psychopompbride · 5 months
what the fuck is kokobot im new here
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psychopompbride · 5 months
i had (still do) this persistent obsession with greek mythology when i was in elementary school and used to think it's so weird but so cool. asking myself question like, who would be my god parent and their unfortunate human counterpart if i do have a pair or what was it like to be the first mortal men who received fire from Prometheus, used to be my favorite type of daydreaming bcs i didn't have any friends who share this interest let alone ones i can talk about it with. but now i don't really have to worry of not having a place to rant about my latest theory of greek myth bcs i know my bestie would be there. we share pretty much the same interests, she and i.
this week when we were going crazy over percy jackson, i was suddenly hit with this extreme gratitude and love (?!) for my bestie bcs i realized that this is the person i had share almost EVERY SINGLE THING with. she always made sure that i have a place to word vomit when I can't keep my thoughts to myself anymore and ensure me that I shouldn't do that in the first place. from greek myth to family feud, she's always consistent in her support and genuine in her curiosity. though i have always voiced out my huge as fuck not at all creepy appreciation of her, i fear that it would still not suffice.
she's probably never gonna find this but i hope each side of your pillow is always in great temperature and your current on going fan fiction to be completed in the best way ever. love love love u boo 🖤
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psychopompbride · 5 months
it never gets old, i got home and wished i didn't have to.
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psychopompbride · 5 months
i have this habit of repetitively eat the same food for like, three weeks and then get so sick of it i can't even stand the thought. i would think about it as an option of meal i could have in a day and feel slightly nauseous or majorly disinterested.
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psychopompbride · 6 months
no casual dating please i want to drink your soul and you to drink mine or i don't want anything at all
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psychopompbride · 6 months
crazy hair dye and cutting your hair super short as a way to reinvent yourself. wishing a new look might change your life for the better.
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psychopompbride · 6 months
it is very childish and naive but i am still so shocked to see that so many people are just fucking outright mean
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psychopompbride · 7 months
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I am absolutely sleep deprived so enjoy whatever this scrap is.
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psychopompbride · 7 months
Lucemond time travel fix-it au with a twist where a 11-year-old Aemond and his 30-year-old self switches bodies.
Older!Aemond is happily married to Lucerys. They have three children and Lucerys is nursing their youngest.
Youger!Aemond just got his eye gauged out. Poor boy.
It all starts at that fateful night on Driftmark. Aemond claimed Vaghar but lost an eye. The pain is too intense, the hurt too deep, the humiliation too intolerable, and most importantly, the indifference in his father’s eyes is too much to bear. As the maester is sewing his flesh back together, Aemond blacks out for a bit.
When he wakes up next, he finds himself in a strange place. He’s lying on a massive bed; the unique ocean scent tells him that he’s still on Driftmark, but the surrounding is completely different from mere seconds ago. Did he pass out longer than he thought? Did his mother put him to rest? Why is his face not hurting? What is the warmth on his left?
Aemond doesn’t have to wonder any longer, because the warmth shifts and Aemond hears a small yawn as he feels hot breath on his neck.
“Why are you up, Aemond?” A mop of brown curls emerges from Aemond’s blind side. It’s a boy, no, young man with soft features and sleepy eyes the color of honey wine.
Aemond doesn’t know him. Seven, he never sleeps in the same bed with anyone else. And he certainly doesn’t cuddle.
“Who are you? I demand you to get off my bed and identify yourself.” Aemond says, his voice deep and resonating, nothing like the voice Aemond is accustomed to.
This is NOT his voice.
The young man frowns, sleep disappearing from his eyes. He studies Aemond for a while before slips off the bed. The young man fishes an oversized tunic from the floor and throws it on. The tunic comes down all the way to the middle of his thigh, and Aemond belatedly realizes his companion is completely naked. So is Aemond.
“Did Aegon give you something nasty again? I am going to cut off his balls.” The young man spits, pacing around the room to light the candles.
Aegon, right, that’s a familiar name. His older brother is constantly horny and drunk which annoys Aemond to the core, but now he would die to see a familiar face again.
“Here. Drink some water. Does your head hurt? Do you feel like vomiting? I can have the maester prepare some tonic for you, or do you prefer some warm soup?” The young man returns to the bed with a goblet in hand. He offers the goblet to Aemond before leans down, pressing their forehead together to feel Aemond’s temperature.
Aemond’s breath catches in his throat. Never is someone so caring to him. Not even his own mother. Alicent is always civil and aloof. She is more Queen than mother to him. Aemond can’t remember the last time someone showed such affection and devotion to him.
“How do you feel? Talk to me, Aemond, beloved, you are scaring me.” The young man brushes a strand of silver hair from Aemond’s forehead, his touch so tender that Aemond doesn’t want him to stop.
“Who are you?” Aemond asks again, this time barely a whisper. This is a dream, Aemond is sure of it. Maybe the maester gives him too much milk of the poppy. That’s why he would have this strange but incredibly vivid and addicting dream. He is afraid if he asks the wrong question, the caring stranger would disappear and he will be left alone with pain again.
The stranger chuckles, as if Aemond just did something silly but endearing.
“I can’t believe you are so hang-over that you forget your own husband.” The stranger says. His eyes twinkle, small beads of sweat gives his skin an inviting sheen, and Aemond could see red bite marks scattered all over his chest, especially around his nipples.
“Husband?” Aemond repeats, rather stupidly.
“That’s right. I am your husband, Lucerys.” The young man kisses Aemond on the lips as he reveals the truth.
Aemond’s whole world starts to spin. No. It cannot be. This is merely a milk of the poppy induced dream. There is no way he would marry Lucerys of all people. The boy who just took his eye.
But, come to think of it, Aemond now sees a pair of big doe eyes, unruly curls, plush lips, full cheeks, and a cute button nose. All those features scream Lucerys to him.
“What year is it?” Aemond mutters.
“Are you sure you are all right, love? It’s 140 AC.”
And just like that, a 11-year-old Aemond somehow transfers into the body of his older self almost 20 years later.
121 AC, Driftmark
Aemond (turns to the maester): Can you look at my husband Lucy, eh, I mean my nephew Lucerys? I think his nose is still bleeding.
Everyone looks shocked except for Lucerys.
Lucerys (sniffles): Are you hurting too much uncle?
Aemond: It’s not too bad. Come here, you can kiss it better.
Lucerys (stumbles toward Aemond)
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psychopompbride · 7 months
Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Pearl of the Sea Snake, of the Seven Tides, of the Realm Itself)
The day the rumors proclaimed that bringing a casket of pearls can help better their chances of being granted an audience with the Lord of the Tides was the day pearls almost ceased to exist anywhere else but in Driftmark.
It all started when Lord Corlys noticed little Lucerys' fascination with the seas' treasure. Every time he was presented with pearls, he would hold it up to the sun with awe and delight in his eyes.
So of course, being the wonderful, favorite grandfather that he is, Lord Corlys would order his ships to bring at least a casket of pearls every time they travel. One merchant caught wind of this, and, needing Lord Corlys' favor, brought an entire casket filled with colored pearls, a rarity that the merchant never wished to part with, but would for the chance to be granted an audience (and possible favor) of the Lord of the Tides.
Lord Corlys, after handing over the casket of colored pearls to little Lucerys' and noticing the shine in his eyes, grant audience with the merchant. Word travelled, and by the time Lucerys was old enough to shadow his grandfather as his heir, the pearls became a symbol of status because of it's extreme rarity outside of Driftmark, even the wealthiest house could only ever have one small pearl as a sign of their nobility, given to the master of the house.
Lucerys was known as the Pearl, sometimes of the Sea Snake, sometimes of the Seven Seas, sometimes of the Realm Itself. He was never without pearls, on his neck, on his ears, his grandfather even ordered the smiths to create a crown embedded in pearls (despite the refusal of Lucerys and the warnings of Rhaenys), ordered the dressmakers to create dresses designed with the pearls, hells, once Lucerys' hair grew, he asked to have pearls braided into his hair. It was a hilarious day when Lucerys asked to braid pearls on Corlys' hair, for despite Lucerys' subpar efforts, Lord Corlys wore the braids and pearls proudly, to the exasperation of Rhaenys and to the amusement of the rest of his grandchildren.
Some may call it an extreme amount of flaunting, as even one pearl could feed a smallfolk for ten years, some may say it was worth it, seeing how Lucerys' was quite the sight, painters and musicians see him as their muse, as they create art about their Pearl of the Realms, but Lord Corlys paid no heed to their words, because the sight of a smiling grandson draped in pearls was a sight he loved the most.
When Aemond married Lucerys, Corlys sent an entire casket of gold pearls to Lucerys, the rarest type of pearl he could find. His pride couldn't have match the very seas he sailed on when he saw his grandson wear the gold pearls, though he did felt annoyance when he saw said pearls also braided into Aemond's hair.
Lucerys began braiding Aemond's hair with pearls every day, saying it suits him more (it does not, at least, in Corlys' eyes). Corlys will begrudgingly admit that the sight of both of them with pearls on their hair warms his heart, a new family tradition born out of (his) love.
When Lucerys and Aemond had children of their own, they too, wore pearls on their hair (Lucerys had to be extra careful to make sure the pearls stay on the hair, seeing how rambunctious they were). The children were a delight to Corlys, he even allowed them to braid the pearls on his hair, and though he looked absolutely ridiculous and Rhaenys was close to laughter every time Corlys allowed them anywhere near his hair, he still wore it the entire day with pride (the entire night consisted of Rhaenys carefully de-tangling Corlys' hair and trying to make sure they wouldn't need to cut it off).
When Corlys passed, and Lucerys was made the new Lord of the Tides, he still wore the pearls. Once, Aemond did ask why Lucerys always wore pearls in the first place, and Lucerys just shrugged.
He didn't know either, but ever since he could remember, his grandfather always gifted him pearls, and he loved when his grandfather was happy, so he accepted it all. Now that his grandfather was gone, Lucerys wore the pearls to feel his grandfather's presence, to find comfort and strength as he ruled Driftmark the way Corlys has taught him to. He wished to pass this on to his children, so they too, may find comfort and strength from the pearls once he too would pass one day, and Aemond agreed.
What influenced me today:
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psychopompbride · 7 months
all bets are off [1/3]
Lucemond High School AU drabble [part 2], She’s All That (1999)
“Am I a bet? Am I a bet, am I a fucking bet?”
“Yes.” It comes out quietly, which makes it all the worse. Luke would have expected Aemond to sneer and look down his long nose at him like the Hightower side of the family had for most of their lives. Luke wishes he would. It would have made it easier. Aemond’s face reflects no relish, or even satisfaction. Instead, it is pale and unreadable. Fitting, perhaps; as it turns out, Luke had read him wrong this entire time.
“Would you have told me before it was over? Before you humiliated me in public?”
The silence speaks for itself.
“Alright,” he scoffs, “that’s it, then.” The bitterness in his voice has an unfamiliar edge, and it sounds mean even to Luke, but it’s right. That’s how he feels. “You played your little game, you had your fun. I get it. It’s over.”
Keep reading
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psychopompbride · 7 months
Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, where Rhaenyra dies from Alicent's knife)
Rhaenyra died protecting Lucerys from Alicent's knife after she tried to take his eye.
After that day, Alicent was supposed to be executed, however Otto pulled strings, and though Viserys was extremely reluctant, he was forced to imprison her in her chambers indefinitely, with no one allowed to visit her, instead.
She has gone crazy, screaming that she didn't mean to, that it wasn't her intention. No one cared what she had intended. The Heir is dead. The Queen killed her. That is the truth that rang all throughout Westeros.
Corlys and Rhaenys, angered that Viserys allowed the green queen to live, immediately sprung into action. They told Viserys that Rhaenyra's children are not safe while the murderer, her followers, and her children lived in the Red Keep. They asked that they would live with them, in Driftmark instead. Unsurprisingly, Viserys was adamant that they'd stay, that he had already lost his (only) daughter, and that he refuses to lose her children too.
Daemon then appeared and the three fought to convince Viserys to send Jacaerys and Joffrey to Dragonstone, where Daemon will personally raise and train them alongside Rhaenys. Rhaenys, who was trained since the beginning to be the heir to the king, unlike Viserys, can teach Jacaerys everything he needed to know about ruling. And Joffrey would be taught under Daemon, to raise and train him as a prince and a warrior.
Corlys would have Lucerys in Driftmark, to be raised and taught the ways of the heir of Driftmark. Though Viserys was at first adamant to keep them all there, even going so far as threatening to imprison them, he eventually agreed when he saw the three boys and their cousins gathered together, crying their hearts out.
And so, they left, and it was a horrible thing, to convince both Jacaerys and Joffrey to let go of Lucerys so soon after they lost their mother, and to hear Lucerys crying, begging them not to separate them, but it had to be done, and so they were separated, with Lucerys only having Baela as company. Together, they mourned their losses.
Time passed, and news spread. The two princes in Dragonstone grew, both presented as an alpha, but the one in Driftmark...
He presented as omega. What shocked the people was the fact that Corlys was insistent in keeping Lucerys as heir, despite it all. But they remembered how he fought for his wife's claim, and now, it was less than surprising that he continues to fight for his grandson's. Unfortunately, he had to fight once more in the Stepstones, calling Rhaenys and Rhaena back to Driftmark, with Lucerys already acting as heir despite his age.
It was to no one's surprise that Vaemond, coward that he is, decided to go against his brother's claim after ensuring that his brother is injured in the Stepstones. He plotted with Otto, who managed to keep his position despite everything, and the hearing was set.
Daemon, Jacaerys and Joffrey first arrived, and everyone was curious to see how much they changed. Jacaerys was calm and collected, a charming man, he had the stance of a proud general, one that is used to leading and fighting, a perfect mixture of one taught by the Queen Who Never Was, and the Rogue Prince of the City. Joffrey, unfortunately, was taught entirely by Daemon, and it showed. It was like the second coming of Daemon, a charming little boy, but there was a viciousness hidden in him.
Then came Rhaenys, Baela, Rhaena, and Lucerys. The crowd that gathered couldn't help but stare at Lucerys. Ignoring his coloring, he was the mixture of both Rhaenyra and Aemma, his face schooled like Rhaenys, calm, without a hint of anxiousness. Like he just came to visit instead of the truth, where he had to defend himself and his claim. He had long lost his need to hide behind the people he loved. Corlys ensured that he would be able to stand on his own, to have pride in himself.
He wore a dress his mother would have worn, a dress with the designs of old Valyria, but instead of black and red, like his brothers, he wore blue. What made it all scandalous was the fact the he, an omega, came into court collarless.
Jacaerys and Joffrey all but ran to him, and his facade cracked, revealing a sweet smile reserved only for them.
Jacaerys and Lucerys walked around the castle walls, Daemon had a hard time taking Joffrey away, since they needed to see his brother, the King, and Daemon did not trust Joffrey out of his sight.
Jacaerys and Lucerys strolled around like they had lived in the Red Keep all their lives, ignoring the stares, and eventually made it to the training grounds, where they saw their uncle Aemond defeating Cris Cole, apparently not caring for tourneys.
When he turned to see them, he ignored Jacaerys, and his eye lingered on Lucerys. Specifically on his shoulder and unprotected neck. Lucerys and Jacaerys glared, for him, their mother died. He owed them a debt, and sooner or later, it will be paid. They soon entered the courtroom, and glared at Otto, who dared to sit on the throne.
When Vaemond was finished with his bouts, Lucerys began his own, until Viserys came to defend his grandchildren. Viserys reinstated Lucerys as heir to Driftmark, ignoring Vaemond's words, angering him enough to call the three bastards, and Lucerys, an Omegan whore.
He kept his tongue, the rest of his head, however, separated from his body, and Dark Sister was fed with blood again.
With the dinner comes the problem. Alicent, for the first time in years, was allowed to leave her room, to the anger of every single person besides the greens.
The argument started when Viserys decided to betroth Lucerys and Aemond.
All hell broke lose, however, when Alicent called Lucerys "Rhaenyra", and he asked if she planned to kill him too.
So, thoughts? Violent reactions?
If anyone wishes to create a full fanfic with this setting, please tell me!
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psychopompbride · 7 months
I wanna write an AU where Rhaenyra chooses Harwin to marry and their marriage is solidified in the eyes of the Realm.
Immediately, Rhaenyra becomes pregnant. The couple are overjoyed and the kingdom celebrates, excited at the prospect of introducing a brand new prince or princess to the world.
When Prince Jacaerys Targaryen is born, Harwin is absolutely /flooded/ with joy and pride. Jace is his precious boy, his /beautiful/ firstborn son. He looks so much like himself but with Rhaenyra's violet eyes and her gorgeous smile. It doesn't matter to him that his hair isn't white (he doesn't care /what/ the Queen says). Jacaerys is his perfect, special boy.
Not even two years later, Rhaenyra is announced to be pregnant with their second babe. Her stomach doesn't grow nearly as large as it did when she was in her later months carrying Jace which did worry the Maesters just a tad but, Harwin wasn't concerned at all. Rhaenyra was strong, stronger than anyone he knew, if anyone could pull through-it would be his beautiful wife.
And, he was right. Eight months into her pregnancy, albeit a little early, Rhaenyra gave birth to their second son; Lucerys Targaryen. Harwin's precious, sweet little second son. Tinier than most babes he is but as strong as can be nonetheless. He looks like the spitting image of Rhaenyra. Bright violet doe eyes, a button nose with freckles caked across his cheeks, and a sparkling happy smile. When Rhaenyra first laid eyes on him, she sobbed with joy and whispered how he looked so much like her mother; the late Queen Aemma. King Viserys agreed, holding his second grandson and weeping whilst gazing at his sweet face.
It was at this time that the rest of Viserys's children had begun to become more curious about their older sister and their nephews. Prince Aegon often dragged the young Prince Aemond down to sneak into his and Rhaenyra's chambers to get a peek at the two young boys when Luke and Jace were playing.
Harwin wouldn't say anything against the young princes when they sneak in, when they think no one could see them. If anything, it warms his heart to know that, despite Queen Alicent and her bitterness against his wife and their children, her boys nonetheless attempt to be close to their nephews even when their mother argues against it.
Harwin watches, amused as Prince Aegon rushes over to Jace and immediately plops down next to him from where Harwin's eldest boy is playing with his youngest. The two sit on the floor surrounded by tiny dragon wooden cut out toys and Jace squeals as Prince Aegon takes one of the toys and starts playing. Little Luke kicks his tiny four month old feet out and giggles loudly, clapping his hands together.
Prince Aemond takes a little more coaxing but, eventually, they all are playing together on the floor with the sound of happy laughter and childish giggles ringing throughout the room like church bells.
It isn't too long before Rhaenyra returns, entering their chambers and the group of children all whirl to meet her.
"Oh my," She gasps, but she's smiling and little Luke squeals, babbling nonsense and reaching towards his mother. "It seems I have a group of little hatchlings nesting in here. What are you doing away from your mother at this hour, brothers?"
"Playing!" Prince Aegon shouts and stands up, smiling wide as he raises his arms. "Mother forgot to put Aemond down for a nap so I brought him here!"
At that, his wife's smile falters just a tad. It was not secret that Queen Alicent often...neglected her children, leaving them to the servants and wet nurses instead of spending time with them herself.
But, that didn't seem to bother the two young princes as they would often sneak away to come find their nephews anyway.
"All by yourselves?" Rhaenyra asks, concerned and that's when Harwin speaks up from where he was situated beside one of the desks inside their bedroom, hidden from sight but able to keep an eye on the group.
"Don't worry, princess," Harwin spoke up and all heads turned to him. "I've been watching them."
Rhaenyra sighs with relief and stalks towards little Luke who was practically crawling over to her at this point, desperate to get to his mommy. He had always been more attached to her than Harwin but, Harwin supposed he didn't blame his son. He was quite attached to her too.
"Hello, little love," She whispers to her second son as she picks him up and cradles Luke against her chest. He coos and babbles, clutching onto her hair and nuzzling against her. "Yes, hello, my sweet boy. I've missed you too."
"Can we stay, sister? Please, please?" Prince Aegon begs, bouncing on his tip toes as he grabs at her black dress. His eldest sister chuckles and she gently runs a hand through his wavy white hair and he leans into it.
"Ah, well," She sighs in a teasing manner. "I /suppose/ you could stay for a bit while longer."
Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond cheer and Jace and Luke follow along, all of their giggles resounding and joining together.
Harwin and Rhaenyra smile at each other and he walks over to kiss his wife, his girl humming against his lips and he then plants another kiss upon her head and one on little Luke's.
It won't be for some time that they have another babe, many years but, Harwin cherishes each and every moment he has with his family. His perfect family.
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psychopompbride · 7 months
it's certainly not a very pleasant death isn't it? it's either terrifyingly cold or hellfire like. so small, so young as well 😔
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psychopompbride · 7 months
lucerys you need to be held accountable for the state of my face tomorrow
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psychopompbride · 7 months
you fuck around you find out, you pretentious horrible bitches. get fucked.
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psychopompbride · 7 months
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