#Legend of the Bat
silveremulsion · 1 year
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Legend of the Bat (1978)
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Bruce Wayne beats the shit out of a Vampire!!! Not Clickbait!!!
SO, after Danny is adopted by the Batfam and they accept his Halfa Status, he gives them all their own special Fenton Deflector Badges that will prevent them from being overshadowed and lets them touch ghosts even while intangible
Of course Vlad finds out that his little Badger got adopted by an entirely separate Billionaire and wants to get revenge.
So one day, while Bruce is walking down the street, Vlad tries to overshadow him. He is hoping that he will be able to destroy Bruce’s public reputation and then sell himself Wayne Enterprises, making himself the richest man in the world and making Danny run to him instead.
What actually happens in that Vlad collides face first with Bruce’s back and is knocked to the ground. Bruce turns around, recognizes Vlad, and starts beating the everloving crap out of him.
And across the street, some people are recording it. It looks like a Looney Toons Sequence, with Bruce and Vlad fighting with a bench concealing their view, Vlad and Bruce appearing above a bench, with Vlad holding bruce in a chokehold before Bruce kicks him in the *redacted* and they both fall out of view again,  Vlad trying to crawl away before Bruce drags him back behind the bench, Bruce standing up just in view above the bench, and then proceeding to deliver an Elbow Drop. Basically every comedic fight element you can think of.
The Video gets posted to Youtube and goes Viral within the day.
Danny has a GIF of Vlad trying to crawl away and getting dragged back as his Screensaver. The GIF if him getting kicked in the *redacted* is his Background.
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samusaran221 · 1 year
POV: An Electric Keese caused you to drop your sword
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jjkyaoi · 3 months
how different the atla main group and the lok main group are is Still the funniest thing in the world to me. like, the gaang are real sweet best friends, would die for each other and kill for each other, probably, a sprinkle of found family, friendships CAN last more than one lifetime, etc. and then korra has dated literally all of her three best friends. everyone in that group wanted a piece of the avatar’s ass
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 15
Hood remained silent, even as he clenched the gun tightly in his hand. He hadn't even seen a hint of green portals or blond elfs but 200 witnesses couldn't all be wrong.
All of them had stated that a white haired meta with a gas mask was working with a blond elf with a leaf mask and that they had been the ones kidnapping the kids and teens of Gotham.
Jason had heard stories of fairies snatching kids and infants, sometimes swapping them out with a sickly one of thier own. But there were no trades that Jason knew of. Only missing kids.
Hell, all of the biggest child gangs around Crime Alley and the Narrows were gone.
As in gone gone. Not a single member was left nor any trace of where they could have been taken to. As much as he hated to admit it, he might need to ask for help from the Justice League Dark...
Link stared down at the kids from his rooftop perch.
They looked...cleaner. Happier. They had gained a healthy amount of weight, no longer stick thin and weak looking. They had season appropriate clothing without holes and others hidden away in chests and armours for the coming seasons far off from now.
His spirit friend, Phantom, had panicked a bit after he realized what they were doing was trafficking, but calmed down once he pointed out that these kids would have a much better life in Hyrule than they would have had in the rotting trashpit that was Gotham.
If they would have lived much longer at all
Still, thier presence here was mutually beneficial. Hyrule had lost over 80% of its population in the Great Calamity and they were no where close to regaining the population they once had. All of thier forts, training areas, ect were specifically targeted and destroyed in the attacks and gardians and monsters were left in the ruins to ensure they could not rebuild what was lost
Which led to the bigger issues at hand. All the empty occupations.
The castle, and thus castle town, were ground zero for the disaster that wiped out the Hylian peoples. With it many businesses and trades were lost. Hyrule had few soldiers and those they did have desperately needed armor, weapons and training.
That wasn't all. Hudson construction had attempted to repair Castle town and eventually the castle, but they were wood workers, not stone masons. They knew little of the craft that was needed.
There were lessons and information in the castle archives covering most of the jobs and trades, as well as how to proform them, but the princess didn't see it as a priority. They didn't have the people necessary to teach these crafts and the castle and town surrounding wasn't really a priority anyway. Not with all the people who still needed help around the kingdom.
Phantom helped a lot too. Other than helping them build towns for the kids (the child gangs actually really liked having a town all to themselves) he did a lot of other random jobs around the kingdom, much like Link himself.
Unfortunately, his next trip to Gotham lead to a run in with the "Red Hood" and the phrase, "Was that a fucking fruit grenade?!" Link did not know what the word "Fucking" meant but the Hood man would not tell him. He is learning a lot of new words from this guy, words that Phantom appearently didn't like cause he loudly scolded Red Hood like a naughty child the first time they met. It was hilarious to see this tiny 15 year old tell off a giant tank of a man.
Link couldn't see the mans expression due to the odd red helm the man wore, but he could tell he was cowed, even if just a bit. Then he began speaking to someone who wasn't there while pressing his finger to the side of his helm where his ear should be. Is Red Hood ill? Does he have a mind sickness like the ones Phantom told him of when describing his parents? Or is this something Link doesn't yet understand...either way he doesn't think he's getting more children for Hyrules future in this trip...or anytime soon if those ominous masked people landing on the rooftops around them had any say in the matter.
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nightwingcouldyounot · 6 months
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This is Bruce as a dad to me - blunt criticisms followed by almost over-caring advice.
(Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 100)
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halloween-sweets · 8 months
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
Jason & Tim Brotherism
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snails-in-spaceships · 5 months
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Do you think Ravio puts this in Legend's house and Legend hates it and tries to get rid of it, but Ravio replaces it every time? Because I do.
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zeldasgard · 2 months
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Sort of sequel to my last art I guess hahah
I regret nothing.
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kirain · 2 years
Kevin Conroy, the iconic voice of Batman in many notable works, has sadly passed away at the age of 66. He will forever be the voice of Gotham's greatest protector for me, as I'm sure he will be for many others. He positively impacted my childhood and brought life to the most meaningful and compassionate Batman since the character's inception. Rest in peace, hero. You were vengeance. You were the night. You were Batman.
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preposterousjams · 9 days
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Batgirl (2000)
Girl casually stole Barbaras half eaten apple after dropping off a bomb like it was nothing
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"Blighted Werebat"
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Pedro Otelcana
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flexingtyger99 · 2 years
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Empire State Building in honor of Kevin Conroy
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honeybeeffdrawshere · 6 months
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🦾🦾🦾 + gwen tagging along
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 6
Link stared at the boy he had just saved. He was...considerably younger than he had been minutes ago before the strange monster had attacked them and he feared that if he saw his reflection it would show something similar had happened to him.
Unfortunately, Links shield had broken in the impact of the attack and while he had protected himself from the blunt of it, he was still smaller than the black haired child he had jumped into the fray to save.
Link was not familiar with the language of this place, only knowing the boys name, and the name of the city they had been transported to: Gotham. He hoped the princess and her sages wouldn't panic too much when they discovered he was missing but he could feel through thier vows that the sages have already noticed something was wrong. Nonetheless, he had a child to protect and nothing was going to stop him from doing so, even being adopted by what Link believed was the king of this realm, Bruce Wayne
On the other hand, link had lost his childhood the moment he had drawn that sword, everything being stolen from him to prepare him to fight the calamity. He would not say no to having a belated childhood with nearly a dozen older siblings to protect him...did...did he even want to be found? Being found would mean he would have to return to Hyrule. To his old life.
He decided he did not want that.
Danny had similar thoughts. His parents never actually cared much, his best friends had abandoned him the moment Gregor came into the picture, and his sister never paid much attention to him either. He didn't have much of a life and the whole reason he had met elf boy and accidentally kidnapped him was because he was in the zone trying to vent his pent up aggression through beating the hell out of whoever and getting sucked through a portal a ghost had created to get rid of him.
Meeting Link was one the best things that had ever happened to him though he felt kinda wierd about the blond elf boy protecting him, especially since the little guy often killed his opponents, regardless of whether they where human or not, a fact that seemed to have the local furries fighters in a tizzy. I mean...they can't exactly beat up a small child but they can't let him keep doing what he's doing either but they can't put Link into the system cause him being a blond elf boy would make him a prime target for trafficking so adoption it was. Danny also had to be adopted too due to how attached Link was to him
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