#I will move out as soon as i finish Nursing school AND I AM ALREADY HYPED for the new blank canvas
mondglocke · 9 months
I love the idea of the soft rural nature connected form of simple living aka Cottagecore or the mysterious organized artsy dream of every wizard aka Dark Academia, but deep down i know i'm just a Maximalist Crow collecting golden trinkets, dead animals, stained glass lamps and shiny things. Everythings Chaos
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miley1442111 · 3 months
thank god for dr. spencer reid
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a/n: this was written with a fem!reader in mind but imagine what you want, reader has a period (same girl) :) spencer us such a cutie in this :)))))))
summary: your shitty family is in town and spencer is away, what will you do?
pairing: spencerreid x reader
warnings: heavy family issues, mentions of stress and sickness, very brief mention of abuse (litch not talked about just referenced dw), kinda cursing (just realised i've never warned this before... opps) and i might've missed some!
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My eyes are glued to the screen with a perpetual frown playing on my lips. It’s hard to try to care about my job when I have this looming feeling of dread hanging over me like a cloud. Spencer has been MIA for days now. He left in a hurry on Monday night for a case. It’s Saturday now and he hasn’t been responding to my calls. On top of that, I have dinner with my mother and father. Both of them make it abundantly clear that they’re disappointed in my career choice, which is ridiculous because I’m a lawyer. Not the right kind of lawyer they constantly say. I’m an environmental lawyer and I make good money. The only way to satiate their insufferable whining is with Spencer. They love him. They probably love him more than me at this point. Alas, I will just have to deal with them alone tonight. And today has already been one hell of a day. First, Morgan called me,asking where Spencer was, telling me that they finished and that they should be home soon. He had not come home yet. Secondly, I feel like shit, an allergic reaction, my period and some random nausea all add up to making me feel itchy, gross, and practically vile all over. Thirdly, a huge pimple has decided to pop up on my face and  just know my mother will comment on it. My mother is one of those women who look effortlessly put-together 24/7. I am not one of those women. She does not like women who don’t look effortlessly put together. Aka, she barely tolerates me. 
I sigh and close my laptop screen, unable to reread the same few sentences again and again, hoping that they would get into my brain. I’m defending a client, one of my firm's biggest clients, in court next week. They were accused of illegal dumping (dumping they did not commit) and now they’re being sued for 2 million dollars. I slump out of my desk chair and out of my home office, locking it behind me for the weekend ahead. If I have court next week and Spencer is coming home after a difficult case, then we’ll need a day or rest and relaxation together. That is, if he even bothers to come home. I busy myself with getting ready and try to push those thoughts out of my head. 
The last hour of my life has been 60 minutes of absolute misery. Why did I ever accept this invite? My mother excuses herself to the bathroom and my father excuses himself for a cigarette, I nod along. Then it hits me… my dad doesn’t smoke anymore. I stare at the door and before I can stop myself my face contorts into a frown once again. Amelia, my sister. The sister that I haven't seen in years. The sister that bullied and abused me throughout our teenage years. Fuck. 
“Amelia?” I question, looking at the blonde woman who looks… different. She’s obviously older than I remember, and a bit more… I don’t know how to put it. Her blonde hair surpasses her waist and she seems to be pregnant? Her blue eyes seem dull and lack a certain vividness they used to sparkle with. She’s the typical peaking in high-school mean girl who became a nurse girl. I honestly can’t believe I used to look up to her. 
“It’s so good to see you!” She smiles, one of her fake-bitchy smiles and I grimace as she tries to hug me. “I just wanted to know how you’re doing, especially with the baby on the way, I’ll need all the help I can get!”
My heart drops. “Oh!” Is all I can manage. She sits in the seat beside me and I instinctively move further away. Just as I think this stupid dinner can’t get any worse, her pervy fiancé, Johnny, walks in.
“No Spencer?” He smirks. “What? Did you two break up? He was always too vanilla for you, you need a real man-” 
“No, sorry. I was just late. I had to come straight from the jet,” Spencer smiles from behind him. My parents' eyes light up, as Amelia and Johnny’s faces fall. I smile appreciatively at him as he hands the flowers he brought over to my parents and sits beside me, a comforting hand on my thigh. 
“How’s work, Spencer?” My father asks, his undivided attention on Spencer.
“It’s good, strenuous but good. Our cases recently haven’t been too difficult- though there was one that had a puzzle I thought you might enjoy…”
I walk inside our house behind him, a million thoughts at once flowing through my head. We walk to the kitchen, he sits me down and takes off my shoes for me, a true gentleman. 
He presses a kiss to my cheek and smiles. “You look beautiful.”
I just nod back, a small smile on my lips. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks, turning to me, his hands resting on my waist. 
“Fine,” I tiredly smile. “Just… you know, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You know, saying that makes me worry more, right?:” He smiles softly, though we both know he’s serious. 
“I just… I can’t believe she just showed up, like 7 years  of not seeing her and she just shows up? Like it’s casual? And then asks for our help with her baby? Like she did nothing to me? Like she-” I stop myself, determined not to cry right now. 
“Angel, it’s ok, let it out,” he soothes, a hand on my back, rubbing comforting circles. 
“I don’t want to cry though, they’re not worth crying over.”
“Then how about we get ready for bed, yeah angel?” He offers, a tired look in his eyes. I nod and press a soft to his perfect lips. He smiles against my mouth, his hands finding the sides of my face. I run a hand through his hair. He pulls away softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I smile. “Thank you for coming, my knight in shining armour.” 
“I enjoyed it. Watching your father fail to solve a simple puzzle was amusing.” He smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye as I roll my eyes. 
“We’re not all geniuses,” I remind him. 
“You are.”
“And how am I a genius?” I chuckle.
“You’re dating me, you clearly have superior taste and intelligence,” he says matter-of-factly. I gigle at his antics and kiss him again. He pulls away and grabs my hand, leading me into our room. We both opt out of brushing our teeth and washing our faces, a makeup wipe sufficing for removing my makeup. He pulls me into bed with him, and finally, after a long week, I finally lie down in bed with him, his arms around me in a bear-hug of sorts. This is heaven. He’s my knight in shining armour. Thank God for Dr. Spencer Reid. 
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Moth to a flame part 3?
Moth To A Flame | Konig NSFW
| first of all, I just wanna say thank you for all the support on this story. when I say I was not expecting to make this a series I wasn't. I literally was listening to the song and got some really good inspiration for a quick little smut and kept it pushing lmao. im so glad you guys like it and I hope to write more long stories in the future! in this part I will say Konig is a little crazy, and a lot of mentions about stalking, mommy king(hehehe), and aggressive sex are mentioned. also horrible German translation. if these are any triggers to you please please do not read this part! thank you again ily all sm <3 |
four months have passed since you moved away. you and your boyfriend now live in New York, working a daytime job as a school nurse. you finally decided to put your college degree to work. your boyfriend worked at the same company, got a raise and is planning on taking you both out to Cancun for the summer. and of course,
you got the abortion.
it was the least you could do to help make your boyfriend feel better. the last thing you needed was to be alone in New York, a city too big for someone to learn on their own. you were happy. contempt. Konig was out of your life and you were able to focus on your boyfriend now.
however, arguments and trust issues were inevitable after what happened. as much as your boyfriend loved you, he couldn't trust that the same thing would happen again. whether it was Konig or someone else. a ring light camera was placed at the front of your apartment door, checked by him every night for Konig but also any suspicious activity. "its more so for our safety." he had told you a few days ago. but you knew it was more to prove his doubts wrong.
Konig harnt reached out to you. he was blocked on everything, completely ghosted. but you knew that wouldn't stop him from looking for you. you just hoped it wasn't anytime soon. the abortion was already a big step into the right path for you, Konig coming in and ruining that path was not what you needed. you were happy where your life was now, you were happy with your boyfriend. Konig would never be an issue again.
that was until you heard a knock at the door of your office. "come in~" you said sing songly, expecting another high schooler to come in with some lame excuse to be here and not in class. you paid no mind to when the door open, finishing putting the rest of the cough drops into the jar. "what can I help you with?" you asked, back still turned.
it was quiet for a moment. then, you felt two strong arms wrapping around your waist. you gasped, turning quickly. there, Konig looked down at you, a wide spread smile on his face. "Meine Liebe, ich habe dich so sehr vermisst.." he whispered, leaning down placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
to say your heart felt like it would jump out your body was a humungous understatement. you know it wasn't your fault this time it was happening. but you still felt beyond guilty, and most of all scared. pushing him back, you moved to the front of your desk. " h-how.. how did you find me- how did you get in?" you asked, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. "dont worry about that my love.. im here now. im here to take you back home." he said, tilting his head slightly.
he looked around, humming softly. "this is a cute office. very you like." he said, smiling at the photos of you and students you had grown close to over the last few months. but he didnt really care about that. he cared about getting you back to "home". "I am home Konig. you need to leave me alone im serious this time. im happy here im happy with-"
"but you aren't. I know you aren't. I know you miss me meine liebe. I miss you too. think about you all the time." he said, another smile coming across his face. he moved closer to you but you backed away. he sighed, crossing his arms. he was unhealthy. he needed serious help. help you simply couldn't offer him. "how long are you going to play this game." he said, his tone more serious, his eyes shooting you daggers.
"im not playing a game Konig you need to move on. you cheated many times. you lost your chance to be with me." you said, looking to his side. he wasn't one to get angry, so you weren't worried about that. you were worried about falling for his gaze, his puppy eyes. " gosh those were mistakes. I regret it. I love you. I love you please come back to me." he begged, his voice going from demanding to desperate.
he moved forward again, this time following you until your back hit the wall.
he placed an arm on the side of your head, the other moving for your chin. smiling, he tilted his head. "dont you see.. no matter where you go, how many phone numbers you make. ill find you, like I always do. and ill fuck you good, like I always do. ill have you leave him and be with me. who you really wanna be with." he whispered, his eyes moving down from your lips to your covered breasts. your chest rose and fell quickly, tears brimming your eyes. you hated him. but you hated him even more because you know he was right. he always fucks you good. he always finds you.
"please.. please leave me alone." you whimpered, fighting back the tears. he ignored your cries and moved his hand to your tummy, frowning. "our baby.. where is it? you should be a lot bigger by now." he said, stepping back a bit.
at that moment you had remembered the abortion, cursing yourself for allowing it to slip your mind so quickly. "where is our baby?" he asked again, his eyes going back to dark, angry ones. you opened your mouth to say words, but none came out. what were you to say? what if he really got angry with you this time? but he had the right to know. and you knew that. after all, he was the father.
"i..I aborted it Konig.. it wouldn't have grown up with its real father anyways." you replied after a moment. you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. you knew all to well he wasn't going to have a pleased look on his face.
silence filled the large room until finally, he spoke up. "well. we can always try again." he said, turning to the chair at your desk. he rolled it out, sitting on it. "come here." he said, patting his lap. but you didnt move. he smiled, shaking his head. "always been defiant. I remember when we first got together I had to train that pretty little mouth of yours to not talk back to me. now look at you. thats what happens when you mess with boys, libeling. not men."
his words didnt bother you in an annoyed or angry way. unlucky for you, it made you clench around nothing. and he knew it did. he knew you loved being talked down on while being treated like a princess. he knew exactly how to turn you on and he was abusing that knowledge right now. " I bet you missed being thrown around, fucked like some worthless toy and then babied right after. dont you?" he stood from the chair, making his way back over to you. " you miss your mouth getting fucked, filled with cum. swallowing it all. making a mess on my dick.. fuck I think about it all the time. those pretty little eyes of yours looking up at me. mascara running down your face while I slide myself down that tight, tight fucking throat of yours." he said, looking down to your throat before quickly looking back into your eyes.
wet wasn't even the word to describe the situation going on in your underwear. you cursed yourself mentally for allowing him to talk to you like this. but you couldn't stop him. because he was right. your boyfriend, no matter how hard he tried, simply couldnt man handle you the way you loved. the way you needed. he was gentle, afraid to leave so much as a hickey on you. but he was slowly becoming more open to it, especially since seeing Konig pounding you from behind. he wanted you to stay, he didnt want you to move on to another. or back to Konig.
"Konig you need to leave.. im not coming back to you. you messed up far too man-"
" so let me make it up to you libeling.. lassen Sie mich um Sie kümmern.." he was now standing right infront of you, looking down at you. you couldnt look away. the way he spoke to you in his mother tongue turned you on, always. even if you couldnt understand every word, his deep voice and accent made it hot. his hand slid up your nursing shirt, gripping your covered breast. you bit down on your lip, closing your eyes. you couldnt give in. not this easy.
shoving his hand down, you stepped away. "Konig leave or ill call the police. ill write a restraining order anything to get you away from me." you finally said, fixing your shirt. "your so hot when you try to act all tough maus.. fuck its making me so hard." he said, pulling at his pants buckle. your eyes flickered down for a few seconds, but it didnt go unnoticed. "see dont fight it maus.. I know you want me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours. make you cum all over me. in this office of yours. you want me to fuck you on your desk huh?" he whispered, unbuckling his pants and slowly pulling his already hard dick out.
the tip literally dripped pre cum, dropping to the floor. it made you whimper, only fueling his craving for you. "Konig.. please leave." you whispered out, but it wasn't confident enough for him to believe. he smirked, turning down towards your chair once again. "maus dont you see how hard I am? I need you. I crave you." he said softly, eyes looking at you so "innocently".
his hand gripped the base of his dick, a sigh coming from him. he leaned over, spitting onto the tip and moving his hand down his shaft, slowly back up. a quiet groan left his lips, his head resting back and looking to you. he sped up his hand movements, keeping eye contact onto you. small, desperate whimpers slipped from his lips as his hips bucked up. "oh maus.. please~" he whimpered, his chest rising fast, falling at the same rate.
you whimpered at him, wanting to go and slide down on his dick. not matter how badly you wanted to keep up with the happiness you had in your life right now, you needed him. he saw your confusion and smiled, taking his other hand and reaching out. you hesitated, but slowly walked over to him. his movements slowed down, his eyes looking up at you. "please.." he whimpered.
you knew this was wrong. and you hated how much he always found a way to wrap you around his finger. how he always managed to get you beneath him, fucking into you relentlessly. and you hated how he always came back into your life when you were happy. you hated how badly you craved him, no matter how far away he was, or how bad he treated you.
you couldn't process anything until you felt him pull you down onto his lips. and you couldnt stop yourself from kissing him back. your hands cupped his face, forcing your tongue into his mouth. he smirked against your lips, pulling you onto his lap. you grazed over his exposed dick, sitting right front of it. you pulled away, a long strong of saliva connecting you two.
" maus.. i wanna fuck you so bad. please." he whispered, his hand sliding up your shirt, pulling your bra down and playing with your nipple. you whimpered, nodding your head quickly. "c-can I lock the door?" you whispered, looking down at him. but he was so focused on your nipples, and playing with himself that he same time. you assumed he didnt care, and continued to pull your shirt up and off.
he wrapped his arms around your waist and stood, sitting you on your desk. "imma fuck you... send you back home with my cum swimming around inside you. you want that?" he said, pulling your pants down. you hated how much you wanted to say yes. it was killing you. but the way his tip ran up and down your slit, teasing your entrance as he whispered filthy words into your ear, you couldnt help but whimper out a pathetic 'yes'.
thats all he needed to hear from you before he slid his full, thick length into your tight cunt, a deep groan coming from him as his head pressed against the top of yours. a gasp slipped from you, your hand covering your mouth. as hot as this was, fucking in your nurse office with the door unlocked, it was risky. in fact, you could loose your job. but he wanted that. he wanted you to have a reason to leave and go back with him, no matter how crazy or detrimental the reason. " so fucking dirty.. getting fucked on your office desk-shit- I bet you want someone to come in here and see this tight cunt getting fucked huh?" he whispered, gripping the back of your head, pulling it so your eyes met his.
he was hot. you couldnt admit it. the way he looked as he fucked you made you go feral. his hair sticking to the top of his forehead, eyes locked onto yours as small whimpers and groans left his pretty little lips. he could say the same for you. the way your tits jerked up and down every thrust he gave, your desk squeaking along with it. your hands gripping onto him as you gave him small, pathetic begs. "say it louder baby.. what do you want? be a big girl for me." he whispered, pulling his now shiny dick out, slamming it back into you. your hands gripped him harder as his grip on your head did too. "f-faster.. please" you finally were able to muster out.
his hips waited no time to move faster, feeling every vein and inch of his thickness move in and out of you. it was heaven. no matter how much you hated him, you couldnt stop yourself from letting him fuck you. anywhere. anytime. you guys were like magnets, no matter how hard you both tried you couldnt keep away from each other.
the more time went on, you realized the tears forming in konigs eyes. they weren't from pleasure either. " k-konig?" you asked, your hands falling to his lower stomach. but he kept going, no matter how hard you tried to stop him, he kept going. "I-i hate you.. so fucking much. I hate y-you because I know I c..I cant live with or without you-fuck.. I-i crave you even when I shouldn't.. I fucking hate you" he cried out, small whimpers coming every now and then from him.
for a moment you had to stop and think about what he just said. but, he didnt give you much time. the more his tears fell the faster and harder his thrusts became. the more aggressive he became. he let go of your head but pushed your body back, your bare back hitting the cold desk, pens and papers falling to the floor. "k-konig" your whimpered, your legs wrapping around his waist. "I-im gonna..cum soon..fuck!" he groaned, his head falling into your chest. his hot tears covered you and you could've sworn you heard 'mommy' fall from his lips every now and then. it made you clench around him seeing him so vulnerable, so emotional while fucking you.
he took one of your legs, pushing it up so your foot rested on top of the desk. his thrusts became deeper, the sound of your moans growing louder. his hand quickly found your mouth, silencing all the whimpers and moans that slipped from you. "m..mommy im cumming~" he cried out, his thrusts becoming more and more sloppy.
his sudden change in persona threw you off guard, but you liked it. too much. the closer he got the more he chanted 'mommy'. and you could tell, he was really close. "m-mommy I-ill hold it back.. ill hold it back till y-you cum first~" he whimpered into your chest, his arms finding your waist and pulling you up into him.
your hands quickly found his hair and tugged it, moaning how good you felt. "k-konig keep going.. im so close~" you moaned, your head falling back off the desk, eyes shutting closed. he growled, slamming deeper into you, stabbing your squishy g spot each time.
the knot in your stomach quickly came undone and not too long after, he came with you, his grip on you tight enough to snap you in half if he really wanted. he whimpered as the last bit of his cum shot into you, small 'plat plat's coming from beneath you two. he pulled out, watching the mix of cum pour out of you as if you were a waterfall, dropping to the floor.
heavy breathing filled the now silent room as you slowly lifted yourself up. "ill get you a paper towel." he said softly, shuffling over to the counter and grabbing the roll. he brought it over, getting to his knees and slowly, spreading your legs. taking the towel he ran over your pussy slow, collecting the cum. it was silent. you didn't know if you should bring up what he said, what he called you.
he sensed your tension and looked up at you from below. "I meant every word I said. I hate you. but I hate you because I love you too much to let you be someone else's. nobody.. nobody has ever made me this crazy.. ever. you've unlocked a part of me that I didn't know existed. I didn't know I had. my heart hurts seeing you happy with someone who isn't me, having a life with someone who isn't me. and what hurts more is to know I caused that." he spoke, his voice soft.
you looked down at him, your chest hurt. you opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. "you dont have to say anything. ill leave you and your boyfriend alone." he stood, throwing the papers away. "im moving back to Germany." he said, looking down at you. and you couldnt lie, your chest felt like it was tightening. tears began to pool but you looked down.
" I leave in three days. I just.. wanted to say goodbye. I guess. I know you hate me, I know you want me to leave. and I love you enough to do anything that will make you happy. if you-"
your hands wrapped around his shirt collar and you pulled him down, slamming your lips to his. his large hands slammed against the sides of you, holding himself up. he immediately kissed back, moaning into the kiss. thats when the tears fell.
"please..please dont leave.." you whispered, pulling away. you looked up at him, looking for anything that said "I won't".. but his lips formed a small smile, his hand meeting your cheek. "your happier without me.. you know you are." "I dont c-care. I cant ha-have you not here. please"
the tears kept falling and he caught each one, flicking them from your face. " oh meine liebe.." he whispered, pulling you into a hug.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:
2 years had passed. you were pregnant. again. getting married in a few months too. you were excited because you felt like you were happy, for real this time. you stayed in New York, working at a new school more uptown. it was great, you were happy now.
" okay chicken orrr steak?" you asked your fiancé, rubbing your baby bump as you stared into the fridge. your soon to be husband came behind you, kissing your neck and putting his hand on top of yours. "chicken. we can make Alfredo." he said. nodding, you grabbed the meat, putting it in the sink to defrost.
" ill go run you a bath and we can get ready to go to the bakery. im excited to taste all the new cakes." he said, taking your hand and kissing each knuckle. " me too. especially the Oreo one. pleaseee at least try it. for me." you pouted. "your gonna say no to your pregnant fiancé?" you smirked, pointing to your belly.
you were due exactly 3 months after your wedding. so you both decided now was the perfect time to get married before you both had no time. "I guess I cant huh." he laughed, opening the bedroom door. you sat at the edge, watching his tall stature move to the shared bathroom.
as you watched him from your bed you smiled, thinking of all you both had been through. maybe it was the hormones, but you felt the tears well in your eyes. and it didnt go unnoticed either. " meine liebe? whats wrong?" he asked horridly, rushing over and wiping the tears from your eyes. you smiled and shook your head, placing a high kiss on his cheek.
"I just love you a lot. thats all." you whispered. he smiled, lifting you bridal style before kissing you passionately back. " Ich liebe dich mehr, meine liebe."
| tried to be cool and only highlight when y'all knew he was speaking at the end hehehe anyways guys this is like.. the end! if you guys would want one where the outcome is different and she stays with her current boyfriend lmkk cause I can do that too. but yea like I said thank you all so much for the love on this mini series <333 |
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webxgal · 3 months
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[Ⅴ] maiora premunt
greater things are pressing.
When you open your eyes, you feel the bile rise to your throat and are overcome with the intense urge to throw up. Your body feels unbearably heavy, barely being able to turn your head to look blearily out the window. The setting sun paints the room in orange hues, and you realise these white walls were not of your dorm room. The itchy and stiff sheets underneath you were not yours either. You notice the IV pole propped next to the metal frame of the bed. Oh no.
The call of your name almost startles you. Almost. It feels like a great amount of burden even to move to acknowledge the unfamiliar voice in the room. Upon your groan of pain, they step into your field of vision. It is a bespectacled man with slightly unkempt brown hair. He holds himself with a level of importance, or maybe you believe so with the crisp beige coat he is wearing.
“I’m glad you’re awake,” He begins, your name rolling off his tongue as if it had been practised. You try to reply, but your throat feels like sandpaper and the sound that leaves your lips sound like a strangled wheeze.
“Oh, no, please don’t force yourself,” He interrupts you swiftly, moving a chair closer to your bed. He sits himself down, cross-legged in a sophisticated manner. He holds a placid expression and doesn’t pay attention to the wearied look you give him through narrow eyes.
“It’s only fitting I introduce myself to you. I am Shuji Ikutsuki, chairman of the board for Gekkoukan High School,” He begins to stretch out his hand on instinct, but quickly retracts it when he realises you have no means of returning the gesture. “Do you… perhaps remember the events of yesterday night, Miss?”
You think of Inferno. Of the monorail. Of your classmates. Of the demons with empty eyes that had attacked. You ready yourself to say ‘no’, but it seems that Ikutsuki has already caught onto your seconds’ worth of apprehension.
“Please. I assure you, this is a safe place where you can confide in me. I believe whatever you saw that night, I will have answers for you. You deserve to understand how and why you ended up here,” His persistence pricks your judgment, weighing your options. You aren’t sure how much of his words you can take for the truth, but he speaks like he knows exactly what’s happening. You do deserve to know what is going on, and you doubt you’ll be leaving the hospital anytime soon to confront Arisato, Takeba and Iori yourself.
So, you resign yourself to nodding. Ikutsuki sits up straighter immediately, hands folded on his lap as he appraises you with a once-over.
“I see. Thank you for your honesty, it’s my utmost priority to figure out how and why things had turned out the way they did that night,” He shoots you a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but in this moment of time, you are unfortunately too lost and too ignorant to take note of this. It will all make sense later. “I will begin with explaining the secret hour, otherwise known as the Dark Hour…”
The sun had long since taken its slumber by the time Ikutsuki had finished his ‘abridged’ explanation, interrupted by the occasional noises of confusion you made. Barebones of the information you were given have clicked with you, and so far all you understood was; that the phenomenon you have experienced for the past year is called the ‘Dark Hour’, the monsters that attacked you were called ‘shadows’ and their existence itself was another can of worms, and the school apparently have an entire club for getting rid of them and you somehow had no idea about it.
Ikutsuki smiles sheepishly at the scandalised look you shoot his way, and when a nurse pokes her head through the crevice of the door, he stands up quickly.
“It may confuse you now, but you will understand later,” He assures you, and walks across the room to head for the exit. “Please rest well, I will be back tomorrow to check up on you. Until then.”
You watch him go and in his leave, a nervous-looking nurse hurries over to ask about your condition and if you need anything. You suppose Ikutsuki had told her to not come in until he was done. You ask her for an extra pillow and try to will yourself to sleep. The curtains to your window are drawn, and if you think hard enough then you can pretend that after twelve, there is no such thing as a Dark Hour and you will wake up ready to spend the day with your camera and Yuko.
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Unfortunately, nothing you had hoped for had happened.
Ikutsuki is apparently a big fat liar because it was not him who came to visit you the next day, but the student council president, Mitsuru Kirijo herself. You barely notice Takeba trailing behind her amidst your obvious shock. Rumours did not kid of the upperclassman’s elegance. Her crimson hair fell over her shoulders, her locks tightly curled to perfection. Her gaze is powerful, and the tension of the situation is alleviated by the audible clicking of her heels against the tiled floor. She doesn’t smile at you, but she doesn’t look angry either. She just looks you over like Ikutsuki had done the other day, and Takeba is the one who interrupts the awkward silence.
“I’m so happy you’re awake,” She genuinely sounds relieved, and you feel your face heat up in embarrassment at the sudden attention. “I wanted to see you earlier but—”
“The chairman wanted to set the record straight so you were kept up to speed,” Kirijo cuts in, and it seems she was done surveying you. This time, regret seems to sweep into her voice as she continues. “I will take responsibility for your injuries. If I had been able to detect civilian presence on the train, the situation wouldn’t have been so dire. You have my apologies.”
You don’t know what to say, slumped uncomfortably against the headboard of the bed as you fiddle with your fingers. You kind of wish you could go back to watching Phoenix Ranger Featherman R, a sudden interest of yours after channel surfing all morning.
“So…” Kirijo takes a seat on the sofa in the room. Great, she’s staying. “I take it the Chairman has adequately explained the situation to you?”
You don’t notice the sudden side-eye Takeba throws Kirijo’s way. You slowly nod to the older girl’s question.
“Good, then this makes for an easier discussion—”
“Discussion?” Takeba suddenly cuts in, looking down at Kirijo from where she stands, eyebrows furrowed and you’re not sure why she’s visibly upset. “Don’t you think we should give her more time to at least recover? The doctor said she’s still too exhausted to even move, right?”
She spontaneously poses the question to you, and you are caught off-guard by your sudden involvement in the conversation. You wouldn’t consider yourself particularly observative, but the borderline desperation in Takeba’s hazel eyes and the abrupt confusion in Kirijo’s forces you to hunch in on yourself. You draw out a forced cough, pretending to conceal it behind your arm. Kirijo looks obviously displeased, in contrast to the relief that floods Takeba’s expression, but she merely sighs as she stands once again.
“Very well, I’ll come back another time. For now, please focus on healing. I’ll take my leave here,” She turns to Takeba when the other girl doesn’t follow after her. “Takeba?”
“I’ll come back to the dorm in a bit,” the brunette assures and awkwardly shifts on her feet. “I just need to, um, talk to her for a bit! Personal stuff, y’know. Since we’re friends and all.”
If you had a drink with you, you would have done a spit take. Kirijo, thankfully, doesn’t take note of your bug-eyed expression and the obvious lie Takbea told, nodding sharply.
“Very well. However, you can only be here for a little while. Visiting hours close soon and I expect you back in the dorm on time.”
She closes the door behind her without much fanfare and immediately Takeba relaxes her shoulders as if unloading a massive weight from her back. She sighs when she notices your silent stare, her lips quirking downwards apologetically.
“I’m sorry that I got you to lie for me like that… but I promise it’s for a reason! I just need to tell you something before you listen to what Kirijo-senpai has to say,” She holds your gaze, eyes solemn as she speaks. “No matter what… it’s your choice what you do with your life, okay? Don’t feel pressured to accept or do anything if you don’t want to do it.”
You blink, startled by the sudden bout of wisdom sprung upon you.
“Um… okay?” You agree unsurely, and Takeba lets out a puff of air, fixing you with a strained smile. She looks unpacified and even a little jittery, but she’s already begun to turn her back before you can look at her expression closer.
“Thanks for hearing me out. I’m glad you seem okay so rest well and…” Her eyes flicker to the TV screen and you forgot you had paused it right on the scene where Feather Swan slaps Feather Hawk for trying to kiss her. “Enjoy your show… I guess.”
A small part of you couldn’t help but wish that the shadow had finished you off that night.
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jhoudiey · 2 years
Saw a "taking care of a sick character" prompt list by @/corvase and got inspired with some dumb and dumber. Never let mad scientist Yoru play nurse.
“Hi. I’m here to be your nurse.” Yoru said flatly, settling herself on the chair next to Floyd’s dorm room bed. 
“Eeeehhhh… I’m fine…” His face was red and the words he spoke barely made it past his lips. “You can go.. Jade will be back soon and he can help… you’ll probably poison me or something.”
Yoru laughed, having just spoken with Jade. He’d stopped by her room before heading to class, and told her that Floyd had come down with some sort of human sickness and he wasn’t sure what it was. He asked if she could be a friend and take care of his dear brother while he attended class, no, he couldn’t do it himself. You see, they were learning about the history of fungus use in medicine that day and he really didn’t want to miss the lesson. Floyd would be fine under her tender care, he was sure of it. 
“Oh? Are you saying I’m a shitty nurse?”
Floyd tried to chuckle, his laughs turning into coughs that wracked his entire body. “Yuuuuup~.”
“Well, you’re probably not wrong. I’ve never done something like this before.”
“So why start now?”
“I’m bored, I finished my school work three days ago and don’t meet with the headmistress until tomorrow.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. So I’m going to play nurse.”
“Geeeeeehhhh~” He didn’t have the energy to protest and laid back against his pillows, eyeing her from his fluttering lids. “Then get on with it.”
“I am. I’m examining my patient.”
“You’re just starin’ at me, it’s creepy.”
“Fine, is this better?” She placed her hand across his forehead with a scowl. It was burning hot. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again when she didn’t move away. 
“You gonna move your hand or just keep it there forever?”
“You’re the noisiest patient I’ve ever had.”
He coughed again. “I’m the ONLY patient you ever had.”
“Yea, so shut up. I’m working.”
“You’re not even doing anything.”
“I told you. I’m examining.”
“Well stop it, I don’t like it.”
“Fine.” She removed her hand from his forehead and used it to dig in the pouch she’d placed on his desk. Floyd lifted himself off his mattress, the worry showing on his face of whatever she might produce. 
“What’re you gonna do?”
“Hmmm, probably a bunch of stuff. Whatever works.” Yoru shrugged, extracting a vial of dark blue liquid. 
“I don’t like the look of that…” His voice trailed off, pushing himself as far away from her as he could get. Unfortunately, he was unable to get out of bed, so the extra eighteen inches of distance between them didn’t do much to help. 
“Shut up and drink this.” She grinned, tipping the vial against his protesting lips. 
“Hey this tastes preeee~tty good. What is i-” He fell back against his pillows, completely unconscious. Yoru stood up from her chair and wet a facecloth she had stored in her pouch, laying it gently across his forehead. 
“Yoru-san, has Floyd recovered already?” Jade asked, spotting her in the library once his class let out. 
“No. He’s asleep.”
“Oya? And you just left him alone? How cruel of you.”
“I said he’s sleeping, what am I supposed to do about it?”
“Hmmm do you not have deep, lingering feelings for him and his well-being? I thought you two were an item of sorts, was I mistaken?”
Yoru rolled her eyes with a sigh. “He’ll be fine, he just needs to sleep it off.”
“And how long have you left him for?”
“Eeehhhh give him a couple days.”
“A couple of days? My, that is quite the timeline.”
“What did you expect me to do? I don’t know anything about mermaids and he didn’t want me to poison him so I did the next best thing.”
“I suppose you are right,” Jade sighed dramatically. “It is just so dull around here without Floyd.”
“Well if you want me to fix him better next time you can let me experiment on you in the meantime.” She grinned at him.
“Ahhh, on that, I think I will pass. Thank you for the offer, Yoru-san.”
“Well shit.” She muttered as he walked away. “That would have been fun for sure.”
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slaysksmska · 29 days
The river and the princess
Chapter four
part one
(Go to part one for all the other chapters)
word count: 2000
*Flashback to the fight*
I couldn’t stop hitting her. She deserved everything that she got and frankly, I couldn’t care less if she passed out or died right now. Her nails were digging into my arms, desperately trying to stop me. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so angry if she didn’t deny it. Who was she to tell me that I was wrong? I wasn’t, I never am. Everybody around us was filming and cheering.
What the fuck is wrong with them? They don’t know why I’m hitting her, they think that I’m doing it for fun. I’d never hit somebody without reason. Sick bitches. I heard someone yell for a teacher and one came, Ms. Piacere. Just great, she’ll hate me even more for this. She quickly pulled me off of Nina and grabbed her. Another teacher grabbed me as Nina lunged for me.
“Fucking psycho!” She yelled at me
That made me angry and I almost broke free from their arms for round 2. Now I could clearly see her injuries, and might I say, she had a lot of them. Her nose was like a river, spewing blood nonstop and she had a couple bruises and cuts all around. I wasn’t in the best shape ever, with a busted lip and more scrapes.
She really landed some damage. My friends tried to run up to me, but were stopped by more teachers. Seems like the whole school is here now. From the corner of my eye, I saw May and Zoe finally being let go by the crowd as they ran up to Nina. Oh shit. She passed out in Ms. Piacere’s arms. I wasn’t serious about wanting to kill her.
I was definitely in a lot of trouble, now. They dragged me and her down the white and blue hallways, all the way to the nurse’s office. She got to lay on the bed, while I was sitting in one of the uncomfortable, small chairs. 
The nurse came up to me and started inspecting my injuries. I’ve been here a few times before, but nothing serious like this. She took an alcohol swab and started disinfecting the wounds.
“Sorry.” She apologised, as she heard me wince from the sting of the disinfectant.
“It’s okay.” I told her, not wanting her to feel bad
She then continued, but it was clear that she was taking a softer and more gentle approach to it. I took a glance at Nina, and saw that she was still fast asleep and not moving. I wondered when she was waking up. 
“They're going to keep you here until she wakes up and both of your parents get here.” She said
I nodded, but secretly, there was a feeling of dread that sat low in my stomach. My parents were here? I was screwed. Could I get expelled? I’ve already been in so much trouble that the possibility isn’t unlikely. I’d be killed, if I did. Mrs. Brown quickly finished disinfecting my wounds and gave me an ice pack for one of the bruises on my face.
I sighed in relief at the cooling sensation, which slowly stopped the ache in my face. I probably look so ugly right now, with my face all black and blue, plus the way it’s puffed up right now. The phone rang and Mrs. Brown went to pick it up.
“Yes, she’ll be right there.” She told them.
She hung it up and came over to me, almost rushing.
“You’ll need to go now, your parents are at the office and they will start the meeting as soon as Nina wakes 
up.” She told me
I nodded once, and headed down to the office, head pounding from the sudden movement. I was already in enough pain, did I have to be punished more? I walked in and found our parents arguing over who started the fight. Everybody stopped talking and stared at me as I sat down. 
“We are all waiting for Nina and then the perpetrator will be punished accordingly. This was a very serious fight and will lead to suspension, once we find out the truth.” The principal told all of us.
I know the drill, I’ve already been in here for many reasons. I get into a lot of fights, that's why I was able to hit her so hard and know where to hit. It’s not my fault that people are irritating and start drama. I wondered what happened to Eshaan. Did he know that the fight was about him?
Honestly, he wasn’t worth all this trouble, I just did it because I’m not letting anyone mess with me or my feelings. Nobody gets to disrespect me like that. As I snapped out of my daze, I heard the parents arguing again and rolled my eyes in annoyance. Nobody even asked me if I was okay. Then the door opened, and there she was, Nina Smith.
*End of flashback*
As I sat in my chair, I felt a familiar feeling in my gut, something bad was gonna happen. The principal went through Friday's footage until she found the one she was looking for. She sped through the video until we all saw a figure walking up my locker. Suddenly, it all made sense as she turned the computer around so we could see. The footage showed the person, around Nina’s height, maybe a bit taller with their hood up, walking to my locker.
They looked around, probably to make sure nobody was coming and slipped the note through the crack. When they turned around and we could see their face, I felt dread. It wasn’t Nina, it was some girl with rabbit teeth, with extremely heat-damaged hair. What was her name again? Niyyah.
I could recall many times when Niyyah tried to hangout with us. It got annoying really fast, all she really talked about was boys and her crushes. I knew she was trying to befriend me since the beginning of the year but I never knew what she wanted. Now I couldn't help but stare in disbelief. I had beat up Nina, not Niyyah.
I couldn’t tear my eyes from the screen as I watched the tape unfold before me. I beat up Nina, not Niyyah. The words seared into my mind as if it branded my brain. I looked over at Nina, her eyes watching the tape with glazed-over eyes. Her gaze stuck to the screen not once, not even to give me an “I told you so” look. I took in her wounds, the wounds meant for that bucked-toothed bitch.
I felt like I couldn't move, like a phantom held me down and pinned me to the chair. My chest tightened as I suddenly became all too aware of the people in the office. My parents eyes felt like they were glued to me, they studied every single aspect of my reaction from the rise and fall of my chest to the odd stillness of my hands. It seemed like I had no remorse, no regret for my actions. 
It was a fucking misunderstanding
That tumble-weed-haired Niyyah set us up. She intentionally copied Nina’s handwriting, hid her identity from prying eyes, and ensured I would react to it. What was her fucking deal? Why was I her enemy in this situation? Is it because I indirectly rejected her in class or some shit? Why would she frame Nina? Wasn’t she one of her closest friends? Nothing made any fucking sense.
Before I could tumble further down the rabbit hole of thoughts running through my head, I saw a pair of fingers snap in my face. I quickly recognized the chipped red nail polish as Mrs. Peterson’s odd-smelling coffee hands. I tried not to gag at the overbearing caffeine stench coming from her hands. She cleared her throat as if expecting me to explain myself. Did she think i knew it was Niyyah? “What the hell do you want me to say?” I snapped at her defensively which probably made me look more suspicious. “I want you to apologise to Nina for acting out like that” She said glaring at me through the frame of her wire glasses. I rolled my eyes at her wording, she was implying that I had known all along. “I didn't know, the only one who should be apologising is that-” I stopped myself glancing back at my parents before finishing my sentence “That girl, Niyyah,” I say covering up the ending of my original sentence which still earned me a slap on the back of my neck from my mother. She sighed clearly fed up with my nonsense “You still made her bloody and bruised, it may have been a misunderstanding-”
“A misunderstanding?! She framed Nina! What did you expect me to do?!” I shouted out loud. As soon as the words left my mouth I slumped back in my chair, slightly embarrassed Mrs. Peterson sighed. 
“This conversation is going nowhere” she mumbled to herself as she ran her finger over the rim of her white World’s Best Principal mug. 
The irony made me laugh into the fist hiding my laughter. “You are both dismissed for now, we’ll talk again tomorrow after the storm has settled,” she said, dropping her head into her hands in defeat as she gave me a final warning look that made me shudder. I quickly got up from the leather armchair she had us sit on for the duration of the meeting and practically leaped to the doorframe to escape from this living hell she called a meeting. My parents followed after me, yelling my name. I felt terrible. She was telling the truth and I accused her without listening to anything she said.
I ran as fast as I could to the car, running through the parking lot. I entered the car and sat down in the backseat, buckling in and taking out my airpods to listen to music. My parents quickly caught up with me and came in the car, yelling at me for my actions. The punishment was well deserved. I turned up the volume to tune them out, and stared ahead through the foggy window.  
I was used to the constant scolding I received from them, it was nothing new. They always expect too much of me. I'm not perfect and far from that. I turned the volume all the way up when I heard them start to argue with each other. For God's sake, this was my decision and I wasn’t influenced by anyone. Don’t bring my friends into this. It was also none of their fault. They always blame each other for what I do. Why can’t we just calm down? I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, as a temporary distraction from everything. It was all too much for me and I’m not thinking straight. I can’t afford to snap at anyone now.
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riboism · 2 years
someone posted something on their blog and I wanna reply to them but I’m still shadowbanned 🙃 libra, I hope you see this post :(
I’m in the same boat as you. My first job after graduating college is at a fucking clothing retail store. Everyone makes me feel like shit about it, and I’m tired of explaining myself to them. Yes, I have a degree, but I’m not going into that field anymore. I realized pretty late that I don’t want to do this as a career so I decided to go into a totally different field after finishing my bachelors. I can’t get an internship in this new field until I take a few classes, and I don’t want to do an internship in my degree field because the thought of it makes me want to puke. I tried to get a job that’s somewhat relevant to my career goals but I got ghosted every single time. So I got a retail job. I really didn’t want to, I hate retail and I hate talking to customers, but I really needed the money and I knew that they would hire me right away.
It sucks seeing people your age doing jobs in their fields and making bank while you’re stuck doing a retail job and barely making any money. I thought I’d be making a lot since they offered to pay me a dollar over minimum wage but then the company IMMEDIATELY cut hours once I started working so my paychecks are laughable. Now that I’m going back to school, I have to work even less hours and my paychecks are going to be so small and that stresses me out. I’m also worried about seeing ateez :( although I really want to see them again and I have been saving up, I feel like I should hold on to that money I’ve been saving and keep it for financial security. You’re right, it’s not even just the ticket cost, it’s transportation, hotel, and food as well, and the thought of it makes me nervous. I really hope somehow you can see them because you deserve to :( if you do sit this one out, it’s okay because they’ll definitely come back! You’ll see them one day :) 
Sometimes, I feel so ashamed about where I am in life. It’s been worse the past few weeks because my cousin, who’s younger than me, got a really good paying nursing job, and she’s only a junior in college. I was so happy for her, but then my parents found out and made me feel bad about it :(
I know how hard it is to apply for programs, trust me, I’ve been avoiding it for over a year and didn’t send in my application until very last minute. I got into the program which is great, but then I started to feel a little depressed about it. I feel like I’m starting all over again while everyone else is already moving on with their lives.
But you know what? It’s fine. Everyone is going at their own pace. Some people get to their finish line early, and some people (like us) still have a few laps left. But we’ll get there soon enough. I know you’re not satisfied with where you are in your life, but I want to remind you that this is only temporary. You’re doing the best with what you can right now and that’s enough. In time, you’ll get a call back from a good paying job, and you’ll find the motivation to apply for your mph. Just be patient with yourself. You’re doing great <3 When tumblr fixes my account, you can message me anytime about anything and I’ll be happy to listen :) I wish I could just reply to your post or send an ask, I feel awkward posting like this but I really wanted to let you know this because I wished someone had said this to me months ago :(
0 notes
watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Risk it - Harry Styles
a/n: this came so fast and typed most of it out at work lmao, but i kinda dig how it turned out!! hope you’ll like it too! as always, feedback is very much appreciated!
pairing: professor!Harry x Reader
warning: sexual content
word count: 11.8k
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You shake yourself a little bit to get rid of the spicy coldness that’s been lingering around in the city in the past few days. It’s only the end of August, but feels more like late October, though they say the warmness will return for a few more weeks shortly. That would be much needed, you’d love to enjoy some more lunches out in a park or down near the river before you are forced to withdraw into the insides for the rest of the year.
Looking around in the packed pub you look for the familiar golden locks of Piper and you quickly spot her in one of the corner booths, laughing joyfully with pinked cheeks probably from the almost empty pint of beer in front of her. Marching through the place you slide into the booth joining the group of three.
“And there she is!” Piper cheers.
“We thought you’re gonna bail on us,” Abigail snickers and you just roll your eyes.
“I said I would come, just had some work to finish before,” you tell them, shaking your cardigan down your arms quickly, the air is thicker, mustier and much warmer in here, but it’s not surprising, the pub is packed, just as usual on a Friday evening.
“You work way too much,” Piper shakes her head in disapproval as she downs the rest of her drink.
“I’ll be working way less from September.”
“Yeah, but you’ll spend the rest of the week in school, so it’s gonna be the same!” Mona chimes in with furrowed eyebrows.
“They promised me a fat raise if I get this degree within the next three years, I could definitely use the extra cash so I can finally buy my own place soon,” you explain.
You know they understand the situation and they wish you the best. They want to see you succeed in life and in your career, they just love teasing you about how dedicated you are towards your work, having to say immediately yes when your boss told you you’d get a new position and a raise if you finish the masters you never got to two years ago. You already had a handful of credits done that you’ll be able to get accepted, meaning you only have about one year worth of credits to finish in two years while working. It might get a little overwhelming to have an almost fulltime job and go to school but you’re determined to do this.
“We know, we know,” Abigail chuckles. “Alright, no more work or school talk tonight. We are here to let loose, so let’s get another round!”
Soon enough you are nursing a beer of your own, enjoying your time with your friends. It’s been long all four of you were free on the same night. Piper got married last year, Abigail’s work forces her to travel around a lot and Mona has a bitch of a boss, making her work overtime a lot, so it’s been hard to fix up a date that fits everyone. It’s been like this since you all finished your bachelors three years ago. You like to think you’re still a fresh little young adult who just barely stepped out into the big world, but it’s not true, hasn’t been for a while. You’re 24, you have a career, you live on your own, you take care of yourself fully. You are an adult, whether you like it or not.
Drink after drink, the four of you are getting tipsy, having an amazing time talking about the stories you shared back in university. Piper was your roommate first year uni, Mona and Abigail were in the room next to yours and you quickly became close friends, moved in for the rest of your studies until you all went your own ways after graduation, but keeping in touch as much as possible.
“I’m gonna get another one, but that’s gonna be my last one, because I have some work to finish in the morning,” you announce climbing out of the booth.
“No work talk!” Mona and Abigail shout at the same time making you laugh as you just wave them off and head to the bar.
You’ve been waiting for the line to get shorter, now only a few people are lingering around so you patiently wait for your turn, clutching onto your card in your hand. You don’t pay much attention to the tall guy next to you, only when someone bumps into you from behind and makes you fall against his side.
“Oh shoot, sorry! Someone pushed me,” you apologize immediately as the guy looks at you over his broad shoulder and your gaze meets a pair of green eyes framed with long lashes and a curious look in them.
“No worries, Love,” he smiles and you almost gasp at the British accent that laces through his voice. You take a quick moment to inspect the man, he is standing almost a full head above you, wearing a simple black shirt and brown slacks, a set of bulky rings sitting on his fingers that are spread out on the counter in front of him, his whole left arm covered in ink and you feel the urge to examine every figure on his golden skin. His chocolate curls are kind of a mess, but still look well placed, you bet he is the type who only runs his fingers through his hair and makes it look breathtaking. He is handsome and definitely your type, looks older than you, but you wouldn’t think he is over thirty.
“What’s your order?” he asks and your eyes snap up to him, realizing he is still looking at you.
“What’s your order? I’ll get it for you so you don’t have to wait longer.” “Oh, I’ll just have a stout,” you tell him, feeling a little flushed from his offer. His eyebrows rise in surprise. “What?”
“Didn’t take you as a stout person is all,” he smirks at you as the bartender appears in front of him with his drink, asking if he wants anything else. “And a stout, please.” The guy nods and disappears to get your drink.
“I uhh—I only have card though,” you speak up realizing you can’t pay it back to him.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on me.”
“Oh, no, that wouldn’t be fair,” you protest and he seems amused that you don’t just let him pay for your drink.
“How about this: you pay for the next round. Me and my mates are sitting over there, just come over when you finish this,” he offers, pointing at two guys sitting a few booths away from you and your friends.
“This was supposed to be my last round. I have to work in the morning,” you breathe out tilting your head.
“What? Work on Saturday? What kind of job is so cruel to make you work on a Saturday morning?” he asks with a boyish smile.
“One that pays my bills and most importantly my beer,” you chuckle softly.
“Okay, then make it just a soda,” he cheekily says and you feel giddy that this man is so keen on having another drink with you.
“I guess that could work,” you smile just as the bartender appears with your drink and the handsome man pays for the drinks, just then you realize you don’t even know his name. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” you tell him taking your beer. He tugs his wallet into his pocket before holding a hand out for you.
“Harry. Nice to meet you,” he smiles warmly and the moment you take his hand, you feel the tiny sparks. This man is surely something else. “I’ll be waiting for our next round,” he cheekily tells you raising his glass before the two of you part and go back to your own groups. As expected, your friends are already waiting for you with wide eyes and excitement, having witnessed your little chat with Harry at the bar.
“Who was that?! No, wait, it doesn’t matter. You need to go home with him!” Abigail smacks her hand to the table earning a chuckle from you.
“Don’t be dramatic, I just met him.”
“And you have to get to know him better. Deeper, you know what I mean?” Mona prompts.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe you all. He is hot, but I’m not looking to day anyone right now.”
“You know, it’s starting to get boring to hear you say that you are just working on yourself these days. That’s not what you’re doing,” Piper gives you a look. “You are wasting your time on work and school and all these stuff that will be there when you’re older. Live a little, Y/N!” she begs.
“You guys make me appear like a no fun bitch, but that’s not who I am!” you defend yourself, though you know they just want the best for you.
“A fun bitch would ditch us right now and go over to their booth and then ride his dick all night.”
You gasp at the unfiltered answer you just heard from Mona, but deep down, you know she is right. You haven’t really let yourself be a little crazy in a while, your one night stands stopped the moment you graduated and stepped into the world of work. It just didn’t fit into your everydays, you had a lot to worry about, making a living and keeping your life on track, but you have it all now. What’s stopping you from hooking up with a cute guy?
“I’m not gonna just ditch you guys, came here to spend time with you!”
“Shut up, we are leaving then,” Abigail snaps, downing the rest of her drink in a blink of an eye and for a moment you’re speechless.
“What? No! We never get to spend quality time together, all four of us!”
“Honey,” Mona sighs. “We love you and we know you need this. So go, get the tatted hottie and we’ll meet up another time when you’ll get to tell us all about how good the D was.”
“Jesus, you guys are unbelievable,” you chuckle shaking your head, accepting the fact that they are really forcing you to do this.
They all quickly finish their drinks and get ready to leave, hugging you before they exit the place, leaving you alone in the booth. Staring down at the stout in front of you, feeling nervous to just walk up to the guys a few tables away, though Harry told you to go over, however he didn’t invite you to join their group, just promised another round.
You take a few long gulps, hoping the strong drink will bring out your courage and before you could talk yourself down you grab your bag and drink, heading over to Harry and his friends. He is sitting at the far end so he easily spots you walking over, perching up in his seat when he sees you approaching.
“Hey,” you greet them all with a shy smile, waving around. There’s a blond guy sitting across Harry and a brunette with equally as many tattoos on his arms as Harry.
“Hey, you haven’t finished your drink,” Harry observes with a small smirk.
“Um, no. But my friends left and I was wondering if I could… join you guys.”
“Oh, the honor is yours! Take a seat beautiful!” the blonde one immediately slides further into the booth so you can sit across Harry. “I’m Niall, what’s your name?”
“So very nice to meet you,” he grins at you, words thick with Irish accent. “That’s Louis over there,” he gestures towards the third man who nods in your way with a welcoming smile.
“Hi. I’m hoping I’m not interrupting though.”
“Oh, never,” Niall shakes his head immediately. “We saw you chatting up Harry at the bar, have been teasing him about going up to you since then,” he cheekily comments and you see Harry giving him a look, but Niall couldn’t care less.
All three of them are hilarious and you love the dynamic in their friendship. Niall is clearly the loud one, Louis is the cheeky who is always up for some mischief and Harry is somewhat the serious bloke, but it’s clear he doesn’t say no to any crazy ideas his two friends make up. You love the teasing and joking, they make you feel welcomed and as if you’d known them for longer than just an hour. As promised, you pay for Harry’s next drink, but you stick to just a lemonade, not wanting to overstep your own boundaries.
All while you’re sitting with the guys, you keep catching Harry eyeing you, your gazes meet over your drinks and at one point you feel his leg finding yours under the table, your ankles pressing together as he nudges you with his feet. You feel like a giddy teenager flirting with her crush, Harry’s effect on you is probably very clear too, but you don’t care.
Louis is the first one to leave and Niall follows not long later, leaving you alone with Harry. The nerves are raging in you as you try to figure out which way to take it. Though he seems like a nice guy, you still don’t want to take it any further than a hookup. Dating is just not in the cards for you right now. But how do you imply a one night stand? Do you ask him to come to your place? Or do you go to his? You would rather go to his so you can sneak out first thing in the morning, spare you an awkward talk over breakfast before you leave.
“We should… get going too,” you suggest and Harry nods in agreement, finishing up the last gulps of his beer. You take a deep breath and decide to just be straight forward. “Maybe I could go to yours? Have another round there?” Your suggestion comes out fainter than you intended, but you still manage to sound confident. Harry seems a little surprised, but he doesn’t voice it.
“Another? Thought you were done for the night,” he tells with an amused smirk.
“I’m sure you have something alcohol free,” you shrug innocently.
“I surely do,” he nods. “Alright, let’s get going.
He calls an Uber and the two of you sit close in the car, thighs touching and at one point his large hand finds your thigh, squeezing it gently that sets a fire in your core almost immediately. It’s been long you’ve been touched by a man, you were starting to forget what it feels like, but you know Harry will remind you well about it.
He lives in a nice townhouse and you note how it’s not too far from the campus you’ll be going to a lot in a week. He keys the two of you in, switching the lights on in his cozy home. It’s not messy, more like lived in. A lot of books everywhere, the furniture doesn’t match, but all together, the whole place is pulled together somehow. It’s very like him.
“So, what would you like to drink?” he asks walking into the open concept kitchen, grabbing two glasses from the cupboard. “I have some tea, orange juice, water…”
As you watch his broad back, his muscles moving under the soft fabric of his shirt, you quickly forget about any drink. You want him and you want him now. Walking up to him you slide between him and the kitchen counter, catching him by surprise when you cup his face in your hands and pull him down into a hard kiss, but a moment later his arms wrap around you, lifting you up from the ground until you are sat on the counter. You open your knees so he stands between them, his crotch meeting yours as you kiss messily, all tongues, tugging and nipping, but oh my! You absolutely love it. The man has a mouth full of magic and you can only imagine what else he can do with those lips.
A whimpered moan leaves your mouth when you feel his growing bulge rub against your core as his lips travel down your jawline and throat, kissing and licking on your heated skin.
“Harry, bedroom,” you demand grabbing onto his shoulders and he doesn’t waste a moment, picking you up into his arms and heading somewhere down the hallway. You can’t quite comprehend what way it is, you’re way too lost in the feeling of his lips on your collarbone and neck, surely leaving marks on you.
He lays you down to a king sized bed and gets on top of you right away, following his wandering down your body. His ring clad fingers work fast on the hem of your shirt, pulling it off you in a moment before he kneels up and gets rid of his own shirt. He looks breathtaking, all the tattoos littering his chest and stomach, you just want to kiss all of them, feel his skin on your lips.
As he unbuckles his leather belt you push down your skinny jeans, throwing the item to the side without ever taking your hands off him. The man surely has all your attention.
When his slacks join the rest of your clothes on the floor he climbs on top of you again, kissing down the valley between your breasts that are still covered in the lacy bra. Your underwear doesn’t match, but something is telling you Harry is more eager to see you without them than to examine them. When he hooks his fingers into your panties and starts pulling them down, you reach to your back, unclasping the bra and in a blink of an eye, you’re lying completely naked in front of him.
“Fuck, you look so hot, Y/N,” he breathes out before those magical lips start working on your nipples, making you moan and whimper under him.
Kissing down your stomach he spreads your thighs wide, gazing down at your naked sex and for a moment you feel a little self-conscious, but the lust in Harry’s eyes quickly makes it disappear.
“You’re gonna let me have a taste, baby?” he murmurs, sending shivers down your spine as you nod eagerly.
He is not a tease. Harry dives right in, his lips meeting your clit, working his magic and you cry out his name, fingers tangling into his locks to keep him in place, not that he is about to stop anytime soon. He clearly enjoys pleasuring you.
“Oh fuck!” you gasp when his tongue runs down your slit and he slowly pushes into you, making your back arch. You need him inside you, you need him to fill you up right now or else you’ll burst. “Harry,” you breathe out, tugging on his shoulders, urging him to come back up.
He climbs up your body, a satisfied smirk on his glistening lips and when he kisses you hungrily, you can taste yourself on him.
“Condom,” you urge him, hands pushing down on his briefs, lips still locked as he reaches to the bedside table. You hear the familiar sound of the package ripping before he leans back, your eyes falling on his naked erection for the first time and your lips part seeing his cock, knowing already he’ll feel you up so well. He rolls the condom on easily before returning to you, but you don’t stay in that position too long. You want to ride this man, see him come undone under you. Being on top is already one of your favorite positions, but with Harry, you just know it’s going to be amazing.
You push on his shoulder and he understands your intention without a spoken word, so he rolls to his back and lets you straddle him, glancing down at his cock that’s now grazing his lower stomach, so hard and throbbing just for you. His fingers dig into your hips when you wrap a hand around his length, positioning him to your center.
“Oh fuck!” he moans when you ease down, his cock filling you up inch to inch, feeling so amazing like nothing before.
“Shit,” you breathe out gasping when you sit on him fully, taking his whole length inside you, stretching your insides so nicely, your wet walls hugging him perfectly.
“You feel so fucking good,” he murmurs lowly as you start buckling your hips, moving back and forth, up and down, the friction you’re creating swallowing you up entirely.
Harry can’t take his eyes off you, a hand wandering up to cup your breast and you cover his hand with yours, encouraging him to squeeze, making you moan passionately. He starts buckling his hips in sync with your movements, meeting you with every little thrust, hitting just the right spots, building up your orgasm so easily like no man has ever done before.
“Harry, oh God!” you moan, falling forward, leaning onto your arms next to his head, your lips meet in a hungry and demanding kiss as he wraps his arms around your body, thrusting up into you hard and so good, you whimper against his lips.
“You’re gonna cum for me, baby? I wanna see you feel good,” he pants, never slowing down. A few moments later he rolls the two of you around, your back hitting the sheets again as he moves one of your legs to rest on his shoulder, hitting a spot that almost makes you see stars.
“Oh yes! There! Don’t fucking stop!” you cry out so loud, you can only hope the walls are thick enough to keep your voice locked in the room.
“Not planning to,” he chuckles shortly before burying his face in the crook of your neck. You hold onto him for dear life, fingers digging into his sweaty skin, feeling as if you are melting into him.
Harry rocks into you relentlessly, your toes curling as you feel your orgasm finally arriving, making you gasp for air.
“Harry! I’m gonna cum!” you moan and he lifts his head, never stopping, not even for a second. His green eyes lock on your gaze, curls flopping into his forehead as he watches you in awe.
“Let it go for me, baby. Cum all over me, I wanna see how good I’m making you feel.”
“So fucking good!”
He picks up his pace just enough to make you lose your mind. It hits you like a pile of bricks, your orgasm washing over you in intense waves as you moan his name again and again. Your walls clench around him and it’s enough to throw him over the edge as well. His thrusts become uncoordinated and harder as his mouth hangs open.
“Fuck, Y/N! You feel so fucking amazing!” he whimpers through his pleasure and you watch him fall apart, panting and gasping for air, trying to remember every little detail about him. This is an experience you surely won’t forget and will probably fantasize about a lot when you’re alone at home, playing with yourself, seeking release.
A few more sloppy thrusts later he stops, kissing your lips passionately before he pulls out and falls to the mattress next to you. You both need a few minutes to recover from it, just panting and laying numbly next to each other, Harry’s arm thrown over your stomach. You turn to the side and immediately meet his glistening eyes, filled with satisfaction and bliss. When he finally recollects himself he pecks your lips softly before leaving the bed. You watch him remove the used condom, tie it and toss it into the small trash can near his dressed before he moves to the bathroom. When he reappears, he is wearing a fresh pair of boxers and he has a wet washcloth in his hand. Sitting beside you he gently cleans you up as you murmur your thank you.
“Want something to sleep in?” he asks then and you nod. He grabs you a t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts that you put on gladly. They smell exactly like him, soap, something citrus-like and a hint of anise.
He returns to bed and pulls you into his embrace, you gladly make yourself comfortable curled up to his side. Lying there, feeling his fingers gently running up and down your arm almost makes you want more from him. You could get used to share a bed with him and it’s not just because of the mind-blowing sex, but he is a lovable person. You feel bad you’re planning to leave without a trace in the morning, but then you tell yourself it’s what has to happen.
Harry doses off soon and you follow him right after, the warmth of his body puts you to sleep easily. When you wake up it’s still clearly early. Harry is sleeping soundly next to you, face squished into the pillow and you almost stay, wanting to see what he’s like in the morning, but you don’t let yourself change your mind.
You get dressed into your own clothes and leave the ones he lent you on top of his dresser. You tiptoe out of his room and grab your bag before looking for a piece of paper and a pen. You quickly scribble down a short note for him.
“Had fun last night. Hope you won’t be mad, but I only saw it as a one night stand. You’re an amazing man, Harry. I’m glad we met. Xx  –Y/N”
It’s more than nothing, than leaving without a word and you don’t let the guilt take over you. Taking one last look around, glancing in the way of the bedroom where he is still asleep, you pack it all up and put it to the back of your mind before walking out.
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The last week before your classes start passes by faster than you imagined. It’s your last week fully in the office so you try to work a little ahead, staying in afterhours so you won’t have that much to take care of while you get used to being a uni student again. You usually get home after nine and basically fall into bed right away, and you even work during the weekend before the Monday when school starts. You go to bed way too late so it’s not a surprise you wake up late. You get ready in a rush, throwing out your plan to get a coffee on your way out the window since you are way behind time. Running across campus you’re lucky you already know your way around so you don’t have to wander around, looking for the room you have to be at, but even when you finally reach the right hallway you’re ten minutes late to the class.
Introduction to International Relations, held by Prof. Styles, 8.30-10.00, it reads on the little timetable attached to the way next to the closed doors and you pray the man didn’t start in time, so you’d be late with just a few minutes. Taking a deep breath you push the door open trying to make no sound and unfortunately, you are met with an auditorium full of people, everyone looking at you as if it was against the law to be a little late to class.
What the Hell is wrong with students these days? Being late was usual when I was a freshman, you think to yourself as you step inside, closing the door behind you, getting ready to apologize to the professor.
“I’m so sorry, Professor Styles, I—Shit,” you end your sentence with a whisper as your eyes fall on the man standing on the podium. He hasn’t turned to you, his eyes are fixed on a paper in his hand, probably the syllabus because he must have been in the middle of introducing the class, but the sudden whispering that starts upon your apology that turned into shit, he finally looks up and his eyes fall on your frozen figure.
Professor Styles is none other than Harry. As in The Harry you met at the pub a week ago, had the best sex with and left without leaving your number to him in the morning. Now he is staring back at you with the same amount of panic and surprise as you.
“What—I uhh…” He clears his throat, looking around and seeing about a hundred pairs of curious eyes who are witnessing the awkward run-in. “Take a seat,” he then firmly says, clenching his jaw as you nod.
With your heart beating in your throat you keep your eyes down on your feet as you rush over to a free seat somewhere at the front, since the back is already kinda full.
“So, uhh—As I was saying this is an introduction so we’ll talk about a lot of different topics, I want you to have a view of the most important aspects before moving onto separate fields.”
You don’t dare to look up as Harry talks about the class, the syllabus, how the semester will be built up and what you’ll have to do to pass. Scribbling your wobbly notes, you nervously bounce your legs under the desk, flashbacks from your time with him popping into your mind through the whole lecture.
This feels like something straight out of a ridiculous movie. How is it possible, that the one time you finally decide to have a one night stand with a hot guy, he turns out to be your professor?! That’s just your luck, it seems.
Harry doesn’t drag the lecture long, dismisses everyone after an hour once every question has been answered. You plan to escape right away, but it turns out Harry doesn’t want to just sweep it under the rug.
“Can I have a word with you?” he asks stepping to your desk as you are furiously shoving your stuff into your bag.
“Uh, sure,” you nod, not like you have a choice. You’d love to run, but he is your professor, it would sit well if you ditched him on the first day of school.
You slow your packing down so you finish right when the last student has left the room. Grabbing your bag you turn to face Harry who now seems furious, vivid if you might say. He strides over to the door and shuts it before facing you.
“You said you’re working!” is the first thing he throws at you, making you raise your eyebrows.
“Because I am! I’m finishing my masters so I can get a promotion!” you defend yourself.
“Wait, so how old are you?” he asks with a puzzled look.
“I’m twenty-four, what did you think?” You feel offended, did he think you were younger or older? Neither would sit well anyway, so there’s no good answer.
“I-I don’t know, but when you walked right into my class I surely thought you were twenty or something,” he explains exhaling sharply. “Okay, so twenty-four. But still, you could have told me you are a student here.”
“Excuse you? Why would have I told you, we met that night, of course I didn’t share my whole fucking life with you! Besides, you didn’t say a thing about being a college professor either,” you spat at him and it seems like he realizes your argument is quite valid. He can’t blame it all on you.
“Okay, you’re right. Sorry.”
There’s a short silence as the anger dies down and the awkwardness and shock returns. It’s such an impossible situation, you never thought you’d have to deal with anything similar. Having an affair with your professor? This shit is straight out of some teenage drama.
“I can… drop the lecture, if you want. Only took it as extra credit, because I was interested in it,” you offer the first rational option that comes to your mind.
“No, I mean… you don’t have to. Messing around with credits at this time sucks, you wouldn’t be able to find something else.”
“Okay, so then what?”
“I guess we’ll just pretend like nothing happened,” he shrugs before his eyes meet yours. “Like you did in the morning when you left without leaving your number.”
His comment spikes, you can tell he was hurt that you didn’t stay, though now is probably not the best time to bring it up.
“Well, sorry. I didn’t think of it as more,” you dryly say.
“That’s not how you came off, however. Having laughs with me and my friends like we’ve known each other for years and then…” he doesn’t finish, but you have an idea what he wanted to say. And then you had insanely good sex and fell asleep cuddling. It feels illegal to even think about it in this building.
“Look, I’m really sorry I left like that, but look at it this way: if we would have taken it further, it would be way worse now, wouldn’t it?”
“Maybe we would have talked more later and found out about this and wouldn’t have had to face each other under these circumstances.”
He has a point, but it doesn’t matter now. The past is the past and you have to figure out how to treat this odd situation.
“You think you can forget about it and we can be professional? I really don’t want this to affect my studies,” you truthfully ask. Harry stares at you for a long moment before nodding.
“I think we can make it work. We are both adults, let’s put it behind us.” You nod, satisfied with his answer. “So what’s your major and why do you need it for your job?”
“It’s communication. I’m set to take over our international partnership groups, but the board is set on having someone with a higher degree. I told my boss I started it back then but never finished when I started working. He said I would instantly get the position if I finished my masters, so… here I am.”
Harry nods, chewing on your answer. Suddenly, as you look at him, guilt washes over you. He is such a genuine and lovely man, yet you left so abruptly, never even giving him a chance. Not that it would have made this situation any different, but it seems like you hurt him.
“Harry, I really am sorry for leaving. I had a great time with you, but I don’t think dating just fits into my life right now. I felt like you’d want more and I didn’t want to deal with all the explaining and apologizing.”
“I get it. It just would have been nicer to talk it out. Not that it makes a change now,” he adds with a soft smile.
“So we’re good?” you ask hopefully.
“Yeah. Professional and all,” he smiles nodding and you feel like a rock has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Great. Well, I guess I’ll see you later, professor,” you add a little cheekily and you see the fire in his eyes instantly, but he holds his tongue, not commenting on how sexual it sounds from your mouth. You couldn’t miss out on the teasing.
“Dismissed,” he nods turning away from you as he walks back to his desk. You walk out with the longest sigh that’s ever left your lips.
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“Professor Styles! You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Piper screams at you over Facetime later that week when the two of you have your usual little chat. You’re making dinner while she lies on her couch, staring at you from the screen with the widest eyes. You just told him the whole thing with Harry and she almost choked. “The man is a professor? This shit is wild!” “Not just a professor, he is my fucking teacher, Piper!” you chuckle awkwardly. You still haven’t fully wrapped your mind around the fact that you hooked up with your professor.
“How old is the dude to be teaching at a university?”
“Well, he said he is twenty-nine. I might have done a little search and since he is british, schooling was a little different for him. Apparently, he finished high school early as a fucking genius that he is, then uni, masters and everything. He started teaching at my school two years ago. The guy is like a big name in the field of social sciences.”
“Damn, he is a gem. So what’s gonna happen now? Y’all gonna fuck on his desk after class?”
“Piper!” you snap at her.
“What? I hope you’re not thinking about passing on him.”
“I passed on him way before I knew he was my professor. We can’t have anything going on because one, he is my professor and two, because I’m not looking for anyone to date.”
“You are so full of bullshit, Y/N,” she snorts. “So what if he is your professor? Just for this semester. Keep it a secret and then it’s done. You’re not some eighteen year-old freshman, he is just five years older than you.”
“You can’t be serious,” you shake your head. “I’m not going to have an affair with my teacher.”
“Not an affair, a relationship! You gotta hold onto good dick if you find one. This is what I did with Ronan,” she smirks satisfied.
“Yeah, it’s not happening.”
“Why not?”
“Piper, have you been listening to what I was saying?” you ask in disbelief. “Yeah, five years is not much, but I’m pretty sure there’s a rule against teachers dating students.”
“Rules are for losers. You literally found the perfect guy and you’ll just throw him away? Said it yourself after your hookup that you liked the guy. Why are you being so difficult?”
“Sorry for not wanting to get myself or Harry out of the university,” you scoff turning the stove off under the sauce before you burn it all.
“Harry? So you’re just calling him Harry?” Piper wiggles her eyebrows at you, leaning closer to the camera and you just groan at her. How was this the only thing that stuck to her?
“I can’t fucking believe you,” you mumble under your breath.
“Okay, yeah, I get you. I truly do. But I’m also your friend who wants to see you happy. So I’m just saying that if he makes a move… be open. He is your professor for only one semester, so once it’s over you are free to do whatever. Fuck, date, anything.”
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Soon enough you fall into a pattern with your everydays. Mondays, Tuesdays and Friday mornings are for school. Wednesdays and Thursdays are spent on campus at your lectures and you usually go into the office on Friday afternoons to make sure everything works fine before you go off for the weekend. Having so many credits accepted from before, you have less classes meaning that you have less work to do with school as well. There are a few papers and assignments, but nothing too crazy. You genuinely enjoy your classes, each of them unique in a different way but if you’re being honest, Harry’s class is your favorite. He has done a great job at building up the lectures. Introduction classes tend to be shallow and boring, but not Harry’s. He has chosen interesting but still important topics and he makes sure the students are always involved and he isn’t just reading up his slides dully. There are a lot of discussions, everyone gets to tell their opinion and Harry genuinely seems interested in anything his students have to say.
You also came to realize his class is full of girls, only a handful of men dared to sign up. You didn’t pay attention the first time for obvious reasons, but as you looked around the next week you saw heart eyes and lustful gazes towards the man standing on the podium talking. You’re not sure if Harry doesn’t notice it or just chooses to ignore it, but he is doing a good job at staying professional. In the aspect of your situation as well.
For a bit you were afraid he would have hard feelings towards you or treat you differently, but it’s not the case. You are just another pair of curious eyes and ears at his lectures, only that sometimes you catch yourself daydreaming about that one night. When that happens you can always feel yourself blushing and an irrational fear that Harry can hear your thoughts invades your mind, though it’s stupid. But you always try to stay low just in case.
 It’s early October when an unexpected project lands in your hands at work, setting you back in your schedule. You work through the weekend just to get it right but that means that you couldn’t start working on your paper for Harry’s class that has to be turned in by the end of the week. So next Monday morning when class is over you walk up to him to ask for some more time.
“Hey, can I have a word with you?” you ask and as he glances up at you he seems surprised you initiated a private conversation.
“Sure, what’s the matter?”
“I just wanted to ask if I could have just a little more time to turn my paper in. I know it’s due Friday, but I’m a little behind and it would be amazing if I could work on it on the weekend. I’m sure I’d be done by next Monday.”
You’re afraid he might think you want to use your history and take advantage of it, but it seems like Harry looks more concerned than upset about your request.
“Yeah, sure. Everything alright though?”
Your eyes wander around the room, only a few more people are left inside and they are heading out as well. For some reason, you are a little paranoid that someone might figure out what happened between you and Harry though it’s nearly impossible.
“I’m good, I just got some extra work last week and it totally threw me off.”
“Oh, what kind of project?”
“I just have to put together a communication plan for three of our partners and it’s taking way more time than I expected,” you admit with a chuckle.
“I think I have an amazing book about international communication plans. I could lend it to you, if you’d like. It has amazing tips on sustainability.”
“That would be… amazing,” you say, surprised by his nice offer.
“Are you on campus tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I have a lecture. I can come by your office.”
“Fantastic,” he smiles warmly. “And don’t worry about the paper. You’re not the first one to ask for more time. If you hand it in on Monday it’s gonna be perfectly fine,” he assures you.
“Thank you Harry. I-I mean Professor Styles,” you correct yourself, feeling awkward that you called him by his first name, but he just chuckles.
“You can call me Harry outside class.” “Okay,” you smile nodding. “Then, see you tomorrow,” you say as you leave the room.
You spend the rest of the day working unfortunately, still a lot to do with your project. It’s hard to harmonize three different companies from three nations, working in different time zones. The next day you decide to skip your lecture in the noon. The professor is not too strict on attendance so you’re just gonna find a nice coffee place, set up a temporary office and work some more so you can finish everything on time.
You find Harry’s office easily. The door is open and you spot him sitting behind his desk right away, searching for something in a stack of papers. His office resembles a lot to his home, it has a cozy vibe but looks still very much academic with all the books lining on the shelves on the two sides of his desk. You knock on the doorframe as you arrive and his green eyes shoot up to your figure.
“Hey! Come on in!” he smiles at you. “Just a moment please,” he asks, still vigorously flipping the pages until he finally stops. “Here it is, I’ve been looking for it for ages,” he mumbles to himself and you smile. He looks a lot like the version of him you met at the bar. A fun, nice guy, clearly a little lost in his own world, but it amuses you rather then annoys. You wonder what could be happening in that brilliant mind of his.
He pushes himself away from the table and walks over to his bag that lies on the small sofa in the corner. Digging into it he pulls out a thick book that he hands over to you.
“Wow, lengthy,” you chuckle as you flip through the pages quickly.
“Yeah, looks a little dry but I promise it’s good. I put a note to the chapters that are the most relevant to you,” he explains and just then you spot a yellow post-it on one of the pages, a few more following behind.
“Oh, thank you. That’s really nice of you.” You smile up at him warmly, holding the book to your chest. “I’ll bring it back as soon as I’m done.”
“Take your time,” he nods. “And how is it going so far?”
“Uh, it’s… going,” you say with a tired chuckle. “It’s a little tricky, but I’m sure I’ll solve it. I’m gonna work some more on it now, so hopefully I’ll be done within the next few days.”
“You’re not going to class?”
“No, I allowed myself a skip this week so I’m gonna find a café or something.”
“You could… stay here, if you’d like. I could even help if you let me have a look at it. I mean I’m not an expert in communication but I’m good with multicultural stuff.” His offer catches you by surprise and for a moment you want to say no, but then you realize he might actually be helpful. Another set of eyes is always beneficial.
“You don’t have a class?”
“Not until four, no.”
“And you sure I can stay? I don’t want to bother you.”
“You’re not. Please, I would love to take a look at what you’ve put together.”
You hesitate for another moment, but then let your bag slip off your shoulder as you walk over to the armchair in front of his desk.
You pull your laptop out of your bag and set it on the table so both of you can see from the two sides of the desk. You open up what you have so far, explaining it in details and Harry listens intently, nodding and humming along so you know he is following. At the end you tell him your concerns, the ones you’ve been trying to rule out these past few days so you can finish it all up.
“This looks amazing, Y/N. I’m very impressed by the way you synchronized it all.” “Thank you, but it’s not perfect, so I have a lot to work on. Any thoughts though?”
Harry asks you a few questions before he gives his two cents, telling you what he would do and change. His point of view actually helps a lot, allows you to see the whole thing from a different angle and he gives you some awesome tips. Before you could realize, the two of you are deep in the project, all kinds of books splattered across his desks as you work together to finish the thing. Two hours pass by as it was just two minutes, but at the end, you have it all figured out.
“Oh my God. I can’t believe it’s done!” you breathe out, scrolling through the document you put together for your boss. Everything is put together, well-thought and in place, thanks to Harry’s help. “Harry, thank you. You literally saved my life,” you chuckle softly, leaning back in the armchair you haven’t left in hours.
“You had a strong base, I just helped you find a few solutions, but it was all you.”
“Don’t belittle it, you literally had so many ideas even in fields you are not familiar with. You really are a genius.”
“I’m just good at using my sources,” he smiles at you, glancing down at all the books he has pulled out during the process. “It was fun working on something so practical, I’m way too used to literal things.”
“Oh stop, you want me to feel bad because you are this ridiculously smart college professor who doesn’t get to work on practical projects?” you tease him earning a boyish smile.
“Maybe I do want that.”
“Well, you’re not getting it,” you laugh and he joins you. Once the mood settles you realize how good it felt to be around him. The dynamic the two of you had was so great, working with him felt like a fun activity. And now that you’re done, you really don’t want to leave this office though you know you have to.
“You know, I might come to you with work stuff all the time. You just spared so much time for me, I really thought I wouldn’t finish before Friday.”
“My door is always open,” he smirks shrugging. “I’m glad we got to work together. You really are great at what you are doing. Your boss is lucky to have you around. I’m sure you’ll be an amazing group leader once you get your degree.”
“Thank you.”
His compliment actually means a lot. Aside from this weird situation, Harry is a brilliant mind in his field. Hearing him tell you that he thinks you are doing an amazing work is such a boost to your ego.
“Well, I owe you one for this,” you tell him as you start packing up.
“Yeah? I’ll keep that in mind for sure,” he smirks, watching you put your things away.
“Mhm, see you around, Harry,” you smile, waving in his way before walking out.
“See you, Y/N.”
Thanks to Harry you get to turn in your project in time and write his paper until the original due date as well. You send it in email and for your biggest surprise he answers later that day.
“Glad you could finish in time, can’t wait to read your thoughts on the topic! –H”
It’s a simple message, but what catches your eyes is the signature at the end. It reads his full name, Prof. Harry Edward Styles, the school’s name, his official office hours and at the very end… his phone number.
Looking at it you think it seems a little out of place, as if it doesn’t belong there originally, he just added it to your email, but you can’t tell. Is this a hint? Does he want you to call or text him? What if he puts it into every email, not just yours? Would it be awkward to text? Why do you even want to text him in the first place? You agreed to stay away from him!
It keeps eating you the whole evening, staying on your mind, doesn’t matter what you do. After you’ve drunk a glass of wine with your dinner you finally make up your mind, convincing yourself it’s strictly friendly as you type in the words.
Y/N: Turned my project in, my boss already emailed me he likes it so far. Thanks for the help again. –Y/N
His reply comes fast and luckily, he doesn’t question why you decided to text him.
Harry: Glad I could help! Ran over your paper, looks great too. You’re doing an amazing job, Y/N.
There’s no stopping after that. The two of you keep talking through texts and though it’s all casual and friendly, you don’t feel bad about it, because in class, you still keep it professional and you have no advantage. He treats you just like any other student, keeping your friendship away from whatever happens in the classroom.
The line slowly starts to blur, however. You think way more about Harry than you should and you actually find yourself regretting that you’re not able to get as close to him as you want. He fascinates and attracts you in ways no one ever could before and something is telling you he shares these feelings, but you are both keeping it at bay, afraid what would happen if you let your desires take the lead. You just wish you could go out with him, have drinks with him and his friends like the night you met him, forget about how he would always stand on the podium on Monday morning no matter what happens and he’ll be grading your papers. Mixing feelings with this impossible situation might turn it into a disaster and you know you have to stay strong, but it’s getting harder.
Harry is the kind of teacher who likes to finish his class before everyone else, so when December rolls around everyone already has their grades from the papers that had to be turned in through the semester, so when December rolls around it’s all just free talks, he starts interesting discussions about topics students want to talk about. His lectures feel like free time but still, no one skips them because they are always so entertaining and interesting.
“Alright, we’ll meet for the last time next week. As per suggested, we’ll talk about the European Union so get your questions and thoughts ready,” he smiles around, ending the lecture. “Y/N? Can we talk for a second?”
“Sure,” you smile at him. Putting your things away you walk up to his desk much more carelessly than before.
“So I have a question and you can totally tell me if you don’t want to go, but there’s this great International Affairs Summit next weekend just a few towns over, not more than a two hours ride. I thought that you might be interested in going? They’ll have some awesome presentations and displays, thought it might interest you.”
For the first time since you’ve met him, he seems nervous, stumbling over his words a little as he avoids looking into your eyes. He looks so much younger, not at all like the respected professor that he is. He is just Harry now, the guy you bonded over that stout he paid for.
“Sounds nice,” you answer smiling at him, he seems surprised at your answer. “I would love to go.”
“Really?” You chuckle at his disbelief.
“Just to be clear it’s not a school thing, it’s gonna be the two of us,” he clears and your grin widens.
“It’s clear. Still want to go.”
“Amazing,” he breathes out, a smile finally tugging on his lips. “I can pick you up in the morning.”
“Sure. Can we discuss the details in text? I have a meeting soon.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course. We’ll talk later,” he nods enthusiastically, seemingly very joyful that you agreed to go on this trip with him.
“See you later, Harry!” you wave at him walking out of the classroom.
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Piper would be very satisfied to know that you are going away with Harry this weekend. Though you still try to tell yourself it’s nothing more than just a friendly thing, you’re not fooling yourself. You want it to be more and now that the semester is over, your doubts and fears are almost fully forgotten and left at the beginning of September. Soon Harry won’t be your professor and you now see that it wouldn’t be that bad if something more happened between the two of you. You grew close through the year even though you only kept in touch through phone, appearing publicly wasn’t really an option, but still, you got to know him better and you liked him. A lot. There was no use in denying that.
Harry picks you up early in the morning and so the little trip begins. You take control over the music and play some of your favorites to him while he drives, educating him on recent popular music. Then he shows you some of his favorites, playing a lot of Fleetwood Mac and you weren’t expecting anything else from him.
He looks great today in a creamy colored knitted sweater, black wool coat and grey checkered slacks. His hair is now longer than when you met him for the first time, but it just adds to his amazing look, he rocks it pretty well.
The two hours pass by fast and you arrive to the Summit. Checking out the program the two of you choose the presentations you’re most interested in, leaving some time in the middle of the day to have lunch somewhere near.
You choose a sandwich bar that has a nice winter garden at the back looking out to a little pond. You sit at a small table, the conversation hasn’t stopped since the morning, only paused when the presentations were happening, but you always picked up right where you were before. Harry tells you about his time at university back in the UK and you’re a little surprised to hear that he was kind of a wild kid for a while.
“You? Wild?” you laugh. “I can’t picture it.
“It was mostly the first year though. Felt like I can’t miss out on anything so I was at every party and gathering,” he chuckles softly.
“And why did you stop?” “I don’t know,” he shrugs, but you know he is not telling you the truth, so you gently kick his leg under the table. “Alright, but you can’t laugh!”
“I won’t, I promise!”
“It sounds very nerdy, but I fell in love with studying. I mean I was always a good student, that’s why I could finish high school earlier, but I did it to be done with it already. But then I grew an odd love to studying, to learning new things. I wanted to read every book there is, know everything in the world.”
“And do you know everything now?” you ask with a soft smile, completely in awe with how he talks about his passion for sciences. You don’t find it funny at all, more admirable.
“Not even a fraction of it,” he chuckles. “But I learn something new every day,” he shrugs.
“What did you learn today?”
“That Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus had… beef?” He is a little unsure about the last word that you taught him today in the car when you were listening to a song from Miley. It sounds so funny hearing from his mouth.
“Yeah, beef,” you nod chuckling. “Great knowledge you’ve learned today.”
“I learn a lot from you,” he smiles cheekily. “But really. I’m glad you could come today. Felt like I needed to take this step since you took the one before this.”
“Huh?” you ask, a little confused about what he is talking about. Then, as if he realizes he just said something he shouldn’t have, he chuckles nervously, keeping his eyes on his iced tea on the table.
“Well, I hope this won’t be too weird, but when you emailed me your paper back in October and I replied… I put my phone number into my signature and told myself that if you use it, I’ll take it as a hint that you… are open to more. And you did send me a text, took the risk so I thought I should be taking it next.”
You look at him in awe. So you were right, he did put his number in just for you and wanted you to use it. You’re amazed at how sneaky he was to find out how you’re feeling about him, but now you’re glad you took the risk and texted him.
“So you asked me to come today. I see where we are standing,” you nod smirking.
“You’re not mad? At the number thing?”
“Why would I?” you ask with a soft chuckle. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Yes, but we agreed to keep it professional and all along I yearned for something more and threw you this hint. When I sent the email I wanted to take it back immediately, thinking that you’d see through me right away,” he admits.
“Well, I didn’t,” you tell him making him laugh. “I debated for a long time whether I should text you or not and then just… said fuck it!”
“I’m glad you did,” he smirks and his gaze holds yours for a little, you can feel the moment you’re sharing. This conversation has definitely opened a door for the two of you.
The rest of the day passes by peacefully. You love having Harry with you and discuss the presentations with him later. He has a great mind, you love sharing your thoughts with him, get deep whenever something really catches your attention. It’s so easy to talk to him and you actually feel like he values your thoughts, unlike some men you had to deal with in the past.
During the ride back home you keep thinking about whether you should take it any further or not. You surely don’t want him to be just a one night stand anymore, it’s still very fresh but you actually feel like you’ve started falling for him and you wonder where he is standing in the situation right now. Today has changed a lot so when he parks in front of your building, you decide to just risk it again, like you did it so many times with him.
“Would you want to come up for a little? I could show you that article I talked about today,” you say, trying to sound calm though you see the surprise in his eyes, he wasn’t expecting this invitation.
“I… would love to. You sure it’s not too late?”
“Positive,” you smirk at him unbuckling yourself.
He follows you up to your apartment. It’s definitely not as big as his home, but you take pride in it. It’s the perfect size for you and you’ve worked a lot on making it your home. Harry is looking around, inspecting the place as you walk into the small kitchen and grab two bottles of beer, offering one for him.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, following you to sit on the plush couch you adore so much. It feels like a cloud is swallowing you up. “This place suits you.”
“Thanks. You know, this is what I thought about yours too.”
“Yeah? I think mine is just a mess,” he chuckles, taking a sib from his beer.
“It’s a good mess. Liked it.”
There is some tension, but in a good way if you might say. As if you both were unsure about where it’s heading, walking on eggshells, not knowing where the boundaries are lying as of right now.
“You know, the semester is almost over,” you imply, giving him an innocent look.
“I’m very much aware of that, the pile of tests on my desk waiting to be graded reminds me every day of it,” he chuckles making you smile too.
“Mhm and it also means that very soon you won’t be my professor anymore.”
You scoot closer, your knees coming in contact with his thigh and he sucks on his breath, looking down at the spot where you two touch. You really hope he won’t turn you down, because you’ve already gotten your hopes up about making it work.
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” you nod confidently. He doesn’t move and you’re losing patience. So grabbing his beer from his hand you place his and yours as well to the small coffee table before shamelessly swinging a leg over him, sitting on his lap. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders and his hands immediately find their way to your waist, his thumb caressing the skin that shows from under your ridden up shirt. However you see hesitation in his eyes.
“What’s going on in your head, talk to me,” you ask him softly, tilting your head to the side.
“I just… I know soon it’s gonna be alright for us to… you know. But I… I hope you know it’s not a game for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“That I’m all in, Y/N. I know it’s been a crazy few months, but I really like you. A lot. I love talking to you, I love it when you are talking so passionately about things that interest you. I love how open and hardworking you are. I think that you’re an amazing person and I don’t want this to just be some passing, quick thing. I’m serious about this. About you.”
You can’t hold your growing smile back as your hands move up to cup his cheeks. Leaning closer you peck his lips softly.
“Great. Because I’m serious too.”
Harry breathes out in relief and a second later he is kissing you hungrily, letting his desire take over after holding back for so long. You weren’t the only one having a hard time during lectures. He hated how he always found himself looking in your way, thinking about how beautiful you are, how amazing it felt to hold you in his arms and it ached his heart that he had to keep himself so far away from you. When you took the risk and texted him, he could cry in excitement and he knew right in that moment that he is fucked for you.
Though it started a little rocky, now that he has you in his arms again, he wouldn’t change a thing, because it brought him to this very moment and he is overwhelmed with joy. He is more than ready to show you how serious he is about you, not just with his words but his actions, so he is quick to leave the couch and navigate into your bedroom to relive that mind-blowing night the two of you shared back in late August.
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“Congrats, Miss Y/L/N. We are looking forward to seeing you work your magic as the leader of the group.” The executive manager shakes your hand and you see your boss from the corner of your eye, looking at you proudly.
“Thank you. I won’t disappoint,” you smile back.
You say your goodbye to everyone else in the room before finally heading out with the widest smile on your face. You did it. You finally got the promotion.
You finished your masters just a month ago and this meeting was scheduled almost immediately. For a while you were afraid they wouldn’t wait until you finish your studies, but they proved that they wanted no one else but you, making you feel so valued.
Walking back to your office you do the rest of your work left for the day, finishing up every pending task so you can be free for the weekend. When five o’clock finally comes you pack up and head out. Pushing through the double doors you step out into the warm July afternoon, immediately spotting a mop of curls you know all too well. Harry is waiting for you leant against his car with a huge bouquet of flowers, smiling at you with pride as he watches you cross the parking lot.
“What’s this for?” you ask teasingly when he pushes himself away from the car and kisses you softly before saying anything.
“A little something to celebrate your promotion.”
“How do you know I got it?” you ask, trying your best to sound serious. He narrows his eyes at you in suspicion.
“I knew you’d get it, who else would get it? Did they not fucking give it to you?” he asks, working himself up at the thought that you weren’t the one to get promoted.
“Relax, I got it,” you chuckle, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him a little longer this time.
“I was ready to fight whoever I needed to,” he mumbles against your lips, a smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth.
“What a gentleman,” you giggle pecking his lips again.
“That I am. And not just because I would throw a fist for my love, but because I knew you’d get it so I went ahead and booked us a mini vacation for this weekend. So let’s head home, you have thirty minutes to pack before we leave,” he smirks down at you, clearly satisfied with himself.
Harry is always full of surprises. In the one and half year you’ve been officially together, he never failed to surprise you with the tiniest things, make you feel loved and appreciated no matter how long you’ve been dating.
“Where are we going?” you ask in excitement, eyebrows shooting up on your forehead.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
Harry listened to every hint you’ve dropped how you’d love to spend some time away in some cabin in the woods, disconnecting from the world just for a little and he found the perfect place for that a few hours away. He knew you’d be the one to get promoted so he took the risk to book it weeks ahead, making sure you’ll have the perfect place for the celebration. You have a slight guess it’s gonna be like that because Harry is great at taking hints, but what you doesn’t know is that deep down his already packed suitcase, there’s a little velvety box with a ring inside it that he plans to put on your finger this weekend, hoping you’ll give him the answer he wants to hear.
And you will. Because you are head over heels in love with this man, have been for a while and you want to spend the rest of your life with him.
The two of you head home and your hand finds his over the shifting gear, lacing your fingers together with his. Glancing at you he kisses your knuckles, pressing a long kiss to your empty ring finger.
“I love you,” he tells you and the three little words never fail to make your heart flutter. While the lamp is still red you quickly lean over and steal a kiss from his soft, pink lips.
“I love you too, professor,” you tell him teasingly. He didn’t like it when you called him that back when he was still just your professor, but since the air has been clear, he grew a liking to it, especially because he can’t get enough of hearing you moan it in the bedroom.
You call him a lot of other pet names too. Baby, H, Har, Sweets, whatever comes to your mind while he likes calling you his baby, Angel, Princess or Love. And as the two of you head home he thinks about how he wants two new names to be added to the list. Husband and wife.
Thank you for reading! Please like and/or reblog if you enjoyed!
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alphabet boy
SYNOPSIS: You should feel extremely lucky that the handsome and intelligent Armin Arlert is your tutor...even when he's a little mean to you. Because that's your fault, isn't it? He wouldn't have to be mean if you weren't so damn stupid.
PAIRING: Armin x FEM!Reader
DEDICATED TO: armin fuckers. non armin fuckers, i hope i can convert you.
TW: dubcon touching, manipulative behavior, gaslighting, academia shaming,
WC: 1.8k
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“Maybe you’re not cut out for this class.”
He said it so casually, a comment spoken between the flip of textbook pages. You couldn’t shake off the undeniable hurt.
“I-Uhm, uh, yeah I have to study a lot...but I like this class. It was a pain to get off the waitlist.” You keep your voice optimistic and light, hoping to mask the offense taken.
You don’t know why Armin would say that, but maybe he was just being logical...he’s seen you struggle, of course, he’d think the class was too hard for you.
The blond sighs, closing his novel that he brought with him while he waited for you to finish your practice problems.
“You can barely keep up with the weekly homework assignments. You didn’t even hand in your assignment last week, right? Better drop out now before the add and drop deadline.” His voice is soft and cold at the same time. It’s unnerving.
You tuck your hair behind your ears, eyes set low, too ashamed to meet your tutor’s. Armin had been your tutor for the past few weeks now, and you thought it was going pretty well. He was so so smart that you couldn’t help but be a little starstruck. He was handsome too, short-cropped blond hair, wide blue eyes, with a wardrobe that was composed of slacks and sweaters.
Usually, he was always overly polite and charming. You could make countless mistakes and his patience was endless. He had some off-days where he was a little withdrawn and quiet. You never held it against him though, knowing he had no obligation to make idle chatter. But sometimes, you could feel his chilly gaze watching you even though he had a book propped open.
“I emailed the professor, he was really chill about it. Last week was really rough for me, you know? I wasn’t feeling well and...”
“You know excuses don’t fly in the real world right? You’re in college now. Professor Ackerman was just being courteous. He probably thinks you’re lazy.” Even though you try not to look at him, you can feel Armin’s azure blues burn holes into you. There was this quiet intensity about him that made you worry about when the restraints would come off.
Armin can’t help but let condescension drip over his words. Any self-respecting person would defend themselves, but not you. Not when you’re already broken by your own insecurities that make it that much easier for him to trample on.
He can already see pearly-sheened tears leaking from the corner of your hopeless eyes. How cute. You part your pretty little mouth to say something, but no words come out. You close your mouth soon enough, looking every bit like a dumb little airhead.
So he continues: “You know your classmates learned all the first few chapters from high school right? You’re the only one starting fresh.” He moves closer, elbows inching closer to infiltrate your little personal-space bubble, knees knocking into yours under the desk.
More tears form under your lower lashes, and Armin mentally counts the crystal droplets. You’re recoiling into yourself like a shrinking violet which only encourages Armin to go just a little farther.
“You don’t even have your major picked out yet. This is a core class for your classmates, you know. You’re wasting your-no, everyone’s time.”
Not wanting to cry in front of your tutor, you rub your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket, fully aware of how utterly pathetic you look right now.
In a small voice, you manage to utter, “I have a right...to be in this class. Even though I’m slow now, I think with some decent amount of studying...I’ll catch up. Even if I’m not-” you take a deep breath, “as quick as my classmates, I still really enjoy what I learn. And..and...I think at the end of the day, that’s what really matters!”
Armin scoffs, “Do you really like the class or are you staying for Ackerman? God knows how many fangirls he’s had to put up with.”
Even as he spoke those words, Armin knew it wasn’t entirely true. You admired the man zealously and had read all of his published papers. Honestly, your admiration had always annoyed him.
You wince at the insinuation but you could feel the anger simmering in your gut, “You have no right to imply that! Wh-why-” Your voice breaks, “are you being so mean?”
Armin thinks you’re so cute, the way you jut out your bottom lip. So cute and pathetic. The corners of his lips quirk upwards. It’s almost endearing how you say “mean” like it’s the worst thing a person can be.
“Am I being mean or am I being realistic?” The blond coos, “I’m your tutor, right? I know the best for you.”
He takes your silence as an invitation to goad you harder: “You’re only upset because I’m telling you what you don’t want to hear.”
You don’t notice the proximity until Armin lays his hand over yours, squeezing the soft flesh of your palms. His voice is gentle as he reassures you: “Hey, hey, don’t cry. It’s okay.”
He made you cry, but you don’t have it in you to pull away from the only semblance of comfort given to you. His chair scrapes the floor as he sets it right beside yours, wrapping an arm around you, encouraging you to lean your head against his shoulder.
It’s a little sad but this is probably the most physical contact you’ve gotten in a while. You’re an utter mess, and on top of all that, touch-starved.
You’re still sniffling like a crybaby, trying to sort your own emotions out. You take a few deep breaths and force yourself to face the facts:
You’re behind.
The class is too much work for you.
Armin’s right, you’re upset because he’s telling you what you don’t want to hear.
“D-do you really think I should drop the class?” Your voice is so defeated, a pinch louder than a whisper.
His long fingers play with the ends of your hair, “I know this class is really important to you and we both want you to do well...so why don’t we increase our tutoring sessions? Maybe we should meet three times a week.”
He smiles at you, and it looks so genuine. You’re immensely grateful, you are, but confusion washes over you, “Wow, Uh, that’ll be great actually but um, uni tutoring services is once a week...so-”
Armin dismisses your concerns with a gentle wave of his hands, “Don’t worry, It’ll be off the books. Think of this as private tutoring. Of course, we’ll have to start meeting in my room from now on.”
While he doesn’t elaborate on why you have to meet in his dorm, you assume Armin has a good reason and it probably involves university-sanctioned student-tutor guidelines.
You’re stammering out thank-you’s, still trying to rub the tears out of your eyes until you feel a soft handkerchief wiping them away.
“It’s okay, don’t worry.” He reassures, “Don’t use your sleeve. It’s too rough for your pretty face.”
You blush under his words, wide eyes locked into his oceanic blues, “I d-don’t know if I’ll be able to compensate you f-for the private tutoring.”
His eyebrows crease as he gives you a smile full of pearly teeth, “You don’t have to worry about that for now.” His hands graze over your knuckles, “We’ll figure something out.”
“Thank you Armin.” You say it so sincerely, trying to muster the biggest smile you can after the blond essentially trampled over your self-esteem to only nurse it back with sweet promises.
“Well, we better finish today’s work then.” He responds calmly, not bothering to detangle himself from you. You can feel his body heat radiating onto you, and how his hand moved to casually rest on your thigh. But that’s normal right? If you think about it, Armin was not exactly adverse to touch. During your past tutoring sessions, his hand would always be on the small of your back or shoulders.
“Hey, you’re not getting distracted again, are you?” His voice is playful like he isn’t sliding his hand up and down the span of skin between your skirt and tights. When you don't respond, he pinches your inner thigh, eliciting a startled gasp from you.
"Focus." It's a demand so it must be followed.
Embarrassed, you nod your head and return your focus to the problem sets even though your hands are shaky as you grip the ballpoint pen.
You don’t notice how the blond’s eyes gleam under the fluorescent lighting at your easy compliance. He’s always liked obedient girls.
Your thighs are growing warmer, and it doesn’t help to have Armin peering over you. Still, you try your best to lull yourself to focus until a ringtone breaks your concentration.
Armin breaks away from you to find his phone and you find your body subconsciously missing the warmth. He lightly curses under his breath once he sees the contact name, but answers nonetheless.
“Yeah...sorry babe. I forgot. I’ll be right over.” He sounds apologetic but he looks downright bored.
And like that, the call is over. He looks over at you with an apology falling from his lips, “Sorry about that. I forgot I had something to do today. We’ll end early.”
Your throat is dry as you ask, “Was that your girlfriend?” You regretted your words the moment they escaped. That was none of your business. It doesn’t matter if he was holding you earlier. He was doing so because you were bawling like a baby. But why did he touch your thighs?
That doesn’t have to mean anything, you rationalize. Besides, Armin would never make a move on you. He was a handsome senior with a perfect GPA and a powerful position in the student government. Stupid freshman girls like you are not worth the time he so generously gives out.
The blond smirks, seeming to notice your internal struggle, “Something like that. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure she won’t distract me from our future sessions.”
That was a puzzling comment. His girlfriend supposedly distracting from your study time wasn’t even a concern you held.
“No, no, that’s ok.” You quickly assure, “You’ve already helped me out so much.”
The blond pats the top of your head like you were a puppy, “I’d do anything for my cute little student.”
The way your face heats up with a dark blush should be criminal. All he did was pat your head, and you’re looking at him starry-eyed like he didn’t grope your thighs under the table. Honestly, all your cute little blubbering had gone straight to his cock. Annie would have to handle his big problem.
These private sessions are going to be fun.
part I ---- complete
757 notes · View notes
let-them-read-fics · 3 years
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Pairing: Vamp!Lisa x Human!Fem!Reader
AU: Vampire
Word Count: ~ 5,564
Warnings / Misc. -- Mentions of Blood
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hey everyone! I'm alive! School has kept me crazy busy and I've had my hands full with other things as well, but I finished writing this one and I wanted to share with you lovely peeps. To everyone who stopped by to check in, and to those of you who’ve been patiently waiting, thank you endlessly. I love having you as my readers 💜
PS ~ I hope this isn't too bad for my first one shot in forever! Also, happy Lisa era. I’m so proud of our girl!
Saturday, October 31st
You look like an idiot. 
The nurse uniform you have on is obnoxiously cliché; short and tattered in various places to really sell the "sexy" aspect of it, little is left to the imagination. Fake blood stains dot the flimsy material in random patterns and mat some strands of the tacky blonde wig atop your head, making you look like something out of a B-movie at best. 
A bonafide, absolute idiot. 
When you express that sentiment to your best friend, she just rolls her eyes and holds out one last costume for you to try on. She had a few lined up in case you didn't like her other options, and clearly that's come in handy; you've already worked through the previous picks, so she crosses her fingers as your eyes skim over this one.
"Humor me, will you?" She asks, hoping that you'll give in and at least check this last one out. 
"Fine, but this is your last chance. It had better be good." You raise a pointed finger at her in warning. 
"I have a good feeling about this one," she says, smiling as you take the bag from her and slip into the dressing room one final time. 
Her phone chimes soon after, and she's quick to retrieve it from her pocket.
Willow: Are you guys almost here?? Jackson's been asking about you.
Your best friend bites her lip at that, nervously nibbling on it as she rereads the message to make sure she didn't imagine the last part. She's liked Jackson since middle school, and he'll be swinging by the party that you've all been invited to; that's one of the main reasons she begged you to come with her tonight. 
Y/BFFs/N: Still getting ready. We'll be there ASAP tho!
Willow: Alright, we'll see you soon. Don't take all night, or else👩🤛
Y/BFFs/N: Yah, cut the violence!
The sound of your best friend's soft giggling fills the air just as you manage to fasten the costume's last zipper and pull its hood over your head.
Surprise etches its way into your features as you do a spin, taking in the sight of yourself through the full length mirror of the dressing room. The outfit's red and black color schemes complement each other beautifully, giving you a powerful and sensual appeal that the other costumes didn't even stand a chance of doing. You look alluring in every sense of the word. 
"Holy shit," your best friend says when you emerge, striking a pose. "You look hot!" She squeals, clapping a few times in quick succession. 
There's no way you think this one looks bad. 
"I think Wanda would be proud," you grin, tilting your head up and wrapping the cape around your neck. 
"One hundred percent," Y/BFFs/N nods adamantly, in total agreement. The Scarlet Witch getup really compliments your features. 
"Now," she starts, changing topics as she looks in the reflection of her phone's dark screen to adjust some of her hair that's gone astray. "Let's pay and then go. Willow's looking for us, and my future man's wondering where I am, too." 
"Hell yeah!" You chuckle, patting her on the back. "I'll help you finally land him so you can stop pining."
You watch as she takes a moment to decide between coming up with a decent rebuttal to defend herself or agreeing with you, and you smile when she goes for the latter. 
"I'd accept nothing less," she says, holding her head high like a princess. "You are my wingwoman, after all." 
"And the best one in town," you add, tugging her towards the register. She reaches into her purse and pulls out the money to pay before politely handing it to the cashier. 
The teenage boy takes it with a small smile, though the action looks a little comical as his upper lip gets caught on the cheap, plastic fangs he's sporting. His knock-off version of Dracula is definitely…. something… and you can tell that his managers forced him to wear it for the holiday. 
"Come back and s-shhee us," he says, handing your change back. Your best friend takes it, failing to contain her laughter at his messy speech. He blushes crimson, likely cursing the plastic teeth for making him look a fool. 
"We surely will," you respond, giving him a comforting smile to keep his embarrassment at bay. He nods gratefully, and you're quickly pulled out of the store by your best friend. 
"Happy Halloween!" You shout over your shoulder, accompanied by the chime of the bell over the door. 
"You too," he calls back, letting out a soft sigh. 
20 Minutes Later -- The Party
Upon rounding the front of your car and stepping up onto the sidewalk outside of Willow's house, your attention is immediately caught by the numerous decorations that she put up last week. 
"Huh," you mumble, gazing up at the skeleton that towers above you, standing 12 feet tall. "I think it's safe to say that this is her favorite holiday…" 
"What makes you think that?" Your best friend plays, feigning ignorance as she pops up from behind a life-sized, animatronic Jason Voorhees. 
"I don't know," you tut, admiring Willow's hard work a little longer. "Just a feeling." 
Y/BFFs/N giggles in her unique way, making you smile at the sound as the two of you make your way up the path towards the house. You gaze down at your feet, careful to step on the stones of the walkway and avoid the motion-activated hands that scramble out of the weeds to grab unsuspecting guests. 
Having known Willow your entire childhood, you've grown used to her ways. 
*knock knock*
A strong, iconic synth bassline sounds off from inside, filling the otherwise quiet night around you with its catchy beat as you wait to be let in. Its sound is well known, and you almost instantly recognize it as "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics.
A few seconds later, you hear clambering from inside, followed by concerning groans and shouted apologies. 
Y/BFFs/N arches a skeptical brow at you, perfectly mirroring your thoughts.
Directly after, the door swings open in a flash, and you're nearly tackled by a whizz of curly hair. 
"There you guys are!" Willow shrieks, pulling the two of you close as she nuzzles her face against your cheeks. 
"Yep, here we are," you struggle out, nearly being strangled in her tight grip. She responds by squeezing you even tighter, blinded by her joy at seeing you again. 
After all, it's been a while since all three of you have had the opportunity to spend the night partying together like this. 
"Can't… breathe," Y/BFFs/N squeaks, successfully getting Willow to release you. 
"Sorry," she apologizes, stepping back. "I'm just so happy you're here." 
The freckles that spread across the bridge of her nose look especially adorable with the blush she's sporting, and her shy grin makes you forget about the near-fatality you just encountered moments before. 
"We're happy to be here," you reassure her, returning her smile. 
Your best friend agrees from beside you, nodding her head with a happy look of her own. "Believe it or not, we've missed your weirdness." She adds, cocking her head to the side. 
Willow giggles again, and her eyes crinkle up into those half crescents that could surely melt even the iciest of hearts. She's practically sunshine in human form, and you have to resist the urge to shield your eyes. 
"Yo, Willow! Who's at the door?" 
You feel your best friend tense beside you, and you subtly pat her leg to calm her down. 
Willow falls silent, though her lips go through the beginning stages of answering him; they open and purse, but she quickly halts her reply and shuts her mouth. She knows of Y/BFFs/N's crush on him, and she doesn't want to say the wrong thing. 
Plus, if the lovesick girl wants to run and hide in the bushes, Willow's silence could buy her some time to slip away. 
But alas, she doesn't. 
Jackson appears in the doorway a mere 5 seconds after asking his question with a beer clutched in his hand. He moves to lean against the wooden frame as his pearly smile beams at you, and Y/BFFs/N audibly swallows at the sight. 
For someone who's usually so confident, she can really be shy sometimes. 
"Lovely to see you, ladies," he greets, putting his free hand in front of him as he bows. His accent is modeled after that of Jack Sparrow, as is his surprisingly well designed costume.
You nod back at him. "Hey, Jackson. Long time no see." 
You elbow your best friend when she remains silent for a beat too long, and the action snaps her back to reality. 
"Yeah, hey Jackson." Her voice is quiet -- she doesn't trust it to refrain from cracking.
He smiles, not failing to notice the nervous aura that's quickly taken over the girl beside you. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head when he gives her a curious once-over, and you take that as your cue to save her from the impending embarrassment that's lurking just around the corner. 
"Alright, guys!" You clap, stepping forward. "Let's get to partying." 
Her shoulders relax, and you feel her slip her hand into yours as you enter the house, squeezing twice as a silent thank you. 
15 Minutes Later
Willow stands beside you in the kitchen, mixing a few things together in one of the millions of red solo cups that she bought for tonight. You sneak a peek over her shoulder at the concoction, seeing its light blue color turn purple-ish as she adds a new liquor into the equation. 
In comparison to typical house parties, this one is relatively small; most of the rooms are filled with people, but it's a comfortable amount. Maneuvering around the place is fairly easy, which is always a plus when you're coexisting with sweaty, drunk people. 
"Willow, love, why did you buy so many cups?" You ask, toying with the ripped plastic packaging of one of the stacks. 
"You know I like to be prepared," she laughs, brushing off her major miscalculation. "Plus I can just use the rest of them at my next party." 
You nod, knowing she's right. "Are you having another soon?" 
"I think so. Jiu and her crew are coming back in a couple weeks, so I thought I'd surprise them with one." 
You scoff, humor laced in the sound. "What, they didn't get enough partying done at their university already?" 
Willow turns around, grinning at you as she hands you your drink. "Evidently campus police keep a close eye on them. Siyeon whined about that a lot when she called me." 
"Sounds like her," you chuckle into your cup as you take a sip. 
"Eww, Willow! What did you put in this?!" 
Your spit take didn't land on anyone, thankfully, but it did capture the attention of some people nearby. You wave a hand at them as a silent apology, and they go back to their previous tasks. 
The curly headed prankster covers her mouth, though the action does a terrible job of quieting her maniacal laughter. 
"You're lucky Y/BFFs/N isn't over here," you say, wiping your lips with the back of your hand. "She'd avenge me." 
Willow uses a napkin to dab the tears of laughter from her eyes. "Why else do you think I waited until she was busy with Jackson?" She asks, motioning to her lounge room across the foyer. 
You look inside, spotting Y/BFFs/N holding a pool cue in her hand as Jackson sinks another shot into one of the corner pockets. 
The sight reminds you of the pep talk and 2 shots of liquid courage you gave her earlier, and how she disappeared with the promise to make a move and actually talk to him. Now, she looks completely absorbed in whatever banter they're sharing, and although your violated taste buds still ache from the sickly-sweet mixture that Willow made, you wouldn't want her to be anywhere else. 
You can get your own revenge. 
Sneaking a glance around the kitchen, you search for something to help with your retaliation. A small package of streamers lays abandoned on the island, forgotten to be put up earlier, and you slyly grin. Their ribbons sparkle with glitter, shimmering as the multicolored party lights stream in from the living room and land on them. 
It's as if the universe is putting a spotlight on them, just for you. 
After side eyeing Willow one final time to ensure that she isn't catching onto your plan, you act quickly. She stands beside the counter, right where you left her, and you dart to the island to grab the streamers. Your fingertips soon gain purchase on the packaging, and you tear it open in one swift motion. 
Her gaze locks onto yours just as you near her, but it's far too late for her to get away. 
"Take this!" You declare, upending the baggie atop her head. She shrieks as they cascade down her body, getting caught in the creases and wrinkles of her costume as they go. A small wave of glitter tumbles out of the bag as well, coating her hair and clothes. 
Boy, that'll be fun to try and get out later. 
Her head slowly raises once you finish your assault and place the baggie on the countertop beside you, but the look in her eye is unlike anything you've ever seen. 
"You're dead," she warns. Just as the smile drops from your face, an even larger, more sinister one begins forming on hers. 
The floor creaks beneath your feet slightly as you take a step back, and you know you have to high tail it out of there if you want to evade her. 
"Catch me if you can!" You shout, springing into action. You turn around and dart out of the room, gliding past numerous partygoers in the hall. 
Willow's choice of footwear works in your favor, you soon realize; the sharp rapping sound of her heels pierces the air behind you, serving as a tell of how much distance is between you.
Her unstable platforms buy you a little time, and you thank the universe as you rush through the living room and back towards the foyer. You plan to cut across it and hide out in one of the bathrooms until she drops her plan for revenge. 
A grin pulls at your cheeks as you skid into one of the walls, looking like a character from Scooby-Doo as you will your feet to work correctly again and get you to safety. Willow laughs behind you, joining in on the fun. 
"Perfect," you mutter under your breath, spotting a clear path through the foyer. It leads under the stairs, and you can see the open door of the bathroom from where you are. 
Your feet take you past a handful of drunk people, bobbing and weaving through them with ease, before you're racing towards the restroom to take cover. 
Before you can make it there, though, you collide with someone rather abruptly as they step straight into your path. 
Your eyes shut tightly as you brace yourself for impact with the ground, but it never comes. The person reaches out and catches you before you can hit the floor, and a soft apology slips past their lips as they scoop you up. 
Upon hearing that uniquely feminine voice speak its regret again, you peek your eyes open. What you see nearly makes the woman's effort to keep you upright moot; she's so gorgeous that your legs almost give out from underneath you. 
Dirty blonde locks cascade over her shoulders in soft waves, half-mussed, half-pristine from your run-in. Her doe eyes are a velvety chocolate color, and you find yourself getting lost in them. Flickers of red show in them, illuminating almost rhythmically the longer she admires you. 
Are those contacts? You ask yourself. They have to be. 
She seems to be just as affected by your presence as you are of hers. 
"Y/N, I'm coming to get you!" 
Willow does her best to sound like a villain from a 90s horror film as she clambers her way closer to you, bumping into a few people on the way. You're brought out of your stupor by her rapidly approaching footsteps, and you take a step away from the woman. Her hands fall from your waist, where they had previously been resting. 
Stealing a quick look at the bathroom, you feel your stomach turn.
Damnit. Someone's in there now. 
Screw this sexy stranger for distracting you. Now you'll have to deal with Willow's wrath. 
"What's wrong?" 
There's that voice again. 
Part of you wants to brush it off and slip away quietly, but an even bigger part of you is determined to stay where you are and tell her. Something about her pulls you in, and you're having a hard time denying it. 
"I need to hide. I glitter-fied my friend and now she's coming after me." 
The woman's plump lips pull back in a humored smile, and she nods as a chuckle leaves her. "Right," she says, like that's a common occurrence. "I can help, if you'd like." 
"How?" You ask, your brows momentarily knitting together in confusion. When she unties and opens the black cloak that's wrapped around her body, your breath catches. 
"You in?" She asks, side eyeing the foyer as Willow nearly careens into the Egyptian vase that her mother bought her last year for Christmas. 
You take a deep breath and hold your hand out to her just as Willow rounds the corner, and she swiftly pulls you in close before you can be spotted. She winds the cloak around both of your bodies, concealing your faces as the fur-lined hood falls atop your heads. 
Unconsciously, you wrap your arms around her waist and pull her flush up against you to further ensure your safety. She quietly grunts when she stumbles over her own feet, falling into you a little. 
"Sorry," she whispers, though her third apology of the night is unnecessary. You almost want to thank her for what happened.
Especially when her warm breath fans across your right cheek, where her head is angled. 
Every breath you take pushes you closer to each other, and the satin shirt she's wearing slides against your heated skin. She swallows thickly as one of your hands falls to the small of her back, testing the waters. 
When she shifts a little to encourage you, you're acutely aware of the thigh that's worked its way between your legs. 
When did that happen? 
You bite back a sigh as she just smirks, quietly shushing you. 
Willow thunders by, shouting your name and threatening to throw you into the pool when she tracks you down. You want to laugh at that, but you'd honestly welcome it right now. Some cold water would surely bring you to your senses after being led astray by this goddess in front of you. 
Her footsteps grow distant as she makes her way outside, still searching.
The two of you remain as you are for a couple more minutes until you're certain that the coast is clear, and then you part. When she lowers the cloak, you look away; a deep blush has worked its way up your neck and across your cheeks, and letting her see it would surely make you die of embarrassment. 
She keeps her eyes on you as she reties the cover around herself, attempting to get a read on you. The bashful aura that's befallen you is cute, no doubt, but she can sense your arousal. She can smell it on you, and the scent is beginning to drive her crazy. 
You fiddle with the sleeves of your costume, readjusting them nervously.
"So, um… thanks," you say, sneaking a glance up at her. 
The red hues in her eyes are even more pronounced now, and the sight makes you press further into the wall behind you -- the one that you were previously pushed up against. 
"No problem," she smiles, showing off her pearly white teeth. Two of them catch your attention; a set of fangs now shine, looking alluring and threatening all at the same time. 
There's only one issue: you're certain that they weren't there when you first bumped into her. When did she put them in? And why do they look so real?
The feeling of her hand landing on your forearm pulls you away from the millions of questions that're firing off in your head right now. 
"May I ask your name?" She politely requests, dipping her head down sweetly. 
"Y/N," you breathe out, quickly realizing that you'd do just about anything she asked you to. 
"Y/N." She repeats, allowing the letters to blend in her mouth as they roll off her tongue. She looks satisfied for some reason as she says it again, trying it out. 
"I'm Lisa." 
"It's nice to officially meet you," you smile, reaching a hand out. Her touch is gentle but firm as she takes it, shaking it with ease. 
"Likewise, beautiful." 
The grin on your face only widens at the name, and you pull your hand away out of fear of what she might do next. She's already putting you under her spell, and you're sure that another touch would have you fully entranced. 
She studies you with pursed lips for a moment, clearly debating on something. Her eyes flicker over the dips and curves of your body as a smirk grows on her lips. 
"What are you thinking?" You question, curious but teasing. 
"That I'd love to have your body on mine again." 
She's bold, and she says it like the fact it is. No shame, no bashfulness. Just true, honest desire. 
You bite the inside of your cheek at her bravery, silently thanking the universe for it. The likelihood of you gaining the courage to make a move is slim to none even in the best cases, and this was no exception. She already has your heart skipping beats and you've only known her a few minutes. 
"How about a dance?" She suggests, quirking a brow. The look on her face disarms your defenses, and you take a deep breath before agreeing to your demise. 
"That sounds wonderful." 
She dips her head again, hiding her face away momentarily, and you think it's the cutest thing ever. 
She's shy all of a sudden as her cool demeanor slips up a bit, and that never happens. You might just be her downfall, too.
She holds an elbow out and steps forward, allowing you to link your arm with hers and cuddle in close. 
Her eyes scan across the living room as she studies it, but she's unimpressed. 
Sweaty, winding bodies thrash around to some upbeat pop song that's been overplayed on every radio station in town for weeks now, and the idea of taking you there puts her off. 
When a drunk boy comes into view with a dildo strapped to his forehead, her mind is officially made up. 
"Let's go outside," she says, leading you through the patio doors. 
A quaint gazebo sits on one side of the yard, and the dance floor that Willow's family installed a couple years ago occupies the other. Both are decorated with string lights in combinations of gold, purple, black, and orange. Other ornaments adorn the surfaces as well, and you smile when you spot a comically large spider sat atop the gazebo's roof. 
"Where would you like to go?" Lisa asks, keeping her voice low. It's calm and deep, running a chill through you. 
Softer music plays out here, offering a totally different vibe than inside. Some couples -- many of them introverted, assumably -- sway on the dancefloor as the DJ that Willow hired takes a sip of her drink on the raised stage. She adjusts a few switches slowly, not rushing for a second.
"Let's try the gazebo," you decide, glancing over your shoulder at Lisa. She's looking away, but you don't think anything of it as the two of you fall in step with one another on your way over. 
Shit, Lisa thinks to herself. 
Her plans to come to this party, feed, and make a quick getaway are totally derailed. She'd hoped to find a victim that she was attracted to but didn't like, if that even makes sense, and feed like the animal she is. Then she would leave them like all the rest, drained but still alive, and slip away. 
But now she's met you, and any desire for those plans have been thrown out the window. 
You interest her, and that doesn't happen often. She hasn't met someone who's been capable of doing that in years, and she's intrigued. Something about you just pulls her in, inexplicably, and she knows her feelings would be glaringly obvious if you saw her face right now. 
"Woah, look at this," you sigh, stepping out of her hold to check the place out. A bench runs the perimeter of the gazebo, only stopping at the doorway, and the lights look even prettier from inside. They shimmer, looking like star showers as their strings hang down in the windowless openings of the building. 
Lisa quickly learns that she loves seeing you like this. Your eyes are alight, and your sweet smile of wonder warms her heart. Her hands slip into her pockets as she eventually manages to take her eyes off you, following your lead as she admires the decorations. 
She does a twirl, looking around. 
"It's gorgeous." 
"I know, right? This is totally up Willow's alley," you say, grinning at the mental image that you can conjure up of her giddily spiffing the scene up. 
"I'll have to thank her for making it look so special, then," Lisa says, smiling. The place really makes you feel like you're in your own little world; everything about it is just right. The ambience, the decor, the company… it’s perfect, and Lisa's content with how the evening is playing out. 
Her fingers skate down your arm as she nears you, trekking their way down to your palm. She takes your hand and spins you, watching with admiration as your hair flows in the breeze. Now facing her, you thread your fingers together around the back of her neck as she encircles your waist with her arms. 
"Why have I never seen you around?" You ask sincerely, looking up at her. 
She hesitates briefly. "My university is a few towns over. I just come here to visit my family every few months." 
Not a total lie, she thinks to herself. 
"And stop by terrible parties like this, of course." You add, smirking. 
She shakes her head at that. "No, I can't say I do. I just decided to check this one out on my way to my friend's house." She explains. 
Underneath your cloak, her hands find their way to the small of your back. One stays put while the other dips a little lower, testing the waters. 
"And besides," she starts again, feeling you pull her closer. "Meeting you here automatically makes this an awesome party. Not terrible."
"Cheeeesy!" You scrunch your face up and groan, making her laugh. 
"Maybe, but it's the truth." 
"Sure, Lisa." 
She shakes her head and you laugh lightly together, still swaying about. You hold her close enough to rest your head on her shoulder, and the pads of your thumbs rub small circles on the sensitive skin of her neck. She hums at the feeling, and you take note of the way she relaxes in your arms. 
The night breeze appears again, performing a flowing dance of its own as it lulls past you in waves. A slight chill resides in it, mixed with a generous amount of the day's sweet, fading heat, and you're at peace. 
The slow song that had been playing across the yard ends delicately, parting with some melodic feature that resembles a warm embrace, and it blends seamlessly into the next song. 
Turning Page, you recognize it as.  
Huh, how ironic. One of your favorites. 
Lisa's lips brush against your cheek as she turns her head slightly, whispering, "I like this one, too." 
How did she know? You ask yourself. You hadn't said it out loud… 
Maybe she's just a good guesser. Yeah, that's gotta be it. 
You feel yourself melt as she begins singing the words to you. It's hushed and sentimental -- meant only for your ears to hear, and that makes it even more special to you. 
"If I had only felt the warmth within your touch"
She croons, pressing her cheek against your warm skin. You blush, catching yourself when you remember what the next line of the song is. 
"If I had only seen how you smile when you blush" 
She brings a hand up to cup your cheek in her palm, and her other arm remains around you, holding you tenderly. 
"Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough"
Now, her thumb runs across your bottom lip. You look into her eyes and find them an even deeper shade of red than they had been before, but it doesn't frighten you for some reason. She glances down at your mouth again, fighting her impatience as she waits for permission from you. 
"I would have known what I was living for all along"
You nod and lace your fingers in her locks, and she doesn't waste another second. 
She leans in, humming against your lips when they meet hers for the first time. Her lipgloss spreads across them upon contact, smudging its precise application, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. She draws you in closer, and you bring both of your hands around to cup her face as you deepen the kiss. 
Her mouth is welcoming against yours, and it moves languidly as you get adjusted to one another. Every move makes you feel dizzier than the one before it, and swarms of butterflies take flight in your stomach with no signs of stopping. 
She nips at your bottom lip as her hands dip far lower than before, now kneading your ass as your kisses continue to work her up. 
"Fuck," you curse, breaking away from her lips to catch your breath. She's stolen it all from you, and yet she's still not ready to give you a rest; her mouth drops to your jaw, embracing your skin there before moving down to your neck. 
She doesn't realize how dangerous the game she's playing truly is until it's almost too late. 
Her lips press to the area just above your pulsepoint, where she's learned over the years that blood pumps the hardest and tastes the sweetest. She draws it into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the area as her ears perk up at the breathless sound of your moans. They spur her on, and she nips at the skin, surely leaving a hickey. 
Her senses become even more clouded when you say her name, the title caught somewhere between a whine and command, and she feels the strong impulse to claim you. The sensation is overwhelming, and she knows you can feel it too. 
Your hands tug on the collar of her shirt as she lets her fangs fully extend, no longer suppressing them. They rake across your pulsepoint, making you shiver against her. 
That's all you manage to get out before they pierce your skin, eliciting a whimper from you. Blood fills her mouth instantly, sliding across her taste buds in velvety waves and calming her constant craving. Your hands tighten in her hair, and the delicious twinge of pain that it provides only encourages her more. 
Your blood is different than anything she's ever tasted; it's richer -- sweeter. A throaty groan leaves her as she savors it, and you shut your eyes in pleasure. It's addicting, but she knows she has to stop herself before she hurts you. If she continues like this much longer, she won't have the willpower to let go. 
She retracts her fangs as she licks your taste from them, and then you feel her warm tongue clean the wound she made. It stings a bit, but in all the right ways.
When she pulls back to look at you, she finds your eyes half-lidded and a pleased smile on your face. It nearly kills her, then and there. 
Her gaze flickers back to your neck to admire the hickie she made earlier, but what she sees surprises her. Below it is a darker, more prominent marking that she's only seen other vampires leave behind before. 
Definitely not a hickie.
Your brows furrow as you look at her neck as well, noticing a faint outline of something growing darker by the second. Blinking a few times to ensure that you aren't hallucinating, you find that it's really there. 
"Lisa, what's on your neck?" You ask. 
"A soulmate mark." She responds, feeling a sense of belonging settle over her as she looks at you again. You just confirmed her suspicions by asking that.
"Same as yours," she smiles.
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bitch-for-bo · 3 years
"Worried I'll Replace You?", "No." (Ushijima Wakatoshi x chubby reader)
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Despite the fact that you and Ushijima have been dating for years, he still doesn't want to introduce you to the team. You find out that it isn't because he's embarrassed, it's for selfish reasons of his own.
When you had told Wakatoshi that you were going to be attending the Japan National team’s practice later that day, you didn’t expect him to react. Why would you? Toshi rarely reacted to anything you said in explicit ways, he was a stoic man. Sure, he was a stoic man that you happened to love, but a stoic man nonetheless.
You had been curling your hair in the bathroom mirror as Wakatoshi took his morning shower when you brought the fact that you’d be attending his practice up.
“I’m going to be there with Kuroo-san planning some advertising strategies.”
“Do you have to be with Kuroo?” Wakatoshi’s deep voice rumbled from behind the shower curtain.
“Why?” you asked, leaning against the counter and looking at the shower curtain through the mirror, seeing Toshi’s large outline through the light material.
“I don’t appreciate the way that Kuroo speaks to you. He isn’t your boyfriend, I am.” He replied before ducking his head beneath the showerhead to rinse the shampoo from his hair.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at Wakatoshi’s blunt statement. No matter how many times you told him that Kuroo was only kidding when he teased you, Toshi was still unnecessarily possessive of you.
Not that you minded. It was nice to feel protected by the powerful ace, even if that meant having to almost hold him back when he saw Kuroo playfully ‘flirting’ with you.
The shower turned off and the curtain was slung back, revealing a fully nude Wakatoshi. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist as your eyes followed him lustfully in the mirror, admiring how the beads of water ran down his broad, tanned back as the muscles flexed and relaxed with his movement.
“I also don’t want my teammates meeting you.” He said, walking up behind you beside you to the counter to continue his morning hygiene routine.
You scoffed lightly at that. You knew that his words held no ill intent or malice, but if Ushi would have said that sort of thing in public, and someone overheard the conversation, they would’ve thought that Ushijima was embarrassed by you. So much so that he didn’t want his team meeting you. Again, deep down you knew this wasn’t the case, but that didn’t stop the small ball of dread from making its way into your heart as you began to question if Toshi really was embarrassed by you. You knew that the only way to find out what he meant was to ask, or else you would be upset the rest of the day and lord only knows that Wakatoshi was too bad at verbal communication to ask you why you were mad at him.
“Why?” You teased, grinning at your boyfriend in the mirror despite the small pang of hurt in your chest. “Scared I’ll find someone more attractive to replace you with?”
“Why would a be scared of that? I am the most capable partner for you on the team.” He replied, turning to look at you in the eyes with an expression of slight confusion.
You couldn’t help but giggle at your big dumb boyfriend.
“Awful confident about that aren’t you?”
You just laughed more, stepping towards him and craning your neck to place a small kiss on his jaw. It was mean to bully Toshi like that, especially since he took every word you said so literally, but it was too fun not to.
“How about this,” you offered, wrapping your arms around his bare hips and encouraging him to do the same to you, forming a loose hug between the two of you as you stood in the doorway of the bathroom. “I’ll go do my job with Kuroo, but you don’t have to tell the team I’m your girlfriend. We can both pretend we’re strangers.”
You weren’t gonna lie, you really wanted Wakatoshi to introduce you as his significant other to his friends, after all, you’d been dating for almost 5 years, but you understood that PDA made him uncomfortable so you could deal with your own butthurt feelings if it meant that he was more comfortable.
“Are you sure?” Wakatoshi asked, his eyes looking down at yours, seemingly into your soul.
“Yes.” You smiled, kissing his chin, “Who knows,” you added, “it might make for some hot foreplay too…”
Wakatoshi chuckled and kissed your forehead, letting his lips rest against the skin for a couple of seconds before pulling away and detaching the two of you from your ‘loose hug’.
“When do you have to go?” You asked, glancing at the bedside clock that read 5:50 AM.
“I have to be there by 6:30.” He responded. You groaned in reply, turning back to your own routine as he moved out of the bathroom to get dressed so he could go to practice.
You absolutely hated the days where Toshi had to go to practice early in the morning. He would wake up at almost 4 AM to go on his jog. And of course, being the huge oaf that he is, he’d always wake you up with him as he tried to maneuver his bulky frame out of bed. It wasn’t too much trouble though, because usually, you would just go back to sleep. The best part was when Ushijima got back from his jog and joined you in the shower for some pre-practice ‘endurance training’.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t happened today. You had to be a work kind of early too, so you had already taken your shower and done your makeup by the time Wakatoshi was back.
You were almost finished curling your hair when Wakatoshi came to wish you goodbye, wrapping his large arms around your waist as he pulled you into one of his kisses that never failed to take your breath away and leave you weak in the knees.
After he had gone, you finished getting ready in the bathroom and went to decide on something to wear.
You wanted to wear something nicer than usual to make a good impression on the team, even if Ushi wasn’t going to introduce you as his girlfriend. It was rare for Wakatoshi to see you in your work clothes, so you also wanted to wear something that would get his attention, and if you were lucky occupy his mind all day until he could rush home and fuck you.
You settled on a black lace blouse tucked into a pair of red slacks. Kuroo had told you that the two of you would get ‘bonus points’ with the bosses if your clothes matched the team’s colors. Plus you knew that Wakatoshi loved the way that the outfit looked on you. The top displayed an appropriate yet sexy amount of skin with its black velvet bodice and long lace sleeves and the high waisted slacks hugged your curvy hips and made your ass and legs look amazing.
You looked in the mirror, admiring your ability to look professional and badass at the same time. If only your highschool self could see you now. Highschool You wouldn’t have been able to see the way that the outfit complemented your plush form. She would’ve been focused on the small yet noticeable bump of your stomach underneath the slacks, or the way that the light hit the stretch marks on your arms, making them visible despite being covered in black lace.
It had taken a long time to love yourself, you’d gone through the first twenty years of your life despising how you looked. Finally, you learned to accept who you were and with the help of your friends and family, you learned that you were worth more than what YOU saw in the mirror.
You remembered the first couple of times you went out with friends after gaining your confidence. They convinced you to accompany them to a small sports bar. You remembered that night fairly clearly, you had worn a flowy maroon blouse with a pair of high waisted black jeans and a pair of 3-inch nude heels. It was one of the first times that you had looked in the mirror and liked what you saw.
You and your friends drank and watched the games on the TVs that were situated around the bar, a different sport playing on almost every one of them. You remembered that you were attracted to a volleyball game that was one. You had played volleyball a lot with your brothers when you were young and over the years, the fondness towards the sport never died. You took a seat in front of the television, sitting next to a tall, slender red-head who was nursing what smelt like a vodka cherry limeade. Your eyes were fixed on the TV, smiling as the players volleyed back and forth, admiring the strength and power it must take to perform like that.
“It’s impressive isn’t it.” The redhead next to you spoke, looking at you with wide, analytic eyes. You nodded, your eyes barely leaving the screen to give him a quick ‘hello’ smile.
“You like volleyball?” You asked, giggling a little as the man tilted his head at you.
“I used to……” He said wistfully, taking a long sip of his limeade that he happened to be drinking through a straw. “I played in high school. I quit cuz I knew that I’d never be serious enough to play like them.” He waved towards the players on the TV before continuing, “My buddy is still obsessed with it though. He’s in the bathroom right now.”
You nodded, you weren’t sure why the stranger was telling you so much, you figured that it was kind of due to the alcohol so you let him speak, plus you were enjoying the conversation.
“That’s cool.” You smiled, bringing your own drinks up to your lips as the two of you continued to watch the game in silence for a couple of seconds. Suddenly, he looked over.
“Listen,” He said, “my friend that I mentioned, the one in the bathroom…”
You nodded.
“He’s had his eyes on you the whole night.”
As soon as he said those words, your face lit up with the biggest blush you had ever had. Your mouth formed an ‘o’ before opening and closing like a fish. No one had ever looked, let alone stared! at you (to your knowledge). You had no idea how to react seeing as this was your first time anyone was so brash with you.
“I-I’m sorry- are you sure that it’s me and not one of my friends?” You asked, still in disbelief that anyone could find you attractive enough to stare.
“Of course I’m sure!” the redhead confirmed, his eyes scrunching as he looked back at you in just as much confusion as you looked at him.
He wondered if you were completely oblivious to all of the attention you’d been getting from the inhabitants of the bar. You looked gorgeous with your long legs, your thick thighs…..hell he would’ve approached you if it hadn’t been for his best friend expressing his interest in you first.
“It’s actually kind of a miracle that you sat here.” The redhead continued, “Wakatoshi isn’t very good at talking to people. Unless it’s about volleyball, which you also like!”
The blush on your face was unrelenting at the thought of a guy approaching you. A guy that you didn’t even know if they really existed. This guy you were talking to might have been a complete crazy who had gotten a little too much to drink.
“Well, I-” You started, only to be interrupted by possibly the deepest voice you’d ever heard, coming from behind you.
“Tendou, who is this in my seat?”
That’s how it all started. In those first couple of minutes, you were terrified of Ushijima. His face was so serious. Handsome, yes, but also very serious. Tendou had acted as a buffer that first night, giving you a smooth transition and kind of teaching you how to talk to Wakatoshi.
Over the next couple of months, you and Ushijima went on dates. Every week on Friday. He would pick you up at 7 pm sharp without fail. He never talked much, he much preferred to listen to you, always watching your face closely as you spoke. He made you feel safe and listened to and before long, five years had passed and the two of you were living in domestic bliss.
The sound of the phone broke you out of your little daydream, Kuroo’s caller ID flashing across the screen.
“Where are you, Kitten? I’m at the gym. I see your super ace boyfriend here, but not you.”
“I’m coming” you replied, pulling a pair of black block heels on as you walked out the front door, “Also, I promised Wakatoshi that no one would tell the team that I’m his girlfriend so please behave!”
“Waaaah?? Girlfriend??” Hinata Shoyou exclaimed, leaning closer towards Bokuto who had just gathered the team while Ushijima was in the bathroom to tell them all what he had overheard from Kuroo’s phone call.
“She’ll be here today!” The owl-like hitter whisper shouted, excitement practically seeping out of his pores.
“I can’t believe Mr. Stone Solid has a girlfriend and I don’t” Miya Atsumu groaned, hiding his face in shame. As the team started to speculate about what she would look like.
“I bet she’s really pretty”
“Dumbass Hinata! Of course, she’ll be pretty! Why would Ushijima date her if she wasn’t!!” “The real question is, why would she choose Mr. no-emotion. He has the emotional range of a crayon!”
They all nodded at Atsusmu’s statement, even Iwaizumi, and Aran, who had been silent in the conversation regarding Ushiwaka’s mystery girl.
They all flinched at the sound of the gym door opening and sprang away from the huddle as they heard Ushijima coming into the gym. They all had quickly gone back to practicing as if they hadn’t just been gossiping like middle schoolers, and Ushijima being the oblivious idiot that he is, noticed nothing as he picked up a volleyball, wondering when his girlfriend would be arriving with her work partner.
Not even ten minutes later the gym doors opened again and in walked the coach, Kuroo, and you.
“Holy shit!” Atsumu whispered to Hinata, imaginary blood bursting out of his nose as he took in your figure.
The team was enraptured with you from the start, even Kageyama had stopped setting to look at you. They couldn’t stop looking at you, eyes drinking you in disbelief as to why you were with someone with Ushijima. And while you didn’t notice all of the male attention since you were currently talking to Kuroo and the coach, Wakatoshi did and a mix of possessiveness and jealousy burst into his chest.
His eyes roamed your body, fists clenching at how devilishly perfect you looked in your outfit. And even though Ushijima wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, he could figure out that you’d worn the outfit just to make him feel like this.
He looked across the faces of his teammates, even the athletic trainer’s eyes were on your body as you made your way towards the court, your heels clicking lightly on the glossy wooden floor.
No one was really listening to the coach’s words as he introduced you and Kuroo to the team. They hadn’t even heard the coach ask them to introduce themselves until Ushijima began to speak.
“Ushijima Wakatoshi.” He said, shaking Kuroo’s outstretched hand and then yours, staring deep into your eyes.
‘Just wait till tonight’ his dark eyes read, making something in you keen in arousal.
“Well you all know me, this is my associate, Y/N,” Kuroo said, causing you to break Wakatoshi’s gaze. It jarred the others out of their dazes as well.
“Hello.” You said brightly, smiling. You and Kuroo then went down the line of them, shaking all of their hands and learning their names.
“Are you a model?” Hinata asked, his eyes wide as you towered over him in your heels. You almost looked like a goddess to the short spiker.
“No, but thank you Hinata.” You laughed, shaking his hand gently. You shook your head in amusement and moved to the man standing next to him. A dark-haired man with a blush dancing across his cheeks and his mouth turned down in an attempted frown.
“Y-you are tall,” Kageyama mumbled, holding out his hand to shake. You merely nodded and responded with an ‘it’s mostly the heels. It’s nice to meet you’
You continued to greet them one by one, feeling extremely awkward as they one by one stumbled over introducing themselves. You wondered what was wrong with them, painfully ignorant of the fact that they were all in awe of you.
‘I kind of see why he didn’t want me meeting them’ you thought.
“Aright!” Kuroo exclaimed as soon as the two of you had given all of them handshakes and introductions were finished. “Y/N and I will just be casually monitoring the practice and thinking of advertising strategies. Anything to add?” He asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Sorry for the intrusion!” You said, smiling at all of them once again, “Please play like normal and do your best!”
Ushijima scowled, he could pretty much hear all of his teammates’ brains exploding.
It was a long but successful day, you thought, sliding your key into the front door of your apartment. Wakatoshi was home, the team was let out at 2:30 but you and Kuroo had headed back to the office for a couple of more hours before you came home.
“Toshi?” you called out into the seemingly empty apartment. There was no smell of dinner being cooked or sounds of the shower or sink running. You wondered where he had gone. Tendou wasn’t back in town, so unless Ushijima was out with the team you hadn’t the slightest idea where he was.
You flicked on the lights.
“AHH!” You screamed, hurling your messenger bag at the figure sitting in your living room. Your hands coming up to search for something else to protect yourself with. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you sighed. “Wakatoshi what the fuck? You scared me!”
Wakatoshi said nothing, a frown painting his face while his eyebrows were angrily scrunched towards the midline of his face.
“That is why I didn’t want you to meet my team,” he said, taking you completely by surprise.
“What?” you asked, confusion prominent on your face.
“I didn’t want them looking at you like that. You’re mine.”
“Woah, Woah, Woah. Toshi, they were just being nice to me. That’s all” you replied sweetly. A small smile worming its way onto your face at your boyfriend’s childish jealousy.
“You are mine.” He repeated, a bit more assertively this time, getting up and walking towards you.
“I know Toshi.” You whispered soothingly, your arms opening up and accepting his huge form into a tight hug. He buried his face in your neck, inhaling your perfume as he sighed in content at your affection.
“I felt jealous as they looked at you. Why did you wear those clothes?”
“I wore them for you Toshi…” You whispered in his ear.
“Oh. I see.” He said, his hands slowly beginning to draw firm circles in your lower back.
“Why were you jealous Toshi?” You whispered sweetly, you couldn’t stop the sly smile from gracing your face. As mean as it was, you loved it when Wakatoshi got all possessive like this.
“They looked at you.”
“People are allowed to look at me Toshi, how would they talk to me if they weren’t?”
“They’re not allowed to look at you the way they did. Only I can. Only I own you.”
You felt your stomach twist with arousal at Toshi’s deep voice, whispering into your neck. You knew that he didn’t realize the effect that he had on you when he talked like that, but you couldn’t help the want from building in your core as your thighs pressed together.
“Show me Toshi.” You breathed out, your arms tightly wrapping around his neck, pulling his face even closer to your body, “Show me you own me.” Wakatoshi obliged, groaning lowly as his mouth began pressing bruising kisses to your neck. You tilted your head back, giving his rough lips wider access as you let him guide you into the bedroom, pressing you up against a wall.
His hands were gripping your soft hips, pulling you closer to him as his hips rolled against you. You could feel the hard outline of his cock through the thin sweatpants he had on, making your mouth water.
“Shit Toshi…” you moaned, your arms trying desperately to pull his body against you. You reached down between the two of you to feel him through his sweats. As you pressed your palm to it, his hands came down and caught both of your wrists before bringing them above your head.
“Did I say you could touch me?” He growled, his tone changing from the usually even, calm tone, to one of domination.
“Please Toshi….” You keened, a light whine of frustration slipping out of your lips.
Wakastoshi didn’t move, his eyes roaming down your body, taking in your heaving chest practically begging to be bitten and sucked, your thighs pressed together around his muscular leg that had forced its way between your soft ones. He couldn’t’ stop the surge of incredible pride that swelled in his chest as he looked down at you, hunger evident in his eyes. Your pupils were wide and blown out, lips parted and gasping for breath.
‘All mine’ he thought, slowly and firmly taking your mouth with his, demanding that you submit to him. He loved how pliant and submissive your body was beneath him. He loved how you trusted him with your pleasure. He knew he wouldn’t disappoint.
“Fuck!” you gasped as he pulled off of you, allowing your lungs to breathe in deeply, relishing at the feeling of air. Your panties were sopping wet, and you were afraid that if you didn’t take them off soon, your slacks would be in the same boat.
“Please……” You begged, your hips bucking pitifully against Wakatoshi’s firm grip. You needed relief, your brain was beyond clouded with want and the only end in sight was Wakatoshi fucking you hard and deep against the wall.
“What do you want Love?” He asked, his baritone voice invading your brain, making you involuntarily arch your back towards him, a breathy plea slipping from your lips.
“Fuck me Toshi…”
Without a word, Wakatoshi tore your blouse down the front. A small surprised shriek leaving your mouth.
“Toshi! Yo-”
“I will buy you a new one. Their filthy eyes ruined this one.” He growled before reaching down and doing the same to your slacks. You couldn’t even be mad at the incredibly hot strength of your boyfriend. Your shredded clothing fell to the floor as the super ace yanked down your soaked panties, his fingers sliding through the wet folds as he groaned softly against your ear.
“Open your legs.” He commanded, gently yet firmly grasping your thighs as he guided them apart. His fingers glided over the outside of your pussy, dipping in and pressing against your clit while his other hand fondled your breasts, pinching at the nipples.
“Toshi….” you whimpered, yearning for the feeling of his thick fingers inside of you and his mouth on your chest. He seemingly understood your pleas as his fingers slowly thrust into you, stretching you out with two straight of the bat.
���Fuck!” you squeaked, not expecting the brutally fast pace that followed.
“I will not be gentle tonight. When you see the team tomorrow, they will know you belong to me.” He growled, mercilessly finger fucking you with two fingers, using a third to draw small circles around your clit.
You were gasping for air as your head tossed back against the wall. There were no words to express how you felt, even if there were you wouldn’t be able to say them with how Wakatoshi was fucking every breath out of your body.
He didn’t let up, not until you were almost to climax, your nails digging into the meat of his bare shoulders. One of your legs was wrapped around his waist as three of his fingers pressed in and out of your g-spot at lightning speed. You could feel both of your thighs shaking under your body weight, and you weren’t sure how much longer you’d be able to hold your one thigh up around him.
“Wakatoshi....please….” you cried, raking your fingers down his shoulder blades, reveling in the way that they flexed against your grip. “I’m so close!”
“Do you want me to fuck you now?” he asked, taking his fingers out of you and turning you around before pushing your top half down against your vanity in the corner of the room. You could feel your dripping pussy exposed at a new angle as Wakatoshi quickly kicked off his own pants, stroking his thick cock in his hand before stepping up behind you and rubbing it against your slit, wetting it with your juices.
“Yes, please!. Pleasepleaseplease!” you babbled, the feeling of the head of his cock rubbing up and down your pussy becoming too much to bear.
With a single thrust, Wakatoshi was completely inside of you, ripping a scream from your lungs as his cock split you in half. Usually, he took his time, but you could tell that tonight he wanted to show you that you truly belonged to him.
“Fuck.” He groaned, thrusting his hips into you at an intermediate pace. He wanted to teach you who you belonged to, but he didn’t want to hospitalize you by going full speed right away.
“Mmmm….” you moaned, “love the feeling of your cock baby.” you tried to bring your hips back to meet his thrusts but were immediately stopped by his big hands pressing them into the wood of the vanity.
He continued his onslaught, snapping his hips and thrusting in and out of you, quickly building up to a seemingly inhuman pace. He wove his finger through your hair and pulled your head up to look at him through the mirror of the vanity.
“Tell me who you belong to.” He demanded. You opened your mouth in a silent moan as your eyes were met with the sight of him fucking you into the piece of furniture. Your face was red with exertion, your hair sticking with sweat. It wasn’t a superficially erotic sight (at least in your opinion) but the fucked out expression on your face was a dead give-away of how badly you enjoyed Wakatoshi dominating you like this.
Wakatoshi groaned, the feeling of his cock pushing in and out of your tight hole as he brutally fucked you was glorious. His eyes never left your form in the mirror as he stared at the way your pretty tits and stomach bounced with each push of his hips.
Fucking you in the mirror was his favorite was to take you, the ability to watch your face, your tits/stomach, and your ass/thighs all at the same time was quite possibly his favorite thing in the world. He felt himself getting close as his eyes continued to watch your blissed-out face through the glass.
One of his hands reached down and his fingers began to circle your clit again, making your eyes, that you hadn’t even realized were closed, spring open and another cry slip from your lips.
“Ooooooh…. Toshi…:” you panted. “I’m close…”
“Tell me who you belong to.” He growled, his free hand coming up and wrapping around your neck as his lips pressed against your rapid pulse. You could feel yourself beginning to lose yourself, you were so close to orgasm that tears began to run down your face.
“You! Toshi- only you!”
“Are you sure?” he asked meanly, flicking his thumb out maliciously over the oversensitive bud of your clit.
“F-fuck YES! Fuck yes Toshi….. p-please....let me cum!”
Your body began to practically convulse as your orgasm ripped through your body, leaving your vision white as you shook with pleasure, you could feel yourself clenching around Wakatoshi’s cock as he moaned deeply and began to cum inside of you, letting himself be milked by your walls.
You cried as you came down from your high, your legs feeling like jelly as Ushijima’s strong arms wrapped around your body, supporting you and making sure you didn’t drop to the floor from exhaustion.
He gently pulled out of you and carried you to the bathroom. He set you down on the counter as he went to turn on the shower, the sight of his broad back covered in scratch marks making you bask in the glow of your orgasm even more.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked guiltily, concerned eyes sweeping your body worriedly. You let out a half giggle/ half hiccup and shook your head.
“I love you Toshi.” You whispered, opening your arms so he could pick you up and carry you to the shower with him, which he contently did, his thick biceps flexing against your back as he held your body against him under the hot stream of water.
“I love you too. You are mine.” He said as he lathered shampoo into your hair. You smiled, shivering at the feeling of his fingers against your scalp and his words of love in your mind.
“I’m yours.” You said sweetly, before turning in his grasp to return the favor.
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Kdramas that you shouldn't have missed in the first half of 2021
Hello! i am back after a year of not uploading! So sorry guys! i just finished my final year in university so i didn't have time to upload a review on any kdramas. Rest assured, i will be posting again while i am free!! Anyway, before we go back to 2020, there were a lot of Kdramas that kickstarted the year. i have already watched 10 this year but will be sharing you 5 dramas that you should have not missed!
1. Vincenzo
The last drama I've watched of Song Joong Ki was Descendants of the Sun and my heart broke when i found out that he and Song Hye Kyo got a divorce. I'm not into the fantasy dramas like his previous Arthdal Chronicles but when news came out that he was going to star in Vincenzo along with Taecyeon, it became my most awaited Kdrama for 2021. The storyline was pretty slow and revolved around Song Joong Ki protecting the Geugma Plaza and the people from the Babel group. It also had lawyers from Wusang Law Firm who did dirty work with the Babel group. Humor is a bit weird, but the storyline was really good! You just have to be patient as there were plot twists in every episode (coughs ep 4).
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Also, can we talk about Vincenzo and Hong Cha Young’s chemistry!!! Even though it wasn’t a romantic kdrama, the way they looked and took care of each other was 💯. 
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2. She Would Never Know
I ike Rowoon but I didn't like him in Extraordinary You. But man, I looked forward to watching this kdrama every single week! It was an office romance type of setup, revolving around the company Klar Cosmetics, wherein  Chae Heun-Sung (Rowoon) fell in love for his senior, Yoon Song-Ah. At first, Song-Ah didn't want to date him because she was apparently dating someone else (aka Lee Jae-Shin), until she found out that he was cheating on her. In fact, he was already engaged to Lee Hyo Joo, the younger sister of Lee Jae-Woon,  the chairman of Klar. Song-Ah somewhat used Heung-Sung to protect herself from that guy (will avoid spoilers lol) but she eventually fell in love with him.
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3. Penthouse Season 2
This drama was hifalutin but it did not disappoint. It was like Sky Castle but 10x more intense. Can't wait for season 3!
Also, Heung sung was such a baby! HAHAH but I really loved his acting here. 
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4. True Beauty
Although premiered last December, it was such a lighthearted drama that you should watch it when you are having a bad time. Cha Eun Woo's acting got so much better than his past 2 dramas and Moon Ga-Young really impressed me! From that spoiled actress from Tempted to a kind-hearted girl in True Beauty. Moon Ga Young's character was someone deemed "ugly" by her peers. When she moved schools, she used makeup to cover her face and gain her confidence. This drama was actually an eyeopener for me because makeup definitely helps people gain their confidence. (please teach me how HAHAH)
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I feel bad for this Seo-joon in this drama!! Although I am a Cha Eun woo fan, Hwang-In Youp’s character deserved more huhu.
5. Youth of May 
Set in the 1980′s, it talks about a love story between Kim Myeong-Hee, a nurse, and Hwang Hee-Tae. Myeong-Hee was supposed to study in Germany but had no funds to do so and her best friend, Lee Soo Ryeon, had to go on a blind date for family ties. Lee Soo Ryeon made Myeong-Hee go on that blind date and hence the relationship. THIS DRAMA IS HEARTBREAKING! It has a sad ending because of the political situation in Korea back then. If you are not ready for that kind of sad-romance drama, I suggest you skip it out for now. BUUTT LEE DO HYUN IS SO CUTE! After watching his 18 Again drama, I just could not resist. 
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I’ll be doing more reviews soon. I just hope I have the inspiration to write. I just finished “I Married an Anti-Fan” so I might write about that as well.
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shinsorokiri · 3 years
S/O Loses Memory and Quirk
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds and blood, a panic attack, spoiler for Bakugou’s hero name, sad bois
A/N: So I had two requests that mentioned these three with this concept and I just finished all of them and I’m so proud that I wanted to post these ones before the other two for Denki and All Might were finished but I’ll get those out as soon as possible. I cried writing Bakugou’s, so... there’s that HAHA please enjoy!
Here’s the first one with Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi!
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Todoroki Shouto | Shouto
Shouto knows you’re a strong woman and that he doesn’t need to constantly be there to protect you
But he does prefer to be there if something bad is happening 
The only problem is that you two went to two different agencies after graduating 
And in doing so were on opposite sides of the city
Now he always knew when something was happening on your hero route because I mean
He actually needs to in case something bad happens since it’s his JOB
But he also just really wants to be there for you if you really need it
There hasn’t been a time like that, though
So imagine his utter shock and genuine fear when that time came
He was told to go to where you were patrolling because you’d been attacked and wound up in the hospital 
You know the scene with the flame tear? Yeah that but times ten
He goes on patrol like a good little hero
But boy oh BOY did he just want to go to the hospital
You’d never lost a fight before
Not even against him
Your quirk was literally the most powerful quirk he’s ever seen and I mean like, yeah, sure, he might be biased but STILL you were really powerful
So what kind of villain could hurt you so bad you had to go to the hospital???
Luckily, he only had an hour left of patrolling 
And as soon as that hour was up
Mans bolted
He was OFF
He ran into that hospital 
And he politely asked where your room was
Because although he’s PANICKING he still is a little socially awkward sweetie and he doesn’t wanna be a dick to anyone and be labeled similar to his father no no NO
But as soon as he got the number he was sprinting man
He was so worried
All patrol he was quieter than usual
And he was ridiculously anxious the whole time
His palms were sweaty
He felt like he could throw up at any second
And right now
He thought his heart was about to beat out of his chest
He carefully opens the door
You might be sleeping, he has to be considerate
And sure enough he sees your unconscious form laying in a hospital bed
It looked like you had some broken bones, and multiple bruises and cuts which means someone must have beat the shit out of you
That’s what he needed to see
Mans doesn’t show emotion that much
But when it comes to you and since it was just you and him in the room
He broke down crying
He couldn’t help it
He grabbed your hand
And just sat there crying
Poor guy can’t lose you
You were the best thing that ever happened to him 🥺
You showed him that it was okay to feel things and express those things and let people in
He let you in and he couldn’t let you go now
He was a genuine mess for the next couple of weeks
Because you weren’t waking up
He went against what Midoriya said and asked around about what happened to you
And what he heard was horrific
Apparently the villain snuck up on you
And hit you in a few different places
And then you fell down
And then you couldn’t access your quirk
And that’s why you were in the hospital 
He didn’t want to think about the part that happened after you were virtually defenseless
Around his friends he was spacier than usual
He wasn’t really retaining information
And his agency let him take more days off than usual because they knew he was Going Through It
And luckily on one of those days you woke up
He was next to you as per usual 
Holding your hand
Playing with your fingers like he always does when he gets anxious
He missed being able to do that in social situations 
Or when you two were cuddling at night and he was thinking about something that was stressing him out and he would start to fiddle with your hand and you would ask him what’s wrong
He missed you
So when he felt your hand start to move by itself
He basically gave himself whiplash with how fast he looked from your hand to your face
Sure enough
Your eyes were open
And you were looking at him
He whispered your name as not to scare you
You could have a concussion or mild amnesia
He has already considered everything that could be wrong with you
Because he overthinks a lot
And he was nervous about this
And there was one thing he had in the back of his mind
That would probably be the worst case scenario
And much to his fears
That was confirmed to be what was going on almost immediately
He just stares for a moment
You hadn’t called him Todoroki since… well, a long time now
Probably back in your UA days
The two of you began dating in your second year though so
It’s been a while
“You look… older..?”
He clears his throat
“Yes. Well… I am 20 years old now. I would hope I look older.”
“Wait, what?”
Oh shit.
He just confused you. 
Damnit, Shouto. 
“Uhh… well, um. You see…”
“Todoroki what is going on? And why are you holding my hand like that?”
He freezes
He was still playing with your fingers
And it wasn’t that you didn’t want him to
You were just genuinely confused
He knew that
“Before I say anything else that could be detrimental to your mental health, maybe you should ring your nurse.”
You do as he says
And the nurses and a doctor come rushing into your room
They do some evaluations
And sure enough
Your memory has been completely wiped
As has the access to the portion of your brain that allows you to control your quirk
The doctor explains to Todoroki that he’s unsure of how this happened
Bu Todoroki knows it has to be that villain
Whatever that villain did did this to you
And Todoroki isn’t one to show emotions
But boy oh BOY was he riled up right now
He lowkey accidentally caught something on fire
And then to fix it lowkey on purpose just turned it into a block of ice
Even though Endeavor is the worst man on the planet
Mans is persistent on shit that’s for sure
And that’s like
The only trait Shouto got from that literal dumpster fire of a father
And he wasn’t about to let the piece of shit that hurt you get away with it
Of course, when it comes to you as a person he’s very patient
Very understanding
Respects boundaries 
But he will not REST
Until the motherfucker who did this to you gets caught by him
And he will find them.
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Bakugou Katsuki | DynaMight
So Bakugou was already very protective over you
I mean that’s expected though
It’s literally Bakugou
So mans has tabs on you at all times
You don’t know how he does it tbh
He jokes
Yes, Bakugou can joke
He jokes about having a sixth sense when it comes to you
He just gets this feeling about you
If you’re sad? He knows
Happy? He knows
In danger? MANS KNOWS
And I guess he also has a GPS built into his brain???
He just
He knows
Probably because he cares extremely deeply about you
Like really fucking deeply
You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
Ever since high school
First day
When you weren’t intimidated by him
There was just something special about you
And even though it took until after graduation and you almost DYING on a mission for him to finally accept that he can FEEL THINGS
He officially asked you to be his girlfriend
I say officially because, well
Y’all have basically been dating since like 
Second year of high school
Even though it wasn’t official
It was obvious
He was whipped
He still is
He’s known you for five years
You’ve been officially dating for two of those years
You were unofficially dating for four
You were the most important thing in his life
You even surpassed becoming the number one hero somehow
Though he will NEVER admit that
It took him a while to realize it 
But the thought of living without you?
Scared him more than any villain ever could
And that is why
Mans is all dressed up
Lookin nice
Took a day off of patrol at his agency because tonight is a special night
Of course, you don’t know anything
As it should be
He didn’t tell a soul that he was planning on proposing tonight
Okay… maybe that is a lie
He told Kirishima when he got blackout drunk with the boys one night
Long story, don’t ask how it happened, even the boys don’t know
And Kirishima then proceeded to tell everyone of his other friends 
So they all knew
But they also all knew to keep it a FUCKING SECRET unless they wanted blown up
But boy oh boy they were excited to see the pictures and the ring and the everything
But I digress
Bakugou is in the house the two of you purchased a while back
It was very much off the damn grid
For ~safety~ 
And he’s very much just messing with how he looks
He has to look perfect because he knows you’re about to 
And he can’t be proposing to you unless he’s on your level
When suddenly
He gets a
But it isn’t the warm feeling he gets when you’re happy
Or the doopy one he gets when you’re sad
Or the wave of exhaustion he feels when you’re tired
Or the tingly feeling he gets when you’re mad
It’s the feeling where his spine tenses
And his blood goes cold
And his heart drops to the floor
The one he only felt one other time
The time you almost died
He was out of that house so fast
He didn’t even care if he looked all nice
You were in danger
He blasted his way through the city
Saying he was frantic is an understatement
He was FERAL
He got to where you were just in time to see you get slammed into the concrete by some piece of shit villain
You were unconscious
And you weren’t moving
He saw red
He didn’t even remember blasting over to the villain and punching them in the face
But he did that
And he did it HARD
Of course the villain was like OH FUCK
Because obviously the villain knew who you were
That’s why you were targeted 
Breaking Bakugou’s spirit is needed if villains want to become more fearful and powerful
The villain starts sprinting away
And before Bakugou can catch them
He hears an ambulance siren
He suddenly forgets all about the villain because he whips around to see you getting loaded onto a gurney
Paramedics are doing everything they can to keep you alive at this point
He’s horrified to say the least
You’re the love of his life
The last time he saw you like this is when he accepted it
Seeing you like this again just makes him realize it even deeper somehow
He runs to the ambulance
But the paramedics tell him he needs to go to the hospital separately because you’re badly injured and they need to perform some procedures on the way to the hospital to keep you alive
He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his eyes start to sting
He wants to tell the paramedics to fuck off
Don’t they realize this is supposed to be one of the best days of yours and his lives?
But he can’t 
Because before he can
They’re gone
He chases after you though
He needs to be by your side right now
He needs to know that you will be okay
He needs you to be okay
So imagine how nerve-wracking it is for him to learn that you were in surgery
He waited in the waiting room all day long
This incident happened around one in the afternoon
and it was now one in the morning
He was just sitting in the hospital waiting room
Looking down at the little box in his hand
Which is a sight for anyone who sees him
The ring he bought for you is the only thing he can focus on
He doesn’t even notice the non-stop buzzing in his pocket coming from his and your friends wondering if the two of you are okay because the footage of the fight cut out right before Bakugou punched the villain
They all thought you were both hurt pretty badly
I mean after your quirk was seemingly taken from you…
The only thing that snaps him out of his trance
Is when the doctor comes out and says his name
His head snaps up so fast
He approaches the doctor just as fast
He knows he should expect the worst
But he can’t help but keep repeating that you’re okay
That everything will be fine because you are okay
They fixed you up
You’ll come home all happy
He’ll propose to you in the living room at this point
Today will be fixed
He hears that although you’re stable
You have what appears to be brain damage
“What kind of fucking brain damage?”
“She has severe amnesia which means that-”
“How severe?”
“Well… according to her brain scan and the fact that she said the year was two and a half years ago, I’m afraid it’s significantly severe.”
Two and a half years
Two and a half years?!
He just stares at the doctor
If you think it’s two and a half years ago
That means he hasn’t asked you out yet
That means in your mind
You’re still in high school
About to graduate
This cannot be happening
There is not way this is happening
“Can I see her?”
His voice sounds foreign to him
The doctor nods
Leading him to your room
He puts the ring back in his pocket out of instinct
And when he enters your room
He wants nothing more than for you to yell something like PSYCH
But he’s just met with a your mouth opening wide and eye getting big
“Bakugou?! You’re so dressed up!”
Why didn’t he let you call him Katsuki sooner
Why didn’t he ask you out before two years ago
Why wasn’t he there to save you
“W-Woah… Bakugou, you don’t have to cry this isn’t my first hospital stay… wait, when did you get an undercut?”
He just walks towards you
“You also look… older… is this seriously what you look like when you clean up?”
He watches as your expression falters for a moment
“Wait… are you like… going on a date or something?”
Good to know you still have feelings for him at least
He just nods
And you try to hide the disappointment on your face
“Oh… well, you better tell me all about it when we get back to the dorms.”
Your fake enthusiasm is killing him
What killing him even more though is that the doctors didn’t tell you what was going on
So he’ll tell you instead
His voice is wavering
This is new for him
He clears his throat
“I’m not… I’m not going on a date anymore. I had one but… things didn’t turn out as planned.”
He almost smiles at the sudden mood shift you had
How can you still be perky like that sitting in a hospital bed
“Yeah… because, um. It was a date with you…”
“You got hurt pretty bad, angel…”
He explains everything to you
As much as he can
And he also finds out about your quirk
And how it’s just
You have to stay in the hospital tonight for further testing tomorrow
And you insist that he goes home
But he says it isn’t home if you’re not there
He stays in the chair right next to your bed
Watching you as you sleep
He knows you believe him
He knows that you have feeling for him
But he’s broken, truly
Not only was he not your hero today
He didn’t save you
He doesn’t know if you’ll ever remember any of those years with him
Any of your firsts
And that makes him ache
He pulls out your ring again
And just looks at it
The only light in the room is the moonlight peaking in through the window
And in that moment
He swears to himself
And to you
That the villain who did this
Is going to pay
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Kirishima Eijirou | Red Riot
Eijirou has always been your rock
Figuratively and literally
He’s there for you through everything
And I mean everything
The two of you have been next door neighbors since you were kids
And he literally always had a crush on you
Of course the feelings were mutual
But neither you nor shark boy knew that
Until y’all got to high school
And Bakugou was very
About the two of you pining for each other
Mina was beyond annoyed 
She went to middle school with you two
So when Bakugou finally just
Screamed at the two of you to just shut the fuck up with the flirting and date already
Mina deadass jumped out of her seat at lunch and screamed thank you at the top of her lungs
Of course the two of you were as red as his hair
Which, yes
You did help him pick out the exact shade and helped dye as well
His hands were stained red because he accidentally only bought one pair of gloves and it wouldn’t have been manly to make you help without gloves on
But I digress
The two of you started dating shortly after that
And when I tell you that you were the couple everyone would look at and be all “awwwww”
And y’all are just in high school
Granted, it’s your final year and the two of you are both interning and are already confirmed to become sidekicks and Fatgum’s Agency
So y’all do be a little mature
But still
You started dating freshman year
And you’re going strong still
Of course
And words cannot describe how relieved he is that the two of you are at the same agency
Because if anything ever went bad he would be there to save you
And you would be there to save him
But literally nothing could prepare him for what was about to happen to you
It was a normal patrol
The two of you were together
Talking about graduation next week
And how the two of you were excited to move out of the dorms and into the apartment you had picked
And how you would finally be able to adopt the little mutt that the two of you love from the shelter
When out of no where
A villain popped down off of a building
Right behind you
And did something weird to you
They hit you meticulously and in specific places
Before Kirishima could even process what was going on
You were on the ground
Of course
You raised an arm
Ready to fight and use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
You and Kirishima make eye contact and he can feel the fear radiating off of you
Now he was worried
Very worried
But you knew how to fight
And he was there, too
So this wouldn’t end too bad
You were already back on your feet
Ready to fight this motherfucker
“Go help the people inside, Red Riot. I can handle this one.”
He goes
But he does know you can hold your own
Even if that villain temporarily blocked your quirk
He hardens
Turning his headpiece into a filtering mask (a great addition he thought of so he could run into burning buildings while hardened to save people and not take damage to his lungs in the process)
And luckily
There were only three people inside
So he grabs them and runs out
And he’s expecting to be met with you handcuffing the bad guy
But instead
He’s met with you getting the life beat out of you
You’re on the ground
The villain pulled out swords while he was gone
And it was obvious you were down and weren’t gettingup
But the villain just wasn’t letting up
Kirishima’s legs work before his brain
He runs over to the villain and lands a punch to their face
Which causes them to stumble backwards
Before they throw the swords at a random citizen who is observing
He immediately runs to the citizen, deflecting the swords
But the villain ran off in the mean time
Like they disappeared without a trace
But honestly
Even if they were still there
Kirishima would have run to you regardless
He immediately kneels down
“(Y/n)?! (Y/n), can you hear me?!”
He ditched the hero names this time
You weren’t responding
You were out cold
He starts panicking
Full on hyperventilating
You looked bad
You were pierced by the villains swords in your side
Blood was everywhere
Your breathing was shallow
Regardless of the genuine panic attack he was going through right now
He somehow managed to control his breathing so you wouldn’t bleed out on the ground
He needed to help you
He picks you up
Instantly starting to sprint to the ambulances beginning to pull up
As soon as the paramedics see the state you’re in they get you off of him
And speed off to the hospital
Kirishima is left alone 
Staring at his hands 
Which were dyed red with your blood
All he could see was your face laughing at him because he forgot to get two pairs of gloves the first time you helped him dye his hair
…He didn’t like red all that much right now
After what feels like hours
But was really like two minutes
Tamaki shows up
Because he heard there was something going on
And as soon as he sees Kirishima on the ground and sobbing
He knows something bad has happened to you
He quickly gets him out of there
And back to the agency
Where Kirishima accidentally sees a replay of the fight on television
And he sees that you were fighting the villain just fine
But they were so nimble and fast 
And all they did was hit the nape of your neck and then the side of your temple
And you collapsed
Tamaki turned the television off before the full fight was shown
But the damage was done
Kirishima was back on the ground
Tamaki tries to comfort him
But Kirishima is out of commission
“I couldn’t save her, Tamaki! I wasn’t there!”
“…C-Come on, Kirishima… w-we should… go to the hospital…”
Tamaki is trying so hard to get him to calm down 
But to no avail
So eventually he just drags him out and to his car
He speeds to the hospital
And Kirishima doesn’t even wait for the car to slow down to run inside
He has to wait to see you
Since you were punctured 
But he was willing to wait
And wait he did 
For four days
Of course after you were done with your surgery he was allowed in your room
But it was a matter of waiting for you to wake up
He was always with you
He only went home to shower
He slept at the hospital
He needed to be with you
So when you finally woke up
He cried tears of happiness for the first time in days
“(Y/n), thank god you’re awake.”
“Eiji? What happened…?”
“There was a villain attack and they knocked you out and-”
“Why don’t you look 15?”
“You look… older… and your hair is longer.”
“…What? You were the one who encouraged me to grow it out…”
“I… I was?”
He stares at you for a moment
His happy tears turning into ones of fear
Before hitting the call nurse button and asking you a question
“(Y/n) what grade are we in?”
“We’re freshmen at UA High School.”
No, no, no, no, no
Before he could answer the doctor and nurses came in the room
They started asking you a bunch of questions
To which you answered the best you could
But it was obvious that you were convinced it was two years ago
The doctors took you off to do scans of your brain
This can’t be happening
You think it’s two years ago
Two years
So much has happened within those two years
The two of you have done so much
Imagine how devastated he is when he hears your memory is just gone
And your quirk with it
You were a hero
Your quirk can’t be gone
“Eiji… please don’t cry, it’ll be okay.”
“I can’t help it, pebble. I wasn’t there to save you and now… now you don’t remember everything we’ve done. And… and your quirk… you’re the best hero I know, and now…”
“Eijirou, I promise you it will be okay. As long as you’ll be with me, like you always are, I will be fine.”
He doesn’t say anything
He just looks at his hand holding yours
At least you still remember he asked you to be his girlfriend
But he is deadset on finding the villain who did this to you
“I will get you out of this.”
“I will fix this. I promise you. I will save you. I need to.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 32
Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope that you enjoy this treat. Sorry this took so long to write out. This one took a few rewrites to get it where I wanted it to be.
Plus, Real life stuff got in the way So hopefully this will be a nice little treat for you all.
(Master Post)
Marinette watched in horror as she watched her best friend struggle on the floor.
She dashed to her side, and tried to help Alya get that weird mask off her face.
“By all means go right ahead. Its already too late.” Masquerade laughed as she watched Marinette struggle. “Soon enough she will be helping me take you down.”
The designer pushed the words of the psychotic akuma out of her mind. She refused to let her friend get turned into a mindless drone like before.
“It wont come off!” Marinette grunted as she tried so hard to remove it.
Masquerade watched her bracelet, waiting for a change to occur.
Alya’s muffled screams and frantic movements stopped.
Marinette jumped up as she watched her friend transform, her casual clothes transformed into a familiar black and white costume. The Wi-Fi symbol on her chest. Lady Wifi has returned.
Masquerade’s bracelet gained a new charm, one looking reminiscent of a cell phone.
“And now she is my friend.” The villain stated as she watched Marinette start stepping away from the enslaved akuma.
“Alya… you need to fight it. You can’t let her control you.”
“Sorry Marinette, but Alya is unable to answer.” Masquerade mocked. “But I can take a message for you.”
Lady wifi stood silent, like an inactive robot, awaiting orders from its master. The inner machinations of the mind are not shown with the emotionless white mask covering her face.
Marinette turned her eyes toward the mask themed akuma, anger burning in her pupils.
“Let her go Lila. Let them all go before things get serious. Your plan will fail, Ladybug and Chat noir will arrive and beat the akuma out of you. Then you will have to answer for this too.”
Masquerade’s smile faded when she saw the fierce look. Marinette was not a sniveling mess, she actually looked even more defiant then before!
“Acting all high and mighty. I think I will enjoy turning you into my helpless puppet next.”
Masquerade lifted her hand towards Marinette, waiting to unmask her deepest secrets, and break her down.
“When I get a peek at what is hiding behind all of that fake courage, it will all come crashing down. Now let’s see your greatest secrets.”
Marinette looked around, trying to think of something. If Lila figured out her big secret, it was over. Ladybug would be exposed. She needed a way out, until she noticed something. Masquerade wasn’t doing anything.
Marinette was perplexed by the akuma simply standing there.
“Ummm... are you going to do it now or...”
“Why can’t I see your secrets? My powers should allow me to see what you’re hiding and allow me to exploit it. It worked on everyone else I used it on, why not you?”
“Maybe I just don’t have any secrets to hide.” Marinette commented, watching with a bit of satisfaction as the akuma’s smug look shift.
Masquerade felt her frustration and anger boil at the comment. Something wasn’t adding up.
“Hawkmoth!” She cried out in rage.
A purple butterfly outline popped out.
“What is it?” The dark voice connected in her head.
“Why can’t I read Marinette’s secrets?” Masquerade angrily questioned.
“Her secrets! I was able to zero in on everyone else I’ve used the ability on. Why does it not work on her!? Of all people I want this power to work on!”
Marinette felt both concerned and a bit flattered that she was the one Lila wanted to defeat the most. It was sort of mutual.
“Your power works on anyone I’ve akumatized, regardless of who it is.” The butterfly villain communicated. 
“So… your saying you didn’t akumatize her before? How is that possible?”
“I haven’t gotten to every single person in Paris.”
“You’ve akumatized that stupid pigeon man 26 times! How have you not gotten everyone!?”
“Paris is a big city, even if I akumatized someone every day, I doubt I would have hit 1/10th of the population. Besides, it takes strong negative emotions for me to send out an akuma. And that man seems to just be the easiest target for it. “ Hawkmoth defended himself. “Its not like I WANT to akumatize him every other day.”
“Just get the miraculous. That is your focus, the girl can wait for later.”
Masquerade’s butterfly outline dispelled as hawkmoth was finished with that conversation.
“Well that sucks. I guess I can just go back to plan A. Having you watch as I turn everyone against you... aren't here. What!”
Masquerade frantically looked around for the teen she had been antagonizing and found that she was no longer in the same spot. In fact, she was no longer in the office!
Marinette had decided to slip away from the akuma while she was having her little tantrum to the evil butterfly man.
“Why didn't you do something!” She shouted at Lady Wifi.
“You did not give me an order.” Lady Wifi answered robotically. 
Masquerade glared at the akuma servant. She would almost think it was rebelling against her.
“Even as a mindless servant you still find a way to ruin things.”
She looked around and noticed the other akuma in the room that was still on the floor.
“Dark Owl get up!”
The owl themed akuma got up from the floor. Removing parts of the broken pot from his costume.
Masquerade snapped her fingers. Catching the attention of Dark Owl and Lady Wifi. 
“Both of you, I want Marinette brought back to me right now! I want to make sure she stays quiet and sees everything we have set up. I don’t need her causing trouble.”
“…and that is everything.” A young woman said with a mixture of relief and excitement. She had finally finished setting everything up in the school infirmary. She had organized the files, restocked the bandages, changed the sheets on the resting cots, and put her personal decals on the desk. She was starting her first day as the school nurse, and things have been going up.
She put herself back out there and started dating Curtis, the sweet guy she met last week despite what would’ve normally been a deal breaking misunderstanding, she got into the med school program she wanted to get into and will be attending part time, and she managed to get a job at the school she went to when she went to Lycee.
She heard a ding from the front of the nurse’s office just as she was about to sit down.
“First student of the day. I better see what they need.”
She exited the small office area in the infirmary to see a blonde student who was clearly impatient
“What is taking so long!?” The teen shouted.
“Hello there. How can I help you?”
The blonde looked up a bit to see the nurses smile, she rolled her eyes.
“Who the hell are you? Isnt there supposed to be a different woman here?”
“If you are referring to the previous school nurse, she retired officially last week. I am the new school nurse. You can call me Nurse Angela.”
Angela never really liked using her last name, it made her sound old. So, she would be fine with the kids calling by her first name. It also helps with psychology, allowing more for a social dynamic based on mutual respect rather than authority.
Angela felt a twinge of frustration at the girl’s dismissal. But she kept her smile.
“And you are?”
The teen smirked.
“Chloé Bourgeous. And before you ask, yes, the daughter of the mayor.”
Angela felt a shiver go down her spine. She remembered from what the previous nurse told her. That Chloé was the mayor’s bratty daughter who would use her father’s influence to get anyone fired if she got angry enough.
‘That at least explains her rude attitude. She is a spoiled Brat.’
Angela was not going to let this bother her. She was going to take it in stride. She would be kind and courteous as she planned to be with any student at the Dupont.
“So, Chloé. What brings you here?”
Chloé walks in.
“My chair broke because someone sabotaged my chair. I ended up bruising my… anyway I need some ice, and anything to numb the pain.”
“My goodness! That sounds terrible. Who would do such a thing?”
“It was probably Marinette, that nasty little rat. Adding insult to injury now that she is dating Adrien.”
Nurse Angela moved to get some ice from the freezer for the bruised bottom of the Mayor’s daughter, listening to the girl vent. She was sure that whoever this Marinette girl was, probably didn’t do it. And if somehow, she did, it was likely because the annoying blonde deserved it. But that was not something Angela felt was worth mentioning. She kept that bit to herself.
“She is probably blackmailing my adrikins with something. There is no way he would be dating her without some sort of reason.”
“Is it possible that maybe he just likes her?” Angela inquired as she presented the bag of ice to Chloé.
Chloé looked at the nurse as if she had just told her that she had 3 eyes and a scorpion tail.
“Adrien liking Marinette?! That is ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous! There is no way that Adrien would…”
Chloé felt her mind flash through moments. Adrien and Marinette about to kiss for that movie, Adrien and Marinette dancing at her party? The photos she found of them running from fans, that kiss at the picnic during heroes’ day. Adrien taking Marinette to that interview instead of her… The stubborn blonde felt as if everything clicked into place.
“Chloé? Is everything okay?” The nurse called out, trying to get the spaced-out teen’s attention.
“He might actually LIKE her!”
Chloé felt her own skin crawl as she made her realization.
Angela didn’t know how to respond to this situation.
“I am going to straighten Adrien out right now! I am not going to let him make such a foolish mistake!”
The nurse could tell this could be bad if the mayor’s daughter was so heated, what if she got this innocent girl expelled? If she stood by and did nothing then her time at the school would be internally marked with the regret of not stopping such a potential disaster.
“Wait, Miss Bourgeois.”
Chloé stopped.
“What is it?”
“I… I just noticed that you’re limping. The injury might be more serious than you think. Let me have a look at it closer before you leave.”
The mayor’s daughter would simply have left without a second thought. But having a limp would make her walk much less dignified and lacking the power she needs to intimidate, but mainly that she would look lame with a limp.
“Alright, just make it quick.”
“I don’t get why you felt the need to leave.” The cat kwami rolled his eyes. “If you want to be rebellious Adrien, we could leave the school and head to the movies. Though if we do, you should invite your girlfriend.”
“Plagg, this isn’t about rebellion or future date ideas. Something isn’t right with this whole situation. I just want to sneak a peek in the office, make sure Marinette and Alya get their story out, and then I am headed right back to class. No problem.” Adrien summarized as they kept walking.
Plagg noticed someone headed their way and went to hide in Adrien’s pocket.
Adrien took notice that it was his homeroom teacher. Perhaps he could ask her.
“Hey Ms.Bustier. Can I ask you a quick question?”
The red headed teacher walked past the teen without acknowledging his question. Her eyes focused on what was ahead.
“That’s weird… She would always stop to help a student.”
Adrien could feel that his favorite teacher may have been affected by something sinister.
“Ms.Bustier, can you hear me out for a second?” He asked as he touched her shoulder to try and get her attention.
The mirage of her appearance shifted from the homeroom teacher to the stylized patchwork costume of a familiar akuma enemy.
Adrien was surprised to see the true form of the imposter. The kiss zombie maker, Zombizou.
The akuma turned to show the face mask that hid her face. Her attention was now firmly on the boy, whether he wanted it or not.
Adrien backed away, nervously keeping his eyes on the teacher as he carefully backed up.
“You know, I think I will just ask someone else.”
Adrien took down the next hall running.
Masquerade reclined in her chair, her frustration was growing as she wondered what was taking those two minions she sent out to capture Marinette so long.
“They shouldn’t be having that much difficulty. She is just one person!”
She heard a ring, and knew her sentimonster was trying to contact her.
“What is it Simulare?”
“The illusion I had on Zombizou was broken. Someone is on to us, and the minion is in pursuit.”
Masquerade felt a headache forming. She didn’t have time for a wild goose chase. She needed to move on to phase two of her plan, making her army of akuma.
“Track down Marinette and this other  person that found out about Zombizou, keep them busy as long as possible. I am going to move on to phase two. Make sure no one is on to us.”
“Understood. I’ll get them back in the office and make sure neither of them escape.”
Masquerade ended the call and felt her head ease a bit. The sentimonster she was given was obedient and competent. It was based on her mindset, so it would make sense that it would be capable of handling this problem.
“Now, let’s get that army.”
“Give me a break.” Marinette muttered to herself.
She thought she would have time to transform once she escaped the office, but the two akuma were right out of the office before she had time to make sure everything was clear.
In her rush she cut a corner down a hallway and ended up colliding with another person.
“Ouch.” They cry out in unison, both looking to realize who they bumped into. Their faces turned to relief.
“Marinette!” “Adrien!”
The two called out in unison.
“Why are you running?” “Why are you running?”
“An akuma!” “An akuma!”
“An akuma?” “An akuma?”
They both look behind the other to notice the incoming akumas approaching them.
“As cute as this is, we need to go.”
Adrien Grabs Marinette’s Hand and they both head to the open area and try to get to the main entrance.
‘I need to get Adrien somewhere safe, then I can go transform into Ladybug.’ Marinette thought to herself, unaware that Adrien was thinking the same thing.
They make quick movements down hallway, moving up and down staircases to confuse their pursuers. They managed to give them the slip as the controlled akuma seemed to not be able of basic reasoning and quick fake outs and movements.
The two make their way down to what appeared to be the front of the school.
“The entrance!” Marinette called out. “Okay, we split up at the entrance and try to get help. They can’t catch us both.”
The run to the entrance only for them to stop short, colliding with some invisible wall.
It was only after making contact did the front entrance of the school shift back into a wall. The layout of the entire school seemed to shift instantly. The school had been put under an illusion to trick them into thinking they were escaping.
“It’s an illusion. Which means Lila must be involved with that group of akumas.” Adrien exclaimed.
“More like she is the cause. She is the one controlling the akumatized mask wearers. She got the Principal and Alya.”
“Wait, does this mean that Lila’s power is to make akuma!?”
“From what I saw, she can only akumatize people that have been akumatized before using her face masks. You haven’t been akumatized right?” Marinette questioned.
“No, and since she didn't get you, you haven't either right?”
“Yea, though I have had a few close calls.”
“So, if Lila’s power is akumatizing people, what akuma made this illusion on the school?”
“That would be me.” A third voice calls out.
The two turned to look and see a familiar fox themed villain smiling confidently.
“Not exactly.”
The Volpina impersonator looked around to see if the other akumatized servents were going to arrive.
“Seems you both are quite clever when it comes to annoying Mistress Masquerade.”
“That’s what Lila’s calling herself.”
“Oh... cause of the masks.”
The villain rolls her eyes, encapsulating the personality of the arrogant volpina that it was pretending to be.
“Masquerade realizes that you two are both quite difficult to snag with mindless servants, so she requested I handle this.”
“No, you won’t.” Marinette grabs Adrien’s Hand and tries to run away only for the Faux Fox to flip in front of them
“Yea, I am not letting you out of my sight. Now be good and come along peacefully.”
Adrien moves in front of Marinette.
“Go, I’ll hold her off.”
“Go. I trust you.” Adrien smiles as he looks to her for a moment.
Marinette wanted to stay and fight with him, but she knew that she needed to go and transform. Ladybug will be needed before this blows up.
“I’ll get help.”
Marinette runs away from the two as fast as she can. Adrien making sure to block the way should their foe get any ideas.
“She won’t get far, she will get captured before she even gets a chance.”
Adrien shook his head.
“You would be surprised with how just how amazing Marinette is.”
Marinette rushed out of sight and into the closest bathroom, quickly making sure it was a safe place to transform.
“Coast is clear. Time for Ladybug to step in.”
“Let’s hope we can get to Adrien in time before things get worse.” Tikki commented.
“Don't worry, I trust he’ll be okay. Tikki! Spots on!”
“Can you believe it Juleka?” The peppy perfume enthusiast squealed. “Marinette and Adrien are finally an item.”
“Yes, I was there rose.” Juleka commented with an eye roll and a smile.
“I know! I am just so happy for them both.” Rose calms herself a bit. “Though… how will your brother take it?”
The purple haired teen reflected on the comment.
“It will be an adjustment, but I am sure Lulu will be fine once he gets a couple songs out of it.”
“I’ll be sure to be supportive.”
Juleka patted Rose’s head, smiling sweetly at the blonde’s caring attitude. She decided now would be a good time to spring that surprise on her. She was planning on showing her during lunch, but since Ms.Bustier wasn’t in class. Now would be the perfect time to show Rose the earrings she got her.
She casually reached into her bag, sliding her hand into her lunch bag, trying to find the earring box, only to notice it not there. Her hand moved frantically searching.
“Is something wrong?” Rose inquired, a bit of concern on her face.
“No, nothing. Nothing is wrong, just…” Juleka dismissed as she kept searching only to know for certain that her gift was not in there.
“Are you sure?”
“I just need do something really quick.”
She quickly grabbed her phone and calmly while hoping that her brother would see her text.
In her quick movement, she failed to notice the door of the classroom opening.
“Psst, Luka. Luka!” A dark-haired teen whispered, trying to get the attention of the teal-tipped hair guitarist that was hiding his sleeping face with an open science book.”
“Hmm?” The tired teen responded with his eyes still closed. He was barely awake. He had been up all night working on that new song that was stuck in his head. He could still hear it playing in his thoughts as he tried to shake himself awake.
“Your phone vibrated, seemed important.”
“Oh, thanks Theo.” He moved his hand to take a look at his phone.
The science teacher was rambling on about molecules or something, clearly unaware of how disinterested everyone in the class was with his boring lecture.
Luka looked through to see a few text messages from his sister.
‘Hey, can you check your lunch to see if there is a jewelry box in there? Rose’s gift is in there.’
‘If you find it, can you swing by around your free period to bring it to me?’
Luka quickly snuck his hand into his backpack and sure enough he felt the small box. He was about to text a response. But stopped when he read the last two texts.
‘Sh*t there is an akuma in the class!’
Luka’s eyes shot open, his sister was in danger. Which also meant his band was also in danger. He needed to get there.
He shot up from his chair. And started making his way to the door.
“Mr.Couffaine, where do you think you’re going?”
“Family emergency.”
The science teacher was about to tell the young boy to wait until his parent calls, but he remembered who is mother was and what she did the last time he held up her kid when Anarke wanted to pick him up early. The teacher proceeded to held back his response.
“Proceed. Just be sure to get the notes from today’s lesson.”
Luka was out the door before the teacher could finish.
A car speeds down the road, the driver cursing to herself as she tries to move faster.
‘Get in, get Adrien, and get out before everything hits the fan.’
Nathalie mentally repeated to herself. She knows that pushing herself too hard was also dangerous. She couldn't risk feeling weak right now.
The driver slammed the break as she arrived at the school. She needed to hurry. She parked the car and opened the door.
“Lets hope that this akuma hasn't gotten to Adrien yet.”
Ms. Bustier’s class had diverted all their attention to the costumed individual in the front of the classroom. The eerie masks that adorned her costume seemed to unsettle everyone.
Juleka put her phone away and joined in on what everyone was staring at
Alix was the one to say what was on everyone’s mind.
“Who the f*** are you?”
The akuma smirked.
“Excellent, a volunteer.”
Raising her hand and pointing towards Alix, her charm bracelet began to glow.
“Interesting, seems that you have quite a soft spot for cute things.”
The class turned to look at Alix with confusion.
Alix kept her cool.
“And? Is there a point?” Alix rolled her eyes, ignoring the akuma’s attempt to get under her skin. It would take more than that to actually do anything to her.
“You pretend you have this ‘Devil may care’ attitude, that you are too cool to care about what people think, but really you are more obsessed with how people perceive you than anyone else in here.”
Alix felt her smirk falter for a second.
“You are really sensitive about your height and anytime someone brings it up you are in a bad mood for the rest of the day. But what really gets to you is your ‘Family’. You hate how your brother is a laughing stock because of his crackpot theories and your greatest fear is that no matter how much you try to be this punk rebel, you will always be cast as ‘The Conspiracy nut’s sister’.”
“Shut up! You don’t know my life!” Alix yelled.
“Not so fun getting exposed, is it?”
The class realized immediately who this mysterious akuma was.
Masquerade smiled as she flung a mask right at the pink haired teen. Causing her to fall down. And struggle to get the mask off, but before anyone could help her. It was too late.
The class could only watch in horror as their classmate transformed into their Akuma persona. Before standing up.
The class tried to make a break for it. They knew full well the dangers of this new akuma.
“Timebreaker, guard the door.”
The akuma skated to the door and everyone jumped back. They knew that touching Timebreaker was not a good idea.
“Lila, this isn’t cool. Let Alix go.” Nino called out.
The Mask akuma shook her head.
“Lila is not a thing anymore. She was unmasked and dismissed. But now I have a new mask, I’m Masquerade. Soon enough, you will all be unmasked and given a new mask that better suits you. Alya knows that very well.”
Nino’s his eyes flared at the statement.
“What did you do to my girl?”
Masquerade pointed her hand at him just as her charm bracelet glowed, now with a rollerblade charm added to it.
“The same thing I am about to do to all of you.”
Will the rest of the class fall victim to Masquerade’s evil plan? Will Ladybug be able to save Adrien from the Sentimonster? Will Nathalie get to Adrien before its too late? Will I ever update consistently?
Fine out all these questions and more in the next part.
Thank you all for reading the most recent addition to Soulmate Survey.
Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and if you really liked it. Reblog it. (Sharing is the only way my story actually gets out.) Plus, tagging has been kind of glitchy for me, so until that gets straightened out, I can't tag people for the story at the moment.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Conquers All (The Originals)
(Y/N) means your name and (Y/LN) means your last name.
Warnings: none. Angst and fluff all the way.
Summary: Dad!Klaus. (Y/N) finds out that you are pregnant and runs away from Klaus. After five years of avoiding him, Freya discovers your secret and it will all be revealed in time. At last, love will conquer all.
“Hope, you need to be really good.” There was a very good chance that your hyper active daughter will get distracted in the end. But if this plan works then it would be one of the best day of your lives.
Your first daughter was an accident (no regrets there) but after you married the love of your life, you wanted to expand your family. Both of you have been trying from the past year but were met with disappointment at the end of every month. This was going to be so much different from your first pregnancy because your partner will be by your side this time.
“Love, where are you?” Calling out from the hallway, you could hear Klaus’s footsteps coming towards you.
“Hope, I am going to distract your dad. Just remember your part please and finish your drawing quickly.” Intercepting your husband midway, you started talking to him about Hope’s upcoming play in her school and both of your participation at the ticket booth. Klaus protested because he found all the other parents annoying. The great Klaus Mikaelson had a reputation to uphold. But you just giggled quietly because you remembered him in a pink tiara acting as a princess with Hope just last night.
When you thought that enough time had passed by, you gently ushered Klaus in the room. “Surprise!” Your voice died down in your throat when you saw the startled face of your little munchkin smeared in yellow frosting.
“What is this? ‘E are pect?” The writing on the mini cupcakes was destroyed by the little devil perched on the coffee table.
“Hope! I told you I would give you the cupcakes afterwards,”
“Mommy, Mr Fluffs ate the icing. I told him not to.” She hid her hands behind her back and gave you her puppy dog eyes.
“What’s going on?” Klaus interjected before you became distracted by the argument.
“I will deal with you later but now show Daddy your card.” She slowly hopped off the table and extended her card that now had yellow imprints on it. Klaus always savored moments like these because he had missed a huge part of her life. And soon his little girl will transform in to a moody teenager who is too cool for her old man.
He recognised the three stick figures that were hastily drawn on the pink paper but there was another small one on the side of the paper.
“Who is the fourth one, baby?” He bent down to her level and tried to decipher the glittery mess.
“Read the card, daddy!” She pointed her chubby, little finger towards the end of the paper. As his eyes skimmed over the scribbled handwriting, a gasp escaped his soft lips. Written were the words, “I am going to be a big sister”.
“Is this-? You are-?” The Klaus Mikaelson was reduced to a sputtering mess and when he saw tears in your eyes, he immediately lifted you off the ground, “We are going to be parents again.” Klaus’s happiness knew no bounds and you both were just basking in each others presence.
Munching sounds from somewhere behind you took you out of your bubble. “Hope Andrea Mikaelson, stop eating the cupcakes!”
“It’s okay, (Y/N). Let her enjoy this moment as well.”
“She will get a sugar rush and I am not dealing with it.” Your pregnancy hormones were going haywire and you already knew that this baby will be a lot different from your elder daughter.
“Okay, darling. No more sweets for the whole week.” Picking his daughter up, he took her to get cleaned up and easily slipped in to his dad mode. This baby was going to be a new chapter in your lives and you were excited for it.
--------1 and a half year later--------
“Hope, stop trying to put glitter on your brother.” Klaus was running after his two munchkins but Hope had a mind of her own. She put a freezing spell on James and dumped the pink glitter on him. Little Jamie was terrified the instant he couldn’t move his chubby little feet. The nine month old let out a piercing wail and blasted her sister across the couch.
“What is happening here?” You came in the moment you heard your children crying on the top of their lungs. They both had been a handful from the very start and their powers are uncontrollable now. Sure, Freya is helping them rein their powers but it was not helping.
Klaus was rocking Hope gently in his arms while nursing the cut on her forehead. Immediately, you went to your sobbing infant and picked him up. The glitter transferred to your clothes as he clinged on to you like a Koala. “Hope, why would you do this?” You asked flustered.
“He destroyed my painting for Daddy.” Exclaiming it with tears flowing through her eyes, she laid her head on her father’s shoulder.
“Mistake.” Jamie hiccuped and you gently rubbed his back. Slowly, Hope’s cut healed and your husband let out a sigh of relief. He can not bear to see anything to happen to his family. One time, he went ballistic on Freya when James got stung by a wasp. She just shut him up with a sleeping spell and boy, was Klaus mad.
“Honey, give me Jamie. I’ll shower him while you both go change.” Klaus took charge of the situation because he knew that they were all going to be late for the fourth of July dinner at Kol’s house. He would rather send some alone time with his family but you insist on socialising.
“I have left out his red and blue onesie on the bed.” You called out after your two boys and a soft giggle was sent your way.
You all got ready with Hope wearing a blue white striped summer dress with her pink pumps and you in a maroon dress with intricate lacing. Klaus had opted for a simple white button down with khaki pants. And the casual look just made him more appealing.
The kids went in to the living room to play with their toys, the feud between them long forgotten. Klaus took you in his arms as you were giving a final touch to your makeup. He gazed at you through the mirror while you gently laid your head on his shoulder.
“I am so lucky to have you. You are my saving grace and thank you for the two little munchkins.”Klaus was truly thankful to have you in his life and the thousand years of misery has finally paid off.
“I am just as grateful for you, trust me.”
“I love you, baby and this all is going to stay the same.” Gently, he turned you around and pecked your lips.
“I love you too and is that a promise, Mr Mikaelson?”
“Always and Forever. Now, let’s get going.” You both went out and strapped the kids in to the car for the long 30 minutes ride.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N : This series has officially come to an end. Really enjoyed writing this. When I first came up with the plot I really didn’t wasn't sure if I wanted to complete it. Thank you to each one of you for giving your love and support to this series. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think.
P.S. If you want to send blurb requests based on the series (dad!Klaus) I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. I would love it❤️
Like, comment and reblog.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
A Favor
“Auntie!” Anya says the second you answer your phone, “I need your help!”
“What’s wrong?” You’d learned quickly that her version of an emergency and yours were very different.
“My principal wants to talk to my parents!”
“Because I’m sick of Ted Cramer being a bully so I punched him.”
“Okay, so why are you calling me?”
“My parents are out on a mission!”
“Oh.” Keeping who Anya’s parents are a secret is the only thing keeping her in normal school, which was something both agents had wanted for their daughter. “I’ll grab one of your uncles and come in.”
“Not uncle Bucky okay?”
“Why not?”
“Um, last time he was here the principal called him a terror or something and uncle Bucky got really sad.”
“Okay, not Bucky. Are you in the office now honey?”
“Tell the principal we’ll be there soon.”
“Um, could you just say you’re my parents? They haven’t met them and you don’t travel as much as my parents do, and you look a lot like me. Since you work behind the scenes people won’t know.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Please!” She begs, “otherwise they’re just gonna demand my parents come in and then they’re gonna be recognized and I’ll have to leave all my friends!” She sounds so upset that you cave,
“Okay fine.”
“Thank you! Okay I gotta go, I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon honey.” You hang up then and grab your purse to head out and find one of the boys. You know that Bucky, Steve, Scott and Bruce are all home. Bucky is already out and you don’t think Scott is around enough to be a good Clint substitute. You round one of the corners and nearly crash into Steve, “ah!” You cry startled at the sudden appearance of the Captain.
“Sorry, you okay?” He asks and you nod.
“Hey, I need a favor. Well, actually Anya needs a favor.”
“Is she okay?”
“Yea, just in trouble and needs two people to come to the school.”
“Let me get changed.” You haven’t told him all the information yet but he’s already ready to jump in and help Anya. It’s one of the reasons you adore the man, always ready to help his family.
“Oh, okay I’ll meet you downstairs?” He nods then disappears into his room, you make your way down to one of the cars and as you’re walking up he appears out of the stairwell. He’s in a black shirt, jeans and a grey jacket that either belongs to him, Sam or Bucky, you’ve seen all three men wear it so you’re not sure who it belongs to.
“You want me to drive or do you wanna?” He asks and you pull open the passenger side door in response. “Alright.” He chuckles then gets into the car and heads for Anya’s school.
“So just a heads up she’s asked me to pretend to be Natasha, well actually Natalie Rushman.”
“Nat and Clint are gone so often and since I don’t go out on missions to fight I’m home more than anyone. If Anya needs someone to come in again I’m the best option, I’m not a familiar Avenger. You might be more of a problem, having to explain how I know Captain America.”
“I wear a mask and I’ve got my undercover hat in the back.” He tells you with a grin and you laugh softly.
“Alright, if asked I’ll just say I work for Stark.” You say as he pulls into the parking lot. You climb out of the car and make your way into the school, Steve’s hat is low and somehow it does make him look less like Captain America and more like suburban dad.
“Hi, how can I help you?” The woman sitting at the front desk asks, it was too easy to get into the school, you glance up at Steve and see a small frown on his face. He must be thinking the same thing.
“Mom! Dad!” Anya cries rushing you and Steve who you share a surprised look with Steve as Anya wraps her arms around your waist and buried her face in your stomach.
“You must be Anya’s parents, I’ll let Principal Decker know you’re here.”
“Thank you.” You tell her and the second she turns away you conjure rings for your and Steve’s fingers.
“Good thinkin’ Sweetheart.” He mutters into your hair.
“Anya, can you tell us a little more about why we were called in here?”
“Ted Cramer wouldn’t leave me alone, he keeps pulling my hair and poking my side and taking my stuff. When I told Mr. Sanders he just told me to ignore it so when Ted grabbed me at recess I punched him.” She looks up at you and that’s when you see the forming bruise around her eye.
“Anya who hit you?” Steve asks, his voice low.
“Nick Sanders. He’s best friends with Ted.”
“So why are you the only one in the office?” You ask, irritation building.
“Because the boys are in with the nurse.” A male voice says and you look up to see a man in a suit standing in front of you. “You must be Mr. and Mrs. Rushman. Principal Decker.” He reaches a hand out for Steve’s and he shakes it coldly.
“Bradley actually, Clark Bradley. My wife kept her last name and since she did all the work we decided to give Anya her last name.”
“My apologies, let’s move this to my office?” He offers and when he goes to touch you to guide you into his office you shy away, Steve wraps a protective arm around your shoulder and when Principal Decker gestures for you to sit Steve stands behind your chair arms folded tightly.
“So you’ve called the other children’s parents?” You ask hoping that he isn’t going to disappoint you but considering he’s already pretty much ignored you you don’t have a whole lot of hope.
“Considering Anya is the one who started the fight we’re a little more concerned with dealing with her behavior first.”
“That’s not the story we heard.” You tell him, glancing over at Anya who looks furious.
“Well, you can’t always believe everything children say.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve says through gritted teeth, “did you just call our daughter a liar?”
“No, no, I just think it’s unwise to just assume you’re getting the whole story.”
“I told them the whole story!”
“Anya if you can’t be respectful then I’m going to ask you to sit in the office.” Principal Decker warns and she folds her arms tightly over her chest, that’s when you notice the rip in her shirt.
“Anya, turn around please.” You tell her and there’s a large tear in the back of her shirt. “Did this happen when you were defending yourself?”
“Fighting Mrs. Rushman.” Principal Decker interrupts.
“Maybe Anya should go out into the hallway.” Steve growls and you reach behind you to take his hand.
“No,” you counter, “Anya needs to be here to hear this just as much as Principal Decker does.” Your voice is steady, calm, “we have taught Anya to defend herself if someone has touched her when she has asked them not to. Ted Cramer has been an issues all school year, I know because I’ve already emailed Mr. Sanders about it.” Not a lie, as her godmother Natasha has you in their parent email so that you can step in if needed. He opens his mouth to speak but you hold up a hand, “I am not finished.” His mouth closes again, “We won’t be pressing charges against the school for allowing sexual harassment to continue,”
“Sexual harassment? Hold on a minute, they’re 10!”
“He has been pulling her hair, touching her and taking her things all year.”
“Little boys do that when they like little girls! He just has a crush.”
“I see you’re married Principal Decker,” You say gesturing at his ring, “do you poke your wife? Do you pick on her? Take her things? Touch her when she asks you to stop? Because if you do you’re an abuser.” His mouth drops open. “Am I pleased that Anya felt her only course of action was to hit someone to get them to leave her alone? No, I’m furious that her teacher and principal did not listen to her and made her feel like she had to defend herself. Now, how long will she be out of school? My husband and I have jobs to do and frankly you’re an ass.”
“Mrs. Rushman!” He sputters but you stand and hold out a hand for Anya’s.
“How long Principal Decker?”
“Three days.”
“Very well. Anya go get your things.” You turn then and make your way out of the principal’s office Steve behind you.
“Damn Sweetheart.” He mutters and you give his hand a little squeeze. Then he disappears with Anya to gather her things. You head out for the car, leaning against the sleek black thing in the sunshine. Hopefully Clint and Nat won’t be too upset with how you and Steve handled this.
“You! Are you that little Rushman bitch’s mom?”
“Excuse me?” You ask standing up straight as a woman comes storming toward you.
“You heard me. I’m gonna kick your ass.” She takes a swing at you that you see coming a mile away. You duck under her arm, step behind her and throw and elbow into her shoulder blade throwing her off balance. She stumbles forward and you turn to face her again as she whips around.
“My daughter took on three boys and only had a black eye and a ripped shirt. Where do you think she learned to fight?” You ask calmly as the woman rushes you again, you wait and shove her away as you sidestep her again she goes stumbling. Technically it was Natasha but the woman doesn’t need to know that. This time when she rushes you you don’t move, instead you catch her arm and spin her into the car pinning her against the hood.
“Hi Anya. Clark.”
“Everything alright here Sweetheart?”
“Yea, this is one of the boys mom. She doesn’t seem pleased with how we decided to raise our daughter to not be a passive little thing who lets boys do whatever they want.”
“Fuck you!” The woman screams and you twist her arm painfully.
“Language. You’re at an elementary school.” You say coolly, “Anya honey get in the car please.”
“Anything you need from me Sweetheart?”
“Mm, her husband doesn’t seem too pleased.”
“Let go of my wife you fucking bitch!” He roars his truck squealing to a stop behind your car. He comes bolting out of the car and Steve sighs.
“Honestly. Who do they think taught our kid to kick ass?” Steve grumbles placing himself between you and the large tatted man.
“He’s gonna kill you!” His wife says from where you still have her pinned to your car.
“Friday, are police on their way?” You ask your watch.
“Thank you.” You say before a loud crash happens behind you.
“I told you to calm down.” Steve says and when you glance behind you you see the other man groaning against his car, a body shaped dent in the hood.
“Mick! Mick! Do something!” The woman yells struggling against you as the police roll up.
“I don’t think Mick is gonna be getting up anytime soon.” Steve says with a sigh. The two police officers come up and she starts screaming about how you’d attacked her. The police take her from you and when they attempt to cuff you too Steve speaks up.
“You probably shouldn’t do that.”
“Are you threatening us sir?”
“No, but she does work for Stark and the whole thing was caught on that camera so maybe check the security camera before you go slapping cuffs on people.”
The two officers call for an ambulance to check on Mick then one goes inside to see what was caught on the camera. When he comes out with a flash drive you’re free to go.
“Thanks Auntie. Thanks uncle Steve.” Anya says from the backseat as Steve pulls out of the school parking lot.
“Don’t thank us quite yet. You still have to tell your parents that you were suspended.” Anya groans loudly before pulling her phone from her pocket. “On speaker please.” You instruct, she’s a tricky thing.
“What? Don’t you trust me?”
“Considering I just played your mom and Steve your dad, no I do not.” She groans but does as you ask and calls her mom on speakerphone.
It’s not the worst conversation and you’re glad that Nat and Clint found that you and Steve played them entertaining. You make sure to tell them that you’ll make sure she gets her schoolwork done before she goes back next week.
“So, I was thinking we deserve ice cream.” Steve says once Anya hangs up with her parents.
“I think that sounds like a great idea. What do you think Anya?”
“I love ice cream. Uncle Steve you should ask Auntie out.”
“Oh, um.” Steve stutters and you glance over your shoulder at Anya.
“Anya you don’t just get to decide things like that for people.”
“But he likes you, and you like him Auntie.” Before you can say anything else Steve chuckles,
“Well she’s not wrong.” Steve says and your gaze whips over to him.
“I do like you. So, what do you say? First date at an ice cream parlor with our niece?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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