tight.”
“Flo, It hurts,” you cried out. You’d never had anything inside you before, you weren’t sure if it was a pleasant or an unpleasant feeling. 
“Shh, it would be okay,” she cooed. “Just relax, baby. Tell me when I can keep going, yes?”
You whimpered, trying to adjust to the feeling. You took a big breath and nodded, letting her know she could carry on. 
She slowly pulled her fingers out and back in you, thrusting deeply into you while her tongue sucked on your clit. She curled her fingertips making you whine in pleasure. Your grasp back on her hair became stronger, pushing her into your cunt, wanting more of her. Her free hand found your breast and massaged it, adding more into your pleasure. You were biting your bottom lip, trying to contain all the moans and whimpers from coming out of your mouth. 
Florence looked up at you, her mouth and fingers still doing their work, and took in the sight right before her eyes. You were glowing, and not just because of the thin layer of sweat covering your cute little body. No, it was more than that, it was the pleasure she was giving you. She rubbed her thighs together trying to ease the arousal in her own core. She swore she could cum just by looking at you. But that moment wasn’t about her, it was about you. 
You soon started to feel a knot in your stomach, growing tighter as Florence’s mouth and fingers worked wonders on your lady parts. You were starting to feel as if you were going to pee. 
“Flo, I think I need to pee,” you said, almost out of breath. 
She sensed the worry in your tone, which only turned her on even more. How could you not know all of this stuff? 
“It’s okay. Just let it go, peaches.”
“No, Flo. I won’t pee all over you–” your own moan cut you off. 
She could feel your cunt clenching her fingers even harder. She ignored your distress, her hand went back to your waist, gently pushing you down, keeping you steady, and continued her assault on you. Thrusting her fingers even faster and sucking on your clit even harder. She felt as your legs wrapped around her, as if a part of you knew better than to let her go. She could almost feel like she would suffocate with your cunt, but she couldn't care less. 
“Stop, Flor–” you felt as the knot in your stomach untied, a wave of relief and pleasure bursting all over your body. You couldn’t stop moaning out her name. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your back arched like a cat, your legs were trembling at the overwhelming feeling, your breathing was uneven and your heart was beating so fast, as if you had been running for hours. 
Florence slowly pulled her fingers out of you, sucking all of your juices, not wanting, not even a drop, to go to waste. Once she was done, she licked her fingers clean, her eyes not leaving yours. A lump formed in your throat as she did so. 
“You did great, Y/n,” she said, taking her finger out of her mouth, making a pop sound. “Do you think you can help me out now?” a grin formed on her face as she looked at your dumbstruck face. 
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zgvlt · 2 years
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twst & tsumtsum collab scenarios part 1, ft. leona, cater, epel, sebek x reader (separate)
author's note: Based on the JP TWST Event. I might be a little late to the Tsum trend so hopefully no one’s written out these exact plots lol, and if someone has, i apologize! part 2 with riddle, floyd, jack... maybe, if people want it lol
general tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff, attempt at humor, not beta read
edited: july 31, 2022
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Maybe people expected him to be jealous, but it was too small to be a threat (or, you have nap time with your boyfriend… and the sentient plushie creature that looks like your boyfriend)
wc: 840+ words
specific tags: established relationship
“You act all disinterested, but a certain herbivore comes up and suddenly you’re all interested, are you?” 
The tsums couldn’t exactly speak so it wasn’t like it could reply, but the way it turned away from him (even more than it already was) to fully look at you was enough of a response, a testament to just how right he was.
“Seriously, you can pretend all you want, but you’re not fooling anyone.”
It wasn’t that the being was particularly obvious or anything, it just so happened that Leona was not only the observant sort, but he had more than enough information to make deductions over what the creature was probably feeling. 
If he was right about his assumption that the tsums came from an alternate universe, one where a tsum of Ruggie, or the remaining dorm leaders, or even you existed, then this tsum was essentially a version of him—a little caricaturized, some personality differences, an extreme size difference, but him nonetheless. Thus, it was an easy deduction to make that the tsum was probably attached to you because he happened to be dating you.
The tsum turned around to stare at him. He stared back.
Was he really that bored out of his mind that he decided it would be a good idea to talk to something that can’t talk back?
Well, no, he didn’t think it was necessarily a good idea, but he just impulsively did it anyway. It was mildly entertaining seeing the little punk stay in denial while blatantly staring at his partner. 
It could have been asleep right now, just as he could have been asleep right now, but it was too busy doing the same thing as him—waiting for you to join him on the bed for a quick, hasty, several hour nap.
“Hah, look at you—on the verge of falling asleep but forcing yourself to stay up. How cute. If you really can’t stay up any longer, you should just give up, you know?”
The tsum wouldn’t look at him anymore, although it did decide to lean its body against him. Well, whatever, he was getting tired of talking anyway.
“Leona, are you bullying the tsum again?”
Speak of the devil.
“Bullying? Me? Like I would stoop that low, to bully something so much smaller than me.” As if a representation of him would allow itself to get bullied anyway, even if it was by him. “Just having a friendly chat is all.”
“Right. Leona Kingscholar, fearsome leader of Savanaclaw, having a friendly and wholesome chat with a plushie. I’m certainly convinced,” you said, neither sounding nor looking very convinced. “Just what would the two of you be discussing anyway?”
“A common point of interest.”
“And that is?”
“You, obviously,” he replied without an ounce of hesitation or shame. Why would he be? You liked him, he liked you, what was there to be flustered about? 
You seemed to agree with the sentiment—you didn’t give much of a reaction, you probably anticipated that as a possible answer or eavesdropped at some point—but the tsum…
“Huh, isn’t that kind of cute?”
It was intent on looking at you pretty much most of the time just a minute ago, and now it suddenly wouldn’t look at you. 
“Yeah. It’s so… baby?” you replied, sitting down on the bed next to him—and by proximity, sitting close to the tsum as well. “That kind of attitude… that reminds me of the time, you know, before we started dating and–”
“Alright, that’s enough chit-chat. We didn’t skip class to talk all afternoon,” he interjected, pulling you to lie down next to him. 
He looked at the tsum. You looked at the tsum. The tsum wouldn’t look at anyone. Then, the two of you looked at each other. 
“It’s going to get squished in the middle. I don’t know if it can get hurt, but no risks. It’ll be troublesome if anything happens.”
“It’ll just have to stay on my free side then. I’ll leave enough space between us so it doesn’t get flattened while we’re napping.” Leona had to laugh at that one. He was sure the little one was going to cuddle up to you one way or another. Really, it should just give up all shame (like he had, some time too long ago).
Maybe his nature or reputation, perhaps simply his beastman instincts, would have people expecting him to be jealous of every being and thing that came close to his partner, including some odd creature that descended from the sky, but it was too small to be a threat. 
Hardly even a threat, considering it was not only infatuated by you, it was in fierce denial of it too.
Plus, it looked like him, and you were easily the most overjoyed about a tiny Leona Kingscholar you can carry at the palm of your hand, going on and on about how you can finally say you can have the whole world in your hands so he supposed he didn’t mind the creature hanging around much. As long as it makes you happy.
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Cater didn’t think it would be a big deal letting the tsum scroll through MagiCam (or, Cater Tsum spends too much time looking at photos of you, and Cater suddenly has some explaining to do)
wc: 790+ words
Cater Diamond might have, just possibly, severely underestimated the power, skill, ability that tsums seemed to possess. Rather, he thought it would stop at Cay-Tsum simply being good at throwing punches, being photogenic, and having a really good eye at photography and editing.
That was why he didn’t think it would be a bad thing for it to scroll through his phone while he was in class. 
One, it would give the tsum something to do while he was in class, something to keep it from being bored and what was a better time-waster than a phone? Plus, it already showed before that it could scroll through a phone with its entire body, which was kind of fun to watch. 
Two, because the tsum could do that task on its own, Cater would not be required for the activity, which was fortunate because three, he really should be paying attention to this one class just so he does good enough to not fail the upcoming exam. Having his phone occupied by the tsum was a good way to keep it out of reach.
So really, Cater thought it would be fine to leave the tsum to its own devices. What was the worst it could do? Switch apps to take timered selfies of itself? Start posting said selfies on his MagiCam?
Well, it apparently found your MagiCam.
Maybe it found you aesthetically-pleasing, or maybe you reminded it of another tsum from back home, but whatever it was had Cay-Tsum scrolling through all your photos. Well, that was fine—he himself wasn’t immune to stalking all his friends’ accounts, and what was a tsum with a harmless crush (that it probably inherited from him, oops) going to do anyway?
Besides, he’s already liked all your photos, almost always as soon as you post them, so there was no risk of being caught mass-liking your posts and having you calling him out for something the tsum did.
It would be safe to let the Tsum just do what it wanted while he worked on an activity, and maybe it’ll eventually move on to someone else’s page, or go watch those videos on his feed about the latest trends.
Well, he was wrong.
Of all times he had a substantial amount of self-restraint in touching his phone during class, it just had to be when he allowed Cay-Tsum to have full control over it? Should he have turned on parental controls? Put on a baby sensory video instead?
“Just so you know, totally wasn’t my fault!” Partially. Maybe he shouldn’t have left his phone unattended. “This little guy did it!”
You looked at the tsum sitting at the palm of his hands, and the tsum looked back at you. If the little plushie had a tail Cater was certain it would start wagging, which was honestly just embarrassing. Can the tsum not expose him like this?
Expose him more than it already had, that is.
“You’re saying… the little plushie knows how to use MagiCam?” It sounded really silly now that you were putting it into words, but he swears up and down that Cay-Tsum, or perhaps all the tsums, were more capable than they might seem from the surface.
“Hehe~ Well, I knew it could take photos, but I didn’t realize it knew how to use a keyboard to comment on posts!” Well, more like using its body to spam heart emojis… wait, was that what it was doing jumping on his phone for, what, five minutes straight? “I should probably go delete those–”
“Nope! You don’t need to do that!” Was it just him, or did you suddenly look a tad more mischievous? “So the DMs… that was your doing, too?”
There were DMs?!
“Ehh~! What did it say!? Does it actually know how our common language works?”
“Oh! You know, this and that… I mean, I didn’t know it wasn’t you who sent it, so those heartfelt things I said… should I take it all back?”
Cater Diamond, NRC’s resident phone addict, was going to throw his phone on the ground and smash it into bits and pieces, until all that was left of it was dust and ash scattered to the wind, of which he would disintegrate with it.
“Cay-Tsum, you’re getting grounded from using my phone for the rest of the day, ‘kay~?”
He knew the tsum would have punched him if you weren’t holding the wriggling plushie back from doing so.
“Wait, Cater, I was joking! We just spammed each other with stickers?”
“Oh! You were? Who knew you were so good at playing around with people~ You’re so hard to read, never expected that from you! Well, then don’t mind me, Cay-Tsum! I was totes just kidding ♪”
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Tsum Epel craves chaos. Epel enlists you, the Ramshackle prefect, to help him watch over it (or, in which Epel Tsum has a favorite first year, and it’s not Epel)
wc: 1.0k+ words
specific tags: ramshackle prefect! reader, references to epel and reader as "parents" (of the tsum)
Epel didn’t particularly enjoy having to beg or request for help, but it was absolutely needed at this point! The tsum was going haywire in Pomefiore’s lounge, and any more mud or dirt found by Vil would render Epel having to clean up after the creature again.
Sure, Vil thought cleaning was good for strengthening his arms (and he agreed, he did want a bit more muscle), but he was getting real tired of having to keep the little one in line. Was it because he was an only child that he couldn’t quite get used to looking after it from dusk till dawn?
The cluelessness on how to reel in the chaos, as well as his desire to keep sleeping in his dorm room and not in a cold classroom or bench outside, was his primary motivation to finally seek help from you. 
He had briefly thought about asking the other tsum guardians, but they all seemed terribly busy with their own lookalikes or having more trouble than him (a certain redhead, one that was his senior, came to mind), so he doubted they could be much help. Obviously, the best person to approach was you. You already take care of Grim on the daily, who was half a pet and half a little brother anyway, so you could probably help him out, right?
Well, yeah, you did, but he wasn’t sure if it was gonna be that effective—did it listen to you? Oh, sure, even with the language barrier it liked you enough to listen to you, but that was the thing, wasn’t it? It only listened to you, so what was he gonna do when you weren’t around? It’s not like he can just say, “ah, yeah, make sure to be a good tsum or else the prefect is gonna be real upset with ya” or anything of the sort. Like, he’d try it but it wouldn’t even understand!
Or maybe it actually understood him and it was just being a bit of a rascal? That was always possible… oh hell, was that how his dorm leader perceived him? Bit embarrassing now that he was actually forced to take care of a heightened version of him.
Regardless, the situation was clear to him—Epel tsum behaved when you were around, and because of his job from the headmaster he had to be around you as well to look after the tsum before anyone had a way to get them back to where they came from.
So yeah, cool, he liked getting to hang out with you and Grim (and other first year friends, including Jack and Sebek who had their own tsums to chase after and shout at respectively), but getting teased about it was really not good for his temper. 
“Epel… this is kinda sad.” Oh he knew what Deuce was talking about—not that he was gonna acknowledge it to his face, but he knew. “The prefect, your tsum… doesn’t it look like you’re a third wheeler?”
“The hell… it’s a sentient stuffed toy!” he whispered back, not hiding that he was beginning to be ticked off. At the first years? Partially. At the plush? Also partially. At you? Honestly, a little bit. 
Like yes, you’re helping him, but do you really have to call the tsum literally every compliment under the sun except cute? He even heard a manly once, which was ridiculous considering you’ve never said that to him despite how much he’s wanted to hear it from you, yet you were gonna say that to some ball of fluff first? No wonder it liked you so much!
Why… Why did it like you, actually? Was there a prefect tsum too back in their world, or do tsums experience love at first sight or something? Kinda weird to think about.
“Your child is literally getting more affection from the prefect in two days than you have in, what, two weeks? Definition of sad. No wonder I got more experience in romance than you.”
“That’s literally not my child.” Honestly, when did people (note: Ace and Deuce) start seeing Epel Tsum as a child instead of a pet or strange unknown species or cute toy. Like, sure, he’d also referred to it as a child, in the kid brother kind of sense, but ain’t it weird to call a plushie a son or daughter or anything of the sort?
Also, no. He was, in fact, making steady progress with you. Obviously your feelings towards his tsum and his tsum’s appearance translated into possible affections for him… probably.
He wasn’t joking about his temper either. The joke was funny for a bit but then it actually hit him, and he really did not want Rook somehow finding out about him getting into a minor scuffle, then have Vil pop a vessel and lecture him about having the decency to at least keep a tussle out of the public eye.
Maybe the dorm leader would let it slide with extra chores on window cleaning or something if he passed it off as some playful roughhousing with the bros (specifically, Ace and Deuce. Ortho was too nice, and Jack and Sebek were admittedly too out of his league body ratio wise).
Actually, no. Epel had a much more brilliant idea.
“Tsum,” he murmured beside you, and though Epel Tsum was previously occupied with you he did jump upwards slightly to meet his eye. Okay, that was good, he just had to properly convey what he wanted. 
“What’d you say about pickin’ a fight with Ace and Deuce over there, yeah? The ones without a tsum, you know the ones, don’t you?”
Besides, if the little guy really was like him, then he’d go for it, wouldn’t he? Sure, he’d get in trouble later for not restraining the tsum, but one, he’d get to sic a plush on two of his friends, which would be funny; two, he could watch what Jack and Sebek’s tsums would do, which would be a whole show at this point; three, he could finally spend some time with you again without the tsum, if just for a few minutes.
“Oh, you’re going for it! What a good tsum! Finally listenin’ to me, are ya?”
So maybe the two of them didn’t have that much of a language barrier after all.
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To Sebek’s delight, Tsum Sebek finally leaves his young master alone. To his dismay, it’s to pester you instead (or, Sebek Tsum's thought process: you > Malleus > Sebek > everyone else)
wc: 1.0k+ words
Tsums were a particularly troublesome species of creatures. Not human or fae or mer, despite them seemingly sharing surface level similarities with people belonging to one of either three categories, but not exactly a beast like the prefect's charge either.
The tsum who, allegedly but certainly not verifiably, shared most similarity to him was particularly pesky for the sheer reason that it kept sticking beside his young master's side, the side that should have been reserved for him. 
Even with being scolded it seemed to be resolved with wanting to stay by the Malleus Draconia's side—he understood those feelings perfectly, but it didn't mean he had to like it.
Today was another one of those days—Sebek wishing for the creatures to simply go back to their homes, wherever exactly home was for them, so he could properly do his duties and watch over the prince without a, as he had caught some of his dorm members calling it, mini-Sebek hopping around nearby.
(And even when the tsum wasn't next to the young master, it seemed to like sticking next to him, which was just as troublesome. Why was the creature constantly watching him? He would do research if he could, but the apparent lack of information, as well as Epel’s failed efforts to find information about their biology, held him back from filtering through library books.)
The tsum also liked to bask in the sun, hiding in his blazer when a particularly cold breeze swept the outdoors, which he could admit was quite similar to him, and it would sometimes zoom quickly (as quick as it could, that is) to wherever the young lord was, helping him and Silver with the near-impossible task of locating the presence of their liege.
Alright, so maybe the tsum wasn't too bad a presence, but he would much prefer it if the being separated from his young master for a little bit to bother someone, anyone else.
Maybe Sebek should have been more specific though. He didn't mean you.
Your presence was expected in Diasomnia's dorm lounge for the reason that you were his partner for an assignment, but what was not expected was the tsum to leave his dorm leader's side to quite literally throw itself against you.
"Oh!" you exclaimed in surprise, looking down at the being who seemed to be everywhere and nowhere all at once—not knowing where to position itself as it moved from your lap to the top of your head to atop to finally sitting itself above the palm of your hand. "I didn't know your tsum was so excitable, Sebek!"
"Yes, he's more than just a handful," literally, thought Sebek, and then inwardly groaning at such poor humor he had surely caught like a virus from one first year or the other, but confusion brewed at the back of his mind. He had so much difficulty getting the tsum out of his young master's hair, but it had chosen to leave just like that? To greet you?
"So cute…” Well, it seemed to like the attention (when did the tsum not like receiving attention?) based on how it decided to remain by your side instead of returning to him or the young master, but was the creature really that cute?
Well, it did remind him a little bit of the toys his father kept around his dental clinic to keep children occupied and calm while getting their teeth checked, and maybe once upon a time he played with those as well so he supposed he saw the appeal... but he’s seen better—the stuffed animals from Harveston*… never mind.
“You seriously think it’s cute?” You threw him a look as if to question if he was seriously asking that, but honestly Sebek was more caught up with the fact that you had only looked at him at that moment, too busy looking at the creature otherwise. 
Wonderful. First it tries to steal his spot beside the young master, then it tries to steal your attention away from him… of which was important for him to keep because he was your partner—partner for an assignment, that is. Your attention on him was by extension attention on the assignment, on education and the task at hand. The tsum was distracting you from academics, clearly.
Is Sebek seething? A little bit (a feeling he’d rather not admit), but not quite enough to do anything about it, just enough to have his eyebrows furrow in impatience and irritation. 
“Sebek, that’s a silly question. Of course it’s cute.” The tsum jumped off as you crossed your arms, clearly preening and perhaps even smug at the praise coming from you. Now who did this creature take after, because he certainly wouldn’t react that way if he were to receive– 
“I mean, come on, a marketable plushie of a handsome man? Sure, it’s kinda weird that it moves by its own will and has a personality, but it’s cute!”
And then you brought your attention back to the tsum.
In any other situation, Sebek would be completely distracted by you implying that you found him handsome, and at some time between doing the assignment with you and preparing for bed the implications would eventually dawn on him and render him an incomprehensible screaming mess, but right now he was just frustrated, a frustration he cannot stomach at all.
“Excuse me for a moment.” He stood up from his chair to walk towards you. He looked at the creature who resided atop your hand again, and Sebek allowed it maybe a second or two of freedom as he stared it down. Then, he trapped it between both of his hands, pulling it far away from you.
Sebek was many things, and reasonable was not exactly one of them.
“If you really think I’m handsome, then don’t you dare take your eyes off of me!” 
There were also many things Sebek had planned on saying instead, mostly having to do with finally starting that damned assignment, but because of the tsum and because of you, his words had gotten all mixed up—so you better not call him out when you have no one but yourself (and the tsum) to blame!
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*Harveston: Epel's homeland. The line is referencing the Kelkkarotu event from the JP server
i lose a year of my lifespan with every "tsum" i type, but i desperately needed to get the tsum brainrot out of my head so i can write other stuff without thinking of them lol
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haesunflower · 1 year
pink peonies | kim gyuvin
genre: angst, sad, no happy ending for gyuvin
pairing: reader x gyuvin x (third party in maknae line)
about/tags: gyuvin centric, he's in love with reader, reader loves someone else (1.1k + words)
unrequited love, love triangle, gunwook ricky and yujin are here, childhood friends, i won't spoil who the third person is but he's in maknae line :D
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Gyuvin thinks you’re the prettiest person he’s ever seen. Even with unbrushed hair and the annoying sounds you make from chewing your sandwich really loudly in front of him, he finds himself enamored by you. 
You first met at 5 years old, when he moved into the building where you lived. Your mom ran the rooftop garden, and as a kid you spent most of your afternoons tending to the flowers. One spring, a young Gyuvin found himself making his way up to the rooftop. There, he saw you smelling the yellow daffodils. Your mom signalled for him to come inspect it closer, but as he approached the flowers he accidentally sneezed all over you. To his surprise, you just laughed. And since then, he’s correlated you to the springtime – bright, colorful, and inviting. 
Gyuvin thinks it’s not hard to love you, really. 
Living in the same building, you made walking to and from school together your daily routine. Lunches, much like today, were sometimes shared too. He had brought several sandwiches from home – and even if his mom didn’t instruct him, he would have shared these with you anyway. 
You’re trying to tell him about how boring your last weekend was, but you were interrupted by a loud group of boys coming to your table of solace in the school courtyard. 
“Hi Y/N.” 
Gunwook excitedly bends down and places a quick peck to your cheek. You giggle at him as he takes a seat next to you. In return, you raise your hand to squish both his cheeks simultaneously. You’re jokingly making kissy faces at him, babying him in front of everyone. You both release a lovesick laugh, that’s when gyuvin decides to look away. 
“Ughhh not in front of the food please, hyung” 
Yujin groans as he sits next to Gyuvin, trailed closely by Ricky. Gyuvin goes with the joke, and lets out a strained laugh alongside the two other boys.
So yeah, it may not be hard to love you. But watching you love someone else is the most painful thing he could ever experience.
When you first told Gyuvin about your crush he almost fell off his swing. It’s not like he was expecting you to come at him with that information. Truth be told, crushes are something that doesn’t cross his mind at all. Because you’ve always been there. There wasn’t any room for anyone else. That was the first time Gyuvin felt his heart sink because of you. 
“the new kid in your dance team, the tall one” you declared proudly
“the one that’s a year younger? Park Gunwook?” 
“yeah we met at the debate team meeting, he’s cute isn’t he? awfully smart too.”
You were still gently kicking yourself up and down the swing when you took a glimpse of his reaction. He was frozen, his legs firmly planted on the ground. The walk back home was awkward. When you asked him what was wrong, he just said he was tired. You took his word for it.
Over the course of the next few months, Gyuvin hates how much he gets along with Gunwook. To be honest, he wanted to befriend him to find something wrong with him, any sort of flaw he could use. In the end, he couldn’t. Gunwook was one of the most hardworking people on the team, he was loved by everybody at school, and annoyingly you were right about him being intelligent too. 
He found a friend in Gunwook. And little by little, Gunwook found himself entering all the Gyuvin and Y/n spaces that were originally meant for just the two of them. Because Gunwook lived farther, he’d meet the both of you in front of your building to walk to school together. And every time you wait outside the dance practice room to walk home with the both of them, Gyuvin pretends your beaming smile is for him. 
So when Gunwook one day asks Gyuvin what your favorite flowers were, he has half the mind to lie. But Gunwook looked so eager, expectantly waiting for an answer from a hyung he greatly trusts. 
“peonies, Y/N likes pink peonies. ” 
Gunwook flashed his gummy smile and hurriedly thanked him before scurrying away. Gyuvin assumes it’s because he’s going to go to the flower shop nearby, and he prays they don’t have any pink peonies.
That Sunday, when you told Gyuvin you think Gunwook is your soulmate, he regretted telling Gunwook anything at all. 
You excitedly told him that Gunwook confessed on that weekend, after visiting a wild flower garden where he picked a single pink peony. That he went to your house and knocked on your door while you were arranging a new vase for the living room. That he came in, flower in hand, feigning confidence but was quickly given away by how sweaty he was. You told him how you decided to bring him up to the rooftop flower garden to show him all the flowers you were taking care of. Gunwook said he liked the yellow daffodils the best. And how your first kiss happened right before he left, at your front door, the very doorway Gyuvin picks you up from every morning. 
And how you think finally, you’re in love. 
“a pink peony Gyuvin, can you believe it? Those aren’t even in season anymore.” 
Gyuvin wanted to say something, but he doesn’t. 
You were blushing like crazy, looking at the ground and kicking the playground sand like some sorta kid. He’s never seen you happier, and he’s known you practically all his life. 
So he doesn’t say anything about telling Gunwook what your favorite flowers were. Nor does he bring up that he remembered that you once said you would date whoever gave you a bouquet of pink peonies. But whoever gave you a singular flower, would be your soulmate. He left that last part out when Gunwook asked. 
At that time, he was 12 years old so he thought it was silly. Now he feels like a fool for not doing it way earlier.
Gyuvin doesn’t tell you about the confession letter he left in your locker, the day Gunwook asked about the flowers either. He doesn’t tell you he went to school earlier than you on Monday morning to retrieve it back. He doesn’t tell you that he loves you, and perhaps has loved you all his life. He doesn’t tell you that he’s scared to lose you to him.
He doesn’t tell you a lot of things. 
And at present time, as he watches you and Gunwook get up from your table in the courtyard, walking away side by side with hands intertwined, he realizes he’s going to live the rest of his life in regret – all because he didn’t say anything.
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A/N: this is my first time writing angst with no comfort at the end. though it was painful, I genuinely enjoyed writing this. I'm a geonppangdan myself so I didn't want to make it seem like gunwook was the enemy either.
also note that gunwook had no idea about the single pink peony, so that's all him. all gyuvin shared with him was the type of flower that y/n likes.
pink peonies are no longer in season, so most stores don't have it. hence, that's why gunwook had to check the wild flower garden to chance upon one. so, maybe they are soulmates.
i just hope gyuvin also finds his own happiness :')
thank you requester, hope you liked it!
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Offenderman x Fem!AFAB!Chubby/Fat!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: Offender walks in on you showering but its not what you think.
Warnings: Language, nudity, and groping. 
Tagging: @ladala-shihiro , @miss-understood , and @yesthetrashbin . I hope y'all like this! ^^
This is a work off my old blog, @mainstreambaddies , remastered ^^
“Holy cra-“ As soon as you hear the bathroom door unlock you reach to pull the shower curtain securely around your body, especially when you see the big, tall, terrifying monster come in. Damnit, what is he- “What the hell are you doing in here?!”
“Now, now, hold on~ Don’t get your panties in a twist… “ You watch, in mild horror, as Offender walks further into your bathroom, looking around until he see’s your discarded underwear. He slowly smirks at them, before turning back to you again. “I have a reason for being here.”
“Oh, yeah I’m sure you do,” You scoff. “Its just not happening. You hold on.” You tell him firmly, before taking in a huge deep humongous breath, before yelling. “SLENDER-“
Offenders hand slaps right over your mouth, quickly, so big it basically engulfs your face. Not too hard that it hurt, but enough to be unbelievably irritating. You don’t really believe he’s here to hurt you… not entirely, anyway. As you’re one of Slender's proxie's, you're under his protection here in the mansion (Theoretically. Slender isn't fantastic at staying on top of that particular clause), and Offender is kind of… sort of… maybe… at times... a friend? But you still don’t want him in here with you while you shower!! You're not that close! You don't trust him that deeply! You're not insane- You do stop screaming, though, since you physically cannot make sound loud enough to make any difference anyway with his hand muffling you, and just look at him bored, somehow, with raised brows. “You want to know what I'm doing, now sweetheart?”
You nod, making a pathetic ‘yes’ sound into his hand. He nods and takes it away, so you can take a full, unhindered breath. Now you’re just feeling awkward, taking in the situation. Here you are standing under the steady stream of hot water, your entire backside bare with the now warm plastic shower curtain pulled tight over your front... and there Offender is, in his coat and pants, looking like he's up to no good.
Ffff- flap jacks.
“So, what, um…"Uncomfortably, you adjust the shower curtain against your chest. "What can I do for you?” You ask, feeling unbelievably self-conscious. Typically, you're self conscious around Offender - Offender, with his abs and his perfect sharp teeth and always knowing what to say, - , but now you’re naked. And its so so much worse. He can see your wide arms and your hair is flat and soggy, and you're dripping.
“You were saying yesterday that you think you’re ‘gross’ or ‘undesirable’, or something. Thought that was ridiculous- look at you. So, I wanted to show you you’re not." A slow smirk spreads across his face again, before nodding and stepping back. "Come on out, and let me see.”
Immediately your jaw drops. He wants you to- what?! “What?”
“Come out and show me what’s so gross about you!”
“No,” You exclaim, horrified by the idea. Offender groans, rolls back his shoulders and stretches his neck from one side, to the other.
“Well, if you want something done- You’ve gotta do it yourself, right?” He mutters, and as soon as you hear it, you shuffle back in the tub and grip onto the curtain tighter; Knuckles blanching against the strain. Oh. No. Before you can even open your mouth to protest, or scream again, the curtain is completely gone from your hands and he’s got your hand in his, tugging you out of the tub and to the bathroom tiles, in front of the mirror. You squeak, almost unconcerned about the dangers of slipping as you cover you’re your chest with one arm, rip your other out his grip, and reach for a towel with it. “Uh, uh, uh!” A tentacle shoots out and grabs your wrist, causing your lips part, hopelessly. “No. There aint nothing to be ashamed of, baby, why hide? Come on, look at the mirror. And get rid of this- “
He tries to pull your arm away from your breasts, and you slap his hand. “Stop!”
“Come on, let Daddy see~”
You shoot Offender the worst greasy, making him smirk. “If you call yourself that again, I will personally castrate you.” You hiss. This situation is already mortifying enough, without him calling himself ‘Daddy’ like some terrifying, faceless Freddy Krueger.
He licks his front teeth, grinning at your threat. “Oh, baby girl, don’t you think they’ve tried that before?” Chuckling, he ignores your threat and your plea to stop, and continues to drag your arm away from your body. This leaves you completely bare, except for the heat in your cheeks, down your neck, and across your chest. “Much better~ Now, turn around to the mirror. Would it make you feel better if I dressed down, too?~”
“No. It would most definitely not make me feel better-“ You quickly try to get it through to him how much you do not want him doing that, but he’s already removed his coat. Now facing the mirror, you’re able to see your body, and him standing beside you in just his pants. The humour and horror of this situation quickly melt away as you look, and you just feel disgusted. You absolutely hate looking at yourself, and you avoid it as much as possible. And, standing there with Offender of all people as a reference… just makes it so much worse. He’s built like some Greek God. Did he expect to help?! You frown, and look unhappily at yourself. “... So, you were saying about there being nothing to be ashamed of?”
“Mhm. Look atcha!”
You make a face. “I am looking.”
“What??” Offender asks, mystified as he looks down at your face. Then he makes a gesture that’s his version of eye rolling. “Ugh, tv did this. Look, Y/N, you’re sexy as hell. I’d totally fuck you.”
You purse your lips. He’d fuck anyone, so that isn't saying much. “Everyone's a little self conscious... ” You scoff. “Everyone has issues with themselves... I don't have to change... ”
“Well, I dont.”
“Well, that’s easy, when you look perfect!”
As soon as the words leave your lips, and you both fully process them, a slow, pleased and dangerous smirk spreads across Offenders sharp mouth, turning to look at the real you, not the mirror reflection you. Which, as it turns out, is so much more mortifying! “Perfect? ~”
You get hot again, and take a step back. “Uh, well, obviously! I mean, look at you! You work out, right? I'm not saying that I- that I have a thing for you, Or anything- “Of course, you’re lying. You’ve always had a thing for tall guys. Bonus points when they’re jacked. Who doesnt? But he doesn’t need to know that!
“No, no, no. No take backs, sweetheart~” He grins, and backs you up into a wall, stepping far too close for comfort- his boots are on either side of your feet. He tilts his head “... You want to know what guys like?”
He lunges forward suddenly like a cat and you're his little prey, a helpless little mouse, and takes hold of the skin around your waist. The chub on your stomach, the love handles above your hips... your fat. “Meat. The more, the better. And you, my precious, sweet little Y/N… “One hand crawls up and gropes one of your breasts, making you squeak and jump in surprise. He squeezes, smirking in pleasure at getting to do it. “Have plenty of the good stuff~... ”
You seem to have been turned into a stuttering idiot, at this point. You open your mouth, and all that comes out is, “U-um!-“
“That’s why I like you so much.” The other hand trails down your stomach, a finger tracing down to your most delicate, dangerous part. He stops just above it, before switching tact and wrapping an arm around your waist and right up against him. You yelp, and hold onto him so you don’t slip on the wet floor- and because you want to. Is this happening?? Is this real life?! Has he really sweet-talked you into wanting him?! HIM!? You're wet already, and its not just because of the shower that’s still running in the background. God, Slender is going to be so pissed at you for wasting water!- "Babygirl I've been dying to show you a good time. How about you let me?'
You force yourself to think for a split moment, rationally. This is Offenderman. Therefore, this an absolute nightmare situation. Completely. You should say no, you should scream for Slender while you have a chance. But, then... the heat of the moment takes over. And the fact that he actually, truly seems to like how you look makes you feel amazing...
And you’re gone.
“... Okay.”
With delighted grin and he drops to his knees, pulling you that little bit closer, gently by the inside of your knees.
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tyxoxo · 1 year
One Night Only - V.
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ch.4, m.list
Jeno x fem!reader series
Genre: slow burn, fuckboy!jeno, enemies to lovers/hate fucking fwb! bookstore jeno → model jeno au, 00’ dream + mark + jun (seventeen) character inserts
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: pure filth, jeno is mean, cocky, stubborn, this relationship is extremely toxic (i dont condone, this is pure fiction)
tagging: @sukistrawberry @mingiandbaconjam @baecobies @produmads
a/n: guys this chapter was going so well and then i just hit a dead end (darn writers block >.<) i will attach a link to a piece i cut from the final draft cuz i felt like it was boring and messed with the pacing :))
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Chapter 5
Renjun was still expecting an answer. His jaw clenched as he saw you reach for your chopsticks and grab a piece of food without another word.
You didn’t want the rest of the hangout to be awkward just because you lacked an explanation.
But you needed a couple more seconds to come up with a response, plus you were quite hungry.
“I was just curious is all.”
“Yeah, suuure.” Renjun’s drawn out annoyance had a hint of lightheartedness, much to your relief.
“He hasn’t seemed to scare you off yet. You must really like it there.”
“Hmm?” Your mouth was too full to make a comment of inquiry.
Renjun shook his head with a smile as the two of you continued your meal in comfortable silence.
The optical illusions museum was a nice change of pace for an off day. Not too much out of your comfort zone, but enough to keep your brain stimulated.
The two of you were currently in a liminal space of sorts, an Ames room with furniture to boot. Renjun looked awfully tiny on the couch in the upper corner whilst you looked gigantic next to a standing lamp in the opposite corner. Passerbys stopped every once in a while to view the two of you move around the small area.
“I wish they had a camera to take a shot of this and print it out for us.” Renjun said as he stomped along the floor to touch the other props placed in the room.
“Just ask someone to take a picture for us. I’m sure they will.”
“Good idea!”
You leaned against the yellow painted wall as you watched him skip out to ask a stranger who happily agreed. In those few seconds you had the idea to check your phone, not really understanding why you were expecting something from him.
The two of you had never exchanged messages before; the only reason you had each other's numbers was that Mark insisted on it in case of call-ins.
“You ready?” Renjun hopped back over to his favorite spot, the couch. You got back in the corner and aided in an awkward pose as the elderly lady snapped a few pictures with a smile.
Once she was done, the both of you bowed in thanks as Renjun retrieved his phone.
You hovered over his shoulders to view the pictures, both giggling at the results.
“I’ll send you these later okay?”
“Sounds go-”
You were interrupted by a call that popped up on Renjun’s screen…
Caller id: Jeno
Embarrassingly enough, your heart dropped.
Renjun accepted it but remained close enough for you to hear the other end of the line.
“Dude…I just got an email from a Seoul Fashion Week associate!”
This much excitement was unheard of.
“Woah, really?!” Renjun jumped slightly, disregarding his inside voice.
“I read through it like five fucking times. I guess they want me to audition for LIE?”
“That’s the one I was hoping for!”
“Let me finish! It’s in 2 weeks, at the Dong…dae..mun Design Plaza.”
You found it oddly endearing how he slowed his reading to make sure he pronounced the name of the plaza correctly. Though, you mentally shamed yourself for using that favorable of a word to describe his comprehension skills.
“Okay but still! They probably want you to bring a bunch of stuff. Did it say? Y’know what, nevermind! We can discuss it later when I get home.” Renjun rushed, knowing you were standing closeby, but you didn’t mind.
“Where are you anyways?” Jeno asked, seemingly eating cereal based on the crunching and tapping of his spoon in the background.
“I’m at that optical illusions museum I told you about.”
You blessed Renjun at the fact that he spared mentioning you were there, even though it was much deeper than that.
“With who? You’re too lame to go by yourself.”
With a look of regret towards you, Renjun mouthed a “sorry” before spilling your name.
You slammed your eyes shut, waiting for his presumed dickhead response.
That still didn’t prepare you.
The familiar disconnect tone rang through both of your ears.
It was uncalled for.
“What the hell?” Renjun’s voice was far from calm, baffled by the “Call Ended”. You knew exactly why he hung up, but Renjun sure didn’t.
It was best if it stayed that way.
“We should move, I think there’s some people that want to get in here.” Your tone of voice had dropped to that of disappointment but you spoke quickly to distract Renjun, who was on his way to call him back.
Planning an escape would be ideal.
Was he unsatisfied about last night? Disgusted? Appalled?
These were the questions that became of justified interest; yet you weren’t guaranteed an answer, even if your life depended on it.
What made it worse, was that you would have to see him again at work tomorrow, if he didn’t call in.
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
Renjun snapped you out of your inner monologue, eyes scanning your face for a reaction.
“I’m fine. I know you need to go help Jeno. We can meet again later.”
“Well wait a second! We still have 2 more sections left to look at!” Renjun pointed back towards the art pieces that were indeed waiting to be seen. But based on the impending catatonia that was bound to erupt out of you, there was no patience left in you to stay here.
“No, it’s fine. I know this is a big deal and you need plenty of time to prepare. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
You turned on your heels and walked towards the exit, leaving Renjun in the middle of the crowd.
There was definitely something he was missing, and he had to figure it out.
“Jeno, I’m homee!” Renjun’s voice rang through their apartment as he took off his shoes by the door.
He heard the flush of a toilet and running faucet water, assuming Jeno was busy in the bathroom.
“The museum was super cool! You would’ve liked it.” Renjun spoke low, trying his hardest to gauge Jeno’s body language as he appeared out of the bathroom.
“Mm.” Jeno didn’t bother making eye contact, instead plopping on the living room couch to view the emails on his laptop with the most horrid sitting posture.
Renjun joined him on the couch, leaning in to adjust his eyes to the tiny font.
“Okay so let’s go over this again.” Renjun said as he quickly scanned the email for anything Jeno could’ve missed.
“They need you to bring a physical portfolio, ID, aaaand, that's it. They’ll supply you with clothes and makeup for the audition.”
“Duh, that’s what it says.” Jeno spoke matter-of-factly, obviously annoyed.
“I’m just trying to gather all this info, no need to have an attitude… jeez.”
“We have time to gather everything. I’m gonna head out.” Jeno slammed his laptop shut on the coffee table and rose from the couch. Renjun immediately took note again:
“Okay you sounded so excited earlier. Now you don’t give a shit? What’s the deal here?” Renjun got up from the couch, purposefully blocking Jeno’s view of the front door. He was beginning to get hot-tempered, oddly matching his best friend's habitual energy.
“All I said is that we have time! You automatically think I’m disinterested now?”
“This is a big deal, and you’re blowing it off! Don’t come to me pissed off if no one ends up wanting you!”
Renjun tried his best to fight back a lip quiver, somewhat apologetic for saying such a statement.
Jeno froze. Eyes stinging and anger brewing.
There was an uncomfortable pause. One where Renjun considered asking if there was missing a puzzle piece to you and Jeno’s madness.
Before he could commit, Jeno grabbed his keys and phone off the coffee table and shoved past Renjun, slamming the front door shut on his way out.
Jeno already knew where to go to get away from Renjun.
The subway ride felt like a drag, but he found himself staring off into space; eyes nowhere near a female like usual.
Jeno experienced déjà vu, realizing he was in Hongdae.
But he wasn’t here for you. He was here to see Haechan and Jaemin, to take his mind off the overstimulation present in his life. He needed something boring, for once.
[jeno]: im on my way up
[haechan]: kk
Jeno shook his head, the way it never failed for Haechan to make him cringe with the use of “k.”
Jaemin was the one to open the door. Stopping in his tracks at the sight of him.
“You look like you just got laid. How do you feel? Better I hope?” Jaemin’s devious grin paired well with his bizarre observation.
“Whatever.” Jeno scoffed as he took off his shoes near the door and made his way to the kitchen.
“No, I’m serious. Who was it this time?” Jaemin followed behind, eager to hear Jeno’s storytelling, as it was something he was always good at.
Instead, Jeno made headway towards the pizza box sitting on their kitchen island, not even bothering to ask for a slice.
“Don’t make me leave.” Jeno took a bite out of the pepperoni pizza, chewing rather savagely.
“Can I make a few guesses?”
“Oh wait, I think I know who.” Jaemin’s cheshire grin grew even wider at his own speculation.
“It’s that chick you work with isn’t it?” This time Haechan chimed in, making his first appearance from his own bedroom.
“Y’know, I came over here hoping to relax, not play 20 questions.” Jeno finished the slice within their sentences, grabbing another and dragging his feet to their living room.
“We knew it. Sorry.” Jaemin followed again, sitting next to him on the couch.
“I’m guessing it went terrible, based on the fact you’re not saying much.” Haechan said as he grabbed the remote to turn to a scary movie, Jeno’s favorite, hoping to cheer him up from his “awful” experience.
If only they knew it was the complete opposite.
You were absolutely amazing, he thought.
He just didn’t want to share that. And to gloat about you, felt unnatural unlike the others.
If he could keep you to himself, he would. No one else needed to know.
“Well there’s plenty of them left out there.” Jaemin patted Jeno on his back, feeling smug that his friend felt comfortable enough to come around.
They had everything misunderstood, but maybe it could stay that way.
You were being suffocated by your thoughts.
To think you were replaying the events of last night again, made you somewhat nauseous.
Jeno. Naked. You. Naked.
How he rearranged your guts in the most filthy way possible.
But it was everything you wanted. And more.
It wasn’t often you were faced with the dilemma of grabbing your phone and staring at your contacts, contemplating communication; finger hovering over his name.
Before you could even take a breath, a dropdown notification covered the upper half of your screen:
It wasn’t even a text. The obnoxious ringtone being the only indication to snap you out of your disbelief.
If this was “pre-fuck” Jeno, you would’ve let it go to voicemail.
Your trembling thumb tapped the green phone symbol, opting to hear him talk first.
“Probably wasn’t expecting me huh?”
His voice was still just as cocky, with a sneer to go along with his mixed signals.
[cut part]
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slavicviking · 7 months
In the mood for some delicious miscommunicatio trope for steddie so here we are >:) part 1 of ??
wc: 1281
tags: friends with benefits, requitted unrequitted love, idiot4idiot
Love sucks.
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
“You’re supposed to have my back, Robin,” Steve sighs and slumps against the counter.
“I do have your back,” she replies with a light pat on the shoulder. “I am, though, going to ask you to stop moping over the counter, dingus. I just wiped it down a moment ago.”
“That’s so rude. Maybe crying over this counter is exactly what I need right now, you know?”
“Don’t. The stench of boy-desperation is going to seep in.”
Steve snorts. At least with Robin here the Monday morning shift is not so overwhelmingly, mind-numbingly boring. There’s only so many times Steve can reorganize the backroom, trying not to think about, well, The Situation.
Robin hands him a small packet of skittles from a bowl as peace-offering. If they’re lucky Keith will never notice. “Okay, but, really – I think you should consider it.”
“It’s not that easy, Rob,” he sighs, wincing when the customer bell sounds from the doors, even more when he sees who it is.
“Howdy,” Eddie greets them before diving straight into the horror section of the store. Steve sees Robin follow him with her eyes, her lips pulled down at the corners. He knows that look and though he appreciates her feeling protective over him, Steve is past his need or desire for any sort of escalating drama, especially within a group as tightly-knit as the Party. His hand lands in hers under the counter and squeezes.
Eddie comes back around ten minutes later, a video tape in hand. The plain T-shirt and the usual ripped jeans don’t look like much but Steve still finds it too magnetic to look away.
“The Shining?” Steve quirks an eyebrow. “A bit too mainstream for you, isn’t it?”
“It’s a classic, Stevie,” Eddie grins before leaning closer, twirling a lock of hair between his fingers, and if Steve didn’t know any better he’d say Eddie looked nervous. Which - ridiculous. Nothing to be nervous about, not in Eddie’s case anyway.  “Actually, I was wondering. I mean, it is a classic, right? Already mentioned that, um. But we could watch it together. If you’d like. No pressure, or anything.”
Before Steve can reply, the bell over the doors rings again and in a flurry of motions a chipper blonde runs up to the counter of Family Video, a dimpled smile plastered over her face. Jenna, if Steve recalls correctly – Robin’s year.
“Hi, Steve!” she greets loudly, hair pulled up in a high ponytail bouncing up and down. “I didn’t know you worked here. I mean, I did, I’ve been here before. Breakfast Club, remember? Anyway, after the earthquake I kind of thought you’d jump the ship. I mean, I would, but parents, you know?”
“Uh, yeah,” Steve blinks. “Guess I stayed.”
“Glad you did,” Jenna giggles, slim fingers just barely grazing over Steve’s arm. Enough to cause goosebumps. “Anyway, I’m here to return Fast Times for my brother. He was supposed to but he’s apparently too busy with basketball.”
Steve knows how this conversation should go, would have gone a few months ago, probably. He would ask about her brother and basketball, throw in a quip or two, maybe flex his arms, wink. It would work perfectly, too. And Jenna – she’s sweet, all dimples and cute skirts, colorful ribbons in her hair. She’s everything he should want right now – something easy and stable and realistic. But he can’t help but let his eyes drift to Eddie, how quiet he has gotten all of a sudden, maybe stressed about Jenna and the jock crowd she usually falls into; maybe because she feels eerily similar to how Chrissy used to be. Who knows.
In the end Steve just smiles politely and tells Jenna the fee to pay in a manner so robotic King Steve would cower in embarrassment at the mere sight. She looks miffed but it doesn’t deter her completely because she slips him a piece of paper with a poignant look shot Robin’s way. As if Robin was her greatest competition. Turn around, a little bit to the left, and there you’ll have it – the reason Steve Harrington is off the market.
Not that Eddie knows. Or will ever know.
The boundaries he set were pretty clear, Steve gets it.
“Did you see The Look?” Robin snickers next to him once Jenna’s gone and he can’t help but snort because, sure, Steve did have a crush on Robin very briefly what feels like ages ago, but by now the idea of them ever being considered a romantic couple is just laughable. Eddie, though, stays silent, eyebrows dropped low and eyes glued to the door.
Steve decides to bite the bullet.
“I’m game, you know.” Eddie shots him a perplexed look and he feels a hot wave of embarrassment wash over him swiftly. It’s clear Eddie hasn’t given the invitation much thought, maybe didn’t even really mean it in the first place but wanted to be polite. “You know, for, uh, The Shining.”
“Oh, yeah, sure, that,” Eddie shrugs, shoulders rising almost to his ears. “You can come. If you want.”
Eddie doesn’t linger after that, leaving Family Video with much less vigor than when he entered. Maybe that’s Steve’s effect on people, he muses as he dumps the slip with Jenna’s number into the bin in the backroom. The Steve Experience is an intense one, as he has been notified of before.
“So. What the hell was that?” Robin pokes him in the arm, nails surprisingly sharp and painful.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” Steve sighs. “He hates me. Fuck.”
“He doesn’t, dingus, I promise you,” Robin slings her arm across his chest and leans against his back. Steve loves her so much. “But he’s being super weird. I mean, my guess would be that he got jealous, honestly-“
“You know it isn’t like that. It’s just sex, he said so himself.”
And, okay, so. The Situation.
The weeks following Vecna’s attempt at world-domination royally sucked ass. The NDAs, the nightmares and all-encompassing fear – that Steve knows, that he can deal with on most days. Physical therapy was a nicely added new feature, it at least spiced things up a little. It’s also how Steve and Eddie ended up spending a lot of time together. Becoming friends with Eddie was surprisingly easy, falling for him – a slippery slope.
It's Eddie that suggested their little arrangement and it’s Eddie that has been vocal since the beginning that it’s nothing more than hooking up – blowing off steam, as he once called it. Happened only a handful times, too, and only after one or the other couldn’t sleep because of nightmares. So, really, it’s on Steve to get so attached to an idea that exists only in his own head.
Before they close up, Robin taps him on the shoulder. “You deserve better, Steve, okay? Someone who cares. Just – think about it.”
A slip of paper with a number finds its way into his pocket, second one today but first for a boy; some guy that Robin met via a mutual friend – Dorothy, or whatever. It weighs on his mind the whole drive to the trailer park but the moment Eddie opens the door, it really doesn’t matter anymore, does it?
For once, Steve wants to be in control. And with Eddie looking at his mouth the way he is, Steve feels wanted, desired, however illusory that really is. The kiss grows heated once they enter the trailer but the second he lays Eddie on the couch, a pair of hands pushes him away gently.
“We shouldn’t,” Eddie pants. “We- I don’t think we should do this anymore.”
part 2??
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making-noodles-png · 5 months
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Question in context anyways les go. I wanted to edit a few bits anyways so yeah
• ever since I had that tumbler poll I'm questiong myself if wallace should work 3 jobs rather then just one bc no way can he afford that bad of a apartment and provide for himself and scott on a 15$ paycheck so yeah it's reasonable. Wallace works as a telemarketer or some office job (makes more but is fucking boring). Old navy (makes less bit is pretty simple and he can hear his coworkers gossip and pick a few songs) and at a diner (it's in the middle honestly. Makes a god amount of money and is decent, works his ass off but still gets to hear whoever can gossip but sorta wants to quit. Stays at the job bc of one coworker who begged him to stay)
• Mobile works in a library or Spencer's (IK mobile works in some random ah office job but seeing how the rest of the crew in the scott pikgrim series has a pretty minimum wage job I sorta see him start off slow in a new province and have a relaxing ot fun job. Library seems to suit the guy because uts laid back and quiet. Also I took the inspiration from the anime "book seller Honda-San". BUT...but (idk my friend suggested this to me) but mobile: the most average lookin ah guy in the whole entire franchise working...in a Spencer's...it's pretty fuckin funny- just imagine you see some office worker lookin ah dude stocking up on the spiked collars with the most bland lanyard) but I'm sticking with the library idea
• Mobile is a music nerd. He plays a few instruments when he was younger and sticks to playing the piano and sometimes the violin. He likes jazz but likes fast paces music for one thing....rhythm games- idk why but I sorta imagine wallace, scott and mobile going to the arcade one day, scott showing off his epick DDR skills and mobile absolutely DESTORYS HIM. DOUBLE PADS. EXTREAM OR INTENSE IDK AND ALL PERFECT TOO...and then scott never brings walace to the arcade again because he knows mobile would just show off again-
• Wallace is filopino (idk I just see him loving filo food, karaoke, bejng loud af at parties and come on. He loves to gossip) and mobile is half veitnamese and half Korean but is extremely white washes but by the time he reaches freshmen year of collage he actually wants to learn a bit more about both cultures and sorta enjoys trying to get in touch with his roots
• Mobiles parents names are Sam jin and April Nguyen-jin (nick named apple) (divorced) now you might he wondering abt thier names and...I just thought it would be funny to sorta name them after phone companies (like SAMsung and APPLE) because...COME ON THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY HIS NAME JS MOBILE
• Mobile likes cold weather meanwhile wallace likes hot. Mobile likes to wear alot of layers during the winter so whenever ut gets too cold wallace immediately just snuggles up with him :)
• Mobile visits wallace whenever he's on break from the library job and helps him (ex: whenever wallace is at old navy or something he drops by and helps walace folds or tag any of the clothes while they talk)
• Joseph and mobile work at the library while wallace and Jimmy both work at the diner
(Those were from my notes onto a few new headcannons-)
Since Todd's pyshic powers are green. I look into the color wheel to see the opposite of green which is likena sorta pink and I just imagine that's what's mobiles powers might look like :) (also TV girl reference)
Mobile is one hell of a quiet guy. Dosnt like to talk often at parties or at clubs and tries to survive any sort of small talk BUT when it comes to wallace he enjoys long conversations about the most random shit that pops into thier heads. Eaither it's gossip from work, some random ass fact that mobile found out, or how to do X thing for Y...thing?
MOBILE CANT READ TONE like sorta- whenever someone is joking around him (especially wallace or other scott) he sorta...takes it seriously? Like a joke when other scott said and mobile just spitting out random facts on how its basically impossible for the chicken to cross the road without getting hit, depends on how fast the cars are going, What time of the day it might be, if the chicken were to walk to cross the road or jumo over cars. Really comes off to being defensive and he dosnt mean any harm so whenever someone like wallave was telling a joke he laughs it off, realizes mobiles confused as hell expression and just says "...that's a joke-" With mobile replying with "....oh yeah-"
Mobiles and wallaces dates usually consist of: museums, the aquarium, some fine dining. Any fancy shit mobile can afford, wallave would LOVE
Mobile overworks himself often and sometimes dosnt realize it. He sorta sees himself just simply finishing a task that he's SUPPOSED to finish in reality it was justa. Option if he wanted to do it or not. Even when he's working in Nintendo he gose into crunch mode often and gets tired more easily WALLACE on the other hand reminds mobile to be on breaks whenever he needs to and takes care of the guy (awh :))
In collage mobile majors in computer science or coding or game development. Whatever computer techy course, he just takes it and then ends up working for Nintendo so :)
Wallace has bad posture. Trues to go ahead and fix it himself but just gives up easily so whenever wallave is with mobile. Mobile just random slaps (lightly) wallaces back and reminds him to stand up straight
Wallace cracks his knuckles often or pops his neck and whenever he dose it makes a loud Crack or pop sound (yk the ones) and it freaks mobile out sometimes
Mobile is prone to carpal tunnel and migraines and has to wear those arm braces often and take those migraine pills too.
Like I mentioned before mobile is a deadpan sorta dude, monotone voice sorta stuff but when wallave is around he's...a bit more expressive.
EDIT: BOUNUS. MOBILE DOSE TAROT CARD READINGS i had this headcannons for MONTHS now and thought it would be silly and then i realize I did this so....yeah. I imagine whenever mobile and Wallace do morning cuddles and shit wallace is like "...yo what's my daily reading" mobile:"...okay let's see, 3 of cups-". Mobile learned how to do traot card reading easily. Like Todd mentioned before he had this picture memory thingy and can remeber scripts easily but its weak sometimes (*FLASH BACK TO THE TRAILER INCIDENT-*) so I imagine mobile dose the same when it comes to memorizing tarot cards meanings
Wallace/ or mobile sits really weird in chairs. Before living with scott, Wallace would sit... Basically like L from a death note or some shit, or one leg up while the other is crossed. He's been used to doing this a lot when he was still in high school while eating dinner with his family, but he soon grew out of it once he reached college. Meanwhile, for mobile, he's just been doing it. Somehow, he is still managing good posture tf
Mobile eaither has a good and fashionable wardrobe comsisting of dark or light academia sort of clothes (wallace didnt know what it was called so one day he just called it "collage professor drag") OR he has that one goofy ah cartoon character looking closet where it's just the same thing over and over again
Mobile tends to chew on his pen often. Was a bad habit he had back in elementary, worsen when he was in highschool due to alot of extra credit and after school programs he was in, collage it got even worse because he mainly used pens and got ink EVERYWHERE
Like hollie and Kim. Joseph and mobile work together in the library, they don't...really talk to eachother but he dose eyeball Joseph sometimes whenever knives brings stephen along to the library and joseph just stares at stephen. Mobile couldn't tell if Joseph likes stephen or just hates him
Wallace brings mobile to some of the sex bob-ombs practices and shows. mobile just watches patiently like romona, wallace and neil would but afterward give pretty decent advice to knives since... he experienced piano player. And whenever stephen ask mobile for advice in general; mobile would just give them a rating out of 20
Another reason why mobile dosnt show alot of expression and is mainly just a deadpan sorta dude is because when mobile was in highschool he had braces and it sucked ass for him. It hurts all the time and he had those rubber band things in his mouth MEANING whenever his friends made him laugh or he had to yawn THAT SHIT HURTS WHEN IT BREAKS. Later in his adult life he just gets retainers instead
Sometimes at night. Whenever mobile comes home tired and worn out He and wallace just silently ea0t dinner and cuddle while they drink wine
Wallace is a vodka mom. Mobile is a wine mom. Change my mind
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da3dm · 11 months
In the deep blue sea, there isn't a place for me
Yeah I got that title from the same thing sloth sent brick...but I changed it a bit! Here's the result of that mystery poll from before—Sloth kinda half helped with editing this...this is a oneshot with two parts to it bc it'll be super long otherwise and then brick would never read it
It feels rushed to me but maybe not to you guys! Also my askbox is always open
Taglist: @brick-a-doodle-do , @i-am-beckyu , @justarandomsloth , @awkwardgtace , @rosewriting-ao3 (and look rose, gentle giant!!)
If you want tagged you gotta tell me or I can't
TW: Unintentional fearplay, character believing they'll die, begging to die (won't die), blood, mild cursing there's like one curse word bc Irza is Irza, character thinking they might be eaten, mention of suicide. (If there's more please tell me)
Word Count: 4.3k
Part 1/2
Well, this was by far not how he expected his day to go, but...he never did like boring things. But maybe even this was a little too far a stretch to be seen as boredom relief. His time would've been better spent not getting in this situation. Honestly, the last thing he remembered was the pod of mer he lived with outcasting him by using a prank. He was brought out to the middle of nowhere and ditched. With that sort of result he didn't even bother trying to return…he'd had enough and been planning to leave soon anyway. Seeing as he didn't have any possessions, he simply swam away.
Then everything had started to darken. It hadn't been too concerning because looking around…there really wasn't anything there. No predators. So he continued on his way to the shore, hoping to travel through the shallows to find a new home rather than the open ocean. Only a pod could somewhat safely be in the open like this, not a lone mer. It hadn't been too long after until he discovered the water was shoving him around strangely. Lightly, at first. Then it quickly started to increase and his panic rose rapidly. If only he'd noticed that the oncoming darkness was the omen of a storm.
It swept him away helplessly, flailing through the water like a loose piece of kelp. He could faintly recall that it pushed him roughly in the direction of shore, yet another thing only making the water's abuse even worse. It was fully expected that the water's torrent would smash his rather frail body into the rocks lining the edges. Leave him stranded in a tidepool where he'd be picked at by predators. Maybe bury him in the sand where he'd have no hope of escape. It was at that point he'd crashed into something big and smooth, with a lot of clattering sounds all around him. Then it had gone black, the impact too much to withstand.
And that brings him to now. The sun was hot on his exposed skin, the water level steadily getting lower, and hotter. It felt like he was being boiled alive. He was trapped inside something. Something clear, that shifted and crinkled when he moved, and was rather uncomfortable. Sure, it had probably saved him from outright dying, but now he was too far from the water to even attempt tipping the thing over to escape. This was a rather precarious situation to find himself in. After waking up in here it had looked to be sunrise and the container was half full…but now the sun was directly above him, beating down on his vulnerable form while the water was so low he couldn't even fully submerge.
While half his body was in the water, he shifted around to try and rearrange a few more times and only got the same results each time. It was hopeless, so he worked on keeping his tail in the water as much as possible, refusing to believe he'd simply die here. There had to be a way out, even if that meant waiting for night to fall, when the tide would be higher. He might be out of water by then, but…it was likely his only chance of survival. Being out on the sand in the hot sun would both cook him and let his predators see he was there. That would be his end right then and there with how far he was. He may want out, but he wasn't suicidal.
Trying to think of what to do, more time was passing and the water was getting lower. It was maybe an hour or two later of him attempting to figure out freedom when there was a change. He was noticing that it was a little cooler, sparing him of losing all of the water, but that wasn't all. There was a new tremor motion the water reacted to. He blinked at the tiny, extra ripples his body wasn't causing. The ripples stayed that way but soon he realized they were getting bigger. Not long after, it came to his attention that he could feel a vibration traveling from the ground through the rest of his body. A rising dread filled him and he scrambled to try and see, holding himself up.
He couldn't see anything. Well…to be fair it looked like he was in a ditch, it'd be hard to see anywhere from this angle. The vibration stopped and he held his breath. Nothing. Was it gone? In his distraction however, he failed to notice that all his movement had drawn something after him. All of a sudden something crashed into his prison and he barely avoided calling out, biting his tongue and flailing for balance. He looked up in a hurry to face his attacker and froze. A bird. What even was this thing?? It was white but he didn't recognize it from the usual pelicans he'd seen where he used to live. Still, it was eyeing him like a new meal.
Stopping to wonder what it was might not have been his brightest idea as it was now sticking its beak inside the small opening, wings flapping wildly. The webbed feet pushed at the clear walls as he hurriedly pushed himself down, away from the threatening beak. He bared his teeth uselessly, but it made him feel a lot better. Truthfully all the motion was sickening and too chaotic to make right from left. It even made a loud, overbearing sound that made his head ring painfully. The noise echoed in this small space way too much and he slapped his hands over his ears reflexively. This was too much for him. He hadn't even started to escape yet…and he was being attacked.
Then the vibration from earlier came to his attention, much heavier than before. It made him bounce in place and even the bird reacted, looking at the cause and calling out again. Before much else happened, a new sound came to him, sounding like words, but way too loud to be words. It made the space around him shudder and the bird had left. He had to breathe for a moment before he even dared look up, bracing himself against the slick walls and gazing up just as a new shadow fell right before his clear cage. In some ways he'd wished he'd never looked up.
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The owner of the massive shadow was just as huge, towering over him in a way he'd never seen before. His mind immediately supplied the word human. He'd been told about them, seen them from a distance…he knew they were bigger, but not like this. Why would he get stuck on the beach and run into one of them?! Did the world really hate him that much?! Unfair! Not to mention, humans were supposed to stay away from the area he'd been heading for. Had he really been swept so far off his intended path?? Anything was possible at his size in a storm that nasty, but going from stormy waters, to a bird, to a human, wasn't even bad luck. That's like an outright curse.
His thoughts were cut short when the giant being took a step closer to him, shaking the entire space and making him scramble to prevent faceplanting. It was coming closer. His dread didn't have time to build up before a hand came rushing towards his trap, one way too big for what seemed natural. Though he clawed at the smooth surface surrounding him, it was hopeless, the hand closing around it. He shuddered at the realization the hand went all the way around the bottle…he could see the fingers nearly connect. That was to say…he forgot what would happen when it's being grabbed.
Not even a second later, he was hoisted off the ground, making his stomach do a wild flip while he forced himself to stay calm. What if it wanted him to be scared? But when the space was tilted and the water began to flow away from him, he gave an involuntary yelp of surprise and looked around frantically. The tilt suddenly stopped and it went back to how it had been before, the water returning. This time when looking at the human, he found bright green, huge eyes that were both locked right on him. He fought back a shiver, meeting that, admittedly, intimidating gaze. The eyes widened and he froze up.
Way too dizzying fast, he was racing skyward, stopping only once level with the way too big face. Out of pure instinct he bared his teeth with a growl, pushing himself back against the opposite side. He pointedly ignored that the hand was on that side of it and that he could feel the warmth it gave off from inside. Except when he growled, he noticed a responding movement from above and his eyes snapped to it, only to go stiff and regret showing aggression. Those weren't the right ears. They were like triangles and kept swiveling around. Listening, he thought. He suppressed another shudder, instead choosing to glare at this giant and those horribly observant eyes.
He knew he was being stared at, his every move kept track of, but he was trying to wrack his brain for why those ears and unnerving eyes were familiar to him. There wasn't much time to think as that loud sound came at him again—the voice. Definitely a voice. He ignored the words. They were too distorted and loud to understand while stuck inside this thing anyway. Besides, he didn't want to hear the taunts or what it might be planning to do to him. He'd rather seem boring and be tossed back to the ground and ignored.
Except those eyes changed and almost looked…worried? He scowled at it, but the voice returned and everything was turning sideways at an agonizingly slow pace. His slow slide felt like torture, especially with how fast the water was already pouring past him, tugging him along faster than it was tipping. At this point all he could do was weakly scratch at it, feeling like he was being played with on his way towards the only opening. The last thing he tried was spreading his arms too wide to fit while trying to turn to keep his tail inside. If it fell out, the weight would just drag him down.
When he hit the opening he stuck, just as intended. A grim, victory smile plastered on his face as he fought to keep himself in this same position while looking to the side at the human. What he found was a look of surprise, but nothing happened. It was held in the same position, not moving even slightly. He thought he'd be shaken or something, but it never came. Instead, the voice came again, still not understandable from his position. It got quiet and motionless, as if the human was just waiting for him to change his mind or something. Not happening! That was when he noticed he was slipping. The giant jerk was waiting him out.
He growled in real anger at being treated this way, noticing those creepy ears moving as he made the sound. All he could see in those big eyes, was patience. A steady, calm, patience. Like this human already knew they'd win this. And they would, which only upset him even more. The problem was that he was still slipping, and steadily feeling like he needed to catch himself. Was he just going to fall to his death or what? Was the human dumping him out of the way? It was hard to say, but he was about to find out for himself. There wasn't even a shred of hope in his mind of holding on for longer than the human could wait…the surface and angle were simply too much and only half his body could be used to prevent it.
With one last squirm in an attempt to stay inside, he finally couldn't stay splayed anymore and fell headfirst out of the thing. His eyes screwed shut, certain he would plummet to his death…only for the result to be much less dramatic. The impact was muted, interrupted maybe only a second later by something soft that smelled heavily of herbs. For a moment all he could do was breathe, his heart racing painfully as his chest heaved from the scare. He didn't waste much time and after only a few breaths, he moved to figure out what exactly happened. Seeing it made him freeze up, his eyes landing on the tan colored, patterned floor beneath him. Skin.
Looking up while already know what would be there, his almost weary gaze trailed up the length of an arm all the way to the human's face. He was in the damn thing's hand. He inwardly groaned and pushed himself up while taking a deep breath, glancing at the fingers towering over him. A threat. It was mostly behind him and he let his head hang so he could simply see past his arms without it knowing where he was looking. It was hard to know what would happen if he was caught staring, and honestly? He'd rather be ended because he fought back, not for looking at something. That would be even worse than having been abandoned by his own pod using a prank. So he held his breath and looked up at that face again.
Then he immediately bit the hand beneath him. Hard. His aim was to draw blood at the very least, and he needed to do it before the human could stop him. The only response he seemed to get was a quiet whine of pain and a harsh flinch that nearly sent him off the hand. What stopped such a fate were the fingers, curling up over him. Without delay, since the other bite was already bleeding, he whipped around and sunk his teeth into one of those massive digits instead, his arms wrapping around it so his claws could dig in as well. He was fully aware that he couldn't win this, but that didn't stop him from trying.
What did make him pause was that finger separating itself from the rest slowly, followed by that much too loud voice ringing out above him. "Uhm…will you please let go…? That…it kinda hurts?" The voice was still too loud for him, but he could for the first time understand the words being spoken, even even what sounded like hesitation in the tone. Of course, his response to this comment was to bite even harder and snarl while he did, moving his head a little to trying twisting and make it worse. The human winced in pain, those ears drawing back as it instead muttered, "Yeah, okay, that's fair." He wanted the human to feel pain, why was it saying this was fair?!
His anger was boiling over and he grabbed onto it, using it to bury all the fear as he snapped his head to the side with an angry hiss, clawing at the finger he'd been biting before it bending forced him to let go. He fell back onto the palm, not really able to support himself with his tail. Wait. The human had a tail too. He narrowed his eyes while keeping his teeth bared as a few things clicked into place. He remembered an animal that had those ears, eyes, and tail. It was also very sharp in his mind that he'd seen it swiping fish out if the water and chasing any mer that got close. He didn't know the name, but this human looked like they were part animal. That animal. That eats fish. And probably mer too.
A very brief look of terror flashed through his eyes and he dug his claws into the palm a whole lot more to hurriedly turn it into anger. He looked this giant in the eye with as much Hate and rage as he could muster, his mind simmering as he ignored how the sun was slowly making his skin itch as it dried him out. With one deep breath, he practically screamed out, "THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN GOING TO DO?! STOP STARING AND JUST DO SOMETHING DAMNIT! YOU'RE TOO LOUD AND TOYING WITH ME! IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO SOMETHING TO ME, JUST DO IT!" His sudden volume was plenty loud enough to make those freaky animal ears go down and it felt like his own personal victory.
Until the hand finally moved. He was going up, being brought right to that face. It was impossible to fully get rid of a shudder as his eyes widened. Was he going to die now? His mouth did usually get everyone mad at him. He'd actually asked for this one though, but…he looked at the closed mouth of the face he was rapidly approaching. Was the giant going to eat him like that animal did that fish? He turned his head away to hide his face while not wanting to see what would happen to him. It was over. He'd purposely yelled at the human and said to get it over with. It was only a moment later that he felt the huge digits behind him start to close in on him. He didn't even flinch.
He was expecting to die somehow, but the human decided to speak again. "What?? You…do you think I want to hurt you? I'm sorry I was too loud…did I really scare you that badly? I wasn't trying really hard not to—" Why was this stupid giant prolonging his death? But they just continued their ramble. "—but I…I messed up? What did I do? How do I fix it? Is there something you want?" The voice was growing increasingly higher pitched and they were talking way too fast. He growled inwardly, despising that he had to listen to such idiotic lies after begging to die. Did it really thing he was that stupid? That he wasn't just some fun creature to toy with and leave to die? Lies.
He raised his head back up to stare his likely killer in the eyes, only to find out they were right in front of him. He had soared past the mouth and even the nose, being held so perfectly level with the eyes that he couldn't avoid noticing their emotions. With a shiver he didn't even try to contain, he scrambled backwards only to realize those fingers were holding him in place. His eyes were rounded at this revelation, merely glad to see his tail was at least still against the palm and not just hanging. If relieved was the right thing to feel, rather, when he was terrified. What else could he feel when staring into eyes each bigger than his head. Happiness??
Finally though, the hand moving snapped him out of it right as the human softly asked, "Hey, are you okay? Can't you speak?" Alright, so now he was going to be seen as some stupid animal that didn't even have intelligence? Like he'd allow that.
With yet another ferocious snarl, he growled, "Get the fuck away from me." His voice felt despairingly weak and he swallowed hard. Having to meet these eyes like this was…so uncomfortable. It frayed his nerves and played with his mind. The eyes looked too guilty. He leaned away. "Just…just leave me alone or kill me already. I don't want to play these games anymore." He was scared, but his tone still came out full of rage.
The huge eyes only got bigger as they widened, full of what looked to borderline horror. "Kill you?! I'm not going to kill you!" The human shouldn't be sounding so scared of his words. They should be getting mad, yelling at him, hurting him. But nothing was happening. Instead, he rapidly found himself tumbling back down into the hand, which now became two, simply cupped together. It wasn't right to be held like he was breakable. He glared at the human. They just wouldn't stop trying to mess with him.
Without thinking it through, he snapped, "Why not?! You're bigger than me, you're a predator, I shouldn't even still be alive except to be a handy little plaything for your own entertainment!" Nothing was said in response, everything going quiet. The human was…silenced? By his worthless and weak voice? This game was getting absurd and the look of pity he was receiving only served to make him retaliate with anger. He bit the hand again, trying as hard as he possibly could to be dropped or finally killed or something.
A wince of pain, but then nothing. He growled and twisted his head, eliciting a gasp and a following whine from right beside him. "Please don't do that…" Not long after, the other hand stopped being a floor for him and tilted up to cover him from above. He stopped and bit a different spot, feeling his eyes burn from tears he refused to allow free. This was it. The human was finally going to end it, by…crushing him. He finally got what he wanted…why did it make him want to escape from it? To never have asked for this? But no pain came. It was darkened, but stopped there, the other hand harmlessly held over him, making it almost reminiscent of a cave…if the walls were made of tanned flesh that kept moving around him. A muffled voice came to him next with, "I'll just put you back in the ocean…"
A spike of fear at the thought of returning, and yet he could already feel the human moving, making him roll slightly while struggling to stay in place. He stopped biting, now more intent on keeping himself still and not being given back to the ocean. Sure he'd been planning to escape there, but if he was for some reason getting free transport he wanted something else. A river or stream, something to make his boring life have some sort of meaning to it. This felt more like he'd be discarded this way than freed into it. He wasn't going to say or do anything, but his racing heart won. "WAIT WAIT WAIT!"
Everything immediately stilled and he had to cling to the skin under him to not go rolling away. He wanted to relax and maybe try to figure out why he'd said to wait, but the human of course had to butt in on it. "Don't you live there? I'll put you back, are you sure?" He inhaled sharply, thinking about being in the exposed shallows with the sheer number of those strange birds from earlier hanging around. He'd seen how many there were already. If he was put back in, not only would he be back in the place he'd grown to hate, he'd become food. Dying by the hand of a giant sounded much better than temporary, fake freedom, followed by being eaten.
He moved a bit, wincing silently at how dry his tail was feeling. "...I don't want to be in the ocean. Do whatever you want with me, just get rid of me already, but not the ocean…" He should've been asking for the ocean, not to stay away from it. This was stupid. Why would the human even listen? All he did was give it a new way to hurt—
"Okay, I won't." He stiffened greatly. Won't what? The voice sounded almost resigned with those words, making his already raised guard bristle with discomfort. Before he could demand an answer though, they spoke again, "I'll just…take you home. You're probably needing some water about now and my skin can't be helping that, not to mention it's really hot out today, huh? And it's not like there's any other water sources around…I don't even know what else you want if you don't want the ocean. Maybe you'll tell me once you're not so dried up?" He blinked at the half darkness as he listened to the disembodied voice from beyond the walls of hand.
The human was…just going to keep him? Probably to be able to toy with him better. Tools and other gadgets at their home to make his fate even worse. With an air of defeat over knowing he couldn't possibly claw his way out of the prison of hands, he hung his head. "...fine." His voice was quiet but with those ears? No doubt the human heard him. Fine. He'd accept this fate, but he'd go down fighting. He could already feel this giant moving again. For now however, he let his eyes drift shut, exhausted from his struggle and not sure if he'd even wake up later. Not without digging his claws in for good measure, smiling in grim satisfaction at the pained response he got.
Words rang out above him, "Alright, then let's go! I'll take and get a good look at you to make sure you're not injured and try to find a good place for you to stay!" That cheery voice was going to be the death of him, in more ways than one. Yet, that was the last thing he heard before his mind shut itself off. Oh well. Time to leave his fate to the mercy of this strange, giant being…even if it meant he'd die.
Maybe he wouldn't.
Part 2 (unwritten)
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annas-hair-donut · 5 months
Bundle Up, Scooch In
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Kristoff, Anna, Bulda, Elsa, Honeymaren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Colonial America, 18th Century, Love at First Sight, (sort of), Angst and Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Family Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Snowed In, Cuddling & Snuggling, Awkward Sexual Situations, Clothed Sex, interruptions, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Kristoff Needs a Hug, Minor Elsa/Honeymaren (Disney) Summary:
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Written for the Frozen x Beauty and the Beast Yuletide Exchange
“When will we get to Living Rock Township?” Kristoff’s passenger Anna was only talking to him because he was there and she was bored, which was almost worse than ignoring him. 
He wasn’t in the habit of conversing with strangers, especially pretty, high-born women who were cheerful even when there wasn’t a reason to be. He didn’t see the point.
“When we get there.”
He wasn’t trying to be funny, but Anna laughed anyway. Rather than ignore the daggers he shot at her, she laughed even more.
“I’m sorry!” she said as she caught her breath. “It’s just that, well, are you always this talkative?”
He answered her with a smirk. This was why he bought a wagon and not a carriage: he’d have rather delivered parcels and mail than people any day.
But Mrs. Stone, the pastor’s daughter and one of the only nice people in Living Rock Township, had specifically requested he be nice when he collected Anna at the harbor, so he attempted conversation, though it didn’t help much. 
“What are you even doing here?”
“I beg your pardon?” Her wrinkled forehead didn’t dampen her bright eyes. “That attitude is completely unnecessary.”
Kristoff whistled and his horse Sven stopped. Then he turned on the bench to face her. “You had to have a good reason to leave your family and probably very comfortable life in Arendelle to risk crossing the ocean. Especially alone-”
Then he remembered there was supposed to be a man with her.
Anna scooted away from him on the bench and folded her arms. “That’s none of your concern.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes when she lifted her nose in the air like she wanted an apology.
Instead, he said, “Fine,” and told Sven to walk on. So much for his attempt at friendship.
Then it crossed his mind that perhaps she had lost her companion on the voyage so he swallowed his pride. “It’s just unusual, that’s all.”
She let out a deep breath instead of crying and Kristoff relaxed. “My fiance was supposed to come with me.”
“I guess things didn’t work out with Prince Charming, there?”
Anna shook her head and added, “Well, see, I met him at a ball.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes. He already knew where this story was headed.
“It was amazing and magical. He was dreamy and divine. And he asked me to marry him that night! Of course, I thought it was true love so I-”
“You agreed to marry a man you just met? That day?”
Anna stopped talking and glared at him.
“I mean, sure. Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time,” he said sarcastically.
“Anywho, my sister lives at North Mountain and I haven’t seen her in years—she got accused of witchcraft and had to leave in a hurry, long story-”
She said it so casually that it almost didn’t register. “Wait, what!?”
“How far is North Mountain from Living Rock? Do you know how to get there?”
“You might not want to talk about that kind of stuff too loudly here. Personally, I think it’s a bunch of hogwash, but other people seem to take it pretty seriously.”
It almost seemed like she was mocking him when she said, “Anyway, we were going to join her at North Mountain. My parents actually passed away a few years ago-"
"You lost your parents?"
Anna paused and smiled at him. "They were trying to find Elsa, but their ship never made it. That was about three years ago or so."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
She smiled again. "Well, obviously I wanted my sister's blessing since I couldn't get my parents. So I made all the arrangements and wrote to her. But I don’t know if she even got the letter-”
“So she doesn’t even know you’re coming?”
“Well, no…” Anna twisted her mittened hands in front of her and she looked off to the side. “Maybe. But I also wrote to Mrs. Stone gave. She gave me an open invitation when she and her husband left Arendelle. So I thought at least we’d be on the right continent.”
Then her voice dropped. “At least, I’m on the right continent.”
Kristoff pursed his lips. He hated to ask, but he was invested in the story. “So where’s your handsome prince now?”
She folded her arms again and spoke softly. “I guess he didn’t love me enough.”
Unfortunately, that tugged on Kristoff’s heartstrings and he couldn’t tell her what he really thought.
“I don’t believe it was love at first sight, in case that’s what you were thinking.”
Kristoff didn’t mean to snort.
She narrowed her eyes. “It was blind attraction, which can be even more problematic.”
“Not exactly the best way to start a life together.”
Not expecting silence, Kristoff turned his head. She was biting her lip, but he knew it wasn’t supposed to be suggestive. Or endearing.
Then she peered up at him, eyes blue-green like the sea, but constant, unwavering. “I still believe in love at first sight, but I’ve learned my lesson.”
He desperately wanted to look away from her but he couldn’t.
“Next time I’ll take a closer look.”
Kristoff’s heartbeat quickened until she wrinkled her nose and giggled, finally looking away.
“I’ll know him when I see him! And when I find him I’m going to hold on tight and never let go. True love is worth it.”
Kristoff turned his head again. The huge smile plastered on her face locked him in the moment, even though stared far into the distance.
But then he shook his head and remembered the last time a woman looked at him as closely as Anna had. That had been some time ago, and she hadn’t offered him a passing glance since then. There was no reason to believe Anna was any different.
Continue reading at AO3.
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lilmissnatcat24 · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
thank you @westernlarch for the tag!
I couldn't post my most recent snippet because it was literally the biggest spoiler of all time so I wrote down a lil something something after that scene so please enjoy garrus and solana sibling time:
[Solana Vakarian]: Hey Gar. 
[Sol]: Hello??? 
[Sol]: Are you there? I know you’re awake and getting these. 
[Garrus Vakarian]: What do you want? 
[Sol]: Do you want to tell me WHY I found out from mom, who found out from dad, who found out from fucking VERNARI PALLIN of all people that you’re dating your human coworker? 
[Garrus]: I don’t want to talk about it. 
[Sol]: Sheesh, trouble in paradise already? What, did she finally come to her senses? She realize you never leave the toilet seat down? That you spend hours with your stupid weapon mods and guns? Or was it that she finally discovered that you’re actually a massive douche? 
[Garrus]: Do you only text me when you’re in the mood to insult me, or was there a point to this all? 
[Sol]: No, actually. Despite your sick, convoluted ideal of me, I actually was going to say that I was happy for you. Spirits fucking know that you waited long enough to finally tie someone down. 
[Garrus]: Hm. 
[Sol]: What’s her name anyways? 
[Garrus]: Delia. 
[Sol]: Kind’ve sounds turian, like she could be from a colony. 
[Garrus]: But everyone just calls her Shepard. That’s her last name. 
[Sol]: So? What’s she like? Is she nice? 
[Garrus]: Honestly, not really. 
[Sol]: HA, good. Someone needs to humble you, and that can’t be me all the time. There’s only like a two hour overlap where we’re both awake. 
[Garrus]: She’s very human. She’s individualistic. She doesn’t care about what others think of her. She’s actually pretty funny, in a rude sort of way. But she’s also really caring, kind’ve like mom. 
[Sol]: Mom really wants to meet her. 
[Garrus]: Does she now? 
[Sol]: She’s chirping in her bed, all of the nurses know. She downloaded a bunch of human vids to watch all day long. I watch them too sometimes. They’re actually pretty good, most of them are really violent with guns and blood and shit like that. There was this one she watched like three times the other day about a boat sinking, and each time she cried. 
[Garrus]: Yeah, that sounds like mom. 
[Sol]: Dad’s really excited, too. Obviously, he won’t say that out loud. I saw this datapad he was reading the other day about how it’s important to cook meat all the way through for humans like he’s gonna make her a dinner or something. I think he misses all of the food that he could get on the Citadel. He’s always liked humans, I think he’s happy you found one in C-Sec. He thinks she can set you on the straight and narrow path. 
[Garrus]: Then I think dad might be disappointed when he meets her. 
[Sol]: So you’re going to fly her out here, meet the family? 
[Garrus]: Yeah, I don’t know about that just yet. 
[Sol]: Come on. I want a sister-in-law, only dealing with you for the past twenty-five years is boring as shit. 
[Garrus]: Later, maybe. Things with work are really stressful right now. 
[Sol]: Yeah, and it has been for the past three years you haven’t been home. 
[Garrus]: That’s not fair, Sol. 
[Sol]: No, it isn’t. And you know what hasn’t been fair? Not seeing you since you left the military and since mom moved to hospice care.When’s the last time you even called her? Asked how she was doing? She misses you, and she doesn’t have too much time left, so whatever you’re doing, you better do it quickly before it’s too late. 
[Sol]: Whatever. Sorry. I don’t know. 
[Garrus]: Yeah, me too. 
[Sol]: Anyways, I hope you treat this human well. Maybe she can vidchat with mom or something soon. 
[Garrus]: We’ll see about that. 
[Sol]: What are you so afraid of? Is she super ugly or something? 
[Garrus]: No, she’s pretty. Really, really pretty. 
[Sol]: BLARG. 
[Garrus]: What was that? 
[Sol]: Sorry about that, I just vomited. 
[Garrus]: Rude. You asked. 
[Sol]: If that’s how you want to remember it, fine by me. 
I'm not going to tag anyone, you can use this as a sign to post a snippet!!!!!!!!!!
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stratossphere · 1 year
Been thinking about ville with an absolute sweetheart of a gf for a good while now…i just LOVE the grumpy X sunshine dynamic sm😭
(Ik hes also a sweetheart when he wants to be but hes also so mopey sometimes💀)
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sweetheart | v.v
you manage to drag ville along on errands, and he takes it really well.
warnings: general grouchiness, fluff
word count: 3.3k
a/n: i loved this req! my fav trope ever 🥹
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns @4377666
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Sometimes, you wondered if Ville Valo had been born on the wrong side of the bed. You loved your boyfriend to death, and there was not another person in this world that you would rather be around, but you had never met such a grouchy human being in your entire life.
You'd managed to drag him along for what was mostly a day of errands and just shopping in general, and the man was miserable. Sure, he'd held your hand the entire time, and hadn't refused to do anything that you wanted to do (which you appreciated), but that didn't mean he couldn't complain the whole time.
"I don't understand how this is fun for you. This fucking sucks." He grumbled as you held up another shirt to his chest to gauge whether or not you wanted him to try it on, pouting down at you as you hummed indecisively between the two shirts in your hand. He refused to give any opinions on what he liked and/or disliked, so you were on your own for picking. You'd decided to go into a clothes store despite knowing you were setting yourself up for a shitstorm of whining, because Ville's shirts all had more holes than they didn't, and it was going about how you had expected it to go.
"Lighten up, honey. You're going to have women falling at your feet if you wear the clothes I'm picking out." You said reassuringly, deciding on a shirt and then throwing it over your arm where you had a couple more picked out. He rolled his eyes.
"I don't want women falling at my feet. I want to take a nap." He looked morosely at the pile of shirts you had amassed, and you could already tell that getting him into a dressing room was going to be like pulling teeth. You only reached up to cup the back of his head so that he leaned down before you kissed his cheek, getting in three before he pulled back.
"Well, at least these'll be comfortable to nap in." That was your consolation, because it's not like he was really going to listen to anything else you could've said, anyway. "If I come in with you, will you please try these on?"
"Ugh. Fine." Sometimes, he kind of reminded you of an angsty teenager. You only smiled and took his hand back where you'd slipped yours out to sort through shirts, leading him towards the dressing rooms so that you could force him to give you a mini fashion show that you knew he would hate.
Once you had coerced him into a dressing room and had the door shut, Ville immediately dropped down on the bench, looking like he'd just been through a torture chamber. You hung your shirt collection on a hook so that you could hand them to him one by one, crossing your arms when he didn't move from where he was sitting.
"Ville. You have to try on the shirts." You reminded him of your agreement, not falling for his miserable look because it wasn't going to make you change your mind either way. He groaned.
"But this is so boring. Why do I have to try them on if you know my size already?" He insisted, essentially throwing a fit as he shot a glare at the shirt already in your hand. You just laughed, because he was almost painfully dramatic, before running a hand over his hair.
"Because I want to see how handsome you look." You cooed, handing over the first shirt and then motioning for him to get up so that you could sit and watch him change. "And hey. I'm having fun."
"Yeah. That's because you like torturing me." Like you said, dramatic. You were still laughing, and it only got worse as you listened to him huff the whole time he was pulling his extremely-ratty shirt over his head.
"If this is what you consider torture, I'm worried about how you function in real life." You teased, appreciating the sight of him shirtless paired with the extremely-low waist of his jeans as he finished getting his shirt off. It was easier to deal with his attitude when you had such a beautiful sight in front of you.
You went through each shirt slowly, mostly because it took about a minute of him fighting you on it, but eventually he'd tried on every single one. And, low and behold, every single one looked good on him. Who would've ever been able to guess.
"Mm. You are so handsome." You hummed as he peeled off the last shirt that he had been forced to try on, wrapping an arm around his waist just over his belt while you grinned up at him. "Give me a kiss."
"I'm glad you find this so funny." He muttered as he gave you your requested kiss, getting caught when your arm wrapped around his neck so that he couldn't get away when you pressed multiple kisses to his lips.
"I don't find it funny. I'm having a good time because I love you." You rephrased, rubbing your thumb over his cheek before you let him go. "Even though you're being whiney."
"Am not." The implication apparently offended him despite the fact that whining was all he'd been doing relentlessly all day, but he took your hand when you offered it to him regardless.
"Whatever you say, baby. I promise we're almost done."
Well, that was until you were walking down the street, bags in Ville's hand after he refused to let you carry anything, and you realized that you were on the same street as Kari Valo's sex shop.
"Oh! Let's go say hi to your dad!" You said excitedly. You'd just been at Ville's parents' house three days ago for dinner, but you never passed up an opportunity to at least pop into the store to say hi when you had the chance. Ville let out the world's loudest groan right there in the middle of the street, holding you back by his grip on your hand.
"We just saw him. The man is going to talk your ear off." He pointed out not untruthfully, and you knew that if he had a watch, he would've been checking it. Ville was on old person time when it came to how long he allowed himself (and you, by association) to be out and about. You scoffed.
"He's your dad. You'll survive." You yanked him right along then, ignoring his grumbles of complaint as you crossed the street with a perfected skill. You liked to remind yourself of the hours upon hours you'd spent watching him make the same sound repeatedly in a studio into the late hours of the night when everyone else had gone home when he started getting impatient. Once whatever activity you forced him into beat that, then he could complain all he wanted.
Kari was stocking when you stepped into the shop, but when he turned around and saw you walking in with his macabre son dragging along behind you, he was immediately on his feet.
"Oh! My dear! I didn't know you two were around!" He said ecstatically, pulling you into a hug as soon as you were close enough. Once you had been squeezed into breathlessness, he pulled back and eyed up his older son. "I see you brought the moper with you."
"I'm not deaf." Ville said dryly as he was also pulled into a bone-crushing hug, his unimpressed glare making its way back to you over his father's shoulder. Kari tutted.
"Why must you torture my poor daughter-in-law with your attitude?" He asked, clapping his son on the shoulder before he was motioning for the both of you to come further into the store. "What are you two up to today?"
"I got the crust-punk wannabe some new clothes considering his were literally falling apart at the seams." You revealed, ignoring Ville's disgruntled look at being called a crust-punk wannabe in favor of taking the bags from his hands. "You're not going to believe it, but some of these aren't even black."
"I was forced. I've been in shopping malls all fucking day." Ville added on, shaking his head at the thought as he leaned against the check-out counter to watch as you pulled out his new shirts to show Kari. Kari only snorted.
"That's a good thing. Maybe she'll finally be able to reform you into a suitable dresser." He teased. Well, half of the shirts you'd bought him had a band logo on them, because there's no way you would've been able to convince him to wear all nice shirts, but the idea was there.
"Yeah. Can't you tell?" You pointed to where the collar of Ville's t-shirt had started to rip away from the rest of the shirt material, leaving a long, thin hole between the two parts. Of course, he absolutely refused to throw it away, so the hole only continued to get bigger considering he wore the shirt around three times a week.
"I think you look like a homeless person when you wear stuff like that." Kari said disapprovingly, waving off the holes in Ville's clothes as he shook his head. Ville rolled his eyes, clearly building a retort, but you just laughed.
"Hey. He's still devilishly handsome." You defended your boyfriend, your grin widening because 'devilishly handsome' pulled a small chuckle out of Ville as you wrapped an absentminded arm around his waist and hooked one of your fingers in his belt loop.
You continued to talk to Kari for quite a while (although you loved Ville's dad, Ville was right in saying that he really knew how to talk your ear off) until he eventually shooed you out of the store so that he could be with customers and so that you two could 'go spend some time outside'. Which, much to Ville's relief, meant that you could finally go home.
"Well? Did you survive your horrible day?" You asked with dramatically-feigned sympathy, swinging both of your arms back and forth where you were holding his hand between the two of you as you walked. Ville shot you a look, squeezing your hand softly.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm having fun." And he sounded genuine, too. You let out a sigh, half of exasperation and half of disbelief, as you looked back at him. How in the world could someone even try to enjoy themselves when they did as much complaining as he did?
"You are so ridiculous. People probably think I'm torturing you." Or maybe that you were being tortured, considering how intimidating Ville's frowning could be. It didn't much affect you anymore unless he was really mad, but other people didn't have to deal with him whining in dressing rooms, so you had the upper hand. "If you're having such a good time, does that mean we can do more stuff?"
"No." See? Exactly what you thought. He yanked you by your hand until you were close enough for him to wrap his arm around your waist, holding you close so that you had no choice but to be stuck in his grasp. "You've been banned for the day."
"You know, I would get a lot more done if you weren't such a downer all the time." You huffed, leaning against his shoulder despite your words and grinning despite your best intentions as his thumb rubbed over your hip. He rolled his eyes, scoffing it off.
"You still love me even though I am." He said, sounding sure of himself as he led you along quickly like he was afraid that if you were able to read any shop names, you would've diverted off the path to home. You chuckled.
"Yeah. Sure." Your voice was barely a mumble, but of course he still heard you, and then he was squeezing your hip a lot tighter as he looked over at you with an eyebrow raised and a challenging look on his face.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to explain to me how I'm wrong?" He was, as always, completely straight-faced as he spoke, but you could see the amusement playing in his eyes, and you couldn't bite back your grin because you knew you were lying out of your ass by insinuating that you didn't love him despite his grouchy tendencies. You let out an overdramatic groan, squirming in his grasp.
"Fine! No!" You complained, laughing through your attempted groan as you tried and failed to get out of his grip and instead just ended up almost stumbling on the sidewalk. "I still love you even though you complain about everything and never let me do anything fun."
"Hey. I'm fun, and I let you do me all the time." He refuted, a hint of a grin cracking on his lips when you reached your slightly-cold fingers up to shove them into the crook of his neck.
"You keep telling yourself that, baby."
When you finally made it back to your shared apartment, Ville acted as if he had survived the gauntlet and had made it to safety in the way he immediately dropped facedown onto the couch. You snickered as you shut the door behind you, coming after him slower and leaning over the back of the couch to rub a hand up his back.
"My poor baby. Are you gonna survive?" You cooed, smiling when he hummed softly at the feeling of your nails scratching his back. When you didn't get a response in return, you decided you were going to have to force one out of him. So, while he was off his game and not looking at you, you rolled over the back of the couch and landed square on top of him. "Hey! I asked you a question!"
"Jesus fuck!" He groaned at the feeling of your sudden weight crushing him down into the couch, your laughing almost overpowering the sound as you struggled to pin him down so that he couldn't wrestle out from underneath you. "Get off!"
"Make me!" You cried, struggling against him as he tried to flip you over so that he had the upper hand. You used your knee to hold him down as you startled to tickle him, working your fingers under his shirt to tickle his sides where you knew he was the most sensitive. He let out a sound that was between a laugh and a gasp at the feeling, his face making an appearance out of the couch as he babbled for you to cease your assault.
"Alright! I'll say sorry or something! Stop fucking tickling me!" He cried out his surrender when he finally got a hand out against your chest to push you away, his voice barely audible over your breathless laughter. You sat straddling his hip where he was still lying down sideways, grabbing his wrist with both hands and holding his arm just in case he attempted to try anything on you while you still had the upper hand.
"Alright. Let's hear it, then." You goaded, motioning for him to continue. When his face screwed up in confusion, you raised your eyebrows. "I wanna hear your sorry or I'm going to keep tickling, so it better be good."
"Sorry you're a psycho." Of course, Ville could never just simply admit his faults and beg for forgiveness like any good boyfriend should, and all you could do was tsk in amused (but not surprised) discontent before you stuck your fingers under his shirt to tickle him again.
"What was that, honey? It's a little hard to hear you when I've got your ass pinned." You sang, catching just a glimpse of his fiery, eyeliner-accentuated glare as he struggled between laughing and trying to get out from underneath you. He failed the latter at the hands of the former, however, and all he did was continue to subject himself to your torture before he finally tapped out against your leg.
"Okay! Okay! I'll say it for real." He groaned, his voice breathless as he finally got ahold of your wrist before ripping your hand out from under his tattered shirt. You just beamed down at him, allowing him to keep his hold on your wrist because it was the closest thing you were going to get to him actually holding your hand.
"Make it good or I'll tickle you until you cry." You threatened sweetly, lifting his hand where it was still gripped tightly around your wrist to press a kiss to the top of it. He scoffed out a laugh at that, turning as best he could with your weight still on his hip so that he could look at you before he sighed.
"I'm sorry I'm a dick and that I make you deal with me all the time." He caved, not able to keep a grin from spreading to his lips when you caught him trying to worm a hand underneath you so that he could shove you off. When you gave him an expectant look, his grin widened. "...and I also love you dearly and will do whatever you want."
"Aww, that was such a terrible apology. Thank you." You teased, finally lifting off of him just enough to let him roll onto his back so that he wasn't pinned before you laid right back down on top of him and gave him a soft kiss. "Are you really going to do whatever I want?"
"No. I'm going to do what's good for you." He then shifted you so that you were trapped between his body and the couch, his arms wrapping tightly around you and completely caging you in where there was zero room for you to move. You sighed, accepting your fate and sliding one arm out to rest over his side just underneath his shirt.
"Yeah? And what's good for me?" You asked, feigning interest as you used his shoulder to muffle your laughing whilst trying to hold up your unimpressed front. Your stomach was starting to hurt from so much laughing, and it's not like he was doing anything to go easy on you. He let out a hum, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as your nails scratched gently at his back.
"A nap." Who could've possibly guessed that he was going to say that. Suspicious that a nap was best for you considering he'd been whining about wanting to take one all day. You leaned into him as he kissed softly at your cheek, knowing there was no way you were getting out of a nap now but intending on fighting him on it just for your own entertainment.
"I'm not tired. You want to take a nap." You rephrased, rubbing your foot against his and then snickering when he tried to shove said foot away from him. His apology for being a dick had clearly just been an easy out from being tickled, because here he was right back at it again.
"Shh. Just go to sleep." He muttered, clearly not listening to what you were saying as he yawned and stretched out further with his arms still around you and his legs half over yours. There wasn't a lot of room for the both of you on the couch, but he was clearly taking up every inch he could get. "I love you."
"I love you too." You hummed, rolling your eyes at his clingy behavior before just getting comfortable underneath his weight and reasoning that a nap really didn't sound too terrible anyway. "When you get up, I'm gonna make you do a movie night with me."
"Mhm. Whatever you want, my love."
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