#Long Poem
flowerytale · 1 month
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Nikos Engonopoulos, from Bolívar, a Greek Poem
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marxm0703 · 5 months
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A poem I wrote after fainting at work and seeing the reactions of those around me. Someone had made an insensitive joke and inspired me to write this. I put a lot of heartache into this so I hope others who ache too can enjoy. I personally think it's some of my best.
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forestgirlpoems · 24 days
Late Nights Lying in Bed
in a blue car the dome light refuses to die out;
a girl trying to find the reason, opening each door
trial and error in the darkness
heart beating one two
skipping one two
a mosquito buzzing and whining
right next to an ear
flying in and out of reach
pushing dials already dialed to the max
the lid must be removed
before the pot boils over
where's the lid in a human body
when all tears have run out dry
and a scream keeps building
and the heart keeps beating...
even at midnight
the light refusing to die out
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leenlue · 23 days
Most days I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning
And when I do finally untangle myself from layers of sheets that strangle me
I daydream of being there again
Where the warmth of my blankets is equivalent to the comfort of a friend
Most days I don’t want to wake up
I want to rest my eyes
Not for five more minutes, more like five more months
In a perfect world I could stay as long as I want
I could sleep until all that’s left of this place is me and the trees
I once wrote a poem titled “my bedroom is trying to kill me”
But only because I feel compelled to never leave
My therapist calls this a symptom
But I disagree because I’ve always loved sleep
And what’s the harm in a little fatigue if I’m not hurting anybody?
Last week my mother told me I need to eat
She said she’s really starting to worry
But I see nothing wrong with taking a break and I’m in no hurry
I guess it just feels like things make more sense in my bed
I don’t feel so trapped in my own flesh I don’t feel like a prisoner to my own head
- d.
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ominousblob · 3 months
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//I have this secret that I don’t think I could ever share, but you won’t tell, will you? You couldn’t, even if you wanted to.
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jamerasjournal · 28 days
Black people speak two languages. Job interview and AAVE. Question: When I fill out a job application can I still check the box that says bilingual. Does my ability to code switch depending on the setting that I’m in count as a job skill? I am always subconsciously turning down my blackness in an effort to make other people more comfortable. Beyoncé once said, “Got all this money but you’ll never take the country out me.” I felt that. I started kindergarten already knowing how to read and write. And no matter how many times my mama made me practice Hooked on Phonics, my first language will always be Ebonics. Spell Mississippi. M-I crooked letter, crooked letter- I- crooked letter, crooked letter- I- humpback, humpback- I. Okay, but spell it for real this time. M-I crooked letter, crooked letter- I- crooked letter, crooked letter- I- humpback, humpback- I. Did I stutter? I bet my great-great-great-granddaddy had an accent so thick that one sentence sounded like one word. And what’s in that word? Levels upon levels of trauma that you couldn’t even begin to fathom. It’s a slave spiritual sung over plantation fields, the last two letters spun into the cotton in your t-shirt. An apostrophe added cuz If you say one more syllable, you just might get whipped, boy. It’s living in a world where you can’t read the words. Mispronouncing words you don’t even know how to spell. While the rest of the world looks at you like you ain’t got no sense. But tonight, I’m gon’ talk how I wanna talk, cuz that slang is in my bones. And if you don’t like it you can get up out my face. Period. And I don’t wanna hear a nan ‘notha word about me talking “ghetto” when I stand before you with a last name my ancestors wouldn’t even begin to know how to say. And every time I sign my name I’m paying homage to the white family that used to own mine. Our language is one of the only things that can never be taken from me. It’s embedded into generations from long before my time. It’s okay that you don’t understand it, I’m not allowed to speak it to you anyway. Lest you call me uneducated, illiterate, or unprofessional. I must censor myself, brush it under the tongue. That is until you make me angry. Then everybody and they momma gon’ know you got the wrong one. Try me if you want to. I was raised on, “Do I look like Boo Boo the fool?” and “Stop crying ‘fore I give you something to cry about.” And that’s word to my momma. What’s in a word? I see your eyes widen when the African American Vernacular comes bursting out. So foreign to you it sound like a Voodoo spell. Yeah, this how I really be wanting to talk. Fix ya face. I cannot be Afrocentric and Eurocentric at the same time. I do not have the Freedom of Speech if the way I speak determines my intellectual capabilities. I must always accommodate a society that refuses to accommodate me. But you knows what? I’ve gotten real good at talking “white.” But every once in a while, if you listen- I mean real, real good. You can still hear that one crooked letter. The black cracking through like a toothless grin. Yeah. That’s my great granddaddy saying, “Say it with your chest girl.” So if you hear me talking loud it’s cuz I’m finna say something real important. And when I speak, you better listen.
-jamera naquai, CROOKED LETTER
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sevyn-stars · 9 months
As The Poets Are
I hope I am remembered the way the poets are,
Walking around their world with elegance and grace.
Feared by those who have wronged me,
For their deeds lay immortalised in the tomb of ink;
The worst form of torture.
Loved by the ones who know me,
For their grace stays forever in the words I buried them in;
They will never truly die.
The word of a poet is a blanket of love.
One so many wish to feel the embrace of.
Living forever in a garden of words.
A garden that goes unwatered by so many.
I hope that someone waters my garden,
Like I water my poetic ancestors.
I hope I live my life,
And not hide within the comfort of a shadow.
I hope I am remembered the way the poets are.
And I hope you are too.
I'll water your garden,
If you water mine.
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ATTENTION GEN Z, I know we hate poetry, but please, if you've ever felt alone, or hated technology, or hated Gen Alpha, please read this, repost, do whatever, but please, this was written for all of you <3
The news this morning 
Was talking about how we go to Chat GPT
For therapy
And advice
And my mother said it’s just because we don’t know how
To communicate face to face
When why should we?
You shoved an iPad into our faces
The second we were old enough to comprehend it
You put on the TV
And we believed the characters were speaking live
And they could see us
Through those pixels
Why shouldn’t we turn to a computer
To give us answers
When it’s that that gave us the issues to begin with?
Why shouldn’t we
Chat with a computer
About nothing and everything
When it is that 
That made us feel so isolated?
People wonder
Why we’re so concerned about Gen Alpha
And it’s obvious
When we think about it
It’s not because they’re growing up too fast
It’s because we know what it’s like
To have wires shoved into our veins
And now
Now they were born with them
Already pulsing through their blood
We don’t want them to make the same mistakes we did
But I think it’s too late,
They’re already turning into what we don’t want
To ever be
And it’s scary to watch,
We know what technology has done to us
And we don’t want to watch anyone else
Succumb to it like we did
We are the last generation
Who went outside to play
And know what birds sound like
And wish to break their phones
We are the last generation
That will ever
Have a normal childhood
Now we can just watch
As the depression rates get higher
And more young children know what suicide is
Too early
And learn how to self harm
And lose their innocence
And be scared of men
And not care for dolls
We are scared of them
But we’re scared for them
Of course we turn to AI to talk to
Our parents don’t get it,
They can barely find opening hours for a shop,
While we can find a 10-step guide on how to murder,
Or build a bomb,
And guides on how to manipulate your body
And everything is at our fingertips
This is generational trauma that they have created
We can watch someone shooting their brains out
And we can receive photos from anyone
And why do we know what everything we shouldn’t worry about is?
We had COVID
And we turned to screens
And went on TikTok
And created trends
And it felt like a community
Until everyone was there
And we couldn’t do anything
And we got addicted
And we can’t turn back
We started with chat rooms
And we found like minded-people
And it was always “sweetie, be careful of creeps on the internet”
And now it’s just
“Be in bed by 10”
But we’ll keep scrolling
And we all have friends who live half the world away
And if you mention that
Someone has to ask if you’ve called yet
And “have you seen their face?”
We can look at anything
There are guides for everything
We know where Kim K was two minutes ago
And why do I feel pressure to always have something on my story?
We talk to robots
Because no adults will ever know
How sick we feel 
Before we go on our phones
No adults can know
How we’ve seen every scar
And depression become a trend
And we have to use the hashtag actuallyautistc
No adults will know
How there are video essays on anything
And we shouldn’t know about everyone that has been raped
Or murdered
And we shouldn’t have wikihow
On how to be attractive
It started as a joke,
How stupid is this thing I found?,
But we keep reading it
And we start to believe it
Why would we read books?
Technology is constantly advancing
Everything is irrelevant in months
And we must be careful not to be cancelled
And a dress can divide a nation
We don’t want to watch Gen Alpha
Leap so blindy into their screens
Trusting what they read,
We want to keep it for us,
We have to live with it,
And as much as they suck,
It is our fault for staying 
And posting everything
We are a sad generation with happy pictures
And a face full of makeup
And we’re just perpetuating stereotypes
And you can’t like something unless you’re obsessed
We can know the cure for any medical condition
But there is no guide on how to destory our screens
And lives
And I know I’m fifteen
But this is ruining mine,
And so many others' lives.
We don’t want to see little kids
On their mums phones
And my mother defends it,
Saying mums just need a minute to breathe,
But please
Anything else
I don’t want to see a baby already addicted to CocoMelon
We don’t want to see
More people falling into a hole
And we know it’s why we’re sad
But nobody else should have to go through it,
That’s for us,
That’s an us problem
I saw a six year old
Using Drunk Elephant
And swearing in her GRWM
And none of that is fair,
How are we letting this slide?
But we can’t do anything
Because we don’t want to admit there’s a problem
We can learn anything about Hitler
And anything about Meryl Streep
And it can be within the same two fucking clicks
I remember
When my age on TikTok clocked over to 15
A few days before my actual birthday
And it was then
That all I saw was suicide notes,
And self harm scars
And how to hide things from your parents guides
And abuse stories
There was no going back,
Every other person whose a teenage girl on the app
Is probably met with the same things as me
The algorithm
Is designed to show you a positive video
Every few scrolls
Just to keep you hooked,
And it works,
It’s a science,
It works to a T
We can know where any friend is
And read receipts plague us
And anything will be screenshot
And used against you
School thought taking away our phones 
Would fix this,
Like it’s a magical cure,
When all it’s teaching us
Is how addicted we are,
And how best to hide an earbud
And we need music to concentrate!
Or course we do,
We have constant stimulation
It is never quiet
There is always a voice talking
We are getting mad at kids for being on a phone
When we all know
We’re just mad that it is actually happening
And we can’t warn them
And no one will listen
Because how could it be that bad?
In ten years
People who grew up with technology 
Are going to end up with something like PTSD
Because we can’t let go of it
We can’t put it down,
We can get an essay written for us in seconds,
And Dall-E can make anything for us
So of course we’ll talk to AI,
It’s better than talking to a real person
And acting like we’re okay,
We’d rather sit behind a screen
And control sims
And listen to music
So we can’t hear our minds
Every time I scroll through
I’m met with tales of girls who get killed by their fathers,
Every time I scroll through
I’m showen another 7 second video
With sad litte text
On sad little faces
We want to escape,
We want to tear our veins out,
Rip the wires,
Shove them back in to our body
After we re-wire our brains,
Of course,
Because we can diagnose ourselfs with any mental illness
That we see fit
Because there has to be something wrong with you
We will never go back,
It is impossible 
We have Whispers from Pinterest
And sad purple quotes
Lining our camera roll
Which should highlight our happy moments
But is just videos of us crying
It has ruined relationships,
How dare we follow another guy,
How dare he like another girl's photo?
We have our music right there
We don’t have to learn lyrics,
We can play any instrument,
We must like Taylor Swift,
We must have Kanye West
Everything is a trend
And your clothes must match your aesthetic
And you have to be funny
Or smart
Or creative
And how dare we burn out?
How dare we burn out
When if we didn’t rot in our beds
Scrolling aimlessly
Would solve half our problems?
There is no fix now,
We have to watch them grow up
Knowing they’ll ask what this-big-word is
Before they’re even five
Because an ad came up on mummy’s phone
And “what’s a vape?”
And “am I fat?”
All we can do now
Is listen to our sad songs
And act like social media
Didn’t ruin our perceptions
On everything.
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env0writes · 1 month
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NaPoWriMo Vol. 3, 4.5.24 “That Ain't Playing Phaoroh at the American Dream“
What’s a dollar Dollar bill Y’all? Lying? Trying? Dying? For this green? Grass and trees and leaves fall all the same Why play pretend with markets in the clouds What is a dollar, a buck, a doe? Although without I’m dying, trying, lying Asking why I’m not enough Dollar bill, y’all Survive on these slip Slip, slip, slippery slope Pink slip car loan Pink slip house loan –Reminder I’m a man– Can’t afford my home, my car, my life What’s a dollar An hour? How many? I’m spending my day working for so little When the bed I sleep in, in the house I weep in Will never be bought with that labor Who enjoys the fruits of these planted labors? What juice spills from distant lips?
What’s a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all aren’t all vying for more? Trying for more Dying for more? Why must we play pretend–passing ice-coins Wintered the weather about to maintain this illusion This song and dance Won at the tip of a lance Am I to die on the streets where I sleep After a hard days work Gunned down by a passerby whose offense is taken At my presence In my work, when offense is taken At my presence What sense does it make to not be seen Santa’s little helpers Slaving away So some other might gloat and tote Can I sleep on it? Wipe my weeping tears on it? Who will take what I have Leaving what little for tomorrow And tomorrow’s tomorrow Before I again have to borrow So that this cycle of green Of greed Of grasses–greener Perennially blooms; forebodes doom
Where is safe from this dollar? Dollar bill Y’all The grass is always greener The management always meaner The bankers always keener I am saving, graving, paving the way But not to walk upon but on I am the stone–ascended Who can afford to be single? Who can afford just one? In a market that’s rising–water levels Left to drown I can swim–only so long Tread water, dread water, fed water And drown Green stays afloat It is soluble, solution, able and capable Why must I live to work and not Live and work Where did the and’s go? Where did the green go? Barren and wearing no colors of life The suburbs and cities and folks are all white Washed and packaged for resale again No space is owned save the barony lords
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Learn all day To work all day ‘Til your dying day What is there to say? “He was a busy and dedicated man to his work” Will his work remember him Remembered for his work Who will grieve the cog replaced The seed replanted The crack that’s mended When the old days are waning The sunset soon fading I will keep working for that return of the green The average mean The stacks slapped in my hand To feed and afford what I can Because what use is a dollar That can never call her Back Buy my time Back Take it all Back What use is a dollar? That can’t buy back my time wasted in youth In adulthood so ruth-lessly sought
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Aren’t struggle to own any bit of your life Your car is on loan and your house and your wife At the slightest inconvenience The drop of margins Swoops the executive C On to elevate thee Claiming your purchases are just temporary They’ve licensed your time Your work and Your sight All that you own And all that you might Work for that dollar Plug and play on their game I’ll keep dreaming, Filling reem in -of paper And dream of my paper My dollar Dollar bill Y’all
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
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shrxmpyyy · 6 months
The Moon, the Earth, and the Sun
I love you
I love you like the moon loves the earth, Admiring from afar
Unable to get close.
A slow, eternal dance between
A dreamer and their fantasies
I love you like a dog loves it's person
Blind trust in you, unyielding passion
But you love him.
I can tell when you talk to him,
About him
The way you look at him
The way you're drawn to him
Like the earth is to the mighty sun
The elaborate dance
Between your souls
And he loves you.
I can tell by
How he lights up when you walk in a room
Like someone returning home their dog
Greeted with adoration
I love you so much,
That I'll stop loving you.
Or try to, at the very least.
I'll love you like the moon loves the earth,
Watching from a distance
Slowly inching away to avoid
The aftermath
Maybe I'm afraid
Afraid that you two will last
Afraid you'll never love me like I do you.
My fear, my love, and I will observe
Like the moon does to earth.
Mourning it's love.
I realize now that I am the moon, you are my dear, sweet earth
And he is your blazing, adoring sun.
I'm accepting these cosmic laws
Keeping me from you
Accepting that you'll always choose him,
That he has more to offer
That he's better for you than I could ever be
The sun is powerful, strong, and caring
The moon is cold, and hides parts of itself
From the view of others
But I can't seem to stop thinking of you
Can't seem to stay away from you
Almost as if we're
Tidally locked
Destined to stay together,
Destined to be apart.
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angelluvrs · 3 months
I dreamt a perfect fantasy of you
My knee touched yours
and you didnt pull back
You rested your hand
and gave me your eyes
I melted inside
You tell me you could tell
by the way I talk to you
I didnt pull away
Entangled in eachother
When you touched me so tenderly
You healed the wounds other men had left in me
I woke up longing
for a moment nonexistent
Broken once again
I went back to sleep
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naeemajusthasthoughts · 6 months
I don't think that you tried to see it from my point of view The hellish sort of pain that only you could put me through. I don't think you can see that underneath I have accepted the plea a non-verbal sort of surrendering me There are no words that could be said no apology that could mend this fence yet I have silence myself to hold on the last piece of peace and not make a monster out of me The anger that spoke The words that intended to hurt That hard rock shell was never a shelter it was only a pretence those cracks are too deep to repair. I don't think you have tried to ask the other side only a straight long road with blinkers on the sides, it is in those hidden paths that I reside in hidden in and hoped so deeply, that I could make it one day without fighting to not be afraid, still you have hurt me once again. Though perhaps it was me this time feeling the lost feeling of being left outside and those voices fighting in my mind, But only one that's too loud and too proud stubborn with on emotions resting inside It laughs every time. Setting what I knew from those dark days And this feeling doesn't seem to go away. I don't think you have ever tried to see it from my point of view You have always loved taking sides that only suited you left me on the outskirts trying to find myself anew and God knows I have tried to but this voice inside It doesn't want me to let go any time too soon.
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mysmallviolin · 7 months
when i was two hundred pounds i told my doctor in a fit of impulsivity that i didn't even plan with the small hope he'd stop me before i got too far: "i'm not hungry" he said, "good, you could stand to lose some pounds" and sent me on my way with a flash of approval in his eyes when i was one hundred fifty pounds i told my therapist hesitant, but still wishing desperately someone would save me from myself with the lingering hope she'd stop me before i got too far: "i'm not eating" she said, "good, you could stand to lose some pounds" and sent me on my way with a flash of approval in her eyes now i weigh one hundred and three struggling not to dip any lower despite my brain telling me that i need to my doctors, they now say "you should eat more" with a disappointed look in their eyes this is what they wanted, though they told me this was good losing weight was the best thing for me, right? no matter how it's lost? i hate them, for turning away for looking past the words where i begged them to listen, for once, just listen where i begged them to help and they never did thank you, doctors for all your wisdom thank you for supporting me and my anorexia for helping me lose all those evil, evil pounds. thank you for helping me kill myself slowly
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leenlue · 1 month
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- d.
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slouchingwriter · 2 months
I have many memories of poverty, some better or worse, one that sticks with me on an ordinary day is having the soap disappear on your hands because it is so diluted with water, or no soap at all. Or one towel for a household, third in line for bathwater. I'm only 33 years old and when I tell people this they think I'm not telling the truth. That it couldn't have been that bad because things have changed since they learned about workhouses in school. The thing is, when you're poor you have things, sure - a phone but you might need to sell it, buy another, sell that. You need furniture so it's second hand, and I don't mean a beautiful oakwood countertop, I mean the sofa someone scrapped ten years ago because it collapsed. Buy a dishwasher. Hard when you when you move house every six months, or less. Can't afford movers, or a car that works for longer than a month. Life is transient, luxuries are short lived, there were times when I was young when we had new bedding, and new towels, but we had the same set for months, unwashed because we couldn't afford the launderette. Torn and threadbare because my parents were so depressed, sewing takes time, it takes energy. It takes skill. Bake your own bread, but we couldn't afford the ingredients, the time, and for two years we had no kitchen, just a sink at the top of the cellar stairs. No breakfasts, no lunches for school, not being able to go to school because you were needed at home. No further education because you needed to go to work because if you don't, we can't afford the rent. I'm not writing this for sympathy, this is reality for the majority - I just need people to realise that poverty is very real and it's everywhere, and it looks exactly like those documentaries and period dramas, only you're not Elizabeth Bennet, you're the underpaid servant in the background.
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jamerasjournal · 8 months
Here we are, bound by a string that goes out of my heart and into yours, made of two souls twisted into one. I so often forget that you’ve been on this earthly side 10 years longer than I have. You, quiet and stoic, and me stumbling behind you, grasping for your coat tails asking questions that you always seem to have an answer for. When we first met I used to think that eventually you’d get tired of me. But if patience is a virtue, you truly are the most virtuous of us all. You’re still here.
You have one of the most beautiful hearts I’ve ever been blessed to hold. I didn’t know a chilly November night would bring me someone that would stick by my side the way you have. Everyone who knows us can feel how deeply we love each other. So deep, that many people aren’t even able to comprehend it. But we do. I moved 1000 miles away from home and the first gift Utah gave me was you. How you showed up exactly as I needed you to. It doesn’t make sense how we get on each others last nerve, but can’t stand being apart. How if we haven’t seen each other in 72 hours it feels like a puzzle piece is missing. Who else can I talk to through the sky? How intricately connected do you have to be to be able to feel each others vibrational frequencies. The way we can say, “I need you.” without a single word dropping from our lips. And yet, we always answer the call.
You’ve taught me that I don’t always have to speak, sometimes all I need to do is show up. In every season, in every storm. I’ve watched you transition from she to they. Watched the hair grow on your legs, I’ve watched your eyes light up when I tell you that you look handsome. You’ve taught me that you don’t need the same parents to be a sister, or certain body parts. That some things don’t make sense, they just are. You just are. Here for the vibes, even when you’re unwell. I know sometimes you fake it, cuz you’d do anything to keep my smile big and my eyes bright. You’d give me the world if I asked you for it. I know that’s too much, but if you smile for me one more time, I promise to pour the sweetness of life through the gaps in your teeth. You’re still here.
A psychic once told me that this is our 4th lifetime together. Thank you for finding me. It all makes sense now. I hope in the 5th one you’re not as sad. And if it so happens that the stars align and they spell out sorrow. Then I will beg and beg to take your place. That’s how much I love you. I am my sister’s keeper. And you’re still here.
You are a fighter. On the days when your spirit is bright. You are a fighter. On the days when you are stapled to the mattress with thoughts stuck in the back of your throat. You are a fighter. And you’re still here. My sister, my fiercest protector, I know there’s not too many people who love me the way you do. I am always reminded that best friends are so hard to find, because the very best friend is already mine. And you are still here.
-jamera naquai, You’re Still Here
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