#Writer on tumblr
saraswritingtipps · 2 days
Words to Describe Facial Expressions (Anger Edition)
Fuming: visibly enraged and simmering with anger.
Scowling: displaying a dark, threatening expression.
Sneering: showing disdain through facial contortion.
Glowering: looking or staring with sullen dislike, hostility, or anger.
Grimacing: twisting the face to express pain, disgust, or contempt.
Flaring nostrils: indicating increased anger or activity; preparing for action.
Tight-lipped: pressed together, often in determination or repressed anger.
Furrowed brow: a forehead lined with concern or anger.
Taut: pulled tight, showing stress or strain, often from anger.
Incensed: extremely angry; furious, as if filled with smoke.
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writers-potion · 1 day
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Fear Elements for Your Fiction
Places Creepy places make atmospheric fiction settings.
Is there a place that makes you feel cold? Are you terrified of walking a certain path, especially in the dark?
Recall a scary dream. Where did that dream take place?
Wierd Shudders Are you frightened of something that others people consider harmless?
The sight of long fingernails, the sound of nails scraping on a blackboard. Moths and butterflies flying in your face?
If you have a shudder that makes you feel low-key creeped out in daily life write about it.
Phobias Many people of phobias about particular objects and situations. If you have a phobias, try writing about it.
Childhood Fears Whether the danger was true or imagined, the fear you experienced in your childhood was probably intense.
What if there really was a monster under your bed?
Gian black steam engines, the blue glow of an automatic door lock, the gaping hole of an empty closet?
Dreams Do you have a recurring nightmare? Something that makes you wake up with sweat?
Human Attitudes What are some things that people do that you find scary or creepy?
Unbending bureaucracy? Bullying? People consuming others' pain for entertainment? Hating others in the name of religion?
Use fiction to address these issues.
Ordinary Things Look around the ordinary things around you and ask - what if they aren't as harmless as they seem?
Metal pins on my bulletin board? Windows? The TV? A potted tomato slowly withering?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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akwardsilince · 2 days
Person A: "You're a cryptid?"
Person B: "No, I'm an author."
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maihonhassan · 3 days
There is a deep line in Bayaan (Nahin Milta) song:
"Jis ko jo bhi milta hai bey-sabab nahin milta, mujh se bole man mera sab ko sab nahi milta."
We all relate to this.
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platypuseggs69 · 2 days
Three Word Prompt:
1. Skull/Skeleton
2. Garden
3. Snake
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♡ I hope 2024 brings every fanfic writer lots of juicy, spicy, angsty, whumpy, crazy, delicious ideas and motivation. may words flow smoothly through your mind and may you find pure joy and satisfaction in your writing. you will do great. I am rooting for you.
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willtheweaver · 3 months
Ways to solve the Why Can’t They Use Magic To Fix Everything problem:
•Magic has a cost. The more powerful the spell, the more it drains the caster’s life.
•’We tried that ages ago.The gods grew angry at our arrogance and stripped most of our powers away.’
•Magic is tied to the stars and planets. Its full potential can only manifest on certain astrological events.(And these are once-in-a-millennia type events)
•Only one will a pure heart and selfless intentions can use their full power.
•All magic users are descendants of a (god/spirit). As the years have gone by, the blood has become more diluted, and magic has grown weaker as a result.
•Spell casters can only cast (finite number of spells). They end up using their gift on trivial matters.
•’After the war, we realized the dangers that magic presented. And so we sealed it away, lest it destroy the world.’
•Everyone has magic. Trying to solve one problem is futile as it can be easily undone(often violently and with much destruction)
•inverse of the above: everyone has magic, but their powers are limited and (mostly) harmless.
•Individual, company, or nation has a monopoly on the only substance that can negate magic. As they rule the world, they have installed anti-magic devices everywhere.
•Individual, group, company, or nation has a monopoly on magic. To insure their grip on power, all magic users that do not submit to them are killed.
•An act of good will spawn one of evil. The use of fire will cause somewhere to grow cold and dark. And to save a life, one must sacrifice another.
•The only magic people have access to is Chaos Magic. No one uses it, for obvious reasons.
—••• •• ——• ——• • ••• —•• •• —•—• —•— ••— •••
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asmoshywrites · 4 months
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How to avoid character inconsistency in your writing
Set your character boundaries:
What's the background?
What's your character's backstory?
What are their traits, and how do they portray them?
Know what keeps your characters motivated. (Are they reaching their goal?)
You can avoid quick shifting of scenes. Let your readers absorb the setting of the scene.
Ensure that their actions and decisions align with their development and growth.
Tip 1: Start your chapter with a scene or dialogue that comes back at the end, which helps maintain consistency.
Tip 2: Throughout the chapter avoid the fast pacing of the story, rather let the characters express themselves so that it's clear for the readers.
Consider how your characters react to situations that are hard to convey. (Do they feel nervous? Scared? Fearless?)
Dialogue writing is crucial in explaining your character's personality while writing a story.
This process requires lots of re-reading and writing, fixing character holes and rewriting character arcs.
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brotrustmeicanwrite · 3 months
Getting two likes when you share a piece of your writing while that shit post you made at 3am gets 200 notes really is a different kind of pain. We need to reblog each others writing more. Much much more.
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iridescentmemoria · 1 year
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saraswritingtipps · 3 days
Alternatives to "Beautiful"
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writers-potion · 2 days
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Magic In The Future Ideas
Universities have departments of magic, offering degrees in subjects such as magical anthropology, magical energy studies, comparative magic and magical theology.
Research magicians apply for grants from the government.
MRI scans detect what results from magic activity has on the brain
Some psychotherapists specialize in treating magic-traumatized victims
A large part of each nation's military budget goes towards magical weapons and defenses.
In some areas, magic is so frequent that the concentration of magical energies leads to problems: pets display disturbed behavior, wildlife fail to reproduce, and homing pigeons lose their way.
Instead of finding witchcraft cool, teenagers moan about having to study magic in school.
Software and apps enable ordinary people to use magic on their computers.
In some countries, denying the existence of magic is a punishable offense.
In totalitarian states, all magic is controlled by the government. Anyone found practicing magic without permission gets imprisoned.
Unprotected exposure to large doses of magic is harmful.
Magicians seek publication in peer-reviewed journals.
Environmentalists advocate the use of magic instead of fossil fuel.
Large-scale studies compare the effectiveness of different spells and magic systems on different people, complete with control groups and placebos.
Hospitals employ healing magicians the same way they employ surgeons and scrub nurses.
Teams of mages compete in televised contests.
After decades of unrestricted magic use, humans become aware that magic harms the environment. By that time, Earth suffers the consequences of heavy magic pollution.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
💎For early access to my content,  become a Writing Wizard 
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akwardsilince · 8 hours
Person A: "Next time, try jabbing them in the throat."
Person B: "That could kill them."
Person A: "Is that not-- then what's the goal here??"
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brandyschillace · 2 months
Like putting together a bee hive. Badly. With the aid of Cheezits.
I’m not the only author who keeps bees by the way. I know @neil-gaiman used to keep them in Wisconsin. And Sherlock Holmes gave it a go, too, so it’s not a bad gig for a historian-turned-mystery-writer, either.
Yes. I might be procrastinating.
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seraphinesaintclair · 3 months
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“Death’s Fingers” by Seraphine Saintclair
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27paperlilies · 4 months
Here is some ✨ i n s p i r a t i o n ✨ and ✨m o t i v a t i o n✨ for anyone stuck in a creative slump.
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