akwardsilince · 2 hours
Person A: "Person C went missing."
Person B: "Fucking finally."
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akwardsilince · 1 day
Person A: "Don't be stupid."
Person B: "Like. Temporarily...?"
Person A: "I mean, permanently would be nice but I'm not going to ask much of you."
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akwardsilince · 2 days
Person A: "Are you not angry?"
Person B: "Oh, I'm livid."
Person A: "But you don't... look like you are?"
Person B: "That's because I have a good temper. Take notes."
54 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 3 days
Person A: "Forgive me."
Person B: "No <3"
[Person B proceeds to stab them at least twice. Thrice depending on who you ask.]
34 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 4 days
Person A: "I'll bury you with me.
Person B: "Romantic. But why am I dying first in that scenario."
64 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 5 days
Person A: "You don't want to mess with me."
Person B: "I messed with the last person who said that to me."
Person B: "They were no longer able to say anything after that."
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akwardsilince · 6 days
Person A: "Ow-- Did you bite my tongue?"
Person B: "You piss me off."
Person A: "There are other ways to express that with less mixed signals!"
122 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 7 days
Person A: "I am a weak man."
Person B: "Please get up--"
Person A: "A WEAK MAN, I AM."
44 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 8 days
Person A: "Would you love me if I killed you?"
Person B: "I'd rather you ask me about if you were a worm or not."
65 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 9 days
Person A: "I see we're playing hard to get."
Person B: "We're playing 'get the fuck away from me'. You're losing."
93 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 10 days
Person A: "You're staring."
Person B: "You're pretty."
Person A: "You've been staring for thirty minutes straight."
Person B: "You're very pretty."
282 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 11 days
Person A: "You're staring quite hard at my hands there. Find something interesting?"
Person B: "They're very big."
Person A: "Yes, well, they have to be in order to fit around your neck."
47 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 12 days
Person A: "How do you want me?"
Person B: "In bed. Asleep. Get your dark circles out of my face."
172 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 13 days
Person A: "I think I'm in love."
Person B: "I think you have a raging fever. Lie back down before your delusion gives you depression."
210 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 14 days
Person A: "Consider this a favour."
Person B: "How in the world could this possibly be a favour."
Person A: "Well I didn't say it is one."
66 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 15 days
Person A: "Would you ever forgive me?"
Person B: "Ha! No."
64 notes · View notes
akwardsilince · 16 days
Person A: "But you love them."
Person B: "Yeah. Would kill for them. And because of that, I live to make their life harder."
Person A: "That makes no sense--"
Person B: "If they don't have a headache upon seeing me, then it's not enough."
67 notes · View notes