#It was luck that I was already granted an a with my first name
It wasn't enough for me to get A's in school, I needed all the A's I could aquire, no wonder I'm Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender.
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annymation · 4 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 3- Star/Aster)
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Ahem… so yeah welcome to part 3
If you haven’t seen them yet, here’s the links for part 1 and part 2 where I talk about how I’d rewrite Asha and the villains respectively.
Star may be the most challenging character to reimagine since… All I have is the personality displayed on the Star we DID get, a song we all collectively headcanon as Asha x Star love song (At All Cost Demo), and my imagination… In a way that just makes things more fun too.
Now remember there’s no definitive version of this character, he never came true so there’s limitless ways we can interpret him.
Some may imagine him mute, some may imagine him as a wacky character like the genie, others may imagine him more soft spoken like the blue fairy, some may imagine him as Asha’s love interest while others may prefer them as just friends, or even have him look like her grandfather, there are no wrong answers.
So here’s how I imagine him to be like:
The Star 💫
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What’s a Wishing Star?
- Before we start talking about our star boy, I think it’s important we establish what a wishing star even is, so let’s begin.
-Star is an entity from another plane of existence, a wishing star, a being whose only purpose is to listen to the wishes from mortals that can see him and other wishing stars through their night skies. They listen to the wishes from mortals and provide some guidance in subtle ways.
- A wishing star is born, or rather, gains consciousness, once someone looks to them and makes a wish from the bottom of their hearts, once the star receives their first ever wish they are no longer just a celestial body of gas, they become a new wishing star, they gain a purpose, and develop their minds just like how a human would.
- As the years pass the star becomes more wise, more equipped to help the person who wished upon them for the first time.
- For a wishing star to grow up it may take a while, that’s why most people wish upon bigger ones who are already fully developed and clever enough to know exactly how to help.
- It’s not a wishing star’s job to GRANT a wish immediately, in fact, they’re incapable of doing that, their magic can only go as far as the hope and perseverance that resides in their wishmaker’s heart.
- Things that the mortal would consider just luck could actually be the works of a wishing star putting them in the right path.
- If the person loses hope in their dream then there isn’t anything the star can do, but if they remain determined then the star can help them go far.
- So a wishing star job is to just… stay in the sky, look down upon their wishmakers, give some subtle magic intervention here and there…
-That is, when they’re wished upon at all, otherwise they just stay there doing nothing.
- However… In some rare occasions, wishing stars can do a lot more than just give a subtle magic intervention from the distance. Sometimes, when someone truly well intentioned makes a wish with all their heart… The wishing star gets the power to do some extraordinary things.
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- Star, or Aster as I’ll be calling him in this rewrite, which is a non-binary name meaning “star”. I’ll be referring to them with (He/they) pronouns.
- Aster is a very young and inexperienced wishing star, in fact, counting with Asha’s wish, Star only got TWO wishes in their whole life. And he’s still working on granting that first wish he ever got 18 years ago.
(Haha I’m sure that’s not foreshadowing for something really sad)
- Because of that he’s often treated by the other stars as sort of a younger sibling or a little kid.
- I think I should just get this info out now: Aster is NOT the north star, that big, bright and iconic star we know from the Disney movies, nope, Aster is actually a small itty bitty little star that you can barely see, that kind of star you probably wouldn’t pick to wish upon, most choose the brightests and bigger ones.
- So who’s that big, bright and iconic star? Well, in the beginning of our story… That star doesn’t exist, like, it’s literally absent from the sky… After all, we're seeing that star's origin story :)
- We’ll get to that when we get to that, back to Aster tho.
- Aster is a lot different from the other wishing stars, while they’re these benevolent and wise entities, Aster is more of a naive and curious teen who’s fascinated with the world below them.
- No one wishes upon him EVER so he gets a lot of free time to just watch humans do human things and animals do animal things, and he loves it.
(He’s like Ariel and Quasimodo lmao)
- When he gets to earth he’s very excited to help Asha, showing appreciation for her wishing upon him through a lot of physical contact, often hugging her and holding her hand without him even noticing. (Asha at first is confused but she gets used to this behavior pretty quick)
- Although Aster is naive and overly excited they’re no fool, he can be very clever and creative when it’s necessary.
- He’s also not a fish out of water like Ariel when he’s on earth, they understands human customs and how things work, since he watched everything from the sky… Although nevertheless they’re delighted to see everything up close.
- He may be smart, but at first, they don’t really know how to guide Asha in the right path to make her wish come true, after all he’s a very inexperienced wishing star, and freeing a kingdom from an evil sorcerer king and queen is no easy task.
- But regardless he doesn’t let his own insecurities get to him, and remains optimistic they’ll figure it out, together.
His personality is reminiscent to Disney guys such as: Quasimodo, Peter Pan, Prince Philip (yes really, rewatch Sleeping Beauty, that boy has a lot of personality), Alladin and Hercules.
Main Traits:
- Optimistic and kind
- Naïve
- Protective
- Curious
- Energetic
- Secretly very insecure
I think it’s important to establish his abilities before we get to his backstory and all that jazz.
What he CAN’T do
Just like how Movie Asha did in her job interview, let’s get his weaknesses out of the way first.
- Sooo… don’t get mad but… Star won’t be a shapeshifter in my version. I don’t want him to feel too much like Maui or the genie. So he’ll stay in the shape of a princely looking boy the whole way through.
- He can’t teleport, would make things too easy, also there’s a plot reason I’ll explain later.
- Can’t materialize real things out of thin air, only things made of star dust so they don’t really have any utility other than to create fun visuals during music numbers or when he’s explaining stuff.
- Can’t hurt anyone, this one is VERY IMPORTANT for plot reasons I’ll talk about later on.
- Can’t make a wish come true with the snap of his fingers, he’s a star, not a genie.
Weakness: Dark Magic, hopelessness and Asha getting hurt.
What he CAN do
- Stretch and re-shape his body. He may not turn into animals but his body can regenerate and squash and stretch around (haha get it? Like the animation term), like he’s made of star dust. Have this piece of concept art as an example:
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- He can Fly and make other people and objects fly too
- Unlock doors, may seem random now but I’ll explain in a minute.
- Bring plants to life, and make them grow bigger, and I mean like “make a flower the size of a house” bigger.
- Make animals talk, but the animals only keep talking IF they so desire, if that’s not something they wish for then the magic fades away with time.
- Tho he naturally understands animals and any other living thing in their own languages.
- He can feel other people’s wishes, not all the time tho, he has to make a conscious effort to see what’s that person’s deepest desire.
- His body is warm like a small sun, so he can give warm hugs… that’s a power, yes.
- Aster may not teleport, but they can move really REALLY fast
- Uncorrupt wish bubbles, I mentioned in part 2 that Magnifico twisted most the people's wishes, those wishes that are changed are called “Corrupted wishes”, Aster can change those wishes back to what they originally were.
- Create dreams, is that too much like the sandman from rise of the guardians?… Im still keeping it.
-Get inside drawings, This is just for a scene I imagine Aster shrinking and walking around inside Asha's sketch book, I think that's cute.
- Make a human disguise, I'll elaborate more on this when we get to talk about his design.
- He can grant wishes “but Anny you just said earlier he can’t—“ yes yes I know… he just grants them in his own unique way.
What gives him strength: Hopes and dreams
(Undertale reference? More likely than you think)
A wishing star purpose is to serve as a guide, that provides some magic intervention so that the wishmaker has the means to get to their goal.
As such, the stronger Asha’s hope, perseverance and passions are, the stronger and more limitless Star’s magic becomes. Like his magic abilities are charged up by Asha’s beliefs, the more she wants something, the more he can do for her.
Now, let’s talk about how Aster and other wishing stars that come to earth function, and to do that, we gotta go waaaaay back to another wish granting character in the Disney catalog.
The Blue Fairy- What can we learn from her?
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- We all know the blue fairy from Pinocchio, she is in a way the closest thing we have in the Disney canon that resembles the concept of Star, so I’m considering them as both the same kind of entity, they’re both wishing stars.
(not the same character tho, and I’ll get to that soon don’t you worry)
- You would think a character we see so little about doesn’t provide a lot of context, but she actually gives us a pretty good idea about what wishing stars can and can’t do.
- First thing she says when arriving is:
“Good Geppetto, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true.”
- From that, we can interpret that wishing stars only assume a human form and help those who are truly pure of heart and have spread kindness to others. Like Asha.
- Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be a real boy, a human boy, but the blue fairy couldn’t grant that wish, because the only one who could make himself a real boy was Pinocchio himself.
“To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be enterely up to you. Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy"
- So, am I saying that Aster will just fly up to Asha and say “it’s all up to you to save your people… GOOD LUCK! 😊” sparkle some magic on her and leave?
- Well no although that would be funny, he’s not gonna do that, in fact, Aster will act way differently compared to the Blue Fairy.
- Although Aster can’t immediately make the people of Rosas “Have something more than this” he will do everything in his power to help Asha with anything she needs, and stay by her side the whole way through… Not at all what the Blue Fairy did.
- Lets say the Blue Fairy did exactly what a wishing star is supposed to do.
-She didn’t let herself be seen by anyone except Pinocchio and Jimminy Cricket, she only gave Pinocchio a few instructions and then left it all up to him, and even then when she went a bit beyond that to inform him that Geppetto was inside a whale she did so by sending a note… Almost like she couldn’t go back again to tell him personally… Interesting huh?
(I know the reason is because the animators would lose their minds if they had to draw that sparkly effect on her dress a third time but let’s pretend there’s more to it okay?)
- So we have her being the best role model of a wishing star… and then we have Aster...
-Doesn’t even know where to begin with helping Asha, chooses to stay on earth more than a day instead of just giving cryptic advice and leaving, was seen by multiple people aside from just Asha and Valentino, and worse of all, falls in love with his wish maker… yeah dude broke several rule… And the other stars ain’t happy about that.
- You could say the scale of Geppetto’s wish and Asha’s wish are way different, one just wants a son and the other wants to defeat two evil monarchs.
-But the stars don’t see it that way, to them every wish should be treated equally and it’s not their purpose to mingle with humans and change the course of their history.
- So you see, while the Blue Fairy could go back to the sky and then reappear anywhere she wanted… Aster won’t have that privilege.
-If he goes back to the sky he’s not coming back down, because the other stars won’t allow it, not after he broke their rules.
- Aster knows all that, because he can hear them talking to him, warning him to stop and go back to the sky… Aster keeps that information a secret from Asha for as long as they can…
- He knows after he’s done helping Asha they’ll never see each other again, but that’s fine, he’s willing to break every rule to help her…
- Oh also there’s a scene in Pinocchio where the Blue Fairy opens a lock to free Pinocchio from a cage… that’s why I said Aster can unlock doors… okay moving on to our boy backstory.
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Yup, Aster has a backstory. And it all started in one fateful night:
An elderly man was taking a walk, carrying his granddaughter in his arms, she was just a few weeks old, but he couldn’t wait to show her how beautiful the stars looked that night.
He sat with her on a thick tree branch, and even though she couldn’t understand him, he was so happy telling her the names of each constellation.
In that moment, it seemed like everything was perfect.
But then that moment ended… He heard screams, and smelled smoke.
The elderly man ran back to his home, only to find it completely engulfed in a fire.
His granddaughter was now crying in his arms as he watched some neighbors trying to put down the fire, but to no avail.
His son and daughter-in-law were in there, he lost them both in an instant, the pain he felt in that moment was immeasurable.
In that moment of sorrow all he could do was look up, between the thick smoke he saw it… a small star.
With all his heart, Sabino wished upon it
“I wish my dear granddaughter, Asha, never feel such pain and sadness as I’m feeling in this moment”
A new wishing star was born.
Those words were the first thing Aster ever heard, it took a few years for him to even know what they meant, but as Asha and him grew older, he started to understand them.
He tried his best to make Asha as happy as she could be with the little that he was allowed to do.
Sometimes giving her inspiration for her drawings, other times sending her nice dreams after a bad day.
But he felt like he was failing her, no matter what he did, Asha would still go through sad times… Specially after her grandfather passed away.
Aster treasured every happy moment that he saw Asha experience, her making new friends, getting better with her drawings, dancing during wish ceremonies. Aster would shine brighter every time she was happy.
Point is: They were connected the whole time, and Aster already knew Asha even way before she wished upon him.
To be clear he wouldn’t just stay up there looking at Asha all day, he was also interested on everything else on earth in general.
But then, we have Asha’s 18th birthday, the day she had to give away her wish.
Aster knew what was really going on in Rosas, about what happened to most of the people’s wishes, and although that also saddened the other stars they all agreed they couldn't intervene unless someone from Rosas wished for their help.
So you can imagine how happy Aster was when Asha wished upon HIM, of all the stars, she looked at him and asked for his help! What are the chances?
If you could listen to them, you’d hear all the stars collectively whisper “oh…this might not end well…” as Aster flies down to earth going "YYYYYPIIIEEEEEEE!!!"
A Star Who Wishes To Be Human
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- I’ve made it very clear that Aster is different from the other stars, for the reason that he’s so young and so fascinated with life on earth.
- But there’s more than that, see, I mentioned before Aster can’t hurt anyone, and that’s not because he’s some holier-than-thou pacifist, it’s because his magic literally CAN’T hurt living beings.
- Because his magic is made of ✨hopes✨ and ✨kindness✨ and ✨everything nice✨, so even if they literally make a sword with his star dust, all it’ll do is give Magnifico some tickles.
- And Aster hates that.
- He wishes he could be more useful to Asha… wait, “wishes”?
- That’s silly, a star is not supposed to “wish” for anything, to have wants, that’s a human thing... And yet here he is wanting to protect Asha in any way possible.
- This drive to protect Asha runs even deeper than just the wish he received from her grandfather or the wish she made, Aster feels as if it's a wish that comes within him.
- Aster would question why they feels this way, is it love? Can’t be that right? A star can’t fall in love…
- The same way a star can’t taste food, or smell the flowers, or feel temperature…
- But Aster wishes they could, Aster wishes he knew what food tasted like, what was the smell of the flowers and the morning dew, but most of all… Aster wished he could feel Asha’s warmth, the same way she feels when they embraced.
- This would be Aster internal conflict for most of the movie. They’d realize that they can’t be with Asha forever, but Aster wanted to at least confess his feelings before they went to enact their plan to defeat the king and queen, that’s when we’d get “At All Cost”.
- Soooo a bit of a spoiler to this rewrite, I’m basically telling a story all out of order at this point, but here goes, Aster does become human by the end, after the king and queen are defeated, the stars realize that punishing Aster for breaking their rules wouldn’t be fair after he did so much good, and also because some of them can’t stand him so they decide “hey, let’s leave him there” and just ask him to return his magic back to the sky.
- Once Aster accepts, his magic would be turned into a brand new star, that shines brighter than all the others, because it carries all the magic that Aster accumulated by helping Asha and all of Rosas. And thus we’d get an origin story for THE wishing star.
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Aster has brown skin, sparkly freckles and blond hair that shines and moves almost like a candle.
He dresses up as a prince, with the classic cape we see in classic princes like in Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
They choose that form because he recalls that Asha used to read a lot about princes that would help princesses in need, so he thinks it's fitting to at least looks like one to help Asha
"But I'm not a princess"
"I know, you're just pretty like one!"
A itty bitty detail I didn't mention until now: Aster would be hand drawn animated, while everything else would be 3D, and his animation would change as the movie progressed.
By change I mean he'd start in a very sketchy looking animation, like it's being drawn very frantically to reflect how excited he is to help Asha, but as the movie progresses he'd be drawn with more detail and with more fluid movements.
This would serve to both represent his character development, showing him becoming more mature and learning what it means to be human, and also a reference to how Disney's animation evolved over the years.
He can make a human disguise, as I mentioned earlier, but that would require him to keep his magic hidden somewhere, in this case, a round stone that holds his cape together on his chest.
Once his magic was all kept inside this stone he'd turn into a 3D animated character, however his movements wouldn't feel... quite right, like he'd be animated in a different frame-rate compared to everyone else, so you could tell he was struggling to make himself move like a human, and people would be able to tell there was something off about him.
In the end when he turned into a human for real he'd become 3D animated with the right frame-rate, and his hair would no longer be blonde, but rather brown, like his eyebrows (Tangled reference? yup)
Final Thoughts
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This was DEFINITELY the hardest one to translate my thoughts into words! My gosh this took so long to write.
Don't know if you could tell but I'm very passionate about this scrapped idea of a human looking star falling in love with our protagonist, and no it's not just for the ✨aesthetic✨.
I don't think it's wise to throw a romance when writing a story just because you feel like it, a romance needs to progress both the story and the characters involved, think of it like how Naveen learned with Tiana the importance of working hard, while in turn showing her that life can also be fun. They complete each other, and I want the same for Asha and Aster.
Asha needs to learn that she shouldn't feel guilty for wishing more for herself, she worries too much about others and what others may think of her that she forgets her own self worth, and Aster shows her that she not only can wish for things for herself, but she can also accomplish anything she sets her mind to. From becoming an amazing artist that can give movement to her drawings to the leader of a rebellion against two evil monarchs, she can do it all.
Meanwhile, Aster needs to learn that what Asha's grandfather wished upon him is an impossible task, for Asha to always be happy, that's impossible, because sadness is a part of life, its a part of being human, and that's what he learns, what it means to be human, to fail, get up and try again. As a wishing star Aster always knew that humans had to fail a bunch of times before having their wishes granted but he could never imagine how hard that actually was, and Asha's perseverance even with all odds against her is what makes him love her even more.
I talked a lot about why Aster loves Asha, so I should probably mention what Asha sees in him too. Asha get's a lot of laughs from Aster's innocent reactions to natural things on earth, like how dazzled he is seeing the sun rise for the first time, how he just stops and starts chatting with animals and plants like a damn disney princess, or how he randomly starts rambling about how some constellations don't look at all like the animals they're named after "Like, seriously, why did they name that one a lynx? That's obviously a snake hehehe"
But most importantly she loves how caring he is, how he's supportive and passionate about her interests just as much as she is, and how he makes her feel safe, and in turn she wants to protect him too.
I'm honestly debating with myself how I want Aster to go about the information he has known Asha all his life, like, I imagine he'd probably want to hide the fact because he didn't want to talk about the sad tragedy that led to her grandfather wishing upon him, yes Asha knows about the fire but he doesn't want to remind her and make her sad, because remember, at first he doesn't understand that sadness is just part of life.
But then like, would he pretend to not know her? Or would he be like a ghibli character and just nonchalantly say "Oh yeah, I’ve always known you" and never elaborate on that until the story demands it?
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… Great, now I just had the idea of Aster functioning like Haku from Spirited Away, like they don't remember where he knows Asha from because he forgot what their previous wish was now that he’s granting a new one, let's say stars can only remember one wish at a time, then as he gets to know her better he starts to remember what his first wish was, and things start to make more sense.
I don’t know, like that’s cute but might be a bit too complicated, y’all tell me, I’m throwing ideas and seeing what makes sense, this whole thing is me asking for feedback after all.
Honestly I think the idea of Aster knowing Asha the whole time works because it not only gives a better explanation to why a star came down from the sky to help her, but also gives more sense to the lyrics “you still amaze me after all this time” in At All Cost.
Welp, I think that's all I got, thank you so much for following along with this series, and don't worry I'm not over yet, there are a few characters to talk about before I start sharing the actual script of this rewrite.
Thank You For Reading!
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beepboopkek · 4 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (F!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AFAB!Reader amab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , afab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, pu$$y eating, 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also amab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you've cheated!”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't really reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it definitely restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day.
“Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your sticky folds, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan buried his face into your pussy, moaning at the tangy taste as he dipped his tongue inside you. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air on your clit made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
Jing Yuan spoke in a low voice, right against your pussy, which was, to your annoyance, visibly wet.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your folds, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on your clit. 
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically eating you out, dipping only the tip of his tongue inside you before pulling his mouth back up to stimulate your clit.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your pussy clench around his thick fingers at 
A warning. 
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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angel-eyes05 · 22 days
What's In A Name
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pairing: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
summary: as a master thief, you pride yourself on never getting caught. that is until you're caught by the straw hats as you try stealing from their ship. unable to turn you in to the authorities just yet, they'll have to make due with storing you on the going merry in the meantime. but, your time in confinement has allowed you to get particularly close to a certain swordsman. how close the two of you get is to be decided though.
warnings/info: nsfw mdni, oral sex (fem receiving), alcohol consumption, drunk/tipsy sex, face riding, my own sex headcanons for zoro are VERY clear here lmao ,takes place in between jaya and skypiea (please pretend theres more time at sea in between those arcs cause this will not work otherwise OK THANKS), this is for the pre-time skip zoro girlies (he's 19 pre-time skip dont come for me), no use of y/n, the first half of this is just cute shenanigans between reader and the straw hats. its a lot of character building stuff but i like it.
word count: 6.3k
notes: HI GUYS IM BACK IVE MADE MY RETURN I FOUND SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT!!!! and its the longest fic ive ever written too god damn what a comeback lmao. ok so i started watching one piece and im head over heels in love with this man...but i'm only up to water 7 rn so i only know how to properly write for pre-time skip zoro so thats how this is gonna go. i was looking for zoro/one piece fics to read but theyre literally all established relationship ones which aren't my cup of tea so im doing it myself lmao. also i didnt proofread i got too lazy sorry if some stuff doesnt make sense sorry sorry sorry but im a simple lazy tired girlie lmao enjoy!!
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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You didn’t know any of their names.
You had been aboard the Going Merry for about three weeks now, and you still hadn’t learned anyone’s names. Granted, your reason for being there wasn’t to make friends anyway. That wasn’t particularly easy to do, being tied up in some storage closet and all. 
Being one of the few residents who actually lived on Jaya had allowed you to pick up a skill or two when it came to stealing. Pirates with big bounties and even bigger treasures left their ships unattended at the docks, leaving you with some perfect quick heists from time to time. Some steals were easier than others. As much as you believed in your talents, most of the time your ability to get out unscathed was based purely on the luck of the draw. It wasn’t an easy life, many recent nights leaving you with more injuries than berries and gold pieces, but it was all you knew having lived here for so long. 
After having taken a break from heists for a bit, you finally laid your eyes on a ship worth stealing from. A pirate ship with a goat out in front and seemingly orange trees next to the helm. Most of the ships at the dock had been there for a while, leaving the pirates on board used to your tricks already. Being low on cash was another factor. So, after a bit of planning, you made your way onto the ship.
Earlier, you had found that one of the windows to a cabin had been left open, so you decided to make your entrance through there. You gathered your things and dove into the crystal blue water by the dock. Once you made it to the back of the ship, you took your rope, with your own handmade grappling hook at the end, and swung it to hook on the window sill. Luckily for you, it stuck the landing on the first try. You smirked to yourself and used the hook as leverage to climb up onto the ship. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the ship’s bathroom. Not super ideal. You’d have to venture more out into the ship. But with this came the risk of getting caught. Given your dire circumstances though, it was a risk you were willing to take.
With an attempt to make as little creak as possible, you slightly opened the door into the rest of the interior. Coast was clear so far. Suddenly, a shake rattled throughout the interior. You tumbled onto the floor, pushing open a door due to your unbalance. What the fuck was that, you thought to yourself. It quickly became no matter though, when you noticed the door had opened up to a room with a treasure chest tucked away in the back. Jackpot. You slyly made your way into the room and shut the door behind you. 
The room was neatly kept, with bookshelves, a couch, two sleeping hammocks, and a desk with navigation tools on it. There was even a bar. Though temptation pursued at you, you had to stay on task. While making your way over to the chest, you heard different creaks vibrating across the walls of the ship. You prayed to yourself that it was just the wood’s reaction to the waves. As you had predicted, the chest was locked, so you searched your bag for anything that could key the lock. 
Time became of the essence quickly as the thuds and creaks on the ship grew louder and louder. Finally, the lock to the chest made a perfect click, as the chest unlocked. You lifted the roof of the chest to find a sight for sore eyes: jewels and gold galore. This was it, you were set. You were so in awe with the vision before you, that you had failed to notice the woman standing behind you. The image you saw in one of the emeralds was a tall figure, with jet-black hair just below her shoulders, and dazzling blue eyes. “Looking for something?” the woman questioned, almost sarcastically. You seemed to have forgotten rule number one of thieving. Remember to lock the door behind you.
Quick on your feet, you whip around to throw a punch in her face, but her reflexes seem to be quicker than yours by the way she catches your fist. You then attempt to kick out her legs. The image you see next shakes you to your core. A hand, seeming to appear out of thin air, attaches itself to your calf. The hand then slowly raises your fear-frozen body into the air, dangling you upside down like a party toy. You attempt to throw more hits at her, all seeming to be in vain though. You kick and scream, like a child throwing a tantrum, in an attempt to get out. The woman looks out into the hallway and signals over another one of her companions. Fuck, this is turning sour fast. Before you can make out any other features of the man, besides his cartoonishly long nose, he uses his slingshot to pelt a rock towards your forehead. Your vision goes black as the rest of the pirates rush into the room.
The rough fibers of the rope tying your wrists together were the first thing you felt as you woke up. This was quickly followed by the underlying nausea from the waves rocking the boat, reminding you why you preferred to stay on land. You attempted to stand up, but your dizziness and the rope tying you to the floor weren’t letting you get very far. Suddenly, the door to whatever room you were in swung open, and the group of 7 pirates living on board entered the room. You slinked yourself along the back wall, attempting to disappear into your skin. You weren’t sure what felt worse: The fear of what they were going to do to you, or the embarrassment that you had been doing this for so long and still got caught.
Nope, definitely the embarrassment.
The man, no boy was a better word to describe him, standing in the middle of them attempted to speak to you before a woman with short orange hair cut him off. “If you think we’re gonna let you get off easily just because we’re also pirates, you’d be sorely mistaken!” she spoke, fiery anger lacing her words. The tall woman from earlier put her hand on her shoulder, calming her down, and walked out towards you. You tried to scoot away as much as you could as she crouched down to your level. 
“Listen, we want this to be over as much as you do. We would love nothing more than to get you off our ship and drop you off at the nearest island. But unfortunately for us, that would mean having to find a group of marines to hand you over to, who we aren’t the best of friends with right now. And we can’t drop you back off at Jaya since we’re too far by this point. So, for now, we’ll just have to keep you tied down here if that works out with you.” You began to speak before the woman cut you off. “You don’t have much of a choice in the matter by the way.”
She stood back up and began to exit the room, the other pirates following her except for two. The boy with the straw hat and another man, with striking green hair and three swords lying in a holster on his belt. The boy looked somberly at you as if he was against this whole idea. But the green-haired one just stared at you. As uncomfortable as it made you feel, you couldn’t help staring back into his piercingly soft eyes. “Come on, let’s go,” the green-haired man said to the boy, finally breaking eye contact and turning his back to leave. The boy followed him shortly after. As he closed the door, you had nothing left to focus on except for the itchiness of the rope, the empty stuffiness surrounding the storage room, and your worsening seasickness.
The following weeks had the same routine. Each of the pirates on board took individual shifts watching you during the day when they were just out at sea. The strange reindeer creature would watch you when they were out on islands. The first shift was taken by the tall black-haired woman. She would come in at the break of dawn to make sure you didn’t find some way to escape at night. You two would sit in silence for a little more than two hours, asking and answering some questions before switching spots with the blonde one. His company was strange, with him hitting on you at random points in your conversations, but he always brought you breakfast in the morning. As much as he made you uncomfortable sometimes, you couldn’t deny that his cooking was the best you’d had in years. He’d even let you take a hit off his cigarettes if you ever asked, so his visits had its perks. 
The next shift was taken by the orange-haired one. The first thing she would always do when walking into the room was ask you how creepy the blonde one was. The answer varied on the day. Once she warmed up to you, she would bring you tangerines from the trees out on the deck. As the days passed, she eventually explained that the treasure you attempted to steal belonged to her, which you begrudgingly apologized for. On some level, you felt bad. These seemed to be small-time pirates, just trying to get by like you were. The more you learned about each of them, the worse you felt about your actions towards them. 
Around lunchtime, the long-nosed one would bring you your meal, cooked again by the blonde man. This member would go into detail about his next invention he was working on in his workshop. You admired his passion and energy towards his craft. His rants and rambles were normally interrupted by the reindeer creature coming in for his shift, causing intense, yet entertaining, arguments to break out between the two of them. The reindeer was the sweetest of all the crew members, always checking in on your health and helping you with your seasickness. He would talk about his home and his experiences there. You developed a pity for the creature. His presence was calming, and you felt as if you could let your guard down around him. That would change as soon as the straw hat boy would come bouncing into the room, scaring both you and the animal. You would soon come to learn the energetic boy was the captain of the ship, which shocked you. But you soon came to understand why. His crew had a massive respect for him, even if he was the root of half their problems.
Being on the ship, you got extremely close to all the pirates. Even the tall woman from before seemed to respect you in some way. You enjoyed all of their company. There was something strange about them though. One morning early in your stay on the ship, you could’ve sworn you’d heard the tall woman say something to the rest of the crew. 
“Whatever you do, don’t tell her your name. Your name is your biggest secret.”
You didn’t know any of their names. You had thought you heard some of them speak it to each other in passing conversations, but not enough to remember who was who. You had bonded with them, but if someone put a gun to your head and told you to name your prison guard pirates, you’d be dead in seconds.
Except for one.
Zoro seemed to be his name. He would come in for the last shift. His presence didn’t frighten you, but it slightly intimidated you. His habit of carrying his swords everywhere he went wasn’t helping. He was silent his entire shift, normally dosing off halfway through after spending around an hour sharpening his swords You didn’t even attempt to make conversation with him. You found out his name when the captain would yell for him to get back to his sleeping quarters. “Zoro! Your shift’s done, you can sleep for real now!” he shouted across the hall the first time it happened. Zoro almost bounced up from his sleep and gave you one look before bolting out of the room to catch up to the captain. You could hear the echoes of their bickering from down the hall as you giggled to yourself. At least he didn’t seem to always be that stern.
It seemed crazy to you. His name was the only one you knew, yet you knew the least about him. He had hardly said 5 sentences to you in the three weeks you had been on the boat. His stoicism was one of the things that drew you into him though. Something about his demeanor, how intensely he would sharpen his swords, how his worries seemed to melt away the minute he escaped into a slumber, and how alive he seemed when he was with his crew. It was enticing. You wanted to know more. You attempted asking him questions about himself, but the most you would get were one to two-word answers. The most you got from him was when your seasickness finally got to you, causing you to puke up the dinner the blonde one made for you. “Woah, are you okay?” he asked concernedly, shooting up from his seat. When your only response was a cough and more puke, he ran out of the room to go get the reindeer. One thing he failed to do was close the door behind him. 
You speculated your options. You had no idea where you were. You could be out in the middle of the ocean. Or you could be right about to dock at land. If you managed to scrape yourself about the ever-loosening rope and sneak out, you’d be free. You’d never have to worry about these pirates again. 
At this point though, did you want to?
You took too long to decide, the reindeer rushing into the room with his medical kit, the blonde one short behind him. As the reindeer gave you a dose of medicine and cleaned up your mess and the blonde one held your hand and consoled you, your attention stayed by the doorframe. Zoro leaned against the wood, watching the work from afar. What shocked you most of all was his face. For a man who seemed so disinterested in you and your existence, his brows were furrowed, his cheeks had a light pink stain on them, and a slight frown invaded his face. He was concerned. Maybe even a little nervous. But why? He’d never shown any sort of emotion towards you before other than sleepiness. Once the reindeer and the blonde one left, he continued with his shift. You noticed something though. He sat closer to you than he normally did. 
You couldn’t tell, but you were blushing the rest of his shift.
Once he left, you sat in silence, thoughts racing through your mind, until you finally fell asleep.
You noticed a change in his behavior in the next few days. When you would ask him a question, he would respond now. And with more than just a “yes” or “no” too. He had more energy around you and wouldn’t spend his whole shift asleep. He would even let out a chuckle now and then. You didn’t know what you had done differently to get him like this, but you liked him like this. He was sweeter than he let on. 
Something had changed in you too though. On the occasions, you would catch yourself looking over his appearance. The more you observed, the more you realized how handsome he was. His clear, warm skin, his hypnotic eyes, his striking hair. You caught his appearance giving you butterflies when he would walk into your storage room. Your heart skipping a beat when he would give you even the smallest smile. You would stare even more when he would nap during his shift. Noticing certain things. The way his breath would hitch sometimes. How he always slept with his mouth open and would wake himself up sometimes with his dry mouth coughs. How his chest rose and fell with his soft breaths. How fighting with a sword in his mouth probably made his tongue stronger than other men you’ve met. You felt weird about it sometimes. Almost like some freakish stalker. But you would feel better about yourself whenever you would catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye. 
As time went on, the crew began to give you some more freedom. The tall woman began leaving some of her archeology books in the storage room to keep you entertained. The orange-haired one would show you all her marked-up maps. The long-nosed one would even let you out of the rope to test his inventions from time to time. With the door locked of course. And then, the big display came. One day, during everyone’s shift, they told you their names. The blonde one was Sanji. The orange-haired one was Nami. The reindeer was Chopper. The long-nosed one was Usopp. Their captain was Luffy. And the tall woman, who initiated your imprisonment, was Robin. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. With each passing shift, you grew more excited for the next. To learn the next pirate’s name, and with that, their story. Until the last shift of the day came. And you realized.
You already knew his name.
“My name’s Zoro,” he said quietly. “I know,” you replied, bluntly. 
Something felt different about this shift. You didn’t feel the same excitement you normally felt when seeing him. Without your connection to him before, his being the only name you knew, something about him just didn’t excite you as much. Now he noticed your behavior change. “You okay?” he inquired. “Mhm,” you responded in monotony. The rest of his time there was spent in silence. 
You felt bad about what you were doing. This wasn’t his fault. Yet you were acting like this. It was almost as if the two of you swapped places. He was now the one trying to dig information out of you. And you gave him nothing more than blank faces and empty words. You wished you could figure out why you were acting like this, but you had no clue.
Today though, the crew was going to take an extra step towards including you. Throughout your time on the Going Merry, you had only left your little storage room prison a few times. To go to the bathroom and visit the kitchen on special occasions. But you hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. After proving to the crew you had changed, they planned a little surprise for you.
Robin woke you up earlier than usual. “Is everything ok?” you asked, still half asleep. Robin just smiled at you. “Come on, get up.” You looked at her confused, as she walked over to your restraints, untying you from the hook keeping the rope down. She took you by your restraints and walked you out to the room. The mix of drowsiness and confusion left you slightly panicked as you realized she was walking you out to the deck. She opened the door to a still-dark morning. 
The rest of the Straw Hats were sitting out on the deck, just conversing and eating an extra early breakfast, courtesy of Sanji. They all turned to you once you and Robin walked out. “What’s going on,” you asked, still very confused. “On Thursdays, we all like to get up early and sit out and watch the sunrise. And we were talking about it, and we felt like you should join us this time,” Nami smiled. She stood up and pranced over to you, mouth slightly agape and speechless, and took you over to sit in between her and Zoro. You turned to Zoro, overwhelmed with emotions. 
It had been so long since you felt a part of a community of people. You never exactly fit in with the ruthless bands of pirates coming and going on Jaya. Finally feeling connected to people, especially after you wronged them so horribly, brought you happiness you hadn’t felt in ages. 
A singular “I-” was all you could manage to get out, a tear trickling down your cheek. “Just enjoy it. They’ll be at each other’s throats again in a minute,” he joked, getting a soft laugh out of you. He smiled gently, brushing the tear off your cheek. His finger lingered there longer than expected. You blushed. The butterflies were back and you caught yourself staring again.
“What’s that supposed to mean!” Nami interrupted. “Well, it’s true!” Zoro retorted, leaning over you to yell at Nami. The two began arguing as you noticed the sun starting to peak out over the horizon. “Shut up you two, you’re gonna make her miss it!” Usopp and Luffy yelled. They stopped bickering once they also noticed the sky begin to turn orange. 
The pinks and oranges mixed together in a beautiful watercolor painting as the sun reflected its image on the ocean. The soft waves bobbed the ship up and down in a calming hypnotic motion, almost putting you back to sleep. The beauty of it all was so serene. Against popular opinion, you always preferred sunrises to sunsets. The representation of a new day beginning. It gave you hope in your most dire situations. 
You lifted your head back to see the colors slowly spreading to the rest of the sky. Everyone to your right was in the same headspace you were like they were in some sort of trance. They were all cuddling against each other, Robin holding Chopper in her lap, Luffy and Usopp mimicking each other’s smiles, and Nami resting her head on Sanji’s shoulder. They all seemed so close to each other. Like a little family. Connected. You turned to Zoro to see if he was doing the same as the others, but all you found was his eyes softly gazing into yours, and his hand slowly inching towards yours. The minute he snapped out of it, he sharply turned his head and hand away and cleared his throat. You couldn't help but laugh at his schoolboy behavior. With your ego controlling your actions, you took his hand and slowly intertwined his fingers with yours. You could see a smile float onto his face out of the corner of your eye. You did the same.
The rest of the day was spent out on the deck. The feeling of the sun on your skin for the first time in weeks was euphoric. All you wanted to do was soak it all in. The Straw Hats must have been in a good mood today, because, with some extra convincing, you got them to finally take off your shackles. You spent most of the day sunbathing out on the deck with Nami. She had let you borrow one of your bikinis. You two were slightly different sizes though, so the suit was a little tight on you. You didn’t mind very much. You were just happy to be out of the same clothes you had worn for 3 weeks. Sanji didn’t mind either, ogling both you and Nami and basically worshipping the two of you. “It’s ok, he’ll get over it in a few hours,” Nami consoled. You circled the deck a few times to see if Zoro was anywhere in sight, but you couldn’t seem to find him. He probably went inside to nap away from the heat. Part of you wanted him to get the rest he deserved. The other really wanted him to see you in your outfit. 
The day really took a turn when Usopp brought out the liquor from the kitchen. “I was saving that asshole!” Sanji yelled. “Oh come on, this is a special occasion!” Usopp pleaded. With some more convincing, Sanji finally gave in. You and the crew got increasingly drunk throughout the evening, Zoro eventually coming out from wherever he was napping to join the party. You all had even decided to jump into the ocean and swim around for a little bit. All except for Chopper, very sober and very nervous for any incoming sea monsters. He had managed to get you all back onto the ship with some very convincing pleading.
You and Zoro caught each other catching glimpses of one another throughout the rest of the day. Zoro admiring your figure in the swimsuit, and you ogling at the way his damp shirt hugged at his muscles. One by one, as day grew into night, crew members began to pass out on the deck, deciding to sleep outside for the night. You and the other members who wanted to go back into the cabin, Zoro and Robin, made your way back down into the ship. “Make sure you tie her back up. No hard feelings but we can’t be too careful.” Even slightly tipsy, she was still her stern old self. “Yeah whatever whatever, goodnight to you too,” Zoro drunkenly pushed off. You giggled and blushed as he took your hand and led you down the stairs into the cabin. Robin sighed to herself as she watched the two of you scamper off.
You felt your heartbeat get increasingly faster as he led you to your room. For some reason, the air in the hallway got thicker as you got closer. You blamed it on your tipsiness. But your heart slowly sank as you got to the door, realizing you had to say goodbye to Zoro for the day. He opened the door and stumbled into your room, leading you in behind him. He closed the door behind him, hesitating for a moment before going to wrap the rope back around your wrists. 
He seems distressed for some reason, breathing heavily and avoiding eye contact. You look down at your hands, as he so gently maneuvers the rope around them. The butterflies begin to well up in your stomach again, the alcohol fueling their ferocity. His hands. So calloused yet so gentle. You can smell the remnants of sake exuding from Zoro’s heavy breaths. You looked back up at him. Were you two always standing this close together? You the butterflies keep rising and rising. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You’re not sure if you should run, kiss him, punch him, but you have to do something before you implode. Until. He stops.
The rope undoes itself in his hands as he freezes. His hands are shaking, his breath is heavy, and his eyes avoid yours like the plague. You were just getting antsy but Zoro seemed in distress. “Hey?” you ask, lowering your hands and dropping the rope to the floor. “Zoro?” You take your hand under his chin and lift his eyes to yours. You might throw up at any second. His eyes are so softly intense. 
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, sending chills down your spine. You both want the same thing. Both of you are just too scared to take the chance. “It’s ok. You’re okay,” you reassure him, placing your hand over his heart. His heart, which happens to be underneath his bare chest, him having taken off his wet shirt earlier. His breathing slows, and his eyes move down ever so smoothly from your eyes to your plump lips. You catch yourself doing the same to him, and you inching closer to him. “You’re fine.” Closer. “We’re gonna be…fine.” Your lips barely brush each other. The gentleness of the kiss is calming though, as you notice Zoro’s breath slowing. 
You brush again. And again. And again. Lips touching a little more with each meet. Until they fully interlock. The two of you melt into each other as Zoro wanders your back into a wall for support. Your kisses are structured, made to get the most out of each meeting. You’re both ravenous for each other, but you know if you go at each other like mad dogs, you won’t get what you want. So you both take your time getting to know the feeling of the other person’s mouth. You slip a moan out as Zoro’s tongue seeps between your lips. His kisses get slightly more sloppy as he runs his hands down your body. He feels the underneath of your breasts, the curves of your waist and hips, and finds a nice resting place under your ass. Your hands roam his cheeks and jaw, making their way to tug slightly on his moss-colored hair. 
“Needed this,” Zoro whispers in between kisses. “Needed you so badly. But I didn’t know how.” He separates his lips from yours and plants kisses and hickeys along your jaw and neck. “I was always just too nervous for some reason. You make me so nervous.” His hands find their way into your bikini bottom and fondle your asscheeks, getting a low moan out of you. The alcohol must’ve given him a confidence boost. “Good to see you found your footing now,” you whisper in his ear. He chuckles, the butterflies speeding up in your stomach. 
The two of you stay here for a little bit. Hell, you could stay like this for hours. Just soaking each other in. Feeling his warmth brought a fire into your soul. You could tell Zoro was getting a little antsy though, one of his hands moving from your back to your front, beginning to slowly circle your clit. The other hand went to your bikini, untying the back and letting it fall to the floor as his mouth moved to your breast. Waves of pleasure crashed through your body as you let him do his work. “God, you sure this is your first time?” you moaned out. He removed his mouth from your nipple to talk. “Never said it was, sweetheart. You just assumed it.” “Well from the loner vibe you got going on mixed with being on this ship 24/7, you can’t blame me for thinking that.” “Well the loner vibe worked on you, so who’s to say it hasn’t worked on others?” he smirked. You laughed to yourself as he got down on his knees.
Zoro slipped off your bikini bottom, completing the set on the floor. He kissed your v-line with the same softness he treated your lips to. He sat back on his knees for a moment to catch his breath, looking up at you, as if to ask for permission. You held your hand out to his cheek and rubbed it with your thumb. His eyes closed as he placed his hand over yours, as if you would ever take it away from him. God now this was a sight you could get used to. He was so infatuated with you it made your heart ache. He was right here at your disposal, yet you wanted more of him. So you bent down and gave him a sloppy forehead kiss. Once you were back up, he decided to go in. 
Like most things he does, he started slow and controlled. He kissed and sucked on your inner thighs. Once his hand finally left your clit, you knew he was ready. He kissed your cunt, using his tongue to lick up your wetness. You could pass out right now if you had less self-control. Whimpers and moans left your lips, your hips naturally starting to grind against his nose, relieving the ache in your clit. You let him know what felt good by the tugs and yanks you put in his hair. He was a natural. Your guess about his tongue earlier was right too. “You taste so good, just as I imagined,” Zoro breathed onto your lips. You could tell he was starting to lose his composure with the way he continued to bury his face into your pussy. Your cunt naturally tightened around his tongue as he tasted you. Your hips began to buck into his face as your grinding pace increased, the butterflies turning into a white heat you felt getting stronger and stronger. Your bud was becoming more swollen by the second. Your grip on his hair tightened to make up for your failing knees. 
You wouldn’t be able to take much more. Zoro wouldn’t either, his hand making its way into his pants to relieve his own bulge. His pace got faster to match your grinds. The smack of your lips against his tongue, mixed with both of your moans, was pornographically loud. Suddenly, the situation of Robin or another crew member hearing became an apparent one to you. That worry quickly left your mind once one of Zoro’s hands made its way to fondle your nipple. If he asked you to follow him anywhere right now, you might just do it if it meant this every other night. You felt he knew your body better than you did. “So pretty. So good for me. You make this so easy,” Zoro groaned between licks. “Zoro god fuck me please!” Your final whimper sent you over the edge as you wailed and came all over his perfect face. He licked up your juices as he finished his own job as well. Your knees finally gave out as you fell on top of him, into his arms.
He brought you down gently, straddling you on his lap as you wrapped your arms around him. He traced his cum soaked hand across your back and kissed your nape. You were more exhausted than expected, almost passing out in the crook of his neck. Even now, he was so gentle with you. “You did so good, darling,” he praised, kissing your earlobe. “Want…more…want you…inside me,” you managed to get out. He just laughed and pushed you up to look at you. “If you took me right now, I don’t think you’d wake up tomorrow morning. Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open, sweetheart,” he teased. You pouted. “Oh, you feel that proud of yourself?” your drunkenness fueling your frustration. “No no no, sweetheart,” he chuckled. Once your frown didn’t change, he stopped laughing and pressed a kiss deep into your forehead. “I’m sorry. What I meant was, if I fucked you with everything I have left right now, which is the only way I would want to do it, this floor would leave us with sore backs for weeks.” You stayed frowning. “I want to fuck you right, the way you deserve. And I can’t do it for you right now.” You pouted more at him. He smiled up at you and leaned in closer to your ear. “If you trust me, I promise I’ll make it worth your while. You’ll be walking funny for weeks.” God, you almost came again just now. You didn’t notice how much your jaw dropped until Zoro laughed at you. You couldn’t help but laugh back in tune with his infectious laughter. 
He kissed you with a fever behind his lips, then scanned the room around the two of you. “What’s wrong?” you drowsily asked. The exhaustion from you coming, the sleepiness brought by the alcohol, and how late it was getting was starting to overpower you. Zoro didn’t respond. He just grabbed your swimsuit and helped you put it back on, tightened your legs around his hips, and hoisted you up as he stood. You decided to ask questions once you had a clearer idea of what was happening. He opened the door and walked with you down the hallway, passing the girl’s quarters and into the men’s room. He checked inside quickly before bringing you in and signaling you to bring your legs down. You confusedly followed him to his bed as he groaned, rubbed his back, and sat down on the edge of the bunk. “Wanna explain to me what you’re doing?” you asked, slightly more awake. “If you think I’m just gonna leave you to sleep alone, tied up, on that dirty floor after what we just did, then you must think I’m a really shitty guy,” Zoro quipped before getting under the covers and trying to pull you down. You put some resistance towards him though. 
“B-but Zoro, I’m not supposed to be in here.”
“I know.”
“If someone catches me in here we’re both fucked.”
“They won’t catch you.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ll wake up before Robin starts her shift.”
“Are you sure, I mean I just don’t kn-.”
You stop your nervous rabbling and look at him as he sits back up. “Do you want to go back and sleep on the cold, dirty, hard floor?” You really didn’t. “No.” “Then stay here with me.” “But what if-.” “Do you trust me?”
You sure hope you did after all of that. His kind eyes reassured you in the darkness surrounding the two of you. You took a deep breath and nodded. “Do you trust me?” he asked again. “I trust you, Zoro,” you confirmed. He smiled kindly at you. “You’re fine. We’re gonna be fine.” He steadied you by placing his hands on your hips, running his hands along your waist, and pressing his lips into your tummy. You loved the way he looked at you. Like you were his whole world. It was comforting.
He took your hand and helped you into bed. You bundled yourself under the covers and wrapped yourself around his frame. He kissed your temples one more time before slipping into sleep, his light snores hypnotizing you into a slumber of your own.
The last thing you remember before dozing off was the feeling of his hands on your waist.
Everything you wanted was right here. In front of you. Straight out of a dream. Your only fear was that it would be gone once you woke up.
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a/n: THIS TOOK FOREVER GOOD LORD. anyways thanks for being here for my comeback era lol. my upload schedule is NOT going to be consistent this is just a little splurge i wanted to write lol. thank you for reading i really appreciate it (i also really appreciate engagement lol please like repost comment etc im greedy). i love one piece and i love zoro. once i meet law expect all hell to break loose im gonna write so much fanfiction about him its concerning hes so fine im so excited. anyways lol thanks love you bye.
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
Yoriichi saving you just in time from getting killed by a demon
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Pairing: Yoriichi x midwife!reader
Word Count: 4k
Synopsis: Your job takes you to the poor Kamado family, who are expecting their first child. But instead of a joyful birth, you are greeted by the cruel claws of a demon. What luck that an extraordinary swordsman shows up on this fateful evening.
Warnings: near death, injury, child birth, I'm not a midwife mystelf so this part isn't that detailed, lots of angst but comfort, this is my first demon slayer fic EVER so please show some support, I really appreciate it 🤍 (added 2 additional pics into the fanfic because I'm so amazed by the insane quality of these ai pics)
Tags: @froufrousnowman
„Excuse my rude interruption, but is this the Kamado residence?”
You are exhausted, sweat dripping from your forehead on this warm summer day, the sun shining down on you with all its strength. But you were called here, so you came. After all, this is your job. As a midwife by heart, you fear no weather when it comes to aid another woman by delivering her child.
“Yes, I am Sumiyoshi Kamado. Are you the midwife we were calling for?”
The man in front of you smiles at you kindly. You can tell by one look into his inviting eyes that he’ll be an amazing father. But before that, you have some work to do.
“That’s right, my name is (y/n). May I see your wife?”, you ask kindly, taking off the package of tools you were carrying on your back.
“She’s sleeping at the moment, but please allow me to lead you inside. Would you like to eat or drink something? I just cooked dinner!”
The excitement dripping from his voice really warms your heart. In times like these, gifting a child into the world seems like a burden, like an impossible task. It was in no way granted that an expected child was in any way welcomed. You’ve seen it all, the horrible things father and mother would do to prevent the new life from existing, how fate itself decided to stretch its hands out and take the child away from this earth way too soon. You’ve seen tears of joy, tears of grief, tears of despair. But oh, just one loving look of fresh mother and father into their babies’ tiny face is enough to make it all worth it for you.
“How did your wife feel within the last days? Did she complain about pain, especially in her back? Bleeding? Did she have to defecate more often than usual?”
Carefully, you place your tools onto a white cloth and disinfect your hands with strong alcohol when entering the room.
“She looks very peaceful, that’s great”, you hush.
What a beautiful woman she is, laying on her side with her hands covering her belly even while she sleeps safe and sound. Instinctively you kneel down next to her, gently caressing her cheek.
“This is your first child, isn’t it?”
“Yes. And I am beyond grateful you decided to help her even though we aren’t able to pay you decently. I wish I could give you more-“
“Please, don’t worry about it. I really enjoy being here. And if it helps your wife, no coins in the world are a better reward”, you interrupt with soft voice, looking down at her one last time before getting up and silently leaving the room along with her husband.
Your eyes dart towards the small window. How lovely the sunset looks today. Is it already this late? You must have been traveling for quite some time. As if on cue, your stomach begins to rumble. Well, maybe a cup of tea and something warm to eat would be a blessing right now.
“I am a little nervous. After all, I know nothing about the birth of children and how to care for them afterwards. But I love my wife so dearly, imagining a little child with her eyes truly makes me feel whole. Do you have any children yourself?”
What a kind man he is, sitting opposite to you with a cup of tea in his hand and his eyes glistening in the down-going sun. Despite the cruelness of the world, the tales of demons hunting down humans with what seems like no aim, all the bitterness and tears, this man was able to keep his warm smile and optimism.
“No. While I do adore children, I am not married. It’s hard to find a man willing to marry a midwife”, you explain briefly.
There is no sense in denying the fact that you are of low birth, a self-taught midwife since no man was willing to teach you. And in a world full of gorgeous young girls with skin like porcelain and kimono’s worth more than your housing, you will never catch the attention of a male. But somehow, you’ve found your inner peace with that. After all, helping other woman to finally receive their own little family fills you with enough joy to overlook that you’ll never have a man or a chid by your side yourself.
Confident knocks against the wooden door rip you out of your conversation.
“Are you awaiting someone?” you question.
Within the village you live in, it is told over and over to not leave the house after sunset. And while you don’t consider yourself superstitious, not going out when it’s all dark always seemed plausible enough for you. But now, the sun almost set, the trees around you barely lighten by the weak beam.
“No, but maybe it is someone who needs help.”
You get up from the ground, mindlessly holding onto the cloak in your hands tightly while holding your breath. It might be someone in the need of help. But out here in the woods, who knows…Shivers run down your spine, eyes staring at the door filled with curiosity.
The sight in front of you isn’t one of a robber, an old lady in distress or a demon though. Your orbs widen slightly. No, this is a man. And what a man he is.
The way he carries himself with so much peace and elegance. He looks…majestic. His fuchsia eyes lay upon your host. And even though you don’t understand from afar what they are talking about, you can tell that his firm but calm voice could tame entire oceans. What a remarkable perfect face he has, the only interruption being a scar covering his forehead. So elegantly clothed with a katana attached to his belt? You draw a little closer, take in his sight a little clearer. He looks like one of the men you’ve seen before in your village right after a whole family was brutally killed during night. He was armoured with a katana too. Could it be?
“Are you a demon slayer?”
You want to curse yourself for speaking to him so ruthlessly, for interrupting their conversation so harshly. But you’ve got so lost in his sight that it seems your mouth opened itself.
“Indeed. This is a riskful area. Keep your doors and windows locked during night time and do not leave your wife unattended. Please don’t roam around the house on your own and stay with your husband”, he instructs towards both of you.
Why does he look at you while calling you “wife”? You blink a few times when realization slowly but surely hits you. Oh. Your face reddens instantly, eyes snapping towards your host in pure shock.
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“Oh, you misunderstood! She isn’t my wife, but the midwife that will help my wife delivering our firstborn. She’s sleeping at the moment”, he explains calmly while smiling at you.
The stranger’s eyes lock with yours, you can’t help but hold your breath. From all the men you’ve seen come and go in your lifetime, he definitely is the most captivating one. Is it because of his flawless appearance, because he carries himself with so much elegance? Or is it the calmness that radiates from his voice, the power you’re able to sense on him? Maybe nothing, maybe both.
“That is very kind for you. I will stay in this area tonight, but please look after yourself”, the stranger continues, glancing at you one last time before turning around and heading back into the woods.
“Thank you!”
“What an interesting man!”, your host comments towards you, closing and locking the door like he was told you.
“Do you believe in demons?”, you question.
His eyes darts towards you, the positive spark in them gone for the split of a second.
“I’ve witnessed a lot of deaths that happened during the night, terrible massacres with no one surviving. I am firmly convinced that a human being could never to something like that.”
“Humans can be cruel too”, you argue, pictures of all the horrible things you’ve seen within the years you’ve been working as a midwife flooding your mind.
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder who the real monsters in this world are. The demons, the wild animals? Or humans who pretend to be on top of the world, who tear down everything and everyone when they feel like it?
“That is correct. But we are trying our best, right? And that is all that matters for me.”
“It’s getting late, I should look after your wife. Is it alright if I rest with her for today?” you mumble, fingers fumbling with the white cloak to distract your mind from the stranger, from his words, from this whole conversation.
“Of course! I will prepare everything!”
You sign to yourself, gaze glued onto the woman laying in front you sleeping peacefully. Everything will turn good, right?
-at night-
Your eyes shoot open immediately, roaming around the dark room. There they lay, bodies intertwined with each other while being fast asleep. What was that fade away rustle you’ve heard, then? As quietly as possible you lift yourself off the futon Kamado-san prepared for you, naked feet greeted by the cold of the wooden floor underneath. Maybe you just dreamed it. Or is an animal outside? Given the fact that you are located in the middle of a forest, this wouldn’t be a surprise. You furrow your eyebrows, a fade away cracking from outside catching your attention all over again. No, something is off, you can sense it by the way your guts turn.
Instinctively, your hands grab the knife with which Kamado-san prepared your food just a few hours ago. You are by no means an experienced fighter, you have been skilfully avoiding situations like this your entire life. But waking up both of them over nothing would be ridiculous. Just a little glimpse outside the door, just to check on what’s probably a deer. Your heart hammers against your ribcage, palms sweaty in response.
With your free hand, you grasp the handle of the door. Breathe in, breathe out. Tame your pounding heart, get a hold of yourself. With a swift motion, you swing it open.
And get greeted by a pair of venomous red eyes.
There is no time to react any further. Not too late you are able to escape his grasp, naked feet carrying you further inside the forest.
“A demon! There’s a demon outside! Get into safety! A demon!” you scream on top of your lungs.
Please, let Kamado-san hear your desperate cries, let him drag his wife into safety. The disturbing tall and crippled figure of the demon draws closer to the house, closer to the soon to be family.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Sympathy, a protective instinct? Whatever it is forces you backwards, right into the claws of the demon.
“I can’t allow you to harm a single soul in this house”, you hiss through gritted teeth, holding onto the knife in your hands for dear life.
How is it even possible to kill a demon? Do you even stand a chance against it? It doesn’t matter now. You slash forward with a cry of determination, aiming for its carotid artery. The cut doesn’t have to be deep if you hit him with enough precision, your muscle strength should be enough.
But before you are even able to come close to his body, his claw slices open your right arms with ease. Your eyes widen in pure horror, body unable to move even an inch. It moved so fast you weren’t even able to see its hand moving, sliced you open so effortlessly while you’re gasping for air like a fish on land.
Your body falls to the ground, the demon positioning itself on top of you. No, you won’t let it end like this. After all, you still have plenty of work to do, Kamado-san’s wife didn’t deliver her child yet. With full force you push your arms against it, trying to keep your keep your face out of its gaping mouth.
With one push you free your arm, yanking the knife into its eye. Now or never. While its loud groans fill the air with fright, you get off the ground, run deeper into the forest, desperately try to stay alive. You can’t die like this. Not you, not Kamado-san, not his wife, not their unborn baby.
But the demon is right on your tracks, hunting you down the dark forest without any mercy.
 A moment of inattention is enough for you to stumble over a thick branch, knees meeting the floor harshly. Is this your end? All you can do is stare up, glossy eyes widen in the dim moonlight with a tiny trail of its blood on your face. Hopefully the demon slayer from last evening will return soon enough to at least safe Kamado-san and his family. If not you, at least they need to survive.
There you kneel, face gone emotionless, orbs directed towards the frightening creature that lunges towards you. One hit. One hit of its claws will be enough to behead you. One second and your life will be nothing more than a fade away whisper in the darkness, ended way too soon just like so many others. You never thought it would be you, that of all the people you’d get killed by a demon slayer. After all, you were always so skilled in avoiding trouble, never allowing yourself to get into danger.
But oh, now you are. And it will cost you your young life.
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Yoriichi can’t catch his breath, feet carrying him so rapidly to the scene laying itself out in front of him that the trees around him merge. He told you to stay inside, to keep windows and doors shut. Why are you outside? Where are the man and his wife? Please, let it not be too late, let him be able so safe those people.
Finally. With a determined slash of his blade, the demon in from of him gets beheaded, its ashes raining down onto the ground. You look…uninjured. Frightened, in pure shock, but uninjured. And unbelievably lovely with the dim moonlight highlighting the delicate features of your face.
“Are you alright?” he questions softly, slowly approaching you and stretching out his hand.
Carefully he lifts your trembling limbs off the ground, your hand holding onto his for what seems like dear life while your sharp and heavy breaths hang in the cool air.
“Yes”, you finally breathe out.
“Are the other two alright? Did someone get hurt?”
“There are inside. It was only this one. I lured him away”, you huff.
 Yoriichi swore himself to never get close to another human being again, to fulfil his duty in silence. But you…Did you really risk your life for a family you didn’t even know until yesterday? Did you run into the woods so selflessly to distract the demon? What a brave woman you are, truly remarkable.
“I was hoping for you to return”, you add.
His warm hand feels almost therapeutic against yours, calming down your tingling nerves and beating heart. You survived. Is this really possible? While kneeling down and staring right into the face of that frightful demon, you already accepted your fate. But that he’ll show up like a knight in shining armour, saving you just before getting beheaded…It seems like a miracle to you.
“I came here as fast as I could. This area was full of these creatures”, he explains briefly, fuchsia eyes resting on you.
A thick stone falls from your heart. It’s him.
“Kamado-san, is your wife alright? Are you alright?” you blabber, the man sprinting towards you as if his life depends on it.
“You saved us. Even though you don’t even know me and my wife, you risked your own life to save ours. And you…You really came. I’m beyond thankful.”
He falls to his knees, leaving you completely speechless.
“She really was outstanding brave. Normally the sight of a demon alone is enough for most humans to lose their minds. You are exceptional, (y/n).”
It sounds so strange, hearing your name out of this charismatic stranger’s mouth. But the way his eyes lock with yours sends shivers down your spine, makes your heart pound against your ribcage all over again.
“What is your name?”
“Yoriichi Tsugikuni.”
Yoriichi. What an exceptional name that matches his majestic appearance perfectly. It seems so easy to get lost in his eyes, to study every inch of his face. And his smell…
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but I think my wife will deliver her child soon.”
Your eyes dart towards Kamado-san immediately.
“Why are you saying so?”
“Since she woke up from your screams, she seems to have contractions.”
You don’t think twice. As fast as your feet are able to carry you, you sprint back into the house, back to the reason why you originally came here.
-the next morning-
“Sleep well. You deserve it”, you whisper into the woman’s ear gently, wrapping her up inside a blanket before leaving the room discretely.
The birth went smooth and faster than you expected for a first born. Not long after you arrived by her side, she delivered the baby with tears of joy running down her face, her husband telling her over and over how much he loves her. It was bittersweet, seeing in front of your very own eyes what you’ll never have. Just after encountering him, just after those strange feeling that he triggered in you.
“I’m glad to see you are alright.”
You stop in your tracks, staring at the back of him in disbelief. There he sits, facing the sun while his broad shoulders catch your attention all over again.
“I’ll make some tea”, Kamado-san discretely announces before hushing into the house.
“I am in no way responsible for the miracle that happened tonight. That was you and Kamado-san’s wife”, you explain briefly, sitting down next to him.
The sun caresses your skin gently. You never thought its hot beams would calm your nerves before the incident of this night. You smile at the little bundle of joy Yoriichi is holding in his arms. Oh, how well it suits him. Someone like him must be a good father.
“I’ll be leaving after I had a cup of tea. It wouldn’t be right to keep eating for free here”, he announces all of the sudden.
“Don’t say that.”
Out of instinct, you place on hand on his firm shoulder and wrap the other around his strong biceps.
“You saved our lives tonight. It if hadn’t be for you, not only would we be dead, but this child you’re holding in your arms wouldn’t be born, either.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
Your eyes freeze, unable to tear away from his beautiful sight. Why does he make you feel this way? What is it that makes this stranger so special? Is it his sword skill, his ability to fight? No. In fact, you couldn’t care less about that. It’s the way he carries himself, the elegance within every step he takes. It’s the fact that he sacrifices himself for others.
Just like you do.
“Like what?” you hush.
“As if I am some kind of special person. I don’t deserve the affection you hold in your gaze.”
“You deserve every spark of affection for your being”, you argue.
“You’re wrong about that. I failed to protect anything that was important to me. And throughout my life, I was unable to do what I was supposed to do. I am worthless.”
“How could you even say something like that? How could you talk about yourself so negatively after saving four lives this night?”
“Because of the countless lives I failed to protect.”
“So what? Does it make be a bad midwife that I wasn’t able to save every single child? The losses are tragic and never forgotten, but as long as we are doing our very best, there is nothing to regret. Tonight, you were able to save a young family. You should be proud of yourself instead of talking you down.”
He stands up, handing you the new-born carefully before grabbing his sword.
“Are you about to leave?” Kamado-san questions from afar, storming outside with tea in his hands.
You thoughtlessly hand him is son, eyes directed towards the charismatic man in front of you.
“I have to leave now. Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Wait!” you shout all of the sudden.
You don’t know what has gotten into you, but there you are, running after him and grabbing his hand just like you did this fateful night.
“Will I ever see you again?”
For a moment, time seems to stand still. He can’t believe his ears, usual tame heart almost beating out of his chest. When was the last time a woman ran after him, the last time a female even looked his way? He can’t remember. But especially you…Why would a woman like you be interested in a broken man like him? What do you see in him?
“Why would you want that?”
“I can’t tell. I just know I have to see you again”, you reply automatically.
The air between both of you seems thick enough to get cut by his knife, your eyes almost piercing through the back of his head. Please, just say something. Just move, turn around, smile. Just do anything besides standing still. Never in your life did you even think about the possibility to get to know a man better. Why him? Why a man you didn’t even know before last evening? Why someone who seems so unapproachable?
“You will see me again.”
And with that, he’s gone in the wind, leaving you with your feelings all over the place.
-a few months later-
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“I almost thought you wouldn’t come”, you comment, resting your head against the cool grass.
The weather changed. As soon as the evening arrives, it’s getting way too cold outside to stay for long. But when he’s here, none of that seems to matter.
“You know I always do. How was your day?”
He lays down next to you, closing his eyes for a brief moment while you position your head on his shoulder. Oh, how much you loved these innocent little meetings. After you returned to your little village, Yoriichi found you wherever you went. Always keeping an eye open for you, staying longer from meeting to meeting. Until you randomly laid down in the grass the whole evening, talking about your life and eventually, got even closer. Innocent touching, him drawing circles on your back while you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat.
“The baby I delivered today, they were actually twins. Two healthy girls, the father almost fell unconscious when he found out.”
Your cute little giggle lights up the air around him and fills his heart with joy he hasn’t felt in a long time. Being happy seems so easy since he got to know you.
No. It’s far more than simply knowing you. The feelings he holds for you go far deeper than that.
“I love you, (y/n).”
Your heart skips a beat, gaze darting towards him the second those magical words leave his lips. Did you dream that? Are you really resting in the meadow with Yoriichi telling you none other but that he loves you?
How much you longed for this sweet moment, how often you thought about saying those words too. Without hesitation, you press your lips against his.
While the world around you seems to fall apart, at least this is fine. Yes, laying here in Yoriichi’s arms while tenderly kissing him like you’ve always imagined makes everything around you whole again.
“I love you too”, you whisper against his lips.
Who would have thought going to work and almost getting killed by a demon would turn out this nice?
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moonknixght · 6 months
Awkward conversations and.. Fishes? (Steven Grant x GN!Reader)
Summary: Curiosity to learn more about a gorgeous store clerk of a pet shop leads Steven to buying his first pet ever. Warnings: Fluff ?? and just embarrassingly long silences Word count: 1.1k A/N: Okay please imagine that Gus wasn't Steven's pet already 🙏 Might make a part 2 if I get ideas. Also first post woohoo!! Made this account solely so I could make my ideas a reality. I'm a little rusty at writing as of right now, so bare with me </3 Requests are open for stuff!! (please talk to me)
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"And this little guy here, He's a feisty one, but he means no harm." Lifting up a perched budgie on your finger, who seemed to have distrustful look on it's face, You smile widely at the latest client that had stumbled upon your small shop. You've always been a passionate soul when it came to animals; from the age 8 when you first wanted to be a veterinarian, which you quickly backed out from after slight consideration as you realized that you would have to constantly put down animals and see them in absolute pain. The next choice was arts, which you did took a degree in, before landing on the final prospect of being a caretaker to injured animals. From there, you found yourself reverting back into your obsession, eventually starting a small shelter/pet-shop where you took in abandoned and wounded animals, healed them and put them back to find new owners. It would be a lie if you said that you didn't miss any of the animals that were taken by other people, but it was also a joy to see them go to homes where they would be given full attention and loved. Therefore, you found yourself rambling about all your beloved pets to whoever stepped into your little abode with any interest— which is what was happening right now. A guy, with almost perfect curly black hair and tan-kissed skin had walked in and began to mindlessly wander, often catching your eyes while he did so. You eventually walked up to him and offered your help, to which he seemed ever so grateful for, even though it was odd that he didn't know what animal he wanted to adopt. This man was Steven Grant. and only if you knew the panic the poor guy was going through. With Jake relentlessly pushing Steven to interact with the employee he's been eyeing through the glass doors of the pet-shop, Steven found himself awkwardly cruising through the different animals, who looked up at him with expectant eyes. Clearly, He needed a plan before walking into the shop, especially when you approached him with a confused look on your face. "Uh.. I-I'm not particularly fond of birds, love." Steven gave you a weak smile, he seemed like he was scared of possibly disappointing you. "Maybe the fishes?" 'Or the cats.' Jake added from somewhere in the headspace, obviously enjoying the shit-show. "Ah." You say allowing the bird back onto the bird perch, your eyes shifting towards a small section of the shop where you tucked away a rectangular aquarium with exactly one fish inhabiting it. "Well, The options are very limited with fishes." Steven was digging himself a deeper hole each time he enquired about the animals like he was actually going to get one— but don't get him wrong, he was genuinely finding your rambles about every creature there interesting. So interesting in fact, that he couldn't possibly leave without getting something. So, the most laziest pet to have would be a fish, according to him at least. You eventually lead him to the front of the tank, where you lightly bend (which Steven also mimicked) to meet eye-to-eye with a goldfish. But this wasn't any goldfish, it was a goldfish with exactly one fin. "He's your only luck if you're looking for fishes." "Does.. Does he have a name?" Steven asked, trying to keep the conversation going. How exactly was he going to take care of a goldfish anyways? Especially a goldfish that only had one fin? What if it dies? It'll ruin his entire day. Maybe his entire week.
 You tilt your head to think about it, before giving a soft shrug in response— which Steven admittedly found quite endearing. "Not really, He just came in like this I guess, Never thought to give him a name." 'A fish, Seriously?' "What about Gus?" Steven asked, turning a deaf ear to Jake's mocking comment. The goldfish paused for a second looking at the two observing it for a moment, before it continued to pace around again. It was almost like the little aquatic creature had approved of the name, but he wasn't planning on sounding like a total nutjob by expressing that out loud. "Hm, It surprisingly fits him." You say after a moment of silence. Though a second later, With a chuckle, You pick up conversation again. "You're pretty good at naming fishes, huh?"
"No! I just.. It came to me, I guess. Lil' fella looks like a Gus." "I agree."
After another moment of uncomfortable silence, Steven desperately tried to revive the exchange. "D'you know that Gus means Majestic? It fits 'cause it's quite amazing that he can swim with just a fin." 'Way to make them swoon, Steven. Buen trabajo.' Steven was truly getting sick of the unnecessary commentary from Jake, but he couldn't quite tell the wanker to piss off just yet. You, on the other hand, seemed to be intrigued by this rather sudden splurge of knowledge. Honestly, You didn't mind this at all, actually finding some amusement in how he suddenly geeked out. "Huh, I didn't know that." You said with a pleasant smile. "That's quite interesting now that you put it that way." "Yeah..." Steven's voice was small; the fear that he might have come off as weird subsided with your smile, which he reciprocated almost immediately. "I'll take him then." Your eyes lit up. For some odd reason, you didn't exactly expect him to actually get anything— Let alone a damn fish. Actually, Even Steven didn't know that he would end up being the owner of a fish, it just happened. He's technically already named the fish, it's only right that he takes it.
"Right, A moment." You nod, excusing yourself to go get the equipment needed to pack Gus away and off to settle in his new home. You come back a moment later as Steven stepped by the counter, Gus in a small plastic baggy as you balanced a small tank to put the little guy in as well as some food for the strangers convenience. Handing it off to him carefully, you nodded as you glanced at the only goldfish your store has seen be taken away. Who would've guessed. "I'll be off then, Thanks, love!" "You're welcome, Take care Gus!" You cheerfully wave them off, watching as your customer for the night took off. You sigh contently, feeling unnaturally happy about the whole interaction. Strange. — 'You bought a fish but you didn't ask for their name?' Gods, He totally forgot amidst everything. Steven had made it back home, his lip curling into a subtle frown as Jake bought forth a very valid point. The male couldn't help but sigh out loud, gently face palming as he realized his error. Maybe Steven didn't manage to catch their name or learn more about them but as he laid in his bed, he found himself recalling how beautiful that store clerk looked when they smiled. And besides, he made a new friend— a companion he was starting to adore quite alot.
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chosoniisan · 5 months
A risk worth messy reward ↠ kamo choso
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↠alternative title: swapping spit with choso, literally
↠pairing: kamo choso | sorceress!reader
↠setting: post canon, not at all compliant
↠genre: nasty, nasty fluff
↠caution: suggestive; height/size difference ("my" choso is over 6ft); unhealthy-ish/complicated relationship; kinda owner/pet dynamics; coercion (?); lots of tongue
↠summary: after yet another rural-steeped mission, your first priority is finding the nearest bed to fall into; conversely, choso has other things on his mind
↠authoress' notes: my initial plan had been to write a hc about the oddities of choso, how he has some bizarre and inexplicable habits, but writing hcs (without plot) isn't my strength, so I opted for what could be considered "snapshots" instead :')
also, the context, setting-wise, for this is that once the dusts settles post canon, the high-ups (the smattering of them still kicking), let choso live conditioned on you acting as his controller at all times, lest you risk ending up on the execution chopping block, too. . .
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A ripely full moon, and the air’s refreshed with a slight chill:
by all means the sort of mid-autumn night you’d want to bottle up and take with you.
You might just have to overlook the chunks of entrails sticking to your soles, though. And maybe you can pretend that it’s the crickets droning in the grass and not the crisping of bone dissolving into nothingness. As if on cue, you resist the urge to sigh to keep the tang of death, thoroughly worn over, from invading your lungs any more than it already has.
It’s not quite how you’d envision your evening—but beggars can’t be choosers. And on the bright side, at least you’re fully intact, all your limbs present and accounted for despite enough close calls to last you a lifetime. Sure, you might have said the very same thing last time (i.e. a handful of days ago), and you’ll no doubt mirror that sentiment next time too (i.e. in another day or so), though you take your blessings when you can get them.
Granted, your good luck quickly runs its course since there’s hardly anything fortunate about the strain of curses the far-flung reaches of the countryside seem to breed to no end. Who would have thought that the higher you climbed the rankings the more acquainted you’d become with woodland critters the size of your hand (excluding cursed spirits, mind you). Then there’s the persistent feeling of otherness crawling over you like a second skin the longer those prying eyes rake and rove over you. (If only they knew that a city girl and her dutiful charge were the last bit out of place in these parts.)
“I mean it when I say that you’re a lifesaver, Choso.” Your poignant ring is all the encouragement he needs to scrap making sure that dead is actually dead this time around and squeeze himself back into your sphere again. Crunch, crunch, crunch goes the tall grass giving way to your missing piece because obviously solace by another name is your side. Leave it to him to be over 190 centimeters of delicately endearing. “I wasn’t expecting that other special-grade, but, of course, you’re always covering for me in a pinch—I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.”
In that moment, you’re the stargazer of him; a face lighting up the pearly night beyond measure. “I’m always following your lead, though. You’re a lot more experienced than me, too, so the best I can do is try to keep up. Because I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” A dash of sheepishness colors the downward wisp of lashes brushing against his cheeks, but that isn’t enough to distract him from the sway of you in his shadow (even if he has to really drop his head to horde that eyeful for himself). “I’m glad we make a good team,” his brief lull is beseeching, the tilted head even more so, “at least I think so.”
For the sake of his tenderly bleeding heart, your nodding doesn’t miss a beat. “Yep, we sure do. . .! And every good team needs some rest, so I should go ahead and text our supervisor and let him know we’re finished up here.” Another thwarted attempt at a sigh, so you settle for a mild quirk of your lips amidst reaching into your pocket for your phone spared from the fray. “We’ll have to stay the night in town, which isn’t ideal, but we can take the first train back home in the morning.”
The faster you can confirm the rendezvous spot, the faster you can sink into a warm bath and then beneath a cozy comforter, so you’re already a few rapid-fire texts deep when Choso pulls on your sleeve.
“Wait. Before that. . .” he begins, slow, measured as if he’s taking the time to taste every word before it leaves his lips. Like that’s not enough to prod at your attention, you’re especially perceptive to rose stain swashed across the expanse of his face, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think him too innocent to sell his soul to the devil for a life of strife alongside you. Though perhaps innocence in its purest state is wetting his hands in blood, bearing your burden of nocturnal calamity with the occasional slip of diffidence. “Can I. . .” Gulping down that lump in his throat. “Can I have my reward now?”
It's your turn to sound things out for good measure.
“Your. . .reward?” (Emphasis on the furrowed brows there.)
He bobs his head once, meanwhile you’re rifling through the pages of your mental archives in search of this reward, whatever it is. A contemplative hum sifts through you at the recollection of saying something in the realm of treating him once this mission wrapped up; admittedly, it was the sort of remark made in passing, but if it’s Choso, you don’t mind staying true to your word. Besides, you have an inkling of what he might have in mind (or you hope you know him well enough to make that guess. . .there’s only one way to find out).
“You’re talking about the souvenirs near the station; I think you were looking at the sweet dumplings, yeah? I don’t know if that shop is open this late, but we can go over and check—”
“No, not that.” Vehemence strums in his tone, so much so that you start a bit, setting off the ripple effect of him offering you a repentant look in return, one that’s still very clearly brimming with fervor. “I did a good job, right? And you promised I could have a reward if I was really good.” As a matter of fact, he’s not wrong, but his moonstruck gaze, expanding, plants an unnamed sensation between the open spaces in your chest. (You’re not daunted by him, it’s just that unpredictability has never been your forte.) “. . .So I was thinking that I wanted you.”
Doesn’t have a chance to click together in your brain until the warmed heart of his palm envelops your entire cheek, and even then you’re still too many steps behind by the time he’s level with you: face-to-face, eye-to-eye, lips. . .dangerously close. Inhaling a mingling of dried copper and powdery musk doesn’t help you figure out what he means by wanting you, having you; rather, with each fanning of his breath over you in crests, you’re gradually unraveling into something entirely unlike you. Something a lot more nerve-ridden.
If you had intended to chime in after scrambling to make sense of the situation (or not), the reality is that you’re simply opening the door for him to carve a place inside you. Literally. Considering it’s not the sound of a mildly articulated concern that echoes in the air, but a muffled squeak when he catches his lips on yours, inviting himself into the niche of your mouth before you can try to recoil. Even when you do think to reel away, his arm is already circled around your waist, seizing you into the bulk of him to the point that you can’t tell where one of you begins and the other ends.
You’ve long given consideration to the fact that Choso’s spent more time sealed than unsealed, that to this very day he’s still working out the kinks of what it means to be mostly human—but this. This goes beyond his idiosyncrasies of not knowing the particulars of kissing. No, this is nothing of a kiss and everything of devouring you whole.
As susceptible as you are, he has no trouble crowding his tongue against yours, which is the difference between tasting him and choking on him. Testing the waters is the last thing on his mind (you suspect it had never been there in the first place) when he’s using the anchor of his hand to steer you right where he wants you, because how else could he map the ridges of your palate without you shrinking like the violet you’re steadily flowering into. Intrusive is him eating away at your lips like a man starved, but it’s also the blooming of heat curled through your insides with a particular penchant for the midst of your tummy.
The compulsion to stagger back is second nature to you, except he’s unnaturally folded into you, so there’s really nowhere for you to skitter off to, especially not with the fixation given to a mesh of sticky pink. And it feels foreign, sinfully so, as he overwhelms you with broad, saliva-rife sweeps of his tongue, undeterred by your stagnate self, too paralyzed by the knotting in your core, the blistering up of sweat at your temples, and the uncut wildness—or is that obsession?—of him before your very eyes. Either way, it’s just the push needed to send you over the edge of quiet bleating. . .that finds its premature end swallowed into him for safekeeping at the bottom of his stomach, just like every other morsel of you.
Heady appreciation is quick to follow on your heels by way of a long-winded moan from him, to you by virtue of his snare. The stammering in your chest is the clear mark of being caught off guard, and Choso in all his fevered glory capitalizes on your lapse of self to plunge his tongue as deeply as it’ll reach. Nevermind the fact that there’s no stifling the stuttered heave around him or the full-bodied quaking against him, either, he’s still singularly focused on partaking in the mess of you. Willingly or not, you can’t help but indulge him when you’re varying shades of fluster, and it’s the gilt reflection of your disarray that has you clamping your eyes shut. Too bad for you, darkness doesn’t temper the dizzying sensation clambering through your veins that’s becoming more, and more, and more intertwined with him.
(You don’t know how much longer you can weather the storm of him, or if you’ll even be able to mend what he’s already bitten through, and maybe it would have been preferrable if he had taken your skin & tissue with him. He took something far more softly perverse.)  
Though in the end, it’s of his accord, only, that he spares you of the kind of smothering that’ll have you icesheet cold against him in no time flat. And you use spare loosely because he simply moves to sucking and nibbling on your bottom lip as if parting from you means imminent death. If he’d give you a chance, you could assure him that his fears of relenting are unwarranted, but in the thick of hungry fascination, he’d rather stripe his tongue along the corner of your mouth to gather up a stray bead of slick. Whether yours or his, you don’t know—you do know that when he’s done, it’s every bit of his tacky memento etched on your skin.
His gift to you for letting him have one of your deepest intimacies.
As expected, he doesn’t keen over from unlacing himself from you—truthfully, his hand is still palming at your cheek, so it’s not a full untethering—though you’re certainly not boasting a modicum of stability yourself. If that unyielding hold around your middle is anything to go on, you suspect that he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest; you might even say that he’s savoring in the ruby-rich reliance of his handler.
“Uhm,” Reticence returns with a vengeance despite having just rooted through you mere moments ago; the moonlight glancing off traces smeared across his lips a testament to that. “. . .Do you we could see about those dumplings now?”
And of course you’ll oblige him—even knowing you’re complicit in preserving his devotion.
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jessamine-rose · 10 months
꒰ The Red Web of Fate ꒱
Just a short drabble loosely inspired by my fic The Spider and the Fly. Alternatively entitled “The reason why Yandere! Miguel O’Hara got angry when his darling noticed a familiar face in the middle of their forced fun, one-sided casual date in Nueva York.”
Tw:: yandere, obsession, kidnapping
Note:: Female reader, ATSV spoilers
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According to the laws of the Spider-Verse, there is nothing special about you and Miguel.
Legends speak of destined lovers, of soulmates connected by the threads of fate. It is this bond which brings couples together across time, across past lives, or more accurately, across the multiverse.
In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man. In many others, there is Mary Jane. As for the rest, it is Betty Brant, Felicia Hardy, etc., etc. whose relationship with Spider-Man constitutes a recurring pattern in the Spider-Verse.
Miguel O’Hara and ______ are not part of that pattern.
It is a scientific truth backed by physics and mathematics. It is what makes his Variants’ family, Miguel’s family with you and Gabriella, exclusive to a single collapsed dimension.
Prior to his loss, Miguel had already analyzed the data. In every dimension except one, the two of you are fated to never meet. There are versions of you who remain single, versions of you married to another, versions of you who never bumped into Miguel O’Hara on a sunny afternoon in the heart of Nueva York.
In every other universe, ______ falls for her childhood friend, an ordinary civilian whom Miguel first recognized as Gabriella’s godfather. He belongs with you in 53% of all universes, half of which include a son named after you.
Granted, there’s still a very low chance that you did end up with Miguel in another dimension, but that discovery would barely change the statistics. The conditions of your first meeting were random, coincidental, caused by specific conditions and chain reactions. The probability is near-zero.
Neither can he find you in Earth-928. Whatever the reason—death, nonexistence, the pure luck of living under his radar—you continue to elude Miguel. And even if you meet in the present, Gabriella’s existence cannot be replicated.
…Then again, the Web of Life and Destiny has never accounted for lovers from different dimensions. Such relationships have actually occurred without disrupting the Canon.
If the probability of your first meeting is <0.001%, then Miguel has no choice but to create a new event under different conditions.
If the red thread of fate does not exist between the two of you, then his webs can fill up that space.
If he cannot find you in his dimension, then another version of you will suffice.
*sobs* Why does Miguel O’Hara continue to torment me…….was 7.6k words not enough to satisfy him!! While his meeting with Variant! Darling in The Spider and the Fly is purely unplanned, the other parts of this post are relevant to their story. I just thought it would be interesting to explore Miguel's feelings in the event that their relationship is barred by even science and the multiverse >:3
Tag a Miguel O’Hara enjoyer!! @yanmaresu @yandere-romanticaa @yandere-daydreams @bweoo @kocherry @oofasleep @h2o2-and-baking-soda @yandere-wishes @curesi @weebsinstash @handsomeunderwear-art @literaree @pumpkin-toffee @mari-thesimp @miggyyyyohara @abyssalrot @letskidaddle
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galaksyz · 4 months
In Stars and Time: a thought
So! You played and finished In Stars and Time, one of the games I love very much, and also know about the secret epilogue stuff. Wow! Here's just some of my thoughts for you!
Now, normally I don't do this sort of thing, but hey, there's always a first! People may also have already thought about and talked about this, but I just wanted to put down my thoughts anyway. I may have missed some details or forgotten some! This is all speculation stuff yadda yadda.
So, Loop. Loop-de-loopity loopdoop. Super spoilery stuff, but hey, you know the secret epilogue stuff already. So you know that they used to be a Siffrin, and you know of the two wishes they made: the wish that caused their time loops, and the wish that 'got them out of there'. The Timeloop Wish, and the GTFO Wish.
The GTFO Wish is what brought Loop to the ISAT timeline in the first place, but they are a Siffrin themselves, so they also have the Timeloop Wish. We see them use timeloops to prevent losing to Siffrin during their fight.
I simply find the workings of these wishes to be quite interesting. What we know about Wish Craft from the game seems to point to one fact: Every wish accepted, is granted. No failed wishes. Wishes that might be able to be combined, may be combined, wishes that might have conflicts may work around each other.
Let's look at the wishes we know of:
Siffrin's wish, which was to stay with their friends, and Vaugarde's wish, which was for Vaugarde to be saved from the King. This essentially was combined into one wish that caused Siffrin to loop in time until the country was saved, and that Siffrin would afterwards be able to stay with their friends.
The King's wish was never directly told, but it seems to be implied that it was granted in the final few moments before he was frozen. No breaking, no nothing, his wish seemed to be sufficiently granted. Which is interesting. Was the King's wish, which is what gave him power, lined up in a way so that it would not conflict with Siffrin's and Vaugarde's wish later on? Was the King's wish specifically playing into the eventual granting of those wishes? Did the later wishes just luck out, and the outcome of the King's wish was simply redirected even if it were to still be granted truthfully? The King's wish isn't concretely known, and nothing completely confirms that his wish was granted, but this to me seems to be how it played out.
It also seems implied that the reason that nobody can remember the entire home country that Siffrin and the King used to reside in, was because of some Wish with the effect of blanketing the entire country in non-existence. It's likely that it wasn't the direct request of a wish, but more of the method that the Wish used to grant the wish, similarly to how Siffrin was given the power to loop time to defeat the King & bond with their family, and how the King was given immense power to accomplish his own wish. One extra thing seems to be that the harder one attempts to break the wish, the stronger the wish has to react. Out of one's mind, the wish has no effect. On one's mind, and it'll give them a headache. An attempt to say the country's name? Deadly.
Loop has two wishes active. The wish to stay with their friends, and the wish to GTFO. What's interesting is that these wishes might have to play around each other. Loop wished to "get out of here", in an attempt to break free from their situation. But, it could not happen in a way the blocks their first wish - to stay with their friends. And of course, Loop can't simply loop back to before they got the hell out, because then that of course betrays the GTFO wish, and I would imagine that an attempt to do that would play out similarly to trying to say "the country's name", given that its a direct attempt to break the wish.
The result is that Loop was placed in an alternate timeline, with another Siffrin encountering their own time loops. This works! They've been released from the torment of their own time loops, while still being available to stay with their friends, clearly not being actually blocked from doing so as seen in Act 5. Which brings me to one more thought.
I believe Loop's wish to stay with their friends is still in progress. It's not been finished granting. Being thrown into a timeline is simply part of it, and further down the line, Loop may be given the chance to open up to the ISAT timeline version of their friends and form connections. And to stay with them.
What I'm saying is, there is a very real chance that Loop might join the New Journey, alongside Siffrin, Mira, Isa, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille. Like an even bigger family.
And darn I think that's just swell.
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dietmountaindewbae · 6 months
xvii. kill kill
alex turner x reader
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piled up anonymous requests
word count: 12k
summary: part two! of velvet crowbar
warnings: ch*cking, sp*tting, v*olence, ab*se, hitt*ng, spank*ng, slapp+ng, dumb*fication, c*ck warming, edg*ng, g*n ki*k, bl*od, bru*ses. ag* g*p.
song recommendations: kill kill by lizzy grant
"Hello Alex" It was him.
Alex's blood ran hot, pumping blood to the veins on his head, he was completely exposed to his dad who smoked a cigarette alone in the dark dramatically, "Long time no see... son" David said, but he never saw him as a father, he never took care of him, he was never there for him, he left him alone, vulnerable and unprotected, he never saw that man as his dad, he saw that man as the one who made his mom's life a living hell, at least she didn't have the luck to see what he had made of his life, "Sit" He kicked a chair for him.
"You have some massive balls to come here in the middle of the night David, but it's over for you," Alex said with confidence, standing up for himself, he palmed the bottom of the table looking for his gun.
David put out his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it and smudging it on the ground, "I've come to tell you everything Ally, so if you wanna know why I'm doin' what I'm doin' shut the fuck up and listen... there's nothin' down there, Ally, actually there's nothin' for you" Alex froze, "Yeah... you heard me, there's no money for you... there was never anything for you" His harsh words fractured his whole plan, and Alex questioned what he meant by that... what he meant by nothing.
"This was never about the money or the power, this was always about takin' everything away from you" David lit another cigarette and stared bluntly at his son, suddenly Alex was dumbfounded as he looked at his father's frown, he recognized that face he made, chin up, eyebrows pushed together, the corners of his mouth subtly smiling, and his eyes set on his, this was a posture he took whenever he outsmarted somebody, in this case, his own son, it filed his ego to be right, to prove someone wrong.
"Don't you think I know that, already?" David answered, "I'll be dead soon... and all of my money, my fame, my sign, my franchise, absolutely everything is gonna be for your brother, there were many other women before and after your mom," He chuckled, "I have no interest whatsoever in living but I had even less interest in knowing your favorite color, or your favorite cartoon, Matt..." Alex froze, when he heard the name of the boy who he shared his most cherished friendship, at that moment everything was blurry, unclear, broken, "I never did anything to him, an exceptional young man like him could be used for something bigger than you or me, see Ally... your mother was nothing without me, a simple woman that worked as a teacher with a fatherless son... I thought I could give us everything, your mother could give me a perfect family, I loved you as my own but... I lacked this feeling of being wanted, cherished even adored, and that's what Matt's mother did because your mother never did since the day that I met her, after Matt turned 18 I took him away and made his mother my wife, you knew him as your neighbor, the nice lad next door, but he's your stepbrother and let me tell you, he's nothin' like you, he's everything I wanted you to be" He smiled when he thought of him, "Your mother, she.... she was everything to me until she wasn't, she threatened to expose me and take her son with her, I didn't care about that... I cared about my reputation, so I locked her up, raised you alongside Matt this whole time... then I vanished and here we are, it's easier said than done" He kept chuckling at how easy was to tell you everything, and now slowly that was turning into ashes.
He looked at Alex, his eyes bloodshot, threatening to kill him with his hands, but first, he had to let him finish.
"Now that my will is done, and everything's in its right place, I will finally complete my life's purpose and I can become a ghost, I'll still run my hotels, Matt's just another puppet I can control, he always wanted daddy's approval, even before he found out I was his dad, he never had one living with him but that doesn't mean he never existed, I was there watching him become a bright man, just like his father and I watched you get off the rails, just like your mom, Alex, tell me how were you planning to destroy a dead man, huh? Your plan was never going to work since the beginning"
Alex sat in silence, his thoughts growing louder and louder, his rage expanding like fire and flames, he sat silent, too angry to speak, but he had just one thing to say, "If you're gonna die, I might as well kill you anyway" He choked his own father with his hands, watching his life slip away from his eyes but he still was strong enough to fight one last time pushing Alex far away.
Alex punched him with a left hook, throwing the old man's body to the floor, "I know everything about what you did to the girl" Alex froze when he mentioned the name of his most prized possession, someone that was irreplaceable, "I know every single little detail of your life Alexander, I'm taking away everything you owned after I die including the girl..." Alex closed his hand into a tight fist, punching David's face until his knuckles were bleeding, Alex stood up and watched his own father spit blood on the floor and laughing like a psychopath, "Auf wiedersehen" Time froze since the moment David took out his gun from the pocket of his black coat and fired, knocking Alex to the wooden floor, his body falling flat of the impact, he saw David standing up from the ground, bleeding and beaten up, but with his head up high heading out thru the door, his heart threatened to stop at any second, he tried to fight the uneven beating of his heart, and the sudden vertigo, but most of all, he was worried about the girl upstairs peacefully sleeping like an angel in the clouds, that was the only thought that brought him peace.
The light shines through the face of the girl, he thinks it is the most heavenly way to die, she truly is an angel that helped you go through hell, his own Virgil.
"For fucks sake..." Your eyes welled up with tears but before you could say anything else he shushed you up with his index finger, he signed you to follow behind, and he put a record to play, going around in circles, the first note hit and he felt ready to talk to you pulling you in, grabbing both of your arms and whispering on your ear.
"Listen to me" His breathing trembling, "We're not safe here, we need to go, I have another place we can stay in for a couple of nights, pack your things and we'll head out soon, don't worry about the noises that you hear, I need to do something first" You held him tightly, gripping his blood-stained shirt, holding onto him trembling like a little kitten, he soothes you rocking your bodies left to right kissing the top of your head, hearing his heart pound against your ear. You broke the hug even if it hurt and you rushed upstairs without saying another word.
Last night was an eye opener night for him, to sharpen up, keep his enemies closer, watch out for the people he trusted, to be on the lookout because somebody was slowly hunting him down, he knew by now his father was five steps ahead but he had a pawn, a card that could draw back everything and make him start from zero, and it was all in a Marlboro cigarette, he contemplated the cigarette bud, wrapped in white thin paper, the timeless brand written in gold letters, with just one fingerprint and his fresh blood, he was now on top, even if it almost costs his life, he was back, now it could be a matter of time until everything was set up.
Alex began to flip the house upside down, making sure to leave it a mess, breaking papers filled with evidence, and pictures, throwing the couch backwards, screaming and grunting, firing his gun, breaking his sculptures and his art, glass shattering, confessions, and blood, a lot of blood, if one thing should be certain, someone was murdered, and it wouldn't have been David. Alex went back upstairs looking for you, you were in a hurry stuffing Alex's clothes and putting them in bags, Alex waved his hand at you, and you quickly ran behind him back downstairs with the bags, wearing one of his sweaters, your black knee socks, and dirty converse.
"It's time, go to the car" Without looking back you quietly ran to the back of the house swinging open the garage door and throwing the bags in the car, the chauffeur dressed in black waiting for his instructions patiently, once you jumped inside you saw Alex staying back, the chauffeur locking the doors, "Wait... no, no!" Your hand slammed against the window, "Alex, what are you doing?!" You desperately tried to open the door, tears stinging your eyes.
"Take her to the ranch, be ready for the next instructions when I call you" Your eyes began to water as you heard his orders.
You climbed to the front, "No, please! Take me with you! let me stay with you, I'll follow you anywhere, I'm begging you" A knot had formed in his throat as he saw you like that, crying just like the first time he saw you, your big eyes glossy and red, he couldn't forgive himself as he told the driver to leave, he took a step back, not being able to say anything else, it broke his heart, he didn't know who to trust anymore, he only knew that you were pure and innocent, his own savior, his intentions were good and both of you knew it, but it didn't justify the fact that he was pushing away. The moment the man unlocked the doors you jumped out of the car falling, bruising your knees and arms but you went running back to the house, watching Alex wrecking it completely.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled at you like a monster, gripping your shoulders until they were bruised, "I told you to go, I don't want you here!" He ordered.
"I don't care, I'm gonna stay with you" You hugged him tight, clinging on to him.
"No, babe," He went outside to the garage, "Listen to me" He got down to his knees, "You can't be here, I need you to understand... it's too dangerous for you to be here and you've already hurt yourself for me... I don't want you to get hurt any longer, please just go"
"But I don't wanna go anywhere else, and this little scrap doesn't hurt as much as me not being here with you, please" You begged him, suddenly the chauffeur got out of the car, he was a tall man with a big beard, his hands covered in tattoos wearing his all-black suit.
"Sir, I can take care of this" He firmly stated.
"No, Cameron I-" The man, stopped him.
"Sir, I'm not only your chauffeur and bodyguard, I owe you everything, consider this a favor in return for all of the many ones you did, I'm in deep debt with you... for everything you've done to help me and my family..." He looked at you and back at him, "Leave, I can finish up here, don't worry about anything else, your rifle is in the back" Alex shook the man's hand and grabbed yours, getting back inside the car, he took off at a high speed burning the tires, but he never once let go of your hand, the feeling of frustration had you on the verge of tears, you didn't understand anything. He almost died last night, but from now on you wouldn't let anyone or anything separate you from your one and only, it all seemed faith, but people seemed to get in the way trying to break you apart after you wanted to run away from him, now you want to run away with him wherever he took you, it was only you and him, with a rifle and a few bags in the back.
It took you almost 30 minutes to get to San Bernadino, a small almost empty city, like a ghost town but it was beautiful, going past the woods and through a lakeside, driving on a dirt road until Alex parked his car outside a big old ranch, he kindly opened the door for you and took out the bags letting your way in thru the comfy house, suddenly you heard the engine of a motorcycle start.
You went outside, covering your eyes from the light, mouthing "Where are you going?"
He got out of the bike, the wind blowing wild, lifting up his shirt, his dark glasses didn't allow you to define what was he feeling or thinking at the moment, "I need to be certain that no one is following us, please stay in the house, I'll be back in 20" He pecked your lips before he took off in his black bike.
Once inside you glanced at the bags, you didn't want to unpack them, you didn't want to give in to the thought that maybe you would stay in this ranch locked up for more than you estimated, so you cleaned it up as you babble to a song you couldn't get out of your head, you didn't want to think about the risks, what was at stake, what could happen, because anything could happen and Alex was out there, alone and unprotected, while you were sheltered, you didn't want to think about it more, you just made time cleaning, made food for whenever he arrived, you wanted to be present, show him that no matter what, you will be his own little shelter.
You tried to find comfort in organizing the house, it was beautiful with an at home studio, you wondered how Alex found this place, by the time you finished you went inside the bathroom, you had never seen a ranch quite like this before, so luxurious but vintage, the bathtub was comfy, small but two people could fit in there comfortably, it was cober, and thankfully the water was warm, you dipped your whole body inside the tub, drowning the loud and overwhelming silence, you closed your eyes and tried to picture a better life with Alex in the backyard of your own house, him playing his favorite songs on his old record player smoking a cigarette as he watches you decorate the garden with flowers, picking lilies and peonies, you found comfort in those thoughts, you bathed your whole subconscious in those ideas and you went back up to the surface, just as you were raising above you heard a noise that fractured the silence, the water splashes from the drain to the tub, you were quiet, only the sound of the water drops could be trusted, maybe that noise was in your head, but nevertheless you waited until you heard footsteps coming your way, in sync with the water drops, your breathing got stuck, and you froze when you saw him.
Bathed in a cold sweat, with every old bruise on his thick skin there was a new open one, you didn't speak, you didn't cry, you stood up and watched him so dazed and numb, bleeding, and filled with violence, you could see it in his eyes, he was sick, this revolting feeling that twisted his stomach, he was worn out, you got up from the tub, water running down your body, stepping out and approaching him, no questions asked, he tore off every other thought from his mind the moment he saw you in the tub, your hair wet and slicked back like a siren, he was a lost sailor in the deep sea.
You closed the space between you, he hugged your naked back, his hands dropping to your hips, your arms wrapped around the back of his head, his heart beating fast as you pressed yourself closer to him, you held him tight, you could feel it somehow, you broke the hug and took his hand walking him to the tub, fixing him out of his blood-stained shirt, taking it off button by button and sliding it down his bruised arms, your fingertips traced the veins that ran thru his purple bruises and the new open scars on his knuckles, now that you could see him closely, his bottom lip was torn, his left eye was punched, a little bit swollen and red, he was in a bad state, you zipped out his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, he kicked his shoes off and went inside the tub with you, he rests his body on top of yours, wrapping your legs and arms around him, cleaning the blood out of his body softly, "I'm glad you're here with me babe" He said, your heart warmed up, you felt that knot on your stomach detangle, now you were holding him, and he was alive, bruised up but you would take care of him.
"You don't know how much-... I was so scared" You whipped your nose, holding back the tears as best as you could, "You don't need to tell me what happened, just tell me it's gonna be ok for at least tonight, that you'll be here and we'll wake up together" You whispered to his ear.
He held your hand and nodded, "Everything's gonna be ok, I promise" You ran your hand down his arm and you looked closely at the flower tattoo on his inner arm, you traced it with your fingertips.
"Tell me about your tattoo, I love the shape of that flower," You said to him, that hint of excitement in your voice made him smile.
"It's the natal flower of my city, Sheffield... I got it in 2012, a little bit pissed but at the time I thought it was sick tha knows... like it made me a real tough mother fucker with a flower tattoo" You both laughed in unison, "But now it's just pure nostalgia, but it makes me feel close to the memories of my adolescence"
"Which is your favorite memory?"
"The day I lost my virginity" He quickly answered, you smacked your lips and he chuckled, "To be honest it was embarrassing... but it was the same day that I played a gig with my mates" You gasped.
"You were in a band?!" He hummed a yes with the cheekiest smile on his face, "So that makes me a groupie?"
"Mhm, yes babe, but you know we had a few gigs in pubs, I worked on one of them actually but our first one was in a pub called The Grapes, amazing, so exciting but I was nervous at the moment but I still wanted to do it, we weren't the best but I knew that it wouldn't kill me to try and do it," You hummed playing with his hair.
"What was the band called?"
"Arctic Monkeys, I played the guitar, Andy the bass, Cookie the rhythm guitar, and Matt..." He stayed quiet for more than a minute, gathering his memories and trying not to let his emotions get the worst of him, "He... played the drums, and he played the hell out of them, I wish you could've seen us" You could hear the nostalgia on his voice.
"I think I was in primary school at that time" Both of you laughed loudly when you reminded Alex of that age gap, but if you didn't mind it he didn't either, "I bet you guys rocked,"
"That's right, all of us grew up together, and played in the same soccer team except Jaime, I was really good at basketball as well, but you know I wasn't really a good-looking guy"
You hummed disagreeing, "I think no matter how old you are, you'd still be breaking hearts"
"Nah," He said, "I took it slow, one girl at a time, I never really knew how to express love, I knew what it was, but I wasn't sure if I could handle it, or if it would be enough, and yeah... I don't know... I never really told anyone that" You massaged his hair with your fingers.
"It's alright, baby," You said kissing his cheek, "I think I was saying that more of me than you, I'm an asshole when it comes to love, deep down I know that I'm not good enough for anyone, so I broke plenty of hearts... before I cling onto people, I know I'll disappoint them, so I much rather hate myself than making them have the wrong impression of love,"
"You know what... we could work with that," He said hopefully, "Tell me more about you, was your first time good?" He asked, making you blush with embarrassment and cover your face with both of your hands.
"It was... um... in 11th grade, I think... I met the guy outside a party, smoking some shit and he gave me some, we liked each other and we went with it, but I didn't really enjoy it, it was funny, he was sloppy but careful... and I thought I would just be straight up bad but he showed me the opposite, after that I just repeated the process, talked and once they quiet down I look at them like this" You turned his face, deeply staring at his eyes, your eyes turned from dark to doe and he smiled, kissing your lips lingeringly.
"I see what you're up to" You smiled, and changed the conversation to him.
"And you?"
He cleared his throat, "Well... after the gig we went to crack a few at Cookie's and we had a blast, at the time I was in the middle of starting a relationship with this girl that I had a crush on, neither of us wanted to admit it, but when we set it on stone, we began to date... I think it wasn't that bad, I did all of the job, trying to please her more than meself, and to impress her even if I didn't know much, she said it was good but nobody's first time is amazing" You agreed with him.
"Have you ever fallen in love?" You asked him, he turned to look at you, tracing his thumb and index down to your chin, he looked at you in the same way he looked at you when you first kissed him.
"I think I'm beginning to know what it feels like" For the longest time you had waited for those tingles in your tummy, and your cheeks to feel warm and hot, you visibly blushed and your mouth curled into a smile, because you felt it too, there was nothing more beautiful and pure than the nakedness of the heart.
"Fuck you," You said with a smile, hiding your face. He teased you trying to make you laugh by tickling your sides until he pulled your hands down, it was the first time you blushed, your cheeks painted crimson, "Don't look at me like that!" He pinned your hands down switching places to be face to face with you, "Tell me more about your little girlfriends" You switched the subject.
"Mmm, tell me about yours"
"Why would you wanna know about mine?" You crossed your arms while he stared at you darkly, knowing you couldn't be able to win the staring contest that he put you in, you began to talk, "Never had an official boyfriend, you know? it was kinda like a few months thing, flirting and you know, eventually, we just agreed to say goodbye, but the sex... what more could you ask for?" He moved closer to you, tilting his head to the side, trying to find another angle to get to you.
"Teenage angst?" He questioned.
"Yeah..." You giggled, "Being curious about the things that you like... if you like your hair to be pulled, chocking, tongue kissing, you know... that" You giggled awkwardly while he kept looking at you with a smirk.
"And what else?... did you like the stuff that you did with them? was there a guy that was remarkable?"
You hummed and smiled as you remembered, "Actually... yes," You lift your eyebrow, "He was something else, the best I had in the time, fun and adventurous, he had no shame in asking the things that I might like, asked me if I wanted to be chocked while he had his hands around my neck if I liked being called names..."
"Better than me?" His fingers trailed up your body so gently, from your knees up to your inner thigh, "Answer me"
You drew your leg back, pushing him to stay still as you crawl on top of him, "Don't act like that, he was only fun because I made him fun, I only used him because he fitted me so well..." Your tongue attacked his ear, sloppily kissing him with your open warm mouth, Alex began to feel himself giving into you, your back so soft and your kisses so wet, he could feel himself getting aroused but he didn't want to, he wanted to have complete control over you and your body, he smacked your ass roughly abruptly taking the control.
"Dirty fuckin' cunt" You smiled as he spat, your eyes made him melt when you posed them so innocent and cute.
"Did I upset you... Daddy?" You purred with a pout on your face.
"Mmm, it don't matter to me... who he was, or what he did with you, you had your fun... now it's my turn" You smile widely when you felt his head on the entrance of your cunt, you could feel it in your tummy, that same spark starting to flutter and expand all over your body, like electric shocks, "'Cause I know that deep down, you wish to be somebody else's toy" You moaned with pleasure when you felt the tip of his cock inside you, your walls contracting at the urge of more of him, "Say it," He said, looking at you with that mischievous smile, and his eyes turning evil and childish.
"Say what?" You asked, just to get him to pull your hair or choke you with his hands, but it made you earn a smack on the ass, in his hand he could fit half of your face and he squished it pulling you closer to his face, "I'm daddy's toy" You whispered very quietly.
"Again" He ordered.
With a grin, you pecked his lips and said, "I'm daddy's little toy" You wave your ass out crawling on top, "Won't you play with me?" You put his finger inside your mouth biting it.
"You're adorable" He pushed his hips, sliding all the way inside you, you gasped as chills ran up your spine, "Especially when you open your mouth just like that, to moan whenever I'm inside you, whenever daddy's cock is fucking your tight pussy, I wanna hear you gagging for just a little bit of my cum, I know how wet it makes you think about me filling you up till the very last..." You groan, your movements starting to build up, setting a pace that was harder, rocking your hips more aggressively, "You want more, you greedy fucking whore, wanting more of me cock, don't you? playin' around with me... this is what you get..." He wasn't even trying to please you, it was enough the pleasure that you gave him, you could feel his cock hardening with each time you rocked your hips, and that was enough pleasure for you.
"Mmm... Daddy please, I want you..." Watching his tough gaze was making you wetter, the danger that surrounds him, the violence, the bruises, it just made you want more even when he was cold as ice, he felt so amazing, the water turning warm as he picked up a harsh pace pulling your body forward, his face between your tits as your ass bounces against his cock, water splashing, meat crashing, your body grinding asking for more contact with his body, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth, you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of how much he needs you, he needs you so badly that it consumes him completely, carnal lovemaking.
His movement decreased as he felt you slowly reaching your end, so he put off the flame, you whined and pulled his hair back, "Are you in touch with your darkest fantasies... desires and thoughts?" You gasped, that question made something in your heart skip a beat, and your brain clicked the pieces together, you smiled pulling your body forward, wrapping both of your arms around him.
"Why? Are you gonna make them come true?"
"Tell me what you want and you can have it" He answers fast without stuttering, looking directly into your eyes, "I wanna know what you're thinking, what's in that little head of yours" He caressed your hair with the palm of his hand, you wanted things to move quickly, just having him inside you filling you up was enough to keep you on the edge.
"Degrade me," You said a little doubtful, you didn't know how much could he be ok with, even the thought of saying certain things that you were interested in trying made you doubt a little if you could even like them.
"I already know that... but you didn't even have to tell me that, I saw it in your face, a corrupt angel" He whispered to your mouth, kissing you passionately so you could feel the love.
"I have tried somethings but... never this and this is something I always wanted to do," You referred to the shower, "But more than just thoughts, I think you're my darkest fantasy, I like how big you are, how you fit me, how you hold me and hurt me, how much it lingers in my body, I love how you push me down and fuck me until my vision is blurry and the air is too thick to breathe, I love the sharpness of your jaw and your knife, the spanking and your punishments, I love everything about it" You smiled leaning for a big kiss, the kind that made you smile widely.
He slowly began to thrust his hips, pushing his dick inside you, your walls contracting desperately for more friction, the spot getting tighter as his hand dropped in between your legs, circling your clit in gentle circles, you whimpered moving your hips to his rhythm, your fingernails caressing the soft hairs on the back of his head.
"Do you like how daddy fills you up?" you hissed, your head arching back, nipples getting hard, "You look so pretty when you take daddy's cock" You blushed at his words, feeling your entire body being covered by this sudden heat wave, but it got washed away the minute he slipped out of your entirely.
"Wait, what are you doing?" you whined, "Please Daddy don't take it away, I need it" you begged him, without saying another word he stood up, taking a step out of the shower, while you sat there, you could see him all, that piece of meat that hung between his legs, hard and swollen red.
You tried to stand up but he stopped you, his hand on your shoulder, "I wanna see you"
"What do you mean? you can see me" he said no with his head as if he really couldn't see you naked already.
"I wanna see your hands in between your legs, touching yourself so nasty, right in front of me" You didn't understand from where he got this but you obeyed, that tone of his boys and his killer glare told you to not say more, and just stare at him.
You put your hand in between your legs just like he wanted, it was all up to you, but after feeling Alex yesterday you knew touching yourself wouldn't feel as good as him, none the less you began to rub yourself in a gentle calm, and teasing circles, staring at him, biting your bottom lip and closing your eyes as you let your mind drown in the thought of yesterday.
"Don't..." he raised his voice, "I want you to tell me what are you thinking about, I want to hear you, everything I wanna know you everything, keep your eyes on me and you'll get it" You smiled, a little bit coughs off guard by his request.
"Daddy..." You sigh with your sweet voice, your fingers slowly gathering up a gentle pace on your swollen clit, it hurt a little bit to rub it down but it turned you on more to see him in all of his glory, you glorified his body, every inch of it, every muscle and vein that ran above his skin, everything about him was pure ecstasy, "I remember last night so vividly when you kissed me..." You exhaled, "And I was sat down on your leg, I could feel you... I could feel how hard you were getting for me, for my lips and the kiss I gave you, I knew it since then... I could feel how badly you wanted to fuck me"
"Keep going" He gulped, slowly beginning to stroke himself right in front of your eyes, that now didn't want to blink, you didn't wanna miss the way his hand grabbed his dick and began to jerk it.
"I-..." You bite down on your lip, "I can feel you inside me, you fuck me up so badly... I just want it back inside me again, it's as if I was drooling for you to be back in it, to have me all bruised and sore, I just need to feel you again, I can't do this by myself I need you..." You whine, stopping your fingers, "Nothing I could do to myself would ever be as good as you, what did you do to me, what did you do to me?"
"I showed you who you really are, the real you, not what everyone sees, I have seen you, I have tried you... been inside you, and I love every part of you, and I will love even the ones I don't know just yet" You looked at him, and you knew you were gone, you didn't want to be free anymore, didn't want to be away from him, because you love that man, he grabbed your hand, kneeling in front of you, guiding your fingers in big circles on your cunt.
"Tell me you love me"
"I love you, I love you..." Your moans started to get out of control, "I love you! I love you!" His fingers pushed yours back, you bucked your hips forward trying to get them to sink deeper but you couldn't, nothing could be as deep as he is, he was an ocean that washed you away, you tried to keep reaching deeper, trying to find your ending but you were no way near of finishing, even if he was the one that kept your fingers inside you, he watched you twist and scream for more, trying to provoke it but nothing happened, "I can't-" You chocked out, his thumb rubbed your clit in teasing gentle circles.
"You can't?... I'll stop then" You grabbed his wrist before he could take it away, digging your fingernails into his skin, "Tell me what do you want?" He demanded
"I want you to pound me until you leave me red and bruised until it hurts but I won't stop you, fuck me" You spat, the palm of his hand grabs a hold of your chin and squishes your cheeks together.
He smiled to himself, humming as he picks you up from the ground, wrapping both of your legs around his hips, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear, such a good little slut, my good little whore" He slides himself inside you, feeling him reach a new level of deepness inside you, it made your cheeks burn as he makes your body jolt up and down, you could see your face in the mirror, how you took him in deep, thrusting his hips up slowly making you sigh, you loved his body, his big back and even his round ass, you giggled by the thought, "What's that?" He asked, picking up on you and watching yourself in the mirror.
"Don't stop, it was nothing"  You said, but he turned and looked at your eyes thru the mirror.
"So you want a close-up look at your pretty face when I make you cum all around me, right?" You gulped, and that little hint of excitement could be seen through your eyes you nodded, and he slipped out of you just as easily as he got inside of you, walking you to the mirror, he turned you over, pulling your hips forward, "Arch your back..." You did as you were told, sticking out your ass for him, he hummed in satisfaction as his hands ran down your hips, fondling the roundness of your ass, he smacked it, living his hot hand print on your red ass cheek, and you didn't smile to the pain, you smiled to his face, you liked being held down, and the way he pushes your hips to his body, the way his neck arches and his throat stretches as he gulps because he loves how tight and warm you feel.
"You like my pussy, Daddy?" You whimper as he buries his dick deep, he looked at you thru the mirror, your pink cheeks and glimmering doe eyes had him on the verge.
"I love it, honey" He replays, his fingers tracing up your spine to your head, playing with your wet hair, messing it around, he gasps and thrusts inside you, slow but rough, electrifying, you nudge your head to the side, and he wraps your hair around his hand, drawing your body against his, he watches you thru the mirror, your eyes swelling up in tears, you needed more than just that slow pace, you loved it but you were desperate.
"Alex... please" You whined, "Gimme more Daddy please" You begged him, he noticed how your voice sounded more high pitched as you were about to cry, "Destroy me" He smiled, increasing his pace, "I know you want it" He pushed your body up to his, you watched and heard how his hips came in contact with your body, smacking and hitting it hard, your skin became raw and tender, his hair falling on his face as he speeds, his breathing shortens into a gasp with each time your walls contract around him.
"Oh, babe..." He whimpered, "You're- fuckin' hell," He lost control of himself, on how rough he was being with you, his arm wrapped around your neck, while his other pulled your hips forward, jolting your body up, your cheeks turning red, gasping for air, he wasn't going to stop any time soon, now it was all about him, he had lost control the moment he saw you take him so well, profoundly obsessed with the way your eyes glimmered whenever he was inside of you, how soft they become, how weak and easy you became to manage, how wet you got by just a simple graze or touch of him, you were it for him, he loved the way your pupils expanded, or when your chest became red, and how greedy you were.
"I'm gonna... please don't stop Daddy" You cried, your vision turning white, he watched you get out of your body, your mouth wide open, and your eyelids roll back when he pushed himself inside you, feeling you come around him warm and messy, you had lost your hearing for a moment, but he saw and heard it all, and you were unleashed completely, he pulled out of you second before he came, only for you to drop to your knees and open your mouth as a reflex, he came warm in your face, and your tongue.
"I'm so proud of you my little princess" You smiled, not only pleased on the outside but on the inside too, you could hear how happy you made him, satisfied, and you had a sense of fulfillment.
"Thank you, Daddy" He grabbed a towel for you to take out his release from your face but you didn't accept it, instead you took it away from your face and licked it off your fingers, "Yummy," You said with a smile. He picked you up from the ground with no struggle, you felt so light, and then he wrapped you up in a towel, grabbed your hairbrush, and slowly brushed away your hair, he was so gentle, it relaxed you to the point you didn't notice when you fell asleep to the feeling of his hands massaging your scalp, and your shoulders.
"My beautiful girl, it's time to rest" You saw him cover you up in the soft sheets, pulling your warm body to his, drifting to sleep with no more thoughts, no more distractions, no more worries, he had thrown them out the window the moment he saw you in the shower, now it was only you he could think about, and how happy he is in that moment, his eyelids felt heavier and heavier as the place got darker, his eyes were shut now, and that moment of happiness was over.
In his dreams he found no comfort like you, he only found despair and paranoia, he felt as though someone was watching him, he was all alone in his childhood room, and his mother's music could be heard from afar, echoing in his ears, he got up, it felt as though everything was spinning, everything slow, and far, he let his way down the stairs of his old house, nothing had changed, everything was in its place, the pictures were hanged, the flowers hadn't died, and his mother was fine, he hugged her from behind, the familiar sound of his favorite video game caught his attention, he walked to his living room, watching you play his video game on the floor with a smile spreader across your face.
"You can't have them both" His father's raspy voice broke the silence, he was in the old settee with the suit he always saw him in, drinking bourbon, he stood up, pointing the gun at your head, watching his mother enter the room slowly, "What's it gonna be?" Alex froze, his heart sinking to his feet, he couldn't move, couldn't fight back, the gun went off and his eyes opened.
He jumped, and you woke up next to him, sweating cold, looking pale, his breathing agitated, "What happened?" He heard your voice echoing, and you eased him, grabbing his hand with both of your hands, and smiling, he looked at you, and saw from your shadow walk out his father, "I'm watching you..."
The third time he woke up in a cold sweat, you were still asleep, laying on your side, your naked back soft like silk, he had to stand up for a moment, sitting by the window to feel the fresh and cool air of the night, he watched you, how your chest rises and falls serenely, your pouty lips and long eyelashes, shining in the moonlight, he was frightened by the shadows in the night, he felt like a child again, relying on his night lamp to keep him safe from the monsters underneath his bed, and the ones that hid in the shadows.
In the morning you woke up to the sound of the birds on your rooftop, happy and dreamy, but alone, you rolled on the bedsheets, using them as a big gown, you watched him in the frame of your door, walking around tense, with his silver gun in his hand, sipping black coffee like a maniac.
"Alex..." He stopped, putting the coffee away only to hug you tight, but this was a very tight hug, as if he was relieved of something, "Is everything ok?" You asked.
"I'm sorry" He replayed.
"But... why?" You cupped his face with both of your hands, his eyes softened when he looked at you.
"Because I promised you that everything was going to be ok," He said sounding very disappointed in himself, he was being very harsh on himself, and you didn't get why, "I brought you into this mess, when I shouldn't have done this to you, this is something that I have to take care of, and you shouldn't be here"
Your heart dropped, "What do you mean I shouldn't be here?" He was quiet, and you walked up to him, "Look at me and tell me you want me to leave" He stood still looking down to the floor, "You're beating yourself up, killing yourself from the inside, you need to stop that" You ordered.
"What if I can? What if you don't love anything at all? There's nothing else for you to love" He walked away from you, grabbing his gun.
"I died a few days ago, and you brought me back to life, what makes you think I won't do the same for you? I'm in love with you" You said desperately, the sheets dropping to the floor as you held him.
"You're in love with a dying man"
You grabbed his wrist, aiming the gun at your heart, "There's nothing for me left, there's nothing I would want more in this life than you... if you stay... I stay" You were crumbling down his walls one by one.
"You're crazy," He said with a smile, "The Bonnie to my Clyde" You couldn't let go of him, pressed against him so tightly, "You're my little bunny, you know that?" H gave you a light smack on your ass. 
You smiled and nodded, "I'm gonna get changed"
"Thought you didn't bring any clothes?" You chuckled, cheeky son of a bitch, you walked to the room making a ponytail for your hair, even if he loved how his navy blue sweater fitted you, there's nothing that he could love more than watching you naked.
"Your sweaters dummy! What do you want for breakfast?" You walked over to the kitchen, "I can make some..." You looked at the eggs and butter, "Omelettes or... french toast?" He nodded, going back to being a vigilante, you put the brown sugar and white sugar in a bowl incorporating them with some cinnamon, cracking the eggs, splashing vanilla and milk, and mixing them together, you turned on the stove, cutting up some butter to grease the pan, soaking the bread in the mixture, and letting it cook slowly as you chopped some fruit. 
Just in a few minutes, the house began to smell like cinnamon, warm black coffee, and cigarettes, you served the breakfast and sat on the settee with Alex, he smiled as you covered his toast in butter and maple syrup, he took a big bite, chewing it slowly in front of you, he swallowed, "This is lovely, the best french toast I've ever tried" You smiled and pecked his lips.
"My sister could be many things, but I was gifted with the kitchen, except for the dishes, after this I'm not lifting another finger" You joked, and he smiled at you, his mouth full.
"There's more right?" You smiled and said yes, getting up to give him what was left from the toasts you made.
"How long are you gonna be there playing Batman?" He smiled and nudged his head, "Maybe I could learn" You said.
"How to shoot? You're crazy, woman" You rolled your eyes, "I think it's best if I'm the one who holds the rifle"
"You know I'm a good girl, I can learn it fast, come on!" You begged him putting your hands together, "Please, please, please?"
"Let's go" You grabbed your shoes jumping as you put them on and he grabbed a few apples, stripping up his rifle in his back with his gun on his belt, and then he took you to the back of the house, close to the woods, he lined the apples, he walked back to you, grabbing your hand and walking further away from the target, "You're about 10 ft away from your target, not very far but good for your first try, first you load the gun" He grabbed a box of bullets from his coat, taking only two rounds "This is a magazine" He pointed it out, pressing a release button on the side of the grip taking it off from the pistol, "As you add rounds the spring gets compressed, that's why it's hard to close it"
"But thank God I have you here Daddy" You kissed his cheek and he smiled, trying to hide the small blush that crept to his cheeks, you noticed, but you didn't say anything.
"Load the flat side of the cartridge to the flat side of the magazine and the round side of the cartridge to the rounded side of the magazine, almost like batteries, right?" You nod, humming a yes, "Then you put it back in place, hold it strongly, you must have a very strong grip, rest the magazine here" He puts it in the palm of your hand, and you push it in until you heard a click, "Perfect, then you charge it" He clamshells your han over the rear sight is of the slide, you pulled the slide back to the rear until it stopped and he released your hand, allowing it to slide and slam shut, he puts himself behind you, aiming the gun at the target, "There, focus..." He whispered into your ear, but it was very hard when he was so close to you, pressed up against you, just like in the bathroom, "Breathe..." Your chest rises and falls calmly as your finger hooks into the trigger, "Shoot" He says, and you shoot, hitting the apple perfectly, "That's my girl!" He cheered and picked you up from the floor spinning you around.
"Can I go again?" You asked him sweetly, and he nodded, you followed the same steps, Alex watching your every move, putting his rifle on his shoulders and his arms above it, you could hear his raspy and deep voice in your ear again, breathing in and out calmly, and shooting perfectly.
"I'm impressed, you're very good at this, doll" You smiled and pecked his lips.
"I had a good teacher" He pulled you in with his hand on your lower back, kissing you passionately until your lips were swollen and pink, taking advantage of the moment to grip your ass tightly, you moaned and he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, and then he shut you off, tearing the kiss apart.
"You wanna see how I do it?" You nodded, but before he could shoot you ran to fetch an apple, putting it above your head, "What are you doing?!"
"I trust you, you can do it!" He sighed, aiming the barrel of the rifle at the top of your head, and cleanly shooting the apple away, you were amazed by him, running back to him and hugging him tight, the thrill of everything had you so euphoric.
His hand gripped your neck firmly but not tightly, "Don't do that again, alright?" He softly said, and you nodded grabbing his fingers with your hand.
"Nothing was going to happen though... I knew you wouldn't fail the shot" You said to him, "I was just playing around," You said, but he stopped you.
"I don't wanna play like that with you, you could've gotten hurt..." He said, you cheekily smiled at him, "What?" You grabbed the gun in his hand, sticking out your tongue and licking it, he was speechless.
"Where's the fun in that?" You said to him, you didn't know what got into you when you saw him shooting, so strong, and manly, you knew those weren't the right words but you still struggled to find some that even got closer, something got inside you wanted more of him like that, you were the center of his universe levitating around you, a strange type of magnetism, drawn to each other, something unstoppable, "I'm ready for you, daddy" You whispered, lifting up your sweater, pushing his hand in between your legs, as you played with his gun, licking it like a toy.
"You're a perverted little slut" He slide his fingers inside you, "Got you obsessed with me cock, didn't I?" You nod as a yes, shivering but not for the cold, for the way his hand gripped your neck tight like a perfect collar, "Precious girl, what got you like that?"His fingers ran down your folds, wet and so tight for him, needy for something to fill them up.
You giggled as he pushed your cheeks together squishing them, "Find out inside maybe?" You pulled his fingers away, and he kneeled on the ground throwing you over his shoulder, you tried pushing your sweater down but he spanked you instead, quickly getting inside the ranch and throwing you to the couch.
He stood up, pointing the gun at your head, your face inching closer to his slowly, his eye examining your face carefully as you closed your eyes to kiss him, softly, heavenly, falling deeper and deeper to a never-ending loop of you and only you, of your sweet smell of vanilla with a note of cinnamon, your sweet maple syrup mouth, and lovely coffee brown eyes, his lips open yours to push his tongue inside your, tasting your warm and sugary insides, something he loves so much makes him have this feeling of wanting to consume you entirely, he pushed you down to the couch, crawling on top of you, his knee in between your legs, holding his gun to the side of your forehead, his hand slowly reaching in between them.
"I'm gunna blow you away babe doll" His fingers roamed your clothed pussy, the excitement making you smile, his gun aimed at your face, "Come on now, don't look so scared, You know where I want you..." You smiled at him, "Don't smile at me like that... get down on your knees you fucking cunt" He pressed it to your chest and you slowly kneeled on the floor, you stared at him with wide eyes, "Why are you lookin' at me like that now, huh?" You stayed quiet and began to fiddle with the hem of his jeans and just as you were about to pull his dick out of his boxers he threw your hand away, looking at you disappointed, "God... you never learn, you're so dumb..."
Your eyes wide open, your heart skipping a beat at the look of his eyes on you, it hits you like a bullet, right into your heart, "But what did I do wrong?" His hand grabs and pulls your hair making your face tilt up and your mouth groan in pain.
"Nah... you know exactly what you got yourself into, stop acting like a dumb fucking whore" You simply smiled, not really knowing how to react to his words, not knowing where your smile would get you, you've never been called dumb in this way, but nevertheless, somehow you liked it, he inhales sharply, contemplating you, contemplating all of his ideas, examining your bottom to top, just like that on your knees, with your hair resting on your shoulder, he wiped out his gun, "Blow it," He says, your face suddenly changes from preoccupation to pleasure, with a grin, you approach closer to the gun, licking the metal barrel with your pink warm tongue, he watched in awe every move, with a grin on his face he didn't notice he had, he just watched with his pupiles dilated as he grew uncomfortably hard, he wasn't just hard, it was even harder to control his impulses, you were so gentle with his gun, kissing the hole, opening your mouth and taking the gun inside your mouth, with your eyes closed, picturing it really was his dick but still being aware of the danger, and that keeps you on the edge, spreading your legs open, your hand sliding down your stomach, your finger tips lightly grazing your cloathed clit over your underwear, fuck, you were soaked and so needy, your lips let out a quiet moan but that's enough reason for him to push the gun down your throat, making you gag around it messily.
"I-... I'm gonna die if you don't fuck me now, Alex..." You were breathless, in a hurry to get something else to fill up your own hole, he was so moved by the way you were sucking that gun, and your hands run down between your thighs.
"Proof me that you want it, don't act like a stupid fucking cunt" You moved your hair to the side, looking at him right into his eyes as you sucked with passion and need as if your life truly depends to get fucked over by Alex, because in this moment, it is, "D'ya like it?... 'Cause I think somebody is more than just wet... I think your pussy is all bathed in your cum, you don't even need your fingers, you just finish by just picturing my cock, you love it don't ya?" You hummed as a yes, "This is why I call you a stupid cunt, a dumb fuck, you're starting to get me tired by just humming your answers, you know that, right you stupid-"
"I know" You interrupt him, slamming your voice at him.
"Oh... now you feel like you have the right to use that tone with me?" He breathes in harshly, squishing your cheeks together as he presses down the gun at your forehead, "You don't like it, right? This was your idea, but it wasn't my decision to make you act like a dumb bitch... if you want me to call you something else, earn it, change my mind" He dares you, your getting more agitated and irritated by the second, your knees getting tired from always being down on them, so you decided to change everything around.
"Ok, Daddy, I will change it," You said with a smile as a bright idea pops into your head, you got up from the ground, slowly getting on top of him, knees on either side of his round thighs, "You know exactly what I love the most about you, I know exactly what I want to do with your cock, do you wanna see?" You asked him, and he silently nodded, you grabbed his wrist, rubbing yourself against his gun, "I- fuck..." Your nails dig into his shoulder.
"You what?... keep talkin' to me," He said, he sounded excited, like a 14-year-old boy kind of excitement.
"I need it right here in between my legs, way deep inside me, getting deeper and deeper with every move of your hips, I don't know what buttons you press Daddy, but I just now that I need you right here" You began to rub yourself harder, rocking your hips back and forward with your back arched, it was so strange, the fact that something so dangerous could make you feel this type of way. His eyes focused entirely on your pussy, he watched as those little and thin pair of panties became wetter and wetter, into a puddle of wetness, you lose control so easily, getting taken away by the pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of your head, your breathing getting shorter, drenched in ice cold sweat but your skin felt warm, slowly building up the pleasure until Alex moved his hand away, your legs shaking by the surprise, your walls clenching around nothing, you were starving for him, "Please Daddy, just please..." You opened your mouth to kiss him, sliding down your tongue to his mouth, and biting down on his bottom lip, "I know you need this too, let me make you feel good, please... I want to please you"
Those words put him in a place, a place that he hates to be, a place where he feels weak, your hand slowly reaches in between his legs, feeling his pulsing dick, you've never felt a man get this hard, it was so different, you stroke him slowly but your hand gripping him tightly, "Fuck..." He breathes out harshly, you didn't understand how he does it, how he has so much control over himself, he didn't want to let go.
"Come on, baby... just relax..." You whispered softly against his ear, as his head lay down on the couch, but he abruptly opened his eyes, you knew it was the end of you, he gripped your wrist tightly, throwing you to the side, hands, and knees, down in all fours. He rips off your panties from your body, scratching your skin like a lion, and you wine but he ignores you.
He gripped your hair back, leaning forward to whisper to your ear, "Are you tellin' me what to do?" He breathed in harshly, you felt him fiddling with his belt, you kept your eyes closed exactly knowing what was coming for you, your body was shaking, gathering up all your strength to endure the pain of his thick letter belt, he breathed in closer to your ear, "I don't know what scares you more, me or the gun I'm holding against your head?" You exhale sharply, panting as you try to come up with an answer, "You don't even have to say it, you're not scared of it, you're scared about how much you like this, how much harm I can do," You felt his dick hard against your inner thigh, your bit your lips to the thought of the feeling, your eyes rolling back, walls clenching together.
His nose digs into your hair, landing a small kiss on it, "Stay like this... don't move" Your face digs into the cushions, your wrists being gripped and tied together by his belt, his tip sliding slowly inside your pussy, you moaned so loudly, finally, you had something to decrease that hunger, that need to be filled up, without you noticing, you began to push your hips back, fucking yourself entirely on his dick, you heard him laughing so evilly while you struggled to move your hips from having your hands tied behind your back, "You're so needy, yeah?" You whined and sniffed your nose, he spanks you hard, "Go on, fuck yourself on me fuckin' cock" You kept moving your hips, panting and trying to reach for air as you kept fucking his dick, and his hand kept smacking your ass, each slam of his hand felt like little electricity shots, your pain began to be a feral hunger for him to be as rough as he wanted, so you let him keep spanking you, you kept moving your hips, your walls grasp his cock to stay buried inside you, you couldn't resist it anymore, couldn't hold it in for another second.
"Oh Alex.... please" Your muscles contract, your legs begin to shake slightly, your moaning so loud it sounds like murder.
"I know you want to cum... I can feel it" He whispers in a cold tone.
"Please Daddy, let me... please" He sighs, as you let go all around him, making a big mess on his cock, your creamy release coating his cock, and you cried, in anger, in sadness, because you knew he wasn't going to forgive you and yet at the same time that made you angry.
"Are you done?" He asks, and you furrowed your eyebrows, "I can't with you" He pulls his cock out of your cunt, but quick enough you straddle him between your legs.
"Alex, you can't-"
"No, you don't get to tell me what the fuck to do, you're acting like such a fuckin' cunt I-" You shut him up with a big slap on his face, he looks at your face up and down in awe, and he slams you back, you pushed him away, and tried to hit him again but he grabs your wrists and pushes them down, he pulls you in by the hair and you tried to resist kissing him but he just did, he kissed you, and it feels like true love, his arms wrapped around your waist, as your hips rock back and forward, "You're so fucked up"
He raised his hips up and put his hands on your hips pushing your body down to his cock at the same time he pushes his hips up, it was unholy, your heart was about to burst out of your chest, your ears popped, and your mouth was dry, just as if you were dying, completely being consumed by him, you didn't want to let go of him at all, you looked thru his eyes, deep down there was a deep sweetness to him, one that sometimes surfaced, he was really in love with you, you could see it right thru his tender warm brown eyes, his hands clamp your flesh and you groan in pain but it didn't matter, the tears didn't matter, all it was now was him.
"I love you..." You mumbled, snuggling to his neck, your mouth against his ear, your moans getting stuck on the middle of your chest, your whole body tensing as your wall clench around his cock, Alex kept slamming his cock in and out of your pussy, both bathed in sweat, your face stained with tears, you took one last look at him, his eyes fixated on yours with his mouth opened, his jaw locked, and his hair sticking to his forehead as sweat runs cold down his forehead, something different happened when you had finished, you closed your eyes and just hear him cuss all over your clogged ears.
"Holy fuck babe" He hums, rubbing his tip against your clit, you kept yelling from the pleasure, "Yeah! Fuck yeah... you're- oh... gonna make me fuckin' cum too..." He pressed himself up closer to you, the space between you too so tight your heart was beating thru his chest, he felt so warm inside your milky insides, so tight around your pussy, it was also time for him, he turns you over, so now your back was against his chest, he grabbed you tightly by your upper arms surely leaving bruises on them, and once more he grabbed his gun, he wrapped his arm around your tummy, and laid you down gently against his chest, kissing your ear as the cold metal of his gun is pressed against your lower chin.
"Would you kill for me?" He asks, you were a weeping mess, your mind too foggy with lust, nevertheless, you didn't have to think of your answer.
"Yes," You firmly replayed.
"Promise you'll love me forever, even if I do things that don't seem right, trust me...everything I do is for you" He whispered against your ear, your heart melting as his sweet voice showed for once how caring he is.
"I promise, I'll never stop loving you"
"You could be just saying that 'cause I could just easily blow that little pretty head of yours" He presses it harder against you, making you tilt your head slightly to say, "But I much prefer fucking your pussy and cum inside it real deep" He began his assault once more, this time you didn't think it was possible to keep going, he was being so rough with you, it was beginning to hurt a little.
"I can't Daddy... p-please I can't handle it" You moaned, his fingers came down to rub your pussy in broad circles making you cry out of pleasure and pain, a very dangerous combination for you because slowly you began to like it, "I can't- You're hurting me" You beg him with tears in your eyes.
"Shut the fuck up" He covers your mouth with his hand, and rubbed your pussy harder pressing his fingers down on your pussy, making your walls tighten, your breathing stuck in your throat, "You beg me to stop but you can't stop getting wetter and wetter now can you?" You couldn't keep up with Alex's rhythm, your body was worn out, you wanted more but your bruised knees and legs couldn't make your body move.
"Stop Daddy... please!" You sigh as his cock finds a new sweet spot inside you.
"Mmmm.... sounds like my little girl wants some more" Fingers pulling on your flesh, and you put your hands on his knees as he fucks your body with passion and frustration, "I love watching this... love watching you take every inch of me cock, everything just disappearing inside that little hole" He takes the chance to spank your round ass, and you didn't even make a sound, you felt as if you were floating out of your body, being too high up in the clouds to even feel any pain, but slowly you were falling back to earth, as everything began to build up in your stomach, "I can feel you're ready... tell me you want it... beg me for it"
"It's everything I ever wanted, all I want... I want you to finish inside me, cover my pussy with your cum..."
"Yeah? You want my cum to drip out of your pussy like a fucking whore, that's what you want?" He pushes his hips up, staying way deep inside you, pushing his cock in all the right places, you were tense, your whole body getting rigid as you suddenly had lost control, and something different was happening, Alex noticed and let out a deep sound from his throat, he stayed silent as he fucked your brains out, the noise that his body made as he thrust his cock inside you and your brain didn't capture what happened after that last thrust, you were screaming in pleasure as you felt you were cumming and his moaning got raspier, he was panting for air as he saw you cumming so hard, splashing his cock and wetting the couch leaving a damp stain on it.
"Fuckin' hell babe, oh- keep going" You pushed out the rest of it by making pressure on your lower abs, and he came twice inside you, one after the other, his mouth dry by seeing you cum all around him like that, wet the couch and the floor with your release, he pushed his cum inside your pussy, thrusting out of you, watching your milky insides drip out his cum and your wetness, you let yourself go on his arms, blacking out completely, as if you were drunk, your body too heavy but you felt so light at the same time, you heard him gasping for air against your ear, both of you trying to catch some air. He whispered something to your ear you didn't quite hear well, but you answered.
"Yes... I'm so full Daddy" Making him giggle along the way, carrying you to the shower like a baby in his arms, and cleaning you down with warm water, kissing your forehead and neck, behind your back as you lay down next to him in bed, he says he likes you more naked than dressed, he loves you more when you're honest, he says he's deeply in love with you right before bed, and you love him too with depth.
"I love you, honey," He repeats right before you sleep, till the sun hits your skin.
hi <3
sorry for disappearing and leaving you on the edge for months, I've been really fucking busy, stupidly busy, trying to finish this chapter was like trying to finish a whole book with the schedule I have now, I'm still trying to figure out a way to keep writing but I do have other priorities, I'm sorry, this not going to end any time soon but I'll be more on and off than I would normally be, which i hate but I'm still going to be here and Christmas is almost here sooo... don't worry, you'll always have me, i love you and thank you for being so patient and caring and so lovely to me. take care, i always have you on my mind too. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Request! So could you do like, how some of the marvel characters (your choice) would react to the reader surprise hugging them? You don't have to do this of course! Also have a good day gor night!
Marvel characters x Male reader
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I shall be using my faves, hope you enjoy ;) These are shorter, but there’s more characters than I normally do. I was imagining the reader and the characters are already in a relationship in this :).
Steve Rogers
-          Depending on the time, I imagine Steve reacts differently. If hes heavily focused on what hes doing, I think hed give a small jolt and turn around. When he realizes its you, he hugs you back.
-          Or he will have heard you coming, supersoldier hearing you know. Hed let you sneak up on him though, and turn around at the last second to surprise hug you first.
  Bucky Barnes
-          You won’t be able to sneak up on Bucky. With all the training hes had, he heard you the moment you stepped into the room.
-          He would indulge you though, and let you “sneak” up on him and let you wrap your arms around him. I think hed place his hands on your arms so he could hold you as well, maybe lean his head back to rest on your shoulder.
  Tony Stark
-          I think Tony would jump almost a mile into the air if he’s heavily focused with something or just oblivious to what’s happening around him.
-          Hed clutch at his chest and make some overexaggerated comments about how you scared the life outta him and how you shouldn’t scare a man with heart problems. Then he would kiss you and hug you.
  Steven Grant
-          Steven would be surprised and maybe give a tiny jolt or gasp, but he would melt into your arms and lean back against you.
-          Maybe he would even turn his head to kiss you on the cheek or you two would sway from side to side as he tells you about his day or current interests.
  Clint Barton
-          Good luck sneaking up on Clint. Using his spy training, I think he would either drop down, crawl between your legs and hug you from behind instead.
-          Or he would do some over the top flip over you to hug you from behind. When you pout at not being able to get him, he would pepper kisses all over your cheeks to cheer you up.
  Peter Parker
-          I think the only moment you could sneak up with a surprise hug on peter, would be during Star Wars marathons, when he’s doing homework, or working on spiderman stuff.
-          If he’s working on spiderman stuff, his first reaction would be to shove whatever he’s working on into his desk to hide it, but when he realizes its you, he sighs in relief and hugs you back. Other times he would just lean back against you.
  Eddie Brock
-          You can only sneak up on Eddie and Venom in the morning when they’ve just woke up. Venom is throwing together what he claims is breakfast, and Eddie is half asleep against the counters in the kitchen.
-          When you give him a surprise hug from behind, he almost spills his coffee, but he leans back to half sleep against your chest instead. He leans his head back to kiss your chin or cheek, and Venom purrs, giving you the closest a symbiote can to a kiss as well.
  Wade Wilson
-          Wade will throw himself around so fast that you can barely keep up and hug you too, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into the air. No matter what height or size you are, he will lift you.
-          Wade will swing you around and call you the most over the top pet names, and then pucker his lips in an overexaggerated way demanding a kiss to be let down.
  Matt Murdock
-          Try all you might, you can never surprise hug Matt. He heard your heartbeat and smelled you the moment you entered the apartment.
-          He turns around the last second when you come up behind him, and wraps his arms around you instead. This ends with you grumbling about never being able to sneak up on him, making the man laugh and kiss your forehead.
  Frank Castle
-          Frank is another person you won’t be able to sneak up on. With all his training, even if you were training to sneak, he would know.
-          But he would still let you come up behind him and “surprise” him. He would just look over his shoulder at you, quirk a brow and smirk. Maybe he would kiss you, but then he would go back to doing whatever it was he was doing.
  Johnny Storm
-          Hugging Johnny all of a sudden would give him a shock, and hed almost drop what he was holding if he was holding anything where he would then fumble to catch whatever it was.
-          He would turn to look at you over his shoulder and pout, but would then smile when you kiss him on the cheek. Johnny would turn around in your arms and hug you back, squeezing you tight.
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emillyverse · 1 month
Out of context + Production change + Creators freaking out !
HELLO KOW FANS!!! How are you???
For this weekend's updates we have great news! I managed to finish the 17 sketches of the first scene of KoW (that giant that tells the backstory of the emergence of kings who grant wishes, for those out of date)... YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Unlike last week, I won't be showing the comics here, instead I'm presenting them "out of context"!
I'll throw some random images here, and on the day the Comic comes out, you guys try to come back here and try to see where I fit each reference!
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(throw the images there and run away, good luck understanding them)
Still talking about Comic, I had already mentioned that this is my first time working on a big project. I don't really know how to do things, I just know that I must do them and reach a result that the team and I consider satisfactory.
With that in mind, I was studying some creative processes and came across that of the great director Hayao Miyazaki .
I believe many of you know him, the internet hasn't stopped talking about him since "The Boy and The Heron" won the Oscar for best animation, besides @annymation already mentioned it in her fanfic, but in case anyone is new and doesn't know him, he is one of the biggest names in animation directors in Japan and the world.
Anyway, I discovered that, in his creative process, Hayao Miyazaki began to storyboard his films himself, sometimes without a pre-determined script, he just sat down and sketched out what he wanted or how he visualized the scene happening.
I tried this with a scene I was trying hard to write in my own original story and had a very fun and satisfying result. So, I decided to try to apply this process to making KoW: basically I'm reading the scenes that Anny wrote and trying to capture their essence by sketching as I read. Let's see what happens! Something tells me that this will make the Comic production process lighter and more fun for me, and that's a good thing considering that busy days are coming in my life (good busy days) !
However, this does not mean that the process will speed up. No. It may still be a little slow. But it does not matter. Calmly and with smiles, Me, @annymation and @uva124 let's make it happen!
I want to share something that made me, Anny and Aled freak out last night!
Yesterday, we were talking about my favorite topic: Aster.
I arrived presenting an idea I had while hiking — for Aster to get a star tattoo on his chest, with the words "Lacaille 8760" naming it.
And then this happened:
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(prints taken directly from Anny's cell phone, showing conversations from our rewriting group. enjoy, we don't do this every day!)
So yes.
That's exactly what you're thinking.
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(throw this and run away because asha is chasing me)
This is it.
To the next.
Kisses full of light and stars!
~ Emy
( @annymation @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @gracebeth3604 @frogcoven88 WAKE UP ALL OF YOU, COME SEE THIS)
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beepboopkek · 4 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (M!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AMAB!Reader afab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , amab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, blowjob but 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also afab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you're lying.”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't quite reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it still restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day. “Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your hardening shaft, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan licked around the underside of your cock. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air to the head of your now-wet cock made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your thigh, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on the head of your cock.
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically sucking you off, taking your entire length down his throat before taking it all out and licking around the head.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your dick pulsate in his mouth. A warning.
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, sucking you off like he’s never going to get the chance again.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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thefrontofmymind · 5 months
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Secret Santa
hello all! this is the first installment of @abiiors 's 12 Days of Christmas !!
NOTE: this is a continuation of Nothing's Changed, a oneshot I wrote a few months ago. i would say you should read it beforehand just so you know what's going on
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You weren’t nervous for the faculty secret santa, you’d seen a billion listicles of good generic gifts that could fit just about any of you coworkers.
It was only as you slyly opened the folded piece of paper you drew from the box and read the name, a shock went down your spine and you broke into a cold sweat. Ross.
You could argue it was silly to get so worried. You had your lists! But with Ross…it has to be special. You had to get him something meaningful–this was your first Christmas together, and granted you’d already ordered him a stack of vintage records of albums he loved, but you knew you couldn’t flake out and get him…a box of chocolates, for example.
But you had to be careful, anything too special could set off alarm bells in everyone else’s heads. It was common knowledge that you were friends in uni, and when given the chance you would be glued to each other’s sides, but there were policies about fraternisation between colleagues and you couldn’t lose this job.
You wracked your brain from the Wednesday morning of the name draw, up until Friday afternoon trying to think of something–anything–for Ross.
“You still here?” Lou said, popping her head through your doorway. “I thought I’d be the last one out of here tonight!”
You laughed–your neighbouring drama teacher was known for spending her evenings building set pieces and readying props and costumes for whatever performance her classes were doing next. “Just…milling around…”
“What’s up?” In the few months you’d known her, it seemed Lou always had the knack for sensing when someone was off; she’d know to send a student to the school nurse just with one glance at them.
“It’s silly, really…” You trailed off.
“It’s clearly bothering you, what’s up?” She persisted, taking a seat on the desk closest to your work station at the front of the room–where Ross would sit to eat lunch with you everyday for the past 2 months.
“I just don’t know what to get my secret santa–I know it’s stupid to get all worried about it–just…you know, I need it to be perfect,” you answered.
Lou let out a sigh. “What are you doing tomorrow? We can go into town and I’ll help you find a gift.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief at the idea of help. Though, how would you go about with Lou’s help without her cottoning on to the fact that the one reason you were so nervous was that you didn’t want to toe the line of co-workers and romantic partners too much around the people that couldn’t know.
“And maybe I’ll find something for my gift,” she continued. “What do you get Jimmy in Geography, anyway?”
“A map?” You joked.
“Well I imagine he probably has enough of those laying around,” Lou answered with a grin. “Who do you have anyway?”
“Ah, right, I get it now…” she commented before leaving, calling out a quick ‘I’ll drop by at 10!’ as she strolled out the door.
It wasn’t as cold as you expected the next morning. The sun had come out and there was a light layer of dew over the outside frames of the windows of your flat. You could even get away with just wearing your coat with a normal t-shirt for once.
You spoke to Ross the night before–he had grading to do before the end of term so he was spending his whole Saturday in a hole in his living room, surrounded by four classes worth of history essays to read. You were grateful he didn’t ask what your plans were, you just left it at a ‘then I’ll leave you to it’ and he seemed satisfied with it.
And in a stroke of rare luck, Lou was at your doorstep at 10 on the dot, with two oat milk lattes in her hands. It was never her forte to be on time, but you were glad your morning wasn’t full of anxiously waiting around for your coworker–and now friend. 
“So what are you thinking?” Lou asked as you strolled through the crowded street mall you found yourself in. She pointed to a fancy cosmetics shop. “Cologne or something maybe?”
“Not personal enough, I think,” you answered. “Why couldn’t I just get someone I don’t know anything about?!”
Lou laughed. It made you realise you may have been overthinking it just a little. You’d known Ross for years, you loved him… You just had to go with your gut.
“You and Ross are close, huh?” Lou continued after a few moments of silent strolling.
“In uni…we were inseparable,” you replied. “Like really close.”
She gave you a look, wide eyes. It was a silent question. Just how close? You gave one curt nod in response, a sign that you couldn’t talk about it, but it was clear what the answer would be.
Suddenly you felt like a weight had come off your chest. Finally you were honest to someone about Ross. You realised you didn’t have to completely hide your relationship, you just had to be careful about it. You immediately caught onto the notion that by and large you didn’t need to overthink this all; just go with your heart, and you’ll find the perfect gift for the most perfect man.
Walking past a jeweller, a gold glint caught the corner of your eye. It was a display in the window–a gold chain, not too delicate, but thick enough for you to see it immediately. You made a b-line for it without even looking to Lou. Every link interlocked with each other and laid so smoothly. 
You remembered Ross wore a thin chain in university–you remembered it dangling over your face as he hovered above you, begging for him to drown you in kisses yet again. At some point over the years he must have either lost it or forgone it as a growing moment. You missed it tickling your face, hiding within his chest hair like a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed–you got butterflies just thinking about it.
Sure, it was a little out of the price range for the gift exchange, but you always took those sorts of things as just a guideline. You and Lou walked out of the little family-owned shop with a tiny navy blue bag in your hand and a spring in your step.
You kept one eye on the small wrapped box under the tree in the staffroom during the staff party. Even though no one, bar Lou, knew what it contained, you were still worried someone would take it or misplace it or mistake it for their own gift. Through drinks and shallow conversations about your holiday plans and picking at the spread of potluck appetisers provided but almost everyone in the room, every so often you would just quickly glance to make sure it was still in it’s spot sitting atop a wrapped cylinder that you could only guess was a candle–it made you giggle to yourself to think that someone panicked and grabbed the first think they could think of, the most basic gift imaginable.
You spent most of your time glued next to Ross. He looked so…beautiful in his knitted red sweater with his hair pulled back like usual. You just couldn’t wait for him to open his gift. You couldn’t help but stare at the glint in his eyes as he chuckled along with the group at Kerry from biology’s story about her sons’ antics.
After about an hour and a half of mingling, it was finally time for the gifts. You all sat in a big circle around the staff room as Principal Janine handed out the wrapped presents. You giggled at the gag gifts, smiled at the sweet gifts, and tried to hide your confusion at gifts that were clearly some kind of inside joke you weren’t privy to.
Janine finally picked up the box for Ross. “And this one’s for…Ross!”
You could barely contain your excitement as he began to tear at the corner of the wrapping. You could tell he was being gentle with it, trying to ignore the spurs of “rip it!” from the group. He looked inquisitively at the small velvet box once it was free from the paper.
“Open it,” you whispered from beside him. You almost missed the glint in his eye as he slyly glanced at you. You knew you’d already given the game away–he knew it was from you.
The gold chain didn’t sparkle as much as you hoped under the fluorescent lights of the staff room, but it still caused a mist in Ross’ eyes just the same.
“So who do you think it’s from, then?” Lou asked with a grin–after all, she was there with you when you bought it.
“It can only be from one person, I reckon.” He smiled and placed a firm hand on the back of your shoulder.
You could’ve melted under his touch then and there. Even with all the private escapades you had gotten up to, nothing could compare to the adrenaline rush you felt at the tiniest amount of affection you could show each other in public.
“Well, I noticed you don’t wear one anymore! I thought you could get a little nostalgia from it!” You were smiling so wide, it looked like someone had stuck a clothes hanger in your mouth.
You noticed that underneath the tree was beginning to get sparse. Only about half a dozen gifts were left, you wondered which one was yours.
Janine grabbed a bulky, square-shaped, wrapped box and read the nametag on it. She joyfully passed it to you.
You couldn’t help but immediately tear the wrapping, making just an ounce of the mess you used to love making on Christmas morning when you were a kid.
It was a bottle of perfume. Not just any bottle. Britney Spears’ Midnight Fantasy. You let out a deep chuckle once you’d registered what it was–the perfume you were just about addicted to in uni, you pretty much had a stockpile running of them for your full 3 years there.
You heard a laugh from beside you. Ross had a smile just as wide as yours, his cheeks had all bunched up and he got those little creases at the edges of his eyes that you loved so much.
“Of course!” You bellowed. You realised everyone else in the room looked confused, you thought it’d be kind to clue them in. “I was obsessed with this perfume in uni, like, I don’t think I ever wore another perfume then.”
“Never! We knew you’d be coming when we could smell it while you were still a mile up the road!”
Ross’ cheeks were lit but the LED tealights surrounding your flat. You set up a picnic of sorts–inside, of course, no one in their right mind would stay outside in the freezing temperatures for longer than necessary–with an Indian takeaway.
It was small moments like this, the intimacy, that made you appreciate Ross even more. You’d thought it out and come to a conclusion; you didn’t mind that you couldn’t be all love-y with each other in public, it was the private times that counted, and with each interaction you could feel yourself falling further and further.
“I hope you like it,” you said, when discussing your secret Santa gifts–coincidentally to each other.
“Are you kidding, love? You’ll have to wrestle it off me now!” He smiled, a little wonky from the two bottles of wine you’d shared that evening.
You giggled. “I’m glad, and likewise with the perfume I…I can’t believe you remembered the exact one.”
“Of course I did!” He replied. He placed his plate on the picnic blanket that was sprawled out on your living room floor. “I actually have something else–to go along with it…”
He shifted and turned to dig through his bag, normally filled with supplies for school and his laptop. He retrieved a brown paper binded scrapbook.
“This was the-uh-second part of the gift,” he continued. “But I couldn’t quite give you this bit in front of everyone else.”
He handed you the book, and you finally got a good look at the cover. There was a picture of the two of you back from some university party back in the day–probably scoured from someone’s Facebook memories. You tried to hide your cringe at your outfit, not quite something you would wear today.
You began to flip through the pages. Photos from your year together, tickets to the films you saw at the cinema, a concert ticket or two as well. Each page had a little paragraph written right onto it in Ross’ scribbly yet concise handwriting–sometimes explaining a memory of a day in the fall when you got excited to watch Hocus Pocus with him, or a poem about snow falling down on you and resting in your hair.
You flipped to the last page, there was a lengthy letter written.
My love,
If all is going as planned, I’m watching you read this right now. I could stare at you forever, you know that?
You looked up to see Ross smiling at you, you couldn’t help but let out a schoolgirl-like giggle.
Even though you’ll vehemently deny it, the truth is you are the most beautiful sight in the world. Ever. I will never get sick of being graced by those eyes, the curve of your neck into your shoulders, your arms that you swear dangle just a little too far to be proportionate, and those hips–my word, those hips.
I could go on about your looks forever, but that is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the marvel that is you. You’re always so kind, so caring, and you’re the smartest in most rooms you’re in.
For a long time I thought the only chance I had with you was gone when we split so long ago. I must’ve accrued some bloody good karma to give me a second chance at loving you. I know it hasn’t been that long this time around yet, and I know we’re bound for a hassle the longer this goes on, but I want you to know that I’m in it. Whatever it takes, you are staying in my life and there’s not a chance I’m letting you go again.
All of this to say, I love you.
Your Ross
P.S. Don’t feel pressure to say it back or anything. It’s just important that you know.
You couldn’t stop the grin on your face. There was heat spreading all across your face and neck. You realised you hadn’t looked back up at Ross yet–you just couldn’t help but re-read the last few lines of his letter. I love you. I love you. I love you.
When you finally looked back at him, you could see his smile had faltered just a little. He was worried about your response.
You tried to find the words to tell him how you felt. How perfect this all was.
“Sorry if I…overstepped,” he started. “I just had to get it out, you know? Like there was this-”
You cut him off with a kiss. A deep kiss. The kind that did all the talking for you. The kind where you didn’t care that your teeth hit each other on impact and your neck was craning in an awkward position and all of Ross’ weight was settled on one hand leaning on the carpet and it was beginning to aggravate the skin on the palm of his hand.
In the end, none of that mattered. Because you loved each other, and after so long without one another that was the most important thing in your life.
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dxy-drxxm · 1 year
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You only had one desire— and that was for the bard you adore and the Anemo Archon you met and desire to come home... Even if you had to waste everything to get him. (gen. neutral reader)
Angst for a little bit then turns to comfort ; Venti is a little shit ; reader's appearance, name, and identity isn't specified (they're addressed as the traveler) ; hurt/comfort is real y'all
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Standing in front of the banner in the wishing realm, they carried the primogems they've saved up for months. They were told that they'd have the opportunity to finally summon someone in her team. Though, it depends on their luck- as it always has been.
Setting the barrels worth of gems, they focused their sights onto the banner. The traveler ignored the other three, that having being focused on weapons, standard banner (with most of the people known in Teyvat involved, surprisingly), and Kamisato Ayato.
No, they focused on one in particular.
Taking a deep breath, they grabbed the first crate full of primogems, brows furrowing in determination. “I'll make sure to honor your wish to travel with me, Venti,” they began, letting the primogems form into intertwined fates. “And that starts with getting you on my party with me.”
The intertwined fates flew up to the sky as more began to fade, only to rain down in blues and purples. They began to fall into arcs, some higher than others as it all crashed down at the end.
Though, this didn't stop them as they ran to where they were flying off, eyes focused on the target. The traveler didn't want to waste the only opportunity to see if their wish would be granted.
They wanted him along in their team...
... Even if it meant losing everything to get him. In
The intertwined fates fell down rapidly by number, accumulating into weapons. Some even had a few familiar faces, and some turned into constellations that flew off to their respective owners. The traveler greeted those that came home and didn't knew them, saying that they can stay and see if more come by.
Then, it all comes down to the final wish.
The traveler lifted the last wish in their palms, and their brows furrowed out of worry. So far, they hadn't seen signs of him coming, and they were worried that he wasn't going to come and fulfill their promise.
... The promise of traveling alongside each other to fulfill the mission they have of this world.
Thoma seem confused when the traveler lowered their hands, a look of conflict resting in their eyes. “Hey, what's wrong?” he asked, placing a hand on their shoulder. “Aren't you going to get him?”
“I want to, but...”
They paused, glancing at the attempts with a heavy sigh. “I don't know if I can do it. I've done as much as I can to get him, but now...”
“I'm sure Venti will come home,” Barbara interjected, her cheery tone echoing the whole area. “He wouldn't just let us down! I'm sure he's just waiting for that one last wish!”
“Well, if it helps, I can always stay really far back so my luck doesn't affect you!” suggested Bennett, nodding enthusiastically at Barbara's words. “We can't give up now!”
“You've clearly got at least most of us,” Rosaria, who was staying at the back, sighed as she messed with her dagger. “If anything, giving up here and now would just waste whatever efforts you put into with getting this much fates for him. A waste if you ask me.”
“Sister Rosaria!”
“What? I'm just being honest.”
“.. Hah, I guess Rosaria's right.”
Lifting the last wish, they watched as it glowed and flew off into the sky. “The only thing we can do is just pray its Venti. If its not, I guess I'll settle with what I have.”
But what shocked them was the fact the light glow... Gold.
The traveler began to run towards the light, eyes widening as it was staying gold. It was already falling down to the receiving end of the arena, and they couldn't help but feel excited— was it true? Did they won against all odds?
Will their wish be granted?
Reaching the end, a bright light surrounded the arena, and they couldn't help but lift their arms up to cover their eyes. Trying to squint to see who it was, the traveler lowered them when they saw it dying down, their focus set on who came to answer the final fate.
But the sight of who it was shattered their heart.
The bright smile they had fell when they saw that it was...
... Jean Gunnhildr, the Acting Grandmaster of Mondstadt, that answered their final fate.
“... Ah, traveler,” she began, a bit surprised to see them. Though, the latter couldn't help but smile, albeit it was a bit... Forced.
That.. Was their last wish.
And their wish to travel with the bard was left unanswered.
“Hello.. Jean,” they answered, their eyes drifting to the ground. The painful prick of denial and dejection hit the traveler's heart, and they could feel the weight of disappointment rest on their shoulders.
Jean walked over to the latter, her gaze sympathetic. “You don't look happy to see me,” she spoke, chuckling. “Were you wishing for... Venti, perhaps?”
The traveler paused, brows furrowed before they let out a pained chuckle. Although they tried to mask how they felt, they knew Jean wasn't stupid. They wouldn't be able to lie to her like that, anyway.
“... Yeah. I guess you can say that,” the traveler answered, letting out a soft hum. “But it's okay! We all can't have the things we want, and I'm really happy to see you myself Jea—”
“No need to lie to me, traveler,” she interjected, sighing. “You clearly look sad when you saw it was me, you know.”
“I'm not taking any rebuttals. Admit it.”
“... Ugh. Why are you so perceptive?”
“Well, you're rather easy to read, traveler,” she chuckled, a hint of amusement evident on her face. “Anyway, enough of that— you seem disappointed when I came home and not Venti. Why is that?”
... Why did they do this, actually?
“I... Wanted to honor his wish,” they began, their eyes turning to the grandmaster. “Back then, he said he'd love more than anything to travel with me— to help me in my travels to get my sibling back.”
They recalled how it played out, and they could never forget that smile on his face as they left Windrise to set out to Liyue.
“I know I won't be able to get what I want, but I want to do something to honor his wish... For once, I really want to do something right— to honor our promise, even if it's pointless in the end. It took me months to be able to do this, but now...”
They stopped talking for a moment and sighed, the hopelessness of the situation dawning on them. Of course the traveler wouldn't be lucky.. What were they thinking?
“... Sorry. You came home to a disappointed leader, and it just.. Feels bad, knowing all my efforts were in vain.”
“... Ehe...”
"Ehehe... Ahahaha!" the acting grandmaster laughed, her voice changing to a familiar bard's. "Oh, I'm sorry— I couldn't help but laugh seeing how effective my prank was!"
... Prank?
Venti raised his arms, grinning brightly at the traveler that actually summoned him.
“April Fool's, traveler! You just got pranked, ehe!”
A soft sniffle escaped them as they pulled the bard to a hug, surprising him. He let out a shocked noise as their shoulders shook, but he can tell the traveler was happy that he did came and granted the final wish.
“There, there...” he hushed, a smile playing on his lips. “I'm home now.”
And I'm not leaving this time.
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@.enxgmx-wrxtxr | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2023
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tabbyhoney · 2 months
Inspired by "Fear of you" from @sleepwalkersqueen
Note:The first chapter is done! My current goal is to write a chapter for each week but maybe it will take two weeks sometime but that is an issue for future me. I am really excited to see some feedback and how you guys like it:). On another note, while I try my best to keep a relatively straight line and facts with the original story some things might be wrong, please feel free to correct me if it happens ♥️. My current goal is a total of 5 chapters since I only want these to be a relatively short story that doesn't rewrite too much stuff happening in the original story because I obviously don't just wanna rewrite the fic. Please enjoy!
Warnings: I am not a therapist so please take everything written here not as a prime example or as a fact, mention of torture, curse words
Chapter 1
I always wanted to see what more Tartarus had to offer. I wanted to explore every single floor there was. Meeting a new and more dangerous villain each day. Getting to know their thought process, if there really was a bigger masterplan behind it.
Answering my questions that spiraled in my brain like an endless loop. Are they actually wicked? Do they have any sign of humanity in them? Are they just broken souls? Can such a broken mind be fixed? Cliché I know.
All these questions are the real reason why I wanted to work here. Luck was on my side at the time I applied, because they wanted to test out if a therapist might be able to help them with their work (Which basically summarized that they wanted to get more information out of the patients).
But even when I worked with them they still continued with the methods they used before. This did not help make progress since I also had to work with their new experienced trauma which was already bigger than the universe.
If I am honest they were hesitant to hire me, since I graduated young from university and had no experience whatsoever. It took over a month and another month of internship to make them believe that I was cut out for the job. Even now they still don't fully trust me with their whole system. After all, I was a weak point for them.
Once I had the job I was more than thrilled. Finally able to do what I dreamed of since I was a kid. Even though there was still much to achieve. Of course, there is also the aspect of trying to make them stop their own ways for mine to finally be able to bloom just a little bit.
Seeing the number two pro hero walk up to me one day with his mighty steps that sounded like mountains crashing together I would lie if I said I didn't feel my heartbeat stop for a moment. Let alone when he talked to me for two seconds before giving me all I ever wanted with his angry and demanding attitude.
The moment I was granted this wish of mine I regretted it. Not because I stopped believing in my dream but because seeing the actual part of no one should know is frightening. Frightening might even be an understatement.
Their voice, movements, and the way their bodies looked were scaringly disgusting. The air smelt rotten and it was cold not only because of the temperature. People are being drugged out of their brains to keep them calm, they all look like corpses that have been exposed to warmth and air for too long.
From my plain observation, it even seemed like mutants are treated worse than the other prisoners. Which is a common thing even in normal standards of society. I cannot even blame them because mutants can be incredibly scary.
Tartarus. A name that ran a chill down each villain's spine. A place where the moment you step into you may never escape alive. Rumors spread across the underground like wildfire. About what will happen once you are captured and what you have to endure.
The villains that are imprisoned in Tartarus don't make the facility this scary I realized. Maybe the good people think that they are the reason for all this talk, but this is where they are wrong.
"Do whatever you want"
Just remembering those four simple words made my skin crawl. Goosebumps spread across my body. A sentence you might say to a child that you have no interest in dealing with. Or maybe to your trusted hairstylist.
But not to a licensed therapist who is capable of either destroying you or building you back up. Or to the guards who held the interrogation.
The meaning behind the words held something so incredibly heavy I wanted to forget every memory of someone saying these words, no matter who or when.
Because they meant it. They didn't care if I did my job right or not because I wasn't even supposed to be there. I could do whatever I wanted with the person in front of me. The people who have no way of defending themselves because of their chains and quirk suppressors.
The air in the small bright room was filled with tension that I created by possibly the worst mistake ever. The guards who were still in the room with me looked at me confused. The only comfort I had at the moment was that the person I directed the mistake to couldn't answer at the moment. But even seeing his eyes shoot up was enough to make me rethink my life choices.
I can clearly feel my face losing its color out of shock from my totally unprofessional behaviour.
"you're so gorgeous"
Whatever ghost possessed me to say that clearly needed new activities to entertain themselves.
With the love for everything I possessed, I cleared my throat and sat down on the chair at the table they provided.
"You can take off the muzzle" my voice rang through the empty room with an echo. It left a chill in my body hearing it so metallic.
The guards hesitated for a moment before they actually started doing their job. They left the room when I gave them another glare, signaling to give us privacy like I asked them to.
Takami-San looked physically exhausted yet his eyes remained sharpness that you don't see very often in patients around here. He had a big grin on his face that I wished I could just wipe off of his face, even if I was the cause of this.
For some reason, he stayed silent. Maybe it was because he was already taunting me or he was waiting for me to introduce myself, I couldn't tell.
"I am Howashi Amaya, I will be your assigned therapist" I introduced myself, a genuine and respectful smile resting on my face.
"Therapist? Sounds fake, they don't care about how fucked up I am" he tilts his head to the side, eyeing me up and down like a bird.
"You're right they don't care, which is why they told me to do whatever I want"
For some odd reason, he seemed to tense up from these words, I wonder why.
"So I decided to just do what I am best at"
"Being a charming girl?"
At that, I took a deep breath. I scrunched my face and looked down at my empty sheet of paper.
When I looked back up he was grinning again god he looked so good stupid.
"Actually no. I meant I will try to help you"
"Help me get out of this shithole?"
"not really I am afraid"
"Ahh shucks"
I waited for a second before actually starting my usual procedure. Which on second thought seemed to be a little too late.
"How has it been?" I click my pen while looking at him, ready to write down whatever I could tell from his response.
"Really? Do you actually ask people this in fucking prison?" His voice sounds raspy.
"I didn't ask how you felt, just how it has been. You could answer nearly everything on it. How you feel, how the people treated you-"
"fucking brilliant, you should get a medal for being a smartass"
"Thank you for calling me smart, I appreciate it"
I silently tap my pen on the paper. Waiting for any kind of reaction from him. As the silence settled I started to notice some weird marks on his neck, they looked kinda infected.
"What do you have on your neck there?" I gestured with the pen on my own neck.
As soon as the question was spoken he tensed and looked more traumatized than a baby chicken that just discovered the big scary world. He broke off the eye contact he previously held with me. His body huddled up in an attempt to look smaller and protect himself, probably with his wings but he wasn't able to do it. Uncomfortable if I need to describe it in one word.
I probably don't need a deeper answer to figure out why they might be there. I silently stand up and walk around the table. He tried to move away from my hands when I reached out but because of the chains, he couldn't move far enough away.
Ever so gently I pulled the collar down and placed my hands on the marks. A familiar warmth spread across my hands and I started to feel how the infected wounds closed and healed.
When I was done I took a step back looking satisfied down at him before returning to my chair.
"Aye... Of course, the doctor has a healing quirk" he mumbles silently.
"Do you have anything you wanna talk about?"
" Aye, why are you here? Never heard of someone like you even working here. Doesn't seem like their style to hire a fucking therapist to fix me or anyone really"
"Good question" I nod in agreement "The answer is simple, I am the only therapist around here. That is why you've never heard of me. The last question shouldn't bother you too much after all you have been here for quite some time and are already in debt worth more than my monthly check"
"Have you ever seen a therapist before?" I ask with a light smile on my face.
"Do I fucking look like it?"
"Besides I don't need another bitch asking me any more questions, I have the sparkler for that"
"Sparkler? You mean the number two?"
"Nah I mean the nice guard's captain obvious"
Another silence.
"And I don't need anyone knowing about the stuff I tell him, it's private business." He said in an oddly calm voice.
That certainly amazed me, since I have seen all the recordings of their talk, except the first one. So he wasn't aware that everyone was still listening in. Maybe this will one day be their downfall, why would he be so stern about keeping this a secret if it wasn't necessary.
"Why should no one listen in?"
"Because I said so"
This will be a lot of fun.
"Well with me you can talk about everything you share with Endeavour. No one is listening or watching. I like to keep my talks up to my hands, especially what I share with the government"
And that was not a lie.
The room was filled with the sunlight shining through the window above the kitchen counter. The light shone through the leaves of the plants sitting at the window.
It was peaceful. The air was fresh and smelled faintly of fish and rice.
The only sound that destroyed the peace was the TV that played the news
Yet the only real news would be that someone escaped Tartarus and that still isn't public information. I wonder what will happen once the public knows.
Once I turned the TV off the silence that came with it was broken with a call. When I read who was calling I felt my mood drop just a little bit.
"Howashi speaking, what can I help you with today hottest hero in Japan"
"He escaped me!" The man yelled angrily, ignoring my terrible joke.
"who escaped you?" I ask grinning widely.
"Takami! That fucking mutant had his brat stealing my wife's necklace"
He has a child? Now that is a surprise. Even a bigger surprise was that he was stupid enough to let his child steal something from him.
"And how is that my problem?" I ask while standing up and staring out the window biting my nails.
"You worked with him for five years! You know exactly what is going on in his stupid birdbrain" Endeavour yelled. I am not even sure why he is yelling at me, I would hear him loud and clear with a normal tone.
"First of all that is extremely rude talking about mutants like that, I am one as well after all, and not even different from Shinyo. Second just because I worked with him does not mean I understand everything he does"
"But you know where he might go"
I nervously tap my fingers on the kitchen counter. Closing my eyes to contemplate if I actually know where he might go.
If I break it down it comes back to one thing, he has a child and is currently taking care of them. But knowing he has unfinished business makes it counterproductive to take care of a child who has to be at least five or four years old. He probably didn't even know the child existed since he never talked about having one, only about his wife Nitsuki.
Nitsuki? Right, he might be searching for her so he can give her the child. But why wasn't she with them?
"I might have an idea but to be honest it is not crystal clear that he is with her"
"Takami Nitsuki, his wife. If he has a child he will certainly not have any time to deal with it and will try to bring it back. The only question I still have is if she really left the child alone and why he has to bring it back"
"Those are two questions and I want you to come to my agency to discuss this further" he demanded. Almost sounded like I didn't have a choice.
"Alright, I can fly over, when?"
"Now" and he hung up the phone after that. Not even a goodbye.
Once I was dressed and didn't look like I just got out of bed. I walk outside of my apartment building taking off my suppressors.
Once I felt the warmth on my back and my wings regrowing I took a small jump before dashing into the air.
I just hope this story will end on a relatively good note.
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