#background jin/hobi
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BTS Memories 2016: Making of Blood Sweat & Tears MV Yoonmin Being Yoonmin (feat. 2seok dissociation)
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day 77/547 of seokjin’s military service x
this selca was tweeted on 140216, the day of their Boy In Luv performance on inkigayo, with the caption:
ARMYs, you were the best today!
(trans cr: Iraide @ bts-trans x)
~bonus pics & vids (including performance) under the cut~
their boy in luv performance:
and their pre-performance interview (with english and spanish subs):
and a bunch of bonus pictures from that day (sources: official twitter, facebook, and the fancafé):
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joonsmagicshop · 1 month
Stress Relief Series Part 5- MYG
 Summary: A couple weeks ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that.
Paring: Yoongi/Reader (Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung are mentioned)
Rating: M/18+
Word Count: 5k
Tags: smut, fingering, eating pussy, soft Yoongi, dom Yoongi, hand jobs, cum eating, dirty talk.
Authors Note: My sweet Yoongi.
In case you missed it
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Yoongi knew he should have changed the code on his door ages ago.
Maybe he would actually get work done if he did.
His fingers danced across the keyboard as he pulled his headphones tighter against his ears to block out the sound of his bandmates talking.
His shoulders were starting to hurt from being so slouched over a computer desk his eyes were dry and his patience was thin
So very thin.
Yoongi knew what his strengths were, making music was one of them but lately he felt as if he had just hit a wall and could not break through it. He was stuck, musically constipated as Hobi said, which caused everyone to break out into giggles and Yoongi to shoot Hobi a very lewd gesture causing everyone to burst into laughs again
Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment and tried his best to get in a happy calm mindset but he could still hear Taehyung and Namjoon teasing each other in the background and Jin munching away on something.
Yoongi had enough and he ripped his headphones and turned the chair around.
“Alright everyone out! You all are annoying and I can’t concentrate. I’m changing the passcode tomorrow so out. Now.” He demands as Namjoon and Tae stare at him in shock and Jin just kept eating.
“We aren’t even doing anything! You had your headphones in the whole time!” Tae argues as he shoots Yoongi his signature pout which usually works, but not today.
“I could still hear you and Namjoon chatting. Out! Seriously I can’t concentrate. And Jin stop eating and getting crumbs everywhere. Honestly” Yoongi grumbles as he crosses his arms and stares them all down.
“Yoongi you spend all your time here we feel like we haven’t seen you except at dance practice. We wanted to hang out with you.” Namjoon says standing up and coming to sit in the chair next to Yoongi, concern written all over his face.
Yoongi let out a sigh, he didn’t mean to make Namjoon concerned, he had enough to worry about as their leader.
“Yeah, Yoongi I just wanted to hang out with my favorite Hyung.” Tae pouts as Yoongi shoots him a small smile.
“Rude!” Jin calls out kicking Taehyung’s shin and Namjoon puts a hand over his heart fake offended.
“Laying it on thick to stay. Nice try but no. Out all of you.” Yoongi says as Taehyung and Jin grumble but gather their things.
“I’ll stay and help you with the song,” Namjoon responds as he grabs the spare headphones out of the desk drawer and scoots closer.
“Thank you Namjoon. Finally some help.” Yoongi complains as the other two roll their eyes.
“Wow, Yoongi you seem stressed…” Taehyung starts with a smirk and Yoongi knows where he is going with this.
He hasn’t forgotten the proposition Taehyung made to them a month and a half prior. He had just been so busy he hadn’t thought about it.
Well okay, he has thought about it but it’s usually after a long studio session or dance session very late at night when it would be rude to call upon a stranger, so Yoongi would let his hand wrap around his cock and imagine it was someone else. Those were the nights he slept the best.
“Yeah, Yoongi you might want to do something about that. If only there was someone to help.” Jin teased as they both refused to leave standing by the door with matching smirks.
“Did I not tell you to get out?” Yoongi shoots back as he stares them down giving them death glares.
“Okay, guys enough. We are all stressed out let’s not make it worse.” Namjoon says diplomatically as Yoongi feels his shoulders slump again.
“You don’t have to be you know. I gave you a way out…an option.” Taehyung reminds them with a wave of his cell phone which has Jin cracking up beside him.
“Enough. Out.” Yoongi demands as he points to the door.
Taehyung giggles and opens the door to leave but Jin doesn’t leave just yet, his hand hovering on the door as he adjusts his bag on his shoulder.
“Ah, Namjoon I forgot to thank you for going to that exhibit and ditching me for dinner. I had a fantastic night. You really missed out".” He says teasingly with a wink as Namjoon’s eyes go wide.
Taeyhung is hunched over in the hallway cackling like a maniac and Yoongi is very close to standing up and slamming the door in their faces.
“Jin…seriously,” Namjoon whines with disapproval in his voice.
When Taehyung first brought the idea forward it was obvious that Namjoon disapproved. He reminded them they were idols and they needed to be careful and this was a huge risk. Taehyung reminded them he had been with Y/N for months and nothing had happened and his career was still intact, leaving it open for each of them to decide individually.
It seems not everyone shared Namjoon’s worry.
“And just so you know, my face is still handsome when I’m fucking someone against a mirror.” Jin finishes with a satisfied smirk as Yoongi finally has enough and stands up to slam the door in his so-called handsome face.
Taehyung and Jin run down the hallway cacking like hyenas before Yoongi can catch them and when he does slam the door it’s not as satisfying.
He runs a hand down his tired face and marches back to his computer where Namjoon is still seated in shock.
“You okay?” Yoongi asks as he fiddles around to pull up the song he had been stuck on for the past couple of days, sincerely hoping Namjoon could help him or he might scrap the whole thing out of frustration.
“Yeah, I just… they went against my warning? The maknaes I understand... they are horny little monsters but Jin? He is the oldest and supposed to be responsible? What if something happens?” Namjoon frets.
“I’m sure it will be okay. Taehyung said he has been with Y/N for a while and nothing has happened. I mean Jin was the one to point her out to him in the first place…responsible my ass. Either way, it already has happened and time machines don’t exist. We have enough to worry about with this tour.” Yoongi points out as Namjoon fiddles in his seat.
“I’m calling a meeting,” Namjoon says pulling out his phone.
Yoongi stops him with a hand on his arm.
“Namjoon no. What’s a meeting going to do anyway? You tell them not to they are going to want to do it more. We should just leave it.” Yoongi says as Namjoon grumbles and puts his phone in his pocket.
“Let’s just focus on the song okay? Please? Or do I have to kick you out too?” Yoongi half jokes as he grabs his discarded headphones.
“Sorry, Hyung just…stressed out,” Namjoon admits as Yoongi nods and puts the headphones over his messy hair as they both get to work.
The thing about someone warning you not to do something…
It really does make you want to do it more.
This was one of those times Yoongi hated being right.
He and Namjoon worked on the song for a total of two hours and Namjoon did help him get over his creative block.
It was a good studio session and Yoongi was grateful for his friend.
However, Namjoon had plans with some friends at his house, and even though he offered an invite to Yoongi multiple times Yoongi declined.
He wanted to stay and work on the music some more despite Namjoon telling him he needed rest and to eat something.
“I’m going to text you every hour Yoongi and if you are not out of this studio by eleven I’m dragging you out,” Namjoon warns as he throws his helmet over his head and waves as he leaves.
The problem is that Yoongi had all these ideas when Namjoon was around. He felt the creative juices flowing.
Now that Namjoon is gone and he is alone everything feels wrong.
His sweater is too hot, his hair tickles his face, his eyes burn from staring at a screen for too long, his shoulders hurt, he feels itchy and irritable and he is hard, so painfully hard in his track pants it’s annoying him further.
“Namjoon no. What’s a meeting going to do anyway? You tell them not to they are going to want to do it more.”
Yoongi hates being right.
But since Jin mentioned it Yoongi has not been able to stop thinking about it. It had been ages since he had something to satisfy him other than his right hand and the thought was tempting. How amazing it would feel to slide into a tight wet pussy, how good it would feel to have someone moaning his name, taking his cock, taking care of him.
He can hear Namjoon’s panic in the back of his mind. What if something does go wrong?
However, his skin is prickling with heat and his stomach is swooping with need and just at the thought of fucking someone his cock is twitching and leaking in his track pants making his skin itch some more.
Maybe Taehyung was onto something after all.
Fuck it.
Yoongi grabs his phone from his desk with one hand and palms the head of his cock with the other. He wants to relieve at least some tension so he doesn’t blow his load the second he gets to you.
With his free hand, he types out a message.
And lucky for him it doesn’t take long for you to respond.
By the time you hear the knocking on the door, you have just gotten the food all laid on the table.
You smirk to yourself as you smooth down your shirt and open the door to see Min Yoongi standing there.
He shoots you a shy timid smile as you lead him in and right to the kitchen.
His eyes widen and you try not to laugh.
“What’s all this?” He asks blinking slowly as he takes in the dimmed lights and the takeout containers.
“Y/N you didn’t have to do this.” He says softly as you pour him a glass of water and gesture for him to sit down at the table.
“I didn’t do this. Taehyung did. Well I mean… he texted me and gave me the heads up you might reach out. When I told him you did he ordered all this food for us and said you were stuck in the studio today and probably didn’t eat. He got all your favorites… or at least that’s what he told me” You admit as you sit across from Yoongi and his eyes soften.
“He was being a menace today and I had to kick him and Jin out of my studio he really knows how to suck up,” Yoongi explains as you start to pile his plate high and he runs a hand through his hair.
“Yup, that sounds like Taehyung.” You tease as you give him his plate and work on making your own.
You pile on a little bit of everything and push your chair closer to Yoongi as you both eat.
Conversation flows freely and you find Yoongi very easy to talk to. He tells you a little bit about his day and asks you about yours.
The whole thing is very domestic for two people who just met twenty minutes ago.
Once dinner is finished you pack everything up and leave it in the fridge reminding yourself to make Yoongi take it home with him.
You turn around to see Yoongi who is sitting in the chair, arms crossed over his stomach and trying his best to keep his eyes open.
He just looks so exhausted.
“Come on Yoongi time for sleep.” You coo as his eyes slowly flutter open and a pink blush paints his cheeks.
“But- I didn’t come here just to eat and sleep, I wanna fuck you.” He says innocently as you bite back a smile and help him out of his chair.
He loops an arm around you and buries his face into your neck as you guide him to your bedroom and help him flop down on the bed.
“How about we sleep first, baby? You look two seconds away from passing out.” You say to him.
“I’m fine I promise.” He says pouting out his lower lip looking as cute as ever.
“Yoongi how about we take a little nap at least? You can’t keep your eyes open.” You push, and much to your surprise he doesn’t argue and instead climbs up the bed.
You giggle when he throws back the smallest corner of the comforter to slip under and once he gets himself situated he makes grabby hands towards you.
You throw back the covers and climb under so you are the little spoon and immediately Yoongi wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush to his body so your back is pushed up against his chest and his nose is pressed into your hair.
“Thank you Y/N. m’ sorry this probably isn’t what you expected. And I don’t usually cuddle with people I don’t know…m’ just so tired.” Yoongi admits in a small voice as you push yourself closer to him and rub your hands up and down his arms.
“Yoongi let me take care of you, you are clearly exhausted from working so hard Let’s both get some rest okay?” You say softly as you bring his hand up to kiss the back of it causing him to push himself closer to you.
You were unsure how long you had slept for, all you knew was Yoongi’s arms were wrapped tightly around you and his cock was hard and pressing into your backside.
You craned your neck to look out your window seeing the sky dark and littered with stars. You both must have slept for at least a couple of hours.
You put your head back on the pillow and were about to doze off again when Yoongi let out a breathy whimper against your back and ground his cock harder into your butt. His hands tightened around you and you could hear the soft pants and whines that were spilling from his mouth as you smiled.
His moans were getting more high-pitched as he ground harder into you and your hand came around to cup at his bulge but you stopped yourself.
You never went over rules or anything with Yoongi because after you ate you both fell into a food coma-type sleep.
You weren’t sure if it was okay to touch him and you didn’t want to do it without his permission.
The only thing you could do was wake him up and just as you were about to do so you felt something else against your backside.
A pulsing vibration from a phone which meant someone was calling him.
You shook his arm to wake him and looked over your shoulder to see his eyes blearily opening as his phone continued to vibrate against your hip.
“Mm, what time is it?” He asked voice husky with sleep which made your stomach swoop, his sleepy voice was so sexy.
“Yoongi your-” You said as he suddenly realized and his eyes nearly popped open as he shoved his hard cock away from your backside and started apologizing profusely.
“No not that! I think someone is calling you. Your phone!” You say as he sits up still slightly disoriented as the vibrating stops.
But just as it stops it starts again and Yoongi leans back to fish his phone from his pocket frowning when he sees the screen.
“Shit, it’s Namjoon.” He says shooting you a look.
“I can leave if you need some privacy.” You say already turning to get out of bed, but Yoongi stops you with a strong hand on your thigh as he stares you down.
“Stay. This will be quick.” He says taking the call and holding the phone up to his ear as you slip back under the blankets.
“Hello?” Yoongi says as you fiddle with the blanket and try to make yourself look busy. Even though Yoongi wanted you to stay you still felt like you were intruding on something you shouldn’t have
You can faintly hear Namjoons worried voice over the phone. How he tried to text Yoongi multiple times and got no response.
You are about to stand up and leave despite Yoongi’s wishes when his long fingers circle your wrist and you gasp and stare at him in shock when he brings it to his hard cock and raises an eyebrow at you.
“Are you sure?” You whisper not wanting to be picked up by Namjoon on the other line as he nods and you slowly start to apply pressure to his hard cock through the thin material of his track pants.
“Mhmm. I know Joon. Mhmm.” Yoongi drawls as Namjoon continues to talk and you continue to stroke his cock through his pants watching as his hips rut up into your hand and how his eyes are fluttering with every pass of your palm.
Without hesitation, you dip your fingers into his waistband and boxers and circle the base of his cock, a choked groan leaving his lips as you hear Namjoon stop his talking, and you eye Yoongi.
“Yeah I’m okay Namjoon, sorry I just woke up from a nap.” Yoongi admits as he mouths the word “move” to you.
You dance your fingers along his painfully hard shaft and when you reach the head of his cock you can feel him dripping all over your fingers.
You gather as much of it as you can before taking your hand out of his pants and holding your fingers up to his face so he can see for himself.
His eyes widen when you take your fingers and pop them in your mouth, licking and sucking at the juices.
“Namjoon listen I have to-go I gotta go,” Yoongi says as you can hear the muffled noises of Namjoon protesting on the other line.
“Yoongi where did you nap?” You can hear Namjoon ask as you place your hands on his shoulders and lean in, kissing at the exposed skin of his neck as he throws his head back and you hear a small thump from when it hits the headboard.
“Nam-J-oon I have to go-seriously,” Yoongi says voice cracking as you suck on his neck letting your tongue flick over his warm flesh.
“Min Yoongi you better not be doing what I think you're doing!” You hear Namjoon warn.
You lick a bold stripe up his neck from collarbone to earlobe as Yoongi hangs up on his friend and throws his phone across the room.
His hands are tight on your hips as you position yourself so you are straddling him, pushing your wet core into his throbbing cock as he grabs you and pulls you in for a bruising kiss.
His lips are soft as they push into yours. His hands stay tight on your hips and your heart is racing in your chest when he wastes no time slipping his tongue into your mouth.
The kiss is heated and laced with heat and passion that it makes your head spin. He shifts his hips to push his hard cock into you and you whine against him as your core throbs with need.
“Need you. Fuck need you so bad. I’ve been hard all day thinking about this.” He mutters against your lips as his hands tug at the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head.
You can faintly hear his phone vibrating on the floor and you pull back to stare at him.
“Namjoon again?” You ask as Yoongi doesn’t seem too bothered, he is preoccupied with exploring your body with his tongue and taking off your bra.
“Yoongi your phone.” You cry out when he finally gets the bra off and his lips attach to your nipple sucking harshly causing moans to spill from your mouth and your eyes to close as your hands tangle in his hair.
“Don’t give a shit about Namjoon right now. Need you so fucking bad. Let him break down the door it’s not gonna stop me from fucking you.” Yoongi growls as he thrusts his cock up against you again and you whine.
You rake your hands through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes as he stares up at you, lips still wrapped around your nipple and a grin on his face.
“Woke up so fucking hard, wish you didn’t wear pants so I could have just slipped it right in.” He admits as you groan and grind your wet pussy down on his lap.
“Gonna soak my pants, baby. Gotta take these off.” He says as he helps you off of him and crawls down the bed so he is between your legs.
Your eyes widen in shock when he pulls your pants down harshly and throws them on the floor, muffling the sound of his still-vibrating phone even more.
“You sure you don’t want to answer your phone?” You ask as Yoongi kisses up and down your legs, stealing your breath from your lungs.
“And miss the chance of eating you out to get yelled at by Namjoon. Not a fucking chance.” He growls as he slowly makes his way to your core.
He takes his sweet time kissing up your thighs as you moan and thrash on the bed. Your body is on fire with need and you feel your core throb with every swipe of his tongue on your legs and thighs.
“Yoongi… please.” You cry out as you prop yourself up on pillows to get a better view of him between your legs.
“Please what? Use your words” Yoongi demands looking smug between your legs as his fingers run along your upper thighs.
“Touch me.” You whisper holding your breath in anticipation.
“I am touching you love.” He teases.
“Min Yoongi I swear to god. Please.” You cry out as he finally dips his finger into your folds and collects your wetness bringing it up to your clit and making your head hit the pillow and your eyes roll back.
“Fuck baby your soaking my fingers. Needy little thing aren’t you? Did the other boys touch you or was it all just talk?” He hums as he rubs small slow circles on your clit causing you to arch your back.
“Needy? You were the one grinding your cock into me earlier.” You tease as he removes his fingers and gives you a hard stare.
“I can stop you know.” He teases back with a mischievous smile as you whine and push your hips up, desperate to get him back to where you need him most.
“That’s what I thought.” He muttered as he lay himself down on the bed and your eyes widened as he brought his face closer to your dipping center.
“Fuck Yoongi.” You moan as he flattens his tongue against your slit and licks it all up.
You cry out and fist the sheets desperate to hold onto something and to ground yourself as Yoongi flicks his tongue over your clit causing you to cry out.
Yoongi works you with your tongue until you are a screaming sobbing mess under him. You feel your orgasm fast approaching and he must feel it too as he shoves two fingers deep inside of you and begin to scissor them, stretching you out as he licks and sucks at your clit.
Right when he curls his fingers deep inside you your body lets go and you arch up from the bed, his name falling like a prayer from your lips as your pussy clamps around his digits and you cum all over them and all over him as his tongue is still buried between your legs and his hair is tickling your thighs.
You come down and slump on the bed breathing heavily as you desperately try to catch your breath. You watch as Yoongi gently closes your legs and crawls up the bed towards you, his eyes sparkling as he shoves his pants and boxers down to free his hard, leaking cock. He throws them somewhere in the room as you giggle.
“So much better holy shit almost came in my pants tasting you.” He admits as his hand circles his cock and he strokes it slowly, trying to ease some of the built-up tension as you watch.
Yoongi’s skilled hand strokes and tugs at his cock, he takes his time with it letting out soft whines and moans with every pass of his fingers against the aching shaft.
“Fuck Yoongi, so hot.” You whimper as you close your thighs tightly trying to ease some of the ache between them.
Yoongi’s eyes travel down your body as he smirks when he sees your thighs clenching.
“One orgasm isn’t enough?” He asks releasing his cock and letting it smack against his stomach.
He crawls on top of you and uses his hands to spread your legs.
Your breath hitches when he leans down to press a soft slow kiss to your mouth and you reach up to tangle your hands into his sweaty hair.
“Hold them open for me. Let me grab a condom.” He whispers as he shimmies down the bed to grab his pants and digs through the pile of clothes to find his discarded phone.
His mouth draws up into a smirk when he checks the screen.
“Five missed calls from Namjoon. World record I think.” He teases as he grabs a condom from his wallet and throws his phone back down on the pile.
He takes his time rolling the condom on his hard length and you roll over to flick on the bedroom lamp casting the room in a warm glow.
"Is everything okay with Namjoon?” You ask as Yoongi crawls on the bed and positions his cock at your entrance.
“Yeah, he’s just… You know he’s our leader and he is the responsible one out of us. He feels like what we are doing isn’t the most responsible thing and is just worried.” Yoongi admits as he pushes his hair back from his face and stares you down.
“Does he know I signed a NDA contract? I legally can’t say anything…at all… ever?” You ask as Yoongi slides his cock head against your entrance coating it in your juices.
“Yeah, Taehyung told us that part it’s just… Namjoon you know. He worries a lot.” Yoongi admits with a fond look on his face.
“Sounds like he’s stressed out.” You tease as Yoongi lets out a laugh and slowly pushes his cock head inside.
The stretch is delicious and you open your legs wider to welcome him. He takes his time inching inside of you until he is fully sheathed and he pushes his forehead against yours and you both breathe heavily.
“Jin and Taehyung joked about that this morning. Couldn’t stop thinking about it. That’s why I’m here. And fuck was it a great decision. You’re so tight for me darling.” He mumbles as he presses soft kisses against your temple.
“Did you get hard in the studio? Thinking about me? Thinking about this?” You purr as Yoongi closes his eyes and shifts his hips rocking into you gently.
“You have no idea. Was fine when I was working on the song, the second Namjoon left. Fuck. Couldn’t stop thinking about it. Felt like I was in heat. Needed this soaked pussy so bad.” Yoongi growls as you feel his cock twitch inside of you and you moan.
“Please tell me I can move. Please.” Yoongi begs and when you nod he grins wickedly down at you.
Yoongi pulls his cock most of the way out and grabs your legs. Before you can process it he has your legs thrown over his shoulder and starts to pound into you harshly.
You grip the blankets for support as Yoongi’s hard cock drags against your walls. He is fucking you with so much enthusiasm you feel like you might go right through the headboard.
Yoongi is moaning above you and is hitting that spot deep inside of you that has you crying out his name and gripping the sheets harder.
“Yoongi fuck, please. F-fuck feels so good.” You cry out as he reaches down to play with your clit, his skilled fingers rubbing it in a way that has your orgasm fast approaching.
“Baby girl you feel so good around me, pussy so good I want to scream.” He growls as he shifts his hips and slams into you harder causing your pussy to clench around him.
“Gonna cum princess, gonna cream my cock and make a mess for me,” Yoongi says as you nod frantically, your whole body tensing as you feel your high fast approaching.
“Yoongi right there fuck! Please!” You beg, not even sure what you are begging for.
Your orgasm rips through your body as you arch up from the bed and cry out his name. Your pussy clamps tightly against his cock as Yoongi bends forward to kiss you and you feel his cock twitch and empty into the condom, he can hardly thrust into you as you continue to ride out your high.
“so so good baby. You did so good.” he praises as his lips find yours and he gives you soft slow kisses, his hair falls over his face to tickle your cheeks and you grab at his shoulders desperate to feel more of him
Once you both come down Yoongi pulls out and throws the condom away. He positions himself down on the bed beside you. His hands come to scrape his hair away from his face as he stares at you with a dopey grin.
You lean in and press a small kiss to his cheek as you get up to get a towel and use the washroom.
Once you get yourself cleaned up you head back to the bedroom and let out a soft giggle. Yoongi is spread out on the bed and fast asleep. One hand is resting on his stomach and his hair is a mess and his lips are parted as he softly snores.
You inch over to the bed and use your warm washcloth to wipe around his soft cock, careful not to wake him.
Once finished you throw the covers over his body and grab a big tee shirt to sleep in as you curl up next to him.
His arms wrap around you and he buries his face in your hair. You hear a content sigh leave his lips.
Right as you are about to doze off you hear a phone vibrating again and you bite back a laugh as you snuggle into the covers and fall asleep.
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7brownsuga7 · 2 months
bts x idol!gf headcanons pls!!
i’ve been loooving ur bts boyfriend headcanons so far! ur so talented
Omg thank you so much 🫶🏽 I actually enjoyed writing this. Here you go & enjoy! <3
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• Tries to be discreet with your dating but will accidentally leave hints like some of your merch/stuff in the background of his pics/lives.
• Paparazzi pics in museums & galleries. Definitely off guard
• Always in touch when the other is away.
• Will publicly share your music/projects. Is a big supporter
• Spotting’s in clubs. Shades on dancing the night away. Y’all are definitely the talk of the night
• You both subtly post things on your story that insinuates that you both might be dating. Same location, same background, posting pics at same event or place. Posting songs that relate to each other.
• You both definitely talk through your stories. Talking to each other through songs or silly captions etc
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• Will shut down any bad rumour about you. Very defensive when it comes to you.
• Big supporter and is at all of your shows/events cheering you on if he can.
• Goes on live wearing your merch
• Lives where both of you are cooking together and bickering with each other about who’s better or who does it right.
• Idk I can see y’all presenting together?!! And kinda teasing each other. (I see this before you start dating. And this causes speculation which kind of initiates both of you dating??)
• You both definitely post pics of each other being a mess. Off guard pics 100%
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• Song covers while he plays the instrumental for you on his guitar or piano
• Will stick up for you and will shut down any bad rumour about you. Very defensive when it comes to you. And if you're getting hate he's gonna make sure it's dealt with
• Very protective when out in public together. Is like your own little personal bodyguard and will hold your hand and lead you away from the paparazzi/fans
• Will go on live and call out everyone for your fan edits. Even though he acts like he doesn’t like it he blushes and secretly saves them.
• He’s caught with your picture as his lockscreen
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• Loads of dance videos and choreographies.
• Lives where you both are just dancing and vibing in the practice room.
• Duet video dance covers that he begs you to do
• Cameos in each others MVs
• Has your merch. Has your photocard hanging on his jeans or bag for sure.
• Is spotted with your initials painted on his fingernails
• Always showing you off to the cameras with a big grin on his face. Showing your photocard, merch, his lockscreen of you, showing his nails or any jewellery with your initials on it.
• Taking selfies with your posters/adverts with a big smile on his face. Or even will do a little freestyle dance in front of it lmfao
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• Cameos in each others projects. Him more so in yours.
• Will talk about you in his lives. Will purposely make up a comment and read it out and then go on a whole rant about you. Will get shy and then wave it off
• Duet video covers that you beg him to do
• Posting pics with the same background/location so people know you're together
• Likes every and any fan edit of you both.
• You both are always spotted on little dates like cafes, pottery painting or just casual walks
• You both wear matching jewellery that he picked out himself
• Taking selfies with your posters/adverts with a happy proud smile on his face and the most sentimental and encouraging paragraph
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• Cameos in each others projects/MVs
• Loads of leaked messages of y'all being messy
• Loads of photo shoots from him. He loves being your personal photographer
• Will purposely like and interact with any conspiracies and speculations about you dating. (Before you both went public with your relationship)
• He will beg you to go on variety shows together. He sees it as something fun. I can see you both bickering during the recording and making fun of each other/ teasing. You both would kill it though even though you don’t take it seriously you’d probably end up doing great in the games.
• Public outing spottings. You guys are always seen out together holding hands or him with his arm around you. You guys always stop for pictures.
• You both wear matching jewellery to symbolise your relationship
• Y’all are always caught kissing in public. So many pictures have been leaked
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• Paparazzi pics of your date nights. Holding hands and running away from the paparazzi/fans as a game
• Very sneaky and lowkey. Like you're known to be dating but you're very sneaky with it. Always hiding from paparazzi and not really speaking about your relationship publicly.
• But will publicly stick up for you if there's rumours going around or hate. He's shutting that shit down
• Duet cover videos that you guys randomly post that has the fans going insane
• Hot dance covers. Y’all both being sweaty having re-recorded many times due to fuck ups, teasing and getting distracted iykwim ;)
• Always FaceTiming and calling when either of you are away. You both miss each other so much and you can't go without communicating. He literally will keep on messaging you if you don't respond
• Fan edits go crazy and he eats it up every time. He’s obsessed with watching them.
• I can imagine him calling you during his promotion sketch videos. Seen giggling on the phone to you, excited to talk to you after his promotions. Sometimes you might even make a cameo in them
• You’re always seen discretely wearing his clothes
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kookssin · 1 year
soft | jeon jungkook (m)
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pairing: softdom!jungkook x f!reader
warnings: smut (nsfw), fluff, dom-sub dynamic, subspace kinda, aftercare, tears, overuse of petnames
wordcount: 2.5k
"my pretty little girl" he smiled, fingers gently running through your hair as you were tightly hugging his waist, excited to see him after a week. "i missed you" you mumbled into his chest, earning a chuckle from him. "i missed you too baby, so much" tapping your cheek, he turned your face up to him, pressing a chaste kiss onto your lips, your eyes fluttering close as you longed for more.
"come on let's go, the boys are already waiting" he intertwined your fingers, squeezing your hand as he pulled you out of your house, walking you to the car where he opened the passenger door for you. "thank you koo" you blushed, taking a seat in the car. even after almost two years of dating, jungkook never failed to leave you flustered, seeming to always know just the right words to say. 
as soon as jungkook started driving, his tattooed hand took its place on your bare thigh, softly caressing your skin. you smiled down at his hand, loving how good it looked on your thigh, you placed your hand on top of his, playing with his fingers. a soft smile lingering on his lips as he felt your fingers around his. 
as soon as jungkook started driving, his tattooed hand took its place on your bare thigh, softly caressing your skin. you smiled down at his hand, loving how good it looked on your thigh, you placed your hand on top of his, playing with his fingers. a soft smile lingering on his lips as he felt your fingers around his. 
"who will be there?" you broke the comfortable silence between you two, talking over the music playing in the background. "just the boys" he said, adding " jimin, yoongi, and namjoon, as well as hobi, jin and tae with their girlfriends" you nodded, excited to see them again after a while. 
you soon arrived at the restaurant, being welcomed by the group as they were already sitting there. "hi everyone" jungkook spoke, you following right after with a smile. you greeted everyone with a hug, jimin squeezing tighter and longer than the others since he was your best friend, earning a firm pat from jungkook at the back of his head.
"sorry bro" jimin chuckled, knowing how possessive jungkook was over you. "come sit here, baby" jungkook nodded over to the seat next to him, letting you sit between him and jimin. while talking about anything and everything, time flying by as you spent the time eating and laughing with your closest friends. - after a few hours, you said goodbye to everyone, promising Jimin to go out with him sometime before you and jungkook went back to the car making your way back home. "did you enjoy today, princess?" he asked with a smile, intertwining your fingers as he smiled at you. "i did, a lot actually. it was fun to see them all once again" you answered truthfully. and with a smile, he brought your hand up to his face, chaste fully kissing your knuckles while keeping eye contact with you, starting the engine and driving to his home. 
as soon as you entered his apartment, you informed him that you would go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. after taking off your make up, you went to his room, just to find him already laying in his bed with his head leaned to the headboard, in just a pair of sweats.
he looked up from his phone as he heard you enter the room, a soft smile on his lips as he watched you walk to his closet. biting his pierced lip, he watched you slip out of your dress into one of his hoodies, admiring your almost bare form from behind. he opened his arms for you as soon as you turned around "come here, baby"
with a shy smile, you quickly rushed over to the bed, falling into his bare chest, snuggling close against him. he hummed out in approveness, wrapping his arms around your body as he closed his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of your shampoo. "you know that i love you, right?" he hummed, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. you nodded against his chest, blushing as you answered "and i love you too, so much" you pecked his bare chest under your face, hearing him hum out in pleasure as response. 
you lifted your head from his chest, looking up into his eyes to find him already looking at you. "you're so precious" he gently grabbed your chin, pulling you up to him to press his lips on yours. you sighed out at the familiar feeling, melting into his touch in seconds. you wrapped your hands around his neck, his hand leaving your jaw to make its way around your waist to lift you into his lap, straddling his thighs.
his tongue played with yours in soft motions, taking his time with you. he let out a groan as you started grinding your hips down against his hardening dick, earning a pinch from him in your side, which made you shriek away from him "not so fast babygirl" you shuddered as he started kissing down your neck, sucking on the spots where he knew you were sensitive as his hands drove over the swell of your butt, pulling down your panties in a swift move.
you shuddered once again, as his fingers found your clit, a soft moan escaping you as he moved his finger in swift circles over it. "feels so good koo" you moaned into his ear, your head falling into his neck as he fastened his pace.
"yeah? does that feel good?" you whimpered as he pushed two fingers inside you, curling them right in the right angle "yes" you moaned, gripping onto his shoulders as you moaned into his neck, letting the pleasure over come you. feeling your tummy tighten, your hips started to move on their own as you kept on grinding down against him, your clit rubbing the elastic of his sweats perfectly as his dick was resting against your thigh.
"don't move" he ordered, making you whimper as you haltend your hips, letting him do all the work. you were close to your orgasm as he pulled out his fingers, leaving you clenching around nothing as you whined out in annoyance. "you're so mean" you huffed out into his neck, earning a small spank on your left asscheek from him "mind your tongue, little girl" "sorry" you mumbled.
"that's right. now, take off my sweats and be a good girl for me, alright sweetheart?" you desperately nodded, getting off his lap and pulling down his sweats and briefs, trying not to mind the big wet stain you had left on them. you looked up at him with big eyes as you waited for the next order, already kneeling between his legs. "you know what to do baby" he smirked, letting his head fall back as he took in the sight of you playing with his dick. 
your thumb went over his slit, earning a groan from him as you spread his precum all over his length. "let me hold your hair for you, hm, princess?" he breathed out, taking your hair into his fist as you started to suck him off, choking slightly as he pushed you down completely.  - "come up here baby" he breathed out, cupping your face as he connected your lips once again, distracting you from the slight burn as you sank down on him. you moaned out his name as your clit came in contact with his pelvis, a groan escaping him at the same time "fuck, it's been so long" 
"bounce baby" he hummed into your ear, his skilled hands pulling off the hoodie from your body, your bra following right after before you slowly started to move on him. "mhm" he hummed "that's my good girl" he moaned, his hands gripping your waist to help you move up and down on him. "you look so beautiful like this" you loudly moaned at the praise, your body falling against his.
he grabbed your waist tightly before he stared to thrust up into you, abusing your gspot perfectly. "right there kook" you moaned, tightly gripping on his shoulders as you trembled in his arms. "you feel so good princess" he moaned, feeling you clench around him. 
"i'm gonna cum jungkook!" you cried, biting into his neck as you felt yourself this close to the edge. "cum for me baby" he demanded, holding you tightly in his grip as you shook in his arms while cumming undone. 
he followed right after with a loud groan, his cum dripping down your folds onto him, creating a mess. "you did so good princess" he praised once more, as you panted into his neck, still in after shock from your orgasm. 
with a groan, he carefully pulled out of you, a whine escaping you as you felt his juice dripping out of you down to the back of your thighs. tears suddenly started to repeatedly fall down your cheeks, your hands coming up to your face to hide your sobbing mess from the after shock.
"hey" jungkook softly spoke, taking your hands off your face to place his hands on your cheeks, wiping your tears away before pressing a comforting kiss on your forehead, cradling you in his arms, cooing "it's okay baby. you're safe, it's all over now" he softly caressed your back, helping you calm down after a few minutes "you did so good, baby. my good little girl" you timidly nodded into his chest, taking a few deep breaths before your sobs stopped and turned into little sniffles.
he reached over to the nightstand, taking a cool bottle of water and opening it for you. "drink baby" you did as he said, taking a few sips with his help before falling back against him again. as soon as he was sure you were okay, jungkook reached over, taking his to the ground fallen shirt and started to leave his place to go back between your legs, making you whine loudly at the loss of contact "shh, i'm here" he caressed your thigh, giving you some sort of comfort "just close your eyes for me, okay?" you nodded in response, sighing as you closed your eyes and let him clean you up. 
"do you want to take a bath?" he softly asked, throwing the shirt somewhere in the room before he pulled you in his embrace once again, pecking your face anywhere he could. "yes please" you whispered, not trusting your voice at the moment. "alright" he smiled "let's go then" he was quick in standing up from the bed, picking you up bridal style as if it was nothing and walking to the bathroom where he softly placed you on the counter.
with pure love in your eyes, you watched as he let the bathtub fill with water, turning back to you with a soft smile on his face as he stood in between your legs. softly hugging your waist as he stared in your eyes with nothing but adoration in his. "you look so beautiful like this" he whispered, caressing your cheek as he took in your swollen lips, flushed cheeks and slightly teary eyes.
you blushed, adverting your eyes from his, earning a deep chuckle from him before leaning down and pressing his lips on yours, creating a chastful kiss. you softly moaned into his mouth as the kiss got a bit steamier, but before anything more could happen he pulled away with a smirk "the bath is waiting baby" 
you bit your lip, looking away blushing as he stopped the water flow, taking you off the counter and walking with you to the drawer where the bathbombs where, which he only had bought for when you'd come over. "pick one" he smiled, watching you look over all the different coloured and formed bombs. "this one" you pointed at a peach formed one, looking back up at him. "go on, take it" he chuckled, waiting for you to take it before he closed the drawer again and walked with you to the bathtub.
after he had carefully sat you down in the bathtub, he moved in right behind you, pulling you flush against his body as you relaxed into him and the warm water. you watched as the bathbomb exploaeded in the water and coloread it in a peachy color, a fruity scent taking over the air. 
"do you feel okay?" he softly asked, caressing your lower body as you hummed out in response, nodding. "what do you want to afterwards?" his chest vibrated under you, a comforting feeling spreading in your body. "cuddle" you whispered out with a smile, a soft laugh escaping his mouth after that. "only cuddle?" "mhm, could we maybe watch a movie too?" he nodded against your head, pressing. a soft kiss to your neck as he spoke "of course. we can do anything you want to" 
after half an hour of softly talking and laying in the bathtub, you were close to falling asleep which jungkook noticed. "let's get back to bed, okay?" you yawned with a nod, sitting up so he could get out of the bathtub. you rubbed your eyes as he wrapped a towel around his body, leaning down to kiss your forehead "i'll be right back baby, i'll just change the sheets real quick" you just nodded, too tired to respond anything else, you rested your head against the bathtub, closing your eyes as you waited for him to come back. 
"okay baby, come here" you lifted you head at his voice, seeing him bending down infront of you with a fluffy towel in his hands, dressed in a hoodie and some sweatpants, his hair messily hanging around his face. you carefully got out of the tub and fell right into his hands, the towel wrapped around you in seconds.
you sighed out as you appreciated the warm feeling of the towel on your wet body. he pecked your forehead once more as he walked you to the bedroom back again, changing you into some of his boxers and one of his hoodies. "can i put on some fuzzy socks too?" you asked, making his heart warm "of course" he smiled, walking to his closet before turning back with some fuzzy socks in his hands. 
"are you comfortable?" he asked as soon as you were laying in bed, snuggled up against him with a happy smile. "yes. thank you koo" you answered, smiling up at him and puckering your lips for him. he giggled, leaning down and pecking your lips three times in a row. "so, what movie to you want to watch?" 
after the movie ended, you were already dozing off in his arms, too exhausted from everything. he seemed to think that you were already asleep as you heard him shuffle around, turning off the tv and the lights following right after. "sleep tight, princess" you forced back a smile, not moving as he pecked your cheek, your heart almost falling out of your body as he spoke the next words "i love you"
©kookssin 2023
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daichiduskdrop · 11 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 03
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none for this chapter
Words: 3307
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth
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„I want to come too!” Whipping his head around, Jimin was suddenly wide awake. The chance of seeing the sleepy state the girl was most likely in sounded just too good to pass up.
Shooting up from his seat, he rushed after his eldest hyung, taking the stairs two at a time. Hearing light snickers in the background. Meanwhile, Yoongi went back to the kitchen.
While waking up the omega did sound pleasing to his ears just as much as anyone else's, he knew that the girl could potentially be very grumpy and just want to go back to bed right away. A sure way to keep her up was a nice, filling meal that would warm her right back up.
He knew how annoying it was to leave the warm sheets on in the cold winter mornings. So he turned on the stove and started heating up the vegetable broth, stirring it occasionally while he prepared her a bit of kimchi fried rice.
He wasn't sure just how sensitive her belly was, and he hoped that the spice wouldn't be too much and wouldn't upset it. Listening to the TV play a documentary about the history of Egypt, he hummed softly to himself.
„I didn't know anyone sleeping for longer than hyung existed.” Teased the youngest, making Hobi burst out in loud laughter. The others chuckled too, agreeing.
„It's normal for omegas to sleep in if they feel safe. It's like a compliment; she feels settled here. That's a really good thing.” answered Namjoon, still typing on his MacBook, smiling at the thought, happy that they finally managed to calm you down a bit.
Standing near the guest room door, the two alphas quieted down. Slowly opening it, they calmly stepped into the dark room. The heater was on, so it felt cosy and warm inside. The guest room was pretty plain but still nicely put together.
The big window has rectangular glass panes with a black metal grid in between with long, heavy fabric curtains that stopped just about five centimetres above the parquet floors. There was a wooden dresser with dark knobs in the left corner of the room, and a big, spacy bed pushed up against the wall with the window. A bedside table had a cream-coloured lamp on it and a glass of water Hobi carried there yesterday evening.
A few plants were littered across the room too, some placed on the ground and others hung up above the window. The pack alpha loved gardening, even if he didn't get around to it too much with how hectic their idol's life often got.
They had a large garden behind the house with a terrace facing it, so they sometimes had a barbecue there too, when the weather allowed it. Namjoon took good care of all the plants there. During the spring to early autumn, he made sure to water them all, and once it got colder, he covered all the plants that were too fragile for the first frost bite.
A short flower placed next to the lamp that grew only to about 11 cm tall, with solid azure petals decorated with azure dots and a light grey central disc. Five small flower blooms grew on alternate sides along the length of the stem. It carried a faint scent that smells like rainy days, cleverly placed to bring peaceful sleep.
It must have worked at least slightly, given that the girl was still long asleep and breathing calmly and slowly. Cuddled up in the heavy duvet,covered with dark grey sheets that Jungkook recently bought, Your face was facing their way, your cheeks rosy with sleep, and your long lashes casting shadows.
Cooing softly, Jin stepped closer to your curled-up body. Just next to your face was the soft, brown hoodie, held close by you. Lightly shaking your shoulder, the older alpha started waking you up, not wanting to startle you.
„Cub.., baby, wake up, come on..” mumbling the words softly, he squatted down so he didn't have to bend so much anymore. Pretty much face-to-face with you, he watched carefully how your eyes fluttered open before closing back up again. Light shone in the room suddenly, the curtains pulled wide apart by Jimin, who stood looking outside for a minute. It was still snowing heavily, and the garden in view was completely covered in the soft, pattering snowflakes that had fallen long before.
Turning to also gaze at the small omega, he smiled, his eyes almost closing up. Giggling softly at how you whined at the sunlight, you curled up into yourself more. Walking back around the bed, he took a seat at the bottom of the mattress, caressing your legs.
When you made no move to wake up fully, the eldest once again softly rubbed your shoulder, cooing at how you hid your face in the jumper instead, softly protesting. You weren't ready to get up yet; why did they keep on bothering you? After so many years of not resting properly, you decided to take back all the time you could have rested but lost due to insomnia.
Pulling the sheets off of your shoulders, you weren't quick enough to roll out of the way before strong hands took a hold of your underarms, pulling you up against wide shoulders. Whining about the lost comfort, your fingers hung up on the shirt the alpha was wearing, your bleary eyes hardly even open. Too tired to kick up a bigger fuss, you just lightly kicked at your legs, earning a soft chuckle in return.
Brushing your fluffy bed hair, the younger alpha sighed out in relief. They were slightly worried that you would start to cry at the loss of the warmth, but you seemed to be just mildly annoyed. Your chin rested up against Jin's collarbone, and you gazed at Jimin while the eldest stood back up with you in his arms. Softly holding your tired body up, he walked with you out of the room, the other alpha following closely, keeping his eyes set on you. He knew the man holding you up would never allow you to drop, so he wasn't too worried, but with how cute and sleepy you looked, he couldn't help but stare.
The calm morning carried on after you were placed on the chair at the kitchen table. Rubbing your eyes with a fist, only to have it pulled away suddenly, you looked up just to meet Yoongi's cat-like eyes.
„Don't do that, kitty; it's not good for you. Here, I've warmed up some soup for you; come on, have some. It's hot still; you need to blow lots and lots, okay? Don't burn yourself, kitten.” handing you a large wooden spoon and a steaming bowl, you nodded slightly before slurping up a bit. Being careful with the heat, you made sure to blow before taking another spoonful.
With the warm broth in your belly and Yoongi watching closely over you, you were soon handed another glass of juice, this time made with oranges. Taking your bowl away for you, your feet brushed up against the floors, only now realising you didn't have any socks on. The rest of your clothes were the same as yesterday; you were glad they didn't change you, letting you be. It would definitely be more uncomfortable.
While you felt a bit awkward, suddenly realising your situation, it felt easy to let up and go with how the pack reacted to you, fully slipping into the dominant second gender they were assigned. Your soft nature just easily fitted right in.
Even though the pack was formed a few years ago and the boys did have a strong bond, that didn't mean they didn't sometimes argue here and there. It was mostly small stuff that resulted in them making up quickly. Still, with how touch starved they were and with how few occasions they actually had to talk with lower-ranking second genders, it was a relief to finally have someone to take care of and be responsible for.
Namjoon was used to taking on all their worries and troubles, but this still felt a lot different, like filling up a hole in their body they didn't know really existed until it was gone.
Omegas were highly appreciated and precious in most packs, with the rarity they brought making them considered even more special. Not all packs could have an omega, and it was common that even when a possible one was found, they just didn't settle in well with the packmates and had to leave.
Placing a small plate before you, the kimchi fried rice smelled delicious. A fried egg placed on top that was already cut up in bite-sized pieces for you, you dug right in. You weren't too hungry anymore, but you still wanted to eat it because of how delicious it seemed.
„Be careful, pup, it could be a bit too spicy for you. Slow down, don't choke." Said Taehyung, who just passed by to fill himself a cup of water. Your eyes didn't stay on him for too long. You were occupied with the food before you, and you intended to keep your focus fully.
The enoki mushrooms made a soft, crunchy sound, and while the food was made with only a small amount of spices, it really did feel just a little too hot for you. Biting into the egg that was salted just enough, you nodded with satisfaction. You only had a few bites before you pushed the plate away from yourself; not only were you full, but it really did burn your tongue quite a bit.
„Are you full already?” Looking at the alpha's face while he crouched down next to you, rubbing your knee in light circles. Meekly nodding, you felt a bit bad leaving so much of leftovers.
„That's okay. You can say anything anytime if anything isn't okay, yea? Do you understand my kitty?" Softly voicing his concerns, you looked into his eyes shortly before you mumbled a yes.
Being met with a gummy smile wasn't really what you were expecting for not finishing a meal, but it felt nice. You never met a pack that was so compliant with your needs and wants and patient like they were.
Pulling the chair out next to you, he slid the plate to himself, starting to eat your leftovers. He didn't bother to change the cutlery either; already used to sharing pretty much everything with his packmates.
You sat next to him still, your eyes occasionally closing in tiredness. The kitchen was to your left; your back turned to the living room, where some of the alphas were. Sometimes when they walked by, they left an occasional rub and pat on your head, greeting you sweetly and asking about your sleep.
Yoongi picked up a piece of egg, the part he considered the tastiest—the fried-up corners dipped in the still runny egg yolk—and with a hand underneath, careful not to burn you, he blew on it softly before encouraging you to eat it yourself. Quickly convinced, you chewed calmly.
„There you go, baby, it's tasty right? You want some more?” Cooing at how your eyes watched him closely, he took another bite-sized piece and held it up for you. „Of course you can, here kitty, slowly."
Watching your reaction, the alpha in him felt good about providing for you. It was something greatly satisfying for him—for all of them, to see you trust them enough to let them feed you, hold you, and keep you around. They valued the trust you allowed them greatly, keeping you close and safe at all times.
Once he finished your leftovers and fed you the last bite, he stood up to clean up, taking your now empty juice glass to put in the dishwasher for you. Getting up, you pattered towards the others, hesitating a little, not sure where to sit or even if you should sit with them. You had no idea what was going to happen in the future.
It was the pack alpha who noticed you the earliest, turning in his seat and smiling widely with his dimples showing. He had a pair of glasses on that were yellow-tinted with black top framing and bare wires at the bottom. His longer black hair styled into a shorter mullet-like hairstyle, with a few hair strands touching his forehead, made him look put together. The pyjamas he kept on earlier in the day were also exchanged for an earth-green crew neck and baggy jeans.
„Come here, pup, sit here. Come on, the movie is starting soon; hurry!” lightly ushering you along, your feet moved before you knew it, and soon you were resting on the couch between him and Jin.
The eldest ran his fingers through your hair, taming it down further. Sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest, you watched the screen before you. Some of the alphas weren't there at the moment, but they did walk by from time to time. When Jimin took a seat next to the eldest man, he gave you the brown jumper again; you must have left it back upstairs in your room, and he came to carry it downstairs for you.
Understanding that you still weren't truly out of your anxious and worried headspace, they were still trying to keep you as calm as possible. Having you cry like you did yesterday felt like torture to them, making them want to prevent it from ever happening again.
„Here sweetheart. Keep it close now.” He muttered while you held it to your nose, breathing in. It still smelled really clean, with only the slightest hint of vanilla and citrus. It felt calming.
The movie captivated your attention eventually, only slightly boring in the beginning. Whenever you started to fidget and move around more, they were quick to soothe you. Joon always easily pointed out something interesting in the movie, like the cleverly done product placement, a book he knew the author of, or the paintings hung up in the background of the shot.
„It's Cézanne; he painted that one.” You pointed your finger at the screen where a main character was currently talking about the prodigy he held. There, behind him in a simple brown frame, was a painting of tulips on a vase, their bright red blossoms contrasting with the forest green of the glass jar. While the movie had an interesting story, you were more focused on the small details regarding his so-called prodigy.
„Really? Wah,” said Jin from next to you. The four alphas sitting with you focused on the screen just until the painting was cut off from the screen.
 „What a smart cub you are, baby. It is his; you are right.” I approved the pack alpha, smiling proudly at you. You felt your cheeks heating up slightly, so you were quick to look away. Mumbling about how it's not that big of a deal, you squeezed your palms around the fabric you held.
In the corner of your eye, Taehyung typed the artist's name into Google, quickly finding the tulip painting he made.
„Oh, he was good; look, Hyung." Showing the screen to the alpha next to him, Jimin leaned in as the other man scrolled through the photos of his other art.
„He was a French, a postimpressionist artist, so the photos don't really show what he made well. The brush strokes are what you are meant to focus on, and with how flat it looks on the screen, it doesn't really work. He was a big inspiration for the cubism movement later on too,” you said, while looking over Jin at Tae's phone.
„You know a lot; do you like art?” asks Jin while softly petting your hair. You smiled, almost laughing at the question; it felt a bit silly to you.
„Yea, I study at an art school. I've been making art since I was really young.”
That caught their attention for sure, with how quickly their eyes turned to your face. In the morning, they collectively decided that it would be best for them not to ask why there was no pack alpha huffing at their entrance doors yet; after all, if you had a pack and didn't spend the night there, especially without discussing it before hand, it was going to make them worry for sure.
At least they knew that they would worry for sure.
But still, nobody knocked. They didn't see you pull out your phone even once, and they weren't sure if you even had it on you. You didn't smell like any other alpha or beta thought, so they were left in questions.
Whatever caused you to get so unsettled yesterday concerned them, but they didn't want to push you to tell them. If you wanted to open up to them, you would.
„Really? Which college?”
„Korea National University of Arts.” You answered the pack alpha quietly.
„Oh, I heard of that one; do you like it there, cub?” Tae shot up, looking at your face closely. Nodding hesitantly, you thought about your answer for a few seconds.
„Yea, it's okay.” You smiled softly. You were glad you could pursue the arts, and while not all your classmates were nice and some teachers gave you a hard time sometimes, you were able to learn a lot. And that was what mattered.
„What's your major?”
„I study fine arts.” You said, looking up at Jimin. Holding the jumper closer, they sensed you had enough questions for now and focused back on the movie. Even when it finished, the five of you stayed huddled close together on the couch, only getting up a few times and coming back again soon.
With a nagging question on your mind, it was complicated for you to focus on the cooking competition, and so you carefully leaned closer to Namjoon, lightly touching his forearm. Looking over at you quickly, he didn't take long to notice something was on your mind that made you anxious, and so without little to no hesitance, he pulled you to his side.
Leaning over slightly so he was face-to-face with you, the soft smell of flowers blooming covered the air around you. Calming you just the slightest bit, his hands held your shoulder and side, rubbing faint circles with his palm.
„What is it, pup? You can tell Alpha; don't worry, okay? What's wrong, little baby?” With the sweet words, you almost burst into tears once again, surprised at how sensitive you still were after yesterday. You felt startled.
Looking down, and when you didn't answer for a few seconds, the pack alpha pulled you to his chest once again. With your hip resting against his thigh, he held your other one, softly patting it in a rhythmic pattern. His other hand pulled your face close to his chest, where it was easy to listen to his heartbeat.
„Hm? Poor cub, you keep on getting stressed out over and over again; there isn't much time to rest up, is there? It's okay, I got you now." Cradling you up against his chest, he allowed you to sniffle for a few minutes and didn't push you to talk. With your legs getting carresed and placed over the eldest's lap, you eventually asked the thing that had worried you since yesterday dinner.
„When do I have to leave?” You mumbled, a whimper leaving your throat. It was quiet for a beat or two, the pack alpha just holding you close.
„That's up to you, cub. You are free to leave whenever you feel like it. You can stay too if that's what you want; we wouldn't mind.” answered Namjoon calmly, but you weren't fooled. His heartbeat fastened up for a bit there, and you noticed.
„I would like to stay please..”
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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Halloween - BTS OT7 CEO au extra
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Welcome to something a little different, just to keep you going until the next update 💜
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Namjoon :
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Every jaw in the room dropped as the tv screen went blank. The lights in the house following suit as they cut out with an electric buzz in the air.
“Someone call Kitten now!” Yoongi yells in the darkness.
You had texted the group to say you were running late, but you were on your way to dinner. The others had worn their costumes, preparing the meal together when Taehyung had called them all into the living room.
“It’s a Halloween prank,” Namjoon tries to rationalise, but his breathing is heavy. “The news channels are obviously playing a prank.”
“It didn’t look like a prank Hyung,” Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, they’re all standing scared still. “And even if it was the news channel didn’t cut our power.”
“Fine then it’s a disease or a new virus, it is NOT zombies.”
“Sunshine!” You finally picked up Hobi’s call, the faint light from his phone lighting the side of his face. The room is so quiet they can all hear your screams. “Sunshine?”
“Hobi help!” The screams are followed by low groaning in the background of the call, the sounds of flesh being ripped through with decaying teeth.
“Kitten!” Yoongi yells, tripping over furniture to get to Hobi who had been petrified into a catatonic state.
And then, silence. There isn’t a single sound, and they all wait with baited breath. They feel the thud of all their hearts hitting the floor when a low moan comes through the line, your voice, there’s no mistaking it but it’s warped, inhuman.
“Bunny?” Jungkook whispers, his eyes watering as his heart picks up in pace.
The line cuts and they’re all left to the sound of their breathing.
“This isn’t happening,” Jimin almost tears his hair out by its roots. “CALL HER BACK!”
“We have to go get her,” Jin is shaking where he stands, his feet cemented to the ground but he knows he has to move. Whatever was going on he knew one thing, you were in danger.
“Everyone turn on your phones flash-“
Their souls jump out of their skins as a body slams into the living room window, their eyes going wide with horror as they take in the face in the dark. They can make out no discernible features but they can see the way his face presses against the glass. The silence that follows is deafening, not a breath, not a beat, until they see a tongue lick the surface of the window as if tasting them through it.
“What the actual fuck,” Yoongi breathes, terrified to speak a decibel louder.
The flood lights turn on outside, detecting movement although a little late but it reveals the body’s features and their eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. His entire body is decaying, his eyes set on them, unblinking, his clothes torn to reveal flesh and flies leaving no question what this creature was. But worse, behind him, what started out as a blur that drew closer, a hoard moving towards their home.
“We need to move,” Namjoon’s brain starts kicking into gear, survival mode fighting with instinct to shut down and freeze.
“And go where, we’re sitting ducks,” Jimin panics.
They all turn to the sound of another bang, closer, louder but they all knew what it was… the front door had been breached, they were in the house.
The low moan of their intruder echoes through the dark hallway.
“We need something to fight,” Jungkook whispers, his eyes darting around in the dark, their backs to the repeated thuds on the window from their other guests.
“Knives?” Jimin suggests.
“The kitchens too far,” Taehyung mumbles.
The lights of the hallway start flickering, the living room lights flickering just a second after, the pattern repeats making the men look around desperately for something to be armed with, but nothing usable is in sight.
“We can’t stand here, we have to run,” Jimin starts to hyperventilate.
“He’s right,” Yoongi agrees, tugging the still shell shocked Hoseok to snap out of it.
Jin’s whole body is vibrating with how hard he’s shaking, he knows whatever is in the house can sense them, the groans getting louder and the hoard behind the window getting more vocal with the frustration of a barrier between them and their next meal. He doesn’t hear what words are being said in the room, his hearts thumping in his ears, the blood draining out of him. He feels someone grab his hand, the maknae’s mouth moves in front of him but he can’t make out the words.
He’s being pulled into the hallway, the scene moving almost in slow motion as his brain fails to comprehend the scene but one thing wakes him up. They’re moving closer to the sound, they were running straight into danger.
It was too late, their bodies collided in the hallway, their attempts of escape stopped before they could even begin. A familiar figure stands before them, a silhouette they could make out even if they were blind.
The lights flicker and the fills with their screams at the horror of their zombified girlfriend before them. They all scream except from one who covers his mouth and his laughter.
The very next day
Office romance:
Hobi : Did anyone get any sleep last night? 😭
Jin : every time I closed my eyes all I could see were the zombies
Yoongi : I slept through this mornings meeting does that count?
Jimin : I say we all go home and let Taehyung do all the work today 😒
Namjoon : I still can’t get my head around how they pulled it off
Yoongi : the maknaes obviously have had a bad influence on kitten
Jungkook : don’t involve me and Jimin in this
Jimin : Jimin Hyung* 🤨 I need another copy of this contract I drooled all over it
Jin : the two culprits are being awfully quiet
Namjoon : how long did you two plan yesterdays events?
Taehyung : for a while, the details were all flower, she really ran away with it
Jimin : I have to say the fake news announcement on the tv was a nice touch
Jungkook : I can’t believe we fell for it 😤
Namjoon : the lights went out, irrational fear was bound to takeover
Y/n : HEY! We were a team Kim Taehyung, we’re both to blame
Jungkook : well look who decided to join the conversation
Yoongi : look, she lives
Jin : dangerous girl
Y/n : if it makes you feel any better, I feel really really bad… but it was worth it 😇
Hobi : Sunshine you’re sleeping next to me until the nightmares stop 😤
Yoongi : you owe him that much Kitten, he fainted
Jin : as if you weren’t a second away from passing out too Yoongi, I know I was
Y/n : sorry Hobi 🥺 I am really sorry but I really don’t regret it 😈
Jungkook : Noona’s sadistic side is coming out
Hobi : we’ll see how long for 😒 wait till we get home sunshine, you’ve got a lot to pay for
Y/n : it was Tae’s idea too!
Yoongi : the brat didn’t dress up like our worst nightmare kitten
Namjoon : I really hope it was worth it baby girl, Hoseok’s got a dark look on his face 👀
Y/n : ☹️☹️☹️
Taehyung : you have to admit, flower’s acting was almost as good as mine 😏
Jungkook : and she made a terrifying but somehow sexy zombie
Jin : Jungkook no 🙅🏽‍♂️
Y/n : 😳
Jimin : Jungkook yes 😈
Taehyung : (the day of Halloween)
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BTS playing Animal Crossing with you
do not repost my work in any form
Warnings: none! enjoy :)
☆ gender neutral reader
Jin isn’t interested in playing when you first start. He says it’s not really his kind of game. But pretty soon, he has a copy of his own and is parked next to you on the couch, arguing aloud with Tom Nook, that tyrant. Jin is king of his island, chasing villagers he doesn’t like with nets - maybe they’ll take a hint and leave. Mainly enjoys collecting, trying to finish his museum, and flower breeding.
The places you play the most are in bed and on the couch in Yoongi’s studio. Many nights Yoongi comes home after a long day, crawls into bed alongside you and says he’s going to sleep, but ends up watching you play until his mind is quiet and he drifts off. You often hear him humming the game’s background music as he potters around the house, not even aware that he’s doing it.
Once you introduce Hobi to Animal Crossing, you can’t pull him away for days on end. “But my flowers need watering and I need to check my shops and I have to talk to my favourite neighbours so they don’t think I’m abandoning them!” What about abandoning me, you point out. “We can play together! Just don’t run through my flowers.” He’s dead serious.
Your boyfriend Namjoon comes in very handy when Redd comes around. Who needs to search up a guide on which paintings are real or fake when you have an art enthusiast in the house? He doesn’t mind either, he enjoys the challenge and is proud that you think he’s so smart. He thinks the game is cute and sometimes watches you play when he doesn’t feel like doing anything.
Jimin would play only because you do. When he has a lot of downtime the two of you squish together on the bed and play, visiting each other’s islands and taking pictures of your characters doing silly things together, swimming and watching the shooting stars. When he hasn’t played for a while because he is busy, he complains and pouts about the amount of weeds covering his island.
Tae thinks all the ugly villagers are cute. You look up how to get rid of the ones you don’t want on your island, and he is offended. How could you plot the removal of his new best friend Barold? He hates shaking trees because he is constantly being stung by bees. Always asking you for emergency Bells to buy furniture that he wants before it disappears from the store.
Spends more time playing Happy Home than he spends on his own island. He gets so into designing elaborate interiors for his pixel friends - every detail from lighting to ambience, it all has to be just right. Honestly, he’s racked up more hours than you have, and when you’re not playing yourself you’re more than likely watching him and trying not to be jealous of his digital decorating talents.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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chroniclesofbts · 4 months
Break my Walls P.2
Genre: A/B/O, Poly BTS and Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter, eventual smut, slow burn, angst, fluff
A/N: A little filler so you can understand some background. Enjoy!
Namjoon’s POV
Pulling up to the large pack house, Namjoon couldn’t help but notice the lack of people outside of the house. Getting out of the vehicle, he lead his pack to the front door of the Kang Pack. He could sense the nerves of his mates, sending them a look of comfort before her rang the doorbell. Truthfully, the only reason they were there was to support the Choi pack in breaking their support for the Kang pack. He knew that having extra packs would increase the chances of them all leaving without a fight. The Kang Pack has been taking Omegas from surrounding packs to breed. They only accepted Alpha pups, kicking out or killing the omegas and their children that come out as anything but an Alpha.
The front door swung open to reveal Kang Dae himself, reeking of an Omega. He clearly just came back from spending time with one of his omegas.
“Welcome Kim Pack, please come in, let me show you around!” Alpha Dae exclaimed. Unfortunately, they were the first pack to arrive. Meaning they would have to entertain the Alpha until either the Choi pack or Lee pack arrived.
As they walked through the house, they could smell the aroma of fresh baked desserts. One scent in particular sticking out. The pack had made Apple pie, and it was calling to him. Finally, they entered the kitchen, finding the source of the aromas.
“And this is the kitchen!” Alpha Dae exclaimed. In the kitchen were two omegas, one covered in bites, bruises, scratches, and Kang Dae’s scent. She must have been the omega he was with upon our arrival. The other omega was beautiful, shining with innocence but smelling of nerves and fear. If Kang noticed, he didn’t comment on it, praising his packs desserts.
“Thank you for having us on such short notice, The Choi pack has asked for our input on today’s meeting.” I said, hoping to pull the Alpha’s eyes from the poor omega who was shifting her feet with nerves. Glancing through the desserts, I don’t see an apple pie.
“I can’t find Apple pie, Alpha. I was so sure I smelled it in the living room.” Jin said through mind link, his confusion echoing through the bond.
“I can’t see it either, but I can smell it too” I replied, “stay back and take a closer look, maybe it’s in the oven”
Following Kang through the rest of the upstairs, I couldn’t help but notice how there were no omegas.
“It sure is empty in the house, and outside, Alpha Dae. Your pack must have been busy preparing, are they resting now?” I inquired, watching as the man began to fidget.
“Ah- yes! They are, uh, p-preparing for dinner now!” He stuttered nervously, saved from more questions by the doorbell, signaling the arrival of the other packs.
“Sunhee! Show the Kim pack their rooms!” Alpha Dae demanded. Leaving the hallway as soon as she appeared to greet the rest.
“Right this way, Alpha’s” she purred, releasing pheromones. “You’ve been assigned these two rooms, with 2 beds each. They connect through the bathroom there. Don’t forget that you’re our guests, anything you need just let us know. Our Omegas are always on standby” she flirted, leaving when we didn’t respond.
“Hobi, go get Jin, we wouldn’t want for Kang to catch him alone with the Omega.” I said, setting my bags down on the bed.
“Alpha?” Jimin said, placing his hands on my chest. “You seem stressed, is there anything we can do?”
“I can’t get the scent out of my head. I swore they made apple pie. I also can’t understand the dynamic here, everything is so strange. The poor omega in the kitchen was shaking like a leaf and to be offered services from their omegas, how is Kang okay with this?” I breathed out, feeling my stress fade with Jimin’s hands holding me.
Just then, Jin burst through the door, “I know what the smell is!”
I looked up at the excitement on Jin’s face, “What?”
“The omega, she smells like Apples and Cinnamon. I couldn’t tell until I was closer, but it’s her. She smelled so good, but she was so nervous. I tried to compliment her and it just made her scent worse. Am I losing my touch?” Jin threw himself on the bed with his arm over his eyes.
“I’m going to find her” I decide, “everyone else should get ready for dinner”
“Hyung?” Jungkook called, “is she?”
“That’s what I’m going to find out”
“I hope she is, Joon you should have seen all of the desserts she made special for the omegas. There were so many and they smelled so good. I need to learn the recipes.” Jin sighed dreamily, struggling to hold onto his headspace.
I start out the hallway towards the stairs when I run into a small figure. Immediately, apples and cinnamon invade my senses, and I know it is the omega I was searching for. I steady her by the shoulders.
“Woah, sorry Omega, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” I said, making sure she is steady. “My names Namjoon, you were one of the Omegas in the kitchen. Your desserts smelled amazing. Jin said how you had desserts dedicated to Omegas. He was very impressed with your knowledge and variety of desserts.”
“Oh, it’s not often I get to make omega desserts, I had to make as many as I could for my packs omegas to experience” she rambled, freezing and looking up in alarm. Why would she not be allowed to make the desserts? Why did she seem scared that she told me?
“Why-” I start, only to be interrupted by one of her pack members.
“Omega, clothes, now!” He barked. I watched her body move, following his order. I don’t even know her name. I watched her go all the way down the hall before I returned to my pack.
“Oof-“ I don’t even get the door closed before I’m tackled to the ground.
“Jimin! Jungkook! What’s the meaning of this?” I growl.
“You smell like her!” Jimin breathed out. Both of them shoving their faces into my shirt.
“Come on, dinners ready. We don’t want to be late” Taehyung growled, jealous he didn’t get to Namjoon first.
And for the first time, the Kim pack was excited to have dinner with another pack.
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bangtanhoneys · 4 months
BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - And the award goes to...
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It was always the same, every single time. 
There was never any discussion beforehand about who was going to do the speech since it was always Namjoon who stepped forward and then anyone else who felt brave but that was exactly the problem. No one felt brave other than Grace who mostly took over when it came to America. 
However, it was getting a bit tiring between Namjoon and Grace always going to the front to accept the award, bow, and then give a few words, glance behind to see if anyone else wanted to say anything and off they went. 
God knows how many times they watched Jungkook panic step back and hide behind whoever was willing to put up with him or disappear completely and go to the bathroom when it just happened to be his turn. 
However, Namjoon and Grace had come up with a plan without speaking to anyone. They would not be the first to stand up, they would slowly wander up behind the others and they would keep back when it came time to thank ARMY. 
Jin had caught onto it first as had Yoongi and then Hobi, having done the first two speeches of the night. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung had been completely oblivious as they messed around in the background, content to let the elder ones do their job. 
However, they came unstuck when the hyung line and their noona stepped back and waved the space in front of the microphones for them. It was hard for Grace to keep a straight face when she saw the absolute panic on Jungkook’s face when he realised he would have to public speak for the first time. 
Jimin, being the brave one, went first. 
“Noona,” Taehyung whispered. “I want to thank ARMY in English. What should I say?”
She paused, having not expected that but then again Taehyung was completely unpredictable and his rare speeches always left everyone taken aback.
“Thank you for being our light,” she told him quietly but loud enough for him to hear and he repeated himself all the way up to the microphone when he opened his mouth and spoke Korean. 
On the monitor, it showed them time was up and she had never seen Jungkook deflate in relief so quickly as they wandered off stage. That got him several shoves in the shoulder and a kick up the bum from Grace.
“What are you going to do when you win something on your own and we’re not there?” she asked, giving him a slight slap to the neck. 
“I would have learnt English from you then,” he said as he ran away, content to hide behind a smirking Namjoon, who was getting a telling off from Jimin for not preparing them.
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
them finding you asleep with their bt21 plushie ♡
a/n. i want one of the plushies so bad they look so soft :(( also this is my first bts work!! i hope you like it <3 the masterlist is pretty empty right now but i promise there will be more works with boys soon :D
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┆彡 NAMJOON [ 남준 ]
namjoon didn’t expect you to be awake. in fact, he knew you would be in deep slumber way before he arrives home. that’s why he took off his shoes and changed into pyjamas quietly and with caution. before he joined you in bed, his brows furrowed at the sight of familiar, blue plushie in your arms. joon stared at you in disbelief yet a warm smile replaced his puzzled expression because it was way beyond adorable. "stop staring and go to sleep, weirdo" you mumbled suddenly, causing his eyes to widen. he laid down next to you, taking koya out of your hands and squeezing into the position you were holding it - with hands wrapped around his neck. "admit that i’m way more comfortable than him" he murmured out of the blue and you just scoffed, way too tired to argue, nodding lazily.
┆彡 SEOKJIN [ 석진 ]
jin ignored the big, empty box at the entrance and rushed to you. to say that his heart almost jumped out of his chest was not even close the truth, it almost ripped out from his rib cage and run away when he saw a silhouette next to you. at first all the negative scenarios flooded his head but then he noticed that the mysterious guy next to you is actually… quite large RJ. then it clicked with the large box. as jin scoffed and came closer to take a look, he noticed how your leg was thrown over the plushie and arms were squeezing its neck tightly. after taking a hundred of pictures, jin laid down next to you as a big spoon. he’ll tease you about it later…
┆彡 HOSEOK [ 호석 ]
you were sick and absolutely didn’t want hobi to get sick as well, so even though he wanted to help you… you denied. once though, you asked him if he could bring you some medicine and hot chicken soup. it was already cooking on the stove while he searched for the meds. when he knocked at the bedroom door and you didn’t respond (as you usually do), he rushed in scared that you fainted or something. but he calmed down once he saw that you’re just asleep. well, your position was quite questionable - head on the completely opposite direction, right leg out of the bed, left arm thrown loosely on the mattress. but your face was squished into something. curious hoba took a glance and let out an audible awww when he realised its mang. he found it adorable that even when you didn’t allow him get nowhere close you while you were sick you still cuddled to his, well, bt21 self. after softly placing you into more comfortable position he put mang between your loving arms and snapped a pic or two.
┆彡 YOONGI [ 윤기 ]
no matter how many times yoongi told you not to wait for him on the couch, you still did. so he just let out a deep, frustrated sigh when he noticed your sleeping silhouette on the couch, tv still playing in the background. "aich, y/n i’m definitely not paying for your back appointment" he mumbled to himself, approaching you to wake you up. but his brows furrowed when he noticed that you were cuddled up next to shooky, the plushie almost falling on the floor. "wha– huh? i’m not asleep–" you mumbled, swirling around and accidentally kicking off the plushie. yoongi just scoffed and helped you stand up. as soon as you were laying comfortably in the bed and he excused himself to the bathroom. but in reality he went back to grab shooky from the floor and looked at the plushie with a small smile painting on his lips and his heart beating a bit too fast.
┆彡 JIMIN [ 지민 ]
after a long and tiring day all jimin craved was a good nap in your arms. but his plans were crossed when he noticed that you were a) asleep b) already holding something in your arms. he was ready to wake you up but after taking a closer look and noticing chimmy plushie pressed into your chest, he stood there breathless. he had to take a moment to calm his racing heart and stoping his grin from growing. then jimin placed a soft kiss on top of your nose and decided to take a shower before snapping chimmy out of your arms (because he’s not letting a plushie take a good nap away from him!!)
┆彡 TAEHYUNG [ 태형 ]
"i’m bored, y/n–" tae froze, his eyes stumbling upon your sleeping silhouette. you were supposed to work but well, well, well. you fell asleep. on something? taehyung let out a dramatic gasp when he noticed that you’re resting your head on a tata plushie. "Y/N!–" "I’M AWAKE–!". you jolted your head up, looking at pouting tae. "is that plushie better than me? comfier than me? how could you betray me?" your boyfriend starts whining before tata hits his head. there’s only one way of stopping his pouting now – resting on him. "i’m better than the plushie, right?" tae mumbled, playing with your hair as you two decided to take a quick nap "right, y/n?". you were fast asleep and taehyung was just teasing – but there was something about you using tata (let alone carrying it around) as a pillow when he was away from you that made his cheeks blush.
┆彡 JUNGKOOK [ 정국 ]
he was more than devastated when he had to leave your movie night date because of an urgent thing that popped up but he promised to be quick!! but watching movies without him was really boring and the tiredness hit you suddenly, causing youe eyelids to close. before you realised you grabbed cooky and hugged him tightly as if it was your boyfriend. jungkook, once he was back, rushed to you and froze on spot. at first he frowned, seeing you asleep. but then a huge smile painted on his face once he noticed how tightly you're pressing the plushie to your chest. feeling of guilt washed over him but soon enough he joined you and cooky in sweet slumber.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist: @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny
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kanmom51 · 1 year
BTB Hobi Entrance Ceremony with BTS
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
I knew this would be landing today. No captions yet though.
They were all keeping up a brave face but it was obvious that each and every one of them (that we saw) was deeply sad. Did I or did I not say NJ was crying?
The love they all feel for each other, all of them, and the love they all, each and every one of them have for Hobi, it's just beyond description. They are a family. A mostly functional non biological loving family.
As we know, they arrived one after the other, pretty much at the same time. We see JK and Tae behind him walk up to Hobi interact with him and then JM comes over complaining of a back ache.
Muscle memory kicks in, it's just such a natural thing for him to do - JM in pain, JK goes into carer mode, reaching out to JM.
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That hand.
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JM doesn't seem to notice, walks by JK and Tae straight to Hobi for a hug.
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A few seconds later JM turns to the person that gives him comfort, the person he gives comfort to, for this:
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And a big strong super tight hug.
Prey do tell me, what about that interaction warranted that hug exactly?
That hug. That tone they have with each other.
The others just doing their own thing, not bothered what so ever, while Jikook are being Jikook right beside them.
Same same.
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And it didn't end.
The camera panned out (or rather in, to Hobi and Tae's conversation/interaction) while they were still embraced. Still doing whatever they were up to. You can hear them in the background even though the cameraman decided enough is enough and better leave them out of frame at that point.
Ok, so listen up.
We know JK arrived the night before.
We know JK isn't wearing his CK jacket.
With Jikooks is it me is it you alcohol teasing going on there before that mighty hug, I kind of have a feeling the two were busy drinking together, not getting too much sleep, maybe leaving in a bit of a rush in the morning and being a little hung over, Mr. Jeon took the wrong jacket by mistake?
Hope he didn't get into trouble with CK, although with the success so far of his ambassadorship (shares prices going up, sales through the roof), I doubt they will be too bothered.
Just a theory here folks. Mostly unsubstantiated and can clearly be written into the next Twitter fanfic.
**Note to self: maybe I should start writing fanfics, or fiction in general, I might just have a knack for it...
See, I'm not the only one that figures the two were drinking together...
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The rest of the story, yeah that's on me.
Fast forward a tiny little bit.
And then JM's all up in JK's face again.
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Yep, puffy red eyes confirmed.
The way JK just allows JM to do whatever he wants with him, lol.
I don't know if you noticed this, but a. most of the time that we did see them they were by each other's side, mostly glued together; and b. Much of the time they were off frame, and it felt intentional, probably because they didn't budge from each other's side.
The way all their faces lit up when Jin arrived.
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Sadly, they couldn't show Jin in the BTB. Which means folks, that we won't be getting to see Jin and Hobi in any future content that may or may not be created upon the enlistment of the next member.
Those final individual photos with Hobi.
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God, I'm going to miss Hobi so damn much.
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kaymagicshop7 · 2 months
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Set Me Free-
Chapter 2- Settling In
Jin runs a hybrid safe house, to help those adjust in normal life again, coming from difficult backgrounds and to learn to be amongst humans again.
Jin has a sister who helps him out when needed, but he is very protective over her, will he let be close to the hybrids?
What happens when 6 hybrid from completely different background ends up in his care, will there be heartbreak and fights?
Can everyone get along in the end?
BTS are their own people, anything that happens in this book is purely fictional and made from my imagination.
Warnings- Mention of violence, blood, fighting, pet names, protectiveness, mentions of aggression, mention of scents, mxm, mxf, anxiety, panic attacks, strong language
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Namjoon POV-
Shelter life was different and hard to get used to. When they raided the fighter ring I thought it would be our golden ticket out and we could be set free.
But adjusting back to 'Normal' life is hard, it was so hard to get rid of the training they drill into us at the fighting rings.
The shelter told us we would be moved to a rehabilitation place later on. I just hope the people who run the place were nice. I would do anything to protect my pack.
The evening time came and we were put into a SUV and being moved somewhere. They put a muzzle on me and Jimin as we being a bit more 'Aggressive', we were only protecting my pack and mates.
The journey over was okay, but this muzzle was staring to agitate me, it was starting to rub against my face. The muzzle me and Jimin had on our face, was suited to our animals, if were to shifted the muzzle would accommodate our animal size. I wanted it off and I wanted it off now.
The ride lasted for a good 4 hours, the city scapes turned into small villages, villages turned into open fields and open fields turned into forests. I felt a little more relaxed but not to much, I needed to keep my mates and pack safe.
When we arrived we were all in awe of this house or manor or what ever you would call it. It had a big front drive and forest surrounding it. "Right so we are here. I'm just going to talk to owner and see what is happen alright?" One of the caretakers said. They also said we could come out the car if we wanted to. I just wanted to give into my wolf and run free, I could feel the others shift their weight from one foot to the other.
We were out in the open and the wind picked up slightly and then this scent hit, it was like vanilla more like vanilla ice cream. It was mouth watering, I just wanted to roll around in this scent. I could see Yoongi trying to find where it was coming from, looking around to see if he could see the person. It was our final mate, the one we had been looking for.
As I let my thoughts wonder, I was broken out my thoughts my Hobi asking me something "Namjoon do you think they are nice?" I'm sure they are, but I would still be wary. Hoseok came from a rich family who just abused him and didn't care about much about him, he was used in fights now again as he is a rare red wolf. "I'm sure this will be nice Hope." The caretaker was still talking to the owner, he then turn to us and waved us over, we slowly made our way over and went into the hall way. When I saw a glimpse of the owner, I couldn't believe it, he was a hybrid? But I thought it would be a human, I'm so confused. He was definitely handsome, I notice his tail and ear.
Snow leopard. These hybrids are very rare, however I also notice another scent in the manor, more human and it also stuck to him. I bet he's already married which my me want to growl and rip them apart because he is mine, ours!
As the caretaker and the snow leopard wrapped up talking, I notice a little girl standing in the hallway. I could smell here scent but it was very week, she had scent dampeners on but it was definitely her scent as I could smell it come from her. So not married? Daughter maybe? As I looked a bit closer I couldn't see any ears or tail, wait a human?
But the then the weird thing is, my instincts inside me wants to protect her which is weird, as all humans are the same even children can be horrible.
The snow leopard went outside with out caretaker from the shelter, to what I'm guessing is to talk more about us. "Hi there!" I didn't realise that Hobi had snuck passed, I thought it would be Tae as he was brought up with a family. "Erm Hello." The girl said, I could smell the fear coming from her even though it was weak. I growl aloud, Hobi and the girl jumped back. I don't know why but I was a little bit sad when she jumped back in fear, as the growl was meant for Hoseok to warn him to back off.
I need to get my thoughts together and quickly, before it spirals into something else.
The hybrid introduce hisself and he was holding the girl protectively with his hand on her shoulder and tail wrapped tightly wrapped around her waist.
I found out that it was his sister, so he was probably a caretaker or pet for her.
Yoongi POV-
I just couldn't stand humans as they are all the same.
The snow leopard showed us to our room, we were left in this room together. The snow leopard now known as Jin took Namjoon and Jimin's muzzle off them before he left the room. "Jimin are you okay? Your not sore anywhere are you?" I ask Jimin as I moved near him, my hand gentle creasing his face. People always thought he was an easy target, but he's not, he could get quit aggressive if provoked. "I'm fine Hyung. I am just glad to get that thing off me!" I could tell Jimin was all worked up and so were the rest of us. I could see Tae was restless, he kept fidgeting "Taehyung if you need to shift then do it, we will look out for you." Hobi said to him, Tae gets to the point where he needs to shift if he gets stressed or highly emotional. Jungkook was just near Namjoon for comfort, he doesn't always express his feeling but I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't always do well in new environments, as there is new scents and Jungkook is very sensitive towards new smells.
The snow leopard Jin came back to our room with some food and medical supplies for Namjoon and Jimin "I thought you might be hungry? How are we all feeling?" Even though he might be our mate I don't trust him just yet. None of us said anything for a while "We are fine." Jimin said with a bit of bite to his tone. "Well you don't look fine, the red rim around your mouth seems a bit sore. And I know for a fact one of you has a wound on your leg." Oh he's good, he must of read our file.
The door slightly open with a creak, we were all alert and I started to growl to who ever was entering our room "Oppa can I come in?" It was the young ones voice again "Yes sweetie." The door open more and the girl slowly and cautiously made her way in the room, but she stayed near the door. I notice she didn't make eye contact with any of us, it was almost like she was submitting to us, which we have never seen a human do to us. They always look us in eyes, that way we can read them properly. But something stirred inside of me, it was like I didn't want her to submit and I want to comfort her.
I had to stop those thoughts before they developed into something else, I'm guessing Namjoon was having the same problem when we arrived. I could see he was lost in his thoughts.
"Come on snowy they won't bite." Jin said to her, I can sense her nervousness, her scent slightly coming through the blockers she had on. She slowly made her way to her brother and handed him another first aid kit. I notice Taehyung watching her like a hawk, but I could see he was curious about her. I kept my eye on him but also the rest of my pack, I know humans are bad. But something was different here, I'm not trusting her just yet but there is something there.
I felt a nudge on my hand that was learning on the bed. I look down to see who it was, it was Taehyung. We can't speak with each other through ours minds, but we can talk through our eyes. He was asking me for permission to go up to the young girl, I looked over to Namjoon who was looking over as well. He looked at me and then I have a small nod.
Tae moved off the bed quietly and made his way to the girl, Jin was attending to Jimin with his face it looked sore. The girls back was to Taehyung as she was just looking down not wanting to look us in the eyes. Tae bumped his head on her hip and she jump a mile and let out a small yelp. Jin stopped what he was doing with Jimin to see what was going on "Okay sweetheart?" He looked at her and then looked at Taehyung, she nodded afraid to speak "I think he's asking for you to help with his injure. Am I right?" Jin asked Tae, Taehyung gave a small nod at him.
Taehyung POV-
I went over to girl to ask her with my small injure I have on my front paw, also I know I have a Matt somewhere in my fur that needs getting out. I wanted to be her friend, I know the guys have their issues with humans, I've never had a problem. But I can understand where they are coming from, as I've heard stories from other hybrids on how they are treated.
I nudge her hip to let her know I was there, she yelp when I did that and her heart rate was so fast. The snow leopard Jin look at me and he understood what I wanted her to do. After making sure his sister was fine, he went back to looking at Jimin muzzle marks on his face.
I jumped back on the bed so she would be more comfortable then sitting on the floor. "W-where d-does it h-hurt?" She asked it was my front paw that had a cut on it, I booped my nose on the paw to showed her which one.
There was a cut on top of my paw and also on the paw pad it's self, she didn't touch and nor did she look in my eyes, which I was a bit sad about. "Oppa, I think he needs to paw looking at." She said towards Jin, he was finished with Jimin and was about to move onto Namjoon. I didn't want this Jin looking at my paw, I wanted her, his sister.
Jin looked at me as if he was reading me, I could feel my lip twitch slightly and a slight growl build towards him but I held it in. "Snowy I didn't think he wants me to look at it, but I can guide you if you get stuck, hmm?" She looked worriedly at her brother, but I wouldn't do anything to her, I couldn't. I could see her thinking then she spoke "Excuse me sir Mr Panther?" Yoongi suddenly look up at her surprised she even spoke to him, but she slowly started to lift her head up but avoid eye contact "Would it be alright if I touch your friend? If-if not I can get my brother to touch him?" Yoongi looked at me and I look him and move my eyes to her to say 'I want her to do it, just her' he got the message "You can touch him, but be careful!" He said with a stern voice, I saw her flinch when he told her, thanks Hyung don't be to harsh!
She got other first aid box's near her, she sat on the bed very careful, I felt the bed shift more I sensed it was Hobi and Jungkook moving closer to me.
"Is it this one?" She pointed to it, I didn't move I want her to look at me to acknowledge me, she slowly lifted her head and she eventually lifted her eyes to me.
They were the most amazing eyes I have ever seen, I could see how much fear she had in them. I didn't want her to fear me or the rest of us.
I was raised by a family who owned farm, they were very sweet they had a child but she was very sick, so they got me to be her friend and therapy hybrid. My family came from royalties, I'm one of the lucky ones I still have a family. But I've lost contact, I just hope I can see them again one day.
I was always treated so well and I could eat what and when I wanted. I helped out on the farm, one time someone tried to steal some farm equipment once but I stopped them. But that was in the past, I get why the others are less trusting of humans.
But not all humans are bad.
She was wiping very gentle on top of my paw where the small scratch was, it was so gentle that I hardly felt it. "C-could you please turn your-your paw so I-I can see it please?" How can she be so adorable, I turn my paw so she could see the wound "oh no, that must hurt." She sounded so sad, I gave a quiet chuff. "Jinnie I think he needs stitches?" Her brother came over slowly to have a look, he was done with Namjoon a while ago. I'm guessing he was watching what his sister doing making sure she was safe. As he was slowly coming over my ears went back "Poppy, move over slightly and I will have a look." She moved slightly to edge of the bed, Jin was looking at it and gave it a slight touch, that was painful. I growled at him, in his face when he touched a certain spot, Poppy fell off the bed "oof" I wanted to make sure she was okay, but couldn't exactly move just yet "Are you okay?" Jungkook asked her, his ears were pinned forward and alert, Namjoon and Jimin where surprised that he spoke to her "Yes, thank you." She didn't look them in the eye.
After sometime Jin was done stitching my wound on my paw up. I wanted the girl, Poppy to stay with us for some time. "Oh, you have a matt behind your ear." She was looking at it, I knew something was bothering me there, as my ears kept flicking now and again. "Would I be allowed to get it out for you?" I chuff at her to say it was alright, but she turned to Namjoon with eyes down again "Would it be okay if I touched your friend again? And to get the matt out from behind his ear?" I could see Namjoon shocked expression "But if one of you want to do it that fine too." Jimin looked pissed, it look like to was about to attack her. "No, you've done enough. Just get out." Jimin said aggressively to her "oh... okay. I will leave to equipment to get the matt out, outside the door for-for you." I could see Namjoon was fighting an internal battle himself "If-if you need anything please let my brother know." She bowed and left.
She’s just a child, she’s not going to hurt us. As she left I laid on the bed and slowly closed my eyes wanted to get this day over with.
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Authors notes-
So here’s the second chapter of this fiction. I hope you’re enjoying it so far, chapter 3 will be coming soon.
I have a Wattpad page if you would like to have a look at there, check out this fiction on their and also ‘Their Lost One’ which currently has 4k reads.
Wattpad- justkayley7
Stay safe and stay hydrated!
I Purple you!💜
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moochi-daisies · 6 months
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- 18+ Minors DNI
- Content Warnings: None for this chapter! Maybe a moment of tension/annoyance?
- In Summation: Two people fall in love which would make a much shorter story if they had better communication skills.
Length: 3.1k words
- Side Notes: hahaha i hit a wall in the third chapter of this part and have been avoiding tumblr all together out of Shame but maybe posting this will change that. hope you enjoy and thank you for reading :)
Find the rest here!
     I didn't see Yoongi or any of the guy's for two years after I left.
     Yoongi had texted me midway through my bus trip home, asking that I send back his jacket so that he could be reminded of me whenever he smelled it. He didn't say anything about his scarf, so I kept it. Sleeping with it every night for three months after I returned.
     My mom had been fuming when I got back home, taking away my phone until the next semester of school started. Claiming I "wasn't responsible enough to be trusted" and that "phone's were an adult privilege I could have after reflecting on what it meant to be an adult".
     I don't think anybody truly knows what that means.
     It was about a month afterwards that school started up again. I went to classes, handed my paychecks over to my mom and snuck out with friends whenever one was able to come pick me up. My time spent at that magical house in late November came back to me in dreams, with life going back to the way it had always been, those few days with the guy's drifted into the background like a distant memory.
     I stayed in touch with most of them though, Jimin sent dance videos and asked for story updates. Hobi would ask about life and share clips of songs he was composing. Namjoon sent pictures of them all out doing things together, at parties, on hikes - things like that. I got selfies and stream of consciousness texts from Tae whenever he was at the convenience store, sometimes he'd throw in an art piece he was working on for feedback.
     Jin called me drunk a few times or whenever he was bored at the radio station. He didn't text much beyond cryptic one word messages or to share a new terrible joke he loved.
     At first, Yoongi and I texted the most. Venting to each other about our days until night came, at which point we'd video call for hours, until one of us fell asleep.
     At first, it was talking of missing each other, reminiscing on how it felt to be near one another, how the kisses were experienced from each point of view. We laughed over how nervous and clueless we both were about how the other felt the whole time.
     At first, we'd stay up until our eyes burned and the sun started to rise again. Asking all the questions we had for each other, learning everything there was for us to learn.
     From there, we started talking about art. Exchanging poetry and books we both loved, discussing the lines that stood out or meant the most to us. Yoongi made playlists of songs for me to listen to and would quiz me on them afterwards to make sure I listened. I started practicing how to write song lyrics, sending him some verses that I hoped would be up to his standards.
     He always said that he loved them.
     "I love how your mind works." he'd often tell me, "I wish I could get inside of it.".
     And I'd get flustered to the point that I could barely respond. A cheesy grin plastered across my face as I returned the compliments, blathering on about how his creative genius inspired me.
     It was around April, when he disappeared.
     Not all at once, but-
     The messages started getting shorter.
     We stopped the video calls.
     Telling him about my day got returned with "lol's" or "ok's".
     He never told me what was happening, and I asked many, many times.
     The abrupt change in his behavior snatched my heart from my chest and began to suffocate it.
     I couldn't go back to see him again or confront him face to face through the distance.
     On our last call to each other I asked him, trying not to plead, if anything was wrong.
     If he was mad at me in any way.
     "Is there something I should be mad about?" was the only response I got.
     We didn't speak again after that call, well, I did. I messaged adamently. Trying to throw out every possible thing I could think of. I even threw out things I knew would never be the case, hoping he would get so annoyed that he'd break and tell me whatever the fuck it was that had made him so mad.
     Ever the master of self-control, he never broke.
     Jungkook and I hadn't spoken at all after I left. I figured it was for the best, that we had had the talks we needed to have. That we agreed to not tell Yoongi and to just leave it at that. It was for the best after all, right?
     Telling Yoongi we had kissed would hurt him, and Jungkook and I were not going to be together.
     Telling him would be like throwing acid at him, just to tell him that it was old acid and not to worry about it anymore.
     Two weeks after Yoongi stopped talking to me entirely however, Jungkook started to text me.
     Like it was a completely normal thing to do, like there was no reason why he wouldn't.
     There was a knife that started to twist in my gut as the "what if" game: Emotionally Heartwrenching Edition, began.
     There were a few top contenders for being the most likely.
     1.) Jungkook had told Yoongi about what happened, and Yoongi had gotten mad. (Understandably.)
     2.)  One of the guys had let it slip by accident and Yoongi had gotten mad. (Understandably.)
     3.) Lacey had seen Jungkook and I on the dance floor, and had taken her sweet time before telling Yoongi. Maybe waiting until the trust had started to build between us, so that the breaking of it would hurt that much more. (Absolutely not understandable.)
     Jungkook mentioned nothing about it, simply picking up where we had left off, being a devastatingly good sweet talker and annoyingly easy to have conversations with.
     We had been talking for about a week before I brought it up to him. My phone rang seconds after I sent the message. I was sitting in bed, legs criss-crossed and knuckles white from death gripping my blanket.
     He had no idea what had happened, he told me. All he knew was that Yoongi had started hanging out with Lacey again after a shift at the venue. And that when the guy's had asked him about me, he had shrugged them off without saying a word about it.
     He thought we drifted apart naturally, that it was a mutual thing. That it'd be okay to talk to me again since Yoongi and I weren't anymore.
     With that, Option 3 rose to the most likely scenario and I felt sick to my stomach.
     "Oh." was all I could say. And I hated how meek my voice sounded, not wanting to ask Jungkook of all people to find out more for me.
     Jungkook took it upon himself to offer. And I thanked him, my tone falling flat and listless.
     "I swear I didn't tell him what happened baby.", he sounded desperate as he spoke, " If I had known he just dipped on you I would've brought it up sooner. I'll go talk to the guy's, he's at work right now anyways. Hang on a sec, ok?"
I couldn't form words, a small "mhm" pushed out through tightly pressed lips was all I could manage.
After Jungkook hung up, I sat there in a daze. Different scenes of Lacey telling Yoongi at work one night were flashing through my mind. I cut the less realistic ones short, tossed aside the hyper-dramatized and rapid fire edited the imagined versions down to the most probable one.
The idea of anxiety being unrealistic felt laughable. I didn't want to be right. I wished Jungkook had given any other response besides the one he did. I could've accepted that Yoongi spontaneously decided he was sick of and hated me more easily. Because at least it wasn't confirmation of what I feared to be true.
I also didn't want to accept the fault I played into this happening in the first place. No matter what Lacey said, I did kiss Jungkook. A few times. And I did have feelings for Jungkook, they were different than my feelings for Yoongi, but there all the same.
It was easier to be angry at Lacey.
I didn't keep talking to Jungkook, I had chosen to pursue things with Yoongi and Jungkook and I had come to an understanding. Who the hell did she think she was to stir things up that had been laid to rest? Things were moving forward, things were-
Jimin's name and face lit up the screen, the buzzing of the phone call making me jump.
"Hello?" My hands were clumsy and disconnected as I worked to answer.
"Lovely! Oh my god, are you ok? Well- probably not. Ok, hang on-" Jimin's sweet voice was raised, an array of voices jumbling together in the background. "GUYS! I swear to fuckin' god, we can all talk to her. She only has one pair of ears. Here, lemme get you on speaker.".
"MY ANGEL WHAT HAPPENED WITH YOONGI?!" Tae's deep voice blared through the phone so loudly it vibrated in my hand a little.
"Oooh my god shut up, she doesn't know. Hi hi! It's Hobi! We miss you!" Hobi's voice sang through the phone, slightly louder than the rustling sounds of Tae being pushed away.
"Yo! You good? We're all out here on the couch, Tae hung what you painted in the living room. Looks nice!" Namjoon's mellow voice came next.
     Against my will, I felt a smile start tugging across my face.
"Soooo, we're still us. You miss this madness? Lemme trade with you." Jin said with a groan.
"Okay, so I got everyone!" I heard Jungkook pipe up from a distance.
"Hey guys," their comforting chaos made me chuckle, "Miss you all. No trades, wish you were all here with me." I felt myself relaxing as soon as I got the words out.
"Ok, so, here's the deal. I got the scoop." Jimin started.
Stretching out onto my stomach, I laid my head on my arm, using it to press the phone against my ear. "Bless you" I sighed, chewing on my cheek. "Lay it on me please, before I drive myself insane.".
"Well, uh, Lacey saw you and Jungkook dancing and decided to tell Yoongi about it. I don't know what she said exactly, but she went real heavy on the explicit nature of the dancing. Naughty. Anyways, she convinced Yoongi to get drinks with her that night and they've been hanging out ever since." Jimin paused, huffing out air into his phone so loudly that it tickled my ear.
"Uh, yeah so, she's working real hard to try and get together with him. She felt threatened by you apparently, and is pulling this whole "sweetheart" act-"
"THAT NONE OF US ARE BUYING!" Tae interjected, grabbing the phone from Jimin.
There was a pause before any of them spoke next, muffled sounds of fighting over the phone filling the air.
"Look man, you know we don't like Lacey for Yoongi, she's always fucked with his head and we don't see this going well. But like, you know, he's a grown man. We can't tell him what to do." Namjoon was working to sound casual, but sympathy was still clear in his tone.
I didn't say anything and stared at the wall.
"Well, that sucks." was all I could think to say at first. Laughing bitterly to myself, I rolled on my back and let out a grumble.
"I mean, I did dance with Jungkook. I'm pissed she decided to say something literally months after the fact, it just feels sketchy. But, he wouldn't tell me what to do. I'm not gonna try and tell him what to do either." I said it matter of factly. Like I wasn't internally screaming an obscene string of cuss words at Lacey, Yoongi and myself.
"Be pissed girl!" Hobi hollered, "It's not just sketchy to you. We all, well, almost all of us are pissed for you." his words sped up at the end, blurring together before the phone jostled again.
Jungkook's voice was quieter than normal, sweeter than I expected it to be.
"I'm pissed for you too. It's not like I was happy not talking to you but I don't ever wanna see you hurt. I'm pissed at Yoongi for hurting you like this." it felt like he was trying to hold my heart in his hands. Gently. Not wanting to squeeze too tight.
I thanked the guys and bugged them about visiting before hanging up.
There was a ringing in my ears that made everything feel weird underneath me. Like I could feel the Earth turning but I wasn't a concrete part of it.
Jungkook called me back privately, whispering that he had stepped outside and had wanted to check in on me.
The hurt I was feeling had turned into a little devil on my shoulder, poking at every way this was all my fault.
"Baby?" Jungkook's cute little pet name for me suddenly burned.
"Do you not wanna talk to me anymore? Like, are you too sad about Yoongi?" the worry in his voice sent guilt hurdling into me.
"Of course I do, I'm sorry. This just, caught me off guard. I am sad, I think I'm too thrown off to feel it right now. I don't know, we did more than just dance together y'know." I brought it up scornfully without thinking, immediately fearful that it sounded abrasive.
The smile in Jungkook's voice was poorly disguised in his response, "So, you've been thinking about us kissing?".
The cute behavior was unfair. Any time I was upset, Jungkook had an infuriatingly charming response to get me smiling again.
I wanted to wallow, dammit.
But the thought of kissing him curled my toes and if I had been strong enough, I was sure my phone would've crumbled in my hand.
I mumbled out an embarrassed, "I don't know", making Jungkook snicker before saying he'd thought about it too. Abruptly hanging up as soon as the words were out of his mouth.
There didn't seem to be a way to make it right.
It wasn't like my feelings for Yoongi had gone anywhere. They were sitting along the bottom of my ribcage and slowly gnawing away at me.
Flipping through the consequences and complications of every situation I could imagine, I landed on two options that seemed the most ethical.
Option 1: Talk to Yoongi and apologize. Possibly stop talking to all of them if he couldn't forgive me.
Option 2: Leave Yoongi alone and possibly stop talking to all of them so that I wouldn't become a source of tension for the group.
I couldn't imagine being on bad terms with just one of them, or not talking to just one of them.
I could respect Yoongi's choice and also let him know I was sorry for not telling him. That I didn't think hurting him was okay. I don't know, maybe I wanted to give him an explanation so badly in hopes that he'd understand and forgive me.
More than that though, I wanted to say sorry because I was sorry. And it felt important to say, regardless of what happened afterwards.
Despite that train of thought, it took me a month and a half to work out what to say.
And another month after that to find the courage to send it.
He never responded.
     I didn't stop talking to the others like I thought I'd have to.
And I kept talking to Jungkook.
     Whenever I couldn't sleep, he'd set up his phone so I could watch him play video games until I drifted off. He'd call me at work and ask to be held in my pocket so he could hear how my day went (it was a bad line he'd gotten from Jin, but he wound up liking doing it).
He told me that he'd apologize to Yoongi for suggesting that we don't tell him. A light of appreciation for him glowed through the layers of pain.
     It was so easy with Jungkook.
     I couldn't say when he became a part of my daily life. It was like I woke up one day and couldn't remember how life had ever felt without him.
     My feelings for him were warm, like I was always about to drift to sleep in the sunshine. We grew incredibly protective over each other, both of us having to convince the other to not make impulsive trips when one was sad.
     Anytime either of us found something interesting, we would spend the next week or two both learning about it. Blowing phone's up with fun facts and side topics that we'd come across.
     We weren't just friends. There wasn't any denying that.
     But we never talked about what we were, there was simply an understanding. Natural, simple, that was how it always felt with him.
I didn't hear back from Yoongi for almost a year and a half.
It was midday, on a Tuesday.
I had just gotten out of my last class for the day.
Yoongi called me.
"Uh, hey." his voice sounded strange, excitement helping to keep something else pushed back.
"Hey, it's been so-"
"Hey it's me, do you remember me?" Lacey's voice giggled through the speaker and my spine went rigid.
I had to keep moving, taking loops around school buildings and letting myself get lost. I told Lacey I did remember her and she squealed before saying to Yoongi, "You see? I'm very memorable.". The sound of a kiss squelched into my ear and I gritted my teeth.
Why they hell were they calling me?
"So yeah, uh, anyways, we just found a place near you. Most of the guys will come with us, Jin has to sort out some work stuff before he can join though. So uh, we'll be there in early November. See you then?". He sounded uncertain.
I was turning a corner as he said it and misjudged the distance, smacking a shoulder into concrete.
"Did you just hit something?" the concern in his voice pissed me off.
I felt stubborn for no reason.
"No.", I scoffed, "But I'm excited to see you all again. Thanks for letting me know.". Coldness felt like a necessary strategy. Especially with Lacey on the phone with us.
I didn't feel cold though, I felt like disintegrating.
They were getting a place together.
They were moving here.
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crystalsnow95z · 3 months
Yoongi throwing up when he's working with Jimin on a song together because of a 24 hour bug, having to give him a shower because he got barf in his hair and Jimin having to put him to bed because he was too weak to walk
This is a prompt my roommate gave me when I first started writing because I lacked confidence to use Yoongi as more than a background character and her bias Jimin. I was going through old drafts and found this. I wanted a story with Yoongi for his birthday and this is the best out of my 4 options.
"We did it! We got through the new choreography without any mistakes!" Jungkook cheers, hugging onto the closest member in excitement, Yoongi pushing him away.
"Jungkook, please don't hug me.. It's too hot for that..." Yoongi complains, relaxing when Jungkook moves to hug j-hope instead.
"Let's take a five minute... break to cool off. Great work, everyone." J-hope praises his members, hugging Jungkook briefly before also sending him away, still trying to catch his own breath.
Yoongi goes to the mirror where he left his water, taking a drink before passing it to Hobi.
"Thanks hyung.." j-hope takes a drink, eyes widening when he realized he finished it. "Sorry, I didn't realize how thirsty I was."
"I'll get us some more water." Jungkook offers when he finishes his own bottle. "It looks like everyone's empty.." he notes watching Jimin share his water with Jin and Taehyung with Namjoon.
"That'd be great." Yoongi says with gratitude. This new choreography has me feeling woozy.. i didn't think I drank that much last night..my tolerance must've went down from when I wasn't drinking. .
"You okay hyung?" Jimin asks, offering Yoongi the last bit of his water,but Yoongi pushes it back towards him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired..i think i drank too much with Dong-hyuk.." Yoongi didn't want to worry Jimin over a little stomach ache. I'll just take something for it if it gets worse.
"Too tired to work on music with me after practice today?" Jimin's asks, wanting to give him the option to back out. He's been working on his own music on top of the team, I shouldn't have asked him yesterday..
"I can still work on music with you Jimin-ah. If you wanted to practice the choreography with me, that's where I'd tell you no." Yoongi tells him, smiling despite the small ripples of pain that moved throughout his lower abdomen.
"Are you sure? It's okay if you're too tired, though. I could ask someone else."Jimin asks again, trying to get a good look at Yoongi, but the ballcap he was wearing cast shadows over his face, making it unreadable.
Jungkook goes over by them, giving both of them a water bottle. "Here hyung. Try to stay hydrated.. you look a little pale Jiminie hyung."
"Thanks Jaykay, I gave all my water to Namjoonie-hyung." Jimin takes a drink. "I'm fine though. I'm more worried about Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi takes small sips, not wanting to risk worsening the ache in his abdomen. "I'm fine. You guys worry too much. I should be worrying about you two with all your extra lessons."
"It's only English, singing and boxing." Jungkook says as if that wasn't a lot on top of their practices, interviews and meetings.
"Let's work on your album at your place Jimin-ah. My studio is a mess right now." Yoongi blushes lightly, recalling his moment of frustration causing a mess of papers he'll have to go through later.
"Tired of looking at your studio?" Jimin muses, smiling when he sees color returning to Yoongi's cheeks after drinking water."I'll make us dinner when we get to my place. I went shopping yesterday."
"Sounds good. It's been quite a while since I had a homemade meal." Yoongi couldn't bring himself to say he wasn't feeling all that hungry when Jimin was so excited about it.
"Alright break time is over. We have one more song I want to get all the way through then we can go home. We have an early morning tommorrow so I don't want us staying too late."
"Hyung dinner is ready. Do you want a bottle of soju with me?" Jimin asks while setting the table. "I made a little bit of everything.."
"No, I'd rather have some tea. We have to get up early and I struggled getting up this morning. You can drink if you want to though." Yoongi waves away the bottle, his medicine he took while Jimin was showering after practice only just now kicking in.
"I'll make us both tea. I didn't think ahead about getting up in the morning.. hobi-hyung will scold me for sure if I'm late a third time this week." Jimin fills a tea kettle with water then takes a seat at the table, taking a bit of rice and stir fry for himself. "Did you really like the third song? I think the lyrics need some work.."
"The lyrics aren't the problem, it's the chorus..it's too rushed.." Yoongi picks up where they left off, getting himself some rice to start with.
"The chorus did feel fast.. should I add a line or..maybe just slow down the music..?" Jimin takes a bite of steak, pulling his notebook closer.
"What if you try this.." Yoongi sings the chorus, changing the notes.
"Oh that sounds good.." Jimin mimicks Yoongi, rushing to get a keyboard.
"Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah take a break to eat.." Yoongi sighs with a smile when he realizes Jimin doesn't hear him, trying to mimic the notes on the keys."The first note is D not C."
"Aish I need to practice more.. could you play it for me?" Jimin asks, Yoongi happy to oblige. The bowl of kimchi fried rice was already sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
Yoongi hits the notes for Jimin, writing them down."You should ask Supreme Boi to help you, this song is right up his alley."
"Do you think hyung has time to work with me?" Jimin asks. "I'm not as good at writing as you or Hobi hyung or-"
"Don't compare yourself, you're good at writing songs too, you just lack confidence. All of you kids do." Yoongi scolds Jimin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll ask him then.." jimin blushes at Yoongi's praise, jumping up when he hears the kettle screaming."Ah, the tea is ready."
"Ahhh...mm...hmm.." Jimin sings, trying to match his voice to the notes on the page. "Why can't i get this right?" Jimin asks Yoongi, biting his lip. I sounded so bad..
"You're singing two octaves too high. Are you still nervous? You don't have to be. I've heard you sing a milion times of times." Yoongi tries to calm Jimin's shaken nerves.
"Do you think we should touch up the first verse? Is it too immature? Maybe we should-" Jimin stops when he feels Yoongi's finger touch his lips.
"Jimin-ah, shh. The lyrics are fine. Stop it. Your song is good.. you're just stressing yourself out."Yoongi places his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I know you're nervous about asking someone to do a collaboration with you, but just because they say no, it doesn't mean your song isn't good. They could just be too busy or don't...mm.." Yoongi moans softly as a ripple of pain bubbles up in his stomach, making him dizzy with nausea.
"Hyung what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jimin wraps his arm around Yoongi's shoulder to keep him from double over.
"My stomach..it..just..don't feel well all of the sudden.." Yoongi speaks softly, lying to the younger member. Why did the medicine wear off already, it's only been two hours..
"Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" Jimin asks, trying to gently lead Yoongi to his feet when he sees the color drain from his lips. "Aiigo Yoongi.."
Yoongi let out a wet burp, his body trembling with cold sweat as he tried to hold down his dinner that was quickly rising up his throat, clinging to Jimins arm for balance. "Jimin-ah.." He whines with urgency when his vision faded, another burp pushing up the meal Jimin made, the sick spraying across the floor halfway to the bathroom. "I'm..I'm sorry..I...I can't.."
"Don't be sorry.. it's okay.. I have a little bin in my room. Just wait here it's closer.." Jimin runs into his room, grabbing the small bin, eyes widening when he hears Yoongi retching again, heart tightening. I should've noticed something was wrong sooner. He's been silently suffering while I feel sorry for myself..
"Here hyung, I'm back.. just move back just a little bit okay?" Jimin pulls him back a bit to be able to place the bin without having Yoongi kneeling in his own sick.
Yoongi takes Jimin's hand, squeezing it when another waterfall of sick pushes up, hitting the plastic liner. "F*ck..." he whimpers wrapping his other hand around his cramping muscles as another mouthful comes.
"I know, I know it hurts.. but you'll feel better once you let it all out.." Jimin tries to sound reassuring, but his voice trembled. I've never seen him so sick.. I can see the sweat rolling off his chin.. is he running a fever?
Jimin reaches to touch the back of Yoongi's neck, shocked at the amount of heat coming off of it. "You're burning up.."
"Hyung..." Yoongi calls weakly before another wave of nausea hits him, thick bile rising up his throat, gagging up more sick.
"Hyung is at home, but I'm here.. it's okay.. I got you.." Jimin gently scratches Yoongi's back, giving his hand a squeeze. I need to calm him down, he's hardly getting a breath in..
Yoongi continued to heave despite having nothing left in his stomach. Make it stop..it hurts so much..I wish I never ate anything today..
"Yoongi, Yoongi-yah you have to take deep breaths..i know its not easy..but you have to try for me..please?' Jimin felt his eyes misting with tears, his heart breaking to hear Yoongi's sharp gasps of pain between the dry heaves.
Yoongi closes his eyes, trying to take deep breaths, moaning softly when a sharp pain spikes up his side, pressing his palm into it. "Aish..i..i..it hurts.. Jimin-ah.."
"You probably got a stich from your muscles overworking..are you finished now? Do you want to move to lay in bed?"
"I..I just.." Yoongi backs into Jimin, leaning against him. "I just need to..rest..i don't want to move..I'm so dizzy.."
"We can stay here as long as you need. I just want you to be comfortable.." Jimin kisses the top of Yoongi's head, gently running his hand up and down Yoongi's side. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well sooner Hyung.."
Yoongi tries to focus on slowing his breathing, wincing with every inhale. "I know..I'm stupid..but..please.." I don't need a scolding from you..I'm aware I fu*ked up..
"I'm sorry..I know.. I'm just.. I don't want you to feel like you have to be strong for us..you like to handle things on your own and you don't have to.."
Yoongi turns to his side,focusing on matching his breathing with Jimin's listening to his racing heart. I must've really scared him..
"Are you okay yoongi-yah?" Jimin asks, brushing Yoongis hair from his face.
"I..I don't know.. I don't think I have anything left..but I still feel dizzy.." Yoongi speaks in a raspy whisper.
"You should stay the night with me.. you shouldn't drive if you feel this poorly.. do you want me to carry you?"
"If you can.. I think I can stand with your help though.." Yoongi gasps in surprise when he feels Jimin start picking him up lifting him off the floor. "Jimin slow, slowly.." he wraps his arms around Jimin's neck, feeling his stomach churn. "Mm..."
"Sorry, sorry..I'll move slow. It's okay.. I got you.." Jimin moves slowly, tensing when he realized he didn't have the arm strength he thought he had, feeling Yoongi slipping. "Almost there..just..hold on tightly okay..?"
"Okay.." Yoongi's voice comes out small, tightening his grip around Jimins neck, heart skipping a beat when he feels himself dangle while Jimin adjusts him. "Jimin-ah.."
"Almost there.. we're in the room, we just need to get to the bed.. I'm sorry.. here we go.. safe on the bed..I'll get you a pair of my pajamas. You're covered in sweat." Jimin slowly places yoongi on the bed. "Do you think you can drink a bit?"
"I think I'll throw up again..i still feel bad.." Yoongi curls up, pulling his knees to his chest. "I want heat.."
"Oh right, I'm sorry hyung.." Jimin gets a heating pad, putting it aside trying to gently uncurl Yoongi. I have to cool him down, but if hes in too much pain he won't be cooperative.. "Let's get you changed first.. at least your shirt okay?"
Yoongi doesn't fight against Jimin, but he doesn't help either, not making any movement. Jimin just barely gets him to sit up long enough to get his shirt off, getting the top on him, helping him back down to button the top two before Yoongi curls up again. "Cold.."
"Alright hyung.. here you are.." jimin gently places the heating pad against Yoongis side, cuddling up to his ailing hyung. "Is that any better?"
Yoongi nods, pressing against Jimin. "You're warm.." He murmurs.
"If you say so hyungie..rest well.. I'll be right here if you need anything.." jimin gently kisses Yoongi's temple, hearing his breathing slow as he starts to fall asleep.
Jimin waits until Yoongi grows heavy against him before removing the heat from Yoongi's side. "Now to take care of your fever.." he whispers, yawning. "Then I'll sleep too.."
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