#ah yes. technology sure travels far
loredwy · 2 months
Internet: Samsung wont let you install firmware if it isnt from its IMEI region (it wont work, bootloop, etc)
My mom's phone, somehow with chinese firmware and a korean IMEI:
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kamisatomay018 · 4 months
May I request a Wriothesley version of the legend of the red string of fate please??
Yes of course!! Thank you so much for putting in your request and giving me the idea🫶
Soulmates huh? I like the sound of that..
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Wriothesley x fem!reader
Fluff, based on the Legend of the Red String of Fate, Will contain spoilers from the chenyu vale world quest!
I hope you all enjoy reading!
“Tea bags, check..gift, check, tea leaves- check! Okay I’m ready to head off.” You muttered to yourself, cross checking your luggage before you depart from Chenyu Vale to Fontaine for a very important meeting. With whom you might be wondering? Well, it was none other than the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide himself.
Chenyu vale is known widely for its famous and aromatic Adeptea, and has always exported copious amounts of tea to Fontaine. However for the past 2 years, the tea’s quality started to decline, and so did the exports. It had come to your attention that out of all the Fontainians, the Duke of Meropide was particularly displeased about this situation, going so far as to penning a kind yet stern letter to the head of the village, asking about what has been happening to their tea. It was safe to say that this letter had raised quite the panic, for the fortress was the major buyer of the Adeptea and losing such a buyer was something your small yet humble village could not afford. What’s worse was that none of the people were able to understand what was going wrong with the tea, except of course for you and Grandpa Lu.
You were a prominent figure in Chenyu vale, known for your artistic pottery and fine brewing skills. You would handpick the slots of tea that was being sent to Fontaine yourself, knowing that they needed the best quality tea. Not only that, but you were also skilled in the Adepti art of Adeptus Fujin herself, which made you understand that the harmony of nature had been disrupted, leading to the tea quality’s decline.
Thankfully for all of you; the renowned traveler had arrived with their companion and with your aid and Fujin’s power, the problem had been resolved. The only problem that now remained, was the displeased Duke of Meropide. So you took it upon yourself to travel to Fontaine and offer an explanation and apology, for no one else understood the true depth of the situation. As compensation, you made him the most beautiful tea set, infusing in it a little bit of your power which would allow the tea to remain fragrant and hot for extended hours. You truly did hope that this would placate the man.
After bidding farewell to your mother, you got onto the boat that would take you to the renowned and magnificent nation of justice. Fontaine truly seemed magnificent, with its technological advances and strict judicial system. You had always desired to visit the city, although not in such a diplomatic way. No matter, you would make sure to get a tour of the city later. Upon hearing of your visit, the duke had been kind enough to write to you personally, informing you of basic but important laws that you must not break if you didn’t wish to extend your stay in the fortress from a few hours to a few days. The letter was…extremely lengthy, given the amount of ridiculous and extensive laws the land held. Archons, how did the people even remember them all? Well no matter, it’s not like you were going to stay there for long….right?
As you arrived at the Lumidouce harbour, you noticed two officials waiting for you, probably to guide you to the fortress. You bowed at them politely, following their lead while admiring the beautiful scenery of Fontaine.
“Welcome to the Nation of Justice, Ms. Y/N. We have been tasked by Monsieur Neuvillette to guide you to the fortress of Meropide through the Opera Epiclese. Please, follow us.”
Thanking them you boarded yet another boat, and then an aquabus where you met a cute little creature. Ah, that must be the melusines that the duke had mentioned in his letter. The melusine was so sweet, giving you a detailed explanation about the city, even answering your curious question. In the end, you quickly rummaged through your bag, giving her a little Qingxin flower as a thank you for her service. The smile that adorned her little face truly made your day better.
Eventually you headed to the back of the grand Opera Epiclese, where you saw a dignified tall man with a black fur coat hanging on his shoulder standing with his back faced to you. His aura seemed intimidating to you, however you kept your composure. “Duke, we have brought your guest.”
“Ah, you have my profound gratitude. You both may leave, I shall escort my guest from here.”
“Yes sir.”
At that moment, he turned around to face you, and you felt your entire world stopping. Your jade green eyes met with his ashy blue ones, and you swore you felt a spark through your entire body. A beautiful and delicate Res String tied to your little finger made its way to tie itself around his thumb, making you freeze in place. You had found your fated Soulmate. He was a godly man, perfect from head to toe. You had never seen a man as handsome as him, his every feature truly was perfect. You didn’t fail to notice the scars on his face and neck, making you realise he truly had been through a lot in his lifetime.
Meanwhile, Wriothesley was utterly stunned, yet confused. In front of him stood perhaps the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen, her delicate figure adorned with a pastel green outfit and jade jewellery, matching the colour of her eyes. A dendro vision was tied to your outfit while your long hair flowed freely down your shoulders. He was in awe of your beauty, it was as if some kind of force was pulling him in to you. However he was baffled to see a delicate red string connect the two out of you, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Your equally shocked look did not escape his watchful eyes. What in Teyvat was going on? He cleared his throat, talking rather softly. “Uhm, Miss Y/N, how about we..head back to my office to talk?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, nodding immediately as you felt your cheeks blushing like anything. “Yes, yes of course Duke..”
He let out a raspy chuckle, shaking his head. “No need to be so formal, you can just call me Wriothesley.” Oh archons, why was everything about him so attractive?! You looked down with a shy smile, nodding. “Understood. Please, lead the way..”
He smiles slightly, enjoying your flustered state for some reason. As much as he desired to ask you about this mysterious red string, he chose to wait. Such important and private discussions were better suited for his office, where he could guarantee no one would eavesdrop. He led you down the elevator and through the boat to the Fortress, noticing how observant you were about every little detail. Hm..that would explain the Dendro vision. “Welcome to the Fortress of Meropide. I’m sure you must have heard a thing or two about this place, but I can assure you it’s not as awful as it sounds. Here in the fortress every exile and every prisoner is given a chance to start life anew, to work hard and earn their freedom and dignity back. If I dare say so myself, the fortress is essentially a place of rediscovery and rebirth. The law treats everyone fairly, and the fortress is no different.”
You listened to him in awe, admiring the way he spoke like a dignified gentleman. Although he looked intimidating and cold, his demeanour was quite relaxed and welcoming. “That is quite admirable, to give a chance to the offenders to start life anew.” He nodded at your words as he led you to his office. “Of course, that is not to say that criminals do not get their punishment. No one leads a cushiony life in here, and those who have broken the law and hurt others get treated the same way. The rest who actually wish to turn over to a new leaf are given the chance to do so. Many prisoners choose to stay here even after their sentence has concluded.”
That surely came as a shock to you. As…magnificent as the fortress was, it was devoid of sunlight and nature, it felt suffocating to you. Why would people live here willingly? Noticing your silence and the unasked question in the air, Wriothesley laughed a little. “I’m sure you must be wondering why they would choose to do that. Well Fontaine is a nation much different than the rest. Here, status, reputation and wealth matter a lot. Life up at the surface is full of pretensions and dramatic situations. Here in the fortress; everyone is equal, everyone is straightforward. They start with nothing, and through sheer hard work, earn their daily necessities. Perhaps that equality is what attracts people to stay here rather than going up to the surface and continue to play the part in the endless opera that Fontaine is.”
Only you knew how much you were admiring him at this point. Not only was he fair and just, he was also respectable and empathetic, treating humans as they were supposed to be treated rather than declaring them as unruly criminals. “I really admire the way you manage this place Wriothesley..to be able to view offenders as something more than their offence is an admirable quality. No wonder you are the Duke.” As much as he wished he could deny it, Wriothesley felt his heart skip a beat at your words. “You flatter me Y/N. here, this is my office. Let us go upstairs. Please, make yourself comfortable.”
“Thank you. Ah before I forget, I brought you a small present to compensate for all the inconveniences you have had to face due to the small crisis in Chenyu vale.” Taking out a box, you opened it to reveal the most beautifully embroidered tea set that Wriothesley had ever seen. “This is a tea set I crafted myself, and I have infused it with a little bit of adeptal power. That will allow the tea to stay fragrant and warm for hours on end. I imagine that your work must be arduous and time consuming. So, you need not brew a hot cup of tea every now and then. I hope it is to your liking..”
Looking up, you felt your heart flutter at the way Wriothesley was smiling, his eyes shimmering as he admired the tea set. “This is simply divine, I cannot thank you enough for your hard work. There was no need for a present Y/N..but thank you so much, I will gratefully accept it.” Smiling happily, you stood up, getting the tea leaves out. “Well if you’ll allow me; I can brew us some tea right now. I do believe we have a lot of things to discuss Wriothesley..” He smiled and nodded, accompanying you as he watched you brew the tea. The aroma of fresh tea filled his office, instantly relaxing him. A while later you both sat down, drinking tea. “This is exquisite tea, you are exceptional at brewing.” You blushed at the praise, shaking your head. “Thank you..well then, I believe it is time I addressed something very important..” You raised your left hand, bringing to his notice the red string that connected the two of you. “Yes please go ahead, I am quite curious about this string.”
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself for the worst possible outcome after you explained everything to him. “This is the red string of fate..Inazuma and Liyue have a..tradition where the gods have destined two people together as…Soulmates. The red string appears when two soulmates lock eyes with one another, and it signifies the union of two fated lovers…The red string may stretch endlessly, but it can never be snapped or broken. Of course…some people can…reject this bond, but that won’t erase the existence of this string..”
Wriothesley listened to your words carefully, also noticing the way you held your teacup close, caressing the edges anxiously. You weren’t looking into his eyes, and he knew that you were afraid that he would reject this bond. Truth to be told, as strange as this entire situation was, he felt so comfortable in your presence, so soothed and happy that it felt like home. He knew he was attracted to you, and wanted to be with you. Whether it was the string acting or his heart, he did not know and nor did he care. He gently held your hand in his, making your jade green eyes look at him with an expression so hopeful that it melted his ice cold heart.
“I do not wish to reject this bond. Even though I’ve only met you today; your presence has..comforted me. The fortress has always been cold and stuffy but your presence here feels like a breath of fresh air…I know that I feel connected to you. And if the gods themselves have fated us to be together then who am I to overrule their judgement?”
You smiled ever so happily, not being able to hold back as you hugged him, resting your head against his chest. Meanwhile wriothesley, though tense at first, melted into your embrace, wrapping his arms around you gently. His bigger frame completely engulfed you, as if hiding and protecting you from all evil. He was your home, you knew it. “If you are not rejecting this bold, then I pledge you my devotion and loyalty until my last breath. From now on, I am your soulmate..” you spoke, looking up into his beautiful eyes. He chuckled at your words. Gently cradling your face, smiling at the way you leaned into his touch. He knew you both would have to work a few things out, but everything would turn out to be just fine. He then held your left hand, tenderly kissing the place where the red string was tied.
“Soulmates huh? I like the sound of that. Then from this day forth, I am yours, just like you are mine.”
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Soothing A Soul Chapter 1
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Summary: congratulations miss Caine, you have won in a new government health lottery. Your prize is an all expenses paid trip to the new Xoumen destination medical facility in figi. You have been selected at random and are one of the first humans to undergo advanced xoumen medical treatments and will be cured. This is lottery is part of human Xoumen intergalactic treaty of trade and resources. This program is designed to build trust in new Xoumen technologies we look forward to your arrival at the facility please report to your doctor for the rellegant information packs and vaccines for your travel.
Warnings: swearing?, Alien Au, coercion
A/n: this story is going to be completely self indulgent size kink, A/B/o, mateing, breeding, knotting, alpha daddy fic. And im not apologising for it. And the main characters name is pronounced Eye-ra 😅😅
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"Congratulations miss caine!" You frowned as your doctor began congratulating you before youd even managed to take a seat in the chair.
"Im sorry? What for?" You asked warily pausing hakf way across the office as he eam3d up at you. Skmething felt odd, your hands squeezing your bag strap nervously. You wasnt sure why your doctor had booked this appointment just that it was urgent.
"What do you mean; have you not been informed? Oh for goodness sake! They were supposed to send a letter!" He paused confused for a few seconds before scowling curseing whoever had supposed to send you a lietter of some sort. He motioned for you to take a seat near the computer.
"Informed of what?" You asked still on edge as you perched onto the seat beside him winceing slightly as you did so, your back has been killing you again recently, not that there was anything you could really do about it. You eyed him carefully, your gaze flicking to his screen whci was quickly clicked off on to a generic screen saver.
"You won. You have been specially selected to visit a new medical facility. An island off of the coast of figi has been converted into a destination medical facility" he preened excitedly before reaching over his desk pulling a lilac sleek looking folder with your details on a small sticker plastered on the front of it.
"Destination medical facility?" You quized, that was new. Nothing youd ever heard of befpre. Sure there were spas and wellness cnnters but a destindestination medical facility? That sounded a bit to far fetched. But your doctor continued talking as he pulled out a brochure and advertising leaflets from the lilac folder.
"Yes indeed, as you know we have been working closely with the xoumens for quite a while now and they have shared a great deal with us. And finally we have been given access to their advanced medical technology. A facility has been created to begin treating humans with this alien tech, we can cure many diseases and health complaints!" Ah. That explains it. The Xoumens, an alien race that had made contact with humans a few years ago.
No one truly knew why they had come now, many belived it was because of the state of our planet. The first thing they had done was offer new technology. In five years our consumption of fossil feuls had dropped to ten percent and will soon be zero.
Apparently they are our ancestors, or lived along side our ancestors but fled the planet for some unknown reason. No one knows how or why they left but they did. Well thats if you belived them. Many did simply based on their physiology, They were like humans, ten fingers presumably ten toes. Their colouring was the same- except their eyes. Their eyes were more pigmented almost cartoon like woth the bright colours ranging from brown, blue green, purple red orange you name it!
Everything else seemed the same but huge. Well almost everything, they had fangs and naturally sharp nails;claws if you will. And some had some strange bones in their chest apparently, they could purr like cats and snarle and growl like beasts. Not that anyone had actually heard either it could just be a rumour. But when they say huge they meant it. The shortest one seen was an adolescent he looked around fifthteen and six foot four. Many Xoumen were around seven foot. The ambassador that came to earth was seven foot three!
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The news had gone wild but after a few tense months and some odd political games and exchange in technology the newcomers were deamed friendly. Slowly but surely the alien tech was being drip fed into the daily lives of everyone. New food, new greener technology, there had evenbeen stories of some animals had been smuggled into the pet trade. And now finally it would seem their medical knowledge was being shared, and somehow youd won the chance to experience it.
"You have been selected at random with one hundren other people to visit the island and receive advanced treatment free of charge" your doctor wheeled his chair across the room to you with a grin. He looked more excited then you did.
"Free? Treatment? But i? I never entered any;this cant be right" you argued weakly trying to think back incase you had entered anything on a whim on the internet. But you hadnt, health was expensive and you dpwere too frightenedof being scammed to do anything online.
"It is all here in black and white. Iyra Caine, currently 26 years old diagnosed with early osteoporosis, depression, anxiety and migraines?" You frowned again when he read off your details. They were correct but still this made no sense. Why would they want to cure you? What had you done to earn that kind of hand out?
"Yes thats me but... why? Im sure theres more severe cases then mine; people who suffer more that are older " you argued shrugging calmly trying not to snap up the offer without asking the sensible questions first. Stuff like this came at a price, and you wanted to be sure you were willing to pay it before accepting.
"And that is why we used a random selection. We need to build trust in new medicine, we needed a large demographic old, young, mental health complaints, physical health compliants, long term and acute conditions. We need to prove that these new treatments work long term. And so we included your diagnoses in the selection pool" your doctor explained rationally, surprisingly not getting irritated as he usually did. Normally too many questions irked him.
"And what is the treatment? What will i get done?" You added stull tryjng to find the down side, there had to be one. A fly in the ointment as they say. The male sighed pushi g his glasses up his nose and leveled you with a look.
"That Im afraid is classified. We cannot divulge the specifics untill you are at the facility, at which point you will be given a run down of the treatments and asked to consent and receiveit or be returned home." You eyed him. On the one hand things are startingmto sound suspicious. Yet you can understand, if these were miracle cures then obviously you wouldn't want information leaked. Medicine was big business.
"What we can say however is that there is a one hundred perent certainty that you will be cured with no chance of any of your helath complaintsretuning. The xoumens are the same as us just physically just larger. They cured their own ills on their home planet and finally offered us; cancer and chronic illness doesn't even exist on their planet anymore" he continued growing ,ore enthusiastic. He looked awe inspired, as if he himself would give anything to visit a xoumen medical unit and watch them work.
He paused noticing your scepticism and leant over holding his gaze with yours sincerely before speaking quietly, reassuring you.
"I understand your trepidation, but have see the data myself, everything is tested and safe. Because its the first alien medicine we have ever encountered the trials have been even more stringent. The medical board were much stricter with this technology. We even brought in the Europeans to test it and they signed off on it" You nodded silently actually feeling better knowing what ever the treatment was had passed the stricter European approval system.
" I promise you nothing bad will happen to you, and in a few months these treatments will be hailed as miracle cures. And astronomically expensive." He then added as if rubbing a little salt into the wound. He knew your health was costing you more money then most andfor a second you wondered if that was the reason behinde your win. Were you a guinea-pig? Seen desperate enough to get free health care youd throw yourself in no questions asked? And more importantly would you actually do that?
"What do i need to do? I mean there has to be a catch?" You said quickly cuttingmoff the more uncomfortable thoughts of money and medical debt.
"Sharp as ever. All we ask is that once you are cured you advocate for the treatment. Give reviews and testimonials, you may be asked to do a few interveiws and seminars about the site and we hope you would encourage people to seek out the new medicinal technologies. Some are still resilient to the xoumen's technology, they fear change" your jaw dropped at his reply. Wait what? That was all? Surely not.
"So let me see if i understand this. I will be cured, get free miracle health care for a yelp reveiw?" You quizzed completely shocked you couldnt believe that, no way. Not for a second. But he nodded.
"Well yes thats basically it. This is a once in a life time opportunity. You will have a new pain free possibly longer life- the xoumen do have a much longer life span then we do. You may never hpget this opportunity again, your bones are crumbling Iyra, you could be in sever pain and immobile in a few years time" he prodded hitting another nerve. He knew of your fear, you were only twenty six and the idea of loosing your mobility and independence before you even got to your thirties hainted you.
"I might not get that bad" you made to argue, trying to be optimistic but he shook his head and intterupted you.
"Are you willing to take a chance? Especially when this could cure you now." He added tapping the lilac folder as he spoke. He made it seem cut and dry, like this would be a walk in the park all you had to do was say yes.
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"Can i think about it?" You uttered eyes locked onto the folder wistfully. Could those apers really change your life?
"Im afraid there isnt much time. You were supposed to get a letter and pamphlet a few weeks ago. Today was mearly to pick up your welcome pack and wrist band. You need your vitals done and then a quick milaria and zika virus shot before leaving the shuttle craft is already waiting to take you to the air port" his reply was bleak, a heavy sigh. You couldnt help feel slightly rushed, his was all haplening so fast! You couldn5 even register the slight excitement of possibly travelling in a shuttle craft! A new form of travel given to us b the Xoumen.
It was a sleek futuristic space craft that skimmed the ozone to race around the planet in minutes. And it ran on water, their emissions from that water replenish the atmosphere healing it as they fly. And only four are in operation at the moment, only the super rich had been on them before.
"Trust me everything is fine, you are going to be cured. This was a government selection, your home, bills will all be taken care of and your work has been informed. You will also be compensated for participating in the treatment" he added almost hastily as if he were trying to get you out the door asap. You shrunk beginning to feel like a nuisance.
"Theres nothing that could go wrong? Nothing life threatening?" You asked, voicing your biggest worry.
"No. I swear to you, youve been my patient since you were knee high. Id never let anything happen to you, if i thought it was a bad idea i wouldnt have called you in today, id have ommited your selection."he spome calmly, maintaining eye contact with you. He seemed confident and positive.
"I swear to you when you leave here to the facility your life will change. You'll get a do over." And with that he seemed to rest his case. You drew a deep breath takjng a few moments to mull over the decision before finally settling on your answer.
"O-okay if your sure, i can think of it as a holiday or something" You nodded slowly finally deciding to go. Besides he said if you didnt like the program you could come straight home, so it was win win when you thought about it, no risk to yourself.
"That'a girl, come roll up your sleeve and i will get these shots over with, they will be in your system before you get there. Trust me zika virus sounds funny but you dont want to get it" he perked up and stood speakingmpver his shoulder as he strode across the small office to a mini fridge and pulled out some injections and vials.
You smiled relaxing, youd read over the folder on the trip, for now you needed to get these shots and find a decent coffee somewhere. The commanding alpha stared out at the vast cargo hold,rows upon rows of chambers lined the huge space four chambers high. Each one a specially designed tube housing a specimen of the tiny race. Humans, delicate and fragile but perfectly formed humans. He sighed eyeing the closest row of humans, all of them suspended in anti gravity animation. They looked like they were submerged in water, hair rippling around them limbs floating aimlessly as if they were drifting with a gentle current of a stream. it was peacefull sight despite it being an unintended consequence.
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It was the air contracting around them that gave the humans their gentle lulling motion. The oxygen life support systen was intune with their breathing, the chamber circulated the air drawing out the crabon dioxide and pumping fresh clean pure oxygen.
The tubes aclimatised them to the new air of his home planet and the anti gravity cushioned their journy whilst also protecting them. Though each one would suffer the consequences of such a weightless ride. They all lost some muscle mass on the long journy and would awaken no more capable then an newborn pup, the odd one would be more mobile but still clumsy in their movements. But it was actually quite usefull as they cant run off when they awaken panicked and frightened. And they were always panicked at first.
But for now each one was resting, blissfully unaware of the long journy they underwent. He almost felt sorry for them, so like himself yet completely defensless. They were like children. Small in stature all 1000 of the donated humans stood at most 5'5ft tall. Perfect for what the xoumen needed, small and defenceless the ideal substitutes omegas.
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"Alpha sir, your here?" A confused voice carried across the small suspended platform. Henry turned facing the other male, shorter and slightly plump yet still in uniform. Henry could tell the man was ex-military from the straight posture and overall appearance. He gave a small smile and nodded stepping closer tucking his hands behind his back.
"yes, i wanted to see the new crop before they were transferred into the selection clinic. A sneak peak if you will" he replied casting another look to the almost unending rows of humans. Every time his took in the sight his heart swelled. Pride and hope. Thats what this was, this was the future of his own civilization. There was also something diretingmhis gaze, like a teasing trepidation. Right, he eyes alwyas drifted to thr right hand side of the hold.
"Peak? I assume its your lucky day then? You get to pick your own?" The burly male said a jovial smile acorss his face. He didnt seem the least bit envious which was a change. Eeryone else had snipped at him when he had reealed his number had been called. They believed he was bumped up the list because of his station and high rank. But honestly it was just luck.
"With luck my substitute female will be in this batch" henry hummed with a wistful longingnto his voice. He hoped beyond hope that she was here. He needed the calm, the sanity that came from protecting his own tiny omega. He was too close to failing himself and becoming a beast. Only two weeks before his nu,ber had been chosen he'd almost slaughtered so e of his own recruits because they had sassed him. He really was on the knife edge.
"These are all defective humans correct?" The male asked once more, clearly wanting to learn more about the crops of humans that were being brought into port. Henry couldnt blame him, this was only the thrid crop and there were mutterings of the illnesses that had plagued the tiny creatures.
"Indeed, their governments belive they are getting a good deal selling us the sick,these ones had no prospects. No futures. incurable they say. Unable to work the long hours society demands so were abandoned. Though we heal them on the journy, each one will wake healthier then they have ever been" he confirmed and then explained alittle, wanting the truth to be out in the public rather then remain silent on the issue.
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The Xoumen officials and true pack leaders had mae sure to keep certain things a secret. Noone was even meant to know about the humans being shipped here were sick. Their sicknesses were so trivial, no more complicated then the ilnesses pups got, sniffles and fevers. The humans were so fragile, missing so much of the evolutionary dna that the Xouman had. These tiny creatures own bodies began deterioating after only three decades of life.
"Could you imagine the look on the humans faces if they realised we actually cured them of all their ailments on the journy?" Henry chuckled at the man, it was clear thos male was aware of the humans attitudes. The Xoumen didnt necessarily like the humans in power, but had little choice but to play nice. If not be a little secretive about some aspects of their life on astren. Yes indeed they would be enraged of they found out these sacrificial la,bs were to be givein perfect health and a much longer existence.
"The humans in charge are a victim of their own greed. So willing to write these ones off and sell them like cattle" henry's eyes narrowed, he didnt like the humans he'd met on earth. They were cruel and nothing like his own kind. Money ruled. Paper, plastic and little metal discs! Thats all their money was yet it caused so much chaos greed and death.
Xoumen had destroyed money eons ago. Everyone was given the everything they needed for a happy healthy life, you had packs, tight knit communities that all shared the labor and all reaped the rewards. Everyone had their role to play and anything past the basics of food, healthcare, home and utilities were all aquired though a points system. Points achived by serving your pack and community rather then actual money.
The humans clung to the old ideals of bartering and wealth they would put a price on a persons life. Which is exactly why xoumen would not hand over their medical knowledge, it would just add another cash cow into the greedy governments back yard. But thats not to say the xoumen wont use their advanced medical expertise on the donated humans, it was the least they could do for the poor little things, they were all told this was a lottery win, that they were going to an island to receive breakthrough treatments for thoer ailments. The least the xoumen could do is keep their word on that.
"gods just look at them all! Tiny and defenceless. Who'd have thought they would survive the commet" henry hummed in agreement. It was indeed a evolutionary miracle. Not just that some being survived the cataclysmic event of the comment hitting earth, but these being would evolve once more into xoumen like creatures. It was a mystery, perhaps each planetary ecosystem was only capable of evolving one type of intelligent life form. One dominant spieces per planet. The humans were a smaller weaker variety. Their dna was diluted in a sense.
"yes, quite a resilient race, which explains our own escape and survival. I read the stories, these humans had to restart their entire evolution after the astroid. I knew they would be small but they are still smaller then i anticipated" henry spoke still glancing out at the vast space. He couldnt belive some Xoumen had mated thir humans apeady, the thought excited him, but also made him wince. It just be tricky to copulate and not harm the smaller females, but it wasmin every xoumens nature to mate and knot their omega. Not for breeding persay but to strengthen the bond, solidify it.
"But then again thats why they are here, each one hand selected, each destined to play their part and rejoin their true ancestors" his words were a shallow whisper. It was only right that they were here. The humans were a disastrous race and soon theywill self destruct. Bringjng so many here will not only mend Astrens own issues but also save the humans from becomign completely extinct. It was only a matter of time before those in power on the small blue planet did something stupid.
"Do you think any of them are evolved enough to be true omega?" The male asked joining the comanding alpha looking at the peacfull humans in their slumber.
"No. Its impossible, they will never evolve like us, they missed their chance when their ancestors declined to travel with ours. Their evolution was weaker than ours, theh hae no presentation. They will remain small and defenceless" henry uttered his head tilting back to the right, his gaze seemed to linger there. No ,atter how many times he looked over the large crop the right called to him.
"Its hard to belive we were like them eons ago, no presentation, no fangs or claws hell the idea of a xoumen not reaching 6'3? It makes the skin crawl. Anyway i best get gojng, another late batch and i will be gettjng a disciplinary, apparently" the male huffed walking to the back wall and pressed a kye pad a door opened lighting the darkened ship hold with a sterile white light. With a few more buttones and metal whirrjng sounds the hold shuddered and jerked to a stop. The tracks now lined up in the docking bay. And like a well oiled machine the rows od human filled tubes began filing out into the facility.
Henry watched with a smile, this was the salvation of his planet in motion. And his own, for his number had been called, he was to recive one of these omega substitutes this time. He couldnt wait untill they allowed the selection to begun, somewhere in this crop was his omega he could feel it. His female to love and protect. The female who would keep him sane and sate his beast. Soon He would know peace, true peace. If all went well he would have his human placed in his arms. Small, delicate and completely dependent on him for her safety and happiness. He would coddle and love her as he would a true omega, she will be his world and he would be hers.
Somewhere in this sea of miniatures was hos own perfect omega. And he just couldnt wait to sniff her out.
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ask-october-fox · 8 months
(Sorry if I took a while to reply, I had no connection for the whole day until now) Well, I just found this blog last year and yes, I knew from the get-go that you’re a spirit. So I figured out what happened, when I was reading your “lore” comics, there was one made by Sargassos which featured their moose character Hollow interacting with you which I mistook as yours. In the comic, there was a panel in which Hollow crosses a road with a broken-down car in it. That gave me the impression that the forest you’re living in has a road in which cars frequently pass by. Since you’re a forest spirit, I thought cars were an out-of-this-world thing for you and made me think they would spark your curiousity, and as you would approach one and inspect it from up-close, at some point you would end up seeing yourself reflected in one of the side view mirrors and be mesmerized by it. Which I thought would be a cute/funny scene to see/imagine. And that’s what made me ask you if you would do such a thing. So yeah, the source to all of this confusion was I misread a fan comic as yours, which understandably, you have the final word if that comic is canon or not. I apologize for this long read and for the confusion but rest assured that this is the definitive answer of what was going on.
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Oh dear. This is a lot. Well, time for a little clarification! Ah well to answer your question, I do know the story you are referring to (shameless plug here bc you should def check it out cause the artist is aaaaamaaazzing!~) While the story wasnt told by myself, it is still accurate. I live in a deep forest, but being that it is a Nation Forest, there are areas where there are roads and cars do travel, expect the areas that I frequent, cars are usually parked far away at a type of "rest point" and then humans must travel by foot if they want to go deeper into the forest. I am aware of what cars are- Im aware of technology in general! I was curious about them for a while when they started appearing up here but they are also very noisy and smelly so I tend to leave them alone. I dont think that humans would really appreciate having a fox walk over their cars (im sure they are expensive, dont want to accidentally break something! Yikes!) I think another thing that might clear up the confusion is that you have to remember that my forest is a place that many creatures also travel to- living or spectral. Hallow lead that spirit to me as she was worried for him, and she wanted to make sure that spirit would be able to get back home safely. Where the poor creature met his fate was somewhere else from here. Cars traveling up here dont normally (or shouldnt be!) driving that fast as to take out a full grown moose. As far as the mirror part, I mean- hah~, I already know my fur is flawless, but I couldnt even reach a rearview mirror! Im too short ^^;
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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4.4k, aliens, space travel, advanced technology, colonization, kidnapping, dogs, asphyxiation, drugs, abuse, physical abuse, assault, manipulation
{The Start}
“So this is Earth…”
     You stared out the window to the planet below you with wide eyes. You had seen many others before, but knowing you’d actually set foot on the surface of this one was exciting. The ship was preparing to descend, and you knew that meant you had to check over the gear soon. This planet and your home world shared similarities, but the atmosphere wasn’t breathable, so exploring required safety precautions.
“I’m coming!”
    Taeil was with you in the equipment deck, examining the gear to make sure it was safe to use and step outside the ship with. The suits themselves were up to code, and all the tanks were accounted for and intact. Taeil had you suit up, wanting to test things out within the safety of the ship. He calibrated your suit, making sure you could breath okay, and that you could see and hear him alright. He led you through some quick tests, and confirmed everything was good.
“Okay, all systems green.”
“I’m so excited.”
“Ah, look at you.” Yuta said as he entered the deck. “All ready to go exploring.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna stay on the ship?”
“Awe, come on. I wanna explore and help. It wouldn’t be fair if I had to stay behind.”
“It would be important for someone to stay behind and watch us.”
“I guess…”
“There’s no need for that.” Taeyong added, entering the deck with the rest. “We can all go. Just promise me you won’t wander off too far, okay?”
“Good girl. Alright, Taeil, we good?”
“Everything is green. So you’re all cleared to suit up.”
“You heard him everyone. We’ll be landing in five so let’s be ready to move by then.”
    While the others geared up you and Taeil went down to the hanger and you immediately went over to the nearest window, seeing as the ground below got closer and closer. You were breathing heavily against your helmet that it started to fog up, Taeil having to tell you to steady your breathing and calm down. As you got closer to landing you had to strap in for safety in case things didn’t go smoothly, but thankfully they did. You were the first at the hanger door, excited for it to open.
“No wandering off.” Taeyong reminded.
“I know.”
    Of course you were the first off the ship, stepping foot on Earth. You were giddy with excitement, running and jumping around.
“This is so cool! And the gravity here is what we are used to. It’s perfect.”
“Except for the atmosphere.” Johnny commented. “But we’ll fix that.”
“You didn’t say we were terraforming the planet.”
“We’re not.” Jaehyun assured. “It’s more like saving it… an upgrade actually. Remember?”
“Hm… the cubes we have with us promote fast plant growth, which would revitalize the dying plant life of this world. Although doesn’t that mean nature would overtake the planet? What about the animals? The… humans…”
“Do you see any humans around?”
“When we arrived, the inhabitants of this planet were quite hostile.” Haechan said. “Things got complicated and for the most part, they destroyed themselves.”
“I bet I could have helped…”
“I was not going to wake you up from cryo-sleep to try and negotiate with those creatures.” Taeyong stated. “Things are better this way.”
“But there are still humans alive, aren’t there?”
“Yes. These humans can be resilient, but never really achieved space travel.” Doyoung said. “It’s kinda sad, but perhaps this is for the best.”
“But aren’t-”
“Y/n, we’re not terraforming the planet.” Johnny repeated. “The chemical compound we are introducing is to promote plant growth. The only change is that we’ll be increasing the overall oxygen levels of the planet, something more suitable for us. The humans here will be fine. Once everything is done, we can properly start over with the remaining inhabitants.”
“We should get started.” Jungwoo stated. “I’ll call over the drones.”
“Good idea.” Taeyong said. “It won’t be an easy process, but we need to get started. At least enough to have a proper base here.”
    You said you’d help, but really there wasn’t much for you to do. The drones marched off the ship, spreading out in a proper formation and beginning to expose the nearby plant life to your chemical compound. For a while you watched the work, the white drones that looked like you, but were plain and plastic looking, dropping cubes and seeing how the green took over everything nearby. It was beautiful, but you also wanted to see the remains of the planet. As you started walking around, Mark joined you.
“What are we exploring?”
“I’m not sure. I kinda just want to see what remains of this planet, before we revive it.”
“There is a lot of beauty in what’s left behind.”
“Then let’s go, but we can’t go too far from the others.”
“I know.”
    The ship had landed in a clearing, but not too far from civilization as you could see the remnants of some buildings. You and Mark made your way over, seeing what all these buildings once were. After a while though, Mark was called back. You still wanted to look around, and begged Mark to let you stay. He eventually agreed, and told you to come back on your own in a few minutes. That was your intention, but you wound up with an opportunity you couldn’t pass up.
“Is that…”
    You thought your eyes were playing tricks on you, but as you slowly approached, you realized the blob was exactly what had come to mind, a canine. When you got closer the creature scurried away, and without thinking you followed after it.
“Come here! Come here, I won’t hurt you.”
    You followed the creature down some steps to some underground area. It had stopped at the bottom steps, and you managed to reach it. You knelt down, gently petting it. You couldn’t believe you were interacting with something from this planet.
“Good, good… I’ve read a lot about you. They call you man’s best friend. You’re said to be a great pet, I believe they call your kind dogs. I can’t believe I get to meet you. How have you survived on your own? I wonder what happened to your own… owner…”
    Now that you could think, babbling about your own knowledge, you realized this creature might not be alone. You quickly got up, heading up the stairs, realizing you needed to get back to the others immediately. As you reached the top steps you were suddenly met with some huge object swung at you. It caused you to stumble back, ultimately tripping down the steps. You desperately tried to stop yourself, but wound up rolling down, coming to a halt when you were on even ground. You immediately began to examine your suit, seeing that your communications were damaged, but most importantly, your helmet was cracked.
“Shit, shit, shit…”
    You tried to pick yourself up, but your body felt sore from the fall you had just endured. You were panicking, and cursing yourself out for going off by yourself despite being told many times not to wander off. Amidst your own struggles you suddenly found yourself being lifted up, held up by two others. Your vision was a bit clouded by the glitches in your systems, as well as the crack, but you were aware that a good number of individuals were in front of you. When one reached out and grabbed your helmet you began to scream and squirm. It was cracked, but you were still okay, if your helmet was completely removed you knew you’d be in trouble.
    They didn’t listen though, holding you still and managing to get it off you. Despite your intentions you inhaled sharply, and started breathing rapidly. Your suit was going off with sounds of system failure, and you were freaking out. You had no idea how much time you had before it became very hard to breathe, but you needed to calm yourself down first if you were going to come up with some plan. Once your helmet was off those holding you let you go. They all surrounded you, but you were more focused on your breathing, looking around for your helmet as well.
    When you calmed yourself down, you could think, but most of all you could see those around you. Taeyong had informed you that the inhabitants of the planet looked similar to you, but had a different genetic makeup, they were in his words, inferior to you. In the moment you felt that was you and not them. You noticed one of them was holding your helmet, and you tried to reach for it but they held it away. You were trying not to panic, but it eventually hit. You were breathing just fine, you didn’t feel any strain in your chest. In fact you felt completely normal, but when you checked your suit, it told you that the atmosphere levels weren’t safe for you. It didn’t make sense, but you didn’t get to dwell on it long.
    When you heard your name, for a second you thought your boys found you, but instead an unfamiliar voice had called you. One of the humans stepped towards you, bending down to meet your eyes.
“Y/n… is that really you?”
“How… how do you know my name?”
“It’s me… YangYang… don’t you remember?”
“Uh… I don’t…”
“You know one of these invaders.” Another spoke. “How is that possible?”
“Y/n’s not one of those aliens! She was with me in my old group… and we lost her…”
“Then how is she here?”
“I don’t know… y/n… what happened to you?”
“I don’t… I don’t understand what’s going on…”
“Sir, we can’t stay here.” A third spoke. “We need to go before we are discovered.”
“What about y/n?” YangYang questioned. “We can’t just leave them here.”
“We can’t take them.”
“She’s one of us. Those things took her and did who knows what. I can’t leave her.”
“We don’t have time for this.”
“Please. If she was with them we could get some answers.”
“Fine. Get her out of that suit and let’s move.”
“Wait, don’t-”
    You didn’t get a say in the matter as you were stripped out of your suit and dragged along. You had no idea what was going on, but you knew if the others found your empty suit they’d be worried sick about you. Despite your attempts to fight, you were still weak from your injury, and couldn’t escape. With that possibility gone you tried to think about the situation you were in. These humans had attacked you, and were now taking you captive. Even if you were being brave, you were scared, and very confused.
    You were dragged deeper underground, through some tunnels. It was very dark down there, except for the light provided by some fire. You had no idea where you were, or where you were going. Eventually you came to some huge metal door, a specific knock given before it slowly opened. You were brought in, although the humans on the other side were immediately questioning your presence. YangYang once again said you were one of them, but when others explained how you were found, his words seemed pointless.
“Examine her.”
“Y/n is human.” YangYang proclaimed. “Examine her, you’ll see what I mean.”
    You thought to protest, not knowing what this exam entailed, but you were in no position to do so. Your hands wound up tied together behind your back, and you were forced to sit down. Another human came over, starting whatever this exam was. They flashed a light in your eyes, pressing something cold against your skin and listening. You soon enough recognized this to be a medical examination, something you had done before with Yuta. Although when they pricked your finger you yelled.
“She bleeds red.”
“I told you.”
“That doesn’t mean much. We know nothing of the invading species. Just those white space suits, that apparently she… it? Was in.”
“She. Y/n is human. I grew up with her, we stuck together when everything went to shit.”
“We have no way-”
“She has a birthmark on her left shoulder, looks like a small splash of paint with two bolts of lighting going down.”
    You were perplexed by the knowledge this human had of you. Yuta had pointed out that mark on you before, calling it a birthmark as well. The examiner checked your shoulder, others checked as well.
“What did you say happened to… her?”
“I’m not entirely sure. We were out scavenging when she radioed in that she was compromised. That was months ago. I thought she was dead…”
“This is her. I would never forget her face.”
“But she doesn’t know you.”
“Those things must have messed with her memory.”
“She was compromised. They took her.” Someone spoke. “It could be incredibly dangerous to have her here now.”
“I’ll look after her.” YangYang volunteered. “Please, she’s not the enemy.”
“She stays locked up though.”
    YangYang couldn’t argue with that, so he followed your escort to a prison cell. It wasn’t a real one, some makeshift one they had down here, but it would work. Your hands remained tied though. So now all you could do was figure out a plan, that is if this boy would ever stop talking to you.
“You really don’t remember me… do you?”
“How do you know my name?”
“I’ve known you since you were five.”
“I’m not human. You’re mistaken.”
“They really fucked with your head.”
“They did no such thing.”
“Are you sure?”
“I… my people have the technology to-”
“Y/n, please. I know you’re in there, you have to remember.”
“I am not who you think.”
“I thought I lost you forever. My heart broke when you said you were compromised because I knew what that meant. I desperately wanted to go after you, but I was held back. I found you again after all these months, by some miracle. Please, you have to remember.”
“I am not who you think I am! I don’t know how you knew about my shoulder but-”
“Your mother always said that was a tear stain from a past life. That you were a shoulder to cry on for many.”
“Stop talking to me.”
“Come on, something has to be off in your memories. No way they could just change everything.”
“Shut up.”
“You know I’m right. Deep down you know what I’m saying makes sense.”
“I get it. You lost your friend, and I look like them, but I am-”
“Y/n, don’t do this to me.”
    YangYang opened your cell, stalking up to you. If you hadn’t already been sitting against the wall you would have moved back, but he had you pinned. He reached behind your back and freed your hands, grabbing your shoulders.
“I know it’s you. I’d recognize those eyes no matter how much time passed.”
    The boy leaned in close, pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes went wide in shock, unsure what to make of his actions. He didn’t stop, pulling you closer, and making you feel strange. He held your head, his fingers stumbling upon the back of your neck, feeling a strange metal. He quickly pulled you forward, wanting to get a better look at whatever it was.
“Y/n… what the hell did they do to you…”
“What are you-”
    His fingers running along your neck sent shivers down your spine, but it suddenly brought on a headache too. You shoved him away, grabbing your head. His voice was calling to you, but you could barely hear him. Your vision began to blur, images flashing before your eyes faster than you could comprehend. You didn’t know when you started screaming, but YangYang was holding you.
“It’s going to be okay… you’re going to be okay… I’m not leaving you…”
    You had no idea how long this went on for, but things started to calm down. Your headache was subsiding, and the things you had seen were starting to make sense. Well, they were clear, as for sense, you weren’t sure they had any of that. You remembered being with Taeyong and staring down at the planet Earth, although he said something was wrong with you. Then there was a time when you were with Taeil in the library, but the books were blank. You remembered going to Doyoung after nightmares, and having a talk with Jaehyun that seemed off. There were so many things that didn’t make sense. Although what really hit was the familiarity you felt looking up at the boy that was holding you.
“Hey… do you remember me?”
“What’s happening…”
“I don’t know… I’m just happy to have you back.”
“I… I was gone…”
“Do you remember what happened?”
“I… I’m not sure I know…”
“That’s okay. One thing at a time. We can just-”
“We need to tell the others.”
“What the aliens are doing.”
“You… you know what they want?”
“I… kinda? They’re gonna change the planet so it’s livable for them.”
“They’re gonna terraform the planet!”
“No, not exactly. They’re just gonna revitalize nature, increasing oxygen levels… but something… there’s something else…”
“I don’t know… but something feels wrong.”
“You can think on that first before we-”
“No, I don’t think we have that much time.” You managed to get up. “They’re already changing things and-”
    You were making your way out of the cell when you suddenly stopped. For a second you floated in limbo, everything was fine, and then you inhaled sharply. You couldn’t breathe. You collapsed to your knees, gasping for air, but it wasn’t enough.
“Y/n! Y/n, what’s happening!”
“Ah… air… I can’t…”
“Air? Uh… we are far underground…”
“Can’t… breathe…”
“I… I know a way above ground, please hold on.”
    YangYang got you on his back, running through the tunnels. Your vision was fading in and out, but you were trying to remain conscious. You had no idea what was happening to you, but all you could do now was focus on staying awake. You thought the darkness would take you when light suddenly filled your vision. YangYang collapsed to the ground with you, the both of you now on the surface. You inhaled deeply, getting more air, but it wasn’t quite enough. Every breath you took was deep, and you were trying not to panic.
“Y/n, y/n, are you okay? Can you breathe?”
“I… I don’t… I can’t… it… hurts…”
“Easy, easy, deep breaths. We’ll figure this out, we’ll-”
    You saw something fly over YangYang’s head, hearing it hit the ground ahead of you. YangYang had been looking down at you, but when he heard the sound he looked up. You couldn’t see what he was looking at, but you could watch him as his eyes went wide, and his grip on you got tight. Out of the corner of your eye you suddenly saw a vibrant green color spreading around and growing. You quickly knew what it was, your eyes growing wide. You tried to focus your breathing, so you could warn YangYang, but you could see his eyes growing weary. Before you knew it he collapsed at your side, unconscious. You got up and shook him, but he was completely unresponsive. That’s when you realized you were fine now, your breathing had stabilized, and you were back to normal.
“What the…”
    You heard footsteps approaching, looking over to see white figures getting close to you. The scene caused a similar image to flash before you, also giving you the context. You remembered seeing a white figure like this before, holding a weapon aimed at you. It was when you had been captured all those months ago. You were paralyzed as all this information mixed together. Taeyong, the others, they had done something to your memories. You weren’t one of them, you were a human they had taken.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
    While you were processing everything, one of the white suits knelt down before you. They removed their helmet and you saw Taeyong. He reached out to touch you but you flinched, still holding onto YangYang.
“You… who… what are you… what did you do to me…”
“Ah…” Taeyong lowered his hand. “I see your memories have been distorted.”
“You… what did you do to me!”
“Easy. Let’s just get you back to the ship and-”
“Stay away from me!”
    You moved back, partially dragging YangYang with you. Your brain was still trying to make sense of everything, but you knew you couldn’t trust Taeyong or any of the others. You noticed that more of the green was growing, allowing the others to remove their helmets as well.
“Y/n, we worried when your suit reported a problem.” Taeil said. “And then we found you were gone.”
“We need to get you back on the ship.” Jaehyun added. “We can’t have you out here like this.”
“I’m sorry, this is my fault.” Mark admitted. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“You… you’re all liars…”
“Don’t! You… you kidnapped me… and messed with my head… I don’t… I don’t know what’s happening…”
“We’re not going to hurt you.” Doyoung assured. “We’d never do that.”
“No, no you did… whatever you did to me… I remember… Yuta taking my blood… Johnny with me in the garden… you were all…”
“What do you remember?” Taeyong asked. “What’s running through your mind?”
“… you… you attacked my planet… you destroyed… everything… you abducted my people for… for what…”
“We were actually watching this planet for a long while before we made our presence known.” Jungwoo commented. “Deciding whether a peaceful approach was a good idea or not.”
“Spoiler.” Haechan chuckled. “It wasn’t.”
“Wa… what? How could you just-”
“We took plenty of humans beforehand.” Yuta continued. “Sifted through their memories to see what this planet was like. A real mess I’d say.”
“No, no, there are good people! You can’t just-”
“We know.” Johnny interrupted. “We found you after all.”
“But… but that was after… you destroyed…”
“It’s for the best, don’t you think?”
“No… no… no, you messed with my head, I can’t-”
“We just collected your memories dear. For research.” Jaehyun explained. “It’s easier to do that when we distract your consciousness, but you’d eventually find something wrong with our distractions every time.”
“So all those moments…”
“From what we gathered, you lived a nice life, made us wonder what you’d be like with us.”
“So you-”
“We didn’t mess with your head.” Haechan stated. “We just put something else in. Way less complicated.”
“That’s not… you’re monsters… my home-”
“It’s not really your home anymore.”
“Haven’t you noticed yet?” Taeyong questioned. “We didn’t change any of your memories, just buried them, but we did change you. From the start you were promising for research, but also suitable for us.”
“… what…”
“I have some of my people in cryo-sleep, but since humans were similar in genetic makeup, we realized we could assimilate some of them.”
“No… no you didn’t…” You looked down at yourself. “You didn’t…”
“Your body is still changing, thankfully we found you in time to help.”
“Change me back!”
“Now why would we do that? Look at that little creature you’re holding onto.”
“What did you do to him!”
“Nothing, I swear.”
“It’s the plant life.” Johnny explained. “The plants have regrown, but they also release a new chemical into the atmosphere. It’s completely harmless to us, but it makes humans lose consciousness. They’ll get used to it eventually, but they’d remain in a weak, susceptible, state going forward.”
“So you lied about negotiating with what was left of humanity. This is a hostile takeover.”
“We’re saving this planet.” Taeyong said. “Thanks to us it will thrive. By saving you, I save me.”
“You’re not saving me… I didn’t ask for this!”
“But you’re deserving.”
“I don’t want this! Change me back! I won’t live by your side and-”
“It’s too late for that.”
    You suddenly felt a pain in the back of your neck, quickly reaching up to it. You felt that metal piece again, remembering you discovered it when you were inside that pod. You didn’t know what it was, but you figured it wasn’t a good thing if Taeyong’s eyes were glowing and you were in pain.
“We should have left you in your containment unit until things were further along. Apologies for all the complications.”
“Sta… stop it…”
“This won’t happen again. I promise.”
    Taeyong got up and walked over to you. He stared down at you with a kind smile, removing one of his gloves. You had vague recollections of what their touch could do to you, but you were helpless to stop him. You could only watch as he knelt down in front of you, pulling your hand down.
“Sweet dreams.”
    Taeyong leaned over and kissed your head as his fingers brushed against the back of your neck. You collapsed in his arms, the tension from before leaving you, allowing you to relax in his embrace. He carefully picked you up, making sure you were alright, his eyes back to normal.
“Can we get her back to the ship like this?”
“We’ve made a path.” Doyoung said. “So she’ll be alright.”
“Let’s go then.”
“What about the human?”
“Not our problem right now.”
    They all returned to the ship, a few getting out of their suits, but Taeyong remained in his as he got you over to the lab, setting you back inside your pod. He properly strapped you in, making sure the connection was restored before closing you in.
“Fix her memories and then move her down to the cargo hull into her cryo-pod.”
“It’s my fault.” Mark began again. “If I hadn’t-”
“It was a risk having her out with us at such an early phase.” Yuta stated. “Something like this could have happened regardless.”
“How long until we can actually wake her up?” Jungwoo asked. 
“A lot needs to be done before then.” Taeyong reminded. “Just be patient. You can run her through some simulations again if you miss her that much.”
“Can we?”
“Just don’t over do it. We’ll have her back eventually. When the time is right.”
Taeyong | Mark | Doyoung | Taeil | Yuta | Jungwoo | Johnny | Jaehyun | Haechan
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asheewrites · 4 months
Would you mind writing about the Raphael meeting Severiel thing? I'm always a sucker for Raphael thoughts and opinion on people.
When the least stressful thing to do after the latest meeting with the Metatron was gardening, of all things, he should have assumed something was wrong. He tried to think back and say ‘yes, there had been something in the air’.
… but who was he kidding, really. This stuff was random. And all he could do to cope with it is keeping a level head.
“For fucks sake.” Which probably meant he had failed step one.
He thunked his head against a… castle wall? Apparently?
Diving into a different universe became somehow more unnerving, now that it didn’t leave him that unsettled anymore.
A quick check of his own self that nothing major had changed about himself. Still a male corporation with long silver hair. Still able to conjure up wind strong enough to lift said hair and regain control over the headache that started to form.
As far as limitations went, it was bearable.
When he opened his eyes, picture frames to the side of him… mumbled?
He turned his head and frowned. Why.
The people within the pictures… moved. And looked at him suspiciously.
After the motions did not repeat itself after two minutes of staring, he straightened his back, smiled gently, nodded towards the pictures – no one else was there to judge – and said: “Hello madams and sirs” – the period clothing seemed to indicate that might be right? - “Can I alleviate any concern?”
“Well! You, young man, were cursing in those hallowed halls!” A portentious female exclaimed and actually walked towards the picture frame, which… was astounding, but miracles can do a lot, maybe it was one? Or technology? The AI got that much better?
“… and I regret doing so, ma’am. I did not intend to intrude and am at a bit of a loss. Could you tell me how I could leave the premises and relieve you of my uncough presence?” That was a positive about the whole universe hopping, he could definitely travel a bit around.
“Hmph!” She emphasized. Sure. “You can’t just go in here! You at least have to speak to the head master! He will see what to do with you!”
It seemed Raphaels presence was deemed undignified and wrong. Which… was a fair assessment. He nodded again: “I shall happily subject myself to their judgement. May I ask for directions?”
“No! But you can follow me.” The lady said and apparently left the picture frame… to appear in the next one. That. Certainly was… “The hallowed halls of Sowguards are not easy to navigate.”
... Sowguards? Something tried to knock at the back of his mind. For some reason, it did not feel good.
“I… who… is the current headmaster?” – it did not hurt to ask, he supposed.
“That would be Professor Severus Snape,” she said primly, skirts waving behind her. Raphael wanted to stop and stare and frown.
At least he hadn't completely forgotten a name. It was just... similar. And... if he looked around with that information, he could remember the layout from some video games he played. It was a bit uncanny.
“I look forward to meeting him,” he bit out. Still reeling a slight bit. Now, would this would be a book or a movie version? Was it related at all? It was a bit insane.
Following her with less urgancy (he knew now where they were going, apparently he had appeared near the kitchens. Which might answer something else), he tried to remember whatever he could about 'Severus Snape' he could. Not that it's a good basis, it might be completely unrelated, but well... not too much upset for the status quo would be a good idea.
She abruptly stopped in her tracks, staring over to ‘the guest’ and seemed disappointed he was not breathing heavily, unlike her: “You… now you… you go straight, then left, then two right… then use the stairs and then you go to the gargoyle.”
“Thank you very much, lady. I wish you a good day”
Ah, it was fine. The gargoyle was easy to be found – even with the wrong instructions, she mixed up left and right. And when he whispered ‘lemon sherbert’ to it, the creature did actually blink and look at him, with a frown: “Not been used since ages, mate. What’cha want?”
“Speaking to headmaster Snape, apparently, I wish to leave the premises.” He was… slightly baffled by the stony creature moving and talking, but well, the pictures were a good precursor.
The creature closed its eyes. Ideal to study the wing structure on it’s back: completely nonsensical. After a minute the theoretically unseeing stone slabs ‘unblinked’: “Not the right name, fossils're a bit loopy, but he’ll be there in a minute”
Raphael nodded and straightened his casual wear – jeans and T-Shirt are barely presentable, but he didn’t need to be, not really.
As promised, the man showed up, the gargoyle stepping aside. He was actually dressed in wizard robes. And, wrong name or not, he seemed to be… the movie version.
Which was a little bit uncanny. And a little too close to his own Metatron, face-shape-wise. But… that was… not of import. He might be a completely well-adjusted person, here. The niggling voice that said ‘fat chance’ was… ignorable. Somehow.
The man looked down with the strict expression his movie self had usually worn as well.
“Ah. Good evening. My name is Severin Prince. I am the headmaster and protector of this school. Care to explain what brought you here?” – he gestured towards the now-open doorway behind the gargoyle.
Mh. That was only a conditional threat. Which… maybe was justified. Raphael nodded and took a step inside. A quasi-Metatron in 'Sowguards'. It was… an odd feeling.
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didiwaffles · 7 months
ah yes, trauma is sure to follow anyone that lives past a normal human lifespan. i love the way you explain the events in your world! speaking of which, i would like to ask about it.
whats the setting? what are the main building blocks for it? you mentioned gods and stuff, so what are their functions?
on another note, i think i am shadowbanned, so i can only interact through anon asks… i have seen people sign off their anons with different things, so can i be void anon for recognition?
(also ive read the tags heheh i see you)
It goes like this.
What humans call their planet (most call it the Earth, but it can vary) is actually just a tiny fraction of what's out there called a "world". That being said, not every planet is a world, only those that are inhabited. Such planets are normally covered with the outer layer called "ada". Ada is the source of all supernatural energy within the worlds, be it magic or technology, the only exclusion being natural elements (like fire, water, etc.) The farther away from ada, the brighter it glows, so all the bright stars in the sky are actually other worlds within the universe. More advanced civilizations who manage to bypass their ada and go for the cosmic travels may try to reach other worlds, but from how so far the worlds from each other and the way ada is more hostile to what's coming from the outside rather than inside, it's practically impossible for the mortals to travel between worlds.
A universe consists from an infinite number of such worlds, everexpanding in the mind of a mortal. And outside the universe, there are an infinity of such universes. But that's a normal multiverse theory.
Each world has at least one god, sometimes many, all depending on the practiced religions within the world. There are several afterlife dimensions, their influence extending to the entirety of the universe, and mortals get in each based on their deeds while being alive as well as their religion. (And then there's another one that exists outside any universe and does not fall under the rules of any universe and any god.)
Each god that overlooks every given world answers before the God of Destruction - the one who oversees their universe. Despite the name, the God of Destruction's job is not so much destroying everything they don't like but rather keeping a balance within the universe, destroying only proportionally to the creation that occurs naturally. That is done not for the reason of preventing the universe of expanding too much - that is not a problem in itself - but to keep humans in check and not let them get way too self- (and everyone else) destructive.
Every God of Destruction has their respective Angel to help them, and together they answer before the Higher God. Such a God oversees a "section" of the multiverse. Each section of the multiverse consists of an even number of universes which can vary from section to section, and all the universes within one section are divided in pairs, forming "parallel" universes. (That being said that phenomenon can exist outside one section; with the multiverse being infinite there always exists a parallel universe that would be many many sections apart from the other; they're not connected like normal parallel universes but they still can reflect each other.)
All the Higher Gods are alternative versions of each other, essentially being the same being. They don't have names, and they rarely communicate among each other (there's only one exception to this rule.) And overseeing them all, there is an ultimate being, a giant golden dragon, named Tianlong. They are the most powerful being that exists, having the absolute authority over everything that exists within the Multiverse.
Now, if we return to our little universe and Devi...
The Universe itself is an entity. It has the ultimate power much like Tianlong but on a much smaller scale, in comparison. So it started like this.
Once upon a time, there was the Universe. It was alone in the void. Nothing existed but the universe itself. Then the Universe created the first ever living being. It was a little girl named Aredess. She was just there to keep the Universe company. She was created a perfect being - a perfect balance of everything. And for a while there was only her and her creator. But then something went wrong.
No one knows why that happened. Maybe Aredess was curious what will happen, or she was just bored, or it happened unbeknownst to her. Only the fact remains - the perfect balance within her shifted. And she split into two parts, the Aspect of Light, Andariel, and the Aspect of Darkness, Anorava. And from the moment they were born, those two started fighting. Andariel would go on to say that his sister was evil and he was just trying to not let her run rampant and consume the universe. In turn, Anorava would insist that Andariel was the one who started it all and she was just fighting back, to not let him kill her. What was the truth? No one knows, and probably will never know.
After a long battle, Anorava started overpowering Andariel. Seeing as he could no longer win, Andariel hid under the barrier of Light that Anorava could not surpass. That created the first ever world, as well as ada that initially was made to protect the world - later to be known as Afiar - from Anorava. But the war didn't end there - in fact, it only began.
Anorava started to spread her Darkness everywhere else she could reach. She knew that Andariel would have to stop her which will make his barrier weaker, and she can strike right then and there. But Andariel wasn't stupid. Instead, her created his son, Darinir. And then it was Darinir who went on creating worlds one after the other, overwhelming Anorava until she got cornered outside the worlds where the life quickly sprouted. The Light could not reach her, but she could not get through ada anymore at all. If she wanted to get back to Andariel, she needed to act in some other way rather than head on.
Now, when it comes to Devi, she would get created around this time. The truth was, she originated not from this universe at all. Once, she was a part of a Goddess in one of the nearby universes. But to save those she loved, the Goddess turned herself to dust that got blown over the whole multiverse. One of the specs of dust fell into the hands of our Universe. Even if it was only a spec of dust, it still held the divine power, so the Universe used it to create a being whose purpose would be protecting her Universe, being it outside danger, or inner conflicts of two dumbasses who were tearing the Universe apart.
But to make sure nothing goes array, the Universe had to make sure its warrior was truly perfect. So it created multiple timelines and put Devi in each of them, observing her growth to choose the one where she'd come out the strongest. In the end, it was truly satisfied with only two outcomes, but couldn't decide which one to go with. It pondered for a long time and in the end, apparently, completely forgot to choose one, and both timelines became reality at the same time, in different worlds.
In one, she was half human, half dragon. When she was 16, she went on a quest of finding her father, killing every dragon she saw on her way. After traveling the whole world over the span of a few years, she returned to her hometown, where she found a book that teleported her to a dimension ruled over by a demonic entity. She found her father there, completely under the demon's control. But having him under his control already, the demon had no use in Devi, so he killed her.
In the other one, Devi was born among the race of angel-like humans. They lived on an island on a cloud, had big beautiful white wings... And had an ego that could blind the sun. They were not actually angels, but living so high above humans and having angel-like wings made them consider themselves closer than anyone to the Heavens. But Devi was... different. As she grew, and her wings started to grow, they turned to be... black. At first her family made her hide her wings, but once they grew big enough, it became impossible. Her family disowned her, she was bullied by her peers, with her older brother being in the front lines of hurting her, and adults didn't even acknowledge her existence, as if to them she was lower than humans. Eventually, her brother thought of a funny prank - he tore one of her wings and threw it off the cloud, pushing Devi right after it into the world of humans below.
But both of these timelines were eventually coming into one. Be it a fallen one-winged angel finding a church that worshiped the God of Darkness and prayed to the higher being she knew nothing about, or a half-dragon girl, being killed over, and over, and over again by a demon who was confused and angry as to "why wouldn't she just die?!", she had Anorava's eyes turned to her, and both timelines came into one when Anorava poured her power inside Devi's body. The angel-like body was naturally very strong and durable, much more so than the half-dragon, but the latter was making up by a lot of fighting, and so they turned out the strongest amongst all the others, and the trauma she received in the process forged her to be stronger. Both timelines came into one outcome that went on to become Devi. With the power Anorava gave her, her broken wing healed and restored. But even though Devi's body was incredibly strong, Anorava still poured more darkness into her than she could take, making her shell crack, the crack appearing instead of one of her eyes, but there was nothing but the endless emptiness behind the crack. That also erased all the memories she previously had, making her believe that there was no life for her before she saw Anorava for the first time, leading her to believe that she was her mother.
Now, stepping back just a little bit, while Devi was going through different timelines of her childhood, Anorava started executing her plan long before she found Devi. Realizing she can't fight Andariel head-on anymore, she decided to do something different. At first, she did the same as Andariel, created her son with her powers, Anoam. Unlike his mother, Anoam had a physical form, so it was possible for him to bypass the ada. But to Anorava's disappointment, met with Darinir, Anoam decided to take his side in the conflict. So that was a complete failure for Anorava.
But she didn't give up. She decided to act even more discreetly. She sent a tiny fraction of her power into the core of Afiar. It was so small that it easily bypassed ada, and eluded the attention of everyone - be it Andariel, Darinir, or Anoam. It slowly drained the world's resources, slowly growing. But its growth became much faster with human activity damaging the environment. When Andariel noticed the massive Monster of Darkness right next to him, it was too late. The Light that would usually burn Darkness was just being swallowed by the Monster, making them even stronger. Until they eventually broke out from beneath the ground.
It threw a huge piece of the earth away through the ada out into the outer space, killing all inhabitants. Over a span of hundreds of thousands years this piece would evolve to become its own world, but ada didn't protect it. Instead it became an anomaly zone, where everything and anything magical was drained completely.
As for the Monster. Andariel, Darinir and Anoam, as well as their children - twins Ula and Lana - everyone fought against the Monster of Darkness, and nothing could do any damage to them, not Light, not Darkness. It just grew way too big and powerful. No one knew what to do.
That's when Devi stepped in. She didn't defeat them. No that wasn't the point, and she couldn't even if she tried. No, the only solution there was to seal them. So that's what she did, sealing the monster inside of her own body. After that was done, she created the Spirits of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Life, who went on to restore the damage done to Afiar. (She later would also create the Spirit of Time, and then the Spirit of Art.)
But although Devi has never done anything but good, everyone knew she was just Anorava's puppet. No matter what she did or how hard she tried to convince everyone she doesn't mean harm to anyone, as long as she stood by her mother - because she believed her mother has not done anything wrong (and of course she never believed them that the Monster she sealed within herself was created by Anorava... I mean, if that was true, why would she tell Devi how to defeat them, right?) - everyone viewed her as an enemy.
And it would turn out to go a bit too far. So far that there would be no turning back.
0 notes
emeraldelysian · 2 years
Han Jisung ✧ Fly With Me
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff
Synopsis: Han Jisung always had bad luck when it came to airplane seats, somehow managing to sit next to the worst passengers. This time, though, he’s surprised when the person he sits next to happens to be you. 
Wordcount: 2.2k+
Warnings: Reader has a fear of heights and a fear of flying
Note: This was such a random idea I had in the middle of making tea, so I hope you all enjoy it!! ✧
♡︎ follow, provide feedback or reblog if you enjoyed but please don’t repost or translate! ♡︎
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An airplane. A miracle of technology that flies through the sky as swiftly as a bird, engines roaring as it becomes the sky-born cradle rocked by the winds far above. A machine that is able to transport the lives of many into worlds so different from their own, and yet so similar, as they watch the shrinking roads and houses begin to look like nothing more than colorful blobs next to one another. A contraption that Jisung had grown to hate.
It wasn’t the airplane itself, no. The ability to travel around the world, touring and meeting fans, was something that Jisung would be forever thankful for. It wasn’t the flight attendants either, who were always so kind in providing services and ensuring everyone was safe and satisfied.
Instead, it had been the passengers that had ruined airplanes for Jisung. Not just any passengers, however;  just the ones that were assigned the seat next to his. He didn’t know whether it was just pure bad luck or karma that had led him down a path of snorers and complainers. All he knows is that flights really tested the limits of patience.
As Jisung settled down in his seat beside the aisle, he was at least thankful that he was in a row with only two passenger seats. That would be one less person he’d be jinxed with, at least.
‘Okay, carry on is in the overhead compartment. I have my laptop stowed away under my seat for later. Time to relax and enjoy the flight,’
He watched as people kept boarding the plane, stressed and impatient as they all struggled to put their bags in the proper places and quiet down screaming children. Realizing that it was probably going to be a full flight, Jisung quietly hoped that he’d get a better seatmate than he did last time.
Ah yes, last time. The time when the guy next to him fell asleep halfway through the flight and kept resting his head on Jisung’s shoulder. Nothing quite says, ‘yeah mom, I’ve had a wonderful flight’ like someone snoring on him for two and a half hours while trying to keep drool from landing on his shirt.
‘I swear, if I get another shoulder sleeper, I’m gonna-’
“Sorry, is the seat next to you 36B?” Jisung’s thoughts were interrupted as he turned to look at you.
You definitely didn’t seem like a threat.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, that’s actually the seat next to me. The one by the window. Do you need some help getting your bag in the overhead?”
“Oh, I’m not sure. I don’t want to cause you any trouble-”
“No, no it’s no trouble at all, I really don’t mind. Let me take care of that for you and you just make yourself comfortable.”
He didn’t know what had gotten into him. Maybe the excitement that you didn’t seem all that bad? Or maybe it was just him convincing himself that if he had more control of this situation, nothing could go wrong. He placed your suitcase into the compartment and sat back down.
‘They seem really nice. And they’re actually reading the airline safety? I don’t see that too often. I wonder if they like Americanos. Oh c’mon Jisung, people don’t go on flights to make friends with their seatmates. Remember the lady who wanted to talk for the entire 5 hours of a flight? Couldn’t get any sleep during that flight.’
By then, the passengers had boarded and the cabin crew had begun to explain what to do in case of emergencies. The pilot then came on and gave a small speech about the flight and what to expect. But Jisung barely paid attention to any of it, because he kept thinking about you.
The plane prepared for take-off, speeding up down the runway before it flew into the air, the hum of the engines indicating the smooth beginning of their travels. He watched as you pulled out a book from your bag, one that he didn’t recognize.
‘See, they’re already pulling out a book. That is literally the universal sign of ‘oh please don’t talk to me.’ But maybe that’s a good thing? At least they may be an easy seatmate.’
Jisung glanced past you into the window, where he saw the blanket of fluffy white clouds. He could almost imagine himself diving into them. But a sudden jolt of the plane snapped him from his thoughts. He had gotten used to small amounts of turbulence on planes, and looking around, it seemed that everyone else was too.
That is, until he realized the hand grabbing onto his.
He turned to look over at you and his heart dropped. Your eyes were closed shut, and you were slightly shaking. You probably didn’t even realize you were grabbing onto him while you were paralyzed in fear.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You opened your eyes slowly and turned towards him, realizing the position you were in and how you were now holding his hand in a death grip.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I was holding onto you, I-I don’t know. I’m sorry-”
Jisung shook his head, “Hey whoa, it’s okay, it’s okay. It’s fine, I think that last bit of turbulence must have scared you but I think we’re out of it now.”
“Oh, okay,” you nodded, unsure and still a bit shaken from the event that had just taken place.
“Is there any way I could help you calm down, maybe?” He didn’t want to pressure you, of course, but with how frightened you had looked, he didn’t want to leave you hyperventilating on your own.
“U-um, I’m not sure, I-I’ve never flown before so I guess I’m just a bit of a nervous wreck right now. I’m sorry this is so embarrassing”
“Oh, it’s your first time? Don’t worry, it’s not embarrassing at all. The first time I flew, I was a nervous wreck too. But I slowly realized that the in-flight food isn’t all too bad, and there are some things to watch on the plane. There’s also usually a lot of sleeping involved for me because I love sleep.” That inspired a small laugh out of you, which in turn made Jisung smile, content that he was slowly making you feel more comfortable again.
He realized he spoke too soon when the seat belt sign lit up and the pilot began to speak, 
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re experiencing some minor turbulence. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We are already performing the necessary procedures to provide you with a pleasant and comfortable flight. We promise to get you to your destination safely. Thank you.”
You looked down into your lap, trying to control your breathing and calm yourself down. You’ve always been afraid of heights, and flying wasn’t much different. Every moment, the plane could just start falling out of the air, and despite the fact that you know the pilots and crew have been trained for this, it still made you a bit wary. That’s why as the plane wobbled a second time, you couldn’t help but find yourself grabbing onto Jisung’s hand once more.
Jisung didn’t mind, though. With a fear of heights, he had been wary of flights in the beginning as well, only forcibly getting used to them because he had to travel so much. 
“Do you want to try breathing in with me? It might feel a little easier if you had someone doing it with you.” He watched you ponder the question for a moment before giving a small nod in affirmation.
“Okay, so we’re going to breathe in for four seconds, hold it for eight seconds and breathe out for seven. If at any point, it’s feeling difficult, let me know. So breathe in,” he watched as you breathe in, a bit shaky still but deep as you tried to pay attention to the words he said.
“Now hold it,” He held his breath in with you, still holding onto your hand as he watched the panic slowly fade away.
“And now out for seven,�� It was as if the rest of the world began to fade away for you, as the only things you chose to focus on were your breath and the stranger next to you. As you both repeated the breathing exercise a few more times, you couldn’t help but wonder about him and who he was, where he had been, where he was going, and what he liked. The man next to you was as much of a mystery for you as you were for him.
“Do you feel a bit better?” Jisung asked after it seemed like you had calmed down significantly from the state you were in previously.
You nod, “I think so. Thank you for helping me, you didn’t have to.”
Jisung shook his head and gave a smile of assurance, “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I mean we’ve held hands twice in this flight so I think it’s safe to say we’re closer than normal strangers would be now.”
You could help but shake your head at your own behavior, “I don’t think I’ve held anyone’s hand two times in 5 minutes before, so you’re already further than everyone I know.”
You both kept talking for hours, keeping each other distracted through the duration of your flight. He learned how you had a fear of heights. He learned that you definitely preferred staying up at night rather than doing it during the day. He learned that you definitely preferred winter over summer but were glad that your first flight was in the summer because you had no idea how the snow would impact the flight. It wasn’t until the announcement for arrival had been made that Jisung realized how much time had passed and how dark it had become outside.
“I know you’re afraid of heights but I think you may want to look outside. It’s a really breathtaking view of the buildings lit up in the dark.” In the few hours you’d spoken to Jisung, you had grown to like him. He was really comforting for you and you couldn’t help but smile and laugh at his wittiness at times. So when he told you about the view out of the window, you turned towards it despite your fears, gasping softly at the world below you.
“Wow, they look like little fallen stars down there, don’t they? You’re right, it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, beautiful,” Jisung whispered to himself as his gaze had turned from the window to you. He’d grown fond of you over the past few hours. And as you turned back around to look at him, he realized he didn’t really want to let you go just yet.
“Hey, I was wondering, if you have some free time while you’re here, I’d love to take you on a little tour of the city. I-I mean the city is huge and there’s not enough time to see it all and since we’re both scared of heights, we should probably skip some of the really tall buildings but we could go to some of the other sites like there’s this great park that you would be great to take a dog too if your relatives have a dog, and I know this great place to get some pizza that is out of this world if you’d want to go with me some time and-”
“I would love to go with you somewhere!” You claimed, a little more enthusiastically than you’d hope to let off. You opened your phone and pulled up contacts. It was at that moment you realized that in the hours you had been talking, you’d never introduced yourself to each other. It seemed like at that moment, Jisung had realized the same thing.
“My name is Han Jisung, And who have I had the pleasure of sitting next to for hours on this flight without knowing the identity of?”
“My name is (Y/N) (L/N), seatmate.” You both exchanged phone numbers right before the plane lands. As people begin to get off, Jisung helps get your bag down for you before getting his own and walking out with you.
“So who is going to be picking you up?” Jisung inquired, hoping to spend some more time with you.
“Oh, my relatives are coming to pick me up.” At that moment, you’d heard your name being called by someone near the door, a fortunate and yet unfortunate reminder that you’d have to part ways.
“I guess you have to go now so,” Jisung gently grabbed onto your hand and looked at you, “Thank you for making this one of the best- no, the best flight I’ve ever had. I really enjoyed it. And I hope you have a safe rest of your trip.”
You fawn over how cute he was being, realizing that despite how you guys first began talking, the roles were really in the reverse now. Before you knew it, you found yourself kissing him on the cheek.
“Thank you for comforting me through all of it. Don’t forget to text me okay? We have to make plans. And promise me you’ll stay safe getting home?” All Jisung could do was give a nod from the dreamy state he was in after the kiss. You hear another shout from the door, before letting go of Jisung’s hand.
“Bye, seatmate,” you whisper to him before leaving him to join your family. It took a bit for him to realize he had to go too, taking his luggage and leaving towards the exit.
Maybe airplanes aren’t so bad after all.
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esamastation · 3 years
Xerxes au snippet
The first official political overture the small desert nation of Xerxes makes towards Amestris in over fifty years is a year after the end of the Ishvalan Civil War. Though it is expected to concern the war, and the border between Amestris and Xerxes, or perhaps even Amestrian use of Alchemy in the war, is has nothing to do with the bloody conflict, or it's relation to Xerxes' famously pacifistic view on alchemy.
It is a simple, polite appeal to the Amestrian Government – an invitation for an Amestrian automail mechanic to join the Xerxesian court.
"Bit odd," Havoc mutters, after a copy of the letter has gone around the office a few times. "What do they need an automail mechanic for – isn't Xerxesian medical alchemy, like… world famous?"
"For given the value of fame, yes," Roy agrees, fingers crossed together and a thoughtful look on his face. "They say early Amestrian alchemists learned from Xerxesians. We still use a lot of their symbols in our alchemy – but if Xerxesian alchemists are world famous about anything these days, it's their reticence. No outsider has seen much about the way they go about things these days, if they even practice alchemy anymore."
Of course there are rumours, there are always rumours, and there's history – the great and wealthy kingdom of Xerxes, alchemically on top of the world and widely known for their wisdom and knowledge and the miracles they achieved… who reached too far, tried to achieve the power of gods, and got struck down by said gods for it. How accurate that is, no one knows, but it's known that some disaster hundreds of years ago devastated the kingdom, killed most of its people, and it never fully recovered. Now it's people can only barely scrape by, living in huts and caves and underground, and they don't treat with outsiders much beyond the absolutely necessary.
Beyond trade routes established to get Amestrian goods through Xerxes to Xing, there's never been much interest for Xerxes, except maybe for it's grand history and it's many ruins. It doesn't help that Xerxes, as far as anyone knows, has never really reached outside, keeping to its isolationist values – and since it has little to offer to other nations… no one reached back, either. As far as anyone knows, Xerxes hasn't advanced at all scientifically or technologically in the last hundred years.
Which makes the fact that they want specifically an automail mechanic, an craftsman of one of Amestris' most advanced technology, rather interesting, doesn't it?
"I hear they took a lot of Ishvalan refugees during the war," Fuery says – he's the one holding the letter, reading it through.
Roy hums grimly. There's that, though took in might be stretching it a bit. Xerxes didn't do much to protect its borders – there was no need, with a desert all around their kingdom. So, when Ishvalan refugees sought to escape the conflict and set out to the desert, there was nothing but the terrain itself to stop them. Who knows how many Ishvalans made it through the desert, on foot and probably hurt…
"Why'd they send this to our office?" Breda asks, casting a look at Roy.
"They sent it to Grumman who sent it to us," Roy sighs and leans back in his chair. "The Lieutenant General wants us to find a suitable mechanic and then escort them – along with the Fürher's greetings – to Xerxes. The mission isn't exactly time sensitive, but since we're in the East…"
There's probably many reasons it was thrown their way, really. Way to keep those uppity brats from East busy, easily justified with them being closest to the matter at hand. It also wasn't exactly vital as diplomatic missions go – but it was still a diplomatic mission to a foreign nation, which means that Roy would want to handle it himself instead of leaving it to any of his subordinates. Especially since it's to Xerxes – what Alchemist wouldn't give an arm and a leg for a glimpse at how Xerxesian alchemy is these days? So, it was expected that he'd go himself. Which would get him out of people's way for a while, and maybe open up a slot for someone else to be promoted to his place, depending how long it would take.
How annoying. Grumman can be one clever son of a bitch when he wants to be.
"Right," Roy says while his team exchanges looks. "I want a list of all automail mechanics of East on my desk by the end of the day – if you can figure out their feelings about Ishval and if they have any history with the Ishvalan Civil War, that'd be a plus. Get to work."
"Sir!" his team answers, and immediately get to it, Fuery and Fallman both heading out to probably check records, while Havoc fishes out a phone book and Breda gets the phone. Beside Roy, Hawkeye gives him a look.
"Should I start preparing for travel?" she asks mildly.
"If you please," Roy says, turning to his paperwork. "We'll take Breda with us."
Over the course of next two days, they list and investigate various automail shops in the east, Roy privately wincing at how many there are, and how many of them are less than a decade old. The Ishvalan Civil War had been a boon to the business, and a lot of mechanics from the south moved in to take advantage of the situation. Lots of new up and coming mechanics, cutting their teeth in on a lot of freshly traumatised soldiers.
It left a lot of them… unsuitable for a mission likely to involve Ishvalan refugees.
"Known for his Anti-Ishvalan sentiments," Breda says, crossing out another potential automail shop. "This one has a No Refugees sign on his shop front, which probably means the same thing. This one has a pretty high record of automail rejection syndrome. This one has had two patients die on the operation table…"
Roy rubs a hand over his forehead, already imagining having to reach for the Southern District to find someone sensible in Rush Valley, when Breda offers him a potential. "Rockbell Automail, in business for decades before the Ishvalan Conflict even began."
"Rockbell," Roy says, lifting his head. "Any relation to the two late Doctors Rockbell?"
"Yep. Son and daughter in law of Doctor Pinako Rockbell, the head mechanic of the shop," Breda says and lays the file on his desk. "Their daughter is currently an apprentice mechanic in the shop, too."
Roy grimaces at that, but accepts the file, leafing quickly through it. Old, well established shop, known for their skill and efficiency, with very high praise from a lot of former customers and no known record of either deaths on operation table, auto mail rejections, or any anti-Ishvalan sentiments. There is a slight issue of the head mechanic being an old woman and the only other mechanic being a young girl, but…
It's promising.
"Phone," Roy says, and Hawkeye quickly lifts it on his desk, turning it toward him so that he can dial easily.
"Rockbell Automail, Pinako Rockbell speaking," a woman's voice answers the phone promptly, her tone brisk.
"Doctor Rockbell, my name is Roy Mustang, I'm a Lieutenant Colonel from the East Area Headquarters – may I have a moment of your time?"
"Certainly," Doctor Rockbell answers, no noticeable change in her tone. "What can do for you, Lieutenant Colonel? Aside from automail, presumably."
"I am currently looking for a skilled automail mechanic to take part in a diplomatic mission, likely to involve Ishvalan refugees," Roy says. "Your shop came up as highly recommended."
"Hrm. What kind of diplomatic mission? Don't the military have their own automail mechanics?"
"There are some, but none in the Eastern Headquarters," Roy admits – probably because the East has such surplus of civilian mechanics these days. "And I'll be frank, the likely length of this mission makes it difficult to use any of our military mechanics. The mission is to Xerxes, and will likely take weeks, if not months."
"… Xerxes?" now the old woman's voice changes, growing a little incredulous.
"Yes, the Xerxes Royal Family sent the Amestrian government an appeal for a skilled automail mechanic to join their court, and I was tasked with the mission of finding one," Roy explains and leans back, turning to look out of the window while he talks. "You would be well compensated for your trouble, however long it would last."
"Is this… a permanent position? In Xerxes?" Still incredulous.
"We don't know as of yet, the treaties are yet to be drawn. You would naturally be part of the negotiations and your wishes and needs would be taken into account," Roy assures her. "I understand this is a bit much so suddenly, and I will hold it in no way against you if you refuse outright – though I am hoping that if that is the case, then perhaps you, as a well established mechanic, might be able to point me in the way of more suitable candidates…"
Honestly, with a shop as old and as well established as hers, Roy doubts very much she would take him up on the mission – she probably has a whole lot of regular clients and steady stream of income, and no need to move. But, it never hurts to ask.
The phone line is quiet for a moment as the old mechanic thinks. "I need to talk with my apprentice for a moment, can I call you back in, say, two hours?"
"Certainly," Roy agrees, and gives her his office number. "We'll be looking forward to your call."
"Right – one more thing. You said it's likely to involve Ishvalan refugees," Doctor Rockbell says. "How'd you mean?"
"We don't know for sure, the appeal didn't explain the need for a mechanic. But during the Ishvalan Civil War, many Ishvalan refugees fled to Xerxes. So we thought it safe to assume the two are connected."
"Ah," the mechanic says knowingly. "And they put a State Alchemist in charge of finding a solution."
Roy swallows. Ah. She knows about him. It's not entirely surprising, but… "They did indeed," is all he says. There's no real explanation he can give, no excuse. It is what it is."
"Hm," Doctor Rockbell answers, noncommittal. "I will call back in two hours."
And she does, accepting the mission with two conditions. The military would help her pack up her entire shop and all the materials and tools would be transported with them – which was understandable, even if it tripled the estimated convoy size. The other condition was that she was taking her eleven year old apprentice with her. Both conditions Roy readily agreed to, tasking Havoc and Fallman with her packing while the rest of the team arranged the convoy.
"Guess we're going to Xerxes then. We're going to need a lot of camels," Breda muses.
"Yes," Roy agrees and sighs. It would be a hard journey and probably a hard mission, and likely one for very little gain in the end. Still. Xerxes. His alchemy master would've killed for the opportunity. Might as well take full advantage of it, and learn whatever he can, even if it's only from broken murals on ancient ruins.
Hmm... not sure I’m getting Mustang’s voice right.
Edit: Also tumblr eats italics for breakfast apparently.
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littlemarvelfics · 3 years
Get Lost
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Pairing: Bucky and Reader 
Word Count: 1.2k 
Warnings: none
A/N: Maybe I’m back? I’m still not sure but I had to participate in @syntheticavenger​‘s  writing challenge. I love love all of your work and tbh reading your work has really gotten me back into writing. I knew if I kept looking at this, I would never post it so any mistakes are all mine. Y’all can follow @littlemarvelfics-notifs​ to be updated when I write something new. I’m definitely open to any and all requests! 
How It Started
Looking up from your phone, you glanced up and down the busy city street. Your new apartment building should be right in front of you. Instead, all you saw was an empty lot. You tried to get the attention of someone passing by but you didn’t have any luck. You groaned and threw your head back. 
“It is not humanly possible for one person to have this many things go wrong in one day!” you shouted to the sky, unconcerned with any looks you were getting. 
“Excuse me, miss?” a voice questioned. 
Your head snapped back down and you came face to face with a pair of stunning blue eyes and a kind smile.
“You look like you could use some help,” he continued. 
“I could,” you mumbled, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. “Everyone else has ignored my pleas for help. What are you up to?” 
The stranger looked down and chuckled before meeting your eye again. 
“Maybe I’m from a different time,” he responded simply with a shrug of his shoulder. “I’m Bucky.” 
You responded with your name and shook his outstretched hand. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
“Everything,” you replied. “The airline lost my luggage so I have a single pair of clean underwear and a toothbrush to my name until they find it. I spent 30 minutes trying to find a taxi, when I finally got one, I gave them my new address. They dropped me here. In front of a lot. But considering I don’t have any belongings, maybe the lot will be fine!” 
“Alright, one thing at a time. The airline has your information and they’ll get you your bags. I don’t know how much help I’ll be with the underwear but I can point you in the direction of a store. What’s the address of your place?” 
You rattled off your address, hoping it wasn’t too far from where you were.  
“You’re in luck,” Bucky said with a smile. “That’s my building and you’re only two blocks away. I can walk you there if you’d like.” 
“That would be incredible,” you sighed, your shoulders sagging with relief. 
Bucky started off in the direction of the building and you followed next to him closely. The two of you fell into an easy conversation, making quick work of the two blocks you had to travel. As Bucky neared the building and slower, you couldn’t help but be disappointed. He was incredibly charming and cute, a longer walk with him would’ve been perfect. 
Pausing to point out a shop across the street where you could get the necessities until your bags came. He then held open the front door of the building for you, smiling as you brushed against him. You stopped in the lobby and turned to face him. 
“I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much for your help Bucky.” 
“No problem doll, I’m in apartment 302 if you need anything.” 
“302,” you repeated. “What are the chances that’s in the vicinity of apartment 303?” 
“Right next door,” he said with a smile. “You probably have plans for your first night in the city-” 
“No plans!” you interrupted quickly.. 
“Then maybe you’d wanna order a pizza? Watch a movie or something.” 
“That sounds amazing actually,” you replied with a smile. 
“Great! I’ve got a few errands to run but you can come over around 7?” 
“I’ll see you then,” you said, turning to go up the stairs. 
After making it successfully into your apartment, you leaned against the closed door and smiled. You might not have any furniture or clothes but maybe you didn’t have the worst luck afterall. 
How It’s Going
Bucky groaned as he reached out to your side of the bed, the chill of the morning air hitting him when his arm met an empty bed. Opening his eyes, he glanced around the hotel room, hoping to see you on the balcony or hear you in the shower but it was silent and you were nowhere to be found. Bucky flipped to his side and found a folded sheet of paper addressed to him in your handwriting. Grabbing it, he read the quickly scrawled out message. 
“Left for breakfast, be back soon.” 
Bucky let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. 
“This isn’t going to end well,” he mumbled to himself. 
It had been two, almost three years since he met you on the street in Brooklyn and the first thing Bucky learned about you-- the circumstance of your first meeting wasn’t unusual. Your terrible sense of direction paired with your refusal to depend on technology made you chronically late and lost. You were even late to Bucky’s proposal when a closed street had you turned around for 45 minutes. On the day of your wedding, he made Wanda follow you closely to make sure you wouldn’t get lost on your way to the ceremony-- even if you had been to the chapel multiple times. 
Bucky picked up his phone and made sure he didn’t have any missed calls before pulling himself out of bed and heading to the balcony. The eiffel tower loomed in the distance, the sun shining down on the city. Two days into your honeymoon and he never wanted to leave. He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone started ringing, your picture flashing on the screen. He accepted the call but before he could say anything, you started talking. 
“This is not my fault.” 
“Uh huh,” Bucky replied sceptically. “Who’s fault is it?” 
“Did you know that everything is in French here?” you questioned. 
“In Paris, France? Yes, the thought had crossed my mind.” 
“You can make fun of me later, just come help me!” 
“Use your phone!” Bucky said, chuckling. 
“But it would be so much more romantic if my husband came to save me,” you countered. 
“Alright Mrs. Barnes, do you see a street sign or a store around?” 
You rattled off a few places you could see, including the hotel you thought was yours but upon further inspection, you realized it wasn’t even close. 
Bucky switched you over to speaker phone and looked up the hotel you were standing in front of. He sighed when he realized where you were. 
“Down the street, Y/N, you are quite literally down the street,” he said with a sigh. 
“Then it should be easy for you to find me!” you said cheerfully. “Bye!” 
Bucky hung up the phone and quickly threw on his jeans, boots and a henley that still smelled like you from the night before when you wore it to bed. He jogged down to the lobby and made his way down the busy street, slowing when he spotted you leaning against a building, paper bag in your hand. 
“Mrs. Barnes!” he called out, knowing he would never get tired of referring to you with his last name. 
Your head whipped up, grinning when you spotted Bucky. 
“Hello husband,” you chirped, greeting him with a kiss. “I bought you a croissant.” 
“You could have woken me up, you know,” he said, slinging his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the hotel. 
“Ah, but this is so much more fun! What better way to celebrate our marriage than to recreate the moment we first met!” 
Bucky stopped and turned to look at you. 
“Hold on, did you know the hotel was right down the street?” 
“Maybe, maybe not,” you mused. 
“Got dressed for nothin’”, he mumbled, continuing the walk. 
“And after a croissant, we can have fun getting undressed again,” you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Bucky smiled, kissing your head. He knew he would find you anytime you got lost.
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
Flash in the Eyes Part 2
(Part 1)
More fixed!Flynn lore? More fixed!Flynn lore
Danny lay awake. He kept his eyes glued to the bedroom ceiling, studded with glow-in-the-dark stars from corner to corner. They doused him in the tiniest shimmer of ethereal light – the second source of light in the room – after his phone, which he gripped loosely in the hand dangling off the bed. The phone cast its own faint shimmer outward, a ray into the bleak night.
And he himself made for the third source of light, he supposed. That pulse of iridescent green from his eyes, which he felt like the beginnings of a headache building inside his head, had been spurred to the front by the trickle of anxiety that kept his nerves alight now at 3:30 am.
The plastic stars above. His phone glowing outward. (His radioactive eyes, pinned to Aunt Alicia.)
Danny was not allowed to forget the incident. He was not allowed to move on. Even home, it followed him.
His phone, with that dim light, was open to a single message that had been plaguing him all day. A single Facebook message, from a profile wishing to connect, with no profile picture, no history, no other friends, made day-of. “danny. this is your aunt alicia. never would of thought id be using of one these computers. wierd things. any way. wanted to apoligize about scarring you. I have a mean face maddie knows. i dont have a computer. this is in the libary in town. but hoping you culd call me on the phone. wanted to ask you somthing more. thanks. xxx-xxx-xxxx…”
Danny left the message on read. He figured it didn’t much matter that his read-receipts were on. Alicia made it clear she had no access to a computer, or likely internet for that matter. This was a message cast into the void, framed as an apology, but fishing for information that made Danny’s skin crawl to think about. Alicia could talk to his mom any time. But she had chosen not to. She’d chosen to contact Danny directly, through a means of great hassle for a woman so sworn-off technology, living so far away from proper civilization. And she’d chosen to do so after seeing that flash in his eyes.
This wasn’t like fighting ghosts. Those were pure physical scuffles which ended in him casting the creature off into the portal to (hopefully) never be heard from again. This instead was an anxiety pricking along every nerve of his skin, deep-seeded and deep-sewn from the woman who terrified him all these many years, whose connection to his ghost-hunting parents sent his brain into spirals of dread for all the what-ifs he conjured.
“You seem deep in contemplation. Perhaps I should come back later?”
Danny sat bolt-upright, spinning fast enough to see new stars spawning in his vision. He blinked them away, and sucked in a sharp inhale of breath as he snapped his head to the side.
Half-translucent, idly floating, Vlad Plasmius appraised him from the other side of he bedroom, studying Danny the way a teacher might study a struggling student.
Danny’s transformation and leap from bed came as one. His covers blew back, phone clattering to the floor forgotten.
“Yes yes, ‘it is I, Plasmius’. I believe we’ve done our battle cry introductions enough times for the audience to get the point.”
“What are you doing here?!”
“Just dropping in on old friends.” Plasmius, still floating, performed a motion as if to sit. He swung one leg over the other, and reduced the miasma of pressure that his aura sent off. He was relaxed, and conversational, and this made Danny’s neck hair prickle all the more.
“All the way from Wisconsin! Yeah just, dropping in at 3 in the morning! Yeah, well, sorry but I don’t buy it, Plasmius. And I’m sending you back to Wisconsin now that you—”
“Seems we’ve both been traveling quite a bit out of state. Tell me was it a fun little vacation? A ghost hunting trip?”
“It—” Danny’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know we were gone?”
“Oh easy, I have ghost sentinels pinned on your house at all hours. They feed me this information.”
“Noted. Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to blast them out of existence next time I’m out.”
“I’d love to see you try. They’re masters of stealth.” Vlad flashed a grin. “I have to say I am quite disappointed to see you all back so soon – must have been a short trip. Where did you go?”
“Not telling you. Now why are you here?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.”
Danny bit down the urge to sucker-punch Vlad on spot. “We were visiting our aunt. Nothing special. Not everything is some big…I dunno… ghost conspiracy, Vlad. Now why are you here?”
“I was simply hoping to catch the house unguarded. You know, explore the lab, see the new contraptions that Maddie designed and Jack botched, perhaps sprinkle some cyanide in the oaf’s cornflakes box.”
“Like I’d let you--!”
“Aunt, did you say, Daniel? Alicia, perchance?”
Danny gave no response. He felt only the twist in his gut, which wrought a smile to Vlad’s face.
Vlad clapped his hands together and continued. “That is a name that brings back memories! She and Maddie were remarkably close. I heard about her constantly – given of course that I am a fantastic listener who never forgets a name or a face, unlike some fools who can’t even remember birthdays – but yes as Maddie’s best listener and best supporter, I feel like I know Alicia personally. Tell me, how is her husband Dale doing? How’s little Flynn? Not so little anymore, I imagine.”
“Don’t… talk about my aunt. That’s weird.” Danny floated backwards, coalescing a lick of flame in his palm. “Also, goes to show how much you know these days. Alicia and Dale have been divorced for like ten years now. And there’s no Flynn. You sure you’re that great a listener?”
Vlad quirked an eyebrow. “Ah, shame how divorce never seems to happen to the right people. Has Alicia tried telling Maddie it’s not too late to follow suit?” Danny unleashed his pulse of energy. Vlad blocked it with a single dismissive wave of his gloved hand. “And Daniel I am referring to your cousin Flynn, about whom I am absolutely not mistaken. Maddie and I were sophomores in college when he was born. Maddie flooded me with pictures of the boy, chubby little thing with red hair like Maddie’s. They moved her to tears, some of them. It was formative for me. The moment I realized that was the future I wished for myself, that I could bring Maddie that same joy with a family of our own. Shame how children don’t seem to happen to the right people either.”
Danny gave no response. He only lingered in the air, drifting slightly, the wafting residue of his attack trailing along his palm.
“You don’t seem so convinced,” Vlad commented.
“I’m not. Aunt Alicia doesn’t have kids. I don’t have any cousins. Unless you count whatever Danielle is.”
“A clone. You have to know the cousin thing was made up.”
“Alicia doesn’t have kids. Bottom line.”
“Did she sign him away in the divorce? That’s cold. I wonder if I could convince Jack to do the same with you.”
“Aunt Alicia divorced without kids, dumbass!” Danny swept a hand out. “She talks about her divorce all the time like it’s the best thing that happened to her, and she’s said how easy it was with just her and Dale and no one else. I don’t know how many other ways I can tell you I don’t have cousins, and I definitely don’t have a cousin named Flynn. You’re making yourself look like an idiot.”
“The opinion of a 14-year-old means very little to me.” Vlad dipped forward, closing the gap between him and Danny by a few feet. The air howled cold behind him. “However I am utterly intrigued to know what became of Flynn then. Clearly something worth keeping from you. Drowned in a pool? Carried off by a bear? Perhaps his parents made a ghost portal a decade prior to yours and he zapped it on from the inside.”
“You’re not funny.”
“I am hilarious, young man.” Vlad uncrossed his legs, still floating, but as though standing once more. “You should respond to your aunt’s message.” Vlad nodded his head to the phone on the floor. “She seems eager to speak to you. Maybe she can tell you what happened to dear little Flynn. And if you don’t, well perhaps I will stop by tomorrow morning for some tea, and ask Maddie myself what became of him. You’re welcome to be in the room when I do.”
A flash of light momentarily blinded Danny, followed by a pulse of energy, and when Danny opened his eyes again he had to blink through stars.
Nothing remained in the night.
Only the ceiling studded stars above, and the glow of the phone below, and the consumptive chilling green flashing from his own eyes.  
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talatomaz · 3 years
crossing paths pt.i | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. since this was going to be really long, i decided to split it into two parts. also this may be slightly canon divergent since i’ve not watched flash in a long time.
warnings: mentions of fighting, death
word count: 1.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“You’re absolutely sure this will work, Cisco?”
You asked, tying your hair up into a ponytail whilst the mechanical genius typed on his computer; the keys clacking under his fingertips.
“Yes. 100%. Well, more like 99%. Okay, if we’re being truly honest, then 93%.”
Cisco paused after each figure before turning his head to face you.
You started before the former interrupted, “Trust me, y/n. You’ll be fine. You just need to travel there, have a look around and then come straight back. We’ve done it so many times before.”
You and Cisco had been working on modifying the extrapolator your team often used to travel between different Earths. Or rather, you used to use them before the rebirth of the universe following Oliver’s sacrifice.
You cleared your throat at the thought of the vigilante. Having grown up with him and he having dated both of your older sisters meant that he was practically like your brother. And you were broken when you’d lost him so you’d left Team Arrow and came to work with Barry and his team instead.
Working with Team Flash was...different, to say the least. But having known them for several years, you got on well with them all, especially Cisco and Iris.
However, this project you were working on was only known to you and Cisco; the others blissfully unaware, mainly because the two of you knew that if you told them, they’d guilt you into stopping your experiment.
You were the one who had gone to Cisco with the idea in the first place.
After the Crisis, many of you had assumed that everyone solely remained on one Earth however you believed that the multiverse still existed, but that it’d be much harder to access. Cisco had agreed to help you but had explained that he wouldn’t come with you due to his relinquished powers.
So here you were, getting ready to try out the extrapolator in order to confirm or disprove your theory that the multiverse still existed.
“Technically, we haven’t, Cisco. New Earth remember?”
“That’s just semantics.”
“Cisco, if this doesn’t work, you better be ready to explain to my ex-assassin of a sister what happened to me.”
You laughed as his face dropped at the thought of that conversation.
He cleared his throat, “I’ve done all the necessary calculations and made a few needed modifications, including a GPS chip. It’ll work, y/n. Here, take your mask. Just in case.”
He added as an afterthought, handing you the sleek black mask he had designed to disguise your identity.
You put the mask in your jacket and took a deep breath, readying yourself. Holding the extrapolator, you pressed the small button and a familiar portal opened in front of you; variations of colours swirling around the breach.
You looked back at Cisco and feigned seriousness, “If I die, I’m going to kill you.”
His eyes widened making you smile, “Be safe, Cisco. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you then stepped into the inter-dimensional breach.
“Okay, hopefully this worked.”
The breach closed behind you as you stepped into an alley; the several dumpsters providing some form of protection from anyone who may have seen you.
Wherever you were, it was bright and sunny.
Pocketing the extrapolator, you stepped out of the alley and walked down the paved sidewalk, listening for any indications of where you were from passersby.
You continued walking until you came across a newsstand that looked fairly out of place in this seemingly technological environment.
You stopped, peering at the front cover of one of the magazines.
The words “DAILY PLANET” were printed on the top of the paper. You reached down and picked it up, flicking through the pages, pausing when you saw a familiar name on the byline.
Folding the paper back into its original state, you placed it back on the stand, flashing a kind but brief smile to the newsagent who looked at you with intrigue.
Although you didn’t know what Earth you were on, at least you knew you were in Metropolis.
A place you had visited several times since the rebirth of the universe.
A place that, despite whatever Earth, was always home to one Clark Kent, better known as Superman.
You pondered in your thoughts for a little while longer before deciding to venture out and explore the city, eager to find any similarities or differences between your Earth and this one.
You ended up in a museum.
You weren’t sure exactly how you’d gotten there, having followed wherever your feet had taken you but, nevertheless, you were here.
Whilst you were never a huge fan of museums, you’d often found yourself being dragged to them by Laurel when you were younger.
There was something about them that she’d loved.
She tried explaining it to you once.
How the beauty of art told a story or something.
You didn’t really pay much attention and who could have blamed you? You were only 10 years old. You’d rather be out playing or hanging out with your friends than spending your Saturday afternoon in a stuffy old museum.
But this place was anything but.
In truth, you knew that you sought solace in places like these during times of distress or uncertainty.
It gave you a chance to feel closer to your sister after the world had cruelly taken her away from you. Even on another Earth, you still found peace and felt her presence next to you.
You sighed, your shoulders sagging before tensing once more, feeling someone behind you.
You never used to be so on edge.
When you were younger, you lived such a care free life, never feeling any need to be concerned or cautious.
But that had changed quickly.
Soon you had been thrust into the vigilante life, more determined than ever to become like your sisters and help them fight crime.
In fact, you had learned to fight from a reluctant Sara.
After several arguments about the danger of her world, she’d come to accept that there was no changing your mind and had decided that if you were going to purposely put yourself in harm’s way, you needed to be prepared. She had put you through vigorous training which Oliver soon picked up with you after Sara had been recruited to form the Legends.
So, suffice it to say, you were well-versed in the forms of self-defence and were constantly on the lookout for any form of danger.
And being on a different Earth certainly warranted your caution.
“How are you liking our exhibit?”
A feminine voice said, her voice thick with an accent you couldn’t distinguish.
Turning with a smile, you spoke, “It’s beautiful. I never used to appreciate art but now I find myself lost in the works of Rembrandt or Claude Monet.”
“Ah yes. They were most excellent artists.”
You blinked, not at her words but at her face.
The woman who stood before you was, quite simply put, the most beautiful person you’d ever seen in your life.
Realising you were staring, you cleared your throat, “Yes, I agree.”
You opened your mouth to say something else - what, you weren’t sure of - when you closed it again having spotted a man who’d just entered the room which held the small exhibit.
The figure wore a black cap, obstructing his face, his eyes darting around before landing on another male situated in one of the corners of the room. The latter gave him a brief nod which the other returned. Discreetly glancing at them, you noticed familiar bulges beneath their shirt, surely holding a gun.
“Okay, don’t be alarmed but I think this place is about to get robbed.” You said in a hushed whisper, faking interest in another piece of art beside you.
You noted the small but discernible flicker in the woman’s eyes, her name still unknown to you.
“Let’s just say I’m perceptive. Do me a favour and take out your phone.”
You waited until the brunette had followed your instructions.
“Pretend to be talking to someone and walk out the room. They’re not going to do anything until you’re gone because they don’t want to run the risk of you warning someone.”
She nodded at your words and proceeded to carry out your plan.
You fought the look of surprise and confusion that surely would’ve shown on your face at the lack of fear on hers. Instead, her eyes seemed to hold a look of determination.
Determined to do what, you weren’t sure of.
Once she had left, your suspicions were confirmed when the two men simultaneously took out their guns and shouted.
“Everybody down on the ground. Now!”
Screams and shouts were let out by the small group of citizens in the room, replacing the quiet bustle of hushed whispers that had previously filled the air.
As everyone immediately fell to the ground, you slid down the wall until you were in an upright position.
You watched as they removed several of the smaller pieces of art, carefully placing them in a duffel bag. You waited until they grew closer to you before standing up causing both of their guns to be aimed at you.
“Sit back down or you’ll get a bullet in your pretty little head.”
They both moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from the view of the security cameras and the people behind them. Using your powers, you pulled the guns toward you and flung them to the far side of the room.
You took advantage of their momentary confusion and kicked both of them. One of them grabbed you from behind, his tight grip trapping your arms. You raised your legs and caged the other’s neck between them.
Twisting your legs, you threw him to the ground and then drew yourself closer into your captor’s arms, lifting off the ground for a brief second before throwing him over your shoulders and onto the ground beside the other intruder.
You yelled to the handful of citizens who watched you with a mixture of awe and fear.
Then you felt yourself being pushed against the marble ground as one of the men jumped on top of you, his weight crushing your small figure.
“You’re going to regret that, bitch.” He snarled against your ear.
You threw your head back, smirking when you heard the grunt of pain and several curses falling from the man’s lips.
You raised your hands and with it, the other man floated in the air. With a wave of your wrist, he went crashing into his friend and they slumped into a corner.
You quickly picked yourself up and ran out of the museum’s back exit, knowing you had to avoid the police at all costs.
Reaching an abandoned alley, similar to the one you first arrived in, you took out the inter-dimensional extrapolator, deciding it was way too dangerous for you to remain here any longer.
Pressing the device, you expected to see a breach form but to your shock, there was none. Inspecting the device, you saw that it had been broken, more than likely from when you’d been thrown against the ground by the robbers.
You muttered a foul curse before calming yourself.
Think, y/n. Think.
Your ears perked up at the familiar whistle and rattle of train tracks.
Okay, you knew what to do next.
You needed to go home.
Part 2 ->
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acris-kerd · 3 years
For the @sidlinkgiftexchange !! My giftee was @the-puny-pichu !
“Link, that looks revolting.”
Sidon leaned away from the dubious concoction his companion had pulled from his shiekah slate, meeting the Hylian’s doe eyed stare with barely concealed nausea.
Link looked down at the bowl of teeth soup in his hands. Teeth soup.
“…Yeah. It tastes about as good as it looks.”
He stared at it for a moment more and then shrugged, tossing the foul dish into the fire before them. Sidon flinched as the flames cracked and glowed a sickly green before consuming the foul fuel. Link had already moved on to the next entree of stored food in his slate, this time pulling out a cake.
“The variety of dishes in your possession is both amusing and alarming.” Sidon observed, squinting at the slice Link shared with him as though looking for hidden molars or perhaps a bit of moblin guts.
He’d seen the offensive concoctions Link cooked up now. Nothing was safe.
Link shrugged again, inhaling the food.
“I usually cook with what I have. Sometimes I have a lot, sometimes I don’t.”
“I see…and what happens to be the status of your inventory tonight, then?”
Sidon tried to hide the nervousness in his voice. Link pulled out another dish of food, the delectable smell of braised fish paring well with his broad grin.
“A lot.”
The odd pair settled into a warm, summer night. They did this now and again, when Link decided the strange slate on his hip was stuffed with as much as it could carry.. Sidon had long assumed whatever hoarding tendencies Link possessed had been grossly enabled by the sheikah technology, but he wasn’t one to complain. Especially when it meant spending time with Link.
“Here. I found a bunch of silverscale spears and some Zora swords.”
He proceeded to unload a small armory on the ground beside Sidon, who started waving his hands frantically.
“Link! Good gracious, my friend, thank you, but I can’t carry all of this back to the domain myself!”
“Oh,” The little Hylian looked at the half-materialized hilt in his hand, shoving it back into the nether regions of whatever void was contained on his hip. “Good point. I’ll just drop it off with Bazz before I head out.”
Sidon smiled weakly, shaking his head.
“I don’t know how or where you find all of these weapons…I think it’s fair to say half our army is supplied by you alone.”
“Nah,” Link laughed bashfully, throwing another dubious concoction into the fire. The flames turned purple this time. “I just collect a lot of things. No sense in keeping it if I don’t use it.”
“Oh? Are Zora weapons not up to your standards then?” Sidon raised a brow, privately enjoying the fluster that washed over Link’s expression.
“Wha-No! No, it’s not that! I mean—I just have a lot of weapons and—“
Sidon laughed, absently resting an assuaging hand at Link’s back. The champion was so small he could nearly wrap his clawed fingers around him. The thought did something strange to Sidon’s stomach, but many strange feelings tended to permeate his sensibilities around Link, so he tried to ignore it.
He also ignored the way it seemed Link was leaning into his hand.
“I’m merely giving you a hard time, my friend. I know you travel far and wide, and there are undoubtedly more suitable weapons for your cause.”
He eyed the legendary blue hilt that rested close to Link, the previously lightened sensation in his chest taking a turn. Link had been openly carrying the Master Sword much more frequently as of late. Sidon wasn’t sure what it meant, but it left him nervous. Afraid, even.
Link seemed to sense what he was looking at, not meeting his eyes. They were equally quiet for a long time.
“…I’m going to face him soon. Very soon.” Link finally spoke, his voice weighted and somber.
A cold feeling began to spread through Sidon’s chest. It wasn’t a mystery who—or rather what—Link was talking about. Very suddenly, Sidon wanted to pull Link closer. The temptation was so strong he had to remove his hand from where it rested against his back. Link looked somehow smaller without it there.
“…I suppose you won’t be needing a silverscale spear then.” Sidon attempted to lighten the mood, a weak smile playing at his lips.
Link didn’t react for a moment, staring hard into the fire before relenting with a snort, resuming the task of cleaning out his slate.
“Probably not.”
An owl hooted somewhere overhead. The river nearby rushed quietly in the darkness. Sidon let himself stare at Link, at the lean muscles that had been honed around an abused frame, hardened from experience and trauma. His fingers twitched in his lap, claws ticking together mutely. Link was quite fierce when he wanted to be, determined and resolute in a way that bordered on obsessed. Very little seemed to phase his most treasured friend. Even the prospect of facing Calamity Ganon didn’t seem to shake him, not like it did Sidon.
Every time he thought about his small, wild Hylian facing up against such an ancient evil, he wanted to pull him close and protect him from his own destiny. Sidon was a shamefully selfish Prince, it seemed. At least where Link was concerned.
The larger Zora shifted uneasily on the grass, appreciating the way Link spread the fuel of the fire so the flames stayed low and less stressful to his scales.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, eyeing Sidon with undue concern. That feeling in his chest swelled full once again.
“Of course, my friend. No need to worry. I can easily take a quick dip in the river if necessary.”
“Want to right now?” Link very confidently stood up.
“What—now?” Sidon looked at the surrounding darkness, a little taken aback by Link’s sudden enthusiasm.
“Sure.” Link looked like he’d already decided for the both of them, packing his shield, bow, and the sword that seals the darkness into his slate before pulling off his tunic.
Sidon felt a blush flood his face, trying very hard not to appreciate how the firelight cast the musculature of Link’s body into sharp relief and failing miserably. Without inhibition, Link kicked off his boots and pants, driving home how very serious he was.
“Wait, Link, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Why not? You just said you could take quick dip.”
“Yes, but I’m a Zora. That river is hardly calm and there’s no light out.”
“The moon is out.” Link argued, a cheeky twinkle in his eye.
“That’s hardly sufficient for avoiding underwater currents!” Sidon quickly stood and chased after his stubborn companion, who was already heading for the river.
Link turned around, walking backwards towards the water and wearing an expression that left Sidon gaping like a newly hatched guppy.
“Guess you’ll have to make sure I don’t find any. You wouldn’t let me drown, would you Sidon?”
Thank goodness the depth of night concealed how deeply Sidon was blushing. Link was being especially disarming tonight.
“O-of course not!”
“Then it’s fine. Come on.”
Link waved him closer. The pearly light of the moon cast a gentle glow over his features, brightening his eyes. Against the deep blue surroundings, he stood out like a candle, confident as ever and heedless to any apparent danger. Sidon eyed the swift moving water nervously, looking back to Link’s comparatively tiny body.
This was a bad idea.
Without an ounce of fear, Link walked into the closest current, stumbling slightly and quickly regaining his footing. Sidon splashed in after him, throwing any reservations to the wind and bracing a hand at his back.
“Honestly Link, there are other places—safer places—to swim.” He muttered, eyes scanning the dark waters and zeroing in on a plethora of dangers.
“Then take us there.”
He spoke so simply, as if it was the most logical and reasonable choice in the world, which it was. Sidon couldn’t figure out why he was so flustered with it all. Maybe it was the suddenness of the late night swim. Maybe it was the strange position of having to protect this small, ferocious servant of the Goddess from a mundane death. Maybe it was the fact that it was Link, who’d always had an uncanny knack for throwing off his princely confidence, asking to share a relatively normal experience that for some reason felt anything but normal to Sidon.
“Of course!” He agreed gallantly, hoping he succeeded in hiding the wild swirl of thoughts running rampant in his head.
Link smiled at him, and he felt like a floundering guppy all over again.
Sidon carefully maneuvered them into deeper waters. Link was quickly picked up by the current, holding tight to Sidon’s arm and then sliding himself against his back. It was almost reminiscent of when they took on Vah Ruta together, but without the pressure of a cataclysmic flood weighing them down. The closeness this time seemed much more…intimate.
Perhaps Sidon was just over thinking things. Muzu often said he tended to over think things.
“Ready when you are.” Link spoke into his ear, his voice perfectly calm.
Sidon worked really hard to hide the electric shiver that raced to the farthest end of his dorsal fin, rapidly making himself think of the nearest and safest destination.
“Ah, right! Hold tight then!”
Link most certainly did hold tight, which was good, because Sidon knew the Hylian wasn’t exactly the strongest swimmer. He carefully kept them away from more dangerous rapids, following the river downstream to a small backwater pool he used to visit as a child. It wasn’t particularly deep, by his own standards, but had served as an excellent retreat during his lonely adolescence. It was a place he knew Link would be perfectly safe, no matter how unpredictable he apparently aimed to be.
“Almost there!” Sidon called, feeling Link give him a firm squeeze in response.
The water was already noticeably calmer as he took a nearly hidden channel that branched off the main river. It led to a wide pool with a thick bank of overgrowth. There was hardly anywhere comfortable for a Hylian to sit, but it couldn’t be helped. At least there wasn’t a deadly current.
“This is nice.” Link observed, craning his neck to take in all the details.
The moon shone directly above, highlighting a heavy knot work of local grapevines that had rooted in the silt. They draped across most of the surrounding trees, thick with age. A few boulders broke up the tree growth, heavy with moss and various mushrooms. Sidon caught Link eyeing them with keen interest, though he made no move to collect them.
“I used to come here in my younger days.” Sidon revealed, feeling a touch nostalgic now that he was in the once familiar pool. “It was a good place to escape Muzu…or anything else that happened to be upsetting me.”
Neither of them needed to voice what it was that likely pushed Sidon to seek such solitude. With Link’s help, the grief of his dear sister had been laid to rest, and Sidon reflected, as he observed new chains of vine growth and unfamiliar carpets of moss, that he’d outgrown the solitude of this place as well. It was a strange feeling, to feel the ache of both nostalgia and loss and still be okay.
Link silently slipped off his back, using Sidon’s larger body as an anchoring point to pull himself around front. He had a careful expression on his face, one that turned into a soft smile as he observed Sidon’s comforted ease.
“Thanks for bringing me here.” He said quietly, and he was close, much closer than Sidon realized.
A breath of space was held between them for an impossibly long moment. Link’s gentle face took up Sidon’s field of vision,lips quirked into a small smile and eyes full of a chaotic mixture. There was the firmness of resolve and a shadow of something more harrowing, but above all, tender warmth emanated from twin blue pools. It was like staring at a midsummer sky.
“Sidon.” Link spoke his name quietly, and with an uncommon reverence.
The sound of it put a blush back on the Zora Prince’s face. It must have been dark enough for Link to see it, even in the poor light, because his smile broadened slightly. He stared directly into Sidon’s wide eyes, holding his shoulders with such small, powerful hands, his knees bumping lightly against his chest under the water.
Then Link kissed him.
He kissed him selfishly, indulgently, taking advantage of Sidon’s frozen state and even placing those small, powerful hands against his face. It was a touch that felt like desperation. Through the shock of it all and with a horrible flip in his gut, Sidon realized Link was kissing him like it was goodbye.
When the Hero pulled away, he wasted no time to speak, the previous tenderness in his expression extinguished as if he’d given all of his warmth to Sidon.
“I’m going to face the calamity tomorrow.” He spoke softly, too softly for such devastating news, and the flip in Sidon’s gut turned into a punch. “I probably wont survive. I barely survived the first time. …So I guess there’s no need to worry about this making things awkward between us.”
A hundred years worth of emotions were blowing through Sidon with the force of a hurricane. For once, he had so much to say, so many different feelings that wanted to pour forth, that he had no idea how to formulate any of them. They all demanded near equal attention.
Except for one.
“Please come back.” He whispered, eyes wide with fear, heartbreak, and something entirely too close to love. “Link, please come back.”
Link stared with a slow blooming shock, the previously dead expression washing away with each passing second that made clear the seriousness of Sidon’s request. His eyes progressively opened wide, betraying a rare vulnerability, and his mouth hung slightly agape. Sidon soon realized he was clutching at Link’s hips with the same ferocity that Link held his face.
“You have to come back.” He whispered again, feeling like an idiot who couldn’t string together the words to say much else.
“…You…you want me to come back?” Link breathed out, looking like he hardly dared believe it.
Sidon felt his brain short circuit again.
“Do I want you to-?! Yes! Yes, I want you to come back! I always want you to come back!”
“Always?” Link quirked his lips into an adorable half-smile. Sidon could decide if he wanted to kiss him again or smack him.
“Do you realize the highlight of my life right now is waiting for you to walk through the Ne’ez Yohma shrine so I can watch you throw dubious food into a fire?”
Link’s smile widened with every word, all of the shadows leaving even the darkest corners of his face.
“That’s the highlight, huh?”
Sidon was going to say something about Link being a smart ass, but then his brain caught up with all that was happening. Link had kissed him. And he was going to fight Calamity Ganon in a matter of hours. For the life of him, Sidon couldn’t decide which event shocked him more.
“Come here.” Sidon whispered, and he pulled Link into a second, much less fatalistic kiss.
It was Link’s turn to startle with surprise. Sidon held nothing back, moved by Link’s brazen selfishness to take some of his own. He pulled Link closer, tracing a hand up the smooth expanse of his back and feeling him tremble. Link gasped, opening his mouth and allowing them to explore each other more deeply. This kiss did not feel like a goodbye. This kiss was quite clearly the start of something with absolute longevity, Calamity be damned.
“Please say you’ll come back.” Sidon whispered against Link’s mouth.
Link didn’t speak, but he nodded all the same, pulling Sidon back in for a kiss that felt like hope and a promise all wrapped into one.
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cafecourage · 3 years
Thy....... ok here you didn't give me an AU so I just f***ed around and found out.
Vio headcanons (for all Au’s and general)
General HC:
- Vio crochets. People can fight me on this!!! He crochets and knits. He does it to calm his thoughts, just to slowly zone out. Catch him plotting his own story in his brain while doing so.
- Speaking of stories, this man is probably an Author. He most likely had written a fluffed-up version of their adventure. There wasn’t really a point of him doing so but it did get all of his feelings out on paper.
- Out of all the colors I feel like he would get the most night terrors. It will lead to him having bad insomnia.
General Love HC:
- Indifference. That’s the base emotion he is feeling towards a Reader that ended up traveling with the chain. He does like you! Don’t get that wrong. It’s just the situation calls for his attention to be on the goal. The other colors are better at social interactions then him.
- Reader in a normal traveling with the chain au, would be from a more modern timeline. Not fully but like one of that mixed technology and Medieval fantasy-based era.
- It honestly was weird that you just hang out with Four with him in control. You seem like you just gain energy from just talking or interacting with the others and Vio isn’t…really… that social.
- It was a slow bonding experience. It started as you sitting nearby when he was reading or working on a project. Nether talking nor really minding the other's company.
Isekai HC:
- This man is super anxious around you. The sobs when you were also convinced, he killed green, along with your cries from his betrayal still ring in his ears even now. He hates knowing that you might not trust him anymore because of that. The other Colors think he is just overthinking it because you did welcome him back with open arms after.
- Vio is kind of just dancing around you when they finally realize you’re the voice and presence that they felt during their adventures. While the other colors jumped on to the opportunity to get to know you better. He just… can’t?
- You’re his and the other’s anchor. They consider you their (ex. Imaginary) friend. The one person that was always by their side. Cheering them through the toughest of times, and Vio feels like you would leave them if he even tries to get close.
- He really, truly wants to standby you. He wants to not feel guilty enjoying your hugs. He just… wants you to be happy.
Divide and conquer. That’s normally how Four dealt with supply runs. Four was accompanied by you today. Which meant the others were in town. So, Four decided to let the colors stretch their legs. It was nice for each of them to actually speak to you one on one. However, they had limited time and still needed to get the items before sundown.
With five people it should go a lot quicker than normal. So, with the promise of being able to hang out after. Each Color and you went their separate ways. Vio was almost done with his list of items. The last thing he needed was some more personal items.
“Sneak attack!!” A warmth from behind engulfs the purple hero. Picking him up briefly to give a small squeeze. You were smiling brightly down at Vio. “Hi again.”
It was a miracle that his brain didn’t just short circuit just looking up at them. “I- Hello??” One of the many things you’ve said on their journey came out as, Vio was scrambling for a sense of, for the lack of better words, ground to root himself to. “Why are you here?”
“Is it against the law to hug someone I am closed to?”
“No, but…” he didn’t understand why you wanted to shower him, in affection and love. But how can he ask you that? You’re always giving Four hugs and small platonic kisses. He didn’t want you to stop. He and his brothers loved and craved that warmth you brought with your presence.
Vio didn’t know if he was deserving of it. The others were, that’s for sure. Despite how rough blue is, how bossy Green could be or how much Red cried in their adventure. You always had the patience of a saint. It was him that tested that and found how far that patience went. “Viiiioooooo, earth to my favorite grape color hero!” He was finally put back down on his feet. “Are you ok?”
“Define ok.” He was quick to answer, after finally getting some semblance of his ability to think back. He took his chance to back away from your presence.
That wasn’t the right thing to say apparently as your face slowly twisted to a pout. “Are you mad at me?”
“Mad… at you?” He repeated to confirm he heard you correctly. You gave a small nod now doubting your assumption. “Why?”
Your shrug didn’t give him much of an answer. “Well, it just seems when Four is influenced by you he is more distant.” You paused trying to figure out what to say next. Vio on the other hand was mortified that you were able to read his body language so well. Actually, he should have expected it. That’s how you knew that the colors exist in the first place. “If I did anything-“
“No, it’s not you!” It was him. It was all him. Vio knows logically being still hung up about the past was ridiculous. Emotions are annoying. He isn’t built to deal with them. “I just thought.” There was no nice way to explain this to you though. “You were still mad at me.”
“Oh.” Well, this got awkward really fast. Vio kept up his indifferent front hoping that his cheeks weren’t still as red as his brother’s tunic. “But I like you a lot!” You took his hands suddenly. “Don’t get me wrong I was mad. But I know you’re a good person Vio! I like you; I like your brothers and I like Four!”
Ah. There he goes.
- The first of the Colors to realized he loved you in this AU. Which just makes everything even worse for him. Since he knows the other colors feel the same but are in denial because of your connection with Four.
- He could help the others…..Nah…. Vio wants to watch them suffer.
Cafe HC:
- Coffee? If he feels like death. Yes. Tea mostly though. He tends to get the blunt of the headaches. Tea also helps with his ability to sleep.
- He is the type of customer that comes in and stays for hours. In his case just writing and/or reading. You’ve only ever spoken to him a few times before. Mostly to get his order and asking about his day. Small talk!
- Slowly you learn more about him. You learn that he has brothers. Is an author, (you’ve bought his book and teased him about having it signed now.) Had traveled around the world a few times before.
- You’ve met some of his siblings before. They actually come as often as he does. Striking up more of a conversation than him. Sometimes even getting him to talk to you more…
It’s has occurred to you how much time has passed since you last saw a Vio. It was a long time. A few months honestly. It kind of hurt that he and his brothers just up and left without giving you a fair warning but, it’s their personal business and not yours. Yet…
You thought you five were close.
It’s fine. Maybe Link was around! They were his siblings and you could just go to the forge and ask. Though you weren’t too close to Link so maybe it would be a bit awkward to ask him about his brothers.
They are probably fine.
There is no need to worry, they are all seasons’ adventurers!
It seems like this day was just going to be a slow one. Where you couldn’t get your mind off of your friends. It was almost closing time so another day without any word from your favorite color-coded brothers.
You decided to clean the shelves early tonight. Leaving some smaller bits for the Minish that may or may not be inside your small cafe. Lifting the chairs onto the tables to clean the floor. Making sure they get every nook and cranny. To make your life easier the next morning.
As you picked up the finally empty tray off of the counter you were heading into the back. Until the door to your small shop swung open and a group of similar-looking Adventurers comes stumbling in. “(Y/n)!”
“Vio?” You turned around quickly, only to see him helping to keep one of his brothers up. They looked like they ran through ten monster camps just to get to your sleepy little shop. You felt dread came in full force as the empty tray slips from your grasp. You bolt to his side ordering the others to get in the store. “You lot are staying over here.” You didn’t ask it was a demand. No room for argument. “There are potions in the back. You can use what you need.”
“Thank you, Ms.” a larger man with a scar across his eye went in the direction you pointed.
You gather the knocked-out brother to help Vio. “Thank you.” He said sheepishly.
“It’s no problem,” You smiled back at him. “Let’s make sure your brothers are safe. I was about to get dinner ready. How does something hearty sound?”
“That sounds lovely thank you.”
- You might have not known Vio and his brother for long but they really do consider your small little cafe as a safe space. A little heaven that they don’t need to be a Hero.
- Now when he stops by on this adventure you tend to give him packs of supplies and a bunch of treats for the road.
- You also started writing him letters and care packages when you can. Now that you know that he is traveling around. Though you don’t know how the mailman knows where he is… that’s… not something your gonna question really.
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yandere-sins · 4 years
What about a stern priest that falls in love with a girl who just came to visit his church because she moved into his small town? Although very religious for his whole life, he's just accepting the girl for who she is, a complete opposite (even if they have the same interest in arts, books etc) First she's friendly but then becomes distant because notices his interest in her... And he's sure that this girl is a "god's gift" to him after all these years of loyalty and they're meant to be together
Can’t deny that I am always smitten with yandere’s that need to be ‘pure’ for some reason or another. Just a big ol’ weak spot of mine :D Enjoy!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
They were meant for each other.
Anyone opposing that fact was spouting profanities in the face of their own god. After all, it was the power from above that sent her to his church, made her find her way to his threshold. She was a blessing in the form of a human, just like him, and he could not have asked for a better gift after all these years of devotion to nothing but their Lord’s instructions.
Alone the fact that she returned to him in time for confession was enough to prove it. For a while, the Priest had feared that she might lose her way, seemingly nowhere to be found around the church. But thanks to the urging of the people in the community, she had been pushed back on the righteous way meant for her. Right back to him.
From the moment she had arrived in the small fisher’s town, she had changed up the ways of the people, teaching them new technologies and antics she learned in the big city she had come from. He hadn’t been all too happy with it, seeing how the people started to strife away from traditions and values. With the wind of change that she brought, other, less welcome members of society joined the community. Gamblers, corrupt salesman, harlots. Now it was a bustling place, and so was his church and especially his confession booth, as the people flocked in with tales of deception and infidelity.
But it would have been a lie if he said she didn’t move him too.
He had never been anything but the town’s priest, the position promised to him when he was just two days old. Every waking moment of his life had he spent studying the holy scripts, practicing ancient rites, and helping people over their problems no matter the topic, even when he was still too young to even understand them. A prodigy priest, that’s what he had become with just 16, and now, with 24, he was an important member of the community, even though the people began turning away from him.
It wasn’t his fault that he grew stern and cold. If anyone else had been confronted with the sins of humanity from such an old age, breaking down over fearing to fall into the same misery as other people did, surely, they’d began to grow a thicker skin too. And now that he had her, he knew there was at least one other person who understood him.
At least her confessions never spoke of her trying to steal another wife’s man, or how she murdered her brother - which she had five of, all younger than her, and corrupter, he was sure! - or even just about her problem with the good old wine. She only ever spoke of how she worried about other people and their problems, and how much she dreaded not being able to help them more, feeling like she was desensitizing from them the more she heard.
Ah, she understood it so well.
The same scenario played that day. A farmer’s daughter had become pregnant from a merchant on travel, and she came here in the young lass’ stead to ask for forgiveness. Both of them knew there wasn’t more to do than that, the daughter probably ending up with a bastard’s child and shunned by her own family after all.
“What a pity it is,” the priest spoke, holding away the curtain from the booth to let the woman of his peculiar dreams out. The touch they shared as he held out his hand for her to reach for as she stumbled out of the dark, wooden box, was way too short for his taste.
“Is it, though? Isn’t it wonderful how she’ll experience motherhood?” was her quick and witty response, never having been a girl too shy to say what was on her mind. “Perhaps,” he pressed forth through gritted teeth, having nothing more to say. It should have been his duty to console even people with greater mistakes than an unplanned pregnancy, and he should have been the one to tell this woman of how everyone was supposed to keep themselves pure until marriage. But he wasn’t one to talk back to her, much rather wanting to hear more from her instead of his own voice.
“You have stopped coming to the church lately, has something happened?” he asked. Directly, blunt. Just like he was.
“Oh, Father, I...” Unusual for her, she grew timid, wringing her hands in front of her as she looked down. She always looked as if her mind was far away on a new adventure, but today, she seemed especially reluctant to share what was going on inside her. Their shared walk to the front of the church came to a halt, her back turned away from the door so she could face him, despite not being able to look at him.
He only allowed himself to gaze at her longingly for the moment she wasn’t aware of her eyes on him. She was as pretty as a jewel, as colorful and fun as the trees in fall. People gathered around her, her laugh as sweet as the singing of the birds, with eyes shining like sun rays on top of the ocean. There was nothing more he wished for as to reach out and hold her in his arms, take in her shining aura on top of his dimmed, almost vanished one.
If anything, he was the Hades to her Persephone, characters he only heard about in theatre, though they made so much more sense now. And he wanted her. Wanted her to stay here by his side, in these old, traditional stone walls. It would have been enough if she became what he always thought her to be, a friend to the people, a sister of the order he was under. To serve them and live modestly by his side until death does them part.
“I fear...” she muttered, bringing her hands to her chest. “The reason I cannot come anymore is because...”
She seemed abashed, hurting beneath her sunny exterior. A gasp escaped his mouth as the realization hit him, that in her good will and helpfulness, no one ever seemed to take care of her in return. She was always alone with her own worries and fears. The only time she allowed herself to bring them up was with him, behind the grid of the confession booth. Yes, he understood her. And he understood her reasons. They were the same as his, after all.
No one knew her better than he did.
“No more words,” he ordered strictly as he pulled her to his chest, enveloped her body in his ropes. On his face, a never known warmth spread, his heart filling with joy and adoration, as well as thankfulness for the divine dispensation. “I understand even without you saying it. And I must confess... I feel the same way. I, too, am scared of those feelings I harbor for you, and I fear how the people will react if they find out. But it’s alright, as long as we are together, just like we are meant to from above--”
“But, Sir!” she stirred, pushing away from him and tearing apart the blissful moment of intimacy they shared, leaving a bitter taste on his feelings.
“I do not fear my own feelings! But I fear yours! It’s you I fear the most, Father!”
She was quick to take a few, precautious steps away from her. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concern, hands held up defensively. Just like a deer in the eyes of a predator. But that’s not what he was, right? Yes, he was stern and strict, and sometimes too possessed by old values, but he wasn’t an animal, right? He wouldn’t even kill a fly, much less hurt a person.
Before he could say anything, she turned, her clothes captured by the wind of her motions as if they were taunting him. Taunting him to reach out, to grab her and tear on her, and not let her go. Her arms swang back and forth as she made her way out of the church hurriedly, and she almost succeeded, one hand on the large, cold door handle.
The priest’s grip made her squeak from surprise, his fingers adding a crushing weight on her wrist. She twirled around because she was forced to, not because she wanted, her free hand wrapping around his pleadingly. Just for a moment, their eyes met, and he caught his own reflection in those scared, miserable gems of hers. His expression, the bared teeth, the angry shine in his eyes, the many, many wrinkles in his face of anger, concern, and desperation.
That was the only time that he realized that what she saw wasn’t the town’s priest. To her, he didn’t seem like the person everyone else liked and encouraged her to meet. Even when he thought they were so similar, from their taste in books to their dreams for the village, she had been the only one with keen eyes, purity seeing through all evil that was harbored inside of him.
And it was just her who could see the absolute demon he was.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 149
So, I was super busy on my normal queueing day and wasn’t able to set this up. And by ‘super busy’ I mean ‘doing laundry, weeding flower beds, and taking several naps’, bc I have upwards of 24 niblings and a super-full time job that make me exhausted.
I’m not kidding, I recently told @baelpenrose “I had a birthday party to go to, yes it’s the third Saturday in a row, don’t worry about keeping track because there are SO MANY”. 
What doesn’t make me exhausted? Y’all. The likes, the comments, the reblogs, the ‘hey, this person reads my stuff AND Bael’s stuff’ ( @feral-possums-in-the-bog, @drbibliophile, looking at you in a very loving way). Also the speedrunners... all of you who have ever, at any point, found this fic and decided to read every single chapter as quickly as possible ( and have or haven’t shamed me for needing to update the masterpost or page links), you keep me going like nothing else. I, too, like a good binge read, so I know I’ve done something worth... something... when someone else binges like that.
“So the Ark is semi-organic?” I glanced over and resisted the urge to trail my fingers along the walls of the corridor.
“That would be the closest Terran approximation, yes,” they confirmed. “It is not sentient in any form, but all exposed surfaces, for example, are grown in-place of a material native to our home planet.”
“So cool,” I whispered. “Is there a benefit to that, aside from being more sustainable?”
Noah rubbed two liw alongside their sensory organs, and let out a soft buzz - essentially rubbing their face with a sigh. “It is very rare for any species that achieves sentience to reach a level of technology that allows for faster than light travel without what you refer to as sustainability being included in every aspect of their culture.”
“Oh.” I felt ashamed and focused on my feet for a few steps, paying close attention to the feeling of the deck plating through my soles, any uneven textures that I came across turning into canyons of perception.
“In the case of the material coating the surfaces of the Ark,” Noah continued, clearly picking up on my discomfort, “it serves a largely hygienic function, much as Else currently provides.”
“So, that’s what Xio was referring to when she said that Hujylsogox ships largely decontaminate themselves?”
“Indeed. Where my species absorbs impurities from the air and any surfaces we come in contact with, the lining of the corridors, rooms, and vents can purify the rest within a Galactic week.” That worked out to eleven and two-third days as we currently measured them on the Ark, or fourteen and a half days on Earth. “Biofiltration is a very common way to sanitize spaces that often house multiple species to avoid destructive interactions, although the coating we use is known to be the most efficient organic solution.”
Surrendering, I ran my fingers over the wall.  Even knowing that it was grown, it still felt like sandstone under my touch. “If it is so efficient, why don’t the Ekomari use it on their ships?”
Their fingers on both vomu clacked as they tapped them together. “In absence of another organism to ingest the larger particulates, sypo is what you would consider to be too efficient.”
“Feathers clog it up?”
“Like you would not believe,” they hummed deeply - a groan, clear as day. “It actually ends up starving the sypo.”
Unbidden, my mind’s eye flashed back to the nightmares that Else had shown me early on: large flakes of the walls falling away and littering the corridor floors. “So, that was a very real thing?” There didn’t seem to be any reason to clarify, given how clearly the images had blared in my head.
“Correct. We believe that Else understood the nature of the material and was trying to show you what was happening in a way they thought you would understand.” A heavy liw gently patted my shoulder. “They meant well, even if they did not realize that it would backfire.”
I was about to ask what the Ekomari use in place of sypo as a biofilter, but my databand signaled me. Judging by the fact that it chimed, flashed, and vibrated against the bones in my wrist, this was incredibly urgent. “I’m sorry, Noah, one mom - ah, fuck…” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I mentally braced myself for what I knew would be coming in the next several days.
“Wisdom, you are distressed.”
“Departmental notification from Pranav and Zach that they will be doing system security testing over the next week. Which means Derek will be doing his best to hack into our systems and take them out, while Pranav and Zach take notes of vulnerabilities and then fix them afterward.”
The face-rubbing sigh was back. “They are not including basic ship functions in this testing, correct?”
I shook my head, relieved that I could at least provide that assurance. “Negative. Only the systems that humans will be replicating on our own once we are on Von.”
“This is still terribly inconvenient. These tests increase tension across the Ark to quite difficult levels to be around.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. It’s mostly from what happened Before, at least for the older members of the crew.  I mean, we got a Global Parliament out of it, but… there were a scary few years before we got there. And then the End happened, and the hack felt like some kind of warning looking back.”
Noah buzzed thoughtfully. “You are speaking of the gap in data we found when we were trying to download your planetary database.”
A part of me wanted to laugh at the fact that Miys continued to refer to the internet as a ‘planetary database’, but the topic was so upsetting that any kind of joy felt obscene right then. “It was… another terrorist attack, honestly.  They weren’t unusual, as terrifying as that is - I mean, you admitted yourself that not all of us were worth saving.  There was a petrochemical hack maybe five years before this one, and the attacks had been ramping up slowly even before that.  But this one.”  I shook my head trying to clear the thoughts from my head. “What we were told is that this group knew we would never take action against climate change, something about how the rich corporate would never take it seriously until they had to actually live in the nature they were destroying.”
“You are doubtful of this.” Noah’s statement was far from being a question.
Couldn’t blame him, since I didn’t believe half of what we had been told, or maybe that it was only half the story. “I wasn’t old enough to remember, but it is a recorded fact that there were actual people on Earth who had more wealth than any single country on the planet, and one was particularly known for building his fortune on the backs of employees who were worked to death or nearly to death.  It’s hard to believe that had nothing to do with it, you know.”
“If being reminded of this event causes such distress among your people, why run so many tests?”
“The hack killed people, Noah. It destroyed entire small countries, caused a lot of violence and wars. The ultra-rich may have been the targets, but the casualties were mostly people who never knew what was happening.  We want to make sure it can’t happen again.  That’s why we warn everyone what’s going on, so they know it’s not the same thing, but still do the testing.”
More clattering of vomu signaled Noah thinking again. “Your global economy depended strongly on the concept of wealth and the concept of money.  But with the current economic model you exercise, such a data security breach would not impact it.”
I shrugged. “We still worry. Not to mention the fact that, at some point, someone may try. We can try all we want to avoid the catalyst of the original events, but some of our better qualities can be just as terrible with just a twist.  Curiosity, confidence, and justice and easily turn into pride, vindictiveness, and prying. Which can lead to blackmail. And that’s just one example. Still sure we’re worth it?”
Another thoughtful buzz with some mild clicking. “I have seen your people endeavor to save a species that could have destroyed you.  I have seen you, specifically, mourn someone who deliberately attempted to end not only your life but the lives of the entire Ark.  There is much evidence to give us faith in your compassion.”
All I could do was shake my head. “I’ll try to have faith in your faith,” I murmured with a weak smile.
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