#also i will lock this post if anyone starts bugging me too much because i dont really have the energy to spend the day debating
nicosraf · 5 months
The weird thing about the debate on Israeli's indigenousness is that "indigenous" doesn't mean... you're From somewhere. You can stop being indigenous; you can stop being indigenous while still existing in the place your ancestors were born. "Indigenous" isn't that you have the memory of belonging to a place or notice little cultural things in your family that tie into your ancestral homeland. I mean, there's a reason we don't call British people in Britan indigenous.
Indigenousness is about perpetual opposition to settler colonialism, which is about the complete uprooting of a pre-existing culture and forcing that land to accommodate an extractivist, export economy. That's what it is. It's not about being from a place or even having a """tie to the land.""" (The "tie to the land" is definitely an element of indigenousness but it's really just a romanticized simplification of indigenousness — a simple answer for why indigenous people are at the frontline of environmental movements.)
When the Spanish came to Mexico, they worked with the noble Nahua people to de-indigenize them. They did this by converting them to Catholicism, teaching them European writing (Latin) and academics, and relying on the Nahua nobility to help enforce the new political system. Fransicans are usually credited with converting Mexico to Christianity, but the ones who did most of the work were the young, Nahua "niños del monasterio" who marched into the villages and burned the idols of the gods — of both their own and other indigenous communities. (Nahua soldiers are credited with being the ones who helped the Spanish conquer the rest of Mexico's native people).
Indigenous/mestizo scholar Chimalpahin wrote about the history of the "Aztecs" by calling every Nahua god a demon, by positioning the Spanish like a good development and by arguing his specific Nahua city was better than the other by appealing to Spanish sentiments. ("But maybe he was just speaking to the Spanish!!!" He wrote in Nahuatl for presumably a Nahua audience.) (Academics don't agree on whether to call him indigenous).
"Chimalpahin and the noble Nahuas were violently forced into assimilating into Spanish nobility; you are sick for trying to argue that they weren't indigenous anymore." I'm not arguing that they weren't, but they were players in de-indigenizing Mexico, and it's important that it was forced.
De-tribalization and de-indigenization are always violent and ugly; you don't lose your indigenousness, usually, because you're evil. Chimalpahin and the noble Nahuas were still victims and horribly traumatized. They were also enforcers of de-indigenization.
Anyway, I'm mestizo and have ties to central Mexico and feel a sense of belonging there, at times. I'm not indigenous to it though. The memory of any indigenousness in my family is just a memory now. We visit, and I eat so so many poblano peppers. But we've detribalized, become borderline settlers by participating in capitalism, lightened our skin through generations, probably intentionally (many Mexicans have heard the phrase that we have to "better our race"). If I wanted to actually reconnect, it would be a lot of work; any reconnecting indigenous person can tell you how much work it is.
I know people get really prissy about how "You can't compare Israelis to white European settlers in America because we actually have a connection to the land!!!! We are actually from there!! >:/ some of us are not even white!"
Well let's think of the majority brown mestizo (mixed) population of Mexico. Are they indigenous because they might have "ties to the land" and because they have lineage from it?? Maybe they were once, but for the majority now — no. Without a mass effort to oppose settler colonialism and reconnect, mestizos are not indigenous and might never be again, no matter how much of their pre-colombian culture persists in our quieter traditions and language. And the Mexican state is happy to co-opt aesthetic representations of indigenousness, to talk about our glorious "Aztec" ancestry, while actively hurting indigenous populations.
So assume some, or lets say all!, Israelis have every possible connection to the land (lets say they love the olive trees and cry over the murder of all the Nile crocodiles), maybe they're visibly non-white, maybe they can trace their lineage to the exact spot where they stand. But if they're on the side of a settler colonial, capitalist state (say it was even forced on them!! say they were even made to move there!!! say they are like the Nahua nobles) — how indigenous are you?
How much longer will you remain " indigenous " ???
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moron-rights · 10 months
So I finished BG3 (Good Tav Playthrough, Astarion Romance) Spoiler End Thoughts And Some Critique
SPOILERS,Great SPOILERS for parts of the romance and playthrough. Mind Ye, my thoughts are incredibly scattered...
This is mostly about *how* the game ended. And let me clarify before you get too far that I LOVED playing this game and the music and combat and companions were perfectly charming
but.... what.... the... ending?
I spent about 94 hours on this playthrough, regular origin, romancing Astarion, skimping largely through act one but completing almost every quest available in act 2 and 3, and save scrubbing where glitches (though minor) took hold. Ultimately, I robbed Raphael and freed Orpheus and destroyed the brain. I adored act one (put 336 hours into EA already) and act two felt like a very seamless and natural extension. Act three felt disjointed but it also seemed like the purpose of the act was to showcase companion quests (which are all vastly different), so I just went with it. Even though the Oathbreaker guy bugged and never showed up to my camp once I started act 3 (Boo).
I finished all the quests and pushed all companions toward a good trajectory. I had romanced Astarion starting in Act 1 and influenced him so much that he autonomously made good decisions (ie, warned his siblings what their fate would be, set the spawns free, wanted to destroy the tadpole and mentioned guiding the spawn to control themselves). Got the grave scene, it was wholesome. Finished the other companion quests, which -except for Wyll's (I saved his father and broke the pact and learned who the Guardian really was)- felt a little bland after the sheer emotional impact, acting, and animation of Astarion's deny ascension finale. Who knew watching a man brutally stab his abuser and then emptily sob while covered in blood could be something so personal?
After I cleaned all my quests up, I went ahead and started "act 3.5" so to speak. Once I went to confront the brain, there were no more major companion-specific cutscenes or unique dialogues or romance interactions, save for Lae'zel and Karlach. I freed Orpheus and convinced him to become a mindflayer. (I am aware of the alternative route where Karlach volunteers to become the mindflayer but I did not have her in my party for that). I was sure there would be at least one more cutscene or lengthy dialogue -- particularly for the romance-- at the very end, so I took out the Netherbrain, completed the game, hit the ending post-battle chat. I was... disappointed.
A few companions had one or two sentences to say on the docks. Astarion started to burn in the sun and he panicked and ran away, and then I got a one-line response from Lae'zel that boiled down to "I suppose that's the last of the sun Astarion will ever see." Karlach's engine failed and my Wyll autonomously offered to take her to the Hells with him and she autonomously accepted. And then I got a narrator epi. telling me about how the people reclaimed their city. Then my credits rolled.
I learned through save snooping that If you let Wyll take Karlach to hell with him, it locks you out of the ending romance dialogues.
So, I reloaded to persuade Wyll to let Karlach die so I could get my romanced Astarion dialogue. I told him I'd go with him to the Underdark to help him guide the spawns (seemed natural, I rolled Drow), and he was happy to have Tav by his side. Then hard cut to credits again. No mini cutscene of Tav going off with him, no end cards, no epilogue text. I was stunned, especially because the ending romance dialogue was just them standing and having a back-and-forth conversation, and it was so brief. No animated interactions between the two. Or... anyone. Just a conversation in a room with wooden walls.
I watched all the way through the credits, hoping I'd get closure for the other companions maybe, but there was none of that either. Gale's crown blew up and fell into the ocean (so it feels his personal quest was rendered completely irrelevant no matter which way you swayed him), and who knows what happened to Halsin or Shadowheart under un-romanced circumstances (or Jaheira and Minsc for that matter).
It felt so odd and out of place to have an abrupt ending with limited choice, animation and dialogue when the rest of the game so faithfully respects player choice and commits to animating even the sillier actions. One playthrough easily has the capacity for 90+ hours of content but still manages to push you into about 3 recongisably different endings for a standard Tav (arguably 4 or 5 if Urge). Post the final boss, it 100% feels like cutscenes and dialogues are missing or glitched... which may still be a possibility (only 4% of players have finished the game as of date) but is unlikely. Ending romance dialogues across all companions seem to indicate that it follows after a party, which we do not get to see. All dialogue options for ending romances, at least in Astarion's, mostly led to the same responses with a few variants in wording, which might have been fine except for the lack of companion epilogue elements.
I don't know how to say this other than I'm bummed. I don't need a happy ending, just an ending that feels complete. I enjoyed playing the game so much, the companions were perfectly charming, the world was delightful and I had fun with combat and then the end just sorta... happened. I don't think I'd play through as a customized character again. Maybe once for the Urge, as what you choose to do with yourself seems a bit more concrete. And I have no desire to roll the origins. Replaying as any of the ones I frequently had in my party just seems odd to me. Especially for the ones I took down opposite paths. Selunite Shadowheart and Unascended Astarion are stuck in my head, but they feel like endings that would only come naturally if a Tav were around.
Some people keep saying it feels like it's set up for DLC, and it really-really does, but Swen has repeatedly stated that DLC for this game is incredibly unlikely, due to how DnD rules work when you get to level 20. But now that's all I want. It would've been all the more easy to accept how it is now if I had just some epilogue flavour. Or maybe something like ME3 extended cut DLC. Or just a little more conversation.
tl;dr, game was great until act 3. my choices with the final boss and all dialogue options after the encounter were disappointingly limited. no ending narration or cinematics or epilogue cards to give closure on your companions or romances. I loved everything until then, and wished there was more.
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
I need more banter with Cole.
DA:I didn't give me enough with Solas/Cole/Varric talking about becoming more human or spirit in any combination.
But also, Cole banter with all the DA2 companions.
He and Justice are so unique and Anders always has an opinion on everything.
Fenris would fear hate him, probably.
Merrill would be fascinated, I'm sure.
I just love Cole and I need more of his thoughts.
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Ah, Cole. He is so hard but so much fun to write. I went with the DA:2 gang, and snuck in Isabela to make it all the LIs... However. I got a little carried away so this is long. Really long. My previous record for longest fake banter had 8 interactions, this has 28. The majority of you said not to put it under a readmore, just tag it, so I will!
These banters include 4-6 general interactions, one romance, and one post-adamant romance. Since Anders already had a post-adamant romance interaction with Cole in another banter, I posted an alternate version in the same vein as the one there, since I still really like the idea behind it, but the original execution bugged me.
Cole: You’re scared of me.
Fenris: As anyone wise should be.
Cole: Is it because of him?
Fenris: Danarius wasn’t the worst of them.
Cole: Standing, stiff, sore from the leash. Like that for hours, watching, waiting, wanting to leave. Danarius approaches the magister. A rival, he wants to impress him. End him. "I offer you a gift."
Fenris: What is this?
Cole: It's a boy. No. No, no, he's so young. Be punished if I move but I can't- I can't- too late. His blood is on my face. The demon growls, glowers and glows, and he's gone.
Fenris: Avert your gaze from me. Now. 
Cole: But that's not why I'm here! I didn't want the blood.
Fenris: Is it true you were a demon? 
Cole: No. Not a demon. But I didn’t know what I was, and it made me wrong. 
Fenris: But you killed? You murdered those mages? 
Cole: Yes. I thought it was helping.
Fenris: I’ve traveled with an abomination, a blood mage, and Varric. Now, I trade them for a killer demon. Perhaps Hawke kept the better company after all. 
Cole: You were glad when the boy died. 
Fenris: Be careful, demon. I know you can bleed.
Cole: Danarius said “gift” and you thought of something else. Something worse. When they cut his throat somewhere you were happy they couldn’t keep hurting him. 
Cole (Cont.): It wasn’t a good glad. 
Cole: You don’t like mages, yet you’re angry. Angry for the ones I killed. Why?
Fenris: I don’t like weak mages running rampant and preying on the innocent. Those mages were where they belonged, where they were safe. You took that away. 
Cole: But they weren’t safe! 
Fenris: No, because you were prowling the halls. Slitting their throats while they slept.
Cole: I wouldn’t have been there if it hadn’t been for the templars. The templar who locked him in a dungeon and forgot. If he hadn’t died, scared, starving, shivering on the stone. 
Cole (Cont.): I killed. I killed and kill me back if I do it again. But templars made me forget what I was. Templars killed me first.
Cole: Do you look at every man and see a king? 
Fenris: What? 
Cole: When a servant walks down a hall do you see him wearing a crown. Holding a sword? Does he kill those who disobey him? 
Fenris: No? 
Cole: Then why is every mage a magister?
Fenris: Every mage is not a magister. 
Cole: Yes! That’s good. You’re starting to understand, thank you. 
Fenris: Every mage is dangerous. I am not wrong to want them where they can do no harm. 
Cole: No. No. You get so close but flinch away before the truth can touch you. Like a hand on a hot pot. 
Fenris: I see the truth clearly, spirit. You are not of this world, you cannot understand.
Cole: Spirits are reflections of the world, made from what matters. That's what Solas says.
Fenris: And you're telling me this, why?
Cole: You said I don't understand. I'm not of this world. But this world made me. Made me from what matters. That's what I am. I'm supposed to see.
Fenris: Fine. What is this truth I won’t touch, demon?
Cole: You want to blame magic because its easy. Because it hurt you and its loud. Magic didn’t hurt you because its magic, it hurt you because Danarius wanted it to.
Fenris: Of course I know Danarius was behind it.
Cole: Yes! Yes you do! But anything hurts if someone wants it to. Magic, blades, hands, words, and you know that too. But if that’s true, if that's really true, Danarius hides. You can't see him anymore. Any man could be him now. That scares you. 
Fenris: …perhaps it does. 
Cole: It’s okay! I can help. 
Cole: I stare at the fire, flames flickering. Eyes shut, trying, dreaming, wishing it would all come back. I can hear them breathing. I can feel their touch, tingling, lingering on my skin. Soft as their sheets, dark and red, but not the bad red, the red I want, the red I remember. Remember. Why did I remember?
Cole (Cont.): You want to stay, but then they wake up, and you have to go.
Fenris: I was a fool.
Cole: No. You think you were afraid but that isn't it. There was another life, lost, lingering, left behind. You had to learn and let go. You needed to say goodbye. That isn't your fault.
Fenris: It was. Yet they still forgave me.
Cole: They love you.
Fenris: Go on, say your peace, demon.
Cole: Stairs, steep, steeper than the steps through Kirkwall. A spider, why did it have to be a spider? I make it bleed. Make it burn. I try. I don't want to die, but I'm me. I have to try to be me too, I have to- I have to- “Nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you” Maker, he won’t forgive me.
Fenris: I was wrong.
Cole: Yes. The thought hurt, but now its real. Real is worse.
Fenris: Hawke is gone. Nothing is real now.
Cole: Gone only means far, not false. What you felt is still real. Don't forget that. Please.
Cole: Why don’t you tell Varric why you’re angry? 
Anders: He doesn’t listen. Or it turns into a joke. 
Cole: My father’s barn burning in the snow. Eyes dead under a sunblaze brand. A glow raining over my city, the same color as the screams. Sometimes we care so much the care turns cold. Anger is the only warmth I know. 
Anders: Sounds like you’ll put it better than I could. 
Cole: No, it won’t help the same if its me. 
Anders: How are you here? 
Cole: I walked. For a while I rode on a horse! 
Anders: No, outside of the Fade? Justice said spirits couldn’t survive on their own, they need a host. A body.
Cole: I’m Cole? 
Anders: But you’re a spirit! Here from the Fade. How can you be- you?
Cole: He sat in a cell. It was dark, he knew they forgot. His hurt was loud, louder than the shouting but the Templars wouldn't hear him. I wanted to help so I listened. He said he didn’t want it. He didn’t want to be magic. He didn’t want to hurt. He didn’t want to die. 
Cole: I’m Cole.
Anders: Oh… 
Anders: Did Cole… did you have any family? Anyone you might want to see again? 
Cole: No. His father beat his mother until she stopped, he hid with his sister in a cabinet but she cried. He kept his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, he didn’t want her to stay quiet. He only killed his father for them.
Anders: Maker! 
Cole: He didn’t use magic! He used a blade to kill his father, a harmless blade. That’s all. It wasn’t magic. “I don't care, he goes to the dungeons like every other mage." 
Anders: Cole I’m- I’m so sorry.
Cole: So was he. 
Cole: Varric doesn't hate you.
Anders: Varric?
Cole: That's why you won't tell him why you're angry. You think it will make it worse. He's sad, scared, scattered, but still your friend.
Anders: I know what Kirkwall meant to him. I know I destroyed it. He can't forgive me that easy.
Cole: No. Not easy, and not forgiven, not yet. "I want you to have this. It's a pillow. Hand embroidered by my mother. The only thing they let me keep at the circle." "Why in the world would you give that to me?" "You've been a good friend." He wishes he were better.
Anders: Tell him... tell him I do to.
Cole: No. I told you. It's doesn't help if its me.
Cole: You talked to Varric!
Anders: Sort of. Not a lot of actual talking. Mostly we sat, and sometimes we drank. Better than avoiding each other in the halls, I guess.
Cole: We sit. The air here is wrong. The smells, the music, it's too wide, too new. Herald's Rest, why rest? Do we ever rest? They used to hang people here, by their feet, till they starved to death. Blondie sits across from me, how long has it been? If I just see him I can almost pretend... My cup, too nice, too clean, but a toast is a toast. To a new world, Blondie.
Anders: To a new world...
Cole: He missed you.
Cole: No, don't go there. I'll break your heart. That might kill me as surely as the Templars. But you wanted to, from the moment you saw them. You made yourself sound so wrong, why?
Anders: I needed them to know. I needed them to be prepared for the work it would be to love me.
Cole: You thought they would leave. That one day they would know you, know you, and they wouldn't love you. They never would've done that. It hurts you thought they would.
Anders: In the circle, love never lasted. That was by design, two mages got too close and the templars would intervene. I... I thought it was a matter of time.
Cole: They know. They only wish you had trusted them when they said they would stay. That you would let them do the work.
Anders: Maker, I hope some days I'm worth it.
Cole: You are, always.
Cole: A hawk sits on a branch. They fly, follow, leaving feathers where he can find them.
Anders: Stop it.
Cole: A dream. They're a dream but I can't see them, not until I forget. If I forget, if I'm him, just him, all him, then he might be me. He might know where to go. Forget to find. Follow and fly.
Justice: No. 
Cole: Forgetting won’t help, not like that.  
Cole: Eluvian. “Seeing-glass” but it’s fogged, faded, forgotten like us. Who stood here before me? Before the blight, before our blood blotted over the history. Where did they go?
Merrill: Do you… do you know? Can you tell me their name?
Cole: No. I would’ve forgotten. I’m sorry. 
Merrill: Are you alright, Cole?
Cole: “Alright?” 
Merrill: Are you safe? Are the people here kind to you? Are you… happy? 
Cole: I’m not being cut, not right now, and I’m not sad. 
Merrill: That’s not really the same thing, lethallin.
Cole: But isn’t it for you?
Cole: The keeper was wrong. 
Merrill: You didn’t know her. You shouldn’t say things like that. 
Cole: Eyes. Eyes. Too many eyes. Staring. Judging. The hunters whisper and the elders doubt. How could I have allowed it? I let evil into our clan. They need to know. I need to show them. Show her. She will not do this.
Cole (Cont.): "Merrill is dangerous," I tell them. "She will remain dangerous until I guide her down a better path. Be weary of her, and if you see her, come directly to me."
Merrill: No, lethallin. That wasn’t how it was. 
Cole: She said that too. 
Merrill: Cole, what I meant when I asked if you were alright...
Cole: Yes? I'm sorry. I don't think my answer helped.
Merrill: I meant- I guess- you're always the one checking up on the others. You're always the one helping so I thought, maybe, I could be of some help, if you want it.
Cole: But... what would that be? Helping the helper, that's not how it's supposed to work. That's why you forget.
Merrill: Well, lethallin, why don't we figure it out together?
Cole: Yes... yes I think I would like that. Thank you.
Cole: You didn't believe them for a long time. Why?
Merrill: Didn't believe who?
Cole: Hawke, when they said they wanted you, you thought it wasn't real. Why?
Merrill: Oh- well... I'd never had anyone in my clan show me any interest before. I'd only kissed one person before them. It was this hunter, young and strong, just got his vallaslin. So exciting! But later I found out it was a dare, prove his manhood by kissing the crazy blood witch.
Cole: That story makes them angry.
Merrill: I know. They told me so. Offered to go fight those boys for me, I said no, of course.
Cole: You didn't want to.
Merrill: We all have to be the bigger person sometimes, lethallin. That's what Varric liked to say after cards back in Kirkwall.
Merrill: Lethallin, can you... can you hear them? Do you know what they thought when it- happened?
Cole: Chains beneath the boat. Five birds bunched together on the cliff. Three in the hold. How could I know? One day there will be book with other names, other faces drawn over the words and a daisy pressed between the pages.
Merrill: I know you can tell me more than that.
Cole: Hawke is dead, I'm so sorry. Dead. Such a cruel world. Din. Better. Din is kind. Falon'Din, Friend of the Dead. Is that were they are? Varric said they ran. They ran and they shut the door. They didn't see...
Cole (Cont.): Broken dark glass in a Kirkwall hovel. Red ringed around my fingernails. Sitting on the floor, sharp, splintering, shredding my skin, but I stay still. I have a door. I have a door.
Cole (Cont.): If I tell you, you'll just want to do it more.
Merrill: I'm going to do it, Cole, telling me what they thought won't hurt now.
Cole: Yes, it will.
Isabela: Hey, sweetheart? 
Cole: Yes, Captain?
Isabela: Do spirits know about sex? 
Cole: Yes. Spirits know a lot about sex. 
Isabela: How would you describe it? In that colorful way of yours? 
Cole: Hot. Hands holding tight. Door closed. Bodies close. If this is all I’m worth then I’ll be worth the world. My body is mine, it feels like fire and I am free. 
Isabela: Oh, that’s not what I thought you’d say. 
Cole: What did you think I would say?
Isabela: Something more like what Varric would put in a book. 
Cole: The scars are all in the same place. 
Isabela: Which scars, sweetheart?
Cole: Arishok's blade on their skin. The silver slips shallow through them but I still feel it too. My face. My arm. My back. My legs. My- it slashes into their stomach, blood splatters and I try to- I can't. Fenris holding onto me. They're bleeding and I'm bleeding. They're hurting and I'm hurting. Once. Twice. Three times more around the pillars and then- he falls. It's over. They won... I'm free.
Isabela: So that’s what we’re talking about. 
Cole: They would’ve done it again. They would’ve done even more. 
Isabela: I know.
Cole: So do they.
Isabela: Why do you call me, Captain? 
Cole: It’s what you are. 
Isabela: I haven’t been a captain for awhile. Admiral’s got a nice, sexy sound to it. Makes you think I’ve got a dagger in my hand, sharp and ready for your breast. 
Cole: Wife. Whore. Daughter. Desire. The man on my ship smiles at me like he's picking which one he wants. I smile back. "It's Captain," I tell him. "You will call me Captain."
Cole (Cont.): I could call you Admiral, if it helps. 
Isabela: Captain’s fine, sweetheart. 
Cole: Captain? 
Isabela: Yes, sweetheart? 
Cole: Do you like me?
Isabela: Oh yes! You’re cute, good with a dagger. You're even nice! That’s more than most men you’ll find out here. 
Cole: But you don’t like me like you like them.
Isabela: Which is good for you. Most of them weren't worth the price of the room.
Cole: But you never paid for the rooms?
Isabela: Exactly.
Cole: “Sweetheart.” You call me “sweetheart.” Why? 
Isabela: It’s like how you call me, Captain. It’s the best word for what you are.
Cole: But my heart wouldn’t be sweet, Captain. 
Isabela: Just who told you that? 
Cole: The blood. It said it has to taste like salt and iron or it isn’t real. 
Isabela: I… think it's okay to let words stay words sometimes, sweetheart. 
Cole: But that’s never what they are.
Cole: "Well, if you ever want to do it again- wait, you aren't thinking of bringing feelings into this are you?" But you already were?
Isabela: Shhhh! Don't go revealing my deep dark secrets to the world.
Cole: You already brought the feelings, but it's different when it's just yours. Only you know where they are, like marking treasure on a map you keep in your pocket. But once they wanted it too... What if they dug up the treasure? What if they hated what was inside?
Isabela: Yes, yes, alright but why is it treasure? Is it because I'm a pirate? 
Cole: Yes. You like treasure.
Isabela: I do like treasure.
Cole: But you like Hawke more.
Isabela: Hey! What did I say about my deep dark secrets?
Cole: I lie on my belly. Red stream flowing out from under me. How can the ground be so cold? Nightmare. Nightmare. No- no I won't die in a nightmare. I've been here before, done this before. I can die where it's mine-
Isabela: Not now, sweetheart. 
Cole: There's a ship. There's a sea. There's birds in the rafters and there's me. Waves wash and whisper. I'm free. Captain, the helm is ready-
Isabela: Cole, stop it.
Cole: Safe harbors, Isabela.
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misssleepless12 · 5 months
A03 Wrapped 2023 Edition
This is technically an ask game but I'm just gonna answer some of these here bc 2023 was a super big year for me in terms of how much I wrote!! And I'm just kinda proud of my silly self hehehe <3
How many works did you publish this year? 14! I wrote for four different fandoms! Blue Lock, Persona 3, PKMN Black and White, and PKMN Scarlet and Violet.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I've written so many things I'm proud of this year, but I'm gonna have to say riptide ! rnis in Rin's hometown of Kamakura, but I did sooo much research for it and put so much effort into it and then wrote it all in a three weeks in a massive brainrot streak hahah.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Ohhh god time to embarrass myself again but the Chainsmokers was my top artist of 2023 and I also used so many of their lyrics and songs for inspiration. As evidence above hahaha~
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? In terms of number of fics, it's rnis/rinsagi at 4! But in terms of word count, otkr/tabieita came from the back with the surprise win!
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? The surprise contender that was tabieita hahah
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Haha, haha.... ha. I'm sitting at five fully started/outlined ones already... oh boy XD
What work was the quickest to write? Gold Star for Effort which took me like four hours djfndkj
What work took you the longest to write? Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening at five and a half months!
Your favorite character to write this year? Otoya Eita, my beloved womanizing green noodle ninja hahah
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Bris/ barousagi bug bit me recently so I know that wave of brainrot is coming!
Which work of yours have you reread the most? let's admit, without apology, what we do to each other .... my comfort fic
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,096! The most I've ever gotten in a single year and nearly half of what I've gotten altogether!
What do you listen to while writing? I have a bunch of character or ship playlists I made that I like to listen to! I also sometimes just throw rain sounds in the background too pfft.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Once again... Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening! Literally changed the course of my year both in terms of my real life and my creative one writing that bad boy!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? He is rawer, nowadays, somewhat like when Sae first rejected him but also not. ‘Somewhat’ because he still aches all the time, ‘not’ because he embraces it. All wound. No boy. No need for anyone to stem his bleeding because Rin’s at his best when he’s bleeding, when he can be obscene, when he can destroy. - from final boys
Biggest surprise while writing this year? That once I figured out a good process for going from idea-outline-actual writing to finished product, I was so impressed with the amount of writing I was actually capable of! I've always been a notoriously slow writer, which led to me not being able to post super often prior to 2023 But I really hammered out a writing process that works for me and I did the best I could with it I think! I hope to improve upon it this year and hopefully get a better handle of keeping my word counts in check too (chronic over-writer here dkjfndjk).
2023 was such a big wild year for my writing and I can only hope I keep up the energy in 2024. It was such a blast and I appreciate everyone who supported me through all the ups and downs!! <3
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lighthausen · 9 months
[Martin + Tapes] A Story About Martin's OnlyFans.
So I wrote this and talked about it with @fakecrfan about a year ago now. I was reminded today that it existed, so I thought, hey, might as well share it with anyone else that's interested!
For those who are new to the Martin + Tapes universe and/or need a refresh, here's a chronological link to fakecrfan's Martin + Tapes tag
For a quick overview, in this au, the Beholding is in love with Martin, and by extension, anyone connected to the Beholding, even a bit is also at least somewhat in love with Martin. Many Martin-tormenting shenanigans ensue.
Martin jiggles his apartment door. It's locked today, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything, so he whips out his phone and checks the website.
There are three feeds running. Martin sighs, unlocks the door, grabs the broom he set leaning against the wall next to it for this specific purpose, and gets to finding the new cameras.
The first one is simple enough, installed in the corner of his bedroom. Martin smashes it like a bug under the handle of his broom. The second one, in his shower of course, is more difficult. They installed it behind the showerhead and he can't quite get a good angle with his broom, so he has to remove it by hand. The final one is easy, under his couch, not too much to be seen there. He sweeps it out and crushes it under his food with a satisfying crunch.
He checks the website again. All the feeds are gone. He breathes a deep sigh of relief, when— oh. They aren't all gone. There's one left, an audio feed. Martin groans then muffles himself when he hears his own groan played back. Great, just great. Martin decides to try humming a bit as he moves around, attempting to see where the bug is based on volume, but just as he starts to get a sense of where it is, the feed cuts off. Martin curses.
It takes an hour to find it. It ends up being in his pillow. How unoriginal. He breaks it, throws it out, takes a nap, and finds when he wakes up that the parts after the feed was cut were uploaded after. His eyes are drawn towards the comments.
listen to all his stomping and muttering, aauugh he’s SO cute
OMGGGGG the ENDINGGGGGG!!1!!!!! His little “There you are” before it cuts off eeeeeeeeeeeeee, HE’S TALKING TO ITTTTT, TALKING TO US!!!!😍😍😍😍
Something I find so charming and unique about him is his habit of talking to inanimate objects. I think it really speaks to how lonely he’s felt his whole life that he’s had to—
Martin turns his phone off. He doesn't feel much like eating right now, so he rolls over and goes back to bed.
The broom comes up in website discussion. He only knows this because the page where the camera feeds are has the most recent forum posts underneath it.
(What they say, I'll leave to the imagination, but Martin/Martin's Broom is the third most popular Ao3 tag in the Martin Blackwood RPF fandom. The first is Martin/Reader of course, followed by Martin/The Beholding)
(The Beholding was popularized in the Martin fandom after Martin was recorded saying "This isn't you! You're not in love with me, it's the Beholding monster thing—!" This was directed at YouTube star MrBarbarian in his video I LEAD A PARADE THROUGH LONDON TO PROPOSE TO MARTIN BLACKWOOD.
The video's virality, combined with some prominent members of the fandom stating they served the Beholding solidified its place in the Martin Blackwood fan-sphere.
The Beholding is often depicted as a tall, thin, white man with a third eye, a top hat, and a bow tie. Its attributes include sharp teeth, mind-reading, compulsion, a very long tongue, and an entourage of eye-covered tentacles.)
Things get worse and worse. They stop livestreaming the camera and audio feeds, opting instead to record privately and share stuff afterward. Martin keeps finding bugs. He never knows if he's got them all. He’s sure he hasn’t. Simply existing in his apartment is nerve wracking.
Final straw— he walks in and grabs the broom by the door as he always does, only to find that it’s… sticky. Martin shrieks and drops it. His hand is covered in a substance that Martin does not want to think deeply about as he rushes over to the kitchen sink to scrub himself clean with too-hot water. It leaves his hands red, and his eyes prickling with tears. He turns the sink off. That’s when he notices it, placed blatantly on the wall in front of him sits yet another camera. Martin can’t even bring himself to break it. He grabs his bag and runs, not bothering to lock his apartment.
He can’t stand to stay there tonight. He can’t go to a hotel or anything either, they’ll just bug it too, probably before he even gets there! With few other options, he goes to Tim, the best about boundaries of the archives gang. Not that he’s any good, it’s a very low bar, but still, he’s part of the Eye, so his apartment won’t be bugged. Tim is ecstatic to have him.
Tim is also genuinely sympathetic about the people bothering him, seems upset on Martin's behalf, even. He advises Martin to control the narrative. Give the audience something, threaten to take it away if they break into his apartment again.
"It feels better, when you make the choice," says Tim. "Like, sure, I suppose I was happy enough after that happy hour last month, when Jon and Sasha had to tie you to the radiator so you couldn't recklessly leave in the middle of the night, all alone.” Tim laughs at the memory. "But this? Having you here of your own free will? This feels amazing! I'm sure it'd be a similar situation for your other fans."
Martin wraps his arms around himself, avoiding looking at Tim, or the radiator. “You really think so?” he says.
“Hmm… that’s something to consider. I really do want my apartment back.”
“Yeah! …But you’re not leaving tonight though, right? It’d be dangerous with so many creeps around.”
Martin shudders, feels the phantom heat of the radiator against his skin. “No, Tim, I’ll stay tonight.”
“Great! I’ll get the wine!”
After putting a lot of thought into it, Martin starts an OnlyFans.
The pictures he has on there are… rather bland. They’re the inoffensive kind of selfies and photos one might post on Facebook that family can see. They are ridiculously priced.
Despite this, the bugging stops. And for some time, Martin finally feels like he can breathe. He continues to check the website, content with how no new camera or audio footage is being uploaded about him. However, as he looks, he still sees the forum posts, the people online analyzing every single detail about every single photo.
Ughhhh there’s toooooo few photos on there, like, I’ve analyzed them all a hundred times already, when’s the new content coming??????
Hm. That doesn’t sound good. Martin posts more frequently. Which works, until…
These photos are great and all but they’re getting so samey, I want to see a real, authentic Martin, like in the videos people used to upload.
The people are getting antsy. “Give them what they want,” Tim said. Alright, he can do it. He creates a new, even more expensive pricing tier, with slightly less tasteful photos, ones that someone might share on a private Instagram that only friends know about.
They love it of course. And these photos are easier to take. Things are working out just fine. But…
WHEN is he gonna show some SKIN, like, COME ON
Seeeeeriously, i’d pay sooooo much to see his tits again
Martin sucks in a breath. Okay. They want skin? They’d pay a lot? Fine. Give the people what they want. He takes one new photo, and, y’know, just to see what happens, he’s gonna set this new pricing tier to be a million— no, that's too easy— a billion pounds.
(Is this possible? Probably not. Let’s pretend.)
The photo in question is fairly tame. A shirtless mirror selfie where he's biting his lip and posing in a way that could be construed as provocative. He’s also holding the broom (which he thoroughly cleaned).
He doesn’t expect anything as he lists it. Just for fun he checks out the fansite, and sees people going nuts about the new hidden photo. He chuckles and heads for bed.
When he wakes up and checks his phone, he gets a news notification about major data breaches across multiple corporations, about CEOs getting hacked and losing a ton of their assets, about stocks for companies associated with them plummeting drastically. He also gets a notification informing him 57 people have purchased access to his new photo.
A lot happens in the following days.
There were attempts to find the perpetrators of this mass-data breach and money loss, to no success. They got away with it.
There are news articles "The Photo That Sank 14 Companies" "How Martin Blackwood, Sexiest Man Alive Caused Brief Economic Collapse"
None of these articles portray Martin in a negative light. Quite the opposite actually! They all assert he deserves the money and that the photo is insanely hot.
They all mention the broom.
You can find those lamenting what happened, who do not like Martin Blackwood online. There’s plenty of posts about it, but the ones that get more than a tiny bit of traction almost always get deleted and the accounts they belong to go mysteriously silent.
There are those who attempt to sue Martin over what happened. None of these lawsuits go very far.
One of the buyers is Elias. He used Peter's card, which he has free access to.
Martin feels Extremely Guilty
And. That's an unfathomable amount of money so Martin will lose access to it before he can do too much. But…
Some things that could happen:
He donates as much as he can of it
Some goes to innocent people who lost their jobs due to this whole… situation. It's difficult to find them, but he asks Sasha (and therefore all of the Eye people) if he can get a list of them. He gets one within an hour.
General charity donations, going through gofundmes, giving away a lot to his mother's care home (is his mother still alive? She would get a ton of money.)
He also buys out his apartment building and gifts the apartments to the families living there.
Unfortunately, a day after he does this, one of his neighbors knocks on his door and tells him and tells him that someone just offered to buy their apartment for 10 times its cost and they accepted, just wanted to let you know, Martin.
Then the rest of his neighbors reach out to him with the same story.
Martin's apartment building is now filled with Eye freaks.
He would definitely lose access to the money after this, having that much money gives him far too much power for the Eye to be comfortable with. Instead, the money goes into a private account that the Eyevatars can use only on Martin. A trust fund, of sorts, that they can lovingly torment Martin with.
Cherry on top, he can't sell the apartment or apply to live anywhere else (Eyevatars see to that) So it's his apartment or the archives.
Martin has also been banned from OnlyFans.
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maniculum · 1 year
The College of Grotesque Arts -- Week Two
For new people, I'm doing the Dungeon23 megadungeon project, basing each room on the marginalia of a different page in the 14th-century Luttrell Psalter. Previous entries in this project can be found here.
If you find this interesting at all, I'm going to do, like, fifty more of these posts. So, you know, follow to see that.
Before I get started on this week’s stuff, I want to address a worldbuilding thing that occurred to me after I established the existence of the Caretakers (which was mostly done to handwave why everything isn’t covered in filth and the critters haven’t all died off): if the Caretakers are still active, why are the critters able to just roam around and establish themselves in whatever room they want? Why aren’t the Caretakers maintaining cages & pens and corralling escaped critters? 
The answer is that the Caretakers used to do these things autonomously, but this caused problems: the wizards would relocate a specimen, and the Caretakers would decide it had “escaped” and bring it back to its original location. Remembering to update the Caretakers every time they moved something around turned out to be too much of a pain, so their behavior was altered to only go after escaped critters if given a specific order or in extraordinary circumstances. (Like the critter attacking them, in which case they subdue it and put it wherever they “think” it’s supposed to be.) They also kind of do repairs, but it’s very low on their priority list and they rarely get around to it — the reason that a lot of the furniture is still present, albeit broken and rotting, is because the Caretakers will periodically restore it with fabricate or other spells if they don’t have anything else in their queue. As for cages, at least on the first floor, there aren’t any left. Caretaker One’s task of “feed metal to the fish” is higher-priority than “fix stuff”, and the cages were scavenged for this purpose pretty early on. (The create food & water effect apparently doesn’t put as much metal content into the fish food as the wizards wanted, and giving them scrap-metal supplements was supposed to be a temporary fix. If you really want to screw with your players, by the way, you could have Caretaker One come through their campsite on any night they spend on the first floor and “scavenge” any metal equipment they have laying around.)
We should also establish that the doors throughout the dungeon are rarely that securely shut, and unlocked unless otherwise noted. There are frequently large holes in them. The critters aren’t really confined anywhere, and if they do get stuck, they can escape when a Caretaker inevitably comes through the door on its rounds. I should start mentioning the doors when I do room descriptions. Or just make a Doors Table. Hm. I’ll come back to that.
Anyway, the new content is below the cut. You’ll note that the passages Appendix A likes to generate got a little out of hand in this section — good thing I already established that the ridiculous and labyrinthine layout is a feature, not a bug.
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Room 1.8: f.16v
This room has a set of stairs down to the second level in the northwest corner. In the southwest corner, there’s a large metal lever mounted on the wall that looks rusted but still operative. Pulling this lever produces a grinding noise from elsewhere in the dungeon. The actual effect is that it opens a sturdy metal door in the passage to the north (the one marked “S” on the map) — this door has no handle or lock, and can’t really be opened otherwise unless the PCs want to try and bust it down. Pulling the lever again closes it. (This is my response to the incredibly pointless secret door Appendix A wanted me to put there — the door and the trigger are both obviously visible, because why would you bother to hide them?)
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In this room, you will also find a cat. Yep. Just a regular-ass cat. How, you may ask, did a completely normal cat get down here? Listen. How do cats get anywhere? No, it isn’t anyone’s lost pet — it’s a feral cat that slipped down here and then stuck around because the Caretakers recognize it as an Animal and keep feeding it. (That should keep your players busy for, like, a half-hour minimum. Longer if you keep emphasizing how completely normal this cat is.)
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The cat is in this room because it’s hunting mathagats. A mathagat is a creature roughly the size and shape of an earthworm, with wings and a goat’s head. They travel in… swarms? herds? clews? flocks? ... bunches, and feed on the small plants & fungi that grow on the dungeon architecture. Like algae-eater fish. There are a bunch here, grazing on a patch of some sort of mold on the east wall. I’m not going to give these guys stats, because, like… why would you? They’re not aggressive, and will fly away rather than fight. If the PCs want to catch one or smoosh one or something, just have them make a (difficult) Dexterity check. They might be able to do one point of damage with their wee little horns.
Room 1.9: f.17r
This room is fairly clear of clutter, but a few small bits of wood on the floor indicate that there used to be something here. 
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The only obvious feature of this room is the presence of a long-tailed stabbybird. It’s investigating the crevices between the stones on the south wall when the PCs enter, but it seems pretty territorial and has an immediate violent reaction when the PCs open the door. A long-tailed stabbybird looks a bit like a wingless ostrich, with green feathers on the body rather than black and white, a longer beak, two weird floppy red ears, and a very, very long tail. Its tongue has sharp “teeth” along the sides, and it can stick it out rapidly to stab prey. They’re not hugely mobile, with stubby little legs, and rely on their long neck & very long prehensile tail to access stuff out of their reach — none of them have managed to exit the dungeon, so PCs won’t be familiar. This one is also suffering from Bonus Face Syndrome, and is contagious (see Room 1.3). But seriously, look how long this thing’s tail is.
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Yeah. There’s a reason I just cut it off for that first image. Anyway, since I’ve made it violent, I better provide stats. As before, feel free to adjust the stats or multiply the number of creatures... Hm. Hold on. I just realized that this is the second of two aggressive monsters I’ve made and they both have Bonus Face Syndrome. Canon: In the later stages, sufferers of BFS become unusually aggressive and violent. Anyway, stats:
Long-tailed Stabbybird: CR 5, XP 1600; N Medium Magical Beast; Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60ft; Perception +13
DEFENSE: AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+0 Dex, +7 natural); hp 60 (7d10+21); Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
OFFENSE: Speed 20 ft.; Melee tongue +11 (2d6+4/19-20,x3) , tail +6 (1d8+4);
Space 5 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (tail only); Special Attacks Constrict (2d6+4), Trip (tail), Grab (tail)
STATISTICS: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 10; Base Atk +7; CMB +11 (+19 grapple, +13 trip); CMD 21 (23 against trip); Feats Greater Grapple, Improved Critical (tongue), Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (tongue), Improved Trip, Lunge; Skills Perception +13; Special Qualities Magical Beast Traits
Constrict (Ex): A Long-tailed Stabbybird can crush an opponent, dealing 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple check (in addition to any other effects caused by a successful check, including additional damage).
Trip (Ex): A Long-tailed Stabbybird can attempt to trip its opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if it hits with its tail attack(s). If the attempt fails, the creature is not tripped in return.
Grab (Ex): If a Long-tailed Stabbybird hits with its tail attack(s), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Grab can only be used against targets of a size Large or smaller.
The stabbybird doesn’t use its legs unless necessary, preferring to lunge and stab with its tongue while trying to entangle & crush opponents with its long, prehensile tail. It will flee if it’s clear it’s losing the fight; it’s large enough to push the doors open if the PCs haven’t specifically taken measures to keep it from doing so. If the stabbybird is defeated or driven off and the south wall investigated, PCs may find that the crevices between the stones have been chipped away and widened. It is possible, if PCs either employ diplomacy or try to remove one of the stones from the wall, to find out what’s back there.
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Behind the wall is a colony of burrowing elvets. They’re about the size of a thumb, covered in gray fur, and humanoid other than their bifurcate feet. The colony contains a few dozen of them. These aren’t creations of the wizards — like the unicorn in Room 1.5, they’re extraplanar beings that were originally brought here for study. Unlike the unicorn, they escaped. They’ve built a network of burrows behind this wall, and have been living here ever since. (They’re longer-lived than humans, but it’s still been a few generations.) They’re not exactly thrilled with their circumstances, as they have to live by scavenging and avoiding the various beaſts. (The Caretakers don’t recognize them as Things To Feed.) If the PCs can figure out a better situation for them, they might go along with it and even owe them a favor. Stats for these guys are below. Note that the alignment is listed as “LB” — this is how I handle the fae. Their morality system is somewhat alien to human perception, so, inspired by TVTropes’s “Blue-and-Orange Morality”, I list them as “Lawful Blue”. (If you’re wondering, eldritch abominations are “Chaotic Orange”.)
Burrowing Elvet: CR 1, XP 400; LB Fine Fey; Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +1
DEFENSE: AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 18 (+8 size, +3 Dex); hp 3 (2d6-4); Saves Fort -2, Ref +6, Will +4
OFFENSE: Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft., burrow 5 ft.;  Melee dagger +5 (1d1-4/19-20,x2); Space 0 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Hide from Animals, Pass without Trace
STATISTICS: Str 2, Dex 16, Con 6, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12; Base Atk +1; CMB -11; CMD 2; Feats Stealthy; Skills Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +10, Handle Animal +3, Stealth +10, Survival +3, Use Magic Device +6; Languages Sylvan; Special Qualities Fey Traits
Room 1.10: f.17v
This is a large room, high-ceilinged (let’s say 50ft again) with a single door on the west wall.
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There is no stone floor here — it’s open earth in which more Squirrel Oaks are growing, with oak squirrels inhabiting them. (Also various weeds have colonized the ground — feel free to add a few with medical use or other value if your players might be interested in that.) This room is something of an indoor grove, with more-or-less-normal animals inhabiting it. The animals were originally brought in as lab animals, food, or material for hybrid creation — or possibly found their way in from outside — but have since multiplied and run wild. 
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There is a burrow beneath one of the oaks that contains a colony of rabbits, and a dog seems to have taken up residence in this room. The dog enjoys chasing the rabbits and squirrels. The rabbits are entirely normal, but if the PCs have any way of checking, there’s something a little magical about the dog. (If the conversation with Orm goes well, the PCs might be aware that Orm is fond of this dog and calls him Rover. If I were going back and editing previous entries, I’d add a percentage chance that Rover is present in Orm’s “hermitage”, Room 1.4.) Rover  is actually a descendant of one of the most benign experiments the wizards conducted, i.e., the Immortal Dog Project. (Even probably-evil wizards like dogs and lament their comparatively short lifespans.) Any dogs still inhabiting the dungeon are likewise descended from this experiment, which didn’t successfully make them immortal, but they do live for something like a hundred years. Some of these dogs have made their way to the outside world and interbred with their non-magical cousins, but probably not many people have noticed that some of Ller Tul’s strays seem to live an unusually long time. Rover in particular is of no identifiable breed, but is about the size of a small terrier.
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There is also a flock of entirely normal birds, and a flight of less-normal giant butterflies. The butterflies (black with white spots and red stripes) are only different from their mundane counterparts in that they have a wingspan of something like a foot and a half. The birds (black-feathered, blue wings, utterly mundane) apparently eat them.
Appendix A wants me to put some treasure in this room, so: an extremely careful search will reveal a spot in the southwest corner where the soil is heaped a little higher than usual, though still overgrown with plant life. Digging in this location will reveal a few pottery jars filled with assorted coins — these are not original to the dungeon, but were stashed here by earlier explorers who didn’t want to lug them around and intended to come back for them on the way out. Judging by the plant growth over top of them, whoever put them here isn’t likely to come back at this point.
Room 1.11: f.18r
Appendix A thinks there should be a trap around here somewhere, and I’ve decided to put it on the door to this room rather than in the nearby passage it suggested. If the door is opened without the trap being disabled, the trap will summon several dragonflies to attack the opener. They’re just regular dragonflies, though, so this isn’t much of a threat. Gods only know why this trap is even here. If the trap is identified before the door is opened, examination shows that it only goes off if you don’t knock first.
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This room was apparently a latrine at one point; or at least that’s the most obvious explanation for the big hole in the floor in the northwest corner. A fountain of some sort occupies the northeast corner, and seems to be still running, if not very well. (Note: there is a sort of plumbing system that connects all of the dungeon's water features together; a really dedicated (and very small) individual could probably travel around the dungeon that way.)
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The fountain contains a few eel wyverns, which are pretty much what they sound like. They’re colorful, coming in shades of red and blue, but unlike their kin the toy wyvern from Room 1.2, aren’t considered particularly decorative (and haven’t been attested outside of this dungeon). Wyvern only in the roughest of outlines, these creatures are scaleless, legless, snub-nosed, and about the length of a human forearm. Eel wyverns can fly — their wings repel water like a duck’s — but it’s a clumsy sort of flight, and they spend most of their time in water by preference. They’re not aggressive if not provoked, but just in case, here are some stats. They’re still pretty harmless, aside from being venomous.
Eel Wyvern: CR 1, XP 400; N Diminutive Dragon (aquatic); Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60ft; Perception +5
DEFENSE: AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 size, +3 Dex); hp 16 (2d12+3); Saves Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +4 vs. poison
OFFENSE: Speed 10 ft., swim 10 ft., fly 10 ft.; Melee bite +3 (1d2-3 plus poison); Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 2-1/2 ft.; Special Attacks Poison, Amphibious
STATISTICS: Str 4, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 4; Base Atk +2; CMB -5; CMD 8; Feats Toughness; Skills Fly +8, Perception +5, Stealth +8; Special Qualities Dragon Traits
Poison (Ex): An Eel Wyvern's bite attack will inflict a poison on its victims that has a Fortitude save DC of 11, a frequency of 1/round for 6 rounds, causes 1d2 Con damage, and takes two saves to cure.
Amphibious (Ex):  An Eel Wyvern has the aquatic subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land.
I had moved on to the next room when it occurred to me that some players are going to want to search the latrine. Figuring I should put something there for those troubled souls, I considered what this abandoned latrine would be like. It’s not going to still be full of waste — the kind of people who made magical constructs to clean up after the animals would surely have those same constructs empty the latrines — so there should be something else. So: the original wooden seat having fallen apart, the latrine is currently just a hole in the floor that, theoretically, someone could fit through. It’s, let’s say, 30ft deep — if you’re a wizard making a latrine, you might go a little overboard in getting the waste as far away from you as possible, and the Caretakers can empty it with telekinesis, so there’s no downside in making it deep. It’s not designed for someone to go down there, so anyone investigating will need to make Climb checks or fall.
Down at the bottom is a chamber roughly 10ft across. Over to the side, out of sight of anyone looking down from the top, is a skeleton. This poor fellow — let’s name him Ralph — was an explorer much like the PCs, who decided to investigate the latrine, fell in, and wasn’t able to get back out (either he died from the fall or he’s just not a good enough climber). Give him some randomly-generated gear appropriate for the PCs’ level. A lot of it will have decayed — and anything metal has probably been telekinetically retrieved by Caretaker One to feed the fish in Room 1.7 — but there should be a non-metal magic item or two that has preserved itself against time to reward the PCs for checking such a ridiculous place. And maybe some precious stones or somesuch.
Room 1.12: f.18v
This room is dominated by a 20ft-diameter circular basin set into the center of the floor. It seems to be at least 30ft deep — probably deeper, but the bottom is covered in a thick layer of silt and plant matter. The stone walls have a lot of built-in shelves, counters, and compartments that probably used to be covered with cabinet doors. (This used to be a lab for experimenting with aquatic creatures.)
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Right now, the inhabitants of the basin / tank / aquarium / whatever are some more eel wyverns (see Room 1.11), a school of entirely ordinary green fish, and a number of small flying insects. Not counting the plant matter and whatever tiny critters live in the silt at the bottom. 
This room is also occupied by a few giant rats — dungeon classic, that. One of them seems to be trying to catch the fish. 
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A few bluebirds are hanging out on the shelves and ex-cabinets near the ceiling, keeping out of the rats’ way.
Room 1.13: f.19r
Much of the northern portion of this room is taken up by an artificial pond.
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Appendix A thinks there should be a monster here, so this room contains a few very aggressive and territorial geese. Mundane geese, just angry ones. Not that that’s hugely out of the ordinary for geese. For extra fun, you may decide that one or more of these geese are actually the Horrible Goose. (Link goes to a post by @prokopetz; I believe there are other posts on putting the Horrible Goose in D&D as well, but this is the one that sticks in my head because I like how it describes the goose as having "limited ontological inertia".)
Room 1.14: f.19v
This is more of an unusual spot in the passageway than a proper room — a 10ft-by-20ft area off of the passage is an overgrown space that was probably once an herb garden of some sort. 
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The area that used to be a garden is currently home to some mundane snails, hedgehogs, and mice. The hedgehogs are exceptionally adorable.
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If the PCs haven’t already encountered it — I’m planning to put it on the random encounter table for this level — this is where they find the spotted boar. The spotted boar has the same stats as a mundane boar; its only unusual feature is its dramatically spotted pattern. This might be the result of magic, but might also just be from selective breeding — there are spotted pigs, after all. It is a foul-tempered beaſt and should be given a wide berth.
And that’s Week Two done. Having a lot of fun with this, but still struggling to keep the word count under control. See y’all next time, I guess.
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newtgati · 2 years
Digimon Survive Spoilers please do not read any of this if you have not beaten the game these are my personal thoughts! This is my opinion incoming ⚠️⚠️⚠️
I’m gonna be perfectly honest and say that I really didn’t enjoy this game as much as I would have liked. And I do want to clarify that yes I did know it was a visual novel and only 30 percent combat, I bought this knowing exactly what it was marketed as. What I have gripes about is not the format, it is the story and characters. If you enjoyed this game all the power to you! These are just my silly little ramblings and feelings and I don’t expect anyone to agree with me!
There is a lot of recycled dialogue, and it didn’t feel like a lot of the characters had development. Rather most of it fell down to them having doubts about the situation, their Digimon partners telling them to cheer up and believe in themselves, and then realising that they can get through this and feel better. This isn’t bad...
...Until you realise that you have heard this conversation about 50 times over through the course of the story.
It gives the illusion of depth, of course I’d understand if this sort of thing is done after a character death. In fact one of the better parts of the story in my opinion was chapter 6 after the death of Shuuji, where Minoru and some others started to feel scared of their Digimon since they had the potential to turn bad and dark digivolve. After Minoru’s fight with Falcomon they do feel like a unit and their development does feel earned. This cannot be said for most of the other characters however. I understand that they are all children in a dreadful situation but I felt we barely got to know most of them, even when going out of my way to try and raise affinity with everyone that I could. I wasn’t expecting the deepest or complex characters but with the amount of dialogue written I felt there was enough space for some sort of character development. But instead many felt flat to me. There were many instances of repeating the same thing with everyone as well, like in the sewers or in exploration segments where you’d have to fight or do the same action in each area, just because it worked once for one character, doesn’t mean I need to see the same thing happen with another with slightly altered dialogue to accommodate.
Also this was my first playthrough and I got the moral ending, which was probably the most neutral. I know the game is intended to be played multiple times and you need new game plus to get the truthful ending which has everyone alive and is the best one. But after the first I don’t feel too motivated to do this. Having to play a forced flawed run in order to play the everything again for the best outcome I really don’t like.
My main gripe however and was the actual deal breaker is how the game handles choice. Having there be 2 scripted deaths really bugs me, especially since the game hammers it in that you could have prevented them when you cannot. I feel that instead it would have been better to have a more fluid story where any characters could have died, had their affinity not have been enough, to be locked out of saving people by default I feel is a bad design decision in my opinion. Maybe there should have been a hard limit the first time through that made you really think hard about who to spend time with, so you would still have some deaths on your hands, but at least they would have made sense and up to you. You made the choice. I know this would have been much more tedious to implement and write but I was kinda hoping for more choice. As for the deaths themselves, they were interesting but the fact that Ryo and Shuuji can’t be saved anyway the first time makes them much cheaper all around. You just kinda watch it happen while the game makes you feel like a jerk for letting them get this bad. The post credits “If Ryo’s affinity was higher maybe everyone could have survived” was more of a punch in the gut rather than a way to spur me on to start the truthful route and save everyone. I don’t know if I was the only one who felt this way about that in particular.
I enjoyed the gameplay, it was mainly easy throughout but a swift difficulty curve toward the last through fights. It’s also great that we have an origin story about how the Digimon world came to be as well as prequel to Adventure.
I’m not gonna leave a bad review don’t worry, this game just didn’t do it for me personally, and I don’t want to add to the unjust review bombing that some people are doing. It didn’t make its mark on me and that’s ok. But for anyone who may have disliked it I’d thought I’d voice what I didn’t like in case anyone agreed. I still want this game to do well so Bandai know we care about getting Digimon games in the west! Poor Yokai watch 4 never even got an English release :(
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akaashisbabygirl · 3 years
you’re just a game he likes to play
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pairings: akaashi x female!reader
genre: angst, romance, NSFW 18+
warnings: use of drugs, drinking, vaginal penetration, fingering, oral (female receiving), angst angst angst
words: 2.6k
a/n: i’m sorry for not posting as much. i’ve always wondered how people write really long fics, and here i am. i spent last night + this morning working on this, so i hope you all enjoy <3 this i planned to be a one shot so i probably won’t be doing a part two
‘are you awake right now?’ 
akaashi’s fingers ghosted over his phone, a slight cringe filling his mind as he thought about sending the message. eventually, everyone around him started to pick up on his quiet, drunken tone. 
“who’s the girl you’re texting?” kenma asked.
“it’s no one...” he said back softly, locking his phone. as much as he tried to play it off as if he wasn’t texting anyone, he knew that one of the boys were going to comment about it sooner or later.
“come on man, we all know it’s hayami,” kuroo interrupted. akaashi knew kuroo meant it as a joke. as much as akaashi knew that kuroo was joking, yet there was still that smirk that rested on kuroo’s face that akaashi was so desperate to punch. it had been a year since akaashi had fallen out of love with hayami, a girl he knew he stood no chance with. 
within that year, things had changed. he never used to drink or anything. he had changed so much. it bugged him whenever the other men talked about love and girls. he started to think why it couldn’t be him, why he couldn’t be the one talking about a girl he loves. he wanted to express the love he felt for the girl that ended up catching him by surprise when he least expected. the same type of love that everyone thought was for hayami.
one thing that akaashi was clear of was that he was deeply, and drunkenly in love with you. 
like his friends knew, there had been a time in his life when he was in love with hayami. but after finding out that she had hooked up with one of his high school friends after she had told him that she loved him, akaashi started to fall out of love; and while he was in his broken state was when you came along. just when he needed.
everyone in the group was sure that akaashi was going to always be in love with hayami, only because she was said to be the hottest girl on campus; and he himself was a very good looking guy. everyone wanted her. unfortunately, akaashi’s friends couldn’t see that the love he had once felt for her had now died down into the pit of his chest.
however, despite telling himself that he had fallen out of love with hayami, he also hid behind the thoughts of your beautiful soft hair and the way you felt so small compared to him behind the fact that he still loved hayami. because, what is the point of loving someone who is just your closest friend? 
akaashi brought the glass of alcohol to his lips once more, letting the cold liquid slide down his throat. he sighed as he just about finished his third glass. had the room gotten louder? it had gotten to the point where he couldn’t make out the words of what his friends were saying. it was just too loud. 
he desperately wanted to text you. he wanted to send you cute messages about wanting to cuddle you, and kiss you and about how much he misses your touch and how he loves the feeling of your tiny body against his. after his third glass, those thoughts began to turn sexual. he felt different. had the others given him something? 
he remembered asking kuroo earlier in the night for something that would ‘take his mind off of everything’, maybe kuroo had given him something. his hands held onto the glass again as he watched the man across from him fill his glass again. 
his hands fiddled with his phone again. he so desperately wanted to message you right now, but his mind was clouded with sexual thoughts that he had never thought about before. he thought about how good he would be able to fill you up, how small you would be against him. he closed his eyes and sighed to the thought mentally. he wasn’t a pervert, at least he thought he wasn’t. 
the two of you were just friends. he respected the boundaries of your friendship. he wasn’t going to push you, he didn’t even know if you felt the same way about him. but once again, his mind and everyone around him kept telling him that he was in love with hayami. 
‘stick with the girl that all your friends know you love. you don’t wanna ruin your friendship with her’ said the narrator inside his mind, as if he was telling akaashi what to do instead of letting him figure this madness out on his own. 
akaashi stood up from the chair, making his way to the bathroom. after minutes, he was looking at his messy reflection in the bathroom mirror. he knew it was time to go home. he could see it in his reflection. he was drunk. drunk and in love. he wanted you by his side right now. maybe fixing his jacket or his hair. how you would be on your tiptoes just to try and reach him. how fucking cute. or how you would stand on your tiptoes to try and reach his lips. 
akaashi left the house, standing outside on the street waiting for a cab to pull up.
“what’s the address?” the man asked.
without a thought, he gave the man your street name. space and time had began to blur, his phone in his hands as the thought of you rushed throughout his mind.
you were in your room, sitting on your bed in an oversized shirt. your eyes scanned along the messages what you had just received from akaashi.
‘are you awake?’ 2:43AM
one missed call. 2:49AM
‘i miss you’ 2:54AM
‘i need your touch’ 2:58AM
one missed call. 3:02AM
‘need you so badly’ 3:06AM
he was high.
you knew he was. there was no way in hell akaashi would ever text you like this. he was in love with hayami. you were sure about this. you felt a stinging pain in your chest because it was obvious that you were deeply in love with akaashi keiji. you hated the way you were so badly separated from even being close to a relationship with him because the narrator in your mind always came back to remind you that akaashi was in fact in love with hayami. 
your fingers typed back.
‘i am not hayami. you have the wrong contact’ 3:10AM
there was no reply back. you thought that maybe he reached hayami’s apartment and that he was currently somewhere with her right now. you threw a pillow over your head.
he was such an amazing man. you had fallen in love with the person that he is, how he would always be there whenever you needed him so desperately. he helped you when you were down. it made you mad that hayami only wanted akaashi for his popularity around campus and not for the amazing person that he is.
it was hard to try and get over those feeling that were painfully stabbing your heart. you wanted to be with him. god, you wanted to be with him so fucking badly. but you knew that it would never happen.
because akaashi was in love with hayami.
the sound of knocking on your door threw you out of your haze. you checked your phone. no new messages from him. you opened the door, your eyes widening as his drunken state stood right in front of you. you hated to admit that he always took your breath away, even right now. he was so tall compared to you.
“can i come in?” his voice asked softly.
you nodded your head, opening your door further so he could come inside.
akaashi sat himself down on your couch. he looked lost. he was lost. he watched as you sat down next to him, your eyes not even looking in his direction. 
“are you... um... cold?” he asked, trying to make conversation.
you shook your head, silence running throughout the apartment.
“let me stay,” he blurted out. in fact, he had surprised you.
“you’re drunk,” you hated to admit the fact that his tone was deep and intoxicating. 
your fingers gripped his chin harshly, fingers digging into his jaw. you looked directly into his eyes. “and i don’t want to sit here and listen to you drunkenly express your love for hayami. not tonight.”
he watched as you pulled away from him, “i don’t love hayami! i don’t love her, i don’t know why you would think that!”
you stood up, trying to leave the room. you didn’t want to be around him right now. however, his hand gripping onto your wrist stopped your movement entirely.
without thinking, your hand slapped his cheek. hard. you were so angry. angry at the fact that you kept putting up with the same shit after knowing he didn’t feel the same way about you. tears perked in the corners of your eyes as you tried to control your emotions.
his beautiful face was inches away from yours as he pulled you to sit back down on the couch. his soft lips met yours for the first time. the two of you sighed into the kiss, almost as if it was some sort of relief for the both of you. his kisses were gentle, even if he was messily drunk right now. he was always gentle with you.
a soft groan escaped his lips as you opened your mouth, his tongue finding its way easily. he softly whispered against the kiss, “let me taste you... please.”
so polite.
you pulled your lips from his, looking into his blue coloured eyes. your lips partly opened. he saw your shy little nod.
“that’s my girl.”
the next few minutes had went by slowly. his lips attacked yours, his large hands pulling your body to straddle his waist, your clothed cunt pressing against his growing erection. his hands helped you grind against him as his tongue explored your mouth. your hands held tightly onto his shoulders as his hands grasped your ass.
akaashi stood up, having you stand up with him. he walked you down to your bedroom, his lips stayed attached to yours. 
the two of you made your way into the bedroom, akaashi’s jacket long discarded somewhere on the floor of the apartment. he gently pushed you down onto the bed. 
his hands found your thighs, spreading your legs open. his touches were soft and careful. he didn’t want to hurt you.
“tell me what you want me to do.”
“i want you to touch me,” you said as he removed his shirt, “please touch me.”
his hand found your ankle and lifted your leg slightly, pressing a soft kiss onto your ankle. akaashi kissed his way up your leg, his fingers removing your underwear.
his hands pushed your skirt up, his hands now grasping your legs with a firm grip. all his attention was on your womanhood now.
“so fucking pretty.”
he gathered your slick with his tongue, before drawing circles on your clit. he loved how your moans started to grow in pitch.
you affected him more than the alcohol did.
your hands clenched onto the bedsheets so tightly. he listened to your moans as his tongue ran along your messy cunt. he knew that you were holding yourself back. he could tell that your hands were clenching tightly onto the bedsheets, holding yourself back from grinding on his face.
one of his hands moved from holding your thighs down to toy with your clit. he could feel your body shaking and squirming underneath his large build.
akaashi never pulled away. even when you were starting to cum on his tongue. one of your legs had made their way onto his shoulder, the other around your waist.
akaashi’s face was coated with your juices. he removed his fact from your cunt, looking at you.
“i need to ask you... do you want to continue?”
you almost wanted to cry out now. akaashi had just made you cum. he was here right now, in between your legs, shirtless looking at you. you loved him. you loved him so fucking much. you couldn’t believe that this was happening right now.
“i want to.”
“yeah?” he placed your leg back down onto the bed, “tell me exactly what you want from me.”
“i want you to fuck me. please... fuck me.”
akaashi gave you a little smirk as he reached for his belt. the sound his belt made caught your attention quickly, your eyes darting to his lower parts.
you watched as he removed his pants and boxers. the size of his length made you press your knees together.
“i-its not gonna fit,” you mumbled softly, a deep red blush spreading over your cheeks.
akaashi chuckled, “i’ll make sure it fits.”
his voice was soft. he made you feel okay, made you feel safe. akaashi helped you remove the shirt from your body, “look how pretty you are.”
akaashi’s fingers found your entrance in no time. he pushed two fingers into you, listening to how you started moaning again. he loved the feeling of your tight walls around his fingers. he watched you clench around his fingers and with the beautiful moans you were giving him, he was ready to make you cum again. his skilled digits curled inside of your cunt, a cry falling from your lips as he did so.
akaashi leaned down to kiss your open mouth. you could feel him smiling into your mouth.
“i’m ready,” you mumbled out against the kiss, “akaashi, fuck me, please.”
akaashi removed his fingers from you, gathering your juices with the tip of his cock. he made sure he coated himself before pushing the tip in. he could hear your small voice whimpering and your soft pants. 
he looked at you, tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to adjust to his size. he softly kissed both of your tears. 
“s-so big,” you whispered against his lips as you felt akaashi slowly start thrusting.
he smirked, his head dipping down to your neck to suck and kiss your skin. he looked at you, your voice broken and whimpering. you were crying for his cock. you could feel him twitch inside of you. he pulled his dick out before pushing back in, looking at where your bodies were connected.
akaashi could see the little bulge on your lower stomach. he grabbed onto your small hand, placing it down on your lower stomach so you could feel him. he gave you another deep thrust. your body moved with his thrusts. akaashi watched as your little body shook uncontrollably whenever his hips met with yours.
even akaashi was under the impression that your small body wouldn’t be able to fit him, but it was almost as if you were made for him.
“you feel so good around my cock.”
akaashi angled your legs, hooking them to his arms. the new angle made your eyes roll to the back of your head. one of your hands grabbed a handful of his hair, making him throw his head back. your lips pressed softly along his jawline. 
“s-so good, s-so fuckin’ good,” you moaned against his skin.
your forehead met with his as his thrusts became deeper and deeper. his voice was broken, his cock twitching. 
“cum inside me,” you mumbled softly, soft enough for him to hear. his thrusts were deep and he could feel you climax around his length. 
“i love you so fucking much,” he mumbled against your skin, “so fucking much that it hurts.”
“i know,” you cooed, kissing his cheek softly, “i love you too.”
he finished inside of you. you saying that was the last thing he remembered. he felt so safe in your arms, naked and bodies tangled. he knew his cum was dripping from your stretched hole. he fell asleep there in your arms.
you felt so at home, so safe in this moment. you shut your eyes too, falling asleep, enjoying this moment.
because deep down, you knew that in the morning, you weren’t hayami. 
© all content belongs to akaashisbabygirl 2021, do not repost or change
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
The Obey Me Brothers When the MC is Sick
AN: MC is gender neutral. TW for obvious mentions of illness (warning for anyone with emetophobia) and death (no actual death included). The MC has a general ‘bug/fever’ style illness to keep things simple. Like last time, I’ve included scenarios that take into account whether or not you’re close, because I want to consider what they’d be like when the MC first gets there vs when they’ve been there for a while.
Note: All of the brothers aren’t worried about getting sick, because I headcanon that whilst the demons can pass on harmful illnesses to humans that can be deadly, the opposite generally is not true.
Total words: Around 5k. This was written in 3 different sessions so there may be some inconsistencies. Sorry for mistakes, its 1am and I’m too tired to double check everything. Enjoy!!
· If you’re not close: He’ll check up on you, take your temperature, and ask about the symptoms. He’s not necessarily cold, but just seems rather emotionless, or he might come off as frustrated - because he is. It wouldn’t be good for Diavolo’s goals if something were to happen to you, so the entire thing is an inconvenience.
· He’ll take care of you to a degree, but he’s not going to be a very comforting presence. He’ll give you any medicine or potions he can find that might help, or he’ll ask Solomon or a doctor to look after you. The warmest gesture you can expect from him is a cup of herbal tea in the morning when you wake up.
· Have fun catching up on all the schoolwork you missed after. Lucifer claims he has too much work to do to help you, and he’s telling the truth... kind of.
· If you are close, he’s going to ask you to move to his room until you get better - this is so that he can keep an eye on your whilst working at his desk, so that his brothers won’t constantly disturb you, and also because he wants to be as close as possible; he can comfort you easier if you’re right there, and he can spend the night with you in his arms if it makes you less miserable.
· He’s going to be gentle and attentive. He’ll take his gloves off and check your temperature with one hand, and then ask a lot of questions. “How do you feel?” “Where does it hurt?” “Do you think you can eat?” “Can you drink some water?” “How do you think you got sick?” He wants whatever details you’re willing to give so he can paint an accurate picture of things and start resolving it as soon as possible.
· When he’s with you, he’ll rub soothing circles against your palm or the back of your hand with his thumb, or against your cheeks and jaw, or along your arms and sides - whatever seems to comfort you most.
· He’ll ask if there’s anything you want him to do, or anything that you think might help - he’s not your servant, and he does have to bite back his pride a little to ask, but if he can make you happy then he has plenty to be proud for. He knows humans are more fragile than demons, but going by everything you’ve said it seems like this isn’t a serious illness, just a little sick spell. Lucifer is one of the more realistic brothers - he knows not to panic too much. However, he’d still rather not see you upset or hurt if he can help it.
· If you’re physically being sick, he’s going to initially step back because its rare for demons to get to that stage, and he isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. After a bit he’ll take to rubbing your back and mumbling whatever reassurances he can think of. He won’t admit it, but it definitely threw him off a bit, and it makes him even more anxious and doting for the next while.
· He feels guilty if he has to leave to go to class, but he’ll tuck you in and leave you with some tea and light snacks. He can’t afford to miss out on work, he has far too much to do already without falling behind and he doesn’t want to disappoint Diavolo. A lot of people are counting on him. That said, between classes and during breaks he’s going to be checking his phone to see if you’ve messaged or left any missed calls. If you haven’t, he probably won’t text each time to check up on you, but he’ll send at least 1 text a day whilst out to see how you’re doing.
· When he gets home, he’ll make sure his brothers aren’t doing anything stupid where he can see them and then head to his room to see how you’re faring. When you start to get better, you can see him smile faintly with relief and he flops down on the bed beside you, graceful as ever but more relaxed than he’d been the last few days.
· When you’re well enough to eat and your fever is down, he stops worrying. He’s a bit irritable around this time, though - its not your fault. His brothers are all really excited that they can see you up and about again, and when you turn up for dinner after not being there for a few days, they’re all so loud he starts to think he might need a day off to deal with the headache it gives them.
· If his brothers start teasing him for being so worried for the last few days, he’s going to snap fairly quickly. Please don’t be offended - he was worried, he made it clear he was when he was around you.
 [Other brothers after the Read More]:
· Close or not, he’s panicking. If you’re not close, it comes across as him teasing you about how weak you humans are, and he might come across as rude or inconsiderate. In reality, he really doesn’t know how he’s supposed to act, and he feels bad for it because Mammon is more emotionally in tune, and feels bad when others around him feel bad. He’s also just, trying to get more information - is it serious? Do you need a doctor? Should he go get Lucifer or even Lord Diavolo?
· Mammon isn’t the kind of person to wish harm on anyone, even if he doesn’t like them. When he finds out you’re sick, he’s going to quietly hope you get better soon, and then try and convince himself that he doesn’t care because you’re just some random human anyway. Still, he’ll be relieved once he hears that you start doing better, but the entire time you’re sick he’s worrying that you might die because humans are like that.
· If you are close... be prepared. Mammon is not leaving your side. He comes to wake you up in the morning and you seem more out-of-it than normal. Your face is flushed, so he checks your temperature with his forehead (its what he’s used to, he doesn’t even think to do it with his hand or arm). When he realises you’re much warmer than usual, he starts panicking.
· He’ll ask you about it first, but if you don’t give him clear answers or you seem a bit unsure, he’s going to go get Satan or Lucifer and bring them back to check up on you - he would go to Solomon, but he’s not close enough to him to predict how he’d react, and so leaves it as a last resort. If they give the all clear and say you just need a few days to recover, it relaxes him a little, but he’s still going to be on edge until you’re back to your usual self.
· Mammon is focused on comfort. When he’s sick he doesn’t want to be alone and he wants to be held. He’s either holding your hand, or laying right beside you with his arms around you, rubbing your back until you fall asleep. You’ll have to ask if you need anything like water or painkillers because he’s only going to leave if he really needs to eat, and if you’re physically being sick he’ll feel guilty but he’s not going to bring back any food because its impossible to predict how the Devildom food will interact with your illness.
· The first time you truly hear him snap at Lucifer probably happens whilst you’re sick - Lucifer comes to tell him he needs to go to class, because he’s missed too many lessons, and initially Mammon will plead with him and promise to attend every class for the next month no matter what, all pride thrown out the window because you’re important to him. If Lucifer still refuses to let him stay home, he’s going to get pissed. You shouldn’t be alone right now, and he’s adamant about that. It takes you quietly opening the door of your room, wrapped up in a blanket and flushed from the fever, to make the two stop arguing. When Lucifer sees you, he lets out a low growl and then leaves Mammon to do whatever he wants, filing an excused absence for the two of you.
· When you start getting better, Mammon lights up. You could swear he’s got stars locked away in his eyes that first morning you wake up and you seem almost back to normal. He keeps an eye on you, still, but his nerves finally die down a bit and he feels like he can breathe again. He’s grinning every time he looks at you, because he really is so happy you’re doing better, but if you bring it up or tease him he’s going to pout and refuse to speak.
· When you’re completely recovered, he might seem distant for a day or two - he needs to fall back into his normal schedule, and he needs a good rest. He’ll be there for you if you come to him, but he’s not glued to your side like he usually is.
· If you’re not close, he’s not going to know you’re sick unless someone posts about it in the group chat. Even then, he doesn’t pay any notice to it. You’ll get better. Whatever brother you’re close to will take care of you much better than he will anyway - that’s why you chose them, they’re better and more capable than him. Levi barely pays attention to anything at all for those few days, and spends most of his time holed up in his room with one distraction or another. He doesn’t understand why he feels lighter when you’re back at breakfast again, but he does. He keeps an eye on you from then on, but nothing really changes.
· If you are close, he can’t define how he feels no matter how hard he tries. He’s worried, he knows that much, but you’ll get better, right? Was he qualified to take care of you, if you were seeking him out? Shouldn’t you just rest for a few days? Wouldn’t that be enough to help you? He honestly doesn’t have a clue what would actually help you feel better, and so won’t even think to get medicine or painkillers unless you ask him to.
· He has to view it as an opportunity to get the ball rolling - if you come to him for comfort, or he feels he can offer any, then he can spend the time you’re sick getting closer to you. He can show you that he might just be able to offer something, anything at all, to your relationship. But... in his room, please? He’ll carry you there if he needs to, he has to be able to feed Henry and relax where he’s surrounded by his comfort items and his fish-tank walls.
· His bathtub bed (and his room as a whole) is quite cool and helps keep his temperature down, so he’ll set you down in that. If he’s also not focusing on keeping himself warm, he can drop his temperature enough that even just having him rest a hand on your forehead lowers your temperature. It takes a lot of courage, but if you’re up for it, you can sit in his lap and marathon TSL and he’ll keep his cold arms around you so you’re not overheating. He almost cries if you fall asleep like that - do you really feel so safe and comfortable around him?
· If you’re being physically ill he won’t have a clue what to do. Its not something he has experience with, so he’ll probably just wait outside the bathroom and call Lucifer to see what he says. When you come out he’s in pieces, tears in his eyes as he wraps his arms around you and holds you there. He’ll ask if there’s anything you want him to do if it happens again, and whilst it might make him feel a little ill himself, he’s willing to rub your back or hold back your hair if you need him to.
· If he’s asked to go to class or to a student council meeting, he’s reluctant to leave you alone. He makes sure you’re all set with TSL on and a handheld game system within reach, and a glass of water, and enough blankets and pillows... he’s nervously darting about the room making sure things are perfect. Right before leaving, he hesitantly kisses the top of your head and leans down to talk to Henry. “You have to take care of them, okay?”
· When he’s not around you, he’s nervous and unfocused. Where he’d usually spend his time glued to his phone so that he didn’t have to focus on the world around him, he now just stares off into the distance. He walks faster to make it feel like time is moving a little quicker, and the second he’s free, he rushes back to his room to check on you.
· When you start getting better, Levi in part wonders if anything he did helped. It was probably the doctor, or maybe one of his brothers came in whilst he was gone and helped, but all it takes is a ‘thank you’ from you and he’s tearing up. He wraps his arms around you until he’s too flustered to keep holding on. He still doesn’t want to let you out of his sight.
· It does end up being a bonding experience - Levi trusts himself a little more around you. He thinks that even if he’s not the best, you’re still open to his presence, and he’s not bothering you all the time. He finds himself closer to you, asking if you want to hang out more, and he’s more open after the whole experience. Really, an experience like this is the perfect way to break down some of the walls he’s built, so being sick isn’t all bad in the end up.
· If you’re not close, Satan will offer advice he’s found in books to you or whoever is taking care of you. He’s the most willing to help even if you’re not that close, because he has knowledge on the subject that the others lack. If a doctor isn’t available, he’ll be the one to check your temperature and ask about your symptoms and give a general diagnosis on the problem. If other brothers aren’t sure what to do, he is one of the first they call for advice after asking Lucifer (they think Satan might be better at dealing with it, but Lucifer is responsible for your safety and well-being, so the brothers view it as being necessary to keep him updated and get his opinion. Otherwise, they would usually go to Satan first and only to Lucifer if it was serious and/or you needed time off school.)
· The most he’ll offer in such a case is advice, though. You won’t get any real comfort from him, unless you call him and are clearly distressed, in which case he may offer some generic words of comfort over the phone before he calls someone you’re closer to and tells them to go take care of you.
· If you are close, he’s still going to be checking your symptoms, but he’ll be closer - instead of hovering over you from a distance, he’ll sit beside you on your bed and press a hand to your forehead and cheek instead of rushing to get a thermometer, and if you lean against him, he’ll put an arm around you whilst he asks about how you’re feeling.
· He’s one of the few brothers who prefers for you to stay in your own room - he’s aware that being physically ill is common for humans, and he can’t have you being sick on his books. Also, his room is too messy to fathom trying to take care of you properly. He ends up setting up a corner of your room for him to relax in whilst you’re recovering, with a selection of blankets and some pillows that Belphie was willing to lend him, so long as he washes them before returning them. Satan brings a couple of books and settles there until you’re better. He’s aware that he won’t get ill, and so doesn’t worry about proximity to you. He just thinks you might want your own space.
· If you ask him to, he’ll cuddle up beside you or sit beside the bed and read to you. His voice is low and steady and relaxing, and if it helps you sleep, he feels quite proud. He often ends up falling asleep right beside you, and it takes a moment for him to come around again when he wakes up. A lot of time is passed that way, with the two of you napping or him curled up in the corner in his impromptu fort, reading, as you rest.
· He’s not proud of it, but he finds it almost enchanting if you’re moody whilst sick. Its entertaining to him, and he wants you to get better, but he’ll still analyse your mood and actions the entire time you’re ill to see what makes you react in certain ways. He’s not intentionally provoking you, he promises, he’s just curious by nature.
· He asks a lot of questions in general - about how you feel, about what you think of a certain topic, about the human world. He’s trying his best to provide some sort of distraction for you, and the second you furrow your brows or start to look distressed, he produces another question or topic for the two of you to discuss or mull over instead. If it gets to a point where you stop answering, he’ll sit beside you and run a hand through your hair with an uncertainty similar to someone petting a cat that isn’t quite friendly yet. He wishes he could offer more comfort somehow, but Satan isn’t sure how he’s supposed to do that, so he just ends up acting like he normally does with short bursts of extra contact if they appear to help.
· If you’re physically sick, he’ll hold your hair back and then sit you down and get you a glass of water. Sips only, he reminds you - if you gulp it down, you’ll just be sick again. He’s practical, and he reminds you of anything he feels necessary when you’re ill - “don’t do this, it’ll make it worse” and “how about you try this, it might make it better?” become common phrases. He’ll listen to what you have to say, but will still gently coax you towards whatever advice he’s following out of a book if he can, because surely something has to help?
· When asked to leave for class, Satan complies without an argument, but he does notably struggle to maintain his composure when he remembers that you’re alone and suffering. Still, he reminds himself, if he goes to class he can tutor you on whatever you’ve missed when you’re better. So long as no one pisses him off, it’ll be alright. He checks up on you when he gets home, and realises that as long as you have everything you need before he leaves, that he can leave for short periods of time so as not to disrupt his schedule too heavily. He only really does so to go to school or cook, but knowing he can do that leaves him much less stressed than most of the other brothers, and he ends up a lot more organised too when you’ve recovered.
· When you start to get better, he tries to help get your school work out of the way as quickly as possible so that you’re not falling too far behind. He’ll still encourage you to relax and take it easy, but you’ll be caught up in no time with his help. He also prepares foods that are lighter when its his turn to cook so that you don’t distress your recovering system too much. Satan seems calm, and the next time you feel under the weather, he now knows exactly how to react to bring the least stress to both of you. He’s definitely the fastest to adapt.
· Bonus: You absolutely steal his heart if you ramble whilst somewhat out of it. Especially if none of your thoughts really connect but you’re trying to tell him something, anything that pops into your mind. He sits by your bed and rests his arms on it, with his chin propped up on them as he looks at you and listens intently, smiling the entire time.
· If you’re not close, Asmo won’t really do anything. You might get a simple ‘get well soon, honey x’ text, and that’s about it, or maybe some moisturiser with a note about how you should still take care of your skin even if you’re under the weather. Asmo keeps his distance and goes about his days as normal, without any real concerns or worries. You’ll get better, he doesn’t have to stress himself out over some human.
· If you are close, he’s all over the place for the first few hours. He makes sure your bed is comfortable, being the only brother other than Satan who wants you to stay in your own room so that there aren’t human germs all over his, and so that if he needs to, he can have his own time in his room. He’ll give you the comfiest pyjamas he can find that still look ridiculously stylish, and will ask if you want any help changing with a suggestive smirk, but any offers he makes are fully genuine - if you want his help changing, no funny business, he’ll absolutely do it.
· He’s not worried about getting sick, so Asmo stays physically close, but he’s also just not interested in being intimate with someone who is ill. Because of this, you get a break from his more suggestive nature. He’ll press soft kisses to your forehead when he’s trying to get you to relax or sleep, but that’s the only kisses you’re getting until you’re better and there isn’t a trace of your fever left.
· You may not feel great but your hair is going to look great, because he focuses on it. There’s an intimate comfort in having someone wash, dry, play with, and style your hair, and he hopes its enough to help you feel a little better. If you seem distressed his hands go to your hair, and he runs his fingers through it gently. If it’s messy or hasn’t been washed, he’s going to offer to help you bathe, but if you’re too unwell he’s going to prop you up in a chair, swaddled up in a blanket, and he’ll handle your hair. While he’s at it, he’ll wash your face and apply moisturiser to your face, hands, and arms. He quietly tells you something about how feeling cleaner can make you feel healthier.
· He’s not forceful about anything. It’s the first time he’s cared about anyone almost as much as he cares about himself, his first time putting someone before him, so he treats you like he’d treat himself. He knows that when he’s sick he sometimes really just wants to rest and be cared for, so he’ll do that for you. He rubs your back and tells you to let it all out, to complain if you have the energy to, and he’ll listen to everything you say. He tries his best to focus on you anyway, but when you’re sick and you ramble and whine, he couldn’t focus on anything else if he tried; he’s startled to realise just how important it is to him that he understands how you’re feeling in that moment so that he can make it better.
· He’s actually pretty good at attending classes, and because his attendance is high, Lucifer is more willing to let him have the few days off whilst you’re ill so he can look after you. Asmo leaves every now and then to wash, eat, exercise, or just to stretch his legs and have a bit of a break, but he does try to spend as much time as possible with you. Sometimes he’ll sit by the bed and scroll through Devilgram and read out posts to you or show you anything he thinks you’ll like.
· When you get better, he books a full spa day for the two of you - it helps to wash away any remaining traces of the illness, without being too overwhelming. It also helps him - its going to take a long time for him to get used to taking care of others, but he thinks its all worth it at the end of the day.
· Close or not, Beel is at least a little concerned. Being sick is one of the worst things that could happen in his opinion, and the second you stop showing up for meals, he notices and asks about you. He finds out what’s happened from another brother, and worries the entire time he doesn’t see you. He doesn’t know what to do, but he’ll tell whatever brother you’re close with to stay by your side as much as they can so you don’t feel too lonely. He’s relieved when you show up again, and will try to get closer to you so he can be closer to you next time you’re ill.
· If you are close, he’s at your door the second he realises you’re ill, and carries you back to his room if you’re comfortable. You’re wrapped up in blankets with as many pillows as Beel could coax Belphie into giving him, and he’s ready to take care of you as best he can. To him, this just involves staying glued by your side. He’s roped Belphie into helping, so that when he does have to leave, Belphie is by your side holding your hand in his place. Outside of that, Beel tries his best to only leave if you’re resting.
· He initially planned to have Belphie bring him food when he needed it, but then he felt too guilty because he couldn’t give you any and it might make you feel nauseous. Whilst you’re ill, no food is allowed in the twins’ room because of this.
· Beel is large and warm, making him perfect for cuddles. As mentioned in a previous post, the one issue is that if one of you is already feverish, you’re liable to overheating, and so Belphie has to set up a fan to keep you at a more reasonable temperature. With this in place, Beel lays down and wraps you up in his arms and stays there for as long as he can. He’s not one for words, but he’s happy to listen if you want to complain, or with some prompting, he’ll talk about his past and about what he and Lilith and Belphie got up to when they were angels in the Celestial Realm. If you still overheat, he kneels down by the bed and holds one of your hands in both of his, gently playing with your fingers and tracing shapes over the back of your hand idly as he speaks or listens.
· He checks your temperature regularly with his forehead, desperate for any sign of recovery, and sheepishly kisses it afterwards as an apology for disturbing you. Every time he leaves he comes back with a fresh glass of water, and will hold it up for you to sip at - if you can’t eat, you at least need to drink a little. If you end up being physically ill, Beel holds your hair back and rubs your stomach carefully. He makes a steady, quiet whining noise in his throat the entire time without realising it because he’s so sad and concerned that you’re this ill. At this point, even if Lucifer or Satan has promised you’re going to be okay and you’ve been checked by a doctor, Beel is calling them to his room and making them check again.
· No one can convince him to leave for class. He’s reluctant to go to classes anyway, although he got a little better when the exchange programme started because he wanted to be wherever you were. However, now that you’re stuck at home, he’s determined to stay by your side no matter what - it should have started a fight between Beel and Lucifer, but Beel looks at him once with those sad, puppy-dog eyes, and Lucifer lets him be. He wouldn’t be able to focus in classes anyway.
· When you start getting better he prepares a lot of food for a feast, although he asks Satan first about what foods would be light enough for you to eat. Whatever you can’t eat, he will, he reminds you, so you shouldn’t feel too pressured to finish everything. He lets you return to your own room, and the two of you have a movie night together. Beel pulls you into his lap and hugs you close to him the entire time because he’s so happy he doesn’t really know how to express it. If you’re still tired or unwell he’ll alternate between feeding you and feeding himself, and when the movie ends he presses a kiss to the top of your head, letting you rest if you’ve fallen asleep - if not, he reluctantly gets up to put on whatever you’d chosen to watch next, and then cuddles up with you and runs a hand through your hair until you fall asleep.
· Belphie doesn’t really pay any attention to you if you two aren’t close. He barely even knows you’re sick, and only picks up on whatever his brothers say around him. He doesn’t think about it too hard and goes about his days as normal, and his thoughts only drift towards the topic when he’s alone in the attic and can’t sleep. He briefly wishes for you to get better soon in his head, and then immediately denies that he ever thought about you and forces himself to move on from the topic.
· If you are close, good luck. Belphie’s motto for being sick is that the more you sleep, the sooner you’ll get better. There’s some truth to it, but he’s quite extreme. You’re carried to the attic the second you’re ill and dumped unceremoniously on a large nest of pillows and throws. Belphie flops down beside you and wraps his arms around you and tells you to close your eyes.
· His sin’s influence may not work well on you, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to make use of it anyway - he focuses hard and puts whatever spare energy he has into trying to make you sleep and have peaceful dreams, warding away nightmares for the entire time you’re ill. It works enough that sleep finds you easily, but for the brief periods where you are awake, you’re going to feel pretty dreadful because you’ve overslept so much and your body is crying out for some care. It takes time and effort to extract yourself from Belphie’s arms to be able to go get some water or go to the bathroom.
· If this becomes distressing, Belphie will listen when you shake him awake and tell him that you want to stay awake now for a while. He curls up beside you, the two of you facing each other, and smiles tiredly. There’s a comfortable silence in the room, only broken when one of you voices something or when Belphie yawns. If heavily prompted, Belphie might tell old, old stories of his past, and what humans were like long ago when he first visited the human realm. He presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes to talk, holding your hands together between the two of you, trying to create a calming aura so that you don’t feel too bad.
· If you’re going to be physically ill, Belphie brings a bin or bucket of some kind to the attic and encourages you to aim for that. There’s no formality to it and he sounds almost uncaring, but the second you have to make use of it he’s standing by you, worry filling his features as he tries to figure out how to make you feel better. He hesitantly pats your back but leans away as far as possible because the smell is a little too much for him. He’ll help you rinse out your mouth and then lay you down again, begging you not to be sick on his pillows whilst he goes and cleans out the container.
· You get better quickly with Belphie, the sleep working its magic. Because of how quickly you are recovering, Belphie is allowed to stay with you to help you get better so that you don’t end up missing too much school. He’s already missed so much that another day or two doesn’t really matter in the long run, and it won’t be noticeable when added to the pile of schoolwork he has sitting in the corner of his room that he’s slowly working his way through with you.
· Belphie has this gentle smile on his face every time he looks at you, his hair an absolute mess. You’re welcome to stay in the attic for as long as you need to, but Belphie becomes unresponsive as he tries hard to build back up the energy he used helping you rest. Its your turn to ‘take care of’ Belphie now, which mostly just involves letting him rest his head on your shoulder, chest, or lap and running a hand through his hair as he naps.
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felassan · 3 years
Some DA trivia and dev commentary from Twitter
There’s a lot of different tweets, so I’m just pasting and linking to the source rather than screencapping them all or making several different posts or something. Post under cut for length.
User: Was dragon age 2 your favourite in the franchise?
David Gaider: DA2 was the project where my writing team was firing on all cylinders, and they wrote like the wind- because they had to! Second draft? Pfft. Plot reviews? Pfft. I was so proud of what we all accomplished in such a brief time. I didn't think it was possible. [source] DA2 is, however, also where the goal posts kept moving. Things kept getting cut, even while we worked. I had to write that dialogue where Orsino turned even if you sided with him, because his boss battle had been cut and there was no time to fix the plot. A real WTF moment. >:( [source]
Mike Rousseau: I remember bugging that! And then being told it wasn't a bug, and being so confused. Doing QA for DA2 was an experience. Trial by fire. [source]
DG: So I think it's safe to say DA2 is my favorite entry in the DA franchise and also the sort of thing I never want to live through ever again. Mixed feelings galore. [source]
User: (I personally blame whoever it was for ruining most romance arcs in other games for me; they don't live up to Fenris's romance storyline)
DG: I wrote Fenris, so uh - me, I guess? Or maybe his cinematic designer, who put in the puppy dog eyes. [source]
User: If DA2 had just been an expansion, do you think it would have been better received? There was a lot of great stuff in there, and I think my initial dislike of it was because of the zone reuse. If it hadn't needed to be a full game, would that issue not have arisen?
DG: Hard to say. It was either going to be an over-scoped expansion or an under-scoped sequel. If it had stayed an expansion, it might never have received the resources/push it DID get. [source]
User: I'd love to visit the universe where you had an extra year or so to work on it. You did a very good job as it stands, but it definitely had rough edges. Not just the writing team either. The whole game had hit and miss moments, that just a little more dev time could have fixed.
DG: On one hand, DA2 existed to fill a hole in the release schedule. More time was never in the cards. DA2 was originally planned as an expansion! On the other, if we had more time, would we have started doing that thing where we second guess/iterate ourselves into mediocrity? [shrug emoji] [source] 
Jennifer Hepler: This is what I love about DA2. Personally, I greatly prefer something that's rough and raw and sincere to something that's had all the soul polished out of it. Extra time would have helped for art and levels, but it would have lost something too. [source]
DG: Right? I think we could have used some time for peer reviews (and fewer cuts), but I think the rawness of the writing lent a certain spark that we usually polished out. [source]
JH: Definitely. I think the structure (more character-driven) and the tightness of the timeframe let each individual writer's voice really come through. Polish can be very homogenizing. [source]
DG: I should add I'm not, by any means, against iteration. Some iteration is good and necessary. The problem that BioWare often had is that we never knew when to stop. Like a goldfish, we would fill the space given to us by constantly re-iterating on things that were "good enough". [source]
Patrick Weekes: I appreciate your incredibly diplomatic use of the past tense on "had". :D [source]
User: DA2 was my gateway into the series and I’m so happy it is. I love the game the way that it is. It’s one of my favorites of all time. But I am also aware of everything that was said here. If it were remastered, do you think it would change?
DG: I'd be surprised if it was ever remastered. If it was, do you really think they'd change things? Do remasters do that? No idea. [source]
User: Both sides got undercut as I recall. Didn't that whole sequence also end with the mage leader embracing blood magic? It was very much "a plague on both your houses" moment, at least for me.
DG: Yep. Orsino was supposed to have his own version of Meredith's end battle, which only happened if you sided with the templars. That got cut, but the team still wanted to use the model we'd made for him. So... that happened. [source]
DG: I would personally say that DA2 is a fantastic game hidden under a mountain of compromises, cut corners, and tight deadlines. If you can see past all that, you'll see a fantastic game. I don't doubt, however, that it's very difficult for most to do that. [source]
PW: I love DAI with all my selfish "I worked on this" heart, but DA2's follower arcs and relationships are probably my favorite in the series. [source]
User: As I've expressed many times, I love the game, especially it's writing and characters but, for me, the most impressive aspect of it, in consideration of it's lack of time for drafts and revisions, is the 2nd act with Arishok.  What amazingly complex character and fantastic duel
User: Just played it again and I have to agree. Though he is bound by the harsher tenants of the Qun, he makes valid points about free marcher society. Though it is obvious that he and Hawke will come to blows eventually, the tension builds gradually and understandably
DG: Luke did such a fantastic job with the Arishok I found myself sometimes wishing the Qunari plot had just been THE plot. [source]
User: What do you think would have changed, story wise, if you had more time for DA2?
DG: I would have taken out that thing where Meredith gets the idol. It was forced on me because she needed to be "super-powered" with red lyrium for her final battle. Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that. [source]
User: I deeply lament that there wasn't/couldn't be some sort of DA2 equivalent of Throne of Bhaal's Ascension mod.
DG: I'd have done it, if DA2 had allowed for anything but the most rudimentary of modding. ;) [source]
User: I mean, and I think I understand where you were trying, but how much legitimacy did the Templars and her as top Templar have after they're keeping the mages locked up against their will in the old slave quarters? Feel free to not reply.
DG: I think it's the kind of discussion which requires nuance, and which discussions on the Internet are not prone to. [source]
User: Was a compromise that the quest lines don’t branch? It felt like it was supposed to be that way but then you end up in the same place later regardless of what you pick. Like I hoodwinked the templars so good to help the apostates escape but in Act II they were caught anyway.
DG: I remember us having a lot more branching in the initial planning yes. Most of this got trimmed out in the first or second wave of cuts, in an effort to not cut the plots altogether. [source]
DG: "If you could Zack Snyder DA2, what would you change?" Wow. I'm willing to bet Mark or Mike (or anyone else on the team) would give very different answers than me, but it's enough to give a sober man pause, because that was THE Project of Multiple Regrets. [source] I mean, it's the most hypothetical of hypotheticals. It's never gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if EA considered DA2 its embarrassing red-headed stepchild. We'd also need to ignore that in many ways DA2 was as good as it was bad BECAUSE of how it was made. But that aside? [source] First, either restore the progressive changes to Kirkwall we'd planned over the passing of in-game years or reduce the time between acts to months instead of years... which, in hindsight, probably should have been done as soon as the progressive stuff was cut. [source] I'm sure you're like "get rid of repeated levels!" ...but I don't care about that. All I wanted was for Kirkwall to feel like a bigger city. Way more crowded. More alive! Fewer blood mages. [source] I'd want to restore the plot where a mage Hawke came THIS close to becoming an abomination. An entire story spent trapped in one's own head while trapped on the edge of possession. Why? Because Hawke is the only mage who apparently never struggles with this. It was a hard cut. [source]
User: I would LOVE to hear more details about this! I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a short story?
DG: I don't even remember the details of the story, sorry. There was a fight, and you caught the bad guy and then realized none of it was real and woke up idk [source]
DG: I'd want to restore all those alternate lines we cut, meaning people forget they'd met you. Or that they knew you were a mage. Or, oh god, that maybe they'd romanced you in DAO. So much carnage. [source] I'd want to restore the Act 3 plots we cut only because they were worked on too late, but which would have made the buildup to the mage/templar clash less sudden. Though I don't remember what they were, now. Some never got beyond being index cards posted on the wall. [grimace emoji] [source] As I mentioned elsewhere, I'd want to restore Orsino's end battle so he wouldn't need to turn on you even if you sided with him. And I'd want an end fight with the templars that didn't require Meredith to have red lyrium and go full Tetsuo. [source] Heck, maybe an end decision where you sided with neither the mages nor the templars. Because it certainly ended up feeling like you could brand both sides as batshit pretty legitimately, no? That was never planned, tho. No idea how to make that feel like an actual path atm. [source] Maybe an option to go "umm, Anders... what are you DOING?" 👀 [source] And, of course, a Varric romance, because Mary took that "slimy car salesman" character we'd planned and did the impossible with him. I can feel Mary glaring at me for even suggesting this, tho. [source] Lastly, the original expanded opening to the game which allowed you to spend time with Bethany and Carver BEFORE the darkspawn attacked. And, um, that's about it off the top of my head. Zack Snyder, WHAT PANDORA'S BOX HAVE YOU OPENED. [source] Shit, I remembered two more things: 1) Restore the "Varric exaggerates the heck out of the story" at the beginning of every Act, until Cassandra calls him on it. Yes, that was a thing. 2) Make DA: Exodus. Yes, I am still bitter. [source] God damn it, I meant "Make DA: Exalted March". The DA2 expansion, NOT Exodus since that was DA2's original name and makes no sense. Because the expansion ended with Varric dying, and that will always be on my "things left undone" list. [source]
User: Whaaaat?
DG: Well, you know that scene in Wrath of Khan where Spock goes into the dilithium chamber because he's a Vulcan? Well, imagine that but with Varric and red lyrium and because he's a dwarf. ;) [source]
John Epler: I distinctly remember referencing the bit from MGS4 where you crawl through the microwave corridor in the split screen, while cinematic battle rages on the other half. [source]
DG: It would have been glorious, John. Glorious. [source]
JE: I don't think I've ever been so certain what a shot should look like as I did Hawke coming in and finding Varric in the broken throne, just like when he was telling Cassandra his story. [source]
DG: It would have come full circle! Auggghh, it still kills me. [source]
User: Lord, you folks are a little too good at this.
JE: The true secret behind videogame narrative is knowing how to make yourself seem a lot more clever than you actually are. [source] 'Oh, we TOTALLY planned that.' [source]
User: Ok, this thread [the DA2 regrets thread, which is the big chunks above] but Inquisition.
DG: My regrets about Inquisition are, more or less, the normal kind. Nothing so dramatic, I'm afraid. [source]
User: You can keep your Varric romance, I want a Flemeth romance goddamnit!
DG: I would allow for one flirt option, and then a recording of Kate Mulgrew laughing for three minutes straight. [source]
User: I had a hypothesis about the repetitive caves in DA2. They're repetitive because it's Varric telling the story and he didn't consider them important.  They're like sets in a play.  (Okay, I really suspect it was a time/money/resources thing but I like my fake explanation better.)
DG: Hang a lampshade on it, maybe? Cassandra: "But that's the exact cave you were in last time?" Varric: "Whatever. They all look the same, I'm not THAT kind of dwarf. Can we move on?" [source]
User: that makes sense, hypothetically to make Varric romanceable and keep his arc—that had to happen for the main plot—I imagine you would have to make double the content (or more)? which would've been a tall order given the time/budget constraints the game was under
DG: Right. When it comes to "romance arc" vs. "follower story arc", we generally only had time to do one or the other. Never both. Romancing Varric would have meant not getting the story of his that you did. [source]
Mary Kirby: The one exaggeration I really, REALLY wanted, that we never got to do was Varric narrating his own death scene with Hawke weeping over him, then cutting to Cassandra's pissed off glaring at him. [source]
DG: Haha! The one I wanted was Varric's plot where he takes on the baddies single-handedly, sliding across the floor like Jet Lee, action movie-style, until finally Cassandra gets irritated and he has to admit Hawke & the rest of the party showed up to help. [source]
MK: We did that one! (He didn't do any Jet Lee moves, though.) Jepler gave him letterboxing to get The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly showdown vibes while he shot a ton of mooks single-handed. [source]
DG: Wow. Shows how much I remember. [source]
JE: I found it! I remember seeing this sequence as my treat for doing a bunch of much more challenging work. It was fun to see how far I could push our limited library of animations. [link] [source]
DG: Heh awesome. I could have sworn it was cut, honestly. I think I was even in that meeting. [source]
User: no disrespect but that’s surprising and rich of Mary “Hard in Hightown” Kirby to think DA2 shouldn’t have had a Varric romance when she wrote an entire book of Varric’s self-insert character pining over his Hawke insert character… HIH is the reason we had VHawke Summer 2018
DG: I can't *really* speak for Mary, or how she feels about it now compared to back then. I only know how she felt about it back then, and I'm not sure it was as much the concept of the romance but that Varric's entire story would be bent to "romance arc" ...a very different thing. [source]
JH: I remember pushing to have the first DLC start with Hawke having an option to ask Varric, "Did you tell Cassandra about us?" and if you picked it, Varric would answer, "Of course not, baby. I told her you were sleeping with X..." and then proceed as if you had had a full romance. [source]
DG: I still wonder how that would have gone over. x) [source]
JE: Okay, one more DA2 thing. Putting together the cinematics for this scene was a blast. [link] [source]
MK: These lines are my greatest legacy. I want "Make sure the world knows I died... at Chateau Haine!" inscribed on my tombstone. [source]
JE: I was so glad no one said 'no' to the crane shot. [source]
MK: It needs that crane shot. It's the perfect icing on that cake made from solid cheese. [source]
DG: The designers were all "we need more combat" and I think we were all "I think you underestimate just HOW interesting we can make this dinner party". [source]
JE: And finally. I think @SherylChee wrote the one-liner. I think we had a collection of like, 20. [link] [source]
Sheryl Chee: Yeah! Something like that! I remember submitted a whole bunch and Frank said you only needed one. Wish I'd kept the other fifteen. [source]
JE: A random chooser where, each time through the scene, you get a different one-liner. [source]
JE: DA2 is the project I'm the proudest of. I also absolutely get that it didn't land for a lot of people. But I don't think it's inaccurate to say that, in a lot of ways, DA2 defined my career. [source]  Everyone spent a year working at their maximum ability. I was a fresh cinematic designer and was given all of Varric's content, as well as the Act 1 Finale mission. It was a lot for someone who had been doing the Cinematics thing for literally 6 months. [source]  There's some stuff in there I can't look at without wincing. And there's some stuff I'm genuinely proud of. Not to mention, it was my introduction to most of the writing team. Several of whom I'm still working with today! Albeit in a different capacity [source] Also, weirdly, one of my most enduring memories of Dragon Age 2 is how much Bad Company 2 we'd play at lunch. It was a LOT. [source] Every game I've worked on has a game I played attached to it. ME2 is Borderlands. DA2 is Bad Company 2. DAI is DayZ. I, hmm. There's a progression there. I don't know how I feel about it. [source]
User: Is DA4 going to be tarkov then?
JE: I've kind of churned out of Tarkov for now. Probably Hunt Showdown, at least right now. [source]
User: I think people also don't take nuance into consideration -- like I FULLY acknowledge the flaws in my favorite games and will openly criticize them, but that doesn't mean they're not my favorite games anymore??? You can like and thing and still be critical of it.
JE: A lot of my favourite shit is deeply flawed! I acknowledge it and I think it's interesting to dissect the flaws. [source]
User: I still wish Justice was an actual character in DA2 rather than a plot point.
DG: There was a moment during DAI where we *almost* put in you running into Justice with the Grey Wardens, and he's all "Kirkwall? I never went to Kirkwall" [source]
User: Does that imply that Justice was shoehorned in to DA2?
DG: Nah, it was an in-joke where we thought it'd be fun to suggest that "Justice" was simply some demon that tricked Anders in DA2. Wooo those tricky demons! We didn't do it, though. [source]
User: [about templars]  except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves [source]
User: Can you shed some light for us on how DA was able to do multiple same-sex romance options for different genders but the Mass Effect team treated them like the plague? What process existed for your team that just wasn't their for the other tentpole franchise?
DG: Different people making the decisions, almost different cultures. I don't know what it's like now, but for many years the Mass Effect team and the Dragon Age team were almost like two different studios working within the same building. [source]
User: It truly boggles the mind. Kudos for doing demonstrably better on consistent queer representation than the ME teams. Y'all never needed us to make petitions to try to get the studio's attention and ask them to do better by us. That's the fight we're once again embroiled in now.
DG: Honestly, I don't feel like tut-tutting the Mass Effect team. They did their part, and if they were a bit later to the show than the DA team they certainly did more than almost every other game out there -- and willingly. [source]
Updates begin here
User: So what was the reason for naming Dragon age 2 "Dragon age II" and not using a subtitle?
DG: As I recall, that was purely a publisher decision. I think they wanted to avoid the impression it was an expansion. [source]
User: Is there no chance of ever remaking DA2 under better circumstances? -Somehow remove the repetitiveness of gameplay by making changes and updating the tech and adding much more to the storyline. It could almost be a new very exciting game.
DG: I'd say there's zero chance of that. Let's keep our hopes up for the next DA title instead. [source]
User: I am a little confused here, help me out here please! How exactly was the cut boss battle with Orsino supposed to work out? How it would've kept him from turning against the player?
DG: It means that, if you sided with the templars, the entire boss bottle at the end would have been against Orsino and the mages. No fight against Meredith. The end decision would have been more divergent. [source]
User: I do remember that one of the reasons going around for that, was that resources were going to the transition to Frostbite. I'm still not fully sold on that having been a good choice. I felt that more time should have been given for that transition considering it was made for FPSs
DG: We didn't transition to Frostbite until DAI. Given our time frame for DA2, I don't think we *could* have transitioned to a new engine. [source]
User: Since your talking about the what could have been for DA2. Could you say what your script was for Anthem? Cause I remember reading that you wrote the plot on that game.
DG: I created a setting for Anthem and scripted out a plot - but, as I understand it, almost none of that ended up being used. So it's a bit pointless to talk about what I'd planned, as that'd be for some completely different type of game. [source]
User: [in reference to the exchange above where DG said “Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that.” re: Meredith] except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves. [source]
If I missed a tweet, got the wrong source link or included a tweet twice, feel free to let me know and I’ll correct.
Edit / Update: Post update 22nd April
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
No More Secrets
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: Harry finds out about a history between you and Tom, making him doubt himself and your relationship.
WC: 2,486
Warnings: a little bit angsty, kinda sad for a second, swearing, mentions of sex, mostly fluff 
A/N: I like to put the ��keep reading” bar on all my posts (not just 18+) because I prefer it that way on mobile, if y’all don’t like it, let me know!!
Somehow, Harry had convinced you to go on a camping trip with Tom, Sam, and Harrison. You, not being the outdoorsy type because bugs, agreed and now here you were in the woods trying to set up a tent with Harrison. 
“No, it goes this way, Y/N,” Harrison barked at you in exasperation. 
“Well, that’s not what the picture looks like, Harrison,” you sassed back. 
“Well, I don’t care what the picture looks like!” he argued back before Harry came over to help you out.
“Why don’t you go help Tom unload the kitchen stuff, darling, and I’ll handle this,” he spoke against your ear, gently wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a short kiss to your temple. 
“Yeah, alright,” you answered breathily, slipping out of his grasp and walking back towards the cars.
“Alright, how do we do this?” Harry questioned Harrison.
“Mate, I have no idea, she was the only one reading the directions,” he answered. 
“Then why were you yelling at her!?”
“Because I’m sure my way will work just fine!”
“Well, she knows what she’s doing! She’s always right!”
“Just because she’s your girlfriend, mate, doesn’t mean she’s always right.”
Harry glanced down at the instruction manual laying on the ground at his feet, then glanced back at the tent in his hands. “Well, in this case she was,” he said shoving the manual in Harrison’s face before pulling the poles out of the tent to start over. 
“Ugh,” Harrison groaned, “this is going to take forever!” 
After dinner, so graciously cooked by Sam, you were gathered around the fire pit, under the stars. You were cuddled in Harry’s lap, sharing a blanket while everyone else was situated in their own chairs; yours had become the snack chair - featuring the s’mores supplies. 
You were all slightly tipsy, having cleared through the single case of beer you’d packed. The boys were arguing about who would have to go into town the next day to get more, not that you cared. You were content being sober, never having been a big drinker.
Harry wasn’t paying much mind to the conversation either. Instead he was focused on your fingers tracing patterns on his thigh, your hair tied up in a bun to avoid a marshmallow-chocolate catastrophe, and the way the firelight lit up your cheeks. 
You glanced down at him sweetly, feeling his eyes lingering on you. You breathed deeply before asking, “what’s up, bub?” 
“Nothing, babe, just looking at you,” he answered.
“Like what you see?” you asked cheekily, chuckling lightly.
“Oh yeah,” he answered quickly, “how did I ever get a girl like you?”
“I don’t know, Holland,” you answered, laughing breathily once more and planting a kiss on his lips.
“Would you two knock it off?” Harrison groaned from across the fire, “no one wants to see that!”
You pulled back and chuckled, slightly embarrassed because you weren’t used to attention like this. You’d hardly spent time with these boys as a group, mainly opting for solo-time with Harry.  
“Oh leave ‘em alone,” Tom answered quickly, “I think it’s cute.” 
“Yeah, only because you didn’t want her,” Harrison grumbled out, much louder than he’d anticipated. 
“What?” Harry piped up quickly. 
“Oh no,” Sam sighed, knowing the full story, and the secret you’d vowed to keep from Harry.
You had met Tom on a red carpet once upon a time, greeting him quickly before being ushered off to the next interview. You didn’t think anything would come of it, but hoped that you’d cross paths again another day. To your delight, you did on your next project. 
You ended up filming a small movie with the Russo Brothers and Tom came to set for a few days to visit them. The two of you “reconnected” and ended up getting on pretty well, hanging out casually while he was around.
The night before he left, the two of you had a night in at your apartment; you had take out together and watched a movie, during which you had gravitated closer together. You were talking a little and felt the smallest spark in the room. The two of you were looking at each other, a pause settled in the conversation. He glanced down at your lips, and you at his. In this moment, you silently agreed that you wanted to try something more. He leaned in and pressed a sweet, short kiss to your lips. You didn’t feel anything and neither did he. He pulled away and let out a breath. The both of you agreed that it didn’t feel like anything; not that it was a bad kiss, but it didn’t set either of your hearts on fire. 
After that you agreed to stay friends, keeping things simple, and nothing more ever came of it. You didn’t know that he’d told any of his friends, as you’d never told anyone yourself. If you were ever asked about your relationship with Tom, you always said something along the lines of, “it’s just not like that.”
A few months later, you and Tom ended up in Atlanta; he was filming Spider-Man and you were working on another project. This time he had Harry with him, who you got to meet. Instantly, something sparked between the two of you. You ended up hanging with Harry a lot on this trip; the two of you found ways to be alone together, even if you’d started the night out as a group with other friends.
Quickly, you and Harry built a relationship; everything with him felt easy, comfortable, harmonious. One night, you were bar hopping with the gang, Harry and you leading the pack, and Harry kept bumping his arm against yours. You got the hint, and let him tangle your fingers together, very much like the Far From Home airport scene with Peter and MJ. Things progressed from there with more time being spent together and quite a few dates. A few weeks later, you slipped up introducing him to one of your friends, calling him your boyfriend when you’d hadn’t had that talk yet; but he was smooth, instantly reaching his hand out saying, “yeah, I’m her boyfriend, nice to meet you,” before winking at you and cooling the blush rising to your cheeks.
Now here you were a year later, and your secret from oh so long ago was about to come out. You wanted to tell him about your kiss with Tom, but didn’t want to hurt him or make him doubtful of your relationship, so you let it slide. Not worrying about it and just letting life happen.
You immediately looked at Tom, knowing what Harrison was referring to, now also knowing that Tom had told people. You weren’t mad at him for this, but obviously everyone knew that Harry didn’t know, and should’ve been keeping their mouths shut.
Harry had always been a little beaten down; he felt he was living in Tom’s shadow and thought that girls wanted Tom more than him. Meeting you was different, you seemed to see him. He never thought that you and Tom might’ve had something before he came along.
Silence passed between you all, no one willing to break the tension except Harry.
“What did you say, Harrison?” 
“Nothing, I didn’t mean anything,” Harrison quickly stuttered out.
“No, you said that Tom didn’t want Y/N. What does that mean?” He questioned, looking at Tom first and then up at you.
You blinked quickly, eyes locked with Tom, urging him to speak. Thankfully he got the message, “Y/N and I sort of kissed once. It was nothing, just a peck.”
“You..... you what?” Harry asked, his face falling as you turned to look at him quickly. You pressed your hands to his cheeks trying to make him listen to your explanation as you began to sputter, “it was nothing,” and, “it didn’t mean anything.”
Harry nudged you off of his lap and stood up before stalking off to your shared tent.
You looked over at Tom, to which he quickly whispered a “sorry,” his face softening at you as well, before you locked eyes with Harrison sternly. 
“What the fuck was that about?” You seethed at him. He knew he messed up and he was genuinely sorry, but right now in this moment there was no fixing it with you so he chose not to say anything at all. His eyes looked remorseful; deep down you knew he was sorry and that he wouldn’t do anything to break up you and Harry, but he had really messed up. 
You turned around and began to walk slowly to the tent, wanting to give Harry a little time to cool off before you tried to explain. When you made it to the entrance, you slowly unzipped it and found him laying on top of the sleeping bag with his arm thrown over his eyes.
“Bubba?” you asked quietly, not wanting to push him too far, but desperately wanting him to speak to you. 
He sighed deeply. You knew he’d heard you and that he was processing, so you sat down next to him quietly, waiting for him to come to you. Tears started to well up in your eyes because you hated hurting him and you didn’t want to lose him. 
He slowly sat up and removed his arm from his face. He turned towards you and looked into your bloodshot eyes; his were red too and he already had streaks of tears down his cheeks. 
“Yes, darling?” He asked; he wanted to hear what you had to say. He didn’t want to lead the conversation yet, hell, he wasn’t sure he was even ready to have it. 
“Bubba, it didn’t mean anything. I promise. It was so long ago,” you breathed out, not really knowing where to start. You’d been so focused on him that you didn’t think about what you were going to say.
“What happened exactly?” he asked lowly, wanting to know the whole story. 
“Well, he visited the Russo Brothers on our set and we hung out and then thought maybe we could be more and kissed once. It didn’t even last a second and it didn’t feel like anything and I don’t want him at all. He doesn’t want me. We agreed that it was nothing and I didn’t even know that Harrison and Sam knew and I’m so so sorry I didn’t tell you. I know how much it hurts to find out this way,” you quickly rambled out. 
“A long time ago. Before Atlanta. Before we met,” you stuttered out.
He looked up at the roof of the tent, breathing deeply. He felt like sloppy seconds. 
“You couldn’t land him, so you came to me?” he spoke into the sky.
“Not at all,” you hurried out as you clambered over to him and straddled his lap, grabbing his cheeks and bringing his face down to meet yours, “I don't want him. There’s nothing between us, we’re just friends, you know that.” 
You paused, giving him time to add something if he wanted. You breathed for a few seconds before continuing, “I know that you feel like you live in his shadow, but trust me when I say that when I saw you, my world shined a little brighter. You’re not in the shadow with me at all, baby,” you whispered to him, both of you now crying heavily.
You peppered little kisses on his chin as you continued, “I looked past Tom and saw you, Harry. It’s always been you,” your voice breaking. 
“But you could have had him, why would you ever want me?” He questioned insecurely.
“Because you’re you, bub. You’re different people. You see me as I am. You appreciate me. You’re an incredible person with the kindest heart. You’re an amazing human being. You care for people so much. You’re an amazing photographer and you’re gong to make an amazing director someday. Hell, you already are with Roses for Lily,” you breathed quickly, squeezing his cheeks a little tighter, trying to make him believe you. “God, Har, I love you so much, it hurts,” you added before thinking.
You pulled away quickly, your tears stopping and eyes widening immediately. His widened as well, neither of you had said that yet.
Your brain kicked into high gear, immediately trying to talk your way out of it, but no words were coming to your mind so you were left stuttering a series of “um,” and “I didn’t mean to say that” and “what I meant was,” before he cut you off.
“I love you, too,” he said simply. 
“Yeah?” you breathed out.
“Yeah,” he said before gently grabbing your waist and pulling you forward to connect your lips. 
After separating after a few seconds, you asked him, “does this mean we’re okay?”
“Yeah, love, we’re okay,” he answered, calling you ‘love’ for the first time. Your heart beat a little faster at that before he added, “I just wish you would’ve told me sooner.”
“I wanted to, babe, but I didn’t want to hurt you, especially when it was nothing.”
“I understand that, darling,” he breathed out, “but no more secrets.”
“No more secrets,” you answered before kissing him again.
He poured his whole heart into the kiss, wanting to show you just how much he loves you. Your tongues tangled for a while before he started to tug at your hips a little harder, trying to grind up into you. You felt him beginning to get hard and pulled back chuckling.
“I am not having sex with your brothers and best friend sitting right there.”
“They’re pretty far away, love,” he laughed, trying to pull you in with his charm, “I don’t think they’ll hear, but if they do, they’ll really know you’re mine,” he added peppering kisses down your neck and sucking on your sweet spot just above your collar bone. 
“Harrrrrrrrry,” you laughed out, pushing him away from your neck and pulling his face up to yours to plant a quick kiss on him, “no.”
“Later?” he asked cheekily, quirking up an eyebrow and smiling at you.
“Maybe, bubba,” you answer slowly, “if you’re lucky, very late tonight after we’re - and by we’re I mean I’m - sure everyone is asleep we can maybe go have sex in the car where no one will hear us.” 
He plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth before saying, “man I can’t wait for them to go to sleep tonight,” with a laugh and a final kiss to your lips. 
“C’mon tiger,” you say standing up and dragging him with you back to the group. 
“All better?” Tom asks quickly once the two of you came into view. He glances down at your entwined hands before smiling.
“All better,” you assure him settling back into Harry’s lap and pecking him quickly. 
A/N: Tagging @thegirlintheswivelchair because she heard all about this as it was being written (and she brought up the s’mores) xoxo
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siwoline · 3 years
“can we stay like this forever?” — [sjy.]
Tumblr media
♫ : spaces by martti franca
word count: 1,901  |  angst, masochist
<masterlist> <prev> <next>
some, if not everyone, surely had a tower moment. a phase when everything seems to go downfall and you had no other choice but to surrender to wherever the universe takes you. some faced everything alone and some found a companion.
in your case, you had jake.
you met each other through a common friend back in high school. it was just a “hey, this is y/n. y/n, this is jake.” type of introduction and you just both went on with your lives separately, not minding each other’s business because you clearly had nothing to do with it. you weren’t interested with him and, on your point of view, he wasn’t too.
but suddenly, you passed by each other’s lives again, when he saw you sitting like a drunk single aunt by the gutter of an abandoned gas station. it was because you told your friends you’ll walk your way home even though your vision was spinning and your head hurt like hell.
you remember, “y/n?” jake mispronounced your name when he saw you then.
and you corrected him even though you’re drunk by saying, “it’s y/n! you stupid!”
“i’m sorry, y/n. do you need something?”
obviously! is this man really stupid? were your thoughts. you were looking at him meaningfully, trying to tell him that he’s unbelievable but he seems to not care about your stares. he just reached for your arms and guided you to wrap them around his broad shoulders.
this man’s caring. what the hell.
as much as you wanted to throw your shoes at jake that time, you just didn’t have the energy to fight and perhaps you wanted to thank him for somehow taking care of you even though you barely know each other.
after that night, you were informed that, apparently, jake studies in the same university and he lives near your pad. and according to your common friend, it’s just a 10-minute ride from yours.
your encounter with him did not stop there because you saw each other again on a party hosted by your friend. the moment you laid eyes at each other, he recognized you right away and walked towards you leaving a girl who’s clearly hitting on him that time.
that night, you two shared stories and even danced with some acquaintances, completely unaware that it was the start of something you didn’t anticipate.
“who’s this?” you said when you picked up the call of someone who’s bugging you at three in the morning, the day after your friend’s party.
that’s when you heard jake mumbling words you cannot decipher because first, it was, again, three in the morning, and second, he was a drunk zombie.
“where are you?” you asked him repetitively and still trying to respond to what he was saying until the bartender took over the phone and told you where he is.
you went to the bar to fetch him. jake looked so wrecked and tired from the world, he’s a complete mess when you saw him lying on the bar’s couch. when you went to him and woke him up, he looked at you and there you saw his stares. his intense eyes looked like he wanted someone to save him or just someone who’s willing to hear his stories.
and so you did.
it was almost everyday, at three in the morning, when you go out to see each other at the gas station where you first met as acquaintances. you’d bring snacks from your stock and he’d bring drinks bought from the convenience store he’ll pass by on his way to you.
you’d talk about everyday, how things went wrong and how things are going. you’d tell him that the only constant thing in the world is life fucking you up and his boisterous laugh would disturb anyone and anything near. he’d tell you how pretty the night sky is and how badly he wanted to travel just to see its end and you’d agree and tell jake you’ll go with him.
no one knew of the times you’re together, not even the friend who introduced you to each other. it was just a moment between you two, and you hate to admit but there are times that by thinking of it, the thought of seeing jake, made you feel things.
and god, as well as jake, knows how badly you hate feeling tickling emotions, those of the positive kind, because you know that there’s definitely an aftermath.
“how’s your brother?” he randomly asked when you were just talking about an online post you shared with each other through chat.
“he’s doing well. you want to see him next weekend?” then he nodded as a response.
it was not just you who grew fond of jake, some of your family members, only those whom he met, did as well. especially your little brother. they’d play games when you and jake would come over to your grandfather’s house where your brother temporarily lives. they would also talk about boy stuff, completely excluding you from the conversation, and you can see the both of them enjoying their time.
and, annoyingly, again, this made you feel more at ease with jake.
“do you still drink?” you asked meaninglessly.
“not anymore,” he shrugged, as if saying he doesn’t know why.
“as i am,” that’s when he looked at you, confused. “i don’t know. maybe i’m healed,” and you laughed with the absurdity of the thought.
but jake smiled with what you said, “that can be true.”
“what about you? you’re finally moved on from the woman you cried for when i first fetched you at the bar?”
he turned his head away, obviously feeling shy. “that was more than a year ago, y/n.” his lips are forming a pout. “plus, i’m being comforted in a much healthier way.”
you were shocked by his response. “you’re seeing someone again?”
he shook his head and said, “i just found comfort in someone’s presence.”
“isn’t that the same?”
he looked at you and said, “i don’t want to intervene in their peace.”
then all of a sudden, that was your last encounter with jake. you didn’t hear any news about him or his whereabouts for a good six months. when you were told that he’ll be attending a seminar, you woke up late which led to not seeing him around the campus ever since. just like that, jake was nowhere to be found.
and you cannot believe why jake’s no-show bothered you so much.
you thought of him almost everyday, thinking whether he’s doing fine or coping from his heartbreak and problems. you thought of how he’s doing in school because you haven’t seen his shadow from anywhere. you were dead worried of him yet no one knows that you still are.
“y/n, later! don’t pretend to forget, you brat,” you laughed and nodded as a response.
your friend is having a party tonight and you prepared for it the moment you arrived home. wearing the simplest attire, almost looking as if you’re not interested to go, you went to the party.
the moment you stepped foot at the bar, you were reminded of several things. and definitely one of them is jake.
weird how the loud bass and taste of beer feels so nostalgic for you. was it the long period of time that passed since you decided to quit drinking? or was it, again, him?
you shook your head, trying to brush off the thought you have in mind. you took your fifth glass of cuervo and looked at your wristwatch only to see that it’s about three in the morning. you stood up, with your head quite heavy, and went to find your friend so you could bid good bye and leave. 
only to be stopped at your tracks because a pair of eyes are staring at you intensely. it’s jake.
it was quite a moment when you stared at each other but you decided to pretend as if you didn’t see anything. you’re confused at what you’re feeling at the very moment because, for you, you’re not supposed to feel anger just because he didn’t show up nor feel as if you’re longing for his presence.
“y/n,” you heard him call your name and a cold palm touched your skin when he held your hands to stop you from walking away.
you faced him, trying to show a smile. and there you saw a cleaner look of jake, a more mature one you must say. you looked at his eyes and you were surprised with what you’re seeing. your smile grew wider, more genuine this time, because he definitely looks happier now.
“hey. long time no see,” was all you can utter.
“y/n, i’m sorry—”
“look, i have to go home. the apartment’s gate,” you were cut off by him telling you that, “there’s no curfew and you always have a key with you. you don’t forget that. you’re afraid to get locked out.”
right. of course, jake knows that.
you’re afraid to get locked out, you’re afraid to be left behind. without a word, without any notice. you find it hard to forget, especially the moments dear to you, the moments that kept you warm. he knows that but why did he leave was all over your head.
“i have to go,” you said and let go of his hand but he didn’t budge. you kept moving and telling him to, “let go, jake.”
“y/n, i like you.” was what jake needed to say to make you stop from struggling.
he reached for your right arm and now his intense stares feel as if it can see your soul. and what happens now is the very thing you’re afraid of.
“i like you, i love you, i,” he sighed in frustration. “the last time we saw each other, it was you i was referring to. it was you whom i do not want their peace to be ruined. god, i even wanted to talk to you when you were first introduced to me. i wanted to hear more of your stories, i wanted to be even just a small part of your life, y/n.”
“i was so afraid of telling you because i know you fear this the most. you fear feeling things, you fear giving and risking all that you have, you fear the warmth of what love could give, y/n. i know that and you’ve always reminded me about that.” he continued.
“then why are you telling me this now?” i said, almost shouting because of how frustrated i am with what he’s saying. “why are you telling me you love me after leaving me, jake?”
“because,” he paused, looking both tired and frustrated of what’s happening right now. “because i can never get over you. i tried but i can’t and maybe because i do not even want to, y/n. i hate—”
“i fear commitments, jake.”
he looked at you, stared even, and smiled as if he just got reminded of a detail he forced himself to set aside.
still looking at you, with eyes begging you to let out what you really do feel, he said, “you can take your time. please, just allow me to—”
“i fear commitments, jake,” you repeated what you said. “what’s so hard to understand—”
“then just have me by your side, like old times, please.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Thinks You’re Cheating On Him [Request]
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A/N: So these are…they’re a little long [BTS X GenderNeutral!Reader]
You were standing in the hallway between Yoongi and Namjoon's studio waiting for one of them to come out so you could head to the dorms together.
"Look," You stared down at the floor hearing people whisper about you, you weren't stupid you knew what they were all talking about and accusing you of since Jin was the one also accusing you of it.
"You okay?" You glanced up at Yoongi who had a pained look on his face, he and the boys were the only ones to believe that you weren't cheating on Jin but he was far too stubborn to believe them which resulted in your breakup.
"Yeah, fine." You lied clearing your throat once you finished your sentence, you were the talk of the building after someone walk in on you and Yeonjun together in a studio. Nothing had happened and nothing would ever happen since he was like a little brother to you but rumours travelled faster than the truth and before you knew it you were ''sleeping'' with the younger boy.
"Come on, before Jin comes out of his studio for the first time in weeks," Yoongi mumbled taking out his keys and walking with you down the hallway, you hadn't seen Jin since he decided to move out of your shared apartment and call it quits on everything. He didn't even want to try and talk to you, to try and listen to your side of the story, he was adamant that you were cheating and wasn't going to have it any other way.
"Now they're going for Yoongi, what's the point?" The pounding in your chest got worse the longer you heard people talking about you under their breath - some were doing it in front of your face which you liked since they weren't hiding it but it still hurt to hear. Yoongi could see that it was bothering you as you got into the elevator, your eyes were downcast at the floor and he saw a tear roll down your cheek.
"The cheek of it, imagine sleeping with every band member." He slammed his hand on the doors to stop them from closing and you jumped back.
"Enough! Do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you all sound?!" You flinched as he began racing his voice at them finally having enough of all of their pathetic quips and digs at you whenever they had the chance.
"Are you really that quick to jump onto a rumour? Y/n is one of the sweetest people I know - scratch that! That you all know and yet you were all quick to jump onto the bandwagon as soon as someone said they were cheating on Jin." Jin came out of one of the rooms upon hearing his name and you groaned wanting the elevator to drop down until you hit the bottom to get out of this situation.
"Don't you even start!" Yoongi said before Jin could even open his mouth to say something, Yoongi released his hands and pushed the ground floor button.
"You didn't have to-"
"Yes I did, he's as stubborn as a mule." You knew the boys had all fallen out after you and Jin split up, they'd tried to convince him that nothing was going on between you and Yeonjun but nothing was going to convince Jin of anything else. Not even you screaming at him to listen to you for two seconds just to let you tell your side of what happened. He didn't want to hear it so he wouldn't.
 "Jin Hyung?" Jin looked up over his shoulder to see Yeonjun standing in the doorway of the lounge, he felt a rage bubble up inside of him as he pictured you and Yeonjun together. This was the first time that the younger boy had come by to see him since the rumours started and he wondered what he was going to do to defend his actions,
"What is it?" He would say he didn't mean to grumble at the younger boy but it would be a huge lie.
"I just wanted to come by and tell you that nothing happened between me and Y/n...They were helping me with something-"
"I don't want to hear excuses or lies anymore, I'm sick of it. You don't have to lie anymore," Yeonjun sighed he wasn't supposed to disrespect anyone let alone someone older than him but it was really starting to bug him the way Jin was treating everyone.
"Y/n was helping me with dating advice, dating under the contract like they used to with you." Jin's shoulders tensed and he turned to look at the boy properly,
"They were helping me with a secret date, there's nothing going on between me and Y/n." All of a sudden it was like a light bulb went off in Jin's head as he realised that you hadn't been sleeping with Yeonjun,
"I wanted to tell you because I know you're not talking to Y/n and they've been trying to tell you from the start." Jin began rushed to get up from the sofa in the lounge panicking as he went looking for his car keys and phone, he knew you were going to be at the dorms since he'd heard the boys talking about it all morning. He had to get there and see you as fast as he could.
 "Thank you again Yoongi," Your voice came out as barely a whisper as you hunted around Jin's room for some of your clothes you'd left there,
"I'll go get another box. I had no idea you had so much stuff here," He chuckled looking around at the three full boxes already. You'd been together with Jin for years, it was no surprise that most of your clothing and other things were spotted around the dorms.
"Thanks," You called out as you heard him walk out into one of the other rooms.
You were on the floor in the wardrobe when you felt a presence behind you,
"Oh hey, can you get me the box with tops inside? I think I put-" You cut yourself off when you turned to see Jin standing there, he was panting and covered in sweat. Your first instinct was to reach out and check that he was okay but then you remembered you weren't together anymore.
"I'll be out of your way soon, I just need my stuff and I'll be gone forever-"
"No." His voice was cracking and you stared at him confused as to where all of this was coming from,
"No?" You questioned taking the shirt you'd folded up and putting it in one of the boxes.
"You can't, you're not leaving." You scoffed at him,
"I'm pretty sure I am, you moved out? You accused me of cheating, I have to leave."
"No. I was an idiot-"
"You are." You whispered shutting the box and going into his en-suite to look for anything you might have left in there but he continued talking to you, telling you about Yeonjun and how he'd made an awful mistake.
"Jin you're supposed to trust me when I tell you I didn't cheat on you and you didn't." You said to him as you walked back into the bedroom, Yoongi had heard you both talking and left empty boxes on the bed for you to use. He didn't want to be involved in any of the arguments.
"I know and I know you're never going to forgive me for it but please let me make it up to you...Give me another chance to try and make this right?" You looked up into his pleading eyes, it was hard to throw everything away when you'd been in love and together for so long.
"Nothing is going to be right again Jin you know that? Everything is going to be hard because you don't trust me-"
"Please." He begged, taking your hand into his and looking deep into your eyes as if he could somehow hypnotise you into giving him another chance.
"Fine...But you're staying at the dorms until we can figure something out." You whispered looking around at your boxes,
"Only if you leave everything here." You nodded and he wrapped his arms around you kissing the top of your head and promised he would make things right between you if it was the last thing he did.
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"You know you look good in this one," You giggled turning the magazine towards Felix and showing him the photo. It was one of you and him huddled under an umbrella together and laughing about something he'd said - neither of you could remember what it was about.
"Shut up, I look like I've got a pig nose and look at my hair!" He groaned shoving the magazine back into your hands as you laughed harder than ever before at the phone.
"I'm saving it, it's going to be my lock screen forever and when you get married I will post it all over the wedding banners." You smirked taking a photo of the magazine but he lunged after you trying to take the phone from your hands when the door to your apartment opened.
"Hi, baby!" You yelled at Yoongi who had walked in to see his partner being mounted by someone else,
"Hi." He said slowly as he dropped the bag he was carrying onto the floor, he'd always be wary of your friendship with Felix it wasn't that he didn't trust you or him but there was just something that bugged him about it.
"You should see this photo of Felix." You giggled slipping out from under Felix and walking over to your boyfriend who took one glance at the photo before nodding and acting like he didn't care.
"I think I should go," Felix said slowly as he read the room, he could already tell it was going to be an intense conversation between you and Yoongi.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" You called out as he walked out of the apartment,
"Are you sleeping with him?!" You scoffed at the question before laughing at it,
"What are you talking about? Felix is like a brother," You'd explained this a million times before and you can't believe you were going to have to explain it all to him again.
"Really?! Do siblings normally crawl over one another like that? It wasn't what it looked like in this," He reached down into his bag and pulled out another magazine which had the same photographs splashed along the front page as the one you had except some of them were clearly photoshopped to make it look like you were closer than the others.
"Yoongi they're clearly fake-"
"Oh sure, conveniently. I was going to talk to you about it and then I see him practically dry humping you in our own living room." Your heart fell flat as he began talking to you like this as if you were smaller than him.
"Yoongi believe me when I tell you that there is nothing between me and Lee Felix." He shook his head, he was as stubborn as ever about this. He knew you were cheating and nothing you could say or do would change his mind,
"Do you really believe I would throw away 2 years of a relationship to be with Felix?"
"No." You relaxed a little thinking he'd thought it all over but he folded his arms across his chest,
"I believe you'd throw it away for another idol who will earn more money than me." That was the last straw for you, the tone of his voice told you all you needed to know and that was that he believed everything he was saying.
"Fine. You know what if that's how you feel than you keep this apartment that I pay for, you keep everything inside of it as well." You shoved past him not caring that you'd barged into him with your shoulder, you grabbed your phone and headed out of the door.
"You just let them leave?!" Namjoon questioned looking at Yoongi as he sat carefree on the sofa in front of him,
"So what? They're sneaking around behind my back-"
"Are you that dumb?!" Jimin turned to look at Yoongi as he quizzed him on this, they were all sitting in the dorms asking him what had happened since you were supposed to be there with Yoongi that night for a game night.
"Don't tell me they have you sucked in as well, it's clear. Look." He threw the magazine down in front of them and Jin was the first one to pick it up. He took one glance before rolling it up and began hitting Yoongi over the head with it.
"You're idiotic! Haven't you seen photoshop before?!" He threw the magazine into his lap and began pointing out all of the markets for what had been edited in the photo. The longer that Yoongi stared at them the more he began to realise that the boys were right, the photos had been messed with and that he should have listened to you anyway.
"You better go and make this up to Y/n," Taehyung said as he folded his arms over his chest clenching his fists as he did so, he couldn't believe how stupid he could have been. But Yoongi was stubborn,
"No, if they have nothing to hide why did Y/n run off to him? Explain that one to me." The boys all rolled their eyes at him trying to tell him why you'd left but he was having none of it, he only heard what he wanted to hear and that was you leaving to go be with Felix.
Cookies were Felix solution to everything so here you were pushing the trolley around a supermarket while he was on the hunt for the ingredients he needed. It had only been three days since you and Yoongi broke up but to you, it felt like a lifetime.
"You have to cheer up or Felix will never stop baking," Seungmin said as he came back over to the trolley, he put something in and you sighed.
"I know, I'm sorry it's just that if I could see Yoongi and ex...plain-" Your voice trailed off slowly as you looked up to see Yoongi watching you from the end of the aisle.
"I brought some salted caramel bites since I know how much you like them," Felix said as he came bounding over to you and Seungmin,
"Lix let's go and get something from the freezers." Seungmin pushed him away from you and you looked down into the trolley. Upon seeing you and Felix together like that it suddenly hit Yoongi that nothing was going on between you and never had. You were just friends with everybody you met, his mind kept going back to the dubbed photos.
"Save it Yoongi, if you've come to tell me that you suddenly believe me I really don't want to hear it," Your voice cracked as the tears began building up in your eyes. Days ago you would have jumped into his arms and thanked him for finally coming to his sense but now you were ticked off, you didn't want him to suddenly come by and start saying sorry for not trusting you. You wanted him to just trust you in the first place.
"I should have just believed you when you told me there was nothing going on between you both." You looked away from him as he came closer to you, trying to explain everything away like it was nothing but it wasn't nothing. This was a huge thing, not only had he accused you of cheating but he'd accused you of only being with him for his money.
"Trust is the only currency in relationships Yoongi and then you told me I was just after money-"
"I was a moron and I realise that now-"
"Yoongi it's too late to realise it now, what about days ago when I was begging you to believe me over some stupid photos you'd seen?"
"I know, I was wrong and I should have just listened to the one I love when I had the chance but I'm listening now and I believe you." He was standing right in front of you staring into your eyes as you tried not to cry in the middle of the supermarket.
"You have to come home, it's not the same without you there." You looked over your shoulder when you heard Felix saying something, he was nodding at you to do it.
"My lawyer is telling me to give you another chance." You whispered looking at Yoongi who was smiling at Felix, probably having a conversation through their looks at one another.
"You won't regret it," He promised you, Felix came back over and began inviting Yoongi to help you all bake cookies together while you tried to find a way to forgive Yoongi for what he had said.
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Jin was helping you pack up a box while Jimin guarded the door to Hoseok's dorm room, you and Hoseok had broken up two weeks ago and it was the first chance you were getting to come by and clean out your stuff.
"Did he say anything to you?" You questioned Jin as he folded up your clothes and began putting them into the suitcase you'd brought along with you. Over the years of you dating Hoseok you'd practically moved into the dorms with them and most of your wardrobe was there along with a lot of your other belongings.
"None of us are really talking to him right now," He admitted but that only made you feel worse about everything that was going on, you didn't want them all to fall out with him over this. It wasn't their problem to deal with in the first place,
"You can't ignore him, he's your band member." Jin rolled his eyes at how nice you were being about everything but you'd been nice about the entire thing. From the moment Hoseok started accusing you of sleeping around and coming to conclusions that you were cheating you'd been calm about it. Trying to tell him that none of it was true and give him the facts but he'd never believe you because of how set in his way he was about all of this.
"We can ignore him all the while he's being stupid about all of this." You had to admit that Hoseok was being a huge jerk about all of it if he'd just listen to any of you talking about who it was in the photos none of this would have happened.
"Y/n?" You looked over at Jimin who was glancing back and forth from the door to you and you knew what he was trying to say,
"Stall him, we're almost done," Jin mumbled folding up the rest of your clothes while you packed a bunch of other stuff into your boxes.
"I'll see you later, thanks again." You whispered to Jimin as he walked you and Jin out towards the front door, Hoseok was sitting on the sofa shaking his head at how all of them were quick to forgive you for what you had done to him. The front door shut and he grumbled something at Jimin,
"Sorry I don't speak stupid." Jimin quipped back at him turning to leave the room when Hoseok repeated himself,
"I find it funny how you're all quick to forgive them for cheating on me!" Jimin had enough of it, that's all they'd heard since the breakup. How Hoseok was the one being done badly and you were the bad guy when you'd done nothing to him or to anyone for that matter you were the innocent one in all of this.
"Jimin leave it," Yoongi warned but he wasn't going to let Hoseok just sit there and bad mouth you when they'd all tried to tell him before, this time Hoseok was going to sit there and listen even if he didn't want to.
"Look! I've had enough of it, Y/n has done nothing to you-"
"You saw the photos!"
"Yes! I did! Of Y/n and their cousin." Hoseok rolled his eyes at the excuse that they were all buying into, it was conveniently your cousin who you had never mentioned before and never showed Hoseok before.
"They sure looked comfortable together-"
"You're unbelievable Hoseok! Do you have any idea how much Y/n loves you or are you actually that dim-witted?!" The boy was finally snapping after everything he'd heard Hoseok saying about you,
"If they loved me then why did they cheat?!" Jimin wanted to pick up the closest thing to him and throw it in Hoseok's direction for being this dense, he just wanted him to hear himself speaking for two minutes.
"Do you really think that Y/n would cheat on you and then post images of themselves with the guy they cheated on you with all over their social media!?" Jimin was red in the face from anger and physically shaking as he tried to get Hobi to see his point, Hoseok just shook his head staying with the fact that you'd cheated on him.
A month had passed and Hoseok was still convinced you had been cheating on him,
"Do you think you'd go back to him if he ever came out of his bubble?" You cousin asked as you sat in a cafe together, today was his last day in Korea with you before he flew home to be with his family again. It was only supposed to be a sort visit with you at the start but he wounded up staying for a month to help you get over the breakup with Hoseok - which would never happen. You were hopelessly in love with him no matter what he said or did to you to make you hate him a little.
"If he realised what he said was wrong? Yeah, I would," You whispered putting down the cup of hot chocolate you were drinking and looking out of the cafe window. You'd wished he'd come to his senses sooner but it wasn't likely to happen if it hadn't happened by now.
"Once Hoseok is set on something though it's hard to change his mind about it." You told your cousin as you turned back to look at him. A bell above the door rang to signal that someone else was coming in and out of habit you looked up to see Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok all walking into the cafe, your eyes went down to the table not wanting to drawer attention but your cousin knew Hoseok.
"Excuse me." You heard him speak before you could reach out and stop him, Hoseok looked at your cousin and then to you scoffing and shaking his head,
"Still not trying to hide it-"
"The fact that they're my cousin? I see no reason why they should hide that I'm their cousin." Hoseok shook his head as you had yet another person in on the lie with you,
"Leave it, he's never going to believe me so it doesn't matter. I just thought he had more faith in me than that." You put the money down onto the table and got up to leave when your cousin began ranting very loudly about how you'd given up your whole life to move to Korea to be with Hoseok.
"Why would they then cheat on you? Huh? Think about it." He tapped on his chest and walked out of the cafe with you pushing him out of the door, Taehyung was smirking at Jungkook proud that someone else had finally said something to him.
"You going after them?" He questioned raising his eyebrow at Hoseok who was out of the door the second the words left Taehyung's mouth.
"Y/n! Wait!" You slowed down your walk to a stop and stared up at Hoseok as he bound over to you,  
"What is it? He has a flight soon and I promised my auntie I'd see him off-"
"I want to say I'm sorry." Your mouth was agape as he spoke to you, your cousin smirked from behind you knowing he should have just gone to him before the month was up and everything could have been avoided.
"I don't have excuses for what I did, I was a bumbling idiot and I should have just listened to what you had to say in the first place I just thought that...I thought you deserved someone better and went for someone else." Your eyes softened as you realised he was feeling insecure about being with you, he used to be like that all of the time. Claiming that you could do so much better when there was no one else in the world you would rather have than him,
"Hobi you know that there is no one else in the universe I love more than you." You whispered to him stepped closer to him and making him look at you,
"I'm sorry." His voice broke as he finally began crying for the first time since accusing you of cheating on him. You wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and promised that once your cousin was on his flight home you would talk to him about everything and work on it all.
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"Are you at the studio all day?" You whined as you walked towards the front door of your shared apartment that you owned with Namjoon - your boyfriend of four years. He kissed your lips as he walked behind you,
"Yeah, are you out with your friend?" You nodded and looked over the road, he was parked up waiting for you to go out and meet him. You were spending the entire day shopping together for Namjoon's birthday and you needed a guys opinion on everything...Not just a guy but someone that didn't know Namjoon and would help you without going back to Namjoon and telling him everything you were going to get him.
"You've been spending a lot of time together," He acknowledged as he locked up the door to your house. You hummed turning to look at Namjoon and smiling,
"He's my best friend, of course, we spend a lot of time together." Namjoon was probably reading too much into it. He'd seen photos of you together and you seemed close, closer than any best friends he'd seen before and it bugged him a little.
"Make sure he drives safe," He grumbled looking over at your friend who was watching you both closely, Namjoon had never been this jealous before and it was a feeling he never wanted to experience again. As you went to walk away he took your hand in his and brought you back into his chest, kissing you passionately. You yelped before wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing your body closer to his while he kissed you like this.
"W-What was that for?" You stuttered as he pulled away from you biting down on his bottom lip as he checked you out,
"Just showing my love for you, have fun." You felt a warm feeling spread through your neck as you got a little shy at the sudden public display of affection he had for you. He was normally the type to keep everything inside of the house.
"Look at you getting some!" Your best friend yelled as you reached his car, you got inside and greeted him with a hug before he began pulling out and driving down the road.
"I saw you!" Namjoon yelled later that night, you'd come home from your day with your best friend and he began yelling at you like an insane person. Calling out that you'd been sleeping around your best friend all day,
"Saw me where?!" You yelled back at him finally having enough of him accusing you of something that you hadn't done and would never dream of doing.
"You were coming out of that motel together! I have photos." You looked down at the coffee table as he dropped photographs of you and your best friend laughing and hugging as you came from a motel room,
"How did you get them? Did you have someone follow me?!" You yelled finally realising that the photos were taken with a wide lens and zoomed in on - you could tell by how some of the pixels were grainy in comparison to others.
"I wanted to make sure there was nothing going on and I guess now I know the truth." You shook your head at how unbelievable he was acting,
"You could have just asked me if there was something going on which by the way, there isn't." You were calmer now wanting him to listen to you but he wasn't going to. He had photos of you entering and leaving a motel room with someone else that wasn't him, he wasn't going to listen to anything except the sounds of you leaving him.
"You can't actually believe I would cheat on you would you?" You were hoping he would say he didn't believe it but he did, he was convinced you'd been sleeping around with someone else and you shook your head at him and threw your hands in the air in defeat,
"It doesn't matter what I say does it?" He shook his head and you took your phone trying to call one of the guys to come and get you instead of taking a taxi.
Jungkook had been letting you crash at his place while you were on an apartment hunt,
"Has he said anything to you guys about it?" You asked one morning - you were sitting cross-legged on the kitchen counter with a slice of toast in one hand and your phone in the other.
"I'm not talking to him but Jimin said he's still convinced about it all," You sighed looking at your phone, no new apartment listings within your budget. You could only afford the last place because you and Namjoon were splitting the bills straight down the middle.
"He'll realise today,"
"Today?" Jungkook questioned jumping up onto the kitchen side next to you. The rest of the boys had heard what happened and why you were at the motel, to begin with, but Namjoon hadn't, he wouldn't listen. Whenever someone brought it up into conversation he'd blank it out and pretend he couldn't hear anyone speaking.
"The motel were going to send us a cute welcome package, supposed to get there today."
"You didn't cancel it?" You shook your head,
"It's a way of proving to him I wasn't cheating and never would." You knew it was probably petty but you didn't care, you wanted Namjoon to know the truth and it was going to be the only way you could do it without talking to him.
"Package for Mr Kim Namjoon?" Namjoon signed for the box and carried it through to the living room, it was from the motel you'd been seen coming out of and he frowned.
"Happy Birthday Namjoon and welcome Y/n, inside we've inclosed everything you will need for your romantic getaway?" He read the card aloud before opening the box and finding matching PJ's, dressing gowns and a bunch of other small romantic gifts inside. The realisation began to hit him as he realised you hadn't been cheating on him at all, you'd been trying to plan him something new for his birthday.
"Hello?" Your voice was like warm honey, it was so sweet and nice to hear after so long and he was almost lost in it.
"Namjoon?" You called out and he cleared his throat trying to think of where to start but you started for him,
"You got the box? I'm assuming you now believe me when I said I didn't cheat you?" He could hear you giggling down the other side of the phone so he knew you weren't all that mad at him for being the worst boyfriend in the world.
"I'm sorry-"
"I know, which is why you're going to order pizza for when I come in. Jungkook has me living off rabbit food here." He chuckled hearing you be so calm about everything, he was going to do everything in his power to make up everything he'd said about you and your best friend.
"Then you're driving us to the motel because I don't want to." He could hear the pout on your face without seeing you and he promised he would.
"I'll get Kook to drop me off, order my favourite!" You said before hanging up the phone, you both knew it would take a while for you to forgive him but you could kind of see his side of the argument...You weren't going to let him know that though.
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Jimin watched as you and Taehyung began walking towards the dorm exit together,
"Where are you going?" You looked over at Jimin not knowing he was home yet, you thought he was supposed to be at the studio all day,
"I thought you had work." Your voice trembled as you nervously looked between Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung had thought he was as well which was why you'd come to the dorms before going to your appointment together.
"I finished early, where are you going?" He repeated himself and you looked to Taehyung for help on this one. Everything was supposed to be a secret from everybody the only reason that Taehyung knew was that you were far too nervous to go alone to your appointment today.
"Y/n has somewhere to be," He told Jimin as he eyed him up wondering why Jimin was standing with his arms folded across his chest and watching you both.
"You've been spending a lot of time together." He mentioned looking between you both and back at Taehyung who was nodding your head. You and Taehyung had been close since you grew up together and you thought that Jimin understood that after all Taehyung was the one that introduced you and Jimin together four years ago and insisted on you both going out on a date. You looked at Taehyung nervously, if you didn't leave right now you were going to be late and it was going to take forever to get another appointment booked in.
"I have to go," You told him and he nodded at you,
"We have to go. Talk about it when we get back Jimin-"
"You're cheating on me with him aren't you?" Your whole world froze as he came out with that. It had come out of nowhere for you and Taehyung who were used to hanging around a lot but Jimin had this feeling for the last couple of weeks. He'd watched you talking in secret, whispering to one another and constantly laughing behind his back.
"At least fucking tell me that you're sleeping with one of my best friends," You shook your head trying to search for the words to say something but your head was empty, it was the baby fog happening to you. It was making things almost impossible for you to comprehend.
"You can't even come up with an excuse, unbelievable." Jimin had already made up his mind that that was what was happening behind his back. Taehyung tried to explain it to him without giving away what you were really doing but he wasn't listening,
"Go on. Go and fuck her! See if I care, she doesn't matter to me." You couldn't stand to hear any more of it, you stormed out of the door and in the direction of Taehyung's car.
Taehyung came back later that night alone with the ultrasound screening in his wallet, you told him to do whatever he wanted with it. If he wanted to show Jimin it was up to him but you weren't going to go back there and be accused of something like that. You and Jimin were supposed to be in love and in love there was supposed to be trust and if he just assumed you would do something like that to him you didn't want to talk to him.
"Got bored of fucking her?" Taehyung scoffed at Jimin's crude ways, he was acting as though this didn't bother him at all but Taehyung knew Jimin too well for this to just be nothing to him. This had to be coming from a place of hurt.
"We're not sleeping together Jimin, are you really that dense?" He questioned looking from his wallet to Jimin trying to think quickly about showing him the baby scan. He knew you would tell him eventually but if Taehyung told him now that everything could still be fixed and you could both work it out together. Be the big happy family that he knew both of you wanted to be,
"Whatever Taehyung, you could at least have the decency to tell me the truth. I thought we were friends-"
"We are," He took out the small black and white image and shoved it into his chest,
"Which is why I'm giving you this so you go and make it up to her. She wanted it to be a surprise." He grumbled looking at the photo one last time before leaving Jimin to stand there and stare at it. His hands were shaking as he ran his small fingers over the black and white blob that was on the photograph.
You opened the front door expecting your pizza to be there but you were shocked to see a tearful Jimin holding up one of the copies of the baby scan. You'd gotten seven copies one for each member to have since they were all going to be like uncles to the little one anyway.
"He told you?" You questioned moving away from the door so he could come into the apartment,
"He said it was supposed to be a surprise?" You nodded your head trying not to act happy in front of him, you were over the moon about being pregnant but having him accuse you of sleeping around wasn't something you were going to be quick to forgive him for.
"I was going to have the scan and then find cute places to leave hints in for you all but then-"
"I acted like a complete and utter pig and accused you of cheating?" He offered and you nodded laughing softly,
"That was the nicer way of saying it." He smiled softly glad that you had some kind of humour about it, you could see his side of the argument but you also hated him for not being able to believe you.
"I should have just accepted when you said there was nothing between you," You nodded along waiting for him to continue on with what he was saying and he began ranting about how sorry he was. About how it would never happen again, he was just feeling bad about you spending so much time with someone else instead of him.
"We're going to have a son or a daughter you're going to have to trust me-"
"I do, I trust you in every sense of the word. I trust you with everything." You looked at him knowing he was serious about this but it was going to take a lot more than one apology for you to get over something like this.
"No more accusing me of cheating," You warned him and he nodded locking your pinkies together before touching thumbs with you.
"I promise."
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You'd been whispering down the phone all week and it was starting to get on Taehyung's nerves, you were constantly smiling down at your phone but when he would ask you about it you would tell him it was nothing and then go back to laughing at whatever it was.
"Seriously what is it?" He asked that morning as you smiled at your phone, if he didn't know any better he would have thought you were cheating on him. You were always sneaking around, hiding your phone from him whenever he looked and you'd changed your passcode from his birthday to something else. He just wanted to know what you were doing, he trusted you with everything in his life but it was starting to feel like he shouldn't anymore,
"Nothing. I have to go out. I'll make dinner tonight." You said as you put your phone into your back pocket and walked towards the front door, he watched you closely as you began rushing around looking for your keys.
"What's the rush? I thought maybe we could spend the day together." You shook your head at him, you would have loved to drop everything and spend time with him but you had to go out and do something first.
"I'll be back soon, just wait for me okay?" He nodded his head at you and watched as you rushed out of the door without even a kiss goodbye. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he grabbed his own keys and decided that he was going to come after you, just to see what you were doing and who you were sneaking off to meet all of the time.
You pulled up in a car park and Taehyung stayed back so he could watch from afar,
"Hi!" You yelled throwing your arms around a guy he'd never seen before, he tensed up as he watched you pull back from the hug and start engaging in some kind of conversation with him before getting into the car with the man. Taehyung sighed following behind you both wanting to know what was happening, it all could be just some huge misunderstanding but once he watched you and the guy he'd never met before going into a house he headed up to pack up his things and leave so you wouldn't have the joys of being able to pretend to love him anymore.
"You're going to love your new home angel," You giggled as you walked the golden labrador up the steps to your front door. The door was locked which was strange since you'd told Taehyung to stay home and wait for you,
"Daddy probably just went to see his friends." You cooed unlocking the door and letting your new puppy begin to sniff around her new home. You glanced at the coat rack to see that it was almost empty, you could have sworn there were more clothes on it that morning before you left. That was when you noticed that most of Taehyung shoes were missing, you walked further into the house and noticed that almost everything that belonged to him was gone, no traces of him being there except for old photographs.
"Taehyung, w-where did you go? I have a surprise for you but you're not here." You tried not to think of the worst as you left a voicemail for him but it was hard not to think of the worst when all of his things were gone and you were left in a home without him there.
"Are you actually insane?!" Jimin yelled looking at Taehyung, you'd done nothing but call all of them all night when he didn't show back up or call you.
"They've been cheating on me, I watched them get into a guy with a car and go back to his place." Jimin stared blankly at Taehyung as he tried to get to grips with what he'd just said.
"Did you really just accuse Y/n of cheating on you? The one person in the entire world that loves you more than your mum does?" He shrugged his shoulders and Jimin groaned at him trying to make him see that you would never do anything to hurt him. He knew where you'd been, you'd been sneaking off for weeks to go and see Angel from the moment she was born. You wanted to surprise Taehyung with your own dog who was already getting along well with Yeontan since you'd taken him to see Angel a couple of times whenever you could get him away from Taehyung for long enough.
"That'll be Y/n, open the door," Jimin said to Jungkook not wanting to look at Taehyung as he realised what kind of mistake he'd made. The front door opened and the golden fur was the first thing that Taehyung saw then he saw you.
"We'll give you a minute," Jimin said as he took Jungkook by the ear and dragged him away from the dog, you looked at Taehyung while you stroked angel by your side.
"This is what you've been doing?" He questioned as Angel began walking towards him before pouncing and jumping onto his lap,
"I've been sneaking off to see her whenever I could, I thought it would be a nice surprise but you ended up surprising me more." You stated referring to the empty house you'd come home to and he looked down at the floor. It wasn't one of the proudest moments in his life,
"I should have just asked you when you got home-"
"You shouldn't have followed me either," You told him and he sighed knowing you were right. You were right about everything and Taehyung knew that,
"Do you think you can forgive me?" You looked at Angel who was licking his face,
"I think we can." You whispered knowing that he did what he did because he assumed the worst and he was going to have to learn to trust you if the relationship was going to last.
"We've been together for years Tae, I would never throw that away." You informed him and he nodded at you while he tried to fight the small puppy from his lap so he could go over and give you a hug.
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"How am I supposed to know what you're doing when you're there!?" Jungkook yelled at you from the other side of the bedroom. He'd started yet another fight about you wanting to hang out with your guy friends, he didn't want you to go though since you would be alone with them. He was busy that day and couldn't come with you so you just told him that you would go alone it was no big deal but to him it was. He couldn't see why you had to just hang out with them alone,
"They're my friends Jungkook, we're just going to hang out and play some video games, maybe a card game or two." You told him as you looked around for your car keys, you were going to go to their place even if he didn't like it.
"Friends? Y/n the last time I checked one of them wanted to fuck you!" Here you went again with the same excuse he used last time on you, it was always the same one with him.
"You don't trust me?" You quipped at him and he froze in place,
"It's not you I don't trust and you know it." You rolled your eyes at him as he began the usual speech about how all of them had some kind of crush on you when they didn't. You'd grown up with them and they were like brothers to you, just like the BTS boys were like brothers to you. It was no big deal for you to hang out with them either but for some reason, it was bad when it was just your friends.
"But I'm the one that's there, trust me that nothing will happen." You told him as you got your keys and headed for the door,
"If you walk out on me right now that means you're sleeping with all of them." You stared at him,
"Jungkook! I can barely keep up with your stamina, what makes you think I can keep with seven other guys?" You deadpanned but he wasn't finding you funny at all, he stared at you waiting for you to make a decision.
"It doesn't matter what I say does it? You're still going to think I'm cheating on you aren't you?" Your voice fell flat, you wanted to be serious now. You wanted him to realise what he was saying and accusing you of. His silence was all you needed to confirm what you already knew, he thought you were cheating on him.
"If there's no trust then why are we together?" You asked him,
"I don't know! I don't know why we're together!" He yelled and you felt your heartbreak as he screamed that at you,
"Just go and fuck all of them," He grumbled at you, you walked out of the door making sure to slam it behind you as you walked over to your car.
"He's one of the biggest idiots I've ever met," Changbin grumbled handing you a spoon to eat ice cream with him, you'd gone straight to their dorm room after walking out on your fight with Jungkook.
"He's just insecure that's all," Even now you were trying to defend what he's said to you as you left the apartment. You knew where it was coming from, he'd had a past with someone else who'd cheated on him and you knew he just didn't want to get hurt in the same way again.
"Namjoon said none of them are speaking to him," You told Changbin as you stared into the tub of ice cream, he wrapped his arm protectively around you and you sighed.
"You can't feel bad for him, he accused you of-"
"I know but with his past, I don't blame him." They hated how nice you were being about this. All of them and BTS had tried to talk some sense into Jungkook when you first showed up on their doorstep but he was as stubborn as ever and would never admit that he was wrong about this.
"I'm going to call him and give him a piece of my mind." You stared at the back of Jeongin's head wondering what piece of his mind he was going to give him when the doorbell rang.
"What do you want?" Felix was trying to make his voice deep and you looked over to see Jungkook standing at the door looking glum,
"I want to talk to Y/n."
"They don't want to talk to you-"
"Felix...I can talk for myself," You whispered as you got up and walked away from the dorms with Jungkook, they all stared at you until you got out of the dorm building and into the street.
"Look I didn't mean what I said-"
"I know-"
"I was judging it all on past experiences and I shouldn't have, I trust you I really do but I just-"
"Jungkook I know." You told him and he relaxed a little turning to look at you,
"I assumed you'd need time to calm down and come to your sense, you know I would never hurt like that." He hated how understanding you were being about all of this. He wanted you to get mad at him and start yelling at him for being so mean to you when you were just trying to hang out with your friends.
"Can we go home?" You asked linking your hands together, you were tired from the lack of sleep you'd been getting, you could never sleep without him by your side and he could never sleep without you either.
"Do you think we should go and tell them-"
"No, they'll eat you alive like a lion, I'll text them." You groaned pushing him towards his car and taking out your phone to let them know you would be going home and thanking them for everything they'd done for you over the last couple of days you were there with them. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ɴᴇʀᴅ ⓟⓐⓡⓣ ②
ғʀᴀᴛʙᴏʏ!ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x sʜʏ-ɪsʜ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀᴜ (ɪɴᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇᴅ ɪ ɢᴜᴇss)
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: (two part series!) You’re starting to struggle in class and decide to ask your professor for some tutoring or extra classes to boost your  grade. He ends up assigning the last person you’d expect to tutor you. (is it really a surprise though?)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: cw: talking about a car accident and infertility
smut 18+  (praise kink, dirty talk, oral fem receiving, hair pulling, marking, choking, slight spanking if you squint, slight bondage), major aftercare, fluff? This is pretty filthy lmao. 
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟺.𝟹 ᴋ (ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏ sᴏʀʀʏ ᴛʜɪs ɪs sᴏᴏᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ!)
ᴀ/ɴ: Thank you so much for all the love in the last part! I was truly expecting maybe about 20 likes but so far its gotten over 100! Thank you for being so nice to me on my first ever post and hope you enjoy part 2!
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For the next two or so weeks you avoid Bucky like the bubonic plague. You didn’t exactly hate the fact that he kissed, but he was your tutor. Isn’t that inappropriate? Let alone him being a part of a frat house. It wouldn’t be a good mix.
One good thing though is that your overall grade in class has gone up since your tutor sessions with Bucky so at least it wasn’t for nothing. He’s tried to talk to you in class a couple times when you didn't go to him but ended up giving up when you began showing up right when class started or going out of your way to even go near him. 
Again, you didn’t hate him; hell you weren’t mad anymore, but you still avoided at all costs. It’s totally not because you're scared you’ll actually fall for him. How could someone like Bucky even look your way? Maybe he just wanted to get into your pants like all the boys in the house.
You didn’t tell Natasha that Bucky kissed but she could definitely tell that something was up. You were usually at Bucky’s frat house on weekdays but you’ve been canceling sessions every night since the incident. 
One night you were studying alone in your apartment and Natasha was pacing around on her phone. She was dressed to go to a frat party tonight but it seems maybe her ride isn’t available. You wonder why she can’t herself when she has a car.
“Hey Y/n,” Nat crept up to you.
“Yes,” you drew out.
“Would maybe, possibly, perhaps, might be able to be my DD?” she asked.
“Your what?”
“My designated driver. Wanda has a family emergency; her and her brother flew out like an hour ago and I haven’t been able to find anyone to pick me up.”
“I can drop you off and pick you up,” you offered. You’d rather stay up late in case she wants to come home than stay at the party all night, especially if she finds another bed to stay in till morning. 
“I mean you could do that but would it be more fun to actually party for once. Come on babe you’re too uptight, you need to have fun especially with how hard you’re working in school right now.”
“Nat, you know that’s not my scene.”
“Just stay with me. Or Bucky I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hanging with you tonight,” she suggestively, bringing confusion to your face.
“Oh nothing Just come with me please? If it gets too much text me and I’ll let you know if I need a ride back home.”
“Actually?” you asked.
“Pinky promise.”
“Ok give me like 5 mins.”
You ran to your  room and picked out an outfit you felt sexy but comfortable in; I mean if you were going to inevitably run into Bucky at this party might as well look presentable right? When you came out ready, Nat whistled, hyping you up and felt your face heat up a bit. 
“Stop, let’s just go,” you averted.
You arrived at the house music booming from down the street. People outside drinking from red solo cups, cars already picking up drunks and dropping people off to get said drunk. You hastily parked the car and Nat grabbed your hand and pulled you close as you guys walked to the party. You weren’t going to lie, you were really nervous.
You heard stories about these parties but you were trying to convince yourself that they may be exaggerated somewhat but still didn’t do much for your nerves. When you walked you eyes almost immediately locked with Bucky’s. To say he was shocked to see you at a frat party was for sure an understatement.
Bucky began to move through the crowd to meet up with you but when he got to the entrance it was like you disappeared. Disappointed, he returned to the mini bar where the drinks were all held, where Steve served the drinks. Asked for a beer.
“How’s it going, man?” Steve asked.
“She’s here.”
“Nat? I really think there's something between us. I’m thinking about asking her on a proper date you know?”
“Really? That’s awesome, but I’m talking ‘bout Y/n,” Bucky clarified.
“What? I thought she hated parties.” 
“I did too.”
As if on queue, you tapped Bucky on the shoulder.
“Hey, what on earth are you doing here?”
“Nat needed a designated driver and Wanda and her brother are out of town.”
“Yeah Pietro lives here in the house, Steve drove him and Wanda to the airport a couple hours ago.”
You nodded your head and things got awkward again, but then again what’s new with that.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“I can’t drink.”
“Oh right. Do we have soda?”
“We coke for the rum but you can take a can.”
“Thanks Steve,” you took a can of coke from him. 
You and Bucky and Steve all held wholesome conversation for a little  bit then Nat came and whisked him away. Bucky was put on bar duty from then on and you decided to keep him company until Nat was ready to go home. But so far from the way Steve and her were dancing together you didn’t think Nat was gonna wanna go home.
You asked Bucky how long Steve and Nat have had their little thing and apparently it’s been going on for awhile. You had sneaking suspicion that they were together in some way but since Nat never brought it up you didn’t want to bug her. It was pretty easy to figure out though considering she didn’t come home some nights.
They’re good together though and you hope they make it official soon.
Talking to Bucky, you felt a hand brush against but when you looked no one was there. You figured it was just getting crowded. After a couple of hours you decided to text Nat to see where she was. When she didn’t respond, you took it upon yourself to call her.
“Nat where did you go?”
“I'm in the car,” she slurred.
“What! You can’t be driving! How did you even get the keys?” you yelled.
“I snatched them from you when you and Bucky were flirting with each other. Steve couldn’t  find his keys so I took yours,” she shouted into the phone.
“When did you- whatever, is he sober?” you asked.
“Yeah and I am not even that dru-,” she hiccuped. 
“Nat…” you warned. 
“Steve is my boyfriend and we’re clean. I’ll be safe; it’s not like I can have kids anyway.”
“Nat.” When you moved in together at the beginning of the year, you noticed one time her grabbing her lower stomach in discomfort and offered her any products for her period. She told you she doesn’t get one and being the dumbass you are you asked why. She told you when she was a teenager she got into a car accident that caused extreme internal bleeding causing Nat to become infertle. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that,” you apologized.
“It’s ok babe. If anything you be safe.”
“She can’t see you, babygirl,” you heard Steve say and laughed out loud.
“Oh! I’m winking!” she shouted.
“Oh my god. Whatever,” you rolled your eyes.
“Anyways buh-bye, girly!” she hung up the phone.
“What happened?” Bucky came up behind you. You looked over at the bar and saw Bruce bar-keeping.
“Nat took the fucking car with Steve.”
“Why didn’t he use my car?”
“She said he couldn’t find the keys and I guess it was easier to just steal from me when I wasn’t looking.”
“Wow, ok. Stealth much?”
“Right? She’s like a Russian spy,” you laughed.
“Well, you probably need a ride then,” Bucky brought up.
“I don’t know if I wanna go home knowing Steve is probably gonna be railing her into the next dimension.”
“Yeah, you can spend the night here. I can sleep on the floor.”
“Yeah it’s not a problem. We probably have an air mattress hiding somewhere.”
“Thanks Buck. well since I’m not going anywhere I guess I could have a drink now.”
“What’ll it be?”
You drank a couple beers feeling the alcohol beginning to flow effortlessly through your veins. The music was still booming through the house and you found yourself getting lost to the rhythm. You made your way to where everyone was also dancing and let the music guide your body sensually. 
You didn’t notice it yet but Bucky was staring completely in love with the way you were moving. He’d never seen you in this kind of environment and definitely not in the clothing you were wearing. You looked truly sexy even more so dancing the way you were dancing; like you had control over everything in the world.
You soon felt a pair of hands circle around to your waist instantly knowing who they belong to. Bucky moved his hips snug against your backside perfectly fitting with you. You let your head lean back feeling Bucky breathe against your neck.  
“You driving me crazy, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear.
You shivered at his words. 
“Please, let me show you how fucking stunning you are,” he moved his hands towards the front of your hips.
“What?” you turned around. You hadn’t expected Bucky to want to do anything with you.
“I can make you feel so good. You deserve it.”
“Do you want me to make you feel good?”
“I do,” you whined as he rubbed his hands against your lower back, pulling you so close.
He kissed you too softly, barely touching your lips, as he grabbed your hands and led to his room upstairs.  
When you reached his room, the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat while your knees went to either side of his thighs. God his thighs. His hands went up your shirt grazing your bare skin with his fingertips as you continued to makeout sloppily. 
“Can I take this off?” he asked, tugging your shirt.
“Please, yes please.”
Your arms went over your head and Bucky slowly kissed the exposed skin as your shirt inched higher and higher up until he tossed it to the side. The straps of your bra left off shoulders and Bucky continued to kiss any exposed skin on your body. Your hands ran through his hair and you tugged his strands earning a moan in return.
You tugged at his shirt as well and he complied quickly getting rid of his shirt and throwing it to the side. Bucky hands ran over your bottom and you jumped off him nearly ripping your bottoms off your body. You heard bucky chuckled as he too took the opportunity to take his pants off leaving him in boxers and nothing else.
“I want to taste you baby girl,” Bucky bit at your ear.
Your body tensed a bit because although you were not a virgin, you were not that experienced, especially compared to Bucky. 
“Is that ok? I’m sorry, we don’t have to do anything. I don’t want you to regret anything, princess. We can stop.”
“No! I don’t want to stop. No one’s just ever wanted to do that, you know,” you whispered feeling a bit overwhelmed.
“Oh baby, what kinda shit boys were you with? Let me show how good a woman is supposed to feel, got it?”
You swallowed hard, but nodded of course. 
Bucky picked you up and gently laid you down onto the bed. His hands rubbed your thighs softly and he kissed your stomach ever so softly. He was trying his very hardest to make sure you were comfortable and relaxed as much as possible. Bucky traced the lining of your underwear and looked to you once again to make sure everything was ok by you. You nodded but that wasn’t enough for Bucky.
“Words, baby. I wanna hear you say it,” he whispered, lips against your inner thigh. 
“Bucky,” you whined.
“Come on, baby. Use your words like a big girl,” he snickered.
“Please, touch me, Bucky. I want you to use your mouth on me like you promised.”
“There ya go,” he said pulling your underwear down your legs.
He slowly opened your legs and kissed your inner thigh leaving a dark purple mark for him to see and him only. When he was satisfied with the marks he left on your inner thighs he licked a slow and wet line against your pussy. Your hips instantly bucked into his face and your hands flew to his hair.
You tugged at his hair again and released a grunt from Bucky, the vibrations from his mouth pleasuring you even more. Bucky brought his fingers to your hole and he continued circling his tongue around your clit making you moan and arch your back. 
He entered a finger into you and then another. You were already beginning to feel full from just his fingers alone, you couldn’t wait until he was able to fuck you balls deep. Your orgasm was approaching quicker than you anticipated, your toes curled and your back arched off the bed. Your heels dug into Bucky’s back but he simply continued to eat you out until you finally peaked.
“Bucky!” you shouted his name in pleasure.
“That’s it baby girl. You're my good girl, right?”
“Yes, I’m your good girl. Oh god, I’m cumming,” you moaned.
Bucky helped you ride out your first orgasm of the night completely enamored by your beauty. When you finally came down from you high you reached for Bucky pulling him into a heated kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned into his mouth. You pulled him closer and sat up moving him to sit his back against his headboard.
“I don’t know what I want to do more, return the favor or ride you until my legs shake.”
“You can return the favor another time. Let me see you ride my dick, doll,” Bucky growled. Another time?
You crawled onto Bucky’s lap after he discarded his boxers letting his dick spring up, the tip red from lack of attention. It shocked you if you were being honest, it was so… big. 
“Is that gonna fit?” you asked genuinely.
“Yeah, it will; but if it hurts too much you tell me to stop ok?” you nodded.
Bucky reached behind your back and unclasped your bra only to toss it to wherever the rest of your clothes were. His hands caressing your breasts; thumbs rubbing over your sensitive nipples, sending chills throughout your body. He kissed along your collarbone to your neck to your jaw before whispering in your ear.
“I have to grab a condom from the bathroom, baby girl. Sorry,” he began to move you.
“Why are you sorry?” you stopped him.
“I don’t wanna ruin the mood but safety is important before anything else.”
You weren’t gonna lie that actually kinda shocked you; and turned you on even more. You had completely forgotten about having a condom. You were on the pill but that doesn't mean you shouldn’t still use a condom. Bucky was back in no time and you took the condom from him wanting to put it on for him. Bucky moaned as you wrapped his dick and soon enough you were ready to go, arousal practically dripping down your inner thighs.
Bucky’s hand lid up to the back of your neck as you slid down his cock; both moaning at the feeling. You took a second to move but when you did things practically fell into pace. You quickly found a good rhythm for the both of you and soon enough you felt yourselves growing near climax.
Bucky’s hands gripped at your ass, grunting and moaning at the feeling of your walls gliding in and out of you. He smacked your ass leaving a slight red-ish mark for you to admire later. You pulled him closer, if that was even possible, burying your face in between Bucky’s neck and shoulder. 
“I can feel ya getting close, baby. Fucking squeezing me. Feels so good, princess.”
“I'm gonna come, I’m so close.”
“Don’t come until I say so. Hold it, I know you can. Be my good little girl and fucking hold it.”
You sucked and kissed and licked his neck leaving little marks not nearly as big as the ones he was leaving all over you. Soon enough you felt the coil building in the pit of your stomach snap and you moaned so loud into Bucky’s ear, he almost came from hearing your moans.
“Sorry I literally screamed in your ear.”
“I told you not to come until I say so.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore. You felt too good,” you whispered, barely audible.
“That doesn’t matter. I told you to hold it,” Bucky got off the bed and reached for his pants. You got so scared that he was going to leave; terrified. But instead he took his belt he was wearing and stalked back towards you. Oh how the butterflies in your stomach fluttered right now.
“Arms up baby girl. You don’t get to touch me now.”
You complied, your stomach fluttering immensely at the mere thought of what Bucky was going to  do with you now. When he finished looping the belt around the headboard of the bed his hands ran along your entire body kissing here and there until back up to you. 
“Too tight?” you shook your head.
“Perfect. Winter; say the word and I stop,” he kissed passionately, sliding back in you, pussy sensitive from orgasming twice tonight. 
Bucky didn’t take as much time as you did before starting to slam into you over and over again. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, toes curling in themselves, tears brimming your eyes. Bucky fingers dug into your waist surely leaving more marks for you in the morning. 
His hand came up to wrap around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“Feel good? My little fucking slut, whining and wiggling under me,” Bucky said, more to himself than anything.
“Fuck-” you moaned. You wrists rubbing against the belt, trying to pull away so you could touch Bucky.
“What is it? You wanna touch me,” Bucky’s hand squeezed a bit more and you moaned even louder, legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer that way.
“Oh good please Bucky, let me touch you!”
“Uh-uh, bad girls don’t get what they want. If you want to touch me you have to beg me like the good little whore you are,” Bucky growled.
“Fuck Bucky please, I’ll do anything for you just me let me touch you. Please, please, please!”
“Tell me your mine.”
“I’m yours, Buck. All fucking yours. No one else’s!”
“No one is ever gonna fuck as good as I do. Your mine.”
“Yes! I’m yours, oh god,” you moaned.
Bucky was extremely close to cumming and so were you so he undid the belt with one hand skillfully and your arms wrapped around his body pulling as close to you as humanly possible. Your hands ran through his hair and pulled hard as you both fell over the edge. Bucky settled between your legs for a minute kissing your breasts, your chest heaving trying to catch your breath. 
Bucky got up and discarded the condoms making sure there were no tears or rips considering how rough he’d been with you. He didn’t intend to be rough at first but his mind was so clouded with you he practically lost control; but you didn’t mind not one bit. 
Bucky came back with bottled water from a small refrigerator he kept in the corner of his room and held you back and head as you brought the water to your lips. After satisfying your dry and hoarse throat, Bucky picked you up and set down on his bathroom counter, the cold of the marble counter in extreme contrast to your hot skin. 
He cleaned you up and inspected your wrists making sure you weren’t hurt; although they were quite red and would probably hurt in the morning. Lastly, he grabbed a wipe and cleaned the remaining mess of makeup you had put on the night before speaking up again.
“Was I too rough? I didn’t mean to be,” Bucky caressing the sides of your waist. You shocked your head no; the face with a blissfully fucked out expression and a smile making Bucky chuckle. He rubbed your skin with lotion to ease any irritation anything may have caused and kissed the marks he made during sex. He admits that he really likes seeing you marked up by him knowing he’s the only one who gets to see them and make them. Makes him proud that he was able to fuck so good and you loved it too.
He picked you up and took you to bed; kissing you all over one last time before letting you fall asleep in his arms. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was Bucky whispering about how good were to him, calling you his good little girl; rubbing your back ever so softly putting you to sleep.
You woke the next morning arms and legs tangled with another. You turn your head to find Bucky Barnes’ face tucked into your neck soft breaths tickling your skin. You rubbed his arms and back, nails lightly scratching him causing him to stir a bit.
Bucky pressed soft kisses against your skin and rested his large warm hands on your ass and thighs. You felt the urge to use the restroom and haven’t going last night, you figured you should as soon as possible. Prying your mildly sweaty body from his was obviously unsuccessful with how much stronger he was compared to you. His legs moved further in between your thighs and he began kissing your chest making you giggle in return.
“Bucky, I have to use the restroom,” you grabbed his face.
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled and released his hold on you, not without whining of course.
You ran into his bathroom and shut the door. When you turned around you gasped realizing how marked up you were. Dark purple spots littered all over your chest and neck. Your wrists were bright red from the belt he used last night; however they didn’t hurt, a bit sore but not painful. Your thighs were also decorated with love bites and hickeys from Bucky last night and you smiled to yourself.
After you used the bathroom you cleaned yourself as well as possible but admittedly needed a shower in the end. You opened the door only to find Bucky, grinning like a little boy. You folded your hands underneath your chin evidently hiding your body with your arms as much as you could. 
Bucky came up to you and placed his hands on your waist kissing the top of your head before turning you around to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. His body was flush against your and you could feel his dick sitting against your ass and lower back. His face came up and rested on your shoulder then grabbed your hands to wrap them behind his head and yours. 
You played with his hair a bit feeling so confident and loved by the affection Bucky has been giving since you came into his room. His hands ran across your body everywhere they could reach before making eye contact with you in the mirror.
“Look at you, goddamn.”
“What?” you chuckled.
“Do you see what I’m seeing?”
You shook your head, feeling incredibly shy suddenly.
“Look how  fucking beautiful and gorgeous and perfect you are. Geez, I can’t even handle it.” 
You laughed out at how dramatic he was being.
“Goddamn, I could stare at your perfect body all fucking day,” he whispered, it wasn’t in a sensual tone however. It was almost like he was saying to himself, like he actually wanted to do as such.
“Please stay,” he asked you.
“Are you ok?” you sensed he was being incredibly serious, almost about to cry even.
His sad painted with sadness, eyes begging you to stay with him for the day. He wanted something with you.he wanted to be yours and hoped to God that you’d be his in return.
“Stay with me. Please?” you realized you didn’t think he was talking about staying for now, he meant stay with him, as a partner.
“What happened?” you caressed his face in your hands. He lifted you and placed you on the counter Like he did the night before, settling his hips in between your legs.
“They always leave,” he whispered.
“Who? ”
“I didn’t want to just sleep around with girls anymore so I started talking to them and taking them out but every time the night we had sex, they would always leave. I tried talking to them the next day but they always said they didn’t want anything out of it. So I stopped having sex altogether.” 
Your heart ached for him. You didn’t want to do that to him. Of course you thought about it, but that was clearly before you realized Bucky wanted to be with you.
“I won’t leave.”
“We can stay in my room all day. You don’t even have to get out of bed. I can grab a couple game consoles from downstairs and we play on the tv. We order breakfast. I’ll wash your clothes. We have a washing machine in the basement,” Bucky said excitedly, you smiled excited as well for your day with Bucky.
“Can we take a shower first?” you asked.
“Yes of course, let’s take a shower.”
“Let’s?” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“Of course. Maybe we can pop in a couple rounds while we’re at it,” Bucky winked.
Ok, all done. :) Hope you liked it and maybe give it a little like or reblog? You don’t have  to though lol
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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mercurysstars · 3 years
The Shadow Thief (part 3)
Summary: What happens when Peter has to work with the girl he hates to possibly save the world.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Violence.
A/n: Sorry it took me so long to post again! I’ve wrote like 3 different versions of this chapter because I didn’t know what direction to go in just yet.
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"Woah, dude. Did you see this?" Y/n held out Peter's phone shoving it in his face.
Y/n had gone over to Peters house early that morning to get the last finishing touches on their project done. So they both reluctantly decided to walk together to school.
Peter snatched his phone out of Y/n's hands as they crossed the street. "How did you even get my phone? It was in my hands." She shrugged and pointed back at the article.
Peter scrolled down the page. Incoming reports say Avengers went on a mission and since gone MIA. How didn't he know about this? And why didn't the Avengers at least tell him they were going to be gone. Peter was confused, to say the least. Were they in trouble? No, they couldn't be they are the earth's mightiest heroes. Right?
"They probably just had to extend their mission and forgot to report back in." Or at least he hoped. He didn't want to think of the latter. He decided after school he would go to the compound and make sure everything was alright.
"If you say so." They walked up the stairs to the second floor of the school.  Peter opened the door and they both walked into English. Y/n took her seat next to Mj and Peter next to Ned.
The thought of the Avengers missing did worry Y/n a bit. She wasn't a big fan of superheroes but she also was not, not a fan. It was complicated. Sure she liked the security of having someone to save the day. But she hated that they pretended to be better than everyone else. They judge criminals as they themselves have never done anything wrong. They tend to blame everything on everyone else and never take responsibility.
Y/n felt a nudge to her arm. She turned her head to face Mj. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"No, no it's alright I'm just thinking," Y/n said. She pulled out her laptop and opened her and Peter's presentation to have it ready just in case they had to go first.
Their opening slide was a picture of Anne Frank surrounded by a pretty border and Anne Frank’s name in cursive in the middle. Peter insisted their project had to look nice and not like some shitty last-minute one like she had originally done. Y/n had teased Peter relentlessly about it saying maybe he should be a graphic designer instead of Spider-Man. And he of course huffed and pretended to ignore her.
"Well, you just looked worried. Anyways tell me if you need any help." Y/n gave Mj a grateful smile. Y/n knew Mj could have this cold, hard exterior but she knew she secretly cared.
The bell rang signaling the first period started. The teacher stood up from her desk and walked to the front of the room clasping her hands together. "Good morning class. Today is the first official day for our presentations. We'll be picking who goes first by random. Any questions?"
One girl toward the front of the classroom stuck up her hand "Yes, Betty."
"Did you see the news? About the avengers?" The class erupted within hushed conversation everyone stating their theories of what happened and their worries.
"Alright, class settle down. I did see but we will continue like normal." She said. It kind of seemed like to Y/n she didn't care at all but she didn't really think anything of it.
The phone rang and the teacher quickly excused herself. Y/n picked at her fingers mindlessly. The teacher muttered a few words into the phone and hung up "Y/n, Peter." Her eyes snapped up at the sound of her name "They want you down in the office. And bring your things."
Y/n furrowed her brows. Her eyes met Peters "What did you do?" He mouthed just as confused as her.
What did she do? What the hell did he do. She hasn't done anything wrong. Well, at least nothing she gotten caught for.  "Dude if anyone did anything it was you! I've only been here for like 3 weeks." She whispered-yelled back.
He put his hands up defensively. Y/n shoved all of her things in her bag and zipped it up. Mj raised an eyebrow at her and Y/n just shrugged with a clueless look on her face.
Y/n walked over to the door opening it with her free hand while her chrome book was in the other.  Peter followed not too far behind. They step out and began to walk down the hallway shoulder to shoulder not a word muttered between them.
The hall was empty. No teacher, no janitor, no late students, not even the common lost freshman. It was strange to Y/n. She turned to Peter "This is weird. It's almost like it's too."
"Quiet." He finished for her. Peter felt off. His spidey sense wasn't alarming him with anything but it was almost like a gut feeling you'd get when some strange guy came up to you at a party being a little too friendly.
"Yeah." Exactly. They continued down the hall both on high alert. When they passed a window Y/n could see two men dressed in suits around the corner through the reflection.
"I think they're following us." She whispered to Peter. Y/n has picked up a thing or two of trying not to be noticed but the men behind them didn't seem like they cared much for subtlety. They had their eyes set on Y/n and Peter taking wide quick steps.
This time his spidey sense went off. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Peter reached for his web-shooters "We need to get out of here."
"You think?" Y/n back said in an aggravated tone. The next time they passed by a window she could see them screw something together slowly by their side.
Y/n glanced down to get a better look, it was a gun. All she could hear was the beating of her heart thumping loudly in her ears. Thinking quickly Y/n shoved Peter into a locker. A bullet whizzed past where his head once was and made a tiny thump when it hit the wall.
His eyes went wide momentarily stunned before he sprung into action. He shot out a web, grabbed the gun out of the man's hand, and flung it across the hall, making sure he couldn't get to it.
The men paused for a minute before muttering something to each other end breaking into a spring toward them. Well mostly at Peter luckily for her but still in her direction. Peter began to fight the one whose gun he had stolen hand to hand. The man got in a punch to Peter's face. Peter tripped him and tied him up with his webs.
The second man was coming toward her. Before she could second guess herself Y/n took her chrome book and slapped the man across the face with it. The man was momentarily shocked and Y/n opened an unlocked locker hitting him in the face. She watched him slide down the lockers unconscious.
More men turned the corner and came down the hallway. Y/n kicked a waist-length garbage can with wheels toward them as a small distraction. Peter grabbed Y/n pulling her into an empty classroom.
Y/n locked the door before she grabbed Peter and dragged him further into the classroom into a supply closet. They both crouched behind a mop bucket leaving the door cracked for a tiny bit of light.
"Would you like to tell me why there's someone outside this classroom trying to blow my brain out!" She huffed.
"Don't ask me. For all, we know they could be after you!" They both flinched as they heard the door handle shake.
"They were attacking you. Shooting at you. And you'd have a bullet in the back of your head if I didn't push you out of the way if I might add." She poked him in the chest.
The men began to start kicking at the door trying to break it down "Maybe if we figure out who they are we can get out of this."
"You know what I have an idea." Y/n reached back and grabbed the gun out of the waistband of her pants. Y/n started not to care much for introductions when they tried to assassinate her. Her motto was to shoot first ask questions later because she was not going down without a fight.
"What the hell Y/n! Where did you even get a gun?" Peter tried to put some distance between them but failed and ended up bumping into a shelf.
"Calm down bug boy I'm not going to shoot you." She rolled her eyes "I grabbed it off the guy while I smashed my laptop over his head."
"You are not shooting anyone!" He exclaimed. He was going to die with a psychopath. A literal psychopath. What would his uncle Ben say if he could see him right now?
"Fine whatever. How many webs do you have left?"
"Only one." He muttered.
"Only one! How the hell do you only have only one web left?" Oh lord. She was going to die in a janitor's closet with an idiot.
"Oh well, I'm sorry I didn't know I would have someone trying to paint the walls with my organs. I must have forgotten to mark it on my calendar!"
"Oh god, Okay." Y/n rubbed her forehead with her free hand.
She took the clip out of her gun and counted the bullets she had. Two. Okay, she could work with that, Somehow. She just had to live long enough to beat Peter up for almost getting them killed.
She turned back to Peter "Alright here's the plan so we are going to jump out of the window and see just how far that web can exactly get us." She could hear the pounds on the door getting more frequent and if she was being honest she was surprised it held this long.
"Are you crazy! You going to get us both killed." He didn't need the answer because he already knew she was. He swore he could see the shadows swirl around her for a moment but as quickly as it was there it was gone.
"Do you have any better ideas because I'm all ears, Parker?" He didn't say anything and just ran a hand through his hair letting out a frustrated sigh.
"That's what I thought." Y/n knew there was a good chance that they get hit by incoming traffic like a bug on a windshield but it was either that or the SWAT team outside.
"Let's get this over with." Said Y/n. They both stepped outside of the closet. The men outside the room gave the door one last kick and it broke off of the hinges. "Go." That was all Peter said.
Y/n shot the window with the two bullets she had. Peter ran over to Y/n and grabbed onto her tightly. They jumped through the window shattering it. Peter shoots out his last web hooking onto a nearby tree. At the peak of the swing, Peter let go of the web. They flew over the traffic narrowly avoiding the cars.
When they finally reached the ground they hit it hard. Peter took most of the impact but Y/n still hit her head. They continued to hold tightly onto each other as they rolled through the grass from the momentum of the swing.
They came to a slow stop and Y/n landed on top of Peter. She slumped off to the side of him and sat up. Peter did the same but with a groan feeling all of the bones in his body.
He noticed blood began to trickle out of Y/n's nose. "You got something." He pointed to her nose.
She wiped under her nostrils with her fingers and then again with the bottom of her shirt without a second thought "Oh, Thanks."
Peter rested his head on his knees. What was he going to do? As much as he didn't like Y/n he felt bad for dragging her into this. "We need to get going they are going to come looking for us soon."
"Where are we going to go?" The light was starting to become too much so Y/n put her hand over her eyes to shield her from the sun. She was starting to get a headache and just wanted to lay down. Peter stood up and dusted off his shirt and pants.
"Avengers compound." He held out a hand to her. She took it and he pulls her up onto her feet. They began to walk toward the street.
"I just don't know how we are going to get there." He added. They made it onto the sidewalk. Y/n was stumbling around so Peter kept his pace slow so she could keep up with him.
Y/n stopped walking "What do you think of this car?" She nodded to a 1997 Honda Accord.
"It's cool I guess." He said confused the car was a little old but he didn't say anything.
"Alright good. Now hand me your web-shooters." She held out her hand toward him.
"Okay?" He didn't really know what she was trying to get at. Peter just assumed she hit her head too hard but he complied anyway.
Y/n crouched down facing the car. She broke his web-shooters over her knee taking out two long curved metal pieces. She handed him back the rest of his broken web-shooters. Peter stared at her wide-eyed as she stuck the two metal pieces into the lock of the car.
"What are you doing." He hissed. Peter walked closer to Y/n trying to cover her as she picked the lock to the car.
"I just gave our problem a solution." She said without looking. She continued to twist the pieces around until she heard a little click. She gave a little cheer and opened the door.
"Yeah by stealing someone's car. Need I remind you is illegal."
" I like to think of it as borrowing. Besides I will happily leave you if you wish." She rolled her eyes. God, her head was throbbing.
Y/n took the plastic cover off of the steering column. There were three sets of wires and she grabbed the middle one. Y/n cut the red and blue wire. She touched the wires together until she heard the car start. She smiled to herself and lastly twisted the wires together.
She turned to Peter "Are you getting in or what?"
Peter looked around and then sighed "Fine, but I'm driving."
"What? No way, you don't even look old enough to drive." She crossed her arms.
"You have a concussion so I'm our best bet at not dying." He gave Y/n a sarcastic smile.
"Whatever." She rolled her eyes but got out of the driver's seat.
"You know if you keep rolling your eyes they are going to get stuck like that." She flicked him off and he laughed.
Y/n basically collapsed into the passengers seat. Peter closed his door and started the car. He pulled into the street and Y/n rested her head against the window. The cool glass felt nice against her forehead. She notice a bruise on Peter's pale cheek from when he got hit earlier.
Every now and again he would glance at Y/n to see how she was doing. He figured she must not feel the best because she hasn't said one witty remark since they got into the car.
He hoped by now the Avengers were back at the compound and could Tell them what's going on and who was following them.
He looked over to her again and she had her eyes close. He jabbed her with his elbow "Hey, don't fall sleep. You might not wake back up."
"Hmm Okay." She said but didn't budge.
"I'm serious Y/n, open your eyes." Peter was starting to get worried. It wasn't that he cared about her. But he didn't know what to do with a dead body. Or at least that's what he told himself.
"Don't get your panties into a bunch, my eyes are open."
They pulled into the road of the compound. When it came into view Y/n suddenly sat up wide eyed "Holy shit."
"What?" Peter took his eyes off of Y/n and followed her line of sight.
"What the fu-"
Part 4
@fandom-strumpet • @ginger-swag-rapunzel • @libraries-and-coffee
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