#and i’m… still just a dumb kid crying because they just want someone to stay.
idontplaytrack · 2 days
Janis shows up drunk at Regina (or reader, depending on what you want ig) and she is just a really dumb drunk, and Regina takes care of her, pretending to be annoyed but finds her to be weirdly endearing and cuddly 🫶😭
It’s You That I’m Missing
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: drinking, angst & fluff, coarse language
They no longer hate each other. But it still gives Regina a shock of her life that Janis shows up at her door, drunk off her ass
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Regina was sat before her vanity, doing her nightly skincare routine when she heard a string of obnoxiously loud knocks come from the foyer. She contemplated ignoring it, obviously not expecting anyone to be over at her place, at this hour of the night no less. It was nearly eleven.
The same string of knocks were heard again, followed by a, “Hello?”
Regina’s ears perked up as she sat up straight, squinting. Quickly, she stood up and peeked out the window. What on earth? She hurries downstairs to let the girl in. “Oh. Good, you’re home.” She laughs, evidently drunk.
“What are you doing here, Janis? Why are you alone?”
“I’m always alone.” Janis laughs again, dryly.
Regina squints, telling her to sit down. Janis plops down on the couch. “Where’s Damian?”
“He has the flu.” Janis answered airily, finger wagging around. Regina hesitated, but sat down anyway. “And where the hell did you go?” Regina says but quickly bites the inside of her cheek. “Nowhere. I drank—” Janis inhales sharply, “At home, then I came allll the way here.”
Regina asks, “Why?”
“I…I don’t know, Gina.” Janis sighs, throwing her head back against the headrest.
‘Shit’ Regina thought, ‘That nickname. I haven’t heard that in years.’
“I know we don’t hate each other anymore, but why did you just show up here like that? The girls don’t even do that.”
Janis groans, facepalming, “I don’t know. I don’t know…why I decided to come here. I was bored— then your address was somehow the only one I remembered.”
“What? Come on, you don’t have to lie.”
“Lie, for what?” Janis looks at her right in the eye, “You know what I don’t get? That I can’t seem to forget you calling me that fucking name in middle school for months. You knew it was wrong, and yet you did it. That is so fucked up— being a kid was no reason for you to do it.”
“Janis…I’m sorry.” Regina apologizes. She wasn’t even shocked.
“Yeah, it won’t cut it. It’ll always stick with me and it sucks because I have someone who loves me now and I love her. So damn much, but it still haunts me.”
That, shocked Regina. Regina didn’t know that Janis had been dating someone. You.
“You meant the world to me and you just became my biggest bully overnight.” Janis laughs at the end— a little thing she had when drunk. “But whatever right? Let bygones be bygones? Everybody loves you now, but yet people like me, like my girlfriend have to be so careful about where we go because some people hate people like us. “Janis, you don’t have to forgive me. But if there’s anyway I can make it up to you, please. Tell me.”
“There’s nothing you can do.” Janis answered bluntly, “I honestly don’t know why I came here…thinking things could somehow be different. But the truth is? Things will never be the same anymore. They haven’t been since the second you called me that name— along with everybody else.”
Regina was stunned into silence. She also recognised this behaviour of Janis’. How she’d avoid crying by laughing it off. “Me coming here was a mistake. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. I have y/n now.”
“Where is she?”
“That’s all you have to ask me?” Janis bites back a scoff.
“Why isn’t she taking care of you? You’re wandering the streets alone.”
“She couldn’t come over to my house. Her parents were arguing and she couldn’t leave.” Janis blinks profusely, “I should— I should probably go.”
Janis tries to stand up but Regina stops her. “No, stay here for a bit. Until you sober up.”
“Okay.” Janis pouts, snuggling up in a corner of the couch. Regina couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, her heart melting. “Do you feel like you might throw up?”
“Are you nauseous?” The blonde asks again.
“Ohh, yeah.” Janis realises.
“Alright, up we go.” Regina focused on getting her back on her feet and to the bathroom down the hall. They sit in silence for awhile. Until Janis threw up a bit. “My God, how much did you have to drink?”
“I…lost count.” Janis says, eyes drooping shut, “After three.” She holds up her three fingers in front of Regina’s face but she could barely hold her own head up.
‘Damn it.’ Regina sighs internally.
“I wanna sleeeeep.” Janis whines.
“Okay.” Regina helps her up and into her own bedroom. “Sleep.”
“In your bed?”
“Well, would you rather be on the floor?” Regina snarked unintentionally, catching herself too late, “What if you feel sick again and need to get up?”
“If you want me to sleep in the bed, I’ll sleep in the bed.” Janis didn’t put up too much of a fight anyway.
“Good.” Regina says flatly, “Just sleep.” Once Janis crawls under the covers, Regina does the same beside her, contemplating putting a bolster between them but Janis kept her distance and faced away already so she just allowed herself to start drifting off.
“Good night, Janis.”
“Night, Regina.” Janis murmured.
“Oh, God. I showed up at your door out of nowhere and you just let me sleepover?”
“Because it was late and you were drunk off your ass.” Regina reasoned, “Sit down and eat your breakfast.”
“Aw, you made me breakfast?” She teases.
“I can throw it away if you don’t want it.” Regina plays along.
“Didn’t say that.” Janis sulked and sat down at the table, “Thanks.”
What Janis told her last night wasn’t forgotten but she wasn’t going to bring it up again. Janis was now back to her usual self— she didn’t want to upset her again. All Regina could do from now on was to focus on being a better person and not hurt someone else again.
“Last night, you told me you were dating y/n. I didn’t ask, you just…told me. And if you didn’t want anyone to know—”
“Ah, it wasn’t like we were hiding it anyway. We just don’t really…do PDA.”
Regina nods, “How’s your head?”
“Feels like it could explode.” Janis jokes, shoving a forkful of pancakes into her mouth. “Take an Advil before you go. Do you want a ride?”
“Nope, thanks.”
“Do you need a ride?”
Janis glares at her, exhaling, “No. I’m gonna walk over to y/n’s after this.”
“Oh? She lives nearby?”
“Yes, she does, Regina.” Janis smirked, “I’m surprised you even knew who I was talking about.”
“I know people outside of my own circle, Janis.” Regina replies, feigning offence.
“Not that.” Janis stifles a laugh, “It’s just that she’s more of an introvert. She doesn’t really talk to that many people often. Obviously, you two haven’t talked.”
This was the most time the ex-best friends have spent together since middle school. It was bittersweet— Janis missed her best friend, someone who was hers, someone who she thought she could spend the rest of her life with. But what did little Janis know? Nothing much. Now older, she knew better than that. Some stuff’s just gotta hurt until it doesn’t anymore.
Regina misses her too, but knew after last night that she was definitely never getting that friendship back ever again. Life had to go on. But that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be on good terms now. Acquaintances.
After breakfast, Janis departs. “I’ll see you around, Janis.” Regina brings her to the foyer. “Yep.” Janis nodded, giving the girl a crooked smile, “Thanks for uh, watching out for me last night and breakfast.”
“You’re welcome.” Regina flashes her a similar smile. Regina hesitates, but Janis was engulfed in a hug eventually. After an initial shock, Janis hugs her back. “See you, Jay.”
“See you, Gina.”
With that, Regina watches the brunette leave before shutting the front door and continuing with her day. Her heart ached, but she also felt knowing that she had some sort of closure from the monstrosity of a situation back in middle school— she had a crystal clear understanding of where Janis stood regarding the situation and where she herself stood in Janis’ world. Nowhere like before, but now better than it has been for years.
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: Can’t sleep, but at least something came out of it lol😓
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drivemysoul · 3 months
i just wanna stop crying at some point
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starlostseungmin · 1 month
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✰ notes: my brain is not working properly and idk if i could write any lengthy fics as of the moment but here’s husband seungmin because i’m bored and i love our puppy so much. not proofread. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix( seungmin ) jeongin
Husband Seungmin who cried when he saw you walking down the aisle with a big smile on his face thinking that he’s the luckiest man on earth to marry you. He couldn’t wait for the priest to finally announce you as husband and wife then kisses you in front of your friends and family. 
Husband Seungmin whose love language is act of service and words of affirmation with a little bit of gift-giving. 
Husband Seungmin who is still shy about engaging in physical touch. But when he does, he gets really clingy and refuses to let you go. You never complain. He also loves looking at you dreamingly while you sleepーwhispering how much he loves you and kisses your forehead before going to sleep, hugging you tightly. 
Husband Seungmin who cooks every morning before going to workーsometimes at nightーand holds your hand while brewing coffee as he steals kisses whenever you aren’t looking. 
Husband Seungmin who would take the day off from work just to stay home and take care of you when you’re sick. He won’t allow you to move and insist that he’ll do everything you ask for. 
Husband Seungmin who gets a bit possessive when someone who seems interested in you makes a conversation so he’d kiss your lips out of the blue and say, “We’re married.” then show off your wedding rings. 
Husband Seungmin who doesn’t pressure you to have kids with him since he respects whatever decision you make. It doesn’t matter anyway, as long as the two of you are together, that’s enough for him. 
Husband Seungmin who is still feeling nervous when he asks you out on a date. It would always feel like the first timeーhis heart racing, cheeks red as a tomato, the giddiness and sparks, everything goes in slow-motion. He would take you to your favorite places and have the best time. 
Husband Seungmin who loves tea time and is literally serving you hot gossip from workーlaughing at how everyone was so dumb and problematic in the industry. 
Husband Seungmin who used to prefer texts over calls but now he tends to call you often because he misses you. He would also wait for you to hang up first.
Husband Seungmin who would hug you tightly while kissing the crown of your head and whisper words that might comfort you when you’re breaking down and vulnerable in front of him. He would refuse to leave until you feel better. 
Husband Seungmin who makes weird noises and funny faces just to make you laugh. 
Husband Seungmin who acts like a puppy when he wants to be babied and asks for a kiss. 
Husband Seungmin who treats you like royalty. 
Husband Seungmin who gets over the moon when you surprise him with lots of (useful) Sanrio-related gifts. Mostly Pochacco and Pompompurin with a little bit of Cinnamon Roll. 
Husband Seungmin who loves to take A LOT of pictures of you with his phone or camera. You’d complain (playfully) about his storage getting full but he doesn’t mind because you are his muse. 
Husband Seungmin who brings you flowers on random days because they remind him of you. 
Husband Seungmin who kisses your lips intimately because he wants to. It could happen multiple times a day which could lead to something moreーmost of the time. 
Husband Seungmin who would walk away after an argument and come back hours later to apologize. 
Husband Seungmin who doesn’t want you to see him cry but gives in when you hug him. 
Husband Seungmin who gets brutally honest, cries over silly things, and does his little twerk when drunk but still cute as hell. 
Husband Seungmin who always scores 98-100 on coin karaoke and gets cocky. He knows you love listening to him when he sings and gladly does the favor when you ask him to—wherever, whenever. 
Husband Seungmin who is always good at everything. 
Husband Seungmin who doesn’t say “I love you,” most of the time but expresses it in different ways or says it with the things he feels about you. 
Husband Seungmin whose smile is the most precious in the world. You promised not to take it away and never make him cry. 
Husband Seungmin who loves you so much, makes you happy, never fails to make your heart beat, makes you feel loved and accepts you no matter what your flaws are. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89
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rae-writes · 10 months
nothing like you-
Dazai x little sibling!reader
wc : 1.k
warnings : angst, very minor implication of sexual trauma in the beginning, light description of injuries, major character death [reader]
synopsis : “The one thing I like about me is that I’m nothing like you and I never will be.”
a/n : the reader might be dead but I'm not! surprise!
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“Samu, please!” Your eyes were wild as you gripped onto the sleeve of his coat tightly— something happened during your last visit to Mori’s office- the meeting that, for some reason, Mori refused to let him join in on- because you weren’t so adamant about this before. “Please, let’s leave. Let’s leave and never look back and start a new life- anywhere but here. I can’t. I don’t wanna do it anymore.” 
Dazai felt his heart tugging in two different directions. On one hand, you were his little sibling; only by a year, sure, but he promised himself he’d do anything to protect you and stay with you always, and you did the same in return. 
On the other hand, he’d finally met someone who gave him a different outlook on life- who made even the slightest shine appear back in his eyes. How could he just…leave after finding that? 
“…you’re strong, n/n. You can do it- we’ll make it. You’ve got me and the slug.” 
You stared at him in disbelief, unable to really grasp the fact that your big brother was just brushing you aside. He didn’t even ask what happened. Didn’t show any concern for you. 
You couldn’t grasp the sight of your brother being so cold to you, so you grasped at straws instead. “We…we can take Chuuya with us! And..and Oda, and all the kids, and even Ango if he wants- we can all go together and start new lives, together!” 
The idea sounded amazing. Just the thought of it made Dazai’s heart warm, but he knew…Mori would never allow that. Even if each of you managed to escape, the boss doesn’t forgive and forget easily. It was safer to just stay. 
“Enough, Y/n. We’re staying. There’s no need to get everyone wrapped up in your selfish desires when we’re all already here.”
Any hope you had left of your big brother still being inside there- the one that made you laugh with dumb jokes, the one that held you when you cried, the one that never forgot your birthday and gave you hand drawn pictures because he couldn’t afford anything else, the one that promised to love you even after death- shattered. 
Dazai expected you to scream at him. To curse at him, to start throwing punches and kicks, to start crying about how he was the worst brother in the entire world. He wouldn’t blame you. It was true- just look at him. He didn’t even blink as he brushed you aside. 
You didn’t do any of that. You just stared at him, slowly blinking as tears cascaded down your cheeks. You’d gotten paler, as if the mere interaction was killing you. “I wanted to be like you so bad, Osamu…you protected me and took care of me even in the worst of situations and I wanted to be exactly like you so that I could return the care and love you’d given to me…”
His throat began closing up, fingers itching to reach out and grab you, apologize for turning out like this and take your hand to run away and be the big brother he used to be. He didn’t do any of that. 
Osamu just stood there silently and let you break his heart like he broke yours. 
“I’m glad I didn’t get that far.” 
He watched you leave his office, mouth dry and unable to speak, hands too numb to try and reach out— he was 17 then and Dazai never saw you again after that. 
Not until he was 20 years old, three years after finally leaving the mafia (it took a year after you left and Oda dying for him to finally break free) and one year of being in the Armed Detective Agency. 
It was a sunny spring day. There was a cool breeze blowing cherry blossoms around, butterflies were around every corner, flocking the blooming flowers. He remembers wondering if you were even still in Yokohama- if you were seeing what he saw whenever he walked outside. He hoped so; you'd always liked the spring. 
Beautiful day as it was, he and the rest of the Ada were holed up in their meeting room, discussing recent incidents around the city and watching the news for any potential jobs. Everything was pretty bland until…
“Hey, turn the volume up!” 
“Just this morning, a 19 year old was discovered dead in an abandoned shipyard port. Authorities say they were found with their throat slit and shirt ripped open with the words ‘you should have stayed’ written in blood. Due to their face being bruised and cut beyond recognition, we don’t yet have a positive ID, however this picture was found on the scene a few feet away from the body.”
Dazai already felt an uneasy sense of dread crawling up his throat before they showed the picture. 
And then it flashed on screen, showing you and Osamu- no more than 13-14 years old- with your cheeks pressed together and peace signs thrown up; you were smiling widely while he had his tongue sticking out. Blood was splattered across the photo, directly over your face; it was much too neat to be an accident. 
The walls felt like they were closing in. 
You should have stayed. 
Everyone turned to look at Dazai with expressions ranging from surprised, sympathetic, or horrified. 
You should have stayed. 
He didn’t see any of them, though, as he’d stumbled out of his chair and dropped down beside the trash can, dry heaving and retching and half sobbing. 
Various pairs of hands were grabbing at him, pulling him off the floor and stabilizing his body so his legs didn’t give out. They were all talking- he could see their mouths moving and hear the muffled sounds of their voices, but he wasn’t listening. 
For a few moments, Osamu Dazai was concerningly quiet. 
And then he screamed, loud and shrill and broken and horrified.
It had been three years since he let you walk out of his life. Two years since he begged President Fukuzawa to help search for you. One year since becoming a better man than he was before. 
…It had been four years since he told you that your big brother loved you more than anything. 
He’d never get the chance to tell you again.
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badasmuse · 5 months
“Homewrecker Pt.3”
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), language, lowercase intended, angst, fluff- yeah
Summary: bada hires a babysitter.. but you own a daycare, why does she need one?
you and bada have now been together for about seven months now. you finally opened your own daycare and you have never loved anything more (besides bada and chae of course.)
your life has been great recently, except for the fact that bada has hired another babysitter.
it’s not that you were insecure about it. you know that saying how you get them is how you lose them, but that’s not the problem. the problem is why is she paying for a babysitter when her girlfriend owns a daycare? this was an argument you had a few times a week.
“y/n why are you so upset about this?” bada asks, taking off her makeup from the day.
“bada do you understand how dumb it is to pay a random to watch your kid when you have a girlfriend that owns a daycare? you don’t even have to pay me and chae loves me. she’s comfortable with me. why the fuck would you bring a stranger around her?” you say with a ‘the fuck’ look on your face.
“it sounds like you’re scared i’m gonna do to you what i did to howl.” she says.
“im not worried about that. i know no bitch will fuck you as well as i do. you’re too scared to look at other girls. why would i be scared?”
“i fell for you because you were sweet not cause you fuck me good.” she mumbles.
“doesn’t matter. like i said, you’re too scared to look at other girls. females approach you and you hide being me. i don’t think you’re gonna do anything i just think you’re dumb for wasting money. you could be putting that shit in chae’s college fund!” you say frustrated.
“don’t you get tired of having this argument every night?” bada asks.
“don’t you?” you reply. “if you’re tired of it then fire the bitch. put chae in my daycare.”
okay the babysitter isn’t a bitch she’s actually really nice but you’re pissed so anything is gonna come out of your mouth at this point.
“goodnight y/n.” bada says changing and laying in bed.
you look at her in disbelief and grab your pillow and a blanket before walking downstairs to the couch.
this goes on for another week. you started staying at your daycare longer than you needed to which pissed bada off.
it was day six of you staying till nine in the daycare when bada snapped.
“we’re closed!” you called out, doing some cleaning. you could’ve sworn you locked that door.
“is this what you do? sit here and clean to avoid having to see me at home?” bada says, leaning against the door.
ah right, she has the spare key.
“bada i’m busy.” you say putting the toys in new areas.
she sits on the couch, “chae is with her grandmother. i have time.”
“every talk is an argument bada. why would i want to come home to that?” you say angrily.
“because you argue with me! you start every single argument we have. over absolutely nothing!”
“because you’re still paying for a babysitter when you have me!”
“y/n i understand your frustration but there’s a reason i-“ you cut her off, slamming the toy box against the wall.
“what reason? what could possibly be valid enough to waste money like that?” you raise your voice.
bada doesn’t respond. she bites her lip before nodding her head and leaving.
you decided to stay the night in the daycare after that.
after about a week of spending the night in the daycare, you went home. you and bada need to have a talk. you sigh walking into the house when you hear sniffling.
“and i’m not sure what to do. we’ve just been arguing.” you hear your girlfriend say. “she hasn’t been home all week i just…”
“maybe you should break up with her. you’re sitting here crying over someone that doesn’t care about you.” you hear the babysitter say. you walk closer and see them sitting on the couch. you want to interrupt but something tells you not to.
the babysitter, you don’t really care about her name, leans closer to bada, wiping her tears. “you’re very pretty, you shouldn’t be crying over her.” she whispers before leaning in attempting to kiss the crying woman.
you step out but bada backs up. “woah,” she sniffles, “i might be crying over my girlfriend but i’m still very much with her and in love with her. i mean the whole point in me hiring you was cause i didn’t want chae spoiling the proposal. i love my girlfriend.”
“proposal?” you say out loud, cringing after you’re caught.
“baby…” bada says quietly.
you hold your hand up, “you need to leave.” you say to the person sitting on the couch.
“whatever. i could’ve treated her better.” she says standing and grabbing her stuff.
as she walked out of the house, you pushed her before slamming the door in her face. not knowing (or caring) if she fell.
“y/n.” bada sniffles.
“you were.. gonna propose to me?” you question.
“well yeah. chae… chae can’t hold water. remember when she spoiled your birthday necklace? it was convenient having the babysitter cause she can get all the energy out and by the time you get home she’s sleep or she forgot all about it.”
you feel tears hit your eyes, “bada.. fuck i’m the worst girlfriend ever.” you pull her into a hug.
“you’re not the worst ever. but you kinda suck.” bada says making you guys fall to the couch then cuddling into your chest.
“i’m so sorry.” you whisper into her hair. “i love you so much. i promise i’ll spend forever making it up to you.” your hand rubs her back.
“mhm.” she mumbles. she closes her eyes enjoying the feeling.
then chae runs down the stairs. “mommy!! oh.. hi y/n!! did mommy propose to you already?” she asks climbing on bada’s back after noticing the tears in your eyes.
bada groans, “see what i mean?”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @elliesblkgirlfriend @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this is gonna have like 2-3 parts😭love y’all
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aclowntiny · 10 months
I was re-reading your works and then the 'how Ateez would confess to you inspired me!'
I was thinking: how would Ateez tell the other members you're dating!
You- you were rereading my works TIME TO CRY 🥹😭🥰 that means the world!!! Ok but in all related topics I have definite thoughts on this LET’S GOOOOOO
How Ateez Tell the Other Members You’re Dating
It’s the biggest deal for him honestly because he’s the captain and all. It’s all well within his rights and Hongjoong feels strongly about you otherwise he wouldn’t be pursuing this, but still he has a duty to serve as an example for everyone.
He sits down with you first, looking so serious as he resides across from you in his wheeled office chair. You can’t help the sympathetic fall of your face as his deep brown eyes bore into you. But when he twists in his seat, cushion rotating beneath him, and asks how you’d feel about telling the guys, your expression turns to a smile. The excitement you wear is infectious and soon your hands are joined as if to transfer warm strength and energy while you plan the moment.
The next week, all of Ateez was gathered by their captain, who you agreed to lead the conversation as the group’s leading figure, but you stayed firmly by his side. He couldn’t have done it without you.
“I just wanted to tell you guys that as we’ve gotten to know each other,” Hongjoong began, leaning one hand on the edge of the table in the room as the other brushed yours at his side, “(y/n) and I, well, we’re more than friends.”
The other seven men all burst into choruses of excitement, teasing, and far more I knew its than you two had anticipated, your heart flipping at the thought of your chemistry being so obvious.
While Wooyoung and San made jokes to Hongjoong, Jongho and Yeosang stayed by you with soft smiles.
“Hongjoong needs someone like you. I’m glad you’re here to make him happy,” Ateez’s maknae tells you, and all you can do is rest a hand on his shoulder and smile, your other one finally falling into your boyfriend’s in front of everybody.
“Why were you so professional about it?” You heard Wooyoung laughing, totally interrupting the sweet moment. "And what did you mean by more than just friends, are you best friends?"
Ah, Ateez. How you loved your boyfriend’s crazy family.
“Hey, you and (y/n) should date!” A comment from Mingi is all it takes for the walls of secrecy to begin to fall.
“Uh,” Seonghwa plays dumb, “why?”
“Because,” Mingi begins rambling, eyes wide and shiny like something out of an anime, “you guys always play legos together and (y/n) actually listens to all your ASMRs and-”
At this, Ateez’s eldest holds up a hand. “We don’t play legos, we build them. And besides, I’ve built them with San too. Should I date San?” At the mere ridiculous thought, an honest, not even nervous laugh escapes him. San is great and all, but ew.
“Noooo,” Mingi insists, “it’s different with you and (y/n). The way you look at each other and the way you laugh is so cute! I bet you anything if you had feelings they’d be returned! Just confess! Date!-”. Mingi inhales, probably about to add ‘kiss!’ or something, when Seonghwa cuts him off again, chuckling and shaking his head. This is how it is with kids, huh?
“Alright,” he nods, “fine. You’re right. I’ll confess and we’ll date. Guess you could tell how much I like (y/n), didn’t you?” Seonghwa adds with a chuckle. Stars in his eyes, Mingi nods, commenting something about Hongjoong suspecting too, and Seonghwa heads back to the other room out of the hall to where you were.
“Hey, (y/n)?” Seonghwa’s heart melts immediately at the way your head cocks like a little puppy when you hear his voice.
“Yes?” You reply.
“I really like you. We should date.”
“Oh, yeah?” You giggle at what you take as a joke, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Well,” you kiss his cheek, “I accept.”
“Did it work? I saw you guys kiss! It worked, huh?” The tall rapper called from down the hall.
“Oh,” you giggle again, “I didn’t know someone was watching.”
“Yeah, Mingi seems to think we’re perfect for each other.”
Still holding Seonghwa’s side with one hand, you cup the other around your mouth to call back, “Well, I agree, Mingi! That’s why we’re already dating!”
“WHAT?!?!” Mingi yells and San’s head pops out of a doorway shouting the same thing.
Yeah, cat’s definitely out of the bag now.
There was no one else he'd rather do this with. Yunho had chosen you to be his partner for a new dance routine he wanted to practice, a close couples' performance that has him smiling cheekily just watching it. Even if it's not seen on a large stage, it's a development in his skills as well as something he hopes you'll enjoy together.
You were in the practice room going over a section of the routine when Seonghwa walks through the door. Yunho doesn't seem to notice or mind, still gliding over the shining wood floor with you, hand brushing your skin as he turned you, pulling you closer to him. When you turned out of the stance, that's when he seemed to finally notice his eldest hyung, who gaped a bit at the two of you.
"Oh, sorry, you weren't filming, right?"
"N-no," Yunho stammered from behind you. You could feel his heart beating fast against you from nerves and exertion.
"Oh, ok. What made you choose this routine?" He asked, cocking a brow and smiling faintly, eyes fixed on your boyfriend.
"Well, we were going to, er, perform it for everyone?"
"What a way to reveal that," Seonghwa teased.
"Wait, reveal what?" You stepped forward away from Yunho, spell broken as you played dumb.
"Don't worry," Seonghwa winked, crossing the practice room to pluck up the water bottle he'd left behind, "I'll act surprised when I see it. I love the dramatic flair! Keep that spin in your routine for sure."
"Thank you," Yunho told him earnestly, clapping him on the shoulder, "and we definitely will."
"But don't be so sexy, we'll all cringe! Our poor (y/n)!"
Yunho and you just exchanged smiles at the way he was more protective over you than him.
You're sitting at Yeosang’s side, knee brushing his just slightly. Reaching over, you steal a fluffy handful of popcorn out of his bowl, which he just glances down at, brow furrowing in confusion. Giggling, you pop one piece into your mouth and hold out another for him, which he accepts.
Ateez is over for a movie night with you, your boyfriend seated firmly at your side, conveniently providing a supply of snacks only you'll be allowed to filch from. Don't we all love partner privilege? You sure do, especially when it provides justified, unadulterated Yeosang cuddle time.
Speaking of which, his arm winds around your waist, his head leaning on your shoulder. Drinking in the warmth, you almost lose yourself in it all, the feeling of the blanket on your lap and his cheek against yours. But then...
"Uh, Yeosang?" You whisper beneath the sway of film orchestra and dialogue.
"Yes?" His breath fans your neck as he speaks before he sits up slightly against you, guarding the popcorn from spilling as he kisses your cheek once, twice.
"Hongjoong is staring at us."
"So what?" He hums dreamily.
"So, I think he's going to have some questions for us."
Sure enough, after the movie's climax, Ateez's captain approaches your couch, arms folding at his middle. "Uh, hey, I'm sorry if this is intrusive, but is there something you haven't told us?"
"Nice going," you tease Yeosang, elbowing his side.
"What," he asks innocently, "I was just enjoying the movie!"
"Oh, yeah? Well, I wish I had a 'movie' to enjoy, too!" San teases him too, pulling him into a bro hug.
"Yay, new Ateez member!" Mingi exclaims, hugging you from the other side.
"Don't break his heart," Wooyoung adds.
"Why, because I already broke yours stealing Yeosang?"
"Exactly," Wooyoung fake-cries.
When you glance back at your boyfriend, he's looking at you, the way Ateez are like brothers to you too, fondly. You two really are just extensions of each other.
You guys don’t really get a chance to sit down with everyone and formally discuss them due to a certain turn of events…
All of Ateez are visiting your place just to have one chill day in their lives- your words, not theirs. The rest of the guys don’t know you and San are dating; it’s pretty new, and though San told you they keep joking about his crush on you, he never gave it up without you.
You feel a hand rest upon your arm; turning, you know it’s San. “(y/n), how would you feel about telling everyone while we’re gathered today? I’d really like everyone to know so I can show you off and give you my love around everyone special to me!”
Your heart melts at his words. “Of course we can,” you nod, “I would love that. I love you.” And as you gaze into those warm brown eyes, your chest swells with fondness, with shared sweet, floaty emotions that have San leaning forward into a kiss.
Not that you’re in a rush to pull away, but you push back to separate your lips first, a jolt of shock having struck your head. “Wait, San, did you forget where we-”
“Oh. My. God!” As if on cue, Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Jongho shuffled back into the room, wide-eyed in Yeosang’s case, gaping-mouthed in Wooyoung’s, and smirking in amusement in Jongho’s. “When did this happen?”
“Uh,” you stuttered, glancing at San for help and breaking back into a smile when he took your hand warmly, “surprise?”
“What if they don’t want you dating someone?”
“Then I don’t care,” Mingi replies immediately, eyes hard with determination, “and besides, we don’t have a ban and I know they like you. They won’t mind. They’re like my family, remember?”
You nod, but still a nervous chuckle escapes you. “Well, yeah, I’m nervous about talking to them too.”
“Well don’t be. It would be impossible for them not to love you.” Pulling you a little closer with the hand he had resting on your shoulder, Mingi presses a kiss to your forehead.
Mingi’s big heart never fails to cheer yours back up. Resting your head on his shoulder, you nod again faintly. “Your confidence means a lot. Let’s go.”
“Let’s go,” he repeats, allowing you to trail behind him as you meet up with the rest of the guys.
They all smile and wave when they see you, two of them even making their way to you. As you chat with Seonghwa and Yunho, you realize that the guys have been treating you like one of them for a while now, and your resolve grows.
“Hey guys,” Mingi calls out, and you shuffle subconsciously closer to his side, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’m the luckiest man in the world!”
“Uh, glad you feel that way?” Yeosang shrugs. “What’s brought this on?”
“(y/n) and I are a couple!” He replies dreamily, wrapping his arms around you.
The guys immediately cheer, Hongjoong regarding him with wide eyes and clapping his shoulder, Jongho shaking your hand like you guys had been bros forever.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Yeosang teased, “how’d you manage to pull someone like (y/n)?”
Mingi just giggled at that before whispering to you, “See? I told you they love you. Just not as much as I do.”
We all know this man is going to be conspicuous, we just do. It’s not so much something Wooyoung schemes how to break to the others, but wonders how he can brag about it properly.
It starts with a squabble, trivial words of argument bouncing between close friends in their home. “Well, Jongho can hit the highest notes!”
“What does that have to do with who’s the best dancer?” Yunho asked.
“Nothing, I just thought we should appreciate everyone instead of being stupid about people’s talents.”
“But who do you think is the best?” Mingi shot the question over, turning on his couch cushion to face you. “I can do the best body rolls!”
“But Yunho does more choreography,” Hongjoong pointed out.
“Well,” surely at the lack of attention, Wooyoung suddenly stood up, pulling you with him, “you know what I can do? This!” With no other warning, Wooyoung took you in his arms, dipping you and drawing you forth into his lips, one hand firm against the small of your back.
“Wooyoung, I-” You started, suddenly lost for words as he grinned down at you, then back to the room of your flabbergasted friends. “Shouldn’t we have told them first?”
“I just did. I win, everyone! (y/n)’s mine!” Joining your hands, he hoisted them up like an Olympic medalist.
Frankly, he doesn’t want to make a big production out of telling them, and you don’t relish the idea of an awkward conversational spotlight either. Thus, together you decide to just proceed as normal until they figure it out.
You’re a friend to all eight members, so you go out with Jongho and his seven bros one day shortly after you two became a couple. You guys are actually in the amusement park when Jongho and you just shrug and take each other’s hand, wondering if the others will even notice as your fingers interlace. They do, but they’re so dense they sort of start muttering to each other like “That’s new isn’t it?”.
Well, whatever for them, you two shrug and smile laughingly to each other as Jongho lets go of your hand, placing a gift shop headband on you and asking your permission for a photo, which you grant him. You and Jongho remain in front of the group with your joined hands raising whatever they did- who cared? You can't help the mischievous laughter that keeps escaping you as you wind through colorful displays together, off in your own world even as the other guys invite you onto rides with them, even wanting to sit next to you or Jongho.
He buys you a bracelet at one point, slipping it around your wrist with a soft smile. Yeosang raises an eyebrow, but also smiles and asks his younger bro if he can have a bracelet, too, prompting some three-way banter.
The biggest ‘tell’ you and Jongho leave is when you finally reach the crest of the highest roller coaster hill and, grinning, lean in for a kiss before you drop, the two members behind you screaming even louder at the sight. No one even has time to recover from the vertigo before Wooyoung and Yunho are scrambling to the others, shouting and stammering up a whole mess about their maknae and you.
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eastbubble · 26 days
Was wondering if maybe we could get something with ghost x reader who’s outrageously terrified of thunderstorms and calls him sniffling and holding back tears asking if he can come over and then screaming as a very loud bang of thunder booms ? If not that’s okay! I love your work anyway🩷🫵
hello anon, i’m not sure if you wanted me to write this in a smutty way or just a fluffy one but i tried my best >_< i changed the story up a tad if that’s okay. thanks for the request ! <3 and sorry for disappearing ! school and sports r taking up my time. ><
you never really thought that a relationship had any benefits besides having someone to come home to, but when your relationship with simon began you had to realize that this whole idea in your head was completely wrong. he wasn’t just a person to come home to.
maybe because you two still didn’t live together. so you technically couldn’t come home to him.. but you almost lived at his place by now. he was for sure so tired of you calling him in the middle of the night, asking him to come over because of something so silly, something so stupid. spiders in the corner, ants infesting the house, no wifi, bad tv signal, or the worst (in your case); a thunderstorm.
you were listening to the sounds your phone made as you called simon with shaky hands, your finger on the red circle as you were sure he won’t pick up this time. you’ve annoyed him like this so many times before, there was no way he would be willing to help you after all of these — or so you thought. you kept a tissue to soak your tears up with close to your eyes, your vision already blurry from the crying you had done earlier.
“baby? what’s up?” his voice was tired and grumpy, it sounded like he just woke up, but you knew that couldn’t be because he never really slept before 4 am. he never did. “everything okay over there?” slight concern. the only thing you could make out of his words was some worry and that’s it. thank God that he didn’t sound like he was mad.
“si. ‘m scared.”
“huh? what is it? ‘s someone there?” he spoke through the phone. “talk to me, baby.” his voice was a little gentler once he heard your silence on the other end of the line.
you sighed almost silently, making sure he didn’t hear the sniffle that you just let out. you felt like a dumb little kid for crying over something like this, but when you heard the faint sound of a thunder bang you immediately knew that you had to speak up. you actually had someone that was worried for you, waiting for you to say something. “just this.. fucking rain and the whole, um.. the whole thing that comes with it.”
“the thunderstorm, you mean?” his feeling of relief was louder than the wind outside. it was like some kind of weight had been pushed off his shoulders. “don’t tell me it’s that again or-“
“it is. i’m sorry to disturb you.. especially at this hour, but..” you sighed softly again, feeling slightly threatened by his last sentence. you knew you had no reason to be worried or scared but the way he worded what he wanted to say sometimes sounded like he was mad at you (you were so wrong!). “could you please come over. please.” it didn’t sound like a question, just a request.
he audibly sighed. oh, he was annoyed!
“i’ll be there in 10. i suppose you’re in bed so.. stay under the blankets, okay?” what a rhetorical question. you wouldn’t survive climbing out of bed when it sounds like the world in ending outside. you couldn’t even roll the blinds down to make the thunders less visible, there was absolutely no way you would step foot outside your bed at a time like this.
and just like he promised, ten minutes later he was already entering your home with his own keys, making his way towards your bedroom as he immediately lay on top of you like a weighted blanket that was alive. he wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you close to his chest while you still lay under him, completely motionless as he was practically squeezing every last breath out of you. “si..!”
“i’m here, ‘s okay luv..” he mumbled, his voice raspy as he finally let you go. he rolled onto his back and gently scooped you up into his arms, making you fight back a bit and you two ended up in such a position where you were just laying flat on top of him. he chuckled lightly as he felt like he already succeeded — it seemed like you immediately forgot about the thunderstorm outside as soon as he arrived and grabbed you.
the rest of the night was basically the same thing on repeat. soft little movements, your bodies moving in unison everytime either you or him made the silent suggestion to shift positions. he always kept his large palms close to your ears in case a loud thunder were to interrupt the long cuddle-session. the whole thing was just about holding each other close through the whole night and not letting go.
soft little murmurs of how sleepy you are were the only things to be heard now, alongside the loud sounds of the icy rain hitting your window. well, summerime weather is weird.
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bobluvbot · 2 years
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pairing: bradley rooster bradshaw x f!reader
summary: in which fate uses a karaoke machine to lead the way for romance because you and Bradley are just too dumb and dense for it.
wc: 9k+ (sorry)
warnings: best friend!rooster, age difference, reader has a lot of insecurities like with body image (briefly mentioned, like one line only!) and self worth issues. implied sex so 18+ only! kinda beta’d. I *tried* to keep the angst at a minimum (i write angst but i am changing ok) but a LOT of pent up frustration. Still VERY fluffy though <3
A/N: Yeahhhhhhh. This started off as a single fluffy scenario with my beloved Rooster, but it kinda took a life of its own. Nonetheless, hope you enjoy! 
Reader’s call sign is Indigo!
If there was someone to blame for all this mess, it should be Mav. More often than not, it’s always Maverick’s fault.
He brought up the idea first during one of those after hours of the Hard Deck.
If nothing much has been going on back in base, you and Rooster, sometimes the rest of the Dagger squad would stay behind to help him and Penny clean and get everything straight for the next day. You would do it so often that Penny, who was adamant in shooing you guys away claiming that she could handle it, gave up trying and now checks if you’re cleaning thoroughly.
“Pen,” he’d said in passing, leaning against the mop he was using. “You know what’d make this place better?”
“Are you saying it isn’t already?”
Mav stutters, now realizing how his words could’ve sounded differently than he originally intended, much to you and Rooster’s amusement as you listened in to the conversation. “No- I- you know I didn’t mean it like that, honey.”
“I know,” Penny laughs. “I’m kidding. What were you saying, hun?”
“We should bring in a karaoke machine.”
In retrospect, it was a good idea. Not everyone who’d drunkenly belt out lyrics to a song could hit the right notes without the background music, the jukebox has not been updated to have all the hit music the younger crowd wants to hear, and not everyone could remember the piano chords of their favorite song. And as much as it would please the public demand, the highly acclaimed Rooster Bradshaw and his Great Balls of Fire could not commit to a nightly residency at the Hard Deck due to his demanding day job of being a fighter pilot. Welcoming the machine seemed like a harmless decision, and placing it outside seemed to complete the often deserted outdoor seating area.
And for a while it did what was expected. It brought in an interesting crowd to the bar. The nights you were there, you had witnessed a group of stressed college kids out back, screaming their lungs out through Evanescence’s discography. Another time, a small group were hunkered down by the machine, seemingly on guard as their drunk friend sobbed through Adele’s Someone Like You and Roxette’s It Must’ve Been Love. You had been tempted to hop on in a session when a group of friends decided to have a 2012 night, from Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift to One Direction and Little Mix. It brought out a lot of emotions from the patrons of the bar and soon enough it became a regular fixture at the Hard Deck, that Penny had to whip out a reservation list just for the outside seating to keep people from fighting over the time limit each group has before the next can have their go. It somehow made the place even more chaotic, especially during weekends, but added more income so no one was complaining.
It became a problem when you and the rest of the Top Gun instructors gave in to the hype and had a go for yourselves. It started out as innocent, drunk fun. You and the instructors around your age were sick of hearing the oldies and their outdated playlists from the jukebox (Don’t let Rooster know about this) as they played pool, so you went outside and dared each other to grab the mic and pick a song that you used to cry to during your first heartbreak with the promise of a crumpled 20$ bill someone dug out from their pocket. From Lips to an Angel to The Reason to Perfect, your friends each gave their all for the sad bill. Determined to stand out, you decide on Taylor’s Teardrops on My Guitar as your magnum opus for the night. It was a perfect fit, and your friends groaned woefully as the nostalgia hits them. In your drunken haze, you wondered for a bit why you’ve avoided listening or singing this song for so long, but as the song continued, you figure out why.
It was 2007, the summer before college, and you had just gotten your dream iPod in pink as a gift from your grandparents for getting into Columbia. You already had a list of all the albums and singles you were going to download on the back of your physics notebook, and the first off that list would be Taylor Swift’s albums. It was nice that you were the same age, you could relate to each song if you tried hard enough, but your lack of non-fictional boyfriends and romantic conquests were a huge setback back then. You were halfway through your second listen when your grandmother asks you if you can bring the casserole she just finished making next door, and because you didn’t have the heart to say no after getting your iPod, you agreed and made your way to your neighbor’s house.
They seemed to have someone over, judging by the number of bikes strewn across the lawn and an inconspicuous blue Bronco parked in their driveway that you didn’t recognize. More reasons to drop off and go, you’d thought, so you rang their doorbell while you thought of a good excuse to speed off. No one responded despite the commotion you could barely make out from the inside, so with an exasperated sigh, you reached out to press the bell again.
You remembered freezing, with your outstretched hand retreating back to the handles of the pan as you made contact with the one who answered the door. He didn’t have blue eyes like Drew did from the music video, nor was he called Drew for that matter, but god, you found yourself breathless and in constant awe like Taylor when you realized who it was.
He broke out in a grin, greeting you with that wretched nickname he and his cousins gave you when you were young. Bradley Bradshaw— the boy that taught you how to hang upside down from the monkey bars at the park because your friends (his cousins) thought you were too heavy to do so, the boy you got so attached to every summer when he came to stay next door because he included you whenever the cousins played Pokemon cards or Super Mario on the playstation and would let you off easy and debt free whenever you played monopoly, the boy who shared your love for aviation and would drag you along with their family trips to the flight museums nearby, and it would take years more for you to realize but he was also the same boy you looked for in the sea of faces at school, in hopes to find someone remotely close to who he was, which just left you terribly single— was back, visiting from college. He was still breathtakingly beautiful, and the crazy beating of your heart as he dragged you by the hand inside to see the family should be the telltale sign that you were going to be ruined before you escaped to college.
Catching up after dinner, you learned there was a girl. There was always someone— he was interested in, confessing their feelings, seeing, crying over him. You should’ve gotten used to it at this point. Bradley was a light that everyone was just naturally drawn to. Maybe you could chalk up the blame to the angsty fanfic you’ve read earlier that day or to the sad Taylor Swift songs you decided to dwell on before you brought the casserole, but goddamn it stung. It hurt when it shouldn’t be hurting in the first place. Bradley was one of your childhood friends, the kind big brother you always wanted to have. You’re sure that if he was around more, he would’ve helped you scare away your bullies or have even posed as your date to prom so you wouldn’t feel as left out as you did. It was in between your third or fourth bite of the cherry pie Bradley’s aunt had given you for dessert when you realized you saw him in a different light now, and it didn’t take long for you to see that he didn’t.
Later that night, you found yourself clutching your teal guitar, Love Story’s chords long forgotten, blasting Teardrops on My Guitar on your alarm clock speaker at 10pm, with only the moonlight and your pink wallpaper witnessing your tear-stricken face.
“Oh my god, is Indigo crying?”
“She is, fuck. Hurry, we gotta record this!”
Before your friend could point the camera flash on your face, you kick his shin before whipping out your middle finger, turning away from them to hastily wipe the tears that betrayed you on your sweater.
Despite the waterworks, you were determined to finish the last line of the song perfectly, because this is the last time you’ll be singing this for the next thirty or so years.
“Drew looks at me,” you start, and the doors swing open to welcome an amused Rooster and the rest of the gang into your group outside.
Locking eyes with you, you sing, “I fake a smile so he won’t see,” smiling.
Yeah, at least the sting lessened to a quiet twinge now.
The oldies have infiltrated the karaoke machine once they saw how much fun you guys had that night. Soon after, they’d come in early and just play one round of pool before Fanboy drags you and Payback outside quickly, reserving the machine before the bar’s crowd comes in. People would think this is unfair because you were allowed in earlier and would have the advantage to hoard the machine all to yourselves, but they didn’t want to risk disrespecting you guys and buying a round for the entire bar so they kept quiet.
It wasn’t long till Rooster had migrated his trademark song from the piano to the karaoke machine, deeming that it was hard to remember the chords when he’s had a few drinks. You’d still have your turn singing throwback songs with the gang, but once Bradley gets a hold of the mic, you might as well head home because it’s either he sings five songs in a row or a five minute song (there’s no in between). It gets especially worse when he’s got alcohol in his system, the mans will hog the mic for himself. You once got into a fight because of it and it only ended when Hangman snatched it from both of your hands and used it for his own song, much to both your chagrin.
“No, absolutely not.”
Those were the last words you register before your phone gets snatched from your hands. Mere seconds ago, you were on Amazon, comparing prices of those bluetooth karaoke microphones that had built in speakers and had just added the highest rated one on your cart.
You’ve grown attached to the bar’s karaoke machine and would look forward to it after a long day dealing with your new array of Top Gun students. You found that belting out Fall Out Boy relieves more tension from your back than your regular chiropractic appointments so you’re determined to still have your karaoke session one way or another. But apparently, your best friend had other ideas.
“I’m relaxing, Bradshaw, but I won’t hesitate to kick your nuts if you don’t give back my phone.”
“Let me just—,” he mutters, tapping on your device that seems suspiciously like removing something from your cart.
You immediately spring into action and he raises his arms above your reach in response. Damn him and his height. You resort to climbing up his limbs, and when that didn’t work, you gave a mean pinch his side. This seemed to do the trick as he hissed, folding over in pain, and you take the opportunity to grab your phone back.
God, you were glad you were on your break and none of your superiors or students were around to witness two of their instructors tackle each other outside one of the hangars.
“I can’t believe you’d betray Penny like this, Y/N.”
“What the hell are you on about?” You ask, shooting him a mean glare while wiping his fingerprints off from your screen on your suit.
“You getting your own karaoke mic means you won’t go to the Hard Deck anymore to sing and that’s just incredibly selfish and I can’t allow that.”
“Well,” you start, “I wouldn’t be getting one in the first place if someone here plays fair and doesn’t hog the mic for himself.”
He scoffs. “You talking to yourself?”
You gasp, appalled. “How dare you. That was one time! It’s not my fault All Too Well’s ten minutes!”
“Uh huh,” he gloats. “I’m just gonna pretend we didn’t listen to the album together and I totally didn’t see that there was a five minute version you could’ve sung.”
This prompts a teasing smile from your lips. “Oh, so you were paying attention to the album. I thought you hated it because it was cheesy teen music.” You say, using air quotes while mocking how he had complained when you took out his Temptations cd from the Bronco’s stereo and replaced it with your new Red album the moment you got it from the mail.
“I had little to no choice on the matter, Y/N. You chose the longest car ride to play that album on repeat,” he responds exasperatedly, rolling his eyes.
You smirk at the memory. You both were off that day and you persuaded Bradley to drive from base to downtown Los Angeles for this dumpling restaurant you saw on Yelp that offered an AYCE for their opening day. It wasn’t easy to get him off his couch during his offs (understandable), but you bribed him with the promise of a full gas tank and a car wash. He did sulk for a bit, but you knew he couldn’t resist free things (or you whining for that matter).
“Don’t distract me from the real issue here. Just don’t get that mic, Y/N. Fighting over that karaoke machine at the Hard Deck makes it more fun.” He says a matter-of-factly.
“Fun because no one has the balls to snatch the mic from you.” You grumble, checking your watch and seeing your break time was almost up. “Whatever,” you say in passing while wiping off some sandwich crumbs that stuck to your suit. “I’ll just order it when you’re not around,” you sneer, sticking your tongue out at Rooster as you start to walk back to the main building where your classes are held.
He catches up to you quick, a smirk on his lips. Does this man ever run out of comebacks? “You’re forgetting the fact that that’s my Prime account you’re using.”
You halt, appalled, your eyes following his figure as he ignores you and continues his walk. “I pay for my half, you ass! That’s our account!”
He doesn’t say anything as he looks back at you, only a knowing expression on his face. You know there’s no escape from this. Because when you’d try to order it later, he’ll just cancel it on his end when he gets notified of the purchase. Frustrating. “I hate you.”
He hums in response, and you try to suppress the tingly feeling you’d always get when he does that. “Still up for dinner later?” He asks when you reach his side.
You feel the weight of disappointment and dismay from your ancestors as you mutter a yes to the man before you separate ways. Doesn’t matter how much Bradley Bradshaw riles you up every chance he gets, you’d always say yes to him.
“Just let me take you to lunch, please.”
You had tried your best to keep a respectable distance from your superior but it got increasingly hard as Rooster grabbed your arm and situated himself in front of you, his bulky figure blocking your way. Getting caught was one thing, but having all the feelings for this man you’ve kept in a box stowed away in some hidden part of your head unravel because of how close he is to you right now was another issue you’re not ready to face.
In fact, mere days ago, the thought of him hadn’t even crossed your mind. Renewed determination and excitement coursed through your veins as you started your advanced flight training. You worked your ass off to get to this point, and it’s only a matter of time before you get your wings. That alone kept your head above water. You might’ve taken the long route with your engineering degree, but it surely did wonders as you sped through most of your earlier classes in training. Soon enough you’ll be doing what you’ve always dreamed of as a kid. And nothing will stand in your way to fly.
Well, you didn’t account for having Bradley Bradshaw temporarily stand-in as your flight instructor for a week, so that’s oversight on your part.
You had looked around, relieved to see the hallway was deserted, before you hissed, “You’re too close! If anyone sees us, they’re gonna assume the worst and I’ll be dead.”
“Let them.” You glared at him and he took it back immediately. “Okay, fine.” He had said, taking one step away from you. “Lunch, with me,” he repeated again, as if you hadn’t been listening to him ask for the past few minutes. “I’ll let you order anything you want off the menu. On me.”
He knew your affinity for free stuff, and you never wanted to pluck that knowledge off his head than right now. You sighed, resigning. “You’ll leave me alone after?”
“I–,” he’d stuttered, caught off guard. “C’mon, Y/N, don’t do me like this. I haven’t seen you in so long. We gotta catch up.”
“It’s just,” you said quietly, avoiding his gaze. “It’s different now, Bradley. You’re my instructor and I’m one of your students—”
“Only for a week,” he interrupted, and you gave him a scowl. “Sorry, go on.”
Sighing, you continued, “Don’t get me wrong, I wanna go with you. It’s just that people might get the wrong idea when they see us outside and I’m this close to graduating and I don’t want anything to hold me back, you know?”
He noticed your anxious expression and he’d ran a hand through the length of your arm to comfort you. “I understand, you know I do.” Despite the thick material of your flight suit, his touch left a trail of goosebumps on your skin. The effect he had on you is daunting.
He paused to think for a second. “Hey, what about this. Let’s change out of these uniforms and then I’ll wait for you outside base. We’ll blend in perfectly. That sound good?”
A small smile had creeped into your face as you nodded gingerly. God, you missed him so much.
“I got you, don’t worry. Plus I already told some of my colleagues that you’re a family friend so they leave us alone.”
He probably meant that in a sweet, genuine way, but it still stung. You went through so many changes during the years you spent apart. You worked hard on your appearance and became more confident in the way you deliver yourself, something that you weren’t before. You’d never admit it but in some small part of you, you wished Bradley saw you like the girls he’d go crazy over.
You mustered up a tight smile for him. “Okay, See you in a bit.” You say before walking away.
A single thought remains in your mind: Still not good enough.
Lunch went surprisingly easy despite of what had happened earlier.
You’ve imagined this moment with Rooster so many times while you were away for college. Like what would your first meeting as adults would be, if you would ever cross paths again.
Would you have a meet-cute like the movies where you bump into each other unexpectedly, or where you’d trip and he’d catch you, literally sweeping you off your feet? And would it be a new beginning for both of you, finally seeing each other after years of being apart?
Would love just come naturally, fate tired from seeing you both struggle to see it?
Even if this isn’t as grandiose as what you’ve dreamed of, you and Bradley munching through breakfast for lunch and early dinner at Denny’s while catching up seemed like how things should be.
Just his mere presence made everything better (for your heart) and worse (also, for your heart) at the same time.
You didn’t tell him that running thousands of miles away from home didn’t do shit because all you’ve ever searched for was him and anything remotely similar to how he’s made you feel, nor how you’d always check next door first to see if that blue Bronco’s parked in the driveway again when you’d come home for breaks. Instead you told him good (boring) things about college, because those were the safest. It didn’t warrant any additional questions, questions that could prod at your already flaking defense and one wrong step could have him see how much you’re pathetically struggling to keep it up.
He in turn, tells you stories from college to his current naval career, and you listen. Or you try to, as you hyperfocus on how he looked; how this clean cut hair made him look more serious, far from the mop of curls he sported throughout high school and college to how his lips still looked plump and pretty, and you get reminded of how much you liked to sneak looks at them whenever he speaks from that one summer.
This is probably the closest you could be with him so you take advantage of it, marking the features you loved from the old Bradley that remained the same from the new ones you’d get to know from afar.
You manage to catch the important things: how attached he’s been to the California sun ever since he got stationed there and how he’ll take you there to visit once you graduate because he’s that sure that you’ll love it as much as he does, how he’s thinking of growing a mustache, and that he didn’t even consider taking up this job but he’s now happy he did.
He made a point that you know how proud he is of you for following your childhood dream like he did. He swore he’ll take care of you, making up for all those years he hadn’t been around.
You’d hate it later that night because you knew better, but after years of just bottling up all the feelings you felt for him, maybe today was the day you could indulge in the affection he gives you.
Even if it’s ill placed. After all, it would just be today.
Until you realized he meant what he said.
It got hard to remain level-headed in the mist, especially when he became the first person you’d want to call just to tell him about both exciting and frustrating things you got to do from training because you knew he’d understand perfectly, or when he had shown up late to your graduation because he drove for an hour to get you a big bouquet of peonies (your favorite), or when he took you to San Diego and introduced you to his friends who all welcomed you with fondness, finally giving you a sense of belonging and community in this stage of your life.
It was arduous to keep up when even after getting assigned to bases across the country, you’d randomly find packages of random food items that you’ve been craving mentioned in passing through facetimes and texts, or when he would have time to visit, you’d suddenly find that broken bedroom doorknob you’ve been ignoring fixed, the change oil light from your car finally turned off, and you’d always get dropped off in front of Target’s entrance while he finds parking in a busy lot.
Punishing to bear in mind when it’s been custom to have each other pick one up after deployment, when he trusts you enough to park his beloved Bronco at your place and even take it out for eventual maintenance checks, and when you’d lean on his chest when it gets too crowded and his arms find its way around you, tucking you in, and at once there’d be comfort in chaos.
This still isn’t what you hoped to be with Bradley; but you were given something greater, far more than that silly little crush you’ve ever daydreamed about, and suddenly, something you’ve been certain of ever since that day you handed him that casserole wasn’t as clear now. Risking all this for a confession of years of love and adoration didn’t seem worth it anymore.
Perhaps, this was okay. This was how things should be.
So you didn’t quite understand why you were fuming, and all that filled your head was hurt, hurt, hurt.
The scene unfolded like a usual Saturday night for everyone: Tipsy Rooster throws his hand across your shoulders, making you sway with him to the opening rhythm of Great Balls of Fire (his third song in a row), leaning close to your ear where his mustache tickles your skin and unsheaths a million goosebumps at its wake, to say that he promises, like pretty promises, to let you sing the last verse and chorus with him as a peace offering for hogging the mic yet again. And you believe him.
Not because the few drinks you’ve had impeded your better judgement, but because it wasn’t like Rooster to break promises. Neither a wash of alcohol nor adrenaline could waver that man’s conviction to a promise.
You relent, plopping yourself beside a warm Phoenix, who was busy playing an intense card game with Bob, Fanboy, and some other pilots. Through the windows, you could spot Hangman’s animated head bob along as he charms two women by the pool table while Coyote and Fritz played beside him. It had been a busy week for all of you back at base, so everyone was just out and about, eager to be distracted from the events at work.
You had felt yourself get dizzy after taking two swigs off your nth beer, so you closed your eyes for a bit, leaning your weight on Nat’s back as you listen to your best friend croon his heart out and have his karaoke moment. Music had always calmed Rooster down, and as much as you’d love to have your overdue turn to sing, you’re always willing to wait for him (even if you’ll never admit it out loud).
So when he finished the second chorus and the piano solo kicked in, you had willed yourself to come back to consciousness. It had been a while since you sang this song, and you’ve never shared a duet with Rooster before because both of you would just be too busy fighting for the mic. You might not have the best singing voice when tipsy but you’re singing with your best friend, and it was okay to be embarrassing with him.
But you never hear your name called, and you open your eyes just in time to witness everything. The door leading to the outdoor area opened and out it spat a woman you remember seeing in passing inside when you went to get a refill from Penny. She was beautiful and of course, she had eyes only for Rooster. Considering the recognition in her face as she saw him plus the sure steps he made towards her, you knew they have had history.
You couldn’t hear what they were saying but she was laughing, obviously sending the fuck me gaze in Rooster’s way, and you could tell he was chuckling too by the careen in his shoulders.
The piano solo gave you an insulting background music as you watched tensed up. Knowing this song by heart, you count the seconds and notes while staring at the two of them.
‘Anytime now, Roos will bid her goodbye and he would call me next to him and we would finish this song together,’ you thought, assuring yourself. ‘He promised.’
Except when the solo ended, he pulled her close, put his arm on her shoulders, handed her the mic, and they sang together.
He didn’t even bother looking back at you. It was as if you weren’t there in the first place.
You should really lay off on alcohol. Something about it makes you act childish and irrational.
Because here you were, a grown woman, an Ivy League and Top Gun graduate, trusted to fly big expensive planes through challenging and stressful situations, yet all you wanted to do was to throw things and wail right then and there because you didn’t know how to quiet the pounding in your chest or to silence the reverberating words in your head: hurt, and in a smaller voice, that should’ve been me.
Despite the open around you, it felt like the air was getting punched out from your lungs, and you just had to get out. Standing abruptly, you forgot the drink perched on your lap and it spills, the cold liquid soaking through denim. Wanting to slip away unnoticed was far gone because your clumsiness just managed to attract unwanted attention from Nat and the rest.
A chorus of startled and worried questions erupt at your wake, but they get swept up in the night breeze as you squeeze past them, muttering something sounding like an apology while your feet takes you down the patio steps and into the sand of the beach, your boots sinking on the sand with your laden steps.
It seemed like the faster you run, your feet get heavier and harder to drag off the sand, making your dash to the parking lot achingly slower. The world was mute, the once noisy bar with all its music and chatter, even the relentless crashing of waves to shore were absent. The biting November wind clings to your frame and to the wet trails left on your cheeks. You didn’t even notice you were crying, but you just hope they didn’t spill when you were squeezing past your friends. They didn’t have to see how pathetic you really were behind your collected front.
But here now, by the unlit back wall of the bar where no wandering eyes could see you, maybe you could let some tears flow to keep the dam from overflowing again. You have always prided yourself in being able to keeping your emotions in check. With a job like yours you couldn’t guarantee a day or two where nothing unexpected occurs, no one gets hurt, or no one treats you unfairly, so you had to learn how to let your work be work, and not let it bleed through your personal life. Same as with Bradley. Your longing for him was met in this friendship and had let yourself get used to that. You knew to turn away when he spots someone that sparks his interest in the bar, you learned to tune him out when he raved about this person he met, you had a set of answers to give when he asks you advice on what to wear for a date or what gift to give.
Because your needs were being met. You have a best friend, a confidant, a partner in him. You have made a joke of yourself, your feelings to keep the man you loved close. You could sleep at night before. You were okay before. You could pretend this didn’t happen tomorrow like before, so why doesn’t it work now?
You cry for the wasted years of devoting yourself to someone who wouldn’t even bat an eye for you when occupied with others that haven’t, or wouldn’t even attempt to do things you’ve done for Bradley, to make him happy, to keep that fucking smile on his face, to keep that light in his eyes burning bright.
You cry for all the times you have rejected or ignored people that expressed interest in getting to know you because you were too enamored and convinced that no one could make up for what he was in your life. And you’re not wrong. No one could make you insecure like he does whenever you act or dress like what he says he seeks for in a partner but he’d still look the other way. No one could be as dense as he is. No one could make you cry about a fifteen year old song like he does and make you feel like your teen self isn’t as different as you were now.
You wonder if you could’ve just given the guy who pursued you for a month with clear intentions and a kind heart a chance, a date, a night to prove himself to you, would you still be crying uncontrollably with your hand muffling your sobs, the rough wood patchwork on a dark corner of the bar the only thing keeping you from curling up into a ball as the years of regret catch up to you on a Saturday night?
Almost the entirety of your life devoted should be enough. It was time to quit Bradley Bradshaw.
Only it had to wait until sunrise to start. Because upon reaching the parking lot, you were smacked with a terrible realization: you rode with him to the Hard Deck.
You had sobered up from tears a little bit, but you feel another sob threatening to bubble out of your throat. Why were you so stupid?
You want to kick the Bronco’s wheels out of frustration but the baby didn’t do anything to deserve it (also because you had paid to get the car washed earlier that day). It was just an innocent bystander to your stupidity and unconditional love to its owner, so you drop down and hug your knees tight, shielding your face from the lights of the lot.
Maybe if you could sleep like this, you’d wake up back to this morning and this will all be a simple nightmare. And the exhaustion from the week and your sadness and anger were all too convincing for you to try it out, if it weren’t for the voice calling out your name in worry, the footsteps quickly coming towards you, and the strong arms that wrap around your frame, willing you to speak.
“Y/N, hey,” Bradley says softly, hand rubbing circles on your back. “Let’s get you somewhere warm, m’kay?”
Managing to muster up some strength, you push him away, or at least a sorry attempt to. Your palms were no match against his hard chest, and they just slide down hopelessly to your sides.
Grumbling, you say, “I can do it myself.”
“Okay, careful.” His voice remained soft, devoid of any annoyance or exasperation. This annoys you more. You wanted nothing but to hate this man to the guts but he makes it hard by being like this, like he actually cares.
You refuse to meet his eyes but you know they’re on you, watching as you hoist yourself up using the concrete as leverage. He had his hand outstretched to catch you if you stumble, and for a second you were tempted to grab it, but you resort to the side of the Bronco to keep your balance and the hand retreats.
Training your eyes to the ground, to anywhere except his stupid face, you explain, “I just need my bag,” gesturing at the lump on the passenger seat of the car. “So I can just catch an uber home.”
“No, I’ll drive you home,” he quickly refuses, fishing out his car keys from his back pocket. You wanted to lunge and steal it from him, but that’s just going to cause unnecessary contact with him. It’s best to avoid touching anything of him because you don’t know what it’ll do to the wall you’ve hastily built against him.
“Don’t bother. Last thing I want is to ruin your chances in getting laid tonight.”
Your words earn a quick eyebrow furrow from him and a miniscule wave of satisfaction runs through you. And you figure it out: if you can’t be happy tonight, no one near you can be.
A desire to cause a cascade of anger through him continues to consume you but he stops there. Face still laced with concern, he shakes his head and sighs, “Alright, let’s get you home.”
You watch him as he opens your door and waits for you to climb in while you remained standing where you were.
“Y/N.” He says it with a tonality he almost exclusively uses at work, when he has to put his instructor hat on or when he has someone to reprimand. “Please don’t make me carry you inside.”
You want to say he wouldn’t dare, but you knew he could easily do it. And even if you scream bloody murder, people knew you two always bicker like this so no one would think anything’s amiss. So you glare at him before noisily climbing up his car and shutting the door on his face. Whether it may be through words or actions, you were adamant to express your frustration to him, to this car, to this entire situation.
You could tell by the slump in his shoulders as he walked to the driver’s seat that he was bothered by how you’re acting but you can’t bring yourself to care. You just want to leave him troubled as you are, with his heart wrung tightly he couldn’t breathe.
The next words come out after a while of driving quietly through dark, empty streets. He was letting you calm down but your mind was far from it. You occupy yourself by counting the streets left to cross before you reach your apartment from the passenger window, wanting nothing but to get the fuck out of there and sleep.
“Y/N,” he starts. “What happened back there? Did anyone cause you trouble? Tell me what they look like so I can tell Penny and Mav about it tomorrow.”
You were thankful you had your hands tucked in, arms crossed over your chest, because you were certain if it had been anywhere else he could easily reach over and touch, he would.
When he was answered with silence, he tries again. “Were you hurt, Y/N? What did they do to you? Please tell me.”
“God, shut up. You’re making my head throb even more.”
“I will when you answer me. Even Phoenix doesn’t know what’s up with you back there. She says you just got up and left.”
“Maybe it’s just that.”
“I know you enough to know that it isn’t. Something happened that made you this upset.”
“Why do you care so much, Rooster? Dealing with you is suffocating.”
His mouth gapes incredulously, and if the car was stopped in a light he would’ve stared at you in disbelief. “Wha–,” he stutters. “Y/N, come on. Don’t be like this.”
“Like what, Rooster? Like a bitch?” You snort. “I already told you earlier I just needed my fucking bag. I didn’t ask for you to come drive me home. I’m only here because you insisted.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I–,” “I don’t want you to go home alone and upset. I hate seeing my best friend like this and not being able to help. I’m sorry.” There it was again, best friend. An affectionate word, even an achievement to have for others, but you never had a word that triggers so much hate in you as much as that. It sends your temper bubbling higher.
You scoff.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. If you’re mad at me, at whatever I did, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not letting you buy the bluetooth microphone. I’ll get you a new one personally as soon as we get home.”
Now you really laugh, insulted, like salt being thrown haphazardly on your fresh scars. You should’ve cut this man off ages ago. “All this, and the best you can think of is that I’m fucking upset over a microphone. God, I’m really seeing everything tonight, am I?”
“Then help me out, Y/N! I’ve been sitting here going through tonight and yesterday night and the last week, wracking my brain for anything I’ve said or did that made you this upset with me.” He breathes, trying his best to calm himself down.
In a leveled tone he begs, “Please tell me what I can do to make this right.”
“You actually saying that unprovoked just proves everything I’ve realized tonight about you, Roos. I just feel stupid now trying to convince myself that you weren’t dense and selfish when it’s really all about you, isn’t it? You only get bothered when someone lashes out on you. Then you self reflect. You only care about your feelings, about your happiness. You don’t give a shit about anyone else!”
“What? You know that’s not true, Y/N.”
“Knowing you forever says the opposite, Rooster. You have the world in your hands and God forbid anyone upset you and ruin your night—”
“God, Y/N, I’m sorry that I can’t read what’s on your mind! If you can just tell me what the hell I did that got you this pissed so I can apologize for it, instead of saying cryptic and hurtful shit that I know you don’t mean then we’d have a better conversation, don’t you think?”
“Wow, so now you’re telling me the things I mean and don’t mean. You sure you can’t read my mind, Roos?”
“I know you’d never say those things to me because you know who I am. You think I’m shallow? Okay. That I’m narcissistic, fine. But saying I don’t give a shit about anyone, about you,” he pauses. “You know better than that, Y/N. I know you do after everything we’ve gone through—”
“So now you want to compare the shit we did, shit we sacrificed for each other during this fucking friendship? Alright, I’m down. Go ahead.”
“What— no! Fuck, Y/N, please. I know what you’re doing, you’re trying to hurt me, making me feel the way I made you feel.” He pleads, his voice getting hoarse from all the screaming. “Just please tell me what you want me to do to fix this. Please.”
“I want nothing to do with you.” It came off so easy from your tongue it’s hard to believe you held this back for years.
It surprised him too, so much so that he gave up trying to make you admit you didn’t mean it. The certainty in your voice scares him enough to believe as soon as he heard it. “Why?”
“Because I fucking hate you.”
You see shock, anger, and sadness and all sorts of emotions you can’t catch because of the tears blocking your vision flit on his face quickly. With a morose expression, he shakes his head in disbelief, blinking some tears away, willing them not to fall. You knew he’s trying to think you didn’t mean it.
But now with tears falling freely, you know you finally do. “​​Because you make me become someone that I’m not and I hate it. You make me jealous, you make me spiteful of the girls that come near you, you make me hateful and bitter that I can’t make you smile like you do with people who barely know you. And I know that’s so petty and immature and I know better than that but you just make me stupid and irrational.
You make me dependent on you for things that I can do myself. I can drive myself home I can do my own groceries I can take care of myself when I’m sick but now that you’ve weaseled yourself in my life these things aren’t the same without you. I hate that I got attached to this fucking car that eats up gas so fucking quick. I hate seeing your stupid Hawaiian shirts you always forget to iron. I hate your stupid fucking mustache and how long you take to fucking shape them.
I fucking hate how I get so weak when I’m with you that I get all the feelings I know I should’ve given up on ages ago and I know, I have fucking known for years that you’ll never feel the same way I do and yet here I am. I hate that I can’t quit you after all these years I’m still here and I love you and I can’t do anything about it.”
You also hate that unlike the confession scenes in movies have the heroine crying but still look beautiful, you had tears and snot dripping on your shirt and jeans and you only found out when you tasted some while sputtering and spewing out all the words that haunted you for years on Bradley.
Finally everything was on the table. You’ve crossed the point of no return and instead of feeling relief you felt spent, exhausted, and widely aware that you don’t have strength to face your best friend anymore. In fact, you’re sure you just lost yours.
Tears have blinded you to what you were facing and you could barely breathe from the snot build up in your nostrils, so you pull up your sweater to wipe and sneeze into until—
A searing pain erupts from a specific point on your forehead and you clutch it while curses flow from your mouth, tearing up again because it fucking hurt and it made your headache ten times worse. Bradley must’ve hit you with something and you’re mad but you also understand why he’d do that.
But as you blink some tears away you see him cradling his forehead as well, groaning and cursing in pain, mirroring your actions.
What the hell just happened? Did he just headbutt you?
Turns out you’ve thought that one out loud. “I didn’t, you dumbass. You keep on fucking moving.”
He grabs your face, encasing it with his big hands forcing you to look at him. You stare at each other for a second and after everything you’ve exchanged in this car you want it to last until it couldn’t, because you knew this would be the last time you’d have Bradley this close. Even if his beautiful features are marred with pain and frustration and other emotions you couldn’t name.
He groans, pulls on the sleeve of his thermal shirt and wipes the snot and tears off of your nose and mouth haphazardly.
And then he leans in for a kiss.
There was a blink, a split second of silence, before the chorus of voices erupt in your head: your five year old self disgusted that you’re kissing that snotty Bradshaw kid; a ten year old you guilty and scared that Ms. Carole will get mad at you for not asking permission to kiss her son; thirteen, appalled that you were basically making out with someone that’s clearly not Emmett Richmond from Legally Blonde; seventeen year old you screeching, screaming ‘FUCKING FINALLY!’ and immediately searching for a Taylor Swift song to accompany this moment; and a twenty six year old Y/N more confused than ever that you’d still end up here, living your adolescent fantasy instead of finding someone new and better.
Yet amidst the chaos, you find yourself mute. In the moment, yes, you were hopeless against Bradley’s lips, yours following his lead like a teenager on her first kiss because you haven’t had (or probably refused to get) enough practice to do this thing properly, but you found it graceless, like trying to walk in shoes that were one size too big— not quite right. Like you couldn’t give yourself fully to the moment because something hefty still lingers in the air, left unsaid.
So against your past selves’ wishes, you pull away. Looking down, you refuse to look at him, afraid that his eyes will confirm your worst fear. “Please,” you whisper nervously. “Please don’t kiss me because you feel bad. That’s… that’s mean.”
An exasperated sigh escapes Bradley and two fingers tilt your chin to face him properly. There wasn’t any trace of guilt nor contempt on his flushed face. Just pure exasperation for all the things you’ve done tonight but you can’t let yourself be so sure. No falling for anything without full certainty and a vocal confirmation. You had enough of your fair share.
“God, you’re the smartest girl I know but you’re also incredibly dumb. I kissed you to shut you up and let you know I do feel the same thing because I know if I just say it you won’t listen because you’re too fucking stubborn.” He huffs.
Locking eyes with you, he quirks an eyebrow waiting if you have another protest to make. If you weren’t in this situation, you would’ve laughed at the ridiculous irked face he’s making. Maybe he is telling the truth, you tell yourself. Maybe this time, it’ll be right.
Deeming your silence and waiting, parted lips as an answer, he says sulkily, “Now, can I continue this without getting interrupted?”
You hit his arm as you nod. Your lips meet again, the kiss deeper this time around judging by the arm that now encircles you, attempting to pull you closer to him but failing miserably.
“Fuck this shit,” he grumbles.
“Language, Bradshaw, damn,” you chuckle, watching him slide off his seatbelt, putting the car on park and the hand brake on.
“My right foot fell asleep because I was stepping on the breaks this whole damn time.”
Now you really laugh. What a giant dork.
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves you off as he reaches towards you and slides off your seatbelt. “Wonder whose great idea it is to confess feelings in the middle of a goddamn street.”
You didn’t get the chance to reply in between hysterics because he swiftly carries and maneuvers you around so you were straddling him, surprised at how comfortable it was. You never had him this close before and you sober up quickly into a mesmerized silence, just admiring how beautiful he looked this close, how the streetlight outside lands square on his face and you could see the speckles of green in his brown eyes, and how all of this is yours. God, saying that feels so foreign but right.
He lets your soft fingertips graze the contours of his face, from his lips to the tip of his nose before one finally settling lost in his curls and the other on the nape of his neck. You don’t know this yet, but he also had dreamed of this moment longer than he could remember.
Suddenly you get hit with a familiar wave of the longing in your pit for Bradley, only this time you can act up on it. So you did, crashing your lips onto his.
Like the other things you’ve imagined with him, this was certainly never in consideration. You’d imagine a spacious park, branches of a leaning tree lined with soft fairy lights that made both of you glow as he leans in, lips melding into yours perfectly as soft music crooned in the background. Instead you get a steamy Bronco two streets away from your apartment, and probably more odd locations in your place. Not that you’re complaining though.
You were going through some papers that needed to be graded on one of your students’ desk after class when you feel the presence of three amused pilots approaching you.
Even if you didn’t look up, you know by their steps that it was Fanboy, who took a seat in front of you, Phoenix, that sat next to you, and a snickering Hangman who opted to stand beside you, looming over your hunched figure.
“What did my kids do now?” You say, not bothering to greet them. Even if the students you had also took classes with some of them, you were adamant in calling them your children because despite of how much they annoyed you sometimes, you’ve gotten close to this batch and they to you. Some of the instructors would even ask you to sit them down and discuss about the mistakes they made in their other classes so you could work with them to do it better. Not without them holding you responsible when they act out (sometimes. It can’t be helped) of course.
“Oh nothing. They’re great, actually,” Nat replies. “We just wanted to see the beautiful face of our great Indigo today.”
Mickey pipes up. “Yeah, we didn’t even get to see you at lunch today.”
Moving onto the next paper, you say, “I was busy. But didn’t you guys visit my class earlier?” It was just Hangman and Fanboy casually walking across the back of the room, claiming to grab something very important (a random HDMI cord). They scooted out fast but not before getting a good look at your confused face. You thought you had something stuck to your teeth but you didn’t have your phone with you so you just tried to clean them with your tongue.
“Yeah. We did.”
“Uhuh. Need another cord?”
“No, we just need you to look at us, darlin’.”
You almost didn’t, half expecting Hangman to have a plate of whipped cream ready to smack your face, but food isn’t allowed beyond the cafeteria so you reluctantly raise your head to meet the expectant and scandalous looks on your friends’ faces.
No face smashing occurred, only a mesh of hollers, high fives, and nods of agreement.
“What am I missing?”
“Oh, nothing. We’re just happy you had fun last night with Rooster.”
“Took you guys too fucking long,” Mickey drawls, clutching his head in exaggeration. Phoenix joins him in agreement, grinning at you proudly like she’s your mom and you just got a medal for being a top student in class.
A sweat starts to break out of your forehead. You and Bradley didn’t tell anyone that you were together last night, hell, you didn’t even had time to discuss what you guys were now. The last thing you want is for people to make assumptions and you can’t tell them otherwise because you don’t know where you stand. ‘We just fucked all night in every hard surface you could think of, no big deal.’ won’t be an acceptable answer, especially when this reaches Maverick and Penny.
“Wha—,” you stutter. “I wasn’t with Rooster last night! Stop making up bullshit, Bagman.”
Jake just gives you that god awful smirk and nod combo that tells you he knows you’re full of shit right now.
You turn to Nat, desperate for your friend to back you up. ‘’Nat, I wasn’t with him last night I swear.”
She makes her way to your lap and hugs you sideways. You know you could always count on your wingman. “Oh, my sweet Indy,” she coos. “No need to explain. The same bruise you and Rooster have on your foreheads tell us everything we wanna know.”
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Scenario with a Twist
((Dumb little idea that makes no sense))
“What now? I’m tired” You yawn, leaning into the doorframe as you try and stay wake. Someone was knocking on your door frantically, and while you should be more worried, usually it’s your roommate being ridiculous and trying to prank you. 
“Dude, we need to call the police-” She says frantically, pushing you inside the room and slamming the door shut. 
“What? Helena, please, I have work in the morning- Im not in the mood” you gripe, beginning to shove her out. She roughly shoves you back, the roughness waking you up more and causing you to see that she wasn’t kidding. 
Helena seemed panicked, like prey being chased with no idea where to hide. “No, I’m serious, fucking call the police! Some creep is fucking around outside and I swear to christ he’s touching himself!” 
You swallow thickly, taking in her words and trying to digest the situation. Ok, Ok, you can handle this! It’s fucked up but it’ll be ok. “I won’t let him hurt you alright? Just sit in here with me and I’ll get the police” you assure, though you felt nauseated and as if your heart would crawl out of your throat from fear. 
You begin to dial, but pause when you hear knocking on the front door, Helena screamed into her hand from fear as she scurried to hide on the side of your bed. 
“Y/N! Fuck please don’t answer that door! I-I don’t trust anyone! Just call the cops!” she spits out in a panic, her chest rising and falling faster as her breath quickens. 
You nod, ignoring the banging on the door as you get ahold of the police, squeezing Helena's hand as she shakes and trembles on your bed. You’ve never seen the poor thing so shaken, as if she was about to die -and you both may very well be in that much danger. 
While waiting, you hear aggressive shuffling and banging outside of your window, and the silhouette of a man. Your heart stops for a brief second, watching as the shadow crawls along and seems to be trying to peer into your window. 
Helena sobs, curling into you as the man taps on the window, as if testing the strength, being so eerily quiet. As if he’s debating which methods would be best, and as if he's done something like this before. 
You hold Helena closer to you, and she clings to you tightly as she tries to calm herself. You press her face into your shoulder as you scream, trying to scare the man off. “The cops are coming! Get the fuck out of here!” 
All you heard in return was a laugh, highly amused, as if the stranger saw that threat as cute. 
“Awe, is that suppose to mean something to me?” the voice finally speaks, and before you can retort, a fist flies through the glass of your window and shatters it to the floor. 
You scream, throwing your phone as a last ditch effort to get him away as you scatter to the door, trying to get Helena out of your bed and to safety. “Helena! Helena come on he’s coming!” You scream, trying your damnedest to open the door. 
The man rubs his head where your phone collided, and gruffly speaks to the woman who was no longer cowering on your bed. “Babe, you can cut the act now, Kinda need help here”. He rubs his temple to soothe the burning, pounding ache while your roommate nods, and tugs you back over, covering your mouth as you scream. 
“Shh shh shh. No no! Listen-” Helena rushes, getting the man to help subdue you as you writhe and start to cry. “He wanted the theatrics here, but- Look I just- We both really like you! OK? And he made so many good points about us loving you more than anyone ever could!” 
The stranger sits on your legs to keep you still, gripping your throat firmly “Y/N, focus here. Need you to keep up with everything we’re telling ya, because this plan has to go off without a hitch” he starts, not removing his hand until you weakly nod your head in defeat. 
“Good. See? Knew you could be good for me” he purrs, kissing your cheek while Helena pets your hair. “Gonna make a break-in scene. Kidnapped person with no trace? Happens all the time. Helena here is an amazing actor as you can tell, so she’ll get by the police pretty easily” he says while cupping her face, kissing her gently as she leans into his touch. 
Helena pulls away with a breath, looking to you almost dreamily “I can’t wait to get you home…There’s so much I’ve been holding back on. I’ll do my best to lead the police away, so we can all finally be together!” 
You feel overwhelmed, your throat tightening and your chest feeling as if it’s filled with needles. There’s no fucking way! You’re wanting this to be a sick, crossing the line joke, but Helena looks so sincere, and her twisted lover seems just as demented and serious. 
He rocks his hips against yours slowly, grinning “We’re going to have a lot of fun on your first night home. Helena has so many great ideas to ease you in, and I personally can’t wait to shower you and pamper you in my love”. 
Helena reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a rag “This covered in the stuff baby?” she asks. “Yeah, not too strong a dose, but it’ll do the job we need” he comments casually, as if you weren’t being abducted and possibly about to be murdered. 
They kiss again, and when they pull away, Helena pushes the rag to your nose and mouth with a look of guilt. “You’re probably terrified…Just inhale ok? You’ll get some sleep, and when you wake up we’ll make sure you’re safe and sound” 
You weakly try to fight once again, but your vision swims and turns to dots, before finally falling black. The last thing you hear before passing out is the two discussing what part of the plan to enact next. 
(I hope you liked! It was a fun little idea of mine! -Mommabean)
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yanderederee · 1 year
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July 21st, 2004
..T….nt…amitt….damnit…damn…damnit..daMniT DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT
Chifuyu didn’t have the heart to stop him. Chifuyu has always been the one to rest a hand on Baji’s shoulder and stop him when he was being reckless.
However, this time, if Chifuyu were to even try to touch Baji, there was a guarantee that same arm would get bent.
Chifuyu couldn’t stop Baji’s assault on the subway tiles. “Damnit!!” Baji screamed once again. It was amazing how his voice hadn’t given up, going at this same pace for almost 11 hours now.
“Damnit!!” Baji yelled, finally losing vigor. Chifuyu ran to his side, helping his captain to his knees when he couldn’t take the overwhelming dig in his chest.
Baji was a victim too. He’d been forced into things no man ever should have to experience. Let alone a 13 year old kid, with what felt like the weight of the world on his back.
Baji couldn’t control the sobs that took him over in violent tremors. Chifuyu held Baji’s weak form, while they began to cry together.
“Damnit… I ..” Baji croaked out. Chifuyu held on tight, coursing his friend to talk.
Please, just talk to me. I know I can’t help. But please. Let me hurt for you.
“I couldn’t… I tried…” he sighed, blurry vision making out the wrappings on his arms, meant to heal the cuts and burns underneath. The blood that still stained them, because he kept opening the damn things wide open. Chifuyu doesn’t think it’s on purpose. Baji knows it is.
“Why… why does shit like this happen, to good fucking people!” Baji’s rage was slowly on the incline again. His temper may have been bad before, but the severe concussion and trauma he’d been forced to endure, he was uncontrollable.
“She didn’t do anything! Stayed out of toman, never skipped her dumb fucking curfew… S-she…” he bawled. Rage gave way to pain once again, and Chifuyu shook when he held tighter.
Baji almost whispered what came next, sending shivers down Chifuyu’s back.
“I couldn’t understand it before.. wanting to kill someone so badly. So seriously…” he evened out his tone and became stone. “But damnit..Chifuyu-“ he tried to keep the tough face, but as if immediately being brought back to earth, his walls crumbled all over again.
“None of it’s her fault, you’re right.” Chifuyu agreed, quickly following up. “We know who’s to blamed Baji. It’s okay.”
“We’ll get out revenge.”
It had only been two weeks since Toman and Yotsuya Kaiden fought .
July 11th, 2004
“…. I thought… we’d get …the chance…” you said softly, between hiccups you held back so harshly. “I had.. so much planned for…”
It was Tanabata after all. And it was long ruined.
“… I know.” Baji spoke into your hair. Ever since muscle in his body was sore, and shaking. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, cradling your head with his one good arm.
“Don’t worry baby, the gods will hear your prayers. I promise you that every god who ..” he paused, pulling away, and firmly cradling with all the softness there was left in him. “I promise, I will make the gods and humans alike, who let this happen. I will ..”
“I’ll make sure that every single one of your wishes come true.” He nuzzled his forehead against yours, uncontrollably letting tears flood past.
You could see Baji’s pupils become uneven, eyelids blinking over and over.. he was going to lose conciousness. “Baji-”
“Keisuke.” His voice broke once, hurt at the usage of his last name. “Pl..lease..” he closing his eyes when he held back a sob. “Please let me still be your Kei.”
Baji passed out immediately after those words, sobs racking him in and out of slumber, even still.
There was nothing more you wished to do than to cradle his broken form into you. It was so natural to follow those urges ever since you two agreed on dating.
But you couldn’t disturb him with the equally violent panic attacks what ripped through you without warning.
Nauseous, you felt hands wondering areas they never should have. Disgusted, scared—- you fell out of the hospital bed trying so hard to make it to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, Chifuyu is stunned into tears when he finds your unconscious form collapsed on the floor, a pool of vomit only feet away.
“Oh god,” stunned when obversing the scene in front of him, he was horrified to actually catch your flickering gaze. Very in and out of consciousness. “Y/n, hey, it’s okay.” Chifuyu encouraged. He sat you up, and folded your knees under his grip, gently carrying you around the accidently and into the bathroom.
“Here,” he sat you by the toilet, discarding his hoodie, and rolled up his sleeves. “Only think about staying sat up against the wall.” He instructed, laying the back of his hand over your forehead.
“Doing great,” he smiled at you brilliantly when you managed to keep his gaze for longer than three seconds. “Take your tim-” he started, until another violent wave of nausea keeled you over the edge of the toilet suddenly.
Holding back a pitiful string of tears, Chifuyu bit his lip and pulled strands of hair from your face. “Let it out,” he kept going, adding considerable pressure into the small circles he rubbed into your back.
Chifuyu sat with you as you lethargically came back in and out of conciousness. Crying some seconds about how awful everything felt, dozing off peacefully into his chest, to worrying about Baji. This cycle repeated from the morning when he first came to check on you, til the nurses released him of his role, and shooed him out. He made sure they kept his hoodie for you to hold onto. Just in case.
“Why didn’t you call for a nurse earlier dumbass?!” Baji kicked Chifuyu’s waiting room chair harshly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it!” Chifuyu admitted bashful. “I just.. I couldn’t leave.” He shrugged, painfully.
“You’re a good guy, Chifuyu…” Baji said, his head felt like it was spinning while he cradled into his busted hands. “Thank you.. for staying by her.”
“I’m sticking by you too, yaknow.” Chifuyu shoved Baji softly. Baji gave Chifuyu a look over, before smiling. “Thanks…”
Baji would absolutely never in a million’s years admit just how terribly he was struggling. But being a good person, he couldn’t hide it for shit. Not this time.
“‘Kids just go round hitting eachother over the side of the hair for fun these days?”
“I just can’t believe the things these kids are getting themselves into anymore!”
“Ms Baji, this is serious.. he’s looking at a 3 month healing window, just from a glance…”
So much annoying chatter. His head was splitting open so damn bad, he honestly couldn’t really remember any for the next few days, if you’d asked him. Just a few core memories to get by.
He felt pathetic, the dizzy spells that took him down, out from his own feet. He was almost thankful that school was finally out for the semester, since remembering anything was difficult, but above all else, Nothing. Felt. Normal.
While recovering, there were so many times he would excuse himself to hide into a bathroom stall, and let whatever uncontrollable urge take over.
He felt so unlike himself at every given opportunity, uncomfortable in the way his friends and family alike would look at him.
Don’t look at me like that.
He wanted to snap back. And unfortunately, he did.
His sense of irritability spiking and diminishing quicker than a conversation could be held.
He’d get frustrated at the littlest of mistakes.
Baji couldn’t stand the look of pity everyone gave him when he slipped or slurred a word.
Yet, out of every person, he made dead honest effort to push pash every single symptom down, if only for a few minutes or hours.
Just to enjoy the feeling of comforting you.
Baji cries alone to himself more than ever, but he made, forced you into pinky promising him that should you ever, ever, ever, need him ever, for any reason. He would escape his hospital room and force his way into yours.
To be here with you, now. It’s past midnight, quiet and dark, easy on his dissipating headache. Baji heard you wake up with a gurgled, terrified scream.
The same scream that ripped him wide open in the first place.
Bolted, Baji came to witness your sweat stained hospital gown clinging to you while you were gathering your bearings, upright in the bed and panting, hyperventilating.
You held eachother the entire night, sharing sniffles, and tighter squeezes.
“How are you feeling?” You asked him, leaning against his chest, while he lay his back in your hospital bed.
“Nothin’ to worry about,” he gave you a reassuring smile. “I’m already halfway healed.”
You stare into him deeper, and knowing you were about to call his bluff, he looked away and chuckled. “Yeah, I’m hangin in there.” He answered honestly.
“But.. I’m seriously more worried about you,” he gently touched, his bad arm tucked into your side as you carefully considered it while cuddling into him closer.
As bad of a liar as you may be to him, you always made sure to wear this obvious mask of serenity. You rolled your eyes, as though being used to hearing this now.
“I’m not going to force it out of you,” Baji rested his forehead against the dip of your temple. “I have no idea what kind of things go on inside your head. Wish I did,” he chuckled shifting to kiss your cheekbone. “… you’re smart. I trust you…” he shifted your absent gaze, dewing up when he made deep eye contact.
“I trust you to talk to me,” he whispered again. “I’ll be anything you need, forever.”
“So when you’re ready, I’m here…”
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itsgothgirlthyme · 7 months
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chapter 2: safe?
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stranger things g/t
a/n: very short read, but it’s my halloween treat!! let me know if you’d like me to create a tag list for this.
borrower!reader x steve harrington
Trembling in the hand of a giant, you looked him in the eyes. You can’t even fathom the idea of squirming in his delicate grip. You were just stuck in this moment of relief and fear. You didn’t want to fall off that ledge, but you couldn’t handle this. Everything you’d ever been taught had never prepared you for this, because usually this was when it was all over. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay,” Steve said softly, snapping you back to reality. You breathed out shakily and pulled your nails away from his pointer finger. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I promise.” 
Your brows pinched together and your eyes started to water. Your lips pressed into a thin line as hot tears fell down your face. You hated feeling like this, you hated feeling how small you were.
“Why is she crying?” Dustin asked beside Steve.
“I don’t know,” Steve turned to him, “maybe because you’ve held her hostage and treated her like a pet,” he whispered harshly.  
“Is she okay?” Robin voiced as you softly cried. 
“I- I don’t know,” Steve said and took in a sharp breath. He pulled you to his blue-shirted chest and you went rigid. You were still cupped in his hand and pressed against him. His heart was hammering faster than yours at this point. The other voices started to fade, and he kept muttering to you. Things like, “I’m sorry”, “he’s a dumb kid”, and “I’m going to help.” 
The one thing you remember before it all went dark was him saying, “You’re safe.” 
You shivered and opened your heavy-lidded eyes. You yawned and stretched within the comfort of a soft material. It was so dark you couldn't tell what it was exactly but you wanted to fall back asleep in it. You were about to but then your eyes went wide. 
You looked around you, almost snapping your neck out of place. You saw the giant’s face squished against a pillow. His hair was messy, his eyes closed, and his breath tickled your face. You were mere inches away and when you looked behind you, you didn’t know what to think. His arm was wrapped around the soft material. His fingers were still gripping the edges of it, and it perplexed you. 
“What do you want with me?” your voice rasped in the darkness. Your eyes trailed to him and he didn’t answer. You hissed as you sat up, feeling out your ribs. Some still were tender and loose. You gasped when you looked at your busted leg. It no longer had a beaten-up bandaid, but a gauze. The gauze started at your ankle to right under your knee. It felt much more comfortable on your skin, and you saw little sticks poking out of the ends. You gently turned the leg back and forth. You let out a sigh of relief with tears in your eyes. 
Beside you, Steve shifted and you slowly turned to him. His chin was lying on his forearm as he you watched with half-lidded eyes. 
“I hope the bandage helps,” his voice was gruff, “hopefully it’ll heal straightened out now.”
You kept your mouth shut and watched him. He yawned and you noticed his other arm was still around you. 
“Sorry about Dustin again,” he muttered. 
“He’s just a kid, you said that already,” you scoffed. 
Steve’s eyebrows shot up and you froze. The corners of his lips turned upwards. 
“She speaks,” he said. 
You shied away from his gaze and he sighed. 
“It doesn’t make it right though, him being a kid. I know,” Steve said. “But I’m not going to let that happen to you again.”
You sink back into the blanket you’d been wrapped around. When he called your name, it made you sick, you forgot he knew it. Yet there was comfort in someone calling for you, in such a desperate manner at that. You ignored him, and a warm puff of air hit your back when he sighed, again. 
You were going to stay awake, but for some reason you fell asleep. 
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afyrian · 2 months
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ch. 4 - october 21 masterlist
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    “no, no, what are you talking about? i have a trip tomorrow and through my insurance, i’m assured that someone can come out and pick me up in an emergency. my car has broken down and i’m still a couple hours from home,” you lean against your car, holding your phone up to your car.
  ‘ma’am, i’m really sorry but something in the system is unable to ensure to me that you’re a member. now, you’re best bet is to find someone who can get you. i really am sorry,” her voice sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard as you shake your head, tears building in your eyes. 
  normally, something like this wouldn’t freak you out so much. but the cold front coming in tonight and your flight for a convention the following morning, you didn’t know what you were going to do. “..thank you for your assistance.”
  you hang up the phone before she can say anything and let the tears roll down your cheek. no cry came out, no sobbing, just tears falling. the only thing you can think to do is to call rintarō, break the bad news to him that you would have to take a later flight. after clicking his profile and hitting call, you wait patiently as the ringing goes by.
  for a second, you think about him not picking up, you completely stranded. your family isn’t nearby, most of your friends already on flights, and now your rock, the person closest to you, isn’t there. however, the sound of him picking up the phone sounds like music to your ears. his voice is soft, like he’d be resting, “y/n?”
  “rin, thank god you picked up. my car broke down, roadside assistance isn’t coming because of some dumb bug in their system, and now i don’t know if i can make it home in time to reach the flight. i don’t think a driver for uber is gonna pick me up off the side of a highway,” your voice wavers, you set it to speakerphone, rubbing the back of your neck with your free hand.
  immediately, you can hear something shuffling, like sheets being thrown in the air. “wait, you’re stuck on the side of the highway? where? can you send me a pin?” more movement comes from rintarō’s side of the phone, his keys jingling beside the phone.
  for a second, you’re stunned. he’s getting up late at night simply to pick you up on the side of the road. probably still in his pajamas and his hair in a mess. “y/n? are you okay? you should get into your car and wait til i get there, how far are you?”
  “yeah- yeah, oh my gosh, yes i’m okay! and i’m like two hours out, you really don’t have to do that. get some sleep and get on your flight,” you open the car door, sitting on the passenger side just in case another car crashes into yours.
  he scoffs, locking the front door of your apartment. moving through the complex until getting into the elevator, the sound of the music sounding through the phone. “are you kidding? if i get there in two hours, it would be two back and we could make the flight… together. i wouldn’t want my wife to have to fly down by herself,” rintarō jokes, ultimately bringing a smile to your face.
  truthfully, you had forgotten that the two of you had gotten married. other than filing for taxes or looking at the fake ring on your dresser, you hadn’t thought of it much. but hearing him say those words sends a shiver down your spine. heat rises to your cheeks and you ultimately feel so confused about how you feel for the streamer.
  when he made breakfast for you that one morning, it sparked something inside. something that you have tried to ignore but ultimately cannot. “okay- okay, sorry i ever said anything! well, are you at least going to get some sleep on the plane? cause we’re going to be exhausted tomorrow,” you lean your head back, leaning the chair back some.
  “i could give it a try, but i probably wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing you were out there anyways, now send me your pin and i’ll be there, unless you want to stay on the phone?” he questions, the sound of his car turning on is the only thing you can hear besides his voice. 
  “yeah, could we just stay on the phone for a second? i just feel like beat from this whole situation,” your smile lessens for a moment.
  despite the silence over the phone, you feel at peace. you could always find yourself feeling at peace with rin, even if you are hours away and in a car that can’t run. you find peace. and honestly, even if you never explore those feelings that you have, you’d be happy. you’d be happy just existing with him.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Platonic headcanons for Dorm Leaders when a tween!Reader admits that they don't actually want to go back to their world because they're an orphan
I don’t wanna go!
Characters: Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus, Jade (mentioned), Floyd (mentioned), Jamil (mentioned), Rook (mentioned), Ortho (mentioned), Lilia (mentioned), Silver (mentioned), Sebek (mentioned)
Tw: death, depression, distress, implied abuse (related to Riddle), crying, food mentions, bullying, robbing, grief
All relationships are exclusively platonic. Reader is between ages of 10-12
No direct spoilers for chapter 6, but implications of such. Read Idia’s part at your discretion
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Riddle’s never really had this kind of warmth before.
Having someone look at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky is almost unnerving at first, every compliment the tween gave him rolled off with a simple, “of course I’m the best” even if he didn’t believe it.
But over time, and several dozen tea parties, he found himself softening to you.
He makes some stumbles and mistakes but somehow you never held it against him, even when he didn’t apologize directly.
No, when he reprimanded you for plucking a rose on a Wednesday, you just apologized and offered it to him instead.
After a while others noticed a change.
The magicless student forgot a part of their uniform, and there goes Riddle marching up to them.
But when they look at him with no fear in their eyes, instead a bright smile, Riddle couldn’t find it in himself to scold them.
Instead, he simply informed them of the missing piece and walked them back to their dorm to get it. He was two minutes late to class that day because of it!
When he was informed that Crowley had a way back but the tween didn’t feel like leaving, he was confused.
Surely you miss home, don’t you?
Even if he didn’t have an amazing time at his own home, you had fared better, hadn’t you?
And regardless, you should still miss your family, right?
But when he heard of your reason, every question he had died on his tongue.
And when he heard you ask to stay with him, he stared with a bright flush on his face.
“I will have to think about it. For now, of course you can. But permanently, we will have to discuss this further when you’re ready.”
Listen, he obviously can’t take you to his parents, right?
And he doesn’t have a job yet, or his own home, so it’s not like he has a place to keep you for now.
But he silently vows to keep the magicless student safe from harm, no matter what.
He’ll start looking at jobs, and places he can rent, lining things up for when he graduates NRC, so he has an idea of what to talk about with you when you’re ready.
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Leona has little fondness for children, but luckily, tweens are just cute enough to offset their incredibly moodiness, so he supposes he doesn’t mind your company.
What he does mind, though, is when he’s being awoken from naps by someone poking at his face to ask him for food.
And listen, he gets it, but just take his wallet and knock it off.
You can make it to the school store on your own, right?
Well, wrong.
Tweens aren’t known for keeping money a secret and the second a savanaclaw student notices you holding Leona’s wallet, they’re ready to jump you.
So you make it roughly 40 feet away from Leona before someone starts hassling you and dear god now he has to save this dumb herbivore-
but it’s worth it to him when you cling to him and tell him how sorry you are for bothering him and how grateful you are for saving him.
That’s all it takes for him to begrudgingly admit that maybe, just maybe, he might like you a little.
And every time you walk up to him and thrust some little homemade gift his way, even after a million times he tells you it’s dumb, he slowly begins to accept that he’s stuck with you, and you’re stuck with him.
“Oi, Herbivore, that old crow found a way to send you home.” Is his unfortunate greeting, but upon seeing your solemn expression, he sobers a little. “What’s wrong, kid? Don’t you wanna go back?”
When he hears your reason he sort of freezes, then lets out a sigh and comes over, rubbing your back in an attempt at comfort.
If you start crying he might pause, but will continue to try and comfort you in the most stilted and weirdly uncomfortable way possible.
“Can I stay here? With you?”
“Who else would you stay with? Obviously you’re stuck with me, stupid cub. You’ll have to pull your weight, though.”
He gives a teasing grin before dragging you to lay in his bed in his room and watch comedies until you feel better.
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There’s really not many people brave (or foolish) enough to get attached to him, and ask of things so freely.
But somehow, he can’t find it in himself to be mad when you sneak into the Mostro Lounge kitchen for a snack, or pull a little prank on him with Floyd.
It amazes him, actually, how relaxed you seem in a room full of sharks.
He wouldn’t say he’s fond, moreso that he’s impressed, but that changes after a while.
It can’t be easy for you here, can it?
You’re younger than the student body, you’re magicless, you aren’t in your own world, and you’re being mildly tormented by 6 ft tall eels
(even if they’re not exactly trying to torment you, that’s just their personality)
He’s looking for a book, late at night.
It was something mentioned in his history of magic: the magic of history volume ii textbook and he thought it might boost his grade.
But when he sees you, curled up in a corner, crying your little heart out, his mission is halted.
“Now, what’s going on over here? Why are you crying, you poor thing?”
When you look up at him with the most heartbroken eyes and whisper something about missing your parents, any somewhat-nefarious reasoning he had for approaching you is thrown out the window.
He sinks down beside you, and fiddles with his hands for a moment before he wraps an arm around your back, rubbing your shoulder.
“There, there.” Is his attempt at consoling you, because while he isn’t sure what to do, but it’s clear you shouldn’t be left alone.
He knows what it’s like.
He brings you back to the lounge to sit and have a meal, because that’s what his mom always did for him, and he does his best to cheer you up.
After that, he lets a little bit of one of his soft, squishy octopus hearts open up to you.
Every time you’re struggling with homework, he takes the time to tutor you until you understand it.
You’re hungry? Well, he needs a break from all this paperwork, so he can make a snack for you two.
Floyd and Jade tease him for becoming such a mother hen, making sure you have all your supplies for class and writing little pick-me-up notes for you in your binder.
He finds you and Crowley talking and quietly adds himself to the conversation.
When he finds out that you don’t want to go home, he isn’t exactly surprised.
From the way you talked about your world, it was clear to him that you didn’t like it.
What did surprise him, though, is when you approached a few days later and asked if he would sign a contract with you.
What shocked him even more was when you said that it was cause you want to stay with him.
Really, like, glasses askew, eyes wide, eyebrows in his hairline surprised.
“Well, you know I’m from the Coral sea, don’t you? I haven’t quite decided on whether I’ll be staying on land most of the time after college or not…”
but the hope in your eyes stirred something in his chest
“I suppose that’s a matter that can wait for another time, isn’t it?”
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Kalim is an outlier in Night Raven College.
He’s a bubbly, extroverted, happy-go-lucky kind of guy, and the minute he noticed a kid wandering around campus, he was attached.
He’s got a ton of siblings, what’s one more to the mix?
Unlike everyone else on this list, it’s less of you following him around and more him following you around.
You’re so tiny and cute, how could he ever ignore you?
Jamil looks ready to pop a blood vessel.
But it’s so worth it whenever you come over and enjoy every dish thrown your way, when you attend the pop music club rehearsals, when you and Kalim go to basketball games just to cheer on Jamil.
Kalim loves the way he finally gets to look after someone else, even developing some cooking skills and focusing harder on studying just to help you.
It’s sweet, almost overly, but he never seems to mind, even when your sassy tween self makes a snarky comment.
Kalim doesn’t know what he’d do without his family.
It’s such a core part of who he is, he can’t fathom what it would be like without it.
So when he hears that Crowley found you a way home, he’s absolutely gobsmacked that you don’t want to return.
“What?! Why don’t you want to go home? Your family must miss you!”
When you tell him why, his entire mood changes.
He’s quiet for a second, and stiff as a board, before he starts again
“But what about your siblings? Cousins? Aunts and Uncles? Or- you have friends, don’t you? Don’t you wanna see them again? Family isn’t always just who you’re related to. Like me ‘n Jamil, we’re not related but he’s family to me!”
But when you just shake your head and tell him there’s nothing like that for you and begin to cry…
well, he looks ready to cry with you. But he focuses for a moment and pulls you into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. You can stay with me, if you really don’t wanna go. I’ll take care of you, me and Jamil will.”
When you nod and mumble a broken thank you to him, he squeezes you tighter.
Once you aren’t sobbing into his shoulder anymore, he smiles down at you, “Well, since you’re staying, then I guess it’s time to celebrate the good news, right? I get a new little sibling! You get an older brother! C’mon, I found a new cookie recipe I’ve been meaning to try!”
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Children are, in Vil’s opinion, gross.
Well, except the little Spudling that’s always nearby, he supposes.
They’re well behaved and have proper manners and they don’t try to bite him, unlike Epel.
Not to mention the fact that it seems they simply adore him.
They haven’t even been in this world that long, he doubts they’ve ever seen him act or dance or sing, but they act like he’s divine.
It’s certainly an ego boost.
He’s even more surprised when he finds out they do, actually, have a mean streak.
He once watched the magicless student completely light into Rook for following them around all day, and had the actual audacity to hit him over it.
Then - THEN look over to Vil and say “get your Stan under control, he’s fuckin creepy” and storm off.
A funny thing that one is, huh?
Vil is certainly the type to ask important general questions, like ‘how old are you’ and ‘where did you live before this’ and ‘what do your parents do for work’, all while combing through the younger student’s hair or instructing them on how to properly wash their face.
So he also isn’t surprised when, upon hearing Crowley found you a way back, you don’t want to go home.
It seems like you were unhappy and lonely there, it’s no wonder you’d rather stay.
He’s happy to keep you in Pomefiore as long as you’d like, as long as you don’t cause trouble.
It’s a few months after this incident, though, when he’s close to graduating, that he realizes the next housewarden might not be so kind to you.
“Spudling, I’ll be going abroad to study for my fourth year here. Would you like to come with me?”
The sunny smile and ecstatic “yes!” You give him makes any future headache of his from you worth it.
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Idia would never have expected that the lost tween stuck in twisted wonderland would attach themself to him, of all people.
He rarely leaves his dorm room, he stays up all night playing games, and is pretty snarky and sardonic to everyone he comes across.
But somehow, the little magicless human snuck their way into his life and didn’t seem to leave, no matter the circumstances.
It’s odd, isn’t it?
He has a younger brother already who never leaves his side, maybe that’s why he never minded their presence.
Maybe it’s because they indulged and played his games with him, or because he was the first person they went to when something was wrong or upsetting, or maybe just because they reminded him so much of Ortho already.
He really didn’t want to see them go.
So imagine his surprise when they don’t want to leave.
Crowley found them a way back, didn’t he?
So why would they ask if they could stay with him and Ortho permanently?
Loss is something Idia understands pretty well.
He’s from the Isle of Woe, after all, it’s not like it’s just a fun nickname.
He’s pretty well acquainted with that sort of misery.
So when the magic-less tween tells him that there’s nobody waiting for them in their own world, well…
He looks surprised, for a moment, before he melts a little and nods, pulling them closer for a moment.
“Yeah, of course you can stay. Who else would I have to main red? And besides, we haven’t finished so many games!”
He’ll never bring it up again, he vows silently.
He knows that aching hurt and he never wants his newest sibling to feel it again.
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Humans are fascinating creates, don’t you think?
Malleus has often been drawn to humans, and when he lays eyes on a tiny, magicless one, he’s smitten.
He remembers how Silver once was, and evidently so does Lilia, because one look from the smaller fae and he’s already drawing up adoption papers.
When you’re left in the care of the Diasomnia crew, everyone is excited.
Silver is excited to have a little sibling, Lilia is excited to have a new kid, Malleus is excited because you don’t seem to be afraid of him, nor do you seem to be trying to please him, and Sebek….
okay, almost everyone’s happy.
But it’s not long before Sebek changes his tune, because if Lord Malleus is happy, then he has to be as well.
Everyone here is by far most equipped to be taking care of a child, since two of them are several hundred years old, but you may not be ready for them.
Mostly because after you snuck off to steal some food from Mostro Lounge due to Lilia’s…’cooking’ it was all the harder to escape their eyes.
But it was clear to everyone that you were most comfortable with Malleus, content to listen to him talk about gargoyles and show you his tamagotchi and recount stories from decades ago with nostalgic fondness.
You seemed near enraptured by him, and it was very mutual.
It’s not every day he can study a young human, is it?
Nobody even questioned if you’d stay or not, you made no mention of wanting to go home and they made no mention of it.
It wasn’t until Crowley said he’d found a way and you began to cry that anyone thought of it.
When you told them your reason, Lilia and Malleus were quiet and pensive.
“Young child of man, I understand your pain. Are you quite sure you don’t wish to return? If you are, you will always have a home in the Valley of Thorns with Lilia and I.”
His smile was bittersweet when you said you wanted to stay with him.
He simply nodded, patted your head, and guided you back to your dorm room to rest, promising you that he would take care of you until your last days in twisted wonderland.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Give me part 2 to the mind thing or I'm going to throw rocks through your window, you dumb whore
(Pretty pls??)
I got you! Please don't throw rocks in my window
Soap stayed with Ghost for a while, letting him calm down.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. That's one of my least favorites."
"Did he do stuff like that a lot?"
Rather than answer, Ghost's hands tightened on him. Soap nodded a little.
"You're not useless. Or weak. You never were."
"I sucked as a kid." Ghost mumbled.
Soap shook his head. "No. No kid deserves that." He pulled him up, holding his arm. "You didn't deserve that."
"Thanks, Johnny. Come on. Let's keep looking." Ghost tugged him along. He didn't pull his arm away so Soap didn't let go. They found their way to a new memory.
It was them at the bar, when Ghost wore the ski mask instead of his balaclava. Soap could feel the anxiety rolling off of him, but to his credit, he had stayed there. Everything was so sharp. Everything, down to the last detail in vivid color.
"I was nervous. Didn't realize how scary it would be." Ghost leaned into him.
Soap looked around. "Still no door. Are you sure that's how we leave?"
Ghost nodded. "Yes... It always is. Those things don't change." He sighed. "It usually doesn't take this long. I'm sorry."
Soap hit his shoulder. "You mention its usually in the memory of the accident. Do you want to check there?"
"I... suppose." Simon sighed. "It would be faster." He led Soap around, holding tighter to him. “It’s a rough memory. I didn’t react well. I just wanted to warn you.” 
The door was on the other side of the house, where the front door would be. Soap hadn’t noticed before, but there was Christmas music playing behind it and he could see lights underneath it.
“You can keep your eyes closed.” Soap offered.
“No. I’m okay.” Ghost promised. “I see it a lot.” 
Soap nodded and tugged him gently into the room. It was as he expected. All three of them executed and laid out for Ghost to find. 
He was so young looking. A lot closer to his Ghost than the one he was traveling with, but still. Maybe only Soap’s age. The scars on his face were there. Freshly healing still. 
Ghost had clearly been expecting this. He stared at the scene, eyes flickering over them before his lip twitched. The laughter started and Soap flinched. It sounded so harsh. Cold and distant and choking like it was being ripped out of him. 
He stepped closer to him and then started to look around, searching for something. 
Soap felt his breath catch when he saw the tiny feet under the blanket. 
Ghost started laughing harder, hands going to the gun on his belt. Even though he knew Ghost lived, knew because how else could be here, he still panicked watching him put that gun to his mouth. Watching him take the safety off. He felt Simon grip onto him, hiding his face in his shoulder. 
Ghost dropped the gun and threw up in a trash can, body shaking. He trembled and Soap wanted to break this memory too. Wanted to pull away and comfort him, but Simon gripped him hard, not letting him. 
“I’ve never been able to cry easily.” Simon explained. “My dad... I don’t know. My initial psych eval said it was psychological block. Apparently, its common for people to laugh instead.”
Soap nodded and looked around. “No door... Sorry, really thought that one would work.” 
Simon sighed. “It’s not usually this well hidden. I’m getting tired.” 
Soap frowned. That wasn’t good. “Okay. How about you wait in the living room and I’ll come get you when I find it?”
Simon nodded and let Soap push him onto the couch. His lithe frame folding up and shivering. Soap put a few blankets on him and tucked him in. 
He was supposed to have more time, but if Ghost was slipping, he’d need to hurry up. 
Soap went through the remaining doors quickly not sparing them much time. 
Ghost beneath the bleachers with the guy from the party, lips locked together. 
Ghost putting a bullet through someone’s skull while sniping, excitement clear in his eyes. Probably his first kill if this was considered significant. 
Ghost and him. He did pause at this one. 
They had stopped at their doors and looked at each other. Soap had waited, wanting nothing more than to be invited in. Ghost looked at him and Soap glowed. It was weird, seeing how Ghost saw him. He looked perfect. Without flaw. 
He knew for a fact that night he had been dirty and sweaty, hair messed up. But you wouldn’t know any of that from this memory. Soap looked perfect still. 
On instinct, he checked above Ghost’s head. 
“You don’t deserve him.” 
Oh, Simon. Soap watched him turn away and go inside, locking the door. Ghost started undressing and Soap noticed there were some injuries that definitely had not been reported. He watched Ghost bandage himself and then a flush started to build across his cheeks. 
Soap wished he still had Simon here to explain why this is considered important but the words above Ghost’s head appeared first.
“Maybe I could try.” 
Try to deserve him? No. That didn’t seem right. Most of the words were very self depreciative, he doubted it meant that. 
He stepped back from the memory.
Last door. The metal one at the end of the hallway. Maybe he should get...
No. He’d be fine. Simon could continue to relax. If the door wasn’t there, they’d need to restrategize anyway. 
He leaned his head against the door, hearing a suffocating nothingness. 
Soap took a deep breath. No time to be a bitch, Johnny.
He opened it and walked in, surprised to find how bright it was. 
They were in a medical facility. A pretty nice one from the looks of it. 
A surgery gone wrong? He had heard of people on anesthetic not losing consciousness but being paralyzed. Maybe Ghost had gone through something similar. 
That thought was dashed when they dragged him in. Simon was fighting hard, face unscarred for the most part. He fought as hard as he could but there was two of them and he clearly had been beaten, blood running down his face from his nose. 
They all spoke Spanish, but it was garbled. They tied Simon down, locking his hands and feet down so he couldn’t move. 
He glared at them, tensing up. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Sure you will, perro.” One of them cooed, like he was a child who said something funny. 
They grabbed a scalpel, but they hadn’t given him anything. He frowned, not understanding what they were doing. 
The scalpel went straight through his skin, cutting down the middle from his sternum to his belly button. Ghost didn’t scream. Just sat there, looking elsewhere. 
Soap watched them, bile rising in his throat. They flayed him until Soap could see straight to his ribs. Could see a few of his organs if he dared to look hard enough. Could see Ghost’s heart beating and then watched as they grabbed needles. 
He focused on Ghost’s face instead of whatever they were about to do. Watched as he bit straight through his lip, blood pouring down his chin. 
The memory didn’t end so much as went fuzzy. Everything got softer around the edges and then it sharpened again suddenly. Ghost tied with his hands behind his back in a different place, a woman in his lap. She held his face and made kissing noise but he tried to turn away, nose wrinkling. Both of them were undressed, but Soap didn’t want to look down. His eyes looked around panicked and Soap noticed a man with skull makeup painted on, watching with this sick grin on his face. 
Ghost’s pupils were huge, bottles of opiates scattered and shattered on the floor. 
And right behind him, red door, black handle. 
Soap fled. He went straight to Simon, dragging him up.
“Come on. We’re going to have to do this fast okay? I don’t want you to look.” He held Simon’s face. “When we get out of here, we’re going to have a bourbon and I’m going to do this again okay?”
“Do wh-” Soap connected their lips briefly.
“When you have stubble and look like my Simon, I’ll give you a better one, yeah?” He knew he sounded frantic, but he needed this to be over. Needed to have Ghost safe in a med bay where he belonged.
Simon blushed and right above his head. “Starstruck” 
That was a much better word. 
“Okay. Let’s go.” Simon held on to him. Soap felt him tense as they neared him, but he didn’t falter. His hands dug into Soap, but even if he bruised him, he wouldn’t have cared. As long as he stayed right next to him, Soap could’ve ignored anything. 
He looked up at Simon. “Why did this memory go fuzzy?”
“I dissociated. I did that a lot during this time.”
“You’re good at it. Learn that during your first tour?”
“Home.” Simon smiled at him, leaning down so they were face to face. 
“Noticed you had a thing for football players. Did you know I played?”
“Course you did.” 
“Did you play any sports?”
“Nah. I was in a band for a while.”
“What?? And none of those memories were considered significant to you?”
“Nope.” Simon smiled teasingly. “I would prefer to forget highschool happened honestly. And this. Like to focus on my time in the military.”
“Your time with me, ya mean?” Soap meant it as a joke, relieved that everything was going fuzzy and they would move to when Ghost woke up and the door. 
“Maybe that’s part of it.” Simon admitted softly.
Soap yanked him hard and shoved him through that dumb door before he could even glance at the memory. They tumbled through the inky blackness and Soap felt him be ripped from it as he spiraled. Darkness was all consuming. All powerful. 
And then he was back in bed. He shot up and the doctors quickly grabbed him.
“You’re good, sir.”
“Stabilized and probably waking up right now. Any di-” Soap got up and cut him off.
“Bye then.”
“Sir, we need to examine you t-”
“Nope. I’m good. I’m fine.” Soap walked right past him, going to Ghost instead. 
Ghost was indeed awake and very angry. “If one more of you motherfuckers jabs me with a goddamn needle.”
“It’s an IV.” 
“Get fucked.” Ghost hissed. 
Soap relaxed. “LT.”
“Johnny.” Ghost turned towards him and the nurse stuck him. 
Soap laughed. “Relax. They’re just making sure you’re okay.” He would never admit that he skipped out on his own examination. 
Ghost huffed, back to his normal self. Mask on, everything tucked away. He reluctantly let them finish. 
Soap grabbed one of the cookies he was offered, knowing that Ghost would not eat it while here since that would require lifting the mask. 
Ghost glanced at him briefly before looking away. Soap moved a bit closer.
“You remember what I promised, right?” 
Ghost stiffened. Soap wondered if he was blushing under there. 
“A drink.” 
“And a kiss remember?” 
Ghost hummed. “I’ll be holding you to it.”
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU!!!
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Liked by cozane, jackharlow, yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, and 9,677,345 others
urbanwyatt Sooooo I did a thing…….
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yourusername 👀
urbanwyatt 🤫
yourbestiename What did you do dumb ass?
urbanwyatt Huh? You know what I did!!!!!
yourbestiename OH THAAAT???? 😩
cozane Lowkey mad about it. I need my wingman
yourusername 🤨 You make it sound like HE’S the one who has to stop doing all these things.
jackharlow Oh I’m excited about this thing you did.
cozane Of course you are 🙄
druski2funnny Urb did you fuck up again?
jackharlow He fucked something… or someone.
yourusername LMAAAO 💀
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Liked by urbanwyatt, princeroyce, yourbestiename, jackharlow, and 9,678,355 others
yourusername Funny thing about life, it surprises you when you least expect it.
View all 1,900 comments
yourbestiename The best surprises ever if you ask me🥺
yourusername 🥹🥹🥹🥹
urbanwyatt I’m guessing we both did a thing.
yourusername Oh yea we did 🤭🤭
druski2funnny Well share it with me because apparently I’m the last one to know 🙄😤
urbanwyatt next post
cozane I’m happy for Urb not you tho, you’re still annoying
yourusername Boy sit down!!!!!
neelamthadhani We can’t wait!!!!
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Liked by jackharlow, nemoachida, neelamthadhani, 2forwoyne, cozane, and 8,677,345 others
urbanwyatt My baby is having a baby 🥺 this shit is crazy, I never imagined this so soon but we’re more than happy 💗
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yourusername 🥹 I love you.
urbanwyatt For life mama, I love you.
jackharlow 🤗 so fucking happy for you bro. Mia is going to be happy to have a little best friend 💗
urbanwyatt She’s the best
yourbestiename 😭😭😭😭 I’m so excited and happy for you both. Ahhhhhh I can’t believe it. I love you guys so much. We’re always here for y’all.
urbanwyatt Thanks for being by her side since the moment she found out 🤍
druski2funnny Oh so the whole crew knew except me? FAKE ASSES!!!!!
druski2funnny But congratulations fam
yourusername Lmao noooo, only 3 people knew but someone has a big ass mouth and told PG and Neelam.
cozane 🙄 I didn’t know it was a secret to them
yourusername I literally told your ass “no one else but you, Jack and y/bestie/n know” 🤦🏻‍♀️
2forwoyne 🤨
yourusername I can explain…… 😩😩
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Liked by urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, karolg, and 9,777,345 others
yourusername Baby Wyatt coming soon 💗 I’m excited and nervous for this new journey. I still can’t believe this is happening 🥺 We can’t wait to meet you little one. 📸 @ urbanwyatt
View all 1,800 comments
urbanwyatt 💗🥺 my babies I love you so fucking much
yourusername Te amo 😘 thank you for being the best.
yourbestiename My best friend is having a mini 🥺���🏻 words can’t describe how happy I am for you beba, and I can’t wait to meet la bebecita 💗 I can’t wait for our kids to grow up together and be the bestest friends 🫶🏻🥺
yourusername Bitch you can’t make me cry!!!! Ugh thank you for being with me on the floor of a dirty club bathroom, crying with me while we waited for those two lines. I will forever be thankful for you and your words. I love you.
jackharlow Our family is just growing. Congratulations to you both.
urbanwyatt 🤍🤍
cozane I guess congratulations, even though you’re taking my wingman away 🙄
urbanwyatt Yo 💀
druski2funnny Shes the one pregnant dumb ass
cozane He’s already bailed on 2 club appearances because y/n had a weird craving and she was being annoying
yourusername Excuse me? I haven’t even had any cravings yet…
urbanwyatt You see what had happen was…..
jackharlow Lmao I told you, you weren’t going to want to leave her alone and pregnant at home!
cozane oh it’s happening already!!!! I hate you y/n
yourusername 🤷🏻‍♀️
druski2funnny Y/N you were right, he’s annoying. Be happy fucker!!!!!!
cozane I guess …..
maluma Wow speechless . Felicidades
cozane fuck out of here pretty boy. He won let it go. Stay out her dms while ur at it. She obviously don’t want ur ass.
urbanwyatt 💀💀💀💀
yourusername Aww @ cozane you love me
cozane You’re still annoying and a pain in the ass. But he still needs to get laid out for the shit he pulled.
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
166 notes · View notes
coffee-or-murder · 10 months
So I found a song (Anna Bates - “He said / She said”) that gut punched me with how perfectly suited it was for Lemon/Lonan if they’d gotten to be friends and form romantic feelings naturally. Instead their parents went “hey get married we want connections/money and you’re our only kids…..also you gotta make an heir after you get married them’s the breaks get to it”, so that slow burn progression from friends to lovers didn’t get to happen. Basically I’m just rambling about how well they actually could have worked together if things hadn’t turned out the way they did because I have some severe Lonan brainrot again lol. 
No crazy spoilers really except more info on Lonan as a person and his “friendship” with Lemon before the events of the MiV session AND some sandboxy thoughts about where it could have gone if they’d had the chance for their relationship to grow naturally outside of their arranged marriage (ie. current sandbox thought is him showing up at the tower also having run away and both of them hiding from his family, staying in Lemon’s room and maybe helping with arcnane RnD lol).  
He said  / I’ll hit a man if I have to honey / But I faint at the sight of blood / So I’ll protect your sweet heart darlin / But you might have to pick me up 
Canon - Lonan is a socially inept shut in academic, boarding school his whole life type of guy. He does not do well with the sight of blood and tends to just outright faint or get very woozy. He was bullied a bit by the others in his wizard schools, but mostly he kept to himself and just tried to avoid people. He got a bit roughed up at school, but he’s never really been in an actual fist fight before
Sandbox - After he and Lemon had bonded if someone did try to hurt her, he just might throw a punch first and think later. He’d get his ass handed to him, since he for sure is not a physical fighter at all, but he’d sure try. Lonan would be…kind of painfully aware that Lemon does most of the protecting, and wants to help but has zero idea how. So he’d see red, throw the punch, and think that was a dumb choice later. It would still fluster Lemon seeing him fight for her though lol
She said  / I am small, but I’ll carry your body  / After you’ve been seeing bright red  / And I’ll feed you bread and strong hot coffee  / And we’ll put your mind to bed 
Canon - Lemon in canon still has so much guilt about leaving Lonan behind. They’d only just started to be friends before she was sent away, and even though she’s glad to be free and away from her mother she is still very worried about him. He may have been an ass when they first met, but after a bit of time Lemon came to find out his situation and realize he was just as stuck as she was. They commiserated a bit over that and got to bond a bit as friends, but then things came to a head with their engagement party and Lemon was shipped off before they could really come together. 
Sandbox - If Lonan had gotten hurt trying to protect her he’d get fussed over so much by Lemon. Lemon is very aware that she is only three feet tall, but she physically outclasses Lonan by a decent bit (he’s got 9 she’s got 13) and she’d be just as overprotective of him as she is any of the people she loves. Lonan would get healing, and fed, and then she’d end up having to make him lay down and put his research down long enough to rest. I can very easily picture Lonan sleeping on his back closest to the wall with Lemon sitting up against the headboard with a book and her hand in his hair, like a physical wall between him and danger. 
He said  / I am gentle, yes I swear it honey / I will be gentle till I die / But oh bless the face of a cold cold man / Who goes and makes you cry 
Canon - Lonan looks like an asshole. He was just born with a broody mean mug, and his upbringing in boarding schools with strict teachers along with either distant or outright mean classmates didn’t polish his social skills well enough to compensate. He is actually a very gentle sweet boy, but he is so very bad at social cues and has very tall walls built up to try to protect himself from the inevitable disappointment of getting close to anyone. It’s easier to be alone so that’s what he says he wants. Lonan tends to come off as a know it all slightly prissy asshole, and that’s normally enough to put people off enough to leave him alone.
Sandbox - Lonan and Lemon to start would have one of those “I can be mean to them but don’t you dare hurt them or I’ll ruin your life” friendships, but the second it tips over into romance Lonan would put himself in time out the second he accidentally makes Lemon genuinely feel even slightly bad. He would never intentionally hurt her, the banter isn’t supposed to hurt after all, but they both would end up accidentally emotionally bruising each other a bit. After they’d cooled off they’d come back together to talk about how not to have it happen again. They’d be weirdly good at talking things out together, because they’re both scientists at heart and would tackle laying out their problems in very similar ways. 
She said  / Don’t go getting yourself in trouble now  / I need you home alive  / But to be fair I ain’t felt so safe here  / In a long long time  / It’s been a long long time
Canon - Literally this line. Lemon does worry about Lonan, he was forced into the whole arrangement just like she was, and his relationship with his parents is clearly so strained it’s barely existent and not healthy. Between her mother emotionally abusing her and the minimal physical abuse with the whole kneeling on grits thing, Lemon hasn’t felt safe at home for years. Having her engagement arranged to Lonan and dealing with the Harlow’s in court only exacerbated that. Once she’d gotten to know him a bit she felt like he could be a safe person to be around, especially considering what happened during their engagement party when he did keep her safe. By the end they were so close to being actual friends she was not happy they couldn’t take him with her, but that would look enough like eloping to the courts they’d have ruled in her mother’s favor and that just wasn’t possible. Lonan said it was fine, but lemon hated leaving him to the wolves like that. 
Sandbox - Lemon is a fairly clingy person once she’d dedicated herself to someone. Not suffocatingly so, but she is incredibly physically affectionate and takes so much comfort from returned physical affection. She may be the more dominant personality in their relationship, but the amount of comfort she would get from curling up with him at night would be so very welcome. It may get to the point where she couldn’t sleep well without him or at least a reminder of him with her like a scarf or stuffed animal.
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