#bro could fight without his own head and win
"The indomitable human spirit" yeah that's just ethan... Or Michael, Elizabeth, and Jack those bitches die and yet come back and keep fighting
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i love how you write for leo! could you write an hc of him dating a daughter of dionysus?? thank you sm <3
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x daughter of dionysus! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x daughter of dionysus! reader hcs warning: cursing probs but we keepin it clean today apprently author's note: as always, i get so scared to start these and then i start and it just spews out of me. so much fun but literally starting is worse than anything else fr
i just know you two go HARD together like aint nobody silly goose like YOU TWO silly goose
just two people in love trying to have the best time all the time
what could be better than that??
you guys just feed off each other's crazy energy
"...what do you think would happen if you fake proposed to me in this raising canes rn??"
"...wanna find out??"
like you guys be doing crazy stupid shit just for shits and giggles
and then you come back to camp and bounce up to your father like
"guess what guess what guess what-"
"what, honey?"
cue diet coke being spit everywhere
tho mr d really has no problems with leo
obvi he would love it if no one dated his daughter but honestly...he's grateful it's leo out of all the kids at camp half blood
and when you and leo nervously walked up to him to break the news, bro didn't even react
"dad...leo and i are dating. i know, i know, you don't like him-"
"nah, he's a good kid. we're good."
"what, what? it's not he's intimidating or dangerous or anything. the kids as thick as my pinky-"
"IT'S TRUE?!?!?"
leo still thinks about that late at night fr
it be haunting his dreams
the pranks you two pull go crazy stupid
like, shit people shouldn't even be thinking of, let alone executing
how you guys managed to fill the whole ares cabin with ball pit balls without anyone knowing until dinner was over is still a mystery to everyone at camp
mr. d always pretends to turn a blind eye when this happens, his daughters #1 supporter
"mr. d, you literally just saw her dump that bucket of paint on me!!"
"who? what? do you hear something? i should really get my ears cleaned out-"
"mr. d!!"
"imagine that, the god of insanity is starting to hear voices in his head. weird."
he's always gonna look out for his little girl (I deserved this from my own father but that’s totally not important and that sentence totally doesn’t make me want to cry-)
if he so much as senses you and leo got into a fight, it's over for leo
he's done for
a goner
one foot in the grave
mr. d will drag that boy by his ear to you, forcing him to apologize, even if you were in the wrong
bro does not care, you can do no wrong in his eyes
"dad, i just killed someone," you said once, glancing up at him over your poker cards, testing to see what he'd say
"well, are you asking for help or advice?" he replied without batting an eye, reaching for his cup and taking a sip
the real ride or die of this story
you and leo are quickly labeled the craziest couple at camp
a title worn so proudly
bc you both know it doesn't matter what other people say about you two
you're having the best time with your best friend and lover at the same time
win win situation if you ask me
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sturn3 · 2 months
based on "cameras/good ones go interlude" by drake !
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it's safe to say no one knew about you and chris.
not even that you guys were ever together. not even that you had to suffer watching him with a new girl. showing her off like he never did with you. making you wonder if you were the problem.
his friends knew about her. his family knew about her. hell, even his fans did.
which made you wonder if you truly ever meant anything to him. spending hours on the phone with your best friend analyzing every little thing and what you could've been.
unfortunately for you, you still had to see him. seeming as you were still very close to his brothers. nick even knew about your little situation and truly felt for you. it pained him to see how much you loved his idiot of a brother.
after months, when you finally decided to move on from him and go out with other men, the universe did not have your back. drunk chris calling you?? someone had to be kidding you.
"i miss you." ,"please come back to me. ", "baby, she look like a star but only on camera." ,"it look like we're in love, but only on camera."
"can you believe his audacity?" you said to your best friend as you replayed the voicemail to her ,licking the spoon of ice cream you were holding. "no honestly, who does he think he is" "no literally calling me baby too??? like bro where your girl at"
well your question was quickly answered the next time you hung out with nick "THANK GOD they broke up, she was unberableeeee y/n save us. all chris does nowadays is talk about how much he misses having you around." he said. "i do miss him nick but i can't bear to be that girl anymore, running after him like a lost puppy!"
when you'd come over, he'd race everyone on the way to open the door ,like a dog waiting for his owner. too bad for him, he only got the dryest "hi chris" in return!
it's safe to say chris was suffering without you. hating to see you so happy since you stopped talking to him. it was truly selfish of him but he couldn't help it. sabotaging your dates wasn't even an option for him anymore. he was royally screwed.
he'd have to fight hard to win you over again.
"so let me get this straight, you were with y/n?" matt said trying to wrap his head around it. chris nodded in confirmation. "and you were hiding it from all of us?" ,chris nodded again. "and now you broke up with elle cause you want her back? even though, you called the whole thing off in the first place to be with elle?" ,chris sighed and leaned his face in his hands "yeah." he said quitely. matt laughed at his younger brother and put a hand on his shoulder "good luck buddy" he said as he resumed playing his game.
next time chris saw you was at a friend's birthday party. walking down the stairs in your little black dress and kitten heels, looking as beautiful as ever and having everyone in the room take a second glance at you. you were truly glowing and making his heart ache from how beautiful you looked.
all he could do was look at you for the rest of the night and watch you turn down every boy that approached you. till you decided you had enough and went upstairs to hide. he found that as an opportunity and followed you up. he knocked on every door ,interrupting make outs and seeing stuff he tried to forget until he found you sitting on a well-made bed on your own.
"oh my god chris you scared the shit out of me" you said holding your chest. "sorry, i didn't mean to. i just wanted to talk to you if that's okay." he said as he tried to put on his cutest face that you could never resist. "sure." you finally replied as you sat up straighter to be the same height as him and look him in the eye.
"i just wanted to apologise for everything. i know, i was in the wrong. but i can't seriously live without you. you're like my best friend and my soulmate all in one. i was so stupid to let you go. i realized that so late, when you started going out with other men and when elle broke up with me cause i said your name in bed. my thoughts are utterly and completely consumed by you. i love you." he said in one breath and you were seriously smiling like an idiot by the time he was done. "what did you say chris?" you said as you smirked teasingly "i love-" you cut him off by leaning and pushing your lips onto his soft ones, you felt his hands slowly creep onto your waist, literally your weakness!!!! you pushed him off of you before it got too heated "i love you too dumbass"
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this is for my chris girls !!!😝
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derww · 20 days
TL;DR: Pangi and Spoke are definitely behaving very strange. 1k words
TW: Digging up a grave, non-graphic corpse
The first thing Pangi does is desecrate a grave.
He takes out a shovel — with some awkwardness, perhaps due to lack of sleep or a sore head — and, with an effort, plunges it into the frozen ground, wipes away a portion of soil — and again, and again, and again, until the cherry lid of the coffin appears.
He opens the coffin and frowns.
Zam, despite his many wounds, looks peaceful. Like someone who lived a very long life and died the way he wished. Cherry petals are woven into his hair. He's smiling.
Pangi does not look impressed. He snorts, as if dissatisfied with something. His relationship with Zam in the last month definitely could not be called the best. Zam tried to kill him, Pangi asked Minute for help, they quarreled, and they have never had a heart-to-heart conversation since. And then Zam died, so there was no one to talk to anymore.
He takes Zam's coat from the corpse.
To be honest, the coat is in a disgusting state — stained with everything possible, battered, riddled with holes, and smeared with blood — on the verge of unbearability. It's a dead man's clothes. It's unsightly.
Pangi puts it on.
The coat is too big for him. It smells like a corpse. Pangi adjusts his sleeves and closes the coffin. He stares at it intently for a while, as if thinking about something, but eventually turns away and buries it, tamping the plowed soil on top.
This is, after all, a very strange sight: the coat is quite obvious from someone else's shoulder and does not fit him in anything, but Pangi stands staring at the grave and holds onto it as if it means something.
And then he smiles, turns around, and walks away without looking back.
Spoke wakes up in the midst of the chaos of the room. He almost blithely dusts himself off, straightens his clothes, and pulls off his ski goggles. He squints, as if unaccustomed to his own eyesight, stretches, and puts on the enderchest.
He blinks his eyes in surprise. Laughs. Hides the enderchest. Equips armor.
There's something very wrong with the way he moves. Sharper, but at the same time clearer and more measured. The general relaxation and sloppiness were lost and replaced by precision. It seems as if Spoke was prepared for the fight, despite the fact that there was no one to fight with.
He changes his chestplate to elytra and takes off. He needs time to orient himself in the directions, but then he determines where to go and rushes to his destination.
The spawn is deserted — the expected consequence after half of the players got banned. By the time Spoke flies up to the podium, Pangi is already here; he childishly swings his legs from side to side, admiring the destroyed landscape and the rays of the daytime sun. All the grass around it is planted with dandelions and poppies. When he sees Spoke, he waves and smiles at him.
— Arrow cannon, seriously? — He laughs at Spoke, who rolls his eyes, — I thought you were better than that, bro.
— And this is what I get for trying to make everything at least a little interesting, — Spoke rolls his eyes, — they didn't even give me the last word. I won't play along with them anymore.
— I really hope so! — Pangi agrees and smiles,—Welcome back, Mapicc.
— Welcome back, Zam, — Mapicc nods,—it's good to have you back.
— Do you want my body? — Pangi breaks into laughter and instantly makes a very indecent joke.
They are in the middle of an old copy of spawn — sand, towers, and cherry trees.
— Yes, bro, — Zam calmly replies, — Leo jumped into the void; Wemmbu got stabbed; Mapicc got shot with the arrow cannon. Our opps are winning too much. I need to come back to balance things out. In the exchange, in s6 you can make me do anything you want...
Pangi abruptly stops laughing and stares at him.
— Do you really want to come back, Zam?
— It's cool in the afterlife and all, of course, but Mapicc would like that-
Pangi bows his head. 
— No, no, Zam, – he stops him, – do you want to go back?
Zam stammers.
— Um, — he hesitates, — yes, I think so.
Pangi nods. He's smiling.
— All right, Zam. You can use my body, — he laughs again, — until the season is over, I give you my permission. But be careful and don't kill me!
— You are the best partner, Pangi, — Zam rejoices.
— You should have realized that before you decided to kill me!
— Hey, I explained it, I couldn't bring myself to-
When the swearing and dissatisfied Mapicc finds himself in the afterlife, Spoke is already here — definitely not dead and not invited by anyone. He sits on the central chair of the presidential room and nods thoughtfully.
— You're not staying here, young man, — he says calmly, — you need to get back before this finale descends into the most boring nonsense.
— And what do you suggest, bro? I'm banned. — Mapicc throws up his hands, —that's the essence of hardcore. One death, and that's it.
Spoke laughs.
— You're not thinking wide enough, bro, — he taps his temple with a finger, — be smarter than that! Your team needs you to fight these... — he gets lost momentarily, — fans of syrups and nuts.
— I have no idea what you want from me, — Mapicc crosses his arms over his chest. He doesn't look happy, but it seems natural in the current situation.
— Bro, you give me your hand, — Mapicc reluctantly obeys, and Spoke grabs him and pulls forward — right up to the push, during which Mapicc's head goes round, until he finds himself on the other side.
Mapicc looks at Spoke. On his hands. He touches his head.
— Bro, — he says, and for some reason his voice sounds different, — this shit is insane. How are you even doing this.
Spoke burst out laughing. He looks habitually unperturbed.
— You have things to do! — he asserts and pushes Mapicc forward, — forward and with a song! Kill them all there!
— Will do, — Mapicc agrees, — will do.
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blueberri-chee · 9 months
Is this the end?
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A/n: just a little thing if satoru was my brother.... oh i would kill for him to be my lil bro.. fun times bullying him.
Warnings- spoilers SPOILERS spoilers SPOILERS
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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I watched Satoru fight with Sukuna/Megumi and I remember the conversation I had with Megumi one day while I was training him.. He had asked me how it felt to be the elder sister of the strongest sorcerer… it was nerve wracking to say nonetheless. I had chuckled and simply shook my head saying, “he was a pain in the ass.” To which Megumi cracked a smile. Quite the reaction coming from him. I smiled as he said, “I agree.” But there was so much more to that.. Satoru is a man with tremendous potential and power which also brought tremendous sadness and grief… he lost his best friend not once but twice… he saw his co-workers die.. His students perished to the curses. He has to fight the boy he raised because he was possessed by the king of curses… Satoru had gone through a lot and I saw him go through it and I couldn't do anything about it… Now that I watch them fight I can't help but feel that I've failed to protect my brother… The one for whom I gave my whole life away… I spent hours in the god forsaken training room of the Gojo estate so that I could protect him from everything but I failed. I failed so miserably and I can't even do anything as I watch them helplessly. Kento had asked me one day, “Why don't you trust him, then? You've worked your whole life to raise him, right? To make him a good person who'd know right from wrong..... I think it's fine to trust him a little more. You can't protect him forever, can you?” 
I sighed and looked at him with what I could only describe as heaviness in my heart, “that is the thing... I was the first person to hold him after he was born... he was a big baby with bright bright blue eyes. and I was like I’m going to protect him forever... I was holding the baby who was going to be the strongest sorcerer of this era... I was holding the baby because of whom the balance of the universe was altered and curses stronger than what you can even imagine were born to match his strength and I had taken upon the responsibility to protect him.. Forever” 
I looked at him and he had this weird look in his eyes. Like I had said something so heart touching and idiotic at the same time. “I see.” he said after a long pause, "Then..." He hesitated, but he wanted to ask me this. "Why are you so scared?" He said gently. "I thought that you had made him strong enough so he wouldn't need protection anymore." He added. I knew what he meant.. I had heard it enough times from Suguru and I gave Kento the same reply I used to give Suguru, “"I did make him strong but I can't help it. Actually.. He made himself strong. I was just there for him. The enemies he is up against. They are strong… He might be the strongest but for me he is just my little brother… I might hate his guts but still.. It is just. I can't help but worry about him..." 
Satoru was all I have left of the family and I raised him myself like he was my own son.. Now watching him fight the boy he had raised, hurt me more than anything. I wanted to protect him from experiencing such pain but here I am witnessing it.. 
I truly failed but there is no point crying over spilt blood so I pray to all the gods above that Satoru wins without harming megumi… which is impossible. If Kento would have heard me mumbling these prayers he would have called me a fool and would have told me to trust Satoru.. But he is not here to tell me that so I continue to pray. I want Satoru to win.. I wanted him to win so badly but I had this intuition. A very bad intuition which is never wrong. I looked at Yuuji who was standing beside me and then at my brother and his student? His enemy? His son? I don’t know…. But I know that this isn’t going to end well. I clasp my hands together as I rest my chin on it. 
He uses purple hollow.. I hold my breath as I wait for the bright light and the debris to settle down. 
Did he just win?
Did Gojo Satoru just defeat the king of curses? 
Is it too early to cheer for his victory? 
Is….. it?
Maybe it is…. Maybe my intuition was right… maybe….just maybe….. Am I wrong for the first time in my whole life?
I was right. I clench my fist as I watch him.. Falling… My chest feels heavy as I watch the strongest fall. The strongest.. Who was Yuuji's teacher. Shoko’s best friend. My brother… I fall on my knees as everything happens in slow motion… this is bad. This wasn’t supposed to happen…. He will rise… The strongest can’t give up so easily. Gojo Satoru never loses. 
Gojo Satoru won’t lose.
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formula1neverleft · 2 years
Charles drabble - request
“can you please do Charles x Arthur's bff ! female reader because that ferrari team pic has me feeling all types of ways. thanks! xx”
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, lil smut but nothing explicit (not me managing to make a 700 word drabble smutty when that wasn’t even in the request i-) , not proofread. Enjoy xx
Charles was convinced he was being completely chill about the situation.
I mean, it’s not like this is the first race Y/N is attending, right? She was Arthur’s best friend and was in Austria to see Arthur and Charles race. Simple as that. All he needed to do was act the exact same way as he always did around her.
All he needed to do was pretend like him and Y/N were still just friends.
Sounds easy enough, had it not been for the fact that he’d had her legs up over his shoulders in his trailer about ten minutes ago.
They had barely managed to evade being discovered when one of the Ferrari media people came knocking at his door asking him to come out for the team photo. Y/N had clasped her own hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the laugh she’d almost let out. Charles could still see she was smiling, the laugh lines on her cheeks and her eyes narrowing giving her away, and he had to close his eyes to compose himself enough to answer the person on the other side of the door.  The fact that he was still inside of her was not doing anything to aid the situation, for that matter.
Charles muttered out a quick “okay, just, uhm…give me a second”, relief washing over his face as he heard the footsteps of the person walking away from the trailer.
“Sorry, mon ange, duty calls” he said as he reluctantly tore himself from Y/N’s body.
“It’s okay, we can just take our time in the hotel later” she answered with a wink.
She then quickly got fully dressed and attempted to get her hair back to the state it was in before coming to congratulate Charles. Right before sneaking out of his trailer, Y/N turned to Charles and let her hand wander through his hair softly while keeping her gaze fixated firmly on his face.
“Congrats Grand Prix winner, I’m so fucking proud of you”
Charles didn’t even have time to thank her before she gave him a quick peck and disappeared out of the trailer.
He felt like the luckiest man in the world, and the trophy waiting for him in front of the Ferrari garage was only partly responsible for that.
The entire team had already gathered for the team photo when Charles arrived, everyone sporting big smiles and some still hugging to celebrate the win, some of them stopping to give him a congratulatory pat on the back as they passed him. It was days like this where Charles was reminded why he loved racing.
“Bro, where were you?” Arthur came jogging up to Charles in the garage, “We’ve been celebrating without you”
“Sorry, I, uh, wanted to freshen up quickly, '' Charles answered.
“Then why do you still look so sweaty, wasn’t that hot of a race” Arthur questioned as he took in his brother's disheveled appearance.
“That’s just the champagne, mate” Charles quickly retorted, giving his younger brother a mischievous jab to the ribs.
Luckily for him, that seemed a sufficient answer for Arthur as he dropped the subject and beckoned Charles to follow him for the photo.
“Y/N should be in the picture too, right? I can’t find her anywhere. How much do you want to bet one of the mechanics is flirting with her again? I don’t even know why they try you know, she’s hard to get” Arthur said with a shake of his head.
Charles tried his best to fight the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth as he felt heat rising to his cheeks.
“Yeah, tell me about it” he mumbled, hands moving to one of his shoulders where he still felt the imprint of where her ankles had rested just minutes earlier as he and Arthur took their place on the front row of the group picture.
Just as the photographer was instructing some people on where to stand, Arthur spotted Y/N and called her over.
She looked slightly apprehensive to approach them, but Arthur kept yelling at her that they were about to take the photo, so eventually she had no choice but to make her way over.
Y/N took her place beside Arthur and kept her gaze facing the camera.
Arthur ,however, was staring at her, taking in her messy hair and flushed cheeks, not to mention her awkward demeanor.
Charles could practically see the cogs in his head turning as he pieced together just what was happening, switching his gaze between Y/N and Charles a few times.
“Oh you two have got to be kidding me”
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crazyforteyam · 1 year
Metkayina Tales (part four) - I Did It For You (Neteyam POV)
Neteyam x f!Metkayina reader summary : Neteyam will do everything to save the woman he loves. wc : 3,7k notes: I want to try something new so I write this part from Neteyam POV. And we're closer to the end (4/5) series masterlist
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Since I saw Y/N for the first time, she always appears in my dream. 
"What's your name?" She asked, but damn, this is the first time I feel so hopeless and tongue-tied. Believe me, all my words are deep in my throat, ready to release. But she's like a charming witch, casting her spell every time she's around me.
"I will heal you, Neteyam," then she grabbed my hand, and took me to the beach, cleaning my wound. If only she knows how beautiful she is, with her eyes lightened in passion every time she heals people. 
"Neteyam, you're a fast learner!" She giggled in happiness when I succeeded in the spear lesson, and her laugh is the one view I could watch forever in rewind. Surely, she's owning my mind. 
Then suddenly her face turned into sadness, tears brimming in her eyes, hair strands on her forehead, covering a bit of her tattoo. 
"I failed to cure Ihaka,"
She looked miserable and I want to embrace her when all of sudden, she hugged me first. The feeling was flooding over me like a rushing tide. That's the first time I touched her. It feels so nice to feel her in my arms, and I know I'll do everything to make her happy.
"Neteyam, please, take me to my parents," now her breath is panted and she fainted, right in my arms. Her face slowly disappears, like a mist, and her body rises to the sky. I tried to grab her, but she is floating away in the air. Fear crawls over my body, prickling my skin. I run as fast as I can to chase her, but I am always beneath her, like a child chasing kites. I fell many times, my knees, elbow, and foot were bleeding but still, she was out of my reach, nowhere to be seen. 
"NOOOOOO!!" I screamed in pain as loud as I can. 
"Neteyam, wake up!" Suddenly all the view I saw before disappeared, and changed into Lo'ak's face. His eyebrow is furrowed with confusion, and his hand is on my shoulders. I woke up with a sudden movement, my breath was panting, and I can feel sweat dripping on my forehead. 
"You had that nightmare again, do you?" He asked again, his voice filled up with softness. I groaned and sit, with my hands running in my braids, trying to massage my own head. "Yeah, I think so,"
Lo'ak looked at me with worry in his eyes. He talked slowly, "Bro, if you still don't ready, you can do it tomorrow,"
"What are you talking about? I’ll do it today," my lips frowned, and I stood up, taking a few steps out of the pod, so I can see the sea. 
Today is the day. I'll go to the Deep Trench and collect the Red Seaweed, the only plant that can cure Y/N. I trained with Olo'eyktan in just 2 days. Actually, it was planned to be much longer, but Y/N's condition is getting worse every second. I took a breath deeply and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself.
Since Y/N is coma, I always had a nightmare, of losing her. These nightmares wrap their evil hands around my soul at night. It's not the first time I dreamed about her though, but obviously, my previous dream is much happier than this bloody nightmare. These dark thoughts may follow me, but I can’t let them win the fight. I won't let this nightmare turns into reality.
Life without taking chances is no kind of life at all. If I had to run, if I had to crawl, swim a hundred rivers, and climb a thousand walls, then I will do it all. I would find a way to save Y/N, I need her that much. There's no place that far when it comes to the life of the woman I love. 
I heard some steps that brought me back to reality. I turned around and found Tuk running towards me, and she hugged my waist. I bent to pat her head, while she said "Neteyam, we've been looking for you!" 
And suddenly, all the members of my family approached me.
"Neteyam," Dad called my name. He still has some wounds on his face, but he looks strong. He patted my shoulders, "Today it’s the day. Good luck, son. I'll be near you down there,"
"Thank you, Dad," I smiled at him.
Now my mom is kissing my cheek. I could feel the strength in her voice when she talked. "My son. I believe that you can do it today,"
"Mother, your support it's all I need," I whispered and she nodded.
Kiri smiled at me and I could see her eyes teared up, as she took my hand. “Brother, take care. I'll help you down there,” 
I squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Kiri,"
Lo'ak didn't say anything, but he hugged me tightly and gave me a reassuring look.
Then Kiri put her arm on my left shoulder and hugged me, while Lo'ak was on my opposite side. Mom, Dad, and Tuk joined, and we created a big family hug. 
"Sully's stick together," Dad said, and all of us joined him, chanting our family motto.
"Sully's stick together,"
After eating and getting ready, I went to the Olo'eyktan’s pod, as he and his family were already waiting. Yesterday, we made plans for my departure to the Deep Trench. Lo'ak had a suggestion about Payakan taking me there, and this idea was opposed by Olo'eyktan. 
But Payakan is the only Tulkun who knows the details of the location around Three Brother's Rock, the place where the Deep Trench was located, and finally, this plan was accepted. I'll be wearing a gill mantle later, to help me breathe underwater. 
I bring my fingers to my forehead, to greet all the Olo’eyktan family. They greets me back,  and Tsahik gave me a special potion, which will optimize the muscles in my body when swimming later.
When I finished drinking, Olo’eyktan approached me and asked, “Are you ready, Neteyam?”
I answered him with no fear. “I am, Sir,” But then, I remember Y/N. 
“Olo’eyktan, can I see Y/N in private before we leave?”
Tonowari looked at his wife, and she nodded. He smiled and pat my shoulders. “Of course,” Then he spoke to his family, “Let’s give him some privacy,” and they all left the pod, leaving just me and Y/N in the pod.  
I walked toward Y/N, who is still laying unconscious on the carpet. I felt my breathing suddenly speed up. Next to her, are all the Tsahik medicines and equipment, lying in a mess. Some of the medicine bottles were seen to have been opened without being closed again. The needles and loincloths just lay beside the bottles. 
My eyes looked at her body again, her hands folded on her stomach and her hair framed her face. There are dark circles around her closed eyes. Her face looked pale with no expression, without the beautiful smile she used to wear, or her ocean eyes. Her chest rose and fell weakly every time she breathed.
I knelt next to her and ran my fingers through her forehead, her hair, then down to her cheeks, which were starting to look gaunt. My eyes darkened with worry. Her absence only makes my heart grow fonder of her. She is my everything and I can't let her suffer like this forever. I must save her.
I kissed her forehead softly, with my fingers still caressing her cheek. Although she is in a coma, I believe that she can hear me, so I whisper to her ears.
“Stay here, Y/N. I’ll try my best to save you,”
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The mission starts at midday. The gill mantle was already wrapped around my back. My father, Lo'ak, and Tonowari take me to the Deep Trench, riding on Payakan, so I could save my energy. They would stand guard above the trench, with some of Metkayina's best swimmers and healers, just in case. Next to them are Kiri and my Mom sitting on ilu, as they refused to be far from me. 
From the outside, Deep Trench appears menacing. It’s dark and filled with shadows that play tricks on your eyes. Even in the daytime, the trench looked sinister. But I won’t let fear rule me. There's no place that far when it comes to the life of the woman I love. 
I approached the Deep Trench, with Tsahik hand’s on my shoulders. She made a sign with her hand, a prayer for Eywa, for my safety down there. Then her fingers made several circular motions on my forehead, arms, chest, and legs, a ritual to get rid of any bad things that might happen. When it finished, she nodded at me, permitting me to enter Deep Trench. 
Before I entered the trench, I turn around and looked at everybody. They all looked tense, even Payakan didn't move a bit, as if he was frozen in the water. But then, my Dad smiled at me, like reassuring me. I smiled back at him and swimming down the trench, disappeared from his sight.
As they say, Deep Trench is dark and cold. Sunlight is not enough to illuminate this place. The Red Seaweed color would stand out, but it's hard to see clearly in this trench. I have to squint my eyes to make out what's in front of me. I blinked a few times, trying to focus. 
Suddenly, a group of small, glowing fish approached me and swam around my body, as if trying to help me see in the dark. Some of them swam in front of me, like guiding me. I smiled. This must be Kiri’s help.
It's not just the fish, it seems like several plants also glow in the dark,  making a path toward the Red Seaweed. I can see the plant now and picked some. Tsahik said that I better pick several, so I filled up my waist pouch with all of those plants. 
After that, I swam up. But suddenly, I feel dizzy. My chest hurt and my breathing was shallow, and instead of swimming up, I swam in a round motion. 
Then suddenly, I hear Y/N's voice inside my head.
Hey, don’t be so tense. You must be relaxed, otherwise, you’re not gonna make it.
I blinked. Have I gone mad? Her voice sounds so close, like guidance within me. Then I hear her voice again.
If you're a lover, you have to be a fighter. If you don't fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?
And that's it. I know I must fight for her. Her voice is like a push I need, suddenly I can focus again and swim up in a straight movement.
When I reached out the trench, a hand gripped my arm, helping me. It was Dad. He put me into Payakan's fin, and we reached the surface in a minute. 
I could feel all the Metkayina people staring at me. They were sitting on their ilu, tsurak, or just swimming on the surface. There were some amused expressions in their eyes when they looked at me, something very different from what I received before.
My family was all around me. Dad took me to his tsurak. Mom and all my siblings were hugging and kissing me and I was too tired to reply, so I gave them a smile and nod. Then both Tsahik and Oloeyktan approached me, and I gave them all the Red Seaweed in my pouch.
"This is the plant. Save her, please," I said when I gave them the plants. They both nodded, and Oloeyktan made his way toward the people, sliding in his tsurak, with me and my family following behind.
People were still keeping their gaze on me, and I got a little bit shy. And then Tsahik looked at me, as she smiled.
"Neteyam," she declared, "Now you are one of the Metkayina Tales!"
I walk back and forth in my family’s pod. It's been five hours since I gave the sacred plants to Olo’eyktan and Tsahik, but until now there is no update yet. I started to upset, what if I’m too late and the plants can’t heal Y/N? The view of that bloody nightmare appeared again in my mind, and I exhale deeply, trying to erase that. Although the sun would still shine on, my whole world would all be gone. I could not bear the thought of losing Y/N. 
Every little sound feels like it’s multiplying tenfold, and I can’t sit still. The rest of my family also waits in silence as they sat in a circle. Kiri hummed a prayer to Eywa, and Tuk followed her. My mother stood up and stopped me from walking, as she put her hand on my shoulders.
“Relax, my son. Y/N will be fine. You did a good job,” She tried to convince me.
“Mother, but there is no news yet. I’m scared. What if I’m too late? What if Y/N couldn't be saved?” I muttered.
“No, you come at the right time. Eywa will help Y/N for sure. What if you start to pray for her?” She suggested.
My lips parted trying to respond to her, but the sound of steps walking toward the pod stopped me. All people rise from their sit. Tonowari and Ronal enter the Sully's marui. I walked a flash toward them in a second and tilted my face, asking for an answer. 
“I and my wife came here for telling the news.” Tonowari began to speak. “We tried to give the sacred plants to Y/N. We created a paste from half of the plant and smeared it on her face, as the priest prayed to Eywa. We were so afraid of our daughter’s condition…” he paused, causing my heart to begin flutter loudly. 
“And how is she now?” I asked impatiently.
“At first, there was no change. But then, we realize that the dark circles around her eyes began to disappear. Her heart rate increased, and the color back to her skin. She is not awake yet, but she is stronger now.” Ronal continued and then she smiles, this news relieved everyone. My mom hugged me proudly as a smile finally created on my face. 
Finally, Ma’Y/N is saved. 
But I must be patient, she is not awake yet. Her health is my top priority now.
(two days later)
“Neteyam!” Tuk shouted while she entered the pod. She walked towards me in a rush and held my hand.
“What is it, Tuk?”
"It's Y/N! She woke up!"
It's like my body was shocked by an electric volt. My eyes widened, and I ran to the Olo'eyktan's pod as fast as I could. 
Tsireya and Ao'nung were in the front part of the pod, and I asked them hurriedly.
"Where's Y/N? Is she already awake?" 
"Yes, and she's inside," Tsireya smiled. 
“But Neteyam, please give privacy to my parents,” Ao’nung spoke, and his arms lifted in front of my chest, preventing me to enter the pod. “Wait here, until my parents are out. It won't take long, Y/N has woken up since this morning,”
I frowned but then sighed and nodded. Better not to make Olo’eyktan angry. So, I lean at the trees beside the pod and look at the sea. My fingers rubbed my head, and I can hear the sound of my breath. I feel so restless, every second seems like forever. 
Finally, a couple of minutes later, Olo’eyktan and Tsahik stepped out of the pod. They seems relieved, and Olo’eyktan eyes found me. I bring my fingers to my forehead to greet them and asked Olo’eyktan politely. 
“Sir, I heard that Y/N is already awake. Would you permit me to see her?”
“Yes, Neteyam. Y/N is inside the pod,” Olo’eyktan smiled at me. 
"And she's waiting for you," Tsahik continued, and I entered the pod instantly. 
I saw her crouching with her back to me, and her hands touching Tsahik's medicines and equipment, which had always been next to her when she was unconscious. Her wavy brown hair is now shoulder-length short and fell naturally without any hair ornaments. My eyes couldn't leave her body, and when she stood up, I called her name softly.
"Y/N," I called.
Her ears perked up when she heard my voice. She turned her body slowly, her hair swaying gently, revealing her face little by little. 
And finally, I can see her face, the center of my gravity. At last...my love has come along. My lonely days are over. The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of this meeting. Her ocean eyes blends beautifully with the tattoo on her forehead and glistened when she looked at me. 
We walked slowly closer, and it was like she had bewitched me, my eyes could not escape her face. There are no more dark circles under her eyes and her skin was no longer pale. My eyes checked the wavy pattern on her forehead, cheeks, arms, and legs, all around her body. All are still the same, she is still gorgeous as always.
A smile was engraved on my face as we held hands. My fingers touched her face, stroking her cheek gently. While her fingers touched my chest, right on the gunshot wound. Worry painted on her face.
"Neteyam," she finally spoke, and my name sounded melodious when she said it. 
"How are you?" she asked again, her hand still touching the wound on my chest. 
My fingers touched hers on my chest. "I've never been this good. You saved me, Y/N," 
She shook her head, then smiled and said, "It’s you who saved me, Neteyam,"
“I did it for you,” I answered her.
She smiled and approached me closer, her hands now curled on my back, and embraced me. I hugged her, my arms tightened around her body, my chin is on the slope of her neck, and her sweet scent fills up my nose. 
I hugged her tightly as if I would never see her again. Tears already welled up in my eyes and fell to her cheek. She saw it, and her fingers wiped out the tears on my face gently, as she smiled.
Now I held her head, patted it, and my fingers played with her hair. She looked at what I was doing to her hair, and she said, "Mom and Tsireya cut my hair to tidy it up. She said that while I was unconscious, my hair kept falling out. So they rearranged my hair. Do you like it?"
I smiled and said, "It's all right. I like it." 
Yes, she looked different with her new hair, but she is still beautiful to me. To be honest, my feelings for her are already deeply rooted in my heart, and her looks are only part of the reason. My fingers now touched her cheeks, which still look gaunt. I frown. Her health is much more important to me. 
"But, you look very skinny now. You must eat, I'll cook for you." I said. 
"Neteyam, I’m all right," she refused politely, but then a growling sound came from her stomach. I burst into a laugh, while she smiled sheepishly. 
"You can't lie to me, Y/N. You are hungry, indeed" I told her. 
I took her hand in mine and led her to her pod through the connecting part. She sat down in her pod, while I went to the kitchen, to cook her favorite food, grilled fish. Luckily, there was still plenty of food here. in between cooking, I stole glances at her. The feeling of excitement bubbled up in my chest, finally being able to be with her again. 
The emotion of our reunion sealed as a perfect photograph in my soul.
Since that day, I have been going to her pod every day. I asked Olo’eyktan and Tsahik for allowing me to be a helping hand to Y/N, and they accepted. So I take care of her, make sure she drinks her medicine, cook her food, and accompany her when she wants to go swimming. The rest of the clan rejoiced when hear about her condition, and two days later, Tsahik gave birth to the fourth heir of the clan, a handsome baby boy. 
Y/N's health condition has also improved, now she no longer needs to take medication. To celebrate this and the birth of Oloeyktan's fourth child, he announced that there would be a celebration at Hope Cove,  which would be held the next day at night. All the people of Metkayina were invited, and the whole village was busy with preparations for the celebration. And my family is no exception.
So here I am in my pod, with Lo'ak helping me as he put some glowing beads on my hair. We spent minutes in silence before he speak. 
“I heard some Metkayina girl try to court you today,” Lo'ak raised his eyebrows and I could hear the disbelief in his voice.
Since Tsahik announced me as one of the Metkayina Tales, some girls are starting to give me presents and affection, especially when I'm alone. Well, some even try to cross the line. And I didn't like that. I sighed. “Where did you hear that?”
“It doesn’t matter. Did you accept her?” Lo'ak asked though I assumed he already seemed to know the answer.
"No," I answered firmly.
Lo'ak smiled. His hands took my necklace and slowly put it around my neck. "Then who is this girl that you are waiting for?"
I closed my eyes. "You exactly know who,"
“Of course,” Lo'ak chuckled. “Bro, tonight you should ask her. Anything could happen tonight. You must stick to her side. And ask the question, ask her to be your mate, before somebody else does and you'll lose her forever,"
The thought of losing Y/N forever entered my mind and brought back again the glimpse of the bloody nightmare I used to see. I opened my eyes, then I looked at Lo'ak with full confidence.
"You're right. Tonight, I will ask her,"
notes : to be continued soon! :D I'll be very happy if you leave a reaction, lmk what do u think of my fic!:) so sorry for late update, I'm sick :(
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sara-scribbles · 2 years
kinda random and silly but how about which house warden and vice could you take in a fist fight and would you win?
Fist-fighting the dorm leaders and their vice
To keep this simple, I’m going to pretend the fool person who decided to fight these boys can kinda fight but not an expert. Let’s pretend no one can use magic for some reason.
You could definitely take him in a fist-fight. And it probably wouldn’t be too hard to instigate a fight if you pick at him enough
Should you fight him though? I mean knock yourself out I guess, no one’s gonna stop you except maybe Trey. I'm sure a few Heartslabyul students have wanted to fight Riddle too for how he used to be
Outcome: You win. Congrats?
You could take him in a fight. He doesn’t look like much of a physical person. Trey would probably try to decline the fight in a civil way
But why would you want to hurt the dorm mom? He bakes you sweets, that’s just mean!
Outcome: You win but will probably have the rest of Heartslabyul after you so keep that in mind
You could not take him in a fight. Even without magic, Leona’s still a beastman which makes him stronger and faster. Those wiry arms can do damage
Could try fighting him while he’s napping to get a head start. He’ll probably grudgingly respect your dirty ways but then he’ll beat your ass
Outcome: You lose. Why did you think fighting a furry from a dorm that's basically a bunch of gym bros was a good idea?
I see Ruggie as being quick and slippery when fighting, so you could possibly take him in a fight but he still has more strength than the average human
Will definitely have tricks up his sleeve cause I can imagine he's learned a few things or two growing up. Survival of the fittest and all, Ruggie will fight to survive
Outcome: You have a 60% chance of losing. Ruggie will laugh at you and demand payment after
You can totally take him in a fight. His natural habitat is the sea, so fighting him on land would be easy peasy. Plus he's probably too busy making contracts and counting lounge’s revenue to hit the gym
Has to take off his glasses first cause he doesn't want to break them. He cries the moment you take a swing and gets knocked out in like one or two hits
Outcome: You win. You're basically fighting a fish flopping on dry land
Do you want to die? What makes you think you can take on this giant eel? He probably wouldn't need to punch you to win. Man could literally rip your throat out with his teeth
But if you insist on fighting Jade, all the power to you. He'll kick your ass with the most polite expression. Will probably give you a bill for the fight, so you'll have to pay it off by working in the lounge
Outcome: You lose. What did you expect from someone that exudes murder vibes?
Why would you fight this literal ray of sunshine? Out of all the students at NRC, he doesn’t deserve it. Kalim would probably think you just need to vent and would gladly let you beat him up if it'll make you feel better
Jamil would step in considering he needs to watch over Kalim. But knowing Kalim, he'll tell Jamil that it's okay because he obviously did something that made you upset
Outcome: You win. Was it worth kicking a puppy? Huh??
Honestly, he probably doesn't have time for this. Looking after Kalim, cooking for Kalim, taking care of the dorm, etc. this boy is tired of the shenanigans
He's kind of athletic, being a dancer and all, so I think he could possibly hold his own. However, expect Kalim to try and stop the fight because how could he allow his "best friend" to get hurt
Outcome: You have a higher chance of winning but mainly because Jamil is trying to get Kalim to stop clinging on him
He literally took down a couple of beastmen in Beanfest. Do you really think you can win against him? It's a stupid idea but if you insist, go ahead
He'll knock you out in a few graceful hits and then insult your form, your dress, your lack of manners, etc. You basically get beaten up verbally
Outcome: You lose and should’ve seen that coming
Good luck finding him first. He's probably somewhere watching you, but he's not going to come out. And even if Rook did decide to entertain the idea of fighting you, he's like ripped. Maybe not as much as Jack or Vargas, but don't be fooled by his "oui, oui" attitude
Rook probably would be the type to knock you out from behind. You wouldn't even have a chance to take a step before you're out like a light
Outcome: You lose to a baguette with a questionable page-boy cut
Is there any question that you can fight Idia? He spends his time indoors and mostly away from physical activities. You'd have to get him out of his room first, but after a good old one-two punch, he's out
Though is that really such a satisfying win? Beating the shut-in, tech gamer doesn't have the nicest ring to it. Plus, you'd have to contend with Ortho, who'd probably laser beam you before you could run for hurting his brother
Outcome: You win but will probably die by laser shortly after
The other character that I ask: why would you want to fight him? He's also basically a kid, so you're beating up a child. Ortho doesn't seem to be bad, much like Kalim, so there's really no reason to fight him beyond being mean
Let’s not forget he has the state of the art advance body, though. He'll fry you to a crisp if he really does see you as a threat. And even if he didn't have a laser, I don't think hitting a metal body is good for your hands
Outcome: You lose and half of NRC is destroyed
You want to fight the dragon? The fae that can transform into a dragon? You sure? Okay, you're funeral. And lets say Malleus can't transform, it's still not a good idea. He could probably stab you with his horns bull style
You'll have to also deal with Silver and Sebek. So more headaches and 3 on 1 isn't very fair. It's not like they care much about the one-on-one rules, you're trying to fight the future king of their home. Lilia is watching off to the side while eating popcorn
Outcome: You lose by either getting roasted by a dragon, stabbed by horns, stabbed by a sword from Silver or thrown by Sebek. Pick your ending
He's a former royal guard and probably a couple hundred years old. Do the math. Lilia could also just float out of your reach until you tire yourself out
Thinks it's fun watching you struggle. Doesn't take the fight seriously. Silver might have a few words for you. Lilia bops you on the head a few times as a joke
Outcome: You probably don't even end up fighting and that's for the best
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Let’s get mischievous (and polyamorous)
cw: Rated M for suggestive language and themes, gender-neutral pronouns for Freelancer, Alternative POVs, the Damien/Freelancer/Gavin/Huxley/Lasko polycule being an absolute menace to society
None of this would have happened if our favorite boys plus Freelancer could just keep it in their pants till they got home smh
aka Five times the polycule started rumors and the One time they put them to rest
Also available on AO3!
There are a lot of emotions that are normal to see on your friend’s face when they get back from the guidance counselor: anxiety, frustration, even fury wouldn’t be a surprise. Pure, unadulterated alarm definitely is though. 
“Are you… okay…?” Katrina asks when her shell-shocked friend drops herself down onto the cafeteria bench, backpack tossed onto the ground with a heavy thud . Lucy looks up at her, dark eyes wide behind wild, black curls, and leans across the table. 
“Kat, who is Professor Lasko dating?” Kat looks quizzically at her friend, and Lucy presses her forehead against hers and hisses. “Answer the question, or I’ll go crazy.”
“Umm, shit, you know as well as I do?” she hedges, face flushed under the beautiful Warder’s intense gaze. “The rumor is that he’s dating that incubus, Gavin, and that’s why he had to transfer out to another session.” Lucy snaps her fingers and pounds her fist against the table, and Kat wants to laugh as her friend’s eyes bug even wider. 
“If that’s the case! If that is the case-” she says, pulling in Kat by the cheeks. “Then why did I hear that fourth year fire elemental, Damien, storm into his office after I left and tell our professor- and I quote- to get on the desk and see how long he can go without breathing?” 
“Oh, shit ,” she whispers.
“Oh, shit .” Lucy echoes, voice knowing and haunted.
“…that’s, like, kind of hot though, right?“
“That’s not the point -“
Xavier wants so many things in this world. He wants his team to win the championships. He wants to pass his advanced Healing course.  He wants world peace. Above all, he wants his boys to stop fucking hooking up in the team showers. 
‘It shouldn’t be too much to ask,’ he thinks, burying his face into the small metal cabinet and digging for his wallet. The locker room is dirty and hot and rank no matter how much he implores his teammates to keep it clean and tidy. It’s an objectively gross place, so Xavier has no idea why this is the third time in as many weeks he’s had to deal with moaning echoing off the shower tiles. 
“Bro, how do you do that?” A deep, familiar voice whines, and Xavier fights the urge to slam the door on his head. Why? Why did it have to be Huxley? He has lunch plans at the Dog House with him and Damien tomorro-
“Practice makes progress, big man, and I am nothing if not diligent.” 
Xavier almost trips over his own feet as he backs out of the locker and lifts his ear to the air, because surely, he must have misheard. That didn’t sound like Damien.
“What’re you practicing for, Gav, a triathlon?” 
“Oh, Hux… this isn’t practice.” A sultry chuckle rifts through the room, and Xavier tries and fails to scramble his way out the doors before hearing more. “This is just the warm-up .” 
If you asked Tony, he would say living next to a fire elemental isn’t too bad; it’s living next to Damien that’s the issue.
Don’t get him wrong, he’s a decent neighbor! Damien never plays loud music after 7 PM. He doesn’t have any loud pets like the dude with the cockatiel on the other side. He returns any mis-delivered packages promptly. He’s overall courteous and quiet… but his boyfriend isn’t. 
Huxley is great in general . The earth elemental is friendly and amicable, always waving at him when they pass each other in the hall or stairwell, always giving him an effusive, energetic greeting. He would say he likes Huxley; he just doesn’t like the obnoxious, sleep-shattering earthquakes that plague the nights he stays over. 
But tonight, as he suffers gales of wind, tectonic tremors, the smell of smoke and ash, the creak of water surging in old pipes, and Damien’s raspy cries of “ Freelancer ” through the walls, Tony can’t help but shove a pillow over his head and miss his old apartment, rats, bats, and all.
7/11 really doesn’t pay Emma enough. 
Her manager getting a divorce is one thing. Honestly, that’s not even the problem, because Emma didn’t like his wife anyway, and Trevor was obviously happier once the separation was underway. But couldn’t Trevor have been happier in Dahlia ? And not whatever state he moved to, leaving the store understaffed and her undertrained? 
Now, the freak natural disasters, that’s another thing. Like, working a convenience store in a college town was bound to be a little wacky, a little zany even, that’s to be expected. What Emma did not expect was ball lightning, one of the world’s rarest weather phenomenons, to occur next to the hot dog roller not once, not twice, but thrice.  
(First time it happened, she didn’t even know what it was. The second time, she was busy marveling at it happening again. The third time the ball of electricity short circuited the electronics, Emma rang up the nervous couple at the till with a pen and paper.)
This, though- this is the straw that breaks Emma’s back. She glares at an innocent bag of Doritos, the closest thing to the perpetrators that she’ll look, and turns on her heel, inventory clipboard clutched tight to her chest. Fuck the restocking procedure; she has a resignation email to write.
There is a limit to how many times a person can catch a customer with their dick in someone else’s mouth, especially when Emma knows their sweet, studious partner by name. As she crouches behind the counter and waits for the sultry bastard and apologetic, stuttering homewrecker to leave, Emma thinks all the money in California couldn’t convince her to stay, let alone fifteen dollars an hour.
Once again, Lucy approaches Katrina with wide, shell-shocked eyes, silent and panicked even as she hands her girlfriend her nachos. 
“What’s up, doll? Did someone bother you?” Lucy just shakes her head and sits on the bleachers next to her, taking long, desperate pulls from her soda. “Are you… good…?” 
“So you know Huxley? The quarterback?” She asks, bringing her face close to Kat’s to be heard over the crowd and still have the semblance of intimacy. Katrina fights the urge to kiss the older girl’s cheeks and wins, nodding, listening. 
“Obvs, we just saw him humiliate the other team in the first half.” Luce nods, bringing her hand up to the back of Kat’s neck, pulling her even closer. “He and that Damien guy are the it-couple of DAMN, bless his heart,” she continues, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the fire elemental at the field sidelines, proudly wearing a letterman’s jacket that’s not his. “He deserves better.”
“Oh, I think Huxley’s getting exactly what he deserves-” Luce hisses, shaking her girlfriend for emphasis. “-considering I just saw him railing my Energetics 101 partner under the bleachers.”
“Not the Freelancer who covers for you when you’re late!” Katrina gasps, scandalized, while Lucy buries her face into her pale, freckled shoulder. She gripes about decency and privacy and beds that no one uses, and Kat thoughtfully mumbles into her coconut-scented curls.
“We could go home and use our bed-“
“Is your voyeur kink something we need to talk about, or-”
“Deviant, what on Elegy is that?”
“Gavin, you’re god knows how old, and you’ve never had a Sloppy Joe?” 
“I’ve had a large number of sloppy things in my mouth. Inevitably, some of them must have been named Joe. They all looked more appealing than that.” Freelancers snickers, almost dropping their cup of water with their shaking, and Gavin stops sneering derisively at the steam table to empty their hands. “Why can’t we all eat at home again?”
“If you had been listening instead of making faces at Caelum behind everyone’s backs, you would have heard Lasko say that he’s too busy with meetings to come home for lunch-” they say, dragging the demon over to an empty round table. “-and us telling him he has to meet us here.” They sit, and Gavin makes his best attempt at seductively lounging in the stiff, small plastic seat (and failing.)
“We could get good food, and I could rift it to him. It’d be easy-peasy as you humans say.” The incubus grins, knowing he’s cute, and Freelancer throws their apple at him, not giving a shit. 
“One. Then you’d be hogging Lasko, not fair. Two. The last time you did that, he didn’t eat!” Gavin catches the apple- damn those demon reflexes- and grins wider like the cat that ate the canary.
“I wouldn’t say that, deviant; after my visits, Lasko is nothing but sated-”
“Gavin, do they not teach you shame at that daemonry and demonry school you went to?”
“Shame was an elective I chose not to take, little Spark. I was too busy learning that trick you like where I use my-” Damien slams his tray down onto the table, the cups rattling threateningly as he sits, and Huxley laughs uproariously, placing a cool, steady hand on the fire elemental’s neck. 
“Careful, Gav. Dames just came back from his Advanced Flame test, he’s already running hot,” he says, rubbing his thumb in little circles beneath Damien’s ear. “He’ll burn you, not by accident, just on purpose.” Gavin hums in pleasure and stretches his leg to brush his ankles against Damien’s under the table. 
“Well, now, there’s a thought. Normally, I’d like a little negotiation before we try something like that, but~”
“O-oh boy, do I want to know what we’re n-n-ne-negotiating n-now?” Four keen heads look up, and Lasko blushes under the attention no matter how often he receives it. 
“Negotiating who gets to kiss you first!” Freelancer says, shoving an exasperated (loving) hand in Gavin’s face before smiling up at the airhead. “Help us out and make the decision for us?” 
With a sweet, light laugh, Lasko puts his food down and kisses Huxley first, the tall boulder of a man barely having to lean to sweetly peck at his lips. Next, he moves to Damien, the two of them quickly kissing each other’s cheeks, the hot-blooded of the pair adjusting Lasko’s glasses as they part. 
  Freelancer reaches for him impatiently, grabby hands pulling him in by the cheeks. Lasko can’t help but smile and laugh into the touch, noses bumping awkwardly, and the freelancer laughs with him before shoving him towards Gavin. When Lasko leans down, his incubus lover snatches him by the waist into his lap, cutting off sweet, embarrassed stammers with a kiss. 
The quintet is happy and content, all smiles and familiar touches, a sight for sore eyes… and a sight for the lunch crowd filling the dining hall. If they weren’t off in their own little world, they’d probably hear the collective metaphorical light bulbs going off in heads and money passing hands. 
(The custodians swept the betting pool, because even in a world full of magic and literal Stealths, no one is both more observant and more unnoticed than the cleaning staff. They’ve seen too much, and if the Academy won’t get them memory wipes, several thousand dollars in winnings will make an excellent consolation prize.)
@calicostorms who was nice enough to ask to be tagged and also makes the best Redacted ASMR playlists ♡( ◡‿◡ )
@gingerbreadmonsters who asked about it, kicking my butt into writing it (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
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dynamightmite · 2 years
It's my own fault for going on reddit to read people's opinions about the manga (I'm sorry in advance, this is gonna be long) but I swear to God if I see one more half-assed hot take about someone hating Bakugo that effectively boils down to "overt violence being casually dismissed bad" I'm going to start smacking people over the head with a newspaper.
Like. Yeah, bro. That's literally it. I mean, it's kind of hard to talk about the violence inherent in the system without, y'know, showing you the violence inherent in the system. It's almost like Bakugo was being used as a vehicle to get that message across from an early point (Deku vs. Kacchan 1, specifically) in a way that is mitigated by circumstance so that it can later be dissected and eventually forgiven.
The entire purpose of characters like Bakugo and Endeavor is to show the audience the cracks in Hero Society's shiny facade that will eventually lead to its downfall. In fact, it's framed as being inevitable; hero society actively selects for competetive, ambitious, powerful people, and the obvious end result is heroes like Endeavor. Like what Bakugo could have been without intervention. The implication, however, isn't that characters like Bakugo and Endeavor are inherently evil, but began from a point where their actions and goals were understandable, if not admirable, but eventually devolved based on the encouragement they got from the system.
The big difference between them is Endeavor is a character who didn't recognize the flaws in hero society until it was too late, whereas Bakugo did. Unlike Endeavor, Bakugo is designed to be forgiveable. He's a child, he's placed in a situation that frequently encourages violence between unpracticed children who have questionable control of their quirks, he's got a quirk that can almost exclusively be used as a form of excessive force, and he has a lot of personal issues that stem from the society he grew up in.
Like it doesn't strike you as relevant that Bakugo attacking Midoriya was put in the context of them being in a facility designed for children to fight in, at a school specializing in teaching children to fight as part of their future career? Under supervision of an adult hero who chose not to stop them from fighting when he could have? When Midoriya and Bakugo both have equally destructive quirks and, if they had actually wanted to kill each other, they absolutely could have, considering Bakugo's control of his quirk and Midoriya's comparative lack? You don't think maybe, just maybe, there was an underlying purpose to that?
Now, Bakugo is supposed to be like Endeavor in the sense that you see how, from a young age, these types of people can appear and become heroes despite their flaws and the dangers they can pose to the people around them, and why it is so important that they have some kind of early intervention to prevent them from taking advantage of a position of authority for their own gain. Can you imagine if there was no Midoriya for Bakugo to measure himself against, and find himself lacking? If nobody showed him how to hold himself accountable? He probably would have ended up being the kind of hero who only cares about winning in the sense of coming out on top, rather than doing so to protect people. Instead, the manga basically provides a step-by-step instruction manual on how to evaluate your life choices and appropriately atone for past misconduct. It has Bakugo choosing to work towards compassion and empathy as a motivator, as opposed to following Endeavor's path towards attempted greatness, which is framed as being the correct choice, because, well—it is.
"But the narrative sometimes still glorifies violence—" for fuck's sake, yes, I know. And guess what, it does become convoluted by the narrative's mixed attitude towards violence. I am not the first person to acknowledge that a lot of BNHA's worldbuilding and general themes contradict each other, nor will I ever be the last. Horikoshi is not exactly a master class on writing critiques of society, okay, and a pacifist superhero story has some fundamental problems that aren't really addressed or worked out in the manga. None of that negates how important it is to have a main character like Bakugo, who visibly and consistently struggles with trying to learn how to be a good person in a system that is set up to allow him to succeed without having to make any real changes to himself. That matters. Not only because it shows the flaws in hero society, but because it helps acknowledge how baked-deep societal ideologies can become, and how incredibly difficult and unrewarding it can be to break out from them. If all the characters were like Deku—ready to throw himself out of the mold at a moment's notice and be aggressively compassionate all over everyone—there wouldn't really be a conflict for the story to deal with. Just because Bakugo's character development can be painful at times doesn't mean it's not important for it to occur the way that it does.
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deldeldel90 · 6 months
OKAY SO!!! the front bottoms songs and how they are so like?? Lance and Blaine?? it's them, you honor.
"when the flood water comes, it ain't gonna be clear, it's gonna look like mud. But I will help you swim. I will help you swim. I'm gonna help you swim." -- Lance's promise to Blaine after everything goes down :(( him still seeing good in his brother. him wanting to help him.
"this is for the snakes and the people they bite, for the friends I've made, for the sleepless nights. for the warning signs I've completely ignored." -- Lance. just,,, Lance. His doubts about his father. his guilt about what happened with Lorena. him realizing everything.
"it's no big surprise you turned out this way [...] When they cut your hair, and sent you away," -- THEM!!! them sharing their childhood of being Leland's sons and being sent to that academy. them.
"I'm sure we could find something for you to do on stage." -- Lance's optimism <33 him wanting to help Blaine!!
"this is for the lake that me and my friends swim in, naked and dumb on a drunken night." -- Lance's academy days,,
"I wanna contribute to the chaos. I don't wanna watch and then complain, 'cause I am through with finding blame. This is the decision I have made." -- BLAINE. this is so Blaine!!?? bro. BRO.
"goodbye future, once so bright," -- post-canon Blaine. he's still not better from everything. his dad's in jail and the fate of the Plaid Kingdom is aksyakshsjsnb
"she looks me dead in the eyes and says, hey Brian, if you still believe in the Lord above, get on your hands and knees and pray for us,,," --- SHE!!! IS!!! MARIA. Maria to Blaine. omg. the Maria and Blaine confrontation.
"I never cried like that before, I thought my eyes would pop out of my head," -- Blaine isn't used to feeling much emotion before, due to just,, suppressing it and focusing on being the Perfect Plaid Prince.
"'Cause I can leave, so what now what, so where do I go?"-- in the end, there is no more Plaid Kingdom for him to return to. there's no more mountains. for the first time in his life, he is free from everything and, for also the first time, he has no idea what to do and no one to tell him where to go.
" 'Cause I can imagine throwing all my clothes inside a suitcase without bothering to fold them," -- Blaine no longer being expected to be perfect. him wanting to run away from it all. gahhha jgssjns
"I got boulders on my shoulders, collarbones begin to crack; there is very little left of me and it's never coming back," -- GRR!!! the high expectations being placed on Blaine!!! him genuinely being raised to have a mask on, so to speak, at all times. him never quite being allowed to grow on his own.
"there are certain things you ask of me, and there's certain things I lack" -- this could be about Blaine's fall from grace in his father's eyes, frantically trying to defend himself OR it could be Lance, who was never the academic. who was good at sports and fighting and that was it, when it came to their father. he was only seen as being 'good' at one thing.
"in the beginning we were winning, and now I'm just making up facts" -- THE PLAID/PASTEL FAMILY FALLOUT!!! Blaine, even when trying to convince Lance otherwise, knowing it's all gone wrong.
"there's no meaning to the words, but we still sing these songs well." -- the plaid family's facade..., (also, having to do with Blaine's musical past!!! he is playing songs on the piano that he doesn't know the meaning of---and they don't matter, not to Father, not to the judges of his latest competition.)
"but you're a killer, and I'm your best friend," -- OKAY SO. Lance,, to Blaine. them being attached to each other. them understanding what it was like to be under Leland's eye. Blaine potentially getting villianized and Lance being let off lighter?? but Lance stands by him no matter what 'cause that's his brother.
"I try to write you poems but the words, they don't make sense." -- okay. this, in my mind, could be Lance just doing shit for fun?? and he does it for Blaine, giving it to him to judge. they aren't perfect, there's made up words in them and repeating phrases, but Blaine keeps them all. he's just tryna have fun :((
"I try to show emotion, but my eyes won't seem to wet." -- BLAINE. Blaine Blaine Blaine.
"I think you're changing; don't worry, you don't gotta stay the same," -- Lance telling Blaine it's like okay to heal and stuff???
OVERALL. these songs have made me lose my mind they're so good and just??? Them!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
If you had to create a roster for the Einherjar (without using those already on the list) who would you pick from history?
For a more fun one let’s play which Isekai characters would you pick to be an Einherjar?
This was quite fun to do!
1. Alexander the Great, educated, a strong warrior before he was king, responsible for sacking the Persian Empire, but even when the Persian King fled, he left the coward king’s family unharmed, showing that he was also compassionate. He died young and his heirs were assassinated shortly after and the empire promptly fell apart without his guidance.
2. Genghis Khan, one of history’s most infamous leaders, conquered the Mongol Empire plus most of Asia and Europe during his reign. A strong warrior and brilliant tactician who ruled his massive army, and had so many children with various women that his descendants could form their own army today. I love the mystery that nobody knows how he died or where his body is.
3. William Wallace, famous for leading Scotland to its freedom from the English, he may have not been the one to actually do it, but his actions as a warrior and a leader set in motion to the Scots rising up against King Edwards I following his death. His death was tragic, being betrayed and then executed in horrible ways and having his severed body parts displayed around England.
4. Miyamoto Musashi, a ronin samurai who killed his first person at age 13. He traveled alone with no affiliations to train his skills with a sword, which resulted in nito ichi-ryu, better known as kensai, battling with two swords. His most well-known fight was against Sasaki Kojiro, which he won, but then retired to train others with swords and retired with an undefeated record of 61 duels.
5. Spartacus, warrior turned slave turned gladiator turned rebellion leader, courageous but compassionate, a ruthless warrior who offered his enemies both mercy and respect, and led an army of rebels against their oppressors, the Roman Empire.
6. Achilles, who led the Greek army against Troy, killing Hector at the gates, a proud and strong warrior and leader, but he needs to make sure to wear iron boots that are impenetrable as everyone knows his weak spot.
7. Ching Shih, a female pirate who commanded 300 ships and was able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese Imperial Navy. If you disobeyed you were immediately executed, but the same went for if her men raped captives, she had a no tolerance policy. She ended up getting to retire with all her wealth after the Imperial Government offered both her and her crew amnesty after they were defeated under the agreement that they would stop.
8. ‘Mad Jack’ Churchill, a British solider in WWII that charged into combat with weapons that were not common for the time, such as a sword and long bow. He was disappointed the war ended with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as he wanted to keep fighting. He once stormed a German held down in Italy with just one other man and captured a mortar position and 42 men with just his sword, long bow and his bagpipes.
9. Amanirenas, one eyed ancient queen of Kush, now modern day Sudan, who fought back against the Roman Empire, after the death of Cleopatra, when they decided to try to expand past Egypt, so viciously that Rome and Augustus were quick declare peace between the two empires after they couldn’t win due to the unbearable heat and the pissed off queen. A fierce tactician who used supposedly used war elephants, fed captors to her pet lion, and defaced Augustus’ statues and kept the head of one statue under the feet of the throne of Kush.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, deadliest female sniper in the world; sniper for the Soviet Union in the Red Army during WWII; nicknamed Lady Death and claimed, during her time as a sniper, to have killed 309 soldiers. Became an advocate for peace and toured the world.
11. Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin a French watchmaker, illusionist, magician and regarded as the father of the modern style of conjuring, having brought magic from something only seen at circuses or similar places like that for the poor, to something of grand entertainment for the wealthy.
12. Richard I of England, a bad king but a brilliant warrior, having spent most of his time in the Crusades, rather than running his own kingdom, or fighting against France
13. Ragnar Lothbrok, Swedish and Danish king, legendary Viking warrior leader who raid both the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century
As for Isekai~
1. Ainz Ooal Gown- Overlord
2. Rimuru Tempest- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
3. Canya- In the Land of Leadale
4. Azusa Aizawa- I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
5. Yuna- Kuma-Kuma-Kuma Bear
6. Albedo- Overlord
7. Diablo- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
8. Shiraori- So I’m a Spider, So What?
9. Seiya Ryuguin- Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
10. Mamako Oosuki- Do You Love your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
11. Diablo- How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
12. Hajime Nagumo- Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest
13. Teacher and Fran- Reincarnated as a Sword
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
hay! so i saw that u were taking bingo prompts? and like. i was thinking maybe a blindfolded public use virgil for anonymous sex? 3rd one in O
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Ok so this one, I wanted to make it long and Virgil centric but it kept fighting me on where it was going and I ended up deleting a good chunk/starting over. Probably will come back and add more one day.
Tws: mentions of future rough sex, lmk if I need to tag more and also as always NO MINORS 🔞
Gift Box
Sometimes life in the Mindscape got boring and the sides would take turns shaking things up. This time it was Virgil’s turn and he had been doom-scrolling on the nsft side of tumblr the whole night beforehand. So when the other sides came down for breakfast they were greeted by the sight of Virgil’s plump ass sticking up in the air while he faced down with a blindfold on. There was some kind of foam wedge he was laying on and beside him was a tray set up with objects and a sign.
“Free for use.” Read Logan in a steady tone, “Hmm, are those his noise canceling headphones? Interesting.” He keeps walking to the kitchen and preps the coffee maker, a thoughtful look on his face.
Patton was visibly confused about the set-up and followed Logan to the kitchen to get some French toast sticks and sausage links from the freezer. “Lo-Lo, what does that all mean?” Logan is about to answer when Roman and Remus tumble into the kitchen bickering.
“Oh come on, don't be weird about it Ro-bro. The sign says Free Use!”
“So? I don’t want to know what you plan to do with him, I don’t want to picture you naked!”
“Pfft, fiiiiine. I get it, but you’re still a party pooper!”
In the living room Janus decides to go ahead and get the event started, glove off he pours some lavender oil on his fingers and teases the muscles of Virgil’s entrance. The once quiet side gives a small gasp of surprise but settles down and tries to relax, Janus kisses his spine as reassurance while he continues. Soon he’s three fingers in the whimpering Anxiety when he takes the oil again and with a third hand snaps into existence a plug with a cute cat tail on it, perfect for tugging, and pours a good helping of the lube on its head before replacing his fingers with it. “There we go kitten, now the others can abuse that tight hole of yours without doing any damage. You know how the twins get when they get excited.”
When Janus joins them in the kitchen, washing his hands and putting his gloves back on, he is met with a blushing Logic, a pair of ruffled Creativities, and a frustrated Emotions. “I’m Self-Care, I’m duty bound to make sure sides are taken care of.” He smirks. Patton just glares at him as he plates up the simple breakfast, hands shaking as he does so. Red faced, Logan gets three mugs of coffee ready, his own, then one for Roman, and a indulgently sweet one for Janus. A sign that Logan was trying to win favor with someone, who it was, was obvious. “Hmmm? You’re all acting so pent up, do I need to start taking care of all of you as well? Can’t have neglected sides around or one could say I’m not doing my job” He smirks when the others either become embarrassed or enticed by his words, “You mustn’t remember to thank Virgil for being such a good friend for letting us all relieve some tension.”
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xxlunadeaxx · 1 year
Meeting Between Monarchs. (Part 2, Giratina)
(Oops angst? Not even just a smidge wait Danny, how do you do this your show wasn’t that angsty? Possibly upsetting to some at the start.) Part 1 here
No breaths
No movement
No heartbeats, or rushing of blood.
Just a faint humming of his core, and a ringing in his ears that nearly drowns it out.
Danny would have thought Clockwork had stopped time if not for the great shadow’s slow blink he could barely see from where he was, directly in front of its open mouth. He could see his own glowing green eyes reflect in the shadow oddly, like a liquid instead of an abyss-like shadow, and closed them so he wouldn’t see his own fear anymore.
Danny would have collapsed into a heap at his actions, he just punched this thing with all his strength (and the last time that kind of punch landed, he knocked the fruitloop through five walls!) and it didn’t even twitch, no give like punching a brick wall without any power. There was no way he could win a fight right now with his exhaustion, not even hope for escape even if he could slip away.
But Danny couldn’t move any more thanks to something squeezing him on his sides. Was this a warning? Was he about to be snapped like a twig? Squished like a bug for his insolence because he couldn’t keep his cool? This thing was strong enough to override his ghost powers with its own, or even wait out his feeble attempts like a cat playing with its food.
Danny was trembling, his thoughts raced and his life was flashing before his eyes. That test he took today was hard since it was English literature, his worst subject, but Mr. Lancer took him aside before school got out and said he improved this time, barely passing, but that he was proud of his work. Said Danny looked dead (heh) on his feet, told him to take it a little easier, and praised him for his efforts.
Danny felt wholly accomplished with that praise, he was usually only praised by his sister and swore he wanted to do even better next time if possible with all the ghost fights that suck up his time with school.
Jazz's birthday is coming up within a week, so Danny recruited his friends and Dani (who is also his cousin/sister/friend) to plan and also to finally introduce Dani to Jazz. There was a small argument about the color scheme, Sam and Tucker couldn't agree or compromise today so Danny was stuck in the middle about it. He didn't want to deal with that after the high of a compliment so he ditched them on his way home before he ran into Vlad.
He didn't even say a "See you later" to them.
Danny didn't even get to talk to his parents today, they were elbows-deep in a new gadget and didn't emerge for breakfast. It was two days ago they started this, and Danny didn't get the chance to see if they remembered Jazz's birthday coming up, and could plan a present together. Danny did see Jazz this morning without chaos, but he was so stressed (damn it school) he didn't really talk.
Jazz still took the time to wish him luck on his test, and say "I love you baby-bro." He was on the corner before he could remember to say it back.
'Fear, Helpesness, Sadness, Desperation'
Danny was trembling, but not because he was shaking or terrified. The being holding him with its mandibles(?) was vibrating.
"𝔈𝔵𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔪, 𝔣𝔩𝔢𝔡𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤."
Danny blinked and breathed manually, his head was lolled back so his gaze was on the temple's ceiling. The mural of the shadow was still there, twisting between pillars with a judging gaze, although not coming alive again.
He stilled.
"𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫, 𝔓𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔬𝔪."
The voice rumbled through him and he obeyed, the tight muscles on his body slowly relaxing as he continued to expand his chest, hold his breath, then slowly let it out. Danny noted that the voice was no longer distorted horribly and seemed to be more femme-sounding rather than just a mix of too many voices at once.
He was still vibrating, and the ringing in his ears was washed away by the sound of ... purring? It was loud but not overbearing, like water waves crashing on rocks on a beach, or the river rushing. Danny felt another gentle squeeze from the mandibles holding him, and so he righted his neck to look at the shadow that had mandibles??
It was no longer a shadow.
'Concern, Curious, Apology, Fond'
"𝔉'𝔯𝔤𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔪𝔢, 𝔱'𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢 ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔶𝔬𝔫𝔡 ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔰𝔱 𝔣'𝔯𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔫 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔫'𝔯𝔰. "
And why was it speaking in Shakespearian English??? Guess his 'Ghost Translation' is helping him understand an almost(?) dead language like Wulf's Esperanto? Danny definitely had a headache now, he could barely read it yet understand it just fine. The concerned emotion was still prodding him while his mind wandered around, so he finally replied.
"Ah, no prob bob." Nice reply Danny, nice.
'Apology, Calming Down, Determination, Headache'
Another rumble, this time he could feel the amusement from it. In the vibration and emotion of the being. While Danny was still limp in its jaws, it glided out of the temple and onto the roof. It coiled itself in a loose circle, and place a boneless Danny on its raised tail which he flopped back to hang upside down on while hooking his legs around two spikes on either side of it.
Danny finally got a proper look at the snakey god, noting that its eyes were no longer glowing. (which is great cause it did freak him out a little)
Six golden-tipped spikes lined its midsection, evenly spaced apart almost like legs, and four smaller golden points near the edge of the tail which Danny currently hung off of two. Six golden half-rings circle its 'neck' area, three on each side, which Danny could see flexing minutely reminding him of spider/scorpion mouth 'hands', and out of each of those half-rings is a ghostly tendril with a red spike at the end looking almost like wings. On its head was a natural golden crown/circlet with two raised points on either side, dipped between its eyes, and stopped right above its insect-like mandibles that also doubled as horns as it encircled its lower face and grew out pointed backward. Its body was primarily gray on its back and head, with a black and red striped underbelly that turned into bands along its spikes.
Danny dragged his eyes back to its face, where it was waiting patiently for him to fully examine it and come back to himself. The mouth opened a smidge to show it was going to speak, even if it didn't need to use its mouth.
"𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔢 ℑ 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡𝔰𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔞 𝔥𝔲𝔯𝔩𝔶𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔩𝔶 𝔞𝔰 𝔭'𝔯 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔢𝔫𝔱'𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔡𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔦𝔫, ℑ'𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔲𝔠𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔶𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔡." It nodded its head at him in a polite gesture and half of the tendrils bent inwards like an arm mimicking a bow.
"𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔊𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔞."
'The Banished One, The Creator's Shadow, Lord of the Lost,
Guardian of Balance'
Something tickled in Danny's core, it felt like a small fuzzy string wrapping around it and pulling gently. A protector? Obsessions like that were rare, and for a being this old it was impressive that it still is so powerful.
“You guard this place?” Ah, curiosity controls his hindbrain again. Giratina clicks their jaw shut with a metallic sound, and the rings flex one by one.
"𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔦𝔠𝔢, 𝔟𝔲𝔱 ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔱," they explain, not so hidden anger in their now dual tone,
“𝔣'𝔯 𝔦𝔣 '𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔩𝔬𝔡𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔶𝔢𝔡… 𝔰𝔬 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔱𝔥'𝔯.”
Betrayed, Aggression, Loneliness
They both stared at each other for a moment in contemplation, Danny still swinging upside down from Giratina’s tail, before it came to a decision.
“ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔰'𝔱 𝔫𝔞𝔶 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔰𝔰 '𝔯 𝔢𝔫'𝔯𝔤𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔡𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔦𝔫, 𝔰𝔬 ℑ 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢. " It spoke regally and gently poked a claw at Danny, which renewed his swinging momentum.
“𝔒𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔳'𝔯'𝔡 𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔶, 𝔴𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔮𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔢.”
“Do we have to? I’d rather not lose my after-life,” Danny complains shakily, and Giratina rumbles again in a chiding/comforting emotion.
“𝔉𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔫𝔬𝔱, 𝔦𝔱’𝔰 𝔬𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢𝔱𝔱'𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢,” They flexed their tendrils in a lazy circle, similar to waving a hand, “𝔪𝔶 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔱𝔰 𝔯𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔠𝔥. 𝔄𝔫𝔡 ℑ 𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔥'𝔯 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔪."
“Training? I won’t say no to a teacher for fighting, I’ve been needing one anyways.” Danny grins as he straightens himself to sitting up, a second wind carrying him with that positive news.
“ℌ𝔪, 𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔲𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔷𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔬 ℑ 𝔪𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔱.”
Danny closed his eyes to pull up the picture of Amity Park in his mind, with Casper High's monotonous routine broken up with ghost fights. With Nasty Burger and its delicious but oddly explosive sauce. His neighborhood held his best friends that are probably wondering where he was. And his house that bore his eccentric ghost-hunting parents, and his worry-wort of an older sister who tries too hard sometimes. Though with all the ghosts coming through the portal that want to cause chaos, he does appreciate her trying.
'Love, Worry, Protectiveness'
Something scoops him with ease up while he meditates and places him on more solid ground, and Danny opens his eyes to see he was sitting on Giratina's head in their crown. They follow an invisible path at a speed that seems exhausting to Danny right now, but he doesn't feel any resistance or weight as they glide along. Only gentle purring causes Danny to slump over to rest, letting himself lean on Giratina's crown. He could feel their emotions being freer than before as Danny starts to purr back with his core. And it's hard to tell which is his or theirs while Danny still thinks of his home.
'Fond, Envy, Wistfulness, Melancholy, Aggression,
"Would you train me more if I came back more?" Danny blurted out. "Ah, not that I want to be banished again and take hours to get here, but this is a really cool place you got!"
The emotions paused while Giratina still moved, he could nearly see gears stuttering before the rumble increased in strength as Danny rambles on, talking nonsense but wasn't dissuaded to stop. After a moment of pause from Danny as buildings that looked like Amity Park's but twisted and upside down come into view, Giratina replies finally.
"𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖗, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖞."
They stopped before a small bubble, and Danny could see that in its reflection he could see his room! Giratina blew gently on it and it glowed for a second before widening seeming to collapse in itself, space forming into a tunnel that Danny could see leading into his room. Danny eagerly jumped from Giratina's head and towards the portal.
And screeched to a halt.
He turns around and smiles wide at the God who gazes at him.
"See you in a few days! I'll call when I'm ready for that fight," Danny waves goodbye. "And after that, I'll call weekly."
'Promise, Determination'
'Joy, Excitement'
"𝕾𝖔 𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖇𝖊."
The Lord of the Lost smiled back.
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A.N) Hope the 'old english' isn't too confusing and that the font is alright Some translations for Giratina's speaking, and the larger font is Giratina's emotions
"Expand your diaphragm, Fledgling" Now again, phantom "Forgive me, it's been so long since I had polite company that I had forgotten my manners." "While I would request a battle as per tradition of entering my domain, I'll introduce myself instead." "This one is Giratina." "Not by choice, but I must, for if this place is destroyed… so is the other.” “I have no healing prowess or energy replenishment items in my domain, so I shall bring you home.” “Once you recovered fully, we are to fight.” “Fear not, it’s only to better yourself not to punish you,” “My instincts require as such. And I rather not attempt to train in your realm." “Hm, now visualize your home so I may find it.” "Just call my name and I shall answer, and you'll never be turned away." "So it will be."
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leqclerc · 1 year
ferrari biggest mistake was letting vettel go for sainz. vettel got a bad rep in 2020, but if sainz was there he would be worse. and like lewis said in that one interview , the progress ferrari did with the car is a lot thanks to vettel. they let go an experienced driver who was a great help to develop the car for what? I still don't see the advantage of sainz.
My delusional Seb/Charles Ferrari lineup stan merchant ass: 🫡👏
Without getting into the technicalities of why that relationship ended how and when it did, I'm gonna go full self-indulgent delusion here for a second and entertain a completely hypothetical scenario.
There's been a lot of talk about how Seb prefers his cars set up and behaving a specific way and that he can't perform at his best if he's not getting that, whereas Charles is more adaptable and can do more with a car that's being difficult. And obviously there's his preference for oversteer. But... Carlos prefers understeery cars? 🤔 Based on the upgrades and tweaks Ferrari brought last year which were more to Carlos's liking but arguably made the car less competitive, you can see that they didn't go for a driver whose preferences for setup and car behaviour align with Charles's. So already that's not much of an improvement over Seb and what he brought to the team. ❌
Is he less "mistake prone" than Seb? Arguably not. I mean, Sainz In Gravel became the reincarnated version of Sbinalla last year. He also had a fair number of unforced errors and collisions with other drivers. Which, sure, it happens sometimes, you get punted off and there's nothing you can do about it. But still, I don't recall Charles tangling with drivers in the same way, especially during race starts, and he had the reputation of being a "grid terrorist" just a few seasons ago 🤔 And if you watch Charles's onboards regularly you know that he's had people locking up in front of him and doing all kinds of shit and he avoided colliding with them. Oh and also if Carlos has poor starts that's down to [checks notes] the car???? Because of course it is. Our????? Bro you mean your 😭So again, not a massive improvement over Seb. ❌
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Team orders... that's an interesting one. Because Charles and Seb sure had their moments in the past. But something that isn't really widely acknowledged is that Seb was on the receiving end of a number of unfavourable team order decisions in the last two years. He was frequently told to hold or swap position with Lance whenever the cars were close, or explicitly told not to fight Lance for position (even when you're fighting for peanuts, really? Lmfao good luck to Fernando). And really most of the time he was level-headed about it and obeyed. Even with all of that working against him (lbr Aston's strategies weren't masterclasses either) he still managed to outscore Lance. And he did two races less than him because of early season Covid. Mic drop.
Obviously he's a seasoned and decorated driver and he has his own ambitions but... I really like to believe that if there was a chance, one as promising as last year, for them to bring the championship back to Maranello they'd work together pretty well. Winning races in a competitive Ferrari is probably better than being stuck in the midfield. You could see he still had hunger and passion in him, the way he was fighting until the literal finish line with Kevin and Fernando last year... his racecraft is still there. ✔️
Also, he's incredibly intelligent and gives in-depth feedback, especially on technical matters. AM's Performance Director has credited him for pushing the team forward in every aspect and it's been said that a lot of strengths of the seemingly improved 2023 car are down to his contribution. ✔️
Idk man, they both love Ferrari so much, even when things go so fucking wrong, and they really deserved to be the ones restoring them to former glory. Logic and reason aside I would've loved to see Seb in the F1-75. Like, fuck. 😭
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midnightcreator12 · 2 years
The chapter from my current tmnt fic thats making my comment section ugly cry
It’s also my fav chapter so far so I’mma just drop it by itself over here.
Just view this as another ‘they didn’t get Leo back’ au fic
It should have been a victorious moment.
They’d been going non-stop for almost twenty-four hours, fighting the impossible odds against the Krang invasion.
There were moments where it seemed like they wouldn’t win. Like this was their final battle.
But the portal was shut, the Krang ship destroyed, they’d saved the world!
And Michelangelo's big brother was on the wrong side of the portal.
No, no, no, nonononono-
The word repeated over and over in Mikey’s head. 
Because this wasn’t supposed to happen. 
They got Raph back, they got their powers back, they had been winning and then-
And then he and Donnie had fallen and Raph had to save them and they left Leo all alone up there and-
Mikey reached out for where his brother had been, trying to focus his mind.
Casey had said his future self made a portal, one that sent Casey to them.
Maybe that trick could bring Leo back.
He could bring Leo back.
If he just focused hard enough he could bring Leo back!
“Mikey…” Raph’s voice cracked, thick with tears. “It’s over”
Mikey’s jaw tightened as more tears poured down his face, “He never…gave up on us!” His voice hitched on a sob. “I can’t give up on him!”
He could feel his powers buzzing under his skin, see it sparking at his fingertips. He could do this, he could get Leo back! He just had to focus!
He could do this!
He could-
Raph’s hand carefully landed on Mikey’s shoulder.
And the box turtle crumbled.
He screamed, long and loud and raw because he couldn’t, he couldn’t bring his brother back. 
Raph pulled him into a hug and Mikey clung to his older brother as his body shook with cries.
He could still feel his power buzzing under his skin, feel how much mystic energy coursed through him.
But it wasn’t enough. 
Leo was gone and Mikey couldn’t save him.
He curled closer to Raph and screamed.
Raphael had only been slightly surprised when Dad made Leo their leader.
He’d already known Leo would be a better leader then he was, he’d just been shocked at how Dad had chosen to tell them.
It probably hadn’t been a great idea to spring it on Leo, because he’d then taken all his skill as a leader and chucked it out the window.
Raph knew he was playing up the antics, since Raph had refused when Leo tried to give back the leadership spot. He knew Leo was trying to get him riled up enough that he’d retake the leader role on the team.
Raph had stood firm, refusing the play into Leo’s game, even when it got frustrating.
Losing the key had been close to Raph’s breaking point, so he’d tried to make Leo see that he had to step up, take his role seriously.
Be a hero.
Raph’s mind flashed back to every time he’d told Leo to be a hero as the Technodome exploded. Every time he’d told Leo to step up, stop messing around, take his role seriously-
Nausea rolled in his gut as his own words came back to him.
He’d tried to push Leo to be better, to be his best version of himself.
And he’d pushed Leo onto the wrong side of that portal.
Raph dropped to his hand and knees, sobbing softly.
He wanted Leo to step up but this…
He didn’t want this.
Raph curled in on himself and quietly wished he could just pull into his shell and hide from everything.
Mikey’s sobbing made his head snap up.
His baby bro was standing, arms raised, orange mystic energy sparking along his arms.
Leo was gone, they were a team without a leader.
They needed a leader.
“Mikey,” Raph cursed the way his voice broke. “It’s over.”
Mikey looked at Raph, tears running in rivers down his face, “He didn’t…give up on us! I’m not giving up on him!”
And Raph didn’t know what Mikey was trying to do but something in his chest broke all over again as Mikey strained, marking glowing as he reached out towards the sky, like he could just grab Leo and pull him back.
He couldn’t. Leo was gone.
Slowly, the snapper stood and moved to Mikey’s side, putting his hand on the smaller turtle’s shoulder, “Mikey…”
And that was all it seemed to take.
Mikey dropped with a heart wrenching scream that Raph felt in his soul.
He gathered his brother in his arms, holding him tightly as Mikey screamed and sobbed.
He wanted to do the same. Wanted to just sit down a scream at how unfair the universe was to take Leo from them.
But he couldn’t now.
He needed to be there for his brothers, they needed a rock right now.
Both his brothers.
Raph looked up and spotted Donnie, curled up on the pavement with his arms over his head, shaking with nearly silent sobs.
Donatello didn’t respond, didn’t even react to Raph’s voice.
Raph frowned and moved to crouch next to his brother, “Donnie?”
This time, Donnie looked up between his arms.
He opened his mouth as if to reply but all that came out was a tiny, sad chirp.
If Raph’s heart hadn’t shattered already that would have done it.
Donnie reached out one hand, fingers grasping at the air but Raph got the message. He wrapped his free arm around Donnie, tucked both his little brothers close to his chest and squeezed.
He felt like he should reassure them, try and soothe some of the pain.
But he couldn’t quite muster up any ‘you’re okay’s or ‘we won’s or even an ‘we’re safe now’.
Because they weren’t okay, because they lost their brother. And even if they technically won against the Krang they still lost their brother.
So Raph curled himself protectively over his remaining siblings, murmuring softly to the two of them, “I got ya, I got ya.”
He’d always have them, he could at least give them that.
Since they were old enough to grasp the concept, Leonardo had insisted he and Donatello were twins.
Donnie had always denied it, at some points even hated it when Leo said they were twins. His rebuttals only got harsher as they got older but Leo always laughed and kept crowing about his status as a twin.
Donnie used to wish he never had to hear Leo’s insistence that they were twins.
Or his stupid puns and corny one-lines.
As the Technodrome exploded over Metro Tower, Donnie got his wish.
He’d have loved to hear that twenty-four hours ago.
But as he watched the pink flashing lights of the portal fade away, he felt cold. 
His brain couldn’t seem to quite grasp what his eyes were seeing. Couldn’t fully comprehend that Leo had been up there when the portal closed. Had been on the wrong side when it shut.
But last minute saves were Leo’s thing. He’d be there soon. Another portal would open right next to them and Leo would come striding out, complaining about having to go to Staten Island.
It was just taking him a minute.
It was Leo, he always bounced back.
He almost didn’t notice the tears falling down his face, was actually surprised in a detached kind of way when he did notice them. He shouldn’t be crying, Leo was just waiting to make a dramatic entrance.
He’d be back. Any second he’d be there.
He could hear his brothers. Mikey was crying loudly, basically screaming, and he could hear Raph’s soft timber under the wails. But the words were lost to him, muffled under a ringing in his ears.
Like Leo was lost.
Donnie’s legs folded under him.
Because Leo was gone.
He curled up, bringing his arms over his head.
His brother was gone.
Raph was still talking. Somewhere on Donnie left.
His twin was de-
The word managed to break through the ringing in his ears.
He peeked up between his arms.
Raphael was crouched next to him, one arm curled around a sobbing Michelangelo, the other hovering over Donnie’s shoulder, “Donnie?”
He should answer. Raph was waiting for permission to touch him, waiting to see if he was okay.
Don opened his mouth.
Not a word came out of his mouth.
They were there, stuck somewhere in his throat, but Donnie couldn’t make any of them come out.
All he could manage was a soft, desperate chirp.
Because this wasn’t what was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be all of them. Together. They always stayed together. They always prevailed together, as a team, as a family.
Leo was supposed to slip out at the last second, come strutting out of a portal of his own, all smiles and bravado. That was Leo’s thing.
But there was no bright, blue portal to deliver their brother to them. No bad jokes or loud boasting of victory.
Donnie whimpered and reached out with one hand.
Raph scooped the softshell up, pressing him close to his chest, “I got ya, I got ya.”
Donnie hiccuped, curled up in Raph’s embrace as tears continued to stream down his cheeks.
They were all supposed to make it.
Mikey reached over and grabbed Donnie’s arm and Donnie reached back.
The three brothers held onto each other, weeping because there wasn’t supposed to be only three of them.
Donnie wasn’t keeping track of the time, it was taking everything he had to not start hyperventilating, so he didn’t know how long they all sat there mourning. 
But he felt it when Raph suddenly shifted, felt his brother's arm tighten around him and the low growl in his chest. Both Donnie and Mikey tensed and looked up to see what had spooked Raph.
A van was swerving towards them, going far too fast and moving much too erratically yet somehow the driver didn’t crash it.
Donnie knew that driving.
It was the first word he’d managed to get out and it came in such a soft whisper he wondered if his brothers heard him.
If the way both relaxed immediately was an indication, they had.
The van screeched and slid across the road until it was only a few feet away. It started to slow with a loud screech of rubber on the pavement. But before it had fully stopped the back door was flung open and April came barreling out, “Guys!”
She all but tackled them, arms not quite reaching around all the way but doing their damn best. Donnie could see dried tear tracks on April’s cheeks and her eyes were red.
The comm had been open.
There was no way they didn’t know.
Donnie looked behind April as Dad stumbled out of the driver seat of the van and came towards them. He was still crying, not even trying to hide his grief as he rushed to hold onto his remaining boys.
The only one who didn’t rush out of the van was Future Casey.
Donatello could see him, lurking next to the van, stealing glances at the family.
And a part of Donnie knew that what happened wasn’t Casey’s fault. 
A very small, quiet part that was drowned out by the roaring in his ears.
Because this entire mess started when Casey had shown up.
And he was the one who closed the portal before Leo could get out.
He took my twin.
Casey’s eyes found Donnie’s and the kids entire body flinched.
Donnie growled low in his chest, too low for anyone to hear over all the crying.
They’d probably scold him for blaming Casey but Donnie couldn’t find it in himself to care much.
Because logic could tell him that it wasn’t Casey’s fault all day long.
But Donnie, for once, didn’t care about logic.
He just wanted his brother back.
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