#we were brothers. we were brothers and now we don’t even know eachother.
drivemysoul · 3 months
i just wanna stop crying at some point
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strawberrysturniolo · 5 months
chris and the reader hate eachother but end up having to share a hotel bed
just tonight // chris sturniolo
summary: a trip with your friends turns into a hotel reservation mishap and having to share a bed with someone you hate part 2
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It’s no secret that Nick Sturniolo is my best friend.
It’s no secret that Matt Sturniolo is like a brother to me.
And it is no fucking surprise to anyone how knows me and the youngest Sturniolo that Chris Sturniolo is the one person above all that makes me want to rip my hair out strand by strand. 
I don’t even know how it all happened. It’s like it was meant to be. I don’t remember a time in my life where me and Chris Sturniolo weren’t bickering, throwing shit at each other, or calling each other foul insults. 
To others, it is another form of entertainment to see our arguments in person, but to Nick and Matt, it’s the bane of their existence. 
Their brother is mine. 
Which is why I am more than shocked to hear that the four of us are heading on a trip to San Diego with no one else to help break up fights. 
With Matt driving us, Chris sits in the passenger seat, blasting music that no one has a say on. Matt bops his head to a few songs, but as soon as he becomes comfortable with one, Chris changes it mid song.
“Hang on, I have a better one,” he says every single time. 
Nick sits next to me, half asleep with chunky headphones over his ears, blocking out the sound of his brother’s music taste. I wish I could say I’m doing the same, but my airpods died 20 minutes into the drive, so I’m stuck in the backseat staring out the window, contemplating throwing myself onto the highway at 80 miles per hour.
We make a few stops along the way despite it being only around a two hour drive. 
The first was for some food. 
The second was because Chris ran out of his drink and insisted that he needed to stop for more.
The third was because Chris decided to dump his drink on me, so I had to change into something I had packed.
The fourth was because Chris then faced his consequences and had nothing to drink, making Matt stop again. He promised he wouldn’t spill it this time.
Then a fifth time because Chris had to pee. 
When we finally arrived at the hotel, we dragged our few bags inside and made our way to the front desk.
“Hi,” Nick said to the woman. His eyes were droopy as he had just woken up, so he rubbed them a bit before continuing. “It’s under Sturniolo. Four rooms on the same floor.”
The young woman’s eyebrows cinched together, almost like she was worried she had made a mistake. 
“The reservation is for three rooms,” she says instead, making Chris step forward like he is going to correct her. “And they are on different floors.”
“Woah, woah,” Chris interrupts, shaking his head. “I know you’re just doing your job, but we definitely put in four rooms. I don’t think anyone minds that we are on different floors, but we’re going to need a fourth room if that’s what we paid for.”
The woman’s eyes scatter across her screen before she frowns slightly. “I’m really sorry, but we don’t have any other rooms available.”
Chris spins around, tossing his hands up slightly. “What are we going to do?”
“Why can’t one of you share a room?” I suggest the obvious.
Nick jumps in first. “If you guys want me to edit all your shit, then I need my own room. I won’t be able to focus and get it done if there’s someone else.”
“Okay,” I nod, knowing he has work to do. “Then Chris can stay with Matt.”
Chris’ face scrunches in disgust. “No way. He snores.” 
I roll my eyes at his childish answer. “We don’t have any other options right now.”
“One of us is going to half to share with her,” Matt concludes. Chris makes a face as if to say ‘Not me!’
I scoff at how they’re talking about me while I’m standing right here. “Hello! Why can’t I get my own room since I’m the only girl!”
I’m ignored.
“Let’s play rock paper scissors for the room,” Matt suggests, making Chris roll up his sweatshirt sleeves as if he’s preparing. 
Matt wins. 
Chris’ eyes shoot open. “Best two out of three.” 
“Nope,” Matt says as he grabs his room key off the desk and heads to the elevator. 
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” I mumble, walking behind Chris and following him to our shared room. 
I would have been quiet so Nick could work, but he was so adamant about being alone that I never even got the chance to suggest that alternative. This stupid room situation is just the fucking icing on the cake after the car ride with Chris. It’s no surprise that my luck would put me in the same room as him somehow. 
I brace myself for when Chris opens the door, expecting only one thing because it’s the obvious, but I still pray for a miracle. 
No miracle.
There’s one bed. 
I toss my bags on the bed before he can. “Dibs,” I call out immediately.
Chris kicks his shoes off. “That’s not fair. How are you gonna dibs a bed? Where am I supposed to sleep?”
I point to the balcony. “Out there. Just pray a rabid squirrel doesn’t bite you while you sleep.” 
He fake smiles at me. “Very funny. You’re lucky I’m too fucking tired after the ride to argue with you.” He flashes his phone screen at me, revealing the time. 2:12 a.m. We left at night to try to beat any traffic and so we could have an extra full day in San Diego. “Let’s just go to bed and hope we’re too tired to realize what a shitty situation this is.” 
I dig out some clothes from inside a duffel bag I brought, trying to find something to wear as pajamas. Since I was under the assumption I would be in my own room, I didn’t pack any pajama shorts or even athletic shorts that would do the job. I usually just sleep with a big shirt and underwear, and this was certainly not what I was anticipating. 
I let out a sigh and turn around to face Chris. I hate asking for his help. 
“Do you have any shorts or sweatpants I can wear to bed?”
He looks at me like he’s confused by my question. His tiny brain cells can usually only handle sentences with five words or less.
“Why didn’t you pack any?” he asks me instead. 
“Because I normally sleep half naked, which I’m not doing with you here. So can I please wear shorts or something of yours to bed?” 
He grins. “Say please again and maybe I’ll think about it.” 
“I’ll scrub the toilet with your toothbrush while you sleep,” I threaten. 
He reaches down and tosses me a pair of his boxers. “I would give you basketball shorts but they wouldn’t fit you. Plus I only have my celtics ones and they’re too nice for you to fuck up.” 
I take his boxers and stand with my clothes in my hands, looking at him. 
He looks at me like he has a problem with me. “Do you need anything else?” he says in a snippy tone. 
“Go to the bathroom,” I instruct him. 
“So I can change?” I say as a question, shocked and confused at how stupid he can be sometimes. 
He rolls his eyes and crouches to his bag. “I’m not fucking looking. Just change.”
In an attempt to withhold us from fighting in the first ten minutes of us being here, I sigh and turn around, facing the curtains covering the window. I peel my shirt off and toss it on a chair, putting on an old t-shirt instead. I turn around quickly, making sure Chris isn’t watching. He’s sitting on his phone. I yank my pants off and tug on his boxers before he has a chance to peek.
“You done?” he asks.
“Yeah. I’ll go to the bathroom so you can change.” 
I grab my toiletries bag so I can brush my teeth and wash my face while I’m in there, but as I make my way to the door, Chris steps in front of me. Looking at me, he pulls his shirt off from over his head. “That’s all I have to do. Now I’m dressed for bed.”
Do not look at his body. Do NOT look at his body.
“I still have to go to the bathroom,” I say anyway. 
He gestures his hands to my destination and follows me in, brushing his teeth alongside me and watching me as I do my skincare. Before I have a chance to snap at him and tell him to go away, he does just that. I almost ask him why he did leave, throwing myself off. I shouldn’t care. I don’t care.
He’s laying on our bed. I have to remind myself that this is just a shitty situation before sliding in next to him, still keeping a distance. We sit in silence for some time, both of us still scrolling aimlessly on our phones, trying to distract ourselves so we don’t have to talk. Finally, I have enough of the silence, and I am suddenly on the hunt for answers.
I turn over in bed, now facing him. He side eyes me as he notices my change in position. “Do you need something else?” he asks.
“Why are you so mean to me?”
He lowers his phone from his gaze momentarily as he thinks. He settles on, “You’re mean to me too.”
“It’s different,” I argue.
“This is just how I am,” he continues. “I act this way with my brothers. Maybe you’re just not used to it yet.” 
“It’s still different, Chris.”
He shrugs, not saying anything else, so I do.
“I feel like we could get along well but you don’t give me the chance. You never noticed we have the same taste in music and a lot of other similar interests? It’s like you don’t want to admit we could have something in common and I don’t know why.”
“I’m not petty like that,” he says instead. “I’m not going to blow you off because I don’t want us to have the same interests.”
“Then what is it,” I continue to push him. 
“Can you just shut up and go to bed?” he snaps.
I seriously couldn’t have had a worse roommate. 
I turn over, finding myself back in silence. 
“Are you going to need my boxers every night while we’re here?” he asks. 
“I mean, this is all I’ve got, so yeah,” I answer without turning around. 
It’s silent for a good 30 seconds before Chris breaks it. 
“Why don’t you just keep them?”
My eyebrows furrow, my expression bold even though he can’t see my face. “Why?”
“They look good,” he mumbles.
“You heard me.”
“I literally didn’t doofus that’s why I said huh?”
“I said they look good on you!” 
My stomach flips.
“You want me to keep them?” I ask for clarification.
“I’m just trying to be nice,” he defends. “Don’t try to make it something it’s not. But even if I was trying to turn it into something else, you know you look good.”
Oh my god.
No, he needs to stop. 
I turn around so I can face him again. “You think I look good?”
He rolls his eyes so hard this time that his head shifts. “Oh shut up.”
The more I stare at him to try to dissect his answer, the more I see his face turning a darker shade of red. 
“Oh my god! You’re blushing!” I tease.
He sits up straight. “Am not!” 
“You are too!” I laugh, pointing at him.
He smacks my hand away. “Stop it!”
Everything suddenly clicks. Every time he was mean to me. Every time he called me names. 
But there were also the times he would stand in a corner with eyes shooting daggers when I would talk about a guy.
Everything makes sense. 
“You like me,” I piece together.
“Do not,” he lies. “You wish.”
“I don’t have to wish because you do!”
“You’re being childish,” he says, bold coming from him. 
“Just admit it so I can go to bed.”
Without an answer he shoves his hand into my shoulder, pushing me away from him. I do the same back, but when I expect him to do it again, he grabs my wrist and yanks me towards him instead.
We both halt before our faces touch.
I watch him gulp.
“Tell me not to do it,” he practically begs.
I know exactly what he’s talking about. I know we shouldn’t but I sort of just want to know what would happen. Would anything come out of it? Would we both decide it was stupid and we won’t talk about it ever again and swear it won’t leave this hotel room.
“I could do it instead,” I suggest.
He clearly doesn’t expect this from me. His eyes were somewhere else until I finished my sentence. That’s when they flew to meet mine. 
He gives me one last look before grabbing my cheeks and pulling me into him. I fall forward, wrapping my arms around him for support before my lips settle into his. We mesh together perfectly, a long peck before our lips part and he’s trying to snake his tongue into my mouth. I let him, and I don’t even notice when one of my hands rakes through his hair. 
One of his hands drifts down my body, clinging to my waist. His thumb plays with the band of his own underwear hugging my body. 
I don’t know how long we have been doing this. All I’m focusing on is the few sounds that come out of our mouths, little moans and deep breaths, others being the sound of our lips fighting for dominance. Then there’s the sound of slight creaks in the bed as we shift around.
I’m caught by surprise when he pulls me into his lap, but thank god he does. I don’t move around on him. I don’t grind my hips into his. I don’t try to feel how big he is underneath his clothing.
I sit there with my arms around him, a lustful makeout turning into soft kisses again as he holds my cheeks, his thumbs stroking my face. 
I pull away for a moment to catch my breath, and I watch his face fall.
“I’m sorry,” he says immediately. “I shouldn’t have done that. Oh my god that was so fucking stupid.” He runs his hands through his hair in frustration, but all I’m focused on is how his biceps flexed in the process.
I pull his arms back down, a measly excuse to have my hands on the toned muscle, but also to comfort him. “Hey, it’s fine. Why don’t we just go to bed, and we can talk about this tomorrow?” 
He takes a moment to think before he nods, placing a kiss on my cheek before letting me lay down next to him. Our backs face each other. We both stare at the wall in our direction, our heads clouded with thoughts. 
After some time, when I was positive he was asleep, I feel the bed shift as he flips over, his body now facing the same way as mine. 
His pinky hooks with mine in the softest grip. 
I let his hand linger, taking it slow before I drive this car off a cliff.
I face him, looking down at his chest before I place my head on it and kick my leg to lay over his. Our bodies cling to each other immediately. He holds me like he’s scared of letting go.
I can’t get over how good this feels. Just laying here with him.
But I also know tomorrow could be a shit show after these events, so I have just tonight to bask in this before it all goes to shit. 
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slytherinslut0 · 20 days
tom riddle. | you don’t have to do this
summary: you and tom have endured seven years of ignoring your feelings for eachother for mattheo’s sake, and simply just can’t do it any more. it’s wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this type of trope.
word count: 1.2k
tags: nothing just a lot of angst and mentions of fighting (tom and mattheo), tom and reader kiss at the end. collective yet suppressed pining.
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notes: this started out as headcanons and turned into something way longer (story of my life?). i need this as an entire proper fic, this is simply a concept for the time being.
okay so like we all know about the cold, emotionally detached tom riddle—but what about the tom riddle who has been secretly harbouring feelings for you for years? the tom who has kept these feelings hidden because his brother, who has always been open about his affection for you, feels the same way.
what about tom riddle who has watched mattheo hit on you every single fucking day for 7 years and has found himself on the brink of bloody exploding because even though you reject mattheo every single time, the silent torment is unrelenting, and there’s always the gnawing chance that maybe one day you won’t turn him down.
what about tom riddle who forces himself to be distant from you, abruptly severing any tutoring sessions or any other individual interactions that might put you in close proximity to him because he needs to purge these feelings for you yet every goddamn moment near you makes it fucking impossible to do just that.
what about tom riddle who intervenes when you're all gathered in the common room on a friday night, drinking, to tell mattheo to lay off as he continues bugging you after you’ve told him to go away ten times over.
of course, you and mattheo always bicker and banter in a lighthearted manner. mattheo has been in your life for seven years. he’s your bestfriend. you love him, just not like that. never, like that. he just doesn’t know when to relent.
what about tom riddle who doesn’t dare meet your gaze as he succeeds in getting mattheo to leave you alone, fearing the admiration in your eyes would linger in his peripherals, infiltrating his mind and haunting him when he tries to sleep at night. he’d keep his sights glued to his brother, not breaking away until he’d lost him in the crowd, before he’d retreat himself, as well, without saying another word.
what about tom riddle who finds himself intervening more and more frequently, unable to endure it any longer? as though the flood gates were now wide open and he just simply couldn’t stop himself? as though he could sense the shift in admiration you had for him. as though he knew this is what you needed.
what about tom riddle, who knows his brother is harmless, yet simply can't refrain from getting increasingly more irritated with him every time he brings you up until one day it erupts into a full-blown fight in the middle of the common room as mattheo starts to grow suspicious about tom’s intentions, fueling the tension between them to its breaking point.
now, what about you, who watches this entire thing unfold, torn between feeling bad for mattheo and suffocating admiration for tom? you don’t know why tom has suddenly decided to intervene so often, but there’s a knot in the pit of your stomach every time you look at him, and the fact that he doesn't dare meet your eyes only intensifies it.
you’ve always harboured secret feelings for tom, but you could never act on them, knowing it would shatter mattheo’s heart. (more like his ego. we all know this boy would be sleeping around unfazed while still trying to pick you up. he’d just be pissed you chose tom over him.)
what about tom riddle who swallows the pit of guilt lodged in his throat, deep down feeling terrible for what he just did as he goes to brush past you to clean his knuckles up in the bathroom, tensing as tight as a coiled spring when you suddenly stop him with a gentle hand on his arm—a silent exchange of knowing admiration immediately passing between you.
little did you know, the second he met your eyes, the second you touched him, it was over for him. regardless of how cold and indifferent he was coming off. internally, he was in flame. clinging to the very last tattered strings of his resolve.
now what about you, who immediately senses the guilt in tom’s eyes and feels a sense of resonance? you, who is riddled with your own layers of guilt—for being the reason they fought, for not reciprocating mattheo’s advances, for desiring his brother instead, and for the very move you were about to make just now as tom’s eyes dipped over your lips, lingering there for far too long.
“let me help you clean up…it’s the least i can do…”
what about tom riddle who would nod silently, outwardly reluctant but internally eagerly willing, following you out of the common room and into your dorm— sheepishly tracing after you as you lead him to your bathroom, internally counting the number of tiles lining the floor or the seconds between each breath he took—anything to distract him from the intimate proximity he found himself in with you just now.
he had to keep it together. he shouldn’t be here.
and what about you, whose entire body is vibrating, hands trembling slightly but enough to be entirely noticeable as you patch up his knuckles—avoiding looking up at his face as he grimaces from the sting of the cleaning solution, your focus solely on the task at hand.
you, who nearly jumps out of your own skin as he speaks to you for the first time in what has felt like ages.
“you don’t have to do this, you know…”
“and you didn’t have to fight your brother…”
“fair point.” he’d chuckle. fuck, you’d missed that. “mattheo just wouldn’t leave it alone.”
“he hasn’t…for seven years.”
he’d hum a nod. “he’s obsessed. no one can blame him.”
you, who involuntarily looks up, unable to stop yourself now, your heart pounding like a wild animal desperate for release. the room suddenly feels stifling as he looks down at you, meeting your eyes, your mind swirling with thoughts of how badly you want to kiss him, how utterly wrong it would be to do so, and how much it would piss off mattheo. you’re fighting to decide if you even care.
“hm,” you should play it off, but you can’t. “care to elaborate?”
tom riddle who has to fight the urge to reach up and grasp the back of your neck and pull you into him, his fingers practically twitching with the desire to close the gap between you. tom riddle who is merely inches away from you, battling every instinct urging him to give in. he can see it in your eyes, the longing, the desire mirrored back at him. he can practically feel it in your touch.
“all the guys are obsessed with you.” so quiet you almost missed it, so gentle it almost tickled. “you’ve always had that effect. you’re fucking beautiful.”
his eyes are on your lips now and you’re trembling, stomach doing cartwheels. you go to break eye contact but his hand reaches out and cups your cheek, stalling you in place.
it’s wrong. this is wrong. “i…”
“hm?” he tilts his head.
his thumb ghosts over your cheekbone. his eyes don’t know where to land. “don’t act like you don’t have feelings for me…i see it…”
you shudder, scorching under the heat of a thousand suns. gods, you want this. youve fucking dreamed of it. but you can’t, you can’t do that to mattheo, it’s—
“it’s wrong…he’ll be furious…”
tom riddle who intently observes you as you tremble under his touch, your nerves palpable through your skin. tom riddle who finds it almost relieving, to see you like this— as though this is a confirmation of his hopes and suspicions, a validation of the effect he’s always hoped he’d have on you. tom riddle who agrees with you, who knows exactly how fucking wrong this is, but after seven years of suppressing it—doesn’t know how much he fucking cares anymore.
tom riddle who, in this moment, wants to do so many fucking things to you he doesn’t even know where to start.
his hand slides lower, his thumb grazing your jaw. “he’s tried, for so long, to get your attention…and he’s never gotten a damn thing from you…”
his hand shifts again, his thumb reaching for your bottom lip, tracing it and tugging on it gently. you’re in shambles, barely breathing, oxygen fleeing the vicinity and being replaced by suffocating desire, tom’s lips being the only reprieve in sight.
“but look at me…” he continues. “i do one thing, and you’re on fire.”
tom riddle and you, both on the verge of falling apart, unable to contain yourselves any longer. you don’t have to say another word as your eyes lock and you move in perfect synchrony, crashing your lips together with an urgency that speaks of years of pent-up desire.
it’s as if the world would end if you didn't, as if you were determined to make up for seven years of denial and restraint for mattheo’s sake and just indulge in each other for once. your kiss is filled with thirst, hunger, and unbridled passion, evident in the way your fingers dig into each other, as if to confirm that this is real, that it's not just some dream.
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youtellmeman · 4 months
Hello ma’am 😈 I am here to request 😈 I’m thinking neteyam and reader are like enemies😡 they do not like each other okay but somewhere somehow they accidentally perform tsaheylu with each other and then they bang 😦
Yuh first request done-zo I really enjoyed writing this so i hope you like it.
Neteyam Sully x Fem!Na'vi!reader
Rated R
includes- smut, ma as a pet name, baby as a pet name, fingering, p in v, dirty talk, fem genitailia, accidental tsaheylu
In this tsaheylu is only explicitly erotic the first time around and it can be used to simply better understand what your mate is thinking/feeling.
Na'vi word translations
tiwan- love, wiya- damn, tewng- loincloth, knalu- fuck, Uvang- damn, skxwang- moron,imu’ta- bitch
italics= spoken in na'vi
Hating Neteyam, had been easy. After all it was all you'd ever known when it came to the blue boy. You’d always seen him as so, so irritating.
He always thought he knew better, better than his siblings, better than the other kids in the village, and better than you. That being eldest son to the Olo’eyktan made him so much smarter than those his age and unfortunately it seemed that trait would follow him to his grave as even now, after being accepted into the clan as an adult,he held himself to be so all knowing.
“What are you doing out here?” the voice came from behind you, his voice. “This area of the forest is dangerous, you should have someone with you.”
“Why, because I am incapable of taking care of myself?” It's a loaded question,but you can't help the way he is so quick to get under your skin. Whipping around to meet his citron eyes, raising a brow when you hear him scoff to himself.
“Why must you make everything into conflict?”
“Why must you be an imu’ta who refuses to let me live in peace.” I bite back and the air between us grows tense, eyes boring into eachothers waiting for one of us to break.
“Damn it, you are so difficult for what? I am simply looking out for you, it is dangerous, we both know this.” he huffs angrily out his nose and his tail thumbs against the ground with his growing anger.
“Have you considered that perhaps I don’t need anyone looking out for me? Especially not you, now leave me be and let me hunt in peace.” You roll your eyes and without waiting for a  response you start to walk. Slinging your bow over your shoulder as you search for a new, quiet place to hunt.
“How dare you turn your back to me!” You can hear his steps speeding up after you resulting in your pace speeding as well until he manages to catch you. His slender fingers wrapping around your wrist spinning you face him. “You dare disrespect the future-”
“Future! You said it yourself!” You cut him off hissing the words at him angrily, “You hold no authority over me Neteyam so cease this useless display of power. Power that you do not have.” You spit. And maybe if you’d been less focused on the current shouting match you were having you would’ve noticed the small hand wrapping around your queue.
“Regardless of whatever you may think I am owed respect!” He snarls back and before you can you feel a sudden rush through your system, something so new yet familiar and immediately your eyes leave Neteyams face to focus on finding what's caused this surge of energy and what you can only describe as feeling. You find it immediately, honing in the little blue hand wrapped around your queue, your queue that was currently connected to, to…
“Tuktirey!” It's Neteyams voice that cuts through the silence though you can barely hear him,you can barely hear him with the wave of shock that flows through your body clogging your ears like water.
 You can tell he's scolding her for a minute or two before she's shooed away, leaving you two alone still connected and you can feel it starting to ebb its way to the surface, the lust. Pupils blown wide as you find Neteyams eyes once more.
You can't find the words to ask why in the world Tuk would think that it’d be okay to connecther brother and yourself. All you can do is search his face and body for any sign he’s feeling what you are, and boy do you find it. Whether it be the rapid rise and fall of his chest or the tent in his tewng growing by the second. 
Opening your mouth trying to find the words but you fail once more, or really you're cut off by the feeling of lips against yours as his hand finds its way to the base of your neck holding you close while the other pulls you in by the waist. And as his hips slot themselves so perfectly against yours you try to find some sliver of restraint, a tiny ounce of strength that will let you rip yourself away from him. You come up empty handed.
Hands finding their way to his hair pulling at the roots as you press him closer, pulling a heavenly groan from his lips.You find yourself pulling him back with you until your back meets tree, pulling back for a ragged breath. 
“Holy mother.” You huff out in between breaths, Neteyam on the other hand has let his mouth wander from your jaw to neck, sucking dark purple marks onto the sensitive skin about your collar bone intermittently letting his fangs drag against the new purple markings, before coming back up.  Neteyam kisses like he wants to consume you completely, it's a mess of teeth and spit as you both battle for dominance, it’s when he bites at your bottom lip that you give up  on grasping at the reins letting him take complete control.
As your mouths clash Neteyam gets busy with his hands pulling the knot at the side of your loincloth before hoisting one of your legs up into his hip. Letting the arm that's not holding your leg slide between your bodies, finger sliding down your slick dampened lips, moving between tracing around your clit to moving downward to tease at your fluttering entrance. He does this a few times before you grow tired of his teasing. Pulling back to let your head rest on the bark of the tree.
“Quit it and do something, or are you just as incapable of pleasing a woman as you are at leaving me alo- ohh!” A surprised moan escapes your lips before you can finish the taunt.
“Wiya, you talk a lot.” The smug look that covers his face would have you rolling your eyes if you weren’t so focused on trying to keep them open enough to see anything at all. The annoying bastard had slipped in a finger while you were mouthing off, curling it to hit that spongy sweet spot within while letting his thumb rub lazy circles on your bud. “If I knew all it’d take to shut you up would be to stick a finger in you I woulda done it long ago.” He’s the one taunting now.
“Shut up you skxwang- hah- For you to think I would’ve ever let you touch me like this before. You clearly don’t know everything you claim.” You bite back best you can, and while you know your words hardly have any merit while you’re literally humping the palm of his land looking for more.
“Such a smart fucking mouth, lets see how that changes after I have you cumming around my fingers, hmm?” He leans close while growling out his retort, sliding in another finger as he speaks. And god, it should be criminal that it's him making you feel so incredibly good.
“Fuck Neteyam.” You whimper out and his fingers speed up their unrelenting attack, consistently hitting that sweet spot and thumb moving so quickly against that bundle of nerves it has your knees ready to buckle. “Shit, I-I need more.” You're whining against his neck now, head resting against his shoulder as he continues his assault and you can feel his chest rumble with the groan that leaves his lips.
“You want my cock baby? You want it real bad?” You can only imagine the pride on his face , but none of that matters right now, not when you really really do. So all you can do is nod as moans and groans slip from your lips at the thought.
“No, need to hear you say it. You had so much to say earlier ma , what happened?” It’s the smugness in his voice that leads you to fight against what he wants from you.
“Fuck you.” It’s practically a pant as you pull your head back from the crevice of his neck and rest it against the tree that has you sandwiched between Neteyam. Peering at him from your lidded eyes.
“Tsk tsk, not what I asked for.” He shakes his head and the small grin he wears is nothing but predatory. “You want to cum by my hands, you're gonna do what I say.  " The pace he's picked up at the point is unforgiving, his fingers barely even thrust the tips simply rubbing against your most sensitive spot in a way that has you seeing stars and you can feel the coil in your stomach growing dangerously taut. But it's like he can see it on your face that you're growing close, and unfortunately he stands true to his words because as soon as you feel yourself about to teeter over the edge he stops. Leaving you withering against him.
“Say it.” There's no room for negotiation in his tone, “Say it or you don’t get to cum and if you dont cum on my fingers first you sure as hell aren't getting my cock.” 
It's almost pathetic how quick your resolve crumbles.
“I want you, please. Neteyam I want you please.”
“Say you need it.” Now he's just being mean cause he can.
“Fucking hell, need your cock so bad Neteyam, please.” Your breathing is ragged as you practically beg and he can hear the aggravation behind your voice.
“Not so hard is it, Tiyawn?” He quips as his fingers start to move again, thumb finding your clit as his index and middle continue the assault on the inside. And with you being so close prior it doesn’t take nearly anytime at all before your ether again, on the edge of complete euphoria just needing one last push. Push coming in the form of the third finger that ends up slamming into you, filling you up so completely and sending you crashing into waves of ecstasy. Hands finding his shoulders, nails leaving crescent marks in the blade of it as you ride your orgasm. Neteyam helps you through it, paying attention to your complete reaction while his fingered pump inside of you. 
Sliding out once he's sure you’ve enjoyed the best of it,dropping your hip to your side, giving you one more openmouthed kiss before spinning you around leaving you to brace yourself on the tree that was once digging into your back. His hand finds the small of your back pushing you to be bent, arching subconsciously, readying yourself for what's to come.
You look over your shoulder just in time to see him rip the string of his tewng in a rush to move it out the way, letting his length spring up and hit his stomach.
To say that Neteyam was well endowed would be an understatement, youd heard rumors before but holy mother they didn’t do him justice. He made eye contact with you as he grabbed himself by the base getting ready to line himself up with your core.
“Like what you see?” And of course he’s cocky about this too. Neteyam raises a playful eyebrow.
“Thought you'd be bigger.” It's a lie, but you can't let his ego go unchecked. Though it doesn't seem too much as he simply sucks his teeth in response, letting a toothy grin spread across his face.
“Mhm, that’s why I can see you clenching at the sight of it then?” He retorts, still smiling as he moves, letting his tip slide between your lips, catching at your entrance. A move that has both of you shuddering in anticipation.
“Neteyam!” you whine out tired of waiting, pushing your ass back with a wiggle in anticipation and to hopefully get him to act sooner.
“Fuck, yeah okay i'm coming.” You can hear him mutter behind you. Properly lining himself this time before pushing in slowly, the girth of his head alone has you gasping for air. He’s slow to work himself in, not wanting to let his desperation for release lead to you being hurt. Eventually however he does bottom out and once he does the both of you let out sighs of relief. He gives you a moment to adjust before beginning to move, pulling back to grind back into you. 
Usually this soft caring pace would leave you purring, but this is Neteyam and the fact that he just spent his time finger fucking you so good you see stars just to treat you like glass has you grinding your teeth in want for more.
“More.” You demand throwing a lust filled glare over your shoulder.
“Uvang, you feel so tight around me.” You're not even sure Neteyam heard you, his brows are pulled together and eyes scrunched in pleasure. 
“Knalu Neteyam, harder!” You snap, punctuating your sentence by pushing back onto his cock which seems to break his trance. 
“Eywa, why can't you let me enjoy this in peace?” His nostrils flare and eyes snap open boring into your own. Leaning forward he braces holds you by your shoulders. Sliding out till only his head is left inside of you before slamming back into you with enough strength to bruise. Switching from his heart shatteringly slow movement to thrusts that could shake Pandora itself. Thrusts that leave you gasping for air that's being knocked out of your lungs with every slam of his hips into yours. 
“Oh Eywa! Neteyam fuck, yes!”  Your moans are practically prayers as they fill the air around you, Not that he's being any quieter than you are. Moaning and groaning as he leans down to press wet kisses to your spine.
“Shit you feel so good Ma, fucking hell. Its like you were made to be wrapped around my cock, my perfect fucking pussy for the taking ain’t that right. ‘M gonna ruin you baby, mold this cunt to my cock. No one else could make you feel this good right Ma, c'mon tell me i'm right.” It’s hard to make out most of his rambles as he ruts into you like something feral, but you manage nonetheless.
“Fuck,  yes Neteyam no one’s as good as you. No one could make me feel- oh my- feel half as good as you, shit!” You say back telling him whatever he wants to hear, telling him the truth. And it has him speeding up at which point you thought was impossible as he continues to ramble on and on about how good you feel around him against the skin of your back. One of his hands manage to find their way around your waist and to your clit, rubbing tight circles while his noises grow more animalistic by the minute and it has you fluttering around him causing him to twitch within you. The both of your peaks growing increasingly closer. 
“I'm gonna cum, Net, fuck dont stop!” you warn him of your upcoming release and you can feel the way the knowledge fuels him, his grip on your shoulder tightening as he drills into you with fervor. 
“Cum for me tiwan, wanna feel you cum around me, cmon.” He urges you on and soon enough it comes. Surginging through you like electricity, punctuated by a high pitched whine as your legs tremble. Neteyam fucking you through it fighting to hold off his own upcoming orgasm in lew of making sure you can enjoy yours to the fullest and soon enough you start to come down, the way you clench becoming softer and more spaced out as you begin to take deep breaths in order to ground yourself. 
It only takes a few more pumps before the euphoria is hitting him like a splash of cold water and he’s quick to pull out and spill his seed on the curve of your ass and back, groaning your name slowly as he works his way through it.
Eventually you both restore enough air in your lungs to disconnect yourselves and get cleaned up. Finding a small and unoccupied pond to wash his essence of yourself along with the sweat you'd worked up along the way before slipping your clothes back on and helping him repair the string of his loincloth well enough that it would not fall off on his trek through the village. 
Still once you're both clothed you both take a few moments to be together and fully grasp the fact of what this connection means for the both of you. It's then that you finally find the words you’d lost earlier.
“Why did tuk do it? Why did she connect us?” You ask, your eyes finding his in confusion.
“Our parents.” He starts, “ Sometimes they fight and sometimes when they do they perform tsaheylu. In order to better understand what the other is feeling. She thought it would help us ‘get along’” he finishes explaining and you can't help but laugh at the childlike innocence of it all.
“How sweet in theory I suppose.” You smile up at him stifling a few laughs.
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “Remind me to thank her when we get back.” At that you roll your eyes and smack him in the shoulder. “Hey!”
Let me know what you think
Reblogs and likes deeply appreciated
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zsturiolosx · 2 months
Pairing: Dom!Agressive!chris x Reader
Summary: You were teasing Chris all day, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do nothing because you were in public. You did not expected he would just not give a fuck about that.
Warning: Aggressive, smutt, public, cursing, pet name, unprotected sex, chocking, cockwarming.
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“She said, "Forget all the slow dancing
Baby, we could take it to the bathroom
You know you ain't even gotta ask me
Baby, we could take it to the bathroom — Montell Fish"
You were teasing Chris Sturniolo the whole day. Even if you ain’t dating, you are still something. Maybe friends with benefits, that cannot hookup with anybody else.
You were sitting at the table with your best friends, the Sturniolo’s, dining at a famous restaurant in LA. Chris by your side and Nick and Matt in front of you. You were wearing a black tight top and a long skirt, what they didn’t know it was that you had no panties underneath it.
Yesterday, you got jealous of chris and his friend, and he said it was your imagination, so you decide to tease him.
Your hand, underneath the table, went slowly close to chris’s crotch. First in his thigh, he looked at you trying to hide his wide eyes. Then, you real slow moved to his dick, touching him on top of his baggy jeans.
His cock was already getting hard just by your touch. Chris always teases you, it’s nice to be teaser once in a while.
You lean over, slightly touching his ear with your mouth.
“Guess what? I have no panties on right now.” You whisper into his ear, his body shivering underneath your hand.
“Don’t fuck with me.” He says roughly, his angry gaze was just incredible to you.
You smiled innocently, as you didn’t just made him hard in front of his brothers. You take your hand off, leaving it on your lap.
His hands come to meet your waist, playing with the hem of your skirt, but before he could put his fingers inside of your clothes, you take his hand off, nodding a no.
“Y/n” His voice was raspy and low, chills running down your spine. You grab his hand and squeeze it, looking at him with puppy eyes.
“What? what did I do?” You were acting innocent, knowing damn well what you caused him.
“Don’t pull this out now.” His voice was rough, but you weren’t afraid, he couldn’t do anything in public.
“Uhm…” You ignore him, facing Matt and Nick, who were focused on their phones. “Imma go to the bathroom, excuse me”
You stand up and start leaving the bench you were sitting with Chris, but when you pass him, you “accidentally” fall and sits in his lap for a second. Even if it was for only a second, you can feel every inch of his hard dick.
He groans, but only you notice. You walk your way into the bathroom, locking the door, at least you think you did.
Meanwhile in the table, Nick locks his phone and grabs the menu. “Whatcha wanna eat?” He’s too focused on the options to notice his brother’s suffering face.
Chris was trying to focus on another thing other than you, or the fact that you are without any underwear. It was torture, he couldn’t take it anymore.
“I gotta piss real bad” Chris says, getting up and leaving the table. Matt and Nick look at eachother, shrugging.
As Chris walks to the bathrooms, he sees two door, the girls room and the boys. Normally, he would go to the man’s room, but he takes a turn and opens the woman’s bathroom just enough to get him through.
“Occupied!” You scream, checking yourself in the mirror, but Chris doesn’t care. He gets in and closes the door, locking it.
“You should lock the door when you’re using.” He says in a low tone, the room echoing his voice back to you.
“I- I thought i did.” You are now confused, why is he here? “What are you doing?” You ask, Chris taking short steps.
“You didn’t really think you could do that and get out free, did ya?” He’s inches away from you, tingles running down your body. “That’s fucking stupid.”
Chris chuckles, his hand go to your neck, pushing you to meet his mouth. When his tongue meet your lips, trying to get in, you deny. Chris’s hand tighten around your neck, making you gasp, giving him the perfect timing for his tongue meet yours.
His hands was tight around your waist, while the other was still holding your neck, gently caressing your jaw.
Chris might be rough now, but after he’s done with this, we will be acting like a prince, he always does. He can’t keep the tough guy mask for too long.
His kisses go down your neck, leaving hickeys and small bites. The heat between your legs growing, you squeezing your tights together.
“Turn around” Chris groans, putting both of his hands on your hip. You try to deny, but the look he just gave you was enough to make you give up. His eyes were dark, his pupils dialed.
You turn around, facing yourself in the mirror, your lipstick was smudged. You grap onto the edge of the sink.
Chris’s smirk while he takes your skirt off, dropping it to your feet, was just maddening.
“Already wet for me, huh? Such a needy slut.” Chris’s voice was low, shivers running down your spine. “Do you want me to go slow?”
You nod a yes. Even if you and Chris had sex a couple of times, you are still not used to his size, and it always hurts in the beginning.
“You’ll have to beg” Chris responded, his hand was still in your hips, not moving an inch.
You stay quiet, yes, you really wanted him to go slow, but your pride was bigger. So you nod a shy no, already fearing.
“Hm, your choice, baby.” He chuckles, unbuckling his pants.
He stands still yet, so you thought he wouldn’t do anything. But when you least expect, he thrusts into you, giving every inch.
You let a loud moan come out of your mouth, which makes him put his hand over your mouth. Chris leans over, his lips slightly touching your ear.
“Be loud or be more time and I will stop.”
Your proud side told you to moan, just to tease him and make him mad. But your needy side told you to be quiet, and you listened.
You nod, pressing your lips together and looking down, noticing the bulge in your belly.
“Good.” He whispers and chuckle, then start thrusting into you, his hips going roughly in and out.
“Fuck, you’re tight” Chris whimpers, while you eyes roll back, you were biting your hand, trying not to make a sound, but soft and low moans were still leaving it.
He was not being delicated, his thrusts were rough and harsh, painful but incredible. You have never seen him like this, this is a new side of chris.
Your hands were grabbing the sink, while you felt his tip hit your cervix every time he pushed all of his dick into you.
You felt the knot forming in your stomach, bigger and bigger until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Chris, mhm” You whisper, moaning quietly. “I’m gonna, fuck…”
You feel your cum leaving your body, making a mess all over his dick. A moan left your mouth louder than it should be, but Chris didn’t seem to mind, he kept thrusting into you through your orgasm.
“Do you want me to stop, huh?” You wanted to say yes, the overstimulation was making your knees weaker, you felt like you could fall at any time. So you nod, feeling another orgasm form as he pouts into you harder and harder.
“Say it, I wanna hear you.” Again, your pride was too big for you to say it, so you kept you mouth shut. “So stubborn, baby.”
The knot start to form again when he takes his hand and massages your weak spot, your body trembling as you feel your warm liquid leak again, you body squeezing his dick.
“Mhm, fuck!” You moan, being muffles this time by your own hand. Chris whimpers, his thrust were now getting slower and sloppier.
“Third time is the charm, c’mon baby.” He says in a low and raspy tone, his hands travel up your neck.
He starts squeezing your neck a little, then he leans you up, your back touching his belly.
Chris’s whimpers in your ear made you weak, your body trembles again, as you hit your orgasm for the third time.
Chris wasn’t far behind, and after a couple of times, the fill you up with his cum.
He lets you go, falling and leaning over your back. His breathing accelerated as he caresses your waist.
His dick was still inside you. “Gotta keep my cum inside of you, yeah?”
After a few seconds, he takes off his dick and grab papers to clean y’all up. Chris puts his pants back and help you putting your skirt up.
“Are you okay, baby? Was I too rough?” He asks, his voice worried. And there he is again, the soft and cute Chris.
You nod a yes, not having the strength to speak.
“Can you say something? Shit, did I hurt you?” Now he was really worried, his hands rubbing gently your back.
You lean back up and smile, cleaning the few tears that rolled down your cheek.
“I’m fine, Chris.” You say and give his a quick kiss in the cheek. Your legs were weak and your body trembled, but you were absolutely incredible.
“Ok.” He smiles, but still worried. “Imma go back, you coming?”
“In a sec.” Chris comes out of the bathroom, and you fix your looks, so they won’t realize.
Chris gets to the table and sits up, Nick and Matt already eating.
They look at his brother, brows furrowed.
“Where the fuck were you?” Nick asks, mad.
“The guy in the bathroom took so fucking long.” Chris rolls his eyes, lying straight to their face.
“And where is Y/n?” Matt asks, eating a bite of his burger. Chris shrugged, reading the menu.
After a few seconds, you show up, limping over to the table. Everybody looks worried at you, you sit down and then realizes them staring at you.
“Are you okay? What happened??” Nick asks, worried.
“I-I fell on the way here.” You lie, your cheeks turning red.
They continue eating their burgers, but you feel Chris’s hand caressing your tight, you look at him.
His ocean blue eyes were looking at you, Chris was apologizing only with his eyes, and you smile back, putting you hand over his.
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lvrcpid · 1 year
imagine being neteyams twin and dying along with him.
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includes: gn!reader. they/them pronouns. neteyams death..AGAIN! getting “shot”. blood. death. grief. the afterlife. neteyamxreader (platonic!) i totally pulled this concept from my ass so if it doesn’t make a lick of sense i am SO SORRY. ANGSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mwah love y’all.
in na’vi culture it’s unusual to carry twins. the na’vi body isn’t really meant to carry two babies at one time. but somehow your mother did it. although the pregnancy was difficult, she powered through and gave birth to two babies. neteyam and (y/n). you had come out a little bit after neteyam, making him the oldest. watching the two newborns sleep cozily in their moms arms made jake well up with tears. his little family was starting.
another thing in na’vi culture which goes unsaid is when a twin dies. the other one dies as well. they feel and see eachothers pain too. one time when neteyam got cut, you also felt the pain of his cut, the gash leaving a scar on both of your bodies. in the same place.
the na’vi people don’t understand this predicament. it just happened. the one thing they couldn’t understand. while jake and neytiri were happy and felt blessed by this, they also worried.
if we lose one kid. we lose another.
your parents had informed you of this many times while growing up with your brother. sugar coating it seeing as though you two were still too young to understand the concept of death. all you knew was ‘if neteyam gets hurt. i get hurt too’ vise versa.
you both did a relatively good job keeping eachother safe until the sky people arrived and that fateful day struck your family, tarnishing their hearts forever.
you felt a sharp pang in your chest, a feeling of dread and sluggishness consumed your body like the plague, brushing it off as something minor. but when you couldn’t shake the feeling. something hurt but you didn’t know what. you knew something was wrong.
“(y/n)! come quick it’s neteyam!” your youngest brother, lo’ak called to you frantically, he knew since neteyam was hit that you were as well. you stood up from your seat and immediately felt dizzy, feeling a substance trickle down your chest and down your back, sending chills down your spine. you were bleeding. there was a coin sized hole that wasn’t there before. that’s when it hit you.
neteyam had been shot.
neteyam was dying. and so were you.
panic sky rocketed through your body as you stumbled out to your family, your mother quickly scooping you and laying you next to your brother. your health declining rapidly as blood began to pool your mouth.
jake stared in horror. there was nothing he could do for his kids. he knew this would eventually happen. but he didn’t think it would happen this soon. the sight of you red at the mouth with a wound, ironically matching your twin, made him cringe. this was unfair. he couldn’t process one. now he’s being forced to process two upcoming losses just because it was the way of the na’vi people.
you leaned into your brother as everything was moving. so fast. just a few minutes ago you were making bracelets for everyone. now you’re on the rocks dying with your brother. you cursed eywa in your head, cursing how this was unfair to you and neteyam. you couldn’t even give proper goodbyes first.
neteyam turned his head over to you before letting out a weak smile “im sorry..”. you opened your mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by the spew of blood that erupted from your throat, neteyam feeling the warm metallic substance cloud his throat.
“mom im scared..” you turned to your mom while you faintly heard neteyam whisper something to your father about wanting to go home. then..
there was nothing.
“(y/n)!” you shot up in a panic. it was white. everywhere. when your sight adjusted you saw your older brother in front of you. “neteyam..where..” he quickly shushed you and brought you to a glowing figure, her warm smile filling your body up with the warmth of a mothers embrace.
it was eywa.
you and neteyam quickly bowed before she let out a small hum of approval. “you both have strong hearts. one soul. but very strong and different hearts” her voice was smooth like honey against your ears.
one soul? you always knew you and your brother were attached at the hip but not like this. ‘one soul?’ you thought to yourself but the goddess in front of you was quick with her response. “yes. one soul. you both have one soul. soulfully connected. if one part of the soul leaves..” she looks over to neteyam “then the other has to go along with it.” she looked over to you.
after the conversation, you and neteyam walked hand in hand in the afterlife, admiring what eywa has to offer. “(y/n) im sorry.” neteyam spoke , breaking the comfortable silence. “it’s okay..it’s not your fault. let’s just spend the rest of eternity happy okay?” neteyam giving a small nod before pulling you towards a river, pushing you in.
life isn’t fair. you know this. but at least you have your brother.
how everyone reacted. (part 2 ish)
a.n // y’all probably hate me after this but OH WELL. i just wanna say thank you for all the love and support on my most recent stories. your comments and reblogs truly make my day 10x better. i plan on doing a lot more so thank you again - sae 🥹🫶🏾
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rae-writes · 7 months
Mammon, Satan, Asmo || 0.8k wc || crack post [to make up for all the angst recently] ft. menace mc (Tannie's is my favorite bc that's literally me)
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The second born was on his way to Lucifer’s office again when he saw you plopped on the common room floor
You had tons of materials surrounding you : scissors, needles, thread, fabric, small stickers— even glitter glue! 
Mammon didn’t have the time to stop and ask why, he just chalked it up to his little human just doing their weird little human things
After he was dismissed from Lucifer’s office (and after a 3 fucking hour long lecture), he made his way back to the common room, but you were gone
In your place was a yellow sticky note that read “Hey Mammon! Don’t freak out, I just went outside for a bit <3” 
And that made him freak out even more
Because it was raining like all fuck out there
So he scrambles to the entrance hall and throws open the front door, ready to yell, when he just stops 
You’re crouched down on the steps with an umbrella over you while his crow familiars hop around your feet
They’re all decked out in tiny rain hats, rain coats, and some of his older ones even have small rain boots
Currently, you’re putting a glittery gold lookin set on Mammon’s youngest crow and the demon’s heart swells
The crows notice him fairly quickly and begin to jump around even more, making you look back and beam 
“Hi Mamoney! Alright little fella, you’re all good to go now! Go say hi to Mammon!” 
He could cry. Literally sob at how fucking cute this is
“Aw, guys! Look at ya!” He pets them over their hats, grinnin’ ear to ear, “Mc. You didn’t tell me you wanted to parent the kids with me.” 
You laughed, making him grin even more. “You mentioned them getting cold when they got rained on so I figured I’d help out! Don’t they just look so cute?!” 
Mammon’s eyes were practically heart shaped, “y-yeah…”
(he absolutely gets you and him a rain set so you can all go out in them like a big family) 
(and yes his brothers made fun of him for it and no he didn’t care— especially not when you slapped them with your wet rain hat)
You and Satan were out on a simple walk. A relaxing, uneventful walk
That is until you get approached by a fucking unicorn
You don’t know what the hell to do or say- you just kinda stand there staring for a minute while Satan pets his uh…friend. He chuckles at your response, raising an eyebrow when you hold a single finger up
“Someone either slipped me some severe drugs or you’re just a stone cold traitor who did not tell me he was bffs with this gorgeous creature. Both of which I will take offense to.” 
“I deeply apologize for my transgressions, my love.” 
You glanced at the unicorn with a look of ‘can you fucking believe this guy’ before raising a hand, “May I?” 
You received a neigh, to which you leaned in closer and stroked up its nose, where you then received a delighted huff 
“I would die for you.” 
Satan snorted, shoulders shaking with barely contained laughter. His laughter only got louder when his familiar looked at him with the equivalent expression of ‘how dare you keep this human from me’ 
“Yes, yes, I should’ve introduced you two sooner. Are we done pouting now?” 
You and the unicorn looked at eachother. Then at Satan. Then back to each other. “No.”
He smiled, still amused, “then how about a ride through town? I’ll walk beside you.”
“Like the peasant you are. Alright- onward, Uni! Let’s go kick a guy in the gut.”
...perhaps Satan had been leaving you alone with Belphie for too long
For once (though not for long), the House of Lamentation was peacefully quiet
Most of them were doing their own thing in the common room, existing without a hitch beside each other— a perfect day, in Lucifer’s opinion 
The sound was extremely high pitched and cracked, but it was written off as ‘just Mammon doing something stupid again’ 
Yeah…until he walked through the door asking what the hell that noise was. Then they all did a headcount- you were the only one not present 
Asmo turned into the world’s biggest track star in that moment and made his way to you first, finding you floating in mid air at the entrance hall
And on the floor was a sleek black scorpion just…sitting there
“Hon…don’t tell me you’re scared of my gorgeous little baby?!” 
You stared at him like he was fucking nuts— which you thought so in that moment. “I’m sorry, I was a bit too focused on the stINGER!” 
“He doesn’t sting anyone unless I tell him too, Hon, no worries!” 
…’no worries’ he says, as if the creepy thing wasn’t among the most dangerous animals to humans. And a human, you were 
In fairness, the scorpion was not so horrible looking. It’s tail faded into a hot pink like Azzy’s horns and it’s feet(?) we’re tipped with gold. And it had a faint sparkly coat. Of course. 
“Okay…I can deal with this…I guess he is..kind of..pretty..?” 
“Indeed he is! I shine him myself! You wanna hold him?” 
“No, that’s alrig— STOP BRINGING IT CLOSER!”
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sturnsbabie · 1 month
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pairing: dad!nate x sls!reader
summary: in which nate gets invited to the triplets podcasts and gets asked about his relationship with sls and their little family.
warnings: swearing,mentions of pregnancy and labor,slightly suggestive.
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today the triplets had a long awaited special guest on their cut the cameras podcast which happened to be their bestfriend nate. they were super excited for him to be on the show as they were gonna ask him some questions about his relationship with their sister who so happened to be his girlfriend.
they started the podcast and did their intros. “alright nate so today we’re gonna be asking you some questions about your relationship with y/n.”nick said.
“everyone knows how nick met nate ain hockey but what they didnt know is that nate and y/n actually met first.”chris said and nate nodded.
“so how exactly did you meet our sister nate i want all the details.”nick chuckled and nate smiled as he started to remember the memory.
“well we met in the first grade with us being the same age we were always in the same classes together. y/n was swinging because we were at recess and i walked over to her and told her how pretty she was. she blushed so bad but it was cute and then she asked if ill be her bestfriend and we’ve been inseparable to this day.”nate said with a small smile.
“aw how cute” nick said smiling as matt spoke up.
“you’ve never really told us how you guys became a couple care to explain?”matt asked.
“well ill leave out some of the details because i know you guys don’t wanna hear that part”nate chuckled and looked at chris.
“if you didnt know already y/n and i have been inlove with eachother since we were kids but we had been afraid to tell eachother up until junior year of highschool.”nate said as he started to tell the real story.
“i took her to prom since her brothers had already graduated and they gave me the okay to of course.” he said as matt and chris nodded.
“i didnt give you the okay!” chris said. nick glared at him “CHRIS!” he said.
nate laughed. “anyway after prom, one thing led to another and im not gonna say much but we ended up in the backseat of my car and thats where we told eachother we loved eachother.”nate said.
nick gasped. “I KNEW THATS WHAT YOU TWO DID THAT NIGHT!”he said and matt laughed.
nate chuckled. “then we snuck off together one evening took her on a little date then asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.” he smiled softly.
“i can’t believe we were oblivious to the fact you guys were dating for a whole seven months without us having a clue!” matt said.
“we actually found out because we caught nates car in a parking lot we went to film a car video in rocking back and forth and this dumbass accidentally turned the light on and matt drove by and we saw our sister right next to him.” chris spoke.
“alright lets talk about how y/n used to cheer for us when we played hockey and lacrosse.” nick said.
“she was such a cute little cheerleader loved her in that uniform” nate winked as her brothers rolled their eyes.
“but on a real note, she was my good luck charm just having her there cheering us on made every game so much better.” nate said.
“you guys are so cute it makes me sick.” matt chuckled.
the podcast went on and the boys all talked about memories with them growing up and some more about nates relationship with their sister.
“if you guys didn’t already know y/n and nate just recently had twins a few weeks ago.” nick started.
“chris over here still refuses to believe the fact that shes a mom and lives on her own with nate and their two sons.” matt said laughing as chris was rolling his eyes.
“i cant help it! in my eyes shes still my baby sister who was 4 years old asking us to play dolls with her.”chris pouted.
nick chuckled. “i know its crazy she’s a mom to her own kids now. speaking of that how did you guys find out she was pregnant?”nick asked.
“i knew beforehand because i took the pregnancy tests with her. i thought it had been suspicious with how she was constantly throwing up and she was having major mood swings” nick added.
“well she took the tests with nick but the next day i came into la she pulled me into her room and told me that she was pregnant.” nate said smiling at the precious memory.
“i remember how nervous she was to tell me i could see it and i just comforted her and told her it was all gonna be okay. now nine months later shes the best mom to our babies.” nate said happily.
“alright chris you may wanna plug your ears because of this next question.” nick said and chris gave him a weird look.
“nick what the fuck are you gonna ask”chris said as he looked over at matt who was laughing as he knew what the question was.
“do you happen to know how and when you concieved the twins?”nick said and chris looked at him with a disgusted look on his face.
“well it was definitely in the backseat of my car but i will not disclose any information on what was said or what position.” nate chuckled as they all laughed about it.
“cmon can we atleast know your favorite position you dont have to disclose that much about your sex life but atleast tell us your favorite postion cmon let things get a bit spicy”nick laughed as he looked at all the questions on his phone.
“okay i love doggy style,anywhere anyplace it doesn’t matter aslong as i have somewhere to bend her over its happenin.” nate said shrugging his shoulders.
matt was wide eyed and chris was not having any of this he was plugging his ears. nick was laughing about the information.
“you didnt have to go that far but okay nate get it” nick laughs
“how did you feel when you found out you were having twins?”matt asked and suddenly the door opened as y/n walked in carrying both leo and owen.
“oh hey y/n!”nick said as y/n sat down beside nate as he took leo from her arm.
“babies first podcast!” chris giggled as he looked at the little family.
“to answer your question matt, i was in shock and nervous about it. two babies at once seemed a little difficult but looking back on it now we definitely do a pretty good job with taking care of two babies at once. we have such a good support system.” nate said as he had little leo on his chest holding him close.
“ugh he looks so good holding our son.daddy as fuckk!” she said as chris came over grabbing owen from her arms rolling his eyes at his sisters words.
nick was laughing and matt had a look of disgust. y/n carefully handed owen over to chris.
“wanna hold my twin.” chris pouted as he sat back down in his chair carefully holding his nephew.
“nate you think they would care to watch the boys real quick so we can go make another baby?” she giggled.
“yeah nick would you mind holding leo real quick?” nate added to the joke pretending to hand the baby to him.
“YOU GUYS! we dont need another niece or nephew for a while” matt chuckled.
“yeah give me a niece while you’re at it.”nick also added onto the joke laughing at matt and nicks reactions.
“NO! i dont think owen or leo need a brother or sister just yet.” chris whispered shouted not wanting to disturb his sleeping nephew.
“we asked nate this question already but i have to know whats your favorite postion?” nick asked his sister as matt and chris were not having the sex talk.
“doggy is our go to but sometimes if we’re both feeling lazy we do cowgirl.” she said nate agreeing.
“NICK! why are we talking about our sisters sex life”chris said as owen started to cry.
“shhh buddy its okay. uncle chris has you.”he pats the babies back carefully kissing his forehead soothing him.
“hey matt wanna know a funny story about that flamingo on your mic?”nate said as his girlfriend looked at him giggling.
“im kind of scared to hear this story but sure go ahead and while you at it nate give my nephew.” matt said and nate handed him the baby.
matt held the baby on his chest just soaking in the moment with his little nephew. all three of the boys loved their nephews. even chris even though he still refused to believe his little sister is a mom to her own boys now.
chris and y/n have always been closer than her or matt or her and nick. its always been them two, he would always play with her growing up. if nick or matt was busy doing something he’d play with her and he used to let her do his makeup and nails for fun. he still lets her paint his nails.
“so flamingo is mine and y/n’s safe word when it comes to having sex.”nate said causually and matt threw the flamingo off of the mic.
“WHAT THE FUCK?”matt shouted.
“quit screaming you’re gonna wake the babies up and then you’re gonna deal with them!” nate told matt.
“whats the best sex you ever had”nick asked the couple and they both looked at eachother.
“definitely the night we conceived the twins.” she chuckled
“you mean the night we kicked chris out of the car while we were high”nate laughed as chris rolled his eyes.
“see i told you nick and matt that this would happen now look where that got them!”chris said.
“okay and you’re complaining!?! we got two cute little nephews out of it.”nick said as the girl laughed.
“and yea you’re gonna get another one in about nine more months” nate said with a small smirk on his face.
“no more babies til marriage!”chris said
nate and y/n looked at eachother and giggled.
“wanna go get married tonight?” nate asked her
she giggled and chris just shook his head.
the podcast went on for another 30 minutes as they talked more in depth about the girl’s pregnancy and how she didnt like nate half of her pregnancy.
“so what was your biggest craving during pregnancy?” nick asked his sister.
“uhm nate.” she giggled
“you hated him but still craved him at the same time???”matt asked.
“yeah something like that.” she laughed as she was now holding owen feeding him as nate fed leo.
“what can i say im hard to resist” nate chuckled as nate set the bottle down burping leo.
“how was the whole labor process? i remember y/n calling chris crying and he was so ready to come beat your ass nate”nick laughed and joked.
nate laughed. “yeah i almost had matt come bring me to beat you up”chris joked.
“well she cussed me out and hated me the whole time for putting her in this postion in the first place. but i understood because she literally was giving birth to twins.” nate said.
“she did such a good job though, i held her hand and she gave birth to leo first hes older then owen by 2 minutes.” nate said.
they wrapped the podcast up and nick decided to ask one more question just to mess with chris.
“so when are you going to propose?” nick asked
“you never know”nate said with a wink and chris just shook his head.
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TAGLIST: @eupiasworld , @sturniololoves , @mattslovelygf , @smittensturniolos @hauntedxchris , @bernardsbendystraws , @jo-777 , @jnkvivi , @wurlibydominicfike , @meerkatzthings ,
@sturnzsblog , @pinklittleflower , @sturnioloblogs
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hxxsxxng · 2 months
Word Count 1.0k
Genre : Fluff
Content : brothersbestfriend!sunoo, any gender reader, cuddling, sleeping in same bed… other fluffy stuff lol
Synopsis : Sunoo is your brothers best friend and can’t help but to feel attracted to him.
Authors Note : This is my first sunoo post… p.s. let me know if y’all want me to make a smutty part 2 :)
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Sunoo was constantly at my house. Every day when I got out of class, my brother Jungwon would have Sunoo over. It felt like he practically lived there. But there was something that Jungwon didn’t know. Sunoo confessed his feelings to me long ago.
His confession caught me by suprise given that we never really interacted with eachother besides when he’s at my house, but I will admit that there were many times where I caught him looking at me for longer than he should have been. I can also admit that Sunoo isn’t the ugliest person in the world. The prettiest people are the ones you look at when they don’t notice it. And that is exactly how it went for a few months. I always ignored him because I thought that maybe he just had a weird thing about me and Jungwon is just making up stories to cover up. But as the time passed, Sunoo became more and more bold in his actions.
He started leaving flowers on my desk or bringing me snacks and chocolates. He even tried kissing my cheek once. I knew he liked me so I pretended that I didn’t feel anything at all. That way I wouldn’t be able to tell him to stop coming over or make an excuse that he could come back anytime he wants. I wouldn’t say I have a crush on him, but I definitely liked the attention he was giving me, and I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him to stop.
I still haven’t told Jungwon that Sunoo likes me since the whole situation is still new to me. I want to talk to him, but I have no idea what to say to him or what he will do if I tell him. I think it will be best for me to keep this between us for now and just see how things go from here.
Jungwon was an early bird and Sunoo was a night owl. Everytime Sunoo spent the night in Jungwons room, he would stay up a lot later than him and there would be many times I would get midnight texts from him.
Hey are you up?
yeah what is it this time
Heyyyy don’t be like that :(
Would you like someone to accompany you?
i am really trying to sleep but if his snoring is that loud then i can make a bed of the floor for you in my room.
Okay I will be there in a sec
Sunoo slowly creeps out of Jungwons room, making sure to turn the door knob quietly and to not make a sound. Few seconds later I hear a tap at my door.
“That was quick, I havnt even made your bed yet” I said opening the door.
“That’s fine, I can wait”
He makes way into my room and plops down onto my bed. I reach into my closet to grab some blankets to lay on the floor and I notice Sunoo crawling under my covers, getting a little too comfortable.
“You aren’t sleeping there” I snap
All I hear is a groan.
I continue laying out the blankets and crawl into my bed. “Your bed is ready” his eyes are half closed. I roll my eyes and thump his forehead.
“Pleaseee can I stay here? I am already comfortable and warm, and floor is cold and hard” he begs.
“Fine but stay on your side”
He smiles and quickly falls into sleep.
About an our or two into the night, I guess I back up a little too far, to where my back is in Sunoo chest. He doesn’t have a negative reaction. Instead he snakes his around under my shirt around my stomach and rests his hand on my tummy. I am not compelled to move it, actually I didn’t mind it at all supprisingly.
My eyes start to fall closed and the feeling of falling asleep slowly becomes stronger. Sunoo seems to be taking a liking to this position so I let myself relax into it. When I feel Sunoo’s warm breath against the nape of my neck it sent shivers down my spine.
“Have I ever told you how good you smell?” he whispers into my ear.
I shake my head and pull away from him, trying to sit up. Before I can Sunoo pulls me back toward him. This causes a small smile to tug at the corner of my lips. “No, I don’t want you to go” he says tiredly. He runs his finger through my hair softly and gently, it is very relaxing to have someone pamper me like this. Someone who genuinely cared for me.
His body is so large and warm, I couldn’t deny that I actually liked cuddling with him. Maybe I do feel something for him. Maybe I have been denying my feeling in fear of ruining my relationship with Jungwon. Maybe it wasn’t just an infatuation. I sigh and rest my head back down. He continues stroking through my hair and he rubs my sides slowly and softly. I feel myself drifting off again. Eventually, we both fell asleep.
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lolbital · 3 months
My hazbin hotel ship opinions!
• staticradio: my favorite, my obsession, my life. It is very obvious in the show that Vox is obsessed with Alastor. The most common opinion in the community is that it’s one-sided, but I like to think Alastor pulled away because he was afraid of his reciprocated feelings towards Vox.
•radiorose: This is my second favorite Alastor ship. They are super cute and they’re quite perfect for eachother. I just enjoy their friendship too much to actively ship them.
•radioapple: I only understand this ship because it seems like they have existing tension, but otherwise I don’t enjoy it. Alastor and Lucifer’s relationship was never expanded on beyond their immediate rivalry. Maybe if season 2 gives them more interactions or a backstory I will be able to get behind this ship a little more, but I really can’t see this as anything more than a boring rivals to lovers trope.
•staticmoth: It’s okay, but I don’t see them as much more than a sexual relationship. I don’t think Valentino is capable of genuine love.
•polyvees: I see Velvette as more of a younger sister to the other vees. To me the idea of her having two boomer older brothers is just funny. I don’t think this ship is necessarily bad it’s just not my thing.
•bombsnake: I think they’re cute. Unfortunately I don’t think Cherri really has returned feelings for Pentious. Based on their interactions she just seems interested in experimenting sexually with him because of his anatomy. I could be wrong though, so I’m very open to this ship!
•Charlastor: I see Alastor as a father figure or older brother to Charlie. Especially after the Hell’s greatest dad song, I just can’t ever see them in a romantic situation. I am not against the ship, but I personally don’t like it.
•Chaggie: I have nothing bad to say about them! Their relationship is healthy and I think they’re perfect for eachother. I particularly enjoy the fact that Vaggie was an ex-exterminator because it truly promotes Charlie’s idea of redemption. I am going to be extremely upset if Vaggie gets redeemed and gets seperated from her gf.
•radiodust: most people who ship this probably still have the pilot in mind. They don’t interact a whole lot in the show, and I see this as more of a crackship than anything.
•huskerdust: It looks like they’re going to be getting a slow burn relationship and I’m so happy about that. I like to think that Husk is refusing Angel’s advances because he knows he’s only doing it because of hypersexuality at first. I’m 99% sure that is what is canon too. I want to see their relationship grow.
•radiohusk: I am sorry but I can’t get behind this whatsoever. Husk absolutely hates Al, and Al owns him. There is no equality in this relationship, and it would get toxic very quickly.
•radiomaid: I love their dynamic but only as friends. I know Nifty is an adult, but she acts so childish and Alastor still owns her. I don’t like the power imbalance and maturity gap.
•alastor/lilith: if the theory that Lilith owns Alastor is true, then I am interested to see if we get a backstory about them, or what they might’ve been doing for 7 years. As of now I am neutral.
•guitarspear: these two menaces belong together. It seems like Lute really cares about Adam too which is an added bonus.
•Adamsapple: definitely a crackship. I don’t know what to say other than I find it amusing.
•valdust: I despise this ship. There is a very abusive power imbalance and it is proven that Anthony is nothing more than an object in Val’s eyes. There is no love here, just manipulation.
•royalhalo: cute, but even better if It’s poly with Vaggie. If emily becomes a fallen angel, Charlie could have two gfs and I stand behind that.
•lucilith: I hope they get back together. Lilith better have a good reason for leaving.
•Vaggie/Angeldust: most probably ship this because they were likely a longtime viv follower. I’m not against this ship necessarily, but I could never get behind it. Maybe I just adore chaggie and huskerdust too much.
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woso-fan91 · 5 months
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Christmas Miracle
Ona Batlle x reader
Ona and R are dating long distance and decided to celebrate Christmas with their respective familys but a strike of fate may alter those plans.
It‘s my first English fic and English is not my first language so please be nice.
Ona and Y/n met while Ona was playing for United and Y/n was on a vacation in Manchester. The Spaniard was smitten from the start and during Y/n‘s time in England they grew closer and fell in love.
They called each other everyday and texted whenever they had time and it became slightly harder when Ona returned to Barcelona and Y/n stayed in Germany where she lived. But their love for eachother was strong and now they were dating for two years. Y/n tried to tell her family and friends, that she was dating the Spanish footballer but they didn’t believe her, so she didn’t exactly bother to correct them anymore. Because of Onas hectic scedule and Y/n work, they decided that they had to celebrate Christmas apart again but Y/n was still very much smitten with the defender and vice versa.
Novembre 2023
After the dominant victory over Sevilla Ona and her teammates were in a bar for a couple of celebratory drinks when Salma nudged her gently: „Chica, your phone is going crazy.“ Surprised Ona took out her phone and the caller ID showed Y/n and herself smiling happily in the camera. Quickly she excused herself from the girls and answered the phone with a bright smile: „Hola hermosa.“
„Hola bebe“ came Y/n‘s voice from the other end and right away Ona felt something was very wrong: „What‘s the matter cariño?“ She heard shuffling from the other end and y/n‘s broken voice: „My dad…he‘s dead. He… he‘s gone Onita.“ Ona‘s heart broke hearing her girlfriend so sad and she decided to step outside: „Oh cariño, I‘m so sorry. I‘m checking the next flights to you, okay?“ „No!“ came Y/n‘s reply almost instantly: „You don‘t have to come Ona. You have important matches coming up and I couldn‘t ask for you to give them up for me…“ Ona looked surprised to the busteling street of Barcelona: „You don’t want me to come?“ Y/n sighed „Of course I want you here Ona, but those are important games and my dad loved watching you play so you would honour him by playing for him. Can you do that bebita? I just wanted to hear your voice and wanted to tell you that I love you.“ „I love you too cariño, very much so and I will play every game for him, I promise. What about Christmas though? Want me to come then?“ answered Ona playing with the promise ring y/n gave her the last time they saw each other face to face. Y/n sighed „You were so happy to celebrate your first Christmas back in Spain with your family bebe. I do not want to stand in the way of that. Your family is thrilled to have you back. Celebrate with them and we‘ll see each other in January like we planned. I would only destroy your mood because I know I will not celebrate Christmas this year.“ With a heavy heart Ona accepted Y/n‘s answer for now vowing to plan a trip to her girl, even if it will only be a day.
Christmas eve
Y/n, her mom and her brother with his wife were having dinner and Y/n was very much done with the day and this dinner. Ona was radio silent the whole day and Y/n missed her girlfriend very much. Her sister in law looked over: „What‘s gotten you so mopey?“ Y/n shrugged her shoulders and toyed with her drink lying smoothly: „Just tired and a migraine coming up.“ She looked symphatic when suddenly the doorbell rang. Surprised Y/n looked over to her mom: „Erwartest du noch wen Mama?“ („Were you expecting someone mom?“) She shook her head no and yYn opened the door only to let out a surprised squeal when she saw her girlfriend infront of her: „Bebe!“ Ona smiled shyly bundled up in a thick jacket which Y/n recognized as her own: „Hola mi vida.“ Y/n barreled in her girlfriends arms and buried her face in the defenders neck. With a content hum Ona wrapped her strong arms around her girlfriend and pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n‘s temple „Merry Christmas cariño.“
Y/n‘s family came to check on the commotion and found Y/n in the arms of a brunette girl who held her in her arms and kissed her lovingly. Clearing his throat Y/n’s brother asked: „Who‘s that Y/n?“ Y/n was put back down to earth by Ona but she wrapped her arm protectivly around Y/n‘s waist as she answered happily: „I‘m Ona. Y/n‘s girlfriend of two years.“ Curling closer against Ona Y/n smirked: „The girlfriend you guys didn’t believe that existed.“ Her brother and sister in law looked gobsmacked while her mom looked happy: „That’s why you told Dad and me not to worry about you.“ Y/n nodded and pulled Ona over: „Mom, Ona. Ona, my mom.“ Ona handed Y/n‘s mother the flowers she bought: It‘s a pleasure to finally meet you Misses y/l/n.“ She took them with a kind smile: „It‘s nice to meet you too Ona and please call me y/m/n.“ Ona smiled: „Very kind of you. And I‘m so sorry for your loss.“ „Thank you. Please come in. Do you want anything to drink or are you hungry?“ Ona smiled „A little bit. I only had a quick breakfast before jumping on the plane here.“ Y/n turned in Ona‘s arms and kissed her lovingly: „Thank you for coming. I love you.“ Ona kissey y/n back just as lovingly: „There is nowhere else I‘d rather be cariño. Mami and Papi send their regards and want to see you when you‘re in Spain.“ Happily Y/n nodded and made a plate for Ona to eat while the rest sat back down.
Placing the plate infront of the defender Y/n went to sit next to Ona but she pulled Y/n on her lap where she happily cuddled closer to Ona and stayed for the rest of the evening.
The next day Y/n, Ona and Y/m/n entered the cementary walking to the grave of Y/n‘s dad.
Ona held Y/n‘s hand and held a single rose in the other. She carefully placed said rose on the gravestone and began talking: „Hello Mister Y/l/n. I‘m Ona Batlle and I‘m your daughters girlfriend. I apologize that I wasn’t able to attend your funeral to pay my respect then but your daughter was pretty adement that I play the Champions League game and asked me to play those games in your honour which I do by the way. I hope I‘m able to make you proud. You have raised an exceptional daughter which I love with my whole heart and I intend to marry your daughter one day. I hope that I will have your blessing for that. I promise I‘ll treat her like a princess and love her for infinity.“ Just as Ona finished talking to the grave the sun broke through the clouds and the single sunbeam hit her straight in the face which made the Spaniard smile: „Gracias Mister Y/l/n I won‘t disappoint you. Merry Christmas.“ Turning around to face her girlfriend who had tears glistening in her eyes: „Merry Christmas cariño. I know you didn’t want to celebrate but I knew you needed me here. It was a gut geeling“ Y/n nodded smiling slightly: „Si bebe, I needed you. Merry Christmas.“ As they shared a sweet kiss infront of the grave, the sun shone warmly at the couple and Y/n smiled at the sky: „Merry Christmas Dad. Thank you for my Christmas Miracle. I love you.“
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Visitors - Viktor Krum
Viktor x Fem!reader Diggory
Cedric x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,385
Summary: Viktor and Y/n meet only to meet again not long after. And her brother and friends approve.
Authors Note: My first Viktor Krum imagine
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Y/n had to admit being at the Quidditch World Cup was pretty cool. Especially since she got to go with her brother, father, and friends. It was also nice that she had seemed to catch the eye of a certain star player.
Cedric nudged his little sister, teasing her. “I think someone like’s you.”
“Shut up.” Y/n nudged him back looking down shyly.
After the game, Y/n had gone to the little shop portion of tents surrounding the arena. As she was exiting the tents she ran into someone.
“Sorry.” Y/n apologized before looking up.
“No, no I’m sorry. It was my fault.” Low and behold the player who kept eyeing her during the game was who she ran into. And now he was helping her up. “I’m Viktor. Viktor Krum.” He introduced himself with a smile upon his lips. She was even prettier up close.
“Y/n. Y/n Diggory.” Y/n mirrored his smile but she did look down feeling embarrassed. She just literally ran into the Viktor Krum.
“Did you enjoy the game, Y/n?” Viktor asked still having not removed his hands from hers.
“Very much.” She nodded looking back up at him. It seemed he knew she felt a bit embarrassed but he didn’t want that to stop their conversation. “You were very good out there.”
Viktor got a slight blush on his cheeks. “You flatter me, Miss Diggory.”
Y/n shook her head with a smile. “Please just call me Y/n.”
The two suddenly heard cheers and rants coming from behind Viktor. As the two looked over they saw it was his team. They both let out laughs. “Looks like I must go.”
“Me too it seems.” Y/n said also glancing behind her to where her friends were calling her over and goofing off.
“Will I see you again?” Viktor asked before she could go. He didn’t want to leave her presence just yet.
Sadly she couldn’t give him a good answer to that. “I don’t know.”
Viktor nodded knowing that with school and things that liked to happen in the Wizarding world they couldn’t tell when they might see eachother again. But he knew how he felt. “I’d like to.”
Y/n sent him a smile. “Then hopefully we will. I’d like it as well.”
Viktor sent her a warm hopeful smile as he let go of her hand and headed back to where he should be with his team. Meanwhile, Cedric had walked over and stood beside his sister.
“Does someone like a certain quidditch player? Or does a certain quidditch player like you?” Cedric asked smiling but not in a teasing way. He would support his sister in her decisions, always.
Y/n smiled shyly biting her lip, blushing. “Maybe a bit of both.”
^     ^     ^
Being back at Hogwarts was fun and stressful. But apparently, this year was going to have guests. At least that’s what Dumbledore is saying currently.
“This year Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament. This also means we will be housing 2 other wizarding schools as well. Let’s give them a warm welcome.” Dumbledore said and once he finished the big doors opened and in came the Drumstrang academy.
It didn’t take long for Y/n and Hermione and the others to notice Viktor Krum as part of the school.
“Well, will you look at who that is?” Hermione smiled as Krum entered the great hall.Y/n had told her about their encounter at the Worldcup. “Cedric wasn’t the only one to notice the way Viktor was looking at you. Or you him.”
“Hermione” Y/n dragged out her friend's name but even she knew it was true. She and Viktor had caught eyes when he entered the great hall. Cedric had noticed to.
“Y/n you deserve to find love. If that happens to be with the great Viktor Krum then let it.” Hermione encouraged. She would love to see Y/n happy and in love, the girl deserved it.
“You're supporting this?” Y/n asked with raised brows in shock before sneaking a quick glance towards the Drumstrang boys.
“Absolutely.” Hermione nodded, smiling mischievously. “I also think Cedric is supporting it as well.”
“Yeah, isn’t that odd?” Ron asked with his mouth full of food.
“Yeah, shouldn’t he be all protective over you?” Harry also questioned. Cause wasn’t that normal for siblings?
“Oh, he will be if anything happens but he’s also very supportive.” Y/n explained smiling over at her brother as he sent her a wink. Then Y/n and Krum met eyes again and both couldn’t help but smile.
^     ^     ^
Y/n and Cedric were sitting by the black lake just spending some time together. Before Cedric nudged y/n and nodded behind them. “Will you look who’s coming over.”
“Bug off” Y/n nudged him back.
“Well, I need to go get ready for our first challenge.” Cedric stated getting up obviously leaving the two alone.
“Cedric.” Y/n grumbled as he started to walk off. Her brother trying to play matchmaker.
Cedric and Viktor exchanged glances as they passed eachother. Viktor smiled at the y/h/c-ed girl as he approached her. “Y/n.”
“Viktor” Y/n greeted back smiling as he sat down next to her, also facing the lake. “How are you enjoying Hogwarts?”
Viktor smiled back, always enjoying the Diggory girl's presence. He thought about it for a moment before answering. Which Y/n appreciated that he took the time to give her a real answer and not a short one. “It's different. I will say it’s nice that it brought us together.”
Y/n nodded in agreement smiling at the muscular boy. “It is a nice outcome.”
The two sat there for a long time talking and getting to know eachother. They did that till they had to leave for the first event of the tournament.
“Here to wish me luck?” Cedric smiled as Y/n entered the champion's tent.
“Of course brother.” she smiled and hugged him. She’d support him through this but it didn’t mean she wasn’t scared for him. He’s her brother and wizards die in this tournament.
“Maybe have to also with a certain Bulgarian luck?” he teased wiggling his eyebrows.
“You keep teasing me and he’ll be the only one I wish luck to again.” Y/n threatened playfully pointing at him and poking him in the chest.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Viktor smiled standing behind Y/n and shared a knowing look with Cedric over her head. Cedric smiled down at Y/n before walking away to talk to Fleur.
Y/n turned to face Viktor with an evident blush on her cheeks. “Want me to route for you, hmmm?”
“I would like that, yes.” he flashed her a smile and gave her a nod in confirmation. It seemed this girl could easily get him to smile, which was rare.
Y/n smiled back giving a short nod. He wanted her routing for him, that gave her butterflies. “Then you’ll have me routing for you.”
“Young love is blooming for more than one contestant it seems.” They turned upon hearing the reporter. Y/n felt slightly embarrassed having known the way she was looking at Viktor was intimate. Viktor sensed her discomfort and narrowed his eyes. “An with her own brother also a champion no less.”
Viktor stepped forward and stepped in front of Y/n, acting as a wall. With a stern face and voice. “It’s none of your business.”
“I think it’s time you left Miss Skeeter.” Dumbledore stated as he entered the champions' tent.
“I have to agree.” Igor Karkaroff said, standing up for his student and the girl he knew Viktor has a crush on.
“Mr.Diggory, your up first.” Dumbledore said after Miss Skeeter had been escorted out. Then he turned to Y/n smiling. “And Miss Diggory you should get to your seat. We’re ready to begin.”
“Be safe.” Y/n said hugging her brother as the adults left the tent.
“I will.” Cedric promises hugging her tightly before heading out.
Y/n turned to face Viktor after Cedric left and headed to the exit walking backwards. “You as well.”
Viktor gave her a nod and sent her a wink. “For you, I will.”
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@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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purityonice · 6 months
Requested? yeah :)
GUYS accidentally posted my draft for another VELVET X FEM! POPSTAR! READER! 😭 OOPS i was wondering why it wasn’t in my drafts…
(Y/N) used for popstar name or real name depends on which you would loike.
You let out a bone chilling screech as you watched your spot on the charts being taken over by Velvet and her brother. Your assistant cowered in fear as you shoved the tablet into her arms getting up and stomping around you studio.
"She can't even sing!? I know her better than ANYONE and she sounds horrible!" Gripping your hair kicking your dressing chair out of your way walking into the recording booth. Your assistant Satin looked at you confused as you placed your headphones on and fixing your mic.
"Uhh what are you doing?" Satin spoke up looking at you through the glass, rolling your eyes in annoyance tapping on the glass signaling that you couldn't hear her. "oh right. Pressing a button her voice coming through the speakers as she asked her question again.
"What does it look like Stain!? i'm going to make a another album so that EVERYONE and i mean EVERY knows who should be hitting number one on the charts!!” You groaned in frustration as Satin looked at you unimpressed.
“It’s Satin not Stain and you just released an album! How can you release another one? let alone you didn’t even write any songs, come back in here.” She deadpanned at your insane thought process as you knew that she was right. Spinning around in your chair as Satins voice spoke through the speakers.
“You also have that interview with Kid Ritz for the Bop On Top at 3:30, it’s currently 2:44 you should come back in so we can help you get prepared.” Jumping off of your chair and walking out of the recording booth. “FINE!” grumbling while you began to get pampered by your makeup crew.
It was now 3:25 and you have five minutes left to prepare yourself, A crew member powered your face as another held your cup while you sipped on it. Satin was behind you talking about your schedule.
“No that won’t work I want to have a chill sort of day can you rearrange it for me?” You were calm now after Satin managed to stop you from your fit earlier. Opening the door to the interview room your eyes widened as you saw your ex and her brother sitting chatting away. Snatching the cup from the crew members hand chugging the rest of it before throwing it into the bin making sure to be as obnoxious as possible. Satin looked just as bewildered as you as you turned to face her.
“Satin? I thought this was a SOLO interview?? ifitsasolointerviewthanwhyisSHEhere?” You stammered angerly waving your arms around. Satin stared at her scedule again scanning it frantically before stopping and showing it to you pointing.
“I don’t know?? I specifically put solo interview with Kid Ritz? and I was constantly informed it was going to be a solo interview?” She said scratching her head as Velvet’s voice spoke up from behind you.
“Oh my godd is that-“ She said sarcastically before hopping up from her seat and strutting towards your confused frame. “So nice to meet you again.” sugar laced sarcastism was forced in her voice as your heart began to race. Your back turned to her as you could feel her eyes boaring into your body. Quickly turning to face her not realising how close she was.
Your faces were practically a few inches away from eachother, You could hear the beat of your heart in your ears and the way she breathed as you felt your stomach begin ti flutter. Ignoring that feeling as you stared deeply into her eyes tilting your head to the side a smirk crawling onto your face.
“Wow really? I can see that since you manged to take my solo interview AND spot on the charts you leech.” You spat out as Vevets face dropped into a scowl her eyes darking as she took a step closer towards you.
“You know if you wanted me back so badly all you have to do is apologise instead of autotunneing the FUCK out of your voice to steal my spotlight just for me to notice you again.” You cackled out as Velvet was about to open her mouth to speak the director ushered us away towards the chairs as the show was about to start.
“HEY GUYS and welcome back to the Bop On Top and today we have Velvet and Veneer with only two months on the scene have surpassed everyone for the number one spot!” Ouch this hurt your ego seeing in your peripheral vision Velvet smirking as she made a fake shocked face before posing for the camrea with Veneer.
“But we ALSO have a starring guest joining these two on the stage today DRUM ROLL PLEASE.” You closed your eyes rolling them internally as the drum roll began to play getting your camrea smile ready. “(Y/N)!” Kid Ritz spoke excitedly as almost all of the cameras were now on you. A fake sweet smile was plastered on your face as you waved and blew kisses towards the camreas for the TV as you opened you mouth to speak.
“oh my gosh! thank you for inviting me on the air tonight Kid Ritz but I was just wondering… I thought this was going to be a solo interview?” You spoke trying your best not to chew him out right then and there. He didn’t even flinch before speaking about something involving the three most famous people on mount ragous.
Velvet spoke up crossing her legs and stretching out her arms laying them on the headrest of her seat. “I am quite upset about this too (Y/N) I didn’t want to make you feel bad on air due to me taking your number one spot on the charts.” Her voice was low and sarcastic as her face turned to you. Your eyebrow twitched as your gripped the sides of your chair shaking it off before playing it cool.
“Well I dont feel very threatened especially since your last live preformance.” You spat out venom as she gave you a disgusted look cocking your head to the side a small smirk on your face mouthing.
“Bite me.” Velvet stood up from her seat stomping infront of you placing her arms on each side of your chair her eyes peirced thought you as she leaned over you.
“Maybe I will? You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She said leaning close to your face feeling your face heat up. ‘God I miss her stupid pretty face’ you thought before Veneer let out a cough.
“We are live, you know?” We both stared unphased before she moved back to her seat her eyes ligering on me before she sat now next to her brother.
The interview went on like normal with me and Velvet going at eachothers throats for the majority of it but when it was our time to sing Velvet blasted out her voice. My eyes widened as she flipped her hair looking smug as I sat there in awe.
‘H-How?’ I thought, It felt like waves were coming off of her as she sang, her brother took the spotlight over when it was his turn.
Ignoring what Kid Ritz was saying as I side eyed Velvet licking my lips as I felt my throat run dry.
‘Maybe she did change?’
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sturnioloblogs · 3 months
Y/n x Matt Sturniolo
Summary: Work is getting very overwhelming for you lately, one day it just gets to much and you snap.
Warnings: yelling. Crying. Panic attack. Let me know if I forgot anything!
Requested?: yes right here
A/n: hiii I hope you enjoy this :))) please leave some more requests!❣️ reblogs are appreciated. Not proofread!!
I’ve had enough.
Work as been so stressful.
So many crying babies, calculating, making food, annoying people.
I was at my boyfriend’s house watching a movie with his two other brothers, Chris and Nick. I had just finished my 8 hour shift at the local restaurant, and all I wanted to do was have some peace and quiet while watching the movie. But the wasn’t the case.
Nick and Matt had been arguing for about a good five minutes deciding who was going to sit where.
I was just sitting on the couch under a blanket watching them fight as my headache just got bigger.
“Nick I don’t want to sit there!” Matt argued “well suck it up Cus I don’t wanna sit there either you dumb fuck” Nick said plopping down in the corner, where Matt originally wanted to sit.
“Nick stop this is-“ before Matt said anything I abruptly got up and said “can you guys not fucking argue for once? Matt it doesn’t matter where you sit you guys are giving me a headache and all I wanna do is watch a fucking movie!”
I feel tears prick my waterline as I sniffle and run to Matt‘s room sobbing.
Matt immediately looked over at Nick giving him the finger before running to his room.
I laid in Matt’s bed sobbing into the pillow for sure leaving a wet patch.
My breathing had started to get uneven, and my brain feel tingly.
I was having a panic attack.
And I needed Matt. Now.
Before I had time to react, or even get out of his bed, I saw the door slowly open to see an empathetic and worried Matt.
“Baby breathe..” he said rushing over to me.
He wrapped his arms around me as I crawled into his lap.
“I-I c-can’t breathe”
“Shhh I know I know following my breathing baby you’re okay” he reassured me.
After some time, I slowly started to calm down my breathing got back to normal, and I stopped crying.
“Thank you Matt” I said looking up at him “anytime sweetheart, are you okay?” He asked
“Y-yeah I guess, work has been really overwhelming, I’m sorry yelled at you I really shouldn’t have” I sighed and played with my fingers.
“No I’m sorry me and Nick were being stupid, we shouldn’t have even been arguing in the first place”
“I love you Matt” i say as he lays me down and we cuddle up to eachother as we drift off to sleep.
A/n: sorry if this was shitty!! It’s kind of short, but whatever 😛 give me some more request! 
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themultifandomgal · 3 months
Hi love, can i request one for peaky blinders? Where y/n is in school with Finn and he knows she’s struggling at home so he asks Tommy and the others if they can get her a job or something to help her out. So maybe she gets to clean at the Garrisons and/or maybe watch John’s kids. One night when he gets home late she stays and help him clean up and maybe something happens. Then he says he doesn’t need any help with the kids anymore. Cause he feels bad dragging her in to that life and taking care of his kids and all. But everytime they meet they can’t keep away from eachother.. they end up together maybe Tommy speaks some sense into John or have a talk with y/ns parents to let her marry John? You can do with this idea what you like? I would love to read it!
John Shelby- Can’t Stay Away
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Hey! So I changed it a little because of the ages hope that ok so instead of being in school with Finn YN went to school with John and they stayed good friends.
John and I have been friend since we were 4 years old when we started school. My home life wasn’t always great, my father was an alcoholic and my mother was abusive. Mrs Shelby ended up most evening cooking me meals, making sure I had clean clothes. When she passed away it broke all of us.
After wanting to leave my home, Polly gave me a place to live, but finding a job was very hard so I ended up marrying a man who I didn’t love, but he passed away during the war. Tommy got me a job at the Garrison and after Martha passed away I started helping John look after his kids, which caused me to start catching feelings for him. I’ve been doing this now nearly every other day, picking the kids up from school.
Today was no different. I just put them all to bed when John finally comes home
“Hey” I smile at him “have you eaten anything? There’s left overs….”
“I’m getting married” he blurts out making me stop walking towards the kitchen. I turn around with a frown on my face, my heart feels like it’s been crushed into thousands of tiny pieces 
“Oh” is all I can say
“It’s errr Lizzie. Lizzie Stark”
“What?” Lizzie? The woman who’s slept with all of the Shelby brothers, well all except Finn as he’s like 12
“Yeah so errr I don’t need to to help out anymore”
“Oh. Ok erm well I’ll erm see you round then” not really knowing what to say I give John a small smile “congratulations John. I hope she makes you happy” I quickly grab my coat and leave Johns house before he can see that my eyes are starting to tear up.
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Over the next few days YN tries her best to stay away from John, but she just can’t. Not only is that her best friend but she loves him. Tommy being so wise knows how YN feels, but he also knows John also has feelings for his best friend. He’s just being stubborn.
Tommy and his brothers are sat in the snug at the Garrison nursing a whiskey
“She’s gonna change”
“She’s not. I offered her money and she took it”
“Fuck!” John yells running his hands over his face
“But ya know who wouldn’t take the money… YN”
“Tommys right John. That girl loves you. She has from the day you met”
“But she got married” John frowns at his Aunt who rolls her eyes
“Men… she married because you got married”
“Yes you did the right thing, but did you love Martha?”
“Of course I did”
“Like the way you love YN?” Tommy ask
“Your a fool if you marry Lizzie” Arthur comments downing his whiskey. Just then there’s a knock on the door and YN walks in
“Hey I’m just about to go, but is there anything else you want before I leave?” YN asks looking around, mainly looking at John
“No thank you love. We’ll see you tomorrow” Polly smiles. YN nods her head and says bye to everyone before walking out. Tommy looks at John who’s staring at the door of the snug. Tommy then looks at the door then back at John
“Bloody hell, go after her!” John quickly gets up and leaves the room as quick as he can. Tommy downs his whiskey “thank fuck for that”.
John runs down the street shouting YN’s name. YN stops and turns round confused to why John is runnin after her. Had she forgotten something?
“John?” but before anything else could be said Johns lips are immediately on YN’s. YN pulls back still feeling confused “why did you do that?”
“Because I’ve finally had some sense knocked into me. I love you YN. I can’t stay away from you. It’s you I want to marry, to help look after my kids and maybe even had kids with… that’s if you’ll let me?”
“What about Lizzie?” YN asks
“I’ll break it off with her, I promise, but…” John then gets down on one knee “will you marry me?”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear. Of course I will” with that John gets up and spins YN round, kissing her lips. Little did the couple know that Tommy had also left the Garrison hoping to catch a glimpse of the two. He won’t ever tell anyone, but he did smile when he saw his brother and YN happy in each other’s arms finally.
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crazykitsch · 4 months
Heyyy can you please write Hector x Reader were reader is a team mates little sister and her and Hector hate each other but then he gets a little hurt (like in the match against athletic club. He doesn’t get injured just a little hurt.) and then she’s all worried about him and then they confess their feelings to each other??
Hector Fort: playing with fire
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pairing: hector fort x reader
warnings: none
❝My mom told me everyday to be careful of men. Because love is like playing with fire, it can get you hurt. My mom might be right, because when I see you my heart burns.❞
I’m sitting here alone and bored while my brother Joao Felix is training with the rest of the team. I’m assuming they’re done now since I see Joao, Lamine, Hector and Marc walk over. ‘Hi y/n.’ my brother says and I smile at him. I see Hector standing next to me and my smile fades.
‘No need for you to be so bratty about it.’ He says and I roll my eyes. He’s.. quite attractive- but then again so annoying. I don’t get how one person can always get on my nerves.
‘Roll your eyes further, hope they get stuck.’ He says and Marc says ‘If you want to see her roll her eyes you might need to do it in a less public place.’ Before I can even say anything I hear Joao say ‘Okay, this is our queue to go.. let’s go Y/n.’ and he walks away so I follow him.
We arrived at our families house and I sit on the couch. ‘You two would be cute together, you know.’ Joao jokingly says. I roll my eyes and say ‘You would look very cute in a casket, you know.’ and I can hear him laugh.
‘Are you still coming to the match tonight?’ Joao asks me and I nod yes. Whenever they have a home game I come with him to support him. We really like to annoy eachother but we’re also very supportive of eachother.
big time skip
It’s now saturday night, match time. The match started 1 minute ago and Guruzeta scored..
About 25 minutes later Lewandowski luckily scored and 10 minutes later Lamine scored!
Just when i’m having faith in today’s match I see Sancet scoring in the 49th minute making it 2-2.
5 minutes later I see Hector with the ball and Williams running towards him. Williams lightly tackels Hector but I can still see he’s a bit hurt. I feel a sense of worry grow inside of me. I know i’m supposed to hate him.. but I can’t help but like him.
Now its the end of the match, Barcelona lost 4-2.
I finally see Joao and the rest but I can’t help but walk towards Hector as I see he’s still a little hurt. ‘Are you okay? Did it hurt a lot? Are you still hurt?’ I say worriedly. He looks at me, smiles and says ‘Are you worried about me?’. I roll my eyes and say ‘Just answer my question.’
‘Im fine, don’t worry about it. Why do you care though?’ He says. I don’t know what to say so as usual, I just decide to roll my eyes. After we did that I accidentally make eye contact. I expected him to look away yet he didn’t.
We kept holding eye contact and there grew a certain tension. ‘Y/n? Why were you worried.’ he asks me and I can feel myself getting stressed. ‘I… ehm. Well I guess I sort of- maybe- have like.. well I think you are a tiny bit sweet and attractive.’ I accidentally say. I need to learn how to think before I act.
He smiles and says ‘Think? Or know? Because if you know then I might have to say something to you.’ i’m a bit confused now, so I say ‘Then tell me what it is.’ He replies ‘I think you are sweet and attractive too.’ Okay now im reaally confused.. but also a bit happy I guess? I can’t help but smile at his words and then I hear him say ‘Would you like to maybe go on a date with me?’ okay now my smile grew a bit bigger and I say ‘Yes.’ to him!
I can see Joao walking over to us and he says ‘What happened? Thought you two hated eachother.’ Now me and Hector look at eachother and smile.
A/n: William Shakespeare would be so upset if he read this..
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