#I just want to draw cute shit okay! 😭
imababblekat · 8 months
Art has never made me want to cry more then whenever I try to draw cute shippy stuff 🥲💔
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wheeboo · 1 month
all yours | yoon jeonghan
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SYNOPSIS. in which you get a bit too drunk on your special day. PAIRING. yoon jeonghan x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. mentions of drinking alcohol and throwing up, reader has long enough hair to be pulled back, cursing, terms of endearment WORD COUNT. 1.4k
requested from anon: Hi hope all is well, just wanted to say Congrats on the milestone! You deserve it! And if it’s okay I would like to request #29 and #52 from prompt list 1 with Jeonghan thank you in advance if you do it. Congrats again to 2k you honestly deserve it :) - #29: "I do love you, you know. Even if I'm shit at showing it." - #52: "Shut up, you love me. Why else would you be here, taking care of me while I hurl into a toilet?"
notes: thank u sm anon 😭🫶 ur so so sweet ily AAAA sending consensual smooches ur way 😚😚 also genuinely did not know what to title this lmfao
join the 2k celebration!
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Okay, maybe you've had a bit too much to drink tonight.
It's your birthday anyway, so surely you have the right to go a little bit overboard on your special day... right?
"Ugh, I feel like shit," You mumble groggily, your body drifting and hitting the bathtub right next to you with a thud as the sounds of the toilet flushing bounce off the walls of the bathroom.
Jeonghan just crosses his arms together, leaning against the doorway with a sly smirk to his face. His eyes peer over your flushed face, slightly tousled hair and overall cute, disheveled appearance. You huff a breath as your gaze meets his, and a small, almost dreamy smile of your own forms on your face despite knowing how absurd you look right now.
"How do I look?" You ask, drawing your words out drunkenly.
"Honestly?" Jeonghan starts, and you lift a brow in anticipation. "You look ravishingly awful."
The words that leave his mouth has your face twisting in confusion, your brain hardly processing whatever the hell he just said (you'll take it as a compliment nonetheless, thanks to your cloudy mind).
However, Jeonghan just chuckles, fully stepping his way into the bathroom and towards where you are plopped down on the tile floor. He carefully sits himself down on the rim of the bathtub, expression softening right away with concern as he reaches out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from your face, feeling the warmth on your face from the alcohol to his fingers.
You lean into his touch instinctively, closing your eyes for a few seconds. "My body is going to hate me in the morning."
Jeonghan retracts his hand slightly, but not before his fingertips lingers your cheek, sending a jolt through your already-buzzing body and causing your eyes to flutter open. You can feel the heat creeping back up your neck, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze.
"Hmm, not if I take care of you real well, yeah?" he muses teasingly, and you could only groan in response, feeling the alcohol earlier make your head spin once more. But a tiny, sober part of you registers the warmth in his gaze.
That is, until you can start to feel something bubble up your throat, and before you can react, your stomach lurches, and you're scrambling for the toilet just in time to expel the contents of your stomach. You heave and retch, feeling utterly miserable as Jeonghan helps by pulling back your hair and rubbing your back soothingly.
As the wave of nausea passes, your hand releases its hold on the cold porcelain of the toilet seat. You lean back once more, nearly toppling over before Jeonghan's hands catch you by the shoulders, helping to straighten up your posture. You let out a sluggish sigh.
"Well, maybe you're not wrong about your body hating you," he says jokingly, then squeezes your shoulders right after as if reassure you. "I would not want to be the receiving end of all... that."
You roll your eyes in playful annoyance and yank his grip off you, his laughter ringing in your ears. "I... Shut up, you love me. Why else would you be here, taking care of me while I hurl into a toilet?"
A feigned gasp leaves Jeonghan as he dramatically clutches his chest. But the inebriated glare you throw his way doesn't seem to faze him in the slightest. You catch the way his face quickly dissolves into his horribly distinguishable shit-eating grin.
"Ah, you figured out my secret, my dearest," he responds with an exaggerated flair, cupping your face gently with his hand. "You getting wasted made you more perceptive than I thought."
You swat at him weakly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "You're impossible."
"Only for you." He cheesily presses a kiss to the top of your head. "How are you feeling? Can you stand up?"
"Mmmh... help me?" You laggardly open your arms up to him, a pout forming at your mouth.
Your eyes are too heavy to catch the way Jeonghan is gazing at you so adoringly right now. He takes your outstretched arms and helps to hoist you up to your feet. For a moment, you're eye-to-eye, your head spinning slightly from the sudden movement and the world tilting a little as you stand.
Jeonghan secures a hand at your lower back as he carefully leads you out of the bathroom and back into your bedroom, catching a glimpse to the remains of the party from earlier scattered about the room. Balloons hang lazily at the ceiling, confetti laying across the floor𑁋you can deal with it in the morning.
"You're a hot mess," he comments teasingly, though there's a fondness in his tone as he guides you to the bed.
You flop down onto the mattress with a groan, the softness of the pillows cushioning against your throbbing head. Jeonghan disappears for a minute to retrieve a bottle of pills from the bathroom and a glass of water from the kitchen, placing it on your bedside table before sitting down beside you, his hand reaching out to brush hair away from your forehead.
You crack open an eye to look at him, feeling yourself trying so hard to not fall asleep on the spot.
"Do... you think they know?"
Jeonghan looks back down at you. "Who?"
"Every... Everyone who came today, uh..." You mutter, motioning the air with your hand. "I didn't... do anything weird out there, right? We haven't really told anyone about us yet..."
Jeonghan purses his lips together, eyelids fluttering as if he's trying to remember the events of the party. He crosses his arms together, and you should probably know from the smirk appearing at his face that𑁋
"Hm, like, weird as in when you tried to kiss me earlier after you sang karaoke? Or𑁋"
"Are you being serious right now?!" There's a long, drawn out unintelligible sound that you whine as you bury your face into the pillow, the cool fabric soothing against your flushed cheeks. "Oh my god, I'm so stupid..."
"My love, I still don't entirely understand why we have to hide it," Jeonghan says gently, his fingers trailing lightly along your arm. "Your affection is pretty obvious, you know."
You snort at that, but you can't really deny it anyway since yeah, you are pretty affectionate with him. And it isn't that you don't want people to know. The thought of people knowing is completely fine, but it's really just that your friends can be absolute nutcases sometimes, and you really don't want to be at the teasing end of the stick right now when all you want is a bit of privacy, at least in the beginning.
"I just... I want you all to myself, you know?" You ramble drowsily, words still slightly slurred. "Just wanna... um, keep this between us for now. N-Not that I'm ashamed or anything, I just... want this to be ours."
Jeonghan lets his eyes take you in for a few moments, a soft look gracing over his features. He glances down at the way his hand seems to seems to instinctively find yours, your fingers intertwining loosely. Frankly, he’s already yours𑁋been yours from the moment the thought of you started to become a frequent visitor to his head.
"Of course," he assures lightly, not taking his eyes off you even while adjusting the pillows so you're in a more comfortable position. "Get some sleep now, okay?"
"M'kay," You utter out, feeling the weight of the bed lift when Jeonghan stands up. Yet as a thought crosses your mind, you call out to him, "Jeonghan?"
He pauses, turning back to look at you with gentle eyes.
"I... I do love you, you know," You confess slowly, almost hesitantly, like that small flicker of sobriety had finally peeked through the haze of alcohol. "Even if I'm shit at showing it."
Jeonghan feels his heart racing in his chest, and the heat flaring at the tips of his ears. On the surface, it's normally hard to detect such reactions to whatever loving, cheesy, romantic stuff you've said to him (since usually, he'd rather tease you into the grave instead). But on the inside, his heart is practically doing cartwheels, somersaults, and backflips all at once𑁋he would quite literally do anything for you.
"Are you going to remember any of this in the morning?" he remarks playfully.
You only shrug loosely, eyelids drooping from exhaustion. "I might... maybe. But, uh, at least you know, right?"
His lips just curl up lovingly. Even if you don’t remember it, those three words would be the first things he would say every morning anyway.
"I love you too, angel," he says against the skin of your temple. "Happy birthday."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @totomoshi
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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rosedom · 3 months
Since you always serve us, let me serve you an imagination ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
Imagine aether or scara being so bratty and pouty all day, just genuinely being a cute meanie saying how they don't want to talk to you because they're so stressed out so you start kissing them everywhere and showering them with love, giving them the softest vanilla sex they've ever had. And the best part was you weren't even rough, you treated them like the king's they fucking are but they look so fucked dumb and cock drunk like they'd just beg you not to pull out because they just want more of your love cuz who wouldn't want a someone like you 😭🫰
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"in an open match, 【 🪷 】 has invited AETHER to play . . . stressed by day, blissed by night
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!top!amab!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!aether, snarky aether (at first), couch sex, vaginal fingering & sex, gentle & full of praise, creampie, cockwarming .
A/N : i chose aether ,, i am a simple man . . .
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Today's been a busy day for Aether.
Commission after commission, all with no fruits to show for his reaping. And all day, he'd whined at you and shooed you away, pouting at you whenever you tried to so much as lay a soft kiss against his lips.
Really, he's been nothing short of a brat.
"I don't wanna talk to you right now."
You whine, draping yourself across your boyfriend's shoulders and nuzzling into his neck, shy of his blushing ear. The pointed tip of it jabs into your temple, but you pay it no mind as you busy yourself with the expanse of his honeyed skin. "But baby—"
Aether tilts, turns his head away from you, but it only serves to expose more skin to your light touch. He groans and reaches for your head, batting at your hair until you whine again. "'m stressed," he says, as if that's a good 'nuff answer for you.
"And I'm your—" Aether moves his hand to clamp over your mouth instead, keeping you from saying anything else.
When you lick at his palm, he grumbles at you, a disgruntled n' whiny "stopp." The sound is rather pitiful, really, but you grin nonetheless; it makes you wanna see what other lil' sounds you can draw out of his pretty throat.
"But baby," you drawl, repeat it, dragging your tongue across the freckles on his neck and pausing to suckle at the bob of his Adam's apple. "I missed you." You try to frown, right into the hollow of his throat, make him feel your hankering.
At his responding whimper—a sound you feel wash over your ear, a vibration that reverberates through your lips and down to your toes—, you can't help but go back to grinning, instead.
Hook, line, and sinker, all without even getting his knickers down to his knees !
So, "Baby," you say.
He tries to hum, at that; but his soft, sounding sound is more akin to another breathless whimper, one masquerading as a meak "hm."
"You're tired."
"No shit." Well. He's got his voice back enough to snide, to yip and yap at your gentle teases; but, really, he's loosening in your arms and under your wandering lips. His attitude is a only a weak façade, the physical accumulation of the day's—the week's, the month's, the year's, the fucking life's—stresses.
With a last, suckling kiss to a prominent freckle—more of a beauty mark, to be honest, pigmented and stark amidst otherwise subtle freckles, lots of sunspots—atop his clavicle, one you found by tugging his scarf down, you lean back on up and bump your nose against his.
Gently, you shush him; then you press your lips against his, soft and slow and sweet, letting him melt into you. He whimpers, again, even without the introduction of tongue.
Aether is, simply put, fuckin' exhausted.
You tell him so. "You're exhausted," you say, enunciate, nipping at his bottom lip as you leave it kiss-bitten and red. This time, he doesn't snark, and you know then and there that he's submitted. "Let me take care of you tonight, honey. Please?"
He nods, and, "Okay. Okay. Please." Your name is gasped out, too, smothered in the messy kiss you give him at the first go-ahead.
"My sweet Aether," you murmur.
Getting his garments off is easy: scarf, done; crop top, off and tossed away; knickers and boxers, gone in one fell-swoop. He's bare in front of you quickly, the expanse of scarred, freckled and sun-spotted skin absolutely appetizing, to you.
And, in gentle reply, smoothed right to the erratic flutter of his pulse: "Let me make you feel good."
After that, moving him to the sofa is an mindless thing; you push him to sit down, get comfy, for the mere seconds it takes you to strip yourself. Clothes gone—out of sight, out of mind—you tumble on top of him, and he giggles—tired, huffing lil' things, but still giggles, nonetheless—, and you smother him in kisses, in sweet praises.
His giggles turn to gasps, his gasps into quiet moans. You're working another deep mark into his neck when he starts grinding into you, and you decide it's time to move on. "Up, up," you mutter, taking hold of his pretty hips, the fat of them filling your palms, and spin the two of you around.
Aether yelps your name, clinging onto your shoulders as his world is upended. "What—" he starts, whines, but you settle him properly onto your lap and bump your groin against his. The whisper of your cock against his makes him shiver.
Around you, his arms shake; his abs ripple when you tease your fingertips down his torso, the hair of his happy trail; and his hips try to jump away at the feeling of your fingers across his cunt. You hold him down easily enough with one arm—a feat made easy thanks to his exhaustion, sure, but mainly the utter trust he placed in you—, and ask him, softly, "What'd I say, honey?"
"H-huh?" Whimperin' like a pup, he shakes his head, crying out when your fingers gentle him open, one, two, three. The process is long, sure; but it's an art, to you—an act of love as each finger slips inside, the stretch of each one you soothe with kisses and sweet words.
You curl the three of them upwards, soaked down to your wrist, bumping your palm against his jutting cock. "What'd I say, earlier? Told you I was gonna do two things to you tonight."
Aether whines, clenching around your knuckle-deep fingers. "Y—you, ah—" You slide them out slowly, and he catches his breath, hot puffs of air against your own marked-up throat. "You said you'd take care of me."
"And?" you implore, not unkindly. He mewls, shivers, lets you lift him up enough to nudge the swollen, pre-cum slick head of your cock against his hole. "And what, darlin'?"
He moans, high and ready, scrambling for hold on your biceps when you slowly drop him, giving him inch by inch of your cock. "A-and—" he tries, at first, before he crumbles and falls forward into your neck once more at the pressure of your cock against his g-spot.
"Breathe, honey, breathe. You're doing so well, lettin' me take care of you, lettin' me—"
"Make me feel good! You—" he squirms on your cock, crying out desperately into your neck. He squeezes your upper arms like his cunt squeezes your dick: deliciously. "You said you'd—you'd make me feel good."
Lifting him up is easy; dropping him is even easier. He mewls and moans, whimpers and whines, and he gives you total control of his tired body. "That's right, Aeth," you coo, nipping at his ear and groaning at the slick slide of him on you, you in him. "I said I'd take care of you, and I'd make you feel good. You're perfect, lettin' me do these things to you, lettin' me make you feel nice, just as nice as you deserve."
You know it's a little cruel, forcing him up and down on your cock when he's already this tired; but the strain in his thighs is sweet, the gentle motions of your cock even more-so. He's boneless with pleasure, melting into your body while you maneuver him in the way that makes you both feel oh-so good.
Your orgasm, then, takes you by surprise. It's a slow n' steady build, one that washes over you in gentle waves and has you tugging Aether down onto you—a motion that makes him cry out n' harshly clench around your cock and leaves his cunt, wet n' sloppy, spasming, milking you for your cum. But it's rapturous nonetheless, and you reach down to thumb at his own cock and bring him over the edge, too.
"Good boy," you murmur, the two of you reveling in the remnants of your orgasms: you, in the wet-warmth of his cunt; and him, with the heat of your cum settling warm and deep in him.
However, when you try to move, try to pull out your softened cock, he cries, squeezes tight on you and keeps you snug in him. "Don't pull out," he whispers, and who are you to deny him?
"Alright, honey." He settles back into your lap enough for you to pull a throw over you both, tucking him up in warmth from all sides—inner and outer. You can feel his contented sigh in your own chest, his arms falling limp around your middle as he deeply breathes, dozes off.
Holding him close, feeling the rise and fall of his body against yours, you wonder whether you may have made him feel a bit too good—if such thing even exists. (You don't think it does.)
Today's been a busy day, after all; tonight an even busier night.
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writing with my dick out ngl . . . i kind of took the request in another direction (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠) maybe not as cock-drunk as straight up cock-passed-the-hell-out.
1 MAR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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2knightt · 1 year
Your motherly!reader fics are so good 😭! can you pleasee do another? platonic with the gang!! no romance 🥰 thank youu ❤️❤️❤️ your work is amazing btw!
the gang x motherly!reader
1.i did headcanons i hope thats okay😭
3.swearing and a small mention of violence.
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Johnny Cade ;
like i’ve said before in other fics, he loves you so much.
honestly, you might be one of his favourite people!
when he walks down the street and he just so happens to see a cute flower, he picks it and gives it to you!
when he first met you, he refused to see you when he was injured in anyway. he thought you’d think he was weak and never see him again.
but as time went on, and you showed that you genuinely cared for him, he showed more of his vulnerable side.
johnny likes it when you patch him up now!
he thinks it’s calming, relaxing, and a, ‘nice change of things rather than lettin’ mother nature cure it.’
when he unknowingly/accidentally vents to you about his home life, he does get embarrassed.
he didn’t want you knowing, but when you hugged him real tight and told him sweet nothings?? he teared up ngl.
johnny wishes you could’ve been his mom.
when or if you have kids, johnny wishes they don’t take the, ‘how was your day?’ and the, ‘how’s school going?’ for granted.
because to johnny cade, that would be his perfect fairytale.
having someone as sweet as you to turn his life around, makes him excited to see tomorrow.
Dallas Winston ;
another bitch with mommy issues who is glad to have you.
mrs.curtis was definitely the mother he never had but always wanted and when she died, he was devastated.
but when you came along and started being that mother he missed??? he was both annoyed and over the moon.
he didn’t like that every time you bailed him out of jail, he got an ear full. however, he did like to know verbally that someone cared about him
he doesn’t show you any sort of affection, but he will tell you how he feels when drunk.
“thank you, so much y/n. i-i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
for mothers day, he doesn’t do anything special.
BUT—you didn’t hear this from me, before the clock hits 12, expect to hear like a cute little knock at your door, and open it to see a single flower on the ground with a pack of cigarettes.
dally ran off before you or anyone else could see him.
even though he didn’t sign his name, you knew it was from him. so, next time you see him, say thank you.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he’s like a toddler around you???
ponyboy definitely pretends to be like, your own bodyguard.
but really, who’s scared of ponyboy?
he tries though!
when he watches a movie and some character reminds him of you, expect that to be the first thing he tells you.
“ya know, when i went to the drive in, you really reminded of this one character.”
“oh? why’s that?”
“well because-“
and now you have to sit there and listen to him.
he’ll draw for you so much :(.
if you tell him your favourite flower, he WILL give you a drawing of it the next day. he’ll stay up all night if he has too!
Sodapop Curtis ;
he’s literally your #2 fan. first place goes to johnny.
he’s your biggest hypeman??? omg???
“gee, y/n! you’re lookin’ real fancy!! gonna get all the guys, eh?”
when ponyboy and darry argue and he just can’t take it anymore, he calls you and asks to come over.
and of course, you say yes everytime.
so please, PLEASE, just let him cry into your arms!!!!
when he’s done, he’ll try to go home but i’m begging you to tell him he’s welcomed to stay the night.
and if he does stay? ponyboy will be at your doorstep too.
he’ll share his famous chocolate cake with you!! he’ll make sure steve doesn’t touch it.
Darry Curtis ;
he is so thankful for you i legit can’t stress that enough.
you keep the gang in check, you keep ponyboy happy, and you help him around the house. what more could he ask for?
you legit force darry to relax while you look after the gang to make sure nothing bad happens.
“we’ll be fine, darry. go to bed, your dark circles are gettin’ darker by the minute.”
“yeah super-man! we’ll be fine with y/n!”
“fine, but if she wakes me up to tell me about any of you, so god help me.”
if you welcome him home with a newspaper and his favourite cup of coffee after a long day at work, he might ask you to move in.
Steve Randle ;
steve pretends that he doesn’t like you that much.
but he really does. like, the second he hears some soc threaten or insult you? he’s after them.
shit, he might be chasin’ after them in two-bits car while two-bit yells at the person.
he will legit go to war for you if you asked him nicely.
he will rant to you about cars if you let him😭.
he’ll rant to you about anything, honestly.
“and then the old bastard asked for a refund! the ‘no refunds’ sign was right on the door! how could that old bat not see it?!”
“steve! don’t call people that, but yes, it was very rude of that man to do that too you.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
he forces you to relax and watch mickey mouse with him.
he says it’s for your own good but when really, he just wants to spend time with you without the gang interrupting.
“guys! you’re stressing her out with all your STUPID questions! c’mon, y/n, mickey mouse is calling our names. can’t you hear it?”
“or maybe its the booze you had at 10AM.”
“i will sock you in your fucking throat steve.”
he plays with your hair…he finds it fun!
please tell him how to do some styles so he can go home and impress his little sister :(.
he offers you beer every once and awhile just so he can say he got you to loosen up.
“so y/n…you want some?”
“oh! no thank you, two. you know i don’t drink.”
he calls you mom in a joking way, ya dig?
“momm! steve called me a dumbass!”
“steve, be nice! apologize.”
“what the fuck?!”
author notes ;
1. i like totally rushed near the end LMFAO.
2. i never thought you bitches would eat motherly!reader up like this??
3.are you guys okay??
5.i think theres no romance??
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may 15th, 2023. 6:39PM
828 notes · View notes
meowzfordayz · 8 months
when you forget to close the door while using the bathroom
Author’s Note: this isn’t nsfw, but it’s ~explicit for other reasons. 🚽🧻💩 #shitposting #literally
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when you forget to close the door while using the bathroom
Hashira x Reader, Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~800
CW: explicit language, poop references
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Do you even love him ????? 😭😭😭
Haunted by your little gasps for air 🙃
Can’t take intimacy srsly for a while
Bc whenever you gasp ~cutely into your kisses 🥰
Zenitsu just flashes back to you doing your best to take a shit 😮‍💨🥴
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Highkey takes it as a challenge 😏
A display of dominance, if you will 😎
Nods in approval (not that you can see him)
And takes ~notes for later (aka yes, he is listening closely 💀) 
You don’t know it yet
But Inosuke’s already planning his move
Drink a ton of coffee (he’ll have to ask Tanjirou how to brew it) ☕️
Eat a ton of dairy 🧀🥛🍦
Make sure you’re home 😌
Take a shit (w/ the door open, ofc) 🤗
King of the Toilet anyone??? 🚽👑
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Wonders why everything sounds louder??? 😬
A respectful gentleman tho ☺️
Will go upstairs to avoid the plops 🫢
Too bad his hearing’s phenomenal, even when hiding on top of the roof 😃
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A little irritated 🙄
But whatever
You prob just reeeally had to go
He understands 😶
Will nonchalantly ask you about it the next time you’re out w/ friends 🤨
Is getting ignored for the rest of the night worth it? 🙃
Kinda 🥲
Obanai has regrets 😞
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Can smell the situation from a mile away 😅
Tbf, closing the door wouldn’t have helped much 😬
Has to contemplate whether it’s worth embarrassing you over
Like, does he gently ask, “Love, would you mind closing the door?”
Or does he wince grin and bear it
Unfortunately, the toilet paper he would use to plug up his nose is currently unobtainable 🧻☹️
Should he just knock himself out for now? 🤗
You’d prob be upset if he didn’t wake up in time… 😒
Hm… 😔
😵 <— Tanjirou inhaled too deeply
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Giggles to herself as the door slams shut 🤭
(you’re not mad, but you had to kick it closed bc it’s a lil far from the toilet seat 😅)
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Holds it against you 😌
“Shinobu, could you get me a glass of water?” ☺️
“I don’t know, my dear, could you close the bathroom door?” 😃
“Shinobu, I want a kiss.” 🥺
“Mm, and I want to forget your pooping noises. I guess we can’t always have what we want.” 😃
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Chuckles to himself, at first 🤭
And then becomes concerned 😕
Is it supposed to sound like that? 🙁
Or take this long?? ☹️ Should he intrude? 😖
It’s not like there’s a closed door for him to bust down…
He could just, waltz in-
Internally scolds himself: Bad idea, [y/n] would not appreciate that!
Returns to the drawing board
And settles on a careful (once you’ve returned to him), “So, my love, are your bowels feeling okay?” ☺️
🧐😒😠 <— you
😶😬😁 <— him
“They just, uh, sounded wonderful earlier?!”
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“Next time, how about closing the door?”
*Sanemi is casually leaning against a wall near the bathroom entrance*
You shriek 😳
And smack his shoulder 😡
“Sanemi!!!!! Do not wait outside the bathroom like that!!!!!” 😭
“Did you wash your hands?” 😏
“... well?” 👀
You are not amused 😐
He acquiesces 😅
“Okay, okay, I confess, I heard the sink running.” 🤓
“I hate you.” 🥲
“But you trust me enough to shit with the door open.” 🥰
“Piss off.” 🙄
“I’m about to!” 🫡
(bc, y’know, he’s about to go… piss… 😆)
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Doesn’t really mind
Will prob forget to remind you about it later 🙃
Until the next time you do it
By the fourth incident, Muichiro gives up
If anything, he’s flattered you’re so comfortable around him ☺️
Altho he is a lil worried about your ability to use a public bathroom 😶
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Def uncomfortable 😕
But even more uncomfortable at the thought of discussing ~it w/ you ☹️
Giyuu knows you wouldn’t be upset
Or even embarrassed
You have like, 0 shame, as he’s both lovingly and unfortunately come to learn ☺️😬
Which means
If he mentioned it, then you’d likely end up teasing him 🫠
“Love me so much, you’ve even gotta listen to me poop?” 😉
*shudder shudder* 😭
(I mean, yes, he does love you that much, but when you put it like that 🥴)
Giyuu settles on hoping that it was a one time mistake 🤞🙏
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Good luck 😃
Tengen’s never letting you live it down 😝
Will write out instructions on “How to Use a Bathroom” 🤓
And stick ‘em on both sides of the door
Step 1: Open the door
Step 3: ✨Do your thing✨
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
oh, don’t stress if you can’t get to this ask it’s okay!
i was thinking that cowboy sevika would definitely say that “save a horse, ride a cowboy” phrase to her girlfriend. as dumb as it sounds i feel like she would also tell her to “giddy up”, and no matter how many times she tells her to take it off because it “looks stupid”, sevika would keep her cowboy hat on while her gf rides her 😭
her girlfriend would try to be mad at sevika for acting so childish and unserious during it, but would actually be holding back a smile because she loves her sev so much
oh, i absolutely adore this omg
men and minors dni
sevika finds you in the side garden, weeding and pruning. she wolf whistles at the sight of you bent over, and you snap up, glaring at her. she chuckles.
"hey darlin'." she drawls as she approaches you, a horny glint in her eye. you chuckle as she slings arms around your waist.
"what do you want?" you ask, already knowing what your wife's tracked you down for.
"the girls took shimmer out for a ride..." sevika says. you raise an eyebrow at her and she grins. "so we got an hour before we get interrupted by the little shits."
you giggle, flicking at the rim of her cowboy hat, then leaning in to kiss her. she hums against your lips.
"well, whaddya suppose we do with that hour?" you ask, teasingly. sevika grins.
"i was thinkin' i could give you some more ridin' lessons." she suggests with a waggle of her eyebrows. you giggle, and then, sevika's dragging you inside, up the stairs, and into your bedroom.
in a flash she's got the both of you naked, sans her strap and cowboy hat. you're perched on her lap where she's sprawled out on the bed, in a tussle with her as you fight to get the hat off her head.
"quit squirmin'!" you complain as you make another grab for the hat. sevika laughs.
"the hat's stayin' on, darlin', what kinda cowboy'd i be without my hat on?" she asks. you roll your eyes and relent, sitting back on her legs with a playful glare.
sevika smacks your ass and you jump. "get to ridin' cowgirl." she says with a smirk. you groan and roll your eyes again.
"you're so fuckin' corny." you groan. nevertheless, you sit up on your knees and guide sevika's strap inside you. you both gasp as it breaches your hole, and sevika shivers as she watches you slowly sink down on it, adjusting to the stretch. you sigh in pleasure.
"feel good?" she asks, her hands drawing circles in your hips. you hum and nod. "fuck, you're sexy." she whispers from beneath you. you huff a laugh and lean down to kiss her.
"wish i could say the same. unfortunately, that stupid fuckin' hat kinda ruins all your sex appeal." you say. sevika snorts, fondling your ass as you slowly start grinding circles against her.
"and yet, you're still ridin' me." she says with a smirk. you roll your eyes.
"wasn't that in our vows? i'll still fuck you when you look ridiclious? somethin' like that?" you ask. sevika laughs and claws you hips.
"somethin' like that." she agrees, grinning up at you.
fuck her for bein' so adorable. you lean forward again to kiss her soundly, sliding your tongue against her lower lip and sitting back up before she can bite it. she pouts at you, but then a goofy smile creeps up her lips.
you already know what she's gonna say before she says it. you shake your head no at her, trying to stop her. "don't say it." you command. sevika just grins and smacks your ass.
"giddy up, cowgirl." she says, grinning at you.
you'd strangle her if her little mischievous laugh wasn't so damn cute.
"i can't believe i ever thought you were serious and scary." you say. sevika giggles beneath you, her thumb fiddling with your clit, making you jolt against her.
"c'mon baby." she whispers, lust taking over her silly mood again. "ride me. 'm all yours."
you sigh, bringing her free hand up to your lips to kiss it, before you start bouncing up and down on her cock.
you both groan.
sevika loves watching you on top of her, and over the years, you've gotten pretty damn good at it.
"i ain't gonna last long, doll." she grunts out. "not with you lookin' so damn good ridin' my cock."
you giggle down at her. "i just started." you say. she grins.
"yeah, but i've been watchin' you in the garden all mornin'." she says. "fuck, you look so good all sweaty and bendin' over." she grunts. you chuckle.
"you're ridiculous." you say. she grins up at you.
"you look so good when you're hard at work." she says.
"you do too." you respond, breathily. she grins.
"yeah? so you do like the hat." she says. you snort, reaching forward to try to knock it off again. she catches your wrist before you can reach her, and you roll your eyes, bringing your hand down to her chest to fondle her tits instead. she whimpers at your touch.
"it's hot when you're all dressed up. with that lasso on your hip, 'n shimmer beneath you, comin' home all sweaty and dirty... fuck." you curse, the mental image of your wife doing something to you. she hums beneath you. you open your eyes to look down at her and burst into giggles. "it ain't as cute when it's all your wearin'." you say. sevika laughs too.
"and yet, you're still ridin' me." she says again.
you lean down to press your lips against hers, shutting her up again.
after a few minutes, you have to pull away to pant for air as you slam your ass down against sevika's thighs over and over again.
"fuck-- i'm close." sevika whimpers. you hum on top of her.
"cum inside me, sev." you whisper in her ear. she groans.
"what about you?" she whines. you chuckle.
"if you take that damn hat off i'll let you go down on me once you're done." you promise her. she grins and nods in agreement, her hands flying down to grip your hips and help you continue to ride her hard and fast, loud smacks filling the room as your sweaty thighs hit the top of hers over and over again.
sevika's face scrunches in pleasure and you tug at her tits, knowing she's close.
"c'mon baby." you moan. "wanna watch you cum."
sevika groans beneath you.
"you're such a fool for this pussy, aren't ya?" you ask. she nods. "y' had me this mornin' before the kids woke up, and it's only high noon now-- you're so fuckin' needy." you tease her. sevika whimpers.
"c-can't help it." she whines. you coo down at her.
"that's okay baby, i love it." you say. "y' know how to make a girl feel special. you're lucky i'm just as needy for you."
she nods up at you, gasping. "s-so lucky." she agrees.
beneath you, her legs start twitching, and you grin.
"give it to me sev." you encourage her, both because you want your wife to cum and also because you're dying to get her out of that hat.
she must know this, because right before her face scrunches up in ecstasy, something mischievous flashes behind her eyes. you know what's coming, nearly a decade with the woman means you can read her like a book. you try to duck down to press your lips to hers before she can speak, but you're too slow, and as sevika tips over into orgasm, she lets out a breathy, giggling, "yeehaw!"
you groan on top of her, a laugh wracking through your body despite your disgust, and you pinch her nipples hard in retaliation as she cums.
she jolts, then grins, coming down from her high to giggle up at you. you snort at her and flick her nose.
"i can't believe you." you mumble. she chuckles.
"you're the one who married me." she says, grinning.
"i'm starting to question my sanity." you say. she laughs.
you pull off her strap and stand on wobbly legs, taking a few deep breaths before you turn around and begin pulling your undergarments back on.
sevika gasps and snaps up to sit on the bed.
"fuck're you doin'?" she asks. "you promised me i could put my mouth on you!" you shake your head at her.
"you ruined the moment!" you say, laughing as you pull your pants on. "you can't expect me to be horny after that, sev. should think before you speak next time." you faux scold her.
sevika blinks at you owlishly. "you aren't serious." she says. you just shrug as you begin buttoning up your shirt. "baby!" she cries, scrambling off the bed to gather you in her arms. "c'mon!" she whines. you giggle.
"'s what you get for bein' a clown." you say. sevika reaches up and grabs her hat, then sends it flying across the room.
"there, the hat's gone now-- will you please come back to bed!?" she asks. you just shake your head no at her, pressing a kiss to her nose.
"no, i don't think i will." you say, before breaking free of her hold around your waist and sauntering away.
you only get down five stairs before sevika comes stumbling after you, her clothes in her arms as she tries to dress herself as she chases after you.
"darlin' wait! i'm sorry!" she calls.
you just roll your eyes and walk back out to the garden.
you'll let her stew in her disappointment for a while. and if she's lucky, maybe she'll get another shot at you tonight.
that is, of course, only if the hat stays firmly planted on the hook in the wall, far away from her reach, right where it belongs.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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gingerjolover · 7 months
Ariana! What are you doing here? - Julien Baker x fem!reader
Synopsis: soft!gf is doing jb's makeup on halloween and she just can't sit still (hc, soft!gf is pete 😭)
G's notes: okay like always, a bunch of requests combined! also had to throw in some switch!julien for y'all, she's a natl treasure
wc: somewhere around 1k (probs like 980)
warnings: RPF, makeup!julien, ariana grande!julien, subby!julien, soft!gf as pete, smutty-ish talk, no fundamental physical descriptors?
"You're going to poke my fucking eye out, princess," Julien grumbles, moving her head away quickly, her lips in an annoyed frown.
"Are you this difficult for the makeup artists working on photoshoots, or just for me?" you reply sassily, two fingers under Julien's chin, lifting her head up.
"Don't be a baby JB," Lucy says through the phone. Julien stares at the phone on the bathroom counter to her left, glaring at it as if Lucy could see her expression.
"Are you guys almost ready? We'll be there in like 10," Phoebe's voice carries through the phone.
"If Jay stops wiggling and actually lets me do their wings, we'll be ready by the time you get here," you grumble, causing Julien to pout.
"You're going to poke my eye out!"
"Baby, I do this all the time; I'm not gonna poke your eye out," you say, exasperated.
"We'll be there in 10, and then we'll pin her down," Lucy teases, Julien shaking her head quickly.
"No you will do no such thing, I'll-I'll stay still, I swear," Julien promises, staring straight at you, eyes softening when she makes direct eye contact. You smile softly, index finger and thumb gripping her chin as you pull her into a kiss; it's a small kiss but one you've put all of your gratefulness and adoration into. Julien feels it as you pull away; she knows how badly you want to make this costume work. Originally, she was stoked...when she thought she was going to be Pete... but the way your eyes looked up at her, smile so big when you had a plan where she was Ariana, how could she say no?
You're staring at her, a crooked smile on your face when you see her lost in thought. "I'm being still baby, just...get it over with, quickly," she grumbles again. You giggle loudly, holding her cheeks and jaw, very carefully (and expertly), drawing cute little wings on her eyes.
"Julien's being quiet which either means baby's killed her or she's finally sitting still," Phoebe snickers along with Lucy.
"Shut up, I can't move," Julien grits out, impossibly still.
Lucy and Phoebe laugh loudly on the other line, your giggles soft but matching theirs. "Don't laugh when you have that shit near my eye," Julien exclaims as you step back, looking at her face. Seeing Julien with makeup always throws you through a loop. "You look pretty," you murmur, Julien's face flushing instantly.
"Blegh," Phoebe gags over the phone.
"Shut up," Julien nags.
You grab the comb to start fixing her baby hairs, Julien's hair already fitted with extensions and a ponytail, a massive sweatshirt on her body. It's like she forgot the previous conversation because she can't stop squirming.
"Julien, sit still!" "My hair feels like 8,000 pounds, babe, my fucking neck hurts!"
"Listening to this is tortuous, you know?" Lucy comments, tone even, you giggle imagining her and Phoebe's deadpan faces.
"How did you guys get on with your costumes? Luce did you find some heels?" you ask, giving Julien a look, asking Lucy to speak almost as a distraction while you hold your girlfriend's head.
Lucy starts to talk about her journey to finding specific parts of her costume, Phoebe interjecting a few times. Julien squirms when you gel down her baby hairs.
You grab her chin, giving her a stern look, leaning into her ear. "Stop moving or you can forget about fucking me tonight, let me finish this," you sneer, voice unusually dominant. You pull back, Julien's eyes are wide, mouth parted open. You look at her with mocking wide eyes, a quick shake of your head as if to say "are we clear?".
"Yes, ma'am," Julien murmurs, both of your voices quiet enough not to be heard on the other line.
"Well, I'm glad you found them thrifting Luce. I feel like you got really lucky," you say sweetly, your voice returning to its soft tone. Julien feels like she has whiplash, her entire body heating up. First, how did you even hear what Lucy was saying? And second, why did you threatening her make her sweat? She clenches her thighs together, keeping her body as stiff as a board until you spray her hair with hairspray and clip in some barrettes.
"Okay, we are like 5 minutes away, so we'll see you?" Lucy asks.
"I'm coming in to use the bathroom," Phoebe says quickly.
"No problem, doors unlocked, see y'all soon," you say sweetly before hanging up, leaving Julien sitting on the bathroom counter as you go to grab her heeled boots.
Julien sits there stunned, watching you in the track pants and big t-shirt, hair up, big flannel swallowing your body. You come back, kneeling down in front of her, unzipping the heel.
"What?" you ask, eyes looking up at her. She can feel her insides stir, hating that all you have to do is look up at her for her briefs to be soaked.
"Nothing, I'm being still," Julien says cautiously, pausing between each word as if she's never spoken before. The threat of not ending the night between your thighs enough to keep her still and quiet.
You scoff softly, shaking your head as you get her feet into the boots. You hold out your hands, helping her hop down, letting her get used to standing taller. You start to clean up behind her, her hands in the sleeves of the sweatshirt.
"I was really still there, at the end...I-I did really good," she says, almost like she's trying to convince the both of you.
"Oh, you were being good? Is that what being good is?" you say, throwing words she's said to you before back at her. Her eyes widen again, almost comically, jaw dropping softly.
You turn around, giggling, your usually dominant girlfriend absolutely dumbfounded. "Your makeup looks pretty," you murmur, kissing her lips softly. She eagerly presses herself against you, chasing your lips. You laugh as you pull away, wiping her lips with your thumb. "Maybe if you're good tonight, I'll ruin it later."
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
headcannons where quackity's s/o has tattoos? could also be nsfw, if you're comfortable with it :))
I don't write NSFW but I can definitely do the tattoo part! thanks for requesting!! I don't think I've actually posted a quackity focused thing yet which is surprising to me bc I have like 3 drafts for him LMAO
QUACKITY ; tattooed lover
summary ; you have tattoos and your boyfriend is head over heels
warnings ; language; talk of needles / pain of tattoos, use of quackitys real name (lmk if I should change it!)
word count ; 670
genre ; fluff
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In general, he'll act normal about all your tattoos and whatnot, but inside every time he sees your arms (especially if you have sleeves or some sick ones around your wrists that trail up your arm even a bit) he'll just get a little red in the cheeks. He absolutely loves all your ink. He thinks it's so sick, but he's not committed enough to get any, and he doesn't think he has the pain tolerance.
he went with you to get a new tattoo on your shoulder/upper arm area
he learned you'd be there for like 5 hours and he groaned like a shitty iPad kid and took his phone out while he threatened to call Philza
once he saw the tattoo gun... oh lord it was over
literally whisper shouted at you while the artist got up to get gloves
"that's what you're getting jabbed with??? why are we here again???"
genuinely can't look
once he hears the buzzing he turns his music on and he's staring down while he sits on the couch across from you
"Alex, look!" you smile, "I'm fine"
"how do I know you're not a clone?"
"Holy shit. dude it's the quackityhq duck, that's why I brought you along"
it's not a big tattoo whatsoever, but it's a reminder that he's always with you, how you've grown together and how that's always going to be an era of your content you'd never forget about
literally gets emotional about it
"You didn't have-"
"I wanted to, for the millionth time"
he genuinely didn't know tattoos were so expensive, once you leave he questions why it was 450 dollars and you explain to him how tattoo artist income works
He's not the one to want to peel off the second skin or pop the ink bubbles or even touch the tattoo until the skin goes back to normal. He's just kinda freaked out for some reason, it's just one of those things and it honestly makes sense.
He takes some dedicated time to sniff all the lotions and numbing creams and comment on each and every one, though. All while you're trying to do some aftercare on it and shit, and you just watch.
"this one smells like buttercream icing"
"ew, this one smells like badboyhalo's ass!"
"why would you even know that? 😁"
If you have any tats without color, Alex will gladly color them in with washable markers like you're a walking coloring book. He'll literally call for you and ask you if he can color on you again, it's cute, really.
"y/n/n, can I color your tattoos again?"
"aren't you streaming?"
"yeah, fine"
he has a whole gallon sized ziploc bag filled with Crayola washable markers
like he goes from playing on the qsmp and hanging out with some people to coloring all over you while said people watch 😭
you wave to his friends like "Hello, I am his walking therapy coloring book"
he's like a little kid. You just look over at him like, "Holy shit I could love you forever wtf"
Sometimes, he'll just draw you new tattoos (with washable markers dw) cause he gets bored and wants to doodle on you. Most of the time it ends up being stick figures and dicks but it's okay, it's his way of showing affection.
He'll genuinely think of song that remind him of each of your tattoos. Somehow, some way, he does. He has a whole playlist titled 'Y/n's tattoos', and he rarely listens to it, but he thinks it's fun to think of a new song when you get another tattoo.
Although he is a little concerned because what's gonna happen when you're old and wrinkly? How do the tattoos last? Do they become old and wrinkly like the tattooed grandmas meme? Because if so, he'll rip on you til the end of time.
"well I have a long time before I look like a tattooed elderly person, but okay"
"So you will? Oh my fucking God! BAHAHAHA"
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journen · 1 month
Okay @chaos-vulpix asked me for Simon & 141 encountering Koroks thoughts and so here is my little ramble
Was discussing this with some others too, so also some brainstorm credit / idea credit is owed to Govan, Kells and Goblin!! xD I'm not sure if you guys have tumblrs but I appreciate you all in also indulging in this fun silly idea with me. XD
So this is all inspired by this recent art I did of Simon with a korok lol.
I think he'd hate these little fuckers. They are small and supposed to be cute, and he is confused. Simon would encounter it and be like what the actual fuck is this thing and call Johnny for backup. Johnny thinks they're cute, and tries to convince his LT they are harmless but Ghost doesn't trust them. "These fuckers aren't in the field manual Johnny".
We also joked that Ghost, not knowing what the hell these koroks are at first, would just unload a whole mag in one but little does he know they're immune to bullets and tank the whole mag and are just like YA HA HA 😭😭😂
But maybe Ghost is actually a korok magnet lol. These little fuckers like him for some reason, against his will, and follow him everywhere. They are like lost puppies who follow Ghost around and show up when he least expects it. Disney princess Ghost with koroks. He hates it and wants them to leave him alone. One grabs his leg to give him a hug and he trips and injures himself trying to fucking kick it off and Soap just stands there laughing his ass off at him xD Simon is having a day.
I think Price would be confused by these little guys too and would tell Simon to get rid of them and Simon, exhausted, eye twitching, "I CAN'T!!" One would definitely spook the shit out of Gaz too, Gaz doesn't know what to think of the little guys xD
The koroks also leave little seeds and berries out for Ghost to find and he is so annoyed. He also thinks he has gotten rid of them all at some point only to make up in the middle of the night with one staring at him and he literally screams and it wakes up Soap.
Soap likes the little koroks but they just don't give him as much attention as they do Ghost. But he is very amused by his LT's frustration with these little beings and gets a ton of joy out of it 🤣
I have a few more drawing ideas from this too haha like Simon being cornered and scared by a bunch of koroks. Him walking and just a line of them following behind him. Soap holding a korok going "they're not so bad, LT!". Price smoking a cigar and having an intense stare down with a korok. A korok with a bunch of bullet holes 😭 just going YA HA HA and Simon having a mental breakdown.
And the thing that inspired all this was this fic I wrote that's an AU if Simon left the military to raise his young nephew Joseph, and Soap Is visiting them when he is sent on medical leave. Soap gets really into playing Zelda and when he's away Simon takes the controller to try out the game, he goes on a whole tirade of why he hates koroks xD I had totally forgotten i'd written all that and so it also inspired that artwork I linked earlier ahaha.
I definitely also think he and Soap could be a force to be reckoned with if they team up to play totk because they would absolutely engineer the most elaborate creative korok torture devices xD
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Okay sorry for the long ramble ahaha. I hope some of this is kind of funny! Hope to maybe do a couple other sketches for this idea too.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Hey first off, GIRL YOUR WRITING IS GREAT AND I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS, but anyways I wanted to request a gf headcanon Mihawk x black/mexican (I'm mixed) fem reader if that's okay. Please and thanks.
A/N: OH STAWP— ur too kind! And ofc :)❤️‍🔥 U didn’t specify sfw or nsfw so I’ll do both if that’s alright lol. Also alotta people been asking me to write for him so I gotchu. Enjoy!
Mihawk with a Mixed Girlfriend Headcanons (SFW/NSFW)
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…so I like HC him as Part Hispanic too…so let’s pretend he is.
He’s so romantic??? But it’s not like intentionally romantic I mean he’ll do such sweet gestures without thought towards you and it’s really sweet
He actually enjoys having a GF that is a bit more cheery. It livens him up and makes him feel young so he says💀
He is so passive aggressive towards other men he doesn’t respect that is around you that seem a bit too close for comfort
And don’t get me started if y’all encounter some racist mfs
He takes you along on his trips if he ever leaves but he always wants to make sure you can fight so he trains you every once in a while with his “smallest blade”
You get flustered a lot because he’s very HANDS ON
Will wrap his arm around yours, breathing down your neck and poor boy doesn’t realize you’re not even paying attention you’re just enjoying his warmth and minty breath
Btw…mf smells AMAZING idc who said what he smells like Dr. Bonners Peppermint soap w a hint of expensive cologne
If you can speak Spanish he loves hearing you speak it he’s very open to learn about whatever culture you embrace
He also encourages you to embrace it
Ngl hes very blunt so do expect him to act it around you.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to wear the dress just because your rolls are showing? You still look stunning.”
Like he’ll sound rude af sometimes but he means no harm���
He’s not really into PDA he likes to keep his hands in his lap or free when he needs to draw his sword out.
IT IS VERY HARD TO FLUSTER HIM. The most you’ll get is a small smirk but he’s a very deadpanned man
You swear you saw him blush once when showing him the dress he got you but he denies it with his whole heart
You have met Shanks while with Mihawk and though Shanks kept flirting with you Mihawk didn’t care because he trusted you
No you did not flirt back
One of his favorite things is to do with you is bathe you for some reason. He loves seeing you wrap your hair up in a bun or scarf and sometimes he will join you and he will sip wine while he cleans you up or do it while sitting on the edge of the tub.
He enjoys seeing you bully Buggy.
If you give him a gift he may seem like doesn’t care but he has every single gift you ever gave him in a trunk
You’ve seen his porn book collection and yes he has given you some books to read so you both can discuss it together
He does that thing where as you’re talking he will move your hair behind your ear so he can see your face
Or just like adjust any clothing on you whether it’s your bra strap showing or your shirt
He subconsciously kisses your knuckles when he holds your hand
He has caught you wearing his hat and impersonating him in the mirror and he scared the shit out of you when he spoke up but he found it cute
Speaking of him scaring you the mf might be bigger than you but he creeps on you a lot
Like just pops tf out of no where it’s so random
He is the type that enjoys your company a lot so sometimes you both will be in his room or somewhere quiet just doing your own thing. As long as You’re there he is okay.
He doesn’t speak his feelings and his communication skills aren’t the greatest. he’s very hard to read especially when he probably isn’t feeling well so you have to guess a lot and sometimes it can be straining
Mihawk however can read you like a book and sometimes have even assisted you before you even felt bad? It was like he had some kinda 6th sense.
He calls you “little one” a lot
Alotta Head pats too
This is a touch starved man.
He has had only less than a handful of lustful nights with women before he met you but they didn’t mean anything and very forgetful.
However since you’re his woman he does want to learn what you like so sometimes while you both talk about the latest books you’ve read he’ll ask you what part of the sex did you like. If you’re willing to ignore his casual bluntness the conversation can last smoothly
“So, you enjoyed reading how the male character bent his lover over and—“
“Yup! Yes I liked that alot.”
He attempts it and aces it.
Mihawk is an exceptional lover he learns fast and always studies your reactions when he has sex with you
His libido is actually quite high, he is also very blunt about it
The moment Perona is out the room or he has finished training Zoro he greets you with a kiss on the forehead
“Y/N would you like to have sex tonight before bed?”
..that’s as good as you’re ganna get with his dirty talk.
His body is so smooth? Like mf silk or something you always catch yourself rubbing his body when under him
He makes absolutely no noise.
His face does gets hot and he’ll bite his lip slightly watching you bounce on top of him but that’s all you get
There was like a few occurrences where he moaned out your name but it was so low you thought you miss heard
He loves your legs and neck. ALOT
If it was up to him He will spend his entire life between your thighs he loves the taste of you.
He’s very slow and calculated with his tongue movements he usually test out different pace to see what your body reacts to and goes with that
Speaking of he’s more interested in how what your body says than you
You’ll scream for him to go faster but the way your legs are already twitching and shaking from his deep slow thrust he keeps his same pace
And you’re grateful for that because you cum like a whore every single time
He doesn’t get caught up with how you look. If you’re hairy, have scars, cellulite, whatever he doesn’t care if you’re comfortable then that’s all that matters
His kisses are always so passionate and you always want him to kiss you more but he doesn’t ever want to get caught doing so so you Gatta suffer a little bit
No worries though because you can be as touchy as you want with him when you both are in bed
There has been times he went through sex without cumming once and when you found out you felt horrible and that maybe you didn’t feel good to him, however he explained to you that you felt more than amazing it’s just he likes to focus on making you satisfied rather himself
Yeah no you didn’t take that lightly so one night you offered to suck him off and then ride him. He didn’t oppose but he still wanted to make sure your pleasure came into play
Don’t worry it did he fingered you as you sucked his cock it was a great time
Mihawk does have a bit of an obsession with heels. He loves seeing you wear them and if you ever decide to do so with no clothes on he may MAY feel like going feral
He doesn’t like when you cover your mouth he wants to HEAR you
If you’re up for it he’ll kiss and lick your toes up to your cunt and eat you like that. He’s done it once and it was so attractive because his gaze never left yours
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welovelouisandbucky · 10 months
Peter Parker Headcanon
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Summary:This is how I think Peter Parker would be with artist!reader
A/n: heyya guys!!! I just wanna apologize and thank everyone who showed support to few of my series that I started but did not post anything after first chapter, I started those series when I was feeling very motivated and was full of ideas but in excitement I didn't planned them out properly and it backfired. I wasn't feeling like it anymore but I knew I have to post and I did write chapters for all of them but I wasn't happy with my work so I never posted them, and it's my fault because I shouldn't have posted them online before planning them out properly, but I promise I will complete them but not anytime soon because I just don't feel like writing them any more. for now I just want to write small one shots and headcanons so I would really appreciate if you guys show these ideas support too, thank you!!
S/n: you can imagine any Peter Parker but I personally had Andrew!Peter in mind when writing this so yeah, likes and reblogs are appreciated and as well as positive criticism, pls don't hate on me 😭 thank you!
T/w: just fluff!! One swear word? none I guess other than my writing lol
I think he really enjoys drawing because it's one of the things he finds calming. 
He usually prefers to watch you draw/sketch, because he thinks you look super cute while you're concentrating on a certain detail or drawing the outline of the figure.
When you guys are drawing together, he'd try to draw you, so he can show you how beautiful you truly are. He just loves you so much he can't help it. 
Gets distracted easily, and blames it on you, and when you ask what you did he'll say something like "stop being so goddamn cute!" or like "you're looking too cozy and cute, makes me wanna cuddle the life out of you!" 
He absolutely LOVES painting with you because then he gets to start a paint war with you. In two or less minutes you guys would be covered in 50 shades of grey🤭😉
And let me tell you, the way he drew you is *chef's kiss* so good. The boy literally put his heart out on this drawing.
When he finally shows you the drawing he'd say something like "I'm sorry if it's not good. And please be honest if it's shit, okay?" "Peter, what are you talking about?! This is beautiful! I look so pretty!! You made me so beautiful in this!" " Well that's because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!" 
He'll most definitely take you to picnic dates, somewhere far and beautiful. He'd lay there next to you while you draw in silence. Those kinds of dates are his favorite; super relaxing and peaceful.
Would model for you if you ask him to, but the poor boy can't sit still. He needs to move or else he'll go crazy, but will apologize every time he moves, you're quick to tell him it's fine and that you don't expect him to become a statue.
Would buy you art supplies but will be too scared to give you because he knows you don't like it  when he spends his money on you. So he'll sneakingly leave it at your desk thinking you won't notice, but of course you did. Will get scolding from you afterwards. 
Let's be honest, you love it when he buys you art supplies, it makes you happy to know that he actually cares enough to got you those, but the thing is art supplies are expensive as fuck! He works really hard for what he earns, and you don't want him to waste it on you. You get scolded in return when you tell him this.
"Nonsense! I'm not wasting anything, you should know that, Y/n! You know, it actually hurts me to think you'd even think something like that." "I'm sorry, Peter." "You're forgiven, but only because I need my cuddles and kisses," "and because you love me?" "yeah that too, but mostly my cuddles."
Definitely, will take (swing) you to different places he thought was worthy enough to be drawn. Or when you're not feeling motivated, or when the art block is just too strong; because he understands how tough it can get for you.
He's always there for you no matter what. He truly understands you, and helps you out when you have no motivation or ideas to create anything. Calms you down when you're frustrated because the drawing you finished is not looking the way you wanted it to be. Always tells you how talented you are and how much he's proud of you and everything you create
Always reminds you to take care of yourself and asks you if you have eaten anything yet? Because when you're drawing you always lose track of time and forget to eat. 
Definitely finds it funny when you rant about how drawing hands is an absolute nightmare, but agrees with you nonetheless. 
100% had said "draw me like one of your French girls" at some point with a dramatic gesture. 
Shows you off to everyone he meets like, " have you met my girlfriend? She's so talented like ohmygod, here look at this" proceeds to show the person your artwork while you stand there embarrassed but so in love
Definitely has hung up your drawings in his room
He's your number one supporter, but does points out mistakes if he sees one (we love honest feedbacks)
So in conclusion Peter Parker is absolutely whipped for you
Thank you so much for reading this I hope you enjoyed this!!
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trips2saturn · 2 months
didn’t do last week’s but here it is: TOWL EPISODE 5 SPOILERS BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️‍🔥
ANOTHER LEGENDARY EPISODE FOR THE TWD HISTORY BOOKS. can we get a round of applause please? 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 yes. great. perfect.
you already know what i’m about to scream about. THE RICHONNE PROPOSAL™️ HELLODHSJDHSKBDJSHSHSSBSBSJEISNS DID I NOT PREDICT IT YES OR NO. YES I DID!!!!! THE RING 😭😭😭 HIS SPEECH 😭😭😭 HIM GETTING ON ONE KNEE AND THEN SHE GETS ON HER KNEES TOO?!?1?2!$:)!/!:/& HER RESPONSE TOO?! SEDATE ME THIS IS ALL I’VE EVER WANTED. imagine thinking we haven’t won the damn lottery with this ship it’s neverrrr over for us i love them i love them so much they’re going home next episode, and we’re going to see the ring on her finger WATCH THIS SPACE ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🥺😁
not even five minutes into the episode and i was being ambushed with both admiration and TORTUROUS PAIN. the cute little callback to 7x12 of them just being on the road, scavenging, surviving, and loving on each other was sooooo cute. rick kissing the back of mich’s hand. DOES THIS SHOW WANT ME TO DO SOMETHING VERY CATASTROPHIC BC I WILL.
BOOM. immediate anguish right after their cutie scene because what does rick do? OH RIGHT HE PULLS OUT THE PHONE OF CARL’S DRAWING AND STARES AT IT SOLEMNLY. CATASTROPHIC THOUGHTS ARE FORMING EXPONENTIALLY LITTLE TUMBLR PEOLLE 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹😔😔😔😔 i can’t do this anymore no more please. i cried so hard last episode i’m tired brother
that brief scene of rick wanting to bring a gift home for rj. that’s his baby. michonne saying that he’s the brave man, and that just him coming home to them was enough. i need like three days to process this episode it was SOOOOO SOFT
“tasteful noods?” they’re idiots but they’re my idiots. i am also an idiot because just before she said that, i paused the show and read the truck and laughed out loud at the brand. i swear we’re so tethered. michonne and trips, sisters in another universe <3
im not going to sugarcoat anything. idgaf about jadis’s death. in fact, i am celebrating!!!!! will byers is NO MÁS good damn riddance.
ALSO HELLO GABRIEL? i was quite comforted to see a member of the group. those random meetups with haircut were interesting to say the least, especially the kiss because ummm was he not still dating rosita? idk idc i can’t keep up with the timelines anymore it’s not that serious unless it’s rick and michonne
also thank you GABRIEL for the wedding ring, and thanks jadis for giving it to rick. haircut was good for something in the end i guess. doesn’t matter what her ending was, i didn’t feel any reconciliation or compassion. she’s still a piece of shit who stole a great portion of rick’s life from himself and his entire family. burn in the hottest depths of hell. xo!
the callback to 6x10?!?!?? spearmint and baking soda?!?! I WAS IN LOVE WITH MY SONS BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!???????? danai and andy took the little richonne file in my brain and STUDIED it to make sure that they filmed every scene that i’ve ever wanted to happen to them. no source just trust me they did it
RICK GIVING MICH A BRAND NEW “M” NECKLACE OHHHHH 😔😔🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 THEYRE SO LOVEBUG. LIKE WOAH OKAY TROY AND GABRIELLA 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭❤️‍🩹 she deserves it so much! and then their kiss inside of the cabin afterwards, and them falling back onto the bed urgsjdvajdbabbs cutie pies!!!!!!!!!!!
every jadis scene pissed me off, so I won’t go into detail too much. you guys know how much i hate her. anyway, michonne using the axe to slice jadis like a cold cut… mother. love her. ALSO her rage when speaking about haircut too, yeah that was the perfect amount of dialogue that i wanted to see from her. her stealing rick’s time of seeing rj’s birth, first steps, etc. UGH. so excellent, you could feel her burning anger in her voice.
all of these callbacks throughout the episode but the best, most important and evident one was the mere fact that they’re a team again. kicking ass, and simply leading each other because that’s what they’re the best at. before any of their romance began, they were trusted confidants who worked so well side by side, and in this episode we got to see and feel the satisfaction and elation of having that back again!!!!!
i felt like i was at a drive thru restaurant ordering the entire episode. can i get some flirting, with a side of ass kicking, and ummm let me get a side of poetic, confessional yearning from rick grimes. yeah, that’ll be all.
rick telling gabriel that he wanted to marry michonne on the bridge. 🥺……. 😡 AND THEN EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT AFTERWARDS. IMAGINE THE WORLD IF JADIS NEVER KIDNAPPED HIM. THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND HIM EVENTUALLY LIKE HE WAS RIGHT UP THE STREET?? oof — i cannot. we waited so long to hear this admirable dialogue but at what cost. it’s so sad, but at least we’re here now as michonne would say!!!!!
okay. ❤️‍🩹 there’s still so much to unpack but that’s enough out of me for the moment. brain’s still scrambled eggs. last but not least, michonne grimes is the hottest character ever. THE BOXERS?! she looked fucking amazing in every single outfit. if i were rick, i’d be kissing every inch of her neck too HELLO
don’t forget to stream the ones who live episode FIVE 5️⃣ on amc+ and don’t forget to watch it tonight on amc’s channel at 9pm!!!! ❤️‍🔥 so stoked for episode 6. it’s going to be the best one ever. it’s so hard to rank them at this point and i don’t want to either. every episode is better than the last! REAL TELEVISION IS BACK. 🫶🏼❤️‍🔥
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
if you can, could you write op monster trio with a sick reader? (pre-chopper joining the team)
ive been sick for the past week and one piece has turned into my comfort anime, and i still have a lonv way to go haha
thank you in advance, hope you're having a nice day!
i got you my darling! im just recovering from being sick three weeks ago. (Sinus and chest congestion) please get some rest and remember to try and rest as much as possible. good luck (I’m still getting there with you :) )
Fluff, cute shit. And just vibing
Monster trio with a sick reader (pre- chopper joining)
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- don’t get me started 😭
- he’s going to want you to rest. Even if you’re feeling fine. He’s going to make sure you’re being taken care for by sanji (since luffy says his soups can help a cold)
-“ NO y/n.. rest.” he’ll say it in a stern like tone
- Out of the times he was serious outside OF FIGHTING
- he’s only harsh on you when you’re sick because he loves you that’s why.
-“I want you to rest! So you can get stronger!”
-“so when you’re strong enough ! I’ll be able to protect you.” He grins as he’s nuzzling your face.
- “hey y/n! how are you feeling?” He’ll walk in with a happiest grin on his face.
- if he doesn’t sleep in your quarters that night or during those nights. When he wakes up you’re the very first person on top of his brain.
-he’ll sometimes surprise you with drawings (I think he draws stick figures sometimes lol) “look what I made you!”-
-“see it’s you me and the treasure we found!”
-“what’ are those other people right there?” You pointed at that pft of the drawing.
-“oh that’s zoro with his swords and sanji smoking a cigarette, nami is there stealing the money. That’s ussopp shooting a cannon. Oh look that’s robin not giving a-“ you love how creative he is.
- when you get better he lets you do more tasks just to stimulate your brain.
- recovery is just him being excited because he knows you’re being loved and cared for
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-“woah you okay?”
- “y-yeah I’m fi-fine.” you replied in between coughs.
-ngl zoro will drop everything to protect you.
-“you have to rest.. dummy.” he’ll flick in your forehead because you’re a stubborn pendeja
-“noooo i Can get up..” you fell as he picked you up for almost fainting. It had been a few hours since you passed out, and zoro periodically checked up on you everyday. but today felt different.
-zoro went to go and see you. That was until he noticed a blonde male with curly eyebrows humming and holding a dish going into the same direction he’s going to.
-“what’s that for?” Zoro referred to the dish
-“oh this is for Y/n Chan! I heard she was sick, so I made her some soup to cheer her up” he mentioned, and asked why zoro was going to see you
-“I’m checking on her… that’s all.” He blushed lightly, looking away.
-“ you know ever since she came on the sunny. You’ve gotten soft.” Sanji snickered as he was keeping his laughter down.
“Why I outta—-“ he’s just going to argue with him usually but today he had no energy for that.
-“forget it. I guess you’re right I just really care about her you know .” The moss head huffed as he was given the dish.
- “shit I gotta finish dinner!- give this to y/n chwan will you?!” Sanji literally ran off to the kitchen just as zoro made it to your door.
“Oi, y/n Can I come in?” zoro poked his head out of the door.
-“ it’s open.” you mumbled as you were bundled into the blankets. You smelled the soup and poked your head out.
-“hey.. how are you feeling?” he placed the dish of soup down on the little table near you, and gazed upon you. Zoro had missed your face. He hated seeing you feeling unwell, and miserable.
-“I’m okay. Just bored…sick and out of my mind….what’s that for.?” You pointed at the soup
-“curly made you dinner and wanted you to eat first. He said he hopes you feel better.” He rolled his eyes over the words about a certain cook. You couldn’t help but chuckle
-“awe that’s sweet of him. But what about you?” You gestured him to come lay with you, and he plopped himself onto your warm body, clinging onto you like a little koala.
-“ why did you come back? I thought you were training.” you hugged him as he laid on top of you, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Zoro just missed hearing your voice motivating him to keep going, seeing your smile, hearing your voice, especially seeing you looking adorable when mad or yelling. Annoying him while training.
- Literally you were like his personal chihuahua. It just didn’t feel the same without your presence near him. Especially when y’all took naps together after training or if y’all just felt lazy.
-“i- well- um. I finished early. it was just..that I like- training with you more. It was annoying to not hear you yell my name ‘zoro this zoro that zoro can we take a break my boobs hurt?’ ‘Zoro carry me. Zo-Chan hold my hand. ‘“ he mocked your voice and it made you laugh as you nuzzled into it.
-“Awee so you did miss me..” you nuzzled him, as he pulled himself up to hug you in the bed.
-“don’t push it..” he rolled his eyes as he kissed the top of your head.
-“I love you.”
-“ I love you too you big goof.” You sighed happily as you knew you were the luckiest woman on earth.
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- now him HEHEHEHE OMG
- the minute he noticed you were sick, you missed breakfast and you never EVER MISS BREAKFAST! You get up around the same time as sanji.
- “y/n- my loveee! It’s time to get up!!” He sang as he tried to wake you up from you quarters.
-“ really? It’s too early .” you coughed into your fist. You sounded very congested, and your eyes looked so puffy. Your natural bed head with your textured mane, all over the place. he was in awe of how beautiful you sounded in the morning!!
-Sanji immediately gasped as he heard your voice. “Oh no! My Angel! You’re sick!! please lay down to rest! Your prince is going to take care of you!!” he kissed the top of your head, placing your tea near the night stand.
“S-sanji i’m f-fine!!” You tried to push him off your shoulders that was until you ran to the bathroom. acid reflux! or even food poisoning DUN DUN DUN. You must’ve felt like your guts were being rearranged and not the good kind. Luckily it was not sanjis cooking. Because he would’ve been crushed. It was someone else’s leftovers from the previous island you brought in.
-he immediately ran after you, patting your back. “It’s okay, darling. Let it out. you’ll be okay.” He’ll gently pull away your hair out of your face. when you finished throwing up you began to wash up. You went to the kitchen to see if you could put up your cup of tea and wash it.
-that was originally the plan until your blonde man put his hand over your hand, disposing his cigarette immediately after seeing you in sweatpants and a big baggy tshirt. His eyes go into heart shapes.
- “You look adorable as ever.” He coos and pinches your cheeks. you rolled your eyes at him.
-“oh hush your face babe. ..” you mumbled as he embraced you.
-“let me wash that cup for you. Go sit down I’ll make you a plate ” he kissed your cheeks, and booped your nose then forcing your stubborn ass to sit down, after taking your empty cup of tea away from you. you just loved how he shook his hips and sang a little song about you making your plate. it’s one of the reasons you fell in love with him.
-“are you singing [song name]??” You giggled
“Yup!!! Because it’s your fault! You got it stuck.in . My. Head.” He poked you jokingly and lovingly at the end of each syllable. Serving you a cup of fruits and sweets.
-“oh shut up you!! how was breakfast?” You asked him as you were tracing the table cloth, sitting in your seat. You’re not even used to the princess treatment that he’s been giving you.
-“ it was good, I already told everyone you weren’t feeling well, they went off the ship already to gather resources and meds to make sure you feel better” you smiled at him already as he made you some avocado toast, taking a bite of the dishes your face lit up, as you did a little happy dance.
- you know when the food is delicious when you do a happy dance when you eat.
- “Oh my how this is amazing.I’m so happy I can taste your food!” you smiled at him with a little sniffle
-“oh y/n merolineee! the way you compliments me takes me a few steps from ascending into heaven.”
- yes overall Sanji best boy to take care of you during pre chopper era.
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markosbabymama · 8 months
ponyboy and reader go on trick or treating 🙏🙏🙏
headcannons of fem!reader and ponyboy trick or treating!
pony definitely thinks he’s too cool for a costume.
like he would be the guy to wear his normal clothes and if someone asks him what/who he is he’s like “myself.” 💀
BUTT u force him to get dressed up, and he cannot say no to your puppy dog eyes.
“cmon y/n i’m already going trick or treatin’, do i have to dress up too? you know what the gang will do to me?!”
“well that’s just too bad, you’re gonna have to deal with the bullying for one night.”
y’all dressed up as Romeo and Juliet.
And you already know at first, he was begging you not to dress up he was literally so embarrassed. He did not want to get dressed up AT ALL.
and when the gang saw him in the costume??? nah bru he got the fuck roasted outta him😭💀
“wow, you look real tough pone.”
“one more word and i slap the shit outta ya two bit.”
also pretended that he wasn’t excited to trick or treat but cmon, u know he was.
his face LIT UP when he saw the big bowls of candy.
ofc he tried to play it off, but you can read him like a book and you know when he gets super excited abt stuff.
“i think you’re actually enjoying yourself pony.”
“pftt no i’m not, i’m just here to make my girl happy is’ all”
“okay, sure. you know you’re a really bad liar?”
“i ain’t lying!”
after y’all got done trick or treating, you went back to his house ofc, and dumped the pillow cases filled with 12000 pieces of candy on the floor
you traded all night, literally every piece of candy went back and forth 😭
“oh i don’t like tootsie pops, you want this y/n?”
“what do you mean you don’t like tootsie pops?! i’ll let licorice and rolos slide, but i draw the line at tootsie pops, i don’t even know how you’re my boyfriend.”
“cause you love me” *shit eating grin*
“maybe. but i’m still shocked at your poor taste of candy.”
AHHH this was actually so cute?? also i feed y’all for the first time in a month i hope u enjoy it LOL💚💚
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jiminiepabo · 1 year
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BTS As Your Best Friends
I was feeling inspired by my BTS As Your Boyfriend series, and I wanted to give yall a cute little friend moment! 💕
Comtains: Fluff, that's about it lmao
This is only with the maknaes, but the others will come soon!
Devious asf 💀💅
He actually will not shut his fucking mouth, bro will call you up at 4 in the morning to talk to you about how his day went
Lowkey invites himself to your place unapologetically
Very juvenile, in a good way. Like sleepovers with snacks and movies and pillow forts
And he will fill you in on all the bangtan tea
He's the type to make pinky promises not to tell after he talks hella shit abt someone 💀
Not that he talks hella shit that much, but the occasion that it happens, expect a lot to come out of his mouth.
Very good listener tho, if you actually have an issue, he's gonna be there for you
Definitely tells you way too much about his dating life...
He also falls asleep on you, so get used to it. he's an affectionate bitch, what can he say? And with all the sleepovers yall are having, he can't help it
Okay but tell me why I think he'd love playing hair salon with you 👀
One of his downsides as a friend is that he's a fucking celebrity and has a shit ton of other people to interact with and other places to go
So don't expect too much from the poor guy, he's got a lot on his plate.
Recently we found out that he vapes, so he for sure needs a vape buddy
He is SO GOOD at dating advice
Whoever you're into, he will be right there planning your wedding on a pinterest board.
Expect lots of singing in the car
In all, jaykay is fucking hyper but he's a great bestie to have
Tae is your deep ass convo kinda guy
Like yeah, he's fun asf, but damn he's just built to talk about deep shit with you
If any of these friendships are likely to turn into relationships, it's gonna be with Tae
He just loves love 😭
And honestly, as he should
And I'm not saying that you return the feelings, but you are the one reading a Bts imagine on tumblr... 🤷‍♀️
Besides the fact that he lowkey has a crush on you, you'll probably be at his house more than your own
I can see him just talking and talking for hours on end with his bestie while you chill on the couch with a TV show playing in the background
Probably has a cute nickname for you
Like if you're short, he calls you shorty. And if your cute, he calls you cutie.
But he'll come up with something cute
Your contact name in his phone will probably be something along the lines of "my wife" or "wifey"
Or smth stupid like that just bc he likes you 💀
And he won't tell anyone either, he just unironically talks about you all the time, nothing suspicious 👀
Expect chaos when he's drunk tho
He goes WILD
It's fun though, seeing him being smiley and not contemplating the complexities of life to you
Your man is weird asf but you gotta love him
Someone needs to calm him down and give him a massage or smth
Because when I tell you...
He doesn't even like you, it's just jimin being jimin
Very sweet tho 🥺
He seems kinda awkward about giving advice bc he doesn't know exactly what to say, but he'll listen really good
Also, no offense to jimin, but he's a mess.
He's so caring that he likes someone new every other day istg
And he'll tell you all about it and it's the cutest thing ever watching him have so much love for so many people
May or may not have mid-life crises during the night and come over to drink alcohol and pour his heart out to you
He's a people pleaser so be a good friend and encourage him or compliment him a lot
He will most likely flirt with you in return but it secretly makes him feel reassured so just take one for the team
Probably will give you fashion advice tbh
And he's an icon so you let him do his thing
I think he'd like doing things like drawing or painting or dancing as an activity with you
Like it's fun to do, but it's quiet enough for him to talk about his problems
This is so sad but I feel like he projects a very happy image but he doesn't always feel it inside
He may struggle with self image and dependence on others
So he needs you to be his anchor to hold him down and tell him he'll be alright
And he'll do the same for you, don't worry.
Hope you enjoyed! The hyung line version is coming soon! 💕
My requests are open 😘
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