kitsunbs · 9 days
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- Evelyn Waugh, from Brideshead Revisited (1945)
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kitsunbs · 13 days
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kitsunbs · 1 month
So Shuichi likes to read poems. Sue him. Sure, he's mostly really off when it comes to his interpretations, and his timing blurting out quotes is pretty terrible, but meanings and such are always in the eye of the beholder, no?
…….maybe a proposal isn't exactly the right timing for some quotes, though (snippet, unfinished, established saiou, modern au)
"...pence…. shoe.".
"Huh? Huh?? Did my beloved detective saaaay something?"
"And a sixpence in your shoe," Shuichi blurts out, louder than he intended to.
Red immediately creeps up his collarbone. Shuichi clutches at his dress shirt.
Kokichi stares at him, blankly. Gets up without another word and heads toward their entryway. Shuichi hears a click as Kokichi opens their shoe cabinet and he wants the ground to swallow him whole.
When Kokichi comes back to the living room, one hand balled into a fist, Shuichi is barely able to look at him. He avoids his eyes, instead stares at his cheek.
"You're not serious," Kokichi says blandly.
Shuichi bites his lip.
It starts slow. A shaky exhale, a rattling throat. Shuichi's still staring at his cheek.
So he's surprised when that cheek suddenly leaves his view and he's stuck at staring at purple hair as Kokichi doubles over, clutching at his stomach.
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kitsunbs · 1 month
oldoldOLD snippet, dina/carla, abo, omega/omega, slight nsfw
She's pretty, is the thing.
If you're into the wide-eyed virgin look, that is. Not so much a virgin Mary anymore, though, if the barely visible bump under her apron's anything to go by.
She inhales. The glimmer of her cigarette burns bright. She discards it with a practised flick of her fingers, doesn't bother extinguishing it 'cause her Manolos are so not worth it. Leans back against her car, and waits.
Not for long. Pieces slotting into place as the girl waves her colleague goodbye, turns toward the train station.
She's got no car. She's barely nineteen. Dina grits her teeth. Can't comprehend what Grisha was thinking.
What she herself’s thinking. Of doing. 
She intercepts Carla before she can get far.
"Miss Segreti," she greets, and Carla turns around, stupidly happy smile on her face. Her hand's on her stomach, fondness in the circles her fingers draw over it.
Dina's gonna be sick.
She's only eighteen. Research dictates her birthday was last week.
She's at least two months along.
"Mrs. Jäger! Oh, what a surprise to see you, Ma'am!"
Ma'am. Dina wonders if she calls Grisha Sir while he's balls first inside of her. If he calls her sweetheart, baby, if he promises her the world like dying stars still burning bright.
Dina’s so ill, it's like she could drown in her own sick.
Dina doesn't think he fucks her often. Still so virgin pure when Dina eats her out, flick of her tongue over Carla’s clit and sweet slick on her tongue.
Sweet little puffs and darling moans, and she's gonna take this girl even if it kills her. Make up for her husband's faults 'cause that's always been what she's good at.
Maybe her husband's just never showed her any courtesy, either.
She kisses Carla, one of a lifetime opportunity, with the girl's slick still wet on her lips.
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kitsunbs · 1 month
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I think I was just born with something dark and ugly inside of me. Always waiting to be found out.
planetarium - adrienne rich/@twoheadedfawnn/ugly, bitter, and true - suzanne rivecca/a burning hill - mitski/a hora da estrela- clarice lispector/ @100493503004422/sharp objects - gillian flynn
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kitsunbs · 3 months
the fear of sharing your work not because you're worried people will hate it or mock it or think it's terrible...but instead that it will elicit nothing from them. that it will be unremarkable. that it won't matter to anyone but you
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kitsunbs · 3 months
I feel like some people need to relearn Genre Expectations... "Man, this tragedy sucks!!! Why didn't they just do XYZ, then everything could have ended happily!!" well, then it wouldn't be a tragedy, would it. "Man, this lighthearted teen romcom is terrible, it's so sappy and unrealistic!!" Well, yeah. If it had been gritty and dark, it wouldn't have been a lighthearted romcom, would it. Is the writing actually bad or are you just trying to order a milkshake from a Home Depot
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kitsunbs · 3 months
being a writer is so embarassing. i'm sitting on my bed, bopping to my music, kicking my feet, imagining scenarios. and i'm looking at internet pages about asbestos.
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kitsunbs · 3 months
Work in Progress? No, Work in Purgatory 😔
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kitsunbs · 3 months
editing your own writing is like woah you really like commas........ maybe ease up on those commas there, pal........ maybe Fewer commas would be nice
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kitsunbs · 3 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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kitsunbs · 3 months
"writing is hard" to YOU. to me, it's impossible
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kitsunbs · 3 months
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kitsunbs · 3 months
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